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Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
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Definitive Proxy Statement
Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12
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o Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Total fee paid:
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
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Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
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Date Filed:


27680 Franklin Road
Southfield, Michigan  48034
TO BE HELD ON MAY 24, 2012

To our Stockholders:
The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) will be held at the Company’s Headquarters, which are located at 27680 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034, on Thursday, May 24, 2012, at 5:30 p.m., EDT, for the following purposes:
To elect a slate of seven Directors for terms to expire at the 2013 annual meeting of stockholders;
To ratify the appointment of BDO USA, LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 30, 2012; and
To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.
The Board of Directors has fixed April 19, 2012 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.
We have enclosed the Company’s Proxy Statement and form of proxy card in connection with this proxy solicitation.  We have also enclosed the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2011, which contains financial and other information concerning the Company.  The Proxy Statement and Annual Report are also available at the Company’s website,   All SEC filings by the Company are available at the Company’s website or through
By Order of the Board of Directors,
/s/ Jay Alan Dusenberry  
Jay Alan Dusenberry
[April 26, 2012]
Southfield, Michigan

Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc.

Proxy Statement
For the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To Be Held on May 24, 2012

Proxy Statement
Information about the Annual Meeting and Voting
Stock Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
*First Proposal—Election of Directors
Corporate Governance
Audit Committee Report
Compensation of Executive Officers and Directors
Transactions with Related Persons
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
*Second Proposal—Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Stockholder Proposals for 2013 Annual Meeting
Other Matters

*To be voted on at the meeting


27680 Franklin Road
Southfield, Michigan  48034

For the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To be held on May 24, 2012

This Proxy Statement (“Proxy Statement”) is furnished by and on behalf of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc. (“we,” “our,” “us,” the “Company,” or “DRH”) in connection with the solicitation of proxies for use at the 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company (the “Annual Meeting”) to be held at 5:30 p.m., EDT, Thursday, May 24, 2012, at the Company’s Headquarters, which are located at 27680 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034, and at any adjournments thereof.  Distribution of this Proxy Statement and the accompanying form of proxy is scheduled to begin on or about April 26, 2012.
What is the purpose of the annual meeting?
At our annual meeting, stockholders will act upon the matters outlined in the accompanying notice of the meeting. These matters include the election of directors and ratification of the selection of our independent registered public accounting firm.
Please read this Proxy Statement carefully. You should consider the information contained in this Proxy Statement when deciding how to vote your shares.
Who is entitled to vote?
The Board has set April 19, 2012 as the record date for the annual meeting. If you were a stockholder of record at the close of business on the record date, April 19, 2012, you are entitled to receive notice of the meeting and to vote your shares at the meeting. Holders of the Company’s common stock are entitled to one vote per share.
What is the difference between a “stockholder of record” and a “street name” holder?
These terms describe how your shares are held. If your shares are registered directly in your name with our transfer agent, Fidelity Transfer Company, you are a “stockholder of record.” If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank, trust, or other nominee, then the broker, bank, trust, or other nominee is considered to be the stockholder of record with respect to those shares. However, you still are considered the beneficial owner of those shares, and your shares are said to be held in “street name.” Street name holders generally cannot vote their shares directly and must instead instruct the broker, bank, trust, or other nominee how to vote their shares using the voting instructions provided by it.
Who can attend the meeting?
All stockholders as of the record date, or their duly appointed proxies, may attend the meeting.

What is a proxy?
A proxy is your designation of another person to vote on your behalf. The other person is called a proxy. If you designate someone as your proxy in a written document, that document also is called a proxy or a proxy card. When you designate a proxy, you also may direct the proxy how to vote your shares. We sometimes refer to this as your “proxy vote.” By completing and returning the enclosed proxy card, you are giving the persons appointed as proxies by our Board the authority to vote your shares.
How many shares must be present to hold the meeting?
At least a majority of the shares of our common stock outstanding on the record date must be present at the meeting in order to hold the meeting and conduct business. This is called a quorum. Your shares are counted as present at the meeting if:
•  you are present and vote in person at the meeting; or
•  you have properly submitted a proxy by mail.
As of the record date, 18,936,400 shares of our common stock were outstanding and entitled to vote. Proxies that are received and voted as withholding authority, abstentions, and broker non-votes (where a bank, broker, or nominee does not exercise discretionary authority to vote on a matter) will be included in the calculation of the number of shares considered to be present at the meeting.
How do I vote my shares?
If you are a stockholder of record as of the record date, you can either attend the meeting or give a proxy to be voted at the meeting by completing, signing, dating, stamping, and mailing the enclosed proxy card. If you wish to submit your proxy by mail, please return your signed proxy card to us before the Annual Meeting.
If the shares you own are held in street name, your broker, bank, or other nominee, as the record holder of your shares, is required to vote your shares according to your instructions. Your broker, bank, or other nominee is required to send you directions on how to vote those shares. If you do not give instructions to your broker, bank, or other nominee, it will still be able to vote your shares with respect to certain “discretionary” items, but will not be allowed to vote your shares with respect to certain “non-discretionary” items. In the case of non-discretionary items, the shares that do not receive voting instructions will be treated as “broker non-votes.”
If, as of the record date, you are a stockholder of record and you attend the meeting, you may vote in person at the meeting. Even if you currently plan to attend the meeting, we recommend that you also submit your proxy as described above so that your vote will be counted if you later decide not to attend the meeting. If you are a street name holder, you may vote your shares in person at the meeting only if you obtain a signed letter or other document from your broker, bank, trust, or other nominee giving you the right to vote the shares at the meeting. If you have questions about attending or would like directions to the Annual Meeting, please write to the Secretary, Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc., 27680 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 or call 248-223-9160.
What if I do not specify how I want my shares voted?
If you submit a signed proxy card and do not specify how you want to vote your shares, the proxies will vote your shares:
FOR election of all of the nominees for director; and
FOR ratification of the appointment of BDO USA, LLP  as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2012;
In the discretion of the persons named as proxies as to all other matters that may be properly presented at the Annual Meeting.

Can I change my proxy after submitting my proxy?

Yes, you may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time before your proxy is voted at the Annual Meeting. If you are a stockholder of record, you may revoke your proxy and change your vote by submitting a later-dated proxy by mail, by voting in person at the meeting, or by delivering to our Secretary a written notice of revocation. Attending the meeting will not revoke your proxy unless you specifically request to revoke it.
What is the vote required to approve each matter?
Election of Directors. The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes, representing our common stock, cast at the meeting is required for nominees to be elected as directors, meaning the seven directors receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as shares voted on this matter.
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. The affirmative vote of a majority of the common stock present in person or by proxy at the meeting and voting on the matter is necessary to approve the ratification of our independent registered public accounting firm.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as shares voted on this matter.
Are there other matters to be voted on at the meeting?
As of the date of this Proxy Statement, our Board does not know of any matters which may come before the meeting, other than the matters described in this Proxy Statement. Should any other matter requiring a vote of the stockholders arise and be properly presented at the Annual Meeting, the proxy gives the persons named in the proxy and designated to vote the shares discretionary authority to vote or otherwise act with respect to any such matter in accordance with their best judgment.
How does the Board recommend I vote?
The Board recommends you vote:
FOR election of all of the nominees for director; and
FOR ratification of the appointment of BDO USA, LLP  as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2012.
Who pays for this proxy solicitation?
All costs of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. Our directors, officers, and other employees may, without compensation other than their regular compensation, solicit proxies by further mailing or personal conversation, or by telephone, facsimile, or electronic means. We will reimburse brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries for their out-of-pocket expenses for forwarding soliciting material to the beneficial owners of our common stock.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the
Stockholder Meeting to be Held on May 24, 2012:
The Company’s Proxy Statement and 2011 Annual Report on Form 10-K (“Annual Report”), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, are available on the Company’s website at


The following table presents information regarding the beneficial ownership of our common stock by each person known to us to own beneficially more than 5% of our outstanding shares of common stock as of April 19, 2012. The title of the class of shares for all owners is $0.0001 par value common stock.
Name and Address of
Beneficial Owner
Amount and Nature of
Beneficial Ownership
Percent of Class Beneficially Owned (1)
T. Michael Ansley
27680 Franklin Road
Southfield, MI  48034
Thomas D. Ansley
27680 Franklin Road
Southfield, MI  48034
(1)           The percentages shown are based on the 18,936,400 shares of our common stock outstanding as of April 19, 2012, plus the number of shares that the named person or group has the right to acquire within 60 days of April 19, 2012. For purposes of computing the percentage of outstanding shares of common stock held by each person or group, any shares that the person or group has the right to acquire within 60 days after April 19, 2012 are deemed to be outstanding with respect to such person or group but are not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of ownership of any other person or group.
(2)           This information is based on a Schedule 13G filed by T. Michael Ansley on February 11, 2010, and subsequently confirmed by the Board.  The Schedule 13G discloses that T. Michael Ansley has sole voting and dispositive power for these shares. This information includes 11,143,500 shares currently owned directly by Mr. Ansley and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.
(3)           This information is based on a Schedule 13G filed by Thomas D. Ansley on February 11, 2010.  The Schedule 13G discloses that Thomas D. Ansley has sole voting and dispositive power for these shares.



The following table presents information regarding the beneficial ownership of our common stock, as of April 19, 2012, by each of our directors, each of whom is also a nominee for re-election as a director, our executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, and all of our directors and executive officers as a group.
Name of Beneficial Owner
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
Percent of Class Beneficially Owned(1)
T. Michael Ansley°
David G. Burke°
Jason T. Curtis
Jay Alan Dusenberry°
Philip Friedman°
David Ligotti°
Joseph M. Nowicki°
Gregory J. Stevens°
Officers and All Directors As a Group (8 persons)

* Less than one percent
°  Existing member of Board
(1)           The percentages shown are based on the 18,936,400 shares of our common stock outstanding as of April 19, 2012, plus the number of shares that the named person or group has the right to acquire within 60 days of April 19, 2012. For purposes of computing the percentage of outstanding shares of common stock held by each person or group, any shares that the person or group has the right to acquire within 60 days after April 19, 2012 are deemed to be outstanding with respect to such person or group but are not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of ownership of any other person or group.
(2)           This information includes 11,143,500 shares currently owned directly by Mr. Ansley and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.
(3)           Includes 25,000 shares of restricted stock currently owned by Mr. Burke and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.

 (4)           Includes 6,000 shares currently owned directly by Mr. Dusenberry and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 34,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.
(5)           Includes options exercisable by Mr. Friedman and Mr. Nowicki within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to each purchase 10,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.
(6           Includes 200,000 shares currently owned directly by Mr. Ligotti and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share.
(7)           Includes 219,979 shares currently owned directly by Mr. Stevens and options exercisable within 60 days of the date of this Proxy Statement to purchase 40,000 shares at an exercise price of $2.50 per share. Includes shares owned by the Gregory J. Stevens Trust, of which Mr. Stevens is the sole trustee and beneficiary.



Our Board members are elected annually to serve one-year terms or until their earlier death, resignation, or removal.  The Board currently consists of seven members: T. Michael Ansley, David G. Burke, Jay Alan Dusenberry, Philip Friedman, David Ligotti, Joseph M. Nowicki, and Gregory J. Stevens.  Each of these individuals has been nominated, and is seeking approval, to serve as a Director until the annual meeting of stockholders in fiscal year 2013 or until his successor has been duly elected and qualified or until his earlier death, resignation, or removal.
Each of the above nominees has been recommended by our Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee and nominated by the Board.  Each nominee has consented to serve as a director of the Company, if elected.  If, at the time of the Annual Meeting, any of the nominees are unable or declines to serve as a director, the discretionary authority provided in the enclosed proxy card will be exercised to vote for a substitute candidate designated by the Board.  The Board has no reason to believe that any of the nominees will be unable or will decline to serve as a director.
The Board recommends that the stockholders vote FOR the election of the nominees named above as directors of the Company.
Information About Director Nominees and Executive Officers
Information about our director nominees and executive officers is set forth below. There are no family relationships among any of our directors, nominees for director, and executive officers.
Name, Age, and Position with the Company
Has Served As
Director Since
Directors Who Are Both Currently Serving and Nominees for Election
T. Michael Ansley, 41, Director, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer
David G. Burke, 40, Director, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer
Jay Alan Dusenberry, 40, Director and Secretary
Philip Friedman, 65, Director   2011
David Ligotti, 54, Director
Joseph M. Nowicki, 50, Director   2010
Gregory J. Stevens, 41, Director
Executive Officers (Who Are Not Also Directors)
Jason T. Curtis, 31, Chief Operating Officer
Our executive officers are generally appointed each year at the annual meeting of our Board. Their terms of office are at the discretion of our Board.
The factual information below for each director, nominee for election as a director, and for each executive officer has been provided by that person. The particular experience, qualifications, attributes, or skills that led our Board to conclude that each should serve on our Board, in light of our business and structure, was determined by our Board or its Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee.

T. Michael Ansley has served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of the Company since our inception.  Mr. Ansley serves in similar roles for our wholly-owned subsidiaries AMC Group, Inc., AMC Wings, Inc. and AMC Burgers, Inc.  Since 1998, Mr. Ansley has been the President and Manager of AMC Group, LLC, which became a subsidiary of DRH in 2006.  Mr. Ansley received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Dayton and is a member of the Executive Board of the Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan.
Mr. Ansley is well-qualified to serve as a director of the corporation due to his extensive experience in restaurant management, operations, and development and his demonstrated business leadership abilities.  As its founder, Mr. Ansley has led the Company from its inception to total revenue of approximately $61 million in fiscal year 2011.
David G. Burke has served as Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Company since March 22, 2010, and has been a Member of the Board since our inception.  Mr. Burke previously served as Secretary,  as a Member of the Audit Committee and as Audit Committee Chairman. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Burke was employed by Federal-Mogul Corporation, a leading global supplier of powertrain and safety technologies serving the world’s foremost original equipment manufacturers and the worldwide aftermarket, where he held roles of increasing responsibility in finance, marketing and corporate development.  Mr. Burke earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton and a Master of Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance, from the University of Michigan - Ross School of Business. 
Mr. Burke is well-qualified to serve as a director of the corporation due to his strong leadership, business acumen and analytical skills, including a unique proficiency with regard to financial modeling and market analysis.  Mr. Burke honed his skill set through eight years of experience with a $7 billion global public corporation, while handling special projects for executive management, such as business development through acquisition, labor cost-reduction initiatives, strategic planning and supply chain management.
Jay Alan Dusenberry has been a member of the Board since our inception.  Mr. Dusenberry served as the Treasurer of the Company from our inception to March 22, 2010, at which time he relinquished the role of Treasurer and was appointed Secretary of the Company.  Mr. Dusenberry has also been a member of the Audit Committee since its inception in 2007.  Mr. Dusenberry is the Vice President of Operations for Cold Heading Company, an automotive supplier of fasteners, located in Warren, Michigan.  He received a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from the University of Dayton and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Detroit Mercy. 
Mr. Dusenberry is well-qualified to serve as a director of the Company due to his 17 years of experience in business leadership positions, including experience as a financial analyst for a health care system and senior administrative roles as a plant manager, director and vice president in the automotive manufacturing industry.  
Philip Friedman, was appointed to the Board on March 10, 2011.  Mr. Friedman served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of McAlister’s Corporation, a quick-casual restaurant concept, from 1999 through July of 2010.  Currently, Mr. Friedman is Vice Chairman of Brandstand Marketing Group and is a Founding member of Il ‘Pioppo, LLC, importers of organic Italian wines.  Mr. Friedman is also President of Friedman & Associates, a strategic planning and management consulting company he founded in 1986.  Mr. Friedman serves on the Boards of Directors of the National Restaurant Association and the Mississippi Restaurant Association.  He is a member of the Culinary Institute of America’s Society of Fellows and the National Association of Corporate Directors.
 Mr. Friedman is well-qualified to serve as a director of the Company because of his extensive franchise and chain restaurant expertise.  This expertise is particularly relevant to our business as a franchisee of Buffalo Wild Wings and an owner, operator, and franchisor of our Bagger Dave’s Legendary Burger Tavern® concept. 

David Ligotti has been a member of the Board since our inception.  Mr. Ligotti owns and operates Oakwood Business Services, LLC (“Oakwood”), an accounting, tax and consulting firm located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Mr. Ligotti received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Kalamazoo College, a Masters of Business Administration degree, with a major in accounting, from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Taxation degree from Walsh College. 
Mr. Ligotti is well-qualified to serve as a director of the Company as he has been a CPA for nearly 30 years and has 25 years of experience in restaurant finance, technology, operation, administration and accounting. 
Joseph M. Nowicki was elected to the Board at the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders.  Mr. Nowicki is currently employed as the Chief Financial Officer of Spartan Motors, Inc. (“Spartan”), a NASDAQ-listed specialty vehicle manufacturer (SPAR) with annual revenues of approximately $500 million, based in Charlotte, Michigan.  In addition to his duties as Spartan’s Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Nowicki’s is also responsible for human resources and information systems for the business.  Previously, Mr. Nowicki spent approximately 17 years with the Michigan-based furniture manufacturer, Herman Miller, Inc. (“Herman Miller”), where he gained experience in financial management and operations through his positions as Vice President of International Finance and Vice President within North American finance.  More recently, he served as Treasurer and as a member of Herman Miller’s key leadership team, managing all treasury activities for the company including establishing the overall capital and debt structure, overseeing the pension and investment strategy, and leading investor relations activities.  Before joining Herman Miller, he held several operations and finance positions, including working for IBM and General Motors and spending several years in public accounting.  Mr. Nowicki received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan - Ross School of Business.
Mr. Nowicki is well-qualified to serve as a director of the Company due to his extensive public company experience and specialized accounting, finance and capital markets expertise.
Gregory J. Stevens has been a member of the Board since our inception.  Mr. Stevens has been a Strategic Engineer and partner of Cold Heading Company, an automotive supplier of fasteners, located in Warren, Michigan, since 1992.  Mr. Stevens is currently a member of Desert Rock Enterprises, LLC, an investment company, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, an owner and director of Beachlawn, Inc., an industry-leading tier-one automotive supplier, and a director of Ajax Metal Processing, Inc., a leading industrial steel parts heat treating and plating company, located in Warren, Michigan.  Mr. Stevens received a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the University of Dayton
Mr. Stevens is well-qualified to serve as a director of the Company, because of his analytical engineering background, ownership of multiple successful businesses, diverse background in operating all facets of a business and his conservative approach to cash flow management.
Jason Curtis is the Company’s Chief Operating Officer, a position he assumed at the Company’s inception in 2006.  Beginning in 2000, Mr. Curtis worked in positions of increasing responsibility, starting at the ground level in the kitchen of a BWW restaurant that is now owned by the Company.  In 2002, he became Chief Operating Officer of AMC Group, Inc., and in 2006 AMC Group, Inc. became a wholly-owned subsidiary of DRH.  Mr. Curtis plays an integral role in identifying and developing unit-level management and multi-unit supervisors to address the Company’s expansion plans.  Mr. Curtis serves on the BWW National Leadership Council, a position he was elected to by fellow franchisees within the BWW system and is a member of the Executive Board of the Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan.  

Director Independence
As the Company is quoted on the Over The Counter Bulletin Board (“OTCBB”) and not one of the national securities exchanges, it is not subject to any director independence requirements.  However, we employ the Nasdaq Stock Market’s standards for determining the independence of directors. Under these standards, an independent director means a person other than an executive officer or one of our employees or any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the Board, would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director. In addition, the following persons shall not be considered independent:
a director who is, or at any time during the past three years was, employed by us;
a director who accepted or who has a family member who accepted any compensation from us in excess of $120,000 during any period of twelve consecutive months within the three years preceding the determination of independence, other than the following:
compensation for service on the Board or any committee thereof;
compensation paid to a family member who is one of our employees (other than an executive officer); or  
under a tax-qualified retirement plan, or non-discretionary compensation; 
a director who is a family member of an individual who is, or at any time during the past three years was, employed by us as an executive officer;
a director who is, or has a family member who is, a partner in, or a controlling stockholder or an executive officer of, any organization to which we made, or from which we received, payments for property or services in the current or any of the past three fiscal years that exceed 5% of the recipient’s consolidated gross revenues for that year, or $200,000, whichever is more, other than the following:
payments arising solely from investments in our securities; or  
payments under non-discretionary charitable contribution matching programs;
a director who is, or has a family member who is, employed as an executive officer of another entity where at any time during the past three years any of our executive officers served on the compensation committee of such other entity; or  
a director who is, or has a family member who is, a current partner of our outside auditor, or was a partner or employee of our outside auditor who worked on our audit at any time during any of the past three years.
For purposes of the Nasdaq Stock Market’s independence standards, the term “family member” means a person’s spouse, parents, children, and siblings, whether by blood, marriage, or adoption, or anyone residing in such person’s home.
The Board has assessed the independence of each non-employee director and director nominee under the Nasdaq Stock Market’s independence standards set forth above and believes that Messrs. Jay Alan Dusenberry, Philip Friedman , Joseph M. Nowicki, and Gregory J. Stevens qualify as independent directors.  In making this determination, our Board has concluded that none of the independent directors has a relationship that, in the opinion of our Board, would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director.  The other directors would not qualify as independent due to their employment by the Company or due to their receipt of certain fees or compensation from the Company.

Board Meetings
The Board met four times in fiscal year 2011.  During 2011, each director attended at least 75% of the total number of meetings of our Board and its committees on which he or she then served.
Board Committees
Our Board has, and appoints members to, three standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee, and the Compensation Committee. The membership of these committees, as of April 19, 2012, was as follows:
Disclosure Controls,
Governance, and
Nominating Committee
Joseph M. Nowicki*
Michael Ansley
David Ligotti
Jay Alan Dusenberry     David G. Burke     Gregory J. Stevens
      Gregory J. Stevens     Philip Friedman

*Committee chairman
Each of these committees has a written charter that has been approved by our Board and is available on the investor relations section of our website,
Audit Committee
Our Audit Committee is solely responsible for appointing and reviewing fee arrangements with our independent accountants and approving any non-audit services by our independent accountants.  Our Audit Committee reviews and monitors our internal accounting procedures and reviews the scope and results of the annual audit and other services provided by our independent accountants.  The Audit Committee is also responsible for overseeing our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including our disclosure controls and procedures. Our Audit Committee currently consists of Messrs. Joseph M. Nowicki and Jay Alan Dusenberry.  Our Board has determined that each of the Members of the Audit Committee meets the criteria for independence under the statement provided by the Nasdaq Stock Market.
We believe that each of the members of the Audit Committee is financially sophisticated and is able to read and understand our consolidated financial statements.  The Audit Committee met two times during 2011 and both members attended each meeting.  The Chairman of the Audit Committee was present at all meetings.  Our Board has determined that Mr. Nowicki is an audit committee financial expert as defined in Item 401 of Regulation S-K.
Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee
The purposes of our Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee are to: (i) ensure that all disclosures made by the Company to its stockholders or the investment community fairly present the Company’s financial condition and the results of operations in all material respects and such disclosures are accurate, complete, and timely made as required by applicable laws and any applicable stock exchange requirements; (ii) advise and make recommendations to the Board with respect to corporate governance principles and practices; and (iii) recommend qualified candidates to the Board for election as directors of the Company, including the slate of directors that the Board proposes for election by stockholders at the annual meetings and candidates to fill vacancies occurring between annual meetings.

The committee will consider nominees for directors nominated by stockholders upon submission in writing to our corporate secretary of the names of such nominees.  Our Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee currently consists of Messrs. T. Michael Ansley, David G. Burke, and Gregory J. Stevens.  The Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee met once during 2011 and all members of the committee were present at that meeting.
The Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee has used an informal process to identify potential candidates for nomination as directors. Candidates for nomination have been recommended by an executive officer or director and considered by the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee and the Board. Generally, candidates have been persons who have been known to one or more of our Board members. The Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee has not adopted specific minimum qualifications that it believes must be met by a person it recommends for nomination as a director. In evaluating candidates for nomination, the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee will consider the factors it believes to be appropriate. These factors would generally include the candidate’s personal and professional integrity, business judgment, relevant experience and skills, and potential to be an effective director in conjunction with the rest of our Board in collectively serving the long-term interests of our stockholders. We do not have a specific policy relating to the consideration of diversity in identifying director candidates. However, the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee does consider the diversity of our Board when identifying director candidates. The amount of consideration given to diversity varies with the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee’s determination of whether we would benefit from expanding the Board’s diversity in a particular area.  We believe this policy has been effective in identifying candidates with the diverse business experience necessary to lead our growing Company.
Although the Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee has the authority to retain a search firm to assist it in identifying director candidates, there has, to date, been no need to employ a search firm. The Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee does not evaluate potential nominees for director differently based on whether they are recommended by a stockholder.
Compensation Committee
Our Compensation Committee is primarily responsible for reviewing and approving the compensation and benefits of our executive officers, evaluating the performance and compensation of our executive officers in light of our corporate goals and objectives, and making recommendations to our Board regarding these matters. Our Compensation Committee currently consists of Messrs. David Ligotti, Gregory J. Stevens, and Philip Friedman.  The Compensation Committee met three times during 2011 and all members of the committee were present at all meetings.
The Compensation Committee’s responsibilities and authority include:
reviewing and approving the goals and objectives relating to the compensation of the Company’s executive officers; may recommend them to the Board for approval.
determining, or recommending to the Board for determination, all elements of compensation for executive officers of the Company.  Elements of compensation may include, among other items, (a) annual base salary, (b) annual cash incentive compensation, (c) cash and equity based long-term incentive compensation, (d) employment agreements, severance arrangements, and change in control agreements or provisions, (e) deferred compensation and retirement plans, (f) health, disability, and life insurance, and (g) special or supplemental benefits.

evaluating, at least annually, the performance of the Company’s executive officers.

The Compensation Committee has the authority to delegate appropriate matters to subcommittees as the Compensation Committee may determine in its discretion. The Compensation Committee also has the authority to retain compensation consultants, outside counsel, and other internal or external advisors to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities, and to approve the related fees and retention terms, as it may deem appropriate in its discretion. The Compensation Committee did not retain or pay any fees to a compensation consultant in fiscal year 2011.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Not Applicable.
Compensation Committee Report
Not Applicable.
Board Leadership Structure
Our Board is led by T. Michael Ansley, our Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer. The decision as to who should serve as Chairman of the Board, and who should serve as Chief Executive Officer, and whether those offices should be combined or separate, is properly the responsibility of our Board. The members of our Board possess considerable experience and unique knowledge of the challenges and opportunities we face, and are in the best position to evaluate our needs and how best to organize the capabilities of the directors and senior officers to meet those needs. The Board believes that the most effective leadership structure for us, at this time, is for Mr. Ansley to serve as both Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Ansley was our founding President and Chief Executive Officer and has been our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer since our inception.  As such, the Board believes that he is uniquely qualified, through his experience and expertise, to be the person who generally sets the agenda for, and leads discussions of, strategic issues for our Board.  Mr. Ansley was one of the key individuals behind our formation and his leadership was instrumental in the drafting and implementation of our strategic plan, as well as our mission and vision statements.  Mr. Ansley’s leadership, in both his Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer roles, continues to ensure that we remain dedicated to and focused on our mission. Our Board believes that his dedication and focus is particularly important to ensure that we continue to differentiate ourselves from our competition, keeping us well poised for future market expansion. Our Board believes that we and our stockholders can be best served by leaving these roles combined.
Our Bylaws authorize our Board to establish an executive committee that may act on behalf of the Board in all matters except the declaration of dividends or undertaking major change transactions such as a merger or sale of substantially all the assets of the Company.  However, at this time, our Board has not designated an executive committee.  Instead, our Board accomplishes most of its corporate governance role, including new director and succession planning, either acting as a whole board or, as appropriate, through its Audit Committee, Disclosure Controls, Governance, and Nominating Committee, and Compensation Committee, which are chartered to undertake significant activities as described above.  The Board does not have a lead independent director and does not believe that designating a lead independent director would be necessary or helpful at this time.

Board Role in Risk Oversight
Our Board oversees our risk management in cooperation with management.  The Board and management regularly assess and communicate regarding risks confronting the Company, including transaction-specific risks, macroeconomic trends, industry developments, and risks factors unique to our business.  The members of the Audit Committee also discuss various financial reporting and accounting risk factors with our external accounting and consulting firm, Oakwood.
Communications with the Board
Our Board believes that full and open communication between stockholders and members of our Board is in our best interest and the best interests of our stockholders.  Stockholders can contact any director or committee of the Board by writing to the Chairman of the Audit Committee at 27680 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034.  The Chairman of the Audit Committee will determine the extent to which such stockholder communications should be disseminated to other members and will address the communication with the inquiring stockholders as appropriate.
Director Attendance At Annual Meeting
Our Board does not have a policy requiring directors to attend annual meetings of stockholders.  However, we believe that the Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for stockholders to communicate with directors and have requested that all directors make every effort to attend the Company’s Annual Meeting.  We make every effort to schedule our Annual Meeting at a time and date to maximize attendance by directors, taking into account the directors’ schedules.  Three of our seven board members attended our 2011 Annual Meeting.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
We have adopted a corporate code of ethics.  We believe our code of ethics is reasonably designed to deter wrongdoing and promote honest and ethical conduct; provide full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in public reports; comply with applicable laws; ensure prompt internal reporting of code violations; and provide accountability for adherence to the code.  A copy of our corporate code of ethics may be obtained, without charge, upon written request to: Secretary, 27680 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034.  The Code of Ethics may be reviewed on our website at A copy of our code of ethics was filed as exhibit 14 to our Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 31, 2009.  These filings may be viewed online at


Each member of the Audit Committee is independent, as independence for audit committee members is defined in the Nasdaq listing standards and the rules of the SEC. The Audit Committee’s primary purpose is to assist the Board in overseeing the accounting and financial reporting process; audits of financial statements; internal accounting and disclosure controls; and the internal audit functions.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the Audit Committee supervises the relationship between the Company and its independent registered public accounting firm, including having direct responsibility for the independent registered public accounting firm’s appointment, compensation and retention, reviewing the scope of its audit services, and approving audit and permissible non-audit services. The Audit Committee reviews and discusses the annual and quarterly financial statements as well as the internal audit plan.
Management is responsible for the preparation, presentation, and integrity of the Company’s financial statements and for the appropriateness of the accounting principles and reporting policies that are used. Management is also responsible for testing the system of internal controls and reporting to the Audit Committee on any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses that are found. Our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2011, BDO USA, LLP (“BDO”), was responsible for auditing the Company’s annual financial statements and for reviewing its unaudited quarterly financial statements.
 The Audit Committee reviewed, with BDO, the overall scope and plan of the audit. In addition, the Audit Committee met with BDO, with and without management present, to discuss the results of BDO’s audit, its evaluation of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, the overall quality of the Company’s financial reporting, and such other matters as are required to be discussed under the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”). The Audit Committee has also received from, and discussed with, BDO the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communications with Audit Committees), as amended.
The Audit Committee has discussed with BDO that firm’s independence from management and the Company and has received from BDO the written disclosures and the letter required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding BDO’s communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence. The Audit Committee has also considered the compatibility of audit related and tax services with BDO’s independence.
In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 25, 2011, with both management and our independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit Committee’s review included a discussion of the quality and integrity of the accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant estimates and judgments, and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements.
 In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board that the audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 25, 2011 for filing with the SEC.
Submitted by the members of the Audit Committee:

Joseph M. Nowicki, Chairman
Jay Alan Dusenberry



Compensation Table
The following table summarizes compensation earned by or paid to our principal executive officer and our other executive officers for our last two completed fiscal years. No other executive officer received total annual salary and bonus equal to or in excess of $100,000 during those periods.
Summary Compensation Table*
Name and Principal Position
Non Equity
Incentive Plan
All Other
T. Michael Ansley
    180,000       30,000       -       12,561       -       -       -       222,561  
President and Chief Executive Officer
    180,000       30,000       -       4,519       -       -       -       214,732  
David G. Burke
    170,000       25,000       18,086       12,561       -       -       -       225,647  
Chief Financial Officer
    170,000       25,000       -       4,519       -       -       -       199,732  
 Jason T. Curtis
    120,000       20,000       -       -       -       -       -       140,000  
Chief Operating Officer
    100,000       20,000       -       -       -       -       -       120,000  
Refer to Note 8 in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements section of Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2011 for details on the assumptions used in the valuation of stock and option awards.
Base Salary and Bonus
Consistent with our objective of attracting and retaining highly qualified and experienced employees, we establish base salary ranges for our executive officers that are intended to be competitive for comparable positions. Base salary data for comparable industry positions are reviewed annually from survey data obtained from the Chain Restaurant Executive Compensation Report prepared by HVS Executive Search and Nations Restaurant News and other pertinent sources.  Annual salary increases are tied to objective performance-based criteria established by the Compensation Committee.

The following table sets forth certain information for our executive officers concerning unexercised options, stock that has not vested, and equity incentive plan awards as of December 25, 2011.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End*
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
of Shares
or Units
of Stock
Have Not
Value of
or Units
of Stock That
Number of
Units or
That Have
or Payout
Value of
Units or
Have Not
T. Michael Ansley
  40,000     20,000     0   2.50  
30,000 - 7/30/13
30,000 – 7/30/16
    0     0     0     0  
David G. Burke
  40,000     20,000     0   2.50  
30,000 - 7/30/13
30,000 – 7/30/16
    25,000     125,000     0     0  
Jason T. Curtis
  0     0     0   0     --     0     0     0     0  
Refer to Note 8 in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements section of Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2011 for details on the assumptions used in the valuation of stock and option awards.
Directors and Compensation*
The table below provides information regarding the compensation of our directors for our fiscal year ending December 25, 2011.
Name (1)
or Paid
in Cash
($) (2)
Incentive Plan
All Other
Jay Alan Dusenberry
    0       0       12,561       0       0       0       12,561  
Philip Friedman
    15.000       0       12,561       0       0       0       27,561  
David Ligotti
    0       0       12,561       0       0       0       12,561  
Joseph M. Nowicki
    9,000       0       12,561       0       0       0       21,561  
Gregory J. Stevens
    0       0       12,561       0       0       0       12,561  

Refer to Note 8 in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements section of Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 2011 for details on the assumptions used in the valuation of stock and option awards.
Compensation information for T. Michael Ansley, President and Chief Executive Officer, and David G. Burke, Chief Financial Officer, is fully reflected in the Summary Compensation Table above and, as such, is not repeated here.
At December 25, 2011, Messrs. Ansley, Burke, Ligotti, Stevens, and Dusenberry had outstanding options to purchase 60,000 shares of the Company’s common stock and Messrs. Friedman and Nowicki had outstanding options to purchase 30,000 shares of the Company’s common stock.

Long-Term Incentive Plans and Awards
During the fiscal year ended December 25, 2011, the Company established the Stock Incentive Plan of 2011 (“Stock Incentive Plan”) to attract and retain directors, consultants, and employees and to more fully align their interests with the interests of the Company’s shareholders through the opportunity for increased stock ownership.  The plan permits the grant and award of 750,000 shares of common stock by way of stock options and/or restricted stock.  Stock options must be awarded at exercise prices at least equal to or greater than 100% of the fair market value of the shares on the date of grant.  The options will expire no later than 10 years from the date of grant, with vesting terms to be defined at grant date, ranging from a vesting schedule based on performance to a vesting schedule that extends over a period of time as selected by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors or other committee as determined by the Board.  The Compensation Committee also determines the grant, issuance, retention, and vesting timing and conditions of awards of restricted stock.  The Committee may place limitations, such as continued employment, passage of time, and/or performance measures, on restricted stock.  Awards of restricted stock may not provide for vesting or settlement in full of restricted stock over a period of less than one year from the date the award is made.  The Stock Incentive Plan was approved by our shareholders on May 26, 2011. 
On July 18, 2011, the Compensation Committee awarded Chief Financial Officer David G. Burke 25,000 shares of restricted stock under the Stock Incentive Plan.  The shares vest in equal annual installments over a three year period and will be fully vested after July 18, 2014.  The shares are subject to additional restrictions on transferability and conditions of forfeiture in accordance with the Stock Incentive Plan.
Compensation of Directors
On July 31, 2010, prior to adoption of the Stock Incentive Plan, each member of the Board was granted options to purchase up to 30,000 shares of our common stock in return for their services as directors. Under the terms of the stock option agreements, they received the option to purchase 10,000 shares in each of the first three years of their terms as directors. If they resign their position during that period, their options will not vest. Once vested, the options will allow the directors to purchase our common stock for $2.50 per share. The options will expire six years from the date of grant.
Effective March 1, 2011, the Company entered into a consulting agreement (“Consulting Agreement”) with P. Friedman & Associates, Inc. (“Friedman & Associates”), a business consultancy of which Mr. Philip Friedman, a recently appointed member of the Company’s Board of Directors (see Item 5.02 disclosures below), is President and an equity owner. The Consulting Agreement is for a term of one year and provides that Friedman & Associates will provide specialized consulting services to the Company in the areas of retail restaurant management, operation, and development. The Company will compensate Friedman and Associates $18,000 per annum, payable in twelve equal monthly installments, for its services during the term of the agreement.
Effective July1,  2011, the Board approved the payment of cash compensation in to Director Joseph M. Nowicki in consideration for his service as Audit Committee Chair in the amount of $1,500 per month.
Employment Contracts, Termination of Employment, Change-in-Control Arrangements
There are no employment or other contracts or arrangements with officers.  There are no compensation plans or arrangements, including payments to be made by the Company with respect to the officers, directors, employees or consultants of the Company that would result from the resignation, retirement or any other termination of such directors, officers, employees or consultants with the Company. There are no arrangements for directors, officers, employees or consultants that would result from a change in control of the Company.

Certain Transactions
Accounting Services
David Ligotti is a member of our Board and the owner and operator of Oakwood, a provider of accounting and consulting services.  Oakwood provides accounting and business services to the Company under contract and we paid Oakwood approximately $27,170 per month for such services during fiscal year 2011. Oakwood has provided these services since our inception.  We believe this relationship is on terms at least as favorable to the Company as could be obtained from an unrelated third party.
Repayment of Promissory Notes Related to Acquisition of Affiliated Restaurants
As previously disclosed, the Company issued promissory notes to T. Michael Ansley totaling $1,331,716 for the purchase of his equity in the Affiliated Restaurants acquired by the Company in fiscal year 2010.  The promissory notes bear interest at 6% per year, mature on February 1, 2016, and are payable in quarterly installments, with principal and interest fully amortized over six years.  During fiscal year 2011, we made principal payments totaling $$198,955 and interest payments totaling $66,984 on these notes.  Effective April 2, 2012, as a result of a new debt facility executed by the Company, this debt has been paid off in its entirety.
Lease of Restaurant Locations from Related Party
The Company leases the location for its Berkley Bagger Dave’s restaurant from TM Apple Company, LLC (“TM Apple”). TM Apple is owned 51% by T. Michael Ansley, 39% by Steve Menker, and 10% by Jason T. Curtis.  The lease commenced on January 13, 2008 and runs for a term of fifteen years, with renewal options for three additional five-year terms. T. Michael Ansley is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for TM Apple.  Jason T. Curtis is the Chief Operations Officer and a principal stockholder of the Company.  Steven A. Menker is a principal stockholder of the Company.  The rental rate under the lease is $7,786 per month and total rent payments for fiscal year 2011 were $90,118.  We believe this lease is on terms at least as favorable to the Company as could be obtained from an unrelated third party.
The Company leases the location for its Clinton Township BWW restaurant from the Ansley Group, LLC (“Ansley Group”).  The Ansley Group is owned 50% by T. Michael Ansley and 50% by Thomas D. Ansley.  The Ansley Group qualifies for variable interest entity accounting and, thus, is consolidated into the Company’s financial results.  The lease commenced on April 5, 2003 and runs for a term of 15 years, with renewal options for three additional five-year terms.  Thomas D. Ansley is the father of T. Michael Ansley and a principal stockholder of the Company.  The rental rate under the lease is $20,460 per month and total rent payments for fiscal year 2011 were $245,635.  We believe this lease is on terms at least as favorable to the Company as could be obtained from an unrelated third party.
Procedure for Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Persons
The Audit Committee of the Board is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of all related-party transactions.
The Audit Committee has adopted written policies and procedures for the Audit Committee to review and approve or ratify related-party transactions with the Company. These transactions include transactions that must be disclosed under the SEC rules in filings with the SEC.
Transactions that are deemed immaterial under SEC disclosure requirements are excluded from the review process.

Criteria for Audit Committee approval or ratification of related-party transactions include:
whether the transactions are on terms no less favorable to the Company than terms generally available from an unrelated third party;

the extent of the related party’s interest in the transaction;

whether the transaction would interfere with the performance of the officers’ or directors’ duties to the Company;

in the case of a transaction involving a non-employee director, whether the transaction would disqualify the director from being deemed independent under the Nasdaq Stock Market listing requirements; and

such other factors that the Audit Committee deems appropriate under the circumstances.

Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our directors, executive officers, and persons who own more than 10% of our outstanding common stock to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission reports of changes in ownership of our common stock held by such persons. Executive officers, directors and greater than 10% stockholders are also required to furnish us with copies of all forms they file under this regulation. To our knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies of such reports furnished to us and representations received from our directors and officers, we believe that all reports required to be filed under Section 16(a) for fiscal year 2011 were timely filed.
In accordance with its charter, the Audit Committee of the Company’s Board has selected BDO USA, LLP to perform an audit of the consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries for the fiscal year ending December 25, 2011, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and for issuing a report thereon.  The stockholders are being requested to ratify such selection at the Annual Meeting.   A representative of BDO USA, LLP will attend the Annual Meeting to make a statement or to respond to stockholder questions.
Changes in Certifying Accountants
The Audit Committee of the Board of DRH annually considers and determines the selection of independent public accountants. On April 13, 2011, the Audit Committee retained BDO USA, LLP, Certified Public Accountants (“BDO”) as its independent registered public accountant.  Also as of April 13, 2011, the Company’s Audit Committee dismissed Silberstein Ungar, PLLC, Certified Public Accountants (“SU”) as its independent registered public accountant.
The reports of SU on the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 26, 2010 and December 27, 2009 did not contain an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion and were not qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.
During the Company’s fiscal years ended December 26, 2010 and December 27, 2009, and the subsequent interim period preceding the dismissal of SU, there were no disagreements with SU on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved to SU’s satisfaction, would have caused it to make reference to the subject matter of any disagreement in connection with its reports.

The Company provided SU with a copy of the foregoing disclosures and requested that SU furnish the Company with a letter addressed to the Securities and Exchange Commission noting its agreement with the statements provided above. A copy of SU’s letter is attached as Exhibit 16.1 to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on April 18, 2011.
For the years ended  December 26, 2010, and December 27, 2009, and the subsequent interim period between December 27, 2010 and April 13, 2011, the date BDO was retained, neither the Company nor anyone acting on the Company’s behalf consulted BDO with respect to the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the Company’s consolidated financial statements, or any other matters or reportable events as defined in Item 304(a)(2)(i) and (ii) of Regulation S-K.
The Board recommends a vote to ratify the appointment of BDO USA, LLP.
Fees to Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011
The following table shows the fees for audit and other professional services provided to us by BDO USA, LLP  in 2011 and Silberstein Ungar in 2010.
Fees for the Year Ended
December 25, 2011
December 26, 2010
Audit Fees (1)
  $ 87,500     $ 126,875  
Audit-Related Fees (2)
  $ 0     $ 0  
Tax Fees (3)
  $ 0     $ 0  
All Other Fees (4)
  $ 0     $ 0  
Total audit and non-audit fees
  $ 87,500     $ 126,875  
(1)           “Audit Fees” includes the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered for the audit of our annual financial statements, review of financial statements included in our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and, for fiscal year 2010, audit fees related to our acquisition of the Affiliated Restaurants.
(2)           “Audit-Related Fees” consist of fees billed for professional services rendered related to the performance of the audit review that are not otherwise reported under Audit Fees.
(3)           “Tax Fees” consist of fees billed for professional services rendered for services rendered in connection with tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning.
(4)           “All Other Fees” consist of fees billed for professional services rendered that are not otherwise reported above.

Policy on Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit Services of Independent Auditors
The Company’s Audit Committee pre-approves all audit and non-audit services provided by the independent auditors prior to the engagement of the independent auditors with respect to such services.  The Company’s independent auditors may be engaged to provide non-audit services only after the appointed auditor has first considered the proposed engagement and has determined, in each instance, that the proposed services are not prohibited by applicable regulations and the auditors’ independence will not be materially impaired as a result of having provided these services.  In making this determination, the Audit Committee takes into consideration whether a reasonable investor, knowing all relevant facts and circumstances, would conclude that the auditor’s exercise of objective and impartial judgment on all issues encompassed within the auditors’ engagement would be materially impaired.  All services provided by the Company’s independent auditors in 2011 and 2010 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee or its chairman in accordance with the Company’s policy.
Any stockholder of the Company wishing to submit a proposal for action at the Company’s 2013 annual meeting of stockholders pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 must provide a written copy of the proposal to the management of the Company at its principal executive offices no later than December 30, 2012 and must otherwise comply with the rules and regulations of the Commission applicable to stockholder proposals.
A stockholder who intends to present a proposal for the 2013 annual meeting of stockholders, other than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, must provide us with notice of such intention by March 19, 2013, or the persons named in the proxy to vote the proxies will have discretionary voting authority at the 2013 annual meeting with respect to any such proposal without discussion of the matter in our Proxy Statement. A stockholder intending to present a proposal for the 2013 annual meeting of stockholders must also comply with the advance notice and other requirements set forth in our bylaws.
The Company’s 2011 Annual Report, which includes financial statements, is being mailed to the Company’s stockholders with this Proxy Statement.  The Annual Report is not part of the proxy soliciting material.
The Board does not know of any other matters to be presented at the Annual Meeting for action by stockholders.  If any other matters requiring a vote of the stockholders arise at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof, however, it is intended that votes will be cast pursuant to the proxies with respect to such matters in accordance with the best judgment of the persons acting under the proxies.
The Company will pay the cost of soliciting proxies.  In addition to solicitation by mail, certain officers and regular employees of the Company may solicit the return of proxies by telephone, email or personal interview. The Company may request brokers and others to forward proxies and soliciting materials to the beneficial owners of common stock, and will reimburse them for their reasonable expenses in so doing.
A list of stockholders entitled to be present and vote at the Annual Meeting will be available during the Annual Meeting for inspection by stockholders who are present.  If you cannot be present in person, you are requested to complete, sign, date, and return the enclosed proxy promptly.  An envelope has been provided for your convenience.