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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-22037

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, CO 80203

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Adam J. Shapiro, Esq.

c/o Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP

31 West 52nd Street, 16th Floor

New York, NY 10019

(Name and address of agent for service)

With copies To:

Michael G. Doherty, Esq.

Ropes & Gray LLP

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10036

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (303) 623-2577

Date of fiscal year end:  May 31

Date of reporting period:  June 1, 2014 - November 30, 2014

Table of Contents

Item 1.  Report to Stockholders.

Table of Contents



Table of Contents
    Table of Contents






Shareholder Letter


Disclosure of Fund Expenses


Summaries of Portfolio Holdings


Growth of $10,000 Investment


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Statements of Investments


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Statements of Assets & Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Notes to Financial Statements


Additional Information




Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Dear Shareholder,

During the six month period ending November 30, 2014, credit market performance was impacted by weak global economic growth outside the U.S., a significant decline in oil prices, the Federal Reserve’s (FED’s) wind down of its asset purchase program, and increased geopolitical risk in Eastern Europe. In general, these factors had disparate impact across credit markets, and in the case of emerging markets, varying effects across regions and countries.

Weaker-than-expected growth outside the U.S. gave rise to divergent monetary policy aimed at supporting growth and reducing deflationary risks. The European Central Bank (ECB) cut interest rates and instituted its anticipated asset purchase program; the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) cut its benchmark rate for the first time since 2012; and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) surprised the markets with the large scale of its asset purchase program. On the other hand, the U.S. Federal Reserve completed its asset purchase program during the period on evidence of better-than-expected growth but remained sensitive to the fragility of the recovery and maintained its pledge to keep low rates for a considerable time.

Asset price volatility increased during the period, particularly in the emerging markets and high yield markets as oil prices declined precipitously. The strengthening US dollar has supported U.S. growth but emerging markets currencies have suffered as a consequence of that dollar strength. As of the date of this report, we expect markets to remain volatile until oil prices reach a new equilibrium level. As we look ahead to 2015, we believe the key market drivers of the past 6 months are still very much in place. There appears to be a growing consensus on the direction of some of those drivers including the likelihood of the ECB’s launch of a quantitative easing program and the Federal Reserve’s rate increase by mid-2015. A great deal of uncertainty continues to surround other drivers including oil prices, non-US growth and geopolitical risk in Russia/Ukraine and in the Middle East.

At Stone Harbor, we will continue to focus on seeking to capture excess return from stable and improving credit situations in corporate and sovereign markets worldwide. As we continue to monitor these developments, please follow our progress throughout the year by visiting our website at www.shiplp.com. There you will find updates on our view of credit markets, as well as related news and research. We appreciate the confidence you have placed in Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP and look forward to providing you with another update in the next six months.

Emerging Markets Debt Market Review

During the six month period ended November 30, 2014, emerging markets were broadly driven by three main themes: falling core fixed income yields and flattening yield curves, U.S. dollar strength, and falling oil prices. Asset price volatility increased at the end of the period from very low levels. While there were initial signs of market recovery during the first half of the review period – as suggested by improving global growth primarily led by a rebound in the U.S., and low volatility – demand for risk assets waned as several persistent macroeconomic factors again brought to focus EM vulnerabilities. These factors included weaker-than-expected growth in Europe, an uneven economic recovery in emerging markets, and increasing geopolitical risks. On the other hand, results of presidential elections in four major EM countries—Brazil, India, Indonesia and Turkey – provided some support for EM markets, in our view, as policy makers in these countries had a freer hand to implement better policies that may have been politically difficult to propose prior to the elections. These market dynamics ultimately produced divergent results across EM asset classes for the review period, as falling core fixed income yields supported returns for hard currency debt, while a strong U.S. dollar and falling oil prices, combined with a continuation of weak global growth outside of the U.S., weighed against returns of local currency bonds and local currencies. Returns on emerging market corporate debt trailed behind U.S. dollar sovereign debt, but remained positive.

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

The total return of the Emerging Markets Debt Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the 6 month period ended November 30, 2014 was
-1.55% (net of expenses) and -1.21% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 1.56% for the J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified. For the period, external sovereign bond credit spreads over comparable maturity U.S. Treasury securities widened by 37 basis points, ending the period at 310 basis points.

The Fund underperformed its benchmark primarily as a result of country selection within the hard currency sovereign debt allocation, which detracted 214 basis points overall to excess returns. Specifically, overweight in Venezuela was a significant detractor. We have based our rationale for investing in Venezuela external sovereign U.S. dollar debt on fundamental credit assessments and what we believe are very attractive valuations in the current market environment. We view Venezuela’s near term payment obligations as manageable absent a more significant and sustained decline in oil prices. The key issue remains whether Venezuela’s government will continue to prioritize cash receipts from oil sales to pay debt. In our view, Venezuela will continue to do so to maintain joint venture partnerships and foreign investment in the energy sector and to protect oil shipments and foreign assets from attachment in foreign jurisdictions. At current spread and bond price levels, we believe Venezuela’s external sovereign debt is an attractive tactical opportunity. We fully recognize the volatility that is inherent in this exposure but believe current







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



valuations combined with cash flow support from oil exports and the pragmatic reasons supporting the government’s ongoing willingness to fulfill its debt obligations support our overweight.

Issue selection in Argentina also detracted from relative returns during the period. Positions in Argentina hard currency debt reflected our view that local law, US-dollar denominated debt is one of the most attractive opportunities in the Emerging Markets (EM) universe. However, this position did not fare well during the latter part of the review period as defaulted bonds outperformed. Other sources of underperformance included local rates and foreign exchange (FX) exposure in Russia and Colombia, and FX exposure in Mexico and Indonesia.

Issue selection, particularly an allocation to short duration securities in Venezuela, enhanced excess returns. Overweight in Argentina, Dominican Republic, and Indonesia, as well as issue selection in Russia within the hard currency sovereign allocation, also enhanced relative returns. Hard currency corporate allocation in Argentina, China, and Thailand also enhanced performance.

As of the end of the period, overweight positions in the Fund were concentrated in country exposures where the portfolio management team identified attractive spread premiums relative to the team’s fundamental assessments of sovereign and corporate credit quality, including both non-investment grade and investment grade countries. The Fund reduced exposure to local debt markets over the course of the review period, particularly in countries in which local debt and currencies had outperformed the market since the end of January. Finally, our exposure to off-benchmark corporate debt remained constrained by current valuations relative to sovereign debt. We believe sovereign debt is more attractive in aggregate. However, we continue to find opportunities in the corporate sector selectively and, over the review period, have further concentrated our exposures into our highest conviction credits.

We are interpreting the current market environment as an opportunity to maintain or increase our existing positions in credits that we believe will benefit from country specific developments over the next 12 months. Our key overweights in external sovereign debt are in Argentina, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela. In each case, we believe significant spread compression is possible in the near term. We have retained our overweight in Venezuela despite the recent drawdown on the view that policy makers are aware of the necessity of devaluation in the near term. While the recent decline in oil prices reduces Venezuela’s revenue from oil sales, we believe repayment of external obligations is Venezuela’s only practical alternative in the next 12 months for reasons highlighted earlier. We have added to exposure in Russia as external and local debt valuations already account for very negative scenarios for Russia’s credit profile. Russia’s sovereign spread trades at a level that exceeds spreads for bonds from many countries with single B ratings. In addition, we have continued to add to some existing overweights in countries where we believe fundamental credit improvements are not fully appreciated by markets. Dominican Republic is a good example. In our view, Dominican Republic benefits from strong U.S. growth as tourism and remittance revenues increase and institutional improvements to monetary and fiscal policy should be supportive. We believe Dominican Republic bonds are attractive in the current environment.

To fund these purchases, we reduced our exposure in Poland and Colombia over the course of the last 6 months and more recently reduced our overweight in Turkey that has performed well, benefiting from the decline in oil prices. We also began reducing exposure in Brazil external sovereign debt beginning in July as Brazil outperformed throughout much of 3Q 2014 until September, with spreads at below 150 basis points for ten-year and shorter maturity bonds. Brazil sovereign bonds, like other relatively low volatility debt in emerging markets, hit turbulence in September due to external factors, but Brazil’s presidential election was also a key source of volatility. Lastly, we have avoided investments in many of the newer entrants in our benchmark, particularly smaller countries from sub-Sahara Africa that may come under further selling pressure if terms of trade weaken due to falling commodity prices. Nevertheless, as valuations become more attractive to us on some of these countries, we may look for opportunities to selectively add exposure to this region.

As we head into 2015, EM growth continues to face headwinds with leverage still rising in most EMs, fiscal and monetary policies that are generally no longer supportive, and falling commodity prices. However, these risk factors are balanced with supportive external factors that are poised to aid EM growth – namely, better U.S. growth, record high global savings and low core rates that support capital flows to EMs, and commodity prices that are benefitting importers, such as China, India, Korea, and Thailand, among others.

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

The total return of the Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the 6 month period ended November 30, 2014

was -6.63% (net of expenses) and -6.19% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of -4.50% for the J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified.

The Fund underperformed its benchmark as a result of both country and issue selection decisions. The largest source of underperformance came from overweights in Russia and Venezuela. We held an underweight in Russia until July when the ruble began to weaken as the conflict with Ukraine escalated. Local bond yields rose sharply. We gradually increased our position to an overweight in August based on our view that there would be no further meaningful increase in western financial sanctions, particularly for sovereign assets. During the reporting period, oil prices fell



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



over 45%, reducing Russia’s fiscal revenues. While the devaluation of the ruble neutralized the impact on both the fiscal accounts and balance of payments, it had a direct implication on portfolio performance. However, given the positive external adjustment taking place and the very high level of real yields, we maintained the Russia overweight through the end of the period. The other main detractor was our position in Venezuela, which suffered this year due to the decline in oil prices and because of a delay in an expected devaluation of the bolivar that has in turn caused concerns that Venezuela will lose international reserves. The market grew impatient waiting for devaluation and the bonds suffered accordingly. Notwithstanding the decline in oil prices, we maintained our view that Venezuela has the means and the strong desire to service its external debt stock and believe the government understands that the cost to default is higher than the cost to service the debt.

In addition, underweights in South Africa and Thailand, as well as the Fund’s overall duration underweight detracted from relative performance. The underweight position in South Africa reflected our view that the weak growth profile should lead to a steady deterioration of credit-worthiness. However, this position detracted from excess returns as South Africa outperformed due to an increase in economic activity after the cessation of platinum strikes in July and as the general decline in global interest rates supported this long duration fixed income market. We maintained duration underweight positions in several countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Thailand, and Turkey; all of which detracted from performance.

Positions that enhanced returns during the period included an overweight in Argentina, Indonesia, and Turkey. In Indonesia, we have held an overweight position since the start of the year based on our view that Indonesia is rebalancing, growing and has a tailwind of support from a new government. We believe that this story is still intact with the recent election of Joko Widodo as the new President. President Widodo faces challenges in implementing reforms with an opposition parliament, but we believe fuel subsidy cuts remain an important policy change, and will support market sentiment toward the rupiah.

The divergence between the U.S. and European monetary policy continues to be a key theme at a global level as the ECB moves towards further easing at a time when the Fed is slowly moving towards the exit. We are concerned that with poor growth, the Euro will continue to weaken and central European markets might underperform further. This problem is compounded by the very low yields available in the region, with Poland, Hungary and Romania representing three of the four lowest-yielding countries in the index. Given the poor risk-reward of investment in the Eurozone in our view, we have reduced our central European position by reducing Poland and Romania to underweights. Hungary remains the largest underweight in the portfolio. The offsets to this exposure are our positions in Russia and Turkey where much higher yields are still available. Elsewhere, the adjustment has just begun and we maintain Colombia at neutral and have increased our underweight in Nigeria. We retain the off-index position in Venezuela as we expect market-positive reforms in 2015 and valuations remain compelling, in our view. For oil exporters, the benefits are less tangible, but Turkey should likely benefit from lower inflation and smaller current account deficit. We therefore increased the overweight to near 3% in November.

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

The total return of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the twelve month period ended November 30, 2014 was 0.87% (net of expenses) and 1.37% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 1.28% for the J.P. Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index Broad Diversified (CEMBI Broad Diversified). Corporate bond credit spreads over comparable maturity U.S. Treasury securities tightened by 25 basis points, ending the period at 318 basis points. Contributions to the index total return by corporate debt from each of the major EM were mixed for the period. Asia, Latin America and Middle East enhanced overall index returns, while Africa and Central Europe detracted. Returns varied considerably at the index country level, from approximately -25% for Ukraine’s sub index to positive 30% for Mongolia’s. Performance of the EM corporate sector weakened along with the downturn in oil prices during the period; commodity and oil producers continued to underperform. We believe that cross over high yield fund selling contributed to the decline.

The Fund outperformed its benchmark largely as a result of issue selection decisions in several countries including Indonesia, Brazil, and Russia, despite a broad based decline in the EM sector that seemed to suggest that markets were focused more on macroeconomic and technical factors, rather than company and country fundamentals. Corporate bonds in Indonesia were supported by election results that secured the presidency for the market favorite candidate Joko Widodo. Likewise, the key driver of Brazil corporate debt returns was the presidential election; however, the re-election of incumbent Dilma Rousseff, in our view, is a negative for Brazilian asset prices. Central and Eastern European corporates, particularly Russian corporates, were under pressure as oil prices declined precipitously throughout the latter half of the review period. Another significant contributor to returns was the underweight exposure to Ukraine corporate debt. The weakness in Ukraine corporate debt resulted from ongoing hostilities in Ukraine’s Donbass region as well as expectations of continuing decline in Ukraine’s economic activity. In addition, issue selection in food & beverage and metals/mining/steel industries enhanced performance.

Primary detractors from performance were overweight corporate positions in Venezuela, Indonesia, Brazil, and Ghana. Oil-related credits in Venezuela and Brazil, as well as an independent oil and gas producer from Ghana, suffered as oil price continued to decline during the latter half of







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



the period. Issue selection in Mexico and Kazakhstan also detracted from performance. Issue selection within the Exploration & Production (E&P) industry and among property developers/real estate managers also detracted from relative returns during the period.

Despite recent return volatility, many sectors of the EM corporate debt market remained resilient. We took advantage of recent market movements to modestly realign the portfolio, favoring higher yielding non-investment grade positions that had lagged the broader market. The largest relative change came in the BBB sector. We reduced overall exposure to BBB rated corporate debt across a variety of countries and industries as a result of case by case review of relative value at the company level. At the industry level, we made the largest changes in banking where we reduced exposure. The credit specific valuation assessments have been the drivers of these decisions but also our heightened concern about the impact of currency weakness on these companies’ balance sheets. These sales have funded increases in exposure in the Building Products, E&P, Food and Beverage, and Media Cable industries. We continue to hold an overweight in Brazil corporates relative to benchmark but at a materially reduced level compared to the start of 2014. We also hold relative overweights in Argentina and Trinidad. Most recently, we’ve added to electricity credits in Chile, Israel and South Korea. By coincidence, all three countries are net oil importers and may benefit from the recent oil price decline.

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund

The Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Portfolio (the “Fund”) performance since inception through November 30, 2014 was -0.70% (net of expenses) and -0.60% (gross of expenses). This compares to a blended benchmark (50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified / 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified) return of -0.35%. At the close of the reporting period, the Fund allocated approximately 44.9% to local currency debt, 51.8% to external sovereign debt, and 2.3% to hard currency corporate debt, with cash representing 0.9% of the Fund. The Fund’s asset allocation mix varied throughout the review period, driven by tactical asset allocation decisions based on portfolio management’s assessment of relative value opportunities and global market risks. Relative to the benchmark, local currency allocation decisions detracted 43 basis points from excess returns. The largest contributor to this result was an overweight in the Russian ruble, which depreciated by approximately 30% over the period. Hard currency corporate allocations reduced relative returns by 1 basis point. Hard currency sovereign allocations, and tactical asset allocation decisions, on the other hand, contributed 19 basis points and 15 basis points, respectively. Miscellaneous differences, a result of holding modestly lower U.S. Treasury duration than that of the blended benchmark, detracted 16 basis points from relative total returns.

Within the hard currency sovereign allocation, our overweights in Venezuela and Russia detracted most from performance. We have based our rationale for investing in Venezuela external sovereign U.S. dollar debt on fundamental credit assessments and what we believe are very attractive valuations in the current market environment. We view Venezuela’s near term payment obligations as manageable absent a more significant and sustained decline in oil prices. The key issue remains whether Venezuela’s government will continue to prioritize cash receipts from oil sales to pay debt. In our view, Venezuela will continue to do so to maintain joint venture partnerships and foreign investment in the energy sector and to protect oil shipments and foreign assets from attachment in foreign jurisdictions. At current spread and bond price levels, we believe Venezuela’s external sovereign debt is an attractive tactical opportunity. We fully recognize the volatility that is inherent in this exposure but believe current valuations combined with cash flow support from oil exports and the pragmatic reasons supporting the government’s ongoing willingness to fulfill its debt obligations support our overweight. The Fund’s positioning in Russia reflects our view that the country’s ability and willingness to repay debt obligations remains strong despite the recent declines in oil prices and depreciation of the ruble. In addition, while the U.S. and Europe may tighten existing measures against Russia, we believe the risk of a significant acceleration in western financial sanctions remains low as the situation in Ukraine appears to be stabilizing. In addition, as we see it, Russia’s high levels of international reserves and low levels of outstanding public debt supports Russia’s creditworthiness and our overweight. However, the significant fall in oil prices worked against us during the review period. Other detractors from excess returns included underweights in Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, and allocations in hard currency corporate debt in Brazil and Colombia.

On the other hand, the biggest contributors within the hard currency allocation included an overweight and issue selection in Argentina, and issue selection in Venezuela and Russia. Positions in Argentina hard currency debt reflected our view that local law, US-dollar denominated debt was attractive. Other contributors included overweights in Dominican Republic, Ivory Coast, and Indonesia. An underweight in Poland and issue selection in Brazil and Kazakhstan also enhanced relative performance.

Within the local currency allocation, an overweight in the Russian ruble and an underweight in South African rand detracted from performance. While the devaluation of the ruble neutralized the impact on both the fiscal accounts and balance of payments, it had a direct implication on portfolio performance. However, given the positive external adjustment taking place and the very high level of real yields, we maintained the Russia overweight through the end of the period. Issue selection in Indonesia and Turkey also detracted from relative returns during the period. The Fund’s overweight in the Indonesian ringgit and the Turkish lira, as well as an underweight in the Nigerian naira enhanced performance. In Indonesia, we have held an overweight position since the start of the year based on our view that Indonesia is rebalancing, growing, and has a tailwind of support from potential policy reforms. We believe that this story is still intact with the recent election of Joko Widodo as the new



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



President. President Widodo faces challenges in implementing reforms with an opposition parliament, but we believe fuel subsidy cuts remain an important policy change, and will support market sentiment toward the rupiah.

We are interpreting the current market environment as an opportunity to maintain or increase our existing positions in credits that we believe will benefit from country specific developments over the next 12 months. Our key overweights in external sovereign debt are in Argentina, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela. In each case, we believe significant spread compression is possible in the near term. To fund these purchases, we reduced our exposure in Poland and Hungary over the course of the last 6 months. We have also made adjustments within the local currency allocation. Given the poor risk-reward of investment in the Euro-area, in our view, we have reduced our central European position by reducing Poland and Romania to an underweight. Poland remains the largest underweight in the portfolio. The offsets to this exposure are our positions in Russia and Turkey where we believe much higher yields are still available. At the end of the review period, the Fund remained overweight hard currency sovereign debt. While our total return projections for each of the three sectors of emerging market debt favor local currency over the next 12 months, the key constraint for reducing our underweight in local debt remains evidence of more rapid growth. We believe that improving growth in the U.S. and weaker currencies in emerging market countries may eventually support developed country growth, but this effect seems more likely in the latter part of the coming year.

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

The Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) return for the six months ended November 30, 2014 was -2.12% (net of expenses) and -1.85% (gross of expenses). This compares to a benchmark return of -0.84% for the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index. The high yield market was pressured by tight valuations entering the period, a significant decline in oil prices, the timing and magnitude of the Federal Reserve’s wind down of its asset purchase program, increasing geopolitical risks, and weak market technicals including record mutual fund outflows.

At the start of the review period, U.S. economic growth appeared to be accelerating with 2Q and 3Q 2014 reporting the strongest back-to-back growth since 2003. Europe, however, appeared to be weakening. Concern over the European economic outlook and deflation risk prompted the ECB to lower rates and institute an asset purchase program with indications of future more aggressive action. The decline in oil prices had a significant negative impact on the energy sector and the market as a whole, as the sector represented 18% of the index and 19% of total new issuance during the period. Underlying credit quality for the market in general remained healthy. High yield spreads, as represented by the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index, widened 97 basis points to end the period at 492 basis points, and the average yield rose 1.14% to end the period at 6.22%.

Top performing industries included Auto, Transportation-other, and Airlines due to the positive effects of lower oil prices. The bottom performers included Gaming, from increased competition and structural changes in the industry; Energy, driven by lower oil prices; and Metals/Mining, primarily from the impact on coal companies from lower prices and additional regulations. Interest rate-sensitive BB rated bonds outperformed both B and CCC securities (S&P ratings), according to the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped index due to increased market volatility and a decline in interest rates. Longer duration securities, which tend to be higher quality, significantly outperformed shorter duration bonds due to the decline in interest rates. Credit trends continued to be positive in the high yield market. The par-weighted default rate declined to 1.92% from 2.11% at the beginning of the period, well below the long term average of 3.81%; and recovery rates at 51% remain above the long term average of 41% according to J.P. Morgan. We believe default rates will continue to remain low over the intermediate term as healthy capital markets conditions enable companies to extend maturities and company fundamentals remain solid. However, if oil prices remain at current levels or decline further, we would expect to see an increase in defaults due to deteriorating fundamentals in the Energy sector. The market had more companies upgraded to investment grade (rising stars) than companies downgraded to high yield (fallen angels) and there were more companies with ratings upgrades than downgrades on both a volume and issuer basis. The new issue market remained robust with slightly less issuance than last year’s record setting volume. The majority of funds continue to be used for refinancing outstanding debt; however, the amount of funds used for acquisition purposes has significantly increased.

The portfolio underperformed its benchmark primarily as a result of issue selection decisions. Issue selection within the Energy, Textile, and Food sectors were the main detractors from performance. However, these were partially offset by issue selection in the Gaming industry. Industry selection also slightly detracted from performance due to an underweight in Finance and Services-other. This was almost completely offset by an underweight in the Energy and an overweight to the Cable & Media and Utilities sectors. An underweight to the BB sector detracted from performance but was offset by the underweight to CCC securities, which enhanced performance.

Leveraged markets continue to be supported by, in our view, positive underlying fundamentals with healthy earnings, a worldwide accommodative monetary policy, accelerating U.S. economic growth, and a stabilizing, although weak, European economy. Default rates remain low, although we expect an increase if oil prices remain or decline from current levels for an extended period of time. Overall company balance sheets are solid, in our view, with reasonable leverage, high cash balances, and fewer near term maturities. We remain overweight B rated securities relative to BB







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



rated bonds, as we believe the quality sector should outperform on attractive valuations and lower interest rate sensitivities. Our current expectations are that the market should experience more positive events than negative events. The largest portfolio industry overweights currently include Telecommunications, due to its strong cash flow characteristics; Food/Beverage/Bottling sectors, due to its strong cash flow characteristics and brand value, and Cable & Media, as it is our view that the industry is consolidating and our holdings will benefit from M&A activity. The largest portfolio industry underweights include Services-Other, as it consists of a large number of asset-light companies; Finance-other, as we believe highly leveraged financial companies are at a competitive disadvantage to investment grade companies with their lower cost of capital; and Energy, with the decline in oil prices and the potential effect from reduced drilling activity .

Leveraged markets, particularly the U.S. market, have been negatively impacted by the decline in oil prices. We expect this volatility to continue until prices reach a level that is supported by supply/demand and the uncertainty of longer term fundamentals can be better evaluated by the market. While we currently expect market volatility to continue, we are constructive on the overall market fundamentals and valuations. In our view, market risks include the impact of lower energy prices on the Energy sector’s access to capital, increased geopolitical risk, a slowdown in global growth, and the impact of higher mortgage rates on housing.

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

The total return of the Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the six months ended November 30, 2014 was 1.35% (net of expenses) and 1.60% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 1.92% for the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index. The Fund underperformed its benchmark as a result of certain asset allocation and individual credit decisions. The Fund’s underperformance was primarily driven by a decision to maintain a shorter duration relative to its benchmark. With government yields well below levels from the beginning at 2014, the bigger risk appeared to be for higher rates. A shorter duration position under those circumstances would have benefitted the Fund. There was also some underperformance caused by the Fund’s exposure to energy-related issuers, although most of it was offset by favorable performance in other corporate sectors as well as securitized assets.

The past six months have been dominated by two main themes, the growing risk of deflation in the Eurozone and the more recent sharp decline in the price of oil. Overall government bond yields have declined with U.S. Treasury 10-year yields declining to 2.2% from 2.45%, German 10-year yield to 0.7% from 1.36%, and UK 10-year Gilts declining to 1.93% from 2.57%. Despite the positive environment for government bonds, credit has performed poorly with U.S. investment grade corporate spreads widening 23 bps, translating into an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 1.25%. U.S. High Yield Spreads widened by 98 bps, an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 2.09%. Emerging market USD bond spreads widened some 43 bps translating into an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 1.83%. In USD terms, Emerging Market Local Currency debt fell 4.32% over the past six months, which compares to a positive return for the U.S. Treasury market of 1.54%.

At the beginning of the period under review, headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation stood at 0.7% over the previous reported twelve months. Over the subsequent six months, this fell to 0.3% year-over-year (yoy). Over the same period, core inflation has fallen to 0.7% from 1.0%. With the recent declines in the oil price, it is likely that there will be further falls in inflation. Indeed, it is likely that all European countries will report negative yoy inflation in early 2015. While there has been some improvement in the growth profile of peripheral countries, the output gaps remain large and many of these countries are currently experiencing deflation. It is the growth profile of the major economies that continues to deteriorate. France has just avoided a technical recession; Germany has done so by little more than a statistical rounding error; and Italy is in recession. Faced with a continued underperformance of its inflation mandate, the European Central Bank (ECB) has responded by inching towards full scale quantitative easing. Over the last six months, they have announced the introduction of the Targeted Long Term Refinancing Operations (TLTRO’s) together with the resumption the Asset Backed Securities (ABS) and Covered Bond purchases. Perhaps most importantly, the stated intention of these has moved from one of improving the flow of credit to end borrowers to a large expansion of the ECB’s balance sheet. So far, the TLTRO’s and asset purchases have failed to expand the ECB’s balance sheet forcing it to consider further unconventional measures. The specter of ECB quantitative easing, together with an extension of the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ’s) program has been a major force behind the decline in global government bond yields.

At the end of May, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil traded at $100. It closed November at $66. Most markedly, the oil price decline has been exponential with larger percentage declines occurring as the price has declines. Data suggests that an excess supply of 2 million barrels per day exists. In addition, there have been very substantial position liquidations in the futures market. So far, despite clear stress in a number of oil producing markets, such as Russia and Venezuela, there has been no response from OPEC with production cuts ruled out. The various explanation of this range from market orientated considerations through to conspiratorial theories including: (i) Opec may not have cut production at this juncture for fear that a failure to succeed will damage their credibility, in other words it is better to intervene once the market has found a bottom; (ii) Saudi Arabia is targeting a reduction in shale gas production in the U.S. and understands that this will take time and is willing to live with low prices in the interim; or (iii) that Saudi is also concerned to put pressure on Russia as punishment for supporting Assad in Syria. Whatever the truth, and only time will tell, the fall in oil prices has put pressure on credit markets. Oil producers have led the decline in emerging market performance,



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



both local and hard currency, and oil companies have far and away accounted for the majority of the spread widening in the high yield market. Our positioning in both these asset classes has been negatively impacted by the decline in oil prices.

Looking ahead to the next twelve months, we are focusing on three key issues. The decline in oil prices should likely have a positive impact on growth prospects in developed markets and a number of the emerging economies, while at the same time lowering reported inflation. We expect that the ECB will focus on the risks of lower inflation expectations as a consequence of this. Conversely, the Fed, with growth already strong, will likely focus on the risk of rising wage pressure as a result of stronger employment. The ECB is likely to launch a program of quantitative easing in early 2015, whereas we believe the Fed will start the drumbeat of higher rates with a view to raising rates in mid 2015. Government bond yields are expected to rise. Corporate credit markets should ultimately perform well, in our view, benefitting from stronger growth and lower input prices, suggesting improved profit margins. Ultimately, stronger developed market growth should raise the demand for oil. At the same time, we think production cuts from U.S. shale fields are likely as we move through mid-year 2015. While near term clarity is limited, we expect that more balanced supply and demand metrics will help the oil price improve during the second half of 2015. Emerging market debt will likely benefit from this, in our view.

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

The total return of the Strategic Income Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the 6 month period ended November 30, 2014 was -0.01% (net of expenses) and 0.34% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 1.98% for the Barclays Global Credit Total Return Index (Hedged into USD). The Fund underperformed its benchmark as a result of certain asset allocation and individual credit decisions. The Fund’s investments in the high yield and emerging debt sectors were negative contributors to performance, as both markets underperformed the investment grade sector. The market weight of the Fund’s investments in high yield and emerging debt exceeded the weight of those sectors represented in the benchmark. This asset allocation effect accounted for less than half of the Fund’s total relative underperformance. In addition to the negative impact of asset allocation, the Fund’s investments in high yield and emerging debt also underperformed benchmarks for their respective sectors. These negative security selection effects accounted for much of the Fund’s underperformance beyond the asset allocation effects discussed earlier.

The past six months have been dominated by two main themes, the growing risk of deflation in the Eurozone and the more recent sharp decline in the price of oil. Overall government bond yields have declined with U.S. Treasury 10-year yields declining to 2.2% from 2.45%, German 10-year yield to 0.7% from 1.36%, and UK 10-year Gilts declining to 1.93% from 2.57%. Despite the positive environment for government bonds, credit has performed poorly with U.S. investment grade corporate spreads widening 23 bps, translating into an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 1.25%. U.S. High Yield Spreads widened by 98 bps, an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 2.09%. Emerging market USD bond spreads widened some 43 bps translating into an underperformance relative to U.S. Treasuries of 1.83%. In USD terms, Emerging Market Local Currency debt fell 4.32% over the past six months, which compares to a positive return for the U.S. Treasury market of 1.54%.

At the beginning of the period under review, headline CPI inflation stood at 0.7% over the previous reported twelve months. Over the subsequent six months, this fell to 0.3% year-over-year (yoy). Over the same period, core inflation has fallen to 0.7% from 1.0%. With the recent declines in the oil price, it is likely that there will be further falls in inflation. Indeed it is likely that all European countries will report negative yoy inflation in early 2015. While there has been some improvement in the growth profile of peripheral countries, the output gaps remain large and many of these countries are currently experiencing deflation. It is the growth profile of the major economies that continues to deteriorate. France has just avoided a technical recession; Germany has done so by little more than a statistical rounding error; and Italy is in recession. Faced with a continued underperformance of its inflation mandate, the European Central Bank (ECB) has responded by inching towards full scale quantitative easing. Over the last six months, they have announced the introduction of the Targeted Long Term Refinancing Operations (TLTRO’s) together with the resumption the ABS and Covered Bond purchases. Perhaps most importantly, the stated intention of these has moved from one of improving the flow of credit to end borrowers to a large expansion of the ECB’s balance sheet. So far, the TLTRO’s and asset purchases have failed to expand the ECB’s balance sheet forcing it to consider further unconventional measures. The specter of ECB quantitative easing, together with an extension of the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ’s) program has been a major force behind the decline in global government bond yields.

At the end of May, WTI oil traded at $100. It closed November at $66. Most markedly, the oil price decline has been exponential with larger percentage declines occurring as the price has declines. Data suggests that an excess supply of 2 million barrels per day exists. In addition, there have been very substantial position liquidations in the futures market. So far, despite clear stress in a number of oil producing markets, such as Russia and Venezuela, there has been no response from OPEC with production cuts ruled out. The various explanation of this range from market orientated considerations through to conspiratorial theories including: (i) Opec may not have cut production at this juncture for fear that a failure to succeed will damage their credibility, in other words it is better to intervene once the market has found a bottom; (ii) Saudi Arabia is targeting a reduction in shale gas production in the U.S. and understands that this will take time and is willing to live with low prices in the interim; or (iii) that Saudi is also concerned to put pressure on Russia as punishment for supporting Assad in Syria. Whatever the truth, and only time will tell, the fall in oil prices has put pressure on credit markets. Oil producers have led the decline in emerging market performance, both local and hard currency,







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Shareholder Letter





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



and oil companies have far and away accounted for the majority of the spread widening in the high yield market. Our positioning in both these asset classes has been negatively impacted by the decline in oil prices.

Looking ahead to the next twelve months, we are focusing on three key issues. The decline in oil prices should likely have a positive impact on growth prospects in developed markets and a number of the emerging economies, while at the same time lowering reported inflation. We expect that the ECB will focus on the risks of lower inflation expectations as a consequence of this. Conversely, the Fed, with growth already strong, will likely focus on the risk of rising wage pressure as a result of stronger employment. The ECB is likely to launch a program of quantitative easing in early 2015, whereas we believe the Fed will start the drumbeat of higher rates with a view to raising rates in mid 2015. Government bond yields are expected to rise. Corporate credit markets should ultimately perform well, in our view, benefitting from stronger growth and lower input prices, suggesting improved profit margins. Ultimately, stronger developed market growth should raise the demand for oil. At the same time, we think production cuts from U.S. shale fields are likely as we move through mid-year 2015. While near term clarity is limited, we expect that more balanced supply and demand metrics will help the oil price improve during the second half of 2015. Emerging market debt will likely benefit from this, in our view.




Thomas K. Flanagan

Chairman of the Board of Trustees



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Disclosure of Fund Expenses





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Example. As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and/or redemption fees (if applicable) and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees and other Fund expenses. The below examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested on June 1, 2014 and held until November 30, 2014.

Actual Expenses. The first line of each table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes. The second line of each table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in a Fund and other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect transactional costs, such as redemption fees, sales charges (loads) or exchange fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Disclosure of Fund Expenses





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Account Value
June 1, 2014
Account Value
November 30, 2014
Paid During



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $     984.50    0.69%   $      3.43

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,021.61    0.69%   $      3.50



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $     978.80    0.57%   $      2.83

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,022.21    0.57%   $      2.89



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $     933.70    0.88%   $      4.27

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,020.66    0.88%   $      4.46



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $  1,008.70    1.00%   $      5.04

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,020.05    1.00%   $      5.06



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $  1,013.50    0.50%   $      2.52

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,022.56    0.50%   $      2.54



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $     999.90    0.11%   $      0.55

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,024.52    0.11%   $      0.56



Institutional Class



   $    1,000.00    $     993.00    0.10%   $      0.11

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

   $    1,000.00    $  1,024.57    0.10%   $      0.51



Annualized, based on the Fund’s most recent fiscal half-year expenses.


Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year (183), divided by 365. Note this expense example is typically based on a six-month period.


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund commenced operations on October 21, 2014. For purposes of calculating the “Actual” figures, actual number of days from commencement of operations through November 30, 2014 were used (41 days).



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Summaries of Portfolio Holdings





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Under SEC Rules, all funds are required to include in their annual and semi-annual shareholder reports a presentation of portfolio holdings in a table, chart or graph by reasonably identifiable categories. The following tables, which present holdings as a percent of total net assets (“TNA”), are provided in compliance with such requirements.



Country Breakdown    % of TNA




















Dominican Republic






South Africa








Costa Rica




El Salvador




Ivory Coast










































Sri Lanka








United Arab Emirates






Short Term Investments



Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities



Total Net Assets




Industry Breakdown    % of TNA


Exploration & Production


Media Cable














Media Other








Paper/Forest Products


Industrial Other




Building Products


Consumer Products










Retail Non Food/Drug




Retail Food/Drug






Home Builders


Financial Other




Environmental Services


Services Other


Non Captive Finance




Gas Pipelines










Common/Preferred Stocks



Money Market Fund



Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities



Total Net Assets





Amount represents less than 0.005% of net assets.








Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Summaries of Portfolio Holdings





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Country Breakdown    % of TNA


















South Africa












Short Term Investments



Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities



Total Net Assets




Country Breakdown    % of TNA






United Arab Emirates










Hong Kong














South Korea
























Saudi Arabia






South Africa








Short Term Investments



Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities



Total Net Assets






Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Summaries of Portfolio Holdings





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Industry Breakdown    % of TNA


U.S. Government Agency Mortgage Backed


U.S. Treasury Bonds/Notes




Asset Backed/Commercial Mortgage Backed




Retail Non Food/Drug


Exploration & Production


Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs)


Media Non Cable


Life Insurance






Retail Food/Drug


Food and Beverage




Health Insurance


Paper/Forest Products


Media Cable


Non Captive Finance








Property & Casualty Insurance








Oil Field Services








Money Market Fund



Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets



Total Net Assets




     % of TNA


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund






Money Market Fund



Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities



Total Net Assets



     % of TNA


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund






Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets



Total Net Assets










Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund and the J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Diversified (J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified). Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Average Annual Total Returns (Commencement of Operations, August 16, 2007)


      6 Months   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   Since Inception  

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   -1.55%   7.18%   4.76%   6.88%   7.92%  

J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified

   1.56%   10.53%   7.36%   8.15%   8.47%  

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund and the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index. Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Average Annual Total Returns (Commencement of Operations, August 16, 2007)


      6 Months   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   Since Inception  

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

   -2.12%   3.01%   9.32%   8.79%   7.59%  

Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index

   -0.84%   4.21%   9.41%   9.67%   8.50%  

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and the J.P. Morgan Global Bond Index – Emerging Markets Global Diversified (J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified). Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Average Annual Total Returns (Commencement of Operations, June 30, 2010)


      6 Months    1 Year    3 Years    Since Inception  

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

   -6.63%    -2.93%    -1.07%    1.40%  

J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified

   -4.50%    -0.33%    1.62%    3.64%  

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Emerging Market Corporate Debt Fund and the J.P. Morgan Corporate Emerging Market Bond Index – Broad Diversified (J.P. Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified). Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Average Annual Total Returns (Commencement of Operations, June 1, 2011)


     6 Months   1 Year    3 Year    Since Inception    

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

  0.87%   6.82%    6.81%    2.61%    

J.P. Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified

  1.28%   7.20%    7.25%    5.50%    

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund and the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index. Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Cumulative Returns (Commencement of Operations, December 19, 2013)


        3 Months      6 Months      Since Inception      

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

     0.38%      1.35%      5.82%      

Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index

     1.01%      1.92%      5.60%      

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund and the Barclays Global Credit Total Return Index (Hedged USD). Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Cumulative Returns (Commencement of Operations, December 19, 2013)


     3 Months        6 Months      Since Inception      

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

    -1.24%         -0.01%      5.72%      

Barclays Global Credit Total Return Index (Hedged USD)

    0.36%         1.98%      6.81%      

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Growth of $10,000 Investment





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund and the Blend Index (50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index and 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index). Please refer to page 98 for detailed benchmark descriptions.



Cumulative Returns (Commencement of Operations, October 21, 2014)


        1 Month      Since Inception      

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund

     -1.29%      -0.70%      

Blend Index (50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Index

    and 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index)

     -0.61%      -0.35%      

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)

SOVEREIGN DEBT OBLIGATIONS - 76.61%              

Argentina - 4.44%


Republic of Argentina:

   USD      7.000     10/03/2015         36,244,708           $ 35,126,156         
   USD      7.000     04/17/2017         54,459,205         50,421,659         
   EUR      5.870     03/31/2023         1,540,000         1,150,442(1)      
   USD      0.000     03/31/2023         184,000         212,520(1)      
   USD      6.000     03/31/2023         7,841,000         9,056,355(1)      
   EUR      8.500     07/01/2049         700,000         918,293(1)      







Azerbaijan - 0.75%


Republic of Azerbaijan

   USD      4.750     03/18/2024         16,005,000         16,345,106(2)      




Brazil - 4.13%


Brazil Loan Trust 1

   USD      5.477     07/24/2023         19,576,715         20,335,313(2)      

Brazil Minas SPE via State of Minas Gerais

   USD      5.333     02/15/2028         1,479,000         1,490,092(3)      

Republic of Brazil:

   USD      2.625     01/05/2023         3,729,000         3,448,393         
   USD      4.250     01/07/2025         17,402,000         17,828,349         
   USD      8.750     02/04/2025         834,000         1,160,302         
   USD      8.250     01/20/2034         12,755,000         17,841,056         
   USD      7.125     01/20/2037         21,858,000         27,950,918         







Colombia - 3.79%


Bogota Distrio Capital

   COP      9.750     07/26/2028         7,870,000,000         4,369,866(3)      

Republic of Colombia:

   COP      12.000     10/22/2015         4,798,000,000         2,291,341         
   USD      7.375     01/27/2017         1,838,000         2,070,507         
   USD      7.375     03/18/2019         6,147,000         7,367,179         
   USD      11.750     02/25/2020         4,338,000         6,208,762         
   COP      7.750     04/14/2021         5,210,000,000         2,652,833         
   USD      4.375     07/12/2021         12,912,000         13,851,348         
   USD      2.625     03/15/2023         814,000         768,620         
   USD      4.000     02/26/2024         8,519,000         8,812,906         
   USD      8.125     05/21/2024         25,000         33,562         
   COP      9.850     06/28/2027         8,281,000,000         4,908,424         
   USD      10.375     01/28/2033         2,006,000         3,184,525         
   USD      7.375     09/18/2037         13,959,000         18,984,240         
   USD      6.125     01/18/2041         387,000         467,786         
   USD      5.625     02/26/2044         5,930,000         6,752,788         







Costa Rica - 1.92%


Republic of Costa Rica:

   USD      4.250     01/26/2023         19,119,000         18,151,101(3)      
   USD      4.375     04/30/2025         4,745,000         4,403,953(3)      
   USD      4.375     04/30/2025         5,728,000         5,316,300(2)      
   USD      7.000     04/04/2044         13,630,000         13,979,269(2)      







Croatia - 1.44%


Croatian Government:

   USD      6.750     11/05/2019         3,746,000         4,186,155(3)      
   USD      5.500     04/04/2023         14,955,000         15,777,525(3)      







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Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Croatia (continued)


Croatian Government: (continued)

   USD      6.000     01/26/2024         10,520,000           $ 11,453,650(2)      







Dominican Republic - 3.78%


Dominican Republic:

   USD      9.040     01/23/2018         11,110,546         12,082,719(3)      
   USD      7.500     05/06/2021         36,382,000         41,202,615(3)      
   USD      6.600     01/28/2024         12,823,000         14,105,300(3)      
   USD      5.875     04/18/2024         9,929,000         10,425,450(2)      
   USD      7.450     04/30/2044         4,091,000         4,622,830(2)      







El Salvador - 1.74%


Republic of El Salvador:

   USD      7.375     12/01/2019         220,000         245,437(2)      
   USD      7.375     12/01/2019         2,068,000         2,307,113(3)      
   USD      7.750     01/24/2023         4,320,000         4,927,500(3)      
   USD      5.875     01/30/2025         4,407,000         4,453,824(2)      
   USD      6.375     01/18/2027         6,844,000         7,100,650(2)      
   USD      8.250     04/10/2032         4,000,000         4,720,000(3)      
   USD      7.650     06/15/2035         12,924,000         14,305,253(3)      







Gabon - 0.46%


Republic of Gabon:

   USD      8.200     12/12/2017         50,000         55,750(2)      
   USD      6.375     12/12/2024         9,674,347         9,964,577(2)      







Ghana - 0.52%


Republic of Ghana:

   USD      8.500     10/04/2017         2,641,000         2,779,653(3)      
   USD      7.875     08/07/2023         6,267,000         6,235,665(2)      
   USD      8.125     01/18/2026         2,379,000         2,373,052(2)      







Honduras - 0.80%


Republic of Honduras

   USD      8.750     12/16/2020         15,358,000         17,508,120(3)      




Hungary - 1.33%


Republic of Hungary:

   GBP      5.000     03/30/2016         670,000         1,085,992         
   USD      6.375     03/29/2021         15,182,000         17,458,403         
   USD      5.750     11/22/2023         9,410,000         10,445,269         







Indonesia - 7.05%


Republic of Indonesia:

   USD      6.875     01/17/2018         9,123,000         10,363,728(3)      
   USD      11.625     03/04/2019         2,170,000         2,926,787(2)      
   USD      11.625     03/04/2019         18,110,000         24,425,863(3)      
   IDR      7.875     04/15/2019         59,940,000,000         4,967,987         
   USD      5.875     03/13/2020         2,977,000         3,345,404(3)      
   USD      4.875     05/05/2021         8,484,000         9,120,300(3)      
   USD      3.750     04/25/2022         418,000         421,135(3)      



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Indonesia (continued)


Republic of Indonesia: (continued)

   IDR      7.000     05/15/2022         16,100,000,000           $ 1,266,470         
   USD      3.375     04/15/2023         22,727,000         21,931,555(2)      
   USD      5.375     10/17/2023         10,731,000         11,884,582(3)      
   IDR      8.375     03/15/2024         70,009,000,000         6,014,785         
   IDR      9.000     03/15/2029         46,100,000,000         4,121,198         
   USD      8.500     10/12/2035         12,260,000         17,301,925(3)      
   USD      6.625     02/17/2037         10,764,000         12,836,070(3)      
   USD      7.750     01/17/2038         17,156,000         22,860,370(3)      







Iraq - 0.34%


Republic of Iraq

   USD      5.800     01/15/2028         8,331,000         7,310,453(3)      




Ivory Coast - 1.51%


Ivory Coast Government:

   USD      5.375     07/23/2024         3,119,000         3,025,430(2)      
   USD      7.774     12/31/2032         30,799,000         29,952,027(3)(4)      







Jamaica - 0.93%


Jamaican Government:

   USD      10.625     06/20/2017         2,278,000         2,642,480         
   USD      7.625     07/09/2025         16,497,000         17,734,275         







Kazakhstan - 0.38%


Republic of Kazakhstan

   USD      3.875     10/14/2024         8,543,000         8,345,443(2)      




Kenya - 0.36%


Republic of Kenya

   USD      6.875     06/24/2024         7,252,000         7,786,835(2)      




Lithuania - 0.31%


Republic of Lithuania

   USD      6.625     02/01/2022         5,448,000         6,681,836(3)      




Mexico - 5.71%


Mexican Bonos:

   MXN      9.500     12/18/2014         19,143,000         1,379,723         
   MXN      6.250     06/16/2016         137,165,000         10,280,313         
   MXN      8.000     12/07/2023         219,919,000         18,325,413         

United Mexican States:

   USD      5.950     03/19/2019         42,000         48,090         
   USD      4.000     10/02/2023         30,844,000         32,578,975         
   USD      6.050     01/11/2040         13,130,000         16,035,012         
   USD      4.750     03/08/2044         19,308,000         19,983,780         
   USD      5.550     01/21/2045         22,480,000         25,964,400         







Morocco - 0.48%


Moroccan Government

   USD      4.250     12/11/2022         10,204,000         10,497,365(2)      




Mozambique - 0.29%


Republic of Mozambique

   USD      6.305     09/11/2020         6,214,000         6,229,535(3)      




Nigeria - 0.70%


Republic of Nigeria:

   USD      6.750     01/28/2021         11,638,000         12,438,113(3)      







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Nigeria (continued)


Republic of Nigeria: (continued)

   USD      6.375     07/12/2023         2,636,000           $ 2,748,030(3)      







Panama - 2.11%


Republic of Panama:

   USD      5.200     01/30/2020         7,121,000         7,890,068         
   USD      9.375     01/16/2023         450,000         621,562         
   USD      8.875     09/30/2027         3,493,000         5,043,019         
   USD      9.375     04/01/2029         19,723,000         29,707,769         
   USD      8.125     04/28/2034         2,063,000         2,846,940         
   USD      6.700     01/26/2036         12,000         15,270         







Paraguay - 0.99%


Republic of Paraguay:

   USD      4.625     01/25/2023         4,242,000         4,358,655(3)      
   USD      4.625     01/25/2023         4,578,000         4,703,895(2)      
   USD      6.100     08/11/2044         11,733,000         12,554,310(2)      







Peru - 1.96%


Republic of Peru:

   USD      7.350     07/21/2025         12,342,000         16,491,997         
   USD      8.750     11/21/2033         10,945,000         17,128,925         
   USD      6.550     03/14/2037         1,970,000         2,561,000         
   USD      5.625     11/18/2050         5,578,000         6,554,150         







Philippines - 1.59%


Republic of Philippines:

   USD      9.500     02/02/2030         9,716,000         15,667,050         
   USD      7.750     01/14/2031         12,895,000         18,488,206         
   USD      6.375     01/15/2032         366,000         473,284         







Poland - 0.08%


Republic of Poland:

   USD      5.000     03/23/2022         1,000         1,131         
   USD      4.000     01/22/2024         1,738,000         1,842,314         







Romania - 1.83%


Romanian Government International Bond:

   USD      6.750     02/07/2022         13,020,000         15,689,100(3)      
   USD      4.375     08/22/2023         8,126,000         8,572,727(3)      
   USD      4.875     01/22/2024         14,268,000         15,578,872(2)      







Russia - 8.35%


Russian Federation:

   RUB      7.500     02/27/2019         123,470,000         2,228,485         
   RUB      6.700     05/15/2019         153,120,000         2,668,839         
   RUB      6.800     12/11/2019         107,180,000         1,845,530         
   RUB      6.400     05/27/2020         74,080,000         1,236,742         
   RUB      7.600     04/14/2021         61,760,000         1,080,800         



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Russia (continued)


Russian Federation: (continued)

   RUB      7.000     08/16/2023         882,200,000           $ 14,375,608         
   USD      12.750     06/24/2028         8,749,000         13,801,547(3)      
   USD      7.500     03/31/2030         131,995,321         144,963,861(3)(4)   







Serbia - 1.10%


Republic of Serbia:

   USD      5.875     12/03/2018         1,505,000         1,599,138(3)      
   USD      7.250     09/28/2021         19,554,000         22,438,215(3)      







Slovenia - 1.11%


Republic of Slovenia:

   USD      5.850     05/10/2023         9,796,000         11,191,129(3)      
   USD      5.250     02/18/2024         11,879,000         13,035,766(2)      







South Africa - 2.21%


Republic of South Africa:

   USD      5.500     03/09/2020         1,914,000         2,114,970         
   USD      5.875     05/30/2022         5,256,000         5,985,270         
   USD      4.665     01/17/2024         5,250,000         5,532,188         
   USD      5.875     09/16/2025         30,244,000         34,667,185         







Sri Lanka - 0.24%


Republic of Sri Lanka:

   USD      5.125     04/11/2019         1,379,000         1,427,265(2)      
   USD      6.250     07/27/2021         3,600,000         3,865,500(3)      







Trinidad - 0.45%


Republic of Trinidad & Tobago

   USD      4.375     01/16/2024         8,957,000         9,763,130(2)      




Turkey - 5.34%


Republic of Turkey:

   USD      7.250     03/15/2015         30,000         30,525         
   USD      7.000     09/26/2016         2,884,000         3,157,980         
   USD      7.500     07/14/2017         7,869,000         8,882,134         
   USD      6.750     04/03/2018         4,450,000         5,022,937         
   USD      7.000     03/11/2019         3,305,000         3,829,669         
   USD      7.500     11/07/2019         5,407,000         6,454,606         
   USD      7.000     06/05/2020         4,293,000         5,071,106         
   USD      5.125     03/25/2022         12,582,000         13,667,198         
   USD      6.250     09/26/2022         14,127,000         16,387,320         
   USD      3.250     03/23/2023         8,817,000         8,442,278         
   USD      5.750     03/22/2024         1,485,000         1,678,050         
   TRY      9.000     07/24/2024         22,330,000         10,997,128         
   USD      7.375     02/05/2025         22,769,000         28,688,940         
   USD      6.875     03/17/2036         958,000         1,208,277         
   USD      6.000     01/14/2041         1,120,000         1,290,800         
   USD      6.625     02/17/2045         1,383,000         1,727,021         













Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Ukraine - 2.15%


Financing of Infrastrucural Projects State Enterprise

   USD      9.000     12/07/2017         11,276,000           $ 8,406,266(3)      

Ukraine Government:

   USD      6.875     09/23/2015         208,000         175,760(3)      
   USD      6.875     09/23/2015         1,854,000         1,566,630(2)      
   EUR      4.950     10/13/2015         6,532,000         6,822,696(3)      
   USD      6.250     06/17/2016         18,945,000         14,966,550(3)      
   USD      6.580     11/21/2016         14,196,000         11,001,900(3)      
   USD      9.250     07/24/2017         196,000         155,330(3)      
   USD      6.750     11/14/2017         4,950,000         3,836,250(3)      







Uruguay - 1.51%


Republic of Uruguay:

   USD      4.500     08/14/2024         10,276,613         10,918,901         
   USD      5.100     06/18/2050         21,820,991         21,984,649         







Venezuela - 2.43%


Republic of Venezuela:

   USD      5.750     02/26/2016         20,121,000         16,147,102(3)      
   USD      13.625     08/15/2018         1,704,000         1,290,695(3)      
   USD      7.750     10/13/2019         27,209,900         15,237,544(3)      
   USD      9.000     05/07/2023         5,074,900         2,765,821(3)      
   USD      8.250     10/13/2024         4,713,500         2,451,020(3)      
   USD      11.750     10/21/2026         123,000         76,260(3)      
   USD      9.250     05/07/2028         1,353,000         723,855(3)      
   USD      11.950     08/05/2031         23,644,000         14,422,840(3)      






TOTAL SOVEREIGN DEBT OBLIGATIONS                 1,671,555,903         




(Cost $1,662,139,484)

BANK LOANS - 0.01%(5)              

Indonesia - 0.01%


PT Bakrie & Brothers TBK

   USD      6.151     11/25/2014         624,912         187,474(1)      



TOTAL BANK LOANS                 187,474         




(Cost $249,965)

CORPORATE BONDS - 19.44%              

Argentina - 0.20%



   USD      8.750     04/04/2024         4,224,000         4,414,080(2)      




Azerbaijan - 0.63%


State Oil Company:

   USD      5.450     02/09/2017         6,323,000         6,591,727         
   USD      4.750     03/13/2023         7,270,000         7,088,250         







Brazil - 0.70%


CIMPOR Financial Operations BV

   USD      5.750     07/17/2024         5,812,000         5,448,750(2)      

Cosan Luxembourg SA

   USD      5.000     03/14/2023         4,870,000         4,559,830(2)      


   USD      6.250     02/05/2023         5,126,000         5,222,112(2)      









Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Chile - 3.33%


Banco del Estado de Chile

   USD      3.875     02/08/2022         3,277,000           $ 3,334,347(2)      

Codelco, Inc.:

   USD      7.500     01/15/2019         3,216,000         3,876,888(3)      
   USD      3.875     11/03/2021         6,970,000         7,234,128(3)      
   USD      3.000     07/17/2022         22,668,000         22,080,332(2)      
   USD      4.500     08/13/2023         8,054,000         8,645,164(2)      
   USD      6.150     10/24/2036         12,512,000         14,959,472(3)      
   USD      4.250     07/17/2042         7,321,000         6,769,253(2)      

Corp. Nacional del Cobre de Chile

   USD      4.875     11/04/2044         283,000         287,783(2)      


   USD      4.875     10/30/2024         500,000         510,000(2)      

VTR Finance BV

   USD      6.875     01/15/2024         4,763,000         4,972,810(2)      







China - 2.67%



   USD      7.875     Perpetual         1,800,000         1,899,000(6)      
   USD      8.625     Perpetual         350,000         402,500(3)(6)   

Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.

   USD      11.125     02/23/2018         1,793,000         1,914,924(3)      

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      8.875     03/19/2018         1,904,000         1,937,320(2)      

Sinochem Offshore Capital Co. Ltd.

   USD      3.250     04/29/2019         10,303,000         10,536,665(2)      

Sinochem Overseas Capital Co. Ltd.:

   USD      4.500     11/12/2020         5,534,000         5,943,635(3)      
   USD      4.500     11/12/2020         19,392,000         20,827,428(2)      
   USD      6.300     11/12/2040         4,353,000         5,528,702(3)      

Sinopec Capital 2013 Ltd.

   USD      3.125     04/24/2023         4,584,000         4,443,078(2)      

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2012 Ltd.

   USD      3.900     05/17/2022         1,071,000         1,102,321(3)      

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2014 Ltd.

   USD      4.375     04/10/2024         3,460,000         3,676,413(2)      







Colombia - 0.35%


Ecopetrol SA

   USD      5.875     05/28/2045         4,334,000         4,323,165        

Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.

   USD      5.125     03/28/2023         2,886,000         2,698,410(2)      

SUAM Finance BV

   USD      4.875     04/17/2024         548,000         560,330(2)      







Ecuador - 0.47%


EP PetroEcuador via Noble Sovereign Funding I Ltd.

   USD      5.866     09/24/2019         10,468,000         10,297,895(3)      




Ghana - 0.10%


Tullow Oil PLC

   USD      6.000     11/01/2020         2,411,000         2,073,460(2)      




India - 0.35%


ABJA Investment Co. Pte Ltd.:

   USD      4.850     01/31/2020         1,000,000         1,025,200         
   USD      5.950     07/31/2024         2,496,000         2,527,150         

Vedanta Resources PLC:

   USD      6.750     06/07/2016         650,000         673,563(3)      
   USD      6.000     01/31/2019         2,346,000         2,269,755(2)      
   USD      8.250     06/07/2021         1,052,000         1,062,520(2)      







Indonesia - 0.18%


Listrindo Capital BV

   USD      6.950     02/21/2019         1,319,000         1,408,428(2)      

Pertamina Persero PT

   USD      6.000     05/03/2042         2,529,000         2,580,339(3)      













Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Kazakhstan - 4.62%


KazMunayGas National Co. JSC:

   USD      11.750     01/23/2015         13,611,000           $ 13,857,699(3)      
   USD      9.125     07/02/2018         1,449,000         1,688,085(3)      
   USD      9.125     07/02/2018         10,692,000         12,456,180(2)      
   USD      7.000     05/05/2020         739,000         823,061(2)      
   USD      7.000     05/05/2020         10,197,000         11,356,909(3)      
   USD      6.375     04/09/2021         3,945,000         4,280,325(2)      
   USD      6.375     04/09/2021         18,920,000         20,528,200(3)      
   USD      4.400     04/30/2023         2,738,000         2,645,592(3)      
   USD      4.400     04/30/2023         6,792,000         6,562,770(2)      
   USD      4.875     05/07/2025         3,138,000         3,087,008(2)      
   USD      5.750     04/30/2043         6,861,000         6,442,753(3)      
   USD      5.750     04/30/2043         15,265,000         14,334,446(2)      

Zhaikmunai LP

   USD      7.125     11/13/2019         2,948,000         2,822,710(2)      







Macau - 0.07%


MCE Finance Ltd.:

   USD      5.000     02/15/2021         127,000         123,507(2)      
   USD      5.000     02/15/2021         1,491,000         1,449,998(3)      







Mexico - 0.52%


Cemex Finance LLC

   USD      9.375     10/12/2022         1,883,000         2,165,450(2)      

Cemex SAB de CV:

   USD      9.500     06/15/2018         2,448,000         2,726,460(2)      
   USD      7.250     01/15/2021         849,000         899,940(2)      

Comision Federal de Electricidad

   USD      4.875     01/15/2024         1,784,000         1,891,040(2)      

Petroleos Mexicanos

   EUR      5.500     02/24/2025         2,275,000         3,556,956(3)      







Morocco - 0.17%



   USD      5.625     04/25/2024         3,556,000         3,773,805(2)      




Peru - 0.06%


Cementos Pacasmayo SAA

   USD      4.500     02/08/2023         1,032,000         972,660(2)      

Inkia Energy Ltd.

   USD      8.375     04/04/2021         416,000         442,000(2)      







Russia - 0.52%


Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA

   USD      4.300     11/12/2015         4,286,000         4,303,144(2)      

Vimpel Communications Holdings BV:

   USD      7.504     03/01/2022         300,000         279,375(3)      
   USD      5.950     02/13/2023         1,420,000         1,187,475(2)      

Vimpel Communications Via VIP Finance Ireland
    Ltd. OJSC

   USD      7.748     02/02/2021         1,372,000         1,313,690(2)      

Wind Acquisition Finance SA:

   EUR      4.000     07/15/2020         3,088,000         3,849,393(2)      
   USD      4.750     07/15/2020         419,000         404,335(2)      







South Africa - 0.36%


Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd.

   USD      6.750     08/06/2023         7,174,000         7,830,421(2)      




Thailand - 0.16%


PTT Exploration & Production PCL

   USD      4.875     Perpetual         3,407,000         3,471,733(2)(6)   






Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)
















Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Trinidad - 0.19%


Columbus International Inc.

  USD     7.375     03/30/2021     3,937,000        $ 4,251,960(2)      




United Arab Emirates - 0.04%


MAF Global Securities Ltd.

  USD     7.125     Perpetual     700,000        768,250(6)      




Venezuela - 3.75%


Petroleos de Venezuela SA:

  USD     5.250     04/12/2017     20,190,600        12,619,125(3)      
  USD     8.500     11/02/2017     61,998,700        45,181,553(3)      
  USD     9.000     11/17/2021     17,411,177        9,576,147(3)      
  USD     6.000     05/16/2024     16,405,200        7,525,886(3)      
  USD     6.000     11/15/2026     3,063,791        1,286,792(3)      
  USD     9.750     05/17/2035     10,409,499        5,647,153(3)      






TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS               424,091,113         




(Cost $440,988,781)

CREDIT LINKED NOTES - 1.22%            

Colombia - 0.09%


Titulos de Tesoreria - Series B

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000     07/27/2020     3,500,000,000        1,970,704(2)      




Iraq - 0.35%


Republic of Iraq:

  Bank of America - Merrill
  JPY     2.534     01/01/2028     877,806,828        5,175,966(6)      
  Bank of America - Merrill
  JPY     2.765     01/01/2028     399,816,233        2,357,506(6)      







Venezuela - 0.78%


Petroleos De Venezuela

  Credit Suisse First Boston   USD     5.233     12/20/2016     29,200,000        17,054,976         



TOTAL CREDIT LINKED NOTES               26,559,152         




(Cost $34,814,922)

SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS - 1.11%            

Money Market Mutual Funds - 1.11%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage
Fund - Institutional Advantage Class
(7-Day Yield)

  USD     0.06001     N/A     24,307,740        24,307,740         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS               24,307,740         




(Cost $24,307,740)

Total Investments - 98.39%               2,146,701,382         

(Cost $2,162,500,892)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 1.61%




Net Assets - 100.00%               $   2,181,732,435         







* The principal amount/shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Currency Abbreviations:

COP   -    Colombian Peso
EUR   -    Euro Currency
GBP   -    Great Britain Pound
IDR   -    Indonesian Rupiah
JPY   -    Japanese Yen
MXN   -    Mexican Peso
RUB   -    Russian Ruble
TRY   -    Turkish Lira
USD   -    United States Dollar



Security is in default and therefore is non-income producing.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $429,732,643, which represents approximately 19.70% of net assets as of November 30, 2014.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to teh Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of November 30, 2014, the aggregate market value of those securities was $863,352,685, which represents approximately 39.57% of net assets.


Step bond. Coupon changes periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Bank loans generally pay interest at rates which are periodically determined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. All loans carry a variable rate of interest. These base lending rates are generally (i) the Prime Rate offered by one or more major United States banks, (ii) the lending rate offered by one or more European banks such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or (iii) the Certificate of Deposit rate. Bank loans, while exempt from registration, under the Securities Act of 1933, contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. Floating rate bank loans often require prepayments from excess cash flow or permit the borrower to repay at its election. The degree to which borrowers repay, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, cannot be predicted with accuracy. The loan matured on November 25, 2014, due to a default, final payments were not received. The security is shown to represent future expected payments.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.

Common Abbreviations:

BV   -    Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.
GmbH   -    Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company with limited liability.
JSC   -    Joint Stock Company.
LLC   -    Lmited Liability Corporation.
LP   -    Limited Partnership.
Ltd.   -    Limited.
OAO   -    Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo is the Russian term for Open Joint Stock Company
OJSC   -    Open Joint Stock Company.
PCL   -    A rearrangement of the letters for Public Limited Company, used in Thailand.
PLC   -    Public Limited Company.
PT   -    Perseroan terbuka is an Indonesian term for limited liability company.
Pte   -    Private
SA   -    Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.
SAA   -    Sociedad Anonima Abierta is the Peruvian term used for companies with 20 or more shareholders.
SAB de CV   -    A variable capital company.
SOC   -    State owned Company.
SPE   -    Special Purpose Entity.
TBK   -    Perseroan terbuka is an Indonesian term for limited liability company.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



























J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   EUR    13,149,500    Sale    01/08/2015    $     16,355,554           $ 97,495         

J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   GBP    716,600    Sale    01/08/2015      1,119,027         2,490         

J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   JPY    903,471,000    Sale    01/08/2015      7,614,845         135,501         



                      $     235,486         




** The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the contract is denominated.



Reference Entity   Counterparty  











Spread at

November 30,





  Market Value    










Petroleos de Venezuela

  Credit Suisse
First Boston
  5.000%   06/20/2016   33.960%   $  27,500,000   $   9,024,213      $ 8,318,750      $     (705,463)       



            $ 9,024,213      $ 8,318,750      $ (705,463)       






If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.


Implied credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value of credit default swap agreements on sovereign issues of an emerging country as of period end serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default for the credit derivative. The implied credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement.


The maximum potential amount the Fund could be required to pay as a seller of credit protection or receive as a buyer of credit protection if a credit event occurs as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement.

See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

CORPORATE BONDS - 89.97%              

Aerospace/Defense - 1.06%


Bombardier, Inc.

   USD      6.000     10/15/2022         1,245,000           $ 1,267,036(1)      

CPI International, Inc.

   USD      8.750     02/15/2018         880,000         910,800(2)      

Erickson, Inc., Series WI

   USD      8.250     05/01/2020         900,000         850,500         







Airlines - 0.22%


Allegiant Travel Co.

   USD      5.500     07/15/2019         620,000         636,662         




Automotive - 1.97%


Chrysler Group LLC

   USD      8.250     06/15/2021         1,585,000         1,775,200         

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

   USD      6.500     03/01/2021         1,528,000         1,631,140         

MPG Holdco I, Inc.

   USD      7.375     10/15/2022         1,200,000         1,254,000(1)      

Schaeffler Holding Finance BV:

   USD      6.250     11/15/2019         620,000         651,775(1)(3)   
   USD      6.750     11/15/2022         265,000         280,900(1)(3)   







Building Products - 2.49%


American Builders & Contractors Supply Co., Inc.

   USD      5.625     04/15/2021         1,245,000         1,260,563(1)      

Building Materials Corp. of America

   USD      5.375     11/15/2024         935,000         939,675(1)      

Griffon Corp.

   USD      5.250     03/01/2022         2,490,000         2,390,400         

Norbord, Inc.

   USD      5.375     12/01/2020         1,985,000         1,945,300(1)      

RSI Home Products, Inc.

   USD      6.875     03/01/2018         521,000         548,415(1)      







Chemicals - 4.25%


CeramTec Group GmbH

   EUR      8.250     08/15/2021         1,000,000         1,349,150(4)      

Chemtura Corp.

   USD      5.750     07/15/2021         2,957,000         2,942,215         

Huntsman International LLC

   USD      5.125     11/15/2022         705,000         706,762(1)      

INEOS Group Holdings SA

   USD      5.875     02/01/2019         2,310,000         2,252,250(1)      

Lyond Basel Escrow

   USD      8.375     08/15/2015         25,000         0(5)      

Lyondell Chemical Co.

   USD      8.375     08/15/2015         945,000         0(5)      

NOVA Chemicals Corp.

   USD      5.000     05/01/2025         450,000         466,313(1)      


   USD      6.000     01/15/2022         1,424,000         1,502,320(1)      

Trinseo Materials Operating SCA/Trinseo Materials Finance, Inc., Series WI

   USD      8.750     02/01/2019         2,761,000         2,850,733         







Consumer Products - 2.16%


ACCO Brands Corp.

   USD      6.750     04/30/2020         2,123,000         2,276,917         

Prestige Brands, Inc.

   USD      5.375     12/15/2021         880,000         871,200(1)      

Spectrum Brands, Inc., Series WI

   USD      6.375     11/15/2020         1,455,000         1,545,938         

Sun Products Corp.

   USD      7.750     03/15/2021         1,711,000         1,454,350(1)      







Containers/Packaging - 2.21%


Albea Beauty Holdings SA

   USD      8.375     11/01/2019         816,000         864,960(1)      

Ardagh Finance Holdings SA

   USD      8.625     06/15/2019         705,000         729,675(1)(3)   

Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC/Ardagh Holdings USA, Inc.

   USD      6.000     06/30/2021         700,000         694,750(1)      



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Containers/Packaging (continued)


Reynolds Group Issuer LLC

   USD      8.250     02/15/2021         2,235,000           $ 2,343,956         

Sealed Air Corp.

   USD      5.125     12/01/2024         560,000         562,800(1)      

Signode Industrial Group Lux SA/Signode Industrial Group US, Inc.

   USD      6.375     05/01/2022         1,115,000         1,095,488(1)      







Drillers/Services - 3.45%


FTS International, Inc.

   USD      6.250     05/01/2022         1,625,000         1,348,750(1)      

Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.:

   USD      5.875     04/01/2020         827,000         736,030         
   USD      5.000     03/01/2021         1,107,000         918,810         

Offshore Group Investment Ltd.

   USD      7.125     04/01/2023         2,360,000         1,675,600         

Pacific Drilling SA

   USD      5.375     06/01/2020         1,967,000         1,573,600(1)      

Parker Drilling Co.

   USD      6.750     07/15/2022         1,980,000         1,564,200         

Trinidad Drilling Ltd.

   USD      7.875     01/15/2019         1,975,000         1,994,750(1)      







Electric - 4.85%


The AES Corp.

   USD      7.375     07/01/2021         1,105,000         1,270,750         

Calpine Corp.

   USD      5.750     01/15/2025         2,285,000         2,327,844         

Dynegy Finance I, Inc. / Dynegy Finance II Inc:

   USD      6.750     11/01/2019         1,355,000         1,410,894(1)      
   USD      7.625     11/01/2024         800,000         847,000(1)      

GenOn Energy, Inc.

   USD      9.500     10/15/2018         3,887,000         4,061,915         

NRG Energy, Inc.

   USD      6.250     07/15/2022         2,330,000         2,405,725         

RJS Power Holdings LLC

   USD      5.125     07/15/2019         1,455,000         1,451,362(1)      







Environmental Services - 0.59%


Clean Harbors, Inc.

   USD      5.250     08/01/2020         1,641,000         1,665,615         




Exploration & Production - 9.61%


Atlas Pipeline Partners LP/Atlas Pipeline Finance Corp., Series WI

   USD      4.750     11/15/2021         1,494,000         1,471,590         

Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc.

   USD      6.750     04/15/2021         2,198,000         2,099,090         

Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP/Calumet Finance Corp.:

   USD      9.625     08/01/2020         935,000         1,021,487         
   USD      6.500     04/15/2021         795,000         767,175(1)      

Chesapeake Energy Corp.

   USD      5.750     03/15/2023         2,040,000         2,172,600         

Denbury Resources, Inc.

   USD      5.500     05/01/2022         1,770,000         1,668,225         

EP Energy LLC/EP Energy Finance, Inc., Series WI

   USD      9.375     05/01/2020         1,033,000         1,133,717         

Halcon Resources Corp.

   USD      9.750     07/15/2020         2,138,000         1,646,260         

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp.

   USD      5.500     01/15/2021         1,165,000         1,179,563         

Laredo Petroleum, Inc.:

   USD      5.625     01/15/2022         1,100,000         1,045,000         
   USD      7.375     05/01/2022         1,243,000         1,261,645         

Linn Energy LLC

   USD      7.750     02/01/2021         1,219,000         1,091,005         

Linn Energy LLC / Linn Energy Finance Corp.

   USD      6.500     09/15/2021         705,000         613,350         

MEG Energy Corp.:

   USD      6.500     03/15/2021         1,305,000         1,207,125(1)      
   USD      7.000     03/31/2024         662,000         602,420(1)      







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Exploration & Production (continued)


MEG Energy Corp.: (continued)


Midstates Petroleum Co., Inc.

   USD      10.750     10/01/2020         1,476,000           $ 1,284,120         

Oasis Petroleum, Inc.:

   USD      7.250     02/01/2019         1,531,000         1,454,450         
   USD      6.875     03/15/2022         773,000         730,485         

QEP Resources, Inc.

   USD      5.375     10/01/2022         1,427,000         1,362,785         

Samson Investment Co.

   USD      9.750     02/15/2020         1,991,000         1,159,758(2)      

SandRidge Energy, Inc.

   USD      7.500     03/15/2021         1,832,000         1,483,920         

Venoco, Inc.

   USD      8.875     02/15/2019         1,186,000         847,990         







Financial Other - 0.66%


Aircastle Ltd.

   USD      6.750     04/15/2017         1,087,000         1,171,242         

Springleaf Finance Corp.

   USD      5.250     12/15/2019         705,000         708,525         







Food/Beverage/Tobacco - 4.53%


Bakkavor Finance 2 PLC

   GBP      8.250     02/15/2018         725,000         1,180,112(4)      

Big Heart Pet Brands

   USD      7.625     02/15/2019         1,455,000         1,428,628         

Boparan Finance PLC

   GBP      5.500     07/15/2021         980,000         1,331,924(4)      

Chiquita Brands International, Inc./Chiquita Brands LLC

   USD      7.875     02/01/2021         1,870,000         2,035,963         

Post Holdings, Inc.

   USD      7.375     02/15/2022         2,165,000         2,192,063         

Premier Foods Finance PLC

   GBP      6.500     03/15/2021         1,000,000         1,400,687(4)      


   EUR      9.250     05/15/2018         1,100,000         1,390,070(3)(4)   

Smithfield Foods, Inc.

   USD      6.625     08/15/2022         1,756,000         1,909,650         







Gaming - 2.51%


Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.

   USD      5.875     03/15/2021         2,325,000         2,388,937         

MGM Resorts International

   USD      6.625     12/15/2021         2,333,000         2,502,143         

Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc.

   USD      6.375     08/01/2021         2,135,000         2,236,413         







Gas Pipelines - 0.41%


Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC

   USD      5.625     02/01/2021         1,124,000         1,154,910         




Healthcare - 6.38%


Community Health Systems, Inc.

   USD      8.000     11/15/2019         1,552,000         1,664,520         

DaVita HealthCare Partners, Inc.

   USD      5.125     07/15/2024         1,530,000         1,572,075         

Fresenius Medical Care US Finance, Inc.

   USD      5.750     02/15/2021         650,000         698,750(1)      

Grifols Worldwide Operations Ltd.

   USD      5.250     04/01/2022         1,270,000         1,311,275(1)      

HCA, Inc.

   USD      4.250     10/15/2019         1,525,000         1,534,531         

HealthSouth Corp.

   USD      5.750     11/01/2024         1,475,000         1,541,375         

Hologic, Inc.

   USD      6.250     08/01/2020         1,759,000         1,830,459         

IASIS Healthcare LLC

   USD      8.375     05/15/2019         1,487,000         1,565,068         

Kinetic Concepts, Inc./KCI USA, Inc.:

   USD      10.500     11/01/2018         1,064,000         1,181,040         
   USD      12.500     11/01/2019         795,000         882,450         

LifePoint Hospitals, Inc.

   USD      5.500     12/01/2021         2,170,000         2,262,225         

Tenet Healthcare Corp.:

   USD      6.000     10/01/2020         718,000         765,568         



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Healthcare (continued)


Tenet Healthcare Corp.: (continued)

   USD      8.125     04/01/2022         1,173,000           $ 1,313,760         







Home Builders - 0.68%


Lennar Corp.

   USD      4.750     11/15/2022         1,234,000         1,200,065         

Standard Pacific Corp.

   USD      5.875     11/15/2024         727,000         734,270         







Industrial Other - 2.34%


AECOM Technology Corp.

   USD      5.750     10/15/2022         1,415,000         1,485,750(1)      

Cleaver-Brooks, Inc.

   USD      8.750     12/15/2019         1,461,000         1,585,185(1)      

MasTec, Inc.

   USD      4.875     03/15/2023         2,688,000         2,587,200         

WESCO Distribution, Inc.

   USD      5.375     12/15/2021         970,000         993,037         







Leisure - 0.70%


AMC Entertainment, Inc.

   USD      5.875     02/15/2022         1,925,000         1,982,750         




Lodging - 1.23%


Hilton Worldwide Finance LLC

   USD      5.625     10/15/2021         1,446,000         1,521,011(1)      

RHP Hotel Properties LP/RHP Finance Corp.

   USD      5.000     04/15/2021         1,978,000         1,973,055         







Media Cable - 7.85%


Cablevision Systems Corp.:

   USD      8.000     04/15/2020         864,000         996,840         
   USD      5.875     09/15/2022         2,755,000         2,813,544         

CCO Holdings LLC:

   USD      6.625     01/31/2022         1,487,000         1,587,372         
   USD      5.125     02/15/2023         750,000         737,813         

Cequel Communications Holdings I LLC/Cequel Capital Corp.

   USD      5.125     12/15/2021         2,236,000         2,168,920(1)      

DISH DBS Corp., Series WI

   USD      5.000     03/15/2023         4,978,000         4,844,216         

Mediacom LLC

   USD      7.250     02/15/2022         2,371,000         2,542,898         


   USD      6.000     05/15/2022         1,270,000         1,291,615(1)      
   USD      6.250     05/15/2024         660,000         673,200(1)      

Quebecor Media, Inc.

   USD      5.750     01/15/2023         1,296,000         1,334,880         

UPC Holding BV

   EUR      6.375     09/15/2022         1,300,000         1,757,936(4)      

Virgin Media Finance PLC

   USD      6.000     10/15/2024         1,475,000         1,550,594(1)      







Media Other - 4.05%


CBS Outdoor Americas Capital LLC/CBS Outdoor Americas Capital Corp.

   USD      5.250     02/15/2022         955,000         981,262(1)      

Gannett Co. Inc

   USD      6.375     10/15/2023         1,714,000         1,853,263         

Gray Television, Inc.

   USD      7.500     10/01/2020         2,115,000         2,199,600         

Interep National Radio Sales, Inc., Series B

   USD      10.000     07/01/2008         27,318         3(5)      

Media General Financing Sub, Inc.

   USD      5.875     11/15/2022         1,510,000         1,521,325(1)      

Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., Series WI

   USD      6.875     11/15/2020         1,990,000         2,079,550         







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Media Other (continued)


Sinclair Television Group, Inc., Series WI

   USD      6.125     10/01/2022         2,780,000           $ 2,877,300         







Metals/Mining/Steel - 4.49%


Alcoa, Inc.

   USD      5.125     10/01/2024         655,000         691,570         


   USD      7.750     04/01/2018         1,195,000         1,238,797(1)      


   USD      6.750     02/25/2022         1,546,000         1,688,039         
   USD      7.500     10/15/2039         1,255,000         1,305,200         

Arch Coal, Inc.

   USD      7.250     06/15/2021         1,823,000         674,510         

Cloud Peak Energy Resources LLC:

   USD      8.500     12/15/2019         615,000         638,677         
   USD      6.375     03/15/2024         1,580,000         1,552,350         

CONSOL Energy, Inc.

   USD      8.250     04/01/2020         1,301,000         1,374,181         

Constellium NV

   USD      5.750     05/15/2024         1,015,000         979,475(1)      

Peabody Energy Corp., Series WI

   USD      6.250     11/15/2021         2,792,000         2,627,970         







Non Captive Finance - 0.49%


International Lease Finance Corp.

   USD      8.250     12/15/2020         1,152,000         1,399,680         




Paper/Forest Products - 2.84%


Cascades, Inc.:

   USD      7.875     01/15/2020         1,075,000         1,126,062         
   USD      5.500     07/15/2022         735,000         730,406(1)      

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.

   USD      7.500     06/01/2020         1,578,000         1,704,240         

Mercer International, Inc.

   USD      7.750     12/01/2022         1,470,000         1,499,400(1)      

Rayonier AM Products, Inc.

   USD      5.500     06/01/2024         1,900,000         1,776,500(1)      

Xerium Technologies, Inc.

   USD      8.875     06/15/2018         1,154,000         1,222,519         







Pharmaceuticals - 0.42%


Mallinckrodt International Finance SA / Mallinckrodt CB LLC

   USD      5.750     08/01/2022         1,155,000         1,182,431(1)      




Publishing/Printing - 0.00%



   USD      8.000     11/15/2016         1,345,000         0(5)      




Refining - 0.64%


Tesoro Logistics LP/Tesoro Logistics Finance Corp.:

   USD      5.875     10/01/2020         776,000         791,520         
   USD      6.125     10/15/2021         1,003,000         1,028,075         







Restaurants - 0.69%


Landry’s, Inc.

   USD      9.375     05/01/2020         1,842,000         1,968,638(1)      




Retail Non Food/Drug - 1.28%


Bon-Ton Department Stores, Inc.

   USD      8.000     06/15/2021         692,000         570,900         

Hot Topic, Inc.

   USD      9.250     06/15/2021         1,515,000         1,632,412(1)      

JC Penney Corp. Inc

   USD      5.650     06/01/2020         490,000         400,575         



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Retail Non Food/Drug (continued)


Petco Holdings, Inc.

   USD      8.500     10/15/2017         1,026,000           $ 1,038,825(1)(3)   







Services Other - 0.50%


Outerwall, Inc.

   USD      6.000     03/15/2019         1,430,000         1,415,700         




Technology - 3.14%


Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc.

   USD      6.750     11/15/2020         1,230,000         1,282,275(1)      

Artesyn Embedded Technologies, Inc.

   USD      9.750     10/15/2020         1,275,000         1,268,625(1)      

BMC Software Finance, Inc.

   USD      8.125     07/15/2021         650,000         612,625(1)      

First Data Corp.

   USD      12.625     01/15/2021         1,637,000         1,952,122         

Magnachip Semiconductor Corp.

   USD      6.625     07/15/2021         422,000         388,240         

NCR Corp.

   USD      5.000     07/15/2022         1,784,000         1,748,320         

Nuance Communications, Inc.

   USD      5.375     08/15/2020         1,657,000         1,677,713(1)      







Textile/Apparel - 1.69%


Levi Strauss & Co.

   USD      6.875     05/01/2022         2,225,000         2,430,812         

Quiksilver, Inc.:

   USD      10.000     08/01/2020         521,000         302,180         
   USD      7.875     08/01/2018         1,117,000         999,715(1)      

William Carter Co.

   USD      5.250     08/15/2021         1,025,000         1,068,563         







Wireless - 4.53%


Altice SA

   USD      7.750     05/15/2022         1,510,000         1,564,738(1)      

Matterhorn Mobile Holdings SA

   EUR      8.250     02/15/2020         900,000         1,197,448(4)      

Mobile Challenger Intermediate Group SA

   EUR      8.750     03/15/2019         800,000         1,014,660(3)(4)      

Sprint Capital Corp.

   USD      8.750     03/15/2032         3,725,000         3,934,531         

T-Mobile USA, Inc.:

   USD      6.731     04/28/2022         2,545,000         2,643,619         
   USD      6.500     01/15/2024         965,000         989,125         

Wind Acquisition Finance SA:

   USD      6.500     04/30/2020         1,122,000         1,165,478(1)      
   USD      7.375     04/23/2021         375,000         361,875(1)      







Wirelines - 5.06%


CenturyLink, Inc.:

   USD      5.800     03/15/2022         641,000         676,255         
   USD      7.650     03/15/2042         700,000         707,000         

Cincinnati Bell, Inc.

   USD      8.375     10/15/2020         558,000         597,757         

Citizens Communications Co.

   USD      9.000     08/15/2031         1,485,000         1,607,512         

CyrusOne LP/CyrusOne Finance Corp.

   USD      6.375     11/15/2022         1,810,000         1,968,375         

Frontier Communications Corp.

   USD      6.250     09/15/2021         995,000         1,018,681         

Level 3 Communications, Inc.

   USD      5.750     12/01/2022         485,000         489,850(1)      

Level 3 Escrow II, Inc.

   USD      5.375     08/15/2022         1,865,000         1,888,313(1)      

Level 3 Financing, Inc., Series WI

   USD      7.000     06/01/2020         1,804,000         1,937,045         

Telecom Italia SpA

   USD      5.303     05/30/2024         1,233,000         1,262,284(1)      







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Wirelines (continued)


CenturyLink, Inc.: (continued)


Windstream Corp.

   USD      7.500     04/01/2023         2,191,000           $ 2,240,298         






TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS                 255,692,251         




(Cost $257,087,381)


Consumer Products - 0.09%


Jarden Corp.

   USD      1.125     03/15/2034         226,000         240,407(1)      




Drillers/Services - 0.13%


Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.

   USD      1.500     09/01/2019         397,000         359,037         




Exploration & Production - 0.23%


Energy XXI Ltd.

   USD      3.000     12/15/2018         540,000         353,700(1)      

Stone Energy Corp.

   USD      1.750     03/01/2017         347,000         302,541         







Industrial Other - 0.08%


Altra Industrial Motion Corp.

   USD      2.750     03/01/2031         182,000         228,410         




Metals/Mining/Steel - 0.16%


RTI International Metals, Inc.:

   USD      3.000     12/01/2015         353,000         361,825         
   USD      1.625     10/15/2019         99,400         94,865         







Technology - 0.34%


Ciena Corp.

   USD      4.000     03/15/2015         331,000         340,516(1)      

SanDisk Corp.

   USD      0.500     10/15/2020         339,000         423,750         

ServiceNow, Inc.

   USD      0.000     11/01/2018         189,000         209,790(6)      






TOTAL CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS                 2,914,841         




(Cost $2,998,714)

BANK LOANS - 6.38%(7)              

Chemicals - 0.37%


Styrolution Group Gmbh - Tranche B1 Term Loan

   USD      6.500     10/31/2019         1,050,000         1,051,969(8)      




Electric - 0.99%


Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co. LLC - 2017 Term Loan

   USD      4.652     10/10/2017         3,880,167         2,821,204(5)      




Food/Beverage/Tobacco - 0.93%


Del Monte Foods Inc. - Initial Term Loan

   USD      8.250     05/26/2021         1,305,000         1,138,613         

New HB Acquisition LLC - Term B Loan

   USD      6.750     03/12/2020         1,467,700         1,503,475         









Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date





Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Industrial Other - 0.34%


Gates Global LLC - Initial Term Loan

   USD      4.250     06/12/2021         980,000           $ 971,775         




Lodging - 0.50%


La Quinta Intermediate Holdings LLC - Initial Term Loan

   USD      4.000     02/12/2021         1,429,619         1,425,866         




Media Other - 0.79%


Tribune Company - Initial Term Loan

   USD      4.000     11/20/2020         2,254,568         2,248,932         




Metals/Mining/Steel - 0.26%


Arch Coal, Inc., - Term Loan

   USD      6.250     05/01/2018         839,425         744,465         




Retail Food/Drug - 0.83%


Albertson’s Holdings LLC - Term B-4 Loan

   USD      4.500     08/08/2021         2,330,000         2,340,375         




Technology - 1.37%


Dell International LLC - Term B Loan

   USD      4.500     03/24/2020         3,128,400         3,137,109         

MA Financeco., LLC - Initial Tranche B Term Loan

   USD      5.250     10/07/2021         760,000         744,563         






TOTAL BANK LOANS                 18,128,346         




(Cost $18,439,889)

COMMON/PREFERRED STOCKS - 0.29%              

EME Reorganization Trust

   USD           3,059,892         107,096         

General Maritime

   USD           1,929         19         

NRG Energy, Inc.

   USD           10,061         314,507         

SandRidge Energy, Inc.

   USD           3,451         274,355         

Subsea 7 SA

   NOK           14,306         142,542         






TOTAL COMMON/PREFERRED STOCKS                 838,519         




(Cost $1,416,334)

SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS - 1.66%              

Money Market Mutual Funds - 1.66%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class
(7-Day Yield)

   USD      0.06001     N/A         4,726,849         4,726,849         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS                 4,726,849         




(Cost $4,726,849)


Total Investments - 99.33%


(Cost $284,669,167)


Other Assets in Excess of
Liabilities - 0.67%




Net Assets - 100.00%                   $ 284,196,778         




* The principal amount/shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Currency Abbreviations:

EUR   -    Euro Currency
GBP   -    Great British Pound
NOK   -    Norwegian Krone
USD   -    United States Dollar



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $70,895,493, which represents approximately 24.95% of net assets as of November 30, 2014.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Payment-in-kind securities.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to teh Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of November 30, 2014, the aggregate market value of those securities was $10,621,987, which represents approximately 3.74% of net assets.


Security is in default and therefore is non-income producing.


Issued with a zero coupon. Income is recognized through the accretion of discount.


Bank loans generally pay interest at rates which are periodically determined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. All loans carry a variable rate of interest. These base lending rates are generally (i) the Prime Rate offered by one or more major United States banks, (ii) the lending rate offered by one or more European banks such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or (iii) the Certificate of Deposit rate. Bank Loans, while exempt from registration, under the Securities Act of 1933, contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. Floating rate bank loans often require prepayments from excess cash flow or permit the borrower to repay at its election. The degree to which borrowers repay, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, cannot be predicted with accuracy.


All or a portion of this position has not settled. Contract rates do not take effect until settlement date.

Common Abbreviations:

BV   -    Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.
GmbH   -    Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company with limited liability.
LLC   -    Limited Liability Corporation.
LP   -    Limited Partnership.
Ltd.   -    Limited.
NV   -    Naamloze Vennootschap is the Dutch term used for a public limited liability company.
PLC   -    Public Limited Company.
SA   -    Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.
SCA   -    Société en commandite par actions is a term from Luxembourg meaning partnership by limited shares.
SpA   -    Società per Azioni is the Italian term for Limited share company.



Counterparty    Foreign







J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   EUR    5,465,400    Sale    01/08/2015    $     6,797,950           $     40,522         

J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   GBP    2,551,700    Sale    01/08/2015      3,984,680         8,866         



                      $     49,388         




J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   GBP    38,667    Purchase    01/08/2015    $     60,382           $     (183)         



                      $     (183)         




** The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the contract is denominated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

SOVEREIGN DEBT OBLIGATIONS - 70.84%              

Argentina - 1.96%


Republic of Argentina:

   USD      7.000     10/03/2015         22,301,732           $ 21,613,476         
   USD      7.000     04/17/2017         22,852,600         21,158,334         







Brazil - 9.97%


Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional:

   BRL      0.000     01/01/2016         33,600,000         11,489,378(1)      
   BRL      0.000     01/01/2017         35,349,000         10,800,549(1)      
   BRL      0.000     01/01/2018         435,727,000         119,453,326(1)      
   BRL      0.000     07/01/2018         227,179,000         58,846,934(1)      

Nota Do Tesouro Nacional

   BRL      10.000     01/01/2021         48,528,000         17,448,559         







Colombia - 4.07%


Bogota Distrio Capital

   COP      9.750     07/26/2028         62,441,000,000         34,670,749(2)      

International Bank for Reconstruction &

   COP      8.000     03/02/2020         1,020,000,000         531,141         

Republic of Colombia:

   COP      12.000     10/22/2015         19,735,000,000         9,424,679         
   COP      7.750     04/14/2021         16,137,000,000         8,216,653         
   COP      4.375     03/21/2023         17,400,000,000         7,181,707         
   COP      9.850     06/28/2027         48,881,000,000         28,973,392         







Indonesia - 7.11%


European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

   IDR      7.200     06/08/2016         37,740,000,000         3,112,993         

Indonesia Government:

   IDR      5.625     05/15/2023         271,052,000,000         19,433,833         
   IDR      6.125     05/15/2028         132,110,000,000         9,241,963         
   IDR      8.250     06/15/2032         56,400,000,000         4,673,427         
   IDR      6.625     05/15/2033         184,000,000,000         13,000,164         
   IDR      8.375     03/15/2034         19,020,000,000         1,606,819         

Inter-American Development Bank

   IDR      0.000     08/20/2015         286,830,000,000         22,480,571(1)      

Republic of Indonesia:

   IDR      7.875     04/15/2019         159,200,000,000         13,194,920         
   IDR      12.800     06/15/2021         2,980,000,000         307,364         
   IDR      7.000     05/15/2022         132,570,000,000         10,428,319         
   IDR      8.375     03/15/2024         237,330,000,000         20,390,077         
   IDR      9.000     03/15/2029         420,070,000,000         37,552,964         







Malaysia - 7.71%


Malaysian Government:

   MYR      4.012     09/15/2017         72,080,000         21,517,452         
   MYR      3.314     10/31/2017         23,870,000         6,987,894         
   MYR      3.580     09/28/2018         28,110,000         8,277,180         
   MYR      3.654     10/31/2019         33,940,000         9,992,056         
   MYR      3.492     03/31/2020         88,290,000         25,814,874         
   MYR      3.889     07/31/2020         21,990,000         6,549,867         
   MYR      4.160     07/15/2021         26,730,000         8,080,244         
   MYR      4.048     09/30/2021         45,270,000         13,591,974         
   MYR      3.418     08/15/2022         73,150,000         21,045,790         
   MYR      3.480     03/15/2023         72,280,000         20,814,289         
   MYR      4.181     07/15/2024         52,220,000         15,836,130         







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Malaysia (continued)


Malaysian Government: (continued)

   MYR      4.392     04/15/2026         16,370,000           $ 5,008,760         
   MYR      3.844     04/15/2033         18,480,000         5,195,735         







Mexico - 11.98%


Mexican Bonos:

   MXN      6.000     06/18/2015         97,660,000         7,129,680         
   MXN      6.250     06/16/2016         138,763,000         10,400,081         
   MXN      7.250     12/15/2016         403,962,000         31,125,389         
   MXN      5.000     06/15/2017         148,103,000         10,941,388         
   MXN      7.750     12/14/2017         386,121,000         30,588,135         
   MXN      8.500     12/13/2018         135,950,000         11,191,958         
   MXN      8.000     06/11/2020         397,474,000         32,605,950         
   MXN      6.500     06/10/2021         479,861,000         36,623,982         
   MXN      6.500     06/09/2022         334,818,000         25,469,303         
   MXN      8.000     12/07/2023         105,551,000         8,795,355         
   MXN      8.500     05/31/2029         58,535,000         5,097,190         
   MXN      7.750     05/29/2031         209,386,000         17,057,488         

Mexican Udibonos:

   MXN      2.000     06/09/2022         86,159,837         6,108,709         
   MXN      4.500     11/22/2035         336,798,546         28,811,786         







Poland - 4.92%


Republic of Poland:

   PLN      5.000     04/25/2016         52,930,000         16,426,443         
   PLN      0.000     07/25/2016         102,100,000         29,486,319(1)      
   PLN      3.000     08/24/2016         135,707,596         41,847,696         
   PLN      4.750     04/25/2017         2,180,000         692,872         
   PLN      5.250     10/25/2017         4,190,000         1,366,327         
   PLN      2.750     08/25/2023         40,722,005         13,764,997         
   PLN      3.250     07/25/2025         12,236,000         3,932,981         







Russia - 8.02%


Russian Federation:

   RUB      7.400     04/19/2017         45,630,000         858,540         
   RUB      7.400     06/14/2017         234,890,000         4,401,381         
   RUB      6.200     01/31/2018         173,950,000         3,094,581         
   RUB      7.850     03/10/2018         60,000,000         1,116,867(3)      
   RUB      7.850     03/10/2018         585,000,000         10,889,458(2)      
   RUB      7.500     03/15/2018         91,250,000         1,680,420         
   RUB      7.500     02/27/2019         123,140,000         2,222,529         
   RUB      6.700     05/15/2019         243,149,000         4,238,019         
   RUB      6.800     12/11/2019         80,830,000         1,391,810         
   RUB      6.400     05/27/2020         193,400,000         3,228,751         
   RUB      7.600     04/14/2021         1,658,080,000         29,016,400         
   RUB      7.000     11/24/2021         288,490,000         4,918,233(4)      
   RUB      7.600     07/20/2022         1,876,990,000         32,225,619         
   RUB      7.000     01/25/2023         1,065,920,000         17,497,783         
   RUB      7.000     08/16/2023         538,630,000         8,777,073         
   RUB      8.150     02/03/2027         954,960,000         16,404,986         
   RUB      7.050     01/19/2028         2,171,316,000         33,420,172         









Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


South Africa - 4.89%


Asian Development Bank

   ZAR    6.500%   09/15/2015      4,500,000           $ 404,546         

Republic of South Africa:

   ZAR    7.250%   01/15/2020      97,930,000         8,963,605         
   ZAR    7.000%   02/28/2031      190,300,000         15,491,967         
   ZAR    6.250%   03/31/2036      390,650,000         28,140,142         
   ZAR    6.500%   02/28/2041      260,160,000         18,811,154         
   ZAR    8.750%   01/31/2044      229,260,000         21,292,595         
   ZAR    8.750%   02/28/2048      149,110,000         13,857,395         







Thailand - 4.85%


Thailand Government:

   THB    3.580%   12/17/2017      293,730,000         9,315,155         
   THB    3.875%   06/13/2019      876,240,000         28,429,685         
   THB    1.200%   07/14/2021      829,637,359         24,369,962         
   THB    3.650%   12/17/2021      191,610,000         6,203,933         
   THB    3.625%   06/16/2023      1,166,310,000         37,757,879         







Turkey - 4.92%


Republic of Turkey:

   TRY    9.500%   01/12/2022      67,290,000         33,314,305         
   TRY    8.500%   09/14/2022      51,360,000         24,269,660         
   TRY    7.100%   03/08/2023      59,460,000         25,792,192         
   TRY    10.400%   03/20/2024      25,200,000         13,369,137         
   TRY    9.000%   07/24/2024      22,160,000         10,913,406         







Venezuela - 0.44%


Republic of Venezuela

   USD    5.750%   02/26/2016      12,069,500         9,685,774(2)      



TOTAL SOVEREIGN DEBT OBLIGATIONS                 1,549,173,679         




(Cost $1,754,958,981)

CORPORATE BONDS - 3.27%              

Colombia - 0.80%


Emgesa SA ESP:

   COP    8.750%   01/25/2021      616,000,000         301,311(3)      
   COP    8.750%   01/25/2021      16,739,000,000         8,187,737(2)      

Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP:

   COP    8.375%   02/01/2021      776,000,000         372,312(3)      
   COP    8.375%   02/01/2021      3,338,000,000         1,601,516(2)      
   COP    7.625%   09/10/2024      9,444,000,000         4,327,275(3)      


   COP    7.875%   08/12/2024      5,687,000,000         2,639,146(3)      







Mexico - 0.77%


America Movil SAB de CV

   MXN    6.000%   06/09/2019      134,900,000         9,882,890         

Petroleos Mexicanos

   MXN    7.650%   11/24/2021      91,160,000         7,075,231(3)      







Venezuela - 1.70%


Petroleos de Venezuela SA:

   USD    8.500%   11/02/2017      42,791,600         31,184,378(2)      







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)
















Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Venezuela (continued)


Petroleos de Venezuela SA: (continued)

    USD     6.000     05/16/2024        12,878,519          $ 5,908,021(2)      






TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS               71,479,817         




(Cost $82,516,332)

CREDIT LINKED NOTES - 5.76%            

Colombia - 1.65%


Titulos de Tesoreria - Series B:

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.000     02/26/2015        11,165,310,000        5,184,970         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.250     06/16/2016        2,200,000,000        1,028,884         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.250     06/16/2016        9,678,000,000        4,526,152         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000     07/27/2020        4,500,000,000        2,533,762         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000     07/27/2020        4,570,000,000        2,573,176         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000     07/27/2020        6,546,000,000        3,685,780(3)      
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.000     05/05/2022        5,200,000,000        2,427,920         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.000     05/05/2022        10,113,510,000        4,722,075         
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   COP     7.000     05/06/2022        12,970,000,000        6,053,452         
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     10.000     07/25/2024        6,000,000,000        3,352,643         







Indonesia - 4.11%


Republic of Indonesia:

  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     8.250     07/19/2021        111,500,000,000        9,421,677         
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   IDR     7.000     05/15/2022        105,974,000,000        8,292,787         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     7.000     05/17/2022        60,000,000,000        4,733,088         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     7.000     05/17/2022        240,900,000,000        19,003,346         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     5.625     05/17/2023        15,000,000,000        1,075,172         
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   IDR     5.625     05/17/2023        180,398,000,000        12,860,231         
  HSBC Bank   IDR     11.000     09/15/2025        49,455,000,000        4,945,905         
  HSBC Bank   IDR     11.000     09/15/2025        60,487,000,000        6,049,196         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     11.000     09/17/2025        32,500,000,000        3,249,760         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     7.000     05/18/2027        25,400,000,000        1,924,585         
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   IDR     6.125     05/17/2028        16,900,000,000        1,182,197         
  Deutsche Bank AG


  IDR     8.250     06/17/2032        176,000,000,000        14,560,091         
  J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.   IDR     6.625     05/15/2033        36,002,000,000        2,525,214         










(Cost $169,288,545)




Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




Money Market Mutual Funds - 6.13%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash
Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class
(7-Day Yield)

   USD      0.06001   N/A      133,951,527         $ 133,951,527         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS                 133,951,527         




(Cost $133,951,527)

Total Investments - 86.00%                 1,880,517,086         

(Cost $2,140,715,385)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 14.00%




Net Assets - 100.00%                 $ 2,186,705,638         




* The principal amount/shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


Currency Abbreviations:
BRL    -      Brazilian Real
CLP    -      Chilean Peso
COP    -      Colombian Peso
IDR    -      Indonesian Rupiah
MXN    -      Mexican Peso
MYR    -      Malaysian Ringgit
PLN    -      Polish Zloty
RUB    -      Russian Ruble
THB    -      Thai Baht
TRY    -      Turkish Lira
USD    -      United States Dollar
ZAR    -      South African Rand



Issued with a zero coupon. Income is recognized through the accretion of discount.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to teh Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of November 30, 2014, the aggregate market value of those securities was $102,127,633, which represents approximately 4.67% of net assets.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $19,517,922, which represents approximately 0.89% of net assets as of November 30, 2014.


Step bond. Coupon changes periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Common Abbreviations:
ESP    -      Empresa de Servicios Publicos is the Colombian term for Public Service Company.
SA    -      Generally designates corporations in various countries mostly employing civil law.
SAB de CV    -      A variable capital company.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Counterparty    Foreign



Citigroup Global Markets

   BRL    58,085,895    Sale    12/02/2014    $ 22,542,121           $     1,383,198        

Citigroup Global Markets

   CLP    8,830,019,640    Sale    12/11/2014      14,492,691         277,921        



                      $ 1,661,119        




Citigroup Global Markets

   BRL    58,085,895    Purchase    12/02/2014    $ 22,542,121           $ (101,771)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   CLP    8,830,019,640    Purchase    12/11/2014      14,492,691         (317,372)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   COP    13,316,270,000    Purchase    01/09/2015      5,981,870         (517,042)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   COP    33,364,990,300    Purchase    02/25/2015      14,927,372         (526,537)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   MYR    126,178,269    Purchase    01/12/2015      37,167,280         (1,025,934)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   THB    1,192,476,850    Purchase    01/16/2015      36,232,988         (241,048)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   TRY    177,190,334    Purchase    12/15/2014      79,505,763         (432,130)       

Citigroup Global Markets

   ZAR    475,345,254    Purchase    12/17/2014      42,775,495         (265,156)       

Goldman Sachs & Co.

   PLN    25,788,720    Purchase    12/12/2014      7,658,392         (30,094)       

Goldman Sachs & Co.

   ZAR    245,291,158    Purchase    12/17/2014      22,073,326         (117,940)       

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

   MYR    147,158,545    Purchase    12/12/2014      43,456,390         (394,304)       

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

   TRY    205,055,584    Purchase    12/15/2014      92,008,973         (437,527)       



                      $     (4,406,855)       




** The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the contract is denominated.



See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

CORPORATE BONDS - 98.62%              

Angola - 0.85%


Puma International Financing SA

   USD      6.750     02/01/2021         205,000           $ 206,025(1)      




Argentina - 1.60%


Arcos Dorados Holdings, Inc.

   USD      6.625     09/27/2023         100,000         102,750(2)      


   USD      8.750     04/04/2024         275,000         287,375(1)      







Brazil - 7.37%


CIMPOR Financial Operations BV

   USD      5.750     07/17/2024         361,000         338,437(1)      

Cosan Luxembourg SA

   USD      5.000     03/14/2023         200,000         187,262(1)      


   USD      6.250     02/05/2023         670,000         682,562(1)      

Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.250     05/12/2024         125,000         125,938         

Itau Unibanco Holding SA

   USD      5.650     03/19/2022         98,000         100,695(1)      

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe VIII/IX Ltd.

   USD      6.350     06/30/2021         175,875         177,634(2)      

QGOG Atlantic/Alaskan Rigs Ltd.

   USD      5.250     07/30/2018         74,637         74,637(1)      

Samarco Mineracao SA

   USD      4.125     11/01/2022         40,000         36,540(1)      

Schahin II Finance Co. SPV Ltd.

   USD      5.875     09/25/2022         76,443         68,799(1)      







Chile - 2.95%


Cencosud SA

   USD      4.875     01/20/2023         180,000         180,000(1)      

Colbun SA

   USD      4.500     07/10/2024         200,000         201,500(1)      

Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA

   USD      4.250     04/15/2024         89,000         90,557         

VTR Finance BV

   USD      6.875     01/15/2024         236,000         246,396(1)      







China - 5.49%


Bestgain Real Estate Ltd.

   USD      2.625     03/13/2018         200,000         196,137(2)      


   USD      7.875     Perpetual         200,000         211,000(3)      
   USD      8.625     Perpetual         200,000         230,000(2)(3)   

Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.

   USD      11.125     02/23/2018         165,000         176,220(2)      

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      8.875     03/19/2018         150,000         152,625(1)      

Lenovo Group Ltd.

   USD      4.700     05/08/2019         350,000         368,189         







Colombia - 5.35%


Bancolombia SA

   USD      5.125     09/11/2022         200,000         203,000         

Empresa de Energia de Bogota SA ESP

   USD      6.125     11/10/2021         175,000         189,875(1)      

Grupo Aval Ltd.

   USD      5.250     02/01/2017         130,000         138,125(1)      

GrupoSura Finance SA

   USD      5.700     05/18/2021         157,000         171,130(1)      

Millicom International Cellular SA

   USD      6.625     10/15/2021         124,000         130,510(1)      

Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.

   USD      5.125     03/28/2023         340,000         317,900(1)      

SUAM Finance BV

   USD      4.875     04/17/2024         148,000         151,330(1)      







Ghana - 1.31%


Tullow Oil PLC

   USD      6.000     11/01/2020         370,000         318,200(1)      




Guatemala - 0.88%


Comcel Trust

   USD      6.875     02/06/2024         200,000         214,000(1)      










Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Hong Kong - 4.47%


Goodman HK Finance

   USD      4.375     06/19/2024         300,000           $ 305,830         

Hutchison Whampoa International 09 Ltd.

   USD      7.625     04/09/2019         42,000         51,173(1)      

Hutchison Whampoa International 10 Ltd.

   USD      6.000     Perpetual         210,000         217,350(2)(3)   

Hutchison Whampoa International 11 Ltd.

   USD      4.625     01/13/2022         37,000         40,269(1)      

Hutchison Whampoa International 12 Ltd.

   USD      6.000    


        140,000         149,883(2)(3)   

Li & Fung Ltd.:

   USD      5.500     05/16/2017         100,000         108,451(2)      
   USD      6.000     Perpetual         200,000         213,000(2)(3)   







India - 5.01%


Bharti Airtel International Netherlands BV:

   USD      5.125     03/11/2023         256,000         275,136(1)      
   USD      5.350     05/20/2024         200,000         218,516(2)      

ICICI Bank Ltd.

   USD      5.750     11/16/2020         114,000         128,129(2)      

Reliance Holding USA, Inc.

   USD      5.400     02/14/2022         200,000         222,213(1)      

Vedanta Resources PLC:

   USD      6.750     06/07/2016         75,000         77,719(2)      
   USD      6.000     01/31/2019         130,000         125,775(1)      
   USD      8.250     06/07/2021         54,000         54,540(1)      
   USD      7.125     05/31/2023         120,000         115,800(1)      







Indonesia - 4.04%


Indosat Palapa Co. BV

   USD      7.375     07/29/2020         250,000         265,938(2)      

Listrindo Capital BV

   USD      6.950     02/21/2019         320,000         341,696(1)      

Pelabuhan Indonesia III PT

   USD      4.875     10/01/2024         162,000         167,062(1)      

Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk PT

   USD      5.125     05/16/2024         200,000         208,125(1)      







Israel - 3.40%


B Communications Ltd.

   USD      7.375     02/15/2021         348,000         374,970(1)      

Delek & Avner Tamar Bond Ltd.:

   USD      3.839     12/30/2018         122,000         124,745(1)      
   USD      5.082     12/30/2023         119,000         122,867(1)      

Israel Electric Corp. Ltd.

   USD      5.000     11/12/2024         200,000         204,250         







Jamaica - 1.41%


Digicel Group Ltd.

   USD      7.125     04/01/2022         350,000         343,875(2)      




Kazakhstan - 2.28%


Nostrum Oil & Gas Finance BV

   USD      6.375     02/14/2019         153,000         147,239(1)      

Zhaikmunai LP

   USD      7.125     11/13/2019         425,000         406,938(1)      







Macau - 1.55%


MCE Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.000     02/15/2021         388,000         377,330(1)      




Malaysia - 0.92%


Malayan Banking Bhd

   USD      3.250     09/20/2022         220,000         222,768(3)      




Mexico - 10.82%


BBVA Bancomer SA

   USD      6.750     09/30/2022         480,000         541,824(1)      

Cemex Finance LLC

   USD      9.375     10/12/2022         118,000         135,700(1)      

Cemex SAB de CV:

   USD      9.500     06/15/2018         190,000         211,612(1)      



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Mexico (continued)


Cemex SAB de CV: (continued)

   USD      7.250     01/15/2021         120,000         $ 127,200(1)      

Fresnillo PLC

   USD      5.500     11/13/2023         125,000         129,688(1)      

Gruma SAB de CV

   USD      4.875     12/01/2024         200,000         205,450(1)      

Metalsa SAB de CV

   USD      4.900     04/24/2023         406,000         377,580(1)      

Mexichem SAB de CV

   USD      4.875     09/19/2022         110,000         114,675(1)      

Mexico Generadora De Energia

   USD      5.500     12/06/2032         160,000         164,000(1)      

Sixsigma Networks Mexico SA de CV

   USD      8.250     11/07/2021         203,000         211,120(1)      

Tenedora Nemak SAB de CV

   USD      5.500     02/28/2023         400,000         412,000(1)      







Morocco - 1.97%



   USD      5.625     04/25/2024         378,000         401,152(1)      
   USD      6.875     04/25/2044         70,000         77,263(1)      







Peru - 4.04%


Banco de Credito del Peru

   USD      5.375     09/16/2020         62,000         67,657(2)      

Cementos Pacasmayo SAA

   USD      4.500     02/08/2023         60,000         56,550(1)      

Cia Minera Ares SAC

   USD      7.750     01/23/2021         200,000         210,500(1)      

Cia Minera Milpo SAA

   USD      4.625     03/28/2023         192,000         191,040(1)      

Consorcio Transmantaro SA

   USD      4.375     05/07/2023         254,000         250,825(1)      

Inkia Energy Ltd.

   USD      8.375     04/04/2021         140,000         148,750(1)      

Volcan Cia Minera SAA

   USD      5.375     02/02/2022         57,000         56,430(1)      







Philippines - 1.58%


FPT Finance Ltd.

   USD      6.375     09/28/2020         350,000         383,250         




Qatar - 3.39%


Ooredoo International Finance Ltd.

   USD      4.750     02/16/2021         434,000         475,230(2)      

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. II

   USD      5.298     09/30/2020         219,887         239,127(2)      

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. III

   USD      6.750     09/30/2019         93,000         110,554(2)      







Russia - 4.33%


Evraz Group SA

   USD      6.500     04/22/2020         200,000         165,000(2)      

Vimpel Communications Holdings BV:

   USD      6.255     03/01/2017         200,000         197,000(2)      
   USD      7.504     03/01/2022         200,000         186,250(2)      
   USD      5.950     02/13/2023         126,000         105,368(1)      

Vimpel Communications Via VIP Finance Ireland Ltd. OJSC

   USD      7.748     02/02/2021         148,000         141,710(1)      

Wind Acquisition Finance SA

   EUR      4.000     07/15/2020         206,000         256,792(1)      







Saudi Arabia - 0.89%


Saudi Electricity Global Sukuk Co. 3:

   USD      4.000     04/08/2024         130,000         136,825(1)      
   USD      5.500     04/08/2044         72,000         78,930(1)      













Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Singapore - 2.32%


DBS Bank Ltd.

   USD      3.625     09/21/2022         80,000           $ 82,727(2)      

Olam International Ltd.

   USD      5.750     09/20/2017         400,000         419,500         

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd.

   USD      4.000     10/15/2024         61,000         62,861(1)(3)   







South Africa - 0.83%


Myriad International Holdings BV

   USD      6.000     07/18/2020         183,000         201,757(1)      




South Korea - 3.33%


Korea Gas Corp.:

   USD      2.875     07/29/2018         30,000         30,861(1)      
   USD      3.875     02/12/2024         150,000         159,336(1)      

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.

   USD      4.750     07/13/2021         160,000         178,896(2)      

Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd.

   USD      2.750     02/11/2019         300,000         305,896(2)      

Korea National Oil Corp.

   USD      3.250     07/10/2024         134,000         135,416(1)      







Thailand - 3.62%


Bangkok Bank PCL:

   USD      3.300     10/03/2018         64,000         66,167(1)      
   USD      3.875     09/27/2022         136,000         141,234(1)      

PTT Exploration & Production PCL

   USD      4.875     Perpetual         473,000         481,987(1)(3)   

PTT Global Chemical PCL

   USD      4.250     09/19/2022         80,000         82,944(1)      

PTTEP Canada International Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.692     04/05/2021         94,000         107,388(2)      







Trinidad - 0.78%


Columbus International Inc.

   USD      7.375     03/30/2021         175,000         189,000(1)      




Turkey - 4.96%


Turk Telekomunikasyon AS

   USD      4.875     06/19/2024         430,000         439,137(1)      

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS:

   USD      4.000     09/13/2017         156,000         160,485(1)      
   USD      4.750     10/17/2019         140,000         145,425(1)      
   USD      5.250     09/13/2022         101,000         105,899(1)      

Turkiye Is Bankasi:

   USD      5.500     04/21/2019         133,000         141,811(1)      
   USD      6.000     10/24/2022         209,000         213,703(1)      







United Arab Emirates - 5.94%


DP World Sukuk Ltd.

   USD      6.250     07/02/2017         120,000         131,682(2)      

Dubai Holding Commercial Operations MTN Ltd.

   GBP      6.000     02/01/2017         400,000         639,800         

MAF Global Securities Ltd.

   USD      7.125     Perpetual         612,000         671,670(3)      







Venezuela - 0.94%


Petroleos de Venezuela SA

   USD      8.500     11/02/2017         312,700         227,880(2)      



(Cost $23,597,436)






Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS - 1.31%              

Money Market Mutual Funds - 1.31%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class
(7-Day Yield)

   USD      0.06001   N/A      317,963           $ 317,963         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS                 317,963         




(Cost $317,963)

Total Investments - 99.93%                 24,295,412         

(Cost $23,915,399)

Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 0.07%                 17,358         



Net Assets - 100.00%                   $ 24,312,770         




* The principal amount/shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


Currency Abbreviations:
EUR    -    Euro Currency
GBP    -    Great Britain Pound
USD    -    United States Dollar



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $15,050,810, which represents approximately 61.90% of net assets as of November 30, 2014.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to teh Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of November 30, 2014, the aggregate market value of those securities was $5,080,888, which represents approximately 20.90% of net assets.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Common Abbreviations:
AS    -    Anonim Sirket is the Turkish term for Incorporation.
Bhd    -    Berhad is the Malaysian term for public limited company.
BV    -    Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.
ESP    -    Empresa de Servicios Publicos is the Colombian term for Public Service Company.
GmbH    -    Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company wtih limited liability.
LLC    -    Limited Liability Corporation.
LP    -    Limited Partnership.
Ltd.    -    Limited.
MTN    -    Medium Term Note.
OJSC    -    Open Joint Stock Company.
PCL    -    A rearrangement of the letters for Public Limited Company, used in Thailand.
PLC    -    Public Limited Company.
PT    -    Perseroan terbuka is an Indonesian term for limited liability company.
SA    -    Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.
SA de CV    -    A Variable Capital Company
SAA    -    Sociedad Anonima Abierta is the Peruvian term used for companies with 20 or more shareholders.
SAB de CV    -    A Variable Capital Company.
SAC    -    Sociedad Anonima Abierta is the Peruvian term used for a publicly traded corporation.
SPV    -    Special Purpose Vehicle.
Tbk PT    -    Terbuka is the Indonesian term for Limited Liability Company.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Counterparty    Foreign



J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   EUR    203,800    Sale      01/08/2015       $ 253,490           $ 1,511         

J.P Morgan Chase & Co.

   GBP    428,800    Sale      01/08/2015         669,605         1,490         



                      $       3,001         




** The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the contract is denominated.



See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)














Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

CORPORATE BONDS - 30.52%              

Aerospace/Defense - 0.26%


Northrop Grumman Corp.

   USD      1.750     06/01/2018         25,000           $ 24,910        




Automotive - 1.11%


Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC

   USD      4.250     09/20/2022         50,000         52,997         

Hyundai Capital America

   USD      4.000     06/08/2017         50,000         52,727(1)      







Banking - 8.45%


Bank of America Corp.:

   USD      6.050     05/16/2016         25,000         26,696         
   USD      3.300     01/11/2023         125,000         125,229         
   USD      4.200     08/26/2024         25,000         25,543         


   USD      5.700     10/22/2023         75,000         80,646(1)      

Capital One Bank USA NA

   USD      3.375     02/15/2023         25,000         24,842         

Capital One Financial Corp.

   USD      6.750     09/15/2017         50,000         56,941         

Citigroup, Inc.:

   USD      4.050     07/30/2022         100,000         104,184         
   USD      5.500     09/13/2025         25,000         28,002         

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA

   USD      3.125     01/15/2016         75,000         76,506         

Mizuho Bank Ltd.

   USD      3.600     09/25/2024         75,000         76,468(1)      

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

   USD      3.900     04/29/2024         25,000         25,532         

Santander UK PLC

   USD      5.000     11/07/2023         50,000         53,266(1)      

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.

   USD      2.450     01/10/2019         50,000         50,632         

Wells Fargo & Co., Series M

   USD      3.450     02/13/2023         50,000         50,287         







Brokerage - 0.53%


Nomura Holdings, Inc., Series GMTN

   USD      2.750     03/19/2019         50,000         50,919         




Electric - 0.57%


Oncor Electric Delivery Co. LLC

   USD      4.100     06/01/2022         50,000         54,125         




Exploration & Production - 1.89%


Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

   USD      6.450     09/15/2036         25,000         30,558         

Apache Corp.

   USD      4.750     04/15/2043         50,000         48,307         

BP Capital Markets PLC

   USD      2.750     05/10/2023         25,000         23,925         

Continental Resources, Inc.

   USD      3.800     06/01/2024         25,000         23,999         

Phillips 66

   USD      4.300     04/01/2022         50,000         53,502         







Food and Beverage - 0.81%


PepsiCo, Inc.

   USD      4.250     10/22/2044         50,000         50,897         

SABMiller Holdings, Inc.

   USD      3.750     01/15/2022         25,000         26,248(1)      







Health Insurance - 0.56%


UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

   USD      4.625     11/15/2041         50,000         53,426         




Healthcare - 1.07%


McKesson Corp.

   USD      3.796     03/15/2024         50,000         51,259         







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Healthcare (continued)


Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

   USD      1.300     02/01/2017         50,000           $ 49,987         







Life Insurance - 1.34%



   USD      2.500     10/01/2019         50,000         50,731(1)      

Nippon Life Insurance Co.

   USD      5.100     10/16/2044         25,000         25,993(1)(2)   

Voya Financial, Inc.

   USD      2.900     02/15/2018         50,000         51,471(2)      







Media Cable - 0.55%


Comcast Corp.

   USD      4.250     01/15/2033         50,000         52,040         




Media Non Cable - 1.40%


21st Century Fox America, Inc.

   USD      6.650     11/15/2037         25,000         32,885         

Discovery Communications LLC

   USD      3.300     05/15/2022         50,000         49,514         

Omnicom Group, Inc.

   USD      3.650     11/01/2024         50,000         50,330         







Metals/Mining/Steel - 0.52%


Newmont Mining Corp.

   USD      6.250     10/01/2039         50,000         49,352         




Non Captive Finance - 0.54%


Synchrony Financial

   USD      3.750     08/15/2021         50,000         51,322         




Oil Field Services - 0.26%


Transocean, Inc.

   USD      6.375     12/15/2021         25,000         24,938         




Paper/Forest Products - 0.56%


Packaging Corp. of America

   USD      4.500     11/01/2023         50,000         53,060         




Pharmaceuticals - 0.54%


Gilead Sciences, Inc.

   USD      3.500     02/01/2025         50,000         51,611         




Pipelines - 2.91%


Boardwalk Pipelines LP

   USD      3.375     02/01/2023         50,000         46,688         

Dominion Gas Holdings LLC

   USD      4.800     11/01/2043         50,000         53,735         

Enterprise Products Operating LLC

   USD      2.550     10/15/2019         25,000         25,065         

EQT Midstream Partners LP

   USD      4.000     08/01/2024         50,000         49,765         

Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp.

   USD      3.600     11/01/2024         50,000         50,062         

Williams Partners LP

   USD      4.500     11/15/2023         50,000         52,833         







Property & Casualty Insurance - 0.53%


Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co.

   USD      2.000     11/15/2018         50,000         50,329         




Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) - 1.83%


Boston Properties LP

   USD      3.850     02/01/2023         25,000         25,970         

Corporate Office Properties LP

   USD      3.600     05/15/2023         50,000         48,447         

DDR Corp.

   USD      3.500     01/15/2021         45,000         45,636         



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) (continued)


Kimco Realty Corp.

   USD      4.300     02/01/2018         50,000           $ 53,877         







Retail Food/Drug - 1.06%


CVS Pass-Through Trust

   USD      6.036     12/10/2028         38,848         45,917         

Kroger Co.

   USD      5.150     08/01/2043         50,000         55,425         







Retail Non Food/Drug - 1.92%


Advance Auto Parts, Inc.

   USD      4.500     12/01/2023         50,000         53,362         

Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc.

   USD      3.875     01/15/2022         75,000         78,718         

The TJX Cos., Inc.

   USD      2.750     06/15/2021         50,000         50,447         







Technology - 0.51%


Apple, Inc.

   USD      3.850     05/04/2043         50,000         48,743         




Wireless - 0.26%


America Movil SAB de CV

   USD      3.125     07/16/2022         25,000         24,845         




Wirelines - 0.54%


Telefonica Emisiones SAU

   USD      5.134     04/27/2020         25,000         27,956         

Verizon Communications, Inc.

   USD      2.450     11/01/2022         25,000         23,717         






(Cost $2,848,333)




CDGJ Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-BXCH A

   USD      1.550     11/15/2016         50,000         50,000(1)(2)   

Ellington Loan Acquisition Trust 2007-1 A2B

   USD      1.055     05/28/2037         46,057         45,504(1)(2)   

Financial Asset Securities Corp. AAA Trust, Series 2005-2

   USD      0.457     11/26/2035         49,811         48,288(1)(2)   

GSAA Home Equity Trust 2004-11 2A1

   USD      0.815     12/25/2034         40,997         40,105(2)      

GSAMP Trust 2002-WF M1

   USD      1.355     10/20/2032         28,636         27,683(2)      

HLSS Servicer Advance Receivables Backed Notes 2014-T1 BT1

   USD      1.542     01/15/2015         100,000         100,001(1)      

Invitation Homes Trust 2013-SFR1 A

   USD      1.400     12/17/2015         49,212         49,101(1)(2)   

ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007-8 AMA

   USD      6.078     07/12/2017         25,000         25,468(2)      

Rialto Real Estate Fund 2012 LT1 LLC, Series 2014-LT5

   USD      2.850     12/15/2015         12,638         12,637(1)      

TAL Advantage V LLC, Series 2013-2A

   USD      3.550     11/20/2023         22,500         22,885(1)      

Vericrest Opportunity Loan Transferee 2013-NPL6 A1

   USD      3.625     03/25/2054         11,388         11,457(1)(3)   







(Cost $430,361)

U.S. TREASURY BONDS/NOTES - 23.96%              

U.S. Treasury Bonds

   USD      2.000     11/15/2021         925,000         931,359         







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)









Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




U.S. Treasury Notes:

     USD         0.250     12/15/2015         425,000           $ 425,432         
     USD         2.000     01/31/2016         450,000         459,422         
     USD         1.625     04/30/2019         150,000         151,559         
     USD         2.750     02/15/2024         300,000         315,187         



TOTAL U.S. TREASURY BONDS/NOTES                 2,282,959         




(Cost $2,238,875)





     USD         3.000     12/11/2014         250,000         252,715(4)      
     USD         3.500     12/11/2014         450,000         469,055(4)      
     USD         4.000     12/11/2014         625,000         667,334(4)      
     USD         4.500     12/11/2014         375,000         407,607(4)      
     USD         5.000     12/11/2014         250,000         277,226(4)      
     USD         3.000     12/16/2014         300,000         312,422(4)      
     USD         3.500     12/16/2014         100,000         105,941(4)      


     USD         3.500     12/18/2014         50,000         52,481(4)      









(Cost $2,526,438)

SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS - 15.82%              

Money Market Mutual Funds - 15.82%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class (7-Day Yield)

     USD         0.06001     N/A         1,507,422         1,507,422         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS                 1,507,422         




(Cost $1,507,422)

Total Investments - 101.56%                 9,675,635         

(Cost $9,551,429)


Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets - (1.56)%




Net Assets - 100.00%                   $ 9,526,719         




* The principal amount/shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.

Currency Abbreviations:


USD    -    United States Dollar



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $705,952, which represents approximately 7.41% of net assets as of November 30, 2014.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Step bond. Coupon changes periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect as of November 30, 2014.


Investment purchased on a delayed delivery basis.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Common Abbreviations:
FNMA    -    Fannie Mae.
GNMA    -    Government National Mortgage Association.
GMTN    -    Global Medium Term Note
LLC    -    Lmited Liability Corporation.
LP    -    Limited Partnership.
NA    -    National Association.
NV    -    Naamloze Vennootshap is the Dutch term for a Public Limited Liability Corporation
PLC    -    Public Limited Company.
Sab de CV    -    A Variable Capital Company
SAU    -    Sociedad Anónima Unipersonal is the Spanish term for Single Shareholder Corporartion.
SpA    -    Società per Azioni is the Italian term for Limited share company.
TBA    -    To Be Announced
UK    -    United Kingdom



See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)











Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

OPEN-END FUNDS - 99.02%           

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   USD      N/A        917,605           $ 9,763,313(1)      

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

   USD      N/A        1,432,241         13,047,712(1)      

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

   USD      N/A        911,656         9,517,684(1)      






TOTAL OPEN-END FUNDS              32,328,709         




(Cost $32,490,738)

SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS - 0.12%           

Money Market Mutual Funds - 0.12%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class (7-Day Yield)

   USD      0.06001     38,354         38,354         



TOTAL SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS              38,354         




(Cost $38,354)

Total Investments - 99.14%              32,367,063         

(Cost $32,529,092)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 0.86%




Net Assets - 100.00%                $ 32,646,307         




* The shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


Currency Abbreviations:
AUD    -    Australian Dollar
EUR    -    Euro Currency
USD    -    United States Dollar



Affiliated with the Fund, as each is a series of Stone Harbor Investment Funds and has the same investment adviser.












Citigroup Global Markets

   EUR    76,300    Sale    01/08/2015    $             94,903           $ 699         

Citigroup Global Markets

   GBP    39,100    Sale    01/08/2015      61,058         153         



                      $ 852         




Citigroup Global Markets

   AUD    90,000    Purchase    01/28/2015    $ 76,246           $ (614)         



                      $       (614)         




** The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the contract is denominated.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Description    Position    Contracts    Expiration
   Notional Amount,      Unrealized



Euro-Bund Future

   Long    22    12/09/14    $ 3,362,700       $ 105,470     

Long Gilt Future

   Long    10    3/30/15      1,175,400         11,246     

US Ultra T-Bond

   Long    2    12/22/14      321,750         10,344     



            $ 4,859,850       $ 127,060     



Description    Position    Contracts    Expiration
   Notional Amount,      Unrealized



US 10 Yr Note Future

   Short    (38)    12/22/14    $ (4,850,939)       $ (94,219)     



            $                       (4,850,939)       $                       (94,219)     






See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund   Statements of Investments





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)











Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

OPEN-END FUNDS - 100.01%            

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   USD      N/A         3,266,861           $ 34,759,405(1)      

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

   USD      N/A         3,055,848         28,388,827(1)      






TOTAL OPEN-END FUNDS               63,148,232         




(Cost $64,064,325)

Total Investments - 100.01%               63,148,232         

(Cost $64,064,325)


Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets - (0.01)%




Net Assets - 100.00%                 $ 63,142,184         




* The shares of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.

Currency Abbreviations:

USD    -    United States Dollar



Affiliated with the Fund, as each is a series of Stone Harbor Investment Funds and has the same investment adviser.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Assets and Liabilities





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Debt Fund


Stone Harbor

High Yield

Bond Fund


Stone Harbor

Local Markets



Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund






Investments, at value(1)

  $ 2,146,701,382        $ 282,300,806      $ 1,880,517,086      $ 24,295,412       


    9,884,846                 1,692,967        –       

Foreign currency, at value
    (Cost $0, $63,729, $21,749 and $0, respectively)

    –          63,261        11,506        –       

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency


    235,486          49,388        1,661,119        3,001       

Deposits with brokers for credit default swap contracts

    8,730,000                        –       

Deposits with brokers for forward foreign currency contracts

    –                 1,825,000        –       

Receivable for investments sold

    8,577,820          184,642        283,165,680        145,247       

Receivable for fund shares sold

    61,284          2,183        404,682        –       

Interest receivable

    33,168,156          4,363,060        31,179,677        335,029       

Prepaid and other assets

    46,594          16,136        44,030        25,399       


Total Assets         2,207,405,568          286,979,476        2,200,501,747        24,804,088       





Foreign currency, at value due to custodian
    (Cost $228,968, $0, $0 and $0, respectively)

    230,127                        –       

Swap Premiums Received

    8,318,750                        –       

Payable due to brokers for forward foreign currency


    870,000          260,000               –       

Payable for investments purchased

    14,035,187          2,281,253        1,692,967        414,790       

Payable for fund shares redeemed

    –                 5,595,723        –       

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency


    –          183        4,406,855        –       

Unrealized depreciation on credit default swap contracts

    705,463                        –       

Payable to adviser

    1,082,521          117,942        1,373,828        17,020       

Payable to administrator

    181,141          30,355        181,007        2,827       

Other payables

    249,944          92,965        545,729        56,681       


Total Liabilities     25,673,133          2,782,698        13,796,109        491,318       


Net Assets   $ 2,181,732,435        $ 284,196,778      $ 2,186,705,638      $ 24,312,770       





Paid-in capital

  $    2,275,484,374        $      276,729,446      $     2,552,933,892      $       27,533,279       

Undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment income

    (2,174,620)          (708,714)        39,387,244        (37,025)       

Accumulated net realized gain/(loss) on investments,
    forward foreign currency contracts, credit default
    swaps and foreign currency transactions

    (75,070,098)          10,315,640        (139,146,076)        (3,564,586)       

Net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments,
    forward foreign currency contracts, credit default
    swaps and translation of assets and liabilities
    denominated in foreign currencies

    (16,507,221)          (2,139,594)        (266,469,422)        381,102       


Net Assets   $ 2,181,732,435        $ 284,196,778      $ 2,186,705,638      $ 24,312,770       





Institutional Class


Net Assets

  $ 2,181,732,435        $ 284,196,778      $ 2,186,705,638      $ 24,312,770       

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number
    of shares, par value of $0.001 per share authorized)

    205,030,801          31,211,915        235,444,769        2,676,426       



Net assets value, offering and redemption price per share

  $ 10.64        $ 9.11      $ 9.29      $ 9.08       



(1)Cost of Investments

  $ 2,162,500,892        $ 284,669,167      $ 2,140,715,385      $ 23,915,399       


See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Assets and Liabilities





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor

Investment Grade



Stone Harbor

Strategic Income



Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Debt Allocation Fund






Investments, at value(1)

  $ 9,675,635        $ 38,354       $ –       

Investments in affiliates, at value(2)

    –          32,328,709         63,148,232       

Foreign currency, at value
    (Cost $0, $93,644 and $0, respectively)

    –          93,135         –       

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

    –          852         –       

Deposits with brokers for credit default swap contracts

    –          8,686         –       

Cash pledged as collateral for forward commitments

    2,400,423          –         –       

Deposits with brokers for futures contracts collateral

    –          120,281         –       

Receivable for variation margin

    –          127,060         –       

Receivable from adviser

    57,389          102,819         55,837       

Interest receivable

    36,291          –         –       

Prepaid and other assets

    9,055          9,331         807       


Total Assets               12,178,793                32,829,227               63,204,876       





Payable for investments purchased

    2,604,812          –         –       

Payable for variation margin

    –          94,219         –       

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

    –          614         –       

Payable to adviser

    10,705          57,165         49,860       

Payable to administrator

    2,456          2,506         3,402       

Other payables

    34,101          28,416         9,430       


Total Liabilities     2,652,074          182,920         62,692       


Net Assets   $ 9,526,719        $ 32,646,307       $ 63,142,184       





Paid-in capital

  $ 9,304,327        $ 32,647,705       $ 63,581,942       

Undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment income

    (7,496)          16,927         476,351       

Accumulated net realized gain/(loss) on investments, forward     foreign currency contracts, credit default swaps and
    foreign currency transactions

    105,682          115,844         (16)       

Net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments,     forward foreign currency contracts credit default swaps
    and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in
    foreign currencies

    124,206          (134,169)         (916,093)       


Net Assets   $ 9,526,719        $ 32,646,307       $ 63,142,184       





Institutional Class


Net Assets

  $ 9,526,719        $ 32,646,307       $ 63,142,184       

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number of     shares, par value of $0.001 per share authorized)

    912,659          3,203,426         6,358,194       



Net assets value, offering and redemption price per share

  $ 10.44        $ 10.19       $ 9.93       



(1)Cost of Investments

  $ 9,551,429        $ 38,354       $ –       

(2)Cost of Investments in affiliates

  $ –        $ 32,490,738       $ 64,064,325       


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Operations





For the Six Months Ended November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Debt Fund


Stone Harbor

High Yield

Bond Fund


Stone Harbor

Local Markets



Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund







  $ 64,959,973        $ 8,892,358      $ 74,481,950      $ 707,429       


    16,561          418,625        55,305        176       


Total Investment Income         64,976,534          9,310,983        74,537,255        707,605       





Investment advisory fee

    6,637,207          720,493        8,812,659        112,267       

Administration fees

    537,048          84,639        568,734        8,855       

Custodian fees

    297,292          15,404        864,975        3,061       

Printing fees

    2,548          2,592        5,390        2,199       

Professional fees

    33,163          33,182        33,147        32,525       

Trustee fees

    36,975          4,995        40,098        477       

Transfer agent fees

    20,727          12,191        22,388        11,110       

Registration fees

    22,363          13,384        13,186        11,306       

Insurance fees

    15,612          1,380        15,798        133       


    6,026          1,839        6,767        1,479       



Total expenses before waiver/reimbursement

    7,608,961          890,099        10,383,142        183,412       

Less fees waived by investment adviser

    –          (65,578)               (51,332)       


Total Net Expenses     7,608,961          824,521        10,383,142        132,080       


Net Investment Income     57,367,573          8,486,462        64,154,113        575,525       






Net realized gain/(loss) on:



    (7,301,058)          2,137,727        (26,964,364)        270,992       

Credit default swap contracts

    87,847                        –       

Forward foreign currency contracts

    1,114,693          534,699        (4,553,750)        21,134       

Foreign currency transactions

    2,288,715          299,299        (5,272,597)        47,642       



Net realized gain/(loss)

    (3,809,803)          2,971,725        (36,790,711)        339,768       



Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on:



    (87,948,778)          (16,956,779)        (181,004,591)        (664,094)       

Credit default swap contracts

    (705,463)                        –       

Forward foreign currency contracts

    127,372          (12,947)        (1,337,848)        1,170       

Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in
    foreign currencies

    (113,547)          181,811        (3,671,708)        (1,946)       



Net change in unrealized depreciation

    (88,640,416)              (16,787,915)            (186,014,147)        (664,870)       


Net Realized and Unrealized Loss     (92,450,219)          (13,816,190)        (222,804,858)        (325,102)       



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $     (35,082,646)        $ (5,329,728)      $ (158,650,745)      $ 250,423       




See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Operations





For the Six Months Ended November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor

Investment Grade



Stone Harbor

Strategic Income



Stone Harbor

Emerging Markets

Debt Allocation Fund







  $ 43,708        $ –       $ –       


    666          13         –       

Dividends from affiliated securities

    –          510,899         483,217       


Total Investment Income     44,374          510,912         483,217       





Investment advisory fee

    9,783          52,266         49,860       

Administration fees

    6,133          4,876         3,402       

Custodian fees

    1,171          1,097         219       

Printing fees

    2,345          2,345         392       

Professional fees

    24,455          19,461         23,189       

Trustee fees

    53          179         67       

Transfer agent fees

    10,321          10,520         2,418       

Registration fees

    10,140          10,542         24,618       

Insurance fees

    26          85         12       


    3,368          3,413         341       



Total expenses before waiver/reimbursement

    67,795          104,784         104,518       

Less fees waived by investment adviser

    (9,783)          (52,266)         (49,860)       

Less expenses reimbursed by investment adviser

    (44,036)          (41,711)         (47,792)       


Total Net Expenses     13,976          10,807         6,866       


Net Investment Income     30,398          500,105         476,351       






Net realized gain/(loss) on:



    63,705          –         –       

Investments - affiliated securities

    –          (4,629)         (16)       

Credit default swap contracts

    –          (3,664)         –       

Futures contracts

    11,993          167,052         –       

Forward foreign currency contracts

    –          2,002         –       

Foreign currency transactions

    –          (28)         –       



Net realized gain/(loss)

    75,698          160,733         (16)       



Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on:



    44,104          (589,953)         (916,093)       

Credit default swap contracts

    –          –         –       

Futures contracts

    –          (2,155)         –       

Forward foreign currency contracts

    –          (7)         –       

Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

    –          (5,320)         –       



Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation)

    44,104          (597,435)         (916,093)       


Net Realized and Unrealized Gain/(Loss)     119,802          (436,702)         (916,109)       



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $ 150,200        $ 63,403       $ (439,758)       




See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Changes in Net Assets





    Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund     Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund  




For the Six

Months Ended

November 30, 2014



For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2014


For the Six

Months Ended

November 30, 2014



For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2014






Net investment income

  $ 57,367,573        $ 99,624,975      $ 8,486,462        $ 21,690,768       

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments, credit default
    swap contracts, forward foreign currency contracts
    and foreign currency transactions

    (3,809,803)          (75,846,274)        2,971,725          8,405,472       

Net realized gain on investments - affiliated securities

    –          343,748        –          –       

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on     investments, credit default swap contracts, forward
    foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations

    (88,640,416)          41,237,853        (16,787,915)          (4,854,203)       



Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from     operations

    (35,082,646)          65,360,302        (5,329,728)          25,242,037       






Institutional Class


From net investment income

    (61,090,222)          (86,019,842)        (9,918,832)          (22,390,532)       

From net realized gains

    –                 –          (10,114,843)       



Net decrease in net assets from distributions to     shareholders

    (61,090,222)          (86,019,842)        (9,918,832)          (32,505,375)       






Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares

    301,157,784          589,771,294        45,366,043          18,366,132       

Issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions

    57,815,093          82,361,287        8,334,955          30,458,281       

Cost of shares redeemed

    (259,031,960)          (310,280,824)        (57,111,591)          (125,687,444)       



Net increase/(decrease) in net assets from capital
    share transactions

    99,940,917          361,851,757        (3,410,593)          (76,863,031)       



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets

    3,768,049          341,192,217        (18,659,153)          (84,126,369)       






Beginning of period

    2,177,964,386          1,836,772,169        302,855,931          386,982,300       



End of period

  $   2,181,732,435        $   2,177,964,386      $   284,196,778        $ 302,855,931       



Includes undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment
    income of:

  $ (2,174,620)        $ 1,548,029      $ (708,714)        $ 723,656       




Share Transactions:


Institutional Class


Beginning shares

    196,069,405          162,037,118        31,455,233          39,368,510       

Shares sold

    27,578,409          55,561,421        4,886,714          1,918,497       

Shares reinvested

    5,348,503          7,802,599        895,188          3,203,877       

Shares redeemed

    (23,965,516)          (29,331,733)        (6,025,220)            (13,035,651)       



Shares outstanding - end of period

    205,030,801          196,069,405        31,211,915          31,455,233       




See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Changes in Net Assets






     Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund      Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate
Debt Fund



     For the Six
Months Ended
November 30, 2014
     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2014
     For the Six
Months Ended
November 30, 2014

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2014






Net investment income

   $ 64,154,113         $ 132,011,677       $ 575,525         $ 2,005,319       

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments, credit default swap contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

     (36,790,711)           (253,220,413)         339,768           (2,602,601)       

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, credit default swap contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations

     (186,014,147)           16,126,803         (664,870)           487,117       



Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     (158,650,745)           (105,081,933)         250,423           (110,165)       






Institutional Class


From net investment income

     (2,341,384)           (17,612,618)         (646,526)           (2,080,114)       

From net realized gains

     –           (12,318,762)         –           –         



Net decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (2,341,384)           (29,931,380)         (646,526)           (2,080,114)       






Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares

     206,350,280           1,007,385,023         2,214,000           26,904,350       

Issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions

     2,277,846           29,494,620         646,526           2,080,114       

Cost of shares redeemed

     (351,714,495)           (875,509,273)         (4,438,721)           (68,683,365)       



Net increase/(decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions

     (143,086,369)           161,370,370         (1,578,195)           (39,698,901)       



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets

     (304,078,498)           26,357,057         (1,974,298)           (41,889,180)       






Beginning of period

     2,490,784,136           2,464,427,079         26,287,068           68,176,248       



End of period

   $   2,186,705,638         $   2,490,784,136       $   24,312,770         $   26,287,068       



Includes undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment income of:

   $ 39,387,244         $ (22,425,485)       $ (37,025)         $ 33,976       




Share Transactions:


Institutional Class


Beginning shares

     249,984,702           234,568,603         2,847,399           7,278,681       

Shares sold

     21,272,778           102,260,030         239,122           2,959,490       

Shares reinvested

     230,085           3,069,429         70,785           234,122       

Shares redeemed

     (36,042,796)           (89,913,360)         (480,880)           (7,624,894)       



Shares outstanding - end of period

     235,444,769           249,984,702         2,676,426           2,847,399       




See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Changes in Net Assets






     Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund      Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund  



     For the Six
Months Ended
November 30, 2014
     For the Period
December 19, 2013
(Commencment of
Operations) to
May 31, 2014
     For the Six
Months Ended
November 30, 2014
     For the Period
December 19, 2013
(Commencment of
Operations) to
May 31, 2014





Net investment income

   $ 30,398         $ 22,162         $ 500,105         $ 155,131       

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments, credit default swap contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

     75,698           29,993           165,362           (45,067)       

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments - affiliated securities

     –           –           (4,629)           1,340       

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, credit default swap contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations

     44,104           80,102           (597,435)           463,266       



Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     150,200           132,257           63,403           574,670       






Institutional Class


From net investment income

     (42,130)           (17,965)           (508,944)           (130,527)       



Net decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (42,130)           (17,965)           (508,944)           (130,527)       






Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares

     6,602,507           2,989,999           22,009,894           10,010,001       

Issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions

     42,130           17,965           497,283           130,527       

Cost of shares redeemed

     (348,244)           –           –           –         



Net increase in net assets from capital share transactions

     6,296,393           3,007,964           22,507,177           10,140,528       



Net Increase in Net Assets

     6,404,463           3,122,256           22,061,636           10,584,671       






Beginning of period

     3,122,256           –           10,584,671           –         



End of period

   $ 9,526,719         $ 3,122,256         $ 32,646,307         $ 10,584,671       



Includes undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment income of:

   $ (7,496)         $ 4,236         $ 16,927         $ 25,766       




Share Transactions:


Institutional Class


Beginning shares

     300,737           –           1,013,714           –         

Shares sold

     641,230           298,981           2,141,137           1,000,996       

Shares reinvested

     4,055           1,756         48,575           12,718       

Shares redeemed

     (33,363)           –           –           –         



Shares outstanding - end of period

     912,659           300,737           3,203,426           1,013,714       




See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Statements of Changes in Net Assets






     Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Debt Allocation Fund
     For the Period
October 21, 2014
(Commencement of
Operations) to
November 30, 2014





Net investment income

   $       476,351     

Net realized loss on investments - affiliated securities


Net change in unrealized depreciation on investments - affiliated securities, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations



Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations      (439,758)     





Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares



Net increase in net assets from capital share transactions      63,581,942     


Net Increase in Net Assets      63,142,184     





Beginning of period




End of period

   $       63,142,184     



Includes undistributed net investment income of:

   $       476,351     


Share Transactions:   
Institutional Class   

Beginning shares


Shares sold




Shares outstanding - end of period





See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class  

For the

Six Months


November 30,

2014 (Unaudited)


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2014


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2012


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2011


For the    

Year Ended    

May 31, 2010    




Net asset value - beginning of period

  $ 11.11          $ 11.34          $ 10.93          $ 11.20          $ 10.48          $ 9.22         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income

    0.28(1)          0.55(1)          0.55(1)          0.65(1)          0.67(1)          0.75         

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

    (0.45)            (0.31)            0.45            (0.15)            1.00            1.44         



Total income/(loss) from investment operations

    (0.17)            0.24            1.00            0.50            1.67            2.19         



Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

    (0.30)            (0.47)            (0.54)            (0.67)            (0.63)            (0.79)         

From net realized gains

    –            –            (0.05)            (0.10)            (0.32)            (0.14)         



Total distributions

    (0.30)            (0.47)            (0.59)            (0.77)            (0.95)            (0.93)         



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

    (0.47)            (0.23)            0.41            (0.27)            0.72            1.26         



Net asset value - end of period

  $ 10.64          $ 11.11          $ 11.34          $ 10.93          $ 11.20          $ 10.48         



Total Return(2)

        (1.55)%(3)              2.45%                9.05%                4.61%                16.30%                24.25%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:



Net assets, end of period (in millions)

  $ 2,182          $ 2,178          $ 1,837          $ 1,184          $ 749          $ 178         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

    0.69%(4)          0.70%            0.68%            0.72%            0.77%            0.91%         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

    0.69%(4)          0.70%            0.68%            0.72%            0.75%            0.75%         

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/ reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

    5.19%(4)          5.21%            4.68%            5.78%            6.02%            6.80%         

Portfolio turnover rate

    35%(3)          68%            68%            60%            82%            125%         



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower in 2010 and 2011 had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.



Institutional Class  

For the

Six Months

November 30,
2014 (Unaudited)

    For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2014
    For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2013
    For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2012
    For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2011
    For the    
Year Ended    
May 31, 2010    



Net asset value - beginning of period

  $ 9.63          $ 9.83          $ 9.13          $ 10.00          $ 9.36          $ 8.39         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income

    0.28(1)          0.60(1)          0.70(1)          0.72(1)          0.77(1)          0.73         

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

    (0.48)            0.13            0.72            (0.59)            0.78            0.96         



Total income/(loss) from investment operations

    (0.20)            0.73            1.42            0.13            1.55            1.69         



Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

    (0.32)            (0.64)            (0.68)            (0.70)            (0.76)            (0.72)         

From net realized gains

    –            (0.29)            (0.04)            (0.30)            (0.15)            –         



Total distributions

    (0.32)            (0.93)            (0.72)            (1.00)            (0.91)            (0.72)         



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

    (0.52)            (0.20)            0.70            (0.87)            0.64            0.97         



Net asset value - end of period

  $ 9.11          $ 9.63          $ 9.83          $ 9.13          $ 10.00          $ 9.36         



Total Return(2)

        (2.12)%(3)          7.90%            15.87%            1.77%            17.14%                20.53%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:



Net assets, end of period (in millions)

  $ 284          $ 303          $ 387          $ 520          $ 488          $ 408         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

    0.62%(4)(5)          0.62%            0.60%            0.62%            0.65%            0.67%         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

    0.57%(4)(5)          0.55%            0.55%            0.55%            0.55%            0.55%         

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/ reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

    5.89%(4)          6.23%            7.27%            7.67%            7.78%            8.13%         

Portfolio turnover rate

    34%(3)          54%            59%            46%            60%            36%         



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






Effective October 1, 2014, the expense limitation rate changed from 0.55% to 0.65%.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class   

For the

Six Months Ended
November 30,
2014 (Unaudited)

     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2014
     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2013
     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2012
     For the Period    
June 30, 2010    
(Commencement of    
Operations) to May    
31, 2011    



Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 9.96           $ 10.51           $ 10.10           $ 11.21           $ 10.00         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income(1)

     0.27             0.53             0.49             0.57             0.51         

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     (0.93)             (0.96)             0.33             (1.21)             1.14         



Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     (0.66)             (0.43)             0.82             (0.64)             1.65         



Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

     (0.01)             (0.07)             (0.39)             (0.45)             (0.39)         

From net realized gains

     –             (0.05)             (0.02)             –             (0.05)         

From tax return of capital

     –             –             –             (0.02)             –         



Total distributions

     (0.01)             (0.12)             (0.41)             (0.47)             (0.44)         



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset

     (0.67)             (0.55)             0.41             (1.11)             1.21         



Net asset value - end of period

   $ 9.29           $ 9.96           $ 10.51           $ 10.10           $ 11.21         



Total Return(2)

         (6.63)%(3)           (4.04)%             7.92%             (5.84)%                 16.82%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 2,187           $ 2,491           $ 2,464           $ 1,563           $ 606         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     0.88%(4)           0.88%             0.86%             0.89%             1.01%(4)       

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     0.88%(4)           0.88%             0.86%             0.89%             1.00%(4)       

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     5.46%(4)           5.41%             4.45%             5.35%             5.13%(4)       

Portfolio turnover rate

     76%(3)           181%             191%             161%             102%         



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower in 2011 had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class   

For the

Six Months Ended
November 30,
2014 (Unaudited)

     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2014
     For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2013
     For the Period    
June 1, 2011    
(Commencement of    
Operations) to May    
31, 2012    



Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 9.23           $ 9.37           $ 8.89           $ 10.00         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income(1)

     0.20             0.41             0.44             0.59         

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     (0.12)             (0.08)             0.46             (1.11)         



Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     0.08             0.33             0.90             (0.52)         



Less distributions to common shareholders:


From net investment income

     (0.23)             (0.47)             (0.42)             (0.59)         



Total distributions

     (0.23)             (0.47)             (0.42)             (0.59)         



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset

     (0.15)             (0.14)             0.48             (1.11)         



Net asset value - end of period

   $ 9.08           $ 9.23           $ 9.37           $ 8.89         



Total Return(2)

         0.87%(3)           3.80%             10.13%                 (5.10)%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 24           $ 26           $ 68           $ 35         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements

     1.39%(4)           1.22%             1.16%             1.32%         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     1.00%(4)           1.00%             1.00%             1.00%         

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     4.36%(4)           4.58%             4.68%             6.41%         

Portfolio turnover rate

     34%(3)           78%             78%             51%         



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class   

For the

Six Months Ended
November 30, 2014

     For the Period    
December 19, 2013    
(Commencement of    
Operations) to May    
31, 2014    



Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 10.38           $ 10.00         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income(1)

     0.06             0.07         

Net realized and unrealized gain on investments

     0.08             0.37         



Total income from investment operations

     0.14             0.44         



Less distributions to common shareholders:


From net investment income

     (0.08)             (0.06)         



Total distributions

     (0.08)             (0.06)         



Net Increase in Net Asset Value

     0.06             0.38         



Net asset value - end of period

   $ 10.44           $ 10.38         



Total Return(2)

     1.35%(3)               4.41%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 10           $ 3         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser

         2.43%(4)           4.14%(4)       

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser

     0.50%(4)           0.50%(4)       

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     1.09%(4)           1.62%(4)       

Portfolio turnover rate

     20%(3)           27%         



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower in 2014 had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class   

For the

Six Months Ended
November 30, 2014

     For the Period    
December 19, 2013    
(Commencement of    
Operations) to May    
31, 2014    



Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 10.44           $ 10.00         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income(1)

     0.27             0.15         

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     (0.27)             0.42         



Total income from investment operations

     –             0.57         



Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

     (0.25)                 (0.13)         



Total distributions

     (0.25)             (0.13)         



Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

     (0.25)             0.44         



Net asset value - end of period

   $ 10.19           $ 10.44         



Total Return(2)

         (0.01%)(3)          5.73%         

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 33           $ 11         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser

     1.10%(4)(5)           1.46%(4)(5)       

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser

     0.11%(4)(5)           0.12%(4)(5)       

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     5.26%(4)(5)           3.38%(4)(5)       

Portfolio turnover rate

     10%(3)           0%(6)       



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower in 2014 had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






Ratio does not include expenses of the mutual funds held in the investment portfolio.


Less than 0.5%.


See Notes to Financial Statements.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund   Financial Highlights


For a share outstanding through the periods presented.




Institutional Class    For the Period    
October 21, 2014    
(Commencement of    
Operations) to    
November 30, 2014    



Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 10.00         

Income/(loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income(1)


Net realized and unrealized loss on investments




Total loss from investment operations




Net Decrease in Net Asset Value




Net asset value - end of period

   $ 9.93         



Total Return(2)


Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 63         

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser


Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fees waived by investment adviser and expenses reimbursed by investment adviser


Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements


Portfolio turnover rate




Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower in 2014 had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).






Ratio does not include expenses of the mutual funds held in the investment portfolio.


See Notes to Financial Statements.







Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





Stone Harbor Investment Funds, which consists of Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund, Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund, Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund, and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund (each, a “Fund” and together, the “Funds”) is a Massachusetts business trust (the “Trust”), organized on February 20, 2007 and registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund was added to the Trust on September 5, 2014. The Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund commenced operations on October 21, 2014. Shares of each Fund are currently divided into two classes, designated Institutional Class Shares and Distributor Class Shares. As of the date of this report, there were no outstanding shares for the Distributor Class of each Fund. The Trust’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to create additional funds and share classes.

The Emerging Markets Debt Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities. “Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) that economically are tied to countries with emerging securities markets or whose performance is linked to those countries’ markets, economies or ability to repay loans. Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities may be denominated in non-U.S. currencies or the U.S. dollar. A security or instrument is economically tied to an emerging market country if it is principally traded on the country’s securities markets or the issuer is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities also include derivatives and other instruments used to hedge or gain exposure to emerging securities markets (for example, futures or other derivatives whose return is based on specific emerging markets securities or indices).

The High Yield Bond Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in High Yield Debt Securities. “High Yield Debt Securities” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) rated below investment grade (or, if unrated, of comparable quality as determined by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP (the “Adviser” or “Stone Harbor”). These types of securities and instruments are commonly referred to as “high yield” securities or “junk bonds,” and may include, among other things, bonds, debentures, notes, equipment trust certificates, commercial paper, commercial loans, preferred stock and other obligations of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers. High Yield Debt Securities also include securities or other instruments whose return is based on the return of high yield securities, including derivative instruments and instruments created to hedge or gain exposure to the high yield markets.

The Local Markets Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Investments. “Emerging Markets Investments” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) that economically are tied to an emerging market country, which are denominated in the predominant currency of the local market of an emerging market country (an “Emerging Markets Currency”) or whose performance is linked to those countries’ currencies, markets, economies or ability to repay loans. Although under normal circumstances a significant portion of the Fund’s investments will be denominated in Emerging Markets Currencies, Emerging Markets Investments may be denominated in non-Emerging Markets Currencies, including the U.S. dollar. A security or instrument is economically tied to an emerging market country if it is principally traded on the country’s securities markets or the issuer is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Investments also include Emerging Markets Currencies and derivatives and other instruments used to hedge or gain exposure to emerging securities markets or Emerging Markets Currencies (for example, futures or other derivatives whose return is based on specific emerging markets securities, emerging markets indices or Emerging Markets Currencies).

The Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments. “Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments” are debt instruments, including loans, issued by corporations or other business organizations that are economically tied to an emerging market country. A corporation or other business organization is economically tied to an emerging market country if it issues securities that are principally traded on the country’s securities markets or if it is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments also include derivative instruments used for hedging purposes or to otherwise gain or reduce long or short exposure to Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments.

The Investment Grade Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund invests in various types of fixed income securities and under normal market conditions will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Investment Grade Debt Securities. “Investment Grade Debt Securities” include fixed income securities that are rated investment grade by any of Moody’s Investors Services, Inc., Standard & Poor’s Rating Services, Fitch Ratings Limited, DBRS or other qualified rating agencies or, if unrated, are determined by the Adviser to be of comparable quality, and derivative instruments related to those securities.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The Strategic Income Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund is intended to provide broad exposure to global credit markets. The Fund, either directly or through investment in the underlying funds, may invest in a broad variety of fixed income and other income producing securities and instruments (including derivatives), and will not be limited in terms of type of instrument, geography, credit rating or duration. The Fund may invest all or a significant portion of its assets in Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund and other funds sponsored or advised by the Adviser (together, the “underlying funds”). The Fund is not required to invest in the underlying funds, and from time to time may not be invested in any underlying fund. In addition to investing in the underlying funds, the Fund may invest directly in fixed income securities and in other instruments and transactions.

The Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund, either directly or through investment in the underlying funds, will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in a broad variety of fixed income and other income producing securities and instruments (including derivatives), that economically are tied to an emerging market country or whose performance is linked to those countries’ currencies, markets, economies or ability to repay loans. The Fund may invest all or a significant portion of its assets in Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund and Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund (together, the “underlying funds”). The Fund is not required to invest in the underlying funds, and from time to time may not be invested in any underlying fund. In addition to investing in the underlying funds, the Fund may invest directly in fixed income securities and in other instruments and transactions.

The Emerging Markets Debt Fund and Local Markets Fund are each classified as “non-diversified” under the 1940 Act. As a result, the Funds can invest a greater portion of the Funds’ assets in obligations of a single issuer than a “diversified” fund. The Funds may therefore be more susceptible than a diversified fund to being adversely affected by any single corporate, economic, political or regulatory occurrence. The High Yield Bond Fund, Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund, Investment Grade Fund, Strategic Income Fund, and Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund are diversified funds.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements. The Funds are considered an investment company for financial reporting purposes under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (“GAAP”). The policies are in conformity with GAAP. The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Investment Valuation: Debt securities, including bank loans and linked notes, are generally valued at the mean between the closing bid and asked prices provided by independent pricing services or brokers that are based on transactions in debt obligations, quotations from dealers, market transactions in comparable securities and various other relationships between securities. Equity securities for which market quotations are available are generally valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. Publicly traded foreign government debt securities are typically traded internationally in the over-the-counter market, and are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices as of the close of business of that market. When prices are not readily available, or are determined not to reflect fair value, such as when the value of a security has been significantly affected by events after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, but before the Funds calculate their net asset value, the Funds may value these investments at fair value as determined in accordance with the procedures approved by the Funds’ Board of Trustees (the “Board”). Short-term obligations with maturities of 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Open end funds and money market mutual funds are valued at their net asset value. Futures contracts are ordinarily valued at the last sales price on the securities or commodities exchange on which they are traded. Credit default swaps are priced by an independent pricing service based off of the underlying terms of the swap. Foreign currency positions including forward currency contracts are priced at the mean between the closing bid and asked prices at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.

A three-tier hierarchy has been established to measure fair value based on the extent of use of “observable inputs” as compared to “unobservable inputs” for disclosure purposes and requires additional disclosures about these valuations measurements. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing a security. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the security developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the security developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The three-tier hierarchy is summarized as follows:


Level 1—  

Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Fund has the ability to access.

Level 2—  

Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curve, rates, and similar data.

Level 3—  

Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.

The following is a summary of each Fund’s investments and financial instruments based on the three-tier hierarchy as of November 30, 2014:


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Sovereign Debt Obligations

   $       $ 1,671,555,903         $ –         $   1,671,555,903       

Bank Loans

             –           187,474           187,474       

Corporate Bonds

             424,091,113           –           424,091,113       

Credit Linked Notes



             1,970,704           –           1,970,704       


             –           7,533,472           7,533,472       


             17,054,976           –           17,054,976       

Short Term Investments

     24,307,740         –           –           24,307,740       




   $ 24,307,740       $ 2,114,672,696         $ 7,720,946         $ 2,146,701,382       





Other Financial Instruments**






Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $       $ 235,486         $ –         $ 235,486       



Credit Default Swap Contracts

             (705,463)           –           (705,463)       




   $       $ (469,977)         $ –         $ (469,977)       


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Corporate Bonds

   $       $ 255,692,251         $ –         $ 255,692,251       

Convertible Corporate Bonds

             2,914,841           –           2,914,841       

Bank Loans

             18,128,346           –           18,128,346       

Common/Preferred Stocks

     838,500         19           –           838,519       

Short Term Investments

     4,726,849         –           –           4,726,849       




   $ 5,565,349       $ 276,735,457         $ –         $ 282,300,806       





Other Financial Instruments**






Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $       $ 49,388         $ –         $ 49,388       



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

             (183)           –           (183)       




   $       $ 49,205         $ –         $ 49,205       





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Sovereign Debt Obligations

   $       $ 1,549,173,679         $ –         $   1,549,173,679       

Corporate Bonds

             71,479,817           –           71,479,817       

Credit Linked Notes

             125,912,063           –           125,912,063       

Short Term Investments

     133,951,527         –           –           133,951,527       




   $ 133,951,527       $ 1,746,565,559         $ –         $ 1,880,517,086       





Other Financial Instruments**






Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $       $ 1,661,119         $ –         $ 1,661,119       



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

             (4,406,855)           –           (4,406,855)       




   $       $ (2,745,736)         $ –         $ (2,745,736)       


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Corporate Bonds

   $       $ 23,977,449         $ –         $ 23,977,449       

Short Term Investments

     317,963         –           –           317,963       




   $ 317,963       $ 23,977,449         $ –         $ 24,295,412       





Other Financial Instruments**






Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $       $ 3,001         $ –         $ 3,001       




   $       $ 3,001         $ –         $ 3,001       


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Corporate Bonds

   $       $ 2,907,344         $ –         $ 2,907,344       

Asset Backed/Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities

             433,129           –           433,129       

U.S. Treasury Bonds/Notes

             2,282,959           –           2,282,959       

U.S. Government Agency Mortgage Backed Securities

             2,544,781           –           2,544,781       

Short Term Investments

     1,507,422         –           –           1,507,422       




   $ 1,507,422       $ 8,168,213         $ –         $ 9,675,635       


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Open-End Funds

   $ 32,328,709       $ –         $ –         $ 32,328,709       

Short Term Investments

     38,354         –           –           38,354       




   $ 32,367,063       $ –         $ –         $ 32,367,063       









Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund (continued)


Other Financial Instruments**






Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $       $ 852         $ –         $ 852       

Futures Contracts

     127,060         –           –           127,060       



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

             (614)           –           (614)       

Futures Contracts

     (94,219)         –           –           (94,219)       




   $ 32,841       $ 238         $ –         $ 33,079       


Investments in Securities at Value*   

  Level 1 - Quoted

and Unadjusted



Level 2 - Other


 Observable Inputs


Level 3 - Significant






Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Open-End Funds

   $ 63,148,232       $ –         $ –         $        63,148,232       




   $ 63,148,232       $ –         $ –         $ 63,148,232       





For detailed Industry/Country descriptions, see accompanying Statements of Investments.


Other financial instruments are derivative instruments not reflected in the Statements of Investments. The derivatives shown in this table are reported at their unrealized appreciation/ (depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract’s value.

There were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2 during the period ended November 30, 2014. It is the Funds’ policy to recognize transfers into and out of all levels at the end of the reporting period. Other financial assets were moved from Level 2 to Level 3 as observable inputs were not available for purposes of valuing those assets.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The following is a reconciliation of assets in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:


in Securities
  Balance as of
May 31, 2014





Change in


    Purchases     Sales
Level 3
out of
Level 3

Balance as

of November
30, 2014

    Net change in
included in the
Statements of
attributable to
Level 3
held at
November 30,



Stone Harbor Emerging Market Debt Fund


Bank Loans

  $ 249,965      $ –        $ –        $ (62,491)      $ –        $ –        $ –        $ –        $ 187,474      $ (62,491)         

Credit Linked Notes

    9,778,779        88,734        49,199        (1,893,966)        –          (489,274)        –          –          7,533,472        (1,893,966)         




  $ 10,028,744      $ 88,734      $ 49,199      $ (1,956,457)      $ –        $ (489,274)      $ –        $ –        $ 7,720,946      $ (1,956,457)         





Realized gain/ (loss) and change in unrealized appreciation/ (depreciation) are included in the related amounts on the investment in the Statements of Operations.

All level 3 investments have values determined utilizing third party pricing information without adjustment.

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

In the event a Board approved independent pricing service is unable to provide an evaluated price for a security or the Adviser believes the price provided is not reliable, securities of the Funds may be valued at fair value as described above. In these instances the Adviser may seek to find an alternative independent source, such as a broker/dealer to provide a price quote, or by using evaluated pricing models similar to the techniques and models used by the independent pricing service. These fair value measurement techniques may utilize unobservable inputs (Level 3).

On at least a quarterly basis, the Adviser presents the factors considered in determining the fair value measurements and presents that information to the Board which meets at least quarterly.

Security Transactions and Investment Income: Security transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. Interest income, adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discount, is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Foreign dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon as practical after the Funds determine the existence of a dividend declaration after exercising reasonable due diligence. If applicable, any foreign capital gains taxes are accrued, net of unrealized gains, and are payable upon the sale of such investments. The cost of investments sold is determined by use of the specific identification method. To the extent any issuer defaults on an expected interest payment, the Funds’ policy is to generally halt any additional interest income accruals and consider the realizability of interest accrued up to the date of default.

Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. Investment valuations and other assets and liabilities initially expressed in foreign currencies are converted each business day into U.S. dollars based upon current exchange rates. Prevailing foreign exchange rates may generally be obtained at the close of the NYSE (normally, 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). The portion of realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates is not separately disclosed and is included in realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments, when applicable.

Foreign Securities: The Funds may directly purchase securities of foreign issuers. Investing in securities of foreign issuers involves special risks not typically associated with investing in securities of U.S. issuers. The risks include possible revaluation of currencies, the ability to repatriate funds, less complete financial information about companies and possible future adverse political and economic developments. Moreover, securities of many foreign issuers and their markets may be less liquid and their prices more volatile than those of securities of comparable U.S. issuers.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Credit Linked Notes: The Funds may invest in credit linked notes to obtain economic exposure to high yield, emerging markets or other securities. Investments in a credit linked note typically provide the holder with a return based on the return of an underlying reference instrument, such as an emerging market bond. Like an investment in a bond, investments in credit-linked securities represent the right to receive periodic income payments (in the form of distributions) and payment of principal at the end of the term of the security. In addition to the risks associated with the underlying reference instrument, an investment in a credit linked note is also subject to the risk that the counterparty will be unwilling or unable to meet its obligations under the note.

Segregation and Collateralization: In cases in which the 1940 Act and the interpretive positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) require that the Fund either delivers collateral or segregate assets in connection with certain investments (e.g., foreign currency exchange contracts, securities with extended settlement periods, and swaps) or certain borrowings (e.g., reverse repurchase agreements), the Fund will segregate collateral or designate on its books and records cash or other liquid securities having a value at least equal to the amount that is required to be physically segregated for the benefit of the counterparty. Furthermore, based on requirements and agreements with certain exchanges and third party broker-dealers, each party has requirements to deliver/deposit cash or securities as collateral for certain investments. Cash collateral that has been pledged to cover obligations of the Funds and cash collateral received from the counterparty, if any, is reported separately on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as “Deposits with brokers” or “Payable due to brokers”, respectively. Securities collateral pledged for the same purpose is noted on the Statement of Investments.

Loan Participations and Assignments: The Funds may invest in loans arranged through private negotiation between one or more financial institutions. The Funds’ investment in any such loan may be in the form of a participation in or an assignment of the loan. In connection with purchasing participations, the Funds generally will have no right to enforce compliance by the borrower with the terms of the loan agreement relating to the loan, nor any rights of set-off against the borrower and the Funds may not benefit directly from any collateral supporting the loan in which they have purchased the participation.

The Funds may also invest in unfunded loan commitments, which are contractual obligations for future funding. Information regarding unfunded commitments is included at the end of the Funds’ Schedules of Investments.

The Funds assume the credit risk of the borrower, the lender that is selling the participation and any other persons interpositioned between the Funds and the borrower. In the event of the insolvency of the lender selling the participation, the Funds may be treated as a general creditor of the lender and may not benefit from any set-off between the lender and the borrower.

Inflation-Indexed Bonds: Certain Funds may invest in inflation indexed bonds. Inflation-indexed bonds are fixed-income securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted to the rate of inflation. The interest rate on these bonds is generally fixed at issuance at a rate lower than typical bonds. Over the life of an inflation-indexed bond, however, interest will be paid based on a principal value which is adjusted for inflation. Any increase or decrease in the principal amount of an inflation-indexed bond will be included as interest income on the Statements of Operations, even though investors do not receive their principal until maturity.

Mortgage-Related and Other Asset-Backed Securities: Certain Funds may invest in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities. These securities include mortgage pass-through securities, collateralized mortgage obligations, commercial mortgage-backed securities, stripped mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations and other securities that directly or indirectly represent a participation in, or are secured by and payable from, mortgage loans on real property. Mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities are interests in pools of loans or other receivables. Mortgage-related securities are created from pools of residential or commercial mortgage loans, including mortgage loans made by savings and loan institutions, mortgage bankers, commercial banks and others. Asset-backed securities are created from many types of assets, including auto loans, credit card receivables, home equity loans, and student loans. These securities provide a monthly payment which consists of both interest and principal payments. Interest payments may be determined by fixed or adjustable rates. The rate of prepayments on underlying mortgages will affect the price and volatility of a mortgage-related security, and may have the effect of shortening or extending the effective duration of the security relative to what was anticipated at the time of purchase. The timely payment of principal and interest of certain mortgage-related securities is guaranteed with the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Pools created and guaranteed by non-governmental issuers, including government sponsored corporations, may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, but there can be no assurance that the private insurers or guarantors can meet their obligations under the insurance policies or guarantee arrangements.

U.S. Government Agencies or Government-Sponsored Enterprises: Certain Funds may invest in securities of U.S. Government agencies or government-sponsored enterprises. U.S. Government securities are obligations of and, in certain cases, guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities. Some U.S. Government securities, such as Treasury bills, notes and bonds, and securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association (“GNMA” or “Ginnie Mae”), are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government; others, such as those of the Federal Home Loan Banks, are supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (the



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



“U.S. Treasury”); others, such as those of the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA” or “Fannie Mae”), are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations. U.S. Government securities may include zero coupon securities, which do not distribute interest on a current basis and tend to be subject to greater risk than interest-paying securities of similar maturities.

Government-related guarantors (i.e., not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government) include FNMA and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC” or “Freddie Mac”). FNMA is a government-sponsored corporation. FNMA purchases conventional (i.e., not insured or guaranteed by any government agency) residential mortgages from a list of approved seller/servicers which include state and federally chartered savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial banks and credit unions and mortgage bankers. Pass-through securities issued by FNMA are guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by FNMA, but are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. FHLMC issues Participation Certificates (“PCs”), which are pass-through securities, each representing an undivided interest in a pool of residential mortgages. FHLMC guarantees the timely payment of interest and ultimate collection of principal, but PCs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Forward Commitments: Certain Funds may contract to purchase securities for a fixed price at a transaction date beyond the customary settlement period (i.e., “when-issued,” “delayed-delivery,” “forward commitment,” or “To Be Announced (“TBA”) transactions”) consistent with a Fund’s ability to manage its investment portfolio and meet redemption requests. These transactions involve a commitment by a Fund to purchase securities for a predetermined price or yield with payment and delivery taking place more than three days in the future or after a period longer than the customary settlement period for that type of security. No interest will be earned by a Fund on such purchases until the securities are delivered; however, the market value may change prior to delivery. A Fund will not engage in these transactions for investment leverage.

When-issued securities involve the risk that the yield obtained in the transaction will be less than that available in the market when delivery takes place. Securities purchased on a when-issued basis are recorded as an asset and are subject to changes in value based upon changes in the value of the security or general level of interest rates. In when-issued and delayed-delivery transactions, a Fund relies on the seller to complete the transaction; the seller’s failure to do so may cause a Fund to miss an advantageous price or yield.

The Funds may enter into TBA commitments. TBA commitments are forward agreements for the purchase or sale of mortgage-backed securities for a fixed price, with payment and delivery on an agreed upon future settlement date. The specific securities to be delivered are not identified at the trade date. However, delivered securities must meet specified terms, including issuer, rate and mortgage terms. The Funds generally enter into TBA commitments with the intent to take possession of or deliver the underlying mortgage-backed securities but can extend the settlement or roll the transaction.

Unsettled TBA sale (purchase) commitments are valued at the current market value of the underlying securities. The contract is adjusted to market value daily, and the change in market value is recorded by the Fund as an unrealized gain or loss. Outstanding TBA commitments and related deliverables are reflected on the State of Assets and Liabilities in Payable for investments purchased and Receivable for investments sold, respectively. If the TBA sale (purchase) commitment is closed through the acquisition of an offsetting purchase (sale) commitment, the Fund realizes a gain or loss from the sale of the securities based upon the unit price established at the date the commitment was entered into. These gain/loss amounts are reflected in the Accumulated net realized gain/loss on investments and Net unrealized appreciation on investments on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

Credit and Market Risk: The Funds invest in high yield and emerging market instruments that are subject to certain credit and market risks. The yields of high yield and emerging market debt obligations reflect, among other things, perceived credit and market risks. The Funds’ investment in securities rated below investment grade typically involves risks not associated with higher rated securities including, among others, greater risk related to timely and ultimate payment of interest and principal, greater market price volatility and less liquid secondary market trading. The consequences of political, social, economic or diplomatic changes may have disruptive effects on the market prices of investments held by the Funds. The Funds’ investment in non-U.S. dollar denominated securities may also result in foreign currency losses caused by devaluations and exchange rate fluctuations. Investments in derivatives are also subject to credit and market risks.

Distributions to Shareholders: Dividends and distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, are recorded on the ex-date. Income distributions, if any are generally declared and paid on a quarterly basis. Capital gain distributions, if any, are declared and paid at least annually.

Expenses: Direct expenses are charged to each Fund; expenses of the Trust are generally allocated to the Funds based on each Fund’s relative net assets.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Federal and Other Taxes: No provision for income taxes is included in the accompanying financial statements, as the Funds intend to distribute to shareholders all taxable investment income and realized gains and otherwise comply with Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies.

The Funds evaluate tax positions taken (or expected to be taken) in the course of preparing the Funds’ tax provisions to determine whether these positions meet a “more-likely-than-not” standard that, based on the technical merits, have a more than fifty percent likelihood of being sustained by a taxing authority upon examination. A tax position that meets the “more-likely-than-not” recognition threshold is measured to determine the amount of benefit to recognize in the financial statements.

As of and during the period ended November 30, 2014, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds file U.S. federal, state, and local tax returns as required. The Funds’ tax returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities until expiration of the applicable statute of limitations which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return for federal purposes and four years for most state returns. Tax returns for open years have incorporated no uncertain tax positions that require a provision for income taxes.



Risk Exposure and the Use of Derivative Instruments: The Funds’ investment objectives not only permit the Funds to purchase investment securities, they also allow the Funds to enter in various types of derivatives contracts. In doing so, the Funds employ strategies in differing combinations to permit them to increase, decrease, or change the level or types of exposure to market factors. Central to those strategies are features inherent to derivatives that may make them more attractive for this purpose than equity or debt securities; they require little or no initial cash investment, they can focus exposure on only certain selected risk factors, and they may not require the ultimate receipt or delivery of the underlying security (or securities) to the contract. This may allow the Funds to pursue their objectives more quickly and efficiently than if they were to make direct purchases or sales of securities capable of affecting a similar response to market factors.

Market Risk Factors. In pursuit of their investment objectives, the Funds may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease their exposure to the following market risk factors, among others:

Interest Rate Risk. Interest rate risk refers to the fluctuations in value of fixed-income securities resulting from the inverse relationship between price and yield. For example, an increase in general interest rates will tend to reduce the market value of already issued fixed-income investments, and a decline in general interest rates will tend to increase their value. In addition, debt securities with longer maturities, which tend to have higher yields, are subject to potentially greater fluctuations in value from changes in interest rates than obligations with shorter maturities.

Credit Risk. Credit risk relates to the ability of the issuer to meet interest and principal payments, or both, as they come due. In general, lower-grade, higher-yield bonds are subject to credit risk to a greater extent than lower-yield, higher-quality bonds.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk. Foreign exchange risk relates to the change in the U.S. dollar value of a security held that is denominated in a foreign currency. The U.S. dollar value of a foreign currency denominated security will decrease as the dollar appreciates against the currency, while the U.S. dollar value will increase as the dollar depreciates against the currency.

Equity Risk. Equity risk relates to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

The Funds’ use of derivatives can result in losses due to unanticipated changes in these risk factors and the overall market. In instances where the Funds are using derivatives to decrease, or hedge, exposures to market risk factors for securities held by the Funds, there are also risks that those derivatives may not perform as expected resulting in losses for the combined or hedged positions.

Derivatives may have little or no initial cash investment relative to their market value exposure and therefore can produce significant gains or losses in excess of their cost. This use of embedded leverage allows each Fund to increase its market value exposure relative to its net assets and can substantially increase the volatility of the Funds’ performance.

Additional associated risks from investing in derivatives also exist and potentially could have significant effects on the valuation of the derivative and the Funds. Typically, the associated risks are not the risks that the Funds are attempting to increase or decrease exposure to, per their investment objectives, but are the additional risks from investing in derivatives.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Examples of these associated risks are liquidity risk, which is the risk that the Funds will not be able to sell or close out the derivative in a timely manner, and counterparty credit risk, which is the risk that the counterparty will not fulfill its obligation to the Funds. Associated risks can be different for each type of derivative and are discussed by each derivative type below in the notes that follow.

Forward Foreign Currency Contracts: The Funds may engage in currency transactions with counterparties to hedge the value of portfolio securities denominated in particular currencies against fluctuations in relative value, to gain or reduce exposure to certain currencies, or to generate income or gains. A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. The contract is marked-to-market daily and the change in value is recorded by the Funds as an unrealized gain or loss. When a forward foreign currency contract is extinguished, through either delivery or offset by entering into another forward foreign currency contract, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value of the contract at the time it was extinguished.

Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amounts reflected in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. The Funds bear the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward foreign currency contract. Risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.

Futures Contracts: Certain Funds may invest in futures contracts in accordance with their investment objectives. Each Fund does so for a variety of reasons including for cash management, hedging or non-hedging purposes in an attempt to achieve investment returns consistent with the Fund’s investment objective. A futures contract provides for the future sale by one party and purchase by another party of a specified quantity of the security or other financial instrument at a specified price and time. A futures contract on an index is an agreement pursuant to which two parties agree to take or make delivery of an amount of cash equal to the difference between the value of the index at the close of the last trading day of the contract and the price at which the index contract was originally written. Futures contract transactions may result in losses in excess of the amount invested in the futures contract. There can be no guarantee that there will be a correlation between price movements in the hedging vehicle and in the portfolio securities being hedged. An incorrect correlation could result in a loss on both the hedged securities in a Fund and the hedging vehicle so that the portfolio return might have been greater had hedging not been attempted. There can be no assurance that a liquid market will exist at a time when a Fund seeks to close out a futures contract or a futures option position. Lack of a liquid market for any reason may prevent a Fund from liquidating an unfavorable position, and the Fund would remain obligated to meet margin requirements until the position is closed. In addition, a Fund could be exposed to risk if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of their contracts. With exchange-traded futures contracts, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Funds since futures contracts are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures contracts, guarantees the futures contracts against default.

When a purchase or sale of a futures contract is made by a Fund, the Fund is required to deposit with its broker a specified amount of liquid assets (“initial margin”). The margin required for a futures contract is set by the exchange on which the contract is traded and may be modified during the term of the contract. The initial margin is in the nature of a performance bond or good faith deposit on the futures contract that is returned to a Fund upon termination of the contract, assuming all contractual obligations have been satisfied. Each day a Fund may pay or receive cash, called “variation margin,” equal to the daily change in value of the futures contract. Such payments or receipts are recorded for financial statement purposes as unrealized gains or losses by a Fund. Variation margin does not represent a borrowing or loan by a Fund but is instead a settlement between a Fund and the broker of the amount one would owe the other if the futures contract expired. When the contract is closed, a Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. As of November 30, 2014, the Strategic Income Fund held futures contracts outstanding with an unrealized gain of $238. No other Funds held futures contracts at November 30, 2014.

Credit Default Swap Contracts: The Funds may enter into credit default swap contracts for hedging purposes or to add leverage to its portfolio. When used for hedging purposes, the Funds would be the buyer of a credit default swap contract. In that case, the Funds would be entitled to receive the par (or other agreed upon) value of a referenced debt obligation, index or other investment from the counterparty to the contract in the event of a default by a third party, such as a U.S. or foreign issuer, on the referenced debt obligation. In return, the Funds would pay to the counterparty a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred. If no event of default occurs, the Fund would have spent the stream of payments and received no benefit from the contract. When the Funds are the seller of a credit default swap contract, it receives the stream of payments but is obligated to pay upon default of the referenced debt obligation. As the seller, the Funds would effectively add leverage to its portfolio because, in addition to its total assets, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds Notes to Financial Statements




November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The tables below are a summary of the fair valuations of derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure.

Fair values of forward foreign currency contracts and future contracts on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of November 30, 2014:


Risk Exposure

Statement of Assets

and Liabilities


Fair Value  

Statement of Assets

and Liabilities


    Fair Value          



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Credit Risk

Unrealized appreciation on credit default swap contracts


Unrealized depreciation on credit default swap contracts


Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ 235,486   

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ –         




$ 235,486    $ (705,463)         



Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ 49,388   

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ (183)         




$ 49,388    $ (183)         



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ 1,661,119   

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ (4,406,855)         




$       1,661,119    $ (4,406,855)         



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ 3,001   

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ –         




$ 3,001    $ –         



Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

Interest Rate Risk (Futures Contracts)

Receivable for variation margin


Payable for variation margin


Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ 852   

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

$ (614)         




$ 127,912    $ (94,833)         



The number of forward foreign currency contracts, credit default swap contracts, and futures contracts held at November 30, 2014 is representative of activity during the period ended November 30, 2014.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014



Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The effect of forward foreign currency contracts and futures contracts on the Statements of Operations for the period ended November 30, 2014:


Risk Exposure    Statement of Operations Location  


Gain/(Loss) on


Change in Unrealized

Appreciation/(Depreciation) on

Derivatives Recognized in Income


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Credit Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on credit default swap contracts


Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on credit default swap contracts


Forward Exchange Rate Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $        1,114,693     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $   127,372  



     $ 1,202,540        $   (578,091)  


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

Forward Exchange Rate Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $ 534,699     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $   (12,947)  



     $ 534,699        $   (12,947)  


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

Forward Exchange Rate Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $ (4,553,750)     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $   (1,337,848)  



     $ (4,553,750)        $   (1,337,848)  


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

Forward Exchange Rate Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $ 21,134     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $   1,170  



     $ 21,134        $   1,170  


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

Interest Rate Risk (Futures Contracts)


Net realized gain/(loss) on futures contracts

  $ 11,993     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on futures contracts




     $ 11,993        $    


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

Credit Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on credit default swap contracts


Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on credit default swap contracts


Interest Rate Risk (Futures Contracts)


Net realized gain/(loss) on futures contracts


Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on futures contracts


Forward Exchange Rate Risk


Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $ 2,002     

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts

  $   (7)  



     $ 165,390        $   (2,162)  








Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Offsetting Arrangements: Certain derivative contracts are executed under standardized netting agreements. A derivative netting arrangement creates an enforceable right of set-off that becomes effective, and affects the realization of settlement on individual assets, liabilities and collateral amounts, only following a specified event of default or early termination. Default events may include the failure to make payments or deliver securities timely, material adverse changes in financial condition or insolvency, the breach of minimum regulatory capital requirements, or loss of license, charter or other legal authorization necessary to perform under the contract. These agreements mitigate counterparty credit risk by providing for a single net settlement with a counterparty of all financial transactions covered by the agreement in an event of default as defined under such agreement.

The following table presents derivative financial instruments that are subject to enforceable netting arrangements, collateral arrangements or other similar agreements as of November 30, 2014.

Offsetting of Derivatives Assets


November 30, 2014


                      Gross Amounts
Not Offset in the
Statements of
Assets and

Gross Amounts of




Gross Amounts

Offset in the

Statements of

Assets and



Net Amounts

Presented in the

Statements of

Assets and





  Available for

Offset (a)


 Cash Collateral


         Net Amount     



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 235,486          $      $ 235,486        $      $ (235,486)        $ –       




  $ 235,486          $      $ 235,486        $      $ (235,486)        $ –       



Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 49,388          $      $ 49,388        $ (183)      $ (49,205)        $ –       




  $ 49,388          $      $ 49,388        $ (183)      $ (49,205)        $ –       



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 1,661,119          $      $ 1,661,119        $ (1,661,119)      $ –        $ –       




  $ 1,661,119          $      $ 1,661,119        $ (1,661,119)      $ –        $ –       



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 3,001          $      $ 3,001        $      $ –        $ (3,001)       




  $ 3,001          $      $ 3,001        $      $ –        $ (3,001)       



Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 852          $      $ 852        $ (614)      $ –        $ (238)       




  $ 852          $      $ 852        $ (614)      $ –        $ (238)       





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Offsetting of Derivatives Liabilities


November 30, 2014


                      Gross Amounts
Not Offset in the
Statements of
Assets and

Gross Amounts of




Gross Amounts

Offset in the

Statements of

Assets and



Net Amounts

Presented in the

Statements of

Assets and



   Available for

Offset (a)

     Cash Collateral
    Net Amount      



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Credit default swap contracts     705,463                   705,463                 (705,463)          –       




  $ 705,463          $      $ 705,463        $      $ (705,463)        $ –       



Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 183          $      $ 183        $ (183)      $ –        $ –       




  $ 183          $      $ 183        $ (183)      $ –        $ –       



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 4,406,855          $      $ 4,406,855        $ (1,661,119)      $ (1,765,868)        $ (979,868)       




  $ 4,406,855          $      $ 4,406,855        $ (1,661,119)      $ (1,765,868)        $ (979,868)       



Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Forward foreign currency contracts   $ 614          $      $ 614        $ (614)      $ –        $ –       




  $ 614          $      $ 614        $ (614)      $ –        $ –       





These amounts are limited to the derivatives asset/liability balance and, accordingly, do not include excess collateral received/pledged.



Tax Basis of Distributions to Shareholders: Net investment income/ (loss) and net realized gain/ (loss) may differ for financial statement and tax purposes. The character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from its ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. Also, due to the timing of dividend distributions, the fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the fiscal year in which the income or realized gain was recorded by a Fund.

The amounts and characteristics of tax basis distributions and composition of distributable earnings/(accumulated losses) are finalized at fiscal year end: accordingly, tax basis balances have not been determined as of November 30, 2014.

The tax character of the distributions paid by the Funds during the period ended May 31, 2014 was as follows:


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund    For the Year Ended 
May 31, 2014 

Ordinary Income

    $ 85,919,272         

Long-Term Capital Gain





    $ 86,019,842         


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund    For the Year Ended 
May 31, 2014 

Ordinary Income

    $ 23,884,719         

Long-Term Capital Gain





    $ 32,505,375         









Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




     For the Year Ended
May 31, 2014

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Ordinary Income

    $ 25,186,122       

Long-Term Capital Gain





    $ 29,931,380       


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund    For the Year
Ended May 31, 2014

Ordinary Income

    $ 2,080,114       




    $ 2,080,114       


Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund    For the Period
Ended May 31, 2014

Ordinary Income

    $ 17,965       




    $ 17,965       


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund    For the Period
Ended May 31, 2014

Ordinary Income

    $ 130,527       




    $ 130,527       




As of May 31, 2014, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

    $ 2,746,820       

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





    $ 2,420,929       



Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

    $ 1,129,696       

Accumulated Capital Gain


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





    $ 22,715,892       



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

    $ 2,515,479       

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Depreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





    $   (205,236,125)       



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

    $ 37,668       

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





    $ (2,824,406)       





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

   $ 34,220       

Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





   $           114,322       



Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

   $ 26,011       

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*





   $ 444,143       





Other temporary differences due to timing, consist primarily of mark-to-market on forward foreign currency contracts.

The tax components of distributable earnings are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from the composition of net assets reported under GAAP. Accordingly, for the year ended May 31, 2014, certain differences were reclassified. These differences were primarily attributed to the differing tax treatment of foreign currencies, in kind transactions and certain other investments and the amounts reclassified did not affect net assets.

The reclassifications were as follows:


Fund    Paid-in Capital     

Accumulated Net

Investment Income/(Loss)


Accumulated Net Realized  

 Gain/(Loss) on Investments  




Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 1       $ (12,384,954)       $ 12,384,953         

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

                           (414,886)         (183,334)         598,220         

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     (8,852,339)         (146,278,310)         155,130,649         

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     (410,072)         (43,531)         453,603         

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

     (30)         39         (9)         

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

             1,162         (1,162)         

Capital Losses: As of May 31, 2014 the following Funds had capital loss carryforwards which may reduce the Funds’ taxable income arising from future net realized gains on investments, if any, to the extent permitted by the Code and thus may reduce the amount of the distributions to shareholders which would otherwise be necessary to relieve the Funds of any liability for federal tax pursuant to the Code.

Capital losses carried forward were as follows:


Fund    Short-Term      Long-Term  



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $                       20,814,999       $                           1,295,535          

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     24,947,473         311,722         

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     1,353,221         2,269,613         

The following Funds elect to defer to the year ending May 31, 2015 the following capital losses recognized during the period November 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014:


Fund    Amount  



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $                        43,569,053          

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund








Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



The following Fund elects to defer to the period ending May 31, 2015, late year ordinary losses in the amount of:


Fund    Amount                  



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     $      16,110,677           

Unrealized Appreciation and Depreciation on Investments: At November 30, 2014 the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments for federal income purposes were as follows:


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 59,940,481       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (26,462,358)       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 2,173,163,740       



Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 7,480,703       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (2,551,498)       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 284,852,304       



Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ –       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (273,427,394)       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $   2,153,944,480       



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 710,880       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized appreciation

   $ 342,865       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 23,952,547       



Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 130,841       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized appreciation

   $ 124,205       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 9,551,430       



Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 289,652       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)




Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (168,087)       



Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 32,535,150       





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)




Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ (17)       

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)


Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (916,109)       

Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 64,064,341       



Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP is the Trust’s investment adviser. Under the investment advisory agreement the Trust pays an investment advisory fee calculated daily and paid monthly of 0.60%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 0.85%, 0.35%, 0.55%, and 0.70% of the average daily net assets for Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund, Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund, Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund, and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund, respectively.

The Adviser has contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses with respect to each of the Funds so that the Net Annual Operating Expenses (exclusive of acquired Fund fees and expenses, brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes and extraordinary expenses) of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund Institutional Class, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund Institutional Class, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund Institutional Class, and Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund Institutional Class will not exceed 0.75%, 1.00%, 1.00%, and 0.50%, respectively. The Net Annual Operating Expenses (exclusive of acquired Fund fees and expenses, brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes and extraordinary expenses) of the Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund Institutional Class were limited to 0.55% through September 30, 2014, at which point the agreement expired. Effective October 1, 2014, the Adviser contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses with respect to the Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund Institutional Class so that the Net Annual Operating Expenses (exclusive of acquired Fund fees and expenses, brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes and extraordinary expenses) will not exceed 0.65%. The Adviser has contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses with respect to the Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund Institutional Class and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund Institutional Class, so that the Net Annual Operating Expenses (inclusive of acquired fund fees and expenses but exclusive of brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes and extraordinary expenses) will not exceed 0.70% and 0.85%, respectively. The fee waiver agreements are in effect through September 30, 2015 and are reevaluated on an annual basis.

The Adviser will be permitted to recover, on a class by class basis, expenses it has borne through the undertakings described above to the extent that a Fund’s expenses in later periods fall below the annual rates set forth in the relevant undertaking. A Fund will not be obligated to pay any such deferred fees and expenses more than three years after the end of the fiscal year in which the fee and expense was deferred. At May 31, 2014, deferred fees and expenses eligible to be recovered will expire as follows:


      2015      2016      2017      Total  

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

   $      324,939       $      256,488       $      231,918       $      813,345       

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

   $ 97,840       $ 99,115       $ 97,636       $ 294,591       

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

     N/A         N/A       $ 49,712       $ 49,712       

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

     N/A         N/A       $ 61,917       $ 61,917       



For the period ended November 30, 2014, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investments (excluding short-term investments and U.S. Government Obligations) were as follows:


      Purchases      Sales       

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $               227,582,411       $               196,284,576     

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

     94,925,603         93,384,582     

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     36,787,518         33,348,959     

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     8,741,100         10,304,867     

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

     2,295,126         698,281     

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund

     24,348,930         1,931,907     

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund

     65,040,500         976,159     







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



For the period ended November 30, 2014 the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of U.S. Government Obligations were as follows:


     Purchases           Sales       


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $                 610,370,447          $                 554,098,858      

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     1,523,676,248            1,525,615,655      

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

     1,668,845            0      



Funds may invest in certain securities that are considered securities issued by affiliated companies. As defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, an affiliated person, including an affiliated company, is one in which a Fund owns 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities, or a company which is under common ownership or control with the Fund. The purchases, sales, dividend income, capital gains, return of capital distributions received, shares and value of investments in affiliated companies for the period ended November 30, 2014 were as follows:

Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund


Security Name  

Share Balance

June 1, 2014

  Purchases     Sales    

Share Balance

November 30,





    Realized Gain    

Market Value  

November 30,  





Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  335,330     726,988          144,714        917,605          $ 184,582      $ (9,233)       $ 9,763,313     

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  381,043     1,054,294        3,096        1,432,241            284,268        (153)         13,047,712     

Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund

  299,741     645,277        33,362        911,656            42,050        4,757          9,517,684     


          $  510,899      $     (4,629)       $  32,328,709     



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Allocation Fund


Security Name  

Share Balance

June 1, 2014

    Purchases     Sales    

Share Balance

November 30,





    Realized Loss    

Market Value  

November 30,  





Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

    –             3,357,591          90,729        3,266,861          $ 483,217      $ –         $ 34,759,405     

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

    –             3,055,936        88        3,055,848                   (16)          28,388,827     


          $     483,217      $       (16)        $  63,148,232     



The Emerging Markets Debt Fund engaged in cross trades with an affiliate of the Fund during the six months ended November 30, 2014 pursuant to Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act. Cross trading is the buying or selling of portfolio securities between funds to which the Adviser serves as the investment adviser. The Board of trustees previously adopted procedures that apply to transactions between the Portfolios pursuant to Rule 17a-7. At its regularly scheduled meetings, the Trustees review such transactions as of the most current calendar quarter for compliance with the requirements set forth by Rule 17a-7 and the Emerging Markets Debt Fund’s procedures. The procedures require that the transactions be a purchase or sale for no consideration other than cash payment against prompt delivery of a security for which market quotations are readily available, and be consistent with the investment policies of each Emerging Markets Debt Fund. During the six months ended November 30, 2014 the Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund purchased a security from another fund for which the Adviser is the investment adviser in the amount of $164,063, and the Emerging Markets Debt Fund sold securities to another fund for which the Adviser is the investment adviser in the amount of $2,210,798 and a realized gain of $71,277.



At November 30, 2014, the Trust had an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized with a par value of $0.001 per share. The Funds have the ability to issue multiple classes of shares. Each share of a class represents an identical interest and has the same rights, except that each class bears certain direct expenses, including those specifically related to the distribution of its shares. Transactions in shares of the Institutional Class can be found on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.



As of November 30, 2014 IMF Retired Staff Benefits owned beneficially 42.30% of the Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund’s outstanding shares, an individual shareholder owned beneficially 25.28% of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund’s outstanding shares, the Stone



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Notes to Financial Statements





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Harbor Strategic Income Fund owned beneficially 99.89% of the Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund’s outstanding shares and an individual shareholder owned 63.78% of the Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund’s outstanding shares.



Under the Trust’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees are indemnified against certain liability arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Trust enters into contracts with service providers that may contain general indemnification clauses. The Trust’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Trust that have not yet occurred.



Board of Trustees Compensation: No officer, trustee or employee of the Adviser or any of its affiliates receives any compensation from the Funds for serving as an officer or trustee of the Funds. The Trust will pay each Trustee who is not an interested person an annual fee of $54,000. All Trustees are reimbursed for reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred to attend such meetings.



On December 8, 2014 the Fund’s custodian was changed from the Bank of New York Mellon to State Street Bank and Trust Company.







Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Additional Information





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)





The SEC has adopted the requirement that all registered investment companies file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for their first and third fiscal quarters on Form N-Q. For the Funds, this would be for the fiscal quarters ending August 31 and February 28. The Form N-Q filing must be made within 60 days of the end of the quarter. The Funds’ Forms N-Q will be available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov., or they may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC (call 1-800-732-0330 for information on the operation of the Public Reference Room).



A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2014 are available without a charge, upon request, by contacting Stone Harbor Investment Funds at 1-866-699-8158 or on the SEC website at http://www.sec.gov.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Semi-Annual Report  |  November 30, 2014




Table of Contents
Stone Harbor Investment Funds   Additional Information





November 30, 2014 (Unaudited)



Benchmark Descriptions


Index    Description


J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified    The J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified (EMBI Global Diversified) tracks total returns for U.S. dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by emerging markets sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities: Brady bonds, loans, and Eurobonds. The index limits the weights of those index countries with larger debt stocks by only including specified portions of these countries’ eligible current face amounts outstanding. The countries covered in the EMBI Global Diversified are identical to those covered by the EMBI Global.


Citigroup High Yield Market Capped    The Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index represents a modified version of the High Yield Market Index by delaying the entry of “fallen angel” issues and capping the par value of individual issuers at US $10 billion par amount outstanding. The index is a total rate of return index which captures the performance of below investment grade debt issued by corporations domiciled in the United States or Canada.


J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified    The J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified consists of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure. The weightings among the countries are more evenly distributed within this index.


J.P. Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified    The J.P. Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified tracks total returns of U.S. dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by corporate entities in emerging market countries and consists of an investable universe of corporate bonds. The CEMBI Broad Diversified limits the weights of those index countries with larger corporate debt stocks by only including a specified portion of these countries’ eligible current face amounts of debt outstanding.


Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index    The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index represents securities that are SEC-registered, taxable, and dollar denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment grade fixed rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities. These major sectors are subdivided into more specific indices that are calculated and reported on a regular basis.


Barclays Global Credit Total Return Index

(Hedged USD)

   Barclays Global Credit Total Return Index is a subset of the Global Aggregate Index and is subject to the same quality, liquidity, and maturity requirements and exclusion rules of the latter. Constituents must be rated investment grade by at least two of the three major ratings agencies. Constituents must have a remaining maturity of at least one year. The index does not include convertibles, floating-rate notes, fixed-rate perpetuals, warrants, linked bonds, and structured products.




Broad-based securities indices are unmanaged and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with managed accounts or investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly in a broad-based securities index.

Standard and Poor’s ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). A security that has not been given a credit rating by Standard and Poor’s is listed as “not rated”. For additional information please go to the Understanding Ratings section at www.standardpoors.com.

Basis Point – a unit equal to one hundredth of a percentage point.

Sovereign Debt – Refers to bonds issued by a national government in order to finance the issuing country’s growth. Sovereign debt described as external is denominated in U.S. dollar, while sovereign debt described as local is issued in a foreign currency.

Investment Grade – Refers to bonds that are considered to have a relatively low risk of default, ranging from highest credit quality to good credit quality. Bonds rated below investment grade are considered to have significant speculative characteristics.

The S&P 500 – is a stock market index based on the market capitalizations of 500 leading companies publicly traded in the U.S. stock market, as determined by Standard & Poor’s. It differs from other U.S. stock market indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq due to its diverse constituency and weighting methodology.

Quantitative Easing (QE) – is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when standard monetary policy has become ineffective. A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions, thus increasing the monetary base. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds in order to keep market interest rates at a specified target value.







Table of Contents



Intentionally Left Blank

Table of Contents




Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP

31 W. 52nd Street 16th Floor

New York, New York 10019


ALPS Fund Services, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


ALPS Distributors, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


ALPS Fund Services, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


The Bank of New York Mellon

One Wall Street

New York, New York 10286


Ropes & Gray LLP

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036


Deloitte & Touche LLP

555 17th Street, Suite 3600

Denver, Colorado 80202

This report and its financial statements are submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Funds. The report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors in the Funds unless preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.

SHF000748 exp. 01/31/16

Table of Contents
Item 2. Code of Ethics.

Not applicable to this Report.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Not applicable to this Report.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Not applicable to this Report.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 6. Investments.


  (a) Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the Report to Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.


  (b) Not applicable.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to Registrant.



Table of Contents
Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s Board of Trustees, where those changes were implemented after the Registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2) of Regulation S-K, or this Item.


Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


  (a) The Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this Report, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Rule 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


  (b) There was no change in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this Report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Exhibits.


  (a)(1) Not applicable to this Report.


  (a)(2) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.Cert.


  (a)(3) None.


  (b) The certifications by the Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906Cert.



Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds

/s/ Peter J. Wilby

Peter J. Wilby

President and Chief Executive

Officer/Principal Executive Officer

Date:  February 6, 2015

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this Report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds

/s/ Peter J. Wilby

Peter J. Wilby
President and Chief Executive Officer/Principal Executive Officer
Date: February 6, 2015

/s/ Thomas M. Reynolds

Thomas M. Reynolds
Principal Financial Officer/ Principal Accounting Officer
Date:  February 6, 2015