N-CSR 1 d576926dncsr.htm STONE HARBOR INVESTMENT FUNDS Stone Harbor Investment Funds
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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-22037

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, CO 80203

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Adam J. Shapiro, Esq.

c/o Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP

31 West 52nd Street, 16th Floor

New York, NY 10019

(Name and address of agent for service)

With copies To:

Michael G. Doherty, Esq.

Ropes & Gray LLP

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10036

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (303) 623-2577

Date of fiscal year end: May 31

Date of reporting period: June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013

Table of Contents

Item 1.  Report to Stockholders.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
    Table of Contents




Shareholder Letter




Disclosure of Fund Expenses




Summaries of Portfolio Holdings




Growth of $10,000 Investment


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm




Statements of Investments


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Statements of Assets & Liabilities




Statements of Operations




Statements of Changes in Net Assets




Financial Highlights


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Notes to Financial Statements




Additional Information




Board Approval of Investment Advisory Agreements




Trustees & Officers







Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Shareholder Letter
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


Dear Shareholder,

The twelve months ended May 31, 2013 provided attractive returns for fixed income investors. The period was characterized by a progressive decline in volatility as events in the eurozone stabilized and concerns about weaker Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) growth in the U.S. were partially dispelled. This decline in volatility suffered a reversal in May, which we’ll describe in greater detail below. Fixed income markets have been influenced by the unprecedented degree of liquidity created by quantitative easing pursued by central banks throughout the developed world.

The pace and duration of these quantitative easing programs have preoccupied investors throughout the past twelve months. More recently, investors have tried to anticipate when the U.S. Federal Reserve (“Fed”) would begin to curtail their program of bond purchases. This withdrawal of liquidity will presumably signal that the U.S. economic recovery is accelerating, a positive for credit investors. That withdrawal of liquidity will likely be accompanied by rising interest rates, an obvious negative for fixed income investors. This trade-off between the positive impact of economic growth and the negative impact of rising rates will likely influence fixed income investors for many months into the future.

Market Review

The 12-month period ending May 31, 2013 was a solid year for credit-focused investors. Although the European debt crisis persisted throughout the period, investors benefited from several global events that collectively supported the credit markets. These events include the coordinated response of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) to the European sovereign/banking debt crisis; a global accommodative monetary policy; an improving U.S. economy with healthy corporate earnings; strong demand for risk assets; and relaxed concerns over economic growth in China. Spreads tightened across all major indexes amid record low yields. The S&P 500 reached new highs ending the period up 27.3%. Market volatility still played a role, however, as European sovereign debt concerns drove investors to the 10-year Treasury, which reached a low yield of 1.29% in July 2012. Concerns over U.S. monetary policy caused the 10-year U.S. Treasury to rebound to an intraday yield of 2.23% in May 2013 before ending the period at 2.13%, 57 basis points higher than its level a year ago.

Overall, a main thematic driver during the period was the ongoing recession in Europe, countered by moderate but steady growth in the U.S. The risk markets began the period impacted by a number of macroeconomic factors including the uncertainties surrounding the future of Greece’s participation in the European Union (EU), the financial viability of the Spanish banking system, and a weak global outlook. Europe faced its longest recession with unemployment reaching record levels, particularly in the peripheral countries, partially due to ECB mandated austerity programs. The ECB reduced its 2013 GDP forecast from 0.1% growth in November 2012 to a 0.5% contraction by the end of 2013.

In the eurozone, Greek elections ultimately showed support for a pro-European government, but Spain was forced to request a bank bailout from the EU. Recognizing the risk of contagion, the EU took action with a plan that would allow for direct bank recapitalization and the utilization of the firewalls (European Financial Stability/European Stability Mechanism) to stabilize markets. Officials also committed to breaking the link between sovereign and bank balance sheets. This commitment was fleeting as Spain required additional funds, Italy and Portugal warned they would not reach their deficit goals, and several European countries were downgraded by rating agencies. As the Spanish and Italian 10-year Treasury rates reached unsustainable levels and sovereign debt fears spread, ECB President Draghi stated that the ECB would do whatever it takes to preserve the Euro and instituted the first of two rates cuts during the year. The ECB announced plans to purchase an unlimited amount of sovereign bonds through Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT), a new program focusing on short maturities, after the affected countries officially requested aid. By implicitly capping short term yields and ensuring market access, this program greatly reduced risk levels in European sovereign debt. The action led to a significant recovery in peripheral bonds and reduced investor concerns. The OMT program, although never used, still proved to be effective in boosting investors’ confidence as they were seemingly unaffected by the subsequent rise of the Cyprus banking crisis and the temporary inability of Italy to form a governing coalition. But as Europe remained in the longest recession since the creation of the Euro, and with first quarter GDP at -1% and record unemployment, the ECB cut interest rates for a second time. At the end of the review period, the ECB also indicated a willingness to relax Euro zone austerity in favor of a more growth oriented policy.

The Federal Reserve was also proactive in its efforts to accelerate growth and implemented several significant monetary stimulus programs throughout the period. It announced the expansion of “Operation Twist” while maintaining that it was “prepared to take further action” as necessary. Within months of this announcement and one week after the ECB enacted its new bond purchase program, the Fed took very aggressive policy actions with an open-ended and unlimited asset purchase program, and vowed to maintain near-zero rates for a considerable time even after the recovery strengthens. This, combined with the ECB program, gave a significant lift to risk assets. In its final action, the Fed increased its purchase program and pledged to hold rates near zero until the economy achieved certain thresholds on unemployment and inflation. Nonetheless, the inability of the U.S. to promote a cohesive fiscal policy caused volatility in risk assets due to the prolonged negotiations regarding the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling, and the inability to come to an agreement over sequestration.

During the period, the U.S. economy grew at a moderate pace led by the housing sector as housing starts were at their highest level in almost 5 years and home prices continue to trend upward. The unemployment rate declined to 7.5% from 8.2% and corporate profits exceeded revised expectations with profit margins remaining at near record levels. After growing at a 2.2% rate during calendar year 2012, the U.S. economy grew at a slightly faster pace, in spite of fiscal headwinds, in the first quarter of 2013 as GDP rose 2.5% driven by the biggest increase in consumer spending in two years.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Shareholder Letter
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


Economic stimulus was not limited to the U.S. and Europe, as Japan followed suit and instituted unprecedented stimulative measures. According to International Strategy and Investment, there were several hundred stimulative policy initiatives announced around the world over the past 20 months causing global short rates to reach a record low.

As a whole, global stimulus programs implemented over the past 12 months have helped to reduce the systemic risk associated with Europe and to gradually improve the U.S. economy. These programs, QE3 in particular, have had an important impact of providing assurance to market participants and encouraging the purchase of riskier assets. However, the investment landscape is shifting with investors now particularly focused on the eventual unwinding of the QE3 program. As alluded to earlier, markets seem now to be in the process of repositioning for the likelihood and timing of the normalization of Fed policy – a process that we believe will likely impact market volatility for several years to come.

At Stone Harbor, we will continue to focus on seeking to capture excess return from stable and improving credit situations in corporate and sovereign markets worldwide. We remain vigilant to the credit risks associated with the systemic banking problems in Europe, as well as the slowdown in global growth. As we continue to monitor these developments, please follow our progress throughout the year by visiting our website at www.shiplp.com. There, you will find updates on our view of credit markets, as well as related news and research. We appreciate the confidence you have placed in Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP and look forward to providing you with another update in the next six months.

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

The total return of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the twelve months ended May 31, 2013 was 9.05% (net of expenses) and 9.73% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 10.07% for the J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified. Market performance was positive with external sovereign bond credit spreads over comparable maturity U.S. Treasury securities tightening by over 130 basis points. Total returns on all country sub indices were also positive during the period. Strong inflows into the asset class, solid fundamentals, and low developed markets (DM) interest rates supported emerging markets (EM) debt performance during the 12-month period ending May 31, 2013.

Despite strong total returns during the period, market volatility spiked and returns turned sharply negative in May 2013, with hard currency EM sovereign debt experiencing its worst monthly performance since September of 2011. The major part of the downturn occurred after the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman commented that the Federal Open Market Committee would consider reductions in the Fed’s bond buying program over the next several meetings of the Committee. Despite recent market moves, our fundamental views have not changed. We continue to expect that China will maintain strong growth over the next year and that many EM country growth rates will improve in the next 12-18 months. In our view, expectations for improved U.S. growth, together with recent EM currency depreciation and prior monetary easing by EM central banks, will support EM growth in the months ahead. But this process will take time. Government deficits in most EM countries remain at healthy levels, particularly compared to the U.S., Japan and many advanced European countries. Over time, we believe markets will again focus on the relative strength of EM fundamentals and to begin to distinguish between the economic and policy performances of various EM countries and regions.

Technical factors continued to support EM debt returns despite volatility in May 2013. Investor demand remained strong. According to J.P. Morgan, new allocations to emerging markets from institutional fixed income investors set a new record in 2012 with inflows exceeding $95 billion. Of this amount, over 75% was allocated to U.S. dollar-denominated sovereign and corporate bonds; the remainder went to local currency investments. Although retail redemptions increased toward the end of the reporting period, inflows in 2013 remained strong at $35 billion as of the end of May, the third largest year-to-date reading since 2006. In addition, many emerging market governments took advantage of demand to fulfill a majority of their financing needs for 2012 and 2013.

Throughout the period, the portfolio was positioned to seek to take advantage of the portfolio management team’s country views and assessments of global risks and relative value. The Fund retained its exposure to corporate debt, with a market value exposure at the end of the reporting period of 13.69%. Exposure to local currency debt varied from a month end low of 1.48% at the end of the period to a month end high of 12.35% in March 2013, net of all hedges. The portfolio management team reduced the local interest rate and currency exposure at the end of the period as global growth expectations declined.

Despite generating a strong total return, the Fund underperformed its benchmark as a result of issue selection in Venezuela and allocations to local interest rates and corporate bonds from select countries. The Fund owned short duration securities in Venezuela that underperformed the Venezuela sub index prior to President Hugo Chavez’s death in March 2013. Markets had speculated that regime change following the passing of the populist leader would result in less radical policies from a new President. Long duration securities in Venezuela have since underperformed. In our view, Venezuela’s new President Nicolas Maduro has proven to be more pragmatic than his predecessor. We continue to believe that Venezuela demonstrates strong ability and willingness to repay its debt. An underweight to the Ivory Coast, whose bonds were in default for most of 2011-2012, also detracted from performance. Given market strength over the period, a cash position detracted from performance but enhanced returns during the May 2013 sell-off. Allocations to corporates in Brazil also detracted from performance. Erratic policymaking and a slowdown of the Brazilian economy weighed on prices of corporate bonds, particularly banks.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Shareholder Letter
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


In general, country selection decisions enhanced performance. Our decision to overweight Venezuela debt offset some of the relative losses from issue selection in the country. Similarly, our overweight in Iraq and underweights in Brazil, Lebanon and Chile enhanced relative returns. The decision to underweight Hungary, however, detracted from performance. Allocations to foreign exchange in Mexico and to corporates in Kazakhstan also enhanced performance.

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

The Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) return for the year ended May 31, 2013 was 15.87% (net of expenses) and 16.42% (gross of expenses). This compares to a benchmark return of 14.24% for the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index. The high yield market benefited from global monetary easing, and an improving U.S. economy. High yield spreads, as represented by the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index, tightened 221 basis points to end the period at 469 basis points, with the average yield declining from 7.67% to 5.65%. The market had 11 months of consistent positive monthly returns until May 2013 when the market was impacted by rising interest rates, and even then outperformed all other fixed income sectors, according to Citigroup High Yield Market Index. The 10-year Treasury reached a low yield of 1.29% and a high of 2.23% before ending the period at 2.13%, 57 basis points higher than its level at the beginning of the period.

All industries had positive returns for the period with Telecommunications and Building Products being the best performing sectors, while Towers and Publishing were the weakest. With the U.S. economy exhibiting moderate growth, CCC rated bonds significantly outperformed both BB and B securities (S&P ratings), according to Citigroup High Yield Market Capped index. The par-weighted default rate decreased from 2.21% to 1.00%, the lowest default rate since June 2011, and well below the long term average of 3.98%, according to J.P. Morgan. The market had more companies upgraded to investment grade (rising stars) than companies downgraded to high yield (fallen angels). However, the number of credit agency downgrades slightly exceeded the number of upgrades for the period. New issuance reached a record with the majority of funds used for refinancing outstanding debt. Mutual funds flows were solidly positive at $11.8 billion, according to Lipper FMI.

The portfolio outperformed its benchmark as a result of issue selection decisions. Issue selection within the Cable & Media, Telecommunications, and Food/Beverage sectors were the main drivers of performance. Industry selection detracted from performance due to an underweight in Home Builders and an overweight in the Chemicals sector, which was partially offset by an overweight to the Telecommunications sector. In terms of ratings, an underweight to BB rated bonds and our issue selection in B rated bonds contributed to performance.

We believe the portfolio is positioned for moderate U.S. economic growth. We remain overweight B rated securities relative to BB rated bonds, as we believe the quality sector should outperform on attractive valuations and lower interest rate sensitivities. The largest portfolio industry overweights currently include the Food/Beverage, Telecommunications, and Cable/Media sectors, while the largest industry underweights include Services-Other, Energy, and Home Builders. We do not believe significant credit excesses are occurring. Additionally, positive event risk could arise through merger and acquisition activity and deleveraging through initial public offerings. Risk factors include a disorderly response to the removal of quantitative easing (QE) in the U.S., a slowdown in global growth, a potential releveraging of corporate balance sheets, and geopolitical problems.

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

The total return on Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the twelve months ended May 31, 2013 was 7.92% (net of expenses) and 8.78% (gross of expenses). This compares to a total return of 11.58% for the J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified. During the period, movements in foreign exchange (“FX”) relative to the U.S. dollar contributed just 0.84% to the index total return. While global growth showed signs of stabilization, growth expectations remained low. In addition, in our view, improved economic performance at the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 in the U.S. supported the U.S. dollar, limiting gains on currencies from emerging markets. Returns from falling interest rates and carry contributed most to total returns. Inflation surprised on the downside throughout the year, providing an anchor for yields at the short end of most local bond yield curves. Exceptionally easy monetary policies of major developed countries also contributed to these gains, in our view. Additionally, strong investor flows into the asset class due to still wide yield differentials relative to domestic debt from advanced economies further supported local rates, particularly in long duration instruments.

Despite strong total returns during the period, market volatility spiked and returns turned sharply negative in May 2013, with local currency debt posting its fourth worst monthly performance since 2008. The major part of the downturn occurred after the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman commented that the Federal Open Market Committee would consider reductions in the Fed’s bond buying program over the next several meetings of the Committee. U.S. Treasury yields moved higher in response and U.S. dollar strength led to a depreciation of EMFX by over 4% for the month, while rising local bond yields also contributed to the decline.

Throughout the reporting period, the portfolio favored faster growing economies in Latin America and Asia, with overweight allocations in Brazil, Colombia, Malaysia, and Mexico. The portfolio’s underweight positions have been concentrated in Central and Eastern Europe, where a mix of more limited growth prospects and short-term policymaking have reduced the attractiveness of local debt markets, in our view. Lower expectations for oil prices have led us to reduce exposure in Russia, a major oil producer, and to increase positions in Thailand and Turkey, both of which are oil importers. We remain underweight duration in most countries, though the recent moderation in food and energy prices has reduced inflation




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Shareholder Letter
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


pressure in most EMs and has been an important input in our decision to increase the duration contribution in several countries. Many EM local debt markets, in our view, continue to price in little or no inflation risk premium, particularly at the long end of their yield curves.

The Fund underperformed its benchmark as a result of country selection and issue selection decisions. Nevertheless, the Fund’s overweights in Mexico and an underweight in Indonesia enhanced performance as did issue selection in South Africa and Colombia. The country decision that most detracted from performance was an underweight in Hungary, as the Forint performed well along with the Euro. Overweights in Brazil and South Africa also detracted from performance. Decisions to allocate to long duration bonds in Brazil, and to short duration bonds in Poland, Russia and Turkey detracted from excess returns. Brazil’s central bank lost the confidence of global investors, in our view, as it pursued a policy of weakening the Real and favoring growth oriented measures rather than its traditional role of fighting inflation. Real interest rates in Brazil, however, remained attractive, in our view, and the Brazilian Central Bank has shifted to tighter monetary policy.

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

The total return of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund (the “Fund” or “portfolio”) for the twelve months ending May 31, 2013 was 10.13% (net of expenses) and 11.13% (gross of expenses). This performance compares to a benchmark return of 9.92% for the J.P. Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index Broad Diversified (CEMBI Broad Diversified). Market performance was positive with corporate bond credit spreads over comparable maturity U.S. Treasury securities tightening by over 138 basis points. Total returns on all country sub indices were also positive during the period. Strong inflows into the asset class, solid fundamentals, and low developed markets (DM) interest rates supported emerging markets (EM) debt performance during the 12-month period ending May 31, 2013.

Despite strong total returns during the period, market volatility spiked and returns turned sharply negative in May 2013, with corporate debt experiencing its worst monthly performance since September of 2011. The major part of the downturn occurred after the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman commented that the Federal Open Market Committee would consider reductions in the Fed’s bond buying program over the next several meetings of the Committee. Despite recent market moves, our fundamental views have not changed. Corporate default rates remain low. The dedicated EM corporate investor base continues to expand, demonstrated by an increase in assets benchmarked to market tracking indices. Using J.P. Morgan’s Corporate Emerging Market Bond Indices as a guide, dedicated assets have increased to $61 billion1, a 29% increase over prior year levels as of the end of May 2013.

The asset class benefited from record issuance, which has increased the stock of EM corporate debt to over $1.3 trillion2. Issuance in 2013 as of the end of May has amounted to $207 billion, a record level when compared to prior year’s issuances during the same time period. Most of the issuance in 2013 has been in investment grade rated issues. Non-investment grade issuance has been more limited and the relative scarcity of supply has provided a source of support for the high yield sector of EM corporates, in our view. Indeed, the non-investment grade sector of the CEMBI Broad Diversified outperformed the investment grade sector by nearly 800 basis points during the reporting period.

Returns for all 43 countries in the CEMBI Broad Diversified were positive over the period. China, India and Russia were the largest contributors to index performance. Regionally, Asia contributed most to total index returns, followed by Latin America. African credits contributed least to overall returns of the market given their smaller market capitalizations. On an industry basis, banks, metals/mining and steel concerns, and electricity providers were the top contributors to returns. From a ratings perspective, the BBB sector, the largest rating category in market capitalization terms, contributed most to returns, though the best performance came from the single B rated sub sector.

During the period, the Fund outperformed its benchmark primarily due to issue selection decisions. On a country basis, decisions that added the most to excess returns included allocations to Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In Kazakhstan, a debt restructuring of a large bank was the driver of outperformance. The issue selection decision that detracted most from relative returns was an investment in a Brazilian lender that was eventually liquidated by the government. Issue selection in Indonesia and Turkey also detracted from returns. On an industry basis, allocations to wireless communication providers, real estate management and development concerns and oil and gas exploration and production companies contributed most to excess returns while allocations to banks, electric utilities and construction machinery companies detracted most from relative performance.




Thomas K. Flanagan

Chairman of the Board of Trustees



AUM benchmarked to the JP Morgan CEMBI suite of indices. Includes CEMBI, CEMBI Broad, CEMBI Diversified, and CEMBI Narrow indices.


JP Morgan. As of June 20th, 2013


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Shareholder Letter
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


The Citigroup High Yield Market Index (previously the Salomon Smith Barney High Yield Market Index) is a total rate-of-return index which captures the performance of below investment-grade debt issued by corporations domiciled in the United States or Canada. This index comprises Citigroup’s broadest market measure and includes cash-pay and deferred-interest securities. All the bonds in the high-yield indices are publicly placed, have a fixed coupon and are nonconvertible.

The JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified tracks total returns for U.S. dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by emerging markets sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities: Brady bonds, loans, and Eurobonds. Source: JP Morgan Chase.

The JP Morgan Government Bond Index – Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) Global Diversified consists of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure. The weightings among the countries are more evenly distributed within this index. Although not expected to be a principal investment tool, the Portfolio may make use of derivative securities (including futures and options on securities, securities indices or currencies, options on futures, forward currency contracts, and interest rate, currency or credit default) for the purposes of reducing risk and/or obtaining efficient investment exposure. Source: JP Morgan Chase.

Emerging markets corporate debt is represented by JP Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index (CEMBI) Broad Diversified. The CEMBI tracks total returns of US dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by corporate entities in Emerging Markets countries. Two variations are available: CEMBI Broad and CEMBI. The CEMBI Broad is the most comprehensive corporate benchmark followed by the CEMBI, which consists of an Investable universe of corporate bonds. Both indices are also available in Diversified version. The JPMorgan CEMBI Broad Diversified limits the current face amount allocations of the bonds. Both indices are also available in outstanding countries with larger debt stocks. Qualifying corporate bonds have a face amount greater than USD 300 million, maturity greater than 5 years, verifiable prices and cash flows, and from countries within Asia ex-Japan, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

Standard and Poor’s ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). A security that has not been given a credit rating by Standard and Poor’s is listed as “not rated”.

Basis Point – a unit equal to one hundredth of a percentage point.

The Fiscal Cliff – the sharp decline in the budget deficit that could have occurred beginning in 2013 due to increased taxes and reduced spending as required by previously enacted laws.

Operation Twist – a policy, originally from the 1960’s but revived in September 2011 and implemented by the Federal Reserve. The policy involves the selling of short-term Treasuries by the central bank in exchange for the same amount in longer-term bonds, thereby lowering longer-term interest rates.

Sovereign Debt – Refers to bonds issued by a national government in order to finance the issuing country’s growth. Sovereign debt described as external is denominated in US dollar, while sovereign debt described as local is issued in a foreign currency.

Investment Grade – Refers to bonds that are considered to have a relatively low risk of default, ranging from highest credit quality to good credit quality. Bonds rated below investment grade are considered to have significant speculative characteristics.

The S&P 500 – is a stock market index based on the market capitalizations of 500 leading companies publicly traded in the U.S. stock market, as determined by Standard & Poor’s. It differs from other U.S. stock market indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq due to its diverse constituency and weighting methodology.

Quantitative Easing (QE) – is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when standard monetary policy has become ineffective. A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions, thus increasing the monetary base. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds in order to keep market interest rates at a specified target value.

Contagion – the likelihood that significant economic changes in one country will spread to other countries. Contagion can refer to the spread of either economic booms or economic crises throughout a geographic region.

QE3 – the Federal Reserve announced in 2012 that it would begin a new open-ended program of unlimited purchases $85 billion in new assets, including $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities – nicknamed QE3 or quantitative easing three. The first round of QE came during the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. The second round (QE2) came in November 2010.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Disclosure of Fund Expenses
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


Example. As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and/or redemption fees (if applicable) and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees and other Fund expenses. The below examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested on December 1, 2012 and held until May 31, 2013.

Actual Expenses. The first line of each table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes. The second line of each table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in a Fund and other mutual funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect transactional costs, such as redemption fees, sales charges (loads) or exchange fees. Therefore, the second line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Account Value
December 1, 2012
Account Value
May 31, 2013
  Paid During  







Institutional Class



       $ 1,000.00              $ 976.60          0.68%     $ 3.35     

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,021.54          0.68%     $ 3.43     



Institutional Class



       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,063.50          0.55%     $ 2.83     

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,022.19          0.55%     $ 2.77     



Institutional Class



       $ 1,000.00              $ 976.50          0.87%     $ 4.29     

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,020.59          0.87%     $ 4.38     




Institutional Class



       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,009.90          1.00%     $ 5.01     

Hypothetical (5% return before expenses)

       $ 1,000.00              $ 1,019.95          1.00%     $ 5.04     



Annualized, based on the Fund’s most recent fiscal half-year expenses.


Expenses are equal to the Fund’s annualized ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year (182), divided by 365. Note this expense example is typically based on a six-month period.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Summaries of Portfolio Holdings
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


Under SEC Rules, all funds are required to include in their annual and semi-annual shareholder reports a presentation of portfolio holdings in a table, chart or graph by reasonably identifiable categories. The following tables, which present holdings as a percent of total net assets (“TNA”), are provided in compliance with such requirements.




Country Breakdown

     % of TNA   







































South Africa








Dominican Republic






El Salvador




United Arab Emirates


Costa Rica














Ivory Coast






South Korea


Hong Kong














Short Term Investments




Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities




Total Net Assets






Industry Breakdown

     % of TNA   



Exploration & Production










Media Cable








Media Other




Paper/Forest Products






Retail Non Food/Drug


Consumer Products




Services Other




Building Products




Industrial Other






Non Captive Finance


Gas Pipelines








Home Builders




Environmental Services


Retail Food/Drug






Home Furnishings


Financial Other


Capital Goods








Transport Other








Money Market Fund




Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities




Total Net Assets





*Amount represents less than 0.005% of net assets.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Summaries of Portfolio Holdings
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




Country Breakdown

     % of TNA   









South Africa




























Short Term Investments




Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities




Total Net Assets




Country Breakdown

     % of TNA   









United Arab Emirates






Hong Kong










South Korea
















South Africa
















Short Term Investments




Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities




Total Net Assets





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Growth of $10,000 Investment
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund and the JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index Global Diversified (JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified).



The JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified limits the weights of those index countries with larger debt stocks by only including specified portions of these countries’ eligible current face amounts outstanding. The countries covered in the EMBI Global Diversified are identical to those covered by the EMBI Global.

Average Annual Total Returns (Inception, August 16, 2007)


      6 Months    1 Year      3 Years    5 Years    Since

  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   -2.34%      9.05%       9.89%    9.36%    9.91%

  JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified

   -2.31%      10.07%       9.85%    9.04%    9.42%

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Growth of $10,000 Investment
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund and the Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index.



The Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index represents a modified version of the High Yield Market Index by delaying the entry of “fallen angel” issues (corporate or municipal bonds that were investment-grade when issued but have since been downgraded) and capping the par value of individual issuers at US $5 billion par amount outstanding.

Average Annual Total Returns (Inception, August 16, 2007)


      6 Months    1 Year      3 Years      5 Years      Since

  Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

   6.35%      15.87%         11.37%         8.96%       8.61%

  Citigroup High Yield Market Capped Index

   5.90%      14.24%         11.95%         10.12%       9.54%

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Growth of $10,000 Investment
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and the JP Morgan Global Bond Index – Emerging Markets Global Diversified (JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified).



The JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified consists of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure. The weightings among the countries are more evenly distributed within this index.

Average Annual Total Returns (Inception, June 30, 2010)


      6 Months    1 Year      Since Inception

  Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

   -2.35%      7.92%       6.05%

  JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified

   -1.06%      11.58%       7.75%

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Growth of $10,000 Investment
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




Comparison of Change in Value of $10,000 Investment in Stone Harbor Emerging Market Corporate Debt Fund and the JP Morgan Corporate Emerging Market Bond Index – Broad Diversified (JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified).



The JP Morgan CEMBI Broad is a market capitalization weighted index that tracks total returns of US dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by corporate entities in Emerging Markets countries. The CEMBI Broad Diversified limits the current face amount allocations of the bonds in the CEMBI Broad by constraining the total face amount outstanding for countries with larger debt stocks.

Average Annual Total Returns (Inception, June 1, 2011)


      6 Months    1 Year      Since Inception

  Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

   0.99%      10.13%       2.23%

  JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified

   1.13%      9.92%       6.60%

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Average annual total returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions and include all fee waivers and expense reimbursements. Without the fee waivers and expense reimbursements, total return figures would have been lower. The performance data quoted does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. Investment return and principal value will vary, and shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Index returns do not include the effects of sales charges, management fees or transaction costs. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds


Report of Independent

Registered Public Accounting Firm



To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of Stone Harbor Investment Funds:

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of Stone Harbor Investment Funds (the “Funds”), comprising the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund, and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund, including the statements of investments, as of May 31, 2013, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of May 31, 2013, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the funds constituting the Stone Harbor Investment Funds as of May 31, 2013, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Denver, Colorado

July 30, 2013




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)




Argentina - 0.03% 


Republic of Argentina:

   USD      0.000 %     03/31/2023        184,000      $ 142,600 (1)
   USD      6.000 %     03/31/2023        480,000        391,200 (1)







Brazil - 4.91% 


Nota Do Tesouro Nacional

   BRL      10.000 %     01/01/2023        14,534,000        6,687,506  

Republic of Brazil:

   USD      8.000 %     01/15/2018        3,560,000        4,098,450  
   USD      4.875 %     01/22/2021        3,410,000        3,819,200  
   USD      2.625 %     01/05/2023        13,475,000        12,491,325  
   USD      8.750 %     02/04/2025        1,680,000        2,486,400  
   USD      10.125 %     05/15/2027        3,402,000        5,647,320  
   USD      8.250 %     01/20/2034        16,529,000        24,091,018  
   USD      7.125 %     01/20/2037        23,497,000        30,810,441  







Chile - 0.14% 


Republic of Chile

   USD      3.250 %     09/14/2021        2,550,000        2,626,500  




Colombia - 3.80% 


Bogota Distrio Capital

   COP      9.750 %     07/26/2028        7,800,000,000        5,935,165 (2)

Republic of Colombia:

   COP      12.000 %     10/22/2015        4,798,000,000        2,939,680  
   USD      7.375 %     01/27/2017        1,838,000        2,187,220  
   USD      7.375 %     03/18/2019        2,808,000        3,506,490  
   USD      11.750 %     02/25/2020        3,851,000        5,834,265  
   USD      2.625 %     03/15/2023        5,373,000        4,996,890  
   USD      8.125 %     05/21/2024        25,000        34,625  
   COP      9.850 %     06/28/2027        2,240,000,000        1,658,169  
   USD      10.375 %     01/28/2033        2,006,000        3,299,870  
   USD      7.375 %     09/18/2037        26,572,000        36,270,780  
   USD      6.125 %     01/18/2041        2,577,000        3,079,515  







Costa Rica - 0.34% 


Republic of Costa Rica:

   USD      4.375 %     04/30/2025        5,790,000        5,645,250 (3)
   USD      5.625 %     04/30/2043        681,000        667,380 (3)







Croatia - 1.21% 


Croatian Government:

   USD      6.250 %     04/27/2017        1,704,000        1,844,580 (3)
   USD      6.750 %     11/05/2019        5,250,000        5,834,325 (2)
   USD      6.625 %     07/14/2020        2,881,000        3,187,106 (2)
   USD      6.375 %     03/24/2021        388,000        423,405 (2)
   USD      6.375 %     03/24/2021        7,428,000        8,105,805 (3)
   USD      5.500 %     04/04/2023        2,779,000        2,841,528 (3)








Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Dominican Republic - 1.15% 


Dominican Republic International Bond:

   USD      9.040 %     01/23/2018        3,334,672      $ 3,718,160 (2)
   USD      7.500 %     05/06/2021        15,269,000        17,330,315 (2)







El Salvador - 0.56% 


Republic of El Salvador:

   USD      7.375 %     12/01/2019        220,000        253,000 (3)
   USD      7.375 %     12/01/2019        2,068,000        2,378,200 (2)
   USD      7.750 %     01/24/2023        1,014,000        1,196,520 (2)
   USD      8.250 %     04/10/2032        1,000,000        1,150,000 (2)
   USD      7.650 %     06/15/2035        4,931,000        5,276,170 (2)







Gabon - 0.00%(4) 


Republic of Gabon

   USD      8.200 %     12/12/2017        50,000        59,125 (3)




Guatemala - 0.27% 


Republic of Guatemala:

   USD      5.750 %     06/06/2022        2,743,000        2,989,870 (2)
   USD      4.875 %     02/13/2028        2,102,000        2,059,960 (3)







Hungary - 2.44% 


Republic of Hungary:

   EUR      4.500 %     01/29/2014        2,326,000        3,079,899  
   GBP      5.500 %     05/06/2014        194,000        300,873  
   USD      4.750 %     02/03/2015        2,585,000        2,662,550  
   GBP      5.000 %     03/30/2016        668,000        1,037,255  
   EUR      3.500 %     07/18/2016        7,569,000        9,831,643  
   EUR      4.375 %     07/04/2017        2,798,000        3,688,972  
   USD      4.125 %     02/19/2018        2,444,000        2,431,780  
   USD      6.250 %     01/29/2020        2,444,000        2,648,685  
   USD      6.375 %     03/29/2021        13,042,000        14,166,872  
   USD      5.375 %     02/21/2023        4,980,000        4,961,325  







Indonesia - 6.09% 


Republic of Indonesia:

   USD      6.875 %     01/17/2018        6,424,000        7,588,350 (2)
   USD      11.625 %     03/04/2019        2,170,000        3,124,800 (3)
   USD      11.625 %     03/04/2019        13,359,000        19,236,960 (2)
   USD      5.875 %     03/13/2020        2,977,000        3,412,386 (2)
   USD      4.875 %     05/05/2021        7,209,000        7,794,731 (2)
   USD      3.750 %     04/25/2022        3,093,000        3,065,936 (2)
   USD      3.375 %     04/15/2023        18,458,000        17,488,955 (3)
   USD      8.500 %     10/12/2035        16,802,000        24,047,863 (2)
   USD      6.625 %     02/17/2037        2,597,000        3,080,691 (3)
   USD      6.625 %     02/17/2037        6,286,000        7,456,768 (2)
   USD      7.750 %     01/17/2038        11,668,000        15,635,120 (2)







Iraq - 0.67% 


Republic of Iraq

   USD      5.800 %     01/15/2028        13,894,000        12,296,190 (2)







Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Ivory Coast - 0.19% 


Ivory Coast Government International Bond

   USD      5.750 %     12/31/2032        3,823,000      $ 3,574,505 (2)(5) 




Lithuania - 2.19% 


Republic of Lithuania:

   USD      7.375 %     02/11/2020        2,662,000        3,298,538 (2)
   USD      6.125 %     03/09/2021        21,605,000        25,190,782 (2)
   USD      6.625 %     02/01/2022        2,622,000        3,172,358 (3)
   USD      6.625 %     02/01/2022        7,014,000        8,486,238 (2)







Mexico - 4.52% 


United Mexican States:

   USD      5.125 %     01/15/2020        16,092,000        18,385,110  
   USD      8.300 %     08/15/2031        479,000        704,130  
   USD      6.750 %     09/27/2034        9,940,000        12,698,350  
   USD      6.050 %     01/11/2040        7,578,000        8,989,402  
   USD      4.750 %     03/08/2044        10,124,000        10,010,105  
   USD      5.750 %     10/12/2110        30,954,000        32,285,022  







Morocco - 0.30% 


Moroccan Government

   USD      4.250 %     12/11/2022        5,560,000        5,434,900 (3)




Panama - 3.05% 


Republic of Panama:

   USD      5.200 %     01/30/2020        5,587,000        6,452,985  
   USD      9.375 %     01/16/2023        450,000        652,500  
   USD      7.125 %     01/29/2026        967,000        1,266,770  
   USD      8.875 %     09/30/2027        6,661,000        9,991,500  
   USD      9.375 %     04/01/2029        19,652,000        31,246,680  
   USD      8.125 %     04/28/2034        2,059,000        2,944,370  
   USD      6.700 %     01/26/2036        2,718,000        3,533,400  







Peru - 1.58% 


Republic of Peru:

   USD      8.750 %     11/21/2033        8,256,000        12,961,920  
   USD      6.550 %     03/14/2037        1,970,000        2,531,450  
   USD      5.625 %     11/18/2050        11,897,000        13,562,580  







Philippines - 1.89% 


Republic of Philippines:

   USD      9.500 %     02/02/2030        8,226,000        13,254,142  
   USD      7.750 %     01/14/2031        13,764,000        19,458,855  
   USD      6.375 %     01/15/2032        1,636,000        2,059,315  







Poland - 3.35% 


Republic of Poland:

   USD      6.375 %     07/15/2019        27,558,000        33,267,191  
   EUR      4.200 %     04/15/2020        6,630,000        9,982,959  
   EUR      4.000 %     03/23/2021        665,000        998,196  
   USD      5.125 %     04/21/2021        10,758,000        12,169,019  


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013











Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Poland (continued)


Republic of Poland (continued)

   USD      5.000 %     03/23/2022        4,457,000      $ 5,022,504  







Qatar - 1.34% 


State of Qatar:

   USD      6.550 %     04/09/2019        9,087,000        11,154,292 (2)
   USD      5.250 %     01/20/2020        5,949,000        6,885,968 (2)
   USD      6.400 %     01/20/2040        1,687,000        2,138,273 (2)
   USD      5.750 %     01/20/2042        3,758,000        4,387,465 (2)







Romania - 0.33% 


Romanian Government International Bond:

   USD      6.750 %     02/07/2022        1,100,000        1,303,500 (2)
   USD      6.750 %     02/07/2022        1,110,000        1,315,350 (3)
   USD      4.375 %     08/22/2023        3,400,000        3,391,500 (3)







Russia - 4.90% 


Russian Federation:

   USD      12.750 %     06/24/2028        8,739,000        16,483,939 (2)
   USD      7.500 %     03/31/2030        60,412,840        73,477,117 (2)(5) 







Slovakia - 0.52% 


Republic of Slovakia

   USD      4.375 %     05/21/2022        8,831,000        9,629,057 (3)




South Africa - 1.56% 


Republic of South Africa:

   USD      6.875 %     05/27/2019        8,113,000        9,725,459  
   USD      5.500 %     03/09/2020        7,679,000        8,610,079  
   USD      5.875 %     05/30/2022        5,256,000        6,050,970  
   USD      4.665 %     01/17/2024        4,019,000        4,194,831  







Turkey - 7.27% 


Republic of Turkey:

   USD      7.000 %     09/26/2016        2,884,000        3,370,675  
   USD      7.500 %     07/14/2017        2,742,000        3,317,820  
   USD      6.750 %     04/03/2018        8,441,000        10,139,751  
   USD      7.000 %     03/11/2019        3,305,000        4,077,544  
   USD      7.500 %     11/07/2019        16,848,000        21,523,320  
   USD      7.000 %     06/05/2020        4,272,000        5,350,680  
   USD      5.625 %     03/30/2021        1,053,000        1,233,326  
   USD      5.125 %     03/25/2022        9,201,000        10,454,636  
   USD      6.250 %     09/26/2022        7,981,000        9,796,678  
   USD      3.250 %     03/23/2023        32,966,000        32,430,303  
   USD      7.375 %     02/05/2025        2,570,000        3,395,612  
   USD      8.000 %     02/14/2034        7,406,000        10,488,747  
   USD      6.875 %     03/17/2036        9,360,000        11,934,000  
   USD      7.250 %     03/05/2038        1,285,000        1,720,294  
   USD      6.000 %     01/14/2041        3,663,000        4,262,816  










Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Ukraine - 2.51% 


Financing of Infrastructure - Projects State Enterprise

   USD      9.000 %     12/07/2017        3,002,000      $ 3,137,090 (3)

Ukraine Government:

   USD      6.875 %     09/23/2015        208,000        210,600 (2)
   USD      6.875 %     09/23/2015        1,723,000        1,744,537 (3)
   USD      6.250 %     06/17/2016        2,600,000        2,587,000 (3)
   USD      6.250 %     06/17/2016        14,090,000        14,019,550 (2)
   USD      6.580 %     11/21/2016        1,460,000        1,456,350 (2)
   USD      6.750 %     11/14/2017        4,950,000        4,931,438 (2)
   USD      7.800 %     11/28/2022        13,838,000        13,907,190 (3)
   USD      7.500 %     04/17/2023        4,127,000        4,028,984 (3)







Uruguay - 0.91% 


Republic of Uruguay:

   USD      8.000 %     11/18/2022        2,598,310        3,533,702  
   USD      6.875 %     09/28/2025        1,148,125        1,504,044  
   USD      7.875 %     01/15/2033        1,390,800        1,947,120 (6)
   USD      7.625 %     03/21/2036        6,979,404        9,771,165  







Venezuela - 4.54% 


Republic of Venezuela:

   USD      13.625 %     08/15/2018        1,051,000        1,200,767  
   USD      13.625 %     08/15/2018        1,669,000        1,873,453 (2)
   USD      7.000 %     12/01/2018        3,370,000        3,024,575 (2)
   USD      7.750 %     10/13/2019        10,641,100        9,550,387 (2)
   USD      6.000 %     12/09/2020        4,600,000        3,691,500 (2)
   USD      12.750 %     08/23/2022        32,534,700        35,422,155 (2)
   USD      9.000 %     05/07/2023        4,206,700        3,764,997 (2)
   USD      8.250 %     10/13/2024        19,697,700        16,693,801 (2)
   USD      9.250 %     09/15/2027        1,973,000        1,797,896  
   USD      11.950 %     08/05/2031        5,395,000        5,523,131 (2)
   USD      9.375 %     01/13/2034        928,000        821,280  












(Cost $1,121,598,270)


BANK LOANS - 0.10%(7)


Indonesia - 0.10% 


PT Bumi Resources

   USD      11.250 %     08/07/2013        1,337,000        1,324,967  

PT Bumi Tranche A

   USD      15.000 %     01/18/2014        577,486        311,843 (1)

PT Bumi Tranche B

   USD      15.000 %     01/18/2014        460,908        248,890 (1)












(Cost $2,375,393)




Argentina - 0.02% 


Capex SA

   USD      10.000 %     03/10/2018        511,000        390,509 (3)





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Azerbaijan - 0.25% 


State Oil Company

   USD      5.450 %     02/09/2017        4,350,000      $ 4,654,500  




Brazil - 2.61% 


Andrade Gutierrez International SA

   USD      4.000 %     04/30/2018        1,500,000        1,496,250 (3)

Banco do Brasil SA:

   USD      3.875 %     10/10/2022        1,494,000        1,417,414  
   USD      6.250 %     12/31/2049        2,550,000        2,479,973 (3)(8) 

BM&FBovespa SA:

   USD      5.500 %     07/16/2020        800,000        879,060 (2)
   USD      5.500 %     07/16/2020        842,000        925,211 (3)

BR Malls International Finance Ltd.:

   USD      8.500 %     01/21/2049        260,000        283,087 (2)
   USD      8.500 %     01/21/2049        2,482,000        2,702,385 (3)

BR Properties SA

   USD      9.000 %     10/07/2015        310,000        331,700 (3)

Braskem Finance Ltd.

   USD      7.375 %     10/29/2049        1,200,000        1,254,000 (3)

Caixa Economica Federal:

   USD      2.375 %     11/06/2017        5,000,000        4,775,000 (3)
   USD      3.500 %     11/07/2022        588,000        546,840 (3)

Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA

   USD      5.750 %     10/27/2021        2,319,000        2,429,268 (2)

Cosan Luxembourg SA

   USD      5.000 %     03/14/2023        1,105,000        1,107,891 (3)


   USD      6.250 %     02/05/2023        2,466,000        2,475,248 (3)

General Shopping Finance Ltd.

   USD      10.000 %     11/09/2015        1,257,000        1,282,140 (3)

Globo Comunicacao e Participacoes SA

   USD      6.250 %     07/20/2049        825,000        886,447 (2)(5) 

Hypermarcas SA

   USD      6.500 %     04/20/2021        1,328,000        1,427,600 (3)

Itau Unibanco Holding SA

   USD      5.650 %     03/19/2022        1,158,000        1,204,321 (3)

Minerva Luxembourg SA

   USD      7.750 %     01/31/2023        2,406,000        2,502,240 (3)

NET Servicos de Comunicacao SA

   USD      7.500 %     01/27/2020        2,302,000        2,577,430  

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe VIII/IX Ltd.:

   USD      6.350 %     06/30/2021        370,500        407,550 (2)
   USD      6.350 %     06/30/2021        665,950        732,545 (3)

Odebrecht Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.125 %     06/26/2022        1,500,000        1,597,500 (3)

OGX Austria GmbH

   USD      8.500 %     06/01/2018        552,000        322,582 (3)

Petrobras International Finance Co.:

   USD      2.875 %     02/06/2015        700,000        713,880  
   USD      5.375 %     01/27/2021        430,000        457,461  

QGOG Atlantic/Alaskan Rigs Ltd.

   USD      5.250 %     07/30/2018        1,735,957        1,796,715 (3)

Samarco Mineracao SA

   USD      4.125 %     11/01/2022        4,097,000        3,881,939 (3)

Schahin II Finance Co. SPV Ltd.

   USD      5.875 %     09/25/2022        1,422,933        1,483,298 (3)

Telemar Norte Leste SA

   USD      5.500 %     10/23/2020        1,712,000        1,712,527 (3)

Tonon Bioenergia SA

   USD      9.250 %     01/24/2020        1,200,000        1,212,857 (3)

Votorantim Cimentos SA

   USD      7.250 %     04/05/2041        500,000        543,750 (3)







Chile - 2.19% 


Banco del Estado de Chile

   USD      3.875 %     02/08/2022        3,277,000        3,395,791 (3)

Cencosud SA:

   USD      5.500 %     01/20/2021        2,000,000        2,132,669 (3)
   USD      4.875 %     01/20/2023        1,908,000        1,931,536 (3)

CFR International SpA

   USD      5.125 %     12/06/2022        500,000        518,245 (3)

Codelco, Inc.:

   USD      7.500 %     01/15/2019        3,216,000        4,009,017 (2)
   USD      3.875 %     11/03/2021        2,798,000        2,897,455 (2)
   USD      3.000 %     07/17/2022        5,823,000        5,599,048 (3)
   USD      6.150 %     10/24/2036        9,230,000        10,691,155 (2)
   USD      4.250 %     07/17/2042        7,321,000        6,586,631 (3)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Chile (continued)


GeoPark Latin America Ltd. Agencia en Chile

   USD      7.500 %     02/11/2020        1,497,000      $ 1,564,365 (3)

Telefonica Chile SA

   USD      3.875 %     10/12/2022        972,000        952,560 (3)







China - 2.78% 


Amber Circle Funding Ltd.

   USD      3.250 %     12/04/2022        1,000,000        967,150 (2)

Bestgain Real Estate Ltd.

   USD      2.625 %     03/13/2018        1,100,000        1,067,055 (2)

China Liansu Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      7.875 %     05/13/2016        393,000        414,615 (3)

China Overseas Finance Cayman II Ltd.

   USD      5.500 %     11/10/2020        300,000        330,652  

China Overseas Finance Cayman IV Ltd.

   USD      4.875 %     02/15/2017        300,000        323,795  

China Overseas Finance Cayman V Ltd.

   USD      3.950 %     11/15/2022        1,000,000        980,080  

CNPC General Capital Ltd.

   USD      1.950 %     04/16/2018        628,000        619,129 (3)

Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.:

   USD      11.125 %     02/23/2018        500,000        561,250 (2)
   USD      7.500 %     01/10/2023        795,000        814,875 (3)

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      8.875 %     03/19/2018        2,178,000        2,237,895 (3)

Mega Advance Investments Ltd.

   USD      5.000 %     05/12/2021        1,434,000        1,576,454 (3)

MIE Holdings Corp.

   USD      9.750 %     05/12/2016        805,000        857,325 (3)

Sinochem Overseas Capital Co. Ltd.:

   USD      4.500 %     11/12/2020        5,534,000        5,874,037 (2)
   USD      4.500 %     11/12/2020        18,617,000        19,760,921 (3)
   USD      6.300 %     11/12/2040        4,685,000        5,187,068 (2)

Sinopec Capital 2013 Ltd.

   USD      3.125 %     04/24/2023        4,584,000        4,364,564 (3)

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2012 Ltd.

   USD      3.900 %     05/17/2022        1,071,000        1,107,194 (2)

Tencent Holdings Ltd.:

   USD      4.625 %     12/12/2016        1,200,000        1,301,754 (3)
   USD      3.375 %     03/05/2018        1,880,000        1,927,038 (3)

Texhong Textile Group Ltd.:

   USD      7.625 %     01/19/2016        343,000        359,292 (3)
   USD      7.625 %     01/19/2016        439,000        459,853 (2)







Colombia - 0.74% 


Bancolombia SA

   USD      5.125 %     09/11/2022        2,639,000        2,638,953  

Colombia Telecomunicaciones SA ESP

   USD      5.375 %     09/27/2022        647,000        647,139 (3)

Empresa de Energia de Bogota SA

   USD      6.125 %     11/10/2021        1,392,000        1,521,917 (3)

Grupo Aval Ltd.:

   USD      5.250 %     02/01/2017        1,000,000        1,054,089 (3)
   USD      4.750 %     09/26/2022        1,474,000        1,448,205 (3)

Gruposura Finance

   USD      5.700 %     05/18/2021        1,882,000        2,070,200 (3)

Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.

   USD      5.125 %     03/28/2023        2,417,000        2,471,714 (3)

Transportadora de Gas Internacional SA ESP

   USD      5.700 %     03/20/2022        1,500,000        1,639,759 (3)







Hong Kong - 0.10% 


Hutchison Whampoa International 10 Ltd.

   USD      6.000 %     10/28/2049        1,757,000        1,873,401 (2)(8) 





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


India - 0.72% 


Bharti Airtel International Netherlands BV

   USD      5.125 %     03/11/2023        2,701,000      $ 2,707,752 (3)

ICICI Bank Ltd.:

   USD      4.700 %     02/21/2018        252,000        264,882 (2)
   USD      5.750 %     11/16/2020        508,000        555,938 (3)
   USD      5.750 %     11/16/2020        1,200,000        1,313,238 (2)

Reliance Holdings USA, Inc.

   USD      5.400 %     02/14/2022        1,710,000        1,870,706 (3)

Vedanta Resources PLC:

   USD      6.000 %     01/31/2019        3,944,000        3,934,140 (3)
   USD      8.250 %     06/07/2021        558,000        602,640 (3)
   USD      7.125 %     05/31/2023        1,974,000        1,964,130 (3)







Indonesia - 0.47% 


Berau Capital Resources Pte Ltd.

   USD      12.500 %     07/08/2015        200,000        212,750 (2)

BLT Finance BV

   USD      7.500 %     05/15/2014        644,000        86,940 (1)(2) 

Indo Energy Finance II BV

   USD      6.375 %     01/24/2023        1,214,000        1,183,650 (3)

Indosat Palapa Co. BV:

   USD      7.375 %     07/29/2020        241,000        264,497 (3)
   USD      7.375 %     07/29/2020        550,000        603,625 (2)

Listrindo Capital BV

   USD      6.950 %     02/21/2019        861,000        929,880 (3)

Pertamina Persero PT

   USD      6.000 %     05/03/2042        2,529,000        2,453,130 (2)

PT Adaro Indonesia

   USD      7.625 %     10/22/2019        1,717,000        1,837,190 (2)

TBG Global Pte Ltd.

   USD      4.625 %     04/03/2018        1,037,000        1,020,149 (3)







Jamaica - 0.22% 


Digicel Group Ltd.:

   USD      10.500 %     04/15/2018        1,450,000        1,576,875 (2)
   USD      8.250 %     09/30/2020        2,281,000        2,463,480 (3)







Kazakhstan - 3.33% 


KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub BV:

   USD      11.750 %     01/23/2015        13,511,000        15,503,872 (2)
   USD      9.125 %     07/02/2018        1,449,000        1,814,872 (2)
   USD      7.000 %     05/05/2020        6,662,000        7,819,523 (2)
   USD      6.375 %     04/09/2021        9,538,000        10,766,018 (2)

KazMunayGas National Co. JSC:

   USD      9.125 %     07/02/2018        9,516,000        11,918,790 (3)
   USD      7.000 %     05/05/2020        739,000        867,401 (3)
   USD      6.375 %     04/09/2021        3,945,000        4,452,919 (3)
   USD      4.400 %     04/30/2023        1,469,000        1,426,767 (3)
   USD      5.750 %     04/30/2043        3,065,000        2,957,725 (3)

Zhaikmunai LP

   USD      7.125 %     11/13/2019        3,325,000        3,578,531 (3)







Macau - 0.05% 


MCE Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.000 %     02/15/2021        921,000        921,000 (3)




Malaysia - 1.78% 


IOI Investment L BHD

   USD      4.375 %     06/27/2022        3,000,000        3,048,825  

Penerbangan Malaysia BHD

   USD      5.625 %     03/15/2016        1,195,000        1,334,229 (2)

Petroliam Nasional BHD:

   USD      7.750 %     08/15/2015        335,000        381,883 (3)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Malaysia (continued)


Petroliam Nasional BHD (continued)

   USD      7.625 %     10/15/2026        2,742,000      $ 3,847,821 (2)

Petronas Capital Ltd.

   USD      7.875 %     05/22/2022        15,945,000        21,702,740 (2)

Petronas Global Sukuk Ltd.

   USD      4.250 %     08/12/2014        2,240,000        2,319,856 (3)







Mexico - 1.27% 


America Movil SAB de CV:

   USD      2.375 %     09/08/2016        704,000        724,574  
   USD      3.125 %     07/16/2022        1,800,000        1,727,192  

BBVA Bancomer SA

   USD      6.750 %     09/30/2022        920,000        1,044,200 (3)

Cemex Finance LLC

   USD      9.375 %     10/12/2022        2,423,000        2,731,932 (3)

Cemex SAB de CV

   USD      9.500 %     06/15/2018        2,638,000        2,961,155 (3)

Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV:

   USD      4.875 %     06/30/2020        183,000        199,198 (3)
   USD      4.500 %     01/25/2022        800,000        852,981 (3)

Grupo Televisa SAB

   USD      6.000 %     05/12/2018        300,000        345,742  

Metalsa SAB de CV

   USD      4.900 %     04/24/2023        1,726,000        1,721,685 (3)

Mexichem SAB de CV

   USD      4.875 %     09/19/2022        953,000        990,951 (3)

Mexico Generadora De Energia

   USD      5.500 %     12/06/2032        2,861,000        2,881,212 (3)

Pemex Project Funding Master Trust

   EUR      5.500 %     02/24/2025        2,275,000        3,555,704 (2)

Petroleos Mexicanos

   USD      6.500 %     06/02/2041        2,129,000        2,400,448  

Telefonos de Mexico SAB de CV

   USD      5.500 %     11/15/2019        1,100,000        1,253,233  







Nigeria - 0.06% 


Afren PLC

   USD      10.250 %     04/08/2019        864,000        1,015,200 (3)




Peru - 0.90% 


Ajecorp BV

   USD      6.500 %     05/14/2022        2,875,000        3,133,750 (3)

Alicorp SAA

   USD      3.875 %     03/20/2023        1,076,000        1,056,922 (3)

Banco de Credito del Peru:

   USD      5.375 %     09/16/2020        526,000        569,437 (3)
   USD      5.375 %     09/16/2020        1,465,000        1,585,981 (2)
   USD      4.250 %     04/01/2023        328,000        323,832 (3)

BBVA Banco Continental SA

   USD      5.000 %     08/26/2022        1,176,000        1,214,071 (3)

Cementos Pacasmayo SAA

   USD      4.500 %     02/08/2023        1,506,000        1,471,953 (3)

Consorcio Transmantaro SA

   USD      4.375 %     05/07/2023        897,000        874,575 (3)

Corp. Azucarera del Peru SA

   USD      6.375 %     08/02/2022        631,000        656,240 (3)

Inkia Energy Ltd.

   USD      8.375 %     04/04/2021        785,000        890,868 (3)

Southern Copper Corp.:

   USD      6.750 %     04/16/2040        1,167,000        1,229,082  
   USD      5.250 %     11/08/2042        3,000,000        2,641,624  

Volcan Cia Minera SAA

   USD      5.375 %     02/02/2022        836,000        856,900 (3)







Russia - 3.79% 


Alfa Bank OJSC Via Alfa Bond Issuance PLC

   USD      7.500 %     09/26/2019        1,750,000        1,881,250 (3)

EDC Finance Ltd.

   USD      4.875 %     04/17/2020        2,725,000        2,704,562 (3)

EuroChem Mineral & Chemical Co. OJSC via EuroChem GI Ltd.

   USD      5.125 %     12/12/2017        3,000,000        3,041,250 (3)

Evraz Group SA

   USD      6.750 %     04/27/2018        208,000        208,260 (3)

Far Eastern Shipping Co.:

   USD      8.000 %     05/02/2018        1,919,000        1,945,386 (3)


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Russia (continued)


Far Eastern Shipping Co. (continued)

   USD      8.750 %     05/02/2020        859,000      $ 885,844 (3)

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA:

   USD      9.250 %     04/23/2019        7,874,000        10,019,665 (2)
   USD      4.950 %     07/19/2022        860,000        878,275 (3)
   USD      4.375 %     09/19/2022        2,183,000        2,106,595 (3)
   USD      4.950 %     02/06/2028        6,070,000        5,819,612 (3)
   USD      7.288 %     08/16/2037        1,642,000        1,925,245 (2)

Metalloinvest Finance Ltd.:

   USD      6.500 %     07/21/2016        1,137,000        1,205,220 (3)
   USD      5.625 %     04/17/2020        1,450,000        1,433,687 (3)

MTS International Funding Ltd.

   USD      5.000 %     05/30/2023        7,000,000        6,938,750 (3)

Nord Gold NV

   USD      6.375 %     05/07/2018        992,000        975,880 (3)

Novatek OAO via Novatek Finance Ltd.:

   USD      5.326 %     02/03/2016        1,700,000        1,807,313 (2)
   USD      6.604 %     02/03/2021        976,000        1,104,710 (3)

OJSC Novolipetsk Steel via Steel Funding Ltd.

   USD      4.450 %     02/19/2018        800,000        793,000 (3)

Rosneft Oil Co. via Rosneft International Finance Ltd.

   USD      3.149 %     03/06/2017        2,079,000        2,094,593 (2)

Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA:

   USD      5.298 %     12/27/2017        1,320,000        1,390,950 (2)
   USD      6.000 %     06/03/2021        2,342,000        2,391,768 (2)(8) 

Sberbank of Russia Via SB Capital SA:

   USD      6.125 %     02/07/2022        1,300,000        1,438,125 (3)
   USD      5.125 %     10/29/2022        1,148,000        1,142,260 (3)

Severstal OAO Via Steel Capital SA:

   USD      6.700 %     10/25/2017        649,000        694,430 (2)
   USD      5.900 %     10/17/2022        1,000,000        970,000 (3)

Sibur Securities Ltd.

   USD      3.914 %     01/31/2018        1,400,000        1,356,250 (3)

Vimpel Communications Holdings BV:

   USD      6.255 %     03/01/2017        830,000        879,800 (2)
   USD      5.200 %     02/13/2019        1,300,000        1,308,125 (3)

Vimpel Communications Via VIP Finance Ireland Ltd. OJSC

   USD      7.748 %     02/02/2021        1,266,000        1,402,095 (3)

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA:

   USD      6.315 %     02/22/2018        3,317,000        3,586,506 (2)
   USD      6.950 %     10/17/2022        3,300,000        3,448,500 (2)
   USD      6.250 %     06/30/2035        1,085,000        1,170,444 (2)

Wind Acquisition Finance SA

   USD      11.750 %     07/15/2017        700,000        740,250 (3)







Singapore - 0.14% 


Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd.

   USD      3.150 %     03/11/2023        1,225,000        1,232,901 (3)(8) 


   USD      4.500 %     03/20/2018        1,396,000        1,396,000 (3)







South Africa - 0.19% 


Gold Fields Orogen Holding BVI Ltd.

   USD      4.875 %     10/07/2020        3,700,000        3,459,500 (2)




South Korea - 0.13% 


Korea East-West Power Co. Ltd.

   USD      2.500 %     07/16/2017        1,000,000        1,005,325 (3)

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.:

   USD      4.750 %     07/13/2021        809,000        879,646 (2)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


South Korea (continued)


Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. (continued)

     USD         3.000     09/19/2022         493,000       $ 472,343 (3) 







Thailand - 0.21%


Bangkok Bank PCL

     USD         3.875     09/27/2022         1,537,000         1,547,990 (3) 

PTT Global Chemical PCL

     USD         4.250     09/19/2022         1,007,000         1,031,616 (3) 

PTTEP Canada International Finance Ltd.

     USD         5.692     04/05/2021         1,032,000         1,181,382 (2) 







Turkey - 0.45%


Akbank TAS:

     USD         3.875     10/24/2017         1,800,000         1,842,750 (3) 
     USD         5.000     10/24/2022         750,000         790,312 (2) 

KOC Holding AS

     USD         3.500     04/24/2020         1,000,000         962,500 (3) 

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS

     USD         5.250     09/13/2022         3,122,000         3,305,418 (3) 

Yuksel Insaat AS

     USD         9.500     11/10/2015         2,077,000         1,443,515 (2) 







Ukraine - 0.40%


Ferrexpo Finance PLC

     USD         7.875     04/07/2016         2,115,000         2,117,644 (3) 

Metinvest BV

     USD         8.750     02/14/2018         1,937,000         1,949,106 (3) 

Mriya Agro Holding PLC

     USD         9.450     04/19/2018         1,093,000         1,079,338 (3) 

National JSC Naftogaz of Ukraine

     USD         9.500     09/30/2014         2,189,000         2,257,406   







United Arab Emirates - 0.46%


Dubai Holding Commercial Operations MTN Ltd.

     GBP         6.000     02/01/2017         3,350,000         5,230,001   

Emaar Sukuk Ltd.

     USD         6.400     07/18/2019         3,000,000         3,285,000   







Venezuela - 5.40%


Petroleos de Venezuela SA:

     USD         4.900     10/28/2014         67,953,517         65,490,202   
     USD         5.000     10/28/2015         4,959,924         4,575,530   
     USD         5.250     04/12/2017         4,775,600         4,077,169 (2) 
     USD         8.500     11/02/2017         14,963,100         14,177,537 (2) 
     USD         5.375     04/12/2027         16,700,100         10,896,815   








(Cost $519,249,246)







Argentina - 0.03%


Hidroelec el Chocon SA

     USD         8.061     03/01/2015         676,923         582,154   





Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013















Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Ukraine - 0.35%


Ukreximbank Biz Finance PLC

    USD     8.375     04/27/2015        6,358,000      $ 6,373,895 (2) 





(Cost $6,722,403)







Argentina - 0.10%


Cablevision SA

  Deutsche Bank AG London   USD     9.375     02/12/2018        2,456,000        1,780,600 (3) 




Brazil - 0.96%


Nota Do Tesouro Nacional:


Citigroup Global Markets

  BRL     10.000     01/01/2017        2,020,000        948,036   

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

  BRL     10.000     01/01/2023        3,140,000        1,444,803   

Barclays Bank PLC

  BRL     10.000     01/01/2023        33,760,000        15,214,068   







Colombia - 0.67%


Titulos de Tesoreria - Series B:


Citigroup Global Markets

  COP     11.000     07/24/2020        3,000,000,000        2,038,642   

Citigroup Global Markets

  COP     11.000     07/24/2020        3,500,000,000        2,378,416   

Citigroup Global Markets

  COP     11.000     07/24/2020        4,000,000,000        2,718,190   

Citigroup Global Markets

  COP     11.000     07/24/2020        5,700,000,000        3,873,420   

Citigroup Global Markets

  COP     11.000     07/27/2020        1,960,000,000        1,331,913   







Iraq - 0.52%


Republic of Iraq:


Bank of America - Merrill Lynch

  JPY     2.510     01/01/2028        984,900,619        6,617,967 (8) 

Bank of America - Merrill Lynch

  JPY     2.550     01/01/2028        449,513,192        3,020,471 (8) 








(Cost $46,464,586)







Money Market Mutual Funds - 3.36%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class (7-Day Yield)

    USD     0.07001     N/A        61,710,239        61,710,239   





(Cost $61,710,239)





Total Investments - 97.31%

(Cost $1,758,120,137)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 2.69%





Net Assets - 100.00%

            $ 1,836,772,169   







Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013


* The principal amount of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated. See below.




Brazilian Real



Colombian Peso



Euro Currency



Great Britain Pound



Japanese Yen



Nigerian Naira



United States Dollar



Security is currently in default/non-income producing.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of May 31, 2013, the aggregate market value of those securities was $584,147,701, which represents approximately 31.80% of net assets.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $331,243,604, which represents approximately 18.03% of net assets as of May 31, 2013.


Amount represents less than 0.005% of net assets.


Step bond. Coupon increases periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at May 31, 2013.


Pay-in-kind securities.


Bank loans generally pay interest at rates which are periodically determined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. All loans carry a variable rate of interest. These base lending rates are generally (i) the Prime Rate offered by one or more major United States banks, (ii) the lending rate offered by one or more European banks such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or (iii) the Certificate of Deposit rate. Rate shown represents the weighted average rate at May 31, 2013. Bank Loans, while exempt from registration, under the Securities Act of 1933, contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. Floating rate bank loans often require prepayments from excess cash flow or permit the borrower to repay at its election. The degree to which borrowers repay, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, cannot be predicted with accuracy. As a result, the actual remaining maturity may be substantially less than the stated maturity shown.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at May 31, 2013.

Common Abbreviations:



Anonim Sirket is the Turkish term for Incorporation.



Berhad is the Malaysian term for public limited company.



Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.



British Virgin Islands.



Empresa de Servicios Publicos is the Colombian term for Public Service Company.



Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company with limited liability.



Joint Stock Company.



Lmited Liability Corporation.



Limited Partnership.






Medium Term Note.



Naamloze Vennootschap is the Dutch term for a public limited liability corporation.



Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo is the Russian term for Open Joint Stock Company.



Open Joint Stock Company.



A rearrangement of the letters for Public Limited Company, used in Thailand.



Public Limited Company.



Perseroan terbuka is an Indonesian term for limited liability company.






Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.



Sociedad Anonima Abierta is the Peruvian term used for companies with 20 or more shareholders.



Sociedad Anonima Bursatil is the Spanish term used for publicly held company.



A variable capital company.



Societa per Azioni.



Special Purpose Vehicle.



TüRk Anonim Sirketi is the Turkish term for Joint Stock Company.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013



Counterparty    Foreign




Citigroup Global Markets

   COP      27,887,671,995      Sale    06/04/2013    $ 14,644,446      $ 581,407  

Citigroup Global Markets

   COP      27,887,671,995      Sale    06/28/2013      14,610,412        66,538  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

   EUR      25,215,000      Sale    06/17/2013      32,776,280        503,234  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

   GBP      3,571,100      Sale    06/17/2013      5,425,313        137,561  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

   JPY      979,707,000      Sale    06/17/2013      9,753,366        330,053  

Citigroup Global Markets

   NGN      1,395,291,500      Sale    07/17/2013      8,669,668        21,029  



                  $ 1,639,822  




Citigroup Global Markets

   COP      27,887,671,995      Purchase    06/04/2013    $ 14,644,446      $ (72,004)  

Citigroup Global Markets

   COP      13,657,845,597      Purchase    06/17/2013      7,162,943        (242,091)  

Citigroup Global Markets

   COP      29,582,819,500      Sale    07/05/2013      15,488,090        (34,090)  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

   EUR      887,310      Purchase    06/17/2013      1,153,390        (7,780)  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

   GBP      801,801      Sale    06/17/2013      1,218,119        (11,376)  

Citigroup Global Markets

   NGN      1,395,291,500      Purchase    07/17/2013      8,669,668        (37,299)  



                  $ (404,640)  




*The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




Aerospace/Defense - 1.28%


CPI International, Inc.

   USD      8.000     02/15/2018         1,631,000       $ 1,732,938   

Erickson Air-Crane, Inc.

   USD      8.250     05/01/2020         1,775,000         1,834,906 (1) 

Triumph Group, Inc.

   USD      8.625     07/15/2018         1,253,000         1,372,035   







Automotive - 1.12%


Chrysler Group LLC

   USD      8.000     06/15/2019         1,818,000         2,022,525   

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.:

   USD      6.500     03/01/2021         1,540,000         1,628,550   
   USD      7.000     05/15/2022         629,000         680,893   







Banking - 0.83%


LBG Capital No. 1 PLC, Series 15

   EUR      6.439     05/23/2020         1,213,000         1,634,692   

Provident Funding Associates LP:

   USD      10.125     02/15/2019         894,000         1,005,750 (1) 
   USD      6.750     06/15/2021         575,000         589,375 (1) 







Building Products - 1.87%


American Builders & Contractors Supply Co., Inc.

   USD      5.625     04/15/2021         1,135,000         1,152,025 (1) 

American Standard Americas

   USD      10.750     01/15/2016         569,000         597,450 (1) 

Griffon Corp.

   USD      7.125     04/01/2018         1,244,000         1,343,520   

HD Supply, Inc.

   USD      7.500     07/15/2020         2,180,000         2,316,250 (1) 

Norcraft Cos. LP

   USD      10.500     12/15/2015         1,734,000         1,814,197   







Chemicals - 2.37%


Hexion US Finance Corp.:

   USD      6.625     04/15/2020         2,190,000         2,288,550   
   USD      6.625     04/15/2020         925,000         966,625 (1) 

Ineos Finance PLC

   USD      8.375     02/15/2019         1,933,000         2,162,544 (1) 

Lyondell Chemical Co.

   USD      8.375     08/15/2015         945,000         0 (2) 

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc.

   USD      8.875     10/15/2020         811,000         877,907   

Trinseo Materials Operating SCA/Trinseo Materials Finance, Inc.

   USD      8.750     02/01/2019         2,885,000         2,881,394 (1) 







Consumer Products - 2.54%


Alphabet Holding Co., Inc.

   USD      7.750     11/01/2017         1,331,000         1,377,585 (1)(3) 

Elizabeth Arden, Inc.

   USD      7.375     03/15/2021         1,432,000         1,602,050   

First Quality Finance Co., Inc.

   USD      4.625     05/15/2021         915,000         896,700 (1) 

Mead Products LLC

   USD      6.750     04/30/2020         2,212,000         2,333,660 (1) 

Spectrum Brands Escrow Corp.

   USD      6.375     11/15/2020         1,587,000         1,708,009 (1) 

The Sun Products Corp.

   USD      7.750     03/15/2021         1,885,000         1,913,275 (1) 







Containers/Packaging - 3.12%


Albea Beauty Holdings SA

   EUR      8.750     11/01/2019         1,212,000         1,610,738 (4) 

ARD Finance SA

   USD      11.125     06/01/2018         2,072,707         2,279,978 (1)(3) 

Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC

   USD      9.125     10/15/2020         1,821,000         2,012,205 (1) 

Ball Corp.

   USD      4.000     11/15/2023         885,000         849,600   


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date





Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Containers/Packaging (continued)


Reynolds Group Issuer LLC

   USD      9.875 %     08/15/2019        3,123,000      $ 3,415,781  

Sealed Air Corp.

   USD      8.375 %     09/15/2021        1,636,000        1,897,760 (1)







Drillers/Services - 4.42%


Basic Energy Services, Inc.:

   USD      7.750 %     02/15/2019        850,000        894,625  
   USD      7.750 %     10/15/2022        1,989,000        2,103,367  

Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.:

   USD      5.875 %     04/01/2020        856,000        896,660  
   USD      5.000 %     03/01/2021        1,115,000        1,112,212 (1)

Offshore Group Investment Ltd.

   USD      7.125 %     04/01/2023        2,260,000        2,344,750 (1)

Pacific Drilling SA

   USD      5.375 %     06/01/2020        2,005,000        1,989,963 (1)

Parker Drilling Co.

   USD      9.125 %     04/01/2018        2,104,000        2,293,360  


   USD      6.375 %     05/01/2019        1,633,000        1,771,805  
   USD      7.125 %     12/15/2021        795,000        896,363  

Trinidad Drilling Ltd.

   USD      7.875 %     01/15/2019        2,587,000        2,793,960 (1)







Electric - 3.33%


The AES Corp.

   USD      7.375 %     07/01/2021        1,889,000        2,219,575  

Calpine Corp.

   USD      7.875 %     01/15/2023        1,605,000        1,773,525 (1)

Edison Mission Energy:

   USD      7.750 %     06/15/2016        1,451,000        827,070 (2)
   USD      7.200 %     05/15/2019        1,540,000        889,350 (2)
   USD      7.625 %     05/15/2027        1,135,000        655,462 (2)

GenOn Energy, Inc.

   USD      9.500 %     10/15/2018        2,992,000        3,508,120  

NRG Energy, Inc.:

   USD      8.250 %     09/01/2020        931,000        1,048,539  
   USD      7.875 %     05/15/2021        1,750,000        1,960,000  







Environmental Services - 0.45%


Clean Harbors, Inc.

   USD      5.250 %     08/01/2020        1,663,000        1,741,993  




Exploration & Production - 8.70%


Access Midstream Partners LP/ACMP Finance Corp.

   USD      4.875 %     05/15/2023        1,580,000        1,568,150  

Atlas Pipeline Partners LP/Atlas Pipeline Finance Corp.

   USD      4.750 %     11/15/2021        2,005,000        1,957,381 (1)

Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc.

   USD      6.750 %     04/15/2021        1,530,000        1,606,500 (1)

Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP/Calumet Finance Corp.:

   USD      9.375 %     05/01/2019        870,000        972,225  
   USD      9.625 %     08/01/2020        942,000        1,073,880 (1)

Chesapeake Energy Corp.

   USD      3.250 %     03/15/2016        1,165,000        1,159,175  

EP Energy LLC/EP Energy Finance, Inc., Series WI

   USD      9.375 %     05/01/2020        1,551,000        1,766,201  

EP Energy LLC/Everest Acquisition Finance, Inc., Series WI

   USD      6.875 %     05/01/2019        1,547,000        1,678,495  

Forest Oil Corp.

   USD      7.500 %     09/15/2020        1,680,000        1,696,800 (1)

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp.

   USD      5.500 %     01/15/2021        1,175,000        1,220,531 (1)

Laredo Petroleum, Inc.

   USD      7.375 %     05/01/2022        1,054,000        1,164,670  




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date





Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Exploration & Production (continued)


Linn Energy LLC

   USD      7.750 %     02/01/2021        2,006,000      $ 2,136,390  

MEG Energy Corp.

   USD      6.500 %     03/15/2021        1,491,000        1,550,640 (1)

Midstates Petroleum Co., Inc./Midstates Petroleum Co. LLC

   USD      10.750 %     10/01/2020        1,942,000        2,087,650 (1)

Oasis Petroleum, Inc.

   USD      7.250 %     02/01/2019        2,656,000        2,875,120  

Plains Exploration & Production Co.:

   USD      7.625 %     04/01/2020        835,000        945,638  
   USD      6.500 %     11/15/2020        994,000        1,105,825  

QEP Resources, Inc.

   USD      5.375 %     10/01/2022        1,989,000        2,048,670  

SandRidge Energy, Inc.:

   USD      8.750 %     01/15/2020        1,412,000        1,524,960  
   USD      7.500 %     03/15/2021        1,591,000        1,646,685  

Venoco, Inc.

   USD      8.875 %     02/15/2019        1,862,000        1,871,310  







Financial Other - 0.29%


Nationstar Mortgage LLC/Nationstar Capital Corp.

   USD      6.500 %     07/01/2021        1,110,000        1,137,750 (1)




Financial/Lease - 2.01%


Aircastle Ltd.

   USD      6.750 %     04/15/2017        2,756,000        3,045,380  

Ally Financial, Inc.

   USD      8.000 %     11/01/2031        1,440,000        1,850,400  

Genworth Holdings, Inc.

   USD      7.625 %     09/24/2021        2,347,000        2,889,615  







Food/Beverage/Tobacco - 6.31%


B&G Foods, Inc.

   USD      4.625 %     06/01/2021        1,810,000        1,810,000  

Bakkavor Finance 2 PLC

   GBP      8.250 %     02/15/2018        350,000        554,395 (4)

Boparan Finance PLC

   EUR      9.750 %     04/30/2018        831,000        1,208,891 (4)

Chiquita Brands International, Inc./Chiquita Brands LLC

   USD      7.875 %     02/01/2021        1,660,000        1,788,650 (1)

Dean Foods Co.

   USD      9.750 %     12/15/2018        2,494,000        2,886,805  

Del Monte Corp.

   USD      7.625 %     02/15/2019        2,917,000        3,037,326  

Hawk Acquisition Sub, Inc.

   USD      4.250 %     10/15/2020        1,885,000        1,875,575 (1)

Pilgrim’s Pride Corp.

   USD      7.875 %     12/15/2018        1,751,000        1,912,968  

Post Holdings, Inc.

   USD      7.375 %     02/15/2022        2,636,000        2,949,025  

R&R Ice Cream PLC

   EUR      9.250 %     05/10/2018        1,450,000        1,912,904 (1)(3) 

Shearer’s Foods LLC/Chip Fin Corp.

   USD      9.000 %     11/01/2019        1,421,000        1,605,730 (1)

Smithfield Foods, Inc.

   USD      6.625 %     08/15/2022        2,534,000        2,888,760  







Gaming - 3.36%


American Casino & Entertainment Properties LLC

   USD      11.000 %     06/15/2014        818,000        820,556  

Boyd Gaming Corp.

   USD      9.125 %     12/01/2018        1,881,000        2,050,290  

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.

   USD      5.875 %     03/15/2021        3,555,000        3,555,000 (1)

MGM Resorts International:

   USD      8.625 %     02/01/2019        882,000        1,047,375  
   USD      6.625 %     12/15/2021        3,235,000        3,509,975  


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date





Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Gaming (continued)


Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc.

   USD      8.750 %     05/15/2020        1,853,000      $ 2,031,351  







Gas Pipelines - 0.98%


Copano Energy LLC

   USD      7.125 %     04/01/2021        1,412,000        1,634,390  

Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC

   USD      5.625 %     02/01/2021        2,135,000        2,148,344 (1)







Healthcare - 7.35%


Amsurg Corp.

   USD      5.625 %     11/30/2020        914,000        955,130 (1)

Biomet, Inc.

   USD      6.500 %     08/01/2020        1,850,000        1,954,062 (1)

Emergency Medical Services Corp., Series WI

   USD      8.125 %     06/01/2019        1,865,000        2,042,175  

Fresenius Medical Care US Finance II, Inc.

   USD      5.875 %     01/31/2022        1,921,000        2,161,125 (1)

HCA Holdings, Inc.

   USD      7.750 %     05/15/2021        859,000        951,342  

HCA, Inc.:

   USD      7.500 %     02/15/2022        970,000        1,132,475  
   USD      5.875 %     03/15/2022        1,746,000        1,920,600  

Health Management Associates, Inc.

   USD      7.375 %     01/15/2020        1,797,000        1,969,961  

HealthSouth Corp.

   USD      8.125 %     02/15/2020        1,928,000        2,144,900  

Hologic, Inc.

   USD      6.250 %     08/01/2020        1,428,000        1,533,315  

IASIS Healthcare LLC

   USD      8.375 %     05/15/2019        1,739,000        1,825,950  

Kinetic Concepts, Inc./KCI USA, Inc.:

   USD      10.500 %     11/01/2018        1,757,000        1,910,738  
   USD      12.500 %     11/01/2019        1,341,000        1,394,640  

Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.

   USD      8.375 %     05/01/2019        1,797,000        1,949,745 (1)

Radiation Therapy Services, Inc.

   USD      9.875 %     04/15/2017        1,810,000        1,067,900  

United Surgical Partners International, Inc., Series WI

   USD      9.000 %     04/01/2020        2,187,000        2,454,908  

Universal Hospital Services, Inc.

   USD      7.625 %     08/15/2020        999,000        1,081,418  







Home Builders - 0.45%


Lennar Corp.

   USD      5.000 %     11/15/2022        1,754,000        1,758,385 (1)




Home Furnishings - 0.34%


RSI Home Products, Inc.

   USD      6.875 %     03/01/2018        1,270,000        1,323,975 (1)




Industrial Other - 1.37%


Cleaver-Brooks, Inc.

   USD      8.750 %     12/15/2019        1,655,000        1,803,950 (1)

MasTec, Inc.

   USD      4.875 %     03/15/2023        2,410,000        2,385,900  

Park-Ohio Industries, Inc.

   USD      8.125 %     04/01/2021        994,000        1,113,280  







Leisure - 0.36%


AMC Entertainment, Inc.

   USD      9.750 %     12/01/2020        1,191,000        1,381,560  




Lodging - 0.82%


Choice Hotels International, Inc.

   USD      5.750 %     07/01/2022        1,181,000        1,316,815  

RHP Hotel Properties LP/RHP Finance Corp.

   USD      5.000 %     04/15/2021        1,815,000        1,845,628 (1)










Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Media Cable - 5.34%


Cablevision Systems Corp.

   USD      8.000 %     04/15/2020        1,213,000      $ 1,379,788  

CCO Holdings LLC:

   USD      6.625 %     01/31/2022        2,243,000        2,422,440  
   USD      5.125 %     02/15/2023        700,000        689,500  


   USD      5.875 %     07/15/2022        1,512,000        1,523,340  

Series WI

   USD      5.000 %     03/15/2023        5,375,000        5,106,250  

Mediacom LLC

   USD      7.250 %     02/15/2022        2,004,000        2,189,370  

Nara Cable Funding Ltd.

   USD      8.875 %     12/01/2018        1,892,000        2,005,520 (1)

Unitymedia KabelBW GmbH

   EUR      9.500 %     03/15/2021        1,205,000        1,812,167 (4)

UPC Holding BV

   EUR      6.375 %     09/15/2022        2,625,000        3,531,252 (4)







Media Other - 3.83%


Allbritton Communications Co.

   USD      8.000 %     05/15/2018        1,286,000        1,395,310  

AMC Networks, Inc.

   USD      7.750 %     07/15/2021        791,000        899,763  

Bonten Media Group, Inc.

   USD      9.000 %     06/01/2015        429,195        424,903 (1)

Gray Television, Inc.

   USD      7.500 %     10/01/2020        2,446,000        2,629,450  

Interep National Radio Sales, Inc., Series B

   USD      10.000 %     07/01/2008        3,768        0 (2)

Local TV Finance LLC

   USD      9.250 %     06/15/2015        901,000        905,505 (1)

Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.

   USD      6.875 %     11/15/2020        1,917,000        2,051,190 (1)

Radio One, Inc.

   USD      12.500 %     05/24/2016        2,546,627        2,603,926  

Sinclair Television Group, Inc.

   USD      6.125 %     10/01/2022        1,248,000        1,307,280 (1)

Univision Communications, Inc.:

   USD      7.875 %     11/01/2020        1,893,000        2,082,300 (1)
   USD      8.500 %     05/15/2021        465,000        505,688 (1)







Metals/Mining/Steel - 2.92%



   USD      7.750 %     04/01/2018        1,770,000        1,770,000 (1)

Arch Coal, Inc.

   USD      7.250 %     06/15/2021        1,249,000        1,111,610  

Cloud Peak Energy Resources LLC

   USD      8.500 %     12/15/2019        1,118,000        1,235,390  

CONSOL Energy, Inc.

   USD      8.250 %     04/01/2020        2,227,000        2,471,970  

Peabody Energy Corp., Series WI

   USD      6.250 %     11/15/2021        2,590,000        2,719,500  

Taseko Mines Ltd.

   USD      7.750 %     04/15/2019        1,941,000        1,989,525  







Non Captive Finance - 1.13%


CIT Group, Inc.

   USD      5.250 %     03/15/2018        2,088,000        2,255,040  

International Lease Finance Corp.

   USD      8.250 %     12/15/2020        1,736,000        2,109,240  







Paper/Forest Products - 3.08%


Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd.

   USD      7.500 %     12/15/2017        1,672,000        1,814,120 (1)

Cascades, Inc.:

   USD      7.750 %     12/15/2017        1,392,000        1,468,560  
   USD      7.875 %     01/15/2020        1,113,000        1,199,258  

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.

   USD      7.500 %     06/01/2020        2,374,000        2,688,555  

Mercer International, Inc.

   USD      9.500 %     12/01/2017        1,547,000        1,693,965  

Portucel SA

   EUR      5.375 %     05/15/2020        1,200,000        1,600,764 (1)


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Paper/Forest Products (continued)


Xerium Technologies, Inc.

     USD        8.875 %     06/15/2018        1,412,000      $ 1,468,480  







Publishing/Printing - 0.37%



     USD        8.000 %     11/15/2016        1,265,000        0 (2)

Quebecor Media, Inc.

     USD        5.750 %     01/15/2023        1,404,000        1,446,120  







Restaurants - 0.58%


Landry’s, Inc.

     USD        9.375 %     05/01/2020        2,068,000        2,259,290 (1)




Retail Food/Drug - 0.39%


Albertsons, Inc.:

     USD        8.700 %     05/01/2030        577,000        504,875  
     USD        8.000 %     05/01/2031        1,193,000        996,155  







Retail Non Food/Drug - 2.82%


The Bon-Ton Department Stores, Inc.

     USD        8.000 %     06/15/2021        1,355,000        1,397,344 (1)

Claire’s Stores, Inc.:

     USD        9.250 %     06/01/2015        437,000        438,643  
     USD        9.625 %     06/01/2015        762,282        764,196 (3)

Express LLC

     USD        8.750 %     03/01/2018        1,782,000        1,935,697  

GRD Holdings III Corp.

     USD        10.750 %     06/01/2019        1,050,000        1,162,875 (1)

Limited Brands, Inc.:

     USD        6.950 %     03/01/2033        1,145,000        1,192,231  
     USD        7.600 %     07/15/2037        1,113,000        1,202,040  

Petco Holdings, Inc.

     USD        8.500 %     10/15/2017        1,021,000        1,050,354 (1)(3) 

RadioShack Corp.

     USD        6.750 %     05/15/2019        2,247,000        1,769,512  







Satellite - 0.55%


Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA

     USD        7.250 %     04/01/2019        1,956,000        2,117,370  




Services Other - 2.61%


Brickman Group Holdings, Inc.

     USD        9.125 %     11/01/2018        1,565,000        1,701,937 (1)

Coinstar, Inc.

     USD        6.000 %     03/15/2019        2,150,000        2,198,375 (1)

Nuance Communications, Inc.

     USD        5.375 %     08/15/2020        1,674,000        1,703,295 (1)

ServiceMaster Co.:

     USD        8.000 %     02/15/2020        1,121,000        1,158,834  
     USD        7.000 %     08/15/2020        1,611,000        1,604,959  
     USD        7.450 %     08/15/2027        258,000        228,330  

TransUnion Holding Co., Inc.:

     USD        9.625 %     06/15/2018        616,000        666,820  
     USD        8.125 %     06/15/2018        776,000        828,380 (1)(3) 







Technology - 5.00%


Amkor Technology, Inc.:

     USD        6.375 %     10/01/2022        2,188,000        2,226,290  
     USD        6.375 %     10/01/2022        275,000        279,125 (1)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Technology (continued)


CommScope, Inc.

   USD      8.250 %     01/15/2019        1,987,000      $ 2,185,700 (1)

CyrusOne LP/CyrusOne Finance Corp.

   USD      6.375 %     11/15/2022        2,099,000        2,251,177 (1)

First Data Corp.:

   USD      12.625 %     01/15/2021        1,869,000        2,051,227  
   USD      7.375 %     06/15/2019        1,917,000        2,032,020 (1)

iGATE Corp.

   USD      9.000 %     05/01/2016        1,750,000        1,890,000  

Infor US, Inc.

   USD      11.500 %     07/15/2018        2,339,000        2,754,173  

NCR Corp.

   USD      5.000 %     07/15/2022        2,052,000        2,077,650  

SSI Investments II

   USD      11.125 %     06/01/2018        1,440,000        1,598,400  







Textile/Apparel - 1.45%


Burlington Holdings LLC/Burlington Holding Finance, Inc.

   USD      9.000 %     02/15/2018        1,015,000        1,036,569 (1)(3) 

Levi Strauss & Co.:

   USD      6.875 %     05/01/2022        1,641,000        1,827,664  
   USD      6.875 %     05/01/2022        190,000        211,612 (1)

Quiksilver, Inc.

   USD      6.875 %     04/15/2015        2,533,000        2,536,192  







Wireless - 4.58%


Cricket Communications, Inc.

   USD      7.750 %     10/15/2020        2,500,000        2,506,250  

Crown Castle International Corp.

   USD      5.250 %     01/15/2023        1,056,000        1,073,160  

Matterhorn Mobile Holdings SA

   EUR      8.250 %     02/15/2020        1,248,000        1,747,797 (4)

Mobile Challenger Intermediate Group SA

   EUR      8.750 %     03/15/2019        1,200,000        1,571,395 (3)(4) 

NII International Telecom SCA

   USD      11.375 %     08/15/2019        1,170,000        1,301,625 (1)

Sprint Capital Corp.

   USD      8.750 %     03/15/2032        4,369,000        5,111,730  

Wind Acquisition Finance SA:

   USD      12.250 %     07/15/2017        2,995,677        3,171,673 (1)(3) 
   USD      6.500 %     04/30/2020        1,210,000        1,249,325 (1)







Wirelines - 5.50%


CenturyLink, Inc.:


Series T

   USD      5.800 %     03/15/2022        1,870,000        1,921,425  

Series U

   USD      7.650 %     03/15/2042        1,659,000        1,659,000  

Cincinnati Bell, Inc.:

   USD      8.750 %     03/15/2018        1,666,000        1,715,980  
   USD      8.375 %     10/15/2020        2,065,000        2,204,387  

Citizens Communications Co.

   USD      9.000 %     08/15/2031        4,647,000        4,832,880  

Level 3 Financing, Inc., Series WI

   USD      7.000 %     06/01/2020        2,280,000        2,408,250  

Softbank Corp.

   USD      4.500 %     04/15/2020        1,780,000        1,806,632 (1)

Syniverse Holdings, Inc.

   USD      9.125 %     01/15/2019        811,000        890,073  

Windstream Corp.

   USD      7.500 %     04/01/2023        3,631,000        3,830,705  












(Cost $342,850,551)



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




Aerospace/Defense - 0.11%


Triumph Group, Inc.

   USD      2.625 %     10/01/2026        150,000      $ 428,625  




Airlines - 0.03%


AirTran Holdings, Inc.

   USD      5.250 %     11/01/2016        87,000        129,358  




Automotive - 0.11%


TRW Automotive, Inc.

   USD      3.500 %     12/01/2015        202,000        441,496  




Drillers/Services - 0.11%


Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.

   USD      1.500 %     09/01/2019        77,000        95,721 (1)

Subsea 7 SA, Series ACY

   USD      2.250 %     10/11/2013        300,000        323,550  







Exploration & Production - 0.04%


Stone Energy Corp.

   USD      1.750 %     03/01/2017        162,000        156,735  




Healthcare - 0.04%


Dendreon Corp.

   USD      2.875 %     01/15/2016        187,000        140,718  




Home Builders - 0.11%


The Ryland Group, Inc.

   USD      0.250 %     06/01/2019        442,000        432,884  




Industrial Other - 0.08%


Altra Holdings, Inc.

   USD      2.750 %     03/01/2031        235,000        293,897  




Lodging - 0.01%


Home Inns & Hotels Management, Inc.

   USD      2.000 %     12/15/2015        45,000        40,781  




Metals/Mining/Steel - 0.08%


RTI International Metals, Inc.:

   USD      3.000 %     12/01/2015        259,000        288,947  
   USD      1.625 %     10/15/2019        33,000        33,351  







Railroads - 0.06%


Greenbrier Cos., Inc.

   USD      3.500 %     04/01/2018        237,000        249,294  




Technology - 0.55%


Alcatel-Lucent, Series ALU

   EUR      5.000 %     01/01/2015        1,500,000        63,424  

Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc., Series A

   USD      2.875 %     06/15/2023        262,000        248,900  

Callidus Software, Inc.

   USD      4.750 %     06/01/2016        157,000        161,317  

Ciena Corp.

   USD      4.000 %     03/15/2015        210,000        237,825 (1)

Comtech Telecommunications Corp.

   USD      3.000 %     05/01/2029        646,000        669,014  

Intel Corp.

   USD      2.950 %     12/15/2035        267,000        296,871  

Micron Technology, Inc.

   USD      1.875 %     06/01/2027        97,000        113,551  

NetApp, Inc.

   USD      1.750 %     06/01/2013        56,000        64,120  

NetSuite, Inc.

   USD      0.250 %     06/01/2018        17,000        17,340 (1)

Nuance Communications, Inc.

   USD      2.750 %     11/01/2031        170,000        177,012  




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Technology (continued)


Symantec Corp., Series B

   USD      1.000 %     06/15/2013        55,000      $ 65,862  












(Cost $5,196,789)


BANK LOANS - 2.43%(5)


Capital Goods - 0.22%


Gardner Denver Inc. - Bridge Facility Term Loan

   USD      0.000 %     08/12/2013        860,000        860,000 (6)




Electric - 0.88%


Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co. LLC - 2017 Term Loan:

   USD      4.699 %     06/10/2013        46,932        34,160  
   USD      4.699 %     06/10/2013        3,077,595        2,239,913  
   USD      4.775 %     08/09/2013        1,528,082        1,112,156  







Food/Beverage/Tobacco - 0.37%


New HB Aquisition LLC Term B Loan:

   USD      6.750 %     06/28/2013        1,301,800        1,334,345  
   USD      6.750 %     06/28/2013        113,200        116,030  







Gaming - 0.46%


Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc. - Term B - 6 Loan

   USD      5.443 %     06/25/2013        1,995,971        1,792,631  




Technology - 0.50%


Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Term Loan

   USD      7.250 %     06/28/2013        1,890,263        1,915,664  









(Cost $10,388,229)




Chemicals - 0.01%


LyondellBasell Industries NV

   USD           340        22,661  




Paper/Forest Products - 0.12%


NewPage Corp.

   USD           4,860        461,700 (7)




Publishing - 0.03%


Tribune Co.

   USD           2,226        126,325 (7)




Transport Other - 0.00%(8)


General Maritime

   USD           1,887        19 (7)









(Cost $510,665)



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013







Maturity Date




Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




Exploration & Production - 0.13%


Apache Corp.

   USD      6.000 %     08/01/2013        2,802      $ 131,106  

SandRidge Energy, Inc.

   USD      8.500 %     12/31/2049        3,701        364,548  












(Cost $533,121)


WARRANTS - 0.00%(7)


Transportation Non Air/Rail - 0.00%


General Maritime


expires 05/17/2017, strike price $0.010

   USD           2,919        0  









(Cost $0)




Money Market Mutual Funds - 0.52%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund -

Institutional Advantage Class (7 - Day Yield)

   USD      0.07001 %     N/A        2,026,340        2,026,340  









(Cost $2,026,340)


Total Investments - 98.39%


(Cost $361,505,695)


Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities - 1.61%





Net Assets - 100.00%

              $ 386,982,300  




* The principal amount of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated. See below.





   Euro Currency   




   Great British Pound   




   United States Dollar   




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $119,554,700, which represents approximately 30.89% of net assets as of May 31, 2013.


Security is currently in default/non-income producing.


Pay-in-kind securities.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of May 31, 2013, the aggregate market value of those securities was $12,036,635, which represents approximately 3.11% of net assets.


Bank loans generally pay interest at rates which are periodically determined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. All loans carry a variable rate of interest. These base lending rates are generally (i) the Prime Rate offered by one or more major United States banks, (ii) the lending rate offered by one or more European banks such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) or (iii) the Certificate of Deposit rate. Rate shown represents the weighted average rate at May 31, 2013. Bank Loans, while exempt from registration, under the Securities Act of 1933, contain certain restrictions on resale and cannot be sold publicly. Floating rate bank loans often require prepayments from excess cash flow or permit the borrower to repay at its election. The degree to which borrowers repay, whether as a contractual requirement or at their election, cannot be predicted with accuracy. As a result, the actual remaining maturity may be substantially less than the stated maturity shown.


Position or a portion of the position represents an unfunded loan commitment. At period end, the total principal amount and market value of unfunded commitments totaled $860,000 and $860,000 respectively. The coupon rate will be determined at time of settlement.


Non-income producing security.


Amount represents less than 0.005% of net assets.


Common Abbreviations:



Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.



Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company with limited liability.



Limited Liability Corporation.



Limited Partnership.






Naamloze Vennootschap is the Dutch term for a public limited liability corporation.



Public Limited Company.



Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.



Societe en commandite pe actiuni is the Romanian term for limited liability partnership.





JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     EUR        12,140,224        Sale        06/17/2013        $ 15,780,741        $ 226,989  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     EUR        741,334        Purchase        06/17/2013          963,640          9,282  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     GBP        377,300        Sale        06/17/2013          573,204          14,534  



                              $ 250,805  




JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     EUR        1,800,986        Sale        06/17/2013        $ 2,341,052        $ (8,040 )



                              $ (8,040 )




* The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013














Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)




Brazil - 2.03%


Nota Do Tesouro Nacional:

   BRL      10.000%        01/01/2017        18,840,000      $ 8,930,092  
   BRL      6.000%        08/15/2020        34,555,767        17,905,015  
   BRL      10.000%        01/01/2023        28,851,000        13,275,164  

Nota Do Tesouro Nacional -Series B

   BRL      6.000%        08/15/2022        18,887,572        9,875,766  







Chile - 0.14% 


Republic of Chile:

   CLP      5.500%        08/05/2020        890,000,000        1,845,186  
   CLP      6.000%        01/01/2022        770,000,000        1,659,488 (1)







Colombia - 2.84% 


Bogota Distrio Capital

   COP      9.750%        07/26/2028        54,157,000,000        41,209,071 (2)

Republic of Colombia:

   COP      12.000%        10/22/2015        14,340,000,000        8,785,955  
   COP      7.750%        04/14/2021        24,983,000,000        15,398,952  
   COP      9.850%        06/28/2027        6,092,000,000        4,509,626  







Hungary - 3.25% 


Hungarian Government:

   HUF      5.500%        02/12/2014        1,525,690,000        6,746,938  
   HUF      6.750%        08/22/2014        414,880,000        1,873,375  
   HUF      8.000%        02/12/2015        4,695,930,000        21,805,778  
   HUF      7.750%        08/24/2015        4,765,350,000        22,347,323  
   HUF      5.500%        12/22/2016        1,537,980,000        6,927,001  
   HUF      6.750%        02/24/2017        1,184,190,000        5,532,558  
   HUF      6.750%        11/24/2017        1,997,920,000        9,391,813  
   HUF      5.500%        12/20/2018        1,199,000,000        5,366,770  







Indonesia - 1.25% 


Indonesia Government:

   IDR      5.250%        05/15/2018        23,850,000,000        2,443,438  
   IDR      7.000%        05/15/2022        66,500,000,000        7,315,340  
   IDR      5.625%        05/15/2023        138,500,000,000        13,821,720  
   IDR      6.125%        05/15/2028        58,300,000,000        5,693,104  
   IDR      6.625%        05/15/2033        15,000,000,000        1,491,577  







Malaysia - 4.84% 


Malaysian Government:

   MYR      4.012%        09/15/2017        91,000,000        30,157,148  
   MYR      3.314%        10/31/2017        75,510,000        24,390,291  
   MYR      3.260%        03/01/2018        20,230,000        6,521,384  
   MYR      3.580%        09/28/2018        9,960,000        3,252,507  
   MYR      3.492%        03/31/2020        40,920,000        13,276,882  
   MYR      4.160%        07/15/2021        35,740,000        12,138,222  
   MYR      3.418%        08/15/2022        40,980,000        13,408,751  
   MYR      3.480%        03/15/2023        26,780,000        8,710,629  
   MYR      4.392%        04/15/2026        10,350,000        3,648,717  




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Malaysia (continued)


Malaysian Government (continued)



     3.844%        04/15/2033        11,160,000      $ 3,673,185  







Mexico - 11.55% 


Mexican Bonos:

  MXN      8.000%        12/17/2015        1,000        85  


     6.250%        06/16/2016        49,040,000        4,039,776  


     5.000%        06/15/2017        162,495,000        12,942,986  


     7.750%        12/14/2017        27,570,000        2,434,887  


     8.000%        06/11/2020        336,024,000        30,845,360  


     6.500%        06/10/2021        457,649,000        38,789,478  


     6.500%        06/09/2022        525,095,000        44,470,008  


     7.500%        06/03/2027        205,140,000        18,794,161  


     8.500%        05/31/2029        62,000,000        6,129,094  


     7.750%        05/29/2031        392,760,000        35,949,718  

Mexican Udibonos:



     3.500%        12/14/2017        3,771,378        328,328  


     4.000%        06/13/2019        25,357,557        2,293,808  


     2.500%        12/10/2020        729,667,436        60,824,739  


     2.000%        06/09/2022        337,052,057        26,726,086  







Nigeria - 0.36% 


Nigerian Government Bond:



     15.100%        04/27/2017        235,230,000        1,608,697  


     10.700%        05/30/2018        69,000,000        409,526  


     16.000%        06/29/2019        350,000,000        2,547,104  


     16.390%        01/27/2022        558,000,000        4,442,419  







Poland - 4.75% 


Republic of Poland:



     3.000%        08/24/2016        129,196,356        41,785,535  


     3.750%        04/25/2018        31,850,000        9,957,119  


     5.750%        10/25/2021        15,850,000        5,618,220  


     5.750%        09/23/2022        10,000,000        3,570,918  


     4.000%        10/25/2023        178,150,000        56,108,584  







Romania - 0.18% 


Romania Government:



     6.000%        10/19/2013        9,870,000        2,939,273  


     5.850%        07/28/2014        70,000        21,023  


     6.250%        10/25/2014        4,930,000        1,492,633  







Russia - 9.45% 


Russian Federation:



     7.100%        03/13/2014        435,700,000        13,742,560  


     7.000%        06/03/2015        1,113,610,000        35,562,891  


     6.880%        07/15/2015        174,490,000        5,549,340  


     7.350%        01/20/2016        586,610,000        18,882,437  


     7.400%        06/14/2017        304,200,000        9,846,016  


     6.200%        01/31/2018        66,500,000        2,069,657  



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Russia (continued)


Russian Federation (continued)

  RUB      7.850 %     03/10/2018        60,000,000      $ 1,969,976 (1)
  RUB      7.850 %     03/10/2018        760,000,000        24,953,025 (2)
  RUB      7.500 %     03/15/2018        257,300,000        8,400,127  
  RUB      7.500 %     02/27/2019        417,800,000        13,678,150  
  RUB      7.600 %     04/14/2021        1,865,700,000        60,240,890  
  RUB      7.000 %     11/24/2021        352,730,000        10,825,784 (3)
  RUB      7.600 %     07/20/2022        277,600,000        9,008,965  
  RUB      7.000 %     01/25/2023        582,730,000        18,049,057  







South Africa - 8.62% 


Republic of South Africa:

  ZAR      13.500 %     09/15/2015        162,545,000        18,785,371  
  ZAR      8.250 %     09/15/2017        51,710,000        5,511,229  
  ZAR      8.000 %     12/21/2018        210,765,000        22,406,006  
  ZAR      7.250 %     01/15/2020        86,030,000        8,764,679  
  ZAR      6.750 %     03/31/2021        928,510,000        91,602,747  
  ZAR      10.500 %     12/21/2026        480,430,000        59,474,817  
  ZAR      6.250 %     03/31/2036        77,290,000        5,985,864  







Thailand - 4.84% 


Thailand Government:

  THB      3.250 %     06/16/2017        1,409,740,000        47,262,636  
  THB      2.800 %     10/10/2017        253,640,000        8,328,075  
  THB      3.580 %     12/17/2017        196,370,000        6,324,636  
  THB      3.875 %     06/13/2019        4,775,000        164,175  
  THB      1.200 %     07/14/2021        807,322,638        27,282,341  
  THB      3.650 %     12/17/2021        285,690,000        9,613,936  
  THB      3.625 %     06/16/2023        610,830,000        20,363,164  







Turkey - 4.60% 


Republic of Turkey:

  TRY      4.500 %     02/11/2015        29,663,191        16,855,832  
  TRY      4.000 %     04/29/2015        35,109,680        19,819,342  
  TRY      9.000 %     03/08/2017        6,930,000        4,024,766  
  TRY      10.500 %     01/15/2020        16,590,000        10,693,795  
  TRY      9.500 %     01/12/2022        25,450,000        15,895,207  
  TRY      8.500 %     09/14/2022        28,990,000        17,207,880  
  TRY      7.100 %     03/08/2023        52,990,000        28,921,076  












(Cost $1,512,328,549)




Colombia - 0.41% 


Emgesa SA ESP:

  COP      8.750 %     01/25/2021        636,000,000        394,740 (1)
  COP      8.750 %     01/25/2021        10,543,000,000        6,543,614 (2)

Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP:

  COP      8.375 %     02/01/2021        802,000,000        487,658 (1)
  COP      8.375 %     02/01/2021        3,450,000,000        2,097,779 (2)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013















Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Colombia (continued)


International Bank for
Reconstruction & Development

    COP     8.000 %     03/02/2020       1,050,000,000     $ 643,747  







Indonesia - 1.49% 


European Bank for
Reconstruction & Development

    IDR     7.200     06/08/2016        39,000,000,000        4,141,685   

European Investment Bank

    IDR     6.000     04/22/2014        11,000,000,000        1,111,230   

Inter-American Development Bank:

    IDR     6.500     03/10/2014        15,000,000,000        1,533,844   
    IDR     6.500     06/04/2014        16,000,000,000        1,638,223   
    IDR     0.000     08/20/2015        314,250,000,000        28,200,689 (4) 







Mexico - 0.33%


Petroleos Mexicanos

    MXN     7.650     11/24/2021        94,160,000        8,149,452 (1) 




South Africa - 0.67%


Asian Development Bank

    ZAR     6.500     09/15/2015        4,650,000        468,140   

European Investment Bank:

    ZAR     8.000     10/21/2013        3,810,000        383,494   
    ZAR     9.000     12/21/2018        139,000,000        15,399,486   
    ZAR     0.000     12/31/2018        5,280,000        364,291 (4) 












(Cost $75,707,243)




Brazil - 8.96%


Nota Do Tesouro Nacional:

  HSBC Bank   BRL     6.000     05/15/2015        3,475,617        1,694,378   
  Barclays Bank PLC   BRL     6.000     05/15/2015        9,513,878        4,625,489   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   BRL     6.000     05/15/2015        15,686,007        7,733,419   
  Barclays Bank PLC   BRL     6.000     08/15/2016        11,158,949        5,471,550   
  HSBC Bank   BRL     10.000     01/01/2017        4,350,000        2,041,595   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   BRL     10.000     01/01/2017        5,290,000        2,478,251   
  Barclays Bank PLC   BRL     10.000     01/01/2017        19,090,000        8,908,964   
  HSBC Bank   BRL     10.000     01/01/2017        22,300,000        10,466,109   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   BRL     6.000     08/15/2020        18,904,145        9,795,152   
  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        2,600,000        1,192,081   
  Barclays Bank PLC   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        6,800,000        3,100,512   
  HSBC Bank   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        17,320,000        8,059,715   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        22,710,000        10,400,575   
  Citigroup Global Markets   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        24,000,000        11,003,829   
  HSBC Bank   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        50,500,000        23,147,391   
  HSBC Bank   BRL     10.000     01/01/2021        108,460,000        49,714,179   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   BRL     10.000     01/01/2023        10,830,000        4,983,190   
  Barclays Bank PLC   BRL     10.000     01/01/2023        124,340,000        56,034,276   








Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013









Maturity Date





Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Colombia - 1.18%


Titulos de Tesoreria - Series B:

  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.000   02/25/2015     10,735,873,200      $ 6,052,542   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.250   06/15/2016     2,200,000,000        1,228,964   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     7.250   06/15/2016     10,000,000,000        5,586,199   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     4.250   05/17/2017     6,400,232,100        3,601,185   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000   07/24/2020     2,800,000,000        1,902,733   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000   07/24/2020     4,570,000,000        3,105,531   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000   07/24/2020     6,578,000,000        4,470,063   
  Citigroup Global Markets   COP     11.000   07/27/2020     4,500,000,000        3,057,963   







Indonesia - 6.23%


Republic of Indonesia:

  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   IDR     5.250   05/15/2018     205,700,000,000        21,055,112   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   IDR     8.250   07/15/2021     44,000,000,000        5,189,709   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     8.250   07/15/2021     144,100,000,000        16,934,214   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   IDR     7.000   05/15/2022     132,500,000,000        14,591,909   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     7.000   05/15/2022     248,900,000,000        27,367,819   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     5.625   05/15/2023     33,500,000,000        3,344,459   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   IDR     5.625   05/15/2023     186,400,000,000        18,552,462   
  HSBC Bank   IDR     11.000   09/15/2025     51,100,000,000        7,307,639   
  HSBC Bank   IDR     11.000   09/15/2025     62,500,000,000        8,937,915   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     11.000   09/17/2025     33,600,000,000        4,713,914   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     7.000   05/15/2027     25,400,000,000        2,703,369   
  JPMorgan Chase & Co.   IDR     6.125   05/15/2028     16,900,000,000        1,650,316   
  Deutsche Bank AG London   IDR     8.250   06/15/2032     181,900,000,000        21,292,607   












(Cost $427,345,832)




Money Market Mutual Funds - 4.40%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class (7-Day Yield)

    USD     0.07001   N/A     108,447,151        108,447,151   








Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Foreign Treasury Bills - 1.38%


Nigeria Treasury Bills, Zero Coupon Bonds (5):

  NGN      10.893 %     09/05/2013        275,000,000      $ 1,686,604  
  NGN      10.276 %     10/10/2013        183,000,000        1,106,050  
  NGN      10.931 %     12/05/2013        94,000,000        556,649  
  NGN      12.015 %     12/19/2013        736,000,000        4,340,976  
  NGN      12.093 %     01/09/2014        1,058,080,000        6,212,883  
  NGN      11.695 %     01/23/2014        1,672,000,000        9,762,768  
  NGN      10.732 %     02/20/2014        138,000,000        801,788  
  NGN      10.907 %     03/06/2014        491,000,000        2,839,225  
  NGN      11.337 %     03/20/2014        1,155,800,000        6,651,650  












(Cost $142,693,016)


Total Investments - 83.75%


(Cost $2,158,074,640)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 16.25%





Net Assets - 100.00%

             $ 2,464,427,079  




* The principal amount of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated. See below.





   Brazilian Real




   Chilean Peso




   Colombian Peso




   Hungarian Forint




   Indonesian Rupiah




   Mexican Peso




   Malaysian Ringgit




   Nigerian Naira




   Polish Zloty




   Romanian Leu




   Russian Ruble




   Thai Baht




   Turkish Lira




   United States Dollar




   South African Rand



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $12,661,314, which represents approximately 0.51% of net assets as of May 31, 2013.


Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of May 31, 2013, the aggregate market value of those securities was $74,803,489, which represents approximately 3.04% of net assets.


Step bond. Coupon increases periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at May 31, 2013.


Issued with a zero coupon. Income is recognized through the accretion of discount.


Rate shown represents the bond equivalent yield to maturity at date of purchase.

Common Abbreviations:



Empresa de Servicios Publicos is the Colombian term for Public Service Company.



Generally designates corporations in various countries mostly employing civil law.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013





JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     MYR        26,971,188        Sale        06/17/2013        $ 8,692,303        $ 13,697  



                              $ 13,697  




Citigroup Global Markets

     COP        28,564,438,500        Sale        07/05/2013        $ 14,954,916        $ (32,916 )

Citigroup Global Markets

     HUF        2,096,483,600        Purchase        08/21/2013          9,111,123          (67,877 )

Citigroup Global Markets

     HUF        860,768,100        Purchase        09/03/2013          3,739,585          (78,415 )

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     MYR        464,286,720        Purchase        06/17/2013          149,630,817          (1,504,183 )

Goldman Sachs

     PLN        330,827,775        Purchase        06/17/2013          100,454,937          (70,063 )

Citigroup Global Markets

     RON        27,658,536        Purchase        06/21/2013          8,170,122          (13,361 )

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     THB        1,194,863,000        Purchase        06/17/2013          39,429,163          (135,837 )

Goldman Sachs

     TRY        270,909,681        Purchase        06/17/2013          144,350,436          (598,564 )



                              $ (2,501,216 )




* The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)




Argentina - 0.52%


Alto Palermo SA

   USD      7.875     05/11/2017         226,000       $ 204,359 (1) 

Capex SA

   USD      10.000     03/10/2018         200,000         152,841 (2) 







Brazil - 14.38%


Andrade Gutierrez International SA

   USD      4.000     04/30/2018         494,000         492,765 (2) 

Banco do Brasil SA:

   USD      3.875     10/10/2022         203,000         192,594   
   USD      6.250     12/31/2049         868,000         844,163 (2)(3) 

BM&FBovespa SA

   USD      5.500     07/16/2020         450,000         494,471 (1) 

BR Malls International Finance Ltd.:

   USD      8.500     01/21/2049         300,000         326,638 (1) 
   USD      8.500     01/21/2049         346,000         376,723 (2) 

BR Properties SA

   USD      9.000     10/07/2049         200,000         214,000 (1) 

Braskem Finance Ltd.

   USD      7.375     10/29/2049         200,000         209,000 (2) 

Cosan Luxembourg SA

   USD      5.000     03/14/2023         349,000         349,913 (2) 


   USD      6.250     02/05/2023         768,000         770,880 (2) 

General Shopping Finance Ltd.

   USD      10.000     11/09/2015         158,000         161,160 (2) 

Globo Comunicacao e Participacoes SA

   USD      6.250     07/20/2049         200,000         214,896 (1)(4) 

Itau Unibanco Holding SA

   USD      5.650     03/19/2022         228,000         237,120 (2) 

Minerva Luxembourg SA

   USD      7.750     01/31/2023         492,000         511,680 (2) 

Odebrecht Drilling Norbe VIII/IX Ltd.

   USD      6.350     06/30/2021         712,500         783,750 (1) 

Odebrecht Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.125     06/26/2022         510,000         543,150 (2) 

OGX Austria GmbH

   USD      8.500     06/01/2018         244,000         142,591 (2) 

Petrobras International Finance Co.

   USD      5.375     01/27/2021         267,000         284,051   

QGOG Atlantic/Alaskan Rigs Ltd.

   USD      5.250     07/30/2018         521,690         539,950 (2) 

Samarco Mineracao SA

   USD      4.125     11/01/2022         1,168,000         1,106,689 (2) 

Schahin II Finance Co. SPV Ltd.

   USD      5.875     09/25/2022         372,907         388,726 (2) 

Tonon Bioenergia SA

   USD      9.250     01/24/2020         400,000         404,286 (2) 

Votorantim Cimentos SA

   USD      7.250     04/05/2041         200,000         217,500 (2) 







Chile - 3.34%


Cencosud SA:

   USD      5.500     01/20/2021         600,000         639,800 (2) 
   USD      4.875     01/20/2023         419,000         424,169 (2) 

CFR International SpA

   USD      5.125     12/06/2022         650,000         673,719 (2) 

Telefonica Chile SA

   USD      3.875     10/12/2022         553,000         541,940 (2) 







China - 5.16%


China Liansu Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      7.875     05/13/2016         200,000         211,000 (2) 

China Overseas Finance Cayman IV Ltd.

   USD      4.875     02/15/2017         200,000         215,863   

Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.

   USD      7.500     01/10/2023         444,000         455,100 (2) 

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd.

   USD      8.875     03/19/2018         700,000         719,250 (2) 

Mega Advance Investments Ltd.

   USD      5.000     05/12/2021         505,000         555,167 (2) 

MIE Holdings Corp.

   USD      9.750     05/12/2016         249,000         265,185 (2) 

Tencent Holdings Ltd.:

   USD      4.625     12/12/2016         200,000         216,959 (2) 
   USD      3.375     03/05/2018         600,000         615,012 (2) 

Texhong Textile Group Ltd.

   USD      7.625     01/19/2016         250,000         261,875 (1) 








Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Colombia - 4.10%


Bancolombia SA

     USD         5.125     09/11/2022         657,000       $ 656,988   

Empresa de Energia de Bogota SA

     USD         6.125     11/10/2021         400,000         437,333 (2) 

Grupo Aval Ltd.:

     USD         5.250     02/01/2017         200,000         210,818 (2) 
     USD         4.750     09/26/2022         366,000         359,595 (2) 

Gruposura Finance

     USD         5.700     05/18/2021         397,000         436,700 (2) 

Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.

     USD         5.125     03/28/2023         250,000         255,659 (2) 

Transportadora de Gas Internacional SA ESP

     USD         5.700     03/20/2022         400,000         437,269 (2) 







Hong Kong - 4.76%


Hutchison Whampoa International 09 Ltd.

     USD         7.625     04/09/2019         102,000         127,815 (2) 

Hutchison Whampoa International10 Ltd.

     USD         6.000     10/28/2049         400,000         426,500 (1)(3) 

Hutchison Whampoa International 11 Ltd.

     USD         4.625     01/13/2022         200,000         211,224 (2) 

Hutchison Whampoa International 12 II Ltd.:

     USD         2.000     11/08/2017         750,000         745,020 (2) 
     USD         3.250     11/08/2022         750,000         720,011 (2) 

PCCW-HKT Capital No. 4 Ltd.

     USD         4.250     02/24/2016         700,000         745,062   

Sun Hung Kai Properties Capital Market Ltd.

     USD         4.500     02/14/2022         256,000         267,075   







India - 3.30%


Bharti Airtel International Netherlands BV

     USD         5.125     03/11/2023         345,000         345,862 (2) 

ICICI Bank Ltd.:

     USD         4.700     02/21/2018         208,000         218,633 (1) 
     USD         5.750     11/16/2020         400,000         437,746 (1) 

Reliance Holdings USA, Inc.

     USD         5.400     02/14/2022         250,000         273,495 (2) 

Vedanta Resources PLC:

     USD         6.000     01/31/2019         483,000         481,793 (2) 
     USD         8.250     06/07/2021         242,000         261,360 (2) 
     USD         7.125     05/31/2023         231,000         229,845 (2) 







Indonesia - 3.56%


Berau Capital Resources Pte Ltd.

     USD         12.500     07/08/2015         200,000         212,750 (1) 

BLT Finance BV

     USD         7.500     05/15/2014         100,000         13,500 (1)(5) 

Indo Energy Finance II BV

     USD         6.375     01/24/2023         637,000         621,075 (2) 

Indosat Palapa Co. BV

     USD         7.375     07/29/2020         400,000         439,000 (1) 

Listrindo Capital BV

     USD         6.950     02/21/2019         200,000         216,000 (2) 

PT Adaro Indonesia

     USD         7.625     10/22/2019         601,000         643,070 (1) 

TBG Global Pte Ltd.

     USD         4.625     04/03/2018         285,000         280,369 (2) 







Jamaica - 1.75%


Digicel Group Ltd.:

     USD         10.500     04/15/2018         900,000         978,750 (1) 
     USD         8.250     09/30/2020         200,000         216,000 (2) 










Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)


Kazakhstan - 1.11% 


Zhaikmunai LP

   USD      7.125 %     11/13/2019        700,000      $ 753,375 (2)




Macau - 0.91% 


MCE Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.000 %     02/15/2021        623,000        623,000 (2)




Mexico - 5.09% 


America Movil SAB de CV

   USD      3.125 %     07/16/2022        600,000        575,730  

Cemex Finance LLC

   USD      9.375 %     10/12/2022        288,000        324,720 (2)

Cemex SAB de CV

   USD      9.500 %     06/15/2018        1,000,000        1,122,500 (2)

Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV

   USD      4.875 %     06/30/2020        202,000        219,880 (2)

Grupo Televisa SAB

   USD      6.000 %     05/12/2018        200,000        230,495  

Mexichem SAB de CV

   USD      4.875 %     09/19/2022        400,000        415,929 (2)

Mexico Generadora De Energia

   USD      5.500 %     12/06/2032        240,000        241,695 (2)

Telefonos de Mexico SAB de CV

   USD      5.500 %     11/15/2019        300,000        341,791  







Nigeria - 0.34% 


Afren PLC

   USD      10.250 %     04/08/2019        200,000        235,000 (2)




Peru - 6.67% 


Ajecorp BV

   USD      6.500 %     05/14/2022        500,000        545,000 (2)

Alicorp SAA

   USD      3.875 %     03/20/2023        759,000        745,542 (2)

Banco de Credito del Peru

   USD      5.375 %     09/16/2020        577,000        624,649 (1)

BBVA Banco Continental SA

   USD      5.000 %     08/26/2022        335,000        345,845 (2)

Cementos Pacasmayo SAA

   USD      4.500 %     02/08/2023        250,000        244,348 (2)

Cia Minera Milpo SAA

   USD      4.625 %     03/28/2023        482,000        469,894 (2)

Consorcio Transmantaro SA

   USD      4.375 %     05/07/2023        294,000        286,650 (2)

Corp. Azucarera del Peru SA

   USD      6.375 %     08/02/2022        378,000        393,120 (2)

Inkia Energy Ltd.

   USD      8.375 %     04/04/2021        350,000        397,203 (2)

Southern Copper Corp.:

   USD      6.750 %     04/16/2040        145,000        152,714  
   USD      5.250 %     11/08/2042        200,000        176,108  

Volcan Cia Minera SAA

   USD      5.375 %     02/02/2022        163,000        167,075 (2)







Qatar - 3.97% 


Doha Finance Ltd.

   USD      3.500 %     03/14/2017        200,000        208,250  

Nakilat, Inc.

   USD      6.067 %     12/31/2033        100,000        116,500 (1)

Qtel International Finance Ltd.

   USD      4.750 %     02/16/2021        494,000        540,930 (1)

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. II

   USD      5.298 %     09/30/2020        678,870        750,151 (1)

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co. Ltd. III:

   USD      5.832 %     09/30/2016        145,425        156,877 (1)
   USD      6.750 %     09/30/2019        750,000        936,563 (1)








Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013













Market Value

(Expressed in U.S. $)


Russia - 12.91% 


Alfa Bank OJSC Via Alfa Bond Issuance PLC

   USD      7.500 %     09/26/2019        435,000      $ 467,625 (2)

EDC Finance Ltd.

   USD      4.875 %     04/17/2020        402,000        398,985 (2)

EuroChem Mineral & Chemical Co. OJSC via EuroChem GI Ltd.

   USD      5.125 %     12/12/2017        650,000        658,937 (2)

Far Eastern Shipping Co.

   USD      8.000 %     05/02/2018        400,000        405,500 (2)

Gazprom OAO Via Gaz Capital SA:

   USD      3.850 %     02/06/2020        880,000        866,562 (2)
   USD      4.950 %     07/19/2022        254,000        259,398 (2)

Metalloinvest Finance Ltd.:

   USD      6.500 %     07/21/2016        200,000        212,000 (2)
   USD      5.625 %     04/17/2020        400,000        395,500 (2)

MTS International Funding Ltd.

   USD      5.000 %     05/30/2023        700,000        693,875 (2)

Novatek OAO via Novatek Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.326 %     02/03/2016        500,000        531,563 (1)

Rosneft Oil Co. via Rosneft International Finance Ltd.

   USD      3.149 %     03/06/2017        442,000        445,315 (1)

Sberbank of Russia Via SB Capital SA

   USD      6.125 %     02/07/2022        400,000        442,500 (2)

Severstal OAO Via Steel Capital SA

   USD      5.900 %     10/17/2022        316,000        306,520 (2)

Vimpel Communications Holdings BV:

   USD      6.255 %     03/01/2017        200,000        212,000 (1)
   USD      5.200 %     02/13/2019        525,000        528,281 (2)

Vimpel Communications Via VIP Finance Ireland Ltd. OJSC

   USD      7.748 %     02/02/2021        400,000        443,000 (1)

VTB Bank OJSC Via VTB Capital SA:

   USD      6.315 %     02/22/2018        500,000        540,625 (1)
   USD      6.950 %     10/17/2022        509,000        531,905 (1)

Wind Acquisition Finance SA:

   USD      11.750 %     07/15/2017        187,000        197,752 (2)
   USD      12.250 %     07/15/2017        250,000        264,688 (2)(6) 







Singapore - 2.14% 


DBS Bank Ltd.

   USD      3.625 %     09/21/2022        200,000        206,356 (1)(3) 

Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd.

   USD      3.150 %     03/11/2023        550,000        553,548 (2)(3) 

PSA International Pte Ltd.

   USD      3.875 %     02/11/2021        200,000        214,297  


   USD      4.500 %     03/20/2018        483,000        483,000 (2)







South Africa - 1.37% 


Gold Fields Orogen Holding BVI Ltd.

   USD      4.875 %     10/07/2020        1,000,000        935,000 (1)




South Korea - 3.40% 


Industrial Bank of Korea

   USD      2.375 %     07/17/2017        500,000        504,247 (2)

Korea East-West Power Co. Ltd.

   USD      2.500 %     07/16/2017        400,000        402,130 (2)

Korea Exchange Bank

   USD      3.125 %     06/26/2017        200,000        207,080 (2)

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.

   USD      4.750 %     07/13/2021        400,000        434,930 (1)

KT Corp.

   USD      3.875 %     01/20/2017        400,000        423,386  

SK Telecom Co. Ltd.

   USD      2.125 %     05/01/2018        347,000        343,669 (2)







Thailand - 3.36% 


Bangkok Bank PCL:

   USD      2.750 %     03/27/2018        294,000        297,800 (2)
   USD      3.875 %     09/27/2022        353,000        355,524 (2)




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013


     Counterparty    Currency    Rate      Maturity
     Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)

Thailand (continued)


PTT Global Chemical PCL

      USD      4.250%        09/19/2022        500,000      $ 512,222 (2)


      USD      4.500%        10/25/2042        299,000        272,337 (2)

PTTEP Canada International Finance Ltd.

   USD      5.692%        04/05/2021        400,000        457,900 (1)

Thai Oil PCL

      USD      3.625%        01/23/2023        400,000        394,300 (2)







Turkey - 3.89% 


Akbank TAS:

      USD      3.875%        10/24/2017        250,000        255,938 (2)
      USD      5.000%        10/24/2022        396,000        417,285 (1)

KOC Holding AS

      USD      3.500%        04/24/2020        340,000        327,250 (2)

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS:

      USD      4.000%        09/13/2017        386,000        397,097 (2)
      USD      5.250%        09/13/2022        825,000        873,469 (2)

Yuksel Insaat AS

      USD      9.500%        11/10/2015        550,000        382,250 (1)







Ukraine - 2.38% 


Ferrexpo Finance PLC

      USD      7.875%        04/07/2016        600,000        600,750 (2)

Metinvest BV

      USD      8.750%        02/14/2018        700,000        704,375 (2)

Mriya Agro Holding PLC

      USD      9.450%        04/19/2018        319,000        315,013 (2)







United Arab Emirates - 5.95% 


Dolphin Energy Ltd.

      USD      5.888%        06/15/2019        340,335        373,517 (1)

DP World Sukuk Ltd.

      USD      6.250%        07/02/2017        590,000        653,425 (1)

Dubai Holding Commercial Operations
MTN Ltd.

      GBP      6.000%        02/01/2017        400,000        624,478  

Emaar Sukuk Ltd.

      USD      6.400%        07/18/2019        900,000        985,500  

MAF Global Securities Ltd.

      USD      5.250%        07/05/2019        800,000        870,000  

MAF Sukuk Ltd.

      USD      5.850%        02/07/2017        500,000        546,250  







Venezuela - 3.18% 


Petroleos de Venezuela SA:

      USD      5.250%        04/12/2017        775,000        661,656 (1)
      USD      8.500%        11/02/2017        1,587,700        1,504,346 (1)












(Cost $65,836,547)




Argentina - 0.46% 


Cablevision SA

   DeutscheBank AG
   USD      9.375%        02/12/2018        433,000        313,925 (2)









(Cost $434,107)




Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013












Market Value
(Expressed in U.S. $)




Money Market Mutual Funds - 1.83%


Dreyfus Institutional Cash Advantage Fund - Institutional Advantage Class (7-Day Yield)

   USD      0.07001 %   N/A      1,248,162      $ 1,248,162  









(Cost $1,248,162)


Total Investments - 99.83%


(Cost $67,518,816)


Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities - 0.17%





Net Assets - 100.00%

              $ 68,176,248  




* The principal amount of each security is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated. See below.



   -    Great Britain Pound   


   -    United States Dollar   



Securities were originally issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933, which exempts securities offered and sold outside of the United States from registration. Such securities cannot be sold in the United States without either an effective registration statement filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, or pursuant to an exemption from registration. As of May 31, 2013, the aggregate market value of those securities was $17,726,681, which represents approximately 26.00% of net assets.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may normally be sold to qualified institutional buyers in transactions exempt from registration. Total market value of Rule 144A securities amounts to $41,376,254, which represents approximately 60.69% of net assets as of May 31, 2013.


Floating or variable rate security. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at May 31, 2013.


Step bond. Coupon increases periodically based upon a predetermined schedule. Interest rate disclosed is that which is in effect at May 31,2013.


Security is currently in default/non-income producing.


Pay-in-kind securities.

Common Abbreviations:


     -       Anonim Sirket is the Turkish term for Incorporation.


     -       Besloten Vennootschap is the Dutch term for private limited liability company.


     -       British Virgin Islands.


     -       Empresa de Servicios Publicos is the Colombian term for Public Service Company.


     -       Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung is the German term for a company wtih limited liability.


     -       Limited Liability Corporation.


     -       Limited Partnership.


     -       Limited.


     -       Medium Term Note.


     -       Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo is the Russian term for Open Joint Stock Company.


     -       Open Joint Stock Company.


     -       A rearrangement of the letters for Public Limited Company, used in Thailand.


     -       Public Limited Company.


     -       Perseroan terbuka is an Indonesian term for limited liability company.


     -       Private.


     -       Generally designates corporations in various countries, mostly those employing the civil law.


     -       Sociedad Anonima Abierta is the Peruvian term used for companies with 20 or more shareholders.


     -       Sociedad Anonima Bursatil is the Spanish term used for publicly held company.


     -       A variable capital company.


     -       Societa per Azioni.


     -       Special Purpose Vehicle.


     -       TüRk Anonim Sirketi is the Turkish term for Joint Stock Company.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets

Corporate Debt Fund

  Statements of Investments
  May 31, 2013






JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     GBP        416,000        Sale        06/17/2013        $ 631,998        $ 16,025  



                              $ 16,025  




* The contracted amount is stated in the currency in which the security is denominated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Statements of Assets and Liabilities
  May 31, 2013


      Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Debt Fund
    Stone Harbor High
Yield Bond Fund
     Stone Harbor Local
Markets Fund
    Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Corporate Debt Fund



Investments , at value(1)

   $ 1,787,346,451     $ 380,765,222      $ 2,063,925,875     $ 68,061,729  


     4,760,814              1,406,309       473,102  

Foreign currency, at value (Cost $409,660, $0, $1,607,859 and $0, respectively)

     342,392              1,632,751        

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

     1,639,822       250,805        13,697       16,025  

Receivable for investments sold

     73,479,892       7,572,959        472,678,003        

Receivable for fund shares sold

     16,506,405       641        1,818,107        

Interest receivable

     24,562,482       6,667,936        44,056,023       872,541  

Prepaid and other assets

     19,012       16,791        21,862       7,700  

Total Assets

     1,908,657,270       395,274,354        2,585,552,627       69,431,097  



Payable to custodian due to overdraft


Payable due to broker for forward foreign currency contracts

     1,760,000       400,000        5,000        

Payable for investments purchased

     63,880,878       7,465,910        94,928,467       1,123,482  

Payable for fund shares redeemed

     4,462,007              21,017,038        

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts

     404,640       8,040        2,501,216        

Payable to adviser

     956,913       170,378        1,650,323       50,191  

Payable to administrator

     84,734       23,123        114,725       3,965  

Other payables

     335,929       139,790        908,779       77,211  

Total Liabilities

     71,885,101       8,292,054        121,125,548       1,254,849  

Net Assets

   $ 1,836,772,169     $ 386,982,300      $ 2,464,427,079     $ 68,176,248  



Paid-in capital

   $ 1,813,691,699     $ 357,417,956      $ 2,543,502,230     $ 69,220,447  

Undistributed net investment income

     327,850       1,606,754        9,453,766       152,302  

Accumulated net realized gain/(loss) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

     (8,142,722 )     8,455,066        8,053,161       (1,755,356 )

Net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

     30,895,342       19,502,524        (96,582,078 )     558,855  

Net Assets

   $ 1,836,772,169     $ 386,982,300      $ 2,464,427,079     $ 68,176,248  



Institutional Class


Net Assets

   $   1,836,772,169     $ 386,982,300      $ 2,464,427,079     $ 68,176,248  

Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (unlimited number of shares, par value of $0.001 per share authorized)

     162,037,118       39,368,510        234,568,603       7,278,681  

Net assets value, offering and redemption price per share

   $ 11.34     $ 9.83      $ 10.51     $ 9.37  

(1)Cost of Investments

   $ 1,758,120,137     $ 361,505,695      $ 2,158,074,640     $ 67,518,816  


See Notes to Financial Statements.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Statements of Operations
  For the Year Ended May 31, 2013


      Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Debt Fund
    Stone Harbor High
Yield Bond Fund
    Stone Harbor Local
Markets Fund
    Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Corporate Debt Fund




   $ 85,648,851     $ 36,715,100     $ 113,612,187     $ 3,435,408  


     81,085       26,076       225,965       1,496  

Total Investment Income

     85,729,936       36,741,176       113,838,152       3,436,904  



Investment advisory fee

     9,585,119       2,348,064       16,081,334       514,627  

Administration fee

     787,347       270,693       1,044,822       34,837  

Custodian fees

     258,637       31,284       954,274       6,055  

Audit fees

     66,219       66,941       66,764       52,674  

Printing fees

     10,154       9,730       18,642       10,389  

Legal fees

     31,627       31,627       31,627       29,871  

Trustee fee

     40,665       12,931       61,886       1,854  

Transfer agent fees

     38,924       24,291       38,933       21,141  

Registration fees

     72,367       32,035       158,488       30,070  

Insurance fees

     20,265       8,072       25,258       736  


     11,657       3,691       14,614       2,304  

Total expenses before waiver

     10,922,981       2,839,359       18,496,642       704,558  

Less fees waived by investment adviser

           (256,488 )           (99,115 )

Total Net Expenses

     10,922,981       2,582,871       18,496,642       605,443  

Net Investment Income

     74,806,955       34,158,305       95,341,510       2,831,461  



Net realized gain/(loss) on:



     (6,169,747 )     14,855,490       16,373,427       (1,400,594 )

Forward foreign currency contracts

     4,578,885       (407,916 )     8,301,770       25,605  

Foreign currency transactions

     (20,641 )     6,862       (470,663 )     2,062  

Net realized gain/(loss)

     (1,611,503 )     14,454,436       24,204,534       (1,372,927 )

Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on:



     31,014,451       21,863,542       (20,384,271 )     3,504,751  

Forward foreign currency contracts

     (1,303,072 )     (62,683 )     7,005,085       (7,110 )

Translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies

     714,858       7,369       1,644,080       561  

Net change

     30,426,237       21,808,228       (11,735,106 )     3,498,202  

Net Realized and Unrealized Gain on Investments

     28,814,734       36,262,664       12,469,428       2,125,275  

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

   $ 103,621,689     $ 70,420,969     $ 107,810,938     $ 4,956,736  


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Statements of Changes in Net Assets


     Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund      Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund  

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012




Net investment income

   $ 74,806,955      $ 57,940,014      $ 34,158,305      $ 36,881,426  

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

     (1,611,503)        12,428,756        14,454,436        405,445  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations

     30,426,237        (24,488,836)        21,808,228        (30,819,198)  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     103,621,689        45,879,934        70,420,969        6,467,673  



Institutional Class


From net investment income

     (74,212,098)        (62,119,059)        (33,469,548)        (35,520,684)  

From net realized gains

     (7,462,387)        (9,021,936)        (1,484,074)        (14,866,777)  

Net decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (81,674,485)        (71,140,995)        (34,953,622)        (50,387,461)  



Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares

     701,645,400        509,808,699        70,255,935        111,505,627  

Issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions

     78,161,464        67,065,948        31,890,743        48,229,973  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (148,710,236)        (117,232,918)        (270,312,084)        (84,560,710)  

Net increase/(decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions

     631,096,628        459,641,729        (168,165,406)        75,174,890  

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets

     653,043,832        434,380,668        (132,698,059)        31,255,102  



Beginning of period

     1,183,728,337        749,347,669        519,680,359        488,425,257  

End of period

   $ 1,836,772,169      $ 1,183,728,337      $ 386,982,300      $ 519,680,359  

Includes undistributed net investment income of:

   $ 327,850      $ 1,084,360      $ 1,606,754      $ 1,700,036  



Share Transactions:


Institutional Class


Beginning shares

     108,310,075        66,925,355        56,889,085        48,832,904  

Shares sold

     59,623,123        45,737,532        7,368,911        11,902,013  

Shares reinvested

     6,675,662        6,095,861        3,323,302        5,307,792  

Shares redeemed

     (12,571,742)        (10,448,673)        (28,212,788)        (9,153,624)  

Shares outstanding - end of period

     162,037,118        108,310,075        39,368,510        56,889,085  




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Statements of Changes in Net Assets


     Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund      Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate
Debt Fund

For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2012


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended

May 31, 2012(a)




Net investment income

   $ 95,341,510      $ 59,803,238      $ 2,831,461      $ 1,969,621   

Net realized gain/(loss) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions

     24,204,534        (31,033,518)        (1,372,927)        (332,762)   

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency translations

     (11,735,106)        (102,407,376)        3,498,202        (2,939,347)   

Net increase/(decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     107,810,938        (73,637,656)        4,956,736        (1,302,488)   



Institutional Class


From net investment income

     (80,332,640)        (46,535,140)        (2,733,381)        (1,965,171)   

From net realized gains


From tax return of capital


Net decrease in net assets from distributions to shareholders

     (83,590,465)        (49,266,771)        (2,733,381)        (1,965,171)   



Institutional Class


Proceeds from sale of shares

     960,952,241        1,147,925,382        30,480,000        35,932,000   

Issued to shareholders in reinvestment of distributions

     82,497,686        48,814,517        2,733,381        1,965,171   

Cost of shares redeemed

     (166,738,410)        (116,133,532)        (1,890,000)          

Net increase in net assets from capital share transactions

     876,711,517        1,080,606,367        31,323,381        37,897,171   

Net Increase in Net Assets

     900,931,990        957,701,940        33,546,736        34,629,512   



Beginning of period

     1,563,495,089        605,793,149        34,629,512          

End of period

   $ 2,464,427,079      $ 1,563,495,089      $ 68,176,248      $ 34,629,512   

Includes undistributed/(overdistributed) net investment
income of:

   $ 9,453,766      $ (2,054,814)      $ 152,302      $ 29,413   



Share Transactions:


Institutional Class


Beginning shares

     154,809,668        54,032,190        3,896,019          

Shares sold

     87,325,840        106,956,969        3,290,911        3,676,780   

Shares reinvested

     7,514,090        4,632,478        289,977        219,239   

Shares redeemed

     (15,080,995)        (10,811,969)        (198,226)          

Shares outstanding - end of period

     234,568,603        154,809,668        7,278,681        3,896,019   



The Fund commenced operations on June 1, 2011.


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging

Markets Debt Fund

  Financial Highlights
  For a share outstanding through the periods presented.


Institutional Class   

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012

    For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2011

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2010


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2009


Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 10.93     $ 11.20     $ 10.48     $ 9.22     $ 10.34  

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income

     0.55 (1)     0.65 (1)     0.67 (1)     0.75       0.59  

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     0.45       (0.15)       1.00       1.44       (1.18)  

Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     1.00       0.50       1.67       2.19       (0.59)  

Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

     (0.54)       (0.67)       (0.63)       (0.79)       (0.53)  

From net realized gains

     (0.05)       (0.10)       (0.32)       (0.14)        

Total distributions

     (0.59)       (0.77)       (0.95)       (0.93)       (0.53)  

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

     0.41       (0.27)       0.72       1.26       (1.12)  

Net asset value - end of period

   $ 11.34     $ 10.93     $ 11.20     $ 10.48     $ 9.22  

Total Return(2)

     9.05 %     4.61 %     16.30 %     24.25 %     (5.10) %

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 1,837     $ 1,184     $ 749     $ 178     $ 92  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     0.68 %     0.72 %     0.77 %     0.91 %     1.33 %

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

     0.68 %     0.72 %     0.75 %     0.75 %     0.75 %

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/ reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     4.68 %     5.78 %     6.02 %     6.80 %     9.32 %

Portfolio turnover rate

     68 %     60 %     82 %     125 %     84 %



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).


See Notes to Financial Statements.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

  Financial Highlights
  For a share outstanding through the periods presented.


Institutional Class   

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2011


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2010


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2009


Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 9.13     $ 10.00     $ 9.36     $ 8.39     $ 9.92  

Income/(loss) from investment operations:



Net investment income

     0.70 (1)     0.72 (1)     0.77 (1)     0.73       0.70  

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     0.72       (0.59)       0.78       0.96       (1.53)  

Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     1.42       0.13       1.55       1.69       (0.83)  

Less distributions to common shareholders:



From net investment income

     (0.68)       (0.70)       (0.76)       (0.72)       (0.70)  

From net realized gains

     (0.04)       (0.30)       (0.15)              

Total distributions

     (0.72)       (1.00)       (0.91)       (0.72)       (0.70)  

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

     0.70       (0.87)       0.64       0.97       (1.53)  

Net asset value - end of period

   $ 9.83     $ 9.13     $ 10.00     $ 9.36     $ 8.39  

Total Return(2)

     15.87 %     1.77 %     17.14 %     20.53 %     (7.77) %

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 387     $ 520     $ 488     $ 408     $ 223  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

     0.60 %     0.62 %     0.65 %     0.67 %     0.88 %

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/ repayment of previously waived fees

     0.55 %     0.55 %     0.55 %     0.55 %     0.55 %

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/ reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     7.27 %     7.67 %     7.78 %     8.13 %     9.07 %

Portfolio turnover rate

     59 %     46 %     60 %     36 %     16 %



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

  Financial Highlights
  For a share outstanding through the periods presented.


Institutional Class   

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2013


For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012

    For the Period
June 30, 2010
(Inception) to
May 31, 2011

Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 10.10     $ 11.21     $ 10.00    

Income/(loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income(1)

     0.49       0.57       0.51    

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     0.33       (1.21)       1.14    

Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     0.82       (0.64)       1.65    

Less distributions to common shareholders:


From net investment income

     (0.39)       (0.45)       (0.39)    

From net realized gains

     (0.02)             (0.05)    

From tax return of capital

           (0.02)       –    

Total distributions

     (0.41)       (0.47)       (0.44)    

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

     0.41       (1.11)       1.21    

Net asset value - end of period

   $ 10.51     $ 10.10     $ 11.21    

Total Return(2)(3)

     7.92 %     (5.84) %     16.82%  

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 2,464     $ 1,563     $ 606    

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     0.86 %     0.89 %     1.01%(4)  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     0.86 %     0.89 %     1.00%(4)  

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements/repayment of previously waived fees

     4.45 %     5.35 %     5.13%(4)  

Portfolio turnover rate

     191 %     161 %     102%  



Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).


Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.




See Notes to Financial Statements.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Emerging

Markets Corporate Debt Fund

  Financial Highlights
  For a share outstanding through the periods presented.


      For the
Year Ended
May 31, 2013

For the

Year Ended
May 31, 2012(1)


Net asset value - beginning of period

   $ 8.89     $ 10.00  

Income/(loss) from investment operations:


Net investment income(2)

     0.44       0.59  

Net realized and unrealized gain/(loss) on investments

     0.46       (1.11)  

Total income/(loss) from investment operations

     0.90       (0.52)  

Less distributions to common shareholders:


From net investment income

     (0.42)       (0.59)  

Total distributions

     (0.42)       (0.59)  

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Net Asset Value

     0.48       (1.11)  

Net asset value - end of period

   $ 9.37     $ 8.89  

Total Return(3)

     10.13 %     (5.10) %

Ratios/Supplemental Data:


Net assets, end of period (in millions)

   $ 68     $ 35  

Ratio of expenses to average net assets without fee waivers/reimbursements

     1.16 %     1.32 %

Ratio of expenses to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     1.00 %     1.00 %

Ratio of net investment income to average net assets with fee waivers/reimbursements

     4.68 %     6.41 %

Portfolio turnover rate

     78 %     51 %



The Fund commenced operations on June 1, 2011.


Calculated using average shares throughout the period.


Total returns would have been lower had various fees and expenses not been waived and reimbursed during the period. The total returns in the table represent the rate that an investor would have earned (or lost) on an investment in a Fund (assuming reinvestment of all dividends and distributions).


See Notes to Financial Statements.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013




Stone Harbor Investment Funds, which consists of Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund (each, a “Fund” and together, the “Funds”) is a Massachusetts business trust (the “Trust”), organized on February 20, 2007 and registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as an open-end management investment company. The Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund commenced operations on June 1, 2011. Each Fund is a non-diversified portfolio with an investment objective to maximize total return. Shares of each Fund are currently divided into two classes, designated Institutional Class Shares and Distributor Class Shares. As of the date of this report, there were no outstanding shares for the Distributor Class of each Fund. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to create additional funds and share classes.

The Emerging Markets Debt Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities. “Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) that economically are tied to countries with emerging securities markets or whose performance is linked to those countries’ markets, economies or ability to repay loans. Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities may be denominated in non-U.S. currencies or the U.S. dollar. A security or instrument is economically tied to an emerging market country if it is principally traded on the country’s securities markets or the issuer is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Fixed Income Securities also include derivatives and other instruments used to hedge or gain exposure to emerging securities markets (for example, futures or other derivatives whose return is based on specific emerging markets securities or indices).

The High Yield Bond Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund will normally invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in High Yield Debt Securities. “High Yield Debt Securities” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) rated below investment grade (or, if unrated, of comparable quality as determined by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP (the “Adviser” or “Stone Harbor”). These securities and instruments are commonly referred to as “high yield” securities or “junk bonds,” and may include, among other things, bonds, debentures, notes, equipment trust certificates, commercial paper, commercial loans, preferred stock and other obligations of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers. High Yield Debt Securities also include securities or other instruments whose return is based on the return of high yield securities, including derivative instruments and instruments created to hedge or gain exposure to the high yield markets.

The Local Markets Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Investments. “Emerging Markets Investments” include fixed income securities and derivative instruments (including, but not limited to, spot and currency contracts, futures, options and swaps) that economically are tied to an emerging market country, which are denominated in the predominant currency of the local market of an emerging market country (an “Emerging Markets Currency”) or whose performance is linked to those countries’ currencies, markets, economies or ability to repay loans. Although under normal circumstances a significant portion of the Fund’s investments will be denominated in Emerging Markets Currencies, Emerging Markets Investments may be denominated in non - Emerging Markets Currencies, including the U.S. dollar. A security or instrument is economically tied to an emerging market country if it is principally traded on the country’s securities markets or the issuer is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Investments also include Emerging Markets Currencies and derivatives and other instruments used to hedge or gain exposure to emerging securities markets or Emerging Markets Currencies (for example, futures or other derivatives whose return is based on specific emerging markets securities, emerging markets indices or Emerging Markets Currencies).

The Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund’s investment objective is to maximize total return. The Fund normally will invest at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings made for investment purposes) in Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments. “Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments” are debt instruments, including loans, issued by corporations or other business organizations that are economically tied to an emerging market country. A corporation or other business organization is economically tied to an emerging market country if it issues securities that are principally traded on the country’s securities markets or if it is organized or principally operates in the country, derives a majority of its income from its operations within the country or has a majority of its assets within the country. Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments also include derivative instruments used for hedging purposes or to otherwise gain or reduce long or short exposure to Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Investments.

The Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Local Markets Fund and Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund are each classified as “non-diversified” under the 1940 Act. As a result, the Funds can invest a greater portion of the Funds’ assets in obligations of a single issuer than a “diversified” fund. The Funds may therefore be more susceptible than a diversified fund to being adversely affected by any single corporate, economic, political or regulatory occurrence. The High Yield Bond Fund is a diversified fund.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements. The policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”). The preparation of the financial





Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


statements in accordance with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Investment Valuation: Debt securities, including bank loans and linked notes, are generally valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices provided by independent pricing services or brokers that are based on transactions in debt obligations, quotations from dealers, market transactions in comparable securities and various other relationships between securities. Equity securities for which market quotations are available are generally valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the primary market or exchange on which they trade. Publicly traded foreign government debt securities are typically traded internationally in the over the counter market, and are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices as of the close of business of that market. When prices are not readily available, or are determined not to reflect fair value, such as when the value of a security has been significantly affected by events after the close of the exchange or market on which the security is principally traded, but before the Funds calculate their net asset value, the Funds may value these investments at fair value as determined in accordance with the procedures approved by the Funds’ Board of Trustees. Short term obligations with maturities of 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Money market mutual funds are valued at their net asset value.

A three-tier hierarchy has been established to measure fair value based on the extent of use of “observable inputs” as compared to “unobservable inputs” for disclosure purposes and requires additional disclosures about these valuations measurements. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing a security. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the security developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the security developed based on the best information available in the circumstances.

The three-tier hierarchy is summarized as follows:


Level 1


Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Fund has the ability to access.

Level 2


Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curve, rates, and similar data

Level 3


Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.

The following is a summary of each Fund’s investments and financial instruments based on the three tier hierarchy as of

May 31, 2013:


Investments in Securities at Value*    Level 1 -Quoted
and Unadjusted
     Level 2 - Other
Observable Inputs
     Level 3 -Significant

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund



Sovereign Debt Obligations

   $       $ 1,149,006,422       $       $     1,149,006,422   

Bank Loans



             1,324,967         560,733         1,885,700   

Corporate Bonds

             526,421,515                 526,421,515   

Participation Notes

             6,956,049                 6,956,049   

Credit Linked Notes



                     1,780,600         1,780,600   


             17,606,907                 17,606,907   


             12,340,581                 12,340,581   


                     9,638,438         9,638,438   

Short Term Investments

     61,710,239                         61,710,239   


   $ 61,710,239       $ 1,713,656,441       $ 11,979,771       $ 1,787,346,451   



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


Investments in Securities at Value*    Level 1 - Quoted
and Unadjusted
     Level 2 - Other
Observable Inputs
     Level 3 - Significant



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $      $ 1,639,822      $  –      $ 1,639,822  



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

            (404,640)               (404,640)  


   $      $ 1,235,182      $  –      $ 1,235,182  
Investments in Securities at Value*    Level 1 - Quoted
and Unadjusted
     Level 2 - Other
Observable Inputs
     Level 3 - Significant

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund



Corporate Bonds

   $      $ 363,057,031      $  –      $ 363,057,031  

Convertible Corporate Bonds

            5,170,593               5,170,593  

Bank Loans

            9,404,899               9,404,899  

Common Stocks



     22,661                      22,661  

Paper/Forest Products

            461,700               461,700  


     126,325                      126,325  

Transport Other

            19               19  

Preferred Stocks

     495,654                      495,654  



Short Term Investments

     2,026,340                      2,026,340  


   $ 2,670,980      $ 378,094,242      $  –      $ 380,765,222  
Other Financial Instruments**                                



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $      $ 250,805      $  –      $ 250,805  



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

            (8,040)               (8,040)  


   $      $ 242,765      $  –      $ 242,765  
Investments in Securities at Value*    Level 1 - Quoted
and Unadjusted
     Level 2 - Other
Observable Inputs
     Level 3 - Significant
Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund                            

Sovereign Debt Obligations

   $      $ 1,446,464,780      $  –      $ 1,446,464,780  

Corporate Bonds

            71,558,072               71,558,072  

Credit Linked Notes

            403,497,279               403,497,279  

Short Term Investments


Money Market Fund

     108,447,151                      108,447,151  

Foreign Treasury Bills

            33,958,593               33,958,593  


   $ 108,447,151      $ 1,955,478,724      $  –      $ 2,063,925,875  
Other Financial Instruments**                                



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $      $ 13,697      $  –      $ 13,697  



Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

            (2,501,216)               (2,501,216)  


   $      $ (2,487,519)      $  –      $ (2,487,519)  






Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


Investments in Securities at Value*

   Level 1 - Quoted
and  Unadjusted
     Level 2 - Other
Observable Inputs
     Level 3 - Significant

Stone Harbor Emerging
Markets Corporate Debt Fund



Corporate Bonds

   $      $ 66,499,642      $  –      $ 66,499,642  

Credit Linked Notes

                   313,925        313,925  

Short Term Investments

     1,248,162                      1,248,162  


   $ 1,248,162      $ 66,499,642      $ 313,925      $ 68,061,729  

Other Financial Instruments**




Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

   $      $ 16,025      $  –      $ 16,025  


   $      $ 16,025      $  –      $ 16,025  



For detailed Industry/Country descriptions, see accompanying Statements of Investments.


Other financial instruments are derivative instruments not reflected in the Statements of Investments. The derivatives shown in this table are reported at their unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) at measurement date, which represents the change in the contract’s value from trade date.

There were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2 during the year ended May 31, 2013. It is the Funds’ policy to recognize transfers into and out of all levels at the end of the reporting period. Other financial assets were moved from Level 2 to Level 3 as observable inputs were not available for purposes of valuing those assets.

The following is a reconciliation of assets in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:


Investments in


  Balance as
of May 31,
Gain (Loss)*
    Change  in
    Purchases     Sales
Level 3
    Balance as
of May 31,
    Net change in

included in the
Statements of
attributable to
Level 3
investments held
at May 31, 2013
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund                  

Bank Loan

  $ 934,554      $      $      $ (373,821   $      $      $      $ 560,733      $ (373,821

Corporate Bond

    477,336        187,466        (1,437,964     1,136,007               (362,845                     

Credit Linked Notes

           119,234        131,563        (1,856,266     8,783,362        (559,926     4,801,071        11,419,038        (3,539,586


  $ 1,411,890      $ 306,700      $ (1,306,401   $ (1,094,080   $ 8,783,362      $ (922,771   $ 4,801,071      $ 11,979,771      $ (3,913,407


Investments in


  Balance as of
May 31, 2012
    Change in
    Sales Proceeds     Transfer into
Level 3
    Balance as of
May 31, 2013
    Net change in
(depreciation) at
May 31, 2013*
Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund                

Corporate Bonds

  $ 201,415      $ 77,937      $ (573,859   $ 445,055      $ (150,548   $      $      $   

Credit Linked Notes

                                       313,925        313,925        (120,182


  $ 201,415      $ 77,937      $ (573,859   $ 445,055      $ (150,548   $ 313,925      $ 313,925      $ (120,182


* Realized gain/(loss) and change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) are included in the related amounts on the investment in the Statements of Operations.

All level 3 investments have values determined utilizing third party pricing information without adjustment.

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


In the event a board approved independent pricing service is unable to provide an evaluated price for a security or the Adviser believes the price provided is not reliable, securities of the Funds may be valued at fair value as described above. In these instances the Adviser may seek to find an alternative independent source, such as a broker/dealer to provide a price quote, or by using evaluated pricing models similar to the techniques and models used by the independent pricing service. These fair value measurement techniques may utilize unobservable inputs (Level 3).

On at least a quarterly basis, the Adviser presents the factors considered in determining the fair value measurements and presents that information to the Board which meets at least quarterly.

Security Transactions and Investment Income: Security transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. Interest income, adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discount, is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Foreign dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon as practical after the Funds determine the existence of a dividend declaration after exercising reasonable due diligence. If applicable, any foreign capital gains taxes are accrued, net of unrealized gains, and are payable upon the sale of such investments. The cost of investments sold is determined by use of the specific identification method. To the extent any issuer defaults on an expected interest payment, the Funds’ policy is to generally halt any additional interest income accruals and consider the realizability of interest accrued up to the date of default.

Foreign Currency Translation: The books and records of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. Investment valuations and other assets and liabilities initially expressed in foreign currencies are converted each business day into U.S. dollars based upon current exchange rates. Prevailing foreign exchange rates may generally be obtained at the close of the NYSE (normally, 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). The portion of realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates is not separately disclosed and is included in realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments, when applicable.

Foreign Securities: The Funds may directly purchase securities of foreign issuers. Investing in securities of foreign issuers involves special risks not typically associated with investing in securities of U.S. issuers. The risks include possible revaluation of currencies, the ability to repatriate funds, less complete financial information about companies and possible future adverse political and economic developments. Moreover, securities of many foreign issuers and their markets may be less liquid and their prices more volatile than those of securities of comparable U.S. issuers.

Credit Linked Notes: The Funds may invest in credit linked notes to obtain economic exposure to high yield, emerging markets or other securities. Investments in a credit linked note typically provide the holder with a return based on the return of an underlying reference instrument, such as an emerging market bond. Like an investment in a bond, investments in credit-linked securities represent the right to receive periodic income payments (in the form of distributions) and payment of principal at the end of the term of the security. In addition to the risks associated with the underlying reference instrument, an investment in a credit linked note is also subject to the risk that the counterparty will be unwilling or unable to meet its obligations under the note.

Loan Participations and Assignments: The Funds may invest in loans arranged through private negotiation between one or more financial institutions. The Funds’ investment in any such loan may be in the form of a participation in or an assignment of the loan. In connection with purchasing participations, the Funds generally will have no right to enforce compliance by the borrower with the terms of the loan agreement relating to the loan, nor any rights of set-off against the borrower and the Funds may not benefit directly from any collateral supporting the loan in which they have purchased the participation.

The Funds may also invest in unfunded loan commitments, which are contractual obligations for future funding. Information regarding unfunded commitments is included at the end of the Funds’ Schedules of Investments.

The Funds assume the credit risk of the borrower, the lender that is selling the participation and any other persons interpositioned between the Funds and the borrower. In the event of the insolvency of the lender selling the participation, the Funds may be treated as a general creditor of the lender and may not benefit from any set-off between the lender and the borrower.

Inflation-Indexed Bonds: Certain Funds may invest in inflation indexed bonds. Inflation-indexed bonds are fixed-income securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted to the rate of inflation. The interest rate on these bonds is generally fixed at issuance at a rate lower than typical bonds. Over the life of an inflation-indexed bond, however, interest will be paid based on a principal value which is adjusted for inflation. Any increase or decrease in the principal amount of an inflation-indexed bond will be included as interest income on the Statements of Operations, even though investors do not receive their principal until maturity.

Credit and Market Risk: The Funds invest in high yield and emerging market instruments that are subject to certain credit and market risks. The yields of high yield and emerging market debt obligations reflect, among other things, perce

ived credit and market risks. The Funds’ investment in securities rated below investment grade typically involves risks not associated with higher rated securities including, among others, greater risk related to timely and ultimate payment of interest and principal, greater market price volatility and less liquid secondary market trading. The





Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds


Notes to Financial Statements

  May 31, 2013


consequences of political, social, economic or diplomatic changes may have disruptive effects on the market prices of investments held by the Funds. The Funds’ investment in non-U.S. dollar denominated securities may also result in foreign currency losses caused by devaluations and exchange rate fluctuations. Investments in derivatives are also subject to credit and market risks.

Distributions to Shareholders: Dividends and distributions to shareholders, which are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, are recorded on the ex-date. Income distributions, if any are generally declared and paid on a quarterly basis. Capital gain distributions, if any, are declared and paid at least annually.

Expenses: Direct expenses are charged to the Funds; general expenses of the Trust are allocated to the Funds based on each Fund’s relative net assets.

Federal and Other Taxes: No provision for income taxes is included in the accompanying financial statements, as the Funds intend to distribute to shareholders all taxable investment income and realized gains and otherwise comply with Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies.

The Funds evaluate tax positions taken (or expected to be taken) in the course of preparing the Funds’ tax provisions to determine whether these positions meet a “more-likely-than-not” standard that, based on the technical merits, have a more than fifty percent likelihood of being sustained by a taxing authority upon examination. A tax position that meets the “more-likely-than-not” recognition threshold is measured to determine the amount of benefit to recognize in the financial statements.

As of and during the period ended May 31, 2013, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds file U.S. federal, state, and local tax returns as required. The Funds’ tax returns are subject to examination by the relevant tax authorities until expiration of the applicable statute of limitations which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return for federal purposes and four years for most state returns. Tax returns for open years have incorporated no uncertain tax positions that require a provision for income taxes.



Risk Exposure and the Use of Derivative Instruments: The Funds’ investment objectives not only permit the Funds to purchase investment securities, they also allow the Funds to enter in various types of derivatives contracts. In doing so, the Funds employ strategies in differing combinations to permit them to increase, decrease, or change the level or types of exposure to market factors. Central to those strategies are features inherent to derivatives that may make them more attractive for this purpose than equity or debt securities; they require little or no initial cash investment, they can focus exposure on only certain selected risk factors, and they may not require the ultimate receipt or delivery of the underlying security (or securities) to the contract. This may allow the Funds to pursue their objectives more quickly and efficiently than if they were to make direct purchases or sales of securities capable of affecting a similar response to market factors.

Market Risk Factors. In pursuit of their investment objectives, the Funds may seek to use derivatives to increase or decrease their exposure to the following market risk factors, among others:

Interest Rate Risk. Interest rate risk refers to the fluctuations in value of fixed-income securities resulting from the inverse relationship between price and yield. For example, an increase in general interest rates will tend to reduce the market value of already issued fixed-income investments, and a decline in general interest rates will tend to increase their value. In addition, debt securities with longer maturities, which tend to have higher yields, are subject to potentially greater fluctuations in value from changes in interest rates than obligations with shorter maturities.

Credit Risk. Credit risk relates to the ability of the issuer to meet interest and principal payments, or both, as they come due. In general, lower-grade, higher-yield bonds are subject to credit risk to a greater extent than lower-yield, higher-quality bonds.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk. Foreign exchange risk relates to the change in the U.S. dollar value of a security held that is denominated in a foreign currency. The U.S. dollar value of a foreign currency denominated security will decrease as the dollar appreciates against the currency, while the U.S. dollar value will increase as the dollar depreciates against the currency.

Equity Risk. Equity risk relates to the change in value of equity securities as they relate to increases or decreases in the general market.

The Funds’ use of derivatives can result in losses due to unanticipated changes in these risk factors and the overall market. In instances where the Funds are using derivatives to decrease, or hedge, exposures to market risk factors for securities held by the Funds, there are also risks that those derivatives may not perform as expected resulting in losses for the combined or hedged positions.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


Derivatives may have little or no initial cash investment relative to their market value exposure and therefore can produce significant gains or losses in excess of their cost. This use of embedded leverage allows each Fund to increase its market value exposure relative to its net assets and can substantially increase the volatility of the Funds’ performance.

Additional associated risks from investing in derivatives also exist and potentially could have significant effects on the valuation of the derivative and the Funds. Typically, the associated risks are not the risks that the Funds are attempting to increase or decrease exposure to, per their investment objectives, but are the additional risks from investing in derivatives.

Examples of these associated risks are liquidity risk, which is the risk that the Funds will not be able to sell or close out the derivative in a timely manner, and counterparty credit risk, which is the risk that the counterparty will not fulfill its obligation to the Funds. Associated risks can be different for each type of derivative and are discussed by each derivative type below in the notes that follow.

Forward Foreign Currency Contracts. The Funds may engage in currency transactions with counterparties to hedge the value of portfolio securities denominated in particular currencies against fluctuations in relative value, to gain or reduce exposure to certain currencies, or to generate income or gains. A forward foreign currency contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at a set price on a future date. The contract is marked-to-market daily and the change in value is recorded by the Funds as an unrealized gain or loss. When a forward foreign currency contract is extinguished, through either delivery or offset by entering into another forward foreign currency contract, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value of the contract at the time it was extinguished.

Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amounts reflected in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. The Funds bear the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward foreign currency contract. Risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of the counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.

The tables below are a summary of the fair valuations of derivative instruments categorized by risk exposure.

Fair values of forward foreign currency contracts on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as of May 31, 2013:


     Location    Fair Value of Asset
     Location    Fair Value of Liability


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund    Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 1,639,822       Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (404,640






      $ 1,639,822          $ (404,640






Stone Harbor High Yield Fund    Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 250,805       Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (8,040






      $ 250,805          $ (8,040






Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund    Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 13,697       Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (2,501,216






      $ 13,697          $ (2,501,216






Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund    Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 16,025       Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts    $   






      $ 16,025          $   







The number of forward foreign currency contracts held at May 31, 2013 is representative of activity during the year ended May 31, 2013.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


The effect of forward foreign currency contracts on the Statements of Operations for the year ended May 31, 2013:


     Location    Realized Gain/(Loss)      Location    Unrealized Gain/(Loss)  


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund    Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 4,578,885       Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (1,303,072)   






      $ 4,578,885          $ (1,303,072)   






     Location    Realized Gain/(Loss)      Location    Unrealized Gain/(Loss)  


Stone Harbor High Yield Fund    Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (407,916)       Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (62,683)   






      $ (407,916)          $ (62,683)   






     Location    Realized Gain/(Loss)      Location    Unrealized Gain/(Loss)  


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund    Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 8,301,770       Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 7,005,085   






      $ 8,301,770          $ 7,005,085   






Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund    Net realized gain/(loss) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ 25,605       Change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on forward foreign currency contracts    $ (7,110)   






      $ 25,605          $ (7,110)   









Tax Basis of Distributions to Shareholders: Net investment income/(loss) and net realized gain/(loss) may differ for financial statement and tax purposes. The character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from its ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. Also, due to the timing of dividend distributions, the fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the fiscal year in which the income or realized gain was recorded by a Fund.

The tax character of the distributions paid by the Funds during the year ended May 31, 2013, was as follows:


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund      
     For the Year Ended May 31,  
     2013      2012  

Ordinary Income

   $ 78,804,336       $ 69,336,608   

Long-Term Capital Gain

     2,870,149         1,804,387   


   $ 81,674,485       $ 71,140,995   
Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund      
     For the Year Ended May 31,  
     2013      2012  

Ordinary Income

   $ 33,469,548       $ 38,131,521   

Long-Term Capital Gain

     1,484,074         12,255,940   


   $ 34,953,622       $ 50,387,461   


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     For the Year Ended May 31,  
     2013      2012  

Ordinary Income

   $ 82,687,694       $ 44,750,817   

Long-Term Capital Gain

     902,771         1,784,323   

Return of Capital



   $ 83,590,465       $ 49,266,771   

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     For the Year Ended May 31,  
     2013      2012  

Ordinary Income

   $ 2,733,381       $ 1,965,171   


   $ 2,733,381       $ 1,965,171   

As of May 31, 2013, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

      $ 1,934,150   

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*



            $ 23,080,470   

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

      $ 3,340,388   

Accumulated Capital Gain


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*



            $ 29,564,344   

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

      $ 21,946,932   

Accumulated Capital Gain


Unrealized Depreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*



            $ (79,075,151

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Undistributed Ordinary Income

      $ 168,327   

Accumulated Capital Loss


Unrealized Appreciation


Cumulative Effect of Other Timing Difference*



            $ (1,044,199

* Other temporary differences due to timing, consist primarily of mark-to-market on forward foreign currency contracts.

The tax components of distributable earnings are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from the composition of net assets reported under GAAP. Accordingly, for the year ended May 31, 2013, certain differences were reclassified. These differences were primarily attributed to the differing tax treatment of foreign currencies, in kind transactions and certain other investments and the amounts reclassified did not affect net assets.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


The reclassifications were as follows:


Fund    Paid-in Capital      Accumulated Net
Investment Income/(Loss)
     Accumulated Net Realized
Gain/(Loss) on Investments

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $       $ (1,351,367)       $ 1,351,367   

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

     1,849,556         (782,039)         (1,067,517)   

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

             (3,500,290)         3,500,290   

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     (105)         24,809         (24,704)   

Capital Losses: As of May 31, 2013 the following Funds had capital loss carryforwards which may reduce the Funds’ taxable income arising from future net realized gains on investments, if any, to the extent permitted by the Code and thus may reduce the amount of the distributions to shareholders which would otherwise be necessary to relieve the Funds of any liability for federal tax pursuant to the Code.

Capital losses deferred to next tax year were as follows:


Fund    Long-Term  

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

   $ 362,605   

Under the recently enacted Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, capital losses incurred by each Fund after January 1, 2011 will not be subject to expiration.

The following Funds elect to defer to the year ending May 31, 2014 the following losses recognized during the period November 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013:



Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 4,955,505   

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

   $ 1,372,116   

Unrealized Appreciation and Depreciation on Investments: At May 31, 2013 the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments for federal income purposes were as follows:


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 68,576,482   

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)


Net appreciation of foreign currency and derivatives


Net tunrealized appreciation

   $ 26,952,947   

Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 1,762,062,532   

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 24,305,683   

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)


Net appreciation of foreign currency and derivatives


Net unrealized appreciation

   $ 19,420,537   

Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 361,587,682   

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 21,276,929   

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)


Net depreciation of foreign currency and derivatives


Net unrealized depreciation

   $ (106,582,261)   

Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 2,168,074,823   



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013


Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund


Gross appreciation on investments (excess of value over tax cost)

   $ 1,615,081  

Gross depreciation on investments (excess of tax cost over value)


Net appreciation of foreign currency and derivatives


Net unrealized appreciation

   $ 538,220  

Cost of investments for income tax purposes

   $ 67,539,451  



Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP is the Trust’s investment adviser. Under the investment advisory agreement the Trust pays an investment advisory fee calculated daily and paid monthly of 0.60%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 0.85% of the average daily net assets for Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund, and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund, respectively.

The Adviser has contractually agreed to waive fees and reimburse expenses with respect to each of the Funds so that the Net Annual Operating Expenses (exclusive of acquired Fund fees and expenses, brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes and extraordinary expenses) of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund Institutional Class, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund Institutional Class, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund Institutional Class and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund Institutional Class will not exceed 0.75%, 0.55%, 1.00% and 1.00%, respectively. This undertaking is in effect through September 30, 2013 and is reevaluated on an annual basis.

The Adviser will be permitted to recover, on a class by class basis, expenses it has borne through the undertakings described above to the extent that a Fund’s expenses in later periods fall below the annual rates set forth in the relevant undertaking. A Fund will not be obligated to pay any such deferred fees and expenses more than three years after the end of the fiscal year in which the fee and expense was deferred. At May 31, 2013, deferred fees and expenses eligible to be recovered will expire as follows:


      2014      2015      2016      Total  

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

   $     423,643       $ 324,939       $   256,488       $   581,427   

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     N/A       $ 97,840       $ 99,115       $ 196,955   



During the year ended May 31, 2013, common stock holdings were redeemed in-kind. The intent of the transfers was to save on equity transaction costs both for the redeeming shareholder at the institution they transferred to and for Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund on the sale of assets. The assets of one separate account in Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund were redeemed-in-kind out of Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund in the amount of $94,474,314 with a realized gain of $1,773,037.

For the year ended May 31, 2013, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investments (excluding short-term investments and transfer-in-kinds) were as follows:


      Purchases      Sales  

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $     1,617,996,821       $ 1,009,882,122   

Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund

     260,963,103         431,441,547   

Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund

     4,228,771,263         3,428,001,078   

Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund

     76,046,262         45,013,768   



In December 2011, the FASB issued ASU No. 2011-11 “Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities” to expand current disclosure requirements on the offsetting of certain assets and liabilities. The new disclosures will be required for investments and derivative financial instruments subject to master netting or similar agreements which are eligible for offset in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and will require an entity to disclose both gross and net information about such investments and transactions in the financial statements. The guidance is effective for financial statements with fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management is evaluating the impact of this guidance on the Funds’ financial statement disclosures.



At May 31, 2013, the Trust had an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized with a par value of $0.001 per share. The Funds have the ability to issue multiple classes of shares. Each share of a class represents an identical interest and has the same rights, except that each class bears certain direct expenses, including those specifically related to the distribution of its shares. Transactions in shares of the Institutional Class can be found on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Notes to Financial Statements
  May 31, 2013




As of May 31, 2013, Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust owned beneficially 45.97% of the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund’s outstanding shares.



Under the Trust’s organizational documents, its officers and Trustees are indemnified against certain liability arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Trust enters into contracts with service providers that may contain general indemnification clauses. The Trust’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Trust that have not yet occurred.



Board of Trustees Compensation: No officer, trustee or employee of the Adviser or any of its affiliates receives any compensation from the Funds for serving as an officer or trustee of the Funds. The Trust will pay each Trustee who is not an interested person an annual fee of $54,000. All Trustees are reimbursed for reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred to attend such meetings.



On June 3, 2013 the Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund and the Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund were added to the Trust. Both funds have completed registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission but have not commenced operations.



Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013



Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Additional Information
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)




The SEC has adopted the requirement that all registered investment companies file a complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for their first and third fiscal quarters on Form N-Q. For the Funds, this would be for the fiscal quarters ending August 31 and February 28. The Form N-Q filing must be made within 60 days of the end of the quarter. The Funds’ Forms N-Q will be available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov., or they may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC (call 1-800-732-0330 for information on the operation of the Public Reference Room).



A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities for the period ending June 30, 2012 will be available without a charge, upon request, by contacting Stone Harbor Investment Funds at 1-866-699-8158 or on the SEC website at http://www.sec.gov.



Certain tax information regarding the Trust is required to be provided to shareholders based upon each Fund’s income and distributions for the year ended May 31, 2013. The Funds designate the following as a percentage of taxable ordinary income distributions, up to the maximum amount allowable, for the calendar year ended December 31, 2012:


      Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Debt Fund
  Stone Harbor
High Yield Bond
  Stone Harbor
Local Markets
  Stone Harbor
Emerging Markets
Corporate Debt

Dividends Received Deduction Percentage

   0.00%   0.09%   0.00%   0.00%

Qualified Dividend Income Percentage

   0.00%   0.09%   0.00%   0.00%

In early 2013, if applicable, shareholders of record received this information for the distributions paid to them by the Funds during the calendar year 2012 via Form 1099. The Funds will notify shareholders in early 2014 of amounts paid to them by the Funds, if any, during the calendar year 2013.

Pursuant to Section 852(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, the Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, and the Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund designate $2,870,149, $1,484,074, and $902,771 respectively, as long term capital gain dividends.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds


Board Approval of

Investment Advisory Agreements

  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


The investment advisory agreements (each an “Agreement” and, together, the “Agreements”) for each of Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund (each, a “Fund” and together, the “Funds”) is subject to annual approval by (i) the vote of a majority of the entire Board of Trustees, or of a majority of the outstanding voting securities (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)), of the applicable Fund, and (ii) the vote of a majority of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Funds (the “Independent Trustees”). Each Agreement is terminable with respect to a Fund by the Adviser, a majority of the Trustees, or a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the applicable Fund, without penalty, by not less than 60 days’ prior written notice. Each Agreement will terminate automatically in the event of its assignment (as defined for purposes of the 1940 Act).

The Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, meets over the course of the year with representatives of Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP, each Fund’s investment adviser (the “Adviser”), including the Funds’ respective portfolio managers, and regularly reviews detailed information regarding the investment program and performance of each Fund. The Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, met on April 17, 2013 to review the Agreements for each Fund and to determine whether to approve the continuation of the Agreements for an additional one- year period. The Trustees considered all information they deemed reasonably necessary to evaluate the terms thereof. In connection with this meeting, the Trustees received materials to assist them with their review. These materials included, among other things, (i) information on each Fund’s investment performance and the performance of a group of similar mutual funds (some of which was prepared by a third party); (ii) information on each Fund’s advisory fees and other expenses, including information about the fees charged to institutional accounts managed by the Adviser, comparisons of the Funds’ fees to the fees of a group of similar funds prepared by a third party and information about any applicable expense caps; and (iii) information about the profitability of each Agreement to the Adviser. In considering whether to approve the continuation of each Agreement, the Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, did not identify any single factor as determinative. Individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently from one another, giving different weights to various factors. Matters considered by the Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, in connection with their approval of the Agreements included, but were not limited to, the following:

The nature, extent and quality of the services provided to the Funds under the Agreements.

The Trustees considered the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Adviser to the Funds. In this regard, the Trustees took into account the experience of each Fund’s portfolio management team and of the Adviser’s senior management, and the time and attention they devote to the Funds. After reviewing these and related factors, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding each Agreement, that the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by the Adviser supported the renewal of the Agreements.

Investment performance of the Funds and the Adviser.

The Trustees reviewed performance information for each Fund, including information prepared by a third party, for various time periods since each Fund’s inception. The review included a comparison of each Fund’s performance to the performance of a group of comparable funds selected by a third party and each Fund’s respective benchmark. The Trustees also considered the Adviser’s performance and reputation generally and its investment techniques, risk management controls and decision-making processes.

After reviewing these and related factors, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding each Agreement, that these factors supported the renewal of the Agreements.

The costs of the services to be provided and profits to be realized by the Adviser from its relationship with the Funds.

The Trustees considered the fees charged to each Fund for advisory services as well as the total expense level of each Fund. The Adviser furnished information to the Trustees compiled by a third party showing a comparison of each Fund’s advisory fees and total expense levels compared to a group of similar mutual funds selected by the third party. The Trustees considered that certain of the Funds, because they were smaller than most of the funds to which they were being compared, could not take advantage of economies of scale (which can reduce fund expenses) to the same extent as those larger funds. The Trustees noted that each of the Funds is subject to expense caps, and each Fund’s advisory fee and total expenses (after application of the expense caps and waivers) align competitively with comparable groups of mutual funds. The Adviser also provided information about the costs to it of providing services to the Funds and information about its profitability with respect to its management of the Funds, as well as information about the advisory fees it charges to other funds and institutional separate accounts with similar strategies and information about differences in such fees. In this regard, the Trustees noted that the effective management fee rates received by the Adviser from the Funds (after application of expense caps and waivers) are generally comparable to the fees charged to similarly managed institutional accounts. They also noted that the Funds were offered primarily to institutional investors, many of whom were focused on the Funds’ fees and expenses. The Trustees also considered the demands and complexity of the investment management of the Funds as compared to the complexity of managing separate accounts.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds


Board Approval of

Investment Advisory Agreements

  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


After reviewing these and related factors, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding each Agreement, that the advisory fees for each of the Funds were fair and reasonable, and that the costs of these services generally and the related profitability of the Adviser in respect of its relationship with the Funds supported the renewal of the Agreements.

Economies of Scale.

The Trustees considered to what extent economies of scale would likely be realized as the Funds grow and whether those economies would be shared with the Funds through breakpoints in their investment advisory fees or other means, such as expense caps. The Trustees noted that although the Funds do not have breakpoints in their management fees, the Funds’ total expenses are capped, that the Adviser proposed to maintain the Funds’ fee waiver/expense reimbursement arrangements at current levels until September 30, 2014 and that some of the Funds had expense ratios that were below the cap.

After reviewing these and related factors, the Trustees concluded, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding each Agreement, that the extent to which economies of scale would be shared with the Funds supported the approval of the Agreements.

The Trustees also considered other factors, which included but were not limited to the following:



Whether each Fund has operated in accordance with its investment objective and each Fund’s record of compliance with its investment restrictions, and the compliance programs of the Funds and the Adviser. They also considered the compliance-related resources the Adviser provided to the Funds, including resources designed to ensure compliance with the investment objectives, policies and restrictions of each Fund.



So-called “fallout benefits” to the Adviser, such as the benefits from offering its institutional clients the ability to invest in a registered investment company.

Based on their evaluation of all factors they deemed to be material, including those factors described above, the Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, concluded that the existing investment advisory agreements for Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Stone Harbor High Yield Bond Fund, Stone Harbor Local Markets Fund and Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund should be continued through June 20, 2014.





Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Trustees & Officers
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


The business and affairs of each Fund are managed under the direction of its Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees approves all significant agreements between a Fund and the persons or companies that furnish services to the Fund, including agreements with its distributor, investment adviser, administrator, custodian and transfer agent. The day-to-day operations of the Fund are delegated to the Fund’s Adviser and administrator.

The name, age and principal occupations for the past five years of the Trustees and officers of the Funds are listed below, along with the number of portfolios in the Fund complex overseen by and the other directorships held by each Trustee. Except as otherwise noted, the address of each Trustee and officer is c/o Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP, 31 W. 52nd Street, 16th Floor, New York, New York 10019. The Trust’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and is available without a charge, upon request, by calling 1-866-699-8158.




Name & Year of Birth    Position with the
   Term of Office and
Length of Time
Occupation(s) During
Past Five Years
   Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by
   Other Directorships
Held by Trustee
Attributes, Skills for
Board Membership

Alan Brott


of Audit
June 21, 2007
   Columbia University Associate Professor, 2000- Present; Consultant, 1991- Present.    8    Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund, Grosvenor Registered Multi- Strategy Fund, Excelsior Multi- Strategy Hedge Fund of Funds and Excelsior Private Markets Fund II.   

Significant experience on

Board of Trustees of the Fund and/or other business organizations; academic experience; significant public accounting experience, including significant experience as a partner at a public accounting firm.

Heath B. McLendon


   Trustee    Since

June 21, 2007

   Retired; formerly Citigroup— Chairman of Equity Research Oversight Committee (retired December 31, 2006).    8    Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund.   

Significant experience on

Board of Trustees of the Trust and/or other business organizations; executive experience in the mutual fund industry.

Patrick Sheehan


   Trustee    Since

June 21, 2007

   Retired; formerly, Citigroup Asset Management— Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, 1991- 2002.    8    Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund.   

Significant experience on

Board of Trustees of the Trust and/or other business organizations; experience in the financial industry, including executive and portfolio management experience.


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Trustees & Officers
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)





Name & Year of Birth    Position(s) Held
with the Fund
   Term of Office and
Length of Time Served(1)
   Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years
   Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Trustee(2)
   Other Directorships
Held by Trustee

Thomas K.Flanagan(3)


Class I

Since 2012
   Co-portfolio manager of Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund; since April 2006, Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; Prior to April 2006, Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for emerging markets debt portfolios at Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.; Joined Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc. in 1991.    8    Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund.



Trustees serve for an indefinite term, unless a trustee early retires, resigns or is removed from office.



For purposes of this table, the Stone Harbor Fund Complex includes each series of the Stone Harbor Investment Funds (the “Funds”), the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, and the Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund, which shares an investment adviser with the Funds. As of May 31, 2013 the Stone Harbor Investment Grade Fund and the Stone Harbor Strategic Income Fund but have not commenced operations.



Mr. Flanagan is an interested person of the Fund (as defined in the 1940 Act) (an “Interested Trustee”) because of his position with Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP.




Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Trustees & Officers
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)





Name & Year of Birth    Position with the Trust    Term of Office and
Length of Time Served(1)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships
by Trustee

Peter J. Wilby


   President    Since
June 21, 2007
   Co-portfolio manager of the Funds; since April 2006, Chief Investment Officer of Stone Harbor; prior to April 2006, Chief Investment Officer – North American Fixed Income; joined Citigroup or its predecessor firms in 1989.    N/A

Dan Berkery


   Executive Vice President    Since
September 27, 2010
   Co-portfolio manager of High Yield Bond Fund; Since June 2010, Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; Prior to June 2010, Executive Director, Portfolio Manager for convertible bond securities at UBS O’Conner; Joined UBS O’Conner in 2000.    N/A

Pablo Cisilino


   Executive Vice President    Since

June 21, 2007

   Co-portfolio manager of Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Local Markets Fund, and Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund; since July 2006, Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; from June 2004 to July 2006, Executive Director for Sales and Trading in Emerging Markets at Morgan Stanley Inc; prior to June 2004, Vice President for local markets and FX sales and trading, Goldman Sachs; joined Goldman Sachs in 1994.    N/A

James E. Craige


   Executive Vice President    Since

June 21, 2007

   Co-portfolio manager of Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Local Markets Fund, and Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund; since April 2006, Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; prior to April 2006, Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.; joined Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc. in 1992.    N/A

David Oliver


   Executive Vice President    Since

September 29, 2008

   Co-portfolio manager of Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Local Markets Fund, and Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund; since June 2008, Senior Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; from 1986 to June 2008, Managing Director in Emerging Market sales and trading Citigroup.    N/A

Marianne Rossi


   Executive Vice President    Since

September 27, 2010

   Co-portfolio manager of High Yield Bond Fund; Since June 2010, Portfolio Manager of Stone Harbor; From October 2007 to June 2010, Senior Portfolio Manager for US and global high yield strategies at Fischer Francis Tree & Watts/BNP Paribas Asset Management; From December 2006 to October 2007, Chief Investment Officer, Head of Global High Yield and Senior Portfolio Manager at BNY Asset Management; Prior to December 2006, Head Global High Yield and Senior Portfolio Manager at UBS Global Asset Management; Joined UBS Global Asset Management in 2000.    N/A


Stone Harbor Investment Funds Annual Report  |  May 31, 2013


Table of Contents

Stone Harbor Investment Funds

  Trustees & Officers
  May 31, 2013 (Unaudited)


OFFICERS (continued)



Name & Year of Birth    Position with the Trust    Term of Office and
Length of Time Served(1)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years    Other Directorships
by Trustee

Jeffrey S. Scott


   Chief Compliance Officer    Since
June 21, 2007
   Since April 2006, Chief Compliance Officer of Stone Harbor; from October 2006 to March 2007, Director of Compliance, New YorkLife Investment Management LLC; from July 1998 to September 2006, Chief Compliance Officer, Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.    N/A

James J. Dooley


   Treasurer    Since

June 21, 2007

   Since April 2006, Head of Operations, Technology and Finance of Stone Harbor; from August 2004 to March 2006, Senior Operations Manager of Institutional Asset Management, CitigroupAsset Management; from October 2002 to August 2004, Managing Director, Global Operations & Application Development, AIG Global Investment Group; from May 2001 to September 2002, President and Chief Operating Officer, Financial Technologies International.    N/A

Adam J. Shapiro




Anti- Money

Laundering Officer


June 21, 2007

   Since April 2006, General Counsel of Stone Harbor; from April 2004 to March 2006, General Counsel, North American Fixed Income, Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc.; from August 1999 to March 2004, Director of Product and Business Development, CitigroupAsset Management.    N/A

JoEllen L. Legg


   Assistant Secretary    Since

January 23, 2008

   Vice President, Assistant General Counsel of ALPS Fund Services, Inc., ALPS Advisors, Inc., ALPS Distributors, Inc.and ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributors, Inc.; Secretary of ALPS Series Trust; Assistant Secretary of Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund, Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund, James Advantage Funds and WesMark Funds.    N/A

Gina Meyer(2)


   Assistant Treasurer    Since

July 17, 2013

   Since November 2012,Fund Controller for ALPS Fund Services, Inc.; from January 2011 to October 2012, Manager of Fund Accounting for Jackson National Asset Management; from August 2008 to January 2011, Supervisor of Fund Accounting for Jackson National Asset Management.    N/A



Officers are typically elected every year, unless an officer early retires, resigns or is removed from office.



Ms. Meyer was elected on July 17, 2013.





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Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP

31 W. 52nd Street 16th Floor

New York, New York 10019


ALPS Fund Services, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


ALPS Distributors, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


ALPS Fund Services, Inc.

1290 Broadway, Suite 1100

Denver, Colorado 80203


The Bank of New York Mellon

One Wall Street

New York, New York 10286


Ropes & Gray LLP

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10036


Deloitte & Touche LLP

555 17th Street, Suite 3600

Denver, Colorado 80202

This report and its financial statements are submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Funds. The report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors in the Funds unless preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.

SHF000636 exp. 07/31/14

Table of Contents
Item 2. Code of Ethics.



The Registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report, has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller or any persons performing similar functions on behalf of the Registrant.



Not applicable.



During the period covered by this report, no amendments to the provisions of the code of ethics adopted in Item 2(a) above were made.



During the period covered by this report, no implicit or explicit waivers to the provisions of the code of ethics adopted in Item 2(a) above were granted.



Not applicable.



The Registrant’s Code of Ethics is attached as an Exhibit hereto.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

The Board of Trustees of the Registrant has determined that the Registrant has at least one audit committee financial expert serving on its Audit Committee. The Board of Trustees has designated Alan J. Brott as the Registrant’s “audit committee financial expert.” Mr. Brott is “independent” as defined in paragraph (a)(2) of Item 3 to Form N-CSR.

Mr. Brott has significant public accounting experience, including significant experience as a partner at a public accounting firm.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.



Audit Fees: For the Registrant’s fiscal years ended May 31, 2012 and May 31, 2013, the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the Registrant’s annual financial statements were $222,500 and $236,000, respectively.



Audit-Related Fees: For the Registrant’s fiscal years ended May 31, 2012 and May 31, 2013, there were no fees billed for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that were reasonably related to the performance of the audit

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of the Registrant’s financial statements and were not reported in paragraph (a) of this Item 4.



Tax Fees: For the Registrant’s fiscal years ended May 31, 2012 and May 31, 2013, the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning were $18,540 and $18,540, respectively. The fiscal year 2012 and 2013 tax fees were for services pertaining to federal and state income tax return review, review of year-end dividend distributions and excise tax preparation.



All Other Fees: For the Registrant’s fiscal years ended May 31, 2012 and May 31, 2013, aggregate fees billed to the Registrant by the principal accountant for services provided by the principal accountant other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item 4 were $0 and $0, respectively.



Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures: All services to be performed by the Registrant’s principal accountant must be pre-approved by the Registrant’s Audit Committee.



No services described in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this Item 4 were approved by the Registrant’s audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.



Not applicable.



The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2012 and May 31, 2013 were $0.



Not applicable.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 6. Investments.



Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.



Not applicable.

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Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not applicable to Registrant.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s Board of Trustees, where those changes were implemented after the Registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2) of Regulation S-K, or this Item.


Item 11. Controls and Procedures.



The Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.



There was no change in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Exhibits.



The Code of Ethics that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer is attached hereto as Exhibit 12.A.1.



The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.Cert.

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Not applicable.



The certifications by the Registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906Cert.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


   Stone Harbor Investment Funds

/s/ Peter J. Wilby

     Peter J. Wilby
     President/Principal Executive Officer
   Date:       August 8, 2013

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



/s/ Peter J. Wilby

     Peter J. Wilby
     President/Principal Executive Officer
   Date:       August 8, 2013

/s/ James J. Dooley

     James J. Dooley

Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer/

Principal Financial Officer

   Date:   August 8, 2013