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Washington, D.C. 20549


For the month of April, 2020

(Commission File No. 001-33356),

Gafisa S.A.
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Av. Juscelino Kubitschek 1830 |03º andar| Conj. 32 Torre 2 - Cond. São Luiz
São Paulo, SP, 04543- 000
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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CNPJ 01.545.826/0001-07

NIRE 35.300.147.952


Publicly-held Company




Shareholders of GAFISA S.A. (“Company”) are summoned to hold the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings (“AESM”) on April 30, 2020, at 9:00 a.m., at the Company’s headquarters, in the City and State of São Paulo, at Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, n.º 1830, cj. 32, Bloco 2, Condomínio Edifício São Luiz, Vila Nova Conceição, CEP 04543-900, to deliberate on the following agenda:


At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting:

(i)                   Approve the Management’s accounts, analyze, discuss and vote the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019;

(ii)                 Deliberate on the allocation of result for the year;

(iii)                Define the Management’s overall compensation for the fiscal year of 2020; and

(iv)                Ratify the term of office of Board members, Mr. João Antonio Lopes Filho and Mrs. Denise dos Passos Ramos, for a tenure to coincide with other board members.

At the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting:

(i)                   Approve the capital decrease, so that to absorb the Company’s accumulated losses.


Overall Information:

Documents available to shareholders. All documents and information relating to the matters referred to above are available to shareholders at the Company’s headquarters and on its website  (www.gafisa.com.br/ri/), and on the websites of B3 (www.b3.com.br) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (www.cvm.gov.br), as provided for by Law No. 6.404 of December 15, 1976, as amended (“Brazilian Corporation Law”), and CVM Instruction No. 481 of December 17, 2009, as amended (“ICVM 481”).



Shareholders’ attendance at the AESM. The shareholders owning shares issued by the Company may attend the AESM called herein, physically by its legal representatives or proxies, or also via remote voting form, under ICVM 481, which authorizes shareholders to send their remote voting forms through their respective custody, bookkeeping agents of the Company’s shares or directly to the Company.

Those shareholders opting for attending the meeting personally or by duly empowered proxy shall attend the AESM bearing the following documents: (a) identity document, proof of ownership for book-entry shares, issued by depositary financial institution within three (3) days before sending the remote voting form or the AESM; and, where applicable, (b) powers of attorney for shareholder’s representation by proxy, granted pursuant to Article 126 of the Brazilian Corporation Law.

Individual shareholders may be represented by attorney-in-fact empowered less than one (1) year, whether shareholder, Company’s manager, attorney or financial institution and the asset manager shall represent the fund’s members, pursuant to Article 126, Paragraph 1 of the Brazilian Corporation Law.

As broadly disclosed on media vehicles, considering recent updates on COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases in Brazil, the Company strongly suggest shareholder to opt for the Remote Voting Form for attendance at the AESM.

Submission of Documents to Attend the AESM. Aiming at speeding up the process and facilitate the works of the AESM, we request the Company’s shareholders to deposit the documents listed in item 2 above at the Company’s headquarters, in the attention of the Investor Relations Department, at least, 48 hours in advance of the hour scheduled for the meeting. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, shareholders attending the AESM bearing these documents may attend and vote, even if they failed to previously deposit these documents.


Besides, further information can be found in the Management Proposal referring to this AESM, available on the Company’s website (www.gafisa.com.br/ri/), and the websites of B3 (www.b3.com.br) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (www.cvm.gov.br).


São Paulo, March 30, 2020.


Leo Julian Simpson

Chairman of the Board of Directors





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: April 1, 2020
Gafisa S.A.
/s/ Ian Andrade

Name:   Ian Andrade
Title:     Chief Financial Officer