Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd.

and its subsidiaries



Table of Contents





Compliance with Laws


Antitrust Laws


Anticorruption Laws


Conflicts of Interest


Doing Business with Family Members


Ownership in Other Businesses


Outside Employment


Service on Boards


Business Opportunities




Gifts and Entertainment


Accepting Gifts and Entertainment


Giving Gifts and Entertaining


Fair Dealing


Securities Laws and Insider Trading


Responding to Inquiries from the Press and Others


Political Activity


Safeguarding Corporate Assets


Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Harassment


Health, Safety and the Environment


Accuracy of Company Records


Record Retention


Administration of the Code




Role of Supervisors and Officers


Oversight by the Board of Directors


Reporting Violations




Disciplinary Action


No Retaliation








Asking for Help and Reporting Concerns



Note:  This code and related policies are current as of February 16, 2007.  In adopting and publishing these guidelines, you should note that (1) in some respects our policies may exceed minimum legal requirements or industry practice, and (2) nothing contained in this code should be construed as a binding definition or interpretation of a legal requirement or industry practice.

To obtain additional copies of this code, you may contact Tim Courtis, CFO, or access it from the web at http://www.greenlightre.ky.



To all employees and directors:

Our company, including our subsidiaries, is founded on our commitment to the highest ethical principles and standards.  We value honesty and integrity above all else.  Upholding these commitments is essential to our continued success.

The law and the ethical principles and standards that comprise this code of conduct must guide our actions.  The code is, of course, broadly stated.  Its guidelines are not intended to be a complete listing of detailed instructions for every conceivable situation.  Instead, it is intended to help you develop a working knowledge of the laws and regulations that affect your job.

Adhering to this code is essential.  I have personally taken the time to study it carefully and I encourage you to do the same.  I have also signed a statement confirming that I have read this code carefully, and I expect you to do the same by signing the confirmation form that appears on the final page.

Ultimately, our most valuable asset is our reputation. Complying with the principles and standards contained in this code is the starting point for protecting and enhancing that reputation.  Thank you for your commitment!

Leonard Goldberg
Chief Executive Officer



All of our and our subsidiaries’ employees, officers and directors must read and use this code of conduct to ensure that each business decision follows our commitment to the highest ethical standards and the law.  Adherence to this code and to our other official policies is essential to maintaining and furthering our reputation for fair and ethical practices among our customers, shareholders, employees and community.

It is the responsibility of every one of us to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and all provisions of this code and the related policies and procedures.  Each of us must report any violations of the law or this code.  Failure to report such violations, and failure to follow the provisions of this code may have serious legal consequences and will be disciplined by the company.  Discipline may include termination of your employment.

This code summarizes certain laws and the ethical policies that apply to all of our and our subsidiaries’ employees, officers and directors.  Several provisions in this code refer to more detailed policies that either (1) concern more complex company policies or legal provisions or (2) apply to select groups of individuals within our company.  If these detailed policies are applicable to you, it is important that you read, understand, and be able to comply with them.  If you have questions as to whether any detailed policies apply to you, contact your supervisor.

Situations that involve ethics, values and violations of certain laws are often very complex.  No single code of conduct can cover every business situation that you will encounter.  Consequently, we have implemented the compliance procedures outlined in the sections of this code entitled “Administration of the Code” and “Asking for Help and Reporting Concerns.”  The thrust of our procedures is when in doubt, ask.  If you do not understand a provision of this code, are confused as to what actions you should take in a given situation, or wish to report a violation of the law or this code, you should follow those compliance procedures.  Those procedures will generally direct you to talk to either your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer.  There are few situations that cannot be resolved if you discuss them with your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer in an open and honest manner.

After reading this code, you should:

Have a thorough knowledge of the code’s terms and provisions.

Be able to recognize situations that present legal or ethical dilemmas.  

Be able to deal effectively with questionable situations in conformity with this code.

In order to be able to accomplish these goals, we recommend that you take the following steps:

Read the entire code of conduct thoroughly.

If there are references to more detailed policies that are not contained in this code, obtain and read those policies if they apply to you.


Think about how the provisions of this code apply to your job, and consider how you might handle situations to avoid illegal, improper, or unethical actions.

If you have questions, ask your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer.

When you are faced with a situation and you are not clear as to what action you should take, ask yourself the following questions:

Is the action legal?

Does the action comply with this code?

How will your decision affect others, including our customers, shareholders, employees and the community?

How will your decision look to others? If your action is legal but can result in the appearance of wrongdoing, consider taking alternative steps.

How would you feel if your decision were made public? Could the decision be honestly explained and defended?

Have you contacted your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer regarding the action?

To reiterate, when in doubt, ask.

Please note that this code is not an employment contract and does not modify the employment relationship between us and you.  We do not create any contractual or legal rights or guarantees by issuing these policies, and we reserve the right to amend, alter and terminate policies at any time and for any reason.


Compliance with Laws


First and foremost, our policy is to behave in an ethical manner and comply with all laws, rules and government regulations that apply to our business.  Although we address several important legal topics in this code, we cannot anticipate every possible situation or cover every topic in detail.  It is your responsibility to know and follow the law and conduct yourself in an ethical manner.  It is also your responsibility to report any violations of the law or this code.  You may report such violations by following the compliance procedures contained in the section of the code entitled “Asking for Help and Reporting Concerns.”

Antitrust Laws

Antitrust laws are designed to ensure a fair and competitive marketplace by prohibiting various types of anticompetitive behavior.  Some of the most serious antitrust offenses occur between competitors, such as agreements to fix prices or to divide customers, territories or markets.  Accordingly, it is important to avoid discussions with our competitors regarding pricing, terms and conditions, costs, marketing plans, customers and any other proprietary or confidential information.  Foreign countries often have their own body of antitrust laws, so our activities with international clients and competitors may also be subject to antitrust laws of other foreign countries.  

Unlawful agreements need not be written.  They can be based on informal discussions or the mere exchange of information with a competitor.  If you believe that a conversation with a competitor enters an inappropriate area, end the conversation at once.  Membership in trade associations is permissible only if approved in advance by our legal counsel or Chief Financial Officer.

Whenever any question arises as to application of antitrust laws, you should consult with legal counsel, and any agreements with possible antitrust implications should be made only with the prior approval of the Chief Financial Officer or legal counsel.

Anticorruption Laws

Conducting business with governments is not the same as conducting business with private parties.  What may be considered an acceptable practice in the private business sector may be improper or illegal when dealing with government officials.  Improper or illegal payments to government officials are prohibited.  “Government officials” includes employees of any government anywhere in the world, even low-ranking employees or employees of government-controlled entities, as well as political parties and candidates for political office.  If you deal with such persons or entities, you should consult with our legal counsel or Chief Financial Officer to be sure that you understand these laws before providing anything of value to a government official.

In some countries it is permissible to pay government employees for performing certain required duties.  These facilitating payments, as they are known, are small sums paid to facilitate or expedite routine, non-discretionary government actions, such as obtaining phone service or an ordinary license.  In contrast, a bribe, which is never permissible, is giving or offering to give


anything of value to a government official to influence a discretionary decision.  Understanding the difference between a bribe and a facilitating payment is very important.  You must have approval from our legal counsel or Chief Financial Officer before making any payment or gift to a foreign government official.

Conflicts of Interest


All of us must be able to perform our duties and exercise judgment on behalf of our company without influence or impairment, or the appearance of influence or impairment, due to any activity, interest or relationship that arises outside of work.  Put more simply, when our loyalty to our company or any of our subsidiaries is affected by actual or potential benefit or influence from an outside source, a conflict of interest exists.  We should all be aware of any potential influences that impact or appear to impact our loyalty to our company.  In general, you should avoid situations where your personal interests conflict, or appear to conflict, with those of our company.

Any time you believe a conflict of interest may exist, you must disclose the potential conflict of interest to your supervisor.  Any activity that is approved, despite the actual or apparent conflict, must be documented.  A potential conflict of interest that involves an executive officer must be approved by the Nominating and Governance Committees of the Board of Directors of Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd.  A potential conflict of interest involving an officer with the title of Vice President and above must be approved by Chief Financial Officer.

It is not possible to describe every conflict of interest, but some situations that could cause a conflict of interest include:

Doing business with family members

Having a financial interest in another company with whom we do business

Taking a second job

Managing your own business

Serving as a director of another business

Being a leader in some organizations

Diverting a business opportunity from our company to another company

Doing Business with Family Members

A conflict of interest may arise if family members work for a supplier, customer or other third party with whom we do business.  It also may be a conflict if a family member has a significant financial interest in a supplier, customer or other third party with whom we do business.  A “significant financial interest” is defined below.  Before doing business on our behalf with an organization in which a family member works or has a significant financial


interest, an employee must disclose the situation to his or her immediate supervisor and discuss it with them.  Document the approval if it is granted.  If the only interest you have in a customer or supplier is because a family member works there, then you do not need to disclose the relationship or obtain prior approval unless you deal with the customer or supplier.

“Family members” include your:


Brothers or sisters




Life partner

Employing relatives or close friends who report directly to you may also be a conflict of interest.  Although our company encourages employees to refer candidates for job openings, employees who may influence a hiring decision must avoid giving an unfair advantage to anyone with whom they have a personal relationship.  In particular, supervisors should not hire relatives or attempt to influence any decisions about the employment or advancement of people related to or otherwise close to them, unless the relationship is disclosed and the decision approved by the Chief Financial Officer.

Ownership in Other Businesses

Our investments can cause a conflict of interest.  In general, you should not own, directly or indirectly, a significant financial interest in any company that does business with us or seeks to do business with us.  You also should not own a significant financial interest in any of our competitors unless such ownership has been approved by our Board of Directors or its designated committee or by our compliance officer.

Two tests determine if a “significant financial interest” exists:

You or a family member owns more than 1% of the outstanding stock of a business or you or a family member has or shares discretionary authority with respect to the decisions made by that business, or

The investment represents more than 5% of your total assets or of your family member’s total assets.

If you or a family member has a significant financial interest in a company with whom we do business or propose to do business, that interest must be approved by the Chief Financial Officer or our Audit Committee prior to the transaction.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, non-employee directors of our company and their family members may have significant financial interests in or be affiliates of suppliers, customers, competitors and third parties with whom we do business or propose to do business.  However, a director must:

disclose any such relationship promptly after the director becomes aware of it,


remove himself or herself from any Board activity that directly impacts the relationship between our company and any such company with respect to which the director has a significant financial interest or is an affiliate, and

obtain prior approval of the Board of Directors or its designated committee for any transaction of which the director is aware between our company and any such company.

Outside Employment

Sometimes our employees desire to take additional part-time jobs or do other work after hours, such as consulting or other fee-earning services.  This kind of work does not in and of itself violate our code.  However, the second job must be strictly separated from your job with us, and must not interfere with your ability to devote the time and effort needed to fulfill your duties to us as our employee.  You cannot engage in any outside activity that causes competition with us or provides assistance to our competitors or other parties (such as suppliers) with whom we regularly do business.  You should avoid outside activities that may embarrass or discredit us.  Outside work may never be done on company time and must not involve the use of our supplies or equipment.  Additionally, you should not attempt to sell services or products from your second job to us.

Before engaging in a second line of work, you should disclose your plans to your supervisor to confirm that the proposed activity is not contrary to our best interests.  

Service on Boards

Serving as a director of another corporation may create a conflict of interest.  Being a director or serving on a standing committee of some organizations, including government agencies, also may create a conflict.

Before accepting an appointment to the board or a committee of any organization whose interests may conflict with our company’s interests, you must discuss it with your supervisor and obtain approve from the Chief Financial Officer.  This rule does not apply to non-employee directors of our company.

Business Opportunities

Business opportunities relating to the kinds of products and services we usually sell or the activities we typically pursue that arise during the course of your employment or through the use of our property or information belong to us.  Similarly, other business opportunities that fit into our strategic plans or satisfy our commercial objectives that arise under similar conditions also belong to us.  You may not direct these kinds of business opportunities to our competitors, to other third parties or to other businesses that you own or are affiliated with.



In furtherance of the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 prohibiting companies from making loans to their directors and executive officers, our company will not extend credit in the form of personal loans to any of our officers or directors.

Gifts and Entertainment


We are dedicated to treating fairly and impartially all persons and firms with whom we do business.  Therefore, our employees must not give or receive gifts, entertainment or gratuities that could influence or be perceived to influence business decisions.  Misunderstandings can usually be avoided by conduct that makes clear that our company conducts business on an ethical basis and will not seek or grant special considerations.

Accepting Gifts and Entertainment

You should never solicit a gift or favor from those with whom we do business.  You may not accept gifts of cash or cash equivalents.

You may accept novelty or promotional items or modest gifts related to commonly recognized occasions, such as a promotion, holiday, wedding or retirement, if:

this happens only occasionally

the gift was not solicited

disclosure of the gift would not embarrass our company or the people involved

the value of the gift is under $250.

You may accept an occasional invitation to a sporting activity, entertainment or meal if

there is a valid business purpose involved

this happens only occasionally

the activity is of reasonable value and not lavish

A representative of the giver’s company must be present at the event.  If you are asked to attend an overnight event, you must obtain prior approval from your supervisor.

Giving Gifts and Entertaining

Gifts of nominal value (under $250) and reasonable entertainment for customers, potential customers and other third parties with whom we do business are permitted.  However, any gift or entertainment must

support our company’s legitimate business interests


be reasonable and customary, not lavish or extravagant

not embarrass our company or the recipient if publicly disclosed

Under no circumstances can any bribe, kickback, or illegal payment or gift of cash or cash equivalents be made  Also, special rules apply when dealing with government employees.  These are discussed in this code under “Compliance with Laws – Anticorruption Laws.”

If you are not sure whether a specific gift or entertainment is permissible, contact your supervisor.

Fair Dealing


We have built a reputation as a trustworthy and ethical member of our community and our industry.  We are committed to maintaining the highest levels of integrity and fairness within our company.  When we fail to negotiate, perform or market in good faith, we may seriously damage our reputation and lose the loyalty of our customers.  You must conduct business honestly and fairly and not take unfair advantage of anyone through any misrepresentation of material facts, manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, fraud or other unfair business practice.

Securities Laws and Insider Trading


Because we are a public company, we are subject to a number of laws concerning the purchase and sale of our stock and other publicly traded securities.  Regardless of your position with us, if you are aware of what is known as “material inside information” regarding our company, business, affairs or prospects, you may not disclose that information to anyone outside our company, and you are not allowed to buy or sell our stock or other publicly-traded securities until the material inside information is known not only by individuals within our company, but also by the general public.  The improper use of material inside information is known as insider trading.  Insider trading is a criminal offense and is strictly prohibited.

“Material inside information” is any information concerning us that is not available to the general public and which an investor would likely consider to be important in making a decision whether to buy, sell or hold our stock or other securities.  A good rule of thumb to determine whether information about us is material inside information is whether or not the release of that information to the public would have an effect on the price of our stock.  Examples of material inside information include information concerning earnings estimates, changes in previously released earnings estimates, a pending stock split, dividend changes, significant merger, acquisition or disposition proposals, major litigation, the loss or acquisition of a major contract and major changes in our management.  Material inside information is no longer deemed “inside” information once it is publicly disclosed and the market has had sufficient time to absorb the information.  Examples of effective public disclosure are the filing of such inside information with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or the printing of such information in The Wall Street Journal or other publications of general circulation, in each case giving the investing public a fair amount of time to absorb and understand our disclosures.


In addition to being prohibited from buying or selling our stock or other publicly-traded securities when you are in possession of material inside information, you are also prohibited from disclosing such information to anyone else (including friends and family members) in order to enable them to trade on the information.  In addition, if you acquire material inside information about another company due to your relationship with us, you may not buy or sell that other company’s stock or other securities until such information is publicly disclosed and sufficiently disseminated into the marketplace.   

The following are general guidelines to help you comply with our insider trading policy:

Do not share material inside information with people within our company whose jobs do not require them to have the information.

Do not disclose any non-public information, material or otherwise, concerning our company to anyone outside our company unless required as part of your duties and the person receiving the information has a reason to know the information for company business purposes.

If you have material inside information regarding us, or regarding any other publicly traded company that you obtained from your employment or relationship with us, you must not buy or sell, or advise anyone else to buy or sell, our securities or that other company’s securities, until such information is publicly disclosed and sufficiently disseminated into the marketplace.

Penalties for trading on or communicating material inside information are severe.  If you are found guilty of an insider trading violation, you can be subject to civil and even criminal liability.  In addition to being illegal, we believe that insider trading is unethical and will be dealt with firmly, which may include terminating your employment with us and reporting violations to appropriate authorities.

For more information about our policies concerning the securities laws, you should refer to our more detailed Procedures and Policies Governing Securities Trading by Employees, Officers and Directors, which is available from our compliance officer.  If you have any questions concerning the securities laws or about our policies with regard to those laws, or regarding the correct ethical and legal action to take in a situation involving material inside information, please contact your immediate supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer.

Responding to Inquiries from the Press and Others


Our company is subject to laws that govern the timing of our disclosures of material information to the public and others.  Only certain designated employees may discuss our company with the news media, securities analysts and investors.  All inquiries from outsiders regarding financial or other information about our company should be referred to our outside investor relations service provider.


For more information about our policy concerning press and other inquiries, you should refer to our Procedures and Policies Governing Securities Trading by Employees, Officers and Directors.

Political Activity


We will fully comply with all political contribution laws.  Our funds may not be used for contributions of any kind to any political party or committee or to any candidate or holder of any government position (national, state or local) unless such contribution is permitted by law and complies with our company policy. Please contact the Chief Financial Officer to determine whether a specific company contribution is permitted.

It is against our policy for you to lobby our other employees on behalf of a political candidate during the work day.  It is also against our policy to reimburse an employee for any political contributions or expenditures.  Outside normal office hours, you are free to participate in political campaigns on behalf of candidates or issues of your choosing, as well as make personal political contributions.

Safeguarding Corporate Assets


We have a responsibility to protect company assets entrusted to us from loss, theft, misuse and waste.  Company assets and funds may be used only for business purposes and may never be used for illegal purposes.  Incidental personal use of telephones, fax machines, copy machines, personal computers, e-mail and similar equipment is generally allowed if it is occasional, there is no significant added cost to us, it does not interfere with your work responsibilities and is not related to an illegal activity or outside business.  If you become aware of theft, waste or misuse of our assets or funds or have any questions about your proper use of them, you should speak immediately with your supervisor.

It is also important that you protect the confidentiality of Company information.  Confidential or proprietary information includes all information that is not generally known to the public and is helpful to the company, or would be helpful to competitors.  Proprietary information should be marked accordingly, kept secure and access limited to those who have a need to know in order to do their jobs.

Our business relations are built on trust, and our customers and suppliers count on that trust.  If you learn information from them that is not otherwise public, you should keep that information confidential also.

We must all be sensitive to the impact of comments made over the Internet through public forums such as chat rooms and bulletin boards.  In such forums, you may not post any information about the company including comments about our products, stock performance, operational strategies, financial results, customers or competitors, even in response to a false statement or question.  This applies whether you are at work or away from the office.  Our company owns all e-mail messages that are sent from or received through the company’s


systems.  We may monitor your messages and may be required to disclose them in the case of litigation or governmental inquiry.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Harassment


We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all our employees and will not tolerate any speech or conduct that is intended to, or has the effect of, discriminating against or harassing any qualified applicant or employee because of his or her race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law.  We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment by anyone – managers, supervisors, co-workers, vendors or our customers.  This policy extends to every phase of the employment process, including: recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfers, discipline and termination, layoffs, recalls, and company-sponsored educational, social and recreational programs, as applicable.  If you observe conduct that you believe is discriminatory or harassing, or if you feel you have been the victim of discrimination or harassment, you should notify your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer immediately.

Not only do we forbid unlawful discrimination, we take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law.  

For more information concerning our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, you should refer to the Employee Handbook.  We will not retaliate against any employee for filing a good faith complaint under our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies or for cooperating in an investigation and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by management, employees or co-workers.  To the fullest extent possible, the Company will keep complaints and the terms of their resolution confidential.  If an investigation confirms harassment or discrimination has occurred, the Company will take corrective action against the offending individual, including such discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment, as appropriate.

Health, Safety and the Environment


We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions by following all occupational health and safety laws governing our activities.

We believe that management and each and every employee have a shared responsibility in the promotion of health and safety in the workplace.  You should follow all safety laws and regulations, as well as company safety policies and procedures.  You should immediately report any accident, injury or unsafe equipment, practices or conditions.

You also have an obligation to carry out company activities in ways that preserve and promote a clean, safe, and healthy environment.  You must strictly comply with the letter and spirit of applicable environmental laws and the public policies they represent.


The consequences of failing to adhere to environmental laws and policies can be serious.  Our company, as well as individuals, may be liable not only for the costs of cleaning up pollution, but also for significant civil and criminal penalties.  You should make every effort to prevent violations from occurring and report any violations to your supervisor.

Accuracy of Company Records


All information you record or report on our behalf, whether for our purposes or for third parties, must be done accurately and honestly.  All of our records (including accounts and financial statements) must be maintained in reasonable and appropriate detail, must be kept in a timely fashion, and must appropriately reflect our transactions.  Falsifying records or keeping unrecorded funds and assets is a severe offense and may result in prosecution or loss of employment.  When a payment is made, it can only be used for the purpose spelled out in the supporting document.

Information derived from our records is provided to our shareholders and investors as well as government agencies.  Thus, our accounting records must conform not only to our internal control and disclosure procedures but also to generally accepted accounting principles and other laws and regulations, such as those of the Internal Revenue Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Our public communications and the reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other government agencies should contain information that is full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable in light of the circumstances surrounding disclosure.

Our internal and external auditing functions help ensure that our financial books, records and accounts are accurate.  Therefore, you should provide our accounting department, internal auditing staff, audit committee and independent public accountants with all pertinent information that they may request.  We encourage open lines of communication with our audit committee, accountants and auditors and require that all our personnel cooperate with them to the maximum extent possible.  It is unlawful for you to fraudulently influence, induce, coerce, manipulate or mislead our independent public accountants for the purpose of making our financial statements misleading.

If you are unsure about the accounting treatment of a transaction or believe that a transaction has been improperly recorded or you otherwise have a concern or complaint regarding an accounting matter, our internal accounting controls, or an audit matter, you should confer with your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer, or you may submit your concern, on an anonymous basis, to the audit committee of the Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. board of directors or legal counsel.

Record Retention


Our records should be retained or discarded in accordance with our record retention policies and all applicable laws and regulations.  From time to time we are involved in legal proceedings that may require us to make some of our records available to third parties.  Our legal


counsel will assist us in releasing appropriate information to third parties and provide you (or your supervisor) with specific instructions.  It is a crime to alter, destroy, modify or conceal documentation or other objects that are relevant to a government investigation or otherwise obstruct, influence or impede an official proceeding.  The law applies equally to all of our records, including formal reports as well as informal data such as e-mail, expense reports and internal memos.  If the existence of a subpoena or a pending government investigation is known or reported to you, you should immediately contact our legal counsel and you must retain all records that may pertain to the investigation or be responsive to the subpoena.  For further information, you should refer to our Document Retention Policy, which is available from our compliance officer.

Administration of the Code



All of our directors, officers and employees will receive a copy of this code when they join our company.  Updates of the code will be distributed to all directors, officers and employees.

Role of Supervisors and Officers

Supervisors and officers have important roles under this code and are expected to demonstrate their personal commitment to this code by fostering a workplace environment that promotes compliance with the code and by ensuring that employees under their supervision participate in our company’s compliance training programs.

Oversight by the Board of Directors

Our Chief Financial Officer will report to the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors or its designated committee regarding issues arising in connection with this code.

Reporting Violations

All employees are obliged to report violations of this code or the law and to cooperate in any investigations into such violations.  We prefer that you give your identity when reporting violations, to allow the company to contact you in the event further information is needed to pursue an investigation, and your identity will be maintained in confidence to the extent practicable under the circumstances and consistent with enforcing this code.  However, you may anonymously report violations.


We will initiate a prompt investigation following any credible indication that a breach of law or this code may have occurred.  We will also initiate appropriate corrective action as we deem necessary, which may include notifying appropriate authorities.  


Disciplinary Action

If you violate any provision of this code, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.  Please be aware that we may seek civil remedies from you and if your violation results in monetary loss to us, you may be required to reimburse us for that loss.  If you are involved in a violation, the fact that you reported the violation, together with the degree of cooperation displayed by you and whether the violation is intentional or unintentional, will be given consideration in our investigation and any resulting disciplinary action.

No Retaliation

We will not retaliate against anyone who, in good faith, notifies us of a possible violation of law or this code, nor will we tolerate any harassment or intimidation of any employee who reports a suspected violation.  In addition, we may be subject to certain U.S. “whistleblower” laws that are designed to protect employees from discrimination or harassment for lawful acts done by the employee to provide information to us or certain governmental authorities in investigations with respect to certain matters, including, among others, provisions of federal law relating to workplace safety, the environment, securities fraud and fraud against shareholders.


Approvals required under this code should be documented.


Any request for a waiver of this code must be submitted in writing to our Chief Financial Officer who has authority to decide whether to grant a waiver.  However, a waiver of any provision of this code for a director or an executive officer must be approved by our Board of Directors or its designated committee and will be promptly disclosed to the extent required by law or regulation.


All employees, officers and directors must sign a certificate confirming that they have read and understand this code.  We will also require an annual certification of compliance with the code by all officers with the title of Vice President or above.  However, failure to read the code or sign a confirmation certificate does not excuse you from complying with this code.

Asking for Help and Reporting Concerns


We take this code seriously and consider its enforcement to be among our highest priorities, but we also acknowledge that it is sometimes difficult to know right from wrong.  That’s why we encourage open communication.  When in doubt, ask.  Whenever you have a question or concern, are unsure about what the appropriate course of action is, or if you believe that a violation of the law or this code has occurred:


You should talk with your supervisor.  He or she may have the information you need, or may be able to refer the matter to an appropriate source, including legal counsel as circumstances warrant.  

If you are uncomfortable talking with your immediate supervisor, you may also contact any manager in our company with whom you feel comfortable.

In addition, if you have concerns or complaints about accounting or audit matters or our internal accounting controls, you may confer with your supervisor or the Chief Financial Officer, or you may submit your concern or complaint, on an anonymous basis, to the audit committee of Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. of our board of directors or legal counsel.


Helpful Phone Numbers

Chief Financial Officer – Tim Courtis – tel.345-745-4573 ext. 205

Legal Counsel – Kerry Berchem, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP – tel. 212-872-1000

Chief Executive Officer – Leonard Goldberg – tel. 345-745-4573 ext. 203

Chairman of Audit Committee – Alan Brooks – tel. 345-945-4146


Confirmation Certificate

I have been provided with a copy of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. and its subsidiaries.  I acknowledge that I have read the code and understand my responsibilities under it.  I further acknowledge that I should follow the compliance procedures described in the code if I have any questions or concerns.


Employee Name:                                                
