HELD ON APRIL 14, 2011.
I. Reports of the Board of Directors in accordance with Article 28, Part IV, Paragraphs (d) and (e) of the Securities Market Law with respect to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010.
The reports were made to the shareholders, in accordance with the first agenda item.
II. Report of the Chief Executive Officer and External Auditor’s Opinion with respect to the matters included in Article 28, Part IV, Paragraph (b) of the Securities Market Law, with respect to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010.
The reports were made to the shareholders, in accordance with the second agenda item.
III. Reports, opinion and approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting, referred to in Article 28, section IV, paragraphs (a) and (c) of the Mexican Securities Law, including the Fiscal Report.
The reports were made to the shareholders, in accordance with the third agenda item.
IV. Discussion and approval and, where appropriate, modification of the reports referred to in items I and II above.
The following resolutions were approved by a vote of 373,839,786 shares:
First.- The reports of the Board of Directors and of the Chief Executive Officer were approved in their entirety, including the audited financial statements for the 2010 fiscal year, the Fiscal Report, as well as the report of the Audit, Corporate Practices, Finance and Planning Committee.
Second.- A copy of the reports referred to in the prior point is attached to the Minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
V. Allocation of the results, increase in reserves, and declaration of dividends, if any. Resolutions in this regard.
The following resolutions were approved by a vote of 374,119,026 shares:
First.- The allocation of results and the determination of the final amounts were approved in the form proposed by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the presentation of the Chairman of the Board.
Second.- Allocate up to Ps. 400,000,000 for acquisition of Company’s Series B shares during the 2011 fiscal year and until the next Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2011 results.
Third.- Payment of a cash dividend of Ps. 400,000,0000, equivalent to Ps. 1.00 per share, was approved, to be paid in four equal quarterly installments as follows: on July 15, 2011, against delivery of Coupon 19; October 17, 2011, against delivery of Coupon 20; January 16, 2012, against delivery of Coupon 21; and April 16, 2012, against delivery of Coupon 22; which coupons are attached to the definitive stock certificates. The amount to be paid in each installment will be Ps. 0.25 per share in favor of the shareholders registered in the Share Registry of the Company or to others who demonstrate their ownership of shares or certificates in accordance with the Securities Markets Law.