425 1 s001411x18_425.htm 425
Filed by Micro Focus International plc
Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
Subject Company: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
Commission File No.: 001-37483
Date: September 7, 2016
The following is a presentation to investors released by Micro Focus International plc on September 7, 2016.
 Proposed Merger ofMicro Focus International plc withHewlett Packard Enterprise’s (“HPE”)Software Business Segmentand Proposed Commercial Partnership with HPE  Kevin Loosemore & Mike Phillips7 September 2016 

 Agenda  Transaction SummaryHPE Software Overview & Combination RationaleFinancial Impact ImplementationExpected Transaction Timetable & Conclusions  2 

 Transaction summary 

 Announcement ‘At A Glance’ – Key Points    4        Industry Logic  Aggregate Consideration  Combination  Shareholder Impact                1 Based upon the closing share price of Micro Focus as at 6 September 2016; Consideration comprises $6.3bn in Micro Focus equity to HPE shareholders and $2.5bn cash payment to HPE; 2 Acquired EBITDA is UAEBITDA adjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction; 3 Multiple calculated based on effective Enterprise Value of $8.8bn less $400m assumed Return of Value to Micro Focus shareholders divided by Acquired LTM Q2 2016 Underlying Adjusted EBITDA of $738m; 4 Sales multiples represent implied transaction value at announcement divided by announced Sales metrics; HPE Software Q2 2016 LTM Sales of $3,172m; Attachmate Group respective transaction value and Revenue FYE March 2014 of $2,350m and $957m; 5 Combined revenues and UAEBITDA based on the twelve months to 30 April 2016, adjusted for the acquisition of Serena; 6 Underlying Adjusted EBITDA removes the impact of net capitalisation/amortisation of development costs and foreign currency gains and losses from Adjusted EBITDA; Combined Underlying Adjusted EBITDA assumes Micro Focus UAEBITDA of $613m and HPE Software Acquired EBITDA of $738m; 7 Micro Focus margin ex-SUSE and Serena; unadjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction; 8 Based on fully diluted shares outstanding as at 6 September 2016, calculated using the Treasury Share Method    $1.68 per ordinary share8 to existing Micro Focus shareholders prior to Completion  Merger of Micro Focus International plc with HPE’s Software Business Segment  $738m Acquired EBITDA  11.4x  Expected Completion    Micro Focus  HPE Software  ~$400m RoV        Creates one of the world’s largest pure-play infrastructure software companies  ~$8.8billion  Aggregate Transaction Value  SUSE    ~$4.5billion  Combined Revenue   ~$1.35billion  Combined Underlying Adjusted EBITDA6 (“UAEBITDA”)  46% vs 21%  12 months to 30 April 2016EBITDA margin comparison7    Significant scope for operational efficiency gains  HPE  Micro Focus and HPE have separately entered into a commercial partnership naming SUSE as HPE’s preferred Linux partner   Post Completion ownership based on fully diluted share capital8 of the pro forma entity  Micro Focus  HPE shareholders  49.9% vs 50.1%   Acquired EBITDA Multiple HPE Software EV/Sales 4 : 2.64xTAG EV/Sales 4 : 2.46x  Q3 CY2017  Subject to satisfying closing conditions  &  Micro Focus  HPE Software  1  5  2  5  3  Ownership 

 Transaction Overview  HPE Software revenues4 for the twelve months ended 30 April 2016 of $3.2bn (LTM Q2 2016 y-o-y growth rate adjusted for divestitures, MOBU and currency of 1.5%) and Acquired EBITDA2 was $738mAcquisition of HPE Software brings infrastructure software products comprised of five solution sets: IT operations management; Application delivery management; Enterprise security products; Information management & governance; and Big data analytics  What Is Being Acquired?  Proposed Transaction  Merger of the software business segment of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (“HPE Software”) with Micro Focus International plc (“Micro Focus”), classified as a Reverse Takeover by the UKLA and structured as a Reverse Morris Trust transactionAggregate acquisition consideration of $8.8bn, representing an effective multiple of 11.4x1 Acquired EBITDA2 over 12 months to 30 April 2016Consideration to HPE shareholders comprises the issuance of Micro Focus shares (the “Consideration Shares”) representing 50.1% of the fully diluted issued share capital3 of the combined group (the “Enlarged Group”) on Completion of the Merger (“Completion”) and a pre-Completion cash payment of $2.5bn to HPEMicro Focus shareholders will own 49.9% of the fully diluted share capital of the Enlarged Group following Completion of the Transaction, with HPE shareholders owning the remaining 50.1%Proposed Return of Value (“RoV”) to existing Micro Focus shareholders prior to Completion of $400m or $1.68 per ordinary share based on fully diluted shares3  Why Is This Being Contemplated?  Transaction consistent with Micro Focus’ strategy of acquiring & efficiently managing sticky mature infrastructure assetsTransaction significantly increases Micro Focus’ scale in a number of business segmentsSignificant potential for operational efficiency gains through the application of Micro Focus’ disciplined operating model. HPE Software delivered Underlying Adjusted EBITDA margin of 21%5 in the twelve months to 30 April 2016. Micro Focus believes it will be possible to improve the margin delivered by HPE Software's mature software assets (approximately 80% of revenue) to Micro Focus’ level by the end of the third full financial year following Completion6HPE and Micro Focus have separately announced their intent to enter into a commercial partnership naming SUSE as HPE’s preferred Linux partner as well as to explore additional collaboration leveraging SUSE’s OpenStack expertise for joint innovation around HPE’s Helion Openstack and Stackato Platform as a Service solutions. SUSE and HPE are working together to define the specifics of the commercial partnership  5  Note: HPE Software financials prepared under US GAAP, Micro Focus financials prepared under IFRS; 1 Multiple calculated based on effective Enterprise Value of $8.8bn less $400m assumed Return of Value to Micro Focus shareholders divided by HPE Software’s Acquired LTM Q2 2016 EBITDA of $738m; 2 HPE Software’s Acquired EBITDA is UAEBITDA adjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction for the twelve months to 30 April 2016; 3 Fully diluted basis calculated using the Treasury Share Method; 4 HPE Software historical financials have been adjusted for a number of divestments at various points during the last two fiscal years and the transfer of the Marketing Optimisation Business Unit (“MOBU”) in the fourth quarter of FYE 2015; 5 UAEBITDA margin unadjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction; 6 This is not a profit forecast, and should not be interpreted to mean that the earnings per share of the Enlarged Group following Completion will necessarily be above or below the historical published earnings per share of Micro Focus 

 Transaction Overview (cont’d)  Financial Impact  Deal financed by the issue of Consideration Shares to HPE shareholders at Completion, with a market value of $6.3bn1 and a pre-Completion cash payment to HPE of $2.5bnMicro Focus has entered into commitments for a total of US$5.5 billion of debt financing related to the Transaction with J.P. Morgan including a revolving credit facility of US$500 million. These commitments underpin the cash payment to HPE, the RoV to Micro Focus shareholders and backstop the existing Micro Focus debtEnlarged Group expected to have a pro-forma Net Debt to Facility EBITDA multiple of approximately 3.3x at close (post the RoV), which is expected to reduce to 2.5x within two years following CompletionThe deal is expected to enhance earnings per share in the first full financial year following the close of the transaction2 and enhance total shareholder returns consistent with Micro Focus’ stated objectives  Completion Conditions & Timing  Completion is subject (amongst other things) to Micro Focus shareholder approval, regulatory clearances, SEC filings in order to create American Depository Shares for the Consideration Shares and receipt of certain tax opinionsAn expected timetable is set out on page 21 of this document. Completion is expected in Q3 CY2017  6  Note: HPE Software financials prepared under US GAAP, Micro Focus financials prepared under IFRS1 Based on Micro Focus share price and the fully diluted share count under the Treasury Share Method2 This is not a profit forecast, and should not be interpreted to mean that the earnings per share of the Enlarged Group following Completion will necessarily be above or below the historical published earnings per share of Micro Focus 

 Micro Focus Strategy: Unchanged, Still WorkingReiterated in July preliminary results for the twelve months ended 30 April 2016  Micro Focus helps bridge the old and the new by enabling you to: Exploit advances in technology such as virtualisation, cloud and mobile without the cost and risk of starting again with the application suiteProtect prior investments in your data and business logic whilst unlocking new opportunities & use casesOptimize where you build, test and deploy business applicationsExecute with a balance of speed, flexibility and risk, that is right for your business  Our execution needs to ensure we: Identify opportunities to exploit new models and market nichesFocus on “sticky” products which are embedded within customers’ systems and processesDevelop product capabilities & services that encourage and promote use of current product over the decision to moveAcquire assets that add capabilities that incentivize customers to remain with their current products, or add further similar types of product and customer sets  EBITDA and FCF growthTotal shareholder returnStable platform delivering sustainable results  HPE Software acquisition consistent with stated strategy  Industry Logic  Operational Approach  Operational Outputs  +118%  Regular Dividends    7  Shareholder Returns    Three year share price progression ($, rebased to 100)  Periodic Returns of Value (“RoV”)   

 HPE Software Overview & Combination Rationale 

 Business Overview  Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Software Business SegmentGlobal footprint spanning the Americas, Asia Pacific & Japan and Europe, Middle East & Africa (“EMEA”) regionsProduct and service offeringsProvides enterprise software solutions for IT operations management, Applications delivery management, Enterprise security products, Information management & governance and Big data analyticsProducts offered via:Term and perpetual licenses (followed by maintenance payments)SaaS modelProfessional servicesScale and profitabilityEngaging with c. 5,000 partners and over 50,000 customers across the world The company currently works with 94 of the Fortune 100 companiesLTM Q2 16 Revenue $3,172m, Acquired EBITDA1 $738m  Revenue3  UAEBITDA4 margin (%)    Source: HPE Carve-out financials1 Acquired EBITDA is UAEBITDA adjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction for the twelve months to 30 April 20162 Recurring HPE revenue comprises both subscriptions and maintenance3 HPE Software historical financials have been adjusted for a number of divestments at various points during the last two fiscal years and the transfer of the Marketing Optimisation Business Unit (“MOBU”) in the fourth quarter of FYE 20154 Underlying Adjusted EBITDA removes the impact of net capitalisation/amortisation of development costs and foreign currency gains and losses from Adjusted EBITDA  9  HPE Software – Business Overview  Revenue and EBITDA ($m, FYE October)  Financial Overview  LTM Q2 Apr-2016  59% recurring revenue2  Revenue by type (%, FYE October) 

   IT operations management  Application delivery management (ADM)  Enterprise security products (ESP)  Information management & governance (IM&G)  Big data analytics  Description  Facilitating management, automation and optimisation of data centers and cloud infrastructure  Quality and lifecycle tools for traditional and DevOps application development models  Enabling enterprises to protect interactions among users, apps and data across locations and devicesKey offerings include threat identification, digital asset protection, data security and application hardening  Helping customers manage, govern, store and secure their informationSolutions: data protection, archiving & e-Discovery, and content management  Providing platforms that help customers harness their data and identify new opportunitiesPlatforms: next-generation enterprise search and data analytics (IDOL) and columnar database (Vertica)  Select Product portfolio            10  HPE Software Product Portfolio  HPE Software – Product Portfolio  Digital Safe  Data Protector  AppPulse  Cloud Orchestration  Service Anywhere  Data Center Automation  ALM  IDOL     

 Why Is It Good For SUSE?  Timetable  The commercial partnership with HPE is another example of SUSE’s strategy to partner openly and broadly to provide increased choice in the marketplace for enterprise software-defined infrastructure solutions and follows SUSE’s recent announcement with MirantisSUSE plans to explore new ways of expanding that commercial partnership into areas such as cloud computing, software-defined networking and applications where open source technology is driving next-generation innovations that matter to our mutual customers  Heads of terms signed 7 September 2016SUSE and HPE are working together to define the specifics of the agreement by the end of the fourth quarter of CY2016Diligence and work on a definitive agreement to commence immediately  What Is Being Announced?  Micro Focus and HPE announced their intent to enter into a commercial partnership naming SUSE as HPE’s preferred Linux partner as well as exploring additional collaboration leveraging SUSE’s OpenStack expertise for joint innovation around HPE’s Helion Openstack and Stackato Platform as a Service solutionsSUSE and HPE are working together to define the specifics of the commercial partnership  11  Commercial Partnership Between HPE and Micro Focus 

 Extension Opportunity  Significant Efficiency Opportunities Available  Rare opportunity to significantly increase Micro Focus’ scale and breadth through combination with a business operating in adjacent and complementary product areasBreadth in segments such as ITOM and SIEM1, where the combination creates Top 52 market positionsScale position in Test where Micro Focus have little presence , and which complements the solid brand in ADM  Significant potential for operational efficiency gains through the application of Micro Focus’ disciplined operating model. Following the acquisition of Attachmate Group in FY14 (margins of 32.7%)3, Micro Focus has grown its margin base to 46% in FY16A (on an ex-SUSE basis, 43 % including SUSE)Micro Focus believes it will be possible to improve the margin delivered by HPE Software's mature software assets (approximately 80% of HPE Software revenue) to Micro Focus' level by the end of the third full financial year following Completion4Address areas of revenue decline, accelerate revenue growth where achievable, while enhancing operating margins  Deal Consistent with Strategy  Strategy to buy companies or assets that fit Micro Focus’ business profile: Infrastructure software; and “Sticky” assetsIntention (as in previous transactions) is to apply Micro Focus’ “best in class” operating methodologiesMicro Focus continues to target total shareholder returns of 15% to 20% per annum and believe that this combination has the potential to deliver enhanced returns consistent with this stated objectivePositions SUSE as the OPEN Open Source Company  12  Merger Rationale  Source; Annual report, company filings; Note: HPE Software financials prepared under US GAAP, Micro Focus financials prepared under IFRS; 1 SIEM means Security Information & Event Management; 2 Gartner Group 1Q16; 3 Attachmate company Prospectus filing; 4 This is not a profit forecast, and should not be interpreted to mean that the earnings per share of the Enlarged Group following Completion will necessarily be above or below the historical published earnings per share of Micro Focus 

 Financial Impact 

 Micro Focus Pro Forma Revenue (FYE April, IFRS)  HPE Software Pro Forma Revenue(FYE October, US GAAP)  ~$4.5bnCombined Revenue  Note: Actual Currency, Pro Forma (i.e. adjusted for a number of divestments at various points during the last two fiscal years and the transfer of the Marketing Optimisation Business Unit (“MOBU”) in the fourth quarter of FYE 2015)Accounting Standard: US GAAPFYE 31-October  This represents the Micro Focus IFRS revenues added to the HPE Software revenues adjusted for divestitures and MOBU for the twelve months to 30 April 2016IFRS treatment of the US GAAP financial statements are likely to produce a difference from this calculation  Note: Actual currency, Pro Forma1Accounting Standard: IFRSFYE 30-April  Revenue ($m)  Revenue ($m)  14      Revenues: Micro Focus (IFRS) and HPE Software (US GAAP)  1 Pro Forma for acquisitions of the Attachmate Group and Serena acquisition 

 Micro Focus Pro Forma UAEBITDA (FYE 30 April, IFRS)  HPE Software Pro Forma UAEBITDA1(FYE 31 October, US GAAP)  ~$1.35bnCombined EBITDA  This represents the Micro Focus IFRS EBITDA added to the US GAAP EBITDA for the twelve months to April 30th 2016The IFRS treatment of the US GAAP financial statements are likely to produce a difference from this calculation  Note: Actual Currency, Pro Forma2Accounting Standard: IFRSFYE 30-April  Underlying Adj. EBITDA ($m)  EBITDA ($m)  1 Included in the LTM Q2 2016 HPE Software illustrative constant perimeter EBITDA is approximately US$80m in overhead costs that will not transfer as part of the sale transaction2 Pro Forma for acquisitions of the Attachmate Group and Serena acquisition  15      EBITDA: Micro Focus (IFRS) and HPE Software (US GAAP)  Costs not transferring  Note: Actual Currency, Pro Forma (i.e. adjusted for a number of divestments at various points during the last two fiscal years and the transfer of the Marketing Optimisation Business Unit (“MOBU”) in the fourth quarter of FYE 2015)Accounting Standard: US GAAPFYE 31-October 

 Strong Cash Flow Profile  Micro Focus Cash Flow From Operations1 (FYE 30 April)   HPE Software Cash Flow From Operations1 (FYE 31 October)   Note: Cash flow information for HPE Software on an as-reported basis. Hence cash flows include contributions – both negative and positive – from disposals. To this regard, the year-on-year changes do not reflect changes in performance of ongoing operations  Cash from Operations  Cash from Operations  1 HPE Software accounts are prepared under US GAAP and Micro Focus’ under IFRS  16  Complementary and strong operational cash flow profiles 


 Board & Management TeamThe management team has a long track record of driving shareholder returns  Name  Role  Experience  Kevin Loosemore  Executive Chairman (11 years)  Appointed non-executive Chairman of the Company in 2005 Executive Chairman in April 2011Previously non-executive Chairman of Morse plcPreviously, Kevin has acted as Chief Operating Officer of Cable & Wireless plc, President of Motorola EMEA. Prior to this he was Chief Executive of IBM UK Limited  Mike Phillips  CFO (6 years)  Joined Micro Focus in September 2010 Chief Executive Officer at Morse plc, following his initial role as Group Finance DirectorLeft Morse plc in July 2010 following the turnaround and successful corporate sale to 2e2 in June 2010  Stephen Murdoch  CEO, Micro Focus division (4 years)  Has held senior executive positions in general management, sales, and strategy with IBM and DellMost recently, he was the General Manager of EMEA for Dell's Public Sector and Large Commercial Enterprise business unit  Nils Brauckmann  CEO, SUSE (5 years)  Previously served in cross-functional and international management positions at WRQ (acquired by TAG in 2004), Novell and Siemens Nixdorf, where he started his technology career  HPE Software Management Team  Micro Focus Management Team  Source: Publicly available information, Company websites, BoardEx          Board Composition  On Completion, Kevin Loosemore and Mike Phillips will continue as Executive Chairman and CFO respectivelyHPE will nominate one executive director to the Micro Focus BoardOther Executive Directors may be appointed from Micro Focus and/or HPE SoftwareThe nomination committee of Micro Focus will appoint sufficient independent non executive directors to achieve a majority. Half of the independent non executive directors will be designated by HPE    18  Name  Role  Prior experience  Chris Hsu  Executive VP, General Manager, HPE Software & Chief Operating Officer, HPE (joined in 2014)  Chris joined HP in 2014 as Senior Vice President of Organisational Performance to drive operational performance initiatives across the company. He also led the separation of HP into two companies – Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP IncPreviously, Chris was a Managing Director at the private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) and a leader in the KKR Capstone operating group. In this role, he drove operational performance in KKR’s portfolio companies, supported operational diligence during the deal process and provided overall leadership to the KKR Capstone team  Remi Thomas  VP and CFO, HPE Software (1 year)  Formerly Head of M&A and Corporate Development for Alcatel-Lucent, which he joined in 2008Began his career as an Equity Analyst for Credit Lyonnais and Cheuvreux  Alan Fudge  SVP, WW Sales and Field Operations, HPE Software (2 Years)  Previously Alan worked at Dell where he was a Vice President of Worldwide Sales for their software divisionPrior to that Alan held a number of senior roles at Quest Software, GuardianEdge where he was President and CEO, VMWare and IBM  Jerome Labat  VP & CTO, HPE Software (3 Years)  Jerome is the current CTO of HPE Software and has been in his role for approximately three yearsPrior to this Jerome was VP of HPE's Cloud Automation business from 2011 through to the end of 2013Jerome also has experience working at Intuit, where he was a VP 

 Micro Focus Approach To Acquisition Integration                              HPE and Micro Focus have agreed that, as soon as practicable, they will together form a separation committee to monitor and oversee the separation of HPE Software in accordance with the Transaction documentsMicro Focus has integrated many business over the last five years and takes a structured approach to post acquisition integration, which includes:Minimise day 1 changes – we will ensure changes are well planned – key integration planning over the first 90 days post Completion1Multiple work streams to plan and then manage changes, and deliver to integration objectives:Identify, leverage and embed best practiceDecide where teams fit, and the shape of the organisationIdentify and validate synergy opportunitiesDecide system changes and timelinesImplement system and process cutoversTransition people related changes, including benefitsIdentify, leverage and embed best practiceMinimise Go To Market disruption  1 Accelerate if pre-close integration planning possible, once regulatory approvals have been given  19 

 Transaction Timetable & Conclusions 

 Expected Timetable  Announcement of the Merger: 7th September 2016Publication of the Micro Focus shareholder circular : H1 CY2017Micro Focus shareholder meeting to approve the Merger: H1 CY2017Publication of the Enlarged Group prospectus: Q3 CY2017Completion of the Merger: Q3 CY2017  Key dates  21 

 Conclusions  Rare Opportunity To Scale & Leverage Scale Economics  Proposed acquisition offers an opportunity to achieve a significant increase in Micro Focus’ scale and in consequence enhances its offerings in existing business areas and adds new onesHPE Software revenues2 for the twelve months to 30 April 2016 were $3,172m and Acquired EBITDA1 of $738mMicro Focus’ Board believes that there is considerable scope for operational efficiencies and thus potential for increasing the Enlarged Group’s profitability3Micro Focus believes it will be possible to improve the margin delivered by HPE Software's mature software assets (approximately 80% of revenue) to Micro Focus’ level by the end of the third full financial year following Completion3  Consistent With Strategy  Aggregate consideration of $8.8bn, resulting in an effective multiple of 11.4x the Acquired EBITDA1 in the twelve months to 30 April 2016Transaction is consistent with Micro Focus strategy of acquiring and efficiently managing sticky mature infrastructure products. This strategy was reiterated in July 2016 at the preliminary resultsThis strategy has consistently delivered at or above the Micro Focus’ Board’s 15-20% total shareholder returns goals by a combination of share price appreciation and capital returnsThe Micro Focus Board expects this combination has the potential to deliver enhanced shareholder returns consistent with these objectives  22  1 Acquired EBITDA is UAEBITDA adjusted for overhead costs of c.$80m that will not transfer to Micro Focus as part of this transaction for the twelve months to 30 April 2016; Underlying Adjusted EBITDA removes the impact of net capitalisation/amortisation of development costs and foreign currency gains and losses from Adjusted EBITDA2 HPE Software historical financials have been adjusted for a number of divestments at various points during the last two fiscal years and the transfer of MOBU in the fourth quarter of FY 20153 This is not a profit forecast, and should not be interpreted to mean that the earnings per share of the Enlarged Group following Completion will necessarily be above or below the historical published earnings per share of Micro Focus 

 Conclusions (cont’d)  Financing & Impact   The Transaction is being financed by equity issued to HPE shareholders representing 50.1% of Micro Focus fully diluted share capital1 at Completion, together with underwritten debt facilitiesGross Debt of $5.5 billion has been underwritten by J.P. Morgan to fund the transaction, including a revolving credit facility of $500 millionThe Enlarged Group is expected to have a pro-forma Net Debt to Facility EBITDA multiple of approximately 3.3x at close (post the RoV), which is expected to reduce to 2.5x within two years following CompletionThe deal is expected to be accretive to adjusted earnings per share in the first full year following the Completion of the Transaction2  Closing Conditions & Timetable  Completion is subject (amongst other things) to Micro Focus shareholder approval, regulatory and Competition Authority clearances, SEC filings in order to create American Depository Shares for the Consideration Shares and receipt of certain tax opinionsCompletion is expected to occur in Q3 CY2017  1 Fully diluted basis calculated using the Treasury Share Method2 This is not a profit forecast, and should not be interpreted to mean that the earnings per share of the Enlarged Group following Completion will necessarily be above or below the historical published earnings per share of Micro Focus  23 

 Appendix: Financial Information 

 Selected Financial Information on HPE Software  JPM – pls add financial schedules     For the fiscal years ended 31 October         LTM Q2 2016   2015  2014    US$m   US$m   US$m   Net Revenues as reported under SEC US GAAP Carveout rules        HPE Software Segment    $3,412    $3,622    $3,933   Less:            MOBU Transfer  (56)  (163)  (232)  Disposals in the period1  (184)  (271)  (310)  HPE Software revenue adjusted for divestitures and MOBU   $3,172    $3,188    $3,391           Revenue growth rate adjusted for divestitures, MOBU and currency  1.5%  (1.9)%  N/A              Earnings before taxes as reported in SEC US GAAP Carveout rules  344  319  413   Add back interest  –   –   –   Add back depreciation and amortisation of capitalised software  81  104  111   Add back amortisation of intangibles   186  224  248  HPE Software EBITDA  611  647  772           Add back separation costs  89  91  –   Add back restructuring charges  74  35  48   Add back stock based compensation  61  59  60   Add back acquisition related charges  2  5  10  HPE Software Underlying Adjusted EBITDA2  837  837  890  Less:            MOBU Transfer  (13)  (33)  (48)  Disposals in the period*   (166)  (147)  (154)              HPE Software underlying adjusted EBITDA further adjusted for divestitures and MOBU3   $658    $657  $688   Note: LTM Q2 2016 refers to the trailing twelve months for the period 1 May 2015 through 30 April 20161 Disposals of Tipping Point, iManage, Live Vault, HPPA Teleform. Amounts shown for these divestitures are management's best estimate of the amount of revenue and EBITDA generated by these divested businesses during the periods presented, adjusted for management's estimate of overhead and other costs that did not exit HPE Software on divestment of these businesses2 Micro Focus reports a metric referred to as “Facility EBITDA,” which is defined earlier in this document. HPE Software’s underlying adjusted EBITDA and Facility EBITDA as calculated result in the same figure 3 Included in the LTM Q2 2016 HPE Software illustrative EBITDA is approximately US$80m in overhead costs that will not transfer as part of the transaction  25 


 Disclaimer  NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OR REGULATIONS OF SUCH JURISDICTION. This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities, or any solicitation of any vote or approval. It does not constitute a prospectus or a prospectus "equivalent" document. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND WHERE TO FIND ITThis presentation has been prepared and issued by and is the sole responsibility of Micro Focus International PLC (the "Company"). This presentation relates to the Company and its conditional agreement to acquire the software business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. (“HPE") to be held by HPE Software Spinco, Inc. ("HPE Software"), a wholly owned subsidiary of HPE, constituting a reverse takeover for the purposes of the Listing Rules of the UKLA (the "Acquisition" or the "Transaction"). The Transaction will be submitted to the Company’s shareholders for their consideration and approval. In connection with the Transaction, the Company will file relevant materials with the SEC, including a registration statement on Form F-4 or S-4 containing a prospectus relating to the Company’s American Depositary Shares to be issued in connection with the Transaction, and HPE Software will file a registration statement with the SEC. The Company will mail the prospectus contained in the Form F-4 or S-4 to HPE’s stockholders. This presentation is not a substitute for the registration statements or other document(s) that the Company and/or HPE Software may file with the SEC in connection with the Transaction. INVESTORS ARE URGED TO READ THE REGISTRATION STATEMENTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE SEC WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PARTIES, AND THE TRANSACTION. Shareholders will be able to obtain copies of these documents (when they are available) and other documents filed with the SEC with respect to the Company free of charge from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. These documents (when they are available) can also be obtained free of charge from the Company upon written request to the Company’s investor relations or HPE’s investor relations. For the purposes of this notice, "presentation" means this document, any oral presentation, any question and answer session and any written or oral material discussed or distributed during the presentation meeting or while access to the presentation has been made available to you. This presentation has not been approved by the UK Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") or any other regulator. This presentation is for information purposes only. The material and information herein is not to be shared with any other parties. Neither this presentation, nor any part of it nor the fact of its availability or distribution is investment or financial product advice and nor is it intended to be used as the basis for making an investment decision. Neither the Company nor J.P. Morgan Limited ("J.P. Morgan Cazenove") nor Numis Securities Limited ("Numis") makes any representation to any recipient regarding an investment in the securities referred to in this presentation. This presentation has been prepared without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. You should seek your own legal, investment and tax advice as you see fit and you should not act upon any information contained in this presentation without first consulting a financial or other professional adviser. This presentation must not be recorded, copied, reproduced, published, distributed, disclosed, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or passed on, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, or disclosed by any recipient, to any other person (whether within or outside such person’s organisation or firm) at any time without the written consent of the Company. The availability and distribution of this presentation in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. No action has been taken by the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Numis that would permit access to or possession or distribution of this presentation or any other offering or publicity material relating to the Company in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Persons into whose possession this presentation comes or who have accessed this presentation are required by the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove and Numis to inform themselves about, and to observe, such restrictions.   27 

 Disclaimer (Cont’d)  Neither this presentation nor the information contained herein constitutes or forms part of an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration. The securities of the Company have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or under any securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered, sold or transferred, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States absent registration or pursuant to an applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act and in compliance with the securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. There will be no public offer of any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction.J.P. Morgan Cazenove, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA, is acting as financial adviser and sponsor to the Company and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not regard any other person as its client in relation to the Acquisition and is not, and will not be, responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition and/or any other matter referred to in this presentation. Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed on J.P. Morgan Cazenove by FSMA (as defined below), or the regulatory regime established thereunder, J.P. Morgan Cazenove accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the contents of this presentation, including its accuracy, completeness or for any other statement made or purported to be made by it or on behalf of it, the Company, its directors or any other person in connection with the Company, the Acquisition or any other matter in this presentation and nothing in this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. J.P. Morgan Cazenove accordingly disclaims all and any liability whatsoever, whether arising out of tort, contract or otherwise (save as referred to above), which it might otherwise have in respect of this presentation or any such statement.Numis, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the FCA, is acting as corporate broker and financial adviser to the Company and no-one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not regard any other person as its client in relation to the Acquisition and is not, and will not be, responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition and/or any other matter referred to in this presentation. Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed on Numis by FSMA (as defined below), or the regulatory regime established thereunder, Numis accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the contents of this presentation, including its accuracy, completeness or for any other statement made or purported to be made by it or on behalf of it, the Company, its directors or any other person in connection with the Company, the Acquisition or any other matter in this presentation and nothing in this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. Numis accordingly disclaims all and any liability whatsoever, whether arising out of tort, contract or otherwise (save as referred to above), which it might otherwise have in respect of this presentation or any such statement.Information set forth in this announcement (including information incorporated by reference in this announcement), oral statements made regarding the Transaction, and other information published by Micro Focus or HPE may contain certain statements about the Company, HPE and HPE Software that are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements contained in this presentation may include statements about the expected effects on the Company, HPE and HPE Software of the Transaction, the anticipated timing and benefits of the Transaction, the Company’s and HPE Software’s anticipated standalone or combined financial results and all other statements in this document other than historical facts. Without limitation, any statements preceded or followed by or that include the words “targets”, “plans”, “believes”, “expects”, “intends”, “will”, “likely”, “may”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “projects”, “should”, “would”, “expect”, “positioned”, “strategy”, “future” or words, phrases or terms of similar substance or the negative thereof, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the current expectations of the management of the Company, HPE or HPE Software (as the case may be) and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. As such, forward-looking statements should be construed in light of such factors. Neither Micro Focus nor HPE, nor any of their respective associates or directors, officers or advisers, provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this announcement will actually occur or that if any of the events occur, that the effect on the operations or financial condition of Micro Focus, HPE or HPE Software will be as expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this presentation based on past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will necessarily continue in the future. In addition, these statements are based on a number of assumptions that are subject to change. Such risks, uncertainties and assumptions include: the satisfaction of the conditions to the Transaction and other risks related to the completion of the Transaction and actions related thereto; the Company’s and HPE’s ability to complete the Transaction on anticipated terms and schedule, including the ability to obtain shareholder or regulatory approvals of the Transaction; risks relating to any unforeseen liabilities of the Company or HPE Software; future capital expenditures, expenses, revenues, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, losses and future prospects of the Company, HPE Software and the resulting combined company; business and management strategies and the expansion and growth of the operations of the Company, HPE Software and the resulting combined company; the ability to successfully combine the business of the Company and HPE Software and to realise expected operational improvement from the Transaction; the effects of government regulation on the businesses of the Company, HPE Software or the combined company; the risk that disruptions from the Transaction will impact the Company’s or HPE Software’s business; and the Company’s, HPE Software’s or HPE’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions generally. Additional factors can be found under “Risk Factors” in HPE’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2015 and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. For a discussion of important factors which could cause actual results to differ from forward looking statements relating to Micro Focus, refer to Micro Focus's Annual Report and Accounts 2016. Forward-looking statements included herein are made as of the date hereof, and none of the Company, HPE Software or HPE undertakes any obligation to update publicly such statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.   28 

 Disclaimer (Cont’d)  Subject to any requirement under applicable law, Miami undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this communication. Except as otherwise explicitly stated, neither the content of the Miami website nor the Houston website, nor any other website accessible via hyperlinks on either such website, is incorporated into, or forms part of, this communication.The information contained within this presentation has not been independently verified by J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Numis. No reliance may be placed, for any purpose whatsoever, on the information or opinions contained in this presentation nor on its completeness, accuracy or fairness and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Numis or any of their respective parent or subsidiary undertakings, or the subsidiary undertakings of any such parent undertakings, or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates or advisers as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation and to the extent permitted by law no responsibility or liability is assumed by any such persons for any such information or opinions or for any errors or omissions. The projections contained herein should not be regarded as a representation or warranty, express or implied, by the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Numis or any of their respective parent or subsidiary undertakings, or the subsidiary undertakings of any such parent undertakings or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates or advisers that the projected or estimated results will be achieved. To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither the Company, its directors, officers, shareholders, advisers, affiliates, employees or agents, nor any other person accept any liability, including, without limitation, any liability arising out of fault or negligence for any loss arising from the use of the information contained in this presentation. Statements contained in this presentation regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. This presentation speaks as at the date on which it is made. All information presented or contained in this presentation is subject to verification, correction, completion and change without notice. Neither the delivery of this presentation nor any further discussions by the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove or Numis with any of the recipients thereof shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company and/or HPE Software since that date and neither the Company nor J.P. Morgan Cazenove nor Numis undertakes any duty or assumes any obligation to update, revise publicly or correct this presentation whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by the FCA, the London Stock Exchange or by the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules or by applicable law. No statement in this presentation is, is intended to be, or should be construed as, a profit forecast or profit estimate for any period or to imply that the earnings of the Company for the current or future financial years will necessarily match or exceed the historical or published earnings of the Company.Certain market data information in this presentation is based on management’s estimates. The Company obtained the industry, market and competitive position data used throughout this presentation from internal estimates and research as well as from industry publications and research, surveys and studies conducted by third parties. However, this information may prove to be inaccurate because of the method by which the Company obtained some of the data for their estimates or because this information cannot always be verified due to the limits on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data gathering process and other limitations and uncertainties. Where information contained in this presentation has been sourced from a third party (including HPE Software and/or HPE), the Company confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and, so far as the Company is aware and has been able to ascertain from that information, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information, or information derived from it, inaccurate or misleading. By attending this presentation or otherwise accessing this presentation you warrant, represent, acknowledge and agree to and with the Company, J.P. Morgan Cazenove and Numis that (i) you are a Relevant Person as defined above, (ii) you have read, agree to and will comply with the contents of this disclaimer including, without limitation, the obligation to keep this presentation and its contents confidential and (iii) you will not at any time have any discussion, correspondence or contact concerning the information in this presentation with any of the directors or employees of the Company or with any of their suppliers in respect of the Company without the prior written consent of the Company.   29