Washington, D.C. 20549



PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of May 2020

Commission File Number 001-33098

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)

5-5, Otemachi 1-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8176


(Address of principal executive office)

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: May 15, 2020
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.

/s/ Makoto Umemiya

Name:   Makoto Umemiya
Title:   Senior Managing Executive Officer / Group CFO

For Immediate Release:



Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal 2019

(Under Japanese GAAP)



Company Name:    Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (“MHFG”)    May 15, 2020
Stock Code Number (Japan):   8411      
Stock Exchange Listings:   Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section), New York Stock Exchange  
URL:   https://www.mizuho-fg.com/index.html  
Representative:   Tatsufumi Sakai   President & CEO    
For Inquiry:   Tomomichi Fujita   General Manager of Accounting  
Phone:   +81-3-6838-6101    
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (scheduled):   June 25, 2020   Commencement of Dividend Payment (scheduled):   June 8, 2020
Filing of Yuka Shoken Hokokusho to the Kanto Local Finance Bureau (scheduled):   June 26, 2020   Trading Accounts: Established  
Supplementary Materials on Annual Results:   Attached    
IR Conference on Annual Results:   Scheduled    
Amounts less than one million yen are rounded down.

1. Financial Highlights for Fiscal 2019 (for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020)

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations


(%: Changes from the previous fiscal year)


     Ordinary Income      Ordinary Profits     Profit Attributable
to Owners of
     ¥ million      %      ¥ million      %     ¥ million      %  

Fiscal 2019

     3,986,701        1.5        637,877        3.8       448,568        364.5  

Fiscal 2018

     3,925,649        10.2        614,118        (21.5     96,566        (83.2



Comprehensive Income:

Fiscal 2019: ¥7,673 million, —%; Fiscal 2018: ¥(110,542) million, —%


     Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
     Diluted Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
     Net Income
on Own Capital
     Ordinary Profits
to Total Assets
     Ordinary Profits
to Ordinary Income
     ¥      ¥      %      %      %  

Fiscal 2019

     17.68        17.68        5.1        0.3        16.0  

Fiscal 2018

     3.80        3.80        1.0        0.3        15.6  



Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates:

Fiscal 2019: ¥30,382 million; Fiscal 2018: ¥51,215 million

(2) Consolidated Financial Conditions


     Total Assets      Total Net Assets      Own Capital Ratio      Total Net Assets
per Share of
Common Stock
     ¥ million      ¥ million      %      ¥  

Fiscal 2019

     214,659,077        8,663,847        3.9        337.29  

Fiscal 2018

     200,792,226        9,194,038        4.3        345.00  



Own Capital:

As of March 31, 2020: ¥8,553,971 million; As of March 31, 2019: ¥8,748,805 million


  Own Capital Ratio is calculated as follows: (Total Net Assets - Stock Acquisition Rights - Non-controlling Interests) / Total Assets × 100
  Own Capital Ratio stated above is not calculated based on the public notice of Own Capital Ratio.

(3) Conditions of Consolidated Cash Flows


     Cash Flows from
Operating Activities
    Cash Flows from
Investing Activities
    Cash Flows from
Financing Activities
    Cash and Cash Equivalents
at the end of the fiscal year
     ¥ million     ¥ million     ¥ million     ¥ million  

Fiscal 2019

     1,901,893       (5,808,537     (281,849     39,863,604  

Fiscal 2018

     (2,636,096     5,487,153       (18,640     44,254,874  

2. Cash Dividends for Shareholders of Common Stock


     Annual Cash Dividends per Share      Total Cash Dividends
     Dividends Pay-out

(Consolidated basis)
     Dividends on Net

(Consolidated basis)
     ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥      ¥ million      %      %  

Fiscal 2018

     —          3.75        —          3.75        7.50        190,395        197.3        2.1  

Fiscal 2019

     —          3.75        —          3.75        7.50        190,416        42.4        2.1  

Fiscal 2020 (estimate)

     —          3.75        —          3.75        7.50           59.4     



The impact from the share consolidation scheduled on October 1, 2020 is not reflected to the estimate for Cash Dividend per Share of Common Stock at the end of fiscal 2020. If the share consolidation is taken into account, it would be ¥37.50. Please refer to “Notes” below for detail.

3. Consolidated Earnings Estimates for Fiscal 2020 (for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021)


(%: Changes from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year)  
     Profit Attributable
to Owners of
     Net Income
per Share of
Common Stock
     ¥ million      %      ¥  

1H F2020

     —          —          —    

Fiscal 2020

     320,000        (28.6)        12.61  


  The number of shares of common stock used in the above calculation is based on the number of outstanding shares of common stock as of March 31, 2020. The impact from the share consolidation scheduled on October 1, 2020 is not reflected to the Consolidated Earnings Estimates for Net Income per Share of Common Stock for Fiscal 2020 (for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021). If the share consolidation is taken into account, it would be ¥126.12. Please refer to “Notes” below for detail.


(1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries during the Fiscal Year (changes in specified subsidiaries accompanying changes in the scope of consolidation): No

(2) Changes in Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates / Restatements

      i.  Changes in accounting policies due to revisions of accounting standards, etc.: Yes

      ii. Changes in accounting policies other than i above: Yes

      iii. Changes in accounting estimates: No

      iv. Restatements: No

      Note: For more information, please refer to “Changes in Accounting Policies” on page 1 – 14 of the attachment.

(3) Issued Shares of Common Stock


      i.  Year-end issued shares

           (including treasury stock):

    As of March 31, 2020       25,392,498,945 shares       As of March 31, 2019       25,392,498,945 shares  

      ii. Year-end treasury stock:

    As of March 31, 2020       32,106,811 shares       As of March 31, 2019       33,962,404 shares  

      iii. Average number of outstanding shares:

    Fiscal 2019       25,360,661,215 shares       Fiscal 2018       25,362,375,520 shares  

This immediate release is outside the scope of the audit.

The Board of Directors of the MHFG today (May 15, 2020) resolved to include the following share consolidation in the agenda for the 18th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in June 2020.

Estimate for cash dividends and consolidated earnings estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 with effect from the share consolidation, are as follows.


(1) Estimate for cash dividends and consolidated earnings estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021


      Cash dividends per share of common stock

     Second quarter-end      ¥ 3.75  
     Fiscal year-end      ¥ 37.50  

(2) Estimate for consolidated earnings estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021


      Net income per share of common stock (Consolidated)

      ¥  126.12  



This immediate release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans. Such forward-looking statements do not represent any guarantee by management of future performance.

In many cases, but not all, we use such words as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “probability,” “project,” “risk,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target” and similar expressions in relation to us or our management to identify forward-looking statements. You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions.

We may not be successful in implementing our business strategies, and management may fail to achieve its targets, for a wide range of possible reasons, including, without limitation: incurrence of significant credit-related costs; declines in the value of our securities portfolio; changes in interest rates; foreign currency fluctuations; decrease in the market liquidity of our assets; revised assumptions or other changes related to our pension plans; a decline in our deferred tax assets; impairment of the carrying value of our long-lived assets; problems related to our information technology systems, including as a result of cyber attacks; the effect of financial transactions entered into for hedging and other similar purposes; failure to maintain required capital adequacy ratio levels and meet other financial regulatory requirements; downgrades in our credit ratings; our ability to avoid reputational harm; our ability to implement our Medium-term Business Plan, realize the synergy effects of “One MIZUHO, ” and implement other strategic initiatives and measures effectively; the effectiveness of our operational, legal and other risk management policies; the effect of changes in general economic conditions in Japan and elsewhere; and changes to applicable laws and regulations.

Further information regarding factors that could affect our financial condition and results of operations is included in “Item 3.D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our most recent Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and our report on Form 6-K furnished to the SEC on December 26, 2019, both of which are available in the Financial Information section of our web page at www.mizuho-fg.com/index.html and also at the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov.

We do not intend to update our forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation, and disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


m Contents of Attachment


1.   Overview of Consolidated Results of Operations and Financial Conditions      p.1-2  
  (1) Overview of Results of Operations      p.1-2  
  (2) Overview of Financial Conditions      p.1-3  
  (3) Basic Policy on Profit Distribution, Dividend Payment for Fiscal 2019 and Dividend Estimates for Fiscal 2020      p.1-3  
2.   Basic Stance on Selection of Accounting Standards      p.1-4  
3.   Consolidated Financial Statements and Others      p.1-5  
  (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets      p.1-5  
  (2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income      p.1-7  
  (3) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets      p.1-10  
  (4) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows      p.1-12  
  (5) Notes regarding Consolidated Financial Statements      p.1-14  

(Matters Related to the Assumption of Going Concern)


(Changes in Accounting Policies)


(Business Segment Information)


(Per Share Information)


(Subsequent Events)


Note to XBRL

Please note that the names of the English accounts contained in XBRL data, which are available through EDINET and TDNet, may be different from those of the English accounts in our financial statements.

An MHFG IR conference for institutional investors and analysts is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, 2020. The IR conference presentation materials and audio archive will be available for use by individual investors in the IR Information section of the Mizuho Financial Group website immediately after the conference.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


1. Overview of Consolidated Results of Operations and Financial Conditions

(1) Overview of Results of Operations

Reviewing the economic environment over the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, the global economy showed a slowdown, primarily in the manufacturing industry, due to factors such as uncertainty related to the trade disputes between the United States and China. Furthermore, toward the end of the fiscal year, the global economy began to show signs indicative of a state of crisis due to the worldwide spread of COVID-19.

In the United States, the economy of which had been expanding, the economic base began to deteriorate rapidly, including a substantial decline in the rate of employment due to the impact of the spread of COVID-19. In light of such circumstances, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) cut interest rates as an emergency measure twice in March, and the Trump administration implemented US$2 trillion worth of economic measures. However, concerns about a further decline in the economy have not been dispelled.

In Europe, where the economy remained weak, the European Central Bank (ECB) decided to purchase assets and expand long-term refinancing operations in response to the spread of COVID-19 throughout Europe. However, the economic situation is becoming increasingly serious.

In Asia, the Chinese economy continued to slow down. The growth of production, investment and consumption has slowed as economic activities have contracted since the beginning of 2020 due to COVID-19, in addition to the impact of trade disputes between the United States and China. Moreover, in emerging countries, currency depreciation and capital outflows have been observed, partly due to the fall in the prices of crude oil and other resources.

In Japan, the real GDP growth rate fell sharply negative in the October to December quarter of 2019, partly due to the impact of the consumption tax increase amid the sluggishness in export and production activities. In response to the spread of COVID-19, the Bank of Japan decided to expand financial support measures for businesses and increase purchases of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and corporate bonds, and the government has also taken a series of emergency measures. However, economic activities are contracting at an accelerating pace.

As to the prospects for the global economy, negative growth is expected due to the impact of the spread of COVID-19. While monetary easing and economic stimulus measures implemented in each country are expected to have a positive effect on the economy, there is a concern that, if the impact becomes prolonged, demand will decrease further due to worsening employment and income situations. The Japanese economy is expected to remain in a difficult situation for the time being, due to factors such as decreased consumption, primarily in the service-related sector, and capital investments.

Under the foregoing business environment, we recorded Consolidated Gross Profits of ¥2,062.2 billion for fiscal 2019, increasing by ¥249.4 billion from the previous fiscal year due to the steady business performance in both Customer Groups and Markets.

General and Administrative Expenses decreased by ¥52.4 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥1,378.3 billion due to the efforts of structural reform.

As a result, Consolidated Net Business Profits increased by ¥268.5 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥661.9 billion.

Consolidated Net Business Profits + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others that consist of Consolidated Net Business Profits, Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others on a non-consolidated aggregated basis of the banks, and Net gains or losses related to operating investment securities on a consolidated basis of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. increased by ¥264.2 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥672.5 billion.

Credit-related Costs increased by ¥152.1 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥171.7 billion due to recording Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans for some credit exposures reflecting the impact of COVID-19 in light of the principles set forth in the report entitled “JFSA’s supervisory approaches to lending business and loan loss provisioning” published by the Japanese Financial Services Agency in December 2019.

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks decreased by ¥137.6 billion on a year-on-year basis to net gains of ¥137.1 billion.

As a result, Ordinary Income increased by ¥23.7 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥637.8 billion.

Extraordinary Gains (Losses) increased by ¥478.6 billion on a year-on-year basis to net losses of ¥19.1 billion due to the lack of losses in light of structural reform recorded last year.

Tax-related Expenses increased by ¥163.9 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥161.4 billion.

As a result, Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent for fiscal 2019 increased by ¥352.0 billion on a year-on-year basis to ¥448.5 billion.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


As for earnings estimates for fiscal 2020, we estimate Ordinary Profits of ¥400.0 billion and Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent of ¥320.0 billion on a consolidated basis.

We will disclose promptly if we need to revise the above consolidated earnings estimates due to the further spread of COVID-19.

(2) Overview of Financial Conditions

Consolidated total assets as of March 31, 2020 amounted to ¥214,659.0 billion, increasing by ¥13,866.8 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year mainly due to an increase in Receivables under Resale Agreements.

Securities were ¥34,907.2 billion, increasing by ¥5,132.7 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Loans and Bills Discounted amounted to ¥83,468.1 billion, increasing by ¥5,011.2 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposit amounted to ¥144,472.2 billion, increasing by ¥6,822.6 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Net Assets amounted to ¥8,663.8 billion, decreasing by ¥530.1 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year. Shareholders’ Equity was ¥7,561.0 billion, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income was ¥992.9 billion, and Non-controlling Interests was ¥109.6 billion.

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities was ¥1,901.8 billion mainly due to increased deposits. Net Cash Used in Investing Activities was ¥5,808.5 billion mainly due to purchase, sale, and redemption of securities and Net Cash Used in Financing Activities was ¥281.8 billion mainly due to repayments to non-controlling shareholders and cash dividends paid.

As a result, Cash and Cash Equivalents as of March 31, 2020 was ¥39,863.6 billion.

(3) Basic Policy on Profit Distribution, Dividend Payment for Fiscal 2019 and Dividend Estimates for Fiscal 2020

We have been implementing disciplined capital management by pursuing the optimum balance between strengthening of stable capital base and steady returns to shareholders, and set forth our shareholder return policy that we are maintaining the current level of dividends for the time being while aiming to strengthen our capital base further to enhance returns to shareholders at an early stage.

Based on this policy, we have decided to issue ¥3.75 of year-end cash dividends on common stock for Fiscal 2019 (annual cash dividends of ¥7.50 including interim dividends of ¥3.75) in accordance with Dividend Estimate at the beginning of the fiscal year.

The Board of Directors has decided on the ¥7.50 of annual cash dividends on common stock for Fiscal 2019, even though Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent for Fiscal 2019 was slightly lower than our Earnings Estimate at the beginning of the fiscal year as a result of additional Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans for some credit exposures from a forward-looking perspective based on future projections, reflecting the potential impact of COVID-19 on our financials. To make such decision, the Board of Directors has taken into account and considered thoroughly our business environment comprehensively including capital adequacy, and domestic and international regulation trends including the Basel regulatory framework.


Common Stock

  ¥3.75 per share   (unchanged from the estimate at the beginning of Fiscal 2019)

Annual cash dividends incl. interim dividends

  ¥7.50 per share   (unchanged from the estimate at the beginning of Fiscal 2019)

Furthermore, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, we decide to issue dividends not by a resolution at the General Meeting of Shareholders but by a resolution at the Board of Directors unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. We decided on the year-end cash dividend payments on common stock for Fiscal 2020 at the Board of Directors held today.

For Fiscal 2020, based on the shareholder return policy, we will comprehensively consider the business environment such as the Group’s business results, profit base, status of capital adequacy, and domestic and international regulation trends, including the Basel framework, in determining the amounts of dividends payment.

As for the dividend estimates of common stock for Fiscal 2020, we predict ¥7.50 per share of common stock, which is the same as Fiscal 2019. We intend to continue payments of cash dividends at the interim period to return profits to shareholders in a timely manner.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(Dividend Estimates for Fiscal 2020)     

Common Stock

   Cash Dividends per Share    ¥ 7.50    

of which Interim Dividends

   ¥ 3.75    

In addition, with the approval of the 18th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in June 2020, the shares of common stock will be consolidated on the basis of one post-consolidation share per ten pre-consolidation shares to be effective on October 1, 2020. Taking such share consolidation into account, fiscal year-end dividend estimates for Fiscal 2020 will be ¥37.50.

Also, with the approval of the same General Meeting of Shareholders, the Articles of Incorporation will be amended such that the Board of Directors remains as the organization to make decisions on issuing dividends, but the General Meeting of Shareholders may also make decisions on such matters in the event a shareholder’s proposal is presented.

2. Basic Stance on Selection of Accounting Standards

MHFG prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. With respect to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), in light of possible adoption in the future, MHFG is continuing research and study on the situation in Japan and Overseas and/or the development of IFRS.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


3. Consolidated Financial Statements and Others

(1) Consolidated Balance Sheets


     Millions of yen  
     As of
March 31,

    As of
March 31,




Cash and Due from Banks

   ¥ 45,108,602     ¥ 41,069,745  

Call Loans and Bills Purchased

     648,254       584,686  

Receivables under Resale Agreements

     12,997,628       18,581,488  

Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

     2,578,133       2,243,161  

Other Debt Purchased

     2,828,959       2,688,273  

Trading Assets

     12,043,608       13,248,734  

Money Held in Trust

     351,889       411,847  


     29,774,489       34,907,234  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     78,456,935       83,468,185  

Foreign Exchange Assets

     1,993,668       2,044,415  

Derivatives other than for Trading Assets

     1,328,227       1,944,060  

Other Assets

     4,229,589       5,206,121  

Tangible Fixed Assets

     1,037,006       1,103,622  


     287,634       287,038  


     614,851       610,305  

Lease Assets

     22,557       13,293  

Construction in Progress

     36,300       72,290  

Other Tangible Fixed Assets

     75,661       120,694  

Intangible Fixed Assets

     620,231       636,139  


     161,364       429,136  


     65,495       61,276  

Lease Assets

     5,839       4,118  

Other Intangible Fixed Assets

     387,532       141,608  

Net Defined Benefit Asset

     982,804       846,782  

Deferred Tax Assets

     37,960       32,493  

Customers’ Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees

     6,062,053       6,066,527  

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     (287,815     (424,446







Total Assets

   ¥ 200,792,226     ¥ 214,659,077  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


     Millions of yen  
     As of
March 31,
    As of
March 31,




   ¥ 124,311,025     ¥ 131,189,673  

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     13,338,571       13,282,561  

Call Money and Bills Sold

     2,841,931       2,263,076  

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

     14,640,439       17,971,098  

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

     1,484,584       1,108,255  

Commercial Paper

     941,181       411,089  

Trading Liabilities

     8,325,520       9,604,890  

Borrowed Money

     3,061,504       5,209,947  

Foreign Exchange Liabilities

     669,578       509,405  

Short-term Bonds

     355,539       373,658  

Bonds and Notes

     8,351,071       8,906,432  

Due to Trust Accounts

     1,102,073       1,055,510  

Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities

     1,165,602       1,619,151  

Other Liabilities

     4,512,325       6,111,195  

Reserve for Bonus Payments

     68,117       75,175  

Reserve for Variable Compensation

     2,867       2,559  

Net Defined Benefit Liability

     60,873       62,113  

Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

     1,389       944  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

     630       637  

Reserve for Contingencies

     4,910       6,443  

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

     19,068       27,851  

Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

     25,566       18,672  

Reserves under Special Laws

     2,473       2,509  

Deferred Tax Liabilities

     185,974       53,150  

Deferred Tax Liabilities for Revaluation Reserve for Land

     63,315       62,695  

Acceptances and Guarantees

     6,062,053       6,066,527  







Total Liabilities

   ¥ 191,598,188     ¥ 205,995,229  







Net Assets


Common Stock

   ¥ 2,256,767     ¥ 2,256,767  

Capital Surplus

     1,138,449       1,136,467  

Retained Earnings

     3,915,521       4,174,190  

Treasury Stock

     (7,703     (6,414







Total Shareholders’ Equity

     7,303,034       7,561,010  







Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities

     1,186,401       823,085  

Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges

     (22,282     72,081  

Revaluation Reserve for Land

     137,772       136,655  

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

     (111,057     (133,178

Remeasurements of Defined Benefit Plans

     254,936       94,317  







Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

     1,445,770       992,960  







Stock Acquisition Rights

     707       213  

Non-controlling Interests

     444,525       109,662  







Total Net Assets

     9,194,038       8,663,847  







Total Liabilities and Net Assets

   ¥ 200,792,226     ¥ 214,659,077  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2019
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2020

Ordinary Income

   ¥ 3,925,649      ¥ 3,986,701  

Interest Income

     2,056,327        2,014,440  

Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted

     1,253,970        1,242,279  

Interest and Dividends on Securities

     302,768        266,861  

Interest on Call Loans and Bills Purchased

     5,510        5,356  

Interest on Receivables under Resale Agreements

     229,637        251,830  

Interest on Securities Borrowing Transactions

     25,081        18,779  

Interest on Due from Banks

     123,545        105,257  

Other Interest Income

     115,813        124,074  

Fiduciary Income

     55,153        58,565  

Fee and Commission Income

     765,977        778,842  

Trading Income

     299,355        406,539  

Other Operating Income

     312,815        412,114  

Other Ordinary Income

     436,019        316,198  

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     4,357        —    

Recovery of Written-off Claims

     10,395        11,901  


     421,266        304,296  

Ordinary Expenses

        3,311,531           3,348,823  

Interest Expenses

     1,293,846        1,280,897  

Interest on Deposits

     480,593        482,887  

Interest on Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     129,752        124,332  

Interest on Call Money and Bills Sold

     11,030        8,686  

Interest on Payables under Repurchase Agreements

     374,524        351,012  

Interest on Securities Lending Transactions

     7,292        7,041  

Interest on Commercial Paper

     19,304        15,484  

Interest on Borrowed Money

     35,522        33,949  

Interest on Short-term Bonds

     28        31  

Interest on Bonds and Notes

     172,811        173,398  

Other Interest Expenses

     62,986        84,073  

Fee and Commission Expenses

     155,550        159,598  

Trading Expenses

     1,987        15,239  

Other Operating Expenses

     225,509        152,547  

General and Administrative Expenses

     1,430,850        1,378,398  

Other Ordinary Expenses

     203,788        362,142  

Provision for Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     —          161,005  


     203,788        201,137  







Ordinary Profits

   ¥ 614,118      ¥ 637,877  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2019
    For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2020

Extraordinary Gains

   ¥ 11,280     ¥ 2,239  

Gains on Disposition of Fixed Assets

     3,438       2,239  

Other Extraordinary Gains

     7,841       —    

Extraordinary Losses

     509,138       21,399  

Losses on Disposition of Fixed Assets

     5,414       6,138  

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

     503,612       15,224  

Other Extraordinary Losses

     112       36  







Income before Income Taxes

     116,259       618,717  







Income Taxes:



     161,376       150,088  


     (163,879     11,408  







Total Income Taxes

     (2,502     161,496  








     118,762       457,221  







Profit Attributable to Non-controlling Interests

     22,196       8,652  







Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

   ¥ 96,566     ¥ 448,568  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2019
    For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2020


   ¥ 118,762     ¥ 457,221  

Other Comprehensive Income

     (229,304     (449,547

Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities

     (207,505     (359,779

Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges

     45,391       94,536  

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments

     (23,882     (20,650

Remeasurements of Defined Benefit Plans

     (35,577     (157,693

Share of Other Comprehensive Income of Associates Accounted for Using Equity Method

     (7,730     (5,961







Comprehensive Income

          (110,542)                  7,673  









Comprehensive Income Attributable to Owners of Parent

     (128,692     (3,123

Comprehensive Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests

     18,150       10,797  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(3) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019


    Millions of yen  
    Shareholders’ Equity  
    Total Shareholders’

Balance as of the beginning of the period

    2,256,548       1,134,922       4,002,835       (5,997     7,388,309  

Changes during the period


Issuance of New Shares

    218       218           437  

Cash Dividends

        (190,384       (190,384

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

        96,566         96,566  

Repurchase of Treasury Stock

          (3,001     (3,001

Disposition of Treasury Stock

      (23       1,295       1,271  

Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land

        6,504         6,504  

Change in Treasury Shares of Parent Arising from Transactions with Non-controlling Shareholders

      3,331           3,331  

Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders’ Equity

















Total Changes during the period

    218       3,526       (87,313     (1,706     (85,274
















Balance as of the end of the period

    2,256,767       1,138,449       3,915,521       (7,703     7,303,034  

















    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income     Stock
    Total Net

(Losses) on

Gains or
Losses on

Reserve for
of Defined
Benefit Plans

Balance as of the beginning of the period

    1,392,392       (67,578     144,277       (85,094     293,536       1,677,534       1,163       754,239       9,821,246  

Changes during the period


Issuance of New Shares


Cash Dividends


Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent


Repurchase of Treasury Stock


Disposition of Treasury Stock


Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land


Change in Treasury Shares of Parent Arising from Transactions with Non-controlling Shareholders


Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders’ Equity

    (205,990     45,295       (6,504     (25,963     (38,600     (231,763     (456     (309,713     (541,934




























Total Changes during the period

    (205,990     45,295       (6,504     (25,963     (38,600     (231,763     (456     (309,713     (627,208




























Balance as of the end of the period

    1,186,401       (22,282     137,772       (111,057     254,936       1,445,770       707       444,525       9,194,038  






























Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020


     Millions of yen  
     Shareholders’ Equity  
    Total Shareholders’

Balance as of the beginning of the period

     2,256,767        1,138,449       3,915,521       (7,703     7,303,034  

Changes during the period


Cash Dividends

          (190,405       (190,405

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

          448,568         448,568  

Repurchase of Treasury Stock

            (1,908     (1,908

Disposition of Treasury Stock

        (625       3,197       2,571  

Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land

          1,117         1,117  

Change in Treasury Shares of Parent Arising from Transactions with Non-controlling Shareholders

        (1,968         (1,968

Transfer from Retained Earnings to Capital Surplus

        611       (611       —    

Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders’ Equity

















Total Changes during the period

     —          (1,981     258,668       1,288       257,975  
















Balance as of the end of the period

     2,256,767        1,136,467       4,174,190       (6,414     7,561,010  

















    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income                    

(Losses) on

Gains or
Losses on

Reserve for
of Defined
Benefit Plans
    Total Net

Balance as of the beginning of the period

    1,186,401       (22,282     137,772       (111,057     254,936       1,445,770       707       444,525       9,194,038  

Changes during the period


Cash Dividends


Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent


Repurchase of Treasury Stock


Disposition of Treasury Stock


Transfer from Revaluation Reserve for Land


Change in Treasury Shares of Parent Arising from Transactions with Non-controlling Shareholders


Transfer from Retained Earnings to Capital Surplus


Net Changes in Items other than Shareholders’ Equity

    (363,316     94,364       (1,117     (22,120     (160,619     (452,809     (493     (334,862     (788,165




























Total Changes during the period

    (363,316     94,364       (1,117     (22,120     (160,619     (452,809     (493     (334,862     (530,190




























Balance as of the end of the period

    823,085       72,081       136,655       (133,178     94,317       992,960       213       109,662       8,663,847  






























Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(4) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal year

March 31, 2019
           For the fiscal year

March 31, 2020

Cash Flow from Operating Activities


Income before Income Taxes

   ¥ 116,259        ¥ 618,717  


     168,200          152,666  

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

     503,612          15,224  

Amortization of Goodwill

     4,080          4,062  

Equity in Loss (Gain) from Investments in Affiliates

     (51,215        (30,382

Increase (Decrease) in Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     (26,910        139,940  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

     (444        6  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Contingencies

     183          1,793  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Bonus Payments

     591          8,611  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Variable Compensation

     (375        (307

Decrease (Increase) in Net Defined Benefit Asset

     (57,863        (91,950

Increase (Decrease) in Net Defined Benefit Liability

     2,497          2,590  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Director and Corporate Auditor Retirement Benefits

     (41        (439

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

     (942        8,782  

Increase (Decrease) in Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

     (5,194        (6,893

Interest Income—accrual basis

     (2,056,327        (2,014,440

Interest Expenses—accrual basis

     1,293,846          1,280,897  

Losses (Gains) on Securities

     (195,755        (231,382

Losses (Gains) on Money Held in Trust

     (40        (121

Foreign Exchange Losses (Gains)—net

     (170,422        103,125  

Losses (Gains) on Disposition of Fixed Assets

     1,976          3,898  

Losses (Gains) on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

     (7,841        —    

Decrease (Increase) in Trading Assets

     (1,536,520        (1,435,994

Increase (Decrease) in Trading Liabilities

     227,455          1,488,005  

Decrease (Increase) in Derivatives other than for Trading Assets

     485,333          (638,977

Increase (Decrease) in Derivatives other than for Trading Liabilities

     (355,068        475,833  

Decrease (Increase) in Loans and Bills Discounted

     (2,407,594        (5,967,287

Increase (Decrease) in Deposits

     927,918          7,732,005  

Increase (Decrease) in Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     1,878,841          367,378  

Increase (Decrease) in Borrowed Money (excluding Subordinated Borrowed Money)

     (1,800,307        2,165,756  

Decrease (Increase) in Due from Banks (excluding Due from Central Banks)

     611,070          (365,564

Decrease (Increase) in Call Loans, etc.

     (4,807,554        (5,758,002

Decrease (Increase) in Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

     1,772,393          334,971  

Increase (Decrease) in Call Money, etc.

     1,748,141          3,128,355  

Increase (Decrease) in Commercial Paper

     199,104          (511,609

Increase (Decrease) in Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

     (82,249        (376,328

Decrease (Increase) in Foreign Exchange Assets

     (34,376        (106,795

Increase (Decrease) in Foreign Exchange Liabilities

     223,848          (159,598

Increase (Decrease) in Short-term Bonds (Liabilities)

     (6,646        18,119  

Increase (Decrease) in Bonds and Notes

     286,158          308,937  

Increase (Decrease) in Due to Trust Accounts

     (10,232        (46,563

Interest and Dividend Income—cash basis

     2,027,241          2,047,339  

Interest Expenses—cash basis

     (1,250,247        (1,315,446


     (75,059        650,590  








     (2,460,479        1,999,524  







Cash Refunded (Paid) in Income Taxes

     (175,617        (97,631







Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities

     (2,636,096        1,901,893  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal year

March 31, 2019
           For the fiscal year

March 31, 2020

Cash Flow from Investing Activities


Payments for Purchase of Securities

     (52,363,143                 (72,474,752

Proceeds from Sale of Securities

     38,799,373          48,136,966  

Proceeds from Redemption of Securities

     19,211,836          18,815,661  

Payments for Increase in Money Held in Trust

     (109,630        (78,650

Proceeds from Decrease in Money Held in Trust

     94,984          18,523  

Payments for Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets

     (42,703        (85,840

Payments for Purchase of Intangible Fixed Assets

     (111,595        (151,011

Proceeds from Sale of Tangible Fixed Assets

     7,811          6,353  

Proceeds from Sale of Intangible Fixed Assets

     —            3,144  

Proceeds from Sales of Stocks of Subsidiaries (affecting the scope of consolidation)

     219          1,067  







Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities

     5,487,153          (5,808,537







Cash Flow from Financing Activities


Proceeds from Subordinated Borrowed Money

     10,000          15,000  

Repayments of Subordinated Borrowed Money

     (45,000        (30,000

Proceeds from Issuance of Subordinated Bonds

     510,000          483,000  

Payments for Redemption of Subordinated Bonds

     (5,000        (213,000

Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock

     2          —    

Proceeds from Investments by Non-controlling Shareholders

     3,514          2,883  

Repayments to Non-controlling Shareholders

     (275,079        (303,000

Cash Dividends Paid

     (190,413        (190,386

Cash Dividends Paid to Non-controlling Shareholders

     (25,494        (9,568

Payments for Purchase of Stocks of Subsidiaries (not affecting the scope of consolidation)

     —            (4,653

Payments for Repurchase of Treasury Stock

     (2,124        (1,441

Proceeds from Sale of Treasury Stock

     952          1,516  

Payments for Repurchase of Treasury Stock of Subsidiaries

     —            (32,199







Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities

     (18,640        (281,849







Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

     (32,656        (202,776







Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

     2,799,759          (4,391,269







Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the fiscal year

     46,334,334          44,254,874  

Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents resulting from Exclusion of

Subsidiaries from Consolidation

     (4,879,218        (0







Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the fiscal year

   ¥ 44,254,874        ¥ 39,863,604  









Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(5) Notes regarding Consolidated Financial Statements

(Matters Related to the Assumption of Going Concern)

There is no applicable information.

(Changes in Accounting Policies)

(Application of “Leases” (IFRS 16 and ASU 2016-02))

MHFG has applied “Leases” (IFRS 16 and ASU 2016-02) at some consolidated subsidiaries from the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. Accordingly, lessees recognize assets and liabilities for all leases as a general rule.

In accordance with transitional treatment, MHFG has recognized the impact of adoption of this accounting standard cumulatively as of the date of adoption for balances at the beginning of the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2020.

The impact on the consolidated financial statements for the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 is immaterial.

(Changes in Hedge Accounting)

Previously, deferred method or the fair-value hedge method have been applied as hedge accounting methods.

From the third quarter ended December 31, 2019, hedge accounting methods of some items were changed from fair-value method to deferred method.

Based on current market trends, MHFG reconsidered its risk management activities from the third quarter ended December 31, 2019, in order to provide more transparent disclosure in the financial statements.

If the same accounting policy as that of the current fiscal year had been adopted in the interim period ended September 30, 2019, the effect of this change on this interim period would have been immaterial.

The effect of this change in accounting policy on past periods is immaterial. Therefore, we do not retrospectively apply this policy change in prior periods. This change has no impact on the gains and losses.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(Business Segment Information)

1. Summary of reportable segment

MHFG has introduced an in-house company system based on the group’s diverse customer segments.

The aim of this system is to leverage MHFG’s strengths and competitive advantage, which is the seamless integration of MHFG’s banking, trust and securities functions under a holding company structure, to speedily provide high-quality financial services that closely match customer needs.

Specifically, the company system is classified into the following five in-house companies, each based on a customer segment: the Retail & Business Banking Company, the Corporate & Institutional Company, the Global Corporate Company, the Global Markets Company, and the Asset Management Company.

The services that each in-house company is in charge of are as follows:

Retail & Business Banking Company:

Services for individual customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and middle market firms in Japan

Corporate & Institutional Company:

Services for large corporations, financial institutions and public corporations in Japan

Global Corporate Company:

Services for Japanese overseas affiliated corporate customers and non-Japanese corporate customers, etc.

Global Markets Company:

Investment services with respect to interest rates, equities and credits, etc. , and other services

Asset Management Company:

Development of products and provision of services that match the asset management needs of its wide range of customers from individuals to institutional investors

The reportable segment information, set forth below, is derived from the internal management reporting systems used by management to measure the performance of the Group’s operating segments.

Management measures the performance of each of the operating segments in accordance with internal managerial accounting rules and practices.

2. Calculating method of Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others, Net business profits or losses (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others, and Fixed assets by reportable segment

The following information of reportable segment is based on internal management reporting.

Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others is the total amount of Interest Income, Fiduciary Income, Fee and Commission Income, Trading Income, Other Operating Income, and Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others.

Net business profits or losses (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others is the amount of which General and administrative expenses (excluding non-recurring expenses and others), Equity in income from investments in affiliates, Amortization of goodwill and others (including amortization of intangible assets), and Others (consolidation adjustments) are deducted from, or added to, Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others.

Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others relating to transactions between segments is based on the current market price.

Fixed assets disclosed as asset information by segment are the total amount of tangible fixed assets and intangible fixed assets. Fixed assets pertaining to Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. have been allocated to each segment.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


3. Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others, Net business profits or losses (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others, and Fixed assets by reportable segment


     Millions of yen  
     MHFG (Consolidated)        
     Retail &
     Corporate &
(Note 2)

Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others

     673,572        462,418        417,770        410,138        48,361        60,563       2,072,822  

General and administrative expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses and others)

     668,435        215,035        249,044        208,861        28,966        41,097       1,411,438  

Equity in income from investments in affiliates

     11,762        1,957        10,355        —          1,295        5,013       30,382  

Amortization of goodwill and others

     363        425        369        2,346        7,774        1,961       13,238  


     —          —          —          —          —          (5,942     (5,942

Net business profits or losses (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others

     16,536        248,915        178,712        198,931        12,916        16,575       672,585  

Fixed assets

     503,692        204,134        173,023        91,459        93        767,361       1,739,762  


(Notes) 1.

   Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) +Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others is reported instead of sales reported by general corporations. Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others amounted to ¥ 10,602 million, of which ¥ 7,334 million is included in the Global Markets Company.


   “Others” includes items which should be eliminated as internal transactions between each segment on a consolidated basis.


   “Others” in Fixed assets includes assets of headquarters that have not been allocated to each segment, Fixed assets pertaining to consolidated subsidiaries that are not subject to allocation, consolidated adjustments, and others.
   Among Fixed assets that have not been allocated to each segment, some related expenses are allocated to each segment using the reasonable criteria of allocation.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


4. The difference between the total amounts of reportable segments and the recorded amounts in the Consolidated Statement of Income, and the contents of the difference (Matters relating to adjustment to difference)

The above amount of Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others and that of Net business profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others derived from internal management reporting by reportable segment are different from the amounts recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income.

The contents of the difference for the period are as follows:



The total of Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others of Segment Information and Ordinary Profits recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income


     Millions of yen  
Gross profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others      2,072,822  

Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others


Other Ordinary Income


General and Administrative Expenses


Other Ordinary Expenses





Ordinary Profits recorded in Consolidated Statement of Income







The total of Net business profits (excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net gains or losses related to ETFs and others of Segment Information and Income before Income Taxes recorded in the Consolidated Statement of Income


     Millions of yen  

Net Business Profits

(excluding the amounts of credit costs of trust accounts, before reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans) + Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others


Credit Costs for Trust Accounts


General and Administrative Expenses (non-recurring losses)


Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including reversal of (provision for) general reserve for losses on loans)


Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others


Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks—Net Gains (Losses) related to ETFs and others


Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)







Income before Income Taxes recorded in Consolidated Statement of Income







Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(Per Share Information)

(Consolidated basis)


            Fiscal 2018      Fiscal 2019  

Net Assets per Share of Common Stock

      ¥ 345.00      ¥ 337.29  

Net Income per Share of Common Stock

      ¥ 3.80      ¥ 17.68  

Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock

      ¥ 3.80      ¥ 17.68  

1. Total Net Assets per Share of Common Stock is based on the following information:


       Fiscal 2018      Fiscal 2019  

Net Assets per Share of Common Stock



Total Net Assets

   ¥ million        9,194,038        8,663,847  

Deductions from Total Net Assets

   ¥ million        445,232        109,876  

Stock Acquisition Rights

   ¥ million        707        213  

Non-Controlling Interests

   ¥ million        444,525        109,662  

Net Assets (year-end) related to Common Stock

   ¥ million        8,748,805        8,553,971  

Year-end Outstanding Shares of Common Stock, based on which Total Net Assets per Share of Common Stock was calculated



of shares



     25,358,536        25,360,392  

2. Net Income per Share of Common Stock and Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock are based on the following information:


       Fiscal 2018      Fiscal 2019  

Net Income per Share of Common Stock



Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

   ¥ million        96,566        448,568  

Amount not attributable to Common Stock

   ¥ million        —          —    

Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent related to Common Stock

   ¥ million        96,566        448,568  

Average Outstanding Shares of Common Stock (during the period)



of shares



     25,362,375        25,360,661  

Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock



Adjustment to Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

   ¥ million        —          —    

Increased Number of Shares of Common Stock



of shares



     4,522        1,582  

Stock Acquisition Rights



of shares



     4,522        1,582  

Description of dilutive securities which were not included in the calculation of Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock as they have no dilutive effects

        —          —    



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



In the calculation of Net Assets per Share of Common Stock, MHFG shares outstanding in BBT trust account that were recognized as Treasury Stock in Shareholders’ Equity are included in Treasury Stock shares deducted from the number of issued shares as of March 31, 2019 and 2020. The numbers of such Treasury Stock shares deducted during the period ended March 31, 2019 and 2020 are 18,917 thousand and 19,636 thousand, respectively.



In the calculation of Net Income per Share of Common Stock and Diluted Net Income per Share of Common Stock, such Treasury Stock shares are included in Treasury Stock shares deducted in the calculation of the Average Outstanding Shares of Common Stock during the period. The average numbers of such Treasury Stock shares deducted during the period ended March 31, 2019 and 2020 are 17,195 thousand and 19,255 thousand, respectively.

(Subsequent Events)

The Board of Directors of the MHFG today (May 15, 2020) resolved to include the share consolidation in the agenda for the 18th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in June 2020.

For details, please refer to “Notice on Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Share Consolidation” announced today.




For Fiscal 2019

(Under Japanese GAAP)









“CON”: Consolidated figures for Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (MHFG)

“NON”: Non-consolidated figures for Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (MHBK) and Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (MHTB)





   See above Notes      Page  

1. Income Analysis

     CON        NON        2- 1    

2. Interest Margins (Domestic Operations)

     NON           2- 5    

3. Use and Source of Funds

     NON           2- 6    

4. Net Gains/Losses on Securities

     CON        NON        2- 8    

5. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities

     CON        NON        2- 10  

6. Projected Redemption Amounts for Securities

     NON           2- 12  

7. Overview of Derivative Transactions Qualifying for Hedge Accounting

     NON           2- 13  

8. Employee Retirement Benefits

     NON        CON        2- 14  

9. Capital Ratio

     CON        NON        2- 17  


   See above Notes      Page  

1. Status of Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans

     CON        NON        2- 18  

2. Status of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     CON        NON        2- 20  

3. Reserve Ratios for Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans

     CON        NON        2- 21  

4. Status of Non Performing Loans based on the Financial Reconstruction Act(“FRA”)

     CON        NON        2- 22  

5. Coverage on Non Performing Loans based on the FRA

     NON           2- 24  

6. Overview of Non-Performing Loans(“NPLs”)

     NON           2- 27  

7. Results of Removal of NPLs from the Balance Sheet

     NON           2- 28  

8. Status of Loans by Industry


(1) Outstanding Balances and Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans by Industry

     NON           2- 29  

(2) Non Performing Loans based on the FRA and Coverage Ratio by Industry

     NON           2- 31  

9. Housing and Consumer Loans & Loans to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


(“SMEs”) and Individual Customers


(1) Balance of Housing and Consumer Loans

     NON           2- 32  

(2) Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers

     NON           2- 32  

10. Status of Loans by Region

     NON           2- 33  


   See above Notes      Page  

1. Estimation for Calculating Deferred Tax Assets

     NON           2- 34  


   See above Notes      Page  

1. Breakdown of Deposits (Domestic Offices)

     NON           2- 36  

2. Number of Directors and Employees

           2- 37  

3. Number of Offices

           2- 37  

4. Earnings Plan for Fiscal 2020

     CON        NON        2- 38  



Mizuho Bank, Ltd.


Comparison of Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets (selected items)

           2- 39  

Comparison of Non-Consolidated Statements of Income (selected items)

           2- 40  

Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.


Comparison of Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets (selected items)

           2- 41  

Comparison of Non-Consolidated Statements of Income (selected items)

           2- 42  

Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities

           2- 43  

Comparison of Balances of Principal Items

           2- 44  

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.


Comparison of Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets (selected items)

           2- 45  

Comparison of Non-Consolidated Statements of Income (selected items)

           2- 46  



This immediate release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including estimates, forecasts, targets and plans. Such forward-looking statements do not represent any guarantee by management of future performance.

In many cases, but not all, we use such words as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “probability,” “project,” “risk,” “seek,” “should,” “strive,” “target” and similar expressions in relation to us or our management to identify forward-looking statements. You can also identify forward-looking statements by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions.

We may not be successful in implementing our business strategies, and management may fail to achieve its targets, for a wide range of possible reasons, including, without limitation: incurrence of significant credit-related costs; declines in the value of our securities portfolio; changes in interest rates; foreign currency fluctuations; decrease in the market liquidity of our assets; revised assumptions or other changes related to our pension plans; a decline in our deferred tax assets; impairment of the carrying value of our long-lived assets; problems related to our information technology systems, including as a result of cyber attacks; the effect of financial transactions entered into for hedging and other similar purposes; failure to maintain required capital adequacy ratio levels and meet other financial regulatory requirements; downgrades in our credit ratings; our ability to avoid reputational harm; our ability to implement our Medium-term Business Plan, realize the synergy effects of ”One MIZUHO”, and implement other strategic initiatives and measures effectively; the effectiveness of our operational, legal and other risk management policies; the effect of changes in general economic conditions in Japan and elsewhere; and changes to applicable laws and regulations.

Further information regarding factors that could affect our financial condition and results of operations is included in “Item 3.D. Key Information-Risk Factors” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in our most recent Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and our report on Form 6-K furnished to the SEC on December 26, 2019, both of which are available in the Financial Information section of our web page at www.mizuho-fg.com/index.html and also at the SEC’s web site at www.sec.gov.

We do not intend to update our forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation, and disclaim any obligation, to update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



1. Income Analysis



            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  

Consolidated Gross Profits

     1        2,062,219       249,482       1,812,737  

Net Interest Income

     2        733,542       (28,937     762,480  

Fiduciary Income

     3        58,565       3,411       55,153  

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     4        —         —         —    

Net Fee and Commission Income

     5        619,243       8,815       610,427  

Net Trading Income

     6        391,299       93,931       297,367  

Net Other Operating Income

     7        259,567       172,261       87,306  

General and Administrative Expenses

     8        (1,378,398     52,451       (1,430,850

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

     9        (183,308     (152,598     (30,710

Losses on Write-offs of Loans

     10        (21,940     4,425       (26,366

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others

     11        11,605       449       11,156  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     12        137,174       (137,689     274,863  

Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates

     13        30,382       (20,832     51,215  


     14        (41,797     32,496       (74,293










Ordinary Profits

     15        637,877       23,758       614,118  










Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

     16        (19,159     478,698       (497,858

Income before Income Taxes

     17        618,717       502,457       116,259  

Income Taxes - Current

     18        (150,088     11,288       (161,376

- Deferred

     19        (11,408     (175,287     163,879  


     20        457,221       338,458       118,762  

Profit Attributable to Non-controlling Interests

     21        (8,652     13,543       (22,196










Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent

     22        448,568       352,002       96,566  










Credit-related Costs (including Credit Costs for Trust Accounts)

     23        (171,703     (152,149     (19,553


* Credit-related Costs [23] = Expenses related to Portfolio Problems (including Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) [9] + Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others [11] + Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [4]



Consolidated Net Business Profits

     24          661,982         268,593           393,389  


* Consolidated Net Business Profits [24] = Consolidated Gross Profits [1] - General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses) + Equity in Income from Investments in Affiliates and certain other consolidation adjustments


Number of consolidated subsidiaries

     25                   126                    9                   117  

Number of affiliates under the equity method

     26        26       4       22  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks



            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  
            MHBK     MHTB     Aggregate

Gross Profits

     1        1,304,598       132,949       1,437,547       240,389       1,197,158  

Domestic Gross Profits

     2        750,934       126,769       877,703       88,440       789,263  

Net Interest Income

     3        413,957       21,810       435,768       (44,668     480,436  

Fiduciary Income

     4          59,132       59,132       4,134       54,997  

Trust Fees for Jointly Operated Designated Money Trust

     5          4,229       4,229       370       3,859  

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts (1)

     6          —         —         —         —    

Net Fee and Commission Income

     7        248,316       36,202       284,519       1,045       283,473  

Net Trading Income (2)

     8        48,841       8,267       57,109       108,797       (51,687

Net Other Operating Income

     9        39,818       1,355       41,173       19,131       22,042  

International Gross Profits

     10        553,663       6,179       559,843       151,948       407,895  

Net Interest Income

     11        215,056       2,055       217,111       21,409       195,702  

Net Fee and Commission Income

     12        136,819       (619     136,200       2,496       133,703  

Net Trading Income (2)

     13        100,945       (6,761     94,183       (20,534     114,717  

Net Other Operating Income

     14        100,841       11,505       112,347       148,576       (36,229

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses)

     15        (838,102     (84,183     (922,286     27,105       (949,392

Expense Ratio

     16        64.2     63.3 %       64.1     (15.1 %)      79.3

Personnel Expenses

     17        (323,917     (39,766     (363,683     13,253       (376,936

Non-Personnel Expenses

     18        (464,785     (40,969     (505,754     14,699       (520,454

Premium for Deposit Insurance

     19        (31,138     (1,295     (32,433     (514 )      (31,919 ) 

Miscellaneous Taxes

     20        (49,400     (3,448     (52,848     (847     (52,001
















Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

     21        466,495       48,765       515,261       267,495       247,766  

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas (3)

     22        364,306       36,187       400,494       47,171       353,322  

Excluding Net Gains (Losses) from redemption of Investment Trusts

     23        359,557       36,083       395,641       48,547       347,093  
















Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

     24        (105,579     (649     (106,229     (151,120     44,890  
















Net Business Profits

     25        360,916       48,115       409,031       116,374       292,656  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     26        102,189       12,577       114,767       220,323       (105,556
















Net Non-Recurring Gains (Losses)

     27        69,845           1,560           71,406           24,135           47,271      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     28        121,341       4,157       125,499       (50,665     176,164  

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems

     29        (77,270     (979     (78,250     (3,823     (74,427

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others

     30        10,439       299       10,738       3,945       6,792  


     31        15,335       (1,916     13,419       74,678       (61,259
















Ordinary Profits

     32        430,762       49,676       480,438       140,510       339,928  
















Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

     33        (17,187     212       (16,975     477,225       (494,200

Net Gains (Losses) on Disposition of Fixed Assets

     34        (3,631     617       (3,013     (2,796     (217

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

     35        (13,556     (405     (13,961     487,864       (501,825

Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

     36        —         —         —         (7,841     7,841  

Income before Income Taxes (Losses)

     37        413,574       49,888       463,463          617,736       (154,272

Income Taxes - Current

     38        (109,151     (10,342     (119,493     (12,025     (107,468

- Deferred

     39        3,364       (4,147     (782     (157,143        156,360  
















Net Income (Losses)

     40        307,788       35,398       343,186       448,567       (105,380

















(1)   Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) for MHTB excludes the amounts of “Credit Costs for Trust Accounts” [6].


(2)   As for Gross Profits for MHTB, parts of Net Trading Income which have been included in International Gross Profits are included in Domestic Gross Profits.


(3)   Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas[22]


=Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)[21]-Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds[26]


Credit-related Costs

     41        (172,410)           (1,330     (173,741     (150,997              (22,743)      


* Credit-related Costs [41] =  Expenses related to Portfolio Problems [29] + Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans [24] + Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others [30] + Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [6]


(Reference) Breakdown of Credit-related Costs


Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     42          —         —         —         —    

Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

     43        (105,579     (649     (106,229     (151,120     44,890  

Losses on Write-offs of Loans

     44        (8,634     296       (8,337     7,507       (15,845

Reversal of (Provision for) Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     45        (55,516     (976     (56,492     (9,865     (46,627

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     46        5       —         5       8       (3

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Contingencies

     47        (1,669     —         (1,669     (1,627     (41

Other (including Losses on Sales of Loans)

     48        (1,016     —         (1,016     4,098       (5,115


     49        (172,410     (1,330     (173,741     (150,997     (22,743



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Bank



          (Millions of yen)  
          Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  

Gross Profits

        1,304,598       229,569       1,075,028  

Domestic Gross Profits

        750,934       81,472       669,461  

Net Interest Income

        413,957       (42,446     456,403  

Net Fee and Commission Income

        248,316       2,458       245,857  

Net Trading Income

        48,841       99,397       (50,555

Net Other Operating Income

        39,818       22,062       17,755  

International Gross Profits

        553,663       148,097       405,566  

Net Interest Income

        215,056       21,704       193,352  

Net Fee and Commission Income

        136,819       2,415       134,404  

Net Trading Income

   10      100,945       (11,088     112,033  

Net Other Operating Income

   11      100,841       135,065       (34,224

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses)

   12      (838,102     29,081       (867,184

Expense Ratio

   13      64.2 %          (16.4 %)          80.6 %  

Personnel Expenses

   14      (323,917     13,313       (337,230

Non-Personnel Expenses

   15      (464,785     16,627       (481,413

Premium for Deposit Insurance

   16      (31,138     (523     (30,615

Miscellaneous Taxes

   17      (49,400     (859     (48,540










Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

   18      466,495       258,651       207,844  

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas *

   19      364,306       48,820       315,486  

Excluding Net Gains (Losses) from redemption of Investment Trusts

   20      359,557       50,248       309,308  










Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

   21      (105,579     (150,664     45,084  

Net Business Profits

   22      360,916       107,987       252,929  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

   23      102,189       209,831       (107,641










Net Non-Recurring Gains (Losses)

   24      69,845       38,201       31,644  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

   25      121,341       (34,435     155,777  

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems

   26      (77,270     (3,124     (74,146

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others

   27      10,439       3,646       6,792  


   28      15,335       72,114       (56,779










Ordinary Profits

   29      430,762       146,188       284,573  










Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

   30      (17,187     474,849       (492,037

Net Gains (Losses) on Disposition of Fixed Assets

   31      (3,631     (3,452     (179

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

   32      (13,556     486,143       (499,700

Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

   33      —         (7,841     7,841  

Income before Income Taxes (Losses)

   34      413,574       621,038       (207,463

Income Taxes - Current

   35      (109,151     (14,227     (94,923

- Deferred

   36      3,364       (154,578     157,943  










Net Income (Losses)

   37      307,788       452,232       (144,444











* Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas [19] = Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) [18] - Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds [23]


Credit-related Costs

   38      (172,410     (150,142     (22,268


* Credit-related Costs [38]   =  Expenses related to Portfolio Problems [26] + Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans [21] + Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others [27]


(Reference) Breakdown of Credit-related Costs


Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

   39      (105,579     (150,664     45,084  

Losses on Write-offs of Loans

   40      (8,634     7,211       (15,845

Reversal of (Provision for) Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

   41      (55,516     (9,169     (46,346

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

   42      5       8       (3

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Contingencies

   43      (1,669     (1,627     (41

Other (including Losses on Sales of Loans)

   44      (1,016     4,098       (5,115


   45      (172,410     (150,142     (22,268



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Trust & Banking



            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  

Gross Profits

            132,949       10,819       122,129  

Domestic Gross Profits

            126,769       6,967       119,801  

Net Interest Income

            21,810       (2,222     24,033  

Fiduciary Income

            59,132       4,134       54,997  

Trust Fees for Jointly Operated Designated Money Trust

            4,229       370       3,859  

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts (1)

            —         —         —    

Net Fee and Commission Income

            36,202       (1,413     37,615  

Net Trading Income (2)

            8,267       9,399       (1,132

Net Other Operating Income

            1,355       (2,931     4,286  

International Gross Profits

     10        6,179       3,851       2,328  

Net Interest Income

     11        2,055       (295     2,350  

Net Fee and Commission Income

     12        (619     81       (700

Net Trading Income (2)

     13        (6,761     (9,445     2,684  

Net Other Operating Income

     14        11,505       13,511       (2,005

General and Administrative Expenses (excluding Non-Recurring Losses)

     15        (84,183     (1,976     (82,207

Expense Ratio

     16        63.3 %          (3.9 %)          67.3 %  

Personnel Expenses

     17        (39,766     (60     (39,706

Non-Personnel Expenses

     18        (40,969     (1,928     (39,041

Premium for Deposit Insurance

     19        (1,295     8       (1,304

Miscellaneous Taxes

     20        (3,448     12       (3,460










Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

     21        48,765       8,843       39,921  

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas (3)

     22        36,187       (1,648     37,836  

Excluding Net Gains (Losses) from redemption of Investment Trusts

     23        36,083       (1,701     37,784  










Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

     24        (649     (455     (194










Net Business Profits

     25        48,115       8,387       39,727  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     26        12,577       10,492       2,085  










Net Non-Recurring Gains (Losses)

     27        1,560       (14,065     15,626  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     28        4,157       (16,229     20,387  

Expenses related to Portfolio Problems

     29        (979     (698     (280

Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others

     30        299       299       —    


     31        (1,916     2,563       (4,479










Ordinary Profits

     32        49,676       (5,678     55,354  










Net Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

     33        212       2,376       (2,163

Net Gains (Losses) on Disposition of Fixed Assets

     34        617       655       (38

Losses on Impairment of Fixed Assets

     35        (405     1,720       (2,125

Income before Income Taxes

     36        49,888       (3,302     53,190  

Income Taxes - Current

     37        (10,342     2,201       (12,544

- Deferred

     38        (4,147     (2,564     (1,582










Net Income

     39        35,398       (3,665     39,063  











(1)  Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) excludes the amounts of “Credit Costs for Trust Accounts” [6].


(2)  As for Gross Profits, parts of Net Trading Income which have been included in International Gross Profits are included in Domestic Gross Profits.


(3)  Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) from core business areas [22] = Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) [21]- Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds [26]


Credit-related Costs

     40        (1,330     (855)       (474


* Credit-related Costs [40]   =  Expenses related to Portfolio Problems [29] + Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans [24] + Gains on Reversal of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans, and others [30] + Credit Costs for Trust Accounts [6]


(Reference) Breakdown of Credit-related Costs          

Credit Costs for Trust Accounts

     41        —         —         —    

Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans

     42        (649     (455     (194

Losses on Write-offs of Loans

     43        296       296       —    

Reversal of (Provision for) Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     44        (976     (696     (280

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     45        —         —         —    

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Contingencies

     46        —         —         —    

Other (including Losses on Sales of Loans)

     47        —         —         —    


     48        (1,330     (855     (474



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


2. Interest Margins (Domestic Operations)



                 Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  
Mizuho Bank                      Change        

Return on Interest-Earning Assets

      1      0.43       (0.04     0.47  

Return on Loans and Bills Discounted *1

      2      0.76       (0.03     0.79  

Return on Securities

      3      0.42       (0.09     0.51  

Cost of Funding (including Expenses)

      4      0.65       (0.03     0.68  

Cost of Deposits (including Expenses)

      5      0.64       (0.06     0.70  

Cost of Deposits *2

      6      0.00       (0.00     0.00  

Cost of Other External Liabilities

      7      0.63       0.26       0.37  










Net Interest Margin

     (1)-(4)      8      (0.21     (0.00     (0.21

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin (including Expenses)

     (2)-(5)      9      0.12       0.02       0.09  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (2)-(6)      10      0.76       (0.03     0.79  











*1   Return on Loans and Bills Discounted excludes loans to financial institutions (including MHFG).


*2   Deposits include Negotiable Certificates of Deposit (“NCDs”).


(Reference) After excluding loans to the Japanese government and others


Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

      11      0.78       (0.04     0.83  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin (including Expenses)

     (11)-(5)      12      0.14       0.01       0.12  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (11)-(6)      13      0.78       (0.04     0.82  
                 Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  
Mizuho Trust & Banking                      Change        

Return on Interest-Earning Assets

      14      0.47       (0.03     0.51  

Return on Loans and Bills Discounted *1

      15      0.59       (0.01     0.61  

Return on Securities

      16      1.38       (0.13     1.52  

Cost of Funding

      17      0.09       0.00       0.08  

Cost of Deposits *2

      18      0.01       (0.00     0.02  










Net Interest Margin

     (14)-(17)      19      0.38       (0.03     0.42  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (15)-(18)      20      0.58       (0.01     0.59  











*1   Return on Loans and Bills Discounted excludes loans to financial institutions (including MHFG).


*2   Deposits include NCDs.


(Reference) After excluding loans to the Japanese government and others


Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

      21      0.61       (0.02     0.64  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (21)-(18)      22      0.60       (0.02     0.62  
(Reference)                (%)  
                 Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  
Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks                      Change        

Return on Loans and Bills Discounted *1

      23      0.75       (0.03     0.78  

Cost of Deposits *2

      24      0.00       (0.00     0.00  










Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (23)-(24)      25      0.75       (0.03     0.78  











*1   Return on Loans and Bills Discounted excludes loans to financial institutions (including MHFG).


*2   Deposits include NCDs.


(Reference) After excluding loans to the Japanese government and others


Return on Loans and Bills Discounted

      26      0.77       (0.04     0.81  

Loan and Deposit Rate Margin

     (26)-(24)      27      0.77       (0.03     0.81  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


3. Use and Source of Funds


Mizuho Bank


     (Millions of yen, %)  
     Fiscal 2019      Fiscal 2018  
     Average Balance      Rate      Average Balance     Rate      Average Balance      Rate  



Use of Funds

     155,653,684        1.05        3,675,568       (0.04      151,978,115        1.10  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     77,097,703        1.44        2,667,952       (0.06      74,429,750        1.51  


     28,255,948        0.91        (2,508,702     (0.00      30,764,651        0.91  



















Source of Funds

     155,316,129        0.65        3,118,268       (0.02      152,197,861        0.67  


     119,877,778        0.37        5,421,449       (0.01      114,456,329        0.39  


     14,238,551        0.84        1,053,191       (0.13      13,185,359        0.97  

(Domestic Operations)


Use of Funds

     107,729,598        0.43        1,835,526       (0.04      105,894,071        0.47  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     48,949,371        0.75        1,864,314       (0.02      47,085,056        0.78  


     17,599,601        0.42        (1,715,912     (0.09      19,315,514        0.51  



















Source of Funds

     107,281,154        0.04        1,818,187       0.00        105,462,967        0.04  


     93,082,592        0.00        3,589,693       (0.00      89,492,898        0.00  


     7,909,075        0.00        1,151,522       0.00        6,757,553        0.00  

(International Operations)


Use of Funds

     51,088,019        2.30        1,128,057       (0.06      49,959,962        2.37  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     28,148,331        2.64        803,637       (0.12      27,344,694        2.77  


     10,656,347        1.71        (792,790     0.13        11,449,137        1.58  



















Source of Funds

     51,198,908        1.88        588,096       (0.07      50,610,811        1.96  


     26,795,186        1.67        1,831,755       (0.11      24,963,431        1.78  


     6,329,475        1.88        (98,331     (0.11      6,427,806        1.99  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account)


     (Millions of yen, %)  
     Fiscal 2019      Fiscal 2018  
     Average Balance      Rate      Average Balance     Rate      Average Balance      Rate  



Use of Funds

     6,203,818        0.60        (93,915     (0.07      6,297,733        0.67  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     3,380,972        0.72        14,245       (0.06      3,366,727        0.79  


     787,969        1.35        (110,103     (0.18      898,072        1.53  



















Source of Funds

     6,622,855        0.20        (160,377     (0.03      6,783,233        0.24  


     3,353,168        0.01        (114,014     (0.01      3,467,183        0.03  


     541,402        0.00        127,256       (0.00      414,145        0.01  

(Domestic Operations)


Use of Funds

     5,767,526        0.47        (16,523     (0.03      5,784,050        0.51  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     3,191,918        0.59        70,944       (0.01      3,120,974        0.61  


     499,480        1.38        (70,874     (0.13      570,355        1.52  



















Source of Funds

     6,176,693        0.09        (75,557     0.00        6,252,251        0.08  


     3,346,557        0.01        (106,868     (0.00      3,453,426        0.02  


     541,402        0.00        127,256       (0.00      414,145        0.01  

(International Operations)


Use of Funds

     494,142        1.94        (103,825     (0.25      597,968        2.20  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     189,053        2.93        (56,698     (0.08      245,752        3.01  


     288,488        1.28        (39,228     (0.27      327,716        1.55  



















Source of Funds

     504,013        1.50        (111,254     (0.25      615,267        1.75  


     6,610        1.25        (7,145     (0.59      13,756        1.84  


     —          —          —         —          —          —    



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


4. Net Gains/Losses on Securities



     (Millions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     114,242       223,601       (109,359

Gains on Sales and Others

     224,833       152,151       72,682  

Losses on Sales and Others

     (103,320     71,753       (175,074

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (2,185     (926     (1,259

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (5,084     624       (5,708
     Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     137,174       (137,689     274,863  

Gains on Sales

     226,005       (125,044     351,049  

Losses on Sales

     (72,258     (26,410     (45,847

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (41,691     (35,896     (5,795

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     25,118       49,661       (24,542



Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks



     (Millions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     114,767       220,323       (105,556

Gains on Sales and Others

     226,174       149,619       76,554  

Losses on Sales and Others

     (104,136     71,006       (175,143

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (2,185     (926     (1,259

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (5,084     624       (5,708
     Fiscal 2019     Fiscal 2018  

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     125,499       (50,665     176,164  

Gains on Sales

     214,169       (40,631     254,801  

Losses on Sales

     (70,725     (24,769     (45,956

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (40,980     (33,212     (7,767

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     (2,082     (1,712     (370

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     25,118       49,661       (24,542



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Bank


     (Millions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     102,189       209,831       (107,641

Gains on Sales and Others

     202,254       133,752       68,501  

Losses on Sales and Others

     (92,978     77,454       (170,433

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (2,185     (926     (1,259

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (4,900     (448     (4,451
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     121,341       (34,435     155,777  

Gains on Sales

     202,601       (22,958     225,559  

Losses on Sales

     (62,550     (22,792     (39,757

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (38,528     (31,206     (7,321

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     (2,082     (1,712     (370

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     21,901       44,234       (22,332
Mizuho Trust & Banking


     (Millions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Bonds

     12,577       10,492       2,085  

Gains on Sales and Others

     23,919       15,867       8,052  

Losses on Sales and Others

     (11,157     (6,447     (4,710

Impairment (Devaluation)

     —         —         —    

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     (184     1,072       (1,257
     Fiscal 2019         Fiscal 2018      

Net Gains (Losses) related to Stocks

     4,157       (16,229     20,387  

Gains on Sales

     11,568       (17,672     29,241  

Losses on Sales

     (8,175     (1,977     (6,198

Impairment (Devaluation)

     (2,451     (2,005     (446

Reversal of (Provision for) Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     —         —         —    

Gains (Losses) on Derivatives other than for Trading

     3,216       5,426       (2,210



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


5. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Securities



Securities for which it is deemed to be extremely difficult to determine the fair value are excluded.


(1) Other Securities


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
     Book Value
(= Fair Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value
(= Fair Value)
     Unrealized Gains/Losses  
           Gains      Losses             Gains      Losses  

Other Securities

     33,429,383        1,172,759       1,547,278        374,519        27,847,545        1,689,866        1,883,436        193,570  

Japanese Stocks

     2,338,429        1,066,360       1,167,903        101,543        3,143,560        1,723,661        1,774,459        50,797  

Japanese Bonds

     15,702,512        (54,100     30,037        84,137        14,786,949        5,270        37,284        32,014  

Japanese Government Bonds

     12,601,934        (44,021     6,540        50,562        11,896,134        5,921        8,755        2,834  


     15,388,441        160,499       349,337        188,837        9,917,034        (39,065      71,692        110,757  

Foreign Bonds

     12,702,213        200,954       246,097        45,142        7,418,321        23,694        35,306        11,611  


*   In addition to “Securities” on the consolidated balance sheets, NCDs in “Cash and Due from Banks, ” certain items in “Other Debt Purchased” and certain items in “Other Assets” are also included.

*   Fair value of Japanese stocks with a quoted market price is determined based on the average quoted market price over the month preceding the consolidated balance sheet date.

     Fair value of securities other than Japanese stocks is determined at the quoted market price if available, or other reasonable value at the consolidated balance sheet date.

*   The book values of Other Securities which have readily determinable fair value are stated at fair value, so Unrealized Gains/Losses indicate the difference between book values on the consolidated balance sheets and the acquisition costs.

*   Unrealized Gains/Losses include ¥(5,191) million and ¥38,000 million, which were recognized in the statement of income for March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019, respectively, by applying the fair-value hedge method. As a result, the base amounts to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and consolidation adjustments as of March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are ¥1,177,950 million and ¥1,651,865 million, respectively.

*   Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities, net of Taxes (recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and consolidation adjustments, excluding the amount recognized in the statement of income by applying the fair value hedge method, including translation differences regarding securities, the fair values of which are extremely difficult to determine) as of March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are ¥823,085 million and ¥1,186,401 million, respectively.


(2) Bonds Held to Maturity









     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
     Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses  
           Gains      Losses             Gains      Losses  

Bonds Held to Maturity

     860,233        15,096       15,467        370        1,602,209        7,378             19,907          12,528  


(1) Other Securities

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
     Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value      Unrealized Gains/Losses  
     (= Fair Value)            Gains      Losses      (= Fair Value)             Gains      Losses  

Other Securities

     32,816,718        1,098,369       1,474,980        376,610        27,416,537        1,617,290        1,813,859        196,568  

Japanese Stocks

     2,253,467        994,275       1,098,051        103,776        3,064,419        1,654,186        1,708,161        53,974  

Japanese Bonds

     15,675,573        (54,111     30,026        84,137        14,764,299        5,258        37,271        32,012  

Japanese Government Bonds

     12,585,075        (44,028     6,533        50,562        11,877,711        5,913        8,745        2,832  


     14,887,678        158,205       346,902        188,696        9,587,819        (42,155      68,426        110,581  

Foreign Bonds

     12,360,799        199,672       244,795        45,122        7,196,583        23,108        34,617        11,508  

Mizuho Bank


Other Securities

     31,904,667        1,034,870       1,396,801        361,930        26,622,049        1,521,244        1,707,856        186,612  

Japanese Stocks

     2,118,532        937,153       1,033,813        96,660        2,880,149        1,557,759        1,608,371        50,611  

Japanese Bonds

     15,413,226        (55,616     28,480        84,097        14,500,458        4,637        36,525        31,887  

Japanese Government Bonds

     12,406,892        (44,931     5,631        50,562        11,687,096        5,853        8,594        2,740  


     14,372,909        153,334       334,506        181,172        9,241,441        (41,152      62,959        104,112  

Foreign Bonds

     11,916,915        188,388       233,272        44,883        6,973,236        20,431        31,940        11,508  

Mizuho Trust & Banking


Other Securities

     912,050        63,499       78,179        14,680        794,488        96,046        106,002        9,956  

Japanese Stocks

     134,934        57,122       64,237        7,115        184,269        96,427        99,790        3,362  

Japanese Bonds

     262,347        1,505       1,545        40        263,840        621        745        124  

Japanese Government Bonds

     178,183        902       902        —          190,614        59        151        91  


     514,768        4,871       12,395        7,524        346,377        (1,002      5,466        6,469  

Foreign Bonds

     443,884        11,283       11,522        238        223,347        2,676        2,676        —    



In addition to “Securities” on the balance sheets, NCDs in “Cash and Due from Banks” and certain items in “Other Debt Purchased” are also included.


Fair value of Japanese stocks with a quoted market price is determined based on the average quoted market price over the month preceding the balance sheet date.


Fair value of securities other than Japanese stocks is determined at the quoted market price if available, or other reasonable value at the balance sheet date.


The book values of Other Securities which have readily determinable fair value are stated at fair value, so Unrealized Gains/Losses indicate the difference between book values on the balance sheets and the acquisition costs.


Unrealized Gains/Losses include ¥(5,191) million and ¥38,000 million, which were recognized in the statement of income (aggregate figures for the 2 banks) for March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019, respectively, by applying the fair-value hedge method. As a result, the base amounts to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax adjustment (aggregate figures for the 2 banks) as of March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are ¥1,103,561million and ¥1,579,289 million, respectively.


Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities, net of Taxes (recorded directly to Net Assets after tax adjustment, excluding the amount recognized in the statement of income by applying the fair-value hedge method including translation differences regarding securities, the fair values of which are extremely difficult to determine) as of March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are as follows:


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  

Aggregate Figures

     786,221        1,147,453  

Mizuho Bank

     736,239        1,071,157  

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     49,981        76,295  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(2) Bonds Held to Maturity

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
            Unrealized Gains/Losses             Unrealized Gains/Losses  
     Book Value             Gains      Losses      Book Value             Gains      Losses  

Aggregate Figures

     860,233        15,096        15,467        370        1,602,209        7,378        19,907        12,528  

Mizuho Bank

     860,233        15,096        15,467        370        1,602,209        7,378        19,907        12,528  

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —    


(3) Investment in Subsidiaries and Affiliates


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks



     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
            Unrealized Gains/Losses             Unrealized Gains/Losses  
     Book Value             Gains      Losses      Book Value             Gains      Losses  

Aggregate Figures

     135,771        151,877        153,740        1,862        135,763        176,806        176,806        —    

Mizuho Bank

     135,771        151,877        153,740        1,862        135,763        176,806        176,806        —    

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —    


Unrealized Gains/Losses on Other Securities

(the base amount to be recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments)

For certain Other Securities, Unrealized Gains/Losses were recognized in the statement of income by applying the fair-value hedge method. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Other Securities after excluding such Income/Loss (the “base amount”) are recorded directly to Net Assets after tax and other necessary adjustments. The base amount is as follows:



     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020     As of
March 31,
     Unrealized Gains/Losses     Unrealized

Other Securities

     1,177,950       (473,915     1,651,865  

Japanese Stocks

     1,071,551       (616,099     1,687,650  

Japanese Bonds

     (54,100     (59,370     5,270  

Japanese Government Bonds

     (44,021     (49,942     5,921  


     160,499       201,554       (41,055

Foreign Bonds

     200,954       179,249       21,704  


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020     As of
March 31,
     Unrealized Gains/Losses     Unrealized

Other Securities

     1,103,561       (475,728     1,579,289  

Japanese Stocks

     999,466       (618,709     1,618,175  

Japanese Bonds

     (54,111     (59,370     5,258  

Japanese Government Bonds

     (44,028     (49,941     5,913  


     158,205       202,350       (44,145

Foreign Bonds

     199,672       178,553       21,118  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


6. Projected Redemption Amounts for Securities



The redemption schedule by term for Bonds Held to Maturity and Other Securities with maturities is as follows:


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Billions of yen)  
     Maturity as of March 31, 2020      Change     Maturity as of March 31, 2019  
1 year
     1 - 5
     5 - 10
10 years
1 year
    1 - 5
    5 - 10
10 years
1 year
     1 - 5
     5 - 10
10 years

Japanese Bonds

     6,248.6        6,888.8        2,277.4        626.2        (2,569.0     2,871.8       139.9       (202.1     8,817.6        4,016.9        2,137.5        828.3  

Japanese Government Bonds

     5,851.4        5,389.5        1,662.1        45.0        (2,603.3     2,691.4       137.7       (200.0     8,454.7        2,698.1        1,524.4        245.0  

Japanese Local Government Bonds

     11.5        171.4        84.6        4.4        4.2       53.2       7.2       (0.3     7.2        118.1        77.3        4.7  

Japanese Corporate Bonds

     385.7        1,327.8        530.7        576.8        30.0       127.1       (5.0     (1.7     355.7        1,200.7        535.7        578.5  


     3,229.3        3,022.1        2,576.5        4,732.7        (480.6     1,424.7       1,617.0       3,022.9       3,709.9        1,597.3        959.5        1,709.8  
Mizuho Bank                                

Japanese Bonds

     6,186.3        6,718.1        2,253.7        626.2        (2,486.0     2,781.4       153.3       (202.1     8,672.3        3,936.6        2,100.4        828.3  

Japanese Government Bonds

     5,798.3        5,269.5        1,662.1        45.0        (2,521.4     2,606.4       157.7       (200.0     8,319.7        2,663.1        1,504.4        245.0  

Japanese Local Government Bonds

     10.7        171.1        84.6        4.4        4.0       54.0       7.2       (0.3     6.7        117.1        77.3        4.7  

Japanese Corporate Bonds

     377.2        1,277.4        507.0        576.8        31.3       121.0       (11.5     (1.7     345.8        1,156.4        518.6        578.5  


     3,210.6        2,885.5        2,401.3        4,636.1        (498.2     1,338.7       1,592.4       2,951.2       3,708.8        1,546.7        808.8        1,684.9  
Mizuho Trust & Banking                                

Japanese Bonds

     62.3        170.7        23.6        —          (82.9     90.4       (13.4     —         145.2        80.3        37.0        —    

Japanese Government Bonds

     53.1        120.0        —          —          (81.9     85.0       (20.0     —         135.0        35.0        20.0        —    

Japanese Local Government Bonds

     0.7        0.2        —          —          0.2       (0.7     —         —         0.4        1.0        —          —    

Japanese Corporate Bonds

     8.4        50.4        23.6        —          (1.3     6.1       6.5       —         9.8        44.2        17.0        —    


     18.7        136.6        175.2        96.6        17.5       86.0       24.5       71.7       1.1        50.6        150.6        24.9  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


7. Overview of Derivative Transactions Qualifying for Hedge Accounting




Notional Amounts of Interest Rate Swaps (qualifying for hedge accounting (deferred method)) by Remaining Contractual Term

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


    (Billions of yen)  
    As of March 31, 2020     Change     As of March 31, 2019  
1 year
    1 - 5
5 years
    Total     Within
1 year
    1 - 5
5 years
    Total     Within
1 year
    1 - 5
5 years

Receive Fixed / Pay Float

    1,809.7       10,483.7       5,858.2       18,151.7       (1,483.1     795.6       (3,555.4     (4,242.9     3,292.9       9,688.1       9,413.6       22,394.7  

Receive Float / Pay Fixed

    420.1       2,584.7       3,135.7       6,140.6       189.5       336.7       (1,955.4     (1,429.1     230.5       2,247.9       5,091.2       7,569.7  

Receive Float / Pay Float

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Receive Fixed / Pay Fixed

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    


    2,229.8       13,068.5       8,994.0       24,292.3       (1,293.6     1,132.3       (5,510.8     (5,672.1     3,523.4       11,936.1       14,504.9       29,964.5  
Mizuho Bank                        

Receive Fixed / Pay Float

    1,809.7       10,483.7       5,858.2       18,151.7       (1,483.1     795.6       (3,555.4     (4,242.9     3,292.9       9,688.1       9,413.6       22,394.7  

Receive Float / Pay Fixed

    400.1       2,454.7       2,712.9       5,567.7       169.5       296.7       (2,233.3     (1,766.9     230.5       2,157.9       4,946.2       7,334.7  

Receive Float / Pay Float

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Receive Fixed / Pay Fixed

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    


    2,209.8       12,938.5       8,571.1       23,719.5       (1,313.6     1,092.3       (5,788.7     (6,009.9     3,523.4       11,846.1       14,359.9       29,729.5  
Mizuho Trust & Banking                        

Receive Fixed / Pay Float

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Receive Float / Pay Fixed

    20.0       130.0       422.8       572.8       20.0       40.0       277.8       337.8       —         90.0       145.0       235.0  

Receive Float / Pay Float

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Receive Fixed / Pay Fixed

    —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    


    20.0       130.0       422.8       572.8       20.0       40.0       277.8       337.8       —         90.0       145.0       235.0  


Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses on Derivative Transactions Qualifying for Hedge Accounting


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      Change      As of March 31, 2019  
     Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses      Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses      Deferred Hedge Gains/Losses  
     Gains      Losses             Gains      Losses             Gains      Losses         

Aggregate Figures

     1,396.6        1,299.1        97.4        464.5        325.6        138.8        932.1        973.5        (41.3

Mizuho Bank

     1,321.4        1,217.3        104.1        473.4        330.2        143.1        848.0        887.1        (39.0

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     75.1        81.8        (6.6      (8.8      (4.5      (4.3      84.0        86.3        (2.3


Note: Above figures reflect all derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting, and are before net of applicable income taxes and others.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


8. Employee Retirement Benefits


Retirement Benefit Obligations

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Change     Fiscal 2018  

Retirement Benefit Obligations

     (A)        1,220,755       (25,113     1,245,869  

Discount Rate (%)

        (0.00)~0.62         0.00~0.70  










Total Fair Value of Plan Assets

     (B)        1,997,428       (160,525     2,157,954  

Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

     (C)        (154,639     219,803       (374,443

Prepaid Pension Cost

     (B)+(C)-(A)        622,033       84,391       537,641  

Mizuho Bank


Retirement Benefit Obligations

     (A)        1,072,553       (23,859     1,096,412  

Discount Rate (%)

        (0.00)~0.62         0.00~0.70  










Total Fair Value of Plan Assets

     (B)        1,756,585       (166,223     1,922,809  

Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

     (C)        (127,758     216,762       (344,521

Prepaid Pension Cost

      (B)+(C)-(A)        556,273       74,397       481,875  

Mizuho Trust & Banking


Retirement Benefit Obligations

     (A)        148,201       (1,254     149,456  

Discount Rate (%)

        (0.00)~0.62         0.00~0.70  










Total Fair Value of Plan Assets

     (B)        240,842       5,697       235,145  

Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

     (C)                 (26,881     3,040                   (29,922)  

Prepaid Pension Cost

     (B)+(C)-(A)        65,759       9,993       55,766  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Income (Expenses) related to Employee Retirement Benefits

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks

            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Change     Fiscal 2018  

Service Cost

                                        (29,505     (1,174              (28,331

Interest Cost

        (3,128     1,076       (4,205

Expected Return on Plan Assets

        34,726       1,824       32,901  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

        61,590       30,428       31,162  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

        (2,301     (2,301     —    

Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

        —             (7,841     7,841  


        (5,682     (3,443     (2,238











        55,698         18,567       37,131  











Note: Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust is recorded to Extraordinary Gains.

Mizuho Bank


            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Change     Fiscal 2018  

Service Cost

                                        (25,010     (903              (24,107

Interest Cost

        (2,749     951       (3,701

Expected Return on Plan Assets

        31,105       1,686       29,419  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

        57,322       26,781       30,541  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

        (2,013     (2,013     —    

Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

        —             (7,841     7,841  


        (4,973     (2,979     (1,993











        53,680         15,680       37,999  











Note: Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust is recorded to Extraordinary Gains.

Mizuho Trust & Banking


            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Change     Fiscal 2018  

Service Cost

                   (4,495     (271                (4,224

Interest Cost

        (379     124       (503

Expected Return on Plan Assets

                               3,620       137       3,482  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

        4,268       3,646       621  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

        (287            (287     —    


        (709     (464     (244











        2,018         2,886       (868












Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



Retirement Benefit Obligations

            (Millions of yen)  
            As of March 31,
    Change     As of March 31,

Retirement Benefit Obligations

     (A)        1,440,341       (21,896     1,462,237  

Fair Value of Plan Assets

     (B)        2,225,010       (159,158     2,384,168  

Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

     (C)        (138,808     227,368       (366,177

Net Defined Benefit Asset

     (D)        846,782       (136,021     982,804  

Net Defined Benefit Liability

     (A)-(B)+(D)        62,113           1,240       60,873  


Income (Expenses) related to Employee Retirement Benefits



            (Millions of yen)  
            Fiscal 2019     Change     Fiscal 2018  

Service Cost

             (43,697     (1,645          (42,051

Interest Cost

        (4,013     1,217       (5,231

Expected Return on Plan Assets

                               39,117       2,036       37,080  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Actuarial Differences

        60,477       30,440       30,036  

Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

        (2,803     (2,734     (69

Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust

        —         (7,841     7,841  


        (11,953     (5,673     (6,279











        37,126         15,799       21,327  












    (1   Gains on Cancellation of Employee Retirement Benefit Trust is recorded to Extraordinary Gains.
    (2   Parts of Income (Expenses) related to Employee Retirement Benefits which have been included in Other are included in Accumulation (Amortization) of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


9. Capital Ratio

Mizuho Financial Group

International Standard


     Consolidated             (%, Billions of yen)         
     As of March 31, 2020
     Change      As of March 31, 2019



(1)   Total Capital Ratio

     17.25        (1.60      18.85     

(2)   Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     14.52        (1.42      15.94     

(3)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     11.65        (1.11      12.76     

(4)   Total Capital

     10,722.2        (195.2      10,917.5     

(5)   Tier 1 Capital

     9,024.4        (207.7      9,232.1     

(6)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital

     7,244.7        (145.2      7,390.0     

(7)   Risk weighted Assets

     62,141.2        4,241.6        57,899.5     

(8)   Total Required Capital (7) X8%

     4,971.2        339.3        4,631.9     

Mizuho Bank


International Standard

     Consolidated                    Non-Consolidated  
     As of March 31, 2020
     Change      As of March 31, 2019


     As of March 31, 2020

(1)   Total Capital Ratio

     17.29        (1.73      19.02        17.75  

(2)   Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     14.50        (1.56      16.06        14.80  

(3)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     11.39        (1.21      12.60        11.47  

(4)   Total Capital

     9,864.6        (233.3      10,098.0        9,481.9  

(5)   Tier 1 Capital

     8,274.7        (252.6      8,527.3        7,905.0  

(6)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital

     6,501.3        (188.3      6,689.7        6,130.3  

(7)   Risk weighted Assets

     57,040.2        3,966.6        53,073.6        53,404.4  

(8)   Total Required Capital (7) X8%

     4,563.2        317.3        4,245.8        4,272.3  

Mizuho Trust & Banking


International Standard

     Consolidated                    Non-Consolidated  
     As of March 31, 2020
     Change      As of March 31, 2019


     As of March 31, 2020

(1)   Total Capital Ratio

     23.74        (0.13      23.87        23.18  

(2)   Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     23.66        (0.04      23.70        23.10  

(3)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio

     23.64        (0.03      23.67        23.10  

(4)   Total Capital

     490.8        (13.7      504.6        476.8  

(5)   Tier 1 Capital

     489.2        (11.7      500.9        475.2  

(6)   Common Equity Tier 1 Capital

     488.7        (11.6      500.4        475.2  

(7)   Risk weighted Assets

     2,067.3        (46.1      2,113.4        2,056.8  

(8)   Total Required Capital (7) X8%

     165.3        (3.6      169.0        164.5  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



1. Status of Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans



The figures below are presented net of partial direct write-offs.



Treatment of accrued interest is based on the results of the self-assessment of assets.

(All loans to obligors classified in the self-assessment of assets as Bankrupt Obligors, Substantially Bankrupt Obligors, and Intensive Control Obligors are categorized as non-accrual loans.)



     (Millions of yen, %)  
     As of March 31, 2020                   As of March 31, 2019  
            %      Change     %             %  

Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     15,938        0.01        4,545       0.00        11,393        0.01  

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     401,016        0.48        21,791       (0.00      379,225        0.48  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     1,468        0.00        1,032       0.00        436        0.00  

Restructured Loans

     256,429        0.30        61,062       0.05        195,366        0.24  




















     674,853        0.80        88,431       0.06        586,422        0.74  



















Total Loans

     83,468,185        100.00        5,011,250          78,456,935        100.00  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     79,826           (7,587        87,413     
Trust Account


     As of March 31, 2020                   As of March 31, 2019  
            %      Change     %             %  

Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —          —         —          —          —    

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     —          —          (2,770     (28.15      2,770        28.15  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     —          —          —         —          —          —    

Restructured Loans

     —          —          —         —          —          —    




















     —          —          (2,770     (28.15      2,770        28.15  



















Total Loans

     8,773        100.00        (1,066        9,840        100.00  

Consolidated + Trust Account

     As of March 31, 2020                   As of March 31, 2019  
            %      Change     %             %  

Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     15,938        0.01        4,545       0.00        11,393        0.01  

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     401,016        0.48        19,020       (0.00      381,995        0.48  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     1,468        0.00        1,032       0.00        436        0.00  

Restructured Loans

     256,429        0.30        61,062       0.05        195,366        0.24  




















     674,853        0.80        85,661       0.05        589,192        0.75  



















Total Loans

     83,476,958        100.00        5,010,183          78,466,775        100.00  



Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks

(Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Millions of yen, %)  
     As of March 31, 2020                  As of March 31, 2019  
            %      Change     %            %  

Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     14,786        0.01        4,479       0.00       10,306        0.01  

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     383,705        0.45        34,236       0.01       349,469        0.44  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     1,468        0.00        1,032       0.00       436        0.00  

Restructured Loans

     222,011        0.26        62,648       0.06       159,363        0.20  




















     621,972        0.73        102,396       0.08       519,575        0.65  



















Total Loans

     84,247,518        100.00        4,835,141         79,412,377        100.00  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     74,578           (7,217       81,795     

Mizuho Bank


Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     14,786        0.01        4,492       0.00       10,293        0.01  

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     379,472        0.46        36,311       0.01       343,161        0.45  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     1,468        0.00        1,032       0.00       436        0.00  

Restructured Loans

     220,871        0.27        62,743       0.06       158,127        0.20  




















     616,599        0.76        104,580       0.08       512,019        0.67  



















Total Loans

     80,871,269        100.00        4,823,905         76,047,363        100.00  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     74,362           (6,921       81,284     

Mizuho Trust & Banking

(Banking Account)


Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —          (13     (0.00     13        0.00  

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     4,232        0.12        695       0.02       3,537        0.10  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     —          —          —         —         —          —    

Restructured Loans

     1,140        0.03        (94     (0.00     1,235        0.03  




















     5,373        0.15        587       0.01       4,785        0.14  



















Total Loans

     3,367,475        100.00        12,302         3,355,173        100.00  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     215           (296       511     

(Trust Account)


Loans to Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —          —         —         —          —    

Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans

     —          —          (2,770     (28.15     2,770        28.15  

Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More

     —          —          —         —         —          —    

Restructured Loans

     —          —          —         —         —          —    




















     —          —          (2,770     (28.15     2,770        28.15  



















Total Loans

     8,773        100.00        (1,066       9,840        100.00  



Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


2. Status of Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     424,446        136,630       287,815  

General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     239,035        103,013       136,022  

Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     185,410        33,622       151,787  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     —          (5     5  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     89,216        (3,052     92,269  


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     388,818        144,417       244,401  

General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     216,597        106,229       110,367  

Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     172,221        38,192       134,028  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     —          (5     5  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     83,523        (2,727     86,250  

Mizuho Bank


Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     385,129        143,053       242,076  

General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     214,064        105,579       108,485  

Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     171,064        37,478       133,585  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     —          (5     5  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     83,308        (2,430     85,739  

Mizuho Trust & Banking


Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     3,689        1,364       2,324  

General Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     2,532        649       1,882  

Specific Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans

     1,156        714       442  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Loans to Restructuring Countries

     —          —         —    

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs, the amounts of which are indicated in the table below.


Amount of Partial Direct Write-offs

     215        (296     511  

Reserve for Possible Losses on Entrusted Loans (¥27 million and ¥30 million for March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019, respectively) is not included in the above figures for Trust Account.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


3. Reserve Ratios for Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans


     As of
March 31,
     Change      As of
March 31,

Mizuho Financial Group

       62.89        13.81        49.07  


Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.



     As of
March 31,
     Change      As of
March 31,


       62.51        15.22          47.29  

Mizuho Bank

     62.46        15.18        47.27  

Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account)

     68.65          20.07        48.58  


Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


4. Status of Non Performing Loans based on the Financial Reconstruction Act (“FRA”)



     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     59,212        (578     59,790  

Claims with Collection Risk

     383,734        24,893       358,841  

Claims for Special Attention

     257,898        62,094       195,803  


     700,845        86,409       614,435  

Normal Claims

     92,661,291        5,489,767       87,171,524  











     93,362,137        5,576,176       87,785,960  










NPL ratio[1]/[2]

     0.75        0.05       0.69  
Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.


Trust Account        
     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —         —    

Claims with Collection Risk

     —          (2,770     2,770  

Claims for Special Attention

     —          —         —    


     —          (2,770     2,770  

Normal Claims

     8,773        1,703       7,069  











     8,773        (1,066     9,840  










NPL ratio[3]/[4]

     —          (28.15     28.15  

Consolidated + Trust Account

     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     59,212        (578     59,790  

Claims with Collection Risk

     383,734        22,122       361,612  

Claims for Special Attention

     257,898        62,094       195,803  


     700,845        83,639       617,206  

Normal Claims

     92,670,065        5,491,470       87,178,594  











     93,370,910        5,575,110       87,795,800  










NPL ratio[5]/[6]

     0.75        0.04       0.70  

Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Millions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     51,042        (1,924     52,966  

Claims with Collection Risk

     386,532        38,840       347,692  

Claims for Special Attention

     223,480        63,681       159,799  


     661,055        100,597       560,458  

Normal Claims

     93,890,914        4,654,107       89,236,806  











     94,551,969        4,754,705       89,797,264  










NPL ratio[1]/[2]

     0.69        0.07       0.62  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.


Mizuho Bank        
     (Millions of yen)  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     50,602        (1,882     52,485  

Claims with Collection Risk

     382,739        40,886       341,852  

Claims for Special Attention

     222,340        63,776       158,563  


     655,682        102,780       552,902  

Normal Claims

     90,503,034        4,643,603       85,859,431  











     91,158,717        4,746,383       86,412,333  










NPL ratio[3]/[4]

     0.71        0.07       0.63  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.


Mizuho Trust & Banking


(Banking Account)        
     (Millions of yen)  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     439        (41     481  

Claims with Collection Risk

     3,793        723       3,069  

Claims for Special Attention

     1,140        (94     1,235  


     5,373        587       4,785  

Normal Claims

     3,379,106        8,800       3,370,305  











     3,384,479        9,388       3,375,091  










NPL ratio[5]/[6]

     0.15        0.01       0.14  

Above figures are presented net of partial direct write-offs.


(Trust Account)        
     (Millions of yen)  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —         —    

Claims with Collection Risk

     —          (2,770     2,770  

Claims for Special Attention

     —          —         —    


     —          (2,770     2,770  

Normal Claims

     8,773        1,703       7,069  











     8,773        (1,066     9,840  










NPL ratio[7]/[8]

     —          (28.15     28.15  

Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


5. Coverage on Non Performing Loans based on the FRA


(1) Non Performing Loans based on the FRA and Coverage Amount


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31, 2020
     Change     As of
March 31, 2019
Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account)        

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     51.0        (1.9     52.9  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     45.2        (0.8     46.0  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     5.7        (1.1     6.8  

Claims with Collection Risk

     386.5        41.6       344.9  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     149.5        20.4       129.1  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     167.8        39.2       128.6  

Claims for Special Attention

     223.4        63.6       159.7  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     68.2        13.8       54.3  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     36.5        15.9       20.6  


     661.0        103.3       557.6  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     263.1        33.4       229.6  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     210.2        54.0       156.1  
Mizuho Bank        

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     50.6        (1.8     52.4  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     44.8        (0.7     45.6  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     5.7        (1.1     6.8  

Claims with Collection Risk

     382.7        40.8       341.8  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     147.6        20.8       126.8  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     166.7        38.5       128.1  

Claims for Special Attention

     222.3        63.7       158.5  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     68.2        13.9       54.2  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     36.3        15.9       20.4  


     655.6        102.7       552.9  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     260.7        34.0       226.6  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     208.8        53.3       155.5  
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account)        

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     0.4        (0.0     0.4  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     0.4        (0.0     0.4  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     —          —         —    

Claims with Collection Risk

     3.7        0.7       3.0  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     1.9        (0.3     2.3  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     1.1        0.7       0.4  

Claims for Special Attention

     1.1        (0.0     1.2  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     0.0        (0.1     0.1  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     0.2        0.0       0.2  


     5.3        0.5       4.7  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     2.3        (0.5     2.9  

Reserve for Possible Losses

     1.3        0.7       0.6  
Reference: Trust Account        

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —         —    

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     —          —         —    

Claims with Collection Risk

     —          (2.7     2.7  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     —          (2.7     2.7  

Claims for Special Attention

     —          —         —    

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     —          —         —    


     —          (2.7     2.7  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     —          (2.7     2.7  

Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(2) Coverage Ratio


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31, 2020
     Change     As of
March 31, 2019

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account)


Coverage Amount

     473.3        87.4       385.8  

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     210.2        54.0       156.1  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     263.1        33.4       229.6  

Coverage Ratio

     71.6        2.3       69.3  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     100.0        —         100.0  

Claims with Collection Risk

     82.1        7.3       74.7  

Claims for Special Attention

     46.9        (0.0     46.9  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     50.7        0.2       50.5  

Reserve Ratio against Non-collateralized Claims


Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     100.0        —         100.0  

Claims with Collection Risk

     70.8        11.2       59.6  

Claims for Special Attention

     23.5        3.9       19.6  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     23.3        2.8       20.5  

Reference: Reserve Ratio


Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     15.01        2.25       12.75  

Claims against Watch Obligors excluding Special Attention Obligors

     4.91        2.45       2.46  

Claims against Normal Obligors

     0.09        0.04       0.05  

Mizuho Bank

     (Billions of yen)  

Coverage Amount

     469.5        87.3       382.2  

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     208.8        53.3       155.5  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     260.7        34.0       226.6  

Coverage Ratio

     71.6        2.4       69.1  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     100.0        —         100.0  

Claims with Collection Risk

     82.1        7.5       74.6  

Claims for Special Attention

     47.0        (0.0     47.1  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     50.8        0.2       50.6  

Reserve Ratio against Non-collateralized Claims



Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     100.0        —         100.0  

Claims with Collection Risk

     70.9        11.2       59.6  

Claims for Special Attention

     23.5        3.9       19.6  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     23.3        2.8       20.5  

Reference: Reserve Ratio


Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     14.99        2.24       12.74  

Claims against Watch Obligors excluding Special Attention Obligors

     4.95        2.48       2.47  

Claims against Normal Obligors

     0.09        0.04       0.05  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account)


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31, 2020
     Change     As of
March 31, 2019

Coverage Amount

     3.7        0.1       3.5  

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     1.3        0.7       0.6  

Collateral, Guarantees, and equivalent

     2.3        (0.5 )      2.9  

Coverage Ratio

     69.7        (5.2     75.0  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     100.0        —         100.0  

Claims with Collection Risk

     80.6        (8.9     89.5  

Claims for Special Attention

     22.1        (7.0     29.2  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     22.1        (19.2 )      41.3  

Reserve Ratio against Non-collateralized Claims


Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     —          —         —    

Claims with Collection Risk

     60.8        2.9       57.9  

Claims for Special Attention

     20.2        0.8       19.4  

Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     20.2        0.8       19.4  

Reference: Reserve Ratio


Claims against Special Attention Obligors

     19.79        5.64       14.15  

Claims against Watch Obligors excluding Special Attention Obligors

     1.47        0.36       1.11  

Claims against Normal Obligors

     0.05        0.01       0.04  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


6. Overview of Non-Performing Loans (“NPLs”)


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account)

(Billions of yen)




Notes: 1.   

Claims for Special Attention is denoted on an individual loans basis.

Claims against Special Attention Obligors includes all claims, not limited to Claims for Special Attention.


   The difference between total Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans and total Non Performing Loans based on the FRA represents the amount of claims other than loans included in Non Performing Loans based on the FRA.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


7. Results of Removal of NPLs from the Balance Sheet


(1) Outstanding Balance of Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors and Claims with Collection Risk (under the FRA)

Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2016      Fiscal 2017      Fiscal 2018      Fiscal 2019  
     As of
March 31,
     As of
March 31,
     As of
March 31,
     As of March 31, 2020  
                          MHBK      MHTB*      Aggregate
Figures for
the 2
     Change from
March 31,

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     82.7        64.1        27.7        23.9        0.2        24.2        (3.5

Claims with Collection Risk

     390.0        218.1        153.8        121.2        1.4        122.7        (31.1

Amount Categorized as above up to Fiscal 2016

     472.8        282.3        181.6        145.2        1.7        146.9        (34.6

of which the amount which was in the process of being removed from the balance sheet

     72.7        34.9        16.8        18.1        0.2        18.4        1.5  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

        12.4        5.9        2.3        0.0        2.3        (3.5

Claims with Collection Risk

        66.1        33.9        16.8        0.1        16.9        (16.9

Amount Newly Categorized as above during Fiscal 2017

        78.5        39.8        19.1        0.1        19.3        (20.5

of which the amount which was in the process of being removed from the balance sheet

        12.2        5.7        2.1        0.0        2.1        (3.5

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

           19.3        11.4        0.1        11.5        (7.7

Claims with Collection Risk

           159.8        74.6        0.2        74.8        (84.9

Amount Newly Categorized as above during Fiscal 2018

           179.1        86.1        0.3        86.4        (92.7

of which the amount which was in the process of being removed from the balance sheet

           18.2        11.7        0.1        11.8        (6.3

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

              12.8        0.0        12.8        12.8  

Claims with Collection Risk

              169.9        1.9        171.8        171.8  

Amount Newly Categorized as above during Fiscal 2019

              182.8        1.9        184.7        184.7  

of which the amount which was in the process of being removed from the balance sheet

              11.9        0.0        12.0        12.0  

Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt Obligors

     82.7        76.6        52.9        50.6        0.4        51.0        (1.9

Claims with Collection Risk

     390.0        284.2        347.6        382.7        3.7        386.5        38.8  


     472.8        360.9        400.6        433.3        4.2        437.5        36.9  

of which the amount which was in the process of being removed from the balance sheet

     72.7        47.2        40.8        44.0        0.4        44.5        3.7  


*     Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.

*                        denotes newly categorized amounts.

(2) Breakdown of Reasons for Removal of NPLs from the Balance Sheet in Fiscal 2019


     (Billions of yen)  
     Aggregate Figures
for the 2 Banks
(Banking Account
+ Trust Account)
    MHBK     MHTB
(Banking Account
+ Trust Account)


     (7.5     (7.5     —    


     (11.4     (11.4     —    

Improvement in Business Performance due to Restructuring

     (0.0     —         (0.0

Loan Sales

     (35.2     (35.2     —    

Direct Write-off

     12.5       12.8       (0.2


     (106.1     (102.3     (3.7

Debt recovery

     (91.0     (90.7     (0.2

Improvement in Business Performance

     (15.0     (11.5     (3.5











     (147.8     (143.7     (4.0












Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


8. Status of Loans by Industry

(1) Outstanding Balances and Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans by Industry


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
Past Due &
     Change      Outstanding
Past Due &
Past Due &

Domestic Total (excluding Loans Booked Offshore)

     58,947.6        511.4        1,513.0       78.4        57,434.6        433.0  


     9,638.9        140.5        201.2       45.3        9,437.6        95.1  

Agriculture & Forestry

     54.7        0.8        7.2       0.6        47.4        0.2  


     3.3        0.3        1.1       0.3        2.1        —    

Mining, Quarrying Industry & Gravel Extraction Industry

     226.9        0.2        (20.1     0.1        247.1        0.1  


     725.4        8.0        58.2       3.1        667.1        4.9  


     2,835.9        11.5        34.3       9.9        2,801.5        1.5  


     1,436.9        11.5        153.8       (4.0      1,283.0        15.5  

Transportation & Postal Industry

     2,360.1        9.3        (10.6     (0.9      2,370.7        10.3  

Wholesale & Retail

     4,930.0        132.9        58.1       25.5        4,871.8        107.4  

Finance & Insurance

     8,220.3        10.3        236.9       (0.3      7,983.4        10.7  

Real Estate

     8,740.2        36.4        579.7       7.2        8,160.4        29.2  

Commodity Lease

     2,884.9        1.6        712.4       (0.1      2,172.5        1.8  

Service Industries

     3,107.8        70.0        235.6       4.4        2,872.1        65.6  

Local Governments

     760.3        —          (40.1     (2.7      800.4        2.7  


     1,443.5        —          (120.8     —          1,564.4        —    


     11,578.0        77.5        (574.3     (10.0      12,152.4        87.5  

Overseas Total (including Loans Booked Offshore)

     25,925.5        110.4        3,299.3       23.9        22,626.2        86.5  


     342.2        —          (3.8     —          346.0        —    

Financial Institutions

     9,170.5        —          1,242.8       —          7,927.7        —    


     16,412.7        110.4        2,060.3       23.9        14,352.4        86.5  




















     84,873.2        621.9        4,812.3       102.3        80,060.9        519.5  





















Loans to Finance & Insurance sector includes loans to MHFG as follows:

As of March 31, 2020:

   ¥860.0billion (from MHBK)

As of March 31, 2019:

   ¥945.5 billion (from MHBK)

Amounts of Outstanding Balances are the aggregate figures for banking and trust accounts, and amounts of Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans are the aggregate figures for banking and trust accounts with contracts indemnifying the principal amounts.


A reclassification of Industry type has been made on the above table as of March 31, 2019 for consistency with current figures.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



     (Billions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
Past Due &
     Change      Outstanding
Past Due &
Past Due &
Mizuho Bank                 

Domestic Total (excluding Loans Booked Offshore)

     54,946.8        506.1        1,524.0       80.6        53,422.7        425.4  


     9,173.7        138.2        221.7       44.0        8,952.0        94.1  

Agriculture & Forestry

     54.6        0.8        7.1       0.6        47.4        0.2  


     3.3        0.3        1.1       0.3        2.1        —    

Mining, Quarrying Industry & Gravel Extraction Industry

     224.7        0.2        (20.1     0.1        244.9        0.1  


     689.3        7.9        59.8       3.1        629.5        4.7  


     2,564.8        11.5        41.6       9.9        2,523.2        1.5  


     1,306.8        11.2        142.5       (4.3      1,164.2        15.5  

Transportation & Postal Industry

     2,161.6        9.3        4.4       (0.9      2,157.2        10.3  

Wholesale & Retail

     4,782.3        132.9        83.8       25.9        4,698.4        106.9  

Finance & Insurance

     7,700.9        10.3        178.8       (0.3      7,522.1        10.7  

Real Estate

     7,450.1        36.0        462.7       7.2        6,987.3        28.7  

Commodity Lease

     2,667.8        1.6        728.9       (0.1      1,938.9        1.8  

Service Industries

     3,051.9        70.0        236.8       4.5        2,815.0        65.5  

Local Governments

     753.2        —          (38.3     —          791.6        —    


     1,338.0        —          (126.3     —          1,464.3        —    


     11,023.0        75.2        (460.8     (9.5      11,483.9        84.8  

Overseas Total (including Loans Booked Offshore)

     25,924.4        110.4        3,299.8       23.9        22,624.6        86.5  


     342.2        —          (3.8     —          346.0        —    

Financial Institutions

     9,170.5        —          1,242.8       —          7,927.7        —    


     16,411.6        110.4        2,060.8       23.9        14,350.8        86.5  




















     80,871.2        616.5        4,823.9       104.5        76,047.3        512.0  




















*  A reclassification of Industry type has been made on the above table as of March 31, 2019 for consistency with current figures.


Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account + Trust Account)  

Domestic Total (excluding Loans Booked Offshore)

     4,000.8        5.3        (11.0     (2.1      4,011.9        7.5  


     465.1        2.2        (20.4     1.3        485.5        0.9  

Agriculture & Forestry

     0.0        —          0.0       —          —          —    


     —          —          —         —          —          —    

Mining, Quarrying Industry & Gravel Extraction Industry

     2.2        —          0.0       —          2.1        —    


     36.0        0.1        (1.5     (0.0      37.6        0.1  


     271.0        —          (7.2     —          278.3        —    


     130.1        0.3        11.2       0.3        118.8        —    

Transportation & Postal Industry

     198.4        —          (15.0     —          213.5        —    

Wholesale & Retail

     147.6        —          (25.6     (0.4      173.3        0.4  

Finance & Insurance

     519.3        —          58.1       —          461.2        —    

Real Estate

     1,290.0        0.4        116.9       (0.0      1,173.1        0.4  

Commodity Lease

     217.1        —          (16.4     —          233.6        —    

Service Industries

     55.9        —          (1.2     (0.0      57.1        0.0  

Local Governments

     7.0        —          (1.7     (2.7      8.7        2.7  


     105.4        —          5.4       —          100.0        —    


     554.9        2.2        (113.5     (0.4      668.5        2.6  

Overseas Total (including Loans Booked Offshore)

     1.1        —          (0.5     —          1.6        —    


     —          —          —         —          —          —    

Financial Institutions

     —          —          —         —          —          —    


     1.1        —          (0.5     —          1.6        —    




















     4,001.9        5.3        (11.5     (2.1      4,013.5        7.5  





















Amounts of Outstanding Balances are the aggregate figures for banking and trust accounts, and amounts of Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans are the aggregate figures for banking and trust accounts with contracts indemnifying the principal amounts.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


(2) Non Performing Loans based on the FRA and Coverage Ratio by Industry


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Billions of yen, %)  
     As of March 31, 2020      As of March 31, 2019  
   Non Performing
Loans based on
the FRA
     Non Performing
Loans based on
the FRA
     Non Performing
Loans based on
the FRA

Domestic Total (excluding Loans Booked Offshore)

     529.5        67.6        77.1       (3.9      452.4        71.6  


     150.3        64.2        42.6       (2.6      107.6        66.8  

Agriculture & Forestry

     0.8        41.5        0.6       (23.3      0.2        64.8  


     0.3        62.6        0.3       —          —          —    

Mining, Quarrying Industry & Gravel Extraction Industry

     0.5        94.4        (0.1     4.6        0.6        89.7  


     8.3        72.0        3.3       (1.1      5.0        73.1  


     11.5        38.5        9.9       (25.6      1.5        64.1  


     11.5        66.1        (4.5     1.0        16.0        65.1  

Transportation & Postal Industry

     9.4        65.5        (0.9     (3.5      10.3        69.1  

Wholesale & Retail

     135.3        57.7        25.8       (4.0      109.4        61.7  

Finance & Insurance

     10.7        81.6        (0.0     12.6        10.7        68.9  

Real Estate

     35.6        81.7        4.6       (2.8      31.0        84.6  

Commodity Lease

     1.7        72.3        (0.1     0.7        1.9        71.6  

Service Industries

     73.2        65.9        7.1       1.0        66.1        64.9  

Local Governments

     —          —          (2.7     —          2.7        100.0  


     79.9        88.4        (8.8     (2.4      88.7        90.8  

Overseas Total (including Loans Booked Offshore)

     131.4        87.6        23.4       27.7        108.0        59.8  


     —          —          —         —          —          —    

Financial Institutions

     —          —          —         —          —          —    


     131.4        87.6        23.4       27.7        108.0        59.8  




















     661.0        71.6        100.5       2.2        560.4        69.3  





















Trust account represents trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


9. Housing and Consumer Loans & Loans to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (“SMEs”) and Individual Customers

(1) Balance of Housing and Consumer Loans


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
           As of
March 31,

Housing and Consumer Loans

     9,215.7        (446.1     9,661.9  

Housing Loans for owner’s residential housing

     8,463.4        (327.9     8,791.4  

Mizuho Bank


Housing and Consumer Loans

     9,143.1        (434.1     9,577.2  

Housing Loans

     8,595.0        (360.7     8,955.7  

for owner’s residential housing

     8,396.1        (317.1     8,713.2  

Consumer loans

     548.0        (73.4     621.4  

Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account + Trust Account)


Housing and Consumer Loans

     72.6        (12.0     84.7  

Housing Loans for owner’s residential housing

     67.3        (10.8     78.1  


*  Above figures are aggregate banking and trust account amounts.


(2) Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers




Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (%, Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
           As of
March 31,

Percentage of Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers, of Total Domestic Loans

     57.4        (0.2     57.7  

Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers

     33,892.4        705.9       33,186.5  

Mizuho Bank


Percentage of Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers, of Total Domestic Loans

     58.1        (0.2     58.4  

Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers

     31,956.5        740.4       31,216.1  

Mizuho Trust & Banking (Banking Account + Trust Account)


Percentage of Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers, of Total Domestic Loans

     48.3        (0.7     49.1  

Loans to SMEs and Individual Customers

     1,935.9        (34.4     1,970.3  



Above figures are aggregate banking and trust account amounts.



Above figures do not include loans booked at overseas offices and offshore loans.



The definition of “Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” is as follows:



Enterprises of which the capital is ¥300 million or below (¥100 million or below for the wholesale industry, and ¥50 million or below for the retail, restaurant and commodity lease industries, etc.), or enterprises with full-time employees of 300 or below (100 or below for the wholesale and commodity lease industries etc., 50 or below for the retail and restaurant industries.)







Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


10. Status of Loans by Region


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks (Banking Account + Trust Account)


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of March 31, 2020     As of March 31, 2019  
Past Due &
     Change            Non-Accrual,
Past Due &
Past Due &


     7,543.3        35.8        (306.6     3.9       7,849.9        31.8  

Hong Kong

     1,808.8        4.4        (40.9     2.0       1,849.7        2.4  


     1,286.0        26.1        50.3       0.2       1,235.7        25.9  


     1,037.2        1.4        1.5       0.9       1,035.7        0.4  


     746.9        0.0        16.3       (0.0     730.5        0.0  


     619.2        2.7        (98.9     1.8       718.1        0.8  

South Korea

     671.2        —          (48.4     —         719.6        —    


     451.9        0.9        (12.0     (0.9     463.9        1.9  


     282.8        0.0        2.9       (0.0     279.9        0.0  


     220.1        —          (82.4     —         302.5        —    


     164.1        —          (104.8     —         269.0        —    

Central and South America

     4,660.4        22.5        342.4       (6.9     4,317.9        29.5  


     426.4        0.8        78.0       0.5       348.3        0.3  


     250.5        7.5        (21.3     (3.1     271.9        10.6  

North America

     8,765.2        44.1        2,030.6       (14.4     6,734.6        58.5  

United States

     7,929.9        44.1        1,904.6       (14.4     6,025.3        58.5  

Eastern Europe

     277.2        —          44.7       —         232.4        —    


     171.7        —          24.3       —         147.4        —    

Western Europe

     4,553.6        13.8        808.7       12.4       3,744.8        1.4  

United Kingdom

     1,315.3        —          277.9       (0.9     1,037.3        0.9  


     1,152.2        1.2        135.2       0.6       1,017.0        0.5  


     516.7        7.2        16.8       7.2       499.8        —    


     252.0        —          79.8       —         172.1        —    


     171.9        —          29.0       —         142.9        —    


     250.6        —          98.2       —         152.4        —    


     102.1        —          (56.1     —         158.3        —    


     155.1        —          59.3       —         95.7        —    


     3,268.8        29.4        132.3       20.4       3,136.4        8.9  


     1,524.8        —          100.4       —         1,424.3        —    


     29,068.7        145.8        3,052.3       15.3       26,016.3        130.4  


*  Parts of Loans and Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans which have been included in “Japan” are included in “Central and South America” and parts of Loans which have been included in “Eastern Europe” are included in “North America”. As a result, the total of Loans by Region as of March 31, 2019 increased by ¥619.3 billion and the total of Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans by Region as of March 31, 2019 increased by ¥2.5 billion.



The above figures are based on obligor country of location.



The outstanding balance of loans and Non-Accrual, Past Due & Restructured Loans in major banking subsidiaries outside Japan is as follows.


     As of March 31, 2020     As of March 31, 2019  
Past Due &
Past Due &
Past Due &

Mizuho Bank (China) ,Ltd

     1,058.5        4.7        10.2       3.1       1,048.3        1.6  

Mizuho Bank (USA)

     470.6        —          20.5       —         450.1        —    

PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia

     352.8        0.1        15.9       (0.3     336.8        0.5  



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



1. Estimation for Calculating Deferred Tax Assets


Mizuho Bank

1. Estimate of future taxable income


            (Billions of yen)  
            Total amount for
five years
(from April 1, 2020
March 31, 2025)

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

     1        2,524.6  

Income before Income Taxes

     2        2,456.0  

Tax Adjustments *1

     3        92.9  

Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences *2

     4        2,548.9  

Effective Statutory Tax Rate

     5        30.62%  

Deferred Tax Assets corresponding to Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences [ 4 x 5 ]

     6        780.4  



Tax Adjustments are estimated future book-tax differences under the provisions of the corporation tax law and others.


Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences is an estimate of taxable income before adjusting deductible temporary differences as of March 31, 2020.


(Reference) Past results of taxable income (tax loss)


     (Billions of yen)  

Fiscal 2015


Fiscal 2016


Fiscal 2017


Fiscal 2018


Fiscal 2019(estimate)




Figures are taxable income (tax loss) amounts per the final corporation tax returns before deducting tax losses carried forward from prior years. Subsequent amendments have not been reflected.


Figure for fiscal 2019 is an estimate of taxable income.

2. Breakdown of Deferred Tax Assets


            (Billions of yen)  
            As of
March 31,
    Change     As of
March 31,

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     7        131.9       44.8       87.1  

Impairment of Securities

     8        145.9       16.1       129.8  

Net Unrealized Losses on Other Securities

     9        22.0       9.7       12.3  

Reserve for Employee Retirement Benefits

     10        —         —         —    

Depreciation and Impairment

     11        176.3       (24.0     200.3  

Net Deferred Hedge Losses

     12        —         (17.8     17.8  

Tax Losses Carried Forward

     13        —         —         —    


     14        261.0       (3.7     264.7  

Total Deferred Tax Assets

     15        737.3       25.1       712.2  










Valuation Allowance

     16        (160.6     (15.8     (144.8

Sub-Total [ 15 + 16 ]

     17        576.7       9.3       567.3  










Amount related to Retirement Benefits Accounting

     18        (170.3     (22.7     (147.5

Net Unrealized Gains on Other Securities

     19        (304.3     106.2       (410.6

Net Deferred Hedge Gains

     20        (27.9     (27.9     —    


     21        (37.1     0.3       (37.5

Total Deferred Tax Liabilities

     22        (539.7     55.9       (595.7










Net Deferred Tax Assets (Liabilities) [17 + 22]

     23        36.9       65.2       (28.3

Tax effects related to Net Unrealized Losses (Gains) on Other Securities *

     24        (303.8     108.2       (412.0

Tax effects related to Net Deferred Hedge Losses (Gains)

     25        (27.9     (45.7     17.8  

Tax effects related to others

     26        368.6       2.7       365.9  



Tax effects related to Net Unrealized Losses (Gains) on Other Securities is the amount after deducting Valuation Allowance.



Assessment of Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets is based on 19. Company Classification (Category 2) of “Revised Implementation Guidance on Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets” (ASBJ Guidance No.26).

Future taxable income was estimated using assumptions used in the Business Plan, etc.


The above includes forward-looking information. See the disclaimer at the end of the table of contents located at the beginning of this document.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


Mizuho Trust & Banking

1. Estimate of future taxable income


            (Billions of yen)  
            Total amount for
five years
(from April 1, 2020
March 31, 2025)

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)

     1        226.7  

Income before Income Taxes

     2        239.4  

Tax Adjustments *1

     3        (47.8

Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences *2

     4        191.5  

Effective Statutory Tax Rate

     5        30.60%  

Deferred Tax Assets corresponding to Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences [ 4 x 5 ]

     6        58.5  



Tax Adjustments are estimated future book-tax differences under the provisions of the corporation tax law and others.


Taxable Income before Current Deductible Temporary Differences is an estimate of taxable income before adjusting deductible temporary differences as of March 31, 2020.


(Reference) Past results of taxable income (tax loss)


     (Billions of yen)  

Fiscal 2015


Fiscal 2016


Fiscal 2017


Fiscal 2018


Fiscal 2019(estimate)




Figures are taxable income (tax loss) amounts per the final corporation tax returns before deducting tax losses carried forward from prior years. Subsequent amendments have not been reflected.


Figure for fiscal 2019 is an estimate of taxable income.

2. Breakdown of Deferred Tax Assets


            (Billions of yen)  
            As of
March 31,
    Change     As of
March 31,

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     7        1.1       0.3       0.8  

Impairment of Securities

     8        11.1       2.2       8.9  

Net Unrealized Losses on Other Securities

     9        1.1       0.9       0.2  

Reserve for Employee Retirement Benefits

     10        7.2       (2.5     9.8  

Net Deferred Hedge Losses

     11        2.0       1.3       0.7  

Tax Losses Carried Forward

     12        —         —         —    


     13        5.1       (1.9     7.0  

Total Deferred Tax Assets

     14        27.9       0.3       27.6  










Valuation Allowance

     15        (12.6     (3.1     (9.4

Sub-Total [ 14 + 15 ]

     16        15.3       (2.7     18.1  










Amount related to Retirement Benefits Accounting

     17        (4.5     —         (4.5

Net Unrealized Gains on Other Securities

     18        (13.4     6.1       (19.6

Net Deferred Hedge Gains

     19        —         —         —    


     20        (0.5     0.0       (0.5

Total Deferred Tax Liabilities

     21        (18.5     6.1       (24.7










Net Deferred Tax Assets (Liabilities) [16 + 21]

     22        (3.2     3.4       (6.6

Tax effects related to Net Unrealized Losses (Gains) on Other Securities *

     23        (13.5     6.2       (19.7

Tax effects related to Net Deferred Hedge Losses (Gains)

     24        2.0       1.3       0.7  

Tax effects related to others

     25        8.2       (4.1     12.4  



Tax effects related to Net Unrealized Losses (Gains) on Other Securities is the amount after deducting Valuation Allowance.



Assessment of Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets is based on 19. Company Classification (Category 2) of “Revised Implementation Guidance on Recoverability of Deferred Tax Assets” (ASBJ Guidance No.26).

Future taxable income was estimated using assumptions used in the Business Plan, etc.


The above includes forward-looking information. See the disclaimer at the end of the table of contents located at the beginning of this document.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.



1. Breakdown of Deposits (Domestic Offices)


Aggregate Figures for the 2 Banks


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,


     106,876.1        5,220.9       101,655.1  

Individual Deposits

     45,018.6        1,059.1       43,959.4  

Corporate Deposits

     54,086.4        3,879.2       50,207.1  

Financial/Government Institutions

     7,771.0        282.5       7,488.5  
Mizuho Bank        


     103,779.8        5,368.5       98,411.2  

Individual Deposits

     44,160.3        1,114.4       43,045.9  

Corporate Deposits

     52,676.4        3,842.5       48,833.8  

Financial/Government Institutions

     6,943.0        411.5       6,531.4  
Mizuho Trust & Banking        


     3,096.2        (147.6     3,243.8  

Individual Deposits

     858.2        (55.2     913.5  

Corporate Deposits

     1,409.9        36.6       1,373.2  

Financial/Government Institutions

     828.0        (129.0     957.0  



Above figures do not include deposits booked at overseas offices and offshore deposits.


As for Mizuho Trust & Banking, parts of Deposits which have been included in Financial/Government Institutions are included in Corporate Deposits.



Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


2. Number of Directors and Employees

(1) Number of Directors

Aggregate Figures for Mizuho Financial Group, the 2 Banks, and Mizuho Securities


     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Directors, Executive Officers as defined in the Companies Act, and Auditors

     49        (15     64  

Executive Officers as defined in our internal regulations and Specialist Officers (excluding those doubling as Directors and Executive Officers as defined in the Companies Act)

     128        —         128  


*  The above numbers have been adjusted for those who are doubling other positions.


(2) Number of Employees






     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Employees (excluding Executive Officers as defined in our internal regulations and Specialist Officers)

     57,264        (1,868     59,132  

Average number of temporary employees

     17,010        (697     17,707  


*  The number of Employees excludes employees seconded to outside the company and includes employees seconded from outside the company in each consolidated subsidiary. That number also includes overseas local staff but excludes advisers and temporary employees.


3. Number of Offices


(Domestic) The 2 Banks and Mizuho Securities




     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Mizuho Bank

     464        —         464  

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     60        —         60  

Mizuho Securities

     256        (3     259  


*  The above numbers are the numbers of head office, domestic branches (excluding branches and offices for remittance purposes only (46), branches offering account transfer services only (2), branches and offices to maintain shared ATMs only (1), internet branches (1), and pension plan advisory offices (1)), domestic sub-branches, and others.



(Overseas) The 2 Banks and Mizuho Securities



     As of
March 31,
     Change     As of
March 31,

Mizuho Bank

     49        1       48  

Mizuho Trust & Banking

     —          —         —    

Mizuho Securities

     2        —         2  


*  The above numbers are the numbers of overseas branches or relevant offices, and overseas representative offices.




Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.


4. Earnings Plan for Fiscal 2020



     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2020  

Ordinary Profits


Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent



Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal 2020  
     Aggregate Figures
for the 2 Banks
     MHBK      MHTB*  

Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans)
+ Net Gains (Losses) related to ETF

     415.0        380.0        35.0  

Ordinary Profits

     275.0        240.0        35.0  

Net Income

     215.0        190.0        25.0  

Credit-related Costs

     (190.0      (185.0      (5.0



Net Business Profits (before Reversal of (Provision for) General Reserve for Losses on Loans) for MHTB excludes the amounts of Credit Costs for Trust Accounts.

The above information constitute forward-looking statements. Please see the legend regarding forward-looking statements in CONTENTS.



Mizuho Bank, Ltd.






     Millions of yen  
     As of March 31,
2020 (A)
    As of March 31,
2019 (B)
(A) - (B)



Cash and Due from Banks

   ¥ 38,833,234     ¥ 42,044,263     ¥ (3,211,029

Call Loans

     958,359       516,085       442,273  

Receivables under Resale Agreements

     8,599,865       4,226,040       4,373,824  

Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

     122,001       100,501       21,500  

Other Debt Purchased

     430,330       491,276       (60,946

Trading Assets

     5,013,413       3,708,952       1,304,460  

Money Held in Trust

     503       503       0  


     34,372,765       29,475,876       4,896,888  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     80,871,269       76,047,363       4,823,905  

Foreign Exchange Assets

     1,966,593       2,043,874       (77,280

Derivatives other than for Trading

     5,164,666       3,192,132       1,972,533  

Other Assets

     2,939,258       2,705,113       234,145  

Tangible Fixed Assets

     843,058       729,129       113,928  

Intangible Fixed Assets

     357,432       354,116       3,315  

Prepaid Pension Cost

     556,273       481,875       74,397  

Deferred Tax Assets

     36,950       —         36,950  

Customers’ Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees

     6,535,786       6,492,905       42,881  

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     (385,129     (242,076     (143,053

Reserve for Possible Losses on Investments

     (2,458     (370     (2,088










Total Assets

   ¥ 187,214,174     ¥ 172,367,564     ¥ 14,846,609  













   ¥ 126,337,030     ¥ 119,411,223     ¥ 6,925,806  

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     12,706,349       12,912,548       (206,199

Call Money

     1,213,576       1,308,045       (94,468

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

     7,469,615       5,162,334       2,307,280  

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

     276,869       305,032       (28,163

Commercial Paper

     411,089       941,181       (530,092

Trading Liabilities

     3,795,423       2,577,856       1,217,567  

Borrowed Money

     11,394,924       7,998,715       3,396,208  

Foreign Exchange Liabilities

     716,394       925,879       (209,484

Bonds and Notes

     1,100,670       1,968,205       (867,534

Derivatives other than for Trading

     4,843,165       3,031,284       1,811,881  

Other Liabilities

     3,175,327       2,138,527       1,036,800  

Reserve for Bonus Payments

     19,841       22,362       (2,521

Reserve for Variable Compensation

     765       1,100       (334

Reserve for Possible Losses on Sales of Loans

     637       630       6  

Reserve for Contingencies

     1,770       100       1,669  

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

     25,943       16,987       8,956  

Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures

     18,672       25,566       (6,893

Deferred Tax Liabilities

     —         28,338       (28,338

Deferred Tax Liabilities for Revaluation Reserve for Land

     62,695       63,315       (619

Acceptances and Guarantees

     6,535,786       6,492,905       42,881  










Total Liabilities

     180,106,550       165,332,144       14,774,406  










Net Assets


Common Stock and Preferred Stock

     1,404,065       1,404,065       —    

Capital Surplus

     2,286,328       2,286,328       —    

Capital Reserve

     655,418       655,418       —    

Other Capital Surplus

     1,630,910       1,630,910       —    

Retained Earnings

     2,472,640       2,163,735       308,905  

Appropriated Reserve

     315,177       315,177       0  

Other Retained Earnings

     2,157,463       1,848,557       308,905  

Retained Earnings Brought Forward

     2,157,463       1,848,557       308,905  










Total Shareholders’ Equity

     6,163,034       5,854,129       308,905  










Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities, net of Taxes

     736,239       1,071,157       (334,918

Net Deferred Hedge Gains (Losses), net of Taxes

     71,693       (27,639     99,333  

Revaluation Reserve for Land, net of Taxes

     136,655       137,772       (1,117










Total Valuation and Translation Adjustments

     944,588       1,181,291       (236,702










Total Net Assets

     7,107,623       7,035,420       72,202  










Total Liabilities and Net Assets

   ¥ 187,214,174     ¥ 172,367,564     ¥ 14,846,609  












Mizuho Bank, Ltd.



(selected items) OF MIZUHO BANK


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31,
2020 (A)
    For the fiscal
year ended
March 31,
2019 (B)
(A) - (B)

Ordinary Income

   ¥ 2,762,200     ¥ 2,616,940     ¥ 145,260  

Interest Income

     1,642,866       1,678,702       (35,835

Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted

     1,113,558       1,126,596       (13,037

Interest and Dividends on Securities

     258,265       281,807       (23,541

Fee and Commission Income

     476,787       471,196       5,590  

Trading Income

     150,596       61,855       88,741  

Other Operating Income

     238,043       158,466       79,576  

Other Ordinary Income

     253,906       246,719       7,187  










Ordinary Expenses

     2,331,438       2,332,366       (928

Interest Expenses

     1,013,852       1,028,946       (15,094

Interest on Deposits

     451,000       449,145       1,855  

Fee and Commission Expenses

     91,650       90,934       716  

Trading Expenses

     809       377       431  

Other Operating Expenses

     97,383       174,935       (77,552

General and Administrative Expenses

     789,552       840,607       (51,054

Other Ordinary Expenses

     338,189       196,565       141,624  










Ordinary Profits

     430,762       284,573       146,188  










Extraordinary Gains

     1,296       11,181       (9,885










Extraordinary Losses

     18,484       503,219       (484,734










Income (Loss) before Income Taxes

     413,574       (207,463     621,038  

Income Taxes:



     109,151       94,923       14,227  


     (3,364     (157,943     154,578  










Net Income (Loss)

   ¥ 307,788     ¥ (144,444   ¥ 452,232  












Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.





     Millions of yen  
     As of
March 31,
2020 (A)
    As of
March 31,
2019 (B)
(A) - (B)



Cash and Due from Banks

   ¥ 1,766,799     ¥ 2,434,150     ¥ (667,350

Call Loans

     14,678       24,417       (9,739

Guarantee Deposits Paid under Securities Borrowing Transactions

     198,053       332,116       (134,062

Other Debt Purchased

     32,493       6,692       25,800  

Trading Assets

     169,750       111,667       58,083  

Money Held in Trust

     7,125       4,641       2,483  


     958,624       841,621       117,003  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     3,367,475       3,355,173       12,302  

Foreign Exchange Assets

     7,865       4,073       3,792  

Other Assets

     359,752       188,381       171,371  

Tangible Fixed Assets

     86,705       20,559       66,145  

Intangible Fixed Assets

     30,529       32,664       (2,134

Prepaid Pension Cost

     65,759       55,766       9,993  

Customers’ Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees

     14,755       16,885       (2,129

Reserves for Possible Losses on Loans

     (3,689     (2,324     (1,364










Total Assets

   ¥ 7,076,682     ¥ 7,426,486     ¥ (349,803













   ¥ 3,096,295     ¥ 3,253,498     ¥ (157,203

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     664,780       566,110       98,670  

Call Money

     807,706       947,104       (139,398

Payables under Repurchase Agreements

     —         22,198       (22,198

Guarantee Deposits Received under Securities Lending Transactions

     289,789       362,246       (72,456

Trading Liabilities

     170,146       107,096       63,049  

Borrowed Money

     255,860       379,706       (123,846

Foreign Exchange Liabilities

     23       —         23  

Bonds and Notes

     10,000       10,000       —    

Due to Trust Accounts

     1,055,510       1,102,073       (46,563

Other Liabilities

     142,457       68,806       73,651  

Reserve for Bonus Payments

     2,153       2,125       28  

Reserve for Variable Compensation

     368       467       (99

Reserve for Reimbursement of Deposits

     1,907       2,081       (173

Deferred Tax Liabilities

     3,220       6,631       (3,411

Acceptances and Guarantees

     14,755       16,885       (2,129










Total Liabilities

     6,514,977       6,847,033       (332,056










Net Assets


Common Stock and Preferred Stock

     247,369       247,369       —    

Capital Surplus

     15,505       15,505       —    

Capital Reserve

     15,505       15,505       —    

Retained Earnings

     253,465       241,889       11,575  

Appropriated Reserve

     41,484       36,719       4,764  

Other Retained Earnings

     211,980       205,170       6,810  

Retained Earnings Brought Forward

     211,980       205,170       6,810  










Total Shareholders’ Equity

     516,339       504,764       11,575  










Net Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Other Securities, net of Taxes

     49,981       76,295       (26,314

Net Deferred Hedge Gains (Losses), net of Taxes

     (4,615     (1,608     (3,007










Total Valuation and Translation Adjustments

     45,365       74,687       (29,322










Total Net Assets

     561,705       579,452       (17,747










Total Liabilities and Net Assets

   ¥ 7,076,682     ¥ 7,426,486     ¥ (349,803












Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.



(selected items) OF MIZUHO TRUST & BANKING


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended

March 31, 2020
     For the fiscal
year ended

March 31, 2019
(A) - (B)

Ordinary Income

   ¥ 209,112      ¥ 209,539      ¥ (427

Fiduciary Income

     59,132        54,997        4,134  

Interest Income

     37,305        42,795        (5,489

Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted

     24,619        26,691        (2,072

Interest and Dividends on Securities

     10,654        13,786        (3,132

Fee and Commission Income

     70,610        70,307        303  

Trading Income

     1,526        1,552        (25

Other Operating Income

     24,319        8,319        16,000  

Other Ordinary Income

     16,217        31,567        (15,350










Ordinary Expenses

     159,435        154,184        5,250  

Interest Expenses

     13,445        16,415        (2,969

Interest on Deposits

     614        1,059        (444

Fee and Commission Expenses

     35,027        33,391        1,635  

Trading Expenses

     20        0        20  

Other Operating Expenses

     11,458        6,037        5,420  

General and Administrative Expenses

     81,211        82,395        (1,183

Other Ordinary Expenses

     18,272        15,944        2,328  










Ordinary Profits

     49,676        55,354        (5,678










Extraordinary Gains

     907        82        824  










Extraordinary Losses

     694        2,245        (1,551










Income before Income Taxes

     49,888        53,190        (3,302

Income Taxes:



     10,342        12,544        (2,201


     4,147        1,582        2,564  










Net Income

   ¥ 35,398      ¥ 39,063      ¥ (3,665












Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.



Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities

As of March 31, 2020


Millions of yen






Loans and Bills Discounted

     634,513      Money Trusts      24,065,825  


     130,890      Pension Trusts      3,183,854  

Beneficiary Rights to the Trusts

     63,240,425      Property Formation Benefit Trusts      4,692  

Securities held in Custody Accounts

     410,192      Investment Trusts      18,396,464  

Money Claims

     5,500,206      Money Entrusted Other than Money Trusts      1,829,192  

Tangible Fixed Assets

     8,319,291      Securities Trusts      14,009,829  

Intangible Fixed Assets

     361,170      Money Claims Trusts      4,304,969  

Other Claims

     580,858      Land and Fixtures Trusts      435,204  

Due from Banking Account

     1,055,510      Composite Trusts      14,473,878  

Cash and Due from Banks

     476,227      Other Trusts      5,375  




















The statement is exclusive of the Trusts that are difficult to value monetarily.


Beneficiary Rights to the Trusts include entrusted Trusts for asset maintenance of ¥61,077,996 million.


Joint trust assets under the management of other companies: ¥279,436 million


There is no balance of Loans to Bankrupt Obligors, Non-Accrual Delinquent Loans,
or Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More in the loans of trust accounts that guarantee principals in the agreement of ¥8,773 million.

(Reference) Breakdown of Accounts of Money Trusts and Loan Trusts with the contracts of principal indemnification (including Trusts entrusted for asset management) are as follows:

Money Trusts


Millions of yen






Loans and Bills Discounted

     8,773      Principal      883,781  


     1      Reserve      27  


     875,127      Others      94  



















Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.



Comparison of Balances of Principal Items


     Millions of yen  


   As of
March 31,
2020 (A)
     As of
March 31,
2019 (B)
(A) - (B)

Total Amount of Funds

     31,015,448        29,169,953        1,845,494  


     3,096,295        3,253,498        (157,203

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

     664,780        566,110        98,670  

Money Trusts

     24,065,825        22,197,075        1,868,749  

Pension Trusts

     3,183,854        3,148,711        35,143  

Property Formation Benefit Trusts

     4,692        4,558        134  

Loans and Bills Discounted

     4,001,989        4,013,541        (11,552

of Banking accounts

     3,367,475        3,355,173        12,302  

of Trust accounts

     634,513        658,368        (23,854

Securities for Investments

     1,089,515        1,023,278        66,236  

of Banking accounts

     958,624        841,621        117,003  

of Trust accounts

     130,890        181,657        (50,767



Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.





     Millions of yen  
     As of
March 31,
2020 (A)
    As of
March 31,
2019 (B)
(A) - (B)



Current Assets


Cash and Bank Deposits

   ¥ 533,288     ¥ 388,516     ¥ 144,772  

Cash Segregated as Deposits for Customers and Others

     387,043       335,712       51,330  

Trading Assets

     6,461,814       6,061,110       400,703  

Operating Investment Securities

     33,430       28,640       4,789  

Receivables Related to Margin Transactions

     22,055       34,162       (12,107

Collateralized Short-Term Financing Agreements-Receivable

     4,296,231       3,871,953       424,278  

Advances Paid

     579       488       90  

Securities: Fail to Deliver

     12,971       9,613       3,357  

Short-Term Loans Receivable

     37,298       52,652       (15,354

Other Current Assets

     595,830       434,483       161,346  

Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

     (7     (3     (3

Noncurrent Assets


Property and Equipment

     11,196       12,527       (1,330

Intangible Assets

     61,637       50,829       10,808  

Investments and Other Assets

     302,584       315,137       (12,552










Total Assets

   ¥ 12,755,956     ¥ 11,595,825     ¥ 1,160,130  












Current Liabilities


Trading Liabilities

   ¥ 5,032,193     ¥ 4,340,952     ¥ 691,240  

Payables - Unsettled Trades

     61,668       36,888       24,779  

Payables Related to Margin Transactions

     47,395       53,591       (6,196

Collateralized Short-Term Financing Agreements-Payable

     3,660,235       3,575,497       84,738  

Deposits Received

     350,409       308,251       42,158  

Guarantee Deposits Received

     370,607       297,472       73,134  

Securities: Fail to Receive

     2,029       2,064       (35

Short-Term Borrowings

     1,035,215       773,484       261,730  

Commercial Paper

     319,000       333,200       (14,200

Bonds and Notes Due within One Year

     137,358       76,393       60,964  

Lease Obligations

     —         174       (174

Income Taxes Payable

     3,022       2,220       802  

Accrued Employees’ Bonuses

     13,531       9,359       4,172  

Provision for Variable Compensation

     816       927       (110

Provision for Bonus Point Redemption

     487       686       (198

Other Current Liabilities

     53,465       40,800       12,665  

Noncurrent Liabilities


Bonds and Notes

     620,079       679,688       (59,609

Long-Term Borrowings

     135,600       173,000       (37,400

Provision for Retirement Benefits

     19,828       19,799       29  

Other Noncurrent Liabilities

     2,111       2,263       (152

Statutory Reserves


Reserve for Financial Instruments Transaction Liabilities

     2,509       2,473       36  










Total Liabilities

     11,867,565       10,729,189       1,138,375  










Net Assets


Common Stock

     125,167       125,167       —    

Capital Surplus

     381,649       381,649       —    

Additional Paid - in Capital

     285,831       285,831       —    

Other Capital Surplus

     95,817       95,817       —    

Retained Earnings

     371,261       346,585       24,676  

Other Retained Earnings

     371,261       346,585       24,676  

Retained Earnings Brought Forward

     371,261       346,585       24,676  










Total Shareholders’ Equity

     878,078       853,401       24,676  










Net Unrealized Gains on (Operating) Investment Securities, net of Tax

     20,066       23,023       (2,956

Net Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges, net of Tax

     (9,754     (9,789     35  










Total Valuation and Translation Adjustments

     10,312       13,233       (2,921










Total Net Assets

     888,390       866,635       21,754  










Total Liabilities and Net Assets

   ¥ 12,755,956     ¥ 11,595,825     ¥ 1,160,130  












Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.



(selected items) OF MIZUHO SECURITIES


     Millions of yen  
     For the fiscal
year ended
March 31, 2020

    For the fiscal
year ended

March 31, 2019
(A) - (B)

Operating Revenues

   ¥ 354,192     ¥ 341,131      ¥ 13,060  


     149,514       151,810        (2,296

Net Gain on Trading

     111,981       93,568        18,413  

Net Gain on Operating Investment Securities

     2,621       5,287        (2,666

Interest and Dividend Income

     90,075       90,465        (390










Interest Expenses

     82,590       77,794                4,796  










Net Operating Revenues

     271,602       263,337        8,264  










Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     237,737       236,229        1,507  

Transaction-Related Expenses

     57,929       53,157        4,772  

Personnel Expenses

     86,215       86,662        (446

Real Estate Expenses

     24,151       25,585        (1,434

Administrative Expenses

     42,322       43,374        (1,052

Depreciation and Amortization

     19,702       18,931        770  

Taxes and Dues

     4,436       5,452        (1,015

Provision of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

     (20     2        (22


     3,000       3,064        (63










Operating Income

     33,864       27,107        6,756  










Non-Operating Income

     4,744       9,044        (4,300

Non-Operating Expenses

     179       196        (16










Ordinary Income

     38,429       35,955        2,473  










Extraordinary Gain

     1,110       2,512        (1,402










Extraordinary Loss

     2,860       16,467        (13,607










Income before Income Taxes

     36,679       22,000        14,678  

Income Taxes:



     5,158       3,006        2,151  


     2,310       6,600        (4,289










Net Income

   ¥ 29,210     ¥ 12,393      ¥ 16,816  












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