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Washington, D.C. 20549








Investment Company Act file number 811-21777


John Hancock Funds III
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


Salvatore Schiavone


601 Congress Street


Boston, Massachusetts 02210


(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 617-663-4497

Date of fiscal year end: February 28
Date of reporting period: February 28, 2017






John Hancock

International Growth Fund

Annual report 2/28/17



A message to shareholders

Dear shareholder,

After several episodes of volatility in the first half of 2016, international equity indexes exhibited mostly positive momentum in recent months as economic trends improved overseas, especially in Europe. Despite an initial pullback following the November 2016 election of U.S. President Donald Trump, most international stocks rallied in January and February 2017, following closely on the heels of U.S. equity indexes' postelection gains.

Yet there are still challenges at hand. Of note, several European countries will hold elections this year that may ultimately determine the fate of the European Union. Coupled with the near certainty of additional interest-rate increases here in the United States, advisors and investors are rightly concerned about the potential for lackluster fixed-income markets in the coming months; although equity markets may be supported by positive company dynamics.

Since the end of the reporting period, the failure of the Trump administration to replace the Affordable Care Act, among other missteps, has been somewhat beneficial for bonds and somewhat problematic for equities. One of your best resources for dealing with market uncertainty is your financial advisor, who can help ensure your portfolio is sufficiently diversified to meet your long-term objectives and to withstand the inevitable bumps along the way.  

On behalf of everyone at John Hancock Investments, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued trust you've placed in us.



Andrew G. Arnott
President and Chief Executive Officer
John Hancock Investments

This commentary reflects the CEO's views, which are subject to change at any time. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Diversification does not guarantee investment returns and does not eliminate risk of loss. For more up-to-date information, please visit our website at jhinvestments.com.

John Hancock
International Growth Fund

Table of contents

2   Your fund at a glance
4   Discussion of fund performance
8   A look at performance
10   Your expenses
12   Fund's investments
15   Financial statements
19   Financial highlights
28   Notes to financial statements
36   Auditor's report
37   Tax information
38   Trustees and Officers
42   More information


Your fund at a glance


The fund seeks high total return primarily through capital appreciation.



The MSCI AC World ex-USA Growth Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity performance of growth-oriented stocks in developed (excluding the U.S.) and emerging markets.

The MSCI EAFE Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. and Canada.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect expenses or sales charges, which would result in lower returns.

Figures from Morningstar, Inc. include reinvested distributions and do not take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is lower.

The past performance shown here reflects reinvested distributions and the beneficial effect of any expense reductions, and does not guarantee future results. Performance of the other share classes will vary based on the difference in the fees and expenses of those classes. Shares will fluctuate in value and, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current month-end performance may be lower or higher than the performance cited, and can be found at jhinvestments.com or by calling 800-225-5291. For further information on the fund's objectives, risks, and strategy, see the fund's prospectus.



Economic improvement supported equities

Most developed-market stocks outside the United States posted strong gains as economic conditions improved in key markets.

The fund underperformed on a relative basis

The fund underperformed its benchmark, the MSCI AC World ex-USA Growth Index, largely as a result of a negative impact from stock selection in the healthcare and consumer discretionary sectors.

An overweight in information technology was a positive factor

The fund's overweight in the information technology sector contributed to relative performance.



A note about risks

Foreign investing, especially in emerging markets, has additional risks, such as currency and market volatility and political and social instability. Growth stocks may be subject to greater price fluctuations because their prices tend to place greater emphasis on earnings expectations. The value of a company's equity securities is subject to changes in the company's financial condition and overall market and economic conditions. Hedging, derivatives, and other strategic transactions may increase a fund's volatility and could produce disproportionate losses, potentially more than the fund's principal investment. Actively trading securities can increase transaction costs (thus lowering performance) and taxable distributions. A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when fund shares are held in a taxable account. Please see the fund's prospectus for additional risks.


Discussion of fund performance

An interview with Portfolio Manager John A. Boselli, CFA, Wellington Management Company LLP


John A. Boselli, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Wellington Management Company LLP

Can you describe the market environment during the 12-month period and the factors that drove the more than 15% return for the fund's benchmark, the MSCI AC World ex-USA Growth Index?

Most stocks outside the United States posted strong gains in the double digits in percentage terms. It was an eventful 12 months, characterized by volatile oil prices, the United Kingdom's approval of a referendum to exit the European Union (Brexit), and Chinese policymakers' efforts to stem a slowdown in the country's economic growth rate.

Despite the potential negative impact of these events, there were many positive catalysts for equities, including continued monetary policy accommodation by major central banks. Moves by the United Kingdom and other key non-U.S. markets to implement fresh rounds of fiscal stimulus contributed to a shift in investor sentiment favoring cyclical stocks and sectors—those most sensitive to changes in economic trends. This trend gained further momentum following Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election in November.

These developments came amid a positive momentum shift in the indicators that we monitor to recognize potential turning points in global macroeconomic cycles. While these indicators consistently pointed to low growth entering 2016, they began to shift in mid-2016, and this incremental improvement exhibited staying power in the latter half of the 12-month period. The changes were accompanied by partial recoveries from a steep decline in the prices of oil and other commodities.

How did this environment affect your security selection during the period?

When evaluating stocks during this transition to a higher-growth-oriented environment, we gradually adjusted stock selection to place more weight on growth and valuation characteristics, while placing somewhat less emphasis on the quality and total return characteristics that had dominated earlier in the period. This shift resulted in some material changes in sector weights during the period, including a reduction in the fund's healthcare weighting and increases in its weightings in information technology and financials.


"The market's shift toward cyclical sectors and lower-quality stocks weighed on relative performance, as the trend did not favor many of the fund's high-quality growth holdings ..."

Although its overall return was positive, the fund underperformed relative to its benchmark. What key factors had the most significant impact on this result?

The market's shift toward cyclical sectors and lower-quality stocks weighed on relative performance, as the trend did not favor many of the fund's high-quality growth holdings. Such holdings included stocks that generate substantial free cash flows, maintain strong balance sheets, and return cash to shareholders in the form of dividend payments and share repurchases.

Overall, our security selection detracted from relative performance. Sector allocations, a by-product of our bottom-up approach to managing the fund, contributed to relative performance, partially offsetting the negative impact from stock picking. Our weakest selection was in the healthcare and consumer discretionary sectors. An underweight in materials also had a negative impact, as the sector outperformed, and our stock picking in financials and materials detracted. On the positive side, an overweight in information technology was a contributor, as the sector was the top performer in the benchmark. Our stock picking in industrials also added relative value.

At the geographic level, our stock selection in the United Kingdom and the fund's overweight U.K. exposure weighed on relative performance; our stock picking in Japan was also a negative. On the positive side, relative performance was aided by our stock picking in China and Taiwan, along with the fund's overweights in both countries.

TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS OF 2/28/17 (%)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 3.3
Tencent Holdings, Ltd. 3.1
British American Tobacco PLC 3.1
Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd. 2.9
Alibaba Group Holding, Ltd., ADR 2.8
Unilever NV 2.7
AIA Group, Ltd. 1.8
Largan Precision Company, Ltd. 1.8
Broadcom, Ltd. 1.7
Experian PLC 1.7
TOTAL 24.9
As a percentage of net assets.
Cash and cash equivalents are not included.


"At the geographic level, our stock selection in the United Kingdom and the fund's overweight U.K. exposure weighed on relative performance; our stock picking in Japan was also a negative."

Which equity positions had the biggest negative impact on the fund's performance?

The fund's positions in ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, a German operator of European commercial television stations and other media operations, and Persimmon PLC, a U.K.-based homebuilder, were the top detractors. Both stocks were hurt by the Brexit referendum, as investors worried that a potential economic slowdown broadly affecting the United Kingdom and Europe would weigh on European media operations and the U.K. housing market. We sold both positions during the period.

A position in Japan-based Ono Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. also had a negative impact, as the stock came under pressure after Japanese regulators announced plans to review pricing for groundbreaking, high-priced drugs in great demand, starting with Opdivo, a drug that Ono Pharmaceutical codeveloped and that was approved in the United States to treat melanoma and lung cancer. We sold the position during the period, as pricing pressures decreased our outlook for Ono's earnings and revenue growth. Positions in pharmaceutical company Allergan PLC and payment processing company Worldpay Group PLC also detracted.

Which positions had the biggest positive impact on the fund's relative results?

The top contributor was a position in Taiwan-based Largan Precision Company, Ltd., a maker of lenses used in smartphone cameras and other applications. The company's shares outperformed as

TOP 10 COUNTRIES AS OF 2/28/17 (%)

United Kingdom 18.0
China 10.2
Japan 9.6
Switzerland 6.1
France 6.0
Ireland 5.8
India 5.1
Taiwan 5.1
United States 4.9
South Korea 4.2
TOTAL 75.0
As a percentage of net assets.  
Cash and cash equivalents are not included.  


Largan posted strong results, supporting investor confidence in positive trends surrounding the growing use of dual cameras in smartphones, starting with Apple's latest iPhone. Largan ranks highly among peers as a stock with high-quality characteristics, with strong free cash flow margins, a good growth trajectory driven by multi-year product cycles, and attractive upside to our estimate of its fair value.

Other positions that contributed significantly to relative performance were Broadcom, Ltd., a developer of semiconductor technologies, New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc., a provider of private education in China, Partners Group Holding AG (Switzerland), a private markets investment manager, and AAC Technologies Holdings, Inc., a designer and manufacturer of acoustic components found in electronic devices.

How was the fund positioned at the end of the period?

From a sector standpoint, our bottom-up stock selection process resulted in the fund's overweights in information technology and financials. The most significant underweights were in consumer staples, healthcare, energy, and materials.

From a geographic perspective, the fund ended the period most overweight in emerging markets, particularly China, Taiwan, and India, where we saw the potential for strong economic growth. The fund remained underweight in Japan, where regulatory and demographic issues continued to constrain growth. In Europe, the fund was overweight in the United Kingdom and underweight in Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden.


 johnaboselli.jpg John A. Boselli, CFA
On the fund since 2014
Investing since 1996


The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of John A. Boselli, CFA, Wellington Management Company LLP, and are subject to change. They are not meant as investment advice. Please note that the holdings discussed in this report may not have been held by the fund for the entire period. Portfolio composition is subject to review in accordance with the fund's investment strategy and may vary in the future. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.

A look at performance


Average annual total returns (%)
with maximum sales charge
  Cumulative total returns (%)
with maximum sales charge
  1-year 5-year 10-year     5-year 10-year
Class A 4.13 6.96 2.82     39.97 32.06
Class B 3.88 6.95 2.58     39.96 28.96
Class C 7.85 7.27 2.57     42.02 28.88
Class I1 9.96 8.42 3.74     49.78 44.43
Class R21,2 9.54 8.00 3.32     46.95 38.66
Class R41,2 9.81 8.11 3.37     47.67 39.34
Class R61,2 10.08 8.24 3.44     48.59 40.21
Class 11 10.04 8.50 3.80     50.36 45.20
Class NAV1,2 10.10 8.21 3.42     48.39 40.01
Index 1 15.09 4.45 2.36     24.33 26.32
Index 2 16.31 5.63 1.50     31.53 16.11

Performance figures assume all distributions have been reinvested. Figures reflect maximum sales charges on Class A shares of 5%, and the applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The Class B shares' CDSC declines annually between years 1 to 6 according to the following schedule: 5%, 4%, 3%, 3%, 2%, and 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after the sixth year. Class C shares sold within one year of purchase are subject to a 1% CDSC. Sales charges are not applicable to Class I, Class R2, Class R4, Class R6, Class 1, and Class NAV shares.

The expense ratios of the fund, both net (including any fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and gross (excluding any fee waivers and/or expense limitations), are set forth according to the most recent publicly available prospectuses for the fund and may differ from those disclosed in the Financial highlights tables in this report. Had the contractual fee waivers and expense limitations not been in place, gross expenses would apply. The expense ratios are as follows:

  Class A Class B Class C Class I Class R2 Class R4 Class R6 Class 1 Class NAV
Gross (%) 1.37 2.07 2.07 1.05 1.46 1.31 0.96 0.99 0.94
Net (%) 1.35 2.05 2.05 1.05 1.45 1.20 0.94 0.99 0.94

Please refer to the most recent prospectus and annual or semiannual report for more information on expenses and any expense limitation arrangements for each class.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered indicative of future performance. The return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Due to market volatility and other factors, the fund's current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For current to the most recent month-end performance data, please call 800-225-5291 or visit the fund's website at jhinvestments.com.

The performance table above and the chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The fund's performance results reflect any applicable fee waivers or expense reductions, without which the expenses would increase and results would have been less favorable.

Index 1 is the MSCI AC World ex-USA Growth Index; Index 2 is the MSCI EAFE Index.

See the following page for footnotes.


This chart and table show what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in John Hancock International Growth Fund for the share classes and periods indicated, assuming all distributions were reinvested. For comparison, we've shown the same investment in two separate indexes.


  Start date With maximum
sales charge ($)
sales charge ($)
Index 1 ($) Index 2 ($)
Class B3 2-28-07 12,896 12,896 12,632 11,611
Class C3 2-28-07 12,888 12,888 12,632 11,611
Class I1 2-28-07 14,443 14,443 12,632 11,611
Class R21,2 2-28-07 13,866 13,866 12,632 11,611
Class R41,2 2-28-07 13,934 13,934 12,632 11,611
Class R61,2 2-28-07 14,021 14,021 12,632 11,611
Class 11 2-28-07 14,520 14,520 12,632 11,611
Class NAV1,2 2-28-07 14,001 14,001 12,632 11,611

The MSCI AC World ex-USA Growth Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity performance of growth-oriented stocks in developed (excluding the U.S.) and emerging markets.

The MSCI EAFE Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. and Canada.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect expenses or sales charges, which would result in lower returns.

Footnotes related to performance pages

1 For certain types of investors, as described in the fund's prospectuses.
2 Class R2, Class R4, and Class R6 shares were first offered on 3-27-15. Class NAV shares were first offered on 6-2-15. The returns prior to these dates are those of Class A shares and may be higher or lower than if adjusted to reflect the expenses of any other share classes.
3 The contingent deferred sales charge is not applicable.

Your expenses

These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing operating expenses of investing in the fund so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

Understanding fund expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur two types of costs:

Transaction costs, which include sales charges (loads) on purchases or redemptions (varies by share class), minimum account fee charge, etc.
Ongoing operating expenses, including management fees, distribution and service fees (if applicable), and other fund expenses.

We are presenting only your ongoing operating expenses here.

Actual expenses/actual returns

The first line of each share class in the table on the following page is intended to provide information about the fund's actual ongoing operating expenses, and is based on the fund's actual return. It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on September 1, 2016, with the same investment held until February 28, 2017.

Together with the value of your account, you may use this information to estimate the operating expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value at February 28, 2017, by $1,000.00, then multiply it by the "expenses paid" for your share class from the table. For example, for an account value of $8,600.00, the operating expenses should be calculated as follows:


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second line of each share class in the table on the following page allows you to compare the fund's ongoing operating expenses with those of any other fund. It provides an example of the fund's hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each class's actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% annualized return before expenses (which is not the fund's actual return). It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on September 1, 2016, with the same investment held until February 28, 2017. Look in any other fund shareholder report to find its hypothetical example and you will be able to compare these expenses. Please remember that these hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period.

Remember, these examples do not include any transaction costs, therefore, these examples will not help you to determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. If transaction costs were included, your expenses would have been higher. See the prospectuses for details regarding transaction costs.



value on
value on
paid during
period ended
Class A Actual expenses/actual returns $1,000.00 $994.80 $6.48 1.31%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,018.30 6.56 1.31%
Class B Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 991.20 9.92 2.01%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,014.80 10.04 2.01%
Class C Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 991.20 9.97 2.02%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,014.80 10.09 2.02%
Class I Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 996.20 5.00 1.01%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,019.80 5.06 1.01%
Class R2 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 994.10 7.02 1.42%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,017.80 7.10 1.42%
Class R4 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 995.70 5.69 1.15%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,019.10 5.76 1.15%
Class R6 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 996.80 4.41 0.89%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.40 4.46 0.89%
Class 1 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 996.40 4.65 0.94%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.10 4.71 0.94%
Class NAV Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 996.90 4.56 0.92%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.20 4.61 0.92%

1 Expenses are equal to the fund's annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Fund's investments


  As of 2-28-17  
        Shares     Value  
  Common stocks 96.4%     $3,762,327,878  
  (Cost $3,470,985,633)  
  Australia 2.5%     97,411,479  
  Amcor, Ltd.     3,713,787     39,972,345  
  BHP Billiton PLC     3,563,680     57,439,134  
  Belgium 1.3%     49,669,635  
  UCB SA     697,938     49,669,635  
  Canada 3.6%     140,745,428  
  Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce     576,450     50,609,723  
  Magna International, Inc.     878,305     37,553,788  
  The Bank of Nova Scotia     906,533     52,581,917  
  China 10.2%     397,429,627  
  AAC Technologies Holdings, Inc.     6,081,587     63,978,308  
  Alibaba Group Holding, Ltd., ADR (I)     1,069,208     110,021,503  
  NetEase, Inc., ADR     197,965     60,391,203  
  New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc., ADR (I)     873,410     42,281,778  
  Tencent Holdings, Ltd.     4,550,514     120,756,835  
  Denmark 3.0%     116,109,681  
  DSV A/S     1,271,534     62,520,105  
  Pandora A/S     470,803     53,589,576  
  France 6.0%     234,033,313  
  AXA SA     1,494,372     35,294,122  
  BNP Paribas SA     858,665     50,240,905  
  Edenred     2,283,400     51,690,043  
  Legrand SA     794,204     44,843,916  
  Sodexo SA (L)     473,496     51,964,327  
  Germany 2.2%     88,054,408  
  Merck KGaA     411,229     44,896,262  
  United Internet AG     1,048,468     43,158,146  
  Hong Kong 2.9%     113,202,626  
  AIA Group, Ltd.     11,222,571     70,836,279  
  Guangdong Investment, Ltd.     31,098,002     42,366,347  
  India 5.1%     198,782,686  
  HDFC Bank, Ltd.     2,169,343     46,788,043  
  ICICI Bank, Ltd.     10,000,134     41,237,430  
  Maruti Suzuki India, Ltd.     691,228     61,329,853  
  UPL, Ltd.     4,611,468     49,427,360  


        Shares     Value  
  Indonesia 2.6%     $101,354,608  
  Bank Central Asia Tbk PT     39,306,867     45,459,728  
  Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT     194,680,851     55,894,880  
  Ireland 5.8%     226,079,158  
  Accenture PLC, Class A     316,501     38,771,373  
  Experian PLC     3,409,637     67,544,873  
  ICON PLC (I)     759,794     63,647,943  
  Medtronic PLC     693,548     56,114,969  
  Japan 9.6%     376,335,042  
  Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc.     1,427,240     41,113,201  
  Daito Trust Construction Company, Ltd.     285,290     39,911,527  
  KDDI Corp.     2,368,154     61,885,837  
  Keyence Corp.     156,208     60,402,769  
  NTT DOCOMO, Inc.     2,176,277     51,703,876  
  Recruit Holdings Company, Ltd.     1,296,155     63,613,078  
  SMC Corp.     203,890     57,704,754  
  Netherlands 1.5%     58,483,486  
  Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV     2,747,365     58,483,486  
  Norway 1.3%     49,234,011  
  DNB ASA     3,002,882     49,234,011  
  South Korea 4.2%     165,173,173  
  NAVER Corp.     74,905     51,355,302  
  Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd.     66,974     113,817,871  
  Spain 1.5%     60,127,006  
  Industria de Diseno Textil SA     1,876,277     60,127,006  
  Switzerland 6.1%     238,363,844  
  Julius Baer Group, Ltd. (I)     1,112,656     54,417,476  
  Partners Group Holding AG     125,506     65,653,676  
  Temenos Group AG     770,712     59,608,358  
  Zurich Insurance Group AG     212,645     58,684,334  
  Taiwan 5.1%     197,436,670  
  Largan Precision Company, Ltd.     464,712     68,969,284  
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.     20,969,008     128,467,386  
  United Kingdom 18.0%     702,908,477  
  BAE Systems PLC     7,543,587     59,055,254  
  British American Tobacco PLC     1,896,288     119,778,051  
  Compass Group PLC     3,482,528     64,698,222  
  IHS Markit, Ltd. (I)     1,084,041     43,144,832  
  Just Eat PLC (I)     7,706,983     47,799,019  
  Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC     740,815     67,265,678  


        Shares     Value  
  United Kingdom  (continued)        
  Rio Tinto PLC     1,114,061     $45,661,070  
  Spectris PLC     1,268,270     38,218,322  
  UBM PLC     6,373,687     58,969,653  
  Unilever NV     2,258,493     106,912,846  
  Worldpay Group PLC (S)     15,267,540     51,405,530  
  United States 3.9%     151,393,520  
  Allergan PLC     163,832     40,109,350  
  Broadcom, Ltd.     322,589     68,043,697  
  Eaton Corp. PLC     600,729     43,240,473  
  Preferred securities 1.3%     $50,171,855  
  (Cost $51,878,850)  
  Brazil 1.3%     50,171,855  
  Itau Unibanco Holding SA     3,917,900     50,171,855  
        Yield (%)     Shares     Value  
  Securities lending collateral 1.0%     $39,937,407  
  (Cost $39,935,034)  
  John Hancock Collateral Trust (W)     0.8372(Y )   3,990,907     39,937,407  
  Total investments (Cost $3,562,799,517)† 98.7%     $3,852,437,140  
  Other assets and liabilities, net 1.3%     $49,303,249  
  Total net assets 100.0%     $3,901,740,389  

  The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of the category as a percentage of the net assets of the fund.  
  Security Abbreviations and Legend  
  ADR     American Depositary Receipts  
  (I)     Non-income producing security.  
  (L)     A portion of this security is on loan as of 2-28-17.  
  (S)     These securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers, in transactions exempt from registration.  
  (W)     Investment is an affiliate of the fund, the advisor and/or subadvisor. This security represents the investment of cash collateral received for securities lending.  
  (Y)     The rate shown is the annualized seven-day yield as of 2-28-17.  
      At 2-28-17, the aggregate cost of investment securities for federal income tax purposes was $3,571,764,794. Net unrealized appreciation aggregated to $280,672,346, of which $333,822,937 related to appreciated investment securities and $53,150,591 related to depreciated investment securities.  


Financial statements


  Unaffiliated investments, at value (Cost $3,522,864,483) including $38,033,523 of securities loaned           $3,812,499,733  
  Affiliated investments, at value (Cost $39,935,034)           39,937,407  
  Total investments, at value (Cost $3,562,799,517)           3,852,437,140  
  Cash           65,384,685  
  Foreign currency, at value (Cost $13,018,372)           13,018,384  
  Receivable for investments sold           250,590  
  Receivable for fund shares sold           28,421,371  
  Dividends and interest receivable           6,851,860  
  Receivable for securities lending income           91,162  
  Other receivables and prepaid expenses           131,530  
  Total assets           3,966,586,722  
  Foreign capital gains tax payable           1,113,570  
  Payable for investments purchased           18,370,029  
  Payable for fund shares repurchased           4,545,473  
  Payable upon return of securities loaned           39,937,705  
  Payable to affiliates              
  Accounting and legal services fees           116,830  
  Transfer agent fees           256,039  
  Distribution and service fees           4,982  
  Trustees' fees           904  
  Other liabilities and accrued expenses           500,801  
  Total liabilities           64,846,333  
  Net assets           $3,901,740,389  
  Net assets consist of              
  Paid-in capital           $3,853,223,056  
  Accumulated distributions in excess of net investment income           (1,461,881 )
  Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency transactions           (238,545,282 )
  Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies           288,524,496  
  Net assets           $3,901,740,389  



  Net asset value per share              
  Based on net asset values and shares outstanding - The fund has an unlimited number of shares authorized with no par value              
  Class A ($426,683,809 ÷ 19,675,317 shares)1           $21.69  
  Class B ($1,508,521 ÷ 70,325 shares)1           $21.45  
  Class C ($145,090,949 ÷ 6,778,892 shares)1           $21.40  
  Class I ($2,379,826,110 ÷ 109,571,859 shares)           $21.72  
  Class R2 ($11,997,226 ÷ 552,678 shares)           $21.71  
  Class R4 ($4,804,074 ÷ 221,190 shares)           $21.72  
  Class R6 ($18,043,888 ÷ 830,298 shares)           $21.73  
  Class 1 ($49,916,564 ÷ 2,299,297 shares)           $21.71  
  Class NAV ($863,869,248 ÷ 39,795,499 shares)           $21.71  
  Maximum offering price per share              
  Class A (net assets value per share ÷ 95%)2           $22.83  

  1     Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.              
  2     On single retail sales of less than $50,000. On sales of $50,000 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.              


STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS   For the year ended 2-28-17

  Investment income                    
  Dividends                 $58,297,153  
  Securities lending                 381,097  
  Less foreign taxes withheld                 (4,539,884 )
  Total investment income                 54,138,366  
  Investment management fees                 22,565,283  
  Distribution and service fees                 3,555,283  
  Accounting and legal services fees                 400,817  
  Transfer agent fees                 2,918,042  
  Trustees' fees                 39,378  
  State registration fees                 288,329  
  Printing and postage                 246,921  
  Professional fees                 200,564  
  Custodian fees                 851,935  
  Other                 35,589  
  Total expenses                 31,102,141  
  Less expense reductions                 (214,579 )
  Net expenses                 30,887,562  
  Net investment income                 23,250,804  
  Realized and unrealized gain (loss)                    
  Net realized gain (loss) on                    
  Unaffiliated investments and foreign currency transactions                 (148,417,326 )
  Affiliated investments                 4,885  
                    (148,412,441 )
  Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of                    
  Unaffiliated investments and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                 353,312,920  
  Affiliated investments                 1,166  
  Net realized and unrealized gain                 204,901,645  
  Increase in net assets from operations                 $228,152,449  



                    Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16        
  Increase (decrease) in net assets                                      
  From operations                                      
  Net investment income                 $23,250,804                 $7,154,431  
  Net realized loss                 (148,412,441 )               (90,878,974 )
  Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)                 353,314,086                 (85,973,533 )
  Increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                 228,152,449                 (169,698,076 )
  Distributions to shareholders                                      
  From net investment income      
  Class A                 (4,015,960 )               (818,693 )
  Class I                 (16,927,587 )               (4,166,349 )
  Class R2                 (51,219 )                
  Class R4                 (21,812 )               (3,401 )
  Class R6                 (402,651 )               (8,167 )
  Class 1                 (457,163 )               (188,512 )
  Class NAV                 (2,999,617 )               (514,934 )
  Total distributions                 (24,876,009 )               (5,700,056 )
  From fund share transactions                 1,668,056,731                 1,878,340,204  
  Total increase                 1,871,333,171                 1,702,942,072  
  Net assets                                      
  Beginning of year                 2,030,407,218                 327,465,146  
  End of year                 $3,901,740,389                 $2,030,407,218  
  Undistributed (accumulated distributions in excess of) net investment income                 ($1,461,881 )               $1,301,675  


Financial highlights

  Class A Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.90                 $21.64                 $24.60                 $21.28                 $19.98  
  Net investment income1                       0.17                 0.10                 0.24                 0.25                 0.23  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.75                 (1.81 )               0.83                 3.94                 2.65  
  Total from investment operations                       1.92                 (1.71 )               1.07                 4.19                 2.88  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.13 )               (0.03 )               (0.47 )               (0.15 )               (0.42 )
  From net realized gain                                                       (3.56 )               (0.72 )               (1.16 )
  Total distributions                       (0.13 )               (0.03 )               (4.03 )               (0.87 )               (1.58 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.69                 $19.90                 $21.64                 $24.60                 $21.28  
  Total return (%)2,3                       9.62                 (7.86 )               5.91                 19.95                 14.82  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $427                 $615                 $140                 $130                 $73  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.32                 1.38                 1.53                 1.56                 1.68  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.32                 1.37                 1.52                 1.55                 1.60  
        Net investment income                       0.79                 0.48                 1.02                 1.09                 1.13  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82                 204                 42                 61  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class B Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.70                 $21.55                 $24.50                 $21.22                 $19.94  
  Net investment income1                       0.04                 0.02                  2               0.10                 0.10  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.71                 (1.87 )               0.88                 3.90                 2.62  
  Total from investment operations                       1.75                 (1.85 )               0.88                 4.00                 2.72  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                                                       (0.27 )                               (0.28 )
  From net realized gain                                                       (3.56 )               (0.72 )               (1.16 )
  Total distributions                                                       (3.83 )               (0.72 )               (1.44 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.45                 $19.70                 $21.55                 $24.50                 $21.22  
  Total return (%)3,4                       8.88                 (8.58 )               5.07                 19.07                 14.00  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $2                 $2                 $2                 $2                 $1  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       2.03                 2.32                 3.18                 3.29                 3.92  
        Expenses including reductions                       2.02                 2.12                 2.34                 2.30                 2.30  
        Net investment income                       0.19                 0.07                  5               0.46                 0.47  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82                 204                 42                 61  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Less than $0.005 per share.              
  3     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  4     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  5     Less than 0.005%.              


  Class C Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.66                 $21.49                 $24.45                 $21.18                 $19.91  
  Net investment income (loss)1                       0.01                 (0.07 )               (0.03 )               0.07                 0.10  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.73                 (1.76 )               0.92                 3.92                 2.61  
  Total from investment operations                       1.74                 (1.83 )               0.89                 3.99                 2.71  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                                                       (0.29 )                               (0.28 )
  From net realized gain                                                       (3.56 )               (0.72 )               (1.16 )
  Total distributions                                                       (3.85 )               (0.72 )               (1.44 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.40                 $19.66                 $21.49                 $24.45                 $21.18  
  Total return (%)2,3                       8.85                 (8.52 )               5.11                 19.05                 13.97  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $145                 $113                 $13                 $7                 $2  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       2.03                 2.08                 2.40                 2.62                 3.32  
        Expenses including reductions                       2.02                 2.07                 2.30                 2.30                 2.30  
        Net investment income (loss)                       0.03                 (0.33 )               (0.11 )               0.32                 0.48  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82                 204                 42                 61  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class I Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.94                 $21.67                 $24.62                 $21.31                 $20.01  
  Net investment income1                       0.20                 0.16                 0.35                 0.31                 0.43  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.77                 (1.80 )               0.81                 3.95                 2.53  
  Total from investment operations                       1.97                 (1.64 )               1.16                 4.26                 2.96  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.19 )               (0.09 )               (0.55 )               (0.23 )               (0.50 )
  From net realized gain                                                       (3.56 )               (0.72 )               (1.16 )
  Total distributions                       (0.19 )               (0.09 )               (4.11 )               (0.95 )               (1.66 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.72                 $19.94                 $21.67                 $24.62                 $21.31  
  Total return (%)2                       9.96                 (7.59 )               6.33                 20.31                 15.23  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $2,380                 $1,168                 $152                 $290                 $79  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.02                 1.06                 1.19                 1.21                 1.27  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.01                 1.06                 1.18                 1.21                 1.25  
        Net investment income                       0.94                 0.73                 1.46                 1.33                 2.09  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82                 204                 42                 61  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class R2 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16 1
  Per share operating performance                                            
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.92                 $21.46  
  Net investment income (loss)2                       (0.02 )               0.02  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.91                 (1.56 )
  Total from investment operations                       1.89                 (1.54 )
  Less distributions                                            
  From net investment income                       (0.10 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.10 )                
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.71                 $19.92  
  Total return (%)3                       9.54                 (7.18 ) 4
  Ratios and supplemental data                                            
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $12                 $1  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                
        Expenses before reductions                       1.42                 1.90  5
        Expenses including reductions                       1.42                 1.52  5
        Net investment income (loss)                       (0.08 )               0.11  5
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82  6

  1     The inception date for Class R2 shares is 3-27-15.              
  2     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  4     Not annualized.              
  5     Annualized.              
  6     The portfolio turnover is shown for the period from 3-1-15 to 2-29-16.              


  Class R4 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16 1
  Per share operating performance                                            
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.94                 $21.46  
  Net investment income2                       0.19                 0.05  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.75                 (1.54 )
  Total from investment operations                       1.94                 (1.49 )
  Less distributions                                            
  From net investment income                       (0.16 )               (0.03 )
  Total distributions                       (0.16 )               (0.03 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.72                 $19.94  
  Total return (%)3                       9.81                 (6.95 ) 4
  Ratios and supplemental data                                            
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $5                 $3  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                
        Expenses before reductions                       1.25                 1.66  5
        Expenses including reductions                       1.14                 1.24  5
        Net investment income                       0.88                 0.24  5
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82  6

  1     The inception date for Class R4 shares is 3-27-15.              
  2     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  4     Not annualized.              
  5     Annualized.              
  6     The portfolio turnover is shown for the period from 3-1-15 to 2-29-16.              


  Class R6 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16 1
  Per share operating performance                                            
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.95                 $21.46  
  Net investment income2                       0.20                 0.12  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.79                 (1.53 )
  Total from investment operations                       1.99                 (1.41 )
  Less distributions                                            
  From net investment income                       (0.21 )               (0.10 )
  Total distributions                       (0.21 )               (0.10 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.73                 $19.95  
  Total return (%)3                       10.08                 (6.59 ) 4
  Ratios and supplemental data                                            
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $18                 $2  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                
        Expenses before reductions                       0.93                 1.37  5
        Expenses including reductions                       0.90                 0.95  5
        Net investment income                       0.95                 0.60  5
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82  6

  1     The inception date for Class R6 shares is 3-27-15.              
  2     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  4     Not annualized.              
  5     Annualized.              
  6     The portfolio turnover is shown for the period from 3-1-15 to 2-29-16.              


  Class 1 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.93                 $21.65                 $24.61                 $21.30                 $20.00  
  Net investment income1                       0.23                 0.23                 0.28                 0.37                 0.34  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.76                 (1.84 )               0.90                 3.92                 2.63  
  Total from investment operations                       1.99                 (1.61 )               1.18                 4.29                 2.97  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.21 )               (0.11 )               (0.58 )               (0.26 )               (0.51 )
  From net realized gain                                                       (3.56 )               (0.72 )               (1.16 )
  Total distributions                       (0.21 )               (0.11 )               (4.14 )               (0.98 )               (1.67 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.71                 $19.93                 $21.65                 $24.61                 $21.30  
  Total return (%)2                       10.04                 (7.49 )               6.39                 20.43                 15.29  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $50                 $39                 $20                 $16                 $11  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
  Expenses before reductions                       0.95                 1.00                 1.10                 1.12                 1.19  
  Expenses including reductions                       0.94                 0.99                 1.09                 1.12                 1.15  
  Net investment income                       1.09                 1.06                 1.18                 1.59                 1.68  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82                 204                 42                 61  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class NAV Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16 1
  Per share operating performance                                            
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $19.93                 $22.66  
  Net investment income2                       0.19                 0.11  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       1.81                 (2.72 )
  Total from investment operations                       2.00                 (2.61 )
  Less distributions                                            
  From net investment income                       (0.22 )               (0.12 )
  Total distributions                       (0.22 )               (0.12 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $21.71                 $19.93  
  Total return (%)3                       10.10                 (11.57 ) 4
  Ratios and supplemental data                                            
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $864                 $86  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                
        Expenses before reductions                       0.91                 0.94  5
        Expenses including reductions                       0.90                 0.93  5
        Net investment income                       0.91                 0.69  5
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       94                 82  6

  1     The inception date for Class NAV shares is 6-2-15.              
  2     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  4     Not annualized.              
  5     Annualized.              
  6     The portfolio turnover is shown for the period from 3-1-15 to 2-29-16.              


Notes to financial statements

Note 1 — Organization

John Hancock International Growth Fund (the fund) is a series of John Hancock Funds III (the Trust), an open-end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust and registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act). The investment objective of the fund is to seek high total return primarily through capital appreciation.

The fund may offer multiple classes of shares. The shares currently offered are detailed in the Statement of assets and liabilities. Class A and Class C shares are offered to all investors. Class B shares are closed to new investors. Class I shares are offered to institutions and certain investors. Class R2 and Class R4 shares are available only to certain retirement plans. Class R6 shares are available only to certain retirement plans, institutions and other investors. Class 1 shares are offered only to certain affiliates of Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC). Class NAV shares are offered to John Hancock affiliated funds and certain 529 plans. Shareholders of each class have exclusive voting rights to matters that affect that class. The distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees for each class may differ. Class B shares convert to Class A shares eight years after purchase.

Note 2 — Significant accounting policies

The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP), which require management to make certain estimates and assumptions as of the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates and those differences could be significant. The fund qualifies as an investment company under Topic 946 of Accounting Standards Codification of US GAAP.

Events or transactions occurring after the end of the fiscal period through the date that the financial statements were issued have been evaluated in the preparation of the financial statements. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the fund:

Security valuation. Investments are stated at value as of the scheduled close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), normally at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. In case of emergency or other disruption resulting in the NYSE not opening for trading or the NYSE closing at a time other than the regularly scheduled close, the net asset value (NAV) may be determined as of the regularly scheduled close of the NYSE pursuant to the fund's Valuation Policies and Procedures.

In order to value the securities, the fund uses the following valuation techniques: Equity securities held by the fund are typically valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the exchange or principal market where the security was acquired or most likely will be sold. In the event there were no sales during the day or closing prices are not available, the securities are valued using the last available bid price. Investments by the fund in open-end mutual funds, including John Hancock Collateral Trust (JHCT), are valued at their respective NAVs each business day. Foreign securities and currencies are valued in U.S. dollars, based on foreign currency exchange rates supplied by an independent pricing vendor.

In certain instances, the Pricing Committee may determine to value equity securities using prices obtained from another exchange or market if trading on the exchange or market on which prices are typically obtained did not open for trading as scheduled, or if trading closed earlier than scheduled, and trading occurred as normal on another exchange or market.

Other portfolio securities and assets, for which reliable market quotations are not readily available, are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the fund's Pricing Committee following procedures established by the Board of Trustees. The frequency with which these fair valuation procedures are used cannot be predicted and fair value of securities may differ significantly from the value that would have been used had a ready market for such securities existed. Trading in foreign securities may be completed before the scheduled daily close of trading on the NYSE. Significant events at the issuer or market level may affect the values of securities between the time when the valuation of the securities is generally determined and the close of the NYSE. If a significant event occurs, these securities may be fair valued, as determined in good faith by the fund's Pricing Committee, following procedures established by the Board of Trustees. The fund uses fair value adjustment factors provided by an independent pricing vendor to value certain foreign securities in order to adjust for events that may occur between the close of foreign exchanges or markets and the close of the NYSE.

The fund uses a three-tier hierarchy to prioritize the pricing assumptions, referred to as inputs, used in valuation techniques to measure fair value. Level 1 includes securities valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2


includes securities valued using other significant observable inputs. Observable inputs may include quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds and credit risk. Prices for securities valued using these inputs are received from independent pricing vendors and brokers and are based on an evaluation of the inputs described. Level 3 includes securities valued using significant unobservable inputs when market prices are not readily available or reliable, including the fund's own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. Factors used in determining value may include market or issuer specific events or trends, changes in interest rates and credit quality. The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities. Changes in valuation techniques and related inputs may result in transfers into or out of an assigned level within the disclosure hierarchy.

The following is a summary of the values by input classification of the fund's investments as of February 28, 2017, by major security category or type:

value at
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Common stocks        
  Australia $97,411,479 $97,411,479
  Belgium 49,669,635 49,669,635
  Canada 140,745,428 $140,745,428
  China 397,429,627 212,694,484 184,735,143
  Denmark 116,109,681 116,109,681
  France 234,033,313 234,033,313
  Germany 88,054,408 88,054,408
  Hong Kong 113,202,626 113,202,626
  India 198,782,686 198,782,686
  Indonesia 101,354,608 101,354,608
  Ireland 226,079,158 158,534,285 67,544,873
  Japan 376,335,042 376,335,042
  Netherlands 58,483,486 58,483,486
  Norway 49,234,011 49,234,011
  South Korea 165,173,173 165,173,173
  Spain 60,127,006 60,127,006
  Switzerland 238,363,844 238,363,844
  Taiwan 197,436,670 197,436,670
  United Kingdom 702,908,477 43,144,832 659,763,645
  United States 151,393,520 151,393,520
Preferred securities 50,171,855 50,171,855
Securities lending collateral 39,937,407 39,937,407
Total investments in securities $3,852,437,140 $746,449,956 $3,105,987,184

Security transactions and related investment income. Investment security transactions are accounted for on a trade date plus one basis for daily NAV calculations. However, for financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are reported on trade date. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-date, except for dividends of foreign securities where the dividend may not be known until after the ex-date. In those cases, dividend income, net of withholding taxes, is recorded when the fund becomes aware of the dividends. Foreign taxes are provided for based on the fund's understanding of the tax rules and rates that exist in the foreign markets in which it invests. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of identified cost and may include proceeds from litigation.

Securities lending. The fund may lend its securities to earn additional income. The fund receives cash collateral from the borrower in an amount not less than the market value of the loaned securities. The fund will invest its collateral in John


Hancock Collateral Trust (JHCT), an affiliate of the fund which has a floating NAV and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment company. JHCT invests cash received as collateral as part of the securities lending program in short-term money market investments. The fund will receive the benefit of any gains and bear any losses generated by JHCT with respect to the cash collateral.

The fund has the right to recall loaned securities on demand. If a borrower fails to return loaned securities when due, then the lending agent is responsible and indemnifies the fund for the lent securities. The lending agent uses the collateral received from the borrower to purchase replacement securities of the same issue, type, class and series of the loaned securities. If the value of the collateral is less than the purchase cost of replacement securities, the lending agent is responsible for satisfying the shortfall but only to the extent that the shortfall is not due to any decrease in the value of JHCT.

Although the risk of the loss of the securities lent is mitigated by receiving collateral from the borrower and through lending agent indemnification, the fund could experience a delay in recovering securities or could experience a lower than expected return if the borrower fails to return the securities on a timely basis. The fund receives compensation for lending its securities by retaining a portion of the return on the investment of the collateral and compensation from fees earned from borrowers of the securities. Securities lending income received by the fund is net of fees retained by the securities lending agent. Net income received from JHCT is a component of securities lending income as recorded on the Statement of operations.

Obligations to repay collateral received by the fund are shown on the Statements of assets and liabilities as Payable upon return of securities loaned and are secured by the loaned securities. As of February 28, 2017, the fund loaned common stocks valued at $38,033,523 and received $39,937,705 of cash collateral.

Foreign currency translation. Assets, including investments and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, are translated into U.S. dollar values each day at the prevailing exchange rate. Purchases and sales of securities, income and expenses are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rate on the date of the transaction. The effect of changes in foreign currency exchange rates on the value of securities is reflected as a component of the realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments.

Funds that invest internationally generally carry more risk than funds that invest strictly in U.S. securities. These risks are heightened for investments in emerging markets. Risks can result from differences in economic and political conditions, regulations, market practices (including higher transaction costs), accounting standards and other factors. Foreign investments are also subject to a decline in the value of a foreign currency versus the U.S. dollar, which reduces the dollar value of securities denominated in that currency.

Foreign taxes. The fund may be subject to withholding tax on income and/or capital gains or repatriation taxes imposed by certain countries in which the fund invests. Taxes are accrued based upon investment income, realized gains or unrealized appreciation.

Line of credit. The fund may borrow from banks for temporary or emergency purposes, including meeting redemption requests that otherwise might require the untimely sale of securities. Pursuant to the fund's custodian agreement, the custodian may loan money to the fund to make properly authorized payments. The fund is obligated to repay the custodian for any overdraft, including any related costs or expenses. The custodian may have a lien, security interest or security entitlement in any fund property that is not otherwise segregated or pledged, to the extent of any overdraft, and to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Effective June 30, 2016, the fund and other affiliated funds have entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with Citibank, N.A. as the administrative agent that enables them to participate in a $1 billion unsecured committed line of credit. Excluding commitments designated for a certain fund and subject to the need of all other affiliated funds, the fund can borrow up to an aggregate commitment amount of $750 million, subject to asset coverage and other limitations as specified in the agreement. A commitment fee payable at the end of each calendar quarter, based on the average daily unused portion of the line of credit, is charged to each participating fund based on a combination of fixed and asset based allocations and is reflected in Other expenses on the Statement of operations. Prior to June 30, 2016, the fund had a similar agreement that enabled it to participate in a $750 million unsecured committed line of credit. For the year ended February 28, 2017, the fund had no borrowings under either line of credit. Commitment fees for the year ended February 28, 2017 were $8,470.


Expenses. Within the John Hancock group of funds complex, expenses that are directly attributable to an individual fund are allocated to such fund. Expenses that are not readily attributable to a specific fund are allocated among all funds in an equitable manner, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the fund's relative net assets. Expense estimates are accrued in the period to which they relate and adjustments are made when actual amounts are known.

Class allocations. Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of shares based on the net assets of the class. Class-specific expenses, such as distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees, for all classes, are calculated daily at the class level based on the net assets of each class and the specific expense rates applicable to each class.

Federal income taxes. The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.

For federal income tax purposes, as of February 28, 2017, the fund has a short-term capital loss carryforward of $205,495,812 and a long-term capital loss carryforward of $24,084,193 available to offset future net realized capital gains. These carryforwards do not expire. Qualified late year ordinary losses of $1,478,769 are being deferred and are treated as occurring on March 1, 2017, the first day of the fund's next taxable year.

As of February 28, 2017, the fund had no uncertain tax positions that would require financial statement recognition, derecognition or disclosure. The fund's federal tax returns are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a period of three years.

Distribution of income and gains. Distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-date. The fund typically declares and pays dividends and capital gain distributions, if any, at least annually. The tax character of distributions for the years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016 was as follows:

  February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
Ordinary income $24,876,009 $5,700,056

Distributions paid by the fund with respect to each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same time and in the same amount, except for the effect of class level expenses that may be applied differently to each class.

Such distributions and distributable earnings, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the fund's financial statements as a return of capital.

Capital accounts within the financial statements are adjusted for permanent book-tax differences. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or the results of operations. Temporary book-tax differences, if any, will reverse in a subsequent period. The fund had no material book-tax differences at February 28, 2017.

Note 3 — Guarantees and indemnifications

Under the Trust's organizational documents, its Officers and Trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust, including the fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts with service providers that contain general indemnification clauses. The fund's maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the fund that have not yet occurred. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

Note 4 — Fees and transactions with affiliates

John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the Advisor) serves as investment advisor for the fund. John Hancock Funds, LLC (the Distributor), an affiliate of the Advisor, serves as principal underwriter of the fund. The Advisor and the Distributor are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Manulife Financial Corporation.

Management fee. The fund has an investment management agreement with the Advisor under which the fund pays a daily management fee to the Advisor, equivalent on an annual basis to the sum of (a) 0.900% of the first $500 million of the


fund's aggregate average daily net assets (together with the assets of any other applicable fund identified in the advisory agreement); (b) 0.850% of the next $500 million of the fund's aggregate average daily net assets, and (c) 0.800% of the fund's aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $1 billion. The Advisor has a subadvisory agreement with Wellington Management Company LLP. The fund is not responsible for payment of the subadvisory fees.

The Advisor has contractually agreed to waive a portion of its management fee and/or reimburse expenses for certain funds of the John Hancock group of funds complex, including the fund (the participating portfolios). This waiver is based upon aggregate net assets of all the participating portfolios. The amount of the reimbursement is calculated daily and allocated among all the participating portfolios in proportion to the daily net assets of each fund. During the year ended February 28, 2017, this waiver amounted to 0.01% of the fund's average net assets. This arrangement may be amended or terminated at any time by the Advisor upon notice to the fund and with the approval of the Board of Trustees.

The Advisor has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or reimburse certain expenses for each share class of the fund. This agreement excludes taxes, brokerage commissions, interest expense, litigation and indemnification expenses and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business, acquired fees and expenses paid indirectly and short dividend expense. The fee waivers and/or reimbursements are such that these expenses will not exceed 1.35%, 2.05%, 2.05%, 1.05%, 1.45%, and 1.20% of average net assets for Class A, Class B, Class C, Class I, Class R2, and Class R4, respectively. The current expense limitation agreement will remain in effect through June 30, 2017, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the Advisor based upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at the time. Prior to June 30, 2016, Class 1 shares had fee waivers and/or reimbursements such that the expenses would not exceed 1.15% of average net assets.

The Advisor has contractually agreed to waive and/or reimburse all class specific expenses for Class R6 shares of the fund to the extent they exceed 0.00% of average annual net assets, on an annualized basis. The expense limitation expires on June 30, 2017, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the Advisor based upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at the time.

The expense reductions described above amounted to the following for the year ended February 28, 2017:

Class Expense reductions   Class Expense reductions
Class A $51,582   Class R4 $234
Class B 133   Class R6 8,280
Class C 10,627   Class 1 3,420
Class I 124,606   Class NAV 12,185
Class R2 406   Total $211,473

Expenses waived or reimbursed in the current fiscal period are not subject to recapture in future fiscal periods.

The investment management fees, including the impact of the waivers and reimbursements as described above, incurred for the year ended February 28, 2017, were equivalent to a net annual effective rate of 0.82% of the fund's average daily net assets.

Accounting and legal services. Pursuant to a service agreement, the fund reimburses the Advisor for all expenses associated with providing the administrative, financial, legal, accounting and recordkeeping services to the fund, including the preparation of all tax returns, periodic reports to shareholders and regulatory reports, among other services. These expenses are allocated to each share class based on its relative net assets at the time the expense was incurred. These accounting and legal services fees incurred for the year ended February 28, 2017 amounted to an annual rate of 0.01% of the fund's average daily net assets.

Distribution and service plans. The fund has a distribution agreement with the Distributor. The fund has adopted distribution and service plans with respect to Class A, Class B, Class C, Class R2, Class R4 and Class 1 shares pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, to pay the Distributor for services provided as the distributor of shares of the fund. In addition, under a service plan for Class R2 and Class R4 shares, the fund pays for certain other services. The fund may pay up to the


following contractual rates of distribution and service fees under these arrangements, expressed as an annual percentage of average daily net assets for each class of the fund's shares:

Class Rule 12b-1 fee Service fee
Class A 0.30%
Class B 1.00%
Class C 1.00%
Class R2 0.25% 0.25%
Class R4 0.25% 0.10%
Class 1 0.05%

The fund's Distributor has contractually agreed to waive 0.10% of Rule 12b-1 fees for Class R4 shares. The current waiver agreement expires on June 30, 2017, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the Distributor based upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at the time. This contractual waiver amounted to $3,106 for Class R4 shares for the year ended February 28, 2017.

Sales charges. Class A shares are assessed up-front sales charges, which resulted in payments to the Distributor amounting to $1,662,202 for the year ended February 28, 2017. Of this amount, $279,738 was retained and used for printing prospectuses, advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $1,379,150 was paid as sales commissions to broker-dealers and $3,314 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc., a broker-dealer affiliate of the Advisor.

Class A, Class B and Class C shares may be subject to contingent deferred sales charges (CDSCs). Certain Class A shares that are acquired through purchases of $1 million or more and are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a 1.00% sales charge. Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are subject to CDSCs, at declining rates, beginning at 5.00%. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a 1.00% CDSC. CDSCs are applied to the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from CDSCs are used to compensate the Distributor for providing distribution-related services in connection with the sale of these shares. During the year ended February 28, 2017 CDSCs received by the Distributor amounted to $2,374, $3,402 and $56,551 for Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively.

Transfer agent fees. The fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (Signature Services), an affiliate of the Advisor. The transfer agent fees paid to Signature Services are determined based on the cost to Signature Services (Signature Services Cost) of providing recordkeeping services. It also includes out-of-pocket expenses, including payments made to third-parties for recordkeeping services provided to their clients who invest in one or more John Hancock funds. In addition, Signature Services Cost may be reduced by certain fees that Signature Services receives in connection with retirement and small accounts. Signature Services Cost is calculated monthly and allocated, as applicable, to five categories of share classes: Retail Share and Institutional Share Classes of Non-Municipal Bond Funds, Class R6 Shares, Retirement Share Classes and Municipal Bond Share Classes. Within each of these categories, the applicable costs are allocated to the affected John Hancock affiliated funds and/or classes, based on the relative average daily net assets.

Class level expenses. Class level expenses for the year ended February 28, 2017 were:

Class Distribution and service fees Transfer agent fees
Class A $2,065,697 $862,719
Class B 17,794 2,236
Class C 1,412,140 176,673
Class I 1,869,385
Class R2 26,688 845
Class R4 10,251 517
Class R6 5,667
Class 1 22,713
Total $3,555,283 $2,918,042


Trustee expenses. The fund compensates each Trustee who is not an employee of the Advisor or its affiliates. The costs of paying Trustee compensation and expenses are allocated to each fund based on its net assets relative to other funds within the John Hancock group of funds complex.

Note 5 — Fund share transactions

Transactions in fund shares for the years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016 were as follows:

              Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16  
        Shares     Amount                 Shares     Amount  
  Class A shares                                      
  Sold     16,001,157     $339,897,058                 30,296,417     $652,123,320  
  Distributions reinvested     196,175     3,966,659                 37,422     806,063  
  Repurchased     (27,443,668 )   (587,270,568 )               (5,892,970 )   (123,829,522 )
  Net increase (decrease)     (11,246,336 )   ($243,406,851 )               24,440,869     $529,099,861  
  Class B shares                                      
  Sold     6,462     $132,615                 43,893     $950,453  
  Repurchased     (37,113 )   (782,533 )               (23,186 )   (489,433 )
  Net increase (decrease)     (30,651 )   ($649,918 )               20,707     $461,020  
  Class C shares                                      
  Sold     3,157,986     $66,136,615                 5,682,409     $121,374,986  
  Repurchased     (2,147,869 )   (44,798,519 )               (535,075 )   (11,149,899 )
  Net increase     1,010,117     $21,338,096                 5,147,334     $110,225,087  
  Class I shares                                      
  Sold     90,657,790     $1,938,510,713                 65,900,813     $1,417,620,775  
  Distributions reinvested     704,235     14,253,717                 160,677     3,464,207  
  Repurchased     (40,391,991 )   (855,244,453 )               (14,492,634 )   (309,958,268 )
  Net increase     50,970,034     $1,097,519,977                 51,568,856     $1,111,126,714  
  Class R2 shares1                                      
  Sold     562,895     $12,363,392                 67,764     $1,480,916  
  Distributions reinvested     2,087     42,253                      
  Repurchased     (76,255 )   (1,618,262 )               (3,813 )   (81,033 )
  Net increase     488,727     $10,787,383                 63,951     $1,399,883  
  Class R4 shares1                                      
  Sold     121,641     $2,513,391                 152,395     $3,282,916  
  Distributions reinvested     1,077     21,812                 151     3,252  
  Repurchased     (39,004 )   (826,106 )               (15,070 )   (313,187 )
  Net increase     83,714     $1,709,097                 137,476     $2,972,981  
  Class R6 shares1                                      
  Sold     2,241,015     $47,393,271                 123,984     $2,660,310  
  Distributions reinvested     19,894     402,651                 356     7,688  
  Repurchased     (1,553,248 )   (33,698,306 )               (1,703 )   (34,471 )
  Net increase     707,661     $14,097,616                 122,637     $2,633,527  


              Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16  
        Shares     Amount                 Shares     Amount  
  Class 1 shares                                      
  Sold     677,086     $14,407,914                 1,191,160     $25,899,826  
  Distributions reinvested     22,598     457,163                 8,748     188,512  
  Repurchased     (345,698 )   (7,385,847 )               (168,568 )   (3,618,687 )
  Net increase     353,986     $7,479,230                 1,031,340     $22,469,651  
  Class NAV shares2                                      
  Sold     36,007,828     $770,657,902                 4,844,041     $109,195,857  
  Distributions reinvested     148,349     2,999,617                 23,895     514,934  
  Repurchased     (672,404 )   (14,475,418 )               (556,210 )   (11,759,311 )
  Net increase     35,483,773     $759,182,101                 4,311,726     $97,951,480  
  Total net increase     77,821,025     $1,668,056,731                 86,844,896     $1,878,340,204  

1 The inception date for Class R2, Class R4 and Class R6 shares is 3-27-15.

2 The inception date for Class NAV shares is 6-2-15.

Affiliates of the fund owned 100% of shares of the fund of Class 1 and Class NAV on February 28, 2017. Such concentration of shareholders' capital could have a material effect on the fund if such shareholders redeem from the fund.

Note 6 — Purchase and sale of securities

Purchases and sales of securities, other than short-term investments, amounted to $4,167,729,706 and $2,523,199,721, respectively, for the year ended February 28, 2017.

Note 7 — Industry or sector risk

The fund may invest a large percentage of its assets in one or more particular industries or sectors of the economy. If a large percentage of the fund's assets are economically tied to a single or small number of industries or sectors of the economy, the fund will be less diversified than a more broadly diversified fund, and it may cause the fund to underperform if that industry or sector underperforms. In addition, focusing on a particular industry or sector may make the fund's NAV more volatile. Further, a fund that invests in particular industries or sectors is particularly susceptible to the impact of market, economic, regulatory and other factors affecting those industries or sectors.

Note 8 — Investment by affiliated funds

Certain investors in the fund are affiliated funds that are managed by the Advisor and its affiliates. The affiliated funds do not invest in the fund for the purpose of exercising management or control; however, this investment may represent a significant portion of the fund's net assets. At February 28, 2017, funds within the John Hancock group of funds complex held 19.6% of the fund's net assets. The following affiliated fund owned 5% or more of the fund's net assets: John Hancock Funds II Multimanager Lifestyle Growth Portfolio - 5.5%.

Note 9 — New rule issuance

In October 2016, the SEC issued Final Rule Release No.33-10231, Investment Company Reporting Modernization (the Release). The Release calls for the adoption of new rules and forms as well as amendments to its rules and forms to modernize the reporting and disclosure of information by registered investment companies. The SEC is adopting amendments to Regulation S-X, which will require standardized, enhanced disclosure about derivatives in investment company financial statements, as well as other amendments. The updates to Regulation S-X are effective August 1, 2017 and may result in additional disclosure relating to the presentation of derivatives and certain other financial instruments.



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of John Hancock Funds III and Shareholders of John Hancock International Growth Fund:

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the fund's investments, and the related statements of operations, of changes in net assets, and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the John Hancock International Growth Fund (the "Fund") as of February 28, 2017, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as "financial statements") are the responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities as of February 28, 2017 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agents, and the application of alternative auditing procedures where securities purchased confirmations had not been received, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Boston, Massachusetts

April 12, 2017




For federal income tax purposes, the following information is furnished with respect to the distributions of the fund, if any, paid during its taxable year ended February 28, 2017.

The fund reports the maximum amount allowable of its net taxable income as eligible for the corporate dividends-received deduction.

The fund reports the maximum amount allowable of its net taxable income as qualified dividend income as provided in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.

Income derived from foreign sources was $52,871,692. The fund intends to pass through foreign tax credits of $3,757,360.

Eligible shareholders will be mailed a 2017 Form 1099-DIV in early 2018. This will reflect the tax character of all distributions paid in calendar year 2017.

Please consult a tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of your investment in the fund.


Trustees and Officers

This chart provides information about the Trustees and Officers who oversee your John Hancock fund. Officers elected by the Trustees manage the day-to-day operations of the fund and execute policies formulated by the Trustees.

Independent Trustees

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Hassell H. McClellan, Born: 1945 2012 229

Trustee and Chairperson of the Board
Director/Trustee, Virtus Funds (since 2008); Director, The Barnes Group (since 2010); Associate Professor, The Wallace E. Carroll School of Management, Boston College (retired 2013).

Trustee (since 2014) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Collateral Trust; Trustee (since 2015) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust; Trustee (since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee (2005-2006 and since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Funds III; Trustee (since 2005) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II.

Charles L. Bardelis,2 Born: 1941 2012 229
Director, Island Commuter Corp. (marine transport). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014), Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds III (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust (since 1988); Trustee, John Hancock Funds II (since 2005).

Peter S. Burgess,2 Born: 1942 2012 229
Consultant (financial, accounting, and auditing matters) (since 1999); Certified Public Accountant; Partner, Arthur Andersen (independent public accounting firm) (prior to 1999); Director, Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (since 2004); Director, Symetra Financial Corporation (2010-2016); Director, PMA Capital Corporation (2004-2010). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds III (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2005).

William H. Cunningham, Born: 1944 2006 229
Professor, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (since 1971); former Chancellor, University of Texas System and former President of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Chairman (since 2009) and Director (since 2006), Lincoln National Corporation (insurance); Director, Southwest Airlines (since 2000); former Director, LIN Television (2009-2014). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 1986); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds II (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Grace K. Fey, Born: 1946 2012 229
Chief Executive Officer, Grace Fey Advisors (since 2007); Director and Executive Vice President, Frontier Capital Management Company (1988-2007); Director, Fiduciary Trust (since 2009). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2008).


Independent Trustees (continued)

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Theron S. Hoffman,2 Born: 1947 2012 229
Chief Executive Officer, T. Hoffman Associates, LLC (consulting firm) (since 2003); Director, The Todd Organization (consulting firm) (2003-2010); President, Westport Resources Management (investment management consulting firm) (2006-2008); Senior Managing Director, Partner, and Operating Head, Putnam Investments (2000-2003); Executive Vice President, The Thomson Corp. (financial and legal information publishing) (1997-2000). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2008).

Deborah C. Jackson, Born: 1952 2008 229
President, Cambridge College, Cambridge, Massachusetts (since 2011); Board of Directors, National Association of Corporate Directors/New England (since 2015); Board of Directors, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts, (since 2014); Chief Executive Officer, American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay (2002-2011); Board of Directors of Eastern Bank Corporation (since 2001); Board of Directors of Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation (since 2001); Board of Directors of American Student Assistance Corporation (1996-2009); Board of Directors of Boston Stock Exchange (2002-2008); Board of Directors of Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare (health benefits company) (2007-2011). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2008); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); and Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

James M. Oates, Born: 1946 2012 229

Managing Director, Wydown Group (financial consulting firm) (since 1994); Chairman and Director, Emerson Investment Management, Inc. (2000-2015); Independent Chairman, Hudson Castle Group, Inc. (formerly IBEX Capital Markets, Inc.) (financial services company) (1997-2011); Director, Stifel Financial (since 1996); Director, Investor Financial Services Corporation (1995-2007); Director, Connecticut River Bancorp (1998-2014); Director/Trustee, Virtus Funds (since 1988). Trustee (since 2014) and Chairperson of the Board (2014-2016), John Hancock Collateral Trust; Trustee (since 2015) and Chairperson of the Board (2015-2016), John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust; Trustee (since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (2012-2016), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee (2005-2006 and since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (2012-2016), John Hancock Funds III; Trustee (since 2004) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2005-2016), John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust; Trustee (since 2005) and Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Funds II (2005-2016).

Steven R. Pruchansky, Born: 1944 2006 229
Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida, Inc. (since 2000); Director and President, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida, Inc. (until 2000); Member, Board of Advisors, First American Bank (until 2010); Managing Director, Jon James, LLC (real estate) (since 2000); Partner, Right Funding, LLC (since 2014); Director, First Signature Bank & Trust Company (until 1991); Director, Mast Realty Trust (until 1994); President, Maxwell Building Corp. (until 1991). Trustee (since 1992) and Chairperson of the Board (2011-2012), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock retail funds3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).


Independent Trustees (continued)

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Gregory A. Russo, Born: 1949 2008 229
Director and Audit Committee Chairman (since 2012), and Member, Audit Committee and Finance Committee (since 2011), NCH Healthcare System, Inc. (holding company for multi-entity healthcare system); Director and Member (since 2012) and Finance Committee Chairman (since 2014), The Moorings, Inc. (nonprofit continuing care community); Vice Chairman, Risk & Regulatory Matters, KPMG LLP (KPMG) (2002-2006); Vice Chairman, Industrial Markets, KPMG (1998-2002); Chairman and Treasurer, Westchester County, New York, Chamber of Commerce (1986-1992); Director, Treasurer, and Chairman of Audit and Finance Committees, Putnam Hospital Center (1989-1995); Director and Chairman of Fundraising Campaign, United Way of Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York (1990-1995). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2008); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Non-Independent Trustees4

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
James R. Boyle, Born: 1959 2015 229
Non-Independent Trustee
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zillion Group, Inc. (formerly HealthFleet, Inc.) (healthcare) (since 2014); Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Life Insurance Division of Genworth Financial, Inc. (insurance) (January 2014-July 2014); Senior Executive Vice President, Manulife Financial Corporation, President and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock (1999-2012); Chairman and Director, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, John Hancock Funds, LLC, and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (2005-2010). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (2005-2010; 2012-2014 and since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (2005-2014 and since 2015).

Craig Bromley, Born: 1966 2012 229
Non-Independent Trustee
President, John Hancock Financial Service (since 2012); Senior Executive Vice President and General Manager, U.S. Division, Manulife Financial Corporation (since 2012); President and Chief Executive Officer, Manulife Insurance Company (Manulife Japan) (2005-2012, including prior positions). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Warren A. Thomson, Born: 1955 2012 229
Non-Independent Trustee
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Manulife Financial Corporation and The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (since 2009); Chairman, Manulife Asset Management (since 2001, including prior positions); Director and Chairman, Manulife Asset Management Limited (since 2006); Director and Chairman, Hancock Natural Resources Group, Inc. (since 2013). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).


Principal officers who are not Trustees

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s)
during past 5 years
of the
Andrew G. Arnott, Born: 1971 2009
Senior Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2009); Director and Executive Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC (since 2005, including prior positions); Director and Executive Vice President, John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2006, including prior positions); President, John Hancock Funds, LLC (since 2004, including prior positions); President, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2007, including prior positions); President, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

John J. Danello, Born: 1955 2014
Senior Vice President, Secretary, and Chief Legal Officer
Vice President and Chief Counsel, John Hancock Wealth Management (since 2005); Senior Vice President (since 2007) and Chief Legal Counsel (2007-2010), John Hancock Funds, LLC and The Berkeley Financial Group, LLC; Senior Vice President (since 2006, including prior positions) and Chief Legal Officer and Secretary (since 2014), John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Funds II and John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust; Senior Vice President, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014); Vice President, John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company (since 2009); Vice President, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York (since 2010); and Senior Vice President, Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel (2007-2014, including prior positions) of John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC.

Francis V. Knox, Jr., Born: 1947 2006
Chief Compliance Officer
Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2005); Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, John Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2005); Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

Charles A. Rizzo, Born: 1957 2007
Chief Financial Officer
Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2008); Senior Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2008); Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2007); Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

Salvatore Schiavone, Born: 1965 2010
Assistant Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2007); Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2007); Treasurer, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2007, including prior positions); Treasurer, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (2007-2009 and since 2010, including prior positions); Treasurer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

The business address for all Trustees and Officers is 601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210-2805.

The Statement of Additional Information of the fund includes additional information about members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and is available without charge, upon request, by calling 800-225-5291.

1 Each Trustee holds office until his or her successor is elected and qualified, or until the Trustee's death, retirement, resignation, or removal. Mr. Boyle has served as Trustee at various times prior to the date listed in the table.
2 Member of the Audit Committee.
3 "John Hancock retail funds" comprises John Hancock Funds III and 40 other John Hancock funds consisting of 30 series of other John Hancock trusts and 10 closed-end funds.
4 The Trustee is a Non-Independent Trustee due to current or former positions with the Advisor and certain affiliates.

More information



Hassell H. McClellan, Chairperson#
Steven R. Pruchansky, Vice Chairperson
Charles L. Bardelis*
James R. Boyle†
Craig Bromley†
Peter S. Burgess*
William H. Cunningham
Grace K. Fey
Theron S. Hoffman*
Deborah C. Jackson
James M. Oates
Gregory A. Russo
Warren A. Thomson†


Andrew G. Arnott

John J. Danello
Senior Vice President, Secretary,
and Chief Legal Officer

Francis V. Knox, Jr.
Chief Compliance Officer

Charles A. Rizzo
Chief Financial Officer

Salvatore Schiavone

Investment advisor

John Hancock Advisers, LLC


Wellington Management Company LLP

Principal distributor

John Hancock Funds, LLC


Citibank. N.A.

Transfer agent

John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.

Legal counsel

K&L Gates LLP

Independent registered public accounting firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

*Member of the Audit Committee
†Non-Independent Trustee
#Effective 1-1-17

The fund's proxy voting policies and procedures, as well as the fund proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, are available free of charge on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website at sec.gov or on our website.

The fund's complete list of portfolio holdings, for the first and third fiscal quarters, is filed with the SEC on Form N-Q. The fund's Form N-Q is available on our website and the SEC's website, sec.gov, and can be reviewed and copied (for a fee) at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Call 800-SEC-0330 to receive information on the operation of the SEC's Public Reference Room.

We make this information on your fund, as well as monthly portfolio holdings, and other fund details available on our website at jhinvestments.com or by calling 800-225-5291.

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P.O. Box 55913
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John Hancock family of funds





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Equity Income

Fundamental All Cap Core

Fundamental Large Cap Core

Fundamental Large Cap Value

New Opportunities

Small Cap Value

Small Company

Strategic Growth

U.S. Global Leaders Growth

U.S. Growth

Value Equity


Disciplined Value International

Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets Equity

Fundamental Global Franchise

Global Equity

Global Shareholder Yield

Greater China Opportunities

International Growth

International Small Company

International Value Equity




California Tax-Free Income

Emerging Markets Debt

Floating Rate Income

Global Income

Government Income

High Yield

High Yield Municipal Bond


Investment Grade Bond

Money Market

Short Duration Credit Opportunities

Spectrum Income

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Tax-Free Bond


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Alternative Asset Allocation

Enduring Assets

Financial Industries

Global Absolute Return Strategies

Global Conservative Absolute Return

Global Focused Strategies

Global Real Estate

Natural Resources


Regional Bank


Technical Opportunities

A fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other important information about the fund. To obtain a prospectus, contact your financial professional, call John Hancock Investments at 800-225-5291, or visit our website at jhinvestments.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.



Income Allocation Fund

Multi-Index Lifetime Portfolios

Multi-Index Preservation Portfolios

Multimanager Lifestyle Portfolios

Multimanager Lifetime Portfolios


John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Discretionary ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Staples ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Developed International ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Energy ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Financials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Healthcare ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Industrials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Large Cap ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Materials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Mid Cap ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Technology ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Utilities ETF



ESG All Cap Core

ESG Core Bond

ESG International Equity

ESG Large Cap Core


Financial Opportunities

Hedged Equity & Income

Income Securities Trust

Investors Trust

Preferred Income

Preferred Income II

Preferred Income III

Premium Dividend

Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income

Tax-Advantaged Global Shareholder Yield

John Hancock Multifactor ETF shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV), and are not individually redeemed
from the fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.

John Hancock ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC, and are subadvised by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.
Foreside is not affiliated with John Hancock Funds, LLC or Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.

Dimensional Fund Advisors LP receives compensation from John Hancock in connection with licensing rights to the
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John Hancock Funds, LLC n Member FINRA, SIPC
601 Congress Street n Boston, MA 02210-2805
800-225-5291 n jhinvestments.com
  This report is for the information of the shareholders of John Hancock International Growth Fund. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.
  MF355085 87A 2/17

John Hancock

Global Shareholder Yield Fund

Annual report 2/28/17



A message to shareholders

Dear shareholder,

After several episodes of volatility in the first half of 2016, international equity indexes exhibited mostly positive momentum in recent months as economic trends improved overseas, especially in Europe. Despite an initial pullback following the November 2016 election of U.S. President Donald Trump, most international stocks rallied in January and February 2017, following closely on the heels of U.S. equity indexes' postelection gains.

Yet there are still challenges at hand. Of note, several European countries will hold elections this year that may ultimately determine the fate of the European Union. Coupled with the near certainty of additional interest-rate increases here in the United States, advisors and investors are rightly concerned about the potential for lackluster fixed-income markets in the coming months; although equity markets may be supported by positive company dynamics.

Since the end of the reporting period, the failure of the Trump administration to replace the Affordable Care Act, among other missteps, has been somewhat beneficial for bonds and somewhat problematic for equities. One of your best resources for dealing with market uncertainty is your financial advisor, who can help ensure your portfolio is sufficiently diversified to meet your long-term objectives and to withstand the inevitable bumps along the way.  

On behalf of everyone at John Hancock Investments, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued trust you've placed in us.



Andrew G. Arnott
President and Chief Executive Officer
John Hancock Investments

This commentary reflects the CEO's views, which are subject to change at any time. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Diversification does not guarantee investment returns and does not eliminate risk of loss. For more up-to-date information, please visit our website at jhinvestments.com.

John Hancock
Global Shareholder Yield Fund

Table of contents

2   Your fund at a glance
4   Discussion of fund performance
8   A look at performance
10   Your expenses
12   Fund's investments
16   Financial statements
20   Financial highlights
27   Notes to financial statements
35   Auditor's report
36   Tax information
37   Trustees and Officers
41   More information


Your fund at a glance


The fund seeks to provide a high level of income as its primary objective. Capital appreciation is a secondary investment objective.



The MSCI World Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect expenses or sales charges, which would result in lower returns.

Figures from Morningstar, Inc. include reinvested distributions and do not take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is lower.

The past performance shown here reflects reinvested distributions and the beneficial effect of any expense reductions, and does not guarantee future results. Performance of the other share classes will vary based on the difference in the fees and expenses of those classes. Shares will fluctuate in value and, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current month-end performance may be lower or higher than the performance cited, and can be found at jhinvestments.com or by calling 800-225-5291. For further information on the fund's objectives, risks, and strategy, see the fund's prospectus.



Global equities rallied

Global equity markets posted double-digit gains in percentage terms as increased economic stimulus measures, improvement in the U.S. economy, and a transition in U.S. political leadership provided catalysts for robust stock market gains.

The fund underperformed its benchmark

The fund posted a positive overall return, but it trailed the performance of its benchmark, the MSCI World Index, by a wide margin primarily due to sector allocations.

Overweights in selected sectors weighed on relative performance

The fund's overweights in the telecommunication services and utilities sectors detracted from performance, as they both underperformed.



A note about risks

Foreign investing, especially in emerging markets, has additional risks, such as currency and market volatility and political and social instability. Liquidity—the extent to which a security may be sold or a derivative position closed without negatively affecting its market value—may be impaired by reduced trading volume, heightened volatility, rising interest rates, and other market conditions. Investments in higher-yielding, lower-rated securities include a higher risk of default. The value of a company's equity securities is subject to changes in the company's financial condition and overall market and economic conditions. Actively trading securities can increase transaction costs (thus lowering performance) and taxable distributions. Hedging, derivatives, and other strategic transactions may increase a fund's volatility and could produce disproportionate losses, potentially more than the fund's principal investment. Fund distributions generally depend on income from underlying investments and may vary or cease altogether in the future. Please see the fund's prospectus for additional risks.


Discussion of fund performance

An interview with Portfolio Manager Eric L. Sappenfield, Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.


Eric L. Sappenfield
Portfolio Manager
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.

Can you describe the market environment during the 12 months ended February 28, 2017 and the factors that drove the nearly 22% return for the fund's benchmark, the MSCI World Index?

Global stocks posted strong gains during an eventful 12-month period. Several themes influenced markets to varying degrees: volatile oil prices, an economic slowdown in China, and the United Kingdom's approval of a referendum to exit the European Union (Brexit). In the United States, modest economic improvement, incrementally tighter monetary policy, and an unexpected outcome in the presidential election were notable factors.

Partial recoveries from a steep decline in the prices of oil and other commodities provided a positive catalyst for global stocks. During the early months of the period, worries about the slowdown in China's growth and its impact on global commodities weighed on stocks. These concerns eased somewhat, and accommodative monetary policies from the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank provided support for strong equity market gains leading up to Brexit in June. The referendum's outcome resulted in a brief episode of volatility and relative outperformance by stocks with high-quality characteristics.

Subsequent moves by the United Kingdom and other key non-U.S. markets to implement fresh rounds of fiscal stimulus contributed to a shift in investor sentiment favoring cyclical stocks and sectors—those most sensitive to changes in economic trends. The U.S. presidential election victory of Donald Trump in November fueled rising optimism about U.S. economic growth, tied to expectations that his administration would reduce tax rates, ease regulations, and boost infrastructure spending. The Fed increased interest rates in December in response to positive economic momentum and approved another rate hike in mid-March, following the end of the period.

How did this environment affect fund performance?

Although the fund generated a double-digit return on an absolute basis, performance trailed the benchmark by a wide margin. This underperformance was primarily a result of the fund's allocations at the sector level, which were an outcome of our fundamental, bottom-up investment process. Much of the fund's underperformance came in the latter months of the period, when investor


"Much of the fund's underperformance came in the latter months of the period, when investor sentiment shifted toward cyclical and lower-quality stocks."
sentiment shifted toward cyclical and lower-quality stocks. Generally, these stocks do not possess the characteristics that our strategy emphasizes, such as consistent growth of free cash flow (revenue available to distribute to shareholders or reinvest after current capital expenditures and tax obligations have been met), strong fundamentals, and solid business models.

Another factor that had a negative impact on relative performance was the renewed concern among U.S. investors about prospects for higher interest rates. This factor weighed on the fund's traditional yield-oriented exposures, such as its overweight in utilities and telecommunication services; these sectors are more rate sensitive than others and underperformed.

Despite the fund's relative underperformance, holdings continued to capture returns from cash dividends generated by a diversified portfolio of high-quality companies, while also benefiting from share buybacks and debt reduction efforts.

At the sector level, what had the most significant impact on relative performance?

The fund's overweights in telecommunication services and utilities were the most significant detractors, as these sectors underperformed. An underweight in financials also had a negative impact, as the sector outperformed amid expectations of rising interest rates. Our stock selection in financials also weighed on relative results.

On the positive side, the fund's sector positioning in healthcare and consumer discretionary had a positive impact, as did stock selection in consumer staples.

TOP 10 HOLDINGS AS OF 2/28/17 (%)

Welltower, Inc. 1.8
PPL Corp. 1.8
Philip Morris International, Inc. 1.7
Vodafone Group PLC 1.7
Reynolds American, Inc. 1.6
BCE, Inc. 1.6
AT&T, Inc. 1.6
Verizon Communications, Inc. 1.6
National Grid PLC 1.6
Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG 1.6
TOTAL 16.6
As a percentage of net assets.
Cash and cash equivalents are not included.


"It remains to be seen how the actual Brexit process will play out, and the rise of populist parties in key European countries presents challenges on the policy front."

What were the key drivers of relative performance at the individual security level?

The position that had the most significant negative impact was U.S.-based CoreCivic, Inc., which changed its name during the period from Corrections Corp. of America as part of a rebranding initiative. The firm is a real estate investment trust that owns and operates privatized correctional and detention facilities. Its shares fell as the U.S. Department of Justice announced its intention to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the use of private prison facilities. We sold the fund's position during the period as our confidence in the sustainability of CoreCivic's dividend waned. Following our exit, CoreCivic announced a dividend reduction.

Other positions that significantly weighed on relative performance were U.K.-based mobile communications provider Vodafone Group PLC, hard disk drive manufacturer Seagate Technology PLC, and two Italian utility firms, Snam SpA and Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA. We sold the fund's position in Seagate during the period as the visibility into its near-term cash generation significantly diminished.

The position that had the most positive impact on relative performance was Iron Mountain, Inc., a U.S.-based document management and storage company. The company completed its acquisition of competitor Recall Holdings, Ltd., which we believe will boost cash generation and support an increase in the pace of free cash flow growth.

Other positions that significantly contributed were tobacco companies Reynolds American, Inc. and

TOP 10 COUNTRIES AS OF 2/28/17 (%)

United States 46.4
United Kingdom 13.6
Germany 9.4
France 6.8
Canada 4.8
Switzerland 4.3
Australia 3.4
Norway 2.1
Italy 1.9
Netherlands 1.3
TOTAL 94.0
As a percentage of net assets.  
Cash and cash equivalents are not included.  


Philip Morris International, Inc., German technology services provider Siemens AG, and specialized semiconductor manufacturer Microchip Technology, Inc.

How did the fund's positioning change during the period, and how did this reflect on your outlook for global equities at the end of the period?

In our ongoing efforts to improve the fund's shareholder yield, we added nine new positions during the period and eliminated eight holdings. We believe companies that have the ability to generate cash flow and allocate that cash effectively will continue to provide attractive returns, even in this environment characterized by political uncertainty, and our outlook remains positive for cash returns to shareholders including dividends, as well as buybacks.

Although we remained moderately constructive on the outlook for U.S. equities at the end of the period, we expect that delivering significant tax reform, deregulation, and infrastructure spending is likely to prove more challenging than optimists envision. The Trump administration has indicated that it may pursue certain protectionist trade policies. We believe that the market continues to pay insufficient attention to the ramifications of such policies. In addition, we foresee many events across Europe that could cause concern. It remains to be seen how the actual Brexit process will play out, and the rise of populist parties in key European countries presents challenges on the policy front.


 ericlsappenfield.jpg Eric L. Sappenfield
On the fund since inception
Investing since 1986
 williamwpriest.jpg William W. Priest, CFA
On the fund since inception
Investing since 1965
 johntobin.jpg John Tobin, Ph.D., CFA
On the fund since 2014
Investing since 1981
 keravanvalen.jpg Kera Van Valen, CFA
On the fund since 2014
Investing since 2001
 michaelawelhoelter.jpg Michael A. Welhoelter, CFA
On the fund since inception
Investing since 1986


The views expressed in this report are exclusively those of Eric L. Sappenfield, Epoch Investment Partners, Inc., and are subject to change. They are not meant as investment advice. Please note that the holdings discussed in this report may not have been held by the fund for the entire period. Portfolio composition is subject to review in accordance with the fund's investment strategy and may vary in the future. Current and future portfolio holdings are subject to risk.

A look at performance


  Average annual total returns (%)
with maximum sales charge
          Cumulative total returns (%)
with maximum sales charge
yield (%)
yield (%)
        1-year     5-year    
          as of
          as of
  Class A     6.60     6.53     4.51               37.20     55.41               2.23           2.22  
  Class B     6.42     6.53     4.30               37.20     52.32               1.63           1.62  
  Class C     10.41     6.89     4.32               39.52     52.68               1.64           1.63  
  Class I2     12.51     7.99     5.47               46.87     70.40               2.73           2.72  
  Class R22,3     12.04     7.51     4.25               43.63     51.68               2.26           2.26  
  Class R62,3     12.66     8.08     5.50               47.51     70.81               2.79           2.78  
  Class NAV2     12.76     8.13         6.23 4         47.80         70.53 4         2.79           2.78  
  Index     21.97     10.03     4.88               61.30     61.08                          

Performance figures assume all distributions have been reinvested. Figures reflect maximum sales charges on Class A shares of 5%, and the applicable contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The Class B shares' CDSC declines annually between years 1 to 6 according to the following schedule: 5%, 4%, 3%, 3%, 2%, and 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after the sixth year. Class C shares sold within one year of purchase are subject to a 1% CDSC. Sales charges are not applicable to Class I, Class R2, Class R6, and Class NAV shares.

The expense ratios of the fund, both net (including any fee waivers and/or expense limitations) and gross (excluding any fee waivers and/or expense limitations), are set forth according to the most recent publicly available prospectuses for the fund and may differ from those disclosed in the Financial highlights tables in this report. Had the contractual fee waivers and expense limitations not been in place, gross expenses would apply. The expense ratios are as follows:

  Class A Class B Class C Class I Class R2 Class R6 Class NAV
Gross (%) 1.29 1.99 1.99 0.97 1.38 0.88 0.86
Net (%) 1.09 1.84 1.84 0.84 1.24 0.74 0.86

Please refer to the most recent prospectus and annual or semiannual report for more information on expenses and any expense limitation arrangements for each class.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered indicative of future performance. The return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Due to market volatility and other factors, the fund's current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. For current to the most recent month-end performance data, please call 800-225-5291 or visit the fund's website at jhinvestments.com.

The performance table above and the chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. The fund's performance results reflect any applicable fee waivers or expense reductions, without which the expenses would increase and results would have been less favorable.

Index is the MSCI World Index.

See the following page for footnotes.


This chart and table show what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund for the share classes and periods indicated, assuming all distributions were reinvested. For comparison, we've shown the same investment in the MSCI World Index.


  Start date With maximum
sales charge ($)
sales charge ($)
Index ($)
Class B5 3-1-07 15,232 15,232 16,108
Class C5 3-1-07 15,268 15,268 16,108
Class I2 3-1-07 17,040 17,040 16,108
Class R22,3 3-1-07 15,168 15,168 16,108
Class R62,3 3-1-07 17,081 17,081 16,108
Class NAV2 4-28-08 17,053 17,053 15,388

The MSCI World Index (gross of foreign withholding tax on dividends) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do not reflect expenses or sales charges, which would result in lower returns.

Footnotes related to performance pages

1 Unsubsidized yield reflects what the yield would have been without the effect of reimbursements and waivers.
2 For certain types of investors, as described in the fund's prospectuses.
3 Class R2 and Class R6 shares were first offered 3-1-12 and 9-1-11, respectively. The returns prior to these dates are those of Class A shares that have been recalculated to apply the gross fees and expenses of Class R2 and Class R6 shares, as applicable.
4 From 4-28-08.
5 The contingent deferred sales charge is not applicable.

Your expenses

These examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing operating expenses of investing in the fund so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

Understanding fund expenses

As a shareholder of the fund, you incur two types of costs:

Transaction costs, which include sales charges (loads) on purchases or redemptions (varies by share class), minimum account fee charge, etc.
Ongoing operating expenses, including management fees, distribution and service fees (if applicable), and other fund expenses.

We are presenting only your ongoing operating expenses here.

Actual expenses/actual returns

The first line of each share class in the table on the following page is intended to provide information about the fund's actual ongoing operating expenses, and is based on the fund's actual return. It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on September 1, 2016, with the same investment held until February 28, 2017.

Together with the value of your account, you may use this information to estimate the operating expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value at February 28, 2017, by $1,000.00, then multiply it by the "expenses paid" for your share class from the table. For example, for an account value of $8,600.00, the operating expenses should be calculated as follows:


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes

The second line of each share class in the table on the following page allows you to compare the fund's ongoing operating expenses with those of any other fund. It provides an example of the fund's hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each class's actual expense ratio and an assumed 5% annualized return before expenses (which is not the fund's actual return). It assumes an account value of $1,000.00 on September 1, 2016, with the same investment held until February 28, 2017. Look in any other fund shareholder report to find its hypothetical example and you will be able to compare these expenses. Please remember that these hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period.

Remember, these examples do not include any transaction costs, therefore, these examples will not help you to determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. If transaction costs were included, your expenses would have been higher. See the prospectuses for details regarding transaction costs.



    Account value on
value on
paid during
period ended
Class A Actual expenses/actual returns $1,000.00 $1,028.70 $6.14 1.22%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,018.70 6.11 1.22%
Class B Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,025.00 9.69 1.93%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,015.20 9.64 1.93%
Class C Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,025.00 9.69 1.93%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,015.20 9.64 1.93%
Class I Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,030.20 4.63 0.92%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.20 4.61 0.92%
Class R2 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,028.10 6.64 1.32%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,018.20 6.61 1.32%
Class R6 Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,030.80 4.13 0.82%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.70 4.11 0.82%
Class NAV Actual expenses/actual returns 1,000.00 1,030.80 4.13 0.82%
  Hypothetical example for comparison purposes 1,000.00 1,020.70 4.11 0.82%

1 Expenses are equal to the fund's annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 181/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

Fund's investments


  As of 2-28-17  
        Shares     Value  
  Common stocks 97.6%     $2,242,988,196  
  (Cost $1,912,030,723)  
  Australia 3.4%     77,198,416  
  Commonwealth Bank of Australia     259,230     16,346,732  
  Sonic Healthcare, Ltd.     828,090     13,652,943  
  Telstra Corp., Ltd.     6,593,930     24,354,418  
  Westpac Banking Corp.     884,559     22,844,323  
  Canada 4.8%     110,727,651  
  Agrium, Inc.     144,450     13,953,870  
  BCE, Inc.     853,170     37,217,791  
  Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B     626,185     26,288,267  
  Royal Bank of Canada     240,470     17,467,660  
  TELUS Corp.     485,554     15,800,063  
  France 6.8%     157,244,728  
  AXA SA     914,200     21,591,603  
  Cie Generale des Etablissements Michelin     166,005     18,691,222  
  Sanofi     219,785     18,958,241  
  SCOR SE     455,720     16,474,851  
  TOTAL SA (L)     670,110     33,435,807  
  Unibail-Rodamco SE     141,241     32,183,854  
  Vinci SA     220,670     15,909,150  
  Germany 9.4%     216,210,021  
  Allianz SE     144,767     25,213,692  
  BASF SE     357,855     33,292,656  
  Daimler AG     366,075     26,594,260  
  Deutsche Post AG     942,266     32,292,723  
  Deutsche Telekom AG     1,720,579     29,709,826  
  Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG     191,110     36,100,147  
  Siemens AG     253,896     33,006,717  
  Italy 1.9%     42,385,096  
  Snam SpA     2,832,200     11,278,224  
  Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA     6,718,610     31,106,872  
  Netherlands 1.3%     30,445,679  
  Royal Dutch Shell PLC, ADR, Class A     586,735     30,445,679  
  Norway 2.1%     48,087,197  
  Orkla ASA     2,171,930     19,093,039  
  Statoil ASA (L)     1,644,480     28,994,158  
  Singapore 1.2%     27,742,334  
  Singapore Exchange, Ltd.     2,361,251     12,625,790  


        Shares     Value  
  Singapore  (continued)        
  Singapore Telecommunications, Ltd.     5,382,783     $15,116,544  
  Spain 0.6%     14,716,933  
  Gas Natural SDG SA     757,170     14,716,933  
  Sweden 0.7%     15,882,066  
  Svenska Handelsbanken AB, A Shares     1,143,857     15,882,066  
  Switzerland 4.3%     98,610,319  
  Nestle SA     326,353     24,084,257  
  Novartis AG     296,449     23,150,269  
  Roche Holding AG     102,306     24,901,742  
  Swisscom AG     60,143     26,474,051  
  Taiwan 1.1%     24,674,998  
  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd., ADR     784,080     24,674,998  
  United Kingdom 13.6%     311,860,321  
  AstraZeneca PLC, ADR (L)     940,180     27,509,667  
  BAE Systems PLC     3,739,270     29,273,016  
  British American Tobacco PLC     518,566     32,754,952  
  Diageo PLC     591,200     16,668,789  
  GlaxoSmithKline PLC     1,547,510     31,666,543  
  Imperial Brands PLC     671,935     31,631,478  
  National Grid PLC     2,984,770     36,260,043  
  Sky PLC     1,996,156     24,711,247  
  SSE PLC     1,041,535     19,899,889  
  Unilever PLC     478,195     22,686,288  
  Vodafone Group PLC     15,492,305     38,798,409  
  United States 46.4%     1,067,202,437  
  AbbVie, Inc.     386,630     23,909,199  
  Altria Group, Inc.     477,325     35,761,189  
  Ameren Corp.     552,585     30,220,874  
  Arthur J. Gallagher & Company     255,680     14,560,976  
  AT&T, Inc.     878,140     36,697,471  
  Automatic Data Processing, Inc.     161,470     16,570,051  
  BlackRock, Inc.     40,405     15,655,321  
  CenturyLink, Inc. (L)     532,875     12,927,548  
  Cisco Systems, Inc.     775,993     26,523,441  
  CME Group, Inc.     184,800     22,445,808  
  Dominion Resources, Inc.     224,305     17,415,040  
  Duke Energy Corp.     405,661     33,487,316  
  Eaton Corp. PLC     268,200     19,305,036  
  Emerson Electric Company     303,220     18,223,522  
  Entergy Corp.     349,430     26,787,304  
  Enterprise Products Partners LP     836,170     23,437,845  


        Shares     Value  
  United States  (continued)        
  Exxon Mobil Corp.     326,580     $26,557,486  
  Iron Mountain, Inc. (L)     690,815     25,111,126  
  Johnson & Johnson     132,785     16,227,655  
  Kimberly-Clark Corp.     182,990     24,255,325  
  Lockheed Martin Corp.     78,010     20,795,906  
  McDonald's Corp.     189,444     24,182,527  
  Merck & Company, Inc.     295,160     19,442,189  
  Microchip Technology, Inc.     259,253     18,801,028  
  Microsoft Corp.     270,040     17,277,159  
  Occidental Petroleum Corp.     414,505     27,170,803  
  People's United Financial, Inc. (L)     862,187     16,553,990  
  PepsiCo, Inc.     137,280     15,152,966  
  Pfizer, Inc.     410,010     13,989,541  
  Philip Morris International, Inc.     358,945     39,250,636  
  PPL Corp.     1,109,720     40,926,474  
  QUALCOMM, Inc.     579,020     32,703,050  
  Regal Entertainment Group, Class A (L)     814,630     17,579,715  
  Reynolds American, Inc.     614,486     37,833,903  
  Texas Instruments, Inc.     253,342     19,411,064  
  The Coca-Cola Company     305,020     12,798,639  
  The Dow Chemical Company     402,150     25,037,859  
  The Procter & Gamble Company     206,295     18,787,286  
  The Southern Company     369,650     18,785,613  
  United Parcel Service, Inc., Class B     215,471     22,788,213  
  Verizon Communications, Inc.     733,894     36,423,159  
  Waste Management, Inc.     267,360     19,602,835  
  WEC Energy Group, Inc.     442,650     26,678,516  
  Wells Fargo & Company     304,119     17,602,408  
  Welltower, Inc.     590,330     41,547,425  
        Yield (%)     Shares     Value  
  Securities lending collateral 5.6%     $128,435,133  
  (Cost $128,429,032)  
  John Hancock Collateral Trust (W)     0.8372(Y )   12,834,401     128,435,133  
  Short-term investments 2.0%     $47,025,419  
  (Cost $47,025,419)  
  Money market funds 2.0%     47,025,419  
  Fidelity Institutional Money Market Government Portfolio, Institutional Class     0.4500(Y )   47,025,419     47,025,419  
  Total investments (Cost $2,087,485,174)† 105.2%     $2,418,448,748  
  Other assets and liabilities, net (5.2%)     ($119,083,624 )
  Total net assets 100.0%     $2,299,365,124  


  The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of the category as a percentage of the net assets of the fund.  
  Security Abbreviations and Legend  
  ADR     American Depositary Receipts  
  (L)     A portion of this security is on loan as of 2-28-17.  
  (W)     Investment is an affiliate of the fund, the advisor and/or subadvisor. This security represents the investment of cash collateral received for securities lending.  
  (Y)     The rate shown is the annualized seven-day yield as of 2-28-17.  
      At 2-28-17, the aggregate cost of investment securities for federal income tax purposes was $2,085,298,477. Net unrealized appreciation aggregated to $333,150,271, of which $396,198,681 related to appreciated investment securities and $63,048,410 related to depreciated investment securities.  


Financial statements


  Unaffiliated investments, at value (Cost $1,959,056,142) including $124,014,316 of securities loaned           $2,290,013,615  
  Affiliated investments, at value (Cost $128,429,032)           128,435,133  
  Total investments, at value (Cost $2,087,485,174)           2,418,448,748  
  Foreign currency, at value (Cost $94,232)           93,845  
  Receivable for investments sold           56,836,618  
  Receivable for fund shares sold           8,059,747  
  Dividends and interest receivable           8,667,105  
  Receivable for securities lending income           92,223  
  Other receivables and prepaid expenses           77,695  
  Total assets           2,492,275,981  
  Payable for investments purchased           58,779,611  
  Payable for fund shares repurchased           5,145,272  
  Payable upon return of securities loaned           128,435,702  
  Payable to affiliates              
  Accounting and legal services fees           82,776  
  Transfer agent fees           155,055  
  Distribution and service fees           399  
  Trustees' fees           1,443  
  Other liabilities and accrued expenses           310,599  
  Total liabilities           192,910,857  
  Net assets           $2,299,365,124  
  Net assets consist of              
  Paid-in capital           $2,065,409,321  
  Undistributed net investment income           5,749,239  
  Accumulated net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency transactions           (102,585,749 )
  Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies           330,792,313  
  Net assets           $2,299,365,124  



  Net asset value per share              
  Based on net asset values and shares outstanding - The fund has an unlimited number of shares authorized with no par value              
  Class A ($381,135,735 ÷ 35,354,928 shares)1           $10.78  
  Class B ($10,557,799 ÷ 979,400 shares)1           $10.78  
  Class C ($125,719,620 ÷ 11,657,427 shares)1           $10.78  
  Class I ($1,244,773,073 ÷ 115,032,596 shares)           $10.82  
  Class R2 ($1,081,011 ÷ 99,894 shares)           $10.82  
  Class R6 ($1,503,501 ÷ 139,133 shares)           $10.81  
  Class NAV ($534,594,385 ÷ 49,431,191 shares)           $10.81  
  Maximum offering price per share              
  Class A (net assets value per share ÷ 95%)2           $11.35  

  1     Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any applicable contingent deferred sales charge.              
  2     On single retail sales of less than $50,000. On sales of $50,000 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.              


STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS   For the year ended 2-28-17

  Investment income                    
  Dividends                 $87,896,642  
  Securities lending                 841,346  
  Interest                 152,768  
  Less foreign taxes withheld                 (4,187,511 )
  Total investment income                 84,703,245  
  Investment management fees                 17,513,596  
  Distribution and service fees                 2,937,476  
  Accounting and legal services fees                 307,208  
  Transfer agent fees                 1,928,923  
  Trustees' fees                 33,529  
  State registration fees                 172,886  
  Printing and postage                 167,070  
  Professional fees                 200,650  
  Custodian fees                 430,621  
  Other                 12,141  
  Total expenses                 23,704,100  
  Less expense reductions                 (461,360 )
  Net expenses                 23,242,740  
  Net investment income                 61,460,505  
  Realized and unrealized gain (loss)                    
  Net realized gain (loss) on                    
  Unaffiliated investments and foreign currency transactions                 11,497,136  
  Affiliated investments                 (6,670 )
  Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of                    
  Unaffiliated investments and translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                 186,832,667  
  Affiliated investments                 6,101  
  Net realized and unrealized gain                 198,329,234  
  Increase in net assets from operations                 $259,789,739  



                    Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16        
  Increase (decrease) in net assets                                      
  From operations                                      
  Net investment income                 $61,460,505                 $79,050,948  
  Net realized gain (loss)                 11,490,466                 (19,547,888 )
  Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)                 186,838,768                 (304,309,620 )
  Increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                 259,789,739                 (244,806,560 )
  Distributions to shareholders                                      
  From net investment income      
  Class A                 (14,191,542 )               (15,908,865 )
  Class B                 (261,696 )               (312,238 )
  Class C                 (2,974,793 )               (3,515,222 )
  Class I                 (29,470,689 )               (36,220,453 )
  Class R2                 (27,249 )               (33,565 )
  Class R6                 (34,696 )               (29,367 )
  Class NAV                 (18,198,344 )               (21,679,609 )
  From net realized gain      
  Class A                                 (22,412,725 )
  Class B                                 (586,723 )
  Class C                                 (6,495,421 )
  Class I                                 (44,789,082 )
  Class R2                                 (48,929 )
  Class R6                                 (42,665 )
  Class NAV                                 (27,209,972 )
  Total distributions                 (65,159,009 )               (179,284,836 )
  From fund share transactions                 (22,649,680 )               (154,387,828 )
  Total increase (decrease)                 171,981,050                 (578,479,224 )
  Net assets                                      
  Beginning of year                 2,127,384,074                 2,705,863,298  
  End of year                 $2,299,365,124                 $2,127,384,074  
  Undistributed net investment income                 $5,749,239                 $10,644,321  


Financial highlights

  Class A Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.89                 $11.78                 $11.74                 $10.46                 $9.81  
  Net investment income1                       0.27                 0.33                 0.36                 0.45  2               0.29  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.92                 (1.42 )               0.55                 1.57                 0.63  
  Total from investment operations                       1.19                 (1.09 )               0.91                 2.02                 0.92  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.30 )               (0.32 )               (0.44 )               (0.31 )               (0.27 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.30 )               (0.80 )               (0.87 )               (0.74 )               (0.27 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.78                 $9.89                 $11.78                 $11.74                 $10.46  
  Total return (%)3,4                       12.21                 (9.38 )               8.10                 19.85                 9.66  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $381                 $470                 $580                 $553                 $276  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.29                 1.29                 1.33                 1.34                 1.43  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.26                 1.28                 1.32                 1.34                 1.42  
        Net investment income                       2.62                 3.03                 2.99                 4.01  2               2.92  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  4     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class B Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.89                 $11.78                 $11.74                 $10.46                 $9.81  
  Net investment income1                       0.20                 0.25                 0.27                 0.35  2               0.22  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.92                 (1.42 )               0.55                 1.58                 0.64  
  Total from investment operations                       1.12                 (1.17 )               0.82                 1.93                 0.86  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.23 )               (0.24 )               (0.35 )               (0.22 )               (0.21 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.23 )               (0.72 )               (0.78 )               (0.65 )               (0.21 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.78                 $9.89                 $11.78                 $11.74                 $10.46  
  Total return (%)3,4                       11.42                 (10.10 )               7.26                 18.95                 8.90  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $11                 $12                 $17                 $17                 $11  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.99                 2.02                 2.10                 2.15                 2.29  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.97                 2.02                 2.10                 2.12                 2.12  
        Net investment income                       1.94                 2.31                 2.24                 3.11  2               2.21  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  4     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class C Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.90                 $11.79                 $11.74                 $10.46                 $9.81  
  Net investment income1                       0.20                 0.25                 0.27                 0.36  2               0.22  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.91                 (1.41 )               0.56                 1.58                 0.64  
  Total from investment operations                       1.11                 (1.16 )               0.83                 1.94                 0.86  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.23 )               (0.25 )               (0.35 )               (0.23 )               (0.21 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.23 )               (0.73 )               (0.78 )               (0.66 )               (0.21 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.78                 $9.90                 $11.79                 $11.74                 $10.46  
  Total return (%)3,4                       11.41                 (10.02 )               7.42                 18.97                 8.90  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $126                 $133                 $168                 $127                 $65  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.99                 1.99                 2.03                 2.05                 2.15  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.97                 1.98                 2.02                 2.05                 2.12  
        Net investment income                       1.92                 2.33                 2.24                 3.22  2               2.22  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Does not reflect the effect of sales charges, if any.              
  4     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class I Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.93                 $11.83                 $11.78                 $10.49                 $9.84  
  Net investment income1                       0.31                 0.37                 0.39                 0.47  2               0.31  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.91                 (1.43 )               0.56                 1.59                 0.65  
  Total from investment operations                       1.22                 (1.06 )               0.95                 2.06                 0.96  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.33 )               (0.36 )               (0.47 )               (0.34 )               (0.31 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.33 )               (0.84 )               (0.90 )               (0.77 )               (0.31 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.82                 $9.93                 $11.83                 $11.78                 $10.49  
  Total return (%)3                       12.51                 (9.13 )               8.50                 20.28                 10.07  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $1,245                 $957                 $1,242                 $893                 $641  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       0.97                 0.97                 1.01                 1.01                 1.05  
        Expenses including reductions                       0.95                 0.97                 1.00                 1.01                 1.03  
        Net investment income                       2.91                 3.37                 3.24                 4.19  2               3.10  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


  Class R2 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13 1
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.93                 $11.82                 $11.78                 $10.49                 $9.84  
  Net investment income2                       0.26                 0.32                 0.31                 0.50  3               0.29  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.92                 (1.43 )               0.58                 1.52                 0.63  
  Total from investment operations                       1.18                 (1.11 )               0.89                 2.02                 0.92  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.29 )               (0.30 )               (0.42 )               (0.30 )               (0.27 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.29 )               (0.78 )               (0.85 )               (0.73 )               (0.27 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.82                 $9.93                 $11.82                 $11.78                 $10.49  
  Total return (%)4                       12.04                 (9.51 )               7.93                 19.78                 9.58  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $1                 $1                 $1                 $1                  5
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       1.36                 1.86                 3.22                 8.52                 19.42  
        Expenses including reductions                       1.34                 1.43                 1.47                 1.47                 1.47  
        Net investment income                       2.50                 2.92                 2.66                 4.38  3               2.91  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     The inception date for Class R2 shares is 3-1-12.              
  2     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  3     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  4     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  5     Less than $500,000.              


  Class R6 Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.92                 $11.81                 $11.77                 $10.49                 $9.84  
  Net investment income1                       0.30                 0.38                 0.39                 0.48  2               0.33  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.93                 (1.42 )               0.57                 1.58                 0.64  
  Total from investment operations                       1.23                 (1.04 )               0.96                 2.06                 0.97  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.34 )               (0.37 )               (0.49 )               (0.35 )               (0.32 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.34 )               (0.85 )               (0.92 )               (0.78 )               (0.32 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.81                 $9.92                 $11.81                 $11.77                 $10.49  
  Total return (%)3                       12.66                 (8.94 )               8.56                 20.29                 10.12  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $2                 $1                  4                4                4
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       0.87                 1.45                 6.51                 10.30                 10.38  
        Expenses including reductions                       0.85                 0.85                 0.87                 0.97                 0.97  
        Net investment income                       2.85                 3.48                 3.32                 4.26  2               3.29  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              
  4     Less than $500,000.              


  Class NAV Shares Period ended     2-28-17           2-29-16           2-28-15           2-28-14           2-28-13  
  Per share operating performance                                                                                                  
  Net asset value, beginning of period                       $9.92                 $11.82                 $11.78                 $10.49                 $9.84  
  Net investment income1                       0.32                 0.37                 0.41                 0.49  2               0.35  
  Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments                       0.91                 (1.42 )               0.55                 1.59                 0.62  
  Total from investment operations                       1.23                 (1.05 )               0.96                 2.08                 0.97  
  Less distributions                                                                                                  
  From net investment income                       (0.34 )               (0.37 )               (0.49 )               (0.36 )               (0.32 )
  From net realized gain                                       (0.48 )               (0.43 )               (0.43 )                
  Total distributions                       (0.34 )               (0.85 )               (0.92 )               (0.79 )               (0.32 )
  Net asset value, end of period                       $10.81                 $9.92                 $11.82                 $11.78                 $10.49  
  Total return (%)3                       12.76                 (9.03 )               8.57                 20.47                 10.17  
  Ratios and supplemental data                                                                                                  
  Net assets, end of period (in millions)                       $535                 $554                 $696                 $653                 $944  
  Ratios (as a percentage of average net assets):                                                                                                      
        Expenses before reductions                       0.86                 0.86                 0.88                 0.88                 0.90  
        Expenses including reductions                       0.85                 0.85                 0.87                 0.87                 0.89  
        Net investment income                       3.03                 3.45                 3.42                 4.35  2               3.56  
  Portfolio turnover (%)                       25                 33                 23                 40                 21  

  1     Based on average daily shares outstanding.              
  2     Net Investment income per share and the percentage of average net assets reflects special dividends received by the fund, which amounted to $0.08 and 0.72%, respectively.              
  3     Total returns would have been lower had certain expenses not been reduced during the applicable periods.              


Notes to financial statements

Note 1 — Organization

John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund (the fund) is a series of John Hancock Funds III (the Trust), an open-end management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust and registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act). The primary investment objective of the fund is to seek to provide a high level of income. Capital appreciation is a secondary investment objective.

The fund may offer multiple classes of shares. The shares currently offered are detailed in the Statement of assets and liabilities. Class A and Class C shares are offered to all investors. Class B shares are closed to new investors. Class I shares are offered to institutions and certain investors. Class R2 shares are available only to certain retirement plans. Class R6 shares are available only to certain retirement plans, institutions and other investors. Class NAV shares are offered to John Hancock affiliated funds of funds and certain 529 plans. Shareholders of each class have exclusive voting rights to matters that affect that class. The distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees for each class may differ. Class B shares convert to Class A shares eight years after purchase.

Note 2 — Significant accounting policies

The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP), which require management to make certain estimates and assumptions as of the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates and those differences could be significant. The fund qualifies as an investment company under Topic 946 of Accounting Standards Codification of US GAAP.

Events or transactions occurring after the end of the fiscal period through the date that the financial statements were issued have been evaluated in the preparation of the financial statements. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the fund:

Security valuation. Investments are stated at value as of the scheduled close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), normally at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. In case of emergency or other disruption resulting in the NYSE not opening for trading or the NYSE closing at a time other than the regularly scheduled close, the net asset value (NAV) may be determined as of the regularly scheduled close of the NYSE pursuant to the fund's Valuation Policies and Procedures.

In order to value the securities, the fund uses the following valuation techniques: Equity securities held by the fund are typically valued at the last sale price or official closing price on the exchange or principal market where the security trades. In the event there were no sales during the day or closing prices are not available, the securities are valued using the last available bid price. Investments by the fund in open-end mutual funds, including John Hancock Collateral Trust (JHCT), are valued at their respective NAVs each business day. Foreign securities and currencies are valued in U.S. dollars, based on foreign currency exchange rates supplied by an independent pricing vendor.

In certain instances, the Pricing Committee may determine to value equity securities using prices obtained from another exchange or market if trading on the exchange or market on which prices are typically obtained did not open for trading as scheduled, or if trading closed earlier than scheduled, and trading occurred as normal on another exchange or market.

Other portfolio securities and assets, for which reliable market quotations are not readily available, are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the fund's Pricing Committee following procedures established by the Board of Trustees. The frequency with which these fair valuation procedures are used cannot be predicted and fair value of securities may differ significantly from the value that would have been used had a ready market for such securities existed. Trading in foreign securities may be completed before the scheduled daily close of trading on the NYSE. Significant events at the issuer or market level may affect the values of securities between the time when the valuation of the securities is generally determined and the close of the NYSE. If a significant event occurs, these securities may be fair valued, as determined in good faith by the fund's Pricing Committee, following procedures established by the Board of Trustees. The fund uses fair value adjustment factors provided by an independent pricing vendor to value certain foreign securities in order to adjust for events that may occur between the close of foreign exchanges or markets and the close of the NYSE.


The fund uses a three-tier hierarchy to prioritize the pricing assumptions, referred to as inputs, used in valuation techniques to measure fair value. Level 1 includes securities valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 includes securities valued using other significant observable inputs. Observable inputs may include quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds and credit risk. Prices for securities valued using these inputs are received from independent pricing vendors and brokers and are based on an evaluation of the inputs described. Level 3 includes securities valued using significant unobservable inputs when market prices are not readily available or reliable, including the fund's own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments. Factors used in determining value may include market or issuer specific events or trends, changes in interest rates and credit quality. The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities. Changes in valuation techniques and related inputs may result in transfers into or out of an assigned level within the disclosure hierarchy.

The following is a summary of the values by input classification of the fund's investments as of February 28, 2017, by major security category or type:

value at
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Common stocks        
  Australia $77,198,416 $77,198,416
  Canada 110,727,651 $110,727,651
  France 157,244,728 157,244,728
  Germany 216,210,021 216,210,021
  Italy 42,385,096 42,385,096
  Netherlands 30,445,679 30,445,679
  Norway 48,087,197 48,087,197
  Singapore 27,742,334 27,742,334
  Spain 14,716,933 14,716,933
  Sweden 15,882,066 15,882,066
  Switzerland 98,610,319 98,610,319
  Taiwan 24,674,998 24,674,998
  United Kingdom 311,860,321 27,509,667 284,350,654
  United States 1,067,202,437 1,067,202,437
Securities lending collateral 128,435,133 128,435,133
Short-term investments 47,025,419 47,025,419
Total investments in securities $2,418,448,748 $1,436,020,984 $982,427,764

Security transactions and related investment income. Investment security transactions are accounted for on a trade date plus one basis for daily NAV calculations. However, for financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are reported on trade date. Interest income is accrued as earned. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-date, except for dividends of foreign securities where the dividend may not be known until after the ex-date. In those cases, dividend income, net of withholding taxes, is recorded when the fund becomes aware of the dividends. Distributions received on securities that represent a tax return of capital or capital gain are recorded as a reduction of cost of investments and/or as a realized gain if amounts are estimable. Foreign taxes are provided for based on the fund's understanding of the tax rules and rates that exist in the foreign markets in which it invests. Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of identified cost and may include proceeds from litigation.

Securities lending. The fund may lend its securities to earn additional income. The fund receives cash collateral from the borrower in an amount not less than the market value of the loaned securities. The fund will invest its collateral in JHCT, an affiliate of the fund, which has a floating NAV and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an investment company. JHCT invests cash received as collateral as part of the securities lending program in short-term money


market investments. The fund will receive the benefit of any gains and bear any losses generated by JHCT with respect to the cash collateral.

The fund has the right to recall loaned securities on demand. If a borrower fails to return loaned securities when due, then the lending agent is responsible and indemnifies the fund for the lent securities. The lending agent uses the collateral received from the borrower to purchase replacement securities of the same issue, type, class and series of the loaned securities. If the value of the collateral is less than the purchase cost of replacement securities, the lending agent is responsible for satisfying the shortfall but only to the extent that the shortfall is not due to any decrease in the value of JHCT.

Although the risk of the loss of the securities lent is mitigated by receiving collateral from the borrower and through lending agent indemnification, the fund could experience a delay in recovering securities or could experience a lower than expected return if the borrower fails to return the securities on a timely basis. The fund receives compensation for lending its securities by retaining a portion of the return on the investment of the collateral and compensation from fees earned from borrowers of the securities. Securities lending income received by the fund is net of fees retained by the securities lending agent. Net income received from JHCT is a component of securities lending income as recorded on the Statement of operations.

Obligations to repay collateral received by the fund are shown on the Statements of assets and liabilities as Payable upon return of securities loaned and are secured by the loaned securities. As of February 28, 2017, the fund loaned common stocks valued at $124,014,316 and received $128,435,702 of cash collateral.

Foreign currency translation. Assets, including investments and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, are translated into U.S. dollar values each day at the prevailing exchange rate. Purchases and sales of securities, income and expenses are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rate on the date of the transaction. The effect of changes in foreign currency exchange rates on the value of securities is reflected as a component of the realized and unrealized gains (losses) on investments.

Funds that invest internationally generally carry more risk than funds that invest strictly in U.S. securities. These risks are heightened for investments in emerging markets. Risks can result from differences in economic and political conditions, regulations, market practices (including higher transaction costs), accounting standards and other factors. Foreign investments are also subject to a decline in the value of a foreign currency versus the U.S. dollar, which reduces the dollar value of securities denominated in that currency.

Foreign taxes. The fund may be subject to withholding tax on income and/or capital gains or repatriation taxes imposed by certain countries in which the fund invests. Taxes are accrued based upon investment income, realized gains or unrealized appreciation.

Line of credit. The fund may borrow from banks for temporary or emergency purposes, including meeting redemption requests that otherwise might require the untimely sale of securities. Pursuant to the fund's custodian agreement, the custodian may loan money to the fund to make properly authorized payments. The fund is obligated to repay the custodian for any overdraft, including any related costs or expenses. The custodian may have a lien, security interest or security entitlement in any fund property that is not otherwise segregated or pledged, to the extent of any overdraft, and to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Effective June 30, 2016, the fund and other affiliated funds have entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with Citibank, N.A. as the administrative agent that enables them to participate in a $1 billion unsecured committed line of credit. Excluding commitments designated for a certain fund and subject to the need of all other affiliated funds, the fund can borrow up to an aggregate commitment amount of $750 million, subject to asset coverage and other limitations as specified in the agreement. A commitment fee payable at the end of each calendar quarter, based on the average daily unused portion of the line of credit, is charged to each participating fund based on a combination of fixed and asset based allocations and is reflected in Other expenses on the Statement of operations. Prior to June 30, 2016, the fund had a similar agreement that enabled it to participate in a $750 million unsecured committed line of credit. For the year ended February 28, 2017, the fund had no borrowings under either line of credit. Commitment fees for the year ended February 28, 2017 were $7,122.


Expenses. Within the John Hancock group of funds complex, expenses that are directly attributable to an individual fund are allocated to such fund. Expenses that are not readily attributable to a specific fund are allocated among all funds in an equitable manner, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the fund's relative net assets. Expense estimates are accrued in the period to which they relate and adjustments are made when actual amounts are known.

Class allocations. Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of shares based on the net assets of the class. Class-specific expenses, such as distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent fees, for all classes, are calculated daily at the class level based on the net assets of each class and the specific expense rates applicable to each class.

Federal income taxes. The fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.

For federal income tax purposes, as of February 28, 2017, the fund has a short-term capital loss carryfoward of $42,185,848 and a long-term capital loss carryforward of $54,587,482 available to offset future net realized capital gains. These carryforwards do not expire.

As of February 28, 2017, the fund had no uncertain tax positions that would require financial statement recognition, derecognition or disclosure. The fund's federal tax returns are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service for a period of three years.

Distribution of income and gains. Distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gains, if any, are recorded on the ex-date. The fund typically declares and pays dividends quarterly. Capital gain distributions, if any, at least annually.

The tax character of distributions for the years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016 was as follows:

  February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
Ordinary Income $65,159,009 $77,699,319
Long-Term Capital Gain 101,585,517
Total $65,159,009 $179,284,836

Distributions paid by the fund with respect to each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same time and in the same amount, except for the effect of class level expenses that may be applied differently to each class. As of February 28, 2017, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis consisted of $5,749,239 of undistributed ordinary income.

Such distributions and distributable earnings, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the fund's financial statements as a return of capital.

Capital accounts within the financial statements are adjusted for permanent book-tax differences. These adjustments have no impact on net assets or the results of operations. Temporary book-tax differences, if any, will reverse in a subsequent period. Book-tax differences are primarily attributable to wash sale loss deferrals and partnerships.

Note 3 — Guarantees and indemnifications

Under the Trust's organizational documents, its Officers and Trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust, including the fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the fund enters into contracts with service providers that contain general indemnification clauses. The fund's maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the fund that have not yet occurred. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.


Note 4 — Fees and transactions with affiliates

John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the Advisor) serves as investment advisor for the fund. John Hancock Funds, LLC (the Distributor), an affiliate of the Advisor, serves as principal underwriter of the fund. The Advisor and the Distributor are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC).

Management fee. The fund has an investment management agreement with the Advisor under which the fund pays a daily management fee to the Advisor, equivalent on an annual basis to the sum of 0.800% of average daily net assets. The Advisor has a subadvisory agreement with Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. The fund is not responsible for payment of the subadvisory fees.

The Advisor has contractually agreed to waive a portion of its management fee and/or reimburse expenses for certain funds of the John Hancock group of funds complex, including the fund (the participating portfolios). This waiver is based upon aggregate net assets of all the participating portfolios. The amount of the reimbursement is calculated daily and allocated among all the participating portfolios in proportion to the daily net assets of each fund. During the year ended February 28, 2017, this waiver amounted to 0.01% of the fund's average net assets. This arrangement may be amended or terminated at any time by the Advisor upon notice to the fund and with the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Effective December 15, 2016, the Advisor contractually agrees to reduce its management fee or, if necessary, make payment to the applicable class in an amount equal to the amount by which expenses of Class A, Class B, Class C, Class I, Class R2, and Class R6 shares, as applicable, exceed 1.09%, 1.84%, 1.84%, 0.84%, 1.24%, and 0.74%, respectively, of average net assets attributable to the applicable class. For purposes of this agreement, "expenses of Class A, Class B, Class C, Class I, Class R1, Class R2, and Class R6 shares" means all class expenses (including fund expenses attributable to the class), excluding taxes, brokerage commissions, interest expense, litigation and indemnification expenses and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business, acquired fund fees and expenses paid indirectly, and short dividend expense. This agreement expires on June 30, 2018, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the Advisor based on upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at that time.

Prior to July 1, 2016, the Advisor had contractually agreed to waive all or a portion of its management fee and/or reimburse or pay operating expenses of the fund to the extent necessary to maintain the fund's total operating expenses at 1.47% for Class R2 shares, excluding certain expenses such as taxes, brokerage commissions, interest expense, litigation and indemnification expenses and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business, acquired fund fees and short dividend expense.

The Advisor also contractually agreed to waive and/or reimburse all class-specific expenses for Class R6 shares of the fund to the extent they exceed 0.00% of average annual net assets attributable to Class R6 shares (the class expense waiver). The class expense waiver expires on June 30, 2017, unless renewed by mutual agreement of the fund and the Advisor based upon a determination that this is appropriate under the circumstances at that time.

Effective December 15, 2016, the Advisor has voluntarily agreed to reduce its management fee, or if necessary make payment to the applicable class in an amount equal to the amount by which the expenses of Class NAV exceed 0.74% of average net assets. "Expenses" means all the expenses of Class NAV, excluding taxes, brokerage commissions, interest expense, litigation and indemnification expenses and other extraordinary expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of the fund's business, acquired fund fees and expenses paid indirectly, and short dividend expense. This voluntary expense reduction will continue in effect until terminated at any time by the Advisor on notice to the fund.

For the year ended February 28, 2017, the expense reductions described above amounted to the following:

Class Expense reductions   Class Expense reductions
Class A $141,103   Class R2 $157
Class B 2,290   Class R6 417
Class C 26,666   Class NAV 88,005
Class I 202,722   Total $461,360


Expenses waived or reimbursed in the current fiscal period are not subject to recapture in future fiscal periods.

The investment management fees, including the impact of the waivers and reimbursements as described above, incurred for the year ended February 28, 2017 were equivalent to a net annual effective rate of 0.78% of the fund's average daily net assets.

Accounting and legal services. Pursuant to a service agreement, the fund reimburses the Advisor for all expenses associated with providing the administrative, financial, legal, accounting and recordkeeping services to the fund, including the preparation of all tax returns, periodic reports to shareholders and regulatory reports, among other services. These expenses are allocated to each share class based on its relative net assets at the time the expense was incurred. These accounting and legal services fees incurred for the year ended February 28, 2017 amounted to an annual rate of 0.01% of the fund's average daily net assets.

Distribution and service plans. The fund has a distribution agreement with the Distributor. The fund has adopted distribution and service plans with respect to Class A, Class B, Class C and Class R2 pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act, to pay the Distributor for services provided as the distributor of shares of the fund. In addition, under a service plan for Class R2 shares, the fund pays for certain other services. The fund may pay up to the following contractual rates of distribution and service fees under these arrangements, expressed as an annual percentage of average daily net assets for each class of the fund's shares:

Class Rule 12b-1 fee Service fee
Class A 0.30%
Class B 1.00%
Class C 1.00%
Class R2 0.25% 0.25%

Sales charges. Class A shares are assessed up-front sales charges, which resulted in payments to the Distributor amounting to $1,696,434 for the year ended February 28, 2017. Of this amount, $290,786 was retained and used for printing prospectuses, advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $1,401,592 was paid as sales commissions to broker-dealers and $4,056 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc., a broker-dealer affiliate of the Advisor.

Class A, Class B and Class C shares may be subject to contingent deferred sales charges (CDSCs). Certain Class A shares that are acquired through purchases of $1 million or more and are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a 1.00% sales charge. Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are subject to CDSCs, at declining rates, beginning at 5.00%. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of purchase are subject to a 1.00% CDSC. CDSCs are applied to the lesser of the current market value at the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from CDSCs are used to compensate the Distributor for providing distribution-related services in connection with the sale of these shares. During the year ended February 28, 2017, CDSCs received by the Distributor amounted to $24,732, $14,682 and $20,131 for Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively.

Transfer agent fees. The fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (Signature Services), an affiliate of the Advisor. The transfer agent fees paid to Signature Services are determined based on the cost to Signature Services (Signature Services Cost) of providing recordkeeping services. It also includes out-of-pocket expenses, including payments made to third-parties for recordkeeping services provided to their clients who invest in one or more John Hancock funds. In addition, Signature Services Cost may be reduced by certain fees that Signature Services receives in connection with retirement and small accounts. Signature Services Cost is calculated monthly and allocated, as applicable, to five categories of share classes: Retail Share and Institutional Share Classes of Non-Municipal Bond Funds, Class R6 Shares, Retirement Share Classes and Municipal Bond Share Classes. Within each of these categories, the applicable costs are allocated to the affected John Hancock affiliated funds and/or classes, based on the relative average daily net assets.


Class level expenses. Class level expenses for the year ended February 28, 2017 were:

Class Distribution and service fees Transfer agent fees
Class A $1,462,137 $611,255
Class B 117,340 14,727
Class C 1,353,058 169,728
Class I 1,132,848
Class R2 4,941 171
Class R6 194
Total $2,937,476 $1,928,923

Trustee expenses. The fund compensates each Trustee who is not an employee of the Advisor or its affiliates. The costs of paying Trustee compensation and expenses are allocated to each fund based on its net assets relative to other funds within the John Hancock group of funds complex.

Interfund lending program Pursuant to an Exemptive Order issued by the SEC, the fund, along with certain other funds advised by the Advisor or its affiliates, may participate in an interfund lending program. This program provides an alternative credit facility allowing the funds to borrow from, or lend money to, other participating affiliated funds. At period end, no interfund loans were outstanding. Interest expense is included in Other expenses on the Statement of operations. The fund's activity in this program during the period for which loans were outstanding was as follows:

or lender
Weighted average
loan balance
Weighted average
interest rate
Interest income
Borrower $97,398,353 5 0.70% ($9,469)
Lender $20,510,931 3 0.71% $1,214

Note 5 — Fund share transactions

Transactions in fund shares for the years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016 were as follows:

              Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16  
        Shares     Amount                 Shares     Amount  
  Class A shares                                      
  Sold     10,495,512     $110,012,405                 12,988,813     $141,830,521  
  Distributions reinvested     1,364,405     13,995,516                 3,650,890     37,774,679  
  Repurchased     (23,980,304 )   (251,777,384 )               (18,406,136 )   (198,023,915 )
  Net decrease     (12,120,387 )   ($127,769,463 )               (1,766,433 )   ($18,418,715 )
  Class B shares                                      
  Sold     46,334     $483,148                 37,856     $406,269  
  Distributions reinvested     18,961     194,376                 69,139     713,045  
  Repurchased     (296,555 )   (3,105,472 )               (307,309 )   (3,306,303 )
  Net decrease     (231,260 )   ($2,427,948 )               (200,314 )   ($2,186,989 )
  Class C shares                                      
  Sold     2,017,179     $21,196,030                 2,552,507     $28,296,220  
  Distributions reinvested     274,676     2,817,422                 902,501     9,313,786  
  Repurchased     (4,093,360 )   (42,785,906 )               (4,277,843 )   (45,937,158 )
  Net decrease     (1,801,505 )   ($18,772,454 )               (822,835 )   ($8,327,152 )


              Year ended 2-28-17                       Year ended 2-29-16  
        Shares     Amount                 Shares     Amount  
  Class I shares                                      
  Sold     71,471,059     $752,004,989                 25,978,642     $282,688,478  
  Distributions reinvested     2,811,312     29,001,772                 7,630,235     79,403,301  
  Repurchased     (55,588,014 )   (587,635,516 )               (42,313,928 )   (456,473,543 )
  Net increase (decrease)     18,694,357     $193,371,245                 (8,705,051 )   ($94,381,764 )
  Class R2 shares                                      
  Sold     36,435     $380,649                 42,457     $455,553  
  Distributions reinvested     2,631     27,105                 7,751     80,387  
  Repurchased     (29,789 )   (312,790 )               (73,045 )   (768,518 )
  Net increase (decrease)     9,277     $94,964                 (22,837 )   ($232,578 )
  Class R6 shares                                      
  Sold     67,568     $711,304                 77,540     $867,395  
  Distributions reinvested     3,370     34,696                 6,783     69,824  
  Repurchased     (21,368 )   (223,952 )               (29,617 )   (316,169 )
  Net increase     49,570     $522,048                 54,706     $621,050  
  Class NAV shares                                      
  Sold     2,603,181     $27,412,499                 918,471     $10,328,098  
  Distributions reinvested     1,767,262     18,198,344                 4,706,809     48,889,581  
  Repurchased     (10,780,446 )   (113,278,915 )               (8,691,173 )   (90,679,359 )
  Net decrease     (6,410,003 )   ($67,668,072 )               (3,065,893 )   ($31,461,680 )
  Total net decrease     (1,809,951 )   ($22,649,680 )               (14,528,657 )   ($154,387,828 )

Affiliates of the fund owned 100% of shares of the fund of Class NAV, on February 28, 2017. Such concentration of shareholders' capital could have a material effect on the fund if such shareholders redeem from the fund.

Note 6 — Purchase and sale of securities

Purchases and sales of securities, other than short-term investments, amounted to $526,412,132 and $542,023,312, respectively, for the year ended February 28, 2017.

Note 7 — Investment by affiliated funds

Certain investors in the fund are affiliated funds that are managed by the Advisor and its affiliates. The affiliated funds do not invest in the fund for the purpose of exercising management or control; however, this investment may represent a significant portion of the fund's net assets. At February 28, 2017, funds within the John Hancock group of funds complex held 23.1% of the fund's net assets. The following affiliated funds owned 5% or more of the fund's net assets:

Fund Affiliated concentration
John Hancock Funds II Multimanager Lifestyle Growth Portfolio 7.3%
John Hancock Funds II Multimanager Lifestyle Balanced Portfolio 7.3%

Note 8 — New rule issuance

In October 2016, the SEC issued Final Rule Release No.33-10231, Investment Company Reporting Modernization (the Release). The Release calls for the adoption of new rules and forms as well as amendments to its rules and forms to modernize the reporting and disclosure of information by registered investment companies. The SEC is adopting amendments to Regulation S-X, which will require standardized, enhanced disclosure about derivatives in investment company financial statements, as well as other amendments. The updates to Regulation S-X are effective August 1, 2017 and may result in additional disclosure relating to the presentation of derivatives and certain other financial instruments.



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees of John Hancock Funds III and Shareholders of John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund:

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the fund's investments, and the related statements of operations, of changes in net assets, and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund (the "Fund") as of February 28, 2017, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as "financial statements") are the responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities as of February 28, 2017 by correspondence with the custodian, transfer agents, and the application of alternative auditing procedures where securities purchased confirmations had not been received, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Boston, Massachusetts

April 12, 2017




For federal income tax purposes, the following information is furnished with respect to the distributions of the fund, if any, paid during its taxable year ended February 28, 2017.

The fund reports the maximum amount allowable of its net taxable income as eligible for the corporate dividends-received deduction.

The fund reports the maximum amount allowable of its net taxable income as qualified dividend income as provided in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.

Eligible shareholders will be mailed a 2017 Form 1099-DIV in early 2018. This will reflect the tax character of all distributions paid in calendar year 2017.

Please consult a tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of your investment in the fund.


Trustees and Officers

This chart provides information about the Trustees and Officers who oversee your John Hancock fund. Officers elected by the Trustees manage the day-to-day operations of the fund and execute policies formulated by the Trustees.

Independent Trustees

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Hassell H. McClellan, Born: 1945 2012 229

Trustee and Chairperson of the Board
Director/Trustee, Virtus Funds (since 2008); Director, The Barnes Group (since 2010); Associate Professor, The Wallace E. Carroll School of Management, Boston College (retired 2013).

Trustee (since 2014) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Collateral Trust; Trustee (since 2015) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust; Trustee (since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee (2005-2006 and since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Funds III; Trustee (since 2005) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2017), John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II.

Charles L. Bardelis,2 Born: 1941 2012 229
Director, Island Commuter Corp. (marine transport). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014), Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds III (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust (since 1988); Trustee, John Hancock Funds II (since 2005).

Peter S. Burgess,2 Born: 1942 2012 229
Consultant (financial, accounting, and auditing matters) (since 1999); Certified Public Accountant; Partner, Arthur Andersen (independent public accounting firm) (prior to 1999); Director, Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (since 2004); Director, Symetra Financial Corporation (2010-2016); Director, PMA Capital Corporation (2004-2010). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds III (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2005).

William H. Cunningham, Born: 1944 2006 229
Professor, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (since 1971); former Chancellor, University of Texas System and former President of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Chairman (since 2009) and Director (since 2006), Lincoln National Corporation (insurance); Director, Southwest Airlines (since 2000); former Director, LIN Television (2009-2014). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 1986); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Funds II (2005-2006 and since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Grace K. Fey, Born: 1946 2012 229
Chief Executive Officer, Grace Fey Advisors (since 2007); Director and Executive Vice President, Frontier Capital Management Company (1988-2007); Director, Fiduciary Trust (since 2009). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2008).


Independent Trustees (continued)

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Theron S. Hoffman,2 Born: 1947 2012 229
Chief Executive Officer, T. Hoffman Associates, LLC (consulting firm) (since 2003); Director, The Todd Organization (consulting firm) (2003-2010); President, Westport Resources Management (investment management consulting firm) (2006-2008); Senior Managing Director, Partner, and Operating Head, Putnam Investments (2000-2003); Executive Vice President, The Thomson Corp. (financial and legal information publishing) (1997-2000). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2008).

Deborah C. Jackson, Born: 1952 2008 229
President, Cambridge College, Cambridge, Massachusetts (since 2011); Board of Directors, National Association of Corporate Directors/New England (since 2015); Board of Directors, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts, (since 2014); Chief Executive Officer, American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay (2002-2011); Board of Directors of Eastern Bank Corporation (since 2001); Board of Directors of Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation (since 2001); Board of Directors of American Student Assistance Corporation (1996-2009); Board of Directors of Boston Stock Exchange (2002-2008); Board of Directors of Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare (health benefits company) (2007-2011). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2008); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); and Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

James M. Oates, Born: 1946 2012 229

Managing Director, Wydown Group (financial consulting firm) (since 1994); Chairman and Director, Emerson Investment Management, Inc. (2000-2015); Independent Chairman, Hudson Castle Group, Inc. (formerly IBEX Capital Markets, Inc.) (financial services company) (1997-2011); Director, Stifel Financial (since 1996); Director, Investor Financial Services Corporation (1995-2007); Director, Connecticut River Bancorp (1998-2014); Director/Trustee, Virtus Funds (since 1988). Trustee (since 2014) and Chairperson of the Board (2014-2016), John Hancock Collateral Trust; Trustee (since 2015) and Chairperson of the Board (2015-2016), John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust; Trustee (since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (2012-2016), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee (2005-2006 and since 2012) and Chairperson of the Board (2012-2016), John Hancock Funds III; Trustee (since 2004) and Chairperson of the Board (since 2005-2016), John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust; Trustee (since 2005) and Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Funds II (2005-2016).

Steven R. Pruchansky, Born: 1944 2006 229
Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida, Inc. (since 2000); Director and President, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida, Inc. (until 2000); Member, Board of Advisors, First American Bank (until 2010); Managing Director, Jon James, LLC (real estate) (since 2000); Partner, Right Funding, LLC (since 2014); Director, First Signature Bank & Trust Company (until 1991); Director, Mast Realty Trust (until 1994); President, Maxwell Building Corp. (until 1991). Trustee (since 1992) and Chairperson of the Board (2011-2012), John Hancock retail funds3; Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock retail funds3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee and Vice Chairperson of the Board, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).


Independent Trustees (continued)

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
Gregory A. Russo, Born: 1949 2008 229
Director and Audit Committee Chairman (since 2012), and Member, Audit Committee and Finance Committee (since 2011), NCH Healthcare System, Inc. (holding company for multi-entity healthcare system); Director and Member (since 2012) and Finance Committee Chairman (since 2014), The Moorings, Inc. (nonprofit continuing care community); Vice Chairman, Risk & Regulatory Matters, KPMG LLP (KPMG) (2002-2006); Vice Chairman, Industrial Markets, KPMG (1998-2002); Chairman and Treasurer, Westchester County, New York, Chamber of Commerce (1986-1992); Director, Treasurer, and Chairman of Audit and Finance Committees, Putnam Hospital Center (1989-1995); Director and Chairman of Fundraising Campaign, United Way of Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York (1990-1995). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2008); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Non-Independent Trustees4

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s) and other
directorships during past 5 years
of the
Number of John
Hancock funds
overseen by
James R. Boyle, Born: 1959 2015 229
Non-Independent Trustee
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zillion Group, Inc. (formerly HealthFleet, Inc.) (healthcare) (since 2014); Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Life Insurance Division of Genworth Financial, Inc. (insurance) (January 2014-July 2014); Senior Executive Vice President, Manulife Financial Corporation, President and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock (1999-2012); Chairman and Director, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, John Hancock Funds, LLC, and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (2005-2010). Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock retail funds3 (2005-2010; 2012-2014 and since 2015); Trustee, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (2005-2014 and since 2015).

Craig Bromley, Born: 1966 2012 229
Non-Independent Trustee
President, John Hancock Financial Service (since 2012); Senior Executive Vice President and General Manager, U.S. Division, Manulife Financial Corporation (since 2012); President and Chief Executive Officer, Manulife Insurance Company (Manulife Japan) (2005-2012, including prior positions). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).

Warren A. Thomson, Born: 1955 2012 229
Non-Independent Trustee
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Manulife Financial Corporation and The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (since 2009); Chairman, Manulife Asset Management (since 2001, including prior positions); Director and Chairman, Manulife Asset Management Limited (since 2006); Director and Chairman, Hancock Natural Resources Group, Inc. (since 2013). Trustee, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2012); Trustee, John Hancock Collateral Trust (since 2014); Trustee, John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2015).


Principal officers who are not Trustees

Name, year of birth
Position(s) held with Trust
Principal occupation(s)
during past 5 years
of the
Andrew G. Arnott, Born: 1971 2009
Senior Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2009); Director and Executive Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC (since 2005, including prior positions); Director and Executive Vice President, John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2006, including prior positions); President, John Hancock Funds, LLC (since 2004, including prior positions); President, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, and John Hancock Funds II (since 2007, including prior positions); President, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

John J. Danello, Born: 1955 2014
Senior Vice President, Secretary, and Chief Legal Officer
Vice President and Chief Counsel, John Hancock Wealth Management (since 2005); Senior Vice President (since 2007) and Chief Legal Counsel (2007-2010), John Hancock Funds, LLC and The Berkeley Financial Group, LLC; Senior Vice President (since 2006, including prior positions) and Chief Legal Officer and Secretary (since 2014), John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Funds II and John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust; Senior Vice President, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014); Vice President, John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company (since 2009); Vice President, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York (since 2010); and Senior Vice President, Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel (2007-2014, including prior positions) of John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC.

Francis V. Knox, Jr., Born: 1947 2006
Chief Compliance Officer
Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2005); Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust, John Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2005); Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

Charles A. Rizzo, Born: 1957 2007
Chief Financial Officer
Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2008); Senior Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2008); Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock retail funds,3 John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (since 2007); Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

Salvatore Schiavone, Born: 1965 2010
Assistant Vice President, John Hancock Financial Services (since 2007); Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC and John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2007); Treasurer, John Hancock retail funds3 (since 2007, including prior positions); Treasurer, John Hancock Variable Insurance Trust and John Hancock Funds II (2007-2009 and since 2010, including prior positions); Treasurer, John Hancock Collateral Trust and John Hancock Exchange-Traded Fund Trust (since 2014).

The business address for all Trustees and Officers is 601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210-2805.

The Statement of Additional Information of the fund includes additional information about members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and is available without charge, upon request, by calling 800-225-5291.

1 Each Trustee holds office until his or her successor is elected and qualified, or until the Trustee's death, retirement, resignation, or removal. Mr. Boyle has served as Trustee at various times prior to the date listed in the table.
2 Member of the Audit Committee.
3 "John Hancock retail funds" comprises John Hancock Funds III and 40 other John Hancock funds consisting of 30 series of other John Hancock trusts and 10 closed-end funds.
4 The Trustee is a Non-Independent Trustee due to current or former positions with the Advisor and certain affiliates.

More information



Hassell H. McClellan, Chairperson#
Steven R. Pruchansky, Vice Chairperson
Charles L. Bardelis*
James R. Boyle†
Craig Bromley†
Peter S. Burgess*
William H. Cunningham
Grace K. Fey
Theron S. Hoffman*
Deborah C. Jackson
James M. Oates
Gregory A. Russo
Warren A. Thomson†


Andrew G. Arnott

John J. Danello
Senior Vice President, Secretary,
and Chief Legal Officer

Francis V. Knox, Jr.
Chief Compliance Officer

Charles A. Rizzo
Chief Financial Officer

Salvatore Schiavone

Investment advisor

John Hancock Advisers, LLC


Epoch Investment Partners, Inc.

Principal distributor

John Hancock Funds, LLC


Citibank, N.A.

Transfer agent

John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.

Legal counsel

K&L Gates LLP

Independent registered public accounting firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

*Member of the Audit Committee
†Non-Independent Trustee
#Effective 1-1-17

The fund's proxy voting policies and procedures, as well as the fund proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, are available free of charge on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website at sec.gov or on our website.

The fund's complete list of portfolio holdings, for the first and third fiscal quarters, is filed with the SEC on Form N-Q. The fund's Form N-Q is available on our website and the SEC's website, sec.gov, and can be reviewed and copied (for a fee) at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Call 800-SEC-0330 to receive information on the operation of the SEC's Public Reference Room.

We make this information on your fund, as well as monthly portfolio holdings, and other fund details available on our website at jhinvestments.com or by calling 800-225-5291.

  You can also contact us:

Regular mail:

John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 55913
Boston, MA 02205-5913

Express mail:

John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.
Suite 55913
30 Dan Road
Canton, MA 02021


John Hancock family of funds





Blue Chip Growth

Classic Value

Disciplined Value

Disciplined Value Mid Cap

Equity Income

Fundamental All Cap Core

Fundamental Large Cap Core

Fundamental Large Cap Value

New Opportunities

Small Cap Value

Small Company

Strategic Growth

U.S. Global Leaders Growth

U.S. Growth

Value Equity


Disciplined Value International

Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets Equity

Fundamental Global Franchise

Global Equity

Global Shareholder Yield

Greater China Opportunities

International Growth

International Small Company

International Value Equity




California Tax-Free Income

Emerging Markets Debt

Floating Rate Income

Global Income

Government Income

High Yield

High Yield Municipal Bond


Investment Grade Bond

Money Market

Short Duration Credit Opportunities

Spectrum Income

Strategic Income Opportunities

Tax-Free Bond


Absolute Return Currency

Alternative Asset Allocation

Enduring Assets

Financial Industries

Global Absolute Return Strategies

Global Conservative Absolute Return

Global Focused Strategies

Global Real Estate

Natural Resources


Regional Bank


Technical Opportunities

A fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other important information about the fund. To obtain a prospectus, contact your financial professional, call John Hancock Investments at 800-225-5291, or visit our website at jhinvestments.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.



Income Allocation Fund

Multi-Index Lifetime Portfolios

Multi-Index Preservation Portfolios

Multimanager Lifestyle Portfolios

Multimanager Lifetime Portfolios


John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Discretionary ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Consumer Staples ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Developed International ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Energy ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Financials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Healthcare ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Industrials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Large Cap ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Materials ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Mid Cap ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Technology ETF

John Hancock Multifactor Utilities ETF



ESG All Cap Core

ESG Core Bond

ESG International Equity

ESG Large Cap Core


Financial Opportunities

Hedged Equity & Income

Income Securities Trust

Investors Trust

Preferred Income

Preferred Income II

Preferred Income III

Premium Dividend

Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income

Tax-Advantaged Global Shareholder Yield

John Hancock Multifactor ETF shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV), and are not individually redeemed
from the fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.

John Hancock ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC, and are subadvised by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.
Foreside is not affiliated with John Hancock Funds, LLC or Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.

Dimensional Fund Advisors LP receives compensation from John Hancock in connection with licensing rights to the
John Hancock Dimensional indexes. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP does not sponsor, endorse, or sell, and makes no
representation as to the advisability of investing in, John Hancock Multifactor ETFs.

John Hancock Investments

A trusted brand

John Hancock Investments is a premier asset manager representing one of
America's most trusted brands, with a heritage of financial stewardship dating
back to 1862. Helping our shareholders pursue their financial goals is at the
core of everything we do. It's why we support the role of professional financial
advice and operate with the highest standards of conduct and integrity.

A better way to invest

We serve investors globally through a unique multimanager approach:
We search the world to find proven portfolio teams with specialized
expertise for every strategy we offer, then we apply robust investment
oversight to ensure they continue to meet our uncompromising standards
and serve the best interests of our shareholders.

Results for investors

Our unique approach to asset management enables us to provide a diverse set
of investments backed by some of the world's best managers, along with strong
risk-adjusted returns across asset classes.


John Hancock Funds, LLC n Member FINRA, SIPC
601 Congress Street n Boston, MA 02210-2805
800-225-5291 n jhinvestments.com
  This report is for the information of the shareholders of John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a prospectus.
  MF355082 320A 2/17




As of the end of the year, February 28, 2017, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (respectively, the principal executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal accounting officer, the “Senior Financial Officers”). A copy of the code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.




Peter S. Burgess is the audit committee financial expert and is “independent”, pursuant to general instructions on Form N-CSR Item 3.




(a) Audit Fees

The aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant, for the audits of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements amounted to the following for the fiscal years ended February 28, 2017 and February 28, 2016. These fees were billed to the registrant and were approved by the registrant’s audit committee.


Fund February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund  $            39,717  $            39,846
John Hancock International Growth Fund 49,066 51,418
Total  $            88,783  $            91,264


(b) Audit-Related Services

Audit-related service fees for assurance and related services by the principal accountant are billed to the registrant or to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser (“control affiliates”) that provides ongoing services to the registrant. The nature of the services provided was affiliated service provider internal controls reviews. In addition, amounts billed to control affiliates for service provider internal controls reviews were $106,517 and $103,474 for the fiscal years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016, respectively.


Fund February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund  $              510  $              525
John Hancock International Growth Fund                   510                   525
Total  $           1,020  $           1,050


(c) Tax Fees

The aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning (“tax fees”) amounted to the following for the fiscal years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016. The nature of the services comprising the tax fees was the review of the registrant’s tax returns and tax distribution requirements. These fees were billed to the registrant and were approved by the registrant’s audit committee.


Fund February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund  $            3,647  $            3,500
John Hancock International Growth Fund                   4,197                   4,000
Total  $          7,844  $            7,500



(d) All Other Fees


The nature of the services comprising all other fees is attestation services surrounding new class launches and miscellaneous tax services. Other fees amounted to the following for the fiscal years ended February 28, 2017 and February 29, 2016 billed to the registrant or to the control affiliates.


Fund February 28, 2017 February 29, 2016
John Hancock Global Shareholder Yield Fund  $             24  $          1,704
John Hancock International Growth Fund  24  9,804
Total  $             48  $             11,508


(e)(1) Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures:

The trust’s Audit Committee must pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by the independent registered public accounting firm (the “Auditor”) relating to the operations or financial reporting of the funds. Prior to the commencement of any audit or non-audit services to a fund, the Audit Committee reviews the services to determine whether they are appropriate and permissible under applicable law.

The trust’s Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures to, among other purposes, provide a framework for the Committee’s consideration of audit-related and non-audit services by the Auditor. The policies and procedures require that any audit-related and non-audit service provided by the Auditor and any non-audit service provided by the Auditor to a fund service provider that relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of a fund are subject to approval by the Audit Committee before such service is provided. Audit-related services provided by the Auditor that are expected to exceed $25,000 per year/per fund are subject to specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee. Tax services provided by the Auditor that are expected to exceed $30,000 per year/per fund are subject to specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee.

All audit services, as well as the audit-related and non-audit services that are expected to exceed the amounts stated above, must be approved in advance of provision of the service by formal resolution of the Audit Committee. At the regularly scheduled Audit Committee meetings, the Committee reviews a report summarizing the services, including fees, provided by the Auditor.


(e)(2) Services approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X:


Audit-Related Fees, Tax Fees and All Other Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception under Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.


(f) According to the registrant’s principal accountant for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2017, the percentage of hours spent on the audit of the registrant's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons who were not full-time, permanent employees of principal accountant was less than 50%.


(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s principal accountant for non-audit services rendered to the registrant and rendered to the registrant's control affiliates were $5,409,579 for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2017 and $6,260,177 for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2016.



(h) The audit committee of the registrant has considered the non-audit services provided by the registrant’s principal accountant to the control affiliates and has determined that the services that were not pre-approved are compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.




The registrant has a separately-designated standing audit committee comprised of independent trustees. The members of the audit committee are as follows:


Peter S. Burgess - Chairman

Charles L. Bardelis

Theron S. Hoffman




(a)Not applicable.
(b)Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




Not applicable.




The registrant has adopted procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant's Board of Trustees. A copy of the procedures is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR. See attached “John Hancock Funds – Nominating, Governance and Administration Committee Charter”.




(a)   Based upon their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this Form N-CSR, the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be disclosed by the registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and forms.


(b)   There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.





(a)(1) Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers is attached.


(a)(2) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached.


(b)(1) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached. The certifications furnished pursuant to this paragraph are not deemed to be "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certifications are not deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically incorporates them by reference.


(c)(1) Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders is attached. See attached “John Hancock Funds – Nominating, Governance and Administration Committee Charter”.


(c)(2) Contact person at the registrant.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



John Hancock Funds III



By:   /s/ Andrew Arnott
  Andrew Arnott
Date:   April 19, 2017



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



By:   /s/ Andrew Arnott
  Andrew Arnott
Date:   April 19, 2017



By:   /s/ Charles A. Rizzo
  Charles A. Rizzo
  Chief Financial Officer
Date:   April 19, 2017