EX-99.12 26 a2155477zex-99_12.htm EXHIBIT 99.12
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Exhibit 99.12

Issued to: BNY Trust Company of Canada
4 King Street West, Suite 1101
Toronto, ON MSN 1K9


Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited
2200-201 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3L3





$300,000,000.00 USD




together with its successors and permitted assigns (hereinafter called "the Issuer") for value received hereby promises to pay to or to the order of BNY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA, who and whose successors and assigns are herein and in the attached conditions hereto called the "Holder", on demand, the sum of Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the Holder specified above, or at such other place or places as the Holder may from time to time designate and will pay on demand at said location to the Holder interest thereon or on so much thereof as is from time to time outstanding at the rate of 30% per annum calculated semi-annually in arrears and payable, both before and after demand and judgment.

        As continuing security for payment of all monies from time to time owing hereunder (including without limitation, interest and all expenses incurred by the Holder in recovering or enforcing payment of monies owing hereunder or realizing upon this Debenture), the Issuer hereby mortgages and charges to and in favour of the Holder, its successors and assigns, as and by way of a fixed and specific mortgage and charge (collectively, the "Charge"), all real and immovable property (including leasehold interests and any other interest or right in real or immovable property) now or hereafter owned or acquired by the Issuer and situate in the Provinces of Manitoba or Saskatchewan, together with any claims, permits, licenses, privileges, benefits, easements, rights of way, mineral and surface rights, minerals and mineral claims, and all other rights, estate, title or interests of any kind or nature whatsoever pertaining thereto, and including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all of its interest and estate in fee simple in the lands described in Part 1 of Schedule A hereto, all of its interest and estate in the claims described in Part 2 of Schedule A hereto and all of its interest and estate in the leases and permits described in Part 3 of Schedule A hereto (the property subject to the Charge, being collectively, the "Collateral").

        THIS DEBENTURE is issued subject to and with the benefit of the Conditions and Schedule attached hereto, all of which are to be deemed part of this Debenture. The Issuer intends that the security interests created by this Debenture will attach property in which it has rights on its execution of this Debenture and will attach property which it acquires thereafter as soon as the Issuer acquires rights therein.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Issuer has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, duly attested by the hands of its proper officers in that regard, and this Debenture is dated the 10th day of December, 2004.





/s/ Brian Gordon

Name:    Brian Gordon
Title:      Vice-President and General Counsel



1.    The Charge shall not extend to or apply to, and the Collateral shall not include, (i) the last day of the term of any lease or agreement therefor but if the Charge should become enforceable the Issuer shall stand possessed of such last day in trust to assign the same to any person acquiring such term; (ii) any Collateral that is excluded from the Charge by the Holder in writing and (iii) any Excluded Assets (as that term is defined in the Indenture to be entered into between HudBay Mining and Smelting Inc. and The Bank of New York, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise varied from time to time (the "Indenture").

2.    The principal monies and interest hereby secured and other monies from time to time owing hereunder will be paid without regard to any equities between the Issuer and the original or any intermediate holder hereof or any right of set-off or cross-claim.

3.    The Holder may waive any breach by the Issuer of any of the provisions contained in this Debenture or any default by the Issuer in the observance or performance of any covenant or conditions required to be observed or performed by the Issuer under the terms of this Debenture, provided always that no such waiver of the Holder shall extend to or be taken in any manner whatsoever to affect any subsequent breach or default or the rights resulting therefrom.

4.    In the event that the Issuer fails to pay any amount payable hereunder when due or the notes issued under the Indenture have become due and payable, the Charge shall become and be enforceable immediately without the necessity of any further act or formality and the Holder without limiting or restricting any other rights, powers, privileges and remedies which the Holder may at any time have under this Debenture, contract, at law, in equity or howsoever otherwise, shall have the following described rights, powers, privileges and remedies, namely:

    to enter upon and to possess all of or any portion or portions of the Collateral with the power to exclude the Issuer and its officers, employees and agents therefrom;

    to collect the rents, revenues, profits and incomes of and from the Collateral and any portion or portions thereof;

    to seize and distrain upon any of the Collateral which is real and immoveable property or any portion or portions thereof and by distress warrant to recover by way of rent reserved as in the case of a demise of real property the indebtedness hereby secured or any portion or portions thereof together with all of the Holder's costs, charges and expenses attendant upon the levying of such distress as in like manner of distress for rent, provided however that nothing in this subparagraph or anything done pursuant thereto by or on behalf of the Holder shall result in the Holder being or being deemed to be a mortgagee in possession or liable for the performance of any of the obligations of a landlord;

    to preserve, to maintain, to operate and to carry on the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof;

    to make such replacements of or for and such additions to the Collateral and any portion or portions thereof as the Holder shall deem advisable;

    to sell, to lease or to otherwise dispose of from time to time the Collateral and any portion or portions thereof whether by public auction or by private sale or otherwise and either for cash or on credit or partly for cash and partly for credit and on such terms and conditions as the Holder may determine, provided however that it shall not be incumbent on the Holder to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof but the Holder may peaceably use and possess the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof without hindrance or interruption by the Issuer or by any other person or persons whomsoever, and provided further however that wherever any sale or other disposition is made in whole or in part upon credit, the Holder shall not be taken or deemed to have received payment or satisfaction with respect to that portion of any such sale or disposition so made upon credit until the Holder has received actual payment in full;

    to convey, to transfer, to lease and to assign to and to vest in the purchaser or purchasers, or as the case may be the lessee or lessees, the title to or ownership of or as the case may be a leasehold interest in the Collateral and any portion or portions thereof; and


    to commence and pursue such legal action, suit, remedy or proceeding against the Issuer, the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof as may be authorized or permitted hereunder or at law or in equity including proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver or for sale of the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof, and to file such proofs of claim and other documents as may be necessary or advisable in order to have its claim lodged in any bankruptcy, winding-up or other judicial proceedings relative to the Issuer,

and the Holder may exercise the foregoing rights, powers, privileges and remedies (and any other rights, powers, privileges and remedies to which the Holder is entitled) or any of them at such time or times following the occurrence of any one or more events of default in such manner as the Holder in its sole discretion deems expedient.

        Provided always that the Holder shall not be bound (whether before or after default hereunder) to collect, dispose of, realize or enforce the Charge against the Collateral or any portion or portions thereof and except for gross negligence, willful misconduct and criminal acts or omissions, the Holder shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage which may accrue or be sustained in consequence of the Holder's negligence or the negligence of any officer, servant, agent, solicitor, counsel or other attorney or receiver employed by or appointed by the Holder in the collection, disposition, realization or enforcement of the security hereby constituted, and the Holder shall not be liable or accountable for any failure to exercise any of its rights, powers, privileges and remedies aforesaid or any of them at any time and from time to time.

        Provided further however that notwithstanding the realization of the security hereby constituted, the Issuer shall nevertheless remain fully liable to the Holder for any deficiency or deficiencies owing to the Holder with respect to the indebtedness hereby secured.

5.    If the Charge shall become enforceable, the Holder may, by instrument in writing, appoint any person or persons, whether an officer or officers or employee or employees of the Holder or not, to be a receiver or receiver-manager of all or any part of the Collateral and may remove any receiver or receiver-manager so appointed and appoint another or others in his or their stead. Any such receiver or receiver-manager so appointed to the extent permitted by law, shall have power:

    to take possession of, collect and get in the Collateral and for that purpose to take any proceedings in the name of the Issuer or otherwise;

    to carry on or concur in carrying on the business of the Issuer and for that purpose to raise money on the Collateral in priority to this Debenture or otherwise;

    to sell or concur in selling any of the Collateral and carry any such sale into effect by conveying in the name or on behalf of the Issuer or otherwise;

    to make any arrangement or compromise which he or it shall think expedient in the interest of the Holder.

        Any receiver or receiver-manager so appointed shall be deemed to be the agent of the Issuer and the Issuer shall be solely responsible for his or its or their acts or defaults and for his or its or their remuneration and expenses, and except for gross negligence, willful misconduct and criminal acts and omissions, the Holder shall not be in any way responsible for any misconduct or negligence on the part of any such receiver or receiver-manager.

        All monies received by such receiver or receiver-manager from any realization of all or any part of the Collateral after providing for payment of charges ranking prior to this Debenture and for all costs, charges and expenses of or incidental to the exercise of any of the powers of such receiver or receiver-manager shall be applied in or towards satisfaction of this Debenture. The rights and powers conferred by this section are in supplement of and not in substitution for any rights the Holder may from time to time have.

6.    The Issuer agrees to pay to the Holder forthwith upon demand all expenses incurred by the Holder in recovering or enforcing payment of monies owing hereunder or realizing upon this Debenture or any other securities for such monies, including expenses of taking possession, protecting and realizing upon any Collateral together with interest at the rate provided for in this Debenture from the date of payment of such expenditures.


7.    The principal, interest and other monies payable hereunder shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America.

8.    The Holder may in its discretion:

    release any Collateral from the Charge;

    agree to any modification, compromise, release or waiver of the rights of the Holder against the Issuer or against any Collateral, whether such rights shall arise under the Debenture or otherwise;

    agree to accept any other properties or securities instead of the Debenture;

and the exercise of such discretion shall not diminish the obligation of the Issuer to perform any of the covenants contained in this Debenture.

9.    This Debenture and all amendments and supplements thereto are and shall at all times be and be deemed to be in addition to and not in substitution for any other security or securities ("Other Securities") now or hereafter held or acquired by the Holder in connection with or to secure the obligations hereby secured or any part or parts thereof and:

    to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the taking, realization, foreclosure, alteration or cancellation of or any other dealing or dealings with or actions taken or omissions made under the Debenture shall not release or affect or create any merger or alter or prejudice or derogate from the Other Securities or any of them and the obligations hereby secured;

    to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the taking, realization, foreclosure, alteration or cancellation of or any other dealing or dealings with or actions taken or omissions made under any of the Other Securities shall not release or affect or create any merger or alter or prejudice or derogate from this Debenture and the obligations hereby secured.

10.    This Debenture is issued to the Holder as security to secure the indebtedness, obligations and liabilities of the Issuer existing from time to time as described in the debenture delivery agreement dated the date hereof, executed by the Issuer in favour of the Holder, as such agreement may be amended, supplemented, restated or replaced from time to time.

11.    The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees that it will at all times do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be done, executed, acknowledged and delivered all and singular all such further acts, deeds, mortgages, hypothecs, transfers, assignments and assurances in law as the Holder may require for the better assuring, mortgaging, hypothecating, charging, transferring, assigning and confirming unto the Holder the property and assets hereby mortgaged and charged or intended so to be or which the Issuer may hereafter become bound to mortgage, hypothecate, transfer, assign and charge in favour of the Holder and for the better accomplishing and effectuating of this Debenture.

12.    This Debenture and all its provisions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Manitoba, shall enure to the benefit of the Holder, and its respective successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the Issuer, its successors and assigns.

        These conditions are part of the Debenture executed by the Issuer dated the 10th day of December, 2004.





/s/ Brian Gordon

Name:    Brian Gordon
Title:      Vice-President and General Counsel


Part 1 of SCHEDULE "A" to $300,000,000 USD Fixed Charge Demand Debenture from Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited to BNY Trust Company of Canada dated December 10, 2004

PARCEL 1. TITLE NO. 1789274

All those portions of Sections 6 and 7-67-29 WPM
and being those portions of mineral claims:
Unique … Lot 2
Extension … Lot 10
Lakeview … Lot 12
Eola … Lot 19
Flin Slam … Lot 25
La Salle … Lot 26
Schenley Fractional … Lot 215
Amaryllis … Lot 216
Craiggi Fractional … Lot 217
Grizzly Fractional … Lot 218
All in Group 421 shown as RLY right-of-way and
Station Grounds Plan 572 PLTO (N Div), EXC
Firstly: All those portions of said mineral claims:
Lakeview … Lot 12
Flin Slam … Lot 25
La Salle … Lot 26
Craiggi Fractional … Lot 217
Taken for RLY right-of-way and yards as shown bordered
pink on Plan 831 PLTO (N Div)
Secondly: All mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Provincial Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Caveat Nos. 1026084 and 1076674
Personal Property Security Notice Nos. 1026251 and 1076675

PARCEL 2. TITLE NO. 1789910

All that portion of Section 6-67-29 WPM described as follows bounded on the north by the production of the NLY limit of Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div), ELY to the WLY limit of Ross Lake, bounded on the west by the ELY limit said Parcel A, on the south by the NYL limit of the pipeline right-of-way, as same is described in Certificate of Title 44356, bounded on the east by the WLY shore of Ross Lake, excepting:

Firstly: Pipeline right-of-way Plan 2727 PLTO (N Div)
Secondly: All mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Lands Act


PARCEL 3. TITLE NO. 1790039

Parcel 1: All that portion of 6-67-29 WPM and of the road allowance adjoining said section to the west bounded as follows: on the west by the boundary between the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan: on the east by the west limit of Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div): on the north by the production in a straight line SWLY of the northern limit of the WLY portion of said parcel A and on the south by the production in a straight line WLY of the south limit of said Parcel A


Parcel 2: All that portion of 6-67-29 WPM and of the road allowance adjoining said section to the south bounded as follows: on the south by the boundary between the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan: on the north by the south limit of Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div) and its production in a straight line WLY: on the east by the production in a straight line SLY of the western limit of Creighton Street as shown on Plan 591 PLTO (N Div): and on the west by the boundary between the said provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Lands Act
Exc subsection 1(A) of section 4 of Said Act

SUBJECT TO:   Caveat Nos. 1027114 and 1076674
Personal Property Security Notice Nos. 1027187 and 1076675

PARCEL 4. TITLE NO. 1790115

All that portion of 6-67-29 WPM bordered pink on Plan 2727 PLTO (N Div) which lies to the south of the production in a straight line ELY of the NLY limit of Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div)
Exc all mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Lands Act


PARCEL 5. TITLE NO. 1801931

At Flin Flon and being
Parcel 1: Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div) in 6-67-29 WPM, exc
Firstly: Public Lane Plan 3032 PLTO (N Div)
Secondly: Right-of-way Parcels 9 and 11 Plan 604 PLTO (N Div)
Thirdly: All that portion lying between the south limit of said lane and the south limit of said Parcel A and which is adjacent on either side of said Parcel 11
Fourthly: That portion lying between the east limit of said lane and the east and south limits of said Parcel A and west of said Parcel 9
Fifthly: Plan 6095 PLTO (N Div)
Sixthly: Parcel 1 Plan 4304 PLTO (N Div)
Seventhly: Parcels 5 and 6 Plan 4976 PLTO (N Div)
Eighthly: Road Plans 5550 PLTO (N Div) and 34324 PTLO
Ninethly: All mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Provincial Lands Act

Parcel 2: Parcels 5 and 6 Plan 4976 PLTO (N Div) in 6-67-29 WPM exc all mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Provincial Lands Act

Parcel 3: Parcel 1 Plan 4304 PLTO (N Div) in 6-67-29 WPM, exc
Firstly: Road Plans 5550 PLTO (N Div) and 34034 PLTO
Secondly: All mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Provincial Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Caveat No. 1026084, 1076674, 37307N
    Personal Property Security Notice No. 1026251, 1076675


PARCEL 6. TITLE NO. 1801942

All that portion 6-67-29 WPM described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the ELY limit of Parcel A Plan 2609 PLTO (N Div) and the NWLY limit of a public lane Plan 3032 PLTO (N Div) thence NLY 20.25 Feet along the ELY limit of said Parcel A to the SWLY corner of the area covered by Certificate of Title 44356, thence NELY 12.93 Feet along the SELY limit of the area covered by Certificate of Title 44356, to its intersection with the NWLY limit of said lane; thence SWLY 26.33 Feet along the NWLY limit of said lane to the point of commencement
Exc all mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Lands Act


PARCEL 7. TITLE NO. 2050586

At Flin Flon and being
Lots 1 and 2 SP Plan 43220 PLTO
IN N 1/2 6-67-29 WPM
Exc all mines and minerals
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Land Act


PARCEL 8. TITLE NO. 1537383

At Snow Lake and being:
Block 24 Plan 747 PLTO (N Div) in 68-17 WPM, exc
Firstly: Plan 35325 PLTO
Secondly: All mines, minerals and other reservations
As contained in the Crown Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Caveat No. 34665N

PARCEL 9. TITLE NO. 1701609

RLY right-of-way Plan 854 PLTO (N Div)
In 68-16 & 17 WPM and 69-15 & 16 WPM, exc
Firstly: Parcels shown as A and B on said Plan 854 PLTO (N Div)
Secondly: All mines, minerals and other reservations as contained in the Crown Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Miscellaneous No. 1925170SN

PARCEL 10. TITLE NO. 1770544

Parcel G Plan 4592 PLTO (N Div) in 68-17 WPM
Exc all mines, minerals and other reservations as contained in the Crown Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Miscellaneous No. 1925 17OSN
    Caveat Nos. 414O7N and 95-7064


PARCEL 11. TITLE NO. 1823056

At Snow Lake and being
Lot 11 Block 10 Plan 646 PLTO (N Div) in 68-17 WPM
Subject to the reservations contained in the Crown Lands Act

SUBJECT TO:   Caveat Nos. 23920N, 34136N and 34665N




/s/ Brian Gordon

Name:    Brian Gordon
Title:      Vice-President and General Counsel


Part 2 of SCHEDULE "A" to $300,000,000 USD Fixed Charge Demand Debenture from Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited to BNY Trust Company of Canada dated December 10, 2004










Claim   37248   OUTLET NO. 2
Claim   37642   OUTLET NO. 3
Claim   CB10185   TOP
Claim   CB10194   TOP 1
Claim   CB7033    
Claim   CB7103    
Claim   CB7105    
Claim   C87265    
Claim   CB7458    
Claim   CB7459    
Claim   CB7460    
Claim   CB7461    
Claim   CB7475    
Claim   CB7476    
Claim   CB7478    
Claim   CB7479    
Claim   CB7480    
Claim   CB7481    
Claim   CB7482    
Claim   CB7483    
Claim   CB7484    
Claim   CB7489    
Claim   CB7888    
Claim   CB8502    
Claim   CB8514    
Claim   CB8515    
Claim   CB8520    
Claim   CB8521    
Claim   CB8522    
Claim   CB8523    
Claim   CB8524    
Claim   CB8928    
Claim   CB8929    
Claim   CB9029    
Claim   CB9030    
Claim   W45261   BEV 1 FR.
Claim   W45262   BEV 2 FR.
Claim   W45263   BEV 3 FR.
Claim   W45290   ZAP FR.
Claim   W48657   TYKE 1
Claim   W48658   TYKE 2


Part 3 of SCHEDULE "A" to $300,000,000 USD Fixed Charge Demand Debenture from Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited to BNY Trust Company of Canada dated December 10, 2004

Leases and Permits

Surface Leases

Surface Lease




Surface Lease   M45SL   BED BUG
Surface Lease   M46SL   FLIN FLON FR
Surface Lease   M47SL   B. NO. 47 FR
Surface Lease   M48SL   B. NO. 46
Surface Lease   M56SL   THE PAS 22
Surface Lease   M60SL   THE PAS 29
Surface Lease   M61SL   THE PAS 30
Surface Lease   M62SL   THE PAS 31
Surface Lease   M63SL   THE PAS 32
Surface Lease   M64SL   THE PAS 33
Surface Lease   M65SL   THE PAS 34
Surface Lease   M66SL   THE PAS 35
Surface Lease   M67SL   THE PAS 36
Surface Lease   M78SL   THE PAS 23
Surface Lease   M79SL   THE PAS 24
Surface Lease   M85SL   CRAIGGI FR
Surface Lease   M86SL   SCHENLEY FR
Surface Lease   M103SL   ASTRA 18
Surface Lease   M110SL   ASTRA 25, CHACO 13 & 14
Surface Lease   M112SL   RAM 346 FR
Surface Lease   M151SL   RAM 347 FR
Surface Lease   7SL   CHISEL N INTERM VENT
Surface Lease   8SL   CHISEL N MAIN EXH RA
Surface Lease   9SL   CHISEL N DOWNCAST R
Surface Lease   M104SL   OX 35
Surface Lease   M105SL   OX 36
Surface Lease   M106SL   OX 50
Surface Lease   M107SL   OX 51
Surface Lease   M108SL   WAW 39

Mineral Leases





Mineral Lease




Mineral Lease   ML320   FLIN FLON MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML321   FLIN FLON MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML051   CALLINAN MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML052   CALLINAN MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML053   CALLINAN MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML054   CALLINAN MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML055   CALLINAN MIN LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML046   TROUT MINING LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML047   TROUT MINING LEASE
Mineral Lease   ML048   TROUT MINING LEASE


Surface Permits





Surface Permit





Miscellaneous Leases





Misc Lease




Misc Lease   MSC3486   MlSC LEASE 3486
Misc Lease   MSC3721   MISC LEASE 3721
Misc Lease   MSC3238   MISC LEASE 3238
Misc Lease   MSC3537   MISC LEASE 3537
Misc Lease   MSC3877   MISC LEASE 3877
Misc Lease   MSC3793   MISC LEASE 3793
Misc Lease   MSC3794   MISC LEASE 3794
Misc Lease   MSC3239   MISC LEASE 3239
Misc Lease   MSC3240   MISC LEASE 3240
Misc Lease   MSC3792   MISC LEASE 3792
Misc Lease   MSC3954   MISC LEASE 3954

OIC Leases









OIC   13   APEX
OIC   180   BURKE
OIC   303   THE PAS 16
OIC   330   FOX FR
OIC   331   THE PAS 33
OIC   332   THE PAS 30
OIC   333   THE PAS 29
OIC   334   THE PAS 19
OIC   335   THE PAS 26
OIC   336   THE PAS 13
OIC   337   THE PAS 15
OIC   338   THE PAS 10
OIC   339   THE PAS 12
OIC   340   THE PAS 1
OIC   341   THE PAS 2
OIC   342   THE PAS 3
OIC   343   THE PAS 11
OIC   344   THE PAS 14
OIC   345   THE PAS 27
OIC   346   THE PAS 31
OIC   347   THE PAS 32
OIC   348   THE PAS 4
OIC   349   THE PAS 6
OIC   350   THE PAS 7
OIC   351   THE PAS 8
OIC   352   THE PAS 9


OIC   353   THE PAS 17
OIC   354   THE PAS 18
OIC   400   THE PAS 34
OIC   407   THE PAS 39
OIC   408   THE PAS 22
OIC   409   THE PAS 25
OIC   410   THE PAS 23
OIC   416   THE PAS 36
OIC   417   THE PAS 24
OIC   418   THE PAS 35
OIC   419   THE PAS 37
OIC   420   THE PAS 21
OIC   421   THE PAS 38
OIC   426   THE PAS 28
OIC   427   THE PAS 20
OIC   470   THE PAS NO. 5
OIC   576   BED BUG
OIC   629   FOG
OIC   677   VENUS FR
OIC   678   BEAR FR
OIC   M18   B NO. 25 FR
OIC   M86   B NO. 46
OIC   M87   B NO. 47 Fr.
OIC   M88   B NO. 48
OIC   M90   Flin Flon FR
OIC   M907   B NO. 24
OIC   M908   B NO. 49
OIC   M7394   OX NO. 426 FR
OIC   M5724   OX NO. 108 (7SL)
OIC   M5725   OX NO. 127
OIC   M5726   OX 139
OIC   M5727   OX 140
OIC   M5728   OX 141
OIC   M5729   OX 157
OIC   M5730   OX 158
OIC   M5731   OX 159
OIC   M5732   OX 160
OIC   M5733   OX NO. 161 FR
OIC   M5734   OX NO. 421 FR
OIC   M5735   OX NO. 422 FR
OIC   M5736   OX NO. 423 FR
OIC   M5737   OX NO. 424 FR
OIC   M5738   OX NO. 425 FR
OIC   M5739   OX NO. 439


OIC   M5740   OX NO. 440
OIC   M5741   OX NO. 441
OIC   M5765   OX NO. 40 FR
OIC   M5766   OX NO. 41 FR
OIC   M5767   OX NO. 42
OIC   M5768   OX NO. 43
OIC   M5769   OX NO. 44
OIC   M5770   OX NO. 45
OIC   M5771   OX NO. 66
OIC   M5772   OX NO. 67
OIC   M5773   OX NO. 68
OIC   M5774   OX NO. 69
OIC   M5775   OX NO. 76
OIC   M5776   OX NO. 95
OIC   M5777   OX NO. 152
OIC   M5778   OX NO. 153
OIC   M5779   OX NO. 154
OIC   M5780   OX NO. 155
OIC   M5781   OX NO. 156
OIC   M5782   OX NO. 352
OIC   M5783   OX NO. 353
OIC   M5784   OX NO. 354
OIC   M5785   OX NO. 355 FR
OIC   M5786   OX NO. 356
OIC   M5787   OX NO. 357
OIC   M5788   OX NO. 358
OIC   M5789   OX NO. 359
OIC   M5790   OX NO. 360
OIC   M5791   OX NO. 377 FR
OIC   M5792   OX NO. 415
OIC   M5793   OX NO. 416
OIC   M5794   OX NO. 427
OIC   M5795   OX NO. 428
OIC   M5796   OX NO. 429
OIC   M5797   OX NO. 430
OIC   M5798   OX NO. 431
OIC   M5799   OX NO. 432
OIC   M5800   OX NO. 434
OIC   M5801   OX NO. 435
OIC   M5802   OX NO. 436
OIC   M5803   OX NO. 437
01C   M5804   OX NO. 438
OIC   M5805   OX NO. 442 FR
OIC   M5806   OX NO. 443 FR
OIC   M5807   OX NO. 444 FR
OIC   M5808   OX NO. 445 FR
OIC   M5809   OX NO. 446
OIC   M5810   OX NO. 447 FR
OIC   M5811   OX NO. 448
OIC   M5812   OX NO. 449
OIC   M5813   OX NO. 450 FR
OIC   M5814   OX NO. 451
OIC   M5815   OX NO. 452 FR
OIC   M5816   OX NO. 453


OIC   M5817   OX NO. 454
OIC   M5818   OX NO. 455
OIC   M7157   OX NO. 1 FR
OIC   M7158   OX NO. 1
OIC   M7159   OX NO. 3 FR
OIC   M7160   OX NO. 4
OIC   M7161   OX NO. 5
OIC   M7162   OX NO. 6
OIC   M7163   OX NO. 7 FR
OIC   M7164   OX NO. 8 FR
OIC   M7165   OX NO. 9
OIC   M7166   OX NO. 10
OIC   M7167   OX NO. 11
OIC   M7168   OX NO. 12
OIC   M7169   OX NO. 13
OIC   M7170   OX NO. 14
OIC   M7171   OX NO. 15
OIC   M7172   OX NO. 16
OIC   M7173   OX NO. 17
OIC   M7174   OX NO. 18
OIC   M7175   OX NO. 19
OIC   M7176   OX NO. 20
OIC   M7177   OX NO. 21
OIC   M7178   OX NO. 22
OIC   M7179   OX NO. 23 FR
OIC   M7180   OX NO. 24
OIC   M7181   OX NO. 25
OIC   M7182   OX NO. 26
OIC   M7183   OX NO. 27
OIC   M7184   OX NO. 28
OIC   M7185   OX NO. 29
OIC   M7186   OX NO. 30
OIC   M7187   OX NO. 31
OIC   M7188   OX NO. 32
OIC   M7189   OX NO. 33
OIC   M7190   OX NO. 34
OIC   M7191   OX NO. 35
OIC   M7192   OX NO. 36
OIC   M7193   OX NO. 37
OIC   M7194   OX NO. 38
OIC   M7195   OX NO. 39 FR
OIC   M7196   OX NO. 46
OIC   M7197   OX NO. 47 FR
OIC   M7198   OX NO. 48
OIC   M7199   OX NO. 49
OIC   M7200   OX NO. 50
OIC   M7201   OX NO. 51
OIC   M7202   OX NO. 52
OIC   M7203   OX NO. 53
OIC   M7204   OX NO. 54
OIC   M7205   OX NO. 55
OIC   M7206   OX NO. 56
OIC   M7207   OX NO. 57
OIC   M7208   OX NO. 58


OIC   M7209   OX NO. 59
OIC   M7210   OX NO. 60
OIC   M7211   OX NO. 61 (9SL)
OIC   M7212   OX NO. 62 (9SL)
OIC   M7213   OX NO. 63
OIC   M7214   OX NO. 64
OIC   M7215   OX NO. 65
OIC   M7216   OX NO. 70
OIC   M7217   OX NO. 71
OIC   M7218   OX NO. 72
OIC   M7219   OX NO. 73
OIC   M7220   OX NO. 74
OIC   M7221   OX NO. 75
OIC   M7222   OX NO. 77 (8SL)
OIC   M7223   OX NO. 78 (9SL)
OIC   M7224   OX NO. 79
OIC   M7225   OX NO. 80
OIC   M7226   OX NO. 81
OIC   M7227   OX NO. 82
OIC   M7228   OX NO. 83
OIC   M7229   OX NO. 84
OIC   M7230   OX NO. 87
OIC   M7231   OX NO. 88
OIC   M7232   OX NO. 89
OIC   M7233   OX NO. 90
OIC   M7234   OX NO. 91
OIC   M7235   OX NO. 92
OIC   M7236   OX NO. 93
OIC   M7237   OX NO. 94 (8SL)
OIC   M7238   OX NO. 96
OIC   M7239   OX NO. 97
OIC   M7240   OX NO. 98
OIC   M7241   OX NO. 99
OIC   M7242   OX NO. 100
OIC   M7243   OX NO. 101
OIC   M7244   OX NO. 102
OIC   M7245   OX NO. 103
OIC   M7246   OX NO. 104
OIC   M7247   OX NO. 105
OIC   M7248   OX NO. 106
OIC   M7249   OX NO. 107
OIC   M7250   OX NO. 109
OIC   M7251   OX NO. 110
OIC   M7252   OX NO. 111
OIC   M7253   OX NO. 112
OIC   M7254   OX NO. 113
OIC   M7255   OX NO. 114
OIC   M7256   OX NO. 115
OIC   M7257   OX NO. 116
OIC   M7258   OX NO. 119
OIC   M7259   OX NO. 120
OIC   M7260   OX NO. 121
OIC   M7261   OX NO. 122
OIC   M7262   OX NO. 123


OIC   M7263   OX NO. 124
OIC   M7264   OX NO. 125
OIC   M7265   OX NO. 126
OIC   M7266   OX NO. 128
OIC   M7267   OX NO. 129
OOC   M7268   OX NO. 130
OIC   M7269   OX NO. 131
OIC   M7270   OX NO. 132
OIC   M7271   OX NO. 133 FR
OIC   M7272   OX NO. 134 FR
OIC   M7273   OX NO. 135
OIC   M7274   OX NO. 136 FR
OIC   M7275   OX NO. 137 FR
OIC   M7276   OX NO. 138 FR
OIC   M7277   OX NO. 142
OIC   M7278   OX NO. 143
OIC   M7279   OX NO. 144
OIC   M7280   OX NO. 145
OIC   M7281   OX NO. 146
OIC   M7282   OX NO. 147
OIC   M7283   OX NO. 341 FR
OIC   M7284   OX NO. 342 FR
OIC   M7285   OX NO. 347
OIC   M7286   OX NO. 348
OIC   M7287   OX NO. 349
OIC   M7288   OX NO. 350 FR
OIC   M7289   OX NO. 433 FR
OIC   M7290   OX NO. 456 FR
OIC   M7291   OX NO. 693
OIC   M7307   WAW NO. 1 FR
OIC   M7308   WAW NO. 2 FR
OIC   M7309   WAW NO. 3 FR (7SL)
OIC   M7310   WAW NO. 4 FR
OIC   M7311   WAW NO. 5 FR
OIC   M7312   WAW NO. 6 FR
OIC   M7313   WAW NO. 7 FR
OIC   M7314   WAW NO. 8 FR
OIC   M7315   WAW NO. 9 FR
OIC   M7316   WAW NO. 10 FR
OIC   M7317   WAW NO. 11 FR
OIC   M7318   WAW NO. 12 FR
OIC   M7319   WAW NO. 13 FR
OIC   M7320   WAW NO. 14 FR
OIC   M7321   WAW NO. 15 FR
OIC   M7322   WAW NO. 16 FR
OIC   M7323   WAW NO. 17 FR
OIC   M7324   WAW NO. 18 FR
OIC   M7325   WAW NO. 19 FR
OIC   M7326   WAW NO. 20 FR
OIC   M7327   WAW NO. 21 FR
OIC   M7328   WAW NO. 22 FR
OIC   M7329   WAW NO. 23 FR
OIC   M7330   WAW NO. 24 FR
OIC   M7331   WAW NO. 25 FR


OIC   M7332   WAW NO. 26 FR
OIC   M7333   WAW NO. 27 FR
OIC   M7334   WAW NO. 28 FR
OIC   M7335   WAW NO. 29 FR
OIC   M7336   WAW NO. 30 FR
OIC   M7337   WAW NO. 31 FR
OIC   M7338   WAW NO. 32 FR
OIC   M7339   WAW NO. 33 FR
OIC   M7340   WAW NO. 34 FR
OIC   M7341   WAW NO. 35 FR
OIC   M7342   WAW NO. 36 FR
OIC   M7343   WAW NO. 37 FR
OIC   M7344   WAW NO. 38 FR
OIC   M7345   WAW NO. 39 FR
OIC   M7346   WAW NO. 40 FR
OIC   M7347   WAW NO. 41 FR
OIC   M7390   OX NO. 417
OIC   M7391   OX NO. 418 FR
OIC   M7392   OX NO. 419 FR
OIC   M7393   OX NO. 420 FR
OIC   M5706   ASTRA NO. 1 FR
OIC   M5707   ASTRA NO. 2
OIC   M5708   ASTRA NO. 3
OIC   M5709   ASTRA NO. 4
OIC   M5710   ASTRA NO. 12
OIC   M5711   ASTRA NO. 13
OIC   M5712   ASTRA NO. 14
OIC   M5713   ASTRA NO. 15
OIC   M5714   ASTRA NO. 16
OIC   M5715   ASTRA NO. 17
OIC   M5716   ASTRA NO. 18
OIC   M5717   ASTRA NO. 19
OIC   M5718   ASTRA NO. 20
OIC   M5719   ASTRA NO. 21
OIC   M5720   ASTRA NO. 22
OIC   M5721   ASTRA NO. 25 FR
OIC   M5722   ASTRA NO. 29
OIC   M5723   ASTRA NO. 30
OIC   M5742   RAM NO. 235 FR
OIC   M5743   RAM NO. 237 FR
OIC   M5744   RAM NO. 238
OIC   M5745   RAM NO. 239 FR
OIC   M5746   RAM NO. 240 FR
OIC   M5747   RAM NO. 251 FR
OIC   M5748   RAM NO. 252
OIC   M5749   RAM NO. 263
OIC   M5750   RAM NO. 255 FR
OIC   M5751   RAM NO. 256
OIC   M5752   RAM NO. 257
OIC   M5753   RAM NO. 258
OIC   M5754   RAM NO. 259 FR
OIC   M5755   RAM NO. 291 FR
OIC   M5756   RAM NO. 292 FR
OIC   M5757   RAM NO. 293


OIC   M5758   RAM NO. 312
OIC   M5759   RAM NO. 313
OIC   M7292   RAM NO. 314
OIC   M7293   RAM NO. 315
OIC   M7294   RAM NO. 318 FR
OIC   M7295   RAM NO. 319 FR
OIC   M7296   RAM NO. 339
OIC   M7297   RAM NO. 340
OIC   M7298   RAM NO. 341
OIC   M7299   RAM NO. 342
OIC   M7300   RAM NO. 343
OIC   M7301   RAM NO. 344
OIC   M7302   RAM NO. 346 FR
OIC   M7303   RAM NO. 347 FR
OIC   M7304   RAM NO. 348 FR
OIC   M7305   RAM NO. 349
OIC   M7306   RAM NO. 350
OIC   M7348   ASTRA NO. 31
OIC   M7349   ASTRA NO. 32
OIC   M7350   ASTRA NO. 33
OIC   M7351   ASTRA NO. 34
OIC   M7352   ASTRA NO. 35
OIC   M7353   ASTRA NO. 36
OIC   M7354   CHALCO NO. 1
OIC   M7355   CHALCO NO. 2
OIC   M7356   CHALCO NO. 3
OIC   M7357   CHALCO NO. 4
OIC   M7358   CHALCO NO. 5
OIC   M7359   CHALCO NO. 6
OIC   M7360   CHALCO NO. 7
OIC   M7361   CHALCO NO. 8
OIC   M7362   CHALCO NO. 9
OIC   M7363   CHALCO NO. 10
OIC   M7364   CHALCO NO. 11
OIC   M7365   CHALCO NO. 12
OIC   M7366   CHALCO NO. 13
OIC   M7370   RAM NO. 204
OIC   M7371   RAM NO. 205
CIIC   M7372   HAM NO. 260
OIC   M7373   RAM NO. 268 FR
OIC   M7374   RAM NO. 269 FR
OIC   M7375   RAM NO. 289
OIC   M7376   RAM NO. 290
OIC   M7377   RAM NO. 294
OIC   M7378   RAM NO. 310
OIC   M7380   RAM NO. 311
OIC   M7381   RAM NO. 316
OIC   M7382   RAM NO. 317
OIC   M7383   RAM NO. 626 FR
OIC   M7388   PEG NO. 73
OIC   M7491   CHALCO NO. 14
OIC   M7492   CHALCO NO. 15
OIC   M7493   CHALCO NO. 16
OIC   M7494   CHALCO NO. 17


OIC   M7495   CHALCO NO. 18
OIC   M7496   ASTRA NO. 5
OIC   M7497   ASTRA NO. 6
OIC   M7498   ASTRA NO. 9
OIC   M7499   ASTRA NO. 10
OIC   M7500   ASTRA NO. 23 FR
OIC   M7501   ASTRA NO. 24 FR
OIC   M7502   ASTRA NO. 26
OIC   M7503   ASTRA NO. 28 FR
OIC   M7504   ASTRA NO. 38
OIC   M7505   ASTRA NO. 39
OIC   M7506   ASTRA NO. 40
OIC   M7507   ASTRA NO. 41
OIC   M7508   ASTRA NO. 44 FR
OIC   M7509   ASTRA NO. 45 FR
OIC   M7510   ASTRA NO. 46 FR
OIC   M7511   ASTRA NO. 47 FR
OIC   M7512   ASTRA NO. 48 FR
OIC   M7513   ASTRA NO. 49 FR
OIC   M7514   ASTRA NO. 50 FR
OIC   M7515   ASTRA NO. 51 FR
OIC   M7516   RAM NO. 627 FR
OIC   M7517   RAM NO. 628 FR



Exhibit 99.12