N-CSRS 1 lbinstliquidityfund-ncsrs.htm

As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 6, 2007



Washington, D.C.  20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-21715


(Exact Name of the Registrant as Specified in Charter)

605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor

New York, New York 10158-0180

(Address of Principal Executive Offices – Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212) 476-8800

Peter E. Sundman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds

605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor

New York, New York 10158-0180

Arthur Delibert, Esq.

Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP

1601 K Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006-1600

(Names and Addresses of agents for service)

Date of fiscal year end: March 31, 2008

Date of reporting period: September 30, 2007

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.

Item 1. Reports to Shareholders


Lehman Brothers

Institutional Liquidity Funds

Institutional Class

Cash Management Class

Capital Class

Select Class


Administrative Class

Service Class

Premier Class


Money Market Portfolio

Prime Portfolio

Government Portfolio

Government Reserves Portfolio


Treasury Portfolio

Tax-Exempt Portfolio

Municipal Portfolio


Semi-Annual Report

September 30, 2007





Chairman's Letter



Money Market Portfolio


Prime Portfolio


Government Portfolio


Government Reserves Portfolio


Treasury Portfolio


Tax-Exempt Portfolio


Municipal Portfolio


Portfolio Expense Information





Money Market Portfolio


Prime Portfolio


Government Portfolio


Government Reserves Portfolio


Treasury Portfolio


Tax-Exempt Portfolio


Municipal Portfolio




Money Market Master Series


Prime Master Series


Government Master Series


Government Reserves Master Series


Treasury Master Series


Tax-Exempt Master Series


Municipal Master Series





Money Market Master Series


Prime Master Series


Government Master Series


Government Reserves Master Series


Treasury Master Series


Tax-Exempt Master Series


Municipal Master Series




Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures


Quarterly Portfolio Schedule


Board Consideration of the Management and Sub-Advisory



©2007 Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC All rights reserved.

Chairman's Letter


Dear Shareholder,

I am pleased to present to you this semi-annual report for the Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds for the period ended September 30, 2007. The report includes portfolio commentaries, listings of the Portfolios' investments, and their financial statements for the reporting period.

The period was marked by extreme volatility in both credit and equity markets, as the housing decline finally began to affect the broader fixed income markets. Beginning in July, reports of problems at two hedge funds began to unsettle investors, leading to a flight to the safety of Treasuries that dislocated short-term rates. After using a variety of available policy levers during the worst of the crisis, the Federal Reserve took strong action in September by cutting the Fed Funds rate by 50 basis points, in an effort to prevent credit issues from affecting the broader economy.

During the period, we introduced several new portfolios into the Institutional Liquidity Funds. Our new Portfolios are the Government Reserves Portfolio, the Tax-Exempt Portfolio and the Municipal Portfolio. As always, our goal is to offer competitive products that meet the specific needs of institutional investors.

The Portfolios performed admirably and as expected throughout the period. Our investment strategy combines a distinct process for interest rate risk management with dedicated credit research to build portfolios of high-quality securities that seek to respond quickly to changes in interest rates without sacrificing yield.

As always, we intend to proceed with caution to protect our clients' principal and maintain daily liquidity and diversification.








Institutional Liquidity Funds Portfolio Commentaries


We are pleased to report that both the Money Market Portfolio Institutional Class and the Prime Portfolio Institutional Class delivered positive returns and outperformed the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Taxable First Tier Institutional Average for the six months ended September 30, 2007.

The Federal Reserve remained on hold throughout most of the period, with rates at 5.25%. The minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee's March meeting (released in April) indicated the Fed's reluctance to cut rates, given the level of inflation-despite the slowing of the economy. However, market expectations for a rate cut remained in place, as seen by a gradual drop in short-term Treasury yields. In April, a demand and supply imbalance drove the yield on the three-month U.S. Treasury bill to its lowest level since June 2006, and this yield dropped lower still in June as prices increased. Beginning in July, worries about reports of large losses at hedge funds in the subprime and collateralized debt space led to a flight-to-quality bid for Treasuries and a slight widening of risk premiums in the market.

New challenges arose in July for the credit markets, as the perceived risk of owning corporate bonds soared. Investors became increasingly concerned about contagion to the broader market from the shakeout in subprime mortgages, leading to more investors taking refuge in Treasuries. Premiums for lending increased dramatically, as the excesses of a prolonged period of liquidity began to be removed from the market. While the Fed left rates unchanged at its August 7 meeting, citing the risk that inflation would "fail to moderate," the central bank did acknowledge the ongoing housing correction and tighter credit conditions as issues.

Shortly thereafter, in response to the deepening turmoil in the markets, the Fed lowered the Discount rate (the interest rate charged to banks), began accepting a wider range of collateral at the discount window and added substantial additional reserves to the banking system. These steps were seen by many as a "surgical approach," in which all the levers of monetary policy available to the Fed would be employed, in contrast to a hasty move to lower the Fed Funds rate.

September brought the release of August payroll figures, which were negative for the first time in four years, as well as a sharp revision to the prior two months' figures-and seen as apparent proof that the employment situation appeared to be worsening. (August payroll figures were adjusted upward in October) This, coupled with a housing market that continued to see declining prices and higher inventories, heightened the Fed's interest in preempting any material effects on economic growth.

As a result, the Fed reduced the Fed Funds rate by 50 basis points at its September meeting, marking its first rate reduction since 2003. The move to 4.75% was only the second time in the last 20 years that an easing cycle had commenced with a 50 basis point reduction. In taking rates lower, the Federal Open Market Committee commented that the action was "intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in the financial markets." The committee added that it was prepared to "act as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth."

After an impressive rally, the two-year U.S. Treasury note closed out September at below 4% for the first time since 2005, finishing the period yielding 3.99%, while the 10-year note finished at 4.59% and the three-month U.S. Treasury bill yielded 3.80%.

The U.S. economy has been extremely resilient thus far. However, we anticipate that further deterioration in the housing market will start to take its toll on the consumer and ultimately business investment. The market is suffering from a crisis of confidence, and while the Fed remains reluctant to take rates lower, we believe that the easing cycle may continue.




Money Market Portfolio

For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the Money Market Portfolio Institutional Class returned 2.67% compared to the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Taxable First Tier Institutional Average's 2.54%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the period with a 5.34% seven-day current yield and a 5.48% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    29.8 %
8 - 30 Days    28.4  
31 - 90 Days    25.6  
91 - 180 Days    13.9  
181+ Days    2.3  


Prime Portfolio

For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the Prime Portfolio Institutional Class returned 2.66% compared to the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Taxable First Tier Institutional Average's 2.54%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the period with a 5.31% seven-day current yield and a 5.45% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.


LOGO             LOGO






Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    50.2 %
8 - 30 Days    22.1  
31 - 90 Days    17.6  
91 - 180 Days    8.5  
181+ Days    1.6  






The seven-day current and seven-day effective yields as of September 30, 2007 were as follows:8      
Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds                  
Money Market Portfolio   5.34%   5.48%   5.28%   5.42%   5.24%   5.38%   5.19%   5.32%   5.09%   5.22%   4.94%   5.06%   4.84%   4.96%
Prime Portfolio   5.31%   5.45%   5.26%   5.40%   5.21%   5.35%   5.16%   5.29%   5.06%   5.19%   4.91%   5.03%   4.81%   4.93%

Performance data quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. The investment return on an investment in a money market fund will fluctuate. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, call 888.556.9030. The composition, industries and holdings of each fund are subject to change.

An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although each Portfolio seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in each Portfolio.



Institutional Liquidity Funds Portfolio Commentaries


We are pleased to report that the Government Portfolio Institutional Class and the Treasury Portfolio Institutional Class delivered positive returns and outperformed the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Government & Agencies Institutional Average and the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Treasury & Repo Institutional Average, respectively, for the six months ended September 30, 2007. The Government Reserves Portfolio Institutional Class delivered positive returns for the period from its inception on July 9, 2007 through September 30, 2007.

The Federal Reserve remained on hold throughout most of the period, with rates at 5.25%. The minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee's March meeting (released in April) indicated the Fed's reluctance to cut rates, given the level of inflation—despite the slowing of the economy. However, market expectations for a rate cut remained in place, as seen by a gradual drop in short-term Treasury yields. In April, a demand and supply imbalance drove the yield on the three-month U.S. Treasury bill to its lowest level since June 2006, and this yield dropped lower still in June as prices increased. Beginning in July, worries about reports of large losses at hedge funds in the subprime and collateralized debt space led to a flight-to-quality bid for Treasuries and a slight widening of risk premiums in the market.

New challenges arose in July for the credit markets, as the perceived risk of owning corporate bonds soared. Investors became increasingly concerned about contagion to the broader market from the shakeout in subprime mortgages, leading to more investors taking refuge in Treasuries. Premiums for lending increased dramatically, as the excesses of a prolonged period of liquidity began to be removed from the market. While the Fed left rates unchanged at its August 7 meeting, citing the risk that inflation would "fail to moderate," the central bank did acknowledge the ongoing housing correction and tighter credit conditions as issues.

Shortly thereafter, in response to the deepening turmoil in the markets, the Fed lowered the Discount rate (the interest rate charged to banks), began accepting a wider range of collateral at the discount window and added substantial additional reserves to the banking system. These steps were seen by many as a "surgical approach," in which all the levers of monetary policy available to the Fed would be employed, in contrast to a hasty move to lower the Fed Funds rate.

September brought the release of August payroll figures, which were negative for the first time in four years, as well as a sharp revision to the prior two months' figures-and seen as apparent proof that the employment situation appeared to be worsening. (August payroll figures were adjusted upward in October) This, coupled with a housing market that continued to see declining prices and higher inventories heightened the Fed's interest in preempting any material effects on economic growth.

As a result, the Fed reduced the Fed Funds rate by 50 basis points at its September meeting, marking its first rate reduction since 2003. The move to 4.75% was only the second time in the last 20 years that an easing cycle had commenced with a 50 basis point reduction. In taking rates lower, the Federal Open Market Committee commented that the action was "intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in the financial markets." The committee added that it was prepared to "act as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth."

After an impressive rally, the two-year U.S. Treasury note closed out September at below 4% for the first time since 2005, finishing the period yielding 3.99%, while the 10-year note finished at 4.59% and the three-month U.S. Treasury bill yielded 3.80%.

The U.S. economy has been extremely resilient thus far. However, we anticipate that further deterioration in the housing market will start to take its toll on the consumer and ultimately business investment. The market is suffering from a crisis of confidence, and while the Fed remains reluctant to take rates lower, we believe that the easing cycle may continue.




Government Portfolio

For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the Government Portfolio Institutional Class returned 2.59% compared to the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Government & Agencies Institutional Average's 2.48%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the period with a 4.99% seven-day current yield and a 5.11% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    59.4 %
8 - 30 Days    11.2  
31 - 90 Days    20.8  
91 - 180 Days    6.1  
181+ Days    2.5  


Government Reserves Portfolio

For the period from inception on July 9, 2007 through September 30, 2007, the Government Reserves Portfolio Institutional Class returned 1.17%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the period with a 4.98% seven-day current yield and a 5.10% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    20.9 %
8 - 30 Days    20.7  
31 - 90 Days    47.2  
91 - 180 Days    9.6  
181+ Days    1.6  


Treasury Portfolio

For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the Treasury Portfolio Institutional Class returned 2.47% compared to the iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Treasury & Repo Institutional Average's 2.35%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the period with a 4.29% seven-day current yield and a 4.38% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    95.4 %
8 - 30 Days    0.0  
31 - 90 Days    0.0  
91 - 180 Days    1.3  
181+ Days    3.3  



LOGO             LOGO








The seven-day current and seven-day effective yields as of September 30, 2007 were as follows:8      
Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds        




















ment Portfolio

  4.99%   5.11%   4.94%   5.06%   4.89%   5.01%   4.84%   4.96%   4.74%   4.85%   4.59%   4.69%   4.49%   4.59%

Govern- ment

Reserve Portfolio

  4.98%   5.10%   4.93%   5.05%   4.88%   5.00%   4.83%   4.95%   4.73%   4.84%   4.58%   4.68%   4.48%   4.58%
Treasury Portfolio   4.29%   4.38%   4.24%   4.33%   4.19%   4.28%   4.14%   4.23%   4.04%   4.12%   3.89%   3.97%   3.79%   3.86%

Performance data quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. The investment return on an investment in a money market fund will fluctuate. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, call 888.556.9030. The composition, industries and holdings of each fund are subject to change.

An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although each Portfolio seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in each Portfolio.



Institutional Liquidity Funds Portfolio Commentary


We are pleased to report that the Tax-Exempt Portfolio Institutional Class earned a positive return from its inception on September 10, 2007 through the period ended September 30, 2007.


The first 20 days of the Portfolio's operation coincided with one of the (for now) final acts of a market crisis that had held investors' attention for most of the summer. After holding the Fed Funds rate steady in June and August, despite the increasing turmoil, the Federal Reserve lowered this rate by 50 basis points in September, marking the first rate reduction since 2003. The Fed's move to 4.75% was only the second occasion in the last 20 years in which the Fed has commenced an easing cycle with a 50 basis point reduction. In taking rates lower, the Fed's Open Market Committee commented that its action "is intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in the financial markets." The committee added that it is prepared to "act as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth."

During the brief reporting period, weak payroll figures appeared to suggest that the employment situation was worsening. Viewing this, along with a housing market that continues to see declining prices and skyrocketing inventory, the Federal Reserve in lowering rates sought to preempt any material effects from the summer's tight liquidity conditions on economic growth.

The U.S. economy has been extremely resilient thus far. However, we anticipate that further deterioration in the housing market will start to take its toll on the consumer and ultimately business investment. The market is suffering from a crisis of confidence, and while the Fed remains reluctant to take rates lower, we believe that the easing cycle may continue.

During the brief reporting period, tax-exempt money market fund yields rose relative to the previous two months. While the lack of liquidity in the marketplace continues to affect short term yields, we have witnessed signs of normalcy returning to the money fund arena. We attribute the rising yields more to an abundant supply of paper in the market than to the credit crisis. Over the period, tax-exempt/taxable ratios looked unusually cheap for variable rate demand notes that reset both daily and weekly, and we expect non-traditional buyers to enter the marketplace going forward. We continue to maintain a duration neutral stance, with the Portfolio's weighted average maturity in a range of 25-30 days.


Tax-Exempt Portfolio

For the 20-day period from the inception of the Portfolio on September 10, 2007 through September 30, 2007, the Tax-Exempt Portfolio Institutional Class returned 0.21%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the reporting period with a 3.75% seven-day current yield* and a 3.82% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    87.3 %
8 - 30 Days    1.0  
31 - 90 Days    3.4  
91 - 180 Days    2.4  
181+ Days    5.9  










* Current yield more closely reflects current earnings than does total return. Tax-equivalent yield is based on the maximum federal income tax rate of 35%.



The seven-day current, seven-day effective and seven-day tax-equivalent effective yields as of September 30, 2007 were as follows:8
Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds              



Exempt Portfolio
  3.75%   3.82%   5.94%   3.70%   3.77%   5.85%   3.65%   3.72%   5.78%   3.60%   3.66%   5.69%





Exempt Portfolio

  3.50%   3.56%   5.52%   3.35%   3.41%   5.28%   3.25%   3.30%   5.12%      

Performance data quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. The investment return on an investment in a money market fund will fluctuate. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, call 888.556.9030. The composition, industries and holdings of each fund are subject to change.

An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although each Portfolio seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in each Portfolio.



Institutional Liquidity Funds Portfolio Commentary


We are pleased to report that the Municipal Portfolio Institutional Class earned a positive return from its inception on September 10, 2007 through the period ended September 30, 2007.

The first 20 days of the Portfolio's operation coincided with one of the (for now) final acts of a market crisis that had held investors' attention for most of the summer. After holding the Fed Funds rate steady in June and August, despite the increasing turmoil, the Federal Reserve lowered this rate by 50 basis points in September, marking the first rate reduction since 2003. The Fed's move to 4.75% was only the second occasion in the last 20 years in which the Fed has commenced an easing cycle with a 50 basis point reduction. In taking rates lower, the Fed's Open Market Committee commented that its action "is intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in the financial markets." The committee added that it is prepared to "act as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth."

During the brief reporting period, weak payroll figures appeared to suggest that the employment situation was worsening. Viewing this, along with a housing market that continues to see declining prices and skyrocketing inventory, the Federal Reserve in lowering rates sought to preempt any material effects from the summer's tight liquidity conditions on economic growth.

The U.S. economy has been extremely resilient thus far. However, we anticipate that further deterioration in the housing market will start to take its toll on the consumer and ultimately business investment. The market is suffering from a crisis of confidence, and while the Fed remains reluctant to take rates lower, we believe that the easing cycle may continue.

During the brief reporting period, tax-exempt money market fund yields rose relative to the previous two months. While the lack of liquidity in the marketplace continues to affect short term yields, we have witnessed signs of normalcy returning to the money fund arena. We attribute the rising yields more to an abundant supply of paper in the market than to the credit crisis. Over the period, tax-exempt/taxable ratios looked unusually cheap for variable rate demand notes that reset both daily and weekly, and we expect non-traditional buyers to enter the marketplace going forward. We continue to maintain a duration neutral stance, with the Portfolio's weighted average maturity in a range of 25-30 days.


Municipal Portfolio

For the 20-day period from the inception of the Portfolio on September 10, 2007 through September 30, 2007, the Municipal Portfolio Institutional Class returned 0.22%. The Portfolio's Institutional Class closed the reporting period with a 3.81% seven-day current yield* and a 3.88% seven-day effective yield; this more closely reflects current earnings than six-month or one-year figures.




Maturity Diversification (% by Maturity)


1 - 7 Days    88.2 %
8 - 30 Days    0.3  
31 - 90 Days    1.4  
91 - 180 Days    5.7  
181+ Days    4.4  










* Current yield more closely reflects current earnings than does total return. Tax-equivalent yield is based on the maximum federal income tax rate of 35%.



The seven-day current, seven-day effective and seven-day tax-equivalent effective yields as of September 30, 2007 were as follows:8
Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds      
Municipal Portfolio   3.81%   3.88%   6.03%   3.76%   3.83%   5.95%   3.71%   3.78%   5.87%   3.66%   3.73%   5.79%
Municipal Portfolio   3.56%   3.62%   5.63%   3.41%   3.47%   5.39%   3.31%   3.36%   5.22%      

Performance data quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. The investment return on an investment in a money market fund will fluctuate. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, call 888.556.9030. The composition, industries and holdings of each fund are subject to change.

An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although each Portfolio seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in each Portfolio.






Neuberger Berman Management Inc. (Management) has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Administrative Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Administrative Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.45% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Administrative Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Administrative Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Administrative Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Administrative Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Capital Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Capital Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.30% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Capital Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Capital Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Capital Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Capital Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Cash Management Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Cash Management Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.25% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Cash Management Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Cash Management Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Cash Management Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Cash Management Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Institutional Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Institutional Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.20% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Institutional Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment





does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Institutional Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Institutional Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Institutional Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Premier Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Premier Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.70% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Premier Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Premier Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Premier Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Premier Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Select Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Select Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.35% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Select Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Select Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Select Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Select Class of each Portfolio.



Management has contractually agreed to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse certain expenses of the Service Class of each Portfolio through 3/31/2010, so that the total annual operating expenses of the Service Class of each Portfolio are limited to 0.60% of its average net assets. This arrangement does not cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses. Each Portfolio has agreed that its Service Class will repay Management for fees and expenses foregone or reimbursed for that Class provided that repayment does not cause the annual operating expenses of that Class of the Portfolio to exceed the above-stated expense limitation and the reimbursements are made within three years after the year that Management incurred the expense. In addition to the contractual limitation, Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Service Class of each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio, Government Reserves Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed the Service Class of each of Tax-Exempt Portfolio and Municipal Portfolio an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. For the period ended September 30, 2007, if reimbursements were not made, performance would be lower for the Service Class of each Portfolio.




8 "Current yield" of a money market fund refers to the income generated by an investment in a Portfolio over a recent 7-day period. This income is then "annualized." The "effective yield" is calculated similarly but, when annualized, the income earned by an investment in the Portfolio is assumed to be reinvested. The "effective yield" will be slightly higher than the "current yield" because of the compounding effect of this assumed reinvestment. Yields of a money market fund will fluctuate and past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Tax-equivalent effective yield is the taxable effective yield that an investor would have had to receive in order to realize the same level of yield after federal income taxes at the highest federal tax rate, currently 35%, assuming that all of a Fund's income is exempt from federal income taxes. Unaudited performance data current to the most recent month-end are available by calling 888-556-9030 or visiting www.lehman.com/lbilf.



Glossary of Indices


The iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Taxable First Tier Institutional Average:

Measures the performance of institutional money market mutual funds which invest in anything allowable under SEC regulations governing money market funds, except Second Tier Commercial Paper.


The iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Government & Agencies Institutional Average:

Measures the performance of institutional money market mutual funds which invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury (T-Bills), repurchase agreements, or U.S. Government Agency securities.


The iMoneyNet Money Fund Report Treasury & Repo Institutional Average:

Measures the performance of institutional money market mutual funds which invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury (T-Bills) and repurchase agreements.

Please note that indices do not take into account any fees and expenses or any tax consequences of investing in the individual securities that they track and that individuals cannot invest directly in any index. Data about the performance of these indices are prepared or obtained by Neuberger Berman Management Inc. and include reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain distributions. The Portfolios may invest in securities not included in the above-described indices.



Information About Your Portfolio's Expenses


These tables are designed to provide information regarding costs related to your investments. All mutual funds incur operating expenses, which include each portfolio's proportionate share of expenses of its corresponding master series, administrative service fees and other expenses. The following examples are based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period shown and held for the entire period. The tables illustrate the portfolio's costs in two ways:


Actual Expenses and Performance:

The first section of the table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses in dollars, based on the portfolio's actual performance during the period. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section of the table under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During the Period" to estimate the expenses you paid over the period.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes:

The second section of the table provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the portfolio's actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return at 5% per year before expenses. This return is not the portfolio's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in these portfolios versus other funds. To do so, compare the expenses shown in this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of other funds.



Expense Information As of 9/30/07 (Unaudited)





Beginning Account



Ending Account


  Expenses Paid During
the Period
4/1/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.70   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.40   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.20   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.90   $1.27   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.40   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.60   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.10   $3.04   .60%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****          
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.50   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.25   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.00   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.75   $1.26   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.25   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.50   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.00   $3.03   .60%




Beginning Account



Ending Account


  Expenses Paid During
the Period
4/1/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.60   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.40   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,026.10   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.90   $1.27   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.40   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.60   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.10   $3.04   .60%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****          
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.50   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.25   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.00   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.75   $1.26   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.25   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.50   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.00   $3.03   .60%


* For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 84/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


*** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 21/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


**** Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the most recent period divided by 366.


^ The date investment operations commenced.







Beginning Account



Ending Account


  Expenses Paid During
the Period
4/1/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.90   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.70   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.40   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,025.20   $1.27   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.70   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.90   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.40   $3.04   .60%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****          
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.50   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.25   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.00   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.75   $1.26   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.25   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.50   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.00   $3.03   .60%




Beginning Account



Ending Account


  Expenses Paid During
the Period
7/9/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.70   $0.23   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.50   $0.35   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.40   $0.46   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.30   $0.58   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.10   $0.81   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.70   $1.15   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.50   $1.38   .60%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****          
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.25   $0.23   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.13   $0.35   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,011.02   $0.46   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.90   $0.58   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.67   $0.81   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.33   $1.15   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,010.10   $1.38   .60%


* For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 84/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


*** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 21/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


**** Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the most recent period divided by 366.


^ The date investment operations commenced.






Actual   Beginning Account
  Ending Account
  Expenses Paid During
the Period
4/1/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.70   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.50   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.20   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.00   $1.27   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.50   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.70   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.20   $3.03   .60%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.50   $0.51   .10%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.25   $0.76   .15%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,024.00   $1.01   .20%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.75   $1.26   .25%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,023.25   $1.77   .35%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.50   $2.53   .50%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,022.00   $3.03   .60%



Actual   Beginning Account
  Ending Account
  Expenses Paid During
the Period
9/10/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.09   .15%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.11   .20%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.14   .25%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.00   $0.17   .30%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.00   $0.23   .40%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,001.90   $0.32   .55%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,001.80   $0.37   .65%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.78   $0.09   .15%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.75   $0.11   .20%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.73   $0.14   .25%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.70   $0.17   .30%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.64   $0.23   .40%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.55   $0.32   .55%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.50   $0.37   .65%


* For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 84/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


*** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 21/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


**** Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the most recent period divided by 366.


^ The date investment operations commenced.






Actual   Beginning Account
  Ending Account
  Expenses Paid During
the Period
9/10/07 - 9/30/07
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.20   $0.09   .15%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.11   .20%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.14   .25%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.10   $0.17   .30%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.00   $0.23   .40%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,001.90   $0.32   .55%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,001.90   $0.37   .65%
Hypothetical (5% annual return before expenses)****
Institutional Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.78   $0.09   .15%
Cash Management Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.75   $0.11   .20%
Capital Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.73   $0.14   .25%
Select Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.70   $0.17   .30%
Administrative Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.64   $0.23   .40%
Service Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.55   $0.32   .55%
Premier Class   $1,000.00   $1,002.50   $0.37   .65%


* For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 84/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


*** For each class of the portfolio, expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio for the class, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 21/366 (to reflect the period shown). Each portfolio's expense ratio includes its proportionate share of the expenses of its corresponding master series.


**** Hypothetical 5% annual return before expenses is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the most recent period divided by 366.


^ The date investment operations commenced.





This page has been left blank intentionally




Statements of Assets and Liabilities (Unaudited)


Institutional Liquidity Funds

(000's omitted except per share amounts)


    September 30, 2007     September 30, 2007  
Investment in corresponding Master Series, at value (Note A)   $92,043     $9,041,281  
Receivable from administrator-net (Note B)   17     -  
Prepaid expenses and other assets   -     -  
Total Assets   92,060     9,041,281  
Dividends payable   34     4,691  
Payable to administrator-net (Note B)   -     102  
Accrued expenses and other payables   72     12  
Total Liabilities   106     4,805  
Net Assets at value   $91,954     $9,036,476  
Net Assets consist of:    
Paid-in capital   $91,959     $9,036,657  
Distributions in excess of net investment income   -     (123 )
Accumulated net realized gains (losses) on investment   (5 )   (58 )
Net Assets at value   $91,954     $9,036,476  
Net Assets    
Institutional Class   $80,088     $8,542,491  
Cash Management Class   6,866     121,879  
Capital Class   1,000     1,000  
Select Class   1,000     1,000  
Administrative Class   1,000     11,742  
Service Class   1,000     1,000  
Premier Class   1,000     357,364  
Shares Outstanding ($.001 par value; unlimited shares authorized)    
Institutional Class   80,093     8,542,664  
Cash Management Class   6,866     121,880  
Capital Class   1,000     1,000  
Select Class   1,000     1,000  
Administrative Class   1,000     11,742  
Service Class   1,000     1,000  
Premier Class   1,000     357,372  
Net Asset Value, offering and redemption price per share    
Institutional Class   $1.00     $1.00  
Cash Management Class   1.00     1.00  
Capital Class   1.00     1.00  
Select Class   1.00     1.00  
Administrative Class   1.00     1.00  
Service Class   1.00     1.00  
Premier Class   1.00     1.00  


See Notes to Financial Statements




September 30, 2007     September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007
$670,187     $299,136   $756,754   $140,411   $129,699
15     22   20   6   10
29     57   -   -   -
670,231     299,215   756,774   140,417   129,709
973     374   1,114   156   14
-     -   -   -   -
-     -   60   8   9
973     374   1,174   164   23
$669,258     $298,841   $755,600   $140,253   $129,686
$669,262     $298,840   $755,550   $140,253   $129,686
-     -   -   -   -
(4 )   1   50   -   -
$669,258     $298,841   $755,600   $140,253   $129,686
$659,698     $292,841   $749,600   $134,253   $123,686
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
3,524     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
2,036     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
659,702     292,840   749,550   134,253   123,686
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
3,524     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
2,036     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
1,000     1,000   1,000   1,000   1,000
$1.00     $1.00   $1.00   $1.00   $1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00
1.00     1.00   1.00   1.00   1.00



Statements of Operations (Unaudited)


Institutional Liquidity Funds

(000's omitted)


    For the Six
Months Ended
September 30, 2007
For the Six
Months Ended
September 30, 2007
Investment Income    
Investment income from corresponding Master Series (Note A)   $3,571     $134,110  
Expenses from corresponding Master Series (Notes A & B)   (68 )   (2,310 )
Net investment income from corresponding Master Series   $3,503     $131,800  
Administration fees (Note B)   66     2,485  
Distribution fees (Note B):    

Service Class

  1     1  

Premier Class

  1     316  
Audit fees   9     4  
Legal fees   17     17  
Registration and filing fees   51     81  
Shareholder reports   12     16  
Shareholder servicing agent fees (Note B):    

Institutional Class

  1     1  

Cash Management Class

  -     9  

Capital Class

  1     1  

Select Class

  1     1  

Administrative Class

  1     14  

Service Class

  1     1  

Premier Class

  1     316  
Trustees' fees and expenses   3     3  
Accounting Fees   10     10  
Miscellaneous   3     5  
Total expenses   179     3,281  
Expenses reimbursed by administrator (Note B)   (107 )   -  
Expenses waived by administrator (Note B)   (66 )   (2,447 )
Total net expenses   6     834  
Net investment income (loss)   3,497     130,966  
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (Note A):    
Net gain (loss) on investments from corresponding Master Series   (5 )   (52 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   $3,492     $130,914  


See Notes to Financial Statements



For the Six
Months Ended
September 30, 2007
    Period from
July 9, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
    For the Six
Months Ended
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
$11,526     $2,784     $12,071     $182     $178  
(237 )   (87 )   (274 )   (5 )   (7 )
$11,289     $2,697     $11,797     $177     $171  
220     54     244     5     5  
1     -     1     -     -  
1     1     1     -     -  
9     6     5     1     2  
17     8     17     2     2  
6     8     87     2     2  
15     8     13     3     3  
8     1     8     -     -  
-     -     -     -     -  
1     -     1     -     -  
2     -     1     -     -  
12     1     1     -     -  
1     1     1     -     -  
1     -     1     -     -  
3     2     3     1     -  
10     -     10     -     -  
3     -     7     -     1  
310     90     401     14     15  
(89 )   (65 )   (179 )   (8 )   (12 )
(220 )   (54 )   (244 )   (2 )   (2 )
1     (29 )   (22 )   4     1  
11,288     2,726     11,819     173     170  
(4 )   1     50     -     -  
$11,284     $2,727     $11,869     $173     $170  



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Institutional Liquidity Funds

(000's omitted)


     Six Months
September 30,
       Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:        
From Operations:        
Net investment income (loss)    $3,497        $1,492  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments from corresponding Master Series    (5 )      -  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    3,492        1,492  
Distributions to Shareholders From (Note A):       
Net investment income        

Institutional Class

   (3,325 )      (1,405 )

Cash Management Class

   (47 )      (15 )

Capital Class

   (26 )      (15 )

Select Class

   (26 )      (15 )

Administrative Class

   (25 )      (14 )

Service Class

   (24 )      (14 )

Premier Class

   (24 )      (14 )
Total distributions to shareholders    (3,497 )      (1,492 )
From Portfolio Share Transactions (Note D):       
Proceeds from shares sold in initial capitalization        

Institutional Class

   -        -  
Proceeds from shares sold        

Institutional Class

   2,494,396        818,316  

Cash Management Class

   75,345        1,000  

Capital Class

   -        1,000  

Select Class

   -        1,000  

Administrative Class

   -        1,000  

Service Class

   -        1,000  

Premier Class

   -        1,000  
Proceeds from reinvestment of dividends and distributions        

Institutional Class

   1,891        1,309  

Cash Management Class

   21        -  

Select Class

   -        -  

Administrative Class

   -        -  

Premier Class

   -        -  
Payments for shares redeemed        

Institutional Class

   (2,575,196 )      (660,623 )

Cash Management Class

   (69,500 )      -  

Select Class

   -        -  

Administrative Class

   -        -  

Premier Class

   -        -  
Net increase (decrease) from Portfolio share transactions    (73,043 )      165,002  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    (73,048 )      165,002  
Net Assets:        
Beginning of period    165,002       
End of period    $91,954        $165,002  
Distributions in excess of net investment income at end of period    $-        $-  


See Notes to Financial Statements



Six Months
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
    Six Months
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
$130,966     $14,020     $11,288     $6,556  
(52 )   (6 )   (4 )   -  
130,914     14,014     11,284     6,556  
(123,746 )   (13,921 )   (10,892 )   (6,456 )
(906 )   (15 )   (25 )   (15 )
(26 )   (15 )   (25 )   (15 )
(26 )   (15 )   (69 )   (15 )
(291 )   (14 )   (230 )   (28 )
(24 )   (14 )   (24 )   (14 )
(6,070 )   (27 )   (23 )   (13 )
(131,089 )   (14,021 )   (11,288 )   (6,556 )
-     -     -     100  
36,161,761     6,998,533     3,984,938     3,470,000  
120,000     1,000     -     1,000  
-     1,000     -     1,000  
-     1,000     8,115     1,000  
43,413     1,000     295,300     2,814  
-     1,000     -     1,000  
2,335,674     12,304     -     1,000  
94,787     9,616     3,493     214  
880     -     -     -  
-     -     44     -  
265     -     34     14  
5,366     11     -     -  
(30,133,392 )   (4,588,641 )   (3,823,043 )   (2,976,000 )
-     -     -     -  
-     -     (5,635 )   -  
(32,936 )   -     (295,750 )   (376 )
(1,992,008 )   (3,975 )   -     -  
6,603,810     2,432,848     167,496     501,766  
6,603,635     2,432,841     167,492     501,766  
2,432,841     -     501,766     -  
$9,036,476     $2,432,841     $669,258     $501,766  
$(123 )   $-     $-     $-  



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


     Period from
July 9, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:   
From Operations:   
Net investment income (loss)    $2,726  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments from corresponding Master Series    1  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    2,727  
Distributions to Shareholders From (Note A):  
Net investment income   

Institutional Class

   (2,660 )

Cash Management Class

   (12 )

Capital Class

   (11 )

Select Class

   (11 )

Administrative Class

   (11 )

Service Class

   (11 )

Premier Class

   (10 )
Total distributions to shareholders    (2,726 )
From Portfolio Share Transactions (Note D):  
Proceeds from shares sold in initial capitalization   

Institutional Class

Proceeds from shares sold   

Institutional Class


Cash Management Class


Capital Class


Select Class


Administrative Class


Service Class


Premier Class

Proceeds from reinvestment of dividends and distributions   

Institutional Class


Cash Management Class


Select Class


Administrative Class


Premier Class

Payments for shares redeemed   

Institutional Class

   (704,619 )

Cash Management Class


Select Class


Administrative Class


Premier Class

Net increase (decrease) from Portfolio share transactions    298,840  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    298,841  
Net Assets:   
Beginning of period    -  
End of period    $298,841  
Distributions in excess of net investment income at end of period    $-  


See Notes to Financial Statements




Six Months

September 30,

    Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
$11,819     $6,750     $173     $170  
50     -     -     -  
11,869     6,750     173     170  
(11,679 )   (6,667 )   (161 )   (158 )
(24 )   (14 )   (2 )   (2 )
(24 )   (15 )   (2 )   (2 )
(24 )   (14 )   (2 )   (2 )
(23 )   (14 )   (2 )   (2 )
(23 )   (13 )   (2 )   (2 )
(22 )   (13 )   (2 )   (2 )
(11,819 )   (6,750 )   (173 )   (170 )
-     -     -     -  
4,259,909     3,323,735     134,236     123,971  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
-     1,000     1,000     1,000  
3,442     560     17     156  
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
(3,962,096 )   (2,876,000 )   -     (441 )
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
-     -     -     -  
301,255     454,295     140,253     129,686  
301,305     454,295     140,253     129,686  
454,295     -     -     -  
$755,600     $454,295     $140,253     $129,686  
$-     $-     $-     $-  



Notes to Financial Statements Institutional Liquidity Funds (Unaudited)


Note A-Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:


1 General: Money Market Portfolio ("Money Market"), Prime Portfolio ("Prime"), Government Portfolio ("Government"), Government Reserves Portfolio ("Government Reserves"), Treasury Portfolio ("Treasury"), Tax-Exempt Portfolio ("Tax-Exempt"), and Municipal Portfolio ("Municipal") (individually a "Portfolio," collectively, the "Portfolios"), are separate operating series of Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds (the "Trust"), a Delaware statutory trust organized pursuant to a Trust Instrument dated October 1, 2004. The Trust is registered as a diversified, open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), and its shares are registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act"), as amended. Money Market, Prime, and Treasury had no operations until December 18, 2006, other than matters relating to their organization and registration of shares under the 1933 Act. Government had no operations until December 18, 2006, other than the matters relating to its organization and the sale to Neuberger Berman Management Inc., the Portfolio's investment manager ("Management"), on December 4, 2006 of 100,000 shares of beneficial interest of the Institutional Class for $100,000 ($1.00 per share). Government Reserves had no operations until July 9, 2007, other than matters relating to its organization and registration of shares under the 1933 Act. Tax-Exempt and Municipal had no operations until September 10, 2007, other than matters relating to their organization and registration of shares under the 1933 Act. Each Portfolio offers Institutional Class shares, Cash Management Class shares, Capital Class shares, Select Class shares, Administrative Class shares, Service Class shares, and Premier Class shares. The Board of Trustees of the Trust (the "Board") may establish additional series or classes of shares without the approval of shareholders.


   The assets of each Portfolio belong only to that Portfolio, and the liabilities of each Portfolio are borne solely by that Portfolio and no other series of the Trust.


   Each Portfolio seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing all of its net investable assets in a Master Series of Institutional Liquidity Trust (each a "Master Series," collectively, the "Master Series") that has an investment objective identical to, and a name similar to, that of each respective Portfolio. Money Market invests in Money Market Master Series, Prime invests in Prime Master Series, Government invests in Government Master Series, Government Reserves invests in Government Reserves Master Series (commencement of operations July 9, 2007), Treasury invests in Treasury Master Series, Tax-Exempt invests in Tax-Exempt Master Series (commencement of operations September 10, 2007), and Municipal invests in Municipal Master Series (commencement of operations September 10, 2007). The value of each Portfolio's investment in its corresponding Master Series reflects the Portfolio's proportionate interest in the net assets of its corresponding Master Series (3.52% for Money Market, 64.22% for Prime, 65.50% for Government, 100.00% for Government Reserves, 100.00% for Treasury, 6.52% for Tax-Exempt, and 22.51% for Municipal, at September 30, 2007). The performance of each Portfolio is directly affected by the performance of its corresponding Master Series. The financial statements of the Master Series, including the Schedules of Investments, are included elsewhere in this report and should be read in conjunction with the Portfolios' financial statements.


   It is the policy of the Portfolios to maintain a continuous net asset value per share of $1.00; the Portfolios have adopted certain investment, valuation, and distribution policies, which conform to general industry practice, to enable them to do so. However, there is no assurance the Portfolios will be able to maintain a stable net asset value per share. Each of these Portfolios complies with Rule 2a-7 of the 1940 Act.


   The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


2 Portfolio valuation: Each Portfolio records its investment in its corresponding Master Series at value. Investment securities held by the corresponding Master Series are valued as indicated in the notes following the Master Series' Schedules of Investments.




3 Income tax information: The Portfolios are treated as separate entities for U.S. federal income tax purposes. It is the policy of Money Market, Prime, Government, and Treasury to continue to qualify (and the intention of Government Reserves, Tax-Exempt, and Municipal to qualify) as a regulated investment company by complying with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its earnings to its shareholders. Therefore, no federal income or excise tax provision is required.


   Income distributions and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. These differences are primarily due to differing treatments of income and gains on various investment securities held by each Master Series, timing differences and differing characterization of distributions made by each Portfolio as a whole.


   As determined on March 31, 2007, permanent differences resulting from different book and tax accounting for distribution redesignations and non-deductible 12b-1 fees were reclassified at fiscal year-end. These reclassifications had no effect on net income, net asset value or net asset value per share of each Portfolio.


   The tax character of distributions paid during the period ended March 31, 2007 was as follows:


     Distributions Paid From:
     Ordinary Income      Total
     2007      2007
Money Market    $1,492,525      $1,492,525
Prime    14,021,217      14,021,217
Government    6,555,363      6,555,363
Treasury    6,750,442      6,750,442


   As of March 31, 2007, the components of distributable earnings (accumulated losses) on a U.S. federal income tax basis were as follows:









and Deferrals

Money Market    $113,102    $(110 )    $112,992
Prime    1,999,670    (6,250 )    1,993,420
Government    2,064,101    -      2,064,101
Treasury    2,037,384    -      2,037,384


   The difference between book and tax basis distributable earnings is attributable primarily to timing differences of distribution payments and post October loss deferrals.


   To the extent each Portfolio's net realized capital gains, if any, can be offset by capital loss carryforwards, it is the policy of each Portfolio not to distribute such gains. As determined on March 31, 2007, the Portfolios did not have unused capital loss carryforwards available for federal income tax purposes to offset net realized capital gains.


   Under current tax law, certain net capital losses realized after October 31 within the taxable year may be deferred and treated as occurring on the first day of the following tax year. For the period ended March 31, 2007, the Portfolios elected to defer the following net capital losses arising between December 18, 2006 and March 31, 2007:


Money Market    $(110 )
Prime    (6,250 )
Government    -  
Treasury    -  




4 Distributions to shareholders: Each Portfolio earns income, net of expenses, daily on its investment in its corresponding Master Series. It is the policy of each Portfolio to declare distributions from net investment income on each business day; such distributions are paid or reinvested monthly. Distributions from net realized capital gains, if any, will be made annually. Income distributions and capital gain distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-date.


5 Expense allocation: Certain expenses are applicable to multiple funds. Expenses directly attributable to a Portfolio are charged to that Portfolio. Expenses of the Trust that are not directly attributed to a Portfolio are allocated among the series of the Trust, on the basis of relative net assets, except where a more appropriate allocation of expenses to each of the series can otherwise be made fairly. Expenses borne by the complex of related investment companies, which includes open-end and closed-end investment companies for which Management serves as investment manager, that are not directly attributed to a Portfolio or the Trust, are allocated among the Portfolios and the other investment companies in the complex or series thereof, on the basis of relative net assets, except where a more appropriate allocation of expenses to each investment company in the complex or series thereof can otherwise be made fairly.


   Each Portfolio bears its proportionate share of its corresponding Master Series' expenses. Each Portfolio's expenses (other than those allocated to a class of the Portfolio) are allocated proportionally each day among the classes based on the relative net assets of each class. Expenses attributable to a specific class are allocated to that class.


6 Organization expenses: Costs incurred by certain Portfolios in connection with their organization, which amounted to approximately $26,456, $12,766, and $28,731 for Government Reserves, Tax-Exempt, and Municipal, respectively, have been borne by Management.


7 Other: All net investment income and realized and unrealized capital gains and losses of a Master Series are allocated pro rata among its respective Portfolio and any other investors in the Master Series (including any other investment companies), if any.


8 Indemnifications: Like many other companies, the Trust's organizational documents provide that its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust. In addition, both in some of its principal service contracts and in the normal course of its business, the Trust enters into contracts that provide indemnifications to other parties for certain types of losses or liabilities. The Trust's maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this could involve future claims against the Trust.

Note B-Management Fees, Administration Fees, Distribution Arrangements, and Other Transactions with Affiliates:


   Each Portfolio retains Management as its administrator under an Administration Agreement. Each Portfolio pays Management an administration fee at the annual rate of 0.10% of its average daily net assets under this agreement. Additionally, Management retains State Street Bank and Trust Company ("State Street") as its sub-administrator under a Sub-Administration Agreement. Management pays State Street a fee for all services received under the agreement. Each Portfolio (except Tax-Exempt and Municipal) indirectly pays for investment management services through its investment in its corresponding Master Series at the annual rate of 0.08% of average daily net assets. Tax-Exempt and Municipal indirectly pay for investment management services through its investment in its corresponding Master Series at the annual rate of 0.25% of the first $500 million of that Master Series' average daily net assets, 0.225% of the next $500 million, 0.20% of the next $500 million, 0.175% of the next $500 million, and 0.15% of average daily net assets in excess of $2 billion. As a result of a waiver at the Master Series level, Tax-Exempt and Municipal indirectly received a management fee waiver so that the management fee was 0.08% of its average daily net assets, resulting in a reduction of expenses from the corresponding Master Series of $6,084 and $7,531 for Tax-Exempt and Municipal, respectively (see Note B of Notes to Financial Statements of the Master Series).




   For the Service and Premier Class of each Portfolio, Management acts as agent in arranging for the sale of class shares without commission and bears advertising and promotion expenses. The Board has adopted distribution plans (each a "Plan", collectively, the "Plans") with respect to these classes, pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. The Plans provide that, as compensation for administrative and other services provided to these classes, Management's activities and expenses related to the sale and distribution of these classes, and ongoing services provided to investors in these classes, Management receives from each of these classes a fee at the annual rate of 0.15% of such Service Class' and 0.25% of such Premier Class' average daily net assets. Management receives this amount to provide distribution and shareholder servicing for those classes and pays a portion of it to institutions that provide such services. Those institutions may use the payments for, among other purposes, compensating employees engaged in sales and/or shareholder servicing. The amount of fees paid by each class during any year maybe more or less than the cost of distribution and other services provided to that class. NASD rules limit the amount of annual distribution fees that may be paid by a mutual fund and impose a ceiling on the cumulative distribution fees paid. The Trust's Plans comply with those rules.


   The Trust, on behalf of each Portfolio, has entered into a Shareholder Servicing Agreement with Management with respect to the Cash Management, Capital, Select, Administrative, Service and Premier Class of each Portfolio ("Shareholder Servicing Agreement"). Pursuant to the Shareholder Servicing Agreement, Management provides to the shareholders and beneficial owners of the Cash Management, Capital, Select, Administrative, Service and Premier Class varying levels of shareholder services, some or all of which may be provided by banks, trust companies or other institutions that provide such shareholder services to their accounts ("Accounts") and their account holders and which have entered into a service agreement with Management (each, a "Service Organization"). Management may compensate a Service Organization for the shareholder services it provides to Accounts and account holders pursuant to such service agreement. The Shareholder Servicing Agreement requires each of the Cash Management, Capital, Select, Administrative, Service and Premier Class to compensate Management for the shareholder services provided to that Class. For the shareholder services provided pursuant to the Shareholder Servicing Agreement, Management receives from the Cash Management, Capital, Select, Administrative, Service and Premier Class of each Portfolio a fee at the annual rate of 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.25%, 0.25%, respectively, of such Class' average daily net assets.


   Management has contractually undertaken to forgo current payment of fees and/or reimburse each respective class of each Portfolio for its operating expenses plus its pro rata portion of its corresponding Master Series' operating expenses (including the fees payable to Management but excluding interest, taxes, brokerage commissions and extraordinary expenses) ("Operating Expenses") which exceed the expense limitation as detailed in the following table:





Waiver of Fees

from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(3)




from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(2)

Money Market Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    $99,999    $63,004
Money Market Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    1,522    902
Money Market Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    1,054    499
Money Market Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    1,054    499
Money Market Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    1,054    499
Money Market Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    1,054    499
Money Market Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    1,054    499
Prime Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    -    2,299,952






Waiver of Fees

from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(3)




from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(2)

Prime Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    $-    $16,217
Prime Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    2    499
Prime Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    2    499
Prime Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    -    5,754
Prime Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    2    499
Prime Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    -    123,166
Government Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    86,256    211,868
Government Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    222    499
Government Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    222    499
Government Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    695    1,390
Government Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    1,407    4,667
Government Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    222    499
Government Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    222    499
Government Reserves Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    63,009    53,065
Government Reserves Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    340    230
Government Reserves Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    340    230
Government Reserves Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    340    230
Government Reserves Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    340    230
Government Reserves Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    340    230
Government Reserves Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    340    230
Treasury Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    175,766    241,505
Treasury Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    466    499
Treasury Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    466    499
Treasury Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    466    499
Treasury Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    466    499
Treasury Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    466    499
Treasury Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    466    499
Tax-Exempt Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    5,085    2,188
Tax-Exempt Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    505    29
Tax-Exempt Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    505    29
Tax-Exempt Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    505    29
Tax-Exempt Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    505    29
Tax-Exempt Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    505    29
Tax-Exempt Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    505    29
Municipal Institutional Class    0.20%   3/31/10    9,505    2,088
Municipal Cash Management Class    0.25%   3/31/10    416    29
Municipal Capital Class    0.30%   3/31/10    416    29
Municipal Select Class    0.35%   3/31/10    416    29







Waiver of Fees

from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(3)




from Management

for the

Six Months Ended

September 30, 2007(2)

Municipal Administrative Class    0.45%   3/31/10    $416    $29
Municipal Service Class    0.60%   3/31/10    416    29
Municipal Premier Class    0.70%   3/31/10    416    29


(1) Expense limitation per annum of the respective class' average daily net assets.



In addition to the contractual limitations listed above, Management has voluntarily reimbursed each class of Money Market, Prime, Government, Government Reserves, and Treasury an additional 0.10% per annum of the class' average daily net assets. Management has voluntarily reimbursed each class of Tax-Exempt and Municipal an additional 0.05% per annum of the class' average daily net assets.


(3) Period from July 9, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007 for Government Reserves. Period from September 10, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007 for Tax-Exempt and Municipal.


   Each class of each Portfolio has agreed to repay Management for fees and expenses forgone and/or its excess Operating Expenses previously reimbursed by Management, pursuant to a contractual expense limitation, so long as its annual Operating Expenses during that period do not exceed its expense limitation and the repayments are made within three years after the year in which Management issued the reimbursement or waived fees.


   During the six months ended September 30, 2007, there was no repayment to Management under this agreement. At September 30, 2007, contingent liabilities to Management under the agreement were as follows:


     Expiring in:     
     2010    2011    Total
Money Market Institutional Class    $137,243    $99,999    $237,242
Money Market Cash Management Class    4,787    1,522    6,309
Money Market Capital Class    4,787    1,054    5,841
Money Market Select Class    4,787    1,054    5,841
Money Market Administrative Class    4,787    1,054    5,841
Money Market Service Class    4,787    1,054    5,841
Money Market Premier Class    4,787    1,054    5,841
Prime Institutional Class    165,552    -    165,552
Prime Cash Management Class    885    -    885
Prime Capital Class    885    2    887
Prime Select Class    885    2    887
Prime Administrative Class    885    -    885
Prime Service Class    885    2    887
Prime Premier Class    1,102    -    1,102
Government Institutional Class    87,201    86,256    173,457
Government Cash Management Class    321    222    543
Government Capital Class    321    222    543
Government Select Class    321    695    1,016




     Expiring in:     
     2010    2011    Total
Government Administrative Class    $482    $1,407    $1,889
Government Service Class    321    222    543
Government Premier Class    321    222    543
Government Reserves Institutional Class    -    63,009    63,009
Government Reserves Cash Management Class    -    340    340
Government Reserves Capital Class    -    340    340
Government Reserves Select Class    -    340    340
Government Reserves Administrative Class    -    340    340
Government Reserves Service Class    -    340    340
Government Reserves Premier Class    -    340    340
Treasury Institutional Class    188,154    175,766    363,920
Treasury Cash Management Class    529    466    995
Treasury Capital Class    529    466    995
Treasury Select Class    529    466    955
Treasury Administrative Class    529    466    955
Treasury Service Class    529    466    955
Treasury Premier Class    529    466    955
Tax-Exempt Institutional Class    -    5,085    5,085
Tax-Exempt Cash Management Class    -    505    505
Tax-Exempt Capital Class    -    505    505
Tax-Exempt Select Class    -    505    505
Tax-Exempt Administrative Class    -    505    505
Tax-Exempt Service Class    -    505    505
Tax-Exempt Premier Class    -    505    505
Municipal Institutional Class    -    9,505    9,505
Municipal Cash Management Class    -    416    416
Municipal Capital Class    -    416    416
Municipal Select Class    -    416    416
Municipal Administrative Class    -    416    416
Municipal Service Class    -    416    416
Municipal Premier Class    -    416    416


   Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC ("LBAM"), sub-adviser to each Master Series, are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., a publicly-owned holding company. Several individuals who are officers and/or trustees of the Trust are also employees of LBAM and/or Management.


   Each Portfolio also has a distribution agreement with Management with respect to each class of shares. Management receives no compensation under it and no commissions for sales or redemptions of shares of beneficial interest of each Portfolio, but receives fees from the Premier Class and Service Class under their Plans, as described above.


   Each Master Series has an expense offset arrangement in connection with its custodian contract. For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the impact of this arrangement was a reduction of expenses of $2,367, $82,957, $13,127, $491, $21,185, $6,256 and $4,950 for Money Market, Prime, Government, Government Reserves, Treasury, Tax-Exempt, and Municipal, respectively.




Note C-Investment Transactions:


   During the six months ended September 30, 2007, contributions and withdrawals in each Portfolio's investment in its corresponding Master Series were as follows:


(000's omitted)    Contributions    Withdrawals
Money Market    $2,193,291    $2,269,787
Prime    20,718,483    14,243,682
Government    1,286,577    1,131,524
Government Reserves(1)    434,590    138,152
Treasury    997,527    708,859
Tax-Exempt(2)    140,235    1
Municipal(2)    129,971    443


(1) Period from July 9, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007.


(2) Period from September 10, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007.

Note D-Portfolio Share Transactions:


     Share activity at $1.00 per share for the six months ended September 30, 2007 and the period ended March 31, 2007 was as follows:


    For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
        For the Period Ended
March 31, 2007
(000's omitted)   Shares
Issued on
of Dividends
    Total     Initial
Issued on
of Dividends
Money Market:                  
Institutional Class   2,494,396   1,891   (2,575,196 )   (78,909 )   -   818,316   1,309   (660,623 )   159,002
Cash Management Class   75,345   21   (69,500 )   5,866     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Capital Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Select Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Administrative Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Service Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Premier Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Institutional Class   36,161,761   94,787   (30,133,392 )   6,123,156     -   6,998,533   9,616   (4,588,641 )   2,419,508
Cash Management Class   120,000   880   -     120,880     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Capital Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Select Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000



    For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
        For the Period Ended
March 31, 2007
Issued on
of Dividends
    Total     Initial
Issued on
of Dividends
Administrative Class   43,413   265   (32,936 )   10,742     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Service Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Premier Class   2,335,674   5,366   (1,992,008 )   349,032     -   12,304   11   (3,975 )   8,340
Institutional Class   3,984,938   3,493   (3,823,043 )   165,388     100   3,470,000   214   (2,976,000 )   494,314
Cash Management Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Capital Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Select Class   8,115   44   (5,635 )   2,524     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Administrative Class   295,300   34   (295,750 )   (416 )   -   2,814   14   (376 )   2,452
Service Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Premier Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Government Reserves(1):                
Institutional Class   995,956   1,503   (704,619 )   292,840     -   -   -   -     -
Cash Management Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Capital Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Select Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Administrative Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Service Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Premier Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Institutional Class   4,259,909   3,442   (3,962,096 )   301,255     -   3,323,735   560   (2,876,000 )   448,295
Cash Management Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Capital Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Select Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Administrative Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Service Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Premier Class   -   -   -     -     -   1,000   -   -     1,000
Institutional Class   134,236   17   -     134,253     -   -   -   -     -
Cash Management Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Capital Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Select Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Administrative Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Service Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -
Premier Class   1,000   -   -     1,000     -   -   -   -     -




    For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
      For the Period Ended
March 31, 2007
Issued on
of Dividends
    Total   Initial
Issued on
of Dividends
Institutional Class   123,971   156   (441 )   123,686   -   -   -   -   -
Cash Management Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -
Capital Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -
Select Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -
Administrative Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -
Service Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -
Premier Class   1,000   -   -     1,000   -   -   -   -   -


(1) Period from July 9, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007.


(2) Period from September 10, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007.

Note E-Recent Accounting Pronouncement:


     In September 2006, Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB Statement No. 157, "Fair Value Measurement" ("SFAS 157"), which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management believes the adoption of SFAS 157 will not have a material impact on the Portfolios' financial position or results of operations.

Note F-Unaudited Financial Information:


     The financial information included in this interim report is taken from the records of each Portfolio without audit by an independent registered public accounting firm. Annual reports contain audited financial statements.



Financial Highlights


Money Market Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class



Six Months Ended
September 30,



Period from

December 18, 2006^
to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0264     .0152  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0264     .0152  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0264 )   (.0152 )
Total Distributions    (.0264 )   (.0152 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.67 %**   +1.53 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $80.1     $159.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.28 %*   5.26 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class



Six Months Ended
September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0261     .0150  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0261     .0150  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0261 )   (.0150 )
Total Distributions    (.0261 )   (.0150 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.64 %**   +1.51 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $6.9     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.28 %*   5.21 %*

Capital Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0259     .0149  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0259     .0149  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0259 )   (.0149 )
Total Distributions    (.0259 )   (.0149 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.62 %**   +1.50 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.19 %*   5.16 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0256     .0148  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0256     .0148  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0256 )   (.0148 )
Total Distributions    (.0256 )   (.0148 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.59 %**   +1.48 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.14 %*   5.12 %*

Administrative Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0251     .0145  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0251     .0145  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0251 )   (.0145 )
Total Distributions    (.0251 )   (.0145 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.54 %**   +1.45 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.04 %*   5.02 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0244     .0140  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0244     .0140  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0244 )   (.0140 )
Total Distributions    (.0244 )   (.0140 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.46 %**   +1.41 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.89 %*   4.87 %*

Premier Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0239     .0138  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0239     .0138  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0239 )   (.0138 )
Total Distributions    (.0239 )   (.0138 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.41 %**   +1.38 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.79 %*   4.77 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Prime Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0264     .0151  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0264     .0151  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0264 )   (.0151 )
Total Distributions    (.0264 )   (.0151 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.66 %**   +1.52 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $8,542.5     $2,419.5  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.30 %*   5.25 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class



Six Months Ended
September 30,



Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0261     .0150  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0261     .0150  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0261 )   (.0150 )
Total Distributions    (.0261 )   (.0150 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.64 %**   +1.51 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $121.9     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.28 %*   5.20 %*

Capital Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^
to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0259     .0149  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0259     .0149  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0259 )   (.0149 )
Total Distributions    (.0259 )   (.0149 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.61 %**   +1.49 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.18 %*   5.15 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,



Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0256     .0147  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0256     .0147  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0256 )   (.0147 )
Total Distributions    (.0256 )   (.0147 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.59 %**   +1.48 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.13 %*   5.10 %*

Administrative Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0251     .0144  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0251     .0144  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0251 )   (.0144 )
Total Distributions    (.0251 )   (.0144 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.54 %**   +1.45 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $11.7     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.03 %*   5.00 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0244     .0140  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0244     .0140  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0244 )   (.0140 )
Total Distributions    (.0244 )   (.0140 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.46 %**   +1.41 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.88 %*   4.85 %*

Premier Class



Six Months Ended

September 30,




Period from

December 18, 2006^

to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0239     .0137  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   (.0000 )
Total From Investment Operations    .0239     .0137  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0239 )   (.0137 )
Total Distributions    (.0239 )   (.0137 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.41 %**   +1.38 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $357.4     $8.3  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.79 %*   4.75 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Government Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,

Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,


Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0257     .0149  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0257     .0149  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0257 )   (.0149 )
Total Distributions    (.0257 )   (.0149 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.59 %**   +1.50 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $659.7     $494.3  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.14 %*   5.19 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0254     .0148  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0254     .0148  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0254 )   (.0148 )
Total Distributions    (.0254 )   (.0148 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.57 %**   +1.49 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.10 %*   5.13 %*

Capital Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0252     .0147  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0252     .0147  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0252 )   (.0147 )
Total Distributions    (.0252 )   (.0147 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.54 %**   +1.47 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.05 %*   5.08 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0249     .0145  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0249     .0145  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0249 )   (.0145 )
Total Distributions    (.0249 )   (.0145 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.52 %**   +1.46 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $3.5     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.98 %*   5.03 %*

Administrative Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0244     .0142  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0244     .0142  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0244 )   (.0142 )
Total Distributions    (.0244 )   (.0142 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.47 %**   +1.43 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $2.0     $2.5  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.92 %*   4.94 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0237     .0138  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0237     .0138  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0237 )   (.0138 )
Total Distributions    (.0237 )   (.0138 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.39 %**   +1.39 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.75 %*   4.78 %*

Premier Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0232     .0135  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    (.0000 )   -  
Total From Investment Operations    .0232     .0135  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0232 )   (.0135 )
Total Distributions    (.0232 )   (.0135 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.34 %**   +1.36 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.65 %*   4.68 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Government Reserves Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout the period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0116  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0116  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0116 )
Total Distributions    (.0116 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.17 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $292.8  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .10 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .10 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    5.01 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0115  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0115  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0115 )
Total Distributions    (.0115 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.15 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.99 %*

Capital Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0114  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0114  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0114 )
Total Distributions    (.0114 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.14 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.94 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0113  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0113  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0113 )
Total Distributions    (.0113 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.13 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.89 %*

Administrative Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0110  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0110  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0110 )
Total Distributions    (.0110 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.11 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .35 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .35 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.79 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0107  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0107  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0107 )
Total Distributions    (.0107 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.07 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .50 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .50 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.64 %*

Premier Class



Period from

July 9, 2007^
to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0105  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0105  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0105 )
Total Distributions    (.0105 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +1.05 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .60 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .60 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.54 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Treasury Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0245     .0146  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0245     .0146  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0245 )   (.0146 )
Total Distributions    (.0245 )   (.0146 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.47 %**   +1.47 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $749.6     $448.3  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .10 %*   .10 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.84 %*   5.08 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0242     .0144  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0242     .0144  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0242 )   (.0144 )
Total Distributions    (.0242 )   (.0144 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.45 %**   +1.45 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*   .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.86 %*   5.00 %*

Capital Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0240     .0143  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0240     .0143  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0240 )   (.0143 )
Total Distributions    (.0240 )   (.0143 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.42 %**   +1.44 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*   .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.81 %*   4.95 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0237     .0141  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0237     .0141  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0237 )   (.0141 )
Total Distributions    (.0237 )   (.0141 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.40 %**   +1.42 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*   .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.76 %*   4.80 %*

Administrative Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0232     .0139  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0232     .0139  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0232 )   (.0139 )
Total Distributions    (.0232 )   (.0139 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.35 %**   +1.39 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .35 %*   .35 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.66 %*   4.80 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0225     .0134  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0225     .0134  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0225 )   (.0134 )
Total Distributions    (.0225 )   (.0134 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.27 %**   +1.35 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .50 %*   .50 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.51 %*   4.65 %*

Premier Class


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:     
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0220     .0131  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000     .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0220     .0131  
Less Distributions From:     
Net Investment Income    (.0220 )   (.0131 )
Total Distributions    (.0220 )   (.0131 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000     $1.0000  
Total Return    +2.22 %**   +1.32 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data     
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0     $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .60 %*   .60 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    4.41 %*   4.56 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Tax-Exempt Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout the period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $134.3  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.71 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.62 %*

Capital Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.57 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0020  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0020  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0020 )
Total Distributions    (.0020 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.20 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .30 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .30 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.52 %*

Administrative Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0020  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0020  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0020 )
Total Distributions    (.0020 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.20 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .40 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .40 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.42 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class



Period from
September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0019  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0019  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0019 )
Total Distributions    (.0019 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.19 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .55 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .55 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.27 %*

Premier Class



Period from

September 10, 2007^

to September 30,



Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0018  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0018  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0018 )
Total Distributions    (.0018 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.18 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .65 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .65 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.17 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Municipal Portfolio

The following tables include selected data for a share outstanding throughout the period and other performance information derived from the Financial Statements. They should be read in conjunction with their corresponding Master Series' Financial Statements and notes thereto.

Institutional Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0022  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0022  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0022 )
Total Distributions    (.0022 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.22 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $123.7  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .15 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.78 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Cash Management Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .20 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.69 %*

Capital Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .25 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.64 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Select Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0021  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0021  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0021 )
Total Distributions    (.0021 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.21 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .30 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .30 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.59 %*

Administrative Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0020  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0020  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0020 )
Total Distributions    (.0020 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.20 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .40 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .40 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.49 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights




Service Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0019  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0019  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0019 )
Total Distributions    (.0019 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.19 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .55 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .55 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.34 %*

Premier Class


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period    $1.0000  
Income From Investment Operations:   
Net Investment Income (Loss)    .0019  
Net Gains or Losses on Securities    .0000  
Total From Investment Operations    .0019  
Less Distributions From:   
Net Investment Income    (.0019 )
Total Distributions    (.0019 )
Net Asset Value, End of Period    $1.0000  
Total Return    +0.19 %**
Ratios/Supplemental Data   
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1.0  
Ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets#    .65 %*
Ratio of Net Expenses to Average Net Assets    .65 %*
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets    3.24 %*


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Notes to Financial Highlights Institutional Liquidity Funds



The per share amounts and ratios which are shown reflect income and expenses, including the Portfolio's proportionate share of its corresponding Master Series' income and expenses.


Total return based on per share net asset value reflects the effects of changes in net asset value on the performance of the Portfolio during the fiscal period and assumes dividends and other distributions, if any, were reinvested. Results represent past performance and do not guarantee future results. Current returns may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Investment returns and principal may fluctuate and shares when redeemed may be worth more or less than original cost. Total return would have been lower if Management had not reimbursed and/or waived certain expenses (see Note B of Notes to Financial Statements of Institutional Liquidity Funds).


After reimbursement and/or waiver of certain expenses by Management (see Note B of Notes to Financial Statements of Institutional Liquidity Funds). Had Management not undertaken such actions, the annualized ratios of net expenses to average daily net assets would have been:



Six Months Ended

September 30,



Period Ended

March 31,


Money Market Institutional Class    0.36 %   0.71 %
Money Market Cash Management Class    0.42     1.91  
Money Market Capital Class    0.51     1.96  
Money Market Select Class    0.56     2.01  
Money Market Administrative Class    0.66     2.11  
Money Market Service Class    0.81     2.26  
Money Market Premier Class    0.91     2.36  
Prime Institutional Class    0.20     0.26  
Prime Cash Management Class    0.24     0.56  
Prime Capital Class    0.30     0.61  
Prime Select Class    0.35     0.66  
Prime Administrative Class    0.45     0.76  
Prime Service Class    0.60     0.91  
Prime Premier Class    0.70     0.89  
Government Institutional Class    0.24     0.27  
Government Cash Management Class    0.29     0.36  
Government Capital Class    0.34     0.41  
Government Select Class    0.40     0.46  
Government Administrative Class    0.48     0.53  
Government Service Class    0.64     0.71  
Government Premier Class    0.74     0.81  
Government Reserves Institutional Class    0.32     -  
Government Reserves Cash Management Class    0.40     -  
Government Reserves Capital Class    0.45     -  
Government Reserves Select Class    0.50     -  





Six Months Ended

September 30,



Period Ended

March 31,


Government Reserves Administrative Class    0.60 %   - %
Government Reserves Service Class    0.75     -  
Government Reserves Premier Class    0.85     -  
Treasury Institutional Class    0.27     0.34  
Treasury Cash Management Class    0.34     0.43  
Treasury Capital Class    0.39     0.48  
Treasury Select Class    0.44     0.53  
Treasury Administrative Class    0.54     0.63  
Treasury Service Class    0.69     0.78  
Treasury Premier Class    0.79     0.88  
Tax-Exempt Institutional Class    0.45     -  
Tax-Exempt Cash Management Class    1.26     -  
Tax-Exempt Capital Class    1.31     -  
Tax-Exempt Select Class    1.36     -  
Tax-Exempt Administrative Class    1.46     -  
Tax-Exempt Service Class    1.61     -  
Tax-Exempt Premier Class    1.71     -  
Municipal Institutional Class    0.59     -  
Municipal Cash Management Class    1.14     -  
Municipal Capital Class    1.19     -  
Municipal Select Class    1.24     -  
Municipal Administrative Class    1.34     -  
Municipal Service Class    1.49     -  
Municipal Premier Class    1.59     -  


  (1) Period from December 18, 2006 (Commencement of Operations) to March 31, 2007.


  (2) Period from July 9, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007 for Government Reserves. Period from September 10, 2007 (Commencement of Operations) to September 30, 2007 for Tax-Exempt and Municipal.


^ The date investment operations commenced.


* Annualized.


** Not annualized.


# The Portfolio is required to calculate an expense ratio without taking into consideration any expense reductions related to expense offset arrangements.



Schedule of Investments Money Market Master Series (Unaudited)


(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
U.S. Government Agency Securities (1.2%)               
$30,000    Federal Home Loan Bank, Bonds, 5.38%, due 4/9/08      AGY      AGY      $30,000  
Certificates of Deposit (9.4%)               
65,000    Barclays Bank NY, Yankee CD, 5.35% - 5.39%, due 1/31/08 - 5/9/08      P-1      A-1+      65,000  
40,000    Calyon NY, Yankee CD, 5.09%, due 1/25/08      P-1      A-1+      40,000  
45,000    Deutsche Bank AG, Euro CD, 5.31%, due 2/22/08      P-1      A-1+      44,994  
30,000    HSBC Bank PLC, Euro CD, 5.33%, due 1/30/08      P-1      A-1+      30,002  
40,000    Royal Bank of Scotland, Yankee CD, 5.06%, due 3/27/08      P-1      A-1+      40,001  
25,000    Societe Generale NA, Yankee CD, 5.63%, due 12/11/07      P-1      A-1+      25,001  
   Total Certificates of Deposit                244,998  
Floating Rate Certificates of Deposit (1.3%)µ               
20,000    Calyon NY, Floating Rate Yankee CD, 4.63%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      19,999  
15,000    Credito Italiano NY, Floating Rate Yankee CD, 5.38% & 5.70%, due 10/25/07 & 12/13/07      P-1      A-1      15,003  
   Total Floating Rate Certificates of Deposit                35,002  
Commercial Paper (39.6%)               
Asset Backed (16.2%)               
25,000    Atlantic Asset Securitization Corp., 6.05%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1      24,941 ñ
25,000    Chariot Funding LLC, 5.35%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      25,000 ñ
50,845    Chariot Funding LLC, 5.36%, due 10/3/07      P-1      A-1      50,830  
35,000    Crown Point Capital Co., 5.10% & 5.28%, due 10/25/07 & 2/7/08      P-1      A-1      34,729  
25,000    Dakota Notes, 5.26%, due 10/26/07      P-1      A-1      24,909  
20,000    Fairway Finance, 6.25%, due 10/10/07      P-1      A-1      19,969 ñ
25,000    Lexington Parker Capital Corp., 5.08%, due 2/8/08      P-1      A-1      24,541  
29,527    Old Line Funding LLC, 5.29%, due 10/9/07      P-1      A-1+      29,492 ñ
64,061    Regency Markets No. 1 LLC, 6.35%, due 10/5/07      P-1      A-1      64,016 ñ
55,102    Thunder Bay Funding, Inc., 6.05% & 6.08%, due 10/9/07 & 10/12/07      P-1      A-1      55,015 ñ
70,000    Yorktown Capital, 5.15% & 5.25%, due 10/1/07 & 11/28/07      P-1      A-1+      69,627  
Banking (23.4%)               
75,000    Bank of America NA, 5.24% & 5.47%, due 10/31/07 & 12/14/07      P-1      A-1+      74,329  
25,000    Bank of Ireland, 5.18%, due 11/26/07      P-1      A-1      24,799  
50,000    BNP Paribas NY, 5.51%, due 12/12/07      P-1      A-1+      49,449  
45,000    Caisse Nationale d'Epargne, 5.25%, due 10/26/07      P-1      A-1+      44,836  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$55,000    Danske Corp., 5.09% & 5.14%, due 10/26/07 & 10/29/07      P-1      A-1+      $54,798  
25,000    HBOS Treasury Services PLC, 5.53%, due 12/17/07      P-1      A-1+      24,704  
47,114    ING Funding LLC, 5.40%, due 10/17/07      P-1      A-1+      47,001  
15,000    JP Morgan Chase, 4.99%, due 3/3/08      P-1      A-1+      14,680  
40,000    Nationwide Building Society, 5.17%, due 10/11/07      P-1      A-1      39,943  
15,000    Picaros Funding PLC, 5.75%, due 10/12/07      P-1      A-1+      14,974 ñ
60,000    Picaros Funding PLC, 5.17% & 5.21%, due 12/17/07 & 2/21/08      P-1      A-1+      59,050  
45,000    Societe Generale NA, 5.25% & 5.69%, due 11/5/07 & 12/10/07      P-1      A-1+      44,654  
15,000    Swedbank Mortgage AB, 5.45%, due 12/14/07      P-1      A-1      14,832  
30,000    UBS Finance, Inc., 5.46% & 5.54%, due 1/14/08 & 3/10/08      P-1      A-1+      29,405  
50,000    UBS Finance, Inc., 5.55%, due 2/27/08      P-1      A-1+      48,916 ñ
25,000    Westpac Banking Corp., 5.17%, due 11/14/07      P-1      A-1+      24,842  
   Total Commercial Paper                1,034,281  
Corporate Debt Securities (3.4%)               
Asset Backed (2.8%)               
25,000    Cullinan Finance Corp., Medium-Term Notes, 5.36%, due 11/28/07      P-1      A-1+      25,000 ñ
50,000    Park Granada LLC, Notes, 5.33%, due 10/31/07      P-1      A-1+      49,778 ñ
Banking (0.6%)               
15,000    Citigroup, Inc., Senior Notes, 3.50%, due 2/1/08      P-1      A-1+      14,907  
   Total Corporate Debt Securities                89,685  
Floating Rate Corporate Debt Securities (30.4%)µ               
Asset Backed (7.3%)               
35,000    American Honda Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.36%, due 11/6/07      P-1      A-1      35,000 ñ
25,000    K2 (USA) LLC, Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.68%, due 12/10/07      P-1      A-1+      24,998 ñ
14,900    LP Pinewood SPV, Floating Rate Notes, 5.13%, due 10/4/07      P-1           14,900  
60,000    Parkland (USA) LLC, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.83% - 5.56%, due 10/1/07 - 12/27/07      P-1      A-1+      59,997 ñ
10,880    Schreiber Capital Co., Floating Rate Bonds, 5.13%, due 10/4/07      P-1           10,880  
20,000    Tango Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.81%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      19,999 ñ
25,000    Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. B, 4.99%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      25,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Banking (15.3%)               
$25,000    Allied Irish Banks PLC, Floating Rate Notes, 5.48%, due 10/19/07      P-1      A-1      $25,000 ñ
20,000    Banco Espanol, Senior Unsubordinated Floating Rate Notes, 5.35%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1+      20,000 ñ
25,000    Bank of Ireland, Unsecured Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.49%, due 10/19/07      P-1      A-1      25,000  
40,000    Fortis Bank NY, Floating Rate Notes, 5.34%, due 10/19/07      P-1      A-1+      40,000 ñ
15,000    HBOS Treasury Services PLC, Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Bank Notes, 5.79%, due 10/9/07      P-1      A-1+      15,000  
10,000    HSBC Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.40%, due 10/4/07      P-1      A-1+      10,000  
15,000    HSBC Finance Corp., Floating Rate Notes, 5.19%, due 10/24/07      P-1      A-1+      15,000  
15,000    HSBC Finance Corp., Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes, 5.82%, due 12/17/07      P-1      A-1+      14,981  
55,000    JP Morgan Master Note, 5.33%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      55,000  
45,000    La Caixa, Unsubordinated Floating Rate Notes, 5.37%, due 10/23/07      P-1      A-1+      45,000 ñ
50,000    Royal Bank of Canada, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.71%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      50,000  
24,000    Unicredito Italiano PLC, Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.84%, due 10/9/07      P-1      A-1      24,000  
15,000    Unicredito Italiano PLC, Guaranteed Floating Rate Bank Notes, 5.77%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1      15,000  
45,000    Wells Fargo & Co., Floating Rate Notes, 5.83%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1+      45,000 ñ
Conglomerate (0.9%)               
25,000    General Electric Capital Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. A, 5.70%, due 12/3/07      P-1      A-1+      24,992  
Financial Services (6.9%)               
10,000    American Express Bank FSB, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 5.62%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1      10,002  
45,000    Bear Stearns Master Note, 5.25%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      45,000  
25,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Senior Unsecured Medium-Term Notes, 5.36%, due 10/25/07      P-1      A-1+      25,000 ñ
35,000    Merrill Lynch & Co., Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes, 5.75%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1+      35,000  
10,000    Merrill Lynch & Co., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. C, 5.79%, due 12/17/07      P-1      A-1+      9,992  
40,000    Morgan Stanley, Senior Floating Rate Notes, 5.08%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      40,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$15,000    Morgan Stanley, Senior Floating Rate Notes, 5.85%, due 10/3/07      P-1      A-1+      $15,000  
   Total Floating Rate Corporate Debt Securities                794,741  
Promissory Notes (1.3%)µ               
35,000    Goldman Sachs Group, 5.18% & 5.56%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      35,000  
Asset-Backed Securities (0.3%)               
8,503    Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust, Ser. 2007-1, Class A1, 5.32%, due 5/15/08      P-1           8,503 ñ
553    CIT Equipment Collateral, Ser. 2006-VT2, Class A1, 5.34%, due 11/20/07      P-1      A-1+      553  
   Total Asset-Backed Securities                9,056  
Floating Rate Asset-Backed Securities (1.7%)µ               
43,780    Westpac Securitisation Trust, Ser. 2007-1G, Class A1, 5.47%, due 11/21/07      P-1      A-1+      43,780 ñ
Repurchase Agreements (11.0%)               
86,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.08%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $86,036,407, Collateralized by $349,900,000, Fannie Mae, 1.00% - 7.00%, due 5/25/34 - 6/25/36 and $131,247,773, Freddie Mac, 0.00% - 6.00%, due 8/15/31 - 9/15/35
(Collateral Value $88,897,750)
50,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.35%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $50,022,292, Collateralized by $76,598,779, Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan, 6.17%, due 1/25/36 (Collateral Value $51,500,000)                50,000  
150,000    Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $150,063,750, Collateralized by $112,583,842, Fannie Mae, 4.50% - 6.00%, due 1/1/22 - 1/1/36 and $95,008,000, Freddie Mac, 4.50% & 5.50%, due 3/1/19 & 5/1/23
(Collateral Value $153,000,370)
   Total Repurchase Agreements                286,000  
   Total Investments (99.6%)                2,602,543  
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (0.4%)                11,206  
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $2,613,749  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Prime Master Series (Unaudited)

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
U.S. Government Agency Securities (0.4%)               
$60,000    Federal Home Loan Bank, Bonds, 5.38%, due 4/9/08      AGY      AGY      $60,000  
Certificates of Deposit (7.6%)               
150,000    Barclays Bank NY, Yankee CD, 5.35% - 5.41%, due 12/17/07 - 6/2/08      P-1      A-1+      150,000  
83,000    BNP Paribas NY, Yankee CD, 5.30%, due 11/5/07      P-1      A-1+      83,000  
160,000    Calyon NY, Yankee CD, 5.09%, due 1/25/08      P-1      A-1+      160,000  
150,000    Citibank, Yankee CD, 5.32%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1+      150,000  
50,000    HBOS Treasury Services PLC, Yankee CD, 5.50%, due 2/12/08      P-1      A-1+      50,003  
360,000    Royal Bank of Scotland, Yankee CD,
5.06% - 5.62%, due 12/12/07 - 3/27/08
     P-1      A-1+      360,037  
30,000    Societe Generale NA, Yankee CD, 5.63%, due 12/11/07      P-1      A-1+      30,000  
90,000    Unicredito Italiano NY, Yankee CD, 5.60%, due 1/7/08      P-1      A-1      90,035  
   Total Certificates of Deposit                1,073,075  
Floating Rate Certificates of Deposit (1.8%)µ               
50,000    Barclays Bank NY, Floating Rate Yankee CD,
5.62% & 5.71%, due 10/16/07 & 12/5/07
     P-1      A-1+      49,998  
75,000    BNP Paribas NY, Floating Rate Yankee CD, 5.66%, due 10/3/07      P-1      A-1+      75,000  
50,000    Calyon NY, Floating Rate Yankee CD, 4.63%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      49,996  
52,000    Natixis, Floating Rate Yankee CD, 5.30%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      51,997  
25,000    SunTrust Bank, Floating Rate CD, 5.47%, due 10/19/07      P-1      A-1+      25,000  
   Total Floating Rate Certificates of Deposit                251,991  
Commercial Paper (40.1%)               
Asset Backed (28.0%)               
386,900    Amsterdam Funding Corp., 5.20% - 6.25%, due 10/12/07 - 11/9/07      P-1      A-1      385,629  
374,823    Atlantic Asset Securitization Corp.,
5.15% - 6.05%, due 10/10/07 - 12/21/07
     P-1      A-1      373,354  
25,078    Barton Capital Corp., 5.25%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      25,078 ñ
25,000    Cancara Asset Securitization Ltd., 5.22%, due 12/21/07      P-1      A-1+      24,706  
370,000    Chariot Funding LLC, 5.22% - 5.36%, due 10/1/07 - 11/7/07      P-1      A-1      369,256  
50,222    Chariot Funding LLC, 5.25%, due 10/25/07      P-1      A-1      50,046 ñ
150,000    Charta LLC, 6.10%, due 10/23/07      P-1      A-1      149,441  
25,000    Ciesco LLC, 5.25%, due 10/10/07      P-1      A-1+      24,967  
276,398    Crown Point Capital Co., 5.10% - 6.35%, due 10/2/07 - 2/7/08      P-1      A-1      274,995  
35,000    Dakota Notes, 5.26%, due 10/26/07      P-1      A-1      34,872  
109,857    Edison Asset Securitization LLC, 5.60%, due 11/15/07      P-1      A-1+      109,088  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$12,375    Erasmus Capital Corp., 5.15%, due 10/11/07      P-1      A-1+      $12,357  
225,000    Fairway Finance, 6.30% & 6.35%, due 10/1/07 & 10/11/07      P-1      A-1      224,825 ñ
50,000    Fairway Finance, 5.20%, due 11/14/07      P-1      A-1      49,682  
150,000    Galleon Capital LLC, 5.25%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      150,000 ñ
130,000    Grampian Funding LLC, 5.22%, due 12/19/07      P-1      A-1+      128,511  
51,000    Jupiter Securitization Corp., 6.15%, due 11/9/07      P-1      A-1      50,660  
115,000    Lexington Parker Capital Corp., 5.08% - 5.24%, due 10/17/07 - 2/8/08      P-1      A-1      113,782  
50,000    Mont Blanc Capital Corp., 5.25%, due 10/23/07      P-1      A-1+      49,840  
19,012    North Sea Funding BV LLC, 5.16%, due 10/2/07      P-1      A-1+      19,009  
95,293    Old Line Funding LLC, 5.95% & 6.20%, due 10/16/07 & 12/3/07      P-1      A-1+      94,695  
250,000    Park Avenue Receivables Co. LLC, 5.32%, due 10/2/07      P-1      A-1      249,963  
50,000    Park Granada LLC, 5.33%, due 10/31/07      P-1      A-1+      49,778  
292,347    Regency Markets No. 1 LLC, 5.25% - 6.35%, due 10/2/07 - 10/31/07      P-1      A-1      291,939 ñ
20,000    Thames Asset Securitization LLC, 5.25%, due 10/4/07      P-1      A-1      19,991  
283,352    Thunder Bay Funding, Inc., 5.25% - 6.30%, due 10/1/07 - 10/12/07      P-1      A-1      282,974 ñ
333,104    Yorktown Capital, 5.18% - 6.18%, due 10/1/07 - 11/9/07      P-1      A-1+      332,024  
Banking (12.1%)               
213,005    Bank of America NA, 5.09% - 5.47%, due 10/12/07 - 12/14/07      P-1      A-1+      211,396  
40,000    Barclays U.S. Funding Corp., 5.35%, due 3/11/08      P-1      A-1+      39,037  
100,000    BNP Paribas NY, 5.51%, due 12/12/07      P-1      A-1+      98,898  
50,000    Danske Corp., 5.09%, due 10/29/07      P-1      A-1+      49,802  
65,000    Dexia Bank, 5.43%, due 3/17/08      P-1      A-1+      65,006  
90,000    ING Funding LLC, 5.48%, due 11/16/07      P-1      A-1+      89,370  
85,000    JP Morgan Chase, 4.99%, due 3/3/08      P-1      A-1+      83,185  
410,000    Picaros Funding PLC, 5.17% - 5.87%, due 10/12/07 - 2/21/08      P-1      A-1+      407,750  
314,464    Societe Generale NA, 5.08% - 5.61%, due 10/29/07 - 12/10/07      P-1      A-1+      312,486  
356,000    UBS Finance, Inc., 4.96% - 5.46%, due 10/12/07 - 3/27/08      P-1      A-1+      348,940  
   Total Commercial Paper                5,647,332  
Floating Rate Commercial Paper (0.2%)µ               
Financial Services (0.2%)               
25,000    Morgan Stanley, 5.38%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      25,000  
Time Deposits (14.3%)               
250,000    Citibank, Nassau, 4.50%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      250,000  
250,000    Fifth Third Bank, Grand Cayman, 3.50%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      250,000  
100,000    KeyBank National, Grand Cayman, 2.00%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      100,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$410,000    Regions Bank, Grand Cayman, 4.00%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      $410,000  
100,000    Royal Bank of Canada, Grand Cayman, 4.50%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      100,000  
596,500    U.S. Bank, Grand Cayman, 2.00%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      596,500  
300,000    Wells Fargo & Co., Grand Cayman, 4.00%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      300,000  
   Total Time Deposits                2,006,500  
Corporate Debt Securities (0.7%)               
Asset Backed (0.2%)               
30,000    Cullinan Finance Corp., Medium-Term Notes, 5.36%, due 11/28/07      P-1      A-1+      30,000 ñ
Banking (0.5%)               
16,320    Citigroup, Inc., Senior Notes, 3.50%, due 2/1/08      P-1      A-1+      16,220  
50,000    Sigma Finance, Inc., Medium-Term Notes, 5.43%, due 8/5/08      P-1      A-1+      50,000 ñ
   Total Corporate Debt Securities                96,220  
Floating Rate Corporate Debt Securities (16.5%)µ               
Asset Backed (8.7%)               
77,000    Beta Finance, Inc., Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.81% & 4.87%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      77,004 ñ
5,000    Cullinan Finance Corp., Floating Rate Notes, 5.11%, due 10/25/07      P-1      A-1+      5,000 ñ
75,000    Cullinan Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.52%, due 11/15/07      P-1      A-1+      74,999 ñ
75,000    Dorada Finance, Inc., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.81% & 5.35%, due 10/1/07 & 10/9/07      P-1      A-1+      75,002 ñ
167,300    K2 (USA) LLC, Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.48% - 5.68%, due 10/22/07 - 12/17/07      P-1      A-1+      167,300 ñ
210,000    Links Finance LLC, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.82% - 5.79%, due 10/1/07 - 12/3/07      P-1      A-1+      209,986 ñ
182,500    Parkland (USA) LLC, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.82% - 5.66%, due 10/1/07 - 12/31/07      P-1      A-1+      182,491 ñ
130,000    Sigma Finance, Inc., Guaranteed Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.82% & 4.84%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      130,001 ñ
20,000    Sigma Finance, Inc., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.35%, due 10/25/07      P-1      A-1+      20,000 ñ
15,000    Tango Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 4.82%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      15,000 ñ
50,000    Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Unsecured Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. B, 4.66%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      50,011  
125,000    Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. B, 4.82% & 4.99%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      125,005  
35,000    Westpac Banking Corp., Floating Rate Notes, 5.78%, due 10/9/07      P-1      A-1+      35,000 ñ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$60,000    Whistlejacket Capital LLC, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.71%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1+      $59,992 ñ
Banking (5.1%)               
170,000    Bank of America NA, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 4.82%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      170,000  
40,000    Bank of New York, Senior Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.82%, due 10/10/07      P-1      A-1      40,003 ñ
35,000    Credit Suisse First Boston, Floating Rate Notes, 5.84%, due 10/2/07      P-1      A-1+      35,031  
50,000    HSBC Finance Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.40%, due 10/4/07      P-1      A-1+      50,000  
6,900    HSBC Finance Corp., Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes, 5.82%, due 12/17/07      P-1      A-1+      6,892  
170,000    National City Bank, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 4.86% - 5.78%, due 10/1/07 - 10/25/07      P-1      A-1      170,008  
44,000    National City Bank, Floating Rate Medium-Term Bank Notes, 5.42%, due 11/5/07      P-1      A-1      44,022  
40,000    PNC Bank, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 5.67%, due 10/2/07      P-1      A-1      39,996  
40,000    Royal Bank of Canada, Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.71%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      40,000 ñ
28,000    Wells Fargo & Co., Floating Rate Notes, 5.83%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1+      28,000 ñ
80,000    Wells Fargo & Co., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, 5.69%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1+      79,994  
9,700    World Savings Bank, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 5.82%, due 10/9/07      P-1      A-1+      9,701  
Conglomerate (1.2%)               
175,000    General Electric Capital Corp., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. A, 5.70%, due 12/3/07      P-1      A-1+      174,945  
Financial Services (1.5%)               
13,384    American Express Centurion, Floating Rate Bank Notes, 5.61%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1      13,385  
25,000    Bear Stearns Co., Inc., Floating Rate Medium-Term Notes, Ser. B, 5.79%, due 10/15/07      P-1      A-1      25,000  
70,000    Bear Stearns Master Note, 5.00%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1      70,000  
15,000    Merrill Lynch & Co., Floating Rate Medium-Term Bonds, Ser. C, 5.46%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      15,017  
75,000    Merrill Lynch & Co., Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes, 5.75%, due 10/18/07      P-1      A-1+      75,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$15,000    Morgan Stanley, Senior Floating Rate Notes, 5.85%, due 10/3/07      P-1      A-1+      $15,006  
   Total Floating Rate Corporate Debt Securities                2,328,791  
Promissory Notes (0.6%)µ               
85,000    Goldman Sachs Group, 5.35% - 5.37%, due 10/1/07      P-1      A-1+      85,000  
Asset-Backed Securities (0.1%)               
9,447    Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust, Ser. 2007-1, Class A1, 5.32%, due 5/15/08      P-1           9,447 ñ
886    CIT Equipment Collateral, Ser. 2006-VT2, Class A1, 5.34%, due 11/20/07      P-1      A-1+      886  
   Total Asset-Backed Securities                10,333  
Repurchase Agreements (17.5%)               
340,400    Bank of America Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $340,544,670, Collateralized by $468,938,111, Fannie Mae, 5.00%, due 4/1/35
(Collateral Value $347,208,001)
900,000    Barclays Capital Repurchase Agreement, 5.05%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $900,378,750, Collateralized by $605,131,930, Fannie Mae, 4.43% - 6.00%, due 4/1/34 - 9/1/37 and $402,729,225, Freddie Mac, 5.00% - 6.29%, due 10/1/36 - 8/1/37 (Collateral Value $918,000,000)                900,000  
649,700    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.08%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $649,975,040, Collateralized by $850,657,400, Fannie Mae, 0.00% & 5.50%, due 8/1/36 & 5/1/37 and $720,522,813, Freddie Mac, 0.00%, due 2/1/35 - 4/15/37
(Collateral Value $682,185,000)
150,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.33%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $150,066,625, Collateralized by 4,427,362, shares of various Equity Securities, $44,368,533, various Asset Backed Securities, 0.00% - 8.13%, due 10/19/11 - 1/1/49 and $2,500,000, Certificates of Deposits, 0.00%, due 10/6/11
(Collateral Value $156,825,995)
100,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.35%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $100,044,583, Collateralized by $161,778,001, U.S. Treasury Notes, 0.00% - 7.25%, due 3/6/20 - 7/25/37 (Collateral Value $103,000,000)                100,000  
175,000    Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $175,074,375, Collateralized by $128,092,450, Fannie Mae, 5.00% - 6.00%, due 4/1/23 - 1/1/36 and $199,999,604, Freddie Mac, 4.00% - 5.50%, due 6/1/08 - 2/1/36 (Collateral Value $178,501,251)                175,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)
$150,000    Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement, 5.32%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $150,066,500, Collateralized by 2,855,616, shares of various Equity Securities (Collateral Value $157,661,552)                $150,000
   Total Repurchase Agreements                2,465,100
   Total Investments (99.8%)                14,049,342
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (0.2%)                29,074
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $14,078,416


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Government Master Series (Unaudited)

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
U.S. Government Agency Securities (48.8%)               
$56    Fannie Mae, Bonds, 3.25%, due 1/15/08      AGY      AGY      $56  
40,269    Fannie Mae, Disc. Notes, 4.80% - 5.25%, due 10/1/07 - 5/30/08      AGY      AGY      39,663  
7,385    Fannie Mae, Notes, 5.25% - 6.63%, due 10/15/07 - 12/3/07      AGY      AGY      7,384  
150    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Bonds, 3.00%, due 12/17/07      AGY      AGY      149  
508    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Disc. Notes, 5.05% - 5.11%, due 11/20/07 - 2/1/08      AGY      AGY      503  
95,660    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Floating Rate Bonds, 4.98% - 5.55%, due 10/1/07 - 11/28/07      AGY      AGY      95,660 µ
39,420    Federal Home Loan Bank, Bonds, 2.75% - 5.40%, due 10/3/07 - 8/14/08      AGY      AGY      39,388  
64,500    Federal Home Loan Bank, Disc. Notes,
4.80% - 5.22%, due 10/31/07 - 7/18/08
     AGY      AGY      63,714  
160,500    Federal Home Loan Bank, Floating Rate Bonds, 4.12% - 5.54%, due 10/3/07 - 12/22/07      AGY      AGY      160,482 µ
53,919    Freddie Mac, Disc. Notes, 4.38% - 5.20%, due 10/15/07 - 9/15/08      AGY      AGY      53,267  
25,000    Freddie Mac, Floating Rate Notes, 4.98%, due 10/26/07      AGY      AGY      24,997 µ
14,300    Freddie Mac, Notes, 2.85% - 5.38%, due 10/15/07 - 6/3/08      AGY      AGY      14,282  
   Total U.S. Government Agency Securities                499,545  
Repurchase Agreements (50.9%)               
50,000    Bank of America Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $50,021,250, Collateralized by $68,880,451, Fannie Mae, 5.00%, due 4/1/35 (Collateral Value $51,000,000)                50,000  
100,000    Barclays Capital Repurchase Agreement, 5.05%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $100,042,083, Collateralized by $66,780,864, Fannie Mae, 4.50%, due 11/1/20 and $51,348,180, Freddie Mac, 5.50% & 6.00%, due 8/1/36 & 7/1/37 (Collateral Value $102,000,000)                100,000  
100,000    Credit Suisse First Boston Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $100,042,500, Collateralized by $265,716,593, Fannie Mae, 0.00% - 7.00%, due 10/1/08 - 10/1/37 and $2,206,234, Freddie Mac, 5.50% - 9.00%, due 3/17/08 - 5/1/37 (Collateral Value $102,002,438)                100,000  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)
$70,500    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.08%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $70,529,845, Collateralized by $96,538,577, Fannie Mae, 2.49% - 4.98%, due 12/25/31 - 3/25/36 and $94,886,051, Freddie Mac, 4.00% - 6.50%, due 6/15/24 - 1/25/35 (Collateral Value $71,910,001)                $70,500
25,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 5.27%, due 10/3/07, dated 7/5/07, Maturity Value $25,321,750, Collateralized by $32,326,141, Fannie Mae, 5.58%, due 7/25/36 (Collateral Value $25,500,001)                25,000
175,000    Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement, 5.10%, due 10/1/07, dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $175,074,375, Collateralized by $266,830,036, Fannie Mae, 4.50% - 6.00%, due 8/1/18 - 2/1/37 (Collateral Value $178,503,818)                175,000
   Total Repurchase Agreements                520,500
   Total Investments (99.7%)                1,020,045
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (0.3%)                3,105
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $1,023,150


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Government Reserves Master Series

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
U.S. Government Agency Securities (106.5%)               
$10,200    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Disc. Notes,
4.65% - 5.15%, due 10/1/07 - 1/29/08
     AGY      AGY      $10,179  
27,500    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Floating Rate Bonds,
5.54% - 5.67%, due 10/1/07 - 10/13/07
     AGY      AGY      27,500 µ
200    Federal Farm Credit Bank, Notes, 6.37%, due 10/30/07      AGY      AGY      200  
13,800    Federal Home Loan Bank, Bonds,
2.70% - 5.40%, due 10/19/07 - 8/14/08
     AGY      AGY      13,787  
165,331    Federal Home Loan Bank, Disc. Notes,
4.00% - 5.17%, due 10/1/07 - 7/18/08
     AGY      AGY      164,171  
25,000    Federal Home Loan Bank, Disc. Notes,
4.93% & 5.14%, due 10/17/07 & 11/23/07
     AGY      AGY      24,868 ØØ
51,400    Federal Home Loan Bank, Floating Rate Bonds,
4.78% - 5.54%, due 10/1/07 - 12/17/07
     AGY      AGY      51,398 µ
20,000    Federal Home Loan Bank, Floating Rate Bonds, 5.44%, due 11/18/07      AGY      AGY      20,020 µØ
6,425    Tennessee Valley Au., Disc. Notes, 4.50%, due 10/4/07      AGY      AGY      6,423  
   Total U.S. Government Agency Securities                318,546  
   Total Investments (106.5%)                318,546  
   Liabilities, less cash, receivables and other assets [(6.5%)]                (19,410 )
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $299,136  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Treasury Master Series (Unaudited)

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)
U.S. Treasury Securities-Backed by the Full Faith and Credit of the U.S. Government (4.6%)     
$10,000    U.S. Treasury Notes, 3.00%, due 2/15/08      TSY      TSY      $9,924
25,000    U.S. Treasury Notes, 4.63%, due 3/31/08      TSY      TSY      24,951
   Total U.S. Treasury Securities-Backed by the Full Faith and
Credit of the U.S. Government
Repurchase Agreements (95.3%)               
100,000    Bank of America Repurchase Agreement, 3.90%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $100,032,500, Collateralized by $41,501,000, U.S. Treasury Notes, 3.50% & 4.00%, due 8/15/09 & 4/15/10 and $94,668,000 U.S. Treasury Strips, due 8/15/13 - 8/15/22 (Collateral Value $102,000,697)
150,000    Barclays Capital Repurchase Agreement, 3.90%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $150,048,750, Collateralized by $117,893,000, U.S. Treasury Note, 3.63%, due 1/15/08 (Collateral Value $153,001,076)
150,000    Fortis Financial Repurchase Agreement, 4.00% due 10/1/2007,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $150,050,000, Collateralized by $134,231,000, U.S. Treasury Notes, 3.38% - 7.13%, due
1/15/08 - 4/15/32 (Collateral Value $153,000,354)
67,000    Goldman Sachs Repurchase Agreement, 3.50%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $67,019,542, Collateralized by $65,234,000, U.S. Treasury Note, 5.13%, due 6/30/11 (Collateral Value $68,340,050)
154,000    Merrill Lynch Repurchase Agreement, 3.85%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $154,049,408, Collateralized by $154,145,000, U. S. Treasury Note, 4.63%, due 7/31/09 (Collateral Value $157,082,253)
100,000    Morgan Stanley Repurchase Agreement, 3.90%, due 10/1/07,
dated 9/28/07, Maturity Value $100,032,500, Collateralized by $406,110,000, U.S. Treasury Strips, due 2/15/36 - 5/15/37 (Collateral Value $102,000,087)
   Total Repurchase Agreements                721,000
   Total Investments (99.9%)                755,875
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (0.1%)                880
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $756,755


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Tax-Exempt Master Series (Unaudited)

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Municipal Notes (98.0%)               
Alabama (1.2%)               
$1,600    Gulf Shores Med. Clinic Board Rev. (Colonial Pinnacle MOB Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Regions Bank), 3.94%, due 10/4/07      P-1           $1,600 µß
2,900    Lauderdale Co. Pub. Park Rec. Board Rev. (YMCA of the Shoals Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           2,900 µß
1,245    Lee Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Lifesouth Comm. Blood Ctr.),
Ser. 2001, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.92%, due 10/3/07
     VM1G1           1,245 µß
20,000    Lower Alabama Gas Dist. Supply Rev., Ser. 2007 A, (LOC: Societe Generale), 4.11%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           20,000 µ
Alaska (0.1%)               
1,250    Alaska Ind. Dev. & Export Au. Rev., Ser. 2004, (FSA Insured),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           1,250 µi
Arizona (0.7%)               
5,800    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2005, (MBIA Insured),
3.93%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           5,800 µaØØ
10,000    Scottsdale Ind. Dev. Au. Hosp. Rev., Ser. 2006, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           10,000 µØØ
Arkansas (0.8%)               
11,500    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2006, (FGIC Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           11,500 ñµa
6,330    North Little Rock Residential Hsg. Fac. Board Multi-Family Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association),
3.99%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           6,330 µr
California (3.1%)               
5,450    Austin Trust St. Cert., Ser. 2007-315, (LOC: State Street Bank & Trust Co.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,450 µc
17,940    California St. Muni. Sec. Trust Receipts, Ser. 2001-136, (XLCA Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      17,940 µt
13,870    California St. Muni. Sec. Trust Receipts, Ser. 2001-135, (AMBAC Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      13,870 µt


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$3,215    California Statewide Comm. Dev. Au. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2089, (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank & Trust Co.), 3.94%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $3,215 µ
9,050    Northern California Gas Au. Number 1 Gas Proj. Rev. (Floaters),
Ser. 2007-55, (LOC: Goldman Sachs), 3.92%, due 10/4/07
               9,050 µ
18,180    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                18,180 µ
Colorado (2.7%)               
4,300    Adams 12 Five Star Sch. (Putters), Ser. 2007-1728, (MBIA Insured),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           4,300 µo
4,725    Broomfield Cert. Participation (Floaters), Ser. 2002-1643, (AMBAC Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                4,725 µr
1,500    Central Platte Valley Metro. Dist., Ser. 2006, (LOC: BNP Paribas),
3.70%, due 12/1/07
          A-1+      1,500 µ
3,625    Colorado Ed. & Cultural Fac. Au. Rev. (Emmanuel Sch. Religion Proj.),
Ser. 2006, (LOC: AmSouth Bank), 3.89%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           3,625 µß
5,350    Commerce City Northern Infrastructure Gen. Imp. Dist. G.O., Ser.2006, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 3.89%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      5,350 µ
20,000    Dawson Ridge Metro. Dist. Number 1 (Merlots), Ser. 2007-D03, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           20,000 µ
5,040    Denver City & Co. Arpt. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-63TP, (FGIC Insured), 3.90%, due 10/4/07                5,040 µm
7,485    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Colorado Health Facs. Au.), Ser. 2007-132, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                7,485 µ
5,405    Summit Co. Sch. Dist. G.O., Ser. 2004, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,405 µi
Delaware (0.6%)               
12,100    New Castle Co. Delaware Student Hsg. Rev. (University Courtyard Apts.), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Bank of New York), 3.89%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           12,100 µß
District of Columbia (0.3%)               
2,085    District of Columbia G.O. (Merlots), Ser. 2001-A127, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      2,085 µv
2,235    District of Columbia Rev. Ref. (Maret Sch., Inc.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           2,236 µß
1,435    District of Columbia Wtr. & Swr. Au. Pub. Util. Rev., (Floaters) Ser. 2006, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                1,435 µl


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Florida (5.7%)               
$14,080    Broward Co. Professional Sports Fac. Tax Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1939, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07                $14,080 µs
7,700    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. Rev. (Manatee Co.), Ser. 2007-243, (MBIA Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      7,700 µk
2,755    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Palm Bay Sales), Ser. 2006-0136, (FSA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      2,755 µu
8,980    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Winter Haven Utils. Sys.), Ser. 2006-0054, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      8,980 ñµuØØ
2,690    Florida St. Board of Ed. Muni. Sec. Trust Receipts, Ser. 2003-SGA138, (MBIA Insured), 3.94%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      2,690 µt
1,450    Jacksonville Ed. Fac. Rev. (Edwards Waters College Proj.), Ser. 2001, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.70%, due 10/1/07                1,450 µß
2,000    Martin Co. PCR (Florida Pwr. & Lt. Proj.), Ser. 2000, 4.01%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1      2,000 µß
1,000    Miami-Dade Co. Sch. Board Cert. Participation (Putters), Ser. 2006-1317, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,000 µo
1,000    Miami-Dade Co. Sch. Board Cert. Participation, (Eagle), Ser. 2006 A, (AMBAC Insured), 4.16%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,000 µh
8,610    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-9068, (MBIA Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07           A-1      8,610 ñµe
20,750    Orange Co. Sch. Board Cert. Participation, Ser. 2007 B, (FGIC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      20,750 µo
4,600    Orlando & Orange Co. Expressway Au. Rev., Ser. 2003-C3, (FSA Insured), 3.87%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1      A-1+      4,600 µl
9,090    Orlando Util. Commission Wtr. & Elec. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                9,090 µ
15,355    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters) (South Miami Hlth. Fac. Au.), Ser. 2007-1498, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      15,355 µ
21,805    Sunshine St. Governmental Fin. Commission Rev., Ser. 1986, (AMBAC Insured), 4.08%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           21,805 µl
Georgia (1.9%)               
7,555    Athens Area Fac. Corp. Cert. Participation, Ser. 2007, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,555 µ
3,135    De Kalb Co. Wtr. & Swr. Rev., Ser. 2006, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,135 µ
5,000    Fulton Co. Dev. Au. Rev. (Robert Woodruff Arts Ctr.), Ser. 2004-B, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           5,000 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$500    Gwinnett Co. Dev. Au. Rev. (Greater Atlanta Christian), Ser. 1998, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/3/07                $500 µß
3,135    Macon Bibb Co. Hosp. Au. Rev. (Anticipation Cert.- Med. Center), Ser. 1997, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/3/07                3,135 µß
2,500    Marietta Hsg. Au. Multi-Family Rev. (Franklin Walk Apts. Proj.), Ser. 1990, (LOC: Freddie Mac), 3.86%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,500 µß
4,715    Muni. Elec. Au. Spec. Oblig., Ser. 1994-SGA1, (MBIA Insured), 3.94%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      4,715 µt
3,995    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2007-4174, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                3,995 µl
11,480    Richmond Co. Dev. Au. Rev., Ser. 2007-10025Z, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 3.93%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      11,480 µ
Illinois (5.8%)               
8,050    Chicago Board Ed. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3620, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                8,050 µl
7,145    Chicago O'Hare Int'l. Arpt. Rev., Ser. 2005, (FGIC Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                7,145 µk
5,080    Chicago O'Hare Int'l. Arpt. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1933, (FGIC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,080 µs
3,845    De Witt Ford Co. Comm. College Dist. Number 540 (Merlots), Ser. 2007-D13, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           3,845 µv
16,520    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Chicago Illinois Board), Ser. 2007-315, (FGIC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07                16,520 µk
14,180    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Chicago Illinois Board), Ser. 2007-316, (FGIC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07                14,180 µk
4,555    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Chicago), Ser. 2007-346, (FGIC Insured), 3.99%, due 10/1/07                4,555 µk
15,670    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Chicago), Ser. 2007-308, (FGIC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07                15,670 µk
3,815    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Northern Illinois Muni.), Ser. 2007-320, (MBIA Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                3,815 µk
8,000    Illinois Fin. Au. Rev. (Clare Oaks), Ser. 2006 D, (LOC: Sovereign Bank), 3.90%, due 10/4/07                8,000 µßb
1,900    Illinois Fin. Au. Rev. (IIT Research Institute), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.89%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,900 µß
1,850    Illinois Fin. Au. Rev. (Lawrence Hall Youth Svcs.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.88%, due 10/5/07      VMIG1           1,850 µß
5,000    Lake Co. Sch. Dist. Number 109 Deerfield Rev., Ser. 2006, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 3.93%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           5,000 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$4,000    Metro. Pier & Exposition Au. Hospitality Fac. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                $4,000 µ
8,260    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-347-A, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           8,260 ñµe
2,780    Quad Cities Reg. Econ. Dev. Au. Rev. (Two Rivers YMCA Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      2,780 µß
5,905    Reg. Trans. Au. G.O. (Floaters), Ser. 2006, (MBIA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                5,905 µl
8,445    Reg. Trans. Au. G.O. (Merlots), Ser. 2002-A24, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           8,445 µd
Indiana (5.6%)               
8,055    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2006, (AMBAC Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07                8,055 ñµa
7,490    Bartholomew Cons. Sch. Corp. Ind. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 12/31/07                7,498  
5,085    Carmel Clay Parks Bldg. Corp. (Putters), Ser. 2004-539, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      5,085 µo
6,000    Carmel Clay Sch. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007, 3.90%, due 12/28/07                6,001  
13,885    Carmel Redev. Au. Lease Rental Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1275, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      13,885 µ
2,065    Carmel Redev. Au. Lease Rental Rev. (Putters), Ser. 2006-1503, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      2,065 µ
6,860    Columbus Renovation Sch. Bldg. Corp. (Floaters), Ser. 2005, (MBIA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      6,860 µr
11,530    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Hamilton Southeastern Indiana), Ser. 2007-0006, (FSA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      11,530 µh
7,000    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-IPS Multi-Sch. Bldg. Corp. Ltd.), Ser. 2007-0026, (MBIA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      7,000 µu
3,990    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Wayne Township Marion), Ser. 2006-0015, (FGIC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      3,990 ñµu
3,300    Hamilton Southeastern Sch. Warrants, Ser. 2007, 3.80%, due 12/31/07                3,301  
2,500    Indiana Bond Bank Rev. (Adv. Fdg. Prog. Notes), Ser. 2007 A, (LOC: Bank of New York), 4.25%, due 1/31/08           SP-1+      2,505  
10,300    Indiana Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Fin. Au. Hosp. Rev. (Floyd Mem. Hosp. & Hlth. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: National City Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      10,300 µß
5,320    Indiana Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Fin. Au. Hosp. Rev. (Schneck Mem. Hosp. Proj.), Ser. 2006 B, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      5,320 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$2,935    Indiana Trans. Fin. Au. Hwy. Rev., Ser. 2003, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      $2,935 µi
5,000    Indianapolis Loc. Pub. Improvement Bond Bank Ltd. Recourse Notes, Ser. 2007 E, 4.25%, due 10/2/08           SP-1+      5,026  
4,420    Lafayette Sewage Works Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2006 D08, (FGIC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      4,420 µv
2,000    Logansport Comm. Sch. Corp. TANS, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 12/31/07                2,001  
2,085    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts, Ser. 2007-212, (XLCA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                2,085 µr
5,735    Univ. Southern Indiana Rev., Ser. 2004, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,735 µi
4,745    Wayne Township Marion Co. Sch. Bldg. Corp. (Merlots), Ser. 2006-D02, (FGIC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      4,745 µv
Iowa (1.6%)               
6,840    Ankeny G.O. BANS, Ser. 2006 A, 4.10%, due 6/1/08      MIG1           6,841  
4,255    Austin Trust Various Sts. (Iowa Din Au.), Ser. 2007-1011, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.94%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      4,255 µ
2,300    Iowa Fin. Au. Private College Rev. (Morningside College Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      2,300 µ
3,500    Iowa Fin. Au. Private College Rev. (Morningside College Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      3,500 µß
430    Iowa Fin. Au. Rev. (Private Sch. Fac. Rev. Kuemper Proj.), Ser. 1998, (LOC: Allied Irish Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07                430 µß
1,340    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. (Private College Des Moines Proj.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Allied Irish Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      1,340 µß
185    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. (Private College Des Moines), Ser. 2003, (LOC: Allied Irish Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           185 µß
5,295    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. (Private College Wartburg Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: American Trust & Savings), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           5,295 µß
3,535    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. (Univ. of Dubuque), Ser. 2007 C, 4.50%, due 5/20/08           SP-1      3,551 ß
1,860    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. RANS, Ser. 2007 B, 4.91%, due 5/20/08           SP-1      1,873 ß
4,125    Mason City IDR (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                4,125 µß
Kansas (0.6%)               
6,145    Junction City G.O. Temporary Notes, Ser. 2007 C, 5.00%, due 6/1/08                6,184 Ø
3,865    Shawnee Co. Temporary Notes, Ser. 2007-2, 3.70%, due 10/1/08      MIG1           3,867  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$3,500    Univ. of Kansas Hosp. Au. Rev. (KU Hlth. Sys.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Harris Trust & Savings Bank), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1      $3,500 µß
Kentucky (3.1%)               
39,000    Kentucky Inc. Pub. Energy Au. Gas Supply Rev., Ser. 2006 A, (LOC: Societe Generale), 4.11%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      39,000 µß
13,800    Kentucky Rural Wtr. Fin. Corp. Pub. Proj. Rev. (Construction Notes), Ser. 2007 A-1, 3.65%, due 4/1/09 Putable 4/1/08      MIG1           13,800 µØ
9,990    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2002-9027, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1      9,990 ñµb
3,530    Simpson Co. Hosp. Rev. (Med. Ctr. Franklin, Inc.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.88%, due 10/4/07                3,530 µß
Louisiana (0.2%)               
5,365    Jefferson Sales Tax Dist. Spec. Sales Tax Rev., Ser. 2005, (AMBAC Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                5,365 µk
Maryland (3.1%)               
14,400    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2003-19, (FGIC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07                14,400 µa
30,215    JP Morgan Chase & Co. (Putters), Ser. 2007-1941P, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 3.97%, due 10/4/07                30,215 µ
14,000    JP Morgan Chase & Co. (Putters), Ser. 2007-1684P, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                14,000 µ
7,000    Maryland St. Comm. Dev. Admin. Dept. Hsg. & Comm. Dev. (Residential), Ser. 2006 Q, 3.59%, due 12/14/07      MIG1           7,000  
1,300    Washington Suburban Sanitation Dist. BANS, Ser. 2003 A, (LOC: Landesbank Hessen-Thveringen Girozentrale), 3.81%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           1,300 µ
Massachusetts (3.7%)               
10,495    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-129, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.10%, due 10/4/07                10,495 µ
14,315    Massachusetts Bay Trans. Au. Sales Tax Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3526, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 3.93%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      14,315 µ
17,830    Massachusetts St. (Central Artery), Ser. 2000 A, (LOC: Landesbank Hessen-Thveringen Girozentrale), 4.05%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      17,830 µ
6,125    Massachusetts St. Dev. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Boston College High Sch.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 3.88%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           6,125 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$6,400    Massachusetts St. Dev. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Suffolk Univ.), Ser. 2005 A, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 3.90%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           $6,400 µß
8,900    Massachusetts St. G.O. (Central Artery), Ser. 2000 A, (LOC: Landesbank Hessen-Thveringen Girozentrale), 4.05%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      8,900 µ
9,470    Worcester G.O. BANS, Ser. 2006 A, 4.00%, due 11/8/07      MIG1           9,472  
6,300    Worcester Reg. Trans. Au. RANS, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 6/27/08                6,302  
Michigan (2.1%)               
10,320    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2004-44, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                10,320 µa
11,695    Detroit City Sch. Dist. G.O. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3519, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                11,695 µl
3,955    Detroit Sewage Disp. Rev. (Putters), Ser. 2006-1453, (FGIC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      3,955 µo
2,400    Eastern Michigan Univ. Rev., Ser. 2001, (FGIC Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
          A-1+      2,400 µl
3,775    Grand Rapids Hsg. Corp. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-3152, (FHA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      3,775 µ
1,840    Hartland Cons. Sch. Dist. G.O. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-1204, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.91%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,840 µ
5,000    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2006-7012A, (FSA Insured),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           5,000 ñµe
3,730    Northern Michigan Univ. Rev., Ser. 2001, (FGIC Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1      A-1      3,730 µj
3,000    Waterford Sch. Dist. G.O. (St. Aid Anticipation Notes),
Ser. 2006, 3.85%, due 11/30/07
Minnesota (1.3%)               
6,532    Arden Hills Hsg. & Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. (Presbyterian Homes), Ser. 1999 A, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      6,532 µß
11,905    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Roseville), Ser. 2007-134, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                11,905 µ
1,000    Mankato Multi-Family Rev. Hsg. (Highland), Ser. 1997, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,000 µ
7,485    Minneapolis & St. Paul Metro. Apts. Commission Arpt. Rev. (Merlots),
Ser. 2000 ZZ, (FGIC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07
     VMIG1           7,485 µv
935    Roseville Private Sch. Fac. Rev. (Northwestern College Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Marshall & Ilsley), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           935 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Mississippi (0.1%)               
$2,900    Mississippi Bus. Fin. Corp. Rev. (Hattiesburg Clinic), Ser. 2006, (LOC: AmSouth Bank), 3.90%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $2,900 µß
Missouri (3.4%)               
9,435    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2004-35, (FGIC Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           9,435 µa
4,440    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-124, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      4,440 µ
1,500    Missouri St. Dev. Fin. Board Infrastructure Fac. Rev. (St. Louis Convention Ctr.), Ser. 2000 C, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,500 µ
11,650    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Christian Brothers), Ser. 2002 A, (LOC: Commerce Bank N.A.), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      11,650 µß
5,015    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Drury College), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           5,015 µß
185    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Drury Univ.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           185 µß
5,500    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Kansas City Art Institute), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Commerce Bank N.A.), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      5,500 µß
6,745    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Rockhurst Univ.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      6,745 µß
1,800    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (St. Louis Univ.), Ser. 1999 B, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.08%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      1,800 µß
3,565    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (St. Louis Univ.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.08%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           3,565 µß
1,230    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Hlth. Fac. Rev. (St. Francis Med. Ctr.), Ser. 1996 A, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,230 µß
2,075    Missouri St. Pub. Utils. Comm. Rev. Construction Notes, Ser. 2007, 4.75%, due 9/1/08      MIG1           2,093  
4,130    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-336A, (AMBAC Insured),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           4,130 ñµe
11,125    O Fallon Cert. Participation (Floaters), Ser. 2002-1396, (MBIA Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           11,125 µr
3,950    St. Louis Ind. Dev. Au. Ind. Rev. (Schnuck Markets, Inc.), Ser. 1985, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 3.95%, due 10/4/07      P-1           3,950 µ
Montana (0.2%)               
2,745    Montana St. Board of Investments Rev. (Muni. Fin. Cons. Act-Intercap), Ser. 1994, 3.85%, due 3/1/09 Putable 3/1/08      VMIG1           2,745 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$2,000    Montana St. Board of Investments Rev. (Muni. Fin. Cons. Act-Intercap), Ser. 2000, 3.85%, due 3/1/25 Putable 3/1/08      VMIG1           $2,000 µ
Nebraska (0.5%)               
9,245    Central Plains Energy Proj. Rev. (Gas Proj.) (Floaters), Ser. 2007-3916, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                9,245 µ
2,680    Lancaster Co. Hosp. Au. Number 1 Hosp. Rev. (Bryan Med. Ctr. Proj.), Ser. 2002, (AMBAC Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           2,680 µßu
Nevada (1.4%)               
1,900    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2006, (MBIA Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,900 ñµa
1,065    Clark Co. Sch. Dist. (Merlots), Ser. 2006-D12, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      1,065 µv
10,000    Henderson Hlth. Care Fac. Rev., Ser. 2007, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           10,000 µ
8,970    JP Morgan Chase & Co. (Putters), Ser. 2006-1633P, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                8,970 µ
3,300    Nevada St. G.O. (Floaters), Ser. 2000-344, (FGIC Insured),
3.91%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           3,300 µs
4,265    Nevada Sys. Higher Ed. Univ. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-1240, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      4,265 µs
New Hampshire (0.9%)               
3,200    Cheshire Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 3.75%, due 12/27/07                3,200 ØØ
7,000    Merrimack Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 4.05%, due 12/28/07                7,001  
4,000    Merrimack Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 4.25%, due 12/28/07                4,004  
800    New Hampshire Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Seacoast Hospice), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 3.93%, due 10/4/07                800 µ
5,400    Strafford Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 3.75%, due 12/31/07                5,401  
New Jersey (1.6%)               
4,900    Allamuchy Township Board Ed. G.O. Temporary Notes, Ser. 2007,
4.00%, due 3/14/08
3,289    Highlands G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 1/30/08                3,292  
14,200    Hoboken G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 3.90%, due 9/12/08                14,213  
4,840    New Jersey Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Comm. Options Inc. Proj.),
Ser. 2007, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.91%, due 10/4/07
               4,840 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$6,800    Perth Amboy G.O. BANS, Ser. 2006, 4.35%, due 10/19/07      MIG1           $6,802  
New York (1.0%)               
7,200    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2001, (LOC: Bear Stearns),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1           7,200 ñµ
4,970    New York City Transitional Fin. Au. Rev., Ser. 2002-2A, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 3.98%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      4,970 µ
4,515    New York G.O., Ser. 2004 H1, (LOC: Bank of New York),
3.98%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1      A-1+      4,515 µ
2,500    New York St. Dorm. Au. Rev., Ser. 2006-1370, (FHA Insured),
3.91%, due 10/4/07
          A-1+      2,500 µr
1,000    New York St. Dorm. Au. Rev., Ser. 2005-6052, (AMBAC Insured),
3.91%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           1,000 µh
495    Sales Tax Asset Receivable Corp., Ser. 2006-552, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           495 µh
North Carolina (1.7%)               
27,095    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1002, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           27,095 µ
1,990    Cabarrus Co. Cert. Participation, Ser. 2003-4520, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,990 µi
2,485    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Union Co.), Ser. 2006-0155, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      2,485 µu
3,600    North Carolina Med. Care Comm. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. (Sisters of Mercy Svcs. Corp.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.),
3.88%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           3,600 µß
1,270    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07           A-1      1,270 µ
North Dakota (0.0%)               
500    North Dakota Rural Wtr. Fin. Corp. Rev. (Pub. Proj. Construction Notes), Ser. 2004-A1, 3.70%, due 10/1/07      MIG1           500 µ
Ohio (6.5%)               
15,565    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1004, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           15,565 µ
1,095    Clermont Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (John Q Hammons Proj.), Ser. 1989, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 4.05%, due 11/1/07                1,095 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$3,455    Cleveland-Cuyahoga Co. Port Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Laurel Sch. Proj.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Key Bank), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                $3,455 µß
3,850    Deerfield Township G.O. BANS, Ser. 2006, 3.61%, due 11/29/07      MIG1           3,850  
9,665    Franklin Co. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. (Presbyterian), Ser. 2006 C, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.90%, due 10/4/07           A-1      9,665 µß
8,000    Franklin Co. Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. (Presbyterian), Ser. 2005 B, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.90%, due 10/4/07           A-1      8,000 µß
4,750    Hamilton G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 9/11/08                4,761  
1,100    Licking Co. Career & Technology Ed. Ctrs. G.O. BANS (Sch. Fac. Construction), Ser. 2007, 4.50%, due 9/10/08                1,107  
3,500    Lucas Co. G.O., Ser. 2007-1, 4.00%, due 9/18/08      MIG1      SP-1+      3,511  
4,660    Marysville G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.13%, due 6/5/08      MIG1           4,673  
3,500    Marysville Tax Increment Fin. Rev. (Coleman's Crossing Rd.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 4.25%, due 9/11/08                3,516  
6,650    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2001-133A, (FSA Insured),
3.90%, due 10/4/07
          A-1      6,650 ñµe
2,830    Ohio St. G.O., Ser. 2005-7508, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,830 µ
3,200    Ohio Univ. Gen. Receipts Athens BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.25%, due 1/16/08      MIG1           3,206  
1,220    Olmsted Falls BANS, Ser. 2006, 3.90%, due 10/18/07                1,220  
17,265    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts, Ser. 2007-4216, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.04%, due 10/1/07                17,265 µ
3,000    Richland Co. G.O. BANS (Correctional Fac.), Ser. 2007,
4.50%, due 2/21/08
660    Sidney City Sch. Dist. G.O. BANS (Energy Construction), Ser. 2006, 4.28%, due 11/29/07                661  
1,200    Sidney City Sch. Dist. G.O. BANS (Sch. Construction), Ser. 2006,
4.07%, due 11/29/07
4,850    Stark Co. Port Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Vision FC LLC Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.90%, due 10/5/07                4,850 µ
6,000    Toledo G.O. BANS (Capital Improvements), Ser. 2007-1,
3.85%, due 10/25/07
19,500    Union Township Tax Increment Rev. BANS, Ser. 2007,
4.25%, due 9/17/08
     MIG1           19,618  
3,000    Univ. of Cincinnati Gen. Receipts Bonds BANS, Ser. 2007 C,
4.50%, due 1/24/08
     MIG1      SP-1+      3,008  
1,500    Univ. of Toledo Gen. Receipts Bonds, Ser. 2002, (FGIC Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1      A-1+      1,500 µu
7,300    Univ. of Toledo Gen. Receipts Bonds, Ser. 2001-SGA125, (FGIC Insured), 3.93%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      7,300 µt
2,330    Wickliffe BANS (Capital Improvements), Ser. 2007, 4.25%, due 12/6/07                2,332  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Oklahoma (1.3%)               
$6,995    Hulbert Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev., Ser. 2007-301, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $6,995 µ
22,000    Tulsa Co. Ind. Au. Cap. Imp. Rev., Ser. 2003 A, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.70%, due 11/15/17 Putable 11/15/07           A-1+      22,000 µ
Oregon (0.6%)               
1,000    Multnomah Co. Higher Ed. Rev. (Concordia Univ. Portland Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Key Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           1,000 µß
6,315    Oregon Sch. Boards Assoc. Short-Term Borrowing Prog. Cert. Participation, Ser. 2007 A, 3.80%, due 5/30/08                6,315  
5,545    Oregon St. Homeowner Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-229, (LOC: Lloyd's Bank), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,545 µ
Pennsylvania (3.2%)               
6,025    Beaver Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Poll. Ctrl. Rev. (FirstEnergy), Ser. 2006 C, (LOC: Barclays Bank PLC), 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      6,025 µ
14,125    Butler Co. Gen. Au. Rev. (Hampton Township Sch. Dist. Proj.), Ser. 2007, (FSA Insured), 3.87%, due 10/4/07                14,125 µv
12,270    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-247, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      12,270 µk
2,115    Lawrence Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Villa Maria Proj.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: Allied Irish Bank), 3.88%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,115 µßØØ
7,700    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-7065, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,700 ñµe
21,530    Pennsylvania Econ. Dev. Fin. Au. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2007-F01, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      21,530 µ
5,000    St. Pub. Sch. Bldg. Au. Sch. Rev., Ser. 2006-566, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,000 µh
Puerto Rico (1.1%)               
9,900    Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin. Corp. Sales Tax Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1984, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      9,900 µ
13,500    Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin. Corp. Sales Tax Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2019, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      13,500 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
South Carolina (2.2%)               
$3,700    Charleston Ed. Excellence Fin. Corp. Rev., Ser. 2006-515, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07                $3,700 µ
22,985    Greenville Co. Sch. Dist. Installment Purchase Ref. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2004-982, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      22,985 µØØ
4,505    Jasper Co. Rev. BANS, Ser. 2007, 3.85%, due 7/1/08                4,505  
1,300    Macon Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-303, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,300 µ
5    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-293A, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5 ñµe
1,900    South Carolina Ed. Fac. Au. for Private Nonprofit Institutions Higher Learning Ed. (Furman University), Ser. 2006 B, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           1,900 µß
4,685    Three Rivers Solid Waste Au. Solid Waste Disp. Fac. Rev. BANS, Ser. 2007, 3.75%, due 6/1/08           SP-1+      4,685  
9,365    Western Carolina Reg. Sewer Au. Sewer Sys. Rev., Ser. 2007-11123, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      9,365 µh
South Dakota (0.2%)               
3,600    Watertown IDR (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                3,600 µß
Tennessee (2.3%)               
1,400    Memphis-Shelby Co. IDB Rev. (Medical Group, Inc.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.87%, due 10/4/07      P-1           1,400 µß
7,450    Metro. Gov't. Nashville & Davidson Co. IDB Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Spinnaker), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Fannie Mae), 3.81%, due 7/15/32           A-1+      7,450 µß
8,160    Sevier Co. Pub. Bldg. Au. (Local Govt. Pub. Imp.), Ser. 2007, (AMBAC Insured), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           8,160 µj
3,250    Sevier Co. Pub. Bldg. Au. (Pub. Construction Notes Proj.), Ser. 2007-A6, 3.80%, due 4/1/10 Putable 4/1/08      MIG1           3,250 µ
2,700    Sevier Co. Pub. Bldg. Au. Rev. (Pub. Construction Notes Proj.), Ser. 2006-A4, 3.65%, due 10/1/08 Putable 4/1/08      MIG1           2,700 µ
2,000    Sevier Co. Pub. Bldg. Au. Rev. (Pub. Construction Notes Proj.), Ser. 2007-A5, 3.65%, due 4/1/10 Putable 4/1/08      MIG1           2,000 µ
9,480    Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp. Gas Rev., (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3646, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                9,480 µ
14,785    Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp. Gas Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2020, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           14,785 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Texas (16.5%)               
$11,675    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2006-30, (PSF Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $11,675 µa
6,105    Aledo Independent Sch. Dist. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-2769, (PSF Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                6,105 µr
6,345    Austin Convention Enterprises, Inc. Convention Ctr. (Putters), Ser. 2006-1614, (XLCA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      6,345 µo
7,945    Austin Hsg. Fin. Corp. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2007-G02, (LOC: Bank of New York), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      7,945 µ
4,600    Austin Wtr. & Wastewater Sys. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2006-D10, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      4,600 µv
10,565    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2010, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.90%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           10,565 µ
3,005    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2036, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,005 µ
5,360    Beaumont G.O., Ser. 2006-2223, (CIFG Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,360 µi
17,030    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-329, (AMBAC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/1/07                17,030 µk
35,500    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser. 2007-292, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 3.96%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      35,500 µ
6,795    Dickinson Independent Sch. Dist. (Putters), Ser. 2007-1518B, (PSF Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           6,795 µo
2,970    Dickinson Independent Sch. Dist. (Putters), Ser. 2007-1517B, (PSF Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,970 µo
4,700    Eclipse Funding Trust (Solar Eclipse-Houston Independent Sch.), Ser. 2006-0019, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           4,700 ñµu
4,345    Frenship Independent Sch. Dist. (Floaters), Ser. 2005, (PSF Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                4,345 µk
6,480    Harris Co. Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Rev. (Putters), Ser. 2005-1018, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1      A-1+      6,480 µ
1,370    Hidalgo Co. G.O. (Merlots), Ser. 2007-C03, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      1,370 µd
7,780    Keller Ind. Sch. Dist. G.O. (ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust), Ser. 2006-30, (PSF Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,780 ñµa
2,700    Lufkin Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Hlth. Sys. Ref. Rev. (Mem. Hlth. Sys. East Texas), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.09%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      2,700 µß
5,270    Lufkin Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Hlth. Sys. Ref. Rev. (Mem. Hlth. Sys. East Texas), Ser. 1998, 5.70%, due 10/1/07 Pre-Refunded 2/15/28                5,451 ß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$8,450    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-3082A, (MBIA Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           $8,450 ñµe
9,520    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-315A, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           9,520 ñµe
3,775    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2006-279A, (PSF Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,775 ñµe
14,860    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-338A, (PSF Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           14,860 ñµe
8,990    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2000-9005A, (FSA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1      8,990 ñµe
7,995    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-312A, (LOC: Bear Stearns), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,995 ñµe
29,740    Munitops II Trust, Ser. 2007-63, (PSF Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07                29,740 µa
22,695    Munitops II Trust, Ser. 2007-67, (PSF Insured), 3.93%, due 10/4/07                22,695 ñµa
5,750    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts, Ser. 2007, (MBIA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/1/07                5,750 µr
10,610    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Lampasasa), Ser. 2007-4309, (PSF Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                10,610 µr
9,230    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Leander Sch. Dist.), Ser. 2007-256, (PSF Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07                9,230 µr
5,105    San Antonio Wtr. Rev., Ser. 2006-7028, (MBIA Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           5,105 µi
10,000    Texas Muni. Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. I Gas Supply Rev., Ser. 2007-1453, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.01%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      10,000 µ
1,680    Texas Muni. Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. I Gas Supply Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1578, (LOC: Morgan Stanley), 3.96%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,680 µ
20,525    Texas Muni. Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. II Gas Supply Rev., Ser. 2007-10014, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      20,525 µ
24,745    Texas St. Turnpike Au. Central Turnpike Sys. Rev., Ser. 2007-10041, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      24,745 µi
7,241    Texas St. Turnpike Au. Central Turnpike Sys. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1408, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      7,241 µs
3,520    Univ. of Texas Univ. Rev., Ser. 2007-1080, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 3.92%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,520 µ
Utah (0.8%)               
4,800    Central Wtr. Conservancy Dist. G.O., Ser. 1998 E, (AMBAC Insured), 3.87%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1      A-1+      4,800 µp


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$2,950    Lehi Elec. Util. Rev., Ser. 2005, (FSA Insured), 3.93%, due 10/3/07                $2,950 µl
8,500    Utah Trans. Au. Sales Tax Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-63Z, (MBIA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07                8,500 µm
Vermont (0.3%)               
3,400    Vermont Ed. & Hlth. Bldg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Middlebury College Proj.), Ser. 2002 B, 3.58%, due 11/1/32 Putable 11/1/07                3,400 µ
2,655    Vermont Ed. & Hlth. Bldg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Mount Ascutney Hosp. Proj.), Ser. 2004 A, (LOC: TD Banknorth N.A.), 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           2,655 µß
194    Vermont Ed. & Hlth. Bldg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Northeastern Hosp.), Ser. 2004 A, (LOC: TD Banknorth N.A.), 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           194 µß
Virginia (1.4%)               
7,500    ABN Amro Munitops. Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2005-48, (LOC: ABN Amro Bank N.V.), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,500 ñµ
7,150    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,150 µ
3,000    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. Commonwealth Trans. Board (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2050, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.94%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,000 µ
13,150    Virginia College Bldg. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Richmond Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 4.08%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           13,150 µß
Washington (2.8%)               
6,865    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. (Everett Hsg.), Ser. 2007-131, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                6,865 µ
3,700    Everett Pub. Fac. Dist. Proj. Rev., Ser. 2007, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      3,700 µ
4,622    King Co. Swr. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-1091, (FSA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07                4,622 µs
5,335    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-301A, (AMBAC Insured),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           5,335 ñµe
3,175    Pierce Co. Sch. Dist. Number 010 Tacoma G.O. (Floaters), Ser. 2005-3316, (FSA Insured), 3.99%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,175 µr
2,607    Port of Seattle Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2002-739D, (FGIC Insured),
3.91%, due 10/4/07
          A-1+      2,607 µs
7,240    Port of Seattle Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3499, (XLCA Insured),
3.95%, due 10/4/07
               7,240 µr


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$7,755    Seattle Museum Dev. Au. Spec. Oblig. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2005-D03, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      $7,755 µ
17,000    Washington St. Hlth. Care Fac. Au. Rev. (Swedish Hlth. Svcs.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 3.96%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1      A-1+      17,000 µß
1,000    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Non-Profit Rev. (St. Vincent de Paul Proj.), Ser. 2000 A, (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank & Trust Co.), 3.81%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,000 µß
1,600    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Non-Profit Rev. (Tacoma Art Museum Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Northern Trust Co.), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           1,600 µß
Wisconsin (3.8%)               
3,000    Antigo Unified Sch. Dist. TRANS, Ser. 2006, 3.85%, due 11/1/07                3,000  
1,560    Appleton Waterworks Rev., Ser. 2007-A, (MBIA Insured), 4.00%, due 1/1/08                1,562  
19,320    Eclipse Funding Trust Var. St. (Solar Eclipse-Wisconsin St.), Ser. 2007-0004, (FSA Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      19,320 µu
4,540    Edgerton Sch. Dist. G.O. TRANS, Ser. 2006, 3.71%, due 10/24/07                4,540  
6,500    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-335, (LOC: Bear Stearns),
3.92%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           6,500 ñµ
4,250    New Richmond Sch. Dist. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.13%, due 6/6/08      MIG1           4,256  
2,000    Nicolet High Sch. Dist. TRANS, Ser. 2006, 4.25%, due 10/30/07                2,001  
3,000    Wisconsin Sch. Dist. Cash Flow Management Prog. Cert. Participation, Ser. 2006 B, 4.25%, due 11/1/07      MIG1           3,002  
5,955    Wisconsin St. Hlth & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Beloit College Proj.), Ser. 2007, (XLCA Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      5,955 µßd
500    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Alverno College Proj.), Ser. 1997, (LOC: Allied Irish Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           500 µß
4,125    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Blood Ctr.), Ser. 1994 A, (LOC: Marshall & Ilsley), 3.93%, due 10/3/07           A-1      4,125 µß
3,145    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Concordia Univ. of Wisconsin, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Marshall & Ilsley), 3.94%, due 10/4/07                3,145 µß
3,175    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Edgewood College), Ser. 2006, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      3,175 µß
8,090    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2003-858, (MBIA Insured), 3.95%, due 10/4/07                8,090 µp
9,500    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Fort Healthcare Inc.), Ser. 2007 A, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.08%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      9,500 µß
1,400    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Lutheran College Proj.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,400 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$935    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Riverview Hosp. Assoc.), Ser. 2001, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      $935 µß
   Total Investments (98.0%)                2,111,103  
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (2.0%)                43,235  
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $2,154,338  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Schedule of Investments Municipal Master Series (Unaudited)

(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Municipal Notes (98.4%)               
Alabama (0.2%)               
$988    Birmingham Pub. Park & Rec. Board Rev., Ser. 1997, (LOC: AmSouth Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                $988 µß
300    Parrish IDB PCR (Alabama Pwr. Co. Proj.), Ser. 1994,
4.04%, due 10/1/07
          A-1      300 µß
Arizona (0.7%)               
3,995    RBC Muni. Prod., Inc. Trust Var. St. Rev. (Floater Cert.), Ser. 2007 C-6, (LOC: Royal Bank of Canada), 3.97%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,995 µ
Arkansas (1.5%)               
8,560    Morgan Keegan Muni. Prod., Inc. Var. St. Trust Receipts, Ser. 2006 D, (LOC: IXIS Funding Corp.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      8,560 µq
California (5.0%)               
300    California St. Muni. Sec. Trust Receipts, Ser. 2001-135, (AMBAC Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      300 µt
1,335    California Statewide Comm. Dev. Corp. Rev. (RL Group LLC), Ser. 1998 C, (LOC: Mellon 1st Business Bank), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                1,335 µß
5,000    Contra Costa Co. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Pleasant Hill BART Transit), Ser. 2006 A, 3.95%, due 4/15/46                5,002 ß
22,010    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. Rev., Ser. 2007-116, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                22,010 µ
Colorado (0.8%)               
1,000    Central Platte Valley Metro. Dist., Ser. 2006, (LOC: BNP Paribas), 3.70%, due 12/1/07           A-1+      1,000 µ
1,995    El Paso Co. Single Family Mtge. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2007 C44, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.97%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           1,995 µd
1,811    Rev. Bond Cert. Ser. Trust Var. St., (Sterling Park), Ser. 2006-6, (AIG Insured), 4.06%, due 10/4/07                1,811 µ
Delaware (0.1%)               
300    Univ. of Delaware Rev., Ser. 2004 B, (LOC: Bank of America),
4.00%, due 10/1/07
          A-1+      300 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Florida (4.6%)               
$2,400    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St. Rev., Ser. 2007-351, (AMBAC Insured), 3.92%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      $2,400 µk
3,250    Florida Dev. Fin. Corp. IDR (4504 30th Street West LLC Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                3,250 µ
5,560    Florida Hsg. Fin. Corp. Multi-Family Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-3868, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07                5,560 µ
960    Ocean Hwy. & Port Au. Rev., Ser. 1990, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.03%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1      A-1+      960 µ
690    Orange Co. Hsg. Fin. Au. Multi-Family Rev., Ser. 2000 E, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.94%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           690 µß
1,090    Orange Co. Hsg. Fin. Au. Multi-Family Rev. (Putters), Ser. 2005-1179, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,090 µ
12,815    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1497, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.14%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      12,815 µ
Georgia (7.6%)               
1,000    Atlanta Arpt. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2004 C14, (FSA Insured), 3.97%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           1,000 µv
4,000    Atlanta Arpt. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2000 CCC, (FGIC Insured), 3.97%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           4,000 µv
1,800    Atlanta Urban Residential Fin. Au. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Capitol Gateway Apts.), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Bank of America), 3.94%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,800 µß
355    Canton Hsg. Au. Multi-Family Rev. (Canton Mill Lofts Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Branch Banking &Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      355 µß
2,450    Carroll Co. Dev. Au. Rev. (Royal Metal Prod., Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,450 µß
2,000    Cartersville Dev. Au. IDR (Bliss & Laughlin), Ser. 1988, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                2,000 µß
7,900    Cobb Co. Hsg. Au. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Woodchase Village Apts. Proj.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: Regions Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,900 µß
1,015    Douglas Co. Dev. Au. IDR (Whirlwind Steel Bldg.), Ser. 1997, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                1,015 µß
2,405    Gordon Co. Dev. Au. IDR (Nance Carpet & Rug, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,405 µß
1,035    Gwinnett Co. Dev. Au. IDR (Color Image Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: SouthTrust Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                1,035 µß
14,695    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2007-3793, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07                14,695 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$5,415    Union City Hsg. Au. Multi-Family Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-3865, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07                $5,415 µ
Idaho (3.4%)               
300    Idaho Hlth. Fac. Au. Rev. (St. Luke's Med. Ctr.), Ser. 2000, (FSA Insured), 4.06%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1      300 µßn
6,755    Idaho Hsg. & Fin. Assoc. Single Family Mtge. Rev., Ser. 2007-11192, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 4.00%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           6,755 µ
12,695    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2007-4049, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           12,695 µ
Illinois (9.2%)               
2,440    Aurora IDR (FIS Aurora Invest LLC Proj.), Ser. 2001 A, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,440 µß
10,580    Aurora Single Family Mtge. Rev., Ser. 2007-10213, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 4.00%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      10,580 µi
5,000    Aurora Single Family Mtge. Rev. (Merlots), Ser. 2007 C55, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.97%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      5,000 µd
4,500    Chicago Enterprise Zone Rev. (J & A LLC Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Charter One Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                4,500 µ
2,920    Chicago IDR (Evans Food Prod. Co. Proj.), Ser. 1998, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 3.96%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      2,920 µ
1,160    Chicago Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Churchview Supportive Living Fac.), Ser. 2003, (LOC: Harris Trust & Savings Bank), 3.93%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,160 µß
2,500    Chicago Single Family Mtge. Rev., Ser. 2007 2F, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.93%, due 7/1/08                2,500 f
4,000    Chicago Single Family Mtge. Rev., Ser. 2007 2D, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.95%, due 7/1/08                4,000 j
2,011    Decatur Park Dist. G.O., Ser. 2007 B, 4.25%, due 12/15/07                2,013  
1,639    Dundee Township Park Dist. G.O., Ser. 2006, 4.35%, due 12/1/07                1,641  
1,500    Elmhurst IDR (Randall Mfg. Prod. Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 4.04%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,500 µß
700    Illinois Dev. Fin. Au. IDR (Florence Corp. Proj.), Ser. 1997, (LOC: Bank One),
4.15%, due 10/4/07
               700 µß
980    Illinois Dev. Fin. Au. IDR (JVM LLC Proj.), Ser. 2001, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank),
3.98%, due 10/4/07
               980 µß
4,570    Illinois Dev. Fin. Au. IDR (Trim-Rite Food Corp. Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.97%, due 10/5/07                4,570 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$500    Illinois Fin. Au. IDR (E Kinast Proj.), Ser. 2005 A, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase),
4.15%, due 10/4/07
               $500 µß
3,400    Illinois Fin. Au. IDR (Injection Plastic Corp.), Ser. 2006 A, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.01%, due 10/3/07                3,400 µß
1,000    Illinois Fin. Au. IDR (Meyer Ind. LLC Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank),
3.98%, due 10/4/07
               1,000 µß
930    Illinois Fin. Au. IDR (Transparent Container Proj.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Bank One), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           930 µß
2,620    Upper Illinois River Valley Dev. Au. IDR (Advanced Drainage Sys.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,620 µß
Indiana (5.4%)               
2,000    Bartholomew Cons. Sch. Corp. Ind. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007,
4.00%, due 12/31/07
2,680    Concord Comm. Sch. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007,
3.90%, due 12/31/07
2,000    Crawfordsville Econ. Dev. Ref. Rev. (Pedcor Investments-Shady), Ser. 1993, (LOC: Federal Home Loan Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,000 µ
3,540    Elkhart Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Carriage, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                3,540 µ
585    Elkhart Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Pinnacle Bldg. Sys. Corp.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Bank One Indiana N.A.), 4.23%, due 10/3/07                585 µß
1,400    Hamilton Southeastern Sch. Warrants, Ser. 2007, 3.80%, due 12/31/07                1,400  
500    Hammond Econ. Dev. Rev. (A.M. Castle & Co. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                500 µß
4,300    Indiana Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Fin. Au. Hosp. Rev. (Floyd Mem. Hosp. & Hlth. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: National City Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      4,300 µß
2,650    Johnson Co. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007, 4.35%, due 12/31/07                2,654  
970    Kendallville Econ. Dev. Rev. (Metal Shred Ind. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.97%, due 10/5/07                970 µß
1,890    Kokomo Econ. Dev. Rev. (Village Comm. Partners IV Proj.), Ser. 1995, (LOC: Federal Home Loan Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,890 µß
1,069    La Porte Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Pedcor Investments-Woodland), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Federal Home Loan Bank), 4.00%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,069 µ
2,600    La Porte Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Van Air Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                2,600 µß
1,087    Noblesville Econ. Dev. Rev. (Princeton Lakes Apts. Proj.), Ser. 2003 B, (LOC: Federal Home Loan Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,087 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$1,105    North Vernon Econ. Dev. Rev. (Oak Meadows Apt. Proj.), Ser. 1995, (LOC: Federal Home Loan Bank), 3.94%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      $1,105 µß
2,150    Spencer Owen Comm. Schs. Tax Anticipation Warrants, Ser. 2007, 3.90%, due 12/31/07                2,151  
500    Tippecanoe Co. Econ. Dev. Ref. Rev. (Lafayette Venetian Blind), Ser. 2004, (LOC: PNC Bank), 3.97%, due 10/4/07                500 µß
Iowa (1.6%)               
300    Iowa Higher Ed. Loan Au. Rev. (Private College Wartburg Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: American Trust & Savings), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           300 µß
400    Mason City IDR (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                400 µß
6,315    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007 7042A, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           6,315 ñµe
2,215    Sergeant Bluff IDR (Sioux City Brick & Tile Proj.), Ser.1996, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,215 µß
Kansas (0.7%)               
3,925    Junction City G.O., Ser. 2007 A, 5.00%, due 6/1/08                3,950  
300    Univ. of Kansas Hosp. Au. Rev. (KU Hlth. Sys.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Harris Trust & Savings Bank), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1      300 µß
Kentucky (2.5%)               
200    Bardstown Ind. Rev. (JAV Invt. LLC Proj.), Ser. 2001, (LOC: Bank One Michigan), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                200 µß
2,790    Boone Co. Ind. Bldg. Rev. (Benda-Lutz Corp. Proj.), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Fifth Third Bank), 3.97%, due 10/5/07                2,790 µß
2,700    Boone Co. Ind. Bldg. Rev. (Kiswel, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,700 µß
2,665    Fort Mitchell Ind. Bldg. Rev. (Grandview/Hemmer Proj.), Ser. 1986, (LOC: PNC Bank), 3.90%, due 2/1/08                2,665 µ
4,000    Fulton Co. Ind. Bldg. Rev. (Burke-Parsons-Bowlby Corp.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                4,000 µß
1,800    Lexington-Fayette Urban Co. Arpt. Corp. Rev. Ref. (1st Mtg.), Ser. 1998 C, (MBIA Insured), 4.16%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           1,800 µl
315    Trimble Co. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Synthetic Materials Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                315 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Louisiana (2.0%)               
$300    Ascension Parish Rev. (BASF Corp. Proj.), Ser. 1998, 4.13%, due 10/1/07      P-1           $300 µß
1,000    Calcasieu Parish Pub. Trust Au. Gulf Opportunity Zone Rev. (Delta Equine Ctr. LLC Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.),
3.98%, due 10/4/07
               1,000 µß
4,940    Deutsche Bank Spears/Lifers Trust Var. St., Ser.2007-137, (LOC: Deutsche Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                4,940 µ
3,310    Louisiana HFA Single Family Mtge. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1566, (LOC: Depfa Bank), 3.96%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      3,310 µs
2,000    Louisiana Local Gov't. Env. Facs. & Comm. Dev. Rev. (SRL Holdings LLC Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,000 µß
Maine (1.1%)               
6,000    Maine St. Hsg. Au. Mtge. Purchase Bonds, Ser. 2007 F,
3.85%, due 11/15/34 Putable 9/22/08
     VMIG1      A-1+      6,000  
500    Westbrook Rev. (Corriveau-Routhier, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1986, (LOC: Fleet National Bank), 3.90%, due 12/15/07                500 µß
Maryland (0.3%)               
1,660    Howard Co. IDR (Preston CT Ltd. Partnership), Ser. 1986, (LOC: SunTrust Bank), 3.95%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,660 µ
Massachusetts (1.5%)               
3,000    Cape Cod Reg. Transit Au. RANS, Ser. 2007, 4.00%, due 7/31/08                3,002  
2,400    Greater Attleboro Taunton Reg. Transit Au. RANS, Ser. 2007,
4.00%, due 8/22/08
1,150    Massachusetts St. HFA, Ser. 2005 A, (FSA Insured), 3.85%, due 6/1/08                1,150  
1,975    Massachusetts St. Ind. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Sr. Living Fac.-Forge Hill Proj.), Ser. 1998, 6.75%, due 4/1/30 Pre Refunded 4/1/08                2,044 ß
Michigan (0.3%)               
1,000    ABN Amro Munitops Cert. Trust Rev., Ser. 2004-2, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.97%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,000 µa
300    Eastern Michigan Univ. Rev., Ser. 2001, (FGIC Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
          A-1+      300 µl
300    Northern Michigan Univ. Rev., Ser. 2001, (FGIC Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1      A-1      300 µj
300    Univ. of Michigan Univ. Rev., Ser. 2005 A, 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1      A-1+      300 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Minnesota (3.0%)               
$300    Arden Hills Hsg. & Hlth. Care Fac. Rev. (Presbyterian Homes), Ser. 1999 A, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      $300 µß
100    Blaine IDR (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1993, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                100 µß
12,195    Dakota Co. Comm. Dev. Agcy. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Brentwood Hills Apts. Proj.), Ser. 2003 A, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank),
4.15%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1           12,195 µß
2,415    Plymouth Multi-Family Hsg. Ref. Rev. (At the Lake Apts. Proj.), Ser. 2004, (LOC: Freddie Mac), 3.94%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,415 µß
280    Roseville Private Sch. Fac. Rev. (Northwestern College Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Marshall & Ilsley), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           280 µß
500    Rush City IDR (Plastech Corp. Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: U.S. Bank),
4.09%, due 10/4/07
               500 µß
1,155    St. Paul Hsg. & Redev. Au. Rev. (Goodwill/Easter Seals Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.00%, due 10/4/07                1,155 µß
100    Woodbury Private Sch. Fac. Rev. (St. Ambrose Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.00%, due 10/3/07                100 µß
Missouri (1.0%)               
1,000    Clayton Ind. Dev. Au. Ind. Ref. Rev. (Bailey Court Proj.), Ser. 1989, (LOC: Commerce Bank N.A.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07           A-1      1,000 µ
300    Hannibal Ind. Dev. Au. Ind. Rev. (Buckhorn Rubber Prods. Proj.), Ser. 1995, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                300 µß
100    Jefferson Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Ind. Rev. (GHF Holdings LLC Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                100 µß
4,000    Missouri St. Env. Imp. & Energy Res. Au. Env. Imp. Rev. (UtiliCorp United, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1993, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 4.23%, due 10/3/07      P-1      A-1+      4,000 µß
300    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Ed. Fac. Rev. (Christian Brothers), Ser. 2002 A, (LOC: Commerce Bank N.A.), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      300 µß
300    Missouri St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Hlth. Fac. Rev. (St. Francis Med. Ctr.), Ser. 1996 A, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      300 µß
Montana (2.1%)               
9,965    Montana St. Board Hsg. (Merlots), Ser. 2007-H11, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.97%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      9,965 µ
2,000    Montana St. Board of Investments Rev. (Muni. Fin. Cons. Act-Intercap), Ser. 1994, 3.85%, due 3/1/09 Putable 3/1/08      VMIG1           2,000 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Nebraska (0.1%)               
$400    Norfolk IDR Ref. (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                $400 µß
Nevada (2.1%)               
1,495    Clark Co. IDR (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1843, (AMBAC Insured), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,495 µs
1,000    Clark Co. IDR (Floaters), Ser. 2006-1306, (FGIC Insured), 3.94%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,000 µs
9,365    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-321, Class A, (AMBAC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           9,365 ñµe
New Hampshire (0.8%)               
1,200    Cheshire Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 3.75%, due 12/27/07                1,200  
1,500    Merrimack Co. G.O. TANS, Ser. 2007, 4.25%, due 12/28/07                1,501  
1,660    New Hampshire St. Hsg. Fin. Au. Multi-Family Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2006-3438, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,660 µ
New Jersey (1.5%)               
7,665    New Jersey Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Stamato Realty LLC Proj.), Ser. 2001, (LOC: Comerica Bank), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                7,665 µß
705    New Jersey Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Wearbest SIL-TEX Mills Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Bank of New York), 4.00%, due 10/3/07                705 µß
New Mexico (0.0%)               
225    Las Cruces IDR (Parkview Metal Prod. Proj.), Ser. 1997, (LOC: America National Bank & Trust Co.), 4.15%, due 10/4/07                225 µß
North Carolina (0.9%)               
1,550    Iredell Co. Ind. Fac. & Poll. Ctrl. Fin. Au. Ind. Rev. (Riley Technologies Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                1,550 µß
2,000    Lincoln Co. Ind. Fac. & Poll. Ctrl. Fin. Au. Rev. Ind. Dev. (Sabo USA, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: LaSalle National Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           2,000 µß
1,875    North Carolina HFA, Ser. 2002, (LOC: Citibank, N.A.), 4.00%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,875 µ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
North Dakota (0.3%)               
$800    Bismarck IDR Ref. (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1995, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                $800 µß
1,000    North Dakota HFA Rev. (Fin. Prog. Home Mtge.), Ser. 2004 B, (LOC: KBC Bank N.V.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07      VMIG1           1,000 µ
Ohio (2.2%)               
1,750    American Muni. Pwr. BANS (Montpelier Proj.), Ser. 2007, 3.95%, due 7/3/08                1,750  
2,060    American Muni. Pwr. BANS (Shelby Proj.), Ser. 2006, 3.70%, due 11/15/07                2,060  
1,775    Marion Co. IDR (Mid Ohio Packaging Co. Proj.), Ser. 1995,
(LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.03%, due 10/4/07
               1,775 µ
1,910    Marysville Wtr. & Swr. G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.50%, due 1/24/08                1,915  
1,800    Revenue Bond Cert. Ser. Trust Var. St. (Park Trails), Ser. 2007-3 (AIG Insured), 4.06%, due 10/4/07                1,800 µ
115    Trumbull Co. IDR (UTD Steel Svc., Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.30%, due 10/4/07                115 µß
1,445    Vandalia Land Acquisition G.O. BANS, Ser. 2007, 3.88%, due 8/22/08                1,445  
1,155    Warren Co. IDR (PAC Mfg. Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.15%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      1,155 µß
946    Wood Co. IDR (Reclamation Technologies), Ser. 2006, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                946 µß
Oregon (0.2%)               
705    Marion Co. Hsg. Au. Rev. (Residence at Marian), Ser. 1997, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      705 µß
300    Multnomah Co. Higher Ed. Rev. (Concordia Univ. Portland Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Key Bank), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           300 µß
Pennsylvania (2.9%)               
4,000    Crawford Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Acutec Precision), Ser. 2007, (LOC: National City Bank), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                4,000 µß
3,200    Fayette Co. Ind. Dev. Au. IDR (Coastal Lumber Co. Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                3,200 µß
2,805    Lackawanna Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Material Technology Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                2,805 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$3,425    Montgomery Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (RAF Pennsburg Proj.), Ser. 2006 A, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $3,425 µß
3,000    Pennsylvania Econ. Dev. Fin. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev., Ser. 1995 D7, (LOC: PNC Bank), 3.93%, due 10/4/07                3,000 µ
Rhode Island (0.2%)               
1,180    Rhode Island St. Ind. Facs. Corp. IDR (Precision Turned Components Proj.), Ser. 2000, (LOC: Bank of America), 4.00%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      1,180 µß
South Carolina (2.4%)               
2,775    Jasper Co. BANS, Ser. 2007, 4.25%, due 2/15/08                2,779  
1,000    South Carolina Jobs Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Blue Ridge Log Cabins LLC), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.),
3.98%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           1,000 µß
1,985    South Carolina Jobs Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (DCS Diversified Coating), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           1,985 µß
500    South Carolina Jobs Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Mancor Ind., Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: PNC Bank), 3.97%, due 10/4/07                500 µß
4,125    South Carolina Jobs Econ. Dev. Au. Econ. Dev. Rev. (Woodhead LLC Proj.), Ser. 2007 A, (LOC: Columbus Bank & Trust), 3.94%, due 10/4/07                4,125 µß
50    South Carolina Jobs Econ. Dev. Au. IDR (Florence RHF Hsg. Proj.), Ser. 1987 A, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.15%, due 10/3/07                50 µß
3,420    Three Rivers Solid Waste Au. Solid Waste Disposal Fac. Ref. Rev. BANS, Ser. 2007, 3.72%, due 1/15/08           SP-1+      3,420  
South Dakota (0.0%)               
125    Watertown IDR (SUPERVALU, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1994, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 3.95%, due 10/3/07                125 µß
80    Watertown IDR Ref. (Ramkota, Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1993, (LOC: U.S. Bank), 4.00%, due 10/4/07                80 µß
Tennessee (2.5%)               
8,000    Morgan Keegan Muni. Prod. Inc. Var. St. Rev., Ser. 2007 F, (LOC: BNP Paribas), 3.91%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      8,000 µ
2,110    Rutherford Co. IDB IDR (Tenn. Farmers Coop. Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: AMSouth Bank), 3.99%, due 10/4/07                2,110 µß


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$3,200    Shelby Co. Hlth., Ed. & Hsg. Fac. Board Multi-Family Hsg. Rev. (Lexington), Ser. 2005 A, (LOC: Fannie Mae), 3.99%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $3,200 µ
300    Stewart Co. IDB Rev. (Synthetic Materials Proj.), Ser. 1999 A, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                300 µß
730    Stewart Co. IDB Rev. (Synthetic Materials Proj.), Ser. 1999 C, (LOC: Citizens Bank), 4.01%, due 10/4/07                730 µß
Texas (9.7%)               
4,660    Alliance Arpt. Au. Inc. Spec. Fac. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2088, (LOC: Wells Fargo & Co.), 3.99%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      4,660 µ
615    Bell Co. Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Rev. (Hlth. Fac. Baptist Care, Inc.), Ser. 1998, (LOC: Broadway National Bank), 4.10%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           615 µßg
10,125    Bexar Co. Hsg. Fin. Corp. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev., Ser. 2007-749CE, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           10,125 µ
15,450    Brazos River Harbor Navigation Dist. Brazoria Co. Rev. (BASF Corp. Proj.), Ser. 2001, 4.15%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      15,450 µß
1,300    Dallas Fort Worth Int'l Arpt. Rev. (Putters), Ser. 2004-385, (FGIC Insured), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1      A-1+      1,300 µo
1,340    Harris Co. Ind. Dev. Corp. IDR (Precision Gen., Inc. Proj.), Ser. 1991, (LOC: Morgan Guaranty Trust), 3.98%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      1,340 µß
300    Lufkin Hlth. Fac. Dev. Corp. Hlth. Sys. Ref. Rev. (Mem. Hlth. Sys. East Texas), Ser. 2005, (LOC: Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.), 4.09%, due 10/1/07 Pre Refunded 2/15/08           A-1+      300 µß
4,200    McAllen Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Ridge Sharyland), Ser. 2000, 5.87%, due 10/4/07                4,271 µ
300    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-3082A, (MBIA Insured),
4.05%, due 10/1/07
     VMIG1           300 ñµe
1,200    Port of Port Arthur Navigation Dist. Rev. (Fina Oil & Chemical Co. Proj.), Ser. 1998, 4.08%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           1,200 µß
8,200    Tarrant Co. Hsg. Fin. Corp. Rev. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-2050, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 3.96%, due 10/4/07           A-1+      8,200 µs
7,975    Victory Street Pub. Fac. Corp. Multi-Family Rev., Ser. 2007-832CE, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,975 µ
Vermont (1.1%)               
300    Vermont Ed. & Hlth. Bldg. Fin. Agcy. Rev. (Mount Ascutney Hosp. Proj.), Ser. 2004 A, (LOC: TD Banknorth N.A.), 4.00%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           300 µß
6,000    Vermont HFA Multi. Purp. Notes, Ser. 2007 D, (LOC: Calyon Bank),
3.85%, due 9/25/08


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
Virginia (4.7%)               
$2,500    Amherst Co. Econ. Dev. Au. IDR (Englands Stove Works Proj.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                $2,500 µß
7,150    BB&T Muni. Trust Var. St. (Floaters), Ser. 2007-1006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 4.02%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           7,150 µ
6,380    Portsmouth Redev. & Hsg. Au. Multi-Family Hsg. Rev., Ser. 2006-3667, (LOC: Merrill Lynch Capital Markets), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                6,380 µ
2,210    Southampton Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Feridies Proj.), Ser. 2006, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07                2,210 µß
3,000    Sussex Co. Ind. Dev. Au. IDR (McGill Env. Sys.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: Branch Banking & Trust Co.), 3.98%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           3,000 µß
2,865    Tazewell Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Jennmar Corp., Inc.), Ser. 2007, (LOC: PNC Bank), 3.97%, due 10/4/07                2,865 µß
1,865    Virginia St. Hsg. Dev. Au. Commonwealth Mtge. (Merlots), Ser. 2006-C07, (LOC: Bank of New York), 3.97%, due 10/3/07           A-1+      1,865 µ
1,380    Wythe Co. Ind. Dev. Au. Rev. (Klockner-Pentaplast of America), Ser. 1989, (LOC: Landesbank Hessen-Thveringen Girozentrale), 4.02%, due 10/4/07                1,380 µß
Washington (5.7%)               
300    Everett Pub. Fac. Dist. Proj. Rev., Ser. 2007, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      300 µ
9,870    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission, Ser. 2007-11203, (LOC: Government National Mortgage Association), 4.00%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           9,870 µh
7,395    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Multi-Family Hsg. Rev., Ser.
2007-10003CE, (LOC: Citigroup Global Markets), 4.04%, due 10/4/07
     VMIG1           7,395 µ
4,500    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Multi-Family Rev. (Silver Creek Retirement), Ser. 2004 A, (LOC: Wells Fargo & Co.), 4.09%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           4,500 µß
10,300    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Multi-Family Rev. (Woodland Retirement Proj.), Ser. 2003 A, (LOC: Wells Fargo & Co.),
4.09%, due 10/1/07
          A-1+      10,300 µß
300    Washington St. Hsg. Fin. Commission Non-Profit Rev. (Tacoma Art Museum Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Northern Trust Co.), 4.10%, due 10/1/07      VMIG1           300 µß
Wisconsin (6.5%)               
425    Elkhorn IDR (Lanco Precision Plus Proj.), Ser. 1999, (LOC: Bank One), 4.23%, due 10/3/07                425 µß
6,500    Muni. Sec. Trust Cert. G.O., Ser. 2007-7063, Class A, (LOC: Bear Stearns), 3.96%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           6,500 ñµ


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



(000's omitted)      Moody's      S&P      (000's omitted)  
$19,945    Puttable Floating Option Tax Exempt Receipts (Floaters), Ser. 2007-4391, (LOC: Dexia Credit Locale de France), 4.00%, due 10/4/07      VMIG1           $19,945 µ
300    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Beloit College Proj.), Ser. 2007, (XLCA Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      300 µßd
2,600    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Fort Healthcare Inc.), Ser. 2007 A, (LOC: JP Morgan Chase), 4.08%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      2,600 µß
7,500    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Gundersen Lutheran), Ser. 2000 A, (FSA Insured), 4.05%, due 10/1/07           A-1+      7,500 µßl
200    Wisconsin St. Hlth. & Ed. Fac. Au. Rev. (Meriter Hosp., Inc. Proj.), Ser. 2002, (LOC: Marshall & Ilsley), 4.10%, due 10/1/07           A-1      200 µß
   Total Investments (98.4%)                567,279  
   Cash, receivables and other assets, less liabilities (1.6%)                8,945  
   Total Net Assets (100.0%)                $576,224  


See Notes to Schedule of Investments



Notes to Schedule of Investments Institutional Liquidity

Trust (Unaudited)


Investment securities are valued at amortized cost, which approximates U.S. federal income tax cost.


@@ Municipal securities held by Municipal Master Series and Tax-Exempt Master Series are within the two highest rating categories assigned by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization ("NRSRO") such as Moody's Investors Service, Inc. or Standard & Poor's or, where not rated, are determined by the master series' investment manager to be of comparable quality. Approximately 90.9% and 89.1% of the municipal securities held by Municipal Master Series and Tax-Exempt Master Series, respectively, have credit enhancement features backing them, which the funds may rely on, such as letters of credit, insurance, or guarantees. Without these credit enhancement features the securities may or may not meet the quality standards of the fund. Pre-refunded bonds are supported by securities in escrow issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government, its agencies, or instrumentalities. The amount escrowed is sufficient to pay the periodic interest due and the principal of these bonds. Putable bonds give the funds the right to sell back the issue on the date specified.


Where no rating appears from any NRSRO, the security is deemed unrated for purposes of Rule 2a-7 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Each of these securities is an eligible security based on a comparable quality analysis performed by the Master Series' investment manager.


ñ Restricted security subject to restrictions on resale under federal securities laws. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A and have been deemed by the investment manager to be liquid. At September 30, 2007, these securities amounted to approximately $749,378,000 or 28.7% of net assets for Money Market Master Series, approximately $2,274,087,000 or 16.2% of net assets for Prime Master Series, approximately $200,070,000 or 9.3% of net assets for Tax-Exempt Master Series and approximately $22,480,000 or 3.9% of net assets for Municipal Master Series.


ß Security is guaranteed by the corporate or non-profit obligor.


µ Floating rate securities are securities whose yields vary with a designated market index or market rate. These securities are shown at their current rates as of September 30, 2007.


Ø All or a portion of this security was purchased on a when-issued basis. At September 30, 2007, these securities amounted to $20,020,000 for Government Reserves Master Series and $18,484,000 for Tax-Exempt Master Series, respectively.


ØØ All or a portion of this security is segregated as collateral for when-issued purchase commitments.


a Security is subject to a guarantee provided by ABN AMRO Bank NV, backing 100% of the total principal.


b Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Banco Santander, backing 100% of the total principal.


c Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Bank of America, backing 100% of the total principal.


d Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Bank of New York, backing 100% of the total principal.


e Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Bear Stearns, backing 100% of the total principal.


f Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Calyon Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


g Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Chase Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


h Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Citibank, N.A., backing 100% of the total principal.


i Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Citigroup Global Markets, backing 100% of the total principal.


j Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Depfa Bank PLC, backing 100% of the total principal.



Notes to Schedule of Investments Institutional Liquidity Trust (Unaudited) (cont'd)


k Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Deutsche Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


l Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Dexia Credit Locale de France, backing 100% of the total principal.


m Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Goldman Sachs, backing 100% of the total principal.


n Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Harris Trust & Savings Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


o Security is subject to a guarantee provided by JP Morgan Chase, backing 100% of the total principal.


p Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Landesbank Hessen-Thveringen Girozentrale, backing 100% of the total principal.


q Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Lloyd's Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


r Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Merrill Lynch Capital Markets, backing 100% of the total principal.


s Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Morgan Stanley, backing 100% of the total principal.


t Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Societe Generale, backing 100% of the total principal.


u Security is subject to a guarantee provided by U.S. Bank, backing 100% of the total principal.


v Security is subject to a guarantee provided by Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., backing 100% of the total principal.



Statements of Assets and Liabilities (Unaudited)


Institutional Liquidity Trust

(000's omitted)





    September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007  
Investments in securities, at value* (Note A)-see Schedule of Investments:    
Unaffiliated issuers   $2,316,543   $11,584,242  
Repurchase agreements   286,000   2,465,100  
  2,602,543   14,049,342  
Cash   564   565  
Interest receivable   10,818   29,282  
Receivable for securities sold   -   -  
Prepaid expenses and other assets   116   133  
Total Assets   2,614,041   14,079,322  
Payable for securities purchased   -   -  
Payable to investment manager-net (Note B)   179   898  
Accrued expenses and other payables   113   8  
Total Liabilities   292   906  
Net Assets Applicable to investors' beneficial interests   $2,613,749   $14,078,416  
Net Assets consist of:    
Paid-in capital   $2,613,749   $14,078,416  
*Cost of investments:    
Unaffiliated issuers   $2,602,543   $14,049,342  


See Notes to Financial Statements



September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007   September 30, 2007
$499,545   $318,546   $34,875   $2,111,103   $567,279
520,500   -   721,000   -   -
1,020,045   318,546   755,875   2,111,103   567,279
405   44   78   45,044   5,508
2,767   762   852   15,738   3,291
-   -   -   931   194
25   -   25   109   -
1,023,242   319,352   756,830   2,172,925   576,272
-   20,162   -   18,487   -
62   21   49   96   26
30   33   26   4   22
92   20,216   75   18,587   48
$1,023,150   $299,136   $756,755   $2,154,338   $576,224
$1,023,150   $299,136   $756,755   $2,154,338   $576,224
$1,020,045   $318,546   $755,875   $2,111,103   $567,279



Statements of Operations (Unaudited)


Institutional Liquidity Trust

(000's omitted)


    For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
Investment Income    
Interest income-unaffiliated issuers (Note A)   $65,922     $298,501  
Investment management fees (Note B)   980     4,441  
Audit fees   15     11  
Custodian fees (Note B)   256     638  
Insurance expense   36     104  
Legal fees   1     1  
Rating agency fees   -     10  
Shareholder reports   3     3  
Trustees' fees and expenses   13     14  
Miscellaneous   36     101  
Total expenses   1,340     5,323  
Investment management fees waived (Note B)   -     -  
Expenses reduced by custodian fee expense offset arrangement (Note B)   (67 )   (129 )
Total net expenses   1,273     5,194  
Net investment income   $64,649     $293,307  
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments
(Note A)
Net realized gain (loss) on:    
Sales of investment securities of unaffiliated issuers   (69 )   (120 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations   $64,580     $293,187  


See Notes to Financial Statements



For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
    Period from
July 9, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
  For the Six Months Ended
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
$18,961     $2,784   $12,071     $4,585     $1,271  
290     44   196     251     80  
16     10   5     5     13  
67     22   63     101     27  
8     -   2     -     -  
5     2   6     1     1  
4     1   4     -     -  
3     2   3     -     -  
13     6   13     1     1  
6     -   4     2     1  
412     87   296     361     123  
-     -   -     (156 )   (54 )



  -   (21 )   (96 )   (22 )
392     87   275     109     47  
$18,569     $2,697   $11,796     $4,476     $1,224  
(6 )   -   50     2     2  
$18,563     $2,697   $11,846     $4,478     $1,226  



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Institutional Liquidity Trust

(000's omitted)


     Six Months
September 30,
March 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:      
From Operations:      
Net investment income (loss)    $64,649      $129,526  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments    (69 )    (78 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    64,580      129,448  
Transactions in Investors' Beneficial Interest:      
Contribution from initial capitalization    -      -  
Contributions    4,493,841      5,640,176  
Withdrawals    (4,437,908 )    (5,506,910 )
Net increase (decrease) from transactions in investors' beneficial interest    55,933      133,266  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    120,513      262,714  
Net Assets:      
Beginning of period    2,493,236      2,230,522  
End of period    $2,613,749      $2,493,236  


See Notes to Financial Statements




Six Months
September 30,
March 31,
    Six Months
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
$293,307     $291,330     $18,569     $7,760  
(120 )   (95 )   (6 )   -  
293,187     291,235     18,563     7,760  
-     -     -     100  
40,170,218     35,971,111     1,677,075     1,008,074  
(32,867,793 )   (32,985,741 )   (1,442,247 )   (246,175 )
7,302,425     2,985,370     234,828     761,999  
7,595,612     3,276,605     253,391     769,759  
6,482,804     3,206,199     769,759     -  
$14,078,416     $6,482,804     $1,023,150     $769,759  



Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Institutional Liquidity Trust

(000's omitted)


     Period from
July 9, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:   
From Operations:   
Net investment income (loss)    $2,697  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments    -  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations    2,697  
Transactions in Investors' Beneficial Interest:   
Contribution from initial capitalization    -  
Contributions    434,591  
Withdrawals    (138,152 )
Net increase (decrease) from transactions in investors' beneficial interest    296,439  
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets    299,136  
Net Assets:   
Beginning of period    -  
End of period    $299,136  


See Notes to Financial Statements




Six Months
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006
(Commencement of
Operations) to
March 31, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
    Period from
September 10, 2007
(Commencement of
Operations) to
September 30, 2007
$11,796     $6,723     $4,476     $1,224  
50     -     2     2  
11,846     6,723     4,478     1,226  
-     -     -     -  
997,527     814,761     2,882,228     766,441  
(708,859 )   (365,243 )   (732,368 )   (191,443 )
288,668     449,518     2,149,860     574,998  
300,514     456,241     2,154,338     576,224  
456,241     -     -     -  
$756,755     $456,241     $2,154,338     $576,224  



Notes to Financial Statements Institutional Liquidity Trust (Unaudited)


Note A-Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:


1 General: The Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series, Government Reserves Master Series, Treasury Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series (individually a "Master Series," collectively, the "Master Series") are separate operating series of Institutional Liquidity Trust (the "Trust"), a Delaware statutory trust organized pursuant to a Trust Instrument dated October 1, 2004. The Trust is registered as a diversified, open-end management investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Government Master Series had no operations until December 18, 2006 other than matters relating to its organization and the contribution of beneficial interest from the Institutional Class of Government Portfolio of $100,000 on December 4, 2006. Each of Government Reserves Master Series, Treasury Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series had no operations until July 9, 2007, December 18, 2006, September 10, 2007 and September 10, 2007, respectively other than matters relating to its organization.


   Other investment companies sponsored by Neuberger Berman Management Inc. ("Management") and Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC ("LBAM"), the sub-adviser to the Master Series, whose financial statements are not presented herein, also invest in the Master Series.


   The assets of each Master Series belong only to that Master Series, and the liabilities of each Master Series are borne solely by that Master Series and no other series of the Trust.


   The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


2 Portfolio valuation: Investment securities are valued as indicated in the notes following the Master Series' Schedule of Investments.


3 Securities transactions and investment income: Securities transactions are recorded on trade date for financial reporting purposes. Interest income, including accretion of discount (adjusted for original issue discount, where applicable), and amortization of premium, where applicable, is recorded on the accrual basis. Realized gains and losses from securities transactions are recorded on the basis of identified cost and stated separately in the Statements of Operations.


4 Income tax information: It is the policy of the Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series, and Treasury Master Series, and it is the intention of Government Reserves Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series, to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. It is also the policy of the Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series, and Treasury Master Series, and the intention of Government Reserves Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series to conduct their operations so that each of its investors that are regulated investment companies and invest substantially all of their net investable assets therein will continue to qualify as such for Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series, and Treasury Master Series and so that its investors will be able to qualify as a regulated investment company for Government Reserves Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series. Each Master Series will be treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes and is therefore not subject to U.S. federal income tax.




5 Concentration of risk: Money Market Master Series and Prime Master Series normally concentrate in the financial services industries; therefore, factors influencing the health of those industries could have a significant negative effect on these Master Series' performance. These may include economic trends, governmental action, changes in interest rates, as well as the availability and cost of capital funds.


6 Expense allocation: Certain expenses are applicable to multiple funds. Expenses directly attributable to a Master Series are charged to that Master Series. Expenses of the Trust that are not directly attributed to a series of the Trust are allocated among the series of the Trust, on the basis of relative net assets, except where a more appropriate allocation of expenses to each of the series can otherwise be made fairly. Expenses borne by the complex of related investment companies, which includes open-end and closed-end investment companies for which Management serves as investment manager, that are not directly attributed to a Master Series or the Trust, are allocated among the Master Series and the other investment companies in the complex or series thereof, on the basis of relative net assets, except where a more appropriate allocation of expenses to each investment company in the complex or series thereof can otherwise be made fairly.


7 Repurchase agreements: Each Master Series may enter into repurchase agreements with institutions that Management has determined are creditworthy. Each repurchase agreement is recorded at cost. Each Master Series requires that the securities purchased in a repurchase agreement be transferred to the custodian in a manner sufficient to enable the Master Series to assert a perfected security interest in those securities in the event of a default under the repurchase agreement. Each Master Series monitors, on a daily basis, the value of the securities transferred to ensure that their value, including accrued interest, is greater than amounts owed to the Master Series under each such repurchase agreement.


8 Indemnifications: Like many other companies, the Trust's organizational documents provide that its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Trust. In addition, both in some of its principal service contracts and in the normal course of its business, the Trust enters into contracts that provide indemnifications to other parties for certain types of losses or liabilities. The Trust's maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this could involve future claims against the Trust.

Note B-Management Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates:


   Each Master Series retains Management as its investment manager under a Management Agreement. For such investment management services, each Master Series (except Tax-Exempt and Municipal) pays Management a fee at the annual rate of 0.08% of its average daily net assets. Tax-Exempt and Municipal pay Management a fee at the annual rate of 0.25% of the first $500 million of average daily net assets, 0.225% of the next $500 million, 0.20% of the next $500 million, 0.175% of the next $500 million, and 0.15% of average daily net assets in excess of $2 billion. Management contractually agreed to waive its management fee so that the management fee was 0.08% of its average daily net assets for Tax-Exempt and Municipal. For the period ended September 30, 2007, such waived fees amounted to $155,568 for Tax-Exempt and $54,293 for Municipal, respectively.


   Management and LBAM, the sub-adviser to the Master Series, are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., a publicly-owned holding company. LBAM is retained by Management to provide day-to-day investment management services. LBAM, as sub-adviser to each Master Series, receives a monthly fee paid by Management, based on an annual rate of each Master Series' average daily net assets. The Master Series do not pay a fee directly to LBAM for such services. As investment adviser, Management is responsible for overseeing the investment activities of LBAM. Several individuals who are officers and/or trustees of the Trust are also employees of LBAM and/or Management.



Each Master Series has an expense offset arrangement in connection with its custodian contract. For the six months ended September 30, 2007, the impact of this arrangement was a reduction of expenses of $67,219, $129,174, $20,040, $491, $21,185, $95,949 and $21,991 for Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series,





Government Master Series, Government Reserves Master Series, Treasury Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series, respectively.

Note C-Securities Transactions:


   All securities transactions for Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series, Government Reserves Master Series, Treasury Master Series, Tax-Exempt Master Series and Municipal Master Series, were short-term.

Note D-Line of Credit:


   On May 25, 2007 the Master Series became a participant in a single committed, unsecured $300,000,000 line of credit with State Street Bank and Trust Company ("State Street") and Bank of New York, as agent, to be used only for temporary or emergency purposes. Other investment companies managed by Management also participate in this line of credit on the same terms. Interest is charged on borrowings under this agreement at the overnight Federal Funds Rate plus 0.375% per annum. A commitment fee of 0.075% per annum of the unused available line of credit is charged, of which the Master Series has agreed to pay its pro rata share, based on the ratio of its individual net assets to the net assets of all participants at the time the fee is due and payable. The fee is paid quarterly in arrears. Because several investment companies participate, there is no assurance that an individual Master Series will have access to all or any part of the $300,000,000 at any particular time.


   On September 27, 2007 the Master Series became a participant in a single uncommitted, unsecured $150,000,000 line of credit with State Street, as lender, to be used only for temporary or emergency purposes. Other investment companies managed by Management also participate in this line of credit on the same terms. Interest is charged on borrowings under this agreement at the overnight Federal Funds Rate plus 0.375% per annum. Because several investment companies participate, there is no assurance that an individual Master Series will have access to all or any part of the $150,000,000 at any particular time.


   The Master Series had no loans outstanding pursuant to either line of credit at September 30, 2007. During the six months ended September 30, 2007, the Master Series did not utilize either line of credit.

Note E-Recent Accounting Pronouncement:


   In September 2006, Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB Statement No. 157, "Fair Value Measurement" ("SFAS 157"), which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Management believes the adoption of SFAS 157 will not have a material impact on the Master Series' financial position or results of operations.

Note F-Unaudited Financial Information:


   The financial information included in this interim report is taken from the records of each Master Series without audit by an independent registered public accounting firm. Annual reports contain audited financial statements.



Financial Highlights


Money Market Master Series


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Period from
December 30, 2004^
to March 31,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:         
Gross Expenses#    .11 %*   .10 %   .11 %   .11 %*
Net Expenses    .10 %*   .10 %   .11 %   .11 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    5.28 %*   5.14 %   3.72 %   2.38 %*
Total Return    +2.66 %**   +5.27 %@   +3.87 %@   +0.63 %**@
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $2,613.7     $2,493.2     $2,230.5     $2,418.4  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Prime Master Series


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Period from
December 27, 2004^
to March 31,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:         
Gross Expenses#    .10 %*   .10 %   .11 %   .12 % *
Net Expenses    .09 %*   .10 %   .10 %   .11 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    5.28 %*   5.19 %   3.78 %   2.43 %*
Total Return    +2.67 %**   +5.29 %@   +3.87 %@   +0.66 %**@
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $14,078.4     $6,482.8     $3,206.2     $1,277.5  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Government Master Series


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:     
Gross Expenses#    .11 %*   .13 %*
Net Expenses    .11 %*   .13 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    5.12 %*   5.17 %*
Total Return    +2.59 %**   +1.49 %**
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $1,023.2     $769.8  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Government Reserves Master Series


     Period from
July 9, 2007^
to September 30,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:   
Gross Expenses#    .16 %*
Net Expenses    .16 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    4.95 %*
Total Return    +1.16 %**
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $299.1  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Treasury Master Series


     Six Months Ended
September 30,

Period from
December 18, 2006^
to March 31,


Ratios to Average Net Assets:     
Gross Expenses#    .12 %*   .12 %*
Net Expenses    .11 %*   .12 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    4.81 %*   5.05 %*
Total Return    +2.47 %**   +1.46 %**
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $756.8     $456.2  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Tax-Exempt Master Series


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:   
Gross Expenses#    .17 %*
Net Expenses    .09 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    3.74 %*
Total Return@    +0.21 %**
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $2,154.3  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Financial Highlights


Municipal Master Series


     Period from
September 10, 2007^
to September 30,
Ratios to Average Net Assets:   
Gross Expenses#    .21 %*
Net Expenses    .14 %*
Net Investment Income (Loss)    3.77 %*
Total Return@    +0.22 %**
Net Assets, End of Period (in millions)    $576.2  


See Notes to Financial Highlights



Notes to Financial Highlights Institutional Liquidity Trust (Unaudited)


# The Master Series is required to calculate an expense ratio without taking into consideration any expense reductions related to expense offset arrangements.


After waiver of a portion of the investment management fee by Management. Had Management not undertaken such action, the annualized ratios of net expenses to average daily net assets would have been:


     Six Months Ended
September 30,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Year Ended
March 31,
    Period Ended
March 31,
Money Market Master Series    -     .12 %   .13 %   .13 %(1)
Prime Master Series    -     .11 %   .12 %   .13 %(2)
Tax-Exempt Master Series(3)    .22 %   -     -     -  
Municipal Master Series(3)    .31 %   -     -     -  




Period from December 30, 2004 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2005.




Period from December 27, 2004 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2005.


  (3) Period from September 10, 2007 (commencement of operations) to September 30, 2007.


Total return for the Master Series has been calculated based on the total return for the feeder funds that invest all of their net investable assets in the Master Series. Total return assumes all distributions were reinvested and adjusted for the difference in expenses as set forth in the Notes to the Financial Statements of the feeder funds. Results represent past performance and do not guarantee future results. Current returns may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.


^ The date investment operations commenced.


* Annualized.


** Not annualized.


@ Total return would have been lower had Management not waived a portion of the investment management fee.





Investment Manager, Administrator and Distributor

Neuberger Berman Management Inc.

605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10158-0180



Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC

200 South Wacker Drive

Suite 2100

Chicago, IL 60601

Custodian and Shareholder Servicing Agent

State Street Bank and Trust Company

225 Franklin Street

Boston, MA 02110


Legal Counsel

Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP

1601 K Street, NW

Washington, DC 20006

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firms

Ernst & Young LLP

200 Clarendon Street

Boston, MA 02116

Tait, Weller & Baker LLP

1818 Market Street

Suite 2400

Philadelphia, PA 19103




Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

A description of the policies and procedures that the Trust uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available, without charge, by calling 1-888-556-9030 (toll-free) and on the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission, at www.sec.gov. Information regarding how the Trust voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is also available, without charge, by calling 1-888-556-9030 (toll-free) and on the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission, at www.sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Schedule

The Trust files a complete schedule of portfolio holdings for each Master Series with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Each Trust's Forms N-Q are available on the Securities and Exchange Commission's website at www.sec.gov and may be reviewed and copied at the Securities and Exchange Commission's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The information on Form N-Q is available upon request, without charge, by calling 1-888-556-9030 (toll-free).

Board Consideration of the Management and Sub-Advisory Agreements (Money Market, Prime, Government and Treasury Portfolios and Master Series)

At a meeting held on September 27, 2007, the Board of Trustees of Institutional Liquidity Trust ("Board"), including the Trustees who are not "interested persons" of Neuberger Berman Management Inc. ("Management") (including its affiliates) or Institutional Liquidity Trust ("Independent Fund Trustees"), approved the continuance of the Management and Sub-Advisory Agreements ("Agreements") between Management and Institutional Liquidity Trust, on behalf of Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series and Treasury Master Series (each, a "Master Series"). Each of Money Market Portfolio, Prime Portfolio, Government Portfolio and Treasury Portfolio (each, a "Feeder Portfolio") invests all of its net investable assets in Money Market Master Series, Prime Master Series, Government Master Series and Treasury Master Series, respectively. The term "Fund" is used throughout this section to refer to each Feeder Portfolio or its corresponding Master Series, as appropriate.

In evaluating the Agreements, the Board, including the Independent Fund Trustees, reviewed materials furnished by Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC ("Lehman Brothers Asset Management") in response to questions submitted by counsel to the Independent Fund Trustees, and met with senior representatives of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management regarding their personnel and operations. The Independent Fund Trustees were advised by counsel that is experienced in Investment Company Act of 1940 matters and that is independent of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management. The Independent Fund Trustees received a memorandum from independent counsel discussing the legal standards for their consideration of the proposed continuance of the Agreements. They met with such counsel separately from representatives of Management to discuss the annual contract review. The annual contract review extends over two regular meetings of the Board to ensure that Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management have time to respond to any questions the Independent Fund Trustees may have on their initial review of the report and that the Independent Fund Trustees have time to consider those responses. In addition, during this process, the Board held a separate meeting devoted to reviewing and discussing Fund performance.

The Board considered the following factors, among others, in connection with its approval of the continuance of the Agreements: (1) the nature, extent, and quality of the services provided by Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management; (2) the performance of each Fund or similar funds managed by Management compared to a relevant market index and a peer group of investment companies; (3) the costs of the services provided and profits or losses realized by Management and its affiliates from their relationship with the Funds; (4) the extent to which economies of scale might be realized as each Fund grows; and (5) whether fee levels reflect any such potential economies of scale for the benefit of investors in each Fund. In their deliberations, the Board members did not identify any particular information that was all-important or controlling, and each Trustee may have attributed different weights to the various factors.




The Board evaluated the terms of the Agreements, the overall fairness of the Agreements to each Fund and whether the Agreements were in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders.

With respect to the nature, extent and quality of the services provided, the Board considered the performance of each Fund or similar funds managed by Management. The Board considered the experience and staffing of portfolio management and the investment research personnel of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management who perform services for the Funds. The Board noted that Management also provides certain administrative services, including fund accounting and compliance oversight. In addition, the Board noted the positive compliance history of Management, as the firm has been free of significant compliance problems.

With respect to the performance of Money Market Master Series and Prime Master Series, the Board considered the performance of each Fund relative to its benchmark and a peer group of investment companies pursuing broadly similar strategies. The Board also considered the previous performance of Management in managing Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund, a former series of Lehman Brothers Income Funds and the predecessor to Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund, a series of Neuberger Berman Institutional Liquidity Series, which also invests in Money Market Master Series. The Board also considered performance in relation to the degree of risk undertaken by the portfolio managers.

With respect to the performance of Government Master Series and Treasury Master Series, since each Fund had less than a year of performance information, the Board considered the performance of a broadly similar fund managed by Management relative to its benchmark and a peer group of investment companies pursuing broadly similar strategies as each Fund.

With respect to the overall fairness of the Agreements, the Board considered the fee structure for each Fund under the Agreements as compared to a peer group of comparable funds and any fall-out benefits likely to accrue to Management or Lehman Brothers Asset Management or their affiliates from their relationship with the Fund. The Board also considered the profitability of Management and its affiliates from their association with Money Market Master Series and Prime Master Series.

The Board reviewed a comparison of each Fund's management fee and overall expense ratio to a peer group of comparable funds. The Board considered the mean and median of the management fees and expense ratios of each peer group. In addition, the Board considered the contractual limits on Fund expenses undertaken by Management for the Funds. The Board noted that Management has also established voluntary limits which further reduce Fund expenses.

The Board considered whether there were other funds that were advised or sub-advised by Management or its affiliates or separate accounts managed by Management or its affiliates with similar investment objectives, policies and strategies as the Funds. The Board compared the fees charged to any separate accounts managed in a similar style to the fees charged to the Funds at various asset levels. The Board considered the appropriateness and reasonableness of the differences between the fees charged between each Fund and any such separate accounts and determined that the differences in fees were consistent with the management and other services provided.

The Board also evaluated any actual or anticipated economies of scale in relation to the services Management provides to each Fund. The Board considered the relatively low level of the management fee and the contractual and voluntary expense limits for each Fund.

In concluding that the benefits accruing to Management and its affiliates by virtue of their relationship to Money Market Master Series and Prime Master Series were reasonable in comparison with the costs of providing the investment advisory services and the benefits accruing to each Master Series, the Board reviewed specific data as to Management's profit or loss on each Master Series for a recent period and the trend in profit or loss over recent years. The Board did not review profitability data for Management of Government Master Series or Treasury Master Series because each Master Series has been operating for less than a year, but considered the profitability of a broadly comparable fund. The Board also carefully examined Management's cost allocation methodology and in recent years had an independent consultant review the methodology. It also reviewed an analysis from an independent data service on investment management profitability




margins. The Board recognized that Management should be entitled to earn a reasonable level of profits for services it provides to the Funds and, based on its review, concluded that Management's level of profitability was not excessive.


In approving the Agreements, the Board concluded that the terms of each Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Agreements is in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders. In reaching this determination, the Board considered that Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management could be expected to provide a high level of service to each Fund; that it retained confidence in Management's and Lehman Brothers Asset Management's capabilities to manage the Funds; that each Fund's fee structure appeared to the Board to be reasonable given the nature and quality of services provided; and that the benefits accruing to Management and its affiliates by virtue of their relationship to the Funds were reasonable in comparison with the costs of providing the investment advisory services and the benefits accruing to each Fund.

Board Consideration of the Management and Sub-Advisory Agreements (Government Reserves, Municipal and Tax-Exempt Portfolios and Master Series)

At a meeting held on September 27, 2006, the Board of Trustees of Institutional Liquidity Trust ("Board"), including the Trustees who are not "interested persons" of Neuberger Berman Management Inc. ("Management") (including its affiliates) or Institutional Liquidity Trust ("Independent Fund Trustees"), approved the Management and Sub-Advisory Agreements ("Agreements") between Management and Institutional Liquidity Trust, on behalf of Government Reserves Master Series, Municipal Master Series and Tax-Exempt Master Series (each, a "Master Series"). Additionally, at a meeting held on September 27, 2007, the Board approved the continuance of the Agreements, noting that the Master Series had been operational for only a very short period of time and the underlying factors supporting the initial approval of the Agreements remained the same. Each of Government Reserves Portfolio, Municipal Portfolio and Tax-Exempt Portfolio (each, a "Feeder Portfolio") invests all of its net investable assets in Government Reserves Master Series, Municipal Master Series and Tax-Exempt Master Series, respectively. The term "Fund" is used throughout this section to refer to each Feeder Portfolio or its corresponding Master Series, as appropriate.

In evaluating the Agreements, the Board, including the Independent Fund Trustees, reviewed materials furnished by Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC ("Lehman Brothers Asset Management") and met with senior representatives of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management regarding their personnel and operations. The Independent Fund Trustees were advised by counsel that is experienced in Investment Company Act of 1940 matters and that is independent of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management.

The Board considered the following factors, among others, in connection with its approval of the Agreements: (1) the nature, extent, and quality of the services to be provided by Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management; (2) the performance of similar funds managed by Management compared to a relevant market index and a peer group of investment companies; (3) the costs of the services to be provided; (4) the extent to which economies of scale might be realized as each Fund grows; and (5) whether fee levels reflect any such potential economies of scale for the benefit of investors in each Fund. In their deliberations, the Board members did not identify any particular information that was all-important or controlling, and each Trustee may have attributed different weights to the various factors.

The Board evaluated the terms of the Agreements, the overall fairness of the Agreements to each Fund and whether the Agreements were in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders.

With respect to the nature, extent and quality of the services provided, the Board considered the performance of similar funds managed by Management. The Board considered the experience and staffing of portfolio management and the investment research personnel of Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management who would perform services for the Funds. The Board noted that Management also would provide certain administrative services, including fund accounting and compliance oversight. In addition, the Board noted the positive compliance history of Management, as the firm has been free of significant compliance problems.




With respect to the performance of each Fund, the Board considered the performance of at least one similar fund managed by Management relative to its benchmark and a peer group of investment companies pursuing broadly similar strategies as the Fund.

With respect to the overall fairness of the Agreements, the Board considered the fee structure for each Fund under the Agreements as compared to a peer group of comparable funds and any fall-out benefits likely to accrue to Management or Lehman Brothers Asset Management or their affiliates from their relationship with the Fund.

The Board reviewed a comparison of each Fund's management fee and overall expense ratio to a peer group of comparable funds. The Board considered the mean and median of the management fees and expense ratios of each peer group. In addition, the Board considered the contractual limits on Fund expenses undertaken by Management for the Funds.

The Board considered whether there were other funds that were advised or sub-advised by Management or its affiliates or separate accounts managed by Management or its affiliates with similar investment objectives, policies and strategies as the Funds. The Board compared the fees charged to any advised and/or sub-advised funds managed in a similar style to the fees charged to the Funds at various asset levels. The Board considered the appropriateness and reasonableness of the differences between the fees charged between each Fund and any such advised and/or sub-advised funds and determined that the differences in fees were consistent with the management and other services provided.

The Board also evaluated any anticipated economies of scale in relation to the services Management provides to each Fund. The Board considered the relatively low level of the management fee and the contractual expense limit for each Fund.


In approving the Agreements, the Board concluded that the terms of each Agreement are fair and reasonable and that approval of the Agreements is in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders. In reaching this determination, the Board considered that Management and Lehman Brothers Asset Management could be expected to provide a high level of service to each Fund; that each Fund's fee structure appeared to the Board to be reasonable given the nature and quality of services expected to be provided; and that the expected benefits accruing to Management and its affiliates by virtue of their relationship to the Funds were reasonable in comparison with the expected costs of providing the investment advisory services and the expected benefits accruing to each Fund.




Investment manager: Neuberger Berman Management Inc.

Sub-adviser: Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC

Neuberger Berman Management Inc.

605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor

New York, NY 10158-0180


Web site: www.lehman.com/lbilf

Statistics and projections in this report are derived from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be regarded as a representation of future results of the Portfolios. This report is prepared for the general information of shareholders and is not an offer of shares of the Portfolios. Shares are sold only through the currently effective prospectus, which must precede or accompany this report.

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Item 2. Code of Ethics

The Board of Trustees (“Board”) of Lehman Brothers Institutional Liquidity Funds (“Registrant”) adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions (“Code of Ethics”).  For the period covered by this Form N-CSR, there were no amendments to the Code of Ethics and there were no waivers from the Code of Ethics granted to the Registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions.

A copy of the Code of Ethics is incorporated by reference to Lehman Brothers Reserve Liquidity Funds’ Form N-CSR, Investment Company Act file number 811-21716 (filed June 5, 2006).  The Code of Ethics is also available, without charge, by calling 1-800-877-9700 (toll-free).

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert

The Board has determined that the Registrant has three audit committee financial experts serving on its audit committee. The Registrant’s audit committee financial experts are Martha Goss, Howard Mileaf and George Morriss. Ms. Goss, Mr. Mileaf and Mr. Morriss are independent trustees as defined by Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

Only required in an annual report.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

Not applicable to the Registrant.

Item 6. Schedule of Investments

The complete schedule of investments for each series of the "master" fund in which the Registrant invests, Institutional Liquidity Trust, is disclosed in the Registrant's semi-annual report, which is included as Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to the Registrant.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

Not applicable to the Registrant.

Item 9.  Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers

Not applicable to the Registrant.

Item 10.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

There were no changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Board.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures


Based on an evaluation of the disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Act”)) as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this document, the Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer of the Registrant have concluded that such disclosure controls and procedures are effectively designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Registrant on Form N-CSR and Form N-Q  is accumulated and communicated to the Registrant’s management to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


There were no significant changes in the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in rule 30a-3(d) under the Act) that occurred during the Registrant’s second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Exhibits


A copy of the Code of Ethics is incorporated by reference to Lehman Brothers Reserve Liquidity Funds’ Form N-CSR, Investment Company Act file number 811-21716 (filed June 5, 2006).


The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) of the Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“Sarbanes-Oxley Act”) are filed herewith.


Not applicable to the Registrant.


The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are filed herewith.

The certifications provided pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) of the Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are not deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section.  Such certifications will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically incorporates them by reference.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



 /s/ Peter E. Sundman

Peter E. Sundman

Chief Executive Officer

Date: November, 2007

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


/s/ Peter E. Sundman

Peter E. Sundman

Chief Executive Officer

Date: November 29, 2007


/s/ John M. McGovern

John M. McGovern

Treasurer and Principal Financial

and Accounting Officer

Date: November 29, 2007