CORRESP 4 a2146212zcorresp985.htm CORRESPONDENCE

Geoffrey S. Kay
(214) 855-4158
Jenkens & Gilchrist
A    P R O F E S S I O N A L    C O R P O R A T I O N

SUITE 3200

(214) 855-4500
FACSIMILE (214) 855-4300
Austin, Texas
(512) 499-3800
Chicago, Illinois
(312) 425-3900
Houston, Texas
(713) 951-3300
Los Angeles, California
(310) 820-8800
New York, New York
(212) 704-6000
Pasadena, California
(626) 578-7400
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 246-5000
Washington, D.C.
(202) 326-1500

November 9, 2004

VIA EDGAR and Federal Express
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
Washington, D.C. 20549

Pacific Coast National Bancorp
Form SB-2 filed on September 8, 2004
File No. 333-118859

Attention: Kathryn McHale

Ladies and Gentlemen:

        On behalf of our client, Pacific Coast National Bancorp, we are filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission by electronic transmission Amendment No. 3 to the above-referenced Form SB-2. The referenced amendment is being filed with respect to Part II to update the legal opinion attached as Exhibit 5.1. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding any of the matters described herein or if we may be of further assistance.

    Very truly yours,



/s/ Geoffrey S. Kay



Geoffrey S. Kay


Michael Hahn