Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]:
SEC Accession No. 0001213900-21-050183
Filing Date
2021-09-28 09:40:32
Period of Report

Document Format Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
1 ANNUAL REPORT f10k2021_kentuckyfirst.htm   iXBRL 10-K 485397
2 ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 f10k2021ex13_kentuckyfirst.htm   iXBRL EX-13 2266587
3 SUBSIDIARIES f10k2021ex21_kentuckyfirst.htm EX-21 7559
4 CONSENT OF BKD, LLP f10k2021ex23-1_kentuckyfirst.htm EX-23.1 3284
5 CERTIFICATION f10k2021ex31-1_kentuckyfirst.htm EX-31.1 7811
6 CERTIFICATION f10k2021ex31-2_kentuckyfirst.htm EX-31.2 7738
7 CERTIFICATION f10k2021ex32_kentuckyfirst.htm EX-32 4849
13 GRAPHIC img_001.jpg GRAPHIC 9248
14 GRAPHIC ex13_001.jpg GRAPHIC 19692
15 GRAPHIC ex13_002.jpg GRAPHIC 28127
16 GRAPHIC ex13_003.jpg GRAPHIC 12285
  Complete submission text file 0001213900-21-050183.txt   12152388

Data Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
8 XBRL SCHEMA FILE kffb-20210630.xsd EX-101.SCH 109956
9 XBRL CALCULATION FILE kffb-20210630_cal.xml EX-101.CAL 65016
10 XBRL DEFINITION FILE kffb-20210630_def.xml EX-101.DEF 404418
11 XBRL LABEL FILE kffb-20210630_lab.xml EX-101.LAB 781083
12 XBRL PRESENTATION FILE kffb-20210630_pre.xml EX-101.PRE 414815
17 EXTRACTED XBRL INSTANCE DOCUMENT f10k2021_kentuckyfirst_htm.xml XML 2477180
Mailing Address 479 MAIN STREET HAZARD KY 41702
Business Address 479 MAIN STREET HAZARD KY 41702 (606) 436-3860
Kentucky First Federal Bancorp (Filer) CIK: 0001297341 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 611484858 | Fiscal Year End: 0630
Type: 10-K | Act: 34 | File No.: 000-51176 | Film No.: 211284070
SIC: 6035 Savings Institution, Federally Chartered