N-CSRS 1 acaap_march10.htm SEMIANNUAL CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORTS acaap_march10.htm - Generated by SEC Publisher for SEC Filing
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Investment Company Act file number 811-21591
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(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)
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Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 816-531-5575
Date of fiscal year end: 07-31
Date of reporting period: 01-31-2010



Semiannual Report  January 31, 2010 
LIVESTRONG® Portfolios from 
American Century Investments® 

LIVESTRONG® Income Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2015 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2020 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2025 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2030 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2035 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2040 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2045 Portfolio

LIVESTRONG® 2050 Portfolio

Table of Contents 

President’s Letter  2 
Independent Chairman’s Letter  3 
LIVESTRONG® Portfolios from American Century Investments   
Performance  4 
Portfolio Commentary  15 
      Market Index Total Returns  16 
      Underlying Fund Allocations  17 
Shareholder Fee Examples  20 
Financial Statements   
Schedule of Investments  26 
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  31 
Statement of Operations  34 
Statement of Changes in Net Assets  37 
Notes to Financial Statements  42 
Financial Highlights  63 
Other Information   
Additional Information  99 
Index Definitions  100 

American Century Investment Services, Inc., has entered into an agreement with the Lance Armstrong Foundation for rights to use the LIVESTRONG name. LIVESTRONG is a trademark of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. For more information about the foundation, visit www.livestrong.org.

The opinions expressed in the Portfolio Commentary reflect those of the portfolio management team as of the date of the report, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of American Century Investments or any other person in the American Century Investments organization. Any such opinions are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and American Century Investments disclaims any responsibility to update such opinions. These opinions may not be relied upon as investment advice and, because investment decisions made by American Century Investments funds are based on numerous factors, may not be relied upon as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any American Century Investments fund. Security examples are used for representational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations to purchase or sell securities. Performance information for comparative indices and securities is provided to American Century Investments by third party vendors. To the best of American Century Investments’ knowledge, such information is accurate at the time of printing.

President’s Letter 

Dear Investor:

Thank you for taking time to review the following pages, which provide investment performance and portfolio information for the financial reporting period ended January 31, 2010, along with the perspective and commentary of our experienced portfolio management team. We appreciate your trust in American Century Investments at this volatile, transitional time in the economy and investment markets.

As the upheavals associated with the “Great Recession” gradually subside, our senior management team has put considerable thought into how the investment environment has changed and what challenges and opportunities await us. Critical factors that we are anticipating in 2010 include marked shifts in investment and spending behavior compared with the past decade, along with consolidation in our industry.

Most importantly, we think the U.S. economic recovery will be slow and extended. The economy and capital markets have come a long way since Lehman Brothers collapsed in the third quarter of 2008, but 2010 will likely bring continuing challenges. The U.S. stock market’s rebound since last March and the second-half economic surge in 2009 were fueled largely by corporate cost-cutting and unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, including some key programs that have since expired or been scaled back.

Meanwhile, the resilient but struggling consumer sector still faces high unemployment, heavy debt burdens, tight credit conditions, and a housing market that is starting to stabilize, but remains vulnerable. Much of our investment positioning in 2009 cautiously reflected these still unstable economic fundamentals, leading to underperformance, in some cases, versus market benchmarks buoyed by the rally of riskier assets. We still support our fundamentally based positioning because we believe strongly that some markets—driven more by technical factors than fundamentals—have advanced further than underlying economic conditions warrant, and remain susceptible to the possibility of more volatility ahead.

Thank you for your continued confidence in us.


Jonathan Thomas
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Century Investments


Independent Chairman’s Letter 

In my first letter to shareholders of the American Century Investments funds, I invited you to contact me with your questions. I have been gratified with your response. Most shareholder inquiries to date have related to specific fund performance issues. As I noted in my individual responses, your board through the Fund Performance Committee continues to stress improved performance in our quarterly meetings with chief investment officers and fund managers.

An important part of our fund performance review process is a face-to-face meeting with portfolio managers. The board traveled to the American Century Investments office in Mountain View, California to meet with the fund of funds and asset allocation portfolio management teams. These meetings validated the importance of thorough reviews of investment opportunities by the credit management personnel resident in that office. As a result of their efforts, American Century Investments funds were able to avoid the “toxic assets” that plagued many other fund families in 2008.

From April through June 2009, the board conducted its annual review of the advisory contracts between American Century Investments and each fund. Our efforts involved a review of fund information, including assets under management; total expense ratio compared to peers; economies of scale; fee breakpoints that reduce shareholder costs as assets increase; performance compared to peers and benchmarks; and the quality of services provided to fund shareholders. A detailed discussion of board considerations in connection with advisory contract renewal is included annually in each fund’s shareholder reports. During this review, the board focuses on a detailed comparison of the competitive position of each fund and has negotiated more than 60 breakpoints or fee reductions in the past five years.

The board looks forward to another year of work on your behalf and your comments are appreciated. You are invited to email me at dhpratt@fundboardchair.com.



LIVESTRONG Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio             
Investor Class  ARTOX  6.08% 19.50% 3.09%  3.78%  8/31/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  2.12%   
Barclays Capital U.S.         
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.11%   
Citigroup US Broad         
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.34%   
Institutional Class  ATTIX  6.19% 19.74% 3.30%  3.99%  8/31/04 
Advisor Class  ARTAX  5.94% 19.20% 2.84%  3.53%  8/31/04 
R Class  ARSRX  5.81% 18.93% 2.57%  3.25%  8/31/04 
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
Investor Class  ARFIX  6.56% 21.59% 3.41%  4.40%  8/31/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  2.12%   
Barclays Capital U.S.         
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.11%   
Citigroup US Broad         
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.34%   
Institutional Class  ARNIX  6.66% 21.81% 3.64%  4.62%  8/31/04 
Advisor Class  ARFAX  6.40% 21.29% 3.18%  4.15%  8/31/04 
R Class  ARFRX  6.35% 20.98% 2.92%  3.89%  8/31/04 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays Capital 
  U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century Investments’ fixed- 
  income teams. The investment process is unchanged.           

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for the LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio             
Investor Class  ARBVX  7.01% 23.48%   -4.84% 5/30/08 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05%   -12.51%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51%   6.94%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54%   7.40%  
Institutional Class  ARBSX  6.97% 23.59%   -4.73% 5/30/08 
Advisor Class  ARBMX  6.87% 23.03%   -5.13% 5/30/08 
R Class  ARBRX  6.73% 22.73%   -5.36% 5/30/08 
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio       
Investor Class  ARWIX  7.19% 24.69% 3.25%  4.47% 8/31/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  2.12%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.11%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.34%  
Institutional Class  ARWFX  7.29% 24.94% 3.45%  4.67% 8/31/04 
Advisor Class  ARWAX  7.14% 24.38% 2.99%  4.21% 8/31/04 
R Class  ARWRX  6.98% 24.22% 2.75%  3.96% 8/31/04 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays Capital 
  U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century Investments’ fixed- 
  income teams. The investment process is unchanged.           

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for the LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio             
Investor Class  ARCVX  7.73% 26.44%   -7.54% 5/30/08 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05%   -12.51%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51%   6.94%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54%   7.40%  
Institutional Class  ARCSX  7.81% 26.88%   -7.37% 5/30/08 
Advisor Class  ARCMX  7.47% 26.16%   -7.82% 5/30/08 
R Class  ARCRX  7.33% 25.85%   -8.04% 5/30/08 
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio       
Investor Class  ARYIX  8.07% 28.21% 2.83%  4.31% 8/31/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  2.12%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.11%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.34%  
Institutional Class  ARLIX  8.17% 28.59% 3.03%  4.53% 8/31/04 
Advisor Class  ARYAX  7.91% 27.89% 2.57%  4.05% 8/31/04 
R Class  ARYRX  7.75% 27.57% 2.31%  3.80% 8/31/04 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays Capital 
  U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century Investments’ fixed- 
  income teams. The investment process is unchanged.           

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for the LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio             
Investor Class  ARDVX  8.32% 29.95%   -9.25% 5/30/08 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05%   -12.51%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51%   6.94%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54%   7.40%  
Institutional Class  ARDSX  8.54% 30.21%   -9.08% 5/30/08 
Advisor Class  ARDMX  8.33% 29.63%   -9.46% 5/30/08 
R Class  ARDRX  8.07% 29.35%   -9.74% 5/30/08 
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio       
Investor Class  AROIX  8.46% 30.67% 2.46%  4.10% 8/31/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  2.12%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.11%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.34%  
Institutional Class  AOOIX  8.67% 31.06% 2.69%  4.32% 8/31/04 
Advisor Class  AROAX  8.42% 30.51% 2.23%  3.85% 8/31/04 
R Class  ARORX  8.26% 30.19% 1.97%  3.59% 8/31/04 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays Capital 
  U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century Investments’ fixed- 
  income teams. The investment process is unchanged.           

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for the LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio             
Investor Class  ARFVX  8.65% 31.15%   -11.22% 5/30/08 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05%   -12.51%  
Barclays Capital U.S.       
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51%   6.94%  
Citigroup US Broad       
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54%   7.40%  
Institutional Class  ARFSX  8.72% 31.41%   -11.06% 5/30/08 
Advisor Class  ARFMX  8.52% 31.04%   -11.43% 5/30/08 
R Class  ARFWX  8.40% 30.71%   -11.64% 5/30/08 
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. — A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays Capital 
  U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century Investments’ fixed- 
  income teams. The investment process is unchanged.           

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for the LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.



Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.




Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.



Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.



Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.



Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios             
One-Year Returns Over Life of Class             
Periods ended January 31  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio — Investor Class  5.00%(1) 5.54% 8.18% 4.58% -18.38% 19.50%
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio — Investor Class  6.80%(1) 8.55% 9.07% 4.76% -21.57% 21.59%
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio — Investor Class         -25.47%(2) 23.48%
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio — Investor Class  8.00%(1) 11.30% 9.99% 3.82% -25.95% 24.69%
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio — Investor Class         -30.64%(2) 26.44%
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio — Investor Class  9.33%(1) 13.33% 11.38% 3.00% -31.03% 28.21%
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio — Investor Class         -34.59%(2) 29.95%
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio — Investor Class  10.07%(1) 14.20% 12.09% 2.46% -34.09% 30.67%
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio — Investor Class         -37.53%(2) 31.15%
Russell 3000 Index  8.87%(1) 12.67% 14.11% -3.08% -38.86% 35.05%
Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index  1.86%(1) 1.80% 4.28% 8.81% 2.59% 8.51%
Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index  1.91%(1) 1.91% 4.32% 9.32% 4.06% 7.54%
(1)  From 8/31/04, the Investor Class’s inception date. Not annualized.           
(2)  From 5/30/08, the Investor Class’s inception date. Not annualized.           

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses       
  Investor Class  Institutional Class  Advisor Class  R Class 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio  0.77%  0.57%  1.02%  1.27% 
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio  0.80%  0.60%  1.05%  1.30% 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio  0.83%  0.63%  1.08%  1.33% 
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio  0.86%  0.66%  1.11%  1.36% 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio  0.89%  0.69%  1.14%  1.39% 
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio  0.91%  0.71%  1.16%  1.41% 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio  0.94%  0.74%  1.19%  1.44% 
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio  0.95%  0.75%  1.20%  1.45% 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio  0.96%  0.76%  1.21%  1.46% 

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of LIVESTRONG Portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s asset allocation, and a fund with a later target date is expected to be more volatile than one with an earlier target date. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Unless otherwise indicated, performance reflects Investor Class shares; performance for other share classes will vary due to differences in fee structure. For information about other share classes available, please consult the prospectus. Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses (such as administrative fees) that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


Portfolio Commentary 


Portfolio Managers: Enrique Chang, Scott Wittman, and Irina Torelli

Performance Summary

Each of the nine LIVESTRONG Portfolios advanced for the six months ended January 31, 2010, with returns ranging from 6.08%* for LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio to 8.65% for LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio (see pages 4–14 for more detailed performance information). The gains reflected positive performance across all asset classes represented in LIVESTRONG Portfolios during the six-month period.

Because of LIVESTRONG Portfolios’ strategic exposure to a variety of asset classes, a review of the financial markets helps explain much of their performance.

Stock Market Review

The U.S. stock market gained ground for the six-month period, extending a rally that began in March 2009. The market’s advance was driven by increasing investor confidence regarding a potential recovery from the sharp economic downturn in late 2008 and early 2009.

Signs of improvement were evident across many segments of the economy during the six months—home sales began to rise, manufacturing activity picked up, and retail sales figures showed uneven but promising results. Consequently, the U.S. economy grew at a 2.2% annual rate in the third quarter of 2009—its first positive quarterly growth rate in more than a year—and a 5.9% annual rate in the fourth quarter. In addition, cost-management efforts at many companies helped generate better-than-expected corporate earnings during the six-month period.

There were exceptions to the favorable economic data—most notably, the unemployment rate remained persistently elevated, reaching a 26-year high of 10.1% in October 2009 before falling back to 9.7% by the end of January 2010. Nonetheless, the overall economic picture was one of gradual improvement, and the stock market responded with a steady rally that persisted throughout much of the six-month period.

Stocks finished the period on a down note, giving back some of their gains late in the period as investors expressed some skepticism about the sustainability of the nascent economic recovery. Despite this hiccup, however, the broad stock indices gained approximately 10% overall for the six-month period. As the table on the next page indicates, mid-cap stocks posted the best results, while small-cap stocks lagged. Value-oriented shares outpaced growth issues across all market capitalizations, most notably in the small-cap segment of the market.

*All fund returns referenced in this commentary are for Investor Class shares. Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.


LIVESTRONG Portfolios       
Market Index Total Returns         
For the six months ended January 31, 2010(1)         
U.S. Stocks    U.S. Fixed Income   
Russell 1000 Index (Large-Cap)  10.27%  Barclays Capital U.S.   
Russell Midcap Index  13.45%  Aggregate Bond Index  3.87%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-Cap)  8.86%  Barclays Capital 10-Year 
International Stocks    U.S. Treasury Note (Bellwether)  0.58%
MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index  6.93%  Barclays Capital Three-Month 
MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index  11.40%  U.S. Treasury Bill (Bellwether)  0.10%
(1) Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.  International Bonds 
    Citigroup Non-U.S. World 
    Government Bond Index  2.47%

International equity markets also advanced during the six-month period as optimistic investors embraced the hope that the improving economic environment would blossom into a full-fledged global recovery in 2010. Emerging markets generated the best returns, benefiting the most from rising expectations for a global economic expansion. Among developed markets, countries along the Pacific Rim were the top performers, with the notable exception of Japan.

Bond Market Review

U.S. bonds gained ground during the period, though to a lesser degree than the equity market. The bond market’s advance was led primarily by corporate bonds, which benefited substantially from the improving economic environment and higher-than-anticipated corporate profits. In particular, high-yield corporate bonds posted double-digit gains for the period.

In contrast, Treasury and government agency securities generated modestly positive returns and lagged the rest of the bond market. As the economic environment improved, Treasury securities fell out of favor as investors shifted to other higher-yielding segments of the bond market. In addition, an increase in supply—as the government issued more securities to fund its economic stimulus efforts—weighed on the Treasury market.

Mortgage-backed securities performed in line with the broad bond market. The positive impact of the Federal Reserve’s purchases of mortgage-backed securities to support the housing market was largely offset by an increase in mortgage refinancing activity.

International fixed-income markets also advanced for the reporting period, though they lagged the performance of the domestic bond market. While many countries continued to issue new debt to fund economic stimulus programs, much like the U.S., the new supply was more than offset by strong demand from financial institutions seeking to maintain liquidity and rebuild their balance sheets. In addition, a weaker U.S. dollar provided a modest boost to foreign bond returns for U.S. investors. Although the dollar appreciated versus the euro, it declined versus the Japanese yen and other major currencies.



Underlying Fund Allocations(1) as a % of net assets as of January 31, 2010

    Income  2015  2020  2025  2030 
    Portfolio  Portfolio  Portfolio  Portfolio  Portfolio 
NT Equity           
Growth Fund  12.8% 12.6% 12.1% 12.3% 12.3%
NT Growth Fund  6.3% 7.6% 8.6% 10.2% 12.3%
NT Large Company 
Value Fund  10.8% 11.1% 11.1% 11.6% 12.4%
NT Mid Cap 
Value Fund  3.9% 4.6% 5.4% 5.2% 5.2%
NT Small 
Company Fund  2.0% 1.9% 2.2% 3.2% 4.1%
NT VistaSM Fund  2.3% 3.3% 4.3% 4.8% 5.1%
Real Estate Fund  1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.7% 1.9%
NT Emerging 
Markets Fund  1.0% 2.2% 2.6% 3.1%
NT International 
Growth Fund  4.8% 5.6% 6.6% 8.1% 9.4%
Total Equity  43.9% 48.9% 53.9% 59.7% 65.8%
Fixed Income 
High-Yield Fund  3.9% 3.7% 3.6% 3.2% 2.8%
Bond Fund  7.8% 7.5% 7.2% 6.6% 5.8%
NT Diversified 
Bond Fund  27.0% 26.2% 25.2% 22.8% 20.4%
Bond Fund  7.1% 6.0% 5.0% 2.5%
Total Fixed Income  45.8% 43.4% 41.0% 35.1% 29.0%
Premium Money 
Market Fund  10.3% 7.7% 5.1% 5.2% 5.2%
Other Assets 
and Liabilities  (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
(1)  Institutional Class, except Premium Money Market Fund Investor Class.       
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.         



Underlying Fund Allocations(1) as a % of net assets as of January 31, 2010

    2035  2040  2045  2050 
    Portfolio  Portfolio  Portfolio  Portfolio 
NT Equity Growth Fund  13.3% 14.4% 14.6% 15.2%
NT Growth Fund  13.3% 14.4% 14.6% 15.2%

NT Large Company Value Fund

13.4% 14.4% 14.9% 15.5%
NT Mid Cap Value Fund  6.2% 7.2% 7.3% 7.4%
NT Small Company Fund  4.1% 3.9% 4.4% 4.9%
NT VistaSM Fund  6.0% 7.1% 7.1% 7.4%
Real Estate Fund  2.2% 2.4% 2.7% 3.0%
NT Emerging Markets Fund  4.1% 5.2% 5.9% 6.4%
NT International Growth Fund  9.7% 10.2% 9.9% 9.5%
Total Equity  72.3% 79.2% 81.4% 84.5%
Fixed Income 
High-Yield Fund  2.5% 2.1% 1.8% 1.5%
Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund  5.0% 4.2% 3.7% 3.1%
NT Diversified Bond Fund  17.6% 14.5% 13.1% 10.9%
Total Fixed Income  25.1% 20.8% 18.6% 15.5%
Premium Money Market Fund  2.6%
Other Assets and Liabilities  (2) (2) (2) (2)
(1)  Institutional Class, except Premium Money Market Fund Investor Class.       
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.         

Fund Information

Each LIVESTRONG Portfolio is a “fund of funds” that invests in other American Century Investments mutual funds to achieve its investment objective and target asset allocation. (See pages 17–18 for the specific underlying fund allocations for each LIVESTRONG Portfolio.) A LIVESTRONG Portfolio’s target date is the approximate year when investors plan to start withdrawing their money. LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio is generally intended for investors near, at, or in retirement. There is no guarantee that an investment in any of the funds will provide adequate income at or through an investor’s retirement.

Each target-date LIVESTRONG Portfolio seeks the highest total return consistent with its asset mix. Each year, the asset mix and weightings are adjusted to be more conservative. In general, as the target year approaches, the portfolio’s allocation becomes more conservative by decreasing the allocation to stocks and increasing the allocation to bonds and money market instruments. By the time each fund reaches its target year, its target asset mix will become fixed and will match that of LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio.



Portfolio Performance

Within LIVESTRONG Portfolios, every stock fund gained ground during the six-month period. The top performer was the Real Estate Fund, which gained 24% amid improving economic conditions, continued access to capital, and a potential buyer’s market for commercial real estate in 2010 as financial institutions look to unload foreclosed properties. The NT Mid Cap Value Fund and NT Emerging Markets Fund also generated double-digit gains for the reporting period. The weakest performer on the equity side was the NT Vista Fund, LIVESTRONG Portfolios’ mid-cap growth component, which faced performance headwinds as stocks exhibiting accelerating growth and price momentum were out of favor for much of the period.

The leading performers among LIVESTRONG Portfolios’ fixed-income components were the High-Yield Fund, which returned more than 11% for the reporting period, and the Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund, which benefited from concerns that the economic recovery could lead to higher inflation down the road. The International Bond Fund (which is represented only in LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio, and LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio) posted a fractionally positive return for the six-month period.

The NT Diversified Bond Fund, LIVESTRONG Portfolios’ main fixed-income holding, performed in line with the broad domestic bond market. Sector allocation contributed positively to NT Diversified Bond’s performance, particularly an overweight position in corporate bonds and an underweight position in Treasury bonds. During the period, the management team positioned NT Diversified Bond for a flatter yield curve—a narrower gap between short- and long-term interest rates—as this gap reached historically wide levels in late 2009.


Despite improving economic conditions over the past six months, we believe that the global recovery still faces several headwinds. Unemployment remains persistently high, consumers and businesses continue to deleverage amid elevated debt levels, and the federal government is producing sizable budget deficits in its efforts to sustain the recovery. Perhaps the greatest challenge will be whether the economy can maintain its momentum when the government’s temporary stimulus programs end. LIVESTRONG Portfolios’ broad diversification should prove valuable in an uncertain investment environment.


Shareholder Fee Examples (Unaudited) 

Fund shareholders may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemption/ exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing cost of investing in other mutual funds. As a shareholder in the underlying American Century Investments funds, your fund will indirectly bear its pro rata share of the expenses incurred by the underlying funds. These expenses are not included in the fund’s annualized expense ratio or the expenses paid during the period. These expenses are, however, included in the effective expenses paid during the period.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from August 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010.

Actual Expenses

The table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses for each class. You may use the information, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. First, identify the share class you own. Then simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

If you hold Investor Class shares of any American Century Investments fund, or Institutional Class shares of the American Century Diversified Bond Fund, in an American Century Investments account (i.e., not a financial intermediary or retirement plan account), American Century Investments may charge you a $12.50 semiannual account maintenance fee if the value of those shares is less than $10,000. We will redeem shares automatically in one of your accounts to pay the $12.50 fee. In determining your total eligible investment amount, we will include your investments in all personal accounts (including American Century Investments Brokerage accounts) registered under your Social Security number. Personal accounts include individual accounts, joint accounts, UGMA/UTMA accounts, personal trusts, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts and IRAs (including traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP-, SARSEP- and SIMPLE-IRAs), and certain other retirement accounts. If you have only business, business retirement, employer-sponsored or American Century Investments Brokerage accounts, you are currently not subject to this fee. We will not charge the fee as long as you choose to manage your accounts exclusively online. If you are subject to the Account Maintenance Fee, your account value could be reduced by the fee amount.


Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table also provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio of each class of your fund and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of a fund’s share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in your fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads) or redemption/exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 –  Expense  8/1/09 –  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,060.80  $1.04  0.20% $3.95  0.76% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,061.90  $0.00         0.00%(3) $2.91  0.56% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,059.40  $2.34  0.45% $5.24  1.01% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,058.10  $3.63  0.70% $6.54  1.26% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $3.87  0.76% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $2.85  0.56% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.14  1.01% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $6.41  1.26% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the class’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the class plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense 
  ratio of the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the class’s annualized expense ratio and the 
  annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds 
  for the one-half year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and 
  weighted for the fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.       
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 –  Expense  8/1/09 –  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,065.60  $1.04  0.20% $4.17  0.80% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,066.60  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.13  0.60% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,064.00  $2.34  0.45% $5.46  1.05% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,063.50  $3.64  0.70% $6.76  1.30% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.08  0.80% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.06  0.60% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.35  1.05% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $6.61  1.30% 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,070.10  $1.04  0.20% $4.33  0.83% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,069.70  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.29  0.63% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,068.70  $2.35 0.45% $5.63  1.08% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,067.30  $3.65 0.70% $6.93  1.33% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.23  0.83% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.21  0.63% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.50  1.08% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57 0.70% $6.77  1.33% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the class’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the class plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense 
  ratio of the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the class’s annualized expense ratio and the 
  annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds 
  for the one-half year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and 
  weighted for the fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.       
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 –  Expense  8/1/09 –  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,071.90  $1.04  0.20% $4.44  0.85% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,072.90  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.40  0.65% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,071.40  $2.35  0.45% $5.74  1.10% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,069.80  $3.65  0.70% $7.04  1.35% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.33  0.85% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.31  0.65% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.60  1.10% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $6.87  1.35% 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,077.30  $1.05  0.20% $4.61  0.88% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,078.10  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.56  0.68% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,074.70  $2.35  0.45% $5.91  1.13% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,073.30  $3.66  0.70% $7.21  1.38% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.48  0.88% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.47  0.68% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.75  1.13% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $7.02  1.38% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the class’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the class plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense 
  ratio of the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the class’s annualized expense ratio and the 
  annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds 
  for the one-half year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and 
  weighted for the fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.       
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 –  Expense  8/1/09 –  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,080.70  $1.05  0.20% $4.77  0.91% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,081.70  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.73  0.71% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,079.10  $2.36  0.45% $6.08  1.16% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,077.50  $3.67  0.70% $7.38  1.41% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.63  0.91% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.62  0.71% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $5.90  1.16% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $7.17  1.41% 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,083.20  $1.05  0.20% $4.88  0.93% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,085.40  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.84  0.73% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,083.30  $2.36  0.45% $6.20  1.18% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,080.70  $3.67  0.70% $7.50  1.43% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.74  0.93% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.72  0.73% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $6.01  1.18% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $7.27  1.43% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the class’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the class plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense 
  ratio of the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the class’s annualized expense ratio and the 
  annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds 
  for the one-half year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and 
  weighted for the fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.       
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 –  Expense  8/1/09 –  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,084.60  $1.05  0.20% $4.99  0.95% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,086.70  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.94  0.75% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,084.20  $2.36  0.45% $6.30  1.20% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,082.60  $3.67  0.70% $7.61  1.45% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.84  0.95% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.82  0.75% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $6.11  1.20% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $7.37  1.45% 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio           
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,086.50  $1.05  0.20% $5.00  0.95% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,087.20  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.95  0.75% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,085.20  $2.37  0.45% $6.31  1.20% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,084.00  $3.68  0.70% $7.62  1.45% 
Investor Class  $1,000  $1,024.20  $1.02  0.20% $4.84  0.95% 
Institutional Class  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00         0.00%(3) $3.82  0.75% 
Advisor Class  $1,000  $1,022.94  $2.29  0.45% $6.11  1.20% 
R Class  $1,000  $1,021.68  $3.57  0.70% $7.37  1.45% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the class’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the class’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the class plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense 
  ratio of the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the class’s annualized expense ratio and the 
  annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds 
  for the one-half year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and 
  weighted for the fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.       
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


Schedule of Investments 

LIVESTRONG Portfolios         
JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)           
    Shares  Value      Shares  Value 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio    LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio   
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
NT Equity Growth Fund      NT Equity Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  3,083,049  $    25,188,510  Institutional Class  6,532,807  $    53,373,033 
NT Growth Fund      NT Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  1,286,901  12,444,333  Institutional Class  3,330,216  32,203,189 
NT Large Company Value      NT Large Company Value     
Fund Institutional Class  2,852,295  21,363,689  Fund Institutional Class  6,306,583  47,236,307 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund      NT Mid Cap Value Fund     
Institutional Class  873,112  7,770,697  Institutional Class  2,221,611  19,772,338 
NT Small Company Fund      NT Small Company Fund     
Institutional Class  589,928  3,869,928  Institutional Class  1,253,305  8,221,681 
NT Vista Fund      NT Vista Fund     
Institutional Class  597,050  4,633,108  Institutional Class  1,824,483  14,157,988 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Institutional Class  138,998  1,880,643  Institutional Class  375,659  5,082,666 
      77,150,908        180,047,202 
High-Yield Fund      High-Yield Fund     
Institutional Class  1,303,092  7,583,996  Institutional Class  2,723,372  15,850,025 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Institutional Class  1,324,582  15,431,380  Fund Institutional Class  2,740,226  31,923,633 
NT Diversified Bond Fund      NT Diversified Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  5,044,117  53,215,434  Institutional Class  10,551,739  111,320,846 
      76,230,810        159,094,504 
Premium Money Market      Premium Money Market     
Fund Investor Class  20,206,635  20,206,635  Fund Investor Class  32,633,068  32,633,068 
International Bond Fund      NT Emerging Markets Fund     
Institutional Class  982,155  13,985,887  Institutional Class  458,444  3,933,449 
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUNDS — 4.8%    NT International Growth     
NT International Growth      Fund Institutional Class  2,909,046  23,883,268 
Fund Institutional Class  1,164,397  9,559,700        27,816,717 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      International Bond Fund     
(Cost $179,874,001)    197,133,940  Institutional Class  1,802,706  25,670,534 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $197,133,961  SECURITIES — 100.0%     
        (Cost $403,764,011)    425,262,025 
Notes to Schedule of Investments  OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES(2)  25 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $425,262,050 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under         
  common control because of the same board of directors.  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.    (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
          family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
          common control because of the same board of directors. 
See Notes to Financial Statements.      (2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   


LIVESTRONG Portfolios         
    Shares  Value      Shares  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio    LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio   
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
NT Equity Growth Fund      NT Equity Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  2,882,861  $     23,552,974  Institutional Class  8,548,405  $     69,840,469 
NT Growth Fund      NT Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  1,731,456  16,743,180  Institutional Class  6,045,194  58,457,026 
NT Large Company Value      NT Large Company Value     
Fund Institutional Class  2,897,993  21,705,968  Fund Institutional Class  8,796,317  65,884,414 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund      NT Mid Cap Value Fund     
Institutional Class  1,179,842  10,500,594  Institutional Class  3,304,703  29,411,857 
NT Small Company Fund      NT Small Company Fund     
Institutional Class  646,542  4,241,315  Institutional Class  2,738,444  17,964,193 
NT Vista Fund      NT Vista Fund     
Institutional Class  1,088,386  8,445,875  Institutional Class  3,504,285  27,193,251 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Institutional Class  207,236  2,803,903  Institutional Class  712,510  9,640,260 
      87,993,809        278,391,470 
High-Yield Fund      High-Yield Fund     
Institutional Class  1,188,761  6,918,589  Institutional Class  3,147,408  18,317,914 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Institutional Class  1,209,065  14,085,607  Fund Institutional Class  3,203,526  37,321,078 
NT Diversified Bond Fund      NT Diversified Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  4,660,012  49,163,127  Institutional Class  12,292,812  129,689,167 
      70,167,323        185,328,159 
NT Emerging Markets Fund      NT Emerging Markets Fund     
Institutional Class  486,097  4,170,712  Institutional Class  1,721,044  14,766,557 
NT International Growth      NT International Growth     
Fund Institutional Class  1,575,303  12,933,238  Fund Institutional Class  5,601,103  45,985,056 
      17,103,950        60,751,613 
Premium Money Market      Premium Money Market     
Fund Investor Class  10,006,659  10,006,659  Fund Investor Class  29,456,452  29,456,452 
International Bond Fund      International Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  688,355  9,802,175  Institutional Class  1,011,227  14,399,873 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      SECURITIES — 100.0%     
(Cost $178,640,850)    195,073,916  (Cost $545,392,638)    568,327,567 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $195,073,950  TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $568,333,607 
Notes to Schedule of Investments  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under    family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
  common control because of the same board of directors.    common control because of the same board of directors. 
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.    (2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Portfolios         
     Shares  Value        Shares  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio    LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio   
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
NT Equity Growth Fund      NT Equity Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  2,448,227  $    20,002,014  Institutional Class  5,639,475  $    46,074,511 
NT Growth Fund      NT Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  2,065,782  19,976,112  Institutional Class  4,751,198  45,944,085 
NT Large Company Value      NT Large Company Value     
Fund Institutional Class  2,681,971  20,087,963  Fund Institutional Class  6,168,862  46,204,776 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund      NT Mid Cap Value Fund     
Institutional Class  944,018  8,401,760  Institutional Class  2,401,885  21,376,776 
NT Small Company Fund      NT Small Company Fund     
Institutional Class  1,024,641  6,721,645  Institutional Class  2,140,060  14,038,794 
NT Vista Fund      NT Vista Fund     
Institutional Class  1,057,397  8,205,401  Institutional Class  2,690,779  20,880,445 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Institutional Class  232,691  3,148,309  Institutional Class  558,125  7,551,431 
      86,543,204        202,070,818 
High-Yield Fund      High-Yield Fund     
Institutional Class  798,770  4,648,842  Institutional Class  1,464,256  8,521,970 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Institutional Class  813,299  9,474,933  Fund Institutional Class  1,489,425  17,351,801 
NT Diversified Bond Fund      NT Diversified Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  3,137,074  33,096,131  Institutional Class  5,770,223  60,875,853 
      47,219,906        86,749,624 
NT Emerging Markets Fund      NT Emerging Markets Fund     
Institutional Class  589,983  5,062,054  Institutional Class  1,659,329  14,237,043 
NT International Growth      NT International Growth     
Fund Institutional Class  1,852,344  15,207,744  Fund Institutional Class  4,047,908  33,233,325 
      20,269,798        47,470,368 
Premium Money Market      Premium Money Market     
Fund Investor Class  8,414,478  8,414,478  Fund Investor Class  8,984,506  8,984,506 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      SECURITIES — 100.0%     
(Cost $147,706,196)    162,447,386  (Cost $336,130,081)    345,275,316 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $162,447,409  TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $345,275,335 
Notes to Schedule of Investments  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under    family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
  common control because of the same board of directors.    common control because of the same board of directors. 
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.    (2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Portfolios         
    Shares  Value      Shares  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio    LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio   
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
NT Equity Growth Fund      NT Equity Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  1,353,895  $   11,061,322  Institutional Class  3,335,777  $   27,253,298 
NT Growth Fund      NT Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  1,142,367  11,046,689  Institutional Class  2,810,460  27,177,148 
NT Large Company Value      NT Large Company Value     
Fund Institutional Class  1,483,181  11,109,026  Fund Institutional Class  3,711,359  27,798,079 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund      NT Mid Cap Value Fund     
Institutional Class  619,536  5,513,870  Institutional Class  1,521,676  13,542,917 
NT Small Company Fund      NT Small Company Fund     
Institutional Class  459,216  3,012,457  Institutional Class  1,260,993  8,272,114 
NT Vista Fund      NT Vista Fund     
Institutional Class  702,660  5,452,642  Institutional Class  1,695,214  13,154,861 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Institutional Class  139,045  1,881,279  Institutional Class  372,078  5,034,215 
      49,077,285        122,232,632 
High-Yield Fund      High-Yield Fund     
Institutional Class  271,118  1,577,907  Institutional Class  583,401  3,395,394 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Institutional Class  275,934  3,214,631  Fund Institutional Class  593,143  6,910,116 
NT Diversified Bond Fund      NT Diversified Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  1,063,763  11,222,699  Institutional Class  2,313,395  24,406,317 
      16,015,237        34,711,827 
NT Emerging Markets Fund      NT Emerging Markets Fund     
Institutional Class  464,699  3,987,117  Institutional Class  1,280,348  10,985,386 
NT International Growth      NT International Growth     
Fund Institutional Class  953,945  7,831,889  Fund Institutional Class  2,247,908  18,455,324 
      11,819,006        29,440,710 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      SECURITIES — 100.0%     
(Cost $70,054,254)    76,911,528  (Cost $186,802,357)    186,385,169 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $76,911,558  TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $186,384,619 
Notes to Schedule of Investments  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under    family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
  common control because of the same board of directors.    common control because of the same board of directors. 
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.    (2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Portfolios 
    Shares  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio   
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
NT Equity Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  369,255  $    3,016,813 
NT Growth Fund     
Institutional Class  311,570  3,012,882 
NT Large Company Value     
Fund Institutional Class  411,156  3,079,558 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund     
Institutional Class  166,410  1,481,049 
NT Small Company Fund     
Institutional Class  150,036  984,236 
NT Vista Fund     
Institutional Class  188,947  1,466,229 
Real Estate Fund     
Institutional Class  43,652  590,612 
NT Emerging Markets Fund     
Institutional Class  149,762  1,284,958 
NT International Growth     
Fund Institutional Class  229,395  1,883,333 
High-Yield Fund     
Institutional Class  52,253  304,113 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Institutional Class  53,151  619,209 
NT Diversified Bond Fund     
Institutional Class  204,869  2,161,368 
SECURITIES — 100.0%     
(Cost $18,579,226)    19,884,360 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $19,884,408 
Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
  common control because of the same board of directors. 
(2)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Assets and Liabilities 

JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)       
  Income Portfolio  2015 Portfolio  2020 Portfolio 
Investment securities in affiliates, at value       
(cost of $179,874,001, $403,764,011       
and $178,640,850, respectively)  $197,133,940 $425,262,025 $195,073,916
Cash  41,124 80,448 38,165
Receivable for capital shares sold  517,532 1,539,664 949,070
Distributions receivable from affiliates  185,666 381,811 167,938
  197,878,262 427,263,948 196,229,089
Payable for investments purchased  621,588 1,745,539 1,079,069
Payable for capital shares redeemed  77,220 167,267 33,796
Accrued administrative fees  28,755 60,732 28,087
Distribution and service fees payable  16,738 28,360 14,187
  744,301 2,001,898 1,155,139
Net Assets  $197,133,961 $425,262,050 $195,073,950
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)  $192,696,929 $425,475,258 $180,782,526
Undistributed net investment income  158,668 333,875 141,925
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (12,981,575)   (22,045,097)   (2,283,567)
Net unrealized appreciation on investments  17,259,939 21,498,014 16,433,066
  $197,133,961 $425,262,050 $195,073,950
Investor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $98,334,114 $248,523,201 $107,071,166
Shares outstanding  9,864,343 24,049,268 12,022,717
Net asset value per share  $9.97 $10.33 $8.91
Institutional Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $29,566,846 $69,002,246 $29,395,949
Shares outstanding  2,965,649 6,672,689 3,301,945
Net asset value per share  $9.97 $10.34 $8.90
Advisor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $59,210,814 $78,689,209 $47,825,105
Shares outstanding  5,940,909 7,616,288 5,373,476
Net asset value per share  $9.97 $10.33 $8.90
R Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $10,022,187 $29,047,394 $10,781,730
Shares outstanding  1,005,936 2,811,400 1,211,670
Net asset value per share  $9.96 $10.33 $8.90
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)       
  2025 Portfolio  2030 Portfolio  2035 Portfolio 
Investment securities in affiliates, at value       
(cost of $545,392,638, $147,706,196       
and $336,130,081, respectively)  $568,327,567 $162,447,386 $345,275,316
Cash  103,864 33,961 66,040
Receivable for capital shares sold  1,490,944 537,017 621,427
Distributions receivable from affiliates  444,090 112,979 207,282
  570,366,465 163,131,343 346,170,065
Payable for investments purchased  1,309,661 497,344 490,440
Payable for capital shares redeemed  608,258 148,993 331,213
Accrued administrative fees  82,569 23,842 50,085
Distribution and service fees payable  32,370 13,755 22,992
  2,032,858 683,934 894,730
Net Assets  $568,333,607 $162,447,409 $345,275,335
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)  $572,613,192 $149,460,080 $353,414,847
Undistributed net investment income  374,556 87,062 153,298
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (27,589,070)   (1,840,923)   (17,438,045)
Net unrealized appreciation on investments  22,934,929 14,741,190 9,145,235
  $568,333,607 $162,447,409 $345,275,335
Investor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $357,078,371 $83,856,053 $202,950,900
Shares outstanding  34,656,407 9,817,406 19,524,812
Net asset value per share  $10.30 $8.54 $10.39
Institutional Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $88,142,746 $22,911,050 $54,825,923
Shares outstanding  8,554,702 2,683,888 5,271,926
Net asset value per share  $10.30 $8.54 $10.40
Advisor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $90,754,334 $45,683,888 $64,691,836
Shares outstanding  8,808,232 5,354,366 6,223,539
Net asset value per share  $10.30 $8.53 $10.39
R Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $32,358,156 $9,996,418 $22,806,676
Shares outstanding  3,141,481 1,171,229 2,194,232
Net asset value per share  $10.30 $8.53 $10.39
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)       
  2040 Portfolio  2045 Portfolio  2050 Portfolio 
Investment securities in affiliates, at value       
(cost of $70,054,254, $186,802,357       
and $18,579,226, respectively)  $76,911,528 $186,385,169 $19,884,360
Cash  16,387 33,767 3,911
Receivable for capital shares sold  176,697 497,730 133,848
Distributions receivable from affiliates  38,091 83,187 7,225
  77,142,703 186,999,853 20,029,344
Payable for investments purchased  193,122 433,301 138,622
Payable for capital shares redeemed  19,880 144,620 1,985
Accrued administrative fees  10,619 25,366 2,415
Distribution and service fees payable  7,524 11,947 1,914
  231,145 615,234 144,936
Net Assets  $76,911,558 $186,384,619 $19,884,408
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)  $70,809,194 $198,580,648 $18,899,755
Undistributed net investment income  23,307 53,197 3,442
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (778,217)   (11,832,038)   (323,923)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  6,857,274   (417,188) 1,305,134
  $76,911,558 $186,384,619 $19,884,408
Investor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $32,098,500 $100,740,270 $6,850,591
Shares outstanding  3,867,805 9,794,889 853,164
Net asset value per share  $8.30 $10.28 $8.03
Institutional Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $14,575,328 $40,194,464 $5,228,789
Shares outstanding  1,757,015 3,906,659 650,975
Net asset value per share  $8.30 $10.29 $8.03
Advisor Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $24,624,084 $34,766,475 $6,447,008
Shares outstanding  2,967,887 3,381,836 803,295
Net asset value per share  $8.30 $10.28 $8.03
R Class, $0.01 Par Value 
Net assets  $5,613,646 $10,683,410 $1,358,020
Shares outstanding  677,108 1,039,145 169,179
Net asset value per share  $8.29 $10.28 $8.03
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


Statement of Operations 

  Income Portfolio  2015 Portfolio  2020 Portfolio 
Investment Income (Loss)       
Income distributions from underlying funds — affiliates  $2,733,498 $  5,584,578 $2,225,692
Administrative fees: 
Investor Class  99,606 239,638 102,494
Advisor Class  47,678 60,538 26,573
R Class  7,589 20,517 7,542
Distribution and service fees: 
Advisor Class  59,598 75,672 33,216
R Class  18,973 51,294 18,855
Directors’ fees and expenses  4,165 8,287 3,188
  237,609 455,946 191,868
Net investment income (loss)  2,495,889 5,128,632 2,033,824
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Affiliates 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Sale of investments in underlying funds    (74,180)   (3,421,945) 198,828
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 
on investments in underlying funds  7,370,137 20,244,657 6,661,421
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on affiliates  7,295,957 16,822,712 6,860,249
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 
Resulting from Operations  $9,791,846 $21,951,344 $8,894,073
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


  2025 Portfolio  2030 Portfolio  2035 Portfolio 
Investment Income (Loss)       
Income distributions from underlying funds — affiliates  $  6,491,653 $1,469,122 $  3,316,743
Administrative fees: 
Investor Class  347,727 79,926 195,654
Advisor Class  70,259 23,670 50,735
R Class  24,588 7,689 16,481
Distribution and service fees: 
Advisor Class  87,825 29,588 63,418
R Class  61,468 19,223 41,202
Directors’ fees and expenses  11,090 2,632 6,702
  602,957 162,728 374,192
Net investment income (loss)  5,888,696 1,306,394 2,942,551
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Affiliates 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Sale of investments in underlying funds    (6,966,185) 173,936   (5,089,107)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 
on investments in underlying funds  34,536,692 6,137,747 23,528,769
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on affiliates  27,570,507 6,311,683 18,439,662
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 
Resulting from Operations  $33,459,203 $7,618,077 $21,382,213
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


  2040 Portfolio  2045 Portfolio  2050 Portfolio 
Investment Income (Loss)       
Income distributions from underlying funds — affiliates  $  602,249 $  1,648,423 $123,997
Administrative fees: 
Investor Class  29,513 96,907 4,773
Advisor Class  12,827 27,643 3,559
R Class  4,618 7,960 908
Distribution and service fees: 
Advisor Class  16,034 34,553 4,449
R Class  11,545 19,900 2,271
Directors’ fees and expenses  1,194 3,621 265
  75,731 190,584 16,225
Net investment income (loss)  526,518 1,457,839 107,772
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Affiliates 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Sale of investments in underlying funds  18,775   (2,839,781)   (23,808)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 
on investments in underlying funds  2,778,723 13,767,476 537,011
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on affiliates  2,797,498 10,927,695 513,203
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 
Resulting from Operations  $3,324,016 $12,385,534 $620,975
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


Statement of Changes in Net Assets 

  LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio  LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $  2,495,889 $    2,613,786 $   5,128,632 $    6,716,232
Net realized gain (loss)    (74,180)   (12,223,837)   (3,421,945)   (17,104,784)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  7,370,137 9,836,410 20,244,657 1,797,021
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  9,791,846 226,359 21,951,344   (8,591,531)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (1,382,523)   (1,891,448)   (4,463,573)   (5,150,679)
Institutional Class    (428,173)   (380,646)   (1,368,794)   (667,576)
Advisor Class    (596,106)   (249,615)   (1,134,136)   (842,999)
R Class    (82,098)   (36,296)   (317,118)   (170,136)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (405,727)   (1,965,341)
Institutional Class    (79,352)   (241,939)
Advisor Class    (72,879)   (344,341)
R Class    (12,048)   (74,791)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (2,488,900)   (3,128,011)   (7,283,621)   (9,457,802)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  31,634,223 93,346,171 80,244,365 140,167,568
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  38,937,169 90,444,519 94,912,088 122,118,235
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  158,196,792 67,752,273 330,349,962 208,231,727
End of period  $197,133,961 $158,196,792 $425,262,050 $330,349,962
Undistributed net investment income  $158,668 $151,679 $333,875 $2,488,864
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio  LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $  2,033,824 $     998,442 $   5,888,696 $    7,970,000
Net realized gain (loss)  198,828   (2,265,500)   (6,966,185)   (18,294,566)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  6,661,421 9,783,711 34,536,692   (8,435,503)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  8,894,073 8,516,653 33,459,203   (18,760,069)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (1,688,609)   (71,188)   (5,629,796)   (5,950,462)
Institutional Class    (522,929)   (11,369)   (1,558,390)   (1,225,708)
Advisor Class    (468,137)   (12,872)   (1,074,979)   (799,325)
R Class    (104,320)   (11,706)   (308,725)   (135,485)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (128,380)   (3,244,442)
Institutional Class    (35,286)   (624,145)
Advisor Class    (42,315)   (471,571)
R Class    (11,626)   (87,038)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (3,001,602)   (107,135)   (8,571,890)   (12,538,176)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  69,163,927 110,507,216 85,532,619 198,757,669
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  75,056,398 118,916,734 110,419,932 167,459,424
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  120,017,552 1,100,818 457,913,675 290,454,251
End of period  $195,073,950 $120,017,552 $568,333,607 $457,913,675
Undistributed net investment income  $141,925 $892,096 $374,556 $3,057,750
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio  LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $   1,306,394 $     672,384 $   2,942,551 $    3,920,540
Net realized gain (loss)  173,936   (1,795,860)   (5,089,107)   (11,046,566)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  6,137,747 8,609,759 23,528,769   (10,372,689)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  7,618,077 7,486,283 21,382,213   (17,498,715)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (1,067,106)   (36,634)   (2,690,080)   (2,790,828)
Institutional Class    (337,882)   (8,184)   (813,193)   (561,509)
Advisor Class    (347,879)   (5,403)   (639,672)   (435,681)
R Class    (73,615)   (15,299)   (156,330)   (73,773)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (121,629)   (2,117,074)
Institutional Class    (33,243)   (396,869)
Advisor Class    (49,531)   (363,962)
R Class    (13,939)   (68,580)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (2,044,824)   (65,520)   (4,299,275)   (6,808,276)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  62,013,581 86,795,822 67,512,172 110,729,046
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  67,586,834 94,216,585 84,595,110 86,422,055
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  94,860,575 643,990 260,680,225 174,258,170
End of period  $162,447,409 $94,860,575 $345,275,335 $260,680,225
Undistributed net investment income  $87,062 $607,150 $153,298 $1,510,022
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio  LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $     526,518 $     232,457 $     1,457,839 $    2,149,994
Net realized gain (loss)  18,775   (754,318)   (2,839,781)   (7,438,967)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  2,778,723 4,078,190 13,767,476   (10,606,884)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  3,324,016 3,556,329 12,385,534   (15,895,857)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (344,746)   (16,296)   (1,209,259)   (1,472,652)
Institutional Class    (176,416)   (1,179)   (562,617)   (568,816)
Advisor Class    (151,094)   (2,891)   (312,014)   (216,154)
R Class    (32,698)   (10,677)   (65,021)   (30,172)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (19,542)   (1,312,952)
Institutional Class    (8,431)   (470,646)
Advisor Class    (11,184)   (213,458)
R Class    (3,480)   (33,394)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (747,591)   (31,043)   (2,148,911)   (4,318,244)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  36,205,874 33,755,308 33,910,737 45,933,636
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  38,782,299 37,280,594 44,147,360 25,719,535
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  38,129,259 848,665 142,237,259 116,517,724
End of period  $76,911,558 $38,129,259 $186,384,619 $142,237,259
Undistributed net investment income  $23,307 $201,743 $53,197 $744,269
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $     107,772 $      51,261
Net realized gain (loss)    (23,808)   (294,289)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)  537,011 786,829
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  620,975 543,801
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income: 
Investor Class    (47,343)   (8,507)
Institutional Class    (51,865)   (10,356)
Advisor Class    (32,082)   (179)
R Class    (5,224)   (502)
From net realized gains: 
Investor Class    (1,689)
Institutional Class    (1,512)
Advisor Class    (1,587)
R Class    (422)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (141,724)   (19,544)
Capital Share Transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions  12,249,426 6,149,716
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  12,728,677 6,673,973
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  7,155,731 481,758
End of period  $19,884,408 $7,155,731
Undistributed net investment income  $3,442 $32,184
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Notes to Financial Statements 


1. Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Organization — American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc. (the corporation) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as amended, as an open-end management investment company. LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio and LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio (collectively, the funds) are nine funds in a series issued by the corporation. The funds operate as “fund of funds,” meaning substantially all of the funds’ assets will be invested in other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds (the underlying funds). The funds are diversified under the 1940 Act. Additionally, the underlying funds are generally diversified and so indirectly provide broad exposure to a large number of securities. The investment objective of LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio is to seek current income. Capital appreciation is a secondary objective. The investment objectives of the eight target-year LIVESTRONG Portfolios are to seek the highest total return consistent with their respective asset mix. The funds pursue their objectives by investing in underlying funds that represent a variety of asset classes and investment styles. For each fund with a target-year, the target asset mix will be adjusted annually in a step-like fashion. In general, as the target-year approaches, the allocation to stocks will decrease and the allocation to bonds and money market instruments will increase. When a fund reaches its most conservative planned target asset allocation, which is expected to occur on approximately November 30 of the year before the target year, its target asset mix will become fixed and will match that of LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio. The following is a summary of the funds’ significant accounting policies.

Multiple Class — The funds are authorized to issue the Investor Class, Institutional Class, Advisor Class (renamed A Class effective March 1, 2010) and R Class. The share classes differ principally in their respective distribution and shareholder servicing expenses and arrangements. All shares of each fund represent an equal pro rata interest in the net assets of the class to which such shares belong, and have identical voting, dividend, liquidation and other rights and the same terms and conditions, except for class specific expenses and exclusive rights to vote on matters affecting only individual classes. Income, non-class specific expenses, and realized and unrealized capital gains and losses of the funds are allocated to each class of shares based on their relative net assets.

Underlying Funds — Each fund’s assets are allocated among underlying funds that represent major asset classes, including equity securities (stocks), fixed-income securities (bonds) and cash-equivalent instruments (money markets). The underlying funds are not permitted to invest in securities issued by companies assigned the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) for the tobacco industry. A brief description of each of the underlying funds follows.

Domestic Equity Funds

NT Equity Growth Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a quantitative investment strategy to construct an optimized portfolio drawn primarily from large publicly traded U.S. companies without regard to dividend yield.

NT Growth Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and generally invests in larger U.S. companies.

NT Large Company Value Fund seeks long-term capital growth with income as a secondary objective. It uses a value investment strategy and invests primarily in larger U.S. companies.

NT Mid Cap Value Fund seeks long-term capital growth with income as a secondary objective. It uses a value investment strategy and invests primarily in medium-sized U.S. companies.


NT Small Company Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a quantitative investment strategy and invests primarily in smaller U.S. companies.

NT Vista Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and generally invests in medium-sized and smaller U.S. companies.

Real Estate Fund seeks high total investment return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income. It invests primarily in equity securities issued by real estate investment trusts and companies engaged in the real estate industry.

International Equity Funds

NT Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and invests primarily in securities of companies located in emerging market countries.

NT International Growth Fund seeks capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and invests primarily in securities of companies located in developed countries other than the United States.

Domestic Fixed Income Funds

High-Yield Fund seeks high current income by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-yield corporate bonds and other debt securities. As a secondary objective, the fund seeks capital appreciation, but only when consistent with its primary objective of maximizing current income.

Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund seeks to provide total return and inflation protection consistent with investment in inflation-indexed securities.

NT Diversified Bond Fund seeks a high level of income by investing primarily in high- and medium-grade non-money market debt securities. These securities, which may be payable in U.S. or foreign currencies, may include corporate bonds and notes, government securities and securities backed by mortgages or other assets.

International Fixed Income Funds

International Bond Fund seeks high total return by investing in high-quality, non-dollar-denominated government and corporate debt securities outside the United States.

Money Market Funds

Premium Money Market Fund seeks to earn the highest level of current income while preserving the value of shareholder investments by investing in high-quality, very short-term debt securities.

Security Valuations — Investments in the underlying funds are valued at their reported net asset value. The underlying funds have specific valuation policies. If an event occurs after the value of a security was established but before the net asset value per share of an underlying fund was determined that was likely to materially change the net asset value of the underlying fund, that security would be valued as determined in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors / Trustees. If the underlying fund determines that the market price of a portfolio security is not readily available, or that the valuation methods mentioned above do not reflect the security’s fair value, such security is valued as determined by the Board of Directors / Trustees or its designee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors / Trustees, if such determination would materially impact an underlying fund’s net asset value. Certain other circumstances may cause the underlying fund to use alternative procedures to value a security such as: a security has been declared in default; trading in a security has been halted during the trading day; or there is a foreign market holiday and no trading will commence.


Security Transactions — For financial reporting purposes, security transactions are accounted for as of the trade date. Net realized gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is also used for federal income tax purposes.

Investment Income — Income and capital gain distributions, if any, from the underlying funds are recorded as of the ex-dividend date. Long-term capital gain distributions, if any, from the underlying funds are a component of net realized gain (loss).

Expenses — The expenses included in the accompanying financial statements reflect the expenses of each fund and do not include any expenses associated with the underlying funds.

Income Tax Status — It is each fund’s policy to distribute substantially all net investment income and net realized gains to shareholders and to otherwise qualify as a regulated investment company under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio, and LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio are no longer subject to examination by tax authorities for years prior to 2006. For LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio, LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio, and LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio all tax years remain subject to examination by tax authorities. At this time, management believes there are no uncertain tax positions which, based on their technical merit, would not be sustained upon examination and for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal or state income taxes. Interest and penalties associated with any federal or state income tax obligations, if any, are recorded as interest expense.

Distributions to Shareholders — Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Distributions from net investment income, if any, are generally declared and paid quarterly for LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio. Distributions from net investment income, if any, are generally declared and paid annually for the eight target-date LIVESTRONG Portfolios. Distributions from net realized gains, if any, are generally declared and paid annually for all funds.

Indemnifications — Under the corporation’s organizational documents, its officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the funds. In addition, in the normal course of business, the funds enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against a fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered by management to be remote.

Use of Estimates — The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which may require management to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Subsequent Events — Management has evaluated events or transactions that may have occurred since January 31, 2010, that would merit recognition or disclosure in the financial statements. This evaluation was completed through March 26, 2010, the date the financial statements were issued.


2. Fees and Transactions with Related Parties

Administrative Fees — The corporation has entered into a Management Agreement with American Century Investment Management, Inc. (ACIM), under which ACIM provides the funds with shareholder services in exchange for an administrative fee (the fee). The fee is computed and accrued daily based on the daily net assets of each specific class of shares of each fund and paid monthly in arrears. The rate of the fee for the Investor Class, Advisor Class and R Class of the funds is 0.20%. There is no administrative fee for the Institutional Class.

Distribution and Service Fees — The Board of Directors has adopted a separate Master Distribution and Individual Shareholder Services Plan for each of the Advisor Class and R Class (collectively the plans), pursuant to Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. The plans provide that the Advisor Class will pay American Century Investment Services, Inc. (ACIS) an annual distribution and service fee of 0.25%. The plans provide that the R Class will pay ACIS an annual distribution and service fee of 0.50%. The fees are computed and accrued daily based on each class’s daily net assets and paid monthly in arrears. These fees are used to pay financial intermediaries for distribution and individual shareholder services. Fees incurred under the plans during the six months ended January 31, 2010, are detailed in the Statement of Operations.

Management Fees — Each fund will indirectly realize its pro rata share of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds in which it invests. These fees and expenses are already reflected in the valuation of the underlying funds.

Related Parties — Certain officers and directors of the corporation are also officers and/or directors of American Century Companies, Inc. (ACC), the parent of the corporation’s investment advisor, ACIM, the distributor of the corporation, ACIS, and the corporation’s transfer agent, American Century Services, LLC. The directors of the corporation are also directors of some underlying funds and therefore those underlying funds may be deemed to be under common control with the corporation. The officers of the corporation are also officers of all the underlying funds. ACIM or American Century Global Investment Management, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ACIM, serves as the investment advisor for the underlying funds.

The funds have a Mutual Funds Services Agreement with J.P. Morgan Investor Services Co. (JPMIS). JPMIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM). JPM is an equity investor in ACC.

3. Investment Transactions

Investment transactions for the six months ended January 31, 2010, were as follows:

  Income Portfolio  2015 Portfolio  2020 Portfolio  2025 Portfolio  2030 Portfolio 
Purchases  $45,312,673 $97,133,367 $77,153,618 $107,532,311 $67,323,676
Sales  $13,680,986 $19,062,805 $8,963,935 $24,709,828 $6,052,263
    2035 Portfolio  2040 Portfolio  2045 Portfolio  2050 Portfolio 
Purchases    $80,462,567 $37,214,431 $41,026,469 $13,370,013
Sales    $14,315,151 $1,230,595 $7,809,120 $1,154,666


4. Capital Share Transactions

The corporation is authorized to issue 3,000,000,000 shares. Transactions in shares of the funds were as follows:

  Six months ended January 31, 2010  Year ended July 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  1,021,149 $  10,179,268 18,698,026 $  167,113,157
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  135,506 1,364,467 248,479 2,248,041
Redeemed    (1,310,189)   (13,082,082)   (13,569,378)   (119,654,444)
    (153,534)   (1,538,347) 5,377,127 49,706,754
Institutional Class 
Sold  867,550 8,799,421 2,203,254 19,476,461
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  42,491 428,173 50,835 459,998
Redeemed    (577,452)   (5,777,266)   (536,074)   (4,816,742)
  332,589 3,450,328 1,718,015 15,119,717
Advisor Class 
Sold  3,141,902 31,329,605 3,611,889 32,498,100
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  57,425 578,873 35,451 321,543
Redeemed    (849,006)   (8,509,025)   (835,727)   (7,366,830)
  2,350,321 23,399,453 2,811,613 25,452,813
R Class 
Sold  772,751 7,639,808 406,615 3,736,252
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  8,010 80,907 5,385 47,928
Redeemed    (138,870)   (1,397,926)   (80,992)   (717,293)
  641,891 6,322,789 331,008 3,066,887
Net increase (decrease)  3,171,267 $ 31,634,223 10,237,763 $ 93,346,171
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  3,950,822 $  41,192,584 22,036,378 $  202,222,781
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  420,671 4,438,085 786,589 7,063,567
Redeemed    (2,322,591)   (24,148,785)   (15,032,106)   (136,940,716)
  2,048,902 21,481,884 7,790,861 72,345,632
Institutional Class 
Sold  1,126,739 11,763,661 5,289,808 48,352,553
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  129,621 1,368,794 101,282 909,515
Redeemed    (601,504)   (6,253,869)   (937,904)   (8,499,045)
   654,856 6,878,586 4,453,186 40,763,023
Advisor Class 
Sold  4,054,346 42,237,863 2,828,051 26,297,380
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  99,377 1,048,428 130,939 1,175,836
Redeemed    (635,027)   (6,632,227)   (1,005,660)   (9,384,716)
  3,518,696 36,654,064 1,953,330 18,088,500
R Class 
Sold  1,723,840 17,982,784 1,828,044 16,821,336
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  27,956 295,219 26,161 234,927
Redeemed    (293,137)   (3,048,172)   (868,132)   (8,085,850)
  1,458,659 15,229,831 986,073 8,970,413
Net increase (decrease)  7,681,113 $ 80,244,365 15,183,450 $ 140,167,568


  Six months ended January 31, 2010  Year ended July 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  2,365,877 $ 21,083,394 27,157,029 $ 210,655,998
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  198,914 1,814,093 9,330 71,188
Redeemed    (1,324,643)   (11,803,049)   (16,496,812)   (126,304,813)
  1,240,148 11,094,438 10,669,547 84,422,373
Institutional Class 
Sold  968,557 8,847,477 2,804,118 21,239,817
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  61,208 558,215 1,490 11,369
Redeemed    (268,435)   (2,420,621)   (266,680)   (2,037,321)
  761,330 6,985,071 2,538,928 19,213,865
Advisor Class 
Sold  5,535,973 49,316,765 485,585 3,886,194
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  55,971 510,452 1,687 12,872
Redeemed    (677,681)   (6,040,477)   (28,684)   (226,837)
  4,914,263 43,786,740 458,588 3,672,229
R Class 
Sold  886,166 7,853,958 441,491 3,608,622
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  12,710 115,916 1,534 11,706
Redeemed    (74,973)   (672,196)   (55,883)   (421,579)
  823,903 7,297,678 387,142 3,198,749
Net increase (decrease)  7,739,644 $ 69,163,927 14,054,205 $ 110,507,216
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  4,961,403 $ 51,477,705 32,596,486 $ 293,192,970
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  529,921 5,611,859 1,046,971 9,161,018
Redeemed    (3,003,097)   (31,195,650)   (19,969,203)   (177,575,845)
  2,488,227 25,893,914 13,674,254 124,778,143
Institutional Class 
Sold  910,924 9,482,402 5,025,377 44,620,828
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  147,157 1,558,390 211,413 1,849,853
Redeemed    (494,110)   (5,118,222)   (1,078,207)   (9,830,657)
  563,971 5,922,570 4,158,583 36,640,024
Advisor Class 
Sold  4,461,696 46,409,981 3,796,789 34,330,412
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  92,438 979,846 144,407 1,263,560
Redeemed    (849,639)   (8,834,368)   (1,254,939)   (11,345,728)
  3,704,495 38,555,459 2,686,257 24,248,244
R Class 
Sold  1,708,433 17,716,087 1,610,391 14,596,950
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  26,847 284,574 23,819 208,417
Redeemed    (273,974)   (2,839,985)   (190,859)   (1,714,109)
  1,461,306 15,160,676 1,443,351 13,091,258
Net increase (decrease)  8,217,999 $ 85,532,619 21,962,445 $ 198,757,669


  Six months ended January 31, 2010  Year ended July 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  1,818,725 $ 15,523,341 21,407,615 $ 156,161,055
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  134,491 1,184,869 5,047 36,137
Redeemed    (885,071)   (7,542,624)   (12,730,080)   (91,576,604)
  1,068,145 9,165,586 8,682,582 64,620,588
Institutional Class 
Sold  673,441 5,867,820 2,368,824 16,803,262
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  42,125 371,125 1,145 8,184
Redeemed    (209,820)   (1,818,359)   (192,452)   (1,365,186)
  505,746 4,420,586 2,177,517 15,446,260
Advisor Class 
Sold  5,391,230 46,142,709 467,504 3,491,863
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  45,160 397,410 756 5,403
Redeemed    (502,822)   (4,252,932)   (48,087)   (351,751)
  4,933,568 42,287,187 420,173 3,145,515
R Class 
Sold  810,848 6,870,614 511,522 4,063,426
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  9,934 87,520 2,140 15,299
Redeemed    (95,224)   (817,912)   (68,616)   (495,266)
  725,558 6,140,222 445,046 3,583,459
Net increase (decrease)  7,233,017 $ 62,013,581 11,725,318 $ 86,795,822
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  3,600,161 $ 37,528,499 15,299,408 $ 136,512,600
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  249,330 2,685,287 568,003 4,896,188
Redeemed    (1,819,628)   (19,090,869)   (9,015,703)   (79,453,689)
  2,029,863 21,122,917 6,851,708 61,955,099
Institutional Class 
Sold  816,349 8,628,910 3,274,007 28,605,892
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  75,506 813,193 111,052 958,378
Redeemed    (389,958)   (4,112,636)   (604,926)   (5,288,948)
  501,897 5,329,467 2,780,133 24,275,322
Advisor Class 
Sold  3,359,257 35,058,842 2,405,740 21,576,278
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  51,157 550,959 91,719 791,531
Redeemed    (567,409)   (5,967,152)   (700,595)   (6,258,117)
  2,843,005 29,642,649 1,796,864 16,109,692
R Class 
Sold  1,261,754 13,259,142 1,031,714 9,297,204
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  12,538 135,037 15,842 136,697
Redeemed    (189,775)   (1,977,040)   (118,195)   (1,044,968)
  1,084,517 11,417,139 929,361 8,388,933
Net increase (decrease)  6,459,282 $ 67,512,172 12,358,066 $110,729,046


  Six months ended January 31, 2010  Year ended July 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  1,138,749 $ 9,441,396 6,667,507 $ 46,398,192
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  42,116 363,457 2,393 16,296
Redeemed    (461,265)   (3,837,347)   (3,611,169)   (24,864,481)
  719,600 5,967,506 3,058,731 21,550,007
Institutional Class 
Sold  561,321 4,783,489 1,366,315 9,109,351
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  21,419 184,847 173 1,179
Redeemed    (96,021)   (803,529)   (96,817)   (658,594)
  486,719 4,164,807 1,269,671 8,451,936
Advisor Class 
Sold  3,062,080 25,452,818 221,418 1,546,579
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  18,804 162,278 424 2,891
Redeemed    (313,580)   (2,569,010)   (21,884)   (151,240)
  2,767,304 23,046,086 199,958 1,398,230
R Class 
Sold  444,666 3,625,210 360,415 2,744,768
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  4,165 35,945 1,568 10,677
Redeemed    (75,812)   (633,680)   (58,519)   (400,310)
  373,019 3,027,475 303,464 2,355,135
Net increase (decrease)  4,346,642 $ 36,205,874 4,831,824 $ 33,755,308
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  1,945,816 $ 20,162,143 5,655,690 $ 49,850,208
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  112,215 1,202,947 328,649 2,767,177
Redeemed    (1,137,026)   (11,776,967)   (3,046,344)   (26,737,712)
  921,005 9,588,123 2,937,995 25,879,673
Institutional Class 
Sold  583,607 6,085,225 1,773,404 15,431,701
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  52,483 562,617 123,451 1,039,462
Redeemed    (336,682)   (3,509,486)   (823,627)   (7,441,026)
  299,408 3,138,356 1,073,228 9,030,137
Advisor Class 
Sold  1,997,015 20,461,372 1,094,726 9,314,758
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  26,822 287,269 50,634 426,339
Redeemed    (473,842)   (4,958,117)   (247,353)   (2,181,953)
  1,549,995 15,790,524 898,007 7,559,144
R Class 
Sold  670,954 6,943,931 502,089 4,299,317
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  5,467 58,605 6,079 51,182
Redeemed    (156,581)   (1,608,802)   (103,842)   (885,817)
  519,840 5,393,734 404,326 3,464,682
Net increase (decrease)  3,290,248 $ 33,910,737 5,313,556 $ 45,933,636


  Six months ended January 31, 2010  Year ended July 31, 2009 
  Shares  Amount  Shares  Amount 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio         
Investor Class         
Sold  598,735 $ 4,901,268 655,827 $ 4,433,260
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  5,827 48,830 1,292 8,453
Redeemed    (214,331)   (1,754,605)   (244,500)   (1,606,061)
  390,231 3,195,493 412,619 2,835,652
Institutional Class 
Sold  289,742 2,356,172 493,540 3,313,874
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  6,370 53,377 1,583 10,356
Redeemed    (70,672)   (566,194)   (70,213)   (482,585)
  225,440 1,843,355 424,910 2,841,645
Advisor Class 
Sold  892,288 7,127,738 45,591 310,177
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  4,018 33,669 27 179
Redeemed    (138,147)   (1,087,940)   (1,107)   (7,497)
  758,159 6,073,467 44,511 302,859
R Class 
Sold  158,281 1,253,069 29,516 203,431
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  645 5,406 77 502
Redeemed    (14,785)   (121,364)   (5,180)   (34,373)
  144,141 1,137,111 24,413 169,560
Net increase (decrease)  1,517,971 $12,249,426 906,453 $ 6,149,716


5. Affiliated Company Transactions

Investments are funds within the American Century Investments family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under common control because of the same board of directors. A summary of the transactions for each underlying fund during the six months ended January 31, 2010 follows:

    July 31, 2009                  January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund                       Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)               Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio           
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  2,787,244 $  4,884,974 $  2,721,961   $(239,901) $   166,573 3,083,049 $ 25,188,510
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  1,191,828 1,938,550 1,035,003   (480) 56,084 1,286,901 12,444,333
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  2,563,045 4,018,657 1,800,640 61,872 181,089 2,852,295 21,363,689
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  826,168 1,135,674 760,364   (27,903) 75,653 873,112 7,770,697
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  545,562 711,951 417,987 18,428 17,111 589,928 3,869,928
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  531,826 873,373 370,329   (9,720) 530 597,050 4,633,108
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  138,750 250,506 231,078 24,030 18,434 138,998 1,880,643
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  1,118,004 1,281,818 263,259   (25,622) 306,554 1,303,092 7,583,996
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  1,050,025 3,643,183 486,755 1,684 248,208 1,324,582 15,431,380
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  3,920,806 14,891,673 3,107,509   (14,378) 986,893 5,044,117 53,215,434
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  15,019,816 5,817,511 630,692 13,242 20,206,635 20,206,635
International Bond Fund 
Institutional Class  761,308 3,851,433 576,552 1,533 540,021 982,155 13,985,887
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  1,102,468 2,013,370 1,353,037 136,277 123,106 1,164,397 9,559,700
  $45,312,673 $13,755,166 $ (74,180) $2,733,498 $197,133,940
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


   July 31, 2009              January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund   Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  5,557,150 $ 9,976,495 $ 2,587,357   $ (671,790) $ 343,808 6,532,807 $ 53,373,033
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  3,048,884 5,527,862 2,984,771   (131,821) 143,292 3,330,216 32,203,189
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  5,426,807 8,745,406 2,966,867   (877,661) 392,204 6,306,583 47,236,307
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  2,141,941 2,958,366 2,637,850   (343,414) 196,148 2,221,611 19,772,338
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  1,128,158 1,380,127 928,245   (329,131) 36,571 1,253,305 8,221,681
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  1,643,618 2,341,466 1,249,235   (304,067) 1,613 1,824,483 14,157,988
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  367,873 729,325 860,531   (216,217) 50,520 375,659 5,082,666
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  2,206,883 3,072,854 167,124   (22,799) 619,292 2,723,372 15,850,025
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  2,088,019 7,865,727 350,146   (114) 514,012 2,740,226 31,923,633
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  7,755,907 30,696,643 1,312,586   (6,725) 1,999,843 10,551,739 111,320,846
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  21,866,634 10,978,548 212,114 19,807 32,633,068 32,633,068
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  599,683 633,086 1,724,877 169,064 458,444 3,933,449
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  2,761,408 4,709,748 4,180,154   (689,169) 307,601 2,909,046 23,883,268
International Bond Fund 
Institutional Class  1,320,292 7,517,714 322,893 1,899 959,867 1,802,706 25,670,534
  $97,133,367 $22,484,750   $(3,421,945) $5,584,578 $425,262,025
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


  July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund   Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  1,970,129 $ 8,349,695 $ 917,292 $ 13,848 $ 137,684 2,882,861 $ 23,552,974
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  1,274,756 5,742,599 1,379,171 46,819 70,375 1,731,456 16,743,180
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  2,008,361 7,667,906 1,032,567 16,024 161,637 2,897,993 21,705,968
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  852,435 3,327,589 493,239 14,167 91,572 1,179,842 10,500,594
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  510,117 1,243,456 378,702 4,412 17,489 646,542 4,241,315
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  714,014 3,300,828 341,472 3,569 896 1,088,386 8,445,875
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  159,305 844,195 216,603 11,983 24,815 207,236 2,803,903
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  754,254 2,566,010 103,062   (147) 244,512 1,188,761 6,918,589
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  708,859 6,040,570 273,608   (2,065) 214,540 1,209,065 14,085,607
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  2,664,978 22,389,911 1,428,481   (8,203) 800,633 4,660,012 49,163,127
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  389,234 1,339,392 462,038 36,118 486,097 4,170,712
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  1,162,977 4,859,309 1,343,506 67,506 154,812 1,575,303 12,933,238
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  5,659,565 4,498,352 151,258 5,718 10,006,659 10,006,659
International Bond Fund 
Institutional Class  370,258 4,983,806 244,108   (5,203) 301,009 688,355 9,802,175
  $77,153,618 $8,765,107 $198,828 $2,225,692 $195,073,916
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


  July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund   Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  7,648,927 $ 9,240,207 $ 2,520,548   $  (678,659) $   463,420 8,548,405 $ 69,840,469
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  5,769,287 7,882,138 5,878,657   (541,830) 261,941 6,045,194 58,457,026
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  7,968,242 9,715,973 5,137,882   (1,620,194) 565,296 8,796,317 65,884,414
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  3,096,495 3,105,092 1,586,578   (277,392) 289,699 3,304,703 29,411,857
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  2,718,383 1,782,988 2,629,600   (919,453) 85,244 2,738,444 17,964,193
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  3,018,698 4,392,812 757,723   (186,887) 3,115 3,504,285 27,193,251
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  703,700 1,100,212 1,692,789   (683,106) 96,025 712,510 9,640,260
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  2,529,543 3,563,275 65,613   (9,076) 708,861 3,147,408 18,317,914
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  2,456,206 8,731,175 116,879   (29) 596,210 3,203,526 37,321,078
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  9,068,819 35,021,067 1,117,186   (6,482) 2,331,280 12,292,812 129,689,167
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  1,813,244 1,590,796 2,994,143   (642,948) 1,721,044 14,766,557
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  5,378,530 7,489,542 7,045,755   (1,399,404) 593,128 5,601,103 45,985,056
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  21,493,826 8,056,825 94,199 19,032 29,456,452 29,456,452
International Bond Fund 
Institutional Class  625,811 5,860,209 38,461   (725) 478,402 1,011,227 14,399,873
  $107,532,311 $31,676,013   $(6,966,185) $6,491,653 $568,327,567
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


  July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund   Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  1,610,477 $ 7,452,540 $  617,395 $   5,158 $  114,961 2,448,227 $ 20,002,014
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  1,380,021 7,473,313 892,657 8,117 83,633 2,065,782 19,976,112
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  1,748,426 7,725,846 731,369 6,421 145,654 2,681,971 20,087,963
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  669,431 2,934,760 556,829 9,645 72,170 944,018 8,401,760
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  681,259 2,454,255 255,587 1,996 25,020 1,024,641 6,721,645
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  685,954 3,041,544 89,607   (1,092) 858 1,057,397 8,205,401
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  165,791 1,088,018 201,791 8,885 26,546 232,691 3,148,309
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  461,025 1,962,413 42,911   (240) 155,988 798,770 4,648,842
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  441,440 4,383,183 86,944   (13) 144,003 813,299 9,474,933
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  1,645,852 16,101,254 420,115   (1,491) 516,433 3,137,074 33,096,131
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  475,805 1,946,471 900,418 66,762 589,983 5,062,054
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  1,239,635 6,267,405 1,010,334 69,788 179,610 1,852,344 15,207,744
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  3,994,174 4,492,674 72,370 4,246 8,414,478 8,414,478
  $67,323,676 $5,878,327 $173,936 $1,469,122 $162,447,386
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


    July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund  Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  4,750,635 $  8,636,857 $  1,927,772   $  (530,334) $  300,485 5,639,475 $  46,074,511
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  4,071,949 8,651,146 2,548,423   (358,223) 204,467 4,751,198 45,944,085
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  5,155,073 9,242,090 2,505,367   (842,008) 385,167 6,168,862 46,204,776
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  2,164,783 3,520,662 1,888,272   (382,905) 208,125 2,401,885 21,376,776
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  1,819,959 2,817,719 1,190,042   (392,975) 61,546 2,140,060 14,038,794
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  2,216,542 4,170,502 570,393   (150,646) 2,349 2,690,779 20,880,445
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  508,499 1,397,609 1,402,796   (636,403) 73,162 558,125 7,551,431
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  1,094,665 2,110,614 21,468   (2,815) 321,993 1,464,256 8,521,970
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  1,029,010 5,356,369 37,312 2 276,362 1,489,425 17,351,801
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  3,846,878 20,440,352 203,315   (968) 1,053,851 5,770,223 60,875,853
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  1,582,020 2,581,198 2,680,018   (786,551) 1,659,329 14,237,043
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  3,572,561 7,391,617 4,412,871   (1,005,281) 424,503 4,047,908 33,233,325
Premium Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  4,854,883 4,145,832 16,209 4,733 8,984,506 8,984,506
  $80,462,567 $19,404,258   $(5,089,107) $3,316,743 $345,275,316
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


   July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund  Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  747,682 $ 5,035,871 $  93,485   $   (607) $ 59,804 1,353,895 $11,061,322
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  625,447 5,047,979 78,491   (369) 44,641 1,142,367 11,046,689
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  792,721 5,249,436 68,489   (416) 74,688 1,483,181 11,109,026
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  351,915 2,406,769 86,706 587 43,992 619,536 5,513,870
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  255,667 1,350,554 46,208 76 10,398 459,216 3,012,457
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  360,843 2,773,792 46,015   (629) 545 702,660 5,452,642
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  82,564 801,628 57,625 976 14,823 139,045 1,881,279
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  135,139 781,324 9,122   (59) 50,549 271,118 1,577,907
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  127,038 1,735,547 18,095 10 46,877 275,934 3,214,631
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  477,499 6,224,948 63,701   (79) 166,916 1,063,763 11,222,699
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  283,654 1,834,343 251,197 8,951 464,699 3,987,117
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  531,961 3,972,240 392,686 10,334 89,016 953,945 7,831,889
  $37,214,431 $1,211,820 $18,775 $602,249 $76,911,528
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


   July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund  Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)  Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  2,764,185 $ 5,067,884 $   582,155     $  (161,084) $   177,493 3,335,777 $ 27,253,298
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  2,369,786 5,026,412 977,206     (147,347) 121,647 2,810,460 27,177,148
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  3,049,782 5,590,489 965,316     (317,383) 231,520 3,711,359 27,798,079
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  1,309,619 2,214,420 526,752     (136,649) 129,166 1,521,676 13,542,917
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  1,129,878 1,313,831 743,918     (243,411) 37,175 1,260,993 8,272,114
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  1,341,136 3,117,484 444,631     (124,195) 1,472 1,695,214 13,154,861
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  335,863 955,381 959,971     (468,730) 48,300 372,078 5,034,215
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  1,262,828 2,220,980 2,838,531     (748,781) 1,280,348 10,985,386
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  1,938,885 4,030,689 1,913,291     (481,734) 237,163 2,247,908 18,455,324
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  438,751 867,203 55,219     (6,913) 128,534 583,401 3,395,394
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  412,461 2,182,247 96,686     (62) 110,165 593,143 6,910,116
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  1,562,796 8,439,449 545,225     (3,492) 425,788 2,313,395 24,406,317
  $41,026,469 $10,648,901     $(2,839,781) $1,648,423 $186,385,169
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


   July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Fund/Underlying Fund  Balance Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss) Received(1)  Balance  Value 
LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio             
NT Equity Growth Fund               
Institutional Class  143,676 $ 1,990,419 $  150,174   $  (8,662) $  13,934 369,255 $ 3,016,813
NT Growth Fund 
Institutional Class  123,025 1,987,744 170,332   (2,176) 10,762 311,570 3,012,882
NT Large Company 
Value Fund 
Institutional Class  158,713 2,052,781 158,266   (5,211) 17,718 411,156 3,079,558
NT Mid Cap Value Fund 
Institutional Class  68,107 934,592 78,829   (956) 10,092 166,410 1,481,049
NT Small Company 
Fund Institutional Class  59,816 637,607 58,579   (4,628) 2,814 150,036 984,236
NT Vista Fund 
Institutional Class  70,010 1,027,694 77,486   (4,612) 129 188,947 1,466,229
Real Estate Fund 
Institutional Class  18,270 378,680 41,470 786 3,893 43,652 590,612
NT Emerging Markets 
Fund Institutional Class  65,640 872,207 136,292 2,732 149,762 1,284,958
NT International Growth 
Fund Institutional Class  92,205 1,314,674 156,130   (1,194) 18,915 229,395 1,883,333
High-Yield Fund 
Institutional Class  19,414 201,087 13,960 5 8,709 52,253 304,113
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  18,277 429,345 27,723 196 8,353 53,151 619,209
NT Diversified Bond 
Fund Institutional Class  68,273 1,543,183 109,233   (88) 28,678 204,869 2,161,368
  $13,370,013 $1,178,474   $(23,808) $123,997 $19,884,360
(1) Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   


6. Investments in Underlying Funds

The funds do not invest in the underlying funds for the purpose of exercising management or control; however, investments by the funds within their investment strategies may represent a significant portion of the underlying funds’ net assets. As of January 31, 2010, the following LIVESTRONG Portfolios owned 25% or more of the total outstanding shares of the underlying funds:

  LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio 
NT Equity Growth Fund  25% 
NT Growth Fund  26% 
NT Large Company Value Fund  25% 
NT Mid Cap Value Fund  25% 
NT Small Company Fund  27% 
NT Vista Fund  26% 
NT Diversified Bond Fund  27% 
NT Emerging Markets Fund  25% 
NT International Growth Fund  27% 

As of January 31, 2010, the funds, in aggregate, owned 100% of the total outstanding shares of the underlying NT Diversified Bond Fund, NT Emerging Markets Fund, NT Equity Growth Fund, NT Growth Fund, NT International Growth Fund, NT Large Company Value Fund, NT Mid Cap Value Fund, NT Small Company Fund and NT Vista Fund.

7. Fair Value Measurements

The funds’ securities valuation process is based on several considerations and may use multiple inputs to determine the fair value of the positions held by the funds. In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the inputs used to determine a valuation are classified into three broad levels as follows:

• Level 1 valuation inputs consist of actual quoted prices in an active market for identical securities;

• Level 2 valuation inputs consist of significant direct or indirect observable market data (including quoted prices for similar securities, evaluations of subsequent market events, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.); or

• Level 3 valuation inputs consist of significant unobservable inputs (including a fund’s own assumptions).

The level classification is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair valuation measurement. The valuation inputs are not an indication of the risks associated with investing in these securities or other financial instruments.

As of January 31, 2010, the valuation inputs used to determine the fair value of the funds’ securities were classified as Level 1.


8. Risk Factors

Some of the underlying funds invest in foreign securities, which are generally riskier than U.S. securities. As a result, the funds are subject to foreign risk, meaning that political events (such as civil unrest, national elections and imposition of exchange controls), social, and economic events (such as labor strikes and rising inflation), and natural disasters occurring in a country where the funds invest could cause the funds’ investments in that country to experience gains or losses. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks.

9. Federal Tax Information

The book-basis character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. These differences reflect the differing character of certain income items and net realized gains and losses for financial statement and tax purposes, and may result in reclassification among certain capital accounts on the financial statements.

As of January 31, 2010, the components of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:

  Income Portfolio  2015 Portfolio  2020 Portfolio  2025 Portfolio  2030 Portfolio 
Federal tax cost           
of investments  $190,361,848 $421,528,960 $180,968,347 $567,887,748 $149,572,725
Gross tax appreciation 
of investments  $6,772,092 $3,733,065 $14,211,289 $5,112,975 $12,874,661
Gross tax depreciation 
of investments    (105,720)   (4,673,156)
Net tax appreciation 
of investments  $6,772,092 $3,733,065 $14,105,569 $439,819 $12,874,661
    2035 Portfolio  2040 Portfolio  2045 Portfolio  2050 Portfolio 
Federal tax cost           
of investments    $350,116,516 $70,832,307 $196,429,530 $18,911,961
Gross tax appreciation   
of investments    $2,389,600 $6,079,221 $567,198 $972,399
Gross tax depreciation   
of investments      (7,230,800)   (10,611,559)
Net tax appreciation   
of investments      $(4,841,200) $6,079,221   $(10,044,361) $972,399

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales.


Following are the capital loss carryovers and capital loss deferral amounts as of July 31, 2009:

  Income Portfolio  2015 Portfolio  2020 Portfolio  2025 Portfolio  2030 Portfolio 
Accumulated capital losses  $(176,528) $(371,990) $(566,597)
Capital loss deferrals  $(2,546,567) $(3,727,536) $(3,036,233)
    2035 Portfolio  2040 Portfolio  2045 Portfolio  2050 Portfolio 
Accumulated capital losses    $(456,604) $(357,580)
Capital loss deferrals    $(2,677,709) $(1,705,190)

The accumulated capital losses listed above represent net capital loss carryovers that may be used to offset future realized capital gains for federal income tax purposes. Future capital loss carryover utilization in any given year may be subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations. The capital loss carryovers expire in 2017.

The capital loss deferrals listed above represent net capital losses incurred in the nine-month period ended July 31, 2009. The funds have elected to treat such losses as having been incurred in the following fiscal year for federal income tax purposes.

10. Corporate Event

As part of a long-standing estate and business succession plan established by ACC Co-Chairman James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments, ACC Co-Chairman Richard W. Brown has succeeded Mr. Stowers as trustee of a trust that holds a greater-than-25% voting interest in ACC. Under the 1940 Act, this is presumed to represent control of ACC even though it is less than a majority interest. Because ACC is the parent corporation of each fund’s investment advisor, the change of trustee is considered a technical assignment of each fund’s investment advisory agreement. Under the 1940 Act, an assignment requires the automatic termination of such agreements, making the approval of new agreements necessary.

On February 18, 2010, the Board of Directors approved interim investment advisory agreements under which each fund will be managed until new agreements are approved by fund shareholders. The interim agreements are substantially identical to the terminated agreements (with the exception of different effective and termination dates) and will not result in changes in the management of American Century Investments, the funds, their investment objectives, fees or services provided. New agreements, also expected to be substantially identical to the terminated agreements, will be submitted for shareholder approval.


Financial Highlights 

LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.53 $10.64 $11.06 $10.45 $10.51 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.14 0.24 0.40 0.33 0.37 0.29
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.44   (0.95)   (0.38) 0.75   (0.07) 0.52
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.58   (0.71) 0.02 1.08 0.30 0.81
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.14)   (0.31)   (0.42)   (0.32)   (0.35)   (0.30)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.09)   (0.02)   (0.15)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.40)   (0.44)   (0.47)   (0.36)   (0.30)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.97 $9.53 $10.64 $11.06 $10.45 $10.51
Total Return(4)  6.08% (6.44)% 0.11% 10.51% 2.99% 8.14%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.80%(6) 2.64% 3.61% 3.03% 3.51% 3.16%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 51% 26% 22% 120% 6%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $98,334 $95,441 $49,378 $44,109 $27,374 $15,572
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio       
Institutional Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.53 $10.64 $11.06 $10.45 $10.51 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.15 0.26 0.42 0.35 0.37 0.34
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.44   (0.95)   (0.38) 0.75   (0.05) 0.48
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.59   (0.69) 0.04 1.10 0.32 0.82
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.15)   (0.33)   (0.44)   (0.34)   (0.37)   (0.31)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.09)   (0.02)   (0.15)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.15)   (0.42)   (0.46)   (0.49)   (0.38)   (0.31)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.97 $9.53 $10.64 $11.06 $10.45 $10.51
Total Return(4)  6.19% (6.25)% 0.31% 10.73% 3.20% 8.31%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  3.00%(6) 2.84% 3.81% 3.23% 3.71% 3.36%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 51% 26% 22% 120% 6%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $29,567 $25,088 $9,737 $8,285 $4,409 $3,169
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio       
Advisor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.53 $10.64 $11.05 $10.45 $10.51 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.13 0.21 0.35 0.31 0.33 0.18
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.44   (0.94)   (0.35) 0.74   (0.05) 0.61
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.57   (0.73)      — 1.05 0.28 0.79
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.13)   (0.29)   (0.39)   (0.30)   (0.33)   (0.28)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.09)   (0.02)   (0.15)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.13)   (0.38)   (0.41)   (0.45)   (0.34)   (0.28)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.97 $9.53 $10.64 $11.05 $10.45 $10.51
Total Return(4)  5.94% (6.67)% (0.05)% 10.13% 2.83% 7.82%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.55%(6) 2.39% 3.36% 2.78% 3.26% 2.91%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 51% 26% 22% 120% 6%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $59,211 $34,202 $8,285 $8,129 $2,966 $940
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG Income Portfolio       
R Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.52 $10.63 $11.05 $10.44 $10.50 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.11 0.18 0.30 0.27 0.26 0.29
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.44   (0.93)   (0.34) 0.76   (0.01) 0.46
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.55   (0.75)   (0.04) 1.03 0.25 0.75
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.27)   (0.36)   (0.27)   (0.30)   (0.25)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.09)   (0.02)   (0.15)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.11)   (0.36)   (0.38)   (0.42)   (0.31)   (0.25)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $9.96 $9.52 $10.63 $11.05 $10.44 $10.50
Total Return(4)  5.81% (6.91)% (0.40)% 9.97% 2.48% 7.61%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.30%(6) 2.14% 3.11% 2.53% 3.01% 2.66%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  8% 51% 26% 22% 120% 6%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $10,022 $3,466 $351 $112 $37 $9
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.87 $11.39 $11.91 $11.09 $10.93 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.14 0.26 0.43 0.32 0.37 0.25
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.51   (1.29)   (0.49) 1.04 0.11 0.86
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.65   (1.03)   (0.06) 1.36 0.48 1.11
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.35)   (0.41)   (0.27)   (0.31)   (0.18)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.27)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.19)   (0.49)   (0.46)   (0.54)   (0.32)   (0.18)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.33 $9.87 $11.39 $11.91 $11.09 $10.93
Total Return(4)  6.56% (8.63)% (0.67)% 12.46% 4.46% 11.17%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.69%(6) 2.78% 3.62% 2.74% 3.27% 2.61%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 28% 20% 18% 123% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $248,523 $217,149 $161,838 $139,725 $89,431 $40,717
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
Institutional Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.89 $11.41 $11.93 $11.10 $10.94 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.15 0.24 0.44 0.34 0.33 0.29
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.51   (1.25)   (0.48) 1.05 0.17 0.84
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.66   (1.01)   (0.04) 1.39 0.50 1.13
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.21)   (0.37)   (0.43)   (0.29)   (0.33)   (0.19)
From Net 
Realized Gains    (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.27)   (0.01)
Total Distributions    (0.21)   (0.51)   (0.48)   (0.56)   (0.34)  (0.19)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.34 $9.89 $11.41 $11.93 $11.10 $10.94
Total Return(4)  6.66% (8.42)% (0.46)% 12.77% 4.67% 11.32%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.89%(6) 2.98% 3.82% 2.94% 3.47% 2.81%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 28% 20% 18% 123% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $69,002 $59,500 $17,845 $15,736 $10,439 $3,011
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
Advisor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.86 $11.37 $11.89 $11.07 $10.91 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.13 0.25 0.38 0.30 0.31 0.17
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.50   (1.29)   (0.47) 1.03 0.14 0.91
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.63   (1.04)   (0.09) 1.33 0.45 1.08
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.16)   (0.33)   (0.38)   (0.24)   (0.28)   (0.17)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.27)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.16)   (0.47)   (0.43)   (0.51)   (0.29)   (0.17)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.33 $9.86 $11.37 $11.89 $11.07 $10.91
Total Return(4)  6.40% (8.79)% (0.93)% 12.20% 4.22% 10.88%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.44%(6) 2.53% 3.37% 2.49% 3.02% 2.36%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 28% 20% 18% 123% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $78,689 $40,386 $24,384 $19,270 $9,556 $323
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2015 Portfolio         
R Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.84 $11.36 $11.88 $11.06 $10.90 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.12 0.18 0.39 0.25 0.19 0.24
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.51   (1.25)   (0.51) 1.05 0.23 0.82
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.63   (1.07)   (0.12) 1.30 0.42 1.06
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.14)   (0.31)   (0.35)   (0.21)   (0.25)   (0.16)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.27)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.45)   (0.40)   (0.48)   (0.26)   (0.16)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.33 $9.84 $11.36 $11.88 $11.06 $10.90
Total Return(4)  6.35% (9.12)% (1.19)% 11.92% 4.05% 10.59%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.19%(6) 2.28% 3.12% 2.24% 2.77% 2.11%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 28% 20% 18% 123% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $29,047 $13,316 $4,165 $3,187 $351 $14
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio       
Investor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.47 $9.49 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.11 0.13 0.03
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.49   (1.03)   (0.54)
Total From Investment Operations  0.60   (0.90)   (0.51)
From Net Investment Income    (0.15)   (0.12)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.16)   (0.12)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.91 $8.47 $9.49
Total Return(4)  7.01% (9.38)% (5.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.55%(6) 1.70% 1.89%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  6% 53% 0%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $107,071 $91,329 $1,073
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio       
Institutional Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.47 $9.50 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.13 0.15 0.04
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.47   (1.05)   (0.54)
Total From Investment Operations  0.60   (0.90)   (0.50)
From Net Investment Income    (0.16)   (0.13)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.17)   (0.13)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.90 $8.47 $9.50
Total Return(4)  6.97% (9.26)% (5.00)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.75%(6) 1.90% 2.09%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  6% 53% 0%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $29,396 $21,532 $16
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio       
Advisor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.45 $9.49 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.10 0.15 0.04
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.48   (1.08)   (0.55)
Total From Investment Operations  0.58   (0.93)   (0.51)
From Net Investment Income    (0.12)   (0.11)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.13)   (0.11)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.90 $8.45 $9.49
Total Return(4)  6.87% (9.72)% (5.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.30%(6) 1.45% 1.64%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  6% 53% 0%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $47,825 $3,882 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2020 Portfolio       
R Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.44 $9.49 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.14 0.03
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.48   (1.10)   (0.54)
Total From Investment Operations  0.57   (0.96)   (0.51)
From Net Investment Income    (0.10)   (0.09)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.11)   (0.09)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.90 $8.44 $9.49
Total Return(4)  6.73% (9.96)% (5.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.05%(6) 1.20% 1.39%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  6% 53% 0%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $10,782 $3,274 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio         
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.76 $11.63 $12.35 $11.49 $11.21 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.12 0.22 0.42 0.28 0.34 0.18
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.59   (1.63)   (0.69) 1.34 0.27 1.17
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.71   (1.41)   (0.27) 1.62 0.61 1.35
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.17)   (0.30)   (0.40)   (0.24)   (0.31)   (0.14)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.16)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.02)      —
Total Distributions    (0.17)   (0.46)   (0.45)   (0.76)   (0.33)   (0.14)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.30 $9.76 $11.63 $12.35 $11.49 $11.21
Total Return(4)  7.19% (11.64)% (2.39)% 14.45% 5.48% 13.57%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.26%(6) 2.43% 3.40% 2.34% 2.98% 2.08%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 22% 18% 18% 120% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $357,078 $313,816 $215,024 $174,984 $112,202 $53,285
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio         
Institutional Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.77 $11.64 $12.37 $11.51 $11.23 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.13 0.24 0.43 0.31 0.37 0.27
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.59   (1.63)   (0.69) 1.34 0.26 1.11
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.72   (1.39)   (0.26) 1.65 0.63 1.38
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.19)   (0.32)   (0.42)   (0.27)   (0.33)   (0.15)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.16)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.02)      —
Total Distributions    (0.19)   (0.48)   (0.47)   (0.79)   (0.35)   (0.15)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.30 $9.77 $11.64 $12.37 $11.51 $11.23
Total Return(4)  7.29% (11.45)% (2.27)% 14.67% 5.77% 13.74%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.46%(6) 2.63% 3.60% 2.54% 3.18% 2.28%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 22% 18% 18% 120% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $88,143 $78,031 $44,611 $44,250 $31,399 $21,458
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio         
Advisor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.74 $11.61 $12.34 $11.48 $11.19 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.11 0.21 0.35 0.26 0.29 0.12
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.59   (1.64)   (0.66) 1.33 0.30 1.20
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.70   (1.43)   (0.31) 1.59 0.59 1.32
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.14)   (0.28)   (0.37)   (0.21)   (0.28)   (0.13)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —   (0.16)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.02)     —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.44)   (0.42)   (0.73)   (0.30)   (0.13)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.30 $9.74 $11.61 $12.34 $11.48 $11.19
Total Return(4)  7.14% (11.89)% (2.73)% 14.17% 5.30% 13.28%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.01%(6) 2.18% 3.15% 2.09% 2.73% 1.83%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 22% 18% 18% 120% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $90,754 $49,723 $28,073 $17,076 $7,404 $388
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2025 Portfolio         
R Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.73 $11.60 $12.32 $11.46 $11.18 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.16 0.36 0.22 0.19 0.15
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.59   (1.62)   (0.70) 1.34 0.36 1.15
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.68   (1.46)   (0.34) 1.56 0.55 1.30
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.25)   (0.33)   (0.18)   (0.25)   (0.12)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.16)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.02)     —
Total Distributions    (0.11)   (0.41)   (0.38)   (0.70)   (0.27)   (0.12)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.30 $9.73 $11.60 $12.32 $11.46 $11.18
Total Return(4)  6.98% (12.12)% (2.90)% 13.90% 4.95% 13.10%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.76%(6) 1.93% 2.90% 1.84% 2.48% 1.58%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 22% 18% 18% 120% 2%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $32,358 $16,344 $2,746 $1,378 $545 $65
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio       
Investor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.04 $9.39 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.10 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.53   (1.36)   (0.63)
Total From Investment Operations  0.62   (1.26)   (0.61)
From Net Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.09)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)      —     —
Total Distributions    (0.12)   (0.09)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.54 $8.04 $9.39
Total Return(4)  7.73% (13.30)% (6.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.03%(6) 1.48% 1.49%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 43% 4%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $83,856 $70,382 $626
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio       
Institutional Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.05 $9.40 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.10 0.12 0.04
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.53   (1.37)   (0.64)
Total From Investment Operations  0.63   (1.25)   (0.60)
From Net Investment Income    (0.13)   (0.10)    —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —    —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.10)    —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.54 $8.05 $9.40
Total Return(4)  7.81% (13.18)% (6.00)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.23%(6) 1.68% 1.69%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 43% 4%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $22,911 $17,528 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio       
Advisor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.03 $9.39 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.08 0.11 0.03
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.52   (1.39)   (0.64)
Total From Investment Operations  0.60   (1.28)   (0.61)
From Net Investment Income    (0.09)   (0.08)    —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —    —
Total Distributions    (0.10)   (0.08)    —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.53 $8.03 $9.39
Total Return(4)  7.47% (13.53)% (6.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.78%(6) 1.23% 1.24%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 43% 4%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $45,684 $3,378 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2030 Portfolio       
R Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $8.02 $9.39 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.07 0.12 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.52   (1.42)   (0.63)
Total From Investment Operations  0.59   (1.30)   (0.61)
From Net Investment Income    (0.07)   (0.07)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.08)   (0.07)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.53 $8.02 $9.39
Total Return(4)  7.33% (13.76)% (6.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.53%(6) 0.98% 0.99%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 43% 4%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $9,996 $3,573 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio         
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.74 $12.10 $13.09 $11.85 $11.43 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.10 0.19 0.41 0.24 0.31 0.17
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.69   (2.13)   (0.95) 1.71 0.42 1.39
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.79   (1.94)   (0.54) 1.95 0.73 1.56
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.14)   (0.24)   (0.40)   (0.19)   (0.30)   (0.13)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.18)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.42)   (0.45)   (0.71)   (0.31)   (0.13)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.39 $9.74 $12.10 $13.09 $11.85 $11.43
Total Return(4)  8.07% (15.54)% (4.33)% 16.86% 6.45% 15.71%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.91%(6) 2.12% 3.19% 1.87% 2.61% (1.62)%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 16% 23% 141% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $202,951 $170,455 $128,815 $91,220 $52,206 $21,537
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio         
Institutional Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.76 $12.12 $13.11 $11.87 $11.45 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.11 0.20 0.44 0.26 0.30 0.16
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.69   (2.12)   (0.95) 1.72 0.45 1.43
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.80   (1.92)   (0.51) 1.98 0.75 1.59
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.16)   (0.26)   (0.43)   (0.22)   (0.32)   (0.14)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.18)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.16)   (0.44)   (0.48)   (0.74)   (0.33)   (0.14)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.40 $9.76 $12.12 $13.11 $11.87 $11.45
Total Return(4)  8.17% (15.34)% (4.13)% 17.07% 6.66% 15.98%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  2.11%(6) 2.32% 3.39% 2.07% 2.81% 1.82%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 16% 23% 141% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $54,826 $46,544 $24,120 $22,314 $11,104 $3,435
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio         
Advisor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.73 $12.09 $13.08 $11.83 $11.42 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.17 0.35 0.21 0.26 0.11
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.68   (2.13)   (0.92) 1.72 0.43 1.44
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.77   (1.96)   (0.57) 1.93 0.69 1.55
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.22)   (0.37)   (0.16)   (0.27)   (0.13)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —   (0.18)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.11)   (0.40)   (0.42)   (0.68)   (0.28)   (0.13)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.39 $9.73 $12.09 $13.08 $11.83 $11.42
Total Return(4)  7.91% (15.77)% (4.58)% 16.67% 6.10% 15.53%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.66%(6) 1.87% 2.94% 1.62% 2.36% 1.37%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 16% 23% 141% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $64,692 $32,896 $19,145 $13,378 $5,224 $113
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2035 Portfolio         
R Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.72 $12.07 $13.06 $11.82 $11.40 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.08 0.14 0.43 0.18 0.16 0.22
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.68   (2.11)   (1.03) 1.71 0.51 1.30
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.76   (1.97)   (0.60) 1.89 0.67 1.52
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.09)   (0.20)   (0.34)   (0.13)   (0.24)   (0.12)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —   (0.18)   (0.05)   (0.52)   (0.01)     —
Total Distributions    (0.09)   (0.38)   (0.39)   (0.65)   (0.25)   (0.12)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.39 $9.72 $12.07 $13.06 $11.82 $11.40
Total Return(4)  7.75% (15.92)% (4.84)% 16.30% 5.93% 15.24%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.41%(6) 1.62% 2.69% 1.37% 2.11% 1.12%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 16% 23% 141% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $22,807 $10,785 $2,178 $975 $296 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio       
Investor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.75 $9.29 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.08 0.09 0.01
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.57   (1.54)   (0.72)
Total From Investment Operations  0.65   (1.45)   (0.71)
From Net Investment Income    (0.09)   (0.09)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.10)   (0.09)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.30 $7.75 $9.29
Total Return(4)  8.32% (15.53)% (7.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.84%(6) 1.38% 1.10%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  2% 25% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $32,099 $24,386 $831
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio       
Institutional Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.75 $9.29 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.11 0.03
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.58   (1.56)   (0.74)
Total From Investment Operations  0.67   (1.45)   (0.71)
From Net Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.09)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.12)   (0.09)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.30 $7.75 $9.29
Total Return(4)  8.54% (15.43)% (7.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  2.04%(6) 1.58% 1.30%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  2% 25% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $14,575 $9,846 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio       
Advisor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.73 $9.29 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.07 0.09 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.58   (1.57)   (0.73)
Total From Investment Operations  0.65   (1.48)   (0.71)
From Net Investment Income    (0.07)   (0.08)    —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —    —
Total Distributions    (0.08)   (0.08)    —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.30 $7.73 $9.29
Total Return(4)  8.33% (15.87)% (7.10)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.59%(6) 1.13% 0.85%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  2% 25% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $24,624 $1,551 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2040 Portfolio       
R Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.72 $9.28 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.06 0.10 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.57   (1.59)   (0.74)
Total From Investment Operations  0.63   (1.49)   (0.72)
From Net Investment Income    (0.05)   (0.07)     —
From Net Realized Gains    (0.01)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.06)   (0.07)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.29 $7.72 $9.28
Total Return(4)  8.07% (16.01)% (7.20)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.34%(6) 0.88% 0.60%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  2% 25% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $5,614 $2,347 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio         
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.59 $12.24 $13.40 $11.96 $11.54 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.18 0.42 0.22 0.31 0.12
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.73   (2.41)   (1.12) 1.92 0.46 1.56
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.82   (2.23)   (0.70) 2.14 0.77 1.68
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.13)   (0.22)   (0.41)   (0.17)   (0.32)   (0.14)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.20)   (0.05)   (0.53)   (0.03)      —
Total Distributions    (0.13)   (0.42)   (0.46)   (0.70)   (0.35)   (0.14)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.28 $9.59 $12.24 $13.40 $11.96 $11.54
Total Return(4)  8.46% (17.74)% (5.53)% 18.23% 6.76% 16.86%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.20%(6) 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.72%(6) 1.99% 3.19% 1.62% 2.62% 1.83%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 18% 25% 137% 17%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $100,740 $85,095 $72,649 $48,229 $22,437 $7,465
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio         
Institutional Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.60 $12.25 $13.42 $11.98 $11.56 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.10 0.20 0.44 0.23 0.35 0.25
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.74   (2.41)   (1.12) 1.93 0.44 1.45
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.84   (2.21)   (0.68) 2.16 0.79 1.70
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.15)   (0.24)   (0.44)   (0.19)   (0.34)   (0.14)
From Net 
Realized Gains       —   (0.20)   (0.05)   (0.53)   (0.03)     —
Total Distributions    (0.15)   (0.44)   (0.49)   (0.72)   (0.37)   (0.14)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.29 $9.60 $12.25 $13.42 $11.98 $11.56
Total Return(4)  8.67% (17.56)% (5.40)% 18.44% 6.96% 17.11%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.92%(6) 2.19% 3.39% 1.82% 2.82% 2.03%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 18% 25% 137% 17%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $40,194 $34,639 $31,054 $28,483 $13,397 $7,181
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio         
Advisor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.57 $12.22 $13.38 $11.94 $11.53 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.08 0.15 0.39 0.18 0.20 0.07
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.73   (2.40)   (1.13) 1.92 0.53 1.59
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.81   (2.25)   (0.74) 2.10 0.73 1.66
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.10)   (0.20)   (0.37)   (0.13)   (0.29)   (0.13)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —   (0.20)   (0.05)   (0.53)   (0.03)     —
Total Distributions    (0.10)   (0.40)   (0.42)   (0.66)   (0.32)   (0.13)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.28 $9.57 $12.22 $13.38 $11.94 $11.53
Total Return(4)  8.42% (17.98)% (5.78)% 17.96% 6.51% 16.57%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.45%(6) 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.47%(6) 1.74% 2.94% 1.37% 2.37% 1.58%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 18% 25% 137% 17%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $34,766 $17,537 $11,411 $9,091 $4,177 $380
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2045 Portfolio         
R Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.56 $12.21 $13.36 $11.93 $11.51 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.07 0.11 0.38 0.12 0.12 0.18
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.72   (2.38)   (1.14) 1.94 0.59 1.45
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.79   (2.27)   (0.76) 2.06 0.71 1.63
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.07)   (0.18)   (0.34)   (0.10)   (0.26)   (0.12)
From Net 
Realized Gains      —   (0.20)   (0.05)   (0.53)   (0.03)     —
Total Distributions    (0.07)   (0.38)   (0.39)   (0.63)   (0.29)   (0.12)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.28 $9.56 $12.21 $13.36 $11.93 $11.51
Total Return(4)  8.26% (18.20)% (5.96)% 17.58% 6.24% 16.38%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to 
Average Net Assets(5)  0.70%(6) 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to 
Average Net Assets  1.22%(6) 1.49% 2.69% 1.12% 2.12% 1.33%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  5% 18% 18% 25% 137% 17%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $10,683 $4,966 $1,403 $753 $165 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  August 31, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio       
Investor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.46 $9.23 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.07 0.10 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.58   (1.80)   (0.79)
Total From Investment Operations  0.65   (1.70)   (0.77)
From Net Investment Income    (0.08)   (0.07)     —
From Net Realized Gains  (4)    —     —
Total Distributions    (0.08)   (0.07)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.03 $7.46 $9.23
Total Return(5)  8.65% (18.30)% (7.70)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(6)  0.20%(7) 0.20% 0.20%(7)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.65%(7) 1.57% 1.16%(7)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  9% 26% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $6,851 $3,454 $464
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.       
(5)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(6)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(7)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio       
Institutional Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.47 $9.23 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.08 0.12 0.03
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.57   (1.80)   (0.80)
Total From Investment Operations  0.65   (1.68)   (0.77)
From Net Investment Income    (0.09)   (0.08)     —
From Net Realized Gains  (4)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.09)   (0.08)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.03 $7.47 $9.23
Total Return(5)  8.72% (18.09)% (7.70)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(6)  0.00%(7) 0.00% 0.00%(7)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.85%(7) 1.77% 1.36%(7)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  9% 26% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $5,229 $3,179 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.       
(5)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(6)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(7)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio       
Advisor Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.45 $9.23 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.06 0.07 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.57   (1.79)   (0.79)
Total From Investment Operations  0.63   (1.72)   (0.77)
From Net Investment Income    (0.05)   (0.06)    —
From Net Realized Gains  (4)     —    —
Total Distributions    (0.05)   (0.06)    —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.03 $7.45 $9.23
Total Return(5)  8.52% (18.52)% (7.70)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(6)  0.45%(7) 0.45% 0.45%(7)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.40%(7) 1.32% 0.91%(7)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  9% 26% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $6,447 $336 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.       
(5)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(6)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(7)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


LIVESTRONG 2050 Portfolio       
R Class       
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008(2) 
Per-Share Data       
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period  $7.44 $9.22 $10.00
Income From Investment Operations 
Net Investment Income (Loss)(3)  0.05 0.08 0.02
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.57   (1.81)   (0.80)
Total From Investment Operations  0.62   (1.73)   (0.78)
From Net Investment Income    (0.03)   (0.05)     —
From Net Realized Gains  (4)     —     —
Total Distributions    (0.03)   (0.05)     —
Net Asset Value, End of Period  $8.03 $7.44 $9.22
Total Return(5)  8.40% (18.66)% (7.80)%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating Expenses to Average Net Assets(6)  0.70%(7) 0.70% 0.70%(7)
Ratio of Net Investment Income (Loss) to Average Net Assets  1.15%(7) 1.07% 0.66%(7)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  9% 26% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period (in thousands)  $1,358 $186 $6
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).       
(2)  May 30, 2008 (fund inception) through July 31, 2008.       
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.       
(4)  Per-share amount was less than $0.005.       
(5)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized. The total return of the classes may not precisely reflect the class expense differences because of the impact of calculating 
  the net asset values to two decimal places. If net asset values were calculated to three decimal places, the total return differences would 
  more closely reflect the class expense differences. The calculation of net asset values to two decimal places is made in accordance with SEC 
  guidelines and does not result in any gain or loss of value between one class and another.       
(6)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds.     
(7)  Annualized.       
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


Additional Information 

Retirement Account Information

As required by law, distributions you receive from certain IRAs, or 403(b), 457 and qualified plans are subject to federal income tax withholding, unless you elect not to have withholding apply. Tax will be withheld on the total amount withdrawn even though you may be receiving amounts that are not subject to withholding, such as nondeductible contributions. In such case, excess amounts of withholding could occur. You may adjust your withholding election so that a greater or lesser amount will be withheld.

If you don’t want us to withhold on this amount, you must notify us to not withhold the federal income tax. You may notify us in writing or in certain situations by telephone or through other electronic means. You have the right to revoke your withholding election at any time and any election you make may remain in effect until revoked by filing a new election.

Remember, even if you elect not to have income tax withheld, you are liable for paying income tax on the taxable portion of your withdrawal. If you elect not to have income tax withheld or you don’t have enough income tax withheld, you may be responsible for payment of estimated tax. You may incur penalties under the estimated tax rules if your withholding and estimated tax payments are not sufficient. You can reduce or defer the income tax on a distribution by directly or indirectly rolling such distribution over to another IRA or eligible plan. You should consult your tax advisor for additional information.

State tax will be withheld if, at the time of your distribution, your address is within one of the mandatory withholding states and you have federal income tax withheld. State taxes will be withheld from your distribution in accordance with the respective state rules.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

American Century Investment Management, Inc., the funds’ investment advisor, is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and/or held by the funds. A description of the policies and procedures the advisor uses in fulfilling this responsibility is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021. It is also available on American Century Investments’ website at americancentury.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at sec.gov. Information regarding how the investment advisor voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the “About Us” page at americancentury.com. It is also available at sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The funds also make their complete schedule of portfolio holdings for the most recent quarter of their fiscal year available on their website at americancentury.com and, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021.


Index Definitions 

The following indices are used to illustrate investment market, sector, or style performance or to serve as fund performance comparisons. They are not investment products available for purchase.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents securities that are taxable, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and U.S. dollar denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities.

The Citigroup Non-US World Government Bond Index is based on the Citigroup World Bond Index, and excludes issues denominated in U.S. dollars. The index measures the total return of government securities in major sectors of the international bond market.

The Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade (BIG) Bond Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index that includes fixed-rate Treasury, government-sponsored, mortgage, asset-backed, and investment-grade issues with a maturity of one year or longer.

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has developed several indices that measure the performance of foreign stock markets.

The MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index is designed to measure developed market equity performance, excluding the U.S. and Canada.

The MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index represents the performance of stocks in global emerging market countries.

The Russell 1000® Index is a market-capitalization weighted, large-cap index created by Frank Russell Company to measure the performance of the 1,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.

The Russell 2000® Index is a market-capitalization weighted index created by Frank Russell Company to measure the performance of the 2,000 smallest of the 3,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.

The Russell 3000® Index measures the performance of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies based on total market capitalization, which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market.

The Russell Midcap® Index measures the performance of the 800 smallest of the 1,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.


Contact Us   
Automated Information Line  1-800-345-8765 
Investor Services Representative  1-800-345-2021 or 
Business, Not-For-Profit, Employer-Sponsored   
Retirement Plans  1-800-345-3533 
Banks and Trust Companies, Broker-Dealers,   
Financial Professionals, Insurance Companies  1-800-345-6488 
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf  1-800-634-4113 
American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc.   
Investment Advisor:   
American Century Investment Management, Inc.   
Kansas City, Missouri   

This report and the statements it contains are submitted for the general
information of our shareholders. The report is not authorized for distribution to
prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

American Century Investment Services, Inc., Distributor

©2010 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.


Semiannual Report 
January 31, 2010 

American Century Investments® 

One Choice Portfolio®: Very Conservative

One Choice Portfolio®: Conservative

One Choice Portfolio®: Moderate

One Choice Portfolio®: Aggressive

One Choice Portfolio®: Very Aggressive

Table of Contents 

President’s Letter  2 
Independent Chairman’s Letter  3 
One Choice Portfolios   
Performance  4 
Portfolio Commentary  9 
Underlying Fund Allocations.  9 
    Market Index Total Returns  10 
Shareholder Fee Examples  13 
Financial Statements   
Schedule of Investments  15 
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  18 
Statement of Operations  20 
Statement of Changes in Net Assets  22 
Notes to Financial Statements  25 
Financial Highlights  35 
Other Information   
Additional Information  40 
Index Definitions  41 

The opinions expressed in the Portfolio Commentary reflect those of the portfolio management team as of the date of the report, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of American Century Investments or any other person in the American Century Investments organization. Any such opinions are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and American Century Investments disclaims any responsibility to update such opinions. These opinions may not be relied upon as investment advice and, because investment decisions made by American Century Investments funds are based on numerous factors, may not be relied upon as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any American Century Investments fund. Security examples are used for representational purposes only and are not intended as recommendations to purchase or sell securities. Performance information for comparative indices and securities is provided to American Century Investments by third party vendors. To the best of American Century Investments’ knowledge, such information is accurate at the time of printing.

President’s Letter 

Dear Investor:

Thank you for taking time to review the following pages, which provide investment performance and portfolio information for the financial reporting period ended January 31, 2010, along with the perspective and commentary of our experienced portfolio management team. We appreciate your trust in American Century Investments at this volatile, transitional time in the economy and investment markets.

As the upheavals associated with the “Great Recession” gradually subside, our senior management team has put considerable thought into how the investment environment has changed and what challenges and opportunities await us. Critical factors that we are anticipating in 2010 include marked shifts in investment and spending behavior compared with the past decade, along with consolidation in our industry.

Most importantly, we think the U.S. economic recovery will be slow and extended. The economy and capital markets have come a long way since Lehman Brothers collapsed in the third quarter of 2008, but 2010 will likely bring continuing challenges. The U.S. stock market’s rebound since last March and the second-half economic surge in 2009 were fueled largely by corporate cost-cutting and unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, including some key programs that have since expired or been scaled back.

Meanwhile, the resilient but struggling consumer sector still faces high unemployment, heavy debt burdens, tight credit conditions, and a housing market that is starting to stabilize, but remains vulnerable. Much of our investment positioning in 2009 cautiously reflected these still unstable economic fundamentals, leading to underperformance, in some cases, versus market benchmarks buoyed by the rally of riskier assets. We still support our fundamentally based positioning because we believe strongly that some markets—driven more by technical factors than fundamentals—have advanced further than underlying economic conditions warrant, and remain susceptible to the possibility of more volatility ahead.

Thank you for your continued confidence in us.


Jonathan Thomas
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Century Investments


Independent Chairman’s Letter 

In my first letter to shareholders of the American Century Investments funds, I invited you to contact me with your questions. I have been gratified with your response. Most shareholder inquiries to date have related to specific fund performance issues. As I noted in my individual responses, your board through the Fund Performance Committee continues to stress improved performance in our quarterly meetings with chief investment officers and fund managers.

An important part of our fund performance review process is a face-to-face meeting with portfolio managers. The board traveled to the American Century Investments office in Mountain View, California to meet with the fund of funds and asset allocation portfolio management teams. These meetings validated the importance of thorough reviews of investment opportunities by the credit management personnel resident in that office. As a result of their efforts, American Century Investments funds were able to avoid the “toxic assets” that plagued many other fund families in 2008.

From April through June 2009, the board conducted its annual review of the advisory contracts between American Century Investments and each fund. Our efforts involved a review of fund information, including assets under management; total expense ratio compared to peers; economies of scale; fee breakpoints that reduce shareholder costs as assets increase; performance compared to peers and benchmarks; and the quality of services provided to fund shareholders. A detailed discussion of board considerations in connection with advisory contract renewal is included annually in each fund’s shareholder reports. During this review, the board focuses on a detailed comparison of the competitive position of each fund and has negotiated more than 60 breakpoints or fee reductions in the past five years.

The board looks forward to another year of work on your behalf and your comments are appreciated. You are invited to email me at dhpratt@fundboardchair.com.



One Choice Portfolios           
Total Returns as of January 31, 2010           
          Average Annual Returns   
    Ticker        Since  Inception 
    Symbol  6 months(1)  1 year  5 years  Inception  Date 
One Choice Portfolio:             
Very Conservative —             
Investor Class  AONIX  4.40% 13.28% 3.77%  4.17%  9/30/04 
One Choice Portfolio:         
Conservative — Investor Class  AOCIX  5.79% 19.23% 3.44%  4.13%  9/30/04 
One Choice Portfolio:         
Moderate — Investor Class  AOMIX  6.94% 25.01% 3.31%  4.35%  9/30/04 
One Choice Portfolio:         
Aggressive — Investor Class  AOGIX  7.63% 29.43% 2.98%  4.18%  9/30/04 
One Choice Portfolio: Very         
Aggressive — Investor Class  AOVIX  7.89% 32.01% 2.06%  3.53%  9/30/04 
Russell 3000 Index(2)    10.16% 35.05% 0.57%  1.86%   
Barclays Capital U.S.         
Aggregate Bond Index(3)    3.87% 8.51% 5.16%  5.14%   
Citigroup US Broad         
Investment-Grade Bond Index    3.64% 7.54% 5.40%  5.37%   
(1)  Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.         
(2)  Data provided by Lipper Inc. – A Reuters Company. © 2010 Reuters. All rights reserved. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Lipper 
  content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Lipper. Lipper shall not be 
  liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.       
  The data contained herein has been obtained from company reports, financial reporting services, periodicals and other resources believed to be 
  reliable. Although carefully verified, data on compilations is not guaranteed by Lipper and may be incomplete. No offer or solicitations to buy or 
  sell any of the securities herein is being made by Lipper.           
(3)  In January of 2010, the fund’s fixed-income benchmark changed from the Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index to the Barclays 
  Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. This reflects a change in the portfolio management analytics software used by American Century 
  Investments’ fixed-income teams. The investment process is unchanged.         

The Russell 3000 Index represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market and provides a broad measure of equity performance. The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market and provides a broad measure of bond market performance. Performance for these indices is provided for reference only. Neither index is intended to represent the composition of the portfolio, which invests in a mix of equity and fixed-income securities. (See the Schedule of Investments for each portfolio’s asset allocations as of January 31, 2010.)

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio’s asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


One Choice Portfolios

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio’s asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


One Choice Portfolios

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio’s asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


One Choice Portfolios

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio’s asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


One Choice Portfolios           
One-Year Returns Over Life of Class           
Periods ended January 31             
  2005*  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010 
One Choice Portfolio:             
Very Conservative — Investor Class  3.35% 4.03% 6.75% 5.57% -9.40% 13.28%
One Choice Portfolio: 
Conservative — Investor Class  4.78% 7.01% 8.46% 4.61% -18.19% 19.23%
One Choice Portfolio: 
Moderate — Investor Class  6.65% 11.62% 10.41% 3.94% -26.51% 25.01%
One Choice Portfolio: 
Aggressive — Investor Class  7.45% 15.18% 11.32% 4.41% -33.17% 29.43%
One Choice Portfolio: 
Very Aggressive — Investor Class  8.65% 17.80% 12.62% 3.46% -38.87% 32.01%
Russell 3000 Index  7.22% 12.67% 14.11% -3.08% -38.86% 35.05%
Barclays Capital U.S. 
Aggregate Bond Index  1.59% 1.80% 4.28% 8.81% 2.59% 8.51%
Citigroup US Broad 
Investment-Grade Bond Index  1.65% 1.91% 4.32% 9.32% 4.06% 7.54%
*From 9/30/04, the Investor Class’s inception date. Not annualized.         

Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses   
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative — Investor Class  0.69% 
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative — Investor Class  0.78% 
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate — Investor Class  0.87% 
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive — Investor Class  0.96% 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive — Investor Class  1.03% 

The total annual fund operating expenses shown is as stated in the fund’s prospectus current as of the date of this report. The prospectus may vary from the expense ratio shown elsewhere in this report because it is based on a different time period, includes acquired fund fees and expenses, and, if applicable, does not include fee waivers or expense reimbursements.

Data presented reflect past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and redemption value may be more or less than original cost. To obtain performance data current to the most recent month end, please call 1-800-345-2021 or visit americancentury.com. The performance of the portfolios is dependent on the performance of their underlying American Century Investments funds, and will assume the risks associated with these funds. The risks will vary according to each portfolio’s asset allocation, and the risk level assigned to each portfolio is intended to reflect the relative short-term price volatility among the funds in each. International investing involves special risks, such as political instability and currency fluctuations. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks. As interest rates rise, bond values will decline.

Data assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, and none of the charts reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Returns for the indices are provided for comparison. The fund’s total returns include operating expenses that reduce returns, while the total returns of the indices do not.


Portfolio Commentary 

One Choice Portfolios

Portfolio Managers: Enrique Chang, Scott Wittman, and Irina Torelli

Performance Summary

Each of the five One Choice Portfolios advanced for the six months ended January 31, 2010, with returns ranging from 4.40%(1) for One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative to 7.89%(1) for One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive (see pages 4–8 for more detailed performance information). The gains reflected positive performance across all asset classes represented in the Portfolios during the six-month period.

Because of the Portfolios’ strategic exposure to a variety of asset classes, a review of the financial markets helps explain much of their performance.

Stock Market Review

The U.S. stock market gained ground for the six-month period, extending a rally that began in March 2009. The market’s advance was driven by increasing investor confidence regarding a potential recovery from the sharp economic downturn in late 2008 and early 2009.

Underlying Fund Allocations as a % of net assets as of January 31, 2010(2)   
    Very        Very 
    Conservative  Conservative  Moderate  Aggressive  Aggressive 
Equity Growth Fund  4.4% 8.3% 15.4% 13.9% 17.4%
Growth Fund  2.9% 5.2% 8.5% 14.9% 18.3%
Large Company Value Fund  7.4% 10.3% 8.9% 7.9% 10.1%
Real Estate Fund  2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Small Company Fund  1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.3% 2.5%
Value Fund  4.7% 6.5% 5.0% 4.3% 5.6%
VistaSM Fund  1.5% 3.8% 6.7% 13.0% 16.1%
Emerging Markets Fund   —  — 3.9% 6.4% 7.4%
International Growth Fund   — 5.8% 9.8% 12.2% 15.4%
Total Equity  23.9% 43.4% 62.2% 76.9% 94.8%
Fixed Income 
Diversified Bond Fund  33.2% 31.8% 21.7% 13.7% 4.2%
High-Yield Fund   — 2.1% 4.2%  —
Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund  10.1% 9.1% 6.1% 4.2%  —
International Bond Fund  9.9% 7.9% 2.9%  —
Total Fixed Income  53.2% 48.8% 32.8% 22.1% 4.2%
Prime Money Market Fund  22.9% 7.8% 5.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Other Assets and Liabilities  (3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
(1)  Totals returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.       
(2)  Underlying fund investments represent Investor Class.         
(3)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.         


One Choice Portfolios

Signs of improvement were evident across many segments of the economy during the six months—home sales began to rise, manufacturing activity picked up, and retail sales figures showed uneven but promising results. Consequently, the U.S. economy grew at a 2.2% annual rate in the third quarter of 2009—its first positive quarterly growth rate in more than a year—and a 5.9% annual rate in the fourth quarter. In addition, cost-management efforts at many companies helped generate better-than-expected corporate earnings during the six-month period.

There were exceptions to the favorable economic data—most notably, the unemployment rate remained persistently elevated, reaching a 26-year high of 10.1% in October 2009 before falling back to 9.7% by the end of January 2010. Nonetheless, the overall economic picture was one of gradual improvement, and the stock market responded with a steady rally that persisted throughout much of the six-month period.

Stocks finished the period on a down note, giving back some of their gains late in the period as investors expressed some skepticism about the sustainability of the nascent economic recovery. Despite this hiccup, however, the broad stock indices gained approximately 10% overall for the six-month period. As the table below indicates, mid-cap stocks posted the best results, while small-cap stocks lagged. Value-oriented shares outpaced growth issues across all market capitalizations, most notably in the small-cap segment of the market.

International equity markets also advanced during the six-month period as optimistic investors embraced the hope that the improving economic environment would blossom into a full-fledged global recovery in 2010. Emerging markets generated the best returns, benefiting the most from rising expectations for a global economic expansion. Among developed markets, countries along the Pacific Rim were the top performers, with the notable exception of Japan.

Market Index Total Returns   
For the six months ended January 31, 2010*   
U.S. Stocks   
Russell 1000 Index (Large-Cap)  10.27% 
Russell Midcap Index  13.45% 
Russell 2000 Index (Small-Cap)  8.86% 
International Stocks   
MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index  6.93% 
MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index  11.40% 
U.S. Fixed Income   
Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index  3.87% 
Barclays Capital 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note (Bellwether)  0.58% 
Barclays Capital Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill (Bellwether)  0.10% 
International Bonds   
Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index  2.47% 
*Total returns for periods less than one year are not annualized.   


One Choice Portfolios

Bond Market Review

U.S. bonds gained ground during the period, though to a lesser degree than the equity market. The bond market’s advance was led primarily by corporate bonds, which benefited substantially from the improving economic environment and higher-than-anticipated corporate profits. In particular, high-yield corporate bonds posted double-digit gains for the period.

In contrast, Treasury and government agency securities generated modestly positive returns and lagged the rest of the bond market. As the economic environment improved, Treasury securities fell out of favor as investors shifted to other higher-yielding segments of the bond market. In addition, an increase in supply—as the government issued more securities to fund its economic stimulus efforts—weighed on the Treasury market.

Mortgage-backed securities performed in line with the broad bond market. The positive impact of the Federal Reserve’s purchases of mortgage-backed securities to support the housing market was largely offset by an increase in mortgage refinancing activity.

International fixed-income markets also advanced for the reporting period, though they lagged the performance of the domestic bond market. While many countries continued to issue new debt to fund economic stimulus programs, much like the U.S., the new supply was more than offset by strong demand from financial institutions seeking to maintain liquidity and rebuild their balance sheets. In addition, a weaker U.S. dollar provided a modest boost to foreign bond returns for U.S. investors. Although the dollar appreciated versus the euro, it declined versus the Japanese yen and other major currencies.

Portfolio Performance

Each One Choice Portfolio is a “fund of funds” that invests in other Amer-ican Century Investments mutual funds to achieve its investment objective and target asset allocation. (See page 9 for the specific underlying fund allocations for each One Choice Portfolio.)

Within the Portfolios, every stock fund gained ground during the six-month period. The top performer was the Real Estate Fund, which gained 24% amid improving economic conditions, continued access to capital, and a potential buyer’s market for commercial real estate in 2010 as financial institutions look to unload foreclosed properties. The Value and Emerging Markets funds also generated double-digit gains for the reporting period. The weakest performer on the equity side was the Vista Fund, the Portfolios’ mid-cap growth component, which faced performance headwinds as stocks exhibiting accelerating growth and price momentum were out of favor for much of the period.

The leading performers among the Portfolios’ fixed-income components were the High-Yield Fund, which returned more than 11% for the reporting period, and the Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund, which benefited from concerns that the economic recovery could lead to higher inflation down the road. The Diversified Bond Fund, the Portfolios’ main fixed-income holding, performed in line with the broad domestic bond market, while the International Bond Fund posted a fractionally positive return for the six-month period.


One Choice Portfolios

Portfolio Strategy

Each Portfolio has a “neutral” asset mix (the target allocations for stock, bond, and money market funds) that remains fixed over time. Our management approach involves making modest tactical adjustments to each Portfolio’s actual asset mix to add value and improve the Portfolios’ ability to meet their investment objectives.

Over the last six months, we continued to position the Portfolios defensively, with a modest overweight position in bonds and a corresponding underweight position in stocks. This defensive positioning reflected our view that the road to a full financial and economic recovery was likely to be long and gradual, with many bumps along the way. However, investors’ growing optimism and appetite for risk fueled a more substantial rise in stocks than in bonds during the period, and as a result, this strategy detracted from overall performance.

In the equity portion of the Portfolios, a continued emphasis on growth over value—via an overweight position in the Growth Fund and underweight positions in the Value and Large Company Value funds—detracted from results as the two value components outperformed Growth for the six-month period, reflecting a similar pattern in the broad equity market. Stock selection added value in the International Growth and Small Company funds, but security selection weighed on performance in many of the remaining equity components, most notably the Vista Fund.

The Diversified Bond Fund remained the largest fixed-income component in each Portfolio. Sector allocation contributed positively to Diversified Bond’s performance, particularly an overweight position in corporate bonds and an underweight position in Treasury bonds. During the period, the management team positioned Diversified Bond for a flatter yield curve—a narrower gap between short- and long-term interest rates—as this gap reached historically wide levels in late 2009. Although the High-Yield Fund (represented only in One Choice Portfolio: Moderate and One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive) generated the best absolute return among the Portfolios’ fixed-income components, its relatively conservative positioning caused it to underperform its benchmark for the six-month period.


Despite improving economic conditions over the past six months, we believe that the global recovery still faces several headwinds. Unemployment remains persistently high, consumers and businesses continue to deleverage amid elevated debt levels, and the federal government is producing sizable budget deficits in its efforts to sustain the recovery. Perhaps the greatest challenge will be whether the economy can maintain its momentum when the government’s temporary stimulus programs end.

Given this environment, we plan to maintain the portfolio’s current defensive positioning, with a slight underweight position in stocks and a matching overweight position in bonds. We believe that this approach, along with the Portfolios’ broad diversification, will add value in an uncertain investment environment.


Shareholder Fee Examples (Unaudited) 

Fund shareholders may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments and redemption/ exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees; and other fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing cost of investing in other mutual funds. As a shareholder in the underlying Amer-ican Century Investments funds, your fund will indirectly bear its pro rata share of the expenses incurred by the underlying funds. These expenses are not included in the fund’s annualized expense ratio or the expenses paid during the period. These expenses are, however, included in the effective expenses paid during the period.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 made at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from August 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010.

Actual Expenses

The table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses for each class. You may use the information, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. First, identify the share class you own. Then simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

If you hold Investor Class shares of any American Century Investments fund, or Institutional Class shares of the American Century Diversified Bond Fund, in an American Century Investments account (i.e., not a financial intermediary or retirement plan account), American Century Investments may charge you a $12.50 semiannual account maintenance fee if the value of those shares is less than $10,000. We will redeem shares automatically in one of your accounts to pay the $12.50 fee. In determining your total eligible investment amount, we will include your investments in all personal accounts (including American Century Investments Brokerage accounts) registered under your Social Security number. Personal accounts include individual accounts, joint accounts, UGMA/UTMA accounts, personal trusts, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts and IRAs (including traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP-, SARSEP- and SIMPLE-IRAs), and certain other retirement accounts. If you have only business, business retirement, employer-sponsored or American Century Investments Brokerage accounts, you are currently not subject to this fee. We will not charge the fee as long as you choose to manage your accounts exclusively online. If you are subject to the Account Maintenance Fee, your account value could be reduced by the fee amount.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table also provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio of each class of your fund and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of a fund’s share class. The hypothetical


account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in your fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads) or redemption/exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

        Expenses    Expenses   
    Beginning  Ending  Paid During    Paid During  Effective 
    Account  Account  Period(1)  Annualized  Period(2)  Annualized 
    Value  Value  8/1/09 -  Expense  8/1/09 -  Expense 
    8/1/09  1/31/10  1/31/10  Ratio(1)  1/31/10  Ratio(2) 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative         
Actual  $1,000  $1,044.00  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $3.50  0.68% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $3.47  0.68% 
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative         
Actual  $1,000  $1,057.90  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $3.99  0.77% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $3.92  0.77% 
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate           
Actual  $1,000  $1,069.40  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $4.54  0.87% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $4.43  0.87% 
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive         
Actual  $1,000  $1,076.30  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $5.02  0.96% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $4.89  0.96% 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive         
Actual  $1,000  $1,078.90  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $5.40  1.03% 
Hypothetical  $1,000  $1,025.21  $0.00  0.00%(3)  $5.24  1.03% 
(1)  Expenses are equal to the fund’s annualized expense ratio listed in the table above, multiplied by the average account value over the period, 
  multiplied by 184, the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year, divided by 365, to reflect the one-half year period. The fees and 
  expenses of the underlying American Century Investments funds in which the fund invests are not included in the fund’s annualized expense ratio. 
(2)  Effective expenses reflect the sum of expenses borne directly by the fund plus the fund’s pro rata share of the weighted average expense ratio of 
  the underlying funds in which it invests. The effective annualized expense ratio combines the fund’s annualized expense ratio and the annualized 
  weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds. The annualized weighted average expense ratio of the underlying funds for the one-half 
  year period reflects the actual expense ratio of each underlying fund from its most recent shareholder report, annualized and weighted for the 
  fund’s relative average investment therein during the period.         
(3)  Other expenses, which include the fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not 
  exceed 0.005%.             


Schedule of Investments 

One Choice Portfolios           
JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)           
    Shares  Value      Shares  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative  One Choice Portfolio: Conservative 
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
Diversified Bond Fund      Diversified Bond Fund     
Investor Class  4,315,550  $     46,090,074  Investor Class  8,767,192  $     93,633,611 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Investor Class  1,201,097  13,992,780  Fund Investor Class  2,312,377  26,939,192 
      60,082,854        120,572,803 
Equity Growth Fund      Equity Growth Fund     
Investor Class  347,300  6,157,629  Investor Class  1,382,455  24,510,927 
Growth Fund Investor Class  194,301  4,084,207  Growth Fund Investor Class  727,971  15,301,951 
Large Company Value Fund      Large Company Value Fund     
Investor Class  2,103,803  10,308,635  Investor Class  6,214,253  30,449,840 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Investor Class  204,253  2,759,458  Investor Class  441,030  5,958,315 
Small Company Fund      Small Company Fund     
Investor Class  228,991  1,369,366  Investor Class  732,571  4,380,775 
Value Fund Investor Class  1,299,659  6,524,288  Value Fund Investor Class  3,785,671  19,004,068 
Vista Fund Investor Class(2)  160,002  2,009,625  Vista Fund Investor Class(2)  892,797  11,213,530 
      33,213,208        110,819,406 
Prime Money Market Fund      International Bond Fund     
Investor Class  31,711,289  31,711,289  Investor Class  1,645,115  23,426,437 
International Bond Fund      Prime Money Market Fund     
Investor Class  968,254  13,787,937  Investor Class  23,003,104  23,003,104 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      International Growth Fund     
(Cost $130,905,269)    138,795,288  Investor Class  1,843,754  17,239,100 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $138,795,296  SECURITIES — 100.0%     
        (Cost $292,036,950)    295,060,850 
Notes to Schedule of Investments  OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES(3)  28,641 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $295,089,491 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under         
  common control because of the same board of directors.  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(2)  Non-income producing.      (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
(3)  Category is less then 0.05% of total net assets.      family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
          common control because of the same board of directors. 
        (2)  Non-income producing.     
        (3)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolios           
     Shares  Value      Shares  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate    One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive 
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%    Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
Equity Growth Fund      Equity Growth Fund     
Investor Class  5,253,195  $      93,139,147  Investor Class  3,111,837  $      55,172,870 
Growth Fund Investor Class  2,461,306  51,736,652  Growth Fund Investor Class  2,803,561  58,930,852 
Large Company Value Fund      Large Company Value Fund     
Investor Class  11,021,799  54,006,815  Investor Class  6,437,756  31,545,004 
Real Estate Fund      Real Estate Fund     
Investor Class  920,096  12,430,497  Investor Class  594,565  8,032,573 
Small Company Fund      Small Company Fund     
Investor Class  2,036,502  12,178,282  Investor Class  1,491,445  8,918,841 
Value Fund Investor Class  6,073,923  30,491,094  Value Fund Investor Class  3,361,498  16,874,720 
Vista Fund Investor Class(2)  3,229,977  40,568,511  Vista Fund Investor Class(2)  4,116,408  51,702,085 
      294,550,998        231,176,945 
Diversified Bond Fund      Diversified Bond Fund     
Investor Class  12,321,191  131,590,320  Investor Class  5,100,825  54,476,811 
High-Yield Fund      High-Yield Fund     
Investor Class  2,153,933  12,535,890  Investor Class  2,833,277  16,489,672 
Inflation-Adjusted Bond      Inflation-Adjusted Bond     
Fund Investor Class  3,175,476  36,994,295  Fund Investor Class  1,443,542  16,817,265 
      181,120,505        87,783,748 
Emerging Markets Fund      Emerging Markets Fund     
Investor Class  3,393,582  23,924,753  Investor Class  3,617,583  25,503,960 
International Growth Fund      International Growth Fund     
Investor Class  6,340,718  59,285,713  Investor Class  5,177,110  48,405,979 
      83,210,466        73,909,939 
Prime Money Market Fund      Prime Money Market Fund     
Investor Class  30,521,818  30,521,818  Investor Class  4,079,442  4,079,442 
International Bond Fund      SECURITIES — 100.0%     
Investor Class  1,231,236  17,532,801  (Cost $424,814,334)    396,950,074 
SECURITIES — 100.0%      TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $396,959,180 
(Cost $630,630,151)    606,936,588         
OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES(3)  352  Notes to Schedule of Investments 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $606,936,940  (1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
          family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
Notes to Schedule of Investments    common control because of the same board of directors. 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments  (2)  Non-income producing.     
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under  (3)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
  common control because of the same board of directors.         
(2)  Non-income producing.             
(3)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.           
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolios   
     Shares  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive 
Mutual Funds(1) — 100.0%   
Equity Growth Fund     
Investor Class  1,551,539  $     27,508,786 
Growth Fund Investor Class  1,376,700  28,938,234 
Large Company Value Fund     
Investor Class  3,260,053  15,974,260 
Real Estate Fund     
Investor Class  239,699  3,238,334 
Small Company Fund     
Investor Class  670,859  4,011,737 
Value Fund Investor Class  1,761,524  8,842,850 
Vista Fund Investor Class(2)  2,033,556  25,541,463 
Emerging Markets Fund     
Investor Class  1,662,595  11,721,295 
International Growth Fund     
Investor Class  2,613,364  24,434,953 
Diversified Bond Fund     
Investor Class  618,044  6,600,710 
Prime Money Market Fund     
Investor Class  1,610,882  1,610,882 
SECURITIES — 100.0%     
(Cost $174,378,081)    158,423,504 
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%    $158,423,514 
Notes to Schedule of Investments 
(1)  Investments are funds within the American Century Investments 
  family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under 
  common control because of the same board of directors. 
(2)  Non-income producing.     
(3)  Category is less than 0.05% of total net assets.   
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Assets and Liabilities 

JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)       
  Very Conservative  Conservative  Moderate 
Investment securities in affiliates, at value (cost of       
$130,905,269, $292,036,950 and $630,630,151, respectively)  $138,795,288 $295,060,850 $606,936,588
Receivable for capital shares sold  56,191 170,044 231,642
Distributions receivable from affiliates  124,396 247,928 425,633
  138,975,875 295,478,822 607,593,863
Payable for investments purchased  23,303 175,224 406,890
Payable for capital shares redeemed  157,276 214,107 250,033
  180,579 389,331 656,923
Net Assets  $138,795,296 $295,089,491 $606,936,940
Investor Class Capital Shares, $0.01 Par Value 
Outstanding  13,650,030 29,188,043 59,470,137
Net Asset Value Per Share  $10.17 $10.11 $10.21
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)  $139,677,659 $317,688,392 $693,169,359
Undistributed net investment income  120,973 276,909 470,770
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (8,893,355)   (25,899,710)   (63,009,626)
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments  7,890,019 3,023,900   (23,693,563)
  $138,795,296 $295,089,491 $606,936,940
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


JANUARY 31, 2010 (UNAUDITED)     
  Aggressive  Very Aggressive 
Investment securities in affiliates, at value (cost of     
$424,814,334 and $174,378,081, respectively)  $396,950,074 $158,423,504
Receivable for investments sold  47,459
Receivable for capital shares sold  343,507 84,467
Distributions receivable from affiliates  242,894 17,825
  397,536,475 158,573,255
Payable for investments purchased  151,542
Payable for capital shares redeemed  425,753 149,741
  577,295 149,741
Net Assets  $396,959,180 $158,423,514
Investor Class Capital Shares, $0.01 Par Value 
Outstanding  38,880,463 15,825,439
Net Asset Value Per Share  $10.21 $10.01
Net Assets Consist of: 
Capital (par value and paid-in surplus)  $463,985,299 $195,333,095
Undistributed net investment income  265,826 18,771
Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions    (39,427,685)   (20,973,775)
Net unrealized depreciation on investments    (27,864,260)   (15,954,577)
  $396,959,180 $158,423,514
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Operations 

  Very Conservative  Conservative  Moderate 
Investment Income (Loss)       
Income distributions from underlying funds — affiliates  $1,906,863 $ 3,954,476 $ 6,495,584
Directors’ fees and expenses  2,423 5,123 10,881
Net investment income (loss)  1,904,440 3,949,353 6,484,703
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Affiliates 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Sale of investments in underlying funds    (1,337,703)   (3,494,042)   (7,429,236)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 
on investments in underlying funds  4,794,334 14,355,691 38,344,128
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on affiliates  3,456,631 10,861,649 30,914,892
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 
Resulting from Operations  $5,361,071 $14,811,002 $37,399,595
See Notes to Financial Statements.       


  Aggressive  Very Aggressive 
Investment Income (Loss)     
Income distributions from underlying funds — affiliates  $  3,403,759 $   862,135
Directors’ fees and expenses  7,111 2,914
Net investment income (loss)  3,396,648 859,221
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Affiliates 
Net realized gain (loss) on: 
Sale of investments in underlying funds    (4,196,585)   (2,446,806)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 
on investments in underlying funds  27,848,987 13,011,176
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on affiliates  23,652,402 10,564,370
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 
Resulting from Operations  $27,049,050 $11,423,591
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Statement of Changes in Net Assets 

  Very Conservative  Conservative 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $    1,904,440 $    2,962,020 $    3,949,353 $    7,473,349
Net realized gain (loss)    (1,337,703)   (6,864,019)   (3,494,042)   (20,479,852)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  4,794,334 4,009,013 14,355,691   (6,276,066)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  5,361,071 107,014 14,811,002   (19,282,569)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income    (1,922,010)   (3,036,159)   (3,949,842)   (7,787,898)
From net realized gains    (540,084)   (5,048,736)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (1,922,010)   (3,576,243)   (3,949,842)   (12,836,634)
Capital Share Transactions 
Proceeds from shares sold  48,719,708 83,855,930 54,437,656 71,600,317
Proceeds from reinvestment of distributions  1,873,549 3,477,111 3,852,299 12,604,341
Payments for shares redeemed    (29,935,979)   (53,766,219)   (26,465,488)   (82,757,201)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  20,657,278 33,566,822 31,824,467 1,447,457
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  24,096,339 30,097,593 42,685,627   (30,671,746)
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  114,698,957 84,601,364 252,403,864 283,075,610
End of period  $138,795,296 $114,698,957 $295,089,491 $252,403,864
Undistributed net investment income  $120,973 $138,543 $276,909 $277,398
Transactions in Shares of the Funds 
Sold  4,787,066 8,786,463 5,363,134 7,629,234
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  183,479 363,375 376,811 1,364,932
Redeemed    (2,934,120)   (5,700,965)   (2,606,775)   (8,928,048)
Net increase (decrease) in shares 
of the funds  2,036,425 3,448,873 3,133,170 66,118
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  Moderate  Aggressive 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $    6,484,703 $   13,376,941 $    3,396,648 $     6,818,656
Net realized gain (loss)    (7,429,236)   (51,077,345)   (4,196,585)   (31,944,153)
Change in net unrealized 
appreciation (depreciation)  38,344,128   (45,261,904) 27,848,987   (50,610,667)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
resulting from operations  37,399,595   (82,962,308) 27,049,050   (75,736,164)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income    (6,497,432)   (13,912,448)   (5,719,372)   (7,877,338)
From net realized gains    (19,257,364)   (15,603,260)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (6,497,432)   (33,169,812)   (5,719,372)   (23,480,598)
Capital Share Transactions 
Proceeds from shares sold  72,808,939 106,420,172 49,318,789 74,594,664
Proceeds from reinvestment of distributions  6,343,581 32,565,961 5,656,734 23,214,995
Payments for shares redeemed    (45,300,104)   (132,504,961)   (30,434,867)   (73,590,633)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets 
from capital share transactions  33,852,416 6,481,172 24,540,656 24,219,026
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  64,754,579   (109,650,948) 45,870,334   (74,997,736)
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  542,182,361 651,833,309 351,088,846 426,086,582
End of period  $606,936,940 $542,182,361 $396,959,180 $351,088,846
Undistributed net investment income  $470,770 $483,499 $265,840 $2,588,550
Transactions in Shares of the Funds 
Sold  7,089,551 11,410,931 4,781,139 8,103,219
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  609,026 3,652,095 531,149 2,770,280
Redeemed    (4,411,645)   (14,468,114)   (2,937,175)   (8,142,991)
Net increase (decrease) in shares 
of the funds  3,286,932 594,912 2,375,113 2,730,508
See Notes to Financial Statements.         


  Very Aggressive 
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets  2010  2009 
Net investment income (loss)  $ 859,221 $ 1,946,502
Net realized gain (loss)    (2,446,806)   (16,311,084)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)  13,011,176   (25,530,622)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  11,423,591   (39,895,204)
Distributions to Shareholders 
From net investment income    (1,466,730)   (1,902,034)
From net realized gains    (7,869,388)
Decrease in net assets from distributions    (1,466,730)   (9,771,422)
Capital Share Transactions 
Proceeds from shares sold  15,867,832 38,191,366
Proceeds from reinvestment of distributions  1,429,864 9,521,101
Payments for shares redeemed    (14,926,753)   (33,408,768)
Net increase (decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions  2,370,943 14,303,699
Net increase (decrease) in net assets  12,327,804   (35,362,927)
Net Assets 
Beginning of period  146,095,710 181,458,637
End of period  $158,423,514 $146,095,710
Undistributed net investment income  $18,771 $626,280
Transactions in Shares of the Fund 
Sold  1,562,840 4,345,372
Issued in reinvestment of distributions  135,404 1,172,550
Redeemed    (1,474,170)   (3,754,950)
Net increase (decrease) in shares of the fund  224,074 1,762,972
See Notes to Financial Statements.     


Notes to Financial Statements 


1. Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Organization — American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc. (the corporation) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act), as amended, as an open-end management investment company. One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative (Very Conservative), One Choice Portfolio: Conservative (Conservative), One Choice Portfolio: Moderate (Moderate), One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive (Aggressive), and One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive (Very Aggressive) (collectively, the funds) are five funds in a series issued by the corporation. The funds operate as “fund of funds,” meaning that substantially all of the funds’ assets will be invested in other funds in the American Century Investments family of funds (the underlying funds). The funds are diversified under the 1940 Act. Additionally, the underlying funds are generally diversified and so indirectly provide broad exposure to a large number of securities. The funds’ investment objectives are to seek the highest total return consistent with their respective asset mix. The funds pursue their objectives by investing in underlying funds that represent a variety of asset classes and investment styles. Generally, more conservative funds emphasize investments in bonds and cash equivalents while more aggressive funds emphasize investments in stocks. The corporation is authorized to issue 3,000,000,000 shares. The following is a summary of the funds’ significant accounting policies.

Underlying Funds — Each fund’s assets are allocated among underlying funds that represent major asset classes, including equity securities (stocks), fixed-income securities (bonds) and cash-equivalent instruments (money markets). A brief description of each of the underlying funds follows.

Domestic Equity Funds

Equity Growth Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a quantitative investment strategy to construct an optimized portfolio drawn primarily from large publicly traded U.S. companies without regard to dividend yield.

Growth Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and generally invests in larger U.S. companies.

Large Company Value Fund seeks long-term capital growth with income as a secondary objective. It uses a value investment strategy and invests primarily in larger U.S. companies.

Real Estate Fund seeks high total investment return through a combination of capital appreciation and current income. It invests primarily in equity securities issued by real estate investment trusts and companies engaged in the real estate industry.

Small Company Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a quantitative investment strategy and invests primarily in smaller U.S. companies.

Value Fund seeks long-term capital growth with income as a secondary objective. It uses a value investment strategy and invests primarily in U.S. companies of all sizes.

Vista Fund seeks long-term capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and generally invests in medium-sized and smaller U.S. companies.

International Equity Funds

Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and invests primarily in securities of companies located in emerging market countries.

International Growth Fund seeks capital growth. It uses a growth investment strategy and invests primarily in securities of companies located in developed countries other than the United States.


Domestic Fixed Income Funds

Diversified Bond Fund seeks a high level of income by investing primarily in high- and medium-grade, non-money market debt securities. These securities, which may be payable in U.S. or foreign currencies, may include corporate bonds and notes, government securities and securities backed by mortgages or other assets.

High-Yield Fund seeks high current income by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-yield corporate bonds and other debt securities. As a secondary objective, the fund seeks capital appreciation, but only when consistent with its primary objective of maximizing current income.

Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fund seeks to provide total return and inflation protection consistent with investment in inflation-indexed securities.

International Fixed Income Funds

International Bond Fund seeks high total return by investing in high-quality, non-dollar-denominated government and corporate debt securities issued outside the United States.

Money Market Funds

Prime Money Market Fund seeks to earn the highest level of current income while preserving the value of shareholder investments by investing in high-quality, very short-term debt securities issued by corporations, banks and governments.

Security Valuations — Investments in the underlying funds are valued at their reported net asset value. The underlying funds have specific valuation policies. If an event occurs after the value of a security was established but before the net asset value per share of an underlying fund was determined that was likely to materially change the net asset value of the underlying fund, that security would be valued as determined in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors/Trustees. If the underlying fund determines that the market price of a portfolio security is not readily available, or that the valuation methods mentioned above do not reflect the security’s fair value, such security is valued as determined by the Board of Directors/Trustees or its designee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors/Trustees, if such determination would materially impact an underlying fund’s net asset value. Certain other circumstances may cause the underlying fund to use alternative procedures to value a security such as: a security has been declared in default; trading in a security has been halted during the trading day; or there is a foreign market holiday and no trading will commence.

Security Transactions — For financial reporting purposes, security transactions are accounted for as of the trade date. Net realized gains and losses are determined on the identified cost basis, which is also used for federal income tax purposes.

Investment Income — Income and capital gain distributions, if any, from the underlying funds are recorded as of the ex-dividend date. Long-term capital gain distributions, if any, from the underlying funds are a component of net realized gain (loss).

Income Tax Status — It is each fund’s policy to distribute substantially all net investment income and net realized gains to shareholders and to otherwise qualify as a regulated investment company under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The funds are no longer subject to examination by tax authorities for years prior to 2006. At this time, management believes there are no uncertain tax positions which, based on their technical merit, would not be sustained upon examination and for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months. Accordingly, no provision has been made for federal or state income taxes. Interest and penalties associated with any federal or state income tax obligations, if any, are recorded as interest expense.


Distributions to Shareholders — Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Distributions from net investment income, if any, are generally declared and paid quarterly for Very Conservative, Conservative, and Moderate. Distributions from net investment income, if any, are generally declared and paid annually for Aggressive and Very Aggressive. Distributions from net realized gains, if any, are generally declared and paid annually for all funds.

Indemnifications — Under the corporation’s organizational documents, its officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the funds. In addition, in the normal course of business, the funds enter into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against a fund. The risk of material loss from such claims is considered by management to be remote.

Use of Estimates — The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which may require management to make certain estimates and assumptions at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Subsequent Events — Management has evaluated events or transactions that may have occurred since January 31, 2010, that would merit recognition or disclosure in the financial statements. This evaluation was completed through March 26, 2010, the date the financial statements were issued.

2. Fees and Transactions with Related Parties

Administrative Fees — The corporation’s investment advisor, American Century Investment Management, Inc. (ACIM), does not receive an administrative fee for services provided to the funds. Each fund will indirectly realize its pro rata share of the fees and expenses of the underlying funds in which it invests. These fees and expenses are already reflected in the valuation of the underlying funds.

Related Parties — Certain officers and directors of the corporation are also officers and/ or directors of American Century Companies, Inc. (ACC), the parent of the corporation’s investment advisor, ACIM, the distributor of the corporation, American Century Investment Services, Inc., and the corporation’s transfer agent, American Century Services, LLC. The directors of the corporation are also directors of some underlying funds and therefore those underlying funds may be deemed to be under common control with the corporation. The officers of the corporation are also officers of all the underlying funds. ACIM or American Century Global Investment Management, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ACIM, serves as the investment advisor for the underlying funds.

The funds have a Mutual Funds Services Agreement with J.P. Morgan Investor Services Co. (JPMIS). JPMIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM). JPM is an equity investor in ACC.

3. Investment Transactions

Investment transactions for the six months ended January 31, 2010, were as follows:

   Very Conservative  Conservative  Moderate  Aggressive  Very Aggressive 
Purchases  $33,695,637  $40,649,746  $51,933,828  $33,216,678  $8,328,755 
Sales  $13,062,938  $8,868,671  $18,121,584  $11,022,629  $6,566,328 


4. Affiliated Company Transactions

Investments are funds within the American Century Investments family of funds, of which certain funds may be deemed to be under common control because of the same board of directors. A summary of transactions for each underlying fund for the six months ended January 31, 2010 follows:

      July 31, 2009              January 31, 2010 
Fund/  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Underlying Fund  Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss) Received(1)  Balance  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative         
Diversified Bond Fund               
Investor Class  3,562,353 $ 11,693,828 $  3,715,159   $     (15,848) $    903,271 4,315,550 $   46,090,074
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Investor Class  1,018,564 3,033,976 957,500   (5,790) 214,605 1,201,097 13,992,780
Equity Growth Fund 
Investor Class  329,231 1,271,316 1,263,951   (297,326) 40,237 347,300 6,157,629
Growth Fund 
Investor Class  187,385 885,746 798,492   (35,888) 11,575 194,301 4,084,207
Large Company Value 
Fund Investor Class  1,967,444 2,138,536 1,994,201   (509,590) 85,847 2,103,803 10,308,635
Real Estate Fund 
Investor Class  213,289 653,845 782,062 9,056 25,209 204,253 2,759,458
Small Company Fund 
Investor Class  224,824 256,339 326,754   (87,502) 4,033 228,991 1,369,366
Value Fund 
Investor Class  1,233,424 1,327,683 1,282,176   (266,326) 70,228 1,299,659 6,524,288
Vista Fund 
Investor Class(2)  145,440 432,888 365,567   (111,334) 160,002 2,009,625
Prime Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  25,423,737 8,560,873 2,273,321 5,908 31,711,289 31,711,289
International Bond Fund 
Investor Class  779,169 3,440,607 641,458   (17,155) 545,950 968,254 13,787,937
    $33,695,637 $14,400,641   $(1,337,703) $1,906,863 $138,795,288
(1)  Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   
(2)  Non-income producing.             


      July 31, 2009           January 31, 2010 
Fund/  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Underlying Fund  Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)   Received(1)  Balance  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Conservative           
Diversified Bond Fund               
Investor Class  7,262,746 $16,746,253 $     757,620   $       (2,354) $1,773,729 8,767,192 $   93,633,611
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Investor Class  1,989,202 3,874,530 169,199   (17) 396,877 2,312,377 26,939,192
Equity Growth Fund 
Investor Class  1,349,108 2,006,856 2,095,694   (680,691) 157,594 1,382,455 24,510,927
Growth Fund 
Investor Class  711,829 1,225,951 989,089   (95,206) 41,334 727,971 15,301,951
Large Company Value 
Fund Investor Class  5,971,111 2,704,238 2,358,086   (855,310) 252,327 6,214,253 30,449,840
Real Estate Fund 
Investor Class  461,178 466,833 1,198,635   (474,357) 52,681 441,030 5,958,315
Small Company Fund 
Investor Class  731,733 350,299 611,778   (264,930) 12,902 732,571 4,380,775
Value Fund 
Investor Class  3,659,900 1,518,629 1,410,928   (515,269) 200,115 3,785,671 19,004,068
Vista Fund 
Investor Class(2)  840,146 1,116,009 661,597   (213,231) 892,797 11,213,530
International Bond Fund 
Investor Class  1,352,745 4,475,490 151,694   (1,288) 917,306 1,645,115 23,426,437
Prime Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  18,792,481 4,356,274 145,651 4,271 23,003,104 23,003,104
International Growth 
Fund Investor Class  1,803,403 1,808,384 1,812,742   (391,389) 145,340 1,843,754 17,239,100
    $40,649,746 $12,362,713   $(3,494,042) $3,954,476 $295,060,850
(1)  Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   
(2)  Non-income producing.             


      July 31, 2009            January 31, 2010 
Fund/  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Underlying Fund  Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss) Received(1)  Balance  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Moderate           
Equity Growth Fund               
Investor Class  5,212,157 $  4,163,533 $  5,133,085   $(1,739,768) $    604,294 5,253,195 $  93,139,147
Growth Fund 
Investor Class  2,441,838 2,282,944 2,080,042   (214,664) 139,687 2,461,306 51,736,652
Large Company Value 
Fund Investor Class  10,842,635 2,417,707 2,400,861   (887,869) 455,958 11,021,799 54,006,815
Real Estate Fund 
Investor Class  976,153 536,862 2,501,765   (1,251,874) 110,858 920,096 12,430,497
Small Company Fund 
Investor Class  2,066,948 537,113 1,282,314   (571,311) 36,686 2,036,502 12,178,282
Value Fund 
Investor Class  5,964,772 1,343,100 1,283,777   (490,616) 323,642 6,073,923 30,491,094
Vista Fund 
Investor Class(2)  3,113,198 2,201,472 1,073,761   (378,823) 3,229,977 40,568,511
Diversified Bond Fund 
Investor Class  10,433,340 21,338,255 1,279,645   (6,407) 2,518,602 12,321,191 131,590,320
High-Yield Fund 
Investor Class  1,999,943 912,368 63,329   (9,064) 516,642 2,153,933 12,535,890
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Investor Class  2,811,911 4,326,259 162,589 127 551,867 3,175,476 36,994,295
Emerging Markets Fund 
Investor Class  3,599,521 1,074,361 3,267,892   (741,831) 3,393,582 23,924,753
International Growth 
Fund Investor Class  6,367,747 3,451,905 4,803,938   (1,136,285) 505,189 6,340,718 59,285,713
Prime Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  25,707,084 4,950,258 135,524 5,806 30,521,818 30,521,818
International Bond Fund 
Investor Class  1,075,634 2,397,691 82,298   (851) 726,353 1,231,236 17,532,801
    $51,933,828 $25,550,820   $(7,429,236) $6,495,584 $606,936,588
(1)  Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   
(2)  Non-income producing.             


      July 31, 2009           January 31, 2010 
Fund/  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Underlying Fund  Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss)   Received(1)  Balance  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive           
Equity Growth Fund               
Investor Class  3,018,599 $ 2,943,408 $ 1,976,585   $    (687,275) $   356,730 3,111,837 $   55,172,870
Growth Fund 
Investor Class  2,762,658 2,894,485 2,320,332   (206,282) 158,501 2,803,561 58,930,852
Large Company Value 
Fund Investor Class  6,180,538 1,740,563 764,324   (284,345) 265,207 6,437,756 31,545,004
Real Estate Fund 
Investor Class  625,780 359,316 1,628,293   (859,379) 72,146 594,565 8,032,573
Small Company Fund 
Investor Class  1,490,657 404,500 745,335   (342,867) 27,150 1,491,445 8,918,841
Value Fund 
Investor Class  3,251,074 764,289 369,564   (142,468) 179,783 3,361,498 16,874,720
Vista Fund 
Investor Class(2)  3,850,286 3,803,452 606,669   (219,120) 4,116,408 51,702,085
Diversified Bond Fund 
Investor Class  4,143,713 10,793,068 627,354   (1,403) 1,019,379 5,100,825 54,476,811
High-Yield Fund 
Investor Class  2,565,249 1,609,461 131,941   (17,100) 673,454 2,833,277 16,489,672
Inflation-Adjusted Bond 
Fund Investor Class  1,202,474 2,874,244 114,714 170 239,501 1,443,542 16,817,265
Emerging Markets Fund 
Investor Class  3,750,038 1,168,906 2,782,616   (664,200) 3,617,583 25,503,960
International Growth 
Fund Investor Class  5,104,283 3,050,711 3,122,779   (772,316) 411,155 5,177,110 48,405,979
Prime Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  3,297,875 810,275 28,708 753 4,079,442 4,079,442
    $33,216,678 $15,219,214   $(4,196,585) $3,403,759 $396,950,074
(1)  Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   
(2)  Non-income producing.             


      July 31, 2009          January 31, 2010 
Fund/  Share  Purchase  Sales  Realized  Distributions  Share  Market 
Underlying Fund  Balance  Cost  Cost  Gain (Loss) Received(1)  Balance  Value 
One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive           
Equity Growth Fund               
Investor Class  1,535,160 $1,024,167 $1,109,088   $ (388,076) $178,741 1,551,539 $ 27,508,786
Growth Fund 
Investor Class  1,386,953 1,048,092 1,400,221   (123,145) 78,476 1,376,700 28,938,234
Large Company Value 
Fund Investor Class  3,189,968 720,119 600,916   (229,163) 134,985 3,260,053 15,974,260
Real Estate Fund 
Investor Class  258,650 92,831 664,509   (324,265) 29,271 239,699 3,238,334
Small Company Fund 
Investor Class  683,588 116,181 353,843   (164,437) 12,356 670,859 4,011,737
Value Fund 
Investor Class  1,736,774 325,369 332,845   (128,338) 94,605 1,761,524 8,842,850
Vista Fund 
Investor Class(2)  1,943,972 1,852,481 978,646   (293,645) 2,033,556 25,541,463
Emerging Markets Fund 
Investor Class  1,785,207 348,728 1,572,430   (350,737) 1,662,595 11,721,295
International Growth 
Fund Investor Class  2,611,903 1,254,372 1,667,283   (445,526) 206,471 2,613,364 24,434,953
Diversified Bond Fund 
Investor Class  527,307 1,259,085 296,161 526 126,923 618,044 6,600,710
Prime Money Market 
Fund Investor Class  1,360,744 287,330 37,192 307 1,610,882 1,610,882
    $8,328,755 $9,013,134   $(2,446,806) $862,135 $158,423,504
(1)  Distributions received includes distributions from net investment income and from capital gains from the underlying funds.   
(2)  Non-income producing.             

5. Investments in Underlying Funds

The funds do not invest in the underlying funds for the purpose of exercising management or control; however, investments by the funds within their investment strategies may represent a significant portion of the underlying funds’ net assets.

6. Fair Value Measurements

The funds’ securities valuation process is based on several considerations and may use multiple inputs to determine the fair value of the positions held by the funds. In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the inputs used to determine a valuation are classified into three broad levels as follows:

• Level 1 valuation inputs consist of actual quoted prices in an active market for identical securities;

• Level 2 valuation inputs consist of significant direct or indirect observable market data (including quoted prices for similar securities, evaluations of subsequent market events, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.); or

• Level 3 valuation inputs consist of significant unobservable inputs (including a fund’s own assumptions).


The level classification is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair valuation measurement. The valuation inputs are not an indication of the risks associated with investing in these securities or other financial instruments.

As of January 31, 2010, the valuation inputs used to determine the fair value of the funds’ securities were classified as Level 1.

7. Risk Factors

Some of the underlying funds invest in foreign securities, which are generally riskier than U.S. securities. As a result, the funds are subject to foreign risk, meaning that political events (such as civil unrest, national elections and imposition of exchange controls), social and economic events (such as labor strikes and rising inflation), and natural disasters occurring in a country where the funds invest could cause the funds’ investments in that country to experience gains or losses. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks.

8. Federal Tax Information

The book-basis character of distributions made during the year from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. These differences reflect the differing character of certain income items and net realized gains and losses for financial statement and tax purposes, and may result in reclassification among certain capital accounts on the financial statements.

As of January 31, 2010, the components of investments for federal income tax purposes were as follows:

   Very Conservative  Conservative  Moderate  Aggressive  Very Aggressive 
Federal tax cost           
of investments  $139,608,338 $314,187,506 $678,797,908 $456,474,970 $190,014,658
Gross tax appreciation 
of investments                     — $ 5,212,975 $ 3,068,424 $ 978,036
Gross tax depreciation 
of investments    $(813,050)   $(19,126,656)   (77,074,295)     (62,593,320)     (32,569,190)
Net tax appreciation 
of investments    $(813,050)   $(19,126,656)   $(71,861,320)     $(59,524,896)     $(31,591,154)

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales.

Following are the capital loss carryovers and capital loss deferral amounts as of July 31, 2009:

     Very Conservative  Conservative  Moderate  Aggressive  Very Aggressive 
capital losses  $(685,394) $(3,239,053) $(2,141,306) $(2,321,712)
Capital loss deferrals  $(73,976) $(2,134,280) $(7,701,510) $(4,291,043) $(2,414,255)

The accumulated capital losses listed above represent net capital loss carryovers that may be used to offset future realized capital gains for federal income tax purposes. Future capital loss carryover utilization in any given year may be subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations. The capital loss carryovers expire in 2017.

The capital loss deferrals listed above represent net capital losses incurred in the nine-month period ended July 31, 2009. The funds have elected to treat such losses as having been incurred in the following fiscal year for federal income tax purposes.


9. Corporate Event

As part of a long-standing estate and business succession plan established by ACC Co-Chairman James E. Stowers, Jr., the founder of American Century Investments, ACC Co-Chairman Richard W. Brown has succeeded Mr. Stowers as trustee of a trust that holds a greater-than-25% voting interest in ACC. Under the 1940 Act, this is presumed to represent control of ACC even though it is less than a majority interest. Because ACC is the parent corporation of each fund’s investment advisor, the change of trustee is considered a technical assignment of each fund’s investment advisory agreement. Under the 1940 Act, an assignment requires the automatic termination of such agreements, making the approval of new agreements necessary.

On February 18, 2010, the Board of Directors approved interim investment advisory agreements under which each fund will be managed until new agreements are approved by fund shareholders. The interim agreements are substantially identical to the terminated agreements (with the exception of different effective and termination dates) and will not result in changes in the management of American Century Investments, the funds, their investment objectives, fees or services provided. New agreements, also expected to be substantially identical to the terminated agreements, will be submitted for shareholder approval.


Financial Highlights 

One Choice Portfolio: Very Conservative     
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.88 $10.36 $10.55 $10.23 $10.27 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.15 0.30 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.25
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.29   (0.40)   (0.12) 0.33   (0.04) 0.29
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.44   (0.10) 0.31 0.73 0.33 0.54
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.15)   (0.32)   (0.46)   (0.39)   (0.36)   (0.27)
From Net Realized Gains       —   (0.06)   (0.04)   (0.02)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.15)   (0.38)   (0.50)   (0.41)   (0.37)   (0.27)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.17 $9.88 $10.36 $10.55 $10.23 $10.27
Total Return(4)  4.40% (0.87)% 2.91% 7.23% 3.27% 5.43%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets  2.84%(6) 3.13% 4.06% 3.83% 3.67% 3.00%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  10% 42% 17% 17% 34% 38%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $138,795 $114,699 $84,601 $40,983 $19,852 $10,132
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  September 30, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolio: Conservative       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.69 $10.89 $11.38 $10.66 $10.54 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.14 0.29 0.44 0.35 0.34 0.22
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.42   (0.98)   (0.40) 0.75 0.12 0.58
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.56   (0.69) 0.04 1.10 0.46 0.80
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.14)   (0.31)   (0.45)   (0.35)   (0.33)   (0.26)
From Net Realized Gains       —   (0.20)   (0.08)   (0.03)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.14)   (0.51)   (0.53)   (0.38)   (0.34)   (0.26)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.11 $9.69 $10.89 $11.38 $10.66 $10.54
Total Return(4)  5.79% (6.05)% 0.18% 10.41% 4.45% 8.08%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets  2.80%(6) 3.13% 3.85% 3.14% 3.23% 2.63%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  3% 40% 18% 7% 8% 12%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $295,089 $252,404 $283,076 $227,830 $110,384 $43,183
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  September 30, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolio: Moderate       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.65 $11.73 $12.58 $11.34 $10.97 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.11 0.24 0.43 0.35 0.34 0.17
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.56   (1.70)   (0.70) 1.29 0.38 0.99
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.67   (1.46)   (0.27) 1.64 0.72 1.16
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.11)   (0.26)   (0.44)   (0.35)   (0.34)   (0.19)
From Net Realized Gains       —   (0.36)   (0.14)   (0.05)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.11)   (0.62)   (0.58)   (0.40)   (0.35)   (0.19)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.21 $9.65 $11.73 $12.58 $11.34 $10.97
Total Return(4)  6.94% (11.94)% (2.37)% 14.56% 6.68% 11.71%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets  2.17(6) 2.63% 3.44% 2.85% 3.02% 1.98%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  3% 32% 18% 7% 7% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $606,937 $542,182 $651,833 $586,377 $253,610 $97,313
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  September 30, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolio: Aggressive       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.62 $12.62 $13.69 $11.83 $11.26 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.09 0.20 0.41 0.32 0.31 0.14
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.65   (2.49)   (0.90) 1.87 0.56 1.22
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.74   (2.29)   (0.49) 2.19 0.87 1.36
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.15)   (0.24)   (0.40)   (0.28)   (0.29)   (0.10)
From Net Realized Gains       —   (0.47)   (0.18)   (0.05)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.15)   (0.71)   (0.58)   (0.33)   (0.30)   (0.10)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.21 $9.62 $12.62 $13.69 $11.83 $11.26
Total Return(4)  7.63% (17.28)% (3.97)% 18.78% 7.84% 13.61%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets  1.73%(6) 2.12% 3.07% 2.46% 2.68% 1.52%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  3% 27% 17% 7% 6% 3%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $396,959 $351,089 $426,087 $397,022 $191,350 $64,623
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  September 30, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


One Choice Portfolio: Very Aggressive       
Investor Class             
For a Share Outstanding Throughout the Years Ended July 31 (except as noted)     
    2010(1)  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005(2) 
Per-Share Data             
Net Asset Value,             
Beginning of Period  $9.36 $13.11 $14.58 $12.23 $11.48 $10.00
Income From 
Investment Operations 
Net Investment 
Income (Loss)(3)  0.05 0.13 0.36 0.25 0.25 0.08
Net Realized and 
Unrealized Gain (Loss)  0.69   (3.17)   (1.27) 2.40 0.78 1.49
Total From 
Investment Operations  0.74   (3.04)   (0.91) 2.65 1.03 1.57
From Net 
Investment Income    (0.09)   (0.14)   (0.37)   (0.24)   (0.27)   (0.09)
From Net Realized Gains       —   (0.57)   (0.19)   (0.06)   (0.01)      —
Total Distributions    (0.09)   (0.71)   (0.56)   (0.30)   (0.28)   (0.09)
Net Asset Value, 
End of Period  $10.01 $9.36 $13.11 $14.58 $12.23 $11.48
Total Return(4)  7.89% (22.35)% (6.63)% 21.87% 9.00% 15.81%
Ratios/Supplemental Data 
Ratio of Operating 
Expenses to Average 
Net Assets(5)  0.00%(6) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%(6)
Ratio of Net Investment 
Income (Loss) to Average 
Net Assets  1.08%(6) 1.48% 2.53% 1.85% 2.08% 0.84%(6)
Portfolio Turnover Rate  4% 23% 15% 8% 9% 8%
Net Assets, End of Period 
(in thousands)  $158,424 $146,096 $181,459 $168,844 $77,262 $25,649
(1)  Six months ended January 31, 2010 (unaudited).           
(2)  September 30, 2004 (fund inception) through July 31, 2005.         
(3)  Computed using average shares outstanding throughout the period.         
(4)  Total return assumes reinvestment of net investment income and capital gains distributions, if any. Total returns for periods less than one year 
  are not annualized.             
(5)  Ratio of operating expenses to average net assets does not include any expenses of the underlying funds. Other expenses, which include the 
  fees and expenses of the fund’s independent directors and its legal counsel, as well as interest, did not exceed 0.005%.   
(6)  Annualized.             
See Notes to Financial Statements.             


Additional Information 

Retirement Account Information

As required by law, distributions you receive from certain IRAs, or 403(b), 457 and qualified plans are subject to federal income tax withholding, unless you elect not to have withholding apply. Tax will be withheld on the total amount withdrawn even though you may be receiving amounts that are not subject to withholding, such as nondeductible contributions. In such case, excess amounts of withholding could occur. You may adjust your withholding election so that a greater or lesser amount will be withheld.

If you don’t want us to withhold on this amount, you must notify us to not withhold the federal income tax. You may notify us in writing or in certain situations by telephone or through other electronic means. You have the right to revoke your withholding election at any time and any election you make may remain in effect until revoked by filing a new election.

Remember, even if you elect not to have income tax withheld, you are liable for paying income tax on the taxable portion of your withdrawal. If you elect not to have income tax withheld or you don’t have enough income tax withheld, you may be responsible for payment of estimated tax. You may incur penalties under the estimated tax rules if your withholding and estimated tax payments are not sufficient. You can reduce or defer the income tax on a distribution by directly or indirectly rolling such distribution over to another IRA or eligible plan. You should consult your tax advisor for additional information.

State tax will be withheld if, at the time of your distribution, your address is within one of the mandatory withholding states and you have federal income tax withheld. State taxes will be withheld from your distribution in accordance with the respective state rules.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

American Century Investment Management, Inc., the funds’ investment advisor, is responsible for exercising the voting rights associated with the securities purchased and/or held by the funds. A description of the policies and procedures the advisor uses in fulfilling this responsibility is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021. It is also available on American Century Investments’ website at americancentury.com and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at sec.gov. Information regarding how the investment advisor voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available on the “About Us” page at americancentury.com. It is also available at sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The funds’ Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The funds also make their complete schedule of portfolio holdings for the most recent quarter of their fiscal year available on their website at americancentury.com and, upon request, by calling 1-800-345-2021.


Index Definitions 

The following indices are used to illustrate investment market, sector, or style performance or to serve as fund performance comparisons. They are not investment products available for purchase.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index represents securities that are taxable, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and U.S. dollar denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment-grade fixed-rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities.

The Citigroup Non-U.S. World Government Bond Index is based on the Citigroup World Bond Index, and excludes issues denominated in U.S. dollars. The index measures the total return of government securities in major sectors of the international bond market.

The Citigroup US Broad Investment-Grade (BIG) Bond Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index that includes fixed-rate Treasury, government-sponsored, mortgage, asset-backed, and investment-grade issues with a maturity of one year or longer.

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has developed several indices that measure the performance of foreign stock markets.

The MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index is designed to measure developed market equity performance, excluding the U.S. and Canada.

The MSCI EM (Emerging Markets) Index represents the performance of stocks in global emerging market countries.

The Russell 1000® Index is a market-capitalization weighted, large-cap index created by Frank Russell Company to measure the performance of the 1,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.

The Russell 2000® Index is a market-capitalization weighted index created by Frank Russell Company to measure the performance of the 2,000 smallest of the 3,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.

The Russell 3000® Index measures the performance of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies based on total market capitalization, which represents approximately 98% of the investable U.S. equity market.

The Russell Midcap® Index measures the performance of the 800 smallest of the 1,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies, based on total market capitalization.








Contact Us   
Automated Information Line  1-800-345-8765 
Investor Services Representative  1-800-345-2021 or 
Business, Not-For-Profit, Employer-Sponsored   
Retirement Plans  1-800-345-3533 
Banks and Trust Companies, Broker-Dealers,   
Financial Professionals, Insurance Companies  1-800-345-6488 
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf  1-800-634-4113 
American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc.   
Investment Advisor:   
American Century Investment Management, Inc.   
Kansas City, Missouri   

This report and the statements it contains are submitted for the general
information of our shareholders. The report is not authorized for distribution to
prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus.

American Century Investment Services, Inc., Distributor

©2010 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.


Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
Not applicable.
(a) The schedule of investments is included as part of the report to stockholders filed under Item 1
  of this Form.
(b) Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
During the reporting period, there were no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may
recommend nominees to the registrant’s board.

(a)   The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that
  the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the
  Investment Company Act of 1940) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and
  procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.
(b)   There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting (as defined in
  Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the registrant's
  second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are
  reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.
(a) (1) Not applicable for semiannual report filings.
(a) (2) Separate certifications by the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial
      officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the
      Investment Company Act of 1940, are filed and attached hereto as EX-99.CERT.
(a) (3) Not applicable.
(b) A certification by the registrant’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer, pursuant to
      Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, is furnished and attached hereto as EX-


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Registrant: American Century Asset Allocation Portfolios, Inc.
By: /s/ Jonathan S. Thomas
  Name: Jonathan S. Thomas
  Title: President
Date: March 31, 2010

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Jonathan S. Thomas
  Name: Jonathan S. Thomas
  Title: President
    (principal executive officer)
Date: March 31, 2010

By: /s/ Robert J. Leach
  Name: Robert J. Leach
  Title: Vice President, Treasurer, and
    Chief Financial Officer
    (principal financial officer)
Date: March 31, 2010