Table of Contents




Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 6-K






For the month of May 2009



LG Display Co., Ltd.

(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)



20 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-721, The Republic of Korea

(Address of principal executive offices)



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Table of Contents


(From January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009)








1. Company


  A. Name and Contact Information
  B. Domestic Credit Rating
  C. Capitalization
  D. Voting Rights
  E. Dividends


2. Business


  A. Business Overview
  B. Industry
  C. New Business


3. Major Products and Raw Materials


  A. Major products in 2009 (Q1)
  B. Average selling price trend of major products
  C. Major raw materials


4. Production & Equipment


  A. Production capacity and calculation
  B. Production performance and utilization ratio
  C. Investment plan


5. Sales


  A. Sales performance
  B. Sales route and sales method


6. Market Risks and Risk Management


  A. Market Risks
  B. Risk Management


7. Derivative Contracts


  A. Derivative Instruments
  B. Hedge of fair value
  C. Hedge of cash flows
  D. Realized gains and losses


8. Major Contracts


9. Research & Development


  A. Summary of R&D Expense
  B. R&D Achievements


10. Customer Service

Table of Contents
11. Intellectual property


12. Environmental Matters


13. Financial Information


  A. Financial highlights
  B. Status of equity investment


14. Audit Information


15. Board of Directors


  A. Independence of directors
  B. Members of the board of directors
  C. Committees of the board of directors


16. Information Regarding Shares


  A. Total number of shares
  B. Shareholder list


17. Directors & Employees


  A. Directors
  B. Employees


18. Subsequent Event



  1. Korean GAAP Non-consolidated Financial Statements
  2. Korean GAAP Consolidated Financial Statements

Table of Contents
1. Company


  A. Name and Contact Information

The name of our company is “EL-GI DISPLAY CHUSIK HOESA”, which shall be written in English as “LG Display Co., Ltd.”

Our principal executive offices are located at West Tower, LG Twin Towers, 20 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 150-721, and our telephone number at that address is +82- 2-3777-1005. Our website address is http://www.lgdisplay.com.


  B. Domestic Credit Rating




Month of rating


Rating agency

(Rating range)

Corporate Debenture

   June 2006    AA-   

National Information & Credit Evaluation, Inc.

(AAA ~ D)

   December 2006    A+   
   June 2007    A+   
   September 2008    A+   
   June 2006    AA-   

Korea Investors Service, Inc.

(AAA ~ D)

   January 2007    A+   
   June 2007    A+   
   September 2008    A+   

Commercial Paper

   January 2006    A1   

National Information & Credit Evaluation, Inc.

(A1 ~ D)

   June 2006    A1   
   December 2006    A1   
   June 2007    A1   
   December 2007    A1   
   September 2008    A1   
   December 2008    A1   
   June 2006    A1   

Korea Investors Service, Inc.

(A1 ~ D)

   January 2007    A1   
   June 2007    A1   
   December 2007    A1   
   September 2008    A1   

Table of Contents
  C. Capitalization


  (1) Change in Capital Stock (as of March 31, 2009)


      (Unit: Won, Share)


   Description   Change in number of
common shares
   Face amount
per share

July 23, 2004

   Offering*   33,600,000    5,000

September 8, 2004

   Follow-on offering**   1,715,700    5,000

July 27, 2005

   Follow-on offering***   32,500,000    5,000


*       ADSs offering: 24,960,000 shares (US$30 per share, US$15 per ADS)

Initial public offering in Korea: 8,640,000 shares ((Won)34,500 per share)

**     ADSs offering: 1,715,700 shares ((Won)34,500 per share) pursuant to the exercise of greenshoe option by the underwriters

***  ADSs offering: 32,500,000 shares (US$42.64 per share, US$21.32 per ADS)


  (2) Convertible Bonds (as of March 31, 2009)



(Unit: USD, Share)




Issuing date

   April 18, 2007
Maturity (Redemption date after put option exercise)   

April 18, 2012

(April 18, 2010)

Face Amount    US$550,000,000
Offering method    Public offering
Conversion period    Convertible into shares of common stock during the period from April 19, 2008 to April 3, 2012
Conversion price    (Won)48,251 per share*
Conversion status    Number of shares already converted    None
   Number of convertible shares    10,641,851 shares if all are converted*

- Registered form

- Listed on Singapore Exchange


*       Conversion price was adjusted from (Won)49,070 to (Won)48,760 and the number of convertible shares was adjusted from 10,464,234 to 10,530,762 following the approval by the shareholders of a cash dividend of (Won)750 per share at the annual general meeting of shareholders on February 29, 2008. Conversion price was further adjusted from (Won)48,760 to (Won)48,251 and the number of shares issuable upon conversion was adjusted from 10,530,762 to 10,641,851 following the approval by the shareholders of a cash dividend of (Won)500 per share at the annual general meeting of shareholders on March 13, 2009.


Table of Contents
  D. Voting rights (as of March 31, 2009)


     (Unit: share)


   Number of shares

1. Shares with voting rights [A-B]


A. Total shares issued


B. Shares without voting rights


2. Shares with restricted voting rights


Total number of shares with voting rights [1-2]



  E. Dividends

At the annual general meeting of shareholders on March 13, 2009, our shareholders approved a cash dividend of (Won)500 per share of common stock.

Dividends during the recent three fiscal years



   2009 Q1     2008    2007

Par value (Won)

   5,000     5,000    5,000

Net income (loss) (Million Won)

   (257,182 )   1,086,896    1,344,027

Earnings (Loss) per share (Won)

   (719 )   3,038    3,756

Total cash dividend amount (Million Won)

   —       178,908    268,362

Total stock dividend amount (Million Won)

   —       —      —  

Cash dividend payout ratio (%)

   —       16.5    20.0

Cash dividend yield (%)

   —       2.2    1.6

Stock dividend yield (%)

   —       —      —  

Cash dividend per share (Won)

   —       500    750

Stock dividend per share (Share)

   —       —      —  


*       Earnings per share is calculated based on par value of (Won)5,000 per share.

(As a result of a stock split, par value of our shares changed to (Won)5,000 per share from (Won)10,000 per share as of May 25, 2004.)

*       Earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income by weighted average number of common stock.

*       Cash dividend yield is the percentage that is derived by dividing cash dividend by the arithmetic average of the daily closing prices of our common stock during the one-week period ending two trading days prior to the closing of the register of shareholders for the purpose of determining the shareholders entitled to receive annual dividends.


2. Business


  A. Business overview

We were incorporated in February 1985 under the laws of the Republic of Korea. LG Electronics and LG Semicon transferred their respective LCD business to us in 1998, and since then our business has been focused on the research, development, manufacture and sale of display panels applying technologies such as TFT-LCD, LTPS-LCD and OLED.

Table of Contents

As of March 31, 2009, we operated fabrication facilities and module facilities in Paju and Gumi, Korea, an

OLED facility in Gumi, Korea and a LCD research center in Paju, Korea. We have also established sales subsidiaries in the United States, Europe and Asia.

As of March 31, 2009, our business consisted of (i) the manufacture and sale of LCD, (ii) the manufacture and sale of OLED and (iii) the manufacture and sale of television sets that utilize our LCD panels. Because our OLED business represents only an extremely small part of our overall business, only our LCD business has been categorized as a reporting business segment. In addition, because our TV sales business is operated by our affiliated company, we have not categorized our TV sales business as a separate reporting business segment.

Financial highlights by business (based on non-consolidated, Korean GAAP)


     (Unit: In billions of (Won))  

2009 Q1

   LCD business  

Sales Revenue


Gross Loss

   (285 )

Operating Loss

   (451 )


  B. Industry


  (1) Industry characteristics and growth potential



TFT-LCD technology is one of the most widely used technologies in the manufacture of flat panel displays and the demand for flat panel displays is growing. The flat panel display industry is characterized by entry barriers due to rapidly evolving technology, capital-intensive characteristics, and the significant investments required to achieve economies of scale, among other factors. There is intense competition between a relatively small number of players within the industry and production capacity in the industry, including ours, is being continually increased.



The demand for LCD panels for notebook computers & monitors has grown, to a degree, in tandem with the growth in the IT industry. The demand for LCD panels for TVs has been growing as digital broadcasting is becoming more common and as LCD TV has come to play an important role in the digital display market. There is competition between TFT-LCD and PDP technologies in the area of large flat TV products. In addition, markets for small- to medium-sized LCD panels, such as mobile phones, P-A/V, medical applications and automobile navigation systems, among others, has shown continued growth.

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The average selling prices of LCD panels may continue to decline with time irrespective of general business cycles as a result of, among other factors, technology advancements and cost reductions.


  (2) Cyclicality



The TFT-LCD business is highly cyclical. In spite of the increase in demand for products, this industry has experienced periodic volatility caused by imbalances between demand and supply due to capacity expansion within the industry.



Intense competition and expectations of demand growth may lead panel manufacturers to invest in manufacturing capacity on similar schedules, resulting in a surge in capacity when production is ramped up at new fabrication facilities.



During such surges in capacity growth, the average selling prices of display panels may decline. Conversely, demand surges and fluctuations in the supply chain may lead to price increases.


  (3) Market Condition



The TFT-LCD industry is highly competitive due largely to additional industry capacity from TFT-LCD panel makers.



Most TFT-LCD panel makers are located in Asia.


  a. Korea: LG Display, Samsung Electronics (including a joint venture between Samsung Electronics and Sony Corporation), Hydis Technology


  b. Taiwan: AU Optronics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics, CPT, etc.


  c. Japan: Sharp, IPS-Alpha, etc.


  d. China: SVA-NEC, BOE-OT, etc.


  (4) Market shares



Our worldwide market share for large-size TFT-LCD panels (10-inch or large) based on revenue


    2008     2007  

Panel for Notebook Computers

   32.7 %**   29.6 %**   28.5 %

Panel for Monitors

   22.9 %   17.7 %   15.6 %

Panel for TVs

   26.4 %   19.4 %   22.0 %


   26.4 %   20.6 %   20.4 %


*       Source: DisplaySearch Q2 2009

**     Includes panels for netbooks.




  (5) Competitiveness



Our ability to compete successfully depends on factors both within and outside our control, including product

Table of Contents

pricing, our relationship with our customers, successful and timely investment and product development, cost competitiveness, success in marketing to our end-brand customers, component and raw material supply costs, foreign exchange rate and general economic and industry conditions.



Most importantly, it is critical to have cost leadership and stable and long-term relationships with customers that can lead to profitability even in a buyer’s market.



A substantial portion of our sales is attributable to a limited number of end-brand customers and their designated system integrators. The loss of these end-brand customers, as a result of customers entering into strategic supplier arrangements with our competitors or otherwise, would thus result in reduced sales.



Developing new products and technologies that can be differentiated from those of our competitors is critical to the success of our business. We take active measures to protect our intellectual property internationally by obtaining patents and undertaking monitoring activities in our major markets. It is also necessary to recruit and retain experienced key managerial personnel and highly skilled line operators.



We reinforced our position as a leader in LCD technology by developing an ultra slim LCD module (8.9mm in thickness) for 47-inch LCD TVs, a large 3D multi-vision LCD panel which does not require special viewing glasses, one of the world’s most energy efficient LCD panels for 32-inch LCD TVs which can operate on up to 56% less power than conventional models, a 47-inch digital photo TV which can utilize its standby power to display digital pictures and Trumotion 480Hz LCD panel which refreshes 480 frames per second to substantially decrease afterimage and provide viewers with high-quality images that cause less eye fatigue.



Moreover, we formed strategic alliances or entered into long-term sales contracts with major global firms such as Dell, Hewlett Packard and Kodak of the United States and Japan’s Toshiba, among others, to secure customers and expand partnerships for technology development. In January 2009, we entered into a long term supply agreement with Apple Inc. to supply display panels to Apple Inc. for five years.


  C. New business



In October 2007, we decided to invest in an 8th generation fabrication facility (P8) to expand our production capacity in line with the growing large-sized LCD TV market. The construction of P8 has been completed and mass production at P8 has commenced for certain production lines beginning in March 2009.



In June 2008, we launched the OLED Business Unit in anticipation of future growth in the OLED business. In addition, we also plan to strengthen our market position in the future display technologies by accelerating the development of flexible display technologies and leading the LED back-light LCD market.



In order to facilitate a cooperative purchasing relationship with HannStar Display Corporation (HannStar), a company that manufactures TFT-LCD panels in Taiwan, we decided to purchase 180 million shares of preferred stock of HannStar at a purchase price of NT$3,170,250,000. We acquired the preferred shares in February 2008. The preferred shares mature in three years and are convertible into shares of common stock of HannStar.



We are making an effort to increase our competitiveness by forming cooperative relationships with our suppliers and

Table of Contents

purchasers of our products. As part of this effort, in June 2008 we purchased 2,037,204 shares of AVACO Co., Ltd., which produces sputters, a core equipment for LCD production, and we purchased 1,008,875 shares of TLI Co., Ltd., which produces core LCD panel components such as “Timing Controllers” and “Driver Integrated Circuits”. In July 2008, we purchased 6,850,000 shares of common stock of New Optics Ltd. In addition, in February 2009, we purchased 3,000,000 shares of common stock of ADP Engineering Co., Ltd., which was approximately 12.9% of its then outstanding shares. By promoting strategic relationships with equipments and parts suppliers, which enables us to obtain a stable source of supply of equipments and parts at competitive prices, we have strengthened our competitive position in the LCD business.



In July 2008, we and Skyworth RGB Electronics founded a R&D joint venture corporation with a registered capital of CNY 50 million in China.



In October 2008, we established a joint venture company with AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd., a Taiwan corporation. The joint venture company will supply both parties with TFT-LCD modules and TFT-LCD televisions. Through the establishment of this joint venture, we are able to further expand our customer base by securing a long-term stable panel dealer. It also allows us to produce LCD modules and LCD TV sets in a single factory, which enables us to provide our customers with products that are competitive both in terms of technology and price.


3. Major Products and Raw Materials


  A. Major products in 2009 (Q1)

We manufacture TFT-LCD panels, of which a significant majority is exported overseas.


     (Unit: In billions of Won)  

Business area


Specific use

   Sales (%)  


  Panels for Notebook Computer, Monitor, TV and Applications    LG Display    3,217 (93.9% )
  Panels for Notebook Computer, Monitor, TV and Applications    LG Display    210 (6.1% )


              3,427 (100% )


*       Including local export.

**     Period: January 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2009.




  B. Average selling price trend of major products

The average selling prices of LCD panels have continued to decline over the past few years due to the imbalance between supply and demand for LCD panels. However, such imbalance between supply and demand has somewhat lessened recently, and the average selling prices of LCD panels have declined at a slower rate.

Table of Contents
     (Unit: USD / m2)


   2009 Q1    2008 Q4    2008 Q3    2008 Q2

TFT-LCD panel

   669    766    992    1,274


*          Semi-finished products in the cell process have been excluded.

**       Quarterly average selling price per square meter of net display area shipped

***     On a consolidated basis


  C. Major raw materials

Prices of major raw materials depend on fluctuations in supply and demand in the market as well as on change

in size and quantity of raw materials due to the increased production of large-size panels.


     (Unit: In billions of Won)


   Items    Specific use    Purchase
   Ratio (%)    



   Raw Materials    Back-Light    LCD panel
   701    25.67 %   Heesung Electronics Ltd., etc.
      Glass       734    26.90 %   Samsung Corning Precision Glass Co., Ltd., NEG, etc.
      Polarizer       369    13.53 %   LG Chem., etc.
      Others       925    33.90 %   —  


   2,730    100 %   —  


*       Period: January 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2009


4. Production and Equipment


  A. Production capacity and calculation


  (1) Calculation method of production capacity

Quarter: Maximum monthly input capacity during the quarter × number of months (3 months). Year: Maximum monthly input capacity during the year x number of months (12 months).

Table of Contents
  (2) Production capacity


     (Unit : 1,000 Glass sheets)

Business area

   Items    Business place    2009 Q1    2008    2007


   TFT-LCD    Gumi, Paju    3,020    12,492    11,544


*       Glass size per each factory not considered.


  B. Production performance and utilization ratio


  (1) Production performance


     (Unit: 1,000 Glass sheets)

Business area

   Items    Business place    2009 (Q1)    2008    2007


   TFT-LCD    Gumi, Paju    2,609    11,042    10,182


  (2) Utilization Ratio


     (Unit: Hours)  

Business place (area)

   Available working hours
of 2009 (Q1)
  Real working hours
of 2009 (Q1)
utilization ratio




(24 hours x 90 days)


(24 hours x 87.8 days)

  98 %




(24 hours x 90 days)


(24 hours x 89.5 days)

  99 %


  C. Investment plan

In connection with our strategy to expand our TFT-LCD production capacity, we estimate that we will incur capital expenditures of approximately (Won)2.5 trillion for the expansion of existing production lines and the construction of new facilities. Such amount is subject to change depending on business conditions and market environment.


5. Sales


  A. Sales performance


     (Unit: In billions of Won)

Business area

   Sales types    Items (Market)   2009
   2008    2007


   Products, etc.    TFT-LCD    Overseas   3,217    14,802    13,137
         Korea*   210    1,063    1,026
         Total   3,427    15,865    14,163


*       Includes local export.

Table of Contents
  B. Sales route and sales method


  (1) Sales organization



As of March 31, 2009, each of our IT Business Unit, TV Business Unit, Mobile Business Unit and OLED Business Unit had individual sales and customer support functions.



Sales subsidiaries in the United States, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and China (Shanghai and Shenzhen) perform sales activities in overseas countries and provide local technical support to customers.


  (2) Sales route

One of the following:



LG Display HQ à Overseas subsidiaries (USA/Germany/Japan/Taiwan/Singapore/Shenzhen/Shanghai), etc. à System integrators, Branded customers à End users



LG Display HQ à System integrators, Branded customers à End users


  (3) Sales methods and sales terms



Direct sales and sales through overseas subsidiaries, etc. Sales terms are subject to change depending on the fluctuation in the supply and demand of LCD panels


  (4) Sales strategy



To secure stable sales to major PC makers and the leading consumer electronics makers globally



To increase sales of premium notebook computer products, to strengthen sales of the larger size and high-end monitor segment and to lead the large and wide LCD TV market including in the category of full-HD 120Hz TV monitors



To diversify our market in the mobile business segment, including products such as mobile phone, P-A/V, automobile navigation systems, e-book, aircraft instrumentation and medical diagnostic equipment, etc.


  (5) Purchase Orders



Customers generally place purchase orders with us one month prior to delivery. Our customary practice for procuring orders from our customers and delivering our products to such customers is as follows:



Receive order from customer (overseas sales subsidiaries, etc.) à Headquarter is notified à Manufacture product à Ship product (overseas sales subsidiaries, etc.) à Sell product (overseas sales subsidiaries, etc.)

Table of Contents
6. Market Risks and Risk Management


  A. Market Risks

Our industry continues to experience steady declines in the average selling prices of display panels irrespective of cyclical fluctuations in the industry, and our margins would be adversely impacted if prices decrease faster than we are able to reduce our costs.

The TFT-LCD industry is highly competitive. We have experienced pressure on the prices and margins of our major products due largely to additional industry capacity from panel makers in Korea, Taiwan, China and Japan. Our main competitors in the industry include Samsung Electronics, Infovision, Hydis, AU Optronics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, HannStar, Innolux, SVA-NEC, BOE-OT, Sharp, Hitachi, TMDisplay, Mitsubishi, Sony and IPS-Alpha.

Our ability to compete successfully depends on factors both within and outside our control, including product pricing, performance and reliability, successful and timely investment and product development, success or failure of our end-brand customers in marketing their brands and products, component and raw material supply costs, and general economic and industry conditions. We cannot provide assurance that we will be able to compete successfully with our competitors on these fronts and, as a result, we may be unable to sustain our current market position.

Our results of operations are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. To the extent that we incur costs in one currency and generate sales in a different currency, our profit margins may be affected by changes in the exchange rates between the two currencies. Our sales of display panels are denominated mainly in U.S. dollars, whereas our purchases of raw materials are denominated mainly in U.S. dollars and Japanese Yen. Our risk management policy regarding foreign currency risk is to minimize the impact of foreign currency fluctuations on our foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities.


  B. Risk Management

The average selling prices of display panels have declined in general and could continue to decline with time irrespective of industry-wide cyclical fluctuations. Certain contributing factors for this decline will be beyond our ability to control and manage. However, in anticipation of such price decline we have continued to develop new technologies and have implemented various cost reduction measures. In addition, in order to manage our risk against foreign currency fluctuations, we have entered into cross-currency interest rate swap contracts and foreign currency forward contracts.

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7. Derivative contracts


  A. Derivative Instruments

Derivative instruments used by us for hedging purposes as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


Hedging purpose


Derivative instrument

Hedge of fair value    Foreign currency forwards
Hedge of cash flows    Cross currency swap
   Interest rate swap


  B. Hedge of fair value

We enter into foreign currency forward contracts to manage the exposure to changes in the value of foreign

currency denominated accounts receivable and accounts payable in accordance with its foreign currency risk

management policy. Hedge accounting is not applied to the abovementioned derivatives.


  (1) Foreign currency forward contracts

Details of foreign currency forwards outstanding as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:

(In millions of Won, JPY and USD, except forward rate)



   Maturity date    Selling    Buying    Forward rate

BNP Paribas Bank and others

   April 1, 2009
~ May 20, 2009
   US$  340    (Won) 471,207    (Won)


1,302.2:US$1 ~


Standard Chartered First Bank Korea and others

   April 13, 2009
~ April 14, 2009
   US$  41    JPY  4,000    JPY


 97.00:US$1 ~


BNP Paribas and others

   April 13, 2009    (Won) 28,664    JPY 2,000    (Won)


13.98:JPY1 ~


Table of Contents
  (2) Unrealized gains and losses

Unrealized gains and losses related to the above derivatives as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:

(In millions of Won)



   Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses

Foreign Currency Forwards

   (Won) 6,237    15,785

The unrealized gains and losses are charged to operations as gains and losses on foreign currency translation for the three months ended March 31, 2009


  C. Hedge of cash flows

We enter into cross currency swap and interest rate swap contracts to manage the exposure to changes in cash flows from changes in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates related to floating rate debt. Details of the our derivative instruments related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


  (1) Cross Currency Swap

(In millions of Won and USD, except forward rate)




Maturity date

   Selling    Buying   

Contract rate

Kookmin Bank and others


August 29, 2011~

January 31, 2012

     —      US$ 150    Receive floating rate   


3M LIBOR+0.53%

      (Won) 143,269      —      Pay fixed rate    4.54%~5.35%

Net unrealized gains and losses, net of the related deferred tax effects, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the above-mentioned cross currency swap, the present value of unrealized losses recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income that are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months is (Won)7,145 million.


  (2) Interest Rate Swap

(In millions of USD, except forward rate)




Maturity date

   Contract amount   

Contract rate

Standard Chartered First Bank Korea


May 21, 2009~

May 24, 2010

   US$ 150    Receive floating rate    6M LIBOR

Pay fixed rate


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Net unrealized gains and losses, net of the related deferred tax effects, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the above-mentioned interest rate swap, the present value of unrealized losses recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income that are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months is (Won)4,560 million.


  (3) Unrealized gains and losses

Unrealized gains and losses, before tax, related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:

(In millions of Won)



   Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses    Cash flow hedge

Cross currency swap(*)

   —      21,122    Fulfilled

Interest rate swap

   —      8,793    Fulfilled
  (*) The unrealized gains amounting to (Won)17,940 million related to the foreign exchange rate risk are recognized as gains in the non-consolidated statement of income in the current period.


  D. Realized gains and losses

Realized gains and losses related to derivative instruments for the year ended March 31, 2009 are as follows:

(In millions of Won)


Hedge purpose



   Transaction gains    Transaction

Cash flow hedge

   Cross currency swap    55    252

Cash flow hedge

   Foreign currency forwards    —      2,534

Fair value hedge

   Foreign currency forwards    4,885    38,333

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8. Major contracts



January 2009: We entered into a long-term supply agreement with Apple Inc. to supply LCD panels to Apple Inc. for 5 years. In connection with the Agreement, we received long-term advances from Apple Inc. in the amount of US$500,000,000 in January 2009 which will be offset as the consideration for products supplied to Apple Inc.


9. Research & Development


  A. Summary of R&D Expense


          (Unit: In millions of Won)  


   2009 Q1     2008     2007  

Material Cost

   87,055     302,445     246,577  

Labor Cost

   43,012     128,041     110,586  

Depreciation Expense

   24,151     21,679     22,516  


   23,896     49,027     34,737  

Total R&D Expense

   178,114     501,192     414,416  

Accounting Treatment


Selling & Administrative Expenses

   38,133     148,037     106,082  

Manufacturing Cost

   139,981     353,155     308,334  

R&D Expense / Sales Ratio

[Total R&D Expense/Sales for the period×100]

   5.2 %   3.2 %   2.9 %


  B. R&D achievements

[Achievements in 2007]


  1) Development of first Poland model



32-inch HD model


  2) Development of socket type backlight model



42-inch FHD model



47-inch HD/FHD model

Table of Contents
  3) Development of new concept backlight model



Development of 32-inch HD model



42/47-inch model under development


  4) Development of interlace image sticking free technology and model



Improvement of low picture quality caused by TV interlace signals


  5) Development of TFT-LCD with ODF (One Drop Filling) for mobile phone application



Our first ODF model for mobile phone application (1.52 inch)


  6) Development of GIP (Gate in Panel) application model 15XGA



Removed gate drive IC: 3ea g 0ea



Reduction in net material costs and shortening of assembly process


  7) 24-inch TN (92%) monitor model development



The world’s first large-size panel TN application



Realization of 92% high color gamut on the world’s largest TN panel


  8) 15.4-inch LED backlight applied model development



The world’s first 15.4-inch wide LED-applied display panel for notebook computers



The world’s largest LED-applied panel for notebook computers


  9) Development of FHD 120Hz display panel



37- to 47-inch FHD model


  10) Development of backlight localization model



32-inch HD model


  11) Development of enhanced Dynamic Contrast Ratio technology



32-inch HD model



Enhanced from 5000:1 to 10000:1


  12) Development of technology that improves panel transmittance



Expected to be applied to new models


  13) Development of THM (through-hole mounting) technology and model



37- to 47-inch model



Providing more mounting options to users


  14) Development of the world’s first DRD (Double Rate Driving) technology-applied model



Source Drive IC reduction: 6ea g 3ea



Reduction in net material costs and shortening of assembly process


  15) COG (Chip On Panel) applied model development



Development of thin and light LCD panels made possible by flat type structure


  16) 26-inch/30-inch IPS 102% monitor model development



Development of 26-inch/30-inch IPS model that can realize 102% wide color gamut

Table of Contents
  17) 2.4-inch narrow bezel for Mobile Display



The borders on the left and right sides of this 2.4-inch qVGA-resolution (240RGB×320) LCD panel measure just 1mm each. Most a-Si TFT LCD panels currently produced generally have borders measuring closer to 2mm


  18) Development of 6-inch Electrophoretic Display Product (EDP) to be used in e-books. The first EPD product for LG Display



The first EDP to be developed and launched for e-books, the 6-inch SVGA-resolution (800RGBX600) EDP will be supplied to SONY

[Achievements in 2008]


  19) 42FHD Ultra-Slim LCD TV development



Development of ultra-slim (19.8mm in thickness) 42-inch TV panel


  20) 37FHD COF adoption LCD TV development



Cost reduction with TCP g COF change: $2.4 (as of March 2008)


  21) CCFL Scanning Backlight Technology development



Achieve 6ms MPRT from 8ms


  22) 24WUXGA monitor model development applying RGB LED backlight



High color gamut (NTSC > 105%), color depth (10 bit)


  23) 13.3-inch notebook computer model development applying LED backlight



Thin & Light model development applying LED backlight and COG technology (3.5mm in thickness, 275g in weight)


  24) IPS GIP technology development



Developed LCD industry’s first WUXGA GIP technology in wide view mode area (IPS, VA)



Comparative advantage in cost & transmittance over VA


  25) Notebook computer model development applying RGB LED backlight



High color gamut (100%) notebook computer model development applied RGB LED backlight


  26) Free Form LCD development (Elliptical, Circle)



Development of the world’s largest 6-inch elliptical and 1.4-inch circular-shaped LCD panels



Developing non-traditional shaped displays by applying (i) error-free, cutting-edge techniques to overcome technical limitations in making curved LCD panels, (ii) accumulated panel design knowledge and (iii) unique screen information processing algorithm



Potential applications of the elliptical-shaped LCD panels include digital photo frame, as well as instrument panels for automobiles and home electronics. The circular LCD panel is expected to make a huge impact in the design of small digital devices like mobile phones, watches and gaming devices.


  27) 42HD power consumption saving technology development



Power consumption reduction using lamp mura coverage technology which reduces the number of lamps used for B/L from 18pcs(160W) to 9pcs(80W) in case of 42-inch HD LCD panels

Table of Contents
  28) New liquid crystal development



CR: Up 5% compared with the MP level



Material cost is similar to the MP material


  39) New AG Polarizer development



New Polarizer which has a low CR drop ratio under bright room condition



CR drop ratio under 1,500lux compared with dark room condition : 82% g 67%


  30) PSM (Potential Sharing Method) technology development

(Improves the Yogore mura characteristics by applying a different electric circuit driving method)



The time for Yogore mura occurrence delayed by more than 50%

: Black line 1level base, 552Hrs, 720Hrs g 1,392Hrs, 2,064Hrsh


  31) LED backlight 47FHD TV model in development



Development of next generation light source which enables realization of ultra slim LCD panels


  32) 24WUXGA monitor model development applying RGB LED backlight



Our first green & slim monitor model development applying white LED backlight (thickness 18.3mm)



Our first display port interface type monitor


  33) Line up of aspect ratio 16:9 wide models (185W, 23W, 27W)



16:9 models provide for better productivity and larger contents area than existing 16:10 models



Supports HD or FHD that are compatible with TV applications



Development of our first 27W size model


  34) Power consumption saving monitor model development



Reduces power consumption by 40% by decreasing the number of B/L lamps from 4pcs to 2pcs (17SXGA, 19SXGA, 185WXGA, 19WXGA+. 22WSXGA+)


  35) Notebook model development applying VIC (Viewing Image Control) technology



Unlike existing models which use external polarizer attachments to adjust viewing angles, the VIC technology allows for the adjustment to be controlled by the LCD panel itself. (Wide viewing angle « Narrow viewing angle)


  36) Notebook model development applying 0.3t glass



Thin & Light model development applying 0.3t glass


  37) 8.9-inch small size Notebook (Netbook) Model development



Development of minimum size notebook model for improved portability


  38) New aspect ratio 16:9 Notebook Model development



Existing aspect ratios: 16:10, 4:3



New aspect ratio 16:9, 15.6-inch Notebook Model development


  39) Development of highest resolution for Mobile application that uses the a-Si method.



Development of the world’s first 3-inch WVGA LCD panels (300ppi)


  40) 42FHD Super Narrow Bezel LCD TV Development



Development of Narrow Bezel (10.0mm in metal bezel) 42-inch TV panel

Table of Contents
  41) 47FHD Slim Depth & Narrow Bezel LCD TV Development



Development of Slim (20.8mm in thickness) & Narrow Bezel (14.0mm in metal bezel) 47-inch TV panel


  42) Display Port development



Securing the next generation Interface technology that will replace the current LVDS interface: Decreases the number of connector pins from 91pin (51+41) to 30pin and improves EMI characteristics


  43) LCM Rotation Circuit development



Increases the design flexibility of TV Set Customers by using a 180° screen rotation function


  44) Small- to medium-size TV model development



To meet increased demand for secondary TV set



19/22/26 inch model development


  45) 55FHD TV model development



Development of 55-inch (a new category) TV panel applying scanning B/L technology


  46) TV model development applying GIP+TRD technology



Development of 32-inch and 26-inch HD TV applying GIP+TRD technology


  47) One PCB structure development



Achieving cost reduction by combining Source PCB with Control PCB: $1.94g$1.1


  48) 42FHD Gate Single Bank technology development



Gate Drive IC reduction by applying 42FHD Gate Single Bank technology: 8ea g 4ea


  49) 22-inch WSXGA+ model development for Economy IPS Monitor



Development of the world’s first Economy IPS 22-inch WSXGA+ model



Achieving cost competitiveness by applying various cost reduction technologies, including DBEF-D sheet deletion


  50) 21.5-inch TN FHD model development applying 960ch Source Driver IC chip



Development of LG Display’s first 21.5-inch wide-format TN FHD model



Increased cost competitiveness by applying 960ch Source Driver IC chip, which reduces IC: 8ea g 6ea


  51) 27-inch TN FHD model development applying BDI (Black Data Insertion) technology



Development of LG Display’s first 27-inch wide-format TN FHD model that applies BDI technology, which removes motion picture afterimages



Applying CCA (Color Compensation Algorism) technology that enables the display of superior color tone



Achieving 16:9 spect ratio, more than 2.07 million pixel and FHD Resolution


  52) a-Si TFT based 3-inch DOD AMOLED technology development



Development of the world’s first 3-inch AMOLED applying a-Si TFT and DOD Structure



Possible to use prior LCD infrastructure (a-SI TFT) to develop AMOLED

Table of Contents
  53) Development of AMOLED applying new crystallization (A-SPC) technology



Development of the world’s first AMOLED applying non-laser crystallization method (A-SPC)



Development of the world’s largest AMOLED TV (15-inch HD)

[Achievements in 2009]


  54) Developments of 15.6-inch, 18.5-inch HD monitors for emerging market



Achieving cost reduction by focusing on basic functions and by applying GIP and DRD


  55) Development of 22-inch WSXGA+ monitor applying White LED backlight



Development of our first environmentally friendly slim model (14.5mm in thickness)



Reduces power consumption by 47% compared to conventional CCFL model by applying White LED backlight


  56) Development of 24-inch WUXGA+ monitor applying GIP



Development of the world’s first monitor applying IPS GIP technology



Increased cost competitiveness by applying 960ch Source Driver IC chip, which reduces IC: 8ea g 6ea


  57) Development of 55/47/42-inch FHD LED models



Development of “Direct thicker” LED model MP



Realization of TM240Hz


  58) 240Hz driving technology development



Development of the world’s first 1 Gate 1 Drain 240Hz driving technology


  59) Development of low voltage liquid crystal development



Improving CR by 2.7%



Decreases voltage used in liquid crystals reducing circuit heat; decreases voltage by 6.9%


  60) Development of Ez (Easy) Gamma technology



Minimize Gamma difference by using new measuring algorithm: 2.2±0.6 g 2.2±0.25


  61) Development of 22-inch White+ technology



Increases transmissivity by 66% by using White+ Quad Type Pixel structure


10. Customer Service

Through our overseas sales subsidiaries, sales teams and customer service, we make an effort in understanding our customer’s specific needs. We encourage our customers to make suggestions on how to improve our service and we try and take care of customer complaints as soon as they are made. On a semi-annual basis, we measure customer satisfaction which is reflected in the performance evaluation of our executive officers. Through such efforts, we continually strive to raise the satisfaction level of our customers. In addition, we have been providing customized service to our Chinese customers. For example, we collaborated with local Chinese companies that manufacture television sets, including Changhong, Haier, Hisense, Konka, Skyworth and TCL, to organize an IPS camp with the aim of promoting IPS. We also released high-resolution, environmentally friendly products in China that are customized to meet the needs of our Chinese customers.

Table of Contents
11. Intellectual Property

As of March 31, 2009, we currently hold a total of 10,455 patents, including 5,180 in Korea, and 5,275 in other countries.


12. Environmental Matters

The industry in which we operate is subject to strict environmental laws and regulations, and a violation of such laws or regulations could lead to a fine or a suspension of our operations. Our production processes generate various forms of chemical waste, waste water and other industrial waste at various stages in the manufacturing process and we are subject to the various laws and regulations that regulate chemical by-product, and the usage, storage and effluence of such waste. We have installed various types of anti-pollution equipment for the treatment of chemical waste and wastewater, and equipment for the recycling of treated wastewater in our facilities in Korea. As of March 31, 2009, we were party to voluntary agreements, which reflect a coordinated energy conservation initiative between government and industry. In accordance with such agreements, we have implemented a variety of energy-saving measures in those facilities, including installation of energy saving devices and consulting with energy conservation specialists. We also established an overall greenhouse gas emissions inventory system for our domestic sites, which was verified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, which is certified as the designated operational entity for CDM by the CDM Executive Board.

As required by Korean law, we employ licensed environmental specialists for each environmental area, including air quality, water quality, toxic materials and radiation. We currently have ISO 14001 certifications with respect to the environmental record for P1 through P7, the Gumi module production plant and the Paju module production plant, as well as our module production plants in Nanjing and Guangzhou, China.

We have been certified by the Korean Ministry of Environment as an “Environmentally Friendly Company”, with respect to our environmental record for P1 and our module production plant in Gumi since 1997, with respect to our operations at P2 and P3 since 2006, and with respect to our operations at P4, P5 and P6 since 2008. We also have an internal monitoring system to control the use of hazardous substances in the manufacture of our products as we are committed to compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, including European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC, which took effect on July 1, 2006 and restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. In June 2006, we became the first TFT-LCD panel manufacturer to be recognized as an internationally accredited RoHS testing laboratory by the European Union’s German accreditation organization, EU TÜV SÜD.

Table of Contents

In October 2007, we became the first TFT-LCD company to be certified the International Electrotechnical Commission-Hazardous Substance Process Management (IECQ-HSPM) QC 080000, which is an international system requirements document intended to help organizations manage hazardous substances in their components and products through hazardous substance process management, and demonstrates the organization’s conformity with RoHS.

Furthermore, we are operating a “green purchasing system,” which excludes the hazardous materials at the purchasing stage. This system has enabled us to comply with various environmental legislations of hazardous substances, from European Union RoHS to China RoHS.


13. Financial Information


  A. Financial highlights (Based on Non-consolidated, Korean GAAP)


     (Unit: In millions of Won)  


   2009 Q1    2008    2007    2006     2005  

Current Assets

   7,025,110    6,256,112    5,644,253    2,731,656     3,196,934  

Quick Assets

   6,057,456    5,374,609    4,963,657    1,996,280     2,725,169  


   967,654    881,503    680,596    735,376     471,765  

Non-current Assets

   10,735,444    10,245,875    7,750,182    10,084,191     9,798,981  


   1,052,039    973,322    489,114    361,558     213,984  

Tangible Assets

   8,762,759    8,431,214    6,830,600    8,860,076     8,988,459  

Intangible Assets

   200,604    194,343    111,530    114,182     149,894  

Other Non-current Asset

   720,042    646,996    318,938    748,375     446,644  

Total Assets

   17,760,554    16,501,987    13,394,435    12,815,847     12,995,915  

Current Liabilities

   5,466,306    4,227,226    2,245,410    2,694,389     2,594,282  

Non-current Liabilities

   3,459,824    2,998,739    2,859,652    3,231,782     2,726,036  

Total Liabilities

   8,926,130    7,225,965    5,105,062    5,926,171     5,320,318  

Capital Stock

   1,789,079    1,789,079    1,789,079    1,789,079     1,789,079  

Capital Surplus

   2,311,071    2,311,071    2,311,071    2,275,172     2,279,250  

Other Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Loss)

   168,429    173,938    5,823    (13,948 )   (1,418 )

Retained Earnings

   4,565,845    5,001,934    4,183,400    2,839,373     3,608,686  

Total Shareholder’s Equity

   8,834,424    9,276,022    8,289,373    6,889,676     7,675,597  

Table of Contents


   2009 Q1     2008    2007    2006     2005

Sales Revenues

   3,426,950     15,865,240    14,163,131    10,200,660     8,890,155

Operating Income (Loss)

   (450,577 )   1,536,306    1,491,135    (945,208 )   447,637

Income(Loss) from continuing operation

   (257,182 )   1,086,896    1,344,027    (769,313 )   517,012

Net Income (Loss)

   (257,182 )   1,086,896    1,344,027    (769,313 )   517,012

Earnings (loss) per share – basic

   (719 )   3,038    3,756    (2,150 )   1,523

Earnings (loss) per share – diluted

   (719 )   3,003    3,716    (2,150 )   1,523


  B. Status of equity investment



Status of equity investment as of March 31, 2009:



   Paid in Capital   

Equity Investment Date


LG Display America, Inc.

   US$ 5,000,000    September 24, 1999    100 %

LG Display Germany GmbH

   EURO 960,000    November 5, 1999    100 %

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

   ¥ 95,000,000    October 12, 1999    100 %

LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

   NT$ 115,500,000    May 19, 2000    100 %

LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

   CNY 1,664,435,880    July 15, 2002    100 %

LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd.

   CNY 4,138,650    January 16, 2003    100 %

LG Display Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

   HK$ 11,500,000    January 24, 2003    100 %

LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

   PLN 410,327,700    September 6, 2005    80 %

LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

   CNY 582,179,730    August 7, 2006    84 %

LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

   CNY 3,775,250    August 28,2007    100 %

Suzhou Raken Technology Co., Ltd.

   CNY 71,142,623    October 7, 2008    51 %

LG Display Singapore Co., Ltd.

   SGD 1,400,000    January 12, 2009    100 %

Paju Electric Glass Co., Ltd.

   (Won) 14,400,000,000    March 25, 2005    40 %

TLI Co., Ltd.

   (Won) 14,073,806,250    May 16, 2008    13 %

AVACO Co., Ltd.

   (Won) 6,172,728,120    June 9, 2008    20 %

Guangzhou Vision Display Technology Research and Development Limited

   CNY 25,000,000    July 11, 2008    50 %


   (Won) 9,699,600,000    July 30, 2008    37 %

ADP Engineering Co., Ltd.

   (Won) 6,300,000,000    February 24, 2009    13 %

Table of Contents
14. Audit Information



(Unit: In millions of Won)



2009 Q1






   KPMG Samjong    KPMG Samjong   




   Audit by independent auditor    Audit by independent auditor   

Audit by independent



   700 (540)*    750 (750)**    650 (1,407)***

Time required

   4,471    23,100    14,725


* Compensation amount in ( ) is for US-GAAP audit, 20-F filing and SOX404 audit
** Compensation amount in ( ) is for US-GAAP audit and review and SOX404 audit
*** Compensation amount in ( ) is for US-GAAP audit and review, 20-F filing, SOX404 audit and IFRS audit Note) Compensation is based on annual contracts .


15. Board of Directors


  A. Independence of Directors



Outside director: Independent



Non-outside director: Not independent



Each of our outside directors meets the applicable independence standards set forth under the applicable laws and regulations. Each of our outside directors was nominated by the Outside Director Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee, was approved by the board of directors and was appointed at the general meeting of shareholders. None of our directors has or had any business transaction or any related party transactions with us. Our outside directors are comprised of five persons including three who are members of our audit committee. Of the remaining outside directors, Dongwoo Chun is currently serving as Chairman of the Outside Director Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee and Bruce I. Berkoff is currently serving as a member of the Remuneration Committee. As of March 31, 2009, our non-outside directors were comprised of the chief executive officer, the chief financial officer, a member who was nominated by LG Electronics and a member who was nominated by Philips Electronics. On April 30, 2009, Paul Verhagen, who was nominated by Philips Electronics, resigned from his position as our board member.


Table of Contents
  B. Members of the Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors (as of March 31, 2009)




Date of birth




Business experience


First Elected

Young Soo Kwon

  February 6, 1957  


Director, President and

Chief Executive Officer

  President and Chief Financial Officer of LG Electronics   January 1, 2007

James (Hoyoung) Jeong

  November 2, 1961  

Director and

Chief Financial Officer

  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of LG Electronics   January 1, 2008

Simon (Shin Ik) Kang

  May 10, 1954   Director   Head of Home Entertainment Division of LG Electronics   March 1, 2008

Paul Verhagen*

  February 2, 1966   Director   Chief Financial Officer of Consumer Lifestyle Section, Philips Electronics   February 29, 2008

Ingoo Han

  October 15, 1956   Outside Director   Dean, Graduate School of Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology   July 19, 2004

Dongwoo Chun

  January 15, 1945   Outside Director   Outside Director, Pixelplus   March 23, 2005

Bruce. I. Berkoff

  August 13, 1960   Outside Director   President of LCD TV Association   February 29, 2008

Yoshihide Nakamura

  October 22, 1942   Outside Director   President of ULDAGE, Inc.   February 29, 2008

William Y. Kim

  June 6, 1956   Outside Director   Partner of Ropes & Gray LLP   February 29, 2008


* Paul Verhagen resigned on April 30, 2009.

Table of Contents
  C. Committees of the Board of Directors

Committees of the Board of Directors (as of March 31, 2009)





Audit Committee    Ingoo Han, Yoshihide Nakamura, William Y. Kim
Remuneration Committee    Simon (Shin Ik) Kang, Paul Verhagen*, Dongwoo Chun, Bruce I. Berkoff
Outside Director Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee   

Simon (Shin Ik) Kang, Paul Verhagen*, Dongwoo Chun,

William Y. Kim


* Paul Verhagen resigned on April 30, 2009.


16. Information Regarding Shares


  A. Total Number of Shares


  (1) Total number of shares authorized to be issued (as of March 31, 2009): 500,000,000 shares.


  (2) Total shares issued and outstanding (as of March 31, 2009): 357,815,700 shares.


  B. Shareholder list


  (1) Largest shareholder and related parties.



(Unit: share)





   As of March 31, 2009  

LG Electronics

   Largest Shareholder    135,625,000




Young Soo Kwon









  (2) Shareholders who owned 5% or more of our shares as of March 31, 2009


Beneficial Owner

   Number of Shares of Common Stock    Percentage  

LG Electronics

   135,625,000    37.9 %

Korea National Pension Service

   18,512,515    5.17 %

Mirae Asset Financial Group

   18,712,337    5.23 %

Table of Contents

On March 16, 2009, Philips Electronics sold all of its remaining equity interest (47,225,000 shares, or 13.2% of our common stock) in us. On February 4, 2009, National Pension Service purchased 18,512,515 shares of our common stock, which was approximately 5.17% of our then outstanding shares. On March 13, 2009, Mirae Asset Financial Group purchased 18,712,337 shares of our common stock, which was approximately 5.23% of our then outstanding shares.


17. Directors and Employees


  A. Directors


  (1) Remuneration for directors in 2009 (Q1)


     (Unit: In millions of Won)


   Approved payment
amount at

shareholders meeting
   Per capita

salary paid


Non-outside Directors (4 persons)

   932    8,500    233   

Outside Directors (5 persons)

   75       15    -Three of our outside directors are members of the audit committee.


* Period: January 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2009
* Amount paid is calculated on the basis of actually paid amount except accrued salary and severance benefits


  (2) Stock option

The following table sets forth certain information regarding our stock options as of March 31, 2009.



(Unit: Won, Stock)

Executive Officers (including
Former Officers)


Grant Date


Exercise Period

   Number of
   Number of
   Number of
   Number of





Ron H.Wirahadiraksa

   April 7, 2005    April 8, 2008    April 7, 2012    (Won) 44,050    100,000    0    50,000    50,000

Duke M. Koo

   April 7, 2005    April 8, 2008    April 7, 2012    (Won) 44,050    40,000    0    20,000    20,000

Sang Deog Yeo

   April 7, 2005    April 8, 2008    April 7, 2012    (Won) 44,050    40,000    0    20,000    20,000

Jae Geol Ju

   April 7, 2005    April 8, 2008    April 7, 2012    (Won) 44,050    40,000    0    20,000    20,000


               220,000       110,000    110,000


* When the increase rate of our share price is the same or less than the increase rate of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (“KOSPI”) over the three-year period following the grant date, only 50% of the initially granted shares are exercisable. Since the increase rate of our share price was lower than the increase rate of KOSPI during the period from April 7, 2005 to April 7, 2008, only 50% of the 220,000 initially granted shares are exercisable.

Table of Contents
  B. Employees

As of March 31, 2009, we had 20,526 employees (excluding our executive officers). The total amount of salary paid to our employees in the first quarter of 2009 based on cash payment was (Won)308,007 million. The following table provides details of our employees as of March 31, 2009:


(as of March 31, 2009)

  (Unit: person, in millions of Won)
Details of Employees*   Total Salary in
2009 (Q1) **
  Per Capita
Service Year

Office Worker

  Production Worker   Others   Total      
6,784   13,742   —     20,526   308,007   15   4.3
  * Directors and executive officers have been excluded.
  ** Welfare benefit and retirement expense have been excluded.
  ** Based on cash payment.
  ** Includes personal incentives payments to newly elected directors and executive officers.
  ** Includes incentives payments to employees who have transferred from our affiliated companies.


18. Subsequent Event

In April 2009, we completed the construction of, and commenced mass production at P6E.

Table of Contents


Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements


March 31, 2009 and 2008

(With Independent Auditors’ Review Report Thereon)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Independent Auditors’ Review Report


Non-Consolidated Statements of Financial Position


Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Operations


Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity


Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements


Table of Contents

Independent Auditors’ Review Report

Based on a report originally issued in Korean

To the Stockholders and Board of Directors

LG Display Co., Ltd.:

We have reviewed the accompanying non-consolidated statement of financial position of LG Display Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) as of March 31, 2009, and the related interim non-consolidated statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ equity and cash flows for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008. These non-consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Review Standards for Semiannual Financial Statements established by the Securities and Futures Commission of the Republic of Korea. These Standards require that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review consists principally of inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and, thus, provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the non-consolidated financial statements referred to above are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of Korea.

The non-consolidated statement of financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2008 and the related non-consolidated statements of income, appropriation of retained earnings, changes in stockholders’ equity and cash flows for the year then ended, which are not accompanying this report were audited by us and our report thereon, dated February 16, 2009, expressed an unqualified opinion. The accompanying non-consolidated statement of financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2008, presented for comparative purposes, is not different from that audited by us in all material respects.

As discussed in note 2(b) to the non-consolidated financial statements, accounting principles and review standards and their application in practice vary among countries. The accompanying non-consolidated financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations, changes in stockholders’ equity and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries other than the Republic of Korea. In addition, the procedures and practices utilized in the Republic of Korea to review such non-consolidated financial statements may differ from those generally accepted and applied in other countries. Accordingly, this report and the accompanying non-consolidated financial statements are for use by those knowledgeable about Korean accounting procedures and review standards and their application in practice.

As discussed in note 11(b) to the non-consolidated financial statements, the Company is under investigations by fair trade or antitrust authorities in Korea, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and the European Commission with respect to possible anti-competitive activities in the Liquid Crystal Display (“LCD”) industry. In addition, the Company has been named as defendants in a number of federal class actions in the United States and Canada alleging that the Company violated the antitrust laws in connection with the sale of LCD panels, and the Company and certain of its officers and directors have been named as defendants in a federal class action in the United States by shareholders of the Company alleging violations of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934.



Table of Contents

Each of these investigations, legal proceedings and claims is ongoing and the outcome in any of these matters may have a negative effect on the results of the Company’s operations, financial positions or cash flows.


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/s/ KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

Seoul, Korea

April 17, 2009

This report is effective as of April 17, 2009, the review report date. Certain subsequent events or circumstances, which may occur between the review report date and the time of reading this report, could have a material impact on the accompanying non-consolidated financial statements and notes thereto. Accordingly, the readers of the review report should understand that there is a possibility that the above review report may have to be revised to reflect the impact of such subsequent events or circumstances, if any.



Table of Contents


Non-Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

As at March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008


(In millions of Won)    Note    2009    2008



Cash and cash equivalents

      (Won) 1,577,571    1,207,786

Short-term financial instruments

        1,880,000    2,055,000

Available-for-sale securities

   5      74    74

Trade accounts and notes receivable, net

   3,7      2,000,728    1,695,578

Other accounts receivable, net

   3      75,974    41,570

Accrued income, net

   3      78,876    88,175

Advance payments, net

   3      3,081    250

Prepaid expenses

        83,783    34,156

Prepaid value added tax

        172,148    145,862

Deferred income tax assets, net

   13      158,158    80,994

Other current assets

        27,063    25,164

Inventories, net

   4      967,654    881,503

Total current assets

        7,025,110    6,256,112

Long-term financial instruments

        13    13

Available-for-sale securities

   5      132,747    129,497

Equity method investments

   6      915,836    831,237

Long-term loans

        3,443    12,575

Property, plant and equipment, net

   8      8,762,759    8,431,214

Intangible assets, net

        200,604    194,343

Non-current guarantee deposits

        53,302    46,972

Long-term other receivables, net

   3      91    182

Long-term prepaid expenses

        163,223    150,665

Deferred income tax assets, net

   13      454,107    409,528

Other non-current assets

        49,319    39,649

Total non-current assets

        10,735,444    10,245,875

Total assets

      (Won) 17,760,554    16,501,987

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Non-Consolidated Statements of Financial Position, Continued

As at March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008


(In millions of Won)    Note    2009    2008



Trade accounts and notes payable

   7    (Won) 1,887,698    951,975

Other accounts payable

        2,126,548    2,205,092

Advances received

        18,430    10,669


        10,200    15,486

Accrued expenses

        164,746    212,330

Income tax payable

   13      128,280    265,550

Dividends payable

        178,907    —  

Warranty reserve, current

        49,695    48,008

Current portion of long-term debt and debentures, net of discounts

   9,10      878,315    498,652

Other current liabilities

        23,487    19,464

Total current liabilities

        5,466,306    4,227,226

Debentures, net of current portion and discounts on debentures

   9      1,108,916    1,490,445

Long-term debt, net of current portion

   10      1,105,989    1,019,306

Long-term other accounts payable

        457,749    406,156

Long-term advances received

   11      688,550    —  

Accrued severance benefits, net

        86,594    70,139

Warranty reserve, non-current

        7,793    10,097

Other non-current liabilities

        4,233    2,596

Total non-current liabilities

        3,459,824    2,998,739

Total liabilities

        8,926,130    7,225,965

Stockholders’ equity


Common stock, (Won)5,000 par value. Authorized 500,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 357,815,700 shares in 2009 and 2008

        1,789,079    1,789,079

Capital surplus

        2,311,071    2,311,071

Accumulated other comprehensive income

   18      168,429    173,938

Retained earnings

        4,565,845    5,001,934

Total stockholders’ equity

        8,834,424    9,276,022

Commitments and contingencies


Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

      (Won) 17,760,554    16,501,987

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



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Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Operations


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won, except earnings per share)    Note    2009     2008


   7,19    (Won) 3,426,950     4,182,054

Cost of sales

   14      3,712,277     3,086,865

Gross profit (loss)

        (285,327 )   1,095,189

Selling and administrative expenses

   15      165,250     146,905

Operating income (loss)

        (450,577 )   948,284

Interest income

        44,238     38,477

Rental income

        825     846

Foreign exchange gains

        400,531     215,817

Gain on foreign currency translation

        173,804     84,949

Equity income on investments

        51,151     21,832

Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment

        2,237     277

Gain on disposal of intangible assets

        4     —  

Commission earned

        5,473     2,128

Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts

   3      141     469

Gain on redemption of debentures

        —       16

Other income

        —       6,580

Non-operating income

        678,404     371,391

Interest expenses

        11,361     33,140

Foreign exchange losses

        286,777     167,239

Loss on foreign currency translation

        277,230     123,668


        123     323

Loss on disposal of trade accounts and notes receivable

        5,269     2,801

Other bad debt expenses

        431     —  

Equity loss on investments

        27,525     14,386

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

        51     485

Loss on redemption of debentures

        —       13

Other expenses

        184     —  

Non-operating expenses

        608,951     342,055

Income (loss) before income taxes

        (381,124 )   977,620

Income tax expense (benefit)

   13      (123,942 )   217,034

Net income (loss)

      (Won) (257,182 )   760,586

Earnings (loss) per share


Basic earnings (loss) per share

      (Won) (719 )   2,126

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

      (Won) (719 )   2,078

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won)         Capital stock    Capital
income (loss)

Balances at January 1, 2008

      (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    5,823     4,183,400     8,289,373  

Net income

        —      —      —       760,586     760,586  

Cash dividend

        —      —      —       (268,362 )   (268,362 )

Change in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

        —      —      39,869     —       39,869  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

        —      —      3,160     —       3,160  

Gain on valuation of cash flow hedges

   12      —      —      (1,498 )   —       (1,498 )

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges

   12      —      —      (21,445 )   —       (21,445 )

Balances at March 31, 2008

      (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    25,909     4,675,624     8,801,683  

Balances at January 1, 2009

      (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    173,938     5,001,934     9,276,022  

Net loss

        —      —      —       (257,182 )   (257,182 )

Cash dividend

        —      —      —       (178,907 )   (178,907 )

Change in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

   13      —      —      (1,616 )   —       (1,616 )

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

        —      —      2,535     —       2,535  

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges

   12      —      —      (6,428 )   —       (6,428 )

Balances at March 31, 2009

      (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    168,429     4,565,845     8,834,424  

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



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Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income (loss)

   (Won) (257,182 )   760,586  

Adjustments for:



     490,116     626,877  

Amortization of intangible assets

     8,620     12,327  

Other bad debt expenses

     431     —    

Amortization of discount on debentures, net

     7,683     7,686  

Loss on foreign currency translation, net

     68,934     38,751  

Equity income on investments, net

     (23,626 )   (7,446 )

Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net

     (2,186 )   208  

Gain on disposal of intangible assets

     (4 )   —    

Gain on redemption of debentures, net

     —       (3 )

Provision for warranty reserve

     16,729     2,915  

Provision for severance benefits

     18,677     20,299  

Reversal of stock compensation cost

     —       (560 )
     585,374     701,054  

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:


Decrease (increase) in trade accounts and notes receivable

     (379,771 )   178,269  

Decrease (increase) in inventories

     (86,151 )   (94,877 )

Decrease (increase) in other accounts receivable

     (31,911 )   44,800  

Decrease (increase) in accrued income

     9,282     (22,866 )

Decrease (increase) in advance payments

     (2,995 )   497  

Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses

     (41,953 )   (31,250 )

Decrease (increase) in prepaid value added tax

     (32,518 )   (10,146 )

Decrease (increase) in current deferred income tax assets

     (77,918 )   5,871  

Decrease (increase) in other current assets

     1,280     6,486  

Decrease (increase) in long-term prepaid expenses

     (20,232 )   (31,772 )

Decrease (increase) in long-term other receivable

     92     91  

Decrease (increase) in non-current deferred income tax assets

     (42,659 )   66,803  

Increase (decrease) in trade accounts and notes payable

     997,781     43,169  

Increase (decrease) in other accounts payable

     25,880     (41,376 )

Increase (decrease) in advances received

     7,761     (2,338 )

Increase (decrease) in withholdings

     (5,288 )   (3,554 )

Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses

     (47,584 )   (29,223 )

Increase (decrease) in income tax payable

     (137,270 )   108,543  

Increase (decrease) in warranty reserve

     (17,346 )   688  

Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities

     3,384     (22,185 )

Payment of severance benefits

     (3,061 )   (5,587 )

Accrued severance benefits transferred from affiliated company, net

     1,360     1,663  

Increase (decrease) in long-term advances received

     695,500     —    

Decrease (increase) in severance insurance deposits

     (533 )   223  

Decrease (increase) in contribution to National Pension Fund

     12     16  
     815,142     161,945  

Net cash provided by operating activities

     1,143,334     1,623,585  

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Interim Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, Continued


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Cash flows from investing activities:


Decrease (increase) in short-term financial instruments

   (Won) 175,000     (1,195,000 )

Acquisition of available-for-sale securities

     —       (96,250 )

Cash dividends received

     —       4,965  

Acquisition of equity method investments

     (12,009 )   —    

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment

     6,238     815  

Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets

     5     —    

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

     (894,941 )   (162,521 )

Acquisition of intangible assets

     (24,499 )   (10,793 )

Government subsidies received

     38     —    

Refund of non-current guarantee deposits

     —       2  

Payment of non-current guarantee deposits

     (6,031 )   (1,856 )

Net cash used in investing activities

     (756,199 )   (1,460,638 )

Cash flows from financing activities:


Repayment of current portion of long-term debt

     (17,350 )   (26,670 )

Early redemption of debentures

     —       (29,822 )

Payment of cash dividend

     —       (268,362 )

Net cash used in financing activities

     (17,350 )   (324,854 )

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     369,785     (161,907 )

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

     1,207,786     1,109,749  

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

   (Won) 1,577,571     947,842  

See accompanying notes to non-consolidated financial statements.



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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



1 Organization and Description of Business

LG Display Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) was incorporated in 1985 under its original name of LG Soft, Ltd. as a wholly owned subsidiary of LG Electronics Inc. In 1998, LG Electronics Inc. and LG Semicon Co., Ltd. transferred their respective Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (“TFT-LCD”) related business to the Company and its main business is to manufacture and sell TFT-LCD panels. In July 1999, LG Electronics Inc. and Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (“Philips”) entered into a joint venture agreement. Pursuant to the agreement, the Company changed its name to LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. However, on February 29, 2008, the Company changed its name from LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. to LG Display Co., Ltd. based upon the approval of shareholders at the general shareholders’ meeting on the same date as a result of the decrease in Philips’s share interest in the Company and the possibility of its business expansion to Organic Light Emitting Diode (“OLED”) and Flexible Display products. As of March 31, 2009, LG Electronics Inc. owns 37.9% (135,625 thousand shares) of the Company’s common shares. In March 2009, Philips, which used to be one of the major shareholders of the Company, sold all of its share holdings, 47,225,000 shares, of the Company.

As of March 31, 2009, the Company has LCD Research & Development Center and TFT-LCD manufacturing plants in Paju and TFT-LCD manufacturing plants and OLED manufacturing plant in Gumi. The Company has overseas subsidiaries located in the United States of America, Europe and Asia.


2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements


  (a) Significant Accounting Policies

The significant accounting policies followed by the Company in the preparation of its interim non-consolidated financial statements are same as those followed by the Company in its preparation of annual non-consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2008 except for the application of the Statements of Korea Accounting Standard No. 2, Interim Financial Reporting.


  (b) Basis of Presenting Financial Statements

The Company maintains its accounting records in Korean Won and prepares statutory financial statements in the Korean language in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of Korea. Certain accounting principles applied by the Company that conform with financial accounting standards and accounting principles in the Republic of Korea may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Accordingly, these interim non-consolidated financial statements are intended for use only by those who are informed about Korean accounting principles and practices. The accompanying interim non-consolidated financial statements have been translated into English from the Korean language interim non-consolidated financial statements.



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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



3 Receivables

The Company’s allowance for doubtful accounts on receivables, including trade accounts and notes receivable, as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
     Gross amount    Allowance for

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   (Won) 2,000,880    152    2,000,728

Other accounts receivable

     76,583    609    75,974

Accrued income

     78,954    78    78,876

Advance payments

     3,112    31    3,081

Long-term other receivables

     92    1    91
(In millions of Won)    2008
     Gross amount    Allowance for

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   (Won) 1,695,871    293    1,695,578

Other accounts receivable

     41,792    222    41,570

Accrued income

     88,237    62    88,175

Advance payments

     253    3    250

Long-term other receivables

     184    2    182

During the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the amount of trade accounts and notes receivable, arising from sales to the Company’s subsidiaries, sold to financial institutions was USD797 million, of which USD430 million ((Won)591,802 million) is current and outstanding as of March 31, 2009. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the Company recognized (Won)5,269 million as loss on disposal of trade accounts and notes receivable.


4 Inventories

Inventories as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
     Gross amount    Valuation

Finished goods

   (Won) 331,363    41,906    289,457


     397,962    39,317    358,645

Raw materials

     249,230    7,820    241,410


     107,057    28,915    78,142
   (Won) 1,085,612    117,958    967,654

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



4 Inventories, Continued



(In millions of Won)    2008
     Gross amount    Valuation

Finished goods

   (Won) 330,361    44,154    286,207


     415,264    57,173    358,091

Raw materials

     173,708    5,520    168,188


     95,685    26,668    69,017
   (Won) 1,015,018    133,515    881,503


5 Available-for-Sale Securities

Available-for-sale securities as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
   Unrealized gains    Carrying
   Changes in
gains, net
gains on
at end of

Current asset


Debt securities


Government bonds

   (Won) 74    —      —      —      —      74

Non-current asset


Equity securities


HannStar Display Corporation(*)

   (Won) 96,249    33,248    3,250    —      36,498    132,747
  (*) In February 2008, the Company purchased 180 million shares of non-voting mandatorily redeemable convertible preferred stock of HannStar Display Corporation (“HannStar”) located in Taiwan. The preferred stocks are convertible into common stocks of HannStar at a ratio of 1:1 at the option of the Company from the issue date, February 28, 2008, to the maturity, February 28, 2011. For the period ended March 31, 2009, there is no preferred stock converted into common stocks.

The Company has a put option for total or partial cash redemption of convertible preferred stocks during the period from 18 months after issuance of the convertible preferred stocks to 91 days prior to maturity of them and the issuer has a call option to repay, in cash, total preferred stocks during the period from 2 years after issuance to 90 days prior to maturity.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



5 Available-for-Sale Securities, Continued


The abovementioned convertible preferred stocks have been privately placed under the Taiwanese Law, which restricts the sale of the preferred stocks (up to 3 years), and the stocks acquired through conversion are not to be traded in the Taiwanese Stock Exchange until the original maturity of the preferred stocks.

The fair value of the preferred stock has been computed by discounting estimated cash flows from the stock using yield rate that reflects HannStar’s credit risk. The estimated fair value of the convertible preferred stocks is (Won)132,747 million.


(In millions of Won)    2008
   Unrealized gains    Carrying
   Changes in
gains, net
gains on
at end of

Current asset


Debt securities


Government bonds

   (Won) 74    —      —      —      —      74

Non-current asset


Equity securities


HannStar Display Corporation

   (Won) 96,249    —      33,248    —      33,248    129,497


6 Equity Method Investments

LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd. (“LGDSG”) was established in Singapore on January 12, 2009 by incorporating the Singapore branch of the Company, to sell TFT-LCD products. It is wholly owned by the Company and, accordingly, the investment in LGDSG has been accounted for using the equity method.

In February 2009, the Company acquired 3,000,000 common shares of ADP Engineering Co., Ltd. (“ADP Engineering”) (12.9%). Although the Company’s share interests in ADP Engineering is below 20%, the Company is able to exercise significant influence through its right to assign a director in the board of directors of ADP Engineering and, accordingly, the investment in ADP Engineering has been accounted for using the equity method.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



7 Transactions and Balances with Related Parties


  (a) Details of the Company’s related parties as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:





Controlling party(*1)    LG Electronics Inc.

Company that has significant influence over the Company(*1)

   LG Corp.
Subsidiary    LG Display America, Inc.,
   LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Germany GmbH,
   LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Hong Kong Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.,
   LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.,
   LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.,
   Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.,
   LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Joint venture   

Guangzhou New Vision Technology Research and Development Limited

Equity method investee    Paju Electric Glass Co., Ltd.,

TLI Inc.,

AVACO Co., Ltd.,


   ADP Engineering Co., Ltd.

LG Management Development Institute Co., Ltd.,

   LG Micron Ltd.,
   LG Life Sciences, Ltd.,
   LG CNS Co., Ltd.,
   LG N-Sys Inc.,
   LG Powercom Corp.,
   Serveone Co., Ltd.,
   LG Innotek Co., Ltd.,
   LG Telecom Co., Ltd.,
   LG CHEM Ltd.,
   LG International Corp.,
   LG Dacom Corporation,
   Hi Business Logistics,
   Siltron Incorporated,
   Lusem Co., Ltd. and others
  (*1) The immediate parent and the ultimate parent companies of the Company are LG Electronics Inc. and LG Corporation, respectively.
  (*2) The subsidiaries of the affiliates, which are not presented above, are also affiliates of the Company.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



7 Transactions and Balances with Related Parties, Continued


  (b) Significant transactions which occurred in the normal course of business with related companies for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    Sales and other    Purchases and other
     2009    2008    2009    2008

Controlling party(*)

   (Won) 168,848    341,178    55,896    38,688

Companies that have significant influence over the Company

     —      —      8,109    5,921


     3,103,566    3,437,991    187,143    113,411

Equity method investees

     3    —      256,931    106,700

Other related parties

     89,703    80,966    1,035,359    625,590
   (Won) 3,362,120    3,860,135    1,543,438    890,310
  (*) Controlling party includes overseas subsidiaries that are under direct control of LG Electronics Inc.


  (c) Account balances with related companies as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    Trade accounts and
notes receivable and other
   Trade accounts and
notes payable and other
     2009    2008    2009    2008

Controlling party(*)

   (Won) 98,920    115,235    68,614    82,249

Companies that have significant influence over the Company

     2,613    2,577    2,881    2,727


     1,886,726    1,267,901    536,385    279,572

Equity method investees

     559    1    160,020    58,222

Other related parties

     170,685    121,140    1,401,435    1,054,112
   (Won) 2,159,503    1,506,854    2,169,335    1,476,882
  (*) Controlling party include overseas subsidiaries that are under direct control of LG Electronics Inc.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



7 Transactions and Balances with Related Parties, Continued




Key management compensation costs for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009    2008

Short-term benefits

   (Won) 527    428

Severance benefits

     58    164

Other long-term benefits

     143    —  
   (Won) 728    592

Key management refers to the registered directors who have significant control and responsibilities over the Company’s operations and business.


8 Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Acquisition cost:



   (Won) 382,616     383,645  


     2,608,882     2,023,081  


     224,161     223,578  

Machinery and equipment

     16,287,757     14,516,033  


     101,403     100,290  

Furniture and fixtures

     486,980     464,939  


     16,850     17,538  


     9,182     9,182  


     2,491,091     4,063,699  
     22,608,922     21,801,985  

Less accumulated depreciation

     (13,843,269 )   (13,367,839 )

Less accumulated impairment loss

     (7 )   (7 )

Less government subsidies

     (2,887 )   (2,925 )

Property, plant and equipment, net

   (Won) 8,762,759     8,431,214  

The Company capitalizes financial expenses, such as interest expense incurred on borrowings used to finance the cost of acquiring or building property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest expenses. Capitalized financial expenses for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008, amount to (Won)24,716 million and (Won)45,177 million, respectively.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



9 Debentures


  (a) Details of debentures issued by the Company as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)   




interest rate

   2009     2008  

Local currency debentures(*)


Publicly issued debentures


May 2009~

March 2010

   3.50~5.00%    (Won) 850,000     850,000  

Privately issued debentures


December 2010~

June 2011

   5.30~5.89%      600,000     600,000  

Less discount on debentures

           (2,778 )   (3,826 )

Less current portion of debentures

           (847,413 )   (458,201 )
           599,809     987,973  

Foreign currency debentures


Convertible bonds

   April 2012    zero coupon      511,555     511,555  

Less discount on debentures

           (1,637 )   (1,760 )

Less conversion right adjustment

           (86,599 )   (93,111 )

Add redemption premium

           85,788     85,788  
           509,107     502,472  
         (Won) 1,108,916     1,490,445  
  (*) Principal of the local currency debentures are to be repaid at maturity and interests are paid quarterly.


  (b) Details of the convertible bonds as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:



Terms and Conditions

Issue date

   April 18, 2007

Maturity date

   April 18, 2012

Conversion period

   April 19, 2008~April 3, 2012

Coupon interest rate


Conversion price (in Won)

   (Won) 48,251

Issued amount

   USD550 million

The bonds will be repaid at 116.77% of the principal amount at maturity unless the put option of bondholders are exercised in which case the bondholders will be repaid at 109.75% of the principal amount on April 18, 2010. If the Convertible bonds were classified as monetary liabilities, the loss on foreign currency translation would be (Won)65,780 million and (Won)243,925 million for the three month period ended March 31, 2009 and the period from Issue date, April 18, 2007, to March 31, 2009, respectively.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



9 Debentures, Continued


The Company is entitled to exercise a call option after three years from the date of issue at the amount of the principal and interest, calculated at 3.125% of the annual yield to maturity, from the issue date to the repayment date. The call option can be exercised only when the market price of the common shares on each of 20 trading days in 30 consecutive trading days ending on the trading day immediately prior to the date upon which notice of such redemption is published exceeds at least 130% of the conversion price. In addition, in the event that at least 90% of the initial principal amount of the bonds has been redeemed, converted, or purchased and cancelled, the remaining bonds may also be redeemed, at the Company’s option, at the amount of the principal and interest (3.125% per annum) from the date of issue to the repayment date prior to their maturity.

Based on the terms and conditions of the bond, the conversion price was decreased from (Won)48,760 to (Won)48,251 per share due to declaration of cash dividends of (Won)500 per share for the year ended December 31, 2008. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the number of common shares to be issued if the outstanding convertible bonds are fully converted is as follows:


(In Won and share)    March 31, 2009    December 31, 2008

Convertible bonds amount(*)

   (Won) 513,480,000,000    513,480,000,000

Conversion price

   (Won) 48,251    48,760

Common shares to be issued

     10,641,851    10,530,762
  (*) The exchange rate for the conversion is fixed at (Won)933.6 to USD1.


  (c) Aggregate maturities of the Company’s debentures as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)               


   Debentures    Convertible
April 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2010    (Won) 850,000    —      850,000
April 1, 2010 ~ March 31, 2011      200,000    —      200,000
April 1, 2011 ~ March 31, 2012      400,000    —      400,000
April 1, 2012 ~ March 31, 2013      —      597,343    597,343
   (Won) 1,450,000    597,343    2,047,343
  (*) In the above schedule, it was assumed that the convertible bonds will be repaid in full at maturity with redemption premium amounting to (Won)85,788 million.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



10 Long-Term Debt


  (a) Long-term debt as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions of Won except interest rate)                      




interest rate(*1)

   2009     2008    


Local currency loans


The Export-Import Bank of Korea

   6.08%    (Won) —       9,850     Redemption by installments

Korea Development Bank

   KDBBIR+0.77%      30,000     37,500    

Shinhan Bank

   3-year Korean Treasury Bond rate less 1.25%      18,982     18,982    

Less current portion of long-term debt

        (30,902 )   (40,451 )  
      (Won) 18,080     25,881    

Foreign currency loans (*2)


The Export-Import Bank of Korea

   6ML+0.69%    (Won) 68,855     62,875     Redemption by installments

Korea Development Bank

   3ML+0.66%      192,794     176,050     Redemption at maturity

Kookmin Bank and others

   3ML+0.35~0.53%      550,840     503,000    
   6ML+0.41%      275,420     251,500    
        1,087,909     993,425    

Less current portion of long-term debt

        —       —      
      (Won) 1,087,909     993,425    
  (*1) KDBBIR and ML represent Korea Development Bank Benchmark Interest Rates and Month LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offered Rates), respectively.
  (*2) Foreign currency equivalent as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is USD790 million.


  (b) Aggregate maturities of the Company’s long-term debt as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)               


currency loans
currency loans
April 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2010    (Won) 30,902    —      30,902
April 1, 2010 ~ March 31, 2011      3,021    13,771    16,792
April 1, 2011 ~ March 31, 2012      3,796    1,032,825    1,036,621
April 1, 2012 ~ March 31, 2013      3,796    41,313    45,109
April 1, 2013 ~ March 31, 2014      3,797    —      3,797
Thereafter      3,670    —      3,670
   (Won) 48,982    1,087,909    1,136,891

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



11 Commitments and Contingencies

Commitments and contingencies of the Company are as follows:


  (a) Commitments

Overdraft agreements and credit facility agreement

As of March 31, 2009, the Company has bank overdraft agreements with Woori Bank and other various banks amounting to (Won)59,000 million in aggregate and there is no overdrawn balance.

Factoring and securitization of accounts receivable

The Company has agreements with Korea Exchange Bank and other several banks for U.S. dollar denominated accounts receivable negotiating facilities of up to an aggregate of USD1,606.5 million. As of March 31, 2009, accounts and notes receivable amounting to USD430 million were sold that are current and outstanding.

In October 2006, LG Display America, Inc., LG Display Germany GmbH, LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd. and others entered into a five-year accounts receivable selling program with Standard Chartered Bank on a revolving basis, of up to USD600 million. The Company joined this program in April 2007. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, no accounts and notes receivable were sold.

Letters of credit

As of March 31, 2009, the Company has agreements with Korea Exchange Bank in relation to the opening of letters of credit up to (Won)20,000 million and USD35.5 million.

Payment guarantees

The Company receives payment guarantee from ABN AMRO Bank amounting to USD8.5 million relating to value added tax payments in Poland. As of March 31, 2009, the Company entered into a payment guarantee agreement with a syndicate of banks including Kookmin Bank and Societe Generale in connection with a EUR70 million term loan credit facility of LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

License agreements

As of March 31, 2009, in relation to its TFT-LCD business, the Company has technical license agreements with Hitachi, Ltd., and others and has a trademark license agreement with LG Corporation.

Long-term supply agreement

In January 2009, the Company entered into a long-term supply agreement with Apple, Inc. to supply LCD panels for 5 years. In connection with the agreement, the Company received a long-term prepayment of USD500 million from Apple, Inc., which will offset against outstanding accounts receivable balance after a given period of time, as well as those arising from the supply of products thereafter.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



11 Commitments and Contingencies, Continued


  (b) Contingencies

Patent infringement lawsuit against Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. and others

On December 1, 2006, the Company filed a complaint against Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. and AU Optronics Corp. alleging patent infringement related to liquid crystal display and manufacturing process for TFT-LCDs in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. On March 8, 2007, AU Optronics Corp. countersued the Company in the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin; however, the case was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware due to the Company’s motion to transfer. On May 4, 2007, Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. countersued the Company for patent infringement in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas; however, on March 31, 2008, the suit was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware according to the Company’s motion to transfer. The Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of the above matters.

Anvik Corporation’s lawsuit for infringement of patent

On February 2, 2007, Anvik Corporation filed a patent infringement case against the Company, along with other LCD manufacturing companies in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, in connection with the usage of photo-masking equipment manufactured by Nikon Corporation. The Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of this case.

O2 Micro International Ltd.’s request for an investigation to US International Trade Commission

On December 15, 2008, O2 Micro International Ltd. and O2 Micro, Inc. have requested the United States International Trade Commission (“ITC”) to commence a Trade Remedy Investigations alleging that the Company, LG Display America, Inc. and others have infringed their patents relating to LCD Displays. The Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of this case.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



11 Commitments and Contingencies, Continued


Anti-trust investigations and litigations

The Company and LG Display America, Inc., the US subsidiary of the Company, were under investigation by U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) with their role in conspiracies to fix prices in the sale of liquid crystal display (“LCD”) panels. In November 2008, the Company and Display America, Inc. agreed to a plea agreement with DOJ and agreed to pay USD400 million over a five-year period.

As of March 31, 2009, the Company is under investigation by fair trade or antitrust authorities in Korea, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and European Commission with respect to possible anti-competitive activities in the LCD industry.

In 2006, the Company, along with a number of other firms in the LCD industry, were named as defendants in class actions in the United States and Canada for alleged violation of the antitrust laws in connection with the sale of LCD panels to both direct and indirect purchaser plaintiffs, and the class actions in the United States were consolidated and transferred to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. In February 2007, the Company and certain of its current and former officers and directors were named as defendants in a federal class action in the United States by the shareholders of the Company alleging violations of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, by the Company and certain of its officers and directors in connection with possible anti-competitive activities in the LCD industry.

Each of these investigations, legal proceedings and claims is ongoing and the outcome in any of these matters may have a negative effect on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.


12 Derivative Instruments


  (a) Derivative instruments used by the Company for hedging purposes as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


Hedging purpose


Derivative instrument

Hedge of fair value    Foreign currency forwards
Hedge of cash flows    Cross currency swap
   Interest rate swap


  (b) Hedge of fair value

The Company entered into foreign currency forward contracts to manage the exposure to changes in the value of foreign currency denominated accounts receivable and accounts payable in accordance with its foreign currency risk management policy. Hedge accounting is not applied related to the abovementioned derivatives.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



12 Derivative Instruments, Continued


  (i) Foreign Currency Forwards

Details of foreign currency forwards outstanding as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won, thousands of JPY and USD, except forward rate)


   Maturity date    Selling    Buying    Forward rate

BNP Paribas Bank and others

   April 1, 2009~

May 20, 2009

   USD 340,000    (Won) 471,207    (Won)



1,467.3: USD1

SC First Bank and other

   April 13, 2009~

April 14, 2009

   USD 40,888    JPY 4,000,000    JPY



98.47: USD1

BNP Paribas Bank and other

   April 13, 2009    (Won) 28,664    JPY 2,000,000    (Won)



14.68: JPY1


  (ii) Unrealized gains and losses related to the above derivatives as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)


        Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses

Foreign Currency Forwards

   (Won)      6,237    15,785

The unrealized gains and losses are charged to operations as gains and losses on foreign currency translation for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009.


  (c) Hedge of cash flows

The Company entered into cross currency swap and interest rate swap contracts to manage the exposure to changes in cash flows from changes in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates related to floating rate notes. Details of the Company’s derivative instruments related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


  (i) Cross Currency Swap


(In millions of Won and thousands of USD, except forward rate)  


   Maturity date    Selling    Buying    Contract rate  

Kookmin Bank and other

   August 29, 2011~

January 31, 2012

     —      USD 150,000    Receive
floating rate
   3M LIBOR~

3M LIBOR+0.53



      (Won) 143,269      —      Pay fixed rate    4.54%~5.35%  

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



12 Derivative Instruments, Continued


Net unrealized gains and losses, net of related taxes, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the abovementioned cross currency swap, unrealized losses amounting to (Won)7,145 million, recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income, are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months.


  (ii) Interest Rate Swap


(In thousands of USD, except forward rate)



Maturity date


Contract rate

SC First Bank


May 21, 2009~

May 24, 2010

   USD 150,000   

Receive floating


Pay fixed rate



Net unrealized gains and losses, net of related taxes, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the abovementioned interest rate swap, unrealized losses amounting to (Won)4,560 million, recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income, are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months.


  (iii) Unrealized gains and losses, before tax, related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)


        Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses    Cash flow hedge

Cross currency swap(*)

   (Won)      —      21,122    Fulfilled

Interest rate swap

      —      8,793    Fulfilled
  (*) The unrealized gains amounting to (Won)17,940 million related to the foreign exchange rate risk are recognized as gains in the non-consolidated statement of income in the current period.


  (d) Realized gains and losses related to derivative instruments for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)

Hedge purpose

   Type         Transaction
   Transaction losses

Cash flow hedge

   Cross currency swap    (Won)      55    252

Cash flow hedge

   Foreign currency forwards       —      2,534

Fair value hedge

   Foreign currency forwards       4,885    38,333

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



13 Income Taxes


  (a) Income tax expense for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 consists of:


(In millions of Won)         2009  

Current income taxes

   (Won)      (3,365 )

Deferred income taxes from changes in temporary differences

      (30,785 )

Deferred income taxes from changes in tax credit

      (29,241 )

Deferred income taxes from changes in loss carryforwards

      (61,717 )

Deferred income taxes added to shareholders’ equity


Income tax expense

   (Won)      (123,942 )


  (b) The tax effects of temporary differences, tax credit carryforwards and tax loss carryforwards that resulted in significant portions of deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2009 are presented below:


(In millions of Won)         January 1,
    March 31,

Temporary differences:


Accrued income

   (Won)      (88,237 )   9,283     (78,954 )


      96,595     (19,392 )   77,203  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

      (33,248 )   (3,250 )   (36,498 )

Equity method investments

      259,734     4,885     264,619  

Changes in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

      (211,423 )   2,071     (209,352 )

Other current assets (derivatives)

      (70,952 )   (961 )   (71,913 )

Loss on valuation of derivative instruments

      22,062     7,853     29,915  

Property, plant and equipment

      187,869     (2,890 )   184,979  

Warranty reserve and other reserves

      61,520     (691 )   60,829  

Gain on foreign currency translation

      (138,599 )   (39,318 )   (177,917 )

Loss on foreign currency translation

      435,875     157,892     593,767  


      44,187     3,087     47,274  


      565,383     118,569     683,952  

Loss carryforwards

      —       280,532     280,532  

Tax credit carryforwards

   (Won)      468,620     30,778     499,398  

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



13 Income Taxes, Continued


          Deferred tax assets (liabilities)  
(In millions of Won)         January 1,
    March 31,
    Current     Non-current  

Accrued income

   (Won)      (21,353 )   3,983     (17,370 )   (17,370 )   —    


      23,376     (6,391 )   16,985     16,985     —    

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

      (7,314 )   (715 )   (8,029 )   —       (8,029 )

Equity method investments

      (6,446 )   13,741     7,295     —       7,295  

Changes in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

      (46,513 )   456     (46,057 )   —       (46,057 )

Other current assets (derivatives)

      (17,170 )   1,349     (15,821 )   (15,821 )   —    

Loss on valuation of

derivative instruments

      5,156     1,425     6,581     2,575     4,006  

Property, plant and equipment

      42,152     (1,457 )   40,695     —       40,695  

Warranty reserve and other reserves

      14,665     (1,283 )   13,382     11,739     1,643  

Gain on foreign currency translation

      (33,541 )   (5,601 )   (39,142 )   (39,142 )   —    

Loss on foreign currency translation

      105,482     25,147     130,629     130,629     —    


      10,270     131     10,401     6,846     3,555  


      68,764     30,785     99,549     96,441     3,108  

Loss carryforwards

      —       61,717     61,717     61,717     —    

Tax credit carryforwards

      421,758     29,241     450,999     —       450,999  

Deferred income tax assets

   (Won)      490,522     121,743     612,265     158,158     454,107  

Statutory tax rate applicable to the Company is 24.2% and 27.5% for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008, respectively. Under the Foreign Investment Promotion Act of Korea, the Company had been entitled to an exemption from income taxes at one-half of foreign equity investment in 2008 and the exemption period, which had started from 1998, was terminated as of December 31, 2008.

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



14 Cost of Sales

Details of cost of sales for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)         2009    2008

Finished goods

   (Won)        3,704,053      3,049,875

Beginning balance

      286,207        310,975    

Cost of goods manufactured

      3,707,303        3,075,194    

Ending balance

      (289,457 )      (336,294 )  


        —        32,155


        8,224      4,835
   (Won)        3,712,277      3,086,865


15 Selling and Administrative Expenses

Details of selling, general and administrative expenses for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)         2009    2008


   (Won)      23,726    24,951

Severance benefits

      2,406    2,749

Other employee benefits

      4,083    3,578

Shipping cost

      25,375    32,057


      1,067    1,044

Fees and commissions

      25,311    11,516


      530    563


      2,881    1,815

Taxes and dues

      1,060    666


      9,317    8,937

Sales promotion

      3,225    2,243

Development costs

      633    1,298


      37,500    28,267

A/S expenses

      16,729    17,794


      11,407    9,427
   (Won)      165,250    146,905

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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



16 Earnings (loss) Per Share


  (a) Basic earnings (loss) per share for three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In Won, except share information)         2009     2008

Net income (loss)

   (Won)      (257,181,738,306 )   760,585,844,606

Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding

      357,815,700     357,815,700

Earnings (loss) per share

   (Won)      (719 )   2,126

There were no events or transactions that result in changes in the number of common shares used for calculating earnings per share.


  (b) There is no dilutive effect for the period ended March 31, 2009. Diluted earnings per share for three-month period ended March 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In Won, except earnings per share and share information)         2008

Net income

   (Won)      760,585,844,606

Interest on convertible bond, net of tax


Adjusted income


Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding and common equivalent shares(*)


Diluted earnings per share

   (Won)      2,078
  (*) Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding is calculated as follows:


(In shares)    2008

Weighted-average number of common shares (basic)


Effect of conversion of convertible bonds


Weighted-average number of common shares (diluted) at March 31, 2008



  (c) The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding for the three-month period ended March 31 2008 is calculated as follows:


(In shares)    2008

Number of convertible bonds



   January 1, 2008~March 31, 2008


   91 days / 91 days

Effect of conversion of convertible bonds


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Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



16 Earnings (loss) Per Share, Continued


  (d) Earnings per share and diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2008 were (Won)3,038 and (Won)3,003, respectively.


  (e) For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the number of dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding, which were excluded from the Company’s calculation of dilutive earnings per share due to their anti-dilutive effect, are as follows:


(In millions of Won except share information)    2009

Convertible bond


Par value


Conversion period

   April 19, 2008~April 3, 2012

Common shares to be issued



17 Share-Based Payments


  (a) The terms and conditions of grants as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:




Settlement method

   Cash settlement

Type of arrangement

   Stock appreciation rights (granted to senior executives)

Date of grant

   April 7, 2005

Weighted-average exercise price (*1)


Number of rights granted


Number of rights forfeited (*2)


Number of rights cancelled (*3)


Number of rights outstanding


Exercise period

   From April 8, 2008 to April 7, 2012

Vesting conditions

   Two years of service from the date of grant
  (*1) The exercise price at the grant date was (Won)44,260 per stock appreciation right (“SARs”). However, the exercise price was subsequently adjusted to (Won)44,050 due to additional issuance of common shares in 2005.
  (*2) SARs were forfeited in connection with senior executives who left the Company before meeting the vesting requirement.
  (*3) If the appreciation of the Company’s share price is equal or less than that of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (“KOSPI”) over the three-year period following the grant date, only 50% of the outstanding SARs are exercisable. As the actual increase rate of the Company’s share price for the three-year period ending April 7, 2008, was less than that of the KOSPI for the same three-year period, only 110,000 shares, 50% of the outstanding SARs as of March 31, 2009 are exercisable.

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



17 Share-Based Payments, Continued


  (b) The changes in the number of SARs outstanding for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008 are as follows:


     Stock appreciation rights
(In share)    2009    2008

Balance at beginning of period

   110,000    220,000

Forfeited or cancelled

   —      110,000

Outstanding at end of period

   110,000    110,000

Exercisable at end of period

   110,000    110,000


18 Comprehensive Income and Loss

Comprehensive income and loss for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)

        2009     2008  

Net income (loss)

   (Won)      (257,182 )   760,586  

Change in equity arising from application of equity method, net of tax effect of (Won)456 million in 2009 and (Won)(23,634) million in 2008

      (1,616 )   39,869  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities, net of tax effect of (Won)(715) million in 2009 and (Won)(1,198) million in 2008

      2,535     3,160  

Gain on valuation of cash flow hedges, net of tax effect of nil in 2009 and (Won)568 million in 2008

      —       (1,498 )

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges, net of tax effect of (Won)1,425 million in 2009 and (Won)8,134 million in 2008

      (6,428 )   (21,445 )

Comprehensive income (loss)

   (Won)      (262,691 )   780,672  


19 Segment Information


  (a) The Company manufactures and sells TFT-LCD and AM-OLED products. The segment of AM-OLED is not presented separately as the sales of AM-OLED products are insignificant to total sales.


  (b) The Company sells its products in domestic and foreign markets. Export sales represent approximately 94% of total sales for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009. The following is a summary of sales by region based on the location of the customers for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008:


(In millions of Won)
          Domestic    Taiwan    Japan    US    China    Europe    Others
in Asia
   Others    Total


   (Won)      210,126    841,500    286,573    587,544    873,618    546,927    79,474    1,188    3,426,950


   (Won)      291,540    1,011,786    346,266    490,111    850,498    743,460    381,632    66,761    4,182,054

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



20 Status of the Company’s Adoption of Korean IFRS

In March 2008, a task force was set up for the Company’s adoption of the Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (“K-IFRS”) in 2010. The task force comprehensively analyzed differences in Statements of Korea Accounting Standard and K-IFRS in the Company’s significant accounting policies and selected the accounting applicable to the Company by benchmarking application of IFRS of other companies. Material adjustments to accounting policies in adopting IFRS, compared to the current accounting policies, are believed to be with convertible bond and employee benefits, and the Company is currently in the process of evaluating the impacts of the adjustments.

Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

As at March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008


(In millions of Won)






Cash and cash equivalents

      (Won) 1,685,707    1,367,752

Short-term financial instruments

        1,880,000    2,055,000

Available-for-sale securities

   6      74    74

Trade accounts and notes receivable, net

   4,8      2,299,873    2,004,758

Other accounts receivable, net

   4      56,290    36,260

Accrued income, net

   4      78,470    87,846

Advance payments, net

   4      3,686    409

Prepaid expenses

        114,915    38,263

Prepaid value added tax

        206,069    176,379

Deferred income tax assets, net

   15      173,488    86,048

Inventories, net

   5      1,193,451    1,136,673

Other current assets

        26,302    28,548

Total current assets

        7,718,325    7,018,010

Long-term financial instruments

        13    13

Available-for-sale securities

   6      132,747    129,497

Equity method investments

        67,817    60,717

Property, plant and equipment, net

   10      9,636,408    9,270,262

Intangible assets, net

        208,904    199,697

Long-term other receivables, net

   4      27,663    25,056

Long-term prepaid expenses

        163,479    150,808

Deferred income tax assets, net

   15      498,655    443,877

Non-current guarantee deposits

        58,778    50,781

Other non-current assets

        49,319    39,648

Total non-current assets

        10,843,783    10,370,356

Total assets

      (Won) 18,562,108    17,388,366

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position, Continued

As at March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008



(In millions of Won)






Trade accounts and notes payable

   8    (Won) 1,768,509    988,094

Other accounts payable

        1,973,256    2,044,888

Short-term borrowings

   4, 12      603,106    601,068

Advances received

        28,909    17,155


        11,177    15,675

Accrued expenses

        154,228    203,867

Income tax payable

   15      177,131    294,494

Warranty reserve, current

        49,695    48,008

Current portion of long-term debt and debentures, net of discounts

   11,12      947,173    553,169

Other current liabilities

        202,398    19,464

Total current liabilities

        5,915,582    4,785,882

Debentures, net of current portion and discounts on debentures

   11      1,108,916    1,490,445

Long-term debt, net of current portion

   12      1,356,881    1,242,656

Long-term other accounts payable

        510,497    462,922

Long-term accrued expenses

   19      16,623    16,471

Accrued severance benefits, net

        86,691    70,232

Warranty reserve, non-current

        7,793    10,097

Long-term advances received

        688,550    —  

Other non-current liabilities

        20,852    21,038

Total non-current liabilities

        3,796,803    3,313,861

Total liabilities

        9,712,385    8,099,743

Stockholders’ equity


Controlling interest


Common stock, (Won)5,000 par value. Authorized 500,000,000 shares: issued and outstanding 357,815,700 shares in 2009 and 2008

        1,789,079    1,789,079

Capital surplus

        2,311,071    2,311,071

Accumulated other comprehensive income

        168,429    173,938

Retained earnings

        4,558,168    5,001,934

Total controlling interest

        8,826,747    9,276,022

Minority interest

        22,976    12,601

Total shareholders’ equity

        8,849,723    9,288,623

Commitments and contingencies


Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

      (Won) 18,562,108    17,388,366

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Interim Consolidated Statements of Operations


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won, except earnings per share)   


   2009     2008


   8,9,21    (Won) 3,666,417     4,035,611

Cost of sales

   8,9,16      3,827,275     2,972,932

Gross profit (loss)

        (160,858 )   1,062,679

Selling and administrative expenses

   17      250,660     181,580

Operating income (loss)

        (411,518 )   881,099

Interest income

        44,619     39,259

Rental income

        825     846

Foreign exchange gains

        436,101     283,587

Gain on foreign currency translation

        199,850     128,613

Equity income on investments

        1,383     3,511

Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment

        299     133

Gain on redemption of debentures

        —       16

Commission earned

        21,565     131

Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts

        502     159

Gain from assets contributed

        32     —  

Other income

        83     5,002

Non-operating income

        705,259     461,257

Interest expenses

        26,664     39,657

Foreign exchange losses

        322,619     228,767

Loss on foreign currency translation

        314,735     157,946

Equity loss on investments

        485     —  


        127     324

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

        51     656

Other bad debt expenses

        396     —  

Loss on redemption of debentures

        —       13

Other expenses

        196     169

Non-operating expenses

        665,273     427,532

Income (loss) before income taxes

        (371,532 )   914,824

Income tax expense (benefit)

   15      (116,527 )   198,175

Net income (loss)

      (Won) (255,005 )   716,649

Net income (loss) of the Controlling Company

      (Won) (264,859 )   716,649

Net income of minority interest

      (Won) 9,854     —  

Earnings (loss) per share


Basic earnings (loss) per share

      (Won) (740 )   2,003

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

      (Won) (740 )   1,958

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders’ Equity


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won)    Capital stock    Capital
income (loss)

Balances at January 1, 2008

   (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    5,823     4,183,400     86    8,289,459  

Net income

     —      —      —       716,649     —      716,649  

Cash dividend

     —      —      —       (268,362 )   —      (268,362 )

Change in cumulative translation adjustments

     —      —      39,514     —       —      39,514  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

     —      —      3,160     —       —      3,160  

Gain on valuation of cash flow hedges

     —      —      (1,498 )   —       —      (1,498 )

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges

     —      —      (21,445 )   —       —      (21,445 )

Balances at March 31, 2008

   (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    25,554     4,631,687     86    8,757,477  

Balances at January 1, 2009

   (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    173,938     5,001,934     12,601    9,288,623  

Net income (loss)

     —      —      —       (264,859 )   9,854    (255,005 )

Cash dividend

     —      —      —       (178,907 )   —      (178,907 )

Change in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

     —      —      334     —       —      334  

Change in cumulative translation adjustments

     —      —      (1,950 )   —       521    (1,429 )

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

     —      —      2,535     —       —      2,535  

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges

     —      —      (6,428 )   —       —      (6,428 )

Balances at March 31, 2009

   (Won) 1,789,079    2,311,071    168,429     4,558,168     22,976    8,849,723  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Interim Consolidated of Cash Flows


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income (loss)

   (Won) (255,005 )   716,649  

Adjustments for:



     546,325     670,771  

Amortization of intangible assets

     9,626     14,132  

Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net

     (248 )   523  

Loss on foreign currency translation, net

     80,393     25,376  

Amortization of discount on debentures, net

     7,683     7,686  

Gain on redemption of debentures, net

     —       (3 )

Provision for warranty reserve

     16,729     2,915  

Provision for severance benefits

     17,718     22,104  

Equity income on investments, net

     (898 )   (3,511 )

Reversal of compensation cost

     —       (560 )

Interest expenses

     5,741     —    
     683,069     739,433  

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:


Decrease (increase) in trade accounts and notes receivable

     (365,515 )   (222,781 )

Decrease (increase) in inventories

     (46,513 )   (207,083 )

Decrease (increase) in other accounts receivable

     (25,067 )   46,157  

Decrease (increase) in accrued income

     9,376     (22,913 )

Decrease (increase) in advance payments

     (3,448 )   (542 )

Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses

     (69,135 )   (31,206 )

Decrease (increase) in prepaid value added tax

     (32,395 )   (9,249 )

Decrease (increase) in current deferred income tax assets

     (88,195 )   3,533  

Decrease (increase) in other current assets

     1,185     7,895  

Decrease (increase) in long-term prepaid expenses

     (20,249 )   (31,776 )

Decrease (increase) in non-current deferred income tax assets

     (52,857 )   45,406  

Decrease (increase) in long-term other receivable

     (2,608 )   (3,356 )

Increase (decrease) in trade accounts and notes payable

     849,127     61,068  

Increase (decrease) in other accounts payable

     3,807     (32,100 )

Increase (decrease) in advances received

     11,754     (62,448 )

Increase (decrease) in withholdings

     (4,498 )   (2,054 )

Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses

     (19,266 )   (23,546 )

Increase (decrease) in income tax payable

     (117,356 )   111,193  

Increase (decrease) in warranty reserve

     (17,346 )   688  

Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities

     3,384     (19,653 )

Increase (decrease) in long-term accrued expenses

     8     2,529  

Accrued severance benefits transferred from affiliated company, net

     1,360     1,662  

Payment of severance benefits

     (2,098 )   (7,375 )

Decrease (increase) in severance insurance deposits

     (533 )   223  

Decrease (increase) in contribution to National Pension Fund

     12     100  

Increase (decrease) in long-term advances received

     695,500     —    

Increase (decrease) in cumulative translation adjustments, net

     6,015     12,603  
     714,449     (383,025 )

Net cash provided by operating activities

     1,142,513     1,073,057  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Interim Consolidated of Cash Flows, Continued


For the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008



(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Cash flows from investing activities:


Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment

   (Won) 6,487     1,753  

Decrease (increase) in short-term financial instruments

     175,000     (1,195,000 )

Government subsidies received

     38     —    

Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets

     5     —    

Acquisition of available-for-sale securities

     —       (96,249 )

Increase in short-term loans

     (1 )   (19 )

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

     (976,770 )   (222,496 )

Acquisition of intangible assets

     (24,749 )   (10,793 )

Acquisition of equity method investments

     (6,330 )   —    

Refund of non-current guarantee deposits

     —       2  

Payment of non-current guarantee deposits

     (7,793 )   (2,311 )

Net cash used in investing activities

     (834,113 )   (1,525,113 )

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from short-term borrowings

     603,106     584,958  

Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     24,867     23,637  

Repayment of short-term borrowings

     (601,068 )   —    

Early redemption of debentures

     —       (29,822 )

Repayment of current portion of long-term debt

     (17,350 )   (46,416 )

Payment of cash dividend

     —       (268,362 )

Net cash provided by financing activities

     9,555     263,995  

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     317,955     (188,061 )

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

     1,367,752     1,196,423  

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

   (Won) 1,685,707     1,008,362  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



1 Organization and Description of Business

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of LG Display Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries (collectively the “Company”). The general information of LG Display Co., Ltd. (the “Controlling Company”), its consolidated subsidiaries and its equity method investees is described below.


  (a) Description of the Controlling Company

LG Display Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 1985 under its original name of LG Soft, Ltd. as a wholly owned subsidiary of LG Electronics Inc. In 1998, LG Electronics Inc. and LG Semicon Co., Ltd. transferred their respective Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (“TFT-LCD”) related business to the Controlling Company and its main business is to manufacture and sell TFT-LCD panels. In July 1999, LG Electronics Inc. and Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (“Philips”) entered into a joint venture agreement. Pursuant to the agreement, the Controlling Company changed its name to LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. However, on February 29, 2008, the Controlling Company changed its name from LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd. to LG Display Co., Ltd. based upon the approval of shareholders at the general shareholders’ meeting on the same date as a result of the decrease in Philips’s share interest in the Controlling Company and the possibility of its business expansion to Organic Light Emitting Diode (“OLED”) and Flexible Display products. As of March 31, 2009, LG Electronics Inc. owns 37.9% (135,625 thousand shares) of the Controlling Company’s common shares. In March 2009, Philips, which used to be one of the major shareholders of the Controlling Company, sold all of its share holdings, 47,225,000 shares, of the Controlling Company.

As of March 31, 2009, the Controlling Company has LCD Research & Development Center and TFT-LCD manufacturing plants in Paju and TFT-LCD manufacturing plants and OLED manufacturing plant in Gumi. The Controlling Company has overseas subsidiaries located in the United States of America, Europe and Asia.


  (b) Consolidated Subsidiaries

(i) LG Display America, Inc.

LGDUS, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in California, U.S.A., on September 24, 1999, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to USD5 million.

(ii) LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

LGDJP, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Tokyo, Japan, on October 12, 1999, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to JPY95 million.

(iii) LG Display Germany GmbH

LGDDG, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Dusseldorf, Germany, on November 5, 1999, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to EUR1 million.

(iv) LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

LGDTW, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Taipei, Taiwan, on April 12, 1999, to sell TFT-LCD products and its shares were acquired by the Controlling Company in May 2000 from LG Electronics Inc. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to NTD116 million.

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



1 Organization and Description of Business, Continued



  (b) Consolidated Subsidiaries, Continued


(v) LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

LGDNJ, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Nanjing, China, on July 15, 2002, to manufacture and sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to CNY1,664 million and CNY1,643 million, respectively.

(vi) LG Display Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

LGDHK, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Hong Kong on January 24, 2003, to sell the TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to HKD12 million. LGDHK’s operations was transferred to LG.Philips LCD Shenzhen in 2007 and LGDHK is expected to liquidate.

(vii) LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd.

LGDSH, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Shanghai, China, on January 16, 2003, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to CNY4 million.

(viii) LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

LGDWR, which is 80.29% owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Wroclaw, Poland on September 6, 2005, to manufacture and sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to PLN511 million.

(ix) LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

LGDGZ, which is 84.21% owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Guangzhou, China, on June 30, 2006, to manufacture and sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to CNY678 million.

(x) LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

LGDSZ, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was incorporated in Shenzhen, China on August 28, 2007, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to CNY4 million.

(xi) Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.

Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd. was incorporated in Suzhou, China for production of LCD modules and LCD TV sets on October 7, 2008. The Controlling Company entered into a joint venture agreement with AmTRAN Technology Co., Ltd. and each party acquired equity interest in the joint venture a 51% and 49%, respectively. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to CNY139 million.

(xii) LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd.

LGDSG, which is wholly owned by the Controlling Company, was established in Singapore on January 12, 2009 by incorporating the Singapore branch of the Controlling Company, to sell TFT-LCD products. As of March 31, 2009, its capital stock amounted to SGD1.4 million.


  (c) Equity Method Investment

(i) Paju Electric Glass Co., Ltd. (“PEG”)

PEG was incorporated in Paju, Korea, on January 3, 2005, to produce electric glass. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, its capital stock amounted to (Won)36,000 million and 40% of PEG is owned by the Controlling Company.

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



1 Organization and Description of Business, Continued



  (c) Equity Method Investment, Continued


(ii) TLI Inc. (“TLI”)

TLI was incorporated on October 28, 1998, to manufacture and sell semiconductor parts for flat-panel display. In May 2008, the Controlling Company acquired 1,008,875 common shares of TLI (13.0%) at (Won)14,074 million through a stock purchase agreement for strategic alliance purposes. Although the Controlling Company’s share interests in TLI is below 20%, the Controlling Company is able to exercise significant influence through its right to assign a director in the board of directors of the investees and, accordingly, the investment in TLI has been accounted for using the equity method. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, 12.9% of TLI is owned by the Controlling Company.

(iii) AVACO Co., Ltd. (“AVACO”)

AVACO was incorporated on January 16, 2000 to manufacture and sell equipment for flat-panel display. In June 2008, the Controlling Company acquired 2,037,204 common shares of AVACO (19.9%) at (Won)6,173 million through a stock purchase agreement for strategic alliance purposes. Although the Controlling Company’s share interests in AVACO is below 20%, the Controlling Company is able to exercise significant influence through its right to assign a director in the board of directors of AVACO and, accordingly, the investment in AVACO has been accounted for using the equity method. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, 19.9% of AVACO is owned by the Controlling Company.

(iv) Guangzhou New Vision Technology Research and Development Limited (“Guangzhou R&D JV Center”)

The Controlling Company entered into a joint venture agreement with Shenzhen Skyworth-RGB Electronics Co., Limited (“Skyworth-RGB”) to strengthen its strategic alliance with Skyworth-RGB and to jointly develop products for enhancing competitiveness in the Chinese market and, accordingly, Guangzhou R&D JV Center was set up for research and development on design of LCD modules and LCD TVs. Each party acquired a 50% equity interest in the joint venture and, in July 2008, the Controlling Company invested (Won)3,655 million. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, 50% of Guangzhou R&D JV Center is owned by the Controlling Company.


NEW OPTICS Ltd. was incorporated on August 1, 2005 to manufacture back-light parts for TFT-LCD. In July 2008, the Controlling Company acquired 6,850,000 common shares of NEW OPTICS Ltd. (36.68%) at (Won)9,700 million. The Controlling Company’s share interest in the investee exceeds 30%, however, the Controlling Company is not the shareholder with the majority ownership and, accordingly, investment in this investee has been accounted for using the equity method. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, 36.68% of NEW OPTICS Ltd. is owned by the Controlling Company.

(vi) ADP Engineering Co., Ltd. (“ADP Engineering”)

ADP Engineering was incorporated on January 26, 2001 to develop and manufacture the equipment for flat-panel display. In February 2009, the Controlling Company acquired 3,000,000 common shares of ADP Engineering (12.93%) at (Won)6,330 million. Although the Controlling Company’s share interests in ADP Engineering is below 20%, the Controlling Company is able to exercise significant influence through its right to assign a director in the board of directors of ADP Engineering and, accordingly, the investment in ADP Engineering has been accounted for using the equity method.

Table of Contents


Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



2 Summary of Consolidated Subsidiaries

Consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2009, are as follows:


Overseas Subsidiaries

   Total issued and
outstanding shares
    No. of shares
owned by

the Controlling
    Percentage of


LG Display America, Inc.

   5,000,000     5,000,000     100

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

   1,900     1,900     100

LG Display Germany GmbH

   960,000     960,000     100

LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

   11,550,000     11,550,000     100

LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

   (*1 )   (*1 )   100

LG Display Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

   115,000     115,000     100

LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd.

   (*1 )   (*1 )   100

LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.(*2)

   5,110,710     4,103,277     80

LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.(*3)

   (*1 )   (*1 )   84

LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

   (*1 )   (*1 )   100

Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.

   (*1 )   (*1 )   51

LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd.

   (*1 )   (*1 )   100


  (*1) No shares have been issued in accordance with the local laws and regulations.
  (*2) Toshiba Corporation (“Toshiba”) acquired 20% of LGDWR in December 2007. With the acquisition of the 20% interest, Toshiba and the Controlling Company and LGDWR entered into a derivative contract that is indexed to LGDWR’s equity shares. According to the contract, the Controlling Company or LGDWR has a call option to buy Toshiba’s 20% interest in LGDWR and Toshiba has a put option to sell its 20% interest in LGDWR to the Controlling Company or LGDWR under the same terms; the price of the call is equal to the price of the put option which is the total amount of Toshiba’s investment at cost. The call and put option are exercisable after five years from the date of acquisition and on each anniversary thereafter with no stated expiry date in whole or in part. Toshiba’s investment in LGDWR is regarded as a financing due to the options and recorded as long-term other accounts payable. Accordingly, LGDWR is consolidated as a wholly owned subsidiary in the consolidated financial statements.
  (*3) Skyworth TV Holdings Limited (“Skyworth”) acquired 16% of equity interest in LGDGZ in June 2008. With the acquisition of the 16% interest, Skyworth and the Controlling Company entered into a derivative contract that is indexed to LGDGZ’s equity interest. According to the contract, LGD has a call option to buy Skyworth’s 16% interest in LGDGZ and Skyworth has a put option to sell its 16% interest in LGDGZ to LG Display Co., Ltd. under the same terms; the price of the call is equal to the price of the put option which is the total amount of Skyworth’s investment at cost. The call and put option is exercisable after five years from the date of acquisition with no stated expiry date in whole or in part. Skyworth’s investment in LGDGZ is regarded as a financing due to the options and recorded as long-term other accounts payable. Accordingly, LGDGZ is consolidated as a wholly owned subsidiary in the consolidated financial statements.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



2 Summary of Consolidated Subsidiaries, Continued


A summary of the consolidated subsidiaries’ financial data as of and for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, prior to the elimination of intercompany transactions is as follows:


(In millions of Won)    Total assets    Total
    Sales    Net

LG Display America, Inc.

   (Won) 356,770    809,902    (453,132 )   606,549    13  

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

     191,921    181,894    10,027     305,313    (2,251 )

LG Display Germany GmbH

     505,282    485,146    20,136     612,720    8,526  

LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

     596,701    548,546    48,155     566,042    20,345  

LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

     707,137    225,506    481,631     113,565    28,703  

LG Display Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

     2,199    11    2,188     —      (2 )

LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd.

     363,188    352,846    10,342     479,367    2,369  

LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

     360,898    214,642    146,256     31,672    4,349  

LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

     263,915    141,855    122,060     36,434    6,839  

LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

     97,475    93,501    3,974     190,942    253  

Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.

     320,596    273,707    46,889     306,664    20,110  

LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd.

     322,809    326,548    (3,739 )   307,599    (5,251 )
   (Won) 4,088,891    3,654,104    434,787     3,556,867    84,003  


3 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Consolidated Financial Statements


  (a) Significant Accounting Policies

The significant accounting policies followed by the Company in the preparation of its interim consolidated financial statements are the same as those followed by the Company in its preparation of annual consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2008 except for the application of the Statements of Korea Accounting Standard No. 2, Interim Financial Reporting.


  (b) Basis of Presenting Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company maintains its accounting records in Korean Won and prepares statutory financial statements in the Korean language in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of Korea. Certain accounting principles applied by the Company that conform with financial accounting standards and accounting principles in the Republic of Korea may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. Accordingly, these interim consolidated financial statements are intended for use only by those who are informed about Korean accounting principles and practices. The accompanying interim consolidated financial statements have been translated into English from the Korean language interim consolidated financial statements.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



4 Receivables

The Company’s allowance for doubtful accounts on receivables, including trade accounts and notes receivable, as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
     Gross amount    Allowance for
doubtful accounts

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   (Won) 2,300,406    533    2,299,873

Other accounts receivable

     57,010    720    56,290

Accrued income

     78,549    79    78,470

Advance payments

     3,717    31    3,686

Long-term other receivable

     27,664    1    27,663


(In millions of Won)    2008
     Gross amount    Allowance for
doubtful accounts

Trade accounts and notes receivable

   (Won) 2,005,792    1,034    2,004,758

Other accounts receivable

     36,535    275    36,260

Accrued income

     87,908    62    87,846

Advance payments

     412    3    409

Long-term other receivable

     25,058    2    25,056

During the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the amount of trade accounts and notes receivable arising from sales of the Controlling Company to its subsidiaries and sold to financial institutions was USD797 million, of which USD430 million ((Won)591,802 million) is current and outstanding as of March 31, 2009. The transferred accounts receivable was recorded as short-term borrowings. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the Company recognized (Won)5,782 million as interest expense in relation to the short-term borrowings.


5 Inventories

Inventories as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
     Gross amount    Valuation loss    Book value

Finished goods

   (Won) 510,115    47,143    462,972


     412,074    39,317    372,757

Raw materials

     285,359    7,828    277,531


     110,201    30,010    80,191
   (Won) 1,317,749    124,298    1,193,451

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



5 Inventories, Continued



(In millions of Won)    2008
     Gross amount    Valuation loss    Book value

Finished goods

   (Won) 602,585    63,198    539,387

Goods in trade

     1,054    114    940


     415,264    57,173    358,091

Raw materials

     173,708    5,520    168,188


     97,551    27,484    70,067
   (Won) 1,290,162    153,489    1,136,673


6 Available-for-Sale Securities

Available-for-sale securities as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009
   Unrealized gains     
   Changes in
gains, net
gains on
at end of
(fair value)

Current asset


Debt securities


Government bonds

   (Won) 74    —      —      —      —      74

Non-current asset


Equity securities


HannStar Display Corporation(*)

   (Won) 96,249    33,248    3,250    —      36,498    132,747
  (*) In February 2008, the Controlling Company purchased 180 million shares of non-voting mandatorily redeemable convertible preferred stock of HannStar Display Corporation (“HannStar”) located in Taiwan. The preferred stocks are convertible into common stocks of HannStar at a ratio of 1:1 at the option of the Controlling Company from the issue date, February 28, 2008, to the maturity, February 28, 2011. For the period ended March 31, 2009, there is no preferred stock converted into common stocks.

The Controlling Company has a put option for total or partial cash redemption of convertible preferred stocks during the period from 18 months after issuance of the convertible preferred stocks to 91 days prior to the maturity of them and the issuer has a call option to repay, in cash, total preferred stocks during the period from 2 years after issuance to 90 days prior to maturity.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



6 Available-for-Sale Securities, Continued


The above mentioned convertible preferred stocks have been privately placed under the Taiwanese Law, which restricts the sale of the preferred stocks (up to 3 years), and the stocks acquired through conversion are not to be traded in the Taiwanese Stock Exchange until the original maturity of the preferred stocks.

The fair value of the preferred stock has been computed by discounting estimated cash flows from the stock using yield rate that reflects HannStar’s credit risk. The estimated fair value of the convertible preferred stocks is (Won)132,747 million.


(In millions of Won)    2008
   Unrealized gains     
   Changes in
gains, net
gains on
at end of
(fair value)

Current asset


Debt securities


Government bonds

   (Won) 74    —      —      —      —      74

Non-current asset


Equity securities


HannStar Display Corporation

   (Won) 96,249    —      33,248    —      33,248    129,497


7 Equity Method Investments

In February 2009, Controlling Company acquired 3,000,000 common shares of ADP Engineering (12.9%). Although the Company’s share interests in ADP Engineering is below 20%, the Controlling Company is able to exercise significant influence through its right to assign a director in the board of directors of ADP Engineering and, accordingly, the investment in ADP Engineering has been accounted for using the equity method.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



8 Transactions and Balances with Related Parties


  (a) Details of the Company’s related parties as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:





Controlling party(*1)    LG Electronics Inc.
Company that has significant influence over the Company(*1)    LG Corp.
Joint venture   

Guangzhou New Vision Technology

Research and Development Limited

Equity method investee   

Paju Electric Glass Co., Ltd.,

TLI Inc.,

AVACO Co., Ltd.,


ADP Engineering Co., Ltd.


LG Management Development Institute Co., Ltd.,

LG Micron Ltd.,

LG Life Sciences, Ltd.,

LG CNS Co., Ltd.,

LG N-Sys Inc.,

LG Powercom Corp.,

Serveone Co., Ltd.,

LG Innotek Co., Ltd.,

LG Telecom Co., Ltd.,


LG International Corp.,

LG Dacom Corporation,

Hi Business Logistics,

Siltron Incorporated,

Lusem Co., Ltd. and others

  (*1) The immediate parent and the ultimate parent companies of the Company are LG Electronics Inc. and LG Corporation, respectively.
  (*2) The subsidiaries of the affiliates, which are not presented above, are also affiliates of the Company.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



8 Transactions and Balances with Related Parties, Continued


  (b) Significant transactions which occurred in the normal course of business with related companies for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related account balances outstanding as of March 31, 2009, and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


and other
and other
   Trade accounts
and notes receivable
and other
   Trade accounts
and notes payable and
(In millions of Won)    2009    2008    2009    2008    2009    2008    2009    2008

Controlling party(*)

   (Won) 894,886    950,510    55,896    38,696    598,285    442,943    68,795    82,370

Companies that have significant influence over the Company

     —      —      8,109    5,921    2,613    2,577    2,881    2,727

Equity method Investee

     3    —      256,931    106,700    559    1    160,020    58,222

Other related parties

     254,935    429,945    1,079,311    776,985    276,181    210,078    1,444,656    1,088,889
   (Won) 1,149,824    1,380,455    1,400,247    928,302    877,638    655,599    1,676,352    1,232,208
  (*) Controlling party includes overseas subsidiaries that are under direct control of LG Electronics Inc.




Key management compensation costs for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009    2008

Short-term benefits

   (Won) 527    428

Severance benefits

     58    164

Other long-term benefits

     143    —  
   (Won) 728    592

Key management refers to the registered directors who have significant control and responsibilities over the Controlling Company’s operations and business.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



9 Significant Transactions and Balances with Consolidated Subsidiaries


  (a) The Controlling Company’s significant transactions with consolidated subsidiaries for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related account balances outstanding as of March 31, 2009, and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


  (i) 2009


(In millions of Won)                    


   Sales(*)    Purchases    Trade accounts
and notes
   Trade accounts
and notes


LG Display America, Inc.

   (Won) 566,082    —      231,582    —  

LG Display Germany GmbH

     555,948    —      369,405    21,623

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

     289,482    —      134,462    8

LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

     535,569    —      403,032    —  

LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

     2,047    116,487    11,418    185,418

LG Display Shanghai Co.,Ltd.

     460,539    —      205,541    173

LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

     321    35,954    4,272    101,338

LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

     110    34,702    19,731    4,171

LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

     186,316    —      68,573    —  

LG Display Singapore Pte. Ltd.

     327,821    —      307,754    14

Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.

     179,331    —      130,956    223,640
   (Won) 3,103,566    187,143    1,886,726    536,385
  (*) These amounts include the Controlling Company’s sale of property, plant and equipment to the Controlling Company’s subsidiaries amounting to (Won)4,057 million.


  (ii) 2008


(In millions of Won)                    


   Sales    Purchases    Trade accounts
and notes
   Trade accounts
and notes


LG Display America, Inc.

   (Won) 496,942    —      172,753    —  

LG Display Germany GmbH

     746,319    1,351    341,616    17,300

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd.

     350,644    —      87,502    —  

LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd.

     1,000,390    —      324,075    —  

LG Display Nanjing Co., Ltd.

     405    73,139    10,209    156,200

LG Display Shanghai Co.,Ltd.

     511,385    —      190,271    21

LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

     140    29,423    3,864    92,438

LG Display Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

     16    9,498    19,255    13,609

LG Display Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

     331,750    —      108,413    4

Suzhou Raken Technology Ltd.

     —      —      9,943    —  
   (Won) 3,437,991    113,411    1,267,901    279,572

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



10 Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Acquisition cost:



   (Won) 404,672     408,113  


     3,107,988     2,532,747  


     251,720     225,747  

Machinery and equipment

     17,144,297     15,281,920  


     205,669     198,444  

Furniture and fixtures

     540,913     512,503  


     21,476     22,012  


     9,563     9,605  


     8,268     —    


     2,570,514     4,131,614  
     24,265,080     23,322,705  

Less accumulated depreciation

     (14,603,722 )   (14,025,042 )

Less accumulated impairment loss

     (7 )   (7 )

Less government subsidies

     (24,943 )   (27,394 )

Property, plant and equipment, net

   (Won) 9,636,408     9,270,262  

The Company capitalizes financial expenses, such as interest expense incurred on borrowings used to finance the cost of acquiring or building property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest expenses. Capitalized financial expenses for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008, amount to (Won)24,895 million and (Won)45,177 million, respectively.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



11 Debentures


  (a) Details of debentures issued by the Controlling Company as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)   




interest rate

   2009     2008  

Local currency debentures(*)


Publicly issued debentures


May 2009~

March 2010

   3.50~5.00%    (Won) 850,000     850,000  

Privately issued debentures


December 2010~

June 2011

   5.30~5.89%      600,000     600,000  

Less discount on debentures

           (2,778 )   (3,826 )

Less current portion of debentures

           (847,413 )   (458,201 )
           599,809     987,973  

Foreign currency debentures


Convertible bonds

   April 2012    zero coupon      511,555     511,555  

Less discount on debentures

           (1,637 )   (1,760 )

Less conversion right adjustment

           (86,599 )   (93,111 )

Add redemption premium

           85,788     85,788  
           509,107     502,472  
         (Won) 1,108,916     1,490,445  
  (*) Principal of the local currency debentures are to be repaid at maturity and interests are paid quarterly.


  (b) Details of the convertible bonds as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:



Terms and Conditions

Issue date

   April 18, 2007

Maturity date

   April 18, 2012

Conversion period

   April 19, 2008~April 3, 2012

Coupon interest rate


Conversion price (in Won)


Issued amount

   USD550 million

The bonds will be repaid at 116.77% of the principal amount at maturity unless the put option of bondholders are exercised in which case the bondholders will be repaid at 109.75% of the principal amount on April 18, 2010. If the Convertible bonds were classified as monetary liabilities, the loss on foreign currency translation would be (Won)65,780 million and (Won)243,925 for the three month period ended March 31, 2009 and the period from issue date, April 18, 2007, to March 31, 2009, respectively.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



11 Debentures, Continued


The Controlling Company is entitled to exercise a call option after three years from the date of issue at the amount of the principal and interest, calculated at 3.125% of the annual yield to maturity, from the issue date to the repayment date. The call option can be exercised only when the market price of the common shares on each of 20 trading days in 30 consecutive trading days ending on the trading day immediately prior to the date upon which notice of such redemption is published exceeds at least 130% of the conversion price. In addition, in the event that at least 90% of the initial principal amount of the bonds has been redeemed, converted, or purchased and cancelled, the remaining bonds may also be redeemed, at the Controlling Company’s option, at the amount of the principal and interest (3.125% per annum) from the date of issue to the repayment date prior to their maturity.

Based on the terms and conditions of the bond, the conversion price was decreased from (Won)48,760 to (Won)48,251 per share due to declaration of cash dividends of (Won)500 per share for the year ended December 31, 2008. As of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the number of common shares to be issued if the outstanding convertible bonds are fully converted is as follows:


(In Won and share)

   March 31, 2009    December 31, 2008

Convertible bonds amount (*)

   (Won) 513,480,000,000    513,480,000,000

Conversion price

   (Won) 48,251    48,760

Common shares to be issued

     10,641,851    10,530,762
  (*) The exchange rate for the conversion is fixed at (Won)933.6 to USD 1.


  (c) Aggregate maturities of the Company’s debentures as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)               


   Debentures    Convertible

April 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2010

   (Won) 850,000    —      850,000

April 1, 2010 ~ March 31, 2011

     200,000    —      200,000

April 1, 2011 ~ March 31, 2012

     400,000    —      400,000

April 1, 2012 ~ March 31, 2013

     —      597,343    597,343
   (Won) 1,450,000    597,343    2,047,343
  (*) In the above schedule, it was assumed that the convertible bonds will be repaid in full at maturity with redemption premium amounting to (Won)85,788 million.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



12 Short-Term Borrowings and Long-Term Debt


  (a) Short-term borrowings as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won, except interest rate)          



Annual interest rate

   2009    2008

Factoring of accounts receivable(*2)


Korea Exchange Bank and others

   LIBOR+2.0~2.9%    (Won) 591,802    601,068

Working capital(*2)


Mizuho Bank and others

   TIBOR (*1)+0.40~0.45%      11,304    —  
  (*1) TIBOR represents Tokyo Inter-Bank Offered Rates.
  (*2) Foreign currency equivalent as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions)    2009    2008


   430    478


   799    —  


  (b) Long-term debt as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions of Won, except interest rate)             



Annual interest rate(*1)

   2009     2008  

Local currency loans


The Export-Import Bank of Korea

   6.08%    (Won) —       9,850  

Korea Development Bank

   KDBBIR+0.77%      30,000     37,500  

Shinhan Bank

   3-year Korean Treasury Bond rate less 1.25%      18,982     18,982  

Less current portion of long-term debt

        (30,902 )   (40,451 )
        18,080     25,881  

Foreign currency loans(*2)


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and others



3M EURIBOR+0.60%,

95% of the Basic Rate published by the People’s Bank of China

     319,750     277,867  

The Export-Import Bank of Korea

   6ML+0.69%      68,855     62,875  

Korea Development Bank

   3ML+0.66%      192,794     176,050  

Kookmin Bank and others

   3ML+0.35~0.53%      550,840     503,000  
   6ML+0.41%      275,420     251,500  

Less current portion of long-term debt

        (68,858 )   (54,517 )
        1,338,801     1,216,775  
      (Won) 1,356,881     1,242,656  

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



12 Short-Term Borrowings and Long-Term Debt, Continued


  (*1) ML, M EURIBOR and KDBBIR represents Month LIBOR, Month EURIBOR and Korea Development Bank Benchmark Interest Rates, respectively.
  (*2) Foreign currency equivalent as of March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 is as follows:


(In millions)    2009    2008


   902    902


   194    70


   70    70


  (c) Aggregate maturities of the Company’s long-term debt as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)


currency loans
currency loans

April 1, 2009 ~ March 31, 2010

   (Won) 30,902    68,858    99,760

April 1, 2010 ~ March 31, 2011

     3,021    149,251    152,272

April 1, 2011 ~ March 31, 2012

     3,796    1,099,433    1,103,229

April 1, 2012 ~ March 31, 2013

     3,796    80,356    84,152

April 1, 2013 ~ March 31, 2014

     3,797    9,761    13,558


     3,670    —      3,670
   (Won) 48,982    1,407,659    1,456,641


13 Commitments and Contingencies

Commitments and contingencies of the Company are as follows:


  (a) Commitments

Overdraft agreements and credit facility agreement

As of March 31, 2009, the Controlling Company has bank overdraft agreements with Woori Bank and other various banks amounting to (Won)59,000 million in aggregate and there is no overdrawn balance.

Factoring and securitization of accounts receivable

The Controlling Company has agreements with Korea Exchange Bank and other several banks for U.S. dollar denominated accounts receivable negotiating facilities of up to an aggregate of USD1,606.5 million. As of March 31, 2009, accounts and notes receivable amounting to USD430 million were sold that are current and outstanding, and were recorded as short-term borrowings.

In October 2006, LG Display America, Inc., LG Display Germany GmbH, LG Display Shanghai Co., Ltd. and others entered into a five-year accounts receivable selling program with Standard Chartered Bank on a revolving basis, of up to USD600 million. The Controlling Company joined this program in April 2007. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, no accounts and notes receivable were sold.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



13 Commitments and Contingencies, Continued

Letters of credit

As of March 31, 2009, the Controlling Company has agreements with Korea Exchange Bank in relation to the opening of letters of credit up to (Won)20,000 million and USD35.5 million.

Payment guarantees

The Controlling Company receives repayment guarantees from ABN AMRO Bank amounting to USD8.5 million relating to value added tax payments in Poland. As of March 31, 2009, the Controlling Company entered into a payment guarantee agreement with a syndicate of banks including Kookmin Bank and Societe Generale in connection with a EUR70 million term loan credit facility of LG Display Poland Sp. zo.o.

LG Display Japan Co., Ltd. and other subsidiaries have entered into short-term credit facility agreements of up to USD30 million, EUR3.6 million, and JPY5,200 million with Mizho Corporate Bank and other various banks. LG Display Japan Co., Ltd. and LG Display Taiwan Co., Ltd. are provided with repayment guarantees from the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi and ABN AMRO Bank amounting to JPY1,300 million and USD4 million, respectively, relating to their local tax payments.

License agreements

As of March 31, 2009, in relation to its TFT-LCD business, the Controlling Company has technical license agreements with Hitachi, Ltd., and others and has a trademark license agreement with LG Corporation.

Long-term supply agreement

In January 2009, the Controlling Company entered into a long-term supply agreement with Apple, Inc. to supply LCD panels for 5 years. In connection with the agreement, the Controlling Company received a long-term prepayment of USD500 million from Apple, Inc., which will offset against outstanding accounts receivable balance after a given period of time, as well as those arising from the supply of products thereafter.


  (b) Contingencies

Patent infringement lawsuit against Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. and others

On December 1, 2006, the Controlling Company filed a complaint against Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. and AU Optronics Corp. alleging patent infringement related to liquid crystal display and manufacturing process for TFT-LCDs in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. On March 8, 2007, AU Optronics Corp. countersued the Controlling Company in the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin; however, the case was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware due to the Controlling Company’s motion to transfer. On May 4, 2007, Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp. countersued the Controlling Company for patent infringement in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas; however, on March 31, 2008, the suit was transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Delaware according to the Controlling Company’s motion to transfer. The Controlling Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of the above matters.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



13 Commitments and Contingencies, Continued

Anvik Corporation’s lawsuit for infringement of patent

On February 2, 2007, Anvik Corporation filed a patent infringement case against the Controlling Company, along with other LCD manufacturing companies in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, in connection with the usage of photo-masking equipment manufactured by Nikon Corporation. The Controlling Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of this case.

O2 Micro International Ltd.’s request for an investigation to US International Trade Commission

On December 15, 2008, O2 Micro International Ltd. and O2 Micro Inc. have requested the United States International Trade Commission (“ITC”) to commence a Trade Remedy Investigations alleging that the Company, LG Display America, Inc. and others have infringed their patents relating to LCD Displays. The Company is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of this case.

Anti-trust investigations and litigations

The Controlling Company and LG Display America, Inc., the US subsidiary of the Controlling Company, were under investigation by U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) with their role in conspiracies to fix prices in the sale of liquid crystal display (“LCD”) panels. In November, 2008, the Controlling Company and LG Display America, Inc. agreed to a plea agreement with DOJ and agreed to pay USD400 million over a five-year period.

As of March 31, 2009, the Controlling Company is under investigation by fair trade or antitrust authorities in Korea, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and European Commission with respect to possible anti-competitive activities in the LCD industry.

In 2006, the Controlling Company, along with a number of other firms in the LCD industry, has been named as defendants in class actions in the United States and Canada for alleged violation of the antitrust laws in connection with the sale of LCD panels to both direct and indirect purchaser plaintiffs, and the class actions in the United States were consolidated and transferred to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. In February 2007, the Controlling Company and certain of its current and former officers and directors were named as defendants in a federal class action in the United States by the shareholders of the Controlling Company alleging violations of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, by the Controlling Company and certain of its officers and directors in connection with possible anti-competitive activities in the LCD industry.

Each of these investigations, legal proceedings and claims is ongoing and the outcome in any of these matters may have a negative effect on the Company’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.


14 Derivative Instruments


  (a) Derivative instruments used by the Controlling Company for hedging purposes as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


Hedging purpose


Derivative instrument

Hedge of fair value

   Foreign Currency Forwards

Hedge of cash flows

   Cross currency swap
   Interest rate swap

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



14 Derivative Instruments, Continued


  (b) Hedge of fair value

The Controlling Company entered into foreign currency forward contracts to manage the exposure to changes in currency exchange rates of foreign currency denominated accounts receivable and accounts payable in accordance with its foreign currency risk management policy. Hedge accounting is not applied related to the abovementioned derivatives.


  (i) Foreign Currency Forwards

Details of foreign currency forwards outstanding as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won, thousands of USD and JPY, except forward rate)



Maturity date



   Buying    Forward rate

BNP Paribas Bank and others


April 1, 2009~

May 20, 2009

   USD340,000    (Won) 471,207    (Won)1,302.2~

(Won)1,467.3: USD1

SC First Bank and other


April 13, 2009~

April 14, 2009

   USD40,888      JPY4,000,000    JPY97.00~

JPY98.47: USD1

BNP Paribas Bank and other

   April 13, 2009    (Won)28,664      JPY2,000,000    (Won)13.98~

(Won)14.68: JPY1


  (ii) Unrealized gains and losses related to the above derivatives as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)


   Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses

Foreign Currency Forwards

   (Won) 6,237    15,785

The unrealized gains and losses are charged to operations as gains and losses on foreign currency translation for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009.


  (c) Hedge of cash flows

The Controlling Company entered into cross currency swap and interest rate swap contracts to manage the exposure to changes in cash flows from changes in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates related to floating rate notes. Details of the Controlling Company’s derivative instruments related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


  (i) Cross Currency Swap


(In millions of Won and thousands of USD, except forward rate)



Maturity date

   Selling    Buying   

Contract rate

Kookmin Bank and other


August 29, 2011~

January 31, 2012

     —      USD150,000   


floating rate



3M LIBOR+0.53%

      (Won) 143,269    —      Pay fixed rate    4.54%~5.35%

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



14 Derivative Instruments, Continued

Net unrealized gains and losses, net of related taxes, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the abovementioned cross currency swap, unrealized losses amounting to (Won)7,145 million, recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income, are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months.


  (ii) Interest Rate Swap


(In thousands of USD, except forward rate)



Maturity date

   Contract amount   

Contract rate

SC First Bank


May 21, 2009~

May 24, 2010


Receive floating


         Pay fixed rate    5.375%~5.644%

Net unrealized gains and losses, net of related taxes, were recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income.

In relation to the abovementioned interest rate swap, unrealized losses amounting to (Won)4,560 million, recorded as accumulated other comprehensive income, are expected to be charged to operations as losses within the next twelve months.


  (iii) Unrealized gains and losses, before tax, related to hedge of cash flows as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)


   Unrealized gains    Unrealized losses    Cash flow hedge

Cross currency swap(*)

   (Won) —      21,122    Fulfilled

Interest rate swap

     —      8,793    Fulfilled
  (*) The unrealized gains amounting to (Won)17,940 million related to the foreign exchange rate risk are recognized as gains in the consolidated statement of income in the current period.


  (d) Realized gains and losses related to derivative instruments for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)

Hedge purpose

   Type    Transaction

Cash flow hedge

   Cross currency swap    (Won) 55    252

Cash flow hedge

   Foreign currency forwards      —      2,534

Fair value hedge

   Foreign currency forwards      4,885    38,333

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



15 Income Taxes


  (a) Income tax expense for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 consists of:


(In millions of Won)    2009  

Current income taxes

   (Won) 24,525  

Deferred income taxes from changes in temporary differences

     (51,260 )

Deferred income taxes from changes in tax credit

     (29,241 )

Deferred income taxes from changes in loss carryforwards

     (61,717 )

Deferred income taxes added to shareholders’ equity


Income tax expense

   (Won) (116,527 )


  (b) The tax effects of temporary differences, tax credit carryforwards and loss carryforwards that resulted in significant portions of deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2009 are presented below:


(In millions of Won)    January 1,
    March 31,

Temporary differences:


Accrued income

   (Won) (88,237 )   9,283     (78,954 )


     73,341     9,243     82,584  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

     (33,248 )   (3,250 )   (36,498 )

Long-term other payables

     406,156     12,602     418,758  

Equity method investments

     (12,715 )   (4,195 )   (16,910 )

Changes in capital adjustment arising

from equity method investments

     (684 )   (430 )   (1,114 )

Changes in cumulative translation


     (210,739 )   2,501     (208,238 )

Other current assets (derivatives)

     (70,952 )   (961 )   (71,913 )

Loss on valuation of derivative


     22,062     7,853     29,915  

Property, plant and equipment

     366,067     59,382     425,449  

Warranty reserve and other reserves

     61,520     (691 )   60,829  

Gain on foreign currency translation

     (138,599 )   (39,318 )   (177,917 )

Loss on foreign currency translation

     435,875     157,892     593,767  


     73,567     38,296     111,863  


     883,414     248,207     1,131,621  

Loss carryforwards

     —       280,532     280,532  

Tax credit carryforwards

   (Won) 468,620     30,778     499,398  

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



15 Income Taxes, Continued


     Deferred tax assets (liabilities)  
(In millions of Won)    January 1,
    March 31,
    Current     Non-current  

Accrued income

   (Won) (21,353 )   3,983     (17,370 )   (17,370 )   —    


     18,239     241     18,480     18,480     —    

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities

     (7,314 )   (715 )   (8,029 )   —       (8,029 )

Long-term other payables

     —       —       —       —       —    

Equity method investments

     —       —       —       —       —    

Changes in capital adjustment arising from equity method investments

     (150 )   (94 )   (244 )   —       (244 )

Changes in cumulative translation adjustments

     (46,363 )   550     (45,813 )   —       (45,813 )

Other current assets (derivatives)

     (17,170 )   1,349     (15,821 )   (15,821 )   —    

Loss on valuation of derivative instruments

     5,156     1,425     6,581     2,575     4,006  

Property, plant and equipment

     76,357     16,872     93,229     10,971     82,258  

Warranty reserve and other reserves

     14,665     (1,283 )   13,382     11,739     1,643  

Gain on foreign currency translation

     (33,541 )   (5,601 )   (39,142 )   (39,142 )   —    

Loss on foreign currency translation

     105,482     25,147     130,629     130,629     —    


     14,159     9,386     23,545     9,710     13,835  


     108,167     51,260     159,427     111,771     47,656  

Loss carryforwards

     —       61,717     61,717     61,717     —    

Tax credit carryforwards

     421,758     29,241     450,999     —       450,999  

Deferred income tax assets

   (Won) 529,925     142,218     672,143     173,488     498,655  

Statutory tax rate applicable to the Company is 24.2% and 27.5% for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008, respectively. Under the Foreign Investment Promotion Act of Korea, the Company had been entitled to an exemption from income taxes at one-half of foreign equity investment in 2008 and the exemption period, which had started from 1998, was terminated as of December 31, 2008.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



16 Cost of Sales

Details of cost of sales for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009    2008

Finished goods

   (Won)       3,821,973      2,940,745

Beginning balance

     539,387        453,034    

Cost of goods manufactured

     3,745,558        3,075,713    

Ending balance

     (462,972 )      (588,002 )  


     1,432      29,113


     3,870      3,074
   (Won)       3,827,275      2,972,932


17 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Details of selling, general and administrative expenses for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009    2008


   38,207    32,449

Severance benefits

   2,447    2,827

Other employee benefits

   7,702    4,679

Shipping cost

   69,037    42,242


   3,628    3,036

Fees and commissions

   28,195    15,420


   1,690    1,132


   5,299    4,633

Taxes and dues

   2,640    1,966


   9,343    8,962

Sales promotion

   3,384    2,352

Development costs

   693    1,298


   37,500    28,267

Bad debt expenses

   —      504

A/S expenses

   23,490    19,463


   17,405    12,350
   250,660    181,580

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



18 Earnings (loss) Per Share


  (a) Basic earnings (loss) per share of the Controlling Company for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In Won, except share information)    2009     2008

Net income (loss) of the Controlling Company

   (Won) (264,858,600,800 )   716,649,035,368

Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding

     357,815,700     357,815,700

Earnings (loss) per share of the Controlling Company

   (Won) (740 )   2,003

There were no events or transactions that result in changes in the number of common shares used for calculating earnings per share.


  (b) There is no dilutive effect for the period ended March 31, 2009. Diluted earnings per share of the Controlling Company for three-month period ended March 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In Won, except earnings per share and share information)    2008

Net income of the Controlling Company

   (Won) 716,649,035,368

Interest on convertible bond, net of tax


Adjusted income


Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding and common equivalent shares(*)


Diluted earnings per share of the Controlling Company

   (Won) 1,958
  (*) Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding calculated as follows:


(In shares)    2008

Weighted-average number of common shares (basic)


Effect of conversion of convertible bonds


Weighted-average number of common shares (diluted) at March 31, 2008



  (c) The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding for the three-month period ended March 31, 2008 is calculated as follows:


(In shares)    2008

Number of convertible bonds



   January 1, 2008~March 31, 2008


   91 days / 91 days

Effect of conversion of convertible bonds



  (d) Earnings per share and diluted earnings per share of the Controlling Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 were (Won)3,038 and (Won)3,003, respectively.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements


18 Earnings (loss) Per Share, Continued


  (e) For the three-month period ended March 31, 2009, the number of dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding, which were excluded from the Controlling Company’s calculation of dilutive earning per share due to their anti-dilutive effect, are as follows:


(In shares)    2009

Convertible bond


Par value


Conversion period

   April 19, 2008~April 3, 2012

Common shares to be issued



19 Share-Based Payments


  (a) The terms and conditions of grants as of March 31, 2009 are as follows:




Settlement method

   Cash settlement

Type of arrangement

   Stock appreciation rights (granted to senior executive)

Date of grant

   April 7, 2005

Weighted-average exercise price (*1)


Number of rights granted


Number of rights forfeited (*2)


Number of rights cancelled (*3)


Number of rights outstanding


Exercise period

   From April 8, 2008 to April 7, 2012

Vesting conditions

   Two years of service from the date of grant
  (*1) The exercise price at the grant date was (Won)44,260 per stock appreciation right (“SARs”). However, the exercise price was subsequently adjusted to (Won)44,050 due to additional issuance of common shares in 2005.
  (*2) SARs were forfeited in connection with senior executives who left the Controlling Company before meeting the vesting requirement.
  (*3) If the appreciation of the Controlling Company’s share price is equal or less than that of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (“KOSPI”) over the three-year period following the grant date, only 50% of the outstanding SARs are exercisable. As the actual increase rate of the Controlling Company’s share price for the three-year period ending April 7, 2008, was less than that of the KOSPI for the same three-year period, only 110,000 shares, 50% of the outstanding SARs, as of March 31, 2009 are exercisable.

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



19 Share-Based Payments, Continued


  (b) The changes in the number of SARs outstanding for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009 and for the year ended December 31, 2008 are as follows:


(In share)    Stock appreciation rights
     2009    2008

Balance at beginning of period

   110,000    220,000

Forfeited or cancelled

   —      110,000

Outstanding at end of period

   110,000    110,000

Exercisable at end of period

   110,000    110,000


20 Comprehensive Income and Loss

Comprehensive income and loss for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:


(In millions of Won)    2009     2008  

Net income (loss)

   (Won) (255,005 )   716,649  

Change in fair value of available-for-sale securities, net of tax effect of (Won)(715) million in 2009 and (Won)(1,198) million in 2008

     2,535     3,160  

Change in equity arising from application of equity method, net of tax effect of (Won)(94) million in 2009 and nil in 2008

     334     —    

Gain on valuation of cash flow hedges, net of tax effect of nil in 2009 and (Won)568 million in 2008

     —       (1,498 )

Loss on valuation of cash flow hedges, net of tax effect of (Won)1,425 million in 2009 and (Won)8,134 million in 2008

     (6,428 )   (21,445 )

Change in cumulative translation adjustments, net of tax effect of (Won)550 million in 2009 and (Won)(23,634) million in 2008

     (1,429 )   39,514  

Consolidated Comprehensive income (loss)

     (259,993 )   736,380  

Comprehensive income (loss) of the Controlling Company

     (270,368 )   736,380  

Comprehensive income of minority interest

   (Won) 10,375     —    

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Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

March 31, 2009 and 2008



21 Segment Information


  (a) The Company manufactures and sells TFT-LCD, AM-OLED and TV products as of March 31, 2009.


  (b) The Company sells its products in domestic and foreign markets. Export sales represent approximately 94% of total sales for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009. The following is a summary of sales by region based on the location of the customers for the three-month period ended March 31, 2009:


(In millions of Won)                          
     Korea     Asia     US     Europe     Consolidation
     Domestic    Export            

Total sales

   (Won) 210,126    3,216,824     2,305,926     606,549     644,392     (3,317,400 )   3,666,417  

Inter-company sales

     —      (3,109,382 )   (166,195 )   (521 )   (41,302 )   3,317,400     —    

Net sales

   (Won) 210,126    107,442     2,139,731     606,028     603,090     —       3,666,417  

Operating income

   (450,577 )   69,472     6,761     13,723     (50,897 )   (411,518 )

Total assets

   (Won)      17,760,554     2,865,941     356,770     866,180     (3,287,337 )   18,562,108  


22 Status of the Company’s Adoption of Korean IFRS

In March 2008, a task force was set up for the Company’s adoption of the Korean International Financial Reporting Standards (“K-IFRS”) in 2010. The task force comprehensively analyzed differences in Statements of Korea Accounting Standard and K-IFRS in the Company’s significant accounting policies and selected the accounting applicable to the Company by benchmarking application of IFRS of other companies. Material adjustments to accounting policies in adopting IFRS, compared to the current accounting policies, are believed to be with convertible bond and employee benefits, and the Company is currently in the process of evaluating the impacts of the adjustments.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  LG Display Co., Ltd.
Date: May 15, 2009   By:  

/s/ Kyeong Lae Lee




Kyeong Lae Lee

  Title:   Senior Manager/Finance & Risk Management Department