Form S-3 - Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933:
SEC Accession No. 0001193125-24-281313
Filing Date
2024-12-18 16:21:43

Document Format Files

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  Complete submission text file 0001193125-24-281313.txt   2276919
Mailing Address 301 VIRGINIA AVENUE FAIRMONT WV 26554-2777
Business Address 301 VIRGINIA AVENUE FAIRMONT WV 26554-2777 3043634800
MVB FINANCIAL CORP (Filer) CIK: 0001277902 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 200034461 | State of Incorp.: WV | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Type: S-3 | Act: 33 | File No.: 333-283899 | Film No.: 241559459
SIC: 6022 State Commercial Banks
(CF Office: 02 Finance)