EX-99.1 4 dex991.htm AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2010. Audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.




Annual Report

March 31, 2010





Brookfield Investment Management Inc. (formerly Hyperion Brookfield Asset Management, Inc.) is an SEC-registered investment advisor specializing in core fixed income, high yield, structured products (Commercial MBS, Residential MBS and ABS) as well as global REITs and listed infrastructure securities. Headquartered in New York, the firm had approximately $24 billion of assets under management* as of March 31, 2010. Brookfield Investment Management Inc. is a subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management Inc., a global asset manager focused on property, power and other infrastructure assets with approximately $100 billion of assets under management as of March 31, 2010.



Includes assets managed through AMP Capital Brookfield Pty Limited.




Letter to Stockholders    1
Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.    2

Management Discussion of Fund Performance


Portfolio Characteristics


Portfolio of Investments

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.    11

Management Discussion of Fund Performance


Portfolio Characteristics


Portfolio of Investments

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.    20

Management Discussion of Fund Performance


Portfolio Characteristics


Portfolio of Investments

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.    29

Management Discussion of Fund Performance


Portfolio Characteristics


Portfolio of Investments

Notes to Portfolios of Investments    38
Statements of Assets and Liabilities    39
Statements of Operations    40
Statements of Changes in Net Assets    41
Statements of Cash Flows    43
Financial Highlights    47
Notes to Financial Statements    51
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm    66
Tax Information    67
Compliance Certifications    68
Information Concerning Directors and Officers    69
Dividend Reinvestment Plan    73

This report is for stockholder information. This is not a prospectus intended for the use in the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



© Copyright 2010. Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Dear Stockholders,

We welcome this opportunity to provide the Annual Report for Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (each a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.

Over the last 12 months, the repositioning of the Funds’ portfolios was substantially completed. This included a significant increase in exposure to corporate high yield bonds and the elimination of exposure to asset-backed securities (“ABS”) and collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”). This was a strategic goal for the Funds’ portfolios since taking over management in July 2008.

Importantly, we believe the Funds’ portfolios are now appropriately positioned to deliver high current income with a reduced risk profile. Our past experience suggests that this approach is better suited to generate sustainable yields over the course of an entire market cycle. The high yield market recovery over the trailing 12 months saw lesser quality bonds rebound off significant lows, compared to “up-in-credit” bonds, which had not deteriorated to the same degree. As investors re-embraced risk, CCC-rated securities outperformed the broader high yield market. In line with our long-term investment horizon, the Funds’ portfolios held underweight positions to these lower rated bonds and this contributed to underperformance relative to the benchmark high yield index for the period.

The 2009 calendar year set a new record for the performance of corporate high yield bonds. As investors acknowledged signs of economic recovery, appetite for risk increased significantly. This continued into the first quarter of 2010 and, similarly, the new issue market also remained particularly active with the majority of new issues well over-subscribed.

Importantly, we believe the outlook for the corporate high yield debt market in 2010 remains positive. Current high yield spreads adequately compensate for the likely risks inherent in today’s environment and as credit markets continue to function, credit spreads may tighten further.

In August 2009, the Funds’ Boards of Directors approved a reverse stock split to ensure the Funds were in compliance with the continued listing requirements of the New York Stock Exchange. The Funds are now comfortably within requirements to continue their listings on the exchange.

In addition to performance information, this report provides an overview of market conditions and a discussion of factors affecting the Funds’ investment performance, together with each Fund’s audited financial statements and portfolio of investments as of March 31, 2010.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Directors for their dedication and diligence during the Funds’ repositioning period. Their hard work over the last 12 months has greatly contributed to the solid standing of the Funds’ portfolios today. We welcome your questions and comments, and encourage you to contact our Investor Relations team at (800) 497-3746 or visit us at www.brookfieldim.com. Thank you for your support.



Kim G. Redding



   2010 Annual Report






Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. seeks a high level of current income. The Fund seeks capital growth as a secondary investment objective when consistent with its primary investment objective. The Fund invests a majority of its total assets in below-investment grade debt securities that offer attractive yield and capital appreciation potential. The Fund also may invest in investment grade debt securities, up to 15% of its total assets in foreign debt and foreign equity securities and up to 25% of its total assets in domestic equity securities, including common and preferred stocks. The Fund invests in a wide range of below-investment grade debt securities, including corporate bonds, mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities and municipal and foreign government obligations, as well as securities of companies in bankruptcy reorganization proceedings or otherwise in the process of debt restructuring. (Below-investment grade debt securities are rated Ba1 or lower by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group, comparably rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization or, if unrated, determined by the Fund’s investment advisor to be of comparable quality.) The Fund may use leverage through bank borrowings, reverse repurchase agreements or other transactions involving indebtedness or through the issuance of preferred shares. The Fund may leverage one third of its total assets (in each case including the amount borrowed.) The Fund may vary its use of leverage in response to changing market conditions.

Investment Risks: Investors in any bond fund should anticipate fluctuations in price. Bond prices and the value of bond funds decline as interest rates rise. Bonds with longer-term maturities generally are more vulnerable to interest rate risk than bonds with shorter-term maturities. Below-investment grade bonds involve greater credit risk, which is the risk that the issuer will not make interest or principal payments when due. An economic downturn or period of rising interest rates could adversely affect the ability of issuers, especially issuers of below-investment grade debt, to service primary obligations and an unanticipated default could cause the Fund to experience a reduction in value of its shares. The Fund’s investments in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities that are “subordinated” to other interests in the same pool may increase credit risk to the extent that the Fund, as a holder of those securities, may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. Below-investment grade bonds also are subject to greater price volatility and are less liquid, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or change, than higher-rated debt securities. The value of U.S. and foreign equity securities in which the Fund invests will change based on changes in a company’s financial condition and in overall market and economic conditions. Leverage creates an opportunity for an increased return to common stockholders, but unless the income and capital appreciation, if any, on securities acquired with leverage proceeds exceed the costs of the leverage, the use of leverage will diminish the investment performance of the Fund’s shares. Use of leverage also may increase the likelihood that the net asset value of the Fund and market value of its common shares will be more volatile, and the yield and total return to common stockholders will tend to fluctuate more in response to changes in interest rates and creditworthiness.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HAV) had a total return of 58.73%, which assumes the reinvestment of dividends and is exclusive of brokerage commissions. Based on the NYSE closing price of $7.00 on March 31, 2010, the Fund’s shares had a dividend yield of 10.29%. The dividend yield is calculated as the annualized amount of the reporting period’s most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the stated stock price.

The table below shows the Fund’s compound returns, based on published net asset values and market prices, for the periods noted as of March 31, 2010, compared with the Fund’s benchmark Index.


Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HAV)   3 Months    6 Months    9 Months    12 Months

Fund — Net asset value return

  3.27%    9.67%    23.85%    35.45%

Fund — Total return, including distributions*

  9.03%    16.40%    23.18%    58.73%

Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index

  4.62%    11.10%    26.90%    56.18%

Exclusive of brokerage commissions


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







The high yield market generated strong returns over the last 12 months. Yield spreads on the broad market1 tumbled from 1,683 basis points at March 31, 2009 to 581 basis points at March 31, 2010, as investor confidence in the financial markets and the economy strengthened.

During the last 12 months, the high yield new issue market gradually opened as capital markets were more accepting of risk. By the first quarter of 2010, the high yield market was setting records for issuance, with more than $60 billion of bonds issued during the three month period. Many bonds came with security and were used to refinance bank debt which was issued during 2006-2007 to finance leveraged buyouts. One of the market’s primary worries is the “mountain of maturities” many companies face between 2013-2015 as bonds and loans issued in the 2006-2007 timeframe come due. While some commentators view this as a significant risk to future returns, we view it as a “wall of worry” which may fuel a further rally in high yield as companies successfully address these concerns. The record amount of new issuance is evidence that corporate management teams and their equity sponsors are actively looking to manage their capital structures. We view the market to be in a virtuous cycle where new issuance, rather than pushing the market lower, serves to move it higher because it inherently reduces overall credit risk by extending maturities.

The level of defaults peaked in late 2009 and fell dramatically over the period to March 31, 2010. The widely watched 12-month default rate ended the 2009 calendar year at 12.7%2 and dropped more than half to 5.2% by the end of March3. Many strategists reduced their forecast default rate for 2010, and we expect it to be around 2% for the 2010 calendar year, representing continued improvement in credit quality.

Investor appetite for risk remained robust during the last 12 months, with CCCs returning 109.7% compared with the overall market which was up 57.2%.

Bonds of companies in the Financial Services and Real Estate industries performed well, as they recovered from poor performance in 2008. The Automotive sector also outperformed as companies restructured and investors grew more confident that the worst was over for the industry. The Technology sector outperformed, as many companies in the industry began to recover in line with the general economic recovery.

Industries which underperformed were generally considered to be defensive in nature, including Telecommunications, Healthcare and Utilities. In 2008, these sectors had been preferred amid a weaker environment. In general, performance of an industry reflected the average credit quality of that industry; with outperforming industries being lower quality and/or more beaten down in the 2008 downturn, and the underperforming industries representing more defensive, better quality issues. (Source: Factset, Merrill Lynch.)

Supply/demand remained positive as the new year commenced despite a record supply of new issues. Credit Suisse estimates $1.2 billion of money flowed into the market in the first quarter of 2010, an extension of the $22.9 billion that flowed in during 20094. The steady flow of money into high yield retail mutual funds put pressure on managers to deploy it quickly which gave a boost to the new issue calendar.

As the high yield market recovered, many of the Fund’s holdings generated significant capital appreciation. Some of the best performers were Sungard Data Systems, U.S. Steel and TRW Automotive. Sungard Data Systems and TRW Automotive benefited from the reopening of credit markets. U.S. Steel rebounded as the prospect of a severe recession diminished. Importantly, our analysis indicated that each company retained balance sheet flexibility to withstand anticipated short-term weakness in the economy.

Detractors included Steers (which was sold during the year), SeaMetric and Charter. SeaMetric is a development-stage energy service company in need of additional capital to complete planned projects. The company filed for bankruptcy in February 2010 and we do not expect any meaningful recovery for these bonds. Charter’s bonds declined subsequent to the company filing for bankruptcy.


   2010 Annual Report






We continue to maintain our positive view of the high yield market despite the hefty returns over the past 12 months. While yield spreads have narrowed nearer to the long-term average, lower defaults, improving credit conditions, and the gradual removal of the maturity mountain should protect investors from a market correction. We believe we are on the right side of the credit cycle for corporate credit and anticipate the yield advantage of high yield will prove attractive in a low-yield world.

We believe that, on balance, the U.S. economy will surprise on the upside, eventually overcoming residual investor fears of continued stagnation. We are encouraged by the record pace of credit refinancing, and are beginning to see signs of renewed IPO activity, both of which will serve to reduce credit risk going forward.

Confidence may receive a second boost should we see a return of merger and acquisition (“M&A”) activity this year after a two-year hiatus. M&A tends to be good for high yield investors on two fronts; first, it gives companies a venue for selling assets and using cash to pay debt, and second, bond investors typically benefit from a change-of-control put in the event their debtor is taken over.

1 Performance numbers for the Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Index, H0A0 retrieved from Bloomberg

2 Merrill Lynch, “Situation Room: High Yield in 2010: Year Ahead Outlook,” December 28, 2009, p. 4

3 JP Morgan, High Yield Market Monitor, April 1, 2010, p. 14

4 Credit Suisse, “Leveraged Finance Strategy Update,” April 6, 2010, p. 10

Forward-Looking Information

This management discussion contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements that are based on various assumptions (some of which are beyond our control) may be identified by reference to a future period or periods or by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as “may,” “will,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “continue,” “should,” “intend,” or similar terms or variations on those terms or the negative of those terms. Although we believe that the expectations contained in any forward-looking statement are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained. We do not undertake, and specifically disclaim any obligation, to publicly release any update or supplement to any forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.


The Fund’s portfolio holdings are subject to change without notice. The mention of specific securities is not a recommendation or solicitation for any person to buy, sell or hold any particular security. There is no assurance that the Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. currently holds these securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index covers the U.S. dollar denominated, non-investment grade, fixed-rate, taxable corporate bond market. Securities are classified as high yield if the middle rating of Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P is Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below. The index excludes emerging markets debt. The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index is part of the Barclays Capital U.S. Universal and Global High Yield Indices. The index is unmanaged and, unlike the Fund, is not affected by cash flows or trading and other expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only and does not predict or depict the performance of the Fund.

Performance data quoted represents past performance results and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.






These views represent the opinions of Brookfield Investment Management Inc. and are not intended to predict or depict the performance of any investment. These views are as of the close of business on March 31, 2010 and subject to change based on subsequent developments.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio Characteristics (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010






Annualized dividend yield1



Weighted average coupon



Average effective maturity


6.83 years

Percentage of leveraged assets



Total number of holdings








A and Above2

















Investment Grade Corporate Bonds


High Yield Corporate Bonds


Common Stocks


Short-term Investments






Dividends may include net investment income, capital gains and/or return of capital. The dividend yield referenced above is calculated as the annualized amount of the most recent monthly dividend declared divided by March 31, 2010 stock price.



Includes short-term investments.



Includes only invested assets; excludes cash.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010












(Note 2)



Services Cyclical – 1.1%


Allied Waste North America Inc. 2
(Cost $491,930)

   6.88   06/01/17    $ 500    $ 545,000

Telecommunications – 4.2%


Qwest Corp. 2

   6.88      09/15/33      1,225      1,182,125

Rogers Communications Inc. 2

   6.80      08/15/18      750      853,162

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $1,656,494)


(Cost $2,148,424)




Basic Industry – 20.2%


AK Steel Corp. 2

   7.75      06/15/12      1,250      1,256,250

Appleton Papers Inc. 3,4

   10.50      06/15/15      340      338,300

Arch Western Finance LLC 2

   6.75      07/01/13      900      903,375

Cascades Inc. 3,4

   7.75      12/15/17      175      176,313

Domtar Corp. 2

   10.75      06/01/17      600      729,000

Edgen Murray Corp. 3,4

   12.25      01/15/15      535      500,894

Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold 2

   8.38      04/01/17      900      1,001,250

Georgia-Pacific LLC

   7.25      06/01/28      230      227,700

Georgia-Pacific LLC

   7.38      12/01/25      270      268,650

Millar Western Forest Products Limited

   7.75      11/15/13      650      554,125

Steel Dynamics Inc. 2

   6.75      04/01/15      1,000      1,007,500

U.S. Steel Corp. 2

   7.00      02/01/18      1,400      1,379,000

Verso Paper Holdings LLC / Verso Paper Inc. 3,4

   11.50      07/01/14      750      810,000

Westlake Chemical Corp. 2

   6.63      01/15/16      750      731,250

Total Basic Industry
(Cost $8,816,132)


Capital Goods – 13.0%


BE Aerospace Inc.

   8.50      07/01/18      675      720,562

CNH America LLC. 2

   7.25      01/15/16      500      507,500

Crown Americas LLC 2

   7.75      11/15/15      275      286,000

L-3 Communications Corp. 2

   6.13      01/15/14      1,000      1,017,500

Mueller Water Products Inc.

   7.38      06/01/17      900      812,250

Owens-Illinois Inc.

   7.80      05/15/18      575      593,688

Solo Cup Co./Solo Cup Operating Corp.

   10.50      11/01/13      500      527,500

Terex Corp. 2

   7.38      01/15/14      950      964,250

Terex Corp.

   8.00      11/15/17      250      243,125

Texas Industries Inc.

   7.25      07/15/13      370      363,525

Trimas Corp. 3,4

   9.75      12/15/17      345      357,075

Total Capital Goods
(Cost $6,142,120)


Consumer Cyclical – 26.5%


ACE Hardware Corp. 2,3,4

   9.13      06/01/16      500      536,250

American Axle & Manufacturing Inc.

   7.88      03/01/17      700      652,750



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010












(Note 2)



Collective Brands Inc.

   8.25   08/01/13    $ 444    $ 452,880

Couche-Tard U.S. LP

   7.50      12/15/13      675      685,125

Easton-Bell Sports Inc. 3,4

   9.75      12/01/16      650      684,125

FireKeepers Development Authority 3,4

   13.88      05/01/15      500      578,750

Ford Motor Co.

   6.50      08/01/18      650      617,500

GameStop Corp. 2

   8.00      10/01/12      1,000      1,037,500

Harrah’s Operating Escrow LLC/Harrah’s Escrow Corp

   11.25      06/01/17      600      646,500

KAR Auction Services Inc.

   10.00      05/01/15      525      551,250

Levi Strauss & Co.

   9.75      01/15/15      900      942,750

Limited Brands Inc.

   8.50      06/15/19      300      334,500

MGM Mirage, Inc.

   5.88      02/27/14      675      568,687

Motors Liquidation Co. 1

   7.13      07/15/13      250      91,250

MTR Gaming Group Inc.

   12.63      07/15/14      650      641,875

Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 2

   7.25      02/15/11      800      802,000

Pokagon Gaming Authority 3,4

   10.38      06/15/14      500      525,000

Seneca Gaming Corp.

   7.25      05/01/12      675      666,562

Tenneco Inc.

   8.63      11/15/14      600      609,000

The Neiman Marcus Group Inc.

   10.38      10/15/15      650      671,125

TRW Automotive Inc. 3,4

   7.25      03/15/17      750      723,750

Total Consumer Cyclical
(Cost $12,001,643)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 7.3 %


ACCO Brands Corp. 3,4

   10.63      03/15/15      250      273,125

Bumble Bee Foods LLC 3,4

   7.75      12/15/15      360      364,500

Constellation Brands Inc. 2

   7.25      05/15/17      1,050      1,076,250

Deluxe Corp.

   7.38      06/01/15      600      600,000

Jarden Corp.

   7.50      05/01/17      675      684,281

Rite Aid Corp.

   8.63      03/01/15      675      577,125

Total Consumer Non-Cyclical
(Cost $3,333,390)


Energy – 20.8%


Chesapeake Energy Corp. 2

   6.88      01/15/16      1,150      1,135,625

Crosstex Energy/Crosstex Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/15/18      675      696,094

El Paso Corp. 2

   6.88      06/15/14      500      510,201

Frontier Oil Corp. 2

   6.63      10/01/11      800      806,000

Hercules Offshore LLC 3,4

   10.50      10/15/17      650      648,375

Hexion Finance Escrow LLC / Hexion Escrow Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/01/18      500      492,500

Linn Energy LLC/Linn Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.63      04/15/20      200      200,250

McJunkin Red Man Corp. 3,4

   9.50      12/15/16      650      663,812

Newfield Exploration Co. 2

   6.63      09/01/14      500      513,750

Niska Gas Storage US LLC/ Niska Gas Storage Canada ULC 3,4

   8.88      03/15/18      290      296,525

Pioneer Natural Resource Co 2

   6.65      03/15/17      500      499,890

Quicksilver Resources Inc.

   11.75      01/01/16      450      515,250

Range Resources Corp. 2

   7.50      05/15/16      500      515,000

SeaMetric International AS 1,3,4,5,7,8

   11.63      05/25/12      1,527      15,265


   6.88      06/01/14      600      588,000



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010












(Note 2)



Southwestern Energy Co. 2

   7.50   02/01/18    $ 550    $ 596,750

The Williams Companies Inc. Credit Linked Certificate Trust V 3,4

   6.38      10/01/10      1,000      1,018,483

Whiting Petroleum Corp.

   7.25      05/01/13      475      480,938

Total Energy
(Cost $11,122,573)


Finance & Investment – 1.2 %


Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
(Cost $470,877)

   7.00      10/01/13      575      594,973

Media – 5.9%


Cablevision Systems Corp. 2,3,4

   8.63      09/15/17      800      846,000

Charter Communications Operating LLC 3,4,6

   8.38      04/30/14      425      436,687

Lamar Media Corp.

   6.63      08/15/15      500      485,625

Mediacom Broadband LLC

   8.50      10/15/15      1,075      1,099,188

Total Media
(Cost $2,684,587)


Services Cyclical – 9.1%


AMC Entertainment Inc.

   8.75      06/01/19      875      918,750


   8.50      02/01/15      900      920,250

Iron Mountain Inc. 2

   8.75      07/15/18      700      733,250

Maxim Crane Works LP 3,4

   12.25      04/15/15      500      486,450

RSC Equipment Rental Inc.

   9.50      12/01/14      650      643,500

United Rentals North America Inc.

   9.25      12/15/19      500      510,000

Universal City Development Partners Limited 3,4

   10.88      11/15/16      250      261,250

Total Services Cyclical
(Cost $4,350,067)


Services Non-Cyclical – 3.5%


HCA Inc. 2

   9.25      11/15/16      700      744,187

Service Corp. International 2

   6.75      04/01/16      1,000      980,000

Total Services Non-Cyclical
(Cost $1,548,101)


Technology & Electronics – 4.6%


First Data Corp.

   9.88      09/24/15      650      560,625

Flextronics International Limited 2

   6.25      11/15/14      583      590,287

Sungard Data Systems Inc.

   10.25      08/15/15      1,050      1,103,813

Total Technology & Electronics
(Cost $2,092,704)


Telecommunications – 12.5%


American Tower Corp. 2

   7.00      10/15/17      1,250      1,396,875

Cincinnati Bell Inc.

   8.75      03/15/18      675      680,906

Frontier Communications Corp.

   7.13      03/15/19      1,300      1,235,000

Global Crossing Limited 3,4

   12.00      09/15/15      650      721,500

PAETEC Holding Corp.

   9.50      07/15/15      500      506,250

TW Telecom Holdings Inc. 3,4

   8.00      03/01/18      400      409,000



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010












(Note 2)




Windstream Corp. 2

   7.00   03/15/19    $ 1,250    $ 1,165,625   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $5,835,357)


(Cost $58,397,551)



(Note 2)




Consumer Products – 0.2%


B&G Foods Inc.
(Cost $52,436)

          6,785      71,107   

Energy – 0.9%


Southern Union Co.
(Cost $264,235)

          17,850      452,855   

Industrials – 1.3%


General Electric Co.

          21,500      391,300   

United States Steel Corp.

          4,000      254,080   

Total Industrials
(Cost $477,911)


Telecommunications – 2.2%


AT&T Inc.

          11,250      290,700   

Frontier Communications Corp.

          19,400      144,336   

Qwest Communications International Inc.

          31,900      166,518   

Verizon Communications Inc.

          9,350      290,037   

Windstream Corp.

          16,750      182,408   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $1,098,283)


(Cost $1,892,865)










(Note 2)




State Street Euro Dollar Time Deposit
(Cost $829,984)

   0.01   04/01/10    $ 830    $ 829,984   

Total Investments – 136.2%
(Cost $63,268,824)


Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets – (36.2)%


NET ASSETS – 100.0%

           $ 49,016,772   



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







Helios High Income Fund, Inc. seeks a high level of current income. The Fund seeks capital growth as a secondary investment objective when consistent with its primary investment objective. The Fund invests a majority of its total assets in below-investment grade debt securities that offer attractive yield and capital appreciation potential. The Fund also may invest in investment grade debt securities, up to 15% of its total assets in foreign debt and foreign equity securities and up to 25% of its total assets in domestic equity securities, including common and preferred stocks. The Fund invests in a wide range of below-investment grade debt securities, including corporate bonds, mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities and municipal and foreign government obligations, as well as securities of companies in bankruptcy reorganization proceedings or otherwise in the process of debt restructuring. (Below-investment grade debt securities are rated Ba1 or lower by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group, comparably rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization or, if unrated, determined by the Fund’s investment advisor to be of comparable quality.) The Fund may use leverage through bank borrowings, reverse repurchase agreements or other transactions involving indebtedness or through the issuance of preferred shares. The Fund may leverage one third of its total assets (in each case including the amount borrowed.) The Fund may vary its use of leverage in response to changing market conditions.

Investment Risks: Investors in any bond fund should anticipate fluctuations in price. Bond prices and the value of bond funds decline as interest rates rise. Bonds with longer-term maturities generally are more vulnerable to interest rate risk than bonds with shorter-term maturities. Below-investment grade bonds involve greater credit risk, which is the risk that the issuer will not make interest or principal payments when due. An economic downturn or period of rising interest rates could adversely affect the ability of issuers, especially issuers of below-investment grade debt, to service primary obligations and an unanticipated default could cause the Fund to experience a reduction in value of its shares. The Fund’s investments in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities that are “subordinated” to other interests in the same pool may increase credit risk to the extent that the Fund as a holder of those securities may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. Below-investment grade bonds also are subject to greater price volatility and are less liquid, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or change, than higher-rated debt securities. The value of U.S. and foreign equity securities in which the Fund invests will change based on changes in a company’s financial condition and in overall market and economic conditions. Leverage creates an opportunity for an increased return to common stockholders, but unless the income and capital appreciation, if any, on securities acquired with leverage proceeds exceed the costs of the leverage, the use of leverage will diminish the investment performance of the Fund’s shares. Use of leverage also may increase the likelihood that the net asset value of the Fund and market value of its common shares will be more volatile, and the yield and total return to common stockholders will tend to fluctuate more in response to changes in interest rates and creditworthiness.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, Helios High Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HIH) had a total return of 64.29%, which assumes the reinvestment of dividends and is exclusive of brokerage commissions. Based on the NYSE closing price of $7.19 on March 31, 2010, the Fund’s shares had a dividend yield of 10.01%. The dividend yield is calculated as the annualized amount of the reporting period’s most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the stated stock price.

The table below shows the Fund’s compound returns, based on published net asset values and market prices, for the periods noted as of March 31, 2010, compared with the Fund’s benchmark Index.


Helios High Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HIH)   3 Months    6 Months    9 Months    12 Months

Fund — Net asset value return

  4.18%    10.86%    24.49%    37.09%

Fund — Total return, including distributions*

  9.44%    16.79%    24.33%    64.29%

Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index

  4.62%    11.10%    26.90%    56.18%

Exclusive of brokerage commissions


   2010 Annual Report






The high yield market generated strong returns over the last 12 months. Yield spreads on the broad market1 tumbled from 1,683 basis points at March 31, 2009 to 581 basis points at March 31, 2010, as investor confidence in the financial markets and the economy strengthened.

During the last 12 months, the high yield new issue market gradually opened as capital markets were more accepting of risk. By the first quarter of 2010, the high yield market was setting records for issuance, with more than $60 billion of bonds issued during the three month period. Many bonds came with security and were used to refinance bank debt which was issued during 2006-2007 to finance leveraged buyouts. One of the market’s primary worries is the “mountain of maturities” many companies face between 2013-2015 as bonds and loans issued in the 2006-2007 timeframe come due. While some commentators view this as a significant risk to future returns, we view it as a “wall of worry” which may fuel a further rally in high yield as companies successfully address these concerns. The record amount of new issuance is evidence that corporate management teams and their equity sponsors are actively looking to manage their capital structures. We view the market to be in a virtuous cycle where new issuance, rather than pushing the market lower, serves to move it higher because it inherently reduces overall credit risk by extending maturities.

The level of defaults peaked in late 2009 and fell dramatically over the period to March 31, 2010. The widely watched 12-month default rate ended the 2009 calendar year at 12.7%2 and dropped more than half to 5.2% by the end of March3. Many strategists reduced their forecast default rate for 2010, and we expect it to be around 2% for the 2010 calendar year, representing continued improvement in credit quality.

Investor appetite for risk remained robust during the last 12 months, with CCCs returning 109.7% compared with the overall market which was up 57.2%.

Bonds of companies in the Financial Services and Real Estate industries performed well, as they recovered from poor performance in 2008. The Automotive sector also outperformed as companies restructured and investors grew more confident that the worst was over for the industry. The Technology sector outperformed, as many companies in the industry began to recover in line with the general economic recovery.

Industries which underperformed were generally considered to be defensive in nature, including Telecommunications, Healthcare and Utilities. In 2008, these sectors had been preferred amid a weaker environment. In general, performance of an industry reflected the average credit quality of that industry; with outperforming industries being lower quality and/or more beaten down in the 2008 downturn, and the underperforming industries representing more defensive, better quality issues. (Source: Factset, Merrill Lynch.)

Supply/demand remained positive as the new year commenced despite a record supply of new issues. Credit Suisse estimates $1.2 billion of money flowed into the market in the first quarter of 2010, an extension of the $22.9 billion that flowed in during 20094. The steady flow of money into high yield retail mutual funds put pressure on managers to deploy it quickly which gave a boost to the new issue calendar.

As the high yield market recovered, many of the Fund’s holdings generated significant capital appreciation. Among the best performers were Sungard Data Systems, U.S. Steel and TRW Automotive. Sungard Data Systems and TRW Automative benefited from the reopening of credit markets. U.S. Steel rebounded as the prospects of a severe recession diminished. Importantly, our analysis indicated that each company retained balance sheet flexibility to withstand anticipated short-term weakness in the economy.

Detractors included SASC 2003-BC1, Steers and Charter. SASC 2003-BC1 and Steers were sold during the year. Charter’s bonds declined subsequent to the company filing for bankruptcy.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







We continue to maintain our positive view of the high yield market despite the hefty returns over the past 12 months. While yield spreads have narrowed nearer to the long-term average, lower defaults, improving credit conditions, and the gradual removal of the maturity mountain should protect investors from a market correction. We believe we are on the right side of the credit cycle for corporate credit and anticipate the yield advantage of high yield will prove attractive in a low-yield world.

We believe that, on balance, the U.S. economy will surprise on the upside, eventually overcoming residual investor fears of continued stagnation. We are encouraged by the record pace of credit refinancing, and are beginning to see signs of renewed IPO activity, both of which will serve to reduce credit risk going forward.

Confidence may receive a second boost should we see a return of merger and acquisition (“M&A”) activity this year after a two-year hiatus. M&A tends to be good for high yield investors on two fronts; first, it gives companies a venue for selling assets and using cash to pay debt, and second, bond investors typically benefit from a change-of-control put in the event their debtor is taken over.

1 Performance numbers for the Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Index, H0A0 retrieved from Bloomberg

2 Merrill Lynch, “Situation Room: High Yield in 2010: Year Ahead Outlook,” December 28, 2009, p. 4

3 JP Morgan, High Yield Market Monitor, April 1, 2010, p. 14

4 Credit Suisse, “Leveraged Finance Strategy Update,” April 6, 2010, p. 10

Forward-Looking Information

This management discussion contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements that are based on various assumptions (some of which are beyond our control) may be identified by reference to a future period or periods or by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as “may,” “will,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “continue,” “should,” “intend,” or similar terms or variations on those terms or the negative of those terms. Although we believe that the expectations contained in any forward-looking statement are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained. We do not undertake, and specifically disclaim any obligation, to publicly release any update or supplement to any forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.


The Fund’s portfolio holdings are subject to change without notice. The mention of specific securities is not a recommendation or solicitation for any person to buy, sell or hold any particular security. There is no assurance that the Helios High Income Fund, Inc. currently holds these securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index covers the U.S. dollar denominated, non-investment grade, fixed-rate, taxable corporate bond market. Securities are classified as high yield if the middle rating of Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P is Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below. The index excludes emerging markets debt. The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index is part of the Barclays Capital U.S. Universal and Global High Yield Indices. The index is unmanaged and, unlike the Fund, is not affected by cash flows or trading and other expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only and does not predict or depict the performance of the Fund.

Performance data quoted represents past performance results and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.


   2010 Annual Report





These views represent the opinions of Brookfield Investment Management Inc. and are not intended to predict or depict the performance of any investment. These views are as of the close of business on March 31, 2010 and subject to change based on subsequent developments.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio Characteristics (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010






Annualized dividend yield1



Weighted average coupon



Average effective maturity


6.93 years

Percentage of leveraged assets



Total number of holdings








A and Above2

















Investment Grade Corporate Bonds


High Yield Corporate Bonds


Common Stocks


Short-term Investments






Dividends may include net investment income, capital gains and/or return of capital. The dividend yield referenced above is calculated as the annualized amount of the most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the March 31, 2010 stock price.



Includes short-term investments.



Includes only invested assets; excludes cash.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Services Cyclical – 1.5%


Allied Waste North America Inc. 2
(Cost $491,931)

   6.88   06/01/17    $ 500    $ 545,000

Telecommunications – 3.2%


Qwest Corp. 2
(Cost $923,843)

   6.88      09/15/33      1,225      1,182,125

(Cost $1,415,774)




Basic Industry – 19.1%


AK Steel Corp. 2

   7.75      06/15/12      900      904,500

Appleton Papers Inc. 3,4

   10.50      06/15/15      250      248,750

Arch Western Finance LLC 2

   6.75      07/01/13      750      752,812

Cascades Inc. 3,4

   7.75      12/15/17      125      125,937

Domtar Corp. 2

   10.75      06/01/17      450      546,750

Edgen Murray Corp. 3,4

   12.25      01/15/15      175      163,844

Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold 2

   8.38      04/01/17      750      834,375

Georgia-Pacific LLC.

   7.25      06/01/28      220      217,800

Georgia-Pacific LLC. 2

   7.38      12/01/25      255      253,725

Millar Western Forest Products Limited

   7.75      11/15/13      475      404,938

Steel Dynamics Inc. 2

   6.75      04/01/15      500      503,750

U.S. Steel Corp. 2

   7.00      02/01/18      1,000      985,000

Verso Paper Holdings LLC / Verso Paper Inc. 3,4

   11.50      07/01/14      475      513,000

Westlake Chemical Corp. 2

   6.63      01/15/16      625      609,375

Total Basic Industry
(Cost $6,275,591)


Capital Goods – 12.2%


BE Aerospace Inc.

   8.50      07/01/18      500      533,750

CNH America LLC. 2

   7.25      01/15/16      250      253,750

Crown Americas LLC 2

   7.75      11/15/15      200      208,000

L-3 Communications Corp. 2

   6.13      01/15/14      500      508,750

Mueller Water Products Inc.

   7.38      06/01/17      675      609,188

Owens-Illinois Inc.

   7.80      05/15/18      425      438,813

Solo Cup Co./Solo Cup Operating Corp.

   10.50      11/01/13      450      474,750

Terex Corp. 2

   7.38      01/15/14      675      685,125

Terex Corp.

   8.00      11/15/17      250      243,125

Texas Industries Inc.

   7.25      07/15/13      315      309,488

Trimas Corp. 3,4

   9.75      12/15/17      260      269,100

Total Capital Goods
(Cost $4,336,009)


Consumer Cyclical – 26.0%


ACE Hardware Corp. 2,3,4

   9.13      06/01/16      500      536,250

American Axle & Manufacturing Inc.

   7.88      03/01/17      550      512,875

ArvinMeritor Inc.

   10.63      03/15/18      100      103,500

Collective Brands Inc.

   8.25      08/01/13      222      226,440

Couche-Tard U.S. LP

   7.50      12/15/13      500      507,500



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Easton-Bell Sports Inc. 3,4

   9.75   12/01/16    $ 475    $ 499,937

FireKeepers Development Authority 3,4

   13.88      05/01/15      500      578,750

Ford Motor Co.

   6.50      08/01/18      475      451,250

GameStop Corp. 2

   8.00      10/01/12      225      233,438

Harrah’s Operating Escrow LLC/Harrah’s Escrow Corp

   11.25      06/01/17      450      484,875

KAR Auction Services Inc.

   10.00      05/01/15      400      420,000

Levi Strauss & Co.

   9.75      01/15/15      650      680,875

Limited Brands Inc.

   8.50      06/15/19      250      278,750

MGM Mirage, Inc.

   5.88      02/27/14      500      421,250

Motors Liquidation Co. 1

   7.13      07/15/13      250      91,250

MTR Gaming Group Inc.

   12.63      07/15/14      475      469,062

Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 2

   7.25      02/15/11      500      501,250

Pokagon Gaming Authority 3,4

   10.38      06/15/14      500      525,000

Seneca Gaming Corp.

   7.25      05/01/12      500      493,750

Tenneco Inc.

   8.63      11/15/14      500      507,500

The Neiman Marcus Group Inc.

   10.38      10/15/15      475      490,438

TRW Automotive Inc. 3,4

   7.25      03/15/17      625      603,125

Total Consumer Cyclical
(Cost $8,821,378)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 7.4 %


ACCO Brands Corp. 3,4

   10.63      03/15/15      250      273,125

Bumble Bee Foods LLC 3,4

   7.75      12/15/15      270      273,375

Constellation Brands Inc. 2

   7.25      05/15/17      750      768,750

Deluxe Corp.

   7.38      06/01/15      500      500,000

Jarden Corp.

   7.50      05/01/17      500      506,875

Rite Aid Corp.

   8.63      03/01/15      500      427,500

Total Consumer Non-Cyclical
(Cost $2,563,274)


Energy – 19.0%


Chesapeake Energy Corp. 2

   6.88      01/15/16      750      740,625

Crosstex Energy/Crosstex Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/15/18      500      515,625

El Paso Corp. 2

   6.88      06/15/14      500      510,201

Frontier Oil Corp. 2

   6.63      10/01/11      750      755,625

Hercules Offshore LLC 3,4

   10.50      10/15/17      475      473,812

Hexion Finance Escrow LLC / Hexion Escrow Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/01/18      365      359,525

Linn Energy LLC/Linn Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.63      04/15/20      145      145,181

McJunkin Red Man Corp. 3,4

   9.50      12/15/16      475      485,094

Newfield Exploration Co. 2

   6.63      09/01/14      500      513,750

Niska Gas Storage US LLC/Niska Gas Storage Canada ULC 3,4

   8.88      03/15/18      210      214,725

Pioneer Natural Resource Co 2

   6.65      03/15/17      350      349,923

Quicksilver Resources Inc.

   11.75      01/01/16      350      400,750

Range Resources Corp. 2

   7.50      05/15/16      500      515,000


   6.88      06/01/14      450      441,000

Southwestern Energy Co. 2

   7.50      02/01/18      250      271,250

Whiting Petroleum Corp. 2

   7.25      05/01/13      350      354,375

Total Energy
(Cost $6,685,115)




See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Finance & Investment – 1.4%


Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
(Cost $394,304)

   7.00   10/01/13    $ 500    $ 517,368

Media – 7.6%


Cablevision Systems Corp. 2,3,4

   8.63      09/15/17      750      793,125

Charter Communications Operating LLC 3,4,6

   8.38      04/30/14      900      924,750

Lamar Media Corp.

   6.63      08/15/15      350      339,937

Mediacom Broadband LLC

   8.50      10/15/15      750      766,875

Total Media
(Cost $2,648,319)


Services Cyclical – 9.2%


AMC Entertainment Inc.

   8.75      06/01/19      800      840,000


   8.50      02/01/15      750      766,875

Iron Mountain Inc. 2

   8.75      07/15/18      525      549,937

RSC Equipment Rental Inc.

   9.50      12/01/14      475      470,250

RSC Equipment Rental Inc./RSC Holdings III LLC 3,4

   10.25      11/15/19      250      250,625

United Rentals North America Inc.

   9.25      12/15/19      500      510,000

Total Services Cyclical
(Cost $3,276,066)


Services Non-Cyclical – 3.5%


HCA Inc. 2

   9.25      11/15/16      525      558,141

Service Corp. International 2

   6.75      04/01/16      750      735,000

Total Services Non-Cyclical
(Cost $1,208,868)


Technology & Electronics – 4.4%


First Data Corp.

   9.88      09/24/15      475      409,687

Flextronics International Limited 2

   6.25      11/15/14      407      412,087

Sungard Data Systems Inc.

   10.25      08/15/15      775      814,719

Total Technology & Electronics
(Cost – $1,538,094)


Telecommunications – 10.8%


American Tower Corp. 2

   7.00      10/15/17      600      670,500

Cincinnati Bell Inc.

   8.75      03/15/18      500      504,375

Frontier Communications Corp.

   7.13      03/15/19      950      902,500

Global Crossing Limited 3,4

   12.00      09/15/15      475      527,250

PAETEC Holding Corp.

   9.50      07/15/15      475      480,938

Windstream Corp.2

   7.00      03/15/19      1,000      932,500

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $3,851,102)


(Cost $41,598,120)




See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010





(Note 2)




Consumer Products – 0.1%


B&G Foods Inc.
(Cost $38,992)

          5,045      52,872   

Energy – 0.9%


Southern Union Co.
(Cost $181,038)

          12,785      324,355   

Industrials – 1.1%


General Electric Co.

          7,500      136,500   

United States Steel Corp.

          4,000      254,080   

Total Industrials
(Cost $274,238)


Telecommunications – 2.0%


AT&T Inc.

          7,000      180,880   

Frontier Communications Corp.

          13,900      103,416   

Qwest Communications International Inc.

          25,000      130,500   

Verizon Communications Inc.

          6,700      207,834   

Windstream Corp.

          10,000      108,900   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $792,844)


(Cost $1,287,112)









(Note 2)




State Street Euro Dollar Time Deposit
(Cost $750,985)

   0.01   04/01/10    $ 751    $ 750,985   

Total Investments – 131.4%
(Cost $45,051,991)


Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets – (31.4)%


NET ASSETS – 100.0%

           $ 37,040,230   



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report






Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc seeks a high level of current income. The Fund seeks capital growth as a secondary investment objective when consistent with its primary investment objective. The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio consisting primarily of debt securities that offer attractive yield and capital appreciation potential. Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests a majority of its total assets in below-investment grade debt securities, including up to 20% of the Fund’s total assets in distressed securities. The Fund maintains the flexibility to invest up to 50% of its total assets in investment grade debt securities. The Fund invests up to 30% of its total assets in equity securities of both domestic and foreign issuers and up to 15% of its total assets in a combination of foreign debt and foreign equity securities. The Fund invests in a wide range of debt securities including, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, convertible debt securities, distressed securities, including securities of companies in bankruptcy reorganization proceedings or otherwise in the process of debt restructuring, U.S. government and municipal obligations and foreign government obligations. (Below-investment grade debt securities are rated Ba1 or lower by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group, comparably rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization or, if unrated, determined by the Fund’s investment advisor to be of comparable quality.)

Investment Risks: Investors in any bond fund should anticipate fluctuations in price. Bond prices and the value of bond funds decline as interest rates rise. Bonds with longer-term maturities generally are more vulnerable to interest rate risk than bonds with shorter-term maturities. Below-investment grade bonds involve greater credit risk, which is the risk that the issuer will not make interest or principal payments when due. An economic downturn or period of rising interest rates could adversely affect the ability of issuers, especially issuers of below investment-grade debt, to service primary obligations and an unanticipated default could cause the Fund to experience a reduction in value of its shares. The Fund’s investments in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities that are “subordinated” to other interests in the same pool may increase credit risk to the extent that the Fund as a holder of those securities may only receive payments after the pool’s obligations to other investors have been satisfied. Below-investment grade bonds also are subject to greater price volatility and are less liquid, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or change, than higher-rated debt securities. The value of U.S. and foreign equity securities in which the Fund invests will change based on changes in a company’s financial condition and in overall market and economic conditions. Leverage creates an opportunity for an increased return to common stockholders, but unless the income and capital appreciation, if any, on securities acquired with leverage proceeds exceed the costs of the leverage, the use of leverage will diminish the investment performance of the Fund’s shares. Use of leverage also may increase the likelihood that the net asset value of the Fund and market value of its common shares will be more volatile, and the yield and total return to common stockholders will tend to fluctuate more in response to changes in interest rates and creditworthiness.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HMH) had a total return of 58.59%, which assumes the reinvestment of dividends and is exclusive of brokerage commissions. Based on the NYSE closing price of $5.00 on March 31, 2010, the Fund’s shares had a dividend yield of 9.60%. The dividend yield is calculated as the annualized amount of the reporting period’s most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the stated stock price.

The table below shows the Fund’s compound returns, based on published net asset values and market prices, for the periods noted as of March 31, 2010, compared with the Fund’s benchmark Index.


Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HMH)   3 Months    6 Months    9 Months    12 Months

Fund — Net asset value return

  3.62%    10.18%    23.18%    35.87%

Fund — Total return, including distributions*

  11.42%    17.96%    24.83%    58.59%

Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index

  4.62%    11.10%    26.90%    56.18%

Exclusive of brokerage commissions


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







The high yield market generated strong returns over the last 12 months. Yield spreads on the broad market1 tumbled from 1,683 basis points at March 31, 2009 to 581 basis points at March 31, 2010, as investor confidence in the financial markets and the economy strengthened.

During the last 12 months, the high yield new issue market gradually opened as capital markets were more accepting of risk. By the first quarter of 2010, the high yield market was setting records for issuance, with more than $60 billion of bonds issued during the three month period. Many bonds came with security and were used to refinance bank debt which was issued during 2006-2007 to finance leveraged buyouts. One of the market’s primary worries is the “mountain of maturities” many companies face between 2013-2015 as bonds and loans issued in the 2006-2007 timeframe come due. While some commentators view this as a significant risk to future returns, we view it as a “wall of worry” which may fuel a further rally in high yield as companies successfully address these concerns. The record amount of new issuance is evidence that corporate management teams and their equity sponsors are actively looking to manage their capital structures. We view the market to be in a virtuous cycle where new issuance, rather than pushing the market lower, serves to move it higher because it inherently reduces overall credit risk by extending maturities.

The level of defaults peaked in late 2009 and fell dramatically over the period to March 31, 2010. The widely watched 12-month default rate ended the 2009 calendar year at 12.7%2 and dropped more than half to 5.2% by the end of March3. Many strategists reduced their forecast default rate for 2010, and we expect it to be around 2% for the 2010 calendar year, representing continued improvement in credit quality.

Investor appetite for risk remained robust during the last 12 months, with CCCs returning 109.7% compared with the overall market which was up 57.2%.

Bonds of companies in the Financial Services and Real Estate industries performed well, as they recovered from poor performance in 2008. The Automotive sector also outperformed as companies restructured and investors grew more confident that the worst was over for the industry. The Technology sector outperformed, as many companies in the industry began to recover in line with the general economic recovery.

Industries which underperformed were generally considered to be defensive in nature, including Telecommunications, Healthcare and Utilities. In 2008, these sectors had been preferred amid a weaker environment. In general, performance of an industry reflected the average credit quality of that industry; with outperforming industries being lower quality and/or more beaten down in the 2008 downturn, and the underperforming industries representing more defensive, better quality issues. (Source: Factset, Merrill Lynch.)

Supply/demand remained positive as the new year commenced despite a record supply of new issues. Credit Suisse estimates $1.2 billion of money flowed into the market in the first quarter of 2010, an extension of the $22.9 billion that flowed in during 20094. The steady flow of money into high yield retail mutual funds put pressure on managers to deploy it quickly which gave a boost to the new issue calendar.

As the high yield market recovered, many of the Fund’s holdings generated significant capital appreciation. Among the best performers were Sungard Data Systems, U.S. Steel and TRW Automotive. Sungard Data Systems and TRW Automative benefited from the reopening of credit markets. U.S. Steel rebounded as the prospects of a severe recession diminished. Importantly, our analysis indicated that each company retained balance sheet flexibility to withstand anticipated short-term weakness in the economy.

Detractors included SeaMetric, Steers (which was sold during the year) and Charter. SeaMetric is a development-stage energy service company in need of additional capital to complete planned projects. The company filed for bankruptcy in February 2010 and we do not expect any meaningful recovery for these bonds. Charter’s bonds declined subsequent to the company filing for bankruptcy.


   2010 Annual Report






We continue to maintain our positive view of the high yield market despite the hefty returns over the past 12 months. While yield spreads have narrowed nearer to the long-term average, lower defaults, improving credit conditions, and the gradual removal of the maturity mountain should protect investors from a market correction. We believe we are on the right side of the credit cycle for corporate credit and anticipate the yield advantage of high yield will prove attractive in a low-yield world.

We believe that, on balance, the U.S. economy will surprise on the upside, eventually overcoming residual investor fears of continued stagnation. We are encouraged by the record pace of credit refinancing, and are beginning to see signs of renewed IPO activity, both of which will serve to reduce credit risk going forward.

Confidence may receive a second boost should we see a return of merger and acquisition (“M&A”) activity this year after a two-year hiatus. M&A tends to be good for high yield investors on two fronts; first, it gives companies a venue for selling assets and using cash to pay debt, and second, bond investors typically benefit from a change-of-control put in the event their debtor is taken over.

1 Performance numbers for the Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Index, H0A0 retrieved from Bloomberg

2 Merrill Lynch, “Situation Room: High Yield in 2010: Year Ahead Outlook,” December 28, 2009, p. 4

3 JP Morgan, High Yield Market Monitor, April 1, 2010, p. 14

4 Credit Suisse, “Leveraged Finance Strategy Update,” April 6, 2010, p. 10

Forward-Looking Information

This management discussion contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements that are based on various assumptions (some of which are beyond our control) may be identified by reference to a future period or periods or by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as “may,” “will,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “continue,” “should,” “intend,” or similar terms or variations on those terms or the negative of those terms. Although we believe that the expectations contained in any forward-looking statement are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained. We do not undertake, and specifically disclaim any obligation, to publicly release any update or supplement to any forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.


The Fund’s portfolio holdings are subject to change without notice. The mention of specific securities is not a recommendation or solicitation for any person to buy, sell or hold any particular security. There is no assurance that the Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. currently holds these securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index covers the U.S. dollar denominated, non-investment grade, fixed-rate, taxable corporate bond market. Securities are classified as high yield if the middle rating of Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P is Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below. The index excludes emerging markets debt. The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index is part of the Barclays Capital U.S. Universal and Global High Yield Indices. The index is unmanaged and, unlike the Fund, is not affected by cash flows or trading and other expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only and does not predict or depict the performance of the Fund.

Performance data quoted represents past performance results and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.






These views represent the opinions of Brookfield Investment Management Inc. and are not intended to predict or depict the performance of any investment. These views are as of the close of business on March 31, 2010 and subject to change based on subsequent developments.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio Characteristics (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010






Annualized dividend yield1



Weighted average coupon



Average effective maturity


6.85 years

Percentage of leveraged assets



Total number of holdings








A and Above2

















Investment Grade Corporate Bonds


High Yield Corporate Bonds


Common Stocks


Short-term Investments






Dividends may include net investment income, capital gains and/or return of capital. The dividend yield referenced above is calculated as the annualized amount of the most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the March 31, 2010 stock price.



Includes short-term investments.



Includes only invested assets; excludes cash.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Services Cyclical – 1.3%


Allied Waste North America Inc. 2
(Cost $491,930)

   6.88   06/01/17    $   500    $   545,000

Telecommunications – 2.4%


Qwest Corp. 2
(Cost $716,398)

   6.88      09/15/33      1,000      965,000

(Cost $1,208,328)




Basic Industry – 19.8%


AK Steel Corp. 2

   7.75      06/15/12      1,025      1,030,125

Appleton Papers Inc. 3,4

   10.50      06/15/15      275      273,625

Arch Western Finance LLC 2

   6.75      07/01/13      750      752,812

Cascades Inc. 3,4

   7.75      12/15/17      150      151,125

Domtar Corp. 2

   10.75      06/01/17      500      607,500

Edgen Murray Corp. 3,4

   12.25      01/15/15      550      514,937

Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold 2

   8.38      04/01/17      750      834,375

Georgia-Pacific LLC

   7.25      06/01/28      240      237,600

Georgia-Pacific LLC 2

   7.38      12/01/25      285      283,575

Millar Western Forest Products Limited

   7.75      11/15/13      525      447,563

Solutia Inc.

   8.75      11/01/17      250      263,750

Steel Dynamics Inc. 2

   6.75      04/01/15      500      503,750

U.S. Steel Corp. 2

   7.00      02/01/18      1,150      1,132,750

Verso Paper Holdings LLC / Verso Paper Inc. 3,4

   11.50      07/01/14      525      567,000

Westlake Chemical Corp. 2

   6.63      01/15/16      500      487,500

Total Basic Industry
(Cost $7,176,891)


Capital Goods – 14.4%


BE Aerospace Inc.

   8.50      07/01/18      550      587,125

CNH America LLC. 2

   7.25      01/15/16      500      507,500

Crown Americas LLC 2

   7.75      11/15/15      225      234,000

L-3 Communications Corp. 2

   6.13      01/15/14      1,000      1,017,500

Mueller Water Products Inc.

   7.38      06/01/17      750      676,875

Owens-Illinois Inc.

   7.80      05/15/18      475      490,438

Solo Cup Co./Solo Cup Operating Corp.

   10.50      11/01/13      500      527,500

Terex Corp.2

   7.38      01/15/14      1,000      1,015,000

Terex Corp.

   8.00      11/15/17      250      243,125

Texas Industries Inc.

   7.25      07/15/13      315      309,488

Trimas Corp. 3,4

   9.75      12/15/17      285      294,975

Total Capital Goods
(Cost $5,648,783)


Consumer Cyclical – 25.3%


ACE Hardware Corp. 2,3,4

   9.13      06/01/16      500      536,250

American Axle & Manufacturing Inc.

   7.88      03/01/17      550      512,875



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Collective Brands Inc.

   8.25   08/01/13    $   444    $ 452,880

Couche-Tard U.S. LP

   7.50      12/15/13      500      507,500

Easton-Bell Sports Inc. 3,4

   9.75      12/01/16      525      552,562

FireKeepers Development Authority 3,4

   13.88      05/01/15      500      578,750

Ford Motor Co.

   6.50      08/01/18      525      498,750

GameStop Corp. 2

   8.00      10/01/12      500      518,750

Harrah’s Operating Escrow LLC/Harrah’s Escrow Corp.

   11.25      06/01/17      500      538,750

KAR Auction Services Inc.

   10.00      05/01/15      425      446,250

Levi Strauss & Co.

   9.75      01/15/15      750      785,625

Limited Brands Inc.2

   8.50      06/15/19      250      278,750

MGM Mirage, Inc.

   5.88      02/27/14      550      463,375

Motors Liquidation Co. 1

   7.13      07/15/13      250      91,250

MTR Gaming Group Inc.

   12.63      07/15/14      525      518,438

Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 2

   7.25      02/15/11      750      751,875

Seneca Gaming Corp.

   7.25      05/01/12      550      543,125

Tenneco Inc.

   8.63      11/15/14      500      507,500

The Neiman Marcus Group Inc.

   10.38      10/15/15      525      542,063

TRW Automotive Inc. 3,4

   7.25      03/15/17      725      699,625

Total Consumer Cyclical
(Cost $9,481,118)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 8.0%


ACCO Brands 3,4

   10.63      03/15/15      250      273,125

B&G Foods Inc.

   7.63      01/15/18      250      254,688

Bumble Bee Foods LLC 3,4

   7.75      12/15/15      295      298,687

Constellation Brands Inc. 2

   7.25      05/15/17      875      896,875

Deluxe Corp.

   7.38      06/01/15      500      500,000

Jarden Corp.

   7.50      05/01/17      550      557,562

Rite Aid Corp.

   8.63      03/01/15      550      470,250

Total Consumer Non-Cyclical
(Cost $3,039,905)


Energy – 20.3%


Chesapeake Energy Corp. 2

   6.88      01/15/16      950      938,125

Consol Energy Inc. 3,4

   8.25      04/01/20      250      256,875

Crosstex Energy/Crosstex Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/15/18      550      567,187

El Paso Corp. 2

   6.88      06/15/14      625      637,751

Frontier Oil Corp. 2

   6.63      10/01/11      750      755,625

Hercules Offshore LLC 3,4

   10.50      10/15/17      525      523,688

Hexion Finance Escrow LLC / Hexion Escrow Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/01/18      400      394,000

Linn Energy LLC/Linn Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.63      04/15/20      160      160,200

McJunkin Red Man Corp. 3,4

   9.50      12/15/16      525      536,156

Newfield Exploration Co. 2

   6.63      09/01/14      500      513,750

Niska Gas Storage US LLC/ Niska Gas Storage Canada ULC 3,4

   8.88      03/15/18      230      235,175

Pioneer Natural Resource Co 2

   6.65      03/15/17      400      399,912

Quicksilver Resources Inc.

   11.75      01/01/16      375      429,375

Range Resources Corp. 2

   7.50      05/15/16      500      515,000



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



SeaMetric International AS 1,3,4,5,7,8

   11.63   05/25/12    $   718    $   7,184


   6.88      06/01/14      500      490,000

Southwestern Energy Co. 2

   7.50      02/01/18      500      542,500

Whiting Petroleum Corp. 2

   7.25      05/01/13      375      379,688

Total Energy
(Cost $8,518,336)


Finance & Investment – 1.2%


Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
(Cost $386,917)

   7.00      10/01/13      475      491,500

Media – 6.8%


Cablevision Systems Corp. 2,3,4

   8.63      09/15/17      750      793,125

Charter Communications Operating LLC 3,4,6

   8.38      04/30/14      675      693,562

Lamar Media Corp.

   6.63      08/15/15      400      388,500

Mediacom Broadband LLC

   8.50      10/15/15      875      894,688

Total Media
(Cost $2,584,086)


Services Cyclical – 8.5%


AMC Entertainment Inc.

   8.75      06/01/19      800      840,000


   8.50      02/01/15      750      766,875

Iron Mountain Inc. 2

   8.75      07/15/18      575      602,312

RSC Equipment Rental Inc.

   9.50      12/01/14      525      519,750

Teekay Corp.

   8.50      01/15/20      250      261,250

United Rentals North America Inc.

   9.25      12/15/19      500      510,000

Total Services Cyclical
(Cost $3,369,369)


Services Non-Cyclical – 3.3%


HCA Inc. 2

   9.25      11/15/16      575      611,297

Service Corp. International 2

   6.75      04/01/16      750      735,000

Total Services Non-Cyclical
(Cost $1,230,968)


Technology & Electronics – 4.5%


First Data Corp.

   9.88      09/24/15      525      452,812

Flextronics International Limited 2

   6.25      11/15/14      488      494,100

Sungard Data Systems Inc.

   10.25      08/15/15      850      893,563

Total Technology & Electronics
(Cost $1,702,810)


Telecommunications – 11.5%


American Tower Corp. 2

   7.00      10/15/17      1,000      1,117,500

Cincinnati Bell Inc.

   8.75      03/15/18      550      554,812

Frontier Communications Corp.

   7.13      03/15/19      1,050      997,500

Global Crossing Limited 3,4

   12.00      09/15/15      525      582,750

PAETEC Holding Corp.

   9.50      07/15/15      500      506,250



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)




Windstream Corp. 2

   7.00   03/15/19    $ 1,000    $ 932,500   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $4,471,901)


(Cost $47,611,084)



(Note 2)




Consumer Products – 0.2%


B&G Foods Inc.
(Cost $42,930)

          5,555      58,216   

Energy – 0.9%


Southern Union Co.
(Cost $211,262)

          14,625      371,036   

Industrials – 1.4%


General Electric Co.

          17,650      321,230   

United States Steel Corp.

          4,000      254,080   

Total Industrials
(Cost $424,873)


Telecommunications – 2.1%


AT&T Inc.

          9,200      237,728   

Frontier Communications Corp.

          15,900      118,296   

Qwest Communications International Inc.

          25,000      130,500   

Verizon Communications Inc.

          7,680      238,234   

Windstream Corp.

          13,700      149,193   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $915,162)


(Cost $1,594,227)

    Maturity    Principal



State Street Euro Dollar Time Deposit
(Cost $792,757)

   0.01   04/01/10    $ 793    $ 792,757   

Total Investments – 133.8%
(Cost $51,206,396 )


Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets – (33.8)%


NET ASSETS – 100.0 %

           $ 40,852,278   



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. seeks a high level of current income. The Fund seeks capital growth as a secondary investment objective when consistent with its primary investment objective. The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of securities that offers attractive yield and capital appreciation potential and consists primarily of debt securities and secondarily of equity securities. The Advisor will continually analyze the markets for income-producing securities and will periodically reallocate the Fund’s investments among various fixed-income and equity asset classes and between investment grade and below-investment grade debt securities to pursue its investment objectives. As a result, a majority of the Fund’s total assets may be invested in investment grade debt securities at some times and in below-investment grade debt securities at other times. The Fund invests in a wide range of debt securities, including corporate bonds, mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities, and municipal and foreign government obligations, as well as securities of companies in bankruptcy reorganization proceedings or otherwise in the process of debt restructuring. The Fund also invests in other securities providing the potential for high income or a combination of high income and capital growth. (Below-investment grade debt securities are rated Ba1 or lower by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., BB+ or lower by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group, comparably rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization or, if unrated, determined by the Fund’s investment advisor to be of comparable quality.) The Fund may use leverage through bank borrowings, reverse repurchase agreements or other transactions involving indebtedness or through the issuance of preferred shares. The Fund may leverage up to one third of its total assets (in each case including the amount borrowed.) The Fund may vary its use of leverage in response to changing market conditions.

Investment Risks: Investors in any bond fund should anticipate fluctuations in price. Bond prices and the value of bond funds decline as interest rates rise. Bonds with longer-term maturities generally are more vulnerable to interest rate risk than bonds with shorter-term maturities. Below-investment grade bonds involve greater credit downturn or period of rising interest rates could adversely affect the ability of issuers, especially issuers of below-investment grade debt, to service primary obligations and an unanticipated default could cause the Fund to experience a reduction in value of its shares. The Fund’s investments in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities that are “subordinated” to other interests in the same pool may increase credit risk to the extent that the Fund, as a holder of those securities, may only receive payments after the pools’ obligations to other investors have been satisfied. Below-investment grade bonds are subject to greater price volatility and are less liquid, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or change, than higher-rated debt securities. The value of U.S. and foreign equity securities in which the Fund invests will change based on changes in a company’s financial condition and in overall market and economic conditions. Leverage creates an opportunity for an increased return to common stockholders, but unless the income and capital appreciation, if any, on securities acquired with leverage proceeds exceed the costs of the leverage, the use of leverage will diminish the net investment performance of the Fund’s shares. Use of leverage also may increase the likelihood that the net asset value of the Fund and market value of its common shares will be more volatile, and the yield and total return to common stockholders will tend to fluctuate more in response to changes in interest rates and creditworthiness.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HSA) had a total return of 51.23%, which assumes the reinvestment of dividends and is exclusive of brokerage commissions. Based on the NYSE closing price of $5.46 on March 31, 2010, the Fund’s shares had a dividend yield of 8.79%. The dividend yield is calculated as the annualized amount of the reporting period’s most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the stated stock price.

The table below shows the Fund’s compound returns, based on published net asset values and market prices, for the periods noted as of March 31, 2010, compared with the Fund’s benchmark Index.


Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (NYSE: HSA)   3 Months    6 Months    9 Months    12 Months

Fund — Net asset value return

  3.11%    8.63%    22.37%    31.59%

Fund — Total return, including distributions*

  6.75%    15.18%    8.71%    51.23%

Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index

  4.62%    11.10%    26.90%    56.18%

Exclusive of brokerage commissions


   2010 Annual Report






The high yield market generated strong returns over the last 12 months. Yield spreads on the broad market1 tumbled from 1,683 basis points at March 31, 2009 to 581 basis points at March 31, 2010, as investor confidence in the financial markets and the economy strengthened.

During the last 12 months, the high yield new issue market gradually opened as capital markets were more accepting of risk. By the first quarter of 2010, the high yield market was setting records for issuance, with more than $60 billion of bonds issued during the three month period. Many bonds came with security and were used to refinance bank debt which was issued during 2006-2007 to finance leveraged buyouts. One of the market’s primary worries is the “mountain of maturities” many companies face between 2013-2015 as bonds and loans issued in the 2006-2007 timeframe come due. While some commentators view this as a significant risk to future returns, we view it as a “wall of worry” which may fuel a further rally in high yield as companies successfully address these concerns. The record amount of new issuance is evidence that corporate management teams and their equity sponsors are actively looking to manage their capital structures. We view the market to be in a virtuous cycle where new issuance, rather than pushing the market lower, serves to move it higher because it inherently reduces overall credit risk by extending maturities.

The level of defaults peaked in late 2009 and fell dramatically over the period to March 31, 2010. The widely watched 12-month default rate ended the 2009 calendar year at 12.7%2 and dropped more than half to 5.2% by the end of March3. Many strategists reduced their forecast default rate for 2010, and we expect it to be around 2% for the 2010 calendar year, representing continued improvement in credit quality.

Investor appetite for risk remained robust during the last 12 months, with CCCs returning 109.7% compared with the overall market which was up 57.2%.

Bonds of companies in the Financial Services and Real Estate industries performed well, as they recovered from poor performance in 2008. The Automotive sector also outperformed as companies restructured and investors grew more confident that the worst was over for the industry. The Technology sector outperformed, as many companies in the industry began to recover in line with the general economic recovery.

Industries which underperformed were generally considered to be defensive in nature, including Telecommunications, Healthcare and Utilities. In 2008, these sectors had been preferred amid a weaker environment. In general, performance of an industry reflected the average credit quality of that industry; with outperforming industries being lower quality and/or more beaten down in the 2008 downturn, and the underperforming industries representing more defensive, better quality issues. (Source: Factset, Merrill Lynch.)

Supply/demand remained positive as the new year commenced despite a record supply of new issues. Credit Suisse estimates $1.2 billion of money flowed into the market in the first quarter of 2010, an extension of the $22.9 billion that flowed in during 20094. The steady flow of money into high yield retail mutual funds put pressure on managers to deploy it quickly which gave a boost to the new issue calendar.

As the high yield market recovered, many of the Fund’s holdings generated significant capital appreciation. The best performers included bonds of Firekeepers Development Authority and TRW Automotive as well as the common stock of U.S. Steel. Sungard Data Systems and TRW Automotive benefited from the reopening of credit markets. U.S. Steel rebounded as the prospect of a severe recession diminished. Importantly, our analysis indicated that each company retained balance sheet flexibility to withstand anticipated short-term weakness in the economy.

Detractors included SeaMetric, Steers (which was sold during the year) and Charter. SeaMetric is a development-stage energy service company in need of additional capital to complete planned projects. The company filed for bankruptcy in February 2010 and we do not expect any meaningful recovery for these bonds. Charter’s bonds declined subsequent to the company filing for bankruptcy.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.







We continue to maintain our positive view of the high yield market despite the hefty returns over the past 12 months. While yield spreads have narrowed nearer to the long-term average, lower defaults, improving credit conditions, and the gradual removal of the maturity mountain should protect investors from a market correction. We believe we are on the right side of the credit cycle for corporate credit and anticipate the yield advantage of high yield will prove attractive in a low-yield world.

We believe that, on balance, the U.S. economy will surprise on the upside, eventually overcoming residual investor fears of continued stagnation. We are encouraged by the record pace of credit refinancing, and are beginning to see signs of renewed IPO activity, both of which will serve to reduce credit risk going forward.

Confidence may receive a second boost should we see a return of merger and acquisition (“M&A”) activity this year after a two-year hiatus. M&A tends to be good for high yield investors on two fronts; first, it gives companies a venue for selling assets and using cash to pay debt, and second, bond investors typically benefit from a change-of-control put in the event their debtor is taken over.

1 Performance numbers for the Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Index, H0A0 retrieved from Bloomberg

2 Merrill Lynch, “Situation Room: High Yield in 2010: Year Ahead Outlook,” December 28, 2009, p. 4

3 JP Morgan, High Yield Market Monitor, April 1, 2010, p. 14

4 Credit Suisse, “Leveraged Finance Strategy Update,” April 6, 2010, p. 10

Forward-Looking Information

This management discussion contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements that are based on various assumptions (some of which are beyond our control) may be identified by reference to a future period or periods or by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as “may,” “will,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “continue,” “should,” “intend,” or similar terms or variations on those terms or the negative of those terms. Although we believe that the expectations contained in any forward-looking statement are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained. We do not undertake, and specifically disclaim any obligation, to publicly release any update or supplement to any forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.


The Fund’s portfolio holdings are subject to change without notice. The mention of specific securities is not a recommendation or solicitation for any person to buy, sell or hold any particular security. There is no assurance that the Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. currently holds these securities.

The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index covers the U.S. dollar denominated, non-investment grade, fixed-rate, taxable corporate bond market. Securities are classified as high yield if the middle rating of Moody’s, Fitch, and S&P is Ba1/BB+/BB+ or below. The index excludes emerging markets debt. The Barclays Capital U.S. Corporate High Yield Index is part of the Barclays Capital U.S. Universal and Global High Yield Indices. The index is unmanaged and, unlike the Fund, is not affected by cash flows or trading and other expenses. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only and does not predict or depict the performance of the Fund.

Performance data quoted represents past performance results and does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted.


   2010 Annual Report





These views represent the opinions of Brookfield Investment Management Inc. and are not intended to predict or depict the performance of any investment. These views are as of the close of business on March 31, 2010 and subject to change based on subsequent developments.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio Characteristics (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010






Annualized dividend yield1



Weighted average coupon



Average effective maturity


6.61 years

Percentage of leveraged assets



Total number of holdings








A and Above2

















Investment Grade Corporate Bonds


High Yield Corporate Bonds


Common Stocks


Short-term Investments






Dividends may include net investment income, capital gains and/or return of capital. The dividend yield referenced above is calculated as the annualized amount of the most recent monthly dividend declared divided by the March 31, 2010 stock price.



Includes short-term investments.



Includes only invested assets; excludes cash.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Basic Industry – 11.7%


Alcoa Inc. 2

   5.55   02/01/17    $   1,000    $    1,004,540


   6.13      06/01/18      500      524,854

Newmont Mining Corp. 2

   5.13      10/01/19      1,000      1,005,962

Packaging Corp of America 2

   5.75      08/01/13      500      532,051

The Dow Chemical Co.

   5.70      05/15/18      1,000      1,037,363

Total Basic Industry
(Cost $3,682,064)


Consumer Cyclical – 3.1%


Yum! Brands Inc. 2
(Cost $1,041,963)

   8.88      04/15/11      1,000      1,072,488

Consumer Non-Cyclical – 10.8%


Altria Group Inc. 2

   9.70      11/10/18      1,000      1,229,629

Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. 2,3,4

   7.75      01/15/19      1,000      1,189,382

Covidien International Finance SA 2

   6.00      10/15/17      500      548,322

CVS Caremark Corp. 2

   5.75      06/01/17      500      539,196

McKesson Corp. 2

   5.25      03/01/13      250      266,803

Total Consumer Non-Cyclical
(Cost $3,396,783)


Industrials – 1.6%


Tyco Electronics Group S.A.
(Cost $461,961)

   6.55      10/01/17      500      550,093

Services Cyclical – 1.6%


Allied Waste North America Inc. 2
(Cost $491,930)

   6.88      06/01/17      500      545,000

Telecommunications – 4.9%


Rogers Communications Inc. 2

   6.38      03/01/14      1,000      1,109,767

Time Warner Cable Inc. 2

   8.25      04/01/19      500      605,044

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $1,483,137)


(Cost $10,557,838)




Basic Industry – 11.5%


AK Steel Corp.

   7.75      06/15/12      600      603,000

Appleton Papers Inc. 3,4

   10.50      06/15/15      240      238,800

Domtar Corp.

   10.75      06/01/17      250      303,750

Edgen Murray Corp. 3,4

   12.25      01/15/15      170      159,162

Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold 2

   8.38      04/01/17      750      834,375

LBI Escrow Corp. 3,4

   8.00      11/01/17      100      103,750

Millar Western Forest Products Limited

   7.75      11/15/13      450      383,625

PE Paper Escrow GmbH 3,4

   12.00      08/01/14      150      169,500

Solutia Inc.

   8.75      11/01/17      250      263,750

Verso Paper Holdings LLC / Verso Paper Inc. 3,4

   11.50      07/01/14      450      486,000

Westlake Chemical Corp. 2

   6.63      01/15/16      500      487,500

Total Basic Industry
(Cost $3,765,287)




See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Capital Goods – 9.5%


BE Aerospace Inc.

   8.50   07/01/18    $      475    $       507,063

Bombardier Inc. 3,4

   7.75      03/15/20      200      209,000

Crown Americas LLC

   7.75      11/15/15      200      208,000

L-3 Communications Corp. 2

   6.13      01/15/14      500      508,750

Mueller Water Products Inc.

   7.38      06/01/17      500      451,250

Owens-Illinois Inc.

   7.80      05/15/18      400      413,000

Solo Cup Co./Solo Cup Operating Corp.

   10.50      11/01/13      250      263,750

Terex Corp. 2

   7.38      01/15/14      500      507,500

Trimas Corp. 3,4

   9.75      12/15/17      245      253,575

Total Capital Goods
(Cost $3,199,051)


Consumer Cyclical – 16.9%


ACE Hardware Corp. 3,4

   9.13      06/01/16      500      536,250

American Axle & Manufacturing Inc.

   7.88      03/01/17      500      466,250

Collective Brands Inc.

   8.25      08/01/13      222      226,440

Couche-Tard U.S. LP

   7.50      12/15/13      475      482,125

FireKeepers Development Authority 3,4

   13.88      05/01/15      500      578,750

Ford Motor Co.

   6.50      08/01/18      450      427,500

Harrah’s Escrow LLC/Harrah’s Escrow Corp.

   11.25      06/01/17      225      242,438

KAR Auction Services Inc.

   10.00      05/01/15      375      393,750

MGM Mirage, Inc.

   5.88      02/27/14      475      400,187

Motors Liquidation Co. 1

   7.13      07/15/13      250      91,250

MTR Gaming Group Inc.

   12.63      07/15/14      450      444,375

Pokagon Gaming Authority 3,4

   10.38      06/15/14      500      525,000

Seneca Gaming Corp.

   7.25      05/01/12      500      493,750

TRW Automotive Inc. 3,4

   7.25      03/15/17      625      603,125

Total Consumer Cyclical
(Cost $5,423,397)


Consumer Non-Cyclical – 4.0%


Constellation Brands Inc. 2

   7.25      05/15/17      500      512,500

Jarden Corp.

   7.50      05/01/17      475      481,531

Rite Aid Corp.

   8.63      03/01/15      475      406,125

Total Consumer Non-Cyclical
(Cost $1,240,744)


Energy – 19.1%


Chesapeake Energy Corp. 2

   6.88      01/15/16      750      740,625

Crosstex Energy/Crosstex Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/15/18      475      489,844

El Paso Corp.

   6.88      06/15/14      625      637,751

Hercules Offshore LLC 3,4

   10.50      10/15/17      450      448,875

Hexion Finance Escrow LLC / Hexion Escrow Corp. 3,4

   8.88      02/01/18      345      339,825

McJunkin Red Man Corp. 3,4

   9.50      12/15/16      450      459,562

Linn Energy LLC/Linn Energy Finance Corp. 3,4

   8.63      04/15/20      140      140,175

Newfield Exploration Co. 2

   6.63      09/01/14      500      513,750

Niska Gas Storage US LLC/Niska Gas Storage Canada ULC 3,4

   8.88      03/15/18      200      204,500

Quicksilver Resources Inc.

   11.75      01/01/16      325      372,125



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010











(Note 2)



Range Resources Corp. 2

   7.50   05/15/16    $      500    $       515,000

SeaMetric International AS 1,3,4,5,7,8

   11.63      05/25/12      1,347      13,469


   6.88      06/01/14      425      416,500

The Williams Companies Inc. Credit Linked Certificate Trust V 2,3,4

   6.38      10/01/10      1,035      1,054,130

Whiting Petroleum Corp. 2

   7.25      05/01/13      325      329,063

Total Energy
(Cost $7,687,056)


Finance & Investment – 0.7%


Ford Motor Credit Company LLC
(Cost $242,014)

   7.00      10/01/13      250      258,684

Media – 4.0%


Charter Communications Operating LLC 3,4,6

   8.38      04/30/14      525      539,438

Lamar Media Corp.

   6.63      08/15/15      350      339,937

Mediacom Broadband LLC

   8.50      10/15/15      500      511,250

Total Media
(Cost $1,252,849)


Services Cyclical – 6.2%


AMC Entertainment Inc.

   8.75      06/01/19      600      630,000


   8.50      02/01/15      500      511,250

Iron Mountain Inc. 2

   8.75      07/15/18      500      523,750

United Rentals North America Inc.

   9.25      12/15/19      500      510,000

Total Services Cyclical
(Cost $2,079,811)


Services Non-Cyclical – 1.5%


HCA Inc.
(Cost $513,238)

   9.25      11/15/16      500      531,562

Technology & Electronics – 3.0%


First Data Corp.

   9.88      09/24/15      450      388,125

Sungard Data Systems Inc.

   10.25      08/15/15      625      657,031

Total Technology & Electronics
(Cost $1,043,386)


Telecommunications – 10.7%


American Tower Corp. 2

   7.00      10/15/17      1,000      1,117,500

Frontier Communications Corp.

   7.13      03/15/19      900      855,000

Global Crossing Limited 3,4

   12.00      09/15/15      450      499,500

PAETEC Holding Corp.

   9.50      07/15/15      500      506,250

TW Telecom Holdings Inc. 3,4

   8.00      03/01/18      285      291,412

Windstream Corp. 2

   7.00      03/15/19      500      466,250

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $3,536,150)


(Cost $29,982,983)




See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Portfolio of Investments

March 31, 2010





(Note 2)




Consumer Products – 0.1%


B&G Foods Inc.
(Cost $37,874)

          4,900    $ 51,352   

Energy – 1.0%


Southern Union Co.
(Cost $189,498)

          13,300      337,421   

Industrials – 2.5%


General Electric Co.

          20,850      379,470   

United States Steel Corp.

          7,700      489,104   

Total Industrials
(Cost $582,111)


Telecommunications – 4.7%


AT&T Inc.

          16,225      419,254   

Frontier Communications Corp.

          39,500      293,880   

Global Crossing Limited

          9,000      136,350   

PAETEC Holding Corp.

          15,000      70,200   

Qwest Communications International Inc.

          47,800      249,516   

Verizon Communications Inc.

          7,000      217,140   

Windstream Corp.

          23,250      253,193   

Total Telecommunications
(Cost $1,649,039)


(Cost $2,458,522)









(Note 2)




State Street Euro Dollar Time Deposit
(Cost $159,909)

   0.01   04/01/10    $ 160    $ 159,909   

Total Investments – 129.5%
(Cost $43,159,252)

           $ 45,295,862   

Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets – (29.5)%


NET ASSETS – 100.0%

           $ 34,969,791   



See Notes to Portfolio of Investments and Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Portfolios of Investments

March 31, 2010



The following notes should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Portfolios of Investments.



    Issuer is currently in default on its regularly scheduled interest payment.


    Portion or entire principal amount delivered as collateral for reverse repurchase agreement (Note 6).


    Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may only be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. As of March 31, 2010, the total values of all such investments were as follows:


Fund      Value      % of Net Assets  

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

     $ 13,060,273      26.64

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

       9,299,905      25.11   

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

       9,490,563      23.23   

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

       9,533,024      27.26   



    Private Placement.


    Security is valued in good faith pursuant to the fair value procedures adopted by the Board of Directors. As of March 31, 2010, the total values of all such securities were as follows:


Fund      Value      % of Net Assets  

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc

     $ 15,265      0.03

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc

       7,184      0.02   

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc

       13,469      0.04   



    Company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and has defaulted on regularly scheduled interest payments on subordinated debt. The Funds own senior debt issued by this company that continues to receive income payments.



    Restricted Illiquid Security – Security is not actively traded and would be difficult to sell in a current sale thus causing it to be not readily convertible into cash. The details of the acquisition of this security is as follows:


Fund   Acquisition Date   Cost  

Value as a

% of Net Assets


Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

  05/02/07   $ 1,519,115   0.03

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

  05/02/07     713,501   0.02   

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

  05/02/07     1,340,377   0.04   



    Company announced a three month postponement of the interest payment due November 25, 2009 until February 25, 2010. The company also announced as compensation for the postponed interest payment a postponement fee which was converted into new SeaMetric shares. On February 24, 2010, the Company announced it had entered bankruptcy proceedings and defaulted on its February 25, 2010 and November 25, 2009 interest payments.



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Statements of Assets and Liabilities

March 31, 2010



Income Fund,
    Helios High
Income Fund,
    Helios Multi-
Sector High
Income Fund,
Income Fund,



Investments in securities, at value (Note 2)

   $ 65,917,319     $ 47,915,447     $ 53,877,993     $ 45,135,953   

Investment in time deposit, at value

     829,984       750,985       792,757       159,909   

Total investments

     66,747,303       48,666,432       54,670,750       45,295,862   

Net receivable from advisor (Note 4)

     16,159       20,619       4,250       15,191   

Interest and dividends receivable

     1,355,832       993,610       1,101,707       927,519   

Receivable for investments sold


Prepaid expenses

     32,937       35,368       28,020       27,926   

Total assets

     68,152,231       49,716,029       55,804,727       46,883,388   



Reverse repurchase agreements (Note 6)

     18,331,164       12,426,084       14,431,220       11,567,902   

Interest payable for reverse repurchase agreements (Note 6)

     20,237       13,580       15,864       13,056   

Payable for investments purchased

     681,554       141,450       406,083       236,573   

Administration fee payable (Note 4)

     6,244       4,685       5,182       4,466   

Accrued expenses

     96,260       90,000       94,100       91,600   

Total liabilities

     19,135,459       12,675,799       14,952,449       11,913,597   

Net Assets

   $ 49,016,772     $ 37,040,230     $ 40,852,278     $ 34,969,791   

Composition of Net Assets:


Capital stock, at par value ($0.0001 par value, 1,000,000,000 shares authorized) (Note 8)

   $ 654     $ 484     $ 759     $ 593  

Additional paid-in capital (Note 8)

     455,659,089       338,156,826       493,833,641       402,301,696  

Accumulated net realized loss on investment transactions

     (410,121,450     (304,731,521     (456,446,476     (369,469,108

Net unrealized appreciation on investments

     3,478,479       3,614,441       3,464,354       2,136,610   

Net assets applicable to capital stock outstanding

   $ 49,016,772     $ 37,040,230     $ 40,852,278     $ 34,969,791   

Total investments at cost

   $ 63,268,824     $ 45,051,991     $ 51,206,396     $ 43,159,252   

Shares Outstanding and Net Asset Value Per Share:


Common shares outstanding

     6,536,547       4,836,284       7,588,538       5,930,400   

Net asset value per share

   $ 7.50     $ 7.66     $ 5.38     $ 5.90   



See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Statements of Operations

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



Income Fund,
    Helios High
Income Fund,
    Helios Multi-
Sector High
Income Fund,
Income Fund,

Investment Income (Note 2):



   $ 5,347,177     $ 4,007,307     $ 4,399,979     $ 3,448,276  


     110,095       74,547       90,690       107,307  

Total investment income

     5,457,272       4,081,854       4,490,669       3,555,583  



Investment advisory fees (Note 4)

     395,786       290,833       324,364       278,607  

Administration fees (Note 4)

     94,673       70,453       78,191       67,632  

Legal fees

     103,526       27,863       30,594       25,479  


     100,618       100,256       100,508       97,475  


     93,503       72,090       85,624       71,763  

Reports to stockholders

     57,313       47,999       54,179       53,328  

Directors’ fees

     47,250       47,250       47,250       47,250  

Audit and tax services

     44,000       44,000       44,000       44,000  

Registration fees

     38,750       38,750       38,750       38,750  

Transfer agent fees

     32,013       33,179       31,592       32,475  


     11,988       10,452       12,118       11,867  

Total operating expenses

     1,019,420       783,125       847,170       768,626  

Interest expense on reverse repurchase agreements
(Note 6)

     239,560       169,749       193,920       155,350  

Total expenses

     1,258,980       952,874       1,041,090       923,976  

Less expenses waived and reimbursed by the investment advisor (Note 4)

     (374,959     (337,154     (353,979     (341,483

Net expenses

     884,021       615,720       687,111       582,493  

Net investment income

     4,573,251       3,466,134       3,803,558       2,973,090  

Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments (Note 2):


Net realized loss on investment transactions

     (15,158,570     (11,172,746     (16,564,235     (14,285,712

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     24,122,239       18,402,142       24,138,210       20,159,035  

Net realized and unrealized gain on investments

     8,963,669       7,229,396       7,573,975       5,873,323  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 13,536,920     $ 10,695,530     $ 11,377,533     $ 8,846,413  



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Statements of Changes in Net Assets

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010




Helios Advantage Income

Fund, Inc.


Helios High Income

Fund, Inc.


Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations:


Net investment income

   $ 4,573,251     $ 3,466,134  

Net realized loss on investment transactions

     (15,158,570     (11,172,746

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     24,122,239       18,402,142  

Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     13,536,920       10,695,530   

Dividends and Distributions to Stockholders (Note 2):


Net investment income

     (4,573,251     (3,466,134

Return of capital

     (623,304     (378,712

Total dividends and distributions paid

     (5,196,555     (3,844,846

Capital Stock Transactions (Note 8):


Reinvestment of dividends and distributions


Total increase (decrease) in net assets

     8,340,365       6,850,684  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     40,676,407       30,189,546  

End of year

   $ 49,016,772     $ 37,040,230  

(including distributions in excess of net investment income of)

   $      $   

Share Transactions (Note 7):*


Reinvested shares




Share amounts have been adjusted to reflect the 1:5 reverse stock split that occurred effective September 1, 2009.



See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Statements of Changes in Net Assets (continued)

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



      Helios Multi-Sector High
Income Fund, Inc.

Helios Strategic

Income Fund, Inc.


Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations:


Net investment income

   $ 3,803,558     $ 2,973,090  

Net realized loss on investment transactions

     (16,564,235     (14,285,712

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments

     24,138,210       20,159,035  

Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     11,377,533       8,846,413  

Dividends and Distributions to Stockholders (Note 2):


Net investment income

     (3,803,558     (2,973,090

Return of capital

     (217,600     (903,507

Total dividends and distributions paid

     (4,021,158     (3,876,597

Capital Stock Transactions (Note 8):


Reinvestment of dividends and distributions

     35,678       184,471  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets

     7,392,053       5,154,287  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     33,460,225       29,815,504  

End of year

   $ 40,852,278     $ 34,969,791  

(including distributions in excess of net investment income of)

   $      $   

Share Transactions (Note 7):*


Reinvested shares

     7,672       35,186  



Share amounts have been adjusted to reflect the 1:5 reverse stock split that occurred effective September 1, 2009.



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Statement of Cash Flows

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



Increase (Decrease) in Cash:


Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities:


Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 13,536,920  

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used for operating activities:


Purchases of long-term portfolio investments


Proceeds from disposition of long-term portfolio investments


Purchases of short-term portfolio investments, net


Increase in interest and dividends receivable


Decrease in receivable for investments sold


Decrease in prepaid expenses


Increase in interest payable for reverse repurchase agreements


Increase in payable for investments purchased


Decrease in receivable from advisor


Increase in administration fee payable


Increase in accrued expenses


Net amortization on investments


Unrealized appreciation on investments


Net realized loss on investment transactions


Net cash used for operating activities


Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities:


Net cash provided by reverse repurchase agreements


Dividends and distributions paid to stockholders, net of reinvestments


Net cash provided by financing activities


Net decrease in cash


Cash at beginning of year


Cash at end of year


Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest payments for the year ended March 31, 2010, totaled $219,323.




See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Statement of Cash Flows

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



Increase (Decrease) in Cash:


Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities:


Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 10,695,530  

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used for operating activities:


Purchases of long-term portfolio investments


Proceeds from disposition of long-term portfolio investments


Sales of short-term portfolio investments, net


Increase in interest and dividends receivable


Decrease in receivable for investments sold


Decrease in prepaid expenses


Increase in interest payable for reverse repurchase agreements


Decrease in payable for investments purchased


Decrease in receivable from advisor


Increase in administration fee payable


Increase in accrued expenses


Net amortization on investments


Unrealized appreciation on investments


Net realized loss on investment transactions


Net cash used for operating activities


Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities:


Net cash provided by reverse repurchase agreements


Dividends and distributions paid to stockholders


Net cash provided by financing activities


Net decrease in cash


Cash at beginning of year


Cash at end of year


Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest payments for the year ended March 31, 2010, totaled $156,169.




See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Statement of Cash Flows

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



Increase (Decrease) in Cash:


Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities:


Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 11,377,533  

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used for operating activities:


Purchases of long-term portfolio investments


Proceeds from disposition of long-term portfolio investments


Sales of short-term portfolio investments, net


Increase in interest and dividends receivable


Decrease in receivable for investments sold


Decrease in prepaid expenses


Increase in interest payable for reverse repurchase agreements


Decrease in payable for investments purchased


Decrease in receivable from the advisor


Increase in administration fee payable


Increase in accrued expenses


Net amortization on investments


Unrealized appreciation on investments


Net realized loss on investment transactions


Net cash used for operating activities


Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities:


Net cash provided by reverse repurchase agreements


Dividends and distributions paid to stockholders, net of reinvestments


Net cash provided by financing activities


Net decrease in cash


Cash at beginning of year


Cash at end of year


Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest payments for the year ended March 31, 2010, totaled $178,489.


Non-cash financing activities included reinvestment of dividends of $35,678.




See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Statement of Cash Flows

For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010



Increase (Decrease) in Cash:


Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities:


Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 8,846,413  

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash used for operating activities:


Purchases of long-term portfolio investments


Proceeds from disposition of long-term portfolio investments


Sales of short-term portfolio investments, net


Increase in interest and dividends receivable


Decrease in receivable for investments sold


Decrease in prepaid expenses


Increase in interest payable for reverse repurchase agreements


Increase in payable for investments purchased


Decrease in receivable from advisor


Increase in administration fee payable


Increase in accrued expenses


Net amortization on investments


Unrealized appreciation on investments


Net realized loss on investment transactions


Net cash used for operating activities


Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities:


Net cash provided by reverse repurchase agreements


Dividends and distributions paid to stockholders, net of reinvestments


Net cash provided by financing activities


Net decrease in cash


Cash at beginning of year


Cash at end of year


Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest payments for the year ended March 31, 2010, totaled $142,294.


Non-cash financing activities included reinvestment of dividends of $184,471.




See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Financial Highlights



      For the Fiscal
Year Ended
March 31, 2010

Per Share Operating Performance:


Net asset value, beginning of year

   $ 6.20 1 

Net investment income


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions


Net increase (decrease) in net asset value resulting from operations


Dividends from net investment income


Distributions from net realized gains


Return of capital distributions


Total dividends and distributions paid


Net asset value, end of year

   $ 7.50   

Market price, end of year

   $ 7.00   

Total Investment Return


Ratios to Average Net Assets/ Supplementary Data:


Net assets, end of year (000s)

   $ 49,017   

Gross operating expenses


Interest expense


Total expenses


Net expenses, including fee waivers and reimbursement and excluding interest expense and extraordinary expenses


Net investment income


Net investment income, excluding the effect of fee waivers and reimbursement


Portfolio turnover rate



Total investment return is computed based upon the New York Stock Exchange market price of the Fund’s shares and excludes the effect of brokerage commissions. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.



The Fund had a 1:5 reverse stock split with ex-dividend and payable dates of August 31, 2009 and September 1, 2009 respectively. Beginning net asset value per share has been restated to reflect the impact of the reverse stock split. (See Note 7)



See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Financial Highlights



      For the Fiscal
Year Ended
March 31, 2010

Per Share Operating Performance:


Net asset value, beginning of year

   $ 6.25 1 

Net investment income


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions


Net increase (decrease) in net asset value resulting from operations


Dividends from net investment income


Distributions from net realized gains


Return of capital distributions


Total dividends and distributions paid


Net asset value, end of year

   $ 7.66   

Market price, end of year

   $ 7.19   

Total Investment Return


Ratios to Average Net Assets/ Supplementary Data:


Net assets, end of year (000s)

   $ 37,040  

Gross operating expenses


Interest expense


Total expenses


Net expenses, including fee waivers and reimbursement and excluding
interest expense


Net investment income


Net investment income, excluding the effect of fee waivers and reimbursement


Portfolio turnover rate



Total investment return is computed based upon the New York Stock Exchange market price of the Fund’s shares and excludes the effect of brokerage commissions. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.



The Fund had a 1:5 reverse stock split with ex-dividend and payable dates of August 31, 2009 and September 1, 2009 respectively. Beginning net asset value per share has been restated to reflect the impact of the reverse stock split. (See Note 7)



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Financial Highlights



      For the Fiscal
Year Ended
March 31, 2010

Per Share Operating Performance:


Net asset value, beginning of year

   $ 4.40 1 

Net investment income


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions


Net increase (decrease) in net asset value resulting from operations


Dividends from net investment income


Distributions from net realized gains


Return of capital distributions

     (0.03 )

Total dividends and distributions paid


Offering costs charged to additional paid-in capital


Net asset value, end of year

   $ 5.38   

Market price, end of year

   $ 5.00   

Total Investment Return


Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplementary Data:


Net assets, end of year (000s)

   $ 40,852   

Gross operating expenses


Interest expense


Total expenses


Net expenses, including fee waivers and reimbursement and excluding interest expense


Net investment income


Net investment income, excluding the effect of fee waivers and reimbursement


Portfolio turnover rate




Total investment return is computed based upon the New York Stock Exchange market price of the Fund’s shares and excludes the effect of brokerage commissions. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.



The Fund had a 1:5 reverse stock split with ex-dividend and payable dates of August 31, 2009 and September 1, 2009 respectively. Beginning net asset value per share has been restated to reflect the impact of the reverse stock split. (See Note 7)



See Notes to Financial Statements.


   2010 Annual Report



Financial Highlights



      For the Fiscal
Year Ended
March 31, 2010

Per Share Operating Performance:


Net asset value, beginning of year

   $ 5.05 1 

Net investment income


Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investment transactions


Net increase (decrease) in net asset value resulting from operations


Dividends from net investment income


Distributions from net realized gains


Return of capital distributions

     (0.15 )

Total dividends and distributions paid


Net asset value, end of year

   $ 5.90   

Market price, end of year

   $ 5.46   

Total Investment Return


Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplementary Data:


Net assets, end of year (000s)

   $ 34,970   

Gross operating expenses


Interest expense


Total expenses


Net expenses, including fee waivers and reimbursement and excluding interest expense


Net investment income


Net investment income, excluding the effect of fee waivers and reimbursement


Portfolio turnover rate




Total investment return is computed based upon the New York Stock Exchange market price of the Fund’s shares and excludes the effect of brokerage commissions. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.



The Fund had a 1:5 reverse stock split with ex-dividend and payable dates of August 31, 2009 and September 1, 2009 respectively. Beginning net asset value per share has been restated to reflect the impact of the reverse stock split. (See Note 7)



See Notes to Financial Statements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



1. Organization

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (each a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds” or the “Helios Funds”) were organized as separate Maryland corporations on September 7, 2004, April 16, 2003, November 14, 2005 and January 16, 2004, respectively. Each Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as a diversified, closed-end management investment company with its own investment objective.

Effective July 29, 2008, Brookfield Investment Management Inc. (the “Advisor”), a registered investment advisor and wholly-owned subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management Inc., became the investment advisor to the Funds. Prior to July 29, 2008, Morgan Asset Management, Inc. served as investment advisor to the Funds.

Each Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek a high level of current income with capital growth as a secondary investment objective.

2. Significant Accounting Policies

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Valuation of Investments: Debt securities, including U.S. government securities, listed corporate bonds, other fixed income and asset-backed securities, and unlisted securities and private placement securities, are generally valued at the latest price furnished by an independent pricing service or, if not valued by an independent pricing service, using prices obtained from at least two active and reliable market makers in any such security. A security may, however, be priced using a quote obtained from a single active market maker, as the case may be. Short-term debt securities with remaining maturities of sixty days or less are valued at cost with interest accrued or discount accreted to the date of maturity, unless such valuation, in the judgment of the Advisor’s Valuation Committee, does not represent fair market value.

Investments in equity securities listed or traded on any securities exchange or traded in the over-the-counter market are valued at the last quoted price as of the close of business on the valuation date. Equity securities for which no sales were reported for that date are valued at “fair value” as determined in good faith by the Advisor’s Valuation Committee. Investments in open-end registered investment companies, if any, are valued at the net asset value (“NAV”) as reported by those investment companies.

When price quotations for certain securities are not readily available, or if the available quotations are not believed to be reflective of market value by the Advisor, those securities will be valued at “fair value” as determined in good faith by the Advisor’s Valuation Committee using procedures adopted by, and under the supervision of each Fund’s Board of Directors. There can be no assurance that a Fund could purchase or sell a portfolio security at the price used to calculate a Fund’s NAV.

Fair valuation procedures may be used to value a substantial portion of the assets of the Funds. A Fund may use the fair value of a security to calculate its NAV when, for example, (1) a portfolio security is not traded in a public market or the principal market in which the security trades is closed, (2) trading in a portfolio security is suspended and not resumed prior to the normal market close, (3) a portfolio security is not traded in significant volume for a substantial period, or (4) the Advisor determines that the quotation or price for a portfolio security provided by an independent pricing service, or other source(s) of information for securities valuations (including, but not limited to, broker-dealers, Bloomberg or Reuters) is inaccurate.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



The “fair value” of securities may be difficult to determine and thus judgment plays a greater role in the valuation process. The fair valuation methodology may include or consider, among other things, the following factors, as appropriate: (1) evaluation of all relevant factors, including but not limited to, pricing history, current market level, supply and demand of the respective security; (2) comparison to the values and current pricing of securities that have comparable characteristics; (3) knowledge of historical market information with respect to the security; (4) other factors relevant to the security which would include, but not be limited to, duration, yield, fundamental analytical data, the Treasury yield curve, and credit quality.

The values assigned to fair valued investments are based on available information and do not necessarily represent amounts that might ultimately be realized, since such amounts depend on future developments inherent in long-term investments. Changes in the fair valuation of portfolio securities may be less frequent and of greater magnitude than changes in the price of portfolio securities valued at their last sale price, by an independent pricing service, or based on market quotations. Imprecision in estimating fair value can also impact the amount of unrealized appreciation or depreciation recorded for a particular portfolio security and differences in the assumptions used could result in a different determination of fair value, and those differences could be material.

The Funds have established methods of fair value measurements in accordance with GAAP. Fair value denotes the price that a Fund would receive upon selling an investment in a timely transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market of the investment. A three-tier hierarchy has been established to maximize the use of observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Inputs refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk, for example, the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique used to measure fair value including such a pricing model and/or the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique. Inputs may be observable or unobservable. Observable inputs are inputs that reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs are inputs that reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available in the circumstances. The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad levels listed below.



Level 1 -


quoted prices in active markets for identical investments


Level 2 -


quoted prices in markets that are not active or other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc.)


Level 3 -


significant unobservable inputs (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)

The inputs or methodology used for valuing investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

The following is a summary of the inputs used as of March 31, 2010 in valuing the Funds’ investments carried at fair value:


Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

Valuation Inputs    Investment
   High Yield
   Short Term

Level 1 — Quoted Prices

   $ —      $ —      $ 2,243,341    $ —      $ 2,243,341

Level 2 — Quoted Prices in Inactive Markets or Other Significant Observable Inputs

     2,580,287      42,524,056      —        829,984      45,934,327

Level 3 — Significant Unobservable Inputs

     —        18,569,635      —        —        18,569,635


   $ 2,580,287    $ 61,093,691    $ 2,243,341    $ 829,984    $ 66,747,303


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

Valuation Inputs    Investment
   High Yield
   Short Term

Level 1 — Quoted Prices

   $ —      $ —      $ 1,499,337    $ —      $ 1,499,337

Level 2 — Quoted Prices in Inactive Markets or Other Significant Observable Inputs

     1,727,125      30,806,391      —        750,985      33,284,501

Level 3 — Significant Unobservable Inputs

     —        13,882,594      —        —        13,882,594


   $ 1,727,125    $ 44,688,985    $ 1,499,337    $ 750,985    $ 48,666,432

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

Valuation Inputs    Investment
   High Yield
   Short Term

Level 1 — Quoted Prices

   $ —      $ —      $ 1,878,513    $ —      $ 1,878,513

Level 2 — Quoted Prices in Inactive Markets or Other Significant Observable Inputs

     1,510,000      35,970,290      —        792,757      38,273,047

Level 3 — Significant Unobservable Inputs

     —        14,519,190      —        —        14,519,190


   $ 1,510,000    $ 50,489,480    $ 1,878,513    $ 792,757    $ 54,670,750

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

Valuation Inputs    Investment
   High Yield
   Short Term

Level 1 — Quoted Prices

   $ —      $ —      $ 2,896,880    $ —      $ 2,896,880

Level 2 — Quoted Prices in Inactive Markets or Other Significant Observable Inputs

     11,760,494      19,060,000      —        159,909      30,980,403

Level 3 — Significant Unobservable Inputs

     —        11,418,579      —        —        11,418,579


   $ 11,760,494    $ 30,478,579    $ 2,896,880    $ 159,909    $ 45,295,862

The following is a reconciliation of assets in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:


Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

Investments in Securities    Asset-
    High Yield

Balance as of March 31, 2009

   $ 1,533,000      $ 50,462     $ 12,162,356      $ 164,002      $ 13,909,820   

Accrued Discounts

     477        —          131,047        —          131,524   

Realized Loss

     (11,071,713     (1,610,899     (775,794     (3,045,727     (16,504,133

Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     10,909,636        1,569,129       2,718,638        2,958,849        18,156,252   

Net Purchases (Sales)

     (1,371,400     (8,692     8,829,074        (77,124     7,371,858   

Net transfers out of Level 3

     —          —          (4,495,686     —          (4,495,686

Balance as of March 31, 2010

   $ —        $ —        $ 18,569,635      $ —        $ 18,569,635   

Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at reporting date

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,349,709      $ —        $ 1,349,709   


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

Investments in Securities    Asset-
    High Yield

Balance as of March 31, 2009

   $ 1,126,000      $ 168,612      $ 8,914,945      $ 125,412      $ 10,334,969   

Accrued Discounts

     288        —          96,722        —          97,010   

Realized Loss

     (6,779,753     (2,445,454     (752,229     (1,971,012     (11,948,448

Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     6,670,440        2,340,908        2,874,570        1,903,066        13,788,984   

Net Purchases (Sales)

     (1,016,975     (64,066     6,836,689        (57,466     5,698,182   

Net transfers out of Level 3

     —          —          (4,088,103     —          (4,088,103

Balance as of March 31, 2010

   $ —        $ —        $ 13,882,594      $ —        $ 13,882,594   

Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at reporting date

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,631,621      $ —        $ 1,631,621   

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

Investments in Securities    Asset-
    High Yield

Balance as of March 31, 2009

   $ 1,223,000      $ 100,924      $ 9,031,696      $ 173,649      $ 10,529,269   

Accrued Discounts

     432        —          105,663        —          106,095   

Realized Loss

     (11,851,140     (1,454,324     (840,009     (3,601,777     (17,747,250

Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     11,695,458        1,370,275        2,601,977        3,511,658        19,179,368   

Net Purchases (Sales)

     (1,067,750     (16,875     7,993,904        (83,530     6,825,749   

Net transfers out of Level 3

     —          —          (4,374,041     —          (4,374,041

Balance as of March 31, 2010

   $ —        $ —        $ 14,519,190      $ —        $ 14,519,190   

Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at reporting date

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,276,443      $ —        $ 1,276,443   

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

Investments in Securities    Asset-
    High Yield

Balance as of March 31, 2009

   $ 1,480,621     $ 50,462     $ 8,212,166     $ 139,883     $ 9,883,132  

Accrued Discounts

     288       —          115,925       —          116,213  

Realized Loss

     (9,914,195     (1,686,704     (924,339     (2,314,940     (14,840,178

Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     9,587,286       1,644,955       2,290,543       2,239,501       15,762,285  

Net Purchases (Sales)

     (1,154,000     (8,713     4,569,281       (64,444     3,342,124  

Net transfers out of Level 3

     —          —          (2,844,997     —          (2,844,997

Balance as of March 31, 2010

   $ —        $ —        $ 11,418,579     $ —        $ 11,418,579  

Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at reporting date

   $ —        $ —        $ 1,010,816     $ —        $ 1,010,816  

Investment Transactions and Investment Income: Securities transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains and losses from securities transactions are calculated on the identified cost basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on securities are accreted and amortized, respectively on a daily basis, using the effective yield to maturity method adjusted based on management’s assessment of the collectability of such interest. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date.

Taxes: Each Fund intends to qualify and meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies and distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its stockholders. Therefore, no federal income or excise tax provision is required. Each Fund may incur an excise tax to the extent it has not distributed all of its taxable income on a calendar year basis.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



GAAP provides guidance for how uncertain tax positions should be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in the financial statements. An evaluation of tax positions taken in the course of preparing the Funds’ tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the taxing authority is required. Tax benefits of positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold would be booked as a tax expense in the current year. As of March 31, 2010, the Funds have determined that there are no uncertain tax positions or tax liabilities required to be accrued.

The Funds have reviewed all taxable years that are open for examination (i.e., not barred by the applicable statute of limitations) by taxing authorities of all major jurisdictions, including the Internal Revenue Service. As of March 31, 2010, open taxable years consisted of the taxable years ended March 31, 2007 through March 31, 2010. No examination of any of the Funds’ tax returns is currently in progress.

Expenses: Expenses directly attributable to a Fund are charged directly to that Fund, while expenses which are attributable to more than one Fund are allocated among the respective Funds based upon relative net assets.

Dividends and Distributions: Each Fund declares and pays dividends monthly from net investment income (including net short term capital gains, if any). Each Fund also pays distributions at least annually from its net realized capital gains, if any. Dividends and distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date. All common shares have equal dividend and other distribution rights. A notice disclosing the source(s) of a distribution will be provided if payment is made from any source other than net investment income. Any such notice would be provided only for informational purposes in order to comply with the requirements of Section 19(a) of the 1940 Act and not for tax reporting purposes. The tax composition of each Fund’s distributions for each calendar year is reported on IRS Form 1099-DIV.

Dividends from net investment income and distributions from realized gains from investment transactions have been determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations and may differ from net investment income and realized gains recorded by the Fund for financial reporting purposes. These differences which could be temporary or permanent in nature and may result in reclassification of distributions; however, net investment income, net realized gains and losses and net assets are not affected.

Repurchase Agreements: Each Fund may invest in repurchase agreements. A repurchase agreement is an agreement by which the Funds purchase securities from a third party with the commitment that they will be repurchased by the seller at a fixed price on an agreed upon future date. The Funds, through their custodian, receive delivery of the underlying collateral, the market value of which at the time of purchase is required to be in an amount at least equal to the resale price, including accrued interest. The Advisor is responsible for determining that the value of these underlying securities is sufficient at all times. If the seller defaults and the value of the collateral declines or if bankruptcy proceedings commence with respect to the seller of the security, realization of the collateral by the Fund may be delayed or limited. The Funds had no repurchase agreements outstanding as of March 31, 2010.

When-Issued and Delayed Delivery Transactions: The Funds may engage in when-issued or delayed delivery transactions. The Funds record when-issued securities on the trade date and maintain security positions such that sufficient liquid assets will be available to make payment for the securities purchased. Securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis are marked to market daily and begin earning interest on the settlement date. Losses may occur on these transactions due to changes in market conditions or the failure of counterparties to perform under the contract.

Cash Flow Information: Each Fund invests in securities and distributes dividends and distributions which are paid in cash or are reinvested at the discretion of stockholders. These activities are reported in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets. Additional information on cash receipts and cash payments is presented in the Statement of Cash Flows. Cash, as used in the Statement of Cash Flows, is the amount reported as “Cash” in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, and does not include short-term investments.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



Accounting practices that do not affect reporting activities on a cash basis include carrying investments at value and accreting discounts and amortizing premiums on debt obligations.

3. Risks of Investing in Asset-Backed Securities and Below-Investment Grade Securities

The value of asset-backed securities may be affected by, among other factors, changes in: interest rates, the market’s assessment of the quality of the underlying assets, the creditworthiness of the servicer for the underlying assets, information concerning the originator of the underlying assets, or the creditworthiness or rating of the entities that provide any supporting letters of credit, surety bonds, derivative instruments, or other credit enhancement. The value of asset-backed securities also will be affected by the exhaustion, termination or expiration of any credit enhancement. The Funds have sold the remainder of their asset-backed securities during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.

The Funds have investments in below-investment grade debt securities. Below-investment grade securities involve a higher degree of credit risk than investment grade debt securities. In the event of an unanticipated default, the Funds would experience a reduction in their income, a decline in the market value of the securities so affected and a decline in the NAV of their shares. During an economic downturn or period of rising interest rates, highly leveraged and other below-investment grade issuers frequently experience financial stress that could adversely affect their ability to service principal and interest payment obligations, to meet projected business goals and to obtain additional financing. The market prices of below-investment grade debt securities generally are less sensitive to interest rate changes than higher-rated investments but are more sensitive to adverse economic or political changes or individual developments specific to the issuer than higher-rated investments. Periods of economic or political uncertainty and change can be expected to result in significant volatility of prices for these securities. Rating services consider these securities to be speculative in nature.

Below-investment grade securities may be subject to market conditions, events of default or other circumstances which cause them to be considered “distressed securities.” Distressed securities frequently do not produce income while they are outstanding. The Funds may be required to bear certain extraordinary expenses in order to protect and recover their investments in certain distressed securities. Therefore, to the extent the Funds seek capital growth through investment in such securities, the Funds’ ability to achieve current income for its stockholders may be diminished. The Funds also are subject to significant uncertainty as to when and in what manner and for what value the obligations evidenced by distressed securities will eventually be satisfied (e.g., through a liquidation of the obligor’s assets, an exchange offer or plan of reorganization involving the securities or a payment of some amount in satisfaction of the obligation). In addition, even if an exchange offer is made or a plan of reorganization is adopted with respect to distressed securities held by the Funds, there can be no assurance that the securities or other assets received by the Funds in connection with such exchange offer or plan of reorganization will not have a lower value or income potential than may have been anticipated when the investment was made. Moreover, any securities received by the Funds upon completion of an exchange offer or plan of reorganization may be restricted as to resale. As a result of the Funds’ participation in negotiations with respect to any exchange offer or plan of reorganization with respect to an issuer of such securities, the Funds may be restricted from disposing of distressed securities.

4. Investment Advisory Agreements and Affiliated Transactions

Each Fund has entered into a separate Investment Advisory Agreement (the “Advisory Agreements”) with the Advisor under which the Advisor is responsible for the management of each Fund’s portfolio and provides the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and certain other services necessary to the operations of each Fund. The Advisory Agreements provide, among other things, that the Advisor will bear all expenses of its employees and overhead incurred in connection with the performance of its duties under the Advisory Agreements, and will pay all salaries of the Funds’ directors and officers who are affiliated persons (as such term is defined in the 1940 Act) of the Advisor. The Advisory Agreements provide that each Fund shall pay the Advisor a monthly fee for its services at an annual rate of 0.65% of each Fund’s average daily total assets minus liabilities (other than aggregate indebtedness entered into for purposes of leverage).


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



Each Fund has entered into a separate expense limitation agreement (the “Expense Limitation Agreements”) under which the Advisor has contractually agreed to waive its fees and/or reimburse each Fund for its expenses to the extent necessary to ensure each Fund’s annual operating expenses (excluding brokerage, interest expenses and taxes, and acquired fund fees and expenses) do not exceed 1.30% of average annual net assets of each Fund. Each contractual waiver will terminate on July 29, 2010. Pursuant to the Expense Limitation Agreements, the Advisor retains its right to receive reimbursement of any payments made by it, or to recoup any fees waived by it during the prior three fiscal years, provided that after giving effect to such repayment or recoupment, such adjusted total annual operating expenses (expressed as a percentage of average net assets) for each Fund would not exceed the percentage limitations listed above.

The amount of investment advisory fees waived and expenses reimbursed available to be recouped and the year of expiration for each Fund are listed in the table below:


Fund    March 31,
   March 31,

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 314,001    $ 374,959

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

     283,797      337,154

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

     337,309      353,979

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     304,331      341,483

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, the Advisor earned the following in investment advisory fees under the Advisory Agreements. Further, under the Expense Limitation Agreements, the Advisor was required to waive its investment advisory fees and/or reimburse the following costs to the Funds:




Advisory Fees


Waiver and/or



Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 395,786    $ (374,959

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

     290,833      (337,154

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

     324,364      (353,979

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     278,607      (341,483
   $ 1,289,590    $ (1,407,575

The Funds have entered into an Administration Agreement with the Advisor. The Advisor entered into a sub-administration agreement with State Street Bank and Trust Company (the “Sub-Administrator”). The Advisor and Sub-Administrator perform administrative services necessary for the operation of the Funds, including maintaining certain books and records of the Funds and preparing reports and other documents required by federal, state, and other applicable laws and regulations, and providing the Funds with administrative office facilities. For these services, each Fund pays to the Advisor a monthly fee at an annual rate of 0.15% of each Fund’s average daily total assets minus liabilities (other than the aggregate indebtedness entered into for purposes of leverage). The Advisor is responsible for any fees due the Sub-Administrator, except for N-Q filing fees.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, the Advisor earned the following in Administration fees:


Fund    Administration Fee

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 91,335

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.


Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.


Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 297,597

The Administration fees shown in the Statement of Operations includes expenses incurred and paid to the Sub-Administrator for the N-Q filing, which amounted to $3,338 for each of the Funds.

Certain officers and/or directors of the Funds are officers and/or directors of the Advisor.

5. Purchases and Sales of Investments

Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities and U.S. Government securities, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 were as follows:


Fund    Purchases    Sales

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 44,295,457    $ 26,498,076

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

     32,260,058      20,488,087

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

     37,869,828      23,471,781

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     30,510,567      17,714,662

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 there were no transactions in U.S. Government securities.

6. Borrowings

Reverse Repurchase Agreements: The Funds may enter into reverse repurchase agreements with the same parties with whom it may enter into repurchase agreements. Under a reverse repurchase agreement, the Funds sell securities and agree to repurchase them at a mutually agreed upon date and price. Under the 1940 Act, reverse repurchase agreements will be regarded as a form of borrowing by each Fund unless, at the time it enters into a reverse repurchase agreement, it establishes and maintains a segregated account with its custodian containing securities from its portfolio having a value not less than the repurchase price (including accrued interest). Each Fund has established and maintained such an account for each of its reverse repurchase agreements.

Reverse repurchase agreements involve the risk that the market value of the securities retained in lieu of sale by the Funds may decline below the price of the securities a Fund has sold but is obligated to repurchase. In the event the buyer of securities under a reverse repurchase agreement files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, such buyer or its Trustee or receiver may receive an extension of time to determine whether to enforce the Funds’ obligation to repurchase the securities, and the Funds’ use of the proceeds of the reverse repurchase agreement may effectively be restricted pending such decision. Also, the Funds would bear the risk of loss to the extent that the proceeds of the reverse repurchase agreements are less than the value of the securities subject to such agreements.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



At March 31, 2010, Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. had the following reverse repurchase agreements outstanding:


Face Value      Description    Maturity Amount  

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/16/10, maturity date 05/18/10

   $ 8,081,144   

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/17/10, maturity date 05/19/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/18/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/23/10, maturity date 05/19/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/23/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 03/22/10, maturity date 05/20/10


Maturity Amount, Including Interest Payable

   $ 18,374,595   

Market Value of Assets Sold Under Agreements

   $ 25,905,228   

Weighted Average Interest Rate


At March 31, 2010, Helios High Income Fund, Inc. had the following reverse repurchase agreements outstanding:


Face Value      Description    Maturity Amount  

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/16/10, maturity date 05/18/10

   $ 4,984,730   

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/17/10, maturity date 05/19/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/18/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/23/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 03/22/10, maturity date 05/20/10


Maturity Amount, Including Interest Payable

   $ 12,455,417   

Market Value of Assets Sold Under Agreements

   $ 17,696,827   

Weighted Average Interest Rate


At March 31, 2010, Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. had the following reverse repurchase agreements outstanding:


Face Value      Description    Maturity Amount  

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/16/10, maturity date 05/18/10

   $ 6,007,728   

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/17/10, maturity date 05/19/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/18/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/23/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 03/22/10, maturity date 05/20/10


Maturity Amount, Including Interest Payable

   $ 14,465,367   

Market Value of Assets Sold Under Agreements

   $ 20,547,747   

Weighted Average Interest Rate



   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



At March 31, 2010, Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. had the following reverse repurchase agreements outstanding:


Face Value      Description    Maturity Amount  

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/16/10, maturity date 05/18/10

   $ 3,304,118   

JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/17/10, maturity date 05/19/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/18/10, maturity date 05/20/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/25/10, maturity date 05/18/10


JP Morgan Chase, 0.95%, dated 02/25/10, maturity date 05/19/10


Maturity Amount, Including Interest Payable

   $ 11,595,553   

Market Value of Assets Sold Under Agreements

   $ 15,339,564   

Weighted Average Interest Rate


The average daily balances of reverse repurchase agreements outstanding during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, was approximately $15,213,284, $10,579,468, $12,122,432 and $10,066,253 at a weighted average interest rate of 1.57%, 1.60%, 1.60% and 1.54% for Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc., and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc., respectively.

The maximum amount of reverse repurchase agreements outstanding at any time during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, was $18,532,204, $12,604,681, $14,634,020 and $11,650,560, which was 28.10%, 26.22%, 27.15% and 25.26% of total assets for Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc., and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc., respectively.

7. Reverse Stock Split

Effective September 1, 2009, each Fund effected a 1 for 5 reverse stock split for its respective shares. All share transactions in capital stock and per share data prior to September 1, 2009, have been restated to give effect to the reverse stock split. The reverse stock split had no impact on the overall value of a stockholder’s investment in each Fund.

8. Capital Stock

Each Fund is authorized to issue 1,000,000,000 shares of capital stock with a par value of $0.0001 per share. The Funds’ Boards of Directors are authorized to classify and reclassify any unissued shares of capital stock from time to time by setting or changing the preferences, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to dividends or terms and conditions of redemption of such shares by the Funds. The common shares have no preemptive, conversion, exchange or redemption rights. All common shares have equal voting, dividend, distribution and liquidation rights. The common shares, when issued, will be fully paid and non-assessable. Common stockholders are entitled to one vote per share and all voting rights for the election of directors are non-cumulative. The Funds have no present intentions of offering additional shares, except as described in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

9. Federal Income Tax Information

Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



The tax character of distributions paid for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 were as follows:


      Helios Advantage
Income Fund,
   Helios High
Income Fund,
   Helios Multi-
Sector High
Income Fund, Inc.
   Helios Strategic
Income Fund,

Ordinary income(1)

   $ 4,573,251    $ 3,466,134    $ 3,803,558    $ 2,973,090

Return of capital

     623,304      378,712      217,600      903,507

Total distributions

   $ 5,196,555    $ 3,844,846    $ 4,021,158    $ 3,876,597

At March 31, 2010, each Fund’s most recently completed tax year-end, the components of net assets (excluding paid-in capital) on a tax basis were as follows:


      Helios Advantage
Income Fund,
    Helios High
Income Fund,
    Helios Multi-
Sector High
Income Fund, Inc.
    Helios Strategic
Income Fund,

Capital loss carryforward (1)

   $ (410,121,450   $ (304,731,521   $ (456,420,567   $ (369,469,108

Unrealized appreciation

     3,478,479       3,614,441       3,438,445       2,136,610  
   $ (406,642,971   $ (301,117,080   $ (452,982,122   $ (367,332,498



To the extent that future capital gains are offset by capital loss carryforwards, such gains will not be distributed.

As of March 31, 2010, the Funds’ capital loss carryforwards were as follows:


Fund    Expiring in
   Expiring in
   Expiring in
   Expiring in
   Expiring in

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ —      $ —      $ 63,416,568    $ 175,931,140    $ 170,773,742

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

     —        —        47,702,451      130,227,458      126,801,612

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

     —        —        67,821,037      205,725,325      182,874,205

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     5,339,876      193,592      59,889,208      152,878,553      151,167,879

Federal Income Tax Basis: The federal income tax basis of the Funds’ investments at March 31, 2010 was as follows:



Cost of



Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 63,268,824    $ 5,173,990    $ (1,695,511   $ 3,478,479

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

     45,051,991      3,809,304      (194,863     3,614,441

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc

     51,232,305      4,337,736      (899,291     3,438,445

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

     43,159,252      3,658,588      (1,521,978     2,136,610

Capital Account Reclassifications: Because federal income tax regulations differ in certain respects from GAAP, income and capital gain distributions, if any, determined in accordance with tax regulations may differ from net investment income and realized gains recognized for financial reporting purposes. These differences are primarily due to differing treatments for wash sales and return of capital. Permanent book and tax differences, if any, relating to stockholder distributions will result in reclassifications to paid-in-capital or to undistributed capital gains. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or NAV per share. Any undistributed net income and realized gain remaining at fiscal year-end is distributed in the following year. There were no such reclassifications required as of March 31, 2010.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



10. Indemnification

Under each Fund’s organizational documents, its officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to each Fund. In addition, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts with their vendors and others that provide for indemnification. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, since this would involve the resolution of certain claims, as well as future claims that may be made, against the Funds. Thus, an estimate of the financial impact, if any, of these arrangements cannot be made at this time.

11. New Accounting Pronouncements

In June 2009, an accounting standards codification (“Codification”) was established as the source of authoritative accounting principles recognized by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) to be applied by nongovernmental entities in the preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP. Rules and interpretive releases of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under federal securities laws are also sources of authoritative GAAP for SEC registrants. All guidance contained in the Codification carries an equal level of authority. As of the effective date, the Codification has superseded all then-existing non-SEC accounting and reporting standards. Concurrently, all nongrandfathered, non-SEC accounting literature not included in the Codification has been deemed nonauthoritative. This Codification is effective for financial statements issued for interim and annual periods ending after September 15, 2009. Management has evaluated this new statement and has determined that it did not have a significant impact on the determination or reporting of the Funds’ financial statements.

In January 2010, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2010-06 “Improving Disclosures about Fair Value Measurements.” ASU No. 2010-06 clarifies existing disclosures and requires additional disclosures regarding fair value measurements. Effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2009, entities will be required to disclose significant transfers into and out of Level 1 and 2 measurements in the fair value hierarchy and the reasons for those transfers. Effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2010, and for interim periods within those fiscal years, entities will need to disclose information about purchases, sales, issuances and settlements of Level 3 securities on a gross basis, rather than as a net number as currently required. Management is currently evaluating the impact ASU No. 2010-06 will have on the Funds’ financial statement disclosures.

12. Pending Litigation

Beginning in late 2007, lawsuits were filed in state and federal courts in Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Louisiana, New York and Texas relating to certain fixed income funds managed by the Advisor, including the Funds. Certain of the cases were filed as putative class actions on behalf of investors who purchased shares of the Funds from December 2004 through February 2008 and other cases were filed as actions on behalf of one or more individuals or trusts. The complaints name various entities and individuals as defendants including, among others, the Funds, the former advisor, Morgan Asset Management, Inc. (“MAM”), Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. (“Morgan Keegan”), Regions Financial Corporation and several affiliates (“Regions”), certain former directors and former officers of the Funds and the Funds’ former portfolio managers. The complaints generally allege that the defendants misrepresented or failed to disclose material facts relating to portfolio composition, fair valuation, liquidity and risk in Fund registration statements and other documents. The plaintiffs seek damages in amounts to be determined at trial and reasonable costs and, in some cases, attorneys’ fees. Each of the cases is at a preliminary stage. An answer was filed in a state court case, Burke v. Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. pending in the circuit court of Jefferson County, Alabama, on behalf of Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. which was later settled. Other than the Burke case and the motions to dismiss filed in the derivative action discussed below, no responses to the complaints have been filed in the actions pending against the Funds, and no classes have been certified in any of the putative class actions filed against the Funds.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



On March 13, 2008, a derivative action was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee seeking damages on behalf of Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. against MAM and certain former directors of the Fund. The complaint in this action alleged, among other things, that defendants MAM and certain former directors of the Fund breached their fiduciary duties and mismanaged the Fund in connection with portfolio composition, fair valuation, liquidity, risk management and disclosure. The complaint sought damages in an amount to be determined at trial and reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees. Motions to dismiss the complaint were filed by the respective defendants. The Board of the Fund is currently undertaking an investigation of the underlying allegations in the complaint to determine whether pursuit of such claims is in the best interest of the Fund. The Fund has moved to dismiss the action without prejudice, or alternatively, to stay the action pending the completion of the Board’s investigation of the underlying allegations and its determination as to proceeding on behalf of the Fund. On March 10, 2010, the court granted the defendants’ motions to dismiss and dismissed the action without prejudice to the Fund’s right to seek remuneration for any perceived wrongs on the completion of its Board’s investigation.

Subsequently, on March 18, 2010, four derivative actions were filed on behalf of each of the Funds. The complaints in these actions allege, among other things, that defendants MAM, and certain former officers and directors of the Funds breached their fiduciary duties and mismanaged the Funds in connection with portfolio composition, fair valuation, liquidity, risk management and disclosure. The complaints seek equitable relief, damages in an amount to be determined at trial and reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees. The proceedings are at a preliminary stage and no responses to the complaints have been filed by the respective defendants. The Boards of the Funds are currently undertaking an investigation of the underlying allegations in the complaints to determine whether pursuit of such claims is in the best interest of the Funds.

Claims substantially similar to those described above have been made in lawsuits filed in the United States Federal and state courts concerning certain open-end funds formerly managed by the Advisor.

On September 23, 2008, most of the cases pending in federal court in the Western District of Tennessee in which the Funds are defendants, and other cases pending in that court involving the same or similar claims against other defendants, were consolidated into a single proceeding encaptioned In re Regions Morgan Keegan Closed End Fund Litigation.

On February 12, 2009, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (“Judicial Panel”) issued an order transferring related actions pending in other federal courts to the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee and directing that the transferred cases be coordinated or consolidated with the above-described actions relating to the Funds.

No estimate of the effect, if any, of these lawsuits on the Funds can be made at this time.

13. Contingencies

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. is the holder of certain 2000-1 Class C Notes issued by the NextCard Credit Card Master Note Trust (the “NextCard Trust”) in one of a series of securitization transactions with NextBank, N.A. (“NextBank”). The NextCard Trust held credit card receivables sold to it by NextBank and in order to issue notes to finance the purchase of such receivables. The notes were asset-backed, pass-through notes under which the timing and amounts of payment was initially dependent on collections, and eventually on each series of notes reaching their stated maturity dates. NextBank, which issued credit cards over the internet, was placed into receivership by the FDIC on February 7, 2002.

After years of litigating in Federal District Court in Washington, D.C. whether NextBank’s receivership triggered a “redemption event” under the securitization agreements, the right to the remaining funds held by the NextCard Trust, which are currently believed to be in excess of $50.0 million, shifted to New York after the Indenture Trustee brought an interpleader action. The FDIC, in its statutory capacity as receiver, and various note holders (including Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.) asserted mutually exclusive claims to the NextCard Trust’s remaining funds.


   2010 Annual Report



Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



By decision dated February 24, 2009, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York granted summary judgment in the note holders’ favor. The FDIC appealed this ruling to the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which held oral argument on March 4, 2010. On June 1, 2010 the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued its opinion affirming the District Court’s decision.

If Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc. were ultimately to prevail in this matter, it would be entitled to a distribution in excess of $1.0 million. Presently management is unable to assess the likelihood of a positive outcome on behalf of the Fund in this matter and it is uncertain as to whether the Fund will receive any distribution upon the conclusion of this litigation.

14. Subsequent Events

GAAP requires recognition in the financial statements of the effects of all subsequent events that provide additional evidence about conditions that existed at the date of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. For non-recognized subsequent events that must be disclosed to keep the financial statements from being misleading, the Funds’ are required to disclose the nature of the event as well as an estimate of their financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made.

Dividend: The Funds’ Boards of Directors declared the following monthly dividends:


Fund    Dividend Per Share    Record Date    Payable Date

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.06    April 23, 2010    April 29, 2010

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.06    April 23, 2010    April 29, 2010

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.04    April 23, 2010    April 29, 2010

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.04    April 23, 2010    April 29, 2010
Fund    Dividend Per Share    Record Date    Payable Date

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.06    May 21, 2010    May 27, 2010

Helios High Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.06    May 21, 2010    May 27, 2010

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.04    May 21, 2010    May 27, 2010

Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

   $ 0.04    May 21, 2010    May 27, 2010

The Administrative Proceeding: On April 7, 2010, after an investigation by the Division of Enforcement, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) issued an order (“Order”) instituting administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings (the “Administrative Proceeding”) pursuant to the federal securities laws and the Commission’s rules of practice against Morgan Asset Management, Inc. (“Morgan Asset”), Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc., James C. Kelsoe, Jr. and Joseph Thompson Weller, CPA (collectively, “Respondents”). Prior to July 29, 2008, Morgan Asset served as investment advisor to the Funds.

Non-Reliance on Financial Statements: If certain allegations in the Order against the Respondents are found to be true at the conclusion of the Administrative Proceeding or otherwise, the financial statements and financial highlights for each Fund’s four fiscal years ended March 31, 2009, March 31, 2008, March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006 may be impacted. The Funds are currently undertaking an investigation of the underlying allegations in the Order. It is unclear at this time, however, whether each Fund’s financial statements and financial highlights covering these fiscal periods are impacted and, if so, whether the impact is material.

By correspondence dated May 27, 2010, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”), the Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006, informed the Funds that PwC’s audit reports dated May 29, 2008, May 21, 2007 and May 22, 2006, on the Funds’ financial statements should no longer be relied upon. Certain of the Funds’ authorized officers have discussed the foregoing matters with PwC.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Notes to Financial Statements

March 31, 2010



In addition, by correspondence dated May 28, 2010, BBD, LLP (“BBD”), the Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm for the six-month period ended September 30, 2008 and the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009, informed the Funds that BBD’s audit reports dated November 26, 2008 and May 28, 2009, on the Funds’ financial statements should no longer be relied upon in view of PwC’s May 27, 2010 correspondence regarding non-reliance on its previously issued audit reports because BBD relied upon PwC’s audit report on the March 31, 2008 financial statements. The Funds’ Audit Committees, Boards of Directors and authorized officers have discussed the foregoing matters with BBD.

Based upon the actions of PwC and BBD, the financial statements and financial highlights covering these fiscal periods should not be relied upon until such time that the Funds’ investigation of the underlying allegations in the Order has been completed and the issues surrounding the audit reports have been resolved.

Termination of Expense Limitation Agreements: On May 25, 2010, the Boards of Directors of the Funds received written notice of the Advisor’s determination not to extend the Expense Limitation Agreements, after their termination on July 29, 2010.

Management has evaluated subsequent events in the preparation of the Funds’ financial statements and has determined that other than the items listed herein, there are no events that require recognition or disclosure in the financial statements.


   2010 Annual Report


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm




To the Stockholders and Board of Directors of

Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc.,

Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of the Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. as of March 31, 2010, and the related statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows and the financial highlights for the year then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2010, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. as of March 31, 2010, the results of their operations, changes in their net assets, their cash flows and their financial highlights for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


/s/ BBD, LLP


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

June 1, 2010


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Tax Information (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010



For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, 11.99%, 9.84%, 5.41% and 23.31% of the distributions to stockholders declared from net investment income for the Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc., respectively, were reclassified as return of capital and are reflected as such in each Fund’s Statement of Changes and Financial Highlights.


   2010 Annual Report



Compliance Certifications (Unaudited)

March 31, 2010



On August 3, 2009, the Funds submitted a CEO annual certification to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) on which the Funds’ principal executive officer certified that he was not aware, as of that date, of any violation by the Funds of the NYSE’s Corporate Governance listing standards. In addition, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related SEC rules, the Funds’ principal executive and principal financial officers have made quarterly certifications, included in filings with the SEC on Forms N-CSR and N-Q relating to, among other things, the Funds’ disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting, as applicable.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Information Concerning Directors and Officers (Unaudited)



The following tables provide information concerning the directors and officers of Helios Advantage Income Fund, Inc., Helios High Income Fund, Inc., Helios Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and Helios Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (the “Funds”).

Directors of the Funds *


Name, Address and Age   Position(s) Held with
Funds and Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years and
Other Directorships Held by Director
  Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Director

Disinterested Directors


Class I Directors to serve until 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

Robert F. Birch
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 74


Director, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of Nominating and Compensation Committee

Elected since July 2008

  Director/Trustee of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (1998-Present); President and Director of New America High Income Fund (1992-Present); Director of Brandywine Funds (3) (2001-2008).   8

Stuart A. McFarland
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 63


Director, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of the Nominating and Compensation Committee

Elected since July 2008

  Director/Trustee of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (2006-Present); Director of Brandywine Funds (2003-Present); Director of New Castle Investment Corp. (2000-Present); Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Federal City Bancorp, Inc. (2005-2007); Managing Partner of Federal City Capital Advisors (1997-Present).   8

Disinterested Director


Class II Director to serve until 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

Rodman L. Drake
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 67


Director and Chairman of the Board, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of Nominating and Compensation Committee

Elected since July 2008

  Chairman (since 2003) and Director/Trustee of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (1989-Present); Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of Crystal River Capital, Inc. (August 2009-Present); Director and/or Lead Director of Crystal River Capital, Inc. (2005-Present); Director of Celgene Corporation (2006-Present); Director of Student Loan Corporation (2005-Present); Director of Apex Silver Mines Limited (2007-2009); General Partner of Resource Capital Fund II & III CIP L.P. (1998-2006); Co-founder, Baringo Capital LLC (2002-Present); Director of Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Inc. (2004-Present); Director of Animal Medical Center (2002-Present); Director and/or Lead Director of Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. (1995-2008); Trustee and Chairman of Excelsior Funds (1994-2007); Trustee of Columbia Atlantic Funds (2007-Present).   8


   2010 Annual Report



Information Concerning Directors and Officers (Unaudited)



Directors of the Funds (continued)


Name, Address and Age   Position(s) Held with
Funds and Term of Office
and Length of Time Served
  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years and
Other Directorships Held by Director
  Number of Portfolios
in Fund Complex
Overseen by Director

Disinterested Director


Class II Director to serve until 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

Diana H. Hamilton
c/o Three World
Financial Center,

200 Vesey Street,

10 th Floor,

New York, New York,


Age 53


Director, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of the Nominating and Compensation Committee

Elected since September 2009

  Trustee of one other investment company advised by the Advisor (2004-Present); President, Sycamore Advisors, LLC, a municipal finance advisory firm (2004-Present); Director of Public Finance, State of Indiana (1997-2003).   5

Disinterested Director


Class III Director to serve until 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:

Louis P. Salvatore
c/o Three World
Financial Center,

200 Vesey Street,

10 th Floor,

New York, New York,


Age 63


Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Member of the Nominating and Compensation Committee

Elected since July 2008

  Director/Trustee of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (2005-Present); Director of Crystal River Capital, Inc. (2005-Present); Director of Turner Corp. (2003-Present); Director of Jackson Hewitt Tax Services, Inc. (2004-Present); Employee of Arthur Andersen LLP (2002-Present); Partner of Arthur Andersen LLP (1977-2002).   8



John J. Feeney, Jr. was an Interested Director, as that term is defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) because of affiliations with Brookfield Investment Management Inc., the Funds’ Advisor, from May 2009-February 2010. The vacancy caused by Mr. Feeney’s retirement has not yet been filled by the Funds’ Board of Directors.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Information Concerning Directors and Officers (Unaudited)



Officers of the Funds


Name, Address and Age   Position(s)
Held with Funds
  Term of Office and
Length of Time Served
  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

Kim G. Redding*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 54

  President   Elected Annually Since February 2010   President of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (February 2010-Present); Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of the Advisor (February 2010-Present); Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of the Advisor (October 2009-February 2010); Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Brookfield Redding LLC (2001-2009); Founder and President of RREEF Real Estate Securities (1993-2000).

Dana E. Erikson*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 44

  Vice President   Elected Annually Since July 2008   Vice President of one other investment company advised by the Advisor (August 2009-Present); Senior Portfolio Manager/Managing Director of the Advisor (2006-Present); Senior Portfolio Manager/Managing Director of Evergreen Investment Management Company, LLC (1996-2006).

Steven M. Pires*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,
th Floor,
New York, New York,


Age 53

  Treasurer   Elected Annually Since April 2009   Treasurer of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (April 2009-Present); Vice President of Brookfield Operations and Management Services LLC (2008-Present); Assistant Vice President of Managers Investment Group LLC (2004-2008).

Jonathan C. Tyras*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,

200 Vesey Street,

10 th Floor,

New York, New York,


Age 41

  Secretary   Elected Annually Since March 2009   Director, General Counsel and Secretary of the Advisor (2006-Present); Vice President and General Counsel (2006-Present) and Secretary (2007-Present) of Crystal River Capital, Inc.; Secretary of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (2006-Present); Attorney at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP (1998-2006).

Seth Gelman*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,

10th Floor,

New York, New York

Age 34

  Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”)   Elected Annually Since May 2009   Director and CCO of the Advisor (May 2009-Present); CCO of several investment companies advised by the Advisor (May 2009-Present); Vice President, Oppenheimer Funds (2004- May 2009).


   2010 Annual Report



Information Concerning Directors and Officers (Unaudited)



Officers of the Funds (continued)


Name, Address and Age   Position(s)
Held with Funds
  Term of Office and
Length of Time Served
  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

Lily Tjioe*
c/o Three World
Financial Center,
200 Vesey Street,

10th Floor,

New York, New York 10281-1010

Age 31

  Assistant Secretary   Elected Annually Since September 2009   Assistant Secretary (September 2009-Present) and Interim CCO (March-May 2009) of several investment companies advised by the Advisor. Vice President (March 2010-Present), Assistant Vice President (2009-March 2010) and Associate (2007-2009) of the Advisor; Juris Doctor, Boston University School of Law (2004-2007).



Interested person as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) because of affiliations with Brookfield Investment Management Inc., Advisor of the Helios Funds.

The Funds’ Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the directors and is available, without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-497-3746.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.




Dividend Reinvestment Plan (Unaudited)



The Funds offer a dividend reinvestment plan (the “Plan”) pursuant to which stockholders, unless they elect otherwise, automatically have dividends and other distributions reinvested in common shares of the Fund by Computershare Trust Company, N.A. and Computershare Shareholder Services, Inc. (together, the “Plan Agent”). Stockholders who elect not to participate in the Plan receive all distributions in cash paid by wire or check mailed directly to the recordholder by the Plan Agent.

How the Plan Works

After a Fund declares a dividend or determines to make other distributions, the Plan Agent will acquire shares for the participants’ accounts, depending upon the circumstances described below, either (i) through receipt of newly-issued shares of the Fund or (ii) by open-market purchases as follows:



If, on the payment date, the NAV is equal to or less than the market price per share plus estimated brokerage commissions, the Plan Agent will invest the distribution amount in newly-issued shares on behalf of the participants. The number of newly-issued shares to be credited to each participant’s account will be determined by dividing the dollar amount of the distribution by the NAV on the date the shares are issued. However, if the NAV is less than 95% of the market price on the payment date, the dollar amount of the distribution will be divided by 95% of the market price on the payment date. Because common shares may be issued at less than their market price, Plan participants may get a benefit that non-participants do not.



If, on the payment date, the NAV is greater than the market value per share plus estimated brokerage commissions, the Plan Agent will invest the distribution amount in shares acquired on behalf of the participants in open-market purchases, which may be made on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), in the over-the-counter market or in negotiated transactions and may be on such terms as to price, delivery and otherwise as the Plan Agent shall determine. It is possible that the market price for the shares may increase before the Plan Agent has completed its purchases. Therefore, the average purchase price per share the Plan Agent pays may exceed the market price thereof on the payment date. If the market price per share increases so that it equals or exceeds the NAV per share (minus estimated brokerage commissions), the Plan Agent will cease its purchases. Otherwise, the Plan Agent will use all distributions received in cash to purchase shares in the open market on or shortly after the payment date, but in no event more than thirty (30) days after the payment date, except where temporary curtailment or suspension of purchases is necessary to comply with applicable provisions of the federal securities laws. If the Plan Agent is unable to invest the full amount through open-market purchases during the purchase period, the Plan Agent will request that, with respect to the uninvested portion of such amount, the Fund issue new shares at the close of business on the earlier of the last day of the purchase period or the first day during the purchase period on which the NAV per share (minus estimated brokerage commissions) equals or is less than the market price per share.

Costs of the Plan

The Plan Agent’s fees for the handling of the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions will be paid by the Funds. However, each participant will pay a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the Plan Agent’s open-market purchases in connection with the reinvestment of dividends and other distributions. If a participant elects to have the Plan Agent sell part or all of his or her shares and remit the proceeds, the participant will be subject to a $15.00 service fee and a $0.12 per share sold processing fee (which includes applicable brokerage commissions the Plan Agent is required to pay). The participant will not be charged any other fees for this service. However, each Fund reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a service fee payable by the participant.


The automatic reinvestment of dividends or other distributions does not relieve participants of any taxes that may be payable on such distributions. Participants will receive tax information annually for their personal records and to help them prepare their federal income tax returns. For further information as to the tax consequences of participation in the Plan, participants should consult with their own tax advisors.


   2010 Annual Report



Dividend Reinvestment Plan (Unaudited)



Right to Withdraw

Participants may withdraw from the Plan by calling the Plan Agent at 800-426-5523, writing to the Plan Agent at 250 Royall Street, Canton, Massachusetts 02021 or completing and returning the transaction form attached to each Plan statement. The withdrawal will be effective immediately if the participant’s notice is received by the Plan Agent not less than ten days prior to any dividend or other distribution record date. Otherwise, the withdrawal will be effective the first trading day after the payment date for the dividend or other distribution with respect to any subsequent dividend or other distribution.


Brookfield Investment Management Inc.






Investment Advisor and Administrator

Brookfield Investment Management Inc.

Three World Financial Center

200 Vesey Street, 10th Floor

New York, New York 10281-1010


Please direct your inquiries to:

Investor Relations

Phone: 1-800-497-3746

E-mail: funds@brookfield.com

Transfer Agent

Stockholder inquiries relating to distributions, address changes and stockholder account information should be directed to the Funds’ transfer agent:

Computershare Shareholder Services, Inc.

250 Royall Street

Canton, Massachusetts 02021



State Street Bank and Trust Company

801 Pennsylvania Avenue

Kansas City, Missouri 64105

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


1835 Market Street, 26th Floor

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Legal Counsel

Paul, Hastings, Janofsky and Walker LLP

75 East 55th Street

New York, New York 10022

Custodian and Fund Accounting Agent

State Street Bank and Trust Company

2 Avenue De Lafayette

Lafayette Corporate Center

Boston, Massachusetts 02116

The Funds will file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Funds’ Form N-Q will be available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. In addition, the Funds’ Form N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.

You may obtain a description of the Funds’ proxy voting policies and procedures, and information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-497-3746, or go to the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

Brookfield Investment Management Inc.

Three World Financial Center

200 Vesey Street, 10th Floor

New York, New York 10281-1010

