N-CSR 1 d550159dncsr.htm RBC FUNDS TRUST RBC Funds Trust



Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number        811-21475                

                             RBC Funds Trust                            

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2350

                         Minneapolis, MN 55402                         

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Tara Tilbury

50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2350

                          Minneapolis, MN 55402                         

(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:  (612) 376-7132

Date of fiscal year end: March 31

Date of reporting period: March 31, 2021

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.

(a)  The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.





RBC Funds



About your Annual Report             

This annual report includes detailed information about your Fund including financial statements, performance, and a complete list of its holdings.


The RBC Funds compare their performance against various indices. Each of these indices is a widely recognized measure of return for the underlying category of securities. However, the indices are unmanaged, do not include fees, and cannot be invested in directly.


We hope the financial information presented will help you evaluate your investment in the RBC Funds. We also encourage you to read your Fund’s prospectus for further detail as to your Fund’s investment policies and risk profile. RBC Funds prospectuses and performance information subsequent to the date of this report are available on our website at www.rbcgam.us.


A description of the policies and procedures that your Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available (i) without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-422-2766; (ii) on the Fund’s website at www.rbcgam.us; and (iii) on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the “Commission”) website at http://www.sec.gov.


Each year the Trust files its proxy voting record for the twelve-month period ended June 30 with the SEC on Form N-PX no later than August 31. The records can be obtained on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and without charge by calling the Funds at 1-800-422-2766.


A schedule of each Fund’s portfolio holdings is filed with the Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. This information is available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov and on the Funds’ website at www.rbcgam.us.









Table of



Letter from the Portfolio Manager of Emerging Market Equities


Letter from the Portfolio Manager of Global Equities


Portfolio Managers


Performance Summary (Unaudited)


Management Discussion and Analysis (Unaudited)


- RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund


- RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


- RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


- RBC Global Opportunities Fund


- RBC International Opportunities Fund


Schedule of Portfolio Investments


Financial Statements


- Statements of Assets and Liabilities


- Statements of Operations


- Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Other Federal Income Tax Information (Unaudited)


Management (Unaudited)


Share Class Information (Unaudited)


Supplemental Information (Unaudited)


Statement Regarding Liquidity Risk Management Program (Unaudited)





Dear Shareholder:

Market Review

Financial markets staged an impressive comeback from pandemic-related losses in early 2020 amid unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus, and prospects for an economic recovery in many parts of the world. Emerging markets (EM), as a whole, trailed developed markets (DM), as poor stock performance in Brazil, Russia and Turkey offset strong equity returns in China, South Korea and Taiwan. Moreover, China, the world’s largest emerging market, lost ground in the first quarter of 2021 due to credit-growth concerns and the government’s signaling of earlier-than-expected tightening of fiscal and monetary policy. Emerging-market returns were also limited in early 2021 by a rise in U.S. 10-year bond yields, which made riskier assets less appealing to investors.

Portfolio Review – RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund

For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 55.77% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 58.39% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.

Historically, the Fund tends to outperform in down-market periods and perform in line with the index in up-market periods, which was the experience for the trailing 12-month period.

At the country level, stock selection and underweight exposure to South Korea was the primary driver of underperformance over the period. This was partially offset by strong stock selection and overweight exposure to India and Chile. The portfolio’s underweight exposure to China also benefited relative returns.

At the sector level, overweight exposure and stock selection within Consumer Staples was the primary driver of underperformance for the period. Conversely, strong stock selection and overweight exposure in Consumer Discretionary, benefited relative returns along with lack of exposure to Energy and Utilities sectors.

Portfolio Review – RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 61.04% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 87.13% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.

At the country level, stock selection in South Africa and Brazil were the primary drivers of underperformance for the period, which was partially mitigated by overweight exposure to those countries. Overweight exposure to Bangladesh, Philippines and Chile also detracted from relative performance, while overweight exposure to India benefited relative returns.

At the sector level, stock selection and overweight exposure to Financials and Consumer Staples were the primary drivers of underperformance for the period. This was partially offset by strong stock selection in Industrials and Real Estate.

Portfolio Review – RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 75.61% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 58.39% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.

While out of favor in recent years, value stocks have begun to stage a comeback. Stock selection was the primary driver of benchmark outperformance.

At the country level, stock selection and overweight exposure to China was the primary driver of outperformance for the period. Stock selection was also strong in India and Taiwan. Overweight exposure to South Korea and South Africa also benefited relative performance. Overweight exposure and stock selection in Peru modestly detracted.

At the sector level, stock selection in Consumer Discretionary, Industrials and Communication Services was the primary driver of outperformance for the period. Underweight exposure and stock selection in Healthcare modestly detracted.







Away from the near-term market dynamics dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe the medium to long-term outlook for emerging markets remains intact. We’ve identified four key factors that we believe will play an important role in determining the performance of EM equities going forward: the U.S. dollar, the economic growth differential between EM and DM, earnings growth, and valuations. We believe there is a strong likelihood that in the coming years, some of these factors will shift from being headwinds to tailwinds, which could ultimately support a sustained improvement in relative EM performance.

In terms of investment positioning, the RBC EM Equity Team continues to focus on high quality companies with sustainable advantages, talented management teams and strong balance sheets and cash flows. From a top-down perspective, we remain focused on secular themes to ensure the portfolio is positioned in areas of long-term structural growth, while seeking to avoid those areas in decline.

Phil Langham

Senior Portfolio Manager and Head, Emerging Market Equities

RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

The information provided herein represents the opinions of the Fund Managers and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice.

Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Funds invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund invest in small capitalization companies, which involve greater risks such as more volatility and less liquidity than larger companies. The RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund invest in value stocks, which may not increase in price as anticipated by the Adviser if they fall out of favor with investors or the markets favor faster growing companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Funds may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Funds to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.

The MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance of emerging markets. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across emerging markets countries and covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Net Total Return USD Index includes small capitalization representation across emerging markets countries. It covers approximately 14% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Cash flow is the total amount of cash coming into and going out of a business.

Earnings growth is not representative of the Fund’s future performance.

Fund performance attribution data excludes Fund holdings that are fair valued.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.






Dear Shareholder:

Market Review

The coronavirus pandemic disrupted many sections of the global economy. Through most of the recovery, investors were faced with a highly bifurcated market, with the relative security of ‘COVID-immune’ business models preferred to those more directly affected by the virus. This remained the dominant market dynamic for the second and third quarters, but was challenged during the final quarter of the year, which experienced a significant increase in volatility led by the U.S. elections and the welcome news of positive trial results of vaccines proven to be successful against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The new year brought the passage of a near 2 trillion dollar fiscal stimulus package, as well as encouraging news from the successful roll-out of the U.S. vaccination program, which raised hopes that the U.S. economy might, together with a number of other countries, exit from economic lockdown in a matter of months. This backdrop was taken positively by equity investors, but presented a challenge for bond markets, which began to price in increasing inflationary pressures.

Portfolio Review – RBC Global Opportunities Fund

For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 61.74% (I Shares). That compares to an annualized total return of 54.60% for the MSCI ACWI Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.

Stock selection drove returns throughout the period with a number of Financials and Industrials holdings contributing the most. At the stock level, relative returns were led by SVB Financial Group, the U.S. bank for the innovation economy, which benefitted from thriving market segments, a rising interest rate environment and expectations of a record deployment of venture capital and private equity. Also leading relative returns were Japanese motor manufacturer Nidec, and Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer TSMC. Stocks that detracted from returns were Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, U.S. chemicals company Ecolab, and Apple, the U.S. technology company whose stock performed strongly but was not owned in the portfolio.

Portfolio Review – RBC International Opportunities Fund

For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 63.90% (I Shares). That compares to an annualized total return of 49.41% for the MSCI ACWI ex USA Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.

Stock selection drove returns throughout the period with a number of Industrials and Financials holdings contributing the most. At the stock level, relative returns were led by Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer TSMC, which saw its share price respond positively to the likelihood of the company securing meaningful CPU outsourcing business from U.S. multinational technology company Intel. Also leading relative returns were Japanese motor manufacturer Nidec, and global logistics leader Deutsche Post. Stocks that detracted were Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, Japanese pharmaceutical producer Astellas Pharma, and Spanish clothing company Industria de Diseno Textil.







Investors Investors now experience a contest between the improving profits and cash flows coming from vaccination-led economic normalization, and the normalization of monetary and fiscal policy which may increase the discount rate used to value those profits and cash flows. In our view, the improvement in the profit outlook is contributing to weak, highly leveraged businesses performing very strongly, and to higher interest rates, incentivising investors to value short-term profits proportionately more than longer-term opportunities.

For a fundamental, long-term strategy, such as ours, this presents particularly challenging conditions. Our investment philosophy of owning great businesses at attractive valuations means that we are very unlikely to own the weak, highly leveraged businesses that will likely benefit the most when sentiment changes. Although such periods can be uncomfortable, they historically do not last. In time, share prices follow company fundamentals. We remain of the opinion that the right long-term course of action is to continue to invest in great businesses, whilst simultaneously continuing to pay close attention to the balance of the portfolio.

Habib Subjally

Senior Portfolio Manager and Head, Global Equities

RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

The information provided herein represents the opinions of the Fund Managers and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice.

Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Funds invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The Funds may focus their investments in a region or small group of countries. As a result, the Funds’ performance may be subject to greater volatility than a more geographically diversified fund. The Funds invest in small capitalization companies, which involve greater risks such as more volatility and less liquidity than larger companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Funds may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Funds to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.

The MSCI ACWI ex USA Net Total Return USD Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets excluding the U.S. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across developed markets and emerging markets countries excluding the U.S. and covers approximately 85% the global investable equity opportunity set outside the U.S. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The MSCI ACWI Net Total Return USD Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity performance of developed and emerging markets. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across developed markets and emerging markets countries and covers approximately 85% of the global investable equity opportunity set. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Past performance is not guarantee of future results.

Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk. Please refer to the Schedule of Investments in this report for a complete list of Fund holdings.











RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC GAM-US”) serves as the investment advisor and RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited (“RBC GAM-UK”) serves as the investment sub-advisor to the Funds and is responsible for the overall management of the Funds’ portfolios. The individual primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of each Fund’s portfolio is set forth below.







Philippe Langham


Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Emerging Market Equities


Philippe Langham is Head of Emerging Market Equities at RBC GAM-UK and is responsible for portfolio management of RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund and RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund. Philippe joined RBC GAM-UK in November 2009 from Societe Generale Asset Management, where he was Head of Global Emerging Markets. He was previously Director and Head of Emerging Markets and Asia at Credit Suisse in Zurich. Prior to that, he managed Global Emerging Markets, Asian, Latin American and U.S. portfolios for nine years at the Kuwait Investment Office. Philippe holds a BSc in economics from the University of Manchester in England and is a Chartered Accountant.


Laurence Bensafi


Senior Portfolio Manager and Deputy Head of Emerging Markets Equity


Laurence Bensafi is Deputy Head of Emerging Markets Equity at RBC GAM-UK and is responsible for portfolio management of RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund. Prior to joining RBC GAM-UK in 2013, Laurence was the Head of Aviva Investors’ Emerging Markets team, where she was responsible for managing Global Emerging Markets income funds and for developing quantitative stock selection and analysis models. Laurence began her investment career as a Quantitative Analyst at Societe Generale Asset Management, supporting European and Global Equity portfolio management by developing quantitative models to assist in the portfolio construction and security selection process. In 1997, Laurence obtained a Magistere d’Economiste Statisticien & D.E.S.S. Statistique et Econometrie from Toulouse University in France. Laurence is a CFA charterholder.


Habib Subjally


Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Global Equities


Habib Subjally is Head of Global Equities at RBC GAM-UK and is responsible for portfolio management of RBC Global Opportunities Fund and RBC International Opportunities Fund. Prior to joining RBC GAM-UK in 2014 Habib and his team spent eight years together at First State managing global equities. Previously he was Head of Small & Mid Cap Research at Credit Suisse and Head of the Global equities team at Invesco. Habib began his fund management career at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, where he was Head of North American and Global equities research. He holds a BSc (Hons) from the London School of Economics and holds Chartered Accountant and ASIP designations.









Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2021 (Unaudited)



RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Class A


- Including Max Sales Charge of 5.75%

    46.40%          5.93%           9.98%           7.16%            

- At Net Asset Value

    55.33%          8.05%           11.30%           8.03%          1.13%          1.45%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

    55.77%          8.33%           11.57%           8.29%          0.88%          0.99%  

Class R6


- At Net Asset Value

    55.70%          8.35%           11.57%           8.40%          0.88%          0.88%  

MSCI Emerging Markets


Net Total Return USD Index(d)

    58.39%          6.48%           12.07%           6.44%            

RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund



Class A


- Including Max Sales Charge of 5.75%

    51.57%          (2.63)%          4.02%           2.44%            

- At Net Asset Value

    60.76%          (0.70)%          5.26%           3.27%          1.53%          4.30%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

    61.04%          (0.48)%          5.52%           3.52%          1.28%          3.99%  

MSCI Emerging Markets


Small Cap Net Total Return USD Index(d)

    87.13%          5.19%           9.59%           6.05%            

RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund



Class I


- At Net Asset Value

    75.61%          5.62%           N/A              6.00%          0.95%          1.97%  

Class R6


- At Net Asset Value

    75.44%          5.67%           N/A              6.05%          0.88%          3.37%  

MSCI Emerging Markets


Net Total Return USD Index(d)

    58.39%          6.48%           N/A              6.74%            

RBC Global Opportunities Fund



Class A


- Including Max Sales Charge of 5.75%

    51.93%          13.12%           15.38%           12.40%            

- At Net Asset Value

    61.21%          15.39%           16.76%           13.46%          1.02%          33.96%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

    61.74%          15.69%           16.99%           13.65%          0.77%          0.99%  

Class R6


- At Net Asset Value

    61.76%          15.75%           17.04%           13.70%          0.71%          0.90%  



Total Return USD Index(d)

    54.60%          12.07%           13.21%           9.66%            









Ratio (b)(c)
Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2021 (Unaudited)



RBC International Opportunities Fund


Class A


- Including Max Sales Charge of 5.75%

       52.74%          8.09%          9.36%          6.70%            

- At Net Asset Value

       62.00%          10.26%          10.67%          7.70%          1.10%          3.67%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

       63.90%          10.90%          11.13%          8.09%          0.81%          1.11%  

Class R6


- At Net Asset Value

       64.15%          11.00%          11.20%          8.15%          0.76%          24.83%  

MSCI ACWI ex US Index(d)

       49.41%          6.51%          9.76%          6.08%            

Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance quoted. Performance shown reflects contractual fee waivers, without such fee waivers total returns would be reduced. Performance information does not reflect the 2% fee on shares redeemed or exchanged within 30 days of purchase. If such redemption fee was included, performance would be reduced. For performance data current to the most recent month-end go to www.rbcgam.us. Please see footnotes below.



The since inception date (commencement of operations) is December 20, 2013 for RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund and RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund for Class A and Class I shares and November 22, 2016 for Class R6 shares, February 9, 2018 for RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund for Class I and Class R6 shares and December 3, 2014 for RBC Global Opportunities Fund and RBC International Opportunities Fund for Class I shares, November 22,2016 for Class R6 shares and January 28, 2020 for Class A Shares. The performance in the table for Class R6 shares prior to November 22,2016 reflects the performance of the Class I shares since the Fund’s inception, adjusted to reflect the fees and expenses of Class R6 shares. The performance in the table for Class A shares of Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund prior to January 28, 2020, reflects the performance of Class I shares since the Fund’s inception, adjusted to reflect the fees and expenses of Class A shares.



The Funds’ expenses reflect actual expenses for the most recent fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.



The Advisor has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or make payments in order to keep total operating expenses of the Fund to the levels listed under net expense ratio until July 31, 2022 (September 30, 2022 for RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund).



Each of the comparative indices is a widely recognized market value weighted measure of the return of securities, but do not include sales fees or operating expenses. You cannot invest directly in indices.






The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance of emerging markets. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across emerging markets countries and covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index includes small capitalization representation across emerging markets countries. It covers approximately 14% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets excluding the U.S. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across developed markets and emerging markets countries excluding the U.S. and covers approximately 85% the global investable equity opportunity set outside the U.S. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The MSCI ACWI Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity performance of developed and emerging markets. It captures large and mid capitalization representation across developed markets and emerging markets countries and covers approximately 85% of the global investable equity opportunity set. The Net Index is net of any foreign withholding tax. You cannot invest directly in an index.






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RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund








Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in equity securities and/or investments that provide exposure to equity securities of issuers tied to emerging market countries that are considered by the Fund to have the potential to provide long-term capital growth.







For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 55.77% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 58.39% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.




Factors That

Made Positive




•  At the country level, overweight exposure and stock selection in Chile and India contributed positively.


•  Underweight exposure to China and stock selection was also a positive contributor.


•  At the sector level, overweight exposure and stock selection in Consumer Discretionary contributed positively as well as lack of exposure to Energy and Utilities.




Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns



•  At the country level, underweight exposure and stock selection in South Korea detracted from relative returns.


•  At the sector level, overweight exposure and stock selection in Consumer Staples detracted.


•  Stock selection in Industrials was also detracted.



Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Fund invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Fund may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Fund to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.


           Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.










RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund





Long-term growth of capital.





Investment Objective


MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index










Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (%

of Fund’s
investments) &

Top Five

Industries (as of

3/31/21) (% of

Fund’s net assets)


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.


Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd.



Top Ten Holdings (excluding


companies) (as

of 3/31/21) (% of

Fund’s net assets)

Naspers Ltd.


Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.


SK Hynix, Inc.


Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd.


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.


MediaTek, Inc.


Antofagasta Plc


Tencent Holdings Ltd.



*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 20





The graph reflects an initial investment of $250,000 over the period from December 20, 2013 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares. Performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures.




Growth of $250,000 Initial Investment Since Inception (12/20/13)









RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund








Seeks to provide long-term total capital growth by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in equity securities of smaller companies and/or investments that provide exposure to equity securities of smaller issuers tied to emerging market countries that are considered by the Fund to have the potential to provide long-term total capital growth. The Fund currently considers smaller companies and issuers to be those that have a market capitalization at the time of purchase of up to $5 billion.







For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 61.04% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 87.13% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.




Factors That

Made Positive




•  At the country level, overweight exposure and stock selection in India contributed positively to relative performance.


•  Stock selection in China was also a positive contributor.


•  At the sector level, underweight exposure and stock selection in Real Estate were positive as well as stock selection in Industrials.




Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns



•  At the country level, stock selection in South Africa and Brazil detracted from relative performance.


•  At the sector level, overweight exposure and stock selection in Consumer Staples detracted.


•  Stock selection in Financials was also a detractor.




Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Fund invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The Fund invests in small capitalization companies, which involve greater risks such as more volatility and less liquidity than larger companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Fund may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Fund to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.


           Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.










RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund





Long-term growth of capital.








MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Net Total Return USD Index










Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (% of
investments) &
Top Five

Industries (as of

3/31/21) (% of

Fund’s net




*Includes U.S. dollar denominated cash equivalent investments representing 0.44% of investments.




Voltronic Power Technology Corp.


Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd.



Top Ten Holdings



companies) (as

of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)

Chroma ATE, Inc.


Marico Ltd.


Cyient Ltd.


Koh Young Technology, Inc.


Century Pacific Food, Inc.


Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd.


Leeno Industrial, Inc.


SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.


*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 23





The graph reflects an initial investment of $250,000 over the period from December 20, 2013 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares. Performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures.




Growth of

$250,000 Initial Investment Since Inception (12/20/13)









RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund




Investment Strategy



Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in equity securities tied to emerging market countries that are considered to be undervalued in relation to earnings, dividends and/or assets.







For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 75.61% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 58.39% for the MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.




Factors That

Made Positive




•  At the country level, stock selection in China, India and Taiwan contributed positively to relative performance. Underweight exposure to China also benefited relative performance.


•  At the sector level, stock selection in Industrials and Consumer Discretionary were positive contributors.




Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns



•  At the country level, stock selection in Brazil and underweight exposure to Taiwan detracted from relative returns.


•  At the sector level, stock selection in Healthcare detracted.




Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Fund invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The Fund invests in value stocks, which may not increase in price as anticipated by the Adviser if they fall out of favor with investors or the markets favor faster growing companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Fund may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Fund to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.



Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.















RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund





Long-term growth of capital.








MSCI Emerging Markets Net Total Return USD Index













Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (%

of Fund’s investments) & Top Five

Industries (as of 3/31/21) (% of

Fund’s net


*Includes U.S. dollar denominated cash equivalent investments representing 0.38% of investments.




Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.



Naspers Ltd.



Top Ten Holdings (excluding investment companies)

(as of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.


Antofagasta Plc


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.


Hana Financial Group, Inc.


Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd.


Hindalco Industries Ltd.


Ping An Bank Co. Ltd.


Hyundai Motor Co.


*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 27










Growth of

$250,000 Initial Investment Since Inception


The graph reflects an initial investment of $250,000 over the period from February 9, 2018 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares. Performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures.













RBC Global Opportunities Fund








Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by primarily investing in equity securities of issuers located throughout the world, including both developed and emerging markets. The Fund will normally invest in equity securities of companies domiciled in at least three countries (one of which may be the United States). The Fund will invest in securities across all market capitalizations, although the Fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in companies of one particular market capitalization category.







For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 61.74% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 54.60% for the MSCI ACWI Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.




Factors That

Made Positive




Individual stock selection drove relative returns over the period. Stocks that contributed most were:


•  SVB Financial, the U.S. bank for the knowledge economy.


•  Nidec, among the industry leaders in electric motors from Japan.


•  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing saw strong demand.




Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns



Stocks that detracted most from relative returns were:


•  Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical firm.


•  Ecolab, the U.S. water and surface cleaning provider.


•  Not owning Apple, which strongly outperformed the index.



Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Fund invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The Fund may focus its investments in a region or small group of countries. As a result, the Fund’s performance may be subject to greater volatility than a more geographically diversified fund. The Fund invests in small capitalization companies, which involve greater risks such as more volatility and less liquidity than larger companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Fund may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Fund to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.


Knowledge economy refers to an economic system where output is correlated by information available, rather than production.



Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.












RBC Global Opportunities Fund





Long-term growth of capital.





Investment Objective


MSCI ACWI Net Total Return USD Index









*Includes U.S. dollar denominated cash equivalent investments representing 2.72% of investments.






Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (% of Fund’s investments) & Top Five

Industries (as of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)


Microsoft Corp.


Ecolab, Inc.


Top Ten Holdings





(as of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)

Alphabet, Inc.


Industria de Diseno Textil SA


Roche Holding AG


Deutsche Post AG


UnitedHealth Group, Inc.


SVB Financial Group


First Republic Bank


AIA Group Ltd.


*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 32









Growth of

$100,000 Initial Investment Since Inception



The graph reflects an initial investment of $100,000 over the period from December 3, 2014 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares. Performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures.













RBC International Opportunities Fund







Seeks to provide long-term capital growth by primarily investing in equity securities of issuers located throughout the world, including both developed and emerging markets, excluding the U.S. The Fund will invest in securities across all market capitalizations, although the Fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in companies of one particular market capitalization category.






For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 63.90% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 49.41% for the MSCI ACWI ex USA Net Total Return USD Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.



Factors That

Made Positive




Individual stock selection drove relative returns over the period. Stocks that contributed most were:


•  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing.


•  Nidec, the industry leader in electric motors from Japan.


•  Deutsche Post, the global logistics and parcel delivery firm.



Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns



Stocks that detracted most from relative returns were:


•  Roche, the Swiss pharmaceuticals firm.


•  Japanese oncology and immunology firm Astellas Pharma.


•  Industria de Diseno Textil, apparel firm that owns Zara.




Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. The Fund invests in foreign securities, which involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks, and differences in accounting methods. These risks may be greater in emerging markets. The Fund may focus its investments in a region or small group of countries. As a result, the Fund’s performance may be subject to greater volatility than a more geographically diversified fund. The Fund invests in small capitalization companies, which involve greater risks such as more volatility and less liquidity than larger companies. There is a possibility that issuers of securities in which the Fund may invest may default on the payment of interest or principal on the securities when due, which could cause the Fund to lose money. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.



Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.













RBC International Opportunities Fund





Long-term growth of capital.





Investment Objective


MSCI ACWI ex USA Net Total Return USD Index









*Includes U.S. dollar denominated cash equivalent investments representing 1.66% of investments.






Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (% of Fund’s investments) & Top Five

Industries (as of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)


Naspers Ltd.


Deutsche Post AG


Top Ten Holdings




(as of 3/31/21) (% of Fund’s net assets)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.


HDFC Bank Ltd.


Nidec Corp.


Industria de Diseno Textil SA


AIA Group Ltd.


Orsted A/S


Roche Holding AG


Partners Group Holding AG


*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 35








Growth of

$100,000 Initial Investment Since Inception



The graph reflects an initial investment of $100,000 over the period from December 3, 2014 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares. Performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures.













RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund


March 31, 2021








Common Stocks — 100.00%


Argentina — 0.81%



   MercadoLibre, Inc.*    $ 21,493,244  




Brazil — 3.90%



   B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao      30,659,452  


   Banco Bradesco SA      38,377,484  


   Raia Drogasil SA      34,711,382  







Chile — 5.69%



   Antofagasta Plc      122,103,961  


   SACI Falabella      29,532,244  







China — 21.79%



   Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., ADR*      124,338,732  


   China Resources Land Ltd.      48,295,913  


   LONGi Green Energy Technology Co. Ltd., Class A      14,798,277  


   NARI Technology Co. Ltd., Class A      18,418,517  


   Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd., Series H      116,098,850  


   Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co. Ltd., Class A      19,280,477  


   Sunny Optical Technology Group Co. Ltd.      51,114,330  


   Tencent Holdings Ltd.      120,316,673  


   Yum China Holdings, Inc.      67,706,635  







Hong Kong — 5.25%



   AIA Group Ltd.      77,248,163  


   Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd.      62,593,748  







India — 14.68%



   Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd.      67,476,783  


   Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., ADR      1,337,074  


   HDFC Bank Ltd.*      52,418,815  


   Hero MotoCorp Ltd.      22,672,932  


   Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd.      90,754,740  


   Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.      58,283,929  


   Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.      98,028,351  







Indonesia — 2.44%



   Bank Central Asia Tbk PT      28,004,747  


   Kalbe Farma Tbk PT      36,927,863  







Korea — 11.77%



   Hanon Systems      25,276,355  


   LG Corp.      26,205,378  









RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021









   NCSoft Corp.    $ 53,990,872  


   Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd.      32,233,746  


   Shinhan Financial Group Co. Ltd.      47,474,642  


   SK Hynix, Inc.      128,158,017  







Mexico — 2.01%



   Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV, ADR      53,424,036  




Peru — 1.39%



   Credicorp Ltd.      36,936,722  




Philippines — 2.06%



   SM Investments Corp.      54,937,029  




South Africa — 7.76%



   Clicks Group Ltd.      42,844,448  


   Discovery Ltd.      30,772,685  


   Naspers Ltd., N Shares      132,979,303  







Taiwan — 14.39%



   Advantech Co. Ltd.      23,523,819  


   E.Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd.      19,254,372  


   Largan Precision Co. Ltd.      35,780,731  


   MediaTek, Inc.      81,280,642  


   Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.      169,863,034  


   Uni-President Enterprises Corp.      53,655,277  







Thailand — 0.87%



   Kasikornbank Public Co. Ltd., NVDR      23,316,309  




Turkey — 1.10%



   Enka Insaat ve Sanayi AS      29,188,158  




United Kingdom — 4.09%



   Mondi Plc      38,559,196  


   Unilever Plc      70,340,070  







Total Common Stocks





(Cost $2,246,692,912)










RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Total Investments

   $ 2,662,988,157  

(Cost $2,246,692,912)(a) — 100.00%


Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.00%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 2,663,109,391  








Non-income producing security.



See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).

Abbreviations used are defined below:

ADR - American Depositary Receipt

NVDR - Non-Voting Depository Receipt

Portfolio Diversification (Unaudited)



of Net Assets    


       25.77 %

Information Technology

       22.63 %

Consumer Discretionary

       18.11 %

Consumer Staples

       9.57 %

Communication Services

       6.55 %


       6.03 %


       5.56 %

Health Care

       3.97 %

Real Estate

       1.81 %


       0.00 %



       100.00 %






*   Includes cash, interest and dividend receivable, pending trades and Fund share transactions, and accrued expenses payable.


See Notes to the Financial Statements.












RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


March 31, 2021








Common Stocks — 97.99%


Bangladesh — 2.08%



   BRAC Bank Ltd.    $ 129,107  


   Delta Brac Housing Finance Corp Ltd.(a),(b)      85,721  







Brazil — 4.93%



   Aeris Industria E Comercio De Equipamentos Para Geracao De Energia SA*      105,581  


   Arco Platform Ltd., Class A*      116,437  


   Fleury SA      286,284  







Chile — 3.64%



   Inversiones La Construccion SA      223,746  


   Parque Arauco SA      152,346  







China — 11.91%



   Greatview Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd.      131,339  


   Hongfa Technology Co. Ltd., Class A      165,572  


   InnoCare Pharma Ltd.*,(c)      178,581  


   Precision Tsugami China Corp. Ltd.      168,164  


   Silergy Corp.      103,267  


   SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.      367,557  


   Xiamen Faratronic Co. Ltd., Class A      113,492  







Egypt — 1.02%



   Integrated Diagnostics Holdings Plc(c)      104,894  




Hong Kong — 1.79%



   Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd.      184,759  




India — 21.44%



   Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd.      360,210  


   Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Ltd.      254,292  


   Cyient Ltd.      403,025  


   Marico Ltd.      338,979  


   Phoenix Mills Ltd. (The)*      206,899  


   Sundaram Finance Ltd.      226,180  


   Tata Consumer Products Ltd.      214,854  


   Tube Investments of India Ltd.      206,416  







Indonesia — 1.14%



   Sarimelati Kencana PT      117,372  












RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021








Korea — 10.95%



   DGB Financial Group, Inc.    $ 119,084  


   Koh Young Technology, Inc.      337,599  


   Leeno Industrial, Inc.      369,581  


   Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund      175,820  


   Soulbrain Co. Ltd.*      127,055  







Malaysia — 0.80%



   LPI Capital Berhad      82,825  




Mexico — 3.49%



   Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV      117,574  


   Corp. Inmobiliaria Vesta SAB de CV      242,065  







Pakistan — 1.00%



   Packages Ltd.      102,917  




Peru — 1.43%



   InRetail Peru Corp.(c)      147,585  




Philippines — 6.93%



   Century Pacific Food, Inc.      373,405  


   Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc.*      150,369  


   Security Bank Corp.      191,045  







Russia — 1.48%



   Sistema PJSFC      152,479  




South Africa — 4.47%



   AVI Ltd.      214,357  


   JSE Ltd.      246,333  







Sri Lanka — 0.98%



   Hatton National Bank Plc      100,832  




Taiwan — 16.67%



   Chroma ATE, Inc.      486,360  


   Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd.      324,392  


   Innodisk Corp.      133,182  


   Poya International Co. Ltd.      153,857  


   Standard Foods Corp.      117,887  


   Voltronic Power Technology Corp.      503,748  















RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021








United Arab Emirates — 1.84%



   Aramex PJSC    $ 190,020  




Total Common Stocks





(Cost $8,580,001)


Preferred Stocks — 1.33%


Korea — 1.33%



   Amorepacific Corp.      136,873  




Philippines — 0.00%



   Security Bank Corp.(a),(b)      119  




Total Preferred Stocks





(Cost $145,537)


Investment Company — 0.43%



   U.S. Government Money Market Fund, RBC Institutional Class 1 (d)      45,100  




Total Investment Company





(Cost $45,100)


Total Investments

   $ 10,287,537  

(Cost $8,770,638)(e) — 99.75%


Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.25%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 10,312,819  








Non-income producing security.



The Pricing Committee has fair valued this security under procedures established by the Fund’s Board of Trustees.



Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.



Affiliated investment.



See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).









RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2020


Portfolio Diversification (Unaudited)



of Net Assets    


       22.43 %

Information Technology

       20.33 %

Consumer Staples

       16.76 %


       14.55 %

Consumer Discretionary

       8.91 %

Real Estate

       5.83 %

Health Care

       5.53 %


       3.50 %

Communication Services

       1.48 %


       0.68 %



       100.00 %






*  Includes cash, Investment Company, interest and dividend receivable, pending trades and Fund share transactions, and accrued expenses payable.



See Notes to the Financial Statements.












RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


March 31, 2021








Common Stocks — 97.41%


Brazil — 2.66%



   Banco do Brasil SA    $ 532,098  


   Hypera SA      292,562  


   Sul America SA      345,241  







Chile — 3.86%



   Antofagasta Plc      1,051,405  


   Inversiones La Construccion SA      193,640  


   SACI Falabella      451,726  







China — 27.24%



   Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., ADR*      2,380,665  


   Baidu, Inc., ADR*      674,405  


   China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd.      342,917  


   Chinasoft International Ltd.      494,441  


   CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.      588,449  


   Daqo New Energy Corp., ADR*      196,300  


   Flat Glass Group Co. Ltd., Class H      304,043  


   Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, Class A      493,175  


   KWG Group Holdings Ltd.      545,010  


   Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd.      526,390  


   Longshine Technology Group Co. Ltd., Class A      216,848  


   NetEase, Inc., ADR      320,106  


   Nexteer Automotive Group Ltd.      468,470  


   Ping An Bank Co. Ltd., Class A*      1,299,763  


   Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd., Series H      1,501,138  


   Sany Heavy Industry Co. Ltd., Class A      154,442  


   Shimao Property Holdings Ltd.      639,415  


   Sieyuan Electric Co. Ltd., Class A      288,235  


   SITC International Holdings Co. Ltd.      282,474  


   Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Class H      257,647  







Greece — 0.56%



   Alpha Bank AE*      247,759  




Hong Kong — 2.49%



   Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.      496,421  


   Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd.      597,887  















RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021








Hungary — 1.64%



   MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas Plc*    $ 350,132  


   OTP Bank Plc*      369,757  







India — 7.95%



   Apollo Tyres Ltd.*      426,226  


   Axis Bank Ltd.*      582,204  


   Hindalco Industries Ltd.*      700,607  


   Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd.*      415,197  


   Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.      322,751  


   Redington India Ltd.*      523,437  


   Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd.      524,230  







Indonesia — 0.75%



   Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT      329,718  




Korea — 16.72%



   Com2uSCorp      333,233  


   DB Insurance Co. Ltd.      404,489  


   E-MART, Inc.      500,142  


   Fila Holdings Corp.      455,089  


   Hana Financial Group, Inc.      735,846  


   Hyundai Motor Co.      694,412  


   LG Corp.      489,201  


   Mando Corp.*      276,393  


   Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.      2,431,720  


   SK Hynix, Inc.      629,387  


   SKC Co. Ltd.      403,079  







Mexico — 3.51%



   Cemex SAB de CV, ADR*      586,177  


   Gentera SAB de CV*      260,680  


   PLA Administradora Industrial S de RL de CV, REIT      351,008  


   Regional SAB de CV*      343,550  







Pakistan — 0.77%



   Habib Bank Ltd.      341,205  




Peru — 0.74%



   Credicorp Ltd.      327,768  




Philippines — 1.01%



   Security Bank Corp.      443,099  












RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021








Russia — 4.63%



   LUKOIL PJSC, ADR    $ 403,967  


   MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC, ADR      375,997  


   Sistema PJSFC      641,022  


   VEON Ltd., ADR*      273,819  


   X5 Retail Group NV, GDR      339,839  







South Africa — 7.75%



   Growthpoint Properties Ltd.      564,049  


   Imperial Logistics Ltd.      559,373  


   KAP Industrial Holdings Ltd.*      331,340  


   Mr Price Group Ltd.      327,137  


   MTN Group Ltd.      560,489  


   Naspers Ltd., N Shares      1,063,426  







Taiwan — 9.41%



   Chailease Holding Co. Ltd.      266,451  


   FLEXium Interconnect, Inc.      207,791  


   Innodisk Corp.      298,836  


   Lotes Co. Ltd.      351,816  


   MediaTek, Inc.      481,555  


   Merida Industry Co. Ltd.      306,746  


   Primax Electronics Ltd.      264,533  


   Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.      1,958,507  







Thailand — 0.82%



   Krung Thai Bank Public Co. Ltd., FOR      360,480  




Turkey — 0.72%



   KOC Holding AS      318,429  




United Arab Emirates — 0.86%



   Aldar Properties PJSC      377,882  




United States — 1.41%



   Samsonite International SA*,(a)      620,762  




Vietnam — 1.91%



   Hoa Phat Group JSC      388,987  


   Vinhomes JSC*,(a)      449,651  







Total Common Stocks





(Cost $34,112,550)










RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2020








Preferred Stocks — 2.20%


Brazil — 1.79%



   Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA, Class B    $ 315,348  


   Petroleo Brasileiro SA      473,172  







Colombia — 0.41%



   Banco Davivienda SA      177,500  




Total Preferred Stocks





(Cost $975,336)


Investment Company — 0.38%



   U.S. Government Money Market Fund, RBC Institutional Class 1 (b)      166,783  




Total Investment Company





(Cost $166,783)


Total Investments

   $ 43,959,496  

(Cost $35,254,669)(c) — 99.99%


Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.01%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 43,962,187  








Non-income producing security.



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.



Affiliated investment.



See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).

Abbreviations used are defined below:

ADR - American Depositary Receipt

FOR - Foreign Ownership Receipt

GDR - Global Depositary Receipt

REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust









RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Portfolio Diversification (Unaudited)



of Net Assets    


       22.75 %

Information Technology

       19.74 %

Consumer Discretionary

       18.85 %


       9.95 %


       8.59 %

Real Estate

       6.66 %

Communication Services

       5.65 %


       2.79 %

Health Care

       2.00 %

Consumer Staples

       1.91 %


       0.72 %


       0.39 %



       100.00 %






*  Includes cash, Investment Company, interest and dividend receivable, pending trades and Fund share transactions, and accrued expenses payable.


See Notes to the Financial Statements.













RBC Global Opportunities Fund


March 31, 2021


Shares            Value  

Common Stocks — 99.02%


Argentina — 1.00%

1,800    MercadoLibre, Inc.*    $ 2,649,852  




Belgium — 3.11%

131,069    Anheuser-Busch InBev NV      8,239,370  




Denmark — 2.78%

45,495    Orsted A/S(a)      7,345,867  




Finland — 2.30%

114,444    Neste Oyj      6,077,632  




Germany — 3.74%

180,349    Deutsche Post AG      9,894,103  




Hong Kong — 3.60%

777,894    AIA Group Ltd.      9,518,910  




Japan — 3.48%

69,398    MISUMI Group, Inc.      2,021,532  
58,894    Nidec Corp.      7,180,818  







Netherlands — 1.44%

1,713    Adyen NV*,(a)      3,822,397  




South Africa — 1.93%

21,390    Naspers Ltd., N Shares      5,123,128  




Spain — 3.84%

307,613    Industria de Diseno Textil SA      10,163,521  




Switzerland — 4.77%

38,968    Roche Holding AG      12,623,427  




Taiwan — 2.85%

63,700    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR      7,534,436  




United Kingdom — 6.41%

63,065    Croda International Plc      5,517,955  
118,356    InterContinental Hotels Group Plc*      8,139,269  
187,786    St. James’s Place Plc      3,296,828  















RBC Global Opportunities Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Shares            Value  

United States — 57.77%

6,178    Alphabet, Inc., Class A*    $ 12,742,249  
2,930    Amazon.com, Inc.*      9,065,654  
104,700    Blackstone Group, Inc. (The), Class A      7,803,291  
40,100    Bluebird Bio, Inc.*      1,209,015  
36,500    Danaher Corp.      8,215,420  
47,600    Ecolab, Inc.      10,189,732  
28,712    Estee Lauder Cos, Inc. (The), Class A      8,350,885  
62,800    First Republic Bank      10,471,900  
131,650    Fortive Corp.      9,299,756  
28,800    Incyte Corp.*      2,340,576  
51,200    JPMorgan Chase & Co.      7,794,176  
10,300    MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.      5,128,576  
59,800    Microsoft Corp.      14,099,046  
9,400    NVIDIA Corp.      5,018,942  
19,700    SVB Financial Group*      9,725,102  
114,800    TJX Cos, Inc. (The)      7,594,020  
56,400    T-Mobile US, Inc.*      7,066,356  
7,600    Twilio, Inc., Class A*      2,589,776  
28,300    UnitedHealth Group, Inc.      10,529,581  
14,500    Workday, Inc., Class A*      3,602,235  







Total Common Stocks





(Cost $234,197,146)


Investment Company — 2.77%

7,322,625    U.S. Government Money Market Fund,   
   RBC Institutional Class 1 (b)      7,322,625  




Total Investment Company





(Cost $7,322,625)


Total Investments

   $ 269,307,958  

(Cost $241,519,771)(c) — 101.79%


Liabilities in excess of other assets — (1.79)%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 264,571,575  








Non-income producing security.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.


Affiliated investment.


See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).









RBC Global Opportunities Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Abbreviations used are defined below:

ADR - American Depositary Receipt

Portfolio Diversification (Unaudited)


of Net Assets    


       20.31 %

Consumer Discretionary

       16.15 %

Information Technology

       13.86 %

Health Care

       13.20 %


       10.73 %

Communication Services

       7.49 %

Consumer Staples

       6.27 %


       5.94 %


       2.77 %


       2.30 %


       0.98 %



       100.00 %







Includes cash, Investment Company, interest and dividend receivable, pending trades and Fund share transactions, and accrued expenses payable.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.











RBC International Opportunities Fund


March 31, 2021


Shares            Value  

Common Stocks — 98.57%


Argentina — 1.55%

1,800    MercadoLibre, Inc.*    $ 2,649,852  




Australia — 4.46%

976,410    Oil Search Ltd.      3,052,828  
34,557    Rio Tinto Plc      2,636,291  
244,862    Treasury Wine Estates Ltd.      1,930,010  







Austria — 1.52%

76,806    Erste Group Bank AG*      2,602,059  




Belgium — 2.85%

77,516    Anheuser-Busch InBev NV      4,872,876  




Denmark — 4.06%

42,935    Orsted A/S(a)      6,932,516  




Finland — 3.26%

104,786    Neste Oyj      5,564,737  




Germany — 4.65%

144,747    Deutsche Post AG      7,940,946  




Hong Kong — 4.68%

653,000    AIA Group Ltd.      7,990,611  




India — 4.38%

96,366    HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR*      7,486,675  




Ireland — 1.01%

13,689    Kerry Group Plc, Class A      1,709,607  
142    Kerry Group Plc, Class A      17,866  







Japan — 12.97%

270,900    Astellas Pharma, Inc.      4,173,024  
104,800    MISUMI Group, Inc.      3,052,776  
71,502    Nidec Corp.      8,718,084  
23,300    Oriental Land Co. Ltd      3,506,212  
55,200    Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd.      2,710,663  















RBC International Opportunities Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Shares            Value  

Netherlands — 3.30%

1,401    Adyen NV*,(a)    $ 3,126,200  
28,844    Wolters Kluwer NV      2,505,242  







Singapore — 2.47%

197,032    DBS Group Holdings Ltd.      4,224,640  




South Africa — 5.96%

42,477    Naspers Ltd., N Shares      10,173,684  




Spain — 4.12%

212,982    Industria de Diseno Textil SA      7,036,916  




Sweden — 0.98%

52,770    Essity AB, Class B      1,667,804  




Switzerland — 10.03%

990    Barry Callebaut AG      2,241,443  
5,414    Partners Group Holding AG      6,918,691  
24,627    Roche Holding AG      7,977,754  







Taiwan — 7.47%

3,061,208    E.Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd.      2,802,921  
84,218    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR      9,961,305  







Thailand — 3.07%

502,900    Kasikornbank Pcl, NVDR      2,338,596  
2,781,700    Minor International PCL*      2,901,457  







United Kingdom — 13.45%

62,077    Croda International Plc      5,431,508  
93,643    InterContinental Hotels Group Plc*      6,439,772  
480,529    Legal & General Group Plc      1,845,000  
12,887    Linde Plc      3,614,855  
321,185    St. James’s Place Plc      5,638,822  







United States — 0.73%

9,700    CyberArk Software Ltd.*      1,254,598  












RBC International Opportunities Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Shares            Value  

Zambia — 1.60%


142,971    First Quantum Minerals Ltd.    $ 2,724,720  




Total Common Stocks





(Cost $125,960,869)


Investment Company — 1.66%


2,839,826    U.S. Government Money Market Fund,   
   RBC Institutional Class 1 (b)      2,839,826  




Total Investment Company





(Cost $2,839,827)


Total Investments

   $ 171,213,387  

(Cost $128,800,696)(c) — 100.23%


Liabilities in excess of other assets — (0.23)%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 170,828,409  








Non-income producing security.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.


Affiliated investment.


See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).


Abbreviations used are defined below:

ADR - American Depositary Receipt

NVDR - Non-Voting Depository Receipt









RBC International Opportunities Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Portfolio Diversification (Unaudited)


of Net Assets    


       24.50 %

Consumer Discretionary

       19.15 %


       14.59 %


       8.43 %

Information Technology

       8.40 %

Consumer Staples

       7.28 %

Health Care

       7.11 %


       5.05 %


       4.06 %


       1.43 %



       100.00 %







Includes cash, Investment Company, interest and dividend receivable, pending trades and Fund share transactions, and accrued expenses payable.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.










Statements of Assets and Liabilities


March 31, 2021



RBC Emerging Markets
         Equity Fund          


RBC Emerging
Markets Small Cap
     Equity Fund     

        RBC Emerging
Markets Value
    Equity Fund    



Investments in securities, at value:


Unaffiliated investments (cost $2,246,692,912, $8,725,538 and $35,087,886, respectively)

         $ 2,662,988,157          $ 10,242,437           $ 43,792,713

Affiliated investments (cost $0, $45,100 and $166,783, respectively)

                      45,100             166,783

Foreign currency, at value (cost $2,921,053, $9,259 and $6,698, respectively)

           3,001,604            9,705             6,698

Interest and dividend receivable

           4,914,758            21,659             146,587

Receivable from advisor

                      4,183             52,258

Receivable for capital shares issued

           6,186,166                        2,768

Receivable for investments sold

           2,742,714            93,996             140,866

Prepaid expenses and other assets

           34,392            17,171             15,230










Total Assets

           2,679,867,791            10,434,251             44,323,903












Cash overdraft


Foreign withholding tax payable

           10,190,110            55,491             154,770

Income tax payable

           37,319            30,993             819

Payable for capital shares redeemed


Payable for investments purchased

           3,742,799            1,222             171,629

Accrued expenses and other payables:


Investment advisory fees


Accounting fees

           27,310            7,037             7,319

Audit fees

           2,101            2,101             2,101

Trustees’ fees

           3,565            27             51

Distribution fees

           61,820            11,585            

Custodian fees

           137,046            3,343             10,408

Shareholder reports

           24,709            3,239             3,089

Transfer agent fees

           413,615            2,760             6,463


           30,098            3,634             5,067










Total Liabilities

           16,758,400            121,432             361,716










Net Assets

         $ 2,663,109,391          $ 10,312,819           $ 43,962,187










Net Assets Consists of:



         $ 2,230,136,918          $ 9,716,638           $ 33,197,240

Accumulated earnings

           432,972,473            596,181             10,764,947










Net Assets

         $ 2,663,109,391          $ 10,312,819           $ 43,962,187

















Statements of Assets and Liabilities (cont.)


March 31, 2021



RBC Emerging Markets
Equity Fund


RBC Emerging
Markets Small Cap
Equity Fund


RBC Emerging
Markets Value
Equity Fund

Net Assets


Class A

          $ 287,861,896          $ 3,002,128                 $ N/A

Class I

            2,069,694,506            7,310,691            40,956,282

Class R6

            305,552,989                   N/A            3,005,905











                   $2,663,109,391          $ 10,312,819          $ 43,962,187










Shares Outstanding (Unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value):


Class A

            19,657,550            283,049            N/A

Class I

            138,848,532            683,858            3,648,816

Class R6

            20,401,183            N/A            275,799











            178,907,265            966,907            3,924,615










Net Asset Values and Redemption Prices Per Share:


Class A

          $ 14.64          $ 10.61          $ N/A










Class I

          $ 14.91          $ 10.69          $ 11.22










Class R6

          $ 14.98          $ N/A          $ 10.90










Maximum Offering Price Per Share:


Class A

          $ 15.53          $ 11.26          $ N/A










Maximum Sales Charge - Class A

            5.75 %            5.75 %            N/A

















Statements of Assets and Liabilities (cont.)


March 31, 2021


    RBC Global
Opportunities Fund

RBC International

Opportunities Fund




Investments in securities, at value:


Unaffiliated investments (cost $234,197,146 and $125,960,869, respectively)

              $ 261,985,333         $ 168,373,561  

Affiliated investments (cost $7,322,625 and $2,839,827, respectively)

       7,322,625                    2,839,826  



Foreign currency, at value (cost $206,333 and $0, respectively)


Interest and dividend receivable

       205,216           590,531  

Receivable from advisor


Receivable for capital shares issued

       640,901           250,147  

Prepaid expenses and other assets

       7,461           7,696  







Total Assets

       270,362,454           172,121,953  









Cash overdraft


Income tax payable

       820           1,344  

Payable for capital shares redeemed

       53,321           11,403  

Payable for investments purchased

       5,642,531           1,174,894  

Accrued expenses and other payables:


Investment advisory fees


Accounting fees

       8,456           8,341  

Audit fees

       2,101           2,101  

Trustees’ fees

       126           241  

Distribution fees

       32           34  

Custodian fees

       6,863           14,807  

Shareholder reports

       4,031           4,033  

Transfer agent fees

       14,276           72,225  


       2,146           4,121  







Total Liabilities

       5,790,879           1,293,544  







Net Assets

     $ 264,571,575         $ 170,828,409  







Net Assets Consists of:



     $ 225,451,519         $ 129,855,152  

Accumulated earnings

       39,120,056           40,973,257  







Net Assets

     $ 264,571,575         $ 170,828,409  














Statements of Assets and Liabilities (cont.)


March 31, 2021



RBC Global
Opportunities Fund


RBC International
Opportunities Fund


Net Assets


Class A

      $ 12,968        $ 22,461  

Class I

        144,339,105          170,788,288  

Class R6

        120,219,502          17,660  








      $ 264,571,575        $ 170,828,409  







Shares Outstanding (Unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value):


Class A

        669          1,738  

Class I

        7,438,104          13,166,644  

Class R6

        6,175,789          1,354  








        13,614,562          13,169,736  







Net Asset Values and Redemption Prices Per Share:


Class A

      $ 19.39        $ 12.92  







Class I

      $ 19.41        $ 12.97  







Class R6

      $ 19.47        $ 13.05  







Maximum Offering Price Per Share:


Class A

      $ 20.57        $ 13.71  







Maximum Sales Charge - Class A

        5.75        5.75







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Operations



For the Year Ended March 31, 2021                                      
      RBC Emerging Markets  
Equity Fund
    RBC Emerging
    Markets Small Cap    
Equity Fund
    RBC Emerging
Markets Value
Equity Fund

Investment Income:


Interest income

    $ 9,763        $ 122        $ 44  

Dividend income - unaffiliated

                 29,801,893                     219,896          502,163  

Dividend income - affiliated

      8,797          151          36  

Foreign tax withholding

      (3,558,278        (33,546        (66,998










Total Investment Income

      26,262,175          186,623          435,245  



Investment advisory fees

      14,526,622          93,902          195,064  

Distribution fees–Class A

      104,567          6,310           

Accounting fees

      157,784          63,012          72,342  

Audit fees

      37,818          37,818          37,818  

Custodian fees

      755,996          28,771          83,291  

Insurance fees

      12,112          3,758          3,107  

Legal fees

      75,857          605          390  

Registrations and filing fees

      116,372          51,033          53,884  

Shareholder reports

      94,829          19,938          18,359  

Transfer agent fees–Class A

      107,698          3,890           

Transfer agent fees–Class I

      1,707,205          5,438          22,264  

Transfer agent fees–Class R6

      4,751                   3,544  

Trustees’ fees and expenses

      66,151          330          883  

Tax expense

      58,308          36,466          19,742  

Other fees

      38,478          4,195          4,139  










Total expenses before fee waiver/reimbursement

      17,864,548          355,466          514,827  

Expenses waived/reimbursed by:



      (1,780,697        (237,708        (284,860










Net expenses

      16,083,851          117,758          229,967  










Net Investment Income

      10,178,324          68,865          205,278  










Realized/Unrealized Gains/(Losses):


Net realized gains/(losses) on:


Investment transactions

      55,743,253          (317,268        3,159,944  

Foreign currency transactions

      (2,243,752        (15,055        (83,584

Foreign tax

      (231,342        (9,842        (78,504










Net realized gains/(losses)

      53,268,159          (342,165        2,997,856  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/ (depreciation) on:



      658,851,643          4,266,608          9,822,308  

Foreign currency

      89,887          1,423          (3,936

Foreign tax

      (10,003,295        (53,666        (154,770










Net unrealized gains

      648,938,235          4,214,365          9,663,602  










Change in net assets resulting from operations

    $ 712,384,718        $ 3,941,065        $ 12,866,736  

















Statements of Operations (cont.)



For the Year Ended March 31, 2021                        
    RBC Global
Opportunities Fund
    RBC International
Opportunities Fund

Investment Income:


Interest income

               $ 28                  $ 659  

Dividend income - unaffiliated

      1,409,440         2,144,386  

Dividend income - affiliated

      432         638  

Foreign tax withholding

      (111,395       (230,319







Total Investment Income

      1,298,505         1,915,364  



Investment advisory fees

      848,905         975,507  

Distribution fees–Class A

      32         430  

Accounting fees

      56,163         62,267  

Audit fees

      45,818         45,818  

Custodian fees

      39,993         61,025  

Insurance fees

      3,758         3,757  

Legal fees

      22,276         24,192  

Registrations and filing fees

      98,031         90,750  

Shareholder reports

      22,971         23,022  

Transfer agent fees–Class A

      4,184         4,242  

Transfer agent fees–Class I

      62,932         209,924  

Transfer agent fees–Class R6

      4,599         3,545  

Trustees’ fees and expenses

      4,475         4,986  

Tax expense

      5,001         5,942  

Other fees

      6,539         7,165  







Total expenses before fee waiver/reimbursement

      1,225,677         1,522,572  

Expenses waived/reimbursed by:



      (273,881       (412,004







Net expenses

      951,796         1,110,568  







Net Investment Income

      346,709         804,796  







Realized/Unrealized Gains/(Losses):


Net realized gains/(losses) on:


Investment transactions

      15,764,884         6,457,436  

Foreign currency transactions

      (320,969       (343,734







Net realized gains

      15,443,915         6,113,702  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/ (depreciation) on:



      35,923,885         56,235,076  

Foreign currency

      (13,694       16,119  







Net unrealized gains

      35,910,191         56,251,195  







Change in net assets resulting from operations

    $ 51,700,815       $ 63,169,693  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Changes in Net Assets



     RBC Emerging Markets
Equity Fund
     For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
     For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2020

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

   $ 10,178,324      $ 45,574,782  

Net realized gains/(losses) from investments and foreign currency

     53,268,159        (15,090,042

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and foreign currency

     648,938,235        (284,518,030







Change in net assets resulting from operations

     712,384,718        (254,033,290







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A

     (163,602      (792,363

Class I

     (18,319,080      (39,879,351

Class R6

     (2,504,202      (4,632,007







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

     (20,986,884      (45,303,721







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

     1,040,108,368        767,468,173  

Distributions reinvested

     19,305,459        41,681,053  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (300,371,017      (177,297,013







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

     759,042,810        631,852,213  







Net increase in net assets

     1,450,440,644        332,515,202  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     1,212,668,747        880,153,545  







End of year

   $ 2,663,109,391      $ 1,212,668,747  







Share Transactions:



     75,521,009        64,026,033  


     1,367,719        3,341,903  


     (23,315,707      (15,290,238







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

     53,573,021        52,077,698  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Changes in Net Assets



    RBC Emerging
Markets Small Cap
Equity Fund
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
    For the
Year Ended
  March 31, 2020  

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

          $ 68,865       $ 131,375  

Net realized losses from investments and foreign currency

      (342,165       (241,611

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and foreign currency

      4,214,365         (3,047,975








Change in net assets resulting from operations

      3,941,065         (3,158,211







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A


Class I

      (11,974       (318,004







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

      (11,974       (453,444







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

      18,240         725,547  

Distributions reinvested

      11,974         452,240  

Cost of shares redeemed

      (176,203       (284,449







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

      (145,989       893,338  







Net increase/(decrease) in net assets

      3,783,102         (2,718,317

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

      6,529,717         9,248,034  







End of year

    $ 10,312,819       $ 6,529,717  







Share Transactions:



      2,050         75,212  


      1,217         48,050  


      (20,258       (34,117







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

      (16,991       89,145  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Changes in Net Assets



    RBC Emerging
Markets Value
Equity Fund
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2020

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

    $ 205,278       $ 172,858  

Net realized gains/(losses) from investments and foreign currency

      2,997,856         (311,462

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and foreign currency

      9,663,602         (945,704







Change in net assets resulting from operations

      12,866,736         (1,084,308







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class I

      (149,230       (88,926

Class R6

      (86,448       (90,889







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

      (235,678       (179,815







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

      29,825,722         65,059  

Distributions reinvested

      235,678         179,815  

Cost of shares redeemed








Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

      27,856,601         244,874  







Payment by broker








Net increase/(decrease) in net assets

      40,487,659         (1,012,824

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

      3,474,528         4,487,352  







End of year

    $ 43,962,187       $ 3,474,528  







Share Transactions:



      3,554,158         7,326  


      23,802         20,469  









Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

      3,383,318         27,795  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Changes in Net Assets



    RBC Global
Opportunities Fund
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2020

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

  $ 346,709       $ 669,761  

Net realized gains from investments and foreign currency

    15,443,915         202,957  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and foreign currency

    35,910,191         (10,071,883








Change in net assets resulting from operations

    51,700,815         (9,199,165







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A


Class I

    (1,917,882       (1,745,323

Class R6

    (2,159,636       (2,036







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

    (4,077,835       (1,747,359







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

    230,249,771         58,909,583  

Distributions reinvested

    3,985,805         1,721,944  

Cost of shares redeemed

    (76,173,153       (9,727,463







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

    158,062,423         50,904,064  







Net increase in net assets

    205,685,403         39,957,540  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

    58,886,172         18,928,632  







End of year

  $ 264,571,575       $ 58,886,172  







Share Transactions:



    12,864,250         4,063,741  


    211,211         112,032  


    (4,255,199       (730,135







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

    8,820,262         3,445,638  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.








Statements of Changes in Net Assets



     RBC International
Opportunities Fund
     For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
     For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2020

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

   $ 804,796      $ 2,261,504  

Net realized gains from investments and foreign currency

     6,113,702        2,986,409  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and foreign currency

     56,251,195        (18,175,306







Change in net assets resulting from operations

     63,169,693        (12,927,393







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A


Class I

     (9,574,285      (3,638,795

Class R6

     (1,025      (560







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

     (9,575,930      (3,639,355







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

     79,661,795        32,071,054  

Distributions reinvested

     7,798,538        3,015,673  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (43,806,370      (11,153,729







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

     43,653,963        23,932,998  







Net increase in net assets

     97,247,726        7,366,250  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

     73,580,683        66,214,433  







End of year

   $ 170,828,409      $ 73,580,683  







Share Transactions:



     7,759,846        3,163,928  


     624,883        271,437  


     (3,960,332      (1,134,844







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

     4,424,397        2,300,521  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.









RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund


               (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)
          Investment Activities    Distributions     
     Net Asset
of Year
   Net Realized
and Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Investments
   Total from
   Net Asset
Value, End
of Year

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $ 9.50        —(b)        5.25        —(b)        5.25        (0.11)               (0.11)      $ 14.64

Year Ended 3/31/20

       11.82        0.38(c)        (2.33)               (1.95)        (0.36)        (0.01)        (0.37)        9.50

Year Ended 3/31/19

       13.05        0.21        (0.56)               (0.35)        (0.10)        (0.78)        (0.88)        11.82

Year Ended 3/31/18

       10.91        0.10        2.13               2.23        (0.09)        —(b)        (0.09)        13.05

Year Ended 3/31/17

       9.81        0.11        1.10               1.21        (0.07)        (0.04)        (0.11)        10.91

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $ 9.67        0.07        5.32               5.39        (0.15)               (0.15)      $ 14.91

Year Ended 3/31/20

       12.01        0.44(c)        (2.39)               (1.95)        (0.38)        (0.01)        (0.39)        9.67

Year Ended 3/31/19

       13.26        0.18        (0.51)               (0.33)        (0.14)        (0.78)        (0.92)        12.01

Year Ended 3/31/18

       11.07        0.15        2.16               2.31        (0.12)        —(b)        (0.12)        13.26

Year Ended 3/31/17

       9.95        0.12        1.12               1.24        (0.08)        (0.04)        (0.12)        11.07

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $ 9.72        0.07        5.34               5.41        (0.15)               (0.15)      $ 14.98

Year Ended 3/31/20

       12.07        0.38(c)        (2.34)               (1.96)        (0.38)        (0.01)        (0.39)        9.72

Year Ended 3/31/19

       13.31        0.18        (0.50)               (0.32)        (0.14)        (0.78)        (0.92)        12.07

Year Ended 3/31/18

       11.13        0.15        2.15               2.30        (0.12)        —(b)        (0.12)        13.31

Period Ended 3/31/17(d)

       10.08        0.04        1.08               1.12        (0.03)        (0.04)        (0.07)        11.13



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.



Less than $0.01 or $(0.01) per share.



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.27 and 2.30%, for Class A and $0.27 and 2.30% for Class I and $0.28 and 2.30% for the Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.



For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.






RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)
         Ratios/Supplemental Data
                  Ratio of        
              Ratio of   Net Investment   Ratio of    
         Net Assets,    Net Expenses   Income (Loss)   Expenses to   Portfolio
     Total   End of    to Average   to Average   Average Net   Turnover
     Return(a)(b)   Year (000’s)    Net Assets   Net Assets   Assets*   Rate**

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

       55.33 %     $ 287,862        1.13 %       0.00 %       1.45 %       15 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

       (17.22 )%       19,435        1.13 %       3.19 %(c)       1.36 %       20 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

       (1.90 )%       14,815        1.13 %       1.74 %       1.47 %       19 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

       20.42 %(d)       48,235        1.03 %(e)       0.76 %       1.55 %       42 %

Year Ended 3/31/17

       12.42 %       5,115        0.98 %       1.09 %       1.80 %       19 %

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

       55.77 %     $ 2,069,695        0.88 %       0.57 %       0.99 %       15 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

       (16.97 )%       1,047,077        0.88 %       3.65 %(c)       1.02 %       20 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

       (1.71 )%       766,141        0.88 %       1.46 %       1.08 %       19 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

       20.81 %(d)       556,822        0.78 %(e)       1.20 %       1.18 %       42 %

Year Ended 3/31/17

       12.56 %       223,971        0.73 %       1.18 %       1.30 %       19 %

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

       55.70 %     $ 305,553        0.88 %       0.58 %       0.88 %       15 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

       (16.97 )%       146,156        0.88 %       3.20 %(c)       0.91 %       20 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

       (1.62 )%       99,198        0.88 %       1.47 %       0.98 %       19 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

       20.63 %(d)       44,584        0.77 %(e)       1.16 %       1.09 %       42 %

Period Ended 3/31/17(f)

       11.20 %(g)       23,224        0.73 %(h)       0.95 %(h)       1.28 %(h)       19 %



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.



Excludes sales charge.



Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.27 and 2.30%, for Class A and $0.27 and 2.30% for Class I and $0.28 and 2.30% for the Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.









RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund

(Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)            



Includes a payment made by the sub-advisor. The impact of the payment to total returns for each class is 0.17%.



Beginning January 2, 2018, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 1.13%, 0.88% and 0.88% of average daily net assets for Class A, Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2018.



For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.



Not annualized.




See Notes to the Financial Statements.







RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
            Investment Activities     Distributions        
     Net Asset             Net Realized                                
     Value,      Net      and Unrealized     Total from     Net     Net           Net Asset  
     Beginning      Investment      Gains (Losses)     Investment     Investment     Realized     Total     Value, End  
     of Year      Income(a)      on Investments     Activities     Income     Gains     Distributions     of Year  

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $   6.60        0.05        3.96       4.01                         $10.61  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     10.33        0.13        (3.36     (3.23     (0.31     (0.19     (0.50     6.60  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     11.48        0.11        (1.16     (1.05           (0.10     (0.10     10.33  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     10.15        0.06        1.54       1.60       (0.26     (0.01     (0.27     11.48  

Year Ended 3/31/17

     9.35        0.06        1.14       1.20       (0.40           (0.40     10.15  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $   6.65        0.08        3.98       4.06       (0.02           (0.02     $10.69  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     10.34        0.14        (3.37     (3.23     (0.27     (0.19     (0.46     6.65  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     11.49        0.13        (1.16     (1.03     (0.02     (0.10     (0.12     10.34  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     10.15        0.09        1.55       1.64       (0.29     (0.01     (0.30     11.49  

Year Ended 3/31/17

     9.35        0.08        1.15       1.23       (0.43           (0.43     10.15  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.









RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
            Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                          Ratio of                
                   Ratio of      Net Investment      Ratio of         
            Net Assets,      Net Expenses      Income (Loss)      Expenses to      Portfolio  
     Total      End of      to Average      to Average      Average Net      Turnover  
     Return(a)(b)      Year (000’s)      Net Assets      Net Assets      Assets*      Rate**  

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

     60.76%        $3,002        1.53%(c)        0.61%        4.30%        29%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     (32.71)%        1,876        1.70%            1.33%        4.32%        24%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     (9.47)%        2,865        1.70%            1.08%        5.64%        33%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     16.53%        3,070        1.77%(d)        0.55%        4.66%        26%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

     13.24%        2,625        1.85%            0.57%        5.02%        38%  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     61.04%        $7,311        1.28%(c)        0.86%        3.99%        29%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     (32.54)%        4,653        1.45%            1.52%        4.06%        24%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     (9.28)%        6,383        1.45%            1.27%        5.28%        33%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     16.89%        3,766        1.52%(d)        0.81%        4.43%        26%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

     13.53%        2,907        1.60%            0.84%        4.76%        38%  



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.



Excludes sales charge.



Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.



Beginning June 18, 2020, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 1.49% and 1.24% of average daily net assets for Class A and Class I, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2021.



Beginning October 2, 2017, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 1.70% and 1.45% of average daily net assets for Class A and Class I, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2018.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.







RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
            Investment Activities     Distributions        
     Net Asset            Net Realized                                
     Value,      Net     and Unrealized     Total from     Net     Net           Net Asset  
     Beginning      Investment     Gains (Losses)     Investment     Investment     Realized     Total     Value, End  
     of Year      Income(a)     on Investments     Activities     Income     Gains     Distributions     of Year  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $  6.42        0.08       4.76       4.84       (0.03     (0.01     (0.04     $11.22  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     8.74        0.33(b     (2.31     (1.98     (0.34           (0.34     6.42  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     10.17        0.21       (1.44     (1.23     (0.18     (0.02     (0.20     8.74  

Period Ended 3/31/18(c)

     10.00        0.02       0.15       0.17                         10.17  

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $  6.42        0.12       4.68       4.80       (0.31     (0.01     (0.32     $10.90  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     8.74        0.34(b)       (2.31     (1.97     (0.35           (0.35     6.42  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     10.17        0.21       (1.43     (1.22)       (0.19     (0.02     (0.21     8.74  

Period Ended 3/31/18(c)

     10.00        0.02       0.15       0.17                         10.17  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.14 and 1.63% for Class I and $0.14 and 1.63% for Class R6, respectively, resulting form the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.



For the period from February 9, 2018 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2018.









RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
            Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                         Ratio of              
                   Ratio of     Net Investment     Ratio of        
            Net Assets,      Net Expenses     Income (Loss)     Expenses to     Portfolio  
     Total      End of      to Average     to Average     Average Net     Turnover  
     Return(a)      Year (000’s)      Net Assets     Net Assets     Assets*     Rate**  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     75.61%          $40,956        0.95%       0.79%       1.97%       68%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     (23.71)%          1,762        0.95%       3.91% (b)      6.68%       71%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     (12.04)%          2,245        0.77% (c)      2.35%       7.02%       75%  

Period Ended 3/31/18(d)

     1.90%(e)        2,543        1.11% (f)      1.75% (f)      9.98% (f)      27%  

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

     75.44%          $   3,006        0.88%       1.36%       3.37%       68%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     (23.58)%          1,712        0.88%       3.99% (b)      6.67%       71%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     (11.98)%          2,242        0.71% (c)      2.41%       6.96%       75%  

Period Ended 3/31/18(d)

     1.90%(e)        2,543        1.06% (f)      1.80% (f)      9.60% (f)      27%  



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.



Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.14 and 1.63% for Class I and $0.14 and 1.63% for Class R6, respectively, resulting form the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.



Beginning July 2, 2018, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 0.95% and 0.88% of average daily net assets for Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the year ended March 31, 2019.



For the period from February 9, 2018 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2018.



Not annualized.




See Notes to the Financial Statements.







RBC Global Opportunities Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
            Investment Activities      Distributions         
     Net Asset      Net     Net Realized                                            
     Value,      Investment     and Unrealized             Total from      Net      Net             Net Asset  
     Beginning      Income/     Gains (Losses)      Redemption      Investment      Investment      Realized      Total      Value, End  
     of Year      (Loss)(a)     on Investments      Fees      Activities      Income      Gains      Distributions      of Year  

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $12.28        (0.01)       7.51        —(b)        7.50               (0.39)        (0.39)        $19.39  

Period Ended 3/31/20(c)

     15.50        0.02       (3.24)               (3.22)                             12.28  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $12.28        0.04       7.53               7.57        (0.05)        (0.39)        (0.44)        $19.41  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     14.04        0.20(d     (1.53)               (1.33)        (0.16)        (0.27)        (0.43)        12.28  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     13.69        0.09       0.72               0.81        (0.02)        (0.44)        (0.46)        14.04  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     11.31        0.07       2.82               2.89        (0.08)        (0.43)        (0.51)        13.69  

Year Ended 3/31/17

     10.12        0.07       1.20               1.27        (0.08)               (0.08)        11.31  

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

     $12.30        0.06       7.52               7.58        (0.02)        (0.39)        (0.41)        $19.47  

Year Ended 3/31/20

     14.08        0.16(d)       (1.48)               (1.32)        (0.19)        (0.27)        (0.46)        12.30  

Year Ended 3/31/19

     13.77        0.13       0.68               0.81        (0.06)        (0.44)        (0.50)        14.08  

Year Ended 3/31/18

     11.39        0.07       2.85               2.92        (0.11)        (0.43)        (0.54)        13.77  

Period Ended 3/31/17(e)

     10.42        —(b)       0.97               0.97                             11.39  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.



Less than $0.01 or $(0.01) per share.



For the period from January 28, 2020 (commencement of operations) to March 31. 2020.



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.13 and 0.87% for Class I and $0.12 and 0.87% for Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.



For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.









RBC Global Opportunities Fund


     (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)
         Ratios/Supplemental Data
                  Ratio of        
              Ratio of   Net Investment   Ratio of    
         Net Assets,    Net Expenses   Income (Loss)   Expenses to   Portfolio
     Total   End of    to Average   to Average   Average Net   Turnover
     Return(a)   Year (000’s)    Net Assets   Net Assets   Assets*   Rate**

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

       61.21 %     $ 13        1.02 %(b)       (0.07 )%       33.96 %       62 %

Period Ended 3/31/20(c)

       (20.77 )%(d)       8        1.11 %(e)       0.82 %(e)       1.64 %(e)       23 %

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

       61.74 %     $ 144,339        0.77 %(b)       0.25 %       0.99 %       62 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

       (10.10 )%       58,090        0.86 %       1.35 %(f)       1.25 %       23 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

       6.49 %       18,873        0.86 %       0.64 %       1.94 %       28 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

       25.71 %       11,236        0.94 %(g)       0.50 %       2.52 %       30 %

Year Ended 3/31/17

       12.58 %       7,102        1.05 %       0.65 %       3.26 %       36 %

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

       61.76 %     $ 120,220        0.71 %(b)       0.31 %       0.90 %       62 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

       (10.01 )%       788        0.81 %       1.19 %(f)       5.44 %       23 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

       6.54 %       55        0.81 %       0.95 %       18.77 %       28 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

       25.80 %       14        0.90 %(g)       0.56 %       30.59 %       30 %

Period Ended 3/31/17(h)

       9.31 %(d)       11        1.00 %(e)       0.10 %(e)       77.25 %(e)       36 %



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.



Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.



Beginning June 18, 2020, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 1.00%, 0.75% and 0.70% of average daily net assets for Class A and Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2021.



For the period from January 28, 2020 (commencement of operations) to March 31. 2020.



Not annualized.










RBC Global Opportunities Fund

(Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)    



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.13 and 0.87% for Class I and $0.12 and 0.87% for Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.



Beginning October 2, 2017, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 0.86% and 0.81% of average daily net assets for Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2018.


For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.









RBC International Opportunities Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
          Investment Activities     Distributions        
    Net Asset
of Year
    Net Realized
and Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Investments
    Total from
    Net Asset
Value, End
of Year

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $  8.41       0.02       5.17       5.19             (0.68     (0.68     $12.92  

Period Ended 3/31/20(b)

    11.03       0.02       (2.64     (2.62                       8.41  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $  8.41       0.07       5.29       5.36       (0.12     (0.68     (0.80     $12.97  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    10.27       0.29(c)       (1.70     (1.41     (0.31     (0.14     (0.45     8.41  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    11.39       0.18       (0.56     (0.38     (0.10     (0.64     (0.74     10.27  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.69       0.11       1.88       1.99       (0.12     (0.17     (0.29     11.39  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    9.47       0.09       0.18       0.27       (0.05           (0.05     9.69  

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $  8.46       0.08       5.32       5.40       (0.13     (0.68     (0.81     $13.05  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    10.33       0.29(c     (1.70     (1.41     (0.32     (0.14     (0.46     8.46  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    11.44       0.18       (0.55     (0.37     (0.10     (0.64     (0.74     10.33  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.74       0.13       1.88       2.01       (0.14     (0.17     (0.31     11.44  

Period Ended 3/31/17(d)

    9.11       0.02       0.61       0.63       —(e           —(e     9.74  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.


For the period from January 28, 2020 (commencement of operations) to March 31. 2020.


Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.17 and 1.58% for Class I and $0.17 and 1.58% for Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.


For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.


Less than $0.01 or $(0.01) per share.






RBC International Opportunities Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)
        Ratios/Supplemental Data
  Net Assets,
End of
Year (000’s)
  Ratio of
Net Expenses
to Average
Net Assets
  Ratio of
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
to Average
Net Assets
  Ratio of
Expenses to
Average Net

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

      62.00 %       $          22       1.10 %(b)       0.15 %       3.67 %       37 %

Period Ended 3/31/20(c)

      (23.75 )%(d)       8       1.14 %(e)       1.42 %(e)       1.38 %(e)       45 %

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

      63.90 %       $170,788       0.81 %(b)       0.59 %       1.11 %       37 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

      (14.68 )%       73,562       0.89 %       2.76 %(f)       1.21 %       45 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

      (2.46 )%       66,202       0.89 %(g)       1.71 %       1.26 %(g)       49 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

      20.82 %       65,372       0.94 %(h)       1.03 %       1.32 %       45 %

Year Ended 3/31/17

      2.85 %       25,145       1.00 %       0.99 %       1.84 %       38 %

Class R6


Year Ended 3/31/21

      64.15 %       $          18       0.76 %(b)       0.67 %       24.83 %       37 %

Year Ended 3/31/20

      (14.74 )%       11       0.84 %       2.74 %(f)       28.05 %       45 %

Year Ended 3/31/19

      (2.27 )%       13       0.84 %(g)       1.69 %       29.90 %(g)       49 %

Year Ended 3/31/18

      20.75 %       13       0.89 %(h)       1.14 %       30.23 %       45 %

Period Ended 3/31/17(i)

      6.96 %(d)       11       0.95 %(e)       0.46 %(e)       77.08 %(e)       38 %



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.


Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.


Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.


Beginning June 18, 2020, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 1.05%, 0.80% and 0.75% of average daily net assets for Class A and Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2021.


For the period from January 28, 2020 (commencement of operations) to March 31. 2020.


Not annualized.












RBC International Opportunities Fund

(Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)



Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.17 and 1.58% for Class I and $0.17 and 1.58% for Class R6, respectively, resulting from the special dividend from Naspers LTD/Prosus in September 2019.


Ratios include line of credit interest expense which is less than 0.01%.


Beginning October 2, 2017, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 0.89% and 0.84% of average daily net assets for Class I and Class R6, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2018.


For the period from November 22, 2016 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2017.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.






March 31, 2021



1. Organization:

RBC Funds Trust (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended) as an open-end management investment company. The Trust was organized as a Delaware statutory trust on December 16, 2003 and currently consists of 18 portfolios. Overall responsibility for the management of the Trust is vested in its Board of Trustees (the “Board”). This report includes the following five investment portfolios (each a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”):

- RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund (“Emerging Markets Equity Fund”)

- RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund (“Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund”)

- RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund (“Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund”)

- RBC Global Opportunities Fund (“Global Opportunities Fund”)

- RBC International Opportunities Fund (“International Opportunities Fund”)

Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund each offer three share classes: Class A, Class R6 and Class I shares. Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund offers two share classes: Class A and Class I shares. Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund offers two share classes: Class I and Class R6 shares. Class A shares are offered with a 5.75% maximum front-end sales charge and a 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) for redemption within 12 months of a $1 million or greater purchase on which no front-end sales charge was paid. Class I and Class R6 shares (intended for investors meeting certain investment minimum thresholds) are not subject to either a front-end sales charge or a CDSC.

RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC GAM-US” or “Advisor” or “Co-Administrator”) acts as the investment advisor for the Funds and RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited (“RBC GAM-UK” or “Sub-Advisor”) serves as the investment sub-advisor. The officers of the Trust (“Fund Management”) are also employees of RBC GAM-US.



2. Significant Accounting Policies

Each Fund is an investment company that follows accounting and reporting guidance under the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Summarized below are the significant accounting policies of the Funds. These policies conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Fund Management follows these policies when preparing financial statements. Fund Management may also be required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses for the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The financial statements are as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).

Security Valuation:

The Board has adopted pricing and valuation procedures for determining the fair value of each Fund’s investments. Fair value of a security is considered to be the price that a fund might reasonably expect to receive upon its current sale in an orderly transaction between market participants.

Equity securities are generally valued on the basis of prices furnished by third-party pricing services approved by the Board. Equity securities listed on one or more exchanges shall be valued at the last available quoted sale price on the primary trading exchange as of the regularly scheduled closing time of the exchange and are categorized as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy. (See “Fair Value Measurements” below for additional information). An equity security not listed on an exchange but listed on NASDAQ shall be valued at the NASDAQ official closing price and is also categorized as Level 1. If there was no sale on the primary exchange on the day the net asset value is calculated or a NASDAQ official closing price is not available, the most recent bid quotation generally will be used and such securities will generally be categorized as Level 2. Investments in open-end investment companies (mutual funds) are valued at net asset value and are categorized as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy.

Fixed income securities, including to-be-announced (“TBA”) commitments and municipal bonds, are generally valued based on evaluated prices received from third-party pricing services or from






broker-dealers who make markets in the securities and are generally categorized as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy (see “Fair Value Measurements” below for additional information). The pricing services utilize both dealer-supplied valuations and electronic data processing techniques that take into account multiple appropriate factors such as institutional-size trading in similar groups of securities, market spreads, interest rates, and fundamental security analytical data including yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity and type of issue.

Foreign securities valued in non-U.S. dollars are valued in the foreign currency and then converted into the U.S. dollar equivalent using the foreign exchange rate in effect at the close of NYSE on the day the security’s value is determined. The value of securities traded in markets outside the United States may be affected on a day that the NYSE is closed and an investor is not able to purchase, exchange or redeem shares of the Funds.

Many securities markets and exchanges outside of North American and South American time zones close prior to the close of the NYSE; therefore, the closing prices for equity securities in such markets or on such exchanges may not fully reflect events that occur after such close but before the close of the NYSE. The Funds have procedures in place to fair value foreign equity securities traded in countries outside North American and South American time zones daily in order to take into account, among other things, any significant events occurring after the close of trading in a foreign market. The Funds receive adjusted fair value prices from a designated independent pricing vendor. In general, the vendor utilizes a multi-factor model to consider such information as the issue’s closing price, relevant general and sector indices and currency fluctuations to generate an evaluated adjustment factor for each security and provide an evaluated fair value price. The Funds generally categorize such evaluated fair value prices as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy.

The Board has delegated to the Funds’ Pricing Committee (“Pricing Committee”) the responsibility for implementing the pricing and valuation procedures, including responsibility for determining the fair value of the Funds’ securities or other assets and liabilities. The Pricing Committee includes representatives of the Funds’ Advisor, and Co-Administrator, including personnel from accounting and operations, investment management, trading, risk management and compliance. The Pricing Committee meets at least quarterly to review and approve Fund valuation matters, including a review of the Funds’ pricing activity and operations, fair value measurements, pricing vendors, policies and procedures, and related controls. At least a quorum of the Pricing Committee shall meet more frequently, as needed, to consider and approve time-sensitive fair valuation matters. The Pricing Committee reports to the Valuation, Portfolio Management and Performance Committee (“Valuation Committee”) of the Board. Members of the Pricing Committee meet with the Valuation Committee and the Board at each of their regularly scheduled meetings to discuss valuation matters and actions taken during the period.

The Board has adopted procedures to determine the fair value of a security when a price is not available from a pricing service or broker- dealer or Fund Management determines that a price provided by a pricing service or broker-dealer does not approximate fair value. Fair valuation may also be used when a significant valuation event affecting the value of a security or market sector is determined to have occurred between the time when a security’s market closes and the time the Fund’s net asset value is calculated. The fair value of the security will be determined in good faith by the Pricing Committee in accordance with procedures and methodologies adopted by the Board. General factors used in determining the fair value of securities include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the security, the issuer and the market, such as duration, prepayment and default rates; general level of interest rates and changes in interest rates; information from broker-dealers; trading in similar securities; any restrictions on disposition of the security; and an evaluation of the forces that influence the market in which the investments are traded. These securities are either categorized as Level 2 or 3 in the fair value hierarchy, depending on the relevant inputs used.

When the Funds utilize fair valuation methods that use significant unobservable inputs to determine a security’s value, such securities will be categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. These methods may require subjective determinations about the value of a security. While the Funds’ policy is intended to result in a calculation of a Fund’s net asset value that fairly reflects security values as of the time of






pricing, the Funds cannot guarantee that values determined by the Board or persons acting at their direction would accurately reflect the price that the Funds could obtain for a security if they were to dispose of it as of the time of pricing (for instance, in a forced or distressed sale). The prices used by the Funds may differ from the value that would be realized if the securities were sold.

The Funds’ Pricing Committee employs various methods for calibrating the valuation approach related to securities categorized within Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. These methods may include regular due diligence of the Funds’ pricing vendors, a regular review of key inputs and assumptions, transaction back-testing or disposition analysis to compare unrealized gains and losses to realized gains and losses, reviews of missing and stale prices and large movements in market value, and reviews of any market related activities. Additionally, the pricing of all fair value holdings is subsequently reported to the Valuation Committee and Board.

Fair Value Measurements:

The Funds disclose the fair value of their investments in a hierarchy that categorizes investments based on the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

•    Level 1 - Inputs that reflect unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Funds have the ability to access at the measurement date.

•    Level 2 - Significant inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly, including inputs in markets that are not considered to be active. Observable inputs may include quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, spreads, prepayment spreads, etc.

•    Level 3 - Significant unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).

The inputs or methodology used for valuing investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Inputs used in determining fair value of an investment may include, but are not limited to, price information, volatility statistics, credit and market data, and other factors, all of which may be either observable or unobservable. Inputs can vary among investments and will be impacted by the investment type and volume of activity for the particular security or similar securities in the market. Investments in the Level 3 category are generally supported by transactions and quoted prices from dealers participating in the market for those investments. Investments may be included in the Level 3 category due to a lack of market activity or transparency. Internal valuation models may also be used as a pricing source for Level 3 investments. Internal valuation models may rely on one or more unobservable inputs, such as estimated cash flows, financial statement analysis and discount rates.






The summary of inputs used to determine the fair value of the Funds’ investments as of March 31, 2021 is as follows:

     Level 1
Quoted Prices
     Level 2

     Level 3

Emerging Markets Equity Fund



Investments in Securities


Common Stocks



   $ 21,493,244      $                         $      $ 21,493,244  


     103,748,318                        103,748,318  


     29,532,244        122,103,961                 151,636,205  


     192,045,367        388,323,037                 580,368,404  

Hong Kong

            139,841,911                 139,841,911  


     1,337,074        389,635,550                 390,972,624  


            64,932,610                 64,932,610  


            313,339,010                 313,339,010  


     53,424,036                        53,424,036  


     36,936,722                        36,936,722  


            54,937,029                 54,937,029  

South Africa

            206,596,436                 206,596,436  


            383,357,875                 383,357,875  


            23,316,309                 23,316,309  


            29,188,158                 29,188,158  

United Kingdom

            108,899,266                 108,899,266  













Total Assets

   $ 438,517,005      $ 2,224,471,152        $      $ 2,662,988,157  



















Level 1
Quoted Prices


Level 2 Significant
Observable Inputs


Level 3




Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund



Investments in Securities


Common Stocks



    $                  $ 129,107         $ 85,721                  $ 214,828  







      376,092                             376,092  


                1,227,972                                  1,227,972  


                104,894                   104,894  

Hong Kong

                184,759                   184,759  


                2,210,855                   2,210,855  


                117,372                   117,372  


                1,129,139                   1,129,139  


                82,825                   82,825  


      359,639                             359,639  


                102,917                   102,917  


      147,585                             147,585  


                714,819                   714,819  


                152,479                   152,479  

South Africa

                460,690                   460,690  

Sri Lanka

                100,832                   100,832  


                1,719,426                   1,719,426  

United Arab Emirates

                190,020                   190,020  

Preferred Stocks

                136,873         119           136,992  

Investment Company

      45,100                             45,100  













Total Assets

    $ 1,436,718         $ 8,764,979       $ 85,840         $ 10,287,537  



















Level 1

Quoted Prices


Level 2 Significant
Observable Inputs


Level 3




Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund



Investments in Securities


Common Stocks



                  $ 1,169,901         $          $—      $ 1,169,901  


       645,366           1,051,405                 1,696,771  


       3,571,476           8,402,857                 11,974,333  


                 247,759                              247,759  

Hong Kong

                 1,094,308                 1,094,308  


                 719,889                 719,889  


                 3,494,652                 3,494,652  


                 329,718                 329,718  


                 7,352,991                 7,352,991  


       1,541,415                           1,541,415  


                 341,205                 341,205  


       327,768                           327,768  


                 443,099                 443,099  


       273,819           1,760,825                 2,034,644  

South Africa

                 3,405,814                 3,405,814  


                 4,136,235                 4,136,235  


                 360,480                 360,480  


                 318,429                 318,429  

United Arab Emirates

                 377,882                 377,882  

United States

                 620,762                 620,762  


                 838,638                 838,638  

Preferred Stocks

       966,020                           966,020  

Investment Company

       166,783                           166,783  













Total Assets

     $ 8,662,548         $ 35,296,948        $      $ 43,959,496  













Level 1

Quoted Prices


Level 2 Significant
Observable Inputs


Level 3



Global Opportunities Fund



Investments in Securities


Common Stocks



                  $ 2,649,852         $                     $      $ 2,649,852  


                 8,239,370                 8,239,370  


                 7,345,867                 7,345,867  


                 6,077,632                 6,077,632  


                 9,894,103                 9,894,103  

Hong Kong

                 9,518,910                 9,518,910  


                 9,202,350                 9,202,350  


                 3,822,397                 3,822,397  

South Africa

                 5,123,128                 5,123,128  


                 10,163,521                 10,163,521  


                 12,623,427                 12,623,427  


       7,534,436                           7,534,436  

United Kingdom

                 16,954,052                 16,954,052  

United States

       152,836,288                           152,836,288  

Investment Company

       7,322,625                           7,322,625  













Total Assets

     $ 170,343,201         $ 98,964,757        $      $ 269,307,958  


















     Level 1
Quoted Prices

Level 2 Significant
Observable Inputs


Level 3


International Opportunities Fund



Investments in Securities


Common Stocks



                       $ 2,649,852         $                               $—      $ 2,649,852  


                  7,619,129                 7,619,129  


                  2,602,059                 2,602,059  


                  4,872,876                 4,872,876  


                  6,932,516                 6,932,516  


                  5,564,737                 5,564,737  


                  7,940,946                 7,940,946  

Hong Kong

                  7,990,611                 7,990,611  


        7,486,675                           7,486,675  


                  1,727,473                 1,727,473  


                  22,160,759                 22,160,759  


                  5,631,442                 5,631,442  


                  4,224,640                 4,224,640  

South Africa

                  10,173,684                 10,173,684  


                  7,036,916                 7,036,916  


                  1,667,804                 1,667,804  


                  17,137,888                 17,137,888  


        9,961,305           2,802,921                 12,764,226  


                  5,240,053                 5,240,053  

United Kingdom

                  22,969,957                 22,969,957  

United States

        1,254,598                           1,254,598  


        2,724,720                           2,724,720  

Investment Company

        2,839,826                           2,839,826  













Total Assets

      $ 26,916,976         $ 144,296,411        $      $ 171,213,387  













The following is a reconciliation of Level 3 investments for which significant unobservable inputs were used to determine fair value:




Markets Small Cap

Equity Fund


Common Stocks–


Preferred Stocks–


Balance as of 3/31/20(value)

    $       $ 114  

Sales (Paydowns)


Realized gain (loss)


Transfer into Level 3


Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

      (362       5  







Balance as of 3/31/21(value)

    $ 85,721       $ 119  







The Funds’ assets assigned to the Level 3 category were valued using market data or trade information specific to the security or comparable issues. However, due to a lack of market activity or corroborating data to support the valuations, the investments were classified as Level 3.

The significant unobservable inputs used in fair value measurement of the Level 3 preferred stock security shown above include the subscription price paid by the Fund when the preferred shares were received and security-specific characteristics, including whether it may be converted into common shares. The significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement of the common stock






security shown above include the implied discount from the security’s imposed price floor at which it is assumed the Fund will be able to dispose of the security. Significant changes in any of those inputs in isolation would result in a significantly lower or higher fair value measurement.

Repurchase Agreements:

The Funds, may enter into repurchase agreements with counterparties whom the Advisor has deemed creditworthy, including primary dealers that report to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or other large U.S. commercial banks or broker-dealers. These repurchase agreements are subject to the seller’s agreement to repurchase such securities at a mutually agreed upon date and price. The repurchase price generally equals the price paid by the Funds plus interest negotiated on the basis of current short-term rates.

Securities pledged by the dealers as collateral for repurchase agreements are held by a custodian bank until maturity of the repurchase agreement. The Funds have procedures to monitor additional collateral, if needed, to ensure that the daily market value of the collateral remains in excess of the market value of the repurchase agreement in the event of a default.

There were no repurchase agreements held during the year ended March 31, 2021.

Affiliated Investments:

The Funds invest in another Fund of the Trust (an “Affiliated Fund”), U.S. Government Money Market Fund-RBC Institutional Class 1, as a cash sweep vehicle. The income earned by the Funds from the Affiliated Fund for the period is disclosed in the Statement of Operations. The table below details the transactions of the Funds in the Affiliated Fund.


March 31, 2020
     Purchases      Sales      Value
March 31, 2021

Investments in U.S. Government Money Market Fund —RBC Institutional Class 1


Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     $4,507,131        $725,136,192        $729,643,323        $             —        $8,797  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     272,478        1,670,601        1,897,979        45,100        151  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

            13,562,177        13,395,394        166,783        36  

Global Opportunities Fund

     440,840        133,343,838        126,462,053        7,322,625        432  

International Opportunities Fund

     7,735        49,117,864        46,285,773        2,839,826        638  

Investment Transactions and Income:

Investment transactions are recorded on trade date. Dividend income is recorded on the ex- dividend date. In certain foreign markets where declaration of a dividend follows the ex-dividend date, the dividend will be recorded when the Fund is notified of the declaration date. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date at fair value. Realized gains and losses from investment transactions are calculated based on the cost of the specific security (also known as identified cost basis). Interest income is recognized on the accrual basis and includes, where applicable, the amortization or accretion of premium or discount using the effective yield method.

Expense, Investment Income and Gain/Loss Allocation:

Each Fund pays the expenses that are directly related to its operations, such as custodian fees or advisory fees. Expenses incurred by the Trust, such as trustee or legal fees, are allocated among each of the Funds in the Trust either proportionately based upon each Fund’s relative net assets or using another reasonable basis such as equally across all Funds in the Trust, depending on the nature of the






expense. Individual share classes within a Fund are charged expenses specific to that class, such as distribution fees and transfer agent fees. Within a Fund, expenses other than class specific expenses are allocated daily to each class based upon the proportion of relative net assets. Investment income and realized and unrealized gains or losses are allocated to each class of shares based on relative net assets.

Real Estate Investment Trusts:

The Funds may own shares of real estate investment trusts (”REITs“) which report information on the source of their distributions annually. Dividends paid by a REIT, other than capital gain distributions, will be taxable as ordinary income up to the amount of the REIT’s current and accumulated earnings and profits. Capital gain dividends paid by a REIT to a Fund will be treated as long term capital gains by the Fund and, in turn, may be distributed by the Fund to its shareholders as a capital gain distribution. Distributions received from a REIT in excess of its income are recorded as a return of capital and a reduction to the cost basis of the REIT.

Distributions to Shareholders:

Each Fund pays out any income that it receives, less expenses, in the form of dividends and capital gain distributions to its shareholders. Income dividends and capital gain distributions for each Fund are declared and paid at least annually. Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount of dividends and distributions are calculated based on federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. These “book/tax” differences may be either temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are determined, as of the end of the tax year, to be permanent, they are reclassified within a Fund’s capital accounts based on their federal tax basis treatment. These differences are primarily due to differing book and tax treatments in the timing and/or treatment of the recognition of net investment income or gain and losses, including foreign currency gains and losses, foreign taxes and passive foreign investment companies (PFICs).

For the year ended March 31, 2021, reclassifications for permanent differences were as follows:


Paid in Capital

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     $(7,690     $7,690  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     (2,450     2,450  



3. Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates:

The Trust has entered into investment advisory agreements with RBC GAM-US under which RBC GAM-US manages each Funds’ assets and furnishes related office facilities, equipment, research and personnel. The agreements require each Fund to pay RBC GAM-US a monthly fee based upon average daily net assets. Under the terms of the agreement, RBC GAM-US is entitled to receive fees based on a percentage of the average daily net assets of each of the Funds as follows:


Emerging Market Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund*


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund*


International Opportunities Fund*


* Prior to June 18, 2020, the annual rates for Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund were 1.25%, 0.76% and 0.80%, respectively.






RBC GAM-US has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or make payments in order to keep total operating expenses (excluding certain fees such as interest, taxes and acquired fund fees and expenses) of Class A, Class I and Class R6 shares of each Fund to the following levels:


     Class A
Annual Rate
     Class I
Annual Rate
     Class R6
Annual Rate

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     1.13%        0.88%        0.88%  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund*

     1.49%        1.24%        N/A      

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     N/A            0.95%        0.88%  

Global Opportunities Fund*

     1.00%        0.75%        0.70%  

International Opportunities Fund*

     1.05%        0.80%        0.75%  

* Prior to June 18, 2020, the annual rates under the expense limitation agreement were 1.70% for Class A and 1.45% for Class I of Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund; 1.11% for Class A, 0.86% for Class I and 0.81% for Class R6 of Global Opportunities Fund; and 1.14% for Class A, 0.89% for Class I and 0.84% for Class R6 of International Opportunities Fund.

This expense limitation agreement is in place until July 31, 2022 (September 30, 2022 for Emerging Markets Equity Fund) and may not be terminated by RBC GAM-US prior to that date. The agreement shall continue for additional one-year terms unless terminated or revised by the Board at any time or by RBC GAM-US at the expiration of any one-year period. The Advisor is entitled to recoup from the Fund or class the fees and/or operating expenses waived or reimbursed during any of the previous 3 years, provided the Fund is able to do so and remain in compliance with the expense limitation in place at the time the fees were waived or expenses paid.

At March 31, 2021, the amounts subject to possible recoupment under the expense limitation agreement were:


     FYE 3/31/19     FYE 3/31/20     FYE 3/31/21    



Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   $ 1,340,210       $ 1,594,901       $ 1,751,584       $ 4,686,695  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     242,638       234,001       237,434       714,073  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     279,515       252,132       284,653       816,300  

Global Opportunities Fund

     170,557       197,222       271,393       639,172  

International Opportunities Fund

     231,471       266,018       410,189       907,678  

RBC GAM-US voluntarily agreed to waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of investment advisory fees the Funds pay to RBC GAM-US indirectly through its investment in an affiliated money market fund. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the amount waived was $29,113, $274, $207, $2,488 and $1,815 for the Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund, respectively, and is included in expenses waived/reimbursed by Advisor in the Statements of Operations.

RBC GAM-US may also voluntarily waive and/or reimburse operating expenses of any Fund from time to time. Any such voluntary program may be changed or eliminated at any time without notice, and expenses waived under such program are not subject to recoupment.

The Funds are sub-advised by RBC GAM-UK, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada, which is the parent company of the Advisor. The Sub-Advisor is paid by the Advisor out of the advisory fee paid by the Funds to the Advisor.

RBC GAM-US serves as co-administrator to the Funds. BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (”BNY Mellon“) serves as co-administrator and fund accounting agent. Services provided under the administrative services contract include providing day-to-day administration of matters related to the Funds, maintenance of their records and the preparation of reports. Under the terms of the administrative services contract, RBC GAM-US does not receive a fee for its role as co-administrator. BNY Mellon receives a fee for its services payable by each Fund based in part on each Fund’s average net assets. BNY Mellon’s fee is included with ”Accounting fees“ in the Statements of Operations. Certain Officers and Trustees of the Trust are affiliated with the Advisor. Such Officers and Trustees receive no compensation from the Funds for serving in their respective roles.






The Trust currently pays each of the independent Trustees (Trustees of the Trust who are not directors, officers or employees of the Advisor, either Co-Administrator or Distributor) an annual retainer of $68,000. The Board Chairperson and Audit Committee Chairperson each receive an additional retainer of $2,500 annually, and all other trustees serving as Chair of a Board committee each receive an additional retainer of $1,000 annually. In addition, Independent Trustees receive a quarterly meeting fee of $6,500 for each in-person Board meeting attended, a meeting fee of $1,500 for each telephonic or Special Board meeting attended, a $1,500 fee for each Board committee meeting attended, and are reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at such meetings. These amounts are included in the Statement of Operations in ”Trustees’ fees“.

In conjunction with the launch of each of the Funds or additional share classes, the Advisor invested seed capital to provide each Fund or share class with its initial investment assets. The table below shows, as of March 31, 2021, each Fund’s net assets, the shares of each Fund held by the Advisor, and the percent of total net assets represented by the Advisor’s investment.



 Net Assets 

    Shares held
  by Advisor  
    % of Fund
  Net Assets  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

   $ 10,312,819           566,396           58.5%  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

   $ 43,962,187       543,106       13.7%  

Global Opportunities Fund

   $ 264,571,575       810,952       5.9%  

International Opportunities Fund

   $ 170,828,409       2,310       0.0%  



4. Fund Distribution:

Each of the Funds that offers Class A shares has adopted a Master Distribution 12b-1 Plan (the “Plan”) in which Quasar Distributors LLC (the “Distributor”) acts as the Funds’ distributor. The Plan permits each Fund to make payments for, or to reimburse the Distributor for, distribution-related costs and expenses of marketing shares of Class A covered under the Plan, and/or for providing shareholder services. The Plan does not apply to Class I and Class R6. The following chart shows the current Plan fee rate for Class A.


         Class A      

12b-1 Plan Fee


* Under the 12b-1 plan, the maximum fee rate for Class A shares is 0.50%. Currently the Board has approved an annual limit of 0.25%.

Plan fees are based on average daily net assets of Class A. Up to 0.25% of each Plan fee may be designated as a service fee, as defined by the applicable rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The Distributor, subject to applicable legal requirements, may waive the Plan fee voluntarily, in whole or in part. For the year ended March 31, 2021, there were no fees waived by the Distributor.

For the year ended March 31, 2021, the Distributor received commissions of $1,375 front-end sales charges of Class A shares, of the Funds, of which $207 was paid to affiliated broker-dealers, and the remainder was either paid to unaffiliated broker-dealers or retained by the Distributor.







5. Securities Transactions:

The cost of securities purchased and proceeds from securities sold (excluding securities maturing less than one year from acquisition) for the year ended March 31, 2021 were as follows:


     Purchases                                Sales  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   $ 1,018,177,508         $ 274,355,639  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     2,536,040           2,417,233  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     43,319,562           15,947,993  

Global Opportunities Fund

     232,814,122           80,094,139  

International Opportunities Fund

     83,207,567           49,392,405  



6. Capital Share Transactions:

The Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest (“shares outstanding”) without par value. Transactions in capital stock of the Funds are summarized on the following pages:


     Emerging Markets Equity Fund    

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     For the
Year Ended
March 31,
    For the
Year Ended
March 31,

For the

Year Ended

March 31,



For the

Year Ended

March 31,





Class A


Proceeds from shares issued

   $ 286,616,571     $ 24,103,788                 $ 3,240                         $ 15,000  

Distributions reinvested

     162,966       785,965                   135,437  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (18,777,237     (15,211,351        (11,459        (87,954













Change in Class A

   $ 268,002,300     $ 9,678,402        $ (8,219      $ 62,483  













Class I


Proceeds from shares issued

   $ 663,616,450     $ 656,629,075        $ 15,000        $ 710,547  

Distributions reinvested

     16,834,855       36,510,102          11,974          316,803  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (264,217,496     (155,294,389        (164,744        (196,495













Change in Class I

   $ 416,233,809     $ 537,844,788        $ (137,770      $ 830,855  













Class R6


Proceeds from shares issued

   $ 89,875,347     $ 86,735,310        $        $  

Distributions reinvested

     2,307,638       4,384,986                    

Cost of shares redeemed

     (17,376,284     (6,791,273                  













Change in Class R6

   $ 74,806,701     $ 84,329,023        $        $  













Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

   $ 759,042,810     $ 631,852,213        $ (145,989      $ 893,338  


















     Emerging Markets Equity Fund    

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity


     For the
Year Ended
March 31,
    For the
Year Ended
March 31,

For the

Year Ended

March 31,



For the

Year Ended

March 31,





Class A



     19,139,830       2,035,999          317          1,504  


     11,750       64,109                   14,454  


     (1,539,090     (1,308,819        (1,430        (9,123













Change in Class A

     17,612,490       791,289          (1,113        6,835  













Class I



     49,761,963       54,951,716          1,733          73,708  


     1,193,115       2,927,835          1,217          33,596  


     (20,357,430     (13,410,810        (18,828        (24,994













Change in Class I

     30,597,648       44,468,741          (15,878        82,310  













Class R6



     6,619,216       7,038,318                    


     162,854       349,959                    


     (1,419,187     (570,609                  













Change in Class R6

     5,362,883       6,817,668                    













Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

     53,573,021       52,077,698          (16,991        89,145  



















Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

       Global Opportunities Fund  

For the

Year Ended

March 31,



For the

Year Ended

March 31,


       For the
Year Ended
March 31,
     For the
Year Ended
March 31,



Class A


Proceeds from shares issued

               $                 $        $ 3,774      $ 10,000  

Distributions reinvested


Cost of shares redeemed














Change in Class A

      $        $        $ (201    $ 10,000  













Class I


Proceeds from shares issued

      $ 29,825,722        $ 65,059        $ 95,929,845      $ 58,189,118  

Distributions reinvested

        149,230          88,926          1,908,421        1,719,908  

Cost of shares redeemed

        (2,204,799                 (44,649,849      (9,726,601













Change in Class I

      $ 27,770,153        $ 153,985        $ 53,188,417      $ 50,182,425  













Class R6


Proceeds from shares issued

      $        $        $ 134,316,152      $ 710,465  

Distributions reinvested

        86,448          90,889          2,077,066        2,036  

Cost of shares redeemed

                          (31,519,011      (862













Change in Class R6

      $ 86,448        $ 90,889        $ 104,874,207      $ 711,639  













Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

      $ 27,856,601        $ 244,874        $ 158,062,423      $ 50,904,064  















Class A



                          232        645  

















Change in Class A

                          24        645  













Class I



        3,554,158          7,326          5,089,835        4,002,984  


        14,908          10,117          101,296        111,900  


        (194,642                 (2,482,577      (730,076













Change in Class I

        3,374,424          17,443          2,708,554        3,384,808  













Class R6



                          7,774,183        60,112  


        8,894          10,352          109,898        132  


                          (1,772,397      (59













Change in Class R6

        8,894          10,352          6,111,684        60,185  













Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

        3,383,318          27,795          8,820,262        3,445,638  


















     International Opportunities Fund  
     For the
  Year Ended  
March 31,
     For the
  Year Ended  
March 31,



Class A


Proceeds from shares issued

   $ 1,992,961          $ 10,000  

Distributions reinvested


Cost of shares redeemed








Change in Class A

   $ (94,968    $ 10,000  







Class I


Proceeds from shares issued

   $ 77,668,834      $ 32,061,054  

Distributions reinvested

     7,796,893        3,015,113  

Cost of shares redeemed

     (41,717,820      (11,153,729







Change in Class I

   $ 43,747,907      $ 23,922,438  







Class R6


Distributions reinvested

   $ 1,024      $ 560  







Change in Class R6

   $ 1,024      $ 560  







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

   $ 43,653,963      $ 23,932,998  









Class A



     209,618        907  











Change in Class A

     831        907  







Class I



     7,550,228        3,163,021  


     624,751        271,387  


     (3,751,495      (1,134,844







Change in Class I

     4,423,484        2,299,564  







Class R6



     82        50  







Change in Class R6

     82        50  







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

     4,424,397        2,300,521  









7. Federal Income Taxes:

It is the policy of each Fund to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the provisions available to certain investment companies, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net realized capital gains. Therefore, no federal tax liability is recorded in the financial statements of each Fund.

Fund Management has analyzed the Funds’ tax positions taken or expected to be taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years (current and prior three tax years), and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Funds’ financial statements. The Funds’ federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.






As of and during the year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Statement of Operations. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties.

As of March 31, 2021, the tax cost of investments and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation) for each Fund was as follows:


     Tax Cost Of
       Net Unrealized  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   $ 2,288,265,164        $ 524,066,265        $ (159,595,253    $ 364,471,012  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     9,148,572          2,415,197          (1,331,505      1,083,692  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     35,942,292          9,661,165          (1,803,112      7,858,053  

Global Opportunities Fund

     244,228,862          29,438,969          (4,374,196      25,064,773  

International Opportunities Fund

     138,161,859          43,728,006          (10,672,810      33,055,196  






The difference between book basis and tax basis unrealized appreciation/depreciation is attributable to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales and passive foreign investment company mark-to-market adjustment.

The tax character of distributions during the year ended March 31, 2021 were as follows:


     Distributions Paid From  
     Net Long Term
Capital Gains
     Total Taxable

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   $ 20,986,884      $      $ 20,986,884      $ 20,986,884  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     11,974               11,974        11,974  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     235,678               235,678        235,678  

Global Opportunities Fund

     322,897        3,754,938        4,077,835        4,077,835  

International Opportunities Fund

     1,655,425        7,920,505        9,575,930        9,575,930  

The tax character of distributions during the year ended March 31, 2020 were as follows:


     Distributions Paid From  
     Net Long Term
Capital Gains
     Total Taxable

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   $ 43,979,625      $ 1,324,096      $ 45,303,721      $ 45,303,721  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     314,203        139,241        453,444        453,444  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     179,815               179,815        179,815  

Global Opportunities Fund

     640,752        1,106,607        1,747,359        1,747,359  

International Opportunities Fund

     2,518,100        1,121,255        3,639,355        3,639,355  

Total distributions paid may differ from the Statements of Changes in Net Assets because distributions are recognized when actually paid for tax purposes.






As of March 31, 2021, the components of accumulated earnings/(losses) on a tax basis were as follows:


Markets Equity


Markets Small

Cap Equity


Markets Value
Equity Fund

Undistributed ordinary income

   $ 29,284,253           $ 199,904     $ 3,434,736     $ 3,613,718      $ 4,230,069  

Undistributed long term gain

     39,217,208                 100,593       10,441,565        3,687,992  
















Accumulated earnings

     68,501,461           199,904       3,535,329       14,055,283        7,918,061  

Accumulated capital loss carryforwards

               (687,415     (628,435             

Unrealized appreciation

     364,471,012           1,083,692       7,858,053       25,064,773        33,055,196  
















Total Accumulated Earnings

   $ 432,972,473         $ 596,181     $ 10,764,947     $ 39,120,056      $ 40,973,257  
















During the year ended March 31, 2021, Emerging Market Equity Fund utilized $14,655,025 and Emerging Markets Value Fund utilized $51,631.

As of March 31, 2021, the Funds did not have any capital loss carryforwards for federal income tax purposes except Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund had a short-term capital loss carryforward of $135,708, and a long-term capital loss carryforward of $551,707, and Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund had a short-term capital loss carryforward of $424,138 and a long-term capital loss carryforward of $204,297 available to offset future realized capital gains in accordance with the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010. Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund’s amount includes losses in connection with an ownership change, therefore utilization of capital loss carryover is subject to annual limitations. These capital loss carryforwards are not subject to expiration.

Under current tax law, capital losses realized after October 31 and ordinary losses after December 31 of a Fund’s fiscal year may be deferred and treated as occurring on the first business day of the following fiscal year for tax purposes, which will be treated as arising on the first business day of the year ended March 31, 2022.



8. Market Timing:

The Trust strongly discourages attempts at market timing by Fund shareholders. Each Fund charges a redemption fee of 2% of the value of the shares redeemed or exchanged within 30 days of purchase, in addition to limiting the number of exchanges that may be made between Funds to five (5) per calendar year. When assessed, the redemption fee is deducted from the redemption proceeds and retained by the Fund, not by the Advisor. This redemption fee is not charged in cases where, for example, the redemption results from an automatic reinvestment or asset re-allocation not specifically directed by the shareholder. The Trust also reserves the right to reject any Fund purchase order made by persons deemed to be market timers. The Funds’ prospectus contains a full description of the Trust’s policies on market timing and/or excessive trading. The redemption fee is recorded as a credit to capital and is included in the capital transactions on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.

During the year ended March 31, 2021, redemption fees were collected by the Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, International Opportunities Fund and Global Opportunities Fund in the amount of $99,382, $30, $800 and $1,237, respectively. There were no redemption fees collected by the other funds. Redemption fees collected by the Funds are included in the cost of shares redeemed on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets.







9. Line of Credit

Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund (“Participating Funds”) are participants in a single uncommitted, unsecured $30,000,000 line of credit with The Bank of New York Mellon, the Funds’ custodian, to be used to fund shareholder redemptions requests and for other short-term temporary or emergency general business purposes. The line of credit has a scheduled termination date of June 18, 2021. Interest is charged on borrowings made under this line of credit at a rate per annum equal 1.25% plus the higher of the Federal Funds Effective Rate or one-month LIBOR rate. An undrawn fee of 0.08% per annum on the daily amount of the excess of $30,000,000 less the aggregate principal amount of advances outstanding is accrued and is due on the last business day of each calendar quarter. Each Participating Fund shall each pay its pro rata share of this fee based on its pro rata net assets at the time the fee is due and payable. Since each Participating Fund participates in the line of credit, there is no assurance that an individual fund will have access to all or any part of the $30,000,000 at any particular time. During the year ended March 31, 2021, none of the Funds borrowed under the line of credit.



10. Significant Risks

Shareholder concentration risk:

As of March 31, 2021, the following Funds had omnibus accounts which each owned more than 10% of a Fund’s outstanding shares as shown below:



# of Omnibus Accounts

   % of Fund  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

   2      28.1%  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

   1      40.8%  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

   2      78.2%  

Global Opportunities Fund

   1      18.5%  

International Opportunities Fund

   3      95.3%  

In addition, an unaffiliated shareholder owned 26.3% of Global Opportunities Fund as of March 31, 2021. Significant transactions by these shareholders may impact the Funds’ performance.

Market risk:

One or more markets in which a Fund invests may go down in value, sometimes sharply and unpredictably, and the value of a Fund’s portfolio securities may fall or fail to rise. Market risk may affect a single issuer, sector of the economy, industry or the market as a whole. In addition, global economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and political, economic and other conditions and events (including, but not limited to, natural disasters, pandemics, epidemics, and social unrest) in one country, region, or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. Furthermore, the occurrence of, among other events, natural or man-made disasters, severe weather or geological events, fires, floods, earthquakes, outbreaks of disease (such as COVID-19, avian influenza or H1N1/09), epidemics, pandemics, malicious acts, cyber-attacks, terrorist acts or the occurrence of climate change, may also adversely impact the performance of a Fund. Such events could adversely impact issuers, markets and economies over the short- and long-term, including in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen. A Fund could be negatively impacted if the value of a portfolio holding were harmed by such political or economic conditions or events. Moreover, such negative political and economic conditions and events could disrupt the processes necessary for a Fund’s operations.

Industry and sector focus risk:

At times the Funds may increase the relative emphasis of its investments in a particular industry or sector. The prices of securities of issuers in a particular industry or sector may be more susceptible to fluctuations due to changes in economic or business conditions, government regulations, availability of basic resources or supplies, or other events affect that industry or sector more than securities of issuers






in other industries and sectors. To the extent that the Fund increases the relative emphasis of its investments in a particular industry or sector, its shares’ values may fluctuate in response to events affecting that industry or sector.



11. Subsequent Events:

Fund Management has evaluated the impact of all subsequent events on the Funds and has determined that there were no subsequent events requiring recognition or disclosure in the financial statements.






To the Board of Trustees of RBC Funds Trust and Shareholders of RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund, RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund, RBC Global Opportunities Fund, and RBC International Opportunities Fund

Opinions on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of portfolio investments, of RBC Emerging Markets Equity Fund, RBC Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, RBC Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund, RBC Global Opportunities Fund, and RBC International Opportunities Fund (five of the funds constituting RBC Funds Trust, hereafter collectively referred to as the “Funds”) as of March 31, 2021, the related statements of operations for the year ended March 31, 2021, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of March 31, 2021, the results of each of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in each of their net assets for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021 and each of the financial highlights for each of the periods indicated therein in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinions

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2021 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.


/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 21, 2021

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in the RBC Funds since 2016.






For the year ended March 31, 2021, certain dividends paid by the Funds may be subject to a maximum tax rate of 20% as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Reconciliation Act of 2003. The Funds intend to report the maximum amount allowable as taxed at a maximum rate of 20%. Complete information will be reported in conjunction with your 2020 Form 1099-DIV.

For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds had a qualified dividend income percentage of:



Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund


International Opportunities Fund


For corporate shareholders, the following percentage of the total ordinary income distributions paid during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction:



Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund


International Opportunities Fund


For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds had a qualified interest income percentage of:



Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund


International Opportunities Fund







For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds had a qualified short term gains percentage of :



Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund


International Opportunities Fund


For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds had a qualified foreign source income percentage of:


     Qualified Foreign Source Income %  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Global Opportunities Fund


International Opportunities Fund


The Funds have elected to pass through to their shareholders the foreign taxes paid for the year ended March 31, 2021 as follows:


     Foreign Taxes Paid      Foreign Source Income  

Emerging Markets Equity Fund

     $2,287,496        $29,591,594  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund

     28,419        220,206  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund

     132,509        502,438  

Global Opportunities Fund

     0        0  

International Opportunities Fund

     157,513        2,145,061  

Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 852(b)(3), Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund reported $39,217,208, $100,593, $13,961,173 and $9,449,211 respectively as long-term capital gain distributions for the year ended March 31, 2021.

All reportings are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly, are subject to change. For each item above, it is the intention of the Funds to report the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.









Independent Trustees(1)(2)



Lucy Hancock Bode (69)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Healthcare consultant (self-employed) (1986 to present)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Franklin Street Partners (2014 to present); BioSignia (2006 to 2010).



Leslie H. Garner Jr. (70)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (2010 to present); President, Cornell College (1994 to 2010)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None



Phillip G. Goff. (57)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2020

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Senior Vice President/Corporate Controller and Funds Treasurer, TIAA (October 2006-August 2017)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None



Ronald James (70)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Faculty member (part time), University of St. Thomas (2004 to present), President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Ethical Business Cultures (2000 to January 2017)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Bremer Financial Corporation (2004 to present); Greater Twin Cities United Way (2012 to 2020); Best Buy Co. Inc. (2004 to 2013)



John A. MacDonald (72)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Vice President and Treasurer, Hall Family Foundation (1988 to 2020); Chief Investment Officer, Chinquapin Trust Company (1999 to 2020)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None









Independent Trustees(1)(2)



James R. Seward, CFA (68)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chairman of the Board and Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Private investor (2000 to present)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Sooner Holdings (formerly Syntroleum Corporation) (1988 to 2015); Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (2008 to 2019)



Interested Trustees(1)(2)(3)



Kathleen A. Gorman (57)(5)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since September 2012

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary (March 2018 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2006 to 2012)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None









Executive Officers(1)(3)(4)



Kathleen A. Gorman (57)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: President and Chief Executive Officer since September 2012 and Assistant Secretary, (March 2018 to present)

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary, RBC Funds (March 2018 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2006 to 2012)



Kathleen A. Hegna (54)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer since May 2009 and Treasurer since March 2014

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Associate Vice President and Director, Mutual Fund Services, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (2009 to present)



Christina M. Weber (52)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chief Compliance Officer since December 2012 and Secretary since September 2017

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (June 2018 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary, RBC Funds (2013 to 2017); Senior Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (March 2012 to December 2012)





Except as otherwise noted, the address of each Trustee/Officer is RBC Funds Trust, 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2350, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402.



All Trustees must retire on or before December 31 of the year in which they reach age 75. The Board may temporarily waive this requirement when necessary to avoid depriving the Board of a Trustee with critical skills.



On December 31, 2009, Voyageur Asset Management Inc. changed its name to RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. Any references to RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. for prior periods are deemed to be references to the prior entity.



Each officer serves in such capacity for an indefinite period of time until his or her removal, resignation or retirement.



Kathleen A. Gorman has been determined to be an interested Trustee by virtue of her position with the Advisor.

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes information about the Funds’ Trustees. To receive your free copy of the Statement of Additional Information, call toll free: 1-800-422-2766.









The Funds offer three share classes: Class A, Class I and Class R6.



Class A

Class A shares, offered by Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund, Global Opportunities Fund and International Opportunities Fund are available for purchase primarily through investment advisors, broker-dealers, banks and other financial services intermediaries. Class A shares of the Funds are currently subject to a maximum upfront sales charge of 5.75% and a 1.00% CDSC for redemption within 12 months of a $1 million or greater purchase. Class A shares currently include a 0.25% (25 bps) annual 12b-1 service and distribution fee.



Class I

Class I shares are available in all of the Funds and are intended for investors meeting certain minimum investment thresholds. This share class does not have an up-front sales charge (load) or a 12b-1 service and distribution fee.



Class R6

Class R6 shares are available in all Funds except Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund and are intended for investors meeting certain minimum investment thresholds. This share class does not have an up-front sales charge (load) or a 12b-1 service and distribution fee.









Shareholder Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the the RBC Funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the RBC Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from October 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021.



Actual Expenses

The table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information below, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the table under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Account Value
Account Value
     Expenses Paid
During Period*
Expense Ratio
During Period

Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,211.60        $6.23        1.13%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,213.80        4.86        0.88%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,213.60        4.86        0.88%  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund



Class A

     1,000.00        1,235.20        8.30        1.49%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,236.60        6.91        1.24%  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Class I

     1,000.00        1,361.60        5.59        0.95%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,360.30        5.18        0.88%  

Global Opportunities Fund


Class A

     1,000.00        1,194.70        5.47        1.00%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,196.50        4.11        0.75%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,197.10        3.83        0.70%  

International Opportunities Fund


Class A

     1,000.00        1,253.30        5.90        1.05%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,255.70        4.50        0.80%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,255.60        4.22        0.75%  

*Expenses are equal to the average account value times the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect one half year period).









Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each RBC Funds’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Account Value
Account Value
     Expenses Paid
During Period*
Expense Ratio
During Period

Emerging Markets Equity Fund


Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,019.30        $5.69        1.13%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,020.54        4.43        0.88%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,020.54        4.43        0.88%  

Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity Fund


Class A

     1,000.00        1,017.50        7.49        1.49%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,018.75        6.24        1.24%  

Emerging Markets Value Equity Fund


Class I

     1,000.00        1,020.19        4.78        0.95%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,020.54        4.43        0.88%  

Global Opportunities Fund


Class A

     1,000.00        1,019.95        5.04        1.00%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,021.19        3.78        0.75%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,021.44        3.53        0.70%  

International Opportunities Fund


Class A

     1,000.00        1,019.70        5.29        1.05%  

Class I

     1,000.00        1,020.94        4.03        0.80%  

Class R6

     1,000.00        1,021.19        3.78        0.75%  

*Expenses are equal to the average account value times the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect one half year period).







This section discusses the operation and effectiveness of the Liquidity Risk Management Program (the “Program”) of RBC Funds Trust (the “Trust”), including each of its series (each, a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”), established in accordance with Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule” and the “1940 Act,” respectively). The Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”), including a majority of the Trustees who are not “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act, approved the Program on behalf of each Fund, as required pursuant to the Liquidity Rule. The Board also approved the designation of RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC”), the investment adviser to each Fund, as the Program Administrator for the Program. RBC administers day-to-day implementation of the Program through a working group known as the Liquidity Risk Committee (the “Committee”), as set forth in the Program.

RBC, as Program Administrator, provided the Board with a report addressing the operation of the Program and assessing its adequacy and effectiveness of implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of any Fund’s highly liquid investments minimum (“HLIM”) and any material changes to the Program (the “Report”).

The Report covered the year ending December 31, 2020 (the “Review Period”).

I. Key Conclusions of the Report

The Program, as implemented, is reasonably designed to assess and manage each Fund’s liquidity risk. During the Review Period, the Program was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing each Fund’s liquidity risk. No Fund was required to set an HLIM and each Fund was able to meet requests for redemption without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the Fund. There were no material changes to the Program implemented during the Review Period.

II. Summary of the Review

A. Liquidity Risk Assessment and Review

Throughout the Review Period, the Program Administrator, in consultation with investment personnel, monitored the Funds’ portfolio liquidity and liquidity risk on an ongoing basis, as described in the Program, monthly in connection with recording the liquidity classification for each portfolio investment for reporting on Form N-PORT, and in Board reporting throughout the Review Period.

The Program Administrator also conducted an annual review assessing each Fund’s liquidity risk as described in the Report, in accordance with the requirements of the Program and the Liquidity Rule, taking into account the following factors enumerated in the Liquidity Rule and identified in the Program, as applicable:

a. Each Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions, including: (i) whether the Fund’s investment strategy is appropriate for an open-end fund; (ii) the extent to which the Fund’s strategy involves a relatively concentrated portfolio or large positions in particular issuers; (iii) the Fund’s use of borrowings for investment purposes; and (iv) the Fund’s use of derivatives (including for hedging purposes);

b. Short-term and long-term cash flow projections during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; and

c. Holdings of cash and cash equivalents, as well as borrowing arrangements and other funding sources.

Investment Strategy and Portfolio Liquidity. The Program Administrator considered the factors identified above, among others, during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions as provided in the Program. Pursuant to the review, the Program Administrator determined that each Fund’s investment strategy and use of derivatives are appropriate for an open-end fund.

Cash Flow. The Funds’ cash flows did not have a material effect on the ability to meet redemptions during the Review Period.







Holdings of Cash and Borrowing Arrangements. As described in the Report, the Program Administrator determined that the Funds’ holdings of cash and borrowing arrangements were adequate for meeting the Funds’ expected cash flow needs to meet redemptions during the Review Period.

In light of the assessment and review as discussed above, the Program Administrator did not recommend any material changes in the management of the Funds’ liquidity risks, including with respect to any of the above factors.

B. Portfolio Holdings Classifications

During the Review Period, each Fund’s portfolio holdings (including derivative investments) were classified monthly as Highly Liquid Investments, Moderately Liquid Investments, Less Liquid Investments and Illiquid Investments pursuant to the Program, as required by the Liquidity Rule.

During the Review Period, the Funds classified portfolio investments (including, as applicable, derivatives transactions) according to asset class when appropriate, as described in the Program. In addition, pursuant to the Program, each Fund must separately classify and review any investment within an asset class if any market, trading, or investment-specific considerations are reasonably expected to significantly affect the liquidity of the investment as compared the Fund’s other portfolio holdings within that asset class. During the Review Period, there were no circumstances in which a Fund was required to separately classify any investment within an asset class.

Market Depth—Reasonably Anticipated Trading Size (“RATS”). In classifying and reviewing its portfolio investments or asset classes (as applicable), each Fund must determine whether trading varying portions of a position in a particular portfolio investment or asset class, in sizes that the Fund would reasonably anticipate trading, is reasonably expected to significantly affect its liquidity. Each Fund must take this determination into account when classifying the liquidity of that investment or asset class. Although there were higher than average redemptions during the Review Period due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, there were no changes to the RATS assumptions for the Funds during the Review period.

Classification Review. As required by the Liquidity Rule, the Funds reviewed liquidity classifications on a monthly basis during the Review Period as described in the Program. The Committee met monthly, including twice in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to review its portfolio investments’ classifications in connection with recording the liquidity classification for each portfolio investment for reporting on Form N-PORT. The Program Administrator oversaw the Funds’ process for classifying portfolio holdings under the Liquidity Rule and reviewed the classifications, as described in the Program. This review included a review of the methodology and data inputs used. During the Review Period, the Program Administrator determined that there were no material operational issues with the process for classifying portfolio holdings, although unexpected market closures resulting from the COVID-19 materially affected one or more investments’ classification. Due to market volatility and such market closures, the Committee determined that, between March 13th and the end of June, a daily review of the Funds’ classifications was warranted.


The Program Administrator reviewed the process and standards for determining that each Fund primarily holds investments that are highly liquid. There were no changes recommended in the Report with respect to the status of any Fund as a Primarily Highly Liquid Fund (“PHLF”) and each Fund qualified as a PHLF on an ongoing basis during the Review Period as described in the Report. Accordingly, an HLIM was not required for any Fund during the Review Period pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Program.

D. Compliance with the 15% Limitation on Illiquid Investments

Pursuant to the Liquidity Rule, no Fund may acquire any illiquid investment if, after the acquisition, the Fund would have invested more than 15% of its assets in illiquid investments that are assets (the “15% Limit”). The Program Administrator monitored compliance with the 15% Limit as described in the Program. At no time during the Review Period did any Fund breach the 15% limit.







E. Redemptions in Kind

There were no redemptions in-kind effected by any Fund during the Review Period.









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RBC Funds

P.O. Box 701

Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701





Performance data represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. The principal value of an investment and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

This report and the financial statements contained herein are provided for the information of RBC Funds shareholders. This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus, which contains information concerning investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the funds. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.

This report and the financial statements contained herein are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice. There is no assurance that certain securities will remain in or out of each fund’s portfolio. The views expressed in this report reflect those of the portfolio managers through the year ended March 31, 2021.


RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. serves as investment advisor for the RBC Funds. RBC Funds are distributed by Quasar Distributors LLC.





The RBC Funds are pleased to offer shareholder reports printed entirely on Forest Stewardship Council® certified paper. FSC® certification ensures that the paper used in this report contains fiber from well-managed and responsibly harvested forests that meet strict environmental and socioeconomic standards.   

RBCF-EM AR 03-21







RBC Funds



About your Annual Report         

This annual report includes detailed information about your Fund including financial statements, performance, and a complete list of its holdings.



The RBC Funds compare their performance against various indices. Each of these indices is a widely recognized measure of return for the underlying category of securities. However, the indices are unmanaged, do not include fees, and cannot be invested in directly.



We hope the financial information presented will help you evaluate your investment in the RBC Funds. We also encourage you to read your Fund’s prospectus for further detail as to your Fund’s investment policies and risk profile. RBC Funds prospectuses and performance information subsequent to the date of this report are available on our website at www.rbcgam.us.



A description of the policies and procedures that your Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available (i) without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-422-2766; (ii) on the Fund’s website at www.rbcgam.us; and (iii) on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the “Commission”) website at http://www.sec.gov.



Each year the Trust files its proxy voting record for the twelve-month period ended June 30 with the SEC on Form N-PX no later than August 31. The records can be obtained on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and without charge by calling the Funds at 1-800-422-2766.



A schedule of each Fund’s portfolio holdings is filed with the Commission for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. This information is available on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov and on the Funds’ website at www.rbcgam.us.



Table of         

Letter from the Portfolio Managers


Portfolio Managers


Performance Summary (Unaudited)


Management Discussion and Analysis (Unaudited)


- RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


- RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


Schedule of Portfolio Investments


Financial Statements


- Statements of Assets and Liabilities


- Statements of Operations


- Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Other Federal Income Tax Information (Unaudited)


Management (Unaudited)


Share Class Information (Unaudited)


Supplemental Information (Unaudited)


Statement Regarding Liquidity Risk Management Program (Unaudited)





Dear Shareholder:      
RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC GAM-US)”) launched the RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund and RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (the “Funds”) on December 30, 2013. We are pleased that the Funds have seven-year track records of delivering what we believe are high quality, diversified fixed income vehicles to clients seeking shorter duration investment solutions.      
For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Funds outperformed their respective benchmarks. The RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund had a net total return of 6.35% (Class I shares) compared to a return of 1.69% for the ICE BofAML 1-3 Year US Corporate & Government Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark. The RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund had a net total return of 5.89% (Class I shares) compared to a return of 0.25% for the ICE BofAML US 1-Year Treasury Bill Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark. The Funds’ outperformance during this period can be attributed to capturing opportunities created by the extreme market events of 2020. Interest rates fell dramatically after the onset of the pandemic in early 2020 and remained quite static for the remainder of the year, while corporate bond spreads recovered and narrowed aggressively throughout most of the year. The Funds’ large allocations to corporate bonds and preference for non-Treasury securities greatly contributed to performance in this type of environment, which is further described below.      
2020 will likely go down in history as one of the most unprecedented market environments on record. The global spread of COVID-19 took front and center of investors’ market considerations, sending global financial markets into a downward spiral. An extreme flight-to-quality drove U.S. interest rates to record low levels. As financial markets plummeted, The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) reacted with two dramatic emergency rate cuts that ultimately brought the federal funds rate to a range of 0.00%-0.25%. Once interest rates settled in at these lower levels, interest rate volatility was exceptionally low, generally for the remainder of 2020. Government stimulus, both historic monetary stimulus from the Fed, and the large amount of fiscal stimulus passed on several occasions by Congress were instrumental to restoring the smooth functioning of financial markets, and buoying the economy. By the end of the year, and during the first quarter of 2021, a new wave of optimism entered, as progress was made in vaccinations, and containing the virus became a new reality.      
The prospect for improved growth, along with renewed expectations for higher inflation, sent yields soaring higher off of the lower bound levels and the yield curve steepened dramatically during the first quarter of 2021. Interest rates on the very front end of the curve continue to remain relatively low, and will be reinforced by the Fed’s zero interest rate policy, likely lasting until the end of 2023. Despite ongoing COVID-19 concerns, deep economic recessions and subsequent recoveries, and lukewarm economic data, financial markets were resilient this past year and performed better than most originally expected.      
Fixed income spreads tightened with the similar risk-on sentiment that fueled equities throughout the recovery. Investment Grade Corporate bond option adjusted spreads over Treasuries made quite a recovery during the past year, tightening to 91 basis points (bps) by the end of March 2021, from a starting point of 272 bps at the end of March 2020. The Fed’s corporate bond buying program to purchase high-quality, short dated bonds has been the most      







      significant positive factor supporting investment grade bond spreads in 2020. With the Fed as the backstop, credit markets were reinforced, and investor demand was strong. Companies issued debt at record pace in 2020, and were met with incredible demand, as investors were forced to search for yield amid a low and negative real yield environment. Corporate debt levels are likely to be higher than pre COVID-19 levels due to the surge in issuance this year. As leverage continues to creep higher and spreads trend at the lower end of its long term range, there is a glaring gap between credit fundamentals and current valuations.    
      Looking forward, we will continue to seek opportunities to positively impact performance by focusing on well researched security selection opportunities and maintaining a diversified portfolio of higher quality bonds. Thank you for your confidence and trust in the RBC Funds.    
      Brandon Swensen, CFA    

Senior Portfolio Manager and Co-Head, U.S. Fixed Income

RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

      Brian Svendahl, CFA    

Senior Portfolio Manager and Co-Head, U.S. Fixed Income

RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

      Past performance does not guarantee future results.    
      Opinions expressed are subject to change, are not guaranteed, and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.    
      Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.    
      Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. Investments in debt securities typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. This risk is usually greater for longer-term debt securities. The Funds invest in mortgage-related securities including pass-throughs and collateralized mortgage obligations, which include additional risks that an investor should be aware of such as credit risk, prepayment risk, possible illiquidity and default, and increased susceptibility to adverse economic developments. Investments in lower- and non-rated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest than higher-rated securities. The Funds may invest in derivatives, including futures contracts, which involve risks different from and, in certain cases, greater than risks presented by more traditional investments. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.    
      The ICE BofAML 1-3 Year US Corporate & Government Index tracks the performance of U.S. dollar-denominated, investment grade debt publicly issued in the U.S. domestic market, including U.S. Treasury, U.S. agency, foreign government, supranational, and corporate securities with a remaining term to final maturity less than three years. You cannot invest directly in an index.    
      The ICE BofAML US 1-Year Treasury Bill Index comprises a single issue purchased at the beginning of the month and held for a full month. At the end of the month that issue is sold and rolled into a newly selected issue. The issue selected at each month-end rebalancing is the outstanding Treasury Bill that matures closest to, but not beyond, one year from the rebalancing date. You cannot invest directly in an index.    







The U.S. Treasury yield curve represents the yield of a U.S. Treasury bond at different maturities. A U.S. Treasury bond is theoretically considered to be free of default risk, and represents the minimum yield investors are prepared to accept for bonds of different maturities.


Duration is a measure of price sensitivity of a debt security or a portfolio of debt securities relative to changes in interest rates. The longer a security’s duration, the more sensitive it will be to changes in interest rates.

A basis point is a unit of measure equal to one one-hundredth of a percent.      
The federal funds rate is the interest rate banks charge one another for loans made overnight to maintain their reserve requirements. The Federal Open Market Committee, within the Federal Reserve, sets these rates.      
Spreads refer to the difference in yield between two similar securities.      








RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC GAM-US”) serves as the investment advisor to the RBC Funds. RBC GAM-US employs a team approach to the management of the Funds, with no individual team member being solely responsible for the investment decisions. Each Fund’s management team has access to RBC GAM-US’s investment research and other money management resources.



Brian Svendahl, CFA



Brian Svendahl, CFA

Managing Director, Co-Head, U.S. Fixed Income

Brian Svendahl oversees the fixed income research, portfolio management and trading at RBC GAM-US. In addition to shaping the firm’s overall fixed income philosophy and process, he is a portfolio manager for the Funds and many of RBC GAM-US’s government mandates. Brian joined RBC GAM-US in 2005 and most recently led the mortgage and government team before being promoted to Co-Head in 2012. Prior to joining RBC GAM-US, he held several risk management, research and trading positions at Wells Fargo. Brian’s experience also includes liability management and implementing balance sheet hedging strategies. He first started in the investment industry in 1992. He earned a BS in economics from the University of Minnesota and a BBA in finance and an MBA from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. Brian is a CFA charterholder.


Brandon T. Swensen, CFA



Brandon T. Swensen, CFA

Vice President, Co-Head, U.S. Fixed Income

Brandon Swensen oversees RBC GAM-US’s fixed income research, portfolio management and trading. In addition to shaping the firm’s overall fixed income philosophy and process, he is a portfolio manager for the Funds and several cash management and core solutions. Brandon joined RBC GAM-US in 2000 and most recently was a portfolio manager on the mortgage and government team before being promoted to Co-Head. He also held research analyst positions covering asset-backed securities and credit and served as a financial analyst for the firm. Brandon earned a BS in finance from St. Cloud State University and an MBA in finance from the University of St. Thomas. He is a CFA charterholder and member of the CFA Society of Minnesota.










Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2021 (Unaudited)



RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


Class A


- At Net Asset Value

     6.45%        3.38%        2.63%        2.24%        0.45%        1.58%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

     6.35%        3.45%        2.69%        2.32%        0.35%        0.68%  

ICE BofAML 1-3


Year U.S. Corporate & Government Index(d)

     1.69%        3.07%        2.02%        1.73%        

RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund



Class A


- At Net Asset Value

     5.78%        2.68%        2.22%        1.80%        0.38%        0.81%  

Class I


- At Net Asset Value

     5.89%        2.79%        2.30%        1.89%        0.28%        0.77%  



1-Year Treasury Bill Index(d)

     0.25%        2.12%        1.55%        1.18%        

Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance quoted. Performance shown reflects contractual fee waivers, without such fee waivers total returns would be reduced. For performance data current to the most recent month-end go to www.rbcgam.us. Please see footnotes below.



The inception date (commencement date) is March 3, 2014 for Class A shares and December 30, 2013 for Class I shares. The performance in the table for the Class A shares prior to March 3, 2014 reflects the performance of the Class I shares since the Fund’s inception.


The advisor has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or make payments in order to keep total operating expenses of the Fund to the levels listed under net expense ratio until July 31, 2022.


The Fund’s expenses reflect the most recent year end (March 31, 2021).


Each of the comparative indices is a widely recognized market value weighted measure of the return of securities, but do not include sales fees or operating expenses. You cannot invest directly in indices.

The ICE BofAML 1-3 Year US Corporate & Government Index tracks the performance of U.S. dollar-denominated, investment grade debt publicly issued in the U.S. domestic market, including U.S. Treasury, U.S. agency, foreign government, supranational, and corporate securities with a remaining term to final maturity less than three years. You cannot invest directly in an index.

The ICE BofAML US 1-Year Treasury Bill Index comprises a single issue purchased at the beginning of the month and held for a full month. At the end of the month that issue is sold and rolled into a newly selected issue. The issue selected at each month-end rebalancing is the outstanding Treasury Bill that matures closest to, but not beyond, one year from the rebalancing date. You cannot invest directly in an index.









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund






Seeks to achieve a high level of current income consistent with preservation of capital by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in fixed income securities. The fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, bonds, convertible securities, municipal securities, mortgage-related and asset-backed securities, and obligations of governments and their agencies. The Fund may invest in securities with fixed, floating, or variable rates of interest. The Fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in securities that are non-investment grade (high yield/junk bond).



For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 6.35% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 1.69% for the ICE BofAML 1-3 Year US Corporate & Government Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.



Factors That

Made Positive



•  Income generated from the Fund’s overweight in investment grade corporate bonds and securitized bonds contributed positively to the Fund’s returns.


•  An emphasis on Industrial corporate bonds positively impacted the Fund’s relative performance. An overweight and security selection in Energy, Consumer Non-Cyclical and Communications sectors were the most additive.


•  A large overweight in Asset-Backed Securities (ABS), particularly a focus in auto Asset-Backed Securities, was a positive driver of returns as well.


•  A bias for BBB rated credits proved positive as lower quality credits outperformed.



Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns


•  There were no material positioning factors that detracted from the 12-month net returns.

           Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. Investments in debt securities typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. This risk is usually greater for longer-term debt securities. The Fund invests in mortgage-related securities including pass-throughs and collateralized mortgage obligations, which include additional risks that an investor should be aware of such as credit risk, prepayment risk, possible illiquidity and default, and increased susceptibility to adverse economic developments. Investments in lower- and non-rated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest than higher-rated securities. The Fund may invest in derivatives, including futures contracts, which involve risks different from and, in certain cases, greater than risks presented by more traditional investments. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.
           Bond ratings are grades given to bonds that indicate their credit quality as determined by private independent rating services such as Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and Moody’s. These firms evaluate a bond issuer’s financial strength, or its ability to pay a bond’s principal and interest in a timely fashion. S&P ratings are expressed as letters ranging from AAA, which is the highest grade, to D, which is the lowest grade. Moody’s ratings are expressed as letters ranging from Aaa, which is the highest grade, to C, which is the lowest grade. Non-investment grade securities are those rated Ba1 or BB+ or below by Moody’s or S&P, respectively.






RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund             
Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.      
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.             








RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund





Current income consistent with preservation of capital.



ICE BofAML 1-3 Year US Corporate & Government Index


Asset Allocation

as of 3/31/21 (%

of Fund’s investments)





Top Ten Holdings (excluding


companies) (as

of 3/31/21) (%

of Fund’s net



Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 4.09%, 6/15/26


Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-5, Class D, 4.30%, 4/15/26


Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.46%, 7/23/22


Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 3.35%, 8/15/22

Roper Technologies, Inc., 2.35%, 9/15/24




CVS Health Corp., 2.63%, 8/15/24


Leidos, Inc., 2.95%, 5/15/23


Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-2, Class C, 3.72%, 10/22/23


Raytheon Technologies Corp., 3.20%, 3/15/24


Sunrun Vulcan Issuer LLC, Series 2021-1A, Class A, 2.46%, 1/30/52



*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 13


Growth of

$10,000 Initial Investment Since Inception


             The graph reflects an initial investment of $10,000 over the period from December 30, 2013 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares.




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RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund






Seeks to achieve a high level of current income consistent with preservation of capital by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its assets in fixed income securities. The fixed income securities in which the Fund may invest include, but are not limited to, bonds, convertible securities, municipal securities, mortgage-related and asset-backed securities, and obligations of governments and their agencies. The Fund may invest in securities with fixed, floating, or variable rates of interest. The Fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in securities that are non-investment grade (high yield/junk bond).



For the 12-month period ended March 31, 2021, the Fund had an annualized total return of 5.89% (Class I). That compares to an annualized total return of 0.25% for the ICE BofAML US 1-Year Treasury Bill Index, the Fund’s primary benchmark.



Factors That

Made Positive



•  Income generated from the Fund’s overweight in investment grade corporate bonds and securitized bonds contributed positively to returns.


•  An emphasis on Industrial corporate bonds positively impacted the Fund’s relative performance. An overweight and security selection in Energy, Consumer Non-Cyclical and Technology sectors were the most additive.


•  A large overweight in Asset-Backed Securities (ABS), particularly a focus in auto ABS, was a positive driver of returns as well.


•  A bias for BBB rated credits proved positive as lower quality credits outperformed.



Factors That

Detracted From

Relative Returns


•  There were no material positioning factors that detracted from the 12-month net returns.




Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. Investments in debt securities typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. This risk is usually greater for longer-term debt securities. The Fund invests in mortgage-related securities including pass-throughs and collateralized mortgage obligations, which include additional risks that an investor should be aware of such as credit risk, prepayment risk, possible illiquidity and default, and increased susceptibility to adverse economic developments. Investments in lower- and non-rated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest than higher-rated securities. The Fund may invest in derivatives, including futures contracts, which involve risks different from and, in certain cases, greater than risks presented by more traditional investments. These risks are described more fully in the prospectus.

             Bond ratings are grades given to bonds that indicate their credit quality as determined by private independent rating services such as Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and Moody’s. These firms evaluate a bond issuer’s financial strength, or its ability to pay a bond’s principal and interest in a timely fashion. S&P ratings are expressed as letters ranging from AAA, which is the highest grade, to D, which is the lowest grade. Moody’s ratings are expressed as letters ranging from Aaa, which is the highest grade, to C, which is the lowest grade. Non-investment grade securities are those rated Ba1 or BB+ or below by Moody’s or S&P, respectively.










RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund



Fund holdings and/or sector allocations are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell any security. Current and future holdings are subject to risk.



Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.











RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund






Current income consistent with preservation of capital.




ICE BofAML US 1-Year Treasury Bill Index


Asset Allocation as of 3/31/21 (% of Fund’s investments)                         





Top Ten Holdings



companies) (as

of 3/31/21) (%

of Fund’s net




American Tower Corp., REIT, 5.00%, 2/15/24

Willis North America, Inc., 3.60%, 5/15/24

Bank of America Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.960%), GMTN, 1.18%, 7/23/24

Dell International LLC / EMC Corp., 5.45%,








Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, Series USD, 4.50%, 2/1/24





Mid-America Apartments LP, 4.30%, 10/15/23

Regions Financial Corp., 3.80%, 8/14/23




GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2020-2, Class D, 3.21%, 12/20/24


Leidos, Inc., 2.95%, 5/15/23


Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.46%, 7/23/22



*A listing of all portfolio holdings can be found beginning on page 21


Growth of $10,000 Initial Investment Since Inception (12/30/13)            LOGO
           The graph reflects an initial investment of $10,000 over the period from December 30, 2013 (commencement of operations) to March 31, 2021 and is based on Class I shares. The Fund’s total return includes reinvested dividends and capital gains. The Fund’s total return also includes operating expenses that reduce return while the total return of the index does not. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or redemption of fund shares.









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


March 31, 2021



Corporate Bonds — 70.75%


Basic Materials — 3.43%

$   350,000    DuPont de Nemours, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.110%), 1.30%, 11/15/23(a)    $ 355,700  
350,000    Georgia-Pacific LLC, 1.75%, 9/30/25(b)      355,167  
400,000    Nutrien Ltd., 3.15%, 10/1/22      412,652  
500,000    Nutrition & Biosciences, Inc., 0.70%, 9/15/22(b)      501,320  
100,000    Nutrition & Biosciences, Inc., 1.23%, 10/1/25(b)      98,321  
500,000    PPG Industries, Inc., 1.20%, 3/15/26      491,225  







Communications — 5.77%

175,000    AT&T, Inc., 0.90%, 3/25/24      175,144  
500,000    AT&T, Inc., 4.45%, 4/1/24      549,446  
1,000,000    Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.46%, 7/23/22      1,042,803  
150,000    Comcast Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.630%), 0.87%, 4/15/24(a)      151,565  
250,000    Qwest Corp., 6.75%, 12/1/21      258,155  
155,000    Rogers Communications, Inc., 3.00%, 3/15/23      161,277  
350,000    Verizon Communications, Inc., 1.45%, 3/20/26      350,117  
250,000    Videotron Ltd., 5.00%, 7/15/22      260,332  
500,000    Videotron Ltd., 5.38%, 6/15/24(b)      547,421  
196,000    Walt Disney Co. (The), 7.75%, 1/20/24      231,758  







Consumer, Cyclical — 4.73%

400,000    7-Eleven, Inc., 0.80%, 2/10/24(b)      398,592  
350,000    Daimler Finance North America LLC, 0.75%, 3/1/24(b)      348,452  
500,000    Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 3.66%, 9/8/24      515,704  
250,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 2.90%, 2/26/25      262,670  
200,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 3.45%, 1/14/22      203,972  
165,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 4.00%, 1/15/25      179,373  
200,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 4.35%, 4/9/25      219,903  
250,000    Lennar Corp., 4.75%, 11/15/22      263,123  
400,000    Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 2.70%, 9/26/22(b)      413,024  
250,000    Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., 3.30%, 11/18/21      253,135  







Consumer, Non-cyclical — 10.30%

250,000    AbbVie, Inc., 2.30%, 11/21/22      257,128  
400,000    AbbVie, Inc., 3.25%, 10/1/22      413,487  
250,000    AbbVie, Inc., 3.45%, 3/15/22      255,766  
125,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.030%), 1.21%, 6/6/22(a)      126,167  
639,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., 2.89%, 6/6/22      655,631  
400,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., 3.36%, 6/6/24      428,971  
350,000    Cigna Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.890%), 1.13%, 7/15/23(a)      354,154  









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$800,000    CVS Health Corp., 2.63%, 8/15/24    $ 843,895  
14,000    CVS Health Corp., 3.70%, 3/9/23      14,850  
250,000    EMD Finance LLC, 3.25%, 3/19/25(b)      268,128  
140,000    Equifax, Inc., 2.60%, 12/1/24      147,880  
100,000    Equifax, Inc., 3.60%, 8/15/21      101,154  
450,000    Gilead Sciences, Inc., 0.75%, 9/29/23      450,501  
500,000    HCA, Inc., 5.88%, 5/1/23      543,983  
250,000    Health Care Service Corp. A Mutual Legal Reserve Co., 1.50%, 6/1/25(b)      251,899  
190,000    McCormick & Co., Inc., 0.90%, 2/15/26      184,957  
250,000    Molson Coors Brewing Co., 2.10%, 7/15/21      250,805  
250,000    Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC, 2.88%, 9/23/23      262,914  
350,000    Stryker Corp., 0.60%, 12/1/23      350,192  
250,000    United Rentals North America, Inc., 5.88%, 9/15/26      262,098  
225,000    Viatris, Inc., 1.13%, 6/22/22(b)      226,308  







Energy — 9.70%

250,000    Cheniere Energy Partners LP, 5.63%, 10/1/26      261,567  
200,000    Enbridge Energy Partners LP, 4.20%, 9/15/21      201,442  
500,000    Enbridge, Inc., 2.50%, 1/15/25      520,779  
500,000    Energy Transfer Operating LP, 4.50%, 4/15/24      544,801  
550,000    Energy Transfer Operating LP, 5.20%, 2/1/22      564,274  
200,000    Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 4.25%, 9/1/24      220,028  
500,000    Kinder Morgan, Inc., 4.30%, 6/1/25      558,434  
400,000    MPLX LP, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.100%), 1.29%, 9/9/22(a)      400,179  
250,000    ONEOK Partners LP, 3.38%, 10/1/22      258,261  
350,000    ONEOK, Inc., 4.25%, 2/1/22      357,754  
275,000    Pioneer Natural Resources Co., 0.75%, 1/15/24      274,315  
500,000    Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp., 3.65%, 6/1/22      511,988  
750,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 3.35%, 8/15/22      772,450  
250,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 4.00%, 11/15/21      253,125  
517,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 4.30%, 3/4/24      564,119  







Financial — 18.32%

350,000    American Tower Corp., REIT, 3.50%, 1/31/23      368,446  
500,000    American Tower Corp., REIT, 5.00%, 2/15/24      557,789  
400,000    Bank of America Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.790%), 3.00%, 12/20/23(c)      416,208  
250,000    Bank of Montreal, Series E, 3.30%, 2/5/24      268,229  
250,000    Barclays Plc, 3.20%, 8/10/21      252,463  
500,000    Barclays Plc, 3.68%, 1/10/23      511,471  
200,000    BNP Paribas SA, 2.95%, 5/23/22(b)      205,571  
550,000    BNP Paribas SA, 3.50%, 3/1/23(b)      580,055  
149,000    Camden Property Trust, REIT, 4.88%, 6/15/23      160,423  
250,000    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.660%), 0.84%, 9/13/23(a)      252,926  









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$250,000    CIT Group, Inc., 4.75%, 2/16/24    $ 271,659  
350,000    Citigroup, Inc., 4.04%, 6/1/24(c)      375,172  
300,000    Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.480%), 0.71%, 1/10/23(a)      301,702  
250,000    Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, 3.95%, 11/9/22      263,210  
300,000    Credit Agricole SA, 3.25%, 10/4/24(b)      322,134  
500,000    Credit Agricole SA, 3.75%, 4/24/23(b)      531,462  
350,000    Credit Suisse Group AG, 3.57%, 1/9/23(b)      357,193  
500,000    Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd., 3.80%, 9/15/22      521,233  
275,000    Crown Castle International Corp., REIT, 1.35%, 7/15/25      274,199  
400,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Series VAR, Series VAR, 0.63%, 11/17/23(c)      399,861  
250,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 0.67%, 3/8/24(c)      249,668  
500,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.990%), 2.91%, 7/24/23(c)      514,806  
550,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 3.63%, 2/20/24      591,748  
250,000    HSBC Holdings Plc, 3.60%, 5/25/23      266,015  
400,000    ING Groep NV, 4.10%, 10/2/23      433,666  
200,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.890%), 1.11%, 7/23/24(a)      202,446  
330,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., 1.51%, 6/1/24(c)      336,736  
490,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., 3.21%, 4/1/23(c)      503,273  
375,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.810%), 2.91%, 11/7/23(c)      388,163  
250,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, 3.00%, 1/11/22      254,976  
200,000    Morgan Stanley, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.930%), 1.15%, 7/22/22(a)      200,453  
250,000    Morgan Stanley, MTN, 2.75%, 5/19/22      256,682  
200,000    Principal Life Global Funding II, 0.88%, 1/12/26(b)      194,586  
250,000    Westpac Banking Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.710%), 0.90%, 6/28/22(a)      251,883  







Industrial — 6.57%

350,000    Agilent Technologies, Inc., 3.88%, 7/15/23      372,895  
100,000    Boeing Co. (The), 1.17%, 2/4/23      100,420  
200,000    Boeing Co. (The), 1.43%, 2/4/24      200,313  
150,000    Boeing Co. (The), 2.20%, 2/4/26      149,619  
290,000    General Electric Co., MTN, 5.55%, 1/5/26      343,874  
250,000    Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd., 4.25%, 6/15/23      269,875  
250,000    Ingersoll-Rand Luxembourg Finance SA, 3.55%, 11/1/24      270,269  
700,000    Raytheon Technologies Corp., 3.20%, 3/15/24      747,052  
250,000    Republic Services, Inc., 2.50%, 8/15/24      263,119  
725,000    Roper Technologies, Inc., 2.35%, 9/15/24      758,161  
50,000    Roper Technologies, Inc., 2.80%, 12/15/21      50,758  









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$275,000    Roper Technologies, Inc., 3.65%, 9/15/23    $ 294,693  
425,000    Teledyne Technologies, Inc., 0.95%, 4/1/24      423,297  







Technology — 4.98%

350,000    Citrix Systems, Inc., 1.25%, 3/1/26      344,715  
650,000    Dell International LLC / EMC Corp., 5.45%, 6/15/23(b)      710,365  
400,000    Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., 0.60%, 3/1/24      397,820  
725,000    Leidos, Inc., 2.95%, 5/15/23(b)      757,914  
375,000    Microchip Technology, Inc., 0.97%, 2/15/24(b)      374,447  
250,000    NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC, 4.63%, 6/1/23(b)      270,748  
100,000    NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC / NXP USA, Inc., 2.70%, 5/1/25(b)      104,895  
250,000    Open Text Corp., 5.88%, 6/1/26(b)      258,768  







Utilities — 6.95%

600,000    American Electric Power Co., Inc., Series M, 0.75%, 11/1/23      600,212  
500,000    Avangrid, Inc., 3.15%, 12/1/24      537,820  
275,000    CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., 0.70%, 3/2/23      275,022  
150,000    CenterPoint Energy, Inc., 3.85%, 2/1/24      162,230  
370,000    Consolidated Edison, Inc., Series A, 0.65%, 12/1/23      369,413  
500,000    Evergy, Inc., 2.45%, 9/15/24      523,791  
350,000    Exelon Corp., 2.45%, 4/15/21      350,150  
200,000    Florida Power & Light Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.380%), 0.60%, 7/28/23(a)      200,029  
275,000    NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc., 0.65%, 3/1/23      275,850  
550,000    Sempra Energy, 2.90%, 2/1/23      572,291  
275,000    Southern Co. (The), Series 21-A, 0.60%, 2/26/24      273,348  
350,000    WEC Energy Group, Inc., 0.80%, 3/15/24      349,881  






Total Corporate Bonds      45,705,296  




(Cost $45,152,240)


Asset Backed Securities — 26.98%

160,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2018-1, Class C, 3.50%, 1/18/24      164,890  
240,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 3.62%, 3/18/25      254,229  
508,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-2, Class B, 2.54%, 7/18/24      522,114  
125,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-2, Class C, 2.74%, 4/18/25      129,989  
300,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class B, 2.13%, 7/18/25      307,572  
455,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class D, 2.58%, 9/18/25      472,026  
315,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.21%, 12/18/26      312,039  









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


    $   275,000    Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust, Series 2017-1, Class D, 3.15%, 2/20/25(b)    $ 277,120  
502,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2017-3, Class D, 3.46%, 10/16/23      508,012  
420,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2017-4, Class D, 3.30%, 5/15/24      427,209  
475,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-1, Class D, 3.37%, 7/15/24      486,026  
305,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 3.91%, 1/15/25      317,793  
335,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-1, Class C, 3.74%, 1/15/25      352,687  
625,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-3, Class B, 2.50%, 4/15/25      651,195  
250,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.60%, 6/16/25      260,188  
310,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-4, Class C, 2.60%, 9/15/25      322,032  
175,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.34%, 11/17/25      181,109  
400,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-1, Class C, 3.53%, 6/22/23(b)      401,445  
800,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-2, Class C, 3.72%, 10/22/23(b)      811,063  
175,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2019-2, Class D, 2.48%, 4/22/25(b)      177,936  
97,861    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2016-CA, Class D, 4.18%, 3/15/24(b)      98,246  
111,689    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-AA, Class D, 4.16%, 5/15/24(b)      112,383  
11,876    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class C, 3.72%, 9/16/24      11,886  
750,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-5, Class D, 4.30%, 4/15/26      782,236  
171,536    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class C, 3.78%, 4/15/25      173,733  
1,100,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 4.09%, 6/15/26      1,146,973  
180,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.90%, 8/15/25      184,349  
175,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-4, Class C, 2.51%, 11/17/25      178,216  
50,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-4, Class D, 2.70%, 2/16/27      51,606  
175,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.36%, 3/16/26      178,673  
270,000    Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-A, Class B, 3.25%, 7/15/22      272,516  
300,000    Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust, Series 2021-A, Class C, 0.78%, 9/15/25      299,727  









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$200,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 3.95%, 5/22/23    $ 202,903  
180,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.35%, 7/20/23      182,643  
575,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.04%, 12/20/23      585,539  
370,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-2, Class B, 2.87%, 10/16/24      384,050  
410,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class B, 2.32%, 12/16/24      422,806  
120,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.62%, 1/16/25      124,237  
80,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class B, 2.03%, 4/16/25      82,379  
60,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.18%, 5/16/25      61,946  
325,000    GM Financial Leasing Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.01%, 7/21/25      323,966  
119,181    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-1, Class D, 3.17%, 4/17/23      119,689  
175,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-1, Class D, 3.32%, 3/15/24      178,092  
119,999    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class C, 3.51%, 8/15/23      120,644  
100,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 4.07%, 8/15/24      103,113  
145,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class C, 3.42%, 4/15/25      146,673  
300,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-2, Class C, 2.90%, 10/15/24      305,907  
80,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class D, 2.68%, 10/15/25      82,520  
400,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.13%, 11/16/26      397,127  
500,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-B, Class C, 2.77%, 8/21/23(b)      512,781  
246,804    Sunnova Helios II Issuer LLC, Series 2019-AA, Class A, 3.75%, 6/20/46(b)      264,412  
815,000    Sunrun Vulcan Issuer LLC, Series 2021-1A, Class A, 2.46%, 1/30/52(b)      806,029  
310,000    Tesla Auto Lease Trust, Series 2020-A, Class B, 1.18%, 1/22/24(b)      311,814  
500,000    Tesla Auto Lease Trust, Series 2021-A, Class D, 1.34%, 3/20/25(b)      499,557  
100,000    Verizon Owner Trust, Series 2018-A, Class C, 3.55%, 4/20/23      102,354  
275,000    Verizon Owner Trust, Series 2019-C, Class B, 2.06%, 4/22/24      281,911  



Total Asset Backed Securities      17,430,310  




(Cost $17,214,855)










RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021





U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages — 0.03%


Fannie Mae — 0.01%

$2,930    Series 2001-70, Class OF, (LIBOR USD 1-Month + 0.950%), 1.06%, 10/25/31(a)    $ 3,003  
2,132    Series 2009-87, Class FX, (LIBOR USD 1-Month + 0.750%), 0.86%, 11/25/39(a)      2,170  







Freddie Mac — 0.02%

2,121    Series 2448, Class FT, (LIBOR USD 1-Month + 1.000%), 1.11%, 3/15/32(a)      2,179  
2,276    Series 2488, Class FQ, (LIBOR USD 1-Month + 1.000%), 1.11%, 3/15/32(a)      2,336  
5,829    Series 2627, Class MW, 5.00%, 6/15/23      6,038  
902    Series 3770, Class FP, (LIBOR USD 1-Month + 0.500%), 0.61%, 11/15/40(a)      908  






Total U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages      16,634  




(Cost $16,222)




Investment Company — 1.65%

1,065,250    U.S. Government Money Market Fund, RBC Institutional Class 1(d)      1,065,250  



Total Investment Company




(Cost $1,065,250)

Total Investments    $ 64,217,490  
(Cost $63,448,567)(e) — 99.41%   

Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.59%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 64,598,763  








Floating rate note. Rate shown is as of report date.



Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.



Security is a fix-to-float security, which carries a fixed coupon until a certain date, upon which it switches to a floating rate. Reference rate and spread are provided if the rate is currently floating.



Affiliated investment.



See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).









RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


Abbreviations used are defined below:

LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate

MTN - Medium Term Note

REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust

See Notes to the Financial Statements.









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


March 31, 2021



Corporate Bonds — 68.88%


Basic Materials — 2.08%

$  600,000    DuPont de Nemours, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.110%), 1.30%, 11/15/23(a)    $ 609,771  
300,000    DuPont de Nemours, Inc., 4.21%, 11/15/23      325,679  
300,000    Nutrien Ltd., 3.15%, 10/1/22      309,489  
750,000    Nutrition & Biosciences, Inc., 0.70%, 9/15/22(b)      751,980  







Communications — 5.25%

1,000,000    AT&T, Inc., 0.90%, 3/25/24      1,000,822  
1,050,000    Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, 4.46%, 7/23/22      1,094,944  
1,000,000    Charter Communications Operating LLC / Charter Communications Operating Capital, Series USD, 4.50%, 2/1/24      1,093,723  
150,000    Comcast Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.630%), 0.87%, 4/15/24(a)      151,565  
300,000    Thomson Reuters Corp., 3.85%, 9/29/24      325,782  
825,000    Verizon Communications, Inc., 0.75%, 3/22/24      825,951  
500,000    Videotron Ltd., 5.38%, 6/15/24(b)      547,421  







Consumer, Cyclical — 4.75%

400,000    7-Eleven, Inc., 0.80%, 2/10/24(b)      398,592  
250,000    Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc., 2.70%, 7/26/22(b)      256,747  
600,000    American Honda Finance Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.540%), MTN, 0.73%, 6/27/22(a)      603,265  
650,000    Daimler Finance North America LLC, 0.75%, 3/1/24(b)      647,125  
500,000    Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 3.66%, 9/8/24      515,704  
250,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 3.20%, 7/6/21      251,139  
250,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 3.55%, 4/9/21      250,086  
375,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 3.70%, 5/9/23      395,124  
250,000    General Motors Financial Co., Inc., 4.15%, 6/19/23      267,278  
150,000    Toyota Motor Credit Corp., MTN, 0.50%, 8/14/23      150,092  
500,000    Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 2.70%, 9/26/22(b)      516,280  
300,000    Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 2.90%, 5/13/22(b)      307,779  







Consumer, Non-cyclical — 8.22%

1,000,000    AbbVie, Inc., 3.25%, 10/1/22      1,033,717  
300,000    AbbVie, Inc., 3.45%, 3/15/22      306,919  
500,000    Amgen, Inc., 3.63%, 5/22/24      540,163  
125,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.030%), 1.21%, 6/6/22(a)      126,167  
634,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., 2.89%, 6/6/22      650,501  
750,000    Becton Dickinson and Co., 3.36%, 6/6/24      804,321  
350,000    Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 0.54%, 11/13/23      350,131  
600,000    Cigna Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.890%), 1.13%, 7/15/23(a)      607,120  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$   35,000    CVS Health Corp., 3.70%, 3/9/23    $ 37,125  
350,000    EMD Finance LLC, 2.95%, 3/19/22(b)      357,082  
250,000    Equifax, Inc., 3.60%, 8/15/21      252,884  
300,000    Gilead Sciences, Inc., 0.75%, 9/29/23      300,334  
250,000    HCA, Inc., 4.75%, 5/1/23      269,767  
250,000    HCA, Inc., 5.88%, 5/1/23      271,991  
500,000    Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc., 0.75%, 3/15/24      500,051  
750,000    Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC, 2.88%, 9/23/23      788,741  
250,000    Stryker Corp., 0.60%, 12/1/23      250,137  
250,000    United Rentals North America, Inc., 5.88%, 9/15/26      262,098  
175,000    Viatris, Inc., 1.13%, 6/22/22(b)      176,018  







Energy — 7.33%

250,000    Cheniere Energy Partners LP, 5.63%, 10/1/26      261,567  
150,000    ConocoPhillips Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.900%), 1.10%, 5/15/22(a)      151,053  
250,000    Enbridge, Inc., 2.90%, 7/15/22      257,053  
550,000    Enbridge, Inc., 4.00%, 10/1/23      589,791  
200,000    Energy Transfer Operating LP, 3.60%, 2/1/23      208,317  
250,000    Energy Transfer Operating LP, 5.20%, 2/1/22      256,488  
250,000    Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 4.15%, 2/1/24      271,271  
300,000    Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 5.00%, 10/1/21      303,225  
550,000    Kinder Morgan, Inc., 5.63%, 11/15/23(b)      611,068  
250,000    MPLX LP, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.100%), 1.29%, 9/9/22(a)      250,112  
200,000    ONEOK Partners LP, 3.38%, 10/1/22      206,609  
250,000    ONEOK, Inc., 2.75%, 9/1/24      262,372  
250,000    ONEOK, Inc., 4.25%, 2/1/22      255,538  
450,000    Pioneer Natural Resources Co., 0.75%, 1/15/24      448,879  
250,000    Plains All American Pipeline LP / PAA Finance Corp., 3.65%, 6/1/22      255,994  
300,000    Spectra Energy Partners LP, 4.75%, 3/15/24      330,673  
300,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 3.35%, 8/15/22      308,980  
500,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 3.60%, 3/15/22      511,943  
300,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 4.00%, 11/15/21      303,750  
600,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 4.30%, 3/4/24      654,684  
300,000    Williams Cos., Inc. (The), 4.50%, 11/15/23      326,954  







Financial — 26.54%

1,252,000    American Tower Corp., REIT, 5.00%, 2/15/24      1,396,703  
250,000    Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.710%), 0.89%, 5/19/22(a),(b)      251,759  
300,000    Bank of America Corp., MTN, 0.81%, 10/24/24(c)      300,786  
1,250,000    Bank of America Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.960%), GMTN, 1.18%, 7/23/24(a)      1,267,768  
250,000    Bank of America Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.790%), 3.00%, 12/20/23(c)      260,130  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$ 250,000    Bank of Nova Scotia (The), (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.620%), 0.81%, 9/19/22(a)    $ 251,889  
200,000    Bank of Nova Scotia (The), 1.63%, 5/1/23      205,133  
250,000    Barclays Plc, 1.01%, 12/10/24(c)      250,051  
250,000    Barclays Plc, 3.20%, 8/10/21      252,463  
263,000    Barclays Plc, 3.68%, 1/10/23      269,034  
250,000    BNP Paribas SA, 2.95%, 5/23/22(b)      256,963  
250,000    BNP Paribas SA, 3.50%, 3/1/23(b)      263,661  
350,000    BNP Paribas SA, 3.80%, 1/10/24(b)      376,876  
83,000    Camden Property Trust, REIT, 4.88%, 6/15/23      89,363  
300,000    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.660%), 0.84%, 9/13/23(a)      303,511  
500,000    Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 3.10%, 4/2/24      532,870  
250,000    Citigroup, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.690%), 0.90%, 10/27/22(a)      251,650  
200,000    Citigroup, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.950%), 1.17%, 7/24/23(a)      201,686  
300,000    Citigroup, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.070%), 1.25%, 12/8/21(a)      301,724  
1,000,000    Citigroup, Inc., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.950%), 2.88%, 7/24/23(c)      1,029,693  
250,000    Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.480%), 0.71%, 1/10/23(a)      251,419  
250,000    Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, 3.95%, 11/9/22      263,210  
250,000    Credit Agricole SA, 3.38%, 1/10/22(b)      255,820  
250,000    Credit Agricole SA, 3.75%, 4/24/23(b)      265,731  
250,000    Credit Suisse Group AG, 3.57%, 1/9/23(b)      255,138  
500,000    Credit Suisse Group Funding Guernsey Ltd., 3.80%, 9/15/22      521,233  
500,000    Crown Castle International Corp., 3.20%, 9/1/24      536,214  
850,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Series VAR, Series VAR, 0.63%, 11/17/23(c)      849,705  
500,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 0.67%, 3/8/24(c)      499,337  
400,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.750%), 0.93%, 2/23/23(a)      403,229  
250,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.990%), 2.91%, 7/24/23(c)      257,403  
200,000    Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 3.63%, 2/20/24      215,181  
225,000    HSBC Holdings Plc, 3.60%, 5/25/23      239,413  
350,000    HSBC Holdings Plc, 3.95%, 5/18/24(c)      373,554  
200,000    ING Groep NV, 3.15%, 3/29/22      205,552  
250,000    ING Groep NV, 4.10%, 10/2/23      271,041  
250,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., 0.70%, 3/16/24(c)      251,022  
1,000,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.850%), GMTN, 1.08%, 1/10/25(a)      1,013,698  
250,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.900%), 1.12%, 4/25/23(a)      251,861  
250,000    JPMorgan Chase & Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.730%), 3.56%, 4/23/24(c)      264,953  
400,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, 0.70%, 5/11/24(c)      399,999  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$   350,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, 2.86%, 3/17/23(c)    $ 357,427  
200,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.810%), 2.91%, 11/7/23(c)      207,020  
250,000    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, 3.00%, 1/11/22      254,976  
1,000,000    Mid-America Apartments LP, 4.30%, 10/15/23      1,080,040  
300,000    Morgan Stanley, MTN, 0.53%, 1/25/24(c)      299,457  
200,000    Morgan Stanley, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.930%), 1.15%, 7/22/22(a)      200,453  
250,000    Morgan Stanley, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 1.400%), MTN, 1.62%, 10/24/23(a)      254,465  
250,000    Morgan Stanley, MTN, 2.75%, 5/19/22      256,682  
500,000    Nordea Bank Abp, 3.75%, 8/30/23(b)      537,009  
1,000,000    Regions Financial Corp., 3.80%, 8/14/23      1,073,053  
500,000    Santander UK Group Holdings Plc, 3.37%, 1/5/24(c)      522,678  
200,000    Santander UK Group Holdings Plc, 3.57%, 1/10/23      204,471  
300,000    Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.430%), 0.62%, 5/17/21(a),(b)      300,159  
200,000    Swedbank AB, (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.700%), 0.88%, 3/14/22(a),(b)      201,086  
1,000,000    Toronto-Dominion Bank (The), 0.55%, 3/4/24      998,563  
425,000    UBS AG, 0.45%, 2/9/24(b)      421,957  
250,000    Westpac Banking Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.570%), 0.80%, 1/11/23(a)      251,877  
150,000    Westpac Banking Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.710%), 0.90%, 6/28/22(a)      151,130  
355,000    Westpac Banking Corp., 3.30%, 2/26/24      382,210  
1,250,000    Willis North America, Inc., 3.60%, 5/15/24      1,347,570  







Industrial — 4.94%

500,000    Boeing Co. (The), 1.17%, 2/4/23      502,098  
250,000    Boeing Co. (The), 1.43%, 2/4/24      250,392  
250,000    Caterpillar Financial Services Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.200%), MTN, 0.40%, 11/12/21(a)      250,155  
600,000    John Deere Capital Corp., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.490%), MTN, 0.67%, 6/13/22(a)      602,991  
185,000    L3Harris Technologies, Inc., 3.95%, 5/28/24      200,773  
500,000    Raytheon Technologies Corp., 3.20%, 3/15/24      533,609  
325,000    Roper Technologies, Inc., 0.45%, 8/15/22      324,876  
1,000,000    Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 0.40%, 3/11/23(b)      1,001,039  
250,000    Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 0.65%, 3/11/24(b)      249,902  
825,000    Teledyne Technologies, Inc., 0.95%, 4/1/24      821,693  







Technology — 4.78%

1,150,000    Dell International LLC / EMC Corp., 5.45%, 6/15/23(b)      1,256,800  
450,000    Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., 0.60%, 3/1/24      447,547  
200,000    Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.720%), 0.96%, 10/5/21(a)      199,955  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$  1,000,000    Leidos, Inc., 2.95%, 5/15/23(b)    $ 1,045,399  
275,000    Microchip Technology, Inc., 0.97%, 2/15/24(b)      274,595  
550,000    NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC, 3.88%, 9/1/22(b)      574,396  
500,000    NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC / NXP USA, Inc., 2.70%, 5/1/25(b)      524,475  
250,000    Open Text Corp., 5.88%, 6/1/26(b)      258,768  







Utilities — 4.99%

425,000    American Electric Power Co., Inc., Series M, 0.75%, 11/1/23      425,150  
301,000    American Electric Power Co., Inc., Series I, 3.65%, 12/1/21      307,458  
300,000    CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., 0.70%, 3/2/23      300,024  
148,000    CenterPoint Energy, Inc., 3.85%, 2/1/24      160,066  
510,000    Consolidated Edison, Inc., Series A, 0.65%, 12/1/23      509,192  
300,000    Evergy, Inc., 2.45%, 9/15/24      314,275  
375,000    Florida Power & Light Co., (LIBOR USD 3-Month + 0.380%), 0.60%, 7/28/23(a)      375,054  
350,000    NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc., 0.65%, 3/1/23      351,082  
500,000    Sempra Energy, 2.90%, 2/1/23      520,264  
300,000    Southern Co. (The), Series 21-A, 0.60%, 2/26/24      298,198  
150,000    WEC Energy Group, Inc., 0.55%, 9/15/23      149,777  
675,000    WEC Energy Group, Inc., 0.80%, 3/15/24      674,770  
400,000    Xcel Energy, Inc., 0.50%, 10/15/23      400,055  







Total Corporate Bonds





(Cost $65,869,718)


Asset Backed Securities — 26.47%

790,000    Americredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 4.04%, 11/18/24      841,759  
100,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, 1.80%, 12/18/25      101,848  
160,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 3.62%, 3/18/25      169,486  
175,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class B, 2.13%, 7/18/25      179,417  
300,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class D, 2.58%, 9/18/25      311,226  
390,000    AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.21%, 12/18/26      386,334  
40,195    Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust, Series 2017-1, Class B, 2.43%, 5/20/22(b)      40,255  
405,000    Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust, Series 2018-2, Class C, 3.69%, 12/20/23(b)      408,262  
185,000    Carmax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-4, Class C, 3.85%, 7/15/24      194,423  
290,000    Carmax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-4, Class D, 4.15%, 4/15/25      305,052  
145,000    Carmax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 4.04%, 8/15/25      152,525  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$  705,000    Carmax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-3, Class D, 2.85%, 1/15/26    $ 733,418  
250,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2017-3, Class D, 3.46%, 10/16/23      252,994  
800,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2017-4, Class D, 3.30%, 5/15/24      813,732  
350,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-1, Class C, 2.95%, 11/15/23      358,068  
600,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-1, Class D, 3.37%, 7/15/24      613,927  
200,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-2, Class D, 3.99%, 4/15/25      206,829  
205,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 3.91%, 1/15/25      213,599  
300,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.60%, 6/16/25      312,225  
100,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2019-4, Class C, 2.60%, 9/15/25      103,881  
125,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.34%, 11/17/25      129,364  
572,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2020-2, Class D, 5.75%, 5/17/27      631,954  
1,000,000    CarMax Auto Owner Trust, Series 2020-3, Class D, 2.53%, 1/15/27      1,030,477  
370,000    Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2016-BA, Class D, 3.51%, 9/15/23(b)      374,007  
293,815    CNH Equipment Trust, Series 2019-A, Class A3, 3.01%, 4/15/24      299,425  
222,091    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-1, Class B, 3.34%, 6/22/23(b)      222,573  
300,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-1, Class C, 3.53%, 6/22/23(b)      301,084  
275,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-2, Class B, 3.55%, 10/22/23(b)      277,445  
650,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2018-2, Class C, 3.72%, 10/22/23(b)      658,989  
603,000    Dell Equipment Finance Trust, Series 2019-1, Class B, 2.94%, 3/22/24(b)      614,595  
150,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, 3.69%, 8/17/26      156,726  
265,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, 3.18%, 10/15/26      276,492  
53,329    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-2, Class D, 3.49%, 9/15/23      53,823  
138,048    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-AA, Class D, 4.16%, 5/15/24(b)      138,905  
10,963    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class C, 3.72%, 9/16/24      10,972  
191,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 4.30%, 9/16/24      196,217  
620,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-5, Class D, 4.30%, 4/15/26      646,648  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$  192,978    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class C, 3.78%, 4/15/25    $ 195,450  
400,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 4.09%, 6/15/26      417,081  
130,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.90%, 8/15/25      133,141  
105,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-4, Class C, 2.51%, 11/17/25      106,930  
265,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-4, Class D, 2.70%, 2/16/27      273,513  
125,000    Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.36%, 3/16/26      127,623  
500,000    Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust, Series 2021-A, Class C, 0.78%, 9/15/25      499,545  
105,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2019-3, Class C, 2.35%, 7/20/23      106,542  
425,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.04%, 12/20/23      432,790  
1,150,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2020-2, Class D, 3.21%, 12/20/24      1,203,669  
1,000,000    GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust, Series 2020-3, Class D, 1.71%, 2/20/25      1,017,705  
150,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class B, 3.27%, 1/16/24      154,306  
60,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class B, 2.03%, 4/16/25      61,784  
50,000    GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust, Series 2020-1, Class C, 2.18%, 5/16/25      51,622  
325,000    GM Financial Leasing Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.01%, 7/21/25      323,966  
500,000    Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-A, Class C, 3.03%, 11/17/25      521,456  
420,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, 1.64%, 11/16/26      425,205  
105,688    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-1, Class D, 3.17%, 4/17/23      106,139  
315,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-2, Class D, 3.88%, 2/15/24      323,156  
865,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-3, Class D, 4.07%, 8/15/24      891,931  
160,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class C, 3.42%, 4/15/25      161,846  
100,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-1, Class D, 3.65%, 4/15/25      103,654  
400,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-2, Class D, 3.22%, 7/15/25      415,436  
160,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3, Class D, 2.68%, 10/15/25      165,039  
450,000    Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2021-1, Class D, 1.13%, 11/16/26      446,768  
450,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, 2.08%, 3/20/24(b)      461,214  









RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


$505,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-A, Class B, 3.01%, 5/22/23(b)    $ 514,864  
300,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-A, Class C, 3.30%, 5/22/23(b)      306,659  
240,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-B, Class C, 2.77%, 8/21/23(b)      246,135  
500,000    Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust, Series 2020-B, Class C, 1.18%, 12/20/24(b)      502,295  
262,474    Sunnova Helios II Issuer LLC, Series 2019-AA, Class A, 3.75%, 6/20/46(b)      281,200  
100,000    Tesla Auto Lease Trust, Series 2019-A, Class C, 2.68%, 1/20/23(b)      102,509  
600,000    Tesla Auto Lease Trust, Series 2021-A, Class D, 1.34%, 3/20/25(b)      599,468  
500,000    Verizon Owner Trust, Series 2018-1A, Class B, 3.05%, 9/20/22(b)      503,001  
220,000    Verizon Owner Trust, Series 2018-1A, Class C, 3.20%, 9/20/22(b)      221,726  
170,000    Verizon Owner Trust, Series 2019-C, Class B, 2.06%, 4/22/24      174,272  
88,504    World Omni Automobile Lease Securitization Trust, Series 2019-B, Class A2A, 2.05%, 7/15/22      88,780  



Total Asset Backed Securities      25,387,376  




(Cost $25,263,699)


U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages — 0.01%


Fannie Mae — 0.01%

3,946    Pool #888467, 6.00%, 6/1/22      3,998  
1    Pool #AL0202, 4.00%, 4/1/21      1  
4,031    Series 2003-55, Class CD, 5.00%, 6/25/23      4,151  
4,605    Series 2012-1, Class GB, 2.00%, 2/25/22      4,623  






Total U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages      12,773  




(Cost $12,636)










RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (cont.)


March 31, 2021


            Shares           Value          

Investment Company — 7.67%


            7,352,789 U.S. Government Money Market Fund, RBC Institutional Class 1(d)

   $ 7,352,789  




Total Investment Company





(Cost $7,352,789)


Total Investments

   $ 98,826,401  

(Cost $98,498,842)(e) — 103.03%


Liabilities in excess of other assets — (3.03)%





NET ASSETS — 100.00%

   $ 95,920,237  








Floating rate note. Rate shown is as of report date.


Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.


Security is a fix-to-float security, which carries a fixed coupon until a certain date, upon which it switches to a floating rate. Reference rate and spread are provided if the rate is currently floating.


Affiliated investment.


See Notes to Schedules of Portfolio Investments for the tax cost of securities and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation).

Financial futures contracts as of March 31, 2021:




   Number of

Five Year U.S. Treasury Note

     35        June 2021         $ 52,468        USD        $  4,318,945        Barclays Capital Group  

Two Year U.S. Treasury Note

     75        June 2021           14,063        USD          16,554,492        Barclays Capital Group  





                       $ 66,531        




Abbreviations used are defined below:

GMTN - Global Medium Term Note

LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate

MTN - Medium Term Note

REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust

USD - United States Dollar

See Notes to the Financial Statements.









Statements of Assets and Liabilities



March 31, 2021



RBC Short Duration
Fixed Income



RBC Ultra-Short
Fixed Income




Investments in securities, at value:


Unaffiliated investments (cost $62,383,317 and $91,146,053, respectively)

     $ 63,152,240                 $ 91,473,612  

Affiliated investments (cost $1,065,250 and $7,352,789, respectively)

                1,065,250           7,352,789  

Cash at broker for financial futures contracts

       41,305           72,810  

Interest and dividend receivable

       331,069           404,673  

Receivable from advisor

       22,669           22,355  

Receivable for capital shares issued


Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts


Prepaid expenses and other assets

       19,582           28,836  







Total Assets

       64,632,115           99,611,277  









Distributions payable

       910           5,657  

Payable for capital shares redeemed

       2,419           61,918  

Payable for investments purchased


Accrued expenses and other payables:


Accounting fees

       4,593           4,717  

Audit fees

       2,132           2,132  

Trustees’ fees

       119           91  

Distribution fees


Custodian fees

       643           776  

Shareholder reports

       8,285           9,424  

Transfer agent fees

       6,357           13,340  


       7,894           6,919  







Total Liabilities

       33,352           3,691,040  







Net Assets

     $ 64,598,763         $ 95,920,237  







Net Assets Consists of:



     $ 63,787,124         $ 95,770,128  

Accumulated earnings

       811,639           150,109  







Net Assets

     $ 64,598,763         $ 95,920,237  















Statements of Assets and Liabilities (cont.)



March 31, 2021



RBC Short Duration

Fixed Income



RBC Ultra-Short

Fixed Income



Net Assets


Class A

              $ 419,392                  $ 16,172,898  

Class I

       64,179,371            79,747,339  








     $ 64,598,763          $ 95,920,237  







Shares Outstanding (Unlimited number of shares authorized, no par value):


Class A

       41,198            1,618,160  

Class I

       6,314,607            7,989,042  








       6,355,805            9,607,202  







Net Asset Values and Redemption Prices Per Share:


Class A

     $ 10.18          $ 9.99  







Class I

     $ 10.16          $ 9.98  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.









Statements of Operations



For the Year Ended March 31, 2021


    RBC Short Duration
Fixed Income

RBC Ultra-Short
Fixed Income



Investment Income:


Interest income

                $ 1,414,796          $ 925,894  

Dividend income - affiliated

       710                    1,675  







Total Investment Income

       1,415,506            927,569  



Investment advisory fees

       198,291            126,103  

Distribution fees–Class A

       438            10,155  

Accounting fees

       68,381            65,408  

Audit fees

       39,939            39,940  

Custodian fees

       2,786            3,241  

Insurance fees

       3,757            3,757  

Legal fees

       2,846            1,834  

Registrations and filing fees

       53,243            68,228  

Shareholder reports

       32,277            35,480  

Transfer agent fees–Class A

       3,743            6,634  

Transfer agent fees–Class I

       33,796            56,275  

Trustees’ fees and expenses

       2,444            1,965  

Tax expense

       4,110            4,110  

Other fees

       4,637            4,526  







Total expenses before fee waiver/reimbursement

       450,688            427,656  

Expenses waived/reimbursed by:



       (218,911          (263,984







Net expenses

       231,777            163,672  







Net Investment Income

       1,183,729            763,897  







Realized/Unrealized Gains/(Losses):


Net realized gains/(losses) on:


Investment transactions

       482,219            317,845  

Futures contracts

       23,608            (82,261







Net realized gains

       505,827            235,584  

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on:



       2,064,597            1,472,903  

Futures contracts

       (1,673          150,143  







Net unrealized gains

       2,062,924            1,623,046  







Change in net assets resulting from operations

     $ 3,752,480          $ 2,622,527  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.









Statements of Changes in Net Assets




RBC Short Duration

Fixed Income



For the

Year Ended
March 31, 2021


For the

Year Ended
March 31, 2020


From Investment Activities




Net investment income

          $ 1,183,729          $ 1,048,630  

Net realized gains/(losses) from investments and futures contracts

       505,827          (270,595

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments and futures contracts

       2,062,924          (1,370,390







Change in net assets resulting from operations

       3,752,480          (592,355







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A

       (7,561        (7,644

Class I

       (1,194,258        (1,044,931







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

       (1,201,819        (1,052,575







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

       22,504,326          32,255,714  

Distributions reinvested

       1,200,646          1,052,522  

Cost of shares redeemed

       (17,967,089        (3,226,315







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

       5,737,883          30,081,921  







Net increase in net assets

       8,288,544          28,436,991  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

       56,310,219          27,873,228  







End of year

     $ 64,598,763        $ 56,310,219  







Share Transactions:



       2,218,548          3,203,863  


       118,243          104,939  


       (1,771,182        (322,035







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

       565,609          2,986,767  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.









Statements of Changes in Net Assets



     RBC Ultra-Short
Fixed Income
     For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
    For the
Year Ended
March 31, 2020

From Investment Activities




Net investment income

      $ 763,897        $ 747,338  

Net realized gains/(losses) from investments and futures contracts

        235,584          (302,168

Net change in unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) on investments, foreign currency and futures contracts

        1,623,046          (1,283,059







Change in net assets resulting from operations

        2,622,527                 (837,889







Distributions to Shareholders:


Class A

        (135,540        (76,462

Class I

        (647,315        (675,480







Change in net assets resulting from shareholder distributions

        (782,855        (751,942







Capital Transactions:


Proceeds from shares issued

        92,989,854          46,722,728  

Distributions reinvested

        714,803          726,362  

Cost of shares redeemed

        (40,316,838        (37,143,145







Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

        53,387,819          10,305,945  







Net increase in net assets

        55,227,491          8,716,114  

Net Assets:


Beginning of year

        40,692,746          31,976,632  







End of year

      $ 95,920,237        $ 40,692,746  







Share Transactions:



        9,332,318          4,732,998  


        71,887          73,432  


        (4,048,317        (3,793,334







Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

        5,355,888          1,013,096  







See Notes to the Financial Statements.







RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
          Investment Activities     Distributions        
    Net Asset
of Year
    Net Realized
and Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Investments
    Total from
    Net Asset
Value, End
of Year

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $9.98       0.17       0.21       0.38       (0.18     (0.18     $10.18  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    9.94       0.25       0.04       0.29       (0.25     (0.25     9.98  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    9.85       0.24       0.09       0.33       (0.24     (0.24     9.94  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.97       0.20       (0.12     0.08       (0.20     (0.20     9.85  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    9.92       0.17       0.05       0.22       (0.17     (0.17     9.97  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $9.98       0.18       0.19       0.37       (0.19     (0.19     $10.16  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    9.94       0.25       0.05       0.30       (0.26     (0.26     9.98  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    9.84       0.25       0.10       0.35       (0.25     (0.25     9.94  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.97       0.21       (0.13     0.08       (0.21     (0.21     9.84  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    9.92       0.18       0.05       0.23       (0.18     (0.18     9.97  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.






RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
          Ratios/Supplemental Data  
    Net Assets,
End of
Year (000’s)
    Ratio of
Net Expenses
to Average
Net Assets
    Ratio of
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
to Average
Net Assets
    Ratio of
Expenses to
Average Net

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

    6.45%       $     419       0.45%       1.70%       1.58%       54%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    0.34%       294       0.45%       2.48%       2.07%       33%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    3.44%       310       0.45%       2.41%       1.99%       48%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    0.78%       526       0.45%       1.98%       1.71%       55%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    2.23%       666       0.45%       1.69%       1.53%       37%  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

    6.35%       $64,179       0.35%       1.79%       0.68%       54%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    0.45%       56,016       0.35%       2.53%       0.79%       33%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    3.65%       27,563       0.35%       2.55%       1.04%       48%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    0.78%       25,482       0.35%       2.10%       0.99%       55%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    2.33%       18,366       0.35%       1.78%       1.12%       37%  



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.



Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.







RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
          Investment Activities     Distributions        
    Net Asset
of Year
    Net Realized
and Unrealized
Gains (Losses)
on Investments
    Total from
    Net Asset
Value, End
of Year

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $9.58       0.13       0.42       0.55       (0.14     (0.14     $9.99  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    9.89       0.23       (0.29     (0.06     (0.25     (0.25     9.58  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    9.84       0.24       0.06       0.30       (0.25     (0.25     9.89  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.90       0.18       (0.06     0.12       (0.18     (0.18     9.84  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    9.87       0.14       0.04       0.18       (0.15     (0.15     9.90  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

    $9.57       0.14       0.42       0.56       (0.15     (0.15     $9.98  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    9.87       0.25       (0.29     (0.04     (0.26     (0.26     9.57  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    9.83       0.25       0.04       0.29       (0.25     (0.25     9.87  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    9.88       0.19       (0.05     0.14       (0.19     (0.19     9.83  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    9.87       0.15       0.02       0.17       (0.16     (0.16     9.88  



Per share net investment income (loss) has been calculated using the average daily shares method.






RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


    (Selected data for a share outstanding throughout the periods indicated)  
          Ratios/Supplemental Data  
    Net Assets,
End of
Year (000’s)
    Ratio of
Net Expenses
to Average
Net Assets
    Ratio of
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
to Average
Net Assets
    Ratio of
Expenses to
Average Net

Class A


Year Ended 3/31/21

    5.78%        $16,173       0.38%           1.30%       0.81%       56%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    (0.67)%       5,745       0.38%           2.34%       1.07%       93%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    3.04%        1,728       0.38%           2.41%       1.30%       57%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    1.21%        1,978       0.39%(b)       1.83%       1.54%       68%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    1.84%        667       0.40%           1.41%       1.30%       52%  

Class I


Year Ended 3/31/21

    5.89%        $79,747       0.28%           1.42%       0.77%       56%  

Year Ended 3/31/20

    (0.47)%       34,948       0.28%           2.56%       0.99%       93%  

Year Ended 3/31/19

    3.04%        30,249       0.28%           2.57%       1.07%       57%  

Year Ended 3/31/18

    1.42%        21,577       0.29%(b)       1.89%       1.08%       68%  

Year Ended 3/31/17

    1.74%        14,011       0.30%           1.47%       1.14%       52%  



During the period, certain fees were contractually or voluntarily reduced and/or reimbursed. If such contractual/voluntary fee reductions and reimbursements had not occurred, the ratio would have been as indicated.



Portfolio turnover rate is calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.


Assumes investment at net asset value at the beginning of the period, reinvestment of all dividends and distributions, and a complete redemption of the investment at net asset value at the end of the period.



Beginning October 2, 2017, the net operating expenses were contractually limited to 0.38% and 0.28% of average daily net assets for Class A and Class I, respectively. The ratio of net expenses to average net assets represents a blended percentage for the period ended March 31, 2018.

See Notes to the Financial Statements.







March 31, 2021



1. Organization:

RBC Funds Trust (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended) as an open-end management investment company. The Trust was organized as a Delaware statutory trust on December 16, 2003 and currently consists of 18 portfolios. Overall responsibility for the management of the Trust is vested in its Board of Trustees (the “Board”). This report includes the following two investment portfolios (each a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”):

- RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund (“Short Duration Fixed Income Fund”)

- RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (“Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund”)

The Funds offer Class A (formerly Class F) and Class I shares. Class A and Class I shares (intended for investors meeting certain investment minimum thresholds) are not subject to either a front-end sales charge or a contingent deferred sales charge.

RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC GAM-US” or “Advisor” or “Co-Administrator”) acts as the investment advisor for the Funds. The officers of the Trust (“Fund Management”) are also employees of RBC GAM-US.



2. Significant Accounting Policies

Each Fund is an investment company that follows accounting and reporting guidance under the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Summarized below are the significant accounting policies of the Funds. These policies conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Fund Management follows these policies when preparing financial statements. Fund Management may also be required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses for the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The financial statements are as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).

Security Valuation:

The Trust’s Board of Trustees (the ”Board“) has adopted pricing and valuation procedures for determining the fair value of each Fund’s investments. Fair value of a security is considered to be the price that a fund might reasonably expect to receive upon its current sale in an orderly transaction between market participants.

Fixed income securities, including to-be-announced (“TBA”) commitments and municipal bonds, are generally valued based on evaluated prices received from third-party pricing services or from broker-dealers who make markets in the securities and are generally categorized as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy (see “Fair Value Measurements” below for additional information). The pricing services utilize both dealer-supplied valuations and electronic data processing techniques that take into account multiple appropriate factors such as institutional-size trading in similar groups of securities, market spreads, interest rates, and fundamental security analytical data including yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity and type of issue.

Mortgage-related securities represent direct or indirect participation in, or are secured by and payable from, mortgage loans secured by real property and include pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations. These securities may be issued or guaranteed by U.S. Government agencies or instrumentalities, or private issuers, including commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance bankers and other secondary market issuers. These mortgage-related securities are generally valued by pricing services that use broker-dealer quotations or valuation estimates from their internal pricing models. These pricing models generally consider such factors as current market data, estimated cash flows, market-based yield spreads, and estimated prepayment rates. Securities valued using such techniques and inputs are generally categorized as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy. To the extent significant inputs are unobservable, the securities will be categorized as Level 3.







Exchange-traded futures are valued at the last sale price at the close of the market on the principal exchange on which they are traded and are categorized as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy. Investments in open-end investment companies (mutual funds) are valued at net asset value and are categorized as Level 1 in the fair value hierarchy.

The Board has delegated to the Funds’ Pricing Committee (“Pricing Committee”) the responsibility for implementing the pricing and valuation procedures, including responsibility for determining the fair value of the Funds’ securities or other assets and liabilities. The Pricing Committee includes representatives of the Funds’ Advisor, and Co-Administrator, including personnel from accounting and operations, investment management, trading, risk management and compliance. The Pricing Committee meets at least quarterly to review and approve Fund valuation matters, including a review of the Funds’ pricing activity and operations, fair value measurements, pricing vendors, policies and procedures, and related controls. At least a quorum of the Pricing Committee shall meet more frequently, as needed, to consider and approve time-sensitive fair valuation matters. The Pricing Committee reports to the Valuation, Portfolio Management and Performance Committee (“Valuation Committee”) of the Board. Members of the Pricing Committee meet with the Valuation Committee and the Board at each of their regularly scheduled meetings to discuss valuation matters and actions taken during the period.

The Board has adopted procedures to determine the fair value of a security when a price is not available from a pricing service or broker- dealer or Fund Management determines that a price provided by a pricing service or broker-dealer does not approximate fair value. Fair valuation may also be used when a significant valuation event affecting the value of a security or market sector is determined to have occurred between the time when a security’s market closes and the time the Fund’s net asset value is calculated. The fair value of the security will be determined in good faith by the Pricing Committee in accordance with procedures and methodologies adopted by the Board. General factors used in determining the fair value of securities include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the security, the issuer and the market, such as duration, prepayment and default rates; general level of interest rates and changes in interest rates; information from broker-dealers; trading in similar securities; any restrictions on disposition of the security; and an evaluation of the forces that influence the market in which the investments are traded. These securities are either categorized as Level 2 or 3 in the fair value hierarchy, depending on the relevant inputs used.

When the Funds utilize fair valuation methods that use significant unobservable inputs to determine a security’s value, such securities will be categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. These methods may require subjective determinations about the value of a security. While the Funds’ policy is intended to result in a calculation of a Fund’s net asset value that fairly reflects security values as of the time of pricing, the Funds cannot guarantee that values determined by the Board or persons acting at their direction would accurately reflect the price that the Funds could obtain for a security if they were to dispose of it as of the time of pricing (for instance, in a forced or distressed sale). The prices used by the Funds may differ from the value that would be realized if the securities were sold.

The Funds’ Pricing Committee employs various methods for calibrating the valuation approach related to securities categorized within Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. These methods may include regular due diligence of the Funds’ pricing vendors, a regular review of key inputs and assumptions, transaction back-testing or disposition analysis to compare unrealized gains and losses to realized gains and losses, reviews of missing and stale prices and large movements in market value, and reviews of any market related activities. Additionally, the pricing of all fair value holdings is subsequently reported to the Valuation Committee and Board.

Fair Value Measurements:

The Funds disclose the fair value of their investments in a hierarchy that categorizes investments based on the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:

•     Level 1 - Inputs that reflect unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Funds have the ability to access at the measurement date.







•     Level 2 - Significant inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly, including inputs in markets that are not considered to be active. Observable inputs may include quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, spreads, prepayment spreads, etc.

•     Level 3 - Significant unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).

The inputs or methodology used for valuing investments are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities.

Inputs used in determining fair value of an investment may include, but are not limited to, price information, volatility statistics, credit and market data, and other factors, all of which may be either observable or unobservable. Inputs can vary among investments and will be impacted by the investment type and volume of activity for the particular security or similar securities in the market. Investments in the Level 3 category are generally supported by transactions and quoted prices from dealers participating in the market for those investments. Investments may be included in the Level 3 category due to a lack of market activity or transparency. Internal valuation models may also be used as a pricing source for Level 3 investments. Internal valuation models may rely on one or more unobservable inputs, such as estimated cash flows, financial statement analysis and discount rates.

The summary of inputs used to determine the fair value of the Funds’ investments as of March 31, 2021 is as follows:


     Level 1
Quoted Prices
   Level 2
   Level 3
Short Duration Fixed Income Fund                                        



Investments in Securities


Corporate Bonds

          $           $ 45,705,296           $           $ 45,705,296

U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages

                        16,634                                    16,634

Asset Backed Securities

                        17,430,310                         17,430,310

Investment Company

            1,065,250                                     1,065,250













Total Assets

          $ 1,065,250           $ 63,152,240           $           $ 64,217,490












     Level 1
Quoted Prices
   Level 2
   Level 3
Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund                                        



Investments in Securities


Corporate Bonds

          $           $ 66,073,463           $           $ 66,073,463

U.S. Government Agency Backed Mortgages

                        12,773                         12,773

Asset Backed Securities

                        25,387,376                         25,387,376

Investment Company

            7,352,789                                     7,352,789

Other Financial Instruments*


Financial futures contracts

            66,531                                     66,531













Total Assets

          $ 7,419,320           $ 91,473,612           $           $ 98,892,932













* Other financial instruments are instruments shown on the Schedule of Portfolio Investments, such as futures contracts which are valued at fair value.

TBA Commitments:

The Funds may enter into TBA commitments to purchase or sell securities for a fixed price at a future date. TBA commitments are considered securities in themselves, and involve a risk of loss if the value of the security to be purchased/sold declines/increases prior to settlement date, which is in addition to the







risk of decline in the value of a Fund’s other assets. Unsettled TBA commitments are valued at the current value of the underlying securities, according to the procedures described under “Security Valuation”. As of March 31, 2021, the Funds do not have any outstanding TBA commitments.


The Funds may use derivative instruments, including futures, forwards, options, indexed securities, swaps and inverse securities for hedging purposes only. Derivatives allow the Funds to manage their risk exposure more quickly and efficiently than other types of instruments. Derivatives may be riskier than other types of investments and could result in losses that significantly exceed a Fund’s original investment. Derivatives are subject to the risk that changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly with the underlying asset, rate or index. The use of derivatives may not be successful, resulting in losses to a Fund, and the cost of such strategies may reduce the Fund’s returns. Hedging also involves the risk that changes in the value of the derivative will not match those of the holdings being hedged as expected by the Funds, in which case any losses on the holdings being hedged may not be reduced and may be increased. There can be no assurance that a Fund’s hedging strategy will reduce risk or that hedging transactions will be available or cost effective. The Funds are subject to interest rate risk in the normal course of pursuing their investment objectives by investing in various derivative financial instruments, as described below.

Financial Futures Contracts:

The Funds entered into futures contracts in an effort to manage the duration of the portfolio and hedge against certain market risk. A futures contract on a securities index is an agreement obligating one party to pay, and entitling the other party to receive, during the term of the contract, cash payments based on the level of a specified securities index. Futures transactions involve brokerage costs and require a Fund to segregate assets to cover contracts that would require it to purchase securities or currencies. A Fund may lose the expected benefit of futures transactions if interest rates, exchange rates or securities prices change in an unanticipated manner. Such unanticipated changes may also result in lower overall performance than if a Fund had not entered into any futures transactions.

The Funds entered into U.S. Treasury Notes futures during the year ended March 31, 2021.

Upon entering into a futures contract, a Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash, U.S. government securities, or other assets equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. Subsequent payments are made or received by the Funds each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the fair value of the underlying instrument. A Fund would record an unrealized gain or loss each day equal to these daily payments.

Open futures contracts are shown on the Schedules of Portfolio Investments. Underlying collateral pledged for open futures contracts is the cash at brokers for financial futures contracts shown on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities at March 31, 2021.


Fair Values of Derivative Financial Instrument as of March 31, 2021


Statement of Assets and Liabilities Location


Asset Derivatives

     Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income

Interest Rate Risk:


Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts

                       $                      $ 66,531  








      $         $ 66,531  















Liability Derivatives

     Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income


                       $                                  $  








The effect of derivative instruments on the Statement of Operations during the year ended March 31, 2021 is as follows:



Derivative Instruments

Categorized by Risk Exposure

  Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income

Net realized Gain/(Loss) From:


Interest Rate Risk:


Financial futures contracts

     $ 23,608        $ (82,261








     $ 23,608        $ (82,261







Derivative Instruments

Categorized by Risk Exposure

  Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) From:


Interest Rate Risk:


Financial futures contracts

     $ (1,673                       $ 150,143  








     $ (1,673      $ 150,143  








For the year ended March 31, 2021, the average volume of derivative activities based on ending quarterly outstanding amounts are as follows:


    Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income

Futures long position (contracts)


Futures short position (contracts)

       15          50  

Counterparty Credit Risk:

Derivatives may also expose a Fund to counterparty risk (the risk that the derivative counterparty will not fulfill its contractual obligations). To the extent amounts due to the Funds from their counterparties are not fully collateralized contractually or otherwise, the Funds bear the risk of loss from counterparty non-performance. A Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk on over-the-counter (“OTC”) derivatives is generally the aggregate unrealized gain in excess of any collateral pledged by the counterparty to the Funds.

With exchange-traded futures, the exchange or clearinghouse, as counterparty to such instruments, guarantees against a possible default. The clearinghouse stands between the buyer and the seller of the contract; therefore, credit risk is limited to failure of the clearinghouse. While offset rights may exist under applicable law, the Funds do not have a contractual right of offset against a clearing broker or clearinghouse in the event of a default (including the bankruptcy or insolvency) of the clearing broker or clearinghouse. Additionally, credit risk exists in exchange-traded futures with respect to initial and variation margin that is held in a clearing broker’s customer accounts. While clearing brokers are required to segregate customer margin from their own assets, in the event that a clearing broker becomes insolvent or goes into bankruptcy and at that time there is a shortfall in the aggregate







amount of margin held by the clearing broker for all its clients, typically the shortfall would be allocated on a pro rata basis across all the clearing broker’s customers, potentially resulting in losses to the Funds.

Affiliated Investments:

The Funds invest in another Fund of the Trust (an “Affiliated Fund”), U.S. Government Money Market Fund-RBC Institutional Class 1, as a cash sweep vehicle. The income earned by the Funds from the Affiliated Fund for the period is disclosed in the Statement of Operations. The table below details the transactions of the Funds in the Affiliated Fund.


March 31, 2020
     Purchases      Sales     Value
March 31, 2021
Investments in U.S. Government Money Market Fund —RBC Institutional Class 1              

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     $2,087,167      $ 35,495,514      $ (36,517,431     $1,065,250        $    710  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     6,371,232        87,706,009        (86,724,452     7,352,789        1,675  

Credit Enhancement:

Certain obligations held by the Funds have credit enhancement or liquidity features that may, under certain circumstances, provide for repayment of principal and interest on the obligation upon demand date, interest rate reset date or final maturity. These enhancements may include: letters of credit; liquidity guarantees; security purchase agreements; tender option purchase agreements and third party insurance.

Investment Transactions and Income:

Investment transactions are recorded on trade date. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date at fair value. Realized gains and losses from investment transactions are calculated based on the cost of the specific security (also known as identified cost basis). Interest income is recognized on the accrual basis and includes, where applicable, the amortization or accretion of premium or discount using the effective yield method. Paydown gains and losses on mortgage- and asset-backed securities are included in the financial statements as interest income.

Expense, Investment Income and Gain/Loss Allocation:

Each Fund pays the expenses that are directly related to its operations, such as custodian fees or advisory fees. Expenses incurred by the Trust, such as trustee or legal fees, are allocated among each of the Funds in the Trust either proportionately based upon each Fund’s relative net assets or using another reasonable basis such as equally across all Funds in the Trust, depending on the nature of the expense. Individual share classes within a Fund are charged expenses specific to that class, such as distribution fees and transfer agent fees. Within a Fund, expenses other than class specific expenses are allocated daily to each class based upon the proportion of relative net assets. Investment income and realized and unrealized gains or losses are allocated to each class of shares based on relative net assets.

Distributions to Shareholders:

The Funds pay out any income that it receives, less expenses, in the form of dividends and capital gains to its shareholders. Income dividends are declared daily and paid monthly. Capital gain distributions are declared and paid at least annually. Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount of dividends and distributions are calculated based on federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. These ”book/tax“ differences may be either temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are determined, as of the end of the tax year, to be permanent (e.g., reclassification of paydown gains and losses), they are reclassified within a Fund’s capital account based on their federal tax basis treatment.









3. Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates:

The Trust has entered into an investment advisory agreement with RBC GAM-US under which RBC GAM-US manages each Funds’ assets and furnishes related office facilities, equipment, research and personnel. The agreement requires each Fund to pay RBC GAM-US a monthly fee based upon average daily net assets. Under the terms of the agreement, RBC GAM-US is entitled to receive fees based on a percentage of the average daily net assets of each of the Funds as follows:


     Annual Rate  

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


RBC GAM-US has contractually agreed to waive fees and/or make payments in order to keep total operating expenses (excluding certain fees such as interest, taxes and acquired fund fees and expenses) of Class A and Class I shares of each Fund to the following levels. This expense limitation agreement is in place until July 31, 2022.


     Class A
Annual Rate
     Class I
Annual Rate

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     0.45%        0.35%  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     0.38%        0.28%  

The Advisor is entitled to recoup from the Fund or class the fees and/or operating expenses waived or reimbursed during any of the previous 3 years, provided the Fund is able to do so and remain in compliance with the expense limitation in place at the time the fees were waived or expenses paid. The amounts subject to possible recoupment under the expense limitation agreement as of March 31, 2021 were:


     FYE 3/31/19      FYE 3/31/20      FYE 3/31/21     



Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     $178,075        $184,217        $217,611        $579,903  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     199,362        206,451        260,145        665,958  

RBC GAM-US voluntarily agreed to waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of investment advisory fees each Fund pays to RBC GAM-US indirectly through its investment in an affiliated money market fund. These waivers are voluntary and not subject to recoupment. These amounts are included in expenses waived/reimbursed by Advisor in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the amounts waived were as follows:


     Fees Waived  

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


RBC GAM-US serves as co-administrator to the Funds. BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc. (”BNY Mellon“) serves as co-administrator and fund accounting agent. Services provided under the administrative services contract include providing day-to-day administration of matters related to the Funds, maintenance of their records and the preparation of reports. Under the terms of the administrative services contract, RBC GAM-US does not receive a fee for its role as co-administrator. BNY Mellon receives a fee for its services payable by the Funds based in part on the Funds’ average net assets. BNY Mellon’s fee is included with “Accounting fees” in the Statements of Operations.

Certain Officers and Trustees of the Trust are affiliated with the Advisor. Such Officers and Trustees receive no compensation from the Funds for serving in their respective roles.

The Trust currently pays each of the independent trustees (trustees of the Trust who are not directors, officers or employees of the Advisor, either Co-Administrator or Distributor) an annual retainer of $68,000. The Board Chairperson and Audit Committee Chairperson each receive an additional retainer







of $2,500 annually, and all other trustees serving as Chair of a Board committee each receive an additional retainer of $1,000 annually. In addition, independent trustees receive a quarterly meeting fee of $6,500, for each in-person Board meeting attended, a meeting fee of $1,500 for each telephonic or special board meeting attended, a $1,500 fee for each Board committee meeting attended, and are reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses relating to attendance at such meetings. These amounts are included in the Statement of Operations in “Trustees’ fees”.

In conjunction with the launch of the Funds and additional share classes, the Advisor invested seed capital to provide each Fund or share class with its initial investment assets. The table below shows, as of March 31, 2021, each Fund’s net assets, the shares of each Fund held by the Advisor, and the percent of total net assets represented by the Advisor’s investment.


     Net Assets      Shares held
by Advisor
     % of Fund
Net Assets

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

   $ 64,598,763        500,394        7.9%  



4. Fund Distribution:

Each of the Funds has adopted a Master Distribution 12b-1 Plan (the “Plan”) in which Quasar Distributors LLC (the “Distributor”) acts as the Funds’ distributor. The Plan permits each Fund to make payments for or to reimburse the Distributor for distribution-related costs and expenses of marketing shares of Class A covered under the Plan, and/or for providing shareholder services. The Plan does not apply to Class I. The current Plan fee rate for Class A is 0.10%.

Plan fees are based on average daily net assets of Class A. The Distributor, subject to applicable legal requirements, may waive a Plan fee voluntarily, in whole or in part. For the year ended March 31, 2021, there were no fees waived by the Distributor.



5. Securities Transactions:

The cost of securities purchased and proceeds from securities sold (excluding securities maturing less than one year from acquisition) for the year ended March 31, 2021 were as follows:


     Purchases      Sales
(Excl. U.S. Gov’t)
of U.S. Gov’t.

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     $42,795,764        $34,368,115        $308,442  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     85,185,209        29,027,070        530,731  









6. Capital Share Transactions:

The Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest (“shares outstanding”) without par value. Transactions in capital stock of the Funds are summarized on the following pages:


     Short Duration Fixed Income Fund   Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund
     For the
Year Ended
March 31,
  For the
Year Ended
March 31,
  For the
Year Ended
March 31,

  For the
Year Ended
March 31,




Class A


Proceeds from shares issued

     $ 709,715     $     $ 12,835,122     $ 9,113,603

Distributions reinvested

       7,561       7,644       134,440       76,462

Cost of shares redeemed

       (614,498 )       (17,672 )       (2,839,365 )       (4,903,474 )













Change in Class A

     $ 102,778     $ (10,028 )     $ 10,130,197     $ 4,286,591













Class I


Proceeds from shares issued

     $ 21,794,611     $ 32,255,714     $ 80,154,732     $ 37,609,125

Distributions reinvested

       1,193,085       1,044,878       580,363       649,900

Cost of shares redeemed

       (17,352,591 )       (3,208,643 )       (37,477,473 )       (32,239,671 )













Change in Class I

     $ 5,635,105     $ 30,091,949     $ 43,257,622     $ 6,019,354













Change in net assets resulting from capital transactions

     $ 5,737,883     $ 30,081,921     $ 53,387,819     $ 10,305,945















Class A



       70,845             1,290,212       917,015


       744       762       13,499       7,728


       (60,614 )       (1,753 )       (284,952 )       (500,067 )













Change in Class A

       10,975       (991 )       1,018,759       424,676













Class I



       2,147,703       3,203,863       8,042,106       3,815,983


       117,499       104,177       58,388       65,704


       (1,710,568 )       (320,282 )       (3,763,365 )       (3,293,267 )













Change in Class I

       554,634       2,987,758       4,337,129       588,420













Change in shares resulting from capital transactions

       565,609       2,986,767       5,355,888       1,013,096















7. Federal Income Taxes:

It is the policy of each Fund to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the provisions available to certain investment companies, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, and to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net realized capital gains. Therefore, no federal tax liability is recorded in the financial statements of each Fund.

Fund Management has analyzed the Fund’s tax positions taken or expected to be taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years (current and prior three tax years) and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Funds’ financial statements. The Funds’ federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue.







As of and during the year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the Statement of Operations. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties.

As of March 31, 2021, the tax cost of investments and the breakdown of unrealized appreciation (depreciation) for each Fund was as follows:


     Tax Cost Of
    Net Unrealized

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     $63,448,567        $866,740        $  (97,817     $768,923  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     98,565,373        447,061        (119,502     327,559  

The difference between book basis and tax basis unrealized appreciation/depreciation is attributable to the mark to market on derivatives.

The tax character of distributions during the year ended March 31, 2021 were as follows:


     Distributions Paid From  
     Total Taxable

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

   $ 1,200,990        $1,200,990        $1,200,990  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     783,235        783,235        783,235  

The tax character of distributions during the year ended March 31, 2020 were as follows:


     Distributions Paid From  
     Total Taxable

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     $1,052,576        $1,052,576        $1,052,576  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     746,191        746,191        746,191  

Total distributions paid may differ from the Statements of Changes in Net Assets because distributions are recognized when actually paid for tax purposes.







As of March 31, 2021, the components of accumulated earnings/(losses) on a tax basis were as follows:


     Short Duration
Fixed Income
Fixed Income

Undistributed ordinary income

      $   26,597        $     5,775  

Undistributed long term gain








Accumulated earnings

        43,626          5,775  

Distributions payable

        (910              (5,657

Accumulated capital loss carryforwards


Unrealized appreciation

        768,923          327,559  







Total Accumulated Earnings

               $ 811,639        $  150,109  







As of March 31, 2021, Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund had a short-term capital loss carryforward of $148,670 and a long-term capital loss carryforward of $28,898, available to offset future realized capital gains in accordance with the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010. This capital loss carryforward is not subject to expiration.

During the year ended March 31, 2021 the Short Duration Fixed Income Fund and Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund utilized $469,025 and $366,638, respectively, of capital loss carryforwards.

Under current tax law, capital losses realized after October 31 and ordinary losses after December 31 of a Fund’s fiscal year may be deferred and treated as occurring on the first business day of the following fiscal year for tax purposes. The Short Duration Fixed Income Fund and Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund did not have any deferred qualified late-year capital losses.



8. Line of Credit

The Funds, along with other Funds within the Trust, participate in an uncommitted, unsecured $500,000,000 line of credit with U.S. Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”), the Funds’ custodian, to be used to fund shareholder redemption requests and for other short-term temporary or emergency general business purposes. The line of credit has a scheduled termination date of July 31, 2021. Interest is charged on borrowings under this line of credit at the Bank’s prime lending rate per annum. Since multiple funds within the Trust participate in this line of credit, there is no assurance that an individual fund will have access to all or any part of the $500,000,000 at any particular time. There were no loans outstanding pursuant to this line of credit at March 31, 2021 and there were no borrowings made by the Funds during

the period.



9. Significant Risks

Shareholder concentration risk:

As of March 31, 2021, the following Funds had omnibus accounts which each owned more than 10% of a Fund’s outstanding shares as shown below:


     # of Omnibus Accounts      % of Fund  

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund

     3        87.7%  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

     2        57.0%  

In addition, an unaffiliated shareholder owned 30.2% of the Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund as of March 31, 2021. Significant transactions by these shareholders may impact the Funds’ performance.

Market risk

One or more markets in which a Fund invests may go down in value, sometimes sharply and unpredictably, and the value of a Fund’s portfolio securities may fall or fail to rise. Market risk may affect a single issuer, sector of the economy, industry or the market as a whole. In addition, global







economies and financial markets are becoming increasingly interconnected, and political, economic and other conditions and events (including, but not limited to, natural disasters, pandemics, epidemics, and social unrest) in one country, region, or financial market may adversely impact issuers in a different country, region or financial market. Furthermore, the occurrence of, among other events, natural or man-made disasters, severe weather or geological events, fires, floods, earthquakes, outbreaks of disease (such as COVID-19, avian influenza or H1N1/09), epidemics, pandemics, malicious acts, cyber-attacks, terrorist acts or the occurrence of climate change, may also adversely impact the performance of a Fund. Such events could adversely impact issuers, markets and economies over the short- and long-term, including in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen. A Fund could be negatively impacted if the value of a portfolio holding were harmed by such political or economic conditions or events. Moreover, such negative political and economic conditions and events could disrupt the processes necessary for a Fund’s operations.



10. Subsequent Events:

Fund Management’s evaluation of the impact of all subsequent events on the Funds’ financial statements was completed through the date the financial statements were issued and the following item was noted:

Following the period end, affiliated and unaffiliated shareholders of Short Duration Fixed Income Fund redeemed $26,649,706, which represented approximately 41.3% of the Fund’s net assets as of March 31, 2021.







To the Board of Trustees of RBC Funds Trust and Shareholders of RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund and RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund

Opinions on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of portfolio investments, of RBC Short Duration Fixed Income Fund and RBC Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (two of the funds constituting RBC Funds Trust, hereafter collectively referred to as the “Funds”) as of March 31, 2021, the related statements of operations for the year ended March 31, 2021, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021, including the related notes, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended March 31, 2021 (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds as of March 31, 2021, the results of each of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in each of their net assets for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021 and each of the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period ended March 31, 2021 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinions

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2021 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Minneapolis, Minnesota

May 21, 2021

We have served as the auditor of one or more investment companies in the RBC Funds since 2016.







For the year ended March 31, 2021, the following Funds had a qualified interest income percentage of:





Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 852(b)(3), the Short Duration Fund reported $17,029 as long-term capital gain distribution for the year ended March 31, 2021.

All reportings are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly, are subject to change. For each item above, it is the intention of the Funds to report the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder.









Independent Trustees(1)(2)



Lucy Hancock Bode (69)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Healthcare consultant (self-employed) (1986 to present)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Franklin Street Partners (2014 to present); BioSignia (2006 to 2010).



Leslie H. Garner Jr. (70)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (2010 to present); President, Cornell College (1994 to 2010)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None



Phillip G. Goff. (57)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2020

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Senior Vice President/Corporate Controller and Funds Treasurer, TIAA (October 2006-August 2017)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None



Ronald James (70)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Faculty member (part time), University of St. Thomas (2004 to present), President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Ethical Business Cultures (2000 to January 2017)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Bremer Financial Corporation (2004 to present); Greater Twin Cities United Way (2012 to 2020); Best Buy Co. Inc. (2004 to 2013)



John A. MacDonald (72)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Vice President and Treasurer, Hall Family Foundation (1988 to 2020); Chief Investment Officer, Chinquapin Trust Company (1999 to 2020)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None










Independent Trustees(1)(2)



James R. Seward, CFA (68)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chairman of the Board and Trustee since January 2004

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Private investor (2000 to present)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: Sooner Holdings (formerly Syntroleum Corporation) (1988 to 2015); Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (2008 to 2019)



Interested Trustees(1)(2)(3)



Kathleen A. Gorman (57)(5)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Trustee since September 2012

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary (March 2018 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2006 to 2012)

Number of Portfolios in Fund Complex Overseen by Trustee: 18

Other Director/Trustee Positions Held by Trustee During Past 5 Years: None








Executive Officers(1)(3)(4)



Kathleen A. Gorman (57)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: President and Chief Executive Officer since September 2012 and Assistant Secretary, (March 2018 to present)

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: President and Chief Executive Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary, RBC Funds (March 2018 to present);Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2006 to 2012)



Kathleen A. Hegna (54)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer since May 2009 and Treasurer since March 2014

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Associate Vice President and Director, Mutual Fund Services, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (2009 to present)



Christina M. Weber (52)

Position, Term of Office and Length of Time Served with the Trust: Chief Compliance Officer since December 2012 and Secretary since September 2017

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years: Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (June 2018 to present); Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (2012 to present); Assistant Secretary, RBC Funds (2013 to 2017); Senior Compliance Officer, RBC Funds (March 2012 to December 2012)





Except as otherwise noted, the address of each Trustee/Officer is RBC Funds Trust, 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2350, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402.



All Trustees must retire on or before December 31 of the year in which they reach age 75. The Board may temporarily waive this requirement when necessary to avoid depriving the Board of a Trustee with critical skills.



On December 31, 2009, Voyageur Asset Management Inc. changed its name to RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. Any references to RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. for prior periods are deemed to be references to the prior entity.



Each officer serves in such capacity for an indefinite period of time until his or her removal, resignation or retirement.



Kathleen A. Gorman has been determined to be an interested Trustee by virtue of her position with the Advisor.

The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information includes information about the Funds’ Trustees. To receive your free copy of the Statement of Additional Information, call toll free: 1-800-422-2766.











The Funds offer Class A and Class I shares.



Class A

Class A shares are intended for investors meeting certain minimum investment thresholds. This share class does not have an up-front sales charge (load). Class A shares currently include a 0.10% (10 bps) annual 12b-1 service and distribution fee.



Class I

Class I shares are intended for investors meeting certain minimum investment thresholds. This share class does not have an up-front sales charge (load) or a 12b-1 service and distribution fee.









Shareholder Expense Examples

As a shareholder of the the RBC Funds, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the RBC Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period from October 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021.



Actual Expenses

The table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information below, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the table under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Account Value
Account Value
     Expenses Paid
During Period*
Expense Ratio
During Period

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


    Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,005.70        $2.25        0.45%  

    Class I

     1,000.00        1,005.20        1.75        0.35%  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


    Class A

     1,000.00        1,005.50        1.90        0.38%  

    Class I

     1,000.00        1,006.00        1.40        0.28%  

*Expenses are equal to the average account value times the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect one half year period).









Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on each RBC Funds’ actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


Account Value
Account Value
     Expenses Paid
During Period*
Expense Ratio
During Period

Short Duration Fixed Income Fund


    Class A

     $1,000.00        $1,022.69        $2.27        0.45%  

    Class I

     1,000.00        1,023.19        1.77        0.35%  

Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund


    Class A

     1,000.00        1,023.04        1.92        0.38%  

    Class I

     1,000.00        1,023.54        1.41        0.28%  

*Expenses are equal to the average account value times the Fund’s annualized expense ratio multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect one half year period).







This section discusses the operation and effectiveness of the Liquidity Risk Management Program (the “Program”) of RBC Funds Trust (the “Trust”), including each of its series (each, a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”), established in accordance with Rule 22e-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Liquidity Rule” and the “1940 Act,” respectively). The Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”), including a majority of the Trustees who are not “interested persons” as defined in the 1940 Act, approved the Program on behalf of each Fund, as required pursuant to the Liquidity Rule. The Board also approved the designation of RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. (“RBC”), the investment adviser to each Fund, as the Program Administrator for the Program. RBC administers day-to-day implementation of the Program through a working group known as the Liquidity Risk Committee (the “Committee”), as set forth in the Program.

RBC, as Program Administrator, provided the Board with a report addressing the operation of the Program and assessing its adequacy and effectiveness of implementation, including, if applicable, the operation of any Fund’s highly liquid investments minimum (“HLIM”) and any material changes to the Program (the “Report”).

The Report covered the year ending December 31, 2020 (the “Review Period”).

I. Key Conclusions of the Report

The Program, as implemented, is reasonably designed to assess and manage each Fund’s liquidity risk. During the Review Period, the Program was implemented and operated effectively to achieve the goal of assessing and managing each Fund’s liquidity risk. No Fund was required to set an HLIM and each Fund was able to meet requests for redemption without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the Fund. There were no material changes to the Program implemented during the Review Period.

II. Summary of the Review

A. Liquidity Risk Assessment and Review

Throughout the Review Period, the Program Administrator, in consultation with investment personnel, monitored the Funds’ portfolio liquidity and liquidity risk on an ongoing basis, as described in the Program, monthly in connection with recording the liquidity classification for each portfolio investment for reporting on Form N-PORT, and in Board reporting throughout the Review Period.

The Program Administrator also conducted an annual review assessing each Fund’s liquidity risk as described in the Report, in accordance with the requirements of the Program and the Liquidity Rule, taking into account the following factors enumerated in the Liquidity Rule and identified in the Program, as applicable:

a. Each Fund’s investment strategy and liquidity of portfolio investments during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions, including: (i) whether the Fund’s investment strategy is appropriate for an open-end fund; (ii) the extent to which the Fund’s strategy involves a relatively concentrated portfolio or large positions in particular issuers; (iii) the Fund’s use of borrowings for investment purposes; and (iv) the Fund’s use of derivatives (including for hedging purposes);

b. Short-term and long-term cash flow projections during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions; and

c. Holdings of cash and cash equivalents, as well as borrowing arrangements and other funding sources.

Investment Strategy and Portfolio Liquidity. The Program Administrator considered the factors identified above, among others, during both normal and reasonably foreseeable stressed conditions as provided in the Program. Pursuant to the review, the Program Administrator determined that each Fund’s investment strategy and use of derivatives are appropriate for an open-end fund.

Cash Flow. The Funds’ cash flows did not have a material effect on the ability to meet redemptions during the Review Period.







Holdings of Cash and Borrowing Arrangements. As described in the Report, the Program Administrator determined that the Funds’ holdings of cash and borrowing arrangements were adequate for meeting the Funds’ expected cash flow needs to meet redemptions during the Review Period.

In light of the assessment and review as discussed above, the Program Administrator did not recommend any material changes in the management of the Funds’ liquidity risks, including with respect to any of the above factors.

B. Portfolio Holdings Classifications

During the Review Period, each Fund’s portfolio holdings (including derivative investments) were classified monthly as Highly Liquid Investments, Moderately Liquid Investments, Less Liquid Investments and Illiquid Investments pursuant to the Program, as required by the Liquidity Rule.

During the Review Period, the Funds classified portfolio investments (including, as applicable, derivatives transactions) according to asset class when appropriate, as described in the Program. In addition, pursuant to the Program, each Fund must separately classify and review any investment within an asset class if any market, trading, or investment-specific considerations are reasonably expected to significantly affect the liquidity of the investment as compared the Fund’s other portfolio holdings within that asset class. During the Review Period, there were no circumstances in which a Fund was required to separately classify any investment within an asset class.

Market Depth—Reasonably Anticipated Trading Size (“RATS”). In classifying and reviewing its portfolio investments or asset classes (as applicable), each Fund must determine whether trading varying portions of a position in a particular portfolio investment or asset class, in sizes that the Fund would reasonably anticipate trading, is reasonably expected to significantly affect its liquidity. Each Fund must take this determination into account when classifying the liquidity of that investment or asset class. Although there were higher than average redemptions during the Review Period due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, there were no changes to the RATS assumptions for the Funds during the Review period.

Classification Review. As required by the Liquidity Rule, the Funds reviewed liquidity classifications on a monthly basis during the Review Period as described in the Program. The Committee met monthly, including twice in March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to review its portfolio investments’ classifications in connection with recording the liquidity classification for each portfolio investment for reporting on Form N-PORT. The Program Administrator oversaw the Funds’ process for classifying portfolio holdings under the Liquidity Rule and reviewed the classifications, as described in the Program. This review included a review of the methodology and data inputs used. During the Review Period, the Program Administrator determined that there were no material operational issues with the process for classifying portfolio holdings, although unexpected market closures resulting from the COVID-19 materially affected one or more investments’ classification. Due to market volatility and such market closures, the Committee determined that, between March 13th and the end of June, a daily review of the Funds’ classifications was warranted.


The Program Administrator reviewed the process and standards for determining that each Fund primarily holds investments that are highly liquid. There were no changes recommended in the Report with respect to the status of any Fund as a Primarily Highly Liquid Fund (“PHLF”) and each Fund qualified as a PHLF on an ongoing basis during the Review Period as described in the Report.

Accordingly, an HLIM was not required for any Fund during the Review Period pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Program.

D. Compliance with the 15% Limitation on Illiquid Investments

Pursuant to the Liquidity Rule, no Fund may acquire any illiquid investment if, after the acquisition, the Fund would have invested more than 15% of its assets in illiquid investments that are assets (the “15% Limit”). The Program Administrator monitored compliance with the 15% Limit as described in the Program. At no time during the Review Period did any Fund breach the 15% limit.







E. Redemptions in Kind

There were no redemptions in-kind effected by any Fund during the Review Period.








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RBC Funds

P.O. Box 701

Milwaukee, WI 53201-0701



Performance data represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. The principal value of an investment and investment return will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

This report and the financial statements contained herein are provided for the information of RBC Funds shareholders. This report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus, which contains information concerning investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the funds. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.

This report and the financial statements contained herein are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice. There is no assurance that certain securities will remain in or out of each fund’s portfolio. The views expressed in this report reflect those of the portfolio managers through the year ended March 31, 2021.


RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. serves as investment advisor for the RBC Funds. RBC Funds are distributed by Quasar Distributors LLC.



The RBC Funds are pleased to offer shareholder reports printed entirely on Forest

Stewardship Council® certified paper. FSC® certification ensures that the paper

used in this report contains fiber from well-managed and responsibly harvested

forests that meet strict environmental and socioeconomic standards.

RBCF-FI AR 03-21


Not applicable.


Item 2.

Code of Ethics.



The registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report, has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.



There have been no amendments, during the period covered by this report, to a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, and that relates to any element of the code of ethics description.



The registrant has not granted any waivers, including an implicit waiver, from a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, that relates to one or more of the items set forth in paragraph (b) of this item’s instructions.


Item 3.

Audit Committee Financial Expert.

As of the end of the period covered by the report, the registrant’s board of directors has determined that Phillip G. Goff and James R. Seward are qualified to serve as an audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee and that they are “independent,” as defined by Item 3 of Form N-CSR.


Item 4.

Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Audit Fees



The aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years are $255,700 for 2021 and $249,400 for 2020.

Audit-Related Fees



The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item are $0 for 2021 and $0 for 2020.

Tax Fees



The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning are $29,120 for 2021 and $28,420 for 2020.

All Other Fees



The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item are $0 for 2021 and $0 for 2020.



Disclose the audit committee’s pre-approval policies and procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

The Audit Committee (“Committee”) will review and approve in advance any proposal (except as set forth in (1) through (3) below) that the Trust employ the Funds’ auditor to render “permissible non-audit services” to the Funds. A “permissible non-audit service” is defined as a non-audit service that is not prohibited by Rule 2-01(c)(4) of Regulation S-X or other applicable law or regulation. The Committee will also review and approve in advance any proposal (except as set forth in (1) through (3) below) that the Adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Adviser that provides ongoing services to the Funds (an “Adviser-affiliated service provider”), employ the Funds’ auditor to render non-audit services, if such engagement would relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Funds. As a part of its review, the Committee shall consider whether the provision of such services is consistent with the auditor’s independence. (See also “Delegation” below.)

Pre-approval by the Committee of non-audit services is not required so long as:

(1)        (A)    with respect to the Funds, the aggregate amount of all such permissible non-audit services provided to the Funds constitutes no more than 5% of the total amount of revenues paid to the auditor by the Funds during the fiscal year in which the services are provided; or

(B)    with respect to the Adviser and any Adviser-affiliated service provider, the aggregate amount of all such non-audit services provided constitutes no more than 5% of the total amount of revenues (of the type that would have to be pre-approved by the Committee) paid to the auditor by the Funds, the Adviser and any Adviser-affiliated service provider during the fiscal year in which the services are provided;

(2)              such services were not recognized by the Funds at the time of the engagement to be non-audit services; and

(3)              such services are promptly brought to the attention of the Committee and approved by the Committee or its delegate or delegates, as defined below, prior to the completion of the audit.

(c)              Delegation

The Committee may delegate to one or more of its members and/or to officers of the Trust the authority to pre-approve the auditor’s provision of audit services or permissible non-audit services to the Funds up to a predetermined amount. Any pre-approval determination made by a delegate will be presented to the full Committee at its next meeting. The Committee will communicate any pre-approval made by a delegate to the Trust’s fund accounting agent, which will ensure that the appropriate disclosure is made in the Funds’ periodic reports and other documents as required under the Federal securities laws.


The percentage of services described in each of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this Item that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X are as follows:












The percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant’s engagement to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees was less than fifty percent.



The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant was $358,941 for 2021 and $297,250 for 2020.



The registrant’s audit committee of the board of directors has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.


Item 5.

Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Not applicable.


Item 6.




Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.



Not applicable.


Item 7.

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.


Item 8.

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.


Item 9.

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

Not applicable.


Item 10.

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which the shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of directors, where those changes were implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.407) (as required by Item 22(b)(15) of Schedule 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-101)), or this Item.


Item 11.

Controls and Procedures.



The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).



There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d))) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12.

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Not applicable.

Item 13. Exhibits.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




    RBC Funds Trust



By (Signature and Title)*


      /s/Kathleen A. Gorman


      Kathleen A. Gorman, President and Chief Executive Officer


      (principal executive officer)







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By (Signature and Title)*


      /s/Kathleen A. Gorman


      Kathleen A. Gorman, President and Chief Executive Officer


      (principal executive officer)








By (Signature and Title)*


      /s/Kathleen A. Hegna


      Kathleen A. Hegna, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer


      (principal financial officer)








* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.