EX-99.1 2 d173674dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1

Commission File Number 001-31914






(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 2628)


This announcement is made by China Life Insurance Company Limited (the “Company”) pursuant to the inside information provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Rules 13.09(2) and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.






The Company’s Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, its Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management warrant that the information in this quarterly report is true, accurate and complete and contains no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and jointly and severally accept full legal responsibility.



On 28 April 2021, the Company’s 2021 First Quarter Report was considered and approved at the thirty-fifth meeting of the sixth session of the Board of the Company. Of the nine Directors of the Company, eight attended the Board Meeting. Executive Director Mr. Li Mingguang could not attend the meeting due to other business, and gave written authorization to Executive Director Mr. Su Hengxuan to act as proxy to attend and vote at the meeting.



The financial data of the Company for the first quarter of 2021 have been prepared in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and are unaudited. Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company and equity attributable to equity holders of the Company in the consolidated financial statements have no difference from the relevant data under International Financial Reporting Standards.



Mr. Wang Bin, Chairman of the Board of the Company, Ms. Huang Xiumei, Vice President in charge of financial affairs, Mr. Li Mingguang, Chief Actuary and Ms. Hu Jin, Head of the Financial Department, confirm that the financial statements in this 2021 first quarter report are true, accurate and complete.







Major financial data and financial indicators

Currency: RMB


As at

31 March 2021


As at

31 December 2020




compared to

31 December 2020


Total assets (million)

     4,469,985        4,252,410        5.1%  

Equity holders’ equity (million)

     467,747        450,051        3.9%  

Ordinary share holders’ equity per share (RMB per share)

     16.55        15.92        3.9%  
      For the three months
ended 31 March 2021
     For the three months
ended 31 March 2020

compared to the

same period of 2020


Net cash flows from operating activities (million)

     161,232        125,309        28.7%  

Net cash flows from operating activities per share (RMB per share)

     5.70        4.43        28.7%  

Operating income (million)

     373,458        337,772        10.6%  

Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company (million)

     28,589        17,090        67.3%  

Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company after deducting non-recurring items (million)

     28,639        17,120        67.3%  

Earnings per share (basic and diluted) (RMB per share)

     1.01        0.60        68.3%  

Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring items (RMB per share)

     1.01        0.60        68.3%  

Weighted average ROE (%)

     6.23        4.24       
An increase of 1.99
percentage points

Weighted average ROE after deducting non-recurring items (%)

     6.24        4.25       
An increase of 1.99
percentage points



In calculating the percentage changes of “Ordinary share holders’ equity per share”, “Net cash flows from operating activities per share”, “Earnings per share (basic and diluted)” and “Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring items”, the tail differences of the basic figures have been taken into account.




Non-recurring items and amounts

RMB million

Non-recurring items Note   


For the reporting period
(from January to March)


Gains/(losses) on disposal of non-current assets


Government subsidies recognized in current gains/(losses)




Net non-recurring items other than those mentioned above


Effect of income tax


Attributable to non-controlling interests






As an insurance company, investment of insurance funds is one of the major businesses of the Company. Therefore, the non-recurring items do not include fair value gains/(losses) from financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, as well as investment income from the disposal of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets.




Total number of shareholders and the particulars of top ten shareholders as at the end of the reporting period


Total number of shareholders as at the end of the reporting period


Number of A Share shareholders: 176,897


Number of H Share shareholders: 25,886

Particulars of top ten shareholders of the Company

  Unit: Share
Name of shareholder   Nature of shareholder   Percentage of

Total number

of shares


Number of
shares subject

to selling


Number of
shares pledged

or frozen


China Life Insurance (Group) Company

  State-owned legal person   68.37%   19,323,530,000   –     –  

HKSCC Nominees Limited

  Overseas legal person   25.93%   7,329,086,030   –     –  

China Securities Finance Corporation Limited

  State-owned legal person   2.51%   708,240,246   –     –  

Central Huijin Asset Management Limited

  State-owned legal person   0.42%   119,719,900   –     –  

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited

  Overseas legal person   0.18%   51,756,584   –     –  

China Universal Asset Management Co., Limited – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited – China Universal – Tianfu Bull No. 53 Asset Management Plan

  Other   0.05%   15,015,845   –     –  




Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited – SSE 50 Exchange Traded Index Securities Investment Fund

  Other   0.04%   10,010,242   –     –  

China International Television Corporation

  State-owned legal person   0.04%   10,000,000   –     –  

China National Nuclear Corporation

  State-owned legal person   0.03%   8,950,800   –     –  

Feng Xiang

  Domestic natural person   0.03%   8,501,804   –     –  

Details of shareholders


1. HKSCC Nominees Limited is a company that holds shares on behalf of the clients of the Hong Kong stock brokers and other participants of the CCASS system. The relevant regulations of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited do not require such persons to declare whether their shareholdings are pledged or frozen. Hence, HKSCC Nominees Limited is unable to calculate or provide the number of shares that are pledged or frozen.


2. China Universal Asset Management Co., Limited – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited – China Universal – Tianfu Bull No.53 Asset Management Plan has Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited as its asset trustee. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited – SSE 50 Exchange Traded Index Securities Investment Fund has Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited as its fund depositary. Save as above, the Company was not aware of any connected relationship and concerted parties as defined by the “Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies” among the top ten shareholders of the Company.




Total number of preference share holders, top ten preference share holders, and the particulars of top ten preference share holders with no selling restrictions as at the end of the reporting period

☐  Applicable     ✓ Not applicable



Quarterly business analysis

Since 2021, as the external environment for development has been complicated and ever- changing, and the long-term and severe impact brought by the COVID-19 pandemic has become increasingly prominent, China has seen uneven economic recovery, and the insurance industry still remains to gain full recovery. During the reporting period, by closely upholding the strategic deployment of “China Life Revitalization” and the high-quality development requirements, the Company proactively responded to the challenges brought by the pandemic, well proceeded with various tasks and achieved a steady development, with its business profitability increasing effectively. Firstly, the overall business development of the Company remained stable, although it was under pressure as a result of the high base in the comparative period of the previous year. In the first quarter of 2021, revenues from insurance business1 of the Company reached RMB323,892 million, an increase of 5.2% year on year. In particular, renewal premiums amounted to RMB221,443 million, an increase of 11.7% year on year. Short-term insurance premiums amounted to RMB33,584 million, an increase of 2.3% year on year. As affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the release of insurance demands slowed down, and the development of the Company’s new policy business was under pressure. First-year regular premiums amounted to RMB68,276 million, of which, first-year regular premiums with a payment duration of ten years or longer were RMB19,656 million. With the high base in 2020, value of new business for the first quarter of 2021 decreased by 13.2% year on year. The surrender rate was 0.38%, an increase of 0.10 percentage point year on year. Secondly, the Company continued to focus on enhancing sales force quality while stabilizing its quantity, and carried out its day-to-day management in a more stringent manner. With the implementation of the customer-centric sales deployment of “Yi Ti Duo Yuan” in greater depth, the Company adhered to the strategy of “productive agents-driven business”, strengthened its day-to-day management, attached great importance to its quality enhancement, and consistently pushed forward high-quality development of the sales force. As at the end of the reporting period, the Company’s total sales force was 1.357 million, of which, the number of agents of the individual agent business sector was 1.282 million, which generally remained stable. Thirdly, the Company optimized its asset allocation on account level and diversified investment strategies of asset classes, which laid down a solid foundation for the Company’s investment income of the whole year. As at the end of the reporting period, the Company’s investment assets reached RMB4,282,189 million, an increase of 4.5% from the end of 2020. The Company continued to allocate to the liability-matching portfolios




Revenues from insurance business is consistent with Premium Income in the attached income statement.



with long duration, made allocation to non-standard fixed-income assets and quasi-fixed income assets on a rolling basis to reinforce the safety cushion, and strived to improve its equity investment capability to gain excess returns. In the first quarter of 2021, the Company well coordinated strategic allocation and tactical operation based on market conditions, leveraged the strengths of asset managers within and outside the Company, diversified the types of fixed-income assets, and proactively managed equity exposures, so as to consistently optimize its position structure. In the first quarter of 2021, the Company registered gross investment income2 of RMB65,112 million, an increase of 43.3% year on year, and the gross investment yield3 reached 6.44%. The net investment income4 was RMB41,395 million, an increase of 8.7% year on year, and the net investment yield5 was 4.08%.

During the reporting period, net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company was RMB28,589 million, an increase of 67.3% year on year. As at the end of the reporting period, the core solvency ratio and comprehensive solvency ratio of the Company were 266.35% and 275.16%, respectively.

For the remaining period of 2021, the Company will implement the new development concept in all aspects, continue to maintain high-quality development, further push forward the “China Life Revitalization” initiative, adhere to the strategic core of “Three Major Transformations, Dual Centers and Dual Focuses, Asset-liability Interaction”, and uphold the operational guideline of “prioritizing business value, strengthening sales force, achieving stable growth, upgrading technology, optimizing customer services and guarding against risks”. The Company will strive to maintain the steady business growth, improve the quality of its sales force, foster new driving forces with perseverance, and firmly defend the bottom line of risk prevention and control, so as to make new progress in the “China Life Revitalization” initiative.





Gross investment income = Net investment income + Net realized gains on investment assets + Fair value gains/losses – Impairment losses of investment assets


Gross investment yield = {[(Gross investment income – Interest paid for financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase)/((Investment assets at the end of the previous year – Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase at the end of the previous year – Derivative financial liabilities at the end of the previous year + Investment assets at the end of the period – Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase at the end of the period – Derivative financial liabilities at the end of the period)/2)]/90}×365


Net investment income includes interest income from debt investments, interest income from deposits, dividend and bonus from equity investments, interest income from loans, net income from investment properties, and income from investments in associates and joint ventures, etc.


Net investment yield = {[(Net investment income – Interest paid for financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase)/((Investment assets at the end of the pervious year – Financial asset sold under agreements to repurchase at the end of the previous year + Investment assets at the end of the period – Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase at the end of the period)/2)]/90}×365







Particulars of and reasons for changes in major accounting items and financial indicators of the Company

✓ Applicable    ☐ Not applicable



Changes in key financial indicators and the reasons

RMB million

Key financial indicators  


As at

31 March



As at

31 December


    Main reasons

Total assets

    4,469,985       4,252,410       5.1%     Accumulation of the assets from insurance business and investment business

Total liabilities

    3,995,040       3,795,479       5.3%     An increase in insurance reserves

Equity holders’ equity

    467,747       450,051       3.9%     Due to the effect of profits during the Reporting Period
Key financial indicators  

For the three
months ended

31 March



For the three
months ended

31 March


    Main reasons

Operating profit

    35,252       21,130       66.8%     An increase in investment income

Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company

    28,589       17,090       67.3%     An increase in investment income




Material changes in major accounting items and the reasons

RMB million

Key financial indicators  

As at
31 March



As at
31 December


    Main reasons

Cash fund

    86,022       57,605       49.3%     The needs for liquidity management

Premiums receivables

    54,051       20,730       160.7%     The accumulation of renewal premiums

Unearned premium reserves

    32,489       14,701       121.0%     An increase in short-term insurance business and timing differences of business schedule
Key financial indicators  

For the three
months ended

31 March



For the three
months ended
31 December


    Main reasons

Investment income

    73,484       51,729       42.1%     An increase in investment income of equity assets

Fair value gains/(losses)

    (7,269)       (5,411)       34.3%     Due to the fluctuation of the market value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss


    12,308       7,740       59.0%     An increase in surrender of certain insurance products due to the pandemic

Income tax expenses

    6,149       3,760       63.5%     An increase in the Company’s profit




Explanation and analysis of significant events and their impacts and solutions

☐  Applicable     ✓ Not applicable



Undertakings were not implemented in due time during the reporting period

✓ Applicable    ☐  Not applicable


Prior to the listing of the Company’s A Shares (30 November 2006), land use rights were injected by China Life Insurance (Group) Company (the “CLIC”) into the Company during its reorganization. Out of these, four pieces of land (with a total area of 10,421.12 square meters) had not had its formalities in relation to the change of ownership completed. Further, out of the properties injected into the Company, there were six properties (with a gross floor area of 8,639.76 square meters) in respect of which the formalities in relation to the change of ownership had not been completed. CLIC undertook to complete the above-mentioned formalities within one year of the date of listing of the Company’s A Shares, and in the event such formalities could not be completed within such period, CLIC would bear any potential losses to the Company in relation thereto.

CLIC strictly followed these commitments. As at the end of the reporting period, save for the two properties and related land of the Company’s Shenzhen Branch, the ownership registration formalities of which had not been completed due to historical reasons, all other formalities in relation to the change of land and property ownership had been completed. The Shenzhen Branch of the Company continues to use such properties and land, and no other parties have questioned or hindered the use of such properties and land by the Company.

The Company’s Shenzhen Branch and the other co-owners of the properties have issued a letter to the governing department of the original owner of the properties in respect of the confirmation of ownership of the properties, requesting it to report the ownership issue to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (“SASAC”), and requesting the SASAC to confirm the respective shares of each co-owner in the properties and to issue written documents in this regard to the department of land and resources of Shenzhen, so as to assist the Company and the other co-owners to complete the formalities in relation to the division of ownership of the properties.

Given that the change of ownership of the above two properties and related land use rights were directed by the co-owners, and all formalities in relation to the change of ownership were proceeded slowly due to reasons such as issues rooted in history and government approvals, CLIC, the controlling shareholder of the Company, made further commitment as follows: CLIC will assist the Company in completing, and urge the co-owners to complete the formalities in relation to the change of ownership in respect of the above two properties and related land use rights as soon as possible. If the formalities cannot be completed due to the reasons of the co-owners, CLIC will take any other legally practicable measures to resolve the issue and will bear any potential losses suffered by the Company as a result of the defective ownership.




Warnings and explanation for any forecasted losses or significant changes (as compared to the same period of last year) in accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period

☐  Applicable    ✓ Not applicable

This announcement is published in both Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


By Order of the Board

China Life Insurance Company Limited

Heng Victor Ja Wei

Company Secretary

As at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors of the Company comprises:


Executive Directors:


Wang Bin, Su Hengxuan, Li Mingguang

Non-executive Directors:


Yuan Changqing, Wang Junhui

Independent Non-executive Directors:


Chang Tso Tung Stephen, Robinson Drake Pike,


Tang Xin, Leung Oi-Sie Elsie

Hong Kong, 28 April 2021







Balance sheet as at 31 March 2021 (unaudited)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)


As at

31 March


As at

31 December


As at

31 March


As at

31 December

   2021      2020      2021      2020  
ASSETS    Group      Group      Company      Company  



Cash fund

     86,022        57,605        63,675        50,688  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     153,583        161,564        108,359        127,398  

Securities purchased under agreements to resell

     7,339        7,947        6,545        5,888  

Interest receivables

     46,697        45,147        45,653        44,509  

Premiums receivables

     54,051        20,730        54,051        20,730  

Receivables from reinsurers

     741        1,135        741        1,135  

Unearned premium reserves receivable from reinsurers

     728        523        728        523  

Claim reserves receivable from reinsurers

     291        209        291        209  

Reserves for life insurance receivables from reinsurers

     633        570        633        570  

Reserves for long-term health insurance receivables from reinsurers

     3,760        3,658        3,760        3,658  

Other receivables

     12,036        14,988        9,273        12,459  


     675,303        658,535        653,776        638,849  

Term deposits

     550,786        545,667        518,980        521,886  

Available-for-sale financial assets

     1,294,078        1,215,603        1,264,491        1,187,153  

Held-to-maturity investments

     1,246,052        1,189,369        1,245,124        1,188,509  

Long-term equity investments

     248,587        239,584        328,636        289,596  

Statutory deposits

     6,333        6,333        5,653        5,653  

Investment properties

     14,106        14,217        6,115        6,162  

Constructions in progress

     11,406        11,332        10,600        10,567  

Fixed assets

     40,606        40,438        38,813        38,624  

Right-of-use assets

     2,796        3,076        2,659        2,823  

Intangible assets

     8,258        8,335        7,510        7,572  

Deferred tax assets

     161        87                

Other assets

     5,623        5,748        5,372        5,489  

Separate account assets

     9        10        9        10  

Total Assets

     4,469,985        4,252,410        4,381,447        4,170,660  














Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Balance sheet as at 31 March 2021 (unaudited) (continued)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)


As at

31 March


As at

31 December




As at

31 March


As at

31 December
















Short-term borrowings

     1,575        1,641                         

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     5,275        3,732                         

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase

     108,474        122,249                 102,694        116,584  

Premiums received in advance

     2,987        53,021                 2,987        53,021  

Brokerage and commission payable

     6,754        7,051                 6,754        7,051  

Reinsurance payable

     486        1,036                 486        1,036  

Salary and welfare payable

     10,977        11,811                 9,522        10,553  

Taxes payable

     4,756        1,080                 4,297        634  

Dividends payable


Claims payable

     56,987        55,031                 56,987        55,031  

Policyholder dividends payable

     124,427        122,510                 124,427        122,510  

Other payable

     16,768        15,975                 14,308        15,021  

Policyholder deposits

     296,220        288,202                 296,220        288,202  

Unearned premium reserves

     32,489        14,701                 32,489        14,701  

Claim reserves

     21,404        21,991                 21,404        21,991  

Reserves for life insurance

     2,994,175        2,768,584                 2,994,175        2,768,584  

Reserves for long-term health insurance

     174,767        167,949                 174,767        167,949  

Long-term borrowings

     17,897        17,915                         

Bonds payable

     34,993        34,992                 34,993        34,992  

Lease liabilities

     2,452        2,664                 2,317        2,416  

Deferred tax liabilities

     10,320        15,286                 10,776        15,705  

Other liabilities

     70,848        68,035                 24,333        25,308  

Separate account liabilities

     9        10                 9        10  

Total liabilities

     3,995,040        3,795,479                 3,913,945        3,721,299  



Share capital

     28,265        28,265                 28,265        28,265  

Capital reserve

     54,387        53,954                 53,639        53,206  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     43,599        54,862                 43,281        54,465  

Surplus reserve

     86,027        86,027                 85,979        85,979  

General reserve

     43,059        43,047                 42,313        42,313  

Retained earnings

     212,410        183,896                 214,025        185,133  

Attributable to equity holders of the Company

     467,747        450,051                             

Non-controlling interests

     7,198        6,880                             

Total equity

     474,945        456,931                 467,502        449,361  

Total liabilities and equity

     4,469,985        4,252,410                 4,381,447        4,170,660  


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Income statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

     For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March













1  Operating income

     373,458       337,772       372,255       336,859  

Premiums earned

     304,756       289,518       304,756       289,518  

Premium income

     323,892       307,776       323,892       307,776  

Including: Reinsurance premium income

           1             1  

Less: Premiums ceded to reinsurers

     (1,553     (1,293     (1,553     (1,293

Change in unearned premium reserves

     (17,583     (16,965     (17,583     (16,965

Investment income

     73,484       51,729       72,734       50,872  

Including: Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

     3,015       3,007       3,039       3,076  

Other gains

     111       15       58       12  

Fair value gains/(losses)

     (7,269     (5,411     (6,451     (4,575

Foreign exchange gains/(losses)

     144       58       48       121  

Other operating income

     2,218       1,862       1,096       910  

Gains/(losses) on disposal of assets

     14       1       14       1  

2  Operating expenses

     (338,206     (316,642     (337,372     (315,768


     (12,308     (7,740     (12,308     (7,740

Claims expense

     (43,033     (35,530     (43,033     (35,530

Less: Claims recoverable from reinsurers

     1,433       673       1,433       673  

Increase in insurance contracts reserve

     (231,822     (216,583     (231,822     (216,583

Less: Insurance reserves recoverable from reinsurers

     247       (56     247       (56

Policyholder dividends resulting from participation in profits

     (8,127     (6,591     (8,127     (6,591

Tax and surcharges

     (365     (218     (330     (202

Underwriting and policy acquisition costs

     (27,843     (34,569     (27,843     (34,569

Administrative expenses

     (9,367     (9,654     (8,793     (9,159

Less: Expenses recoverable from reinsurers

     83       62       83       62  

Other operating expenses

     (5,962     (5,553     (5,737     (5,190

Impairment losses

     (1,142     (883     (1,142     (883


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Income statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited) (continued)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

     For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March













3  Operating profit

     35,252       21,130       34,883       21,091  

Add: Non-operating income

     12       12       10       9  

Less: Non-operating expenses

     (130     (60     (130     (57

4  Net profit before income tax

     35,134       21,082       34,763       21,043  

Less: Income tax expenses

     (6,149     (3,760     (5,808     (3,540

5  Net profit

     28,985       17,322       28,955       17,503  

According to operating continuity:


– Net profit from continuing operations

     28,985       17,322       28,955       17,503  

According to ownership of the company:


– Equity holders of the Company

     28,589       17,090                  

Non-controlling interests

     396       232                  

6  Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share

     RMB1.01       RMB0.60                  

Diluted earnings per share

     RMB1.01       RMB0.60                  


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Income statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited) (continued)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

     For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March













7  Other Comprehensive income

     (11,404     (7,200     (11,247     (7,828

Other comprehensive income attributable to equity holders of the Company (net of tax)

     (11,326     (7,178                

Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss

     (11,278     (7,081     (11,199     (7,731

Fair value gains/(losses) on available-for-sale financial assets

     6,562       (3,096     6,547       (3,792

Less: Amount transferred to net profit from other comprehensive income

     (18,955     (7,654     (18,860     (7,605

Portion of fair value changes on available-for-sale financial assets attributable to participating policyholders

     1,780       2,694       1,780       2,694  

Other comprehensive income that may be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method

     (673     839       (673     951  

Exchanges differences on translating foreign operations

     8       136       7       21  

Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

     (48     (97     (48     (97

Other comprehensive income that may not be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method

     (48     (97     (48     (97

Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests (net of tax)

     (78     (22                

8  Total Comprehensive income

     17,581       10,122       17,708       9,675  

– Attributable to equity holders of the Company

     17,263       9,912                  

– Attributable to non-controlling interests

     318       210                  


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Cash flow statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

     For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March













1  Cash flows from operating activities


Premiums received

     240,417       204,687       240,417       204,687  

Net increase in policyholder deposits

     8,182       9,691       8,182       9,691  

Net cash received from financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     12,096             18,426       750  

Net cash received from financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     1,893       181              

Cash received from other operating activities

     2,749       2,439       1,348       1,123  

Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities

     265,337       216,998       268,373       216,251  

Cash paid for claims

     (53,385     (40,254     (53,385     (40,254

Net cash paid for reinsurance business

     (193     (176     (193     (176

Cash paid for brokerage and commission fees

     (28,140     (31,696     (28,140     (31,696

Cash paid for policyholder dividends

     (3,838     (1,637     (3,838     (1,637

Cash paid to and for employees

     (6,250     (5,912     (6,012     (5,640

Cash paid for taxes and surcharges

     (4,255     (4,947     (3,684     (4,381

Net cash paid for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss


Cash paid for other operating activities

     (8,044     (6,384     (8,017     (5,959

Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities

     (104,105     (91,689     (103,269     (89,743

Net cash flows from operating activities

     161,232       125,309       165,104       126,508  


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Cash flow statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited) (continued)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

     For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March













2  Cash flows from investing activities


Cash received from sales and redemption of investments

     170,016       225,176       168,044       221,265  

Cash received from investment income

     42,280       34,741       39,182       34,102  

Net cash received from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

     19       2       19       2  

Net cash received from securities purchased under agreements to resell


Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units

           591       30       953  

Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities

     212,923       260,510       207,275       256,322  

Cash paid for investments

     (320,236     (283,748     (329,960     (273,907

Net increase in policy loans

     (11,542     (4,461     (11,542     (4,461

Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

     (1,064     (1,738     (980     (1,706

Net cash paid from securities purchased under agreements to resell

           (27,118     (657     (28,619

Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities

     (332,842     (317,065     (343,139     (308,693

Net cash flows from investing activities

     (119,919     (56,555     (135,864     (52,371


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department




Cash flow statement for the first quarter of 2021 (unaudited) (continued)

RMB million (Unless otherwise stated)

              For the three months
ended 31 March
    For the three months
ended 31 March



Cash flows from financing activities


Cash received from investment

              3,741       4,479              

Including: Cash received from the investment


of non-controlling interests by



              3,741       4,479              

Cash received from borrowings


Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities

              3,741       4,603              

Cash paid for dividends and interests and repaid for lenders

              (2,090     (2,107     (1,991     (1,871

Net cash paid for securities sold under agreements to repurchase

              (13,775     (53,743     (13,890     (54,551

Cash paid for other financing activities

              (754     (549     (340     (263

Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities

              (16,619     (56,399     (16,221     (56,685

Net cash flows from financing activities

              (12,878     (51,796     (16,221     (56,685

4  Effect of changes in foreign exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents

              (30     16       (33     23  

5  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

              28,405       16,974       12,986       17,475  

Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents

              56,629       53,306       50,692       48,802  

6  Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents

              85,034       70,280       63,678       66,277  


Wang Bin   Huang Xiumei   Li Mingguang   Hu Jin
Chairman   Vice President in   Chief Actuary   Head of
  charge of Accounting Affairs     Financial Department