Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number: 811-21335
Exact name of registrant as specified in charter: Optimum Fund Trust
Address of principal executive offices: 2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Name and address of agent for service: David F. Connor, Esq.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 523-1918
Date of fiscal year end: March 31
Date of reporting period: March 31, 2012

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Optimum International Fund
  Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund  
  Optimum Large Cap Value Fund  
  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund  
  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund  
  Annual Report  
  March 31, 2012  

Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds’ prospectus and, if available, their summary prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting www.optimummutualfunds.com or calling 800 914-0278. Investors should read the prospectus and, if available, the summary prospectus carefully before investing.

Table of contents

Portfolio management review
       Optimum Fixed Income Fund 1
       Optimum International Fund 3
       Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund 6
       Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 9
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund 12
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 14
Performance summary
       Optimum Fixed Income Fund 18
       Optimum International Fund 22
       Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund 24
       Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 26
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund 28
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 30
Disclosure of Fund expenses 32
Security type/sector/country allocations
and top 10 equity holdings 34
Financial statements
       Statements of net assets 38
       Statements of assets and liabilities 83
       Statements of operations 84
       Statements of changes in net assets 85
       Financial highlights 88
       Notes to financial statements 112
Report of independent
registered public accounting firm 129
Other Fund information 130
Board of trustees and officers addendum 131
About the organization 133

Investments in Optimum Fixed Income Fund, Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund, and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund are not and will not be deposits with or liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 and its holding companies, including their subsidiaries or related companies, and are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested. No Macquarie Group company guarantees or will guarantee the performance of the Funds, the repayment of capital from the Funds, or any particular rate of return.

Unless otherwise noted, views expressed herein are current as of March 31, 2012, and subject to change. Holdings are as of the date indicated and subject to change.

Funds are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose the principal amount invested.

Mutual fund advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a series of Delaware Management Business Trust, which is a registered investment advisor. Delaware Investments, a member of Macquarie Group, refers to Delaware Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Funds’ distributor, Delaware Distributors, L.P. Macquarie Group refers to Macquarie Group Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide.

All third-party marks cited are the property of their respective owners.

© 2012 Delaware Management Holdings, Inc.

Portfolio management review

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)            
Optimum Fixed Income Fund (Class A shares) 1-year return +6.71%
Optimum Fixed Income Fund (Institutional Class shares)   1-year return +7.20%
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (benchmark) 1-year return +7.71%
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum Fixed Income Fund, please see the table on page 18.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


Delaware Management Company (DMC)
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO)

Market overview

Throughout the Fund’s fiscal year, political and economic policy makers around the world continued to have a significant effect on global financial markets, which were characterized by growing uncertainty.

Volatility was amplified during the first half of the Fund’s fiscal year on concerns surrounding the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, news of Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the long-term U.S. credit rating, and disappointing global growth expectations. During this period, the markets experienced a massive selloff in risky assets and a flight to U.S. Treasurys. The move caused interest rates across the yield curve to fall sharply. In response, the U.S. Federal Reserve signaled its intent to buy $400 billion of long-dated U.S. Treasurys through “Operation Twist,” which further fueled the rally in U.S. Treasurys.

Risk appetite cautiously returned in the second half of the Fund’s fiscal year amid improving U.S. economic data and short-term prevention of a disorderly default by a European sovereign. The European Central Bank instituted long-term refinancing operations in December 2011, which had an immediate stabilizing effect on markets. To further support the nascent recovery, the Fed indicated that economic conditions were likely to warrant exceptionally low rates at least through late 2014. Markets reflected optimism over these policy measures, and risk assets rallied during this period.

Fund performance

Although Optimum Fixed Income Fund lagged its benchmark index for the fiscal year, the Fund posted a positive return for the period. In general, returns for the Fund were aided by exposures to corporate bonds, both investment grade and high yield, while allocations to Treasurys detracted from returns.


DMC’s portion of Optimum Fixed Income Fund employs a diversified “core plus” investment strategy. This means that DMC seeks to invest the core of its assets under management in U.S. investment grade securities, and then strategically allocates other assets to additional fixed income markets. These additional sectors include U.S. high yield bonds as well as established and emerging international markets.

Within the investment grade market, emphasis on lower-medium and medium-grade (BBB- and A-rated) issues, as well as the generally positive effects of security selection, contributed to performance within DMC’s portion of the Fund.

The high yield bond market was a tale of two halves throughout the Fund’s fiscal year. As the period began, it underperformed other fixed income sectors as lower-quality issues did not directly participate in the interest-rate-driven rally in bond prices. However,

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Portfolio management review

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

exposure to the sector aided the performance of the DMC portion of the Fund during the second half of the fiscal year, as lower-quality issues produced both income and price appreciation benefits.

DMC’s focus continued to be about quality ratings, liquidity, potential downside protection, and seeking exceptional value for taking risk. For instance, it generally remained underweight in government-backed or agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) as the team believed that such securities remained expensive for much of the Fund’s fiscal year. Though these areas of the market underperformed during much of the period, they did improve toward the end as rates rose slightly. Overall, however, the Fund’s portfolio holdings in agency mortgage-backed securities had a neutral effect for the Fund’s fiscal year.

Despite DMC’s bias toward higher-quality commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), its overweight position in this category detracted from Fund performance early in its fiscal year, but became a positive as conditions improved. An overweight allocation to asset-backed securities (ABS) had a similar effect.

Finally, bonds issued within developed markets (denominated in local currencies) contributed to the Fund’s total returns during its fiscal year, despite lagging U.S. markets. Security selection, for example, was positive with benefits from the portfolio’s currency exposures in Australia and Canada.


In this environment, the PIMCO portion of Optimum Fixed Income Fund posted positive returns over the Fund’s fiscal year, both on an absolute basis and relative to its benchmark. It maintained an underweight allocation to U.S. duration, which detracted from returns as rates fell, especially in the third calendar quarter of 2011.

Tactical curve positioning, including an underweight position to the long end of the yield curve, also hurt returns. The negative effects of U.S. duration positioning were partially offset by duration exposure in other developed markets, particularly the United Kingdom and Australia, where interest rates also fell over concerns of a muted global economic recovery.

Corporate bond exposure near the benchmark was neutral for returns in PIMCO’s sleeve of the Fund, but an emphasis on the bonds of banks and other financial institutions hurt performance. These securities lagged the broader corporate sector amid fears of contagion related to European sovereign risk, although they recouped a portion of their losses in late 2011 as risk appetite returned and investors appreciated their relatively robust fundamentals. Within the mortgage-backed securities sector, an underweight to Ginnie Mae MBS hurt returns as Ginnie Mae MBS outperformed conventional MBS due to regulation-driven demand from banks and international investors. Modest holdings of nonagency MBS generally benefited performance amid strong demand for higher yielding assets in the second half of the fiscal year, although they hurt returns in periods of risk aversion earlier in the fiscal year.

Beyond core sectors, holdings of taxable Build America Bonds contributed to returns in PIMCO’s sleeve of the Fund as the sector outpaced like-duration Treasurys on limited supply and reduced negative headlines for municipal bonds. A modest allocation to local debt in Brazil also added to performance amid a sharp fall in Brazilian interest rates. Exposure to a select basket of emerging market currencies, which depreciated against the U.S. dollar, detracted from performance. This was mitigated by exposure to the Chinese renminbi, which was permitted to cautiously appreciate as economic imbalances persisted.


Optimum International Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)            
Optimum International Fund (Class A shares) 1-year  return -5.30%
Optimum International Fund (Institutional Class shares)   1-year return   -4.93%
MSCI EAFE Index (gross) (benchmark)   1-year return -5.31%
MSCI EAFE Index (net) (benchmark) 1-year return -5.77%
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum International Fund, please see the table on page 22.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


BlackRock Advisors, LLC (BlackRock)
Mondrian Investment Partners Ltd. (Mondrian)

Market overview

Unless otherwise noted, regional performance cited below is based on each region’s respective MSCI index.

The Fund’s fiscal year was dominated by two distinct periods: the broad equity market selloff during the third calendar quarter of 2011, and the recovery that began during the subsequent quarter and continued into the first calendar quarter of 2012. The extent of the perceived flight from risk during the third calendar quarter, primarily driven by the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and political squabbling in the United States, was reflected in the MSCI EAFE Index, as it slid nearly 20% during the quarter.

Fortunately, the final quarter of the Fund’s fiscal year brought some relief for financial markets, as investors were somewhat appeased by the coordinated efforts of central banks and European politicians. The European Central Bank’s injection of liquidity into the European banking system, together with political initiatives to lay the groundwork for fiscal unity, were probably the most noteworthy events. Moving into the first three months of 2012, economic data out of the euro zone were less negative than expected, lending further support to investors’ appetite for risk.

Additional notes on regional developments during the fiscal year:

  • In Europe, countries outside the euro zone tended to perform well on a relative basis. The U.K. equity market was among the strongest-performing markets, up by 1.1%, as the U.K. coalition government pressed ahead with tough austerity measures.
  • The energy-intensive Norwegian equity market delivered one of the best relative returns, although it still fell 3.1%.
  • In contrast, euro zone equity markets tended to underperform the broader index as sovereign debt tensions lingered. For example, Greece had by far the weakest-performing equity market, down 63.3%; Portugal, Italy, and Spain each fell more than 25%; and the French and German equity markets decreased 15.6% and 7.8%, respectively.
  • In the Asia-Pacific region, the equity market in New Zealand generated the best relative return, up 17.9%. The Japanese equity market recovered well after the natural disasters and ended the period marginally positive.

Fund performance

Optimum International Fund generally performed in line with its benchmark index for the fiscal year, as Class A and Institutional Class shares posted slightly better returns than the MSCI EAFE Index (both gross and net figures).

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Portfolio management review

Optimum International Fund

The positive bias toward the Fund’s relative performance was due primarily to the performance of Mondrian’s portion of the Fund.


For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, BlackRock’s portion of the Fund underperformed its benchmark index. The majority of underperformance occurred during the dramatic selloff during the third calendar quarter of 2011. It was BlackRock’s intention to avoid making a macroeconomic directional bet on the economy, and to maintain sector weights similar to the benchmark. BlackRock generally kept its portion of the Fund’s portfolio at a low level of tracking error (measured as the tendency of portfolio returns to follow along those of the benchmark index). This approach, combined with minimal sector bets and a modest overweight allocation to cyclical categories, was a strategy framework that BlackRock believed should have served investors well.

The BlackRock portfolio sleeve began to suffer, however, and it lagged the benchmark notably during the third calendar quarter of 2011. There were three reasons for this result.

First, BlackRock’s holdings in the consumer discretionary and information technology (IT) sectors had greater exposure to China and other faster-growing end markets. More specifically within IT, internet software holdings included Tencent Holdings. The company is part of the social media industry in China and was negatively affected by speculations of a hard landing for China’s economy. The negative effects of stock selection in the consumer discretionary sector detracted from performance, as positions in the casinos-and-gaming and education services sectors had direct exposure to economic growth in China.

The second reason for BlackRock’s underperformance can be attributed to its positioning in the energy sector, where its holdings in the coal and oil-and-gas industries detracted from relative returns.

Lastly, an underweight allocation to healthcare industries, which was predicated on threats of austerity programs in Europe and the pressures they would put on drug reimbursement systems across the region, hurt relative performance. Looking across all major sectors in the benchmark index, healthcare proved to be the most resilient sector during the equity market downturn.

Despite the underperformance during the third calendar quarter of 2011, the BlackRock portion of the Fund rebounded strongly during the final six months of the fiscal year. Stock selection in sectors such as financials, IT, and utilities proved to be areas of relative strength. Within financials, emerging-market banks such as China Merchants Bank and Banco Bradesco benefited from easing fiscal and monetary conditions in their local markets. Positioning in IT was another contributor to the BlackRock portfolio — specifically after the market selloff during the third quarter of 2011 — as an overweight to semiconductors positively influenced returns. BlackRock favors so-called mission-critical software providers like Check Point Software Technologies, because it believes corporate IT departments will continue to purchase products in areas like security and business analytics to protect their businesses.


The Mondrian portion of the Fund led the benchmark index for the fiscal year.

The overall country allocations across the Mondrian portion of the Fund held back performance relative to the benchmark. In Europe, returns were hampered by the negative effects of an overweight exposure to the relatively weak Spanish and Italian markets, more than offsetting the positive effects of avoiding any exposure in Greece and Portugal. The Mondrian portion of the Fund benefited from an underweight position in Australia, as well as an overweight exposure to the Singaporean market and an out-of-benchmark position in Taiwan.


At the sector level, Mondrian’s overweight allocation to the healthcare and consumer staples sectors, as well as an underweight position in the materials sector, all resulted in positive returns versus the benchmark. The healthcare and consumer staples sectors were among the strongest performers within the index for the year. This positive performance was slightly offset by the negative effects of Mondrian’s overweight positioning in the weaker-performing telecommunications sector and an underweight position in the consumer discretionary sector.

Across Mondrian’s portfolio, the effect of stock selection was the dominant factor for outperformance during the fiscal year. At the country level, stock selection was notably strong in Japan, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Stock selection was also generally strong at the sector level, particularly within IT, energy, and industrials.

Both the aforementioned consumer staples and healthcare sectors demonstrated defensive qualities in what was generally a weak market for equities. Notable gains were recorded by names that included the consumer staples companies operated by Japanese food retailer Seven & i Holdings, and Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch food producer. Other notable performers included the pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline in the U.K., Sanofi in France, and Astellas Pharma in Japan; shares for these firms advanced 23.3%, 15.2%, and 15.3%, respectively during the fiscal year. In addition, Australian telecommunications company Telstra saw its shares gain 26.8% during the Fund’s fiscal year as a network transaction with the government progressed toward resolution.

Conversely, weak performance was recorded by companies that included the French food retailer Carrefour, which fell 32.2% during the fiscal year following several profit warnings that were triggered by strategic indecision and competitive pressures in the French market. Amid ongoing euro-zone sovereign debt tensions, Intesa Sanpaolo, the Italian retail bank, fell 31.6% during the fiscal year. In the telecommunication services sector, certain companies reacted to competition and a weak economy by reducing their guidance for shareholder distributions. Such companies included France Telecom and Telefonica, both of which lagged the broader market, declining by 25.8% and 28.2%, respectively.

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Portfolio management review

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)            
Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund (Class A shares) 1-year return +8.45%
Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund (Institutional Class shares)   1-year return   +8.78%
Russell 1000® Growth Index (benchmark) 1-year return +11.02%
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, please see the table on page 24.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


Fred Alger Management, Inc. (Alger)
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (T. Rowe Price)
Marsico Capital Management, LLC (Marsico)

Market overview

Most major U.S. stock market indices rose in the one-year period ended March 31, 2012. Driven by economic uncertainty and geopolitical concerns, however, market volatility was high during the Fund’s fiscal year.

At the beginning of the period, equities climbed despite turmoil in various Middle Eastern and North African countries, and sharp increases in oil and other commodity prices. Stocks started falling in May 2011, however, as U.S. and European economies weakened and the European sovereign debt crisis intensified. Shares bottomed in early October 2011, and staged a significant rally through the end of the Fund’s fiscal year. Investors were generally reacting to more sustainable signs of strengthening within the U.S. economy as well as central banks’ commitment across the developed world to continue implementing measures to suppress interest rates and stimulate economic growth.

Over the course of the entire fiscal year, the Russell 1000 Growth Index generated a solid, double-digit return.

Fund performance

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund lagged its benchmark index for the fiscal year, due in part to underperformance within the financials sector by each of the Fund’s three sub-advisors. Returns within the energy and consumer staples sectors also detracted from the Fund’s performance.

Fred Alger Management, Inc.

Alger attempts to invest in companies that it believes are undergoing positive dynamic change, meaning that these companies are typically high-quality generating strong organic revenue, earnings, and free cash-flow growth. They also tend to be market-dominant companies with high barriers to competitive entry. During the latter months of 2011, the shares of these types of companies underperformed the benchmark. Fortunes changed during the first quarter of 2012, as investors generally rewarded the shares of companies that reported strong earnings growth.

As the equity markets started to decline during the summer of 2011, Alger became somewhat more defensive within its portion of the Fund by reducing cyclically sensitive exposure in the technology, energy, and industrials sectors, and increasing exposure to the more defensive consumer staples sector. Several months later as market conditions began to improve, it again increased holdings of companies in those cyclically sensitive sectors.


Within Alger’s portion of the Fund, relative outperformance within the industrials and information technology sectors were the most important contributors to performance. Alger’s large exposure to the information technology sector is based on its positive view of increased usage of the internet, as well as the continued global penetration of smartphone devices.

Alternatively, Alger’s positions within the energy and financials sectors detracted from performance within its portion of the Fund during the fiscal year. Its generally lower exposure to the energy sector was based on a reduced view of global oil demand combined with continued low natural gas prices.

Apple was the most important contributor to Alger’s portion of the Fund. As of the end of the fiscal year, shares of Apple stock continued to be reasonably priced in Alger’s opinion, despite the stock’s already strong positive price movement. Lowe’s was also a strong contributor to Alger’s portion of the Fund.

Several of the companies that detracted from Alger’s portion of the Fund were in the energy sector, primarily natural gas and coal related. Alger believes that the ongoing earnings pressure on many companies in these sectors may continue. As a result, Alger lessened its exposure in the portfolio and sold notable detractors Baker Hughes and Newfield Exploration during the fiscal year.

T. Rowe Price

Overall, stock selection and sector weighting decisions both contributed to the portion of the Fund managed by T. Rowe Price. The information technology, telecommunication services, and consumer discretionary sectors were leading outperformers, while healthcare, consumer staples, and financials were its principal detractors.

Information technology was by far T. Rowe Price’s primary contributor to relative performance, mostly due to stock selection, but its significant weighting also aided results. Shares of Apple were up sharply, largely due to robust demand for its products. The company released an upgraded version of the popular iPad tablet and announced a stock buyback and dividend payment plan.

The telecommunication services sector outperformed primarily due to stock selection decisions, with holdings concentrated in the wireless telecommunication services industry. Tower companies Crown Castle International and American Tower, which recently converted to a real estate investment trust, were among the top overall contributors to portfolio performance.

Stock selection in the healthcare sector was the primary detractor from T. Rowe Price’s portion of the Fund. Shares of biotechnology firm Human Genome Sciences tumbled after the company reported missing sales targets of its promising lupus drug, Benlysta. Although investors had expected a quick adoption of the drug, the time frame for its widespread use has lengthened.

T. Rowe Price remained underweight consumer staples stocks within its portion of the Fund — it does not typically place an emphasis on this sector as the manager believes it does not generally offer an opportunity for sustained double-digit growth. In this case, the underweighting hurt performance, as investors apparently favored defensive sectors during much of the fiscal year.


The Marsico investment approach emphasizes owning stocks of high-quality companies with, in its view, compelling potential for long-term capital appreciation. Marsico’s investment process combines top-down macroeconomic and industry analysis with individual stock selection.

Marsico came into 2011 with optimism about the U.S. economy. However, as exogenous events occurred, such as the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the Arab Spring, Congressional debt-ceiling discussions, and increasing concerns surrounding European sovereign debt, confidence among consumers and corporations declined. Marsico lowered its expectations for growth and positioned its sleeve of the Fund into more defensive growth names.

During the Fund’s fiscal year, positions in consumer-oriented companies generated strong returns. Within the sector, Marsico favored companies with durable

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Portfolio management review

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund

franchises and dependable revenue streams over time that could grow earnings in a “slow growth” environment. Companies that offered a cost savings to consumers such as TJX, priceline.com, Yum! Brands, and McDonald’s were material contributors to Marsico’s portion of the Fund. In addition, its overweight to consumer discretionary, among the best-performing sectors in the benchmark index, helped performance.

While Marsico’s holdings in the information technology sector posted positive returns in aggregate, led by its largest holding, Apple, the collective return of its technology holdings lagged that of the benchmark index, which hampered performance. In addition, the Marsico sleeve maintained an underweighted posture to information technology, the strongest-performing sector in the benchmark index, which also weighed on relative performance.

Stock selection in the financials sector also dampened returns as positions in Goldman Sachs Group, Citigroup, and PNC Financial Services Group were material detractors, and were sold from the Fund during the fiscal year. Marsico’s holdings in the financials sector were reduced significantly early in the reporting period as it became more concerned that the regulatory environment for financial companies had become considerably more complex and could ultimately result in regulations that could impact future profitability of some companies. Additionally, a particular holding in the energy sector, Halliburton, was a significant individual detractor as the market appeared to discount its earnings potential due to lower natural gas prices in the United States.


Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)          
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund (Class A shares) 1-year return +7.01 %
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund (Institutional Class shares)   1-year return   +7.32 %
Russell 1000® Value Index (benchmark) 1-year return +4.79 %
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, please see the table on page 26.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


Herndon Capital Management, LLC (Herndon)
Massachusetts Financial Services Company (MFS)

Market overview

Back in early 2011, prior to the beginning of the Fund’s fiscal year, looser U.S. monetary and fiscal policy fostered a sharp rebound in market risk sentiment. By the beginning of the fiscal year, however, global macroeconomic conditions had begun to weaken and renewed concerns surrounding euro-zone sovereign debt arose, causing the recovery in asset valuations to level off.

As the period progressed, worries about U.S. sovereign debt default and the long-term sustainability of the trend in U.S. fiscal policy resulted in Standard & Poor’s downgrading U.S. credit quality. Amid this turmoil, global equity markets declined sharply and credit spreads widened. At the same time, global consumer and producer sentiment indicators fell precipitously and highly-rated sovereign bond yields hit multi-decade lows.

In the latter part of the fiscal year, however, improved global macroeconomic conditions coupled with additional liquidity from the U.S. Federal Reserve in the form of “Operation Twist” (in which it sold approximately $400 billion of its short-term security holdings while simultaneously purchasing an equivalent amount of longer-dated government securities) and from the European Central Bank in the form of 3-year, longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs), ushered in improved market dynamics.

In addition, multiple metrics used to define the health of consumers, corporations, and the broader U.S. economy — including employment data, consumer sentiment readings, and manufacturing and productivity measures — trended positively throughout the Fund’s fiscal year. As a result, U.S. stocks rose in three of the last four quarters and were boosted by encouraging data on both consumer spending and corporate profitability. The numbers in the first quarter of 2012 were particularly strong: both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500® Index recorded historic first-quarter gains. These encouraging results, coupled with what appeared to be at least an interim solution to the Greek debt crisis, buoyed risk assets and seemed to provide optimism and comfort to many U.S. equity investors. (Source: Bloomberg.)

Fund performance

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund’s outperformance versus the benchmark index was due primarily to strong returns by several high-profile holdings in the Fund. The names, which represented a number of sectors and were held by different sub-advisors for the Fund, included Accenture, International Business Machines (IBM), Lockheed Martin, and MasterCard.


Herndon’s approach in this market environment has been to seek out value-creating opportunities at the individual stock level and aggregate the individual stock information to determine the sector’s weighting. This approach led to outperformance during the Fund’s fiscal year.

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Portfolio management review

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund

Two sectors that outperformed and contributed the most to Herndon’s portion of the Fund were the consumer discretionary and information technology sectors. Gains in the consumer discretionary sector resulted from a diversified set of holdings leveraged to positive trends and growth in discount retailing (including Ross Stores and TJX) as well as international market growth and upscale retailing (Yum! Brands and Coach). Holdings within the technology sector, including Apple, IBM, Microsoft, and Accenture, were notable for their robust business models as well as being leveraged to major technological innovation and positive industry shifts, including smartphone and mobile computing growth, a rollout of cloud-based IT solutions, and continued demand for high-margin IT service, to name a few.

Two sectors detracted from Herndon’s portion of the Fund: financial services and energy. The financial services sector was one of three sectors in the benchmark index to post negative returns during the fiscal year. Strong performance in the financial services sector during the first quarter of 2012 was not enough to overcome the weakness of the first three quarters of the fiscal year. An overweight position in the energy sector, coupled with poor performance from several names that are more leveraged to natural gas production, detracted from performance for Herndon’s portion of the Fund.

TJX, advancing more than 60% during the fiscal year, was a key contributor to performance in Herndon’s portion of the Fund. TJX Companies is the leading off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions in the United States and worldwide. The company’s recent strong performance was driven, in part, by robust monthly sales numbers. TJX continues to take market share from department stores with similar-quality merchandise at better prices. Additionally, the company’s European business is beginning to report strong sales numbers. Management recently expressed optimism regarding this division’s early-stage turnaround after a challenging couple of years.

In terms of laggards for Herndon’s portion of the Fund, Lazard (declining approximately 40%), hurt performance as the company saw multiple macroeconomic trends pressure its stock. Lazard is a global financial advisory and asset management firm, focused on providing money-management and investment-banking services to corporations, partnerships, institutions, governments, and high net worth individuals. Like many financial institutions, particularly those leveraged to Europe, Lazard’s stock felt pressure from the global and European declines in investment banking, mergers and acquisitions, and initial public offerings. Herndon no longer holds this stock in the Fund.


MFS’s investment philosophy and approach remains consistent in all market environments because the management team believes focusing on investing in high-quality, undervalued stocks gives it the best potential for delivering long-term, strong risk-adjusted returns. Therefore, MFS did not make any changes to its approach during the course of the Fund’s fiscal year.

The combination of stock selection and an overweight position in the consumer staples sector contributed to Fund performance. An overweight allocation to tobacco company Philip Morris International aided returns within MFS’s portion of the Fund. Holdings of alcoholic-drink producer Diageo also contributed positively to performance.

Stock selection in the special products and services sector also contributed positively to performance within MFS’s portion of the Fund. Global consulting and outsourcing company Accenture was among the top relative contributors for its portion of the Fund during the fiscal year.

Stock selection in the industrial goods and services sector strengthened relative performance for MFS’s portion of the Fund. An overweight position in defense contractor Lockheed Martin had a positive effect on relative returns as the stock outperformed the benchmark.


Elsewhere, holdings of diversified technology products and services company IBM and debit and credit transaction processing company MasterCard aided relative returns. An overweight position in pharmaceutical and medical products maker Abbott Laboratories, and MFS’s avoidance of poor-performing financial services firm Citigroup, also contributed to performance relative to the benchmark.

Security selection in the healthcare sector detracted from the Fund’s relative performance. Not holding shares of strong-performing health insurance and Medicare/Medicaid provider UnitedHealth Group negatively affected relative results.

Stock selection in the financial services sector also weakened relative performance. Overweight positions in investment banking firm Goldman Sachs Group, financial firm Bank of New York Mellon, and insurance company MetLife hurt relative performance over the Fund’s fiscal year.

Elsewhere, the Fund’s holdings in enterprise software products maker Oracle, oil and gas exploration and production company Apache, and offshore drilling company Transocean were among the worst performers for MFS’s portion of the Fund. Not holding shares of global payments technology company Visa also detracted from performance. Additionally, strong-performing network equipment company Cisco Systems had a negative effect on relative performance — in the second quarter of 2011, the security underperformed and wasn’t in the benchmark. However, for the rest of the fiscal year, where performance was better, it was a large benchmark constituent and the Fund was underweight.

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Portfolio management review

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)            
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund (Class A shares)   1-year return +0.33 %
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund (Institutional Class shares) 1-year return   +0.68 %
Russell 2500™ Growth Index (benchmark) 1-year return +2.70 %
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund, please see the table on page 28.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


Wellington Management Company, LLP (Wellington)
Columbia Wanger Asset Management, LLC (Columbia WAM)

Market overview

The Fund’s fiscal year was a volatile one for equity markets around the globe. Fueled by growing concerns regarding economic problems in Europe and the United States, markets came under significant pressure during the first half of the fiscal year as investors reacted to greater uncertainty and the prospect of slower growth.

Beginning in the latter half of the fiscal year, equity markets reversed course, gaining back much of the losses from earlier in the period. Generally, better-than-feared global economic data, interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank, and speculation that China may ease its monetary policy, outweighed continued uncertainty over the outcome of the euro-zone debt crisis.

Fund performance

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund lagged its benchmark index for the fiscal year, due in part to poor returns by well-known holdings in the portfolios of both sub-advisors, including Shutterfly and James River Coal.


During the Fund’s fiscal year, the investment team at Wellington continued to adhere to its disciplined and focused investment approach in managing its portion of the Fund, even as company fundamentals seemingly took a back seat to macroeconomic concerns during much of the period. The investment team’s research continued to focus on identifying companies that it believes are able to sustain superior revenue and earnings growth by virtue of their advantaged market positions. The team also remained conservative in the assumptions it used to estimate companies’ potential future earnings and cash flows, as well as in the valuation metrics it employed to set target prices.

Due to strong security selection, holdings in the healthcare and materials sectors contributed to relative results for Wellington’s portion of the Fund for the fiscal year. Conversely, weak security selection within the information technology, consumer staples, and industrials sectors was the main driver of underperformance.

At the individual security level, top relative contributors for the Fund’s fiscal year included mattress maker Tempur-Pedic International and contract research organization (CRO) Pharmaceutical Product Development. Share prices of Tempur-Pedic, a leading global manufacturer and distributor of premium mattresses and pillows with operations in approximately 80 countries, moved higher based on strong earnings results and better-than-expected earnings guidance. The investment team maintained its position in this name as it continues to believe the company has an impressive growth outlook. Alternately, the team sold its position in the stock of Pharmaceutical Product Development. The company, a CRO providing discovery, development, and


lifecycle management services, agreed to be acquired by private equity investors The Carlyle Group and Hellman & Friedman in an all-cash transaction.

Top relative detractors from Wellington’s portion of the Fund included technology hardware company Acme Packet, and energy company James River Coal. Acme Packet is a leading provider of session border control solutions that enable the delivery of voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and data communications across network borders. The stock underperformed after the company posted disappointing quarterly earnings due to higher-than-expected operating expenditures. The investment team maintains a positive view of Acme Packet based on the firm’s leading position in a fast growing market. James River Coal is a thermal and metallurgical coal producer. Lower production levels, increased costs, and concerns about slowing macroeconomic growth during the fiscal year negatively pressured share prices. James River Coal was ultimately eliminated from Wellington’s portion of the Fund.

Columbia WAM

Columbia WAM’s portion of the Fund employs a low-turnover, bottom-up, fundamental strategy. The investment team focuses on the merits of individual companies rather than macroeconomic headlines.

At the sector level, this portion of the Fund benefited from overweight allocations in the healthcare sector and an underweight position in the materials sector. Healthcare performed well given investors’ generally defensive stance during the period. Though its individual stock selection within healthcare was not positive for the period, Columbia WAM’s decision to overweight allocations in the sector was beneficial. Stocks owned in the materials sector (one of the poorest performing sectors within the Fund’s benchmark), outperformed the benchmark, and a relative underweight allocation there also helped returns.

The utilities and financials sectors were the largest detractors from performance. An underweight allocation in utilities is fairly standard for Columbia WAM’s growth strategy. The sector performed well during 2011 as investors looked for positive yield opportunities. As a result, the underweight allocation hurt returns, though this was beginning to reverse at the start of 2012. Columbia WAM’s portion of the Fund maintains a large underweight allocation to financials, though its holdings in the financials sector performed well relative to the benchmark. Ultimately, an underweight position in this sector detracted from returns within its portion of the Fund.

At the individual stock level, top contributors to performance for the Fund’s fiscal year included Alexion Pharmaceuticals and Lululemon Athletica. Alexion is a biotech company that focuses on orphan diseases; it performed well as its primary drug, Soliris, was approved for treating a severe neurological condition. Performance of Lululemon Athletica, a yoga-inspired athletic apparel company, was volatile during the Fund’s fiscal year, but was positive for the fiscal year as increased awareness of its brand name and product contributed to strong sales growth.

Detractors for the period included Shutterfly and InterMune. Internet photo-centric retailer Shutterfly fell victim to a fierce price war waged by all the internet photo book and photo card companies during the 2011 holiday season, resulting in a steep drop in stock prices for the year. InterMune is a biotechnology company focused on the research, development, and commercialization of innovative therapies in pulmonology and fibrotic diseases. The stock price suffered after the company received a negative ruling from a drug reimbursement board in Germany.

(continues)       13

Portfolio management review

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
April 10, 2012

Performance review (for the year ended March 31, 2012)            
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (Class A shares)   1-year return +1.01 %
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (Institutional Class shares) 1-year return   +1.37 %
Russell 2500™ Value Index (benchmark) 1-year return +0.09 %
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
For complete, annualized performance for Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund please see the table on page 30.
The performance of Class A shares excludes the applicable sales charge and reflects the reinvestment of all distributions.
Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.
Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index.


Delaware Management Company (DMC)


The Delafield Group, a division of Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. (Tocqueville)
The Killen Group, Inc. (Killen)
Westwood Management Corp. (Westwood)

Market overview

The Fund’s fiscal year was a volatile one for equity markets around the globe. Fueled by growing concerns regarding economic problems in Europe and the United States, markets came under significant pressure during the first half of the fiscal year as investors reacted to increasing uncertainty and the prospect of slower economic growth.

Beginning in the latter half of the Fund’s fiscal year, equity markets reversed course, gaining back much of the losses from earlier in the period. Generally, better-than-feared global economic data, interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank, and speculation that China may ease its monetary policy, outweighed continued uncertainty over the outcome of the debt crisis in the euro zone. Amid this volatility, the benchmark Russell 2500 Value Index finished the fiscal year slightly above where it began, notching a small gain.

Fund performance

Security selection in the energy sector by two of Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund’s three sub-advisors contributed to its outperformance versus the Fund’s benchmark.


Despite the volatility, Tocqueville remained steadfast in its approach to investing. This company’s analytical, bottom-up (stock by stock) approach to investing generated a number of attractively priced investment prospects during the market’s downturn, which it opportunistically acted upon. Tocqueville also used cash reserves to add to its favorite holdings at what it believed to be reasonable valuations.

Tocqueville’s portion of the Fund had limited exposure to the energy sector. This limited position benefited performance relative to the benchmark, as energy was the weakest-performing sector for the fiscal year. Tocqueville also had virtually no exposure to financials, but this negatively affected relative performance within its portion of the Fund, as financials performed well for the Fund’s fiscal year. An overweight position in materials was also a negative for performance, as the sector underperformed during this period.

Stock selection was an overall positive for Tocqueville’s portion of the Fund, as it outperformed the corresponding benchmark returns in six of eight sectors. Investments in the industrials sector were the most beneficial to performance relative to the benchmark. Foot Locker, Solutia, and El Paso were the top contributors to performance. Foot Locker reported improving sales trends during the second half of the Fund’s fiscal year, and its earnings showed improved operational performance. Both Solutia and El Paso received takeover proposals at substantial premiums, which benefited Fund performance. In contrast, Ferro and Checkpoint


Systems detracted from performance for its portion of the Fund. Investors penalized Ferro for its exposure to the solar industry and European end markets. Checkpoint Systems experienced a sluggish business environment and disappointing topline results throughout the fiscal year.


Killen’s portion of the Fund generally performed well during the Fund’s fiscal year. It entered the Fund’s fiscal year with a larger-than-normal cash position, a result of strong performance late in the previous fiscal year that led Killen to take gains. This cash was beneficial to performance during the weak first half of the period and enabled Killen to buy stocks that were viewed as attractively priced as the year progressed. By the fall of 2011, it was essentially fully invested.

Killen uses a company-by-company approach, looking at the long-term potential for each business, and then judges its valuation based on that analysis. With this in mind, the company’s value-based, bottom-up approach led it to invest in situations that many investors seemed to view negatively, at least from a macroeconomic perspective. By focusing on individual companies and taking a long-term viewpoint, the company was able to look past the headlines surrounding Greece and other European debt problems, and invest in what were believed to be strong businesses with solid prospects.

The best-performing sectors for Killen’s portion of the Fund were consumer discretionary, energy, and materials. Its consumer discretionary stocks had broad strength with several holdings showing sizable gains. In energy, stock selection resulted in strong absolute gains for the sector despite energy stocks, in general, performing poorly during this period. In materials, both of its holdings turned in solid absolute gains for the fiscal year even though the sector as a whole struggled.

The only significantly underperforming sector was healthcare. The one healthcare holding produced negative returns while the sector as a whole was up (Killen sold its healthcare holding during the fiscal year). The underperformance in this area was not of a significant enough magnitude, however, to seriously hurt overall returns.

The two biggest positive contributors to its portion of the Fund were in the consumer discretionary sector: Sturm Ruger, a manufacturer of firearms, and Genesco, a shoe and hat retailer, each generated strong absolute returns. Both companies had significant revenue growth during the fiscal year, expanded profit margins, and gained market share in their respective specialty fields. The solid fundamental results, combined with low market expectations, caused their stocks to be revalued significantly higher.

SkyWest and Ducommun detracted from its portion of the Fund. SkyWest operates regional airlines that act as feeders to the hubs of the major airlines. The company experienced reduced profitability due to increased training costs and a less-than-smooth integration of an acquired rival. The poor results led Killen to re-evaluate the company’s long-term potential; it decided to begin selling its SkyWest position just prior to the end of the Fund’s fiscal year.

Ducommun also struggled with the integration of a large acquisition, and experienced a decline in profit margins. Killen believes that the acquisition could negatively affect Ducommun over the long term — therefore its position in the stock was reduced during the period.


Westwood continued to use the consistent and disciplined investment approach that it employs through all market environments; that is, focusing on high-quality companies with strong fundamental characteristics and visible earnings prospects.

Security selection in the energy and technology sectors was the primary contributor to performance for this portion of the Fund. A number of the energy companies it held are beneficiaries of new exploration techniques, such as hydraulic fracturing, and persistently high crude-oil prices buoyed the earnings of exploration

(continues)       15

Portfolio management review

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

and production firms. Within technology, its holdings generally performed well due to the strong earnings results of companies in that sector, as investor sentiment surrounding global economic growth generally improved toward the end of the Fund’s fiscal year.

Security selection within the financial services and producer durables sectors hindered relative performance. Holdings within financial services lagged because of concerns about bank capital levels and lack of loan growth, though the sector bounced back toward the end of the fiscal year after receiving mostly positive results from government “stress tests.” Despite the continued solid operating results of many companies in producer durables, this economically sensitive sector performed poorly due to extreme macroeconomic fears that were pervasive throughout much of this period. Like the financial services sector, however, these stocks, particularly those with global exposure, rebounded nicely late in the Fund’s fiscal year due to the renewed optimism about the global economy.

The top-performing security in this portion of the Fund was Motorola Mobility Holdings, which provides technologies, products, and services for mobile and wireline digital communication. The company’s August 2011 announcement that it was being acquired by Google at a significant premium to its market value drove its strong performance. Electronics manufacturer Hubbell was another strong performer. Its shares climbed after the company reported that its order growth remains strong despite still-poor commercial construction activity.

The poorest-performing stocks in Westwood’s portion of the Fund included Veeco Instruments, a provider of solutions and services within the LED lighting industry, and trucking parts manufacturer Navistar International. Veeco’s stock was weak as many investors grew concerned about overcapacity in the growing LED industry, while Navistar sold off after reporting disappointing second quarter 2011 earnings and on concerns of lower truck and transport demand as the economy weakened.


Performance summary

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance1, 2
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year           3 years           5 years           Lifetime          
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +6.71% +13.56% +6.98% +6.12%
Including sales charge +1.91% +11.81% +5.99% +5.56%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge +6.15% +12.90% +6.30% +5.45%  
Including sales charge +2.15% +12.31% +6.06% +5.45%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge +6.15% +12.85% +6.30% +5.45%
Including sales charge +5.15% +12.85% +6.30% +5.45%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +7.20% +14.01% +7.35% +6.50%
Including sales charge +7.20% +14.01%   +7.35% +6.50%

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 19. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 4.50%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.00% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.


Fund expense ratios Class A        Class B        Class C        Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses
(without fee waivers) 1.46% 2.11%   2.11%   1.11%
Net expenses  
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.35% 2.00% 2.00% 1.00%
Type of waiver Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

Fixed income securities and bond funds can lose value, and investors can lose principal, as interest rates rise. They also may be affected by economic conditions that hinder an issuer’s ability to make interest and principal payments on its debt.

The Fund may also be subject to prepayment risk, the risk that the principal of a fixed income security that is held by the Fund may be prepaid prior to maturity, potentially forcing the Fund to reinvest that money at a lower interest rate.

High yielding, noninvestment grade bonds (junk bonds) involve higher risk than investment grade bonds. The high yield secondary market is particularly susceptible to liquidity problems when institutional investors, such as mutual funds and certain other financial institutions, temporarily stop buying bonds for regulatory, financial, or other reasons. In addition, a less liquid secondary market makes it more difficult for the Fund to obtain precise valuations of the high yield securities in its portfolio.

If and when the Fund invests in forward foreign currency contracts or uses other investments to hedge against currency risks, the Fund will be subject to special risks, including counterparty risk.

The Fund may invest in derivatives, which may involve additional expenses and are subject to risk, including the risk that an underlying security or securities index moves in the opposite direction from what the portfolio manager anticipated. A derivative transaction depends upon the counterparties’ ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.

The Fund may experience portfolio turnover in excess of 100%, which could result in higher transaction costs and tax liability.

Performance of a $10,000 Investment1
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)       Ending value (March 31, 2012)

  Optimum Fixed Income Fund —    
  Institutional Class shares $10,000 $17,257

  Optimum Fixed Income Fund — Class A shares $9,550   $15,982

  Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index $10,000 $15,882

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 4.50% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 18 through 20.

(continues)       19

Performance summary

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is a broad composite of more than 8,000 securities that tracks the investment grade domestic bond market.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers                    
Nasdaq symbols CUSIPs  
Class A OAFIX 246118681
Class B OBFIX 246118673
Class C OCFIX   246118665
Institutional Class OIFIX 246118657


Performance summary

Optimum International Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year          3 years          5 years          Lifetime         
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge -5.30% +16.18% -4.28% +6.12%
Including sales charge -10.72% +13.90% -5.41% +5.39%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge -5.94% +15.45% -4.90% +5.43%  
Including sales charge -9.68% +14.76% -5.27% +5.43%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge -5.94%   +15.43%   -4.90% +5.44%
Including sales charge -6.87% +15.43% -4.90%   +5.44%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge -4.93% +16.61% -3.94% +6.49%
Including sales charge -4.93% +16.61% -3.94% +6.49%

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 23. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 5.75%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses, (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.40% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.


Fund expense ratios Class A       Class B       Class C       Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses  
(without fee waivers) 1.88% 2.53% 2.53%   1.53%
Net expenses  
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.75% 2.40% 2.40% 1.40%
Type of waiver Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

International investments entail risks not ordinarily associated with U.S. investments including fluctuation in currency values, differences in accounting principles, or economic or political instability in other nations. Investing in emerging markets can be riskier than investing in established foreign markets due to increased volatility and lower trading volume.

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)       Ending value (March 31, 2012)

  MSCI EAFE Index (gross) $10,000   $19,266

  MSCI EAFE Index (net) $10,000   $18,557

  Optimum International Fund —
  Institutional Class shares
$10,000 $17,240

  Optimum International Fund — Class A shares $9,425 $15,768

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 5.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 22 through 23.

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the MSCI EAFE Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The MSCI EAFE Index measures equity market performance across developed market countries in Europe, Australasia, and the Far East. Index “gross” return approximates the maximum possible dividend reinvestment. Index “net” return approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment, after deduction of withholding tax at the highest possible rate.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers
Nasdaq symbols          CUSIPs         
Class A OAIEX 246118731  
Class B OBIEX   246118723
Class C OCIEX 246118715
Institutional Class OIIEX 246118699

(continues)       23

Performance summary

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance1, 2
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year         3 years         5 years         Lifetime        
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +8.45%   +24.47% +2.92% +6.01%  
Including sales charge +2.20% +22.02% +1.71% +5.28%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +7.70% +23.67%   +2.25% +5.32%
Including sales charge +3.70% +23.07% +1.84%   +5.32%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +7.61% +23.64% +2.23% +5.31%
Including sales charge +6.61% +23.64% +2.23% +5.31%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +8.78% +24.91% +3.27% +6.37%
Including sales charge +8.78% +24.91% +3.27% +6.37%

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 25. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 5.75%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses, (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.25% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.


Fund expense ratios Class A       Class B       Class C       Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses  
(without fee waivers) 1.64% 2.29% 2.29% 1.29%
Net expenses
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.60%   2.25%   2.25% 1.25%
Type of waiver Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

Performance of a $10,000 Investment1
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)       Ending value (March 31, 2012)

  Russell 1000 Growth Index $10,000     $17,731

  Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund —
  Institutional Class shares
$10,000 $17,083

  Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund — Class A shares $9,425 $15,629

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 5.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 24 through 25.

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the Russell 1000 Growth Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The Russell 1000 Growth Index measures the performance of the large-cap growth segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 1000 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers                  
Nasdaq symbols CUSIPs
Class A OALGX   246118707  
Class B OBLGX 246118806
Class C OCLGX 246118889
Institutional Class OILGX 246118871

(continues)       25

Performance summary

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance1, 2
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year           3 years           5 years           Lifetime          
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +7.01% +22.29% +0.79% +6.45%  
Including sales charge +0.90% +19.90% -0.40% +5.72%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +6.28%   +21.47% +0.13% +5.76%
Including sales charge +2.28% +20.85% -0.28% +5.76%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge +6.19% +21.44% +0.13% +5.75%  
Including sales charge +5.19% +21.44% +0.13% +5.75%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge +7.32% +22.71% +1.14% +6.82%
Including sales charge +7.32% +22.71% +1.14% +6.82%

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 27. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 5.75%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.22% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.


Fund expense ratios Class A Class B Class C            Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses
(without fee waivers) 1.61% 2.26% 2.26% 1.26%
Net expenses      
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.57%   2.22%   2.22% 1.22%
Type of waiver Contractual            Contractual            Contractual Contractual

Performance of a $10,000 Investment1
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

           Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)      Ending value (March 31, 2012)

  Optimum Large Cap Value Fund —
Institutional Class shares
  $10,000   $17,716

  Russell 1000 Value Index   $10,000   $17,021

  Optimum Large Cap Value Fund —
Class A shares
    $9,425   $16,200

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 5.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 26 through 27.

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the Russell 1000 Value Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The Russell 1000 Value Index measures the performance of the large-cap value segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 1000 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers                        
Nasdaq symbols CUSIPs
Class A OALVX 246118863  
Class B OBLVX 246118855
Class C OCLVX   246118848
Institutional Class OILVX 246118830

(continues)       27


Performance summary

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance1, 2
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year 3 years       5 years            Lifetime           
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +0.33% +27.30% +0.77% +6.74%
Including sales charge -5.45% +24.83% -0.42% +6.01%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge -0.28% +26.45%   +0.10% +6.05%
Including sales charge -3.98% +25.88% -0.30% +6.05%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge -0.27% +26.46% +0.10% +6.05%
Including sales charge -1.19% +26.46% +0.10% +6.05%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge   +0.68% +27.69% +1.10% +7.09%  
Including sales charge            +0.68%            +27.69%            +1.10%   +7.09%  

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 29. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 5.75%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses, (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.55% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.



Fund expense ratios Class A            Class B            Class C Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses           
(without fee waivers) 2.07% 2.72% 2.72% 1.72%
Net expenses      
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.90% 2.55% 2.55% 1.55%
Type of waiver Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

Investments in small and/or medium-sized companies typically exhibit greater risk and higher volatility than larger, more established companies.

Performance of a $10,000 Investment1
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

           Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)      Ending value (March 31, 2012)

Russell 2500 Growth Index $10,000 $21,230

  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund —
Institutional Class shares
  $10,000   $18,111

  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund —
Class A shares
    $9,425   $16,585

1The “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 5.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 28 through 29.

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the Russell 2500 Growth Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The Russell 2500 Growth Index measures the performance of the small- to mid-cap growth segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 2500 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers                        
Nasdaq symbols CUSIPs
Class A OASGX 246118822  
Class B OBSGX 246118814
Class C OCSGX   246118798
Institutional Class OISGX 246118780

(continues)       29

Performance summary

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Please obtain the performance data for the most recent month end by calling 800 914-0278 or visiting our website at www.optimummutualfunds.com.

Fund performance1, 2
Average annual total returns
Through March 31, 2012 1 year 3 years 5 years Lifetime
Class A (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +1.01% +30.81% +0.56% +7.89%
Including sales charge -4.81% +28.24% -0.63% +7.15%
Class B (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)
Excluding sales charge +0.39% +29.97% -0.08% +7.20%
Including sales charge -3.57% +29.42% -0.48% +7.20%
Class C (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)  
Excluding sales charge +0.39% +29.93% -0.09% +7.19%
Including sales charge   -0.60%   +29.93%   -0.09% +7.19%
Institutional Class (Est. Aug. 1, 2003)    
Excluding sales charge   +1.37%   +31.28%   +0.93% +8.27%
Including sales charge            +1.37%            +31.28%            +0.93%            +8.27%           

1Returns reflect the reinvestment of all distributions and are presented both with and without the applicable sales charges described below. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

Expense limitations were in effect for certain classes during some or all of the periods shown in the “Fund performance” chart. The current expenses for each class are listed on the “Fund expense ratios” table on page 31. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect.

Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of up to 5.75%, and have an annual distribution and service fee of up to 0.35% of average daily net assets. Performance for Class A shares, excluding sales charges, assumes that no front-end sales charge applied.

Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges as described in the prospectus. Please see the prospectus for additional information on Class B shares. Class B shares have a contingent deferred sales charge that declines from 4.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Lifetime performance figures for Class B shares reflect conversion to Class A shares after approximately eight years.

Class C shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge of 1.00% if redeemed during the first 12 months. They are also subject to an annual distribution and service fee of up to 1.00% of average daily net assets.

Performance for Class B and C shares, excluding sales charges, assumes either that contingent deferred sales charges did not apply or that the investment was not redeemed.

Institutional Class shares are available without sales or asset-based distribution charges only to certain eligible institutional accounts.

The “Fund performance” table and the “Performance of a $10,000 investment” graph do not reflect the deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares.

2The Fund’s expense ratios, as described in the most recent prospectus, are disclosed in the following “Fund expense ratios” table. Delaware Management Company has agreed to reimburse certain expenses and/or waive certain fees in order to prevent total fund operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 fees and certain other expenses) from exceeding 1.43% of the Fund’s average daily net assets from July 29, 2011, through July 29, 2012. Please see the most recent prospectus and any applicable supplement(s) for additional information on these fee waivers and/or reimbursements.


Fund expense ratios Class A            Class B            Class C Institutional Class
Total annual operating expenses           
(without fee waivers) 2.00% 2.65% 2.65% 1.65%
Net expenses      
(including fee waivers, if any) 1.78% 2.43% 2.43% 1.43%
Type of waiver Contractual Contractual Contractual Contractual

Investments in small and/or medium-sized companies typically exhibit greater risk and higher volatility than larger, more established companies.

Performance of a $10,000 Investment1
Aug. 1, 2003 (Fund’s inception) through March 31, 2012

           Starting value (Aug. 1, 2003)      Ending value (March 31, 2012)

Russell 2500 Value Index $10,000 $20,506

  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund —
Institutional Class shares
  $10,000   $19,909

  Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund —
Class A shares
    $9,425   $18,201

1The “Performance of $10,000 investment” graph assumes $10,000 invested in Class A and Institutional Class shares of the Fund on Aug. 1, 2003, and includes the effect of a 5.75% front-end sales charge (for Class A shares) and the reinvestment of all distributions. The graph does not reflect the deduction of taxes shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or redemptions of Fund shares. Expense limitations were in effect for some or all of the periods shown. Performance would have been lower had expense limitations not been in effect. Current expenses are listed in the “Fund expense ratios” table above. Please note additional details on pages 30 through 31.

The chart also assumes $10,000 invested in the Russell 2500 Value Index as of Aug. 1, 2003. The Russell 2500 Value Index measures the performance of the small- to mid-cap value segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 2500 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values.

Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Performance of other Fund classes will vary due to different charges and expenses.

Stock symbols and CUSIP numbers                        
Nasdaq symbols CUSIPs
Class A OASVX 246118772  
Class B OBSVX 246118764
Class C OCSVX   246118756
Institutional Class OISVX 246118749


Disclosure of Fund expenses

For the six-month period from October 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

As a shareholder of a Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, reinvested dividends, or other distributions; redemption fees; and exchange fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees; and other Fund expenses. These following examples are intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in a Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period from October 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012.

Actual Expenses

The first section of the tables shown, “Actual Fund Return,” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this section of the table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first section under the heading entitled “Expenses Paid During Period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.

Hypothetical Example for Comparison Purposes

The second section of the tables shown, “Hypothetical 5% Return,” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Funds’ actual expense ratios and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Funds’ actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in a Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the tables are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the second section of each table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher. Each Fund’s expenses shown in the tables reflect fee waivers in effect. The expenses shown in each table assume reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account   Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,029.50 1.35% $ 6.85
Class B 1,000.00 1,026.70 2.00% 10.13
Class C 1,000.00 1,026.70 2.00% 10.13
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,032.20 1.00% 5.08
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,018.25 1.35% $ 6.81
Class B 1,000.00 1,015.00 2.00% 10.08
Class C 1,000.00 1,015.00 2.00% 10.08
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,020.00 1.00% 5.05
Optimum International Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account   Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,131.80 1.75% $ 9.33
Class B 1,000.00 1,128.60 2.40% 12.77
Class C 1,000.00 1,128.50 2.40% 12.77
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,134.10 1.40% 7.47
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,016.25 1.75% $ 8.82
Class B   1,000.00 1,013.00 2.40% 12.08
Class C 1,000.00   1,013.00   2.40%   12.08  
Institutional Class       1,000.00       1,018.00       1.40%       7.06

*“Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to the relevant Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).


Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account  Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,285.00 1.60% $ 9.14
Class B 1,000.00 1,280.70 2.25% 12.83
Class C 1,000.00 1,281.00 2.25% 12.83
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,286.60 1.25% 7.15
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,017.00 1.60% $ 8.07
Class B 1,000.00 1,013.75 2.25% 11.33
Class C 1,000.00 1,013.75 2.25% 11.33
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,018.75 1.25% 6.31
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account   Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,255.30 1.57% $ 8.85
Class B 1,000.00 1,251.40 2.22% 12.50
Class C 1,000.00 1,250.30 2.22% 12.49
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,258.00 1.22% 6.89
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,017.15 1.57% $ 7.92
Class B 1,000.00 1,013.90 2.22% 11.18
Class C 1,000.00 1,013.90 2.22% 11.18
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,018.90 1.22% 6.16
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account   Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,272.30 1.90% $ 10.79
Class B 1,000.00 1,268.00 2.55% 14.46
Class C 1,000.00 1,269.40 2.55% 14.47
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,274.70 1.55% 8.81
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,015.50 1.90% $ 9.57
Class B 1,000.00 1,012.25 2.55% 12.83
Class C 1,000.00 1,012.25 2.55% 12.83
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,017.25 1.55% 7.82
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Expense Analysis of an Investment of $1,000
Beginning Ending Paid During
Account Account   Annualized Period
Value Value Expense 10/1/11 to
10/1/11 3/31/12 Ratio 3/31/12*
Actual Fund Return
Class A $1,000.00 $1,335.10 1.78%     $ 10.39
Class B 1,000.00 1,331.90 2.43% 14.17
Class C 1,000.00 1,330.80   2.43% 14.16
Institutional Class 1,000.00 1,337.80 1.43% 8.36
Hypothetical 5% Return (5% return before expenses)
Class A $1,000.00 $1,016.10 1.78% $ 8.97
Class B 1,000.00 1,012.85 2.43% 12.23
Class C   1,000.00   1,012.85 2.43% 12.23
Institutional Class       1,000.00       1,017.85       1.43%         7.21

*“Expenses Paid During Period” are equal to the relevant Fund’s annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).


Security type/sector allocations

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager or sub-adviser’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.

Security type/sector of Net Assets
Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 8.73 %
Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities 6.60 %
Collateralized Debt Obligation 0.09 %
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities 2.70 %
Convertible Bonds 1.00 %
Corporate Bonds 38.45 %
Banking 7.37 %
Basic Industry 3.71 %
Brokerage 0.82 %
Capital Goods 1.16 %
Communications 3.80 %
Consumer Cyclical 2.02 %
Consumer Non-Cyclical 3.92 %
Electric 3.59 %
Energy 3.29 %
Finance Companies 2.40 %
Insurance 0.90 %
Natural Gas 2.13 %
Real Estate 1.50 %
Technology 1.01 %
Transportation 0.83 %
Municipal Bonds 0.68 %
Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities 0.88 %
Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 4.31 %
Regional Bonds 1.71 %
Securities Sold Short (0.81 %)
Senior Secured Loans 1.84 %
Sovereign Bonds 6.97 %
Supranational Banks 0.27 %
U.S. Treasury Obligations 12.76 %
Common Stock 0.00 %
Convertible Preferred Stock 0.11 %
Preferred Stock 0.19 %
Warrant 0.00 %
Short-Term Investments 16.42 %
Securities Lending Collateral 2.57 %
Total Value of Securities 105.47 %
Options Written (0.03 %)
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral (2.67 %)
Other Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets (2.77 %)
Total Net Assets 100.00 %


Security type/country and sector allocations

Optimum International Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager or sub-adviser’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.

Security type/country of Net Assets
Common Stock by Country 97.14 %
Argentina 0.45 %
Australia 4.91 %
Belgium 0.37 %
Bermuda 0.26 %
Brazil 1.02 %
Canada 1.93 %
China/Hong Kong 2.48 %
France 11.02 %
Germany 6.57 %
Gibraltar 0.05 %
India 0.24 %
Indonesia 0.44 %
Ireland 1.62 %
Israel 1.87 %
Italy 2.92 %
Japan 17.57 %
Luxembourg 0.34 %
Malaysia 0.18 %
Mexico 0.53 %
Netherlands 4.15 %
Norway 0.52 %
Republic of Korea 0.92 %
Singapore 3.46 %
South Africa 0.41 %
Spain 4.06 %
Sweden 0.60 %
Switzerland 6.58 %
Taiwan 2.04 %
United Kingdom 19.53 %
United States 0.10 %
Preferred Stock 0.74 %
Short-Term Investments 1.53 %
Securities Lending Collateral 9.44 %
Total Value of Securities 108.85 %
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral (9.65 %)
Receivables and Other Assets Net of Other Liabilities 0.80 %
Total Net Assets 100.00 %
Common Stock and Preferred Stock by Sector  of Net Assets  
Automobiles & Components 3.19 %
Banking & Finance 10.30 %
Capital Goods 4.49 %
Consumer Durables & Apparel 2.30 %
Consumer Services 0.96 %
Energy 11.54 %
Food & Staples Retailing 11.66 %
Food, Beverage & Tobacco 3.92 %
Insurance 8.39 %
Materials 5.15 %
Media 1.19 %
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 11.84 %
Real Estate 0.76 %
Semiconductors 2.93 %
Technology & Equipment 3.48 %
Telecommunication Services 10.28 %
Transportation & Shipping 0.53 %
Utilities 4.97 %
Total 97.88 %

(continues)       35

Security type/sector allocations and
top 10 equity holdings

Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager or sub-adviser’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Security type/sector of Net Assets
²Common Stock      96.39 %     
Consumer Discretionary 22.99 %
Consumer Staples 4.72 %
Energy 7.86 %
Financials 5.91 %
Healthcare 7.90 %
Industrials 13.29 %
Information Technology 28.15 %
Materials 4.58 %
Telecommunication Services 0.99 %
Convertible Preferred Stock 0.05 %
Preferred Stock     0.14 %
Short-Term Investments 3.35 %
Securities Lending Collateral 2.38 %
Total Value of Securities 102.31 %  
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral     (2.50 %)
Receivables and Other Assets Net of Other Liabilities     0.19 %
Total Net Assets 100.00 %

²Narrow industries are utilized for compliance purposes for diversification whereas broad sectors are used for financial reporting.

Holdings are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. They are not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security.

Top 10 equity holdings       of Net Assets
Apple        7.95 %       
Google Class A 2.50 %
priceline.com 1.85 %
Amazon.com 1.71 %
Wells Fargo 1.62 %
Starbucks   1.61 %  
Baidu ADR 1.52 %
NIKE Class B 1.51 %
TJX 1.48 %

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Security type/sector of Net Assets
Common Stock      98.14 %     
Consumer Discretionary 10.22 %
Consumer Staples 13.09 %
Energy 13.84 %
Financials 19.64 %
Healthcare 11.12 %  
Industrials 12.51 %
Information Technology 11.16 %
Materials 4.00 %
Telecommunication Services 1.83 %
Utilities 0.73 %
Convertible Preferred Stock   0.07 %
Short-Term Investments   1.71 %
Securities Lending Collateral 0.87 %
Total Value of Securities 100.79 %
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral     (1.00 %)
Receivables and Other Assets Net of Other Liabilities     0.21 %
Total Net Assets 100.00 %

Holdings are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. They are not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security.

Top 10 equity holdings of Net Assets
Philip Morris International              3.28 %       
Lockheed Martin 2.80 %
Exxon Mobil 2.61 %
International Business Machines 2.25 %
Chevron   2.06 %
Copa Holdings Class A 1.89 %
TJX 1.88 %
Apple   1.77 %
Coach 1.73 %
Herbalife 1.67 %  


Sector designations may be different than the sector designations presented in other Fund materials. The sector designations may represent the investment manager or sub-adviser’s internal sector classifications, which may result in the sector designations for one fund being different than another fund’s sector designations.

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Security type/sector       of Net Assets
Common Stock      97.77 %     
Consumer Discretionary 20.06 %
Consumer Staples 0.89 %
Energy 7.41 %
Financials 9.75 %
Healthcare 14.36 %
Industrials 18.09 %
Information Technology 23.07 %
Materials 1.25 %  
Telecommunication Services   2.89 %
Exchange-Traded Fund 1.44 %
Short-Term Investments   1.56 %
Securities Lending Collateral 11.00 %
Total Value of Securities 111.77 %
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral (11.14 %)
Other Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets (0.63 %)
Total Net Assets 100.00 %

Holdings are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. They are not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security.

Top 10 equity holdings       of Net Assets
iShares Russell 2000 Growth Index Fund        1.44 %       
Mettler-Toledo International 1.35 %
Atwood Oceanics 1.28 %
Nordson 1.19 %
Cadence Design Systems 1.11 %
Concur Technologies   1.08 %
AMETEK   1.08 %  
Gaylord Entertainment 1.06 %
Rosetta Resources 1.03 %
Donaldson 1.00 %

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
As of March 31, 2012

Security type/sector       of Net Assets
Common Stock      91.55 %     
Consumer Discretionary 11.10 %
Consumer Staples 2.87 %
Energy 5.32 %
Financials 11.50 %
Healthcare   2.94 %
Industrials 27.96 %
Information Technology 16.42 %
Materials 11.61 %
Utilities 1.83 %  
Short-Term Investments 9.05 %
Securities Lending Collateral 4.41 %
Total Value of Securities   105.01 %
Obligation to Return Securities Lending Collateral (4.48 %)
Other Liabilities Net of Receivables and Other Assets (0.53 %)
Total Net Assets 100.00 %

◊Narrow industries are utilized for compliance purposes for diversification whereas broad sectors are used for financial reporting.

Holdings are for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time. They are not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any security.

Top 10 equity holdings       of Net Assets
Hubbell Class B        1.48 %       
Plexus 1.43 %
Eastman Chemical 1.32 %
Timken 1.30 %
Kennametal 1.18 %
Harsco   1.11 %
VASCO Data Security International 1.09 %  
Vaalco Energy 1.08 %
Fair Isaac   1.08 %
Flextronics International 1.07 %


Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
March 31, 2012

Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations – 8.73%
Fannie Mae Grantor Trust      
        Series 1999-T2 A1
          7.50% 1/19/39 USD 20,663 $ 23,433
          Series 2001-T8 A2
          9.50% 7/25/41 10,259 12,350
          Series 2002-T4 A3
          7.50% 12/25/41 75,182 86,557
          Series 2004-T1 1A2
          6.50% 1/25/44 21,717 24,398
Fannie Mae REMICs
          Series 1996-46 ZA
          7.50% 11/25/26 17,427 19,694
          Series 1999-19 PH
          6.00% 5/25/29 392,178 436,395
          Series 2001-14 Z
          6.00% 5/25/31 28,714 32,347
          Series 2002-90 A1
          6.50% 6/25/42 15,526 17,966
          Series 2002-90 A2
          6.50% 11/25/42 56,533 65,437
          Series 2003-26 AT
          5.00% 11/25/32 917,693 975,202
          Series 2003-122 AJ
          4.50% 2/25/28 38,006 38,904
          Series 2005-22 HE
          5.00% 10/25/33 740,000 789,461
          Series 2005-29 QD
          5.00% 8/25/33 816,000 870,144
          Series 2005-54 AK
          4.50% 9/25/32 146,120 149,290
          Series 2005-94 YD
          4.50% 8/25/33 1,480,000 1,556,357
          Series 2005-110 MB
          5.50% 9/25/35 369,670 406,742
  @^Series 2007-30 OE
          2.58% 4/25/37 8,369,767 7,675,152
          Series 2008-24 ZA
          5.00% 4/25/38 18,313,430 20,998,518
  @ûSeries 2009-2 AS
          5.458% 2/25/39 12,920,797 1,420,853
  @ûSeries 2009-68 SA
          6.51% 9/25/39 1,715,958 255,493
          Series 2009-94 AC
          5.00% 11/25/39 400,000 448,875
          Series 2010-41 PN
          4.50% 4/25/40 475,000 512,366
          Series 2010-96 DC
          4.00% 9/25/25 900,000 967,435
        Series 2010-123 FE
          0.722% 11/25/40 9,572,963 9,556,759
Fannie Mae Whole Loan
          Series 2004-W4 A5
          5.50% 6/25/34 3,000,000 3,358,594
          Series 2004-W9 2A1
          6.50% 2/25/44 33,770 38,322
          Series 2004-W11 1A2
          6.50% 5/25/44 102,566 116,275
          Series 2004-W15 1A1
          6.00% 8/25/44 157,283 175,641
Freddie Mac REMICs
          Series 1730 Z
          7.00% 5/15/24 104,544 121,678
          Series 2165 PE
          6.00% 6/15/29 408,801 460,779
          Series 2326 ZQ
          6.50% 6/15/31 187,525 214,483
          Series 2557 WE
          5.00% 1/15/18 732,415 792,901
          Series 2662 MA
          4.50% 10/15/31 4,221 4,225
          Series 2755 LE
          4.00% 9/15/30 557,000 563,604
          Series 2762 LG
          5.00% 9/15/32 2,000,000 2,104,592
          Series 2802 NE
          5.00% 2/15/33 700,000 737,940
            Series 2827 TE  
          5.00% 4/15/33 1,335,000 1,419,961
          Series 2840 OE  
          5.00% 2/15/33   1,800,000   1,897,118
          Series 2864 PE  
          5.00% 6/15/33   1,070,620 1,127,450
          Series 2869 BG
          5.00% 7/15/33 196,494 207,043
          Series 2881 TE
          5.00% 7/15/33 1,080,000 1,138,723
          Series 2889 OG
          5.00% 5/15/33 117,000 123,129
          Series 2890 PC
          5.00% 7/15/30 126,251 127,584
          Series 2890 PD
          5.00% 3/15/33 1,265,000 1,337,961
          Series 2893 PD
          5.00% 2/15/33 65,000 68,903
          Series 2915 KD
          5.00% 9/15/33 447,000 474,274
          Series 2938 ND
          5.00% 10/15/33 1,050,000 1,109,665
          Series 2939 PD
          5.00% 7/15/33 665,000 702,815
          Series 2941 XD
          5.00% 5/15/33 2,690,000 2,835,274
          Series 2987 KG
          5.00% 12/15/34 1,430,000 1,526,908
          Series 3022 MB
          5.00% 12/15/28 20,753 20,773
          Series 3131 MC
          5.50% 4/15/33 445,000 473,269
          Series 3143 BC
          5.50% 2/15/36 8,000,000 9,059,784


Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (continued)
Freddie Mac REMICs (continued)    
          Series 3145 LN      
          4.50% 10/15/34 USD 657,401 $ 692,574
  @ûSeries 3289 SA
          6.51% 3/15/37 4,785,351 751,370
          Series 3337 PB
          5.50% 7/15/30 36,952 36,945
          Series 3476 Z
          5.50% 7/15/38 12,228,766 13,806,541
          Series 3626 MA  
          5.00% 2/15/30 2,561,662 2,673,122
          Series 3656 PM
          5.00% 4/15/40 770,000 865,347
w Freddie Mac Structured Pass
          Through Securities
          Series T-54 2A
          6.50% 2/25/43 26,765 29,997
          Series T-58 2A
          6.50% 9/25/43 14,425 16,591
  @ûSeries 2007-64 AI  
          6.31% 10/20/37 16,269,172 2,560,193
  @ûSeries 2008-65 SB
          5.758% 8/20/38 5,682,875 874,208
     @Series 2009-2 SE  
          5.578% 1/20/39 15,013,775 2,234,784
          Series 2010-113 KE  
          4.50% 9/20/40 1,170,000 1,286,336
NCUA Guaranteed Notes
          Series 2010-C1 A2
          2.90% 10/29/20 390,000 409,211
Total Agency Collateralized
Mortgage Obligations
(cost $93,653,090) 105,917,015
Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities – 6.60%
Fannie Mae
          5.50% 1/1/13 14,801 15,035
          5.50% 3/1/37 213,552 229,978
          5.50% 7/1/37 911,492 981,742
          6.50% 8/1/17 36,711 40,459
Fannie Mae ARM
          2.277% 10/1/33 32,562 34,278
          5.061% 8/1/35 47,669 50,999
          5.131% 11/1/35 215,855 229,883
          5.724% 7/1/37 272,630 291,998
          5.939% 8/1/37 293,927 318,486
Fannie Mae Relocation 30 yr
          5.00% 11/1/33 10,211 10,933
          5.00% 1/1/34 33,293 35,646
          5.00% 2/1/34 25,781 27,604
          5.00% 8/1/34 14,727 15,768
          5.00% 11/1/34 72,243 77,351
          5.00% 4/1/35 78,464 84,012
          5.00% 10/1/35 63,215 67,685
          5.00% 1/1/36 174,762 187,120
Fannie Mae S.F. 15 yr
          4.00% 11/1/25 2,358,794 2,527,919
          4.50% 8/1/18 311,369 334,813
          4.50% 7/1/20 760,648 817,445
          5.00% 5/1/21 88,061 95,600
Fannie Mae S.F. 15 yr TBA
          3.00% 4/1/27 3,570,000 3,695,508
          3.00% 5/1/27 1,140,000 1,177,050
          3.50% 4/1/27 7,131,000 7,478,637
Fannie Mae S.F. 20 yr
          5.50% 7/1/24 355,001 390,349
          5.50% 10/1/24 106,022 116,578
          5.50% 12/1/24 352,031 387,084
          5.50% 8/1/28 1,529,817 1,669,235
Fannie Mae S.F. 30 yr
          4.00% 10/1/40 100,478 105,417
          5.00% 12/1/36 229,622 248,299
          5.00% 12/1/37 155,914 168,547
          5.00% 2/1/38 129,790 140,306
          5.50% 12/1/32 136,312 149,800
          5.50% 7/1/33 525,262 577,234
          5.50% 12/1/33 98,164 108,644
          5.50% 4/1/34 1,273,941 1,399,407
          5.50% 5/1/34 393,866 432,838
          5.50% 6/1/34 510,698 560,352
          5.50% 7/1/34 816,924 896,352
          5.50% 2/1/35 2,496,044 2,753,065
          5.50% 9/1/36 930,083 1,020,513
          6.00% 9/1/36 203,966 226,397
          6.00% 7/1/38 1,140,771 1,258,028
          6.00% 8/1/38 716,068 789,670
          6.00% 12/1/38 91,643 101,063
          6.00% 2/1/41 1,299,055 1,439,483
          6.50% 11/1/33 16,578 18,882
          6.50% 2/1/36 379,720 428,406
          6.50% 3/1/36 589,935 665,466
          6.50% 6/1/36 703,598 793,765
          6.50% 2/1/38 182,895 206,311
          6.50% 11/1/38 86,085 96,703
          7.50% 3/1/32 1,121 1,342
          7.50% 4/1/32 4,674 5,607
          7.50% 6/1/32 2,049 2,458
Fannie Mae S.F. 30 yr TBA
          3.50% 4/1/42 7,450,000 7,650,220
          3.50% 5/1/42 5,340,000 5,467,661
          4.00% 4/1/42 500,000 524,219
          4.00% 5/1/42 4,940,000 5,168,475
          5.50% 5/1/42 2,430,000 2,643,384
          6.00% 4/1/42 2,245,000 2,473,359
          6.00% 5/1/42 3,718,000 4,090,381
          6.00% 6/1/42 3,000,000 3,296,250

(continues)       39

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (continued)
Freddie Mac ARM      
            2.342% 12/1/33 USD  92,918 $ 97,889
          2.495% 7/1/36 126,990 135,605
          2.56% 4/1/34 5,903 6,297
          5.481% 2/1/38 719,896 779,252
          5.675% 5/1/37 478,870 502,524
Freddie Mac Relocation 30 yr
          5.00% 9/1/33 1,340 1,433
Freddie Mac S.F. 15 yr
          4.50% 5/1/20 405,486 435,003
          5.00% 6/1/18 140,330 150,457
Freddie Mac S.F. 20 yr
          5.50% 10/1/23 271,796 298,464
          5.50% 8/1/24 61,826 67,970
Freddie Mac S.F. 30 yr
          5.00% 7/1/38 267,160 287,961
          5.50% 3/1/42 5,705,000 6,216,666
          6.00% 8/1/38 981,057   1,090,240
          6.00% 10/1/38   1,375,013 1,528,039
          6.50% 11/1/33 49,842   56,779
          6.50% 1/1/35   242,543 276,228
          6.50% 8/1/38 142,049 159,113
          7.00% 1/1/38 170,082 194,478
GNMA I S.F. 30 yr    
          7.00% 12/15/34 421,930 487,692
          6.00% 4/20/34 22,645 25,635
Total Agency Mortgage-
Backed Securities  
(cost $78,042,913) 80,095,224
Collateralized Debt Obligation – 0.09%
@# Landmark CDO
          Series 2005-1A A1L 144A
          0.788% 6/1/17 1,126,181 1,093,882
Total Collateralized
Debt Obligation
(cost $1,087,058) 1,093,882
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities – 2.70%
# American Tower Trust
          Series 2007-1A AFX 144A
          5.42% 4/15/37 420,000 447,130
BAML Commercial Mortgage
        Series 2005-1 A5
          5.337% 11/10/42 1,620,000 1,781,645
        Series 2005-6 A4
          5.366% 9/10/47 1,615,000 1,803,427
          Series 2006-4 A4
          5.634% 7/10/46 1,070,000 1,207,476
# Bank of America Large Loan
          Series 2009-UB2 A4AA
          144A 5.673% 2/24/51 2,200,000 2,436,937
Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities
          Series 2005-PW10 A4
          5.405% 12/11/40 540,000 603,181
          Series 2005-T20 A4A
          5.145% 10/12/42 990,000 1,101,570
          Series 2006-PW12 A4
          5.719% 9/11/38 895,000 1,015,945
# CFCRE Commercial Mortgage
          Trust Series 2011-C1 A2
          144A 3.759% 4/15/44 120,000 126,219
Citigroup/Deutsche Bank
          Commercial Mortgage
          Trust Series 2005-CD1
          A4 5.225% 7/15/44 400,000 429,538
w Commercial Mortgage Pass
          Through Certificates
        Series 2005-C6 A5A
          5.116% 6/10/44 550,000 606,095
          Series 2006-C7 A2
          5.69% 6/10/46 20,483 20,478
        #Series 2010-C1 A1 144A
          3.156% 12/18/49 505,078 525,738
Credit Suisse Mortgage
          Capital Certificates
          Series 2006-C1 AAB
          5.419% 2/15/39 106,809 112,784
        #Series 2010-UD1 A 144A
          5.786% 6/18/17 2,200,000 2,435,961
# DB-UBS Mortgage Trust 144A
        Series 2011-LC1A A3
          5.002% 11/10/46 1,070,000 1,204,049
          Series 2011-LC1A C
          5.557% 1/1/21 120,000 124,912
Goldman Sachs Mortgage
          Securities II
      *Series 2004-GG2 A6
          5.396% 8/10/38 570,000 614,964
          Series 2005-GG4 A4
          4.761% 7/10/39 822,500 876,992
          Series 2005-GG4 A4A
          4.751% 7/10/39 1,215,000 1,317,619
        Series 2006-GG6 A4
          5.553% 4/10/38 595,000 659,318
        #Series 2007-GG10 J 144A
          5.993% 8/10/45 1,956,000 978
        #Series 2010-C1 A2 144A
          4.592% 9/1/40 915,000 1,007,475
      #Series 2010-C1 C 144A
          5.635% 8/10/43 375,000 396,356
      #Series 2011-GC3 B 144A
          5.361% 3/10/44 500,000 537,020
Greenwich Capital
          Commercial Funding
          Series 2005-GG5 A5
          5.224% 4/10/37 1,155,000 1,258,579


Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (continued)
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding (continued)
          Series 2006-GG7 A4      
          5.883% 7/10/38 USD 1,140,000 $ 1,291,359
JPMorgan Chase Commercial
          Mortgage Securities
        Series 2005-LDP3 A4A
          4.936% 8/15/42 450,000 494,091
        Series 2005-LDP5 A4
          5.205% 12/15/44 2,063,000   2,301,087
          Series 2007-LDPX A3
          5.42% 1/15/49 1,140,000 1,263,337
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage
          Trust Series 2004-C1 A4  
          4.568% 1/15/31 360,000 378,581
Morgan Stanley Capital I
          Series 2005-HQ6 A4A  
          4.989% 8/13/42 240,000 263,526
        Series 2007-T27 A4
          5.64% 6/11/42 1,740,000 2,000,330
# Morgan Stanley Dean Witter  
          Capital I Series 2001-
          TOP1 E 144A
          7.390% 2/15/33   100,000 98,240
# OBP Depositor Trust Series
          2010-OBP A 144A
            4.646% 7/15/45 585,000 654,047
 # Timberstar Trust Series
          2006-1A A 144A
          5.668% 10/15/36 515,000 576,993
# WF-RBS Commercial
          Mortgage Trust Series  
          2011-C3 A4 144A
          4.375% 3/15/44 730,000 782,386
Total Commercial Mortgage-
Backed Securities
(cost $31,854,480) 32,756,363
Convertible Bonds – 1.00%
AAR 1.75%
          exercise price $29.04,
          expiration date 1/1/26 275,000 272,938
Advanced Micro
          Devices 6.00%
          exercise price $28.08,
          expiration date 4/30/15 348,000 363,660
# Alaska Communications
          Systems Group
          144A 6.25%
          exercise price $10.28,
          expiration date 4/27/18 288,000 223,200
* Alcatel-Lucent USA 2.875%
          exercise price $15.35,
          expiration date 6/15/25 415,000 409,813
Alere 3.00%
          exercise price $43.98,
          expiration date 5/15/16   233,000 235,039
# Ares Capital 144A 5.75%
          exercise price $19.13,
          expiration date 2/1/16 205,000 214,994
ϕ ArvinMeritor 4.00%
          exercise price $26.73,
          expiration date 2/15/27 412,000 345,565
# BGC Partners 144A 4.50%
          exercise price $9.84,
          expiration date 7/13/16 147,000 148,286
Chesapeake Energy 2.25%
          exercise price $85.81,
          expiration date 12/15/38 264,000 214,830
*# Clearwire Communications
          144A 8.25%
          exercise price $7.08,
          expiration date 11/30/40 258,000 202,208
# Corporate Office Properties
          144A 4.25%
          exercise price $48.00,
          expiration date 4/12/30 146,000 142,898
Dendreon 2.875%
          exercise price $51.24,
          expiration date 1/13/16 129,000 103,845
Equinix 4.75%
          exercise price $84.32,
          expiration date 6/15/16 146,000 292,730
Euronet Worldwide 3.50%
          exercise price $40.48,
          expiration date 10/15/25 219,000 220,916
*# Gaylord Entertainment
          144A 3.75%
          exercise price $27.25,
          expiration date 9/29/14 269,000 346,338
ϕ General Cable 4.50%
          exercise price $36.75,
          expiration date 11/15/29 179,000 189,516
Health Care REIT 3.00%
          exercise price $51.08,
          expiration date 11/30/29 343,000 393,593
Helix Energy Solutions
          Group 3.25%
          exercise price $25.01,
          expiration date 3/12/32 298,000 315,880
ϕ Hologic 2.00%
          exercise price $31.17,
          expiration date 2/27/42 60,000 59,925
# Illumina 144A 3.00%
          exercise price $83.55,
          expiration date 3/11/16 110,000 106,013
Intel 2.95%
          exercise price $29.96,
          expiration date 12/15/35 300,000 346,500

(continues)       41

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Convertible Bonds (continued)
James River Coal 4.50%
          exercise price $25.78,
          expiration date 12/1/15 USD  145,000 $ 81,925
Jefferies Group 3.875%  
            exercise price $37.94,
          expiration date 11/1/29 367,000 350,485
L-3 Communications
          Holdings 3.00%
          exercise price $96.48,
          expiration date 8/1/35 431,000 421,840
* Leap Wireless
          International 4.50%
          exercise price $93.21,
          expiration date 7/15/14 404,000 387,335
# Lexington Realty Trust    
          144A 6.00%
          exercise price $7.01,
          expiration date 1/11/30 198,000 273,488
Linear Technology 3.00%
          exercise price $43.39,  
          expiration date 5/1/27   508,000 542,924
Live Nation
          Entertainment 2.875%
          exercise price $27.14,  
          expiration date 7/14/27 496,000 476,779
MGM Resorts
          international 4.25%  
          exercise price $18.58,
          expiration date 4/10/15   196,000 208,005
Mylan 3.75%
          exercise price $13.32,
          expiration date 9/10/15 276,000 518,189
National Retail
          Properties 5.125%
          exercise price $25.37,
          expiration date 6/15/28 415,000 474,137
# Nuance Communications
          144A 2.75%
          exercise price $32.30,
          expiration date 11/1/31 83,000 94,205
          exercise price $42.13,
          expiration date 6/30/17 236,000 202,370
          exercise price $44.74,
          expiration date 3/15/13 126,000 125,055
# Owens-Brockway Glass
          Container 144A 3.00%
          exercise price $47.47,
          expiration date 5/28/15 550,000 541,062
Pantry 3.00%
          exercise price $50.09,
          expiration date 11/15/12 403,000 405,519
* Peabody Energy 4.75%
          exercise price $58.19,
          expiration date 12/15/41 52,000 49,660
PHH 4.00%
          exercise price $25.80,
          expiration date 9/1/14 431,000 415,915
Rovi 2.625%
          exercise price $47.36,
          expiration date 2/10/40 257,000 270,814
SanDisk 1.50%
          exercise price $52.37,
          expiration date 8/11/17 245,000 291,244
SBA Communications 4.00%
          exercise price $30.38,
          expiration date 10/1/14 132,000 232,650
Transocean 1.50%
          exercise price $158.97,
          expiration date 12/15/37 205,000 203,975
VeriSign 3.25%
          exercise price $34.37,
          expiration date 8/15/37 313,000 401,423
Total Convertible Bonds
(cost $11,428,867) 12,117,686
Corporate Bonds – 38.45%
Banking – 7.37%
Abbey National Treasury
          Services 4.00% 4/27/16 670,000 665,347
AgriBank 9.125% 7/15/19 845,000 1,073,608
# Banco Bradesco 144A
          2.598% 5/16/14 1,300,000 1,320,705
# Banco do Brasil 144A
          6.00% 1/22/20 3,000,000 3,382,499
# Banco Mercantil del
          Norte 144A
          4.375% 7/19/15 400,000 418,000
    @6.862% 10/13/21 520,000 542,100
# Banco Santander Chile 144A
          3.75% 9/22/15 2,200,000 2,255,607
# Banco Votorantim 144A
         3.473% 3/28/14 2,000,000 2,032,040
       @5.25% 2/11/16 2,300,000 2,395,450
Bank of America
          3.75% 7/12/16 1,045,000 1,051,237
          3.875% 3/22/17 675,000 679,484
          5.65% 5/1/18 1,000,000 1,068,877
          5.70% 1/24/22 520,000 551,501
          6.00% 9/1/17 1,200,000 1,308,509
          3.95% 3/22/22 755,000 758,508
          5.25% 11/1/19 1,146,000 1,259,757
BB&T Capital Trust II
          6.75% 6/7/36 1,310,000 1,338,297
Capital One Capital V
          10.25% 8/15/39 500,000 516,250


Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Banking (continued)      
        0.811% 11/5/14 USD 700,000 $ 671,378
        2.027% 1/13/14 500,000 497,289
        2.51% 8/13/13 1,000,000 1,003,377
          4.587% 12/15/15 200,000 210,799
          5.50% 4/11/13 1,700,000 1,764,614
          6.125% 5/15/18 1,900,000 2,132,619
          8.50% 5/22/19 1,800,000 2,222,264
* City National
          5.25% 9/15/20 755,000 760,456
@# CoBank 144A
          7.875% 4/16/18 570,000 682,391
# DNB Bank 144A
          3.20% 4/3/17 3,300,000 3,316,806
          1.60% 3/20/14 JPY   2,000,000 22,488
          1.875% 4/2/13 USD 100,000 97,523
          2.00% 9/15/15 200,000 177,592
          5.50% 5/25/16 100,000 97,979
        *5.50% 6/26/17 200,000 194,848
Export-Import Bank of Korea
          5.00% 4/11/22 705,000 747,299
          5.125% 3/16/15 200,000 215,128
          5.125% 6/29/20 1,500,000 1,615,254
        *5.50% 10/17/12 300,000 306,923
Fifth Third Bancorp
          3.50% 3/15/22 460,000 450,400
Fifth Third Capital Trust IV
          6.50% 4/15/37 1,275,000 1,275,000
Goldman Sachs Group
        0.924% 3/22/16 300,000 274,100
      *0.961% 7/22/15 200,000 187,156
        1.08% 1/12/15 700,000 665,679
        1.408% 2/4/13 EUR 800,000 1,061,245
          3.70% 8/1/15 USD 900,000 916,593
          5.15% 1/15/14 2,000,000 2,103,370
          6.25% 9/1/17 1,100,000 1,207,091
# HBOS Capital Funding 144A
          6.071% 6/29/49 300,000 215,250
# HSBC Bank 144A
          1.625% 8/12/13 2,300,000 2,295,750
          4.75% 1/19/21 890,000 942,671
HSBC Holdings
          4.00% 3/30/22 1,575,000 1,564,358
        *5.50% 3/25/15 2,100,000 2,183,255
        #144A 5.50% 3/25/15 2,000,000 2,079,290
JPMorgan Chase
          3.15% 7/5/16 100,000 103,189
          4.40% 7/22/20 400,000 415,686
          4.50% 1/24/22 750,000 781,801
          6.30% 4/23/19 300,000 347,157
JPMorgan Chase
          Capital XXV
          6.80% 10/1/37 1,373,000 1,387,554
KeyBank 6.95% 2/1/28 1,220,000 1,354,740
KeyCorp 5.10% 3/24/21 620,000 684,606
KFW 6.25% 5/19/21 AUD  2,300,000 2,569,439
Korea Development Bank
          8.00% 1/23/14 USD 1,200,000 1,325,770
Lloyds TSB Bank
        2.911% 1/24/14 2,300,000 2,292,058
          4.20% 3/28/17 900,000 907,771
Morgan Stanley
          7.30% 5/13/19 2,700,000 2,909,681
National City Bank
          0.845% 6/7/17 325,000 296,694
# Nordea Bank 144A
          1.467% 1/14/14 3,000,000 2,993,555
PNC Bank 6.875% 4/1/18 1,415,000 1,682,303
PNC Funding
          3.30% 3/8/22 430,000 426,288
          5.625% 2/1/17 195,000 217,853
# PNC Preferred Funding
          Trust II 144A
          1.696% 3/31/49 1,600,000 1,229,232
Rabobank Utrecht
          3.875% 2/8/22 895,000 867,278
SunTrust Bank
        0.782% 8/24/15 505,000 461,291
          3.50% 1/20/17 340,000 347,181
*SVB Financial Group
          5.375% 9/15/20 190,000 205,832
          2.25% 1/28/14 1,900,000 1,908,645
          5.875% 12/20/17 2,000,000 2,220,122
US Bank 4.95% 10/30/14 1,000,000 1,095,952
USB Capital IX
          3.50% 10/29/49 1,955,000 1,509,514
Wachovia 0.937% 10/15/16 255,000 237,277
Wachovia Bank  
          5.60% 3/15/16 595,000 662,797
Wells Fargo
          3.50% 3/8/22 640,000 631,370
          4.75% 2/9/15 250,000 268,347
Zions Bancorporation
          7.75% 9/23/14 280,000   306,774
Basic Industry – 3.71%
* AK Steel 7.625% 5/15/20 270,000 261,900
          5.40% 4/15/21   785,000 812,599
          6.75% 7/15/18   1,600,000   1,826,184
# Algoma Acquisition 144A  
          9.875% 6/15/15 249,000 227,835

(continues)       43

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

Principal Value
                Amount°       (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Basic Industry (continued)      
# Anglo American Capital
          144A 2.625% 4/3/17 USD 1,425,000 $ 1,428,186
          6.25% 2/25/22 665,000 673,612
          9.85% 6/1/19 1,060,000 1,277,174
# Barrick Gold 144A
          3.85% 4/1/22 2,055,000 2,067,402
          5.25% 4/1/42 170,000 171,569
Barrick North America Finance
          4.40% 5/30/21 1,125,000 1,188,056
# Cemex 144A 5.47% 9/30/15 1,031,000 935,633
# Cemex Espana
            Luxembourg 144A
          9.25% 5/12/20 100,000 92,750
Century Aluminum
          8.00% 5/15/14 279,000 286,673
CF Industries
          7.125% 5/1/20 260,000 310,375
          3.75% 11/4/20   332,000 341,792
Compass Minerals  
          8.00% 6/1/19 268,000 292,120
CSN Resources  
          6.50% 7/21/20 600,000 675,000
        #144A 6.50% 7/21/20 3,400,000 3,825,000
Domtar 4.40% 4/1/22 545,000 539,635
Dow Chemical
          8.55% 5/15/19 2,322,000 3,015,002
# FMG Resources August
          2006 144A
        *6.875% 4/1/22 65,000 63,538
          7.00% 11/1/15 275,000 281,875
        #144A 5.40% 11/1/20 230,000 257,191
          8.00% 1/15/24 1,757,000 2,241,198
        #144A 8.25% 5/1/16 108,000 119,149
# Gerdau Trade 144A
          5.75% 1/30/21 4,300,000 4,576,489
          7.625% 4/1/19 375,000 366,563
Hexion US Finance
          8.875% 2/1/18 260,000 270,400
International Paper
          4.75% 2/15/22 1,670,000 1,763,271
          9.375% 5/15/19 165,000 218,307
JSG Funding
          7.75% 4/1/15 217,000 219,170
# Kinross Gold 144A
          5.125% 9/1/21 755,000 768,047
# LyondellBasell Industries
          144A 5.75% 4/15/24 425,000 425,000
# MacDermid 144A
          9.50% 4/15/17 251,000 261,668
Momentive Performance
          11.50% 12/1/16  165,000 137,775
# Murray Energy 144A
          10.25% 10/15/15 237,000 231,668
Nortek 8.50% 4/15/21 325,000 323,375
Novelis 8.75% 12/15/20 375,000 412,500
Ply Gem Industries
          13.125% 7/15/14 157,000 159,355
=@ Port Townsend
          12.431% 8/27/12 92,303 41,998
Rio Tinto Finance USA
          3.50% 3/22/22 1,625,000 1,631,380
        7.922% 11/1/14 127,000 120,015
          12.00% 11/1/15 237,000 244,110
Steel Dynamics
          7.375% 11/1/12 1,400,000 1,442,000
          7.75% 4/15/16 404,000 421,170
Syngenta Finance
          3.125% 3/28/22 720,000 726,286
Teck Resources
          3.00% 3/1/19 380,000 375,594
          5.20% 3/1/42 950,000 904,607
Vale Overseas
          4.375% 1/11/22 2,601,000 2,625,569
          6.875% 11/10/39 2,700,000 3,167,424
Brokerage – 0.82%
Bear Stearns
        4.923% 12/7/12 AUD 2,130,000 2,194,754
          7.25% 2/1/18 USD 2,000,000 2,414,589
E Trade Financial
          12.50% 11/30/17 370,000 432,438
Jefferies Group
          6.25% 1/15/36 335,000 305,688
          6.45% 6/8/27 296,000 294,520
Lazard Group
          6.85% 6/15/17 1,087,000 1,196,345
Merrill Lynch
          5.45% 2/5/13 500,000 514,239
          6.875% 4/25/18 2,325,000 2,587,933
Capital Goods – 1.16%
Anixter 10.00% 3/15/14 101,000 110,595
Berry Plastics 9.75% 1/15/21 265,000 290,838
Case New Holland
          7.75% 9/1/13 163,000 174,410
Casella Waste Systems
          11.00% 7/15/14 6,000 6,450


          Principal       Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Capital Goods (continued)
Koninklijke Philips
          3.75% 3/15/22       USD 730,000 $ 735,842
          5.00% 3/15/42 1,280,000 1,282,314
Kratos Defense &
          Security Solutions
          10.00% 6/1/17 145,000 157,688
# Meccanica Holdings USA
          144A 6.25% 7/15/19 245,000 219,242
# Plastipak Holdings 144A      
          10.625% 8/15/19 201,000 230,145
Pregis 12.375% 10/15/13 277,000 278,724
* RBS Global 11.75% 8/1/16 212,000 224,985
Stanley Black & Decker
          3.40% 12/1/21 615,000 624,269
TriMas 9.75% 12/15/17 173,000 192,030
Tyco Electronics Group
          3.50% 2/3/22 735,000 718,029
          6.00% 10/1/12 4,500,000 4,618,943
Tyco International Finance
          3.75% 1/15/18 2,200,000 2,363,415
# URS 144A 5.00% 4/1/22 610,000 604,153
# Votorantim Cimentos 144A
          7.25% 4/5/41 1,180,000 1,209,500
Communications – 3.80%
Affinion Group
          7.875% 12/15/18 315,000 288,225
America Movil
          5.00% 3/30/20 720,000 804,237
American Tower
          4.70% 3/15/22 300,000 303,008
# Brasil Telecom 144A
          5.75% 2/10/22 838,000 864,188
          9.75% 9/15/16 BRL 2,398,000 1,366,045
CBS 3.375% 3/1/22 USD 1,810,000 1,750,864
CCO Holdings
          7.375% 6/1/20 105,000 114,450
CenturyLink 5.80% 3/15/22 750,000 733,746
Citizens Communications  
          6.25% 1/15/13 78,000 80,340
Clear Channel Communications
          9.00% 3/1/21 150,000 135,750
# Clear Channel Worldwide
          Holdings 144A
          7.625% 3/15/20 220,000 216,325
# Clearwire Communications
          12.00% 12/1/15 188,000 186,120
        *12.00% 12/1/15 361,000 357,390
# Columbus International 144A
          11.50% 11/20/14 460,000 514,970
Comcast 5.70% 5/15/18 1,000,000 1,181,784
Cricket Communications
          7.75% 10/15/20 485,000 478,331
Crown Castle International
          9.00% 1/15/15 80,000 88,400
# Crown Castle Towers 144A
          4.883% 8/15/20 1,920,000 1,978,922
Deutsche Telekom
          International Finance
        #144A 2.25% 3/6/17 1,785,000 1,768,771
          4.25% 7/13/22 EUR 850,000 1,251,172
# Digicel 144A
          8.25% 9/1/17 USD 100,000 106,750
# Digicel Group 144A
          8.875% 1/15/15 170,000 173,825
# DIRECTV Holdings 144A
          3.80% 3/15/22 1,655,000 1,635,632
          5.15% 3/15/42 405,000 396,027
          6.75% 6/1/21 153,000 165,623
          7.875% 9/1/19 268,000 309,540
Entravision Communications
          8.75% 8/1/17 120,000 127,650
Historic TW
          6.875% 6/15/18 1,660,000 2,037,332
Intelsat Bermuda
          11.25% 2/4/17 420,000 437,850
          11.50% 2/4/17 410 427
        #PIK 144A
          11.50% 2/4/17 105,000 108,413
Intelsat Jackson Holdings
          7.25% 10/15/20 195,000 205,481
Interpublic Group
          4.00% 3/15/22 1,065,000 1,044,975
Level 3 Financing
          10.00% 2/1/18 213,000 234,300
MetroPCS Wireless
          6.625% 11/15/20 150,000 149,438
# Nara Cable Funding 144A
          8.875% 12/1/18 420,000 401,100
Nielsen Finance
          11.50% 5/1/16 130,000 150,475
          11.625% 2/1/14 82,000 95,120
NII Capital 10.00% 8/15/16 316,000 359,450
PAETEC Holding
          8.875% 6/30/17 157,000 171,130
          6.75% 12/1/21 565,000 632,094
          8.375% 5/1/16 1,920,000 2,303,849
# Sinclair Television Group
          144A 9.25% 11/1/17 216,000 241,380
# Sirius XM Radio 144A
          8.75% 4/1/15 250,000 285,000

(continues)       45

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

          Principal Value
      Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)            
Communications (continued)
Sprint Capital
          8.75% 3/15/32 USD 162,000 $ 139,725
Sprint Nextel
            6.00% 12/1/16 145,000 130,138
          8.375% 8/15/17 155,000 150,350
        #144A 9.125% 3/1/17 250,000 249,375
Telecom Italia Capital
          5.25% 10/1/15 885,000 915,975
Telefonica Emisiones
          5.462% 2/16/21 340,000 331,108
          6.421% 6/20/16 815,000 869,651
Telesat Canada
          11.00% 11/1/15 547,000 586,658
          12.50% 11/1/17 85,000 95,413
Time Warner Cable
          5.50% 9/1/41 750,000 788,567
          6.75% 7/1/18 1,500,000 1,832,544
          8.25% 4/1/19 1,080,000 1,383,132
# Univision Communications
          144A 6.875% 5/15/19 265,000 269,969
# UPC Holding 144A
          9.875% 4/15/18 170,000 188,700
# UPCB Finance III 144A
          6.625% 7/1/20 520,000 533,000
Verizon Communications
          8.75% 11/1/18 3,600,000 4,891,765
Videotron 6.375% 12/15/15 90,000 92,363
# VimpelCom Holdings 144A
         •4.471% 6/29/14 840,000 817,942
          7.504% 3/1/22 410,000 399,750
Virgin Media Finance
          8.375% 10/15/19 200,000 225,000
Virgin Media
          Secured Finance
          6.50% 1/15/18 2,470,000 2,695,387
# Vivendi 144A
          6.625% 4/4/18 1,275,000 1,434,110
West 7.875% 1/15/19 100,000 107,000
# Wind Acquisition Finance
          144A 11.75% 7/15/17 410,000 405,900
          7.875% 11/1/17 3,000 3,323
          8.125% 8/1/13 103,000 110,210
# XM Escrow Satellite Radio
          144A 13.00% 8/1/13 220,000 249,975
Consumer Cyclical – 2.02%
Albertson’s 7.25% 5/1/13 66,000 69,300
# Allison Transmission 144A
          11.00% 11/1/15 112,000 118,440
American Axle &
          7.875% 3/1/17 344,000 356,040
Ameristar Casinos
          7.50% 4/15/21 285,000 300,319
          8.125% 9/15/15 443,000 469,580
Beazer Homes USA
          9.125% 5/15/19 160,000 138,400
Chrysler Group
          8.25% 6/15/21 305,000 309,575
CKE Restaurants
          11.375% 7/15/18 260,000 298,350
Dave & Buster’s
          11.00% 6/1/18 75,000 80,625
#Delphi 144A
          6.125% 5/15/21 545,000 583,150
# Equinox Holdings 144A
          9.50% 2/1/16 40,000 42,975
* Ford Motor 7.45% 7/16/31 655,000 804,013
Ford Motor Credit
          5.00% 5/15/18 925,000 960,479
          8.00% 6/1/14 300,000 330,422
          8.70% 10/1/14 3,800,000 4,307,379
          12.00% 5/15/15 480,000 596,400
# FUEL Trust 144A
          3.984% 6/15/16 485,000 492,527
* Hanesbrands
          6.375% 12/15/20 255,000 263,288
Host Hotels & Resorts
        #144A 5.25% 3/15/22 280,000 280,000
          5.875% 6/15/19 295,000 312,331
        #144A 6.00% 10/1/21 432,000 462,240
          6.00% 11/1/20 375,000 399,375
*# Hyundai Capital Services
          144A 3.50% 9/13/17 460,000 461,647
Ingles Markets
          8.875% 5/15/17 196,000 213,150
* Levi Strauss
          7.625% 5/15/20 100,000 106,250
M/I Homes
          8.625% 11/15/18 225,000 226,125
Macy’s Retail Holdings
          3.875% 1/15/22 150,000 150,735
          5.90% 12/1/16 763,000 876,486
Marina District Finance
          9.875% 8/15/18 110,000 99,275
MGM Resorts International
          7.75% 3/15/22 65,000 66,300
          11.375% 3/1/18 579,000 691,181
Mobile Mini 6.875% 5/1/15 161,000 163,415
Mohawk Industries
          6.375% 1/15/16 146,000 162,060
Norcraft 10.50% 12/15/15 169,000 149,143
OSI Restaurant Partners
          10.00% 6/15/15 199,000 206,960


          Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Consumer Cyclical (continued)
* Pinnacle Entertainment
          8.75% 5/15/20 USD 325,000 $ 356,688
* Quiksilver 6.875% 4/15/15 225,000 227,250
# Rite Aid 144A
          9.25% 3/15/20 75,000 75,938
Royal Caribbean Cruises
          7.00% 6/15/13             250,000 262,500
Ryland Group
          8.40% 5/15/17 172,000 190,920
 # Sealy Mattress 144A
          10.875% 4/15/16 57,000 61,988
Standard Pacific
          10.75% 9/15/16 248,000 286,440
Target 2.90% 1/15/22 810,000 802,273
Tomkins 9.00% 10/1/18 275,000 305,938
# Volkswagen International  
          Finance 144A
          1.625% 8/12/13 2,800,000 2,824,513
Western Union
          3.65% 8/22/18 555,000 594,225
Wyndham Worldwide
          4.25% 3/1/22 1,725,000 1,694,441
          5.625% 3/1/21 450,000 485,325
          5.75% 2/1/18 620,000 691,277
Wynn Las Vegas
          7.75% 8/15/20 60,000 66,225
Consumer Non-Cyclical – 3.92%
Accellent 8.375% 2/1/17 150,000      151,500
Altria Group
          9.70% 11/10/18 1,000,000 1,360,589
# AMGH Merger Sub 144A
          9.25% 11/1/18 225,000 235,125
Anheuser-Busch InBev
         •1.107% 1/27/14 3,800,000 3,821,427
          5.375% 1/15/20 1,000,000 1,177,104
# Aristotle Holding 144A
          2.65% 2/15/17 565,000 572,035
          3.50% 11/15/16 295,000 308,470
          3.90% 2/15/22 310,000 313,970
          4.75% 11/15/21 335,000 359,218
# Ashtead Capital 144A
          9.00% 8/15/16 200,000 209,750
Bio-Rad Laboratories
          4.875% 12/15/20 155,000 159,372
          8.00% 9/15/16 146,000 162,790
Boston Scientific
          6.00% 1/15/20 835,000 959,924
CareFusion 6.375% 8/1/19 2,085,000 2,426,356
          2.45% 10/15/15 330,000 337,521
          3.95% 10/15/20 1,045,000 1,066,024
Coca-Cola Enterprises
          1.125% 11/12/13 2,000,000 2,008,652
Community Health Systems
       *#144A 8.00% 11/15/19 110,000 114,400
          8.875% 7/15/15 54,000 56,025
Corrections Corp. of
          America 7.75% 6/1/17 344,000 376,680
Coventry Health Care
          5.45% 6/15/21 1,400,000 1,535,303
Del Monte
          7.625% 2/15/19 445,000 445,000
# Dole Food 144A
          8.00% 10/1/16 123,000 129,765
General Mills
          3.15% 12/15/21 390,000 391,167
* Geo Group
          6.625% 2/15/21 145,000 152,431
HCA 7.50% 2/15/22 315,000 336,263
HCA Holdings
          7.75% 5/15/21 355,000 368,756
# Heineken 144A
          3.40% 4/1/22 1,140,000 1,133,979
# Highmark 144A
          4.75% 5/15/21 405,000 406,378
          6.125% 5/15/41 150,000 156,413
Iron Mountain
          7.75% 10/1/19 75,000 82,313
          6.125% 11/15/22 215,000 226,288
          7.50% 1/15/20 30,000 32,700
# Kinetic Concepts 144A
          12.50% 11/1/19 260,000 247,000
Kraft Foods
          1.457% 7/10/13 1,195,000 1,203,071
LVB Acquisition
          11.625% 10/15/17 204,000 221,595
          PIK 10.375% 10/15/17 158,000 171,035
Medtronic 3.125% 3/15/22 705,000 709,834
# Multiplan 144A
          9.875% 9/1/18 280,000 303,800
# Mylan 144A
          6.00% 11/15/18 315,000 330,750
NBTY 9.00% 10/1/18 385,000 425,906
PepsiCo 2.75% 3/5/22 1,295,000 1,262,704
# Pernod-Ricard 144A
          2.95% 1/15/17 405,000 409,556
          4.45% 1/15/22 1,125,000 1,143,420
          5.50% 1/15/42 475,000 479,274
Pfizer 5.35% 3/15/15 4,100,000 4,638,300
PHH 9.25% 3/1/16 860,000 878,275
Quest Diagnostics
          4.70% 4/1/21 1,480,000 1,604,934
          4.75% 1/30/20 135,000 147,488

(continues)       47

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

          Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Consumer Non-Cyclical (continued)
RadNet Management
          10.375% 4/1/18       USD       125,000       $ 125,000
# Reynolds Group 144A
          9.00% 4/15/19 730,000 722,700
RSC Equipment Rental
          10.25% 11/15/19 278,000 312,750
# SABMiller Holdings 144A
          2.45% 1/15/17 595,000 603,141
          3.75% 1/15/22 1,940,000 1,977,706
          4.95% 1/15/42 305,000 317,236
Safeway 4.75% 12/1/21 825,000 854,511
Sara Lee 4.10% 9/15/20 498,000 505,351
Scotts Miracle-Gro
          6.625% 12/15/20 125,000 132,188
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance
          IV 3.65% 11/10/21 355,000 360,084
Tops Markets
          10.125% 10/15/15 117,000 125,483
Tyson Foods 10.50% 3/1/14 213,000 248,145
# Woolworths 144A
          3.15% 4/12/16 305,000 316,369
          4.55% 4/12/21 1,340,000 1,443,417
Yale University
          2.90% 10/15/14 1,115,000 1,179,457
Zimmer Holdings
          3.375% 11/30/21 1,200,000 1,205,953
          4.625% 11/30/19 1,205,000 1,331,670
Electric – 3.59%
AES 8.00% 6/1/20 133,000 153,283
Ameren Illinois
          9.75% 11/15/18 1,930,000 2,617,889
# American Transmission
          Systems 144A
          5.25% 1/15/22 1,225,000 1,385,686
* Appalachian Power
          7.95% 1/15/20 1,000,000 1,310,851
Baltimore Gas & Electric
          3.50% 11/15/21 1,285,000 1,301,439
# Calpine 144A
          7.875% 7/31/20 225,000 245,813
# Centrais Eletricas
          Brasileiras 144A
          5.75% 10/27/21 2,116,000 2,326,542
CMS Energy
          4.25% 9/30/15 1,465,000 1,527,331
          6.25% 2/1/20 575,000 630,980
ComEd Financing III
          6.35% 3/15/33 605,000 583,719
Commonwealth Edison
          3.40% 9/1/21 1,375,000 1,420,568
Dominion Resources
          5.70% 9/17/12 3,000,000 3,068,438
Duquense Light Holdings
          5.50% 8/15/15 756,000 785,746
Elwood Energy
          8.159% 7/5/26 240,062 245,463
          3.625% 9/15/15 215,000 218,795
          5.125% 9/15/20 4,400,000 4,439,502
Florida Power
          5.65% 6/15/18 205,000 245,140
FPL Group Capital
          6.35% 10/1/66 730,000 745,321
GenOn Energy
          9.875% 10/15/20 160,000 146,400
Great Plains Energy
          5.292% 6/15/22 1,070,000 1,143,902
Ipalco Enterprises
          5.00% 5/1/18 405,000 405,000
Jersey Central
          Power & Light
          5.625% 5/1/16 80,000 89,967
        *7.35% 2/1/19 1,000,000 1,253,060
LG&E & KU Energy
          3.75% 11/15/20 965,000 962,647
        #144A 4.375% 10/1/21 1,230,000 1,266,814
* Mirant Americas
          8.50% 10/1/21 310,000 274,350
NiSource Finance
          4.45% 12/1/21 235,000 245,603
          5.80% 2/1/42 705,000 755,127
NRG Energy
          7.875% 5/15/21 190,000 183,350
PacifiCorp 2.95% 2/1/22 760,000 750,818
@# Pedernales Electric
          Cooperative 144A
          6.202% 11/15/32 620,000 659,160
Pennsylvania Electric
          5.20% 4/1/20 1,105,000 1,199,421
PPL Capital Funding
          6.70% 3/30/67 110,000 110,115
Public Service Oklahoma
          5.15% 12/1/19 1,170,000 1,315,961
Puget Energy
          6.00% 9/1/21 340,000 362,492
          6.50% 12/15/20 3,800,000 4,173,809
Puget Sound Energy
          6.974% 6/1/67 1,295,000 1,329,100
SCANA 4.125% 2/1/22 740,000 741,858
Tokyo Electric Power
          4.50% 3/24/14 EUR 1,100,000 1,403,933
Wisconsin Energy
          6.25% 5/15/67 USD 1,480,000 1,526,058


          Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Energy – 3.29%
Antero Resources Finance                  
          9.375% 12/1/17 USD 122,000 $ 132,675
Berry Petroleum
          10.25% 6/1/14 227,000 263,320
# BG Energy Capital 144A
          4.00% 10/15/21 1,100,000 1,149,411
BP Capital Markets
          3.625% 5/8/14 500,000 525,946
          4.75% 3/10/19 160,000 181,444
# Canadian Oil Sands 144A
          4.50% 4/1/22 735,000 741,891
Chesapeake Energy
          6.125% 2/15/21 220,000 218,900
          6.625% 8/15/20 92,000 94,070
          6.875% 11/15/20 8,000 8,300
          9.50% 2/15/15 45,000 51,750
Comstock Resources
          7.75% 4/1/19 110,000 102,850
# Continental Resources 144A
          5.00% 9/15/22 190,000 191,188
Ecopetrol 7.625% 7/23/19 892,000 1,108,310
Encana 3.90% 11/15/21 1,595,000 1,555,809
# ENI 144A 4.15% 10/1/20 1,085,000 1,077,864
Forest Oil 7.25% 6/15/19 207,000 203,378
* Gazprom 10.50% 3/25/14 500,000 571,725
# Helix Energy Solutions
          Group 144A
          9.50% 1/15/16 165,000 173,044
# Hercules Offshore 144A
          10.50% 10/15/17 314,000 330,485
# Hilcorp Energy I 144A
          7.625% 4/15/21 135,000 146,475
Holly 9.875% 6/15/17 217,000 243,040
Husky Energy
          3.95% 4/15/22 1,420,000 1,432,493
Linn Energy
        #144A 6.25% 11/1/19 60,000 58,275
        #144A 6.50% 5/15/19 70,000 68,950
          8.625% 4/15/20 125,000 135,313
Lukoil International Finance
          6.125% 11/9/20 1,410,000 1,501,650
# NFR Energy Finance 144A
          9.75% 2/15/17 205,000 177,325
Noble Holding International
          3.95% 3/15/22 875,000 876,141
          5.25% 3/15/42 2,235,000 2,228,639
Pemex Project Funding
          Master Trust
          6.625% 6/15/35 440,000 506,000
Petrobras International Finance
          3.50% 2/6/17 775,000 796,288
          5.375% 1/27/21 2,494,000 2,697,856
          5.875% 3/1/18 45,000 50,700
Petrohawk Energy
          7.25% 8/15/18 855,000 982,181
Petroleos de Venezuela
          9.00% 11/17/21 4,004,000 3,263,259
          12.75% 2/17/22 499,000 500,248
Petroleum Development
          12.00% 2/15/18 212,000 231,080
Pride International
          6.875% 8/15/20 2,575,000 3,145,289
Quicksilver Resources
          9.125% 8/15/19 175,000 171,500
Range Resources
          5.75% 6/1/21 95,000 100,225
          8.00% 5/15/19 282,000 310,905
# Samson Investment 144A
          9.75% 2/15/20 70,000 70,963
SandRidge Energy
          7.50% 3/15/21 90,000 89,100
Southwestern Energy
        #144A 4.10% 3/15/22 705,000 700,250
          7.50% 2/1/18 2,300,000 2,782,663
* TNK-BP Finance
          7.50% 3/13/13 3,000,000 3,161,249
          5.05% 12/15/16 295,000 316,254
          6.375% 12/15/21 1,425,000 1,606,317
Weatherford Bermuda
          4.50% 4/15/22 320,000 319,536
          9.625% 3/1/19 775,000 1,028,475
# Woodside Finance 144A
          8.125% 3/1/14 320,000 354,883
          8.75% 3/1/19 890,000 1,131,022
Finance Companies – 2.40%
American Express  
          7.00% 3/19/18 6,100,000 7,498,034
# BM&FBovespa 144A
          5.50% 7/16/20 200,000 214,500
# CDP Financial 144A
          4.40% 11/25/19 1,260,000 1,362,360
          5.60% 11/25/39 880,000 1,034,051
Credit Suisse USA
          0.83% 4/12/13 4,000,000 3,985,211
FTI Consulting
          6.75% 10/1/20 230,000 247,538
          7.75% 10/1/16 5,000 5,169
General Electric Capital
          4.65% 10/17/21 1,130,000 1,205,007
          5.50% 2/1/17 NZD 720,000 602,335
          6.00% 8/7/19 USD 2,245,000 2,625,593

(continues)       49

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

                Principal       Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)      
Finance Companies (continued)
International Lease Finance
          5.875% 4/1/19 USD 265,000 $ 256,471
          6.25% 5/15/19 565,000 557,841
          8.25% 12/15/20 180,000 198,488
          8.75% 3/15/17 495,000 551,925
          5.50% 3/1/22 546,000 564,428
Nuveen Investments
          10.50% 11/15/15 164,000 170,765
        #144A 10.50% 11/15/15 185,000 191,706
          5.375% 5/15/14 1,400,000 1,446,365
          6.25% 1/25/16 1,300,000 1,353,140
•# SSIF Nevada 144A
          1.267% 4/14/14 900,000 893,672
@# Stone Street Trust 144A
          5.902% 12/15/15 2,300,000 2,312,409
Waha Aerospace
          3.925% 7/28/20 1,785,000 1,853,366
Insurance – 0.90%
American International Group
        #144A 3.75% 11/30/13 600,000 607,168
          5.85% 1/16/18 95,000 103,568
          8.25% 8/15/18 2,360,000 2,840,193
Chubb 6.375% 3/29/67 820,000 850,750
•# ILFC E-Capital Trust I 144A
          5.03% 12/21/65 100,000 67,016
•# ILFC E-Capital Trust II 144A
          6.25% 12/21/65 405,000 298,688
ING Groep 5.775% 12/29/49 425,000 367,625
•# Liberty Mutual Group
          144A 7.00% 3/15/37 180,000 162,900
MetLife 6.817% 8/15/18 500,000 613,467
# Metlife Capital Trust IV 144A
          7.875% 12/15/37 300,000 331,500
# MetLife Capital Trust X
          144A 9.25% 4/8/38 1,100,000 1,331,000
@# NLV Financial 144A
          6.50% 3/15/35 385,000 320,600
Prudential Financial
          3.875% 1/14/15 290,000 305,573
          4.50% 11/15/20 265,000 281,652
          4.50% 11/16/21 80,000 85,116
          6.00% 12/1/17 540,000 629,913
•# Symetra Financial 144A
          8.30% 10/15/37 515,000 512,425
=w@‡# Twin Reefs Pass
          Through Trust 144A
          0.00% 12/29/49 300,000 0
XL Group 6.50% 12/31/49 275,000 234,438
•# ZFS Finance USA Trust II 144A
          6.45% 12/15/65 500,000 500,000
•# ZFS Finance USA Trust IV
          144A 5.875% 5/9/32 500,000 504,375
Natural Gas – 2.13%
AmeriGas Finance
          6.75% 5/20/20 60,000 61,050
          7.00% 5/20/22 70,000 71,575
AmeriGas Partners
          6.50% 5/20/21 82,000 83,640
CenterPoint Energy
          5.95% 2/1/17 830,000 943,301
# China Resources Gas
          Group 144A
          4.50% 4/5/22 520,000 512,063
Copano Energy
          7.75% 6/1/18 218,000 229,445
El Paso Pipeline
          6.50% 4/1/20 830,000 931,674
Enbridge Energy
          8.05% 10/1/37 1,365,000 1,484,528
Energy Transfer Partners
          4.65% 6/1/21 375,000 382,750
          6.05% 6/1/41 190,000 192,386
          9.70% 3/15/19 916,000 1,172,655
Enterprise Products Operating
         •7.034% 1/15/68 1,360,000 1,463,741
          9.75% 1/31/14 1,005,000 1,153,784
Inergy 6.875% 8/1/21 125,000 120,938
Kinder Morgan
          Energy Partners
          3.95% 9/1/22 715,000 709,392
          5.95% 2/15/18 1,000,000 1,169,394
          9.00% 2/1/19 1,170,000 1,500,703
# NGPL PipeCo 144A
          6.514% 12/15/12 2,000,000 1,930,292
Plains All American Pipeline
          3.65% 6/1/22 645,000 634,546
          8.75% 5/1/19 1,045,000 1,362,995
@ Ras Laffan Liquefied
          Natural Gas II
          5.298% 9/30/20 2,519,400 2,708,355
# Ras Laffan Liquefied  
          Natural Gas III 144A
          5.832% 9/30/16 310,320 333,594
# Rockies Express
          Pipeline 144A
          6.25% 7/15/13 1,000,000 1,020,000
          6.85% 7/15/18 500,000 470,000
Southwest Gas
          3.875% 4/1/22 945,000 965,972
TransCanada PipeLines
          6.35% 5/15/67 1,920,000 1,986,682


          Principal       Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Corporate Bonds (continued)
Natural Gas (continued)
          7.75% 6/15/31 USD 195,000 $ 238,194
          8.75% 3/15/32 198,000 261,727
Williams Partners
            4.00% 11/15/21 645,000 653,055
          7.25% 2/1/17 915,000 1,102,249
Real Estate – 1.50%
Alexandria Real Estate
          Equities 4.60% 4/1/22 980,000 961,214
American Tower
          5.90% 11/1/21 2,230,000 2,462,727
Brandywine Operating
          4.95% 4/15/18 755,000 770,880
Developers Diversified Realty
          4.75% 4/15/18 310,000 321,554
          7.50% 4/1/17 625,000 709,874
          7.875% 9/1/20 631,000 747,438
          9.625% 3/15/16 145,000 175,702
Digital Realty Trust
          5.25% 3/15/21 1,280,000 1,322,121
          5.875% 2/1/20 425,000 463,652
HCP 5.375% 2/1/21 2,300,000 2,482,819
Health Care REIT
          4.125% 4/1/19 355,000 352,701
          5.25% 1/15/22 1,085,000 1,137,093
Qatari Diar Finance
          3.50% 7/21/15 2,100,000 2,184,000
        #144A 5.00% 7/21/20 486,000 523,058
Rayonier 3.75% 4/1/22 680,000 668,659
Regency Centers
          4.80% 4/15/21 420,000 434,207
          5.875% 6/15/17 285,000 319,092
UDR 4.625% 1/10/22 870,000 892,354
•# USB Realty 144A
          1.719% 12/29/49 300,000 227,568
# WEA Finance 144A
          4.625% 5/10/21 1,040,000 1,053,999
Technology – 1.01%
Amkor Technology
          7.375% 5/1/18 125,000 134,531
        #144A 7.00% 4/1/19 320,000 322,400
          9.75% 11/1/15 300,000 297,000
          PIK 10.125% 11/1/15 120,000 119,400
Broadcom 2.70% 11/1/18 665,000 677,183
CDW 12.535% 10/12/17 180,000 196,425
Fidelity National
          Information Services
          7.875% 7/15/20 75,000 83,625
First Data
          9.875% 9/24/15 320,000 323,200
          10.55% 9/24/15 185,000 188,700
          11.25% 3/31/16 160,000 145,600
GXS Worldwide
          9.75% 6/15/15 514,000 502,435
          4.05% 9/15/22 1,835,000 1,831,393
Jabil Circuit 7.75% 7/15/16 82,000 93,890
National Semiconductor
          6.60% 6/15/17 1,395,000 1,722,869
# Seagate Technology
          International 144A
          10.00% 5/1/14 735,000 834,225
Symantec 4.20% 9/15/20 2,585,000 2,641,616
# Unisys 144A 12.75% 10/15/14 110,000 123,200
          4.50% 5/15/21 1,330,000 1,370,780
          6.35% 5/15/18 525,000 609,918
Transportation – 0.83%
w American Airlines 2011-1
         Class A Pass Through
         Trust 5.25% 1/31/21 582,490 594,140
# Brambles USA 144A
         3.95% 4/1/15 1,660,000 1,715,333
         5.35% 4/1/20 320,000 340,451
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
         4.40% 3/15/42 1,415,000 1,343,147
         5.65% 5/1/17 380,000 442,681
w Continental Airlines 2009-2
         Class A Pass Through
         Trust 7.25% 5/10/21 834,173 934,274
CSX 4.75% 5/30/42 210,000 204,465
w Delta Air Lines 2007-1
         Class A Pass Through
         Trust 6.821% 8/10/22 366,467 401,281
w Delta Air Lines 2010-1
         Class A Pass Through
         Trust 6.20% 7/2/18 449,642 486,738
# ERAC USA Finance 144A
         5.25% 10/1/20 1,365,000 1,482,419
Russian Railways
         5.739% 4/3/17 1,000,000 1,063,750
w UAL 2009-1 Pass Through
         Trust 10.40% 11/1/16 383,928 437,678
w UAL 2009-2A Pass Through
         Trust 9.75% 1/15/17 250,466 286,783
# United Air Lines 144A
         12.00% 11/1/13 282,000 300,330
Total Corporate Bonds
(cost $449,646,528) 466,379,579

(continues)       51

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

          Principal       Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Municipal Bonds – 0.68%              
Bay Area California
          Toll Authority
          6.918% 4/1/40 USD 800,000 $ 1,050,624
          7.043% 4/1/50 3,000,000 4,016,280
California State
          7.30% 10/1/39 200,000 251,406
  Los Angeles, California
          Community College
          District Revenue
          Build America Bonds
          6.60% 8/1/42 800,000 1,038,064
New York City Transitional
          Finance Authority
          5.508% 8/1/37 700,000 822,472
New York State Urban  
          5.77% 3/15/39 800,000 942,088
Oregon State
          Taxable Pension
          5.892% 6/1/27 65,000 78,964
Sacramento County,
          California Public
          Finance Authority
          Revenue (Housing
          Tax County
          Project) Series B
          5.18% 12/1/13
          (NATL-RE) (FGIC) 45,000 45,561
Total Municipal Bonds
(cost $6,482,104) 8,245,459
Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities – 0.88%
Ally Master Owner Trust
          Series 2011-1 A1
          1.112% 1/15/16 730,000 736,214
American Express Credit
          Account Master
          Trust Series 2010-1 B
          0.842% 11/16/15 405,000 405,640
# Avis Budget Rental Car
          Funding AESOP 144A
          Series 2011-2A A
          2.37% 11/20/14 465,000 471,809
# Cabela’s Master Credit
          Card Trust 144A
          Series 2012-1A A1
          1.63% 2/18/20 635,000 630,985
Capital One Multi-Asset
          Execution Trust
          Series 2007-A7 A7
          5.75% 7/15/20 685,000 814,616
CenterPoint Energy
          Transition Bond
          Series 2012-1 A2
          2.161% 10/15/21 405,000 406,595
Centex Home Equity
          Series 2002-A AF6
          5.54% 1/25/32 21,546 21,714
# CIT Equipment Collateral
          Series 2010-VT1A A3
          144A 2.41% 5/15/13 127,281 127,718
Citicorp Residential
          Mortgage Securities
          Series 2006-3 A4
          5.703% 11/25/36 808,861 781,362
          Series 2006-3 A5
          5.948% 11/25/36 900,000 698,218
Countrywide Asset-Backed
          Certificates Series
          2006-11 1AF6
          5.695% 9/25/46 1,272,863 803,876
Discover Card Master Trust
          Series 2007-A1 A1
          5.65% 3/16/20 310,000 369,806
          Series 2012-A1 A1
          0.81% 8/15/17 685,000 683,304
# Ford Auto Securitization
          Trust Series
          2011-R1A A3 144A
          3.02% 2/15/16 CAD 340,000 347,993
Ford Credit Floorplan
          Master Owner Trust
          Series 2009-2 A
          1.792% 9/15/14 USD 385,000 387,649
GE Capital Credit Card
          Master Note Trust
          Series 2012-2A
          2.22% 1/18/22 555,000 551,032
# Golden Credit Card Trust
          144A Series 2012-2A
          A1 1.77% 1/15/19 575,000 573,765
          Motorcycle Trust
          Series 2008-1 A4
          4.90% 12/15/13 163,929 165,300
          Series 2009-4 A3
          1.87% 2/17/14 37,640 37,690
HSI Asset Securitization
          Trust Series
          2006-HE1 2A1
          0.292% 10/25/36 55,505 19,208
MBNA Credit Card
          Master Note Trust
          Series 2002-C3 C3
          1.592% 10/15/14 520,000 520,564
Merrill Auto Trust
          Series 2007-1 A4
          0.302% 12/15/13 12,005 12,003
Residential Asset Securities
          Series 2006-EMX1 A2
          0.472% 1/25/36 225,949 202,120


          Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
Non-Agency Asset-Backed Securities (continued)              
SLM Student Loan Trust
          Series 2005-4 A2
          0.640% 4/26/21       USD       555,452 $ 553,194
# Sonic Capital Series
          2011-1A A2 144A
          5.438% 5/20/41 326,625 340,321
Vanderbilt Mortgage
          Finance Series 2001-A
          A4 7.235% 6/7/28 59,236 61,935
Total Non-Agency
Asset-Backed Securities
(cost $11,090,171) 10,724,631
Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations – 4.31%
ARM Trust
          Series 2004-5 3A1
          2.737% 4/25/35 2,697,503 2,462,052
          Series 2005-10 3A31
          5.15% 1/25/36 1,145,000 987,221
          Series 2006-2 1A4
          5.407% 5/25/36 1,440,000 951,337
Bank of America Alternative
          Loan Trust
          Series 2004-11 1CB1
          6.00% 12/25/34 1,382 1,348
          Series 2005-3 2A1
          5.50% 4/25/20 67,368 69,179
          Series 2005-6 7A1
          5.50% 7/25/20 218,368 208,542
          Series 2005-9 5A1
          5.50% 10/25/20 213,096 205,969
Bank of America Funding
          Securities Series
          2006-5 2A10
          5.75% 9/25/36 420,272 419,595
Bear Stearns ARM Trust
          Series 2005-5 A1
          2.22% 8/25/35 3,989,224 3,849,465
Chase Mortgage Finance
          Series 2003-S8 A2
          5.00% 9/25/18 84,086 87,255
         •Series 2005-A1 3A1
          5.097% 12/25/35 401,471 353,910
Chaseflex Trust Series
          2006-1 A4
          6.23% 6/25/36 420,000 312,134
Citicorp Mortgage
          Securities Series
          2006-4 3A1
          5.50% 8/25/21 75,405 73,944
Citigroup Mortgage Loan
          Trust Series 2004-UST1
          A6 5.069% 8/25/34 71,773 73,352
Countrywide Alternative
          Loan Trust  
         •Series 2003-21T1 A2
          2.803% 5/25/33 89,626 89,980
          Series 2004-14T2 A6
          5.50% 8/25/34 106,794 106,775
          Series 2004-J1 1A1
          6.00% 2/25/34 4,962 5,069
          Series 2004-J2 7A1
          6.00% 12/25/33 7,244 7,249
          Series 2008-2R 3A1
          6.00% 8/25/37 3,049,011 2,435,632
w Countrywide Home Loan
          Mortgage Pass
          Through Trust
         •Series 2003-21 A1
          2.803% 5/25/33 4,758 4,702
          Series 2007-4 1A1
          6.00% 5/25/37 3,953,871 3,190,647
Credit Suisse First Boston
          Mortgage Securities
          Series 2004-1 3A1
          7.00% 2/25/34 3,502 3,639
Credit Suisse Mortgage
          Capital Certificates
         #Series 2005-1R 2A5
          144A 5.75% 12/26/35 5,408,496 4,317,733
          Series 2007-1 5A14
          6.00% 2/25/37 873,199 676,367
         •Series 2007-3 4A6
          0.492% 4/25/37 1,513,440 1,179,594
    @•ûSeries 2007-3 4A12
          6.508% 4/25/37 1,513,440 165,120
          Series 2007-3 4A15
          5.50% 4/25/37 632,062 568,544
          Series 2007-5 3A19
          6.00% 8/25/37 1,479,124 1,354,554
          Series 2007-5 10A2
          6.00% 4/25/29 600,265 618,499
•# Deutsche Mortgage
          Securities Series
          2005-WF1 1A3 144A
          5.248% 6/26/35 1,720,000 1,671,721
First Horizon Asset
          Securities Series
          2005-AR2 2A1
          2.701% 6/25/35 374,832 306,641
GMAC Mortgage Loan
          Trust Series 2006-J1
          A1 5.75% 4/25/36 424,048 402,418
•# GSMPS Mortgage Loan
          Trust 144A
          Series 1998-3 A
          7.75% 9/19/27 13,996 14,859
          Series 1999-3 A
          8.00% 8/19/29 23,594 23,295

(continues)       53

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

                      Principal Value
      Amount°       (U.S. $)
Non-Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (continued)
GSR Mortgage Loan Trust
Series 2006-AR1 3A1
5.018% 1/25/36 USD 196,890 $ 175,141
Indymac INDA Mortgage
Loan Trust Series  
  2006-AR1 A1
5.519% 8/25/36 467,228 455,290
JPMorgan Mortgage Trust
Series 2006-A6 2A4L
5.141% 10/25/36 1,569,768 1,226,469
Series 2006-A7 2A2
2.721% 1/25/37 315,412 222,025
Series 2007-A1 6A1
3.845% 7/25/35 942,063   881,709
Lehman Mortgage Trust
Series 2007-10 2A2
6.50% 1/25/38 4,553,207 4,172,163
MASTR Alternative
Loans Trust  
Series 2004-3 8A1  
7.00% 4/25/34 5,660 5,683
Series 2004-5 6A1
7.00% 6/25/34 95,666 101,342
Series 2003-6 1A2  
6.808% 12/25/33 4,049 3,900
Series 2005-6 7A1
5.206% 6/25/35 124,459 124,999
Series 2006-2 4A1
4.854% 2/25/36 31,679 30,511
Securitization Trust
Series 2003-9 2A7
5.50% 10/25/33 188,481 195,777
# MASTR Specialized
Loan Trust Series
2005-2 A2 144A
5.006% 7/25/35 90,629 91,154
Merrill Lynch Mortgage
Investors Series
2005-A5 A2
2.644% 6/25/35 460,000 422,384
Opteum Mortgage
Acceptance Series
2006-1 2A1
5.75% 4/25/36 3,918,905 3,723,705
Residential Accredit Loans
Series 2004-QS2 CB
5.75% 2/25/34 75,534 75,688
Residential Funding
Mortgage Securities
I Series 2004-S9 2A1
4.75% 12/25/19 574,789 586,999
Sequoia Mortgage Trust
Series 2007-1 4A1
5.339% 9/20/46 1,823,052 1,422,815
Structured ARM Loan Trust
Series 2005-22 1A4
2.50% 12/25/35 2,025,414 846,291
Series 2006-1 7A4
5.439% 2/25/36 1,305,000 754,712
Series 2006-5 5A4
5.231% 6/25/36 5,818 461
Structured Asset Securities
Series 2005-6 4A1
5.00% 5/25/35 186,527 183,810
w Washington Mutual
Mortgage Pass
Through Certificates
Series 2005-1 5A2
6.00% 3/25/35 82,866 53,710
w Washington Mutual
Mortgage Pass
Through Certificates
Series 2004-CB3 1A
6.00% 10/25/34 130,907 136,987
Series 2005-AR16 1A3
2.457% 12/25/35 1,225,000 985,814
Series 2007-HY1 3A3
5.442% 2/25/37 850,000 708,901
Series 2007-HY7 4A1
5.349% 7/25/37 1,755,078 1,470,634
Wells Fargo Mortgage-
Backed Securities Trust
Series 2005-18 1A1
5.50% 1/25/36 50,147 46,497
Series 2005-AR13 A1
5.248% 5/25/35 574,680 574,414
Series 2006-2 3A1
5.75% 3/25/36 323,978 320,400
Series 2006-3 A1
5.50% 3/25/36 261,860 259,952
Series 2006-3 A11
5.50% 3/25/36 283,805 283,438
Series 2006-6 1A3
5.75% 5/25/36 330,111 318,194
Series 2006-AR5 2A1
2.638% 4/25/36 144,770 114,429
Series 2006-AR11 A6
5.133% 8/25/36 2,170,468 1,909,608
Series 2006-AR17 A1
2.611% 10/25/36 1,307,104 993,412
Series 2007-10 1A36
6.00% 7/25/37 1,246,209 1,130,168
Series 2007-13 A9
6.00% 9/25/37 351,342 41,584
Total Non-Agency Collateralized
       Mortgage Obligations
       (cost $54,982,778) 52,249,511



                      Principal Value
      Amount°       (U.S. $)
ΔRegional Bonds – 1.71%      
Australia – 1.20%
New South Wales Treasury
6.00% 4/1/19 AUD 3,538,000 $ 4,000,835
  Queensland Treasury
6.00% 9/14/17 AUD 1,558,000 1,739,310
6.25% 6/14/19 AUD 7,727,000 8,795,895  
Canada – 0.51%
Ontario Province
3.15% 6/2/22 CAD 2,987,000 3,000,863
4.00% 6/2/21 CAD 2,752,000 2,976,591
Quebec Province
4.25% 12/1/21 CAD 214,000 234,833
Total Regional Bonds
(cost $20,377,454) 20,748,327
Securities Sold Short – (0.81%)
Fannie Mae S.F. 30 yr TBA
5.50% 5/1/42 USD (7,000,000 ) (7,614,687 )
6.00% 5/1/42 (1,000,000 ) (1,100,156 )
6.50% 5/1/42 (1,000,000 ) (1,119,375 )
  Total Securities Sold Short
(proceeds $9,810,781) (9,834,218 )
«Senior Secured Loans – 1.84%
99 Cents Only Stores
Tranche B    
7.00% 10/4/18 279,663 284,757
Alliance HealthCare
Services 7.25% 6/1/16   246,487   229,233
Allied Security Holdings    
Tranche Loan 2L
8.50% 1/21/18 150,000 150,500
Anchor Glass Container
6.00% 2/3/16 278,500 278,936
Aspect Software Tranche B
6.25% 5/7/16 137,200 137,643
6.50% 11/21/16 358,528 356,962
Avis Budget Car
Rental Tranche B
6.25% 6/13/18 166,493 168,089
BNY ConvergEx Group
8.75% 11/29/17 100,497 99,994
8.75% 12/16/17 239,503 238,306
Brickman Group
Holdings Tranche B
7.25% 10/14/16 227,398 230,051
Brock Holdings III
10.00% 2/15/18 385,000 376,819
Tranche B
6.00% 2/15/17 105,665 105,401
Burlington Coat Factory
Warehouse Tranche B
6.25% 2/10/17 440,628 444,285
Caesars Entertainment
Operating Tranche B6
5.494% 1/28/18 595,000 538,897
Cengage Learning
2.49% 7/3/14 90,000 83,182
7.50% 7/7/14 243,167 236,025
Charter Communications
Operating Tranche B
7.25% 3/6/14 31,783 31,843
Chrysler Group
6.00% 4/28/17 491,986 500,653
Clear Channel
Tranche A
3.639% 7/30/14 691,789 638,539
Tranche B
3.889% 1/29/16 669,333 543,760
Consolidated Container
5.75% 9/28/14 365,000 348,575
Covanta Energy Tranche B
4.00% 3/1/19 55,000 54,817
Delos Aircraft Tranche 2
7.00% 3/17/16 344,231 345,874
Delta Air Lines Tranche B
5.50% 3/29/17 482,210 482,285
Dynegy Power Tranche 1st
Lien 9.25% 7/11/16 134,001 140,533
Emdeon Tranche B
6.75% 8/3/18 299,250 304,083
First Data Tranche B2
5.00% 3/24/17 436,681 418,806
Frac Tech International
Tranche B
6.25% 4/19/16 449,334 448,368
Fram Group Holdings 1st
Lien 6.50% 7/5/17 114,425 115,379
Fresenius Medical
Care Tranche B
1.744% 3/31/13 1,973,753 1,974,808
GenOn Energy Tranche B
6.00% 6/20/17 157,197 155,953
Goodman Global Tranche B
5.75% 10/28/16 12,896 12,997
HCA Tranche B
2.619% 11/18/13 1,000,000 997,029
Houghton International
Tranche B
6.75% 1/11/16 231,642 232,656
IASIS Healthcare Tranche B
5.00% 4/18/18 248,120 248,586
Immucor Tranche B
7.25% 7/2/18 268,650 272,093

(continues)       55

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

                      Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
«Senior Secured Loans (continued)            
  Kinetic Concepts Tranche B
7.00% 1/12/18 USD 473,813 $ 484,007
Kronos 1st Lien
6.25% 12/11/17 109,725 109,793
Level 3 Financing
Tranche B
5.75% 9/1/18 200,000 202,250
Tranche B2
5.75% 4/11/18 235,000 237,644
Lord & Taylor
5.75% 12/2/18 150,000 151,266
MTL Publishing Tranche B
5.50% 11/14/17 170,000 171,084
Multiplan 4.75% 8/26/17 355,731 353,287
Nuveen Investments
5.863% 5/13/17 260,074 260,454
8.25% 3/1/19 853,000 866,502
Tranche B
3.26% 11/13/14 80,000 79,890
7.25% 5/13/17 185,000 186,696
NXP 5.25% 2/13/19 510,000 506,494
OSI Restaurant Partners
2.562% 6/13/14 529,437 521,350
2.59% 6/14/13 20,190 19,938
2.592% 6/14/13 32,233 31,740
Pharmaceutical Product
6.25% 11/10/18 204,488 207,284
Pinnacle Entertainment
Tranche B
4.50% 3/5/19 125,000 125,755
Pinnacle Foods
Tranche B
4.75% 10/31/16 115,000 115,048
Tranche D
6.00% 4/2/14 81,432 81,709
PQ 6.79% 7/30/15 937,000 903,703
Prestige Brands
5.25% 12/20/18 105,833 106,664
@ Prime Healthcare
Services Tranche B
7.25% 4/28/15 396,120 388,693
Protection One
5.75% 3/31/19 230,000 228,563
Remy International
Tranche B
6.25% 12/16/16 86,769 87,202
Reynolds Group Holdings
6.50% 7/7/18 666,902 676,407
Roundy’s Supermarkets
Tranche B
5.75% 1/24/19 95,000 95,802
@ SandRidge Energy
5.00% 2/2/17 275,000 275,000
Sensus USA 2nd Lien
8.50% 4/13/18 465,000 465,000
           Sophia Tranche B
6.25% 6/5/18 100,000 101,667
Swift Transportation
  Tranche B2
1.25% 12/15/17 275,000 277,200
Taminco Global Chemical
6.25% 12/16/18   260,000 262,132
Texas Competitive
Electric Holdings  
3.690% 10/10/14   105,648   64,721
Toys R Us Delaware  
  Tranche B
6.00% 9/1/16 459,708 461,278
Univision Communications
4.489% 3/29/17 598,257 555,796
US TelePacific
5.75% 2/10/17 208,446 199,848
Visant 5.25% 12/31/16 116,814 114,271
Yankee Candle
5.25% 3/2/19 85,000 85,381
Total Senior Secured Loans
(cost $21,930,811) 22,288,236
ΔSovereign Bonds – 6.97%
Australia – 0.04%
Australia Government
Bond 5.75% 5/15/21 AUD 372,000 436,963
Brazil – 1.34%
# Banco Nacional de
Economico e
Social 144A
6.369% 6/16/18 USD 1,500,000 1,751,250
6.50% 6/10/19 2,500,000 2,953,125
Brazil Notas do Tesouro
Nacional Serie F
10.00% 1/1/13 BRL 401,000 221,290
10.00% 1/1/14 BRL 1,218,000 671,272
10.00% 1/1/17 BRL 15,800,000 8,444,841
Brazilian Government
International Bond
5.625% 1/7/41 USD 927,000 1,073,003
8.875% 10/14/19 820,000 1,163,170
Canada – 0.24%
Canadian Government
Bond 2.75% 9/1/16 CAD 400,000 421,661
3.75% 6/1/19 CAD 1,137,000 1,282,666
4.00% 6/1/17 CAD 1,045,000 1,170,446


                      Principal Value
Amount° (U.S. $)
ΔSovereign Bonds (continued)            
Chile – 0.24%
Chile Government
International Bond
5.50% 8/5/20 CLP 1,354,000,000 $ 2,910,019
Colombia – 0.09%
Colombia Government
International Bond  
6.125% 1/18/41 USD 918,000 1,129,140
Finland – 0.08%
Finland Government
4.00% 7/4/25 EUR 626,000 956,194
Germany – 0.30%  
Deutschland Republic
2.00% 1/4/22 EUR 1,351,000   1,834,117
2.50% 1/4/21 EUR 705,375 1,007,629
3.50% 7/4/19 EUR 562,000 861,694
Indonesia – 0.24%  
Indonesia Government
International Bond
4.875% 5/5/21 USD 380,000 413,725
7.25% 4/20/15 415,000 474,656
Indonesia Treasury Bond  
11.00% 11/15/20 IDR 7,060,000,000 1,034,426
# Republic of
Indonesia 144A
5.25% 1/17/42 USD 914,000 963,128
Malaysia – 0.04%
Malaysia Government
4.262% 9/15/16 MYR 1,380,000 467,867
Mexico – 0.70%
Mexican Bonos
6.50% 6/10/21 MXN 5,990,900 479,961
7.50% 6/3/27 MXN 6,827,000 565,988
8.50% 5/31/29 MXN 51,498,500 4,619,242
8.50% 11/18/38 MXN 5,625,000 492,728
10.00% 12/5/24 MXN 16,700,000 1,709,414
Mexico Government
International Bond
4.75% 3/8/44 USD 690,000 677,925
Norway – 1.11%
Norway Government Bond
3.75% 5/25/21 NOK 2,484,000 482,894
4.25% 5/19/17 NOK 4,293,000 837,960
* 4.50% 5/22/19 NOK 24,123,000 4,852,858
5.00% 5/15/15 NOK 37,790,000 7,305,488
Panama – 0.15%
Panama Government
International Bond
6.70% 1/26/36 USD 302,000 398,640
7.125% 1/29/26 340,000 455,600
7.25% 3/15/15 234,000 271,557
8.875% 9/30/27 451,000 693,413
Peru – 0.16%
Peruvian Government
International Bond
5.625% 11/18/50 300,000 337,500
7.125% 3/30/19 1,218,000 1,559,040
Philippines – 0.18%
Philippine Government
International Bond
5.00% 1/13/37 710,000 743,725
6.50% 1/20/20 520,000 631,150
9.50% 10/21/24 507,000 759,233
Poland – 0.19%
Poland Government
5.25% 10/25/17 PLN 2,351,000 765,844
5.25% 10/25/20 PLN 2,076,000 660,414
Poland Government
  International Bond
  5.00% 3/23/22 USD 822,000 870,514
Qatar – 0.24%
Qatar Government
International Bond
4.00% 1/20/15 2,800,000 2,954,000
Republic of Korea – 0.21%
Korea Treasury Inflation-
Linked Bond
2.75% 6/10/20 KRW   710,192,003 721,678
Republic of Korea
5.75% 4/16/14 USD 900,000 971,259
7.125% 4/16/19 700,000 869,436

(continues)       57

Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

                      Principal Value
Amount°       (U.S. $)
ΔSovereign Bonds (continued)      
Russia – 0.23%
# 144A 3.25% 4/4/17 USD 600,000 $ 605,523
7.50% 3/31/30 1,558,870 1,872,593
# 144A 7.50% 3/31/30 276,385 332,007
South Africa – 0.49%
#Eskom Holdings 144A
5.75% 1/26/21 995,000 1,049,725
South Africa
Government Bond
7.25% 1/15/20 ZAR 9,294,000 1,175,653
8.00% 12/21/18 ZAR   28,543,000 3,785,628
Sweden – 0.24%
Sweden Government Bond
* 3.00% 7/12/16 SEK    11,100,000 1,782,213
5.00% 12/1/20 SEK 5,830,000 1,098,399
Turkey – 0.03%
Turkey Government
International Bond
5.625% 3/30/21 USD 360,000 377,460
United Kingdom – 0.35%
United Kingdom Gilt
3.75% 9/7/21 GBP 300,000 547,376
4.25% 12/7/27 GBP 478,000 901,057
4.50% 3/7/19 GBP 515,000 986,322
4.75% 3/7/20 GBP 910,500 1,778,619
Uruguay – 0.08%
Uruguay Government
International Bond
8.00% 11/18/22 USD 711,750 983,994
Total Sovereign Bonds
       (cost $81,664,101) 84,606,312
Supranational Banks – 0.27%
International Bank for
  Reconstruction &
3.25% 12/15/17 SEK 4,340,000 689,897
3.375% 4/30/15 NOK 6,860,000   1,244,173
3.625% 6/22/20 NOK 4,020,000 719,510
6.00% 2/15/17 AUD 530,000 583,459
Total Supranational Banks
       (cost $3,023,951) 3,237,039
U.S. Treasury Obligations – 12.76%
U.S. Treasury Bonds
* 2.00% 2/15/22 USD 79,095,000 77,587,290
3.125% 11/15/41 13,235,000 12,697,328
3.125% 2/15/42 285,000 273,244
3.75% 8/15/41 15,000 16,219
U.S. Treasury Inflation
Indexed Bonds
* 0.125% 1/15/22 20,129,346 20,626,299
0.625% 7/15/21 603,408 653,425
1.125% 1/15/21 828,936 933,849
1.25% 7/15/20 1,766,878 2,019,349
2.375% 1/15/25 1,683,486 2,144,603
U.S. Treasury Notes
* 0.875% 2/28/17 15,200,000 15,095,500
1.00% 3/31/17 17,205,000 17,167,373
* 2.00% 11/15/21 5,600,000 5,513,816
Total U.S. Treasury Obligations
       (cost $155,494,015) 154,728,295
Number of
Common Stock – 0.00%
=† Century Communications   1,975,000 0
Delta Air Lines 29 287
GenOn Energy 343 714
=† PT Holdings 295 3
Total Common Stock
       (cost $244,598) 1,004
Convertible Preferred Stock – 0.11%
* Apache 6.00%
exercise price $109.12,
expiration date 8/1/13 4,000 222,160
Aspen Insurance
Holding 5.625%
exercise price $29.28,
expiration date 12/31/49 2,829 157,010
Bank of America 7.25%
exercise price $50.00,
expiration date 12/31/49 71 69,509
# Chesapeake Energy  
144A 5.75%
exercise price $27.94,
expiration date 12/31/49 204 208,080
HealthSouth 6.00%
exercise price $30.50,
expiration date 12/31/49 329 324,146
PPL 9.50%
exercise price $28.80,
expiration date 7/1/13 3,300 179,322
SandRidge Energy 8.50%
exercise price $8.01,
expiration date 12/31/49 1,560 186,128
Total Convertible Preferred
       Stock (cost $1,518,812) 1,346,355


                      Number of Value
Shares (U.S. $)
Preferred Stock – 0.19%            
Alabama Power 5.625% 19,190 $ 492,224
# Ally Financial 144A 7.00% 500 416,578
PNC Financial
Services 8.25% 875,000 901,100
PT Holdings 59 0
US Bancorp 6.50% 19,200 522,048
Total Preferred Stock
       (cost $2,302,907) 2,331,950
Warrant – 0.00%
=@†Port Townsend 59 1
Total Warrant (cost $1,416) 1
Short-Term Investments – 16.42%
Discount Notes – 2.52%    
Federal Home Loan Bank  
0.04% 4/27/12 USD   10,930,423 10,930,347
0.65% 4/25/12 19,634,305 19,634,187
Repurchase Agreements – 3.02%
Bank of America 0.03%,
dated 3/30/12, to
be repurchased on
4/2/12, repurchase
price $10,930,451
(collateralized by
U.S. government
obligations 0.125%-
4.125% 12/31/13–
5/15/15; market value
$11,149,033) 10,930,424 10,930,424
BNP Paribas 0.04%,
dated 3/30/12, to
be repurchased on
4/2/12, repurchase
price $25,749,594
(collateralized by
U.S. government
obligations 1.375%-
7.50% 6/15/12–
2/15/37; market value
$26,264,498) 25,749,508 25,749,508
U.S. Treasury Obligations – 10.88%
U.S. Treasury Bills
0.008% 4/19/12 USD 18,900,509 $ 18,900,169
0.04% 6/21/12 9,600,000 9,598,733
0.06% 7/5/12 2,600,000 2,599,524
0.07% 7/26/12 16,700,000 16,695,742
0.08% 8/2/12 700,000 699,781
0.08% 9/20/12 800,000 799,497
0.09% 8/23/12 9,000,000 8,995,797
0.10% 1/10/13 5,000,000 4,993,815
0.11% 10/18/12 2,500,000 2,498,240
0.12% 9/13/12 32,800,000 32,781,336
0.121% 8/16/12 12,100,000 12,095,087
0.133% 8/9/12 500,000 499,817
0.135% 9/6/12 3,000,000 2,998,223
0.14% 9/27/12 400,000 399,738
0.14% 2/7/13 6,400,000 6,390,893
0.15% 8/30/12 2,200,000 2,198,924
0.17% 3/7/13 5,600,000 5,591,180
0.18% 6/28/12 3,200,000 3,199,478
Total Short-Term Investments
       (cost $199,178,971) 199,180,440
Total Value of Securities
       Before Securities
       Lending Collateral – 102.90%
       (cost $1,214,194,244) 1,248,213,091
                      Number of
**Securities Lending Collateral – 2.57%
Investment Companies            
Liquidating Fund 374,161 364,171
Delaware Investments
Collateral Fund No. 1 30,800,339 30,800,339
@† Mellon GSL
Reinvestment Trust II 1,198,247 0
Total Securities Lending
       Collateral (cost $32,372,747) 31,164,510
Total Value of Securities – 105.47%
       (cost $1,246,566,991) 1,279,377,601 ©

(continues)       59


Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

                            Number of       Value
Contracts (U.S. $)
Options Written – (0.03%)
Put Options – (0.02%)
U.S. Long Bond Future,
strike price $139,
  Expires 4/30/12 (JPMC)   (97 ) $ (197,031 )
(197,031 )
Call Swaption – (0.01%)
10-Yr IRO,
strike rate 2.50%,  
expires 6/18/12 (CITI) (4,100,000 ) (112,906 )
(112,906 )
Put Swaption – (0.00%)
10-Yr IRO, strike rate
2.50%, expires
6/18/12 (CITI) (4,100,000 ) (37,113 )
    (37,113 )
Total Options Written
       (premium received ($286,829)) (347,050 )
**Obligation to Return Securities
       Lending Collateral – (2.67%)   (32,372,747 )
Other Liabilities Net of  
       Receivables and Other
       Assets – (2.77%)   (33,608,326 )«
Net Assets Applicable to
       Outstanding – 100.00%     $ 1,213,049,478
Net Asset Value – Optimum Fixed Income Fund
       Class A ($40,620,429 / 4,181,781 Shares) $9.71
Net Asset Value – Optimum Fixed Income Fund
       Class B ($3,056,004 / 314,899 Shares) $9.70
Net Asset Value – Optimum Fixed Income Fund
       Class C ($154,777,524 / 15,947,151 Shares) $9.71
Net Asset Value – Optimum Fixed Income Fund
       Institutional Class ($1,014,595,521 / 104,447,575 Shares) $9.71
Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:
Shares of beneficial interest
       (unlimited authorization – no par)   $ 1,170,469,829
Undistributed net investment income 1,107,367
Accumulated net realized gain 9,465,941
Net unrealized appreciation of investments
       and derivatives   32,006,341
Total net assets     $ 1,213,049,478
° Principal amount shown is stated in the currency in which each security is denominated.
Variable rate security. The rate shown is the rate as of March 31, 2012. Interest rates reset periodically.
@ Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $27,478,280, which represented 2.27% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”
^ Zero coupon security. The rate shown is the yield at the time of purchase.
û Interest only security. An interest only security is the interest only portion of a fixed income security which is separated and sold individually from the principal portion of the security.
w Pass Through Agreement. Security represents the contractual right to receive a proportionate amount of underlying payments due to the counterparty pursuant to various agreements related to the rescheduling of obligations and the exchange of certain notes.
# Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of Rule 144A securities was $143,511,602, which represented 11.83% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.“
* Fully or partially on loan.
Φ Step coupon bond. Coupon increases or decreases periodically based on a predetermined schedule. Stated rate in effect at March 31, 2012.
= Security is being fair valued in accordance with the Fund’s fair valuation policy. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of fair valued securities was $42,002, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 1 in “Notes to financial statements.“
Non income producing security. Security is currently in default.
Δ Securities have been classified by country of origin.
« Senior Secured Loans generally pay interest at rates which are periodically redetermined by reference to a base lending rate plus a premium. These base lending rates are generally: (i) the prime rate offered by one or more United States banks, (ii) the lending rate offered by one or more European banks such as the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and (iii) the certificate of deposit rate. Senior Secured Loans may be subject to restrictions on resale. Stated rate in effect at March 31, 2012.
Fully or partially pledged as collateral for futures contracts.
Non income producing security.
Restricted Security. These investments are in securities not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and have certain restrictions on resale which may limit their liquidity. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of restricted securities was $4, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets.
The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.
** See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements“ for additional information on securities lending collateral and non-cash collateral.
© Includes $129,883,573 of securities loaned.
« Includes foreign currency valued at $2,561,413 with a cost of $2,572,275 and $1,090,000 restricted cash for open swap contracts.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –
       Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Net asset value Class A (A) $ 9.71
Sales charge (4.50% of offering price) (B) 0.46
Offering price $ 10.17

(A)   Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $100,000 or more.


The following foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign cross currency exchange contracts, futures contracts and swap contracts were outstanding at March 31, 2012:1

Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts
Contracts to Settlement Appreciation
Counterparty   Receive (Deliver)       In Exchange For       Date       (Depreciation)
BAML AUD (2,009,806 ) USD 2,092,249    5/2/12      $ 18,371
BAML BRL 5,328,985 USD (2,892,258 ) 5/2/12 4,993
BAML CLP (769,348,000 ) USD 1,575,855 5/2/12 (1,988 )
BAML EUR (559,000 ) JPY 61,803,599 5/2/12 1,160
BAML EUR (8,149,432 ) USD 10,750,730 5/2/12   (119,405 )
BAML HUF  (1,664,661,200 ) USD 7,480,000 5/2/12 (25,523 )
BAML JPY (124,735,190 ) USD 1,490,648 5/2/12 (16,549 )
BAML MXN 56,878,169 USD (4,468,427 ) 5/2/12 (36,780 )
BAML NOK (7,986,997 ) USD 1,385,378 5/2/12 (15,536 )
BAML NZD (410,350 ) USD 332,846 5/2/12 (2,374 )
BAML RUB 108,541,510 USD (3,687,686 ) 5/2/12 (4,671 )
BAML ZAR (31,243,810 ) USD 4,063,884 5/2/12 10,384
BCLY EUR (884,601 ) USD 1,171,636 5/2/12 (8,290 )
BCLY JPY 77,686,984 USD (926,732 ) 5/2/12 11,974
CITI BRL 5,349,200 USD (2,909,546 ) 5/2/12 (1,305 )
CITI CNY 49,500 USD (7,776 ) 6/1/12 73
CITI CNY 7,820,211 USD (1,213,000 ) 2/1/13 25,544
CITI EUR (20,722,000 ) USD 26,942,903 4/16/12 (695,094 )
CITI EUR (2,146,052 ) USD 2,831,791 5/2/12 (30,725 )
CITI EUR 3,242,000 USD (4,275,206 ) 6/14/12 50,233
CITI GBP 11,892,000 USD (18,797,673 ) 6/12/12 213,138
CITI JPY 77,620,704   USD (925,853 ) 5/2/12 12,052
CITI JPY (432,732,000 ) USD 5,266,570   6/7/12 36,093
CITI KRW 6,376,334,319 USD (5,648,522 ) 7/12/12   (55,879 )
CITI MYR (13,544,706 ) USD 4,242,000 4/23/12 (174,286 )
CITI PHP (164,340 )   USD 3,812 6/8/12 4
CITI SGD 14,067,769 USD   (11,201,345 ) 5/15/12 (8,265 )
GSC BRL 6,563,952 USD (3,560,592 ) 5/2/12 8,082
GSC GBP 74,616 USD (118,094 ) 5/2/12 1,224
GSC NOK (2,380,480 ) USD 411,279 5/2/12 (6,256 )
GSC RUB 55,892,400 USD (1,896,908 ) 5/2/12 (375 )
HSBC AUD (3,826,342 ) USD 3,982,839 5/2/12 34,517
HSBC CLP (785,545,814 ) USD 1,612,037 5/2/12 975
HSBC EUR (1,774,842 ) USD 2,342,277 5/2/12 (25,100 )
HSBC NOK (19,482,027 ) USD 3,384,000 5/2/12 (33,136 )
HSBC PLN (5,441,904 ) USD 1,710,000 5/2/12 (34,027 )
JPMC AUD (14,529,000 ) USD 15,414,107 4/23/12 406,500  
JPMC BRL 3,354,750 USD (1,822,243 ) 5/2/12 1,659
JPMC BRL (17,071,054 ) USD 9,518,821 6/4/12 298,551
JPMC CAD (442,000 ) USD 446,925 6/21/12   4,627
JPMC CNY 1,410,528 USD (224,000 ) 6/1/12 (341 )
JPMC CNY 10,338,900 USD (1,740,000 ) 4/7/16 (133,966 )
JPMC EUR (4,233,000 ) USD 5,512,672 4/16/12 (133,098 )
JPMC EUR (310,921 ) USD 410,105 5/2/12 (4,618 )
JPMC GBP (12,524,000 ) USD 19,669,192 6/12/12 (351,947 )
JPMC IDR (460,768,000 ) USD 48,966 7/2/12 (925 )
JPMC INR 534,380 USD (11,497 ) 7/12/12 (1,211 )
JPMC MXN (22,520,545 ) USD 1,739,173 6/15/12 (8,254 )
JPMC MYR 13,499,260 USD (4,450,795 ) 4/23/12 (49,326 )
JPMC NOK (18,192,515 ) USD 3,151,583 5/2/12 (39,374 )
JPMC TWD (115,930 ) USD 3,844 4/9/12 (85 )
MSC AUD (1,222,280 ) USD 1,269,656 5/2/12 8,410
MSC CNY 55,270,000 USD (8,600,000 ) 9/8/15 13,040
MSC EUR (4,023,012 ) USD 5,306,824 5/2/12 (59,279 )
MSC GBP (581,463 ) USD 920,330 5/2/12 (9,489 )
MSC JPY 34,518,576 USD (422,035 ) 5/2/12 (4,941 )
MSC NOK (16,608,300 ) USD 2,876,764 5/2/12 (36,322 )
MSC RUB 57,282,775 USD (1,944,756 ) 5/2/12 (1,045 )
  $ (968,181 )  

Futures Contracts
Contracts to Notional Cost Notional Expiration   Appreciation
Buy (Sell)       (Proceeds)       Value       Date       (Depreciation)
11 Euro-Bund       $ 2,000,656             $ 2,031,669       6/12/12       $ 31,013      
8 Long Gilt 1,447,818   1,465,224 6/30/12 17,406  
(91)  U.S. Treasury        
10 yr Notes     (11,827,598 ) (11,783,078 ) 6/29/12 44,520
(54) U.S. Treasury    
Long Notes (7,371,134 ) (7,440,187 ) 6/21/12 (69,053 )
$ (15,750,258 ) $ 23,886

(continues)       61


Statements of net assets

Optimum Fixed Income Fund

Swap Contracts
CDS Contracts
Annual Unrealized
Swap Notional Protection Termination Appreciation
Counterparty Referenced Obligation       Value       Payments       Date       (Depreciation)
Protection Purchased:        
       17.15 yr CDS EUR 7,090,000 5.00 % 6/20/17   $ 176,527  
BAML Kingdom of Spain
       5 yr CDS USD 1,951,000 1.00 % 12/20/15 46,943
       17.1 5 yr CDS EUR 6,840,000 5.00 %   6/20/17 168,105
Kingdom of Spain
BCLY        5 yr CDS USD 1,462,000 1.00 % 3/20/15 54,338
BCLY        5 yr CDS 730,000 1.00 % 3/21/16 21,286
BCLY Republic of France
       5 yr CDS 2,504,000 0.25 % 9/20/16 (40,832 )
CITI Credit Agricole
       5 yr CDS   EUR 2,600,000 1.00 % 12/20/16 (8,999 )
GSC Republic of France
       5 yr CDS USD 890,000 0.25 % 9/20/16 (12,944 )
JPMC Finmeccanica 140,000 5.00 % 3/20/17 (8,475 )
       16.1 5 yr CDS EUR 7,685,000 5.00 % 12/20/16 (433,220 )
JPMC Kingdom of Belgium  
       5 yr CDS USD 907,000     1.00 % 3/20/17 (40,059 )
Kingdom of Spain  
JPMC        5 yr CDS 1,648,000 1.00 % 3/20/17 40,636
JPMC        5 yr CDs 1,788,000 1.00 % 9/20/16 41,869
JPMC MeadWestvaco
       5 yr CDS 725,000 1.00 % 12/20/16   (28,608 )
JPMC Republic of France
       5 yr CDS 1,126,000 0.25 % 12/20/16 (20,812 )
JPMC Republic of Italy
       5 yr CDS 907,000 1.00 % 3/20/17 (44,419 )
MSC Dow Jones ITRAXX  
       16.2 5 yr CDS EUR   11,200,000 5.00 % 12/20/16 (310,723 )
MSC        5 yr CDS USD 2,250,000 1.00 % 3/20/17 (46,752 )
MSC        5 yr CDS 1,420,000 1.00 % 9/20/16 (16,909 )
MSC Kingdom of Belgium
       5 yr CDS 2,932,000 1.00 % 12/20/16 (113,888 )
Kingdom of Spain
MSC        5 yr CDS 1,631,000 1.00 % 6/20/16   86,480
MSC        5 yr CDS 1,880,000 1.00 % 3/20/17 24,503
MSC Republic of France
       5 yr CDS 1,990,000 0.25 % 9/20/16 (28,306 )
MSC Republic of Italy
       5 yr CDS 1,460,000 1.00 % 9/20/16 22,122
$ (472,137 )
Protection Sold / Moody’s Rating:                  
CITI Republic of Brazil
       5 yr CDS / Baa 2,000,000       1.00 %       3/20/17        4,182  
JPMC Georgia Pacific  
       5 yr CDS / Baa 725,000   1.00 %   12/20/16   24,260
JPMC Tyson Foods CDS / Ba 735,000 1.00 %   3/20/16 23,908
MSC People’s Republic        
of China  
       5 yr CDS/Aa 2,700,000 1.00 % 9/20/16 12,920
$ 65,270
Total    $ (406,867 )  

Interest Rate Swap Contracts

Deal Unrealized
Receive Maturity Appreciation
Counterparty Swap Referenced       Notional Amount       Rate       Date       (Depreciation)
CITI 3-Month LIBOR USD 38,700,000    4.00 %       9/21/21       $ (232,012 )  
CITI 6-Month LIBOR AUD 9,400,000 4.75 %   6/15/22 45,256
CITI 6-Month LIBOR AUD 6,600,000 6.00 % 12/15/20 641,416
CITI 6-Month LIBOR AUD 3,200,000 5.75 %   12/15/21 293,368
JPMC 6-Month LIBOR   AUD 10,900,000 4.75 % 6/15/22 39,618
JPMC 3-Month LIBOR USD 4,000,000 4.00 % 9/21/21 (18,662 )
JPMC Brazil CETIP          
Interbank Deposit   BRL 21,100,000   9.98 % 1/2/15 10,757  
MSC 3-Month Libor USD 18,800,000 4.00 % 9/21/21      (112,407 )  
MSC Brazil CETIP  
Interbank Deposit   BRL 48,700,000 10.605 % 1/2/15 48,255
Total $ 715,589

The use of foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign cross currency exchange contracts, futures contracts and swap contracts involves elements of market risk and risks in excess of the amounts recognized in the financial statements. The notional values presented above represent the Fund’s total exposure in such contracts, whereas only the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is reflected in the Fund’s net assets.

1See Note 7 in “Notes to financial statements.”


Summary of Abbreviations:
ARM — Adjustable Rate Mortgage
AUD — Australian Dollar
BAML — Bank of America Merrill Lynch
BCLY — Barclays Bank
BRL — Brazilian Real
CAD — Canadian Dollar
CDO — Collateralized Debt Obligation
CDS — Credit Default Swap
CITI — Citigroup Global Markets
CLP — Chilean Peso
CNY — Chinese Renminbi
EUR — European Monetary Unit
FGIC — Insured by Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
GBP — British Pound Sterling
GNMA — Government National Mortgage Association
GSC — Goldman Sachs Capital
GSMPS — Goldman Sachs Reperforming Mortgage Securities
HSBC — Hong Kong Shanghai Bank
HUF — Hungarian Forint
IDR — Indonesian Rupiah
INR — Indian Rupee
IRO — Interest Rate Swaption
JPMC — JPMorgan Chase Bank
JPY — Japanese Yen
KRW — South Korean Won
MASTR — Mortgage Asset Securitization Transactions, Inc.
MSC — Morgan Stanley Capital
MXN — Mexican Peso
MYR — Malaysian Ringgit
NATL-RE — Insured by National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation
NCUA — National Credit Union Administration
NOK — Norwegian Krone
NZD — New Zealand Dollar
PHP — Philippine Peso
PIK — Pay-in-kind
PLN — Polish Zloty
REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust
REMIC — Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
RUB — Russian Ruble
S.F. — Single Family
SEK — Swedish Krona
SGD — Singapore Dollar
TBA — To be announced
TWD — Taiwanese Dollar
USD — United States Dollar
yr — Year
ZAR — South African Rand

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       63

Statements of net assets

Optimum International Fund
March 31, 2012

Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
ΔCommon Stock – 97.14%
Argentina – 0.45%
Arcos Dorados Holdings Class A 37,600 $ 680,184
* MercadoLibre 6,798 664,776
Australia – 4.91%
Amcor 359,034 2,766,708
AMP 796,674 3,564,669
Australia & New Zealand  
          Banking Group 68,900 1,659,907
BHP Billiton 27,900 1,000,140
  CSL   8,700   323,406
  Newcrest Mining 32,900 1,011,381
QBE Insurance Group 210,952 3,096,053
Telstra 326,250 1,111,735
Belgium – 0.37%  
w Ageas VVPR Strip 48,482 65
Anheuser-Busch InBev 14,900 1,088,554
Bermuda – 0.26%
* Seadrill 20,700 775,796
Brazil – 1.02%
BM&FBovespa 113,700 696,904
Brasil Foods 29,700 586,468
Cia Energetica de Minas
          Gerais ADR 31,055 738,488
PDG Realty 95,000 327,308
Tractebel Energia 36,800 655,109
Canada – 1.93%
First Quantum Minerals 31,500 600,601
Gildan Activewear 15,000 412,761
* Manulife Financial 47,300 640,592
* Royal Bank of Canada 15,900 921,437
Suncor Energy 27,000 882,091
* Toronto-Dominion Bank 8,600 729,864
* TransCanada 12,600 540,983
* Yamana Gold 63,000 982,689
China/Hong Kong – 2.48%
AIA Group 303,500 1,111,901
Baidu ADR 4,500 655,965
China Construction Bank 1,500,300 1,159,188
China Merchants
          Holdings International 168,700 564,824
China Mobile 55,600 611,803
Hong Kong Exchanges
          & Clearing 32,700 549,520
*† Lentuo International ADR 19,800 74,844
*† Melco Crown Entertainment ADR 41,800 568,898
REXLot Holdings 3,195,100 283,896
Tencent Holdings 26,100 727,988
Wharf Holdings 93,400 507,556
* Zoomlion Heavy Industry
          Science & Technology 403,600 537,399
France – 11.02%
AXA 57,800 958,166
BNP Paribas 10,100 479,190
Carrefour 163,985 3,931,107
Cie de Saint-Gobain 62,268 2,780,719
Danone 12,000 836,999
France Telecom 338,784 5,017,454
GDF Suez 24,100 622,570
w GDF Suez VVPR Strip 8,820 12
LVMH Moet Hennessy
          Louis Vuitton 4,100 704,547
Sanofi 88,360 6,861,901
Societe Generale 59,193 1,733,977
* Total 93,721 4,779,656
Vallourec 13,860 878,008
Vinci 58,392 3,044,893
Germany – 6.57%
Adidas 10,800 843,176
Allianz 10,400 1,240,945
Continental 6,500 613,486
Daimler 11,200 675,296
Deutsche Bank 21,400 1,064,689
Deutsche Lufthansa 45,600 638,248
Deutsche Telekom 393,794 4,740,830
Gerry Weber International 23,308 894,307
Infineon Technologies 71,366 729,629
K+S 16,600 868,386
Merck 8,300 918,530
RWE 130,470 6,230,118
Gilbraltar – 0.05%
Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment 53,100 131,643
India – 0.24%
ICICI Bank 17,100 299,389
Jubilant Foodworks 17,290 399,953
Indonesia – 0.44%
Adaro Energy 2,340,500 494,003
Indofood Sukses Makmur 1,086,000 576,017
Tower Bersama Infrastructure 725,100 233,929


Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
ΔCommon Stock (continued)
Ireland – 1.62%
Accenture Class A 11,400 $ 735,300
Covidien 12,600   688,968
Experian 194,812   3,036,465
Shire ADR 3,400 322,150
Israel – 1.87%
Check Point Software Technologies 10,500 670,320
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ADR 107,800 4,857,468
Italy – 2.92%
ENI 236,501 5,548,054
Intesa Sanpaolo 1,722,930 3,088,224
Japan – 17.57%
* Astellas Pharma 118,400 4,862,717
Bridgestone 46,100 1,117,070
Canon 118,300 5,587,401
Chiba Bank 124,200 792,144
Daiwa Office Investment 90 240,261
* Honda Motor 19,800 752,201
* HOYA   80,300 1,803,197
IHI 523,000 1,320,372
* Japan Prime Realty Investment 110 316,108
JGC 32,000 991,484
Kao 145,300 3,812,183
* Kubota 103,900 997,771
Mitsui Fudosan 38,800 741,927
* Nintendo 11,000 1,654,285
* ORIX 7,800 744,338
Seven & I Holdings 182,400 5,415,706
Shin-Etsu Chemical 26,000 1,501,238
SMC 5,200 826,623
* Softbank 27,900 824,682
* Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 34,800 1,144,657
* Takeda Pharmaceutical 101,000 4,447,001
Tokio Marine Holdings 148,600 4,076,470
Tokyo Electron 2,200 125,832
* Toray Industries 142,500 1,056,894
* Toyota Motor 101,500 4,377,061
Trend Micro 29,600 909,257
Yamato Holdings 30,500 471,215
Zeon 118,700 1,099,751
Luxembourg – 0.34%
ArcelorMittal 52,000 993,783
Malaysia – 0.18%
Genting Malaysia 425,500 544,773
Mexico – 0.53%
Fomento Economico Mexicano ADR 12,500 1,028,375
Grupo Modelo Series C 78,400 549,692
Netherlands – 4.15%
Akzo Nobel 13,900 820,666
ASML Holding 2,600 129,962
Corio 2,400 126,590
ING Groep CVA 260,379 2,169,299
Koninklijke Ahold 318,449 4,412,627
Koninklijke DSM 16,500 954,697
Reed Elsevier 227,995 2,911,731
Unilever CVA 17,900 609,103
Ziggo 4,700 146,612
Norway – 0.52%
Statoil 41,500 1,126,783
Storebrand 82,600 417,787
Republic of Korea – 0.92%
Hynix Semiconductor 8,900 229,989
Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance 27,500 792,031
Samsung Electronics 900 1,013,783
Samsung Life Insurance 8,000 699,708
Singapore – 3.46%
Avago Technologies 19,600 763,812
DBS Group Holdings 71,000 801,002
Jardine Matheson Holdings 29,200 1,460,000
Sakari Resources 362,300 671,620
Singapore Telecommunications 1,555,500 3,898,341
United Overseas Bank 181,047 2,643,180
South Africa – 0.41%
MTN Group 34,300 603,750
Naspers Class N 10,700 601,210
Spain – 4.06%
Banco Santander 257,071 1,978,203
Distribuidora Internacional
          de Alimentacion 80,119 397,164
Iberdrola 705,626 4,006,084
Repsol YPF 17,762 445,577
Telefonica 316,306 5,182,323
Sweden – 0.60%
* Svenska Cellulosa Class B 33,300 576,819
* Volvo Class B 82,400 1,200,647

(continues)       65

Statements of net assets

Optimum International Fund

Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
ΔCommon Stock (continued)
Switzerland – 6.58%
Julius Baer Group 18,100 $ 730,657
Nestle 40,500 2,548,355
  Novartis     96,107   5,319,049
Roche Holding 5,000 870,167
SGS 885   1,721,569
Swiss Re 18,200 1,162,324
Syngenta 2,200 760,629
TE Connectivity 16,000 588,000
Xstrata 51,800 884,854
Zurich Insurance Group 18,218 4,896,075
Taiwan – 2.04%
Chunghwa Telecom ADR 14,770 454,325
Mega Financial Holding 1,032,664 729,693
Taiwan Semiconductor
          Manufacturing 1,456,269 4,190,099
United Microelectronics 1,350,000 661,114
United Kingdom – 19.53%
Barclays 257,300 968,144
Barratt Developments 29,800 67,206
Bellway 12,500 163,544
BG Group 208,803 4,835,885
BP 790,155 5,845,769
British American Tobacco 37,000 1,864,455
Britvic 113,600 698,990
Compass Group 409,928 4,297,847
Diageo 23,900 574,358
GlaxoSmithKline 249,443 5,571,638
HSBC Holdings 179,207 1,590,238
Imperial Tobacco Group 34,500 1,398,839
Inchcape 76,720 461,634
Invensys 210,000 668,410
Kazakhmys 29,600 429,881
Meggitt 93,300 602,735
National Grid 144,000 1,452,173
Persimmon 14,200 145,358
Rexam 134,900 923,693
Royal Dutch Shell Class A 202,179 7,077,945
SSE 47,900 1,018,195
Subea 7 42,300 1,120,274
Taylor Wimpey 214,400 176,605
TESCO 1,033,410 5,454,529
Unilever 155,740 5,141,390
Vodafone Group 1,429,514 3,937,243
Vodafone Group ADR 47,300 1,308,791
United States – 0.10%
NII Holdings 16,800 307,608
Total Common Stock
(cost $287,235,296) 287,519,029
ΔPreferred Stock – 0.74%
Brazil – 0.50%
Banco Bradesco 3.40% 84,900 1,478,827
Germany – 0.24%
Volkswagen 1.76% 4,042 710,752
Total Preferred Stock
(cost $2,075,769) 2,189,579
Amount (U.S. $)
Short-Term Investments – 1.53%
≠Discount Notes – 0.59%
Federal Home Loan Bank
          0.04% 4/27/12 $ 551,687 551,683
          0.65% 4/25/12 1,196,527 1,196,519
Repurchase Agreements – 0.62%
Bank of America 0.03%,
          dated 3/30/12, to be
          repurchased on 4/2/12,
          repurchase price $551,688
          (collateralized by U.S.
          government obligations
          market value $562,721) 551,687 551,687
BNP Paribas 0.04%,
          dated 3/30/12, to be
          repurchased on 4/2/12,
          repurchase price $1,299,648
          (collateralized by U.S.
          government obligations
          market value $1,325,637) 1,299,644 1,299,644
U.S. Treasury Obligation – 0.32%
U.S. Treasury Bill 0.008% 4/19/12 934,076 934,060
Total Short-Term Investments
(cost $4,533,518) 4,533,593
Total Value of Securities Before Securities
Lending Collateral – 99.41%
(cost $293,844,583) 294,242,201


Number of Value
      Shares       (U.S. $)
**Securities Lending Collateral – 9.44%
       Investment Companies
              BNY Mellon SL DBT II
              Liquidating Fund 182,132 $ 177,269
              Delaware Investments
              Collateral Fund No. 1 27,776,435 27,776,435
         †@Mellon GSL Reinvestment Trust II 620,609 0
Total Securities Lending Collateral
       (cost $28,579,176) 27,953,704
Total Value of Securities – 108.85%  
       (cost $322,423,759) 322,195,905 ©
**Obligation to Return Securities  
       Lending Collateral – (9.65%)     (28,579,176 )
Receivables and Other Assets  
       Net of Other Liabilities – 0.80% 2,373,992 «
Net Assets Applicable to 28,301,854
       Shares Outstanding – 100.00% $ 295,990,721
Net Asset Value – Optimum International Fund
       Class A ($9,317,961 / 894,059 Shares) $10.42
Net Asset Value – Optimum International Fund
       Class B ($1,139,387 / 111,445 Shares) $10.22  
Net Asset Value – Optimum International Fund
       Class C ($32,994,849 / 3,225,332 Shares) $10.23
Net Asset Value – Optimum International Fund
       Institutional Class ($252,538,524 / 24,071,018 Shares) $10.49
Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:
Shares of beneficial interest
       (unlimited authorization – no par) $ 349,265,835
Undistributed net investment income 3,163,379
Accumulated net realized loss (56,170,889 )
Net unrealized depreciation of investments
       and derivatives (267,604 )
Total net assets $ 295,990,721

Securities have been classified by country of origin. Classification by type of business has been presented on page 35 in “Security type/country and sector allocations.”
Fully or partially on loan.
Dividend coupon which when presented with the corresponding coupon of the share benefits from a reduced withholding tax of 15% (rather than 25%) on dividends paid.
Non income producing security.
The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.
See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements” for additional information on securities lending collateral and non-cash collateral.
Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $0, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”
Includes $27,225,461 of securities loaned.
« Includes foreign currency valued at $2,468,163 with a cost of $2,465,982.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –      
       Optimum International Fund  
Net asset value Class A (A) $10.42
Sales charge (5.75% of offering price) (B)   0.64
Offering price $11.06

(A)  Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $75,000 or more.

The following foreign currency exchange contracts were outstanding at March 31, 2012:1

Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

Contracts to Settlement   Appreciation
Counterparty           Receive (Deliver)           In Exchange For       Date       (Depreciation)
CITI AUD 2,708,000 USD (2,770,509 )    4/11/12        $ 30,494    
CITI CAD 3,906,000 USD (3,839,698 ) 4/11/12 74,965
CITI CHF 483,000 USD (530,045 ) 4/11/12 5,088
CITI DKK 3,282,000 USD (591,625 ) 4/11/12 (3,309 )
CITI EUR (6,571,000 ) USD 8,505,792 4/11/12 (258,092 )
CITI GBP 1,165,000 USD (1,841,188 ) 4/11/12 22,027  
CITI HKD (782,000 ) USD 100,739 4/11/12 33
CITI JPY      143,905,000 USD      (1,801,648 ) 4/11/12 (63,156 )
CITI MXN 11,625,000 USD (849,140 ) 4/11/12 58,468
CITI   NOK (13,151,000 ) USD 2,236,883 4/11/12   (71,675 )
CITI SEK 7,401,000 USD (1,049,221 ) 4/11/12 68,896
CITI SGD (978,000 ) USD 764,277 4/11/12 (13,835 )
MNB AUD 42,157 USD (43,892 ) 4/2/12   (242 )
MNB AUD (211,514 ) USD 220,053 4/4/12   1,102
MNB AUD (7,313,000 ) USD 7,711,705 4/27/12 161,216
MNB EUR 176,431 USD (234,505 ) 4/2/12 795
MNB EUR 105,452 USD (140,725 ) 4/3/12 (87 )
MNB JPY 38,517,732 USD (464,080 ) 4/2/12 1,207
MNB JPY 73,836,000 USD (963,437 ) 4/11/12 (71,437 )
MNB SGD 226,966 USD (180,734 ) 4/2/12 (158 )
MNB SGD (380,000 ) USD 302,694 4/11/12 360
$ (57,340 )

The use of foreign currency exchange contracts involves elements of market risk and risks in excess of the amounts recognized in the financial statements. The notional values presented above represent the Fund’s total exposure in such contracts, whereas only the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is reflected in the Fund’s net assets.

1See Note 7 in “Notes to financial statements.”

(continues)       67

Statements of net assets

Optimum International Fund 


Summary of Abbreviations:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
AUD — Australian Dollar
CAD — Canadian Dollar
CHF — Swiss Franc
CITI — Citigroup Global Markets
CVA — Dutch Certificate
DKK — Danish Krone
EUR — European Monetary Unit
GBP — British Pound Sterling
HKD — Hong Kong Dollar
JPY — Japanese Yen
MNB — Mellon National Bank
MXN — Mexican Peso
NOK — Norwegian Krone
SEK — Swedish Krona
SGD — Singapore Dollar
VVPR Strip — Dividend Coupon
USD — United States Dollar

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
March 31, 2012

Number of Value
               Shares       (U.S. $)
²Common Stock – 96.39%
Consumer Discretionary – 22.99%
Amazon.com 68,447 $ 13,861,201
AutoZone 5,631 2,093,606
British Sky Broadcasting Group
         (United Kingdom) 126,462 1,367,343
  CarMax 37,800 1,309,770
Carnival (United Kingdom) 25,400 811,708
CBS Class B 123,650   4,192,972
Chipotle Mexican Grill 4,400 1,839,200
Cie Financiere Richemont ADR 837,126 5,242,167
Coach 69,948 5,405,581
*† Ctrip.com International ADR   22,200 480,408
D.R.Horton 25,300 383,801
*† Deckers Outdoor 18,800 1,185,340
Delphi Automotive
         (United Kingdom) 30,100 951,160
Dick’s Sporting Goods 41,900   2,014,552
Discovery Communications Class A 8,900 450,340
Disney (Walt) 38,200 1,672,396
Dollar General 43,250 1,998,150
Dollar Tree 13,026 1,230,827
* Expedia 70,650 2,362,536
* Focus Media Holding ADR 134,825 3,386,804
Fossil 8,700 1,148,226
*† Groupon 49,000 900,620
Hanesbrands 41,400 1,222,956
Harley-Davidson 17,200 844,176
Home Depot 94,571 4,757,867
Hyatt Hotels Class A 13,000 555,360
Johnson Controls 22,000 714,560
Las Vegas Sands 106,400 6,125,448
Lear 49,600 2,305,904
* Lennar Class A 16,700 453,906
Li & Fung (China)
         (Hong Kong Exchange) 714,000 1,638,441
Liberty Interactive Class A 38,600 736,874
Limited Brands 52,667 2,528,016
Lowe’s 227,950 7,153,071
Lululemon Athletica (Canada) 13,713 1,024,087
Marriott International Class A 48,880 1,850,108
McDonald’s 109,731 10,764,611
MGM Resorts International 22,800 310,536
Michael Kors Holdings (China)
         (Hong Kong Exchange) 33,050 1,539,800
News Class A 270,150 5,319,254
NIKE Class B 112,893 12,242,116
NVR 500 363,165
O’Reilly Automotive 35,554 3,247,858
Prada (Italy) 134,400 874,008
priceline.com 20,884 14,984,269
PVH 25,100 2,242,183
Ralph Lauren 16,700 2,911,311
Ross Stores 18,800 1,092,280
Starbucks 232,356 12,986,376
Starwood Hotel &
         Resorts Worldwide 23,800 1,342,558
Target 36,400 2,121,028
TJX 300,950 11,950,725
Vail Resorts 14,550 629,288
Wyndham Worldwide 41,200 1,916,212
Wynn Resorts 53,944 6,736,527
Yum Brands 86,544 6,160,202
Consumer Staples – 4.72%
Coca-Cola 55,700 4,122,357
Costco Wholesale 17,100 1,552,680
CVS Caremark 176,200 7,893,760
Estee Lauder Class A 50,024 3,098,487
Mead Johnson Nutrition 72,291 5,962,562
Monster Beverage 13,000 807,170
PepsiCo 35,500 2,355,425
Philip Morris International 74,200 6,574,862
Procter & Gamble 75,400 5,067,634
Whole Foods Market 9,100 757,120
Energy – 7.86%
Anadarko Petroleum 83,369 6,531,127
Cabot Oil & Gas 15,700 489,369
Cameron International 23,700 1,252,071
Cimarex Energy 6,300 475,461
ConocoPhillips 96,100 7,304,561
*† Continental Resources 24,026 2,061,911
EOG Resources 18,300 2,033,130
FMC Technologies 38,900 1,961,338
Halliburton 260,396 8,642,542
Kodiak Oil & Gas 104,250 1,038,330
McDermott International 39,900 511,119
Nabors Industries (Bermuda) 139,950 2,447,726
National Oilwell Varco 105,663 8,397,039
Occidental Petroleum 86,873 8,272,916
Pioneer Natural Resources 32,950 3,676,891
Plains All American Pipeline 20,500 1,608,225
Royal Dutch Shell ADR 41,800 2,931,434
Schlumberger 31,000 2,167,830
Weatherford International
         (Switzerland) 50,200 757,518
Williams 33,000 1,016,730
Financials – 5.91%
Affiliated Managers Group 7,900 883,299
American Express 48,000 2,777,280
American Tower 94,400 5,949,088
Annaly Capital Management 71,800 1,135,876
Blackstone Group 168,300 2,682,702
Franklin Resources 15,700 1,947,271

(continues)       69

Statements of net assets

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund 

Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
²Common Stock (continued)
Financials (continued)
Home Properties 25,600 $ 1,561,856
IntercontinentalExchange 32,300 4,438,666
Invesco 61,000 1,626,870
JPMorgan Chase 14,100 648,318
MetLife 62,750 2,343,713
Regions Financial 274,400 1,808,296
U.S. Bancorp 218,602 6,925,311
Wells Fargo 383,046 13,077,190
Healthcare – 7.90%
Aetna 65,350 3,277,956
Agilent Technologies 26,600 1,183,966
Alexion Pharmaceuticals 12,600 1,170,036
  Allergan 46,080 4,397,414
Baxter International 10,800 645,624
Biogen Idec 59,487 7,493,576
Bristol-Myers Squibb 99,630   3,362,513
Celgene 12,500 969,000
CIGNA 41,850   2,061,113
Covidien (Ireland)   90,350 4,940,338
Edwards Lifesciences 10,700 778,211
Express Scripts Holding 135,200 7,325,136
Gilead Sciences 63,050 3,079,993
*† Human Genome Sciences 100,600 828,944
Insulet 58,150 1,112,991
Johnson & Johnson 36,700 2,420,732
Life Technologies 46,200 2,255,484
McKesson 24,500 2,150,365
Pfizer 196,934 4,462,524
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 3,300 384,846
Stryker 18,100 1,004,188
Thermo Fisher Scientific 45,000 2,537,100
United Therapeutics 3,500 164,955
UnitedHealth Group 51,650 3,044,251
Universal Health Services Class B 45,750 1,917,383
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
          International (Canada) 17,800 955,682
Industrials – 13.29%
Babcock & Wilcox 19,700 507,275
Boeing 19,200 1,427,904
Caterpillar 44,950 4,788,074
Chicago Bridge &
          Iron (Netherlands) 250 10,798
Cooper Industries 61,450 3,929,728
CSX 198,200 4,265,264
Cummins 54,775 6,575,191
Danaher 187,857 10,519,991
Deere 23,100 1,868,790
Expeditors International
          of Washington 15,300 711,603
Fastenal 59,400 3,213,540
FedEx 34,700 3,191,012
Fluor 5,762 345,950
General Dynamics 26,350 1,933,563
Grainger (W.W.) 3,900 837,759
Hertz Global Holdings 151,750 2,282,320
Honeywell International 75,450 4,606,223
Hunt (J.B.) Transport 16,700 907,979
Hutchison Port Holdings
          Trust (Singapore) 2,758,000 2,109,870
Joy Global 4,700 345,450
Kansas City Southern 15,300 1,096,857
KBR 49,350 1,754,393
Precision Castparts 51,271 8,864,755
Rockwell Automation 30,524 2,432,763
Roper Industries 9,800 971,768
Stanley Black & Decker 50,650 3,898,024
Timken 17,200 872,728
Towers Watson Class A 23,400 1,546,038
Tyco International (Switzerland) 73,500 4,129,230
Union Pacific 79,465 8,540,898
United Continental Holdings 63,800 1,371,700
United Parcel Service Class B 84,700 6,836,984
*† United Rentals 57,650 2,472,609
United Technologies 41,850 3,471,039
Verisk Analytics Class A 37,400 1,756,678
WABCO Holdings 35,000 2,116,800
WESCO International 15,450 1,009,040
Information Technology – 28.15%
Accenture Class A (Ireland) 127,081 8,196,725
Akamai Technologies 31,500 1,156,050
Apple 107,221 64,275,772
ASML Holding (Netherlands) 14,500 727,030
Autodesk 22,500 952,200
Avago Technologies (Singapore) 76,150 2,967,566
Baidu ADR 84,320 12,291,326
Broadcom Class A 108,400 4,260,120
Check Point Software
          Technologies (Israel) 64,336 4,107,210
Cisco Systems 92,750 1,961,663
Cognizant Technology Solutions
          Class A 24,800 1,908,360
eBay 231,450 8,538,191
EMC 205,200 6,131,376
=@† Facebook Class A 17,038 530,684
=@† Facebook Class B 30,629 954,005
Gartner 26,100 1,112,904
Google Class A 31,557 20,235,610
IAC/InterActiveCorp 31,770 1,559,589
Informatica 19,000 1,005,100
International Business Machines 34,850 7,271,453
Juniper Networks 95,000 2,173,600


Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
²Common Stock (continued)
Information Technology (continued)
*† Lam Research 59,850 $ 2,670,507
*† LinkedIn Class A 27,432 2,797,790
MasterCard Class A 22,000 9,251,880
NetApp   121,900 5,457,463
  Nuance Communications 37,700   964,366
Oracle 110,150 3,211,974
QUALCOMM 296,825 20,190,036
Red Hat 21,600   1,293,624
salesforce.com 20,450 3,159,730
SanDisk 14,700 728,973
Seagate Technology (Ireland) 112,200 3,023,790
Skyworks Solutions 47,450 1,311,993
Tencent Holdings (China)  
          (Hong Kong Exchange) 63,400 1,768,368
Teradata 18,200 1,240,330
Trimble Navigation 18,800 1,023,096
=@† Twitter 7,812 124,992
Visa Class A 95,874 11,313,132
*† VistaPrint (Netherlands) 97,350 3,762,578
VMware Class A 8,629 969,641
*† Youku ADR 49,871 1,096,663
Materials – 4.58%
Air Products & Chemicals 3,400 312,120
Celanese Class A 51,470 2,376,885
Cytec Industries 28,550 1,735,555
Dow Chemical 85,995 2,978,867
Eastman Chemical 43,550 2,251,100
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 65,000 2,472,600
International Paper 29,300 1,028,430
LyondellBasell Industries
          Class A (Netherlands) 39,700 1,732,905
Monsanto 101,650 8,107,604
Potash Corp. of
          Saskatchewan (Canada) 7,700 351,813
Praxair 91,758 10,519,136
Rockwood Holdings 34,900 1,820,035
Sherwin-Williams 12,200 1,325,774
Telecommunication Services – 0.99%
Crown Castle International 88,000 4,693,920
Vodafone Group ADR 119,900 3,317,633
Total Common Stock
(cost $604,223,378) 779,655,596
Convertible Preferred Stock – 0.05%
=@† LivingSocial Series F 14,824 78,982
=@† Twitter Series A 20 320
=@† Twitter Series B 5,988 95,808
=@† Twitter Series C 1,619 25,904
=@† Twitter Series D 2,999 47,984
=@† Twitter Series F 1,022 16,352
=@† Twitter Series G-2 12,309 196,944
Total Convertible Preferred Stock
(cost $498,781) 462,294
Preferred Stock– 0.14%
Wells Fargo 8.00% 38,550 1,120,263
Total Preferred Stock
(cost $741,030) 1,120,263
Amount (U.S. $)
Short-Term Investments – 3.35%
≠Discount Notes – 1.21%
Federal Home Loan Bank
          0.04% 4/27/12 $ 4,036,979 4,036,951
          0.65% 4/25/12 5,749,380 5,749,346
Repurchase Agreements – 1.68%
Bank of America 0.03%, dated
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $4,036,989 (collateralized by
          U.S. government obligations
          market value $4,117,719) 4,036,979 4,036,979
BNP Paribas 0.04%, dated
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $9,510,205 (collateralized by
          U.S. government obligations
          market value $9,700,376) 9,510,173 9,510,173
≠U.S. Treasury Obligation – 0.46%
U.S. Treasury Bill 0.008% 4/19/12 3,750,705 3,750,637
Total Short-Term Investments
(cost $27,083,710) 27,084,086
Total Value of Securities Before Securities
Lending Collateral – 99.93%
(cost $632,546,899) 808,322,239

(continues)       71

Statements of net assets

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund

Number of       Value
          Shares (U.S. $)
**Securities Lending Collateral – 2.38%
Investment Companies
          BNY Mellon SL DBT II
          Liquidating Fund 502,050 $ 488,645
          Delaware Investments
          Collateral Fund No.1 18,755,004 18,755,004
      †@Mellon GSL Reinvestment
          Trust II 999,997 0
Total Securities Lending Collateral
(cost $20,257,051) 19,243,649
Total Value of Securities – 102.31%
(cost $652,803,950) 827,565,888 ©
**Obligation to Return Securities
Lending Collateral – (2.50%) (20,257,051 )
Receivables and Other Assets Net of
Other Liabilities – 0.19% 1,540,997
Net Assets Applicable to 59,174,766
Shares Outstanding – 100.00% $ 808,849,834
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Class A ($34,170,233 / 2,535,753 Shares) $13.48
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Class B ($3,627,653 / 285,043 Shares) $12.73
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Class C ($120,182,897 / 9,445,166 Shares) $12.72
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Institutional Class ($650,869,051 / 46,908,804 Shares) $13.88
Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:
Shares of beneficial interest
(unlimited authorization – no par) $ 707,087,297
Accumulated net investment loss (217,029 )
Accumulated net realized loss (72,832,712 )
Net unrealized appreciation of investments
and derivatives 174,812,278
Total net assets $ 808,849,834

² Narrow industries are utilized for compliance purposes for diversification whereas broad sectors are used for financial reporting.
Non income producing security.
* Fully or partially on loan.
= Security is being fair valued in accordance with the Fund’s fair valuation policy. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of fair valued securities was $2,071,975, which represented 0.26% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 1 in “Notes to financial statements.”
@ Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $2,071,975, which represented 0.26% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”
The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.
** See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements” for additional information on securities lending collateral and non-cash collateral.
© Includes $21,635,534 of securities loaned.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –
       Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Net asset value Class A (A)   $13.48
Sales charge (5.75% of offering price) (B) 0.82
Offering price $14.30

(A)  Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $75,000 or more.

The following foreign currency exchange contracts were outstanding at March 31, 2012:1

Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts

Contracts to Settlement Appreciation
Counterparty        Receive (Deliver)        In Exchange For        Date        (Depreciation)
MNB GBP   (283,504 )   USD     449,722   4/2/12          $ (3,719 )      
MNB GBP (27,178 ) USD 43,241 4/3/12 (229 )
$ (3,948 )

The use of foreign currency exchange contracts involves elements of market risk and risks in excess of the amounts recognized in the financial statements. The notional values presented above represent the Fund’s total exposure in such contracts, whereas only the net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is reflected in the Fund’s net assets.

1See Note 7 in “Notes to financial statements.”

Summary of Abbreviations:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt
GBP — British Pound Sterling
MNB — Mellon National Bank
USD — United States Dollar

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
March 31, 2012

Number of Value
          Shares       (U.S. $)
Common Stock – 98.14%
Consumer Discretionary – 10.22%
Advance Auto Parts 18,660 $ 1,652,716
Coach 171,265 13,235,359
Comcast Special Class A 103,000 3,039,530
Delphi Automotive 23,310 736,596
Disney (Walt) 132,220 5,788,592
General Motors 28,920 741,798
Hasbro 85,790 3,150,209
Johnson Controls 112,830 3,664,718
  Kohl’s 23,360 1,168,701
Omnicom Group 84,130 4,261,185
Ross Stores 164,729 9,570,755
Staples 111,440 1,803,099
Target 92,240 5,374,825
TJX 361,144 14,341,028
Viacom Class B 82,400 3,910,704
Yum Brands 79,656 5,669,914
Consumer Staples – 13.09%
Altria Group 400,977 12,378,160
Colgate-Palmolive 67,998   6,648,844
CVS Caremark 70,831 3,173,229
Danone (France) 31,068 2,166,990
Diageo (United Kingdom) 253,146 6,083,538
General Mills 140,460 5,541,147
Herbalife (Cayman Islands) 185,650 12,776,432
Kellogg 214,547 11,506,156
Lorillard 7,000 906,360
Nestle (Switzerland) 70,180 4,415,890
PepsiCo 48,010 3,185,464
Philip Morris International 282,588 25,040,123
Procter & Gamble 32,626 2,192,793
Reynolds American 17,150 710,696
Smucker (J.M.) 16,450 1,338,372
Walgreen 57,660 1,931,033
Energy – 13.84%
Apache 102,927 10,337,988
Chevron 146,443 15,704,547
Core Laboratories (Netherlands) 76,565 10,073,657
* Diamond Offshore Drilling 112,355 7,499,696
EOG Resources 17,860 1,984,246
Exxon Mobil 229,474 19,902,280
Halliburton 186,424 6,187,413
Hess 5,450 321,278
HollyFrontier 235,382 7,567,531
Marathon Oil 282,630 8,959,371
Occidental Petroleum 62,130 5,916,640
* RPC 234,194 2,484,793
Transocean (Switzerland) 19,940 1,090,718
Valero Energy 298,429 7,690,515
Financials – 19.64%
ACE (Switzerland) 39,820 2,914,824
AFLAC 141,371 6,501,652
American Capital Agency 306,333 9,049,077
Annaly Capital Management 398,684 6,307,181
Aon (United Kingdom) 71,270 3,496,506
Apartment Investment
       & Management 290,817 7,680,477
Bank of America 111,870 1,070,596
Bank of New York Mellon 262,476 6,333,546
BlackRock 20,953 4,293,270
CBOE Holdings 142,118 4,038,994
Chimera Investment 3,084,903 8,730,275
Chubb 37,880 2,617,887
Discover Financial Services 124,248 4,142,428
Eaton Vance 260,166 7,435,544
Federated Investors Class B 542,036 12,147,026
Franklin Resources 19,700 2,443,391
Goldman Sachs Group 75,080 9,337,700
JPMorgan Chase 242,590 11,154,287
MetLife 188,490 7,040,102
Moody’s 42,170 1,775,357
PNC Financial Services Group 44,680 2,881,413
Prudential Financial 82,920 5,256,299
State Street 73,240 3,332,420
SunTrust Banks 22,580 545,759
Travelers 70,290 4,161,168
Waddell & Reed Financial Class A 235,411 7,629,671
Wells Fargo 227,340 7,761,388
Healthcare – 11.12%
Abbott Laboratories 110,690 6,784,190
Becton, Dickinson 28,370 2,202,931
Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings 250,980 9,720,455
Express Scripts Holding 169,510 9,184,052
Gilead Sciences 180,684 8,826,413
Johnson & Johnson 141,020 9,301,679
Medtronic 119,150 4,669,489
Merck 64,610 2,481,024
Pfizer 483,015 10,945,120
Quest Diagnostics 32,930 2,013,670
Roche Holding (Switzerland) 10,504 1,828,047
St. Jude Medical 67,690 2,999,344
Thermo Fisher Scientific 56,550 3,188,289
Waters 116,460 10,791,184
Industrials – 12.51%
3M 67,280 6,002,049
Canadian National Railway (Canada) 27,020 2,146,199
Caterpillar 35,060 3,734,591
Copa Holdings Class A (Panama) 181,852 14,402,678
Cummins 75,034 9,007,081
Danaher 78,390 4,389,840

(continues)       73

Statements of net assets

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund

Number of       Value
          Shares (U.S. $)
Common Stock (continued)
Industrials (continued)
Dun & Bradstreet 24,070 $ 2,039,451
Eaton 48,400 2,411,772
Fluor 10,070 604,603
Honeywell International 98,140 5,991,447
Huntington Ingalls Industries 10,783 433,908
Lockheed Martin 238,155 21,400,608
  Northrop Grumman 64,560 3,943,325
Stanley Black & Decker 58,417 4,495,772
Tyco International (Switzerland) 85,220 4,787,660
United Parcel Service Class B 22,970 1,854,138
United Technologies 95,440 7,915,794
Information Technology – 11.16%
Accenture Class A (Ireland) 187,659 12,104,006
Apple 22,567 13,528,239
ASML Holding (Netherlands) 25,620 1,284,587
Cisco Systems 120,740 2,553,651
Fiserv 18,960 1,315,634
Hewlett-Packard 38,080   907,446
Intel 128,470 3,611,292
International Business Machines 82,366 17,185,666
MasterCard Class A 5,310 2,233,067
Microsoft 342,462   11,044,400
Oracle 230,790 6,729,836
Western Digital 226,069 9,356,996
Western Union 192,750 3,392,400
Materials – 4.00%
Air Products & Chemicals 39,400 3,616,920
CF Industries Holdings 42,505 7,763,538
Cliffs Natural Resources 134,610 9,323,088
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 92,366 3,513,603
PPG Industries 47,310 4,532,298
Sherwin-Williams 16,840 1,830,003
Telecommunication Services – 1.83%
AT&T 284,010 8,869,633
Vodafone Group (United Kingdom) 1,850,930 5,097,929
Utilities – 0.73%
PG&E 80,260 3,484,086
PPL 40,810 1,153,291
Public Service Enterprise Group 30,610 936,972
Total Common Stock
(cost $614,968,588) 749,769,251
Convertible Preferred Stock – 0.07%
PPL 9.50% exercise price $28.80,
          expiration date 7/1/13 9,830 534,162
Total Convertible Preferred Stock
(cost $491,500) 534,162
Amount (U.S. $)
Short-Term Investments – 1.71%
Discount Notes – 0.59%
Federal Home Loan Bank
          0.04% 4/27/12 $2,101,369 2,101,354
          0.65% 4/25/12 2,402,649 2,402,635
Repurchase Agreements – 0.92%
Bank of America 0.03%, dated
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $2,101,374 (collateralized by
          U.S. government obligations
          0.125%-4.125% 12/31/13–
          5/15/15; market value
          $2,143,396) 2,101,369 2,101,369
BNP Paribas 0.04%, dated
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $4,950,347 (collateralized by
          U.S. government obligations
          1.375%-7.50% 6/15/12–
          2/15/37; market value
          $5,049,338) 4,950,331 4,950,331
U.S. Treasury Obligation – 0.20%
U.S. Treasury Bill 0.008% 4/19/12 1,542,956 1,542,928
Total Short-Term Investments
(cost $13,098,451) 13,098,617
Total Value of Securities Before
Securities Lending Collateral –
99.92% (cost $628,558,539) 763,402,030
Number of
**Securities Lending Collateral – 0.87%
Investment Companies
Liquidating Fund 353,804 344,358
Delaware Investments
Collateral Fund No. 1 6,255,754 6,255,754
†@ Mellon GSL
Reinvestment Trust II 996,642 0
Total Securities Lending Collateral
(cost $7,606,200) 6,600,112


(U.S. $)
Total Value of Securities – 100.79%
       (cost $636,164,739) $ 770,002,142 ©
**Obligation to Return Securities
       Lending Collateral – (1.00%) (7,606,200 )
Receivables and Other Assets Net
       of Other Liabilities – 0.21% 1,602,448 «
Net Assets Applicable to 64,948,708
       Shares Outstanding – 100.00% $ 763,998,390
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
       Class A ($31,478,208 / 2,679,897 Shares) $11.75
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
       Class B ($3,478,122 / 299,833 Shares) $11.60
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
       Class C ($111,556,947 / 9,621,764 Shares) $11.59
Net Asset Value – Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
       Institutional Class ($617,485,113 / 52,347,214 Shares) $11.80
Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:
Shares of beneficial interest
       (unlimited authorization – no par) $ 788,249,300
Undistributed net investment income 9,816,408
Accumulated net realized loss (167,936,840 )
Net unrealized appreciation of investments and
       foreign currencies 133,869,522
Total net assets $ 763,998,390

Non income producing security.


Fully or partially on loan.

The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.


See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements” for additional information on securities lending collateral.


Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $0, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”


Includes $7,328,168 of securities loaned.


Includes foreign currency valued at $8,652 with a cost of $8,657.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –
       Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
Net asset value Class A (A) $11.75
Sales charge (5.75% of offering price) (B) 0.72
Offering price $12.47

(A)  Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $75,000 or more.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       75

Statements of net assets

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
March 31, 2012

Number of       Value
          Shares (U.S. $)
Common Stock – 97.77%
Consumer Discretionary – 20.06%
Abercrombie & Fitch Class A 42,900 $ 2,128,269
*† American Public Education 29,320 1,114,160
Bally Technologies 67,000 3,132,250
Brunswick 39,400 1,014,550
Buffalo Wild Wings 14,870 1,348,560
Cheesecake Factory 49,620 1,458,332
Dana Holding 115,640 1,792,420
*† Deckers Outdoor 24,852 1,566,919
DSW Class A 37,380 2,047,303
Express 85,580 2,137,788
*† Gaylord Entertainment 120,000   3,695,999
GNC Holdings 89,240 3,113,584
Hanesbrands 70,330 2,077,548
Helen of Troy (Bermuda) 45,000 1,530,450
Hibbett Sports 13,300 725,515
Jarden 55,000 2,212,650
* Lennar Class A 50,230 1,365,251
*† Life Time Fitness 38,000   1,921,660
LKQ 60,000 1,870,200
Localiza Rent a Car (Brazil) 65,400 1,203,648
*† Lululemon Athletica (Canada) 32,000 2,389,760
Madden (Steven) 28,625 1,223,719
Meritage Homes 32,120 869,167
Pier 1 Imports 103,000 1,872,540
Pinnacle Entertainment 135,000 1,553,850
Pool 45,000 1,683,900
PulteGroup 187,630 1,660,526
PVH 10,000 893,300
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 19,360 719,998
Rent-A-Center 53,510 2,020,003
*† rue21 58,310 1,710,815
*† Saks 67,500 783,675
Shutterfly 86,600 2,713,178
*† Skullcandy 30,000 474,900
Sotheby’s 24,840 977,206
Tempur-Pedic International 27,550 2,326,047
Tenneco 44,510 1,653,547
*† TripAdvisor 48,500 1,729,995
True Religion Apparel 20,800 569,920
Urban Outfitters 46,620 1,357,108
*† Vera Bradley 25,500 769,845
Warnaco Group 23,000 1,343,200
WMS Industries 55,000 1,305,150
Consumer Staples – 0.89%
Chefs’ Warehouse 65,000 1,504,100
Elizabeth Arden 45,514 1,592,080
Energy – 7.41%
*† Approach Resources 10,000 369,500
Atwood Oceanics 99,800 4,480,021
Bonanza Creek Energy 58,910 1,287,184
Cabot Oil & Gas 6,000 187,020
Carrizo Oil & Gas 50,430 1,425,152
Core Laboratories (Netherlands) 11,000 1,447,270
FMC Technologies 41,000 2,067,220
Gulfmark Offshore 41,888 1,925,172
Hornbeck Offshore Services 26,000 1,092,780
*† Houston America Energy 15,000 78,300
ION Geophysical 137,558 887,249
Petroleum Development 19,000 704,710
Rex Energy 134,410 1,435,499
Rosetta Resources 73,750 3,596,050
SM Energy 19,000 1,344,630
Swift Energy 15,000 435,450
Tidewater 23,880 1,289,998
World Fuel Services 44,500 1,824,500
Financials – 9.75%
Associated Banc-Corp 68,100 950,676
Associated Estates Realty 136,000 2,222,240
Berkshire Hills Bancorp 25,500 584,460
BioMed Realty Trust 87,000 1,651,260
City National 30,000 1,574,100
Coresite Realty 71,600 1,689,044
* DuPont Fabros Technology 70,000 1,711,500
East West Bancorp 10,220 235,980
Eaton Vance 50,000 1,429,000
Enstar Group (Bermuda) 6,700 663,233
Extra Space Storage 63,600 1,831,044
First Busey 177,800 878,332
First Commonwealth Financial 72,000 440,640
Hancock Holding 27,318 970,062
Kaiser Federal Financial Group 54,674 764,889
Kilroy Realty 15,000 699,150
Kite Realty Group Trust 245,000 1,291,150
Knight Capital Group Class A 82,350 1,059,845
Lakeland Financial 19,300 502,379
Manning & Napier 28,800 423,360
MB Financial 72,000 1,511,280
*† NetSpend Holdings 39,400 305,744
Pacific Continental Bancorp 111,000 1,045,620
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust 45,770 1,033,487
Provident New York 60,000 507,600
Sandy Spring Bancorp 32,400 588,708
SEI Investments 35,000 724,150
Strategic Hotel & Resorts 164,480 1,082,278
SVB Financial Group 15,000 965,100


Number of Value
          Shares       (U.S. $)
Common Stock (continued)
Financials (continued)
Tower Group 38,000 $ 852,340
Trico Bancshares 27,350 476,437
Valley National Bancorp 121,917 1,578,825
Western Alliance Bancorp 89,603 758,937
*† World Acceptance 17,000 1,041,250
Healthcare – 14.36%
ABIOMED 33,110 734,711
Akorn 46,000 538,200
  Alexion Pharmaceuticals 20,000 1,857,200
*† Algeta (Norway) 18,147 457,978
*† Alimera Sciences 26,100 88,218
Amylin Pharmaceuticals 31,830 794,477
*† Anthera Pharmaceuticals 48,500 107,185
Ardea Biosciences 41,760 908,698
*† Auxilium Pharmaceuticals 38,000 705,660
BioMarin Pharmaceutical 51,000 1,746,750
Catalyst Health Solutions 20,470 1,304,553
Cepheid 37,900 1,585,357
*† Chelsea Therapeutics International 93,000 238,080
eResearch Technology 31,300 244,766
*† Exelixis 132,740   687,593
Gen-Probe 41,900 2,782,578
Health Net 26,600 1,056,552
*† HeartWare International 22,780   1,496,418
Hill-Rom Holdings 42,000 1,403,220
*† Horizon Pharma 15,000 62,100
*† Immunogen 63,310 911,031
*† Incyte 63,980 1,234,814
Insulet 69,590 1,331,953
*† InterMune 32,000 469,440
*† Ironwood Pharmaceuticals 77,400 1,030,194
Isis Pharmaceuticals 61,000 534,970
Mednax 15,000 1,115,550
Mettler-Toledo International 25,500 4,711,125
NPS Pharmaceuticals 243,150 1,663,146
ONYX Pharmaceuticals 45,970 1,732,150
*† Pacific Biosciences 39,000 133,380
*† PAREXEL International 55,980 1,509,781
Patterson 51,000 1,703,400
*† Raptor Pharmaceutical 47,000 317,720
Salix Pharmaceuticals 37,610 1,974,525
*† Seattle Genetics 140,050 2,854,218
Sirona Dental Systems 37,000 1,906,980
SXC Health Solutions 35,990 2,697,810
Synageva BioPharma 3,000 107,610
Techne 11,000 771,100
Vocera Communications 2,400 56,160
Volcano 38,059 1,078,973
WellCare Health Plans 21,270 1,528,888
Industrials – 18.09%
* Acorn Energy 100,000 1,087,000
Acuity Brands 26,000 1,633,580
Advisory Board 19,500 1,728,090
AMETEK 77,500 3,759,525
Avis Budget Group 60,170 851,406
CAI International 38,300 696,294
Chicago Bridge & Iron (Netherlands) 35,000 1,511,650
Colfax 48,100 1,695,044
Corrections Corp. of America 45,310 1,237,416
DigitalGlobe 90,800 1,211,272
Donaldson 97,800 3,494,394
ESCO Technologies 64,200 2,360,634
Esterline Technologies 14,000 1,000,440
GrafTech International 70,500 841,770
HEICO Class A 33,125 1,329,969
Herman Miller 27,000 619,920
Hertz Global Holdings 56,500 849,760
II-VI 62,000 1,466,300
Interface Class A 90,000 1,255,500
Kennametal 41,000 1,825,730
Knoll 75,000 1,248,000
Landstar System 30,860 1,781,239
Meritor 135,720 1,095,260
Middleby 11,900 1,204,042
Moog Class A 57,800 2,479,042
Nordson 76,000 4,142,760
Old Dominion Freight Line 40,774 1,943,697
Oshkosh 27,000 625,590
Pentair 49,000 2,332,890
*† Polypore International 35,890 1,261,892
Real Goods Solar Class A 150,000 217,500
Rush Enterprises Class A 65,000 1,379,300
Sauer-Danfoss 14,200 667,400
Spirit Airlines 116,670 2,341,567
SYKES Enterprises 77,516 1,224,753
Teledyne Technologies 22,010 1,387,731
Toro 23,000 1,635,530
*† Trex 49,960 1,602,717
*† United Rentals 38,560 1,653,838
*† US Airways Group 139,080 1,055,617
WABCO Holdings 13,000 786,240
*† Westport Innovations (Canada) 16,633 680,622
Information Technology – 23.07%
Acme Packet 27,050 744,416
Adtran 11,540 359,933
Advent Software 20,000 512,000
Amphenol Class A 28,400 1,697,468
ANSYS 35,000 2,275,700
Ariba 27,000 883,170
*† Aruba Networks 63,670 1,418,568
Atmel 155,000 1,528,300
Bottomline Technologies 41,190 1,150,849

(continues)       77

Statements of net assets

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund

Number of       Value
          Shares (U.S. $)
Common Stock (continued)
Information Technology (continued)
*† BroadSoft 58,080 $ 2,221,560
Cadence Design Systems 326,740 3,868,601
Ciena 63,280 1,024,503
Coherent 26,120 1,523,580
*† Concur Technologies 65,950 3,784,210
*† Constant Contact 15,000 446,850
Cypress Semiconductor 91,430 1,429,051
DealerTrack Holdings 37,550 1,136,263
  Entegris 110,000 1,027,400
ExlService Holdings 60,000 1,646,400
Fabrinet (Cayman Islands) 71,330 1,263,254
Finisar 148,220 2,986,633
Hackett Group 26,225 156,563
Hittite Microwave 10,000 543,100
* IAC/InterActiveCorp 42,490 2,085,834
Imperva 20,400 798,660
*† Infinera 60,000     487,200
Informatica 55,000 2,909,500
IPG Photonics 58,000 3,018,900
Ixia 75,400 941,746
Jabil Circuit 86,030 2,161,074
*† Jive Software 43,560 1,183,090
Lattice Semiconductor 219,267 1,409,887
LivePerson 87,290 1,463,853
MICROS Systems 28,000 1,548,120
Microsemi 60,000 1,286,400
Microstrategy 12,890 1,804,600
NETGEAR 19,000 725,800
ON Semiconductor 130,000 1,171,300
Parametric Technology 59,080 1,650,695
* Pegasystems 23,170 884,167
Riverbed Technology 52,910 1,485,713
Sapient 198,500 2,471,325
Skyworks Solutions 52,160 1,442,224
Solera Holdings 21,070 966,902
SPS Commerce 80,000 2,150,400
Stratasys 18,000 657,360
Syntel 28,170 1,577,520
TIBCO Software 27,000 823,500
TriQuint Semiconductor 95,000 655,025
*† Ubiquiti Networks 25,900 819,217
Ultratech 21,600 625,968
*† Universal Display 25,680 938,090
*† VeriFone Systems 46,400 2,406,768
Virtusa 85,411 1,475,048
WNS Holdings ADR 36,500 439,825
Wright Express 23,300 1,508,209
Zebra Technologies 24,000 988,320
Materials – 1.25%
Albemarle 28,000 1,789,760
Methanex (Canada) 79,310 2,572,024
Telecommunication Services – 2.89%
AboveNet 27,000 2,235,600
*† Boingo Wireless 75,000 907,500
Cogent Communications Group 18,290 348,973
MetroPCS Communications 109,900 991,298
*† SBA Communications Class A 65,000 3,302,650
tw telecom Class A 104,000 2,304,640
Total Common Stock
(cost $275,574,329) 341,497,580
Exchange-Traded Fund – 1.44%
* iShares Russell 2000 Growth
          Index Fund 52,800 5,036,064
Total Exchange-Traded Fund
(cost $5,062,034) 5,036,064
Amount (U.S. $)
Short-Term Investments – 1.56%
Discount Notes – 0.54%
Federal Home Loan Bank
          0.04% 4/27/12 $   727,777 727,771
          0.65% 4/25/12 1,147,071 1,147,065
Repurchase Agreements – 0.70%
Bank of America 0.03%, dated
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $727,779 (collateralized by U.S.
          government obligations 0.125%-
          4.125% 12/31/13–5/15/15;
          market value $742,332) 727,777 727,777
BNP Paribas 0.04%, dated 3/30/12,
          to be repurchased on 4/2/12,
          repurchase price $1,714,476
          (collateralized by U.S.
          government obligations
          1.375%-7.50% 6/15/12–2/15/37;
          market value $1,748,760) 1,714,470 1,714,470
U.S. Treasury Obligation – 0.32%
U.S. Treasury Bill 0.008% 4/19/12 1,135,665 1,135,644
Total Short-Term Investments
(cost $5,452,646) 5,452,727
Total Value of Securities Before Securities
Lending Collateral – 100.77%
(cost $286,089,009) 351,986,371


Number of Value
          Shares       (U.S. $)
**Securities Lending Collateral – 11.00%
Investment Companies
          BNY Mellon SL DBT II
          Liquidating Fund 205,071 $ 199,596
          Delaware Investments
          Collateral Fund No. 1 38,201,799 38,201,799
      †@Mellon GSL Reinvestment Trust II 484,445   0
Total Securities Lending Collateral
(cost $38,891,315) 38,401,395
Total Value of Securities – 111.77%
(cost $324,980,324) 390,387,766 ©
**Obligation to Return Securities
Lending Collateral – (11.14%) (38,891,315 )
Other Liabilities Net of Receivables and
Other Assets – (0.63%) (2,213,384 )
Net Assets Applicable to 26,191,966
Shares Outstanding – 100.00% $ 349,283,067
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
       Class A ($5,989,293 / 460,580 Shares)            $13.00  
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
       Class B ($660,516 / 54,061 Shares) $12.22
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
       Class C ($20,991,774 / 1,718,391 Shares) $12.22
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
       Institutional Class ($321,641,484 / 23,958,934 Shares) $13.42
Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:
Shares of beneficial interest
       (unlimited authorization – no par)         $ 283,962,411
Accumulated net investment loss (1,079,817 )
Accumulated net realized gain 993,062
Net unrealized appreciation of investments 65,407,411
Total net assets $ 349,283,067

* Fully or partially on loan.
Non income producing security.
The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.
** See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements” for additional information on securities lending collateral and non-cash collateral.
@ Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $0, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”
© Includes $41,585,564 of securities loaned.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund
Net asset value Class A (A) $13.00
Sales charge (5.75% of offering price) (B) 0.79
Offering price $13.79

(A)  Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B) See the current prospectus for purchases of $75,000 or more.

Summary of Abbreviations:
ADR — American Depositary Receipt

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       79

Statements of net assets

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
March 31, 2012

Number of Value
          Shares       (U.S. $)
²Common Stock – 91.55%
Consumer Discretionary – 11.10%
*† BorgWarner 26,500 $ 2,235,010
Brinker International 42,500 1,170,875
Children’s Place Retail Stores 21,700 1,121,239
Collective Brands 160,300 3,151,498
Family Dollar Stores 3,800


Foot Locker 65,600 2,036,880
Genesco 14,000 1,003,100
* Hooker Furniture 202,374 2,762,405
*† Jos.A. Bank Clothiers 40,102 2,021,542
Kirkland’s 33,000   533,940
Lear 47,600 2,212,924
MaidenForm Brands 60,000 1,350,600
PETsMART 22,000 1,258,840
Signet Jewelers (Bermuda) 46,500 2,198,520
  Spartan Motors 509,273 2,694,054
* Sturm Ruger 5,503 270,197
Tupperware Brands 36,100   2,292,350
Universal Technical Institute 55,800 736,002
Visteon 50,000 2,650,000
*† Winnebago Industries 288,900 2,831,220
WMS Industries 110,000 2,610,300
Consumer Staples – 2.87%
Chiquita Brands International 224,373 1,972,239
Dr Pepper Snapple Group 27,500 1,105,775
Molson Coors Brewing Class B 25,000 1,131,250
* Sanderson Farms 53,000 2,810,590
Smucker (J.M.) 32,400 2,636,064
Energy – 5.32%
*† Approach Resources 15,500 572,725
Cabot Oil & Gas 34,700 1,081,599
Cloud Peak Energy 66,400 1,057,752
CONSOL Energy 67,800 2,311,980
Gulf Island Fabrication 80,629 2,360,011
Newpark Resources 243,350 1,993,037
Plains Exploration & Production 62,200 2,652,830
Swift Energy 76,300 2,214,989
Vaalco Energy 386,503 3,652,453
Financials – 11.50%
American Equity Investment
          Life Holding 103,265 1,318,694
Aspen Insurance Holdings (Bermuda) 80,500 2,249,170
AXIS Capital Holdings (Bermuda) 65,700 2,179,269
BankUnited 79,300 1,982,500
BBCN Bancorp 70,900 789,117
City Holding 67,979 2,360,231
DiamondRock Hospitality 127,700 1,314,033
* Digital Realty Trust 16,300 1,205,711
Dime Community Bancshares 190,022 2,776,221
East West Bancorp 114,600 2,646,114
First Financial Bancorp 125,100 2,164,230
Hallmark Financial Services 299,798 2,365,406
HCC Insurance Holdings 65,200 2,032,284
Horace Mann Educators 143,376 2,526,285
Lazard Class A (Bermuda) 78,600 2,244,816
Safety Insurance Group 21,400 891,096
Stewart Information Services 197,658 2,808,721
SVB Financial Group 18,200 1,170,988
Willis Group Holdings (United Kingdom) 24,600 860,508
Wintrust Financial 43,200 1,546,128
XL Group (Ireland) 60,000 1,301,400
Healthcare – 2.94%
CareFusion 100,000 2,593,000
DENTSPLY International 27,400 1,099,562
Hologic 109,200 2,353,260
Orthofix International (Curacao) 14,500 544,910
Teleflex 27,800 1,699,970
Thermo Fisher Scientific 28,800 1,623,744
Industrials – 27.96%
* AAON 103,843 2,096,590
ACCO Brands 120,000 1,489,200
Acuity Brands 42,800 2,689,124
Aegion 93,000 1,658,190
AGCO 23,200 1,095,272
Albany International 120,400 2,763,180
*† Allegiant Travel 14,700 801,150
AMETEK 35,250 1,709,978
Avery Dennison 86,000 2,591,180
BE Aerospace 28,200 1,310,454
Brady Class A 61,300 1,983,055
Carlisle 61,300 3,060,096
Colfax 32,800 1,155,872
Cooper Industries 11,000 703,450
Crane 33,300 1,615,050
* Donnelley (R.R.) & Sons 64,800 802,872
Dover 50,700 3,191,058
Ducommun 5,158 61,380
Encore Wire 104,510 3,107,082
Ennis 148,790 2,353,858
Federal Signal 265,000 1,473,400
Foster Wheeler (Switzerland) 125,400 2,854,104
Gardner Denver 13,200 831,864
Graham 134,757 2,949,831
* Granite Construction 86,200 2,477,388
Griffon 100,300 1,073,210
Harsco 158,800 3,725,448


Number of Value
                Shares       (U.S. $)
²Common Stock (continued)
Industrials (continued)
Hubbell Class B 63,600 $ 4,997,688
IDEX 32,700 1,377,651
Ingersoll-Rand (Ireland) 69,000 2,853,150
Kennametal 89,600 3,989,888
Knoll 156,848 2,609,951
Navistar International 56,400 2,281,380
Quanex Building Products 37,500 661,125
Rush Enterprises Class A 47,300 1,003,706
SkyWest 90,160 996,268
Stanley Black & Decker 38,000 2,924,480
Tennant 44,988 1,979,472
Timken 86,300 4,378,862
TMS International Class A   32,380 391,798
*† Trex 41,800 1,340,944
TrueBlue 130,000 2,324,400
Tyco International (Switzerland) 48,400 2,719,112
* US Ecology 136,753   2,973,010
WESCO International 41,800   2,729,958
Information Technology – 16.42%
Advanced Energy Industries 194,325 2,549,544
Brooks Automation 80,500 992,565
Cabot Microelectronics 20,900 812,592
Checkpoint Systems 165,600 1,867,968
Diodes 22,000 509,960
Fair Isaac 83,050 3,645,895
Fairchild Semiconductor International 114,100 1,677,270
Flextronics International (Singapore) 497,700 3,598,371
= Global Payments 52,100 2,474,750
Harris 57,100 2,574,068
Henry (Jack) & Associates 62,000 2,115,440
Ingram Micro Class A 68,000 1,262,080
* InterDigital 44,935 1,566,434
* j2 Global 76,100 2,182,548
KLA-Tencor 22,400 1,219,008
LTX-Credence 180,300 1,296,357
Methode Electronics 235,752 2,187,779
Plexus 137,800 4,821,621
Rudolph Technologies 268,982 2,988,390
*† Stratasys 56,078 2,047,969
*† Synaptics 72,425 2,644,237
Tellabs 678,000 2,745,900
Teradyne 99,600 1,682,244
VASCO Data Security International 339,663 3,664,964
Western Digital 40,800 1,688,712
XO Group 50,200 471,378
Materials – 11.61%
Albemarle 18,400 1,176,128
AptarGroup 41,400 2,267,478
Ashland 29,700 1,813,482
Celanese Class A 45,000 2,078,100
Cytec Industries 34,800 2,115,492
Eastman Chemical 86,200 4,455,677
Ferro 209,600 1,245,024
FMC 24,500 2,593,570
Fuller (H.B.) 45,000 1,477,350
KMG Chemicals 150,335 2,713,547
Kraton Performance Polymers 79,500 2,112,315
Landec 375,553 2,452,361
Minerals Technologies 36,900 2,413,629
Owens-Illinois 72,000 1,680,480
Packaging Corp. of America 73,000 2,160,070
PolyOne 139,000 2,001,600
Sealed Air 48,000 926,880
Solutia 30,000 838,200
Sonoco Products 77,600 2,576,320
Utilities – 1.83%
CMS Energy 91,100 2,004,200
Laclede Group 47,198 1,841,666
Wisconsin Energy 65,600 2,307,808
Total Common Stock
(cost $252,179,764) 308,278,222
Amount (U.S. $)
Short-Term Investments – 9.05%
Discount Notes – 3.03%
Federal Home Loan Bank
          0.04% 4/27/12 $ 4,509,460 4,509,428
          0.65% 4/25/12 5,694,512 5,694,478
Repurchase Agreements – 4.49%
Bank of America 0.03%, dated  
          3/30/12, to be repurchased
          on 4/2/12, repurchase price
          $4,509,471 (collateralized by
          U.S. government obligations
          market value $4,599,649) 4,509,460 4,509,460
BNP Paribas 0.04%, dated 3/30/12,
          to be repurchased on 4/2/12,
          repurchase price $10,623,262
          (collateralized by U.S.
          government obligations
          1.375%-7.50% 6/15/12–2/15/37;
          market value $10,835,691) 10,623,227 10,623,227

(continues)       81

Statements of net assets

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund

Principal Value   
                Amount (U.S. $)       (U.S. $)  
Short-Term Investments (continued)
U.S. Treasury Obligation – 1.53%
U.S. Treasury Bill 0.008% 4/19/12 $ 5,153,222 $ 5,153,129
Total Short-Term Investments
(cost $30,489,311) 30,489,722
Total Value of Securities Before Securities
Lending Collateral – 100.60%
(cost $282,669,075) 338,767,944
Number of
**Securities Lending Collateral – 4.41%
Investment Companies
          BNY Mellon SL DBT II
          Liquidating Fund 123,899 120,591
          Delaware Investments Collateral
          Fund No.1 14,715,997 14,715,997
       †@Mellon GSL Reinvestment Trust II 250,193 0
Total Securities Lending Collateral
(cost $15,090,089) 14,836,588
Total Value of Securities – 105.01%
(cost $297,759,164) 353,604,532 ©
**Obligation to Return Securities  
Lending Collateral – (4.48%)   (15,090,089 )
Other Liabilities Net of Receivables and
Other Assets – (0.53%)     (1,766,133 )
Net Assets Applicable to 26,097,346    
Shares Outstanding – 100.00% $ 336,748,310
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Class A ($5,371,630 / 426,581 Shares) $12.59
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Class B ($653,054 / 55,162 Shares) $11.84
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Class C ($19,986,510 / 1,689,087 Shares) $11.83
Net Asset Value – Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Institutional Class ($310,737,116 / 23,926,516 Shares) $12.99

Components of Net Assets at March 31, 2012:         
Shares of beneficial interest    
          (unlimited authorization – no par) $ 276,787,279
Distributions in excess of net investment income 13,456  
Accumulated net realized gain on investments 4,102,207  
Net unrealized appreciation of investments 55,845,368
Total net assets $ 336,748,310  

² Narrow industries are utilized for compliance purposes for diversification whereas broad sectors are used for financial reporting.
 * Fully or partially on loan.
 † Non income producing security.
= Security is being fair valued in accordance with the Fund’s fair valuation policy. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of fair valued securities was $2,474,750, which represented 0.73% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 1 in “Notes to financial statements.”
The rate shown is the effective yield at the time of purchase.
 ** See Note 8 in “Notes to financial statements” for additional information on securities lending collateral.
 @ Illiquid security. At March 31, 2012, the aggregate value of illiquid securities was $0, which represented 0.00% of the Fund’s net assets. See Note 9 in “Notes to financial statements.”
 © Includes $14,644,191 of securities loaned.

Net Asset Value and Offering Price Per Share –      
       Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Net asset value Class A (A) $ 12.59
Sales charge (5.75% of offering price) (B) 0.77
Offering price $ 13.36

(A)   Net asset value per share, as illustrated, is the amount which would be paid upon redemption or repurchase of shares.
(B)   See the current prospectus for purchases of $75,000 or more.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Statements of assets and liabilities

Optimum Fund Trust
March 31, 2012

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
      Fund       Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund
       Investments, at value1 $ 1,058,866,869 $ 289,708,608 $ 781,238,153 $ 750,303,413 $ 346,533,644 $ 308,278,222
       Short-term investments, at value 199,180,440 4,533,593 27,084,086 13,098,617 5,452,727 30,489,722
       Short-term investments held as collateral
              for loaned securities, at value 31,164,510 27,953,704 19,243,649 6,600,112 38,401,395 14,836,588
       Cash 1,166,051 138,620 168,978 123,719 53,940 129,138
       Cash collateral 1,090,000
       Foreign currencies, at value 2,561,413 2,468,163 8,652
       Receivables for fund shares sold 2,193,554 436,021 898,536 945,916 460,996 440,015  
       Receivable for securities sold 86,304,275 361,855 11,929,725 55,678 2,123,029 245,784
       Unrealized gain on foreign currency
              exchange contracts 6,359 92,756
       Dividends and interest receivable 10,204,016 1,060,157 749,479 1,941,084 109,896 264,877
       Securities lending income receivable 10,163 9,629 55,263 8,225 19,198 4,323
       Variation margin receivable on futures contracts 101,245
       Unrealized gain on credit default swap contracts
              (including up front payments received $2,148,385) 1,315,152
       Unrealized gain on interest rate swap contracts
              (including up front payments received $2,388,899) 3,104,488
       Annual protection payments on swap contracts 97,088
       Other assets 134 79 17
       Total assets 1,397,365,623 326,763,240 841,367,869 773,085,416 393,154,904 354,688,686
       Securities sold short, at value 9,834,218
       Payable for securities purchased 138,034,296 1,386,669 10,629,201 4,233,816 2,178,695
       Payables for fund shares redeemed 834,729 214,280 626,511 557,898 251,683 228,436
       Options written, at value 347,050
       Unrealized loss on foreign currency
              exchange contracts 974,540 150,096 3,948
       Unrealized gain on credit default swap contracts
              (including up front payments paid $1,081,303) 654,937
       Obligation to return securities lending collateral 32,372,747 28,579,176 20,257,051 7,606,200 38,891,315 15,090,089
       Due to manager and affiliates 997,711 350,365 867,812 795,013 409,008 358,529
       Other accrued expenses 233,097 91,933 133,512 127,915 86,015 84,627
       Other liabilities 32,820
       Total liabilities 184,316,145 30,772,519 32,518,035 9,087,026 43,871,837 17,940,376
Total Net Assets $ 1,213,049,478 $ 295,990,721 $ 808,849,834 $ 763,998,390 $ 349,283,067 $ 336,748,310
       Investments, at cost $ 1,024,826,054 $ 289,311,065 $ 605,463,189 $ 615,460,088 $ 280,636,363 $ 252,179,764
       Securities sold short, at cost (9,810,781 )
       Short-term investments, at cost 199,178,971 4,533,518 27,083,710 13,098,451 5,452,646 30,489,311
       Short-term investments held as collateral
              for loaned securities, at cost 32,372,747 28,579,176 20,257,051 7,606,200 38,891,315 15,090,089
       Foreign currencies, at cost 2,572,275 2,465,982 8,657
       Options written, at cost (286,829 )
1Including securities on loan 129,883,573 27,225,461 21,635,534 7,328,168 41,585,564 14,644,191

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Statements of operations

Optimum Fund Trust
Year Ended March 31, 2012

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
      Fund       Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund
Investment Income:                
       Interest $ 48,477,454 $ 10,917 $ 3,031 $ 5,118 $ 3,124 $ 10,637
       Dividends 264,854 10,610,973 8,978,006 19,440,589 1,539,720 4,087,011
       Securities lending income 16,807 376,903 315,322 112,911 254,854 82,534
       Foreign tax withheld (8,882 ) (901,035 ) (65,730 ) (48,359 ) (10,866 )
48,750,233 10,097,758 9,230,629 19,510,259 1,786,832 4,180,182
       Management fees 6,407,321 2,239,119 5,529,721 5,003,853 3,510,050 3,036,632
       Dividend disbursing and transfer
              agent fees and expenses 2,885,437 937,660 1,985,845 1,905,557 1,032,982 988,174
       Distribution expenses – Class A 140,796 34,451 112,444 107,818 20,712 18,297
       Distribution expenses – Class B 41,809 15,115 44,426 42,618 8,479 8,132
       Distribution expenses – Class C 1,578,547 348,590 1,149,205 1,081,787 208,812 195,149
       Administration expenses 1,661,809 464,603 1,140,912 1,093,057 526,508 491,763
       Accounting fees 440,065 110,737 285,361 271,921 125,482 117,195
       Trustees’ fees 157,709 37,394 94,693 92,786 43,857 41,629
       Reports and statements to shareholders 150,826 31,698 68,694 108,368 37,964 34,368
       Registration fees 119,982 76,064 85,248 83,944 75,438 75,676
       Professional fees 119,179 53,074 78,137 64,490 42,069 42,650
       Custodian fees 101,452 202,010 30,935 19,159 24,665 5,876
       Pricing fees 47,089 6,291 2,733 1,393 2,339 1,511
       Insurance fees 41,024 9,075 26,344 24,670 10,080 8,736
       Other 15,718 17,884 13,600 12,273 7,914 9,244
  13,908,763 4,583,765 10,648,298 9,913,694 5,677,351 5,075,032
       Less fees waived (967,078 ) (254,951 ) (221,782 ) (222,626 ) (494,366 ) (573,027 )
       Less expense paid indirectly (315 ) (331 ) (344 ) (344 ) (338 ) (344 )
       Total operating expenses 12,941,370 4,328,483 10,426,172 9,690,724 5,182,647 4,501,661
Net Investment Income (Loss) 35,808,863 5,769,275 (1,195,543 ) 9,819,535 (3,395,815 ) (321,479 )
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss):  
       Net realized gain (loss) on:
              Investments 21,434,533 (2,805,393 ) 34,122,267 884,378 19,579,425 18,668,872
              Foreign currencies 1,960,211 (14,243 ) (23,409 ) (13,744 ) 13,676
              Foreign currency exchange contracts   (5,778,099 ) 513,656 (28,593 ) 24,403 (31,915 )
              Futures contracts 10,757,678
              Swap contracts (2,119,102 )
              Options written 368,241
       Net realized gain (loss) 26,623,462 (2,305,980 ) 34,070,265 895,037 19,561,186 18,668,872
       Net change in unrealized appreciation
              (depreciation) on:
              Investments 10,809,912 (18,264,595 ) 29,547,677 39,177,837 (13,534,110 ) (12,454,173 )
              Foreign currencies (101,407 ) (4,277 ) 6,462 (1,537 ) (241 )
              Foreign currency exchange contracts 331,792 (134,697 ) (4,275 ) (6 )
              Futures contracts   (9,789 )
              Swap contracts 254,609
              Options written (60,221 )
       Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 11,224,896 (18,403,569 ) 29,549,864 39,176,300 (13,534,357 ) (12,454,173 )
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) 37,848,358 (20,709,549 ) 63,620,129 40,071,337 6,026,829 6,214,699
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
       Resulting from Operations $ 73,657,221 $ (14,940,274 ) $ 62,424,586 $ 49,890,872 $ 2,631,014 $ 5,893,220

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Statements of changes in net assets

Optimum Fund Trust

Optimum Fixed Income Fund Optimum International Fund
      Year Ended       Year Ended
3/31/12       3/31/11 3/31/12       3/31/11
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:
       Net investment income $ 35,808,863 $ 38,096,816 $ 5,769,275 $ 3,075,635
       Net realized gain (loss) 26,623,462 4,314,546 (2,305,980 ) 8,099,778
       Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 11,224,896 17,773,249 (18,403,569 ) 11,446,234
       Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations 73,657,221 60,184,611 (14,940,274 ) 22,621,647
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:
       Net investment income:
              Class A (1,400,452 ) (1,580,182 ) (173,139 ) (174,283 )
              Class B (124,278 ) (176,801 ) (10,683 ) (20,118 )
              Class C (4,493,484 ) (5,530,649 ) (237,826 ) (399,968 )
              Institutional Class (34,952,120 ) (28,959,780 ) (5,393,090 ) (2,614,834 )
       Net realized gain:
              Class A (526,487 )
              Class B (55,074 )
              Class C (2,032,246 )
              Institutional Class (12,395,715 )
  (55,979,856 ) (36,247,412 ) (5,814,738 ) (3,209,203 )
Capital Share Transactions:
       Proceeds from shares sold:
              Class A 7,125,739 6,361,932 979,426 1,004,512
              Class B 102,779 140,931 1,982 13,384
              Class C 18,405,803 20,924,263 2,541,744 2,593,727
              Institutional Class 344,737,019 311,193,996 84,407,565 98,523,741
       Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
              and distributions:
              Class A 1,825,346 1,536,790 169,731 171,047
              Class B 167,562 167,095 10,278 19,701
              Class C 6,391,577 5,405,852 233,901 395,170
              Institutional Class 46,132,876 28,157,880 5,310,361 2,580,351
  424,888,701 373,888,739 93,654,988 105,301,633
       Cost of shares repurchased:
              Class A (8,794,831 ) (10,149,128 ) (2,234,243 ) (2,906,788 )
              Class B (2,001,651 ) (1,337,919 ) (610,159 ) (554,797 )
              Class C (32,581,127 ) (41,735,014 ) (6,954,080 ) (9,569,069 )
              Institutional Class (182,353,558 ) (144,692,404 ) (46,442,258 ) (36,092,756 )
  (225,731,167 ) (197,914,465 ) (56,240,740 ) (49,123,410 )
Increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions 199,157,534 175,974,274 37,414,248 56,178,223
Net Increase in Net Assets 216,834,899 199,911,473 16,659,236 75,590,667
Net Assets:
       Beginning of year 996,214,579 796,303,106 279,331,485 203,740,818
       End of year $ 1,213,049,478 $ 996,214,579 $ 295,990,721 $ 279,331,485
Undistributed net investment income $ 1,107,367 $ 12,498,004 $ 3,163,379 $ 2,625,593

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       85

Statements of changes in net assets

Optimum Fund Trust

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Optimum Large Cap Value Fund
Year Ended Year Ended
      3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/12       3/31/11
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:
       Net investment income (loss) $ (1,195,543 ) $ (3,025,733 ) $ 9,819,535 $ 6,069,421
       Net realized gain 34,070,265 74,395,811 895,037 23,316,446
       Net change in unrealized appreciation 29,549,864 45,782,341 39,176,300 62,928,731
       Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 62,424,586 117,152,419 49,890,872 92,314,598
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:
       Net investment income:
              Class A (236,093 ) (397,086 )
              Class B (6,668 ) (36,673 )
              Class C (159,907 ) (808,084 )
              Institutional Class (5,647,235 ) (7,461,811 )
(6,049,903 ) (8,703,654 )
Capital Share Transactions:
       Proceeds from shares sold:
              Class A 3,365,959 2,880,833 3,175,476 3,699,946
              Class B 3,199 27,050 4,198 19,398
              Class C 7,470,184 7,733,548 7,374,125 7,643,883
              Institutional Class 147,609,090 157,827,455 147,534,944 152,059,465
       Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
              and distributions:
              Class A 232,490 391,381
              Class B 6,437 36,248
              Class C 157,221 797,769
              Institutional Class 5,557,758 7,362,691
158,448,432 168,468,886 164,042,649 172,010,781
       Cost of shares repurchased:
              Class A (7,033,325 ) (8,883,133 ) (7,405,494 ) (8,008,532 )
              Class B (1,959,532 ) (1,581,843 ) (1,813,412 ) (1,454,201 )
              Class C (23,442,450 ) (29,884,245 ) (21,690,877 ) (27,843,973 )
              Institutional Class (135,724,594 ) (196,082,815 ) (122,214,398 ) (155,909,561 )
(168,159,901 ) (236,432,036 ) (153,124,181 ) (193,216,267 )
Increase (decrease) in net assets derived from capital share transactions (9,711,469 ) (67,963,150 ) 10,918,468 (21,205,486 )
Net Increase in Net Assets 52,713,117 49,189,269 54,759,437 62,405,458
Net Assets:
       Beginning of year 756,136,717 706,947,448 709,238,953 646,833,495
       End of year $ 808,849,834 $ 756,136,717 $ 763,998,390 $ 709,238,953
Undistributed (accumulated) net investment income (loss) $ (217,029 ) $ (19,646 ) $ 9,816,408 $ 6,037,066

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund
Year Ended Year Ended
      3/31/12        3/31/11       3/31/12        3/31/11
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:                  
       Net investment loss $ (3,395,815 ) $ (2,635,441 ) $ (321,479 ) $ (746,540 )
       Net realized gain 19,561,186 23,081,567 18,668,872 22,987,790
       Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) (13,534,357 ) 40,739,949 (12,454,173 ) 31,873,059
       Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 2,631,014 61,186,075 5,893,220 54,114,309
Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:
       Net realized gain:
              Class A (357,682 ) (53,670 )
              Class B (55,125 ) (8,906 )
              Class C (1,337,094 ) (213,540 )
              Institutional Class (17,659,856 ) (2,878,962 )
(19,409,757 ) (3,155,078 )
Capital Share Transactions:
       Proceeds from shares sold:
              Class A 563,709 514,239 470,396 430,872
              Class B 1,508 5,887 1,881 293
              Class C 1,292,696 1,358,229 1,377,784 1,363,672
              Institutional Class 83,984,281 104,724,111 85,683,785 104,115,451
       Net asset value of shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
              and distributions:
              Class A 352,435 52,637
              Class B 53,832 8,646
              Class C 1,325,055 211,440
              Institutional Class 17,401,090 2,838,393
  104,974,606 106,602,466 90,644,962 105,910,288
       Cost of shares repurchased:
              Class A (1,383,482 ) (1,760,162 ) (1,183,911 ) (1,518,111 )
              Class B (370,439 ) (305,695 ) (361,555 ) (297,186 )
              Class C (4,323,168 ) (5,679,529 ) (4,031,151 ) (5,411,146 )
              Institutional Class (69,507,535 ) (59,916,934 ) (55,490,093 ) (39,423,619 )
  (75,584,624 ) (67,662,320 ) (61,066,710 ) (46,650,062 )
Increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions 29,389,982 38,940,146 29,578,252 59,260,226
Net Increase in Net Assets 12,611,239 100,126,221 32,316,394 113,374,535
Net Assets:
       Beginning of year 336,671,828 236,545,607 304,431,916 191,057,381
       End of year $ 349,283,067 $ 336,671,828 $ 336,748,310 $ 304,431,916
Undistributed net investment income (loss) $ (1,079,817 ) $ (89,705 ) $ 13,456 $

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Financial highlights

Optimum Fixed Income Fund Class A


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
            3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $9.550 $9.290 $7.750 $8.930 $9.050
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.293 0.391 0.661 0.449 0.402
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.338 0.247 1.482 (1.140 ) (0.066 )
Total from investment operations 0.631 0.638 2.143 (0.691 ) 0.336
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.342 ) (0.378 ) (0.603 ) (0.462 ) (0.380 )
Net realized gain (0.129 ) (0.027 ) (0.076 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.471 ) (0.378 ) (0.603 ) (0.489 ) (0.456 )
Net asset value, end of period $9.710 $9.550 $9.290 $7.750 $8.930
Total return2 6.71% 7.01% 28.24% (7.82% ) 3.78%
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)    $40,620    $39,758    $40,808    $39,299    $63,262
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.35% 1.35% 1.31% 1.24% 1.24%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.44% 1.46% 1.48% 1.47% 1.43%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 3.01% 4.10% 7.49% 5.38% 4.44%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.92% 3.99% 7.32% 5.15% 4.25%
Portfolio turnover 211% 273% 134% 158% 256%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Fixed Income Fund Class B


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
            3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $9.540 $9.280 $7.750 $8.930 $9.060
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.229 0.328 0.604 0.395 0.343
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.340 0.248 1.486 (1.140 ) (0.076 )
Total from investment operations 0.569 0.576 2.090 (0.745 ) 0.267
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.280 ) (0.316 ) (0.560 ) (0.408 ) (0.321 )
Net realized gain (0.129 ) (0.027 ) (0.076 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.409 ) (0.316 ) (0.560 ) (0.435 ) (0.397 )
Net asset value, end of period $9.700 $9.540 $9.280 $7.750 $8.930
Total return2 6.15% 6.32% 27.51% (8.42% ) 2.99%
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)     $3,056      $4,714      $5,587     $5,483      $8,788
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.00% 2.00% 1.96% 1.89% 1.89%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.09% 2.11% 2.13% 2.12% 2.08%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 2.36% 3.45% 6.84% 4.73% 3.79%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.27% 3.34% 6.67% 4.50% 3.60%
Portfolio turnover 211% 273% 134% 158% 256%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       89

Financial highlights

Optimum Fixed Income Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended   
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $9.540   $9.280 $7.760 $8.940       $9.060
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.229 0.329 0.604 0.395 0.343
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.350 0.247 1.476 (1.140 ) (0.066 )
Total from investment operations 0.579 0.576 2.080   (0.745 ) 0.277
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.280 ) (0.316 ) (0.560 ) (0.408 ) (0.321 )
Net realized gain (0.129 ) (0.027 ) (0.076 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.409 ) (0.316 ) (0.560 ) (0.435 ) (0.397 )
Net asset value, end of period $9.710 $9.540 $9.280 $7.760 $8.940
Total return2 6.15% 6.32% 27.34% (8.41% ) 3.11%
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $154,778 $159,759 $170,214 $157,185 $257,340
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.00% 2.00% 1.96% 1.89% 1.89%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.09% 2.11% 2.13% 2.12% 2.08%  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 2.36% 3.45% 6.84%   4.73% 3.79%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.27% 3.34% 6.67% 4.50% 3.60%
Portfolio turnover         211%       273%       134%       158%   256%        

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Fixed Income Fund Institutional Class

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $9.550 $9.290 $7.740 $8.920 $9.050
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.327 0.424 0.692 0.479 0.434
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.338 0.247 1.484 (1.141 ) (0.076 )
Total from investment operations 0.665 0.671 2.176 (0.662 ) 0.358
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.376 ) (0.411 ) (0.626 ) (0.491 ) (0.412 )
Net realized gain (0.129 ) (0.027 ) (0.076 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.505 ) (0.411 ) (0.626 ) (0.518 ) (0.488 )
Net asset value, end of period $9.710 $9.550 $9.290 $7.740 $8.920
Total return2 7.20% 7.39% 28.73% (7.51% ) 4.04%
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $ 1,014,595 $791,984 $579,694 $434,285 $597,388
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.00% 1.00% 0.96% 0.89% 0.89%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.09% 1.11% 1.13% 1.12% 1.08%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 3.36% 4.45% 7.84% 5.73% 4.79%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets    
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   3.27% 4.34% 7.67%     5.50%   4.60%
Portfolio turnover       211%         273%         134%       158%       256%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)     91

Financial highlights

Optimum International Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.200 $10.340 $7.010 $13.840 $15.490
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.192 0.129 0.124 0.280 0.262
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) (0.790 ) 0.887 3.366 (6.557 ) (0.798 )
Total from investment operations (0.598 ) 1.016 3.490 (6.277 ) (0.536 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.182 ) (0.156 ) (0.160 ) (0.326 ) (0.116 )
Net realized gain (0.227 ) (0.998 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.182 ) (0.156 ) (0.160 ) (0.553 ) (1.114 )
Net asset value, end of period $10.420 $11.200 $10.340 $7.010 $13.840
Total return2 (5.30% ) 10.19% 50.29% (46.64% ) (3.96% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $9,318 $11,189 $12,082 $9,578 $22,971
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 1.77% 1.75%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.84% 1.88% 1.94% 1.86% 1.75%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 1.84% 1.26% 1.30% 2.66% 1.69%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets          
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.75%   1.13%   1.11%   2.57%     1.69%
Portfolio turnover       50%       95%       91%         58%       19%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum International Fund Class B

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $10.940 $10.100 $6.880 $13.580 $15.240
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.122 0.061 0.064 0.213 0.163
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) (0.773 ) 0.875 3.304 (6.436 ) (0.787 )
Total from investment operations (0.651 ) 0.936 3.368 (6.223 ) (0.624 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.069 ) (0.096 ) (0.148 ) (0.250 ) (0.038 )
Net realized gain (0.227 ) (0.998 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.069 ) (0.096 ) (0.148 ) (0.477 ) (1.036 )
Net asset value, end of period $10.220 $10.940 $10.100 $6.880 $13.580
Total return2 (5.94% ) 9.49% 49.42% (47.02% ) (4.59% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $1,139   $1,868 $2,243 $1,764 $4,203
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.42% 2.40%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.49% 2.53% 2.59% 2.51% 2.40%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 1.19% 0.61% 0.65% 2.01% 1.04%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets        
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.10% 0.48%     0.46%   1.92%   1.04%
Portfolio turnover       50%       95%       91%       58%       19%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)     93

Financial highlights

Optimum International Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $10.950 $10.100 $6.890 $13.590 $15.250
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.122 0.061 0.064 0.213 0.163
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) (0.773 ) 0.885 3.294 (6.436 ) (0.787 )
Total from investment operations (0.651 ) 0.946 3.358 (6.223 ) (0.624 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.069 ) (0.096 ) (0.148 ) (0.250 ) (0.038 )
Net realized gain (0.227 ) (0.998 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.069 ) (0.096 ) (0.148 ) (0.477 ) (1.036 )
Net asset value, end of period $10.230 $10.950 $10.100 $6.890 $13.590
Total return2 (5.94% ) 9.59% 49.20% (46.98% ) (4.59% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $32,995 $39,762 $43,260 $34,520 $84,431
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% 2.42% 2.40%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.49% 2.53% 2.59% 2.51% 2.40%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 1.19% 0.61% 0.65% 2.01% 1.04%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets      
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   1.10%   0.48%   0.46% 1.92%   1.04%
Portfolio turnover       50%       95%         91%       58%       19%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum International Fund Institutional Class

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.300 $10.430 $7.050 $13.940 $15.590
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.229 0.168 0.157 0.317 0.317
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) (0.793 ) 0.887 3.393 (6.611 ) (0.797 )
Total from investment operations (0.564 ) 1.055 3.550 (6.294 ) (0.480 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.246 ) (0.185 ) (0.170 ) (0.369 ) (0.172 )
Net realized gain (0.227 ) (0.998 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.246 ) (0.185 ) (0.170 ) (0.596 ) (1.170 )
Net asset value, end of period $10.490 $11.300 $10.430 $7.050 $13.940
Total return2 (4.93% ) 10.55% 50.88% (46.49% ) (3.59% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $252,539 $226,512 $146,156 $79,430 $174,954
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.40% 1.40% 1.40% 1.42% 1.40%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   1.49% 1.53% 1.59% 1.51% 1.40%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 2.19% 1.61% 1.65% 3.01%   2.04%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets      
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.10%   1.48%     1.46% 2.92% 2.04%
Portfolio turnover         50%       95%       91%       58%       19%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)     95

Financial highlights

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $12.430 $10.640 $6.990 $11.220 $11.980
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.040 ) (0.062 ) (0.025 ) (0.001 ) (0.021 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 1.090 1.852 3.675 (4.229 ) (0.406 )
Total from investment operations 1.050 1.790 3.650 (4.230 ) (0.427 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.296 )
Return of capital (0.037 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.333 )
Net asset value, end of period $13.480 $12.430 $10.640 $6.990 $11.220
Total return2 8.45% 16.82% 52.22% (37.70% ) (3.86% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $34,170 $35,359 $36,288 $28,347 $54,022
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.61%   1.61% 1.61% 1.61% 1.60%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets  
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.64% 1.64% 1.66% 1.64% 1.60%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (0.34% )   (0.57% )   (0.28% )   (0.01% ) (0.17% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets        
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (0.37% ) (0.60% )   (0.33% )   (0.04% )   (0.17% )
Portfolio turnover       89%       117%       145%       164%       59%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Class B

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.820 $10.180 $6.730 $10.870 $11.700
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.112 ) (0.127 ) (0.081 ) (0.059 ) (0.100 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 1.022 1.767 3.531 (4.081 ) (0.397 )
Total from investment operations 0.910 1.640 3.450 (4.140 ) (0.497 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.296 )
Return of capital (0.037 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.333 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.730 $11.820 $10.180 $6.730 $10.870
Total return2 7.70% 16.11% 51.26% (38.09% ) (4.56% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $3,628 $5,381 $6,135 $4,780 $9,345
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   2.26% 2.26% 2.26% 2.26% 2.25%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.29% 2.29% 2.31% 2.29% 2.25%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (0.99% ) (1.22% ) (0.93% ) (0.66% ) (0.82% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets      
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   (1.02% )   (1.25% )   (0.98% ) (0.69% )     (0.82% )
Portfolio turnover        89%       117%       145%       164%       59%        

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)     97

Financial highlights

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.820 $10.180 $6.730 $10.870 $11.700
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.112 ) (0.127 ) (0.081 ) (0.059 ) (0.100 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 1.012 1.767 3.531 (4.081 ) (0.397 )
Total from investment operations 0.900 1.640 3.450 (4.140 ) (0.497 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.296 )
Return of capital (0.037 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.333 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.720 $11.820 $10.180 $6.730 $10.870
Total return2 7.61% 16.11% 51.26% (38.09% ) (4.56% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $120,183 $128,256 $132,242 $102,233 $203,394
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.26% 2.26% 2.26% 2.26% 2.25%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.29% 2.29% 2.31% 2.29% 2.25%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (0.99% ) (1.22% ) (0.93% ) (0.66% ) (0.82% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets        
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   (1.02% ) (1.25% ) (0.98% )     (0.69% )   (0.82% )
Portfolio turnover       89%         117%       145%       164%       59%      

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.

2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

      Year Ended
      3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $12.760 $10.880 $7.130 $11.410 $12.140
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)1 0.002 (0.025 ) 0.007 0.032 0.023
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 1.118 1.905 3.758 (4.312 ) (0.420 )      
Total from investment operations 1.120 1.880 3.765 (4.280 ) (0.397 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.015 ) (0.296 )
Return of capital (0.037 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.015 ) (0.333 )
Net asset value, end of period $13.880 $12.760 $10.880 $7.130 $11.410
Total return2 8.78% 17.28% 52.87% (37.51% ) (3.56% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $650,869 $587,141 $532,282 $402,574 $723,347
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.26%       1.26%       1.26%       1.26%       1.25%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.29% 1.29% 1.31% 1.29% 1.25%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets 0.01% (0.22% ) 0.07% 0.34% 0.18%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (0.02% ) (0.25% ) 0.02% 0.31% 0.18%
Portfolio turnover 89% 117% 145% 164% 59%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during some of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       99


Financial highlights

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund Class A


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
            3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.060 $9.830 $6.710 $11.170 $12.730
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.133 0.075 0.118 0.165 0.138
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.635 1.274 3.181 (4.453 ) (0.931 )
Total from investment operations 0.768 1.349 3.299 (4.288 ) (0.793 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.078 ) (0.119 ) (0.179 ) (0.029 ) (0.134 )
Net realized gain (0.143 ) (0.633 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.078 ) (0.119 ) (0.179 ) (0.172 ) (0.767 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.750 $11.060 $9.830 $6.710 $11.170
Total return2 7.01% 14.00% 49.92% (38.97% ) (6.80% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $31,478 $33,892 $34,167 $26,901 $53,097
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.57% 1.59% 1.58% 1.54% 1.54%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.60% 1.61% 1.62% 1.60% 1.56%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 1.25% 0.77% 1.38% 1.82% 1.09%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.22% 0.75% 1.34% 1.76% 1.07%
Portfolio turnover 57% 82% 28% 37% 30%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.
See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Value Fund Class B


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
              3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $10.930 $9.720 $6.630 $11.090 $12.640
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.063 0.012 0.063 0.106 0.056
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.622 1.262 3.147 (4.413 ) (0.923 )
Total from investment operations 0.685 1.274 3.210 (4.307 ) (0.867 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.015 ) (0.064 ) (0.120 ) (0.010 ) (0.050 )
Net realized gain (0.143 ) (0.633 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.015 ) (0.064 ) (0.120 ) (0.153 ) (0.683 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.600 $10.930 $9.720 $6.630 $11.090
Total return2 6.28% 13.25% 48.92% (39.37% ) (7.38% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $3,478 $5,135 $5,943 $4,664 $9,454
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.22% 2.24% 2.23% 2.19% 2.19%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.25% 2.26% 2.27% 2.25% 2.21%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 0.60% 0.12% 0.73% 1.17% 0.44%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets  
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 0.57% 0.10% 0.69% 1.11% 0.42%
Portfolio turnover 57% 82% 28% 37% 30%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       101

Financial highlights

Optimum Large Cap Value Fund Class C


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
  3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period       $10.930 $9.710 $6.630 $11.080 $12.630
Income (loss) from investment operations:      
Net investment income1       0.063       0.012       0.063       0.106 0.057
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.612 1.272 3.137 (4.403 ) (0.924 )
Total from investment operations 0.675 1.284 3.200 (4.297 ) (0.867 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.015 ) (0.064 ) (0.120 ) (0.010 ) (0.050 )
Net realized gain (0.143 ) (0.633 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.015 ) (0.064 ) (0.120 ) (0.153 ) (0.683 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.590 $10.930 $9.710 $6.630 $11.080
Total return2 6.19% 13.37% 48.76% (39.31% ) (7.39% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $111,557 $119,899 $125,961 $98,881 $205,501
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.22% 2.24% 2.23% 2.19% 2.19%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.25% 2.26% 2.27% 2.25% 2.21%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 0.60% 0.12% 0.73% 1.17% 0.44%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets  
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 0.57% 0.10% 0.69% 1.11% 0.42%
Portfolio turnover 57% 82% 28% 37% 30%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.
See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Large Cap Value Fund Institutional Class


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
              3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.110 $9.870 $6.740 $11.190 $12.750
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income1 0.171 0.110 0.148 0.197 0.183
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.631 1.279 3.193 (4.465 ) (0.931 )
Total from investment operations 0.802 1.389 3.341 (4.268 ) (0.748 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.112 ) (0.149 ) (0.211 ) (0.039 ) (0.179 )
Net realized gain (0.143 ) (0.633 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.112 ) (0.149 ) (0.211 ) (0.182 ) (0.812 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.800 $11.110 $9.870 $6.740 $11.190
Total return2 7.32% 14.42% 50.47% (38.76% ) (6.46% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $617,485 $550,313 $480,762 $358,559 $607,637
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.22% 1.24% 1.23% 1.19% 1.19%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.25% 1.26% 1.27% 1.25% 1.21%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets 1.60% 1.12% 1.73% 2.17% 1.44%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.57% 1.10% 1.69% 2.11% 1.42%
Portfolio turnover 57% 82% 28% 37% 30%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.
See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       103

Financial highlights

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund Class A


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
              3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $13.900 $11.150 $6.760 $11.280 $14.070
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.169 ) (0.149 ) (0.123 ) (0.092 ) (0.177 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.064 2.899 4.513 (4.428 ) (1.952 )
Total from investment operations (0.105 ) 2.750 4.390 (4.520 ) (2.129 )      
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.795 ) (0.651 )
Return of capital (0.010 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.795 ) (0.661 )
Net asset value, end of period $13.000 $13.900 $11.150 $6.760 $11.280
Total return2 0.33% 24.66% 64.94% (40.07% ) (15.96% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $5,989 $6,866 $6,736 $4,814 $9,282
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.92%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.06% 2.07% 2.10% 2.26% 2.11%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (1.34% ) (1.29% ) (1.30% ) (0.96% ) (1.27% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (1.50% ) (1.46% ) (1.50% ) (1.32% ) (1.46% )
Portfolio turnover 82% 86% 100% 119% 46%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.
See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund Class B


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
      3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10 3/31/09 3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period       $13.200 $10.660 $6.510       $10.930       $13.750
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.238 ) (0.213 ) (0.179 ) (0.152 ) (0.265 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.053 2.753 4.329 (4.268 ) (1.894 )
Total from investment operations (0.185 ) 2.540 4.150 (4.420 ) (2.159 )      
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.795 ) (0.651 )
Return of capital (0.010 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.795 ) (0.661 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.220 $13.200 $10.660 $6.510 $10.930
Total return2 (0.28% ) 23.83% 63.75% (40.44% ) (16.56% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $661 $1,063 $1,143 $807 $1,620
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.55% 2.55% 2.55% 2.55% 2.57%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.71% 2.72% 2.75% 2.91% 2.76%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (1.99% ) (1.94% ) (1.95% ) (1.61% ) (1.92% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (2.15% ) (2.11% ) (2.15% ) (1.97% ) (2.11% )
Portfolio turnover 82% 86% 100% 119% 46%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       105

Financial highlights

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund Class C


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
              3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $13.200 $10.660 $6.510 $10.930 $13.750      
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.237 ) (0.213 ) (0.179 ) (0.152 ) (0.264 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.052 2.753 4.329 (4.268 ) (1.895 )
Total from investment operations (0.185 ) 2.540 4.150 (4.420 ) (2.159 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.795 ) (0.651 )
Return of capital (0.010 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.795 ) (0.661 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.220 $13.200 $10.660 $6.510 $10.930
Total return2 (0.27% ) 23.83% 63.75% (40.44% ) (16.56% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $20,992 $24,337 $23,824 $16,863 $34,086
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.55% 2.55% 2.55% 2.55% 2.57%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.71% 2.72% 2.75% 2.91% 2.76%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (1.99% ) (1.94% ) (1.95% ) (1.61% ) (1.92% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (2.15% ) (2.11% ) (2.15% ) (1.97% ) (2.11% )
Portfolio turnover 82% 86% 100% 119% 46%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class


Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
              3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $14.270 $11.410 $6.900 $11.470 $14.250
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.128 ) (0.112 ) (0.091 ) (0.059 ) (0.128 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.073 2.972 4.601 (4.511 ) (1.991 )
Total from investment operations (0.055 ) 2.860 4.510 (4.570 ) (2.119 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.795 ) (0.651 )
Return of capital (0.010 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.795 ) (0.661 )
Net asset value, end of period $13.420 $14.270 $11.410 $6.900 $11.470
Total return2 0.68% 25.07% 65.36% (39.84% ) (15.68% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $321,641 $304,406 $204,843 $53,244 $90,614
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.57%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.71% 1.72% 1.75% 1.91% 1.76%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (0.99% ) (0.94% ) (0.95% ) (0.61% ) (0.92% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (1.15% ) (1.11% ) (1.15% ) (0.97% ) (1.11% )
Portfolio turnover 82% 86% 100% 119% 46%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.
See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       107

Financial highlights

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund Class A

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
      3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $12.610 $10.070 $5.690 $10.380 $13.540
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)1 (0.044 ) (0.062 ) (0.027 ) 0.011 (0.025 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.148 2.602 4.407 (4.683 ) (2.102 )
Total from investment operations 0.104 2.540 4.380 (4.672 ) (2.127 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain   (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.590 $12.610 $10.070 $5.690 $10.380
Total return2 1.01% 25.22% 76.98% (45.09% ) (16.34% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $5,372 $6,102 $5,918 $4,045 $9,145
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.79% 1.81% 1.82% 1.75% 1.76%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets  
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.98% 2.00%     2.13% 2.22% 2.09%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets (0.38% ) (0.59% ) (0.32% ) 0.15% (0.20% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets            
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (0.57% ) (0.78% ) (0.63% )   (0.32% ) (0.53% )
Portfolio turnover 30% 43% 40% 86% 53%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund Class B

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

      Year Ended      
3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.940 $9.590 $5.460 $10.030 $13.190
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.113 ) (0.123 ) (0.077 ) (0.042 ) (0.102 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.137 2.473 4.207 (4.510 ) (2.025 )
Total from investment operations 0.024 2.350 4.130 (4.552 ) (2.127 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.840 $11.940 $9.590 $5.460 $10.030
Total return2 0.39% 24.50% 75.64% (45.47% ) (16.79% )
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $653 $1,038 $1,114 $731 $1,636
Ratio of expenses to average net assets   2.44% 2.46%   2.47% 2.40% 2.41%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets    
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 2.63% 2.65% 2.78%   2.87% 2.74%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (1.03% )   (1.24% ) (0.97% ) (0.50% ) (0.85% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets        
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (1.22% ) (1.43% ) (1.28% ) (0.97% ) (1.18% )
Portfolio turnover 30% 43% 40% 86% 53%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.

(continues)       109

Financial highlights

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund Class C

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
      3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $11.930 $9.590 $5.460 $10.020 $13.190
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment loss1 (0.113 ) (0.124 ) (0.076 ) (0.042 ) (0.102 )
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.137 2.464 4.206 (4.500 ) (2.035 )
Total from investment operations 0.024 2.340 4.130 (4.542 ) (2.137 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net realized gain (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Net asset value, end of period $11.830 $11.930 $9.590 $5.460 $10.020
Total return2 0.39% 24.40% 75.64% (45.42% ) (16.79% )  
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $19,986 $22,797 $22,163 $14,811 $32,891
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 2.44% 2.46% 2.47% 2.40% 2.41%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets  
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   2.63%   2.65%   2.78% 2.87% 2.74%
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets (1.03% ) (1.24% ) (0.97% )   (0.50% ) (0.85% )
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets              
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly (1.22% ) (1.43% ) (1.28% ) (0.97% ) (1.18% )
Portfolio turnover 30% 43% 40% 86% 53%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value and does not reflect the impact of a sales charge. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund Institutional Class

Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding throughout each period were as follows:

Year Ended
      3/31/12       3/31/11       3/31/10       3/31/09       3/31/08      
Net asset value, beginning of period $12.960 $10.310 $5.820 $10.580 $13.720
Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)1 (0.004 ) (0.026 ) 0.002 0.041 0.018
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 0.158 2.676 4.505 (4.783 ) (2.125 )
Total from investment operations 0.154 2.650 4.507 (4.742 ) (2.107 )
Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income (0.008 )
Net realized gain (0.124 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Return of capital (0.009 )
Total dividends and distributions (0.124 ) (0.017 ) (0.018 ) (1.033 )
Net asset value, end of period $12.990 $12.960 $10.310 $5.820 $10.580
Total return2 1.37% 25.70% 77.56% (44.90% ) (15.97% )  
Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted) $310,737 $274,495 $161,862 $58,173 $66,657
Ratio of expenses to average net assets 1.44% 1.46% 1.47% 1.40% 1.41%
Ratio of expenses to average net assets      
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly 1.63%     1.65% 1.78%   1.87% 1.74%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets (0.03% ) (0.24% ) 0.03% 0.50%   0.15%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets        
       prior to fees waived and expense paid indirectly   (0.22% ) (0.43% ) (0.28% ) 0.03% (0.18% )
Portfolio turnover 30% 43% 40% 86% 53%

1 The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share information.
2 Total investment return is based on the change in net asset value of a share during the period and assumes reinvestment of dividends and distributions at net asset value. Total investment return during all of the periods shown reflects a waiver by the manager. Performance would have been lower had the waiver not been in effect.

See accompanying notes, which are an integral part of the financial statements.


Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust
March 31, 2012

Optimum Fund Trust (Trust) is organized as a Delaware statutory trust and offers six series: Optimum Fixed Income Fund, Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund, and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund, (each, a Fund, or collectively, the Funds). The Trust is an open-end investment company. The Funds are considered diversified under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and offer Class A, Class B, Class C and Institutional Class shares. Class A shares are sold with a maximum front-end sales charge of 4.50% for Optimum Fixed Income Fund and 5.75% for Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund. Class A share purchases of $1,000,000 or more will incur a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) of 1% if redeemed during the first year and 0.50% during the second year, provided that Delaware Distributors L.P. (DDLP) paid a financial advisor a commission on the purchase of those shares. Class B shares may be purchased only through dividend reinvestment and certain permitted exchanges. Prior to August 1, 2007, Class B shares were sold with a CDSC that declined from 4% to zero depending upon the period of time the shares were held. Class B shares will automatically convert to Class A shares on a quarterly basis approximately eight years after purchase. Class C shares are sold with a CDSC of 1%, if redeemed during the first twelve months. Institutional Class shares are not subject to a sales charge and are offered for sale exclusively to certain eligible investors.

The investment objective of Optimum Fixed Income Fund is to seek a high level of income. The Fund may also seek growth of capital.

The investment objective of Optimum International Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital. The Fund may also seek income.

The investment objective of Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital.

The investment objective of Optimum Large Cap Value Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital. The Fund may also seek income.

The investment objective of Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital.

The investment objective of Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund is to seek long-term growth of capital.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The following accounting policies are in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP) and are consistently followed by the Funds.

Security Valuation — Equity securities, except those traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (Nasdaq), are valued at the last quoted sales price as of the time of the regular close of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on the valuation date. Securities traded on the Nasdaq are valued in accordance with the Nasdaq Official Closing Price, which may not be the last sales price. If on a particular day an equity security does not trade, then the mean between the bid and ask prices will be used, which approximates fair value. Securities listed on a foreign exchange are normally valued at the last quoted sales price on the valuation date. Short-term debt securities are valued at market value. U.S. government and agency securities are valued at the mean between the bid and ask prices, which approximates fair value. Other debt securities, credit default swap (CDS) contracts and interest rate swap contracts are valued based upon valuations provided by an independent pricing service or broker and reviewed by management. To the extent current market prices are not available, the pricing service may take into account developments related to the specific security, as well as transactions in comparable securities. Valuations for fixed income securities utilize matrix systems, which reflect such factors as security prices, yields, maturities, and ratings, and are supplemented by dealer and exchange quotations. Investment company securities are valued at net asset value per share. Open-end investment companies are valued at their published net asset value. Foreign currency exchange contracts and foreign cross currency exchange contracts are valued at the mean between the bid and ask prices, which approximates fair value. Interpolated values are derived when the settlement date of the contract is an interim date for which quotations are not available. Futures contracts and options on futures contracts are valued at the daily quoted settlement prices. Exchange-traded options are valued at the last reported sale price or, if no sales are reported, at the mean between the last reported bid and ask prices, which approximates fair value. Generally, other securities and assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Funds’ Board of Trustees (Board). In determining whether market quotations are readily available or fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration, such as market closures or suspension of trading in a security. Each Fund may use fair value pricing more frequently for securities traded primarily in non-U.S. markets because, among other things, most foreign markets close well before each Fund values its securities, generally as of 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. The earlier close of these foreign markets gives rise to the possibility that significant events, including broad market moves, government actions or pronouncements, aftermarket trading, or news events may have occurred in the interim. To account for this, the Funds may frequently value foreign securities using fair value prices based on third-party vendor modeling tools (international fair value pricing).

Federal Income Taxes — No provision for federal income taxes has been made as each Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and make the requisite distributions to shareholders. The Funds evaluate tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the course of preparing the Funds’ tax returns to determine whether the tax positions are “more-likely-than-not” of being sustained by the applicable tax authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not threshold are recorded as a tax benefit or expense in the current year. Management has analyzed the Funds’ tax positions taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years (March 31, 2009–March 31, 2012), and has concluded that no provision for federal income tax is required in the Funds’ financial statements.


Class Accounting — Investment income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments are allocated to the various classes of the Funds on the basis of daily net assets of each class. Distribution expenses relating to a specific class are charged directly to that class.

Repurchase Agreements — Each Fund may purchase certain U.S. government securities subject to the counterparty’s agreement to repurchase them at an agreed upon date and price. The counterparty will be required on a daily basis to maintain the value of the collateral subject to the agreement at not less than the repurchase price (including accrued interest). The agreements are conditioned upon the collateral being deposited under the Federal Reserve book-entry system with the Funds’ custodian or a third-party sub-custodian. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the other party to the agreement, retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. All open repurchase agreements as of the date of this report were entered into on March 30, 2012.

To Be Announced Trades — Optimum Fixed Income Fund may contract to purchase securities for a fixed price at a transaction date beyond the customary settlement period (e.g., “when issued,” “delayed delivery,” “forward commitment,” or “TBA transactions”) consistent with the Fund’s ability to manage its investment portfolio and meet redemption requests. These transactions involve a commitment by the Fund to purchase securities for a predetermined price or yield with payment and delivery taking place more than three days in the future, or after a period longer than the customary settlement period for that type of security. No interest will be earned by the Fund on such purchases until the securities are delivered; however, the market value may change prior to delivery.

Foreign Currency Transactions — Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the prevailing exchange rates on the valuation date in accordance with the Funds’ prospectus. The value of all assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies is translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rate of such currencies against the U.S. dollar daily. Transaction gains or losses resulting from changes in exchange rates during the reporting period or upon settlement of the foreign currency transaction are reported in operations for the current period. The Funds generally isolate that portion of realized gains and losses on investments in debt securities, which is due to changes in foreign exchange rates from that which is due to changes in market prices of debt securities. For foreign equity securities, these changes are included in net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments. The Funds report certain foreign currency related transactions as components of realized gains (losses) for financial reporting purposes, whereas such components are treated as ordinary income (loss) for federal income tax purposes.

Use of Estimates — The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the fair value of investments, the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and the differences could be material.

Other — Expenses directly attributable to a Fund are charged directly to that Fund. Other expenses common to various funds within the Trust are generally allocated amongst such funds on the basis of average net assets. Management fees and some other expenses are paid monthly. Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or sold (trade date) for financial reporting purposes. Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums on non-convertible debt securities are amortized to interest income over the lives of the respective securities using the effective interest method. Realized gains (losses) on paydowns of asset- and mortgage-backed securities are classified as interest income. Distributions received from investments in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are recorded as dividend income on the ex-dividend date, subject to reclassification upon notice of the character of such distributions by the issuer. Foreign dividends are also recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon after the ex-dividend date that the Funds are aware of such dividends, net of all non-rebatable tax withholdings. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends and interest have been recorded in accordance with the Funds’ understanding of the applicable country’s tax rules and rates. Each Fund declares and pays dividends from net investment income, if any, annually. Each Fund declares and pays distributions from net realized gain on investments, if any, at least annually, and may distribute net investment income and net capital gains more frequently, if necessary for tax purposes. Dividends and distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

The Funds may receive earnings credits from their custodian when positive cash balances are maintained, which are used to offset custody fees. There were no earnings credits for the year ended March 31, 2012.

The Funds receive earnings credits from their transfer agent when positive cash balances are maintained, which are used to offset transfer agent fees. The expense paid under this arrangement is included in dividend disbursing and transfer agent fees and expenses on the statements of operations with the corresponding expense offset shown as “expense paid indirectly.” For the year ended March 31, 2012, the Funds earned the following amounts under this agreement:

           Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum
  Fixed Income   International Large Cap Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund Growth Fund   Value Fund
$315 $331 $344 $344 $338 $344

(continues)       113

Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates

Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Delaware Management Business Trust, furnishes investment management services to each Fund and has full discretion and responsibility, subject to the overall supervision of the Trust’s Board, to select and contract with one or more investment sub-advisers to manage the investment operations and composition of each Fund, and to render investment advice for each Fund, including the purchase, retention, and dispositions of investments, securities and cash contained in each Fund. The investment management agreement obligates DMC to implement decisions with respect to the allocation or reallocation of each Fund’s assets among one or more current or additional sub-advisers, and to monitor the sub-advisers’ compliance with the relevant Fund’s investment objective, policies and restrictions. DMC pays the sub-advisers out of its fees.

In accordance with the terms of its respective investment management agreement, DMC is entitled to receive an annual fee equal to the following percentage rates of the average daily net assets of each Fund:

Optimum Fixed Income Fund       0.7000% of net assets up to $25 million
0.6500% of net assets from $25 million to $100 million
0.6000% of net assets from $100 million to $500 million
0.5500% of net assets from $500 million to $1 billion
0.5000% of net assets over $1 billion
Optimum International Fund 0.8750% of net assets up to $50 million
  0.8000% of net assets from $50 million to $100 million
  0.7800% of net assets from $100 million to $300 million
  0.7650% of net assets from $300 million to $400 million
0.7300% of net assets over $400 million
Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund 0.8000% of net assets up to $250 million
0.7875% of net assets from $250 million to $300 million
0.7625% of net assets from $300 million to $400 million
0.7375% of net assets from $400 million to $500 million
0.7250% of net assets from $500 million to $1 billion
0.7100% of net assets from $1 billion to $1.5 billion
0.7000% of net assets over $1.5 billion
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 0.8000% of net assets up to $100 million
0.7375% of net assets from $100 million to $250 million
0.7125% of net assets from $250 million to $500 million
0.6875% of net assets from $500 million to $1 billion
0.6675% of net assets from $1 billion to $1.5 billion
0.6475% of net assets over $1.5 billion
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund 1.1000% of net assets
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 1.0500% of net assets up to $75 million
1.0250% of net assets from $75 million to $150 million
1.0000% of net assets over $150 million

DMC has entered into sub-advisory agreements for the Trust as follows: Optimum Fixed Income Fund – Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO); Optimum International Fund – Mondrian Investment Partners Limited (Mondrian) and BlackRock Advisors, LLC (BlackRock); Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund – Marsico Capital Management, LLC (Marsico), T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (T. Rowe Price), and Fred Alger Management, Inc. (Alger); Optimum Large Cap Value Fund – Massachusetts Financial Services Company (MFS) and Herndon Capital Management, LLC (Herndon); Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund – Columbia Wanger Asset Management, LLC (Columbia WAM) and Wellington Management Company, LLP (Wellington Management); Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund – The Killen Group, Inc. (Killen), Westwood Management Corp. (Westwood) and The Delafield Group, a division of Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. (Tocqueville).


For the year ended March 31, 2012, DMC paid the following sub-advisory fees:

           Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
  Fund   Fund Growth Fund   Value Fund Growth Fund   Value Fund
$1,335,863 $1,111,670   $3,053,929 $2,249,360 $2,393,216 $1,754,117

Effective July 29, 2011, DMC has contractually agreed to waive all or a portion of its investment advisory fees and/or reimburse expenses for each Fund to the extent necessary to prevent total annual operating expenses (excluding any 12b-1 plan and certain other expenses) from exceeding the specified percentages of average daily net assets through July 29, 2012 as shown below. These waivers and reimbursements may be terminated only by agreement of the manager and each Fund.

           Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund Growth Fund Value Fund Growth Fund Value Fund
Effective July 29, 2011,
       operating expense limitation as
       a percentage of average      
       daily net assets (per annum) 1.00% 1.40% 1.25% 1.22%   1.55% 1.43%
Effective July 29, 2010            
       through July 28, 2011,    
       operating expense limitation as  
       a percentage of average
       daily net assets (per annum) 1.00% 1.40% 1.27% 1.23% 1.55% 1.45%

Delaware Service Company, Inc. (DSC), an affiliate of DMC, provides fund accounting oversight services to the Trust. For these services, the Trust pays DSC fees based on the aggregate daily net assets of the Trust at the following annual rate: 0.0050% of the first $3 billion; 0.0045% of the next $2 billion; 0.0040% of the next $2.5 billion; 0.0030% of the next $2.5 billion; and 0.0025% of aggregate average daily net assets in excess of $10 billion. The fees payable to DSC under the service agreement described above are allocated among all Funds in the Trust on a relative net asset value basis. For the year ended March 31, 2012, each Fund was charged for these services as follows:

           Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum            Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
  Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund Growth Fund   Value Fund
$55,245 $13,901 $35,822 $34,135 $15,752 $14,712

DSC also provides the Trust with administrative services including financial and tax reporting, corporate governance, and preparation of materials and reports for the Board. For administrative services, each Fund pays DSC a fee at an annual rate (plus out-of-pocket expenses) of 0.165% of assets up to $500 million of the Funds’ average daily net assets; 0.140% of assets from $500 million to $1 billion; and 0.115% of assets over $1 billion. DSC also serves as the shareholder servicing, dividend disbursing and transfer agent for each Fund. Effective July 18, 2011, for these services, the Trust pays DSC a fee at an annual rate of 0.225% of the Trust’s total average daily net assets, subject to certain minimums, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Prior to July 18, 2011, for these services, the Trust paid DSC a fee at an annual rate of 0.235% of the Trust’s total average daily net assets, subject to certain minimums, plus out-of-pocket expenses.

DDLP, an affiliate of DMC, serves as the national distributor of each Fund’s shares pursuant to a Distribution Agreement. Pursuant to the Distribution Agreement and Rule 12b-1 plan, each Fund pays DDLP an annual fee of 0.35% of the average daily net assets of the Class A shares and 1.00% of the average daily net assets of the Class B and Class C shares. Institutional Class shares pay no distribution expenses.

(continues)       115

Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with Affiliates (continued)

At March 31, 2012, each Fund had liabilities payable to affiliates as follows:

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
      Fund       Fund       Growth Funds       Value Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund
Investment management
       fees payable to DMC     $467,370         $219,871          $494,072           $442,029           $273,530             $228,152     
Dividend disbursing, transfer agent and fund    
       accounting oversight fees, administration                        
       fees and other expenses payable to DSC 384,085 98,676 260,056 247,040   115,479 111,360
Distribution fees payable to DDLP   146,232 31,812 113,668 105,929     19,992 19,010  
Other expenses payable
       to DMC and affiliates* 24 6 16 15 7 7

*DMC, as part of its administrative services, pays operating expenses on behalf of each Fund and is reimbursed on a periodic basis. Expenses include items such as printing of shareholder reports, fees for audit, legal and tax services, registration fees and trustees’ fees.

For the year ended March 31, 2012, DDLP earned commissions on sales of Class A shares for each Fund as follows:

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
  Fixed Income International Large Cap   Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
      Fund       Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund
$18,983 $3,989   $12,674 $11,743 $2,021 $1,812

For the year ended March 31, 2012, DDLP received gross CDSC commissions on redemptions of each Fund’s Class A, Class B and Class C shares, and these commissions were entirely used to offset up-front commissions previously paid by DDLP to broker/dealers on sales of those shares. The amounts received were as follows:

  Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum
  Fixed Income   International   Large Cap   Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap   Small-Mid Cap
  Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund
Class A $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0  
Class B   1,910       1,096       3,414       2,951       547       522  
Class C   16,914       2,922       8,668       8,542       1,443       1,388  

DMC, DSC and DDLP are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Delaware Management Holdings, Inc.

Certain officers of DMC, DSC and DDLP are officers and/or Trustees of the Trust. These officers and Trustees are paid no compensation by the Funds.

3. Investments

For the year ended March 31, 2012, the Funds made purchases and sales of investment securities other than short-term investments as follows:

  Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum
  Fixed Income   International   Large Cap   Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap   Small-Mid Cap
  Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund
Purchases other than U.S. government securities $ 1,477,457,015   $ 181,413,787   $ 640,011,351   $ 406,871,435     $ 273,041,693     $ 112,413,718  
Purchases of U.S. government securities   738,456,823                          
Sales other than U.S. government securities   1,480,309,410     138,927,175     666,374,963     392,877,701       260,158,515       84,266,322  
Sales of U.S. government securities   654,788,341                        

At March 31, 2012, the cost of investments and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) for federal income tax purposes for each Fund were as follows:

  Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum       Optimum
  Fixed Income   International   Large Cap   Large Cap   Small-Mid Cap   Small-Mid Cap
  Fund   Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund
Cost of Investments $ 1,247,800,626     $ 326,593,382     $ 662,814,567     $ 650,345,975       $ 326,743,104       $ 298,849,820  
Aggregate unrealized appreciation $ 50,226,714     $ 25,759,348     $ 186,451,437     $ 149,815,992     $ 76,081,756     $ 63,574,221  
Aggregate unrealized depreciation   (18,649,739 )     (30,156,825 )     (21,700,116 )     (30,159,825 )     (12,437,094 )     (8,819,509 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $ 31,576,975     $ (4,397,477 )   $ 164,751,321     $ 119,656,167   $ 63,644,662     $ 54,754,712


U.S. GAAP defines fair value as the price that the Funds would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions. A three level hierarchy for fair value measurements has been established based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of an asset or liability. Inputs may be observable or unobservable and refer broadly to the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect the reporting entity’s own assumptions about the assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability developed based on the best information available under the circumstances. Each Fund’s investments in its entirety is assigned a level based upon the observability of the inputs which are significant to the overall valuation. The three level hierarchy of inputs is summarized below.

Level 1 –  inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical investments (e.g., equity securities, open-end investment companies, futures contracts, options contracts)
Level 2 – other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs) (e.g., debt securities, government securities, swap contracts, foreign currency exchange contracts, foreign securities utilizing international fair value pricing broker-quoted securities, fair valued securities)
Level 3 – inputs are significant unobservable inputs (including each Fund’s own assumptions used to determine the fair value of investments) (e.g., broker-quoted securities, fair valued securities)

Level 3 investments are valued using significant unobservable inputs, including related or comparable assets or liabilities, recent transactions, market multiples, book values, and other relevant information for the investment to determine the fair value of the investment. Each Fund may also use an income-based valuation approach in which the anticipated future cash flows of the investment are discounted to calculate fair value. Discounts may also be applied due to the nature or duration of any restrictions on the disposition of the investments. Valuations may also be based upon current market prices of securities that are comparable in coupon, rating, maturity and industry. The derived value of a Level 3 investment may not represent the value which is received upon disposition and this could impact the results of operations.

The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum Fixed Income Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Agency, Asset- & Mortgage-Backed Securities $ $ 275,178,084 $ 6,564,660 $ 281,742,744
Common Stock 1,001 1,001
Corporate Debt 222,160 502,961,580 41,998 503,225,738
Foreign Debt 108,591,678 108,591,678
Municipal Bonds 8,245,459 8,245,459
Securities sold short (9,834,218 ) (9,834,218 )
U.S. Treasury Obligations 154,728,295 154,728,295
Other 1,014,272 1,317,678 4 2,331,954
Short-Term Investments 199,180,440 199,180,440
Securities Lending
Collateral 31,164,510 31,164,510
Options Written (197,031 ) (150,019 ) (347,050 )
Total $ 1,040,402 $ 1,271,383,487 $ 6,606,662 $ 1,279,030,551
Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts $ $ (968,181 ) $ $ (968,181 )
Futures Contracts $ 23,886 $ $ $ 23,886
Swap Contracts       $       $ 249,711       $ 59,011       $ 308,722

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Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

3. Investments (continued)

The following is a reconciliation of investments in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Agency, Asset- &
Mortgage-Backed Corporate Foreign
Securities Debt Debt Other Total
Balance as of 3/31/11      $ 4,530,991      $ 39,344 $ 9,310,911 $ 4 $ 13,881,250
Purchases 6,216,667 4,327 6,220,994
Sales (9,335 ) (9,335 )
Transfers out of Level 3 (4,180,752 ) (9,310,911 ) (13,491,663 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) (2,246 ) (1,673 ) 9,335 5,416
Balance as of 3/31/12 $ 6,564,660 $ 41,998 $ $ 4 $ 6,606,662
Net change in unrealized appreciation  
       (depreciation) from Level 3 investments still held as of 3/31/12       $ (2,246 )       $ (1,673 )       $       $       $ (3,919 )

The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum International Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stock $ 287,519,029 $    $    $ 287,519,029
Preferred Stock 2,189,579 2,189,579
Short-Term Investments 4,533,593 4,533,593
Securities Lending Collateral 27,953,704 27,953,704
Total $ 289,708,608 $ 32,487,297 $ $ 322,195,905
Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts       $       $ (57,340 )       $       $ (57,340 )

The following is a reconciliation of investments in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:

Optimum International Fund
Balance as of 3/31/11                  $ 86,855           
Sales (104,038 )  
Net realized gain 23,708
Net change in unrealized
       appreciation (depreciation) (6,525 )
Balance as of 3/31/12 $  
Net change in unrealized appreciation
       (depreciation) from Level 3 investments still held as of 3/31/12   $

The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stock $ 772,803,748 $ 5,242,167 $ 1,609,681 $ 779,655,596
Convertible Preferred Stock 462,294 462,294
Preferred Stock 1,120,263 1,120,263
Short-Term Investments 27,084,086 27,084,086
Securities Lending Collateral 19,243,649 19,243,649
$ 773,924,011 $ 51,569,902 $ 2,071,975 $ 827,565,888
Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts       $       $ (3,948 )       $       $ (3,948 )


The following is a reconciliation of investments in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund
Common Preferred
Stock Stock Total
Balance as of 3/31/11 $ 867,695    $    $ 867,695
Purchases 1,236,501 498,781 1,735,282
Sales (664,037 ) (664,037 )
Net realized gain (78,839 ) (78,839 )
Net change in unrealized
       appreciation (depreciation) 248,361 (36,487 ) 211,874
Balance as of 3/31/12 $ 1,609,681 $ 462,294 $ 2,071,975
Net change in unrealized appreciation
       (depreciation) from Level 3 investments still held as of 3/31/12       $ 202,957       $ (36,487 )       $ 166,470

The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum Large Cap Value Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stock $ 749,769,251 $ $ $ 749,769,251
Convertible Preferred 534,162 534,162
Short-Term Investments 13,098,617 13,098,617
Securities Lending Collateral 6,600,112 6,600,112
Total $ 749,769,251 $ 20,232,891 $ $ 770,002,142
The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stock $ 341,497,580 $    $    $ 341,497,580
Exchange-Traded Fund 5,036,064 5,036,064
Short-Term Investments 5,452,727  — 5,452,727
Securities Lending Collateral 38,401,395 38,401,395
Total $ 346,533,644 $ 43,854,122 $ $ 390,387,766
The following table summarizes the valuation of Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund’s investments by fair value hierarchy levels as of March 31, 2012:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Common Stock $ 308,278,222 $ $     $ 308,278,222
Short-Term Investments 30,489,722 30,489,722
Securities Lending Collateral 14,836,588 14,836,588
Total       $ 308,278,222       $ 45,326,310       $       $ 353,604,532

The values of Level 3 investments for Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund were zero at the beginning and end of the year and there was no change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation).

During the year ended March 31, 2012, transfers out of Level 3 investments into Level 2 investments were made in the amount of $13,491,663 for Optimum Fixed Income Fund. These were due to the Fund’s pricing vendor being able to supply a matrix price for investments that had been utilizing broker quoted prices.

During the year ended March 31, 2012, there were no transfers between Level 1 investments and Level 2 investments that had a material impact to the Funds. This does not include transfers between Level 1 investments and Level 2 investments due to the Funds utilizing international fair value pricing during the year. International fair value pricing uses other observable market-based inputs in place of the closing exchange price due to the events occurring after the close of the exchange or market on which the investment is principally traded in accordance with the fair valuation procedures described in Note 1, causing a change in classification between levels.

During the year ended March 31, 2012, there were no transfers between Level 1 investments and Level 3 investments that had a material impact to Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund. Each Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers between levels at the beginning of the reporting period.

In May 2011, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued ASU No. 2011-04 modifying Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures. ASU No. 2011-04 requires reporting entities to disclose i) the amounts of any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2, and the reasons for the transfers, ii) for Level 3 fair value measurements, iii) quantitative information about significant unobservable inputs used, iv) a description of the valuation

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Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

3. Investments (continued)

processes used by the reporting entity and v) a narrative description of the sensitivity of the fair value measurement to changes in unobservable inputs if a change in those inputs might result in a significantly higher or lower fair value measurement. The effective date of ASU No. 2011-04 is for interim and annual periods beginning after December 15, 2011. Management is currently evaluating the implications of this guidance and the impact it will have on the financial statement amounts and footnote disclosures, if any.

4. Dividend and Distribution Information

Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP. Additionally, distributions from net gains on foreign currency transactions and net short-term gains on sales of investment securities are treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes. Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund did not make any distributions during the year ended March 31, 2012. The tax character of dividends and distributions paid during the years ended March 31, 2012 and 2011 was as follows:

Year Ended March 31, 2012

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund Value Fund Growth Fund Value Fund
Ordinary income $ 46,904,331    $ 5,814,738    $ 6,049,903 $ $
Long-term capital gains 9,075,525 19,409,757 3,155,078
Total $ 55,979,856 $ 5,814,738 $ 6,049,903    $ 19,409,757       $ 3,155,078   
Year Ended March 31, 2011
Optimum Optimum Optimum
  Fixed Income International Large Cap  
Fund Fund Value Fund    
Ordinary income         $ 36,247,412         $ 3,209,203         $ 8,703,654              

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value did not make any distributions during the year ended March 31, 2011.

5. Components of Net Assets on a Tax Basis

As of March 31, 2012, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as follows:

Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap
      Fund       Fund       Growth Fund
Shares of beneficial interest $ 1,170,469,829   $ 349,265,835     $ 707,087,297  
Undistributed ordinary income 9,996,714 3,180,992
Undistributed long-term capital gains 3,547,459
Capital loss carryforwards (50,992,198 ) (60,435,247 )
Other temporary differences (1,430,601 ) 41,139 3,948
Qualified late year long-term capital losses deferral (306,629 )
Qualified late year ordinary losses deferral (1,067,820 ) (2,607,825 )
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) 30,772,706 (4,437,227 ) 164,801,661
Net assets $ 1,213,049,478 $ 295,990,721 $ 808,849,834
Optimum Optimum Optimum
Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
      Value Fund       Growth Fund       Value Fund
Shares of beneficial interest $ 788,249,300   $ 283,962,411     $ 276,787,279  
Undistributed ordinary income 9,816,408
Undistributed long-term capital gains 4,841,523 5,606,120
Capital loss carryforwards (149,287,237 )
Qualified late year long-term capital losses deferral (376,144 )  
Qualified late year ordinary losses deferral (4,092,223 )   (3,165,498 ) (399,801 )
Unrealized appreciation   119,688,286   63,644,631   54,754,712
Net assets $ 763,998,390 $ 349,283,067 $ 336,748,310


The differences between book basis and tax basis components of net assets are primarily attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales, tax deferral of losses on straddles, mark-to-market of foreign currency exchange contracts, mark-to-market of futures contracts, tax recognition of unrealized gain on passive foreign investment companies, tax treatment of contingent payment on debt instruments, amortization of premium on convertible securities, return of capital on investments, partnership interest and CDS contracts.

Qualified late year losses represent losses realized on investments and foreign currency transactions from November 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012 that, in accordance with federal income tax regulations, the Funds have elected to defer and treat as having arisen in the following fiscal year.

For financial reporting purposes, capital accounts are adjusted to reflect the tax character of permanent book/tax differences. Reclassifications are primarily due to tax treatment of net operating losses, dividends and distributions, tax treatment of CDS contracts, contingent payment on debt instruments, gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions, foreign capital gain taxes, amortization of premium on convertible securities, passive foreign investment companies, paydown gains (losses) of asset- and mortgage-backed securities and partnership interest. Results of operations and net assets were not affected by these reclassifications. For the year ended March 31, 2012, the Funds recorded the following reclassifications:

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund Growth Fund Value Fund Growth Fund Value Fund
Undistributed (accumulated) net
       investment income (loss) $ (6,229,166 ) $ 583,249 $ 998,160    $ 9,710       $ 2,405,703       $ 334,935   
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) 5,572,182 (583,249 ) 52,361 (9,710 ) (1,523,851 )
Paid-in capital       656,984             (1,050,521 )             (881,852 )       (334,935 )

For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried forward and applied against future capital gains. In 2012, the Funds utilized capital loss carryforwards as follows:

Capital loss
Optimum Fixed Income Fund       $ 6,818,431
Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund   34,267,222
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 7,845,800
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 9,947,941

Capital loss carryforwards remaining at March 31, 2012, if not utilized in future years, for each Fund will expire as follows:

Optimum Optimum Optimum
Year of International Large Cap Large Cap
   Expiration   Fund Growth Fund Value Fund
3/31/17 $ $   $ 30,259,101  
3/31/18   49,949,013 60,435,247 119,028,136
Total   $ 49,949,013           $ 60,435,247         $ 149,287,237  

On December 22, 2010, the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the Act) was enacted, which changed various technical rules governing the tax treatment of regulated investment companies. The changes are generally effective for taxable years beginning after the date of enactment. Under the Act, the Funds will be permitted to carry forward capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after the date of enactment for an unlimited period. However, any losses incurred during those future taxable years will be required to be utilized prior to the losses incurred in pre-enactment taxable years, which carry an expiration date. As a result of this ordering rule, pre-enactment capital loss carryforwards may be more likely to expire unused. Additionally, post-enactment capital loss carryforwards will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term as permitted under previous regulation.

Losses incurred that will be carried forward under the Act are as follows:

Loss carryforward character
Short term Long term
Optimum International Fund       $1,043,185       $

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Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

6. Capital Shares

Transactions in capital shares were as follows:

Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap
Fund Fund Growth Fund
Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/12 3/31/11
Shares sold:
       Class A 731,647 668,845 94,500 98,203 279,314 263,299
       Class B 10,542 14,845 193 1,265 293 2,753
       Class C 1,893,449 2,198,457 246,063 257,286 646,825 747,705
       Institutional Class 35,411,000 32,665,979 7,961,220 9,197,950 11,897,997 14,150,435
38,046,638 35,548,126 8,301,976 9,554,704 12,824,429 15,164,192
Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
       and distributions:
       Class A 190,195 165,039 16,553 19,005
       Class B 17,448 17,942 1,012 2,229
       Class C 665,608 580,410 23,075 44,652
       Institutional Class 4,811,837 3,024,744 518,666 284,807
5,685,088 3,788,135 559,306 350,693
Shares repurchased:
       Class A (903,863 ) (1,064,216 ) (216,075 ) (287,128 ) (587,288 ) (828,938 )
       Class B (207,118 ) (140,744 ) (60,541 ) (54,889 ) (170,393 ) (149,964 )
       Class C (3,353,403 ) (4,377,419 ) (676,649 ) (951,575 ) (2,054,304 ) (2,882,603 )
       Institutional Class (18,712,858 ) (15,164,664 ) (4,447,808 ) (3,461,623 ) (11,007,911 ) (17,038,995 )
   (23,177,242 ) (20,747,043 ) (5,401,073 ) (4,755,215 ) (13,819,896 ) (20,900,500 )
Net increase (decrease) 20,554,484 18,589,218 3,460,209 5,150,182 (995,467 ) (5,736,308 )
Optimum Optimum Optimum
Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Value Fund Growth Fund Value Fund
Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended
3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/12 3/31/11 3/31/12 3/31/11
Shares sold:
       Class A 295,586 370,267 45,025 44,155 40,909 40,638
       Class B 411 2,052 123 575 167 28
       Class C 690,498 786,822 106,952 123,804 125,046 134,424
       Institutional Class 13,727,120 15,358,661 6,417,276 8,456,356 7,157,709 9,084,213
14,713,615 16,517,802 6,569,376 8,624,890 7,323,831 9,259,303
Shares issued upon reinvestment of dividends
       and distributions:
       Class A 21,647 43,343 31,939 4,961
       Class B 603 4,041 5,167 865
       Class C 14,762 88,937 127,506 21,186
       Institutional Class 517,001 814,457 1,532,498 259,689
554,013 950,778 1,697,110 286,701
Shares repurchased:
       Class A (700,734 ) (826,246 ) (110,454 ) (154,171 ) (103,180 ) (144,619 )
       Class B (170,823 ) (148,015 ) (31,773 ) (27,258 ) (32,765 ) (29,222 )
       Class C (2,055,194 ) (2,870,932 ) (360,430 ) (515,098 ) (367,305 ) (535,392 )
       Institutional Class (11,445,134 ) (15,357,080 ) (5,326,873 ) (5,077,250 ) (4,679,016 ) (3,600,939 )
    (14,371,885 ) (19,202,273 ) (5,829,530 ) (5,773,777 ) (5,182,266 ) (4,310,172 )
Net increase (decrease)       895,743       (1,733,693 )       2,436,956       2,851,113       2,428,266       4,949,131


For the year ended March 31, 2012, the following Class B shares were converted to Class A shares. The amounts are included in Class B redemptions and Class A subscriptions in the tables on previous page and the statements of changes in net assets.

Year Ended
Class B Class A
      Shares       Shares       Value
Optimum Fixed Income Fund 103,352   103,410 $ 995,147
Optimum International Fund 25,092 24,635   245,632
Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund 73,009 69,063   853,164
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 74,517 73,694 799,078
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund 13,539 12,737 153,307
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 13,498 12,700 149,142

7. Derivatives

U.S. GAAP requires disclosures that enable investors to understand: 1) how and why an entity uses derivatives; 2) how they are accounted for; and 3) how they affect an entity’s results of operations and financial position.

Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts — Each Fund may enter into foreign currency exchange contracts and foreign cross currency exchange contracts as a way of managing foreign exchange rate risk. Each Fund may enter into these contracts to fix the U.S. dollar value of a security that it has agreed to buy or sell for the period between the date the trade was entered into and the date the security is delivered and paid for. Each Fund may also use these contracts to hedge the U.S. dollar value of securities it already owns that are denominated in foreign currencies. The change in value is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. When the contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is recorded equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed.

The use of foreign currency exchange contracts and foreign cross currency exchange contracts does not eliminate fluctuations in the underlying prices of the securities, but does establish a rate of exchange that can be achieved in the future. Although foreign currency exchange contracts and foreign cross currency exchange contracts limit the risk of loss due to an unfavorable change in the value of the hedged currency, they also limit any potential gain that might result should the value of the currency change favorably. In addition, the Funds could be exposed to risks if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the terms of their contracts. The Funds’ maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the value of their currency exchanged with the counterparty. The risk is generally mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Funds and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Funds to cover the Funds’ exposure to the counterparty.

Futures Contracts — A futures contract is an agreement in which the writer (or seller) of the contract agrees to deliver to the buyer an amount of cash or securities equal to a specific dollar amount times the difference between the value of a specific security or index at the close of the last trading day of the contract and the price at which the agreement is made. Optimum Fixed Income Fund and Optimum International Fund may use futures in the normal course of pursuing their investment objectives. Optimum Fixed Income Fund may invest in futures contracts to hedge its existing portfolio securities against fluctuations in fair value caused by changes in prevailing market interest rates. Optimum International Fund may use futures contracts to a limited extent, with the objectives of maintaining full exposure to the stock market, enhancing returns, maintaining liquidity and minimizing costs. Upon entering into a futures contract, each Fund deposits cash or pledges U.S. government securities to a broker, equal to the minimum “initial margin” requirements of the exchange on which the contract is traded. Subsequent payments are received from the broker or paid to the broker each day, based on the daily fluctuation in the market value of the contract. These receipts or payments are known as “variation margin” and are recorded daily by each Fund as unrealized gains or losses until the contracts are closed. When the contracts are closed, each Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Risks of entering into futures contracts include potential imperfect correlation between the futures contracts and the underlying securities and the possibility of an illiquid secondary market for these instruments. When investing in futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to a Fund because futures are exchange-traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees against default.

Options Contracts — During the year ended March 31, 2012, Optimum Fixed Income Fund entered into options contracts in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective. The Fund may buy or write options contracts for any number of reasons, including without limitation: to manage the Fund’s exposure to changes in securities prices and foreign currencies; as an efficient means of adjusting the Fund’s overall exposure to certain markets; to protect the value of portfolio securities; and as a cash management tool. The Fund may buy or write call or put options on securities, futures, swaps, “swaptions”, financial indices, and foreign currencies. When the Fund buys an option, a premium is paid and an asset is recorded and adjusted on a daily basis to reflect the current market value of the options purchased. When the Fund writes an option, a premium is received and a liability is recorded and adjusted on a daily basis to reflect the current market value of the options written. Premiums received from writing options that expire unexercised are treated by the Fund on the expiration date as realized gains. The difference between the premium received and the amount paid on effecting a closing purchase transaction, including brokerage commissions, is treated as realized gain or loss. If a call option is exercised, the premium is added to the proceeds from the sale of the underlying security in determining whether the Fund has a realized gain or loss. If a put option is exercised, the premium reduces the cost basis of the securities purchased by the Fund. The Fund, as writer of an option, bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the security underlying the written option. When writing options, the Fund is subject to minimal counterparty risk because the counterparty is only obligated to pay premiums and does not bear the market risk of an unfavorable market change.

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Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust

7. Derivatives (continued)

Transactions in options written during the year ended March 31, 2012 for Optimum Fixed Income Fund were as follows:

      Number of contracts       Premiums
Options outstanding at March 31, 2011               $
Options written 8,200,569   734,298
Options expired   (175 )   (111,212 )
Options terminated in closing purchase transactions   (297 )   (336,257 )
Options outstanding at March 31, 2012 8,200,097 $ 286,829

Swap Contracts — Optimum Fixed Income Fund enters into interest rate swap contracts, inflation swap contracts and CDS contracts in the normal course of pursuing its investment objective. The Fund may use interest rate swaps to adjust the Fund’s sensitivity to interest rates or to hedge against changes in interest rates. The Fund may use inflation swaps to hedge the inflation risk in nominal bonds, thereby creating synthetic inflation-indexed bonds. The Fund may enter into CDS contracts in order to hedge against a credit event, to enhance total return or to gain exposure to certain securities or markets.

Interest Rate Swaps. An interest rate swap contract is an exchange of interest rates between counterparties. In one instance, an interest rate swap involves payments received by the Fund from another party based on a variable or floating interest rate, in return for making payments based on a fixed interest rate. An interest rate swap can also work in reverse with the Fund receiving payments based on a fixed interest rate and making payments based on a variable or floating interest rate. Interest rate swaps may be used to adjust the Fund’s sensitivity to interest rates or to hedge against changes in interest rates. Periodic payments on such contracts are accrued daily and recorded as unrealized appreciation/depreciation on swap contracts. Upon periodic payment/receipt or termination of the contract, such amounts are recorded as realized gains or losses on swap contracts. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the discounted net value of the cash flows to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the interest rate swap contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Fund to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.

Inflation Swaps. Inflation swap agreements involve commitments to pay a regular stream of inflation-indexed cash payments in exchange for receiving a stream of nominal interest payments (or vice versa), where both payment streams are based on notional amounts. The nominal interest payments may be based on either a fixed interest rate or variable interest rate such as London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). The change in value of swap contracts outstanding, if any, is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation daily. A realized gain or loss is recorded on maturity or termination of the swap contract. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk is the discounted net value of the cash flows to be received from/paid to the counterparty over the index swap contract’s remaining life, to the extent that the amount is positive. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Fund to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty. No inflation swap contracts outstanding at March 31, 2012.

Credit Default Swaps. A CDS contract is a risk-transfer instrument through which one party (purchaser of protection) transfers to another party (seller of protection) the financial risk of a credit event (as defined in the CDS agreement), as it relates to a particular reference security or basket of securities (such as an index). In exchange for the protection offered by the seller of protection, the purchaser of protection agrees to pay the seller of protection a periodic amount at a stated rate that is applied to the notional amount of the CDS contract. In addition, an upfront payment may be made or received by the Fund in connection with an unwinding or assignment of a CDS contract. Upon the occurrence of a credit event, the seller of protection would pay the par (or other agreed-upon) value of the reference security (or basket of securities) to the counterparty. Credit events generally include, among others, bankruptcy, failure to pay, and obligation default.

During the year ended March 31, 2012, the Fund entered into CDS contracts as a purchaser and seller of protection. Periodic payments (receipts) on such contracts are accrued daily and recorded as unrealized losses (gains) on swap contracts. Upon payment (receipt), such amounts are recorded as realized losses (gains) on swap contracts. Upfront payments made or received in connection with CDS contracts are amortized over the expected life of the CDS contracts as unrealized losses (gains) on swap contracts. The change in value of CDS contracts is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation daily. A realized gain or loss is recorded upon a credit event (as defined in the CDS agreement) or the maturity or termination of the agreement. At March 31, 2012, the net unrealized depreciation of CDS contracts was $406,867. The Fund had posted $1,090,000 cash collateral for open swap contracts. If a credit event had occurred for all open swap transactions where collateral posting was required as of March 31, 2012, the Fund would have received EUR 35,415,000 and $ 22,181,000 less the value of the contracts’ related reference obligations. The Fund received $1,726,000 in cash collateral and $ 625,000 in securities collateral for open swap contracts.

As disclosed in the footnotes to the statements of net assets, at March 31, 2012, the notional value of the protection sold was $6,160,000, which reflects the maximum potential amount the Fund would have been required to make as a seller of credit protection if a credit event had occurred. The quoted market prices and resulting market values for CDS contracts on securities and credit indices serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/ performance risk and represent the likelihood of an expected liability (or profit) for the credit derivative if the swap agreement has been closed/sold as of the period end. Increasing market values, in absolute terms when compared to the notional amount of the swap, represent a deterioration of the reference entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood of risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement. At March, 2012, the net unrealized appreciation of the protection sold was $65,270

CDS contracts may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly. CDS contracts are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and credit risk. The Fund’s maximum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk, either as the seller of protection or the buyer of protection, is the fair value of the contract. This risk is mitigated by having a netting arrangement between the Fund and the counterparty and by the posting of collateral by the counterparty to the Fund to cover the Fund’s exposure to the counterparty.


Swaps Generally. Because there are generally no organized markets for swap contracts, the value of open swaps may differ from that which would be realized in the event the Fund terminated its position in the agreement. Risks of entering into these contracts include the potential inability of the counterparty to meet the terms of the contracts. This type of risk is generally limited to the amount of favorable movement in the value of the underlying security, instrument or basket of instruments, if any, at the day of default. Risks also arise from potential losses from adverse market movements and such losses could exceed the unrealized amounts shown on the statements of net assets.

Fair values of derivative instruments as of March 31, 2012 were as follows:

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Asset Derivatives Liability Derivatives
Statements of Statements of
      Assets and Liabilities Location       Fair Value       Assets and Liabilities Location       Fair Value
Forward currency exchange contracts
       (Foreign currency exchange contracts)
  Unrealized gain on foreign
       currency exchange contracts
$ 6,359 Unrealized loss on foreign currency exchange contracts $ (974,540 )
Interest rate contracts (Futures contracts) Variation margin receivable
       on futures contracts
101,245 * Variation margin payable on futures contracts
Interest rate contracts (Options written, at value) Options written, at value   Options written, at value (347,050 )
Interest rate contracts (Interest rate swap contracts) Unrealized gain on interest
       rate swap contracts
  715,589 Unrealized loss on interest rate swap contracts
Credit contracts (CDS contracts) Unrealized gain on
       CDS contracts
426,366 Unrealized loss on CDS contracts (833,233 )
Total $ 1,249,559 $ (2,154,823 )

*Includes cumulative appreciation of futures contracts from the date the contracts are opened through March 31, 2012. Only current day variation margin is reported on the Optimum Fixed Income Fund’s statements of assets and liabilities.

The effect of derivative instruments on the statements of operations for the year ended March 31, 2012 was as follows:

Optimum Fixed Income Fund
Change in Unrealized
Realized Gain (Loss) on Appreciation
Location of Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Recognized in (Depreciation) on Derivatives
      Derivatives Recognized in Income       Income       Recognized in Income
Forward currency exchange contracts
       (Foreign currency exchange contracts)
  Net realized loss on foreign currency exchange contracts and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies            $ (5,778,099 )                          $ 331,792              
Interest rate contracts (Futures contracts) Net realized gain on futures contracts and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies 10,757,678 (9,789 )
Interest rate contracts (Options written) Net realized gain on options written and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies 368,241 (60,221 )
Credit contracts (Swap contracts) Net realized loss on swap contracts and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments and foreign currencies (2,119,102 ) 254,609
$ 3,228,718 $ 516,391

(continues)       125

Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust


7. Derivatives (continued)

Derivatives Generally. The tables below summarize the average balance of derivative holdings by the Funds during the year ended March 31, 2012. The average balance of derivatives held is generally similar to the volume of derivative activity for the year ended March 31, 2012.

Asset Derivative Volume
Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund Growth Fund Value Fund Growth Fund
Foreign currency exchange contracts (average cost) USD 66,106,344 USD 16,329,294 USD 37,742 USD 22,370     USD 34,218   
Futures contracts (average notional value) 241,043,119
Options contracts (average notional value) 7,950
Swap contracts (average notional value) AUD 11,761,508
BRL 20,282,143
USD 34,442,817
Liability Derivative Volume
Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund Fund   Growth Fund   Value Fund   Growth Fund
Foreign currency exchange contracts (average cost) USD  135,133,666        USD 19,865,832       USD 35,228       USD 13,754       USD 61,914
Futures contracts (average notional value) 9,318,429
Options contracts (average notional value) 41,642  
Swap contracts (average notional value) EUR 18,531,480
USD 39,445,454

8. Securities Lending

Each Fund may lend its securities pursuant to a security lending agreement (Lending Agreement) with The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). At the time a security is loaned, the borrower must post collateral equal to the required percentage of the market value of the loaned security, including any accrued interest. The required percentage is: (i) 102% with respect to U.S. securities and foreign securities that are denominated and payable in U.S. dollars; and (ii) 105% with respect to foreign securities. With respect to each loan, if on any business day the aggregate market value of securities collateral plus cash collateral held is less than the aggregate market value of the securities which are the subject of such loan, the borrower will be notified to provide additional collateral by the end of the following business day which, together with the collateral already held, will be not less than the applicable initial collateral requirements for such security loan. If the aggregate market value of securities collateral and cash collateral held with respect to a security loan exceeds the applicable initial collateral requirement, upon the request of the borrower BNY Mellon must return enough collateral to the borrower by the end of the following business day to reduce the value of the remaining collateral to the applicable initial collateral requirement for such security loan. As a result of the foregoing, the value of the collateral held with respect to a loaned security may be temporarily more or less than the value of the security on loan.

Cash collateral received is generally invested in the Delaware Investments Collateral Fund No. 1 (Collective Trust) established by BNY Mellon for the purpose of investment on behalf of funds managed by DMC that participate in BNY Mellon’s securities lending program. The Collective Trust may invest in U.S. government securities and high quality corporate debt, asset-backed and other money market securities and in repurchase agreements collateralized by such securities, provided that the Collective Trust will generally have a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of 60 days or less. Effective April 20, 2009, BNY Mellon transferred the assets of the Funds’ previous collateral investment pool other than cash and assets with a maturity of one business day or less to the BNY Mellon SL DBT II Liquidating Fund (the Liquidating Fund), effectively bifurcating the previous collateral investment pool. The Funds’ exposure to the Liquidating Fund is expected to decrease as the Liquidating Fund’s assets mature or are sold. In October 2008, BNY Mellon transferred certain distressed securities from the previous collateral investment pool into the Mellon GSL Reinvestment Trust II. The Funds can also accept U.S. government securities and letters of credit (non-cash collateral) in connection with securities loans. In the event of default or bankruptcy by the lending agent, realization and/or retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. In the event the borrower fails to return loaned securities and the collateral received is insufficient to cover the value of the loaned securities and provided such collateral shortfall is not the result of investment losses, the lending agent has agreed to pay the amount of the shortfall to the Funds, or at the discretion of the lending agent, replace the loaned securities. The Funds continue to record dividends or interest, as applicable, on the securities loaned and are subject to the changes in value of the securities loaned that may occur during the term of the loan. The Funds have the right under the Lending Agreement to recover the securities from the borrower on demand. With respect to security loans collateralized by non-cash collateral, the Funds receive loan premiums paid by the borrower. With respect to security loans collateralized by cash collateral, the earnings from the collateral investments are shared among the Funds, the security lending agent and the borrower.

The Funds record security lending income net of allocations to the security lending agent and the borrower. The Collective Trust used for the investment of cash collateral received from borrowers of securities seeks to maintain a net asset value per unit of $1.00, but there can be no assurance that it will always be able to do so. The Funds may incur investment losses as a result of investing securities lending collateral in the Collective Trust or another collateral investment pool. This could occur if an investment in a collateral investment pool defaulted


or if it were necessary to liquidate assets in the collateral investment pool to meet returns on outstanding security loans at a time when the collateral investment pool’s net asset value per unit was less than $1.00. Under those circumstances, the Funds may not receive an amount from the collateral investment pool that is equal in amount to the collateral the Funds would be required to return to the borrower of the securities and the Funds would be required to make up for this shortfall.

At March 31, 2012, the values of securities on loan and the values of invested collateral for each Fund are presented below, for which the Funds received collateral, comprised of non-cash collateral and cash collateral. Investments purchased with cash collateral are presented on the statements of net assets under the caption “Securities Lending Collateral.”

Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum
Fixed Income International Large Cap Large Cap Small-Mid Cap Small-Mid Cap
Fund        Fund        Growth Fund        Value Fund        Growth Fund        Value Fund
Values of securities on loan $129,883,573   $ 27,225,461   $ 21,635,534   $7,328,168       $41,585,564        $14,644,191   
Values of invested collateral 31,164,510 27,953,704 19,243,649 6,600,112 38,401,395 14,836,588
Cash collateral 32,372,747 28,579,176 20,257,051 7,606,200 38,891,315   15,090,089
Non-cash collateral 101,687,870 83,275 1,646,918 3,622,655

9. Credit and Market Risk

Some countries in which the Funds may invest require governmental approval for the repatriation of investment income, capital or the proceeds of sales of securities by foreign investors. In addition, if there is deterioration in a country’s balance of payments or for other reasons, a country may impose temporary restrictions on foreign capital remittances abroad.

The securities exchanges of certain foreign markets are substantially smaller, less liquid and more volatile than the major securities markets in the United States. Consequently, acquisition and disposition of securities by the Funds may be inhibited. In addition, a significant portion of the aggregate market value of securities listed on the major securities exchanges in emerging markets is held by a smaller number of investors. This may limit the number of shares available for acquisition or disposition by the Funds.

Optimum Fixed Income Fund invests in high yield fixed income securities, which are securities rated lower than BBB- by Standard & Poor’s and Baa3 by Moody’s Investor Services, or similarly rated by another nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Investments in these higher yielding securities are generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment-grade securities.

Optimum Fixed Income Fund invests in fixed income securities whose value is derived from an underlying pool of mortgages or consumer loans. The value of these securities is sensitive to changes in economic conditions, including delinquencies and/or defaults, and may be adversely affected by shifts in the market’s perception of the issuers and changes in interest rates. Investors receive principal and interest payments as the underlying mortgages and consumer loans are paid back. Some of these securities are collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). CMOs are debt securities issued by U.S. government agencies or by financial institutions and other mortgage lenders, which are collateralized by a pool of mortgages held under an indenture. Prepayment of mortgages may shorten the stated maturity of the obligations and can result in a loss of premium, if any has been paid. Certain of these securities may be stripped (securities which provide only the principal or interest feature of the underlying security). The yield to maturity on an interest-only CMO is extremely sensitive not only to changes in prevailing interest rates, but also to the rate of principal payments (including prepayments) on the related underlying mortgage assets. A rapid rate of principal payments may have a material adverse effect on the Fund’s yield to maturity. If the underlying mortgage assets experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, the Fund may fail to fully recoup its initial investment in these securities even if the securities are rated in the highest rating categories.

Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund invest a significant portion of their assets in small- and mid-sized companies. Investments in small- and mid-sized companies may be more volatile than investments in larger companies for a number of reasons, which include more limited financial resources or a dependence on narrow product lines.

Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund may invest in REITs and are subject to the risks associated with that industry. If a Fund holds real estate directly as a result of defaults or receives rental income directly from real estate holdings, its tax status as a regulated investment company may be jeopardized. There were no direct real estate holdings during the year ended March 31, 2012. The Funds’ REIT holdings are also affected by interest rate changes, particularly if the REITs they hold use floating rate debt to finance their ongoing operations.

Each Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, which may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative illiquidity of these securities may impair the Funds from disposing of them in a timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so. While maintaining oversight, the Funds’ Board has delegated to DMC, the day-to-day functions of determining whether individual securities are liquid for purposes of the Funds’ limitation on investments in illiquid securities. Securities eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144A, which are determined to be liquid, are not subject to the Funds’ 15% limit on investments in illiquid securities. Rule 144A and illiquid securities have been identified on the statements of net assets.

(continues)       127

Notes to financial statements

Optimum Fund Trust


10. Contractual Obligations

The Funds enter into contracts in the normal course of business that contain a variety of indemnifications. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts. Management has reviewed the Funds’ existing contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

11. Subsequent Events

Management has determined that no material events or transactions occurred subsequent to March 31, 2012 that would require recognition or disclosure in the Funds’ financial statements.

12. Tax Information (Unaudited)

The information set forth below is for the Funds’ fiscal year as required by federal income tax laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions of two fiscal years of a fund. Accordingly, the information needed by shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

All designations are based on financial information available as of the date of this annual report and, accordingly are subject to change. For any and all items requiring designation, it is the intention of each Fund to designate the maximum amount permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder. Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund did not have any distributions during the year ended March 31, 2012.

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, each Fund designates distributions paid during the year as follows:

(A) (B)
Long-Term Ordinary
Capital Gains Income Total (C)
Distributions Distributions* Distributions Qualifying
(Tax Basis)           (Tax Basis)           (Tax Basis)           Dividends1
Optimum Fixed Income Fund 16.21 %    83.79 %    100.00%   0.15 %  
Optimum International Fund 100.00 % 100.00%
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 100.00 %   100.00% 100.00 %
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund 100.00 %   100.00%
Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund 100.00 % 100.00%

(A) and (B) are based on a percentage of each Fund’s total distributions.

(C) is based on a percentage of each Fund’s ordinary income distributions.

1Qualifying dividends represent dividends which qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction.

*For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, certain dividends paid by the Funds may be subject to a maximum tax rate of 15%, as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, and as extended by Tax Relief Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creations Act of 2010. The Funds intend to designate the following percentages to be taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. Complete information will be computed and reported in conjunction with your 2012 Form 1099-DIV, as applicable.

Maximum percentage to be
taxed at a maximum rate of 15%
Optimum Fixed Income Fund 0.15 %
Optimum International Fund 9.67 %
Optimum Large Cap Value Fund 100.00 %

Optimum International Fund intends to pass through foreign tax credits in the maximum amount of $411,923. The gross foreign source income earned during the fiscal year 2012 by Optimum International Fund was $10,610,973. Complete information will be computed and reported in conjunction with your 2012 Form 1099-DIV.


Report of independent
registered public accounting firm

To the Board of Trustees of Optimum Fund Trust and the Shareholders of Optimum Fixed Income Fund, Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund:

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets, statements of assets and liabilities, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Optimum Fixed Income Fund, Optimum International Fund, Optimum Large Cap Growth Fund, Optimum Large Cap Value Fund, Optimum Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund and Optimum Small-Mid Cap Value Fund (constituting Optimum Fund Trust, hereafter referred to as the “Funds”) at March 31, 2012, the results of each of their operations for the year then ended and the changes in each of their net assets and the financial highlights for each of the two years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as “financial statements”) are the responsibility of the Funds’ management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at March 31, 2012 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. The financial highlights for each of the three years in the period ended March 31, 2010 were audited by other independent accountants whose report dated May 19, 2010 expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements.


PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 24, 2012


Other Fund information

Optimum Fund Trust

Change in Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Due to independence matters under the Securities and Exchange Commission’s auditor independence rules relating to the January 4, 2010 acquisition of Delaware Investments (including DMC, DDLP and DSC) by Macquarie Group, Ernst & Young LLP (E&Y) has resigned as the independent registered public accounting firm for Optimum Fund Trust (the Trust) effective May 27, 2010. At a meeting held on March 17, 2010, the Board of Trustees of the Trust, upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, selected PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) to serve as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Trust for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011. During the fiscal years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009, E&Y’s audit reports on the financial statements of the Trust did not contain any adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were they qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles. In addition, there were no disagreements between the Trust and E&Y on accounting principles, financial statements disclosures or audit scope, which, if not resolved to the satisfaction of E&Y, would have caused them to make reference to the disagreement in their reports. Neither the Trust nor anyone on its behalf has consulted with PwC at any time prior to their selection with respect to the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the Trust’s financial statements.


Board of trustees and officers addendum

Optimum Fund Trust

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Trustees, which has oversight responsibility for the management of a fund’s business affairs. Trustees establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the investment manager, the distributor and others that perform services for the fund. The independent fund trustees, in particular, are advocates for shareholder interests. The following is a list of the Trustees and Officers of the Trust with certain background and related information.

Number of
Portfolios in Fund Other
Name, Complex1 Overseen Directorships
Address Position(s) Length of Principal Occupation(s) by Trustee Held by
and Age Held with Fund(s) Time Served During Past 5 Years or Officer Trustee or Officer
  Interested Trustees
Robert J. Moore2 Trustee June 10, 2010 President and Chief Operating Officer — 6 Independent Board
2005 Market Street to present LPL Financial LLC Member — Legal and
Philadelphia, PA (2012–Present) General Investment
19103   Management America
Chief Financial Officer — (Investment Adviser)
Age 50 LPL Financial LLC (2008–Present)
Chief Executive Officer and
Chief Financial Officer —
ABN AMRO North America
J. Scott Coleman2 Trustee, President June 16, 2011 Executive Vice President 6 None
2005 Market Street and Chief to present Head of Distribution and Marketing —
Philadelphia, PA Executive Officer Delaware Investments
19103 (October 2008–Present)
Age 51 Managing Director for
Investment Consulting Group —
Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  Independent Trustees
Robert J. Christian Trustee November 1, 2007 Private Investor 6 Trustee — Wilmington
2005 Market Street and Chairman to present (2006–Present) Funds (26 mutual funds)
Philadelphia, PA (1998–Present)
19103 Chief Investment Officer
Wilmington Trust Corporation Trustee — FundVantage
Age 63 (Trust Bank) Trust (34 mutual funds)
(1996–2006) (2007–Present)
Nicholas D. Constan Trustee July 17, 2003 Adjunct Professor — 6 None
2005 Market Street to present University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA (1972–Present)
Age 73
Durant Adams Hunter Trustee July 17, 2003 Principal—Ridgeway Partners 6 None
2005 Market Street to present (Executive Recruiting)
Philadelphia, PA (2004–Present)
Age 63

(continues)       131

Board of trustees and officers addendum

Number of
Portfolios in Fund Other
Name, Complex1 Overseen Directorships
Address Position(s) Length of Principal Occupation(s) by Trustee Held by
and Age Held with Fund(s) Time Served During Past 5 Years or Officer Trustee or Officer
Independent Trustees (continued)
Stephen Paul Mullin Trustee July 17, 2003 Senior Vice President — 6 None
2005 Market Street to present Econsult Corporation
Philadelphia, PA (Economic Consulting)
19103 (2000–Present)
Age 56
Robert A. Rudell Trustee July 17, 2003 Private Investor 6 Director and Chair,
2005 Market Street to present (2002–Present) Compensation Committee —
Philadelphia, PA Medtox Scientific, Inc.
19103 (Medical devices/Clinical lab)
Age 63
  Director and
Independent Chairman —
Heartland Funds
(3 mutual funds)
Jon Edward Socolofsky  Trustee July 17, 2003 Private Investor 6 None
2005 Market Street to present (2002–Present)
Philadelphia, PA
Age 66
David F. Connor Vice President, Vice President since Mr. Connor has served as 6 None4
2005 Market Street Deputy General July 17, 2003 Vice President and Deputy
Philadelphia, PA Counsel, and Secretary and Secretary General Counsel of
19103 since Delaware Investments3 since 2000.  
December 6, 2005
Age 47
David P. O’Connor Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President Mr. O’Connor has served in 6 None4
2005 Market Street General Counsel since February 2012; various executive and legal
Philadelphia, PA and Chief Senior Vice President capacities at different times at
19103 Legal Officer October 2005– Delaware Investments.
February 2012;
Age 45 General Counsel
and Chief Legal Officer
since October 2005
Daniel Geatens Vice President September 20, 2007 Mr. Geatens has served in 6 None4
2005 Market Street and Treasurer to present various capacities at
Philadelphia, PA Delaware Investments.
Age 39
Richard Salus Senior January 1, 2006 Mr. Salus has served in 6 None4
2005 Market Street Vice President to present various executive capacities
Philadelphia, PA and at different times at
19103 Chief Financial Delaware Investments.
Age 48

1 The term “Fund Complex” refers to the Funds in the Optimum Fund Trust.

2 “Interested persons” of the Funds by virtue of their executive and management positions or relationships with the Fund’s service providers or sub-service providers.

3 Delaware Investments is the marketing name for Delaware Management Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Trust’s manager, principal underwriter and service agent.

4 Messrs Connor, O’Connor, Geatens and Salus also serve in similar capacities for the Delaware Investments® Family of Funds, a fund complex also managed and distributed by Delaware Investments with 73 funds.


The Statement of Additional Information for the Funds includes additional information about the Trustees and Officers and is available, without charge, upon request by calling your financial advisor or 800 914-0278.


About the organization

This annual report is for the information of Optimum Fund Trust shareholders, but it may be used with prospective investors when preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus for Optimum Fund Trust and the fact sheet for the most recently completed calendar quarter. The prospectus sets forth details about charges, expenses, investment objectives, and operating policies of the investment company. You should read the prospectus carefully before you invest. The figures in this report represent past results that are not a guarantee of future results. The return and principal value of an investment in the investment company will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Board of trustees

Robert J. Moore

President, Chief Operating Officer and
Chief Financial Officer
LPL Financial LLC

J. Scott Coleman

Executive Vice President
Delaware Investments

Robert J. Christian

Private Investor

Nicholas D. Constan

Adjunct Professor —
University of Pennsylvania

Durant Adams Hunter

Principal — Ridgeway Partners

Stephen Paul Mullin

Senior Vice President — Econsult Corporation

Robert A. Rudell

Private Investor

Jon Edward Socolofsky

Private Investor
Affiliated officers

David F. Connor

Vice President,
Deputy General Counsel
and Secretary
Optimum Fund Trust
Philadelphia, PA

Daniel V. Geatens

Vice President and Treasurer
Optimum Fund Trust
Philadelphia, PA

David P. O’Connor

Executive Vice President,
General Counsel
and Chief Legal Officer
Optimum Fund Trust
Philadelphia, PA

Richard Salus

Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Optimum Fund Trust
Philadelphia, PA
Contact information

Investment manager

Delaware Management Company, a series
of Delaware Management Business Trust
Philadelphia, PA

National distributor

Delaware Distributors, L.P.
Philadelphia, PA

Shareholder servicing, dividend

disbursing, and transfer agent
Delaware Service Company, Inc.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7094

For shareholders

800 914-0278

For securities dealers

and financial institutions
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Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Forms N-Q. Each Fund’s Forms N-Q, as well as a description of the policies and procedures that each Fund uses to determine how to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities is available without charge (i) upon request, by calling 800 914-0278; (ii) on the Fund’s website at www.optimummutualfunds.com; and (iii) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Each Fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C.; information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800 SEC-0330.

Information (if any) regarding how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recently disclosed 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge (i) through the Fund’s website at www.optimummutualfunds.com; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.


Item 2. Code of Ethics

     The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party. A copy of the registrant’s Code of Business Ethics has been posted on the Delaware Investments Internet Web site at www.delawareinvestments.com. Any amendments to the Code of Business Ethics, and information on any waiver from its provisions granted by the registrant, will also be posted on this Web site within five business days of such amendment or waiver and will remain on the Web site for at least 12 months.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert

     The registrant’s Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that certain members of the registrant’s Audit Committee are audit committee financial experts, as defined below. For purposes of this item, an “audit committee financial expert” is a person who has the following attributes:

     a. An understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and financial statements;

     b. The ability to assess the general application of such principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves;

     c. Experience preparing, auditing, analyzing, or evaluating financial statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by the registrant’s financial statements, or experience actively supervising one or more persons engaged in such activities;

     d. An understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting; and

     e. An understanding of audit committee functions.

An “audit committee financial expert” shall have acquired such attributes through:

     a. Education and experience as a principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller, public accountant, or auditor or experience in one or more positions that involve the performance of similar functions;

     b. Experience actively supervising a principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, controller, public accountant, auditor, or person performing similar functions;

     c. Experience overseeing or assessing the performance of companies or public accountants with respect to the preparation, auditing, or evaluation of financial statements; or

     d. Other relevant experience.

     The registrant’s Board of Trustees/Directors has also determined that each member of the registrant’s Audit Committee is independent. In order to be “independent” for purposes of this item, the Audit Committee member may not: (i) other than in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees/Directors or any committee thereof, accept directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the issuer; or (ii) be an “interested person” of the registrant as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     The names of the audit committee financial experts on the registrant’s Audit Committee are set forth below:

     Thomas L. Bennett1
     John A. Fry
     Frances A. Sevilla-Sacasa
     Janet L. Yeomans

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

     (a) Audit fees.

     The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its independent auditors for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $120,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

1 The instructions to Form N-CSR require disclosure on the relevant experience of persons who qualify as audit committee financial experts based on “other relevant experience.” The Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that Mr. Bennett qualifies as an audit committee financial expert by virtue of: his education and Chartered Financial Analyst designation; his experience as a credit analyst, portfolio manager and the manager of other credit analysts and portfolio managers; and his prior service on the audit committees of public companies.

     The aggregate fees billed for services provided to the registrant by its independent auditors for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements and for services normally provided by the independent auditors in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements were $120,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.

     (b) Audit-related fees.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $416,500 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These audit-related services were as follows: year end audit procedures; reporting up and subsidiary statutory audits.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services relating to the performance of the audit of the financial statements of the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $593,000 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2011. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These audit-related services were as follows: audit procedures performed for both the reporting up on Delaware Investments’ balances for its consolidation into the parent company, Macquarie. Also, included are the fees for each of the statutory audits performed on the advisor and its affiliates/subsidiaries.

     (c) Tax fees.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant were $25,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant were $25,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: review of income tax returns and review of annual excise distribution calculations.

     The aggregate fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for tax-related services provided to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $10,000 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2011. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These tax-related services were as follows: state and local tax services.

     (d) All other fees.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant’s independent auditors to the registrant’s adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $25,000 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. The percentage of these fees relating to services approved by the registrant’s Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception from the pre-approval requirement in Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) of Regulation S-X was 0%. These other services were as follows: attest examination of management's assertion to the controls in place at the transfer agent to be in compliance with Rule 17ad-13(a)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services provided by the independent auditors to the registrant other than those set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.

     The aggregate fees billed for all services other than those set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Item provided by the registrant’s independent auditors to the registrant’s adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser and that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the registrant were $0 for the registrant’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.

     (e) The registrant’s Audit Committee has established pre-approval policies and procedures as permitted by Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(B) of Regulation S-X (the “Pre-Approval Policy”) with respect to services provided by the registrant’s independent auditors. Pursuant to the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee has pre-approved the services set forth in the table below with respect to the registrant up to the specified fee limits. Certain fee limits are based on aggregate fees to the registrant and other registrants within the Delaware Investments Family of Funds.


Range of Fees
Audit Services  
Statutory audits or financial audits for new Funds

up to $25,000 per Fund

Services associated with SEC registration statements (e.g., Form N-1A, Form N-14, etc.), periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC or other documents issued in connection with securities offerings (e.g., comfort letters for closed-end Fund offerings, consents), and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters

up to $10,000 per Fund

Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of transactions or events and/or the actual or potential impact of final or proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations may be considered “audit-related services” rather than “audit services”)

up to $25,000 in the aggregate

Audit-Related Services  
Consultations by Fund management as to the accounting or disclosure treatment of transactions or events and /or the actual or potential impact of final or proposed rules, standards or interpretations by the SEC, FASB, or other regulatory or standard-setting bodies (Note: Under SEC rules, some consultations may be considered “audit services” rather than “audit-related services”)

up to $25,000 in the aggregate

Tax Services  
U.S. federal, state and local and international tax planning and advice (e.g., consulting on statutory, regulatory or administrative developments, evaluation of Funds’ tax compliance function, etc.)

up to $25,000 in the aggregate

U.S. federal, state and local tax compliance (e.g., excise distribution reviews, etc.) up to $5,000 per Fund
Review of federal, state, local and international income, franchise and other tax returns up to $5,000 per Fund

     Under the Pre-Approval Policy, the Audit Committee has also pre-approved the services set forth in the table below with respect to the registrant’s investment adviser and other entities controlling, controlled by or under common control with the investment adviser that provide ongoing services to the registrant (the “Control Affiliates”) up to the specified fee limit. This fee limit is based on aggregate fees to the investment adviser and its Control Affiliates.

Service Range of Fees
Non-Audit Services  
Services associated with periodic reports and other documents filed with the SEC and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters up to $10,000 in the aggregate

     The Pre-Approval Policy requires the registrant’s independent auditors to report to the Audit Committee at each of its regular meetings regarding all services initiated since the last such report was rendered, including those services authorized by the Pre-Approval Policy.

     (f) Not applicable.

     (g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s independent auditors for services rendered to the registrant and to its investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser were $10,901,705 and $25,000 for the registrant’s fiscal years ended March 31, 2012 and March 31, 2011, respectively.

     (h) In connection with its selection of the independent auditors, the registrant’s Audit Committee has considered the independent auditors’ provision of non-audit services to the registrant’s investment adviser and other service providers under common control with the adviser that were not required to be pre-approved pursuant to Rule 2-01(c)(7)(ii) of Regulation S-X. The Audit Committee has determined that the independent auditors’ provision of these services is compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

     Not applicable.

Item 6. Investments

     (a) Included as part of report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.

     (b) Divestment of securities in accordance with Section 13(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

     Not applicable.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

     Not applicable.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

     Not applicable.

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers

     Not applicable.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

     Not applicable.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures

     The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have evaluated the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures within 90 days of the filing of this report and have concluded that they are effective in providing reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by the registrant in its reports or statements filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     There were no significant changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by the report to stockholders included herein (i.e., the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Exhibits

(a) (1) Code of Ethics

Not applicable.

(2) Certifications of Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 30a-2 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

(3) Written solicitations to purchase securities pursuant to Rule 23c-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Not applicable.

(b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf, by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Name of Registrant: Optimum Fund Trust

By: J. Scott Coleman
Title:  Chief Executive Officer
Date: June 6, 2012

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: J. Scott Coleman
Title:  Chief Executive Officer
Date: June 6, 2012

By: Richard Salus
Title:  Chief Financial Officer
Date: June 6, 2012