Filed Pursuant To Rule 433

Registration No. 333-217785

July 18, 2017


SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard     As of June 30, 2017
By the SPDR Gold Strategy Team    
What happened to gold in the second quarter?    
Gold prices were flat in the second quarter as recent concerns over the global    
populism movement seem to be fading away despite persistent geopolitical tensions.    GLD Key Facts
After four rate hikes in the current monetary cycle bullion found support at    
successively higher levels — around $1,050 in December 2015, $1,125 in December 2016,    $34B Fund Size*
a fraction under $1,200 in Mach 2017 and $1,225 in June 2017, while the US dollar Index    $0.01 30-Day Liqudity: Bid/Ask Spread
fell by 3.67% from January 1st through the end of June 2017.    
India’s latest “Good and Services Tax” (GST) came into effect on 1 July with gold    $877M 30-Day Average Daily Volume
currently taxed at 3%, nearly 1% higher than what it was prior to GST. This may     as of June 30, 2017.
negatively impact physical demand short-term.     Source: Bloomberg, State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).
Looking ahead, the ongoing debate to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act may    
come to a head in Q3. The outcome could foreshadow Presidents Trump’s ability to    
negotiate the debt ceiling, renegotiate NAFTA and pass tax reform & infrastructure    
legislation, which may have implications for gold near-term.     Gold Vitals     Asset Class Returns and Correlations
Factors    Trend Potential Impact30-Jun-1752 Week High52 Week LowReturnsCorrelation to Gold
Gold Price (USD/oz)    • •1242.31366.31125.7Trailing Trailing 12-MarchCorr. over pastTrailingTrailing
Gold Bullish Sentiment %    • •45.082.417.7June (%)3-Mo.(%)Mo. (%)Correlation3 monthsJune3-Mo.12-Mo.
USD-1.34-4.71-0.54Strong NegativeStrengthening-0.53-0.11-0.38
Stock Market Volatility    • • Treasuries-0.581.40-3.86Moderate PositiveStrengthening0.470.380.42
Gold Spec. Interest (moz)    • • NegativeFlat-
Crude Oil (USD/bbl)    • •46.054.539.5Equities0.283.6116.48Weak PositiveStrengthening0.22-0.140.05
US Dollar Index    • •95.6103.394.2Gold-1.89-0.21-5.94—————
Gold ETF holdings (moz)    • •67.968.066.2Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P, SSGA.
10-Year Treasury Yields %    • •2.302.631.36Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Indices representing the above asset classes are as follows: Gold = LBMA Afternoon Gold Price as tracked by
Gold holdings in ETFs represent 25 gold ETFs.     ICE Benchmark Administration Ltd., USD = The US Dollar Index, 10-Year Treasuries = The ICE U.S. Treasury 7–10
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P, SSGA.     Indices representing the above asset classes are as follows: Gold = LBMA Afternoon Gold Price as tracked by ICE    Year Bond Index, Commodities = S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, Equities = MSCI ACWI Index. In terms of Benchmark Administration Ltd., Gold Bullish Sentiment (%) = Bloomberg Commodity Sentiment Gold Bullish Readings    “Strengthening” and “Weakening” correlation, it’s a comparison between the December correlation and the trailing
Index, Stock Market Volatility: SPX Volatility Index, Gold Spec. Interest = Gold Net Speculative Long Positions from    3-month correlation. It is considered “Strengthening” when the December correlation is greater than 0.2 and greater
the Commitment of Traders Report released by the CFTC, Crude Oil = Bloomberg Generic Front Month Crude Prices,    than the trailing 3-month correlation. It is considered “Weakening” when the December correlation is less than -0.2
US Dollar Index = The US Dollar Index. 10-Year Treasury Yields = Bloomberg US Generic Government 10 Year Yields    and less than the trailing 3-month correlation. It is considered “Flat” when none of the criteria above fits.
Index. (See “Definitions” on Page 4 for details on indices or benchmarks).    


SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard    
Bullion prices remained flat in Q2’2017 as equities rallied despite a weaker US Dollar.    
Figure 1: Gold and US Dollar Index     Figure 3: Gold and Commodities
USD/oz     USD IndexUSD/ozS&P GSCI Index
1,400     1041,400450
1,340     1021,340
1,280     1001,280
1,220     981,220
1,160     961,160
1,100    Jun AugOctDecFebAprJun941,100JunAugOctDecFebAprJun300
2016    2016 201620162017201720172016201620162016201720172017
— LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)    — US Dollar Index (RHS) — LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)— S&P GSCI (RHS)
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.     Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.
Figure 2: Gold and Equities     Figure 4: Gold and 10-Year Treasury Yields
USD/oz     MSCI ACWI IndexUSD/oz%
1,400     4751,4002.75 1,340     1,3402.50 450 2.25 1,280     1,280
4252.00 1,220     1,220 1.75 400
1,160     1,1601.50
1,100    Jun AugOctDecFebAprJun3751,100JunAugOctDecFebAprJun1.25
2016    2016 201620162017201720172016201620162016201720172017
— LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)    — MSCI ACWI (RHS) — LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)— US 10-yr Treasury Yields (RHS)
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.     Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Index performance does not represent the performance of any particular exchange traded fund.    
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SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard    
Gold nearly broke through the psychological $1,300/oz level in 2Q’2017 spurred by rising geopolitical tensions despite historic lows in equity volatility.    
Figure 5: Stock Market Volatility     Figure 7: Gold Sentiment
USD/oz     VIX IndexUSD/ozGold Bullish (%)
1,400     251,400100
1,340     201,34075
1,280     151,280
1,220     101,220
1,160     51,160
1,100 Jun    Aug OctDecFebAprJun01,100 JunAugOctDecFebAprJun0
2016    2016 201620162017201720172016201620162016201720172017
— LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)    — VIX Index (RHS) — LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)— Gold Bullish Sentiment (RHS)
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.     Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.
Figure 6: COMEX Positioning     Figure 8: Gold ETF Holdings†
Moz     USD/ozUSD/ozMOZ
60     21501,40075
40     19001,340
20     16501,280
0     14001,220
-20     11501,160
-40    Jun JunJunJunJunJunJunJun9001,100 JunAugOctDecFebAprJun60
2010    2011 2012201320142015201620172016201620162016201720172017
? Long (LHS)    ? Short (LHS) — Net Position (LHS)— LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (RHS)— LBMA Gold Price PM (USD/oz) (LHS)— Gold Holdings in ETFs (RHS)
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P.,CFTC and SSGA.     Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., SSGA.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Index performance does not represent the performance of any particular exchange traded fund.    
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SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard    
Figure 9: Standard Performance SPDR® Gold Shares Performance as of June 30, 2017    
Since Inception
1 Month (%)    QTD (%) YTD (%)1 Year (%)3 Years (%)5 Years (%)10 Years (%)11/18/2004
NAV    -1.92 -0.316.96-6.32-2.27-5.306.258.10
Market Value    -2.16 -0.597.67-6.72-2.68-5.336.267.98
LBMA Gold Price PM    -1.89 -0.218.41-5.94-1.88-4.926.688.53
Source: spdrs.com.    
Performance quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current
performance may be higher or lower than that quoted. Visit spdrs.com for most recent month-end performance. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.    
The market price used to calculate the Market Value return is the midpoint between the highest bid and the lowest offer on the exchange on which the shares of the Fund are listed for trading, as of the time that the Fund’s NAV is calculated.
If you trade your shares at another time, your return may differ.    
Gross Expense Ratio: 0.40%.    
Bloomberg Commodity Sentiment Gold Bullish Readings Index A weekly measure of analysts and traders who are bullish on gold that is compiled by Bloomberg News. The number of participants in the survey may vary. COMEX The main futures market for trading metals such including gold, silver, copper and aluminum.
Gold Bullish Sentiment A measure of gold market sentiment created and published by Bloomberg. The weekly survey measures the percentage of gold analysts and traders who are bullish, bearish or neutral on gold.
ICE U.S. Treasury 7–10 Year Bond Index A fixed-income benchmark created by the Intercontinental Exchange, or ICE, that focuses on debt issued by the US Department of the Treasury. The index includes only US dollar denominated, fixed-rate securities that have a minimum term to maturity greater than seven years and less than or equal to 10 years.
LBMA Gold Price The LBMA Gold Price is determined twice each business day (10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. London time) by the participants in a physically settled, electronic and tradable auction administered by the IBA using a bidding process that determines the price of gold by matching buy and sell orders submitted by the participants for the applicable auction time.
Long Gold Positions Speculative long positions on gold and other futures are recorded in the weekly Commitment of Traders Report published by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, or CFTC, and measure the amount of gold ounces that are represented by gold futures that will be profitable should the price of gold rise. MSCI ACWI Index MSCI ACWI Index is a free-float weighted equity index that includes companies in both emerging and developed world markets and is designed to be a proxy for most of the investable equities universe around the world.
Net Positions Net positions in gold futures and other futures markets is the difference between the number of speculative long and speculative short positions. The data, found in the weekly Commitment of Traders Report, are published by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, or CFTC.
S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, or S&P GSCI A production-weighted index launched in 1992 that tracks the performance of 24 commodity futures contracts. The index, tilts to commodities that are more heavily produced globally, so its weights more heavily to crude oil than, say, to cocoa.
Short Gold Positions Speculative short positions on gold and other futures are recorded in the weekly Commitment of Traders Report published by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, or CFTC, and measure the amount of gold ounces that are represented by gold futures that will be profitable should the price of gold fall.
US Dollar Index The US Dollar Index (DXY) Index measures the performance of the US Dollar against a basket of currencies: the euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound sterling (GBP), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the Swiss Franc (CHF) and the Swedish krona (SEK).
US Generic Government 10 Year Yields Index A fixed-income index compiled by Bloomberg that measures yields of generic US, on-the-run, government notes and bond indices. Yields are yield to maturity and pre-tax, are based on the ask side of the market and are updated intraday. Yields included in the index are precise to 4 decimal places.
US 10-Year Treasury Note Yield (Used in Macro Sensitivity) The interest rate paid to holders of U.S. 10 Year
Treasury Notes. The rate is comprised of Generic United States on-the-run government 10 Year Treasuries. The yield quoted is yield to maturity and on a pre-tax basis.
SPX Volatility Index VIX, or CBOE Volatility Index The SPX Volatility Index, also called the VIX or the CBOE Volatility Index, is a measure of the market’s expectation of 30-day volatility. It is constructed using the implied volatilities of a wide range of S&P 500 index options.
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SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard
* We define Trend as a comparison between end-of-month; 50-day; and 200-day readings for each factor. A positive trend is identified if either the end-of month reading is greater than the 50-day reading or if the 50-day reading is greater than the 200-day reading. We identify a negative trend when either the end-of month reading is less than the 50-day reading or when the 50-day reading is less than the 200-day reading. We define a flat trend as instances when the prevailing movement is neither positive nor negative.
** We define “Potential Impact” as the possible impact each of the trends may have on the price of gold.
*** Gold holdings in ETFs are represented by the securities tracked by Bloomberg Financial L.P that, together, make up 25 global ETFs.
**** We view the correlation coefficient as a metric that measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. We believe it measures the degree to which the deviations of one variable from its mean are related to those of a different variable from its respective mean. We consider a correlation between -1.0 to -0.5 or 0.5 to 1.0 to be “strong;” one between -0.5 to -0.3 or 0.3 to 0.5 to be “moderate;” and one between -0.3 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 0.3 to be “weak.” We view a correlation coefficient between -0.1 to 0.1 as having “no correlation” or a “very weak” correlation.
† Gold holdings in ETFs are represented by the securities tracked by Bloomberg Financial L.P that, together, make up 25 global ETFs.
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SPDR® Gold Shares (GLD®) Quarterly Dashboard
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While the shares of ETFs are tradable on secondary markets, they may not readily trade in all market conditions and may trade at significant discounts in periods of market stress.
ETFs trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk, fluctuate in market value and may trade at prices above or below the ETFs’ net asset value. Brokerage commissions and ETF expenses will reduce returns.
Commodities and commodity-index linked securities may be affected by changes in overall market movements, changes in interest rates, and other factors such as weather, disease, embargoes, or political and regulatory developments, as well as trading activity of speculators and arbitrageurs in the underlying commodities.
Frequent trading of ETFs could significantly increase commissions and other costs such that they may offset any savings from low fees or costs.
Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss.
Equity securities may fluctuate in value in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
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Investing in commodities entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors.
Important Information Relating to SPDR Gold Trust:
The SPDR Gold Trust (“GLD”) has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the offering to which this communication relates.
Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and other documents
GLD has filed with the SEC for more complete information about GLD and this offering. Please see the
GLD prospectus for a detailed discussion of the risks of investing in GLD shares. The GLD prospectus is available by clicking here. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at sec.gov or by visiting spdrgoldshares.com. Alternatively, the Trust or any authorized participant will arrange to send you the prospectus if you request it by calling 866.320.4053.
GLD is not an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) and is not subject to regulation under the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 (the “CEA”). As a result, shareholders of the Trust do not have the protections associated with ownership of shares in an investment company registered under the 1940 Act or the protections afforded by the CEA.
GLD shares trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk and will fluctuate in market value. The value of GLD shares relates directly to the value of the gold held by GLD (less its expenses), and fluctuations in the price of gold could materially and adversely affect an investment in the shares. The price received upon the sale of the shares, which trade at market price, may be more or less than the value of the gold represented by them. GLD does not generate any income, and as GLD regularly sells gold to pay for its ongoing expenses, the amount of gold represented by each Share will decline over time to that extent.
The World Gold Council name and logo are a registered trademark and used with the permission of the World Gold Council pursuant to a license agreement. The World Gold Council in not responsible for the content of, and is not liable for the use of or reliance on, this material. World Gold Council is an affiliate of GLD’s sponsor.
For more information: State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC, One Lincoln Street, Boston, MA, 02111 T: +1 866 320 4053 spdrgoldshares.com
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SPDR® GOLD TRUST has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the SEC for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and other documents the issuer has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the Trust and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. Alternatively, the Trust or any Authorized Participant will arrange to send you the prospectus if you request it by calling toll free at 1-866-320-4053 or contacting State Street Global Markets, LLC, One Lincoln Street, Attn: SPDR® Gold Shares, 30th Floor, Boston, MA 02111.