N-CSRS 1 d946484dncsrs.htm N-CSRS N-CSRS
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Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-21188

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019

(Address of principal executive offices)

Bradley Todd

Treasurer (Principal Financial & Accounting Officer)

650 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

(Name and address of agent for service)

Copies to:

David C. Sullivan

Ropes & Gray LLP

Prudential Tower

800 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02199

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (844) 337-4626

Date of fiscal year end: December 31

Date of reporting period: June 30, 2020

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507.

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Item 1.      Reports to Shareholders.
     The following is a copy of the report transmitted to shareholders pursuant to Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30e-1).

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Semiannual Report


June 30, 2020


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund | PMF | NYSE


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II | PML | NYSE


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III | PMX | NYSE


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund | PCQ | NYSE


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II | PCK | NYSE


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III | PZC | NYSE


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund | PNF | NYSE


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II | PNI | NYSE


Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Funds’ annual and semi-annual shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Fund or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead, the reports will be made available on the Fund’s website, pimco.com/literature, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Fund electronically by visiting pimco.com/edelivery or by contacting your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank.


You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you own these shares through a financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank, you may contact your financial intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you invest directly with the Fund, you can inform the Fund that you wish to continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports by calling 844.337.4626. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with the fund complex if you invest directly with the Fund or to all funds held in your account if you invest through a financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank.

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Table of Contents



Letter from the Chair of the Board & President


Important Information About the Funds


Financial Highlights


Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to Financial Statements




Distribution Information


Changes to Boards of Trustees


Approval of Investment Management Agreement

Fund    Fund
     Schedule of

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

     8        29  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

     9        34  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

     10        39  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

     11        44  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

     12        47  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

     13        50  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

     14        53  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

     15        55  

Table of Contents

Letter from the Chair of the Board & President


Dear Shareholder,


We hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during these challenging times. We continue to work tirelessly to navigate markets and manage the assets that you have entrusted with us. Following this letter is the PIMCO Closed-End Funds Semiannual Report, which covers the six-month reporting period ended June 30, 2020. On the subsequent pages, you will find specific details regarding investment results and discussion of the factors that most affected performance during the reporting period.


For the six-month reporting period ended June 30, 2020


The coronavirus took its toll on the U.S. economy, as it entered its first recession since the 2008 financial crisis. Looking back, U.S. gross domestic product (“GDP”) grew at a revised annual pace of 2.6% and 2.4% during the third and fourth quarters of 2019, respectively. The pandemic then caused the economy to significantly weaken, as annualized GDP growth in the first quarter of 2020 was -5.0%. The Commerce Department’s initial estimate for second quarter annualized GDP growth — released after the reporting period ended — was -32.9%. This represented the sharpest quarterly decline on record.


The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) took unprecedented actions to support the economy and keep markets functioning properly. In early March 2020, the Fed lowered the federal funds rate to a range between 1.00% and 1.25%. Later in the month, the Fed lowered the rate to a range between 0.00% and 0.25%. On March 23, the Fed announced, “It has become clear that our economy will face severe disruptions. Aggressive efforts must be taken across the public and private sectors to limit the losses to jobs and incomes and to promote a swift recovery once the disruptions abate.” The Fed’s efforts included the ability to make unlimited purchases of Treasury and mortgage securities. It also announced that, for the first time, it would purchase existing corporate bonds on the open market. In addition, the U.S. government passed a $2 trillion fiscal stimulus bill to aid the economy in March.


In its June 2020 World Economic Outlook Update, the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) stated that it expects the U.S. economy to contract 8.0% in 2020, compared to the 2.3% GDP expansion in 2019. Elsewhere, the IMF has also stated that it anticipates that 2020 GDP growth in the eurozone, U.K. and Japan will be -10.2%, -10.2% and -5.8%, respectively. For comparison purposes, the GDP of these economies expanded 1.3%, 1.4% and 0.7%, respectively, in 2019.


Both short- and long-term U.S. Treasury yields fell sharply during the reporting period. In our view, this was due to a combination of declining global growth given the coronavirus, the Fed’s accommodative monetary policy and periods of extreme investor risk aversion. The yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note was 0.66% at the end of the reporting period, versus 1.92% on December 31, 2019. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Treasury Index (U.S. Dollar Hedged), which tracks fixed-rate, local currency government debt of investment grade countries, including both developed and emerging markets, returned 4.30%. Meanwhile, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Credit Index (U.S. Dollar Hedged), a widely used index of global investment grade credit bonds, returned 3.43%. Riskier fixed income asset classes, including high yield corporate bonds and emerging market debt, generated weaker results. The ICE BofAML Developed Markets High Yield Constrained Index (U.S. Dollar Hedged), a widely used index of below investment grade bonds, returned -4.64%, whereas emerging market external debt, as represented by the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global (U.S. Dollar Hedged), returned -1.87%. Emerging market local bonds, as represented by the JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global Diversified Index (Unhedged), returned -6.89%.


The municipal (or “muni”) market generated choppy results, posting positive returns during four of the six months of the reporting period. As was the case with the taxable U.S. bond market, munis were supported by falling interest rates. However, a portion of its gains were lost in March and April 2020, in our view, due to concerns about market liquidity and municipal finances. All told, the Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index returned 2.08% during the six months ended June 30, 2020.



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Thank you for the assets you have placed with us. We deeply value your trust, and we will continue to work diligently to meet your broad investment needs. For any questions regarding your PIMCO Closed-End Funds investments, please contact your financial advisor, or call the Funds’ shareholder servicing agent at (844) 33-PIMCO. We also invite you to visit our website at www.pimco.com to learn more about our global viewpoints.




Deborah A. DeCotis   Eric D. Johnson
Chair of the Board of Trustees   President


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Unless otherwise noted, index returns reflect the reinvestment of income distributions and capital gains, if any, but do not reflect fees, brokerage commissions or other expenses of investing. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.



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Important Information About the Funds


We believe that bond funds have an important role to play in a well-diversified investment portfolio. It is important to note, however, that in an environment where interest rates may trend upward, rising rates would negatively impact the performance of most bond funds, and fixed-income securities and other instruments held by a Fund are likely to decrease in value. A wide variety of factors can cause interest rates or yields of U.S. Treasury securities (or yields of other types of bonds) to rise (e.g., central bank monetary policies, inflation rates, general economic conditions). In addition, changes in interest rates can be sudden and unpredictable, and there is no guarantee that Fund management will anticipate such movement accurately. A Fund may lose money as a result of movement in interest rates.


As of the date of this report, interest rates in the U.S. and many parts of the world, including certain European countries, are at or near historically low levels. Thus, the Funds currently face a heightened level of risk associated with rising interest rates and/or bond yields. This could be driven by a variety of factors, including but not limited to central bank monetary policies, changing inflation or real growth rates, general economic conditions, increasing bond issuances or reduced market demand for low yielding investments. Further, while bond markets have steadily grown over the past three decades, dealer inventories of corporate bonds are near historic lows in relation to market size. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in the ability of dealers to “make markets.”


Bond funds and individual bonds with a longer duration (a measure used to determine the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates) tend to be more sensitive to changes in interest rates, usually making them more volatile than securities or funds with shorter durations. In addition, in the current low interest rate environment, the market price of the Funds’ common shares may be particularly sensitive to changes in interest rates or the perception that there will be a change in interest rates. All of the factors mentioned above, individually or collectively, could lead to increased volatility and/or lower liquidity in the fixed income markets or negatively impact a Fund’s performance or cause a Fund to incur losses.


Classifications of the Funds’ portfolio holdings in this report are made according to financial reporting standards. The classification of a particular portfolio holding as shown in the Allocation Breakdown and Schedule of Investments sections of this report may differ from the classification used for the Funds’ compliance calculations, including those used in the Funds’ prospectus, investment objectives, regulatory, and other investment limitations and policies, which may be based on different asset class, sector or geographical classifications. Each Fund is separately monitored for compliance with respect to prospectus and regulatory requirements.

The geographical classification of foreign (non-U.S.) securities in this report, if any, are classified by the country of incorporation of a holding. In certain instances, a security’s country of incorporation may be different from its country of economic exposure.


Beginning in January 2020, global financial markets have experienced and may continue to experience significant volatility resulting from the spread of a novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel and border restrictions, quarantines, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand and general market uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 have and may continue to adversely affect the global economy, the economies of certain nations and individual issuers, all of which may negatively impact the Funds’ performance. In addition, COVID-19 and governmental responses to COVID-19 may negatively impact the capabilities of the Funds’ service providers and disrupt the Funds’ operations.


The United States presidential administration’s enforcement of tariffs on goods from other countries, with a focus on China, has contributed to international trade tensions and may impact portfolio securities.


The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union may impact Fund returns. The withdrawal may cause substantial volatility in foreign exchange markets, lead to weakness in the exchange rate of the British pound, result in a sustained period of market uncertainty, and destabilize some or all of the other European Union member countries and/or the Eurozone.


The Funds may invest in certain instruments that rely in some fashion upon the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). LIBOR is an average interest rate, determined by the ICE Benchmark Administration, that banks charge one another for the use of short-term money. The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates LIBOR, has announced plans to phase out the use of LIBOR by the end of 2021. The transition may result in a reduction in the value of certain instruments held by a Fund or a reduction in the effectiveness of related Fund transactions such as hedges. There remains uncertainty regarding future utilization of LIBOR and the nature of any replacement rate (e.g., the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, which is intended to replace U.S. dollar LIBOR and measures the cost of overnight borrowings through repurchase agreement transactions collateralized with U.S. Treasury securities), and any potential effects of the transition away from LIBOR on the Fund or on certain instruments in which the Fund invests are not known and could result in losses to a Fund.


Under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC”) have entered into a joint initiative to develop a common securitization platform for the issuance of a uniform




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mortgage-backed security (the “Single Security Initiative”) that aligns the characteristics of FNMA and FHLMC certificates. The Single Security Initiative was implemented on June 3, 2019, and the effects it may have on the market for mortgage-backed securities are uncertain.


Investing in the municipal bond market involves the risks of investing in debt securities generally and certain other risks. The amount of public information available about the municipal bonds in which a Fund may invest is generally less than that for corporate equities or bonds, and the investment performance of a Fund’s investment in municipal bonds may therefore be more dependent on the analytical abilities of PIMCO than its investments in taxable bonds. The secondary market for municipal bonds also tends to be less well-developed or liquid than many other securities markets, which may adversely affect a Fund’s ability to sell its bonds at attractive prices.


The ability of municipal issuers to make timely payments of interest and principal may be diminished during general economic downturns, by litigation, legislation or political events, or by the bankruptcy of the issuer. Issuers of municipal securities also might seek protection under the bankruptcy laws. In the event of bankruptcy of such an issuer, a Fund could experience delays in collecting principal and interest and the Fund may not, in all circumstances, be able to collect all principal and interest to which it is entitled.


A fund that has substantial exposures to California municipal bonds may be affected significantly by economic, regulatory or political developments affecting the ability of California issuers to pay interest or repay principal. Certain issuers of California municipal bonds have experienced serious financial difficulties in the past and reoccurrence of these difficulties may impair the ability of certain California issuers to pay principal or interest on their obligations. Provisions of the California Constitution and State statutes that limit the taxing and spending authority of California governmental entities may impair the ability of California issuers to pay principal and/or interest on their obligations. While California’s economy is broad, it does have major concentrations in high technology, aerospace and defense-related manufacturing, trade, entertainment, real estate and financial services, and may be sensitive to economic problems affecting those industries. Future California political and economic developments, constitutional amendments, legislative measures, executive orders, administrative regulations, litigation and voter initiatives could have an adverse effect on the debt obligations of California issuers.


A fund that has substantial exposures to New York municipal bonds may be affected significantly by economic, regulatory or political developments affecting the ability of New York issuers to pay interest or repay principal. While New York’s economy is broad, it does have concentrations in the financial services industry, and may be sensitive

to economic problems affecting that industry. Certain issuers of New York municipal bonds have experienced serious financial difficulties in the past and reoccurrence of these difficulties may impair the ability of certain New York issuers to pay principal or interest on their obligations. The financial health of New York City affects that of the State, and when New York City experiences financial difficulty, it may have an adverse effect on New York municipal bonds held by a Fund. The growth rate of New York has at times been somewhat slower than the nation overall. The economic and financial condition of New York also may be affected by various financial, social, economic and political factors.


The common shares of the Funds trade on the New York Stock Exchange. As with any stock, the price of a Fund’s common shares will fluctuate with market conditions and other factors. If you sell your common shares of a Fund, the price received may be more or less than your original investment.


Shares of closed-end investment management companies, such as the Funds, frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value (“NAV”) and may trade at a price that is less than the initial offering price and/or the NAV of such shares. Further, if a Fund’s shares trade at a price that is more than the initial offering price and/or the NAV of such shares, including at a substantial premium and/or for an extended period of time, there is no assurance that any such premium will be sustained for any period of time and will not decrease, or that the shares will not trade at a discount to NAV thereafter.


The Funds may be subject to various risks as described in each Fund’s prospectus and in the Principal Risks in the Notes to Financial Statements.


On each Fund Summary page in this Shareholder Report, the Average Annual Total Return table measures performance assuming that all dividend and capital gain distributions were reinvested. Total return is calculated by determining the percentage change in NAV or market price (as applicable) in the specified period. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions. Total return for a period of more than one year represents the average annual total return. Performance at market price will differ from results at NAV. Although market price returns tend to reflect investment results over time, during shorter periods returns at market price can also be influenced by factors such as changing views about a Fund, market conditions, supply and demand for the Fund’s shares, or changes in the Fund’s dividends. Performance shown is net of fees and expenses. Historical NAV performance for a Fund may have been positively impacted by fee waivers or expense limitations in place during some or all of the periods shown, if applicable. Future performance (including total return or yield) and distributions may be negatively impacted by the expiration or reduction of any such fee waivers or expense limitations.




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Important Information About the Funds (Cont.)


The dividend rate that a Fund pays on its common shares may vary as portfolio and market conditions change, and will depend on a number of factors, including without limit the amount of a Fund’s undistributed net investment income and net short- and long-term capital gains, as well as the costs of any leverage obtained by a Fund. As portfolio and market conditions change, the rate of distributions on the common shares and a Fund’s dividend policy could change. There can be no assurance that a change in market conditions or other factors will not result in a change in a Fund distribution rate or that the rate will be sustainable in the future.


The following table discloses the commencement of operations and diversification status of each Fund:


Fund Name         Commencement
of Operations

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

      06/29/01     Diversified

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

      06/28/02     Diversified

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      10/31/02     Diversified

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      06/29/01     Diversified

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      06/28/02     Diversified

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      10/31/02     Diversified

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      06/29/01     Non-diversified

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      06/28/02     Diversified


An investment in a Fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money on investments in the Funds.


The Trustees are responsible generally for overseeing the management of the Funds. The Trustees authorize the Funds to enter into service agreements with the Manager and other service providers in order to provide, and in some cases authorize service providers to procure through other parties, necessary or desirable services on behalf of the Funds. Shareholders are not parties to or third-party beneficiaries of such service agreements. Neither a Fund’s original or any subsequent prospectus or Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”), any press release or shareholder report, any contracts filed as exhibits to a Fund’s registration statement, nor any other communications, disclosure documents or regulatory filings from or on behalf of a Fund creates a contract between or among any shareholders of a Fund, on the one hand, and the Fund, a service provider to the Fund, and/or the Trustees or officers of the Fund, on the other hand. The Trustees (or the Funds and their officers, service providers or other delegates acting under authority of the Trustees) may amend its most recent or use a new prospectus or SAI with respect to a Fund, adopt and disclose new or amended policies and other changes in press releases and shareholder reports and/or amend, file and/or issue any other communications, disclosure documents or regulatory filings, and may amend or enter into any contracts to which a Fund is a party, and interpret the

investment objective(s), policies, restrictions and contractual provisions applicable to any Fund, without shareholder input or approval, except in circumstances in which shareholder approval is specifically required by law (such as changes to fundamental investment policies) or where a shareholder approval requirement was specifically disclosed in a Fund’s prospectus, SAI or shareholder report and is otherwise still in effect.


PIMCO has adopted written proxy voting policies and procedures (“Proxy Policy”) as required by Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Proxy Policy has been adopted by the Funds as the policies and procedures that PIMCO will use when voting proxies on behalf of the Funds. A description of the policies and procedures that PIMCO uses to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities of each Fund, and information about how each Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, are available without charge, upon request, by calling the Funds at (844) 33-PIMCO, on the Funds’ website at www.pimco.com, and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) website at www.sec.gov.


The Funds file portfolio holdings information with the SEC on Form N-PORT within 60 days of the end of each fiscal quarter. The Funds’ complete schedules of securities holdings as of the end of each fiscal quarter will be made available to the public on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and on PIMCO’s website at www.pimco.com, and will be made available, upon request, by calling PIMCO at (844) 33-PIMCO. Prior to its use of Form N-PORT, each Fund filed its complete schedule of its portfolio holdings with the SEC on Form N-Q, which is available online at www.sec.gov.


The SEC adopted a rule that, beginning in 2021, generally will allow shareholder reports to be delivered to investors by providing access to such reports online free of charge and by mailing a notice that the report is electronically available. Pursuant to the rule, investors may still elect to receive a complete shareholder report in the mail. Instructions for electing to receive paper copies of a Fund’s shareholder reports going forward may be found on the front cover of this report.


In November 2019, the SEC published a proposed rulemaking related to the use of derivatives and certain other transactions by registered investment companies. If the proposal is adopted in substantially the same form as it was proposed, these requirements could limit the ability of a Fund to use derivatives and reverse repurchase agreements and similar financing transactions as part of its investment strategies. Any new requirements, if adopted, may increase the cost of the Funds’ investments and cost of doing business, which could adversely affect investors.




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In April 2020, the SEC issued a proposed rulemaking setting forth a proposed framework for fair valuation of fund investments. If the proposal is adopted in substantially the same form as it was proposed, the rule would set forth requirements for good faith determinations of fair value, establish conditions under which a market quotation is considered readily available for purposes of the definition of “value” under the Investment Company Act of 1940, and address the roles and responsibilities of a fund’s board of trustees and investment adviser with respect to fair valuation of fund investments. The impact that any such requirements may have on the Funds is uncertain.


On April 8, 2020, the SEC adopted amended rules modifying the registration, communications, and offering processes for registered closed-end funds and interval funds. Among other things, the amendments will: (1) permit qualifying closed-end funds to use a short-form registration statement to offer securities in eligible transactions and certain funds to qualify as Well Known Seasoned Issuers; (2) permit interval funds to pay registration fees based on net issuance of shares in a manner similar to mutual funds; (3) require closed-end funds and interval funds to include additional disclosures in their annual reports; and (4) require certain information to be filed in interactive data format. The new rules have phased compliance and effective dates, with some requirements requiring compliance starting August 1, 2020 and others requiring compliance as late as February 1, 2023.



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PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PMF


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Natural Gas Revenue


Miscellaneous Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Sales Tax Revenue


Electric Power & Light Revenue


College & University Revenue


Sewer Revenue


Special Assessment


Miscellaneous Taxes


Industrial Revenue


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue




Lease Revenue


Transit Revenue


Water Revenue


Nuclear Revenue




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)





Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (8.05)%       (1.48)%       5.62%       6.36%       6.32%  
NAV     (2.13)%       1.89%       6.23%       8.16%       6.76%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal income tax. Under normal market conditions, the Fund will invest in a portfolio of municipal bonds the interest from which is exempt from federal income taxes. Under normal market conditions, the Fund expects to be fully invested (at least 90% of its total assets) in tax-exempt municipal bonds. The Fund will seek to avoid bonds generating interest potentially subjecting individuals to the alternative minimum tax. The Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in investment grade quality municipal bonds, including bonds that are unrated but judged to be of investment grade quality by the Fund’s portfolio manager. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in municipal bonds that are rated Ba/BB or B or that are unrated but judged to be of comparable quality by the Fund’s portfolio manager. Fund strategies may change from time to time. Please refer to the Fund’s current prospectus for more information regarding the Fund’s strategy.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields declined across the curve after a period of dislocation.



Security selection within the transportation sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the tobacco sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Exposure to the revenue sector detracted from performance, as the sector underperformed relative to the municipal market index.



Exposure to the special tax sector detracted from performance, as the sector underperformed the general municipal market.



Exposure to the industrial revenue sector detracted from performance, as the sector underperformed the general municipal market.



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PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


  Symbol on NYSE -  PML


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Natural Gas Revenue


College & University Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Sewer Revenue


Sales Tax Revenue


Lease Revenue


Miscellaneous Revenue


Electric Power & Light Revenue




Miscellaneous Taxes


Industrial Revenue


Transit Revenue


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Water Revenue


General Fund




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)





Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (12.86)%       (5.13)%       9.64%       8.46%       6.16%  
NAV     (1.56)%       2.53%       6.55%       8.02%       5.84%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields declined across the curve.



Security selection within the tobacco sector contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the transportation sector contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the general obligation segment detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the special tax sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the water & sewer sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Table of Contents

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


  Symbol on NYSE -  PMX


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Natural Gas Revenue


College & University Revenue


Sales Tax Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Sewer Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Electric Power & Light Revenue


Water Revenue


Miscellaneous Revenue




Industrial Revenue


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Lease Revenue


Transit Revenue


Recreational Revenue


Income Tax Revenue


General Fund


Nuclear Revenue


Miscellaneous Taxes




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)





Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (6.33)%       (2.22)%       7.99%       7.60%       5.51%  
NAV     (1.34)%       2.69%       6.92%       8.55%       5.70%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields decreased.



Security selection within the transportation sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Exposure to the electric utility sector contributed to performance, as the sector outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the general obligation segment detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the special tax sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the water & sewer sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Table of Contents

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PCQ


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


College & University Revenue


Natural Gas Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Electric Power & Light Revenue


Lease (Abatement)


Local or Guaranteed Housing


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Water Revenue


Sales Tax Revenue


General Fund


Sewer Revenue


Transit Revenue


Special Assessment


Lease (Non-Terminable)




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)





Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (17.41)%       (9.98)%       8.32%       8.17%       6.97%  
NAV     (0.12)%       4.35%       6.32%       7.78%       6.75%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.



Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal and California income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields decreased across the curve after a period of dislocation.



Security selection within the revenue sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the industrial revenue sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the electric utility sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection with the general obligation sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   11

Table of Contents

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II


  Symbol on NYSE -  PCK


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Natural Gas Revenue


Electric Power & Light Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Sewer Revenue


Local or Guaranteed Housing


General Fund


College & University Revenue


Sales Tax Revenue


Lease (Abatement)


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Lease (Non-Terminable)


Special Tax


Water Revenue


Special Assessment




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (9.73)%       (2.77)%       4.79%       6.67%       4.06%  
NAV     (0.63)%       4.19%       6.73%       8.70%       4.72%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.


* Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal and California income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields declined across the curve.



Security selection within the revenue segment contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the industrial revenue sector contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the electric utility sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the housing sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



There were no other material detractors for this Fund.



Table of Contents

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


  Symbol on NYSE -  PZC


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


College & University Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Electric Power & Light Revenue


Natural Gas Revenue


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Local or Guaranteed Housing


General Fund


Highway Revenue Tolls


Sales Tax Revenue


Lease (Abatement)


Transit Revenue


Special Tax


Sewer Revenue


Water Revenue


Special Assessment




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  
    6 Month*     1 Year     5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations
Market Price     (9.88)%       (5.87)%       5.29%       6.64%       4.41%  
NAV     (0.40)%       4.03%       6.25%       7.92%       4.80%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.


* Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal and California income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields decreased.



Security selection within the revenue sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the industrial revenue sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the healthcare sector contributed to performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the electric utility sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the general obligation sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   13

Table of Contents

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund


  Symbol on NYSE -  PNF


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


Income Tax Revenue


College & University Revenue


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Water Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Transit Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Miscellaneous Taxes


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Sales Tax Revenue


Miscellaneous Revenue


Lease Revenue


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Recreational Revenue


Industrial Revenue


Electric Power & Light Revenue




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  

6 Month*


1 Year


5 Year


10 Year

of Operations
Market Price     (14.84)%       (8.48)%       6.21%       6.44%       4.73%  
NAV     (1.87)%       1.98%       5.55%       6.93%       5.13%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.


* Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal, New York State and New York City income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration positioning contributed to performance, as municipal bond yields decreased.



Security selection within the tobacco sector contributed to performance, as the securities outperformed the broader market.



Exposure to the education sector contributed to performance, as the sector outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the water and sewer sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the transportation sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Security selection within the industrial revenue sector detracted from performance, as the securities underperformed the broader market.



Table of Contents

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II


  Symbol on NYSE -  PNI


Allocation Breakdown as of June 30, 2020§


Municipal Bonds & Notes


College & University Revenue


Health, Hospital & Nursing Home Revenue


Tobacco Settlement Funded


Port, Airport & Marina Revenue


Income Tax Revenue


Highway Revenue Tolls


Lease (Appropriation)


Sales Tax Revenue


Miscellaneous Revenue


Transit Revenue


Ad Valorem Property Tax


Miscellaneous Taxes


Recreational Revenue


Electric Power & Light Revenue


Water Revenue


Industrial Revenue


Lease Revenue


Local or Guaranteed Housing




Short-Term Instruments


% of Investments, at value.



Allocation Breakdown and % of investments exclude securities sold short and financial derivative instruments, if any.

Fund Information (as of June 30, 2020)(1)


Market Price




Premium/(Discount) to NAV


Market Price Distribution Rate(2)


NAV Distribution Rate(2)


Total Effective Leverage(3)



Average Annual Total Return(1) for the period ended June 30, 2020  

6 Month*


1 Year

    5 Year     10 Year     Commencement
of Operations

Market Price

    (12.22)%       (6.84)%       3.00%       5.37%       4.45%  
NAV     (2.15)%       2.01%       5.71%       6.99%       5.26%  


All Fund returns are net of fees and expenses and include applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations. Absent any applicable fee waivers and/or expense limitations, performance would have been lower and there can be no assurance that any such waivers or limitations will continue in the future.


* Cumulative return



Performance quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than performance shown. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Total return, market price, NAV, market price distribution rate, and NAV distribution rate will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Performance current to the most recent month-end is available at www.pimco.com or via (844) 33-PIMCO. Performance is calculated assuming all dividends and distributions are reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan. Performance does not reflect any brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.



Distribution rates are not performance and are calculated by annualizing the most recent distribution per share and dividing by the NAV or Market Price, as applicable, as of the reported date. Distributions may be comprised of ordinary income, net capital gains, and/or a return of capital (“ROC”) of your investment in the Fund. Because the distribution rate may include a ROC, it should not be confused with yield or income. If the Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and good accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. Please refer to the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Please visit www.pimco.com for most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be made on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders each January.



Represents total effective leverage outstanding, as a percentage of total managed assets. Total effective leverage consists of auction rate and variable rate munifund term preferred shares, reverse repurchase agreements and other borrowings, credit default swap notional and floating rate notes issued in tender option bond transactions, as applicable (collectively “Total Effective Leverage”). The Fund may engage in other transactions not included in Total Effective Leverage disclosed above that may give rise to a form of leverage, including certain derivative transactions. For the purpose of calculating Total Effective Leverage outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, total managed assets refer to total assets (including assets attributable to Total Effective Leverage that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing Total Effective Leverage).


Investment Objective and Strategy Overview


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II’s investment objective is to seek to provide current income exempt from federal, New York State and New York City income tax.


Fund Insights at NAV


The following affected performance (on a gross basis) during the reporting period:



The Fund’s duration exposure contributed to performance, as municipal yields declined across the curve.



Security selection within the tobacco sector contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the lease-backed sector contributed to performance, as the Fund’s holdings outperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the special tax sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the general obligation segment detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.



Security selection within the water & sewer sector detracted from performance, as the Fund’s holdings underperformed the general municipal market.


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   15

Table of Contents

Financial Highlights


          Investment Operations     Less Distributions  to
          Less Distributions to Common Shareholders(d)        
Selected Per Share Data for the Year or
Period Ended^:
  Net Asset
of Year
or Period(a)
Gain (Loss)
    From Net
    From Net
    Net Increase
in Net Assets
to Common
    From Net
    From Net
    Tax Basis
Return of
    Total     Increase
Resulting from
Tender of

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $   13.35     $   0.37     $   (0.59   $   (0.06   $   0.00     $   (0.28   $   (0.32   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.32     0.00  


    12.36       0.81       1.07       (0.16     0.00       1.72       (0.72       (0.01     0.00       (0.73     0.00  


    12.87       0.89       (0.65     (0.16     0.00       0.08       (0.72     0.00       0.00       (0.72     0.13  


    12.44       0.91       0.36       (0.10     0.00       1.17       (0.74     0.00       0.00       (0.74     0.00  


    13.26       0.90       (0.68     (0.06     0.00       0.16       (0.98     0.00       0.00       (0.98     0.00  

05/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(h)

    13.15       0.65       0.12       (0.01     0.00       0.76       (0.65     0.00       0.00       (0.65 )(k)      0.00  


    12.57       0.93       0.64       (0.01     0.00       1.56       (0.98     0.00       0.00       (0.98     0.00  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 12.50     $ 0.35     $ (0.50   $ (0.05   $ 0.00     $ (0.20   $ (0.35   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.35     0.00  


    11.62       0.77       1.01       (0.12     0.00       1.66       (0.78     0.00       0.00       (0.78     0.00  


    12.13       0.81       (0.57     (0.13     0.00       0.11       (0.78     0.00       0.00       (0.78     0.16  


    11.81       0.81       0.37       (0.08     0.00       1.10       (0.78     0.00       0.00       (0.78     0.00  


    12.39       0.79       (0.55     (0.04     0.00       0.20       (0.78     0.00       0.00       (0.78     0.00  

06/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(i)

    12.11       0.47       0.28       (0.01     0.00       0.74       (0.46     0.00       0.00       (0.46 )(k)      0.00  


    11.94       0.81       0.15       (0.01     0.00       0.95       (0.78     0.00       0.00       (0.78     0.00  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 11.34     $ 0.31     $ (0.42   $ (0.04   $ 0.00     $ (0.15   $ (0.28   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.28     0.00  


    10.49       0.72       0.87       (0.12     0.00       1.47       (0.62     0.00       0.00       (0.62     0.00  


    11.06       0.76       (0.57     (0.13     0.00       0.06       (0.67     (0.11     0.00       (0.78     0.15  


    10.67       0.77       0.38       (0.08     0.00       1.07       (0.68     0.00       0.00       (0.68     0.00  


    11.13       0.77       (0.44     (0.04     0.00       0.29       (0.75     0.00       0.00       (0.75     0.00  

10/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(j)

    10.88       0.20       0.24       (0.00     0.00       0.44       (0.19     0.00       0.00       (0.19 )(k)      0.00  


    10.78       0.78       0.08       (0.01     0.00       0.85       (0.75     0.00       0.00       (0.75     0.00  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 14.20     $ 0.37     $ (0.33   $ (0.06   $ 0.00     $ (0.02   $ (0.39   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.39     0.00  


    13.32       0.80       1.16       (0.16     0.00       1.80       (0.92     0.00       0.00       (0.92     0.00  


    14.20       0.92       (0.94     (0.17     0.00       (0.19     (0.92     0.00       0.00       (0.92     0.23  


    13.83       0.97       0.43       (0.11     0.00       1.29       (0.92     0.00       0.00       (0.92     0.00  


    14.61       0.95       (0.75     (0.06     0.00       0.14       (0.92     0.00       0.00       (0.92     0.00  

05/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(h)

    14.33       0.65       0.26       (0.01     0.00       0.90       (0.62     0.00       0.00       (0.62 )(k)      0.00  


    13.77       0.95       0.54       (0.01     0.00       1.48       (0.92     0.00       0.00       (0.92     0.00  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 8.98     $ 0.21     $ (0.23   $ (0.04   $ 0.00     $ (0.06   $ (0.19   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $   (0.19     0.00  


    8.29       0.50       0.87       (0.10     0.00       1.27       (0.42     (0.16     0.00       (0.58     0.00  


    8.69       0.54       (0.57     (0.11     0.00       (0.14     (0.42     0.00       0.00       (0.42     0.16  


    8.39       0.60       0.34       (0.07     0.00       0.87       (0.56     0.00         (0.01     (0.57     0.00  


    8.95       0.62       (0.53     (0.04     0.00       0.05       (0.61     0.00       0.00       (0.61     0.00  

06/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(i)

    8.69       0.38       0.27       (0.01     0.00       0.64       (0.38     0.00       0.00       (0.38 )(k)      0.00  


    8.61       0.66       0.08       (0.01     0.00       0.73       (0.65     0.00       0.00       (0.65     0.00  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 10.20     $ 0.25     $ (0.25   $ (0.04   $ 0.00     $ (0.04   $ (0.23   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.23     0.00  


    9.46       0.56       0.80       (0.11     0.00       1.25       (0.51     0.00       0.00       (0.51     0.00  


    9.98       0.64       (0.68     (0.12     0.00       (0.16     (0.54     0.00       0.00       (0.54     0.18  


    9.67       0.67       0.35       (0.08     0.00       0.94       (0.63     0.00       0.00       (0.63     0.00  


    10.31       0.65       (0.53     (0.04     0.00       0.08       (0.72     0.00       0.00       (0.72     0.00  

10/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(j)

    10.08       0.17       0.24       (0.00     0.00       0.41       (0.18     0.00       0.00       (0.18 )(k)      0.00  


    10.02       0.68       0.11       (0.01     0.00       0.78       (0.72     0.00       0.00       (0.72     0.00  


16   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents
Common Share     Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                        Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                    
Net Asset
Value End of
Year or
    Market Price
End of Year
or Period
    Net Assets
to Common
End of Year
or Period
    Expenses(f)(g)     Expenses


Income (Loss)(f)
Per Share(c)
Asset Coverage
Per Share**
$   12.75       13.54       (8.05 )%      330,144       1.78 %*      1.78 %*      1.23 %*      1.23 %*      5.83 %*    $ 68,440     $ 273,760       11
  13.35       15.10       26.76       345,113       1.92       1.92       1.18       1.18       6.20       70,395       281,580       16  
  12.36       12.55       2.22       318,313       1.77       1.77       1.23       1.23       7.16       66,868       267,440       24  
  12.87       13.00       (4.44     330,523       1.37       1.37       1.21       1.21       7.16       68,475       N/A       12  
  12.44       14.39       (0.71     318,473       1.25       1.25       1.18       1.18       6.72       66,896       N/A       16  
  13.26       15.45       5.27       338,342       1.22     1.22     1.21     1.21     7.42     69,516       N/A       15  
  13.15       15.38       21.47       334,775       1.25       1.25       1.22       1.22       7.12       69,049       N/A       9  
$ 11.95       13.45       (12.86 )%      750,473       1.85 %*      1.85 %*      1.10 %*      1.10 %*      5.87 %*    $ 76,125     $ 304,500       11
  12.50       15.87       25.88       782,682       2.06       2.06       1.06       1.06       6.25       78,308       313,230       12  
  11.62       13.31       7.57       723,713       1.93       1.93       1.13       1.13       6.94       74,285       297,110       23  
  12.13       13.18       14.85       751,337       1.30       1.30       1.10       1.10       6.74       76,136       N/A       12  
  11.81       12.22       3.90       727,513       1.16       1.16       1.08       1.08       6.27       74,548       N/A       12  
  12.39       12.51       6.56       760,212       1.11     1.11     1.10     1.10     6.57     76,782       N/A       10  
  12.11       12.19       6.15       742,133       1.16       1.16       1.11       1.11       6.65       75,553       N/A       10  
$ 10.91       11.49       (6.33 )%      361,091       1.86 %*      1.86 %*      1.17 %*      1.17 %*      5.74 %*    $ 72,763     $ 291,050       15
  11.34       12.58       19.03       374,805       2.04       2.04       1.14       1.14       6.48       74,565       298,260       14  
  10.49       11.14       3.39       345,557       1.89       1.89       1.19       1.19       7.11       70,693       282,740       25  
  11.06       11.58       8.19       363,063       1.39       1.39       1.19       1.19       7.07       73,007       N/A       14  
  10.67       11.37       5.33       349,423       1.23       1.23       1.13       1.13       6.80       71,211       N/A       9  
  11.13       11.51       6.70       363,382       1.19     1.19     1.17     1.17     7.09     73,123       N/A       2  
  10.88       10.97       9.65       355,368       1.23       1.23       1.17       1.17       7.14       72,006       N/A       5  





$ 13.79       16.00       (17.41 )%      260,037       1.89 %*      1.89 %*      1.22 %*      1.22 %*      5.36 %*    $ 68,360     $ 273,440       5
  14.20       19.86       29.47       267,390       2.09       2.09       1.18       1.18       5.75       69,580       278,320       16  
  13.32       16.15       (0.66     250,306       2.10       2.10       1.23       1.23       6.80       66,725       266,870       29  
  14.20       17.28       16.74       266,019       1.60       1.60       1.21       1.21       6.86       69,320       N/A       13  
  13.83       15.68       5.96       258,476       1.29       1.29       1.17       1.17       6.49       68,070       N/A       15  
  14.61       15.70       4.60       272,345       1.24     1.24     1.21     1.21     6.76     70,388       N/A       13  
  14.33       15.66       16.08       266,838       1.32       1.32       1.22       1.22       6.67       69,473       N/A       11  





$ 8.73       8.83       (9.73 )%      280,342       1.82 %*      1.82 %*      1.23 %*      1.23 %*      4.88 %*    $   68,003     $   272,010       8
  8.98       10.00       36.01       288,138       1.99       1.99       1.18       1.18       5.61       69,188       276,750       16  
  8.29       7.83       (19.01     265,245       1.88       1.88       1.29       1.29       6.51       65,675       262,670       37  
  8.69       10.17       17.31       277,787       1.49       1.49       1.24       1.24       6.94       67,590       N/A       14  
  8.39       9.20       (1.58     267,645       1.37       1.37       1.22       1.22       6.84       66,042       N/A       20  
  8.95       9.94       6.19       285,097       1.25     1.25     1.23     1.23     7.42     68,724       N/A       10  
  8.69       9.75       9.85       276,525       1.32       1.32       1.21       1.21       7.48       67,411       N/A       12  





$ 9.93       10.05       (9.88 )%      222,088       1.90 %*      1.90 %*      1.23 %*      1.23 %*      5.16 %*    $ 69,425     $ 277,700       5
  10.20       11.41       25.66       227,745       2.12       2.12       1.20       1.20       5.59       70,545       282,180       16  
  9.46       9.53       (3.49     210,974       2.13       2.13       1.25       1.25       6.70       67,188       268,720       21  
  9.98       10.44       (2.46     221,976       1.65       1.65       1.23       1.23       6.77       69,379       N/A       9  
  9.67       11.34       1.27       214,646       1.33       1.33       1.19       1.19       6.31       67,922       N/A       15  
  10.31       11.92       10.76       228,221       1.25     1.25     1.21     1.21     6.44     70,641       N/A       2  
  10.08       10.94       12.80       223,030       1.30       1.30       1.21       1.21       6.68       69,605       N/A       24  


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   17

Table of Contents

Financial Highlights (Cont.)


          Investment Operations     Less Distributions  to
          Less Distributions to Common Shareholders(d)        
Selected Per Share Data for the Year or
Period Ended^:
  Net Asset
of Year
or Period(a)
Gain (Loss)
    From Net
    From Net
    Net Increase
in Net Assets
to Common
    From Net
    From Net
    Tax Basis
Return of
    Total     Increase
Resulting from
Tender of

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $   12.15     $   0.30     $   (0.48   $   (0.05   $   0.00     $   (0.23   $   (0.25   $   0.00     $ 0.00     $   (0.25     0.00  


    11.29       0.68       0.96       (0.13     0.00       1.51       (0.65     0.00       0.00       (0.65     0.00  


    12.06       0.70       (0.77     (0.13     0.00       (0.20     (0.68     0.00       0.00       (0.68     0.11  


    11.62       0.69       0.51       (0.08     0.00       1.12       (0.68     0.00       0.00       (0.68     0.00  


    12.10       0.70       (0.45     (0.05     0.00       0.20       (0.68     0.00       0.00       (0.68     0.00  

05/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(h)

    11.92       0.47       0.18       (0.01     0.00       0.64       (0.46     0.00       0.00       (0.46 )(k)      0.00  


    11.20       0.68       0.73       (0.01     0.00       1.40       (0.68     0.00       0.00       (0.68     0.00  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II


01/01/2020 - 06/30/2020+

  $ 11.59     $ 0.28     $ (0.48   $ (0.05   $ 0.00     $ (0.25   $ (0.24   $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ (0.24     0.00  


    10.67       0.63       0.93       (0.13     0.00       1.43       (0.51     0.00       0.00       (0.51     0.00  


    11.17       0.71       (0.73     (0.15     0.00       (0.17     (0.57     0.00         (0.04     (0.61     0.28  


    10.71       0.72       0.46       (0.10     0.00       1.08       (0.60     0.00       (0.02     (0.62     0.00  


    11.41       0.72       (0.57     (0.05     0.00       0.10       (0.76     0.00       (0.04     (0.80     0.00  

06/01/2015 - 12/31/2015(i)

    11.28       0.43       0.17       (0.01     0.00       0.59       (0.46     0.00       0.00       (0.46 )(k)      0.00  


    10.98       0.75       0.36       (0.01     0.00       1.10       (0.80     0.00       0.00       (0.80     0.00  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than $0.01 or 0.01%.






Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP”) asset coverage per share is disclosed as the product of the asset coverage ratio as of period end and the current liquidation preference. See Note 12, Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, in the Notes to the Financial Statements for more information.


Includes adjustments required by U.S. GAAP and may differ from net asset values and performance reported elsewhere by the Funds.


Per share amounts based on average number of common shares outstanding during the year or period.


Auction Rate Preferred Shareholders (“ARPS”) asset coverage per share is disclosed as the product of the asset coverage ratio as of period end and the current liquidation preference. See Note 12, Auction Rate Preferred Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Total investment return is calculated assuming a purchase of a common share at the market price on the first day and a sale of a common share at the market price on the last day of each year or period reported. Dividends and distributions, if any, are assumed, for purposes of this calculation, to be reinvested at prices obtained under the Funds’ dividend reinvestment plan. Total investment return does not reflect brokerage commissions in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares.


Calculated on the basis of income and expenses applicable to both common and preferred shares relative to the average net assets of common shareholders.


Ratio includes interest expense which primarily relates to participation in borrowing and financing transactions, interest paid to VMTP shareholders and the amortization of debt issuance costs of VMTP Shares. See Note 5, Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and Note 12, Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Fiscal year end changed from April 30th to December 31st.


Fiscal year end changed from May 31st to December 31st.


Fiscal year end changed from September 30th to December 31st.


Total distributions for the period ended December 31, 2015 may be lower than prior fiscal years due to fiscal year end changes resulting in a reduction of the amount of days in the period ended December 31, 2015.


18   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents
Common Share     Ratios/Supplemental Data  
                        Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                    
Net Asset
Value End of
Year or
    Market Price
End of Year
or Period
    Net Assets
to Common
End of Year
or Period
    Expenses(f)(g)     Expenses


Income (Loss)(f)
Per Share(c)
Asset Coverage
Per Share**
$   11.67       11.50       (14.84 )%      91,255       1.77 %*      1.77 %*      1.22 %*      1.22 %*      5.23 %*    $   80,608       N/A       16
  12.15       13.80       24.04       95,010       1.97       1.97       1.19       1.19       5.74       82,875       N/A       25  
  11.29       11.70       (2.90     87,913       1.81       1.81       1.27       1.27       6.11       78,545       N/A       22  
  12.06       12.78       13.44       93,564       1.55       1.55       1.30       1.30       5.73       74,749       N/A       22  
  11.62       11.91       5.71       89,825       1.36       1.36       1.25       1.25       5.69       72,769       N/A       10  
  12.10       11.90       7.23       93,205       1.27     1.27     1.26     1.26     5.82     74,574       N/A       5  
  11.92       11.54       7.72       91,832       1.39       1.39       1.31       1.31       5.78       73,847       N/A       1  





$ 11.10       10.36       (12.22 )%      124,227       2.07 %*      2.07 %*      1.34 %*      1.34 %*      5.11 %*    $ 64,313     $   257,250       13
  11.59       12.07       20.57       129,596       2.16       2.16       1.27       1.27       5.62       66,003       264,010       17  
  10.67       10.47       (7.67     119,014       2.15       2.15       1.40       1.40       6.64       62,655       250,600       24  
  11.17       12.00       5.77       124,295       1.63       1.63       1.35       1.35       6.51       64,320       N/A       16  
  10.71       11.98       3.28       118,817       1.42       1.42       1.33       1.33       6.22       62,593       N/A       20  
  11.41       12.35       4.36       126,085       1.35     1.35     1.33     1.33     6.48     64,898       N/A       7  
  11.28       12.32       9.89       124,424       1.40       1.40       1.33       1.33       6.65       64,373       N/A       7  


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   19

Table of Contents

Statements of Assets and Liabilities


(Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)   





Fund II



Fund III







Investments, at value


Investments in securities*

   $ 571,910      $ 1,310,494      $ 627,879      $ 461,734  


     0        0        0        0  

Interest and/or dividends receivable

     6,430        14,432        6,686        5,282  

Other assets

     51        1,166        60        108  

Total Assets

     578,391        1,326,092        634,625        467,124  



Borrowings & Other Financing Transactions


Payable for tender option bond floating rate certificates

   $ 54,711      $ 198,609      $ 79,992      $ 53,968  

Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value **

     23,270        68,574        34,245        29,256  

Payable for investments purchased

     1,656        5,734        2,402        1,529  

Distributions payable to common shareholders

     1,398        3,706        1,523        1,226  

Distributions payable to auction rate preferred shareholders

     5        8        4        2  

Accrued management fees

     298        623        316        236  

Other liabilities

     209        90        352        245  

Total Liabilities

     81,547        277,344        118,834        86,462  

Auction Rate Preferred Shares^

     166,700        298,275        154,700        120,625  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

   $ 330,144      $ 750,473      $ 361,091      $ 260,037  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Consist of:


Par value^^

   $ 0      $ 1      $ 0      $ 0  

Paid in capital in excess of par

     287,651        657,450        314,619        226,982  

Distributable earnings (accumulated loss)

     42,493        93,022        46,472        33,055  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders

   $   330,144      $ 750,473      $ 361,091      $ 260,037  

Net Asset Value Per Common Share(a)

   $ 12.75      $ 11.95      $ 10.91      $ 13.79  

Common Shares Outstanding

     25,887        62,806        33,103        18,852  

Auction Rate Preferred Shares Issued and Outstanding

     7        12        6        5  

Cost of investments in securities

   $ 525,717      $   1,212,521      $   577,695      $   427,652  

* Includes repurchase agreements of:

   $ 10,634      $ 34,190      $ 26,909      $ 12,707  

** Includes unamortized debt issuance cost of

   $ 30      $ 126      $ 55      $ 44  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


($0.00001 par value and $25,000 liquidation preference per share)


($0.00001 per share)


Includes adjustments required by U.S. GAAP and may differ from net asset values and performance reported elsewhere by the Funds.


20   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


Fund II
Fund III


New York




New York

Fund II

$   478,093     $   385,753     $   157,152     $   215,986  
  0       0       1       1  
  5,086       4,284       1,676       2,453  
  25       28       816       13  
  483,204       390,065       159,645       218,453  
$ 35,404     $ 41,764     $ 25,901     $ 14,254  
  34,245       27,061       0       20,975  
  3,058       0       1,019       0  
  1,028       850       329       448  
  3       4       2       2  
  255       203       83       122  
  194       220       31       425  
  74,187       70,102       27,365       36,226  
  128,675       97,875       41,025       58,000  
$ 280,342     $ 222,088     $ 91,255     $ 124,227  
$ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0  
  235,939       196,112       83,026       113,442  
  44,403       25,976       8,229       10,785  
$ 280,342     $ 222,088     $ 91,255     $ 124,227  
$ 8.73     $ 9.93     $ 11.67     $ 11.10  
  32,115       22,360       7,823       11,189  
  5       4       2       2  
$ 430,219     $ 357,098     $ 148,441     $ 199,601  
$ 19,770     $ 7,302     $ 2,969     $ 3,071  
$ 55     $ 39     $ 0     $ 25  


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   21

Table of Contents

Statements of Operations


Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)                        
(Amounts in thousands)  









Fund II





Fund III








Investment Income:



  $ 12,452     $ 28,787     $ 13,580     $ 9,323  

Total Income

    12,452       28,787       13,580       9,323  



Management fees

    1,816       3,797       1,918       1,429  

Trustee fees and related expenses

    43       90       45       33  

Interest expense

    907       2,790       1,235       862  

Auction agent fees and commissions

    106       188       104       77  

Auction rate preferred shares related expenses

    25       25       25       25  

Miscellaneous expense

    4       9       5       3  

Total Expenses

    2,901       6,899       3,332       2,429  

Net Investment Income (Loss)

    9,551       21,888       10,248       6,894  

Net Realized Gain (Loss):


Investments in securities

    (5,002     (11,607     (2,713     (2,725

Net Realized Gain (Loss)

    (5,002     (11,607     (2,713     (2,725

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation):


Investments in securities

    (10,132     (19,765     (11,229     (3,398

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

      (10,132       (19,765       (11,229     (3,398

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $ (5,583   $ (9,484   $ (3,694   $ 771  

Distributions on Auction Rate Preferred Shares from Net Investment Income and/or Net Realized Capital Gains

  $ (1,595   $ (2,846   $ (1,478   $   (1,140

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Resulting from Operations

  $ (7,178   $ (12,330   $ (5,172   $ (369



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


22   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents






Fund II






Fund III



New York






New York



Fund II

$ 9,287     $ 7,748     $ 3,174     $ 4,426  
  9,287       7,748       3,174       4,426  
  1,544       1,226       505       740  
  36       28       12       17  
  814       738       249       449  
  100       65       24       43  
  25       25       13       25  
  4       3       1       2  
  2,523       2,085       804       1,276  
  6,764       5,663       2,370       3,150  
    (2,052     (2,573     (1,609     (3,510
  (2,052     (2,573     (1,609     (3,510
  (5,401     (2,918     (2,229     (1,819
  (5,401       (2,918     (2,229     (1,819
$ (689   $ 172     $ (1,468   $ (2,179



  $ (948   $ (388   $ (550



  $ (776   $   (1,856   $   (2,729


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   23

Table of Contents

Statements of Changes in Net Assets




Municipal Income Fund



Municipal Income Fund II

(Amounts in thousands)  

Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from:




Net investment income (loss)

  $ 9,551     $ 20,911     $ 21,888     $ 47,818  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (5,002     1,676       (11,607     1,880  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (10,132     25,905       (19,765     60,590  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

    (5,583     48,492       (9,484     110,288  

Distributions on auction rate preferred shares from net investment income and/or realized
capital gains

    (1,595     (4,213     (2,846     (7,503

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Resulting from Operations

    (7,178     44,279       (12,330     102,785  

Distributions to Common Shareholders:


From net investment income and/or net realized capital gains

    (8,381     (18,732     (22,206     (48,728

Total Distributions to Common Shareholders(a)

    (8,381     (18,732     (22,206     (48,728

Common Share Transactions*:


Issued as reinvestment of distributions

    590       1,253       2,327       4,912  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shareholders

    (14,969     26,800       (32,209     58,969  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:


Beginning of period

    345,113       318,313       782,682       723,713  

End of period

  $   330,144     $   345,113     $   750,473     $   782,682  

* Common Share Transactions:


Shares issued as reinvestment of distributions

    45       91       178       346  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares , in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


24   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents



Municipal Income Fund III



California Municipal Income Fund



California Municipal Income Fund II



California Municipal Income Fund III


Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Six Months Ended

June 30, 2020

    Year Ended
December 31, 2019
$ 10,248     $ 23,716     $ 6,894     $ 15,093     $ 6,764     $ 15,885     $ 5,663     $ 12,415  
  (2,713     865       (2,725     740       (2,052     511       (2,573     701  
  (11,229     27,883       (3,398     20,858       (5,401     27,547       (2,918     17,063  
  (3,694     52,464       771       36,691       (689     43,943       172       30,179  

    (3,891     (1,140     (3,033     (1,230     (3,253     (948     (2,463



    48,573       (369     33,658       (1,919     40,690       (776     27,716  
  (9,130     (20,588     (7,349     (17,380     (6,163     (18,581     (5,096     (11,419
  (9,130     (20,588     (7,349     (17,380     (6,163     (18,581     (5,096     (11,419
       588       1,263       365       806       286       784       215       474  
  (13,714     29,248       (7,353     17,084       (7,796     22,893       (5,657     16,771  
  374,805       345,557       267,390       250,306       288,138       265,245       227,745       210,974  
$   361,091     $   374,805     $   260,037     $   267,390     $   280,342     $   288,138     $   222,088     $   227,745  
  53       107       22       46       33       85       21       46  


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   25

Table of Contents

Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Cont.)




New York Municipal Income Fund



New York Municipal Income Fund II

(Amounts in thousands)   Six Months Ended
June 30, 2020
    Year Ended
December 31, 2019
    Six Months Ended
June 30, 2020
    Year Ended
December 31, 2019

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from:




Net investment income (loss)

  $ 2,370     $ 5,332     $ 3,150     $ 7,089  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (1,609     684       (3,510     882  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (2,229     6,824       (1,819     9,491  

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

    (1,468     12,840       (2,179     17,462  

Distributions on auction rate preferred shares from net investment income and/or realized capital gains

    (388     (1,035     (550     (1,457

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders Resulting from Operations

    (1,856     11,805       (2,729     16,005  

Distributions to Common Shareholders:


From net investment income and/or net realized capital gains

    (1,971     (5,059     (2,688     (5,726

Total Distributions to Common Shareholders(a)

    (1,971     (5,059     (2,688     (5,726

Common Share Transactions*:


Issued as reinvestment of distributions

    72       351       48       303  

Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shareholders

    (3,755     7,097       (5,369     10,582  

Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:


Beginning of period

    95,010       87,913       129,596       119,014  

End of period

  $   91,255     $   95,010     $   124,227     $   129,596  

* Common Share Transactions:


Shares issued as reinvestment of distributions

    6       27       5       26  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


The tax characterization of distributions is determined in accordance with Federal income tax regulations. The actual tax characterization of distributions paid is determined at the end of the fiscal year. See Note 2, Distributions — Common Shares , in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


26   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Statements of Cash Flows


Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)                        
(Amounts in thousands)  




Fund II



Fund III







Cash Flows Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ (5,583   $ (9,484   $ (3,694   $ 771  

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations to Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Purchases of long-term securities

      (84,923       (195,985       (120,297       (35,342

Proceeds from sales of long-term securities

      141,015       351,649       193,416       71,618  

(Purchases) Proceeds from sales of short-term portfolio investments, net

    (5,971     (30,204     (21,467     (6,378

(Increase) decrease in receivable for investments sold

    5,604       12,331       4,484       0  

(Increase) decrease in interest and/or dividends receivable

    563       1,837       695       605  

(Increase) decrease in other assets

    (1     (246     (1     3  

Increase (decrease) in payable for investments purchased

    (5,804     (10,677     (3,566     1,529  

Increase (decrease) in accrued management fees

    (22     (46     (21     (14

Increase (decrease) in other liabilities

    (230     (344     (255     (233

Net Realized (Gain) Loss


Investments in securities

    5,002       11,607       2,713       2,725  

Net Change in Unrealized (Appreciation) Depreciation


Investments in securities

    10,132       19,765       11,229       3,398  

Net amortization (accretion) on investments

    (52     317       (231     643  

Amortization of debt issuance cost

    (87     (245     (125     (108

Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities

    59,643       150,275       62,880       39,217  

Cash Flows Received from (Used for) Financing Activities:


Cash distributions paid to common shareholders*

    (7,935     (20,244     (8,696     (7,208

Cash distributions paid to auction rate preferred shareholders

    (1,654     (2,924     (1,519     (1,166

Proceeds from tender option bond transactions

    19,675       55,794       30,550       10,237  

Payments on tender option bond transactions

    (69,825     (183,178     (83,354     (41,200

Proceeds on Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, Net

    95       277       139       119  

Net Cash Received from (Used for) Financing Activities

    (59,644     (150,275     (62,880     (39,218

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Foreign Currency

    (1     0       0       (1

Cash and Foreign Currency:


Beginning of period

    1       0       0       1  

End of period

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0  

* Reinvestment of distributions to common shareholders

  $ 590     $ 2,327     $ 588     $ 365  

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest expense paid during the period

  $ 1,219     $ 3,737     $ 1,614     $ 1,219  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.

A Statement of Cash Flows is presented when a Fund has a significant amount of borrowing during the period, based on the average total borrowing outstanding in relation to total assets or when substantially all of a Fund’s investments are not classified as Level 1 or 2 in the fair value hierarchy.


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   27

Table of Contents

Statements of Cash Flows (Cont.)


Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)                        
(Amounts in thousands)  




Fund II

Fund III
New York
New York
Fund II

Cash Flows Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ (689   $ 172     $ (1,468   $ (2,179

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations to Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities:


Purchases of long-term securities

      (53,961       (32,161       (34,502       (50,180

Proceeds from sales of long-term securities

      109,028       66,726       53,130       71,966  

(Purchases) Proceeds from sales of short-term portfolio investments, net

    (18,845     (5,991     (1,623     737  

(Increase) decrease in receivable for investments sold

    0       0       0       0  

(Increase) decrease in interest and/or dividends receivable

    770       583       322       213  

(Increase) decrease in other assets

    7       0       (5     5  

Increase (decrease) in payable for investments purchased

    3,058       0       1,019       0  

Increase (decrease) in accrued management fees

    (16     (11     (6     (8

Increase (decrease) in other liabilities

    (325     (225     (16     (245

Net Realized (Gain) Loss


Investments in securities

    2,052       2,573       1,609       3,510  

Net Change in Unrealized (Appreciation) Depreciation


Investments in securities

    5,401       2,918       2,229       1,819  

Net amortization (accretion) on investments

    498       644       313       392  

Amortization of debt issuance cost

    (125     (100     0       (79

Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities

    46,853       35,128       21,002       25,951  

Cash Flows Received from (Used for) Financing Activities:


Cash distributions paid to common shareholders*

    (5,971     (4,966     (1,984     (2,640

Cash distributions paid to auction rate preferred shareholders

    (1,275     (980     (402     (565

Proceeds from tender option bond transactions

    13,165       9,683       6,175       7,586  

Payments on tender option bond transactions

    (52,912     (38,976     (24,791     (30,417

Proceeds on Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, Net

    139       110       0       86  

Net Cash Received from (Used for) Financing Activities

    (46,854     (35,129     (21,002     (25,950

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Foreign Currency

    (1     (1     0       1  

Cash and Foreign Currency:


Beginning of period

    1       1       1       0  

End of period

  $ 0     $ 0     $ 1     $ 1  

* Reinvestment of distributions to common shareholders

  $ 286     $ 215     $ 72     $ 48  

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:


Interest expense paid during the period

  $ 1,191     $ 1,074     $ 340     $ 599  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.

A Statement of Cash Flows is presented when a Fund has a significant amount of borrowing during the period, based on the average total borrowing outstanding in relation to total assets or when substantially all of a Fund’s investments are not classified as Level 1 or 2 in the fair value hierarchy.


28   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Alabama Federal Aid Highway Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 09/01/2035 (e)

  $     3,000       $ 3,621  

5.000% due 09/01/2036 (e)

      3,000         3,611  

Jefferson County, Alabama Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


6.500% due 10/01/2053

      750         871  

7.900% due 10/01/2050 (d)

      15,000         14,536  

Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.500% due 05/01/2032

      500         539  

5.250% due 05/01/2044

      1,000         1,095  








Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.000% due 12/01/2036 ^(b)

      900         45  





Maricopa County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2044

      3,500         3,813  

Maricopa County, Arizona Pollution Control Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2000


5.000% due 06/01/2035

      1,500         1,504  

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Arizona Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,295         2,552  

5.000% due 07/01/2044

      1,150         1,405  

Pima County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 10/01/2040

      750         756  








Arkansas Development Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 07/01/2036 (c)

      5,500         3,677  





Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 10/01/2034

      2,875         2,909  

5.000% due 10/01/2042

      3,255         3,294  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.250% due 04/01/2053

      10,000         11,359  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 10/01/2054

      3,000         3,579  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


6.000% due 06/01/2035

      1,780         1,781  

6.125% due 06/01/2038

      1,000         1,000  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 08/15/2042

      1,500         1,510  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      975         1,029  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 11/01/2040

      1,900         1,928  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2045

      1,000         1,274  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2041

      1,000         1,066  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 11/01/2021

  $     185     $     194  

Chula Vista, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2004


5.875% due 02/15/2034

      3,000         3,011  

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 11/15/2030

      1,405         1,853  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.125% due 11/01/2029

      1,975         2,498  

Morongo Band of Mission Indians, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2042

      500         544  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,600         1,682  








Board of Governors of Colorado State University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/01/2038 (e)

      1,500         1,726  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      10,000         11,002  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      2,000         2,158  

Colorado State Building Excellent School Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/15/2043

      1,015         1,124  

Denver Health & Hospital Authority, Colorado Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.625% due 12/01/2040

      450         460  

Public Authority for Colorado Energy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.500% due 11/15/2038

      500         753  








Connecticut Special Tax Revenue State Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 05/01/2035

      2,000         2,559  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 07/01/2041

      5,000         5,224  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 07/01/2042

      2,500         2,600  








District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.534% due 08/01/2037

      1,900         1,900  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road, District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2049

      1,250         1,349  








Florida Development Finance Corp. Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 06/15/2021

      100         104  

Miami-Dade County, Florida Transit System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2044

      1,000         1,119  

4.000% due 07/01/2046

      1,000         1,116  

Pasco County, Florida Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


4.000% due 10/01/2044

  $     1,000     $     1,096  

Putnam County Development Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 03/15/2042

      1,000         1,211  

Tampa, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      2,500         2,718  








Atlanta Development Authority, Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 01/01/2035

      3,200         2,662  

Burke County, Georgia Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.125% due 11/01/2045

      2,000         2,171  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      2,000         2,329  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 07/01/2060

      9,000         9,903  








City & County Honolulu, Hawaii Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2042

      1,485         1,703  





Chicago Board of Education, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 12/01/2042

      3,000         3,044  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 01/01/2048

      3,000         3,574  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003


5.500% due 01/01/2034

      1,750         1,881  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2042

      2,400         2,545  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.375% due 01/01/2029

      6,700         7,204  

5.500% due 01/01/2034

      2,300         2,469  

Chicago, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.000% due 01/01/2028

      2,000         2,401  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      3,000         3,129  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 02/15/2037

      945         781  

5.250% due 12/01/2052 ^(b)

      1,250         345  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.625% due 05/01/2037

      2,000         2,046  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2027

      9,500         10,436  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2010


0.000% due 06/15/2045 (c)

      6,500         2,561  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM/CR/NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.000% due 12/15/2040 (c)

      2,000         939  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


0.000% due 12/15/2051 (c)

      2,500         579  

Regional Transportation Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2038 (e)

      3,500         4,189  








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   29

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund (Cont.)




Indiana Health & Educational Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


4.000% due 11/15/2046

  $     1,000     $     1,080  

Vigo County, Indiana Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.500% due 09/01/2022

      750         793  






IOWA 0.9%


Iowa Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 05/15/2056 ^

      532         7  

5.400% due 11/15/2046 ^

      2,710         2,723  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.600% due 06/01/2034

      300         304  








Lenexa, Kansas Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2007


6.000% due 04/01/2027 ^(b)

      758         174  

University of Kansas Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


4.000% due 09/01/2040 (e)

      3,085         3,369  








East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/01/2045

      3,000         3,479  

Louisiana Gasoline & Fuels Tax State Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 05/01/2045 (e)

      4,000         4,489  

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.875% due 10/01/2040

      750         760  

6.500% due 11/01/2035

      400         406  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/15/2037

      2,000         2,107  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/15/2042

      3,750         4,280  

Parish of St James, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.350% due 07/01/2040

      1,250         1,468  








Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.250% due 01/01/2041

      650         669  





Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/01/2040

      1,000         1,164  

Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/01/2045

      3,000         3,785  

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 07/01/2050

      3,750         4,608  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


7.000% due 07/01/2042

      750         750  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


0.000% due 11/15/2056 (c)(f)

      103         15  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2046 (e)

  $     2,300     $     2,516  

5.000% due 01/01/2047

      1,000         1,095  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 09/01/2059

      3,000         3,527  

Massachusetts School Building Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.250% due 02/15/2048 (e)

      2,500         3,109  








Detroit City School District, Michigan General Obligation Bonds, (AGM/Q-SBLF Insured), Series 2001


6.000% due 05/01/2029

      1,525         1,944  

Michigan Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 12/01/2036 (e)

      3,000         3,381  

5.000% due 12/01/2031 (e)

    1,200         1,467  

5.000% due 12/01/2046 (e)

      2,400         2,830  

Michigan Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 12/01/2048

      2,000         2,229  

4.000% due 02/15/2050

    1,750         1,947  

Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.000% due 06/01/2048

    1,500         1,500  

Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


0.000% due 06/01/2058 (c)

      15,000         598  








Rochester, Minnesota Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      1,500         1,682  





Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      3,000         3,285  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/15/2037

      510         586  








Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 09/01/2042

      2,400         3,245  





Clark County, Nevada General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2044 (e)

      4,200         4,615  

Reno, Nevada Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2058 (c)

      10,500         963  








New Jersey Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 06/15/2041

      2,500         2,704  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002


5.750% due 04/01/2031

      16,550         17,265  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 07/01/2037

      500         528  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.500% due 07/01/2043

  $     2,000     $     2,193  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 12/15/2034 (c)

      1,500         949  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 06/15/2044

      2,000         2,190  

5.250% due 06/15/2043

      1,000         1,117  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2037

      3,000         3,612  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 01/01/2048

      1,500         1,797  

South Jersey Port Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2049

      250         269  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2029

      1,000         1,252  

5.000% due 06/01/2046

      6,000         6,591  

5.250% due 06/01/2046

      3,500         4,081  








Farmington, New Mexico Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.900% due 06/01/2040

      1,000         1,001  



NEW YORK 26.5%


Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.250% due 02/15/2047

      15,500         15,921  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2049

      4,000         4,362  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/15/2036

      3,000         3,196  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.250% due 11/15/2055

      2,000         2,293  

Nassau County, New York Industrial Development Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 01/01/2049 ^(b)

      1,137         171  

6.700% due 01/01/2049

      3,150         2,493  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 12/01/2037

      750         932  

New York City, New York General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2045 (e)

      4,800         5,774  

New York City, New York General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2039

      1,000         1,255  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/01/2045

      1,000         1,159  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.250% due 10/01/2035

      10,000         13,519  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 10/01/2037

      3,000         4,212  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/15/2041

      7,500         7,877  

5.000% due 11/15/2044

      10,000         10,376  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,000         1,038  


30   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



New York Power Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 11/15/2055

  $     3,000     $     3,476  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.500% due 07/01/2040

      3,500         3,500  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      3,000         3,313  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      460         519  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      575         645  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/15/2039

      1,250         1,475  






OHIO 7.4%


American Municipal Power, Inc., Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2042

      1,000         1,120  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (c)

      24,000         3,338  

5.000% due 06/01/2055

      6,900         7,277  

Geisinger Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      4,000         4,362  

Hamilton County, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 06/01/2042

      1,000         1,089  

Ohio State Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/15/2048

      5,000         5,607  

Ohio Water Development Authority Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 12/01/2050

      1,250         1,618  








Oklahoma Development Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.500% due 08/15/2057

      1,500         1,734  





Berks County, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2047

      2,500         2,538  

4.000% due 11/01/2050

      1,000         1,013  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 07/01/2043

      500         500  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/15/2049

      1,100         1,338  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 12/01/2043

      4,250         5,097  

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 12/01/2058

      1,000         1,025  

Philadelphia Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.625% due 07/01/2036

      5,000         5,258  

5.625% due 07/01/2042

      1,000         1,045  








Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (c)

      7,255         2,055  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

  $     6,485     $     6,681  








Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Rhode Island Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 06/01/2040

      1,205         1,297  

5.000% due 06/01/2050

      1,000         1,066  








South Carolina Ports Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 07/01/2040

      2,200         2,200  

South Carolina Public Service Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.125% due 12/01/2043

      5,000         5,471  

5.500% due 12/01/2053

      1,100         1,211  








Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.000% due 02/01/2027

      5,000         5,878  

5.250% due 09/01/2024

      5,000         5,686  






TEXAS 15.2%


Austin, Texas Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,500         1,931  

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.125% due 08/15/2048

      1,000         1,105  

Dallas, Texas Civic Center Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


5.250% due 08/15/2038

      1,200         1,204  

Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 04/01/2053

      5,500         6,325  

Houston, Texas Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2044

      5,000         5,924  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2034 (e)

      300         343  

4.000% due 08/15/2035 (e)

      800         909  

4.000% due 08/15/2036 (e)

      600         677  

4.000% due 08/15/2037 (e)

      900         1,009  

4.000% due 08/15/2040 (e)

      900         994  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 01/01/2038

      2,750         2,796  

5.500% due 09/01/2041

      600         636  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2043

      1,500         1,687  

5.000% due 01/01/2048

      1,250         1,436  

San Jacinto College District, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2044

      1,000         1,219  

San Juan Higher Education Finance Authority, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.700% due 08/15/2040

      250         252  

Tarrant County, Texas Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      6,400         7,026  

Tarrant County, Texas Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 11/15/2047

      500         523  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.250% due 12/15/2023

  $     3,500     $     3,940  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.250% due 12/15/2026

      5,520         6,420  

Texas State University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.100% due 03/15/2039 (e)

      3,200         3,331  

Wise County, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


8.000% due 08/15/2034

      500         518  






UTAH 4.1%


Salt Lake County, Utah Revenue Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 2001


5.125% due 02/15/2033

      7,000         8,164  

Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      4,000         4,568  

Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/15/2043 (a)

      550         642  








Fairfax County, Virginia Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2048

      1,000         1,122  

Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      3,850         4,467  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 12/01/2049

      3,400         3,797  








Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2058

      2,000         2,193  





Monongalia County, West Virginia Commission Special District Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 06/01/2037

      1,000         1,032  

West Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 06/15/2040 (e)

      1,500         1,698  








Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


7.000% due 01/01/2050

      2,500         2,301  

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.375% due 01/01/2048

      3,000         2,602  

7.000% due 07/01/2048

      750         802  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      2,500         2,686  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      2,000         2,226  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2044

      3,000         3,617  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes
(Cost $515,083)






See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   31

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund (Cont.)





      $     10,634  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $10,634)



Total Investments in Securities (Cost $525,717)     571,910  
Total Investments 173.2%
(Cost $525,717)


  $     571,910  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (50.5)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (7.0)%     (23,270
Other Assets and Liabilities, net (15.7)%     (51,796



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $       330,144  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


When-issued security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Zero coupon security.


Security becomes interest bearing at a future date.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




Issuer Description   Coupon   Maturity
    Cost     Market

Market Value
as Percentage

of Net Assets
Applicable to


Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2011

  0.000%     11/15/2056       07/20/2007       $    4     $     15       0.00%  















Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     10,634     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (10,847   $ 10,634     $ 10,634  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (10,847   $     10,634     $     10,634  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 10,634     $ 0     $ 0      $     10,634     $     (10,847   $     (213










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     10,634     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


32   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $     24,273     $     0     $     24,273  


    0       45       0       45  


    0       10,030       0       10,030  


    0       3,677       0       3,677  


    0       40,511       0       40,511  


    0       17,223       0       17,223  


    0       10,383       0       10,383  

District of Columbia

    0       3,249       0       3,249  


    0       7,364       0       7,364  


    0       17,065       0       17,065  


    0       1,703       0       1,703  


    0       48,123       0       48,123  


    0       1,873       0       1,873  


    0       3,034       0       3,034  


    0       3,543       0       3,543  


    0       16,989       0       16,989  


    0       669       0       669  


    0       20,569       0       20,569  


    0       15,896       0       15,896  


    0       1,682       0       1,682  


    0       3,871       0       3,871  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at


  $ 0     $ 3,245     $ 0     $ 3,245  


    0       5,578       0       5,578  

New Jersey

    0       44,548       0       44,548  

New Mexico

    0       1,001       0       1,001  

New York

    0       87,506       0       87,506  


    0       24,411       0       24,411  


    0       1,734       0       1,734  


    0       17,814       0       17,814  

Puerto Rico

    0       8,736       0       8,736  

Rhode Island

    0       2,363       0       2,363  

South Carolina

    0       8,882       0       8,882  


    0       11,564       0       11,564  


    0       50,205       0       50,205  


    0       13,374       0       13,374  


    0       9,386       0       9,386  


    0       2,193       0       2,193  

West Virginia

    0       2,730       0       2,730  


    0       14,234       0       14,234  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       10,634       0       10,634  













Total Investments

  $     0     $     571,910     $     0     $     571,910  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   33

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Alabama Federal Aid Highway Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 09/01/2035 (e)

  $     7,000     $     8,450  

5.000% due 09/01/2036 (e)

      7,000         8,425  

Alabama State Docks Department Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 10/01/2040

      2,000         2,029  

Jefferson County, Alabama Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


6.500% due 10/01/2053

      18,000         20,903  

7.900% due 10/01/2050 (d)

      18,500         17,928  

Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.500% due 05/01/2032

      1,000         1,078  

5.250% due 05/01/2044

      2,000         2,189  








Maricopa County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2044

      7,700         8,388  

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Arizona Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      5,210         5,794  

5.000% due 07/01/2044

      2,605         3,182  

Pima County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 10/01/2040

      1,500         1,512  

Pinal County, Arizona Electric District No. 3, Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.250% due 07/01/2036

      1,750         1,836  

5.250% due 07/01/2041

      3,700         3,883  

Salt Verde Financial Corp., Arizona Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.000% due 12/01/2032

      12,430         15,875  

5.000% due 12/01/2037

      22,400         29,744  








Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 10/01/2029

      6,000         6,071  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.250% due 04/01/2048

      5,000         5,680  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 10/01/2054

      2,000         2,386  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


9.517% due 11/15/2036 (f)

      5,000         5,174  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 08/15/2042

      3,000         3,021  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 11/15/2046 (e)

      12,500         14,679  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      2,020         2,133  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 11/01/2040

      5,945         6,031  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2045

      4,000         5,097  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 11/01/2040

      1,000         1,016  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2041

  $     1,000     $     1,065  

6.000% due 08/15/2042

      5,690         5,729  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 11/01/2021

      210         220  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.500% due 11/01/2039

      1,750         2,750  

Morongo Band of Mission Indians, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2042

      1,250         1,359  

Newport Beach, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.875% due 12/01/2030

      3,000         3,236  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      3,300         3,469  

Torrance, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 09/01/2040

      4,725         4,743  








Aurora, Colorado Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 12/01/2040

      5,800         5,800  

Board of Governors of Colorado State University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/01/2038 (e)

      2,000         2,302  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      2,555         2,811  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2038 (e)

      7,085         8,066  

4.000% due 08/01/2044

      4,000         4,317  

Colorado State Building Excellent School Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/15/2043

      3,250         3,599  

Denver Health & Hospital Authority, Colorado Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.625% due 12/01/2040

      1,000         1,022  

Public Authority for Colorado Energy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.500% due 11/15/2038

      1,430         2,152  








Connecticut Special Tax Revenue State Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/01/2036

      3,500         4,034  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 07/01/2041

      1,000         1,045  








District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.534% due 08/01/2037

      3,850         3,850  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road, District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2049

      3,500         3,778  








Central Florida Expressway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      2,865         3,397  

Florida Development Finance Corp. Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 06/15/2021

  $     100     $     104  

Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2048

      7,000         8,048  

Miami-Dade County, Florida Water & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2048

      5,000         5,748  

Orlando-Orange County, Florida Expressway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 07/01/2040

      10,000         10,000  

Pasco County, Florida Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


4.000% due 10/01/2044

      2,500         2,739  

Putnam County Development Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 03/15/2042

      1,590         1,925  

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      3,000         3,496  








Atlanta Development Authority, Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 07/01/2044

      3,895         4,044  

Atlanta Development Authority, Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 01/01/2035

      7,500         6,238  

Fayette County, Georgia Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 07/01/2046 (e)

      7,000         8,014  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      3,500         4,075  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 07/01/2060

      19,680         21,656  








Chicago Board of Education, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 12/01/2042

      8,000         8,118  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 01/01/2044

      4,500         4,936  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2035

      10,000         10,728  

5.500% due 01/01/2042

      1,250         1,325  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.375% due 01/01/2029

      14,100         15,161  

5.500% due 01/01/2034

      5,200         5,582  

Chicago, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.000% due 01/01/2029

      2,000         2,401  

Chicago, Illinois Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2003


6.625% due 12/01/2022

      1,030         1,032  

6.750% due 12/01/2032

      5,208         5,214  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      6,000         6,257  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 02/15/2037

      2,155         1,782  

5.250% due 12/01/2052 ^(b)

      2,800         773  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2029

      1,000         1,081  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.625% due 05/01/2037

      2,175         2,226  

5.000% due 05/01/2041

      1,500         1,602  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2025

      12,590         13,637  

5.000% due 11/01/2027

      6,140         6,745  


34   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 01/01/2041 (e)

  $     12,500     $     14,465  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2010


0.000% due 06/15/2045 (c)

      10,000         3,940  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM/CR/NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.000% due 12/15/2040 (c)

      6,000         2,817  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


0.000% due 12/15/2051 (c)

      5,000         1,157  

Regional Transportation Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2038 (e)

      8,000         9,575  








Indiana Health & Educational Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      1,000         1,080  

Vigo County, Indiana Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.500% due 09/01/2022

      750         793  






IOWA 1.6%


Iowa Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 05/15/2056 ^

      144         2  

5.400% due 11/15/2046 ^

      734         738  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.600% due 06/01/2034

      11,350         11,515  








University of Kansas Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


4.000% due 09/01/2040 (e)

      5,500         6,006  








East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/01/2045

      7,000         8,117  

Louisiana Gasoline & Fuels Tax State Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 05/01/2045 (e)

      7,000         7,856  

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.875% due 10/01/2040

      750         760  

6.000% due 10/01/2044

      1,000         1,013  

6.500% due 11/01/2035

      450         456  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/15/2037

      2,000         2,107  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/15/2046

      5,000         5,646  

Parish of St James, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.350% due 10/01/2040

      2,800         3,289  








Baltimore County, Maryland General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/01/2045 (e)

      8,000         9,242  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.250% due 01/01/2041

  $     1,400     $     1,440  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/15/2041

      2,380         2,505  

Maryland Stadium Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 05/01/2041

      5,000         5,760  








Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 07/01/2050

      7,500         9,216  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


7.000% due 07/01/2042

      1,000         1,000  

7.625% due 10/15/2037 ^(b)

      535         374  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2046 (e)

      5,200         5,688  

5.000% due 01/01/2047

      2,500         2,738  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 09/01/2059

      6,000         7,054  

Massachusetts School Building Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.250% due 02/15/2048 (e)

      7,500         9,328  

University of Massachusetts Building Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 11/01/2043 (e)

      10,000         10,594  








Michigan Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 12/01/2040 (e)

      7,000         7,817  

5.000% due 12/01/2031 (e)

      2,600         3,179  

5.000% due 12/01/2046 (e)

      5,100         6,013  

Michigan Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 12/01/2048

      4,000         4,457  

4.000% due 02/15/2050

      3,500         3,894  

Michigan Public Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.500% due 09/01/2037 ^(b)

      740         577  

Michigan State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/15/2044

      5,000         5,780  

Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


0.000% due 06/01/2058 (c)

      25,000         997  








Rochester, Minnesota Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      3,750         4,205  





Mississippi Development Bank Revenue Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 1999


5.000% due 07/01/2024

      40         41  





Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/15/2039

      600         686  

5.000% due 02/15/2035

      500         618  

Missouri State Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      10,000         10,883  








Clark County, Nevada General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2044 (e)

  $     9,500     $     10,439  

Reno, Nevada Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2058 (c)

      24,000         2,201  








New Jersey Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 06/15/2041

      5,000         5,408  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002


5.750% due 10/01/2021

      1,510         1,531  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 07/01/2037

      1,500         1,584  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.500% due 07/01/2043

      4,000         4,385  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 12/15/2034 (c)

      2,500         1,582  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 12/15/2036

      1,500         1,678  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 06/15/2044

      3,500         3,833  

5.250% due 06/15/2043

      4,000         4,469  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2037

      6,000         7,224  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 01/01/2048

      1,500         1,797  

South Jersey Port Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2049

      1,010         1,088  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2046

      15,500         17,027  

5.250% due 06/01/2046

      8,200         9,560  








Farmington, New Mexico Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.900% due 06/01/2040

      2,000         2,002  



NEW YORK 20.8%


Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.250% due 02/15/2047

      33,500         34,410  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2049

      7,000         7,634  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/15/2036

      3,880         4,134  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/15/2042

      10,000         10,432  

Nassau County, New York Industrial Development Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 01/01/2049 ^(b)

      298         45  

6.700% due 01/01/2049

      825         653  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 12/01/2037

      2,250         2,796  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/01/2045

      2,000         2,318  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   35

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II (Cont.)



New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.250% due 10/01/2035 (e)

  $     6,505     $     8,794  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/15/2041

      10,000         10,503  

5.750% due 11/15/2051

      44,000         46,165  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      4,250         4,412  

New York Power Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 11/15/2055

      6,900         7,995  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.500% due 07/01/2040

      1,750         1,750  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      8,000         8,834  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      1,040         1,172  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      1,305         1,463  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/15/2039

      2,500         2,950  








North Carolina Turnpike Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 01/01/2039

      3,000         3,456  





Stark County, North Dakota Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.750% due 01/01/2033

      3,710         3,717  



OHIO 11.0%


Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.250% due 06/01/2037

      15,000         16,702  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (c)

      54,000         7,510  

5.000% due 06/01/2055

      15,000         15,820  

Geisinger Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      20,580         22,443  

Hamilton County, Ohio Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2030

      3,900         4,099  

Ohio State Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2040

      1,500         1,711  

Ohio State Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/15/2048

      10,000         11,214  

Ohio Water Development Authority Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 12/01/2050

      2,500         3,235  








Oklahoma Development Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.500% due 08/15/2057

      2,000         2,312  

Oklahoma Water Resources Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 10/01/2049 (a)

      3,250         3,819  








Berks County, Pennsylvania Municipal Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 11/01/2044

  $     7,500     $     7,660  

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, (FHA Insured), Series 2010


5.375% due 08/01/2038

      8,465         8,500  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 07/01/2043

      850         850  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 02/15/2043

      4,800         5,389  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/15/2049

      2,500         3,041  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 12/01/2043

      10,000         11,428  

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 12/01/2058

      1,000         1,025  

Philadelphia Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.625% due 07/01/2036

      1,000         1,052  

5.625% due 07/01/2042

      7,000         7,319  

Westmoreland County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.125% due 07/01/2030

      1,000         1,003  








Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (c)

      15,560         4,408  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      9,735         10,029  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.784% due 07/01/2058

      4,470         4,620  








Narragansett Bay Commission, Rhode Island Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 09/01/2043 (e)

      12,000         12,949  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Rhode Island Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 06/01/2050

      18,450         19,669  








South Carolina Public Service Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.500% due 12/01/2053

      10,000           11,011  





Claiborne County, Tennessee Industrial Development Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.625% due 10/01/2039

      1,750         1,755  

Johnson City Health & Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 07/01/2038

      1,000         1,000  

Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, Tennessee Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,000         2,255  

Tennessee Energy Acquisition Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.000% due 02/01/2023

      3,000         3,249  

5.000% due 02/01/2027

      6,000         7,054  






TEXAS 17.4%


Clifton Higher Education Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.125% due 08/15/2048

  $     1,750     $     1,933  

Dallas, Texas Civic Center Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


5.250% due 08/15/2038

      2,500         2,509  

Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 04/01/2053

      21,000         24,150  

Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2048 (e)

      7,500         9,154  

Houston Community College System, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 02/15/2043 (e)

      10,000         10,511  

Lower Colorado River Authority, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 05/15/2049

      2,500         2,808  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2034 (e)

      700         801  

4.000% due 08/15/2035 (e)

      1,400         1,590  

4.000% due 08/15/2036 (e)

      1,330         1,501  

4.000% due 08/15/2037 (e)

      1,620         1,817  

4.000% due 08/15/2040 (e)

      1,800         1,988  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 01/01/2038

      5,750         5,845  

5.500% due 09/01/2041

      1,300         1,378  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2043

      3,590         4,038  

5.000% due 01/01/2048

      3,500         4,020  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 01/01/2048

      1,000         1,169  

San Antonio Public Facilities Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


4.000% due 09/15/2042 (e)

      10,000         10,417  

San Jacinto College District, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2044

      1,010         1,232  

San Juan Higher Education Finance Authority, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.700% due 08/15/2040

      250         252  

Tarrant County, Texas Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      13,600         14,931  

Tarrant County, Texas Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 11/15/2047

      1,000         1,047  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.250% due 12/15/2026

      16,470         19,155  

Texas State University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.100% due 03/15/2039 (e)

      6,800         7,078  

Wise County, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


8.000% due 08/15/2034

      1,000         1,036  






UTAH 0.7%


Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      3,000         3,426  

Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/15/2043 (a)

      1,650         1,925  








Fairfax County, Virginia Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2048

      1,000         1,122  


36   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



James City County, Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


2.000% due 10/01/2048 ^(b)

  $     412     $     36  

6.000% due 06/01/2043

      1,232         1,224  

University of Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2048 (e)

      10,000         11,527  

Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      8,200         9,513  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 12/01/2049

      7,800         8,711  








Snohomish County, Washington Housing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 04/01/2044

      2,000         2,202  

Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2058

      2,750         3,015  








Monongalia County, West Virginia Commission Special District Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 06/01/2037

      2,000         2,065  

West Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.375% due 12/01/2038

  $     2,000     $     2,028  

West Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 06/15/2040 (e)

      2,000         2,264  

West Virginia State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 12/01/2041

      2,500         3,198  








Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


7.000% due 01/01/2050

      4,500         4,142  

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.375% due 01/01/2048

      4,000         3,470  

7.000% due 07/01/2048

      1,000         1,070  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      15,585         16,743  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      3,000         3,338  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $1,178,331)






      $     34,190  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $34,190)



Total Investments in Securities (Cost $1,212,521)     1,310,494  
Total Investments 174.6% (Cost $1,212,521)


  $     1,310,494  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (39.8)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (9.1)%


Other Assets and Liabilities, net (25.7)%     (193,172



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     750,473  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


When-issued security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Zero coupon security.


Security becomes interest bearing at a future date.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Represents an investment in a tender option bond residual interest certificate purchased in a secondary market transaction. The interest rate shown bears an inverse relationship to the interest rate on a tender option bond floating rate certificate. The interest rate disclosed reflects the rate in effect on June 30, 2020.






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $   34,190     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (34,874   $ 34,190     $ 34,190  










Total Repurchase Agreements

  $     (34,874   $     34,190     $     34,190  











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   37

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II (Cont.)


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 34,190     $ 0     $ 0      $     34,190     $     (34,874   $     (684










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     34,190     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $ 61,002     $     0     $ 61,002  


    0       70,214       0       70,214  


    0       73,859       0       73,859  


    0       30,069       0       30,069  


    0       5,079       0       5,079  

District of Columbia

    0       7,628       0       7,628  


    0       35,457       0       35,457  


    0       44,027       0       44,027  


    0           120,554       0           120,554  


    0       1,873       0       1,873  


    0       12,255       0       12,255  


    0       6,006       0       6,006  


    0       29,244       0       29,244  


    0       18,947       0       18,947  


    0       45,992       0       45,992  


    0       32,714       0       32,714  


    0       4,205       0       4,205  


    0       41       0       41  


    0       12,187       0       12,187  


    0       12,640       0       12,640  

New Jersey

    0       61,166       0       61,166  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

New Mexico

  $     0     $ 2,002     $ 0     $ 2,002  

New York

    0       156,460       0       156,460  

North Carolina

    0       3,456       0       3,456  

North Dakota

    0       3,717       0       3,717  


    0       82,734       0       82,734  


    0       6,131       0       6,131  


    0       47,267       0       47,267  

Puerto Rico

    0       19,057       0       19,057  

Rhode Island

    0       32,618       0       32,618  

South Carolina

    0       11,011       0       11,011  


    0       15,313       0       15,313  


    0       130,360       0       130,360  


    0       5,351       0       5,351  


    0       32,133       0       32,133  


    0       5,217       0       5,217  

West Virginia

    0       9,555       0       9,555  


    0       28,763       0       28,763  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       34,190       0       34,190  













Total Investments

  $ 0     $     1,310,494     $     0     $     1,310,494  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


38   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Alabama State Docks Department Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 10/01/2040

  $     1,000     $     1,014  

Jefferson County, Alabama Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


6.500% due 10/01/2053

      7,500         8,710  

7.900% due 10/01/2050 (d)

      19,000         18,413  

Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.500% due 05/01/2032

      500         539  

5.250% due 05/01/2044

      1,000         1,094  








Maricopa County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2044

      3,800         4,139  

Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., Arizona Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,495         2,775  

5.000% due 07/01/2044

      1,245         1,521  

Pima County, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 10/01/2040

      750         756  

Salt Verde Financial Corp., Arizona Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.000% due 12/01/2037

      11,600         15,403  








Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 10/01/2029

      1,500         1,518  

5.000% due 10/01/2042

      3,260         3,299  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.250% due 04/01/2053

      12,000         13,631  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 08/15/2042

      1,500         1,510  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/15/2052

      2,015         2,225  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      1,015         1,071  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 11/01/2040

      1,300         1,319  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2045

      3,000         3,823  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2041

      3,000         3,197  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.500% due 11/01/2039

      2,000         3,143  

Morongo Band of Mission Indians, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2042

      750         815  

Northern California Energy Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,250         2,490  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,600         1,682  








Board of Governors of Colorado State University System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/01/2038 (e)

  $     1,500     $     1,726  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2038 (e)

      3,500         3,984  

4.000% due 08/01/2044

      2,000         2,159  

Colorado State Building Excellent School Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/15/2043

      1,250         1,384  

Denver, Colorado City & County Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2008


0.120% due 12/01/2029

      4,000         4,000  

Public Authority for Colorado Energy Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.500% due 11/15/2038

      500         753  

Regional Transportation District, Colorado Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 01/15/2034

      500         501  








Connecticut Special Tax Revenue State Special Tax Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 05/01/2037

      2,000         2,538  





District of Columbia General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 10/15/2044

      650         824  

District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.534% due 08/01/2037

      2,400         2,400  

District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 10/01/2044

      500         644  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road, District of Columbia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2049

      1,750         1,889  








Cape Coral, Florida Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2011


5.000% due 10/01/2041

      3,000         3,172  

Florida Development Finance Corp. Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 06/15/2021

      100         104  

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


9.427% due 10/01/2039 (f)

      5,000         5,094  

Miami-Dade County, Florida Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 04/01/2053

      4,000         4,283  

Miami-Dade County, Florida Transit System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2044

      1,000         1,119  

North Miami Beach, Florida Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 08/01/2044

      3,000         3,896  

Pasco County, Florida Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


4.000% due 10/01/2044

      1,500         1,643  

Putnam County Development Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 03/15/2042

      1,000         1,211  

South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2047 (e)

      3,750         4,081  

Tampa, Florida Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 09/01/2049 (c)

  $     2,600     $     839  

0.000% due 09/01/2053 (c)

      2,600         701  








Atlanta Development Authority, Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 01/01/2035

      3,600         2,994  

Fayette County, Georgia Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 07/01/2046 (e)

      3,000         3,435  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      2,000         2,329  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 07/01/2060

      10,000         11,003  








Hawaii Pacific Health Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.500% due 07/01/2040

      1,500         1,500  





Chicago Board of Education, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 12/01/2042

      4,000         4,059  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 01/01/2048

      3,500         4,169  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2035

      400         429  

5.500% due 01/01/2042

      1,000         1,060  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.375% due 01/01/2029

      7,200         7,742  

5.500% due 01/01/2034

      2,665         2,861  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


6.000% due 01/01/2038

      3,000         3,392  

Chicago, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.000% due 01/01/2027

      1,750         2,101  

Chicago, Illinois Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


4.000% due 11/01/2037

      3,750         3,848  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      3,000         3,129  

Illinois Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 02/15/2037

      1,030         851  

5.250% due 12/01/2052 ^(b)

      1,250         345  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.625% due 05/01/2037

      2,000         2,046  

5.000% due 05/01/2041

      1,500         1,602  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2025

      1,150         1,246  

5.000% due 11/01/2027

      7,000         7,690  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2010


0.000% due 06/15/2045 (c)

      6,500         2,561  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, (AGM/CR/NPFGC Insured), Series 2002


0.000% due 12/15/2040 (c)

      2,000         939  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


0.000% due 12/15/2051 (c)

      2,500         579  

Regional Transportation Authority, Illinois Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2038 (e)

      3,900         4,668  

Sales Tax Securitization Corp., Illinois Revenue Notes, Series 2020


5.000% due 01/01/2029

      3,500         4,274  








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   39

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III (Cont.)




Indiana Health & Educational Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


4.000% due 11/15/2046

  $     2,500     $     2,700  

Vigo County, Indiana Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.500% due 09/01/2022

      1,105         1,169  






IOWA 0.2%


Iowa Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 05/15/2056 ^

      76         1  

5.400% due 11/15/2046 ^

      385         387  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.600% due 06/01/2034

      350         355  








University of Kansas Hospital Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


4.000% due 09/01/2040 (e)

      2,000         2,184  








East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/01/2045

      3,100         3,595  

Louisiana Gasoline & Fuels Tax State Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 05/01/2045 (e)

      4,000         4,489  

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.875% due 10/01/2040

      1,500         1,519  

6.000% due 10/01/2044

      1,000         1,013  

6.500% due 11/01/2035

      400         405  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/15/2037

      2,000         2,107  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/15/2042

      4,000         4,566  

Parish of St James, Louisiana Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.350% due 07/01/2040

      1,350         1,586  








Baltimore County, Maryland General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/01/2045 (e)

      3,600         4,159  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.250% due 01/01/2041

      700         720  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 07/01/2041

      1,000         1,056  








Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/01/2040

      1,000         1,163  

Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/01/2046

      3,000         3,778  

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 07/01/2050

      3,750         4,608  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


7.625% due 10/15/2037 ^(b)

  $     275     $     192  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


0.000% due 11/15/2056 (c)(g)

      140         21  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2046 (e)

      2,500         2,735  

5.000% due 01/01/2047

      1,000         1,095  

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2003


5.125% due 06/01/2043

      525         526  

Massachusetts School Building Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.250% due 02/15/2048 (e)

      3,000         3,731  

University of Massachusetts Building Authority, Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 11/01/2043 (e)

      15,745         16,680  








Michigan Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 12/01/2036 (e)

      3,000         3,381  

4.000% due 12/01/2040 (e)

      500         559  

5.000% due 12/01/2031 (e)

      1,200         1,467  

5.000% due 12/01/2046 (e)

      2,500         2,948  

Michigan State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 02/15/2044

      2,500         2,890  

Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


0.000% due 06/01/2058 (c)

      12,500         498  








Rochester, Minnesota Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      1,750         1,962  





Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2036

      425         524  

Jennings, Missouri Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.000% due 11/01/2023

      180         165  








Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 09/01/2042

      5,500         7,437  





Clark County, Nevada General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2044 (e)

      4,545         4,994  

Reno, Nevada Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2058 (c)

      11,000         1,009  








New Jersey Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 06/15/2041

      5,000         5,408  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2002


6.500% due 04/01/2028

      4,500         4,934  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.500% due 07/01/2043

  $     2,000     $     2,192  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 12/15/2034 (c)

      3,200         2,025  

South Jersey Port Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2049

      900         970  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2029

      1,200         1,502  

5.000% due 06/01/2046

      7,000         7,690  

5.250% due 06/01/2046

      3,500         4,081  








Farmington, New Mexico Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.900% due 06/01/2040

      1,000         1,001  



NEW YORK 18.2%


Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.750% due 02/15/2047

      5,000         5,165  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2049

      2,120         2,312  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/15/2036

      3,000         3,196  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/15/2042

      5,500         5,738  

Nassau County, New York Industrial Development Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 01/01/2049 ^(b)

      311         47  

6.700% due 01/01/2049

      863         683  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


7.000% due 03/01/2049

      10,450         10,503  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


0.120% due 02/01/2045

      1,165         1,165  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 10/01/2037

      1,700         2,387  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      11,000         11,414  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,000         1,038  

New York Power Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 11/15/2055

      3,500         4,055  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      1,000         1,104  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      500         564  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2041

      5,500         6,287  

4.000% due 01/01/2053

      620         695  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/15/2046 (e)

      7,000         7,811  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/15/2039

      1,250         1,475  








40   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)




New Hanover County, North Carolina Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 10/01/2028

  $     6,000     $     6,268  

University of North Carolina Hospitals at Chapel Hill Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 02/01/2046

      2,500         2,737  






OHIO 10.2%


American Municipal Power, Inc., Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2042

      1,000         1,120  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


6.250% due 06/01/2037

      5,000         5,567  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (c)

      26,000         3,616  

5.000% due 06/01/2055

      7,000         7,383  

Geisinger Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (e)

      9,310         10,153  

Hamilton County, Ohio Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 06/01/2042

      1,500         1,634  

Ohio State Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/15/2048

      5,000         5,607  

Ohio Water Development Authority Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 12/01/2050

      1,250         1,617  








Oklahoma Development Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.500% due 08/15/2057

      1,600         1,850  

Oklahoma Water Resources Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 10/01/2049 (a)

      1,500         1,763  








Berks County, Pennsylvania Municipal Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 11/01/2044

      6,600         6,741  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/15/2049

      1,350         1,642  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 12/01/2043

      5,000         5,714  

Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 12/01/2058

      1,000         1,025  

Philadelphia Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.625% due 07/01/2042

      1,645         1,720  

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Water & Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/01/2054

      3,100         3,803  








Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (c)

      7,624         2,160  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      6,992         7,203  






SOUTH CAROLINA 2.3%        

South Carolina Ports Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 07/01/2040

  $     800     $     800  

South Carolina Public Service Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.125% due 12/01/2043

      5,000         5,471  

5.500% due 12/01/2053

      1,750         1,927  








Claiborne County, Tennessee Industrial Development Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.625% due 10/01/2039

      1,250         1,253  

Johnson City Health & Educational Facilities Board, Tennessee Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 07/01/2038

      1,000         1,000  

Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, Tennessee Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      1,000         1,128  






TEXAS 13.4%


Austin, Texas Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,585         2,041  

Bexar County Texas Hospital District, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 02/15/2043

      2,500         2,815  

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.125% due 08/15/2048

      1,000         1,105  

Dallas, Texas Civic Center Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


5.250% due 08/15/2038

      1,300         1,305  

Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 04/01/2053

      4,500         5,175  

Grand Parkway Transportation Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2048 (e)

      4,000         4,882  

Houston Community College System, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 02/15/2043 (e)

      5,000           5,255  

Houston, Texas Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,500         1,777  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2034 (e)

      300         343  

4.000% due 08/15/2035 (e)

      800         909  

4.000% due 08/15/2036 (e)

      600         677  

4.000% due 08/15/2037 (e)

      900         1,010  

4.000% due 08/15/2040 (e)

      900         994  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 01/01/2038

      3,000         3,050  

5.500% due 09/01/2041

      600         636  

North Texas Tollway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2043

      1,500         1,687  

5.000% due 01/01/2048

      1,250         1,436  

Tarrant County, Texas Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


6.750% due 11/15/2047

      500         523  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.250% due 12/15/2026

      150         181  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


6.250% due 12/15/2026

      8,160         9,490  

University of North Texas System Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 04/15/2050

  $     2,200     $     2,492  

Wise County, Texas Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


8.000% due 08/15/2034

      500         518  






UTAH 1.1%


Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      3,000         3,426  

Utah County, Utah Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 05/15/2043 (a)

      550         642  








Fairfax County, Virginia Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2048

      1,000         1,122  

James City County, Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


2.000% due 10/01/2048 ^(b)

      201         17  

6.000% due 06/01/2043

      601         597  

University of Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2048 (e)

      5,000         5,763  

Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2041 (e)

      4,000         4,641  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 12/01/2049

      3,800         4,244  








Seattle, Washington Municipal Light & Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 01/01/2046

      4,000         4,529  

Snohomish County, Washington Housing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 04/01/2044

      1,000         1,101  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.500% due 12/01/2039

      500         511  

Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2058

      1,250         1,370  

Washington State Housing Finance Commission Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2038

      825         827  








Monongalia County, West Virginia Commission Special District Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.500% due 06/01/2037

      1,000         1,032  

West Virginia Economic Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 06/15/2040 (e)

      1,500         1,698  

West Virginia State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 12/01/2041

      1,000         1,279  








Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


7.000% due 01/01/2050

      2,500         2,301  

Public Finance Authority, Wisconsin Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


6.375% due 01/01/2048

      2,500         2,169  

7.000% due 07/01/2048

      750         802  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   41

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III (Cont.)



University of Wisconsin Hospitals & Clinics Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 04/01/2038

  $     3,500     $     3,748  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      1,500         1,611  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/15/2042 (e)

      2,000         2,226  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2044

      2,000         2,411  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes
(Cost $550,786)








      $     26,909  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $26,909)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $577,695)
Total Investments 173.9%
(Cost $577,695)


  $     627,879  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (42.8)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (9.5)%     (34,245
Other Assets and Liabilities, net (21.6)%     (77,843



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     361,091  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


When-issued security.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Zero coupon security.


Security becomes interest bearing at a future date.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Represents an investment in a tender option bond residual interest certificate purchased in a secondary market transaction. The interest rate shown bears an inverse relationship to the interest rate on a tender option bond floating rate certificate. The interest rate disclosed reflects the rate in effect on June 30, 2020.




Issuer Description   Coupon   Maturity
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets
Applicable to

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2011

  0.000%     11/15/2056       07/20/2007       $    6     $     21       0.01%  















Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     26,909     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (27,447   $ 26,909     $ 26,909  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (27,447   $     26,909     $     26,909  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net  Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 26,909     $ 0     $ 0      $     26,909     $     (27,447   $     (538










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     26,909     $     0     $     0         











42   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $     29,770     $     0     $     29,770  


    0       24,594       0       24,594  


    0       39,723       0       39,723  


    0       14,507       0       14,507  


    0       2,538       0       2,538  

District of Columbia

    0       5,757       0       5,757  


    0       26,143       0       26,143  


    0       19,761       0       19,761  


    0       1,500       0       1,500  


    0       59,591       0       59,591  


    0       3,869       0       3,869  


    0       743       0       743  


    0       2,184       0       2,184  


    0       19,280       0       19,280  


    0       5,935       0       5,935  


    0       34,529       0       34,529  


    0       11,743       0       11,743  


    0       1,962       0       1,962  


    0       689       0       689  


    0       7,437       0       7,437  
Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at


  $ 0     $ 6,003     $ 0     $ 6,003  

New Jersey

    0       28,802       0       28,802  

New Mexico

    0       1,001       0       1,001  

New York

    0       65,639       0       65,639  

North Carolina

    0       9,005       0       9,005  


    0       36,697       0       36,697  


    0       3,613       0       3,613  


    0       20,645       0       20,645  

Puerto Rico

    0       9,363       0       9,363  

South Carolina

    0       8,198       0       8,198  


    0       3,381       0       3,381  


    0       48,301       0       48,301  


    0       4,068       0       4,068  


    0       16,384       0       16,384  


    0       8,338       0       8,338  

West Virginia

    0       4,009       0       4,009  


    0       15,268       0       15,268  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       26,909       0       26,909  













Total Investments

  $     0     $     627,879     $     0     $     627,879  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   43

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 04/01/2056

  $     1,750     $     2,046  

California Community Housing Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2049

      3,925         4,206  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


6.000% due 06/01/2035

      3,560         3,563  

6.125% due 06/01/2038

      1,000         1,000  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (a)

      7,000         864  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2055 (a)

      4,700         801  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 04/01/2047

      800         882  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2039

      1,250         1,377  

5.000% due 10/01/2048

      1,000         1,173  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2020


4.000% due 11/01/2040

      1,195         1,380  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


5.250% due 11/15/2040

      5,050         5,391  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


9.517% due 11/15/2036 (c)

      1,000         1,035  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/15/2035

      1,000         1,041  

6.000% due 08/15/2042

      2,800         2,819  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 08/15/2051

      7,300         7,768  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/15/2052

      1,675         1,850  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/15/2054

      1,300         1,485  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 08/15/2039 (b)

      8,500         9,478  

5.000% due 11/15/2046 (b)

      5,000         5,871  

5.000% due 08/15/2055

      6,000         6,926  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2045

      1,700         1,908  

California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/01/2039

      10,000           10,853  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      730         771  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      500         565  

5.000% due 06/01/2043

      1,370         1,648  

5.000% due 06/01/2048

      1,370         1,634  

California Pollution Control Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.100% due 06/01/2040

      2,000         2,007  

5.250% due 08/01/2040

      1,250         1,254  

California Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047 (b)

      5,140         5,752  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 11/01/2040

  $     2,400     $     2,435  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 11/01/2043

      7,000         7,843  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2047

      2,750         3,122  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2047

      1,275         1,510  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2039

      1,000         1,192  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/01/2050

      2,250         2,638  

California State Public Works Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2029

      1,500         1,592  

California State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 11/01/2047

      8,000         9,445  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2040

      1,000         1,130  

4.000% due 07/01/2043

      350         393  

4.000% due 07/01/2047

      1,750         1,953  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 11/01/2040

      10,000           10,159  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 08/15/2042

      2,000         2,014  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 04/01/2042

      11,500         12,160  

5.125% due 05/15/2031

      4,000         4,099  

5.375% due 05/15/2038

      4,500         4,605  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.500% due 12/01/2054

      1,400         1,503  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 08/15/2051

      225         242  

5.000% due 12/01/2046

      5,700         6,145  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2048

      1,000         1,099  

4.000% due 12/01/2057

      2,000         2,072  

5.500% due 12/01/2058

      1,775         1,919  

California Statewide Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.625% due 05/01/2029

      55         55  

6.000% due 05/01/2037

      3,000         3,010  

Chaffey Joint Union High School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047 (b)

      5,500         6,175  

Chula Vista, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2004


5.875% due 02/15/2034

      5,000         5,018  

El Monte, California Certificates of Participation Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 2001


5.250% due 01/01/2034 (d)

      14,425         14,475  

Folsom Cordova Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 5, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2043 (b)

      3,500         4,045  

Foothill-Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


3.950% due 01/15/2053

      860         924  

Golden State, California Tobacco Securitization Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.300% due 06/01/2037

      1,740         1,793  

Golden State, California Tobacco Securitization Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2030

      2,000         2,447  

5.000% due 06/01/2047

      2,750         2,785  

5.250% due 06/01/2047

      15,500         15,769  

Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047

      2,000         2,260  

Hartnell Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2042

  $     3,400     $     3,904  

Hayward Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      6,000         6,899  

Imperial Irrigation District Electric System, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/01/2041

      1,000         1,016  

Imperial Irrigation District Electric System, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 11/01/2041 (b)

      6,000         7,153  

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 11/15/2027

      1,000         1,250  

5.500% due 11/15/2030

      415         547  

Long Beach Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2045

      500         574  

Long Beach, California Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 06/01/2040

      5,000         5,015  

Los Angeles Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      3,500         4,006  

Los Angeles County, California Metropolitan Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2044

      2,500         3,109  

Los Angeles County, California Sanitation Districts Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2042

      1,500         1,666  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 07/01/2037

      4,100         4,445  

5.000% due 07/01/2043

      5,000         5,401  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      2,000         2,261  

Los Angeles Department of Water, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2049

      1,000         1,274  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.500% due 11/01/2039

      15,345           24,114  

Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2040

      3,000         3,452  

Mount San Antonio Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2041

      1,265         1,628  

5.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,700         2,172  

Mount San Jacinto Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2043

      5,300         6,121  

Newport Mesa Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2007


0.000% due 08/01/2031 (a)

      1,750         1,460  

Northern California Energy Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,300         2,545  

Orange County, California Local Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2041

      1,000         1,247  

Pacifica School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2048

      1,750         1,944  

Palomar Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2046 (b)

      4,530         5,121  

Regents of the University of California Medical Center Pooled Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      2,000         2,176  


44   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



River Islands Public Financing Authority, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015


5.500% due 09/01/2045

  $     3,000     $     3,199  

Riverside, California Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2038

      4,250         4,966  

Riverside, California Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 10/01/2048

      3,250         4,112  

Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, California Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 10/01/2041 (b)

      2,800         3,405  

5.000% due 10/01/2047 (b)

      1,700         2,052  

Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/15/2039

      1,000         1,304  

San Diego Public Facilities Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 08/01/2045

      1,250         1,501  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2042 (b)

      5,500         6,339  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      2,560         3,033  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/01/2047

      2,625         3,096  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/01/2039

      2,000         2,485  

5.000% due 05/01/2049

      2,000         2,440  

San Francisco, California City & County Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 04/01/2039

      2,250         2,551  

San Joaquin County Transportation Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/01/2041 (b)

      2,200         2,466  

5.000% due 03/01/2041 (b)

      3,300         3,954  

San Jose Evergreen Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014


4.125% due 09/01/2043

      1,000         1,101  

San Jose Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2042

      1,000         1,175  

San Jose, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 09/01/2041

      1,500         1,895  

5.000% due 09/01/2042

  $     500     $     630  

San Jose, California Hotel Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/01/2036

      1,500         1,529  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,200         1,261  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 09/01/2034 (a)

      3,000         2,284  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 09/01/2045

      4,000         4,950  

San Mateo Foster City Public Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,540         1,817  

Santa Clara County, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      4,000         4,193  

Torrance, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 09/01/2040

      6,300         6,324  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 05/15/2046 (b)

      10,500           11,626  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/15/2047

      5,000         6,044  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      1,000         1,244  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2049

      2,500         3,127  

Upland, California Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2042

      3,250         3,335  

Washington Township Health Care District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2043

      2,500         2,775  








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2042

      2,000         2,121  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.250% due 01/01/2028

      3,400         3,641  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


6.000% due 01/01/2038

      2,500         2,826  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 08/01/2023

      1,500         1,586  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2027

  $     1,000     $     1,099  








Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2039

      1,200         1,295  





Berks County, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2050

      1,500         1,519  





Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (a)

      5,700         1,615  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      5,085         5,238  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes
(Cost $414,945)











Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $12,707)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $427,652)
Total Investments 177.6%
(Cost $427,652)


  $     461,734  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (46.4)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (11.3)%     (29,256
Other Assets and Liabilities, net (19.9)%     (51,816



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $       260,037  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Zero coupon security.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Represents an investment in a tender option bond residual interest certificate purchased in a secondary market transaction. The interest rate shown bears an inverse relationship to the interest rate on a tender option bond floating rate certificate. The interest rate disclosed reflects the rate in effect on June 30, 2020.




Issuer Description   Coupon     Maturity
    Cost     Market
    Market Value
as Percentage
of Net Assets
Applicable  to

El Monte, California Certificates of Participation Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 2001

    5.250%       01/01/2034       08/02/2001     $     14,425     $     14,475       5.57%  











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   45

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund (Cont.)


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     12,707     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (12,961   $ 12,707     $ 12,707  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (12,961   $     12,707     $     12,707  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 12,707     $ 0     $ 0      $     12,707     $     (12,961   $     (254










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     12,707     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $     428,087     $     0     $     428,087  


    0       11,273       0       11,273  

New York

    0       1,295       0       1,295  


    0       1,519       0       1,519  

Puerto Rico

    0       6,853       0       6,853  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       12,707       0       12,707  













Total Investments

  $ 0     $     461,734     $     0     $     461,734  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


46   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 10/01/2054

  $     3,000     $     3,579  

Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 04/01/2047

      3,000         3,298  

5.000% due 04/01/2056

      2,000         2,338  

California Community Housing Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2049

      4,400         4,715  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.875% due 06/01/2043

      1,590         1,591  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (a)

      9,000         1,110  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2055 (a)

      5,100         870  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 04/01/2047

      835         921  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2043

      1,300         1,529  

5.000% due 10/01/2048

      1,320         1,548  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2020


4.000% due 11/01/2040

      1,285         1,484  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


0.080% due 11/15/2045

      2,000         2,000  

5.250% due 11/15/2040

      5,400         5,765  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/15/2035

      1,000         1,041  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 11/15/2034

      1,000         1,060  

5.000% due 11/15/2040

      4,000         4,194  

5.000% due 08/15/2051

      5,555         5,915  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/15/2054

      5,000         5,710  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2047

      1,500         1,658  

5.000% due 11/15/2046

      1,000         1,174  

5.000% due 08/15/2055

      6,275         7,244  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2045

      1,900         2,133  

California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/01/2039

      10,000           10,853  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      790         834  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 01/01/2042

      1,750         1,953  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      1,000         1,131  

5.000% due 06/01/2043

      1,465         1,762  

California Pollution Control Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 08/01/2040

      1,500         1,505  

California Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047 (b)

      5,400         6,043  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 11/01/2043

  $     7,000     $     7,843  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2047

      3,250         3,690  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2039

      4,500         5,052  

5.000% due 10/01/2047

      2,000         2,369  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2039

      1,000         1,192  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/01/2040

      3,350         4,014  

4.000% due 03/01/2046

      1,000         1,178  

California State Public Works Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2029

      2,000         2,123  

California State Public Works Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 03/01/2038

      2,500         2,732  

California State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 11/01/2047

      5,000         5,903  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2043

      1,350         1,515  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


7.000% due 07/01/2040

      3,760         3,798  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.000% due 08/15/2042

      5,600         5,639  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 04/01/2042

      9,705         10,262  

5.375% due 05/15/2038

      4,500         4,605  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.500% due 12/01/2054

      1,500         1,610  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 08/15/2051

      225         242  

5.000% due 06/01/2046

      2,000         2,008  

5.000% due 12/01/2046

      2,000         2,156  

5.250% due 12/01/2056

      2,000         2,154  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2048

      1,000         1,099  

4.000% due 12/01/2053

      230         238  

4.000% due 12/01/2057

      2,000         2,072  

5.500% due 12/01/2058

      7,200         7,783  

California Statewide Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


6.000% due 05/01/2037

      2,000         2,007  

Chula Vista, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2004


5.875% due 02/15/2034

      1,000         1,003  

Folsom Cordova Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 5, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2043 (b)

      3,600         4,160  

Foothill-Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


3.950% due 01/15/2053

      920         988  

Fremont Community Facilities District No. 1, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 09/01/2045

      1,400         1,516  

Golden State, California Tobacco Securitization Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2030

      1,500         1,835  

5.000% due 06/01/2034

      4,500         5,388  

5.000% due 06/01/2047

      2,950         2,987  

5.250% due 06/01/2047

      11,500           11,700  

Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047

      3,000         3,390  

Hartnell Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2042

      3,500         4,019  

Hayward Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/01/2038

  $     3,000     $     3,449  

Imperial Irrigation District Electric System, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/01/2041

      4,500         4,571  

Irvine Unified School District, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2010


6.700% due 09/01/2035

      515         520  

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 11/15/2030

      460         607  

5.500% due 11/15/2037

      7,500         10,658  

Long Beach Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2045

      550         632  

Long Beach, California Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 06/01/2040

      500         501  

Los Angeles Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      3,600         4,120  

Los Angeles County, California Facilities, Inc., Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 12/01/2048

      2,500         2,851  

Los Angeles County, California Metropolitan Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2044

      2,700         3,358  

Los Angeles County, California Sanitation Districts Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2042

      2,000         2,222  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power System, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      2,000         2,517  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      3,000         3,391  

Los Angeles Department of Water, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2049

      5,000         6,369  

Los Angeles, California Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 06/01/2039

      1,000         1,229  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.500% due 11/01/2039

      16,445           25,843  

7.000% due 11/01/2034

      1,000         1,514  

Mount San Antonio Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2041

      1,500         1,930  

5.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,850         2,364  

Mount San Jacinto Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2043

      4,400         5,081  

Newport Mesa Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2007


0.000% due 08/01/2031 (a)

      1,900         1,585  

Northern California Energy Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,500         2,767  

Orange County, California Local Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2041

      3,000         3,742  

Pacifica School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2048

      2,000         2,222  

Palomar Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2046 (b)

      4,000         4,522  

Poway Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


0.000% due 08/01/2040 (a)

      11,000         6,847  

0.000% due 08/01/2046 (a)

      16,000         7,456  


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   47

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II (Cont.)



River Islands Public Financing Authority, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015


5.500% due 09/01/2045

  $     3,000     $     3,199  

Riverside, California Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2038

      3,500         4,090  

Riverside, California Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 10/01/2048

      3,540         4,478  

Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, California Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 10/01/2041 (b)

      2,800         3,405  

5.000% due 10/01/2047 (b)

      1,700         2,052  

Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/15/2039

      2,500         3,260  

San Diego Public Facilities Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,610         1,971  

4.000% due 08/01/2045

      1,250         1,501  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 08/01/2047

      1,000         1,221  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      2,780         3,294  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/01/2047

      2,750         3,244  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 05/01/2048

      2,700         3,236  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/01/2050

      1,500         1,827  

San Francisco, California City & County Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 04/01/2038

      3,000         3,409  

San Francisco, California City & County Public Utilities Commission Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2043 (b)

      10,000           11,392  

San Jose Evergreen Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014


4.125% due 09/01/2043

      1,750         1,927  

San Jose Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2042

      1,000         1,175  

San Jose, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 09/01/2042

      3,000         3,782  

San Jose, California Hotel Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/01/2036

  $     1,000     $     1,020  

San Marcos Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency, California Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 10/01/2032

      850         995  

5.000% due 10/01/2033

      1,125         1,312  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,300         1,367  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 09/01/2034 (a)

      12,000         9,137  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 09/01/2045 (b)

      11,900         14,727  

San Mateo Foster City Public Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,655         1,953  

Santa Ana Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2048

      1,750         1,993  

Santa Clara County, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      4,000         4,193  

Tender Option Bond Trust Receipts/Certificates, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


9.490% due 05/15/2040 (c)

      2,935         2,997  

Torrance, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 09/01/2040

      3,100         3,112  

Turlock Irrigation District, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.500% due 01/01/2041

      1,700         1,741  

Tustin Unified School District, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 09/01/2040

      1,000         1,009  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2049

      2,000         2,501  

Upland, California Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2042

      3,000         3,079  

Washington Township Health Care District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2043

      3,000         3,330  








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2042

      2,350         2,492  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.250% due 01/01/2028

      6,035         6,463  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


6.000% due 01/01/2038

  $     2,000     $     2,261  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 08/01/2023

      1,500         1,586  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2027

      1,000         1,098  








Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2039

      1,250         1,349  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.250% due 10/01/2035

      1,250         1,690  








Berks County, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2050

      3,000         3,038  





Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (a)

      6,115         1,732  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      5,425         5,589  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes
(Cost $410,449)











Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $19,770)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $430,219)
Total Investments 170.5%
(Cost $430,219)


  $     478,093  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (45.9)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (12.2)%     (34,245
Other Assets and Liabilities, net (12.4)%     (34,831



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     280,342  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Zero coupon security.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


Represents an investment in a tender option bond residual interest certificate purchased in a secondary market transaction. The interest rate shown bears an inverse relationship to the interest rate on a tender option bond floating rate certificate. The interest rate disclosed reflects the rate in effect on June 30, 2020.


48   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     19,770     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (20,165   $ 19,770     $ 19,770  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (20,165   $     19,770     $     19,770  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 19,770     $ 0     $ 0      $     19,770     $     (20,165   $     (395










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     19,770     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $ 0     $ 431,025     $ 0     $ 431,025  


    0       13,900       0       13,900  

New York

    0       3,039       0       3,039  


    0       3,038       0       3,038  

Puerto Rico

    0       7,321       0       7,321  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       19,770       0       19,770  













Total Investments

  $     0     $     478,093     $     0     $     478,093  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   49

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Bay Area Toll Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.250% due 04/01/2048

  $     8,000     $     9,087  

California Community Housing Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 04/01/2049

      3,700         3,965  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


5.875% due 06/01/2035

      7,940         7,946  

6.000% due 06/01/2042

      7,000         7,005  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


0.000% due 06/01/2057 (a)

      4,000         494  

California County Tobacco Securitization Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


0.000% due 06/01/2055 (a)

      4,000         682  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 04/01/2047

      700         772  

California Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2043

      1,000         1,176  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2020


4.000% due 11/01/2040

      1,020         1,178  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2008


5.250% due 11/15/2040

      4,550         4,858  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/15/2035

      1,000         1,041  

6.000% due 08/15/2042

      1,200         1,208  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 08/15/2051

      5,205         5,543  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/15/2054

      3,000         3,426  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 08/15/2039 (b)

      6,500         7,248  

4.000% due 10/01/2047

      750         829  

5.000% due 11/15/2046 (b)

      5,000         5,871  

5.000% due 08/15/2055

      5,000         5,772  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2045

      1,400         1,571  

California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/01/2039

      10,000           10,853  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


7.750% due 04/01/2031

      610         644  

California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2043

      1,165         1,401  

5.000% due 06/01/2048

      1,100         1,312  

California Pollution Control Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.250% due 08/01/2040

      1,250         1,254  

California Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047 (b)

      4,200         4,700  

California School Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 07/01/2047

      1,115         1,248  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 11/01/2043

      5,000         5,602  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2047

      1,500         1,703  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 10/01/2047

  $     2,000     $     2,369  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 10/01/2039

      4,500         5,362  

California State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/01/2050

      1,750         2,052  

California State Public Works Board Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 03/01/2038

      2,500         2,732  

California State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 11/01/2042

      6,200         6,591  

California State University Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 11/01/2047

      6,750         7,969  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, (CM Insured), Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2047

      250         279  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2041

      11,000           11,721  

6.000% due 08/15/2042

      1,800         1,812  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 04/01/2042

      11,220         11,864  

5.375% due 05/15/2038

      2,000         2,047  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.500% due 12/01/2054

      3,600         3,864  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 08/15/2051

      200         215  

5.000% due 06/01/2046

      1,000         1,004  

5.000% due 12/01/2046

      3,100         3,342  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/01/2042

      2,500         2,773  

4.000% due 07/01/2048

      850         934  

4.000% due 12/01/2057

      2,000         2,072  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority Revenue Notes, Series 2011


6.500% due 11/01/2021

      120         126  

Chaffey Joint Union High School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2047 (b)

      4,500         5,052  

Chula Vista, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2004


5.875% due 02/15/2034

      2,000         2,007  

Folsom Cordova Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 5, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 10/01/2043 (b)

      2,900         3,351  

Foothill-Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


3.950% due 01/15/2053

      720         774  

Fremont Community Facilities District No. 1, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 09/01/2045

      1,400         1,516  

Golden State, California Tobacco Securitization Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/01/2030

      1,500         1,835  

5.000% due 06/01/2047

      2,115         2,142  

5.250% due 06/01/2047

      8,885         9,039  

Hartnell Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2042

      1,150         1,320  

Hayward Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      5,000         5,749  

Imperial Irrigation District Electric System, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 11/01/2041 (b)

      4,000         4,769  

Long Beach Bond Finance Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 11/15/2030

      360         475  

Long Beach Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2045

      450         517  

Long Beach Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009


5.750% due 08/01/2033

  $     305     $     306  

Long Beach, California Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 06/01/2040

      2,120         2,126  

Los Angeles Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      2,900         3,319  

Los Angeles County, California Facilities, Inc., Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 12/01/2048

      2,000         2,281  

Los Angeles County, California Metropolitan Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2044

      2,200         2,736  

Los Angeles County, California Sanitation Districts Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 10/01/2042

      1,185         1,316  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 07/01/2037

      2,000         2,169  

5.000% due 07/01/2043

      2,115         2,285  

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      1,000         1,130  

Los Angeles Department of Water, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 07/01/2049

      3,000         3,821  

M-S-R Energy Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


6.500% due 11/01/2039

      9,825           15,440  

7.000% due 11/01/2034

      2,285         3,459  

Manteca Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2009


5.750% due 12/01/2036

      1,000         1,021  

Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2040

      2,545         2,928  

Mount San Antonio Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2041

      1,250         1,608  

5.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,450         1,853  

Mount San Jacinto Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2043

      7,300         8,430  

Newport Mesa Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2007


0.000% due 08/01/2031 (a)

      1,485         1,239  

Northern California Energy Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 07/01/2049

      2,000         2,214  

Oakland Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency, California Tax Allocation Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2015


5.000% due 09/01/2036

      800         925  

Orange County, California Local Transportation Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 02/15/2041

      1,000         1,247  

Pacifica School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2048

      1,250         1,389  

Palomar Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2046 (b)

      3,000         3,392  

Regents of the University of California Medical Center Pooled Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 05/15/2043

      5,000         5,439  

River Islands Public Financing Authority, California Special Tax Bonds, Series 2015


5.500% due 09/01/2045

      3,000         3,199  

Riverside, California Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2038

      2,000         2,337  


50   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)



Riverside, California Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 10/01/2048

  $     1,500     $     1,898  

Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, California Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 10/01/2041 (b)

      2,200         2,675  

5.000% due 10/01/2047 (b)

      1,500         1,811  

Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/15/2037

      3,000         3,393  

San Diego County, California Regional Airport Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      1,325         1,446  

San Diego Public Facilities Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 08/01/2045

      1,000         1,201  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 08/01/2042 (b)

      4,500         5,186  

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      2,160         2,559  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/01/2047

      2,125         2,507  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 05/01/2048

      2,000         2,397  

San Francisco, California City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/01/2050

      3,500         4,264  

San Francisco, California City & County Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 04/01/2039

      1,750         1,984  

San Francisco, California City & County Redevelopment Agency Special Tax Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2028

      1,505           1,608  

San Joaquin County Transportation Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 03/01/2041 (b)

      1,800         2,018  

5.000% due 03/01/2041 (b)

      2,700         3,235  

San Jose Evergreen Community College District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014


4.125% due 09/01/2043

      1,250         1,376  

San Jose Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2042

      1,000         1,175  

San Jose, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 09/01/2042

  $     1,500     $     1,891  

San Jose, California Hotel Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


6.500% due 05/01/2036

      1,500         1,530  

San Marcos Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency, California Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 10/01/2034

      885         1,030  

San Marcos Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 08/01/2038

      1,000         1,051  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2006


0.000% due 09/01/2034 (a)

      2,530         1,926  

San Mateo County, California Community College District General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 09/01/2045

      2,000         2,475  

San Mateo Foster City Public Financing Authority, California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2044

      1,290         1,522  

Santa Ana Unified School District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 08/01/2048

      1,250         1,424  

Santa Clara County, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


4.000% due 08/01/2041 (b)

      3,000         3,145  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 05/15/2046 (b)

      6,760         7,485  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 05/15/2042

      2,500         3,051  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 05/15/2043

      1,050         1,206  

University of California Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 05/15/2049

      1,500         1,876  

Upland, California Certificates of Participation Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 01/01/2042

      2,250         2,309  

Washington Township Health Care District, California General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2043

      2,500         2,775  








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2035

      3,000         3,218  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015


5.250% due 01/01/2028

  $     3,700     $     3,963  

5.500% due 01/01/2033

      2,500         2,690  

Illinois State General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 08/01/2023

      1,400         1,480  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2027

      1,000         1,099  








Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2039

      1,050         1,133  





Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (a)

      4,795         1,358  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      4,280         4,409  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes
(Cost $349,796)











Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $7,302)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $357,098)
Total Investments 173.7%
(Cost $357,098)


  $       385,753  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (44.1)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (12.2)%


Other Assets and Liabilities, net (17.4)%     (38,729



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     222,088  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Zero coupon security.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     7,302     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.875% due 04/30/2022   $ (7,448   $ 7,302     $ 7,302  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (7,448   $     7,302     $     7,302  











See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   51

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III (Cont.)


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 7,302     $ 0     $ 0      $     7,302     $     (7,448   $     (146










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     7,302     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $ 0     $ 359,101     $ 0     $ 359,101  


    0       12,450       0       12,450  

New York

    0       1,133       0       1,133  

Puerto Rico

    0       5,767       0       5,767  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       7,302       0       7,302  













Total Investments

  $     0     $     385,753     $     0     $     385,753  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


52   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 11/15/2046 (c)

  $     1,500     $     1,761  








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007


5.500% due 01/01/2042

      885         938  

Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


6.000% due 01/01/2038

      1,000         1,131  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2025

      1,000         1,083  






NEW YORK 158.8%


Build NYC Resource Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2047 (c)

      1,000         1,574  

Housing Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


3.700% due 11/01/2047 (c)

      1,000         1,044  

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.250% due 02/15/2047

      3,000         3,081  

5.750% due 02/15/2047

      4,000         4,132  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 11/15/2042

      2,000         2,131  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2039

      1,000         1,079  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 11/15/2031 (c)

      6,500         7,277  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/15/2035

      1,000         1,063  

4.000% due 11/15/2042

      1,000         1,043  

Nassau County, New York General Obligation Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2036

      2,000         2,460  

Nassau County, New York Industrial Development Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 01/01/2049 ^(a)

      433         65  

6.700% due 01/01/2049

      1,200         950  

Nassau County, New York Tobacco Settlement Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.125% due 06/01/2046

      1,230         1,230  

New York City Health & Hospital Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 02/15/2030

      3,500         3,510  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


6.500% due 01/01/2046

      900         904  

7.000% due 03/01/2049

      3,200         3,216  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/01/2043

      1,030         1,281  

New York City Water & Sewer System, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2001


0.140% due 06/15/2033

      3,595         3,595  

New York City Water & Sewer System, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 06/15/2049 (c)

      9,000           11,084  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2031

      2,000         2,239  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2043

      1,500         1,812  

New York City, New York General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2045 (c)

  $     2,700     $     3,248  

New York City, New York General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2039

      1,000         1,255  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.250% due 07/15/2036

      1,000         1,265  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 05/01/2044

      2,500         2,851  

New York County, New York Tobacco Trust IV Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


0.000% due 06/01/2050 (b)

      20,000         3,538  

New York County, New York Tobacco Trust V Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


0.000% due 06/01/2055 (b)

      3,000         151  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.250% due 10/01/2035 (c)

      3,760         5,083  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/15/2041

      2,000         2,101  

5.750% due 11/15/2051

      6,000         6,295  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      1,900         1,972  

New York Power Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 11/15/2055

      1,600         1,854  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 07/01/2035

      500         500  

5.500% due 07/01/2040

      1,250         1,250  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 07/01/2031

      2,000         2,092  

5.500% due 07/01/2036

      1,000         1,052  

6.000% due 07/01/2040

      1,225         1,225  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 02/15/2029

      1,000         1,123  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (c)

      1,000         1,104  

5.000% due 12/01/2031

      500         588  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 03/15/2043

      1,000         1,137  

5.000% due 03/15/2037

      3,000         3,722  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 03/15/2041

      2,000         2,502  

5.000% due 03/15/2047

      2,000         2,476  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 07/01/2046

      1,000         1,098  

4.000% due 07/01/2053

      2,000         2,230  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2012


5.000% due 01/01/2037

      1,000         1,071  

5.000% due 01/01/2042

      3,645         3,905  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 03/15/2041

      500         630  

New York State Urban Development Corp., Revenue Notes, Series 2019


4.000% due 03/15/2048 (c)

      7,000           7,906  

Onondaga County, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2036

      600         640  

Onondaga County, New York Trust for Cultural Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 12/01/2049

      1,300         1,497  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 12/01/2036

  $     1,000     $     1,008  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.250% due 11/15/2056 (c)

      3,500         4,143  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      1,000         1,116  

5.000% due 11/15/2045 (c)

      3,000         3,605  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/15/2041

      840         1,039  

5.000% due 11/15/2042

      500         617  

Troy Capital Resource Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 09/01/2034

      1,200         1,452  

Troy Industrial Development Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2002


4.625% due 09/01/2026

      5,860         6,043  

TSASC, Inc., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 06/01/2041

      2,000         2,205  

Ulster County, New York Capital Resource Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.250% due 09/15/2047

      500         443  

Westchester County Healthcare Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.125% due 11/01/2037

      910         927  

Yonkers Economic Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 10/15/2030

      160         162  








Berks County, Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/01/2050

      1,000         1,013  





Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (b)

      1,845         523  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      2,760         2,843  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $145,472)











Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $2,969)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $148,441)
Total Investments 172.2%
(Cost $148,441)


  $     157,152  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (45.0)%


Other Assets and Liabilities, net ( 27.2)%       (24,872



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $     91,255  





See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   53

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund (Cont.)


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)





A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Zero coupon security.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     2,969     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (3,028   $ 2,969     $ 2,969  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (3,028   $     2,969     $     2,969  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $ 2,969     $ 0     $ 0      $     2,969     $     (3,028   $     (59










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     2,969     $     0     $     0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $     0     $ 1,761     $     0     $ 1,761  


    0       3,152       0       3,152  

New York

    0       144,891       0       144,891  


    0       1,013       0       1,013  

Puerto Rico

    0       3,366       0       3,366  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       2,969       0       2,969  













Total Investments

  $ 0     $     157,152     $ 0     $     157,152  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


54   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


(Amounts in thousands*, except number of shares, contracts and units, if any)








Chicago, Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017


6.000% due 01/01/2038

  $     2,000     $     2,261  

Illinois State General Obligation Notes, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2025

      1,000         1,083  






NEW YORK 161.9%


Build NYC Resource Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 11/01/2047 (c)

      2,000         3,148  

Dutchess County, New York Local Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


5.000% due 07/01/2045

      3,000         3,346  

Dutchess County, New York Local Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 07/01/2041

      3,200         3,367  

Housing Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


3.700% due 11/01/2047 (c)

      1,000         1,043  

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.750% due 02/15/2047

      9,000         9,297  

Long Island Power Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 09/01/2044

      3,500         4,012  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGM Insured), Series 2019


4.000% due 11/15/2046

      3,000         3,297  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2039

      1,500         1,619  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.250% due 11/15/2056

      1,200         1,322  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 11/15/2035

      3,500         3,721  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, (FHA Insured), Series 2010


5.500% due 08/15/2040

      3,500         3,579  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 07/01/2043

      1,750         1,993  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 12/01/2041

      1,400         1,526  

Nassau County, New York Industrial Development Agency Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


2.000% due 01/01/2049 ^(a)

      650         97  

6.700% due 01/01/2049

      1,800         1,425  

Nassau County, New York Tobacco Settlement Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2006


5.125% due 06/01/2046

      4,000         4,000  

New York City Health & Hospital Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.000% due 02/15/2030

      1,500         1,504  

New York City Housing Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2013


5.250% due 07/01/2031

      1,250         1,403  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York Revenue Bonds, (AGC Insured), Series 2009


6.500% due 01/01/2046

      1,500         1,507  

7.000% due 03/01/2049

      4,900         4,925  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York Revenue Bonds, (FGIC Insured), Series 2006


5.000% due 03/01/2031

      750         750  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York Revenue Bonds, (NPFGC Insured), Series 2006


5.000% due 03/01/2036

      1,900         1,900  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/01/2044

  $     2,000     $     2,216  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2041

      685         778  

New York City Water & Sewer System, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 06/15/2040

      2,300         2,862  

New York City Water & Sewer System, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 06/15/2049 (c)

      3,000         3,695  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013


5.000% due 08/01/2031

      2,000         2,239  

New York City, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018


5.000% due 04/01/2043

      2,780         3,358  

New York City, New York General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 08/01/2039

      1,500         1,882  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


4.000% due 07/15/2040

      1,000         1,095  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


5.250% due 07/15/2036

      2,000         2,529  

New York City, New York Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 05/01/2044

      1,500         1,711  

New York Convention Center Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2015


4.000% due 11/15/2045

      230         234  

5.000% due 11/15/2045

      1,000         1,067  

New York County, New York Tobacco Trust IV Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


0.000% due 06/01/2050 (b)

      30,000         5,307  

New York County, New York Tobacco Trust IV Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.000% due 06/01/2036

      1,000         1,108  

5.000% due 06/01/2041

      1,000         1,095  

New York County, New York Tobacco Trust V Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


0.000% due 06/01/2055 (b)

      4,000         202  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2005


5.250% due 10/01/2035 (c)

      6,350         8,585  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/15/2041

      3,000         3,151  

5.750% due 11/15/2051

      5,000         5,246  

New York Liberty Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.000% due 11/15/2044

      4,000         4,152  

New York Power Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 11/15/2055

      2,200         2,549  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, (AMBAC Insured), Series 2005


5.500% due 05/15/2031

      7,490           10,497  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.500% due 07/01/2040

      1,000         1,000  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 07/01/2031

      2,000         2,092  

5.500% due 07/01/2036

      1,500         1,577  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


4.000% due 02/15/2047 (c)

      1,500         1,656  

5.000% due 12/01/2030

      1,000         1,182  

5.000% due 12/01/2033

      800         932  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 08/01/2037

      2,750         2,971  

4.000% due 03/15/2043

      2,000         2,273  

5.000% due 03/15/2044

      2,625         3,205  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 03/15/2041

  $     1,000     $     1,251  

5.000% due 07/01/2042

      1,000         1,256  

5.000% due 03/15/2047

      2,000         2,476  

New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 07/01/2046

      1,500         1,647  

4.000% due 07/01/2053

      2,000         2,230  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.250% due 01/01/2056

      1,480         1,690  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 01/01/2036

      1,000         1,147  

New York State Thruway Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.000% due 01/01/2053

      1,775         1,990  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 03/15/2041

      2,500         3,151  

New York State Urban Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


4.000% due 03/15/2039

      1,500         1,770  

Niagara Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.250% due 05/15/2034

      500         525  

5.250% due 05/15/2040

      500         522  

Onondaga County, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2011


5.000% due 12/01/2036

      1,000         1,067  

Onondaga County, New York Trust for Cultural Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 12/01/2043

      1,000         1,274  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 12/01/2036

      1,400         1,411  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2016


5.250% due 11/15/2056 (c)

      6,000         7,102  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.250% due 11/15/2057

      5,400         6,453  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


4.000% due 11/15/2048

      2,800         3,125  

5.000% due 11/15/2045 (c)

      3,000         3,605  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


5.000% due 11/15/2041

      1,000         1,237  

5.000% due 11/15/2042

      750         926  

Troy Capital Resource Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


5.125% due 09/01/2040

      3,435         3,461  

Troy Capital Resource Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2020


5.000% due 09/01/2034

      1,800         2,178  

TSASC, Inc., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.000% due 06/01/2035

      3,000         3,507  

5.000% due 06/01/2041

      500         551  

Ulster County, New York Capital Resource Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2017


5.250% due 09/15/2047

      1,000         886  

Westchester County Healthcare Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.125% due 11/01/2037

      1,490         1,518  

Westchester County, New York Local Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, Series 2014


5.500% due 05/01/2042

      1,000         1,087  

Yonkers Economic Development Corp., New York Revenue Bonds, Series 2010


6.000% due 10/15/2030

      815         823  








See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   55

Table of Contents

Schedule of Investments PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II (Cont.)




Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018


0.000% due 07/01/2046 (b)

  $     2,830     $     802  

4.750% due 07/01/2053

      6,885         7,092  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019


4.784% due 07/01/2058

      565         584  







Total Municipal Bonds & Notes (Cost $196,530)








      $     3,071  



Total Short-Term Instruments
(Cost $3,071)



Total Investments in Securities
(Cost $199,601)
Total Investments 173.9%
(Cost $199,601)


  $     215,986  
Auction Rate Preferred Shares (46.7)%


Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares, at liquidation value (16.9)%     (20,975
Other Assets and Liabilities, net (10.3)%     (12,784



Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders 100.0%


  $       124,227  







A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Security is in default.


Security is not accruing income as of the date of this report.


Zero coupon security.


Represents an underlying municipal bond transferred to a tender option bond trust established in a tender option bond transaction in which the Fund sold, or caused the sale of, the underlying municipal bond and purchased the residual interest certificate. The security serves as collateral in a financing transaction. See Note 5, Tender Option Bond Transactions, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.






Counterparty   Lending
    Collateralized By   Collateral
at Value
to be
FICC     0.000     06/30/2020       07/01/2020     $     3,071     U.S. Treasury Notes 1.750% due 05/31/2022   $ (3,132   $     3,071     $ 3,071  










Total Repurchase Agreements


    $     (3,132   $     3,071     $     3,071  













The following is a summary by counterparty of the market value of Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions and collateral pledged/(received) as of June 30, 2020:


Counterparty   Repurchase
to be
    Payable for
    Payable for
Borrowings and
Other Financing
    Net Exposure(1)  

Global/Master Repurchase Agreement



  $     3,071     $     0     $     0      $     3,071     $     (3,132   $     (61










Total Borrowings and Other Financing Transactions

  $     3,071     $ 0     $ 0         












Net Exposure represents the net receivable/(payable) that would be due from/to the counterparty in the event of default. Exposure from borrowings and other financing transactions can only be netted across transactions governed under the same master agreement with the same legal entity. See Note 7, Master Netting Arrangements, in the Notes to Financial Statements for more information.


56   PIMCO CLOSED-END FUNDS        See Accompanying Notes  

Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)




The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of June 30, 2020 in valuing the Fund’s assets and liabilities:


Category and Subcategory   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Fair
Value at

Investments in Securities, at Value


Municipal Bonds & Notes



  $ 0     $ 3,344     $ 0     $ 3,344  

New York

    0       201,093       0       201,093  

Puerto Rico

    0       8,478       0       8,478  

Short-Term Instruments


Repurchase Agreements

    0       3,071       0       3,071  













Total Investments

  $     0     $     215,986     $     0     $     215,986  














There were no significant transfers into or out of Level 3 during the period ended June 30, 2020.


See Accompanying Notes   SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   57

Table of Contents

Notes to Financial Statements




PIMCO Municipal Income Fund, PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II, PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III, PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund and PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II (each a “Fund” and collectively, the “Funds”) are organized as closed-end management investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (the “Act”). Each Fund was organized as a Massachusetts business trust on the dates shown in the table below. Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO” or the “Manager”) serves as the Funds’ investment manager.


Fund Name         Formation

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

      May 9, 2001  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

      March 29, 2002  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      August 20, 2002  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      May 10, 2001  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      March 29, 2002  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      August 20, 2002  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      May 10, 2001  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      March 29, 2002  




The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed by each Fund in the preparation of its financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). Each Fund is treated as an investment company under the reporting requirements of U.S. GAAP. The functional and reporting currency for the Funds is the U.S. dollar. The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


(a) Securities Transactions and Investment Income  Securities transactions are recorded as of the trade date for financial reporting purposes. Securities purchased or sold on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis may be settled beyond a standard settlement period for the security after the trade date. Realized gains (losses) from securities sold are recorded on the identified cost basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date, except certain dividends from foreign securities where the ex-dividend date may have passed, which are recorded as soon as a Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Interest income, adjusted for the accretion of discounts and

amortization of premiums, is recorded on the accrual basis from settlement date, with the exception of securities with a forward starting effective date, where interest income is recorded on the accrual basis from effective date. For convertible securities, premiums attributable to the conversion feature are not amortized. Estimated tax liabilities on certain foreign securities are recorded on an accrual basis and are reflected as components of interest income or net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments on the Statements of Operations, as appropriate. Tax liabilities realized as a result of such security sales are reflected as a component of net realized gain (loss) on investments on the Statements of Operations. Paydown gains (losses) on mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities, if any, are recorded as components of interest income on the Statements of Operations. Income or short-term capital gain distributions received from registered investment companies, if any, are recorded as dividend income. Long-term capital gain distributions received from registered investment companies, if any, are recorded as realized gains.


Debt obligations may be placed on non-accrual status and related interest income may be reduced by ceasing current accruals and writing off interest receivable when the collection of all or a portion of interest has become doubtful based on consistently applied procedures. A debt obligation is removed from non-accrual status when the issuer resumes interest payments or when collectability of interest is probable.


(b) Distributions — Common Shares  The following table shows the anticipated frequency of distributions from net investment income to common shareholders.


          Distribution Frequency  
Fund Name         Declared     Distributed  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      Monthly       Monthly  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      Monthly       Monthly  


Each Fund intends to distribute at least annually to its shareholders all or substantially all of its net tax-exempt interest and any investment company taxable income, and may distribute its net capital gain.


Income distributions and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from U.S. GAAP. Differences between tax regulations and U.S. GAAP may cause timing differences between income and capital gain recognition. Further, the character of investment income and capital gains may be different for certain transactions under the two methods of accounting. As a result, income distributions and capital gain distributions declared




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during a fiscal period may differ significantly from the net investment income (loss) and realized gains (losses) reported on each Fund’s annual financial statements presented under U.S. GAAP.


If a Fund estimates that a portion of its distribution may be comprised of amounts from sources other than net investment income in accordance with its policies and accounting practices, the Fund will notify shareholders of the estimated composition of such distribution through a Section 19 Notice. For these purposes, a Fund estimates the source or sources from which a distribution is paid, to the close of the period as of which it is paid, in reference to its internal accounting records and related accounting practices. If, based on such accounting records and practices, it is estimated that a particular distribution does not include capital gains or paid-in surplus or other capital sources, a Section 19 Notice generally would not be issued. It is important to note that differences exist between a Fund’s daily internal accounting records and practices, a Fund’s financial statements presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and recordkeeping practices under income tax regulations. For instance, a Fund’s internal accounting records and practices may take into account, among other factors, tax-related characteristics of certain sources of distributions that differ from treatment under U.S. GAAP. Examples of such differences may include, among others, the treatment of paydowns on mortgage-backed securities purchased at a discount and periodic payments under interest rate swap contracts. Accordingly, among other consequences, it is possible that a Fund may not issue a Section 19 Notice in situations where the Fund’s financial statements prepared later and in accordance with U.S. GAAP and/or the final tax character of those distributions might later report that the sources of those distributions included capital gains and/or a return of capital. Please visit www.pimco.com for the most recent Section 19 Notice, if applicable, for additional information regarding the estimated composition of distributions. Final determination of a distribution’s tax character will be reported on Form 1099 DIV sent to shareholders for the calendar year.


Distributions classified as a tax basis return of capital at a Fund’s fiscal year end, if any, are reflected on the Statements of Changes in Net Assets and have been recorded to paid in capital on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. In addition, other amounts have been reclassified between distributable earnings (accumulated loss) and paid in capital on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities to more appropriately conform U.S. GAAP to tax characterizations of distributions.


(c) New Accounting Pronouncements  In March 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued an Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”), ASU 2020-04, which provides optional guidance to ease the potential accounting burden associated with transitioning away from the London Interbank Offered Rate and other reference rates that are expected to be discontinued. The ASU is effective immediately upon

release of the update on March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. At this time, management is evaluating implications of these changes on the financial statements.




(a) Investment Valuation Policies  The net asset value (“NAV”) of a Fund’s shares, is determined by dividing the total value of portfolio investments and other assets attributable to that Fund, less any liabilities, by the total number of shares outstanding of that Fund.


On each day that the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open, Fund shares are ordinarily valued as of the close of regular trading (normally 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) (“NYSE Close”). Information that becomes known to the Funds or their agents after the time as of which NAV has been calculated on a particular day will not generally be used to retroactively adjust the price of a security or the NAV determined earlier that day. If regular trading on the NYSE closes earlier than scheduled, each Fund reserves the right to either (i) calculate its NAV as of the earlier closing time or (ii) calculate its NAV as of the normally scheduled close of regular trading on the NYSE for that day. The Funds generally do not calculate their NAV on days during which the NYSE is closed. However, if the NYSE is closed on a day it would normally be open for business, each Fund reserves the right to calculate its NAV as of the normally scheduled close of regular trading on the NYSE for that day or such other time that the Fund may determine.


For purposes of calculating a NAV, portfolio securities and other assets for which market quotes are readily available are valued at market value. Market value is generally determined on the basis of official closing prices or the last reported sales prices, or if no sales are reported, based on quotes obtained from established market makers or prices (including evaluated prices) supplied by the Funds’ approved pricing services, quotation reporting systems and other third-party

sources (together, “Pricing Services”). The Funds will normally use pricing data for domestic equity securities received shortly after the NYSE Close and do not normally take into account trading, clearances or settlements that take place after the NYSE Close. If market value pricing is used, a foreign (non-U.S.) equity security traded on a foreign exchange or on more than one exchange is typically valued using pricing information from the exchange considered by PIMCO to be the primary exchange. A foreign (non-U.S.) equity security will be valued as of the close of trading on the foreign exchange, or the NYSE Close, if the NYSE Close occurs before the end of trading on the foreign exchange. Domestic and foreign (non-U.S.) fixed income securities, non-exchange traded derivatives, and equity options are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or Pricing Services using data reflecting the earlier closing of the principal



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markets for those securities. Prices obtained from Pricing Services may be based on, among other things, information provided by market makers or estimates of market values obtained from yield data relating to investments or securities with similar characteristics. Certain fixed income securities purchased on a delayed-delivery basis are marked to market daily until settlement at the forward settlement date. Exchange-traded options, except equity options, futures and options on futures are valued at the settlement price determined by the relevant exchange. Swap agreements are valued on the basis of bid quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or market-based prices supplied by Pricing Services. A Fund’s investments in open-end management investment companies, other than exchange-traded funds, are valued at the NAVs of such investments.


Investments for which market quotes or market based valuations are not readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by the Funds’ Boards of Trustees (the “Board”) or persons acting at their direction. The Board has adopted methods for valuing securities and other assets in circumstances where market quotes are not readily available, and has delegated to PIMCO the responsibility for applying the fair valuation methods. In the event that market quotes or market based valuations are not readily available, and the security or asset cannot be valued pursuant to a Board approved valuation method, the value of the security or asset will be determined in good faith by the Board. Market quotes are considered not readily available in circumstances where there is an absence of current or reliable market-based data (e.g., trade information, bid/ask information, indicative market quotations (“Broker Quotes”), Pricing Services’ prices), including where events occur after the close of the relevant market, but prior to the NYSE Close, that materially affect the values of a Fund’s securities or assets. In addition, market quotes are considered not readily available when, due to extraordinary circumstances, the exchanges or markets on which the securities trade do not open for trading for the entire day and no other market prices are available. The Board has delegated, to the Manager, the responsibility for monitoring significant events that may materially affect the values of a Fund’s securities or assets and for determining whether the value of the applicable securities or assets should be reevaluated in light of such significant events.


When a Fund uses fair valuation to determine the value of a portfolio security or other asset for purposes of calculating its NAV, such investments will not be priced on the basis of quotes from the primary market in which they are traded, but rather may be priced by another method that the Board or persons acting at their direction believe reflects fair value. Fair valuation may require subjective determinations about the value of a security. While the Funds’ policy is intended to result in a calculation of a Fund’s NAV that fairly reflects security values

as of the time of pricing, a Fund cannot ensure that fair values determined by the Board or persons acting at their direction would accurately reflect the price that a Fund could obtain for a security if it were to dispose of that security as of the time of pricing (for instance, in a forced or distressed sale). The prices used by a Fund may differ from the value that would be realized if the securities were sold.


(b) Fair Value Hierarchy  U.S. GAAP describes fair value as the price that a Fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. It establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes inputs to valuation methods and requires disclosure of the fair value hierarchy, separately for each major category of assets and liabilities, that segregates fair value measurements into levels (Level 1, 2, or 3). The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities. Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the fair value hierarchy are defined as follows:



Level 1 — Quoted prices in active markets or exchanges for identical assets and liabilities.



Level 2 — Significant other observable inputs, which may include, but are not limited to, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market corroborated inputs.



Level 3 — Significant unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available, which may include assumptions made by the Board or persons acting at their direction that are used in determining the fair value of investments.


In accordance with the requirements of U.S. GAAP, the amounts of transfers into and out of Level 3, if material, are disclosed in the Notes to Schedule of Investments for each respective Fund.


For fair valuations using significant unobservable inputs, U.S. GAAP requires a reconciliation of the beginning to ending balances for reported fair values that presents changes attributable to realized gain (loss), unrealized appreciation (depreciation), purchases and sales, accrued discounts (premiums), and transfers into and out of the Level 3 category during the period. The end of period value is used for the transfers between Levels of a Fund’s assets and liabilities. Additionally, U.S. GAAP requires quantitative information regarding the significant unobservable inputs used in the determination of fair value of assets or liabilities categorized as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. In accordance with the requirements of U.S. GAAP, a fair value hierarchy,




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and if material, a Level 3 reconciliation and details of significant unobservable inputs, have been included in the Notes to Schedule of Investments for each respective Fund.


(c) Valuation Techniques and the Fair Value Hierarchy

Level 1 and Level 2 trading assets and trading liabilities, at fair value  The valuation methods (or “techniques”) and significant inputs used in determining the fair values of portfolio securities or other assets and liabilities categorized as Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are as follows:


Fixed income securities including corporate, convertible and municipal bonds and notes, U.S. government agencies, U.S. treasury obligations, sovereign issues, bank loans, convertible preferred securities and non-U.S. bonds are normally valued on the basis of quotes obtained from brokers and dealers or Pricing Services that use broker-dealer quotations, reported trades or valuation estimates from their internal pricing models. The Pricing Services’ internal models use inputs that are

observable such as issuer details, interest rates, yield curves, prepayment speeds, credit risks/spreads, default rates and quoted prices for similar assets. Securities that use similar valuation techniques and inputs as described above are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Fixed income securities purchased on a delayed-delivery basis or as a repurchase commitment in a sale-buyback transaction are marked to market daily until settlement at the forward settlement date and are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.


Level 3 trading assets and trading liabilities, at fair value  When a fair valuation method is applied by PIMCO that uses significant unobservable inputs, investments will be priced by a method that the Board or persons acting at their direction believe reflects fair value and are categorized as Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.


Short-term debt instruments (such as commercial paper) having a remaining maturity of 60 days or less may be valued at amortized cost, so long as the amortized cost value of such short-term debt instruments is approximately the same as the fair value of the instrument as determined without the use of amortized cost valuation. These securities are categorized as Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy depending on the source of the base price.




Investments in Securities

The Funds may utilize the investments and strategies described below to the extent permitted by each Fund’s respective investment policies.


Restricted Investments  are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale and may generally be sold privately, but may be required to

be registered or exempted from such registration before being sold to the public. Private placement securities are generally considered to be restricted except for those securities traded between qualified institutional investors under the provisions of Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Disposal of restricted investments may involve time-consuming negotiations and expenses, and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult to achieve. Restricted investments held by the Funds at June 30, 2020, as applicable, are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.


Securities Issued by U.S. Government Agencies or Government-Sponsored Enterprises  are obligations of and, in certain cases, guaranteed by, the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities. Some U.S. Government securities, such as Treasury bills, notes and bonds, and securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association, are supported by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government; others, such as those of the Federal Home Loan Banks, are supported by the right of the issuer to borrow from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (the “U.S. Treasury”); and others, such as those of the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA” or “Fannie Mae”), are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations. U.S. Government securities may include zero coupon securities which do not distribute interest on a current basis and tend to be subject to a greater risk than interest-paying securities of similar maturities.


Government-related guarantors (i.e., not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government) include FNMA and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC” or “Freddie Mac”). FNMA is a government-sponsored corporation. FNMA purchases conventional (i.e., not insured or guaranteed by any government agency) residential mortgages from a list of approved seller/servicers which include state and federally chartered savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial banks and credit unions and mortgage bankers. Pass-through securities issued by FNMA are guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and interest by FNMA, but are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. FHLMC issues Participation Certificates (“PCs”), which are pass-through securities, each representing an undivided interest in a pool of residential mortgages.

FHLMC guarantees the timely payment of interest and ultimate collection of principal, but PCs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Instead, they are supported only by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Government to purchase the agency’s obligations.


When-Issued Transactions  are purchases or sales made on a when-issued basis. These transactions are made conditionally because a security, although authorized, has not yet been issued in the market. Transactions to purchase or sell securities on a when-issued basis



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involve a commitment by a Fund to purchase or sell these securities for a predetermined price or yield, with payment and delivery taking place beyond the customary settlement period. A Fund may sell when-issued securities before they are delivered, which may result in a realized gain (loss).




The Funds may enter into the borrowings and other financing transactions described below to the extent permitted by each Fund’s respective investment policies.


The following disclosures contain information on a Fund’s ability to lend or borrow cash or securities to the extent permitted under the Act, which may be viewed as borrowing or financing transactions by a Fund. The location of these instruments in each Fund’s financial statements is described below.


(a) Repurchase Agreements  Under the terms of a typical repurchase agreement, a Fund purchases an underlying debt obligation (collateral) subject to an obligation of the seller to repurchase, and a Fund to resell, the obligation at an agreed-upon price and time. In an open maturity repurchase agreement, there is no pre-determined repurchase date and the agreement can be terminated by the Fund or counterparty at any time. The underlying securities for all repurchase agreements are held by a Fund’s custodian or designated subcustodians under tri-party repurchase agreements and in certain instances will remain in custody with the counterparty. The market value of the collateral must be equal to or exceed the total amount of the repurchase obligations, including interest. Repurchase agreements, if any, including accrued interest, are included on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Interest earned is recorded as a component of interest income on the Statements of Operations. In periods of increased demand for collateral, a Fund may pay a fee for the receipt of collateral, which may result in interest expense to the Fund.


(b) Tender Option Bond Transactions  In a tender option bond transaction (“TOB”), a tender option bond trust (“TOB Trust”) issues floating rate certificates (“TOB Floater”) and residual interest

certificates (“TOB Residual”) and utilizes the proceeds of such issuances to purchase a fixed rate municipal bond (“Fixed Rate Bond”) that is either owned or identified by the Fund. The TOB Floater is generally issued to third party investors (typically a money market fund) and the TOB Residual is generally issued to the Fund that sold or identified the Fixed Rate Bond. The TOB Trust divides the income stream provided by the Fixed Rate Bond to create two securities, the TOB Floater, which is a short-term security, and the TOB Residual, which is a longer-term security. The interest rates payable on the TOB Residual issued to the Fund bear an inverse relationship to the interest

rate on the TOB Floater. The interest rate on the TOB Floater is reset by a remarketing process typically every 7 to 35 days. After income is paid on the TOB Floater at current rates, the residual income from the Fixed Rate Bond goes to the TOB Residual. Therefore, rising short-term rates result in lower income for the TOB Residual, and vice versa. In the case of a TOB Trust that utilizes the cash received (less transaction expenses) from the issuance of the TOB Floater and TOB Residual to purchase the Fixed Rate Bond from the Fund, the Fund may then invest the cash received in additional securities, generating leverage for the Fund. Other PIMCO-managed accounts may also contribute municipal bonds to a TOB Trust into which the Fund has contributed Fixed Rate Bonds. If multiple PIMCO-managed accounts participate in the same TOB Trust, the economic rights and obligations under the TOB Residual will be shared among the funds ratably in proportion to their participation in the TOB Trust.


The TOB Residual may be more volatile and less liquid than other municipal bonds of comparable maturity. In most circumstances the TOB Residual holder bears substantially all of the underlying Fixed Rate Bond’s downside investment risk and also benefits from any appreciation in the value of the underlying Fixed Rate Bond. Investments in a TOB Residual typically will involve greater risk than investments in Fixed Rate Bonds.


A TOB Residual held by a Fund provides the Fund with the right to: (i) cause the holders of the TOB Floater to tender their notes at par, and (ii) cause the sale of the Fixed Rate Bond held by the TOB Trust, thereby collapsing the TOB Trust. TOB Trusts are generally supported by a liquidity facility provided by a third party bank or other financial institution (the “Liquidity Provider”) that provides for the purchase of TOB Floaters that cannot be remarketed. The holders of the TOB Floaters have the right to tender their certificates in exchange for payment of par plus accrued interest on a periodic basis (typically weekly) or on the occurrence of certain mandatory tender events. The tendered TOB Floaters are remarketed by a remarketing agent, which is typically an affiliated entity of the Liquidity Provider. If the TOB Floaters cannot be remarketed, the TOB Floaters are purchased by the TOB Trust either from the proceeds of a loan from the Liquidity Provider or from a liquidation of the Fixed Rate Bond.


The TOB Trust may also be collapsed without the consent of a Fund, as the TOB Residual holder, upon the occurrence of certain “tender option termination events” (or “TOTEs”) as defined in the TOB Trust agreements. Such termination events typically include the bankruptcy or default of the Fixed Rate Bond, a substantial downgrade in credit quality of the Fixed Rate Bond, or a judgment or ruling that interest on the Fixed Rate Bond is subject to Federal income taxation. Upon the occurrence of a termination event, the TOB Trust would generally be liquidated in full with the proceeds typically applied first to any accrued




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fees owed to the trustee, remarketing agent and liquidity provider, and then to the holders of the TOB Floater up to par plus accrued interest owed on the TOB Floater and a portion of gain share, if any, with the balance paid out to the TOB Residual holder. In the case of a mandatory termination event, after the payment of fees, the TOB Floater holders would be paid before the TOB Residual holders (i.e., the Funds). In contrast, in the case of a TOTE, after payment of fees, the TOB Floater holders and the TOB Residual holders would be paid pro rata in proportion to the respective face values of their certificates.


Each Fund’s transfer of Fixed Rate Bonds to a TOB Trust is considered a secured borrowing for financial reporting purposes. The cash received by the TOB Trust from the sale of the TOB Floaters, less certain transaction expenses, is paid to a Fund. A Fund typically invests the cash received in additional municipal bonds. The Funds account for the transactions described above as secured borrowings by including the Fixed Rate Bonds in their Schedules of Investments, and account for the TOB Floater as a liability under the caption “Payable for tender option bond floating rate certificates” in the Funds’ Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, from the underlying municipal bonds is recorded by each Fund on an accrual basis and is shown as interest on the Statements of Operations. Interest expense incurred on the secured borrowing is shown as interest expense on the Statements of Operations.


The Funds may also purchase TOB Residuals in a secondary market transaction without transferring a fixed rate municipal bond into a TOB Trust. Such transactions are not accounted for as secured borrowings but rather as a security purchase with the TOB Residual being included in the Schedule of Investments.


In December 2013, regulators finalized rules implementing Section 619 (the “Volcker Rule”) and Section 941 (the “Risk Retention Rules”) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Both the Volcker Rule and the Risk Retention Rules apply to tender option bond programs. The Volcker Rule precludes banking entities from (i) sponsoring or acquiring interests in the trusts used to hold a municipal bond in the creation of TOB Trusts; and (ii) continuing to service or maintain relationships with existing programs involving TOB Trusts to the same extent and in the same capacity as existing

programs. The Risk Retention Rules require the sponsor to a TOB Trust (e.g., a Fund) to retain at least five percent of the credit risk of the underlying assets supporting to the TOB Trust’s municipal bonds. The Risk Retention Rules may adversely affect a Fund’s ability to engage in tender option bond trust transactions or increase the costs of such transactions in certain circumstances.


In response to these rules, industry participants explored various structuring alternatives for TOB Trusts established after December 31, 2013 and TOB Trusts established prior to December 31, 2013 (“Legacy TOB Trusts”) and agreed on a new tender option bond structure in which the Funds hire service providers to assist with establishing, structuring and sponsoring a TOB Trust. Service providers to a TOB Trust, such as administrators, liquidity providers, trustees and remarketing agents act at the direction of, and as agent of, the Funds as the TOB residual holders.


The Funds have restructured their Legacy TOB Trusts in conformity with regulatory guidelines. Under the new TOB Trust structure, the Liquidity Provider or remarketing agent will no longer purchase the tendered TOB Floaters, even in the event of failed remarketing. This may increase the likelihood that a TOB Trust will need to be collapsed and liquidated in order to purchase the tendered TOB Floaters. The TOB Trust may draw upon a loan from the Liquidity Provider to purchase the tendered TOB Floaters. Any loans made by the Liquidity Provider will be secured by the purchased TOB Floaters held by the TOB Trust and will be subject to an interest rate agreed upon with the liquidity provider.


For the period ended June 30, 2020, the Funds’ average leverage outstanding from the use of TOB transactions and the daily weighted average interest rate, including fees, were as follows:


Fund Name         Average

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $ 78,759       1.73%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

        260,147       1.58%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      105,716       1.65%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      68,536       1.62%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      54,191       1.68%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      55,569       1.64%  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      34,716       1.42%  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      25,100       1.84%  






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(a) Principal Risks

The principal risks associated with investment in a Fund are listed below.


Fund II
Fund III
Fund II
Fund III
New York
New York
Fund II

California State Specific Risk

          X   X   X    

Call Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Counterparty Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Credit Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Derivatives Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

High Yield Securities Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Inflation/Deflation Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Interest Rate Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Issuer Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Leveraging Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Liquidity Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Market Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Management Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Municipal Bond Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Municipal Project-Specific Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

New York State-Specific Risk

                X   X

Non-Diversification Risk

              X   X  

Portfolio Turnover Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Private Placements Risk

    X   X   X     X     X  

Reinvestment Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Segregation and Coverage Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Short Exposure Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Structured Investments Risk

    X   X   X     X   X   X   X

Tax Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X

Valuation Risk

    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X


California State-Specific Risk  is the risk that by concentrating its investments in California Municipal Bonds, the Fund may be affected significantly by economic, regulatory or political developments affecting the ability of California issuers to pay interest or repay principal.


Call Risk  is the risk that an issuer may exercise its right to redeem a fixed income security earlier than expected (a call). Issuers may call outstanding securities prior to their maturity for a number of reasons (e.g., declining interest rates, changes in credit spreads and improvements in the issuer’s credit quality). If an issuer calls a security in which the Fund has invested, the Fund may not recoup the full amount of its initial investment and may be forced to reinvest in lower-yielding securities, securities with greater credit risks or securities with other, less favorable features.


Counterparty Risk  is the risk that the Fund will be subject to credit risk with respect to the counterparties to the derivative contracts and other instruments entered into by the Fund or held by special purpose or

structured vehicles in which the Fund invests. If a counterparty becomes bankrupt or otherwise fails to perform its obligations under a derivative contract due to financial difficulties, the Fund may experience significant delays in obtaining any recovery (including recovery of any collateral it has provided to the counterparty) in a dissolution, assignment for the benefit of creditors, liquidation, winding-up, bankruptcy, or other analogous proceeding.


Credit Risk  is the risk that the Fund could lose money if the issuer or guarantor of a fixed-income security, or the counterparty to a derivatives contract, repurchase agreement or a loan of portfolio securities, is unable or unwilling, or is perceived (whether by market participants, rating agencies, pricing services or otherwise) as unable or unwilling, to meet its financial obligations.


Derivatives Risk  is the risk of investing in derivative instruments (such as futures, swaps and structured securities), including leverage, liquidity, interest rate, market, credit and management risks, mispricing




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June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


or valuation complexity. Changes in the value of the derivative may not correlate perfectly with, and may be more sensitive to market events than, the underlying asset, rate or index, and the Fund could lose more than the initial amount invested. The Fund’s use of derivatives may result in losses to the Fund, a reduction in the Fund’s returns and/or increased volatility. Over-the-counter (“OTC”) derivatives are also subject to the risk that a counterparty to the transaction will not fulfill its contractual obligations to the other party, as many of the protections afforded to centrally-cleared derivative transactions might not be available for OTC derivatives. For derivatives traded on an exchange or through a central counterparty, credit risk resides with the Fund’s clearing broker, or the clearinghouse itself, rather than with a counterparty in an OTC derivative transaction.


Changes in regulation relating to a mutual fund’s use of derivatives and related instruments could potentially limit or impact the Fund’s ability to invest in derivatives, limit the Fund’s ability to employ certain strategies that use derivatives and/or adversely affect the value of derivatives and the Fund’s performance.


High Yield Securities Risk  is the risk that high yield securities and unrated securities of similar credit quality (commonly known as “junk bonds”) are subject to greater levels of credit, call and liquidity risks. High yield securities are considered primarily speculative with respect to the issuer’s continuing ability to make principal and interest payments, and may be more volatile than higher-rated securities of similar maturity.


Inflation/Deflation Risk  is the risk that the value of assets or income from the Fund’s investments will be worth less in the future as inflation decreases the value of payments at future dates. As inflation increases, the real value of the Fund’s portfolio could decline. Deflation Risk is the risk that prices throughout the economy decline over time. Deflation may have an adverse effect on the creditworthiness of issuers and may make issuer default more likely, which may result in a decline in the value of the Fund’s portfolio and common shares.


Interest Rate Risk  is the risk that fixed income securities and other instruments in the Fund’s portfolio will decline in value because of an increase in interest rates; a fund with a longer average portfolio duration will be more sensitive to changes in interest rates than a fund with a short average portfolio duration.


Issuer Risk  is the risk that the value of a security may decline for a reason directly related to the issuer, such as management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer’s goods or services.


Leveraging Risk  is the risk that certain transactions of the Fund, such as reverse repurchase agreements, dollar rolls and/or borrowings (as

well as from any future issuance of preferred shares), delayed delivery or forward commitment transactions, or derivative instruments, may give rise to leverage, magnifying gains and losses and causing the Fund to be more volatile than if it had not been leveraged. This means that leverage entails a heightened risk of loss.


Liquidity Risk  is the risk that a particular investment may be difficult to purchase or sell that the Fund may be unable to sell illiquid investments at an advantageous time or price or possibly require the Fund to dispose of other investments at unfavorable times or prices in order to satisfy its obligations, which could prevent the Fund from taking advantage of other investment opportunities. Additionally, the market for certain investments may become illiquid under adverse market or economic conditions independent of any specific adverse changes in the conditions of a particular issuer.


Market Risk  is the risk that the market price of securities owned by the Fund may go up or down, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably due to factors affecting securities markets generally or particular industries.


Management Risk  is the risk that the investment techniques and risk analyses applied by the Manager will not produce the desired results and that legislative, regulatory, or tax restrictions, policies or developments may affect the investment techniques available to the Manager and the individual portfolio manager in connection with managing the Fund. There is no guarantee that the investment objective of the Fund will be achieved.


Municipal Bond Risk  is the risk that the Fund may be affected significantly by the economic, regulatory or political developments affecting the ability of issuers of debt securities whose interest is, in the opinion of bond counsel for the issuer at the time of issuance, exempt from federal income tax (“Municipal Bonds”) to pay interest or repay principal.


Municipal Project-Specific Risk  is the risk that the Fund may be more sensitive to adverse economic, business or political developments if it invests a substantial portion of its assets in the bonds of specific projects (such as those relating to education, health care, housing, transportation, and utilities), industrial development bonds, or in bonds from issuers in a single state.


New York State-Specific Risk  is the risk that by concentrating its investments in New York Municipal Bonds, the Fund maybe affected significantly by economic, regulatory or political developments affecting the ability of New York issuers to pay interest or repay principal.


Non-Diversification Risk  is the risk of focusing investments in a small number of issuers, including being more susceptible to risks associated with a single economic, political or regulatory occurrence than a more



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diversified portfolio might be. Funds that are “non-diversified” may invest a greater percentage of their assets in the securities of a single issuer (such as bonds issued by a particular state) than funds that are “diversified.”


Portfolio Turnover Risk  is the risk that a high portfolio turnover will result in greater expenses to the Fund, including brokerage commissions or dealer mark-ups and other transaction costs on the sale of securities and reinvestments in other securities. Such sales may result in realization of taxable capital gains (including short-term capital gains, which are generally taxed to shareholders at ordinary income tax rates when distributed net of short-term capital losses and net long-term capital losses), and may adversely affect the Fund’s after-tax returns.


Private Placements Risk  is the risk that securities received in a private placement may be subject to strict restrictions on resale, and there may be no liquid secondary market or ready purchaser for such securities. Therefore, the Fund may be unable to dispose of such securities when it desires to do so, or at the most favorable time or price. Private placements may also raise valuation risks.


Reinvestment Risk  is the risk that income from the Fund’s portfolio will decline if and when the Fund invests the proceeds from matured, traded or called debt obligations at market interest rates that are below the portfolio’s current earnings rate. The Fund also may choose to sell higher yielding portfolio securities and to purchase lower yielding securities to achieve greater portfolio diversification, because the portfolio managers believe the current holdings are overvalued or for other investment-related reasons.


Segregation and Coverage Risk  is the risk that certain portfolio management techniques may be considered senior securities unless steps are taken to segregate the Fund’s assets or otherwise cover its obligations. To avoid having these instruments considered senior securities, the Fund may segregate liquid assets with a value equal (on a daily mark-to-market basis) to its obligations under these types of leveraged transactions, enter into offsetting transactions or otherwise cover such transactions. The Fund may be unable to use such segregated assets for certain other purposes, which could result in the Fund earning a lower return on its portfolio than it might otherwise earn if it did not have to segregate those assets in respect of, or otherwise cover, such portfolio positions. To the extent the Fund’s assets are segregated or committed as cover, it could limit the Fund’s investment flexibility.


Short Exposure Risk  is the risk of entering into short sales, including the potential loss of more money than the actual cost of the investment, and the risk that the third party to the short sale will not fulfill its contractual obligations, causing a loss to the Fund.

Structured Investments Risk  is the risk that the Fund’s investment in structured products, including, structured notes, credit-linked notes and other types of structured products bear the risks of the underlying investments, index or reference obligation and are subject to counterparty risk. The Fund may have the right to receive payments only from the structured product, and generally does not have direct rights against the issuer or the entity that sold the assets to be securitized. Structured products generally entail risks associated with derivative instruments.


Tax Risk  is the risk that if, in any year, the Fund were to fail to qualify for treatment as a regulated investment company under the Tax Code, and were ineligible to or did not otherwise cure such failure, the Fund would be subject to tax on its taxable income at corporate rates and, when such income is distributed, shareholders would be subject to a further tax to the extent of the Fund’s current or accumulated earnings and profits.


Valuation Risk  is the risk that fair value pricing used when market quotations are not readily available may not result in adjustments to the prices of securities or other assets, or that fair value pricing may not reflect actual market value. It is possible that the fair value determined in good faith for a security or other asset will be materially different from quoted or published prices, from the prices used by others for the same security or other asset and/or from the value that actually could be or is realized upon the sale of that security or other asset.


(b) Other Risks

In general, a Fund may be subject to additional risks, including, but not limited to, risks related to government regulation and intervention in financial markets, operational risks, risks associated with financial, economic and global market disruptions, and cybersecurity risks. Please see the Important Information section of this report for additional discussion of certain regulatory and market developments (such as the anticipated discontinuation of the London Interbank Offered Rate) that may impact a Fund’s performance.


Market Disruption Risk  A Fund is subject to investment and operational risks associated with financial, economic and other global market developments and disruptions, including those arising from war, terrorism, market manipulation, government interventions, defaults and shutdowns, political changes or diplomatic developments, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious diseases, pandemics and epidemics) and natural/environmental disasters, which can all negatively impact the securities markets and cause a Fund to lose value. These events can also impair the technology and other operational systems upon which a Fund’s service providers, including PIMCO as a Fund’s investment adviser, rely, and could otherwise disrupt a Fund’s service providers’ ability to fulfill their obligations to a




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June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


Fund. For example, the recent spread of an infectious respiratory illness caused by a novel strain of coronavirus (known as COVID-19) has caused volatility, severe market dislocations and liquidity constraints in many markets, including markets for the securities a Fund holds, and may adversely affect a Fund’s investments and operations. Please see the Important Information section for additional discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Government Intervention in Financial Markets  Federal, state, and other governments, their regulatory agencies, or self-regulatory organizations may take actions that affect the regulation of the instruments in which a Fund invests, or the issuers of such instruments, in ways that are unforeseeable. Legislation or regulation may also change the way in which a Fund itself is regulated. Such legislation or regulation could limit or preclude a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective. Furthermore, volatile financial markets can expose a Fund to greater market and liquidity risk and potential difficulty in valuing portfolio instruments held by the Fund. The value of a Fund’s holdings is also generally subject to the risk of future local, national, or global economic disturbances based on unknown weaknesses in the markets in which a Fund invests. In addition, it is not certain that the U.S. Government will intervene in response to a future market disturbance and the effect of any such future intervention cannot be predicted. It is difficult for issuers to prepare for the impact of future financial downturns, although companies can seek to identify and manage future uncertainties through risk management programs.


Regulatory Risk  Financial entities, such as investment companies and investment advisers, are generally subject to extensive government regulation and intervention. Government regulation and/or intervention may change the way a Fund is regulated, affect the expenses incurred directly by a Fund and the value of its investments, and limit and/or preclude a Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective. Government regulation may change frequently and may have significant adverse consequences. Moreover, government regulation may have unpredictable and unintended effects.


Operational Risk  An investment in a Fund, like any fund, can involve operational risks arising from factors such as processing errors, human errors, inadequate or failed internal or external processes, failures in systems and technology, changes in personnel and errors caused by third-party service providers. The occurrence of any of these failures, errors or breaches could result in a loss of information, regulatory scrutiny, reputational damage or other events, any of which could have a material adverse effect on a Fund. While a Fund seeks to minimize such events through controls and oversight, there may still be failures that could cause losses to the Fund.

Cyber Security Risk  As the use of technology has become more prevalent in the course of business, the Funds have become potentially more susceptible to operational and information security risks resulting from breaches in cyber security. A breach in cyber security refers to both intentional and unintentional cyber events that may, among other things, cause a Fund to lose proprietary information, suffer data corruption and/or destruction or lose operational capacity, result in the unauthorized release or other misuse of confidential information, or otherwise disrupt normal business operations. Cyber security failures or breaches may result in financial losses to a Fund and its shareholders. These failures or breaches may also result in disruptions to business operations, potentially resulting in financial losses; interference with a Fund’s ability to calculate its net asset value, process shareholder transactions or otherwise transact business with shareholders; impediments to trading; violations of applicable privacy and other laws; regulatory fines; penalties; reputational damage; reimbursement or other compensation costs; additional compliance and cyber security risk management costs and other adverse consequences. In addition, substantial costs may be incurred in order to prevent any cyber incidents in the future.




A Fund may be subject to various netting arrangements (“Master Agreements”) with select counterparties. Master Agreements govern the terms of certain transactions, and are intended to reduce the counterparty risk associated with relevant transactions by specifying credit protection mechanisms and providing standardization that is intended to improve legal certainty. Each type of Master Agreement governs certain types of transactions. Different types of transactions may be traded out of different legal entities or affiliates of a particular organization, resulting in the need for multiple agreements with a single counterparty. As the Master Agreements are specific to unique operations of different asset types, they allow a Fund to close out and net its total exposure to a counterparty in the event of a default with respect to all the transactions governed under a single Master Agreement with a counterparty. For financial reporting purposes the Statements of Assets and Liabilities generally present derivative assets and liabilities on a gross basis, which reflects the full risks and exposures prior to netting.


Master Agreements can also help limit counterparty risk by specifying collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. Under most Master Agreements, collateral is routinely transferred if the total net exposure to certain transactions (net of existing collateral already in place) governed under the relevant Master Agreement with a counterparty in a given account exceeds a specified threshold, which typically ranges from zero to $250,000 depending on the counterparty and the type of Master Agreement. United States Treasury Bills and



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U.S. dollar cash are generally the preferred forms of collateral, although other securities may be used depending on the terms outlined in the applicable Master Agreement. Securities and cash pledged as collateral are reflected as assets on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as either a component of Investments at value (securities) or Deposits with counterparty. Cash collateral received is not typically held in a segregated account and as such is reflected as a liability on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as Deposits from counterparty. The market value of any securities received as collateral is not reflected as a component of NAV. A Fund’s overall exposure to counterparty risk can change substantially within a short period, as it is affected by each transaction subject to the relevant Master Agreement.


Master Repurchase Agreements and Global Master Repurchase Agreements (individually and collectively “Master Repo Agreements”) govern repurchase, reverse repurchase, and certain sale-buyback transactions between a Fund and select counterparties. Master Repo Agreements maintain provisions for, among other things, initiation, income payments, events of default, and maintenance of collateral. The market value of transactions under the Master Repo Agreement, collateral pledged or received, and the net exposure by counterparty as of period end are disclosed in the Notes to Schedules of Investments.




(a) Management Fee  Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement with PIMCO (the “Agreement”), and subject to the supervision of the Board, PIMCO is responsible for providing to each Fund investment guidance and policy direction in connection with the management of the Fund, including oral and written research, analysis, advice, and statistical and economic data and information. In addition, pursuant to the Agreement and subject to the general supervision of the Board, PIMCO, at its expense, provides or causes to be furnished most other supervisory and administrative services the Funds require, including but not limited to, expenses of most third-party service providers (e.g., audit, custodial, legal, transfer agency, printing) and other expenses, such as those associated with insurance, proxy solicitations and mailings for shareholder meetings, NYSE listing and related fees, tax services, valuation services and other services the Funds require for their daily operations.


Pursuant to the Agreement, PIMCO receives an annual fee, payable monthly, at the annual rates shown in the table below:


Fund Name         Annual

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

Fund Name         Annual

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund


PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II




Management fees calculated based on the Fund’s average daily NAV (including daily net assets attributable to any preferred shares of the Fund that may be outstanding).


(b) Fund Expenses  Each Fund bears other expenses, which may vary and affect the total level of expenses paid by shareholders, such as (i) salaries and other compensation or expenses, including travel expenses of any of the Fund’s executive officers and employees, if any, who are not officers, directors, shareholders, members, partners or employees of PIMCO or its subsidiaries or affiliates; (ii) taxes and governmental fees, if any, levied against the Fund; (iii) brokerage fees and commissions and other portfolio transaction expenses incurred by or for the Fund (including, without limitation, fees and expenses of outside legal counsel or third-party consultants retained in connection with reviewing, negotiating and structuring specialized loans and other investments made by the Fund, subject to specific or general authorization by the Fund’s Board (for example, so-called “broken-deal costs” (e.g., fees, costs, expenses and liabilities, including, for example, due diligence-related fees, costs, expenses and liabilities, with respect to unconsummated investments))); (iv) expenses of the Fund’s securities lending (if any), including any securities lending agent fees, as governed by a separate securities lending agreement; (v) costs, including interest expenses, of borrowing money or engaging in other types of leverage financing, including, without limitation, through the use by the Fund of reverse repurchase agreements, tender option bonds, bank borrowings and credit facilities; (vi) costs, including dividend and/or interest expenses and other costs (including, without limitation, offering and related legal costs, fees to brokers, fees to auction agents, fees to transfer agents, fees to ratings agencies and fees to auditors associated with satisfying ratings agency requirements for preferred shares or other securities issued by the Fund and other related requirements in the Fund’s organizational documents) associated with the Fund’s issuance, offering, redemption and maintenance of preferred shares, commercial paper or other senior securities for the purpose of incurring leverage; (vii) fees and expenses of any underlying funds or other pooled vehicles in which the Fund invests; (viii) dividend and interest expenses on short positions taken by the Fund; (ix) fees and expenses, including travel expenses, and fees and expenses of legal counsel retained for their benefit, of Trustees who are not officers, employees, partners, shareholders or members of PIMCO or its subsidiaries or affiliates; (x) extraordinary expenses, including extraordinary legal expenses, that may arise, including expenses incurred in connection with litigation, proceedings, other claims, and the legal obligations of the Fund to indemnify its Trustees, officers, employees, shareholders, distributors, and agents with respect thereto; (xi) organizational and offering




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June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


expenses of the Fund, including with respect to share offerings, such as rights offerings and shelf offerings, following the Fund’s initial offering, and expenses associated with tender offers and other share repurchases and redemptions; and (xii) expenses of the Fund which are capitalized in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


Each of the Trustees of the Funds who is not an interested person under Section 2(a)(19) of the Act, (the “Independent Trustees”), with the exception of Messrs. Buffington and Clark, also serves as a trustee of a number of other closed-end funds for which PIMCO serves as investment manager (together with the Funds, the “PIMCO Closed-End Funds”), as well as PIMCO Flexible Credit Income Fund and PIMCO Flexible Municipal Income Fund, each a closed end management investment company managed by PIMCO that is operated as an “interval fund” (the ”PIMCO Interval Funds”), and PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust, an open-end management investment company with multiple series for which PIMCO serves as investment adviser and administrator (“PMAT” and, together with the PIMCO Closed-End Funds and the PIMCO Interval Funds, the “PIMCO Managed Funds”). In addition, each of the Independent Trustees (other than Messrs. Buffington, Clark and Kittredge) also serves as a trustee of certain investment companies (together, the “Allianz-Managed Funds”), for which Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC (“AllianzGI U.S.”), an affiliate of PIMCO, serves as investment manager. Messrs. Buffington and Clark do not serve on the Board of any PIMCO-Managed or Allianz-Managed Funds other than the Funds.


The Funds pay no compensation directly to any Trustee or any other officer who is affiliated with the Manager, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the Funds from the Manager or its affiliates.




The Manager is a related party. Fees payable to this party are disclosed in Note 8, Fees and Expenses, and the accrued related party fee amounts are disclosed on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.



Under each Fund’s organizational documents, each Trustee and officer is indemnified, to the extent permitted by the Act, against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Funds. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Funds enter into contracts that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Funds that have not yet occurred. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts.




The length of time a Fund has held a particular security is not generally a consideration in investment decisions. A change in the securities held by a Fund is known as “portfolio turnover.” Each Fund may engage in frequent and active trading of portfolio securities to achieve its investment objective, particularly during periods of volatile market movements. High portfolio turnover may involve correspondingly greater transaction costs, including brokerage commissions or dealer mark-ups and other transaction costs on the sale of securities and reinvestments in other securities, which are borne by the Fund. Such sales may also result in realization of taxable capital gains, including short-term capital gains (which are generally taxed at ordinary income tax rates when distributed to shareholders). The transaction costs associated with portfolio turnover may adversely affect a Fund’s performance. The portfolio turnover rates are reported in the Financial Highlights.



Purchases and sales of securities (excluding short-term investments) for the period ended June 30, 2020, were as follows (amounts in thousands):


          U.S. Government/Agency           All Other  
Fund Name         Purchases     Sales           Purchases     Sales  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $   0     $   0       $ 66,521     $   89,145  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

      0       0           147,299       188,867  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      0       0         96,317       124,690  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      0       0         22,268       30,400  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      0       0         37,843       66,741  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      0       0         17,887       27,705  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      0       0         25,820       27,213  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      0       0         28,785       41,233  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


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(a) Auction-Rate Preferred Shares  Each series of Auction-Rate Preferred Shares (“ARPS”) outstanding of each Fund has a liquidation preference of $25,000 per share plus any accumulated, unpaid

dividends. Dividends are accumulated daily at an annual rate that is typically reset every seven days through auction procedures (or through default procedures in the event of failed auctions). Distributions of net realized capital gains, if any, are paid at least annually.



For the period ended June 30, 2020, the annualized dividend rates on the ARPS ranged from:


Fund Name         Shares
Issued and
    High     Low     As of
June 30, 2020

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


Series A

      1,310       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      1,367       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series C

      1,294       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series D

      1,388       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series E

      1,309       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


Series A

      2,279       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      2,577       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series C

      2,422       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series D

      2,300       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series E

      2,353       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


Series A

      1,018       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      1,190       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series C

      1,350       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series D

      1,334       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series E

      1,296       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


Series A

      1,575       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      1,547       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series C

      1,703       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II


Series A

      1,154       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      879       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series C

      1,235       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series D

      926       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series E

      953       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


Series A

      1,920       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

Series B

      1,995       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund


Series A

      1,641       8.595%       0.220%       0.252%  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II


Series A

      1,178       8.595%       0.220%       0.235%  

Series B

      1,142       8.360%       0.220%       0.252%  


Each Fund is subject to certain limitations and restrictions while ARPS are outstanding. Failure to comply with these limitations and restrictions could preclude a Fund from declaring or paying any dividends or distributions to common shareholders or repurchasing

common shares and/or could trigger the mandatory redemption of ARPS at their liquidation preference plus any accumulated, unpaid dividends.




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Auction Rate Preferred shareholders of each Fund, who are entitled to one vote per share, generally vote together with the common shareholders of the Fund but vote separately as a class to elect two Trustees of the Fund and on certain matters adversely affecting the rights of the ARPS.


Since mid-February 2008, holders of ARPS issued by the Funds have been directly impacted by a lack of liquidity, which has similarly affected ARPS holders in many of the nation’s closed-end funds. Since then, regularly scheduled auctions for ARPS issued by the Funds have consistently “failed” because of insufficient demand (bids to buy shares) to meet the supply (shares offered for sale) at each auction. In a failed auction, ARPS holders cannot sell all, and may not be able to sell any, of their shares tendered for sale. While repeated auction failures have affected the liquidity for ARPS, they do not constitute a default or automatically alter the credit quality of the ARPS, and ARPS holders have continued to receive dividends at the defined “maximum rate,” as defined for the Funds in the table below.


Applicable %          Reference Rate          Maximum Rate  
            The higher of 30-day “AA”
Composite Commercial
Paper Rates
110%1     x     OR     =       Maximum Rate for the Funds  
            The Taxable Equivalent of
the Short-Term Municipal
Obligation Rate2



150% if all or part of the dividend consists of taxable income or capital gain.


“Taxable Equivalent of the Short-Term Municipal Obligations Rate” means 90% of the quotient of (A) the per annum rate expressed on an interest equivalent basis equal to the S&P Municipal Bond 7-day High Grade Rate Index divided by (B) 1.00 minus the Marginal Tax Rate (defined as the maximum marginal regular Federal individual income tax rate applicable to an individual’s or a corporation’s ordinary income, whichever is greater).


The maximum rate is a function of short-term interest rates and is typically higher than the rate that would have otherwise been set through a successful auction. If the Funds’ ARPS auctions continue to fail and the “maximum rate” payable on the ARPS rises as a result of changes in short-term interest rates, returns for each Fund’s common shareholders could be adversely affected.


On July 20, 2018, each Fund commenced a voluntary tender offer for up to 100% of its outstanding ARPS at a price equal to 85% of the ARPS’ per share liquidation preference of $25,000 (or $21,250 per share) and any unpaid dividends accrued through the expiration of the tender offers (each, a Tender Offer”).



On September 12, 2018, each Fund announced the expiration and results of its Tender Offer. Details of the ARPS tendered and not withdrawn for each Fund for the period ended December 31, 2018 are provided in the table below:


Fund Name         Liquidation
Per Share
Offer Price
Per Share
Exchanged For
as of


After Tender
Offer as of


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $   25,000     $   21,250       85%     $   19,805,000       7,600       932       6,668  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 58,416,250       14,680       2,749       11,931  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 29,155,000       7,560       1,372       6,188  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 24,968,750       6,000       1,175       4,825  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 29,176,250       6,520       1,373       5,147  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 23,056,250       5,000       1,085       3,915  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 5,078,750       1,880       239       1,641  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 25,000     $ 21,250       85%     $ 17,850,000       3,160       840       2,320  


(b) Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares  PIMCO Municipal Income Fund, PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II, PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II, PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III and PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II (each, a “VMTP Fund” and together, the “VMTP Funds”) each issued a single series of Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares (the “VMTP Shares”), Series 2022, on September 18, 2018. In the VMTP Funds’ Statements of Assets and Liabilities, the VMTP Shares’ aggregate

liquidation preference is shown as a liability since they are considered debt of the issuer. Costs directly related to the issuance of the VMTP Shares are considered debt issuance costs and are being amortized into interest expense over the life of the VMTP Shares. The liquidation value of the VMTP Shares in each VMTP Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities is shown as a liability and represents its liquidation preference, which approximates fair value of the shares and is considered level 2 under the fair value hierarchy, less any unamortized debt issuance costs. The VMTP Shares can be redeemed in whole or in



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Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


part, at their liquidation preference of $100,000 per share plus any accumulated, unpaid dividends. No Preferred Shares were redeemed during the period ended June 30, 2020. The VMTP Shares are subject to a mandatory term redemption date of March 18, 2022, subject to

each VMTP Fund’s right to extend the term with the consent of the holders of the VMTP Shares. There is no assurance that the term of the VMTP Shares will be extended.



Dividends paid with respect to the VMTP Shares, which are payable monthly, are treated as interest expense, are accrued daily and are reflected as a component of interest expense in the Statements of Operations. For the period ended June 30, 2020, the average amount of the VMTP Shares outstanding, interest expense related to the dividends paid to VMTP Shares and the daily weighted average interest rate, including issuance costs, can be found in the table below.


Fund Name         Average
VMTP Shares

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

      233     $   239       2.05

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

      687       714       2.08  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      343       354       2.07  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      293       302       2.06  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      343       354       2.07  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      271       279       2.06  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      210       215       2.05  



Amounts in thousands.


The rate presented is inclusive of the amortized debt issuance cost. As a result, the rate shown may not fall into the range presented in the table below.




Each VMTP Fund is subject to certain limitations and restrictions while the VMTP Shares are outstanding. Failure to comply with these limitations and restrictions could preclude a VMTP Fund from declaring or paying any dividends or distributions to common shareholders or repurchasing common shares and/or could trigger the mandatory redemption of the VMTP Shares at their liquidation preference plus any accumulated, unpaid dividends and other distributions. Any resulting suspension of payment of common share dividends may result in a tax penalty for the applicable VMTP Fund and, in certain circumstances, the loss of treatment as a regulated investment company. Any such mandatory redemption will be conducted on a pro rata basis among each series of the VMTP Shares and the ARPS based upon the proportion that the aggregate liquidation preference of any series bears to the aggregate liquidation preference of all outstanding series of such Fund’s preferred shares. Under the terms of a purchase agreement between each VMTP Fund and the investor in the VMTP Shares, each VMTP Fund is subject to various investment requirements. These requirements may be more restrictive than those to which the VMTP Fund is otherwise subject in accordance with its investment objectives and policies. In addition, each VMTP Fund is subject to certain restrictions on its investments imposed by guidelines of the rating agencies that rate the VMTP Shares, which guidelines may be changed by the applicable rating agency, in its sole discretion, from time to time. These guidelines may impose asset coverage or portfolio composition requirements that are more stringent than those imposed on the VMTP Fund by the Act.

Each VMTP Fund is required to maintain certain asset coverage with respect to all outstanding senior securities of the VMTP Fund which are stocks for purposes of the Act, including the VMTP Shares and ARPS, as set forth in such VMTP Fund’s governing documents and the Act. One such requirement under the Act is that a VMTP Fund is not permitted to declare or pay common share dividends unless immediately thereafter the VMTP Fund has a minimum asset coverage ratio of 200% with respect to all outstanding senior securities of the Fund which are stocks for purposes of the Act after deducting the amount of such common share dividends. The asset coverage per share for each VMTP Fund is reported in the Financial Highlights and is disclosed as the product of the asset coverage ratio as of period end and the current liquidation preference.


With respect to the payment of dividends and as to the distribution of assets of each VMTP Fund, ARPS and VMTP Shares rank on parity with each other, and are both senior in priority to the VMTP Fund’s outstanding common shares. Holders of preferred shares of each VMTP Fund, who are entitled to one vote per share, including holders of VMTP Shares and ARPS, generally vote together as one class with the common shareholders of each VMTP Fund, but preferred shareholders (VMTP Shares and ARPS together) vote separately as a class to elect two Trustees of each VMTP Fund, as required by the Act, and on certain matters adversely affecting the rights of preferred shareholders. Under the Act, preferred shareholders, including holders of the VMTP Shares and ARPS, are also entitled to elect a majority of the trustees at any time when dividends on the preferred shares are unpaid for two full years.




Table of Contents


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


The VMTP Shares’ Dividend Rate is determined over the course of a seven-day period, which generally commences each Thursday and ends the following Wednesday (the “Rate Period”). The dividends per share for VMTP Shares for a given Rate Period are dependent on the Dividend Rate for that Rate Period. The Dividend Rate is equal to the greater of (i) the sum of the Index Rate1 plus the Applicable Spread2 for the Rate Period, and (ii) the sum of the product of the Index Rate multiplied by the Applicable Multiplier3 for such Rate Period plus 0.97%. The dividend per VMTP Share for the Rate Period is then determined as described in the table below.4


Dividend Rate        Rate Period Fraction   Liquidation Preference   Dividend
        Number of days in the Rate Period (or a part thereof)                

Dividend Rate

  x   Divided by   x   100,000   =   Dividends per VMTP Share
        Total number of days in the year                



The Index Rate is determined by reference to a weekly, high-grade index comprised of seven-day, tax-exempt variable rate demand notes, generally the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Municipal Swap Index.


The Applicable Spread for a Rate Period is a percentage per year that is based on the long term rating most recently assigned by the applicable ratings agency to the VMTP Shares.


The Applicable Multiplier for a Rate Period is a percentage that is based on the long term rating most recently assigned by the applicable ratings agency to the VMTP Shares.


The Dividend Rate will in no event exceed 15% per year.


For the period ended June 30, 2020, the annualized dividend rate on the VMTP Shares ranged from:


Fund Name         Shares
Issued and
    High     Low     As of
June 30, 2020

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund


Series 2022

      233       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II


Series 2022

      687       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III


Series 2022

      343       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund


Series 2022

      293       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II


Series 2022

      343       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III


Series 2022

      271       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II


Series 2022

      210       6.170%       1.080%       1.100%  




The Funds are not named as defendants in any material litigation or arbitration proceedings and are not aware of any material litigation or claim pending or threatened against them.


The foregoing speaks only as of the date of this report.




Each Fund intends to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) and distribute all of its taxable income and net realized gains, if applicable, to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision for Federal income taxes has been made.


A Fund may be subject to local withholding taxes, including those imposed on realized capital gains. Any applicable foreign capital gains

tax is accrued daily based upon net unrealized gains, and may be payable following the sale of any applicable investments.


In accordance with U.S. GAAP, the Manager has reviewed the Funds’ tax positions for all open tax years. As of June 30, 2020, the Funds have recorded no liability for net unrecognized tax benefits relating to uncertain income tax positions they have taken or expect to take in future tax returns.


The Funds file U.S. federal, state, and local tax returns as required. The Funds’ tax returns are subject to examination by relevant tax authorities until expiration of the applicable statute of limitations, which is generally three years after the filing of the tax return but which can be extended to six years in certain circumstances. Tax returns for open years have incorporated no uncertain tax positions that require a provision for income taxes.



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Notes to Financial Statements (Cont.)


June 30, 2020 (Unaudited)


Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, a fund is permitted to carry forward any new capital losses for an unlimited period. Additionally, such capital losses that are carried forward will retain their character as either short-term or long-term capital losses rather than being considered all short-term under previous law.


As of their last fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, the Funds had the following post-effective capital losses with no expiration (amounts in thousands):


          Short-Term     Long-Term  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $ 0     $   0  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

        1,423       0  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

      0       0  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

      0       0  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

      0       0  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

      0       0  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

      0       0  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

      1,811       0  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


As of June 30, 2020, the aggregate cost and the net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) of investments for federal income tax purposes are as follows (amounts in thousands):


Tax Cost
     Net Unrealized

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

     $ 525,717      $ 51,948      $   (5,755    $ 46,193  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

         1,212,521          104,092        (6,119        97,973  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

       577,695        53,266        (3,082      50,184  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

       427,756        34,001        (23      33,978  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

       430,323        47,808        (38      47,770  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

       357,175        28,626        (48      28,578  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

       148,441        9,566        (855      8,711  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

       199,601        17,442        (1,057      16,385  



A zero balance may reflect actual amounts rounding to less than one thousand.


Primary differences, if any, between book and tax net unrealized appreciation/(depreciation) are attributable to wash sale loss deferrals for federal income tax purposes.




In preparing these financial statements, the Funds’ management has evaluated events and transactions for potential recognition or disclosure through the date the financial statements were issued.


On July 1, 2020, the following distributions were declared to common shareholders payable August 3, 2020 to shareholders of record on July 13, 2020:


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $   0.054000 per common share  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.059000 per common share  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 0.046000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

    $ 0.065000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.032000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 0.038000 per common share  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

    $ 0.042000 per common share  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.040045 per common share  

On August 3, 2020, the following distributions were declared to common shareholders payable September 1, 2020 to shareholders of record on August 13, 2020:


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund

    $   0.054000 per common share  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.059000 per common share  

PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 0.046000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund

    $ 0.065000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.032000 per common share  

PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III

    $ 0.038000 per common share  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund

    $ 0.042000 per common share  

PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II

    $ 0.040045 per common share  


There were no other subsequent events identified that require recognition or disclosure.




Table of Contents

Glossary: (abbreviations that may be used in the preceding statements)




Counterparty Abbreviations:


Fixed Income Clearing Corporation


Currency Abbreviations:

USD (or $)  

United States Dollar


Municipal Bond or Agency Abbreviations:


Assured Guaranty Corp.


California Mortgage Insurance


Federal Housing Administration


Assured Guaranty Municipal


Custodial Receipts


National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.


American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.


Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.


Qualified School Bond Loan Fund

Other Abbreviations:





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Distribution Information


For purposes of Section 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”), the Funds estimated the periodic sources of any dividends paid during the period covered by this report in accordance with good accounting practice. Pursuant to Rule 19a-1(e) under the Act, the table below sets forth the actual source information for dividends paid during the fiscal period ended June 30, 2020 calculated as of each distribution period pursuant to Section 19 of the Act. The information below is not provided for U.S. federal income tax reporting purposes. The tax character of all dividends and distributions is reported on Form 1099-DIV (for shareholders who receive U.S. federal tax reporting) at the end of each calendar year.


PIMCO Municipal Income Fund          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $   0.0540      $   0.0000      $   0.0000      $   0.0540  

February 2020

     $ 0.0540      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0540  

March 2020

     $ 0.0379      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0161      $ 0.0540  

April 2020

     $ 0.0385      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0155      $ 0.0540  

May 2020

     $ 0.0540      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0540  

June 2020

     $ 0.0540      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0540  
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  

February 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  

March 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  

April 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  

May 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  

June 2020

     $ 0.0590      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0590  
PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0460      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0460  

February 2020

     $ 0.0460      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0460  

March 2020

     $ 0.0378      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0082      $ 0.0460  

April 2020

     $ 0.0330      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0130      $ 0.0460  

May 2020

     $ 0.0460      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0460  

June 2020

     $ 0.0460      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0460  
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  

February 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  

March 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  

April 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  

May 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  

June 2020

     $ 0.0650      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0650  
PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0320      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0320  

February 2020

     $ 0.0304      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0016      $ 0.0320  

March 2020

     $ 0.0214      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0106      $ 0.0320  

April 2020

     $ 0.0205      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0115      $ 0.0320  

May 2020

     $ 0.0320      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0320  

June 2020

     $ 0.0320      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0320  



Table of Contents



PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $   0.0380      $   0.0000      $   0.0000      $   0.0380  

February 2020

     $ 0.0354      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0026      $ 0.0380  

March 2020

     $ 0.0243      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0137      $ 0.0380  

April 2020

     $ 0.0264      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0116      $ 0.0380  

May 2020

     $ 0.0380      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0380  

June 2020

     $ 0.0380      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0380  
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0420      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0420  

February 2020

     $ 0.0420      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0420  

March 2020

     $ 0.0320      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0100      $ 0.0420  

April 2020

     $ 0.0314      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0106      $ 0.0420  

May 2020

     $ 0.0420      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0420  

June 2020

     $ 0.0420      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0420  
PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II          Net Investment
     Net Realized
Capital Gains*
     Paid-in Surplus or
Other Capital
     Total (per
common share)

January 2020

     $ 0.0400      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0400  

February 2020

     $ 0.0400      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0400  

March 2020

     $ 0.0292      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0109      $ 0.0400  

April 2020

     $ 0.0296      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0104      $ 0.0400  

May 2020

     $ 0.0400      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0400  

June 2020

     $ 0.0400      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0000      $ 0.0400  



The source of dividends provided in the table differs, in some respects, from information presented in this report prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or U.S. GAAP. For example, net earnings from certain interest rate swap contracts are included as a source of net investment income for purposes of Section 19(a). Accordingly, the information in the table may differ from information in the accompanying financial statements that are presented on the basis of U.S. GAAP and may differ from tax information presented in the footnotes. Amounts shown may include accumulated, as well as fiscal period net income and net profits.


Occurs when a fund distributes an amount greater than its accumulated net income and net profits. Amounts are not reflective of a fund’s net income, yield, earnings or investment performance.


  SEMIANNUAL REPORT   JUNE 30, 2020   77

Table of Contents

Changes to Boards of Trustees




Effective June 12, 2020, the Board of Trustees appointed Mr. Joseph B. Kittredge, Jr. to the Board as a Class III Trustee of the Funds.



Table of Contents

Approval of Investment Management Agreement




The Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), requires that the Board of Trustees (the “Board” or the “Trustees”), including a majority of the Trustees who are not “interested persons,” as that term is defined in the 1940 Act (the “Independent Trustees”) of each of PIMCO Municipal Income Fund (“PMF”), PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II (“PML”), PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III (“PMX”), PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund (“PNF”), PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II (“PNI”), PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund (“PCQ”), PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II (“PCK”) and PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III (“PZC”) (each, a “Fund” and, collectively, the “Funds”), voting separately, annually approve any continuation of the Investment Management Agreement between each Fund and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) (each, an “Agreement”). At a meeting held by videoconference1 on June 12, 2020 (the “Approval Meeting”), the Board, including the Independent Trustees, considered and unanimously approved the continuation of each Agreement for an additional one-year period commencing on August 1, 2020.


In addition to the Approval Meeting, the annual contract review process with respect to each Agreement also involved multiple planning discussions and meetings of the Contracts Committees of the Board (the “Committee”) (the Approval Meeting, together with such planning discussions and Committee meetings, the “Contract Renewal Meetings”). Throughout the process, the Independent Trustees received legal advice from independent legal counsel that is experienced in 1940 Act matters and independent of PIMCO (“Independent Counsel”), and with whom they met separately from PIMCO during the Contract Renewal Meetings. Representatives from Fund management attended portions of the Contract Renewal Meetings and responded to questions from the Independent Trustees. The Committee also received and reviewed a memorandum from Independent Counsel regarding the Trustees’ responsibilities in evaluating each Agreement.


In connection with their deliberations regarding the proposed continuation of the Agreements for each Fund, the Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, considered such information and factors as they believed, in light of the legal advice furnished to them and their own business judgment, to reasonably be necessary to evaluate the terms of the Agreements. The Trustees also considered the nature, quality and extent of the various investment management, administrative and other services performed by PIMCO under the Agreements.

In evaluating each Agreement, the Board, including the Independent Trustees, reviewed extensive materials provided by PIMCO in response to questions submitted by the Independent Trustees and Independent Counsel, and met with senior representatives of PIMCO regarding its personnel, operations, and estimated profitability as they relate to the Funds. The Trustees also considered the broad range of information relevant to the annual contract review that is provided to the Board (including its various standing committees) at meetings throughout the year, including reports on investment performance based on net asset value, common share market price and distribution yield, use of leverage (if applicable), information regarding share price premiums and/or discounts, portfolio risk, and other portfolio information for each Fund, including the use of derivatives if used as part of the Fund’s strategy, as well as periodic reports on, among other matters, pricing and valuation; quality and cost of portfolio trade execution; compliance; and shareholder and other services provided by PIMCO and its affiliates. To assist with their review, the Trustees reviewed summaries prepared by PIMCO that analyzed each Fund based on a number of factors, including, fees/expenses, performance, distribution yield, and risk-based factors. Due to the market volatility stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trustees also requested, received and reviewed summaries updated as of April 30, 2020. They also considered, among other information, performance based on net asset value and market value (both absolute and compared against its Broadridge Performance Universe (as defined below)), investment objective and strategy, portfolio managers, assets under management, outstanding leverage, share price premium and/or discount information, annual fund operating expenses, total expense ratio and management fee comparisons between the Fund and its Broadridge Expense Group (as defined below) and trends in estimated profitability to PIMCO from its advisory relationship with each Fund.


The Trustees’ conclusions as to the continuation of each Agreement were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information provided to the Trustees and were not the result of any single factor. Some of the factors that figured particularly in the Trustees’ deliberations are described below, although individual Trustees may have evaluated the information presented differently from one another, attributing different weights to various factors. The Trustees evaluated information available to them on a Fund-by-Fund basis, and their determinations were made separately in respect of each Fund.




The Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, determined to rely on the relief granted by a temporary exemptive order issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 that permits fund boards of trustees to approve advisory contracts at a meeting held by remote communications that allows participating trustees to hear one another simultaneously, rather than in-person, in light of the impact of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic and restrictions on travel and in-person gatherings. The Board determined that reliance on the exemptive order was necessary and appropriate due to circumstances related to current or potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and government-mandated restrictions, and prior to commencing the approval meeting, the Board confirmed that all Board members could hear each other simultaneously during the meeting. The Board noted that it would ratify any actions taken at this meeting pursuant to the SEC relief at its next in-person meeting.


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Approval of Investment Management Agreement (cont.)


Nature, Extent and Quality of Services


As part of their review, the Trustees received and considered descriptions of various functions performed by PIMCO for the Funds, such as portfolio management, compliance monitoring, portfolio trading practices, and oversight of third-party service providers. They also considered information regarding the overall organization and business functions of PIMCO, including, without limitation, information regarding senior management, portfolio managers and other personnel providing or proposed to provide investment management, administrative and other services, and corporate ownership and business operations unrelated to the Funds. The Trustees examined PIMCO’s abilities to provide high-quality investment management and other services to the Funds. Among other information, the Trustees considered the investment philosophy and research and decision-making processes of PIMCO; the experience of key advisory personnel of PIMCO responsible for portfolio management of the Funds; information regarding the Funds’ use of leverage; the ability of PIMCO to attract and retain capable personnel; the background and capabilities of the senior management and staff of PIMCO; the general process or philosophy for determining employee compensation; and the operational infrastructure, including technology and systems, of PIMCO. The Trustees also considered actions taken by PIMCO to manage the impact on each Fund and its portfolio holdings of recent market volatility.


In addition, the Trustees noted the extensive range of services that PIMCO provides to the Funds beyond investment management services. In this regard, the Trustees reviewed the extent and quality of PIMCO’s services with respect to regulatory compliance and ability to comply with the investment policies of the Funds; the compliance programs and risk controls of PIMCO; the specific contractual obligations of PIMCO pursuant to each Agreement; the nature, extent, and quality of the supervisory and administrative services PIMCO is responsible for providing to the Funds; PIMCO’s risk management function; the time and resources PIMCO expends monitoring the leverage employed by each Fund, including the covenants and restrictions imposed by certain forms of leverage such as each Fund’s preferred shares; and conditions that might affect PIMCO’s ability to provide high-quality services to the Funds in the future under each Agreement, including, but not limited to, PIMCO’s financial condition and operational stability. The Trustees also took into account the entrepreneurial and business risk PIMCO has undertaken as investment manager and sponsor of the Funds. Specifically, the Trustees considered that PIMCO’s responsibilities include continual management of investment, operational, enterprise, legal, regulatory, and compliance risks as they relate to the Funds. The Trustees also noted PIMCO’s activities under its contractual obligation to coordinate, oversee and supervise the Funds’ various outside service providers, including its negotiation of certain service providers’ fees and

its evaluation of service providers’ infrastructure, cybersecurity programs, compliance programs, and business continuity programs, among other matters. The Trustees also considered PIMCO’s ongoing development of its own infrastructure and information technology, including its proprietary software and applications, to support the Funds through, among other things, cybersecurity, business continuity planning, and risk management. The Trustees also considered PIMCO’s effective operation and implementation of its business continuity plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and government-mandated restrictions and its oversight of the service providers’ business continuity during this period.


The Trustees concluded that PIMCO’s investment process, research capabilities and philosophy were well suited to each Fund given its investment objective and policies, PIMCO would be able to continue to meet any reasonably foreseeable obligations under each Agreement, and PIMCO would otherwise be able to continue to provide investment and non-investment services to each Fund of an appropriate extent and quality.


Fee and Expense Information


In assessing the reasonableness of each Fund’s fees and expenses under its Agreement, the Trustees considered, among other information, the Fund’s management fee and its total expenses as a percentage of average net assets attributable to common shares and as a percentage of average total managed assets (including assets attributable both to common shares and specified leverage outstanding), in comparison to information about other funds provided by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), including the management fees and other expenses of a smaller sample of comparable funds with different investment advisers identified by Broadridge (for each Fund, its “Broadridge Expense Group”) as well as of a larger sample of comparable funds identified by Broadridge (for each Fund, its “Broadridge Expense Universe”). In each case, the total expense ratio information was provided both inclusive and exclusive of interest and borrowing expenses. Fund-specific comparative fees/expenses reviewed by the Trustees are discussed below. The Fund-specific fee and expense results discussed below were prepared and provided by Broadridge and were not independently verified by the Trustees. The Trustees considered that the total expense ratio comparisons reflect the effect of expense waivers/reimbursements, if any. The Trustees noted that only leveraged closed-end funds were considered for inclusion in the Broadridge Expense Groups and Broadridge Expense Universes.


To the extent applicable, the Trustees considered information regarding the investment performance and fees for other funds and accounts managed by PIMCO, if any, with similar investment strategies to those of the Funds. The Trustees considered information provided by PIMCO




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indicating that, in comparison to certain other products managed by PIMCO, including open-end funds and exchange-traded funds, there are additional portfolio management challenges in managing closed-end funds such as the Funds. For example, the challenges associated with managing closed-end funds may include investing in less liquid holdings, the use of leverage, issues relating to trading on a national securities exchange and managing the funds’ dividend practices. In addition, the Independent Trustees considered information provided by PIMCO as to the generally broader and more extensive services provided to the Funds in comparison to those provided to private funds or institutional or separate accounts; the higher demands placed on PIMCO to provide considerable shareholder services due to the volume of investors; the greater entrepreneurial, enterprise, and reputational risk in managing registered closed-end funds; and the impact on PIMCO and expenses associated with the more extensive regulatory and compliance requirements to which the Funds are subject in comparison to private funds or institutional or separate accounts. The Trustees were advised by PIMCO that, in light of these additional challenges and additional services, different pricing structures between closed-end funds and other products managed by PIMCO are to be expected, and that comparisons of pricing structures across these products may not always be apt comparisons, even where other products have similar investment objectives and strategies to those of the Funds.


The Trustees also took into account that all of the Funds have preferred shares outstanding, which increases the amount of management fees payable by each Fund under its Agreement (because each Fund’s fees are calculated based on net assets, including assets attributable to preferred shares outstanding). In this regard, the Trustees took into account that PIMCO has a financial incentive for the Funds to use or continue to use leverage in the form of preferred shares, which may create a conflict of interest between PIMCO, on one hand, and the Funds’ common shareholders, on the other. Therefore, the Trustees noted that the total fees paid by each Fund to PIMCO under the Fund’s unitary fee arrangement would therefore vary more with increases and decreases in leverage attributable to preferred shares incurred by the Fund than under a non-unitary fee arrangement, all other things being equal. The Trustees considered information provided by PIMCO and related presentations as to why each Fund’s use of leverage continues to be appropriate and in the best interests of the respective Fund under current market conditions. The Trustees considered that they receive each quarter information from PIMCO regarding the Fund’s use of leverage. The Trustees also considered PIMCO’s representation that it will use leverage for the Funds solely as it determines to be in the best interests of the Funds from an investment perspective and without regard to the level of compensation PIMCO receives.

The Trustees noted that, for each Fund, the contractual management fee rate for the Fund under its unitary fee arrangement was above the median contractual management fees of the other funds in its Broadridge Expense Group, calculated both on average net assets and on average total managed assets. However, in this regard, the Trustees took into account that each Fund’s unitary fee arrangement covers substantially all of the Fund’s operating fees and expenses (“Operating Expenses”), and therefore, all other things being equal, would tend to be higher than the contractual management fee rates of other funds in the applicable Broadridge Expense Group, which generally do not have a unitary fee structure and bear Operating Expenses directly and in addition to the management fee. The Trustees determined that a review of each Fund’s total expense ratio with the total expense ratios of peer funds would generally provide more meaningful comparisons than considering contractual management fee rates in isolation.


In this regard, the Trustees noted PIMCO’s view that the unitary fee arrangements have benefited and will continue to benefit common shareholders because they provide an expense structure (including Operating Expenses) that is essentially fixed for the duration of the contractual period as a percentage of net assets (including assets attributable to preferred shares), making it more predictable under ordinary circumstances in comparison to other fee and expense structures, under which the Funds’ Operating Expenses (including certain third-party fees and expenses) could vary significantly over time. The Trustees also considered that the unitary fee arrangements generally insulate the Funds and common shareholders from increases in applicable third-party and certain other expenses because PIMCO, rather than the Funds, would bear the risk of such increases (though the Trustees also noted that PIMCO would benefit from any reductions in such expenses). In this regard, the Trustees considered that PIMCO (and not the Funds) bore expenses under the unitary fee associated with a contested Trustee election and proxy contest for each Fund in 2018 and 2019.


Performance Information


Fund-specific comparative performance results for the Funds reviewed by the Trustees are discussed below. With respect to investment performance, the Trustees considered information regarding each Fund’s short-, intermediate- and long-term performance based on net asset value and market value, as applicable, net of the Fund’s fees and expenses, both on an absolute basis and relative to the performance of its Broadridge Performance Universe (as defined below). The Trustees considered information provided by Broadridge for the Funds regarding the investment performance of a group of funds with investment classifications/objectives comparable to those of each Fund (for each Fund, its “Broadridge Performance Universe”). The comparative performance information was prepared and provided by Broadridge



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and was not independently verified by the Trustees. The Trustees also considered information regarding the Funds’ comparative yields and risk-adjusted returns. The Independent Trustees recognized that the performance information, including the Broadridge performance information, was as of December 31, 2019, and, as such, did not include the period of extreme market volatility resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, they requested, received, and reviewed more recent performance information from PIMCO as of March 31, 2020. The Trustees considered information from PIMCO regarding the risks undertaken by the Funds, including the use of leverage, and PIMCO’s management and oversight of each Fund’s risk profile, including in instances where a Fund outperformed its Broadridge Performance Universe.


In addition, the Trustees considered matters bearing on the Funds and their advisory arrangements at their meetings throughout the year, including a review of performance data at each regular meeting (by both the Board and its Performance Committee).


Profitability, Economies of Scale, and Fall-out Benefits


The Trustees considered estimated profitability analyses provided by PIMCO, which included, among other information, (i) PIMCO’s estimated pre- and post-distribution operating margin for each Fund, as well as PIMCO’s estimated pre- and post-distribution operating margin for all of the closed-end funds advised by PIMCO, including the Funds (collectively, the “Estimated Margins”), in each case for the one-year period ended December 31, 2019; (ii) a year-over-year comparison of PIMCO’s Estimated Margins for the one-year periods ended December 31, 2019, and December 31, 2018; and (iii) an overview of PIMCO’s average fee rates with respect to all of the closed-end funds advised by PIMCO, including the Funds, compared to PIMCO’s average fee rates with respect to its other clients, including PIMCO-advised separate accounts, open-end funds and hedge funds and private equity funds. The Trustees also took into account explanations from PIMCO regarding how certain of PIMCO’s corporate and shared expenses were allocated among the Funds and other funds and accounts managed by PIMCO for purposes of developing profitability estimates. Based on the profitability analyses provided by PIMCO, the Trustees determined, taking into account the various assumptions made, that such profitability did not appear to be excessive.


The Trustees also considered information regarding possible economies of scale in the operation of the Funds. The Trustees took into account that the Funds do not currently have any breakpoints in their management fees. The Trustees considered that, as closed-end investment companies, the Funds do not continually offer new shares to raise additional assets (as does a typical open-end investment company), but may raise additional assets through follow-on offerings

and dividend reinvestments and may also experience asset growth through investment performance and/or the increased use of leverage. The Trustees noted PIMCO’s assertion that it may share the benefits of potential economies of scale, if any, with the Funds and their shareholders in a number of ways, including investing in portfolio and trade operations management, firm technology, middle and back office support, legal and compliance, and fund administration logistics; senior management supervision and governance of those services; and the enhancement of services provided to the Funds in return for fees paid. The Trustees also considered that the unitary fee arrangements provide inherent economies of scale because a Fund maintains competitive fixed unitary fees even if the particular Fund’s assets decline and/or operating costs rise. The Trustees further considered that, in contrast, breakpoints are a proxy for charging higher fees on lower asset levels and that when a fund’s assets decline, breakpoints may reverse, which causes expense ratios to increase. The Trustees also considered that, unlike the Funds’ unitary fee arrangements, funds with “pass through” administrative fee structures may experience increased expense ratios when fixed dollar fees are charged against declining fund assets. The Trustees also considered that the unitary fee arrangements protect shareholders, during the contractual period, from a rise in operating costs that may result from, among other things, PIMCO’s investments in various business enhancements and infrastructure. The Trustees noted that PIMCO has made extensive investments in these areas.


Additionally, the Trustees considered so-called “fall-out benefits” to PIMCO, such as reputational value derived from serving as investment manager to the Funds and research, statistical and quotation services PIMCO may receive from broker-dealers executing the Funds’ portfolio transactions on an agency basis.


Fund-by-Fund Performance and Fee/Expense Analysis


With regard to the investment performance of each Fund and the fees charged to each Fund, the Board considered the following information. With respect to performance quintile rankings for a Fund compared to its Broadridge Performance Universe, the first quintile represents the highest (best) performance and the fifth quintile represents the lowest performance.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 59 funds for one-year, three-year and five-year performance and 54 funds for ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.




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The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 59 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 59 funds for one-year, three-year and five-year performance and 54 funds for ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 59 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average total managed assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average net assets was approximately at the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 59 funds for one-year, three-year and five-year performance and 54 funds for ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.

The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 59 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 14 funds for one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of six funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was approximately at the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 14 funds for one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of six funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed



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assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was approximately at the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 14 funds for one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of six funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 14 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average net assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average total managed assets was approximately at the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 18 funds for one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year , three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of six funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 18 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense

ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average total managed assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average net assets was approximately the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe.




With respect to the Fund’s common share total return performance (based on net asset value) relative to its respective Broadridge Performance Universe, consisting of 18 funds for one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year performance, the Trustees noted that the Fund had first quintile performance for the one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended December 31, 2019.


The Trustees noted that, including the Fund, the Broadridge Expense Group for the Fund consisted of a total of six funds and the Broadridge Expense Universe for the Fund consisted of a total of 18 funds. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on both average total managed assets and average net assets was below the median total expense ratio (including interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average total managed assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group and Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average net assets was above the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Universe. The Trustees noted that the Fund’s total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) calculated on average net assets was approximately at the median total expense ratio (excluding interest and borrowing expenses) of the funds in its Broadridge Expense Group.




After reviewing these and other factors described herein, the Trustees concluded, with respect to each Fund, within the context of their overall conclusions regarding the Agreements, and based on the information provided and related representations made by management, and in their business judgment, that they were satisfied




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with PIMCO’s responses and efforts relating to the investment performance of the Funds. The Trustees also concluded that the fees payable under the Agreements represent reasonable compensation in light of the nature, extent and quality of services provided by PIMCO. Based on their evaluation of factors that they deemed to be material, including, but not limited to, those factors described above, the Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, unanimously concluded that the continuation of the Agreements was in the interests of each Fund and its shareholders, and should be approved.



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General Information


Investment Manager

Pacific Investment Management Company LLC

650 Newport Center Drive,

Newport Beach, CA, 92660



State Street Bank and Trust Company

801 Pennsylvania Avenue

Kansas City, MO 64105


Transfer Agent, Dividend Paying Agent and Registrar for Common Shares

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC

6201 15th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11219


Auction Agent, Transfer Agent, Dividend Paying Agent and Registrar for Auction Rate Preferred Shares

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas

60 Wall Street, 16th Floor

New York, NY 10005.


Transfer Agent, Dividend Paying Agent and Registrar for Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred Shares

The Bank of New York Mellon

240 Greenwich Street, 7E

New York, New York 10286


Legal Counsel

Ropes & Gray LLP

Prudential Tower

800 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02199


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

1100 Walnut Street, Suite 1300

Kansas City, MO 64106


This report is submitted for the general information of the shareholders of the Funds listed on the Report cover.

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Table of Contents
Item 2.      Code of Ethics.
     The information required by this Item 2 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.
Item 3.      Audit Committee Financial Expert.
     The information required by this Item 3 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.
Item 4.      Principal Accountant Fees and Services.
     The information required by this Item 4 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.
Item 5.      Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.
     The information required by this Item 5 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.
Item 6.      Schedule of Investments.
     The information required by this Item 6 is included as part of the semiannual report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.
Item 7.      Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.
     The information required by this Item 7 is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.
Item 8.      Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

(a)   The information required by this Item 8(a) is only required in an annual report on this Form N-CSR.


(b)   There have been no changes in any of the Portfolio Managers identified in the registrant’s previous annual report on Form N-CSR.

Item 9.      Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.
Item 10.      Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.
     There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Fund’s Board of Trustees since the Fund last provided disclosure in response to this item.
Item 11.      Controls and Procedures.

(a)   The principal executive officer and principal financial & accounting officer have concluded as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the 1940 Act), that the design of such procedures is effective to provide reasonable assurance that material information required to be disclosed by the Registrant on Form N-CSR is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms.


(b)   There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d))) that occurred during the last fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12.      Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

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Item 13.      Exhibits.

(a)(1)        Exhibit 99.CODE—Code of Ethics is not applicable for semiannual reports.


(a)(2)         Exhibit 99.CERT—Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


(a)(3)        None.


(a)(4)        There was no change in the registrant’s independent public accountant for the period covered by the report.


(b)              Exhibit 99.906CERT—Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III



/s/   Eric D. Johnson


Eric D. Johnson

President (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:  August 26, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.




/s/   Eric D. Johnson


Eric D. Johnson

President (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:  August 26, 2020




/s/   Bradley Todd


Bradley Todd

Treasurer (Principal Financial & Accounting Officer)

Date:  August 26, 2020