EX-3.30 28 v2exhibit330articlesofina01.htm EXHIBIT 3.30 - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF PATHWAYS OF ARIZONA, INC. v2exhibit330articlesofin
'.\ '-6 ' r.i 'I .$'w I &e ?og*{:her I f nc. ES* l-xws ey bs N srldsd. frsm tixs to tiss. ':' ,,'. IY" "Y. Slrs n& *f the inj.ttcl stetstsfy s\s.*Ne'nN SS?Sl-- 'ss$$! $trmstu :,..'

*:\{3i}l*$ i) ,_t YX. sh* .J":r:elwn p}_xew 6S€1 S. R$x s o Sucsen, is el*s$"qnatsd Sr*n g*us diree*.o;:s. . gx$. the :lltitdel bce.rs c$ dirs*€*e:s .$i]NX] cstrs$st, *f s *i { $} fCIL1{5ws: r{' hec**::iwslx rsf *h* ** }*yx*,R*e.x ls"\-\. N e: tns 8$T$sNen, eE &S?10 Fsg H. R**ss 633,3 R. &fues*n, RE' SS?3? t:9sYYJ,i,"L. eddrlsssss &r ! c$re u hy-Ssr:"$nS S*xh H. €*nte*,t,o Sttes*n, Ag 65?30 Srlcssn, &$ SS'?$t Tttr&s- I 8, t elrsrsihoS*sym * S*x'sEt,rr {s

I\ l.:l $ i] :J i"l sn, ths Bo*rd *s r)*rsc;{:*v$s r\r\}.FE *"r*ss t$.ss ** s$. su s<Kil$sN u N u:rr*setrve$ end urlrss$ri*tsd sxssr*s$ xr:* s& Skm-t ss\s K*s ss t * eorpor*t9otr " six " Slrs ao or*t$**n *xh*].? "{.x *se}$$v &xE]*:nse*l by x"6*son *f l:|ls fast he sr sb!*s dirsr;tor:, eerpS.oyeer $tr egcxs:y ** thcg indetnnis:iqxti*n slaxl"3 l:e msndxtc ixs s3I ind"etnni{licati*n i-s :[tbclr$ *:v 3*w, e??y \ss*.Ns* $ .*s:*:ulsw is €s wsns &m <.: f€*ws, corpr:rxtion und*r t-}:s laws *f *i:e sbs*w *s A:r"ig*xxgr wNr x s .*--f.}1, , Lspa. " f*ntsnl$*: ls#ewt ssu\F*6tTe|.ft0. rN\sRrIcLHs. tfi c. \ss{t?9t

i\ ,'* r.) l*\ )sr) \:r *s corporabions h e nab h*<S th*"ie chsr*sx.N yNv* s SS&TT] OF ARTASN& COUNT]Y I}F PT )i s*: 1 ${ay, 1592, by rk }€, Cen$entc. f N|$$ \sN PSAT!:\0 sCt&NS ; FNF{

rr RTlct,us oIi AIU ENDtH 0N'r'l'(}'l'lIE A RTICLES OF' TNCORPOITATION OF PAnEN'fS AND CII|I,DREN f'OGI,]'ilf ER, INC:. Pursultttt lo provisicrns of A.R.S. ss l0-1006, P{rents arrd Children'lirgettrer, 1*c,, anArizonn coryoriltion (the "corpomtion"), hercby iuloprs ttrese Aiiiclcs of Anrendrrrent to its Articlc;of lncorporation. l. 'l'he naure of the corporation is parcnts arrd children 'l.ogcther, Inc. rtttached hereto as Exhibit "A" is the tcxt of thc anre0clnrcnl atloprerl.?. 3. The alrrcndment does not provide for an exchauge, reclassification orcancellation of i-ssucrl shores. 4. 'Fhc anrendntent was ado;ttcd October 7. lggg tbllorvs: of 2,100 outstanding shares of conrmon srock is ved by tlre unanimous written consent of ttre sole st 2,100 vote.s tbr and 0 votes against approval approval of the amendment rvas .quffrcient forapproval by thc voting group, DATF.D: Ocroberf I lqq8. PARENTS AND CHILDREN'I'OGETHER, INC.

l. f,xHllilT A AI\,IENDMEN,T 'f0 TI{l-:. ARTI Ct.tJS OF INCORPOITATION OF PAPS.NTS AND C:FIILDITENTOCETbIER, tNC. .A.riir:le I rrf the Articlcs of Incorporation is hercby atnended lo read as foltorvs: t. r.v.AMrt A+/Q(.v't The nanrc of tlre Corporatiorr is Providence of Arizona, Inc.

STATE OF ARIZONA County of Pinra ) )ss J 'fhe ttrregoing irtslnrntent rvils ncknorvltxlgctl hcfirre nrc tlis/;ffi rrf Ortobcr, lgD,gby Bovd I)ovrr, ns tlre Pre.-riderrt of parcnrs and chiltlrcn 'fogcther. Inc, F,\ul'I(r.Fll.li$ | LL..f.l'..\cl'u\lt'ttCl,Ir;.l\rirE:fD tYt,l: