CORRESP 1 filename1.htm SEC Correspondence

[Letterhead of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz]

February 11, 2013


Mr. Mark S. Webb

Legal Branch Chief

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Division of Corporation Finance

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20549


  Re: First PacTrust Bancorp, Inc.
     Registration Statement on Form S-4
     Filed January 3, 2013
     File No. 333-185869
     Form 10-K for the Year Ended December 31, 2011
     Filed March 30, 2012
     File No. 000-49806

Dear Mr. Webb:

On behalf of First PacTrust Bancorp, Inc. (the “Company”), and in response to the comments of the staff (the “Staff”) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) to the Company’s registration statement on Form S-4 filed with the Commission on January 3, 2013 (as amended, the “Registration Statement”) contained in your letter dated January 30, 2013 (the “Comment Letter”), we are submitting this letter containing the Company’s responses to the Comment Letter. This letter supplements the Company’s initial responses to comments 13 through 17 of the Comment Letter, which initial responses were contained in the letter to you dated February 5, 2013 (the “Initial Response Letter”). No changes have been made to the previously submitted responses to comments 1 through 12 of the Comment Letter. In connection with the Initial Response Letter, the Company filed an amendment to the Registration Statement (“Amendment No. 1”) on the date of the Initial Response Letter.

The responses set forth in this letter are numbered to correspond to the numbered comments in the Comment Letter. For your convenience, we have set out the text of the comments from the Comment Letter followed by our response. Page numbers referenced in the responses refer to page numbers in Amendment No. 1.

Mark S. Webb

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

February 11, 2013

Page 2


Registration Statement on Form S-4



  1. Please consider the updating requirements of Regulation S-X 3-12 and tell us how you intend to satisfy them.

RESPONSE: We respectfully advise the Staff that the Company has considered and reviewed in detail the updating requirements of Regulation S-X 3-12. Presently, the Company intends to request that the Registration Statement be declared effective, and to mail the related proxy statement/prospectus in accordance with the Commission’s rules and regulations, on or prior to February 14, 2013. If the Registration Statement is not declared effective, or if the Company is unable to mail the related proxy statement/prospectus, on or prior to February 14, 2013 and the Company does not meet the conditions prescribed under Regulation S-X, Rule 3-01(c), then the Company will update the financial statements contained in the Registration Statement, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission, including Regulation S-X 3-12, by subsequent amendment thereto.


  2. Please confirm, if true, that PBOC’s financial projections have not been provided to First Pactrust.

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that it has not been provided PBOC’s financial projections.

Risk Factors, page 31


  3. Please move this section in its entirety so that it is located directly after the Summary. Refer to Item 503(c) of Regulation S-K.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised in response to the Staff’s comment. The Risk Factors section can now be found on page 15, directly after the Summary.

The completion of the merger may trigger change in control provisions, page 33


  4. We note that First PacTrust has entered into many agreements to avoid the triggering of these provisions; please elaborate on why you view this as a potential risk, what parties have not entered into an agreement and what the potential liability may be if they do not.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on page 17 in response to the Staff’s comment, by deleting this risk factor.



Mark S. Webb

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

February 11, 2013

Page 3


The Merger, page 40


  5. Please do not qualify your discussion in this section; although you may refer investors to the agreement for more detailed information, you must provide the material terms of the agreement in this section.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on page 41 in response to the Staff’s comment.

Recommendation of PBOC’s Board of Directors, page 43


  6. Please supplementally provide to the staff the board books or other materials, including projections, the boards considered in making their recommendations to shareholders.

RESPONSE: The presentation materials prepared by Milestone Advisors, LLC in connection with its opinion, dated August 21, 2012, to PBOC’s board of directors summarized under the caption “Opinion of Milestone Advisors, LLC,” are being provided to the Staff under separate cover on a confidential and supplemental basis pursuant to Rule 12b-4 under the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Rule 418 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. By separate letter, counsel also has requested confidential treatment of these materials pursuant to the provisions of 17 C.F.R. § 200.83. No other board books or other materials were prepared for, or presented to, the PBOC board of directors in connection with their review of the First PacTrust transaction and recommendation thereof.

Opinion of Milestone Advisors, LLC, page 52


  7. Please disclose the aggregate amount paid to Milestone by PBOC or First PacTrust over the past two years, as required by Section 1015 (b)(4) of Regulation M-A. Please include compensation for the investment banking, broker dealer, and other services you have disclosed, in the aggregate amount.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on page 53 in response to the Staff’s comment.

Interests of PBOC’s Directors and Executive Officers in the Merger, page 53


  8. In this section, you refer to many agreements that have been executed in connection with the merger but do not appear to have been filed as exhibits. Please file these exhibits, and any other material agreements, with your next amendment.

RESPONSE: In response to the Staff’s comment, the Registration Statement has been revised to include, as Exhibits 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 thereto, respectively, (i) the Employment Agreement, dated August 21, 2012, by and between David R. Misch and First PacTrust, (ii) the Letter Agreement, dated August 21, 2012, by and among Nick



Mark S. Webb

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

February 11, 2013

Page 4


Zappia, PBOC and First PacTrust, (iii) the Letter Agreement, dated August 21, 2012, by and among Richard A. Smith, PBOC and First PacTrust, (iv) the Change in Control and Severance Agreement, dated January 3, 2012, by and between PBOC and Joyce N. Kaneda, and the First Amendment thereto, dated as of February 5, 2013 and (v) the Change in Control and Severance Agreement, dated April 2, 2012, by and between PBOC and Suzanne Dondanville, and the First Amendment thereto, dated as of February 4, 2013.


  9. We note that Messrs. Misch, Smith, and Zappia, will continue employment with First PacTrust after the merger has been completed. To the extent that these individuals will serve as executive officers, please provide the information required by Item 18(a)(7).

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that Messrs. Smith and Zappia will not serve as executive officers of the Company following the completion of the merger. The Company has not yet made a definitive determination as to whether Mr. Misch will be deemed to be an executive officer of the Company following the completion of the merger. In light of this uncertainty, the Registration Statement has been revised on page 58 to include the information required by Item 18(a)(7)(i) of Form S-4 (the information required by Item 401 of Regulation S-K) and 18(a)(7)(iii) of Form S-4 (the information required by Item 404 of Regulation S-K). Based on Mr. Misch’s anticipated title, compensation, duties and responsibilities at the Company following the completion of the merger, Mr. Misch will not be a “named executive officer” of the Company, as defined in Item 402 of Regulation S-K. In addition, the Company has no current intention to appoint Mr. Misch to the Company’s board of directors following the completion of the merger.


  10. We note your disclosure that “Richard Pachulski, a member of the board of directors of PBOC, has agreed to serve as the Chairman of a new Advisory Board to be formed by First PacTrust.” Please revise your disclosure to clarify whether this is a Board position, and executive officer position, or a consulting arrangement and what, if any, compensation is anticipated. Please file any agreement memorializing this arrangement with your next amendment.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on pages 54 and 59 in response to the Staff’s comment. The Registration Statement has been revised to include, as Exhibit 10.7, the Voting and Support Agreement, dated August 21, 2012, by and between First PacTrust Bancorp, Inc. and Richard M. Pachulski, memorializing, in paragraph 16 thereof, Mr. Pachulski’s agreement to serve as Chairman of the Advisory Board.



Mark S. Webb

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

February 11, 2013

Page 5


Material U. S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger, page 80


  11. Please revise to make clear this discussion is the opinion of Wachtell or based on an opinion that has been filed, not one to be delivered at closing.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on page 84 in response to the Staff’s comment. The Registration Statement has been revised to include, as Exhibit 8.1, an opinion of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz regarding certain tax matters.

Where You Can Find More Information, page 117


  12. You can only incorporate future proxy statements into Form S-4; please revise.

RESPONSE: The Registration Statement has been revised on page 121 in response to the Staff’s comment.

Form 10-K for the Year Ended December 31, 2011 Lending Activities, page 3


  13. Please revise future filings to provide a more detailed discussion of your Green Accounts, including their significant features and how they compare to your other equity line products.

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that it will revise future filings as described in the Staff’s comment. Please see Annex A attached to this letter for proposed disclosures to be incorporated into the Company’s future filings.


  14. Considering the different types of loans in your Green Account portfolio, please revise future filings to include a tabular presentation of the loans included in it.

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that it will revise future filings as described in the Staff’s comment. Please see Annex A attached to this letter for proposed disclosures to be incorporated into the Company’s future filings.


  15. Regarding your numerous interest only products, please revise filings to provide a tabular presentation that disaggregates them by loan/product type and that identifies when they become fully amortizing. Discuss how your policies and procedures capture the risks associated with the increased payment requirements borrowers will have when the loans begin to amortize.

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that it will revise future filings as described in the Staff’s comment. Please see Annex A and Annex C attached to this letter for proposed disclosures to be incorporated into the Company’s future filings.


  16. Please revise future filings to discuss why filing Call Reports should allow you to better reflect the terms and characteristics of Green Accounts mortgage loans.

RESPONSE: The Company respectfully advises the Staff that the statement referred to in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011 was intended to reflect the view of the Company that its then-pending transition to filing Call Reports with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and FDIC would provide for further disaggregation of (and therefore greater transparency regarding) its



Mark S. Webb

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

February 11, 2013

Page 6


loan portfolio in its regulatory reports. However, as the Company has already completed the transition to filing Call Reports during 2012, the Company believes that such statement is no longer relevant to the Company and its investors or other the readers of its filings. Accordingly, the Company will revise future filings to not include any statement regarding Call Reports allowing the Company to better reflect its Green Account mortgage loans in its regulatory reports.


  17. Please revise future filings to disclose the percentage of HELCO’s in which you own the first deed of trust. Describe the procedures you follow for monitoring credit quality for those HELCO’s where you do not own the first deed of trust.

RESPONSE: The Company confirms that it will revise future filings as described in the Staff’s comment. Please see Annex B and Annex C attached to this letter for proposed disclosures to be incorporated into the Company’s future filings.

In the event that the Company requests acceleration of the effective date of the Registration Statement, the Company acknowledges that:



should the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated authority, declare the filing effective, it does not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;



the action of the Commission or the staff, acting pursuant to delegated authority, in declaring the filing effective, does not relieve the company from its full responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; and



the company may not assert staff comments and the declaration of effectiveness as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States.

We hope that the foregoing, and the revisions to the Registration Statement, have been responsive to the Staff’s comments. If you have any questions or comments regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me at (212) 403-1341 or by email at, or my colleague Edward J. Lee at (212) 403-1155 or by email at




/s/ Matthew M. Guest


Matthew M. Guest


cc. Via E-mail

John C. Grosvenor

First PacTrust Bancorp, Inc.



Annex A



The Company’s non-traditional mortgage portfolio (“NTM”) is comprised of three interest only products: (1) “Green Account” products, (2) “hybrid” interest only adjustable rate mortgage (“ARM”) products and (3) a small number of negative amortizing ARM products. As of December 31, 2012, NTM products totaled approximately $358 million, or 39% of the Company’s total loan portfolio.

The following table provides a breakdown of the Company’s NTM products, as of the dates indicated:


    December 31,  
    2012     2011     2010     2009     2008  
(Dollars in thousands)   Count     Amount     % of
    Count     Amount     % of
    Count     Amount     % of
    Count     Amount     % of
    Count     Amount     % of

Green Account

    212      $ 198,215        55.3     245      $ 219,502        60.1     255      $ 219,564        52.7     239      $ 227,800        45.3     224      $ 193,384        35.0

Hybrid Interest-Only ARM

    180        140,813        39.3     203        124,135        34.0     272        166,766        40.0     382        243,710        48.4     489        323,321        58.6

Negative Amortizing ARM

    40        19,262        5.4     45        21,525        5.9     52        30,142        7.2     55        31,755        6.3     61        35,293        6.4































Total NTM Loans

    432      $ 358,290        100.0     493      $ 365,161        100.0     579      $ 416,472        100.0     676      $ 503,265        100.0     774      $ 551,998        100.0
















Green Account Products

As of December 31, 2012 the Company had Green Account products of $198.2 million, or 55% of the total NTM portfolio. A Green Account loan is a first trust deed revolving line of credit that permits the borrower to choose to add the amount of scheduled interest only payments to the balance of the loan until the loan reaches its maximum credit limit. Therefore, a Green Account loan could experience a significant period of time without the borrower having to make any payments, until the maximum credit limit is reached. When the maximum credit limit is reached, the borrower is required to begin making the interest only payments. A Green Account loan has a 15 year term, and the borrower payments remain interest only for the entirety of such 15 year term, with a balloon payment due at maturity. The interest rate on Green Account loans is fixed for the first three years and then adjusts on a monthly basis. The underwriting criteria for this product generally required higher FICO scores and lower loan-to-value (“LTV”) limits, than the Company’s other residential lending products. The Company discontinued originating Green Loans as of Q4, 2011.

The following table provides further information regarding the Company’s Green Account loans by type, as of the dates indicated:


    December 31,  
    2012     2011     2010     2009     2008  
    Amount     Percent     Amount     Percent     Amount     Percent     Amount     Percent     Amount     Percent  
    (Dollars in thousands)  

Real estate 1-4 family first mortgage

  $ 198,215        100.0   $ 219,502        100.0   $ 215,395        98.1   $ 208,945        91.7   $ 192,586        99.6

Real estate 1-4 family junior lien mortgage

           0.0            0.0            0.0            0.0            0.0


           0.0            0.0     4,168        1.9     18,855        8.3     798        0.4
















Total Green Account loans

  $ 198,215        100.0   $ 219,502        100.0   $ 219,564        100.0   $ 227,800        100.0   $ 193,384        100.0


















The Green Account portfolio declined by $21.1 million, or 9.3% from December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2012 primarily due to $2.4 million that was refinanced to traditional mortgage products, portfolio runoff and discontinuation of originations in 2011. Green Account loans were 78% and 81% non owner occupied as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively.

As of December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, $5.7 million and $2.0 million, respectively, of the Company’s Green Accounts were non-performing.

Hybrid Interest Only ARM

As of December 31, 2012, the Company had hybrid interest only ARM loans of $140.8 million, or 39% of the total NTM portfolio. Hybrid interest only ARM products allow for interest only payments during the first 1, 3, or 5 years of the loan, during which time the interest rate is fixed. After the initial interest only period, the interest rate (and, therefore, payment requirements) begin to adjust on an annual basis, with fully amortizing payments (principal and interest) calculated over the remaining term.

The following table provides further information regarding the Company’s hybrid interest only ARM loans, as of the dates indicated:


     December 31,  
     2012     2011     2010     2009     2008  
     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent  
     (Dollars in thousands)  

Real estate 1-4 family first mortgage

   $ 140,700         99.9   $ 122,134         98.4   $ 148,185         88.9   $ 224,404         92.1   $ 301,494         93.2

Real estate 1-4 family junior lien mortgage

     113         0.1     114         0.1     183         0.1     451         0.2     196         0.1


     —           0.0     1,887         1.5     18,399         11.0     18,855         7.7     21,631         6.7
















Total Hybrid I/O ARM loans

   $ 140,813         100.0   $ 124,135         100.0   $ 166,766         100.0   $ 243,710         100.0   $ 323,321         100.0
















As of December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, the 1-4 family first mortgages increased to $140.7 million from $122.1 million. Originations were $150 million and $43 million for 2012 and 2011 respectively. In conjunction with concentration management practices, the Company sold $61.6 million and $0 loans in 2012 and 2011, respectively.

As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, $5.7 million and $12.3 million, respectively, of the Company’s hybrid interest only ARM loans were non-performing.

Negative Amortizing ARM

As of December 31, 2012, the Company had negative amortizing ARM (“Neg Am”) loans of $19.3 million or 5% of the total NTM portfolio. Neg Am loans have interest rates that adjust monthly, but scheduled monthly payment amounts that adjust only on an annual basis. If the interest rate increases and the monthly interest only payment amount is accordingly not sufficient to cover the monthly interest accrued, the difference is added to the principal balance of the loan. When the principle balance of a Neg Am loan a specified maximum limit of 110% - 120% of the original loan amount, the loan and payment obligations are recalculated to reflect fully amortizing payments over the remaining term of the loan. The Company discontinued offering this product in 2007.

The properties that secure our NTM portfolio are primarily located in our geographic footprint of the southern California coastal communities in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles Counties. The continued economic stress on home prices in these markets has caused performance in these portfolios to remain weaker than historical levels prior to 2008.



The following table includes further information regarding the Company’s loans with the potential for negative amortizations for the dates indicated:


     December 31,  
     2012     2011     2010     2009     2008  
     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent     Amount      Percent  
     (Dollars in thousands)  

Real estate 1-4 family first mortgage

   $ 19,262         100.0   $ 21,525         100.0   $ 30,142         100.0   $ 31,755         100.0   $ 35,293         100.0

Real estate 1-4 family junior lien mortgage

     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0


     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0     —           0.0
















Total loans with the potential for negative amortization

   $ 19,262         100.0   $ 21,525         100.0   $ 30,142         100.0   $ 31,755         100.0   $ 35,293         100.0
















As of December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, the negative amortization loan balance continued to decline to $19.3 million from $21.5 million. The bank discontinued origination of negative amortization loans in 2007.

As of December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, zero and $0.9 million, respectively, of the Company’s loans with the potential for Negative Amortization were non-performing.


Our NTM products are currently underwritten based on complete walk through appraisals. The Company discontinued offering Neg Am products in 2007 and discontinued offering Green Account loans in 2011. The Company continues to originate hybrid interest only ARM loans today using underwriting guidelines that require full income documentation, minimum FICO scores of 680 and LTV limits based on loan amount, loan purpose and occupancy of the property, with a maximum LTV of 80%. In addition, our underwriting standards apply a fully amortizing payment calculation at 2% above the initial interest start rate.

The table below provides the Company’s NTM portfolio by loan documentation type as of the dates indicated:


     December 31, 2012     December 31, 2011  
     Count      Current      Percent     Delinquent      Percent     Count      Current      Percent     Delinquent      Percent  
     (Dollars in thousands)     (Dollars in thousands)  

NTM - Green Account:


Alt Doc

     4       $ 6,533         3.3   $ 367         0.2     8       $ 8,921         4.1   $ —           0.0

Full Doc

     110         98,609         49.7     —           0.0     130         109,856         50.0     876         0.4

Low Doc

     93         89,189         45.0     9,069         4.6     102         97,040         44.2     1,730         0.8

No Doc

     5         3,884         2.0     —           0.0     5         3,685         1.7     —           0.0


















     212       $ 198,215         100.0   $ 9,436         4.8     245       $ 219,502         100.0   $ 2,606         1.2

NTM - Hybrid I/O ARM:


Alt Doc

     33       $ 33,546         23.8   $ 630         0.4     24       $ 21,741         17.4   $ 480         0.4

Full Doc

     99         69,477         49.3     —           0.0     113         53,329         42.6     2,932         2.3

Low Doc

     39         28,155         20.0     615         0.4     54         38,543         30.8     2,171         1.7

No Doc

     9         9,635         6.8     —           0.0     12         11,522         9.2     2,171         1.7


















     180       $ 140,813         100.0   $ 1,245         0.9     203       $ 125,135         100.0   $ 7,754         6.2

NTM - Negative Amortization:


Alt Doc

     —         $ —           0.0   $ —           0.0     —         $ —           0.0        0.0

Full Doc

     22         9,617         49.9     —           0.0     27         11,579         53.8     1,619         7.5

Low Doc

     18         9,645         50.1     421         2.2     18         9,947         46.2     —           0.0

No Doc

     —           —           0.0     —           0.0     —           —           0.0     —           0.0


















     40       $ 19,262         100.0   $ 421         2.2     45       $ 21,525         100.0   $ 1,619         7.5



















Total Non-Traditional Mortgages

     432       $ 358,290         $ 11,102           493       $ 366,162         $ 11,979      





















The documentation types reflect credit guidelines at the time the loan was originated and do not necessarily reflect current lending practices.

The table below provides the Company’s NTM by delinquency status as of the dates indicated:


     December 31, 2012     December 31, 2011  
(Dollars in thousands)    Current     30+     60+     90+     Total     Current     30+     60+     90+     Total  

NTM-Green Account

   $ 188,779      $ 1,411      $ 2,495      $ 5,529      $ 198,215      $ 216,896      $ 630      $ —        $ 1,976      $ 219,502   

NTM-Hybrid I/O ARM

     139,568        630        —          615        140,813        119,552        2,553        512        2,518        125,135   

NTM-Negative Amortization

     18,841        —          421        —          19,262        19,906        734        —          886        21,525   































Total Non-Traditional Mortgages

   $ 347,188      $ 2,041      $ 2,917      $ 6,144      $ 358,290      $ 356,354      $ 3,917      $ 512      $ 5,379      $ 366,161   































Percentage to total

     96.9     0.6     0.8     1.7     100.0     97.3     1.1     0.1     1.5     100.0

The Current loans remained relatively flat from 2011 to 2012. 30+ day delinquencies decreased by $4.8 million primarily due to risk management practices and improving economic environment.

The 60+ day delinquencies increased by $1.8 million as a result of one loan, which became current subsequent to December 31, 2012. The 90+ day delinquencies increased by $2 million related to one $5 million credit that currently has a 83% LTV.

The tables below provides the Company’s NTM portfolio by LTV stratification as of the dates indicated:


    December 31, 2012  
    Green Account     Hybrid I/O ARM     Neg Am     Total  
    Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent  
    (Dollars in thousands)  
<61%     74      $ 64,521        32.6     59      $ 43,684        31.0     11      $ 2,442        12.7     144      $ 110,648        30.9
61-81%     66        65,547        33.1     80        70,477        50.1     9        5,842        30.3     155        141,865        39.6
82-101%     40        37,325        18.8     24        16,082        11.4     11        5,450        28.3     75        58,857        16.4
>101%     32        30,822        15.5     17        10,569        7.5     9        5,528        28.7     58        46,920        13.1




































Total     212      $ 198,215        100.0     180      $ 140,813        100.0     40      $ 19,262        100.0     432      $ 358,290        100.0




































    December 31, 2011  
    Green Account     Hybrid I/O ARM     Neg Am     Total  
    Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent     Count     Amount     Percent  
    (Dollars in thousands)  
<61%     64      $ 53,917        24.6     67      $ 40,809        32.6     10      $ 2,263        10.5     141      $ 96,988        26.5
61-81%     104        113,143        51.5     67        48,703        38.9     12        10,667        49.6     183        172,513        47.1
82-101%     49        34,853        15.9     43        21,650        17.3     8        4,162        19.3     100        60,665        16.6
>101%     28        17,589        8.0     26        13,973        11.2     15        4,433        20.6     69        35,995        9.8




































Total     245      $ 219,502        100.0     203      $ 125,135        100.0     45      $ 21,525        100.0     493      $ 366,162        100.0







































Annex B

Home Equity Lines of Credit

The Company holds a portfolio of home equity lines of credit (“HELOC”). At December 31, 2012, the Company held $4.3 million of HELOCs, or 32% of the Company’s total portfolio of HELOCs as of December 31, 2012, where the first trust deed was held by another financial institution. The Company holds the first trust deed with respect to the remaining $9.2 million of its HELOC portfolio. As part of the Company’s focus on managing risk with respect to its HELOC portfolio, the Company’s HELOC origination standards provide for a maximum combined-loan-to-value ratio of 90%. In addition, the Company’s policies emphasize minimum HELOC payment requirements that reduce the outstanding principal balance on a monthly basis. Of the 236 HELOCs in the Company’s portfolio as of December 31, 2012, 209 (or 88%) have minimum payment requirements that reduce the outstanding principal balance on a monthly basis. As of December 31, 2012, the average loan balance in the Company’s HELOC portfolio is $57,100.

The following table provides further information regarding the Company’s HELOC portfolio, as of the dates indicated:


(Dollars in thousands)    December 31, 2012     December 31, 2011  
   Count      Amount      Percent     Count      Amount      Percent  

First lien-only HELOCs

     56       $ 1,487         11.0     72       $ 2,512         15.8

First lien position held by the Company

     123         7,711         57.2     62         7,067         44.4

First lien held at other institutions

     57         4,278         31.7     138         6,339         39.8













Total HELOC’s

     236       $ 13,475         100.0     272       $ 15,919         100.0













As of December 31, 2012 the HELOC portfolio declined by $2.4 million due to portfolio runoff and limited originations.



Annex C

Risk Management of NTM and HELOC Portfolios

The Company has developed and maintains risk management policies and procedures designed to assess and mitigate the risks associated with its NTM and HELOC portfolios, including with respect to the increased payment requirements borrowers will have when interest only loans begin to amortize, and with respect to HELOCs where the Company does not hold the first trust deed. Among them, the Company continually tracks the balances outstanding on all NTM and HELOC products, enabling the Company to identify patterns in borrower repayment or delinquency, and therefore, to anticipate possible delinquencies and credit deterioration relating to such products (for interest only products, taking into account increased payment requirements borrowers will have when the loans begin to amortize). The Company regularly assesses the payment history of borrowers, as well as such borrowers’ FICO credit scores, where permissible, to measure borrower creditworthiness and anticipate potential deterioration in the NTM and/or HELOC portfolios. The Company also regularly tracks the underlying values of properties securing NTM and HELOC products (in the case of HELOCs, with heightened emphasis placed on this value tracking when the Company does not hold the first trust deed), including by obtaining updated automated valuation models on a regular basis, further enabling the Company to monitor and anticipate potential credit deterioration relative to current and future payment requirements. Upon review of updated valuations, the Company evaluates whether any reductions in available lines of credit are appropriate, taken into account factors such as payment requirements upon amortization of its interest only products and whether the Company holds the first trust deed with respect to HELOCs.

Additionally, the Company performs stress testing on its NTM and HELOC portfolios. For example, the testing involves stressing payments on a fully amortizing basis and refreshing the loan level debt to income ratios and FICO scores identifying loans that potentially pose a higher risk of default. The Company currently underwrites NTM mortgages using a fully amortizing payment calculated 2% above the initial start rate.

The Company has, from time to time, engaged third party vendors with access to significant databases of interest only and HELOC products originated or held by other institutions, which allows the Company to evaluate its own NTM and HELOC portfolios and practices against the creditworthiness and payment patterns of borrowers of similar products nationwide, and to adjust its lending practices based on the conclusions of such analysis. In addition, the Company conducts periodic documented reviews of certain NTM and HELOC products where the borrower’s credit reflects a significant deterioration in FICO score and/or the property reflects a significant decrease in collateral value (in the case of HELOCs, taking into account whether the Company holds the first trust deed). Finally, where appropriate and permissible pursuant to the loan documentation and applicable regulations, the Company suspends or decreases lines of credit upon an indication of credit deterioration and has developed internal policies and procedures governing the frequency and depth of review of lines of credit that have been suspended or decreased, the terms of such suspension and appropriate risk rating of those loans, taking into account current and anticipated payment requirements and collateral valuations.

Further, the Company regularly reviews and manages its concentrations of NTM and HELOC products (taking into account whether the Company holds the first trust deed) on a monthly basis to monitor such products against maximum concentration limits (expressed as a ratio of such products to the Company’s capital), which are set by the Company’s board of directors. The Company has taken steps to reduce its concentration in NTM products by ceasing the origination of Green Account loans in the fourth quarter of 2011. The Company also commenced an outreach campaign to inform qualified Green Account loan customers of opportunities to refinance their loans into conventional mortgage loan products. During 2012, $2.4 million of Green Account loans were refinanced into conventional mortgage loans.