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For the month of April, 2007

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Attached is a Press Release issued by Banco de Chile (“the Bank”) on April 30, 2007, regarding financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2007.

2007 First Quarter Results
Santiago, Chile, April 30, 2007 Banco de Chile (NYSE: BCH), a full service Chilean financial institution, market leader in a wide variety of credit and non credit products and services across all segments of the Chilean financial market, today announced its results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2007.
  • Banco de Chile (hereinafter the “Bank”) obtained net income of Ch$47,318 million in the first quarter of 2007, a rise of 2.1% from 1Q06 or 11.4% increase from the prior quarter. ROAE for 1Q07 was 22.2% as compared to 22.9% for 1Q06 and 20.1% for 4Q06.

  • The Bank continued to deliver strong operating revenues during 1Q07, recording an 11.9% growth as compared to 1Q06, thus improving the efficiency ratio to 54.5% in 1Q07 from 55.9% in the year earlier quarter.

  • Loan growth (net of interbank loans) for the Bank, over the last twelve-months was 13.9%, supported mainly by the strong dynamism showed by residential and consumer loans.

  • The Bank paid a dividend of Ch$1.9796 per common share on March 22, 2007, and decided to capitalize Ch$33,832 million in the form of new shares to be distributed to its shareholders.

Selected Financial Data     
(in constant Ch$ as of March 31, 2007, except for percentages)
              % Change 
  1Q06    4Q06    1Q07   
Income Statement (Millions of Chilean pesos)                
             Net financial income (1)   92,046    98,060    105,221    14.3% 
             Fees and income from services    32,990    37,374    38,355    16.3% 
             Gains (Losses) on financial instruments &                 
             non-forwards derivatives , net    4,634    4,767    1,460    (68.5)% 
   Operating revenues    129,670    140,201    145,036    11.9% 
   Provisions for loan losses    (6,812)   (13,332)   (12,690)   86.3% 
   Operating expenses    (72,500)   (78,406)   (79,097)   9.1% 
   Net income    46,354    42,464    47,318    2.1% 
Earnings per Share (Chilean pesos)                
   Net income per share    0.68    0.62    0.69    1.5% 
   Book value per share    10.09    12.11    10.46    3.7% 
Balance Sheet (Millions of Chilean pesos)                
   Loan portfolio, net of interbank    8,550,341    9,671,451    9,736,187    13.9% 
   Total assets    11,192,942    12,785,807    12,682,295    13.3% 
   Shareholders' equity    686,824    836,300    722,342    5.2% 
   Return on average assets (ROAA)   1.66%    1.37%    1.49%     
   Return on average shareholders' equity (ROAE)   22.9%    20.1%    22.2%     
   Net Financial Margin (2)   3.7%    3.6%    3.7%     
   Efficiency ratio (operat. expenses /operat. revenues )   55.9%    55.9%    54.5%     
Credit Quality                 
   Past due loans / Total loans    0.83%    0.64%    0.64%     
   Allowances for loan losses / Total loans    1.69%    1.50%    1.54%     
   Allowances for loan losses / Past due loans    202.6%    235.0%    239.2%     
Capital Adequacy                 
   Total capital / Risk adjusted assets    11.4%    10.7%    11.1%     

Net interest revenue, foreign exchange transactions, net and gains from forwards derivatives instruments, net.
Net financial income divided by average interest earning assets.

2007 First Quarter Results 

First Quarter 2007 Highlights

The Bank 
  • Distribution of dividends and capitalization.
    At the Bank’s Ordinary Shareholders Meeting held on March 22, 2007, distribution and payment of dividend N°195 was approved in the amount of Ch$1.9796 per common share (Ch$1,187.76/ADS), representing 70% of the Bank’s net income for full year 2006. At the same date, at an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, our shareholders also approved the capitalization of the remaining 30% of the Bank’s net income for fiscal year 2006, by means of the issuance of fully paid-in shares without nominal value at Ch$38.34 per share.

    On March 26, 2007, the Central Bank of Chile exercised the option requiring that the proportion of the net income corresponding to those shares that are guaranteeing SAOS debt be fully distributed in cash. As a result, the Bank capitalized an amount of Ch$33,832 million, by means of the issuance of 882,459,200 free shares, to be distributed among its shareholders during the month of May.
  • Changes of CEO, Chairman and two Board members. On March 26, 2007, the Board of Directors agreed to accept the resignation to the Board of the Chairman Fernando Cañas, and of Maximo Pacheco and Segismundo Schulin-Zeuthen. In the same meeting, the resignation presented by the General Manager Mr. Pablo Granifo was also accepted.

    The Board of Directors then appointed Pablo Granifo, Hernan Büchi and Jaime Estevez as Directors, starting March 27 until the next Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.

    Pablo Granifo was appointed Chairman of the Board of Banco de Chile while Fernando Cañas was appointed General Manager, both effective as from March 27, 2007.
  • Capital increase proposal. The Board of Directors agreed to summon a General Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held on May 17, 2007, in order to address an increase in the Bank’s capital in the amount of Ch$110,000 million by means of the issuance of cash shares to be subscribed and paid at the price, term and other conditions to be agreed.
  • The Bank issued UF denominated bonds worth the equivalent of US$68 million. Last March, Banco de Chile placed a total amount of UF2,000,000 in 10-year bonds in the local market with an interest yield of 3.28%. These instruments were rated AA+ by the local risk agencies Feller Rate and Fitch Chile.
  • Mortgage loans campaigns. The Bank continued posting a stronger focus on the mortgage market. As a consequence, it launched a new mortgage loan campaign offering two new alternatives of mortgage loans financed by the Bank’s general funds involving flexible installments and the possibility of making a single payment on annual basis. In addition, the Bank continues improving the services given to residential mortgage clients through the Bank’s on-line web site and specialized credit officers.
  • Financial Advisory subsidiary. During the first quarter of 2007, the financial advisory subsidiary arranged and participated in an important syndicated loan for US$40 million in the shipping sector.
  • New treasury products and recognitions.
    During March, 2007, the Bank began to offer currency ($/USD) options, being the first local Bank authorized by the Superintendency of Banks to sell these instruments. Consistent with its leadership position in foreign exchange trade finance, Banco de Chile once again was distinguished as the "Best Foreign Exchange Bank in Chile" by Global Finance Magazine.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

Financial System Highlights 
  • The Chilean Financial System posted net income of Ch$ 227,148 million in the first quarter of 2007, a decrease of 2.8% as compared to Ch$233,785 million registered in the same period of last year. Lower results mainly reflect higher provisions for loan losses and higher operating expenses, which more than offset the 5.9% increase in operating revenues, driven mainly by the 14.5% annual expansion of the loan portfolio, net of interbank loans. As a consequence, the Return on Average Equity (ROAE) for 1Q07 was 15.7% as compared to 17.5% for 1Q06, and 13.9% for 4Q06.
  • Total loans, net of interbank loans, as of March 31, 2007, totaled US$100,241 million, representing annual and quarterly expansions of 14.5% and 3.2%, respectively. The total loans increase continued to be led by growth in consumer loans, though at a slower pace, and by residential mortgage loans which increased by 17.8% and 14.6%, respectively, during the last twelve months. Commercial, foreign trade and contingent loans also recorded significant growths during the last twelve-month period.
    The quarterly increase in total loans was partially offset by a contraction in contingent and factoring contracts.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

Banco de Chile 2007 First-Quarter Consolidated Results


The Bank’s consolidated net income totaled Ch$47,318 million during 1Q07, representing a 2.1% increase as compared to 1Q06. This expansion mainly reflects a robust operating revenue growth, driven by higher net financial income and fee income, as well as a significant recovery in the results of its foreign branches. These positive factors more than compensated the higher operating expenses and provisions for loan losses.

In 1Q07, the Bank reached an annualized return on average assets (ROAA) and annualized return on average shareholders’ equity (ROAE) of 1.49% and 22.2%, respectively, far above the financial system’s comparable figures for the quarter of 1.26% and 15.7% .

As a whole, net income from subsidiaries increased by 27.7% during 1Q07 relative to 1Q06, thus enhancing its contribution to the consolidated net income from 14.2% in 1Q06 to 17.8% in 1Q07.

This higher contribution was fueled by the increase in the Mutual Funds subsidiary’s results mainly related to higher fee income. This strong performance speaks of the subsidiary’s strategy on offering a full array of products (the number of mutual funds has increased by 19% during the year to 56 as of March 2007) and a high service quality, through a specialized team of investment professionals, as well as the development of higher yield funds. As a consequence, this subsidiary achieved a new record in terms of average funds under management, which increased by almost 22% in the last twelve months, and by almost 19% in terms of number of participants in the same period.

The Factoring company also boosted the Bank subsidiaries’ results, as a consequence of increased lending volumes, as factoring contracts expanded by 62.9% during the last twelve months.

The Insurance Brokerage, Securities Brokerage and Financial Advisory subsidiaries also accounted for higher net income during 1Q07. The result of the Insurance Brokerage increased mainly due to higher sales of insurance policies generated by its Telemarketing distribution channel and the launching of new insurance products. Net income recorded by the Securities Brokerage subsidiary grew by 10.7% over 1Q06 as a result of higher stock volume transactions and higher fees from both asset management and investment banking business activities. Higher results from the Financial Advisory subsidiary were a consequence of its participation in the arrangement of a relevant strategic alliance in the retail sector as well as in an important syndicated loan.

The improved result of the Bank’s foreign branches, moving from a loss of Ch$1,631 million in 1Q06 to a net income of Ch$747 million in 1Q07, was mainly attributable to an important reduction in operating expenses. These expenses were mostly related to advisories incurred upon as part of the additional risk control activities taken in order to adjust to compliance regulations.

Bank , Subsidiaries and Foreign Branches' Net Income 
(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change
1Q07 / 1Q06
Bank    41,389    34,857    38,147    (7.8)% 
Foreign Branches    (1,631)   624    747   
Securities Brokerage    2,119    2,072    2,346    10.7% 
Mutual Funds    2,391    2,838    3,201    33.9% 
Insurance Brokerage    456    384    747    63.8% 
Financial Advisory      791    240   
Factoring    1,527    1,017    1,867    22.3% 
Securitization    (22)   (18)   (19)   (13.6)% 
Promarket (sales force)   20    72    (118)  
Socofin (collection)   66    (228)   110    66.7% 
Trade Services    38    55    50    31.6% 
Total Net Incom e    46,354    42,464    47,318    2.1% 

Total net income increased by 11.4% in 1Q07 as compared to the previous quarterly figure of Ch$42,464. This increase was mainly a result of a higher net financial income, higher result in other income and expenses and, to a lesser extent, higher fee income and lower provisions for loan losses.

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2007 First Quarter Results 


The net financial income increased to Ch$105,221 million in 1Q07 compared to Ch$92,046 million in 1Q06, mainly as a result of a 13.4% growth in average interest earning assets and, to a lesser extent, to an increase of 2 basis points in the net financial margin from 3.72% in 1Q06 to 3.74% in 1Q07.

Net Interest Revenue
(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change
1Q07 / 1Q06
Interest revenue    150,304    172,368    198,768    32.2% 
Interest expense    (60,076)   (79,319)   (94,202)   56.8% 
Foreign Exchange transactions, net    (6,741)   2,262    804    (111.9)% 
Gains (losses) from forwards derivatives                 
contracts    8,559    2,749    (149)      - 
 Net Financial Income(1)   92,046    98,060    105,221    14.3% 
Avg. Int. earning assets    9,908,026    10,994,360    11,239,916    13.4% 
 Net Financial Margin(2)   3.7%    3.6%    3.7%    - 

1      Net interest revenue, foreign exchange transactions and gains from forwards derivative contracts, net.
2      Net financial income divided by average interest earning assets.

The increase in average interest earning assets between 1Q07 and 1Q06 was mainly caused by a 14.4% growth in the average loan portfolio, principally driven by commercial, contingent and consumer loans, and, to a lesser extent, to a 4.5% increase in average investments between the same periods.

The slight increase in the net financial margin during 1Q07 was mainly due to:

  • A higher contribution from non-interest bearing liabilities, principally demand deposits, as a result of the increase of nominal interest rates (average short-term interest rate was 5.03% in 1Q07 and 4.64% in 1Q06).
  • The increase in the inflation rate, measured by 0.0% fluctuation of the UF during 1Q07, compared to a negative figure of 0.3% in 1Q06, which implied that during 1Q07 the Bank earned higher interest income on the portion of UF denominated interest earning assets financed by non-interest bearing liabilities.
  • A positive repricing effect in 1Q07 compared to 1Q06 derived from a decrease in short-term interest rates (as the Bank’s liabilities reprice faster than its assets). The Chilean Central Bank decreased the monetary policy interest rate by 25 basis points during 1Q07 as compared to an increase of 25 basis points during 1Q06.

The aforementioned factors, which positively affected the net financial income, were almost offset by:

  • The impact of the flattening in the slope of the yield curve during the last quarters, thus reducing the quarterly net financial margin (the difference between the annual short-term and 5 year interest rates was 1.3% in 1Q06 and only 0.2% in 1Q07).
  • Lower lending spreads derived from increased competition.
  • A less favorable funding structure (the ratio of interest bearing liabilities to interest earning assets increased to 73.5% in 1Q07 from 72.2% in 1Q06).

Net financial income for 1Q07 compared to 4Q06 grew by 7.3% mainly as a result of a net financial margin increase of 17 basis points and by the 2.2% expansion of average interest earning assets. The

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2007 First Quarter Results 

increase in the net financial margin was mainly explained by:

  • A higher inflation rate, measured by the UF variation of 0.0% in 1Q07 as compared to a deflation of 0.4% in 4Q06. This implied that during 1Q07, the Bank earned higher interest income on the portion of UF denominated interest earning assets financed by non-interest bearing liabilities.
  • A favorable change in the funding structure measured by the ratio of interest bearing liabilities to interest earning assets, which decreased to 73.5% in 1Q07 from 74.4% in 4Q06.

Fees and Income from Services, net, by Company 
(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change 
        1Q07 / 1Q06 
Bank    19,004    18,689    19,811    4.2% 
Mutual Funds    5,956    7,018    7,781    30.6% 
Financial Advisory    84    1,980    392    366.7% 
Insurance Brokerage    2,327    2,562    2,961    27.2% 
Securities Brokerage    2,454    3,704    4,041    64.7% 
Factoring    121    330    193    59.5% 
Socofin    2,277    2,527    2,578    13.2% 
Securization    24    21    22    (8.3)% 
Promarket        0   
Foreign Branches    694    476    513    (26.1)% 
Trade Services    49    67    63    28.6% 
Total Fees and                 
Income from Services    32,990    37,374    38,355    16.3% 
    Fees, net 
  35,013    39,353    39,210    12.0% 
    Other Services, net 
  (2,023)   (1,979)   (855)   (57.7)% 

Total Fees and income from services amounted to Ch$38,355 million in 1Q07 as compared to Ch$32,990 million in 1Q06, contributing 26.4% to operating revenues in 1Q07, up from 25.4% in last year’s same period. Though showing important growth from subsidiary-related fees, as well as from the Bank’s core products, the fee income figure for 1Q07 must consider an approximately Ch$3,000 million reclassification made during 1Q07, from sales force expenses to operating expenses, as a consequence of the new Chilean law that regulates labor outsourcing.

As said, fee income coming from subsidiaries increased by 35.7%, mainly driven by the solid 64.7% and 30.6% growths attained by the Securities Brokerage and Mutual Fund company, respectively. In addition, the Insurance Brokerage and, to a lesser extent, the Financial Advisory subsidiaries also made significant contributions to this increase.

Regarding fees derived from our core business, the Bank has importantly increased those related to debit cards, ATMs and checking accounts. These increases are closely related to the Bank’s permanent effort on expanding its retail customer base and enhancing its distribution network in order to increase product usage. In turn, the Bank’s number of checking accounts has increased by 10.5% or 44,183 accounts between 1Q06 and 1Q07, while its number of branches and ATMs grew by 13.6% and 14.7%, respectively, during the last twelve months.

In addition, fees related to ATMs and debit cards have been positively impacted by the campaigns developed by the Bank’s consumer division, Credichile. As a consequence, the number of payroll agreements has increased, thus implying higher number of sight accounts and ATM transactions.

These higher fees obtained in 1Q07 as compared with 1Q06 were partially offset by lower loan related fees as in 1Q06 the Bank obtained significant fee income from credit restructuring related to corporate customers in the infrastructure sector.

As compared to the previous quarter, fees and income from services increased by 2.6% during 1Q07 as a consequence of the mentioned reclassification of sales force expenses, higher fee income from mutual fund and securities brokerage, as well as higher fee income associated to prepaid loans and credits. These figures were partially offset by an important drop in fees from the Financial Advisory subsidiary, as this company recorded extraordinary fees during 4Q06, mainly related to its participation in an acquisition transaction as well as in a syndicated loan arrangement during such quarter.

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2007 First Quarter Results 


(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change 
        1Q07 / 1Q06 
Gains (losses) on financial instruments, net    2,382    4,162    2,944    23.6% 
Gains (losses) from non-forward derivatives contracts    2,252    605    (1,484)  
Subtotal    4,634    4,767    1,460    (68.5)% 
Gains (losses) from forward contracts    8,559    2,749    (149)  
Gains from trading activities and derivatives                 
instruments, net    13,193    7,516    1,311    (90.1)% 

Results on financial instruments and non-forward derivatives contracts for 1Q07 amounted to Ch$1,460 million, a lower amount as compared to Ch$4,634 million reported in 1Q06 and to Ch$4,767 million registered in the previous quarter, mainly as a consequence of a lower decrease in long-term interest rates during 1Q07, which reduced the benefits obtained by the investment portfolio, as compared to 1Q06 and 4Q06.


Provisions for loan losses amounted to Ch$12,690 million in 1Q07 as compared to Ch$6,812 million in 1Q06 and Ch$13,332 million in 4Q06. Since last year’s same quarter, provisions for loan losses established in each period have been increasing in line with the loan portfolio expansion in the retail segment and its associated higher risk level. As a result, the Bank’s ratio of provisions for loan losses net of recoveries to average loans increased to 0.52% in 1Q07 compared to 0.32% in 1Q06. However, this figure remains quite below the system’s average of 0.89% for the current quarter.

The decrease in provisions for loan losses net of recoveries during 1Q07 as compared to the previous quarter, was mainly a consequence of the increase in loan loss recoveries, as provisions established for the period remained almost flat. Accordingly, the Bank’s ratio of provisions for loan losses to average loans decreased slightly to 0.52% in 1Q07 from to 0.56% in 4Q06, while the ratio of recoveries to average loans increased to 0.31% from 0.29% between the same quarters.

Allowances and Provisions
(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change 
        1Q07 / 1Q06 
Allowances at the beginning of each period    144,696    140,545    145,269    0.4% 
     Price-level restatement    435    560    (289)  
     Charge-off    (13,731)   (16,015)   (14,644)   6.6% 
     Provisions for loan losses established, net    12,795    20,179    20,308    58.7% 
Allowances at the end of each period    144,195    145,269    150,644    4.5% 
Provisions for loan losses                 
Provisions for loan losses established    (12,795)   (20,179)   (20,308)   58.7% 
Loan loss recoveries    5,983    6,847    7,618    27.3% 
Provisions for loan losses    (6,812)   (13,332)   (12,690)   86.3% 
Allowances for loan losses/ Total loans    1.69%    1.50%    1.54%     
Provisions for loan losses / Avg. Loans    0.32%    0.56%    0.52%     
Charge-offs / Avg. Loans    0.64%    0.67%    0.60%     
Recoveries / Avg. Loans    0.28%    0.29%    0.31%     

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2007 First Quarter Results 


Total Other Income and Expenses amounted to Ch$965 million during 1Q07 as compared to a negative Ch$222 million in 1Q06. This change was due to: (i) lower charge offs and higher income from the sale of assets received in lieu of payment previously charged off and (ii) the recognition of non-recurring income recorded in 1Q07 related to the sale of a fixed asset (property) and an insurance indemnity. These higher non-operating income items were partially offset by lower participation in earnings of equity investments.

The negative figure of Ch$2,102 million recorded in 4Q06 was mainly related to a large charge- off related to assets received in lieu of payment and the establishment of contingency provisions.


Total operating expenses in 1Q07 amounted to Ch$79,097 million, an increase of 9.1% as compared to 1Q06, mainly as a consequence of:

  • A reclassification of approximately Ch$3,000 million from the fee income and services line to personnel salaries and expenses. The Bank modified its contract with Promarket subsidiary (sales force) and incorporated an important number of personnel as permanent employees, in line with the new Chilean labor law that regulates labor outsourcing.
  • Higher level of personnel salaries and expenses related to an increase in the number of employees related to the new branches and additional commercial positions.
  • Higher expenses related to hardware and software mainly related to the strengthening of the Bank’s technological and transactional capacity (Neos Plan) and ATM network.
  • Higher rental and maintenance expenses related to the expansion of the Bank’s distribution network.
  • Higher advertising expenses mainly focused on the retail segment.

It is worth mentioning that administrative and other expenses decreased by 2.5% during 1Q07 relative to 1Q06 mostly due to a significant decrease in advisory expenses from the Bank’s foreign branches.

Operating expenses increased a slight 0.9% during 1Q07 as compared to the previous quarter, as higher personnel salaries expenses were almost offset by lower administrative expenses. During 1Q07 the Bank accounted for lower administrative expenses related to advertising and marketing initiatives as well as lower computer and communications related expenses.

Efficiency ratio improved to 54.5% in 1Q07 from 55.9% both for 1Q06 and the previous quarter.

Operating Expenses
(in millions of Chilean pesos)   1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    % Change 
        1Q07 / 1Q06 
Personnel salaries and expenses    (39,300)   (41,988)   (45,755)   16.4% 
Administrative and other expenses    (28,717)   (30,984)   (28,012)   (2.5)% 
Depreciation and amortization    (4,483)   (5,434)   (5,330)   18.9% 
Total operating expenses    (72,500)   (78,406)   (79,097)   9.1% 
Efficiency Ratio*    55.9%    55.9%    54.5%    - 
* Operating expenses/Operating revenues


Loss from price-level restatement amounted to Ch$1,205 million in 1Q07 as compared to a gain of Ch$1,711 million during 1Q06, mainly as a consequence of: (i) a higher inflation rate used for adjustment purposes of 0.01% for 1Q07 as compared to a negative 0.3% in 1Q06 and (ii) an increase in non-monetary liabilities, net, as a result of the partial capitalization of the 2006 net income.


In 1Q07, the Bank recorded a tax expense of Ch$5,691 million as compared to Ch$5,493 million in 1Q06, reflecting effective tax rates of 10.7% and 10.6%, in the respective periods.

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2007 First Quarter Results 


As of March 31, 2007, the Bank’s loan portfolio, net of interbank loans, totaled Ch$9,736,187 million, posting an annual expansion of 13.9% . Increases were experienced across all lending categories except for mortgage loans financed with mortgage bonds, as the Bank continues to promote mortgage loans financed by the Bank’s general borrowings, accounted for as other outstanding loans. Overall, the Bank’s market share in residential mortgage loans has increased from 14.2% in 1Q06 to 15.9% in 1Q07.

The annual loan growth of 16.6% attained by the retail segment was principally driven by consumer and residential mortgage loans, which grew by 15.6% and 18.7%, respectively, during the last twelve-month period, as a consequence of the favorable credit environment and the Bank’s efforts in taking innovative approaches to acquiring new customers and deepening relationships. During the year, the Bank has launched several sales campaigns fostering new consumer and mortgage loan products. In addition, it added 34 new branches and 190 ATMs with more capacities and functionalities able to offer pre- approved consumer loans. In terms of number of debtors, during the last twelve months the Bank has experienced an increase of 82,459 debtors or 15.4% in the retail segment.

The annual loan portfolio expansion was also driven by the wholesale segment which grew by 10.1% . Within this segment, commercial and contingent loans showed strong growth mainly in the financial services and infrastructure sectors. In addition, factoring and lease contracts expanded importantly during the year recording an annual growth of 52.3% and 16.1%, respectively.

The 0.7% quarterly loan growth was mainly the result of loan expansion in residential mortgage loans, commercial, consumer and foreign trade loans. These increases were partially offset by contractions in contingent loans, mainly related to foreign branches, and in factoring contracts, as these loans usually show a seasonal increase in the month of December. Excluding subsidiaries and foreign branches, the Bank posted a 1.7% loan growth during 1Q07. In terms of segments the retail sector grew by approximately 4.0% as compared to a 1.1% in the wholesale segment during the quarter.

Loan Portfolio
(in millions of Chilean pesos)    Mar-06    Dec-06    Mar-07    % Change    % Change 
        12 - months    1Q07 / 4Q06 
Commercial Loans    3,650,960    3,978,851    4,053,296    11.0%    1.9% 
Mortgage Loans 1    649,941    582,380    554,345    (14.7)%    (4.8)% 
Consumer Loans    964,771    1,074,469    1,114,829    15.6%    3.8% 
Foreign trade Loans    677,254    678,651    713,281    5.3%    5.1% 
Contingent Loans    743,185    989,289    932,048    25.4%    (5.8)% 
Others Outstanding Loans 2    1,314,106    1,765,749    1,749,207    33.1%    (0.9)% 
Leasing Contracts    478,959    540,254    556,206    16.1%    3.0% 
Past-due Loans    71,165    61,808    62,975    (11.5)%    1.9% 
Total Loans , net    8,550,341    9,671,451    9,736,187    13.9%    0.7% 
Interbank Loans      43,105    50,013      16.0% 
Total Loans    8,550,341    9,714,556    9,786,200    14.5%    0.7% 

1      Mortgage loans financed by mortgage bonds.
2      Includes mortgage loans financed by the Bank’s general borrowings and factoring contracts.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

Past Due Loans
(in millions of Chilean pesos)    Mar-06    Dec-06    Mar-07    % Change    % Change 
        12 - months    1Q07 / 4Q06 
Commercial loans    53,887    47,170    47,054    (12.7)%    (0.2)% 
Consumer loans    4,701    5,719    7,045    49.9%    23.2% 
Residential mortgage loans    12,577    8,919    8,876    (29.4)%    (0.5)% 
Total Past Due Loans    71,165    61,808    62,975    (11.5)%    1.9% 

Past due loans amounted to Ch$62,975 million as of March 31, 2007, showing an annual decline of 11.5%, mainly driven by an important reduction in commercial and residential mortgage loans. This decrease was partially offset by an increase in past due loans related to consumer loans mainly as a result of the significant expansion reached by the Bank’s consumer portfolio and the higher levels of risk associated to these loans.

Asset quality indicators remained sound in the current quarter. The past due loans to total loans ratio improved to 0.64% in 1Q07 from 0.83% in 1Q06 and remained stable as compared to the previous quarter. In addition, the coverage ratio of past due loans increased to 239.2% in 1Q07 from 202.6% in 1Q06 or 235.0% in 4Q06.


Total liabilities amounted to Ch$11,959,953 million as of March 2007, an annual expansion of 13.8%, as a consequence of a 16.8% expansion in non-interest bearing liabilities and a 12.5% growth in interest bearing liabilities.

The 16.8% expansion in non-interest bearing liabilities was mainly related to current accounts and contingent liabilities (stand-by letters of credit) Current accounts continued to increase as a consequence of the Bank’s successful marketing initiatives to expand the current account customer base. The still low nominal interest rates levels observed in the market have also positively impacted current account balances.

The annual growth of interest bearing liabilities was mostly due to a significant increase in time deposits and, to a lesser extent, to an increase in subordinated and other bonds. During 2Q06 the Bank issued subordinated bonds, in the international market, for US$200 million, while in 4Q06 and in the 1Q07 the Bank issued other bonds for a total amount of UF5 million and UF2 million, respectively, in the local market. These increases more than offset the decline in foreign borrowings, borrowings from domestic financial institutions and mortgage finance bonds, in line with the contraction of the associated mortgage loans. The decrease in foreign borrowings mainly responded to the prepayment of a syndicated loan made by the Bank during 2Q06.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

(in millions of Chilean pesos)    Mar-06    Dec-06    Mar-07    % Change    % Change 
        12 - months    1Q07 / 4Q06 
Non-interest Bearing Liabilities                     
Current Accounts    1,591,655    1,742,450    1,861,586    17.0%    6.8% 
Bankers drafts and other deposits    464,882    504,245    525,014    12.9%    4.1% 
Derivatives intruments    42,655    70,095    55,120    29.2%    (21.4)% 
Other Liabilities    1,101,204    1,375,620    1,296,014    17.7%    (5.8)% 
  3,200,396    3,692,410    3,737,734    16.8%    1.2% 
Interest Bearing Liabilities                     
Savings & Time Deposits    5,103,266    5,800,394    5,890,520    15.4%    1.6% 
Central Bank Borrowings    1,367    826    15,660    1,045.6%    1,795.9% 
Repurchase agreements    207,588    307,469    283,877    36.8%    (7.7)% 
Mortgage Finance Bonds    517,602    478,592    447,855    (13.5)%    (6.4)% 
Subordinated Bonds    309,504    406,754    405,501    31.0%    (0.3)% 
Other Bonds    328,531    555,381    581,411    77.0%    4.7% 
Borrowings from Domestic Financ. Inst.    176,776    88,438    113,885    (35.6)%    28.8% 
Foreign Borrowings    613,449    592,756    432,464    (29.5)%    (27.0)% 
Other Obligations    47,638    26,485    51,046    7.2%    92.7% 
  7,305,721    8,257,095    8,222,219    12.5%    (0.4)% 
Total Liabilities    10,506,117    11,949,505    11,959,953    13.8%    0.1% 


As of March 31, 2007, the Bank’s financial investments totaled Ch$1,434,506 million, a 13.6% and 14.2% annual and quarterly increase, respectively. These increases were mainly related to higher exposure in short term Central Bank securities and, to a lesser extent, higher investments in Chilean corporate bonds. As of March 2007, the Bank continued to have 97% of its investment portfolio classified as trading securities out of which 52% are Central Bank securities.

On March 31, 2007, the investment portfolio was allocated as follows:


As of March 31, 2007, the Bank’s Shareholders’ Equity totaled Ch$722,342 million (US$1,339 million), a 5.2% higher as compared to 1Q06, mainly as a consequence of a 5.4% increase in capital and reserves and, to a lesser extent, to a 2.1% expansion in the accumulated net income.

The growth in capital and reserves was related to both the capitalization of Ch$33,832 million of the 2006 net income and, to the application of the new accounting rules which implied an increase of Ch$960 million additional reserves during 2Q06.

As of March 31, 2007, on a consolidated basis, Basic Capital to Total Assets reached 5.29% while Total Capital to Risk-Adjusted Assets (BIS ratio) posted 11.14%, both ratios above the minimum requirements applicable to Banco de Chile of 3% and 10%, respectively.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

(Expressed in millions of constant Chilean pesos (MCh$) as of March 31, 2007 and millions of US dollars (MUS$))

    Quarters    % Change    Year ended    % Change 
  1Q07-1Q06 1Q07-4Q06  


Interest revenue and expense                               
     Interest revenue    150,304  172,368  198,768  368.5    32.2 %  15.3 %    150,304  779,209  198,768  368.5    32.2 % 
     Interest expense    (60,076) (79,319) (94,202) (174.7)   56.8 %  18.8 %    (60,076) (372,988) (94,202) (174.7)   56.8 % 
       Net interest revenue    90,228  93,049  104,566  193.8    15.9 %  12.4 %    90,228  406,221  104,566  193.8    15.9 % 
Income from services, net                               
     Income from fees and other services    46,302  53,794  51,434  95.4    11.1 %  (4.4) %    46,302  192,832  51,434  95.4    11.1 % 
     Other services expenses    (13,312) (16,420) (13,079) (24.2)   (1.8) %  (20.3) %    (13,312) (59,024) (13,079) (24.2)   (1.8) % 
       Income from services, net    32,990  37,374  38,355  71.2    16.3 %  2.6 %    32,990  133,808  38,355  71.2    16.3 % 
Other operating income, net                               
     Gains from trading activities and derivatives instruments, net    13,193  7,516  1,311  2.4    (90.1) %  (82.6) %    13,193  32,645  1,311  2.4    (90.1) % 
     Foreign exchange transactions, net    (6,741) 2,262  804  1.5    n/a  (64.5) %    (6,741) (10,824) 804  1.5    n/a 
       Total other operating income, net    6,452  9,778  2,115  3.9    (67.2) %  (78.4) %    6,452  21,821  2,115  3.9    (67.2) % 
Operating Revenues    129,670  140,201  145,036  268.9    11.9 %  3.4 %    129,670  561,850  145,036  268.9    11.9 % 
Provisions for loan losses    (6,812) (13,332) (12,690) (23.5)   86.3 %  (4.8) %    (6,812) (36,300) (12,690) (23.5)   86.3 % 
Other income and expenses                               
     Non-operating income    2,374  2,908  3,190  5.8    34.4 %  9.7 %    2,374  16,751  3,190  5.8    34.4 % 
     Non-operating expenses    (2,850) (5,064) (2,280) (4.2)   (20.0) %  (55.0) %    (2,850) (13,870) (2,280) (4.2)   (20.0) % 
     Participation in earnings of equity investments    254  54  55  0.1    (78.3) %  1.9 %    254  1,033  55  0.1    (78.3) % 
       Total other income and expenses    (222) (2,102) 965  1.7    n/a  n/a    (222) 3,914  965  1.7    n/a 
Operating expenses                               
     Personnel salaries and expenses    (39,300) (41,988) (45,755) (84.8)   16.4 %  9.0 %    (39,300) (158,273) (45,755) (84.8)   16.4 % 
     Administrative and other expenses    (28,717) (30,984) (28,012) (51.9)   (2.5) %  (9.6) %    (28,717) (123,058) (28,012) (51.9)   (2.5) % 
     Depreciation and amortization    (4,483) (5,434) (5,330) (9.9)   18.9 %  (1.9) %    (4,483) (19,807) (5,330) (9.9)   18.9 % 
       Total operating expenses    (72,500) (78,406) (79,097) (146.6)   9.1 %  0.9 %    (72,500) (301,138) (79,097) (146.6)   9.1 % 
Loss from price-level restatement    1,711  1,837  (1,205) (2.2)   n/a  n/a    1,711  (8,543) (1,205) (2.2)   n/a 
Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries    0  (1) 0  0.0    n/a  n/a    0  (1) 0  0.0    n/a 
       Income before income taxes    51,847  48,197  53,009  98.3    2.2 %  10.0 %    51,847  219,782  53,009  98.3    2.2 % 
Income taxes    (5,493) (5,733) (5,691) (10.6)   3.6 %  (0.7) %    (5,493) (24,144) (5,691) (10.6)   3.6 % 
Net income    46,354  42,464  47,318  87.7    2.1 %  11.4 %    46,354  195,638  47,318  87.7    2.1 % 

These results have been prepared in accordance with Chilean GAAP on an unaudited, consolidated basis. All figures are expressed in constant Chilean pesos as of March 31, 2007, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, all growth rates are in real terms. All figures expressed in US dollars (except earnings per ADR) were converted using the exchange rate of Ch$539.37 for US$1.00 as of March 31, 2007. Earnings per ADR were calculated considering the nominal net income and, the exchange rate and the number of shares existing at the end of each period.

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2007 First Quarter Results 

(Expressed in millions of constant Chilean pesos (MCh$) as of March 31, 2007 and millions of US dollars (MUS$))

ASSETS     Dec 05
   Mar 06
   Sep 06
   Dec 06
   Mar 07
  % C h a n g e 
              Dec 06-Dec 05   Mar 07-Mar 06    Mar 07-Dec 06
Cash and due from banks                                     
             Non-interest bearing    653,930    861,103    732,893    867,244    710,223    1,316.8    32.6%    (17.5% )   (18.1% )
             Interbank deposits-interest bearing    21,201    42,820    200,861    354,267    136,267    252.6    1571.0%    218.2%    (61.5% )
               Total cash and due from banks    675,131    903,923    933,754    1,221,511    846,490    1,569.4    80.9%    (6.4%)   (30.7%)
Investments purchased under agreements to resell    47,816    25,290    31,859    53,421    37,104    68.8    11.7%    46.7%    (30.5%)
Financial investments                                     
             Trading securities    1,371,474    1,220,699    1,235,939    1,199,767    1,384,079    2,566.1    (12.5% )   13.4%    15.4% 
             Available for sale    25,236    25,725    23,920    40,146    34,478    63.9    59.1%    34.0%    (14.1% )
             Held to maturity    15,785    16,046    15,883    16,035    15,949    29.6    1.6%    (0.6% )   (0.5% )
               Total financial investments    1,412,495    1,262,470    1,275,742    1,255,948    1,434,506    2,659.6    (11.1%)   13.6%    14.2% 
Loans, Net                                     
             Commercial loans    3,595,164    3,650,960    3,791,239    3,978,851    4,053,296    7,514.9    10.7%    11.0%    1.9% 
             Consumer loans    884,883    964,771    1,017,830    1,074,469    1,114,829    2,066.9    21.4%    15.6%    3.8% 
             Mortgage loans    686,435    649,941    615,337    582,380    554,345    1,027.8    (15.2% )   (14.7% )   (4.8% )
             Foreign trade loans    563,988    677,254    701,030    678,651    713,281    1,322.4    20.3%    5.3%    5.1% 
             Interbank loans    25,612      68,882    43,105    50,013    92.7    68.3%    n/a    16.0% 
             Lease contracts    465,720    478,959    493,948    540,254    556,206    1,031.2    16.0%    16.1%    3.0% 
             Other outstanding loans    1,367,061    1,314,106    1,529,885    1,765,749    1,749,207    3,243.1    29.2%    33.1%    (0.9% )
             Past due loans    73,061    71,165    65,416    61,808    62,975    116.8    (15.4% )   (11.5% )   1.9% 
             Contingent loans    740,940    743,185    849,387    989,289    932,048    1,728.0    33.5%    25.4%    (5.8% )
               Total loans    8,402,864    8,550,341    9,132,954    9,714,556    9,786,200    18,143.8    15.6%    14.5%    0.7% 
             Allowance    (144,696)   (144,195)   (140,545)   (145,269)   (150,644)   (279.3)   0.4%    4.5%    3.7% 
               Total loans, net    8,258,168    8,406,146    8,992,409    9,569,287    9,635,556    17,864.5    15.9%    14.6%    0.7% 
Derivative instruments    0    0    46,158    50,602    43,827    81.3    n/a    n/a    (13.4%)
Other assets                                     
             Assets received in lieu of payment, net    10,701    9,791    12,173    10,821    10,348    19.2    1.1%    5.7%    (4.4% )
             Bank premises and equipment    145,869    146,583    150,413    151,980    151,401    280.7    4.2%    3.3%    (0.4% )
             Investments in other companies    7,332    7,443    7,721    7,708    7,779    14.4    5.1%    4.5%    0.9% 
             Other    387,596    431,296    415,511    464,529    515,284    955.1    19.8%    19.5%    10.9% 
               Total other assets    551,498    595,113    585,818    635,038    684,812    1,269.4    15.1%    15.1%    7.8% 
Total assets    10,945,108    11,192,942    11,865,740    12,785,807    12,682,295    23,513.0    16.8%    13.3%    (0.8%)

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2007 First Quarter Results 

(Expressed in millions of constant Chilean pesos (MCh$) as of March 31, 2007 and millions of US dollars (MUS$))

   Mar 06
   Sep 06
   Dec 06
   Mar 07
  % C h a n g e 
              Dec 06-Dec 05   Mar 07-Mar 06    Mar 07-Dec 06
           Current accounts    1,552,608    1,591,655    1,654,282    1,742,450    1,861,586    3,451.4    12.2%    17.0%    6.8% 
           Bankers drafts and other deposits    496,144    464,882    490,770    504,245    525,014    973.4    1.6%    12.9%    4.1% 
           Saving accounts and time deposits    4,723,971    5,103,266    5,580,615    5,800,394    5,890,520    10,921.1    22.8%    15.4%    1.6% 
               Total deposits    6,772,723    7,159,803    7,725,667    8,047,089    8,277,120    15,345.9    18.8%    15.6%    2.9% 
           Central Bank borrow ings    1,441    1,367    947    826    15,660    29.0    (42.7% )   1045.6%    1795.9% 
           Securities sold under agreements to repurchase    277,248    207,588    233,987    307,469    283,877    526.3    10.9%    36.8%    (7.7% )
           Mortgage finance bonds    569,860    517,602    503,984    478,592    447,855    830.3    (16.0% )   (13.5% )   (6.4% )
           Other bonds    332,497    328,531    455,071    555,381    581,411    1,077.9    67.0%    77.0%    4.7% 
           Subordinated bonds    312,611    309,504    413,139    406,754    405,501    751.8    30.1%    31.0%    (0.3% )
           Borrowings from domestic financial institutions    92,324    176,776    58,622    88,438    113,885    211.1    (4.2% )   (35.6% )   28.8% 
           Foreign borrow ings    677,369    613,449    339,549    592,756    432,464    801.8    (12.5% )   (29.5% )   (27.0% )
           Other obligations    34,553    47,638    55,840    26,485    51,046    94.6    (23.3% )   7.2%    92.7% 
               Total borrowings    2,297,903    2,202,455    2,061,139    2,456,701    2,331,699    4,322.8    6.9%    5.9%    (5.1%)
Derivative instruments    61,457    42,655    55,871    70,095    55,120    102.2    14.1%    29.2%    (21.4%)
Other liabilities                                     
           Contingent liabilities    741,281    742,604    849,157    990,336    933,803    1,731.3    33.6%    25.7%    (5.7% )
           Other    278,034    358,600    380,671    385,284    362,211    671.6    38.6%    1.0%    (6.0% )
               Total other liabilities    1,019,315    1,101,204    1,229,828    1,375,620    1,296,014    2,402.9    35.0%    17.7%    (5.8%)
Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries    1    1    1    2    0    0.0    100.0%    (100.0%)   (100.0%)
Shareholders' equity                                     
           Capital and Reserves    608,648    640,470    640,671    640,662    675,024    1,251.5    5.3%    5.4%    5.4% 
           Net income for the year    185,061    46,354    152,563    195,638    47,318    87.7    5.7%    2.1%    (75.8% )
               Total shareholders' equity    793,709    686,824    793,234    836,300    722,342    1,339.2    5.4%    5.2%    (13.6%)
Total liabilities & shareholders' equity    10,945,108    11,192,942    11,865,740    12,785,807    12,682,295    23,513.0    16.8%    13.3%    (0.8%)

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2007 First Quarter Results 


    Quarters    Year ended 
    1Q06    4Q06    1Q07    Mar.06    Dec.06    Mar.07 
Earnings per Share                         
           Net income per Share (Ch$) (1)   0.68    0.62    0.69    0.68    2.83    0.69 
           Net income per ADS (Ch$) (1)   408.52    369.05    411.24    408.52    1,700.27    411.24 
           Net income per ADS (US$) (2)   0.77    0.69    0.76    0.77    3.18    0.76 
           Book value per Share (Ch$) (1)   10.09    12.11    10.46    10.09    12.11    10.46 
           Shares outstanding (Millions)   68,080    69,038    69,038    68,080    69,038    69,038 
Profitability R atios (3)(4)                        
           Net Interest Margin    3.64%    3.39%    3.72%    3.64%    3.95%    3.72% 
           Net Financial Margin    3.72%    3.57%    3.74%    3.72%    4.09%    3.74% 
           Fees / Avg. Interest Earnings Assets    1.33%    1.36%    1.36%    1.33%    1.30%    1.36% 
           Other Operating Revenues / Avg. Interest Earnings Assets   0.26%    0.36%    0.08%    0.26%    0.21%    0.08% 
           Operating Revenues / Avg. Interest Earnings Assets    5.23%    5.10%    5.16%    5.23%    5.46%    5.16% 
           Return on Average Total Assets    1.66%    1.37%    1.49%    1.66%    1.68%    1.49% 
           Return on Average Shareholders' Equity    22.86%    20.05%    22.17%    22.86%    25.00%    22.17% 
Capital Ratios                         
           Shareholders Equity / Total Assets    6.14%    6.54%    5.70%    6.14%    6.54%    5.70% 
           Basic Capital / Total Assets    5.68%    4.97%    5.29%    5.68%    4.97%    5.29% 
           Basic Capital / Risk-Adjusted Assets    7.76%    6.75%    7.06%    7.76%    6.75%    7.06% 
           Total Capital / Risk-Adjusted Assets    11.40%    10.67%    11.14%    11.40%    10.67%    11.14% 
Credit Quality Ratios                         
           Past Due Loans / Total Loans    0.83%    0.64%    0.64%    0.83%    0.64%    0.64% 
           Allow ance for Loan Losses / Past due Loans    202.62%    235.03%    239.21%    202.62%    235.03%    239.21% 
           Allow ance for Loans Losses / Total Loans    1.69%    1.50%    1.54%    1.69%    1.50%    1.54% 
           Provision for Loan Losses / Avg. Loans (4)   0.32%    0.56%    0.52%    0.32%    0.41%    0.52% 
Operating and Productivity Ratios                         
           Operating Expenses / Operating Revenue    55.91%    55.92%    54.54%    55.91%    53.60%    54.54% 
           Operating Expenses / Av erage Total Assets (3)   2.60%    2.52%    2.48%    2.60%    2.59%    2.48% 
Average Balance Sheet Data (1)(3)                        
           Avg. Interest Earnings Assets (million Ch$)   9,908,026    10,994,360    11,239,916    9,908,026    10,288,834    11,239,916 
           Avg. Assets (million Ch$)   11,138,294    12,432,013    12,732,648    11,138,294    11,630,701    12,732,648 
           Avg. Shareholders Equity (million Ch$)   811,269    846,981    853,916    811,269    782,616    853,916 
           Avg. Loans (million Ch$)   8,579,783    9,505,413    9,818,550    8,579,783    8,901,746    9,818,550 
           Avg. Interest Bearing Liabilities (million Ch$)   7,153,332    8,175,144    8,265,347    7,153,332    7,569,119    8,265,347 
Other Data                         
           Exchange rate (Ch$)   527.70    534.43    539.37    527.70    534.43    539.37 

(1) These figures were expressed in constant Chilean pesos as of March 31, 2007. 
(2) These figures were calculated considering the nominal net income, the shares outstanding and the exchange rates existing at the end of each period. 
(3) The ratios were calculated as an average of daily balances. 
(4) Annualized data. 

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2007 First Quarter Results 

CONTACTS:    Jacqueline Barrio 
    (56-2) 653 2938 
    Rolando Arias 
    (56-2) 653 3535 


The information contained herein incorporates by reference statements which constitute ‘‘forward-looking statements,’’ in that they include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of our directors and officers with respect to our future operating performance. Such statements include any forecasts, projections and descriptions of anticipated cost savings or other synergies. You should be aware that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and may involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors (including, without limitations, the actions of competitors, future global economic conditions, market conditions, foreign exchange rates, and operating and financial risks related to managing growth and integrating acquired businesses), many of which are beyond our control. The occurrence of any such factors not currently expected by us would significantly alter the results set forth in these statements.

Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely include, but are not limited to:

  • changes in general economic, business or political or other conditions in Chile or changes in general economic or business conditions in Latin America;
  • changes in capital markets in general that may affect policies or attitudes toward lending to Chile or Chilean companies;
  • unexpected developments in certain existing litigation;
  • increased costs;
  • unanticipated increases in financing and other costs or the inability to obtain additional debt or equity financing on attractive terms; and

Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements, which speak only as of the date that they were made. Our independent public accountants have not examined or compiled the forward-looking statements and, accordingly, do not provide any assurance with respect to such statements. These cautionary statements should be considered in connection with any written or oral forward-looking statements that we may issue in the future. We do not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to such forward-looking statements after completion of this offering to reflect later events or circumstances or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: April 30, 2007

Banco de Chile
/S/  Fernando Cañas B.
By: Fernando Cañas Berkowitz
President and CEO