6-K 1 bbdcvm358april04_6k.htm CONSOLIDATED FORM - CVM 358 - APRIL 2004 Provided by MZ Data Products
Washington, D.C. 20549

For the month of May, 2004

Commission File Number 1-15250


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Cidade de Deus, s/n, Vila Yara
06029-900 - Osasco - SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  

Yes _______ No ___X____


Negociation's from Administration and Families Dependants- Paragraph 11 - Instruction CVM n.° 358/2002

In April 2004 were done the following operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Banco Bradesco S.A.
Group and
(x) Controller's
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 51,610,590 64.5988 32.5438
Non-Voting Shares 2,279,640 2.8968 1.4374
Month Moviment
Type of Securities/Derivatives Broker Operation Day Quantity Price Value in R$
Non-Voting Shares Bradesco S.A.
sell 1/abr  100  141.35 R$14,135.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  200  141.70 R$28,340.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  300  140.99 R$42,297.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  400  140.51 R$56,204.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  400  141.40 R$56,560.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  500  141.10 R$70,550.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  500  142.70 R$71,350.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  500  143.30 R$71,650.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  700  140.00 R$98,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  800  141.00 R$112,800.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  1,000  140.90 R$140,900.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  1,000  141.50 R$141,500.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  1,000  142.10 R$142,100.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  1,002  143.00 R$143,286.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  1,019  143.20 R$145,920.80
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,000  141.49 R$282,980.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,000  142.30 R$284,600.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,000  142.40 R$284,800.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,200  142.60 R$313,720.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,300  140.80 R$323,840.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  2,300  141.20 R$324,760.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  3,000  142.20 R$426,600.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  5,000  142.50 R$712,500.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  6,300  140.50 R$885,150.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  10,500  143.50 R$1,506,750.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 1/abr  11,000  142.00 R$1,562,000.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    58,021     R$8,243,292.80
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  1,000  143.49 R$143,490.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  8,000  143.50 R$1,148,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  2,700  143.60 R$387,720.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  2,900  143.70 R$416,730.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  4,500  143.80 R$647,100.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  8,500  144.00 R$1,224,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 2/abr  100  144.30 R$14,430.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    27,700     R$3,981,470.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 5/abr  1,000  144.20 R$144,200.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 5/abr  2,000  144.40 R$288,800.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 5/abr  3,000  144.00 R$432,000.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    6,000     R$865,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 6/abr  840  143.20 R$120,288.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 6/abr  4,200  143.10 R$601,020.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 6/abr  5,000  142.80 R$714,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 6/abr  5,000  142.90 R$714,500.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 6/abr  5,000  143.00 R$715,000.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    20,040     R$2,864,808.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  100  140.01 R$14,001.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  100  140.60 R$14,060.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  200  140.45 R$28,090.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  400  140.20 R$56,080.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  700  140.40 R$98,280.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  1,000  140.10 R$140,100.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 8/abr  28,460  140.00 R$3,984,400.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    30,960     R$4,335,011.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 12/abr  20,600  140.00 R$2,884,000.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    20,600     R$2,884,000.00
Non-Voting Shares sell 13/abr  5,000  140.30 R$701,500.00
Non-Voting Shares Total    5,000     R$701,500.00
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 51,610,590  64.5988 32.5438
Non-Voting Shares 2,111,319  2.6829 1.3313

Negociation's from Administration and Families Dependants- Paragraph 11 - Instruction CVM n.° 358/2002

In April 2004 were done the following operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Banco Bradesco S.A.
Group and
(x)Board of Directors ( )Board of Executive Officers ( )Audit Committee ( )Technical and Advisory Agencies
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 759,305 0.9503 0.4787
Non-Voting Shares 781,706 0.9933 0.4929
Month Moviment
Type of Securities/Derivatives Broker Operation Day Quantity Price Value in R$
Common Shares Banco Bradesco S.A. transferred 26/abr    
Common Shares Total        
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 759,306 0.9503 0.4787
Non-Voting Shares 781,706 0.9933 0.4929

In April 2004 there were not operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Bradesco BCN Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil
Group and
(x)Board of Directors ( )Board of Executive Officers ( )Audit Committee ( )Technical and Advisory Agencies
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 5 0.0010 0.0010
Non-Voting Shares      
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 5 0.0010 0.0010
Non-Voting Shares      

Negociation's from Administration and Families Dependants- Paragraph 11 - Instruction CVM n.° 358/2002

In April 2004 were done the following operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Banco Bradesco S.A.
Group and Family Dependants ( )Board of Directors (X) Board of Executive Officers ( ) Audit Committee ( ) Technical and Advisory Agencies
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 49,210  0.0615 0.0310
Non-Voting Shares 123,744  0.1572 0.0780
Month Moviment
Type of Securities/Derivatives Broker Operation Day Quantity Price Value in R$
Non-Voting Shares Bradesco S.A.
buy 15/abr 100 137.10 13,710.00
Non-Voting Shares Total   100   13,710.00
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 49,210   0.0615 0.0310
Non-Voting Shares 123,844   0.1573 0.0780

In April 2004 there were not operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Bradesco BCN Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil
Group and Family Dependants ( )Board of Directors (X) Board of Executive Officers ( ) Audit Committee ( ) Technical and Advisory Agencies
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 0.0002 0.0002
Non-Voting Shares      
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 0.0002 0.0002
Non-Voting Shares      

Negociation's from Administration and Families Dependants- Paragraph 11 - Instruction CVM n.º 358/2002

In April 2004 were done the following operations with secutiries and derivatives in accordande with Instruction CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) 358/2002 Paragraph 11

Company: Banco Bradesco S.A.
Group and
( )Board of Directors ( )Board of Executive Officers (x)Audit Committee ( )Technical and Advisory Agencies
Openning Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 59,788 0.0748 0.0377
Non-Voting Shares 21,144 0.0268 0.0133
Month Moviment
Type of Securities/Derivatives Broker Operation Day Quantity Price Value in R$
Non-Voting Shares Bradesco S.A.
buy 1/abr 100  135.50 13,550.00
Non-Voting Shares buy 1/abr 100  136.20 13,620.00
Non-Voting Shares Total   200    27,170.00
Closing Balance
Type of Securities/Derivatives Quantity % of participation
Same type of Shares Total
Common Shares 59,788 0.0748 0.0377
Non-Voting Shares 21,344 0.0271 0.0134


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 26, 2004

/S/  José Luiz Acar Pedro

José Luiz Acar Pedro
Executive Vice President and Investor Relations Director


This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.