6-K 1 bbdc_3q02.htm BRADESCO RELEASE 3Q02 Banco Bradesco S.A
Washington, D.C. 20549

For the month of November, 2002

Commission File Number 1-15250


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Cidade de Deus, s/n, Vila Yara
06029-900 - Osasco - SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)


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1 - Analysis of Consolidated Results
Comparative Statement of Income
Analysis of the Statement of Income
Results by Activity
Increase in the main Statement of Income items compared to Prior Year
Increase in Financial Margin items plus Exchange Adjustments compared to Prior Year
Analysis of the Adjusted Financial Margin and Average Rates
Allowance for Loan Losses
Commissions and Fees
Administrative and Personnel Expenses
Human Resources
Operating Efficiency
Activity - Based Management

2 - Equity Analysis
Balance Sheet by Currency
Comparative Balance Sheet
Equity Analysis
Credit Operations
Savings Accounts

3 - Highlights for the Period and Operating Structure
Balance Sheet
Statement of Income for the Period
Results per Thousand Shares
Net Book Value and Market Value
Cash Generation
Change in Number of Shares
Performance Ratios
Other Ratios
Risk Management
Asset Management and Own Working Capital
Added Value
Customer Service Network
Banco Postal (Post Office Bank)
Investments in Infrastructure, Information Technology and Telecommunications
Risk Ratings
Capital Market
Foreign Exchange
Collection and Tax and Utility Collections
Stock, Custody and Controllership Services
Internet and Web-based Products
Bradesco Day and Night (BDN)
Banco Finasa S.A.
Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A.
Bradesco S.A. CTVM
Bradesco Securities Inc.
Bradesco Consorcios Ltda.
Private Pension Plans
Savings Bonds
Bradesco Foundation
Sociocultural Events
Summary of Financial Statements - at September 30
Historical Data
Corporate Organization Chart
Independent Auditors' Report

4 - Consolidated Balance Sheet and Statement of Income - 1997 to 2002

5 - Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report

Certain  figures  included  in this  document  have  been  subject  to  rounding
adjustments.  Accordingly,  figures shown as totals in certain tables may not be
an arithmetic aggregation of the figures which precede them.
1- Analisys of Consolidated Results


The return on  annualized  stockholders'  equity for the period  from  January 1
through September 30, 2002 was 17.2% and return on total assets was 1.3%.

Net income for the period from  January 1 through  September  30, 2002 was 15.1%
lower than net income for the same period in 2001.

Third-quarter  net income totaled R$ 420 million,  a 12.3 % decrease compared to
the second quarter of 2002.
Comparative Statement of Income - In millions of reais


Analysis of the Statement of Income (In millions of reais)

Income from Credit and Leasing Operations
Result of Securities and Financial Derivative Instruments

Result of Foreign Exchange Transactions
Compulsory Deposits
Expenses of Deposits
Expenses for Borrowings and Onlendings
Financial Margin
Allowance for Loan Losses
Commissions and Fees
Retained Insurance Premiums, Private Pension Plans and Savings Bonds
Variation in Technical Reserves for Insurance, Pension Plans and Savings Bonds
Claims - Insurance Operations
Savings Bond Redemptions
Insurance and Pension Plan Selling Expenses
Expenses with Pension Plan Benefits and Redemptions
Personnel Expenses
Other Administrative Expenses
Tax Expenses
Equity in the Earnings of Subsidiary and Associated Companies
Other Operating Income (Expenses)
Non-operating Income (Expenses)
Income Tax and Social Contribution
Results by Activity - In millions of reais
Increase in the main Statement of Income items compared to Prior Year
In millions of reais
Increase in Financial  Margin items plus Exchange  Adjustment  compared to Prior
Year - In millions of reais
Analysis of the Adjusted Financial Margin and Average Rates

Credit Operations x Income

Securities x Profit on Security Transactions

Total Assets x Income from Financial Intermediation
Funding x Expenses
Borrowings and Onlendings (Local and Foreign) x Expenses
Total Assets x Financial Margin
Financial Market Indicators
Analysis of Adjusted  Financial Margin and Average Rates

     Bradesco  reported R$ 4.39 billion of financial  margin  (before  PDD), an
increase of 56.5% over the prior  quarter,  or 71.6% over the 3rd  quarter/2001.
This  increase  is the  result  of a  series  of  operating  activities  and the
significant   exchange   variation   in  the   3rd   Quarter/2002   (36.9%)   on
Bradesco’s international investments.

Operating Activities

     The  increase  in  financial  margin is mainly a result of  Bradesco’s
policy  regarding  funding,  investments  and its  positions  in  respect of the
security portfolio rates, indices and terms. We present below the development of
the main product groups during the 3rd  Quarter/2002  which  contributed to this
increase in margin.

     Total Bradesco assets/liabilities attained R$ 140.1 billion for the quarter
corresponding  to a growth rate of 12.6% over the prior  quarter.  We  highlight
among others:


     Total  deposits for the 3rd  Quarter/2002  increased  by 9.9%,  as follows:
demand deposits by 14.4%,  savings  deposits by 6.4% and time deposits by 11.4%,
partially as a result of the decrease in fund equities.

Technical  Reserves for Insurance,  Savings  Bonds and  Private  Pension  Plans

     The  resources  of  technical  reserves for  insurance,  savings  bonds and
private  pension  plans  totaled R$ 16.6 billion at  September  30, 2002, a 9.1%
increase  over June 30,  2002.  These are  mostly  medium  and  long-term  funds
providing Bradesco with improved investment conditions.

Credit  Portfolio

   The credit  portfolio  grew from R$ 52.6  billion in  June/2002  to R$ 53.6
billion in September/2002 a slight upturn of 2% for the quarter.  We stress that
during the  quarter,  if on the one hand the  portfolio  grew as a result of the
significant exchange variation (U.S.  dollar-backed  credits), on the other hand
it was penalized by shrinking  credit demand,  as well as  Bradesco’s  more
selective credit granting  strategy adopted as a result of the unstable economic
scenario in Brazil.

Securities  (+) Short-term  Interbank  Investments  (-) Deposits  Received under
Security Repurchase Agreements

     The  portfolio  increased by R$ 8.1 billion, from R$ 34.6 billion in the 2nd
Quarter/2002,  to R$  42.7  billion  in the 3rd  Quarter/2002,  as a  result  of
increased funding.

Market Volatility

     The  significant  devaluation of the real occurred as a result of local and
international financial market volatility,  however this trend could be reversed
during the coming quarter.  During the quarter,  Bradesco adopted a conservative
approach,  in the expectation that the U.S. dollar rate will return to levels of
under R$ 3.00. Accordingly, the USD was locked at R$ 2.88, ie, the result of the
exchange variation between USD at R$ 2.88 and R$ 3.89 (USD rate at September 30,
2002)  and a  provision  recorded  with  expense  allocated  to other  operating
expenses, thus outside of the financial margin.

     The  financial  margin for the 3rd  Quarter/2002  on total  average  assets
results  in  an  annualized  rate  of  13.9%,  compared  to  9.5%  for  the  2nd

     Adjusting the additional provision for market risk fluctuation recorded for
the quarters,  the annualized financial margin would be 9.8% and 9.0% in the 2nd
Quarter/2002  and the 3rd  Quarter/2002  respectively  and for the 2001 and 2002
nine-month periods, 9.8% and 9.0%, respectively.

     Market volatility as regards the resources derived from insurance,  savings
bond and private pension plan  transactions also favored the increase in margin,
diminishing the increase in expenses  recorded outside of this account.

     We also stress that the significant U.S. dollar rate  fluctuations  between
the quarters jeopardize the comparison of the product group rate increases on an
individual basis (credit,  securities,  foreign exchange and other  operations),
however,  on analysis of the total financial margin, the effects of positive and
negative  exchange  variance are  eliminated,  producing the exchange  result of
cross-border investments only.

Allowance for Loan Losses

Movement of allowance for loan losses
Allowance for Loan Losses (PDD) and Credit an Leasing Operations
Expenses  for  Allowance  for Loan Losses on Income from Credit and Leasing
Commissions and Fees
Administrative and Personnel Expenses

Integrated Cash Management


     This is a new weekly cash planning methodology which determines on a timely
basis and based on historical demand, the number of cash  deliveries/collections
required by the branches,  as well as establishing  overnight limits and average
balances   based  on  demand,   security  and  compulsory   deposit   regulation


- Weekly planning of cash needs for a 5-day period,  based on the historical demand
of the prior 6 months.

-  Facilitate  decisions  in respect of when and how much needs to be  delivered
and/or collected, based on projected requirements.

- Take  greater  advantage  of cash  inflows  decreasing  costs  for  transport,
processing and custody.


     The  Integrated  Cash  Management  System  implemented  in  1,205  branches
generated  savings of R$ 15.998 million from January to August 2002,  related to
expenses in 1999,  totaling an  accumulated  benefit of R$ 28.997  million since
project kick-off (May 2000).

Cash Transfers between Financial Institutions


     Through this system,  the local  Commercial Banks can transfer cash amounts
depending on the corresponding availability via management terminals.


     Cost decreases with charges for Brazilian Central Bank, security transport,
cash  processing  and  custody  services,  as well as time saved in filling  out
diverse documents, such as shipping orders, etc. expediting the process.


     From  January to August 2002,  Bradesco and BCN obtained  savings of R$ 3.5
million and R$ 778 thousand, respectively, from the use of Interbank Transfers.

Mailbag Transport

     The Bank  economized  R$ 17.123  million  for the  period  from  January to
September 2002, as a result of negotiating  courier services for the delivery of
correspondence to account-holder residences.

Human Resources

     At  September   30,  2002,   Bradesco’s   headcount,   including   its
subsidiaries,  totaled 73,943  employees.  The increase,  in comparison with the
headcount  for December  2001,  was generated by the  acquisition  of Banco BEA,
Banco Mercantil de São  Paulo,  Scopus  Tecnologia and Banco Cidade,  whose
activities  were  transferred  to BCN,  the creation of new call centers and the
opening of new Bradesco Branches. We present below the evolution in the Bradesco
     Benefits offered by Bradesco to its employees  include health insurance and
dental care, as well as a  supplementary  retirement  pension plan.

     At  September  30,  2002,  Bradesco's  accumulated  expenditure  for  these
benefits totaled R$ 537 million.

Human Resources - September/2002
Personnel Expenses

     At  September  30, 2002,  Bradesco's  personnel  expenses  totaled R$ 2,929
million, including expenses for salaries, benefits, social charges and training.

     The  following  pie graph  presents  the  percentage  share of each item in
relation to total Bradesco personnel expenditure.

Composition of Personnel Expenses  - September/2002

Personnel Expenses by Type of Company - September/2002


     Based on initiatives  which are fully aligned with the  Organization’s
strategies and innovative approach,  Bradesco offers an extensive staff training
program,  focused on the ongoing improvement of its customer service quality and
organizational efficiency, relying on internal instructors, external consultants
and universities.

     The training program uses bespoke methodologies, with both in-class courses
and self- training methods. During the period from January to September of 2002,
965 courses were given, in 7,608 groups,  with 178,229  participants and a total
of 3,088,179 hours spent in training,  as well as investments to the order of R$
33.8 million.

     TreiNet -  Bradesco’s  Online Internet Training Program is a tool used
to train large  numbers of  employees  and which can be accessed by any computer
terminal  connected to the  Internet.  During the six-month  period,  there were
39,100  participations in programs such as Basic Banking Integration,  Financial
Mathematics,  Financial  Market and Investments,  Loans and Financing,  Business
Accounting and Balance Sheet Analysis,  Business Support Platforms,  Convenience
Services, Compliance,  Capitalization and Health and Private Pesion Plans. Other
courses will also be available shortly.

     Emphasizing the importance of the  Organization's  Internal  Controls,  the
training  department  developed a manual and a course  which is available to all
staff via TreiNet.

Increase in Employee Training Participation

Total Amount Invested in Training

     We present below a list of the most important universities and institutions
at  which  Bradesco  employees  receive  post-graduate  and  other  professional
specialization  courses:  FIA-USP,  FGV, FIPE-USP,  FAAP,  FIPECAFI-USP,  IBMEC,

Operating Efficiency

     The 3Q02 efficiency  ratio  oscillated  slightly by 0.3% in comparison with
the prior  quarter,  mainly as a result of the  collective  labor  agreement  in
September  which  impacted  3Q02 results by R$ 133 million.  A comparison of the
period from January 1 to  September  30, 2002 with the same period in 2001 shows
that the rate has remained practically stable.

Operating Efficiency (%)
Activity-Based Management

     As part of the  Organization’s  ongoing  pursuit to optimize costs and
performance in 2000, Bradesco initiated the process designed to enhance employee
awareness  regarding the need to control costs,  based on the  implementation of
activity-based  costing  methodology  (ABC) which has gradually  developed  into
activity-based management (ABM).

     Through  the  use of  activity-based  costing  companies  can  measure  the
profitability  of products and services,  customers and their related  segments,
units and service channels, with greater accuracy and quality. This alone made a
significant  contribution  to increasing the Bank’s  operating  efficiency,
since ABC  methodology  facilitates  the  identification  of what activities are
necessary for which operating  process and in turn how these activities  consume

     Over the last two years, the ABC program has provided  valuable support for
studies  relating to the  formation and  negotiation  of banking  charges,  cost
supply for performance  management and decision-making  support and for customer
profitability,  as well as  providing  a data base for  analyses  regarding  the
unification and rationalization of the Bank’s different units.

     ABM methodology is now leading us towards cost prevention,  to the adoption
of a pro-active  approach as regards the identification of opportunities.  Thus,
at the same time as we improve  our  processes,  we are also able to  seamlessly
integrate  operating  performance with strategic  objectives,  in the pursuit to
create and/or sustain  competitive  advantages and value, for both our customers
and stockholders.

     The  methodology  allows us to identify  solutions  which can be integrated
into operations in terms of cost,  performance  and value,  through a structured
analysis of cost drivers,  process chain value and the  competitive  position of
both our products and the Organization. As a result, we are able to identify the
key  factors to be  monitored,  anticipating  cost  prevention  actions  and the
strategic alignment of our operations and their corresponding processes.

     Accordingly,  the  mission  of the  activity-based  management  model is to
provide ongoing  support for planning and  controlling the Bank’s  business
processes  and to promote the  permanent  improvement  of operating and tactical
issues and to provide a firm basis for their strategic gearing.

Equity Analysis

Balance Sheet by Currency
NB: Excluding  derivative  operations maturing in D+1, to be settled in currency
at September 30, 2002 price levels

Comparative Balance Sheet (In millions of reais)
Consolidated Balance Sheet Analysis (In millions of reais)

Funds Available
Short-term Interbank Investments
Securities and Financial Derivative Instruments
Interbank and Interdepartamental Accounts

Credit and Leasing Operations

Allowance for Loan Losses
Other Receivables and Other Assets
Permanent Assets

Deposits Received under Security Repurchase Agreements
Funds from Acceptance and Issuance of Securities
Interbank and Interderpartamental Accounts
Borrowings and Onlendings
Other Liabilities and Financial Derivative Instruments
Technical Provisions for Insurance, Savings Bonds and Private Pension Plans
Minority Interest in Subsidiaries
Stockholders' Equity
Securities (In millions of reais)

Summary of the Classification of Securities at September 30, 2002
Credit Operations (in million of reais)

     We  present  below  the  composition  of the  credit  portfolio  by type of
operation and economic activity sector.
     At the end of  September  2002,  some  99.5% of the  credit  portfolio  was
directed to the private  sector,  with no significant  movement  compared to the
prior quarter.  By economic activity sector,  taking into consideration  lagging
production  levels,  the majority of credit volume was directed to manufacturing
with a 32.1% share of total operations, particularly, food and beverages, steel,
metal products and mechanics.  Credits directed to the service sector, including
financial    intermediaries,    comprised    23.0%,    whereas    commerce   and
farming/livestock   raising   recorded  a  16.5%  and  1.8%   portfolio   share,
respectively. Loans to consumers comprised 26.1% of the portfolio.

     Portfolio  Performance

     During  the  third  quarter,  the  volume  of  credit  operations  remained
conditioned  to the lack of  perspective  among the  economic  agents  regarding
short-term developments in the domestic and international economic scenario. The
intense volatility  experienced by the market contributed  towards the low level
of  economic  activity  registered  during the  period  and as a result  growing
stagnation in industrial production decreased the overall demand for credit.

     Accordingly,  resources were mainly  directed to the renewal of traditional
customer lines,  with no increase in credit limits and the increase  recorded in
the volume of operations was mainly  generated by the increase in the balance of
foreign-currency  indexed portfolios,  following the significant appreciation of
the U.S. dollar during the quarter.  Specifically in the case of consumer loans,
the  performance  of this  segment was  impacted by the trend to settle  amounts
owed using resources derived from the release of income tax and FGTS refunds.

     Nevertheless,  Bradesco's  consolidated  credit portfolio  attained a total
balance in  September  of R$ 53.6  billion,  presenting a growth rate of 1.9% as
compared  with  the  position  at the end of  June,  or  18.4%  considering  the
variation accumulated over the prior twelve months.

Credit Portfolio Composition Distributed by Risk Level

     Analyzing the  distribution  of the Bradesco  portfolio by risk level,  the
quality of the credit  assets  remained  stable in  September as compared to the
prior quarter.  The operations  concentrated between levels AA and C, classified
by BACEN as normal course operations,  totaled 90.7% of the accumulated  balance
while 2.5% of operations were classified at risk administration level until this
risk is reduced or guarantees  with greater  liquidity  are obtained.  Only 6.8%
were considered to be abnormal course operations,  subject to partial loss after
the application of usual recovery procedures.

Consolidated plus Acquisitions
(1) On total portfolio.
(2) For operations with installments overdue by more than 14 days.
(3) Recorded based on the customer/transaction classification.
(4) The additional provision is recorded based on  management’s  experience
and expected collection of the credit portfolio,  for determination of the total
allowance  deemed  sufficient  to cover  specific and general  portfolio  risks,
related  to the  provision  calculated  based  on  risk  level  ratings  and the
corresponding minimum provision requirements established by CMN Resolution 2682.
The additional provision per customer was classified in the above table based on
the corresponding risk levels.

     The total volume of the  allowance  for loan losses at  September  30, 2002
attained R$ 3,818 million,  corresponding to 7.1% of total credit operations. Of
this amount,  only 55.7% effectively  comprise overdue  operations (past due and
falling due) compared to 63.2% in June and the remaining  portion is recorded as
a precaution only, based on the customers’ internal classification.

Movement of the Portfolio between September/2001 and September/2002

*Includes Banco Mercantil de São Paulo, Banco BEA, the Banco Ford portfolio
and Banco Cidade, acquired during the 1st half of 2002.

     The  performance  of the  consolidated  credit  portfolio  for the 12-month
period  ended  September  30, 2002,  despite the low level of economic  activity
during the period, evidence the maintenance of the quality of the assets, mainly
as a result of new borrowers, comprising 25.3% of total loans for the period.

Portfolio Movement between September/2001 and September/2002
     However, despite a relatively stable portfolio position, the quality of the
credits  granted  to new  borrowers  is  proving  to be  increasingly  solid and
accordingly  the total  percentage  of credit  operations  classified  as normal
course (from AA to C)  maintained an upward trend  attaining  90.7% at September
30, 2002.

Concentration of Credit Portfolio

In terms of portfolio  concentration,  no significant  changes were noted in the
position of the largest borrowers at September 30, 2002.
Credit Portfolio Indicators

     To facilitate the analysis of the Bank’s credit portfolio performance,
we present  below,  on a consolidated  basis, a comparative  summary of the main
parameters, based on the rules established by BACEN for recording provisions.

     The performance of  Bradesco’s  credit  portfolio up to September 2002
continues to present a low credit risk, despite the current unfavorable economic
scenario, as a result of its comfortable coverage levels. These results evidence
that the  Organization’s  credit asset  expansion  strategy,  including the
recent acquisitions program, is being applied on a secure and consistent basis.


Deposits by Maturity (In millions of reais)
Demand Deposits


Savings Account

     The Bradesco  Organization  Savings Account, as a result of the convenience
offered to our customers, both in terms of easy movement and simple regulations,
as well as the security  offered,  now has more than 11 million  account holders
nationwide with more than 28 million accounts.

     The  balance of  Bradesco  Organization  Savings  Accounts  ended the third
quarter of 2002 with R$ 20.1  billion in  deposits,  comprising  an 18.2% market
share of the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE).

Savings Account Deposits
Savings Accounts - Market Share

Savings Accounts

3- Highlights for the Period and Operating Structure

Balance Sheet
Statement of Income for the Period
Results per Thousand Shares
Net Book Value and Market Value (per thousand shares)
Market Value (number of shares x average last–day price)
Cash Generation
Change in Number of Shares (million)
Performance Ratios (annualized)
NB:  Return on equity = Net income for the  quarter/final  stockholders'  equity
     Return  on  average  equity = Net  income  for the  quarter/Average
(daily) stockholders' equity annualized.

Other Ratios
(1) The  calculation  of the  efficiency  ratio is presented  on page 20
(2) Minimum requirement = 11% of reference equity.
(3) At  September  30,  2002,  permanent  assets are limited to 60% of reference
equity. This percentage will be decreased to 50% as from December 31, 2002.

Other Ratios

Risk Management


     The economic  stability  brought by the Real Plan  prompted  the  Brazilian
financial  sector  to  develop   sophisticated  risk  management  policies.   An
increasingly   high-powered   market,   globalization  and  advanced  technology
motivated the creation of specific  procedures for  monitoring  and  controlling

     Bradesco,  permanently  alert to these  changes,  has developed a number of
mechanisms  in recent  years  designed  to plan,  control  and  manage the risks
inherent to its banking  activities  and which  include the  following:  credit,
market, operating and liquidity risks.

     The  Risk  Management  area is  independent  from  other  operating  areas,
reporting directly to the president:
     An independent  process for  monitoring,  controlling and managing risks is
critical  to  effective  management.  The area's  activities  are  governed by a
standing  committee,  which evaluates positions and ratifies decisions involving
control and limit policies.

     During the 1st quarter of 2002, the activities carried out by other areas relating
to controls over  compliance,  operating risks,  information  security and money
laundering prevention were incorporated by the Risk Management area which is now
known as the Risk Management and Compliance Department.

     The new organizational  structure is designed to facilitate a greater focus
on these critical activities and confirms the Organization's  commitment to best
corporate governance practice.

Credit Risk Management

     Credit risk is the risk  arising  from the  possibility  of loss due to the
non-receipt of amounts  contracted with  counterparties  and related  creditors.
Credit risk management requires a strictly disciplined control over all analyses
and transactions carried out, safeguarding process integrity and independence.

Credit Policy and Limits

     Bradesco's  Credit Policy is designed to ensure maximum  security,  quality
and  liquidity  in the  investment  of assets  and speedy  profitable  business,
minimizing  risks  inherent  to all types of credit  operations  and  direct the
establishment of operating limits and the granting of credit.

     The  Credit   Department   and  Committees   located  at  the   Bank’s
Headquarters  are critical to policy  implementation  since they are responsible
for gearing and managing this core strategic activity.

     The branches operate within varying limits, depending on their size and the
type of guarantee offered,  based on a centralized rating and,  accordingly,  in
compliance  with the  Organization’s  general  credit  and risk  management
policy. Operations involving less significant amounts are subject to specialized
automated  Credit  Scoring  systems,  maximizing  the speed and  security of the
approvals process based on strict protection standards.

     Operations  are  diversified,  non-selective  and focused on  Consumer  and
Corporate  customers  with sound payment  capacity and proven  creditworthiness.
Care is taken to ensure that  underlying  guarantees are sufficient to cover the
risks assumed, considering the purpose and terms of the credit granted.
Market Segmentation

     Bradesco  operates  on a  segmented  service  basis,  seeking  to match its
different products and services to the different profiles and size of its target
     While Bradesco  Corporate  Banking serves major  companies with billings in
excess  of R$  180  million,  high-income  consumer  customers  with  funds  for
investment  of more than R$1  million are served by  Bradesco  Private  Banking.
Other customers are classified on a retail basis as companies or consumers.

     Bradesco is now  implementing  another phase of its  segmentation  process,
this time  focusing on  middle-market  companies.  Bradesco  Empresas  (Bradesco
Companies)  is designed  to offer a quality  service  tailored  to the  specific
financial  needs of this  segment,  in the same  way as major  corporations  are
attended by Bradesco Corporate Banking.

Methodology used for Credit Portfolio classification

     In addition to  supporting  the  establishment  of minimum  parameters  for
granting credit and managing risk, the credit risk scoring system established by
the Brazilian  Central Bank also  facilitates  the definition of  differentiated
credit policies based on the customer’s  specific characteristics and size,
providing a basis for the correct pricing of operations and for establishing the
most appropriate guarantees for each situation.

     In accordance  with  internal  policy,  Bradesco  customer risk ratings are
established on a corporate  basis and are  permanently  reviewed to maintain the
quality of the credit portfolio. These ratings are segmented as follows:

Classification - Corporate
     In the case of  consumer  customers,  the above  risk  ratings  are  mainly
defined based on their  registered  reference  variables which include:  income,
equity,  restrictions  and  indebtedness,   as  well  as  performance  and  past
relationship with the Bank.

Market Risk Management

     Market  risk is  related  to the  possibility  of the loss of  income  from
fluctuating rates caused by mismatched maturities, currencies and indices of the
Institution’s  asset and liability  portfolio.  This risk is monitored on a
strict basis by the financial market to avoid losses for institutions.

     At Bradesco,  market  risks are managed  through  methodologies  and models
which are consistent with local and  international  market  realities,  ensuring
that the  Organization’s  strategic  decisions are implemented  quickly and
with a high level of reliability.

     The  Organization  adopts  a  conservative  policy  regarding  market  risk
exposure;  VaR (Value at Risk)  limits  are  defined  by Senior  Management  and
compliance is monitored  daily by an area which is  independent  from  portfolio
management.  The  methodology  used to determine VaR has a reliability  level of
97.5%. The  volatilities  and correlations  used by the models are calculated on
statistical  bases,  while future  prospects  are  calculated  based on economic
studies.  The methodology  applied and current  statistical models are validated
daily using backtesting techniques.

We present below the VaR of the Consolidated Own Portfolio positions (Treasury):
     In addition, a daily Gap Analysis is performed to measure the effect of the
movement in the  internal  interest  rate and  foreign  exchange  coupon  curves
(interest spread paid above the foreign exchange variation) on the portfolio.

     Complementing the market risk monitoring,  control and management structure
and in accordance with Central Bank regulations, a daily verification is made of
the  values  at  risk  for the  fixed  and  foreign  exchange  positions  of the
Organization’s entire portfolio and of minimum capital requirements.

Operating Risk Management

     Operating risks are those inherent to the activities  which provide support
for  transactions  in which  the  Organization  participates  and may occur as a
result of the  interruption of business,  system  failures,  errors,  omissions,
fraud  or  external   events  which  affect  its   activities   and  impact  the
institution’s results.

     Following  recent  guidelines  issued by the Basel Committee  regarding the
measurement of Operating Risk by financial  institutions  and in anticipation of
future capital requirements, the Organization has commenced the process designed
to adapt the Bank to possible Brazilian Central Bank requirements. This process,
parallel to compliance with future regulations, will be supplementary to present
capital management policies with its analysis focused on operating expenses.

     Operating risks arising from information  processing,  data  communications
and the online  transmission  and  recording of data are  evaluated by a system,
subject  to  periodic  review,  which was  developed  to ensure  that  risks are
compatible with the range of services offered,  specific  operating features and
criteria.   In  2000,   an  Audit   Committee  was  formed  by  members  of  the
Organization’s  Board of  Directors  and  Board of  Executive  Officers  to
monitor Bradesco’s operating systems.

     Bradesco’s  main  computer  facilities  are  located at two  operating
centers,  in Osasco and Alphaville  (Barueri),  in the State of São  Paulo.
Critical systems can be operated from either center in the event one of them has
to be  shut  down  or  experiences  a  significant  technical  problem.  Neither
situation  has  occurred  to date.  In order to  ensure  the  continuity  of our
operations in the event of a blackout,  all our branches and  operating  centers
are self sufficient in terms of electric power, as follows:

o    4 hours, on average, in the case of branches;
o    20 hours,  in the case of the  Regional  Clearance  and  Telecommunications
     Centers; and
o    60  hours,  on  average,  in  the  case  of the  Osasco  Alphaville-Barueri
     operating centers.

Liquidity Risk Management

     Liquidity risk  management is designed to control the different  mismatched
liquidation  terms of the Institution's  rights and obligations,  as well as the
liquidity of the financial investments used to manage the financial positions.

     Knowledge and  monitoring  of this risk are critical  since they enable the
Organization to settle transactions on a timely and secure basis.

     At  Bradesco,  liquidity  risk  management  involves a series of  controls,
mainly,  the establishment of technical limits and an ongoing  assessment of the
positions assumed.

Capital Risk Management

     The  Organization’s  capital is managed to  optimize  the  risk-return
ratio,  minimizing losses through the  implementation  of well-defined  business
strategies and maximizing  efficiency in the combination of factors which impact
the Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel).

Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel) - September 2002 - In millions of reais

Internal Controls

     Complementing  its operating  risk control and management  activities,  the
Organization has developed a number of systems,  policies and internal controls,
over the years, to reduce possible  potential  losses  generated by this type of

     Aware of the  importance of these  controls,  Bradesco  implemented,  among
other actions, an internal control system (Compliance) as well as procedures for
the prevention of money  laundering and for  guaranteeing  information  security
which are subject to ongoing  improvements.  The  validation of the  activities,
controls and systems which support the  Organization’s  banking transaction
infrastructure also falls within this context,  permitting active  participation
in the new Brazilian Payments System (SPB).

Asset Management and Own Working Capital
Exame magazine rates Bradesco as Brazil's Best Fund Manager
Bradesco was ranked the best investment fund manager in Brazil in 2002.

     This was the result of one of the most complete and well-respected industry
analyses  conducted by the Center for Finance Studies of the  Fundação
Getúlio  Vargas and published in  Exame’s  Fund Guide.  The assessment
covered 1000 of the country’s main open and non-exclusive investment funds.
Bradesco with a number of  award-winning  funds was also ranked the best manager
in the retail category.

     This  recognition  confirms the  appropriateness  of  Bradesco's  strategic
decision to promote an investment policy focused on specialization  and customer
service quality.
Assets under Management
Added Value
Customers - Checking Accounts (million)
Consumer and Corporate Customers - September/2002
Increase in Checking Accounts
Savings Accounts (million)
Customer Service Network
(1) PABs  (banking  service  post)  and PAEs  (electronic  service  outlet)  are
installed  exclusively in companies.  PABs have at least one  on–site  bank
(2) This  increase is a result of the  incorporation  of the Banco Cidade branch
network in June/2002.

Customer Service Network (Branches)
Bradesco and Financial System
(1) Source: CADINF-DEORF/COPEC - September 2002
(2) Includes 1 Branch of Banco Finasa

Customer Service Network (Branches) - Market Share - September/2002
Customer to Branch Ratio - Thousand
Banco Postal

     The  delivery  of basic  financial  services  to lower  income  groups is a
worldwide   challenge.   In  Brazil,   this  challenge  is  particularly  urgent
considering  the enormous  differences  in income,  economic  opportunities  and
concentration of financial institutions in major centers.

     Banco  Postal has  undoubtedly  broadened  the base of this  segmenttation,
presenting a simple  alternative  which permits access to citizens and companies
who up till now have been unable to access these services.

     The  Correspondent  Bank method adopted in  partnership  with the Brazilian
Postal and Telegraph  Company  (ECT) stands out in comparison  with other models
used in Brazil,  as a result of its focus on the retail sector,  the versatility
of the products and services offered,  the remote self-service  channels and its
integration with Brazil’s  largest branch and ATM bank network.

     This partnership confirms Bradesco's traditional commitment with Brazilians
from all income brackets.

     The results  achieved  from the units  already in  operation  evidence  the
success of Banco  Postal and permit an  optimistic  outlook  for future  service
points  considering the significant  number of accounts opened and the volume of
transactions carried out.

Increase in number of accounts opened in 2002
Transactions carried out in 2002 (Monthly)
Units installed in 2002 (Accumulated)
     Of the 1,033 units installed, 739 are in towns which had no previous access
to banking services.  favoring the expansion of its business and giving the Bank
a significant  competitive  advantage,  as well as  contributing to the economic
growth of these  regions.

     Banco Postal will also be useful in towns or regions  which  already have a
Bradesco  branch,  since the expansion of service  outlets ensures that Bradesco
customers can be served closer to their work places or homes.

Avaiable Products and Services

o Receipt and remittance of account opening proposals;
o Cash withdrawals and deposits;
o Account balances and statements;
o Receipt of bill payments and public utility bill payments (water, electricity,
telephone, etc.);
o Payment of government retirement pensions and benefits (INSS);
o Receipt and remittance of credit proposals.

Products and services under development

o Collection of INSS contributions;
o Collection of federal, state and municipal taxes;
o Identified deposits;
o Stopping of checks;
o Online vehicle licensing;
o Credit cards;
o Savings Bonds;
o IPVA; and
o Employee travel card and salary card.

Geocodification - Bradesco and ECT
     The  project  will  provide  important   business   opportunities  for  the
Organization  since,  via the ECT service units,  Bradesco will be able to serve
100% of Brazil’s municipalities.
Cards (Million)
     Bradesco is one of the largest  independent  Credit Card issuers in Brazil,
with a  diversified  portfolio  containing  a range of  different  products  and
services under the Visa, Mastercard and American Express (BCN) banners, designed
to serve all of the Brazilian  population’s  income brackets.  Our products
and services meet the needs of the various market  segments,  providing from the
“Visa Fácil” Card to the “Infinite”  Card, focusing our
high-wealth customers.

     In  August  2002,  Bradesco’s  Visa and  Mastercard  credit  card base
presented a 23.2%  growth rate over the results in August  2001,  compared to an
overall market increase of 17.7%.  This increase  expanded our market share from
13.3% to 13.9%.

     In terms of  billings,  Bradesco  recorded  a 17.7%  growth  rate while the
market grew by 16.9% and the variation of the IGP-M was 13.3%, ie, we attained a
growth rate of 33% above  inflation for the same period while the market grew by

     Since  October  2001,  Bradesco has been  substituting  its  magnetic-strip
credit card base for  chip-embedded  smart cards  which  contain a  microcircuit
guaranteeing   holders  greater  security  and  speed  in  their   transactions.
Approximately 500 thousand cards have been substituted to date.  Emphasis should
be given to the fact that  Bradesco is pioneer in the use of this  technology in
Brazil’s credit card market.

     Bradesco,   BCN  and  Mercantil  Finasa  Credit  Cards  are  also  accepted
throughout the International Visa and Mastercard Networks, comprising 19 million
establishments and ATMs in 249 countries.

Debit Cards (Electron)

     Debit cards are also an  important  part of our  business.  From January to
September  2002,  the debit card base presented a variation of 17.4% compared to
the same period of the prior year.

     Billings from January to September of 2002 totaled R$ 8.5 billion,  a 29.5%
growth  rate over the same  period of the prior year and an increase of 27.4% in
the number of  transactions.

Visa Vale

     Visa Vale,  the new  company  which will  operate in the  benefits  voucher
sector was formally constituted by its stockholders Visa do Brasil and the banks
Bradesco, ABN-Amro Real and BB Banco de Investimentos, the pilot project will be
implemented in the first half of 2003.

     The company  expects  that the benefit  voucher  sector  sales  volume will
increase  by 50% over the next five years from the current R$ 6 billion per year
to  R$  9  billion  per  year.

Acquiring  Market

     The network of commercial  establishments  in Brazil accredited by the Visa
system is administered by Companhia Brasileira de Meios de Pagamentos - Visanet,
in which  Bradesco has a direct  capital  holding of 39.2%.  For the period from
January to September 2002, Visanet posted sales of R$ 28.8 billion.

     At present, the Bradesco  Organization banks (Bradesco,  BCN and Mercantil)
are  responsible  for 39% of the total  volume  paid by Visanet to Visa  network
member establishments in Brazil.


Credit Card Base - Million
Credit Card Billings - in billions of reais
Market Share
Debit Card Base (Electron) - Million
Investments in Infrastructure, Information Technology and Telecommunications

     The investments for expanding functional capacity,  infrastructure,  IT and
telecommunications  at the  Bradesco  Organization  are  designed  to maintain a
modern,  practical and secure customer service network,  characterizing the Bank
as one of the world’s most contemporary  companies and creating added value
for its customers and users in both Brazil and abroad.

Investment Growth
(*)  In 2001, includes contract for Banco Postal services (R$ 200 million)

Risk Ratings

Bradesco's risk ratings are among the highest attributed to Brazilian Banks.
(1)  Bradesco Seguros
(2)  Bradesco Capitalizacao


     The  following  important  awards,  honors  and  distinctions  received  by
Bradesco highlight its industry  leadership,  its brand strength and the quality
of its products and services.

     Bradesco received the prize awarded by Exame magazine’s Guia de Fundos
for best  investment  fund  manager in Brazil and was also rated as best  retail
fund manager. This Fund Guide is the country’s most important and respected
publication of its kind.

     For the fourth time and third in a row, Bradesco is included among the best
companies to work for in Brazil,  according to the survey conducted by Exame and
Você  S.A. magazines in partnership with the international  consulting firm
Great Place to Work Institute.

     Banco  Bradesco was the winner of the 2002 Edition of the  Mauá  Prize
which is awarded  to the listed  company  with the best  shareholder  and market
relationship  in 2001.  This is the third time that  Bradesco has won this award
given by the National Confederation of Stock Markets (CNBV).

     The  Bradesco  Organization  was elected  overall  winner in the Grand Prix
category of the 2002 Social Value Award,  by both the popular and expert juries.
Sponsored by the newspaper Valor Econômico, with support from the Ethos and
Akatu  Institutes,  this  award  is  designed  to  distinguish  companies  whose
commitment with society is based on excellence and best management criteria.

     The US magazine  Global  Finance  elected the Bradesco  website as the best
financial  portal  for  consumers  on the  Internet.  It was also rated the best
Internet Bank in Brazil and Latin America.

     A poll  carried out by  Datafolha  for the Top of Mind  awards,  identified
Bradesco as the most  remembered  private bank and Bradesco  Seguros as the most
remembered company in the insurance category.

     Elected by Gazeta Mercantil readers as the country’s  most influential
company,  Bradesco  was awarded the Imagem  Empresarial  Nacional  prize for the
second  consecutive  year.  Bradesco also received the state  category award for
São Paulo and Bradesco’s President,  Márcio Cypriano, was elected
Business Leader in the Bank Sector category.

     Bradesco  was also  rated  Best  Financial  Institution  in  Brazil  by the
National  Association of the Construction  Material Retailers  (Anamaco),  which
also gave Mr. Cypriano the title of Personality of the year – 2002, awarded
to businesspeople for outstanding actions in the financial market.

Capital Market

Underwriting Transactions

     Bradesco  coordinated  stock and fixed income  transactions up to September
2002, which totaled R$ 11.12 billion, comprising 75.58% of all issues registered
at the  Brazilian  Securities  Commission  (CVM)  for the same  period.  Special
emphasis  should  also be  given to  Bradesco’s  role in  coordinating  the
Secondary  Public Offer of the Common Stock of Companhia Vale do Rio Doce,  held
in March,  which totaled R$ 4.51 billion and the Public Offer of Non-convertible
Debentures of Petrobras, held in August which totaled R$ 750 million.
     Of the total number of floating and fixed-return transactions registered at
CVM up to  September  2002,  Bradesco  participated  in 66% of the  primary  and
secondary stock issues,  in 44% of the debenture issues and in 22% of promissory
notes issues.

Bradesco's Share of the Issues Market (in billions of reais)
Origination and Distribution - ANBID Ranking - September/2002

Structured Operations

     Bradesco continues actively  prospecting for new business in the structured
operations segment, advising companies in merger, acquisition,  project finance,
corporate restructuring and privatization operations.

     Up to September  2002, some 8 operations had been concluded and a further 7
operations were in progress.

     Bradesco’s presence is also notable in Project Finance operations,  in
which it acts as financial  advisor to companies  with  investments  in electric
power  generation and related  projects such as the  construction of oil and gas
pipelines. These projects currently amount to some R$ 7 billion.

Foreign Exchange


     The Organization  has 18 specialized  units operating in Brazil (Bradesco -
12, BCN - 5 and Mercantil - 1), 1 Branch in New York  (Bradesco),  4 Branches in
Grand  Cayman  (Bradesco,  BCN,  Boavista  and  Mercantil),  1 Branch  in Nassau
(Boavista),  1 Branches in London  (Mercantil),  1 subsidiary  in Buenos  Aires,
(Banco  Bradesco  Argentina  S.A.),  1 subsidiary in Nassau,  (Boavista  Banking
Limited) and 2 subsidiaries in Luxembourg,  (Banco  Bradesco  Luxembourg S.A and
Banco  Mercantil  de Sao  Paulo  International  S.A.),  1  subsidiary  in Tokyo,
(Bradesco Services Co., Ltd.) and 1 subsidiary in New York (Bradesco  Securities

     In the  Exchange  area,  emphasis  should  be  given  to the  traditionally
important support offered by the Bradesco  Organization to foreign trade, with a
balance of US$ 5.3 billion recorded in the foreign  exchange  trading  portfolio
for financing imports and exports, as well as for onlending to customers.

     Foreign exchange trading for exports from January to September  totaled US$
9.6 billion,  a 26.4%  increase  compared to September  2001,  and for imports a
total of US$ 3 billion.

Volume of Foreign Currency Trade - In billions of U.S. dollars
Export Market
Import Market
     We  present  below  the  composition  of the  foreign  trade  portfolio  at
September 30, 2002:
     Except for funds  obtained  through  the  Commercial  Paper  program in the
United  States,  the  portfolio  is  financed  by  credit  lines  obtained  from
Correspondent Banks. At the end of the period, approximately 130 American, Asian
and European Banks had extended credit lines to Bradesco.
     The core  objective  of the  foreign  branches  is to  obtain  funds in the
international  market  for  onlending  to  customers,  principally  through  the
financing of Brazilian foreign trade.

     The main activity of the subsidiary Banco Bradesco Luxembourg is to provide
additional  services to private banking  customers and to increase foreign trade

     In the first nine months of 2002, as well as short-term loans in the amount
of US$ 100 million  obtained  from  international  banks,  earmarked for foreign
trade  financing,  an amount of US$ 483  million was raised  through  public and
private,  medium and long-term  placements in the international  capital market,
which will be earmarked for working capital loans and foreign trade financing.

Profile of Public and Private Placements Abroad - Bradesco

Funds Obtained Abroad

Bradesco has the following programs:
Collection and Tax and Utility Collections

Corporate Collection

     Bradesco  Collections  strengthens  its  position  yearly  as an  authentic
partner in the  management of corporate  business.  Combining  high standards of
efficiency with latest-generation IT resources, Bradesco collection services are
an efficient and secure tool for use by a universe of corporate entities.

     Bradesco Computer-recorded Collection, transmitting and receiving data on a
direct  computer-to-computer  basis,  relies on one of the most advanced banking
technology systems available, offering important productivity gains to companies
by permitting  the  streamlining  of services.  The available  services  include
electronic  collection  (computer-recorded),  which  permit  user  companies  to
consult  information  online.  This system  processes  approximately  97% of all
documents  recorded  in the  Bradesco  collection  portfolio.  Pag-For  Bradesco
facilitates  the management of Trade Accounts  Payable for more than 34 thousand

Tax and Utility  Collections

     Developed   based   on  high   standards   of   efficiency   and   quality,
Bradesco’s  tax and utility  collections serve a dual purpose. On one hand,
they seek to provide  customer  satisfaction  with  appropriate  and  innovative
solutions for the settlement of taxes,  duties and contributions.  On the other,
they  effectively  interact with the  different  Government  Departments  in the
federal, state and municipal spheres and with public utility concessionaires.

     Bradesco’s tax and utility collection services are noted for the speed
and security of the data transmitted and amounts collected.
(*) Total movement (funds obtained, write offs, credits, etc.).
(a) Payment via direct debit
    34.217 million - January to September/2001
    36.432 million - January to September/2002
(b) Total  beneficiaries:  more than  3,563  thousand  retirees  and  pensioners
(corresponding to 17.4% of all those registered with the Brazilian  Institute of
Social Security - INSS).

Growth in Collections and Pag-For
Growth in Tax and Utility Collections/Payments
Stock, Custody and Controllership Services

     With an appropriate  infrastructure  and  specialized  personnel,  Bradesco
offers  its   customers   the  following   services:   custody  of   securities,
controllership,  DR- Depositary Receipt and BDR-Brazilian Depositary Receipt, as
well as bookkeeping services for stocks, debentures and investment fund quotas.
Customers using custody services x assets under custody
Internet and Web-based Products

Internet Banking
Internet Banking - Transactions
Bradesco Internet Banking

     Online since May 31, 1996, Bradesco Internet Banking  (www.bradesco.com.br)
soon became a worldwide  reference for Home Banking and is currently  ranked the
third largest digital bank in the world.

     Bradesco  online services were created to facilitate the day-to-day life of
its customers,  offering access to the transactions available through the branch
network from any point on the globe.

     The internet is an important and  profitable  customer  relations  channel,
adding value to both customers and stockholders.

     Since it was first  launched,  Bradesco  Internet  Banking  has  focused on
innovating and deploying the largest number of online services  possible for its

     At present,  Bradesco  Internet  Banking offers its customers more than 210
different services, which can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Bradesco  Internet  Banking  –  Consumer  Customers  reported the following
results at September 30, 2002:

o 4.6 million registered customers;
o 195 million transactions;
o 30%  increase  in the number of  transactions  compared  to the same period in
2001; and
o R$ 7.2 billion in financial volume.

ShopInvest Bradesco

     In March 1999,  Bradesco launched ShopInvest  (www.shopinvest.com.br),  the
first Brazilian retail bank broker to operate in BOVESPA's online Home Broker.

     Through  ShopInvest,  investors can access pertinent  information and trade
shares in BOVESPA,  even if they are not Bradesco account holders.  All of these
services are provided  free of charge and comply with the same rules  applicable
to bricks-and-mortar trading.

     Customer  demand for new options in the  financial  market,  following  the
launching   of  Banco   Bradesco’s   Investment   site,   resulted  in  the
incorporation of all of the Bank’s products into this new business channel.

     ShopInvest is  characterized  by its diversity of investments.  Today there
are nine Investment  Rooms:  Shares,  Savings Bonds,  CDB,  Funds,  Real Estate,
BM&F, Savings Accounts, Life and Private Pension Plans and Insurance.

     As a result of these strategic investment options,  ShopInvest reported the
following significant results at the end of September 30, 2002:

o 549 thousand registered users.
o 215 thousand  transactions  corresponding  to a 33 % increase over the results
recorded at the end of the same period in 2001.
o R$ 1.010 billion  in financial volume.


     In May 2001,  Bradesco  launched  ShopCredit  (www.shopcredit.com.br),  the
Bank's  Financing  and  Loan  website  which  offers  a  complete  portfolio  of
Bradesco's  credit  lines.  The  products  are grouped  together for purchase by
consumer or  corporate  customers  with full details on each option and visitors
can use a  simulator  to  calculate  amounts and terms in the  Personal  Credit,
Consumer  Sales Credit (CDC),  Leasing,  Housing loans and Finame  (Morderfrota,
Prefixado and Proleite) modes.  Visitors to the ShopCredit site can also request
personal loans quickly and securely.

     ShopCredit results at September 30, 2002 were as follows:

o 272  thousand transactions/operations; and
o R$ 80 million in financial volume

Bradesco Net Empresa

     On September 18, 2001, Bradesco launched its new corporate banking website.

     With Bradesco Net Empresa,  companies  gained a new ally for optimizing the
financial  management of their businesses.  Through this website,  companies can
operate  bank  accounts,   make  payments  and  collections  and  perform  other
transactions   without  having  to  visit  a   bricks-and-mortar   branch.   The
transactions are conducted on-line via Internet.

     At the end of September 30, 2002, Net Empresa posted the following results:

o 47,100 registered companies, with 30,850 in operation.
o 1.4 million transactions/operations.
o R$ 1.9 billion in financial volume.

     Out of the total volume of transactions  carried out via dial-up  corporate
systems, 398 thousand companies were connected via Bradesco.

B2C (Business to Consumer)

     Bradesco  Electronic Trade was created in 1998 and soon became a successful
hallmark.  In the wake of this  success,  ShopFácil  was  launched in 2000,
offering,  among  other  services,   “Meios  de  Pagamento  Eletrônico
Bradesco”  (Bradesco  Online  Payment  Methods)  –  the  safest,  most
practical and economic online shopping method.

     Bradesco  is the  only  Bank  in the  world  to date to  receive  ISO  9000
accreditation for its Online Commercial Payment Methods.

     Bradesco  Electronic Payment Methods comprise:  Electronic Wallet (Bradesco
debit cards, PoupCard and Bradesco Visa and MasterCard Credit Cards),  Pagamento
Fácil (Easy Payment) and Boleto Bancário (Online Dockets).

     There are currently  1,380 stores  operating  with Bradesco  Online Payment

     At the end of September 2002, B2C posted the following results:

o 10.4 million transactions/sales; and
o R$ 790 million in financial volume.

B2B (Business to Business)

     In the B2B area, emphasis should be given to the business solutions offered
by Bradesco  comprising the following:  a security and limits module, B2B payment
methods,   management   tools   (buyer,   seller  and  bank)  and  a   financial
reconciliation module for the seller.

     At present, the Bank offers the following Bradesco B2B Payment Methods:

o Online Docket.
o Electronic Wallet (Credit Cards).
o Financing lines.

Other Services:
Other Bradesco Organization Websites

o Investor Relations - (http://ri.bradesco.com.br/)
o Bradesco Foreign Exchange - (www.bradescocambio.com.br)
o Bradesco Corporate Banking - (www.corporatebradesco.com.br)
o The Bradesco Foundation - (www.fb.org.br)
o Bradesco Insurance -  (www.bradescoseguros.com.br)
o Bradesco Vida e Previdencia -  (www.bradescoprevidencia.com.br)
o Financial Channel -  (www.canal.bradesco.com.br)
o The Bradesco Card Website - (www.bradescocartoes.com.br)
o Personal Finance Portal -  (www.bradesco.com.br/indexpf.html)
o Corporate Finance Portal -  (www.bradesco.com.br/indexpj.html)
o Portal for the Visually Impaired -  (www.bradesco.com.br/indexdvisual.html)
o Online Shopping Portal - Consumers -  (www.bradesco.com.br/index_comerciopf.html)
o Online Shopping Portal - Corporate -  (www.bradesco.com.br/index_comerciopj.html)
o University Students Portal -  (www.bradesco.com.br/index_conta_universitaria.html)

Websites, Products and Services under Construction and Development

o Corporate Banking (new version)
o Private Banking (new version)
o Press Room
o Bradesco Consortium Website
o MultiChannel CRM
o B2B Buyer and Vendor Financing
o B2B Payment Method System

Bradesco Day and Night (BDN)

BDN ATM Network Evolution:


Volume of accumulated transactions (million)
Number of BDN Network ATMs
Volume of IPVA Payments
BDN Network Distribution - Monthly Productivity - September/2002


Telebanco (Call Center)

Integrated  Call Centers:  Bank,  Cards,  Pension Plans,  Alo Bradesco,  BCN and

Increase in Number of Calls - million
Evolution of Telebanco Transactions - In millions of reais

o 15.6 million electronic voice response calls per month;
o 3.8 million personalized service calls per month;
o 2.4 million customers access Telebanco per month;
o R$ 410 million in financial volume from transactions per month;
o 96% of Personalized Service call queries are resolved during the first contact;
o 559 call-center  representatives were trained and designated to other areas of
the Organization, particularly the sales areas, up to the end of September 2002;
o A record 4.3 million products were sold up to September 2002; and
o Utilization  of labor  management  and  service  quality  processes  based on
cutting-edge  tools which increase  productivity and guarantee  ongoing customer
service enhancement. Customer segmentation based on specific needs routing calls
directly to the corresponding specialized representatives.


Consolidated Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
The Relationship Bank

     Part of the Bradesco  Organization  since December 1997,  BANCO BCN S.A. is
known as the RELATIONSHIP  BANK,  offering  differentiated  bespoke products and
services  designed  to  meet  the  needs  of both  its  consumer  and  corporate

     In line  with  the  Organization's  policy  to  specialize  in  top-quality
customer  service,  Banco BCN S.A.  expanded its operating  structure,  creating
areas to attend specific niche markets, such as: Health, Education, Notarial and
Registry as well as Government Relations.

     Customers  now  have  access  to  the  efficient  remote  customer  service
structure which comprises two call centers (Linha Viva and Alô BCN), BCNNET
Internet Banking (www.bcn.com.br) and BCN’s virtual bank (BCN DIGITAL) with
branches in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

     A  particularly  important  event  was  the  introduction  of  the  current
financing sector leader BANCO FINASA S.A.,  formerly  Continental  Banco S.A., a
wholly owned subsidiary of BCN,  combining the traditional  market brand FINASA,
acquired by the  Organization  in the first half of 2002,  with the strength and
performance  of  the   Continental   team  and  the  security  of  the  Bradesco


     Between  July and  September  new  branches  were opened in:  Bragança
Paulista (SP) and Planalto  Paulista –  São Paulo (SP).  Following the
incorporation  of 24 Banco  Cidade  S.A.  branches  at the end of June 2002,  10
branches were closed during the period as a result of  redundancy.  On the other
hand, Finasa Promotora de Vendas opened 11 new branches in the following states:
2 in Minas Gerais, 1 in Pará, 1 in Pernambuco,  2 in Rio Grande do Norte, 2
in Rio Grande do Sul and 3 in Santa Catarina.  This company  operates in the new
and used vehicle segment,  in more than 12,900 sales outlets  throughout  Brazil
and in approximately  1,216 stores selling furniture,  home decor, mobile phones
and IT related equipment.

     At the end of the quarter,  the BCN Customer Service Network  comprised 458
service points, with 227 branches in Brazil,  including 1 branch of Banco Finasa
S.A., 1 foreign branch in Grand Cayman,  179 conventional and electronic service
centers and outlets,  as well as 51 branches of Finasa Promotora de Vendas Ltda.
The Self-service Network has 980 terminals operating in BCN Branches and Service
Posts,  as well as the Bradesco Day and Night BDN Network with 9,733  terminals,
which can be used by BCN  customers for cash  withdrawals,  and the 24-hour Bank
Network with 2,248 terminals.

     At September 30, 2002, Banco BCN S.A. had served approximately 610 thousand
checking  account  holders  and  134  thousand   non-checking  account  holders.
Customers served by Banco Finasa S.A. totaled 882 thousand, a 23.73% growth rate
for the quarter. Credit card holders surpassed 183 thousand and savings accounts
totaled 642 thousand.


Net Income and Stockholders' Equity

     Net income for the 3rd quarter of 2002 was R$ 66  million,  totaling R$ 218
million for the year,  a 6.34%  growth  rate over the same  period in 2001.  The
annualized  return on  stockholders’  equity was 19.28% for the quarter and 20.32%
for the year.  Stockholders’  equity, at September 30, 2002, totaled R$ 1.465
billion, after adjustment of dividends not recorded as a provision.

Assets and Liabilities

     Total assets at September 30, 2002 increased to R$ 23,241 billion,  a 9.99%
growth rate compared to June 30, 2002, with credit operations, including leasing
and advances on foreign exchange contracts (ACC),  before the allowance for loan
losses,  totaled  R$  14.083  billion,  comprising  60.60%  and  securities  and
financial derivative instruments 20.92%. Credit operations presented an increase
of 17.39%  for the  quarter,  highlighting  the  growth  in the sales  financing
portfolio  (CDC) mainly as a result of the  acquisition,  in August 2002, of the
portfolio  of Banco  Mercantil de São  Paulo S.A., a Bradesco  Organization
company with a balance of R$ 971 million at September 30.

     Total funds obtained which include R$ 2.892 billion in investment funds and
managed  portfolios,  negotiated  through the BCN  Branches  and managed by BRAM
–  Bradesco Asset Management Ltda., attained R$ 22.976 billion at September
30, 2002.  Deposits  including savings accounts  comprised 54.74% of this amount
with a balance of R$ 12.577 billion and a 15.36% growth rate for the quarter.

Banco Finasa S.A.

Consolidated Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
     In August 2002, BANCO FINASA S.A. came into existence, uniting the strength
of the FINASA brand acquired by the Organization in the first half of 2002, with
the security provided by BANCO BRADESCO S.A.

     Prior to its change of name, the bank was formerly  Continental Banco S.A.,
acquired by Banco BCN S.A. in October of 1998.

     On August 19, 2002, Banco Finasa S.A.  acquired Banco Mercantil de São
Paulo, another Bradesco  Organization member, with some R$ 1.1 billion in direct
sales financing  operations (CDC) which together with the financings and leasing
portfolios of the former  Continental  Banco S.A.  transformed the Bank into the
market segment leader.

     Banco  Finasa  S.A.,  focusing on the retail  sector,  continues  operating
through the  intermediation  of its sales promotion  company,  now called Finasa
Promotora de Vendas Ltda.,  which is responsible for  prospecting  customers and
preparing credit proposals.

     At September  30, 2002,  the  Promotora  had 51 Branches,  11 of which were
opened during the quarter, a growth rate of 27.50% as compared with June 2002.

     At the end of the period, the total number of customers served attained 882
thousand, an increase of 23.73% compared to June 30. The company operates in the
new and used  vehicle  segment,  through  more than  12,900  dealership  outlets
nationwide  and in 1,216  stores  which sell  furniture  and home decor,  mobile
telephony and IT related equipment.


Net Income and Stockholders' Equity

     Net income for the 3rd  quarter of 2002 was R$ 25  million,  totaling R$ 51
million  for the year,  a growth  rate of 59.38%  compared to the same period in
2001. The annualized,  return on stockholder’s equity of R$ 197 million, at
September  30,  2002,  was 61.27% for the  quarter and 35.93% for the nine–month


     Total assets  attained R$ 4.173  billion,  a 34.70% growth rate compared to
the results at June 30, 2002. Credit and leasing operations increased by 36.61%,
amounting  to a balance  of R$ 3.847  billion,  including  the  sales  financing
portfolio (CDC) acquired from Banco Mercantil de São Paulo S.A.

Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A.

Consolidated balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
     We are pleased to present the  consolidated  financial  statements of Banco
Mercantil  de  São  Paulo  S.A.,  prepared  in  conformity  with  Brazilian
corporate legislation for the quarter ended September 30, 2002.

     On a national  level,  the importance of the economic  principles  built up
over recent years was heightened  during the period:  the floating exchange rate
system which  motivated a reduction in the current account  deficit,  as well as
the good fiscal results were key factors in cushioning,  at least partially, the
turbulence  experienced  by  the  financial  markets.  However,  the  continuing
downslide in the Brazil risk  perception  prompted the economic  authorities  to
reaffirm  their  commitment to maintaining  macroeconomic  policies in line with
economic  stability,  an  essential  factor  for the  country’s  return  to
sustainable medium-term economic growth.

Performance/Achievements for the Period

Capital and Reserves

     Stockholders'  equity totaled R$ 740.763  million.  Net equity per thousand
shares totaled R$ 120.71.  During this period,  the balance of R$ 48.050 million
relating to the capital  increase  approved at the Board of  Directors  meeting,
held on November 28, 2000, was paid up in full.

Economic Results

     Assets  totaled  R$  7.193  billion.   The  amount  of  income,   including
stockholdings,  attained R$ 1.631 billion. Expenses totaled R$ 1.670 billion and
administrative  expenses totaled R$ 288.729  million.  Net income for the period
was R$ 20 million.

Investment and Obtaining of Funds

     Credit  operations  totaled  R$ 3.080  billion,  while  deposits  and other
funding totaled R$ 5.665 billion.  Net equity of the Investment Funds managed by
the Bank and  related  financial  institutions  increased  to R$ 1.475  billion.

Purchase and Sale Process

     The  controllers of Banco  Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A. signed the documents
formalizing  the transfer of the Bank's  share  control to Bradesco on March 25,

     The  operation  comprised  the  sale of  2,764,959,259  common  shares  and
2,277,767,313  preferred  shares of Mercantil,  corresponding to 90.1% of voting
capital and 74.2% of  non-voting  capital,  for the amount of R$ 1.362  billion,
equivalent to R$ 0.270047 per share.

     Bradesco held a public offer for the acquisition of the common shares owned
by the other stockholders at a price  corresponding to 80% of the price paid per
share to the  controlling  stockholders,  in conformity  with the  provisions of
Article  254-A of Law 6404/76,  the auction for which was held on September  25,
2002, and, as a result, now holds 99.03% of voting capital.

     On  September  30, 2002,  under its new  direction,  Mercantil  resumed the
strategy  designed to grow its operations,  personalize its customer service and
intensify its partner  relationships.  As a result, the Bank’s  capacity to
deliver  increasingly  comprehensive and specialized services was maintained and
extended to an even wider public through the Bradesco Customer Service Network.

Branches and Services

     At the end of the 3rd quarter of 2002, the Bank’s  nationwide  network
was formed by 219 strategically  distributed branches.  Our 423,547 consumer and
corporate  checking  account  holders can use 187 Banking Service  Outlets.  The
Self-service  Network  operates with 757 terminals  installed in the Bank’s
own Branches and Banking Service Posts and also through the 24 Hour Bank Network
with its 2,248 Service Outlets,  20,555 Shared Network units and 21,114 Bradesco
Day and Night BDN Network terminals.

     The  Bank’s  overseas branch in Grand Cayman and an affiliated Bank in
Luxembourg maintained their typical  international  financial market activities,
focusing particularly on foreign trade financing.

The Brazilian Payments System (SPB)

     Banco Mercantil de São Paulo S.A. has been preparing its systems since
2000 for the changes  which took place on April 22, 2002 and which will continue
to take place in the way consumer and corporate  customers  handle their banking
business.  The Bank made  investments of more than R$ 14 million in improvements
designed to boost the speed and  security of customer  transactions.  As well as
improving its internal systems,  a special training and  communications  program
was developed for the Bank’s Branch Network and Telefinasa customer service
teams and employees in general.

     Further  details on this payments system can be obtained at the Bank’s
website  -  http://www.finasa.com.br  through  the  exclusive  e-mail  address -
spb@finasa.com.br; and from the toll-free help line 0800 701 18 44.

     As part of its strategy to anticipate trends and meet customers' needs, the
Bank has  developed a number of  products  and  services  which  facilitate  the
control and  management  of the changes  introduced by SPB  implementation.  For

o Cash Management Finasa
o Caixa Unico Finasa
o Novo Modulo de Pagamentos Finasa
o Caixa Postal Finasa
o Cartao Finasa Visa Electron Business


Finasa Credit Cards

     The special  treatment  given by Banco  Mercantil de São Paulo S.A. to
this product  produced  sales,  up to September  30, 2002,  of 48,335 cards in a
total  portfolio  of 233,697  units,  corresponding  to an  increase  of 26.08%,
compared to the same period in the prior year.  Billings also increased by 9.62%
compared to the same period in 2001 and totaled R$ 275 million.

New management approach regarding branch revenue

     New sales  actions  and tools are also being  developed  to  stimulate  and
facilitate increases in the Bank’s customer base and average consumption of
products and services per customer by the branches.

     As a result, the Bank’s network offers cutting-edge banking technology
facilitating  the  opening  of  accounts  at  banking  posts  (PABs)  as well as
appropriate  support for mass  account  openings,  facilitating  the  day-to-day
activities of the branches and in turn customer  service  quality put into place
to operate  in vehicle  dealership  and stores  nationwide.  As part of this new
concept,  Banco Finasa S.A. and Finasa Promotora de Vendas Ltda. commenced their

Self-service Channels

     Telefinasa:  seeking excellence in customer service, the Finasa call-center
received 2,749,918 interactive voice–response calls (URA) during the period with
a total 3,086,962 transactions and consultations up to September 30, 2002.

     Finasa Internet Banking: Finasa Internet Banking for Consumer Customers was
launched in August 2001, and has 24,997 registered accounts,  corresponding to a
6.88% share of the account base for the period.

     Relationship  Accounts:  at September 30, 2002, Banco Mercantil de São
Paulo S.A. had served 350,048 consumer  checking account holders,  corresponding
to 363,135  accounts,  31.52% of all consumer  customer  checking  accounts were
Special Check accounts with  authorized  overdraft  facilities,  17,891 accounts
were opened during the quarter.

     At September 30, 2002, the corporate customer portfolio had 73,499 checking
account customers, corresponding to 97,089 accounts. Of these, 2,518 were opened
during the third quarter of 2002.  The Savings  Account  Portfolio  registered a
record 527,815 accounts at September 30, 2002.

     The Finasa Easy Account  service package (Conta  Fácil  Finasa) giving
priority to customer  relationship and offering a range of  differentiated  and
competitive products had 190,189 registered customers at the end of the quarter.

The Finasa Brand

     As a result of the high level of Finasa brand  awareness  in the  financing
sector, the Bradesco Organization  developed a specific plan to integrate all of
its finance  companies.  Accordingly,  an independent  administrative  and sales
structure  was put into  place to  operate  in  vehicle  dealerships  and stores
nationwide.  As part of this new concept, Banco Finasa S.A. and Finasa Promotora
de Vendas Ltda. commenced their activities.

Bradesco Products: aggregating to increase customer benefits

     Banco Mercantil de São Paulo is aggregating its personalized  products
and customer  service with the facilities  and other  services  offered by Banco
Bradesco.  As a result,  customers  now have  access to the  market’s  most
complete self-service network. In addition to the Mercantil Self-Service Network
and the 24 Hour Bank kiosks,  customers  also have access to the  extensive  BDN
Bradesco Day and Night ATM network.

     In May 2002,  the  Mercantil  Branch  Network  commenced  sales of the very
successful  Verde e Amarelo  Pé  Quente series  savings  bond,  which has a
60-month term.

     In the health  insurance area,  Mercantil  Customers now have access to all
Bradesco Saúde products.

     The options  available to  customers in the private  pension plan area have
also been extended to include  Bradesco Vida e  Previdência  products which
cover the Bank’s  diverse customer  profiles.  These include the PGBL (PGBL
Proteção    Familiar   and   Prev   Jovem   PGBL)   and   VGBL   (VGBL
Proteção  Familiar)  plans, a conventional  plan with special features
(Conta Vip de Rendas  Programadas) and a Redeemable  Family Coverage  (Cobertura
Familiar Resgatável) plan.

     The  results   presented   above  increase  Banco   Mercantil  de  São
Paulo’s  determination  to support both people and companies and to respond
to new market demands with increasingly  comprehensive and specialized  products
and  services.  Convinced  that we are on the right path, we thank our customers
for their  preference,  our  stockholders  for their trust and our employees and
stakeholders for their dedication.

Bradesco S.A. - Corretora de Titulos e Valores Mobiliarios

Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
     Bradesco   Corretora  closed  the  3rd  quarter  of  2002  maintaining  its
outstanding poisition in the Capital Market

     We present below a summary of the main activities for the quarter:

     Bradesco  Corretora  negotiated 491.8 thousand  contracts in the Mercantile
and Futures Exchange  (BM&F) for a financial volume of R$ 55.9 billion.  The
Corretora has centered its efforts on the continued expansion of its business as
well as promoting the futures market.  For example,  in the agricultural area it
acts directly in the  country’s  main production  centers,  through visits,
seminars and participation in agricultural fairs and exhibitions. In conjunction
with the BM&F, the company has sponsored visits to the exchange and Bradesco
Corretora  in  São   Paulo  by   investors   from  all  over  the  country.
Additionally,  the company  has hosted  numerous  visits by  farmers,  teachers,
opinion-makers and brokers from the physical commodities market.

     Bradesco Corretora ended the quarter among the 10 most important  brokerage
firms  out of more than 100  operating  in the  São  Paulo  Stock  Exchange
(BOVESPA).  During the period  services  were  provided to 15,831  investors and
60,985 buy and sell orders were carried out for a total  financial  volume of R$
3.2 billion.

     Online web trading for the quarter  totaled  36,222 orders with a financial
volume of R$ 172.8  million,  representing  7.9% of all  Home-Broker  operations
carried out in BOVESPA and placing the Corretora  third in the overall  ranking.
The  customer  base  increased  by 11.3%  with  more than  1,340  new  customers
registered  for the  quarter  and more than  5,503  e-mails  received.  Bradesco
Corretora  participated  online  in the  Public  Offer  of Net  Serviços  e
Comunicações S.A. and Marcopolo S.A., in the retail investor segment.

     In  September,  the  company  was  ranked  first in the  monthly  rating of
institutions  operating  via the Home  Broker  system and in the  BOVESPA  after

     As a result of its important role in Public  Offerings of Share  Purchases,
Special Operations, Stock Swapping Auctions and Privatization Auctions, Bradesco
Corretora  continued in its important market position,  with financial volume of
R$ 278.2 million for the quarter.

     Net income recorded for the period totaled R$ 4.3 million.

     Stockholders'  equity at the end of the  quarter  grew to R$ 81.2  million,
corresponding to 27% of total assets.

Information - Trading at BM&F and BOVESPA
Bradesco Securities, Inc.

Balance Sheet - In thousands of reais
Statement of Income - In thousands of reais
     Bradesco Securities,  Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Bradesco, operates
as a broker  dealer in the United  States.  The  company’s  activities  are
focused on the intermediation of share purchases and sales, with emphasis on ADR
operations. The company is also authorized to operate, among others, with Bonds,
Commercial Paper and Certificates of Deposit and to provide Investment  Advisory
services.  This  Bradesco  initiative  was  motivated  by more than 80  programs
involving  ADRs of  Brazilian  companies  traded in New York and by the  growing
interest of foreign  investors in the emerging  markets and is designed to offer
support for global  economy  investors who invest part of this flow in countries
such as Brazil.


Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
(*)  Includes:  Bradesco  Leasing,  BCN  Leasing ,  Boavista  S.A.  Arrendamento
Mercantil, Finasa Leasing, Potenza Leasing and Bancocidade Leasing.

Statement of Income - In millions of reais

     Bradesco's  leasing  operations  are carried  out through its  subsidiaries
Bradesco Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil, BCN Leasing Arrendamento Mercantil
S.A., Continental Banco S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil,  Boavista S.A. Arrendamento
Mercantil , Finasa Leasing Arrendamento Mercantil S.A., Bancocidade Arrendamento
Mercantil S.A. and Potenza Leasing S.A. Arrendamento Mercantil.

     At September 30, 2002, Bradesco leasing operations totaled R$ 1,780 million
(present value) with 70,973 contracts.

     In accordance with the Brazilian  Association of Leasing  Companies - ABEL,
Bradesco is one of the  leaders in the  national  ranking of leasing  companies,
with a 17.29% market share (August/2002).

     Bradesco leases  different types of assets  including light vehicles (cars)
and heavy  vehicles  (buses and trucks),  airplanes,  machinery,  equipment  and

     The  following  pie  graph  presents  the  composition  of  Bradesco’s
consolidated leasing portfolio by types of asset.

Portfolio by Types of Asset at September 30, 2002
NB:  The  consolidated  balance  - R$  41  million  comprises  Operating  Leases
(Bradesco - R$ 17.8 and BCN - R$ 23.3)

Bradesco Consorcios Ltda.


     On June 11, 2002, all the quotas of  Administradora  de Consorcios  Potenza
Ltda. were transferred from Banco BCN S.A. to Banco Bradesco S.A.

     On June 24, 2002,  approval was given to change the company’s  name to
Bradesco Consórcios Ltda. and its principal place of business to Osasco-SP.

     These acts were ratified by the Brazilian  Central Bank (BACEN) on July 22,

     The formation of the  company’s  new consortium  groups is expected to
commence in the 2nd half of 2002. The company will use all the facilities of the
Bradesco  customer service network to commercialize  the products  offered.  The
consortium groups managed by the former company are now closed.


     The  company’s  mission is to manage  consortium  plans and groups for
consumer and corporate purchasers whether they are account holders or not at the
Bank and to operate in the light and heavy  vehicle  and real  estate  segments,
maintaining  excellent  standards in the quality of the services  offered and in
its  consortium  system  practice,  pursuant to  regulations  determined  by the
Brazilian  Central  Bank  and in  line  with  the  Bradesco  Organization’s


     The  Bradesco  Organization’s  entry into this  segment is part of its
strategy to offer  Customers the widest range of product and services  possible,
providing all income brackets with the opportunity to purchase items through the
consortium  quota  system,  filling  a  market  lacuna  at  accessible  cost and
considering, in relation to its real estate products, the country’s present
significant housing deficit.

     Bradesco  Consórcios  expands  this  segmentation  base by offering an
alternative  which will permit access by both the Bank’s  customers and the
public in general.  The Consortium  segment is a complementary  niche to regular
banking  activities  and at  present  there are 2.9  million(*)consortium  group
members  nationwide.  According  to  information  gathered,  only  14%(*) of all
vehicles sold in Brazil are currently sold via the Consortium method.

     The  consortium  quotas  will be placed in the market  through  the vehicle
dealerships,  the  Bank’s  Private  Pension Plan  brokers  working from the
Bank’s  Branches,  via the Telebanco and Fone  Fácil  call centers and
online via the Internet.


     At  present,   Brazil’s   Consortium  segment  has  312  companies  in
operation.  The total number of active participants in auto consortium groups in
July 2002 was 2.5 million(*).  Bradesco Consórcios expects to become market
leader over the next two years.  The real estate  consortium  is one of the most
sought after products.  Based on the comparison  between July 2001 and 2002, the
total number of consortium  participants  increased by 26%.  There are currently
some 110,000  participants.  In September 2002, the market commemorated 40 years
since the introduction of Brazil’s  first consortium  group.  Bradesco will
play a major role in this segment increasing the volume of goods and real estate
available for purchase by Brazilian consumers.

     As a result of this new  activity,  our medium and  long-term  results will
undoubtedly receive significant leverage, with a positive effect on the securing
of new customers.

(*)  Source ABAC - Brazilian Association of Consortium Administrators.


Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
N.B. Includes insurance premiums issued by Bradesco Vida e Previdencia S.A. (with VGBL)
(*) Includes: Bradesco Seguros,  Indiana Seguros,  Bradesco Saude, Uniao Novo Hamburgo de Seguros, Finasa Seguradora S.A. (as from
1H02) and Universal Companhia de Seguros Gerais (as from 1H02).

Performance Ratios
(1) Retained claims (excluding withdrawals on life insurance from 2002)/Earned premiums
(2) Selling expenses/Earned premiums
(3) (Retained claims + Selling  expenses + Administrative  costs + Taxes + Other
operating expenses)/Earned premiums
(4) (Retained claims + Selling  expenses + Administrative  costs + Taxes + Other
operating expenses)/(Earned premiums + Financial result on Earned premiums)
(5)  Administrative expenses/Earned premiums

Insurance Premiums Market Share (%)
     Bradesco  Seguros  secured R$ 4.457 billion in premiums and  maintained its
industry  leadership  with a 23.13% market share. An amount of R$ 19.271 billion
was secured in premiums by this sector up to August 2002.

Growth in Technical Reserves
Growth in Assets Guaranteeing Technical Reserves
Earned Premiums by Insurance Line
(a) Optional third-party liability
(b) Personal accident
(c) Long-term life products
(d) Compulsory vehicle insurance

     In September  2002, the  company’s  earned  premiums grew by 12.04% as
compared to the same period in 2001.

Earned Premiums by Insurance Line - Accumulated to September 2002 (%)
Total Claims Ratio - % (prior 12 months)
Number of Policyholders - thousands
     Up to September  2002,  the number of  customers  grew by 1.23% as compared
with the same period in 2001.


     01. The  campaign  “Acorda  para o penta,  Brasil”,  developed by
Bradesco  Seguros –  the Brazilian  Soccer  Team’s  official  insurer,
received two awards:  Best National  Institutional  Campaign  (Bronze Medal) and
Best National  Institutional  Commercial (Bronze Medal). The award was conferred
by the About magazine,  specialized in advertising  and marketing,  based on its
selection  of the best  national  campaigns  relating  to the World  Cup  Soccer
Championships (Bradesco Seguros).

     02. Bradesco Vida e Previdência, part of the Bradesco Insurance Group,
was rated Best Insurance Company of the Year (Seguradora do Ano), for the period
July 2001 to July 2002,  by the Rio de Janeiro  Life Group Club  (Clube  Vida em
Grupo do Rio de Janeiro).  The unanimous decision was based on the growth of the
company’s  Life  segment,   the  close  relationship  between  brokers  and
policyholders  and the  company’s  positive  public image  (Bradesco Vida e

Private Pension Plans

Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In million of reais
Income from Plans - Market Share (%)
     Since its foundation in 1981, Bradesco Vida e Previdência has recorded
consistently high levels of growth,  confirming its leadership of a sector which
from the early nineties has shown considerable potential for expansion.

     Income from its private  pension plans has grown some 50% per year over the
last five years, enabling the company to maintain its leadership position with a
41.78% market share, the result of a sound product development policy structured
around innovative and flexible options.

     Products  bearing the  Bradesco  Vida e  Previdencia  hallmark  reflect the
company's efforts to remain ahead of its time, sensitive to future trends.

Growth in Technical Reserves (In millions of reais)
     Providing a safe option for both participants and  beneficiaries,  Bradesco
Vida e  Previdência  has  recorded  increasing  growth in the volume of its
technical reserves.  During the period, technical reserves presented an increase
of 19% over the same period in 2001, highlighting the company’s capacity to
meet the commitments assumed.

     Bradesco  Vida  e  Previdência’s   unquestionable  commitment  to
providing a  care-free  future for its  participants  has ensured its ranking as
Brazil’s largest listed private pension plan company.

Guaranteeing Assets - Market Share (%)

     Reflecting the growth in income from private pension plans, Bradesco Vida e
Previdencia  closed  the  period  with  a  high  level  of  capitalization.  The
investment portfolio presents an ongoing evolution of amounts and results,  well
above the required volume of technical reserves.

     The company's success and commitment to the  implementation of its policies
are confirmed by its 51.52% share of this segment,  one of most important market

Growth in Guaranteeing Assets - In millions of reais
Increase in Number of Participants - Thousand
     During the period,  Bradesco Vida e  Previdência  signed new contracts
for individual and company plans,  which accounted for a 7.5% growth rate in the
number of participants  compared to the performance recorded for the same period
in 2001. Total plan participants surpassed the 1.184 million mark.

Savings Bonds(*)

Balance Sheet - In millions of reais
Statement of Income - In millions of reais
(*) Includes:  Bradesco Capitalizacao and Atlantica  Capitalizacao (formerly BCN

Income from Plans - Market Share (%)
Technical Reserves - Market Share (%)
Growth in Technical Reserves - In millions of reais
Growth in Assets Guaranteeing Technical Reserves - In millions of reais
Number of Customers - Thousand
Outstanding Savings Bonds - Thousand
     At  September  30, 2002,  the number of  customers  increased by 31.36% and
outstanding  savings  bonds grew by 27.62%,  as compared with the same period in

Bradesco Foundation - The Bradesco Organization's Social Arm


     The Bradesco  Foundation,  a non-profit  entity  headquartered in Cidade de
Deus,  Osasco (SP),  was founded in 1956 and  declared to be of `Federal  Public
Utility' by Decree 86.238 on July 30, 1981.

     Convinced  that  education  lies  at the  root  of  equal  opportunity  and
self-fulfillment  on  both a  personal  and  collective  basis,  the  Foundation
maintains  38 schools to date,  installed  primarily  in regions  which are both
socially and economically  deprived, in 25 of Brazil’s 26 states and in the
Federal District.

Objetives and Goals

     A pioneer in privately funded social investment,  the Bradesco Foundation's
chief mission is to provide formal and quality education for children, teenagers
and adults  prompting  self-fulfillment  through  their  careers  and  effective
participation as community dwellers.

     Extending  the  range  of  these  activities  year by  year,  Bradesco  has
increased the number of students attending its Foundation schools from 13,080 to
102,762 over the last 22 years. The Foundation  offers free schooling at infant,
junior and middle school  levels,  as well as basic  professional  and technical
education  in areas  which  include  IT,  electronics,  management,  farming and
husbandry. Youth and adult education is also available through distance learning

Significant Events

     Construction of the Bradesco  Foundation’s 39th school is now underway
in the city of Boa Vista,  Roraima.  The school will have modern  facilities and
the capacity to receive more than 1,200 students as from 2003.

     The Public TV Network launched the new Rá-Tim-Bum  series,  “Ilha
Rá-Tim-Bum” (Rá-Tim- Bum Island) on July 1, 2002. The result of a
co-production between Bradesco Foundation and Fundação  Padre Anchieta
–  TV Cultura,  the program is already  competing  at  international  award
ceremonies and is extremely  popular among infant and juvenile viewers thanks to
its   distinguishing   mark:  the  commitment  to  offer   alternative   quality


     Two Science Projects developed by the Bradesco Foundation schools in Osasco
and Vila Velha  were prize  winners at the  “45th  Scientists  of  Tomorrow
Competition”  (Concurso  Cientistas de Amanhã)  and two other projects
from Foundation  schools in Rio de Janeiro and Irecê  also received special
mention  at the same  competition  which was  organized  in  conjunction  by the
Brazilian  Institute of Education,  Science and Culture  (IBECC),  the Brazilian
Society for the Progress of Science  (SBPC) and UNESCO,  who examined  more than
100 science projects from schools all over Brazil.

     Themes such as: Adulteration of Fuel Samples, Environment Monitoring in the
Guanabara Bay and Ethnic Diversity comprised the studies entered by the Bradesco
Foundation schools and the awards ceremony was held at the Universidade  Federal
de Goiás.

School Locations

     The majority of the Foundation’s  educational units are located on the
outskirts of major cities or in rural areas where there is a significant lack of
educational and welfare assistance. Thousands of students in all four corners of
Brazil are given the opportunity to study at the Foundation schools.

The Bradesco Foundation - An Education Project the Size of Brazil
Total Number of Students Qualified

     Over its 45 years of  existence,  the  Bradesco  Foundation  has  qualified
454,902  students:  103,618  at school  certificate  level and  351,284 on other


     The Bradesco Foundation activities are funded exclusively by resources from
its own income and donations made by the Bradesco Organization Companies.
Courses - Number of Students per Level of Schooling Forecast for 2002
Student Profile
Increase in Student Numbers
Sociocultural Events

     The Bradesco  Organization  is a benchmark in the  conduction  of corporate
actions  focused  on  social  responsibility,   facilitating  the  promotion  of
sociocultural  projects  and events which  highlight citizenship values.

     As well as the intense work carried out by the Bradesco Foundation,  rating
Bradesco  as  Brazil's  largest  private   investor  in  basic  education,   the
Organization also takes part in a number of other activities which contribute to
the convergence of culture, information and education.

     Bradesco  traditionally  supports socially  significant projects throughout
Brazil without distinction of geographic or thematic criteria. In line with this
approach,  during the months of July, August and September of 2002, Bradesco was
present at more than 200 regional,  sector and  professional  venues,  including
trade fairs,  seminars,  congresses and community events.  During the year these
participations totaled more than 500.

     Bradesco plays an important part in preserving historical  buildings,  such
as the restoration of the Sé  Cathedral in São Paulo,  the repair work
carried  out on the Roman  Catholic  Basilica at  Aparecida  (SP) and the Carlos
Costa Pinto  Museum in  Salvador  (BA).  Bradesco  also took part in a number of
educational and cultural  actions  designed to disseminate,  conserve,  restore,
document and exhibit works at the  Pinacoteca do Estado,  São  Paulo’s
oldest art museum. A similar partnership was also formed with the São Paulo
Museum of Modern Art (MAM-SP) for a number of important exhibitions.

     Bradesco also took part in citizen value  projects such as that promoted by
the São Paulo YWCA (ACM-SP),  which  celebrated its centenary this year and
with the City Hall Education Department of  Conceição  do Mato Dentro,
via the Educar  Project which offers extra  teaching to children and  youngsters
from low-income families.

     In the music  field,  Bradesco  sponsored  the VII Carlos Gomes Award 2002,
with the performance of concerts by the São Paulo State Symphony Orchestra,
the Brazilian Symphony  Orchestra and the Philharmonic  Orchestra of Ceará.
Special   mention   should   also  be  given  to  the  theater   production   of
Rá-Tim-Bum  Castle  (Castelo   Rá-Tim-Bum),   sponsored  by  Bradesco,
especially created for children from between the ages of 4 and 12.

     The  integration  of young  people  with  sport is  another  area which has
received  intense  social  action from the  Organization,  reflected in the work
carried out by BCN, through the “BCN  Esportes”  (BCN Sports) project.
The project has been investing, stimulating and promoting the practice of sports
in Brazil without  interruption  for 15 years. The project benefits 3.4 thousand
girls and young women at 44 sports training centers nationwide.

     Bradesco  also  participates,  through  the  Bradesco  Foundation,  in  the
nationwide  adult  literacy  program  "Alfabetização  Solidária",
which  over the last  four and a half  years,  has given  more than 65  thousand
low-income  students the chance to learn how to read and write.  The “Canal
Futura”   (Future  Channel),   which  broadcasts  educational  TV  programs
throughout Brazil, also receives important support from the Bradesco Foundation.
Through  its  partnership  with  the  Fundação   Padre  Anchieta,  the
Institution took part in the co-production of the Ilha Rá-Tim-Bum TV series
shown by TV Cultura in São Paulo and other educational TVs nationwide.

Summary of the Financial Statements - At September 30
Historical Data - In millions of reais (unless otherwise indicated)
Historical Data - In millions of reais (unless otherwise indicated)
(*) 2002 - Paid and Accrued.

Historical Data - In millions of reais (unless otherwise indicated)
Corporate Organization Chart

Major Stockholders
(1) No single stockholder has more than 4% of capital
(2) The new name of Sanwa Bank
Source: September 30, 2002

Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
Independent auditor's report on supplementary information

The Administrative Council and Stockholders
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Osasco - SP

     We have performed a special  review,  in accordance with the specific rules
established  by the  Brazilian  Institute  of  Independent  Auditors  (IBRACON),
jointly with the  Brazilian  Federal  Accounting  Council,  of the  consolidated
interim  report of Banco Bradesco S.A. and its  subsidiaries  for the nine-month
period ended September 30, 2002, and have issued our report, with out exception,
there on dated October 25, 2002.  This review was  performed in connection  with
the review of the  consolidated  interim  report of Banco  Bradesco S.A. and its

     Our  review  was   performed   for  the  purpose  of  reviewing  the  basic
consolidated  interim report of Banco Bradesco S.A. and its subsidiaries,  taken
as a whole. The supplementary information included in the accompanying Report on
Economic and Financial Analysis is presented for purposes of additional analysis
and is not a  required  part of the basic  interim  report.  This  supplementary
information has been submitted to the same reviewing  procedures  applied in the
special review of the basic consolidated interim report.

     The supplementary account information related to the subsidiaries described
in Note 3e (item 13) to periods before March 31, 2002, as well all supplementary
account  information  related  to  the  periods  before  March  31,  2001,  were
reviewed/examined  by other  independent  auditors  who  issued  their  reports,
without exception.

     Based on our review, we are not aware of any significant modifications that
should be made to the Report on Economic  and  Financial  Analysis  for it to be
presented adequately, in all material respects, in relation to the basic interim
report taken as a whole.

     As  mentioned  in  Note 8 to the  consolidated  interim  report,  the  Bank
adopted,  in the first  semester of 2002,  the new  criteria for  recording  and
evaluation of the securities and derivative financial instruments, determined by
the Brazilian Central Bank.

     The Report on Economic and Financial  Analysis and this report are intended
solely for the information of the  Administrative  Council,  and others who have
received the consolidated interim report referred to in the first paragraph, for
use in analyzing those consolidated interim report and should not to be used for
any other purpose.

               October 25, 2002

     KPMG Auditores Independentes
     CRC 2SP014428/O-6

José Marcelo Bessan
CRC 1SP129705/O-0

Cláudio Rogélio Sertório

Consolidated Balance Sheets and Statements of Income - 1997 to 2002

Consolidated Balance Sheets - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Balance Sheets - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Statements of Income - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Statements of Income - In thousands of reais

Financial Statements and
Independent Auditors' Report

Directors' Report

To our Stockholders,

     We are pleased to present the  consolidated  financial  statements of Banco
Bradesco S.A. and subsidiaries,  prepared in accordance with the requirements of
Brazilian corporate legislation for the quarter ended September 30, 2002.

     At the  Bradesco  Organization,  the  quarter  was  marked  by a number  of
important  events,  among which we highlight the start-up,  on August 19, of the
activities of Banco Finasa S.A. and Finasa  Promotora de Vendas Ltda.,  formerly
Continental Banco S.A. and Continental  Promotora de Vendas Ltda.,  operating in
the consumer sales financing  segment.  Banco Finasa S.A. which operates through
Finasa  Promotora de Vendas Ltda.,  now leads this market segment  following the
acquisition of consumer sales financing  operations (CDC) of aproximately R$ 1.1
billion,  from Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A., another Bradesco  Organization
company,  in addition to the  Financing  and Leasing  Portfolios  of the former
Continental  Banco S.A.  Accordingly the traditional  Finasa Brand is now united
with the strength and security of Bradesco.

     For the period from January 1 through September 30, 2002, Bradesco recorded
net income of R$ 1.325 billion, corresponding to R$ 0.93 per thousand shares and
a return of 12.61% on stockholders’ equity, or 17.16% annualized.

     Taxes and contributions,  including social security contributions,  payable
or accrued,  on the main  activities  carried out by the Bradesco  Organization,
amounted to R$ 1.748 billion, 131.92% of net income for the first nine months of
the year.

     At the end of the quarter,  paid-up  capital  totaled R$ 5.200  billion and
paid-up  capital  plus  reserves  of  R$  5.300  billion   comprised  the  total
stockholders’  equity  of R$  10.500  billion,  an  11.02%  growth  rate as
compared  to the same  period  in 2001.  Net  equity  per  thousand  shares  was
equivalent to R$ 7.35.

     Managed  stockholders’  equity is equivalent to 7.68% of  consolidated
assets  which  totaled R$ 140.151  billion,  a 30.46%  growth  rate  compared to
September 2001. The capital  adequacy ratios was 15.55% on a total  consolidated
financial basis and 13.68% on a consolidated basis,  accordingly,  above the 11%
required minimum  established by National  Monetary  Council  Resolution 2099 of
August 17, 1994, in conformity with the Basel Accord. The ratio of permanent
assets to consolidated  reference equity at the end of the quarter was 42.37% on
a total  consolidated  basis and 52.90% on a consolidated  financial basis, well
within the maximum 60% limit.

     In compliance  with the  provisions of Article 8 of Brazilian  Central Bank
Circular  3068,  of November  8, 2001,  Bradesco  declares  that it has both the
financial  capacity  and  the  intention  to  hold to  maturity  the  securities
classified in the securities held to maturity' category.

     With a growth rate of 22.21% over the same period in 2001,  overall funding
obtained  by the  Bradesco  Organization  amounted  to R$  181.409  billion,  at
September 30, 2002 and comprised the following :

o R$ 63.101  billion in demand,  time and  interbank  deposits,  open market and
savings accounts.

o R$ 59.065 billion in managed assets,  comprising investment funds and customer

o R$ 36.430 billion in foreign  exchange  portfolio,  borrowings and onlendings,
working capital funds, tax and utility collections and similar, as well as funds
from issuance of securities and local subordinated debt.

o R$ 16.600 billion recorded in technical reserves for insurance,  savings bonds
and private  pension plans, a growth of 32.46%  compared to the same period
in 2001.

o R$ 6.213 billion in foreign  resources  through  public and private issues and
subordinated debt, corresponding to a total of US$ 1.595 billion.

     The balance of credit operations amounted to R$ 53.599 billion,  growing by
18.41% as compared to September 30, 2001, and including the following:

o R$ 5.403 billion in advances on foreign exchange  contracts,  which registered
an increase of 10.83%  compared to the same period in 2001,  for a portfolio  of
US$ 2.559  billion  in export  financing,  a growth  rate of 3.16%  compared  to
September 2001.

o US$ 547.329 million in foreign currency import financing.

o R$ 1.780 billion in leasing.

o R$ 3.621 billion in agricultural loans.

o R$ 9.639 billion in foreign and domestic  onlendings,  mainly comprising funds
from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).

     In the housing loan area,  Bradesco provided funds for the construction and
purchase of residential  housing during the first nine months of the year in the
amount of R$ 455.078 million, comprising 8,014 properties.

     Maintaining  its important role in the Capital Market area,  Bradesco acted
as  intermediary  in the public  placement of shares,  debentures and promissory
notes, with a total volume of R$ 11.117 billion,  corresponding to 75.58% of all
issues  registered  with the Brazilian  Securities  Commission  (CVM) during the
nine-month  period.  The Bank also played an  important  role in this area as an
advisor in structured  operations focusing on mergers and acquisitions,  project
finance and the financial restructuring of companies.

     The Bradesco Insurance Group,  operating in the insurance,  private pension
plan and  savings  bond  areas  recorded  net  income of R$  538.223  million at
September 30, 2002.  The overall  premium income was R$ 7.294  billion,  a
growth of 9.09% in comparison to the same period in 2001.

     With its  cutting-edge  technology  structure and based on its  traditional
principles of quality,  efficiency and security,  the Bradesco  Customer Service
Network offered its customers and other users 7,464 service outlets at September
30, 2002:

o 2,928 Branches in Brazil  (Bradesco - 2,482 Banco BCN - 226, Banco Mercantil -
219 and Banco Finasa - 1).

o 7 Branches abroad, 1 in New York (Bradesco), 4 in Grand Cayman (Bradesco, BCN,
Mercantil and Banco Boavista),  1 in London (Mercantil) and 1 in Nassau, Bahamas

o 6 Subsidiaries  abroad (Banco Bradesco  Argentina S.A. in Buenos Aires,  Banco
Bradesco  Luxembourg S.A. and Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo  International  S.A.,
both in Luxembourg,  Boavista Banking Ltd. in Nassau, Bradesco Services Co. Ltd.
in Tokyo and Bradesco Securities, Inc. in New York).

o 1,033 Banco Postal branches.

o 1,775 Banking service posts and outlets in companies  (Bradesco - 1,409, BCN -
179 and Mercantil - 187).

o 1,664 Outplaced terminals in the BDN- Bradesco Day and Night Network.

o 51  Branches  of  Finasa  Promotora  de  Vendas,  present  in  14,121  vehicle
dealerships  and stores selling  furniture and home decor,  mobile phones and IT
related equipment.

o 21,114 ATMs in the BDN –  Bradesco  Day and Night  Self-service  Network,
10,027 of which also operate at weekends and on bank holidays.

     Emphasis should also be given to the social area actions carried out by the
Organization  through  the  Bradesco  Foundation  which  maintains  38  schools,
installed  as a priority in  Brazil’s  underprivileged  areas,  in 25 of 26
Brazilian  states and in the Federal  District.  At these  schools more than 103
thousand students receive education completely  free-of-charge,  including youth
and adult education  courses and basic  professional  training.  To more than 48
thousand infant, junior, middle and technical school pupils, the Foundation also
provides free meals, uniforms, school materials and medical/dental care.

     In the Human Resources Area, permanently in tune with market demands and in
the pursuit of the ongoing improvement of its products and customer service, the
Bank continued its staff training and qualification  programs.  During the first
nine months of the year,  965 courses were given,  with an enrollment of 178,229
participants. At the end of the quarter, the benefit plans designed to guarantee
the  well-being,  better  life  quality  and  security  of  employees  and their
dependents covered 184,277 people.

     All these achievements reflect the strategic vision and correct positioning
of the Bradesco  Organization which is permanently  focused on offering the very
best banking services and products to customers and users,  contributing towards
the success of its business and the country’s development.  For the results
obtained,  we would  like to thank  our  stockholders  and  customers  for their
support and confidence and our staff and other  stakeholders for their dedicated

Cidade de Deus,  October  25,  2002
Board of  Directors and
Board of  Executive Officers

Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30 - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30 - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30 - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30 - In thousands of reais
Consolidated Statement of Income for the Period from January 1 to September 30 -
In thousands of reais
Consolidated  Statement  of Changes in  Financial  Position  for the Period from
January 1 to September 30 – In thousands of reais
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


     Banco Bradesco S.A., operating as a multiple bank, carries out all types of
authorized banking activities, including foreign exchange transactions,  through
its commercial,  investment,  consumer credit and housing loan  portfolios.  The
Bank also operates  through its associated and subsidiary  companies in leasing,
insurance, savings bond and private pension plan activities.


     The financial  statements of Banco Bradesco S.A. and its  subsidiaries  and
its jointly controlled  investments at September 30, 2002 and 2001 were prepared
based on accounting  principles  determined by Brazilian Corporation Law for the
recording of  operations,  as well as rules and  instructions  of the  Brazilian
Central  Bank  (BACEN) and the  Brazilian  Securities  Commission  (CVM),  which
include  accounting   practices  and  estimates   addressing  the  recording  of


a) Determination of net income

     Net income is determined on the accrual basis of accounting.

b) Current assets and long-term receivables

     These are stated at their realizable amounts,  including, where applicable,
related income and exchange  variations  and monetary  correction on a daily pro
rata basis including provisions when deemed appropriate.

     The accrual of credit operations past due up to 60 days is accounted for in
income from credit operations and subsequent to the 61st day in unearned income.

     In the  case of  mortgage  loans,  the  contractual  capitalization  period
(monthly  or  quarterly)  for  income   appropriation   purposes  complies  with
applicable  legislation and end-borrower  financings are adjusted to the present
value of the installments receivable.

     Securities and Financial  Derivative  Instruments - As described in Note 8,
these are recorded and classified from June 30, 2002 as described below:

- Trading  securities -  securities  which are acquired for the purpose of being
actively and frequently  traded are recorded at market value as a  counter-entry
to results for the period;

- Securities  available for sale –  securities  which are not  specifically
intended  for trading  purposes or to be held in  portfolio  up to maturity  are
recorded  at  market  value  as  a  counter-entry   to  a  specific  account  in
stockholders’  equity,  at amounts net of tax  effects.  The  corresponding
gains and losses are taken to results for the period as a  counter-entry  to the
specific account in stockholders equity;

- Securities held to maturity – securities for which there exists intention
and financial  capacity for maintenance in portfolio up to maturity are recorded
at cost plus accrued income as a counter-entry to results for the period; and

- Financial derivative  instruments – these are recorded at market value as
a counter-entry to results for the period.

     The  allowance  for  loan  losses  is  recorded  at  an  amount  considered
sufficient  to  cover  estimated  losses  and is  based  upon  current  economic
conditions, past loan loss experience,  specific and general portfolio risks and
on BACEN requirements and instructions. (Notes 10f and 10g).

     Deferred tax assets are stated at their expected realizable values at rates
in force and comprise  mainly income tax and social  contribution  benefits from
tax losses and temporary differences (Notes 29 b and 29c).

c) Permanent assets

     These are stated at cost plus restatements  through December 31, 1995, less
of the provision for losses and take into consideration the following:

• Significant investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and jointly
controlled  investments  are recorded  under the equity method and the financial
statements of the branches and foreign  subsidiaries are adjusted to comply with
the accounting policies effective in Brazil and translated into reais.

•  Depreciation  of property  and  equipment  in use is  calculated  on the
straight-line  method at annual rates which take into consideration the economic
useful lives of the assets as follows: land and buildings in use - 4%; furniture
and fixtures and machinery and equipment - 10%; data processing  system - 20% to
50%; and transport system - 20%.

• Deferred expenses are amortized at a rate of 20% to 50% per annum.

•  Goodwill on the  acquisition of investments in subsidiary and associated
companies,  based on expected future results is amortized at rates of 10% to 20%
per annum and presented in deferred charges.

d) Current and long-term liabilities

     The  amounts  shown  include  known or  estimated  liabilities  and related
expenses, exchange variations and monetary correction on a daily pro rata basis.

     The provision for federal  income tax is calculated at the standard rate of
15% of  taxable  income,  plus  an  additional  rate  of  10%  for  income  over
established  limits.  The provision for social  contribution  is recorded at the
rate of 9% of pre-tax  income.  Provisions  were  recorded  for other  taxes and
social contributions in accordance with applicable legislation.

e) Consolidated financial statements

     The consolidated  financial statements were prepared in conformity with the
consolidation  principles of Brazilian  Corporation  Law,  including the jointly
controlled  investments,  in  compliance  with  BACEN and CVM  instructions  and
comprise  the  financial  statements  of  the  leasing  companies  based  on the
financial method of accounting.

     Accordingly,   upon  consolidation,   intercompany   investments,   account
balances,  revenue,  expenses and  unrealized  income were  eliminated  from the
financial statements and in the case of investments which are jointly controlled
with other stockholders,  asset, liability and income components are included in
the consolidated financial statements in proportion to the parent company’s
percentage capital ownership of each investee.

     Goodwill  on the  acquisition  of  investments  is  presented  in  deferred
expenses and minority interests in net income and stockholders’  equity are
separately disclosed.

     These  consolidated  financial  statements  include those of Banco Bradesco
S.A., its subsidiary and associated  companies,  including its foreign  branches
and its direct and indirect jointly controlled investments as follows:

(1) Acquired in the first six months of 2002; (2) New name of Banco do Estado do
Amazonas S.A.  –  BEA; (3) Merged into Banco BCN in July 2002; (4) New name
of Continental  Banco S.A.; (5)  Proportionally  consolidated in accordance with
CMN  Resolution  2723 and CVM  Instruction  247; (6) Companies  audited by other
independent  auditors;  (7) BCN Seguradora S.A. was merged into Bradesco Seguros
S.A. in November  2001; (8) Novo Hamburgo Cia. De Seguros Gerais was merged into
Cia. União de Seguros Gerais in October 2001; (9) Sold in July 2002; (10)
New name of Cia.  União  de Seguros  Gerais;  (11)  Percentage  ownership
increased  through  acquisition of shares on February 27, 2002;  (12) Percentage
ownership  increased  through  acquisition of shares;  (13) Companies audited by
other independent auditors in 2001; (14) New name of Bradesco  Previdência
e Seguros;  (15) Merged into Bradesco Seguros S.A. in May 2002; (16) New name of
Latasa –  Latas de  Alumínio  –  S.A.;  (17) New name of SERASA
– Centralização de Serviços de Bancos S.A.

f) During the first half of 2002,  Bradesco  acquired the share control of Banco
BEA S.A. through a privatization  process,  of Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A.
and  subsidiaries  and through BCN,  Banco Cidade S.A. and  subsidiaries.  These
acquisitions  were ratified by the Brazilian  Central Bank on March 25, 2002 and
May 31, 2002, respectively.

     We present below the main adjusted account balances of these companies:

(1) On August  19,2002,  Banco Mercantil de São Paulo S.A. and Banco Finasa
S.A.  entered  into an  agreement  for the  assignment  of assets and rights and
assumption of  liabilities in which Banco Finasa assumed at book value assets in
the amount of R$ 1,028,569 thousand (mainly,  credit operations) and liabilities
in the amount of R$ 1,028,369 thousand (mainly interbank deposits).  (2) On June
10, 2002,  Banco Bradesco S.A. and Banco BEA S.A.  entered into an agreement for
the  assignment  of assets and rights and  assumption  of  liabilities  in which
Bradesco  assumed  at book value  assets in the  amount of R$  227,233  thousand
(mainly, credit operations and interbank accounts), liabilities in the amount of
R$ 307,706 thousand (mainly  deposits) and memorandum  accounts in the amount of
R$ 418,178 thousand.  Accordingly,  the balance sheet is presented prior to this
event. (3) On June 7, 2002,  Bradesco acquired the share control of Banco Cidade
S.A.  through its subsidiary  Banco BCN S.A..  Banco Cidade S.A. was merged into
Banco BCN on June 24, 2002, with no effects on results. Accordingly, the balance
sheet is presented prior to this event.


     The  consolidated  balance  sheet and  statement  of  income,  by  business
segment,  are presented below at September 30, 2002 in accordance with the Chart
of Accounts for National Financial System Institutions (COSIF).
(1) The financial area comprises  financial  institutions and holding  companies
which are mainly responsible for managing financial resources, as well as credit
card administration and asset management companies.
(2) Amounts eliminated between companies from different segments.
(3) Includes exchange gains/loss from foreign branches and subsidiaries.
(4) Permanent investments
are presented net of excess provision in the amount of R$ 48,082 thousand.
(5) Investments and equity
in earnings of associated companies are allocated to the segment to which the
companies pertain.
(6) Account balances and revenue and expenses between
companies in the same segment were eliminated.
(7) Other liabilities include a
provision for exchange variation (Note 17).


     We present below the account balances by currency and exchange  exposure at
September 30, 2002:
(1) Amounts expressed and/or indexed mainly in USD.
(2) Excluding derivative  operations maturing in D +1, to be settled in currency
at September 30, 2002 price levels.


a) We present  below the  consolidated  balance  sheet at September 30, 2002, by
days to maturity, based on accounting classification:


Short-term interbank  investments are stated at cost of acquisition plus accrued
income,  less of the provision for adjustment to probable  realization value and
are presented below with their corresponding days to maturity:


a) New recording and classification policies

     Through its  Circulars  3068/2001  and  3082/2002,  BACEN  established  new
accounting  policies for  recording  and  classifying  securities  and financial
derivative    instruments,    introducing   the   mark-to-market   concept   and
classification  based  on  whether  management  intends  to  trade a  particular
security or financial derivative instrument in the future or not. The securities
maintained by Bradesco and subsidiaries must be classified and recorded based on
the new policies as follows:

- Trading  securities:  securities  which are  acquired for the purpose of being
actively and frequently  traded.  These securities were recorded based on market
value as a counter-entry to results for the period.

- Securities available for sale:  securities which are not specifically intended
for trading purposes or to be held in portfolio up to maturity. These securities
were recorded based on market value as a counter-entry  to a specific account in
stockholders’ equity named “Mark-to-market adjustment - Securities and
Derivatives”, at amounts net of tax effects.

- Securities held to maturity:  securities for which there exists  intention and
financial capacity for maintenance in portfolio up to maturity. These securities
are recorded at their corresponding cost of acquisition,  plus accrued income in
results for the period.

- Financial  derivative  instruments  recorded at market  value:  the effects of
mark-to-market were recorded directly in results for the period.

b) Transition  criteria for  implementation  of the new rules  (Circular  Letter
3026/2002 of BACEN)

     The effects of the change in accounting policy were determined  pursuant to
the  requirements of Circular Letter  3026/2002 and consisted of the application
of new criteria to the  portfolio  at December  31, 2001,  remaining at June 30,
2002, and were recorded directly in stockholders’  equity, adjusted for tax
effects. The new criteria are summarized below:

- Trading  securities  - When  market  value is  higher  than  book  value,  the
difference in assets is recorded as a counter-entry to retained  earnings.  When
market value is lower than book value,  no  adjustment  is required  since prior
accounting  policy  determined  that an allowance for  mark-to-market  should be

- Securities  available  for sale - When market value is higher than book value,
the difference in assets is recorded as a counter-entry to a specific account in
stockholders’ equity named “Mark-to-market adjustment - Securities and
Derivatives”,  at amounts net of tax  effects.  When market  value is lower
than book  value,  the  negative  amount is  recorded  in a specific  account in
stockholders’ equity named “Mark-to-market adjustment - Securities and
Derivatives”,  as a counter-entry to the retained earnings account,  net of
tax effects.

- Securities  held to maturity - When market value is higher than book value, no
adjustment  is  required.  When  market  value is lower  than  book  value,  the
allowance  for  mark-to-market  of the security is reversed in  accordance  with
prior  rules,  as a  counter-entry  to retained  earnings in  stockholders’
equity, net of tax effects.

- Financial  derivative  instruments - The  difference  between market value and
corresponding book value is recorded in retained earnings, net of tax effects.

c) The  application  of  the  new  rules  generated  the  following  effects  in
stockholders' equity, net of tax effects:

     In "Retained  Earnings":  calculated on the portfolio at December 31, 2001,
remaining at June 30, 2002.
(1) As a  counter-entry  to the  "Mark-to-Market  Adjustment  -  Securities  and
Derivatives" account.

     In  "Mark-to-market  adjustment - Securities and  Derivatives":  Comprising
Mark-to-market of Securities Classified as Available for Sale.

(1)  Adjustment to the  “Mark-to-market  adjustment  –Securities  and
derivatives”  account relating to prior-year gains on securities  available
for sale as a counter-entry to assets.
(2) Adjustment to the “Mark-to-market adjustment – Securities
and derivatives” account of prior-year losses with securities available for
sale as a counter-entry to retained earnings.
(3) Absorption of gain relating to the prior-year positive adjustment described
in item one above.
(4) Net movement of reserve for 1st half/2002.
(5) Write-off of balance of reserved at June/2002 of securities reclassified to
held to maturity (Note 8g).
(6) Net movement of reserve for 3rd quarter.

d) We present below the  reconciliation,  net of tax effects, of net income and
of  stockholders'  equity without the effects of BACEN  Circulars  3068/2001 and
(1) The negative  mark-to-market  adjustment of  securities  available for sale,
recorded in stockholders’  equity pursuant to Circular 3068/2001,  would be
recorded in income based on prior criteria, and the positive market-to-market of
certain securities would not be recorded in stockholders’ equity.
(2) The negative  mark-to-market  adjustment of securities held to maturity, not
required pursuant to Circular 3068/2001,  would be recorded as a provision based
on  prior  criteria.  This  effect,   disclosed  separately  in  this  line  for
presentation  purposes,  was  effectively  offset  against  “absorption  of
additional  provision  (items)",  described below,  since Bradesco recorded
this provision in accordance with its prudent and conservative approach.
(3) The  positive  mark-to-market  of trading  securities  is now  permitted  in
accordance  with Circular  3068/2001,  whereas  pursuant to prior  criteria only
negative adjustments were acceptable.
(4)  Gains/Losses  on the  mark-to-market  adjustment  of  financial  derivative
instruments  required by Circular  3082/2002,  the  disclosure  of which was not
required pursuant to prior criteria.
(5) The additional  provisions fo market risk fluctuation presented at September
30, 2002 (Note 9) neutralizes the effect of item  “2"  described above
and should be  treated in the  general  context  of the  application  of the new
mark-to-market policies.

e) Summary of the classification of Securities at September 30, 2002:
f) Consolidated classification by category and days to maturity:
(1) Applications in investment funds: stated based on the securities  comprising
their portfolios,  maintaining  however the classification of the fund category.
The date of maturity was considered for the purpose of distribution,  regardless
of accounting classification.
(2) This column  reflects book value  subsequent to  mark-to-market,  except for
securities  classified  as  securities  held to maturity,  whose market value is
lower than book value by R$ 963,067 thousand, net of tax effects:
(3) The market  value of  securities  is  determined  based on the market  price
practiced  on the  balance  sheet  date.  In the  event  no  market  prices  are
available, amounts are estimated based on the prices quoted by dealers, on price
definition  models,  quotation models or quotations for instruments with similar

g) Reclassification of Securities

     NBCs and exchange NTNs were reclassified from securities available for sale
to  securities  held to  maturity,  in the amount of R$  5,904,115  thousand  at
september  30, 2002 of which R$ 5,633,118  thousand will fall due up to December
2002, decreasing results by R$ 30,328 thousand, net of tax effects.

     This  reclassification   considered  management's  intention  to  hold  the
securities to maturity,  based on market conditions and the forthcoming maturity
of the securities.

h) Composition of the portfolio and days to maturity:
(1) Applications in investment funds: stated based on the securities  comprising
their  portfolios.  The date of  maturity  was  considered  for the  purpose  of
distribution, regardless of accounting classification.



a) Total portfolio composition and days to maturity:
(1) Leasing  operations  include  operating  leases which are  presented in the
financial statements under leased assets.
(2) Advances on foreign  exchange  contracts  and advances in foreign  currency
granted are recorded as a discount to other liabilities.
(3) Other receivables comprise  receivables on guarantees honored,  receivables
on purchase of assets,  credit  instruments  receivable,  income  receivable  on
foreign exchange contracts and receivables arising from export contracts.
(4) Recorded in memorandum accounts.

b) Credit operations derived from acquisitions:

     Credit  operations  derived from the  acquisition of the banks Mercantil de
São Paulo,  BEA and Cidade,  as well as Ford Leasing and Banco  Ford’s
portfolio acquired during the first half of 2002, are presented below:

c) Credit Operation Portfolio distributed by Risk Level:

d) Concentration of credit and leasing operations,  advances on foreign exchange
contracts and other receivables:
e) Total portfolio composition by activity sector:
 f) We present below the  composition of the credit  operation  portfolio and of
the allowance for loan losses distributed by risk level:
g) Movement of Allowance for loan losses
(1) Including  Banco Mercantil de Sao Paulo S.A. - R$ 195,110  thousand.  Banco
BEA S.A. - R$ 6,696  thousand,  Banco Cidade S.A. - R$ 16,600  thousand and Ford
Leasing S.A. - R$ 15,683 thousand.
(2) For operations with installments overdue by more than 14 days.
(3) Recorded based on the  customer/transaction  classification and accordingly
not included in the preceding item.
(4) The additional provision is recorded based on management’s  experience
and expected collection of the credit portfolio,  for determination of the total
allowance  deemed  sufficient  to cover  specific and general  portfolio  risks,
related  to the  provision  calculated  based  on  risk  level  ratings  and the
corresponding minimum provision requirements established by CMN Resolution 2682.
The additional provision per customer was classified in the above table based on
the corresponding risk levels.

h) The total renegotiated and recovered balances are presented below:
a) Balance sheet accounts
b) Foreign exchange transactions

     The composition of Foreign Exchange Transactions and certain adjustments to
ensure a more  appropriate  presentation of the effective  results are presented
below showing the net global result of this segment:
(1) Income on export  financing and foreign  currency  financing  classified in
income from credit operations.
(2) Expenses for payables to foreign  bankers  relating to funds for  financing
advances on foreign  exchange  contracts  and import  financing,  classified  in
expenses for borrowings and onlendings.


a) Income receivable includes dividends, interest attributed to own capital and
bonuses  receivable  in  the  amount  of R$  6,503  thousand  (2001  - R$  6,630

b) Sundry

These comprise mainly expenses for insurance,  prepaid  financial  expenses and
expenses for the  contract to provide  banking  services at Post Office  network
branches  which are  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis based on the contract


a) Equity  accounting  was  recorded in income  under Equity in the earnings of
subsidiary  and  associated  companies and totals R$ 31,764  thousand (2001 - R$
15,534 thousand).

b) Presented as follows:
(1) Direct  subsidiary;  (2)Information  at September 30, 2002;  (3) Merged into
Banco BCN in July 2002 ; (4)New name of Continental  Banco S.A.; (5) New name of
Continental  Promotora de Vendas Ltda.;  (6) Acquired in first half of 2002; (7)
New name of Banco do Estado do Amazonas S.A.  –  BEA; (8) Merged into Banco
Baneb S.A., in March 2001;  (9) Company became a subsidiary of Banco Bradesco in
the  2nd  quarter  of  2002;   (10)   Information  at  August  31,  2002;   (11)
Atlântica  Bradesco Seguros S.A. merged into Bradesco Seguros S.A., in June
2001;  (12) BCN  Seguradora  S.A.  was merged into  Bradesco  Seguros  S.A.,  in
November  2001;  (13) Novo Hamburgo Cia. de Seguros  Gerais was merged into Cia.
União de Seguros Gerais, in October 2001; (14) New name of Cia.  União
de Seguros Gerais; (15) Proportionally consolidated as from March 2002, pursuant
to CMN  Resolution  2723  and CVM  Instruction  247;  (16)  New  name  of  Tigre
Participações  S.A.;  (17)  Information  at July  31,  2002;  (18) The
provision for exchange variation was recorded in the corresponding  subsidiaries
with investments  abroad;  (19) Equity  accounting  adjustments  include results
determined by the  companies and equity  variations in the investees not derived
from results, as well as adjustments arising from the equalization of accounting
principles, where applicable.

c)  Goodwill  on  the   acquisition   of   investments,   based  on  future
profitability,  mainly results from the  acquisitions  of BCN –  R$ 175,617
thousand (2001 - R$ 209,607 thousand), Credireal – R$ 64,233 thousand (2001
- R$  76,661  thousand),  Baneb  –  R$  84,789  thousand  (2001 - R$ 97,350
thousand), Boavista – R$ 364,798 thousand (2001 - R$ 409,927 thousand), BEA
–  R$ 61,512  thousand,  Mercantil  de  São  Paulo  –  R$ 728,449
thousand and Banco Cidade – R$ 181,836 thousand, respectively, and goodwill
derived  from the  increase in  percentage  ownership  of Bradesco  Leasing S.A.
Arrendamento  Mercantil  in the amount of R$ 55,516  thousand  (2001 - R$ 62,717
thousand).  In the period,  amortization of goodwill totaled R$ 171,733 thousand
(2001 - R$ 106,793 thousand). Remaining goodwill will be amortized over a period
from 5 to 10 years,  counted from the date of the acquisition of the investment.
No deferred tax assets were recorded on the amortization of goodwill above.

d) Investments in the consolidated financial statements:
(1) Investment acquired in December 2001.
(2) New name of American Bank Note Company Grafica e Servicos Ltda.
(3) Proportionally  consolidated as from March 2002,  pursuant to CMN Resolution
2723 and CVM Instruction 247.
(4) Company sold in first half of 2002.
(5) Reclassification of shares and investments to securities available to sale.

e) We present below the movement of the  investments in foreign  subsidiary
and  associated  companies  for the period from January 1 to September 30, 2002,
which were fully eliminated upon consolidation of the financial statements:
(1) The  Mercantil  New York branch was merged into the  Mercantil  Grand Cayman
branch in September 2002.


     These are  stated at cost plus  restatements  through  December  31,  1995.
Depreciation  is  calculated on the  straight-line  method at annual rates which
take into  consideration  the economic  useful  lives of the assets.  We present
below the composition of property and equipment at September 30, 2002:
     Land  and  buildings  in  use  of  the  Bradesco  Organization  present  an
unrecorded  increment  of R$  1,272,631  thousand,  based on  appraisal  reports
prepared by independent experts, in the first six-month period of 2002.

     The ratio of permanent assets to consolidated reference equity is 42.37% on
a consolidated  basis and 52.90% on a consolidated  financial basis,  within the
maximum 60% limit.


a) Deposits, deposits received under security repurchase agreements,  funds
from acceptance and issuance of securities, borrowings and onlendings:
b) Securities issued abroad (1)
(1)  These  consist  of funds  obtained  from  banks  abroad  and  official
institutions from the issuance of notes in the international  market (Eurobonds)
and under National Monetary Council (CMN) Resolution 2770/2000 for (i) onlending
to local  customers,  repayable  monthly  through 2004,  with  interest  payable
semiannually  at LIBOR  or prime  rate,  plus a  spread  and (ii) for  financing
exchange  operations  for  customers,  through  purchase  and  sale  of  foreign
currencies, discounts of export bills, pre-financing of exports and financing of
imports, mainly on a short-term basis.
(2) These mainly  comprise  funds obtained from official  institutions  for
onlending to local customers, repayable through 2021.

(1) Sundry creditors on a consolidated  basis mainly comprise  payables for
goods and services in the amount of R$ 549,970  thousand (2001 – R$ 451,972
(2) As a result of market volatility,  an additional provision was recorded
for market risk fluctuation based on a U.S. dollar rate of R$ 2.88, presented in
“Other Liabilities”.


The  Bradesco  Organization  is  disputing  the  legality  of certain  taxes and
contributions,  for which  provisions  have been  recorded in full,  despite the
likelihood of a successful  medium and long-term outcome based on the opinion of
their legal advisors.  The Organization is also a defendant in a number of legal
suits (labor and civil) for which Management  deems that a possible  unfavorable
sentence will have no significant effect on the financial position or results of
operations. The provisions recorded, segregated by legal sphere are as follows:

     Pursuant to the  definitions in BACEN  Resolution  2837/2001,  subordinated
debt was issued with the following characteristics:


     Fully  subscribed  and  paid-up  capital  comprises   nominative-registered
shares, with no par value, as follows:

     Non-voting  preferred  shares  are  entitled  to all  rights  and  benefits
attributed to common shares and in conformity with the Bank’s statutes have
priority to repayment of capital and 10% additional  interest  attributed to own
capital and/or  dividends,  in accordance with the provisions of Item 1. Article
17 of Law 6404/76, as amended by Law 9457/97.

     In conformity with the Bank’s  statutes,  stockholders are entitled to
interest  attributed to own capital and/or dividends which total at least 30% of
net  income  for the year,  adjusted  in  accordance  with  Brazilian  corporate

     Interest    attributed   to   own   capital   is   calculated    based   on
stockholders’ equity accounts and limited to the variation in the long-term
interest  rate (TJLP),  subject to the  existence of profits  computed  prior to
their deduction or of retained earnings and revenue reserves in amounts that are
equivalent to or in excess of twice its amount.

     It is Banco Bradesco  S.A.’s  policy to distribute during the year all
the interest attributed to own capital,  determined in conformity with the above
criteria and to compute this interest to the minimum compulsory dividend, net of
withholding tax (IRRF).

Interest attributed to own capital - January 1 to September 30, 2002.

     Movement  in  stockholders’  equity for the period  from  January 1 to
September 30 may be summarized as follows:
     At the Extraordinary Meetings of the Board of Directors held on April 1 and
July 12,  2002,  approval  was given  for the  acquisition  of up to 25  billion
shares,  of which 10 billion  are common and 15  billion  are  preferred  and 50
billion  shares,  of which 24 billion are common and 26 billion  are  preferred,
which were to remain in treasury for subsequent  sale or  cancellation,  with no
capital  decrease.  At September  30, 2002,  9,326,200,000  common shares in the
amount of R$ 82,205 thousand remained in treasury. The minimum, average weighted
and maximum costs per thousand of these shares are  respectively R$ 7.83420,  R$
8.81441 and R$ 12.25290 and the market  value of these  shares on September  30,
2002 is R$ 6.90 per thousand common shares.


     The main transactions with subsidiary and associated companies were carried
out at average market terms and prices at the time of the  transactions  and are
summarized below:
a) Interest attributed to own capital and dividends - Interest attributed to own
capital/dividends declared by the companies.

b)  Exchange   purchases  pending   settlement  -  Foreign  exchange   portfolio
transactions in the interbank market for prompt settlement.

c) Pre-export  operations - Foreign credit lines for export financing in Brazil,
subject  to  exchange   variations  and  interest  at  rates  practiced  in  the
international market.

d) Exchange  purchase  payables - These payables are recorded as a counter-entry
to exchange purchases pending settlement.

e) Deposits/Interbank Investments - Short-term interbank investments - Interbank
deposits of related companies at CDI rate (Certificate of Interbank Deposit).

f)  Deposits   received  under  security   repurchase   agreements/Open   market
investments  -  Repurchase  and/or  resale   commitments   pending   settlement,
guaranteed by government securities at over-night rates.

g) Negotiation  and  intermediation  of securities - Differences  receivable and
payable on swaps.

h) Borrowings and  onlendings - Foreign  currency loans for financing of exports
subject to exchange  variations  and bearing  interest at  international  market

i)   Reimbursement  of  costs  -  Costs  reimbursed  by  Bradesco  Leasing  S.A.
Arrendamento  Mercantil  to Banco  Bradesco  S.A.  on  account of the use of its
Branch network facilities for contracting lease operations.

j) Services  rendered - Contract  with Scopus  Tecnologia  S.A. for IT equipment
maintenance  services and the contract with CPM S.A. for data processing systems
maintenance services.

k) Securities - Investments in securities  issued  abroad,  fixed rate euronotes
and eurobonds subject to exchange variations and carrying interest at rates used
for securities placed in the international market.

l) Interbank  onlendings  - Payables on interbank  onlendings - funds from rural
loans bearing  interest and charges  corresponding to normal rates practiced for
this type of transaction.


a) Risk and Risk Management

     The main risks related to financial instruments,  arising from the business
carried out by the Bank and its subsidiaries are as follows: credit risk; market
risk;  liquidity  risk; and capital risk. The process used to manage these risks
involves  the  Organization’s  diverse  levels  and  embraces  a  range  of
different  policies and strategies.  The risk management  policies are generally
conservative and seek to limit absolute loss to a minimum.

Credit Risk

     Credit risk is the risk  arising  from the  possibility  of loss due to the
non-receipt of amounts  contracted  with borrowers and their related  creditors.
Credit risk management requires a strictly disciplined control over all analyses
and transactions  carried out,  safeguarding process integrity and independence.
Bradesco’s  credit policy is designed to ensure maximum  security,  quality
and  liquidity  in the  investment  of assets  and speedy  profitable  business,
minimizing   risks  inherent  to  this  type  of  operation  and  directing  the
establishment of operating limits and the granting of credit.  Accordingly,  the
Credit  Department and Committees  located at the Bank’s  Headquarters  are
critical to policy  implementation  since they are  responsible  for gearing and
managing this core  strategic  activity.  The Branches  operate  within  varying
limits,  according to the size and types of underlying guarantees,  subject to a
centralized  evaluation  and  accordingly  in line with the  Organization’s
credit and risk management policy. Operations involving less significant amounts
are subject to  specialized  automated  credit scoring  systems,  maximizing the
speed and security of approvals  process based on strict  protection  standards.
Operations are diversified,  non-selective and focused on Consumer and Corporate
customers with sound payment capacity and proven creditworthiness. Care is taken
to ensure that related  guarantees  are  sufficient to cover the risks  assumed,
considering the purpose and terms of the credit granted.

Market Risk

     Market  risk is  related  to the  possibility  of the loss of  income  from
fluctuating  rates caused by the unhedged  terms,  currencies and indices of the
Bank’s  asset and liability  portfolio.  This risk is monitored on a strict
basis by the  financial  market to avoid losses for  institutions.  At Bradesco,
market risks are managed through  methodologies  and models which are consistent
with   local   and   international    market   reality,    ensuring   that   the
Organization’s  strategic  decisions are implemented  with speed and a high
level of reliability.  The Organization  adopts a conservative  policy regarding
market  risk  exposure  with  VaR  (Value  at Risk)  limits  defined  by  Senior
Management,  and  compliance is monitored  daily by an area which is independent
from  portfolio  management.  The  methodology  used  to  determine  VaR  has  a
reliability  level of 97.5%.  The  fluctuations  and  correlations  used by  the
models are calculated on statistical  bases and future  prospects are calculated
based on economic  studies.  The  methodology  applied  and current  statistical
models are validated daily using  backtesting  techniques.  We present below the
VaR of the Consolidated Own Portfolio positions (Treasury):
     In addition, a daily Gap Analysis is performed to measure the effect of the
movement in the  internal  interest  rate and  foreign  exchange  coupon  curves
(interest  spread paid above the foreign  exchange  variation) on the portfolio.
Complementing the market risk monitoring,  control and management  structure and
in accordance with Central Bank regulations, a daily verification is made of the
values  at  risk  for  the  fixed  and  foreign   exchange   positions   of  the
Organization’s entire portfolio and of minimum capital requirements.

Liquidity Risk

     Liquidity  risk  management is designed to control the  different  unhedged
liquidation  terms of the  Bank’s  rights and  obligations,  as well as the
liquidity of the financial  instruments used to manage the financial  positions.
Knowledge  and  monitoring  of this  risk  is  critical  since  it  enables  the
Organization  to settle  transactions on a timely and secure basis. At Bradesco,
liquidity  risk  management   involves  a  series  of  controls,   mainly,   the
establishment  of technical  limits and an ongoing  assessment  of the positions
assumed and financial instruments used.

Capital Risk

     The  Organization’s  capital is managed to  optimize  the  risk-return
ratio,  minimizing losses through the  implementation  of well-defined  business
strategies, maximizing efficiency in the combination of factors which impact the
Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel).
(1)  Consolidated  financial  statements,  including  investments  in  financial
companies only.
(2)  Consolidated  financial  statements,  including  investments  in financial,
insurance,  private pension plan, savings bond, non-financial and proportionally
consolidated companies.

b) Market Value

     The  book  values,  net of  provisions  for  mark-to-market,  of  the  main
financial  instruments and corresponding market values at September 30, 2002 are
summarized as follows:

(1) Securities are presented at market value without  considering the effects of
the  mark-to-market of securities held to maturity,  in the amount of R$ 963,067
thousand,  net of tax effects, since this difference is fully offset against the
potencial  gain on  liabilities  related to these  securities.  In  addition,  a
specific provision was recorded for this purpose to offset the effects of excess
volatility in the amount of R$ 980,351 thousand, net of tax effects (Note 9).
(2) Not  including  increment  in  investments  in  subsidiary  and  associated

Determination of market value of financial instruments:

•  Securities,  Investments  and Other  Liabilities:  based on the  average
quotation prevailing in the corresponding  markets at the balance sheet date. In
the event no market prices are  available,  amounts are  estimated  based on the
prices  quoted  by  dealers,  price  definition  models,   quotation  models  or
quotations for instruments with similar characteristics.

•  Prefixed  credit  operations:  determined by discounting  estimated cash
flows,  using  interest  rates which are equivalent to interest rates applied by
the Bank for new contracts with similar features  practiced on the balance sheet

•  Time  deposits,  funds for issuance of  securities  and  borrowings  and
onlendings:  calculated by  discounting  the  difference  between the cash flows
under the contract terms and the rates practiced on the balance sheet date.

c) Derivatives

     Bradesco carries out transactions  involving financial  instruments,  which
are recorded in balance  sheet or memorandum  accounts,  for its own account and
for  customers.  The financial  derivative  instruments  are used by the Bank to
hedge  its  asset  and  liability  positions  against  the  effect  of  exchange

     The  derivatives  generally  represent  future  commitments  for exchanging
currencies or indices,  or purchasing  and selling other  financial  instruments
according  to the terms and dates set forth in the  contracts.  Under the option
contracts,  the  purchaser is entitled,  but not obliged,  to purchase or sell a
financial  instrument at a specific  strike price in the future.  The amounts of
the instruments  recorded in balance sheet and memorandum  accounts at September
30, 2002 are summarized below:
     Derivatives include operations falling due in D+1 to be settled in currency
at September 30, 2002 price levels.

     Amounts  relating  to  swap  contracts  are  recorded  in  negotiation  and
intermediation  of securities and  outstanding  amounts  receivable,  classified
under other  receivables  total R$ 439,525 thousand and amounts  payable,  fully
recorded  as  a  provision  under  other  liabilities  -  Financial   derivative
instruments, total R$ 1,628,814 thousand.

o Futures, option, forward and swap contracts fall due as follows:
o We  present  below  the type of  margin  given  as  collateral  for  financial
derivative  instruments,  comprising  mainly futures contracts and corresponding
•  We present  below the amounts of net  revenue  and  expense  recorded in
income for the period ended September 30, 2002:
•  We  present  below  the  overall  amounts  of the  financial  derivative
instruments, separated by place of trading:
(1) On  July  5,  2002,  Bradesco  (through  its  subsidiary  Bradesco  Seguros)
concluded the sale of its  stockholding in  Prudential-Bradesco  Seguros S.A. to
Prudential  International  Insurance  Holdings  Ltd.  Through this  transaction,
Bradesco  sold its  ownership  interest  comprising  58,026  shares of the total
capital stock of  Prudential-Bradesco  Seguros and profit was  determined in the
amount of R$ 26,303 thousand.


     We present the following  information on employee  benefits of Bradesco and
its subsidiaries: Banco Bradesco and its subsidiaries do not maintain:

o Dismissal benefits;
o Stock option plans;
o Long-term benefits;
o Post-employment benefits, except the private pension plans, described below:

     Banco  Bradesco  and its  subsidiaries  maintain  supplementary  retirement
pension plans for their  employees and  directors,  of the defined  benefits and
defined  contribution types (PGBL),  managed by Bradesco Vida e Previdência
S.A., as well as by  Fundação  Baneb de Seguridade Social – BASES
(for  former  employees  of Banco  Baneb) and by Caixa de  Previdência  dos
Funcionários  do Banco BEA S.A. -CABEA (for former  employees of BEA) which
are fully covered by technical reserves.

     The subsidiary  companies Banco Baneb S.A. and  subsidiaries  and Banco BEA
S.A. are sponsors of a  supplementary  defined  benefits  pension plan,  through
Fundação  Baneb de Seguridade  Social  –  BASES (for former Baneb
employees) and Caixa de Previdência dos Funcionários do Banco BEA S.A.
- CABEA (for former employees of BEA), the amounts of which are not significant.

     The funds guaranteeing the private pension plans are invested in compliance
with applicable  legislation  (government securities and corporate bonds, listed
company stock and real estate).

     Expenses  with  contributions  made during the  periods  totaled R$ 100,983
thousand at September 30, 2002 (September 30, 2001 - R$ 96,670 thousand).


a) Calculation of income tax and social contribution charges:
b) Statement of income tax and social contribution benefit:
c) Statement of deferred income tax and social contribution assets:
We present below the expected realization of deferred tax assets:
     Deferred  tax assets were  recorded  considering  Bradesco’s  historic
profitability  and are  classified in current  assets and long-term  receivables
based on expected  realization,  in conformity with a technical study addressing
the  feasibility  of the  generation  of taxable  income,  prepared in the first
six-month period of 2002.

     At  September  30,  2002,  the  deferred  tax assets of Banco  Mercantil de
São  Paulo and Banco Cidade (Note 3f) and Ford  Leasing are  recorded,  the
opening balances of which totaled R$ 509,393 thousand,  comprising substantially
temporary  differences of R$ 296,086 thousand and tax loss and negative basis of
social  contribution  of R$  213,307  thousand.  Deferred  tax  assets  of other
institutions  acquired during the period,  in the amount of R$ 209,061 thousand,
were not recorded.


     In order to  facilitate  comparison of the  financial  statements,  certain
September 2001 account  balances were  reclassified  in line with the accounting
procedures/classification used in 2002.

(1) Transfer of shares guaranteeing technical reserves of the insurance, savings
bond and private pension plan companies and corresponding  provision for loss on
investments from permanent assets to current assets.
(2)  Transfer of expenses for  leasehold  improvements  and their  corresponding
accumulated amortization from deferred charges to property and equipment in use.
(3)  Reclassification  of expenses for discounts granted in the renegotiation of
credit operations to other operating  expenses pursuant to BACEN Circular Letter
2988, of December 4, 2001.
(4)  The  financial  derivative  instruments  were  reclassified,   however  the
accounting classification policies for the period were maintained.
(5)  Transfer  of the amount  relating to the  contract  for  providing  banking
services in the  post-office  branch  network  from  property  and  equipment to
current assets.


     As additional  information to these financial statements,  we present below
the  statement  of  cash  flows  prepared  based  on the  indirect  method.  The
information  is presented in conformity  with the  definitions  set forth in the
Chart of Accounts for National Financial System Institutions (COSIF).

a) The net assets of the investment  funds managed by the Bradesco  Organization
at  September  30, 2002 totaled R$  42,504,840  thousand  (2001 - R$  40,934,864

b) On  September  19,  2002,  Bradesco  Leasing  S.A. -  Arrendamento  Mercantil
registered   at   CVM  a   sole   series   for   public   offer   of   1,200,000
nominative-registered  non-convertible debentures (9th issue), with a unit value
of  R$  1,000.00,   issued  on  June  1,  2002,   in  the  total  amount  of  R$
1,200,000,000.00 of the subordinated debt type, with a 10-year term counted from
the date of issuance,  as approved at the Extraordinary  Meeting of the Board of
Directors of Bradesco Leasing, held on May 16,2002.

Moacir Nachbar Junior
Accountant CRC 1SP198208/O-5


Report of the Audit Commitee

     The  undersigned  members of the Audit  Committee of Banco  Bradesco  S.A.,
having  performed  a  detailed  review  of the  Directors’  Report  and the
Financial  Statements  for the third  quarter of 2002,  in  comparison  with the
accounting records and documents presented by the Board of Executive Officers as
well as a thoroughgoing  study and investigation of all the administrative  acts
and events relating to the aforementioned  period, hereby declare said documents
to be  perfectly  regular  and to  convey  the  true  position  of the  Company,
recommending the approval thereof by the Board of Directors of the Bank.

                  Cidade de Deus, Osasco, SP, October 25, 2002.

                                                Ricardo Abecassis E. Santo Silva
                                                      Sócrates Fonseca Guimarães
                                                       Oswaldo de Moura Silveira

Independent auditors' report on special review

The Administrative Council and Stockholders
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Osasco - SP

     1. We have performed a special review of the consolidated interim report of
Banco Bradesco S.A. and its  subsidiaries  for the nine-month  period then ended
September 30, 2002,  comprising the balance sheet,  the statements of income and
changes in  financial  position  and the  respective  notes to the  consolidated
interim report,  which were prepared in accordance with the accounting practices
derived from the Brazilian  Corporation Law and the Brazilian Central Bank rules
with regards to the paragraph 4.

     2.  Our  review  was  performed  in  conformity  with  the  specific  rules
established  by the  Brazilian  Institute  of  Independent  Auditors  (IBRACON),
jointly with the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council,  and consisted mainly of:
(a) inquiries and discussions with the managers  responsible for the accounting,
financial and operational areas of the Bank and its  subsidiaries,  regarding to
the principal  criteria adopted in the preparation of the interim  reports;  and
(b) review of information and subsequent events that have or may have a relevant
effect on the financial  situation and operations of Banco Bradesco S.A. and its

     3. Based on our review,  we are not aware of any significant  modifications
that should be made to the aforementioned  consolidated interim report for it to
be  in  conformity  with  accounting   practices   derived  from  the  Brazilian
Corporation  Law and rules of the  Brazilian  Central  Bank with  regards to the
following paragraph.

     4. As  mentioned in Note 8 to the  consolidated  interim  report,  the Bank
adopted,  in the first  semester of 2002,  the new  criteria for  recording  and
evaluation of the securities and derivative financial instruments, determined by
the Brazilian Central Bank.

     5. The consolidated interim report,  related to the nine-month period ended
September 30, 2001, presented for comparison  purposes,  were examined by us and
based on our exams and on the reports of other  independent  auditors related to
the  subsidiaries  described  in Note 3e (item 13),  we issued our report  dated
October 26, 2001, without exception.

October 25, 2002

KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP014428/O-6

 Jose Marcelo Bessan            Claudio Rogelio Sertorio
 Contador                       Contador
 CRC 1SP129705/O-0              CRC1SP212059/O-0



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 12, 2002

/S/  Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi

Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi
Executive Vice-President and Investor Relations Director


         This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.