FWP 1 dp17181_fwp-tr.htm FORM FWP
Free Writing Prospectus
Filed pursuant to Rule 433
Registration No. 333-162195
Dated: April 8, 2010

Global Markets / Equity

Liquid Alpha USD 5 Total Return Index

[]   In March, Liquid Alpha USD 5 TR returned 0.16%. The return is 0.28% for the
     year 2010.

[]   In March, three of the four components, DB Commodity Harvest, DB SMART (5x
     leveraged) and DB Currency Harvest contributed positive while SandP X-Alpha
     had negative returns. Fed Funds returns were insignificant.

[]   DB Commodity Harvest, DB SMART (5x leveraged) and DB Currency Harvest
     indices returned 0.32%, 0.29% and 2.33% respectively, while SandP X-Alpha
     returned -2.93%.

[]   The Sharpe Ratio since January 1999 is now at 1.66 compared to -0.24 for
     HFRX Hedge Funds and 0.45 for the iBoxx USD Treasuries; these statistics
     highlight the favorable risk-return relationship provided by the Liquid
     Alpha USD 5 TR Index during this period. (1)

[]   As asset volatility has corrected over the past 12 months, Liquid Alpha
     volatility has come down quickly (volatility is 3.53% over the past 12
     months), which is currently below its 5% volatility target. In comparison,
     trailing 12 month volatility is 16.80% for MSCI World, 4.89% for Treasuries
     and 2.94% for HFRX Hedge Funds.

                                    1 Month      3 Months   6 Months    YTD   1 year  3 years  5 years
 Liquid Alpha 5% USD TR                0.16%        0.28%      1.20%   0.28%   7.00%   2.48%     6.76%
 HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index          1.38%        1.63%      3.83%   1.63%  14.46%  -3.18%     0.89%
 iBoxx USD Treasury                   -0.81%        1.11%     -0.26%   1.11%  -1.28%   6.01%     5.16%
 Liquid Alpha 5% USD TR Constituents
 SandP X-Alpha USD TR                 -2.93%       -0.98%     -2.14%  -0.98%   3.33%  -0.60%     4.70%
 DB Commodity Harvest USD TR           0.32%        0.65%      0.76%   0.65%  -0.17%   5.52%     9.78%
 DB Currency Harvest USD TR            2.33%        0.22%      2.09%   0.22%  17.22%   3.17%     7.83%
 DB SMART USD 5x TR                    0.29%        1.19%      3.80%   1.19%   8.59%   3.87%     4.53%
 Fed Funds TR                          0.02%        0.03%      0.06%   0.03%   0.15%   2.00%     3.03%

(1): Liquid Alpha USD TR 5 has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist
prior to April 23, 2008. Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective
periods do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily
indicative of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any
investment product based on the DB Liquid Alpha Index would have been lower than
the performance of the Index as a result of fees or costs.

Monthly Performance(1)

          1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004    2005    2006   2007   2008   2009  2010
 Jan             1.73%  2.91%  1.18%  1.41%  0.91%   1.19%   1.57%  1.16%  0.22%  1.38% 0.11%
 Feb      0.97%  1.25% -0.23%  0.55%  0.69%  2.30%   2.74%   0.87%  0.90%  0.20%  1.14% 0.01%
 Mar      0.93%  0.54%  2.05%  1.83% -0.33%  0.51%   0.47%   0.72%  1.55%  0.05%  0.74% 0.16%
 Apr      1.13%  1.12%  0.42%  2.58%  5.12% -0.97%   0.70%  -0.02%  1.75%  0.11%  1.92%
 May      0.66%  2.27%  0.57%  0.64%  0.50%  0.23%   2.32%  -0.05%  1.79%  0.91%  2.22%
 Jun      0.59% -0.62%  0.82%  0.14%  2.85%  2.14%   2.55%   1.57%  0.69% -0.22%  0.38%
 Jul     -0.59%  1.94%  0.05%  0.28%  0.30%  0.58%   0.64%   0.75% -0.50%  0.95%  0.62%
 Aug     -0.37%  0.78%  0.49%  0.42%  1.27%  1.30%  -0.53%   1.84% -2.11% -0.72%  0.20%
 Sep      0.46%  1.10%  1.26%  0.01%  1.14%  0.82%   2.82%   1.06%  2.16% -3.78%  0.27%
 Oct      0.48%  2.20%  1.11% -0.99%  1.15%  0.42%   1.64%   0.46%  1.69% -5.84%  0.25%
 Nov      0.26%  1.20%  0.96%  2.91%  1.39%  2.30%   1.67%  -0.21% -0.92%  0.02% -0.70%
 Dec      0.62%  1.86%  1.26%  2.03%  1.12%  1.41%  -0.84%   2.46%  0.44%  0.84%  1.39%
 Ann.Rtn. 5.39% 16.47% 12.26% 12.14% 17.83% 12.56%  16.38%  11.54%  8.85% -7.24% 10.22% 0.28%

Current Allocation

A Passion to Perform
Deutsche Bank




-    Liquid Alpha USD 5 TR is a multi-asset medium- to long-term investment
     strategy which gives access to a diversified pool of alpha generating
     assets using a dynamic allocation tool

-    The strategy has the objective to generate absolute non-directional
     returns, un-correlated to the traditional markets, through a combination of
     diversified proprietary alpha generating strategies from different asset
     classes. The Index has been live since April 23, 2008

-    The allocation among the Underlying Indices occurs quarterly and is based
     on their returns, correlation and volatilities using a quantitative Mean
     Variance Optimizer model

-    The quantitative model combines the different sources of alpha and cash to
     generate an Index with a target volatility of 5%

-    Seeks to manage downside risk through a stop-loss mechanism which is
     triggered if the Index return over 60-business days is below 4% over any 3
     consecutive days

Performance Analysis Jan 99 -- Mar 10(1)

                              Liquid Alpha         HFRX Global   iBoxx USD
                                 5% USD TR    Hedge Fund Index    Treasury
Growth over period                 196.9%               17.6%       78.5%
Annualised return                   10.2%                2.3%        5.3%
Volatility                           4.3%                4.2%        4.9%
Sharpe Ratio (3.65%)                1.66                -0.19        0.44
Maximum drawdown                   -10.0%              -25.2%       -5.8%
Drawdown recovery               14 Months           15 Months   10 Months
Correlation versus:                 0.46                1.00        -0.23
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index
iBoxx USD Treasury TR Index        -0.07               -0.23         1.00

Relative Performance: Mar 31, 2010(1)

Rolling 12 Month Volatility: Jan 00 - Mar 10(1)


began on April 23, 2008. Therefore, it has very limited performance history and
no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of Liquid Alpha
was possible before that date.

INVESTMENT IN THE ALPHA INDICES -- The Liquid Alpha closing level on any trading
day will depend on the performance of the 5 underlying index constituents (the
"Alpha Indices"). The weighting of each Alpha Index is determined by an
Optimized Asset Allocator ("OAA"), which seeks to maximize returns for a given
level of volatility. You should, therefore, carefully consider the composition
and calculation of each Alpha Index.

INTEREST RATE RISKS --The Alpha Indices expose you to several asset classes and
their respective risks, including risks relating to exchange rate fluctuations,
foreign equity markets, commodity markets and emerging markets. In addition, the
rates component is five times leveraged. To learn more about Liquid Alpha, see
Underlying Supplement No. 4 dated September 29, 2009 filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.

OFFSET EACH OTHER -- The Alpha Indices are assigned different weightings in
Liquid Alpha via an Optimized Asset Allocation Model. The same return generated
by two Alpha Indices, whether positive or negative, may have a different effect
on the performance of Liquid Alpha. Additionally, positive returns generated by
one or more Alpha Index may be moderated or more than offset by smaller positive
returns or negative returns generated by the other Alpha Indices.

PERFORMANCE OF LIQUID ALPHA -- The weighting of each Alpha Index in the Liquid
Alpha Model is adjusted to target a volatility level of 5%. Because this
adjustment is based on the volatility of the previous 60 business days, the
actual volatility realized on the Alpha Indices and the Liquid Alpha Model will
not necessarily equal the volatility target.

COSTS FROM THE ALPHA INDICES -- On each trading day, the calculation of Liquid
Alpha's closing level will include a deduction of costs from the Alpha Indices
currently ranging between a minimum of 21 basis points per annum and maximum of
63 basis points per annum, depending on the individual weightings of the Alpha

(1): Liquid Alpha USD TR 5 has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist
prior to April 23, 2008. Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective
periods do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily
indicative of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any
investment product based on the DB Liquid Alpha Index would have been lower than
the performance of the Index as a result of fees or costs.

(2): Value indicates Risk Free Rate over Period computed from daily levels of
the DB Fed Funds Equivalent Index.

Liquid Alpha USD 5 Index Constituents
Index                           Asset Class BBG Ticker  Live Date    Range Exposure
SandP X-Alpha USD TR:             Equity     SPXADT     10/31/2007      10%-50%
DB Commodity Harvest USD TR:     Commodity   DBCMHLTU   12/17/2007      10%-50%
DB Currency Harvest USD TR:       Currency   DBHVBUSF   10/19/2005      10%-50%
db SMART USD TR (leveraged 5x):    Rates     DBLASUT5   06/15/2007      10%-50%
Fed Funds TR:                       Cash     DBMMFED1   10/15/2007       0%-60%




Use of hypothetical information:
Backtested, hypothetical or simulated performance results discussed herein have
inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record based on actual
client portfolios, simulated results are achieved by means of the retroactive
application of a backtested model itself designed with the benefit of
hindsight. Taking into account historical events the backtesting of performance
also differs from actual account performance because an actual investment
strategy may be adjusted any time, for any reason, including a response to
material, economic or market factors. The backtested performance includes
hypothetical results that do not reflect the reinvestment of dividends and
other earnings or the deduction of advisory fees, brokerage or other
commissions, and any other expenses that a client would have paid or actually
paid. No representation is made that any trading strategy or account will or is
likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Alternative
modeling techniques or assumptions might produce significantly different
results and prove to be more appropriate. Past hypothetical backtest results
are neither an indicator nor guarantee of future returns. Actual results will
vary, perhaps materially, from the analysis.

Past performance:
The past performance of securities, indexes or other instruments referred to
herein does not guarantee or predict future performance.

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capable of understanding and assuming the risks involved. The market value of
any structured security linked to this index may be affected by changes in
economic, financial and political factors (including but not limited to, spot
and forward interest and exchange rates), time to maturity, market conditions
and volatility and the equity prices and credit quality of any issuer or
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analysis of any product linked to this index and consult with its own
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Deutsche Bank