FWP 1 dp12857_fpw.htm FORM FWP

Bloomberg Tickers                                 Issuer Free Writing Prospectus
-----------------                                 Filed pursuant to Rule 433
TR DBLAUT5J                                       Registration No. 333-137902
ER DBLAUE5J                                       Dated: March 18, 2009

              Liquid Alpha USD 5 Index
              Seeks to achieve stable absolute returns March 2009

Deutsche Bank's Liquid Alpha 5 USD Index has existed since April 23, 2008.  Accordingly, any index performance
shown in this presentation preceding that inception date does not reflect the performance of an actual index,
but has been retrospectively calculated.

Deutsche Bank AG has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the SEC for the offerings to
which this communication mayrelate. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration
statement and other documents Deutsche Bank AG has filed with the SEC for more complete information about
Deutsche Bank AG and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the
the prospectus if you request it by calling toll-free 1-800-311-4409.



Alpha vs Beta

o   Historically, managed investment products delivered long-only exposure to
    asset class returns. Managers sought to add value by trying to outperform
    their respective benchmarks

o   Returns attributable to the market benchmark were deemed "beta" while
    returns that exceeded the market benchmark were deemed "alpha"

o   Alpha can be defined as the excess return between two assets: a long asset
    and short asset

o   In recent years, investors have looked to separate the alpha return (excess)
    from the beta return (market)

o   DB responded by launching a series of alpha-generating long vs. short
    indices for each major asset class (equities, rates, currencies,
    commodities). These indices are not correlated to their respective asset
    class and therefore have little or no beta exposure

o   Deutsche Bank is now offering combined exposure to these four alpha indices
    in a risk targeted, efficient manner via the Liquid Alpha Index




Extracting the Excess Return of the Market
DB Introduces the Liquid Alpha Index

Liquid Alpha is a weighted  combination of four  proprietary  alpha indices from four  different  asset classes,
plus cash

The Underlying Assets(1)
o   Equities: (S&P X-Alpha Index) seeks to generate alpha by going long a series
    of DB Regional Equity Style Indices and short their respective equity

o   Commodities: (DB Commodity Harvest Index) long optimal yield commodity index
    vs. short commodity benchmark

o   Currencies: (DB Balanced Currency Harvest (USD-Funded) Index) long high
    interest rate currencies vs. short low interest rate currencies

o   Rates: (DB Smart Index) seeks to extract alpha from the difference between
    short-term and long-term interest rates (5x leveraged)

o   Cash: (DB Fed Funds Index) overnight Fed Funds rate

These indices are combined in a quantitative portfolio allocation model
(optimizer) seeking risk targeted, optimal exposure to each asset class alpha

1 Please see Appendix 1 for a detailed explanation of each Alpha Index




Extracting the Excess Return of the Market Multi-Asset Alpha Index Dynamic Allocation

The weighting of each Alpha Index is determined by utilizing a model based on
Modern Portfolio Theory. The Optimized Asset Allocator (OAA) seeks to determine
the portfolio allocation which maximizes returns for a given level of
volatility, subject to pre-defined constraints:

-   Previous 60 business days correlation, volatility and returns for each alpha
    index and cash are used as inputs

-   Constraints:

                              Range Exposure
Equity                           10%-50%
Commodity                        10%-50%
Currency                         10%-50%
Rates                            10%-50%
Cash                              0%-60%

-   Volatility: Targeted at 5%

-   Stop-Loss Mechanism: triggers an additional rebalancing




The Optimization Methodology

Optimized Asset Allocation(1)

Alpha from           Allocation between       Returns on 60           Volatility targeting
different            alphas from different    business days
asset classes        asset classes                                    Optimized portfolio
                                              Volatility on 60        allocation
                     Quarterly                business days
                     reallocation based
                     on constraints and       Correlation between
                     on new risk-return       indices
                                              Risk Monitoring:
                                              return trigger

Strategic           Tactical       Historical
Asset Allocation    Asset          Data Input     Optimized
                    Allocation                    Asset
                                   Risk           Allocation

The OAA is based upon Markowitz's Modern Portfolio Theory, also known as the theory of diversification; Markowitz
won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics. Markowitz's "efficient frontier" refers to a series of optimal portfolio allocations
that will maximize return for a given level of risk.




Optimized Asset Allocation Model:
A Risk Adjusted Return Optimisation Tool

          Input                    Optimized Asset Allocator          Liquid Alpha TR 5

o Volatility Target: 5%       Optimized Portfolio                Hypothetical Optimized
o Underlying Universe:                                           Portfolio1:
                              Expected Return
Equity                        Alpha Indices                      Equity    -    30.00%
Commodity                     Volatility                         Commodity -    16.74%
Currency                      5%                                 Currency  -    30.00%
Rates                                                            Rates     -    22.78%
Cash                                                             Cash      -    0.48%


                              Equity    -    10%-50%
                              Commodity -    10%-50%
                              Currency  -    10%-50%
                              Rates     -    10%-50%
                              Cash      -     0%-60%




Extracting the Excess Return of the Market
DB Introduces the Liquid Alpha Index

O   Key Features:

    -   Multi-asset alpha: Combination of 4 different asset alphas plus cash
        offers diversification

    -   Dynamic Asset Allocation: Based on Markowitz's portfolio theory, the
        Optimized Asset Allocator (OAA) model aims for the optimal asset
        allocation along the efficient frontier1

    -   Historically low correlation to traditional asset classes: Alpha has
        historically been independent from the asset class underlying each
        investment strategy

    -   Historically low correlation to each other: Each of the four Alpha Index
        strategies hashistorically had little or no correlation to the other

    -   No Beta exposure: Zero net exposure to equities, bonds, commodities or

    -   Low volatility: Seeks to add stability to returns over time

    -   Managed risk: Stop-loss mechanism is triggered if returns fall below a
        specified minimum

    -   Transparency: The individual Alpha Indices and their weightings in the
        Liquid Alpha Index are published daily on Bloomberg and Reuters

    -   Cost effective: As an alternative to a fund of hedge funds, Liquid Alpha
        seeks to provide a similar return without performance fees or liquidity

    -   Diverse Strategies: fundamental equity relative value, commodity carry,
        currency carry, yield curve slope monetization (see Appendix 1 for
        further detail on each strategy)

1 The OAA is based upon Markowitz's Modern Portfolio Theory, also known as the theory of diversification;
Markowitz won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics.  Markowitz's "efficient frontier" refers to a series of
optimal portfolio allocations that will maximize return for a given level of risk.

2 There are, however, costs associated with the individual Alpha Indices that are charged to the Liquid Alpha
Index. Although the index level is published daily, this index is not freely tradable and direct investment in
the Liquid Alpha 5 Index is not available.




Liquid Alpha USD 5 TR Performance Analysis

Index Returns*
3500      Liquid Alpha 5% USD TR
3000      iBoxx USD Treasury
2500      HFRX Global Hedge Fund

Liquid Alpha returns prior to 4/23/08 have been retrospectively calculated

Annual Returns*

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Annual

Performance Analysis*

January 1999 - February 2009       Liquid Alpha 5      iBoxx USD           HFRX Global
                                           USD TR      Treasury       Hedge Fund Index

Annualized Returns                           10.5%          5.8%                0.5%
Volatility                                    4.3%          4.9%                4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)                         1.63          0.47                -0.69

Maximum Drawdown                            -10.0%         -4.8%              -25.2%
Start Date                                  Aug-08        Jun-03              Nov-07
End Date                                    Feb-09        Feb-04              Feb-09

Max Monthly Consecutive Loss                -10.0%         -4.8%              -23.1%
Start Date                                  Aug-08        Jun-03              Jun-08
End Date                                    Nov-08        Aug-03              Jan-09

Max/Min Returns
Rolling 12 Months                    21.0% / -9.2%  15.9% / -5.0%     16.4% / -23.3%
Rolling 3 Months                     8.7% / -10.4%   9.9% / -5.1%      7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns                       0.8%           0.5%               0.1%
% Months with Gains                          84.3%          66.9%              60.6%

iBoxx USD Treasury                           -0.05           1.00              -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index                  0.46          -0.25               1.00

*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. Liquid Alpha has been retrospectively
calculated and did not exist prior to April 23, 2008. Accordingly, the results
shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect actual returns. Past
performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will perform in the
future. The performance of any investment product based on the Deutsche Bank
Liquid Alpha Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees
and/or costs.

10%     Liquid Alpha 5% USD TR
8%      iBoxx USD Treasury
        HFRX Global Hedge Fund 6%
     Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan
     2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg.  Liquid Alpha has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist
prior to April 23, 2008.  Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will perform in the future.
The performance of any investment product based on the Deutsche Bank Liquid Alpha Index would have been lower
than the Index as a result of fees and/or costs.




Liquid Alpha USD 5 TR
Performance Analysis

Monthly Returns Analysis1

          1999      2000      2001      2002      2003      2004      2005      2006      2007      2008      2009
Jan                 1.73%     2.91%     1.18%     1.41%     0.91%     1.19%     1.57%     1.16%     0.22%     1.38%
Feb       0.97%     1.25%    -0.23%     0.55%     0.69%     2.30%     2.74%     0.87%     0.90%     0.20%     1.14%
Mar       0.93%     0.54%     2.05%     1.83%    -0.33%     0.51%     0.47%     0.72%     1.55%     0.05%
Apr       1.13%     1.12%     0.42%     2.58%     5.12%    -0.97%     0.70%    -0.02%     1.75%     0.11%
May       0.66%     2.27%     0.57%     0.64%     0.50%     0.23%     2.32%    -0.05%     1.79%     0.91%
Jun       0.59%    -0.62%     0.82%     0.14%     2.85%     2.14%     2.55%     1.57%     0.69%    -0.22%
Jul      -0.59%     1.94%     0.05%     0.28%     0.30%     0.58%     0.64%     0.75%    -0.50%     0.95%
Aug      -0.37%     0.78%     0.49%     0.42%     1.27%     1.30%    -0.53%     1.84%    -2.11%    -0.72%
Sep       0.46%     1.10%     1.26%     0.01%     1.14%     0.82%     2.82%     1.06%     2.16%    -3.78%
Oct       0.48%     2.20%     1.11%    -0.99%     1.15%     0.42%     1.64%     0.46%     1.69%    -5.84%
Nov       0.26%     1.20%     0.96%     2.91%     1.39%     2.30%     1.67%    -0.21%    -0.92%     0.02%
Dec       0.62%     1.86%     1.26%     2.03%     1.12%     1.41%    -0.84%     2.46%     0.44%     0.84%
Ann.Rtn.  5.39%    16.47%    12.26%    12.14%    17.83%    12.56%    16.38%    11.54%     8.85%    -7.24%     2.53%

Liquid Alpha USD 5 TR
Constituents                  Live Date      Bloomberg      Range Exposure      Current Allocation
S&P X-Alpha USD TR Index      Oct 31 07      SPXADT         10% - 50%           30.00%
DB Commodity Harvest TR Index Dec 17 07      DBCMHLTU       10% - 50%           50.00%
DB Currency Harvest TR Index  Oct 19 05      DBHVBUSF       10% - 50%            8.26%
DB SMART Index                Jul 15 07      DBSMARTD       10% - 50%            9.38%
DB Fed Funds Index            Oct 15 07      DBMMFED1        0% - 60%            2.36%

1Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg.

The Liquid Alpha Index has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist
prior to April 23, 2008. Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective
periods do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily
indicative of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any
investment product based on the Deutsche Bank Liquid Alpha Index would have been
lower than the Index as a result of fees and/or costs.




Liquid Alpha USD 5: from TR to ER

O   The Total Return (TR) Index is calculated first because the Optimized Asset
    Allocation model requires a cash component and fully-funded assets

O   Liquid Alpha Excess Return (ER) incorporates the alpha strategy with no
    funding component

O   The ER Index is calculated as the difference between the performance of the
    TR index and that of the DB Fed Funds Index since the last rebalancing date

Liquid Alpha TR -  Fed Funds  =  Liquid Alpha ER




Liquid Alpha USD 5 ER
Performance Analysis

Index Returns*

Performance Analysis*

January 1999 - February 2009       Liquid Alpha 5        iBoxx USD           HFRX Global
                                           USD ER        Treasury       Hedge Fund Index

Annualized Returns                           6.9%            5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                                   4.3%            4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)                         1.58            0.47                -0.69

Maximum Drawdown                            -11.4%          -4.8%               -25.2%
Start Date                                  Jul-07         Jun-03               Nov-07
End Date                                    Feb-09         Feb-04               Feb-09

Max Monthly Consecutive Loss                -10.5%          -4.8%               -23.1%
Start Date                                  Aug-08         Jun-03               Jun-08
End Date                                    Dec-08         Aug-03               Jan-09

Max/Min Returns
Rolling 12 Months                    19.8% / -11.7%  15.9% / -5.0%      16.4% / -23.3%
Rolling 3 Months                      8.4% / -10.8%   9.9% / -5.1%       7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns               0.6%                    0.5%                0.1%
% Months with Gains                           76.0%          66.9%               60.6%

iBoxx USD Treasury                            -0.05           1.00               -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index                   0.46          -0.25                1.00

Historical 12 Month Volatility*
10%     - Liquid Alpha 5% USD ER
8%      - iBoxx USD Treasury
4%      - HFRX Global Hedge Fund 6%
0%   Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan
     2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. Liquid Alpha has been retrospectively
calculated and did not exist prior to April 23, 2008. Accordingly, the results
shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect actual returns. Past
performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will perform in the
future. The performance of any investment product based on the Deutsche Bank
Liquid Alpha Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees
and/or costs.




Liquid Alpha USD 5 ER
Performance Analysis

Monthly Returns Analysis(1)

          1999     2000      2001      2002      2003      2004      2005      2006      2007      2008      2009
          ----     ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
Jan                1.25%     2.39%     1.02%     1.31%     0.83%     1.00%     1.19%     0.69%     -0.12%    1.37%
Feb       0.60%    0.81%    -0.66%     0.41%     0.60%     2.22%     2.55%     0.52%     0.49%     -0.04%    1.12%
Mar       0.49%    0.03%     1.61%     1.70%    -0.44%     0.42%     0.25%     0.33%     1.12%     -0.18%
Apr       0.73%    0.66%     0.00%     2.42%     5.03%    -1.05%     0.48%    -0.39%     1.31%     -0.08%
May       0.29%    1.70%     0.21%     0.49%     0.40%     0.15%     2.05%    -0.51%     1.34%      0.74%
Jun       0.16%   -1.16%     0.50%     0.00%     2.75%     2.05%     2.31%     1.16%     0.27%     -0.39%
Jul      -1.00%    1.38%    -0.29%     0.12%     0.21%     0.47%     0.38%     0.30%    -0.96%      0.78%
Aug      -0.83%    0.23%     0.18%     0.27%     1.19%     1.17%    -0.85%     1.39%    -2.55%     -0.88%
Sep       0.02%    0.59%     1.02%    -0.14%     1.05%     0.69%     2.53%     0.64%     1.77%     -3.95%
Oct       0.05%    1.63%     0.88%    -1.14%     1.07%     0.28%     1.32%     0.00%     1.25%     -5.95%
Nov      -0.23%    0.66%     0.78%     2.81%     1.31%     2.13%     1.34%    -0.65%    -1.29%     -0.01%
Dec       0.17%    1.35%     1.12%     1.93%     1.04%     1.23%    -1.18%     2.05%     0.07%      0.83%
Ann.Rtn.  0.50%    9.48%     7.99%    10.28%    16.54%    11.07%    12.77%     6.17%     3.47%     -9.10%    2.50%

Liquid Alpha USD 5 ER
Constituents                  Live Date      Bloomberg      Range Exposure      Current Allocation
S&P X-Alpha USD TR Index      Oct 31 07      SPXADT         10% - 50%           30.00%
DB Commodity Harvest TR Index Dec 17 07      DBCMHLTU       10% - 50%           50.00%
DB Currency Harvest TR Index  Oct 19 05      DBHVBUSF       10% - 50%           8.26%
DB SMART Index                Jul 15 07      DBSMARTD       10% - 50%           9.38%

(1)Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The DB Liquid Alpha USD 5 ER Index has
been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to April 23, 2008.
Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index
will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on
the Deutsche Bank Liquid Alpha USD 5 ER Index would have been lower than the
Index as a result of fees and/or costs.




Index Costs Summary

o   The Liquid Alpha 5 Index has certain costs associated with the
    individualalpha indices that are charged to the Liquid Alpha 5 Index* -The
    cost to replicate the strategies underlying the Liquid Alpha 5 Index ranges
    between a minimum of 21 bps per annum and a maximum of 63 bps per annum,
    depending on theallocation between the underlying indices

o   Individual index costs are based on an annual hedging cost, subtracted on a
    daily basis, and a bid-ask cost subtracted at each rebalancing

                                                  Hedging Cost(1)    Bid-Ask Cost(1)

S&P X-Alpha Total Return Index                         0.75%                -
db Commodity Harvest Total Return Index                0.50%               0.20%
db Currency Harvest Balanced Total Return Index         -                   -
db SMART Total Return Index                            0.25%                -
Fed Funds Total Return Index                            -                   -

*These costs are applicable as of the date hereof and may change according to market conditions.

1 Indices  that do not show  Hedging  Costs  above have their costs  allocated  within the  respective  DB Index
itself.  Bid-Ask  costs  reflect the costs  involved  during a  rebalancing  and are only  applicable  to the DB
Commodity Harvest TR Index




Advantages of Liquid Alpha

o   Seeks to achieve high risk-adjusted returns

o   Utilizes well-known proprietary alpha indices from Equities, Rates,
    Commodities and Currencies

o   Seeks to achieve optimal allocation between uncorrelated "alpha" strategies

o   Stop-loss feature seeks to manage downside risks

o   Low correlation to traditional asset classes

o   Transparent underlying with full reporting of daily index closing levels and
    weights on Bloomberg and Reuters




Certain Risks of Liquid Alpha

    began on April 23, 2008. Therefore, it has very limited performance history
    and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of Liquid
    Alpha was possible before that date.

    INVESTMENT IN THE ALPHA INDICES - The Liquid Alpha closing level on any
    trading day will depend on the performance of the Alpha Indices. The
    weighting of each Alpha Index is determined by the Optimized Asset Allocator
    ("OAA"), which seeks to maximize returns for a given level of volatility.
    You should, therefore, carefully consider the composition and calculation of
    each Alpha Index.

    OFFSET EACH OTHER - The Alpha Indices are assigned different weightings in
    Liquid Alpha via the Optimized Asset Allocation Model. The same return
    generated by two Alpha Indices, whether positive or negative, may have a
    different effect on the performance of Liquid Alpha. Additionally, positive
    returns generated by one or more Alpha Index may be moderated or more than
    offset by smaller positive returns or negative returns generated by theother
    Alpha Indices.

    PERFORMANCE OF THE FED FUNDS INDEX - The calculation of the Excess Return
    Index level is intended to reflect the excess return (if any) of the Total
    Return Index relative to the return of the Fed Funds Index. Although the
    Total Return Index and the Fed Funds Index may perform positively, if the
    Total Return Index does not outperform the Fed Funds Index the Excess Return
    Index level will not increase.

    PERFORMANCE OF LIQUID ALPHA - The weighting of each Alpha Index in the
    Liquid Alpha Model is adjusted to target a volatility level of 5%. Because
    this adjustment is based on the volatility of the previous 60 business days,
    the actual volatility realized on the Alpha Indices and the Liquid Alpha
    Model will not necessarily equal the volatility target.

    COSTS FROM THE ALPHA INDICES - On each trading day, the calculation of
    Liquid Alpha's closing level will include a deduction of costs from the
    Alpha Indices currently ranging between a minimum of 21 basis points per
    annum and maximum of 63 basis points per annum, depending on the individual
    weightings of the Alpha Indices.




                              Appendix 1:
                              The Underlying Indices

                                     A Passion to Perform     Deutsche Bank Logo



S&P X-Alpha USD TR Strategy Index
Bloomberg Ticker : SPXADT                                      [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

[]   The S&P X-Alpha USD Total Return Strategy Index uses a rules-based,
     mathematical model that reflects the relative performance between a
     basketof eight DB Regional Style equity indices and a basket of four
     regional equitybenchmark indices and also contains a Fed Funds Return
     Index. The regional focus of the Index is the USA, Eurozone, Japan and the
     United Kingdom. The X-Alpha Model seeks to identify, from a growth
     perspective,high short-term earnings momentum stocks in global developed
     markets and, from a value perspective, low price-earnings ratio or high
     dividend yielding stocks in the same markets.

[]   The X-Alpha Model employs the Deutsche Bank proprietary indices (DB
     Regional Style Indices) that reflect the performance of these categories
     of stocks, and pairs each with a regional well-known, broad equity index
     maintained by a third-party sponsor (Benchmark Indices), to make eight
     Index Constituent Pairs.

[]   The return on an Index Constituent Pair is determined based on the daily
     cumulative return of the relevant DB Regional Style Index compared to that
     ofthe relevant Benchmark Index. The X-Alpha Model reflects a weighted
     return in USD of the Index Constituent Pairs, with the pair weights being
     determined based upon initial weights assigned to each Index Constituent
     Pair, adjusted based upon their recent observed volatility to target a
     volatility of 8% per year for the X-Alpha Model's exposure to each Index
     Constituent Pair.

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



S&P X-Alpha USD TR Strategy Index
Performance Analysis                                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


Performance Analysis*
January 1999 - February 2009   S&P X-Alpha        iBoxx USD          HFRX Global
                                    USD TR         Treasury     Hedge Fund Index
Annualized Returns                    9.3%             5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                            6.5%             4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)                  0.90             0.47                -0.69
Maximum Drawdown                    -12.0%            -4.8%               -25.2%
  Start Date                        Jun-07           Jun-03               Nov-07
  End Date                          Feb-09           Feb-04               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss         -7.3%            -4.8%               -23.1%
  Start Date                        Jun-08           Jun-03               Jun-08
  End Date                          Nov-08           Aug-03               Jan-09
Max/Min Returns
Rolling 12 Months           36.1% / -13.5%    15.9% / -5.0%       16.4% / -23.3%
Rolling 3 Months             12.4% / -7.3%     9.9% / -5.1%        7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns               0.8%             0.5%                 0.1%
% Months with Gains                  71.1%            66.9%                60.6%
iBoxx USD Treasury                    0.03             1.00                -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index          0.30            -0.25                 1.00


Monthly Returns*
           1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009
Jan              -0.89%   3.44%   1.62%   0.21%  -0.10%   1.73%   5.61%   0.02%   2.42%   2.02%
Feb       1.35%   0.48%   3.03%   0.55%  -0.80%   1.62%   4.90%  -1.44%   1.77%  -1.35%   1.82%
Mar      -0.04%   4.01%   1.67%   2.65%  -1.80%   1.86%   0.35%   3.03%   3.21%  -1.33%
Apr       2.04%   2.37%   0.38%   5.82%   1.53%   0.18%  -1.65%   0.95%   0.65%   1.19%
May       1.56%   3.69%   0.25%   0.50%   4.01%  -0.02%   0.12%   0.55%   1.31%   0.46%
Jun      -1.77%  -1.48%   0.07%   3.09%  -0.86%   2.76%   3.68%   1.96%  -0.31%  -1.50%
Jul      -0.46%   1.39%   0.55%   0.51%   0.58%   0.50%   1.17%   0.61%   0.05%  -2.09%
Aug      -0.86%   2.30%   2.06%   0.95%   1.95%   0.18%   3.23%  -1.91%  -1.24%  -0.90%
Sep       0.15%   1.77%  -1.51%   0.31%   0.82%   3.00%   2.15%  -1.11%  -0.29%  -2.02%
Oct      -0.76%   2.09%   0.96%  -4.97%   1.38%   0.23%  -0.64%   1.80%   0.19%  -1.05%
Nov      -2.63%   1.76%  -0.35%  -0.75%   0.68%   2.90%   0.06%   1.27%  -2.73%   0.04%
Dec       0.37%   3.61%   0.70%   2.16%  -0.81%   1.00%   0.70%   0.16%  -2.13%   0.73%
Ann.Rtn.  0.12%  23.07%  11.73%  12.77%   6.96%  14.96%  16.76%  11.85%   0.34%  -5.36%   3.87%
*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The S&P X-Alpha TR Strategy Index and
its underlying style indices have been retrospectively calculated and did not
exist prior to October 31, 2007. Accordingly, the results shown during the
retrospective periods do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of how the Index will perform in the future. The
performance of any investment product based on the S&P X-Alpha USD TR Strategy
Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and/or costs.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



Certain Risks of S&P X-Alpha                                   [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

     began on October 31, 2007. Therefore, the Index has very limited
     performance history, and no actual investment which allowed a tracking of
     the performance of the Index was possible before that date.

     AND MAY OFFSET EACH OTHER -- The Index Constituent Pairs are assigned
     different weightings. Positive returns generated by one or more Index
     Constituent Pairs may be moderated or more than offset by smaller positive
     returns or negative returns generated by the other Index Constituent
     Pairs, particularly if the Index Constituent Pairs that generate positive
     returns are assigned relatively low weightings in the X-Alpha Model.

     FLUCTUATIONS IN EXCHANGE RATES -- For the purposes of determining the
     returns of the Index Constituent Pairs, the currency in which any DB
     Regional Style Index or Benchmark Index (if such currency is not U.S.
     dollars) will be converted into U.S. dollars at the relevant spot exchange
     rate. Any positive or negative return that is generated as a result of the
     performance of a DB Regional Style Index compared to that of a Benchmark
     Index with which it is paired is exposed to fluctuations in the exchange
     rate between the U.S. dollar and the currency in which such DB Regional
     Style Index and such Benchmark Index are publicly quoted.

     IMPACT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INDEX -- The weighting of each Index
     Constituent Pair in the X-Alpha Model and the X-Alpha Model are adjusted
     to target a volatility level of 8%. Because this adjustment is based on
     recently experienced volatility and is subject to a minimum of 50% and a
     maximum of 150%, the actual volatility realized on the Index Constituent
     Pairs and the X-Alpha Model will not necessarily equal the volatility

     BORROW FEE -- On each trading day, the calculation of the Index closing
     level will include a deduction of a borrow fee to defray transaction costs
     incurred in relation to the Index on such day.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Commodity Harvest USD TR Index
Bloomberg Ticker : DBCMHLTU                                    [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

[]   The Deutsche Bank Commodity Harvest Index (DBCHI) employs a rules-based
     strategy to generate "carry" by capturing the relative value between the
     "optimum roll" strategy within the DB commodity index and the "fixed roll"
     strategy within a benchmark commodity index
[]   For each commodity, the index seeks to generate returns, independent from
     the direction of the commodity's price, through zero-net-exposure long and
     short positions along the first 13 months of the forward curve
     -  The "long position" is the DB Commodity Booster
     -  S&P GSCI(TM) Light Energy Index (Commodity Booster Index), which
        rolls each commodity futures contract according to Deutsche Bank's
        "Optimal Yield" methodology, which seeks to generate the maximum
        implied yield
     -  The "short position" is the benchmark index, the S&P GSCITM Light
        Energy Commodity Index, which rolls each commodity futures contract
        on a pre-defined roll schedule according to the shortest-dated

[]   The weights ascribed to each long/short commodity exposure are the weights
     in the S&P GSCITM Light Energy Index
[]   The long and short positions are rebalanced monthly to achieve a zero net

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Commodity Harvest USD TR Index
Performance Analysis                                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Performance Analysis*
                                DB Commodity      iBoxx USD     HFRX Global
January 1999 - February 2009     Harvest USD       Treasury     Hedge Fund Index
Annualized Returns                      9.1%           5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                              3.7%           4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)                    1.51           0.47                -0.69
Maximum Drawdown                       -4.2%          -4.8%               -25.2%
  Start Date                          Jul-02         Jun-03               Nov-07
  End Date                            Apr-03         Feb-04               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss           -3.8%          -4.8%               -23.1%
  Start Date                          Oct-00         Jun-03               Jun-08
  End Date                            Jan-01         Aug-03               Jan-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months            23.2% / -3.4%  15.9% / -5.0%       16.4% / -23.3%
  Rolling 3 Months              8.0% / -4.7%   9.9% / -5.1%        7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns                 0.7%           0.5%                 0.1%
% Months with Gains                    78.5%          66.9%                60.6%
iBoxx USD Treasury                      0.05           1.00                -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index           -0.08          -0.25                 1.00
                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Monthly Returns*
          1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009
Jan              0.43%   3.99%   0.78%   0.80%   0.85%   1.01%   2.40%   0.50%   1.66%   1.45%
Feb      1.33%   0.36%   1.93%  -0.15%  -3.18%   0.72%   0.26%   2.00%   1.01%  -0.13%   0.45%
Mar     -0.88%   0.46%   1.63%  -0.95%   3.39%   1.06%   1.18%   0.48%   1.00%   1.47%
Apr      0.08%   0.92%   0.79%   0.20%   1.42%   0.62%   2.79%   0.80%   1.14%   0.35%
May      1.23%  -0.21%   0.46%   1.16%  -0.82%   1.49%   0.60%   0.92%   0.95%   1.03%
Jun      0.68%  -0.35%   1.83%   0.48%   1.95%   2.36%   2.39%   1.33%  -0.49%   0.60%
Jul     -0.08%   2.09%   0.70%  -0.31%  -0.40%   0.73%   0.61%   1.31%  -1.27%   0.82%
Aug     -0.67%  -1.58%   0.25%  -0.19%   0.48%   2.28%  -2.09%   3.00%  -0.27%   1.02%
Sep      0.37%   2.57%   2.25%  -2.23%   1.59%  -0.68%   0.92%   2.07%  -1.66%   0.41%
Oct      1.94%  -0.51%   0.44%   0.63%  -0.47%   1.41%   2.04%   0.22%   1.78%   1.47%
Nov      0.25%  -1.80%   0.36%   0.60%   0.45%   1.94%   2.15%   0.64%   1.47%   1.27%
Dec      0.61%  -1.57%   0.20%  -0.36%   0.34%   1.41%   1.78%   2.01%   0.54%   2.18%
Ann.Rtn. 4.86%   0.71%  15.79%  -0.39%   5.54%  15.10%  14.42%  18.53%   4.73%  12.83% 1.90%
*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The DB Commodity Harvest Index has
been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to December 17, 2007.
Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index
will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on
the DB Commodity Harvest Index would have been lower than the Index as a result
of fees and/or costs.

                                                             Deutsche Bank Logo



Certain Risks of DB Commodity Harvest Index                   [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

     Publication of the Index began on December 17, 2007. Therefore, the Index
     has very limited performance history, and no actual investment which
     allowed a tracking of the performance of the Index was possible before
     that date.

o    STRATEGY RISK -- The DB Commodity Harvest Index reflects a strategy that
     takes a long position in the DB Commodity Booster Index and a short
     position in the S&P GSCI(TM) Light Energy Index. The value of the DB
     Commodity Harvest Index will be adversely affected if the DB Commodity
     Booster Index does not outperform the benchmark S&P GSCI(TM) Light Energy

                                                             Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Balanced Currency Harvest Funded Index
Bloomberg Ticker : DBHVBUSF

[]   The DB Balanced Currency Harvest Funded Index (DB Currency Harvest)
     reflects the total return performance of a portfolio that systematically
     invests in a diversified basket of high-yielding currencies, funded by
     going short a diversified basket of low-yielding currencies, plus a money
     market performance linked to the Fed Funds rate
[]   The index methodology is designed to exploit a forward rate bias, (the
     tendency of currency forward rates to under-predict future spot prices)
     through systematic allocation rules
[]   The Index methodology is implemented by ranking a currency pool of G10 and
     Emerging Market currencies by their 3-month Libor rates (sourced from
     reliable and transparent third party fixing pages) and investing in
     3-month forward contracts by offsetting equal amounts of high-yielding
     currencies with low-yielding currencies
     -    Long Exposure: Two highest yielding G10 currencies plus the 3 next
          highest yielding currencies from the Balanced Currency Pool
     -    Short Exposure: Two lowest yielding G10 currencies plus the 3 next
          lowest yielding currencies from the Balanced Currency Pool
[]   A roll-window feature is built into the Index to enhance returns and the
     Index is rebalanced quarterly

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Balanced Currency Pool (as of May 2008)
G10                 Emerging Markets
Australia           Brazil
Canada              Czech Republic
Euro                Hungary
Japan               Mexico
New Zealand         Poland
Norway              Singapore
Sweden              South Africa
Switzerland         South Korea
United Kingdom      Taiwan
United States       Turkey

                                                             Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Currency Harvest Index
Performance Analysis


Performance Analysis*
January 1999 - February 2009  DB Currency         iBoxx USD     HFRX Global
                              Harvest USD          Treasury     Hedge Fund Index
Annualized Returns                13.3%                5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                        11.5%                4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)               0.86                0.47                -0.69
Maximum Drawdown                 -26.6%               -4.8%               -25.2%
  Start Date                     Aug-08              Jun-03               Nov-07
  End Date                       Feb-09              Feb-04               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss     -26.6%               -4.8%               -23.1%
  Start Date                     Aug-08              Jun-03               Jun-08
  End Date                       Feb-09              Aug-03               Jan-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months      41.6% / -24.3%       15.9% / -5.0%       16.4% / -23.3%
  Rolling 3 Months       16.9% / -26.6%        9.9% / -5.1%        7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns            1.1%                0.5%                 0.1%
% Months with Gains               73.6%               66.9%                60.6%
  iBoxx USD Treasury              -0.14                1.00                -0.25
  HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index     0.48               -0.25                 1.00

Monthly Returns*
           1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009
Jan               4.21%   2.85%   2.63%   2.37%   1.73%   2.34%   0.39%   1.88%  -2.14%  -0.79%
Feb       1.96%   2.03%  -6.56%   1.01%   2.22%   3.48%   2.18%   2.67%   0.72%  -0.64%   3.22%
Mar       5.28%   0.25%   3.18%   3.48%  -1.39%  -0.21%  -0.40%  -3.53%   2.58%  -4.51%
Apr       2.02%   1.82%   2.91%   1.57%   9.35%  -1.95%   2.17%  -0.23%   3.16%   6.45%
May       0.58%   1.45%   2.38%   0.95%   1.05%  -1.63%   4.15%  -6.46%   3.33%   2.90%
Jun       0.80%   0.48%   2.12%  -5.25%   4.53%   0.76%   2.86%   1.98%   3.17%  -0.21%
Jul      -1.31%   3.15%  -2.80%  -2.56%   0.15%   2.88%   0.65%   4.18%  -0.15%   4.07%
Aug      -0.98%   0.48%   0.19%   3.28%   1.42%   1.27%  -0.53%   3.51%  -3.57%  -1.78%
Sep       0.57%   0.46%  -2.97%   0.41%   1.76%   2.36%   4.63%  -0.50%   5.09%  -7.30%
Oct       0.46%   2.72%   3.65%   2.99%   1.91%   0.45%   1.88%   3.57%   3.59% -13.42%
Nov       2.18%   1.58%   5.70%   6.07%   2.43%   2.37%   2.83%  -1.21%  -3.47%  -2.40%
Dec       2.26%   0.53%   4.71%   3.24%   2.49%   1.84%  -2.52%   3.67%   1.52%  -3.90%
Ann.Rtn. 13.87%  20.83%  15.64%  18.75%  31.79%  14.03%  21.96%   7.72%  18.91% -21.90% 2.40%
*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The DB Currency Harvest Index has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to October 19, 2005.
Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index
will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on
the DB Currency Harvest Index would have been lower than the Index as a result
of fees and/or costs.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



Certain Risks of DB Currency Harvest                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

     Publication of the Index began on October 19, 2005. Therefore, the Index
     has very limited performance history, and no actual investment which
     allowed a tracking of the performance of the Index was possible before
     that date.

[]   STRATEGY RISK -- The strategy reflected in the DB Currency Harvest Index
     takes the view that by taking long positions in high yielding currencies
     and short positions in low yielding currencies, an investor's gain from
     interest rate differentials in the high yielding jurisdictions will exceed
     any potential losses from currency rate risk. The Index Sponsor provides
     no assurance that this expectation is or will remain valid. Various market
     factors and circumstances at any time and over any period could cause and
     have in the past caused investors to become more risk averse to high
     yielding currencies. Such risk aversion is greater with respect to the
     non-G10 currencies, which may be volatile and subject to large
     fluctuations, devaluations, exchange controls and inconvertibility.

     LOSSES IN OTHER INDEX COMPONENTS -- The DB Currency Harvest Index is
     composed of multiple currency positions. Any gain in one position may be
     offset by a loss in another position.

[]   CURRENCY MARKETS MAY BE HIGHLY VOLATILE -- Currency markets may be highly
     volatile, particularly in relation to emerging or developing nations'
     currencies and, in certain market conditions, also in relation to
     developed nations' currencies. The DB Currency Harvest Index components
     may include emerging market countries that are more exposed to the risk of
     swift political change and economic downturns than their industrialized
     counterparts. Political or economic instability is likely to have an
     adverse effect on the performance of the DB Currency Harvest Index.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



Bloomberg Ticker : DBSMARTD                                    [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

[]   The DB SMART Index seeks to capture returns generated by changes in the
     slope of the USD yield curve
[]   The index methodology implements dynamic long or short "steepener"
     positions in order to benefit from relative changes in short-term and
     long-term interest rates
     -    A steepener is constructed with long/short forward starting interest
          rate swaps, duration-weighted to remain neutral to small parallel
          shifts in the yield curve
     -    Long steepener: 1mo forward 2yr Swap (fixed rate receiver) + 1mo
          forward 10yr Swap (fixed rate payer) - Short steepener: 1mo forward
          2yr Swap (fixed rate payer) + 1mo forward 10yr Swap (fixed rate
[]   The rules-based methodology uses a 2-criteria process to determine the
     appropriate trading strategy to generate alpha based on recent changes in
     the USD yield curve or the relative value between short-term and long-term
     interest rates
     -    Criteria 1: Recent changes in the 3-month USD Libor rate measured by
          the percentage change month over month
     -    Criteria 2: The current slope of the USD yield curve measured by the
          "carry" of

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

1/3 of the Steepener position is rebalanced each month        Deutsche Bank Logo



Performance Analysis
Index Returns*

Performance Analysis*
January 1999 - February 2009   DB SMART           iBoxx USD     HFRX Global
                              USD 5x TR           Treasury      Hedge Fund Index
Annualized Returns                 5.5%                5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                         2.8%                4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)               0.72                0.47                -0.69
Maximum Drawdown                  -4.9%               -4.8% -              25.2%
  Start Date                     Mar-08              Jun-03               Nov-07
  End Date                       Feb-09              Feb-04               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss      -3.8%               -4.8%               -23.1%
  Start Date                     Nov-08              Jun-03               Jun-08
  End Date                       Dec-08              Aug-03               Jan-09
Max/Min Returns
Rolling 12 Months         14.7% / -3.8%       15.9% / -5.0%       16.4% / -23.3%
Rolling 3 Months           5.2% / -4.4%        9.9% / -5.1%        7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns            0.0%                0.5%                 0.1%
% Months with Gains               64.5%               66.9%                60.6%
iBoxx USD Treasury -0.13 1.00 -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index 0.05 -0.25 1.00


Monthly Returns*
          1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007     2008    2009
Jan              0.39%  -0.12%   0.36%   0.56%  -0.29%   1.50%   0.28%   0.45%    1.17%   1.34%
Feb      0.52%   0.89%   0.42%   0.05%  -0.29%   0.54%   0.36%   0.93%   0.32%    1.60%   1.43%
Mar      1.38%  -0.71%   1.96%  -0.25%   1.02%   0.02%   0.35%  -0.32%   0.03%  -0.28%
Apr      0.38%   0.46%   1.59%   0.43%   0.26%   0.00%   0.54%  -0.43%   0.72%  -1.80%
May      0.33%   0.59%   1.21%   0.36%  -1.24%  -0.03%   0.86%   0.82%   0.76%   0.11%
Jun      1.04%   0.56%   0.57%   1.27%   0.81%   0.29%   0.67%   0.54%  -0.47%  -0.09%
Jul      0.45%   1.04%   0.95%   2.04%   2.95%   0.09%   0.26%   0.25%  -0.04%   0.32%
Aug      0.92%   0.30%   0.55%  -0.85%  -0.97%   0.19%   0.53%   0.76%   0.86%  -0.12%
Sep      0.44%   1.13%   2.06%   0.19%  -0.28%   0.88%   0.53%   0.65%  -0.52%  -0.47%
Oct      0.59%   0.59%   1.30%   1.42%  -0.07%   0.20%   0.00%   0.57%   0.51%   1.28%
Nov      0.36%   0.43%   0.67%  -0.39%  -0.60%   0.84%   0.47%   0.94%   0.58%  -3.84%
Dec      0.43%   0.52%   1.33%   0.75%   1.11%   0.85%   0.76%   0.37%   0.21%   0.35%
Ann.Rtn. 7.26%   6.35%  13.21%   5.47%   3.25%   3.64%   7.05%   5.48%   3.44%  -1.87%    2.79%
*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The DB Smart Index has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to July 15, 2007.
Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index
will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on
the DB Smart Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees
and/or costs.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



Certain Risks of DB SMART USD Index                            [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

     the Index began on July 15, 2007. Therefore, the Index has very limited
     actual performance history, and no actual investment which allowed a
     tracking of the performance of the Index was possible before that date.

[]   STRATEGY RISK -- The DB SMART USD Index reflects an investment strategy
     that systematically selects steepening or flattening positions in relation
     to the USD yield curve based on signals of a rate cutting or rate hiking
     cycle or the implied positive or negative carry in those positions in
     order to capture returns generated by changes in the slope of the USD
     yield curve. If the slope of the USD yield curve does not behave in the
     manner indicated by the signals or remains flat or nearly flat for
     extended periods, the value of the DB SMART USD Index could be adversely

     returns generated by the DB SMART USD Index are five times leveraged
     before being assigned a weighting in Liquid Alpha by the Optimized Asset
     Allocation Model. If the investment strategy reflected by the DB SMART USD
     Index does not generate positive results, the contribution of the DB SMART
     USD Index to Liquid Alpha will be the weighted, leveraged negative
     performance of the DB SMART USD Index.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Fed Funds Total Return Index
Bloomberg Ticker : DBMMFED1                                    [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

[ ] The DB Fed Funds Total Return Index measures the accrual of a deposit
invested at the inter-bank overnight interest rate (Fed Funds). The deposit is
compounded (reinvested) daily, with a 360-day year convention. Fed Funds refers
to the rate published at the close of business in New York.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo



DB Fed Funds Index
Performance Analysis                                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Performance Analysis*
                                                  iBoxx USD     HFRX Global
January 1999 - February 2009  Fed Funds TR        Treasury      Hedge Fund Index
Annualized Returns                    3.5%             5.8%                 0.5%
Volatility                            0.2%             4.9%                 4.4%
Sharpe Ratio (3.48%)                     -             0.47                -0.69
Maximum Drawdown                         -            -4.8%               -25.2%
  Start Date                             -           Jun-03               Nov-07
  End Date                               -           Feb-04               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss             -            -4.8%               -23.1%
  Start Date                             -           Jun-03               Jun-08
  End Date                               -           Aug-03               Jan-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months            6.6% / 1.0%    15.9% / -5.0%       16.4% / -23.3%
  Rolling 3 Months             1.7% / 0.1%     9.9% / -5.1%        7.1% / -18.6%
Average Monthly Returns               0.3%             0.5%                 0.1%
% Months with Gains                 100.0%            66.9%                60.6%
iBoxx USD Treasury                    0.01             1.00                -0.25
HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index          0.00            -0.25                 1.00


Monthly Returns*
          1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009
Jan              0.48%   0.55%   0.16%   0.11%   0.08%   0.19%   0.38%   0.48%   0.34%   0.01%
Feb      0.37%   0.45%   0.43%   0.14%   0.10%   0.08%   0.19%   0.35%   0.41%   0.24%   0.02%
Mar      0.44%   0.52%   0.44%   0.13%   0.11%   0.09%   0.23%   0.39%   0.44%   0.23%
Apr      0.40%   0.47%   0.42%   0.16%   0.11%   0.08%   0.22%   0.37%   0.45%   0.19%
May      0.37%   0.57%   0.36%   0.15%   0.10%   0.08%   0.27%   0.45%   0.45%   0.17%
Jun      0.43%   0.55%   0.32%   0.14%   0.11%   0.09%   0.25%   0.42%   0.42%   0.17%
Jul      0.42%   0.57%   0.34%   0.16%   0.09%   0.11%   0.26%   0.45%   0.47%   0.17%
Aug      0.45%   0.56%   0.32%   0.15%   0.08%   0.13%   0.32%   0.45%   0.43%   0.16%
Sep      0.44%   0.53%   0.24%   0.15%   0.09%   0.13%   0.30%   0.42%   0.39%   0.16%
Oct      0.42%   0.58%   0.23%   0.15%   0.09%   0.14%   0.33%   0.47%   0.44%   0.09%
Nov      0.48%   0.54%   0.18%   0.11%   0.08%   0.17%   0.33%   0.44%   0.37%   0.03%
Dec      0.45%   0.53%   0.15%   0.11%   0.09%   0.19%   0.35%   0.42%   0.37%   0.02%
Ann.Rtn. 4.88%   6.52%   4.04%   1.72%   1.15%   1.38%   3.30%   5.14%   5.25%   1.98%   0.03%
*Source: Deutsche Bank, 2009, Bloomberg. The DB Fed Funds Index has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to October 15, 2007.
Accordingly, the results shown during the retrospective periods do not reflect
actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index
will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on
the DB Fed Funds Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees
and/or costs.

                                                              Deutsche Bank Logo