6-K 1 d404315d6k.htm FORM 6-K Form 6-K





Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 6-K



Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of January, 2023

Commission File Number 001-15216




(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel, Mumbai. 400 013, India

(Address of principal executive office)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F  ☒                Form 40-F  ☐

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):    Yes  ☐    No  ☒

Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):    Yes  ☐    No  ☒

Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant’s “home country”), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant’s securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant’s security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.    Yes  ☐    No  ☒

If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82- Not Applicable                .





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




Date: January 14, 2023     By  

/s/ Santosh Haldankar

    Name: Santosh Haldankar
    Title:  Sr. Vice President (Legal) & Company Secretary


The following documents (bearing the exhibit number listed below) are furnished herewith and are made a part of this Report pursuant to the General Instructions for Form 6-K.

Exhibit    I


Communication dated January 14, 2023 addressed to The New York Stock Exchange, 11, Wall Street, New York, NY 10005, United States of America (USA) intimating about the unaudited Financial Results of HDFC Bank Limited for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022.

January 14, 2023

New York Stock Exchange

11, Wall Street,

New York,

NY 10005


Dear Sir,

Sub: Outcome of the meeting of the Board of Directors of HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank”) held on January 14, 2023

We enclose herewith the unaudited standalone and consolidated financial results of the Bank for the third quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022 (“Results”), along with segment reporting, press release, and the Limited Review Report of the Joint Statutory Auditors in this regard. The results were duly approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held today.

Kindly take the same on your records.

Yours faithfully,

For HDFC Bank Limited


Santosh Haldankar

Sr. Vice President (Legal) & Company Secretary




CIN : L65920MH1994PLC080618

Sandoz House, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.

Website: https://www.hdfcbank.com, Tel.: 022- 6652 1000, Fax: 022- 2496 0739



          ( in lac)  


   Quarter ended      Nine months ended
     Year ended
     31.12.2022      30.09.2022      31.12.2021      31.12.2022      31.12.2021  
     Unaudited      Audited      Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited  

Interest Earned (a)+(b)+(c)+(d)

     4270777        3858638        3246805        11646619        9430439        12775311  

a) Interest / discount on advances / bills

     3364141        3040939        2489549        9145308        7260316        9851202  

b) Income on investments

     803922        770193        652582        2293472        1946960        2604613  

c) Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other inter-bank funds

     23166        16024        86319        68814        185692        255237  

d) Others

     79548        31482        18355        139025        37471        64259  

Other income

     849984        759558        818355        2248365        2187284        2950990  

Total Income (1)+(2)

     5120761        4618196        4065160        13894984        11617723        15726301  

Interest Expended

     1971994        1756522        1402457        5297578        4116756        5574354  

Operating Expenses (i)+(ii)

     1246360        1122457        985108        3418998        2728940        3744219  

i) Employees cost

     412623        352383        315442        1115030        888705        1203169  

ii) Other operating expenses

     833737        770074        669666        2303968        1840235        2541050  

Total Expenditure (4)+(5) (excluding Provisions and Contingencies)

     3218354        2878979        2387565        8716576        6845696        9318573  

Operating Profit before Provisions and Contingencies (3)-(6)

     1902407        1739217        1677595        5178408        4772027        6407728  

Provisions (other than tax) and Contingencies

     280644        324013        299398        923430        1174948        1506183  

Exceptional Items

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7)-(8)-(9)

     1621763        1415204        1378197        4254978        3597079        4901545  

Tax Expense

     395814        354626        343977        1048852        906464        1205412  

Net Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities after tax (10)-(11)

     1225949        1060578        1034220        3206126        2690615        3696133  

Extraordinary items (net of tax expense)

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (12)-(13)

     1225949        1060578        1034220        3206126        2690615        3696133  

Paid up equity share capital (Face Value of 1/- each)

     55768        55700        55424        55768        55424        55455  

Reserves excluding revaluation reserves


Analytical Ratios and other disclosures:


(i) Percentage of shares held by Government of India

     Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil  

(ii) Capital Adequacy Ratio

     17.66      16.92      19.53      17.66      19.53      18.90

(iii) Earnings per share (EPS) () (Face Value of 1/- each):


(a) Basic EPS before & after extraordinary items (net of tax expense) - not annualized

     21.99        19.07        18.67        57.65        48.66        66.80  

(b) Diluted EPS before & after extraordinary items (net of tax expense) - not annualized

     21.89        19.00        18.54        57.40        48.31        66.35  

(iv) NPA Ratios:


(a) Gross NPAs

     1876390        1830100        1601355        1876390        1601355        1614096  

(b) Net NPAs

     502427        488267        467677        502427        467677        440768  

(c) % of Gross NPAs to Gross Advances

     1.23      1.23      1.26      1.23      1.26      1.17

(d) % of Net NPAs to Net Advances

     0.33      0.33      0.37      0.33      0.37      0.32

(v) Return on assets (average) - not annualized

     0.56      0.51      0.56      1.54      1.52      2.03

(vi) Net worth

     26039935        24699703        22339400        26039935        22339400        23361381  

(vii) Outstanding Redeemable Preference Shares

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

(viii) Capital Redemption Reserve

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

(ix) Debt Equity Ratio

     0.28        0.38        0.25        0.28        0.25        0.33  

(x) Total debts to total assets

     9.18      9.29      9.82      9.18      9.82      8.93

- Debt represents borrowings with residual maturity of more than one year. Total debts represents total borrowings of the Bank.

Regd. Office : HDFC Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400013.



Segment information in accordance with the Accounting Standard 17 - Segment Reporting of the operating segments of the Bank is as under:


     ( in lac)  


   Quarter ended     Nine months ended
    Year ended  
   31.12.2022     30.09.2022     31.12.2021     31.12.2022     31.12.2021     31.03.2022  
   Unaudited     Audited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited  


   Segment Revenue             


   Treasury      955078       790995       919160       2484037       2648635       3438512  


   Retail Banking      3530186       3512514       2925294       10211263       8444166       11518991  


   Wholesale Banking      2537451       2126597       1872577       6528256       4879539       6648293  


   Other Banking Operations      656735       644952       567252       1900156       1596026       2149621  


   Unallocated      104476       40347       —         145696       —         (1218
   Total      7783926       7115405       6284283       21269408       17568366       23754199  
   Less: Inter Segment Revenue      2663165       2497209       2219123       7374424       5950643       8027898  


















   Income from Operations      5120761       4618196       4065160       13894984       11617723       15726301  




















   Segment Results             


   Treasury      77494       1226       253105       105337       755575       893951  


   Retail Banking      440906       307750       195926       1018706       512680       922324  


   Wholesale Banking      849435       922187       772611       2508286       1889604       2505301  


   Other Banking Operations      255164       193722       204935       673639       569803       738648  


   Unallocated      (1236     (9681     (48380     (50990     (130583     (158679


















   Total Profit Before Tax      1621763       1415204       1378197       4254978       3597079       4901545  




















   Segment Assets             


   Treasury      65748834       56105272       53754643       65748834       53754643       55176734  


   Retail Banking      67126656       70443866       58577297       67126656       58577297       61946820  


   Wholesale Banking      87494145       86839715       72959133       87494145       72959133       80813661  


   Other Banking Operations      7813956       8163556       7356677       7813956       7356677       7659109  


   Unallocated      1346941       1236927       1180845       1346941       1180845       1257183  


















   Total      229530532       222789336       193828595       229530532       193828595       206853507  




















   Segment Liabilities             


   Treasury      9774905       10952287       13237969       9774905       13237969       7727363  


   Retail Banking      148370986       141573723       122096409       148370986       122096409       129233974  


   Wholesale Banking      39712407       41751119       31759407       39712407       31759407       41382531  


   Other Banking Operations      664367       678726       631229       664367       631229       599476  


   Unallocated      4253625       2422343       3139624       4253625       3139624       3900870  


















   Total      202776290       197378198       170864638       202776290       170864638       182844214  




















   Capital Employed             
   (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)             


   Treasury      55973929       45152985       40516674       55973929       40516674       47449371  


   Retail Banking      (81244330     (71129857     (63519112     (81244330     (63519112     (67287154


   Wholesale Banking      47781738       45088596       41199726       47781738       41199726       39431130  


   Other Banking Operations      7149589       7484830       6725448       7149589       6725448       7059633  


   Unallocated      (2906684     (1185416     (1958779     (2906684     (1958779     (2643687


















   Total      26754242       25411138       22963957       26754242       22963957       24009293  



















Business Segments have been identified and reported taking into account the target customer profile, the nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns, the organisation structure, the internal business reporting system and the guidelines prescribed by the RBI. Vide its circular dated April 7, 2022 on establishment of Digital Banking Units (DBUs), the RBI has prescribed reporting of Digital Banking Segment as a sub-segment of Retail Banking Segment. During the quarter ended December 31, 2022, the Bank has commenced four DBUs. Reporting of Digital Banking segment as a sub-segment of Retail Banking Segment will be implemented by the Bank based on the guidance from the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) on the clarifications sought by the Bank in this regard.



Notes :



Statement of Assets and Liabilities is given below:


     ( in lac)  
Particulars    As at
     As at
     As at
   Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited  




     55768        55424        55455  

Reserves and Surplus

     26698474        22908533        23953838  


     173320398        144591811        155921744  


     21076210        19042526        18481721  

Other Liabilities and Provisions

     8379682        7230301        8440749  











     229530532        193828595        206853507  












Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India

     9477289        15737985        12999564  

Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short notice

     2442537        1104653        2233130  


     52727667        42258533        45553570  


     150680931        126086284        136882093  

Fixed Assets

     691427        547940        608368  

Other Assets

     13510681        8093200        8576782  











     229530532        193828595        206853507  












The above financial results have been approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 14, 2023. The financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022 have been subjected to a limited review by the statutory auditors (M M Nissim & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants and Price Waterhouse LLP, Chartered Accountants) of the Bank. The financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2021 and for the year ended March 31, 2022 were reviewed / audited by M M Nissim & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants and MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants.



These financial results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard 25 – Interim Financial Reporting (“AS 25”), prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, the relevant provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the circulars, guidelines and directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India (“the RBI”) from time to time (‘RBI Guidelines’) and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, and is in compliance with the presentation and disclosure requirements of the Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 read with Regulation 63 (2) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended including relevant circulars issued by the SEBI from time to time.



The Bank has applied its significant accounting policies in the preparation of these financial results consistent with those followed in the annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2022. Any circular / direction issued by RBI is implemented prospectively when it becomes applicable.



The Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 04, 2022, approved a composite Scheme of amalgamation (“Scheme”), for the amalgamation of: (i) HDFC Investments Limited and HDFC Holdings Limited, into and with Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (“HDFC Limited”); and thereafter (ii) HDFC Limited into HDFC Bank Limited (“Bank”), and their respective shareholders and creditors, under Sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable laws including the rules and regulations. The share exchange ratio shall be 42 equity shares of face value of  1/- each of the Bank for every 25 equity shares of face value of  2/- each of HDFC Limited. As per the Scheme, the appointed date for the amalgamation of HDFC Limited with and into the Bank shall be the effective date of the Scheme. Upon the Scheme becoming effective, the Bank will issue equity shares to the shareholders of HDFC Limited as on the record date as per the Scheme. The equity shares held by HDFC Limited in the Bank will be extinguished as per the Scheme.

The Scheme was approved by the shareholders at the National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) convened meeting of the shareholders of the Bank held on November 25, 2022 for the purpose of considering and approving the arrangement embodied in the Scheme. Pursuant to the Joint Company Scheme Petition filed on December 7, 2022 with the NCLT in accordance with Sections 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules thereunder, seeking the sanction of the NCLT for the Scheme, the NCLT has vide its order dated December 16, 2022, inter alia, fixed January 27, 2023 as the date for hearing for disposal of the said Joint Company Scheme Petition. Steps for seeking certain other regulatory approvals / consents shall be undertaken once the NCLT sanctions / approves the Scheme.



During the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022, the Bank allotted 67,96,370 and 3,12,14,420 equity shares respectively pursuant to the exercise of options under the approved employee stock option schemes.



During the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022, the Bank issued Basel III compliant bonds of  20,000.00 crore (Tier 2) and  23,000.00 crore (Additional Tier 1:  3,000.00 crore and Tier 2:  20,000.00 crore) respectively.



The COVID-19 virus, a global pandemic affected the world economy over the last more than two years. The extent to which any new wave of COVID-19 will impact the bank’s results will depend on ongoing as well as future developments, including, among other things, any new information concerning the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and any action to contain its spread or mitigate its impact whether government-mandated or elected by us.



Details of loans transferred / acquired during the quarter ended December 31, 2022 as per RBI Master Direction on Transfer of Loan Exposures dated September 24, 2021 are given below:



(i) Details of non-performing assets (NPAs) transferred:    in crore except number of accounts  


   To Asset
     To permitted
     To other

Number of accounts

     1        1        —    

Aggregate principal outstanding of loans transferred

     52.40        183.80        —    

Weighted average residual tenor of the loans transferred (in years)

     0.01        —          —    

Net book value of loans transferred (at the time of transfer)

     —          —          —    

Aggregate consideration

     41.00        44.22        —    

Additional consideration realised in respect of accounts transferred in earlier years

     1.33        —          —    

The Bank has reversed the excess provision of  85.22 crore to Profit and Loss account on sale of the aforesaid loans.



(ii) Details of ratings of SRs outstanding as on December 31, 2022 are given below:


     ( in crore)  


   Rating Agency      Recovery
     Outstanding as at
December 31,


     India Ratings        100% - 150%        334.24  


     India Ratings        75% - 100%        159.21  


     CRICIL        75% - 100%        92.17  


     India Ratings        25% - 50%        165.73  





        Total        751.57  




(iii) The Bank has not transferred any Special Mention Account (SMA) and loan not in default.

(iv) Details of loans not in default acquired through assignment are given below:




Aggregate amount of loans acquired ( in crore)


Weighted average residual maturity (in years)


Weighted average holding period by the originator (in years)


Retention of beneficial economic interest by the originator


Tangible security coverage


The loans acquired are not rated as these are to non-corporate borrowers.

(v) The Bank has not acquired any stressed loan.



Other income includes commission income from non-fund based banking activities, fees, earnings from foreign exchange and derivative transactions, profit and loss (including revaluation) from investments, dividends from subsidiaries and recoveries from accounts previously written off.



Other operating expenses include commission paid to sales agents of  1,181.95 crore (previous period:  1,021.52 crore) and  3,471.56 crore (previous period:  2,553.62 crore) for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022 respectively.



Figures of the previous periods have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification.



 10 lac =  1 million

10 million = 1 crore


Place : Mumbai

   Sashidhar Jagdishan

Date : January 14, 2023

   Managing Director



CIN : L65920MH1994PLC080618

Sandoz House, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.

Website: https://www.hdfcbank.com, Tel.: 022- 6652 1000, Fax: 022- 2496 0739



          ( in lac)  


   Quarter ended      Nine months ended
     Year ended
     31.12.2022      30.09.2022      31.12.2021      31.12.2022      31.12.2021  
     Unaudited      Audited      Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited  

Interest Earned (a)+(b)+(c)+(d)

     4500211        4092979        3458802        12320571        10036222        13593641  

a) Interest / discount on advances / bills

     3585005        3262998        2690770        9789379        7835239        10629534  

b) Income on investments

     796486        768084        647468        2278292        1939483        2590706  

c) Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other inter-bank funds

     26568        19070        88446        77603        191353        263078  

d) Others

     92152        42827        32118        175297        70147        110323  

Other Income

     912073        825231        877694        2430155        2337273        3175899  

Total Income (1)+(2)

     5412284        4918210        4336496        14750726        12373495        16769540  

Interest Expended

     2050486        1831079        1472402        5517391        4335780        5858433  

Operating Expenses (i)+(ii)

     1343779        1214979        1060711        3694266        2929891        4031243  

i) Employees cost

     527753        463175        412123        1451614        1169640        1589703  

ii) Other operating expenses

     816026        751804        648588        2242652        1760251        2441540  

Total Expenditure (4)+(5) (excluding Provisions and Contingencies)

     3394265        3046058        2533113        9211657        7265671        9889676  

Operating Profit before Provisions and Contingencies (3)-(6)

     2018019        1872152        1803383        5539069        5107824        6879864  

Provisions (Other than tax) and Contingencies

     324419        376512        381570        1067499        1389470        1792525  

Exceptional Items

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax

     1693600        1495640        1421813        4471570        3718354        5087339  

Tax Expense

     420057        379381        360236        1120101        950753        1272249  

Net Profit / (Loss) from Ordinary Activities after tax (10)-(11)

     1273543        1116259        1061577        3351469        2767601        3815090  

Extraordinary items (net of tax expense)

     —          —          —          —          —          —    

Consolidated Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before minorities’ interest (12)-(13)

     1273543        1116259        1061577        3351469        2767601        3815090  

Less: Minorities’ Interest

     3711        3738        2431        11205        6627        9815  

Consolidated Net Profit / (Loss) for the period attributable to the group (14)-(15)

     1269832        1112521        1059146        3340264        2760974        3805275  

Paid up equity share capital (Face Value of 1/- each)

     55768        55700        55424        55768        55424        55455  

Reserves excluding revaluation reserves


Analytical Ratios:


(i) Percentage of shares held by Government of India

     Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil        Nil  

(ii) Earnings per share (EPS) () (Face Value of 1/- each):


(a) Basic EPS before & after extraordinary items (net of tax expense) - not annualized

     22.78        20.01        19.12        60.06        49.93        68.77  

(b) Diluted EPS before & after extraordinary items (net of tax expense) - not annualized

     22.68        19.93        18.98        59.80        49.57        68.31  

Regd. Office : HDFC Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400013.



Consolidated Segment information in accordance with the Accounting Standard 17 - Segment Reporting of the operating segments of the Bank is as under:


          ( in lac)  


   Quarter ended     Nine months ended
    Year ended
   31.12.2022     30.09.2022     31.12.2021     31.12.2022     31.12.2021     31.03.2022  
   Unaudited     Audited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited  


   Segment Revenue             


   Treasury      955078       790995       919160       2484037       2648635       3438512  


   Retail Banking      3530186       3512514       2925294       10211263       8444166       11518991  


   Wholesale Banking      2537451       2126598       1872577       6528256       4879539       6648293  


   Other Banking Operations      948259       944965       838588       2755898       2351798       3192860  


   Unallocated      104476       40347       —         145696       —         (1218
   Total      8075450       7415419       6555619       22125150       18324138       24797438  
   Less: Inter Segment Revenue      2663166       2497209       2219123       7374424       5950643       8027898  


















   Income from Operations      5412284       4918210       4336496       14750726       12373495       16769540  




















   Segment Results             


   Treasury      77494       1226       253105       105337       755575       893951  


   Retail Banking      440906       307750       195926       1018706       512680       922324  


   Wholesale Banking      849435       922187       772611       2508286       1889604       2505301  


   Other Banking Operations      327001       274158       248551       890230       691078       924442  


   Unallocated      (1236     (9681     (48380     (50989     (130583     (158679


















   Total Profit Before Tax and Minority Interest      1693600       1495640       1421813       4471570       3718354       5087339  




















   Segment Assets             


   Treasury      65748833       56105272       53754643       65748833       53754643       55176734  


   Retail Banking      67126656       70443866       58577297       67126656       58577297       61946820  


   Wholesale Banking      87494145       86839715       72959133       87494145       72959133       80813661  


   Other Banking Operations      13792050       13731960       12555118       13792050       12555118       13099032  


   Unallocated      1346941       1236926       1180845       1346941       1180845       1257183  


















   Total      235508625       228357739       199027036       235508625       199027036       212293430  




















   Segment Liabilities             


   Treasury      9774903       10952286       13237969       9774903       13237969       7727363  


   Retail Banking      148370986       141573723       122096409       148370986       122096409       129233974  


   Wholesale Banking      39712407       41751119       31759407       39712407       31759407       41382531  


   Other Banking Operations      5692211       5348044       5080298       5692211       5080298       5244034  


   Unallocated      4253626       2422345       3139624       4253626       3139624       3900870  


















   Total      207804133       202047517       175313707       207804133       175313707       187488772  




















   Capital Employed             
   (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)             


   Treasury      55973930       45152986       40516674       55973930       40516674       47449371  


   Retail Banking      (81244330     (71129857     (63519112     (81244330     (63519112     (67287154


   Wholesale Banking      47781738       45088596       41199726       47781738       41199726       39431130  


   Other Banking Operations      8099839       8383916       7474820       8099839       7474820       7854998  


   Unallocated      (2906685     (1185419     (1958779     (2906685     (1958779     (2643687


















   Total      27704492       26310222       23713329       27704492       23713329       24804658  



















Business Segments have been identified and reported taking into account the target customer profile, the nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns, the organisation structure, the internal business reporting system and the guidelines prescribed by the RBI. Vide its circular dated April 7, 2022 on establishment of Digital Banking Units (DBUs), the RBI has prescribed reporting of Digital Banking Segment as a sub-segment of Retail Banking Segment. During the quarter ended December 31, 2022, the Bank has commenced four DBUs. Reporting of Digital Banking segment as a sub-segment of Retail Banking Segment will be implemented by the Bank based on the guidance from the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) on the clarifications sought by the Bank in this regard.



Notes :



The above financial results represent the consolidated financial results of HDFC Bank Limited, its subsidiaries (together referred to as the ‘Group’) and HDB Employee Welfare Trust. These financial results have been approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 14, 2023. The financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022 have been subjected to a limited review by the statutory auditors (M M Nissim & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants and Price Waterhouse LLP, Chartered Accountants) of the Bank. The financial results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2021 and for the year ended March 31, 2022 were reviewed / audited by M M Nissim & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants and MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants.



These financial results have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard 21 - Consolidated Financial Statements (“AS 21”) and Accounting Standard 25 - Interim Financial Reporting (“AS 25”), prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, the relevant provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the circulars, guidelines and directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time (“RBI Guidelines”) and other accounting principles generally accepted in India and is in compliance with the presentation and disclosure requirements of the Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended including relevant circulars issued by the SEBI from time to time.



The Group has applied its significant accounting policies in the preparation of these financial results consistent with those followed in the annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2022. Any circular / direction issued by RBI is implemented prospectively when it becomes applicable.



The Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 04, 2022, approved a composite Scheme of amalgamation (“Scheme”), for the amalgamation of: (i) HDFC Investments Limited and HDFC Holdings Limited, into and with Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (“HDFC Limited”); and thereafter (ii) HDFC Limited into HDFC Bank Limited (“Bank”), and their respective shareholders and creditors, under Sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable laws including the rules and regulations. The share exchange ratio shall be 42 equity shares of face value of  1/- each of the Bank for every 25 equity shares of face value of  2/- each of HDFC Limited. As per the Scheme, the appointed date for the amalgamation of HDFC Limited with and into the Bank shall be the effective date of the Scheme. Upon the Scheme becoming effective, the Bank will issue equity shares to the shareholders of HDFC Limited as on the record date as per the Scheme. The equity shares held by HDFC Limited in the Bank will be extinguished as per the Scheme.



The Scheme was approved by the shareholders at the National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) convened meeting of the shareholders of the Bank held on November 25, 2022 for the purpose of considering and approving the arrangement embodied in the Scheme. Pursuant to the Joint Company Scheme Petition filed on December 7, 2022 with the NCLT in accordance with Sections 230-232 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules thereunder, seeking the sanction of the NCLT for the Scheme, the NCLT has vide its order dated December 16, 2022, inter alia, fixed January 27, 2023 as the date for hearing for disposal of the said Joint Company Scheme Petition. Steps for seeking certain other regulatory approvals / consents shall be undertaken once the NCLT sanctions / approves the Scheme.



The COVID-19 virus, a global pandemic affected the world economy over the last more than two years. The extent to which any new wave of COVID-19 will impact the group’s results will depend on ongoing as well as future developments, including, among other things, any new information concerning the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and any action to contain its spread or mitigate its impact whether government-mandated or elected by us.



In accordance with the RBI guidelines, banks are required to make consolidated Pillar 3 disclosures including leverage ratio, liquidity coverage ratio and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) under the Basel III Framework. These disclosures would be available on the Bank’s website at the following link: https://www.hdfcbank.com/personal/resources/regulatory-disclosures. The disclosures have not been subjected to audit or review by the statutory auditors.



Figures of the previous periods have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to current period’s classification.



 10 lac =  1 million

 10 million =  1 crore


Place : Mumbai    Sashidhar Jagdishan
Date : January 14, 2023    Managing Director


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618


HDFC Bank Limited


The Board of Directors of HDFC Bank Limited approved the Bank’s (Indian GAAP) results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022, at its meeting held in Mumbai on Saturday, January 14, 2023. The accounts have been subjected to a ‘Limited Review’ by the statutory auditors of the Bank.


Profit & Loss Account: Quarter ended December 31, 2022

The Bank’s net revenue, grew by 18.3% to  31,487.7 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 from  26,627.0 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021. Excluding net trading and mark to market income, the net revenue grew by 22.1% over the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

Net interest income (interest earned less interest expended) for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 grew by 24.6% to  22,987.8 crore from  18,443.5 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021. Core net interest margin was at 4.1% on total assets, and 4.3% based on interest earning assets.

The four components of other income for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 were fees & commissions of  6,052.6 crore ( 5,075.1 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year), foreign exchange & derivatives revenue of  1,074.1 crore ( 949.5 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year), net trading and mark to market income of  261.4 crore ( 1,046.5 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year) and miscellaneous income, including recoveries and dividend, of  1,111.8 crore ( 1,112.5 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year). Other income, excluding net trading and mark to market income, grew by 15.4% over the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

Operating expenses for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 were  12,463.6 crore, an increase of 26.5% over  9,851.1 crore during the corresponding quarter of the previous year. The cost-to-income ratio for the quarter was at 39.6%.


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618


Pre-provision Operating Profit (PPOP) was at  19,024.1 crore. PPOP, excluding net trading and mark to market income, grew by 19.3% over the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

Provisions and contingencies for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 were  2,806.4 crore as against  2,994.0 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

The total credit cost ratio was at 0.74%, as compared to 0.94% for the quarter ending December 31, 2021.

Profit before tax (PBT) for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 was at  16,217.6 crore. After providing  3,958.1 crore for taxation, the Bank earned a net profit of  12,259.5 crore, an increase of 18.5% over the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

Balance Sheet: As of December 31, 2022

Total balance sheet size as of December 31, 2022 was  2,295,305 crore as against  1,938,286 crore as of December 31, 2021, a growth of 18.4%.

Total Deposits showed a healthy growth and were at  1,733,204 crore as of December 31, 2022, an increase of 19.9% over December 31, 2021. CASA deposits grew by 12.0% with savings account deposits at  535,206 crore and current account deposits at  227,745 crore. Time deposits were at  970,253 crore, an increase of 26.9% over the corresponding quarter of the previous year, resulting in CASA deposits comprising 44.0% of total deposits as of December 31, 2022.

Total advances as of December 31, 2022 were  1,506,809 crore, an increase of 19.5% over December 31, 2021. Gross of transfers through inter-bank participation certificates and bills rediscounted, total advances grew by 23.6% over December 31, 2021. Domestic retail loans grew by 21.4%, commercial and rural banking loans grew by 30.2% and corporate and other wholesale loans grew by 20.3%. Overseas advances constituted 2.8% of total advances.

Nine months ended December 31, 2022

For the nine months ended December 31, 2022, the Bank earned a total income of  138,949.8 crore as against  116,177.2 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year. Net revenues (net interest income plus other income) for the nine months ended December 31, 2022 were  85,974.1 crore, as against  75,009.7 crore for the nine months ended December 31, 2021. Net profit for the nine months ended December 31, 2022 was  32,061.3 crore, up by 19.2% over the corresponding nine months ended December 31, 2021.


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618


Capital Adequacy:

The Bank’s total Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) as per Basel III guidelines (including profits for the nine months ended December 31, 2022) was at 19.4% as on December 31, 2022 (19.5% as on December 31, 2021) as against a regulatory requirement of 11.7% which includes Capital Conservation Buffer of 2.5%, and an additional requirement of 0.2% on account of the Bank being identified as a Domestic Systemically Important Bank (D-SIB). Tier 1 CAR was at 17.2% as of December 31, 2022 compared to 18.4% as of December 31, 2021. Common Equity Tier 1 Capital ratio was at 16.4% as of December 31, 2022. Risk-weighted Assets were at  1,536,272 crore (as against  1,267,426 crore as at December 31, 2021).


As of December 31, 2022, the Bank’s distribution network was at 7,183 branches and 19,007 ATMs / Cash Deposit & Withdrawal Machines (CDMs) across 3,552 cities / towns as against 5,779 branches and 17,238 ATMs / CDMs across 2,956 cities / towns as of December 31, 2021. 51% of our branches are in semi-urban and rural areas. In addition, we have 15,815 business correspondents, which are primarily manned by Common Service Centres (CSC). Number of employees were at 166,890 as of December 31, 2022 (as against 134,412 as of December 31, 2021).


Gross non-performing assets were at 1.23% of gross advances as on December 31, 2022 (1.00% excluding NPAs in the agricultural segment), as against 1.23% as on September 30, 2022 (1.03% excluding NPAs in the agricultural segment), and 1.26% as on December 31, 2021 (1.04% excluding NPAs in the agricultural segment). Net non-performing assets were at 0.33% of net advances as on December 31, 2022.


The Bank’s subsidiary companies prepare their financial results in accordance with the notified Indian Accounting Standards (‘Ind-AS’). The Bank for the purposes of its statutory compliance prepares and presents its financial results under Indian GAAP. Hence the Bank’s subsidiary companies, for the purposes of the consolidated financial results of the Bank, prepare ‘fit-for-consolidation information’ based on the recognition and measurement principles as per Indian GAAP. The financial numbers of the Bank’s subsidiary companies mentioned herein below are in accordance with Ind-AS.


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618


HDFC Securities Limited (HSL) is amongst the leading retail broking firms in India. As on December 31, 2022, the Bank held 95.6% stake in HSL. For the quarter ended December 31, 2022, HSL’s total revenue was at  504.9 crore, as against  535.6 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021. Profit after tax for the quarter was at  203.2 crore, as against  258.0 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

As on December 31, 2022, HSL had 210 branches across 147 cities / towns in the country.

HDB Financial Services Limited (HDBFSL) is a non-deposit taking non-banking finance company (‘NBFC’) offering wide range of loans and asset finance products to individuals, emerging businesses and micro enterprises. As on December 31, 2022, the Bank held 94.9% stake in HDBFSL.

For the quarter ended December 31, 2022, HDBFSL’s net revenue was at  2,233.4 crore as against  1,981.6 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021, a growth of 12.7%. Profit after tax for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 was  501.2 crore compared to  304.0 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2021.

The total loan book was  65,103 crore as on December 31, 2022. Stage 3 loans were at 3.73% of gross loans. As on December 31, 2022, total CAR was at 20.5% with Tier-I CAR at 16.0%.

As on December 31, 2022, HDBFSL had 1,421 branches across 1,020 cities / towns.


The consolidated net profit for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 was  12,698 crore, up 19.9%, over the quarter ended December 31, 2021. Consolidated advances grew by 19.2% from  1,312,142 crore as on December 31, 2021 to  1,563,799 crore as on December 31, 2022.

The consolidated net profit for the nine months ended December 31, 2022 was  33,403 crore, up 21.0%, over the nine months ended December 31, 2021.


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618



 = Indian Rupees

1 crore = 10 million

All figures and ratios are in accordance with Indian GAAP unless otherwise specified.

BSE: 500180



Certain statements are included in this release which contain words or phrases such as “will,” “aim,” “will likely result,” “believe,” “expect,” “will continue,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “contemplate,” “seek to,” “future,” “objective,” “goal,” “project,” “should,” “will pursue” and similar expressions or variations of these expressions, that are “forward-looking statements.” Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements due to certain risks or uncertainties associated with our expectations with respect to, but not limited to, our ability to implement our strategy successfully, the market acceptance of and demand for various banking services, future levels of our non-performing loans, our growth and expansion, the adequacy of our allowance for credit and investment losses, technological changes, volatility in investment income, our ability to market new products, cash flow projections, the outcome of any legal, tax or regulatory proceedings in India and in other jurisdictions we are or become a party to, the future impact of new accounting standards, our ability to pay dividends, the impact of changes in banking regulations and other regulatory changes on us in India and other jurisdictions, our ability to roll over our short-term funding sources and our exposure to market and operational risks. By their nature, certain of the market risk disclosures are only estimates and could be materially different from what may actually occur in the future. As a result, actual future gains, losses or impact on net income could materially differ from those that have been estimated. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those estimated by the forward-looking statements contained in this document include, but are not limited to: general economic and political conditions, instability or uncertainty in India and the other countries which have an impact on our business activities or investments caused by any factor, including terrorist attacks in India, the United States or elsewhere, anti-terrorist or other attacks by the United States, a United States-led coalition or any other country, tensions between India and Pakistan related to the Kashmir region or between India and China, military armament or social unrest in any part of India; the monetary and interest rate policies of the government of India, natural calamities, inflation, deflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices; the performance of the financial markets in India and globally, changes in Indian and foreign laws and regulations, including tax, accounting and banking regulations, changes in competition and the pricing environment in India, and regional or general changes in asset valuations.


HDFC Bank Ltd.

HDFC Bank House,

Senapati Bapat Marg,

Lower Parel,

Mumbai - 400 013.

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618


For more information please log on to: www.hdfcbank.com

For media queries please contact:

Madhu Chhibber

Head - Corporate Communications

HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai.

Mobile: +91 9833775515


For investor queries please contact:

Investor Relations

HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai.

Tel: 91 - 22 - 6652 1054 (D) / 6652 1000 (B)
