EX-99.1 3 u98852exv99w1.htm LETTER ADDRESSED TO MUMBAI STOCK EXCHANGE Letter addressed to Mumbai Stock Exchange

January 9, 2004

The Listing Department,
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai,
Dalal Street,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Unaudited Financial Results

Pursuant to amended clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, we fax herewith our Unaudited Financial Results for the third quarter ended 31st December, 2003 and the segment wise reporting approved at the Board Meeting today.

We will publish the results in the Business Standard and Sakal within 48 hours.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For HDFC Bank Limited

Sanjay Dongre
Vice-President (Legal) &
Company Secretary



DECEMBER 31, 2003

        (Rs in lacs)
                        Unaudited   Unaudited    
        Unaudited   Unaudited   results for   results for   Audited
        results for   results for   the nine   the nine   results for
        the quarter   the quarter   months   months   the year
        ended   ended   ended   ended   ended
    Particulars   31/12/2003   31/12/2002   31/12/2003   31/12/2002   31/03/2003
Interest earned (a) + (b) + (c) + (d)
    65830       50092       187306       145899       200999  
Interest/discount on advances/bills
    30071       19230       80831       55379       77370  
Income on investments
    33089       27936       99047       80629       111295  
Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and
other inter bank funds
    2483       2838       6929       9681       12044  
    187       88       499       210       290  
Other income
    12109       13988       33954       34353       46555  
Total income (1+2)
    77939       64080       221260       180252       247554  
Interest expended
    30398       30002       90580       88116       119196  
Operating expenses (e) + (f)
    20912       15265       58323       41087       57343  
Payment to and provision for employees
    5947       3872       15803       10372       15195  
Other operating expenses
    14965       11393       42520       30715       42148  
Total expenditure (3) + (4) (excluding
provisions & contingencies)
    51310       45267       148903       129203       176539  
Operating profit (A – B) (Profit before
provisions and contingencies)
    26629       18813       72357       51049       71015  
Other provisions and contingencies
    8311       3606       21703       10904       13930  
Provision for taxes
    5282       5319       15176       13047       18325  
Net profit (C–D–E)
    13036       9888       35478       27098       38760  
Paid up equity share capital (face value Rs. 10)
    28390       28201       28390       28201       28205  
Reserves excluding revaluation reserve
Analytical Ratios:
(i)   Percentage of shares held by Government of India   Nil     Nil     Nil     Nil     Nil  
Capital adequacy ratio
    10.74 %     13.00 %     10.74 %     13.00 %     11.12 %
Earnings per share (par value Rs. 10/-each)
    4.60       3.51       12.52       9.61       13.75  
    4.24       3.27       11.59       9.00       12.79  
Aggregate of Non Promoter Shareholding
–No. of shares
    215036413       213149613       215036413       213149613       213185713  
–Percentage of shareholding
    75.74 %     75.58 %     75.74 %     75.58 %     75.59 %



Segment information in accordance with the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS17) of the three operating segments of the Bank are:

            (Rs in lacs)
                            Results for the   Results for the    
            Results for the   Results for the   nine months   nine months   Results for the
            quarter ended   quarter ended   ended   ended   year ended
            31/12/2003   31/12/2002   31/12/2003   31/12/2002   31/03/2003
1.   Segment Revenue                                        
a)   Wholesale Banking     49106       47438       144197       134593       179558  
b)   Retail Banking     60202       49934       173343       139783       191304  
c)   Treasury     11244       11215       30720       30673       42499  
Total     120552       108587       348260       305049       413361  
Less: Inter Segment Revenue     42613       44507       127000       124797       165807  
Income from Operations     77939       64080       221260       180252       247554  
2.   Segment Results                                        
a)   Wholesale Banking     10365       7689       28037       20240       27222  
b)   Retail Banking     4531       2583       12115       8741       14333  
c)   Treasury     3422       4935       10502       11164       15530  
Total Profit Before Tax     18318       15207       50654       40145       57085  
3.   Capital Employed                                        
(Segment assets — Segment liabilities)                                        
a)   Wholesale Banking     687217       778911       687217       778911       715704  
b)   Retail Banking     (696943 )     (689044 )     (696943 )     (689044 )     (587010 )
c)   Treasury     259527       127118       259527       127118       96202  
Total     249801       216985       249801       216985       224896  

Note on segment information

The reportable primary segments have been identified in accordance with the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

The Bank operates in three segments: wholesale banking, retail banking and treasury services. Segments have been identified and reported taking into account, the target customer profile, the nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns, the organisation structure and the internal business reporting systems.

Segment revenue includes earnings from external customers plus earnings from funds transferred from one segment to the other based on an internal transfer price. Segment result includes revenue less interest expense (whether to customers or to the lending segment based on the internal transfer price) less operating expense and provisions, if any, for that segment.

Segment-wise income and expenses include certain allocations. Interest income is charged by a segment that provides funding to another segment, based on yields benchmarked to an internally developed composite yield curve which broadly tracks market discovered interest rates. Transaction charges are made by the retail banking segment to the wholesale banking segment for the use by its customers of the retail banking segment’s branch network or other delivery channels; such transaction costs are determined on a cost plus basis.

Segment capital employed represents the net assets in that segment. It excludes capital and tax related assets.




1.   The above results have been taken on record by the Board at its meeting held on January 9, 2004.

2.   During the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2003, the bank allotted 4,16,400 shares and 18,51,700 shares respectively, pursuant to the exercise of stock options by certain employees. Subsequently, the bank allotted 8,94,300 shares on January 2, 2004.

3.   On December 29, 2003, the Compensation Committee of the bank granted 68,23,400 stock options to employees at a price of Rs. 358.60 per option / equity share under the Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOP IV) approved by the shareholders in June 2003.

4.   Interest income is adjusted for retail loan acquisition costs (net of subventions) in line with international accounting practices.

5.   Other income relates to income from non-fund based banking activities including commission, fees, foreign exchange earnings, earnings from derivative transactions and profit and loss (including revaluation) from investments.

6.   Previous period figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to current periods classification.

7.   The above results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2003, have been subjected to a “Limited Review” by the auditors of the bank, as per the listing agreements with The Stock Exchange, Mumbai, The National Stock Exchange and the The Stock Exchange, Ahmedabad.

8.   Status of shareholder complaints received during the quarter ended December 31, 2003:

Total complaints pending for the quarter ended September 30, 2003:           Nil
Total complaints received during the quarter ended December 31, 2003:       31
Total complaints resolved during the quarter ended December 31, 2003:       31
Total complaints pending for the quarter ended December 31, 2003:            Nil

9.   Rs. 10 lacs = Rs. 1 million
Rs. 10 million = Rs. 1 crore

Place: Mumbai
Date: January 9, 2004
  Aditya Puri
Managing Director



Balance Sheet as at December 31

      (Rs in lacs)
      As at   As at
      31-12-2003   31-12-2002
    28390       28201  
Reserves and Surplus
    234754       194144  
Employees’ Stock Options (Grants) Outstanding
    222       702  
    2960614       2131677  
    158705       129352  
Subordinated debt
    20000       20000  
Other Liabilities and Provisions
    334466       220387  
    3737151       2724463  
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank Of India
    151522       111580  
Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short notice
    57294       143622  
    1829301       1399524  
    1484202       889125  
Fixed Assets
    59942       50211  
Other Assets
    154890       130401  
    3737151       2724463  





The Board of Directors of HDFC Bank Limited approved the Bank’s accounts for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2003 at its meeting on Friday, January 9, 2004. The accounts have been subjected to a “Limited Review” by the Bank’s auditors.


For the quarter ended December 31, 2003, the Bank has posted a strong performance with total income of Rs.779.4 crores as against Rs.640.8 crores in the corresponding quarter ended December 31, 2002. Net revenues (net interest income plus other income) were Rs.475.4 crores for the quarter ended December 31, 2003, an increase of 39.5% over Rs.340.8 crores for the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Interest earned (net of loan origination costs) increased by 31.4% over the corresponding quarter ended December 31, 2002, to Rs.658.3 crores. Net interest income (interest earned less interest expended) for the quarter ended December 31, 2003 increased by Rs.153.4 crores to Rs.354.3 crores, driven by average asset growth of 36.2 % and an improvement in core net interest margin which crossed 3.7%.

Other income for the quarter ended December 31, 2003 was Rs.121.1 crores, consisting primarily of fees & commissions of Rs.81.3 crores, foreign exchange & derivatives revenues of Rs.28.2 crores, and profit on sale of investments of Rs.11.6 crores as against Rs.66.7 crores, Rs.25.1 crores and Rs.47.1 crores respectively for the quarter ended December 31, 2002. Operating expenses for the quarter increased by Rs.56.5 crores to Rs.209.12 crores and were 44.0% of net revenues and 26.8% of total income. Provisions and contingencies for the quarter were Rs.83.1 crores, principally comprising general & specific loan loss provisions of Rs.47.4 crores and amortization of premia (for investments in the Held to Maturity category) of Rs.26.5 crores. After providing Rs.52.8 crores for taxation, the Bank earned a Net Profit of Rs.130.4 crores, a 31.8% increase over the quarter ended December 31, 2002.

Balance sheet parameters also witnessed healthy growth across both the retail and corporate segments. As on December 31, 2003, total deposits were Rs.29,606 crores, an increase of 38.9% over Rs.21,317 crores as of December 31, 2002. The Bank continued to successfully leverage its expanded branch network and enhanced customer acquisition to build Savings Account deposits of Rs.6,968 crores, an increase of 67.4% over December 31, 2002. The Bank’s core customer assets (including advances, corporate debentures, CPs, etc) increased from Rs.11,308 crores as of December 31, 2002



to Rs.17,027 crores as of December 31, 2003, a growth 50.6 %. Gross retail loans grew 113% on a year-on-year basis to Rs.5,334 crores and now form 34.2 % of gross advances as against 27.1% of gross advances as at December 31, 2002.

For the nine months ended December 31, 2003, the Bank earned total income of Rs.2,212.6 crores as against Rs.1,802.5 crores in the corresponding period of the previous year. Net revenues (net interest income plus other income) for the nine months ended December 2003 were Rs.1,306.8 crores, up 41.8% over Rs.921.4 crores for the nine months ended December 31, 2002. Net Profit for nine months ended December 31, 2003 was Rs.354.8 crores, up 30.9%, over the corresponding nine months ended December 31, 2002.


During the current financial year so far, each of the bank’s major business franchises continued to perform well. The branch network was expanded to 275 outlets in 147 cities from 214 outlets in 111 cities in December 2002. As of December 2003; the number of debit cards issued by the bank touched 2 million while credit cards issued crossed 425,000. The bank consolidated its position as the leading bank depository participant (DP) with just over half a million investor depository accounts.

Portfolio quality as of December 31, 2003 remained healthy with net non-performing assets (on a “90 day overdue” basis) at 0.3% of customer assets and 0.4% of advances. General loan loss provisions were about 1% of standard advances as against the regulatory requirement of 0.25%. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) was 10.7% against the regulatory minimum of 9%. Tier I CAR was at 9.0%.

Note:   (i)   Rs. = Indian Rupees
    (ii)   1 crore = 10 million
    (iii)   All figures and ratios are in accordance with Indian GAAP

Certain statements in this release which contain words or phrases such as “continue to”, “remains”, “should”, etc., and similar expressions or variation of these expressions or those concerning our future prospects are forward looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by the forward looking statements due to a number of risks or uncertainties associated with the expectations. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, our ability to successfully implement our strategy, future levels of non-performing loans, our growth and expansion, the adequacy of our allowances for investment and credit losses, technological changes, volatility in investment income, our exposure to market risks as well as other risks detailed in the reports filed with the United State Securities and Exchange Commission. The bank may, from time to time make additional written and oral forward looking statements, including statements contained in the bank’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. The bank does not undertake to update any forward looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the bank, to reflect events or circumstances after the date thereof.