EX-99.1 2 d129037dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1

Exhibit 99.1



ITAÚ UNIBANCO HOLDING S.A. CNPJ 60.872.504/0001 -23 A Publicly-Listed Company NIRE 35300010230 ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE MARKET Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. 4th Quarter 2020 Result Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. (“Company”) announces to its shareholders and the market at large that the Complete Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis for the 4th quarter of 2020 ending December 31, 2020 are already a ailable on the In estor Relations website (www.itau.com.br/in estor-relations). Additionally, we forward the information described below: Press Presentation on the quarterly result, scheduled for 02/02/2021 at 8:30 am (Brasília official time) (Attachment 01); Presentation for public conference calls on the quarterly result, scheduled for Tuesday, 02/02/2021, in Portuguese at 08:00 am (EDT) and in English at 09:30 am (EDT) (Attachment 02); Institutional Presentation of the 4th quarter of 2020 (Attachment 03). The expectations and tendencies presented are based on information a ailable up to the moment and in ol e risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that may be beyond our control. These information’s strengthen our commitment to transparency in our disclosures to the many strategic audiences we ha e. São Paulo - SP, February 02, 2021. Renato Lulia Jacob Group Head of In estor Relations and Market Intelligence


Attachment 01 (portuguese only)


Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. Teleconferência com a imprensa 4T20 Candido Bracher Milton Maluhy Filho Alexsandro Broedel Atual Presidente e futuro Membro do Conselho Atual CFO e CRO e no o Diretor Presidente No o ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) São Paulo, 2 de fe ereiro de 2021 1


Destaques do trimestre Originação de 15% Crescimento da carteira de crédito: dez/20 s. set/20 crédito¹para 4T20 s. 3T20 11,3% 8,6% 8,9% 8,6% pessoas físicas Cartões Financiamento de Crédito Crédito de crédito eículos consignado imobiliário Digitalização Aumento na base de clientes digitais: dez/20 s. set/20 e eficiência 2,9% 3,0% 0,6% 95 agências* *agências físicas e PABs clientes digitais pessoas físicas pessoas jurídicas encerrados no 4T20 24,2 milhões em dez/2020 23,0 milhões em dez/2020 1,2 milhão em dez/2020 Satisfação e e-NPS² 89 pts NPS Global + 10 pts experiência Eleito o melhor lugar em gestão Atingimos o desafio 2020 s. 2018 de pessoas e para se trabalhar Desafio (2021 s 2018): atingir + 17 pts (Fonte: alor Carreira e UOL) Desafio (2023 s 2018): atingir + 27 pts (1) Média por dia útil no período. (2) e-NPS situacional média de abril a dezembro de 2020. 2


Tecnologia e digitalização Destaques 2021e s. 2018 Digitalização (2020 s. 2019) In estimento 112% de desen ol imento soluções contínuo em de Tecnologia Mais soluções Mais menor (Time to elocidade Market) tecnologia 28% infraestrutura Desen ol imento de soluções em 81% 25% Cloud são 28% + funcionalidades + outras rápidas plataformas do que em apps e sistemas 2020 2018 Transferências 97% 92% Utilização Pessoas Pagamentos 85% 76% dos canais digitais In estimentos 47% 41% Cientistas 261 7% Crédito 25% 19% de dados Aumento em dez/20 2020 s. 2019 2020 s. 2018 Engenheiros + 3.764 + 1.770 contas abertas e equipes em 2020 Profissionais 231% de Tecnologia de tecnologia Abertura de pelo app contas on-line + 1.994 Time da ZUP 3


ESG -destaques Em 2020, intensificamos significati amente nossa atuação Estímulo às cadeias sustentá eis R$ 100 milhões para financiamento de agroindústrias e cooperati as que lidam com culturas sustentá eis. Mecanismo de crédito (blended finance) para pequenos produtores com assistência técnica todos pela saúde transparência plano Amazônia Regularização fundiária Mais de R$ 1,2 bilhão e reporte ESG em parceria com Mapa legislati o e recomendação de como o doados ao combate e olução dos Bradesco e Santander sistema financeiro pode apoiar a regularização, à Co id-19 reportes sob as dentre as dez iniciati as, para estimular a ati idade econômica na região diretrizes do foram priorizadas SASB e TCFD 4 medidas Combate ao desmatamento na cadeia de carne Engajamento de frigoríficos para compromisso com rastreabilidade diligência específicas para setor frigorífico Conferência + 12.000 + 70 380 mil Promoção da bioeconomia Amazônia participações especialistas ár ores nati as Financiamento de pesquisa e in estimento Dezembro de 2020 nos 3 dias de empresas e integrantes serão plantadas em projetos que destra em o potencial conferência do mercado financeiro com as doações socioeconômico de no as cadeias 4


Destaques financeiros Resultados 4T20 s. 3T20 Em R$ bilhões Carteira de crédito Resultado recorrente 7,3 R$ 869,5 bilhões gerencial 5,0 5,4 + 2,7% 3,9 4,2 R$ 5,4 bi Margem financeira com clientes 4T19 1T20 2T20 3T20 4T20 R$ 16,0 bilhões + 3,0% Custo do crédito(1) ROE recorrente 23,7% R$ 6,0 bilhões gerencial 13,5% 15,7% 16,1% -4,5% 16,1% 12,8% 13,0% 13,0% 13,0% Despesas não decorrentes de juros ROE recorrente gerencial (%) 12,5% 12,5% Custo de capital médio (%) R$ 13,3 bilhões 4T19 1T20 2T20 3T20 4T20 + 5,1% Espaço reser ad (1) Despesa de Pro isão para pararodapé Créditos de Liquidação Du idosa + Recuperação de Créditos + Impairment + Descontos Concedidos 5


Carteira de crédito Em R$ bilhões Dez/20 Set/20 D Dez/19 D Originação de crédito¹ Pessoas Físicas 255,6 237,7 7,5% 239,8 6,6% 4T20 4T20 No trimestre s. 3T20 s. 4T19 Cartão de Crédito 86,3 77,5 11,3% 90,9 -5,1% Pessoas físicas + 15% + 31% Crédito Pessoal 35,1 36,6 -4,3% 34,6 1,5% Crédito Consignado 55,3 50,8 8,9% 49,4 11,9% Crédito imobiliário + 56% +137% eículos 23,3 21,5 8,6% 19,0 23,0% Micro, pequenas e médias empresas - 27% + 5% Crédito Imobiliário 55,7 51,3 8,6% 45,9 21,2% Grandes empresas + 6% + 38% Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas 127,6 122,5 4,1% 95,3 33,9% Total Brasil2 - 4% + 25% Crédito bancário 105,3 104,5 0,8% 95,3 10,5% Emissão de títulos pri ados ³ + 83% - 37% Linhas incenti adas/garantidas - Go erno 22,3 18,1 23,5% - Total PF + Micro, pequenas e médias empresas 383,2 360,2 6,4% 335,0 14,4% Grandes empresas 269,0 264,8 1,6% 221,3 21,6% Mo imentação da carteira de Operações de crédito 179,0 178,1 0,5% 148,4 20,6% crédito pessoal Títulos pri ados 90,0 86,7 3,9% 72,8 23,6% Dez/20 s. Set/20 Total Brasil 652,2 625,0 4,4% 556,3 17,2% América Latina 217,3 222,0 -2,1% 166,3 30,7% Crédito sob medida - 7% Cheque Especial - 10% Total com garantias financeiras e títulos pri ados 869,5 847,0 2,7% 722,6 20,3% Crediário + 3% Total (ex- ariação cambial) 869,5 840,9 3,4% 793,0 9,6% (1) Não considera originação de cartão de crédito, cheque especial, renegociação de dí ida e outros créditos rotati os. Médiapor dia útil no período, exceto para emissão de títulos pri ados; (2) Não inclui emissão de títulos pri ados; (3) Considera o olume total das emissões de títulos pri ados de renda fixa e híbridos, coordenadas pelo Itaú Unibanco no mercado local (inclui olume distribuído). 6


No o Comitê Executi o Desde o início de 2021, este grupo tem a missão de liderar a operação e a transformação do banco, em linha com as frentes prioritárias de satisfação do cliente, eficiência, digitalização e com foco em crescimento aindamais Candido Milton Bracher Maluhy Filho próximo das ex-Diretor Presidente no o Diretor Presidente áreas de negócio No a composição do comitê executi o e responsabilidades simplificando a Negócios Suporte Alexandre Zancani Flá io Souza - Presidente do Itaú BBA Alexsandro Broedel - CFO operação e modelo eículos, imobiliário, consórcio, crédito Banco comercial, CIB,distribuição de Finanças e relações com in estidores, de gestão para pessoas físicas e recuperação, renda fixa e ariá el, researche crédito ati os imobiliários, patrimônio e entre outros do atacado compras André Sapoznik TBD Leila Melo Pagamentos, operações, Tesourarias, produtos ati os e mesas Jurídico, ou idoria, comunicação permitindo mais atendimento e marketing clientes, macroeconomia e operações na institucional, sustentabilidadee América do Sul relações go ernamentais autonomia e rapidez André Rodrigues Matias Granata - Banco de arejo , canais digitais, UX, Ricardo Guerra CRO na tomada de decisão seguros e crédito para PMEs Tecnologia Riscos de mercado, crédito e operacional, gestão de capital, Carlos Constantini segurança corporati a, compliancee WealthManagement & Ser ices PLD (WMS) Sérgio Fajerman Pessoas 7


Cenário macroeconômico No a onda de contágio antes da acinação gera incertezas sobre a ati idade econômica e gastos públicos 2020 2021e Economia de e perder força no 1T21 , de ido à piora no contágio e retirada de auxílios emergenciais. PIB – Brasil1 -4,1% 4,0% Cenário de e ser positi o a partir do 2T21 de ido à acinação, juros baixos e crescimento global. O teto de gastos, apesar do contexto desafiador, SELIC (final do ano) 2,0% 3,5% de e ser cumprido em 2021 e nos anos seguintes. Crescimento do crédito pri ado, em ambiente de juros baixos, Inflação (IPCA) 4,5% 3,6% de e contribuir para a expansão da economia brasileira. Commodities e câmbio podem pressionar a inflação no curto prazo, Desemprego2 14,2% 14,2% mas dinâmica segue benigna e juros de em subir lentamente. Mercado de trabalho está em recuperação, mas desemprego de e ficar está el de ido à maior procura por trabalho. (1) PIB 2020 projetado; (2) PNAD Contínua, média anual. 8


Perspecti as Ní eis de liquidez e capitalização adequados aos nossos cenários de stress test. Expansão da carteira de crédito impulsionada principalmente pelo segmento de pessoas físicas, assumindo retomada da economia em linha com nosso cenário base. Em um primeiro momento, este crescimento de erá ser suportado por produtos de menor risco e menor taxa de juros como consignado, financiamento imobiliário e de eículos, porém esperamos no segundo semestre uma retomada da demanda por linhas de crédito ao consumo e linhas rotati as. Recuperação da taxa média da margem financeira com clientes (NIM) ao longo do ano de ido à progressi a mudança do mix da carteira de crédito entre segmentos e expectati a de maior taxa de juros e seu impacto na remuneração do nosso capital de giro próprio e margem de passi os. Crescimento das receitas de ser iços e seguros em linha com a tendência de recuperação da ati idade econômica, apesar do impacto negati o resultante do PIX e da cisão e alienação da participação na XP In estimentos. Essa performance será impulsionada pela expectati a de forte ati idade em mercado de capitais e lançamentos de no os canais, produtos e ser iços. Redução progressi a no custo do crédito ancorado no modelo de perda esperada e recuperação econômica do país. Entretanto, o modelo reagirá prontamente a mudanças rele antes no cenário macroeconômico do país e as condições financeiras dos nossos clientes. A gestão estratégica de custos baseada nos projetos estruturais de eficiência continuará trazendo benefícios nos próximos trimestres com redução nominal das despesas de manutenção da estrutura da operação. Neste ano esperamos o aumento de aproximadamente R$1,5 bilhão de nossos in estimentos em tecnologia, no os produtos e plataformas comerciais isando a eficiência operacional do banco no médio e longo prazo. 9


Guidance – 2021* Consolidado Brasil¹ Projeção para 2021 Projeção para 2021 Carteira de crédito total² Crescimento entre 5,5% e 9,5% Crescimento entre 8,5% e 12,5% Margem financeira com clientes Crescimento entre2,5% e 6,5% Crescimento entre3,0% e 7,0% Margem financeira com o mercado Margem entre R$ 4,9bi e R$ 6,4bi Margem entre R$ 3,3bi e R$ 4,8bi Custo do crédito³ Custo entre R$ 21,3bi e R$ 24,3bi Custo entre R$ 19,0bi e R$ 22,0bi Receita de prestação de ser iços 4, 5 Crescimento entre 2,5% e 6,5% Crescimento entre 2,5% e 6,5% e resultado de seguros Despesas não decorrentes de juros ariação entre -2,0% e 2,0% ariação entre -2,0% e 2,0% Alíquota efeti a de IR/CS Alíquota entre 34,5% e 36,5% Alíquota entre 34,0% e 36,0% * O ponto médio das projeções implicaria em um ROE em torno de 17,6%, le ando-se em conta outras premissas. Essa informação não de e ser entendida como projeção. (1) Considera unidades externas ex-América Latina; (2) Inclui garantias financeiras prestadas e títulos pri ados; (3) Composto pelo resultado de créditos de liquidação du idosa, impairment e descontos concedidos; (4) Receitas de prestação de ser iços (+) resultado de operações de seguros, pre idência e capitalização (-) despesas com sinistros (-) despesas de 10 comercialização de seguros, pre idência e capitalização.; (5) As projeções para 2021 não consideram o resultado de equi alência patrimonial da XP Inc. a partir de fe ereiro 2021.


Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. Teleconferência com a imprensa 4T20 Candido Bracher Milton Maluhy Filho Alexsandro Broedel Atual Presidente e futuro Membro do Conselho Atual CFO e CRO e no o Diretor Presidente No o ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) São Paulo, 2 de fe ereiro de 2021 11


Attachment 02


Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. 4Q20 Earnings re iew Candido Bracher Milton Maluhy Filho Alexsandro Broedel Renato Lulia Jacob CurrentCEO andnew Board Member CurrentCFO andCRO and new ChiefExecuti eOfficer New ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) GroupHead ofIn estor Relations and Marketing Intelligence São Paulo, February 2nd, 2021 1


4th quarter highlights Credit 15% Credit portfolio growth: Dec-20 s. Sep-20 origination¹for 4Q20 s. 3Q20 11.3% 8.6% 8.9% 8.6% indi iduals Credit card Auto Payroll Mortgage loans loans loans Digitalization Digital client expansion: Dec-20 s. Sep-20 and efficiency 95 branches* 2.9% 3.0% 0,6% branches and client ser ice digital clients indi iduals companies points closed in 4Q20 24.2 million in Dec-2020 23.0 million in Dec-2020 1.2 million in Dec-2020 *brick and mortar Client and 89 employee e-NPS² pts Global NPS + 10 pts satisfaction Elected the best place in people We reached our 2020 s. 2018 target management and best place to work 2021 s. 2018 target: to reach + 17 pts (Source: alor Carreira e UOL) 2023 s. 2018 target: to reach + 27 pts Note: (1) A erage origination per working day in the period.(2) Situational e-NPS a erage from April to December 2020. 2


Technology and digitalization Highlights 2021e s. 2018 Digitalization (2020 s. 2019) Continuous 112% solutions de elopment of In estment in Complete digital offering less Time to More speed Market technology 28% infrastructure Cloud 81% 25% are applications 28% faster + apps features and systems in than platforms other 2020 2018 Transfers 97% 92% Use People Payments 85% 76% of digital channels In estments 47% 41% Data 261 7% Credit 25% 19% Scientists growth in Dec-20 2020 s. 2019 2020 s. 2018 Technology + 3,764 + 1,770 accounts opened engineers in 2020 Tech 231% and teams professionals On-line by the app account opening + 1,994 ZUP team 3


XP Inc shareholding Companhia sediada nas Ilhas Cayman e listada na Nasdaq On January 31st, the EGM appro ed the spin off of Itaú Unibanco`s participation² in the capital of XP Inc. into “XPart”, 2017 May We announced our intention to acquire company to be constituted after the controllers obtain a control of XP Inc. in stages fa orable opinion from the regulatory authority. After the fa orable opinion of the regulatory authority, there is up to 120 days³ 2018 Aug We communicated our commitment to for listing shares on B3 and for the distribution of new shares of XPart. The cut-off BACEN to no longer acquire control date (“ex”) and procedures will be gi en in due course. No Until the cut-off date (close to the listing date) We announced the intention to spin off the shares issued by Itaú Unibanco will continue to be traded with the 2020 our part of the business in a company entitlement to recei e shares issued by XPart. (“XPart”) Once the new company is listed, the shareholders will recei e an equity holding in XPart, in the same amount, Dec We sold 4.5% of the capital of XP Inc. type and proportion as the shares they hold in Itaú Unibanco. 2020 The shareholders will continue to retain their current equity holding Extraordinary General Meeting in Itaú Unibanco and will also become shareholders of XPart. 2021 Jan (EGM) The percentage of XP’s capital that will held by XPart represented 40.52% at 12.31.2020, due to the capitalization of XP in December. 2022 In We capital of XP Inc. will acquire¹ 11.38% of the (1) After appro al by BACEN; (2) Equi alent to 41.05% of the capital of XP Inc on the base date of September 30, 2020; (3) According to the Brazilian 4 Corporation Law 4


ESG highlights In 2020, we intensified significantly our initiati es Stimulating sustainable chains R$100 million to finance agroindustry and cooperati es that deal with sustainable cultures. Blended finance, credit mechanism for small producers with technical assistance todos pela saúde transparency and Amazon Plan Land regularization donation of more ESG reporting in partnership with Legislati e map and recommendation of how the than R$ 1.2 billion adoption of the Bradesco and Santander financial system can support regularizationto to combat Co id-19 SASB and TCFD Among the ten initiati es, stimulate economic acti ity in the region guidelines into four measures were Fighting deforestation in the meat our reports prioritized production chains Frigorific engagement for traceability commitment Specific diligence to the meat producer sector Amazon + 12,000 + 70 specialists, 380 thousand Promotion of bioeconomy Conference participants companies and nati e trees Research funding and in estment in projects in the 3 days of members of the will be planted that unlock the socioeconomic potential of new December, 2020 the conference financial market with donations chains 5


ESG: Sustainable bonds issuance Sustainability Finance Framework: social and en ironmental criteria for allocation of resources External consultancy issued second-party opinion Renewable energy and Sustainable Sustainable water and Pollution pre ention energy efficiency transport waste management and control Sustainable Inclusi e Green Access to essential management of natural Finance buildings ser ices resources and land use USD 500 million raised Positi e Impact Commitments_ Status with sustainable bonds in January 2021 R$100 billion R$15 billion R$11 billion First le el 2 capital issue R$ 47.7 bn¹ R$12.5 bn¹ R$9.1 bn² for sectors with for renewable energy for small companies of a Latin American bank to finance positi e impact generation and ser ices led by women by 2024 green and social projects by 2025 by 2025 (1) From Aug-2019 to Dec-2020; (2) Balance at Dec-20 6


4Q20 Financial highlights


Financial highlights 4Q20 s. 3Q20 Results In R$ billions Credit portfolio Recurring 7.3 R$869.5 billion managerial result 5.0 5.4 + 2.7% 3.9 4.2 R$5.4 bn Financial margin with clients 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 R$16.0 billion + 3.0% Cost of credit (1) Recurring 23.7% R$6.0 billion managerialROE 13.5% 15.7% 16.1% -4.5% 16.1% 12.8% Recurring managerial ROE (%) 13.0% 13.0% 13.0% Non-interest expenses 12.5% 12.5% A erage Cost of Capital (%) 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 R$13.3 billion + 5.1% Espaç (1) Pro ision for Loan Losses re er adopararodapé + Reco ery of Loans + Impairment + Discounts Granted. 8


Credit portfolio In R$ billions Dec-20 Sep-20 D Dec-19 D Credit origination¹ 4Q20 4Q20 Indi iduals 255.6 237.7 7.5% 239.8 6.6% In the quarter Credit card loans 86.3 77.5 11.3% 90.9 -5.1% s. 3Q20 s. 4Q19 Indi iduals + 15% + 31% Personal loans 35.1 36.6 -4.3% 34.6 1.5% + Mortgage + 56% 137% Payroll loans 55.3 50.8 8.9% 49.4 11.9% ehicle loans 23.3 21.5 8.6% 19.0 23.0% ery Small, Small and Middle Market - 27% + 5% Mortgage loans 55.7 51.3 8.6% 45.9 21.2% Corporate + 6% + 38% ery small, small and middle market loans 127.6 122.5 4.1% 95.3 33.9% Total Brazil2 - 4% + 25% Banking loans 105.3 104.5 0.8% 95.3 10.5% Pri ate securities issuance³ + 83% - 37% Go ernment sponsored/guaranteed facilities 22.3 18.1 23.5% - Indi iduals + SMEs Loans 383.2 360.2 6.4% 335.0 14.4% Corporate loans 269.0 264.8 1.6% 221.3 21.6% Change in personal loans portfolio Credit operations 179.0 178.1 0.5% 148.4 20.6% Dec-20 s. Set-20 Corporate securities 90.0 86.7 3.9% 72.8 23.6% Total Brazil 652.2 625.0 4.4% 556.3 17.2% Personalisedcredit - 7% Latin America 217.3 222.0 -2.1% 166.3 30.7% O erdraft - 10% Total with Financial Guarantees and Corporate Securities 869.5 847.0 2.7% 722.6 20.3% Installment credit + 3% Total (ex-foreign exchange rate ariation) 869.5 840.9 3.4% 793.0 9.6% Note: (1) Does not consider origination of credit card, o erdraft, debt renegotiation and other re ol ing credits. A erage origination per working day in the period, except for pri ate securities issuance, (2) Does not include pri ate securities issuance, (3) Considers total olume of fixed income and hybrid pri ate securities issuance arranged by Itaú Unibanco on the local market (includes distributed olumes). 9


Financial margin with clients Financial margin with clients Risk-adjusted Financial margin with clients Annualized a erage margin % -Consolidated Annualized a erage margin % -Brazil 10.0% 11.9% 11.1% 9.2% 10.2% 8.4% 9.0% 8.6% 7.5% 7.3% 6.7% 8.4% 5.4% 6.2% 4.3% 4.4% 4.5% 5.2% 3.7% 4.1% 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Change in financial margin with clients In R$ billions R$0.3 bn 16.0 15.6 14.8 0.2 15.1 0.9 0.6 (0.8) (0.4) (0.1) 3Q20 3Q20 3Q20 Product Mix 2 Asset Spreads A erage olume Latin America and 4Q20 4Q20 4Q20 Working Capital 1 3pread-Sensiti e others3 Spread-Sensiti e Working Capital1 3nd Other Operations Operations and Other (1) Includes capital allocated to business areas (except treasury), in addition to the corporation’s working capital, (2) Changein the composition of assets with credit risk between periods in Brazil, (3) Others considers the liability financial margin and structured wholesale operations. 10


Loan portfolio reprofiling Indi iduals, ery small and small companies Reprofiled portfolio by product Balance at December 31st, 2020 -In R$ billions In R$ billions 52.2 53.5 50.8 Indi iduals ery small and small companies 5.0% Dec-20 s. Sep-20 R$38.4 billion R$12.4 billion Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 15% 10%¹ In R$ billions In R$ billions Reprofiled portfolio represents Mortgage 16.1 Working capital 10.9 6% Personal loans 14.6 Auto loans 1.5 of total credit portfolio Auto loans 4.1 Cards 2.6 100% 54% are 84% Payroll loans 1.0 in ratings performing collateralized AA to C In February At the end 2020 of Dec-20 Portfolio December 31st ,2020 risk profile 82.6% Performing Non-o erdue portfolio 86.5% Within grace period 3.9% O erdue between 15-90 days 8.3% O erdue o er 90 days 5.2% (1) On the total portfolio of ery small, small and middle market companies. 11


Credit quality Cost of credit¹ Co erage ratio – 90 days NPL % ratio between the annualized cost of credit¹ and the loan portfolio² -(%) 1013% Wholesale 930% 920% 952% 5.3% Brazil 3.9% 519% 3.3% 3.0% 2.8% 638% 470% Latin 341% 339% America 238% 247% 320% 10.1 7.8 5.8 6.3 6.0 229% 239% Total 281% 253% 236% Retail 183% 193% 212% Brazil 1.2 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 15 -90 days NPL -% Ex reprofiled 90 days NPL -% Ex reprofiled 3.5% portfolio 4.8% 5.1% 5.0% portfolio (Dec-20) (Dec-20) 3.1% 3.0% 4.3% 4.2% 3.0% 4,0% 2.6% 2.4% 3.4% 3.5% 2.4% 2.4% 1,6% 3.2% 2.0% 3.0% 3.1% 2.4% 1.9% 2.7% 2.6% 2.7% 2.3% 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.2% 2.0% 1.9% 1.7% 1.8% 1.7% 1,4% 1.6% 1.7% 1.8% 0,8% 2.0% 1.4% 1.7% 1.9% 1.0% 1.4% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% 1.3% 1.1% 0.9% 0.5% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Indi iduals Brazil Total ery small, small and middle market companies Latin America Corporate (1) Pro ision for Loan Losses + Reco ery of Loans + Impairment + Discounts Granted, (2) A erage loan portfolio balance with financial guarantees pro ided and corporate securities considers the last two quarters. 12


Financial margin with the market In R$ billions 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Financial margin the market – Brazil¹ with Sale of shares -B3 Financial margin with 1 year mo ing a erage of the market– Latin America² financial margin with the market (1) Includes units abroad ex-LatinAmerica, (2) Excludes Brazil. 13


Commissions, fees and result from insurance operations In R$ billions 4Q20 3Q20 D 2020 2019 D alue transacted with cards Credit and debit cards 3.1 2.8 9.6% 11.5 13.0 -11.9% 20.0% 18.0% Card issuance 2.4 2.2 8.5% 8.8 9.1 -3.1% 4Q20 s. 3Q20 4Q20 s. 3Q20 Acquiring 0.7 0.6 13.4% 2.6 3.9 -32.6% Issuer Acquiring Current account ser ices 1.9 1.9 -2.2% 7.6 7.5 0.7% In R$ billions In R$ billions Asset management¹ 1.4 1.3 9.0% 5.6 5.5 1.5% 155 131 154 130 Ad isory ser ices and brokerage 1.2 1.2 -7.3% 4.1 2.8 45.3% 3Q20 4Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Credit operations and guarantees pro ided 0.6 0.6 6.5% 2.3 2.5 -6.8% Collection Ser ices 0.5 0.5 3.9% 1.9 1.9 -3.8% Assets under Management Other 0.4 0.4 5.6% 1.4 1.1 24.3% & Open Platform Latin America (ex-Brazil) 0.8 0.7 7.5% 3.0 2.9 1.2% 1,951 + 4.5% Total 1,867 Commissions and fees 9.9 9.5 4.1% 37.2 37.3 -0.2% + 4.3% 1,647 Own Products Result from insurance operations² 1.4 1.6 -14.5% 6.1 6.6 -7.3% 1,578 Commissions, fees and result from insurance 11.2 11.1 1.4% 43.3 43.9 -1.3% 304 + 5.4% 269 Open Platform Sep-20 Dec-20 (1) Includes fund management fees and “consórcio” management fees, (2) Result from insurance includes the re enues from insurance, pension plan and premium bonds operations net of retained claims and selling expenses. 14


Non-interest expenses Brick and mortar and client ser ice point (CSP) In R$ billions 4Q20 3Q20 D 2020 2019 D 167 Dec-20 s. Dec-19 Personnel (5.7) (5.3) 7.3% (21.4) (22.1) -3.5% 4,308 -117 4,236 4,141 brick and mortar Administrati e (4.4) (4.1) 7.1% (16.5) (16.8) -1.7% 3,158 branches (1) 3,127 3,041 -15 Other (1.2) (1.3) -8.9% (4.9) (5.2) -5.6% CSPs 671 664 656 Total - Brazil (11.3) (10.7) 5.2% (42.8) (44.1) -3.0% -35 479 445 444 Latin America Latin America (ex-Brazil)(2) (2.0) (2.0) 4.2% (7.4) (6.5) 13.6% Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 Non-interest expenses (13.3) (12.7) 5.1% (50.2) (50.6) -0.9% #employees Non-interest expenses -Brazil growing at a slower pace than inflation 1,659 Dec-20 s. Dec-19 3.1% 96,948 96,540 Non-interest expenses 1.7% 2.9% 94,881 growth year o er year -3.0% -1,536 -0.6% 74,468 73,820 72,932 Brazil (ex-Tech team) -1.3% -1.4% Non-interest expenses -569 growth compared to the -7.6% outside Brazil same period of the pre ious 13,190 12,676 12,621 + 3.764 year (deflated by IPCA) ZUP and IT team 2017 2018 2019 2020 7,223 10,452 10,987 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 (1) Includes operating expenses and other tax expenses (Includes IPTU, IP A, IOF and others. Does not include PIS, Cofins andISS), (2) Does not consider o erhead allocation. 15


Capital + 0.3% 13.2% + 0.3% 12.4% + 0.2% 1.7% 1.7% 11.5% 10.7% Sep-20 Follow On + Net income CreditRWA¹ Dec-20 Tier I Capital XP Inc sale less minimum Tier I Capital mandatory di idends Common Equity Tier I (CET I) Additional Tier I (AT1) (1) Includes tax credits of in estments abroad. 16


2021 Perspecti es


New Executi e Committee Since the beginning of 2021, this group has the mission to lead the bank’s operations and transformation, in line with the priority fronts of customer satisfaction, efficiency, digitalization and focus on growth. e en closer to Candido Milton Bracher Maluhy Filho the business Former-CEO New CEO areas New composition of the executi e committee and responsibilities simplifying the Business Support Alexandre Zancani Flá io Souza - Presidente do Itaú BBA Alexsandro Broedel - CFO operation and Auto loans, mortgage, “consorcio”, Commercial bank, CIB, ECM and DCM, Finance and in estor relations, real estate management model credit for indi iduals and reco ery, research and wholesale credit assets and procurement among others André Sapoznik TBD Leila Melo Treasury, asset products and Legal, ombudsman, institutional Payments, operations, ser ice client desks, macroeconomics communication, sustainability and allowing more and marketing and operations in South America go ernment relations autonomy and speed André Rodrigues Ricardo Guerra Matias Granata - CRO Retail banking, digital channels, UX, Technology Market, credit and operational risks, capital in decision making insurance and SME finance management, corporate security, compliance and AML Carlos Constantini Sérgio Fajerman WealthManagement & Ser ices (WMS) People 18


Macroeconomic outlook New wa e of contagion before accination creates uncertainty about economic acti ity and public spending Economy should lose steam in 1Q21, due to worsening 2020 2021e contagion and withdrawal of emergency aid. Scenario should be positi e from 2Q21 due to GDP – Brazil1 -4.1% 4.0% accination, low interest rates and global growth. The spending ceiling, despite the challenging context, SELIC (end of period) is expected to be respected in 2021 and beyond.. 2.0% 3.5% Growth in pri ate credit, in an en ironment of low interest rates, Inflation (IPCA) 4.5% 3.6% should contribute to the expansion of the Brazilian economy. Commodities and foreign exchange should pressure inflation in the short term, but dynamics remain benign and interest rates Formal jobs2 14.2% 14.2% should rise slowly. Labor market is reco ering, but unemployment should remain stable due to increased demand for work (1) GDP data projected; (2) Ministry of Labor– CAGED. 19


Perspecti es Capital and liquidity at appropriate le els considering our internal stress test scenarios. Expansion of the loan portfolio dri en mainly by the indi iduals’ portfolio, assuming a reco ery in the economy in line with our base scenario. At first, this growth should be supported by lower risk and lower interest rates products, such as payroll loans, mortgage and auto loans, but we expect demand for consumer credit lines and re ol ing lines to resume in the second half of the year. Reco ery of the a erage rate of financial margin with clients (NIM) o er the year due to the progressi e change in the credit portfolio mix between segments and the expectation of a higher interest rate and its impact on the remuneration of our own working capital and liability margin. Growth in ser ice and insurance re enues in line with the trend of reco ery in economic acti ity, despite the negati e impact resulting from the PIX roll-out (Brazilian Central Bank fast payment solution) and the spin-off and sale of the stake in “XP In estimentos”. This performance will be dri en by the expectation of strong acti ity in the capital market and the launch of new channels, products and ser ices. Progressi e reduction in the cost of credit anchored in the bank’s expected loss model and Brazil’s economic reco ery. Howe er, the model will react promptly to rele ant changes in the Brazilian macroeconomic scenario and the financial conditions of our customers. Strategic cost management based on structural efficiency projects will continue to bring benefits in the coming quarters with a nominal reduction in the BAU operational expenses. This year we expect an increase of approximately R$1.5 billion in our in estments in technology, new products and commercial platforms, which should positi ely impact the bank’s operational efficiency in the medium and long term. 20


2021 Guidance* Consolidated Brazil¹ 2021 Guidance 2021 Guidance Total credit portfolio² Growing 5.5% to 9.5% Growing 8.5% to 12.5% Financial margin with clients Growing 2.5% to 6.5% Growing 3.0% to 7.0% Financial margin with the market Range from R$4.9 bn to R$6.4 bn Range from R$3.3 bn to R$4.8 bn Cost of credit³ Range from R$21.3 bn to R$24.3 bn Range from R$19.0 bn to R$22.0 bn Commissions and fees and results 4,5 Growing 2.5% to 6.5% Growing 2.5% to 6.5% from insurance operations Non-Interest expenses Range from -2.0% to 2.0% Range from -2.0% to 2.0% Effecti e tax rate Range from 34.5% to 36.5% Range from 34.0% to 36.0% * The midpoint of the projections would imply an ROE of around 17.6%, taking into accountother assumptions. This information should not be understood as a projection. (1) Includes units abroad ex-Latin America; (2) Includes financial guarantees pro ided and corporate securities; (3) Composed of result from loan losses, impairment and discounts granted; (4) commissions and fees (+) income from insurance, pension plan and premium bonds operations (-) expenses for claims (-) insurance, pension plan and premium bonds selling 21 expenses; (5) 2021 guidance does not consider XP Inc. equity result starting in February 2021.




Results In R$ billions 4Q20 3Q20 D 4Q19 D 2020 2019 D Operating re enues 29.2 28.4 2.8% 31.8 -8.3% 114.8 119.8 -4.2% Managerial financial margin 17.6 16.9 3.9% 19.4 -9.5% 70.1 74.6 -6.1% Financial margin with clients 16.0 15.6 3.0% 18.1 -11.6% 65.1 69.1 -5.7% Financial margin with the market 1.6 1.4 14.1% 1.3 19.9% 5.0 5.6 -10.1% Commissions and fees 9.9 9.5 4.1% 10.4 -4.8% 37.2 37.3 -0.2% Re enues from Insurance 1.7 2.0 -12.9% 2.0 -14.7% 7.5 7.9 -5.0% Cost of credit (6.0) (6.3) -4.5% (5.8) 3.8% (30.2) (18.2) 66.4% Pro ision from loan losses (5.6) (6.3) -11.0% (6.1) -8.2% (29.9) (19.7) 52.1% Impairment (0.8) (0.3) 140.4% (0.2) 261.3% (1.5) (0.4) 292.8% Discounts granted (0.4) (0.6) -27.9% (0.4) 17.4% (2.1) (1.4) 51.0% Reco ery of loans written off as losses 0.9 1.0 -9.8% 0.9 -6.2% 3.3 3.3 -0.1% Retained claims (0.3) (0.4) -6.3% (0.3) 3.0% (1.4) (1.3) 7.0% Other operating expenses (15.2) (14.3) 6.3% (15.0) 1.5% (57.0) (57.8) -1.4% Non-interest expenses (13.3) (12.7) 5.1% (13.0) 2.4% (50.2) (50.6) -0.9% Tax expenses and other (1.9) (1.6) 16.2% (2.0) -4.1% (6.8) (7.2) -4.9% Income before tax and minority interests 7.6 7.4 2.6% 10.7 -29.1% 26.2 42.6 -38.4% Income tax and social contribution (2.8) (2.4) 13.6% (3.4) -18.5% (8.1) (13.5) -40.3% Minority interests in subsidiaries 0.5 0.0 994.2% (0.0) -1476.5% 0.4 (0.7) -154.8% Recurring managerial result 5.4 5.0 7.1% 7.3 -26.1% 18.5 28.4 -34.6% 23


Business model The allocation of principal capital (Common Equity Tier 1) in the bank’s business is made at 12%, according to our risk appetite.. 2020 2019 2020 s. 2019 Trading Insurance Excess Trading Insurance Excess Trading Insurance Excess In R$ billions Total Credit Total Credit Total Credit & ser ices capital & ser ices capital & ser ices capital Operating re enues 114.8 62.7 1.8 50.3 (0.1) 119.8 63.7 1.5 53.3 1.4 (5.0) (1.0) 0.4 (3.0) (1.4) Managerial financial margin 70.1 51.1 1.8 17.2 (0.1) 74.6 51.4 1.5 20.4 1.4 (4.5) (0.3) 0.3 (3.1) (1.4) Commissions and fees 37.2 11.6 0.0 25.6 - 37.3 12.2 0.0 25.1 - (0.1) (0.6) 0.0 0.6 -Re enues from insurance ¹ 7.5 - 7.5 - 7.9 - 7.9 - (0.4) - (0.4) - Cost of credit (30.2) (30.2) - - (18.2) (18.2) - - (12.1) (12.1) - -Retained claims (1.4) - (1.4) - (1.3) - (1.3) - (0.1) - (0.1) -Non-interested expenses and other² (56.6) (27.9) (0.6) (28.2) 0.0 (58.5) (28.6) (0.7) (29.1) (0.1) 1.9 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.1 Recurring managerial result 18.5 3.9 0.8 14.2 (0.3) 28.4 11.9 0.5 14.9 1.1 (9.8) (8.1) 0.3 (0.6) (1.4) A erage regulatory capital 129.3 77.0 1.3 52.6 (1.5) 125.6 64.8 1.6 41.6 17.6 3.7 12.2 (0.4) 10.9 (19.0) alue creation 2.6 (5.5) 0.6 7.6 (0.2) 12.8 3.8 0.3 9.8 (1.1) (10.1) (9.3) 0.4 (2.2) 0.9 Recurring managerial ROE 14.5% 5.0% 61.4% 27.1% 23.7% 23.7% 18.4% 28.5% 35.7% 6.2% -9.2 p.p. -13.4 p.p. 32.9 p.p. -8.7 p.p. 17.5 p.p. (1) Resultado de Seguros inclui as Receitas de Seguros, Pre idência e Capitalização, antes das Despesas com Sinistros e Comercialização.(2) Inclui Despesas Tributárias (ISS, PIS, COFINS e outras), Despesa de Comercialização de Seguros e Participações Minoritárias nas Subsidiárias. 24


Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. 4Q20 Earnings re iew Candido Bracher Milton Maluhy Filho Alexsandro Broedel Renato Lulia Jacob CurrentCEO andnew Board Member CurrentCFO andCRO and new ChiefExecuti eOfficer New ChiefFinancial Officer (CFO) GroupHead ofIn estor Relations and Marketing Intelligence São Paulo, February 2nd, 2021 25


Attachment 03


Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. 4Q20 Institutional Presentation SaoPaulo, February 2nd, 2021


This presentation contains forward -looking statements regarding Itaú Unibanco Holding, its subsidiaries and affiliates - anticipated synergies, growth plans, projected results and future strategies. Although these forward -looking statements reflect management’s good faithbeliefs,theyin ol eknownand unknown risksand uncertainties thatmaycausethe Company’s actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein.These statements arenot guarantees offuture performance. Theserisksand uncertainties include, butarenotlimitedtoourabilitytorealizethe amount ofthe projected synergies and the timetable projected, as well as economic, competiti e, go ernmental and technological factors affecting Itaú Unibanco Holding’s operations, markets, products and prices, and other factors detailed in Itaú Unibanco Holding’s filingswiththe Securities and Exchange Commission which readers areurgedtoread carefully in assessing the forward -looking statements contained herein.Itaú Unibanco Holding undertakes induty to update any of the projections contained herein. This presentation contains managerial numbers that may be different from those presented in our financial statements. The calculation methodology for those managerial numbers is presented inItaú Unibanco Holding’s quarterly earnings report.Toobtainfurther information onfactorsthatmaygi erisetoresults different fromthose forecast byItaú Unibanco Holding, please consult the reports filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de alores Mobiliários - C M) and with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Itaú Unibanco Holding’s mostrecentAnnualReportonForm20F.


Agenda Corporate 04 profile 14 Strategic Our agenda businesses 32 55 Corporate go ernance Capital and 64 risk management 78 Financial highlights Additional 93 information


Corporate profile 4


About Corporate profile us? Uni ersal bank | 96 years of history | largest bank in Latin America¹ 3 3 Recurring Recurring Managerial Market alue³ Total assets Credit portfolio Tier I Capital 3 Managerial ROE4 Result4 US$59.8 bn R$2,112.6 bn R$869.5 bn 13.2% 16.1% R$5.4 bn We are present in 18 countries Brazil’s most aluable ² brand RestoftheWorld R$37.4 billion German 1 Approximately Bahamas 1 3 Cayman 1 2 3 56 million 5 LatinAmerica Spain 1 Retail clients United States 1 2 3 France 1 Argentina 467k Portugal 1 direct shareholders Brazil United Kingdom 1 2 Chile Switzerland 3 4.3 k Reino Unido Colombia Suíça branches and PABs Mexico 1 97 k Panama Paraguay employees Peru 1 Key 46 k Uruguay Multiple Bank ATMs Other operations 1 Corporate & In estment Banking 2 Asset Management 3 Pri ate Banking (1) Largest bank in market alue; (2) 2020 Interbrand Ranking ; (3) December 2020(4) In 4Q20. (5) October2020. 5


Corporate What profile do we do? Full offering of products and ser ices | di ersified client base | solid brand A complete Credit Ser ices Insurance The Retail Bank physical and digital $ Personal Current Life includes retail clients, high-income clients bank Cards Cards and acquiring Homeowners insurance and ery small and small businesses, in $ Working capital Consórcio Auto addition to products and ser ices for non- $ Real estate Brokerage Dental account holders. $ Micro credit Pension plans Card protection The Wholesale Bank is $ ehicles $ Premium Bonds Tra el responsible for high net worth clients (pri ate $ Rural Payment means Healthcare banking), the units in Latin $ America, banking for Payroll loans $ Capital markets Smartphone protection middle market and large companies and Open platform Imports/Exports In estments Guarantee insurance corporations through Itaú In estment and insurance Other products Other products Other products BBA, the unit responsible products sold on open for corporate clients and platforms. for its role as an in estment Main brands and commercial partners bank. 6


How Corporate profile have we evolved? Adaptable culture | innovation | transparency in business Britain World Health We have NY Stock World War II First First First Internet Itaú on decides to Organization witnessed Exchange ends overseas version of providers the NY leave the declares important crisis branch of Windows Stock European coronavirus changes around Itaú appears Exchange Union (Brexit) pandemic the world... 1929 1945 1983 1985 1990 2006 . 2016 2020 Focus on A bank with a First steps Paths to growth An historic Casa Moreira Salles Marked by mergers, merger Latin America purpose opens in 1924, and acquisitions and Our international We believe that people In 2008, Itaú and Banco business alliances that presence has have the power to Unibanco united to Central de Crédito enabled the growth evolved year after transform the world, and create Brazil’s in 1943. and consolidation of year. Today, Itaú is that the bank can largest private both institutions. present in 18 promote this bank. countries. transformation. 1930 1950 1960 1980 1984 2002 2014 2020 ... and in Banking Mobile Fintechs Central Bank First checks First debit First Brazil First in-branch automation Banking start to gain launches PIX with client’s and credit ATMs calculators begins in Brazil strength name cards 7


Corporate What profile are we seeking? To change leagues and compare oursel es with the world’s best companies in client satisfaction Our Promoting people’s power Purpose of transformation Our culture Simple. People Ethics are It’s only Passionate The best Wethink Always mean non- good for about argument and act like Our Way e erything negotiable us if it’s performance is the one owners to us good for that the client matters Strategic agenda Client Digital People Efficiency centricity Transformation Our ambition is to be We must ha e the best Our business is pro iding Price is of paramount one of the world’s best products, in less time ser ices and that is why importance customer companies in client and higher flexibility. people is a ital issue. We satisfaction. We can only ha e satisfaction. in est to pro ide a more open competiti e prices if we are and di erse en ironment. efficient. Commitments to a Responsible Financing for Inclusion and Financial Transparency in Ethics in Inclusi e Responsible Pri ate social in estment sectors with a entrepreneurship citizenship communication relationships and management management in estment Positi e impact positi e impact business 8


Corporate A responsible profile bank | Commitments to positi e impact Commitment that guides how we will be accountable Each commitment to positi e impact is sponsored by a senior executi e from Transparency in the communication Commitments that create positi e impact the bank’s institutional and commercial (SDG 12 and 16) through business areas. To strengthen our transparency, demonstrating the alue created for our stakeholders. Commitments that are the basis of our conduct and way of acting Financing for sectors with a SDG1 SDG4 SDG5 positi e impact Inclusion and entrepreneurship (SDG 1, 8 and10) (SDG 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13) Quality Gender No po erty education equality To increase our financing To increase financial inclusion and ser ices in those sectors. for entrepreneurs. Responsible in estment SDG7 SDG8 SDG9 (It may address the majority of SDG) Financial citizenship Industry, Affordable Decent work To expand our offering and (SDG 5) and clean inno ation and economic distribution of products and To promote client satisfaction, as energy growth and well as their financial li es. infrastructure ser ices for a more responsible and positi e impact economy. Responsible management Ethics in relationships and business SDG10 SDG11 SDG12 (SDG 10) Sustainable Responsible (SDG 7, 10, 12 and 13) Ethics are non-negotiable. To promote the Reduced consumption and inequalities cities and To impro e our operations creation of an intimate and ethical financial communities production performance and foster sustainable ecosystem. practices across our supply chain. Pri ate social in estment SDG13 SDG16 Inclusi e management (SDG to be defined) (SDG 5, 8 and 10) To promote access and increase rights, impro e Peace, justice Climate action and strong To enhance our employees’ experience and the quality of life in cities and strengthen the institutions to foster di ersity, inclusion and health. power of transformation of people through pri ate social in estment. 9


ACorporate profile responsible bank | Timeline ESG ESG aspects ha e been integrated into our management for o er two decades 1999 2000 2004 2005 2008 2009 En ironmental and 1 social risk analysis 2010 2021 2020 2019 2017 2015 2013 Commitments to Positi e Impact (1) BrazilianCorporate SustainabilityIndex 10


A Corporate responsible pr file bank | ESG: highlights In 2020, we intensified significantly ur initiatives Stimulating sustainable chains R$100 million to finance agroindustry and cooperatives that deal with sustainable cultures. Blended finance, credit mechanism f r small pr ducers with technical assistance t d s pela saúde transparency and Amaz n Plan Land regularizati n d nati n f m re ESG rep rting in partnership with Legislative map and rec mmendati n f h w the than R$ 1.2 billi n ad pti n f the Bradesc and Santander financial system can supp rt regularizati n t t c mbat C vid-19 SASB and TCFD Am ng the ten initiatives, stimulate ec n mic activity in the regi n guidelines int f ur measures were Fighting def restati n in the meat ur rep rts pri ritized pr ducti n chains Frig rific engagement f r traceability c mmitment Specific diligence t the meat pr ducer sect r Amaz n + 12,000 + 70 specialists , 380 th usand Pr m ti n f bi ec n my C nference participants c mpanies and native trees Research funding and investment in pr jects in the 3 days f members f the will be planted that unl ck the s ci ec n mic p tential f new December, 2020 the c nference financial market with d nati ns chains 11


AC rp rate resp nsible pr file bank | ESG: Sustainable b nds issuance Sustainability Finance Framew rk: s cial and envir nmental criteria f r all cati n f res urces External c nsultancy issued sec nd -party pini n Renewable energy and Sustainable Sustainable water and P lluti n preventi n energy efficiency transp rt waste management and c ntr l Sustainable Inclusive Green Access t essential management f natural Finance buildings services res urces and land use USD 500 milli n raised P sitive Impact C mmitments _ Status with sustainable b nds in January 2021 R$100 billi n R$15 billi n R$11 billi n First level 2 capital issue R$ 47.7 bn¹ R$12.5 bn¹ R$9.1 bn² f r sect rs with f r renewable energy f r small c mpanies f a Latin American bank t finance p sitive impact generati n and services led by w men by 2024 green and s cial pr jects by 2025 by 2025 (1) Fr m Aug-2019 t Dec-2020; (2) Balance at Dec-20 12


AC rp rate resp nsible pr file bank | T d s pela saúde R$110 milli n R$226 milli n t inf rm t prepare ~ 175 milli n pe ple s ciety t resume s cial activities as n rmal Campaigns t clarify and raise awareness am ng the Supp rt f r epidemi l gical research p pulati n and guidance n the pr per use f and f r the treatment f c vid-19 pr tective masks Investment in the new vaccine manufacturing plants f Fi cruz and Institut Butantã R$351 milli n R$408 milli n t pr tect para cuidar M re than $1 billi n has 330,000 health pr fessi nals supp rt t 50,000 elderly pe ple and 172,000 patients and caregivers in m re than 600 instituti ns already been all cated Benefited by the distributi n f m re than 105,000 ximeters t 4 areas f activity. 50 milli n pr tective equipment serving all cities in Brazil + 25,000 tests per day 44,000 tests Next, check ut s me f the Test Centers perati ns begins n the 31st f and awareness initiatives f r truck drivers main achievements fr m April July in Ri de Janeir city and n the 7th f August in the Ceará state 2,500 units f h spital equipment t t day. Implementati n f Recepti n Centers in 14 milli n masks vulnerable areas Distributed t the elderly, users f public transp rt, residents f c mmunities, D nati n t Manaus indigen us pe ple and h meless pe ple Purchase f xygen plants w rth R$8.5 milli n t d nate t Manaus 120 milli n f Pers nal Pr tective R$3.6 milli n t Fi cruz Equipment Intended f r the pr ject C nexã in c mmunities in RJ (includes Masks, gl ves, glasses, face shields and thers. testing, telemedicine, guidance and d nati n f PPE) + impact assessment. 13


Strategic agenda 14


Strategic Strategic agenda agenda F ll wing a c llective th ught pr cess, we defined ur strategic agenda in rder t achieve c nsistent and quality results in the years ahead. Cust mer centricity is the central piece supp rted by three fundamental pillars: digital transf rmati n, pe ple and efficiency. Client centricity ur ambiti n is t be ne f the w rld’s best c mpanies in client satisfacti n. Digital Transf rmati n We must have the best pr ducts, in less time and higher flexibility. Pe ple ur business is pr viding services and that is why pe ple is a vital issue. We invest t pr vide a m re pen and diverse envir nment. Efficiency Price is f param unt imp rtance cust mer satisfacti n. We can nly have c mpetitive prices if we are efficient. 15


Client Strategic agenda Centricity We want ur clients t have the best experience That is why we are c ntinually and tirelessly striving t impr ve ur client’s experience each time they engage with the bank Universal Bank Satisfied clients create m re value Present Value f R$/client recurring managerial result, 5-year f recast (base 56 milli n clients 100) 2x 950 between 18 and ver 80 years f age; fr m l w-inc me t the Private segment; present thr ugh ut Brazil, b th in the capital 5x 468 cities and hinterland, and verseas; Itaú Branches c mpanies: fr m very small c mpanies, t 100 maj r c rp rate c ngl merates. The difference between the present value We challenge urselves daily t serve created by a client wh adv cates f r the this very heter gene us universe. 10x Itaú Branches segment, against the value generated by ne wh kn cks it 16


Client Strategic agenda Centricity Satisfied clients create We want t be the benchmark in satisfacti n, transf rming ur culture s that the client is at the center f everything. ur acti ns, including digital transf rmati n and the eff rts inv lving pe ple management, are designed f r ur clients’ higher value satisfacti n, a key metric f r the entire rganizati n. Gl bal NPS + 27 p ints + 17 p ints + 10 p ints Active c ntact t understand ur Less ns learned fr m client clients’ experience. feedbacks t enhance their 2020 vs 2018 2021 vs 2018 2023 vs 2018 experience. (Dec-20 vsAug-18) We want t be c mpared t the w rld’s best 430 k c mpanies in client satisfacti n + +37k Feedbacks¹ Meetings¹ C mparable c mpanies 1: Peri d: Jan-20 t Dec-20 17


Client Strategic agenda Centricity C ntinu us updates f r a better experience ur apps are am ng the App St re APP ITAÚ best rated in app st res (INDIVIDUALS) APP PERS NNALITÉ Play St re 4.2 4.7 4.1 4.7 + 23 MM unique cust mers using ur APP LIGHT APP ITAUCARD digital channels in the 4th quarter** 1st bank ffering a leaner smartph neapp 3.7 4.8 4.5 f which 15.2 MM are individual and c rp rate acc unt h lders f these, alm st 93% are individual acc unt h lders APP REDE Card receivables APP ITAÚ EMPRESAS c ntr l by ph ne 4.3 4.3 4.6 3,8 4.7 4,4 Updatedin Dec-20 New 66 nthe m bile features chanel APP ABRE C NTA wasreplacedby Unavailable in May-20 nline acc unt peningfl w (www.itau.c m.br/abrir-c nta) Unavailable in Sep-20* *PWA fl w available f r Andr id: the user has t access the new acc unt pening fl w thr ugh **Als includedApp Luiza,Credicard e Hipercard. G gle Play and has an app experience (with ut taking up space n the ph ne). 18


Client Strategic agenda Centricity Identified Investment rec mmendati ns need: What is the best way t invest my m ney? S luti n Data nlyItaú has: The m st advantage us 2.5 minutes c mbinati n p ssible f r each t generate a Expected results fr m 28,000 financial pr ducts and assets client, acc rding t their pr file 1,200,000 p ssible p rtf li c mbinati ns rec mmendati n 10,000 scenari s f r market behavi r and m ment in life +0.80 t 3.00 pp Testing 12 billi n different scenari s additi nal annual f r all client pr files p rtf li DIAGNÓSTIC DA SUA CARTEIRA pr fitability Sua carteira atual Carteira pers nalizada based n the ptimizati n in the client c ntext (current p rtf li , earnings and new investments) Nível de Carteira em risc : 26/08/2019 M derad Nível de risc : Arr jad Ret rn esperad (em % Ret rn esperad % CDI): 133.9% a.a. (em rec mmendati n CDI): 114.5% a.a. Jur s pós-fixad s Jur s prefixad s Inflaçã Multimercad Cust mized expert evaluati n 07 19


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n Supply perspective x Demand perspective Traditi nal m del: supply perspective M dern m del: demand perspective New techn l gy trends: New techn l gy radar: cl ud cl ud artificial Intelligence and client’s real artificial Intelligence machine learning + and machine learning big data and analytics needs big data and analytics APIs Whatare theyf r? APIs Identifying p ssible applicati n bl ckchain pp rtunities bl ckchain Wefindan applicati n Let’s test , pr blems Techn l gy applied t s lve real M re investment f r Pil ts and tests in lateral situati ns, enabling measurement f value created updating which d n t c mpr mise Expenditure Time Expenditure Time $ $ $ $ $ $ 20


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n T achieve digital transf rmati n, we need t change the way we devel p services and pr ducts Bef re Market S luti n research time data cust mizati n devel pment Client Bank Client N w Data time data cust mizati n + research + experimenting Client Bank 21


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n + vel city t extend ur digital ffer 272 members 100 pr jects startups between the bank and 462 Cub startups Cub is the m st relevant 31 filliated different 13 fl rs hub f r techn l gical startups industries entrepreneurship pr m ti n + r ft p in Latin America. 215,000+ ft2 + 22 sp ns rs Sp ns red Spark Awards F unders: business verticals: L gistics & m bility |Retail |Health Educati n |Fintech IF Design Award Awards Internati nal Visual Identity Awards since 2015: Financial Inn vati n Awards 2016 Partnerships: Startup Awards + utr s 22


Digital Strategicagenda Transf rmati n New w rk meth ds lead t superi r results Data base 100 M re techn l gy s luti ns Higher pr ductivity Greater number f s luti ns delivered: Reducti n in the delivery time f techn l gy s luti ns: 2019 2020 + 80% 2019 2020 -25% M re availability Reducti n f cust mers wh had -19% N w pr blems with significant transacti ns n 99.5% f ur the internet and m bile channels: clients find n using the mainpr blems when 2019 2020 transacti ns n these channels 23


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n Analytics: “listening t ” 360,000 calls every day In the past T day ne f the Traditi nal m nit ring Speech analytics w rld’s largest Transcripti n f 100% f the calls and analysis f the texts v ice transcripti n “I w uld like t perati ns increase my limit.” 130 MM client attendant calls/year Call Client´s The right Calls m nit red by pe ple. Audi signal c ntent data service , f r the <0.5% f ll wed up Measure the satisfacti n f 100% f ur clients right client at the Map pp rtunities right m ment Capture client’s satisfacti n limited t ne sample Capture intenti ns with ut having t ask Channel efficiency 24


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n¹ Data: the bank’s new capital Data and State- f-the-art Data analytics + alg rithms + scientists V ice data Transacti ns Bi metrics + Results petabytes70 Interacti ns in Imagedata +685% f value captured in pr jects in analytics digital channels Data base: 2017 t Dec-20 Ge l cati n Textdata (1) Data base Dec-20. 25


Digital Strategic agenda Transf rmati n Techn l gy and digitizati n Highlights 2021e vs. 2018 Digitalizati n (2020 vs. 2019) f C ntinu us 112 % s luti ns devel pment Investment in ffering C mplete digital less Time t Market M re speed techn l gy 28% infrastructure Cl ud 81% 25% applicati ns are 28% faster +apps and systems features in platf rms than ther 2020 2018 Transfers 97% 92% Use Pe ple Payments 85% 76% f digital channels Investments 47% 41% Data 261 7% Credit 25% 19% Scientists gr wth in Dec-20 2020 vs. 2019 2020 vs. 2018 Techn l gy + 3,764 + 1,770 acc unts pened andengineers teams in 2020 Tech 231 % pr fessi nals n-line by the app acc unt pening + 1,994 ZUP team 26


Pe ple¹ Strategic agenda Appr ximately 97 th usand Empl yees² Racial Representativeness LGBT+ in Brazil and verseas →Supp rt black students training. →We are c mmitted t the “Business and 22.7% LGBT+ Rights F rum” and the “UN By gender career events Standards f C nduct f r Business” . f ur →Supp rt f cused n empl yees are black candidates. →Successi n c mmittees including at least ne w man being evaluated and an ther w man carrying ut the black pe ple³ →Devel pment acti ns f r black →We are part f the UTStand Financial evaluati n. empl yees: s ci -em ti nal f r Market Pride Gr up (created t discuss interns and ment ring f r leadership. inclusi n and pr m te the appreciati n f →M ther and pregnant well-being p licy LGBT + pr fessi nals in the sect r). Full payment f variable remunerati n Men W men 41.5% 58.5% By hierarchical level By age bracket 0.1% fficers 86% 14% 15.0% Managers 48% 52% 5.4% 4.7 k pe ple Pe ple with disabilities representati n > 50 years 38.8% Administrati n de n ss s 50% 50% 45.5 k pe ple sã PCD. 51.4% 30-50 years Pe ple with 38.6% perati ns 30% 70% disabilities 38.3 k pe ple 0.2% Trainees 59% 41% 43.2% 4.2% up t 30 years 5.4% Interns 47% 53% 1.8% Apprentices 31% 69% (1) Data base: December 2019 -f r inf rmati n n empl yees, we included inf rmati n n Itaú Unibanc c mpanies managed by the Human Res urces department nly, except f r f reign units. (2) Data base: December 2020. (3) ct ber 2020 27


Pe ple¹ Strategic agenda Empl yee’s An inn vative and inspiring envir nment. Is Itaú Unibanc a g d place t w rk? experience In ur empl yees’ view³ V U c m s u ur challenge is t be , flexible Rendering ur dress c de respecting ur (Sc res 9-10) Adv cates 91% increasingly attractive t empl yees and ur strategic agenda. 89 Neutrals all generati ns and t . (Sc res 7-8) 7% e-NPS Kn ckers engage and devel p ur 2% H me - ffice (C res 0-6) talent p l. T d s , we have c nsistently We ffer m re flexible pti ns that enc urage Turn ver invested in disseminating empl yee aut n my. 16.7% turn ver rate ur purp se and what we Inv luntary V luntary refer t as ur Way IU C necta 12.1 % 4.7 % –a str ng culture r ted in c llab rati n, A new platf rm f r ur empl yees’ day-t -day. A merit cracy, ethics and s cial netw rk with several administrative t ls. In the market view² t tal and unbridled respect f r the individual. New w rk meth ds C llab rative envir nments, delivery c mmunities and f cal space aiming f r greater synergy, c mmunicati n and integrati n am ng the teams. Flexibility Greater freed m f r empl yees t rec ncile their w rking h urs with their pers nal life. 2018 (1) Data base 2019. (2) Data base Dec-20. (3) Situati nal e-NPS average fr m April t December 2020. 28


Pe ple¹ Strategic agenda Mental Health Fique K (Be k) Pr gram Psych s cial services Supp rt pr vided by psych l gists, lawyers, Psych l gical and s cial w rk care t ur empl yees at nutriti nists, physi therapists, and financial advis rs t assistance centers. empl yees and their family members. 6,750 pers ns assisted 2,246 pers ns psych l gically assisted 2,623 pers ns assisted with s cial w rk W rking h urs - Flexible w rk schedule Mental Health Week: Quebrand Tabu–Vam s Falar de Saúde Mental? It enables empl yees t take care f their pers nal issues (Breaking tab –let’stalkab ut mental health?) thr ugh a flexible w rk schedule that all ws them t leave earlier r after regular w rking h urs, when required, making up Aimed at disseminating kn wledge, break paradigms and f r these ver- r underw rked h urs an ther day reflect n the sc pe f handling illnesses within the c rp rate w rld. 71,578 eligible empl yees 4,000 hits (1) Data-base 2019. 29


Pe ple¹ Strategic agenda A bank that rec gnizes, values and enc urages pe ple devel pment. T tal c mpensati n Incentive M del Fixed c mpensati n The pr gram takes int acc unt the pri rities f the year, the results btained and the manner in which th se R$ 18 billi n results are delivered, since alth ugh it is imp rtant t achieve bjectives, ur values must underpin all acti ns. R$ 22 bi Rec gnizes a pr fessi nal’s c mpetence and seni rity. Evaluati n (direct rs andEDs) Evaluati n (team) Variable c mpensati n _ perf rmance _ rep rting _perf rmance _ Y axise career c mmittee R$ 4 billi n C nversati n with DG/VP/DE Behavi ral assessment Assessment with up t 3 Behavi ral assessment evaluates Rec gnizes the level f individual n the pri rities f r the year. (360º): evaluates whether challenges (simpler and whether the empl yee’s behavi r is perf rmance, the financial result attained by bjective indicat rs related t the executive’s behavi r is m re agile). c nsistent with ur m ment and ur the bank and its sustainability in the sh rt, pri rities as supp rt c nsistent with ur m ment Evaluati n can even be w rk m dels. medium and l ng terms. Each empl yee has (pri rities, results achieved in and ur w rk m dels. 100% qualitative. Career evaluati n and devel pment targets t be achieved, which are linked t the previ us year and market Results. in a c llegiate c mmittee (with Career M ment. inputs, Y axis and rep rting -if the strategy f each area which, in turn, data -if applicable) . reflects ur gl bal strategy. applicable) . Investment in pers nnel² Partners’ and Ass ciates’ Pr gram C urses and H urs f Sch larships Supplementary T align thewith th se f urinterests shareh lders, f ur fficers we run a and empl yees pr gram training training pensi n schemes f randpartners empl yees and with aass ciate differentiated intended f r perf rmance. managers ver than 1,000,000 live and n average, 13 h urs f live 6.1 k sch larships, 72% f the empl yees have nline training sessi ns. and nline training per p stgraduate and a supplementary plan. Further details n page 62 empl yee. language c urses. (1) Data base 2020. bs: Fixed c mpensati ns include c mpensati n, s cial benefitsandcharges. Variable c mpensati n includes empl yees´pr fits sharingandshare-basedpayment. (2) Data base 2019. 30


Efficiency Strategic agenda strategic ur challenge c st is t management c ntinually and impr veinvestment the efficiency in techn l gy f ur and new ways f perati ns by maintaining w rking in rder t b st the use f ur clients at the center f ur decisi ns,res urces, thr ugh while efficiently managing the all cati n and c st f capital. Key principles f ur Strategic C st Management weekly rep rted t the Executive C mmittee C ns lidati n, re rganizati n and redesign f perati ns Aut mati n and digitalizati n ptimizati n f service channels F cus in techn l gy C ntinu us N n-interest expenses -Brazil Investment in gr wing at a sl wer pace than inflati n techn l gy 1.7% 3.1% 2.9% 2021e vs. 2018 gr wth year ver year N n-interest expenses -3.0% % devel pment f -1.3% -0.6% -1.4% 112 s luti ns gr wthN n-interest expensesc mpared t the -7.6% same peri d f the previ us 28% infrastructure year (deflated by IPCA) 2017 2018 2019 2020 31


ur business 32


Wh urbusiness are ur clients? Thr ugh ur Retail and Wh lesale Banking segments we ffer a wide range f pr ducts and services tail red t each client pr file. Client pr file by segment in Brazil Individuals C mpanies Ultra Private Bank > R$4 billi n >R$5 milli n in t tal investment Large Pers nnalité > R$500 milli n up t R$4 billi n >R$15 th usand r >R$250 th usand in t tal investments ; Middle Uniclass > R$30 milli n up t R$500 milli n >R$4 th usand up t R$15 th usand Very Small and Small C mpanies Retail up t R$30 milli n up t R$4 th usand RETAIL WH LESALE * The values menti ned ab ve f r individuals refer t m nthly inc me and the values f r c mpanies refer t annual revenue. 33


Retail ur business Banking Serving a client base f ver Branches and PABs Main 56 milli n clients Results4Q20 urdistributi nnetw rk c mprises¹ Recurring R$ 1.7 billi n 3,880 BRANCHES AND CSBs² IN BRAZIL Managerial Result 3 % 8 % 7 % 67 % 15 % N rtheast S utheast S uth Brick and M rtar Branches N rth Midwest and CSBs² C ns lidated 31 % pr fitsharing Branches Digital (Brazil) Return n all catedcapital³ 14.7 % 167 (Dec-20 vs Dec-19) 4,504 196 4,337 Efficiency rati 57.6 % 196 M RE THAN 44,000 ATMsin Brazil 4,308 4,141 RetailBanking +11 p ints NPS Dec-20 vs. Aug-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 (1 As f) December 2020. D es n t include branches and CSBs in Latin America and Itaú BBA. (2) Client Service Branches. (3) Recurring Managerial Return n Average All cated Capital. 34


The use f ur digital channels significantly increased ver thelast years. ur digital branches are an imp rtant channel t serve th se clientes wh alm st d n t use brick and m rtar branches Use f digital channels¹ Highlights T tal currentacc unth lders (in milli npe ple) Digital branches 12.5 14.3 Individuals 11.1 196 digital branches Extendedh urs f r ver 2.3 milli nclients Differentiatedservice C mpanies 1.1 1.2 1.2 15 digital branches f r M re than335,000 c mpanies 2 127,000 very small and small c mpanies 3 servedby acc untmanager with Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 m bility, usingsmartph ne, + 3 digital branchest assist 48 th usand C nd miniums and their Administrat rs. n-line acc unt pening tablet and vide c nference 2020 2018 2020 vs. 2018 Credit 25% 19% 231 % by the app acc unts pened % ftransacti ns thr ughdigital channels Investments 47% 41% Payments 85% 76% Transfers 97% 92% (1) C nsiders acc unt h lders (individuals and c mpanies) and digital credit card h lders.(2) Includes Emp3 andEmp2; (3) Includes nlyEmp4. 35


Wh lesale urbusiness Banking nlyin Brazil, we serve appr ximately Main Main 21,000 c rp rate and pr ductsandservices Results4Q20 instituti nal gr ups Credits luti ns Nati nalandf reigncurrency Recurring R$2.3 billi n Managerial Result ursaleschannelsreachinstituti nalclientsin 18 Service s luti ns c untries. R$6.9 bnfixedinc medistributi n C ns lidated US$3.1bn equitiestransacti nsin Latin 42% pr fitsharing America US$8.1 bnt tal v lume fMerger $ and Acquisiti n Return n R$17.7 bnfinancing f all catedcapital¹ 15.9 % Cayman Chile Bahamas England infrastructure pr jects in different USA P rtugal sect rs Panama Mexic Spain Germany S luti nsin WMS Efficiency Uruguay France 47.2 % C rp rate C l mbia Switzerland R$1,442 bn underl cal cust dy rati Peru R$148 bn under internati nal Instituti nal Clients Paraguay Private Banking Argentina cust dy R$753 bn¹ underasset Wh lesaleBanking +9 p ints management NPS Dec-20 vs. Ag -18 (1) S urce: ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Ass ciati n) –December 2020. C nsiders Itaú Unibanc and Intrag. Main initiatives made in 2020 Latam: Cust mer Centrality Accelerati n f digitizati n and acquisiti n f new 100% digital cust mers Depl yment f the NPS System in all c untries New business: digital acc unt and payment s luti ns, e-c mmerce, br kerage Advancement f the Regi nal Techn l gical Platf rm (1 ) Recurring Managerial Return n Average All cated Capital. 36


ur business $ Pers nal L ans and Payr ll L ans Pers nal l ans Ev luti n f pers nal l ans p rtf li (In R$ billi n) M ney in the acc unt The m ney is immediately Payr ll l ans $ credited, including nthe 74.9 81.0 83.1 86.8 89.5 The payr ll l ans p rtf li acc unts f r 62% ft tal weekends. 70.5 70.2 69.8 72.7 62% perati ns in pers nal l ans. 49.4 50.4 55.3 Purp se 49.1 44.6 44.8 44.4 45.4 46.7 B rr wers can use the l an $ ther pers nal l ans pr ceeds f r all kinds f purp ses. 31.9 33.7 36.4 34.2 25.8 25.4 25.3 27.3 28.2 The p rtf li f ther pers nal l ans acc unts f r 38% Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 38% ft tal perati ns in pers nal l ans. Payr ll l ans C mp siti n fthe payr ll l ans p rtf li riginati n channels f payr ll l ans Reduced rates (In R$ billi n) (In %) Interest rates are l wer thanf r ther types f l ans. 55.3 49.1 49.4 50.4 44.6 44.8 44.4 45.4 46.7 49.1 49.4 50.4 55.3 44.6 44.8 44.4 45.4 46.7 6.6 6.8 Easier repayment 5.1 5.8 6.5 3.6 4.4 4.3 4.7 4.9 4.5 3.9 3.5 Fixed installments are deducted 8.2 7.0 5.9 5.1 56% 56% 55% directly fr mthe payr ll fthe 9.2 62% 61% 60% 59% 59% 58% b rr wer. 40.2 44.9 34.6 36.5 38.8 39.0 31.0 32.2 32.8 38% 39% 40% 41% 41% 42% 44% 44% 45% Payment c nditi ns Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 First installment in upt 90 days. Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 PublicS cial Security PublicSect r Private Sect r Branches Itaú C nsignad S.A. System (INSS) 37


ur business L ans $ M rtgage Client f cused M rtgage l ans p rtf li Pr ducts and sales channels (In R$ billi n) (In %) Quick and efficient pr cess with credit analysis in upt neh ur f r 48.6 47.8 48.1 47.6 48.3 49.2 50.3 53.8 60.2 + 19.7 % vs Dec-19 perati ns fupt R$1 milli n. 20.0% 17.4% 14.9% 13.0% 10.7% 8.6% 9.2% 7.5% + 24.5 % 36% 23% 28% 21.6% vsDec-18 Real Estate p ssibility f digitally c ntracting. Branches: Regular Br kers high inc me banches and 80.0% 82.6% 85.1% 87.0% 89.3% 91.4% 90.8% 92.5% 78.4% clients Uniclass specialized c nsultants pr viding supp rt thr ugh ut the pr cess. 13% Partnerships 0,0% Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 Devel pers Individuals C mpanies Envir nmental and s cial assessment n m rtgage l ans Technical analysis f r c nstructi n financing Enterprise and regi n data Envir nmental and S cial Department + Envir nmental and S cial Legal Department + N C mpliance Indicati n f c ntaminati n search(LIC) Envir nmental Enterprise Envir nmental andS cial F rm; License? Technical analysis f evidence; Building site Risks visit gathering Building site ph t s; Analysis fsite c ntaminati n d cumentati n; mitigated f inf rmati n and D cument analysis; Preparati n f c ntractual clauses and c nditi ns C nsultati n f the C ntaminated Areas C ntaminati n f r release f funds. Register; and indicatives? C nsultati n f G gle Maps. perati n appr ved 38


ur M rtgage business L ans¹ $ L an t Value (In%) 62.1% 63.1% 64.6% Vintage (quarterly average) 57.3% 58.4% 59.7% 54.6% 54.5% 54.7% + 2.5 p.p vsDec-19 41.8% 40.9% 40.2% 39.9% 38.7% 38.7% 38.6% 38.3% M rtgage L an P rtf li 35.7% -2.9 p.p. Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 vsDec-19 Vintage (quarterly average) M rtgage L an P rtf li Average Ticket and Average riginati n Term² ,³ Average value fthe Pr perty 561 554 537 523 538 546 548 535 500 + 7.0 % vsDec-19 322 323 324 325 320 Average l an maturity 312 311 318 322 -1.1 % vs Dec-19 306 305 294 302 315 328 314 313 342 Financing + 8.8 Average % Ticket Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 vsDec-19 Value fthe Pr perty (R$ mn) Average l an maturity (in m nths) Financing Average Ticket (R$ mn) (1) Includes nly Individuals. (2) Average l an maturity f r new c ntracts; (3) Value determined using m nthly credit riginati n average ticket and quarterly average LTV. Pr ducti n s urce: ABECIP. 39


ur business $ Vehicles L an p rtf li by client pr file C ntracting (In R$ billi n) C ntracts - th usand + 27.0 % 16.5 th usand sales p ints; 35.7 Sale flightand heavy vehicles: 28.1 29.5 23.2 12.3 18.3 16.4 16.7 17.8 20.2 6.0 9.1 10.1 81% f c ntracts aremadein st res and dealers; 2.9 2.3 2.6 3.2 4.3 23.3 17.2 19.0 19.5 90%t individuals; 15.4 14.1 14.1 14.7 15.9 R$39.0 th usand Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 29%made in Digital Channels; Average Ticket (individual) Individuals C mpanies 82% f financing aremadeupt 48 m nths. 60.4% L an-t -value(individual) Credit riginati n by client pr file¹ 90-day NPL Rati ( Individuals – Vehicles) (In R$ billi n) (Base 100) + 27.7 % 100 7.6 6.0 2.8 3.6 4.5 4.8 2.6 2.3 3.2 1.9 2.5 3.2 54 49 1.6 43 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.1 38 0.4 4.8 35 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.0 3.5 31 2.3 1.8 2.1 4Q16 2Q17 4Q17 2Q18 4Q18 2Q19 4Q19 2Q20 4Q20 Individuals C mpanies 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 40 1) Includes Finame in C mpanies 40


ur business $ Vehicles Main pr ducts and services iCarr s P rtal 18.6M access/m nth 87% m bile Ev luti n f financing pr p sals n the iCarr s platf rm: (Base 100) E-c mmerce s luti n 1 12 Facial Rec gniti n Integrated payment and financial services Simple and safe c ntracting pr cess. s luti n f r care-c mmerce. iCarr s 2 11 Digital Assistant Vehicle Marketplace with techn l gical nline credit analysis and appr val platf rm, s luti ns, that brings buyers and sellers with ut additi nal c st f r the dealer. t gether. Credline 2.0 3 10 Digital C ntracting New pr p sal riginati n platf rm, with Integrated t iCarr s and therdigital simple and renewed digital experience. envir nments, like dealers’ websites and therse-c mmerces. Main c mmercial partnerships Fl rPlan 4 9 Eletr nic signature $ Credit lines f r partner dealers . Digital and simple experience f r the cust mer and the dealer. Lead Manager 5 Car dealer platf rm which all ws lead 8 C nec tCar management in a single place. Payment f t lls and parking with ut queuing. Kn wledge Garage 6 7 Insurances Distance learning platf rm aimed at Pr tecti n t the car and tranquility in financing. training pr fessi nals in the sect r 41


Credit urbusiness Card ur credit card pti ns serve current acc unt h lders andn n-current acc unt h lders Weare leaders in the credit Main brands C nvenience t clients card segment in Brazil, Financial services thr ugh creditcards. t taling ar und 33.3 milli n $ Pers nal credit cards and 30.0 milli n credit debitcards (b thin number f acc unts) . Payment fbillsin C mmercial partnerships installments Main partnerships with retailers and merchants. $ Debt reneg tiati n C nsumer credit Itaucard App Benefits t urclients Digital billing statements: Paperless. M re envir nmentally friendly. Timeline: T f ll w up c nsumpti n. L yalty pr gram: P ints andreward pr gram. Digital p rtf li s Increased c mf rt and c nvenience t urclients. Virtual card: Added security f r nline purchases. Virtual cards generated (2019= Base 100) 2020 249 2019 100 2.5x 42


Credit urbusiness Card Transacti n V lume T tal 4Q20 13.2%¹ 150,490 155,364 R$155.4 billi ns ft tal salesare carried 37,740 129,502 42,384 Debit +20.0% (vs. 3Q20) ut using digital channels 33,706 + 3.2% (vs. 4Q19) Credit 112,751 112,980 Credit + 17.9% (vs. 3Q20) 46.1%² in3Q20 95,796 + 0.2% (vs. 4Q19) + 8.0 pp vs3Q19 f h useh ld c nsumpti n Debit 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 +25.8% (vs. 3Q20) are card expenses + 12.3% (vs. 4Q19) C mp siti n f credit balance 7.7% SFN³ Transact r 76.4% 15.9% 32.4% +2 p ints whith ut Itaú Installment with Interest Market Share Cust mer 6.9% Weare leaders in the satisfacti n 86.4% 6.6% Rev lving Credit + verdue L ans Brazilian creditcard Gl bal NPS - Business Market Dec-20 vs. Aug-18 Data base: Sep-20 1) C nsiders nlycreditcards issuedt currentacc unth lders fBranches, Uniclasse Pers nnalité . (2) C nsiderscredit, debitcards andpre-paid. (3) BrazilianFinancial System. N te: Data base referst Dec-20 excepth useh ld c msupti m. 43 (


Acquiring urbusiness services Transacti n V lume ur brands 4Q20 154,475 T tal 141,862 130,959 R$154.5 billi ns 51,362 62,029 Debit + 18.0% (vs. 3Q20) 51,929 + 8.9% (vs. 4Q19) M re thande 25 card brands credit 90,499 92,447 Credit + 17.0% (vs. 3Q20) accepted by Rede 79,030 + 2.2% (vs. 4Q19) machines debit +19.5% (vs. 3Q20) 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 + 20.8% (vs. 4Q19) Acquiring service revenues (R$ milli n) 822 th usand 1,252 1,106 Clients 964 932 908 +38 p ints 737 728 642 Cust mer 528 1.3 mn satisfacti n P S Gl bal NPS - Business number Dec-20 vs. Aug-18 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 N te: Data base referst Dec-20. 44


ur Insurance business We insurance ffer a c re wide activities,range f insurance which include pr ducts ur 30%related equity t life, stake pers nal in P rt accidents, Segur , c nsist vehicles fand mass pr perty,-market insurance credit and pr ductstravel. ur related t life and pr perty, and credit. Ranking¹ ,² C mbined Rati – Recurring Activities Insurance 53.2% 58.1% jan-n v/20 jan-n v/19 M del 49.3% 49.1% 47.4% T tal Insurance 3 4th 4th Recurring Insurance Activities 4 5th 5th 63.9% Life & Pers nal Accidents 2nd 2nd Bancassurance 54.8% 55.2% 52.4% 59.4% Credit Insurance 6th 6th Bancassurance 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Pensi n Plan 3rd 3rd Bancassurance C mbined Rati Extended C mbined Rati Premium B nds 5th 4th Bancassurance P rt Segur 3rd 3rd P tential gr wth in the sect r 8 Chile: 4.7 Leader: P rt Segur Leader: P rt Segur Br ker USA: 11.3 Vehicles 5 Revenue fr m insurance perati ns/GDP (%) S uth K rea: 10.5 H me Insurance 5 Leader: P rt Segur Leader: P rt Segur Br ker 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 ther Insurance Activities 6 5th 6th 3.2 3.3 3.4 2.9 2.9 3.0 Large Risks 7 we d n t ffer this pr duct. Health Insurance we d n t ffer this pr duct. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (1) S urce SUSEP, date: N v-20, includes ur 30% equity stake in P rt Segur . D esn´t c nsider Health insurance. VGBL is c nsidered in Pensi n Plans;; (2) Insurance = Earned Premiums; Pensi n Plans = Pr visi n f r Benefits t be Granted and Premium B nds =net revenues (3) Recurring insurance activities and ther activities; (4) Recurring insurance activities include: Pers nal Insurance (Life, Pers nal Accidents, Unempl yment, Funeral All wance, Seri us Diseases, Rand m Events, Credit Life), H using, H me wners, Multiple Peril and Travel; (5) C nsiders nly P rt Segur numbers; (6) ther activities include: Extended Warranty, Large Risks, DPVAT and IRB; (7) The sale f this p rtf li has been c ncluded n ct ber 31, 2014.(8) Sect r gr wth p tential figures f r Chile, USA and S uth K rea refer t 2018. 45


Insurance urbusiness | pen Platf rm Aut andFleet Insurance Insurance c nsultants Life (Individual andGr up) Insurance Sh p + Health (Gr up) Multi-channel distributi n Manager Wh leLife F cused n c mmissi ns and fees Cashier CreditLife Internal Internet Banking/M bile Dental (Individuals andGr up) ATM Card Pr tecti n Specialized sales f rce Call Center Premium B nds H me wners External NAC/Partners Travel C rban Cellph ne Insurance Easy access and c nvenience t clients M rtgage Multi-channel Br ker Platf rm C rp rate lines Guarantee Insurance Insurance st re Cr p Insurance Retenti n P st-Sales Analytics Excellence in p st- Prepaid healthcard Marketing Clientservice Satisfacti n sales Aut , M t , H me and Pet Relati nship withclients Assistance 46


Pensi n urbusiness plan pen platf rm Reas ns t invest: C ncept 1,3,6,9: H wmuchd es theclienthavet savet enj ya peaceful retirement? 1 Retirement 5 Financial return Years f salary accumulated Age Funds carefully selected 2 Future expenses always keeping theclientin 6 Enable easy 1 35 changing fplan 3 45 mind 3 Children educati n 7 Successi n 6 55 4 planning Tax planning 9 65 Technical Pr visi ns R$ Billi n 216.2 208.4 213.2 207.3 211.3 211.4 199.9 204.4 158.1 161.4 156.5 159.2 158.6 161.0 151.6 154.8 41.7 42.8 43.5 44.9 43.8 45.0 45.0 46.7 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.7 8.4 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Traditi nal + 21.6% (vs. 4Q19) PGBL + 4.1% (vs. 4Q19) VGBL -0.2% (vs. 4Q19) 47


Services urbusiness | Investments Investment pen Platf rm Third-party pr ducts ffered Funds Fixed inc me 2 Fixed Inc me CDB Multimarket LCA Funds Fixed inc me Pensi n Plan Equities RealEstateFunds Treasury Direct C E Savings Equity LCI Pensi n Plan Variable Inc me Pensi n Plan Fixed Inc me Real EstateFund Treasury Direct Zer cust dy fee Zer initialand Zer cust dy fee Zer br kerage and Zer cust dy f r shares fItaú final c ntributi n f r third party FI cust dy fee ndigital fee-Itaú C rret ra andthe fees via Itaú C rret ra channels C rret ra st ck exchange Itaú Asset Management The largest private asset manager in Brazilin figures: Resp nsible R$753 billi n¹ investments assetsunder management We inc rp rate ESG issuesint ur investment pr cess. + 60 years 11 times in investment management bestfund manager by “Exame” magazine (1) S urce: ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Ass ciati n) –December -2020. C nsiders Itaú Unibanc and Intrag. (2) CDB -Time Desp sits. LCA -Rural Credit Bills. LCI -Real Estate Credit Bills 48


Services urbusiness | Wh lesale Banking Middle Investment Banking Annual revenues fr m R$30 mn t R$500 mn Leadership p siti n and client rec gniti n “F cused n clients with the best ratings, with 95% f the credits being rated B3 r better, and with perati ns in Fixed inc me diversified services, 2020 , such as Cash Management, F reign In We t k part in l cal perati ns with debentures, pr miss ry n tes and Exchange, Investment Banking and Funding. “ securitizati n, which t taled R$6,936 milli n, taking the first place in the ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Ass ciati n) ranking. C rp rate Banking Equities Annual revenues ver R$500 mn “We ffer a br ad p rtf li f banking pr ducts and In 2020, we undert k 39 fferings in S uth America , which t taled US$3,060 milli n, services, ranging fr m“ cash management ”t structured taking the first place in the Deal gic ranking. transacti ns and deals in the Capital Market. We serve ar und 3,250 large business gr ups (includes Mergers and Acquisiti ns Agr business) in additi n t serving m re than 197 financial In 2020, we pr vided financial advis ry n 47 transacti ns in S uth America, t taling instituti ns. ” US$8,139 milli n and maintaining the leadership p siti n in the Deal gic ranking. Agr business Pr ject Finance Large and Regi nal (medium size + pr ducers) In 2020, we served as advis r and/ r credit r f appr ximately R$17.7 billi n in financing “We serve m re than 1,400 cust mers in the integrated t 60 different infrastructure pr jects in different sect rs. agribusiness chain, fr m plants t rural pr ducers, with an emphasis n Targeted pr ducts and F reign Currency, in a Ranking 2020 2019 2018 p rtf li f m re than R$30 billi n.” M&A¹ 1st 1st 2nd LatAm L cal ECM¹ 1st 1st 1st Presence in all banking segments in Latin America. L cal DCM² 1st 1st 1st Markets, Pr ducts & Planning Internati nal DCM¹ 2nd 3rd 3rd Treasury perati ns f r the c ngl merate. Derivatives T tal3 1st 1st 1st (1) S urce Deal gic; (2) S urceANBIMA –BrazilianFinancial andCapital Markets Ass ciati n. Inf rmati n fr mDec-20; (3) S urce: Cetip. Inf rmati n fr mDec-20. 49


Services urbusiness | C rdinating ESG Issuances f r ur clients¹ Issues f ESG b nds utstanding perati n in 2020 c rdinated by Itaú Unibanc US$ 500 milli n Since 2016² F reign market First issue f certified green b nds t the l gistics Appr ximately In 2020, Itaú BBA c rdinated 5 ut f 7 sect r. Fundsused f r investments in initiatives US$ 4,500milli n ESG emissi ns f Brazilian c mpanies in aimed at reducing greenh use gas emissi ns and in ESG b nds issued the f reign market impr ving the c mpany’s energy efficiency c rdinated by Itaú BBA in the f reign market Since 2016² L cal market R$ 1 billi n ver R$ 10 billi n First issue f debentures with remunerati n In 2020, Itaú BBAL cal perated market n 45% f ESG in ESG b nds issued linked t c mpliance with sustainability g als emissi ns f Brazilian c mpanies in the c rdinated by Itaú (“ESG-Linked”) d mestic capital market BBAinthe d mestic capital market (1)Data base: N v-20 (2) Data base: 2016 t Jan-21. 50


Services urbusiness | Wh lesale Banking WMS R$ billi n Large range f cust mized wealth management and investments s luti ns Securities Services Ev luti n f Assets Under Administrati n¹ L cal Cust dy: we ended December with R$1,412.1 billi n under cust dy (-3.7% fr m the Investment pr duct management f r the c ngl merate and a full range f investment v lume under cust dy in the same peri d f 2019). pti ns t Retail Banking. Internati nal Cust dy: we ended December with R$147.5 billi n under cust dy (-17.2% fr m the v lume under cust dy in the same peri d f 2019). 1,363 1,387 1,299 C rp rate S luti ns: we are leaders in the b kkeeping f shares, pr viding services t 1,176 1,107 204 c mpanies listed n B3, representing 59.1% f the t tal market, and in the b kkeeping 1,025 f debentures, we w rk as a b kkeeper f r 338 (27.5%) issuances. 883 946 801 Private Banking Afull gl bal wealth management platf rm,with leadership p siti n in Brazil. We have been rec gnized by the w rld’s t p internati nal Private Banking market publicati ns: Private Banker Internati nal Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 utstanding Gl bal Private Bank -Latin America, 2020 The Banker Best Private Bank in Brazil, 2020 (1) Includes nly Brazil (ex-Latam). 51


Services urbusiness | Wh lesale Banking Asset Management Kinea It is an independent platf rm f management f differentiated investments. With R$56,3 billi n in assets as f December 2020,it perates in the segments f Multi-Markets, Real Estate, Pensi n Plan and Private Equity, St ck and Infrastructure. Asset Management In December 2020, we reached R$752,7¹ billi n in assets under management. ver 60 yearsin investment management and11 times bestfund manager by “Exame” magazine. Itaú Asset Management (IAM) integrates ESG issuesin the investment pr cess: Timeline fIAM resp nsible investment practices White paper n resp nsible investment in the Pr prietary m delt White paper nthe days f C VID-19 and launch f the funds: Signat ry t Launching fAMEC White paper n inc rp rate ESG issues inc rp rati n fESG -Itaú M ment ESG Acti ns; Stewardship C de/ resp nsible investment int the analysis f int the analysis f -Esg Internati nal P rtf li ; Latin America thr ugh theSDGslenses 2008 funding 2010 fixed inc me c rp rate 2014 securities 2016 2018 -Itaú Index ESG Water; -Itaú Index ESG Clean Energy. 2020 2009 2013 2015 2017 2019 ESG issues White paper nthe Internal studyab ut Carb n f tprint Inc rp rati n fESG issues inc rp rated int inc rp rati n fESG ESG issuesand calculat r f r funds int the analysis fm re thePr xy V ting issuesint the analysis s vereign b nds than95% fassetsunder p licy f funding management (AuM) fIAM (1 ) S urce: ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Ass ciati n) –December 2020. C nsiders Itaú Unibanc and Intrag. 52


Services urbusiness | ESG at Itaú Asset Management Itaú Asset Management (IAM) As asset managers, we are resp nsible f r understanding the risks and pp rtunities inv lved in the business. Integrating ESG issues int business valuati n 99.6% f Assets under Management c vered by ESG criteria Water, energy Bi diversity and materials and land use Envir nmental dimensi ns Lauched Dec-20 ESG pr duct ffering ESG pr duct ffering Waste, effluents Climate emissi ns change C mpany Itaú Index ESG Água “M ment ESG” Fund Variable inc me fund -water business Relati nship with Equity with active management related. Relati nship with empl yees suppliers . ETF ISUS11 Itaú Index ESG Energia Limpa S cial Equity that replicates the ISE-B3 Variable inc me fund - renewable dimensi ns Relati nship Relati nship p rtf li . s urces energy related. with c mmunities withclients ETF G VE11 Carteira ESG Internaci nal Equitythat replicates the“Índice de G vernança C rp rativa Trade -B3” Itaú Asset’s internati nal assets-p rtf li ESG investment trends B ard C rp rate G vernance independence G vernance dimensi ns andquality 53


XP Inc urbusiness shareh lding n January 31st, the EGM appr ved the spin ff f Itaú Unibanc `s participati n² in the capital f XP Inc. int “XPart”, 2017 May We ann unced ur intenti n t acquire c mpany t be c nstituted after the c ntr llers btain a c ntr l f XP Inc. in stages fav rable pini n fr m the regulat ry auth rity. After the fav rable pini n f the regulat ry auth rity, there is up t 120 days³ 2018 Aug We c mmunicated ur c mmitment t f r listing shares n B3 and f r the distributi n f new shares f XPart. The cut- ff BACEN t n l nger acquire c ntr l date (“ex”) and pr cedures will be given in due c urse. N v Until the cut- ff date (cl se t the listing date) We ann unced the intenti n t spin ff the shares issued by Itaú Unibanc will c ntinue t be traded with the 2020 ur part f the business in a c mpany entitlement t receive shares issued by XPart. (“XPart”) nce the new c mpany is listed, the shareh lders will receive an equity h lding in XPart, in the same am unt, Dec We s ld 4.5% f the capital f XP Inc. type and pr p rti n as the shares they h ld in Itaú Unibanc . 2020 The shareh lders will c ntinue t retain their current equity h lding Extra rdinary General Meeting in Itaú Unibanc and will als bec me shareh lders f XPart. 2021 Jan (EGM) The percentage f XP’s capital that will held by XPart represented 40.52% at 12.31.2020, due t the capitalizati n f XP in December. 2022 In We willcapital f XP Inc. acquire¹ 11.38% f the (1) After appr val by BACEN; (2) Equivalent t 41.05% f the capital f XP Inc n the base date f September 30, 2020; (3) Acc rding t the Brazilian C rp rati n Law 54


C rp rate g vernance


Hist ry C rp rate g vernance f ur G vernance We facilitates believe accessthat a t s und capital and andmerit cracy c ntributes -based t business g vernance, c ntinuity. guided t wards l ng -term value creati n, adds value t ur business, Highlights 1999 2001 2006 2007 2017 1995 Inclusi n in the D w Level I f C rp rate 2004 Certificati n under secti n V luntary adherence P licy f r N minati n f 2018 St ck pti nPlan J nes Sustainability Index G vernance f B3 Audit C mmittee 404 f Sarbanes - xley Act t Abrasca’s Manual f r Executives: minimum 30% f Electi n f Independent Creati n f Dividend Internal Regulati n f the Material Inf rmati n independent members in C.A. -XP Investiment s (XP) B ard Members reinvestment pr gram B ard f Direct rs C ntr l and Discl sure CADE’s appr val f the acquisiti n f a min rity interest, Inclusi n in the Bl mberg Equality Index reaffirming the independence f management –Itaú Unibanc acquired 49.9% f the capital, with 30.1% f the c mm n shares. 2000 -21 years n the NYSE. -50% st ck split C rp rate C de f Ethics with a 50% increase in dividends paid m nthly. Independent Fiscal C uncil 2008 C rp rate - Enc uraging diversity and new V u C m S u 2002 G vernance 2013 dress c de. Discl sure and Trading C mmittee P licy Related Party C mmittee - General Data Pr tecti n Law as a Pri rity f r Itaú Level II ADR Pr gram Unibanc . 1996 Tag Al ng -10 years f merger between Itau and Unibanc . APIMECs 2008 meetings and 2005 2015 -The Bylaws R adsh ws N minating and C mpensati n C mmittee Inclusi n in the Sustainability Inclusi n in the bylaws f the bligati n that the Vige EIRIS Index – Emerging 70 Inclusi n in the C rp rate Sustainability Index New Management Structure f maj rity f the members f the B ard f Direct rs must be n n-executive members and at least ne third must 2005 Merger Itaú Unibanc H lding be independent members. Trading C mmittee and P licy Inclusi n in the C rp rate 2010 2012 2019 Sustainability Index Partners and Ass ciates Digital Assembly 1999 2007 Pr gram -The creati n f the S cial Resp nsibility APIMECs meetings 2002 Certificati n under secti n C mmittee Discl sure 404 f Sarbanes - xley Act Appr ved n January 31, 2019. Inclusi n in the D w C mmittee andP licy 2009 2011 J nes Sustainability Index Strategy C mmittee V luntary adherence t the Abrasca’s 2020 Risk and Capital C de f Self-regulati n and Best Management C mmittee practices f Publicly -Held C mpanies - Discl sure f the Management Members’ 2003 Remunerati n C mmittee C mpensati n P licy. Electi n f Independent Members N minati n and C rp rate G vernance C mmittee 2001 Pers nnel C mmittee 1997 St ck pti n Plan LevelIII ADR Level I f C rp rate G vernance f B3 56


ur C rp rate g vernance g vernance structure Egydi de M reira S uza Family c ntr l, with Salles Aranha l ng-term visi n Free Fl at family family N PN N PN 100% 36.73% 81.87% 63.27% 18.13% Cia. E. J hnst n 66.36% 33.64% de Participações N PN 50.00% 0% 33.47% Itaú Unibanc Highly diversified 66.5% participações Free Fl at* (IUPAR) shareh lder base N PN N PN N PN N n-v ting shares (PN) 39.21% 0.004% 51.71% 0% 7.76% 99.62% 4.8 billi n f shares 19.91% 26.26% 52.96% Traded nB3 73% 49% Brazilians 51% F reigners 27% Traded nNYSE Itaú Unibanc H lding S.A. N te: N = C mm n Shares; PN = N n-v ting Shares; (*) Excluding shares held by maj rity wners and treasury shares. 57


Pillars C rp rate g vernance f ur G vernance management aligned decisi ns made n F cus n perf rmance with merit cracy -based a c llective basis andvalue creati n culture Family c ntr l ensuring l ng-term strategic visi n IUPAR Alignmentam ng shareh lders Defines gr up’svisi n, missi nandvalues Assessessignificantmergersand acquisiti ns Itaú Unibanc H lding S.A. N minates executives t theB ard fDirect rs Evaluati n f perf rmance andadmissi n ffamilymembers Discussesandappr vesl ng-termstrategies F cus n decisi n -making , res lving up nhigh impactt pics Shareh lders’ General Meeting f r the c mpany’s destiny Fiscal C uncil Resp nsible f r value creati n bymeans f strategic B ard f Direct rs definiti n C mmittees Executive C mmittee Pr fessi nal management withthe implementati n f strategy andday-t -day management Discl sure and Trading C mmittee 58


C rp rateB ard g vernance f Direct rs the key ur B ard differentials f Direct rs f ur c nsists management. f pr fessi nals with excepti nal kn wledge and expertise in different areas f expertise, s me f Mainduties 2 C -chairmen B ard f Direct rs Pedr M reira Salles 2 4 6 7 8 C mmittees Defining and m nit ring the strategy; R bert Egydi Setubal 5 6 8 Assessing mergers and acquisiti ns; M nit ring the Executive C mmittee perf rmance; 1 Audit C mmittee App inting fficers (merit cracy); 1 Vice-president Appr ving the budget; Ricard Villela Marin 6 2 Pers nnel C mmittee Defining and supervising risk appetite and p licies f r capital use; 3 Related Parties C mmittee Defining and m nit ring incentive and 9 Members, being6 Independent members N minati n and C rp rate c mpensati n m dels and establishing g als; 4 G vernance C mmittee Supervising the techn l gy strategy; Alfred Egydi Setubal 2 4 7 Defining merit cracy p licies; Ana Lúcia de Matt s Barrett Villela 2 4 7 5 Risk andCapital Management Supervising the business perati n. J ã M reira Salles 6 Fábi C lleti Barb sa 2 3 4 6 7 6 Strategy C mmittee Gustav J rge Lab issière L y la 1 3 8 The evaluati n pr cess ftheB ard f Direct rs is J sé Galló 2 7 S cial Resp nsibility C mmittee carried ut bya third-party.Each direct r evaluates Marc Ambr gi Crespi B n mi 4 5 themselves, the ther direct rs and f the rgan as a 8 C mpensati n C mmittee Pedr Luiz B dinde M raes 3 5 8 c llegiate. Frederic Trajan Ináci R drigues 59


B ard C rp rate g vernance f Direct rs C mmittees ur c mmittees rep rt directly t the B ard f Direct rs. Strategic c mmittees 8 since2004 since2011 since2009 since2009 since2018 Audit C mpensati n Pers nnel Strategy LATAM Strategy c mmittees 100% fthemembersare independent 100% fthemembersare n n-executive 100% fthemembersare n n-executive 100% fthemembersare n n-executive 60 meetings in theyear 5meetings in theyear 4 meetings in theyear 5 meetings in theyear C uncil Ensures the integrity fthe Pr m tes discussi ns n Establishes p licies f r Pr p ses budgetary guidelines; The B ard f financial statements; incentive and c mpensati n attracting and retaining pr vides inputs f r decisi n - Assesses the utl ks f r the Direct rs is c mplies withlegal and m dels; devel ps talented pr fessi nals; making pr cesses; w rld ec n my; ad pts resp nsible f r regulat ry requirements; c mpensati n p licies f r pr p ses guidelines f r rec mmends strategic internati nally accepted trends, and ensures the efficiency f management members and recruiting and training guidelines and pp rtunities c desand standards; and electing the pr vides guidelines f r the B ard members fthe internal c ntr ls andrisk empl yees; and establishes empl yees; and presents l ng- f r investments management g als term incentive pr grams and internati nalizati n and new f Direct rs t analyze c mmittees f r m nit rs the culture f business areas creati n pp rtunities ne-yearterms f merit cracy ffice. since2019 NEW since2013 since2009 since2009 since2017 S cial Related Parties Risk and Capital N minati n and Digital Advis ry Theymust have Resp nsibility 100% fthemembersare independent Management C rp rate G vernance B ard 12 meetings in theyear pr ven 4 meetings in theyear 100% fthemembersare n n-executive 100% fthemembersare n n-executive kn wledge in the Defines strategies t Manages transacti ns 12 meetings in theyear 3 meetings in theyear Pr p ses techn l gical respective areas between related parties; and Supp rts the B ard f Peri dically reviews the criteria f r devel pments; assesses strengthen urs cial ensures equality and client’s experience; and f w rk and resp nsibility; m nit rs the Direct rs; establishes therisk n minati n and successi n; transparency f r these appetite; evaluates the c st f pr vides meth d l gical supp rt f ll ws w rld trends technical perf rmance and defines the transacti ns all cati n pr cess fthe capital and the minimum f r the assessment f the B ard f qualificati n return expected; all cates Direct rs and Chief Executive R uanet Law c mpatible with capital; versees risk fficer; n minates members f the their duties. management and c ntr l; B ard f Direct rs and Seni r Vice impr ves riskcultureand ); Gerais Presidents (Diret res and c mplies with regulat ry analyzes p tential c nflicts f requirements interests 60



New C rp rate g vernance Executive C mmittee Since the beginning f 2021, this gr up has the missi n t lead the bank’s perati ns and transf rmati n, in line with the pri rity fr nts f cust mer satisfacti n, efficiency, digitalizati n and f cus n gr wth. even cl ser t Candid Milt n Bracher Maluhy Filh the business F rmer -CE New CE areas New c mp siti n f the executive c mmittee and resp nsibilities simplifying the Business Supp rt Alexandre Zancani Flávi S uza - Presidente d Itaú BBA Alexsandr Br edel - CF perati n and Aut l ans, m rtgage, “c ns rci “, C mmercial bank, CIB, ECM and DCM, Finance and invest r relati ns, real estate management m del credit f r individuals and rec very, research and wh lesale credit assets and pr curement am ng thers André Sap znik TBD Leila Mel Treasury, asset pr ducts and Legal, mbudsman, instituti nal Payments, perati ns, service client desks, macr ec n mics c mmunicati n, sustainability and all wing m re and marketing and perati ns in S uth America g vernment relati ns aut n my and speed André R drigues Ricard Guerra Matias Granata - CR Retail banking, digital channels, UX, Techn l gy Market, credit and perati nal risks, capital in decisi n making insurance and SME finance management, c rp rate security, c mpliance and AML Carl s C nstantini Sérgi Fajerman Wealth Management & Services (WMS) Pe ple 61


Partners C rp rate g vernance and Ass ciates Pr gram pr gram, Aiming at f cused aligning n the managementinterests f ur members fficers and and empl yeesempl yees with with utstandingth se f ur perf rmance.shareh lders, we maintain a partner and ass ciate’ L ng -term incentives The investment The pr gram fferst participants the pp rtunity t investin urn n-v ting Net variable must be retained c mpensati n ITUB4 shares (ITUB4), receiving a return als in shares, sharing sh rt, medium and f r: l ng-term risks . 50% 50% 3 year 5 years Partners and ass ciate receive a return nthe 70% ass ciates 30% ass ciates investment in the pr gram 50% partners 50% partners Available f r Available f r The partners pr gram mayals c nsider , shares sale sale ther instruments derived fr m grantyear as pp sed t actualshares. year1 year2 year3 year4 year5 year6 year7 year8 The share price c nsidered at the grant and delivery dates is calculated n the (delivery (delivery fthe seventh business day bef re f each , event Sharesreceivedwillremain unavailable c nsidering the average cl sing ITUB4 f50%) ITUB4 remaining 50%) f r salef r fiveandeight-yeartermas fr meach investment in shares price in the 30 days pri r t the calculati n. Any partners and ass ciates shares n t yet Partners Ass ciates received will als be subject t reducti n Eight-yearterm f ffice pr p rti nal t a p ssible reducti n in the F ur-yearterm f ffice Eligiblet successive reapp intments Eligiblet tw reapp intments (maximum 12-year term) realized recurring managerial result f the P ssibility t invest50% t 100% fnet variable P ssibility t invest35% t 70% fnet variable c mpensati n Issuer r f the applicable business area. c mpensati n 62


C rp rate ur shares g vernance traded ur capital as dep sitary st ck is c mprised receipts (ADR f9.8 - billi n ITUB ) n thec mm n NYSE shares (New (ITUB3) Y rk St ck and n n Exchange) -v ting .shares (ITUB4) . N n -v ting shares are als Characteristics f ur shares Appreciati n fR$ 100 invested nthe date bef re the ann uncement fthe merger ITUB3 ITUB4 ITUB (10/31/08) t December 31,2020 St ck Exchange ITUB4 - with dividend reinvestment Bank basket with dividend reinvestment¹ R$27.93 R$31.63 US$ 6.09 IB VESPA Index 560 Price² D llar 496 V ting right CDI 319 Pri rity dividends³ 293 246 Additi nal pay ut 4 100 Tag Al ng 5 80% 80% 80% ct-08 ct-10 ct-12 ct-14 ct-16 ct-18 Dec-20 S urce: Ec n matica (1) Simple average f the three largest Brazilian banks ex Itaú Unibanc ; (2) Cl sing price as f 12/31/2020, adjusted f r earnings except dividends. S urce: Ec n matica. (3) The n n-v tingshareswillhavetherightt the pri rity minimum annual dividend (R$0.022 per share). (4) Additi nal payments maybemadein dividends r interest ncapital. ADR h lders will be paid by the Cust dian Bank, which will be resp nsible f r paying the h lders in an average time 10 days as fr m the payment in Brazil. (5) Mechanism f r pr tecting min rity shareh lders in the event f a change in the C mpany’s shareh lding c ntr l. 63


Capital andrisk management 64


Capital and risk ur principles management f risk management and theThe B ard guidelines f Direct rs inv lving is ur main the instituti n’scapital management level f capitalizati n. b dy, resp nsible f r appr ving ur instituti nal capital management p licy Capital adequacy We ad pt acapital, using thef rward f ll wing-l king phases: appr ach when managing ur Thr ugh ur internal capital adequacy assessment pr cess (ICAAP), we evaluate ur capital adequacy f r addressing risks, identificati n f the material risks and the evaluati n f additi nal capital represented by ur regulat ry capital f r credit, market and perating risks, and the capital required f r c vering ther preparati n f the capital plan, in situati ns f b th n rmality and stress risks. T ensure ur s lidness and the availability f capital t internal capital adequacy assessment supp rt the gr wth r ur business, ur Referential Equity remains ab ve the minimum levels required by the Central structuring f the capital c ntingency and rec very plans Bank. preparati n f managerial and regulat ry rep rts Main indicat rs ascertained based n the Prudential C ngl merate n base date December 31, 2020 Basel Rati Referential Equity Dividends and I Cin 4Q20 14.5% R$151 billi n R$1,814 milli n (net f taxes) (1) Dividends and net interest n wn capital / recurring managerialresult. 65


Capital and riskBasel III and management Capital structure ur current rati Basel III requirement 14.5% 1.4% TierII 2.0% T tal Capital (10.25% -12.75%) Additi nal TierI Capital (AT1) 1.7 % 1.5 % TierI (8.25% -10.75%) CET 1 (6.75% -9.25%) C untercyclical² 0 –2.5% ACP¹ Systemic³ 1.0 % C nservati n 4 1.25% 11.5% C mm n EquityTierI 4.5% Dec-20 (1) ACP = Additi nal Principal Capital. (2) C untercyclical ACP: defined by each Central Bank. BACEN and currently set at 0%.(3) Systemic ACP: Requirement required f r systemically imp rtant banks at d mestic (D-SIBs) r gl bal (G-SIBs). F r Itaú Unibanc , this requirement is 1.0% . (4) Regulat ry change implemented: c nservati n ACP fr m 2.5% t 1.25% fr m April 2020 t March 2021. As fApril / 21, the c nservati n ACP will gradually increase, remaining again at 2.5% in April / 22. (CMN Res luti n 4,783). 66


Capital Capital and risk management c st management We are c ntinually striving t manage ur capital all cati n efficiently thr ugh an appr priate capital c st. The B ard f Direct rs, then, B ard f Direct rs deliberates n and appr ves the changes r the ratificati n f the c st f wn capital When the m nit ring indicat rs f the C E exceed the m nit ring range, the c mmittee evaluates the indicat rs and decides whether t . Direct rs pr p se a revisi n f the capital c st t the B ard f M nit ring is based n in-h use m dels, market data and evaluati ns f the c st f the bank’s capital and that f the market. Risk and Capital The c st f wn capital is m nit red m nthly by Management a c mmittee that rep rts t the B ard f Direct rs. C mmittee 67


H w Capital and risk are management we structured f r managing risks? risks A classical area and, m del lastly, with the three audit lines area f defense: sub rdinated the business t the B ard areas f bearDirect rs. primary resp nsibility f r risk management, f ll wed by the Audit C mmittee Discussi n f metrics and the Gustav L y la¹ utc me f Risk Appetite, as well as B ard f Direct rs Capital and Risk Management C mmittee the main risk t pics Pedr M reira Salles Pedr B din¹ R bert Egydi Setubal Internal Audit 3rd line f defense M nit rament mensal d Apetite de Risc s Paul Mir n Independent review f the Itaú Unibanc H lding activities in which the instituti n Milt n Maluhy is engaged André R drigues Alexandre Zancani Carl s C nstantini Flavi S uza TBD André Sap znik Alexsandr Matias Granata Sergi Fajerman Leila Mell Ricard Guerra - Retail banking, digital - Aut l ans, m rtgage, - Wealth Management & President f - Treasury, asset - Payments, Br edel (CR ) -Pe ple -Legal, mbudsman, - Techn l gy channels, UX, “c ns rci “, credit f r Services (WMS) Itaú BBA pr ducts and perati ns, service (CF ) - Market, credit and instituti nal insurance and SME individuals and rec very, - C mmercial bank, client desks, and marketing - Finance and invest r perati nal risks, capital c mmunicati n, finance am ng thers CIB, ECM and DCM, macr ec n mics relati ns, real estate management, c rp rate sustainability and research and and perati ns in assets and security, c mpliance and g vernment relati ns wh lesale credit S uth America pr curement AML 1st line f defense 2nd line f defense Manages the risks these generate with, Ensures that the risks are managed and sustained n resp nsibility f r identifying, assessing, the principles f risk management: c ntr lling and rep rting Risk Appetite P licies Pr cedures Disseminati n f the risk culture in the business 68


Capital and riskRisk Managementmanagement risk management fully timely and preemptive acti n, widely disseminated integrated int the f cusing n creating increasing and risk culture perf rmance f the business sustainable value and n client centricity C VERAGE PERF RMANCE Previ us Current Future Credit Business Market F cus Pr cesses Business Client and liquidity Regulat ry Attitude Reactive Preemptive perati ns F rm Rep rting Challenging Techn l gy C mpliance Center Pr blem S luti n C rp rate Pe ple Security 69


Capital and risk ur riskmanagement management principles risk andRisk appetite metrics, c nsists and c rdinates f a 4-layer the set fstructure: guidelines principles n the f risk assumpti n management, f risks. declarati n by the B ard f Direct rs, magnitude f the theThe empl yees principles f risk f Itaúmanagement Unibanc H lding define w rk and take the fundamentals decisi ns. f risk management and risk appetite based n 6 pillars, pr viding guidance n h w Sustainability and cust mer satisfacti n Risk Culture Pricing f risk we want t be the leading bank in sustainable ur risk culture extends bey nd p licies, pr cedures we perate with and assume business risks we kn w perf rmance and in cust mer satisfacti n. We strive and pr cesses, strengthens the individual and and understand, av iding risks we are n t familiar t create shared value f r ur empl yees, clients, c llective resp nsibility f all empl yees, s that with r in which there is n c mpetitive advantage, shareh lders and s ciety, ensuring the perpetuity f they d the right thing at the right time and in the. rati carefully evaluating the risk-return ur business. c rrect manner, respecting the ethical way f . business d ing Diversificati n perati nal excellence Ethics and respect f r regulati ns we have a l w appetite f r v latility in ur results, we want t be an agile bank with a r bust and stable. neg tiable F r us, ethics are n n- We f ster a which is why we perate with a diversified base f infrastructure, t pr vide a high- . service quality pr per instituti nal envir nment, instructing ur clients, pr ducts and businesses, striving t empl yees t cultivate ethics in relati nships and diversify the risks t which we are exp sed and business and t abide by the rules, thereby pri ritizing l wer risk business. defending ur reputati n. 70


Capital and riskH w d wemanagement establish ur risk appetite? Riskmaximize appetite the defines creati n the f value. nature and level f the risks acceptable t ur rganizati n, delimiting the c nditi ns in which ur management will strive t The p licy is drawn up and appr ved by the B ard f It is m nit red, discussed and rep rted n a regular basis t the Direct rs executive levels, the B ard f Direct rs and the Audit C mmittee Where is Risk Risk Appetite B ard f Direct rs Declarati n bytheBD:“Wearea universal bank perating mainly inLatin Appetite inserted? Executive Level America. Withthe supp rt f urrisk culture, we perate t strict standards Gl bal Limits fethicsand regulat ry c mpliance inthe search f rhigh-level results and Specific gr wth with l w v latility, thr ugh l ng-standing relati nships with ur Limits clients, c rrect pricing frisks, diversified s urces f funding and pr per use fcapital. ” C mpetencies and P licies 5 dimensi ns that underpin ur risk management structure Capitalizati n Liquidity Credit, Market and Business perati nal risk Reputati n stipulates that we must have stipulates that ur liquidity establish c ncentrati n limits, f ster the is centered n c ntr lling deals with risks that c uld en ugh capital t pr tect us fr m sh uld weather l ng diversificati n f revenues in the search perati nal risk events that impact ur brand value and a stress event with ut adjusting peri ds f stress. t ensure l w v latility in ur results and c uld have an adverse impact reputati n. ur capital structure. the sustainability f ur business. n ur strategy. greatest creditrisks perati nal risk events and suitability indicat rs l sses incurred Capital rati s in n rmal and LCR highest exp sures media exp sure stress situati ns inf rmati n techn l gy metrics NSFR c ncentrati n by sect rs, ‘ f ll w-up n client c mplaints Examples f ratings n debt issues c untries and segments regulat ry c mpliance marketrisk c ncentrati n 71


Capital andrisk Market management Risk and Liquidity Management S lid management f liquidity and market risk Average VaR¹ in the quarter Liquidity C verage Rati (LCR) Net Stable Funding Rati (NSFR) 400.4 357.8 308.4 279.6 126.0% 206.0 194.6% 122.2% 122.5% 123.6% 190.2% 171.7% 117.5% 149.1% 116.8% 4Q16 4Q17 4Q18 4Q19 4Q20 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 (1)VAR=ValueatRisk. 72


Capital andrisk C rp rate management Security Mindset C nstant c ncern ab ut risks Integrati n with Business and Benchmark with the market with an expanded view f Techn l gy risk and vulnerability testing thr ugh ut the perimeter. Presence with the IT and Business teams in the risk assessment f new pr ducts and services. Market leadership Security G vernance Dial gue and visi n f trends with the main Effectiveness and adequacy f ur c ntr ls stakeh lders and regulat ry b dies in the categ ry. based n clear and bjective p licies. Empl yees Sustainable and Efficient S luti ns Security as a Strategy Aut mati n f cyber security with the use f Analytics, Preparati n f r the future with Research & guided by the main framew rks f Inf rmati n Security. Devel pment f c ntr ls and techn l gies. pr tectby design pr cess discipline human capital › Secure devel pment › 24X7 perati ns Center › Attracti n, training and retenti n pr gram › Secure infrastructure architecture › Preventi n, detecti n and resp nse t threats › C ntinu us search f r internati nal benchmarking › Data bservability › C nstant blue team x red team exercises › Integrati n withthe business › Frequent and c ntr lled pen testing › SI certified team 73


Inf rmati n Capital andrisk management Security ur pr cesses guarantee the care and f cus necessary t pr tect ur envir nment vulnerability management and techn l gical infrastructure t face the adherence t security standards in a c nstant ev luti n f cyber threats techn l gical envir nment applicati n f c rp rate principles and internal and external intrusi n tests and scans guidelines f r the pr tecti n f inf rmati n in the envir nment, in rder t reduce the risks f and intellectual pr perty attacks, image, exp sure and inf rmati n leakage and architecture f s luti ns and pr ducts with administrati n f security t ls with a certified and the highest degree f security t gether with Pr jects perati ns specialized team in the m st diverse techn l gies the business and techn l gy areas G vernance maintaining the safety f current pr ducts , m nit ring and handling all types f attacks all wing f r safe and efficient expansi n and security incidents 74


Capital andrisk Task F rcemanagement n Climate -related Financial Discl sures (TCFD) C ns lidated implementati n status N v/2020 20081 70% 2022 Strategic Pillars¹ G vernance: Envir nmental and S cial Risk C mmittee (CRSA); G vernance Resp nsible: Chief Risk fficer andChief Financial fficer; 90% Multidisciplinary team f cused n TCFD implementati n; Sc pe 1: 100% f ur direct emissi ns ffset C rp rative Envir nmental and S cial Risk Team is env lved. since 2012 Strategy Devel p and disseminate climate scenari s with UNEPFI; Identify and discl se p tential climate change impacts n the financial sect r in the next 3 t 5 years; Sc pe 2: 100% f ur 63% Identify s ci -envir nmental material risks, including climate risk. indirect emissi ns ffset since 2017 Risk Management Climatic variable in large c mpanies Risk Rating; Climatic risk is pri ritized, as it is characterized as s ci -envir nmental risk; Pr ject in place t 56% CRSA decisi n -making integrati n, as it is already d ne with climate sensitivity and meth d l gies f r measure ur Sc pe 3 pri ritizing risk. emissi ns Targets and Metrics 84% Established science-based targets f r perating emissi ns (Sc pe 1 and 2). (1) Each f the strategic pillars has different weights, since the meth d l gy c nsiders a diversity f acti ns f r implementing theTCFD rec mmendati ns. C ncluded and rep rted N t rep rted In additi n, f r each acti n, different weights are assigned acc rding t their difficulty f implementati n. 75


Capital andrisk E&S Riskmanagement Management ur E&S management guidelines are based n instituti nal issues and c ver the m st significant risks f ur perati n thr ugh specific pr cedures. We identify, measure, mitigate and m nit r E&S risks by gathering the Risk, Sustainability and C mpliance departments, taking int acc unt the Excluded Activities P licy principles f materiality and pr p rti nality in business analysis Specific criteria must be met t keep n client and supplier relati nships. Excluded activities that are underst d t g Materiality Pr p rti nality against ur values are: Risk exp sure C mplexity Use f c mpuls ry lab r; Use f child lab r in disagreement with legislati n; and E&S impact Financial v lume Expl itati n f pr stituti n, including child Client segment Pr duct/Structure pr stituti n. Supplier spending Term 76


Credit Capital andrisk management appr val criteria The E&S Risk P licy pr vides f r the evaluati n f clients perating in sect rs that require a high analysis criteri n f r credit appr val. List f Restricted Activities Sensitive Sect rs Large c mpanies Pr cedures range fr m applying sect r questi nnaires t Sect rs submitted t credit appr val fr m higher appr val . submitting the case t a Seni r C mmittee f r auth rity levels: With the purp se f helping in decisi n making This list includes: and pr viding f r the strategic inclusi n f the Mining Firearms Steel and ir n and metals E&S t pic in credit granting, the E&S Risk has il and gas T bacc Textile l ng been used in ur risk rating m dels f r Extracti n f w d Pulp and paper Fishing large c mpanies . Chemical and Petr chemical C ld st rage plants and cattle slaughterh uses When the analysis result is negative, the client is bl cked Rural Clients F r rural pr ducers, we apply a pr prietary analysis meth d l gy that fact rs in ge referenced rep rts n ur clients ’real estate pr perties and in-pers n visits, which enable us t classify and distinguish sc res . clients based n 77


Financial highlights


4th quarter perati nal highlights Credit 15% Credit p rtf li gr wth : Dec-20 vs. Sep-20 riginati n¹ f r 4Q20 vs. 3Q20 11.3% 8.6% 8.9% 8.6% individuals Credit card Aut Payr ll M rtgage l ans l ans l ans Digitalizati n Digital client expansi n: Dec-20 vs. Sep-20 and efficiency 95 branches* 2.9% 3.0% 0,6% branches and client service digital clients individuals c mpanies p ints cl sed in 4Q20 24.2 milli n in Dec-2020 23.0 milli n in Dec-2020 1.2 milli n in Dec-2020 *brick and m rtar Client and + 10 pts empl yee e-NPS² 89 pts Gl bal NPS satisfacti n Elected the best place in pe ple We reached ur 2020 vs. 2018 target management and best place t w rk 2021 vs. 2018 target: t reach + 17 pts (S urce: Val r Carreira e U L) 2023 vs. 2018 target: t reach + 27 pts N te: (1) Average riginati n per w rking day in the peri d.(2) Situati nal e-NPS average fr m April t December 2020. 79


Financial highlights 4Q20 vs. 3Q20 Results In R$ billi ns Credit p rtf li Recurring 7.3 R$869.5 billi n managerial result 5.0 5.4 + 2.7% 3.9 4.2 R$5.4 bn Financial margin with clients 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 R$16.0 billi n + 3.0% C st f credit (1) Recurring 23.7% R$6.0 billi n managerial R E 13.5% 15.7% 16.1% -4.5% 16.1% 12.8% Recurring managerial R E (%) 13.0% 13.0% 13.0% N n-interest expenses 12.5% 12.5% Average C st f Capital (%) 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 R$13.3 billi n + 5.1% Espaç reservad parar dapé (1) Pr visi n f r L an L sses + Rec very f L ans + Impairment + Disc unts Granted. 80


Credit p rtf li In R$ billi ns Dec-20 Sep-20 Ä Dec-19 Ä Credit riginati n¹ 4Q20 4Q20 Individuals 255.6 237.7 7.5% 239.8 6.6% In the quarter vs. 3Q20 vs. 4Q19 Credit card l ans 86.3 77.5 11.3% 90.9 -5.1% Individuals + 15% + 31% Pers nal l ans 35.1 36.6 -4.3% 34.6 1.5% Payr ll l ans 55.3 50.8 8.9% 49.4 11.9% M rtgage + 56% + 137% Vehicle l ans 23.3 21.5 8.6% 19.0 23.0% Very Small, Small and Middle Market - 27% + 5% M rtgage l ans 55.7 51.3 8.6% 45.9 21.2% C rp rate + 6% + 38% Very small, small and middle market l ans 127.6 122.5 4.1% 95.3 33.9% T tal Brazil2 - 4% + 25% Banking l ans 105.3 104.5 0.8% 95.3 10.5% Private securities issuance³ 83% - 37% + G vernment sp ns red/guaranteed facilities 22.3 18.1 23.5% - Individuals + SMEs L ans 383.2 360.2 6.4% 335.0 14.4% C rp rate l ans 269.0 264.8 1.6% 221.3 21.6% Change in pers nal l ans p rtf li Credit perati ns 179.0 178.1 0.5% 148.4 20.6% Dec-20 vs. Set-20 C rp rate securities 90.0 86.7 3.9% 72.8 23.6% T tal Brazil 652.2 625.0 4.4% 556.3 17.2% Pers nalisedcredit - 7% Latin America 217.3 222.0 -2.1% 166.3 30.7% verdraft - 10% T tal with Financial Guarantees and C rp rate Securities 869.5 847.0 2.7% 722.6 20.3% Installment credit + 3% T tal (ex-f reign exchange rate variati n) 869.5 840.9 3.4% 793.0 9.6% N te: (1) D es n t c nsider riginati n f credit card, verdraft, debt reneg tiati n and ther rev lving credits. Average riginati n per w rking day in the peri d, except f r private securities issuance, (2) D es n t include private securities issuance, (3) C nsiders t tal v lume f fixed inc me and hybrid private securities issuance arranged by Itaú Unibanc n the l cal market (includes distributed v lumes). 81


Financial margin with clients Financial margin with clients Risk-adjusted Financial margin with clients Annualized average margin % - C ns lidated Annualized average margin % - Brazil 10.0% 11.9% 11.1% 9.2% 10.2% 8.4% 9.0% 8.6% 7.5% 7.3% 6.7% 8.4% 5.4% 6.2% 4.3% 4.4% 4.5% 5.2% 3.7% 4.1% 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Change in financial margin with clients In R$ billi ns R$0.3 bn 15.6 15.1 16.0 14.8 0.6 0.2 0.9 (0.8) (0.4) (0.1) 3Q20 3Q20 3Q20 Pr duct Mix 2 Asset Spreads Average v lume Latin America and 4Q20 4Q20 4Q20 W rking Capital 1 3pread -Sensitive thers 3 Spread -Sensitive W rking Capital 1 3nd ther perati ns perati ns and ther (1) Includes capital all cated t business areas (except treasury), in additi n t the c rp rati n’s w rking capital, (2) Change in the c mp siti n f assets with credit risk between peri ds in Brazil, (3) thers c nsiders the liability financial margin and structured wh lesale perati ns. 82


L an p rtf li repr filing Individuals, very small and small c mpanies Repr filed p rtf li by pr duct Balance at December 31st, 2020 -In R$ billi ns In R$ billi ns 52.2 53.5 50.8 Individuals Very small and small c mpanies 5.0% Dec-20 vs. Sep-20 R$38.4 billi n R$12.4 billi n Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 15% 10%¹ In R$ billi ns In R$ billi ns Repr filed p rtf li represents M rtgage 16.1 W rking capital 10.9 6% Pers nal l ans 14.6 Aut l ans 1.5 f t tal credit p rtf li Aut l ans 4.1 Cards 2.6 Payr ll l ans 1.0 100% 54% are 84% in ratings perf rming c llateralized AA t C In February At the end 2020 f Dec-20 P rtf li December 31st ,2020 risk pr file 82.6% Perf rming N n- verdue p rtf li 86.5% Within grace peri d 3.9% verdue between 15-90 days 8.3% verdue ver 90 days 5.2% (1) n the t tal p rtf li f very small, small and middle market c mpanies. 83


Credit quality C st f credit¹ C verage rati –90 days NPL % rati between the annualized c st f credit¹ and the l an p rtf li ² -(%) 1013% Wh lesale 930% 920% 952% 5.3% Brazil 3.9% 519% 3.3% 3.0% 2.8% 638% 470% Latin 341% 339% America 238% 247% 320% 10.1 7.8 5.8 6.3 6.0 229% 239% T tal 281% 253% 236% Retail 183% 193% 212% Brazil 1.2 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Dec-19 d z/ Mar-20 mar/ Jun-20 j n/ Sep-20 s t/2 Dec-20 d z/ 15 -90 days NPL -% Ex repr filed 90 days NPL -% Ex repr filed 3.5% p rtf li 4.8% 5.1% 5.0% p rtf li (Dec-20) (Dec-20) 3.1% 3.0% 4.3% 4.2% 3.0% 4,0% 2.6% 2.4% 3.4% 3.5% 2.4% 2.4% 1,6% 3.2% 2.0% 3.0% 3.1% 2.4% 1.9% 2.7% 2.6% 2.7% 2.3% 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.2% 2.0% 1.9% 1.7% 1.8% 1.7% 1,4% 1.6% 1.7% 1.8% 0,8% 2.0% 1.4% 1.7% 1.9% 1.0% 1.4% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% 1.3% 1.1% 0.9% 0.5% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Individuals Brazil T tal Very small, small and middle market c mpanies Latin America C rp rate (1) Pr visi n f r L an L sses + Rec very f L ans + Impairment + Disc unts Granted, (2) Average l an p rtf li balance with financial guarantees pr vided and c rp rate securities c nsiders the last tw quarters. 84


Financial margin with the market In R$ billi ns 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 the market –Brazil¹ Financial margin with Sale f shares -B3 Financial margin with 1 year m ving average f the market–Latin America² financial margin with the market (1) Includes units abr ad ex-LatinAmerica, (2) Excludes Brazil. 85


C mmissi ns, fees and result fr m insurance perati ns In R$ billi ns 4Q20 3Q20 Ä 2020 2019 Ä Value transacted with cards Credit and debit cards 3.1 2.8 9.6% 11.5 13.0 -11.9% 20.0% 18.0% Card issuance 2.4 2.2 8.5% 8.8 9.1 -3.1% 4Q20 vs. 3Q20 4Q20 vs. 3Q20 Acquiring 0.7 0.6 13.4% 2.6 3.9 -32.6% Issuer Acquiring Current acc unt services 1.9 1.9 -2.2% 7.6 7.5 0.7% In R$ billi ns In R$ billi ns Asset management¹ 1.4 1.3 9.0% 5.6 5.5 1.5% 155 154 130 131 Advis ry services and br kerage 1.2 1.2 -7.3% 4.1 2.8 45.3% 3Q20 4Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Credit perati ns and guarantees pr vided 0.6 0.6 6.5% 2.3 2.5 -6.8% C llecti n Services 0.5 0.5 3.9% 1.9 1.9 -3.8% Assets under Management ther 0.4 0.4 5.6% 1.4 1.1 24.3% & pen Platf rm Latin America (ex-Brazil) 0.8 0.7 7.5% 3.0 2.9 1.2% 1,951 + 4.5% T tal 1,867 C mmissi ns and fees 9.9 9.5 4.1% 37.2 37.3 -0.2% + 4.3% Result fr m insurance perati ns² 1.4 1.6 -14.5% 6.1 6.6 -7.3% 1,647 wn Pr ducts 1,578 C mmissi ns, fees and result fr m insurance 11.2 11.1 1.4% 43.3 43.9 -1.3% 304 + 5.4% 269 pen Platf rm Sep-20 Dec-20 (1) Includes fund management fees and “c nsórci ” management fees, (2) Result fr m insurance includes the revenues fr m insurance, pensi n plan and premium b nds perati ns net f retained claims and selling expenses. 86


N n -interest expenses Brick and m rtar and client service p int (CSP) In R$ billi ns 4Q20 3Q20 Ä 2020 2019 Ä 167 Pers nnel (5.7) (5.3) 7.3% (21.4) (22.1) -3.5% Dec-20 vs. Dec-19 4,308 -117 4,236 4,141 Administrative (4.4) (4.1) 7.1% (16.5) (16.8) -1.7% brick and m rtarbranches 3,158 3,127 ther(1) (1.2) (1.3) -8.9% (4.9) (5.2) -5.6% 3,041 -15 CSPs T tal - Brazil (11.3) (10.7) 5.2% (42.8) (44.1) -3.0% 671 664 656 -35 479 445 444 Latin America Latin America (ex-Brazil)(2) (2.0) (2.0) 4.2% (7.4) (6.5) 13.6% Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 N n-interest expenses (13.3) (12.7) 5.1% (50.2) (50.6) -0.9% #empl yees N n-interest expenses - Brazil gr wing at a sl wer pace than inflati n 1,659 Dec-20 vs. Dec-19 3.1% 96,948 96,540 N n-interest expenses 1.7% 2.9% 94,881 gr wth year ver year -3.0% -1,536 -0.6% 74,468 73,820 72,932 Brazil (ex-Tech team) -1.3% -1.4% -569 N n-interest expenses gr wth c mpared t the -7.6% utside Brazil same peri d f the previ us 13,190 12,676 12,621 + 3.764 year (deflated by IPCA) ZUP and IT team 2017 2018 2019 2020 7,223 10,452 10,987 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 (1) Includes perating expenses and ther tax expenses (Includes IPTU, IPVA, I F and thers. D es n t include PIS, C fins andISS), (2) D es n t c nsider verhead all cati n. 87


Capital + 0.3% 13.2% + 0.3% 12.4% + 0.2% 1.7% 1.7% 11.5% 10.7% Sep-20 F ll w n + Net inc me CreditRWA¹ Dec-20 Tier I Capital XP Inc sale less minimum Tier I Capital mandat ry dividends C mm n Equity Tier I (CET I) Additi nal Tier I (AT1) (1) Includes tax credits f investments abr ad. 88


2021 Perspectives


Macr ec n mic utl k New wave f c ntagi n bef re vaccinati n creates uncertainty ab ut ec n mic activity and public spending Ec n my sh uld l se steam in 1Q21, due t w rsening 2020 2021e c ntagi n and withdrawal f emergency aid. Scenari sh uld be p sitive fr m 2Q21 due t GDP –Brazil1 -4.1% 4.0% vaccinati n, l w interest rates and gl bal gr wth. The spending ceiling, despite the challenging c ntext, SELIC (end f peri d) is expected t be respected in 2021 and bey nd .. 2.0% 3.5% Gr wth in private credit, in an envir nment f l w interest rates, Inflati n (IPCA) 4.5% 3.6% sh uld c ntribute t the expansi n f the Brazilian ec n my. C mm dities and f reign exchange sh uld pressure inflati n in the sh rt term, but dynamics remain benign and interest rates F rmal j bs2 14.2% 14.2% sh uld rise sl wly. Lab r market is rec vering, but unempl yment sh uld remain stable due t increased demand f r w rk (1) GDP data pr jected; (2) Ministry f Lab r–CAGED. 90


Perspectives Capital and liquidity at appr priate levels c nsidering ur internal stress test scenari s. Expansi n f the l an p rtf li driven mainly by the individuals’ p rtf li , assuming a rec very in the ec n my in line with ur base scenari . At first, this gr wth sh uld be supp rted by l wer risk and l wer interest rates pr ducts, such as payr ll l ans, m rtgage and aut l ans, but we expect demand f r c nsumer credit lines and rev lving lines t resume in the sec nd half f the year. Rec very f the average rate f financial margin with clients (NIM) ver the year due t the pr gressive change in the credit p rtf li mix between segments and the expectati n f a higher interest rate and its impact n the remunerati n f ur wn w rking capital and liability margin. Gr wth in service and insurance revenues in line with the trend f rec very in ec n mic activity, despite the negative impact resulting fr m the PIX r ll- ut (Brazilian Central Bank fast payment s luti n) and the spin- ff and sale f the stake in “XP Investiment s” . This perf rmance will be driven by the expectati n f str ng activity in the capital market and the launch f new channels, pr ducts and services. Pr gressive reducti n in the c st f credit anch red in the bank’s expected l ss m del and Brazil’s ec n mic rec very. H wever, the m del will react pr mptly t relevant changes in the Brazilian macr ec n mic scenari and the financial c nditi ns f ur cust mers. Strategic c st management based n structural efficiency pr jects will c ntinue t bring benefits in the c ming quarters with a n minal reducti n in the BAU perati nal expenses. This year we expect an increase f appr ximately R$1.5 billi n in ur investments in techn l gy, new pr ducts and c mmercial platf rms, which sh uld p sitively impact the bank’s perati nal efficiency in the medium and l ng term. 91


2021 Guidance * C ns lidated Brazil¹ 2021 Guidance 2021 Guidance T tal credit p rtf li ² % 9.5 Gr wing 5.5% t Gr wing 8.5% t 12.5% Financial margin with clients Gr wing 2.5% t 6.5% Gr wing 3.0% t 7.0% Financial margin with the market Range fr m R$4.9 bn t R$6.4 bn Range fr m R$3.3 bn t R$4.8 bn C st f credit³ Range fr m R$21.3 bn t R$24.3 bn Range fr m R$19.0 bn t R$22.0 bn C mmissi ns and fees and results 4,5 Gr wing 2.5% t 6.5% Gr wing 2.5% t 6.5% fr m insurance perati ns N n-Interest expenses Range fr m -2.0% t 2.0% Range fr m -2.0% t 2.0% Effective tax rate Range fr m 34.5% t 36.5% Range fr m 34.0% t 36.0% * The midp int f the pr jecti ns w uld imply an R E f ar und 17.6%, taking int acc unt ther assumpti ns. This inf rmati nsh uld n t be underst d as a pr jecti n. (1) Includes units abr ad ex-Latin America; (2) Includes financial guarantees pr vided and c rp rate securities; (3) C mp sed f result fr m l an l sses, impairment and disc unts granted; (4) c mmissi ns and fees (+) inc me fr m insurance, pensi n plan and premium b nds perati ns (-) expenses f r claims (-) insurance, pensi n plan and premium b nds selling 92 expenses; (5) 2021 guidance d es n t c nsider XP Inc. equity result starting in February 2021.


Additi nal inf rmati n


Corporate pr file Additi nal inf rmati n 94


Additi nal A Hist ry Inf rmati n f Successful Strategic Deals¹ Acquisiti n f the remaining 50% f: Uruguay Retail-Brazil NACI NAL Acquisiti n f the Banc Itaú BMG C nsignad Casa min rity interest f: M reira Salles Acquisiti n f a 1924 min rity interest in: Unibanc 1995 -1998 2000 -2003 2004 -2007 Merger 2008 2009 -2020 Itaú 1943 F undati n f Banc Itaú Alliance with: BEG Banc del BuenAyre (1) Includes mergers, acquisiti ns, j int-ventures and partnerships. 95


Capital and risk management Additi nal inf rmati n 96


Capital Additi nalInf rmati n Rati s (BIS) | Prudential C ngl merate ¹ In R$ milli ns, end f peri d 4Q20 3Q20 C re Capital 120,026 113,910 Tier I (C re Capital + Additi nal Capital) 137,222 132,272 Referential Equity (Tier I and Tier II) 151,310 146,894 T tal Risk-weighted Exp sure (RWA) 1,042,185 1,068,739 Credit Risk-weighted Assets (RWACPAD) 921,912 948,063 perati nal Risk-weighted Assets (RWA PAD) 92,792 92,792 Market Risk-weighted Assets (RWAMINT) 27,481 27,884 C re Capital Rati 11.5% 10.7% Tier I Rati 13.2% 12.4% BIS (Referential Equity / T tal Risk-weighted Exp sure) 14.5% 13.7% (1) Includes financial instituti ns, c ns rtium managers, payment instituti ns, c mpanies that acquire perati ns r directly rindirectly assume credit risk and investment funds in which the c ngl merate substantially retains risks and benefits. 97


Additi nal Ratings Inf rmati n FitchRatings Internati nal Nati nal Viability Supp rt L cal CurrencyF reign Currency L ng Term Sh rt Term L ng Term Sh rt Term L ng Term Sh rt Term bb 4 BB B BB B AAA (bra) F1+ (bra) M dy’s Internati nal Nati nal Sub rdinated Debt Seni r Unsecured Debt Issuer Issuer F reign Currency F reign Currency L cal Currency L ng Term L ng Term L ng Term Sh rt Term L ng Term Sh rt Term Standard (P) B1 (P) Ba3 Ba3 NP A1. br BR-1 & P r’s Nati nal Internati nal L cal CurrencyF reign Currency L ng Term Sh rt Term L ng Term Sh rt Term L ng Term Sh rt Term BB- B BB- B brAAA brA-1+ 98


Financial Highlights Additi nal inf rmati n 99


Additi nal Results Inf rmati n 4Q20 In R$ billi ns 4Q20 3Q20 Ä 4Q19 Ä 2020 2019 Ä perating revenues 29.2 28.4 2.8% 31.8 -8.3% 114.8 119.8 -4.2% Managerial financial margin 17.6 16.9 3.9% 19.4 -9.5% 70.1 74.6 -6.1% Financial margin with clients 16.0 15.6 3.0% 18.1 -11.6% 65.1 69.1 -5.7% Financial margin with the market 1.6 1.4 14.1% 1.3 19.9% 5.0 5.6 -10.1% C mmissi ns and fees 9.9 9.5 4.1% 10.4 -4.8% 37.2 37.3 -0.2% Revenues fr m Insurance 1.7 2.0 -12.9% 2.0 -14.7% 7.5 7.9 -5.0% C st f credit (6.0) (6.3) -4.5% (5.8) 3.8% (30.2) (18.2) 66.4% Pr visi n fr m l an l sses (5.6) (6.3) -11.0% (6.1) -8.2% (29.9) (19.7) 52.1% Impairment (0.8) (0.3) 140.4% (0.2) 261.3% (1.5) (0.4) 292.8% Disc unts granted (0.4) (0.6) -27.9% (0.4) 17.4% (2.1) (1.4) 51.0% Rec very f l ans written ff as l sses 0.9 1.0 -9.8% 0.9 -6.2% 3.3 3.3 -0.1% Retained claims (0.3) (0.4) -6.3% (0.3) 3.0% (1.4) (1.3) 7.0% ther perating expenses (15.2) (14.3) 6.3% (15.0) 1.5% (57.0) (57.8) -1.4% N n-interest expenses (13.3) (12.7) 5.1% (13.0) 2.4% (50.2) (50.6) -0.9% Tax expenses and ther (1.9) (1.6) 16.2% (2.0) -4.1% (6.8) (7.2) -4.9% Inc me bef re tax and min rity interests 7.6 7.4 2.6% 10.7 -29.1% 26.2 42.6 -38.4% Inc me tax and s cial c ntributi n (2.8) (2.4) 13.6% (3.4) -18.5% (8.1) (13.5) -40.3% Min rity interests in subsidiaries 0.5 0.0 994.2% (0.0) -1476.5% 0.4 (0.7) -154.8% Recurring managerial result 5.4 5.0 7.1% 7.3 -26.1% 18.5 28.4 -34.6% 100


Additi nal Segments Inf rmati n – Inc me Statement Pr F rma 4Q20 Retail Banking Wh lesale Banking Activities with the Itaú Unibanc Market + C rp rati n In R$ milli ns perating Revenues 17,851 8,595 2,735 29,180 Managerial Financial Margin 9,822 5,306 2,459 17,587 Financial Margin with Clients 9,822 5,306 892 16,020 Financial Margin with the Market - 1,567 1,567 C mmissi ns and Fees 6,255 3,247 353 9,855 Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plans and Premium B nds perati ns bef re Retained Claims and Selling Expenses 1,774 42 (77) 1,738 C st f Credit (4,270) (1,764) (0) (6,033) Pr visi n f r L an L sses (4,645) (996) (0) (5,641) Impairment - (832) - (832) Disc unts Granted (310) (135) - (445) Rec very f L ans Written ff as L sses 686 199 - 885 Retained Claims (339) (1) - (340) ther perating Expenses (10,618) (4,286) (299) (15,203) N n-interest Expenses (9,373) (3,853) (95) (13,322) Tax Expenses f r ISS, PIS, C fins and ther Taxes (1,239) (433) (203) (1,875) Insurance Selling Expenses (6) (0) - (6) Inc me bef re Tax and Min rity Interests 2,624 2,543 2,436 7,604 Inc me Tax and S cial C ntributi n (890) (898) (969) (2,758) Min rity Interests in Subsidiaries (74) 629 (12) 543 Recurring Managerial Result 1,660 2,274 1,455 5,388 Recurring Return n Average All cated Capital 14.7% 15.9% 18.7% 16.1% Efficiency Rati (ER) 57.6% 47.2% 3.8% 49.4% 101


Additi nal Inf rmati n Results – Brazil and Latin America 4Q20 3Q20 Ä Latin America Latin America Latin America C ns lidated Brazil ¹ C ns lidated Brazil ¹ C ns lidated Brazil ¹ (ex-Brazil) (ex-Brazil) (ex-Brazil) In R$ milli ns perating Revenues 29,180 25,890 3,290 28,389 25,427 2,962 2.8% 1.8% 11.1% Financial Margin with Clients 16,020 13,984 2,036 15,554 13,616 1,938 3.0% 2.7% 5.0% Financial Margin with the Market 1,567 1,097 471 1,373 1,080 293 14.1% 1.5% 60.3% C mmissi ns and Fees 9,855 9,071 784 9,465 8,735 730 4.1% 3.8% 7.5% Revenues fr m Insurance 2 1,738 1,738 - 1,996 1,996 - -12.9% -12.9% - C st f Credit (6,033) (3,821) (2,213) (6,319) (5,363) (956) -4.5% -28.8% 131.4% Pr visi n f r L an L sses (5,641) (3,307) (2,335) (6,337) (5,261) (1,076) -11.0% -37.1% 116.9% Impairment (832) (832) - (346) (346) - 140.4% 140.4% -Disc unts Granted (445) (433) (12) (617) (611) (6) -27.9% -29.2% 109.4% Rec very f L ans Written ff as L sses 885 751 134 981 856 126 -9.8% -12.3% 6.7% Retained Claims (340) (340) - (363) (363) - -6.3% -6.3% -N n-interest Expenses (13,322) (11,176) (2,145) (12,678) (10,658) (2,020) 5.1% 4.9% 6.2% Tax Expenses and ther 3 (1,882) (1,770) (111) (1,620) (1,564) (56) 16.2% 13.2% 99.2% Inc me bef re Tax and Min rity Interests 7,604 8,782 (1,179) 7,409 7,480 (71) 2.6% 17.4% 1557.1% Inc me Tax and S cial C ntributi n (2,758) (3,328) 570 (2,428) (2,605) 177 13.6% 27.7% 221.9% Min rity Interests in Subsidiaries 543 (86) 629 50 (31) 80 994.2% 181.1% 683.8% Recurring Managerial Result 5,388 5,368 20 5,030 4,844 186 7.1% 10.8% -89.0% (1) Includes units abr ad ex-Latin America. (2) Result fr m Insurance includes the Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds perati ns bef re Retained Claims and Selling Expenses. (3) Include Tax Expenses (ISS, PIS, C FINS and ther) and Insurance Selling Expenses. N te: Latin America inf rmati n is presented in n minal currency. 102


Additi nal Inf rmati n Business M del The all cati n f principal capital (C mm n Equity Tier 1) in the bank’s business is made at 12%, acc rding t ur risk appetite .. 2020 2019 2020 vs. 2019 Insurance Excess Insurance Excess Insurance Excess In R$ billi ns T tal Credit Trading T tal Credit Trading T tal Credit Trading & services capital & services capital & services capital perating revenues 114.8 62.7 1.8 50.3 (0.1) 119.8 63.7 1.5 53.3 1.4 (5.0) (1.0) 0.4 (3.0) (1.4) Managerial financial margin 70.1 51.1 1.8 17.2 (0.1) 74.6 51.4 1.5 20.4 1.4 (4.5) (0.3) 0.3 (3.1) (1.4) C mmissi ns and fees 37.2 11.6 0.0 25.6 - 37.3 12.2 0.0 25.1 - (0.1) (0.6) 0.0 0.6 -Revenues fr m insurance ¹ 7.5 - 7.5 - 7.9 - 7.9 - (0.4) - (0.4) - C st f credit (30.2) (30.2) - - (18.2) (18.2) - - (12.1) (12.1) - -Retained claims (1.4) - (1.4) - (1.3) - (1.3) - (0.1) - (0.1) -N n-interested expenses and ther² (56.6) (27.9) (0.6) (28.2) 0.0 (58.5) (28.6) (0.7) (29.1) (0.1) 1.9 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.1 Recurring managerial result 18.5 3.9 0.8 14.2 (0.3) 28.4 11.9 0.5 14.9 1.1 (9.8) (8.1) 0.3 (0.6) (1.4) Average regulat ry capital 129.3 77.0 1.3 52.6 (1.5) 125.6 64.8 1.6 41.6 17.6 3.7 12.2 (0.4) 10.9 (19.0) Value creati n 2.6 (5.5) 0.6 7.6 (0.2) 12.8 3.8 0.3 9.8 (1.1) (10.1) (9.3) 0.4 (2.2) 0.9 Recurring managerial R E 14.5% 5.0% 61.4% 27.1% 23.7% 23.7% 18.4% 28.5% 35.7% 6.2% -9.2 p.p. -13.4 p.p. 32.9 p.p. -8.7 p.p. 17.5 p.p. (1) Resultad de Segur s inclui as Receitas de Segur s, Previdência e Capitalizaçã , antes das Despesas c m Sinistr s e C mercializaçã . (2) Inclui Despesas Tributárias (ISS, PIS, C FINS e utras), Despesa de C mercializaçã de Segur s e Participações Min ritárias nas Subsidiárias. 103


Additi nal Credit Inf rmati n P rtf li by Pr duct In R$ billi ns, end f peri d 4Q20 3Q20 Ä 4Q19 Ä Individuals - Brazil 1 254.8 236.9 7.6% 239.0 6.6% Credit Card 86.3 77.5 11.3% 90.9 -5.1% Pers nal L ans 34.2 35.8 -4.4% 33.7 1.5% Payr ll L ans 2 55.3 50.8 8.9% 49.4 11.9% Vehicles 23.3 21.5 8.6% 19.0 23.0% M rtgage L ans 55.7 51.3 8.6% 45.9 21.2% Rural L ans0.00.0 -20.1% 0.1 -58.6% C mpanies - Brazil 1 253.8 246.4 3.0% 190.4 33.3% W rking Capital 3 169.4 153.4 10.4% 108.2 56.6% BNDES/ nlending8.69.4 -8.4% 10.6 -18.6% Exp rt / Imp rt Financing 48.4 57.5 -15.9% 48.6 -0.5% Vehicles 12.3 11.0 11.9% 9.1 35.2% M rtgage L ans 4.54.7 -4.7% 4.3 4.2% Rural L ans 10.6 10.3 2.8% 9.5 10.8% Latin America 4 201.9 206.1 -2.0% 153.7 31.4% T tal with ut Financial Guarantees Pr vided 710.6 689.3 3.1% 583.0 21.9% Financial Guarantees Pr vided 68.9 71.0 -2.9% 66.7 3.3% T tal with Financial Guarantees Pr vided 779.5 760.3 2.5% 649.7 20.0% C rp rate Securities 5 90.0 86.7 3.9% 72.8 23.6% T tal Risk 869.5 847.0 2.7% 722.6 20.3% (1) Includes units abr ad ex-Latin America; (2) Includes perati ns riginated by the instituti n and acquired perati ns; (3) Als includes verdraft, Receivables, H t M ney, Leasing, and ther; (4) Includes Argentina, Chile, C l mbia, Panama, Paraguayand Uruguay; (5) Includes Debentures, CRI and C mmercial Paper , Rural Pr ducer Certificate, LetrasFinanceiras investment , fund qu tas and Eur b nds. 104


Credit Additi nalInf rmati n P rtf li by Currency ¹ R$ billi n Dec-20 286.1 493.3 779.5 Sep-20 301.7 458.7 760.3 Jun-20 300.4 427.0 727.5 Mar-20 284.8 425.2 710.0 Dec-19 232.8 417.0 649.7 Sep-19 240.0 401.7 641.7 Jun-19 228.3 389.3 617.6 Mar-19 224.5 384.5 609.0 Dec-18 219.5 379.1 598.6 F reign Currency L cal Currency (1) T tal with financial guarantees pr vided. 105


Credit¹ Additi nal Inf rmati n riginati n | Brazil Base 100 = 4Q19 and 2019 T tal Credit2 – Brazil Credit2 - Individuals 25% 31% -4% 15% 14% 32% 131 125 132 131 115 114 100 100 100 100 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 2019 2020 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 2019 2020 Credit2 – Very Small, Small and Middle Market Credit2 – C rp rate 38% 5% 24% 6% 52% -27% 145 152 124 130 138 100 105 100 100 100 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 2019 2020 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 2019 2020 N te: D n t c nsider riginati n f Credit Card, verdraft, Debt Reneg tiati n and ther rev lving credits. (1) Average riginati n per w rking day in the peri d, except f r private securities issuance. (2) D es n t include private securities issuance. 106


Additi nal Credit Inf rmati n P rtf li Breakd wn C mpanies Credit P rtf li by Business Sect r¹ ,² Credit C ncentrati n ¹ R$ billi n In R$ billi ns, end f peri d 4Q20 3Q20 Ä Dec-20 L an, lease and ther L an, lease, ther credit perati ns Public Sect r 5.5 5.8 -5.3% credit perati ns and securities f c mpanies and Private Sect r 433.6 434.6 -0.2% financial instituti ns Real Estate 31.6 30.4 4.0% Transp rtati n 27.4 26.8 2.3% F d and beverage 25.0 24.9 0.7% Risk % f T tal Risk % f T tal Agribusiness and fertilizers 23.3 24.1 -3.2% Largest Debt r 7.2 0.9 13.1 1.4 Vehicles and aut parts 19.9 19.9 0.2% 10 largest debt rs 37.9 4.9 73.6 7.8 Energy and water treatment 19.5 18.3 6.6% 20 largest debt rs 54.8 7.0 107.1 11.3 Banks and ther financial 17.7 17.4 1.6% 50 largest debt rs 83.4 10.7 164.3 17.3 Petr chemical and chemical 15.0 15.1 -0.6% 100 largest debt rs 112.3 14.4 214.9 22.6 Infrastructure w rk 13.0 12.8 1.4% Steel and metallurgy 11.1 11.0 0.4% Pharmaceutical and c smetics 10.9 10.8 1.3% 4% 1% Telec mmunicati ns 9.8 9.8 -0.2% Electr nic and IT 9.7 9.4 3.4% 5% Mining 9.4 11.7 -20.2% 11% 40% Entertainment and t urism 8.9 8.4 6.0% il and gas 7.6 8.0 -4.7% 10% Capital Assets 6.6 6.7 -1.2% C nstructi n Material 5.9 6.0 -1.4% 11% Healthy 5.5 5.4 2.3% 16% Services - ther 53.5 54.7 -2.2% C mmerce - ther 29.5 29.7 -0.8% ther Industry and Extractivism Industry - ther 11.3 13.0 -12.9% Real Estate and C nstructi n C nsumer G ds 61.5 60.5 1.7% Vehicles and Transp rtati n Agriculture and Related T tal ther 439.1 440.4 -0.3% Banks and ther financial instituti ns Public Sect r (1) Includes financial guarantees pr vided; (2) Industry and Extractivism = Mining (+) Steel and Metallurgy (+) Capital Assets (+) Petr chemical and Chemical (+) Energy and sewage (+) il and gas. C nsumer G ds = F d and beverage (+) Pharmaceuticals and c smetics (+) Electr nic and IT. Vehicles and Transp rtati n = Transp rtati n (+) Vehicles and aut parts. Real Estate and C nstructi n = Real estate agents (+) C nstructi n material (+) Infrastructure w rk. Agriculture and Related = Agribusiness and fertilizers (+) Sugar and alc h l. ther = Telec mmunicati ns (+) C mmerce – ther (+) Services – ther (+) Industry – ther (+) Entertainment and T urism (+) ther. 107


Additi nal Credit Inf rmati n P rtf li by Vintage¹ Pr file f credit p rtf li by riginati n peri d: R$ billi n lder vintages with higher spreads are l sing relevance c mpared t the m st recent nes. 68.9% f t tal riginati n was created in the past 12 m nths. 583 689 711 32.7% 32.9% 31.9% 4.7% 4.5% 5.0% 5.4% 6.7% 6.0% 8.8% 7.9% 11.2% 11.4% 15.1% 14.2% 37.0% 32.8% 31.7% 4Q19 3Q20 4Q20 Actual Quarter (q) q-1 q-2 q-3 q-4 q=<-5 (1) D es n t include financial guarantees pr vided. 108


L anAdditi nalInf rmati n P rtf li Mix Change ¹ (%) R$ billi n C ns lidated Dec-20 18.6 17.1 3.3 12.1 4.8 7.8 7.8 28.4 Dec-20 26.0 23.9 4.6 17.0 6.7 10.9 10.9 Dec-19 23.3 21.0 4.4 21.2 7.8 10.7 11.5 Brazil 2 Dec-18 25.9 18.9 4.2 20.4 7.4 11.0 12.3 Dec-17 29.0 17.7 3.9 18.7 7.1 11.1 12.4 Dec-16 33.4 16.2 4.2 16.2 7.1 10.5 12.3 C rp rate Very Small, Small and Middle Market Vehicles Credit Card Pers nal L ans Latin America 3 M rtgage L ans Payr ll L ans (1) D es n t include financial guarantees pr vided; (2) Includes units abr ad ex-Latin America; (3) Excludes Brazil. 109


Additi nal Pr visi n Inf rmati n f r L an L sses and C st f Credit Pr visi n f r L an L sses by Segment R$ milli n 6.8% 4.7% 4.5% 4.7% 4.1% 4.2% 3.6% 3.7% 3.3% 3.4% 3.5% 10,398 3.8% 3.0% 2.9% 3.1% 3.2% 3.2% 808 5,823 7,561 5,392 4,948 6,145 6,337 5,641 4,282 4,483 4,111 4,271 2,441 757 432 4,407 4,922 795 598 3,904 3,796 4,206 514 701 554 621 1,252 7,149 1,076 2,335 1,070 1,410 489 568 638 1,845 619 532 248 168 514 423 412 99 393 4,021 4,210 4,461 4,645 3,996 3,550 3,732 3,534 3,482 3,688 3,726 4,922 5,162 3,236 3,165 4,481 -298 -354 -304 -371 -177 -1,339 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18 3Q18 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Retail Banking - Brazil Wh lesale Banking - Brazil Latin America ex-Brazil Pr visi n f r L an L sses / L an P rtf li (*) - Annualized (*) Average balance f the l an p rtf li , c nsidering the last tw quarters. C st f Credit (Pr visi n f r L an L sses + Rec very f L ans Written ff as L sses + Impairment + Disc unts Granted) RR$ milli n 5.3% 4.2% 3.9% 3.6% 3.0% 3.3% 3.0% 2.7% 2.9% 2.8% 2.5% 2.4% 2.6% 2.3% 2.1% 2.3% 2.0% 10,087 7,770 6,352 5,811 6,319 6,033 5,281 4,474 4,495 3,990 4,257 3,788 3,601 3,415 3,804 4,044 3,263 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 2Q18 3Q18 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 C st f Credit C st f Credit / T tal Risk (*) - Annualized (*) Average balance f the l an p rtf li with financial guarantees pr vided and c rp rate securities, c nsidering the last tw quarters. N te: Includes the c ns lidati n f Citibank as f 4Q17. 110


Additi nal All wance Inf rmati n f r L an L sses by Risk – C ns lidated R$ milli n All cati n f T tal All wance by Type f Risk -C ns lidated Dec-20 10,618 11,363 30,176 52,158 Sep-20 11,147 11,021 28,971 51,140 Dec-19 11,523 10,828 17,396 39,747 verdue perati ns acc rding t the P tential L ss Brazilian Central Bank Reneg tiati ns and verdue l ans 28,971 30,176 Pr visi n < 100% Reneg tiati ns 551 1,366 203 8,128 10,104 88% 11,523 31% 2,648 5,937 11,147 10,828 11,021 11,363 17,396 10,618 2,548 7,042 4,745 1,419 1,509 1,504 1,587 1,880 3,999 524 721 1,591 Fully Pr visi ned 743 2,628 2,857 verdue 3,576 3,859 1,039 9,579 8,917 8,285 514 13,801 15,326 540 5,748 6,807 6,626 69% 12% 689 9,538 5,737 209 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 1 Includes unitsabr adex-Latin America. ² Excludes Brazil. Retail-Brazil1 Wh lesale -Brazil1 Latin America 2 111


N n Additi nal Inf rmati n Perf rming L ans Rati s 90-day NPL Rati | C ns lidated (%) 15 t 90-day NPL Rati | C ns lidated -% 4.2 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.2 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.3 3.0 2.6 2.7 2.5 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.0 1.9 3.4 1.7 3.2 3.1 3.1 2.7 1.9 1.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 Dec-16 Sep-17 Dec-17 Sep-18 Dec-18 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-16 Sep-17 Dec-17 Sep-18 Dec-18 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 T tal Brazil ¹ Latin America ² T tal Brazil ¹ Latin America ² 90-day NPL Rati | Brazil ¹ (%) 15 t 90-day NPL Rati | Brazil ¹ -% 5.6 5.1 5.0 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.8 5.5 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 3.6 3.5 4.7 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.2 4.4 2.9 3.1 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.8 3.3 1.9 3.3 2.0 2.9 3.0 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.1 2.4 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.9 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Dec-16 Sep-17 Dec-17 Sep-18 Dec-18 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Dec-16 Sep-17 Dec-17 Sep-18 Dec-18 Sep-19 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Individuals C rp rate Very Small, Small and Middle Market C mpanies Individuals C rp rate Very Small, Small and Middle Market C mpanies N te: C nsiders Citibank’s c ns lidati n as f 4Q17. (1) Includes units abr ad ex-Latin America. (2) Excludes Brazil. 112


Additi nal NPL Creati n Inf rmati n R$ billi n 7.3 5.7 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.4 4.7 5.1 4.9 4.4 3.3 4.3 3.9 2.8 3.5 3.6 3.2 1.2 1.2 2.3 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 1.1 -0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 T tal Retail Banking - Brazil Wh sale Banking - Brazil Latin America ex-Brazil 113


Additi nal Pr visi n Inf rmati n f r L an L sses and NPL Creati n by Segment Retail Banking -Brazil R$ billi n 221% 145% 153% 108% 113% 108% 104% 102% 91% 7.1 3.7 3.5 4.0 3.6 4.2 3.9 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.9 4.9 5.2 4.6 5.1 3.2 2.3 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Wh lesale Banking -Brazil 3108% R$ billi n 215% -26% -87% -89% 59% -53% -119% 2.4 1.1 1.8 0.7 1.2 -0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 -1.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.5 -982% 0.0 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Latin America ex–Brazil 362% 367% R$ billi n 133% 136% 138% 115% 316% 75% 66% 2.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.1 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.3 0.6 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 T tal 230% 226% R$ billi n 143% 122% 99% 85% 83% 93% 93% 3.8 4.4 4.2 5.1 4.4 4.7 4.9 5.3 6.1 5.0 10.4 7.3 7.6 6.3 2.8 5.6 5.7 3.3 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Pr visi n f r L an L sses NPL Creati n Pr visi n f r L an L sses / NPL Creati n 114


Additi nal Insurance, Inf rmati n Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds In R$ milli ns 4Q20 3Q20 Ä 4Q19 Ä Earned Premiums 1,123 1,095 2.6% 1,195 -6.0% Revenues fr m Pensi n Plan (0) (8) -95.2% (35) -98.9% Revenues fr m Premium B nds 90 92 -2.4% 104 -13.4% Managerial Financial Margin (96) 148- 90- C mmissi ns and Fees 537 536 0.2% 553 -2.9% Earnings f Affiliates 85 133 -36.2% 132 -35.9% Revenues fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds 1,738 1,996 -12.9% 2,038 -14.7% Retained Claims (340) (363) -6.3% (330) 3.0% Insurance Selling Expenses (6) (4) 45.2% (2) 175.7% Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds 1,392 1,629 -14.5% 1,706 -18.4% Recurring Managerial Result 474 687 -31.0% 656 -27.8% Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds R$ milli n 1,675 1,706 1,590 1,607 1,575 1,629 1,553 1,508 1,392 5.8% 5.7% 5.8% 5.6% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.3% 4.8% 4Q18 1Q19 2Q19 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds perati ns Result/ perating Revenues 1 (1) perating Revenues including the Result fr m Insurance, Pensi n Plan and Premium B nds perati ns net f retained claims and selling expenses. 115


Additi nal Balance Inf rmati n Sheet – Assets and Liabilities Assets 4Q20 3Q20 Äâ^‹ 4Q19 Äâ^‹ R$ milli n Current and L ng-term Assets 2,076,112 2,073,487 0.1% 1,702,123 22.0% Cash and Cash Equivalents 46,224 47,069 -1.8% 30,367 52.2% Sh rt-term Interbank Investments 294,486 380,300 -22.6% 232,362 26.7% Securities and Derivative Financial Instruments 712,071 628,175 13.4% 545,286 30.6% Interbank and Interbranch Acc unts 134,640 131,196 2.6% 135,499 -0.6% L an, Lease and ther L an perati ns 710,553 689,327 3.1% 583,017 21.9% (All wance f r L an L sses) (51,404) (50,208) 2.4% (38,888) 32.2% ther Assets 229,542 247,628 -7.3% 214,480 7.0% Permanent Assets 36,474 36,633 -0.4% 36,591 -0.3% T tal Assets 2,112,586 2,110,120 0.1% 1,738,713 21.5% Liabilities 4Q20 3Q20 Äâ^‹ 4Q19 Äâ^‹ Current and L ng-Term Liabilities 1,961,718 1,964,550 -0.1% 1,593,167 23.1% Dep sits 809,010 765,019 5.8% 507,060 59.5% Dep sits Received under Securities Repurchase Agreements 280,541 315,624 -11.1% 269,838 4.0% Fund fr m Acceptances and Issue f Securities 136,638 139,783 -2.2% 143,568 -4.8% Interbank and Interbranch Acc unts 59,147 60,847 -2.8% 54,180 9.2% B rr wings and nlendings 83,200 91,073 -8.6% 76,393 8.9% Technical Pr visi ns f r Insurance 79,599 78,426 1.5% 47,815 66.5% Pr visi ns 16,250 16,255 0.0% 16,620 -2.2% All wance f r Financial Guarantees Pr vided 754 932 -19.1% 858 -12.1% B nds 223,469 218,584 2.2% 220,666 1.3% ther Liabilities 273,110 278,007 -1.8% 256,169 6.6% Deferred Inc me 3,163 3,203 -1.2% 2,698 17.2% Min rity Interest in Subsidiaries 11,112 11,808 -5.9% 10,861 2.3% St ckh lders’ Equity 136,593 130,559 4.6% 131,987 3.5% T tal Liabilities and Equity 2,112,586 2,110,120 0.1% 1,738,713 21.5% 116


Additi nal Funding Inf rmati n L an P rtf li mainly funded by d mestic client funding Diversified funding base In R$ milli ns, end f peri d 4Q20 3Q20 Äâ^‹ 4Q19 Äâ^‹ Funding fr m Clients (A) 881,561 839,765 5.0% 608,990 44.8% Demand Dep sits 134,805 127,827 5.5% 82,306 63.8% Savings Dep sits 179,470 172,391 4.1% 144,558 24.2% Time Dep sits 491,234 460,926 6.6% 277,166 77.2% Debentures (Linked t Repurchase Agreements and Third Parties’ perati ns) 1,985 2,729 -27.3% 5,258 -62.2% (1) 74,067 75,891 -2.4% 99,703 -25.7% Funds fr m Bills and Structured perati ns Certificates ther Funding (B) 187,366 199,180 -5.9% 151,331 23.8% nlending 11,456 11,464 -0.1% 11,648 -1.6% B rr wings 71,744 79,609 -9.9% 64,745 10.8% Securities bligati ns Abr ad 62,571 63,891 -2.1% 43,866 42.6% ther(2) 41,594 44,215 -5.9% 31,073 33.9% P rtf li Managed and Investment Funds(3) (C) 1,423,641 1,377,413 3.4% 1,387,457 2.6% T tal (A) + (B) + (C) 2,492,567 2,416,358 3.2% 2,147,779 16.1% (1) Includes funds fr m Real Estate, M rtgage, Financial, Credit and Similar N tes. (2) Includes installments f sub rdinated debt that are n t included in the Tier II Referential Equity. (3) Includes Certificates f Banks Dep sits (CDB), Certificates f Agribusiness Receivables (CRA), Certificates f Real Estate Receivables (CRI), Debentures, Agricultural Credit B nds (LCA) and Real EstateCredit B nds (LCI). 117


Funding Additi nal Inf rmati n Rati between L an P rtf li and Funding % Funding (Maturity Breakd wn) In days 91.9% 81.2% 75.6% 76.8% 76.7% 76.7% 71.1% 66.3% 66.5% 65.1% R$ billi n 181-365 ver t 365 1,010 1,039 1,069 31-180 927 7.8% 900 870 897 9.7% 760 788 689 711 38.0% 635 640 657 583 44.5% 0-30 Dec-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 P rtf li / Funding fr mclientsand ther funding P rtf li / Funding fr mclientsand ther funding net f reserve andcash L an p rtf li L an p rtf li Funding fr mclientsand ther funding Funding fr mclientsand ther funding net f reserve required byBACEN andCash 118


Sa Paul , February 2nd, 2021 Itaú Unibanc H lding S.A. 4Q20 Instituti nal Presentati n