EX-99.1 2 tv491946_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1

Exhibit 99.1




CNPJ. 60.872.504/0001-23   A Publicly Listed Company






Consolidated summary statement of remote voting



In the terms of CVM Instruction No. 481/09, discloses the summary statement of voting on the consolidation of voting instructions given by underwriters and of voting instructions given directly by the Company for each item presented in the remote voting form, about the matters submitted for resolution in the Extraordinary and Annual Stockholders’ Meeting to be held on April 25, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. of Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A., Publicly-Held Company, headquartered in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Praça Alfredo Egydio de Souza Aranha, 100, Torre Olavo Setubal, Piso Itaú Unibanco, Parque Jabaquara, CEP 04344-902, is presented below:



Item Description - ordinary  agenda Candidates Voting   Number of shares    % over total voting
1 Acknowledge and examine the Management Report, the Report of the Independent Auditors, the Opinion of the Fiscal Council, and the Summary of the Report of the Audit Committee, and to resolve on the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017.   Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
2 Resolve on the proposal of the Board of Directors for the allocation of net income for the year, as detailed in the General Stockholders’ Meeting Manual available at https://www.itau.com.br/_arquivosestaticos/RI/pdf/en/Manual_Assembleia_2018_Eng.pdf:   Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
3 Define the number of members that will comprise the Board of Directors in twelve (12), as proposed by the controlling shareholders:   Approve  4,511,115  92.96
Reject                    341.789  7.04
Abstain                               -     -
4 Do you want to request the adoption of the multiple vote process for the election of the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 141 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976?   Yes  1,253,038  25.82
No  2,156,348  44.43
Abstain  1,443,518  29.75
5 Election of the board of directors by candidate – Limit of vacancies to be fulfilled: 12
Nomination of candidates to the Board of Directors (the stockholder may nominate as many candidates as the number of vacancies to be fulfilled in the general election)
Alfredo Egydio Setubal Approve  4,822,000  99.36
Reject                      30.904  0.64
Abstain                               -     -
Amos Genish (Independent member) Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Ana Lúcia de Mattos Barretto Villela Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Fábio Colletti Barbosa (Independent member) Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Gustavo Jorge Laboissière Loyola (Independent member) Approve  4,798,757  98.88
Reject                      54.147  1.12
Abstain                               -     -
João Moreira Salles Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
José Galló (Independent member) Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Marco Ambrogio Crespi Bonomi Approve  4,822,000  99.36
Reject                      30.904  0.64
Abstain                               -     -
Pedro Luiz Bodin de Moraes (Independent member) Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Pedro Moreira Salles Approve  4,804,500  99.00
Reject                      48.404  1.00
Abstain                               -     -
Ricardo Villela Marino Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
Roberto Egydio Setubal Approve  4,837,004  99.67
Reject                      15.900  0.33
Abstain                               -     -
6 If the multiple voting process is adopted, do you want to distribute the vote adopted as the same percentage to the candidates?   Yes  1,472,502  30.34
No                               -     -
Abstain  3,380,402  69.66
7 View of all candidates for the assignment of the % (percentage) of votes to be attributed Alfredo Egydio Setubal                      122.950  8.35
Amos Genish (Independent member)                      122.950  8.35
Ana Lúcia de Mattos Barretto Villela                      122.950  8.35
Fábio Colletti Barbosa (Independent member)                      122.950  8.35
Gustavo Jorge Laboissière Loyola (Independent member)                      119.473  8.12
João Moreira Salles                      122.950  8.35
José Galló (Independent member)                      122.950  8.35
Marco Ambrogio Crespi Bonomi                      122.950  8.35
Pedro Luiz Bodin de Moraes (Independent member)                      122.950  8.35
Pedro Moreira Salles                      122.950  8.35
Ricardo Villela Marino                      122.950  8.35
Roberto Egydio Setubal                      122.950  8.35





8 Minority stockholders with voting rights requesting a separate election of a member to the Board of Directors:
Do you want to request a separate election of a member to the Board of Directors, in accordance with Article 141, paragraph 4, I, of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? (*)
  Yes  1,253,038  25.82
  No                    241.844  4.98
  Abstain  3,358,022  69.20
9 If neither stockholders with voting rights nor preferred stockholders with no or restricted voting rights meet the quorum, respectively, as required by items I and II of paragraph 4 of Article 141 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976, do you want your vote to be added to the votes of preferred shares to elect, to the Board of Directors, the candidate with the majority of votes among all those who, as included in this remote voting form, run for election separately? (*)   Yes  4,312,648  88.87
  No                        7.530  0.16
  Abstain                    532.726  10.98
10 Preferred stockholders with no or restricted voting rights requesting a separate election of a member to the Board of Directors:
Do you want to request a separate election of a member to the Board of Directors, in accordance to Article 141, paragraph 4 II of Law No. 6,404 of 1976? (*)
  Yes  110,450,555  19.44
  No  136,133,235  23.96
  Abstain  321,642,282  56.60
11 If neither voting stockholders nor preferred stockholders with no or restricted voting rights meet the quorum, respectively, as required by items I and II of paragraph 4 of Article 141 of Law No. 6,404 of 1976, do you want your vote to be added to the votes of voting shares to elect, to the Board of Directors, the candidate with the majority of votes among all those who, as included in this remote voting form, run for election separately? (*)   Yes  343,934,006  60.53
  No  160,343,654  28.22
  Abstain  63,948,412  11.25
12 Election of the Fiscal Council by candidate – Limit of vacancies to be fulfilled: 4
Nomination of candidates to the Fiscal Council (the stockholder may nominate as many candidates as the number of vacancies to be fulfilled in the general election)
Alkimar Ribeiro Moura (Effective) Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
José Caruso Cruz Henriques (Effective) Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
João Costa (Alternate) Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
Reinaldo Guerreiro (Alternate) Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
13 Nomination of candidates to the fiscal council by stockholders holding preferred shares without voting or restricted voting rights Carlos Roberto de Albuquerque Sá (Effective) Approve  547,805,882  96.18
Reject  8,089,534  1.42
Abstain  13,639,530  2.39
Eduardo Azevedo do Valle (Alternate) Approve  557,398,494  97.87
Reject  10,431,573  1.83
Abstain  1,704,879  0.30
14 Resolve on the amount to be allocated for compensation of the members of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors in the total value of R$ 370,000,000.00:   Approve                    438.521  9.04
Reject  2,506,883  51.66
Abstain  1,907,500  39.31
15 Resolve on the individual monthly compensation of R$15,000.00 for the effective members and R$6,000.00 for the alternate members of the Fiscal Council.   Approve  4,852,904 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
Item Description - extraordinary agenda   Voting   Number of shares    % over total voting
16 Amend the Bylaws to: Register the new number of shares of the Company’s capital stock as a result of the cancellation of 46,217,311 common shares held in treasury (Article 3, head provision):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
17 Include the powers of the General Stockholders’ Meeting to resolve on Stock Grant Plans and adjust the denomination of the Stock Option Plan(item 4.3.g):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
18 Adjust the denomination of BM&FBOVESPA S.A. – Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros to B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (item 5.1., and Article 17):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
19 Adjust the wording on the composition of the Board of Directors, in line with the practices adopted by the Company and  the provisions of the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code (item 6.2):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
20 Adjust the wording on the powers of the Board of Directors, in line with the practices adopted by the Company and the provisions of the Brazilian Corporate Governance Code (item 6.8):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
21 Improve the wording on the representation rule of the Company (item 10.1.1):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
22 Amend the composition of statutory revenue reserves (Article 15 and items):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
23 Update the remittances to the statutory revenue reserve (items 13.3 and 14.1):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
24 Update the remittances to the statutory revenue reserve (items 13.3 and 14.1):   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -
25 Transfer to the new Statutory Revenue Reserve the balances currently recorded in the Statutory Reserves for Dividends Equalization, for Working Capital Increase, and for Increase Capital in Investees:   Approve  4,887,945 100.00
Reject                               -     -
Abstain                               -     -

(*) this refers to the total equity investments, without considering the uninterrupted percentage during the period of three months, at least, immediately prior to the General Stockholders’ Meeting provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 141 of Law No. 6,404/76.



São Paulo-SP, April 24, 2018.



Group Executive Finance Director and Investor Relations Officer