Washington, D.C. 20549







For the month of August 2016


Prana Biotechnology Limited

(Name of Registrant)


Level 2, 369 Royal Parade Parkville  Victoria  3052 Australia

(Address of Principal Executive Office)


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Appendix 4E – Preliminary Final Report







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  By: /s/ Geoffrey Kempler  
    Geoffrey Kempler,
    Executive Chairman


August 26, 2016






Appendix 4E – Preliminary Final Report

(ASX Listing rule 4.2A)


Company Name: Prana Biotechnology Limited (the ‘Group’)
ABN: 37 080 699 065
Reporting Period: Financial year ended 30 June 2016
Previous Reporting Period: Financial year ended 30 June 2015


Result for Announcement to the Market


The results of Prana Biotechnology Limited for the year ended 30 June 2016 are as follows:


Revenues down 19.33% to $142,657
Loss after tax attributable to members up 31.34% to ($7,729,551)
Net loss for the period attributable to members up 31.34% to ($7,729,551)


Brief explanation of figures reported above


Prana Biotechnology Ltd recorded revenue of A$142,657 for the year ended 30 June 2016 (2015: A$176,842), which is interest received on the Group’s bank accounts.


Prana Biotechnology Ltd has incurred a loss for the year of A$7,729,551 (2015: A$5,885,069). This loss has increased due to lower foreign exchange gains for the period, a decrease in other income relating to the R&D Tax Incentive and decreased research and development expenditure.


For further details relating to the current period’s results, refer to the Review of Operations contained within this document.




No dividends have been paid or declared by the Group since the beginning of the current reporting period. No dividends were paid for the previous reporting period.


Net Tangible Assets per Share


   30 June 2016   30 June 2015 
Net Tangible Assets  $31,367,213   $39,113,264 
Shares (No.)   533,891,470    533,891,470 
Net Tangible Assets per Share (Cents)   5.88    7.33 


Loss per Share


   30 June 2016   30 June 2015 
Basic loss per share   (1.45)   (1.17)
Diluted loss per share   (1.45)   (1.17)


Status of Audit of Accounts


These accounts are currently in the process of being audited. An Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016 containing the Audit Report shall be provided in due course.






ABN 37 080 699 065


Appendix 4E


Preliminary Final Report


For the Year Ended 30 June 2016

(and previous corresponding period: year ended 30 June 2015)


In Compliance with ASX Listing Rule 4.3A







Operations Report 2
Financial Report 5
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 5
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 6
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 7
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 8
Notes to the Financial Statements 9
Corporate Directory 19


 Page 1



Operations Report


The Directors of Prana Biotechnology Limited present their report on the consolidated entity (referred to hereafter as the ‘Group’ or ‘Consolidated Entity’ or ‘Prana’) consisting of Prana Biotechnology Limited and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the year ended 30 June 2016.



The following persons were Directors of Prana Biotechnology Limited during the whole of the financial year and up to the date of this report, unless stated otherwise:


Mr Geoffrey Kempler Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mr Brian Meltzer Non-Executive Independent Director
Dr George Mihaly Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr Peter Marks Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr Lawrence Gozlan Non-Executive Independent Director
Prof. Ira Shoulson Non-Executive Director


Company Secretary

Mr. Phillip Hains is a Chartered Accountant operating a specialist public practice, 'The CFO Solution'. The CFO Solution focuses on providing back office support, financial reporting and compliance systems for listed public companies. A specialist in the public company environment, Mr. Hains has served the needs of a number of company boards and their related committees. He has over 20 years' experience in providing businesses with accounting, administration, compliance and general management services. He holds a Master of Business Administration from RMIT and a Public Practice Certificate from the Institute of Chartered Accountants.


Principal Activities

The Group's principal activities during the course of the year were to commercialise research into Alzheimer's disease, Huntington disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. There have been no significant changes in the nature of those principal activities during the financial year.


Review of Operations


Detailed below is an update on the status of the Group’s development projects and overall operations for the year ended 30 June, 2016.


PBT2 clinical development update


As previously reported, we are developing a strong technical and safety data package in response to the Partial Clinical Hold on PBT2, which limits the dose that can be used in future trials in the United States. This process includes the development of Phase 3 protocol for submission to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and has been ongoing during the current reporting period. Separately, creation of a comprehensive non-clinical and clinical package of data on PBT2 for submission to selected European national authorities and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is underway.


At the recent 20th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Prana collaborators from the Georgetown University in Washington presented patient reported outcomes from the Reach2HD trial using the Huntington Disease – Patient Reported Outcome of Problems (HD-PROP) assessment tool. HD-PROP captured verbatim patient reports during the course of Reach2HD with respect to their most bothersome problems. Importantly, 90% of reported improvement in ‘problems with thinking’ was achieved with PBT2-treated patients, suggesting that PBT2 was associated with decreased thinking complaints.


 Page 2



Operations Report (continued…)


Supporting the potential disease modifying therapeutic strategy for PBT2 has been the demonstration of further evidence that PBT2 can modulate metal-mediated toxic gain of function of key protein targets that underpin neurodegenerative diseases such as the tau protein, A-beta 42 and mutant Huntington protein.


PBT434 Movement Disorder clinical candidate update


Prana’s lead candidate in Parkinsonian Movement Disorders, PBT434, progressed well through a number of mouse models of a typical Parkinsonian conditions, typified by an aberrant and toxic accumulation of α-synuclein including conditions such as, Multiple System Atrophy and Lewy Body Dementia or tau protein in the brain, in Corticobasal Degeneration and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. PBT434 has been shown to decrease levels of the relevant toxic protein and improve motor and/or cognitive performance in selected models. As previously reported, PBT434 has demonstrated that it is very well tolerated in FDA IND (Investigational New Drug) enabling animal toxicity studies and has a favourable safety pharmacology profile. Moreover, that the proposed dosing regimen for human trials is well supported by the animal studies to date, Prana has compiled the collective non-clinical information package, together with our plans for a Phase 1 program for submission to the FDA. If successful, the Phase I program will demonstrate the required safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic profile to enable later stage clinical development.


Pipeline development from Translational Biology Program


Additional development candidates have been profiled through our mechanism of action screens, with several being promoted to animal modelling to establish the prospective efficacy and the pharmacokinetics of the candidate drug. These candidates have been designed by our Medicinal Chemistry team to be both novel and retain strong Metal-Protein Attenuating Compound (MPAC) functionality. These developments in our discovery program will enable increased depth and diversification of the Prana pipeline for prospective clinical development in a range of neurodegenerative disorders.


Other Income

We had other income of A$4.8 million (2015: A$6.3 million) relating to a 45% tax incentive rebate for eligible research and development activities.


Research and Development Expenses

Our research and development expenses consist primarily of expenses for contracted research and development activities conducted by third parties on our behalf. Research and development expenses also include costs associated with the acquisition, development of patents, salaries and fees paid to employees and consultants involved in research and development activities.


Our research and development expenses (including research and development expenses paid to related parties) decreased to A$9.59 million for the year ended June 30, 2016 from A$12.30 million for the year ended June 30, 2015, a decrease of A$2.71 million, or 22.03%. The decrease in research and development expenses in the year ended June 30, 2016 is primarily attributable to the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) placement of PBT2 on partial clinical hold.


We believe that Australian Government tax incentive scheme relating to eligible research and development activities, introduced on July 1, 2011, will continue to provide us with significant benefits in future years. Such eligible R&D activities include but are not limited to:

·Core activities, which are experimental activities whose outcome cannot be known or determined in advance, but can only be determined by applying a systematic progression of work;
·Core activities conducted for the purpose of generating new knowledge (including new knowledge in the form of new or improved processes and materials); or
·Supporting activities that are directly related and designed to support the above.


 Page 3



Operations Report (continued…)


Under the research and development incentive scheme, entities with an aggregated turnover for the income year of less than A$20 million will be entitled to a 45% refundable tax offset. In the year ended June 30, 2016, we recorded A$4.8 million as receivable with respect to funds we will receive in relation to the 2016 financial year under the research and development incentive scheme.


Financial Position and Capital Resources

As at 30 June, 2016, the Group had cash reserves of A$28.59 million compared to A$34.91 million at 30 June, 2015. For the years ended 30 June, 2016 and 2015, we incurred an operating loss of A$7.73 million and A$5.89 million, respectively, and an operating cash outflow of A$7.42 million and A$10.87 million, respectively.


Cash Flows

Net cash used in operating activities was A$7.42 million and A$10.87 million during the years ended 30 June, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Our payments to suppliers and employees during the years ended 30 June, 2016 and 2015 were A$14.06 million and A$18.12 million respectively. The A$3.45 million decrease in net cash used in operating activities from the year ended 30 June, 2016 compared to the year ended 30 June, 2015 reflects decreased research and development activities due to the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) placement of PBT2 on partial clinical hold. During the years ended 30 June, 2016 and 2015, our payments to suppliers and employees was offset by interest income of A$120,392 and A$216,317 respectively.



Mr Geoffrey Kempler

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Dated: This the 26th Day of August 2016


 Page 4



Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 30 June 2016


      Consolidated Entity 
      2016   2015 
   Note  $   $ 
Revenue from ordinary activities  3   142,657    176,842 
Other income  3   4,753,697    6,317,438 
Intellectual property expenses      (241,954)   (257,299)
General and administration expenses  4   (3,610,551)   (4,506,122)
Research and development expenses  4   (9,585,371)   (12,298,167)
Other operating expenses      (45,276)   (39,210)
Other gains and losses  4   857,247    4,721,449 
Loss before income tax expense      (7,729,551)   (5,885,069)
Income Tax Expense      -    - 
Loss for the period      (7,729,551)   (5,885,069)
Other comprehensive income      -    - 
Total comprehensive loss for the year      (7,729,551)   (5,885,069)
Loss per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders
of the Group:
      Cents    Cents 
Basic loss per share (cents per share)  5a   (1.45)   (1.17)
Diluted loss per share (cents per share)  5b   (1.45)   (1.17)


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


 Page 5



Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June 2016


      Consolidated Entity 
      2016   2015 
   Note  $   $ 
CURRENT ASSETS             
Cash and cash equivalents      28,593,538    34,909,574 
Trade and other receivables      4,786,765    6,521,154 
Other current assets      276,504    313,465 
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS      33,656,807    41,744,193 
Plant and equipment      24,225    44,727 
Other non-current assets      43,988    45,462 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS      68,213    90,189 
TOTAL ASSETS      33,725,020    41,834,382 
Trade and other payables      1,748,566    2,152,015 
Other financial liabilities      -    12,076 
Provisions      608,771    554,615 
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES      2,357,337    2,718,706 
Provisions      470    2,412 
TOTAL LIABILITIES      2,357,807    2,721,118 
NET ASSETS      31,367,213    39,113,264 
Contributed equity  6   146,879,214    146,895,714 
Reserves  7   9,363,181    9,363,181 
Accumulated losses      (124,875,182)   (117,145,631)
TOTAL EQUITY      31,367,213    39,113,264 


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


 Page 6



Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 30 June 2016


      Issued and
   Reserves   Accumulated
   Note  $   $   $   $ 
Balance at 30 June 2014      140,009,415    8,937,434    (111,260,562)   37,686,287 
Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners:                       
Shares issued gross of costs      7,129,242    -    -    7,129,242 
Options exercised  6   25,488    (25,488)   -    - 
Options issued  6,7   -    451,235    -    451,235 
Equity to be issued      16,500    -    -    16,500 
Transaction costs  6   (284,931)   -    -    (284,931)
       6,886,299    425,747    -    7,312,046 
Loss for the year      -    -    (5,885,069)   (5,885,069)
Total comprehensive income for the year      -    -    (5,885,069)   (5,885,069)
Balance at 30 June 2015      146,895,714    9,363,181    (117,145,631)   39,113,264 
Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners:                       
Equity to be issued  6   (16,500)   -    -    (16,500)
Transaction costs      -    -    -    - 
       (16,500)   -    -    (16,500)
Loss for the year      -    -    (7,729,551)   (7,729,551)
Total comprehensive income for the year      -    -    (7,729,551)   (7,729,551)
Balance at 30 June 2016      146,879,214    9,363,181    (124,875,182)   31,367,213 


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


 Page 7



Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 30 June 2016


      Consolidated Entity 
      2016   2015 
   Note  $   $ 
Payments to suppliers and employees      (14,055,879)   (18,124,102)
Interest received      120,392    216,317 
Grants received      -    228,541 
R&D tax refund      6,516,961    6,808,170 
NET OPERATING CASH FLOWS      (7,418,526)   (10,871,074)
Payments for purchases of plant and equipment      (2,307)   (28,757)
Payment for payroll and rental security deposit      1,474    (154,077)
NET INVESTING CASH FLOWS      (833)   (182,834)
Proceeds from issues of securities      -    7,128,142 
Transaction costs relating to equity issuances      -    (284,931)
NET FINANCING CASH FLOWS      -    6,843,211 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year      34,909,574    34,167,018 
Reclassification of security deposit      152,603    - 
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents      950,720    4,953,253 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR      28,593,538    34,909,574 


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


 Page 8



Notes to the Financial Statements

For the year ended 30 June 2016


Note 1. Statement of Significant Accounting Policies


The financial report of Prana Biotechnology Limited for the year ended 30 June 2016 was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Directors on 26 August 2016.


The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below.


These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated. The financial statements are for the Group consisting of Prana Biotechnology Limited and its subsidiaries.


Statement of Compliance

The financial report is a general purpose financial report which has been prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, Australian accounting standards and other authoritative pronouncements from the Australian Accounting Standards Board. The consolidated financial statements of the Group also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).


Basis of Preparation

Prana Biotechnology Limited is a for-profit entity for the purpose of preparing the financial statements.


These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or losses.


Accounting policies are selected and applied in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the concepts of relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transactions or other events is reported.


The accounting policies set out below have been applied in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 and the comparative information presented in these financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2015. Where necessary, comparatives have been reclassified and repositioned for consistency with current year disclosure.


R&D Tax Incentives

The Australian Government replaced the research and development tax concession with the research and development tax incentive from 1 July 2011. The provisions provide refundable or non-refundable tax offsets. The research and development tax incentive applies to expenditure incurred and the use of depreciating assets in an income year commencing on or after 1 July 2011. A refundable research and development tax incentive offset of 45%, equivalent to a deduction of 150%, will be available to eligible small companies with an annual aggregate turnover of less than $20 million. Eligible companies can receive a refundable research and development tax incentive offset of 45% of their research and development spending.


The Group's research and development activities are eligible under an Australian Government tax incentive for eligible expenditure from 1 July 2011. Management has assessed these activities and expenditure to determine which are likely to be eligible under the incentive scheme. For the period to 30 June 2016 the Group has recorded an item in other income of A$4.8 million (2015: A$6.1 million) to recognise this amount which relates to this period.


 Page 9



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 2. Dividend


The Group resolved not to declare any dividends in the year ended 30 June 2016.


Note 3. Revenue and other income


   2016   2015 
   $   $ 
From ordinary activities:          
Other revenue          
Interest   142,657    176,842 
Total other revenue   142,657    176,842 
Other income          
R&D Tax Incentive   4,753,697    6,088,897 
Other Grants   -    228,541 
Total other income   4,753,697    6,317,438 


Note 4. Loss for the year


   2016   2015 
   $   $ 
Loss before income tax has been determined after:        
General and Administration Expenses          
Depreciation on fixed assets   22,810    31,587 
Employee expenses (non R&D related)   992,750    877,032 
Consultant and director expenses   750,158    1,227,731 
Audit, internal control and other assurance expenses   204,776    499,911 
Corporate compliance expenses   358,096    421,958 
Office rental   195,561    161,175 
Other administrative and office expenses   1,086,400    865,241 
Research and Development Expenses          
Employee expenses   1,821,717    1,866,915 
Other research and development expenses   7,763,654    10,431,252 
Other gains and losses          
Foreign exchange gain   857,247    4,721,449 


 Page 10



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 5. Loss per Share


      2016   2015 
      (cents)   (cents) 
(a)  Basic loss per share   (1.45)   (1.17)
(b)  Diluted loss per share   (1.45)   (1.17)
(c)  Reconciliation of earnings to loss   $    $ 
   Loss used to calculate basic loss per share   (7,729,551)   (5,885,069)
   Loss used to calculate diluted loss per share   (7,729,551)   (5,885,069)
       No.    No. 
(d)  Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year used in calculating basic loss per share   533,891,470    502,714,982 
   Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year used in calculating diluted loss per share   533,891,470    502,714,982 
(e)  Options that are considered to be potential ordinary shares are excluded from the weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of basic loss per share.  Where dilutive, potential ordinary shares are included in the calculation of diluted loss per share.  All the options on issue do not have the effect to dilute the loss per share.  Therefore, they have been excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share.          


Note 6. Contributed Equity


      2016   2015 
   Note  $   $ 
533,891,470 (2015: 533,891,470) fully paid ordinary shares  16a   144,177,570    144,194,070 
Nil (2015: Nil) options over fully paid ordinary shares  16b   2,701,644    2,701,644 
       146,879,214    146,895,714 


Ordinary shares have no par value and the Group does not have a limited amount of authorised capital. On a show of hands every holder of ordinary shares present at a meeting in person or by proxy, is entitled to one vote, and upon a poll each share is entitled to one vote.


(a) Ordinary Shares     2016   2015 
      No.   $   No.   $ 
At the beginning of reporting period      533,891,470    144,194,070    488,646,960    137,307,771 
Shares issued during the year  (i)   -    (16,500)   45,064,510    7,145,742 
Shares issued on exercise of options  (ii)   -    -    180,000    25,488 
Transaction costs relating to share issues      -    -    -    (284,931)
At reporting date      533,891,470    144,177,570    533,891,470    144,194,070 


 Page 11


Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 6. Contributed Equity (continued…)


(i) Shares issued during the year               
2016  Details  Number   $   $ 
01-Jul-15  Reverse proposed issue to a consultant   -    -    (16,500)
       -         (16,500)


2015  Details  Number   $   $ 
01-Jul-14  Reverse proposed issue to a consultant2  -   0.22   (24,200) 
21-Jul-14  Issued to a consultant1   110,000    0.23    25,300 
23-Feb-15  Issued as part of a capital raising   35,631,690    0.15    5,304,319 
24-Feb-15  Issued as part of a capital raising   2,538,820    0.14    357,270 
02-Jun-15  Issued as part of a capital raising   6,784,000    0.22    1,466,553 
30-Jun-15  Proposed issue to a consultant2   -    -    16,500 
       45,064,510         7,145,742 


1Equity was issued for nil consideration and valued by the Group based on the market price per share on grant date.


2Shares expensed under AASB2, but not yet issued. The market value of shares to be issued to consultant is equivalent to the contracted services.


(ii) Shares issued on exercise of options               
 2016   Details 1   Number    $    $ 
No shares were issued during the year      -    -    - 
         -         - 


2015   Details 1  Number   $   $ 
21-Jul-14   Exercise of options  180,000   -   25,488 
         180,000         25,488 


1Equity value is the fair value at grant date.


(b) Options  2016   2015 
   No.   $   No.   $ 
At the beginning of reporting period   -    2,701,644    -    2,701,644 
At reporting date   -    2,701,644    -    2,701,644 


 Page 12



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 7. Reserves


      2016   2015 
   Note  $   $ 
Share based payment reserve             
19,395,582 (2015: 19,395,582) options over fully paid ordinary shares  18a   7,394,184    7,394,184 
Nil (2014: Nil) options over ADRs  18b   1,515,434    1,515,434 
612,397 (2015: 612,397) warrants over ADRs  18c   453,563    453,563 
       9,363,181    9,363,181 


(a) Options over fully paid ordinary shares     2016       2015     
      No.   $   No.   $ 
At the beginning of reporting period      19,395,582    7,394,184    18,542,577    6,968,437 
Options issued during year  (i)   -    -    4,400,000    451,235 
Exercise of options  (ii)   -    -    (180,000)   (25,488)
Expiration of options  (iii)   -    -    (3,166,995)   - 
Forfeiture of options  (iv)   -    -    (200,000)   - 
At reporting date      19,395,582    7,394,184    19,395,582    7,394,184 


(i) Options issued during year            
No options were issued during the year            
fair value
2015  Details  Number   $   $ 
03-Oct-14  Issued to key management personnel1   1,000,000    0.17    170,397 
19-Feb-15  Issued to consultants2   2,000,000    0.08    166,284 
27-May-15  Issued to consultants3   1,400,000    0.08    114,554 
       4,400,000         451,235 


(ii) Exercise of options        
No options were exercised during the year        
2015  Details  Number   $   $ 
21-Jul-14  Exercise of options4   (180,000)   A$0.00    (25,488)
       (180,000)        (25,488)


 Page 13


Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 7. Reserves (continued)


(iii) Expiration of options            
No options expired during the year            
2015  Details  Number   $   $ 
24-Mar-15  Expired, unexercised, 24 March 2015 5   (2,166,995)   A$0.225    - 
19-Dec-14  Expired, unexercised, 19 December 2014 6   (1,000,000)   A$0.25    - 
       (3,166,995)        - 
(iv) Forfeited Options
No options were forfeited during the year
2015  Details  Number   $   $ 
21-Jul-14  Lapsed, unexercised, 21 July 20147   (200,000)   A$1.12    - 
       (200,000)        - 


1Options exercisable at $0.34 on or before 2 October 2018
2Options exercisable at $0.26 on or before 18 February 2020
3Options exercisable at $0.27 on or before 25 May 2020
4Options exercisable at $nil on or before 7 August 2014 with a share price hurdle of $0.40 for 5 constructive trading days
5Options exercisable at $0.225 on or before 25 March 2015
6Options exercisable at $0.25 on or before 19 December 2014
7Options exercisable at $1.12 on or before 5 February 2019


(b) Options over ADRs 1  2016       2015     
   No.   $   No.   $ 
At the beginning of reporting period   -    1,515,434    -    1,515,434 
At reporting date   -    1,515,434    -    1,515,434 


1Options exercisable at USD$5.00 on or before 17 December 2012. These options were convertible to ADRs, 1 ADR = 10 ordinary shares. These options expired without being exercised on 17 December 2012.


 Page 14



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 7. Reserves (continued)


(c) Warrants over ADRs 1 & 2  2016       2015     
   No.   $   No.   $ 
At the beginning of reporting period 1   -    453,563    -    453,563 
At the beginning of reporting period   612,397    -    612,397    - 
Expired2   (612,397)   -    -    - 
At reporting date   -    453,563    612,397    453,563 


1Warrants exercisable at USD$8.00 on or before 4 June 2009.

These warrants are convertible to ADRs, 1 ADR = 10 ordinary shares.

These warrants expired without being exercised on 4 June 2009.

2Warrants exercisable at A$0.17 expired on 25 February 2016.


(d)Nature and purpose of reserve

The share based payments reserve is used to recognise the fair value of options and warrants issued to employees and consultants but not exercised.


Note 8. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets


There are no contingent assets or liabilities at the date of this report. The Group is not involved in any legal or arbitration proceedings and, so far as the Directors are aware, no such proceedings are pending or threatened against the Group.


Note 9. Segment Reporting


The Group’s Chief Executive Officer (Chief Operating Decision Maker) examines internal reports to assess the Group’s performance and determine the allocation of resources. The Group's activities are predominantly within Australia and cover research into Alzheimer's disease, Huntington disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Accordingly, the Group has identified one reportable segment.


 Page 15



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 10. Share-based Payments


At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 November 2004, Shareholders approved the establishment of a new Employee and Consultant Plan designed to reward Executives, Employees and/or Consultants for their contributions to the consolidated entity. The plan is to be used as a method of retaining key personnel for the growth and development of the Group's intellectual property rights. Due to the Group's US presence, a US plan and an Australian plan were developed. At 30 June 2016 equity had been issued to 1 previous Director, while a Director, under the US plan and 6 Directors, 2 Key Management Personnel, 12 employees and 19 consultants under the Australian Plan.


2004 Australian Employee, Directors and Consultants Share and Option Plan - Shares


   2016   2015 
   Number of
   Number of
Outstanding at the beginning of the year   13,277,715    12,987,715 
Granted   -    110,000 
Forfeited   -    - 
Exercised Options   -    180,000 
Outstanding at year-end   13,277,715    13,277,715 


Shares issued to employees and consultants were valued at the market price per share at date of grant. See note 7 for further detail.


2004 Australian Employee, Directors and Consultants Share and Option Plan – Options


   2016   2015 
   Number of    Weighted Average
Exercise Price
   Number of    Weighted Average
Exercise Price
   Options   $   Options   $ 
Outstanding at the beginning of the year   19,395,582    0.38    16,375,582    0.41 
Granted   -    -    4,400,000    0.28 
Lapsed   -    -    (200,000)   1.12 
Forfeited   -    -    -    - 
Exercised   -    -    (180,000)   - 
Expired   -    -    (1,000,000)   0.25 
Outstanding at year-end   19,395,582    0.38    19,395,582    0.38 
Exercisable at year-end   19,395,582    0.38    19,195,582    0.38 


 Page 16



Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 10. Share-based Payments (continued)


Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following expiry date and exercise prices:


         Exercise Price   Share options   Share options 
Series  Grant Date  Expiry Date  $   2016   2015 
PBTAA  25-Oct-13  24-Oct-18  $0.61    200,000    200,000 
PBTAB  3-Oct-14  2-Oct-18  $0.34    1,000,000    1,000,000 
PBTAC  26-Jun-13  25-Jun-18  $0.37    1,649,573    1,649,573 
PBTAD  4-Nov-13  3-Nov-18  $0.73    360,000    360,000 
PBTAE  13-Dec-13  11-Dec-18  $1.04    1,200,000    1,200,000 
PBTAF  7-Feb-14  5-Feb-19  $1.12    100,000    100,000 
PBTAG  7-Apr-14  6-Apr-18  $0.25    1,200,000    1,200,000 
PBTAH  19-Feb-15  18-Feb-20  $0.26    2,000,000    2,000,000 
PBTAQ  12-Dec-12  13-Dec-17  $0.33    8,500,000    8,500,000 
PBTAR  27-May-15  25-May-20  $0.27    1,400,000    1,400,000 
PBTAW  21-Mar-12  20-Mar-17  $0.25    1,119,519    1,119,519 
PBTAY  5-Aug-13  4-Aug-18  $0.66    306,490    306,490 
PBTAZ  2-Oct-13  1-Oct-18  $0.66    360,000    360,000 
          Total    19,395,582    19,395,582 
Weighted average remaining contractual life of options outstanding at end of period    2.04 years    3.04 years 


Life of the Option

The life is the time period from grant date through to expiry.


Share Price Volatility

Historical Volatility has been the basis for determining expected share price volatility as it is assumed that this is indicative of future movements. The life of the options is based on historical exercise patterns, which may not eventuate in the future.


Dividend yield

The Group has yet to pay a dividend so it has been assumed the dividend yield on the shares underlying the options will be 0%.


Risk free interest rate

This has been sourced from the Reserve Bank of Australia historical interest rate tables for government bonds.


Model inputs

The model inputs for the valuations of options approved and issued during the current and previous financial years are as follows:


 Page 17


Notes to the Financial Statements (continued…)


Note 10. Share-based Payments (continued)


Price per
   Share Price
at Grant
Share Price
   Years to   Dividend   Risk-free 
Series  Grant Date  $   $   Volatility   Expiry   Yield   Interest Rate 
PBTAY  5-Aug-13   0.66    0.38    62.00%   5.00    0%   3.05%
PBTAZ  2-Oct-13   0.66    0.41    61.00%   5.00    0%   3.24%
PBTAA  25-Oct-13   0.61    0.38    63.60%   5.00    0%   3.31%
PBTAD  4-Nov-13   0.73    0.44    68.80%   5.00    0%   3.46%
PBTAE  13-Dec-13   1.04    0.69    70.70%   5.00    0%   3.45%
PBTAF  7-Feb-14   1.12    1.18    58.50%   5.00    0%   3.44%
PBTAG  7-Apr-14   0.25    0.23    289.40%   4.00    0%   3.02%
PBTAB  3-Oct-14   0.34    0.22    130.50%   4.00    0%   2.71%
PBTAH  19-Feb-15   0.26    0.16    74.80%   5.00    0%   2.00%
PBTAR  27-May-15   0.27    0.17    69.40%   5.00    0%   2.25%


The closing share market price of an ordinary share of Prana Biotechnology Limited on the Australian Securities Exchange at 30 June 2016 was $0.10 (30 June 2015: $0.15).


Options issued outside of Employees', Directors' and Consultants' Share and Option Plan


   2016   2015 
   Number of   Weighted Average
Exercise Price
   Number of   Weighted Average
Exercise Price
   Options   $   Options   $ 
Outstanding at the beginning of the year   -    -    2,166,995    0.23 
Granted   -    -    -    - 
Forfeited   -    -    -    - 
Exercised   -    -    -    - 
Expired   -    -    (2,166,995)   0.23 
Outstanding at year-end   -    -    -    - 
Exercisable at year-end   -    -    -    - 


There were no options granted during the year ended 30 June 2016 and 30 June 2015 outside of the plan. There are no options outstanding at 30 June 2016. All equity issued outside of the plan has been expensed in prior periods.


Note 11. Events occurring after the reporting date


No matters or circumstances have arisen since the end of the reporting period, not otherwise disclosed in this report, which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Group, the result of those operations or the state of affairs of the Group in subsequent financial years.


Note 12. Audit


These accounts are currently in the process of being audited. An Annual Report containing the audit report shall be provided in due course.


 Page 18



Corporate Directory




Mr Geoffrey Kempler Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mr Brian Meltzer Non-Executive Independent Director
Dr George Mihaly Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr Peter Marks Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr Lawrence Gozlan Non-Executive Independent Director
Prof. Ira Shoulson Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr Phillip Hains PricewaterhouseCoopers
  Chartered Accountants
  2 Southbank Boulevard
  Southbank, Victoria, 3006, Australia
Suite 1, 1233 High Street Quinert Rodda & Associates
Armadale, Victoria 3143 Australia Suite 1, Level 6, 50 Queen Street
Phone: +61 3 9824 5254 Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Fax: +61 3 9822 7735  
Level 2, 369 Royal Parade Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street
Phone:  +61 3 9349 4906 Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067, Australia
Fax:   +61 3 9348 0377 Telephone: 1300 85 05 05 (within Australia)
    +61 3 9415 4000 (overseas)
  Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500
  Email: essential.registry@computershare.com.au
  Website: www.computershare.com.au
ASX www.pranabio.com
(Australian Securities Exchange)  
Code:       PBT       (Shares)  
(North American Dealers Automated Quotation)  
Code:      PRAN    (ADRs)  


 Page 19

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