6-K 1 amxpr3q05_6k.htm 2005 THIRD QUARTER RESULTS Provided by MZ Data Products

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For the month of October, 2005

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(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
America Mobile
(Translation of Registrant´s name into English)
Lago Alberto 366, Colonia Anahuac
11320 Mexico, D.F., Mexico
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This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.


Mexico City, October 25, 2005 - América Móvil, S.A. de C.V. (“América Móvil”) [BMV: AMX] [NYSE: AMX] [NASDAQ: AMOV] [LATIBEX: XAMXL], announced today its financial and operating results for the third quarter of 2005.

  • América Móvil added 9.9 million subscribers in the third quarter to finish September with 83.6 million subscribers. Including both our wireless subscribers and our fixed lines, by the end of the quarter we had 85.6 million lines in the Americas.

  • Through September our subscriber base increased by 22.5 million subscribers, including 3.3 million obtained through acquisitions completed in July and August. Our organic subscriber growth in the first nine months of the year surpassed the net additions obtained in all of 2004.

  • For the second quarter in a row, Colombia led in terms of net subscriber additions, with 2.2 million, followed by Mexico and Brazil, with 1.3 and 1.2 million, respectively. Argentina obtained 640 thousand new clients.

  • Our EBITDA margin shot up by 4.5 percentage points in the quarter, to 32.2%, on strong service revenue growth across all operations and a seasonal slowdown in subscriber additions, which reduced subscriber acquisition costs.

  • Service revenues expanded by 8.8% quarter-on-quarter, helping total revenues reach 45.5 billion pesos in the third quarter. These were up 5.8% in the quarter and 30.1% year-on-year, bringing the total for the first nine months of 2005 to 122.7 billion pesos, 32.2% more than in the previous year.

  • Third quarter EBITDA rose 22.8% in the quarter and 29.2% from a year before, to 14.6 billion pesos. The total for the nine months to September came in at 39.3 billion pesos, 20.8% more than a year before.

  • Operating profits were up 38.3% sequentially and 39.5% annually in the third quarter. Through September, they surpassed the previous year’s by 29.4%, having reached 24.2 billion pesos.

  • Net income in the third quarter came in at 4.4 billion pesos, equivalent to 12 peso cents per share or 23 dollar cents per ADR. The nine-months figure totaled 16.9 billion pesos, 11.9% more than in the same period of 2005.

  • Net debt finished the quarter at 47.4 billion pesos, up approximately 10 billion pesos in the period. The increase was driven by the acquisition of operations in Paraguay, Chile and Perú, all of which closed in the third quarter; they totaled 10.5 billion pesos.

  • Share buybacks and dividends amounted to 2.7 billion pesos in the third quarter and 6.1 billion pesos in the nine months to September.

América Móvil Fundamentals 
Constant Mex$             
Jan - Sep 05 
EPS (Mex$) (1)   0.47    0.12    0.20 
Earnings per ADR (US$) (2)   0.85    0.23    0.35 
Net Income (millions of Mex$)   16,936    4,422    7,476 
EBITDA (millions of Mex$)   39,287    14,636    11,328 
EBIT (millions of Mex$)   24,241    9,415    6,749 
Shares Outstanding (billion) (3)   36.38    36.38    37.10 
ADRs Equivalent (billion) (3)   1.82    1.82    1.86 
(1)Net Income / Total Shares outstanding             
(2)20 Shares per ADR             
(3) Adjusted for the 3:1 split that took place on July 18, 2005.         

Relevant Events

In the third quarter América Móvil completed the acquisition of wireless operations in Paraguay, Chile and Peru. The first one, purchased from Hutchison Whampoa, closed on July 13. The second one, which closed on August 3, involved the acquisition from Endesa of a 100% interest in Smartcom, for a purchase price of 472 million dollars (enterprise value). The third one represented the purchase from TIM of its 100% ownership interest in TIM Perú, for a purchase price of 407 million euros. It closed on August 10.

On September 29, América Móvil issued a 5 billion pesos global bond which was placed with Mexican, American and European investors. The bond has a 9% coupon and a 10-year tenor. It was the first peso bond issued by a Mexican corporate outside of Mexico.


América Móvil added nearly 10 million subscribers in the third quarter of 2005, including 3.3 million through acquisitions, to finish September with 83.6 million subscribers. This represented a quarter-over-quarter increase of 13.4% and of 54.7% year-on-year. Together with our fixed lines in Central America, which number 2.0 million, we had a total of 85.6 million lines at the end of September.

In the nine months to September, we obtained 22.5 million new subscribers. The organic growth we had in this period, of 19 million subscribers, exceeded the total number of net subscriber additions registered in all of 2004 (17.2 million).

Colombia, our operation with the highest growth this year, continued to lead all other operations in terms of subscriber additions for the second consecutive quarter. It obtained 2.2 million new clients in the quarter, increasing to 11.3 million its subscriber base. In the first nine months of the year, Comcel gained a total of 5.5 million subscribers, accounting for nearly 25% of the increase in our combined subscriber base in the first nine months of 2005.

In Mexico, subscriber growth continued at a healthy pace, with 1.3 million net additions in the third quarter. Its subscriber base, 33.6 million at the end of September, has increased by 4.7 million subscribers this year.

In Brazil we added over 1.2 million new subscribers in the third quarter, which represented 32.0% of the additions in the areas where we operate in Brazil. With this, net additions for the first nine months of the year totaled 3.7 million. Our subscriber base in Brazil grew by 45.2% in comparison to the third quarter of the previous year, a consistent trend in the last four quarters. According to Diamond Cluster Consulting, Claro, our

Brazilian operation, is the second fastest company in the world to attain a 10 million GSM subscriber base (after China Unicom).

Our Argentinean operations gained 640 thousand new subscribers in the quarter, bringing the total through September to 2.0 million. At the end of the third quarter, CTI’s subscriber base, 5.6 million, more than doubled that of 2004. In Uruguay,there were 42 thousand net additions in the third quarter alone.

In Ecuador we added 481 thousand subscribers, more than in any other quarter on record; in the first nine months of this year additions totaled 1.2 million. Ecuador’s subscriber base expanded by 80.0% year-on-year to nearly 3.6 million wireless clients at the end of the third quarter.

Our combined wireless subscriber base in Central America increased by 373 thousand clients, growing 12.0% sequentially and 64.8% year-on-year. As of September we had 3.5 million subscribers in the region. Honduras continued to outpace the other operations in Central America, growing 19.9% during the third quarter, albeit from a smaller base than the other operations in the region.

Tracfone, our subsidiary in the United States, gained 188 thousand subscribers in the third quarter to break the 5 million mark: at the end of September it had over 5.1 million subscribers, one third more than a year before.

Subscribers as of September 2005                             
Total (1)
Equity (2)
Country    Sep-05    Jun-05    Var.%    Sep-04    Var.%    Sep-05   Mar-05  
Mexico    33,572    32,294    4.0%    26,831    25.1%    33,572    32,294    4.0%    26,831    25.1% 
Argentina    5,555    4,915    13.0%    2,573    115.9%    5,555    4,915    13.0%    2,367    134.7% 
Brazil    17,401    16,201    7.4%    11,985    45.2%    17,148    15,965    7.4%    11,650    47.2% 
Chile    1,792    1,753    2.2%    1,395    28.5%    1,792      n.m.      n.m. 
Colombia    11,334    9,174    23.5%    4,746    138.8%    11,243    9,101    23.5%    4,737    137.4% 
Ecuador    3,546    3,065    15.7%    1,970    80.0%    3,546    3,065    15.7%    1,970    80.0% 
El Salvador    755    681    10.9%    421    79.2%    723    652    11.0%    223    224.4% 
Guatemala    1,750    1,589    10.1%    1,155    51.5%    1,734    1,575    10.1%    1,143    51.7% 
Honduras    346    289    19.9%    140    146.8%    346    289    19.9%    140    146.8% 
Nicaragua (3)   627    547    14.6%    394    58.8%    622    542    14.7%    391    59.2% 
Paraguay    139    121    14.8%    59    136.4%    139      n.m.      n.m. 
Perú    1,596    1,455    9.6%    939    69.8%    1,596      n.m.      n.m. 
Uruguay    111    69    60.8%      n.m.    111    69    60.8%      n.m. 
U.S.A.    5,122    4,934    3.8%    3,843    33.3%    5,029    4,845    3.8%    3,774    33.3% 
Total Wireless    83,645    73,757    13.4%    54,060    54.7%    83,156    73,310    13.4%    53,225    56.2% 
El Salvador    804    801    0.3%    778    3.4%    770    767    0.3%    411    87.1% 
Guatemala    939    928    1.1%    885    6.0%    930    920    1.1%    877    6.1% 
Nicaragua    229    224    2.1%    211    8.6%    227    223    2.2%    209    9.0% 
Total Fixed    1,971    1,954    0.9%    1,874    5.2%    1,927    1,909    0.9%    1,497    28.7% 
Total Lines    85,617    75,711    13.1%    55,934    53.1%    85,083    75,220    13.1%    54,722    55.5% 
Centroamérica    3,478    3,105    12.0%    2,111    64.8%    3,425    3,057    12.0%    1,897    80.6% 
(1) Includes total subscribers of all companies in which América Móvil holds an economic interest; does not consider the date in which the companies started being consolidated. Total wireless historical data does not include recent acquisitions. 
(2) Includes total subscribers weighted by the economic interest held in each company. 
(3) Includes Enitel.                                         
n.m. not meanignful                                         

América Móvil’s Consolidated Results

On the back of strong service revenue growth, América Móvil’s EBITDA margin shot up by 4.5 percentage points in the third quarter, to reach 32.2% of total revenues. This margin is similar to the one seen a year before, in spite of the rapid pace of organic subscriber growth seen since then (48.2% year-on-year).

Service revenues expanded by 8.8% in the quarter, to 37.7 billion pesos. This increase partly reflects the consolidation, beginning in September, of the Chilean and Peruvian operations acquired in August. Without this effect, service revenues would have risen by 7.3% quarter-over-quarter and 27.4% year-on-year.

Equipment revenues were down 6.8% in the quarter as a consequence of the seasonal slowdown in subscriber growth mentioned above. The third quarter does not have nearly as many or as important promotions as those seen in the second quarter, which include Mother’s Day, the most important marketing holiday in the year after Christmas. On an annual basis equipment revenues were up 34.6% .

For the first nine months of the year, revenues totaled 127.7 billion pesos. They exceeded the previous year’s by 32.2%, or 31.5% if the consolidation of the Chilean, Peruvian and Paraguayan operations is excluded.

Third quarter EBITDA came in at 14.6 billion pesos bringing the total through September to 39.3 billion pesos. These numbers represent increases of 29.2% and 20.8% respectively relative to the same periods of 2005, or of 28.2% and 20.5% if the recent acquisitions are excluded.

Operating profits reached 9.4 billion pesos in the third quarter; they were up nearly 40.0% year-on-year. For the nine months to September they totaled 24.2 billion pesos, 29.4% more than a year before.

América Móvil obtained a net profit of 4.4 billion pesos in the quarter, equivalent to 12 peso cents per share and 23 dollars per ADR. It brought the figure through September to 17 billion pesos, 11.9% more than in the same period of 2004.

At the end of September net debt stood at 47.4 billion pesos, having increased by approximately 10 billion pesos in the third quarter. This increase was driven mostly by the acquisition of operations in Chile, Peru and Paraguay, which together represented 10.5 billion pesos. Share buybacks and dividend payments totaled 2.7 billion pesos in the third quarter, whereas capital expenditures surpassed 7.8 billion pesos. In the nine months to September share buybacks and dividends amounted to 6.1 billion pesos and capital expenditures to 25.4 billion pesos.

America Movil's Income Statement (in accordance with Mexican GAAP)
Millions of constant Mex$ 
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
Service Revenues    37,749    29,211    29.2%    105,240    81,211    29.6% 
Equipment Revenues    7,754    5,759    34.6%    22,476    15,420    45.8% 
Total Revenues    45,503    34,971    30.1%    127,716    96,632    32.2% 
Cost of Service    8,618    6,856    25.7%    24,591    19,493    26.2% 
Cost of Equipment    12,564    9,414    33.5%    36,889    25,385    45.3% 
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses    9,685    7,373    31.3%    26,949    19,240    40.1% 
Total Costs and Expenses    30,867    23,643    30.6%    88,428    64,118    37.9% 
Ebitda    14,636    11,328    29.2%    39,287    32,514    20.8% 
% of Total Revenues    32.2%    32.4%        30.8%    33.6%     
Depreciation & Amortization    5,221    4,578    14.0%    15,046    13,779    9.2% 
Ebit    9,415    6,749    39.5%    24,241    18,735    29.4% 
% of Total Revenues    20.7%    19.3%        19.0%    19.4%     
Net Interest Expense    1,139    579    96.6%    3,069    1,513    102.8% 
Other Financial Expenses    325    -19    n.m.    1,296    408    217.3% 
Foreign Exchange Loss    293    -1,568    118.7%    -4,131    -374    n.m. 
Monetary Result    -476    -800    40.5%    -1,889    -2,229    15.2% 
Comprehensive Financing Cost (Income)   1,282    -1,808    170.9%    -1,655    -681    -143.2% 
Other Income and Expenses    309    -297    204.4%    34    -129    126.3% 
Income & Deferred Taxes    3,377    1,369    146.7%    8,799    4,027    118.5% 
Net Income before Minority Interest and Equity    4,446    7,485    -40.6%    17,063    15,517    10.0% 
Participation in Results of Affiliates                         
Equity Participation in Results of Affiliates    -6    31    -118.1%    47    68    -31.9% 
Minority Interest    29    -22    236.6%    81    309    -73.9% 
Net Income    4,422    7,476    -40.8%    16,936    15,140    11.9% 
*n.m. = not meaningful                         

Balance Sheet (in accordance with Mexican GAAP)* 
América Móvil Consolidated 
Millions of Constant Mex$ 
Current Assets                        Current Liabilities                     
Cash & Securities    11,073    19,454    -43.1%    15,504    -28.6%    Short Term Debt**    9,772    5,490    78.0%    7,039    38.8% 
Accounts Receivable    23,468    21,184    10.8%    15,955    47.1%    Accounts Payable    48,566    37,232    30.4%    29,057    67.1% 
Other Current Assets    5,220    4,229    23.4%    3,466    50.6%    Other Current Liabilities    15,393    12,835    19.9%    10,620    44.9% 
Inventories    11,454    11,447    0.1%    9,106    25.8%        73,731    55,557    32.7%    46,716    57.8% 
    51,214    56,314    -9.1%    44,031    16.3%                         
Long-Term Assets                                             
Plant & Equipment    108,519    86,450    25.5%    87,274    24.3%                         
Investments in Affiliates    465    664    -30.0%    757    -38.6%    Long-Term Liabilities                     
                        Long Term Debt    48,655    57,082    -14.8%    48,879    -0.5% 
Deferred Assets                        Other Liabilities    7,770    6,532    19.0%    4,062    91.3% 
Goodwill (Net)   9,868    9,696    1.8%    9,850    0.2%        56,426    63,614    -11.3%    52,941    6.6% 
Brands, Patents & Licenses    40,119    35,662    12.5%    35,305    13.6%                         
Deferred Assets    6,895    9,358    -26.3%    4,779    44.3%                         
                        Shareholder's Equity    86,923    78,972    10.1%    82,339    5.6% 
Total Assets    217,080    198,144    9.6%    181,996    19.3%    Total Liabilities and Equity    217,080    198,144    9.6%    181,996    19.3% 
* This presentation conforms with that of América Móvil's audited financial statements 
** Includes current portion of Long Term Debt                     


Mexico’s subscriber base rose 25.1% year-on-year to 33.6 million clients in the third quarter, adding 1.3 million clients during the period and over 4.7 million subscribers in the first nine months of the year.

Total revenues in the quarter increased 3.8% to 22.1 billion Mexican pesos, with service revenues up 4.6% sequentially and 18.6% annually and equipment revenues practically flat over the previous quarter. Through September, Telcel‘s revenues totaled 63.5 billion pesos, 21.4% more than a year before. Data-based revenues have been one of the most dynamic components of service revenue growth, having risen 55% relative to 2004. In September, revenues from data comprised 11.6% of service revenues.

Telcel’s EBITDA margin shot up to 47.2% in the quarter on the back of solid revenue growth and a reduction in the cost of service associated with the elimination of the participation of service revenues paid to the government for the right to use 850 MHz spectrum in region nine, which comprises Mexico City and the State of Mexico among other areas. This change has to do with the renewal of the license in that region. Third quarter EBITDA came in at 10.4 billion, 30.2% more than a year before, with the total for the first nine months of the year increasing by 24.8% from the previous year, to 28.4 billion pesos.

INCOME STATEMENT                         
Millions of Constant Mex$                         
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
  18,226    21.3%   
  8,014    30.2%   
  6,692    33.1%   

Mexico's Operating Data             
Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   33,572    26,831   
   Postpaid    2,217    1,685   
   Prepaid    31,355    25,146   
MOU    99    96   
ARPU (Constant Mex$)   188    199   
Churn (%)   3.0%    2.8%   

Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay

Argentina’s subscriber base expanded 13.0% sequentially to 5.6 million subscribers at the end of September. Net additions during the third quarter stood at 640 thousand, bringing the total for the first nine months of the year

to 2.0 million. The combined CTI Móvil subscriber base, encompassing our operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, surpassed 5.8 million in the quarter.

Revenue growth outpaced subscriber growth during the third quarter as total revenues expanded to 780 million Argentinean pesos, representing 18.5% sequential growth. Revenues were twice as high as those of the same period a year before, with service revenues being the most dynamic component. On a year-to-September basis, revenues came in at 2.0 billion Argentinean pesos and more than doubled last year’s figures.

With subscriber growth slowing down in relative terms after the sharp acceleration observed in 2004, subscriber acquisition costs have come down relative to revenues, allowing the EBITDA margin to double relative to the previous quarter, to 13.0%; a year before it was –3.5% . This is the highest EBITDA margin seen since subscriber growth started to accelerate at the beginning of 2004. In absolute terms, EBITDA increased by more than 2.5 times sequentially.

INCOME STATEMENT                         
Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay                         
Million of ARP$                         
Var. % 
Jan - Sep 05* 
Jan - Sep 04 
Var. % 
Revenues    780    389    100.9%    2,016    918    119.7% 
EBITDA    101    -14    n.m.    196    30    n.m. 
%    13.0%    -3.5%        9.7%    3.3%     
EBIT    59    -37    261.8%    93    -30    n.m. 
%    7.6%    -9.5%        4.6%    -3.3%     
*Annual and quarterley comparisons affected by the incorporation of CTI Paraguay and CTI Uruguay 
n.m. - not meaningful                         

Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay Operating Data     
    3Q05*    3Q04    Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   5,805    2,573   
     Postpaid    703    459    53.3% 
     Prepaid    5,101    2,114    141.3% 
MOU    145    163    -11.1% 
  44    -9.6% 
Churn (%)  
  1.8%    0.2 
*Annual comparisons affected by the incorporation of CTI Paraguay and CTI Uruguay. 


Our Brazilian operations added 1.2 million subscribers in the third quarter, which ended with 17.4 million subscribers. While this is a strong showing in absolute terms, it represents a reduction relative to the second quarter, which is particularly strong in Brazil because of the promotions that take place around Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

This seasonal slowdown in subscriber growth brought down equipment revenues relative to the previous quarter and contributed to a reduction in subscriber acquisition costs. But service revenues came in strong, rising 6.8% quarter-on-quarter and 23.7% year-on-year. This resulted in an important reduction in our EBITDA loss, which came down from 10.6% of revenues in the second quarter to 2.0% in the third quarter.

In the nine months to September, revenues totaled 4.7 billion reais and surpassed by 30.2% those of a year before. Service revenues expanded by 27.6% in that period.

INCOME STATEMENT                         
Brazil Consolidated                         
Millions of R$                         
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
Revenues    1,598    1,326    20.5%    4,678    3,593    30.2% 
EBITDA    -32    42    -175.6%    -119    210    -156.8% 
%    -2.0%    3.2%        -2.5%    5.8%     
EBIT    -408    -277    -47.5%    -1,212    -747    -62.2% 
%    -25.5%    -20.9%        -25.9%    -20.8%     

Brazil's Operating Data             
Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   17,401    11,985    45.2% 
   Postpaid    2,705    2,229    21.3% 
  14,696    9,756    50.6% 
MOU    81    102    -20.4% 
ARPU (R$)   24    28    -14.9% 
Churn (%)   2.6%    2.7%    0.0 

Central America

Our combined wireless subscriber base in the region numbered 3.5 million clients at the end of the third quarter, after a 12.0% sequential increase. Net subscriber additions during the period were 373 thousand, a record for the region. In the first nine months of the year, net subscriber gains in Central America have surpassed one million. Guatemala contributed 43.2% of all new clients but in relative terms Honduras proved to the fastest growing operation, increasing 19.9% sequentially. At the end of the third quarter, América Móvil had nearly 2.0 million fixed lines in Central America.

Consolidated revenues for the region stood at 341 million dollars in the quarter, 16.3% more than in the same period a year ago. Through September, revenues increased 28.3% year-on-year to 983 million dollars.

EBITDA in Central America amounted to 181 million dollars, with an EBITDA margin of 52.9% in the third quarter of this year. EBITDA for the first nine months of the year reached 519 million dollars, representing an EBITDA margin of 52.7% .

Central America Consolidated                         
Millions of US$                         
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan -Sep 04 
Revenues    341    293       16.3%    983    767       28.3% 
EBITDA    181    153       17.7%    519    405       28.0% 
%    52.9%    52.3%        52.7%    52.8%     
EBIT    119    105       13.9%    339    258       31.3% 
%    35.0%    35.7%        34.4%    33.6%     
* Annual comparisons affected by the incorporation of Enitel and Sercom Honduras. 

Central America's Operating Data (1)
    3Q05    3Q04    Var. % 
Wireless Subscribers (thousands)   3,478    2,111    64.8% 
  279    211    31.8% 
  3,199    1,899    68.4% 
Fixed Lines (thousands)   1,971    1,874    5.2% 
Total Lines (Wireless + Fixed, 000's)   5,449    3,985    36.7% 
MOU(2)   174    166    4.7% 
ARPU (US$) (2)  
  15    -16.9% 
Churn (%) (2)  
  1.4%    -0.3 
(1) Operating indicators group Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras data. Historical data previously calculated on a weighted average basis has been made to conform to the new standard. (2)Wireless data only. 


Colombia was the operation with the highest subscriber growth in the quarter, having added 2.2 million subscribers in the period. Net additions in the third quarter were five times greater than those registered a year ago. Through September, Colombia contributed 5.5 million clients to América Móvil’s subscriber base, more than any other subsidiary this year. In this quarter, Colombia’s subscriber base surpassed the ten million mark.

Third quarter revenues soared to 884 billion Colombian pesos, 15.5% more than the previous quarter’s and 78.4% greater than those of a year before. Service revenues proved to be the most dynamic component of revenue growth in the quarter, with a 17.6% sequential increase. In the nine months to September, revenues were nearly 70.0% higher than those observed a year before.

EBITDA expanded 70.0% sequentially to 159 billion Colombian pesos, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 18.0% of revenues. Compared to the same period a year ago, EBITDA increased by 10.2% in spite of the fastest pace of subscriber growth, on account of the fact that the rate of growth of gross subscriber additions is beginning to come down. As the former slows down, it brings about a reduction in subscriber acquisition costs relative to revenues. Through September EBITDA totaled 393 billion Colombian pesos, equivalent to 17.2% of revenues.

Billion of COP$                         
Var. % 
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
Var. % 
Revenues    884    495    78.4%    2,293    1,353    69.5% 
EBITDA    159    144    10.2%    393    399    -1.3% 
%    18.0%    29.1%        17.2%    29.5%     
EBIT    46    41    13.5%    79    96    -17.9% 
%    5.2%    8.2%        3.4%    7.1%     

Colombia's Operating Data 
Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   11,334    4,746   
   Postpaid    1,908    1,283    48.8% 
   Prepaid    9,425    3,464    172.1% 
MOU    116    121    -4.3% 
ARPU (COP$)   23,960    30,667    -21.9% 
Churn (%)   1.3%   


América Móvil’s operations in Ecuador continued to expand at a brisk pace in the third quarter, with a record of 481 thousand net subscriber additions, which more than tripled last year’s. At the end of September, Conecel’s subscriber base stood at 3.6 million.

Revenues increased by 11.0% quarter-on-quarter, to 159 million dollars, driven by service revenues, which expanded by 13.4% in the period. On an annual basis, third quarter revenues expanded by 68.2% . For the first nine months of the year, revenues amounted to 424 million dollars, which represented a 63.4% increase over the previous year’s.

At 39 million dollars, third quarter EBITDA was up 20.5% quarter-on-quarter and 15.2% year-on-year; it represented 24.6% of revenues, almost two percentage points above the previous quarter in spite of the strong subscriber growth. The nine-months EBITDA came in at 110 million dollars, which made for an EBITDA margin of 26.0% .

Million of US$                         
Var. % 
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
Var. % 
Revenues    159    95   68.2%   424   259   63.4
EBITDA    39   34   15.2%   110   95   15.5%
%    24.6%   36.0%       26.0%   36.8%    
EBIT    24   24   -0.1%   67   67   1.0%
%    15.1%   25.5%       15.9%   25.7%    


Ecuador's Operating Data 
Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   3,546    1,970    80.0% 
     Postpaid    324    171    89.0% 
     Prepaid    3,222    1,799    79.2% 
MOU    42    49    -14.3% 
ARPU (US$)   12    13    -10.0% 
Churn (%)   2.7%    4.3%    -1.5 

United States

In the third quarter, our U.S. subsidiary, Tracfone, surpassed the 5 million subscriber mark, to finish September with over 5.1 million subscribers, one third more than a year before. Tracfone added 188 thousand additional clients in the quarter and 728 thousand subscribers in the nine months to September.

Revenues totaled 243 million dollars in the quarter and 715 million dollars in the first nine months of the year, resulting in year-on-year increases of 18.4% and 26.8% respectively. Service revenues grew more rapidly than total revenues, with annual growth rates of 27.8% in the quarter and 32.7% in the first nine months of the year.

Tracfone’s third quarter EBITDA more than doubled relative to the previous year, to 36 million dollars. Through September, EBITDA stood at 105 million dollars with margins also expanding significantly, from 8.1% last year to 14.7% this year.

INCOME STATEMENT                         
United States                         
Millions of US$                         
Jan - Sep 05 
Jan - Sep 04 
Revenues    243    205    18.4%    715    564    26.8% 
EBITDA    36    17    105.7%    105    46    130.3% 
%    14.8%    8.5%        14.7%    8.1%     
EBIT    32    13    149.9%    93    33    183.7% 
%    13.0%    6.2%        12.9%    5.8%     

United States' Operating Data             
    3Q05    3Q04    Var. % 
Subscribers (thousands)   5,122    3,843    33.3% 
MOU    60    59    2.4% 
ARPU, Net (US$)*    14    14    -5.6% 
Churn (%)   4.8%    4.3%    0.5 


América Móvil continued to expand the footprint in Latin America with the recent entrance into the Chilean market. With the acquisition of Smartcom, América Móvil tapped a dynamic and profitable market, with nearly 16 million pops. Smartcom’s subscriber base at the end of the third quarter stood at 1.8 million.

América Móvil has decided to deploy a GSM network in Chile, which is expected to begin operations in the second quarter of 2006. This will ensure that América Móvil maintains a common technological platform across all of its operations.


The recent entrance of América Móvil into the Peruvian mobile sector has consolidated the company’s presence in the Andean region. With only one month under our management, we have already rebranded the operation

in Peru to Claro, the same brand that we use in Brazil. Our subscriber base in Peru stood at 1.5 million subscribers at the end of September. The network in place is GSM, which fits the standard we have established in Latin America.

Glossary of Terms

ARPU – Average Revenue per User The ratio of service revenues in the period to the monthly average of wireless subscribers in the same period. Presented on a blended basis in local currency.

Capex – Accrued capital expenditures.

Churn - The ratio of wireless subscribers disconnected during the period to the beginning of period wireless subscribers

EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes, also known as Operating Profit.

EBIT Margin – The ratio of EBIT to Total Operating Revenue.

EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest ,Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.

EBITDA Margin – The ratio of EBITDA to Total Operating Revenue.

EDGE – Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution. EDGE enables data transmission at speeds up to 384 kbits/s within the existing GSM spectrum.

EPS (Mex$) – Earnings per share. Total earnings in constant mexican pesos divided by total shares outstanding.

Earnings per ADR (US$) – Total earnings in U.S. dollars divided by total ADRs equivalent.

Equity Subscribers – Subscribers weighted by the economic interest held in the each company.

GSM – Global System for Mobile communications. It is the world’s leading and fastest growing mobile standard.

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service. GPRS implements packet switching within GSM, offering data speeds up to 115kbit/s for the transmission of internet based content and packet based data services.

Gross Additions - Total number of subscribers acquired during the period.

MOU – Minutes of Use per subscriber. The ratio of monthly wireless traffic divided by the monthly average wireless subscribers in the period. It is presented on a blended basis.

Net Subscriber Additions – The difference in the subscriber base from one period to another.

Net Debt – Total short and long term debt minus cash and marketable securities.

Net Debt / EBITDA – The ratio of total short and long term debt minus cash and securities to trailing 12-month income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization have been subtracted.

SMS – Short Message Service.

SAC - Subscriber Acquisition Cost. The sum of handset subsidies, marketing expenses and commissions to distributors. Handset subsidy is calculated as the difference between handset equipment cost and handset revenues.

Wireless Penetration – The ratio of total wireless subscribers in any given country divided by the total population in that country.

For further information please visit our website at:


Legal Disclaimer

América Móvil, S.A. de C.V. (the “Company”) quarterly reports and all other written materials may from time to time contain forward-looking statements that reflect the current views and/or expectations of the Company and its management with respect to its performance, business and future events. Forward looking statements include, without limitation, any statement that may predict, forecast, indicate or imply future results, performance, or achievements, and may contain words like “believe”, “anticipate”, “expect”, “envisages”, “will likely result”, or any other words or phrases of similar meaning. Such statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in this report. In no event, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents or employees shall be liable before any third party (including investors) for any investment or business decision made or action taken in reliance on the information and statements contained in this document or for any consequential, special or similar damages.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: October 28, 2005

/S/  Carlos Garcia Moreno

Carlos Garcia Moreno
Chief Financial Officer