6-K 1 amx20050128_6k.htm FOURTH QUARTER OF 2004 RELEASE Provided by MZ Data Products
Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of January, 2005

Commission file number for securities registered
pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act: 0-32245

Commission file number for securities registered
pursuant to Section 12 (g) of the Act: 1-16269

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
America Mobile
(Translation of Registrant´s name into English)
Lago Alberto 366, Colonia Anahuac
11320 Mexico, D.F., Mexico
(Address of principal executive office)

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"This current report on Form 6-K is hereby incorporated by reference into the registration statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-117673) filed on July 26, 2004, as amended, the registration statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-117845) filed on August 2, 2004, as amended, and the registration statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-120819) filed on November 29, 2004, of America Movil, S.A. de C.V. and Radiomovil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V."

  • The fourth quarter of 2004 was the best ever in net subscriber additions for América Móvil as it gained 7.0 million new wireless subscribers, bringing the year’s total to 17.3 million new subscribers. For the first time since the company began operations, substiantially all the subscriber growth was organic.

  • América Móvil closed the year with 61.1 million wireless subscribers, nearly all of them equity subscribers. Together with 1.9 million fixed lines, América Móvil had a total of 63 million lines at the close of the year.

  • In Mexico, América Móvil gained 2.0 million subscribers in the fourth quarter; in Brazil, 1.7 million; in each of Argentina and Colombia, it obtained more than 1.0 million new subscribers; and in the U.S., 550 thousand.

  • América Móvil’s revenues reached 135 billion pesos in 2004, of which 40 billion were generated in the fourth quarter. This represented annual rates of growth of 49.1% and 43.3% respectively. Quarter-over-quarter, revenues expanded by 15.9%.

  • At 42.1 and 23.5 billion pesos, EBITDA and operating profits were in line with América Móvil’s targets despite the sharp acceleration of subscriber growth observed throughout the year which significantly raised subscriber acquisition costs. EBITDA increased by 25.7% in 2004 and represented 31.2% of revenues.

  • The year closed with a net profit of 16.5 billion pesos, up 4.4% over 2003. A net profit of 1.6 billion was recorded in the fourth quarter after allowance for deferred taxes in the amount of 3.2 billion pesos. The latter was equivalent to 13 peso cents per share and to 24 dollar cents per ADR.

  • Net debt was almost unchanged in constant pesos at 42.4 billion pesos, as América Móvil’s operating cash flow was sufficient to cover capital expenditures of 22.4 billion pesos and the acquisition of equity interests in several companies for a combined net amount of 6.1 billion pesos. In addition, América Móvil spent 13.6 billion pesos in share buybacks and dividends.

  • América Móvil continued with the expansion of a GSM platform in Latin America. All its operations are now offering both voice and data services that run on their GSM networks.

América Móvil Fundamentals
Constant Mex$

  Jan-Dec 04 4Q04  4Q03 

EPS (Mex$)* 1.35  0.13  0.44 
Earnings per ADR (US$)** 2.39  0.24  0.79 
Net Income (millions of Mex$) 16,513  1,643  5,603 
EBITDA (millions of Mex$) 42,089  10,155  9,543 
EBIT (millions of Mex$) 23,494  5,093  5,364 

Shares Outstanding (billion) 12.26  12.26  12.84 
ADRs Equivalent (billion) 0.61  0.61  0.64 

* Net Income / Total Shares outstanding
** 20 Shares per ADR

Relevant Events

In December, América Móvil increased its stake in Compañía de Telecomunicaciones del Salvador (CTE) by 41.54%, for a purchase price of 295 million dollars. With this acquisition, América Móvil’s interest in the company increased to 94.4%. During the course of the month we continued to acquire minority participations in the company, bringing up our stake to 95.2% at the end of 2004. CTE provides fixed, mobile and other telecommunications services throughout El Salvador.

Operations in Uruguay, managed by our Argentinean subsidiary CTI, were started in the last month of 2004.

Towards the beginning of November, América Móvil placed in the international markets senior notes due 2015 for 500 million dollars. The notes will bear interest at 5.750% per year and will accrue interest on a six-month basis.

During the year, the company bought back stock in the amount of 12.2 billion pesos. This made 2004 the biggest year thus far in terms of share buybacks.

The expansion of the GSM network continued in all its Latin American operations, providing a common platform for voice and data communications. The number of roaming agreements with international operators has increased significantly, and a number of new data-based products are now being offered by América Móvil’s subsidiaries.

América Móvil's Subsidiaries & Affiliates as of December 2004

Country Company Business Equity
Consolidation Method

    - Mexico Telcel wireless 100.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - Argentina CTI wireless 100.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - Brazil Telecom Americas wireless 97.8% Global Consolidation Method
    - Colombia Comcel wireless 99.2% Global Consolidation Method
    - Ecuador Conecel wireless 100.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - El Salvador CTE wireless, wireline 95.2% Global Consolidation Method
    - Guatemala ACT* wireless, wireline 99.9% Global Consolidation Method
    - Honduras Megatel wireless 100.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - Nicaragua Enitel wireless, wireline 99.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - Uruguay CTI wireless 100.0% Global Consolidation Method
    - U.S.A. Tracfone wireless 98.2% Global Consolidation Method
    - Mexico US Commercial Corp. other 29.7% Equity Method
    - U.S.A Telvista other 45.0% Equity Method

* AMX owns through ACT and directly 99% of Telgua, which owns 100% of the wireless subsidiaries Sercom in Guatemala and Nicaragua.


In the last quarter of 2004, América Móvil gained 7.0 million subscribers, making it the best quarter on record in terms of subscriber growth. This resulted in net subscriber additions of 17.3 million in 2004, nearly 1.5 times as many as in all of 2003. In that year the subscriber base increased by 12.1 million, but 4.2 million of those came through acquisitions; in 2004 substantially all the growth was organic. Total wireless subscribers ended the year at 61.1 million, for a 39.3% increase in the year. Together, fixed and wireless lines totaled 63.0 million at the end of 2004, 37.8% more than the 45.7 million lines seen in 2003.

Leading the subsidiaries in terms of net additions is Telcel, which acquired 5.4 million subscribers in 2004—2.0 million of them in the fourth quarter—and brought Mexico’s subscriber base to nearly 29 million in December.

The Brazilian operations, under the brand name Claro, reached 13.7 million subscribers at the end of December 2004, a net increase of 4.1 million compared to the previous year. On an annual basis, our subscriber base in Brazil expanded by 43.4%, while on a quarterly basis, it grew by 13.9%, as net additions in the last three months of the year totaled 1.7 million.

Subscriber growth in Argentina accelerated throughout 2004, with CTI gaining 1.0 million subscribers in the last quarter (39.4% sequential growth) and 2.2 million in the year as a whole. At the end of 2004 CTI’s subscriber base, 3.6 million, was 2.5 times greater than the one seen the previous year. In Uruguay CTI began operations in December.

Subscribers as of December 2004

Total(1)   Equity(2)

Country Dec-04  Sep-04  Var.% Dec-03  Var.%  Dec-04  Sep-04  Var.%  Dec-03  Var.% 

Mexico 28,851  26,831  7.5% 23,444  23.1% 28,851  26,831  7.5% 23,444  23.1%
Argentina 3,587  2,573  39.4% 1,411  154.2% 3,587  2,573  39.4% 1,298  176.3%
Brazil 13,657  11,985  13.9% 9,521  43.4% 13,306  11,650  14.2% 9,135  45.7%

Colombia 5,814  4,746  22.5% 3,674  58.2% 5,767  4,737  21.8% 3,516  64.0%
Ecuador 2,326  1,970  18.1% 1,537  51.3% 2,326  1,970  18.1% 1,537  51.3%
El Salvador 518  421  22.9% 216  139.9% 493  223  121.2% 110  347.9%

Guatemala 1,306  1,155  13.1% 870  50.2% 1,293  1,143  13.1% 859  50.5%
Honduras 198  140  41.3% 27  625.8% 198  140  41.3% n.m. 
Nicaragua(3) 453  394  14.7% 220  105.3% 448  391  14.7% 99  353.2%

Uruguay nm  nm  nm  nm 
U.S.A. 4,394  3,843  14.3% 2,952  48.9% 4,315  3,774  14.3% 2,899  48.9%
Total Wireless 61,107  54,060  13.0% 43,873  39.3% 60,589  53,432  13.4% 42,898  41.2%


El Salvador 781  778  0.4% 704  10.9% 737  409  80.2% 359  105.3%
Guatemala 901  885  1.8% 930  -3.1%  892  877  1.8% 919  -2.9% 
Nicaragua 214  211  1.7% 205  4.6% 212  209  1.7% n.m. 

Total Fixed 1,897  1,874  1.2% 1,839  3.2% 1,842  1,495  23.2% 1,278  44.2%

Total Lines 63,004  55,934  12.6% 45,712  37.8% 62,431  54,926  13.7% 44,175  41.3%

(1) Includes total subscribers of all companies in which América Móvil holds an economic interest; does not consider the date in which the companies started being consolidated.
(2) Includes total subscribers weighted by the economic interest held in each company.
(3) Includes Enitel.

Our operations in Colombia added 2.1 million new subscribers throughout the year—1.1 million of them in the last quarter—and ended 2004 with 5.8 million subscribers. In Ecuador net gains totaled 789 thousand in the year and 356 thousand in the quarter, and its subscriber base ended December with 2.3 million subscribers. For the second year in a row Tracfone, which operates in the United States, continued to exhibit subscriber growth of nearly 50%. It added 1.4 million clients in the year and finished 2004 with 4.4 million subscribers.

Our Central American operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras reached a combined figure of 2.5 million wireless subscribers in December, having added 1.1 million subs in 2004. Fixed line subscribers in Central America reached 1.9 million at the end of the year.

América Móvil Consolidated Results

In a year characterized by the acceleration of subscriber growth in the countries where it operates—particularly sharp in the fourth quarter—América Móvil’s revenues expanded by almost 50% relative to those of the previous year, to reach 134.7 billion pesos. As opposed to what was seen in its first three years of operations, when acquisitions had an important impact on the consolidated results of the company, in 2004 substantially all revenue growth was organic.

In the fourth quarter, revenues increased by 15.9% in relation to the previous quarter, totaling 40 billion pesos, reflecting not only strong service revenue growth (7.8% in the quarter) but also major equipment sales that mirrored the seasonally strong increase in the subscriber base.

EBITDA expanded by 25.7% in 2004, to a total of 42.1 billion pesos, in line with the company’s target, but the EBITDA margin for the year came down to 31.2% from 37.0% in 2003. With consolidated gross subscriber additions up significantly in 2004 in relation to the ones observed a year earlier, subscriber acquisition costs were up 87.2% and cut into the company’s EBITDA margin.

Fourth quarter EBITDA came in at 10.2 billion pesos, or 26% of revenues, as acquisition costs in that quarter were particularly high. Brazil, Colombia and Argentina registered their stronger quarter ever in terms of subscriber growth.

América Móvil obtained an operating profit of 23.5 billion pesos in the year, 24.4% more than in 2003, as depreciation and amortization charges rose somewhat faster than EBITDA, reflecting the impact of higher capex figures.

The company recorded a comprehensive financial income of 1.9 billion pesos in 2004, resulting from foreign exchange gains and from monetary gains associated with the effect of inflation on its net debt position. Together, these gains—which were greater than the ones seen in 2003—were more than sufficient to cover the net financial costs of the company’s financial position.

Net income for the year totaled 16.5 billion pesos, surpassing the previous year’s by 4.4%. The fourth quarter’s net income came in at 1.6 billion pesos after allowance for 3.2 billion pesos in deferred taxes. For the year as a whole, earnings per share were 1.35 pesos and per ADR, 2.39 dollars.

Including accrued interest, América Móvil’s net debt ended the year at 42.4 billion pesos, almost flat in relation to 2003. The net debt position is equivalent to 1.0 times EBITDA. The company’s operating cash flow allowed it to cover capex payments of 22.4 billion pesos, to acquire equity interests in various companies worth 6.1 billion pesos in all (net of divestments), and to buy back stock and pay dividends in an aggregate amount of 13.6 billion pesos.

America Movil's Income Statement (in accordance with Mexican GAAP)

Millions of constant Mex$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.%  Jan-Dec  Jan-Dec Var.% 

Service Revenues 30,960  22,814  35.7% 110,721  77,705  42.5%
Equipment Revenues 8,881  4,987  78.1% 24,026  12,696  89.2%

Total Revenues 39,840  27,801  43.3% 134,747  90,401  49.1%
Cost of Service 7,264  5,322  36.5% 26,409  19,113  38.2%
Cost of Equipment 14,075  7,289  93.1% 39,007  20,306  92.1%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 8,346  5,646  47.8% 27,242  17,492  55.7%

Total Costs and Expenses 29,685  18,257  62.6% 92,658  56,911  62.8%
Ebitda 10,155  9,543  6.4% 42,089  33,490  25.7%
% of Total Revenues 25.5% 34.3%   31.2% 37.0%
Depreciation & Amortization 5,062  4,179  21.1% 18,595  14,598  27.4%
Ebit 5,093  5,364  -5.0%  23,494  18,892  24.4%
% of Total Revenues 12.8% 19.3%   17.4% 20.9%

Net Interest Expense 792  435  82.1% 2,278  1,465  55.5%
Other Financial Expenses 809  -528  253.3% 1,210  199  n.m. 
Foreign Exchange Loss -1,830  -332  n.m.  -2,197  -1,425  -54.2%
Monetary Result -1,011  -884  -14.4% -3,200  -2,473  -29.4%

Comprehensive Financing Cost (Income) -1,240  -1,309  5.3% -1,908  -2,234  14.6%
Other Income and Expenses 38  860  -95.6% -89  1,099  -108.1%
Income & Deferred Taxes 4,576  79  n.m.  8,531  3,708  130.1%

Net Income before Minority Interest and Equity 1,719  5,734  -70.0% 16,959  16,318  3.9%
Participation in Results of Affiliates
Equity Participation in Results of Affiliates 26  18  42.4% 93  136  -31.9%
Minority Interest 50  113  -55.5% 353  370  -4.5% 

Net Income 1,643  5,603  -70.7% 16,513  15,812  4.4%

*n.m. = not meaningful

Balance Sheet (in accordance with Mexican GAAP)*

América Móvil Consolidated

Millions of constant Mex$

  Dec-04  Dec-03  Var.%    Dec-04  Dec-03  Var.%

Current Assets       Current Liabilities
Cash & Securities 19,108  10,605  80.2% Short Term Debt** 5,392  12,737  -57.7%
Accounts Receivable 20,808  12,007  73.3% Accounts Payable 37,769  20,980  80.0%
Other Current Assets 3,808  2,974  28.0% Other Current Liabilities 12,617  8,132  55.2%

Inventories 11,243  5,501  104.4%   55,779  41,849  33.3%

  54,967  31,087  76.8%  
Long-Term Assets
Plant & Equipment 85,056  74,855  13.6%  
Investments in Affiliates 652  2,681  -75.7% Long-Term Liabilities
          Long Term Debt 56,067  39,135  43.3%
Deferred Assets         Other Liabilities 6,487  3,974  63.2%

Goodwill (Net) 9,523  8,445  12.8%   62,555  43,110  45.1%
Brands, Patents & Licenses 35,028  35,441  -1.2%
Deferred Assets 10,674  5,253  103.2%
          Shareholder's Equity 77,568  72,804  6.5%

Total Assets 195,901  157,762  24.2% Total Liabilities and Equity 195,901  157,762  24.2%

* This presentation conforms with that of América Móvil's audited financial statements
** Includes current portion of Long Term Debt


Telcel’s subscriber growth accelerated in 2004, allowing it to obtain 5.4 million new subscribers in the year, compared to 3.4 million in 2003. By December Telcel had a total of 28.9 million subscribers, 23.1% more than a year before.

Its revenues expanded at an even faster pace (28.3%), ending the year at 70.8 billion pesos, with both MOUs and ARPUs continuing to trend up. In the case of the former, by 16.5% year-on-year, and as regards ARPUs, by 7.2%. Value-added services, and in particular short messages, continued to gain a greater share of service revenues.

EBITDA climbed 30% in the year, to 30.6 billion pesos, and the EBITDA margin rose to 43.2% from 42.7% the previous year. Considering that gross subscriber additions in 2004 exceeded those of 2003 by 29% and that the associated subscriber acquisition costs went up correspondingly, the fact that Telcel’s EBITDA margin still went up is a testimony of the strength of its operation and the trend towards higher margins that it fosters.

Telcel continued with the expansion of its GSM network. By the end of the year, it covered 660 towns and cities, an area where 73% of the Mexican people live. In addition, it has set up coverage along 130 of the country’s main highways. GSM subscribers now make up 38.9% of Telcel’s subscribers.

The number of voice and data roaming agreements with international GSM operators kept rising, enabling an ever greater use of data-based products. Among the new products offered by Telcel in 2004 were push-to-talk services over its GSM network.



Millions of Constant Mex$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Revenues 19,456  15,233  27.7% 70,822  55,189  28.3%
Ebitda 8,260  6,516  26.8% 30,619  23,579  29.9%
% 42.5% 42.8%   43.2% 42.7%
Ebit 6,961  5,245  32.7% 25,538  18,614  37.2%
% 35.8% 34.4%   36.1% 33.7%

Mexico's Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands) 28,851  23,444  23.1%
   Postpaid 1,815  1,466  23.8%
   Prepaid 27,036  21,979  23.0%
MOU 104  89  16.5%
ARPU (Constant Mex$) 191  178  7.2%
Churn (%) 3.2% 3.2% 0.0


América Movil’s subscriber base in Argentina grew 2.5 times in 2004, as CTI obtained 2.2 million new subscribers. Nearly 47% of all subscriber gains were realized during the last quarter alone, when they surpassed the one million mark. Subscriber net additions in the fourth quarter of 2004 are nearly ten times greater than those of the same period last year.

Revenues soared in 2004, doubling from the previous year to 1.4 billion Argentinean pesos (487 million dollars), with service revenues increasing by 73% year over year. In the fourth quarter, total revenues expanded by 34% sequentially, to 521 million Argentinean pesos.

EBITDA came in at 5 million pesos (2 million dollars) for the full year as the surge in subscribers boosted acquisition costs. The EBITDA margin fell to 0.4% for 2004 and was negative in the last quarter in light of the strong subscriber growth mentioned above and its impact on subscriber acquisition costs.

Traffic levels expanded significantly through the year. In spite of the very fast pace of subscriber growth, MOUs actually rose almost 17% year-on-year and 5.2% sequentially, with ARPUs increasing by 1.1% in the last quarter.



Millions of ARP$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Total Revenues 521 210  148.4 1,439 704  104.3%
EBITDA -25 58  -143.3% 5 230  -97.7%
% -4.8% 27.6%   0.4% 32.7%
EBIT -47 43  -209.8% -77 173  -144.8%
% -9.1% 20.5%   -5.4% 24.5%

Argentina's Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands)* 3,587  1,411  154.2%
   Postpaid 521  466  11.9%
   Prepaid 3,066  945  224.4%
MOU 169  145  16.7%
ARPU (ARG$) 44  45  -2.4% 
Churn (%) 1.9% 2.2% -0.3 


Our Brazilian operation—under the brand name Claro—registered its best quarter to date in terms of subscriber growth with 1.7 million net subscribers, which brought the total number of net additions in 2004 to 4.1 million. This represented a 43.4% annual increase of the subscriber base.

Revenues totaled 5.2 billion reais (1.9 billion dollars) in the year, of which 1.7 billion were generated in the last quarter. Relative to 2003, they increased by 76% for the full year and by 68% for the fourth quarter. These rates of increase reflect the rate of growth of the client base, but also the incorporation to Claro of BSE, in the Northeast of Brazil, and BCP, in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, in May and December of 2003.

EBITDA for the year was 18 million reais, or 0.3% of revenues. The acceleration of subscriber growth in Brazil led to a 2.3 times increase in the consolidated level of gross subscriber additions in relation to 2003. And this translated into an important increase in overall subscriber acquisition costs that ended up reducing Claro’s EBITDA.

The strong seasonality of subscriber growth in Brazil—the fourth quarter typically generates between one third and 40% of the net subscriber additions of the year—usually leads to a reduction in EBITDA margins in the fourth quarter, and 2004 was no exception. If anything, this seasonality was even more marked that year, with net additions in the fourth quarter representing 41.5% of the year’s total. This resulted in an EBITDA loss of 192 million reais (69 million dollars) in the last quarter, which was equivalent to 11.6% of revenues.

In spite of the surge in subscriber growth in the fourth quarter, MOUs actually rose by 2.5% sequentially and ARPUs remained flat at 28 reais (16.5 dollars).


Brazil Consolidated

Millions of R$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Revenues 1,661 990 67.9% 5,248 2,982 76.0%
Ebitda -192 93 -306.9% 18 620 -97.1%
% -11.6% 9.4%   0.3% 20.8%  
Ebit -545 -148 -269.4% -1,293 -207 n.m.
% -32.8% -14.9%   -24.6% -7.0%

Brazil's Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands) 13,657  9,521  43.4%
   Postpaid 2,398  1,782  34.6%
   Prepaid 11,259  7,739  45.5%
MOU 105  91  15.8%
ARPU (R$) 28  28  0.7%
Churn (%) 3.1% 2.9% 0.2

Central America

Our subsidiaries in Central America nearly doubled their combined wireless subscriber base to 2.5 million in 2004, reflecting in part the consolidation of Megatel in Honduras beginning in July and of Enitel in Nicaragua starting in August. Combined figures for operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras indicate 1.1 million net additions in the year, 363 thousand of them in the last quarter. In absolute terms, Guatemala’s subscriber additions made up 42% of total net additions in the region during the fourth quarter, although in relative terms, Megatel in Honduras and CTE in El Salvador showed the biggest gains in subscribers, with an increase of 41.3% and 22.9%, respectively, with respect to the previous quarter.

The number of fixed lines in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua rose 3.2%, bringing the total lines in place to 1.9 million. El Salvador proved the most dynamic country in terms of fixed line growth in 2004, with a 10.9% increase compared to the previous year. In Guatemala the number of fixed lines was actually reduced as some of them were not deemed to be in operation anymore.

Combined revenues for our Central American operations reached 1.1 billion dollars in 2004, 23.5% above the previous year’s numbers. In sequential terms, revenues expanded by 7.5%, in the fourth quarter, to 315 million dollars.

EBITDA reached 555 million dollars, 21.4% more than the 2003 figure, leading to a margin of 51.3% in 2004. In the fourth quarter, EBITDA stood at 152 million dollars and represented 48.3% of revenues.


Central America Consolidated

Millions of US$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Revenues 315  229  37.5% 1,081  875  23.5%
Ebitda 152  116  30.7% 555  457  21.4%
% 48.3% 50.8%   51.3% 52.2%
Ebit 89  61  45.5% 345  250  37.6%
% 28.4% 26.8%   31.9% 28.6%

* Annual comparisons affected by the incorporation of CTE, Enitel and Megatel.

Central America's Operating Data*

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Wireless Subscribers (thousands) 2,474  1,185  108.7%
   Postpaid 230  137  68.1%
   Prepaid 2,245  1,049  114.0%
Fixed Lines (thousands) 1,897  1,839  3.2%

Total Lines (Wireless + Fixed, 000's) 4,371  3,024  44.5%
MOU** 185  195  -5.1% 
ARPU (US$) 16  17  -3.3% 
Churn (%)** 1.4% 1.8% -0.4 


Our Colombian operations ended the year with 5.8 million subscribers, a 58% increase with respect to the previous year. Comcel remains our third largest subsidiary in terms of subscribers. Net additions for the year surpassed 2.1 million subscribers, more than twice as many as those registered in 2003, with nearly half of those obtained in the fourth quarter.

Comcel’s revenues rose to 1.9 trillion Colombian pesos in 2004 (749 million dollars) and were up 38% relative to the previous year. In the last quarter revenue growth came in at 50% year-on-year, as revenues reached 583 billion Colombian pesos. Traffic growth underpinned that of revenues, as minutes of use increased 53.3% from a year earlier and 10.2% on a sequential basis despite strong subscriber growth.

EBITDA increased 5.7% in the year, to 516 billion Colombian pesos (200 millon dollars). Faster subscriber growth during 2004 and the associated increase in subscriber acquisition costs pushed margins down to 26.7% in the year. In the fourth quarter, when subscriber growth was particularly strong, EBITDA came in at 118 billion Colombian pesos, equivalent to 20.2% of revenues.



Billion of COP$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Total Revenues 583  389  49.7 1,935  1,406  37.7%
EBITDA 118  129  -8.6% 516  488  5.7%
% 20.2% 33.1%   26.7% 34.7%
EBIT 12  36  -67.3% 108  153  -29.7%
% 2.0% 9.2%   5.6% 10.9%

Colombia's Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands) 5,814  3,674  58.2%
   Postpaid 1,428  1,160  23.1%
   Prepaid 4,386  2,514  74.4%
MOU 133  87  53.3%
ARPU (COP$) 30,129  32,254  -6.6%
Churn (%) 2.2% 4.3% -2.0 


Our subscriber base in Ecuador increased 51.3% during the course of the year to reach 2.3 million subscribers. Of the 800 thousand subscribers added in 2004, 45% were obtained in the fourth quarter.

During the year revenues of our Ecuadorian subsidiary Conecel rose at a faster pace than subscribers (58.4%) and reached a total of 379 million dollars. Equipment revenues were the most dynamic component of total revenues, expanding by 2.5 times in the year. As regards fourth quarter revenues, at 120 million dollars they climbed 69.1% annually and 26.4% sequentially. Traffic levels were up significantly, with fourth quarter MOUs rising 28.0% relative to a year before and almost 17% sequentially, leading in both cases to increases (albeit at lower rates) in ARPUs.

Conecel’s 2004 EBITDA rose 46.6% year-on-year, topping 129 million dollars, with the EBITDA margin dropping slightly on the back of strong subscriber growth, to 34.1% of revenues. In the last quarter EBITDA, at 34 million dollars, had surged by 31.6% in relation to the same period of 2003.

At the end of the year negotiations were underway with fixed-line operators in Ecuador regarding the setting of new fixed-mobile interconnection fees.



Millions of US$

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

Revenues 120  71  69.1% 379  239  58.4%
Ebitda 34  26  31.6% 129  88  46.6%
% 28.1% 36.2%   34.1% 36.8%
Ebit 21  17  28.9% 88  57  55.5%
% 17.8% 23.4%   23.2% 23.6%

Ecuador's Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands) 2,326  1,537  51.3%
   Postpaid 204  110  85.6%
   Prepaid 2,122  1,427  48.6%
MOU 52  41  28.0%
ARPU (US$) 13  12  13.9%
Churn (%) 3.2% 3.5% -0.3

United States

Our operations in the United States obtained 1.4 million subscribers in 2004, bringing their total subscriber base to nearly 4.4 million. For the second year in a row, subscriber net additions in the year expanded by approximately 50%. In the fourth quarter Tracfone gained 551 thousand new subscribers, which represented 40% of the year’s net subscriber additions.

At a rate of 43.9%, annual revenues grew slightly less than subscribers, totaling 787 million dollars in the year. Fourth quarter revenues were up 33.8% year-on-year and reached 223 million dollars, while MOUs rose 11.4% in the same period.

2004 EBITDA of 48 million dollars was 34.9% higher than that seen the year before, with the EBITDA margin staying in the 6% range. Due to the strong seasonality, subscriber acquisition costs increased significantly during the final months of the year, resulting in a two million dollar EBITDA and a corresponding decline in margins.


United States

US$ millions

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% Jan-Dec 04 Jan-Dec 03 Var.%

167  33.8% 787  547  43.9%
25  -91.2% 48  35  34.9%
15.0%   6.1% 6.5%
22  -111.0% 30  18  65.1%
13.2%   3.8% 3.3%

* n.m. = not meaningful

United States' Operating Data

  4Q04  4Q03  Var.% 

Subscribers (thousands) 4,394  2,952  48.9%
MOU 61  54  11.4%
ARPU, Net (US$)* 14  19  -25.7%
Churn (%) 4.4% 4.4% 0.0


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: January 31, 2005

/S/  Carlos Garcia Moreno

Carlos Garcia Moreno
Chief Financial Officer


This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.