6-K 1 d6k.htm INTERIM REPORT FIRST QUARTER OF 2008 Interim Report First Quarter of 2008
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Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 6-K

Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rules 13a-16 or 15d-16 under

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

for the period ended March 31, 2008

Commission file Number: 1-15154


Königinstrasse 28

80802 Munich


(Address of principal executive offices)

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Table of Contents


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Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
for the First Quarter of 2008
Detailed Index   35  
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements   35  
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements   41  


Allianz Share


Development of the Allianz share price since 2007

indexed on the Allianz share price in


Source: Thomson Financial Datastream

Current Information on the development of the Allianz share price is available on the Internet at www.allianz.com/share.


Basic Allianz share information


Share type     Registered share with restricted transfer
Denomination     No-par-value share
Stock exchanges     All German stock exchanges, London, Paris, Zurich, Milan, New York
Security Codes    

WKN 840 400

ISIN DE 000 840 400 5

Bloomberg     ALV GY
Reuters       ALVG.DE

Investor Relations

We endeavor to keep our shareholders up-to-date on all company developments. Our Investor Relations Team is pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Allianz SE

Investor Relations

Koeniginstrasse 28

80802 Muenchen


Fax:     + 49 89 3800 3899

E-Mail: investor.relations@allianz.com

Internet: www.allianz.com/investor-relations

For telephone enquiries, our “Allianz Investor Line” is available:

  + 49 1802 2554269

  + 49 1802 ALLIANZ

Table of Contents


Allianz Group Key Data


Three months ended March 31,             2008        2007        Change from
previous year
INCOME STATEMENT                      
Total revenues 1)   € mn     27,653     29,323     (5.7)%
Operating profit 2)   € mn     1,856     2,870     (35.3)%
Net income   € mn     1,148     3,240     (64.6)%
Gross premiums written   € mn     13,710     14,111     (2.8)%
Operating profit 2)   € mn     1,479     1,267     16.7%
Net income   € mn     1,057     1,180     (10.4)%
Combined ratio   %     94.8     96.8     (2.0) pts
Statutory premiums   € mn     12,327     12,326     0.0%
Operating profit 2)   € mn     589     750     (21.5)%
Net income   € mn     452     553     (18.3)%
Statutory expense ratio   %     9.1     7.2     1.9 pts
Operating revenues   € mn     778     2,101     (63.0)%
Operating profit 2)   € mn     (456)     700     n.m.
Net income   € mn     (538)     625     n.m.
Cost-income ratio   %     157.1     66.9     90.2 pts
Asset Management                      
Operating revenues   € mn     727     780     (6.8)%
Operating profit 2)   € mn     241     312     (22.8)%
Net income   € mn     78     99     (21.2)%
Cost-income ratio   %     66.9     60.0     6.9 pts
BALANCE SHEET                      
Total assets as of March 31,   € mn     1,126,766     1,061,1494)     6.2%
Shareholders’ equity as of March 31,   € mn     44,981     47,7534)     (5.8)%
Minority interests as of March 31,   € mn     3,507     3,628 4)     (3.3)%
SHARE INFORMATION                      
Basic earnings per share       2.55     7.51     (66.0)%
Diluted earnings per share       2.48     7.34     (66.2)%
Share price as of March 31,       125.48     147.954)     (15.2)%
Market capitalization as of March 31,   € bn     56.8     66.64)     (14.7)%
OTHER DATA                      
Return on equity after income tax3)   %     2.5     16.44)     (13.9) pts
Third-party assets under management as of March 31,   € bn       736       765       (3.8)%



Total revenues comprise Property-Casualty segment’s gross premiums written, Life/Health segment’s statutory premiums, Banking segment’s operating revenues and Asset Management segment’s operating revenues.


The Allianz Group uses operating profit to evaluate the performance of its business segments and the Group as a whole.


Based on average shareholders’ equity. Average shareholders’ equity has been calculated based upon the average of the current and the preceding shareholders’ equity.


As of December 31, 2007.



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Executive Summary and Outlook 1)

– Robust operating profit of 1.9 billion in difficult markets.

– Property-Casualty operating profit improvement of 16.7 % to 1.5 billion.

– Life/Health results affected by lower realized gains, impairments and accounting volatility.

845 million further ABS markdowns resulted in Banking operating loss of 456 million.

– Weak equity markets impact results in Asset Management.



Total revenues

in bn


Net income

in mn




Operating profit

in mn


Shareholders’ equity 2)

in mn




The Allianz Group operates and manages its activities primarily through four operating segments: Property-Casualty, Life/Health, Banking and Asset Management. Effective January 1, 2006, in addition to our four operating segments and with retrospective application, we introduced a fifth business segment named Corporate.


Does not include minority interests.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Allianz Group’s Consolidated Results of Operations

In the first quarter 2008 (1Q 2008), we recorded operating profit of € 1,856 million and net income of € 1,148 million. These results were considerably lower than in the prior year period.

Without any doubt 1Q 2008 was a very difficult quarter with the credit crisis continuing, a further decline in the US house and securitized mortgage prices and weak equity markets around the globe. These economic developments had an impact on our results as well: We recorded further markdowns on other exposed asset-backed securities (ABS) of € 845 million following the further deterioration of observable marks.

In 1Q 2007 we took advantage of very favorable market conditions and realized € 2,045 million of capital gains. Due to the poor market conditions in 1Q 2008 we deliberately realized only enough gains to compensate for impairments. Overall, realized gains net of impairments were € 1,791 million lower than in the prior year period.

Furthermore, we saw some spill-over effects from the credit crisis in other operations, such as lower fee and commission income in the Banking segment or lower revenues from our third party equity business. However, the vast majority of our operations proved to be very resilient against the market turbulences.


Total revenues 1)

Total revenues – Segments

in mn


Total revenues decreased by 5.7 % to € 27,653 million. Key drivers behind this development were the impact of the credit crisis on our banking activities which resulted in the above mentioned additional markdowns leading to a net dealing loss of € 562 million. Furthermore, in Italy we experienced a decline in sales of € 1,202 million in our bancassurrance channels. In addition, foreign currency translation effects reduced revenues by € 606 million. On an internal basis 2) , growth amounted to (4.2) %.


At € 13,710 million, gross premiums written were 2.8 % lower than in the previous year. On an internal basis premiums declined by 0.6 %. Positive impacts resulted from the acquisitions in Russia and Kazakhstan while negative currency translation effects offset this increase to a large extent. There



Total revenues comprise Property-Casualty segment’s gross premiums written, Life/Health segment’s statutory premiums Banking segment’s operating revenues and Asset Management segment’s operating revenues.


Internal total revenue growth excludes the effects of foreign currency translation as well as acquisitions and disposals. Please refer to page 34 for a reconciliation of nominal total revenue growth to internal total revenue growth for each of our segments and the Allianz Group as a whole.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


was a reclassification of AGF’s health business which was until now shown in the Property-Casualty segment to the Life/Health segment. This reduced Property-Casualty premiums by €304 million.

We maintained our strategy of selective underwriting, and the expansion into emerging markets is continuing to pay off. Whereas we recorded flat or negative revenue movements in our more mature markets, where we accepted only those risks which we believe will yield adequate returns, premiums in our emerging markets 1) grew strongly by €208 million.


With €12,327 million, statutory premiums were at the same level as the prior year. Currency translation effects had a negative impact on revenues of €321 million. On an internal basis, including the reclassification of the above mentioned health business, revenues grew slightly by 0.2 %.

We achieved strong growth in most of our life insurance markets. In Italy we recorded declining sales in our bancassurrance channels which mainly handle unit-linked products. The difficult situation in the United States persisted in the first quarter.


Revenues in our Banking segment showed a significant decline of 63.0 % to €778 million as a result of further markdowns of €845 million on the ABS trading portfolio. Driven by these markdowns, we recorded a net dealing loss of €562 million coming from a net dealing income of €341 million. Net interest income declined by €232 million because the prior year period contained a one-off capital gain of €171 million stemming from the disposal of subsidiaries at an associated company. In addition, our fee and commission income declined by €188 million due to the aforementioned market turbulences.



New Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Mexico, Middle East and Northern Africa.


Asset Management

Third party assets under management declined from €765 billion at year end 2007 to €736 billion in 1Q 2008 despite net inflows of €26 billion. Main reasons for this development were negative currency translation effects of €39 billion and negative market related effects of € 8 billion.

Operating revenues were down 6.8 % to €727 million compared to the prior year period including some negative one-off effects from seed money investments and support measures for money market funds. On an internal basis revenues grew by 0.5 %.

Operating profit

Operating profit – Segments

in mn


At € 1,856 million, operating profit was down € 1,014 million, of which ABS markdowns comprise € 845 million. However, the operating profit development remained mixed across the other segments. Whereas we recorded a very strong quarter in Property-Casualty, poor equity market



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


conditions resulted in a significant reduction in operating profit from Life/Health. Asset management operations were also impacted by the financial markets crisis – though to a lesser extent – resulting in lower fee and commission income and one-off effects.

Furthermore, our continued focus on group initiatives and restructuring in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness, and drive down our costs are paying off. Administrative expenses were reduced by 11.2 %, with all segments contributing to the development.


We saw another quarter of strong operating profitability: at € 1,479 million, operating profit was up 16.7 % on the previous year’s level. Our strict policy of selective underwriting and pricing discipline contributed to this development. Claims from natural catastrophes were € 90 million lower than in the previous period, however there was an increase in the number of large claims. We achieved a very competitive combined ratio of 94.8 %.


Operating profit declined by 21.5 % to € 589 million. Key drivers behind this development were higher impairments on our equity portfolio due to the market environment, lower realized gains and the widening of credit spreads. In contrast to the prior year, where we recorded realized gains of € 1,088 million due to the favorable market conditions, we postponed any large scale realizations due to the poor market conditions in 1Q 2008. Therefore, realized gains before policyholder participation declined by 40.3 % to € 649 million.


Our Banking segment recorded an operating loss of € 456 million, € 1,156 million lower than the result in the comparison period. Mainly, this development was a result of the € 845 million ABS markdowns. Last year’s operating profit of € 700 million was positively affected by a one-off capital gain of € 171 million stemming from the disposal of an associated company. We managed to further reduce our operating expenses, by 13.1 %, to € 1,222 million. With net

additions of € 12 million (1Q 2007: net releases of € 5 million) loan loss provisions were still at a moderate level, reflecting the high quality of the loan book.

Asset Management

The segment’s operating profit was 22.8 % lower, at € 241 million in 1Q 2008 stemming mainly from lower operating revenues. Expenses increased, reflecting the run-rate effects from our business expansion and the extension of our distribution network. We expect this to yield higher revenues in future. Taking into consideration strong net inflows, stable margins and the temporary nature of one-off effects, we see our Asset Management business well positioned when markets return to normal. Our cost-income ratio has increased by 6.9 percentage points to 66.9 %.

Corporate Segment

In our Corporate Segment the overall operating loss reduced from € 101 million in the prior year period to € 76 million in 1Q 2008. Higher interest and higher fee and commission income contributed most to this development.

Non-operating result

Income from non-operating items at € 46 million decreased by € 1,640 million due primarily to significantly higher impairments on investments of € 424 million and lower realized gains of € 678 million. In the prior year period, we recorded net realized gains and impairments of investments of € 2,045 million, stemming particularly from the sales of equity investments in a very favorable market environment. In contrast, in this period, we refrained from any large scale realizations due to the poor market conditions realizing gains net of impairments of € 254 million.

Net income

Net income decreased to € 1,148 million. Lower income tax expenses following the tax reform in Germany and lower minorities in earnings due to the completion of the minority buy-out at AGF in France contributed positively to the net income development. Due to the non-recognition of tax-losses on ABS markdowns the effective tax rate increased by 14.2 percentage points to 35.4 %.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Earnings per share 1)





See note 37 to our condensed consolidated interim financial statements for further details.


Segment Information – Total Revenues and Operating Profit


Three months ended March 31,       Property-
       Life/Health        Banking        Asset
       Corporate        Consolidation        Group


       mn        mn        mn        mn        mn
Total revenues 1)     13,710     12,327     778     727         111     27,653
Operating profit (loss)     1,479     589     (456)     241     (76)     79     1,856
Non-operating items     95     18     48     (115)     (102)     102     46
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,574     607     (408)     126     (178)     181     1,902
Income taxes     (478)     (136)     (116)     (46)     86     16     (674)
Minority interests in earnings     (39)     (19)     (14)     (2)     (7)     1     (80)
Net income (loss)       1,057       452       (538)       78       (99)       198       1,148
Total revenues 1)     14,111     12,326     2,101     780         5     29,323
Operating profit (loss)     1,267     750     700     312     (101)     (58)     2,870
Non-operating items     664     103     117     (122)     511     413     1,686
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,931     853     817     190     410     355     4,556
Income taxes     (537)     (201)     (168)     (80)     (25)     44     (967)
Minority interests in earnings     (214)     (99)     (24)     (11)     (4)     3     (349)
Net income (loss)       1,180       553       625       99       381       402       3,240



Total revenues comprise Property-Casualty segment’s gross premiums written, Life/Health segment’s statutory premiums, Banking segment’s operating revenues and Asset Management segment’s operating revenues.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Impact of the financial markets turbulence

The crisis in the mortgage market in the United States led to a devaluation of prices for various asset-backed securities (“ABS”), even for those with a high rating. Primarily, this affected collateralized debt obligations (“CDO”), and residential mortgage-backed securities especially those originating in the United States (“U.S. RMBS”).

The turbulence in the financial markets also impacted our business development, however the impact varied in each business segment.

The major impact of this crisis occurs in the Banking segment, with the substantial portion being attributable to some business units of Dresdner Bank’s investment banking activities. In contrast, impacts on our insurance operations have been negligible. The investment activities of the insurance segments were only impacted to a very limited extent, reflecting the high quality of the asset bases with no material CDO and subprime exposure. Similarly, the impact on our Asset Management segment was marginal.

Impact on insurance operations

Of our Property-Casualty asset base, ABS made up € 4.8 billion, as of March 31, 2008, which is around 5 %. CDOs accounted for € 0.2 billion of this amount, of which € 1 million are subprime-related. Unrealized losses on CDOs of € 2 million were recorded in our equity.

Within our Life/Health asset base, ABS amounted to € 13.3 billion, as of March 31, 2008, less than 4 % of total average Life/Health assets. Of these, € 0.2 billion are CDOs of which none are subprime-related. Unrealized losses on CDOs of € 7 million were recorded in our equity.

Impact on investment banking activities of Dresdner Bank

Dresdner Bank is engaged in various business activities involving structured products. These comprise asset-backed securities of the trading book, credit enhancements, conduits, leveraged buy-out commitments and structured investment vehicles. Furthermore, Dresdner Bank has sold credit protection for third party ABS and has re-insured these positions with monoline insurers (“monoliners”).

Asset-backed securities of the trading book

The underlying of asset-backed securities is a pool of assets.

As of March 31, 2008, Dresdner Bank carried ABS trading assets of € 10.1 billion. The majority of these ABS are of a high quality, with 81 % of them rated A or better.

Breakdown of exposure by rating class

in %


After write-downs, the net exposure amounts to € 8.1 billion as of March 31, 2008. It contains € 1.0 billion CDOs, € 0.9 billion U.S. RMBS and € 6.2 billion other ABS. Because the financial markets turbulence mainly affected CDOs and U.S. RMBS, these net exposures are classified as “critical ABS”. We took substantial write-downs on CDOs and U.S. RMBS, recognizing the different quality and characteristics of the assets.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008



Exposure type      


as of

       Total write-
       in % of
book value
as of
          mn        mn                  mn
U.S. RMBS                        
Prime     662     182     27%     480
Midprime     315     169     54%     146
Subprime     573     322     56%     251
Total U.S. RMBS     1,550     673     43%     877
High grade     1,503     542     36%     961
Mezzanine     620     620     100%    
Total CDO       2,123       1,162       55%       961

Credit enhancements

Credit enhancements are one or more initiatives taken by the originator in a securitization structure to enhance the security, credit or the rating of the securitized instrument. In this context, Dresdner Bank offered second loss protection for credit investment related conduits (“CIRC”). This structure primarily contains ABS.

Under the CIRC structures, Dresdner Bank provides second loss protection, whereas the first loss stays with the client. Additionally, the Bank is entitled to sell the portfolio to the market, if the value of this portfolio falls below a pre-defined threshold. Here as well, the exposure was reduced and as of March 31, 2008, was a notional amount of € 2.1 billion.


A conduit is a special purpose entity that securitizes its financial assets, e.g. receivables, by means of commercial papers.

Since the late nineties, Dresdner Bank arranges the securitization of third party and own asset portfolios through asset-backed commercial paper programmes (“ABCP”) via several conduits. The underlying pool of assets exhibits a good quality, with 80 % having at least an A rating. Dresdner Bank has provided liquidity back-up lines of € 11.8 billion of which € 7.3 billion were undrawn, as of March 31, 2008.


Leveraged buy-out

A leveraged buy-out is a financing transaction involving a significant amount of debt.

Dresdner Bank provides credit lines for these transactions, the bulk of which are typically syndicated. In the first quarter of 2008, Dresdner Bank has reduced its LBO exposure to € 4.0 billion containing drawn and undrawn amounts.


Dresdner Bank has entered into business relations with monoliners – companies that guarantee the repayment of a security and the corresponding interest in the event that the issuer defaults – in order to hedge the exposure from credit protection sold for third party ABS.

Dresdner Bank has provided credit protection via Credit Default Swaps (“CDS”) for ABS exposures. According to our risk policies, these CDS positions are re-insured with monoliners: only in case of a default of payment from the underlying assets and a breach of contractual duties of the monoliners, will an ultimate loss occur. This loss amounts to the difference between the guaranteed amount from the monoliner and the value of the underlying assets. Dresdner Bank bought credit protection for counterparty risks from monoliners of a notional € 0.4 billion, reducing the net counter-party risk to € 1.3 billion as of March 31, 2008.

Structured Investment Vehicles (“SIV”)

A structured investment vehicle is an entity that primarily invests in long-term, high quality securities. The investments are refinanced by medium term notes (“MTN”) or commercial papers (“CP”).



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


On March 18, 2008, Dresdner Bank and K2 Corporation entered into an agreement through which Dresdner Bank will provide a support facility to the Structured Investment Vehicle, K2. The agreement consists of a U.S.$ 1.5 billion committed revolving mezzanine credit facility and a ‘backstop’ facility.

The mezzanine credit facility provides K2 with immediate additional liquidity, allowing K2 to draw-down funds for terms up to the maturity date of its longest dated senior debt obligations. Under the terms of the backstop facility, Dresdner Bank has undertaken to provide to K2 firm prices at which it will purchase assets from K2 in the event that K2 is unable to obtain better prices for such assets on the open market. The aggregate of such prices provided by Dresdner Bank will at all times equate to an amount that ensures K2 has sufficient funds to repay its senior debt in full. Both facilities may be utilized in certain credit-related events.

Risk Management

Risk management is an integral part of our business processes and supports our value-based management. As our internal risk capital model provides management with information which allows for active asset-liability management and monitoring, risk is well controlled and there are no identified risks which could in the future pose a threat to the existence of the Allianz Group.

The impacts from the subprime-crisis are described in the paragraph “Impacts from the financial markets turbulence”.

The information contained in the risk report in our 2007 Annual Report is still valid.


Events After the Balance Sheet Date

See “Outlook” below and Note 41 to the consolidated financial statements.


As presented in our 2007 Annual Report, we remain confident that the business prospects for financial service providers remain positive.


Our outlook remains unchanged.

We believe that the targets covered by our mid-term outlook through 2009 are still achievable. Although we are seeing some recovery of US residential mortgage prices as well as of equities markets, it is hard to predict when the financial crisis will end. In this environment, 2008 will be difficult and the longer it takes, the harder it will be to achieve our three-year outlook. But, we remain optimistic medium term as the fundamentals of our business are in good shape, and we are well positioned for the upturn when it happens.

Through 2009, we are striving for an average annual consolidated operating profit growth of 10 % from the 2006 level, adjusted for the particularly favorable natural catastrophe trend in 2006. This is subject to a normal level of operating profit contribution from Dresdner Bank.

Within the same period, we are aiming at a combined ratio of less than 94 % on average in our Property-Casualty segment, an average new business margin 1) greater than 3 % in the Life/Health segment and average annual growth of



New business margin according to the definition of European Embedded Value.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


third-party assets under management of 10%, excluding foreign currency conversion effects for our Asset Management segment.

We are not in a position to confirm the 15% average return on risk adjusted capital (“RoRAC”) target for the period 2007 – 2009 for our Banking segment. We do not expect that the years 2008 and 2009 will make up for the shortfall in 2007. Due to the uncertainty of future development of the credit markets and the high volatility of market prices, both triggered by the current financial markets turbulence, the projection of earnings is only possible within a non-meaningful broad range. In addition, a negative impact from additional mark-downs on our trading portfolio particularly in U.S. RMBS and CDOs may affect future quarterly results. However, we expect that the prices will bottom out during 2008. We do not feel comfortable to predict the timing more precisely. However, we stick with our ambition to show annual RoRACs of 15% or above for our Banking segment in the future.

As always, natural catastrophes and adverse developments in the capital markets, as well as the factors stated in our cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements, may severely impact our results of operations.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. In addition to statements which are forward-looking by reason of context, the words “may”, “will”, “should”, “expects”, “plans”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “predicts”, “potential”, or “continue” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (i) general economic conditions, including in particular economic conditions in the Allianz Group’s core business and core markets, (ii) performance of financial markets, including emerging markets, (iii) the frequency and severity of insured loss events, (iv) mortality and morbidity levels and trends, (v) persistency levels, (vi) the extent of credit defaults, (vii) interest rate levels, (viii) currency exchange rates including the Euro/U.S. Dollar exchange rate, (ix) changing levels of competition, (x) changes in laws and regulations, including monetary convergence and the European Monetary Union, (xi) changes in the policies of central banks and/or foreign governments, (xii) the impact of acquisitions, including related integration issues, (xiii) reorganization measures, and (xiv) general competitive factors, in each case on a local, regional, national and/or global basis. Many of these factors may be more likely to occur, or more pronounced, as a result of terrorist activities and their consequences. The matters discussed herein may also be affected by risks and uncertainties described from time to time in Allianz SE’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.



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Property-Casualty Insurance Operations

– Another strong performance with operating profit growth of 16.7%.

– Combined ratio of 94.8%.

– Emerging markets make up 9% of total revenues.


Earnings Summary

Gross premiums written

Profitability remained our key focus as price declines prevaled in some core markets. We selectively wrote only those risks which we believe will generate adequate returns and intentionally forewent premium growth where prices were too low. As a result of this underwriting discipline, gross premiums written of € 13,710 million were 2.8% lower than in the previous year. Positive impacts on revenue growth resulted from last year’s acquisitions in Russia and Kazakhstan. The reclassification of AGF’s health business to the Life/Health segment and negative currency translation effects largely offset this growth. Adjusting prior year’s premiums for the health business transferred, revenues were down by 0.8%. On an internal basis premiums declined by 0.6%.

Gross premiums written by region 1)





After elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments. Gross premiums written from our specialty lines have been allocated to the respective geographic regions.

The development of gross premiums written varied considerably across our various markets. In our more mature markets we recorded flat or even negative revenue trends,


whereas in our emerging markets 1) premiums grew strongly by € 208 million. This demonstrates that our strategy of expansion into emerging markets continues to pay off. Together, the emerging markets contributed € 1,266 million (1Q 2007: € 1,058 million) or 9.2% (1Q 2007: 7.5%) to total gross premiums written.

With € 182 million, New Europe contributed the highest absolute amount to revenue growth. The main drivers for this development were the full consolidation of ROSNO and Progress Garant in Russia and ATF-Polis in Kazakhstan. Motor insurance business in Poland also added to the increase in gross premiums.

At Allianz Sach in Germany, revenues declined by € 58 million due to a weak market environment in motor insurance.

In France, revenues decreased by € 301 million mainly through the transfer of a health insurance entity that was previously recorded in the property-casualty segment to the life/health segment. Adjusted for this effect, the decline in France amounted to only € 21 million.

In the United States at Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company (“Fireman’s Fund”) premiums were stable on a U.S. Dollar basis. However, with the further weakening of the U.S. Dollar compared to the Euro a decrease in revenues of € 110 million was recorded at the group level.

Our Italian operations also showed a decline in gross premiums written of € 73 million. This was due to price and volume changes, mainly in the motor business. Further more, premiums were impacted from a new regulation, the so-called Bersani law, which resulted in an overall price reduction.



New Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Mexico, Middle East and Northern Africa.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


At Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (“AGCS”) revenues were down by € 71 million as we experienced lower rates and maintained our selective underwriting policy. Furthermore, the currency depreciation of the U.S. Dollar and the GBP compared to the Euro contributed to the decline.

Gross premiums written – Internal growth rates1)





After elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments.


Together with our property-casualty reinsurance business assumed, primarily attributable to Allianz SE, the decrease within Germany was 2.6%.


Operating profit

Operating profit

in mn


Operating profit improved strongly by 16.7% to € 1,479 million compared to the first quarter 2007, where operating profit was significantly impacted by net losses from natural catastrophes related to winterstorm “Kyrill” in Europe. Main drivers for the improvement were significantly lower acquisition and administrative expenses.

The combined ratio declined by 2.0 percentage points to 94.8%.

Claims and insurance benefits incurred were down by 1.3% to € 6,301 million. The transfer of the AGF health business to the life/health segment as already described led to a decrease of claims incurred.

On an accident year basis the loss ratio increased by 1.9 percentage points to 72.3%. The positive impact from lower natural catastrophe activities was offset by higher impact of man made large claims, price reductions and moderate claims inflation.

The run-off ratio amounted to 3.6% which is at the average level of the last three years.

Acquisition and administrative expenses decreased considerably by 10.6% to € 2,391 million. Due to the positive development in our acquisition and administrative expenses our expense ratio improved by 2.5 percentage points to 26.1%. Main drivers for the positive development of administrative expenses were – apart from reclassifications – further efficiency gains of about € 69 million and lower mark-to-market valuation (€ 54 million) of our Group Equity Incentive programs.



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Interest and similar income was up by 4.5% to € 1,051 million, mainly due to increased interest income in the first quarter 2008 compared to lower dividends in the respective quarter of 2007.

Non-operating result

In total, the non-operating result decreased by 85.7% to a gain of € 95 million mainly from lower net realized gains and higher impairments of investments. These negative effects were partially offset by the positive trading result and lower restructuring charges.

Net realized gains from investments decreased significantly by 49.2% to € 372 million compared to the previous year when we sold our shares in Germanischer Lloyd. In the first quarter 2008 we recorded gains mainly due to the sale of our participation in Linde AG and the disposal of AGF buildings.

Non-operating net impairments of investments increased to € 342 million, reflecting the overall weakness in financial markets.

Restructuring charges turned positive due to the release of reserves at Allianz Sach.

Net income

Net income decreased by 10.4% to € 1,057 million. Although income taxes were down to € 478 million, the effective tax rate rose from 27.8% to 30.4%. This resulted mainly from a significantly lower tax-exempt income than in the first quarter 2007. Lower minority interests in earnings contributed € 175 million.



Table of Contents

Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Property-Casualty segment’s income statement and ratios 1)


Three months ended March 31,       






Gross premiums written2)     13,710     14,111
Ceded premiums written     (1,285)     (1,586)
Change in unearned premiums     (3,252)     (3,167)
Premiums earned (net)     9,173     9,358
Interest and similar income     1,051     1,006
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     14     17
Operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     (3)     34
Fee and commission income     267     272
Other income     250     84
Operating revenues     10,752     10,771
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (6,301)     (6,383)
Changes in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (29)     (81)
Interest expenses     (88)     (92)
Operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (93)     (2)
Investment expenses     (123)     (74)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     (2,391)     (2,675)
Fee and commission expenses     (248)     (197)
Operating expenses     (9,273)     (9,504)
Operating profit     1,479     1,267
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     63     (29)
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     372     733
Non-operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (342)     (24)
Amortization of intangible assets     (4)     (2)
Restructuring charges     6     (14)
Non-operating items     95     664
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,574     1,931
Income taxes     (478)     (537)
Minority interests in earnings     (39)     (214)
Net income     1,057     1,180
Loss ratio6) in %     68.7     68.2
Expense ratio7) in %     26.1     28.6
Combined ratio8) in %       94.8       96.8



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


For the Property-Casualty segment, total revenues are measured based upon gross premiums written.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


The total of these items equals realized gains/losses (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


The total of these items equals impairments of investments (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Represents claims and insurance benefits incurred (net) divided by premiums earned (net).


Represents acquisition and administrative expenses (net) divided by premiums earned (net).


Represents the total of acquisition and administrative expenses (net) and claims and insurance benefits incurred (net) divided by premiums earned (net).



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Property-Casualty Operations by Geographic Region

The following table sets forth our Property-Casualty gross premiums written, premiums earned (net), operating profit, combined ratio, loss ratio and expense ratio by geographic region for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007. Consistent with our general practice, these figures are presented before consolidation adjustments, representing the elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments.


        Gross premiums written       

Premiums earned


       Operating profit        Combined ratio        Loss ratio        Expense ratio

Three months ended

March, 31













internal 1)




internal 1)
































Germany 2)3)     4,638     4,616     4,638     4,761     2,431     2,267     595     115     94.2     103.2     71.6     73.6     22.6     29.6
Italy     1,173     1,246     1,173     1,246     1,156     1,197     166     175     93.1     93.4     69.7     70.1     23.4     23.3
France 4)     1,394     1,695     1,394     1,379     830     1,114     59     75     99.4     101.2     72.3     73.7     27.1     27.5
United Kingdom     506     539     572     539     460     491     58     63     97.1     96.3     63.1     62.9     34.0     33.4
Spain     695     691     695     691     462     434     76     69     89.0     90.1     70.0     71.2     19.0     18.9
Switzerland 2)3)     775     966     767     752     309     404     50     51     90.8     97.6     68.0     70.3     22.8     27.3
Netherlands     298     306     298     306     193     198     19     24     97.3     93.6     66.3     62.2     31.0     31.4
Austria     342     351     342     351     182     183     18     21     97.1     97.3     74.1     76.6     23.0     20.7
Ireland     200     203     200     203     150     151     30     98     90.2     93.2     65.5     68.6     24.7     24.6
Belgium 5)     111     124     111     108     65     75     10     5     96.1     109.2     57.4     75.3     38.7     33.9
Portugal     87     80     87     80     61     62     10     10     89.8     89.5     63.8     60.9     26.0     28.6
Greece     22     21     22     21     13     12     3     3     85.5     85.8     56.1     56.7     29.4     29.1
Western and Southern Europe     1,060     1,085     1,060     1,069     664     681     95 6)     166 6)     94.7     95.7     67.0     68.7     27.7     27.0
Russia 7)     225     68     18     67     174     45     (2)     1     100.7     104.8     61.2     66.5     39.5     38.3
Hungary     183     194     189     194     113     126     18     23     94.3     92.1     63.3     64.8     31.0     27.3
Poland     106     86     97     86     76     56     7     5     95.0     96.4     63.6     63.8     31.4     32.6
Romania     93     90     101     89     37     36     3         103.1     103.8     76.4     80.8     26.7     23.0
Slovakia     110     106     106     106     67     67     29     28     64.4     66.4     40.4     40.3     24.0     26.1
Czech Republic     82     78     75     78     54     45     12     12     82.3     79.8     60.0     57.6     22.3     22.2
Bulgaria     25     23     25     24     20     16     4     4     82.1     77.5     53.1     39.0     29.0     38.5
Croatia     26     23     26     23     19     15     2     1     93.7     97.7     64.9     68.5     28.8     29.2
New Europe 8)     850     668     637     667     559     406     67     69     91.8     90.3     60.2     60.6     31.6     29.7
Other Europe     1,910     1,753     1,697     1,736     1,223     1,087     162     235     93.4     93.2     63.9     65.6     29.5     27.6
United States     772     882     882     882     685     801     89     166     97.4     90.8     66.7     57.0     30.7     33.8
Mexico 9)     38     39     43     39     19     19     4     5     86.8     84.5     63.4     58.2     23.4     26.3
NAFTA     810     921     925     921     704     820     93     171     97.1     90.6     66.6     57.0     30.5     33.6
Australia     351     352     349     352     308     304     41     50     103.8     102.4     80.6     77.9     23.2     24.5
Other     102     81     95     81     53     37     3     3     100.7     100.5     60.9     60.5     39.8     40.0
Asia-Pacific     453     433     444     433     361     341     44     53     103.3     102.2     77.6     76.0     25.7     26.2
South America     237     236     231     213     181     168     17     14     98.3     100.1     63.4     65.3     34.9     34.8
Other     39     34     41     34     13     8     2     3     — 10)     — 10)     — 10)     — 10)     — 10)     — 10)
Specialty lines                                                                                    

Allianz Global

Corporate & Specialty 2)

    863     934     863     1,003     425     467     53     95     96.7     94.0     70.7     66.3     26.0     27.7
Credit Insurance     532     489     532     489     343     301     77     117     89.1     76.3     63.2     48.5     25.9     27.8

Travel Insurance and

Assistance Services

    327     296     327     296     275     259     25     31     93.5     100.6     58.0     54.9     35.5     45.7
Subtotal     14,352     14,849     14,299     14,493     9,173     9,358     1,477     1,267                        
Consolidation 11)     (642)     (738)     (624)     (737)             2                            
Total       13,710       14,111       13,675       13,756       9,173       9,358       1,479       1,267       94.8       96.8       68.7       68.2       26.1       28.6



Reflect gross premiums written on an internal basis (adjusted for foreign currency translation and (de-)consolidation effects).


Effective 1Q 2008, Allianz Risk Transfer AG is shown within Germany and Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Reinsurance business of Allianz Suisse was transferred to Allianz SE. Effective 1Q 2008, renewal business is shown in Germany, run-off business is shown in Switzerland.


Effective 1Q 2008, health business in France is shown within Life/ Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium is shown within Life/ Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Contains 5 mn and 5 mn for 1Q 2008 and 1Q 2007 respectively from a former operating entity located in Luxembourg.


Effective February 21, 2007, Russian People’s Insurance Society “Rosno” was consolidated following the acquisition of approximately 49.2 % of the shares in ROSNO by the Allianz Group, increasing our holding to approximately 97 %. Effective May 21, 2007, we consolidated Progress Garant for the first time.


Contains income and expense items from a management holding in both 2008 and 2007.


Effective Q1 2007, life business in Mexico is shown within the Life/Health segment.


Presentation not meaningful.


Represents elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions.



Table of Contents


Life/Health Insurance Operations

– Revenue development rather flat due to significant decline in revenues from our Italian bancassurance channel.

– Lower realized gains, higher impairments and widening of credit spreads led to a decline in operating profit.


Earnings Summary

Statutory premiums

At € 12,327 million, statutory premiums showed a slight growth of 0.2% on an internal basis. Large negative currency translation effects impacted revenue growth by € 321 million. Premiums were up by € 304 million due to the reclassification of AGF’s health business from the Property-Casualty segment to the Life/Health segment.

Statutory premiums by region1)





After elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments.

The revenue development was mixed across our various life insurance markets: Whereas most of our operating entities worldwide showed a good performance in the first quarter with remarkably positive developments in France (+ € 721 million), the German life/health operations (+ € 536 million), Asia-Pacific (+ € 168 million) and Switzerland (+ € 165 million) we experienced declining premiums in Italy (– € 1,201 million), the United States (– € 325 million) and New Europe (– € 147 million).


After a very successful year in 2007, the entire bancassurance sector in Italy was down by 30% in 1Q 2008. This was the main reason for our declining revenues in this market. In addition, one of our local bancassurance partners withdrew from cooperation after a change in ownership.

In the United States revenues were down almost entirely driven by declining sales of fixed annuity products, for which we recorded unusually high sales in the previous year’s quarter as a result of sales promotion activities that we did not yet repeat in the current year. Furthermore, premium development still reflected the legal and regulatory environment affecting the sale of equity-indexed annuity products. Due to the weak equity markets, revenues from variable annuity products increased only slightly.

In New Europe, the decline in premium volume was entirely due to lower premiums in Poland, where we decided not to run the yearly sales campaign for single premium products due to the difficult market situation.

Dynamic sales of single premium products were an important growth driver in the first quarter. Mostly, these stemmed from the acquisition of large group insurance contracts that added to the positive development in France, Germany and Switzerland.

We were able to maintain growth momentum in Asia- Pacific.



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Statutory premiums – Internal growth rates1)





After elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments.

Operating profit

Operating profit

in mn


Operating profit declined by 21.5% to € 589 million with almost all markets contributing to this decline. This is primarily a result of weak corporate bond and equity markets in which our investment income as well as our technical result suffered.

In contrast to the prior year, where we recorded relatively high realized gains due to the favorable market conditions,


we refrained from any large scale realizations due to the poor market conditions in 1Q 2008. Therefore, net realized gains declined by 40.3% to € 649 million.

Due to the weak equity markets we recorded net impairments on our available-for-sale equity portfolio of € 980 million compared to € 37 million a year earlier. In addition widening credit spreads had a negative effect on our marked-to-market US bond portfolio, lowering operating profit by € 68 million.

In aggregate, acquisition and administrative expenses increased by 26.8% to € 1,108 million. The main driver was acquisition-related expenses which were up by € 283 million to € 706 million due to an unusual high positive impact (€ 242 million) from the update of assumptions at Allianz Leben in 1Q 2007. This technical effect was partially offset by efficiency gains of € 20 million and favorable currency translation effects resulting in € 49 million lower administrative expenses. The statutory expense ratio increased by 1.9 percentage points to 9.1%.

Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income amounted to € 231 million mainly as a result of positive effects from the accounting treatment for certain derivative instruments.

Non-operating result

In aggregate, non-operating items were down by € 85 million driven by lower net realized gains not to be shared with policyholders in Italy and South Korea.

Net income

Net income amounted to € 452 million, down 18.3% compared to the previous year’s figure, mainly due to the lower operating profit.

The decrease in pre-tax income led to lower income tax expenses of € 136 million. The decline in the effective tax rate by 1.2 percentage points to 22.4% is mainly a result of lower tax rates in Germany and Italy.

Minority interests in earnings were down by € 80 million to € 19 million reflecting the minority buy-out at AGF in France.



Table of Contents

Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Life/Health segment’s income statement and ratios1)


Three months ended March 31,       






Statutory premiums2)     12,327     12,326
Ceded premiums written     (143)     (193)
Change in unearned premiums     (37)     (27)
Statutory premiums (net)     12,147     12,106
Deposits from SFAS 97 insurance and investment contracts     (6,558)     (6,921)
Premiums earned (net)     5,589     5,185
Interest and similar income     3,200     3,155
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     231     (311)
Operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     649     1,088
Fee and commission income     171     171
Other income     110     54
Operating revenues     9,950     9,342
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (5,013)     (4,702)
Changes in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (1,803)     (2,624)
Interest expenses     (70)     (91)
Loan loss provisions     2     (3)
Operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (980)     (37)
Investment expenses     (328)     (196)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     (1,108)     (874)
Fee and commission expenses     (60)     (62)
Operating restructuring charges6)     (1)     (3)
Operating expenses     (9,361)     (8,592)
Operating profit     589     750
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     11     1
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     12     105
Non-operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (4)    
Amortization of intangible assets     (1)     (1)
Non-operating restructuring charges6)         (2)
Non-operating items     18     103
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     607     853
Income taxes     (136)     (201)
Minority interests in earnings     (19)     (99)
Net income     452     553
Statutory expense ratio7) in %       9.1       7.2



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


For the Life/Health segment, total revenues are measured based upon statutory premiums. Statutory premiums are gross premiums written from sales of life insurance policies, as well as gross receipts from sales of unit linked and other investment-oriented products, in accordance with the statutory accounting practices applicable in the insurer’s home jurisdiction.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


The total of these items equals realized gains/losses (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


The total of these items equals impairments of investments (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


The total of these items equals restructuring charges in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Represents acquisition and administrative expenses (net) divided by statutory premiums (net).



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Life/Health Operations by Geographic Region

The following table sets forth our Life/Health statutory premiums, premiums earned (net), operating profit and statutory expense ratio by geographic region for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007. Consistent with our general practice, these figures are presented before consolidation adjustments, representing the elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions and different segments.


        Statutory premiums 1)        Premiums earned (net)        Operating profit        Statutory expense ratio
Three months ended March, 31       

2008 as



2007 as



internal 2)



internal 2)











Germany Life     3,579     3,039     3,579     3,039     2,624     2,567     187     191     7.2     1.4
Germany Health3)     775     779     775     779     776     780     37     41     9.5     10.2
Italy     1,629     2,830     1,629     2,830     214     243     31     94     8.1     5.3
France4)     2,211     1,490     2,211     1,770     697     435     160     135     13.3     13.5
Switzerland     663     498     657     498     194     195     17     16     3.0     4.5
Spain     183     156     183     156     112     111     26     27     9.7     10.6
Belgium5)     203     194     203     210     89     76     30     44     9.8     7.7
Netherlands     99     112     99     112     33     36     9     11     19.7     12.4
Austria     108     102     108     102     82     68     8     19     11.8     10.1
Portugal     25     22     25     22     19     18     5     10     27.2     31.3
Greece     29     29     29     29     18     16     1     1     21.3     16.7
Luxembourg     23     10     23     10     7     6     1     3     10.0     24.2
Western and Southern Europe     487     469     487     485     248     220     54     87 6)     13.8     11.4
Poland     63     248     58     248     38     28     4     3     39.4     8.5
Slovakia     80     63     77     63     42     40     9     7     8.8     14.9
Hungary     44     30     45     30     20     20     4     4     16.2     20.5
Czech Republic     27     21     25     21     16     13     4     4     17.7     20.0
Croatia     13     12     13     12     9     9     2     2     27.1     16.5
Bulgaria     7     7     7     7     6     6     1     1     24.0     14.3
Romania     7     9     8     9     3     2     1     (1)     31.0     28.0
Russia     4     2     4     2     4     2     (3)     (1)     135.9     147.0
New Europe     245     392     237     392     138     120     22     19     22.8     12.4
Other Europe     732     861     724     877     386     340     76     106     16.9     11.9
Mexico7)     34     7     38     7     7     7         1     4.7     16.2
United States     1,344     1,669     1,537     1,669     174     101     6     71     5.4     9.3
NAFTA     1,378     1,676     1,575     1,676     181     108     6     72     5.3     9.4
South Korea     484     465     564     465     210     253     30     54     12.0     14.0
Taiwan     455     350     498     350     27     15     2     3     7.1     2.3
Indonesia     45     30     52     30     10     11     3     2     12.3     21.4
Malaysia     31     29     33     29     28     23     2     3     15.0     15.0
Other     75     48     80     48     6     4     (10)     (4)     20.5     13.5
Asia-Pacific     1,090     922     1,227     922     281     306     27     58     10.6     9.9
South America     30     33     30     29     29     9     6     (2)     16.1     20.4
Other     110     102     112     102     95     91     17     3     8)     8)
Subtotal     12,380     12,386     12,702     12,678     5,589     5,185     590     741        
Consolidation9)     (53)     (60)     (54)     (60)             (1)     9        
Total       12,327       12,326       12,648       12,618       5,589       5,185       589       750       9.1       7.2



Statutory premiums are gross premiums written from sales of life insurance policies as well as gross receipts from sales of unit-linked and other investment-oriented products, in accordance with the statutory accounting practices applicable in the insurer’s home jurisdiction.


Reflect statutory premiums on an internal basis (adjusted for foreign currency translation and (de-)consolidation effects).


Loss ratios were 79.4 % and 77.8 % for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007 respectively.


Effective 1Q 2008, health business in France is shown within Life/ Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium is shown within Life/ Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Contains run-off (1) mn 1Q 2007 from our former life insurance business in the United Kingdom which we sold in December 2004.


Effective 2007, life business in Mexico is shown within the Life/Health segment.


Presentation not meaningful.


Represents elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different geographic regions.



Table of Contents


Banking Operations1)


Revenues significantly impacted by further markdowns on asset-backed securities of 845 million resulting in an operating loss of 453 million.
Further expense savings achieved of 191 million in all expense categories and across all divisions.
The quality of Dresdner Bank’s loan book remained strong.


Earnings Summary

Operating revenues

Dresdner Bank’s operating revenues were down by 64.5% to €719 million as the financial markets crisis heavily impacted our net trading income. Excluding the markdowns of €845 million the revenue shortfall was €459 million, mainly due to a positive prior year one-off effect of €171 million and €95 million additional provision for our exposure to monoline insurers.

Net interest income dropped by €231 million to €669 million compared to the previous year when we recorded a positive effect from the disposal of an associated company amounting to €171 million. In addition the positive impact from the accounting treatment for derivative financial instruments which do not qualify for hedge accounting came to €8 million and therefore was €51 million lower. Without these effects net interest income remained stable with a positive development in our operating divisions.



The results of operations of our Banking segment are almost exclusively represented by Dresdner Bank, accounting for 92.4% and 96.3% of our total Banking segment’s operating revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007, respectively. Accordingly, the discussion of our Banking segment’s results of operations relates solely to the operations of Dresdner Bank.


Net fee and commission income at €604 million was down 23.4% mainly due to a decline in the securities business which decreased by €116 million to €296 million primarily in the Private & Corporate Clients division, where we saw less client activity. In addition, we recorded declines in the underwriting business and in the mergers and aquisition business.

Net dealing income, which comprises net trading income and net income from financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through income, was a loss of €554 million compared to a dealing income of €334 million a year ago. The development was largely driven by the impact from the credit crisis resulting in markdowns of €845 million on asset-backed securities (ABS) in our trading book and mark-to-market adjustments for our monoline exposure amounting to €95 million.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Operating profit (loss)

Operating profit (loss)

in mn


Mainly due to the high ABS markdowns, we recorded an operating loss of €453 million coming from an operating profit €677 million a year ago.

Operating expenses at €1,162 million were €191 million below the previous year with almost all expense categories contributing to this development. Administrative expenses were down 14.7% to €1,156 million. Thereof, personnel expenses declined 18.8% to €719 million mainly due to significantly reduced performance-related compensation reflecting the decline in revenues in the Investment Bank. Non-personnel expenses decreased by 7.0% to €437 million mainly through cost savings in IT, lower office costs and reduced consulting fees.

Loan loss provisions recorded net additions of €10 million in the first three months of 2008 after net releases of €7 million one year ago. This was due to a slight increase of gross additions and marginally lower recoveries.


Due to the weak revenue situation we recorded a significant increase in our cost-income ratio to 161.6%, up 94.7 percentage points, although we could lower our operating expenses significantly by 14.1%.

Non-operating result

The non-operating result declined by €66 million to a gain of €49 million mostly driven by lower net realized gains.

Net realized gains declined by 54.0% to €63 million. In the prior year period, we recorded large gains from the disposal of Arcandor and Germanischer Lloyd compared to a lower result from the sale of DEGI in this year’s first quarter.

Partly offsetting this development were releases of restructuring provisions of €16 million in 2008.

Net income (loss)

Due to the significantly lower operating profit, we recorded a net loss of €513 million compared to a net income of €612 million in the prior year period.

Despite the negative pre-tax income, we recorded an income tax charge of €94 million (1Q 2007: €158 million) due to positive income in other jurisdictions. The non-recognition of deferred tax assets for losses from ABS markdowns led to an effective tax rate of (23.3)% (1Q 2007: 19.9%).



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Banking Operations by Division

The following table sets forth our banking operating revenues, operating profit and cost-income ratio by division. Consistent with our general practice, these figures are presented before consolidation adjustments, representing the elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different segments.


        Operating revenues   Operating profit (loss)   Cost-income ratio












Private & Corporate Clients     875     993     217     312     75.0     68.5
Investment Banking         (31)     890     (575)     220     2)     76.3
Corporate Other1)     (125)     140     (95)     145     2)     2)
Dresdner Bank     719     2,023     (453)     677     161.6     66.9
Other Banks3)     59     78     (3)     23     101.7     67.9
Total       778       2,101       (456)       700       157.1       66.9



These items include, in particular, impacts from the accounting treatment for derivative financial instruments which do not qualify for hedge accounting as well as provisioning requirements for country and general risks. For the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007 the impact from the accounting treatment for derivative financial instruments which do not qualify for hedge accounting on Corporate Other’s operating revenues amounted to (28) mn and (20) mn, respectively.


Presentation not meaningful.


Consists of non-Dresdner Bank banking operations within our Banking segment.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Income statement and cost-income ratios for the Banking segment and Dresdner Bank


Three months ended March 31,       2008        2007















Net interest income 1)     696     669     928     900
Net fee and commission income 2)     644     604     832     789
Trading income (net) 3)     (706)     (698)     351     345
Income from financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through income (net) 3)     144     144     (10)     (11)
Operating revenues 4)     778     719     2,101     2,023
Administrative expenses     (1,218)     (1,156)     (1,410)     (1,355)
Investment expenses     2     (1)     (9)     (11)
Other expenses     (6)     (5)     13     13
Operating expenses     (1,222)     (1,162)     (1,406)     (1,353)
Loan loss provisions     (12)     (10)     5     7
Operating profit (loss)     (456)     (453)     700     677
Realized gains/losses (net)     62     63     139     137
Impairments of investments (net)     (30)     (30)     (13)     (13)
Restructuring charges     16     16     (9)     (9)
Non-operating items     48     49     117     115
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     (408)     (404)     817     792
Income taxes     (116)     (94)     (168)     (158)
Minority interests in earnings     (14)     (15)     (24)     (22)
Net income (loss)     (538)     (513)     625     612
Cost-income ratio 5) in %       157.1       161.6       66.9       66.9



Represents interest and similar income less interest expenses.


Represents fee and commission income less fee and commission expenses.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


For the Banking segment, total revenues are measured based upon operating revenues.


Represents operating expenses divided by operating revenues.



Table of Contents


Asset Management Operations

– Weak equity markets dampen revenues.

– 83% of the third-party assets outperformed their benchmarks.

– Strong net inflows and stable margins.


Third-Party Assets Under Management of the Allianz Group

The vast majority of our assets under management continued to outperform their respective benchmarks. Despite the credit crisis we managed to achieve an outperformance record of 84 % for our fixed income business. On the equity side, more than three-quarters of our assets outperformed their respective benchmarks.

Rolling investment performance of Allianz Global Investors1)

in %



Third party assets under management were down by 3.8 % to €736 billion. On an internal basis, which excludes consolidation and foreign currency effects our asset base grew by 2.4 % since the year end 2007.

Development of third-party assets under management in



In line with the overall favorable development of the fixed income markets worldwide, fixed income products contributed €29 billion to the total net inflows showing that the performance track record in this sector is paying off. Outflows of €3 billion were recorded in the equity business as we observed investors favoring money market funds over equities. Deconsolidation effects of €8 billion resulted mainly from the sale of our former real estate fund company DEGI. The major reason for the decrease in third party assets under management were negative currency translation effects of €39 billion, resulting primarily from the continuing downward trend of the US Dollar versus the Euro.





AGI account-based, asset-weighted 3-year investment performance of 3rd party assets vs. benchmark including all equity and fixed income accounts managed on a discretionary basis by equity and fixed income managers of AGI (including direct accounts, Spezialfonds and CPMs of Allianz with AGI Germany). For some retail funds the net of fee performance is compared to the median performance of an appropriate peer group (Micropal or Lipper; 1st and 2nd quartile mean out-performance). For all other retail funds and for all institutional accounts performance is calculated gross of fees using closing prices (revaluated) where appropriate and compared to the benchmark of each individual fund or account. Other than under GIPS, the performance of closed funds/accounts is not included in the analysis. Also not included: WRAP accounts and accounts of Caywood Scholl, AGI Taiwan, AGI Korea, AGF AM and RAS AM.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Third-party assets under management by geographic region as of March 31, 2008 (December 31, 2007) 1)

in %




Based on the origination of assets.


Consists of third-party assets managed by Dresdner Bank (approximately 12 bn and 18 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively) and by other Allianz Group companies (approximately 19 bn and 22 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December, 31 2007 respectively).

There were no major movements in the geographic origination of third party assets under management. The one-third to two-thirds weighting of retail and institutional clients remained almost stable with a slight shift towards the institutional share. Most clients came from the United States. Twenty percent of the assets under management are in equities, with fixed income business making up the other eighty percent. In 1Q 2008 there was a marginal movement from equities to fixed income. Whereas on the equity side the allocation between the United States, Germany and other countries was fairly balanced, the majority of the fixed income business comes from to the United States.


Earnings Summary 1)

Operating Revenues

Operating revenues declined by 6.3 % to €710 million. This shortfall is explained by negative foreign currency development (€75 million) and by lower revenues from our third-party equity business. Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) turned negative due to movements in the value of seed money investments of €31 million, partly offset by a €21 million gain from foreign currency hedging. The internal growth rate amounted to 0.9 %.

Net fee and commission income at €693 million was down 4.8 % primarily driven by lower management fees. At stable revenue margins the increase of asset based management fees as a result of the higher third-party asset base was offset by currency related effects.


Three months ended March, 31       






Management fees     824     851
Loading and exit fees     64     81
Performance fees     13     16
Other income     64     101
Fee and commission income     965     1,049
Commissions     (193)     (220)
Other expenses     (79)     (101)
Fee and commission expenses     (272)     (321)
Net fee and commission income       693       728




The results of operations of our Asset Management segment are almost exclusively represented by AGI, accounting for 97.7 % (1Q 2007: 97.2 %) and 98.8 % (1Q 2007: 97.4 %) of our total Asset Management segment’s operating revenues and operating profit in the first three months of 2008 , respectively. Accordingly, the discussion of our Asset Management segment’s results of operations relates solely to the operations of AGI.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Operating Profit

The combination of these lower revenues and the higher expenses described below, resulted in an operating profit decrease of 21.7 % to €238 million.

Operating Profit

in mn


Despite the downturn in operating revenues, administrative expenses , excluding acquisition-related expenses , developed adversely and were up 4.0 % to €472 million. This reflects the run-rate effects from last year’s business expansion and investments in our distribution network. On an internal basis the expense increase amounted to 16.7 %. As a result our cost-income ratio increased by 6.6 percentage points to 66.5 %.

Non-operating result

In aggregate, the negative result from non-operating items declined slightly compared to a year ago.

At €120 million, acquisition related expenses were 1.6 % lower, mainly driven by a positive foreign currency impact. The number of outstanding Class B Units was lower at the end of the first quarter 2008 compared to year end 2007. In the first quarter, the Allianz Group had acquired an additional 23,946 Class B Units bringing the total acquired to 67,863. Originally 150,000 units were outstanding.


Net income

Net income decreased by 18.3 % to €76 million mainly driven by the lower operating profit.

The lower income led to a decline in tax charges which amounted to €45 million. The effective tax rate of 36.6 %, down 6.8 percentage points, is a result of lower tax rates in Germany and Italy and less income in the United States. Due to the minority buy-out at AGF in France, minority interests in earnings decreased by €8 million to €2 million.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Income statement and cost-income ratios for the Asset Management segment and AGI


Three months ended March 31,       2008        2007
















Net fee and commission income 1)     706     693     746     728
Net interest income 2)     20     15     23     19
Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     (4)     (3)     7     7
Other income     5     5     4     4
Operating revenues 3)     727     710     780     758
Administrative expenses, excluding acquisition-related expenses 4)     (486)     (472)     (468)     (454)
Operating expenses     (486)     (472)     (468)     (454)
Operating profit     241     238     312     304
Realized gains/losses (net)     8     8     2     2
Impairments of investments (net)     (3)     (3)        
Acquisition-related expenses 4), thereof:                        

Deferred purchases of interests in PIMCO

    (120)     (120)     (122)     (122)
Restructuring charges             (2)     (2)
Non-operating items     (115)     (115)     (122)     (122)
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     126     123     190     182
Income taxes     (46)     (45)     (80)     (79)
Minority interests in earnings     (2)     (2)     (11)     (10)
Net income     78     76     99     93
Cost-income ratio 5) in %       66.9       66.5       60.0       59.9



Represents fee and commission income less fee and commission expenses.


Represents interest and similar income less interest expense and investment expenses.


For the Asset Management segment, total revenues are measured based upon operating revenues.


The total of these items equals acquisition and administrative expenses (net) in the segment income statement included in Note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Represents operating expenses divided by operating revenues.



Table of Contents

Corporate Activities

– Reduced operating loss due to positive development in Private Equity business.

– Lower realized gains affected net income.


Earnings Summary

The overall operating loss reduced by €25 million to €76 million. This improvement was attributable to increased profits in the Private Equity business, partly offset by a slightly higher operating loss in the Holding Function.

The prior year’s net income of €381 million turned into a net loss of €99 million in 1Q 2008, primarily due to a lower volume of realized gains in the Holding Function.

Holding Function

Operating profit (loss)

At €140 million, the operating loss was €8 million higher than a year ago. Interest and similar income increased by more than 50 % mainly driven by a higher asset base. This positive development was more than offset by higher interest and administrative expenses.

Non-operating result

Non-operating items turned to a loss of €90 million from a €512 million gain in the first three months of 2007. The gain a year ago mainly resulted from exceptionally high gains of

€640 million from the disposal of equity investments. Due to the weak market conditions in 1Q 2008 we refrained from any large scale realizations.

Net income

As a result of the movements in operating profit and non-operating items, the prior year net income of €364 million turned into a net loss of €137 million in 1Q 2008.

Private Equity

Operating profit

Operating profit more than doubled to €64 million. Fee and commission income rose significantly due to several real estate transactions in the first quarter 2008.

Non-operating result

Non-operating loss increased by €11 million to €12 million mainly due to higher net impairments of investments.

Net income

As a result of the favorable development in operating profit, net income more than doubled to €38 million.


        Holding Function               Private Equity               Total    
Three months ended March, 31       


















Operating profit (loss)     (140)     (132)     64     31     (76)     (101)
Non-operating items     (90)     512     (12)     (1)     (102)     511
Income (loss) before income taxes and minorities     (230)     380     52     30     (178)     410
Net income (loss)       (137)       364       38       17       (99)       381



Table of Contents

Balance Sheet Review

– Shareholders’ equity remained strong at 45 billion.


Shareholders’ Equity

Shareholders’ equity1)

in mn




Does not include minority interests of 3.5 bn and 3.6 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively. Please see note 19 to the condensed consolidated financial statements for further information.


Includes foreign currency translation adjustments.

As of March 31, 2008, shareholders’ equity was 5.8% lower than for the year-end 2007. First quarter’s net income of € 1.1 billion was added to the equity but mainly due to a reduction of unrealized gains of € 2.8 billion and negative foreign currency translation effects of € 0.8 billion shareholders’ equity decreased to € 45.0 billion.


Total Assets and Total Liabilities

Total assets and liabilities increased by € 65.6 billion and € 68.5 billion, respectively. In the following sections we analyze important developments within the balance sheets of our Property-Casualty, Life/Health and Banking segments as presented on page 43. Relative to the Allianz Group’s total assets and total liabilities, we consider the total assets and total liabilities from our Asset Management segment as immaterial and have, accordingly, excluded these assets and liabilities from the following discussion. Our Asset Management segment’s results of operations stem primarily from its business with third-party assets. Please see pages 24 and 25 for further information on the development of our third-party assets.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Assets and Liabilities of the Property-Casualty segment

Property-Casualty assets

Property-Casualty asset base

fair values1) in bn




Loans and advances to banks and customers, held-to-maturity investments, and real estate held for investment are stated at amortized cost. Investments in associates and joint ventures are stated at either amortized cost or equity, depending upon, among other factors, our ownership percentage.


Does not include affiliates of 9.8 bn and 10.0 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively.


Includes debt securities of 2.3 bn and 2.7 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively, equity securities of 0.4 bn and 0.4 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively, and derivative financial instruments of 0.1 bn and 0.1 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively.

Our Property-Casualty asset base decreased by € 5.8 billion or 5.9% to € 91.8 billion mostly driven by a decline in the segment’s investments, excluding affiliates. This decline of € 3.7 billion led to a volume of € 70.0 billion as of March 31, 2008 and was caused mainly by the poor equity market development which impacted our equity investments down € 3.4 billion to € 13.1 billion.


Of our Property-Casualty asset base, ABS made up € 4.8 billion, as of March 31, 2008, which is around 5%. CDOs accounted for € 0.2 billion of this amount, of which € 1 million are subprime-related. Unrealized losses on CDOs of € 2 million were recorded in our equity.

Property-Casualty liabilities

Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses in our Property-Casualty segment decreased by 4.4% to € 54.5 billion. Main contributors to this decline were the change in presentation of two health insurance entities which were previously recorded within the property-casualty segment and are now recorded in the Life/Health segment and foreign currency translation effects.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Group Management Report


Assets and Liabilities of the Life/Health segment

Life/Health assets

Life/Health asset base

fair values1) in bn




Loans and advances to banks and customers, held-to-maturity investments, and real estate held for investment are stated at amortized cost. Investments in associates and joint ventures are stated at either amortized cost or equity, depending upon, among other factors, our ownership percentage.


Does not include affiliates of 2.9 bn and 2.7 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December, 31, 2007, respectively.


Financial assets for unit-linked contracts represent assets owned by, and managed on the behalf of, policyholders of the Allianz Group, with all appreciation and depreciation in these assets accruing to the benefit of policyholders. As a result, the value of financial assets for unit-linked contracts in our balance sheet corresponds with the value of financial liabilities for unit-linked contracts.


Includes debt securities of 8.0 bn and 9.3 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively, equity securities of 3.1 bn and 3.3 bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively, and derivative financial instruments of (4.1) bn and (4.5) bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively.

In aggregate, our Life/Health asset base declined by 2.1% to € 342.5 billion, stemming primarily from a decrease in our financial assets for unit-linked contracts which were down € 5.7 billion to € 60.4 billion. This development arose from the current market situation which impacted the fair value of our assets in this category. In addition the segment’s investments decreased slightly by 1.7% to € 181.5 billion.


This development was caused mainly by reduced equity exposure (down € 6.7 billion to € 34.5 billion) due to poor equity market conditions.

Within our Life/Health asset base, ABS amounted to € 13.3 billion, as of March 31, 2008, less than 4% of total Life/Health assets. Of these, € 0.2 billion are CDOs of which none are subprime-related. Unrealized losses on CDOs of € 7 million were recorded in our equity.

Life/Health liabilities

Life/Health reserves for insurance and investment contracts were down 1.1% to € 280.1 billion driven mainly by a reduction of premium refund reserves in Germany of € (2.7) billion due to impairments of investments, and foreign currency translations effects of € (3.1) billion from the United States and Korea.



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Assets and Liabilities of the Banking segment

Banking loans and advances to banks and customers1)

in bn




Includes loan loss allowance of (0.8) bn and (0.8) bn as of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007, respectively.

Banking loans and advances to banks and customers

Loans and advances to banks and customers in our Banking segment were up 15.2% to € 340.4 billion from year-end 2007. This increase was mainly caused by higher volumes of collateralized refinancing activities at Dresdner Bank.

Banking liabilities to banks and customers

Accordingly, liabilities to banks and customers experienced an increase of 16.7% to € 374.0 billion namely in the form of repurchase agreements.



Table of Contents

Other Information



Reconciliation of Consolidated Operating Profit and Income Before Income Taxes and Minority Interests in Earnings

The previous analysis is based on our consolidated financial statements and should be read in conjunction with those statements. The Allianz Group uses operating profit to evaluate the performance of its business segments and the Group as a whole. The Allianz Group considers the presentation of operating profit to be useful and meaningful to investors because it enhances the understanding of the Allianz Group’s underlying operating performance and the comparability of its operating performance over time. Operating profit highlights the portion of income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings attributable to the on-going core operations of the Allianz Group. To better understand the on-going operations of the business, we exclude the effects of acquisition-related expenses and the amortization of intangible assets, as these relate to business combinations; and we exclude interest expense from external debt and non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) as these relate to our capital structure.

We believe that trends in the underlying profitability of our business can be more clearly identified without the fluctuating effects of the realized capital gains and losses or impairments of investment securities, as these are largely dependent on market cycles or issuer-specific events over which we have little or no control, and can and do vary, sometimes materially, across periods. Further, the timing of sales that would result in such gains or losses is largely at our discretion.

Similarly, we exclude restructuring charges because the timing of the restructuring charges are largely within our control, and accordingly their exclusion provides additional insight into the operating trends of the underlying business. This differentiation is not made if the profit sources are shared with the policyholder.


Operating profit should be viewed as complementary to, and not a substitute for, income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings or net income as determined in accordance with IFRS.

Reconciliation of operating profit on a consolidated basis to the Allianz Group’s income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007.


Three months ended March 31,        2008
Operating profit     1,856     2,870
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net) and impairments of investments (net)     254     2,045
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     147     34
Interest expense from external debt     (252)     (222)
Non-operating restructuring charges     22     (27)
Acquisition-related expenses     (107)     (122)
Amortization of intangible assets     (5)     (3)
Reclassification of policyholder participation in tax benefits arising in connection with tax-exempt income     (13)     (19)
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings       1,902       4,556



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Group Management Report     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Composition of Total Revenue Growth

We further believe that an understanding of our total revenue performance is enhanced when the effects of foreign currency translation as well as acquisitions and disposals (or “changes in scope of consolidation”) are excluded. Accordingly, in addition to presenting “nominal growth”, we also present “internal growth”, which excludes the effects of foreign currency translation and changes in scope of consolidation.

Reconciliation of nominal total 1) revenue growth to internal total 1) revenue growth for the three months ended March 31, 2008







in scope

of consoli-





          %        %        %        %
Property-Casualty     (2.8)     (0.9)     (1.3)     (0.6)
Life/Health         2.4     (2.6)     0.2
Banking     (63.0)         (1.6)     (61.4)


Dresdner Bank

    (64.4)         (1.6)     (62.8)
Asset Management     (6.8)     (0.4)     (6.9)     0.5

thereof: Allianz

Global Investors

    (6.4)     (0.1)     (7.2)     0.9
Allianz Group       (5.7)       0.6       (2.1)       (4.2)



Total revenues comprise Property-Casualty segment’s gross premiums written, Life/Health segment’s statutory premiums, Banking segment’s operating revenues and Asset Management segment’s operating revenues. Segment growth rates are presented before the elimination of transactions between Allianz Group companies in different segments.



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Allianz Group

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements Contents



  Consolidated Balance Sheets


  Consolidated Income Statements


  Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity


  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


  1    Basis of presentation


  2    Changes in the presentation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


  3    Consolidation


  4    Segment reporting
Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Balance Sheets


  5    Financial assets carried at fair value through income


  6    Investments


  7    Loans and advances to banks and customers


  8    Reinsurance assets


  9    Deferred acquisition costs


  10    Other assets


  11    Intangible assets


  12    Financial liabilities carried at fair value through income


  13    Liabilities to banks and customers


  14    Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses


  15    Reserves for insurance and investment contracts


  16    Other liabilities


  17    Certificated liabilities


  18    Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities


  19    Equity






Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Income Statements


  20    Premiums earned (net)


  21    Interest and similar income


  22    Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)


  23    Realized gains/losses (net)


  24    Fee and commission income


  25    Other income


  26    Income from fully consolidated private equity investments


  27    Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)


  28    Change in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)


  29    Interest expenses


  30    Loan loss provisions


  31    Impairments of investments (net)


  32    Investment expenses


  33    Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)


  34    Fee and commission expenses


  35    Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments


  36    Income taxes


  37    Earnings per share
Other Information


  38    Supplemental information on the Banking Segment


  39    Supplemental information on the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows


  40    Other information


  41    Subsequent events


     Review report



Table of Contents

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements    Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Allianz Group

Consolidated Balance Sheets

As of March 31, 2008 and as of December 31, 2007



As of March 31,



As of
December 31,


Cash and cash equivalents           29,626     31,337
Financial assets carried at fair value through income     5     211,472     185,461
Investments     6     278,865     286,952
Loans and advances to banks and customers     7     444,764     396,702
Financial assets for unit linked contracts           60,425     66,060
Reinsurance assets     8     14,540     15,312
Deferred acquisition costs     9     20,072     19,613
Deferred tax assets           4,716     4,771
Other assets     10     49,097     41,528
Intangible assets     11     13,189     13,413
Total assets               1,126,766       1,061,149

As of March 31,



As of

December 31,



LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                  
Financial liabilities carried at fair value through income     12     147,518     126,053
Liabilities to banks and customers     13     389,065     336,494
Unearned premiums           18,424     15,020
Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses     14     62,661     63,706
Reserves for insurance and investment contracts     15     288,892     292,244
Financial liabilities for unit linked contracts           60,425     66,060
Deferred tax liabilities           3,985     3,973
Other liabilities     16     55,978     49,324
Certificated liabilities     17     36,453     42,070
Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities     18     14,877     14,824
Total liabilities           1,078,278     1,009,768
Shareholders’ equity           44,981     47,753
Minority interests           3,507     3,628
Total equity     19     48,488     51,381
Total liabilities and equity               1,126,766       1,061,149



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Allianz Group

Consolidated Income Statements

For the three months ended March 31, 2008 and March 31, 2007


Three months ended March 31,        Note       






Premiums written           19,468     19,503
Ceded premiums written           (1,416)     (1,761)
Change in unearned premiums           (3,290)     (3,199)
Premiums earned (net)     20     14,762     14,543
Interest and similar income     21     6,410     6,266
Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     22     (52)     115
Realized gains/losses (net)     23     1,327     3,209
Fee and commission income     24     2,101     2,356
Other income     25     351     93
Income from fully consolidated private equity investments     26     579     471
Total income           25,478     27,053
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (gross)           (11,986)     (12,047)
Claims and Insurance benefits incurred (ceded)           672     962
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     27     (11,314)     (11,085)
Change in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     28     (1,845)     (2,736)
Interest expenses     29     (1,826)     (1,598)
Loan loss provisions     30     (10)     2
Impairments of investments (net)     31     (1,497)     (67)
Investment expenses     32     (437)     (261)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     33     (5,446)     (5,638)
Fee and commission expenses     34     (655)     (634)
Amortization of intangible assets           (5)     (3)
Restructuring charges           21     (30)
Other expenses           (6)     13
Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments     35     (556)     (460)
Total expenses           (23,576)     (22,497)
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings           1,902     4,556
Income taxes     36     (674)     (967)
Minority interests in earnings           (80)     (349)
Net income               1,148       3,240
Three months ended March 31,        Note       




Basic earnings per share     37     2.55     7.51
Diluted earnings per share       37       2.48       7.34



Table of Contents

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements    Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Allianz Group

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity

For the three months ended March 31, 2008 and March 31, 2007








gains and
losses (net)










          mn        mn        mn        mn             mn        mn             mn
Balance as of December 31, 2006     25,398     13,070     (2,210)     13,392       49,650     7,180         56,830
Foreign currency translation adjustments             (141)     (4)       (145)     (23)         (168)
Available-for-sale investments                                                

Unrealized gains and losses (net) arising during the period

                233       233     (28)         205

Transferred to net income on disposal

                (1,787)       (1,787)     (86)         (1,873)
Cash flow hedges                 5       5             5
Miscellaneous         (84)               (84)     7         (77)
Total income and expense recognized directly in shareholders’ equity         (84)     (141)     (1,553)       (1,778)     (130)         (1,908)
Net income         3,240               3,240     349         3,589
Total recognized income and expense for the period         3,156     (141)     (1,553)       1,462     219         1,681
Paid-in capital                                  
Treasury shares         348               348             348
Transactions between equity holders         (6)         (2)       (8)     34         26
Dividends paid                           (23)         (23)
Balance as of March 31, 2007     25,398     16,568     (2,351)     11,837       51,452     7,410         58,862
Balance as of December 31, 2007     28,321     12,618     (3,656)     10,470       47,753     3,628         51,381
Foreign currency translation adjustments             (830)     (2)       (832)     (127)         (959)
Available-for-sale investments                                                

Unrealized gains and losses (net) arising during the period

                (2,795)       (2,795)     (35)         (2,830)

Transferred to net income on disposal

                (142)       (142)     4         (138)
Cash flow hedges                 40       40             40
Miscellaneous         (69)               (69)     (4)         (73)
Total income and expense recognized directly in shareholders’ equity         (69)     (830)     (2,899)       (3,798)     (162)         (3,960)
Net income         1,148               1,148     80         1,228
Total recognized income and expense for the period         1,079     (830)     (2,899)       (2,650)     (82)         (2,732)
Paid-in capital     203                   203             203
Treasury shares         (204)               (204)             (204)
Transactions between equity holders         (122)         1       (121)     (4)         (125)
Dividends paid                           (35)         (35)
Balance as of March 31, 2008       28,524       13,371       (4,486)       7,572           44,981       3,507           48,488



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008    Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Allianz Group

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

For the three months ended March 31, 2008 and March 31, 2007


Three months ended March 31,       






Net cash flow provided by operating activities     5,608     5,065
Net cash flow used in investing activities     (11,931)     (7,903)
Net cash flow provided by financing activities     4,630     5,534
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents     (18)     (14)
Change in cash and cash equivalents     (1,711)     2,682
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period     31,337     33,031
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     29,626     35,713
Cash flow from operating activities:            
Net income     1,148     3,240
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flow provided by operating activities            

Minority interests in earnings

    80     349

Share of earnings from investments in associates and joint ventures

    (21)     (259)

Realized gains/losses (net) and impairments of investments (net) of:


Available-for-sale and held-to-maturity investments, investments in associates and joint ventures, real estate held for investment, loans to banks and customers

    170     (3,142)

Other investments, mainly financial assets held for trading and designated at fair value through income

    (195)     (459)

Depreciation and amortization

    139     200

Loan loss provision

    10     (2)

Interest credited to policyholder accounts

    879     657

Net change in:


Financial assets and liabilities held for trading

    (5,843)     7,597

Reverse repurchase agreements and collateral paid for securities borrowing transactions

    (39,585)     (30,887)

Repurchase agreements and collateral received from securities lending transactions

    45,425     25,798

Reinsurance assets

    210     623

Deferred acquisition costs

    (744)     (756)

Unearned premiums

    3,681     3,554

Reserves for losses and loss adjustment expenses

    (315)     (1,221)

Reserves for insurance and investment contracts

    556     1,866

Deferred tax assets/liabilities

    168     266

Financial assets designated at fair value through income (only banking)

    988     (651)

Financial liabilities designated at fair value through income (only banking)

    (143)     49

Other (net)

    (1,000)     (1,757)


    4,460     1,825
Net cash flow provided by operating activities     5,608     5,065
Cash flow from investing activities:            
Proceeds from the sale, maturity or repayment of:            

Financial assets designated at fair value through income

    754     1,813

Available-for-sale investments

    26,144     42,628

Held-to-maturity investments

    64     80

Investments in associates and joint ventures

    384     262

Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale


Real estate held for investment

    247     177

Loans and advances to banks and customers (purchased loans)

    986     2,519

Property and equipment

    186     188


      30,920       47,667



Table of Contents

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements    Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Three months ended March 31,       






Payments for the purchase or origination of:            

Financial assets designated at fair value through income

    (1,042)     (2,139)

Available-for-sale investments

    (29,687)     (44,048)

Held-to-maturity investments

    (135)     (59)

Investments in associates and joint ventures

    (261)     (593)

Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale


Real estate held for investment

    (45)     (20)

Loans and advances to banks and customers (purchased loans)

    (1,784)     (3,903)

Property and equipment

    (214)     (139)


    (33,178)     (50,901)
Business combinations:            

Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired

Change in other loans and advances to banks and customers (originated loans)     (9,478)     (4,038)
Other (net)     (195)     (124)
Net cash flow used in investing activities     (11,931)     (7,903)
Cash flow from financing activities:            
Policyholders’ account deposits     4,369     3,024
Policyholders’ account withdrawals     (2,735)     (2,533)
Net change in liabilities to banks and customers     7,207     6,139
Proceeds from the issuance of certificated liabilities, participation certificates and subordinated liabilities     12,375     25,541
Repayments of certificated liabilities, participation certificates and subordinated liabilities     (16,155)     (26,599)
Cash inflow from capital increases     203    
Transactions between equity holders     (125)     21
Dividends paid to shareholders     (35)     (23)
Net cash from sale or purchase of treasury shares     (56)     189
Other (net)     (418)     (225)
Net cash flow provided by financing activities       4,630       5,534



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008    Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Allianz Group

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

1 Basis of presentation

Basis of presentation

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Allianz Group – comprising the consolidated balance sheet, income statement, condensed cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity and selected explanatory notes – are presented in accordance with the requirements of IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), as adopted under European Union (“EU”) regulations in accordance with section 315a of the German Commercial Code (“HGB”). The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Allianz Group have also been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“IASB”). The Allianz Group’s application of IFRS results in no differences between IFRS as adopted by the EU and IFRS as issued by the IASB.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements comply with all new or amended IFRS, where application is compulsory for the first time for periods beginning on January 1, 2008. See Note 2 regarding changes to IFRS effective January 1, 2008.

For existing and unchanged IFRS the accounting policies for recognition, measurement, consolidation and presentation applied in the preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with the accounting policies that have been applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007.

IFRS do not provide specific guidance concerning all aspects of the recognition and measurement of insurance and reinsurance contracts. Therefore, as envisioned in IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, the provisions embodied under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”) have been applied to those aspects where specific guidance is not provided by IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented in millions of Euro (€mn).


2 Changes in the presentation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

As presented in the Notes to the Allianz Group´s consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, the Allianz Group identified certain prior period errors in 2007. The Allianz Group evaluated the errors individually and in the aggregate, and concluded that they were immaterial to the consolidated financial statements for all years in which they were included, and the Allianz Group corrected the errors in the 2007 consolidated financial statements. The impact of the corrections to these condensed consolidated interim financial statements was an adjustment in the consolidated statement of changes in equity to the following line items.


          As of
March 31,
Shareholders’ equity      

Revenue reserves


Unrealized gains and losses (net)



Minority interests     771
Total equity       (60)


Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.

3 Consolidation

Scope of consolidation

Effective March 18, 2008, K2 was fully consolidated and included in the condensed consolidated interim financial statement of the Allianz Group for the first quarter ended March 31, 2008.

The Allianz Group presented out of the total assets and total liabilities of €10,537 mn each, assets of €8,665 mn within other assets and liabilities of €8,889 mn within other liabilities on a provisional basis in the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2008. During the 2nd quarter of 2008 the Allianz Group will finalize the classification of these assets and liabilities.



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


4 Segment reporting

Allianz Group

Business Segment Information – Consolidated Balance Sheets

As of March 31, 2008 and as of December 31, 2007


        Property-Casualty        Life/Health

As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,




As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



Cash and cash equivalents     5,431     4,985     10,543     8,779
Financial assets carried at fair value through income     2,863     3,302     11,670     13,216
Investments     79,840     83,741     184,384     187,289
Loans and advances to banks and customers     19,030     20,712     93,640     91,188
Financial assets for unit linked contracts             60,425     66,060
Reinsurance assets     9,671     10,317     4,914     5,043
Deferred acquisition costs     4,028     3,681     15,892     15,838
Deferred tax assets     1,499     1,442     221     316
Other assets     26,531     21,864     14,547     14,071
Intangible assets     2,312     2,332     2,209     2,218
Total assets       151,205       152,376       398,445       404,018
        Property-Casualty        Life/Health

As of March 31,



As of December
31, 2007



As of March 31,



As of December
31, 2007


LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                        
Financial liabilities carried at fair value through income     47     96     4,665     5,147
Liabilities to banks and customers     6,401     6,865     7,861     6,078
Unearned premiums     16,351     13,163     2,074     1,858
Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses     54,451     56,943     8,218     6,773
Reserves for insurance and investment contracts     8,711     8,976     280,087     283,139
Financial liabilities for unit linked contracts             60,425     66,060
Deferred tax liabilities     2,534     2,606     815     946
Other liabilities     24,178     22,989     17,896     17,741
Certificated liabilities     155     158     3     3
Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities     903     905     65     60
Total liabilities       113,731       112,701       382,109       387,805



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Banking   Asset Management   Corporate   Consolidation   Group

As of
March 31,



As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,


13,057     17,307     666     770     540     445     (611)     (949)     29,626     31,337
196,538     168,339     849     980     529     887     (977)     (1,263)     211,472     185,461
16,318     16,284     884     879     102,729     102,894     (105,290)     (104,135)     278,865     286,952
340,442     295,506     594     469     5,465     4,754     (14,407)     (15,927)     444,764     396,702
                                60,425     66,060
                        (45)     (48)     14,540     15,312
        152     94                     20,072     19,613
1,605     1,733     157     161     1,007     935     227     184     4,716     4,771
17,126     8,203     3,263     3,452     9,427     10,786     (21,797)     (16,848)     49,097     41,528
2,374     2,379     6,040     6,227     254     257             13,189     13,413
587,460       509,751       12,605       13,032       119,951       120,958       (142,900)       (138,986)       1,126,766       1,061,149


Banking   Asset Management   Corporate   Consolidation   Group

As of
March 31,



As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,



As of

March 31,




As of

December 31,


142,738     120,383             744     1,376     (676)     (949)     147,518     126,053
374,022     320,388     959     807     8,366     13,023     (8,544)     (10,667)     389,065     336,494
                        (1)     (1)     18,424     15,020
                        (8)     (10)     62,661     63,706
                322     358     (228)     (229)     288,892     292,244
                                60,425     66,060
105     102     49     35     257     88     225     196     3,985     3,973
19,313     11,011     2,911     3,647     19,683     14,625     (28,003)     (20,689)     55,978     49,324
29,209     34,778             9,589     9,567     (2,503)     (2,436)     36,453     42,070
8,034     7,966     14     14     7,048     7,069     (1,187)     (1,190)     14,877     14,824
573,421       494,628       3,933       4,503       46,009       46,106       (40,925)       (35,975)     1,078,278     1,009,768
                        Total equity     48,488     51,381
                        Total liabilities and equity   1,126,766       1,061,149



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Allianz Group

Business Segment Information – Consolidated Income Statements

For the three months ended March 31, 2008 and March 31, 2007


        Property-Casualty        Life/Health
Three months ended March 31,       












Premiums written     13,710     14,111     5,764     5,395
Ceded premiums written     (1,285)     (1,586)     (137)     (178)
Change in unearned premiums     (3,252)     (3,167)     (38)     (32)
Premiums earned (net)     9,173     9,358     5,589     5,185
Interest and similar income     1,051     1,006     3,200     3,155
Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     77     (12)     242     (310)
Realized gains/losses (net)     369     767     661     1,193
Fee and commission income     267     272     171     171
Other income     250     84     110     54
Income from fully consolidated private equity investments                
Total income     11,187     11,475     9,973     9,448
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (gross)     (6,858)     (7,174)     (5,130)     (4,878)
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (ceded)     557     791     117     176
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (6,301)     (6,383)     (5,013)     (4,702)
Change in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (29)     (81)     (1,803)     (2,624)
Interest expenses     (88)     (92)     (70)     (91)
Loan loss provisions             2     (3)
Impairments of investments (net)     (435)     (26)     (984)     (37)
Investment expenses     (123)     (74)     (328)     (196)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     (2,391)     (2,675)     (1,108)     (874)
Fee and commission expenses     (248)     (197)     (60)     (62)
Amortization of intangible assets     (4)     (2)     (1)     (1)
Restructuring charges     6     (14)     (1)     (5)
Other expenses                
Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments                
Total expenses     (9,613)     (9,544)     (9,366)     (8,595)
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,574     1,931     607     853
Income taxes     (478)     (537)     (136)     (201)
Minority interests in earnings     (39)     (214)     (19)     (99)
Net income (loss)       1,057       1,180       452       553



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Banking   Asset Management   Corporate   Consolidation   Group






























                        (6)     (3)     19,468     19,503
                        6     3     (1,416)     (1,761)
                                (3,290)     (3,199)
                                14,762     14,543
2,238     2,209     28     33     230     154     (337)     (291)     6,410     6,266
(562)     341     (4)     7     208     85     (13)     4     (52)     115
62     139     8     2     (16)     640     243     468     1,327     3,209
784     978     986     1,073     65     45     (172)     (183)     2,101     2,356
        5     4     1     5     (15)     (54)     351     93
                579     471             579     471
2,522     3,667     1,023     1,119     1,067     1,400     (294)     (56)     25,478     27,053
                        2     5     (11,986)     (12,047)
                        (2)     (5)     672     962
                                (11,314)     (11,085)
                        (13)     (31)     (1,845)     (2,736)
(1,542)     (1,281)     (9)     (11)     (425)     (353)     308     230     (1,826)     (1,598)
(12)     5                             (10)     2
(30)     (13)     (3)         (45)     9             (1,497)     (67)
2     (9)     1     1     (44)     (34)     55     51     (437)     (261)
(1,218)     (1,410)     (606)     (590)     (146)     (117)     23     28     (5,446)     (5,638)
(140)     (146)     (280)     (327)     (29)     (35)     102     133     (655)     (634)
                                (5)     (3)
16     (9)         (2)                     21     (30)
(6)     13                             (6)     13
                (556)     (460)             (556)     (460)
(2,930)     (2,850)     (897)     (929)     (1,245)     (990)     475     411     (23,576)     (22,497)
(408)     817     126     190     (178)     410     181     355     1,902     4,556
(116)     (168)     (46)     (80)     86     (25)     16     44     (674)     (967)
(14)     (24)     (2)     (11)     (7)     (4)     1     3     (80)     (349)
(538)       625       78       99       (99)       381       198       402       1,148       3,240



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Allianz Group

Business Segment Information – Total revenues and reconciliation of

Operating Profit and Net Income for the three months ended March 31, 2008

and March 31, 2007


        Property-Casualty 1)        Life/Health 1)
Three months ended March 31,       












Total revenues 2)     13,710     14,111     12,327     12,326
Premiums earned (net)     9,173     9,358     5,589     5,185
Interest and similar income     1,051     1,006     3,200     3,155
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     14     17     231     (311)
Operating realized gains/losses (net)     (3)     34     649     1,088
Fee and commission income     267     272     171     171
Other income     250     84     110     54
Income from fully consolidated private equity investments                
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (6,301)     (6,383)     (5,013)     (4,702)
Change in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (29)     (81)     (1,803)     (2,624)
Interest expenses, excluding interest expenses from external debt     (88)     (92)     (70)     (91)
Loan loss provisions             2     (3)
Operating impairments of investments (net)     (93)     (2)     (980)     (37)
Investment expenses     (123)     (74)     (328)     (196)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net), excluding acquisition-related expenses     (2,391)     (2,675)     (1,108)     (874)
Fee and commission expenses     (248)     (197)     (60)     (62)
Operating restructuring charges             (1)     (3)
Other expenses                
Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments                
Reclassification of tax benefits                
Operating profit (loss)     1,479     1,267     589     750
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     63     (29)     11     1
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net)     372     733     12     105
Non-operating impairments of investments (net)     (342)     (24)     (4)    
Interest expenses from external debt                
Acquisition-related expenses                
Amortization of intangible assets     (4)     (2)     (1)     (1)
Non-operating restructuring charges     6     (14)         (2)
Reclassification of tax benefits                
Non-operating items     95     664     18     103
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,574     1,931     607     853
Income taxes     (478)     (537)     (136)     (201)
Minority interests in earnings     (39)     (214)     (19)     (99)
Net income (loss)       1,057       1,180       452       553



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


Total revenues comprise Property-Casualty segment’s gross premiums written, Life/Health segment’s statutory premiums, Banking segment’s operating revenues and Asset Management segment’s operating revenues.



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Banking   Asset Management   Corporate   Consolidation   Group






























778     2,101     727     780             111     5     27,653     29,323
                                14,762     14,543
2,238     2,209     28     33     230     154     (337)     (291)     6,410     6,266
(562)     341     (4)     7     10     1     112     26     (199)     81
                        3     14     649     1,136
784     978     986     1,073     65     45     (172)     (183)     2,101     2,356
        5     4     1     5     (15)     (54)     351     93
                579     471             579     471
                                (11,314)     (11,085)
                        (13)     (31)     (1,845)     (2,736)
(1,542)     (1,281)     (9)     (11)     (173)     (131)     308     230     (1,574)     (1,376)
(12)     5                             (10)     2
                                (1,073)     (39)
2     (9)     1     1     (44)     (34)     55     51     (437)     (261)
(1,218)     (1,410)     (486)     (468)     (159)     (117)     23     28     (5,339)     (5,516)
(140)     (146)     (280)     (327)     (29)     (35)     102     133     (655)     (634)
                                (1)     (3)
(6)     13                             (6)     13
                (556)     (460)             (556)     (460)
                        13     19     13     19
(456)     700     241     312     (76)     (101)     79     (58)     1,856     2,870
                198     84     (125)     (22)     147     34
62     139     8     2     (16)     640     240     454     678     2,073
(30)     (13)     (3)         (45)     9             (424)     (28)
                (252)     (222)             (252)     (222)
        (120)     (122)     13                 (107)     (122)
                                (5)     (3)
16     (9)         (2)                     22     (27)
                        (13)     (19)     (13)     (19)
48     117     (115)     (122)     (102)     511     102     413     46     1,686
(408)     817     126     190     (178)     410     181     355     1,902     4,556
(116)     (168)     (46)     (80)     86     (25)     16     44     (674)     (967)
(14)     (24)     (2)     (11)     (7)     (4)     1     3     (80)     (349)
(538)       625       78       99       (99)       381       198       402       1,148       3,240



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Operating Profit

The Allianz Group uses operating profit to evaluate the performance of its business segments and the Group as a whole. The Allianz Group considers the presentation of operating profit to be useful and meaningful to investors because it enhances the understanding of the Allianz Group’s underlying operating performance and the comparability of its operating performance over time. Operating profit highlights the portion of income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings attributable to the ongoing core operations of the Allianz Group. To better understand the on-going operations of the business, we exclude the effects of acquisition-related expenses and the amortization of intangible assets, as these relate to business combinations; and we exclude interest expense from external debt and non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) as these relate to our capital structure.

The Allianz Group believes that trends in the underlying profitability of it´s business can be more clearly identified without the fluctuating effects of the realized capital gains and losses or impairments of investment securities, as these are largely dependent on market cycles or issuer-specific events over which the Allianz Group has little or no control, and can and do vary, sometimes materially, across periods. Further, the timing of sales that would result in such gains or losses is largely at the discretion of the Allianz Group. Similarly, restructuring charges are excluded because the timing of the restructuring charges are largely within the control of the Allianz Group, and accordingly their exclusion provides additional insight into the operating trends of the underlying business. This differentiation is not made if the profit sources are shared with policyholders.

Operating profit should be viewed as complementary to, and not a substitute for, income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings or net income as determined in accordance with IFRS.



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Property-Casualty Segment1)


Three months ended March 31,       






Gross premiums written2)     13,710     14,111
Ceded premiums written     (1,285)     (1,586)
Change in unearned premiums     (3,252)     (3,167)
Premiums earned (net)     9,173     9,358
Interest and similar income     1,051     1,006
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     14     17
Operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     (3)     34
Fee and commission income     267     272
Other income     250     84
Operating revenues     10,752     10,771
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (6,301)     (6,383)
Changes in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (29)     (81)
Interest expenses     (88)     (92)
Operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (93)     (2)
Investment expenses     (123)     (74)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     (2,391)     (2,675)
Fee and commission expenses     (248)     (197)
Operating expenses     (9,273)     (9,504)
Operating profit     1,479     1,267
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     63     (29)
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     372     733
Non-operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (342)     (24)
Amortization of intangible assets     (4)     (2)
Restructuring charges     6     (14)
Non-operating items     95     664
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     1,574     1,931
Income taxes     (478)     (537)
Minority interests in earnings     (39)     (214)
Net income     1,057     1,180
Loss ratio6) in %     68.7     68.2
Expense ratio7) in %     26.1     28.6
Combined ratio8) in %       94.8       96.8



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


For the Property-Casualty segment, total revenues are measured based upon gross premiums written.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals realized gains/losses (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals impairments of investments (net) in the segment income statement.


Represents claims and insurance benefits incurred (net) divided by premiums earned (net).


Represents acquisition and administrative expenses (net) divided by premiums earned (net).


Represents the total of acquisition and administrative expenses (net) and claims and insurance benefits incurred (net) divided by premiums earned (net).



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Life/Health Segment1)


Three months ended March 31,       






Statutory premiums2)     12,327     12,326
Ceded premiums written     (143)     (193)
Change in unearned premiums     (37)     (27)
Statutory premiums (net)     12,147     12,106
Deposits from SFAS 97 insurance and investment contracts     (6,558)     (6,921)
Premiums earned (net)     5,589     5,185
Interest and similar income     3,200     3,155
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     231     (311)
Operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     649     1,088
Fee and commission income     171     171
Other income     110     54
Operating revenues     9,950     9,342
Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)     (5,013)     (4,702)
Changes in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)     (1,803)     (2,624)
Interest expenses     (70)     (91)
Loan loss provisions     2     (3)
Operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (980)     (37)
Investment expenses     (328)     (196)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)     (1,108)     (874)
Fee and commission expenses     (60)     (62)
Operating restructuring charges6)     (1)     (3)
Operating expenses     (9,361)     (8,592)
Operating profit     589     750
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)3)     11     1
Non-operating realized gains/losses (net)4)     12     105
Non-operating impairments of investments (net)5)     (4)    
Amortization of intangible assets     (1)     (1)
Non-operating restructuring charges6)         (2)
Non-operating items     18     103
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     607     853
Income taxes     (136)     (201)
Minority interests in earnings     (19)     (99)
Net income     452     553
Statutory expense ratio7) in %       9.1       7.2



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.


For the Life/Health segment, total revenues are measured based upon statutory premiums. Statutory premiums are gross premiums written from sales of life insurance policies, as well as gross receipts from sales of unit linked and other investment-oriented products, in accordance with the statutory accounting practices applicable in the insurer’s home jurisdiction.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals realized gains/losses (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals impairments of investments (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals restructuring charges in the segment income statement.


Represents acquisition and administrative expenses (net) divided by statutory premiums (net).



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Banking Segment


Three months ended March 31,       2008   2007














Net interest income1)     696     669     928     900
Net fee and commission income2)     644     604     832     789
Trading income (net)3)     (706)     (698)     351     345
Income from financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through income (net)3)     144     144     (10)     (11)
Operating revenues4)     778     719     2,101     2,023
Administrative expenses     (1,218)     (1,156)     (1,410)     (1,355)
Investment expenses     2     (1)     (9)     (11)
Other expenses     (6)     (5)     13     13
Operating expenses     (1,222)     (1,162)     (1,406)     (1,353)
Loan loss provisions     (12)     (10)     5     7
Operating profit (loss)     (456)     (453)     700     677
Realized gains/losses (net)     62     63     139     137
Impairments of investments (net)     (30)     (30)     (13)     (13)
Restructuring charges     16     16     (9)     (9)
Non-operating items     48     49     117     115
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     (408)     (404)     817     792
Income taxes     (116)     (94)     (168)     (158)
Minority interests in earnings     (14)     (15)     (24)     (22)
Net income (loss)     (538)     (513)     625     612
Cost-income ratio5) in %       157.1       161.6       66.9       66.9



Represents interest and similar income less interest expenses.


Represents fee and commission income less fee and commission expenses.


The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement.


For the Banking segment, total revenues are measured based upon operating revenues.


Represents operating expenses divided by operating revenues.



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Asset Management Segment


Three months ended March 31,       2008        2007
















Net fee and commission income1)     706     693     746     728
Net interest income2)     20     15     23     19
Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)     (4)     (3)     7     7
Other income     5     5     4     4
Operating revenues3)     727     710     780     758
Administrative expenses, excluding acquisition-related expenses4)     (486)     (472)     (468)     (454)
Operating expenses     (486)     (472)     (468)     (454)
Operating profit     241     238     312     304
Realized gains/losses (net)     8     8     2     2
Impairments of investments (net)     (3)     (3)        
Acquisition-related expenses4), thereof:                        

Deferred purchases of interests in PIMCO

    (120)     (120)     (122)     (122)
Restructuring charges             (2)     (2)
Non-operating items     (115)     (115)     (122)     (122)
Income before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     126     123     190     182
Income taxes     (46)     (45)     (80)     (79)
Minority interests in earnings     (2)     (2)     (11)     (10)
Net income     78     76     99     93
Cost-income ratio5) in %       66.9       66.5       60.0       59.9



Represents fee and commission income less fee and commission expenses.


Represents interest and similar income less interest expenses and investment expenses.


For the Asset Management segment, total revenues are measured based upon operating revenues.


The total of these items equals acquisition and administrative expenses (net) in the segment income statement.


Represents operating expenses divided by operating revenues



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


Corporate Segment


Three months ended March 31,       






Interest and similar income     230     154
Operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)1)     10     1
Fee and commission income     65     45
Other income     1     5
Income from fully consolidated private equity investments     579     471
Operating revenues     885     676
Interest expenses, excluding interest expenses from external debt2)     (173)     (131)
Investment expenses     (44)     (34)
Acquisition and administrative expenses (net), excluding acquisition-related expenses3)     (159)     (117)
Fee and commission expenses     (29)     (35)
Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments     (556)     (460)
Operating expenses     (961)     (777)
Operating loss     (76)     (101)
Non-operating income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)1)     198     84
Realized gains/losses (net)     (16)     640
Interest expenses from external debt2)     (252)     (222)
Impairments of investments (net)     (45)     9
Acquisition-related expenses3)     13    
Non-operating items     (102)     511
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests in earnings     (178)     410
Income taxes     86     (25)
Minority interests in earnings     (7)     (4)
Net income (loss)       (99)       381



The total of these items equals income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net) in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals interest expenses in the segment income statement.


The total of these items equals acquisition and administrative expenses (net) in the segment income statement.



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Balance Sheets

5 Financial assets carried at fair value through income



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Financial assets held for trading            

Debt securities 1)

    65,381     59,715

Equity securities

    28,037     30,596

Derivative financial instruments

    98,135     73,230


    191,553     163,541
Financial assets designated at fair value through income            

Debt securities 2)3)

    14,109     15,924

Equity securities

    4,118     4,232

Loans to banks and customers

    1,692     1,764


    19,919     21,920
Total       211,472       185,461



Debt securities held for trading include 13.2 bn (2007: 15.1 bn) of asset-backed securities of Dresdner Bank as of March 31, 2008.


Debt securities designated at fair value through income include 2.0 bn (2007: 2.8 bn) of credit investment related conduits (“CIRC”) of Dresdner Bank as of March 31, 2008.


Debt securities designated at fair value through income include 0.8 bn (2007: 0.8 bn) of asset-backed securities of the Life/Health segment as of March 31, 2008.


6 Investments



As of March 31,



As of
December 31,


Available-for-sale investments     259,868     268,001
Held-to-maturity investments     4,809     4,659
Funds held by others under reinsurance contracts assumed     1,070     1,063
Investments in associates and joint ventures     5,413     5,471
Real estate held for investment     7,705     7,758
Total       278,865       286,952


Available-for-sale investments


        As of March 31, 2008        As of December 31, 2007
        Amortized       Unrealized       Unrealized       Fair Value       Amortized       Unrealized       Unrealized       Fair Value


















Debt securities                                                

Government and agency mortgage-backed securities (residential and commercial) 1)

    10,772     70     (83)     10,759     7,628     30     (112)     7,546

Corporate mortgage-backed securities (residential and commercial) 1)

    2,737     1     (122)     2,616     6,663     39     (101)     6,601

Other asset-backed securities 1)

    5,431     34     (149)     5,316     5,384     34     (92)     5,326

Government and government agency bonds

    95,826     1,863     (1,052)     96,637     98,285     1,334     (1,479)     98,140

Corporate bonds

    91,270     780     (2,934)     89,116     86,095     660     (2,356)     84,399


    4,003     58     (135)     3,926     2,933     99     (104)     2,928


    210,039     2,806     (4,475)     208,370     206,988     2,196     (4,244)     204,940
Equity securities     36,671     16,111     (1,284)     51,498     40,794     22,734     (467)     63,061
Total       246,710       18,917       (5,759)       259,868       247,782       24,930       (4,711)       268,001



includes asset-backed-securities of the Property-Casualty segment of 4.8 bn (2007: 4.9 bn) and of the Life/Health segment of 12.5 bn (2007: 13.0 bn) as of March 31, 2008.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


7 Loans and advances to banks and customers


        As of March 31, 2008        As of December 31, 2007


















Short-term investments and certificates of deposit     12,449         12,449     10,316         10,316
Reverse repurchase agreements     87,078     65,011     152,089     68,340     56,991     125,331
Collateral paid for securities borrowing transactions     27,576     25,629     53,205     16,664     23,714     40,378
Loans     76,082     124,649     200,731     74,944     125,403     200,347
Other     16,270     10,831     27,101     14,012     7,148     21,160
Subtotal     219,455     226,120     445,575     184,276     213,256     397,532
Loan loss allowance     (3)     (808)     (811)     (3)     (827)     (830)
Total       219,452       225,312       444,764       184,273       212,429       396,702


Loans and advances to customers by type of customer



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Corporate customers     158,537     148,848
Private customers     55,218     55,761
Public authorities     12,365     8,647
Total       226,120       213,256

8 Reinsurance assets



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Unearned premiums     1,606     1,342
Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses     8,136     8,561
Aggregate policy reserves     4,736     5,319
Other insurance reserves     62     90
Total       14,540       15,312


9 Deferred acquisition costs



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Deferred acquisition costs            


    4,023     3,675


    14,180     14,118

Asset Management

    152     94


    18,355     17,887
Present value of future profits     1,218     1,206
Deferred sales inducements     499     520
Total       20,072       19,613



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


10 Other assets



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,




    4,547     4,616


    4,682     3,956


    2,150     2,676


    5,180     4,994

Less allowance for doubtful accounts

    (406)     (389)


    16,153     15,853
Tax receivables            

Income tax

    1,957     2,536

Other tax

    874     731


    2,831     3,267
Accrued dividends, interest and rent     8,983     8,782
Prepaid expenses            

Interest and rent

    26     29

Other prepaid expenses

    353     261


    379     290
Derivative financial instruments used for hedging that meet the criteria for hedge accounting and firm commitments     688     344
Property and equipment            

Real estate held for own use

    3,743     3,708


    1,596     1,666


    1,152     1,165


    6,491     6,539
Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale     1,561     3,503
Other assets 1)2)     12,011     2,950
Total       49,097       41,528



As of March 31, 2008, includes prepaid benefit costs for defined benefit plans of 521 mn.


As of March 31, 2008, includes assets of K2 of 8,665 mn.

Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale as of March 31, 2008 include assets related to Selecta AG of €1,552 mn (2007: €1,543 mn). During the first quarter ended March 31, 2008 the Allianz Group disposed of €1,950 mn related to the portfolios of real estate held for investment and real estate held for own use in Germany.


11 Intangible assets



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Goodwill     12,225     12,453
Brand names     745     737
Other     219     223
Total       13,189       13,413

Changes in goodwill for the three months ended March 31, 2008, were as follows:





Cost as of January 1,     12,677
Accumulated impairments as of January 1,     (224)
Carrying amount as of January 1,     12,453
Foreign currency translation adjustments     (228)
Carrying amount as of March 31,     12,225
Accumulated impairments as of March 31,     224
Cost as of March 31,       12,449

12 Financial liabilities carried at fair value through income



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Financial liabilities held for trading            

Obligations to deliver securities

    44,440     34,795

Derivative financial instruments

    100,835     76,819

Other trading liabilities

    552     12,469


    145,827     124,083
Financial liabilities designated at fair value through income     1,691     1,970
Total       147,518       126,053



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


13 Liabilities to banks and customers


        As of March 31, 2008   As of December 31, 2007


















Payable on demand     18,783     68,916     87,699     11,204     60,443     71,647
Savings deposits         5,267     5,267         5,304     5,304
Term deposits and certificates of deposit     53,216     77,301     130,517     64,129     72,938     137,067
Repurchase agreements     67,273     67,728     135,001     50,444     42,145     92,589
Collateral received from securities lending transactions     18,510     5,467     23,977     16,235     4,729     20,964
Other     3,302     3,302     6,604     5,513     3,410     8,923
Total       161,084       227,981       389,065       147,525       188,969       336,494

14 Reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Property-Casualty     54,451     56,943
Life/Health     8,218     6,773
Consolidation     (8)     (10)
Total       62,661       63,706


Changes in the reserves for loss and loss adjustment expenses for the Property-Casualty segment for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and March 31, 2007, are as follows:


        2008   2007









As of January 1,     56,943     (8,266)     48,677     58,664     (9,333)     49,331
Loss and loss adjustment expenses incurred                                    

Current year

    7,401     (772)     6,629     7,581     (990)     6,591

Prior years

    (543)     215     (328)     (407)     199     (208)


    6,858     (557)     6,301     7,174     (791)     6,383
Loss and loss adjustment expenses paid                                    

Current year

    (1,603)     80     (1,523)     (1,825)     142     (1,683)

Prior years

    (5,337)     606     (4,731)     (5,879)     770     (5,109)


    (6,940)     686     (6,254)     (7,704)     912     (6,792)
Foreign currency translation adjustments and other changes     (929)     267     (662)     (920)     783     (137)
Changes in the consolidated subsidiaries of the Allianz Group                 107     (9)     98
Reclassifications 1)     (1,481)     90     (1,391)            
As of March 31,       54,451       (7,780)       46,671       57,321       (8,438)       48,883



Effective 1Q 2008, health business in Belgium and France is shown within Life/Health segment. Prior year balances have not been adjusted.



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


15 Reserves for insurance and investment contracts



As of
March 31,



As of
December 31,


Aggregate policy reserves     265,117     264,243
Reserves for premium refunds     22,988     27,225
Other insurance reserves     787     776
Total       288,892       292,244

16 Other liabilities



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,




    4,657     4,806


    1,813     1,844


    1,488     1,743


    7,958     8,393
Payables for social security     324     196
Tax payables            

Income tax

    2,112     2,563


    1,615     1,012


    3,727     3,575
Accrued interest and rent     3,851     4,226
Unearned income            

Interest and rent

    8     6


    602     351


    610     357

Pensions and similar obligations

    4,104     4,184

Employee related

    2,368     2,956

Share-based compensation

    1,361     1,761

Restructuring plans

    461     541

Loan commitments

    178     201

Contingent losses from non-insurance business

    144     134

Other provisions

    1,806     1,857


    10,422     11,634
Deposits retained for reinsurance ceded     2,896     3,227
Derivative financial instruments used for hedging purposes that meet the criteria for hedge accounting and firm commitments     1,074     2,210
Financial liabilities for puttable equity instruments     3,557     4,162
Disposal groups held for sale     1,312     1,293
Other liabilities 1)     20,247     10,051
Total       55,978       49,324



As of March 31, 2008, includes liabilities of K2 of 8,889 mn.


17 Certificated liabilities



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Allianz SE 1)            

Senior bonds

    4,090     4,279

Exchangeable bonds


Money market securities

    3,540     2,929


    7,630     7,658
Banking subsidiaries            

Senior bonds

    15,371     18,111

Money market securities

    13,449     16,298


    28,820     34,409
All other subsidiaries            

Certificated liabilities

    3     3


    3     3
Total       36,453       42,070



Includes senior bonds, exchangeable bonds and money market securities issued by Allianz Finance B.V. and Allianz Finance II B.V. guaranteed by Allianz SE and money market securities issued by Allianz Finance Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz SE, which are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by Allianz SE.

18 Participation certificates and subordinated liabilities



As of

March 31,




As of
December 31,


Allianz SE 1)            

Subordinated bonds

    6,832     6,853

Participation certificates

    85     85


    6,917     6,938
Banking subsidiaries            

Subordinated bonds

    2,928     2,822

Hybrid equity

    2,386     2,429

Participation certificates

    1,698     1,686


    7,012     6,937
All other subsidiaries            

Subordinated liabilities

    903     904

Hybrid equity

    45     45


    948     949
Total       14,877       14,824



Includes subordinated bonds issued by Allianz Finance B.V. and Allianz Finance II B.V. and guaranteed by Allianz SE.



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


19 Equity



As of
March 31,



As of
December 31,


Shareholders’ equity                

Issued capital

    1,158     1,152

Capital reserve

    27,366     27,169

Revenue reserves

    13,747     12,790

Treasury shares

    (376)     (172)

Foreign currency translation adjustments

    (4,486)     (3,656)

Unrealized gains and losses (net) 1)

    7,572     10,470


    44,981     47,753
Minority interests     3,507     3,628
Total       48,488       51,381



As of March 31, 2008 includes 215 mn related to cash flow hedges (2007: 175 mn).



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Supplementary Information to the Consolidated Income Statements

20 Premiums earned (net)


Three months ended March 31,       Property-        Life/Health        Consolidation        Group



       mn        mn        mn
Premiums written                        


    13,138     5,673         18,811


    572     91     (6)     657


    13,710     5,764     (6)     19,468


    (1,285)     (137)     6     (1,416)


    12,425     5,627         18,052
Change in unearned premiums                        


    (3,462)     (38)         (3,500)


    (98)     (2)         (100)


    (3,560)     (40)         (3,600)


    308     2         310


    (3,252)     (38)         (3,290)
Premiums earned                        


    9,676     5,635         15,311


    474     89     (6)     557


    10,150     5,724     (6)     15,868


    (977)     (135)     6     (1,106)


      9,173       5,589             14,762
Premiums written                        


    13,464     5,311         18,775


    647     84     (3)     728


    14,111     5,395     (3)     19,503


    (1,586)     (178)     3     (1,761)


    12,525     5,217         17,742
Change in unearned premiums                        


    (3,498)     (38)         (3,536)


    (39)     4         (35)


    (3,537)     (34)         (3,571)


    370     2         372


    (3,167)     (32)         (3,199)
Premiums earned                        


    9,966     5,273         15,239


    608     88     (3)     693


    10,574     5,361     (3)     15,932


    (1,216)     (176)     3     (1,389)


      9,358       5,185             14,543



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


21 Interest and similar income


Three months ended March 31,        2008



Interest from held-to-maturity investments     57     56
Dividends from available-for-sale investments     277     307
Interest from available-for-sale investments     2,529     2,368
Share of earnings from investments in associates and joint ventures     21     259
Rent from real estate held for investment     189     209
Interest from loans to banks and customers     3,303     2,998
Other interest     34     69
Total       6,410       6,266


22 Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value through income (net)


Three months ended March 31,        Property-
Income (expenses) from financial assets and liabilities held for trading     90     558     (706)     16     208     (13)     153
Income (expenses) from financial assets designated at fair value through income     (23)     (531)     132     (74)             (496)
Income from financial liabilities designated at fair value through income             34                 34
Income (expenses) from financial liabilities for puttable equity instruments (net)     10     215     (22)     54             257
Total       77       242       (562)       (4)       208       (13)       (52)
Income (expenses) from financial assets and liabilities held for trading     (44)     (414)     351     (1)     82     4     (22)
Income from financial assets designated at fair value through income     30     139     32     22     3         226
Income (expenses) from financial liabilities designated at fair value through income     2     8     (42)                 (32)
Expenses from financial liabilities for puttable equity instruments (net)         (43)         (14)             (57)
Total       (12)       (310)       341       7       85       4       115

Income from financial assets and liabilities held for trading (net)

Life/Health Segment

Income from financial assets and liabilities held for trading for the three months ended March 31, 2008 includes in the Life/Health segment income of €569 mn (2007: expenses of €417 mn) from derivative financial instruments. Income of €138 mn (2007: expenses of €243 mn) results from the purchase of forward contracts for interest bonds and forward sales of shares. Also included are expenses from derivative financial instruments related to equity indexed annuity contracts and guaranteed benefits under unit-linked contracts of €241 mn (2007: €140 mn) and income from other derivative financial instruments of €672 mn (2007: expenses of €34 mn).



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Banking Segment

Income from financial assets and liabilities held for trading of the Banking segment comprises:


Three months ended March 31,       






Trading in interest products     3     156
Trading in loan products 1)     (692)     83
Trading in equity products     (102)     123
Foreign exchange/ precious metals trading     149     52
Other trading activities     (64)     (63)
Total       (706)       351



For the three months ended March 31, 2008 includes impairments of 845 mn for asset-backed securities held for trading of Dresdner Bank.

Corporate Segment

Income from financial assets and liabilities held for trading for the three months ended March 31, 2008, includes in the Corporate segment income of €55 mn (2007: €50 mn) from derivative financial instruments for which hedge accounting is not applied. This includes income from derivative financial instruments embedded in exchangeable bonds of €133 mn (2007: expenses of €97 mn), expenses from derivative financial instruments which partially hedge the exchangeable bonds, however, which do not qualify for hedge accounting, of €7 mn (2007: income of €164 mn), and expenses from other derivative financial instruments of €71 mn (2007: €17 mn).


23 Realized gains/losses (net)


Three months ended March 31,       






Realized gains            
Available-for-sale investments            

Equity securities

    1,620     3,158

Debt securities

    178     139


    1,798     3,297
Investments in associates and joint ventures 1)     66     7
Real estate held for investment     166     109
Loans to banks and customers     9     9
Subtotal     2,039     3,422
Realized losses            
Available-for-sale investments            

Equity securities

    (561)     (54)

Debt securities

    (86)     (136)


    (647)     (190)
Investments in associates and joint ventures 2)     (3)     (3)
Real estate held for investment     (52)     (7)
Loans to banks and customers     (10)     (13)
Subtotal     (712)     (213)
Total       1,327       3,209



During the three months ended March 31, 2008, includes realized gains from the disposal of subsidiaries and businesses of 66 mn (2007: 1 mn).


During the three months ended March 31, 2008, includes realized losses from the disposal of subsidiaries of 1 mn (2007: — mn).



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


24 Fee and commission income


Three months ended March 31,       2008   2007


















Fees from credit and assistance business     171         171     173         173
Service agreements     96     (3)     93     99     (5)     94
Subtotal     267     (3)     264     272     (5)     267
Service agreements     34     (3)     31     54     (11)     43
Investment advisory     134     (9)     125     114     (8)     106
Other     3     (3)         3     (3)    
Subtotal     171     (15)     156     171     (22)     149
Securities business     348     (45)     303     465     (49)     416
Investment advisory     86     (29)     57     154     (38)     116
Payment transactions     91     (1)     90     91         91
Mergers and acquisitions advisory     23         23     41         41
Underwriting business     10         10     23         23
Other     226     (19)     207     204     (9)     195
Subtotal     784     (94)     690     978     (96)     882
Asset Management                                    
Management fees     841     (27)     814     866     (30)     836
Loading and exit fees     66         66     82         82
Performance fees     13         13     16         16
Other     66     (1)     65     109     (2)     107
Subtotal     986     (28)     958     1,073     (32)     1,041
Service agreements     59     (31)     28     45     (28)     17
Other     6     (1)     5            
Subtotal     65     (32)     33     45     (28)     17
Total       2,273       (172)       2,101       2,539       (183)       2,356

25 Other income


Three months ended March 31,       






Realized gains from disposals of real estate held for own use     348     91
Income from non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale         2
Other     3    
Total       351       93



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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


26 Income from fully consolidated private equity investments


Three months ended March 31,       

MAN Roland



Selecta AG














Sales and service revenues     374     184     14     572
Other operating revenues     4             4
Interest income     3             3
Total       381       184       14       579
Sales and service revenues     456             456
Other operating revenues     12             12
Interest income     3             3
Total       471                   471

27 Claims and insurance benefits incurred (net)


Three months ended March 31,       
















Claims and insurance benefits paid

    (6,940)     (5,179)     2     (12,117)

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    82     49         131


    (6,858)     (5,130)     2     (11,986)

Claims and insurance benefits paid

    686     141     (2)     825

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    (129)     (24)         (153)


    557     117     (2)     672

Claims and insurance benefits paid

    (6,254)     (5,038)         (11,292)

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    (47)     25         (22)


      (6,301)       (5,013)             (11,314)

Claims and insurance benefits paid

    (7,704)     (4,888)     6     (12,586)

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    530     10     (1)     539


    (7,174)     (4,878)     5     (12,047)

Claims and insurance benefits paid

    912     202     (6)     1,108

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    (121)     (26)     1     (146)


    791     176     (5)     962

Claims and insurance benefits paid

    (6,792)     (4,686)         (11,478)

Change in loss and loss adjustment expenses

    409     (16)         393


      (6,383)       (4,702)             (11,085)



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Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


28 Change in reserves for insurance and investment contracts (net)


Three months ended March 31,       
















Aggregate policy reserves

    (65)     (1,280)         (1,345)

Other insurance reserves

    (3)     (12)         (15)

Expenses for premium refunds

    41     (523)     (13)     (495)


    (27)     (1,815)     (13)     (1,855)

Aggregate policy reserves

    (17)     4         (13)

Other insurance reserves

    7     2         9

Expenses for premium refunds

    8     6         14


    (2)     12         10

Aggregate policy reserves

    (82)     (1,276)         (1,358)

Other insurance reserves

    4     (10)         (6)

Expenses for premium refunds

    49     (517)     (13)     (481)


    (29)     (1,803)     (13)     (1,845)

Aggregate policy reserves

    (62)     (504)         (566)

Other insurance reserves

        (94)         (94)

Expenses for premium refunds

    (21)     (2,046)     (31)     (2,098)


    (83)     (2,644)     (31)     (2,758)

Aggregate policy reserves

    (1)     19         18

Other insurance reserves

    1     (4)         (3)

Expenses for premium refunds

    2     5         7


    2     20         22

Aggregate policy reserves

    (63)     (485)         (548)

Other insurance reserves

    1     (98)         (97)

Expenses for premium refunds

    (19)     (2,041)     (31)     (2,091)


      (81)       (2,624)       (31)       (2,736)



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


29 Interest expenses


Three months ended March 31,       






Liabilities to banks and customers     (870)     (833)
Deposits retained on reinsurance ceded     (26)     (20)
Certificated liabilities     (487)     (380)
Participating certificates and subordinated liabilities     (165)     (178)
Other     (278)     (187)
Total       (1,826)       (1,598)

30 Loan loss provisions


Three months ended March 31,       






Additions to allowances including direct impairments     (118)     (106)
Amounts released     57     51
Recoveries on loans previously impaired     51     57
Total       (10)       2


31 Impairments of investments (net)


Three months ended March 31,       






Available-for-sale investments            

Equity securities

    (1,444)     (81)

Debt securities



    (1,497)     (81)
Real estate held for investment     (18)     (2)
Subtotal     (1,515)     (83)
Reversals of impairments            
Available-for-sale investments            

Debt securities

Real estate held for investment     18     3
Subtotal     18     16
Total       (1,497)       (67)

32 Investment expenses


Three months ended March 31,       






Investment management expenses     (104)     (103)
Depreciation from real estate held for investment     (44)     (54)
Other expenses from real estate held for investment     (27)     (72)
Foreign currency gains and losses (net)            

Foreign currency gains

    310     127

Foreign currency losses

    (572)     (159)


    (262)     (32)
Total       (437)       (261)



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


33 Acquisition and administrative expenses (net)


Three months ended March 31,       2008        2007


















Acquisition costs                                    


    (2,140)         (2,140)     (2,153)         (2,153)

Commissions and profit received on reinsurance business ceded

    216     (1)     215     168         168

Deferrals of acquisition costs

    1,451         1,451     1,587         1,587

Amortization of deferred acquisition costs

    (1,114)         (1,114)     (1,267)         (1,267)


    (1,587)     (1)     (1,588)     (1,665)         (1,665)
Administrative expenses     (804)     9     (795)     (1,010)     16     (994)
Subtotal     (2,391)     8     (2,383)     (2,675)     16     (2,659)
Acquisition costs                                    


    (983)     1     (982)     (917)     1     (916)

Commissions and profit received on reinsurance business ceded

    25         25     48         48

Deferrals of acquisition costs

    620         620     627         627

Amortization of deferred acquisition costs

    (368)         (368)     (182)         (182)


    (706)     1     (705)     (424)     1     (423)
Administrative expenses     (402)     4     (398)     (450)     (10)     (460)
Subtotal     (1,108)     5     (1,103)     (874)     (9)     (883)
Personnel expenses     (744)         (744)     (907)         (907)
Non-personnel expenses     (474)         (474)     (503)     9     (494)
Subtotal     (1,218)         (1,218)     (1,410)     9     (1,401)
Asset Management                                    
Personnel expenses     (422)         (422)     (425)         (425)
Non-personnel expenses     (184)     (1)     (185)     (165)     6     (159)
Subtotal     (606)     (1)     (607)     (590)     6     (584)
Administrative expenses     (146)     11     (135)     (117)     6     (111)
Subtotal     (146)     11     (135)     (117)     6     (111)
Total       (5,469)       23       (5,446)       (5,666)       28       (5,638)



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


34 Fee and commission expenses


Three months ended March 31,       2008   2007


















Fees from credit and assistance business     (138)         (138)     (118)         (118)
Service agreements     (110)     1     (109)     (79)     4     (75)
Subtotal     (248)     1     (247)     (197)     4     (193)
Service agreements     (20)     4     (16)     (21)     8     (13)
Investment advisory     (40)     5     (35)     (41)     1     (40)
Subtotal     (60)     9     (51)     (62)     9     (53)
Securities business     (40)         (40)     (40)         (40)
Investment advisory     (40)         (40)     (46)     2     (44)
Payment transactions     (6)         (6)     (5)         (5)
Mergers and acquisitions advisory     (3)         (3)     (3)         (3)
Other     (51)     3     (48)     (52)     3     (49)
Subtotal     (140)     3     (137)     (146)     5     (141)
Asset Management                                    
Commissions     (212)     84     (128)     (235)     112     (123)
Other     (68)     4     (64)     (92)     1     (91)
Subtotal     (280)     88     (192)     (327)     113     (214)
Service agreements     (28)     1     (27)     (35)     2     (33)
Other     (1)         (1)            
Subtotal     (29)     1     (28)     (35)     2     (33)
Total       (757)       102       (655)       (767)       133       (634)

35 Expenses from fully consolidated private equity investments


Three months ended March 31,       

MAN Roland



Selecta AG








Cost of goods sold     (290)     (113)     (2)     (405)
Commissions     (36)             (36)
General and administrative expenses     (39)     (55)         (94)
Interest expense     (4)     (17)         (21)
Total       (369)       (185)       (2)       (556)
Cost of goods sold     (352)             (352)
Commissions     (39)             (39)
General and administrative expenses     (62)             (62)
Interest expense     (7)             (7)
Total       (460)                   (460)



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


36 Income taxes


Three months ended March 31,








Current income tax expense     (447)     (686)
Deferred income tax expense     (227)     (281)
Total       (674)       (967)

37 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per share reflects the effect of dilutive securities. Dilutive securities include participation certificates issued by Allianz SE which can potentially be converted to Allianz shares, warrants issued by Allianz SE, share-based compensation plans, and derivatives on own shares.

Reconciliation of basic and diluted earnings per share


Three months ended March 31,








Numerator for basic earnings per share (net income)       1,148       3,240
Effect of dilutive securities       (24)       (7)
Numerator for diluted earnings per share (net income after assumed conversion)       1,124       3,233
Denominator for basic earnings per share (weighted-average shares)       449,417,813       431,473,954
Dilutive securities                

Participation certificates

      1,469,443       1,469,443


      273,699       964,831

Share-based compensation plans

      1,701,773       1,088,515

Derivatives on own shares

      1,026,683       5,639,750


      4,471,598       9,162,539
Denominator for diluted earnings per share (weighted-average shares after assumed conversion)       453,889,411       440,636,493
Basic earnings per share     2.55     7.51
Diluted earnings per share       2.48       7.34

For the three months ended March 31, 2008, the weighted average number of shares excludes 1,820,099 (2007: 676,046) treasury shares.



Table of Contents

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements     Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Other Information

38 Supplemental information on the Banking Segment

Net interest income from the Banking Segment


Three months ended

March 31,














Interest and similar income     2,238     (46)     2,192
Interest expense     (1,542)     69     (1,473)
Net interest income     696     23     719
Interest and similar income     2,209     (11)     2,198
Interest expense     (1,281)     31     (1,250)
Net interest income       928       20       948

Net fee and commission income from the Banking Segment


Three months ended

March 31,














Fee and commission income     784     (94)     690
Fee and commission expense     (140)     3     (137)
Net fee and commission income     644     (91)     553
Fee and commission income     978     (96)     882
Fee and commission expense     (146)     5     (141)
Net fee and commission income       832       (91)       741

The net fee and commission income of the Allianz Group’s Banking segment includes the following:


Three months ended March 31,








Securities business     308     425
Investment advisory     46     108
Payment transactions     85     86
Merger and acquisitions advisory     20     38
Underwriting business     10     23
Other     175     152
Total       644       832


39 Supplemental information on the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows


Three months ended March 31,








Income taxes paid     (318)     (533)
Dividends received     244     238
Interest received     5,715     5,725
Interest paid     (2,204)     (1,829)
Significant non-cash transactions:            

Settlement of exchangeable bonds issued by Allianz Finance II B.V. for shares:


Available-for-sale investments

    (450)     (812)

Certificated liabilities

    (450)     (812)

Novation of quota share reinsurance agreement:


Reinsurance assets

    (29)     (1,213)

Deferred acquisition costs

    1     70

Payables from reinsurance contracts

      (28)       (1,143)

40 Other information

Number of employees


          As of
March 31,

As of
December 31,


Germany     70,640     72,063
Other countries     109,214     109,144
Total       179,854       181,207



Table of Contents

Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements


41 Subsequent events

Allianz Group acquires further stakes in Turkish insurance joint venture

In April 2008, the Allianz Group signed a share purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of a shareholding in Koç Allianz Sigorta AŞ and Koç Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik. The transaction is subject to relevant regulatory and competition board approval.

Within this transaction the Allianz Group acquires 47.1% of shares in the non-life insurer Koç Allianz Sigorta AŞ and 49.0% of the shares in the life-insurance and pension company Koç Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik AS for a total consideration of € 373 mn.

After the completion of the transaction the Allianz Group will control 84.2% of Koç Allianz Sigorta AŞ and 87.0% of Koç Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik AŞ.

Munich, May 8, 2008

Allianz SE

The Board of Management




Table of Contents

Review Report    Allianz Group Interim Report First Quarter of 2008


Review report

To Allianz SE, Munich

We have reviewed the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Allianz SE, Munich - comprising the balance sheet, income statement, condensed cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity and selected explanatory notes - together with the interim group management report of the Allianz SE, Munich for the period from January 1 to March 31, 2008 that are part of the quarterly financial report according to § 37 x WpHG [„Wertpapierhandelsgesetz“: „German Securities Trading Act“]. The preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with those IFRS applicable to interim financial reporting as adopted by the EU and as issued by the IASB, and of the interim group management report in accordance with the requirements of the WpHG applicable to interim group management reports, is the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and on the interim group management report based on our review.

We performed our review of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the interim group management report in accordance with the German generally accepted standards for the review of financial statements promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW). Those standards require that we plan and conduct the review so that we can preclude through critical evaluation, with a certain level of assurance, that the condensed con-

solidated interim financial statements have not been prepared, in material aspects, in accordance with the IFRS applicable to interim financial reporting as adopted by the EU and as issued by the IASB, and that the interim group management report has not been prepared, in material aspects, in accordance with the requirements of the WpHG applicable to interim group management reports. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company employees and analytical assessments and therefore does not provide the assurance attainable in a financial statement audit. Since, in accordance with our engagement, we have not performed a financial statement audit, we cannot issue an auditor’s report.

Based on our review, no matters have come to our attention that cause us to presume that the condensed interim consolidated financial statements have not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the IFRS applicable to interim financial reporting as adopted by the EU and as issued by the IASB, or that the interim group management report has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the WpHG applicable to interim group management reports.

Munich, May 8, 2008

KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft





Elisabeth Andriowsky

  Johannes Pastor

Independent Auditor

  Independent Auditor



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Allianz SE

Koeniginstrasse 28

80802 Muenchen


Telephone +49 89 38 00 0



Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 9, 2008


/s/ Burkhard Keese

  Name:   Burkhard Keese

Executive Vice President

Group Financial Reporting


/s/ Harold Michael Langley-Poole

  Name:   Harold Michael Langley-Poole
  Title:   Head of Group Management Reporting