Washington, D.C. 20549







PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of August, 2022

Commission File Number: 000-54516



Emera Incorporated

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



5151 Terminal Road

Halifax NS B3J 1A1


(Address of principal executive offices)



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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: August 11, 2022     By:  

\s\ Stephen D. Aftanas

      Name: Stephen D. Aftanas
      Title: Corporate Secretary

EX-99.1 2 d391378dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1

Exhibit 99.1



Management’s Discussion & Analysis

As at August 9, 2022

Management’s Discussion & Analysis (“MD&A”) provides a review of the results of operations of Emera Incorporated and its subsidiaries and investments during the second quarter and year-to-date of 2022 relative to the same periods in 2021; and its financial position as at June 30, 2022 relative to December 31, 2021. Throughout this discussion, “Emera Incorporated”, “Emera” and “Company” refer to Emera Incorporated and all of its consolidated subsidiaries and investments. The Company’s activities are carried out through five reportable segments: Florida Electric Utility, Canadian Electric Utilities, Gas Utilities and Infrastructure, Other Electric Utilities, and Other.

This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the Emera Incorporated unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and supporting notes as at and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022; and the Emera Incorporated annual MD&A and audited consolidated financial statements and supporting notes as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021. Emera follows United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“USGAAP” or “GAAP”).

The accounting policies used by Emera’s rate-regulated entities may differ from those used by Emera’s non-rate-regulated businesses with respect to the timing of recognition of certain assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. At June 30, 2022, Emera’s rate-regulated subsidiaries and investments include:


Emera Rate-Regulated Subsidiary or Equity Investment    Accounting Policies Approved/Examined By
Tampa Electric – Electric Division of Tampa Electric Company (“TEC”)    Florida Public Service Commission (“FPSC”) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”)
Nova Scotia Power Inc. (“NSPI”)    Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (“UARB”)
Peoples Gas System (“PGS”) – Gas Division of TEC    FPSC
New Mexico Gas Company, Inc. (“NMGC”)    New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (“NMPRC”)
SeaCoast Gas Transmission, LLC (“SeaCoast”)    FPSC
Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Limited (“Brunswick Pipeline”)    Canadian Energy Regulator (“CER”)
Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (“BLPC”)    Fair Trading Commission, Barbados (“FTC”)
Grand Bahama Power Company Limited (“GBPC”)    The Grand Bahama Port Authority (“GBPA”)
Equity Investments     
NSP Maritime Link Inc. (“NSPML”)    UARB
Labrador Island Link Limited Partnership (“LIL”)    Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (“NLPUB”)
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Limited Partnership and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, LLC (“M&NP”)    CER and FERC
St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (“Lucelec”)    National Utility Regulatory Commission (“NURC”)

All amounts are in Canadian dollars (“CAD”), except for the Florida Electric Utility, Gas Utilities and Infrastructure, and Other Electric Utilities sections of the MD&A, which are reported in US dollars (“USD”) unless otherwise stated.

Additional information related to Emera, including the Company’s Annual Information Form, can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.





Forward-looking Information


Introduction and Strategic Overview


Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios


Consolidated Financial Review


Significant Items Affecting Earnings


Consolidated Financial Highlights


Consolidated Income Statement Highlights


Business Overview and Outlook


COVID-19 Pandemic


Florida Electric Utility


Canadian Electric Utilities


Gas Utilities and Infrastructure


Other Electric Utilities




Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights




Financial Highlights


Florida Electric Utility


Canadian Electric Utilities


Gas Utilities and Infrastructure


Other Electric Utilities




Liquidity and Capital Resources


Consolidated Cash Flow Highlights


Contractual Obligations


Guarantees and Letters of Credit


Debt Management


Credit Ratings


Outstanding Stock Data


Transactions with Related Parties


Risk Management including Financial Instruments


Disclosure and Internal Controls


Critical Accounting Estimates


Changes in Accounting Policies and Practices


Future Accounting Pronouncements


Summary of Quarterly Results




This MD&A contains “forward-looking information” and statements which reflect the current view with respect to the Company’s expectations regarding future growth, results of operations, performance, carbon dioxide emissions reduction goals, business prospects and opportunities, and may not be appropriate for other purposes within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All such information and statements are made pursuant to safe harbour provisions contained in applicable securities legislation. The words “anticipates”, “believes”, “budget”, “could”, “estimates”, “expects”, “forecast”, “intends”, “may”, “might”, “plans”, “projects”, “schedule”, “should”, “targets”, “will”, “would” and similar expressions are often intended to identify forward-looking information, although not all forward-looking information contains these identifying words. The forward-looking information reflects management’s current beliefs and is based on information currently available to Emera’s management and should not be read as guarantees of future events, performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the time at which, such events, performance or results will be achieved.

The forward-looking information is based on reasonable assumptions and is subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from historical results or results anticipated by the forward-looking information. Factors that could cause results or events to differ from current expectations include without limitation: regulatory risk; operating and maintenance risks; changes in economic conditions; commodity price and availability risk; liquidity and capital market risk; future dividend growth; timing and costs associated with certain capital investments; expected impacts on Emera of challenges in the global economy; estimated energy consumption rates; maintenance of adequate insurance coverage; changes in customer energy usage patterns; developments in technology that could reduce demand for electricity; global climate change; weather; unanticipated maintenance and other expenditures; system operating and maintenance risk; derivative financial instruments and hedging; interest rate risk; counterparty risk; disruption of fuel supply; country risks; environmental risks; foreign exchange; regulatory and government decisions, including changes to environmental, financial reporting and tax legislation; risks associated with pension plan performance and funding requirements; loss of service area; risk of failure of information technology infrastructure and cybersecurity risks; uncertainties associated with infectious diseases, pandemics and similar public health threats, such as the COVID-19 novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic; market energy sales prices; labour relations; and availability of labour and management resources.



Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information, as actual results could differ materially from the plans, expectations, estimates or intentions and statements expressed in the forward-looking information. All forward-looking information in this MD&A is qualified in its entirety by the above cautionary statements and, except as required by law, Emera undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking information as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Emera owns and operates cost-of-service rate-regulated electric and gas utilities in Canada, the United States and the Caribbean. Cost-of-service utilities provide essential electric and gas services in designated territories under franchises and are overseen by regulatory authorities. Emera’s strategic focus continues to be safely delivering cleaner, affordable and reliable energy to its customers.

Emera’s investment in rate-regulated businesses is concentrated in Florida and Nova Scotia. These service areas have generally experienced stable regulatory policies and economic conditions. Emera’s portfolio of regulated utilities provides reliable earnings, cash flow and dividends. Earnings opportunities in regulated utilities are generally driven by the magnitude of net investment in the utility (known as “rate base”), and the amount of equity in the capital structure and the return on that equity (“ROE”) as approved through regulation. Earnings are also affected by sales volumes and operating expenses.

Emera’s capital investment plan is $8.4 billion over the 2022-to-2024 period (including a $240 million equity investment in the LIL in 2022), with an additional $1 billion of potential capital investments over the same period. This results in a forecasted rate base growth of approximately 7 per cent to 8 per cent through 2024. The capital investment plan continues to include significant investments across the portfolio in renewable and cleaner generation, reliability and integrity investments, infrastructure modernization, and customer-focused technologies. Emera’s capital investment plan is being funded primarily through internally generated cash flows and debt raised at the operating company level. Equity requirements in support of the Company’s capital investment plan are expected to be funded through the issuance of preferred equity and the issuance of common equity through Emera’s dividend reinvestment plan and at-the-market program (“ATM program”). Maintaining investment-grade credit ratings is a priority of management.

Emera has provided annual dividend growth guidance of four to five per cent through 2024. The Company targets a long-term dividend payout ratio of adjusted net income of 70 to 75 per cent and, while the payout ratio is likely to exceed that target through and beyond the forecast period, it is expected to return to that range over time. For further information on the non-GAAP measure “Dividend Payout Ratio of Adjusted Net Income”, refer to the “Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios” section.

Seasonal patterns and other weather events affect demand and operating costs. Similarly, mark-to-market adjustments and foreign currency exchange can have a material impact on financial results for a specific period. Emera’s consolidated net income and cash flows are impacted by movements in the US dollar relative to the Canadian dollar and benefit from a weaker Canadian dollar. Emera may hedge both transactional and translational exposure. These impacts, as well as the timing of capital investments and other factors, mean results in any one quarter are not necessarily indicative of results in any other quarter, or for the year as a whole.

Energy markets worldwide are facing significant change and Emera is well positioned to respond to shifting customer demands, digitization, decarbonization, complex regulatory environments, and decentralized generation.



Customers are looking for more choice, better control, and enhanced reliability in a time where costs of decentralized generation and storage have become more competitive in some regions. Advancing technologies are transforming the way utilities interact with their customers and generate and transmit energy. In addition, climate change and extreme weather are shaping how utilities operate and how they invest in infrastructure. There is also an overall need to replace aging infrastructure and further enhance reliability. Emera sees opportunity in all of these trends. Emera’s strategy is to fund investments in renewable energy and technology assets which protect the environment and benefit customers through fuel or operating cost savings.

For example, significant investments to facilitate the use of renewable and low-carbon energy include the Maritime Link in Atlantic Canada, the ongoing construction of solar generation and modernization of the Big Bend Power Station at Tampa Electric, and planned NSPI investments to enable the retirement of its coal units and to achieve renewable energy targets. Emera’s utilities are also investing in reliability projects and replacing aging infrastructure. All of these projects demonstrate Emera’s strategy of safely delivering cleaner, reliable, and affordable energy for its customers.

Building on its decarbonization progress over the past 15 years, Emera is continuing its efforts by establishing clear carbon reduction goals and a vision to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.

This vision is inspired by Emera’s strong track record, the Company’s experienced team, and a clear path to Emera’s interim carbon goals. With existing technologies and resources and the benefit of supportive regulatory decisions, Emera plans and expects to achieve the following goals compared to corresponding 2005 levels:


A 55 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2025.


The retirement of Emera’s last existing coal unit no later than 2040.


At least an 80 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2040.

Emera seeks to deliver on its Climate Commitment while maintaining its focus on investing in reliability and never losing sight of affordability for customers. Emera is also committed to identifying emerging technologies and continuing to work constructively with policymakers, regulators, partners, investors and customers to achieve these goals and realize its net-zero vision.

Emera is committed to world-class safety, operational excellence, good governance, excellent customer service, reliability, being an employer of choice, and building constructive relationships.


Emera uses financial measures and ratios that do not have standardized meaning under USGAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities. Emera calculates the non-GAAP measures and ratios by adjusting certain GAAP measures for specific items. Management believes excluding these items better distinguishes the ongoing operations of the business and allows investors to better understand and evaluate the business. These measures and ratios are discussed and reconciled below.



Adjusted Net Income Attributable to Common Shareholders, Adjusted Earnings Per Common Share – Basic and Dividend Payout Ratio of Adjusted Net Income.

Emera calculates an adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders (“adjusted net income”) measure by excluding the effect of mark-to-market (“MTM”) adjustments and the impact of the NSPML unrecoverable costs.

Management believes excluding from net income the effect of these MTM valuations and changes thereto, until settlement, better aligns the intent and financial effect of these contracts with the underlying cash flows, and excludes these MTM adjustments for evaluation of performance and incentive compensation. The MTM adjustments are related to the following:


held-for-trading (“HFT”) commodity derivative instruments, including adjustments related to the price differential between the point where natural gas is sourced and where it is delivered, and the related amortization of transportation capacity recognized as a result of certain Emera Energy marketing and trading transactions;


the business activities of Bear Swamp Power Company LLC (“Bear Swamp”) included in Emera’s equity income;


equity securities held in BLPC and a captive reinsurance company in the Other segment; and


foreign exchange cash flow hedges entered to manage foreign exchange earnings exposure.

For further detail on MTM adjustments, refer to the “Consolidated Financial Review”, “Financial Highlights – Other Electric Utilities”, and “Financial Highlights – Other” sections.

In February 2022, the UARB issued a decision to disallow the recovery of $9 million in costs ($7 million after-tax) included in NSPML’s final capital cost application. The after-tax unrecoverable costs were recognized in “Income from equity investments” in Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. Management believes excluding these unrecoverable costs from the calculation of adjusted net income better reflects the underlying operations in the period. For further details on the NSPML unrecoverable costs, refer to the “Business Overview and Outlook – Canadian Electric Utilities” and “Financial Highlights – Canadian Electric Utilities” sections.

Adjusted earnings per common share – basic and dividend payout ratio of adjusted net income are non-GAAP ratios which are calculated using adjusted net income, as described above.

Emera calculates adjusted net income and adjusted earnings per common share – basic for the Canadian Electric Utilities, Other Electric Utilities, and Other segments. Reconciliation to the nearest GAAP measure is included in each segment. Refer to “Financial Highlights – Canadian Electric Utilities”, “Financial Highlights – Other Electric Utilities” and “Financial Highlights – Other” sections. For further details on dividend payout ratio of adjusted net income, see the “Dividend Payout Ratio” section in Emera’s 2021 annual MD&A.



The following reconciles net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders to adjusted net income:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  

For the

     June 30        June 30  
millions of dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $ (67)      $ (17)      $ 295      $         256  

MTM loss, after-tax (1)

     (223)        (154)        (96)        (124)  

NSPML unrecoverable costs (2)

     -        -        (7)        -  

Adjusted net income

   $         156      $         137      $ 398      $ 380  

Earnings (loss) per common share – basic

   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01  

Adjusted earnings per common share – basic

   $ 0.59      $ 0.54      $         1.51      $         1.49  

(1) Net of income tax recovery of $91 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $62 million recovery) and $37 million recovery for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $49 million recovery).

(2) Emera accounts for NSPML as an equity investment and therefore the after-tax unrecoverable costs were recorded in “Income from equity investments” on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA

Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) and adjusted EBITDA are non-GAAP financial measures used by Emera. These financial measures are used by numerous investors and lenders to better understand cash flows and credit quality. EBITDA is useful to assess Emera’s operating performance and indicates the Company’s ability to service or incur debt, invest in capital, and finance working capital requirements.

Similar to adjusted net income calculations described above, adjusted EBITDA represents EBITDA absent the income effect of MTM adjustments and the NSPML unrecoverable costs.

The following is a reconciliation of net income (loss) to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  

For the

     June 30        June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Net income (loss) (1)

   $ (52)      $ (6)      $           326      $           279  

Interest expense, net

     163        153        319        310  

Income tax (recovery) expense

     (66)        (55)        29        1  

Depreciation and amortization

     230        221        460        447  


   $         275      $         313      $ 1,134      $ 1,037  

MTM loss, excluding income tax

     (314)        (216)        (133)        (173)  

NSPML unrecoverable costs (2)

     -        -        (7)        -  

Adjusted EBITDA

   $ 589      $ 529      $ 1,274      $ 1,210  

(1) Net income (loss) is before Non-controlling interest in subsidiaries and Preferred stock dividends.

(2) Emera accounts for NSPML as an equity investment and therefore the after-tax unrecoverable costs were recorded in “Income from equity investments” on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income.


Significant Items Affecting Earnings

Earnings Impact of MTM Loss, After-Tax

MTM loss, after-tax increased $69 million to $223 million in Q2 2022, compared to $154 million in Q2 2021 primarily due to higher amortization of gas transportation assets in 2022 and changes in existing positions at Emera Energy. Year-to-date, MTM loss, after-tax decreased $28 million to $96 million compared to $124 million for the same period in 2021 due to a larger reversal of MTM losses in 2022, partially offset by higher amortization of gas transportation assets and changes in existing positions in 2022 at Emera Energy.



Consolidated Financial Highlights


For the

     Three months ended        Six months ended  

millions of dollars

     June 30        June 30  
Adjusted net income    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Florida Electric Utility

   $             161      $             125      $             273      $             208  

Canadian Electric Utilities

     39        44        137        132  

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

     39        34        116        114  

Other Electric Utilities

     8        -        9        7  


     (91)        (66)        (137)        (81)  

Adjusted net income

   $ 156      $ 137      $ 398      $ 380  

MTM loss, after-tax

     (223)        (154)        (96)        (124)  

NSPML unrecoverable costs

     -        -        (7)        -  

Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $ (67)      $ (17)      $ 295      $ 256  

The following table highlights significant changes in adjusted net income from 2021 to 2022:


For the

     Three months ended        Six months ended  
millions of dollars    June 30      June 30  
Adjusted net income – 2021    $                                          137      $                                      380  
Operating Unit Performance                  
Increased earnings at Tampa Electric due to higher revenues as a result of rate increases effective January 2022, favourable weather and customer growth, partially offset by higher operating, maintenance and general expenses (“OM&G”)      36        65  
Year-to-date, earnings increased at NSPI driven by higher sales volumes, partially offset by increased OM&G primarily due to higher storm costs, and increased information technology and power generation costs      (1)        8  
Decreased earnings year-over-year at Emera Energy Services (“EES”) reflecting 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which resulted in incremental margin      (4)        (16)  
Increased preferred stock dividends due to issuance of preferred shares in 2021      (4)        (9)  
Increased foreign exchange loss, pre-tax, primarily due to realized gains on cash flow hedges in 2021      (11)        (13)  
Increased OM&G, pre-tax due to the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges      (4)        (19)  
Other Variances      7        2  
Adjusted net income – 2022    $ 156      $ 398  

For further details of reportable segments contributions, refer to the “Financial Highlights” section.


For the

     Six months ended June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  

Operating cash flow before changes in working capital

   $         746      $         684  

Change in working capital

     (73)        (53)  

Operating cash flow

   $ 673      $ 631  

Investing cash flow

   $ (1,030)      $ (993)  

Financing cash flow

   $ 238      $ 320  


For further discussion of cash flow, refer to the “Consolidated Cash Flow Highlights” section.



As at

     June 30        December 31  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  

Total assets

   $         36,231      $         34,244  

Total long-term debt (including current portion)

   $ 15,482      $ 14,658  



Consolidated Income Statement Highlights


For the

     Three months ended           Six months ended     

millions of dollars

     June 30           June 30     

(except per share amounts)

     2022        2021        Variance        2022        2021        Variance  
Operating revenues    $ 1,380      $ 1,137      $ 243      $ 3,395      $ 2,749      $ 646  
Operating expenses      1,389        1,107        (282)        2,825        2,282        (543)  
Income from operations    $ (9)      $ 30      $ (39)      $ 570      $ 467      $ 103  
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders    $ (67)      $ (17)      $ (50)      $ 295      $ 256      $ 39  
Adjusted net income    $ 156      $ 137      $ 19      $ 398      $ 380      $ 18  
Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding (in millions) (1)      264.4        255.8        8.6        263.1        254.6        8.5  
Earnings (loss) per common share – basic    $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ (0.18)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01      $ 0.11  
Earnings (loss) per common share – diluted    $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ (0.18)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01      $ 0.11  
Adjusted earnings per common share – basic    $ 0.59      $ 0.54      $ 0.05      $ 1.51      $ 1.49      $ 0.02  
Dividends per common share declared    $       0.6625      $     0.6375      $     0.0250      $       1.3250      $       1.2750      $       0.0500  
Adjusted EBITDA    $ 589      $ 529      $ 60      $ 1,274      $ 1,210      $ 64  

(1) Effective February 10, 2022, deferred share units are no longer able to be settled in shares and are therefore excluded from weighted average shares of common stock outstanding.

Operating Revenues

For Q2 2022, operating revenues increased $243 million compared to Q2 2021 and, absent increased MTM losses of $99 million, increased $342 million. Year-to-date 2022, operating revenues increased $646 million compared to 2021 and, absent decreased MTM losses of $43 million, increased by $603 million. The increases in both periods were due to higher fuel cost recoveries at NMGC, Tampa Electric, PGS, and BLPC, new rates effective January 2022, favourable weather and customer growth at Tampa Electric, and increased sales volumes at NSPI. These increases were partially offset by decreased marketing and trading margin at EES reflecting 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which resulted in incremental margin.

Operating Expenses

For Q2 2022, operating expenses increased $282 million and year-to-date 2022, increased $543 million compared to the same periods in 2021. The increases in both periods were due to higher natural gas and fuel prices at the regulated utilities and increased OM&G at Tampa Electric, NSPI and Corporate.

Net Income and Adjusted Net Income

For Q2 2022, net income attributable to common shareholders compared to Q2 2021, was unfavourably impacted by the $69 million increase in after-tax MTM losses. Absent the unfavourable MTM changes, adjusted net income increased $19 million. The increase was primarily due to higher earnings contribution from Tampa Electric, partially offset by realized gains on Corporate cash flow hedges in 2021.

Year-to-date in 2022, net income attributable to common shareholders, compared to the same period in 2021, was favourably impacted by the $28 million decrease in after-tax MTM losses and unfavourably impacted by the $7 million in NSPML unrecoverable costs. Absent these changes, adjusted net income increased $18 million. The increase was primarily due to higher earnings contributions from Tampa Electric and NSPI. These were partially offset by increased Corporate OM&G due to the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges, lower earnings contribution from EES, realized gains on Corporate cash flow hedges in 2021, and increased preferred stock dividends due to issuance of preferred shares in 2021.



Earnings and Adjusted Earnings per Common Share – Basic

Earnings per common share – basic were lower for Q2 2022, compared to Q2 2021, due to the impact of lower earnings as discussed above and the impact of the increase in weighted average shares of common stock outstanding. Earnings per common share – basic year-to-date in 2022 were higher due to increased adjusted earnings as discussed above, partially offset by the impact of the increase in weighted average shares outstanding.

Adjusted earnings per common share were higher for Q2 2022 and year-to-date 2022, due to increased earnings as discussed above, partially offset by the impact of the increase in weighted average shares of common stock outstanding.

Effect of Foreign Currency Translation

Emera operates in Canada, the United States and various Caribbean countries and, as such, generates revenues and incurs expenses denominated in local currencies which are translated into CAD for financial reporting. Changes in translation rates, particularly in the value of the USD against the CAD, can positively or adversely affect results.

In general, Emera’s earnings benefit from a weakening CAD and are adversely impacted by a strengthening CAD. The impact in any period is driven by rate changes, the timing and percentage of earnings from foreign operations, and the impact of entered foreign exchange cash flow hedges to manage foreign exchange earnings exposure.

Results of foreign operations are translated at the weighted average rate of exchange and assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated at period end rates. The relevant CAD/USD exchange rates for 2022 and 2021 are as follows:


     Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30
     Year ended
December 31
For the    2022      2021      2022      2021      2021  

Weighted average CAD/USD

   $         1.27      $         1.25      $         1.27      $         1.27      $ 1.26  

Period end CAD/USD

   $ 1.29      $ 1.24      $ 1.29      $ 1.24      $ 1.27  

The table below includes Emera’s significant segments whose contributions to adjusted net income are recorded in USD currency.


For the    Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30
millions of USD    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Florida Electric Utility

   $ 126      $ 102      $ 214      $ 167  

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure (1)

     21        21        79        77  

Other Electric Utilities

     6        -        7        6  

Other segment (2)

     (38)        (37)        (50)        (39)  

Total (3)

   $         115      $         86      $         250      $         211  

(1) Includes USD net income from PGS, NMGC, SeaCoast and M&NP.

(2) Includes Emera Energy’s USD adjusted net income from EES, Bear Swamp and interest expense on Emera Inc.’s USD denominated debt

(3) Net of $173 million MTM loss, after-tax for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $119 million) and $70 million MTM loss, after-tax for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $96 million).

The impact of changes in the foreign exchange rate on net income in Q2 and year-to-date in 2022 was minimal. The weakening of the CAD increased adjusted net income by $7 million in Q2 and year-to-date in 2022 (including the current quarter and year-to-date impacts of foreign exchange hedges in the Other segment), compared to the same period in 2021.




COVID-19 Pandemic

The Company’s priorities continue to be reliable delivery of essential energy services to meet customers’ demands while maintaining the health and safety of its customers and employees and supporting the communities in which Emera operates. While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had varying effects on the service territories in which Emera operates, on a consolidated basis, COVID-19 is not expected to have a material financial impact in 2022. For further information on COVID-19 and its potential future impacts on Emera and its businesses, refer to the “Business Overview and Outlook” and “Liquidity and Capital Resources” sections in Emera’s 2021 annual MD&A.

Florida Electric Utility

Florida Electric Utility consists of Tampa Electric, a vertically integrated regulated electric utility engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, serving customers in West Central Florida.

Tampa Electric anticipates earning within its ROE range in 2022. New base rates effective January 1, 2022 are expected to result in higher 2022 USD earnings than in 2021. Tampa Electric expects customer growth rates in 2022 to be consistent with 2021, reflective of current economic growth in Florida.

Tampa Electric’s 2021 settlement agreement allows the company to request an increase to revenue and ROE due to increases in the 30-year United States Treasury bond yield rate. On July 1, 2022, Tampa Electric requested the FPSC to increase its annual base rates by $10 million USD and to increase its ROE. If approved, the new mid-point ROE will be 10.20 per cent, and the range will be 9.25 per cent to 11.25 per cent. The FPSC is expected to issue a decision in August 2022.

The mid-course fuel adjustment requested by Tampa Electric on January 19, 2022, was approved on March 1, 2022. The rate increase, effective with the first billing cycle in April 2022, covered higher fuel and capacity costs of $169 million USD and will be spread over customer bills from April 1, 2022 through December 2022.

In 2022, capital investment in the Florida Electric Utility segment is expected to be approximately $1.1 billion USD (2021—$1.2 billion USD), including allowance for funds used during construction (“AFUDC”). Capital projects include continuation of the modernization of the Big Bend Power Station, solar investments, grid modernization, storm hardening investments, and operational infrastructure.

Canadian Electric Utilities

Canadian Electric Utilities includes NSPI and Emera Newfoundland & Labrador Holdings Inc. (“ENL”). NSPI is a vertically integrated regulated electric utility engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and is the primary electricity supplier to customers in Nova Scotia. ENL is a holding company with equity investments in NSPML and LIL, two transmission investments related to the development of an 824 MW hydroelectric generating facility at Muskrat Falls on the Lower Churchill River in Labrador.


NSPI anticipates earning within its allowed ROE range in 2022 and expects earnings to be consistent with 2021. Warmer than normal weather adversely affected NSPI’s sales volumes in 2021. NSPI expects sales volumes to be higher than 2021.



NSPI is currently operating under a three-year fuel stability plan which results in an average annual overall rate increase of 1.5 per cent to recover fuel costs for the period of 2020 through 2022. The 2022 rates include approximately $162 million related to the recovery of Maritime Link costs (discussed below in the “ENL, NSPML” section).

On January 27, 2022, NSPI filed a General Rate Application (“GRA”) with the UARB, which was then amended on February 18, 2022. The GRA proposes a rate stability plan for 2022 through 2024 which includes average base rate increases of 2.8 per cent per year and average fuel rate increases pursuant to the Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (“FAM”) of 0.8 per cent per year on August 1, 2022, January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024. The proposed rates would result in annualized incremental revenue (base and fuel rates) increases of $52 million in 2022 ($21 million related to August 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022), $54 million in 2023 and $56 million in 2024. The effective timing of any approved increases would be determined by the UARB. The hearing for this matter is scheduled for September 2022 and a decision by the UARB is expected later in the year.

Energy from renewable sources has increased with Nalcor Energy’s (“Nalcor”) NS Block delivery obligations from the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project (“Muskrat Falls”) commencing August 15, 2021. Nalcor is obligated to provide NSPI with approximately 900 GWh of energy annually over 35 years. In addition, for the first five years of the NS Block, NSPI is also entitled to receive approximately 240 GWh of additional energy from the Supplemental Energy Block transmitted through the Maritime Link. Nalcor’s final commissioning of the LIL has experienced delays. During these final stages of commissioning, there will be interruptions in supply, with any resultant delivery shortfalls being delivered at a date to be agreed to by the companies. Commencing in September 2022, NSPI has the option of purchasing additional market-priced energy from Nalcor through the Energy Access Agreement. Pursuant to the Energy Access Agreement, Nalcor is obligated to offer NSPI a minimum average of 1.2 TWh of energy annually. Nalcor is working towards final commissioning of the LIL in 2022.

In 2022, NSPI expects to invest $565 million (2021 – $388 million), including AFUDC, primarily in capital projects to support system reliability, renew hydroelectric infrastructure, and add renewable capacity.

Environmental Legislation and Regulations

NSPI is subject to environmental laws and regulations set by both the Government of Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia. NSPI continues to work with both levels of government to comply with these laws and regulations to maximize efficiency of emission control measures and minimize customer cost. NSPI anticipates that costs prudently incurred to achieve legislated compliance will be recoverable under NSPI’s regulatory framework. NSPI faces risks associated with achieving climate-related and environmental legislative requirements, including the risk of non-compliance, which could adversely affect NSPI’s operations and financial performance. For further discussion on these risks and environmental legislation and regulations, refer to the “Enterprise Risk and Risk Management” and “Business Overview and Outlook – Canadian Electric Utilities” sections respectively of Emera’s 2021 annual MD&A. Recent developments related to provincial and federal environmental laws and regulations are outlined below.

Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade Program Regulations:

In Q1 2022, NSPI received its 2022 granted emissions allowances under the Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade Program Regulations. These allowances will be allocated within the initial four-year compliance period that ends in 2022. In addition to the granted allowances, NSPI is permitted to purchase up to five per cent of the credits available at provincial auctions or reserve credits, which are anticipated to be priced at a premium, from the provincial government.



Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Regulations:

The alternative compliance plan, under the provincially legislated Renewable Energy Regulations, requires NSPI to achieve 40 per cent of electric sales generated from renewable sources over the 2020 through 2022 period. With delivery of the NS Block commencing later than anticipated, as well as further interruptions in supply due to delays in the LIL, NSPI is not forecasting the ability to achieve the requirements of the alternative compliance plan. The Renewable Energy Regulations require NSPI to have acted in a duly diligent manner. If NSPI is found not to have acted in a duly diligent manner, it could be subject to a maximum penalty of $10 million.


Absent the NSPML unrecoverable costs, equity earnings from NSPML and LIL are expected to be consistent in 2022, compared to 2021. Both NSPML and LIL investments are recorded as “Investments subject to significant influence” on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.


Equity earnings from the Maritime Link are dependent on the approved ROE and operational performance of NSPML. NSPML’s approved regulated ROE range is 8.75 per cent to 9.25 per cent, based on an actual five-quarter average regulated common equity component of up to 30 per cent.

The Maritime Link assets entered into service on January 15, 2018, enabling the transmission of energy between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, improved reliability and ancillary benefits, and supporting the efficiency and reliability of energy in both provinces. For further information on the NS Block, refer to the NSPI section above.

On August 3, 2022, NSPML submitted an application to the UARB requesting recovery of approximately $164 million in Maritime Link costs for 2023. A decision is expected in Q4 2022.

In February 2022, the UARB issued its decision and Board Order approving NSPML’s requested rate base of approximately $1.8 billion less approximately $9 million of costs ($7 million after-tax) that would not otherwise have been recoverable if incurred by NSPI. NSPML also received approval to collect $168 million (2021- $172 million) from NSPI for the recovery of Maritime Link costs in 2022. This is subject to a monthly holdback of up to $2 million from April to December 2022 contingent on receiving at least 90 per cent of NS Block deliveries, including Supplementary Energy deliveries, and the cost of replacement energy.

NSPML does not anticipate any significant capital investment in 2022 (2021 – $6 million).


ENL is a limited partner with Nalcor in LIL. Construction of the LIL is complete and Nalcor is working towards final commissioning in 2022.

Equity earnings from the LIL investment are based upon the book value of the equity investment and the approved ROE. Emera’s current equity investment is $710 million, comprised of $410 million in equity contribution and $300 million of accumulated equity earnings. Emera’s total equity contribution in the LIL, excluding accumulated equity earnings, is estimated to be approximately $650 million after the Lower Churchill projects are completed.

Cash earnings and return of equity will begin after commissioning of the LIL by Nalcor, and until that point Emera will continue to record AFUDC earnings.



Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure includes PGS, NMGC, SeaCoast, Brunswick Pipeline and Emera’s non-consolidated investment in M&NP. PGS is a regulated gas distribution utility engaged in the purchase, distribution and sale of natural gas serving customers in Florida. NMGC is an intrastate regulated gas distribution utility engaged in the purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of natural gas serving customers in New Mexico. SeaCoast is a regulated intrastate natural gas transmission company offering services in Florida. Brunswick Pipeline is a regulated 145-kilometre pipeline delivering re-gasified liquefied natural gas from Saint John, New Brunswick, to markets in the northeastern United States.

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure USD earnings are anticipated to be higher in 2022 than 2021, primarily due to customer growth and the reversal of accumulated depreciation at PGS, as discussed below.

PGS anticipates earning within its allowed ROE range in 2022 and expects rate base and USD earnings to be higher than in 2021. PGS expects favourable customer growth in 2022 and residential and commercial sales volumes in 2022 are expected to increase at a level consistent with customer growth. The PGS rate case settlement, which was approved in November 2020, also provides the ability to reverse a total of $34 million USD of accumulated depreciation through 2023. Through June 2022, PGS reversed $10 million USD accumulated depreciation. The reversal of the remaining accumulated depreciation is expected to occur over the 2022 and 2023 periods.

NMGC anticipates earning below its authorized ROE in 2022 and expects rate base to be higher than 2021. NMGC expects customer growth rates to be consistent with historical trends.

On December 13, 2021, NMGC filed a rate case with the NMPRC for new rates to become effective January 2023. On May 20, 2022, NMGC filed an unopposed settlement agreement with the NMPRC for an increase of $19 million USD in annual base revenues. The proposed rates reflect the recovery of increased operating costs and capital investments in pipelines and related infrastructure. A hearing was held in June 2022 and a decision from the NMPRC is expected in Q4 2022.

In 2018, SeaCoast executed a 34-year agreement to provide long-term firm gas transportation service via a 21-mile, 30-inch pipeline lateral. The lease of the pipeline lateral commenced January 1, 2022.

In 2022, capital investment in the Gas Utilities and Infrastructure segment is expected to be approximately $485 million USD (2021 - $407 million USD), including AFUDC. PGS will make investments to expand its system and support customer growth. NMGC will continue to make investments to maintain the reliability of its system.

Other Electric Utilities

Other Electric Utilities includes Emera (Caribbean) Incorporated (“ECI”), a holding company with regulated electric utilities. ECI’s regulated utilities include vertically integrated regulated electric utilities of BLPC on the island of Barbados, GBPC on Grand Bahama Island, and a 19.5 per cent interest in Lucelec on the island of St. Lucia which is accounted for on the equity basis.

Other Electric Utilities’ USD earnings in 2022 are expected to increase over the prior year due to higher earnings due to higher base rates at GBPC and BLPC and the continued recovery in local economies from the impacts of COVID-19.

On March 31, 2022, Emera completed the sale of its 51.9 per cent interest in Dominica Electricity Services Ltd. (“Domlec”) for proceeds which approximated carrying value. Domlec was included in the Other Electric segment in Q1 2022. The sale did not have a material impact on earnings.



On January 14, 2022, the GBPA issued its decision on GBPC’s rate application. The approved increase in annual revenues of $3.5 million USD commenced on April 1, 2022.

On October 4, 2021 BLPC submitted a general rate review application to the FTC. The application seeks a rate adjustment and the implementation of a cost reflective rate structure that will facilitate the changes expected in the newly reformed electricity market and the country’s transition towards 100 per cent renewable energy generation. The application seeks recovery of capital investment in plant, equipment and related infrastructure and results in an increase in annual non-fuel revenue of approximately $23 million USD upon approval. The application includes a request for an allowed regulatory ROE of 12.50 per cent on an allowed equity capital structure of 65 per cent. BLPC expects a decision from the FTC and new rates in 2022.

In 2022, capital investment in the Other Electric Utilities segment is expected to be $65 million USD (2021 – $88 million USD), primarily in more efficient and cleaner sources of generation, including renewables and battery storage.


The Other segment includes business operations that in a normal year are below the required threshold for reporting as separate segments; and corporate expense and revenue items that are not directly allocated to the operations of Emera’s subsidiaries and investments.

Business operations in the Other segment include Emera Energy and Emera Technologies LLC (“ETL”). Emera Energy consists of EES, a wholly owned physical energy marketing and trading business, and an equity investment in a 50.0 per cent joint venture ownership of Bear Swamp, a 633 MW pumped storage hydroelectric facility in northwestern Massachusetts. ETL is a wholly owned technology company focused on finding ways to deliver renewable and resilient energy to customers.

Corporate items included in the Other segment are certain corporate-wide functions including executive management, strategic planning, treasury services, legal, financial reporting, tax planning, corporate business development, corporate governance, investor relations, risk management, insurance, acquisition and disposition related costs, gains or losses on select assets sales, and corporate human resource activities. It includes interest revenue on intercompany financings recorded in “Intercompany revenue” and interest expense on corporate debt in both Canada and the United States. It also includes costs associated with corporate activities that are not directly allocated to the operations of Emera’s subsidiaries and investments.

Earnings from EES are generally dependent on market conditions. In particular, volatility in natural gas and electricity markets, which can be influenced by weather, local supply constraints and other supply and demand factors, can provide higher levels of margin opportunity. The business is seasonal, with Q1 and Q4 usually providing the greatest opportunity for earnings. EES is generally expected to deliver annual adjusted net income within its guidance range of $15 to $30 million USD ($45 to $70 million USD of margin).

The adjusted net loss from the Other segment is expected to be higher in 2022 due to higher Corporate OM&G which is primarily driven by the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges, EES returning to its normal earnings range, realized foreign exchange gains on cash flow hedges in 2021, and additional preferred dividends. This is expected to be partially offset by decreased taxes due to a higher net loss.

The Other segment does not anticipate any significant capital investment in 2022 (2021 – $1 million).




Significant changes in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets between December 31, 2021 and June 30, 2022 include:


millions of dollars    Increase


Cash and cash equivalents    $ (119)     Decreased due to increased investment in property, plant and equipment at the regulated utilities and dividends on common stock. These were partially offset by cash from operations and net proceeds under committed credit facilities
Inventory      53     Increased due to higher commodity prices at Emera Energy and higher materials and supplies inventory at Tampa Electric
Derivative instruments (current and long-term)      346     Increased due to higher commodity prices at NSPI and reversal of 2021 contracts at Emera Energy, partially offset by settlements at NSPI
Regulatory assets (current and long-term)      355     Increased due to higher cost recovery clauses at Tampa Electric, increased FAM deferrals at NSPI and increased deferred income tax regulatory assets at NSPI and Tampa Electric. These were partially offset by recovery of gas costs from the NMGC 2021 winter event

Receivables and other assets

(current and long-term)

     425     Increased due to higher gas transportation assets and cash collateral at Emera Energy, higher trade receivables at Tampa Electric, Emera Energy and NSPI and the required prepayment of income taxes and related interest and timing of provincial grants in lieu of taxes at NSPI
Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization      670     Increased due to additions at Tampa Electric, PGS and NSPI, and the effect of a weaker CAD on the translation of Emera’s foreign affiliates. These were partially offset by reclassification of Seacoast’s pipeline lateral on commencement of the sales-type lease
Net investment in direct finance and sales type leases      103     Increased due to commencement of the pipeline lease at Seacoast
Goodwill      93     Increased due to the effect of a weaker CAD on the translation of Emera’s foreign affiliates
Liabilities and Equity             
Short-term debt and long-term debt (including current portion)    $ 526     Increased due to net issuance of committed credit facilities at Emera and Tampa Electric and the effect of a weaker CAD on the translation of Emera’s foreign affiliates. These were partially offset by repayments under the committed credit facilities at NSPI
Accounts payable      275     Increased due to higher cash collateral position on derivative instruments at NSPI and increased commodity prices at Emera Energy, partially offset by lower trading volumes at Emera Energy due to seasonality of the business
Derivative instruments (current and long-term)      388     Increased due to new contracts in 2022 and changes in existing positions, partially offset by reversal of 2021 contracts at Emera Energy
Regulatory liabilities (current and long-term)      250     Increased due to deferrals related to derivative instruments at NSPI
Other liabilities (current and long-term)      183     Increased due to accrued emissions compliance charges at NSPI and higher investment tax credits related to solar projects at Tampa Electric
Common stock      267     Increased due to Emera’s ATM equity program and shares issued under the dividend reinvestment program
Accumulated other comprehensive income      117     Increased due to the effect of a weaker CAD on the translation of Emera’s foreign affiliates
Retained earnings      (53)     Decreased due to dividends paid in excess of net income





Effective July 1, 2022, Michael Barrett was appointed Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Emera. Mr. Barrett was most recently the General Counsel for Emera.

Effective June 30, 2022, Bruce Marchand was appointed Chief Risk and Sustainability Officer for Emera. Mr.  Marchand was most recently the Chief Legal and Compliance Officer for Emera.


Florida Electric Utility

All amounts are reported in USD, unless otherwise stated.


     Three months ended     Six months ended  
For the           June 30            June 30  
millions of USD (except per share amounts)    2022      2021     2022      2021  

Operating revenues – regulated electric

   $         663      $         532     $         1,173      $         979  

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power

   $     225      $ 156     $ 361      $ 284  

Contribution to consolidated net income

   $ 126      $ 102     $ 214      $ 167  

Contribution to consolidated net income – CAD

   $ 161      $ 125     $ 273      $ 208  

Contribution to consolidated earnings per common share – basic – CAD

   $ 0.61      $ 0.49     $ 1.04      $ 0.82  

Net income weighted average foreign exchange rate – CAD/USD

   $ 1.28      $ 1.22     $ 1.27      $ 1.24  

Net Income

Highlights of the net income changes are summarized in the following table:


For the

millions of USD

   Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2021

     $                         102        $                    167  
Increased operating revenues – see Operating Revenues – Regulated Electric below      131        194  
Increased fuel for generation and purchased power – see Regulated Fuel for Generation and Purchased Power below      (69)        (77)  
Increased OM&G expenses due to timing of deferred clause recoveries, higher transmission and distribution, insurance and benefit costs      (9)        (28)  
Increased depreciation and amortization due to additions to facilities and the in-service of generation projects      (4)        (6)  
Decreased AFUDC earnings due to the timing of power plant modernization and solar projects      (4)        (7)  
Increased income tax expense primarily due to increased income before provision for income taxes      (17)        (25)  


     (4)        (4)  

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2022

     $                         126        $                    214  

The impact of the change in the foreign exchange rate increased CAD earnings for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022 by $7 million and $6 million, respectively.



Operating Revenues – Regulated Electric

Electric revenues increased $131 million to $663 million in Q2 2022, compared to $532 million in Q2 2021. Year-to-date 2022, electric revenues increased $194 million to $1,173 million, compared to $979 million for the same period in 2021. Increases in both periods were due to higher fuel recovery clause revenue as a result of increased fuel costs, new rates effective January 2022, favourable weather and customer growth.

Electric revenues and sales volumes are summarized in the following tables by customer class:


Q2 Electric Revenues              
in millions of USD    2022      2021  


   $           348      $           276  


     170        144  


     47        42  

Other (1)

     98        70  


   $           663      $           532  

(1) Other includes sales to public authorities, off-system sales to other utilities, unbilled revenues and regulatory deferrals related to clauses.

YTD Electric Revenues              
in millions of USD    2022      2021  


   $            618      $           508  


     307        270  


     84        79  

Other (1)

     164        122  


   $ 1,173      $ 979  

(1) Other includes sales to public authorities, off-system sales to other utilities, unbilled revenues and regulatory deferrals related to clauses.

Q2 Electric Sales Volumes (1)              
Gigawatt hours (“GWh”)    2022      2021  


     2,513                  2,472  


     1,575        1,525  


     550        541  


     632        494  


     5,270        5,032  

(1) Electric sales volumes are calculated based on billed hours only. GWh related to unbilled revenues are excluded.

YTD Electric Sales Volumes (1)              
GWh    2022      2021  


     4,595                  4,525  


     2,950        2,850  


     1,034        1,015  


     1,164        939  


     9,743        9,329  

(1) Electric sales volumes are calculated based on billed hours only. GWh related to unbilled revenues are excluded.


Regulated Fuel for Generation and Purchased Power

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power increased $69 million to $225 million in Q2 2022, compared to $156 million in Q2 2021 and, year-to-date 2022, increased $77 million to $361 million, compared to $284 million in the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods were primarily due to higher natural gas prices.


Q2 Production Volumes in GWh    2022      2021  

Natural gas

     4,536        4,075  

Purchased power

     372        695  


     354        351  


     490        395  


     5,752        5,516  
YTD Production Volumes in GWh    2022      2021  

Natural gas

     8,364        7,482  

Purchased power

     395        1,035  


     774        757  


     801        681  


     10,334        9,955  

Average fuel cost per megawatt hour (“MWh”) increased to $39 per MWh in Q2 2022 compared to $28 per MWh in Q2 2021. Year-to-date, average fuel cost per MWh increased to $35 per MWh compared to $29 per MWh in the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods were primarily due to higher natural gas prices.



Canadian Electric Utilities


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Operating revenues – regulated electric

   $             375      $             341      $             884      $             784  

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power (1)

   $ 235      $ 173      $ 538      $ 385  

Income from equity investments (2)

   $ 24      $ 27      $ 51      $ 53  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted net income

   $ 39      $ 44      $ 137      $ 132  

NSPML unrecoverable costs

   $ -      $ -      $ (7)      $ -  

Contribution to consolidated net income

   $ 39      $ 44      $ 130      $ 132  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted earnings per common share – basic

   $ 0.15      $ 0.17      $ 0.52      $ 0.52  

Contribution to consolidated earnings per common share – basic

   $ 0.15      $ 0.17      $ 0.49      $ 0.52  

(1) Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power includes NSPI’s FAM and fixed cost deferrals on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income, however it is excluded in the segment overview.

(2) Income from equity investments excludes $7 million in NSPML unrecoverable costs, after-tax, for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – nil).

Canadian Electric Utilities’ contribution to consolidated adjusted net income is summarized in the following table:


For the    Three months ended June 30      Six months ended June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  


       $ 17          $ 18          $ 88          $ 80  

Equity investment in NSPML

     10        14        23        27  

Equity investment in LIL

     12        12        26        25  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted net income

       $ 39          $ 44          $ 137          $ 132  

Net Income

Highlights of the net income changes are summarized in the following table:


For the    Three months ended      Six months ended  
millions of dollars    June 30      June 30  

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2021

       $ 44          $ 132  

Increased operating revenues – see Operating Revenues – Regulated Electric below

     34        100  
Increased fuel for generation and purchased power – see Regulated Fuel for Generation and Purchased Power below      (62)        (153)  
Increased FAM and fixed cost deferrals due to current period under-recovery of fuel costs      33        75  
Increased OM&G expense primarily due to higher storm costs, and increased information technology and power generation costs      (7)        (20)  
NSPML unrecoverable costs      -        (7)  


     (3)        3  

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2022

       $ 39          $ 130  


Operating Revenues – Regulated Electric

Operating revenues increased $34 million to $375 million in Q2 2022, compared to $341 million in Q2 2021. Year-to-date 2022, operating revenues increased $100 million to $884 million compared to $784 million for the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods were primarily due to increased recovery of fuel costs from an industrial customer and increased residential and commercial class sales volumes.



Electric revenues and sales volumes are summarized in the following tables by customer class:


Q2 Electric Revenues  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  


   $         182      $         175  


     97        92  


     80        59  


     7        7  


   $ 366      $ 333  
YTD Electric Revenues  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  


   $         467      $         434  


     219        206  


     168        115  


     14        14  


   $ 868      $ 769  


Q2 Electric Sales Volumes  
GWh    2022      2021  


     1,046                1,010  


     680        650  


     619        626  


     35        35  


     2,380        2,321  


YTD Electric Sales Volumes  
GWh    2022      2021  


     2,733              2,559  


     1,544        1,472  


     1,220        1,198  


     74        78  


     5,571        5,307  

Regulated Fuel for Generation and Purchased Power

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power increased $62 million to $235 million in Q2 2022, compared to $173 million in Q2 2021, and year-to-date 2022 increased $153 million to $538 million, compared to $385 million in the same period in 2021. Increases in both periods were due to increased provision recognized as part of the Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade Program, increased commodity pricing, and increased sales volumes, partially offset by changes in generation mix.

The provision for the Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade program was $39 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $1 million) and $112 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $3 million). This non-cash accrual represents the estimated future cost of acquiring emissions credits for the 2019 through 2022 compliance period. These costs are estimated based on forecasted emissions for the compliance period and are sensitive to changes to forecasts of energy received from Muskrat Falls for the remainder of 2022 and the actual emissions profile.


Q2 Production Volumes  
GWh    2022      2021  


     674                  767  

Natural gas

     440        498  


     210        -  

Purchased power

     194        287  


     -        6  

Total non-renewables

     1,518        1,558  

Purchased power

     604        518  

Wind and hydro

     335        335  


     37        32  

Total renewables

     976        885  

Total production volumes

     2,494        2,443  
YTD Production Volumes  
GWh    2022      2021  


     1,991                2,421  

Natural gas

     762        811  


     449        206  

Purchased power

     354        392  


     207        57  

Total non-renewables

     3,763        3,887  

Purchased power

     1,309        1,064  

Wind and hydro

     766        640  


     85        69  

Total renewables

     2,160        1,773  

Total production volumes

     5,923        5,660  

Average fuel cost per MWh increased in Q2 2022 to $94 per MWh, compared to $71 per MWH in Q2 2021. Year-to-date 2022, average fuel cost per MWh increased to $91 per MWh compared to $68 per MWh in 2021. This was primarily due to increased provision recognized as part of the Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade Program and increased commodity pricing. The increase was partially offset by a favourable change in generation mix.

NSPI’s FAM regulatory asset balance increased $126 million to $271 million at June 30, 2022 from $145 million at December 31, 2021 due to an under-recovery of current period fuel costs.



Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

All amounts are reported in USD, unless otherwise stated.


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of USD (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Operating revenues – regulated gas (1)

   $             266      $             198      $             664      $             510  

Operating revenues – non-regulated

     3        4        6        7  

Total operating revenue

   $ 269      $ 202      $ 670      $ 517  

Regulated cost of natural gas

   $ 116      $ 55      $ 318      $ 179  

Income from equity investments

   $ 3      $ 4      $ 7      $ 8  

Contribution to consolidated net income

   $ 31      $ 28      $ 92      $ 91  

Contribution to consolidated net income – CAD

   $ 39      $ 34      $ 116      $ 114  

Contribution to consolidated earnings per common share – basic – CAD

   $ 0.15      $ 0.13      $ 0.44      $ 0.45  

Net income weighted average foreign exchange rate – CAD/USD

   $ 1.28      $ 1.23      $ 1.27      $ 1.26  

(1) Operating revenues – regulated gas includes $12 million of finance income from Brunswick Pipeline (2021 - $12 million) for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and $23 million (2021 - $23 million) for the six months ended June 30, 2022; however, it is excluded from the gas revenues analysis below.

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure’s contribution is summarized in the following table:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of USD    2022      2021      2022      2021  


   $               19      $               19      $               49      $               46  


     (2)        (2)        17        22  


     14        11        26        23  

Contribution to consolidated net income

   $ 31      $ 28      $ 92      $ 91  

Net Income

Highlights of the net income changes are summarized in the following table:


For the    Three months ended      Six months ended  
millions of USD    June 30      June 30  

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2021

   $                                    28      $                                91  

Increased gas operating revenues – see Operating Revenues – Regulated Gas below

     68        154  

Increased cost of natural gas sold – See Regulated Cost of Natural Gas below

     (61)        (139)  

Increased OM&G expense primarily due to higher labour, benefits and contractor costs at PGS

     (3)        (10)  

Decreased depreciation and amortization expense due to reversal of accumulated depreciation at PGS, partially offset by increases due to asset growth

     3        6  


     (4)        (10)  

Contribution to consolidated net income – 2022

   $ 31      $ 92  

The impact of the change in the foreign exchange rate on CAD earnings for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022 was minimal.



Operating Revenues – Regulated Gas

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure’s operating revenues increased $68 million to $266 million in Q2 2022, compared to $198 million in Q2 2021 and year-to-date 2022 increased $154 million to $664 million, compared to $510 million in the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods were due to higher purchased gas adjustment clause revenues at PGS and NMGC as a result of higher gas prices and higher base revenues at PGS due to increased off-system sales and customer growth.

Gas revenues and sales volumes are summarized in the following tables by customer class:


Q2 Gas Revenues              
millions of USD    2022      2021  


   $ 109      $ 90  


     75        63  

Industrial (1)

     16        13  

Other (2)

     55        20  

Total (3)

   $         255      $         186  

(1) Industrial includes sales to power generation customers.

(2) Other includes off-system sales to other utilities and various other items.

(3) Excludes $12 million of finance income from Brunswick Pipeline (2021 – $12 million).

YTD Gas Revenues              
millions of USD    2022      2021  


   $ 328      $ 262  


     183        153  

Industrial (1)

     30        25  

Other (2)

     101        47  

Total (3)

   $         642      $         487  

(1) Industrial includes sales to power generation customers.

(2) Other includes off-system sales to other utilities and various other items.

(3) Excludes $23 million of finance income from Brunswick Pipeline (2021 – $23 million).

Q2 Gas Volumes              
Therms (millions)    2022      2021  


     53        59  


     184                    181  


     361        356  


     56        40  


     654        636  
YTD Gas Volumes              
Therms (millions)    2022      2021  


     244        247  


     436                    423  


     705        723  


     102        87  


     1,487        1,480  


Regulated Cost of Natural Gas

Regulated cost of natural gas increased $61 million to $116 million in Q2 2022, compared to $55 million in Q2 2021 and year-to-date 2022 increased $139 million to $318 million, compared to $179 million in the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods were due to higher gas prices at PGS and NMGC.

Gas sales by type are summarized in the following table:    


Q2 Gas Volumes by Type              
Therms (millions)    2022      2021  

System supply

     117                    100  


     537        536  


     654        636  
YTD Gas Volumes by Type              
Therms (millions)    2022      2021  

System supply

     399                    366  


     1,088        1,114  


     1,487        1,480  



Other Electric Utilities

All amounts are reported in USD, unless otherwise stated.


For the


Three months ended

June 30


Six months ended

June 30

millions of USD (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  
Operating revenues – regulated electric    $ 102      $ 87      $ 196      $             161  
Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power    $ 61      $             44      $             111      $ 77  
Contribution to consolidated adjusted net income    $ 6      $ -      $ 7      $ 6  
Contribution to consolidated adjusted net income – CAD    $ 8      $ -      $ 9      $ 7  
Equity securities MTM loss    $ (2)      $ (1)      $ (4)      $ (1)  
Contribution to consolidated net income (loss)    $ 4      $ (1)      $ 3      $ 5  
Contribution to consolidated net income (loss) – CAD    $ 5      $ (1)      $ 4      $ 6  
Contribution to consolidated adjusted earnings per common share – basic – CAD    $             0.03      $ -      $ 0.03      $ 0.03  
Contribution to consolidated earnings per common share – basic – CAD    $ 0.02      $ -      $ 0.02      $ 0.02  
Net income weighted average foreign exchange rate – CAD/USD    $ 1.28      $ 1.31      $ 1.29      $ 1.25  

Other Electric Utilities’ contribution to consolidated adjusted net income is summarized in the following table:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of USD    2022      2021      2022      2021  


   $ 1      $ -      $ 3      $ 2  


     1        -        3        5  


     4        -        1        (1)  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted net income

   $                 6      $                 -      $                 7      $                 6  

Excluding the change in MTM, Other Electric Utilities’ CAD contribution to consolidated net income in Q2 2022 was $8 million, compared to nil in Q2 2021. Year-to-date, CAD contribution increased by $2 million to $9 million in 2022, compared to $7 million in 2021. Increases in both periods were due to the return of unclaimed cash from the acquisition of a non-controlling interest in 2016, higher sales at BLPC, and lower interest expense. Year-over-year, the increase was partially offset by the recognition of Hurricane Dorian insurance proceeds at GBPC in 2021.

The impact of the change in the foreign exchange rate on CAD earnings for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022 was minimal.

Operating Revenues – Regulated Electric

Operating revenues increased $15 million to $102 million in Q2 2022, compared to $87 million for Q2 2021. Year-to-date, revenues increased $35 million to $196 million compared to $161 million in the same period in 2021. The increases in both periods resulted from higher fuel revenue at BLPC due to higher fuel prices.

Electric sales volumes were 302 GWh in Q2 2022, compared to 306 GWh in Q2 2021. Year-to-date, electric sales volumes were 609 GWh, compared to 595 GWh for the same period in 2021.



Regulated Fuel for Generation and Purchased Power

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power increased $17 million to $61 million in Q2 2022, compared to $44 million in Q2 2021. Year-to-date 2022, regulated fuel for generation and purchased power increased $34 million to $111 million, compared to $77 million in 2021. The increases in both periods were due to higher fuel prices at BLPC.



     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Marketing and trading margin (1) (2)

   $ (2)      $ -      $ 47      $ 67  

Other non-regulated operating revenue

     3        9        10        17  

Total operating revenues – non-regulated

   $             1      $               9      $             57      $             84  

Income from equity investments

   $ 3      $ 4      $ 7      $ 11  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted net loss

   $ (91)      $ (66)      $ (137)      $ (81)  

MTM loss, after-tax (3)

     (220)        (153)        (91)        (123)  

Contribution to consolidated net loss

   $ (311)      $ (219)      $ (228)      $ (204)  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted earnings per common share – basic

   $ (0.34)      $ (0.26)      $ (0.52)      $ (0.32)  

Contribution to consolidated earnings per common share – basic

   $ (1.18)      $ (0.86)      $ (0.87)      $ (0.80)  

(1) Marketing and trading margin represents EES’s purchases and sales of natural gas and electricity, pipeline and storage capacity costs and energy asset management services’ revenues.

(2) Marketing and trading margin excludes a MTM loss, pre-tax of $307 million in Q2 2022 (2021 – $205 million loss) and a loss of $117 million year-to-date (2021 – $167 million loss).

(3) Net of income tax recovery of $91 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $62 million recovery) and $37 million recovery for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $49 million recovery).

Other’s contribution to consolidated adjusted net income is summarized in the following table:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Emera Energy

   $           (6)      $           (1)      $              21      $            42  

Corporate – see breakdown of adjusted contribution below

     (79)        (61)        (146)        (115)  

Emera Technologies

     (5)        (3)        (10)        (6)  


     (1)        (1)        (2)        (2)  

Contribution to consolidated adjusted net loss

   $ (91)      $ (66)      $ (137)      $ (81)  



Net Income

Highlights of the net income changes are summarized in the following table:


For the    Three months ended      Six months ended  
millions of dollars    June 30      June 30  

Contribution to consolidated net loss – 2021

   $ (219)      $ (204)  

Decreased marketing and trading margin – see Emera Energy

     (2)        (20)  
Increased OM&G, pre-tax, primarily due to the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges      (4)        (19)  
Increased foreign exchange loss, pre-tax, primarily due to realized gains on cash flow hedges in 2021      (11)        (13)  
Increased income tax recovery primarily due to increased losses before provision for income taxes      5        17  
Increased preferred stock dividends due to issuance of preferred shares in Q2 and Q3 2021      (4)        (9)  
Increased MTM loss, net of tax, quarter-over-quarter, primarily due to higher amortization of gas transportation assets in 2022 and changes in existing positions, partially offset by the reversal of 2021 foreign exchange losses on cash flow hedges. Decreased MTM loss, net of tax, year-over-year primarily due to larger reversal of MTM losses in 2022 and the reversal of 2021 foreign exchange losses on cash flow hedges, partially offset by higher amortization of gas transportation assets and changes in existing positions in 2022 at Emera Energy.      (67)        32  


     (9)        (12)  

Contribution to consolidated net loss – 2022

   $ (311)      $ (228)  

Emera Energy

Marketing and trading margin decreased $2 million in Q2 2022 with a loss of $2 million, compared to nil in Q2 2021. Natural gas prices were materially higher in Q2 2022, compared to the same period in 2021, however, weather was less favourable, which reduced opportunity.

Year-to-date 2022, marketing and trading margin decreased $20 million to $47 million compared to $67 million for the same period in 2021, reflecting 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which resulted in incremental margin.


Corporate’s adjusted loss is summarized in the following table:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Operating expenses (1)

   $           21      $           17      $           36      $           17  

Interest expense

     68        66        133        134  

Income tax recovery

     (24)        (21)        (45)        (39)  

Preferred dividends

     15        11        31        22  

Other (2)

     (1)        (12)        (9)        (19)  

Corporate adjusted net loss

   $ (79)      $ (61)      $ (146)      $ (115)  

(1) Operating expenses include OM&G and depreciation. In 2021, OM&G and depreciation were offset by changes in long-term compensation. The value of long-term compensation and related hedges are impacted by the changes in Emera’s period end share price.

(2) 2021 includes $5 million quarter-to-date and $9 million year-to-date of realized foreign exchange gains on cash flow hedges to hedge foreign exchange earnings exposure. No gains were recognized in 2022.




The Company generates internally sourced cash from its various regulated and non-regulated energy investments. Utility customer bases are diversified by both sales volumes and revenues among customer classes. Emera’s non-regulated businesses provide diverse revenue streams and counterparties to the business. Circumstances that could affect the Company’s ability to generate cash include changes to global macro-economic conditions, downturns in markets served by Emera, impact of fuel commodity price changes on collateral requirements and timely recoveries of fuel costs from customers, the loss of one or more large customers, regulatory decisions affecting customer rates and the recovery of regulatory assets and changes in environmental legislation. Emera’s subsidiaries are generally in a financial position to contribute cash dividends to Emera provided they do not breach their debt covenants, where applicable, after giving effect to the dividend payment, and maintain their credit metrics.

For information on COVID-19 and its potential future impacts on Emera’s liquidity and capital resources, refer to the “Business Overview and Outlook” and “Liquidity and Capital Resources” sections in Emera’s 2021 annual MD&A.

Emera’s future liquidity and capital needs will be predominately for working capital requirements, ongoing rate base investment, business acquisitions, greenfield development, dividends and debt servicing. Emera has a $8.4 billion capital investment plan over the 2022-to-2024 period (including a $240 million equity investment in the LIL in 2022) and the potential for additional capital investments of $1 billion over the same period. This plan includes significant rate base investments across the portfolio in renewable and cleaner generation, infrastructure modernization and customer-focused technologies. Capital investments at the regulated utilities are subject to regulatory approval.

Emera plans to use cash from operations and debt raised at the utilities to support normal operations, repayment of existing debt, and capital requirements. Debt raised at certain of the Company’s utilities is subject to applicable regulatory approvals. Equity requirements in support of the Company’s capital investment plan are expected to be funded through the issuance of preferred equity and the issuance of common equity through Emera’s dividend reinvestment plan and ATM program.

Emera has credit facilities with varying maturities that cumulatively provide $3.8 billion of credit, with approximately $1.2 billion undrawn and available at June 30, 2022. The Company was holding a cash balance of $296 million at June 30, 2022. For further discussion, refer to the “Debt Management” section below. For additional information regarding the credit facilities, refer to notes 18 and 19 in the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Consolidated Cash Flow Highlights

Significant changes in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows between the six months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021 include:


millions of dollars    2022      2021      Change  

Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of period

   $             417      $             254      $             163  

Provided by (used in):


Operating cash flow before change in working capital

     746        684        62  

Change in working capital

     (73)        (53)        (20)  

Operating activities

   $ 673      $ 631      $ 42  

Investing activities

     (1,030)        (993)        (37)  

Financing activities

     238        320        (82)  

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

     (2)        (5)        3  

Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period

   $ 296      $ 207      $ 89  



Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net cash provided by operating activities increased $42 million to $673 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022, compared to $631 million for the same period in 2021.

Cash from operations before changes in working capital increased $62 million. This increase was primarily due to the 2021 deferral of gas costs at NMGC resulting from the extreme cold weather event and increased revenues at Tampa Electric and NSPI. This was partially offset by under-recovery of clause-related costs primarily due to higher natural gas prices at Tampa Electric and increased fuel for generation and purchased power at NSPI.

Changes in working capital decreased operating cash flows by $20 million year-over-year. This decrease was due to unfavourable changes in cash collateral positions at Emera Energy, unfavourable changes in accounts receivable at NSPI and Tampa Electric and the required prepayment of income taxes and related interest at NSPI. This was partially offset by favourable changes in cash collateral positions at NSPI and timing of settlements at Emera Energy.

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities increased $37 million to $1,030 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022, compared to $993 million for the same period in 2021. The increase was due to higher capital investment in 2022.

Capital investments for the six months ended June 30, 2022, including AFUDC, were $1,065 million compared to $1,026 million for the same period in 2021. Details of the 2022 capital investment by segment are shown below:


$586 million – Florida Electric Utility (2021 – $560 million);


$196 million – Canadian Electric Utilities (2021 – $156 million);


$250 million – Gas Utilities and Infrastructure (2021 – $257 million);


$31 million – Other Electric Utilities (2021 – $51 million); and


$2 million – Other (2021 – $2 million).

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Net cash provided by financing activities decreased $82 million to $238 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022, compared to $320 million for the same period in 2021. The decrease was due to net proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt at Tampa Electric, PGS and NMGC in 2021, and the issuance of preferred shares in 2021. This was partially offset by the retirement of long-term debt at Emera, Tampa Electric and NMGC in 2021, lower net repayments of short-term debt at Tampa Electric and PGS, and lower net repayments of committed credit facilities at Emera.



Contractual Obligations

As at June 30, 2022, contractual commitments for each of the next five years and in aggregate thereafter consisted of the following:


millions of dollars    2022      2023      2024      2025      2026      Thereafter      Total  

Long-term debt principal

   $ 442      $ 590      $ 949      $ 503      $ 3,574      $ 9,542      $ 15,600  

Interest payment obligations (1)

     330        616        606        584        494        6,664        9,294  

Transportation (2)

     310        512        426        357        326        2,680        4,611  

Purchased power (3)

     180        232        245        239        230        2,366        3,492  

Fuel, gas supply and storage

     651        396        204        139        34        -        1,424  

Capital projects

     388        220        83        1        -        -        692  

Asset retirement obligations

     7        7        2        2        1        409        428  

Long-term service agreements (4)

     47        60        58        42        36        94        337  

Pension and post-retirement obligations (5)

     16        38        34        33        33        168        322  

Equity investment commitments (6)

     240        -        -        -        -        -        240  

Leases and other (7)

     6        15        14        12        5        117        169  

Demand side management

     24        1        1        1        -        -        27  

Long-term payable

     2        5        -        -        -        -        7  
     $     2,643      $     2,692      $     2,622      $     1,913      $     4,733      $ 22,040      $     36,643  

(1) Future interest payments are calculated based on the assumption that all debt is outstanding until maturity. For debt instruments with variable rates, interest is calculated for all future periods using the rates in effect at June 30, 2022, including any expected required payment under associated swap agreements.

(2) Purchasing commitments for transportation of fuel and transportation capacity on various pipelines. Includes a commitment of $140 million related to a gas transportation contract between PGS and SeaCoast through 2040.

(3) Annual requirement to purchase electricity production from Independent Power Producers or other utilities over varying contract lengths.

(4) Maintenance of certain generating equipment, services related to a generation facility and wind operating agreements,

outsourced management of computer and communication infrastructure and vegetation management.

(5) The estimated contractual obligation is calculated as the current legislatively required contributions to the registered funded pension plans (excluding the possibility of wind-up), plus the estimated costs of further benefit accruals contracted under NSPI’s Collective Bargaining Agreement and estimated benefit payments related to other unfunded benefit plans.

(6) Emera has a commitment to make equity contributions to the LIL upon its commissioning.

(7) Includes operating lease agreements for buildings, land, telecommunications services and rail cars, transmission rights and investment commitments.

NSPI has a contractual obligation to pay NSPML for the use of the Maritime Link over approximately 38 years from its January 15, 2018 in-service date. In February 2022, the UARB issued its decision and Board Order approving NSPML’s requested rate base of approximately $1.8 billion and the approval to collect $168 million from NSPI for the recovery of Maritime Link costs in 2022. The timing and amounts payable to NSPML for the remainder of the 38-year commitment period are subject to UARB approval.

Once LIL has been commissioned, the commercial agreements between Emera and Nalcor require true ups to finalize the respective investment obligations of the parties relating to the Maritime Link and LIL.

Emera has committed to obtain certain transmission rights for Nalcor, if requested, to enable it to transmit energy which is not otherwise used in Newfoundland and Labrador or Nova Scotia. Nalcor has the right to transmit this energy from Nova Scotia to New England energy markets effective August 15, 2021, the date the NS Block delivery obligation commenced, and continuing for 50 years. As transmission rights are contracted, the obligations are included within “Leases and other” in the above table.



Guarantees and Letters of Credit

Emera’s guarantees and letters of credit are consistent with those disclosed in the Company’s 2021 annual MD&A, with material updates as noted below:

The Company has standby letters of credit and surety bonds in the amount of $111 million USD (December 31, 2021 - $148 million USD) to third parties that have extended credit to Emera and its subsidiaries. These letters of credit and surety bonds typically have a one-year term and are renewed annually, as required.

Emera Inc. has issued a guarantee of $66 million USD relating to outstanding notes of ECI. This guarantee will automatically terminate on the date upon which the obligations have been repaid in full.

TECO Energy issued a guarantee in connection with SeaCoast’s performance obligations under a firm service agreement, which expires on December 31, 2055, subject to two extension terms at the option of the counterparty with a final expiration date of December 31, 2071. The guarantee is for a maximum potential amount of $13 million USD if SeaCoast fails to pay or perform under the firm service agreement. In the event that TECO Energy’s long-term senior unsecured credit ratings are downgraded below investment grade by Moody’s or S&P, TECO Energy would need to provide either a substitute guarantee from an affiliate with an investment grade credit rating or a letter of credit or cash deposit of $13  million USD.

Debt Management

In addition to funds generated from operations, Emera and its subsidiaries have, in aggregate, access to committed syndicated revolving and non-revolving bank lines of credit in either CAD or USD, per the table below.


millions of dollars    Maturity      Credit
     Utilized      Undrawn

Emera – Unsecured committed revolving credit facility

     June 2026      $ 900      $ 540      $ 360  

TEC (in USD) – Unsecured committed revolving credit facility (1)

     December 2026        800        471        329  

NSPI – Unsecured committed revolving credit facility

     December 2026        600        322        278  

TEC (in USD) – Unsecured non-revolving facility (2)

     December 2022        500        500         

Emera – Unsecured non-revolving facility

     December 2022        400        400         

TECO Finance (in USD) – Unsecured committed revolving credit facility

     December 2026        400        275        125  

NMGC (in USD) – Unsecured revolving credit facility

     December 2026        125        23        102  

NMGC (in USD) – Unsecured non-revolving facility

     September 2022        80        80         

Other (in USD) – Unsecured committed revolving credit facilities

     Various        21        9        12  

(1) This facility is available for use by Tampa Electric and PGS. At June 30, 2022, $373 million USD was used by Tampa Electric and $98 million USD was used by PGS.

(2) This facility is available for use by Tampa Electric and PGS. At June 30, 2022, $400 million USD was used by Tampa Electric and $100 million USD was used by PGS.

Emera and its subsidiaries have certain financial and other covenants associated with their debt and credit facilities. Covenants are tested regularly, and the Company is in compliance with covenant requirements as at June 30, 2022.



Recent significant financing activity for Emera and its subsidiaries are discussed below by segment:

Florida Electric Utilities

On July 12, 2022, TEC completed an issuance of $600 million USD senior notes. The issuance included $300 million USD senior notes that bear an interest rate of 3.875 per cent with a maturity date of July 12, 2024, and $300 million USD senior notes that bear an interest rate of 5 per cent with a maturity date of July 15, 2052. Proceeds from the issuance were used to repay TEC’s $470 million USD commercial paper, due in 2022, and for general corporate purposes. This commercial paper was classified as long-term debt at June 30, 2022.

Canadian Electric Utilities

On July 15, 2022, NSPI entered into a $400 million non-revolving term facility which matures on July 15, 2024. The credit agreement contains customary representation and warranties, events of default and financial and other covenants, and bears interest at Bankers’ Acceptances or prime rate advances, plus a margin. Proceeds from this issuance are to be used for general corporate purposes.

Other Electric Utilities

On March 25, 2022, ECI amended its amortizing floating rate notes to extend the maturity from March 25, 2022 to March 25, 2027.

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

On June 30, 2022, Brunswick Pipeline amended its credit agreement to extend the maturity from June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2026. There were no other changes in commercial terms.


On August 2, 2022, Emera entered into a $400 million non-revolving term facility which matures on August 2, 2023. The credit agreement contains customary representation and warranties, events of default and financial and other covenants and bears interest at Bankers’ Acceptances or prime rate advances, plus a margin. Proceeds from this issuance are to be used for general corporate purposes.

Credit Ratings

On June 2, 2022, Moody’s Investor Services affirmed its Baa1 issuer rating for TECO Finance. Moody’s also affirmed TEC’s A3 issuer rating and changed the outlook to stable from positive.



Outstanding Stock Data


Common Stock



Issued and outstanding:    millions of
     millions of
Canadian dollars

Balance, December 31, 2021

     261.07            $ 7,242  

Issuance of common stock under ATM program (1)

     2.08          128  

Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts

     2.17          128  

Senior management stock options exercised and Employee Share Purchase Plan

     0.20          11  

Balance, June 30, 2022

     265.52            $ 7,509  

(1) In Q2 2022, 1,158,768 common shares were issued under Emera’s ATM program at an average price of $62.64 per share for gross proceeds of $73 million ($72 million net of after-tax issuance costs). For the six months ended June 30, 2022, 2,078,868 common shares were issued under Emera’s ATM program at an average price of $61.83 per share for gross proceeds of $129 million ($128 million net of after-tax issuance costs). As at June 30, 2022, an aggregate gross sales limit of $328 million remained available for issuance under the ATM program.

As at August 5, 2022, the amount of issued and outstanding common shares was 265.8 million.

If all outstanding stock options were converted as at August 5, 2022, an additional 2.9 million common shares would be issued and outstanding.

Preferred Stock

As at August 5, 2022, Emera had the following preferred shares issued and outstanding: Series A - 4.9 million; Series B - 1.1 million; Series C - 10.0 million; Series E - 5.0 million; Series F - 8.0 million; Series H - 12.0 million; Series J - 8.0 million, and Series L - 9.0  million. Emera’s preferred shares do not have voting rights unless the Company fails to pay, in aggregate, eight quarterly dividends


In the ordinary course of business, Emera provides energy and other services and enters into transactions with its subsidiaries, associates and other related companies on terms similar to those offered to non-related parties. Intercompany balances and intercompany transactions have been eliminated on consolidation, except for the net profit on certain transactions between non-regulated and regulated entities, in accordance with accounting standards for rate-regulated entities. All material amounts are under normal interest and credit terms.

Significant transactions between Emera and its associated companies are as follows:



Transactions between NSPI and NSPML related to the Maritime Link assessment are reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. NSPI’s expense is reported in Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power, totalling $43 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $36 million) and $77 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $64 million). NSPML is accounted for as an equity investment and therefore, the corresponding earnings related to this revenue are reflected in Income from equity investments. For further details, refer to the “Business Overview and Outlook - Canadian Electric Utilities - ENL” and “Contractual Obligations” sections.



Natural gas transportation capacity purchases from M&NP are reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. Purchases from M&NP reported net in Operating revenues, Non-regulated, totalled $2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $3 million) and $6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $10 million).



There were no significant receivables or payables between Emera and its associated companies reported on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as at June 30, 2022 and at December 31, 2021.


There have been no material changes in Emera’s risk management profile and practices from those disclosed in the Company’s 2021 annual MD&A.

Hedging Impact Recognized in Net Income

The Company recognized gains related to the effective portion of hedging relationships under the following categories:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  

For the

millions of dollars

   2022      June 30
     2022      June 30

Interest expense, net

   $                     -      $                     -      $                     1      $                     -  

Effective net gains

   $ -      $ -      $ 1      $ -  

Regulatory Items Recognized on the Balance Sheets

The Company has the following categories on the balance sheet related to derivatives receiving regulatory deferral:


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
     December 31

Derivative instrument assets (current and other assets)

   $           436          $  237  

Regulatory assets (current and other assets)

     33        23  

Derivative instrument liabilities (current and long-term liabilities)

     (21)        (20)  

Regulatory liabilities (current and long-term liabilities)

     (447)        (241)  

Net asset (liability)

   $ 1          $ (1)  

Regulatory Impact Recognized in Net Income

The Company recognized the following net gains (losses) related to derivatives receiving regulatory deferral as follows:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  

For the

millions of dollars

   2022      June 30
     2022      June 30

Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power (1)

   $                 27      $                 (7)      $                 91      $                 (4)  

Net gains (losses)

   $ 27      $ (7)      $ 91      $ (4)  

(1) Realized gains (losses) on derivative instruments settled and consumed in the period, hedging relationships that have been terminated or the hedged transaction is no longer probable. Realized gains (losses) recorded in inventory will be recognized in “Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power” when the hedged item is consumed.

HFT Items Recognized on the Balance Sheets

The Company has the following categories on the balance sheet related to HFT derivatives:


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
     December 31

Derivative instrument assets (current and other assets)

   $         202          $             53  

Derivative instrument liabilities (current and long-term liabilities)

     (1,044)        (662)  

Net derivative instrument liability

   $ (842)          $ (609)  



HFT Items Recognized in Net Income

The Company has recognized the following realized and unrealized gains (losses) with respect to HFT derivatives in net income:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Operating revenue - non-regulated

   $ (258)      $ (120)      $ (68)      $ 9  

Non-regulated fuel for purchased power

     -        -        -        1  

Net (losses) gains

   $ (258)      $ (120)      $ (68)      $ 10  

Other Derivatives Recognized on the Balance Sheets    

The Company has the following categories on the balance sheet related to other derivatives:


As at    June 30      December 31  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  

Derivative instrument assets (current and other assets)

   $ 9      $ 11  

Derivative instrument liabilities (current and other liabilities)

     (5)        -  

Net derivative instrument assets

   $ 4      $ 11  

Other Derivatives Recognized in Net Income

The Company recognized in net income the following gains (losses) related to other derivatives:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  


   $ (5)      $ 1      $ (9)      $ 6  

Other income, net

     -        2        1        3  

Total (losses) gains

   $ (5)      $ 3      $ (8)      $ 9  


Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate disclosure controls and procedures (“DC&P”) and internal control over financial reporting (“ICFR”), as defined in National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings. The Company’s internal control framework is based on the criteria published in the Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013), a report issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the design of the Company’s DC&P and ICFR as at June 30, 2022, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting in accordance with USGAAP.

Management recognizes the inherent limitations in internal control systems, no matter how well designed. Control systems determined to be appropriately designed can only provide reasonable assurance with respect to the reliability of financial reporting and may not prevent or detect all misstatements.

There were no changes in the Company’s ICFR during the quarter ended June 30, 2022 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.




The preparation of unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with USGAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions. These may affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Significant areas requiring the use of management estimates relate to rate-regulated assets and liabilities, accumulated reserve for cost of removal, pension and post-retirement benefits, unbilled revenue, useful lives for depreciable assets, goodwill and long-lived assets impairment assessments, income taxes, asset retirement obligations, and valuation of financial instruments. Management evaluates the Company’s estimates on an ongoing basis based upon historical experience, current and expected conditions and assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time the assumption is made, with any adjustments recognized in income in the year they arise. There were no material changes in the nature of the Company’s critical accounting estimates from those disclosed in Emera’s 2021 annual MD&A.


Future Accounting Pronouncements

The Company considers the applicability and impact of all Accounting Standard Updates (“ASU”) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”). ASUs issued by FASB, but which are not yet effective, were assessed and determined to be either not applicable to the Company or to have an insignificant impact on the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.



For the quarter ended

millions of dollars

   Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3  
(except per share amounts)    2022      2022      2021      2021      2021      2021      2020      2020  

Operating revenues

   $     1,380      $     2,015      $     1,868      $     1,148      $     1,137      $     1,612      $     1,537      $     1,163  

Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $ (67)      $ 362      $ 324      $ (70)      $ (17)      $ 273      $ 273      $ 84  

Adjusted net income

   $ 156      $ 242      $ 168      $ 175      $ 137      $ 243      $ 188      $ 166  

Earnings (loss) per common share – basic

   $ (0.25)      $ 1.38      $ 1.24      $ (0.27)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.08      $ 1.09      $ 0.34  

Earnings (loss) per common share – diluted

   $ (0.25)      $ 1.38      $ 1.20      $ (0.27)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.08      $ 1.08      $ 0.34  

Adjusted earnings per common share – basic

   $ 0.59      $ 0.92      $ 0.64      $ 0.68      $ 0.54      $ 0.96      $ 0.75      $ 0.67  

Quarterly operating revenues and adjusted net income are affected by seasonality. The first quarter provides strong earnings contributions due to a significant portion of the Company’s operations being in northeastern North America, where winter is the peak electricity usage season. The third quarter provides strong earnings contributions due to summer being the heaviest electric consumption season in Florida. Seasonal and other weather patterns, as well as the number and severity of storms, can affect demand for energy and the cost of service. Quarterly results could also be affected by items outlined in the “Significant Items Affecting Earnings” section.




EX-99.2 3 d391378dex992.htm EX-99.2 EX-99.2

Exhibit 99.2


Unaudited Condensed Consolidated

Interim Financial Statements

June 30, 2022 and 2021



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Operating revenues


Regulated electric

   $ 1,349      $ 1,099      $ 2,622      $ 2,201  

Regulated gas

     339        244        841        637  


     (308)        (206)        (68)        (89

Total operating revenues (note 5)

     1,380        1,137        3,395        2,749  

Operating expenses


Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power

     541        392        1,018        787  

Regulated cost of natural gas

     149        69        405        226  

Operating, maintenance and general expenses (“OM&G”)

     378        344        765        661  

Provincial, state and municipal taxes

     91        81        177        161  

Depreciation and amortization

     230        221        460        447  

Total operating expenses

     1,389        1,107        2,825        2,282  

Income (loss) from operations

     (9)        30        570        467  

Income from equity investments (note 7)

     33        37        60        78  

Other income, net

     21        25        44        45  

Interest expense, net

     163        153        319        310  

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes

     (118)        (61)        355        280  

Income tax expense (recovery) (note 8)

     (66)        (55)        29        1  

Net income (loss)

     (52)        (6)        326        279  

Non-controlling interest in subsidiaries


Preferred stock dividends

     15        11        31        22  

Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $ (67)      $ (17)      $ 295      $ 256  

Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding (in millions) (note 10)



     264.4        255.8        263.1        254.6  


     264.4        255.8        263.6        255.0  

Earnings (loss) per common share (note 10)



   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01  


   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01  

Dividends per common share declared

   $ 0.6625      $ 0.6375      $ 1.3250      $ 1.2750  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Net income (loss)

   $ (52)      $ (6)      $ 326      $ 279  

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax


Foreign currency translation adjustment (1)

     285        (133)        147        (244)  

Unrealized gains (losses) on net investment hedges (2) (3)

     (40)        18        (21)        34  

Cash flow hedges


Net derivative gains (losses) (4)

     -        (6)        -        18  

Less: reclassification adjustment for losses (gains) included in


     -        -        (1)        -  

Net effects of cash flow hedges

     -        (6)        (1)        18  

Net change in unrecognized pension and post-retirement benefit obligation

     2        4        (8)        9  

Other comprehensive income (loss) (5)

     247        (117)        117        (183)  

Comprehensive income (loss)

     195        (123)        443        96  

Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interest

     -        -        -        1  

Comprehensive income (loss) of Emera Incorporated

   $ 195      $ (123)      $ 443      $ 95  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

(1) Net of tax expense of nil (2021 - $5 million expense) for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and tax expense of nil (2021 – $5 million expense) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.

(2) The Company has designated $1.2 billion United States dollar denominated Hybrid Notes as a hedge of the foreign currency exposure of its net investment in United States dollar denominated operations.

(3) Net of tax recovery of $7 million (2021 - $3 million expense) for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and tax recovery of $4 million (2021 – $6 million expense) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.

(4) Net of tax expense of nil (2021 - $2 million recovery) for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and tax expense of nil (2021 – $6 million expense) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.

(5) Net of tax recovery of $7 million (2021 - $6 million expense) for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and tax recovery of $4 million (2021 – $17 million expense) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)


As at    June 30      December 31  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  



Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 275      $ 394  

Restricted cash (note 22)

     21        23  


     591        538  

Derivative instruments (notes 12 and 13)

     539        195  

Regulatory assets (note 6)

     484        253  

Receivables and other current assets (note 15)

     2,043        1,733  
       3,953        3,136  
Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization of $9,044 and $8,739, respectively        21,023        20,353  

Other assets


Deferred income taxes (note 8)

     344        295  

Derivative instruments (notes 12 and 13)

     108        106  

Regulatory assets (note 6)

     2,437        2,313  

Net investment in direct finance and sales type leases (note 16)

     606        503  

Investments subject to significant influence (note 7)

     1,396        1,382  


     5,789        5,696  

Other long-term assets

     575        460  
       11,255        10,755  

Total assets

   $         36,231      $ 34,244  

Liabilities and Equity


Current liabilities


Short-term debt (note 18)

   $ 1,444      $ 1,742  

Current portion of long-term debt (note 19)

     997        462  

Accounts payable

     1,760        1,485  

Derivative instruments (notes 12 and 13)

     871        533  

Regulatory liabilities (note 6)

     487        290  

Other current liabilities

     370        366  
       5,929        4,878  

Long-term liabilities


Long-term debt (note 19)

     14,485        14,196  

Deferred income taxes (note 8)

     1,932        1,868  

Derivative instruments (notes 12 and 13)

     199        149  

Regulatory liabilities (note 6)

     1,818        1,765  

Pension and post-retirement liabilities (note 17)

     359        370  

Other long-term liabilities (note 7)

     1,047        868  
       19,840        19,216  



Common stock (note 9)

     7,509        7,242  

Cumulative preferred stock

     1,422        1,422  

Contributed surplus

     80        79  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI’) (note 11)

     142        25  

Retained earnings

     1,295        1,348  

Total Emera Incorporated equity

     10,448        10,116  

Non-controlling interest in subsidiaries

     14        34  

Total equity

     10,462        10,150  

Total liabilities and equity

   $ 36,231      $ 34,244  


Commitments and contingencies (note 20)    Approved on behalf of the Board of Directors


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

   “M. Jacqueline Sheppard”    “Scott Balfour”


Chair of the Board



President and Chief Executive Officer



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)


For the    Six months ended June 30  
millions of dollars        2022          2021  

Operating activities


Net income

   $ 326      $ 279  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:


Depreciation and amortization

     457        454  

Income from equity investments, net of dividends

     (26)        (40)  

Allowance for equity funds used during construction

     (24)        (27)  

Deferred income taxes, net

     13        (10)  

Net change in pension and post-retirement liabilities

     (21)        (10)  

Regulated fuel adjustment mechanism

     (126)        (45)  

Net change in fair value of derivative instruments

     217        147  

Net change in regulatory assets and liabilities

     (126)        (127)  

Net change in capitalized transportation capacity

     (92)        31  

Other operating activities, net

     148        32  

Changes in non-cash working capital (note 21)

     (73)        (53)  

Net cash provided by operating activities

     673        631  

Investing activities


Additions to property, plant and equipment

     (1,041)        (999)  

Other investing activities

     11        6  

Net cash used in investing activities

     (1,030)        (993)  

Financing activities


Change in short-term debt, net

     285        (16)  

Repayment of short-term debt with maturities greater than 90 days

     -        (377)  

Proceeds from long-term debt, net of issuance costs

     2        2,330  

Retirement of long-term debt

     (21)        (1,531)  

Net repayments (issuances) under committed credit facilities

     90        (182)  

Issuance of common stock, net of issuance costs

     149        143  

Issuance of preferred stock, net of issuance costs

     -        195  

Dividends on common stock

     (233)        (217)  

Dividends on preferred stock

     (31)        (22)  

Other financing activities

     (3)        (3)  

Net cash provided by financing activities

     238        320  

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash

     (2)        (5)  

Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

     (121)        (47)  

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period

     417        254  

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period

   $                 296      $                 207  

Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash consists of:



   $ 201      $ 174  

Short-term investments

     74        -  

Restricted cash

     21        33  

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash

   $ 296      $ 207  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)


millions of dollars    Common
     AOCI      Retained








For the three months ended June 30, 2022


Balance, March 31, 2022    $         7,365      $         1,422      $             79      $ (105)      $ 1,537      $             14      $         10,312  
Net loss of Emera Incorporated      -        -        -        -        (52)        -        (52)  
Other comprehensive income, net of tax recovery of $7 million      -        -        -                    247                    -        -        247  
Dividends declared on preferred stock (1)      -        -        -        -        (15)        -        (15)  
Dividends declared on common stock ($0.6625/share)      -        -        -        -        (175)        -        (175)  
Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts      63        -        -        -        -        -        63  
Issuance of common stock under the at-the-market (“ATM”) program, net of after-tax issuance costs      72        -        -        -        -        -        72  
Senior management stock options exercised and Employee Share Purchase Plan      9        -        1        -        -        -        10  

Balance, June 30, 2022

   $ 7,509      $ 1,422      $ 80      $ 142      $ 1,295      $ 14      $ 10,462  

For the six months ended June 30, 2022


Balance, December 31, 2021    $ 7,242      $ 1,422      $ 79      $ 25      $ 1,348      $ 34      $ 10,150  
Net income of Emera Incorporated      -        -        -        -        326        -        326  
Other comprehensive income, net of tax recovery of $4 million      -        -        -        117        -        -        117  
Dividends declared on preferred stock (2)      -        -        -        -        (31)        -        (31)  
Dividends declared on common stock ($1.3250/share)      -        -        -        -        (348)        -        (348)  
Disposal of non-controlling interest of Dominica Electricity Services Ltd (“Domlec”)      -        -        -        -        -        (20)        (20)  
Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts      128        -        -        -        -        -        128  
Issuance of common stock under ATM program, net of after-tax issuance costs      128        -        -        -        -        -        128  
Senior management stock options exercised and Employee Share Purchase Plan      11        -        1        -        -        -        12  

Balance, June 30, 2022

   $ 7,509      $ 1,422      $ 80      $ 142      $ 1,295      $ 14      $ 10,462  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

(1)    Series A; $0.1364/share, Series B; $0.1270/share, Series C; $0.29506/share, Series E; $0.28125/share, Series F; $0.26263/share; Series H; $0.30625/share; Series J; $0.265625/share and Series L; $0.2875/share

(2)    Series A; $0.2728/share, Series B; $0.2523/share, Series C; $0.59012/share, Series E; $0.5625/share, Series F; $0.52526/share; Series H; $0.6125/share; Series J; $0.53125/share and Series L; $0.575/share



Emera Incorporated

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)


millions of dollars    Common
     AOCI      Retained

For the three months ended June 30, 2021


Balance, March 31, 2021    $         6,816      $         1,004      $             79      $ (145)      $ 1,608      $                 34      $         9,396  
Net loss of Emera Incorporated      -        -        -                      -        (6)        -        (6)  
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax expense of $6 million      -        -        -        (117)                      -        -        (117)  
Dividends declared on preferred stock (1)      -        -        -        -        (11)        -        (11)  
Dividends declared on common stock ($0.6375/share)      -        -        -        -        (162)        -        (162)  
Issuance of preferred stock, net of after-tax issuance costs      -        196        -        -        -        -        196  
Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts      60        -        -        -        -        -        60  
Issuance of common stock under ATM program, net of after-tax issuance costs      78        -        -        -        -        -        78  
Senior management stock options exercised and Employee Share Purchas Plan      3        -        -        -        -        -        3  
Other      -        -        -        -        2        -        2  
Balance, June 30, 2021    $ 6,957      $ 1,200      $ 79      $ (262)      $ 1,431      $ 34      $ 9,439  

For the six months ended June 30, 2021


Balance, December 31, 2020    $ 6,705      $ 1,004      $ 79      $ (79)      $ 1,495      $ 34      $ 9,238  
Net income of Emera Incorporated      -        -        -        -        278        1        279  
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax expense of $17 million      -        -        -        (183)        -        -        (183)  
Dividends declared on preferred stock (2)      -        -        -        -        (22)        -        (22)  
Dividends declared on common stock ($1.2750/share)      -        -        -        -        (322)        -        (322)  
Issuance of preferred stock, net of after-tax issuance costs      -        196        -        -        -        -        196  
Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts      119        -        -        -        -        -        119  
Issuance of common stock under ATM program, net of after-tax issuance costs      128        -        -        -        -        -        128  
Senior management stock option exercised and Employee Share Purchase Plan      5        -        -        -        -        -        5  


     -        -        -        -        2        (1)        1  

Balance, June 30, 2021

   $ 6,957      $ 1,200      $ 79      $ (262)      $ 1,431      $ 34      $ 9,439  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

(1) Series A; $0.1364/share, Series B; $0.1168/share, Series C; $0.29506/share, Series E; $0.28125/share, Series F; $0.26263/share and Series H; $0.30625/share

(2) Series A; $0.2728/share, Series B; $0.2391/share, Series C; $0.59012/share, Series E; $0.5625/share, Series F; $0.52526/share and Series H; $0.6125/share



Emera Incorporated

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (Unaudited)

As at June 30, 2022 and 2021


Nature of Operations

Emera Incorporated (“Emera” or the “Company”) is an energy and services company which invests in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and gas transmission and distribution.

At June 30, 2022, Emera’s reportable segments include the following:


Florida Electric Utility, which consists of Tampa Electric, a vertically integrated regulated electric utility in West Central Florida.



Canadian Electric Utilities, which includes:


Nova Scotia Power Inc. (“NSPI”), a vertically integrated regulated electric utility and the primary electricity supplier in Nova Scotia; and


Emera Newfoundland & Labrador Holdings Inc. (“ENL”), consisting of two transmission investments related to an 824 megawatt (“MW”) hydroelectric generating facility at Muskrat Falls on the Lower Churchill River in Labrador being developed by Nalcor Energy. ENL’s two investments are:


a 100 per cent investment in NSP Maritime Link Inc. (“NSPML”), which developed the Maritime Link Project, a $1.8 billion (including AFUDC) transmission project; and


a 35 per cent investment in the partnership capital of Labrador-Island Link Limited Partnership (“LIL”), a $3.7 billion electricity transmission project in Newfoundland and Labrador.



Gas Utilities and Infrastructure, which includes:


Peoples Gas System (“PGS”), a regulated gas distribution utility operating across Florida;


New Mexico Gas Company, Inc. (“NMGC”), a regulated gas distribution utility serving customers in New Mexico;


Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Limited (“Brunswick Pipeline”), a 145-kilometre pipeline delivering re-gasified liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) from Saint John, New Brunswick to the United States border under a 25-year firm service agreement with Repsol Energy Canada, which expires in 2034;


SeaCoast Gas Transmission, LLC (“SeaCoast”), a regulated intrastate natural gas transmission company offering services in Florida; and


a 12.9 per cent interest in Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (“M&NP”), a 1,400-kilometre pipeline, that transports natural gas throughout markets in Atlantic Canada and the northeastern United States.



Other Electric Utilities, which includes Emera (Caribbean) Incorporated (“ECI”), a holding company with regulated electric utilities that include:


The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (“BLPC”), a vertically integrated regulated electric utility on the island of Barbados;


Grand Bahama Power Company Limited (“GBPC”), a vertically integrated regulated electric utility on Grand Bahama Island; and


a 19.5 per cent equity interest in St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (“Lucelec”), a vertically integrated regulated electric utility on the island of St. Lucia.




Emera’s other reportable segment includes investments in energy-related non-regulated companies which includes:


Emera Energy, which consists of:


Emera Energy Services (“EES”), a physical energy business that purchases and sells natural gas and electricity and provides related energy asset management services;


Brooklyn Power Corporation (“Brooklyn Energy”), a 30 MW biomass co-generation electricity facility in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia; and


a 50.0 per cent joint venture interest in Bear Swamp Power Company LLC (“Bear Swamp”), a pumped storage hydroelectric facility in northwestern Massachusetts.


Emera Reinsurance Limited, a captive insurance company providing insurance and reinsurance to Emera and certain affiliates;


Emera US Finance LP (“Emera Finance”) and TECO Finance, Inc. (“TECO Finance”), financing subsidiaries of Emera;


Emera Technologies LLC, a wholly owned technology company focused on finding ways to deliver renewable and resilient energy to customers;


Emera US Holdings Inc., a wholly owned holding company for certain of Emera’s assets located in the United States; and


Other investments.

The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 resulted in governments worldwide enacting emergency measures to combat the spread of the virus. Management considered the impact of COVID-19 on the Company’s estimates and results, and concluded the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, were not materially impacted.

Basis of Presentation

These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“USGAAP”). The significant accounting policies applied to these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those disclosed in the audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021.

In the opinion of management, these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements include all adjustments that are of a recurring nature and necessary to fairly state the financial position of Emera. Financial results for this interim period are not necessarily indicative of results that may be expected for any other interim period or for the year ending December 31, 2022.

All dollar amounts are presented in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise indicated.

Use of Management Estimates

The preparation of unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions. These may affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Significant areas requiring the use of management estimates relate to rate-regulated assets and liabilities, accumulated reserve for cost of removal, pension and post-retirement benefits, unbilled revenue, useful lives for depreciable assets, goodwill and long-lived assets impairment assessments, income taxes, asset retirement obligations, and valuation of financial instruments. Management evaluates the Company’s estimates on an ongoing basis based upon historical experience, current and expected conditions and assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time the assumption is made, with any adjustments recognized in income in the year they arise. There were no material changes in the nature of the Company’s critical accounting estimates from those disclosed in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements.



Seasonal Nature of Operations

Interim results are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year, primarily due to seasonal factors. Electricity and gas sales, and related transmission and distribution, vary during the year. The first quarter provides strong earnings contributions due to a significant portion of the Company’s operations being in northeastern North America, where winter is the peak electricity usage season. The third quarter provides strong earnings contributions due to summer being the heaviest electric consumption season in Florida. Certain quarters may also be impacted by weather and the number and severity of storms.


The Company considers the applicability and impact of all Accounting Standard Updates (“ASU”) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”). ASUs issued by FASB, but which are not yet effective, were assessed and determined to be either not applicable to the Company or to have an insignificant impact on the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


On March 31, 2022, Emera completed the sale of its 51.9 per cent interest in Domlec for proceeds which approximated its carrying value. Domlec was included in the Company’s Other Electric reportable segment up to its date of sale. The sale did not have a material impact on earnings.




Emera manages its reportable segments separately due in part to their different operating, regulatory and geographical environments. Segments are reported based on each subsidiary’s contribution of revenues, net income attributable to common shareholders and total assets, as reported to the Company’s chief operating decision maker. Emera’s five reportable segments are Florida Electric Utility, Canadian Electric Utilities, Gas Utilities and Infrastructure, Other Electric Utilities, and Other.


millions of dollars    Florida
     Gas Utilities
     Other      Inter-
For the three months ended June 30, 2022


Operating revenues from external customers (1)    $         845      $         375      $         341      $         131      $ (312)      $             -              $     1,380  
Inter-segment revenues (1)      1        -        2        -        6        (9)                -  

Total operating revenues

     846        375        343        131        (306)        (9)                1,380  
Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power      288        176        -        79        -        (2)                541  
Regulated cost of natural gas      -        -        149        -        -        -                149  
Depreciation and amortization      124        64        26        14        2        -                230  
Interest expense, net      40        32        16        5        70        -                163  
Internally allocated interest (2)      -        -        3        -        (3)        -                -  
OM&G      147        84        86        31        34        (4)                378  
Income tax expense (recovery)      41        -        13        -        (120)        -                (66)  
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders      161        39        39        5        (311)        -                (67)  
For the six months ended June 30, 2022


Operating revenues from external customers (1)      1,489        884        848        250        (76)        -                3,395  
Inter-segment revenues (1)      3        -        3        -        16        (22)                -  

Total operating revenues

     1,492        884        851        250        (60)        (22)                3,395  
Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power      460        418        -        142        -        (2)                1,018  
Regulated cost of natural gas      -        -        405        -        -        -                405  
Depreciation and amortization      244        127        53        32        4        -                460  
Interest expense, net      78        65        30        9        137        -                319  
Internally allocated interest (2)      -        -        6        -        (6)        -                -  
OM&G      289        175        176        62        71        (8)                765  
Income tax expense (recovery)      66        3        38        -        (78)        -                29  
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders      273        130        116        4        (228)        -                295  
As at June 30, 2022


Total assets      19,001        7,926        6,866        1,362              2,376        (1,300)       (3)         36,231  

(1) All significant inter-company balances and inter-company transactions have been eliminated on consolidation except for certain transactions between non-regulated and regulated entities that have not been eliminated because management believes the elimination of these transactions would understate property, plant and equipment, OM&G, or regulated fuel for generation and purchased power. Inter-company transactions that have not been eliminated are measured at the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties. Eliminated transactions are included in determining reportable segments.

(2) Segment net income is reported on a basis that includes internally allocated financing costs.

(3) Primarily relates to consolidated deferred tax reclassifications. Deferred tax assets are reclassified and netted with deferred tax liabilities upon consolidation.



millions of dollars    Florida
     Gas Utilities
     Other      Inter-
For the three months ended June 30, 2021


Operating revenues from external customers (1)    $         651      $         341      $         248      $         107      $ (210)      $             -              $     1,137  
Inter-segment revenues (1)      2        -        -        -        14        (16)                -  

Total operating revenues

     653        341        248        107        (196)        (16)                1,137  
Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power      191        147        -        54        -        -                392  
Regulated cost of natural gas      -        -        69        -        -        -                69  
Depreciation and amortization      113        62        29        15        2        -                221  
Interest expense, net      35        33        14        5        66        -                153  
Internally allocated interest (2)      -        -        4        -        (4)        -                -  
OM&G      131        72        78        36        29        (2)                344  
Income tax expense (recovery)      19        2        9        1        (86)        -                (55)  
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders      125        44        34        (1)        (219)        -                (17)  
For the six months ended June 30, 2021


Operating revenues from external customers (1)      1,216        784        645        201        (97)        -                2,749  
Inter-segment revenues (1)      3        -        2        -        14        (19)                -  

Total operating revenues

     1,219        784        647        201        (83)        (19)                2,749  
Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power      354        340        -        95        -        (2)                787  
Regulated cost of natural gas      -        -        226        -        -        -                226  
Depreciation and amortization      231        123        59        30        4        -                447  
Interest expense, net      71        68        26        10        135        -                310  
Internally allocated interest (2)      -        -        7        -        (7)        -                -  
OM&G      248        150        159        61        49        (6)                661  
Income tax expense (recovery)      33        8        34        1        (75)        -                1  
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders      208        132        114        6        (204)        -                256  
As at December 31, 2021


Total assets      17,903        7,418        6,666        1,402              2,034        (1,179)       (3)         34,244  

(1) All significant inter-company balances and inter-company transactions have been eliminated on consolidation except for certain transactions between non-regulated and regulated entities that have not been eliminated because management believes the elimination of these transactions would understate property, plant and equipment, OM&G, or regulated fuel for generation and purchased power. Inter-company transactions that have not been eliminated are measured at the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties. Eliminated transactions are included in determining reportable segments.

(2) Segment net income is reported on a basis that includes internally allocated financing costs.

(3) Primarily relates to consolidated deferred tax reclassifications. Deferred tax assets are reclassified and netted with deferred tax liabilities upon consolidation.




The following disaggregates the Company’s revenue by major source:


     Electric            Gas            Other  
millions of dollars    Florida
            Gas Utilities
            Other      Inter-
For the three months ended June 30, 2022


Regulated Revenue                         
Residential    $         444      $         182      $ 45              $         139              $ -      $             -      $         810  
Commercial      218        97        74                95                -        -        484  
Industrial      58        80        8                19                -        -        165  
Other regulatory deferrals      120        7        2                -                -        -        129  
Other (1)      6        9        2                71                -        (3)        85  
Finance income (2)(3)      -        -        -                15                -        -        15  

Regulated revenue

     846        375        131                339                -        (3)        1,688  
Non-Regulated Revenue                         
Marketing and trading margin (4)      -        -        -                -                (2)        -        (2)  
Energy sales      -        -        -                -                -        (1)        (1)  
Other      -        -        -                4                3        -        7  
Mark-to-market (3)      -        -        -                -                (307)        (5)        (312)  

Non-regulated revenue

     -        -        -                4                (306)        (6)        (308)  
Total operating revenues    $ 846      $ 375      $         131              $ 343              $ (306)      $ (9)      $ 1,380  
For the six months ended June 30, 2022


Regulated Revenue                         
Residential    $ 786      $ 467      $ 88              $ 416              $ -      $ -      $ 1,757  
Commercial      391        219        136                232                -        (1)        977  
Industrial      105        168        15                37                -        -        325  
Other electric and regulatory deferrals      200        14        7                -                -        -        221  
Other (1)      10        16        4                129                -        (5)        154  
Finance income (2)(3)      -        -        -                29                -        -        29  

Regulated revenue

     1,492        884        250                843                -        (6)        3,463  
Non-Regulated Revenue                         
Marketing and trading margin (4)      -        -        -                -                            47        -        47  
Energy sales      -        -        -                -                3        (6)        (3)  
Other      -        -        -                8                7        -        15  
Mark-to-market (3)      -        -        -                -                (117)        (10)        (127)  

Non-regulated revenue

     -        -        -                8                (60)        (16)        (68)  
Total operating revenues    $ 1,492      $ 884      $ 250              $ 851              $ (60)      $ (22)      $ 3,395  

(1) Other includes rental revenues, which do not represent revenue from contracts with customers.

(2) Revenue related to Brunswick Pipeline’s service agreement with Repsol Energy Canada.

(3) Revenue which does not represent revenues from contracts with customers.

(4) Includes gains (losses) on settlement of energy related derivatives, which do not represent revenue from contracts with customers.



     Electric            Gas            Other  
millions of dollars    Florida
            Gas Utilities
            Other      Inter-

For the three months ended June 30, 2021


Regulated Revenue



   $         338      $         175      $ 42              $         110              $             -      $             -      $         665  


     177        92        55                78                -        -        402  


     51        59        6                16                -        -        132  

Other regulatory deferrals

     83        7        1                -                -        -        91  

Other (1)

     4        8        3                26                -        (2)        39  

Finance income (2)(3)

     -        -        -                14                -        -        14  

Regulated revenue

     653        341        107                244                -        (2)        1,343  

Non-Regulated Revenue


Marketing and trading margin (4)

     -        -        -                -                -        -        -  

Energy sales

     -        -        -                -                6        (6)        -  


     -        -        -                4                3        -        7  

Mark-to-market (3)

     -        -        -                -                (205)        (8)        (213)  

Non-regulated revenue

     -        -        -                4                (196)        (14)        (206)  

Total operating revenues

   $ 653      $ 341      $         107              $ 248              $ (196)      $ (16)      $ 1,137  

For the six months ended June 30, 2021


Regulated Revenue



   $ 632      $ 434      $ 77              $ 328              $ -      $ -      $ 1,471  


     336        206        102                192                -        -        836  


     98        115        13                32                -        (1)        257  

Other regulatory deferrals

     144        14        3                -                -        -        161  

Other (1)

     9        15        6                59                -        (4)        85  

Finance income (2)(3)

     -        -        -                28                -        -        28  

Regulated revenue

     1,219        784        201                639                -        (5)        2,838  

Non-Regulated Revenue


Marketing and trading margin (4)

     -        -        -                -                67        -        67  

Energy sales

     -        -        -                -                12        (11)        1  


     -        -        -                8                5        -        13  

Mark-to-market (3)

     -        -        -                -                (167)        (3)        (170)  

Non-regulated revenue

     -        -        -                8                (83)        (14)        (89)  

Total operating revenues

   $ 1,219      $ 784      $ 201              $ 647              $ (83)      $ (19)      $ 2,749  

(1) Other includes rental revenues, which do not represent revenue from contracts with customers.

(2) Revenue related to Brunswick Pipeline’s service agreement with Repsol Energy Canada.

(3) Revenue which does not represent revenues from contracts with customers.

(4) Includes gains (losses) on settlement of energy related derivatives, which do not represent revenue from contracts with customers.

Remaining Performance Obligations

Remaining performance obligations primarily represent gas transportation contracts, lighting contracts and long-term steam supply arrangements with fixed contract terms. As of June 30, 2022, the aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations was $432 million (2021 – $430 million). This amount includes $140 million of future performance obligations related to a gas transportation contract between SeaCoast and PGS through 2040. This amount excludes contracts with an original expected length of one year or less and variable amounts for which Emera recognizes revenue at the amount to which it has the right to invoice for services performed. Emera expects to recognize revenue for the remaining performance obligations through 2041.




A summary of the Company’s regulatory assets and liabilities is provided below. For a detailed description regarding the nature of the Company’s regulatory assets and liabilities, refer to note 7 in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements.


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
     December 31

Regulatory assets


Deferred income tax regulatory assets

   $             1,110      $         1,045  

Tampa Electric capital cost recovery for early retired assets

     654        657  

Cost recovery clauses

     312        114  

Pension and post-retirement medical plan

     282        291  

Regulated fuel adjustment mechanism (“FAM”)

     271        145  

NMGC winter event gas cost recovery

     87        117  

Storm restoration regulatory asset

     36        35  

Deferrals related to derivative instruments

     33        23  

Environmental remediations

     28        27  

Stranded cost recovery

     27        26  


     81        86  
     $ 2,921      $ 2,566  


   $ 484      $ 253  


     2,437        2,313  

Total regulatory assets

   $ 2,921      $ 2,566  

Regulatory liabilities


Deferred income tax regulatory liabilities

   $ 875      $ 863  

Accumulated reserve - cost of removal

     838        819  

Deferrals related to derivative instruments

     447        241  

Storm reserve

     60        58  

Cost recovery clauses

     42        35  

Self-insurance fund (note 22)

     28        28  


     15        11  
     $ 2,305      $ 2,055  


   $ 487      $ 290  


     1,818        1,765  

Total regulatory liabilities

   $ 2,305      $ 2,055  

Tampa Electric

ROE Adjustment

Tampa Electric’s 2021 settlement agreement allows the company to request an increase to revenue and ROE due to increases in the 30-year United States Treasury bond yield rate. On July 1, 2022, Tampa Electric requested the Florida Public Service Commission (“FPSC”) to increase its annual base rates by $10 million United States Dollars (“USD”) and to increase its ROE. If approved, the new mid-point ROE will be 10.20 per cent, and the range will be 9.25 per cent to 11.25 per cent. The FPSC is expected to issue a decision in August 2022.

Mid-Course Fuel Adjustment

The mid-course fuel adjustment requested by Tampa Electric on January 19, 2022, was approved on March 1, 2022. The rate increase, effective with the first billing cycle in April 2022, covered higher fuel and capacity costs of $169 million USD and will be spread over customer bills from April 1, 2022 through December 2022.

Storm Protection Plan (“SPP”) Cost Recovery Clause

On April 11, 2022, Tampa Electric filed a new SPP with the FPSC to determine the storm hardening activities and related costs in 2023, 2024 and 2025. The FPSC is expected to rule on the SPP in the second half of 2022.




General Rate Application

On January 27, 2022, NSPI filed a General Rate Application (“GRA”) with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (“UARB”), which was then amended on February 18, 2022. The GRA proposes a rate stability plan for 2022 through 2024 which includes average base rate increases of 2.8 per cent per year and average fuel rate increases pursuant to the FAM of 0.8 per cent per year on August 1, 2022, January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024. The proposed rates would result in annualized incremental revenue (base and fuel rates) increases of $52 million in 2022 ($21 million related to August 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022), $54 million in 2023 and $56 million in 2024. The effective timing of any approved increases would be determined by the UARB. The hearing for this matter is scheduled for September 2022 and a decision by the UARB is expected later in the year.

Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade Program

As at June 30, 2022, the FAM includes a recovery of $150 million (December 31, 2021 – $38 million) non-cash accrual representing the estimated future cost of acquiring emissions credits for the 2019 through 2022 Nova Scotia Cap-and-Trade compliance period. These costs are estimated based on forecast emissions for the compliance period and are sensitive to changes to forecasts of energy received from Muskrat Falls for the remainder of 2022 and the actual emissions profile. Each 1 per cent change in forecasted emissions for the balance of the compliance period would result in a $3 million change in the expense and liability, which NSPI anticipates being recoverable through the FAM.


On August 3, 2022, NSPML submitted an application to the UARB requesting recovery of approximately $164 million in Maritime Link costs for 2023. A decision is expected in Q4 2022.


On December 13, 2021, NMGC filed a rate case with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (“NMPRC”) for new rates to become effective January 2023. On May 20, 2022, NMGC filed an unopposed settlement agreement with the NMPRC for an increase of $19 million USD in annual base revenues. The proposed rates reflect the recovery of increased operating costs and capital investments in pipelines and related infrastructure. A hearing was held in June 2022 and a decision from the NMPRC is expected in Q4 2022.


On October 4, 2021 BLPC submitted a general rate review application to the Fair Trading Commission (“FTC”). The application seeks a rate adjustment and the implementation of a cost reflective rate structure that will facilitate the changes expected in the newly reformed electricity market and the country’s transition towards 100 per cent renewable energy generation. The application seeks recovery of capital investment in plant, equipment and related infrastructure and results in an increase in annual non-fuel revenue of approximately $23 million USD upon approval. The application includes a request for an allowed regulatory ROE of 12.50 per cent on an allowed equity capital structure of 65 per cent. BLPC expects a decision from the FTC and new rates in 2022.


On January 14, 2022, The Grand Bahama Port Authority issued its decision on GBPC’s rate application. The approved increase in annual revenues of $3.5 million USD commenced on April 1, 2022.





    Carrying Value as at     Equity Income for the
three months ended
    Equity Income for the
six months ended
    June 30     December 31     June 30     June 30     Ownership  
millions of dollars   2022     2021     2022     2021     2022     2021     2022  

LIL (1)

  $ 710     $ 682     $ 14     $ 13     $ 28     $ 26       35.0  


    518       533       10       14       16       27       100.0  

M&NP (2)

    123       123       4       5       9       10       12.9  

Lucelec (2)

    45       44       1       1       2       2       19.5  

Bear Swamp (3)

    -       -       4       4       5       13       50.0  
    $ 1,396     $ 1,382     $ 33     $ 37     $ 60     $ 78          

(1) Emera indirectly owns 100 per cent of the LIL Class B units, which comprises 24.9 per cent of the total units issued. Emera’s percentage ownership in LIL is subject to change, based on the balance of capital investments required from Emera and Nalcor Energy to complete construction of the LIL. Emera’s ultimate percentage investment in LIL will be determined upon final costing of all transmission projects related to the Muskrat Falls development, including the LIL, Labrador Transmission Assets and Maritime Link Projects, such that Emera’s total investment in the Maritime Link and LIL will equal 49 per cent of the cost of all of these transmission developments.

(2) Although Emera’s ownership percentage of these entities is relatively low, it is considered to have significant influence over the operating and financial decisions of these companies through Board representation. Therefore, Emera records its investment in these entities using the equity method.

(3) The investment balance in Bear Swamp is in a credit position primarily as a result of a $179 million distribution received in 2015. Bear Swamp’s credit investment balance of $101 million (2021 – $105 million) is recorded in Other long-term liabilities on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Emera accounts for its variable interest investment in NSPML as an equity investment (note 22). NSPML’s consolidated summarized balance sheet is as follows:


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
     December 31

Current assets

   $ 19      $ 25  

Property, plant and equipment

     1,548        1,587  

Regulatory assets

     262        247  

Non-current assets

     31        31  

Total assets

   $ 1,860      $ 1,890  

Current liabilities

   $ 49      $ 50  

Long-term debt (1)

     1,169        1,189  

Non-current liabilities

     124        118  


     518        533  

Total liabilities and equity

   $             1,860      $ 1,890  

(1) The project debt has been guaranteed by the Government of Canada.    




The income tax provision differs from that computed using the enacted combined Canadian federal and provincial statutory income tax rate for the following reasons:


    Three months ended     Six months ended  
For the   June 30     June 30  
millions of dollars   2022     2021     2022     2021  

Income (loss) before provision for income taxes

  $ (118)     $ (61)     $ 355     $ 280  

Statutory income tax rate

        29.0%           29.0%           29.0%           29.0%  

Income taxes, at statutory income tax rate

    (34)       (18)       103       81  

Deferred income taxes on regulated income recorded as regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities

    (10)       (11)       (35)       (31)  

Foreign tax rate variance

    (9)       (6)       (16)       (16)  

Amortization of deferred income tax regulatory liabilities

    (8)       (11)       (13)       (16)  

Tax effect of equity earnings

    (3)       (5)       (5)       (9)  

Tax credits

    (1)       (4)       (4)       (7)  


    (1)       -       (1)       (1)  

Income tax (recovery) expense

  $ (66)     $ (55)     $ 29     $ 1  

Effective income tax rate

    56%       90%       8%       0%  

During 2022, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) issued notices of reassessment to NSPI for the 2013 through 2016 taxation years. NSPI and the CRA are currently in a dispute with respect to the timing of certain tax deductions for its 2006 through 2010 and 2013 through 2016 taxation years. The ultimate permissibility of the tax deductions is not in dispute; rather, it is the timing of those deductions. The cumulative net amount in dispute to date is $126 million (2021 - $62 million), including interest. NSPI has prepaid $55 million (2021 - $23 million) of the amount in dispute, as required by the CRA.

On November 29, 2019, NSPI filed a Notice of Appeal with the Tax Court of Canada with respect to its dispute of the 2006 through 2010 taxation years. Should NSPI be successful in defending its position, all payments including applicable interest will be refunded. If NSPI is unsuccessful in defending any portion of its position, the resulting taxes and applicable interest will be deducted from amounts previously paid, with the difference, if any, either owed to, or refunded from, the CRA. The related tax deductions will be available in subsequent years.

Should NSPI be similarly reassessed by the CRA for years not currently in dispute, further payments will be required; however, the ultimate permissibility of these deductions would be similarly not in dispute.

NSPI and its advisors believe that NSPI has reported its tax position appropriately. NSPI continues to assess its options to resolving the dispute; however, the outcome of the Notice of Appeal process is not determinable at this time.




Authorized:    Unlimited number of non-par value common shares.    


Issued and outstanding:    millions of shares          millions of dollars  

Balance, December 31, 2021

     261.07      $ 7,242  

Issuance of common stock under ATM program (1)

     2.08        128  

Issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Program, net of discounts

     2.17        128  

Senior management stock options exercised and Employee Share Purchase Plan

     0.20        11  

Balance, June 30, 2022

     265.52      $ 7,509  

(1) In Q2 2022, 1,158,768 common shares were issued under Emera’s ATM program at an average price of $62.64 per share for gross proceeds of $73 million ($72 million net of after-tax issuance costs). For the six months ended June 30, 2022, 2,078,868 common shares were issued under Emera’s ATM program at an average price of $61.83 per share for gross proceeds of $129 million ($128 million net of after-tax issuance costs). As at June 30, 2022, an aggregate gross sales limit of $328 million remained available for issuance under the ATM program.


The following table reconciles the computation of basic and diluted earnings per share:


     Three months ended      Six months ended  
For the    June 30      June 30  
millions of dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  



Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $       (67.2)      $       (16.9)      $       294.5      $       256.4  

Diluted numerator

     (67.2)        (16.9)        294.5        256.4  



Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding

     264.4        254.5        263.1        253.3  

Weighted average deferred share units outstanding (1)

     -        1.3        -        1.3  

Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding – basic

     264.4        255.8        263.1        254.6  

Stock-based compensation (2)

     -        -        0.5        0.4  

Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding – diluted

     264.4        255.8        263.6        255.0  

Earnings (loss) per common share



   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01  


   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)      $ 1.12      $ 1.01  

(1) Effective February 10, 2022, deferred share units are no longer able to be settled in shares and are therefore no longer included in the calculation of earnings per common share.

(2) The potential common shares from 0.5 million related to stock-based compensation were excluded from diluted EPS for the three months ended June 30, 2022 and 2021, as the Company had net losses in both quarters.




The components of AOCI, net of tax, are as follows:


millions of dollars    Unrealized
(loss) gain on
translation of
     Net change in
net investment
gains on
as cash flow

Net change
in available-


     Net change in
pension and
benefit costs
     Total AOCI  

For the six months ended June 30, 2022


Balance, January 1, 2022    $ 10      $ 35      $ 18      $ (1)      $ (37)      $ 25  
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications      147        (21)        -        -        -        126  
Amounts reclassified from AOCI      -        -        (1)        -        (8)        (9)  
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)      147        (21)        (1)               (8)        117  
Balance, June 30, 2022    $ 157      $ 14      $ 17      $ (1)      $ (45)      $ 142  
For the six months ended June 30, 2021


Balance, January 1, 2021    $ 52      $ 30      $ 1      $ (1)      $ (161)      $ (79)  
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications      (244)        34        18        -        -        (192)  
Amounts reclassified from AOCI      -        -        -        -        9        9  
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)      (244)        34        18        -        9        (183)  
Balance, June 30, 2021    $ (192)      $ 64      $ 19      $ (1)      $ (152)      $ (262)  

The reclassifications out of AOCI are as follows:


For the          Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30
millions of dollars          2022      2021      2022      2021  

    Affected line item in the Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

     Amounts reclassified from AOCI  

Losses (gain) on derivatives recognized as cash flow hedges


Interest rate hedge

   Interest expense, net    $ -      $ -      $ (1)      $ -  


        $ -      $ -      $ (1)      $ -  

Net change in unrecognized pension and post-retirement benefit costs


Actuarial losses

   Other income, net    $ 2      $ 5      $ 4      $ 9  

Amounts reclassified into obligations

   Pension and post-retirement liabilities      -        (1)        (12)        -  


          2        4        (8)        9  

Total reclassifications out of AOCI, for the period

   $             2      $             4      $             (9)      $             9  




The Company enters into futures, forwards, swaps and option contracts as part of its risk management strategy to limit exposure to:



commodity price fluctuations related to the purchase and sale of commodities in the course of normal operations;


foreign exchange fluctuations on foreign currency denominated purchases and sales;


interest rate fluctuations on debt securities; and


share price fluctuations on stock-based compensation.

The Company also enters into physical contracts for energy commodities. Collectively, these contracts are considered “derivatives”. The Company accounts for derivatives under one of the following four approaches:



Physical contracts that meet the normal purchases normal sales (“NPNS”) exemption are not recognized on the balance sheet; they are recognized in income when they settle. A physical contract generally qualifies for the NPNS exemption if the transaction is reasonable in relation to the Company’s business needs, the counterparty owns or controls resources within the proximity to allow for physical delivery, the Company intends to receive physical delivery of the commodity, and the Company deems the counterparty credit worthy. The Company continually assesses contracts designated under the NPNS exemption and will discontinue the treatment of these contracts under this exception if the criteria are no longer met.



Derivatives that qualify for hedge accounting are recorded at fair value on the balance sheet. Derivatives qualify for hedge accounting if they meet stringent documentation requirements and can be proven to effectively hedge the identified cash flow risk both at the inception and over the term of the derivative. Specifically, for cash flow hedges, the change in the fair value of derivatives is deferred to AOCI and recognized in income in the same period the related hedged item is realized.



Where the documentation or effectiveness requirements are not met, the derivatives are recognized at fair value with any changes in fair value recognized in net income in the reporting period, unless deferred as a result of regulatory accounting.



Derivatives entered into by NSPI, NMGC and GBPC that are documented as economic hedges, and for which the NPNS exception has not been taken, are subject to regulatory accounting treatment. These derivatives are recorded at fair value on the balance sheet as derivative assets or liabilities. The change in fair value of the derivatives is deferred to a regulatory asset or liability. The gain or loss is recognized in the hedged item when the hedged item is settled. Management believes that any gains or losses resulting from settlement of these derivatives related to fuel for generation and purchased power will be refunded to or collected from customers in future rates. Tampa Electric and PGS have no derivatives related to hedging as a result of a FPSC approved five-year moratorium on hedging of natural gas purchases which ends on December 31, 2022.



Derivatives that do not meet any of the above criteria are designated as held-for-trading (“HFT”) derivatives and are recorded on the balance sheet at fair value, with changes normally recorded in net income of the period, unless deferred as a result of regulatory accounting. The Company has not elected to designate any derivatives to be included in the HFT category where another accounting treatment would apply.



Derivative assets and liabilities relating to the foregoing categories consisted of the following:


      Derivative Assets     Derivative Liabilities  

As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
    December 31
    June 30
    December 31

Regulatory deferral


Commodity swaps and forwards


Coal purchases

   $ 128     $ 22     $ 15     $ 1  

Power purchases

     156       83       17       8  

Natural gas purchases and sales

     49       20       20       7  

Heavy fuel oil purchases

     38       21       4       -  

Foreign exchange forwards

     9       7       2       8  

Physical natural gas purchases

     93       88       -       -  
       473       241       58       24  

HFT derivatives


Power swaps and physical contracts

     190       33       186       32  

Natural gas swaps, futures, forwards, physical contracts

     358       208       1,204       818  
       548       241       1,390       850  

Other derivatives


Equity derivatives

     2       11       -       -  

Foreign exchange forwards

     7       -       5       -  
       9       11       5       -  

Total gross current derivatives

     1,030       493       1,453       874  

Impact of master netting agreements with intent to settle net or simultaneously

     (383)       (192)       (383)       (192)  

Total derivatives

   $ 647     $ 301     $ 1,070     $ 682  


   $ 539     $ 195     $ 871     $ 533  


     108       106       199       149  

Total derivatives

   $             647     $             301     $             1,070     $             682  


Derivative assets and liabilities are classified as current or long-term based upon the maturities of the underlying contracts.


Details of master netting agreements, shown net on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, are summarized in the following table:




      Derivative Assets     Derivative Liabilities  

As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
    December 31
    June 30
    December 31

Regulatory deferral

   $ 37     $ 4     $ 37     $ 4  

HFT derivatives

     346       188       346       188  
Total impact of master netting agreements with intent to settle net or simultaneously    $             383     $ 192     $             383     $ 192  

Cash Flow Hedges

On May 26, 2021 the treasury lock was settled for a gain of $19 million USD that will be amortized through interest expense over 10 years. As of June 30, 2022, there were no outstanding cash flow hedges.



The amounts related to cash flow hedges recorded in income and AOCI consisted of the following:


     Three months ended
June 30

Six months ended

June 30

For the    2022     2021     2022      2021  
millions of dollars    Interest rate
    Interest rate

Realized gain in interest expense, net

   $ -     $ -     $ 1      $ -  

Total gains in net income

   $ -     $ -     $ 1      $ -  
As at    June 30, 2022     December 31, 2021  
millions of dollars           Interest rate
            Interest rate

Total unrealized gain in AOCI – net of tax

           $ 17              $ 18  

The Company expects $2 million of unrealized gains currently in AOCI to be reclassified into net income within the next twelve months, as the underlying hedged transactions settle.

Regulatory Deferral

The Company has recorded the following changes in realized and unrealized gains (losses) with respect to derivatives receiving regulatory deferral:


millions of dollars    Physical
natural gas
swaps and
natural gas
swaps and
For the three months ended June 30                    2022                      2021  

Unrealized gain (loss) in regulatory assets

   $ -      $ (30)      $ 3      $ -      $ 6      $ (1)  

Unrealized gain (loss) in regulatory liabilities

     18        108        6        -        70        (2)  

Realized (gain) loss in regulatory assets

     -        14        -        -        (2)        -  

Realized gain in regulatory liabilities

     -        (13)        -        -        -        -  

Realized (gain) loss in inventory (1)

     -        (32)        2        -        -        1  
Realized (gain) loss in regulated fuel for generation and purchased power (2)      (5)        (22)        -        -        4        3  

Total change in derivative instruments

   $ 13      $ 25      $ 11      $ -      $ 78      $ 1  
millions of dollars    Physical
natural gas
swaps and
natural gas
swaps and
For the six months ended June 30                    2022                      2021  

Unrealized gain (loss) in regulatory assets

   $ -      $ (38)      $ 1      $ -      $ 11      $ (3)  

Unrealized gain (loss) in regulatory liabilities

     39        329        2        -        87        (4)  

Realized (gain) loss in regulatory assets

     -        16        -        -        (2)        -  

Realized gain in regulatory liabilities

     -        (22)        -        -        (2)        -  

Realized (gain) loss in inventory (1)

     -        (42)        4        -        6        3  
Realized (gain) loss in regulated fuel for generation and purchased power (2)      (34)        (58)        1        -        -        4  

Total change in derivative instruments

   $ 5      $ 185      $ 8      $ -      $ 100      $ -  

(1) Realized (gains) losses will be recognized in fuel for generation and purchased power when the hedged item is consumed.

(2) Realized (gains) losses on derivative instruments settled and consumed in the period; hedging relationships that have been terminated or the hedged transaction is no longer probable.



Physical Natural Gas Purchases

As at June 30, 2022, the Company had the following notional volumes of physical natural gas purchases for regulatory deferral that are expected to settle as outlined below:


millions    2022

Natural Gas (Mmbtu)

     4                             6  

Commodity Swaps and Forwards

As at June 30, 2022, the Company had the following notional volumes of commodity swaps and forward contracts designated for regulatory deferral that are expected to settle as outlined below:


millions    2022

Natural Gas (Mmbtu)

     13                            25  

Power (MWh)

     -        3  

Foreign Exchange Swaps and Forwards

As at June 30, 2022, the Company had the following notional volumes of foreign exchange swaps and forward contracts designated for regulated deferral that are expected to settle as outlined below:


      2022     2023-2024  

Foreign exchange contracts (millions of USD)

   $ 104     $ 150  

Weighted average rate

               1.2782               1.2413  

% of USD requirements

     72%       17%  

The Company reassesses foreign exchange forecasted periodically and will enter into additional hedges or unwind existing hedges, as required.

HFT Derivatives

In the ordinary course of its business, Emera enters into physical contracts for the purchase and sale of natural gas, as well as power and natural gas swaps, forwards and futures, to economically hedge those physical contracts. These derivatives are all considered HFT.

The Company has recognized the following realized and unrealized gains (losses) with respect to HFT derivatives:


For the    Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022                              2021  
Power swaps and physical contracts in non-regulated operating revenues    $ 8      $ 1      $ 4        $                 2  
Natural gas swaps, forwards, futures and physical contracts in non-regulated operating revenues      (266)        (121)        (72)        7  
Power swaps, forwards, futures and physical contracts in non-regulated fuel for generation and purchased power      -        -        -        1  
     $             (258)      $             (120)      $             (68)        $               10  



As at June 30, 2022, the Company had the following notional volumes of outstanding HFT derivatives that are expected to settle as outlined below:


millions    2022              2023              2024              2025              2026  

Natural gas purchases (Mmbtu)

     240        176        70        27        26  

Natural gas sales (Mmbtu)

     304        186        51        13        3  

Power purchases (MWh)

     3        2        -        -        -  

Power sales (MWh)

     3        2        -        -        -  

Other Derivatives

As at June 30, 2022, the Company had equity derivatives in place to manage the cash flow risk associated with forecasted future cash settlements of deferred compensation obligations and foreign exchange forwards in place to manage cash flow risk associated with forecasted USD cash inflows. The equity derivative hedges the return on 2.8 million shares and extends until December 2022. The foreign exchange forwards have a combined notional amount of $317 million USD and expire throughout 2022, 2023, and 2024.

The Company has recognized the following realized and unrealized gains (losses) with respect to other derivatives:


millions of dollars    Foreign

For the three months ended June 30

             2022               2021  

Unrealized gain (loss) in OM&G

   $                   -     $                 (5)     $                 -     $                 1  

Unrealized loss in other income, net

     -       -       (3)       -  

Realized gain in other income, net

     -       -       5       -  

Total gains (losses) in net income

   $ -     $ (5)     $ 2     $ 1  

For the six months ended June 30

             2022               2021  

Unrealized gain (loss) in OM&G

   $ -     $ (9)     $ -     $ 6  

Unrealized gain (loss) in other income, net

     1       -       (6)       -  

Realized gain in other income, net

     -       -       9       -  

Total gains (losses) in net income

   $ 1     $ (9)     $ 3     $ 6  

Credit Risk

The Company is exposed to credit risk with respect to amounts receivable from customers, energy marketing collateral deposits and derivative assets. Credit risk is the potential loss from a counterparty’s non-performance under an agreement. The Company manages credit risk with policies and procedures for counterparty analysis, exposure measurement, and exposure monitoring and mitigation. Credit assessments are conducted on all new customers and counterparties, and deposits or collateral are requested on any high-risk accounts.

The Company assesses the potential for credit losses on a regular basis and, where appropriate, maintains provisions. With respect to counterparties, the Company has implemented procedures to monitor the creditworthiness and credit exposure of counterparties and to consider default probability in valuing the counterparty positions. The Company monitors counterparties’ credit standing, including those that are experiencing financial problems, have significant swings in default probability rates, have credit rating changes by external rating agencies, or have changes in ownership. Net liability positions are adjusted based on the Company’s current default probability. Net asset positions are adjusted based on the counterparty’s current default probability. The Company internally assesses credit risk for counterparties that are not rated.



It is possible that volatility in commodity prices could cause the Company to have material credit risk exposures with one or more counterparties. If such counterparties fail to perform their obligations under one or more agreements, the Company could suffer a material financial loss. The Company transacts with counterparties as part of its risk management strategy for managing commodity price, foreign exchange and interest rate risk. Counterparties that exceed established credit limits can provide a cash deposit or letter of credit to the Company for the value in excess of the credit limit where contractually required. The Company also obtains cash deposits from electric customers. The Company uses the cash as payment for the amount receivable or returns the deposit/collateral to the customer/counterparty where it is no longer required by the Company.

The Company enters into commodity master arrangements with its counterparties to manage certain risks, including credit risk to these counterparties. The Company generally enters into International Swaps and Derivatives Association agreements, North American Energy Standards Board agreements and, or Edison Electric Institute agreements. The Company believes entering into such agreements offers protection by creating contractual rights relating to creditworthiness, collateral, non-performance and default.

As at June 30, 2022, the Company had $145 million (December 31, 2021 - $114 million) in financial assets considered to be past due, which had been outstanding for an average 60 days. The fair value of these financial assets was $127 million (December 31, 2021 - $93 million), the difference of which is included in the allowance for credit losses. These assets primarily relate to accounts receivable from electric and gas revenue.

Cash Collateral

The Company’s cash collateral positions consisted of the following:


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
    December 31

Cash collateral provided to others

   $               275     $               212  

Cash collateral received from others

   $ 251     $ 100  

Collateral is posted in the normal course of business based on the Company’s creditworthiness, including its senior unsecured credit rating as determined by certain major credit rating agencies. Certain derivatives contain financial assurance provisions that require collateral to be posted if a material adverse credit-related event occurs. If a material adverse event resulted in the senior unsecured debt falling below investment grade, the counterparties to such derivatives could request ongoing full collateralization.

As at June 30, 2022, the total fair value of derivatives in a liability position was $1,070 million (December 31, 2021 – $682 million). If the credit ratings of the Company were reduced below investment grade, the full value of the net liability position could be required to be posted as collateral for these derivatives.


The Company is required to determine the fair value of all derivatives except those which qualify for the NPNS exemption (see note 12), and uses a market approach to do so. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are defined as follows:

Level 1 - Where possible, the Company bases the fair valuation of its financial assets and liabilities on quoted prices in active markets (“quoted prices”) for identical assets and liabilities.

Level 2 - Where quoted prices for identical assets and liabilities are not available, the valuation of certain contracts must be based on quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities with an adjustment related to location differences. Also, certain derivatives are valued using quotes from over-the-counter clearing houses.



Level 3 - Where the information required for a Level 1 or Level 2 valuation is not available, derivatives must be valued using unobservable or internally developed inputs. The primary reasons for a Level 3 classification are as follows:


While valuations were based on quoted prices, significant assumptions were necessary to reflect seasonal or monthly shaping and locational basis differentials.


The term of certain transactions extends beyond the period when quoted prices are available, and accordingly, assumptions were made to extrapolate prices from the last quoted period through the end of the transaction term.


The valuations of certain transactions were based on internal models, although quoted prices were utilized in the valuations.

Derivative assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety, based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.

The following tables set out the classification of the methodology used by the Company to fair value its derivatives:


As at    June 30, 2022  

millions of dollars

     Level 1       Level 2       Level 3       Total  



Regulatory deferral


Commodity swaps and forwards


Coal purchases

   $                   -     $                 113     $                   -     $                 113  

Power purchases

     148       -       -       148  

Natural gas purchases and sales

     28       7       -       35  

Heavy fuel oil purchases

     11       27       -       38  

Foreign exchange forwards

     -       9       -       9  

Physical natural gas purchases

     -       -       93       93  
       187       156       93       436  

HFT derivatives


Power swaps and physical contracts

     6       62       8       76  

Natural gas swaps, futures, forwards, physical contracts and related transportation

     -       67       59       126  
       6       129       67       202  

Other derivatives


Foreign exchange forwards

     -       7       -       7  

Equity derivatives

     2       -       -       2  
       2       7       -       9  

Total assets

     195       292       160       647  



Regulatory deferral


Commodity swaps and forwards


Power purchases

     9       -       -       9  

Heavy fuel oil purchases

     4       -       -       4  

Natural gas purchases and sales

     -       6       -       6  

Foreign exchange forwards

     -       2       -       2  
      13     8     -     21  

HFT derivatives


Power swaps and physical contracts

     10       56       5       71  

Natural gas swaps, futures, forwards and physical contracts

     91       191       691       973  
      101     247     696     1,044  

Other derivatives


Foreign exchange forwards

     -       5       -       5  

Total liabilities

     114       260       696       1,070  

Net assets (liabilities)

   $ 81     $ 32     $ (536)     $ (423)  



As at    December 31, 2021  

millions of dollars

     Level 1       Level 2       Level 3       Total  



Regulatory deferral


Commodity swaps and forwards


Coal purchases

   $                   -     $             22     $                 -     $             22  

Power purchases

     83       -       -       83  

Natural gas purchases and sales

     15       1       -       16  

Heavy fuel oil purchases

     3       18       -       21  

Foreign exchange forwards

     -       7       -       7  

Physical natural gas purchases and sales

     -       -       88       88  
       101       48       88       237  

HFT derivatives


Power swaps and physical contracts

     4       5       4       13  

Natural gas swaps, futures, forwards, physical contracts and related transportation

     (1)       29       12       40  
       3       34       16       53  

Other derivatives


Equity derivatives

     11       -       -       11  

Total assets

     115       82       104       301  



Regulatory deferral


Commodity swaps and forwards


Power purchases

     7       -       -       7  

Natural gas purchases and sales

     -       5       -       5  

Foreign exchange forwards

     -       8       -       8  
       7       13       -       20  

HFT derivatives


Power swaps and physical contracts

     4       5       3       12  

Natural gas swaps, futures, forwards and physical contracts

     13       122       515       650  
       17       127       518       662  

Total liabilities

     24       140       518       682  

Net assets (liabilities)

   $ 91     $ (58)     $ (414)     $ (381)  

The change in the fair value of the Level 3 financial assets for the three months ended June 30, 2022 was as follows:


     Regulatory Deferral     HFT Derivatives        
millions of dollars    Physical natural gas
    Power     Natural gas     Total  

Balance, beginning of period

     $            80     $             2     $             29     $             111  

Realized losses included in fuel for generation and purchased power

     (5     -       -       (5

Unrealized gains included in regulatory assets or liabilities

     18       -       -       18  

Total realized and unrealized gains included in non-regulated operating revenues

     -       6       30       36  

Balance, June 30, 2022

     $            93     $             8     $ 59     $ 160  

The change in the fair value of the Level 3 financial liabilities for the three months ended June 30, 2022 was as follows:


     HFT Derivatives        
millions of dollars    Power     Natural gas     Total  

Balance, beginning of period

   $             3       $            438     $             441  

Total realized and unrealized gains included in non-regulated operating revenues

     2       253       255  

Balance, June 30, 2022

   $ 5       $            691     $ 696  



The change in the fair value of the Level 3 financial assets for the six months ended June 30, 2022 was as follows:


     Regulatory Deferral     HFT Derivatives        
millions of dollars    Physical natural gas
    Power     Natural gas     Total  

Balance, beginning of period

     $            88       $            4       $            12       $            104  

Realized losses included in fuel for generation and purchased power

     (34)       -       -       (34)  

Unrealized gains included in regulatory assets or liabilities

     39       -       -       39  

Total realized and unrealized gains included in non-regulated operating revenues

     -       4       47       51  

Balance, June 30, 2022

     $            93       $            8       $            59       $            160  

The change in the fair value of the Level 3 financial liabilities for the six months ended June 30, 2022 was as follows:


     HFT Derivatives        
millions of dollars    Power     Natural gas     Total  

Balance, beginning of period

     $          3       $        515       $        518  

Total realized and unrealized gains included in non-regulated operating revenues

     2       176       178  

Balance, June 30, 2022

     $          5       $        691       $        696  

Significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement of Emera’s natural gas and power derivatives include third-party sourced pricing for instruments based on illiquid markets; internally developed correlation factors and basis differentials; own credit risk; and discount rates. Internally developed correlations and basis differentials are reviewed on a quarterly basis based on statistical analysis of the spot markets in the various illiquid term markets. Discount rates may include a risk premium for those long-term forward contracts with illiquid future price points to incorporate the inherent uncertainty of these points. Any risk premiums for long-term contracts are evaluated by observing similar industry practices and in discussion with industry peers. Significant increases (decreases) in any of these inputs in isolation would result in a significantly lower (higher) fair value measurement.



The following table outlines quantitative information about the significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurements categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:


As at    June 30, 2022  
millions of dollars    Fair



     Unobservable Input      Range      Weighted
average (1)



Regulatory deferral – Physical

   $ 93        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $5.50 - $43.05        $14.38  

natural gas purchases and sales

           Probability of default        1.14% - 2.31%        1.90%  
                         Discount rate        0.40% - 3.59%        1.96%  

HFT derivatives – Power swaps

     8        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $46.70 - $269.10        $178.79  

and physical contracts

           Probability of default        0.06% - 0.86%        0.35%  
                         Discount rate        0.02% - 5.17%        1.60%  

HFT derivatives –

     59        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $2.45 - $33.44        $6.05  

Natural gas swaps, futures,

           Probability of default        0.02% - 4.56%        0.18%  

forwards and physical contracts

                       Discount rate        0.00% - 22.75%        1.57%  

Total assets

   $ 160                                      



HFT derivatives – Power swaps

   $ 3        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $38.20 - $269.10        $157.44  

and physical contracts

           Own credit risk        0.06% - 0.86%        0.20%  
           Discount rate        0.15% - 5.17%        2.30%  
     2        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $43.24 - $225.90        $153.18  
           Correlation factor        99% - 106%        99%  
           Own credit risk        0.06% - 4.48%        0.06%  
                         Discount rate        0.15% - 5.17%        1.08%  

HFT derivatives –

     661        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $2.40 - $33.45        $14.41  

Natural gas swaps, futures,

           Own credit risk        0.06% - 7.44%        0.14%  

forwards and physical contracts

           Discount rate        0.00% - 25.84%        3.43%  
     30        Modelled pricing        Third-party pricing        $4.05 - $33.88        $22.30  
           Basis adjustment        $0.00 - $0.87        $0.35  
           Own credit risk        0.06% - 3.36%        0.41%  
                         Discount rate        0.06% - 4.91%        1.85%  

Total liabilities

   $ 696                                      

Net liabilities

   $         536                                      

(1) Unobservable inputs were weighted by the relative fair value of the instruments.

Long-term debt is a financial liability not measured at fair value on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The balance consisted of the following:


As at

millions of dollars

    Fair Value     Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  

June 30, 2022

   $ 15,482     $ 14,736     $ -     $ 14,309     $ 427     $ 14,736  

December 31, 2021

   $         14,658     $       16,775     $                 -     $       16,308     $         467     $       16,775  

The Company has designated $1.2 billion USD denominated Hybrid Notes as a hedge of the foreign currency exposure of its net investment in USD denominated operations. An after-tax foreign currency loss of $40 million was recorded in Other Comprehensive Income for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $18 million after-tax gain) and an after-tax foreign currency loss of $21 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 – $34 million after tax gain).




In the ordinary course of business, Emera provides energy and other services and enters into transactions with its subsidiaries, associates and other related companies on terms similar to those offered to non-related parties. Intercompany balances and intercompany transactions have been eliminated on consolidation, except for the net profit on certain transactions between non-regulated and regulated entities, in accordance with accounting standards for rate-regulated entities. All material amounts are under normal interest and credit terms.

Significant transactions between Emera and its associated companies are as follows:



Transactions between NSPI and NSPML related to the Maritime Link assessment are reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. NSPI’s expense is reported in Regulated fuel for generation and purchased power, totalling $43 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $36 million) and $77 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $64 million). NSPML is accounted for as an equity investment and therefore, the corresponding earnings related to this revenue are reflected in Income from equity investments.



Natural gas transportation capacity purchases from M&NP are reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. Purchases from M&NP reported net in Operating revenues, Non-regulated, totalled $2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $3 million) and $6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021 - $10 million).

There were no significant receivables or payables between Emera and its associated companies reported on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as at June 30, 2022 and at December 31, 2021.


Receivables and other current assets consisted of the following:


As at

millions of dollars

   June 30
    December 31

Customer accounts receivable – billed

   $ 946     $ 767  

Customer accounts receivable – unbilled

     285       318  

Allowance for credit losses

     (18)       (21)  

Capitalized transportation capacity (1)

     349       316  

Income tax receivable

     11       8  

Prepaid expenses

     102       65  


     368       280  
     $             2,043     $         1,733  

(1) Capitalized transportation capacity represents the value of transportation/storage received by EES on asset management agreements at the inception of the contracts. The asset is amortized over the term of each contract.



The Company’s net investment in direct finance and sales-type leases primarily relates to Brunswick Pipeline, Seacoast, compressed natural gas (“CNG”) stations and heat pumps.

Commencing in January 2022, the Company leased a Seacoast pipeline, a 21-mile, 30-inch lateral that is classified as a sales-type lease. The term of the pipeline lateral lease is 34 years with a net investment of $100 million USD. The lessee of the new pipeline lateral has renewal options for an additional 16 years. These renewal options have not been included as part of the pipeline lateral lease term as it is not reasonably certain that they will be exercised.



For further information on the Brunswick Pipeline lease, CNG stations and heat pumps, refer to note 19 in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements.

The total net investment in direct finance and sales-type leases consist of the following:


As at

millions of dollars


June 30


     December 31

Total minimum lease payment to be received

   $                         1,429      $                         947  

Less: amounts representing estimated executory costs

     (218)        (165)  

Minimum lease payments receivable

   $ 1,211      $ 782  

Estimated residual value of leased property (unguaranteed)

     182        183  

Less: unearned finance lease income

     (753)        (443)  

Net investment in direct finance and sales-type leases

   $ 640      $ 522  

Principal due within one year (included in “Receivables and other current assets”)

     34        19  

Net Investment in direct finance and sales type leases - long-term

   $ 606      $ 503  

As at June 30, 2022, future minimum lease payments to be received for each of the next five years and in aggregate thereafter are as follows:


millions of dollars    2022     2023     2024     2025     2026     Thereafter     Total  

Minimum lease payments to be received

   $         46     $         93     $         94     $         96     $         94     $         1,006     $         1,429  

Less: executory costs



                                                   $ 1,211  


Emera maintains a number of contributory defined-benefit and defined-contribution pension plans, which cover substantially all of its employees. In addition, the Company provides non-pension benefits for its retirees. These plans cover employees in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Florida, New Mexico, Barbados, and Grand Bahama Island.



Emera’s net periodic benefit cost included the following:


For the    Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30
millions of dollars    2022      2021      2022      2021  

Defined benefit pension plans


Service cost

   $ 11      $ 11      $ 21      $ 22  

Non-service cost


Interest cost

     20        17        40        34  

Expected return on plan assets

     (37)        (33)        (72)        (66)  

Current year amortization of:


Actuarial losses

     2        5        4        9  

Regulatory asset

     6        6        10        13  

Total non-service costs

     (9)        (5)        (18)        (10)  

Total defined benefit pension plans

     2        6        3        12  

Non-pension benefit plans


Service cost

     1        2        2        3  

Non-service cost


Interest cost

     2        2        4        4  

Expected return on plan assets

     -        (1)        -        (1)  

Current year amortization of regulatory asset

     -        1        1        2  

Total non-service costs

     2        2        5        5  

Total non-pension benefit plans

     3        4        7        8  

Total defined benefit plans

   $ 5      $ 10      $ 10      $ 20  

Emera’s pension and non-pension contributions related to these defined-benefit plans for the three months ended June 30, 2022 were $17 million (2021 – $15 million), and for the six months ended June 30, 2022 were $31 million (2021 – $29 million). Annual employer contributions to the defined benefit pension plans are estimated to be $41 million for 2022. Emera’s contributions related to these defined contribution plans for the three months ended June 30, 2022 were $10 million (2021 – $9 million) and $19 million (2021 – $19 million) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.


Emera’s short-term borrowings consist of commercial paper issuances, advances on revolving and non-revolving credit facilities and short-term notes. For details regarding short-term debt, refer to note 23 in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements, and below for 2022 short-term debt financing activity.

Recent Significant Financing Activity by Segment:


On August 2, 2022, Emera entered into a $400 million non-revolving term facility which matures on August 2, 2023. The credit agreement contains customary representation and warranties, events of default and financial and other covenants and bears interest at Bankers’ Acceptances or prime rate advances, plus a margin.




For details regarding long-term debt, refer to note 25 in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements, and below for 2022 long-term debt financing activity.

Recent Significant Financing Activity by Segment:

Florida Electric Utilities

On July 12, 2022, TEC completed an issuance of $600 million USD senior notes. The issuance included $300 million USD senior notes that bear an interest rate of 3.875 per cent with a maturity date of July 12, 2024, and $300 million USD senior notes that bear an interest rate of 5 per cent with a maturity date of July 15, 2052. Proceeds from the issuance were used to repay TEC’s $470 million USD commercial paper, due in 2022, and for general corporate purposes. This commercial paper was classified as long-term debt at June 30, 2022.

Canadian Electric Utilities

On July 15, 2022, NSPI entered into a $400 million non-revolving term facility which matures on July 15, 2024. The credit agreement contains customary representation and warranties, events of default and financial and other covenants, and bears interest at Bankers’ Acceptances or prime rate advances, plus a margin.

Other Electric Utilities

On March 25, 2022, ECI amended its amortizing floating rate notes to extend the maturity from March 25, 2022 to March 25, 2027.

Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

On June 30, 2022, Brunswick Pipeline amended its credit agreement to extend the maturity from June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2026. There were no other changes in commercial terms.




A.  Commitments

As at June 30, 2022, contractual commitments (excluding pensions and other post-retirement obligations, long-term debt and asset retirement obligations) for each of the next five years and in aggregate thereafter consisted of the following:


millions of dollars    2022      2023      2024      2025      2026      Thereafter      Total  

Transportation (1)

   $ 310      $ 512      $ 426      $ 357      $ 326      $ 2,680      $ 4,611  

Purchased power (2)

     180        232        245        239        230        2,366        3,492  

Fuel, gas supply and storage

     651        396        204        139        34        -        1,424  

Capital projects

     388        220        83        1        -        -        692  

Long-term service agreements (3)

     47        60        58        42        36        94        337  

Equity investment commitments (4)

     240        -        -        -        -        -        240  

Leases and other (5)

     6        15        14        12        5        117        169  

Demand side management

     24        1        1        1        -        -        27  
     $     1,846      $     1,436      $     1,031      $        791      $        631      $ 5,257      $     10,992  

(1)    Purchasing commitments for transportation of fuel and transportation capacity on various pipelines. Includes a commitment of $140 million related to a gas transportation contract between PGS and SeaCoast through 2040.

(2)    Annual requirement to purchase electricity production from Independent Power Producers or other utilities over varying contract lengths.

(3) Maintenance of certain generating equipment, services related to a generation facility and wind operating agreements, outsourced management of computer and communication infrastructure and vegetation management.

(4)    Emera has a commitment to make equity contributions to the LIL upon its commissioning.

(5)    Includes operating lease agreements for buildings, land, telecommunications services and rail cars, transmission rights and investment commitments.

NSPI has a contractual obligation to pay NSPML for the use of the Maritime Link over approximately 38 years from its January 15, 2018 in-service date. In February 2022, the UARB issued its decision and Board Order approving NSPML’s requested rate base of approximately $1.8 billion and the approval to collect $168 million from NSPI for the recovery of Maritime Link costs in 2022. The timing and amounts payable to NSPML for the remainder of the 38-year commitment period are subject to UARB approval.

Once LIL has been commissioned, the commercial agreements between Emera and Nalcor require true ups to finalize the respective investment obligations of the parties relating to the Maritime Link and LIL.

Emera has committed to obtain certain transmission rights for Nalcor, if requested, to enable it to transmit energy which is not otherwise used in Newfoundland and Labrador or Nova Scotia. Nalcor has the right to transmit this energy from Nova Scotia to New England energy markets effective August 15, 2021, the date the NS Block delivery obligation commenced, and continuing for 50 years. As transmission rights are contracted, the obligations are included within “Leases and other” in the above table.

B.  Legal Proceedings

TECO Guatemala Holdings (“TGH”)

Prior to Emera’s acquisition of TECO Energy in 2016, TGH, a wholly owned subsidiary of TECO Energy, divested of its indirect investment in the Guatemala electricity sector, but retained certain claims against the Republic of Guatemala (“Guatemala”). In 2013, TGH asserted an arbitration claim against Guatemala with the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”) under the Dominican Republic Central America – United States Free Trade Agreement. The arbitration concerned TGH’s allegation that Guatemala unfairly set the distribution tariff for a local distribution company which harmed TGH’s investment in that company. A tribunal established by the ICSID ruled in favour of TGH (the “First Award”) and in November 2020, Guatemala made a payment of approximately $38 million USD in full and final satisfaction of the First Award.



On September 23, 2016, TGH had filed a request for resubmission to arbitration seeking damages in addition to those awarded in the First Award. On May 13, 2020, an ICSID tribunal awarded TGH additional damages and costs against Guatemala of more than $35 million USD plus interest (the “Second Award”). TGH subsequently requested a reconsideration of the interest quantum awarded in connection with this Second Award. On October 16, 2020, the tribunal granted TGH’s request for additional interest. The additional amount is approximately $2 million USD. On February 12, 2021, Guatemala filed an application for annulment of the Second Award with ICSID. On March 31, 2021, ICSID constituted an ad hoc Committee to oversee the annulment proceeding. On May 17, 2021, the ad hoc Committee issued (i) a decision continuing the stay of enforcement of the Second Award until the committee renders its decision on Guatemala’s application for annulment and (ii) an order with dates for briefings on the annulment and a hearing commencing July 27, 2022. Guatemala filed its Memorial on Annulment on August 25, 2021. TGH’s Counter-Memorial on Annulment was filed on December 8, 2021. Guatemala’s reply was filed on Monday, March 7, 2022. TGH’s rejoinder was filed on June 8, 2022. To date, the total of the Second Award, with interest, is approximately $63 million USD. Results to date do not reflect any benefit of the Second Award.

Superfund and Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites

TEC, through its Tampa Electric and PGS divisions, is a potentially responsible party (“PRP”) for certain superfund sites and, through its PGS division, for certain former manufactured gas plant sites. While the joint and several liability associated with these sites presents the potential for significant response costs, as at June 30, 2022, TEC has estimated its financial liability to be $18 million ($14 million USD), primarily at PGS. This estimate assumes that other involved PRPs are credit-worthy entities. This amount has been accrued and is primarily reflected in the long-term liability section under “Other long-term liabilities” on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The environmental remediation costs associated with these sites are expected to be paid over many years.

The estimated amounts represent only the portion of the cleanup costs attributable to TEC. The estimates to perform the work are based on TEC’s experience with similar work, adjusted for site-specific conditions and agreements with the respective governmental agencies. The estimates are made in current dollars, are not discounted and do not assume any insurance recoveries.

In instances where other PRPs are involved, most of those PRPs are believed to be currently credit-worthy and are likely to continue to be credit-worthy for the duration of the remediation work. However, in those instances that they are not, TEC could be liable for more than TEC’s actual percentage of the remediation costs. Other factors that could impact these estimates include additional testing and investigation which could expand the scope of the cleanup activities, additional liability that might arise from the cleanup activities themselves or changes in laws or regulations that could require additional remediation. Under current regulations, these costs are recoverable through customer rates established in base rate proceedings.

Other Legal Proceedings

Emera and its subsidiaries may, from time to time, be involved in other legal proceedings, claims and litigation that arise in the ordinary course of business which the Company believes would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of the Company.

C.  Principal Financial Risks and Uncertainties

For information on principal financial risks which could materially affect the Company in the normal course of business, refer to note 27 in Emera’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements. There have been no material changes to the principal financial risks as of June 30, 2022. Risks associated with derivative instruments and fair value measurements are discussed in note 12 and note 13.



D.  Guarantees and Letters of Credit

Emera’s guarantees and letters of credit are consistent with those disclosed in the Company’s 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements, with material updates as noted below:

The Company has standby letters of credit and surety bonds in the amount of $111 million USD (December 31, 2021 - $148 million USD) to third parties that have extended credit to Emera and its subsidiaries. These letters of credit and surety bonds typically have a one-year term and are renewed annually, as required.

Emera Inc. has issued a guarantee of $66 million USD relating to outstanding notes of ECI. This guarantee will automatically terminate on the date upon which the obligations have been repaid in full.

TECO Energy issued a guarantee in connection with SeaCoast’s performance obligations under a firm service agreement, which expires on December 31, 2055, subject to two extension terms at the option of the counterparty with a final expiration date of December 31, 2071. The guarantee is for a maximum potential amount of $13 million USD if SeaCoast fails to pay or perform under the firm service agreement. In the event that TECO Energy’s long-term senior unsecured credit ratings are downgraded below investment grade by Moody’s or S&P, TECO Energy would need to provide either a substitute guarantee from an affiliate with an investment grade credit rating or a letter of credit or cash deposit of $13 million USD.



For the    Six months ended June 30  
millions of dollars    2022      2021  

Changes in non-cash working capital:



   $ (59)      $ (28)  

Receivables and other current assets

     (290)        (6)  

Accounts payable

     289        (38)  

Other current liabilities

     (13)        19  

Total non-cash working capital

   $ (73)      $ (53)  

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash activities:


Common share dividends reinvested

   $ 115      $ 106  

Reclassification of long-term debt to short-term debt

     500        -  

Reclassification of short-term debt from current to long-term

     602        -  

Increase in accrued capital expenditures

     18        32  


The Company performs ongoing analysis to assess whether it holds any Variable Interest Entities (“VIE”) or whether any reconsideration events have arisen with respect to existing VIEs. To identify potential VIEs, management reviews contracts under leases, long-term purchase power agreements, tolling contracts and jointly owned facilities.

VIEs of which the Company is deemed the primary beneficiary must be consolidated. The primary beneficiary of a VIE has both the power to direct the activities of the entity that most significantly impact its economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses of the entity that could potentially be significant to the entity. In circumstances where Emera has an investment in a VIE but is not deemed the primary beneficiary, the VIE is accounted for using the equity method.



Emera holds a variable interest in NSPML, a VIE for which it was determined that Emera is not the primary beneficiary since it does not have controlling financial interest of NSPML. When the critical milestones were achieved, Nalcor Energy was deemed the primary beneficiary of the asset for financial reporting purposes as they have authority over the majority of the direct activities that are expected to most significantly impact the economic performance of NSPML. Thus, Emera records NSPML as an equity investment.

BLPC has established a Self-Insurance Fund (“SIF”), primarily for the purpose of building a fund to cover risk against damage and consequential loss to certain generating, transmission, and distribution systems. ECI holds a variable interest in the SIF for which it was determined that ECI was the primary beneficiary and, accordingly, the SIF must be consolidated by ECI. In its determination that ECI controls the SIF, management considered that, in substance, the activities of the SIF are being conducted on behalf of ECI’s subsidiary BLPC and BLPC, alone, obtains the benefits from the SIF’s operations. Additionally, because ECI, through BLPC, has rights to all the benefits of the SIF, it is also exposed to the risks related to the activities of the SIF. Any withdrawal of SIF fund assets by the Company would be subject to existing regulations. Emera’s consolidated VIE in the SIF is recorded as “Other long-term assets”, “Restricted cash” and “Regulatory liabilities” on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Amounts included in restricted cash represent the cash portion of funds required to be set aside for the BLPC SIF.

The Company has identified certain long-term purchase power agreements that meet the definition of variable interests as the Company has to purchase all or a majority of the electricity generation at a fixed price. However, it was determined that the Company was not the primary beneficiary since it lacked the power to direct the activities of the entity, including the ability to operate the generating facilities and make management decisions.

The following table provides information about Emera’s portion of material unconsolidated VIEs:


As at    June 30, 2022      December 31, 2021  
millions of dollars    Total
exposure to
exposure to

Unconsolidated VIEs in which Emera has variable interests


NSPML (equity accounted)

   $         518      $ 6      $         533      $ 11  


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements contain certain reclassifications of prior period amounts to be consistent with the current period presentation, with no effect on net income.


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and notes reflect the Company’s evaluation of events occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date through August 9, 2022, the date the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements were issued.



EX-99.3 4 d391378dex993.htm EX-99.3 EX-99.3

Exhibit 99.3

FORM 52-109F2



I, Scott Balfour, President and Chief Executive Officer of Emera Incorporated, certify the following:

1. Review: I have reviewed the interim financial report and interim MD&A (together, the “interim filings”) of Emera Incorporated (the “issuer”) for the interim period ended June 30, 2022.

2. No misrepresentations: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the interim filings do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances under which it was made, with respect to the period covered by the interim filings.

3. Fair presentation: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the interim financial report together with the other financial information included in the interim filings fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, financial performance and cash flows of the issuer, as of the date of and for the periods presented in the interim filings.

4. Responsibility: The issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (DC&P) and internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), as those terms are defined in National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, for the issuer.

5. Design: Subject to the limitations, if any, described in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3, the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I have, as at the end of the period covered by the interim filings



designed DC&P, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance that



material information relating to the issuer is made known to us by others, particularly during the period in which the interim filings are being prepared; and



information required to be disclosed by the issuer in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislation is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in securities legislation; and


designed ICFR, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with the issuer’s GAAP.

5.1 Control framework: The control framework the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I used to design the issuer’s ICFR is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control-Integrated Framework.

5.2 ICFR - material weakness relating to design: N/A

5.3 Limitation on scope of design: The issuer has disclosed in its interim MD&A



the fact that the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I have limited the scope of our design of DC&P and ICFR to exclude controls, policies and procedures of:



a proportionately consolidated entity in which the issuer has an interest;



a special purpose entity in which the issuer has an interest; or



a business that the issuer acquired not more than 365 days before the last day of the period covered by the interim filings; and



summary financial information about the proportionately consolidated entity, special purpose entity or business that the issuer acquired that has been proportionately consolidated or consolidated in the issuer’s financial statements.

6. Reporting changes in ICFR: The issuer has disclosed in its interim MD&A any change in the issuer’s ICFR that occurred during the period beginning on April 1, 2022 and ended on June 30, 2022 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the issuer’s ICFR.

Date: August 10, 2022


        “Scott Balfour”

Scott Balfour
President and Chief Executive Officer


EX-99.4 5 d391378dex994.htm EX-99.4 EX-99.4

Exhibit 99.4

FORM 52-109F2



I, Greg Blunden, Chief Financial Officer of Emera Incorporated, certify the following:

1. Review: I have reviewed the interim financial report and interim MD&A (together, the “interim filings”) of Emera Incorporated (the “issuer”) for the interim period ended June 30, 2022.

2. No misrepresentations: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the interim filings do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances under which it was made, with respect to the period covered by the interim filings.

3. Fair presentation: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the interim financial report together with the other financial information included in the interim filings fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, financial performance and cash flows of the issuer, as of the date of and for the periods presented in the interim filings.

4. Responsibility: The issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (DC&P) and internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), as those terms are defined in National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, for the issuer.

5. Design: Subject to the limitations, if any, described in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3, the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I have, as at the end of the period covered by the interim filings



designed DC&P, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance that



material information relating to the issuer is made known to us by others, particularly during the period in which the interim filings are being prepared; and



information required to be disclosed by the issuer in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislation is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in securities legislation; and


designed ICFR, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with the issuer’s GAAP.

5.1    Control framework: The control framework the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I used to design the issuer’s ICFR is the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control-Integrated Framework.

5.2 ICFR - material weakness relating to design: N/A

5.3 Limitation on scope of design: The issuer has disclosed in its interim MD&A



the fact that the issuer’s other certifying officer(s) and I have limited the scope of our design of DC&P and ICFR to exclude controls, policies and procedures of:



a proportionately consolidated entity in which the issuer has an interest;



a special purpose entity in which the issuer has an interest; or



a business that the issuer acquired not more than 365 days before the last day of the period covered by the interim filings; and



summary financial information about the proportionately consolidated entity, special purpose entity or business that the issuer acquired that has been proportionately consolidated or consolidated in the issuer’s financial statements.

6.    Reporting changes in ICFR: The issuer has disclosed in its interim MD&A any change in the issuer’s ICFR that occurred during the period beginning on April 1, 2022 and ended on June 30, 2022 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the issuer’s ICFR.

Date: August 10, 2022


        “Greg Blunden”

Greg Blunden
Chief Financial Officer
EX-99.5 6 d391378dex995.htm EX-99.5 EX-99.5

Exhibit 99.5

Emera Incorporated

Earnings Coverage Ratio

Pursuant to Section 8.4 of National Instrument 44-102, this updated calculation of the earnings coverage ratio is filed as an exhibit to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Emera Incorporated (“Emera”) for the six months ended June 30, 2022.

The following earnings coverage ratio is calculated on a consolidated basis for the twelve-month period ended June 30, 2022.



Twelve months ended

June 30, 2022

Earnings Coverage (1)


(1) Earnings coverage is equal to consolidated net income attributable to common shareholders plus: income taxes, interest on debt, amortization of debt financing costs, allowance for funds used during construction and preferred share dividends declared during the period together with undeclared preferred share dividends, if any, divided by the sum of interest on debt, amortization of debt financing costs, allowance for funds used during construction, capitalized interest and preferred dividends grossed up to a before-tax equivalent using an effective tax rate of 29.0 per cent.

Emera’s dividend requirements on all of its preferred shares, grossed up to a before-tax equivalent using an effective income tax rate of 29.0 per cent, amounted to $85 million for the twelve months ended June 30, 2022. Emera’s interest requirements for the twelve months ended June 30, 2022 amounted to $646 million. Emera’s consolidated income before interest and income tax for the twelve months ended June 30, 2022 was $1,251 million, which is 1.71 times Emera’s aggregate preferred dividends and interest requirements for this period.

EX-99.6 7 d391378dex996.htm EX-99.6 EX-99.6

Exhibit 99.6



Emera Reports 2022 Second Quarter Financial Results

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — Today Emera (TSX: EMA) reported 2022 second quarter financial results.




Quarterly adjusted EPS (1) increased $0.05 or 9% to $0.59 compared to $0.54 in Q2 2021. Quarterly reported net loss per common share increased $0.18 to $(0.25) in Q2 2022 compared to a net loss per common share of $(0.07) in Q2 2021 due to higher mark-to-market (“MTM”) losses.



Year-to-date, adjusted EPS (1) increased $0.02 or 1% to $1.51 compared to $1.49 in Q2 2021. Year-to-date reported EPS increased by $0.11 to $1.12 from $1.01 in 2021 due to lower MTM losses.



Contributions from regulated utilities increased adjusted EPS (1) 18% for the quarter and 12% year-to-date primarily driven by new rates and favourable weather at Tampa Electric and continued growth at both Tampa Electric and People’s Gas (“PGS”) year-to-date. These increases were partially offset by higher corporate costs, lower contributions from Emera Energy and a higher share count.



On track to fully execute on 2022 capital plan with almost $1.1B of capital investment in cleaner and reliable energy in the first half of 2022.

“Our portfolio of high-quality regulated assets continues to deliver solid performance and predictable earnings growth, driven by strong results from our Florida utilities” said Scott Balfour, President and CEO of Emera Inc. “Our strategy continues to deliver for both customers and shareholders, with our focus on a clean energy transition that ensures grid reliability and minimizes the cost impacts to customers.”

Q2 2022 Financial Results

Q2 2022 reported net loss was $67 million, or $0.25 per common share, compared with a net loss of $17 million, or $0.07 per common share, in Q2 2021. Reported net income included a $223 million after-tax MTM loss, primarily at Emera Energy.

Q2 2022 adjusted net income(1) was $156 million, or $0.59 per common share, compared with $137 million, or $0.54 per common share, in Q2 2021. The increase was primarily due to higher earnings contribution from Tampa Electric, partially offset by realized gains on foreign exchange hedges in 2021 which did not reoccur in 2022.

Year-to-date Financial Results

Year-to-date reported net income was $295 million or $1.12 per common share, compared with net income of $256 million or $1.01 per common share year-to-date in 2021. Year-to-date reported net income included a $96 million after-tax MTM loss primarily at Emera Energy and $7 million of NSP Maritime Link Inc. (“NSPML”) unrecoverable costs.

Year-to-date adjusted net income(1) was $398 million or $1.51 per common share, compared with $380 million or $1.49 per common share year-to-date in 2021.

Growth in year-to-date adjusted net income was primarily due to higher earnings contribution from Tampa Electric. This was partially offset by increased corporate expenses due to the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges, lower earnings contribution from Emera Energy Services (“EES”), realized gains on foreign exchange hedges in 2021 and increased preferred stock dividends due to issuance of preferred shares in 2021.





The impact of the change in the foreign exchange rate on net income in Q2 and year-to-date in 2022 was minimal. The weakening of the CAD increased adjusted net income by $7 million in Q2 and year-to-date in 2022, compared to the same period in 2021.

(1) See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios” noted below and “Segment Results and Non-GAAP Reconciliation” below for reconciliation to nearest GAAP measure.

Consolidated Financial Review

The following table highlights significant changes in adjusted net income attributable to common shareholders from 2021 to 2022.


For the

millions of Canadian dollars

   Three months ended
June 30
     Six months ended
June 30

Adjusted net income – 2021 1,2

   $                                137      $                              380  

Operating Unit Performance

Increased earnings at Tampa Electric due to higher revenues as a result of rate increases effective January 2022, favourable weather and customer growth, partially offset by higher operating, maintenance and general expenses (“OM&G”)      36        65  
Year-to-date, earnings increased at NSPI driven by higher sales volumes, partially offset by increased OM&G primarily due to higher storm costs, and increased information technology and power generation costs      (1)        8  
Decreased earnings year-over-year at EES reflecting 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which resulted in incremental margin      (4)        (16)  
Increased preferred stock dividends due to issuance of preferred shares in 2021      (4)        (9)  
Increased foreign exchange loss, pre-tax, primarily due to realized gains on foreign exchange hedges in 2021      (11)        (13)  
Increased OM&G, pre-tax due to the timing of long-term compensation and related hedges      (4)        (19)  

Other Variances

     7        2  

Adjusted net income – 2022 1,2

   $ 156      $ 398  

1 See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios” noted below and “Segment Results and Non-GAAP Reconciliation” for reconciliation to nearest GAAP measure.

2 Excludes the effect of MTM adjustments, net of tax, and the impact of the NSPML unrecoverable costs.





Segment Results and Non-GAAP Reconciliation


 For the    Three months ended June 30     

Six Months ended

June 30

 millions of Canadian dollars (except per share amounts)    2022      2021      2022      2021  

 Adjusted net income 1,2


 Florida Electric Utility

   $                 161      $                 125                        273                        208  

 Canadian Electric Utilities2

     39        44        137        132  

 Gas Utilities and Infrastructure

     39        34        116        114  

 Other Electric Utilities2

     8        -        9        7  

 Other 2,3

     (91)        (66)        (137)        (81)  

 Adjusted net income1,2

   $ 156      $ 137        398        380  

 MTM loss, after-tax4

     (223)        (154)        (96)        (124)  

 NSPML unrecoverable costs5

     -        -        (7)        -  

 Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders

   $ (67)      $ (17)        295        256  

 Earnings (loss) per share (basic)

   $ (0.25)      $ (0.07)        1.12        1.01  

 Adjusted Earnings per share (basic) 1,2

   $ 0.59      $ 0.54        1.51        1.49  

1 See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios” noted below.

2 Excludes the effect of MTM adjustments and the impact of the NSPML unrecoverable costs.

3 Primarily due to higher foreign exchange loss largely driven by realized gains on foreign exchange hedges in 2021, lower contributions from EES, increased preferred share financing costs and timing of long-term compensation and related hedges.

4 Net of income tax recovery of $91 million for the three months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $62 million recovery) and $37 million recovery for the six months ended June 30, 2022 (2021- $49 million recovery).

5 After-tax unrecoverable costs were recorded in “Income from equity investments” on Emera’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income

1 Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios

Emera uses financial measures that do not have standardized meaning under USGAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities. Emera calculates the non-GAAP measures and ratios by adjusting certain GAAP measures for specific items. Management believes excluding these items better distinguishes the ongoing operations of the business. For further information on the non-GAAP financial measure, adjusted net income, and the non-GAAP ratio, adjusted earnings per common share – basic, refer to the “Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios” section of the Emera’s Q2 2022 MD&A which is incorporated herein by reference and can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Reconciliation to the nearest GAAP measure is included in “Segment Results and Non-GAAP Reconciliation” above.

Forward Looking Information

This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. By its nature, forward-looking information requires Emera to make assumptions and is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. These statements reflect Emera management’s current beliefs and are based on information currently available to Emera management. There is a risk that predictions, forecasts, conclusions and projections that constitute forward-looking information will not prove to be accurate, that Emera’s assumptions may not be correct and that actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking information. Additional detailed information about these assumptions, risks and uncertainties is included in Emera’s securities regulatory filings, including under the heading “Business Risks and Risk Management” in Emera’s annual Management’s Discussion and Analysis, and under the heading “Principal Risks and Uncertainties” in the notes to Emera’s annual and interim financial statements, which can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Teleconference Call

The company will be hosting a teleconference today, Wednesday, August 10, at 9:30 a.m. Atlantic (8:30 a.m. Eastern) to discuss the Q2 2022 financial results.





Analysts and other interested parties in North America are invited to participate by dialing 1-888-886-7786. International parties are invited to participate by dialing 1-416-764-8658. Participants should dial in at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. No pass code is required.

A live and archived audio webcast of the teleconference will be available on the Company’s website, www.emera.com. A replay of the teleconference will be available on the Company’s website two hours after the conclusion of the call.

About Emera

Emera Inc. is a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with approximately $36 billion in assets and 2021 revenues of more than $5.7 billion. The company primarily invests in regulated electricity generation and electricity and gas transmission and distribution with a strategic focus on transformation from high carbon to low carbon energy sources. Emera has investments in Canada, the United States and in three Caribbean countries. Emera’s common and preferred shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and trade respectively under the symbol EMA, EMA.PR.A, EMA.PR.B, EMA.PR.C, EMA.PR.E, EMA.PR.F, EMA.PR.H, EMA.PR.J and EMA.PR.L. Depositary receipts representing common shares of Emera are listed on the Barbados Stock Exchange under the symbol EMABDR and on The Bahamas International Securities Exchange under the symbol EMAB. Additional information can be accessed at www.emera.com or at www.sedar.com.

Emera Inc.

Investor Relations

Dave Bezanson, VP, Investor Relations & Pensions



Arianne Amirkhalkhali, Manager, Investor Relations








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