EX-99.1 2 f21647exv99w1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 exv99w1

Exhibit 99.1
Annual Report 2005 — 06



Spirit of Wipro Intensity to Win Make customers successful Team, Innovate, Excel Act with Sensitivity Respect for the individual Thoughtful and responsible Unyielding Integrity Delivering on commitments Honesty and fairness in action Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro. It is the contemporary articulation of the never changing Values that Wipro practices and is rooted in current reality. But, at the same time, it is aspirational. Azim H Premji Chairman Dr Ashok S Ganguly Chairman, ICICI OneSource Limited Former Chairman, ICI India Limited B C Prabhakar Practitioner of Law Dr Jagdish N Sheth Professor of Marketing, Emory University, USA P M Sinha Chairman, Bata India Limited Former Chairman, PepsiCo India Holdings N Vaghul Chairman, ICICI Bank Ltd. William Arthur (Bill) Owens* Former Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman, Nortel *Directorship effective July 01, 2006 Audit Committee N Vaghul — Chairman P M Sinha — Member B C Prabhakar — Member Board Governance and Compensation Committee Ashok S Ganguly — Chairman N Vaghul — Member P M Sinha — Member Shareholders’ / Investors’ Grievance and Administrative Committee B C Prabhakar — Chairman Azim H Premji — Member WIPRO LIMITED Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore — 560 035, India Tel: 91-80-28440011 Fax: 91-80-28440054 WIPRO LIMITED 1300, Crittenden Lane, # 200 Mountain View, CA 94043 USA Tel: 650-316-3555 Fax: 650-316-3467 WIPRO LIMITED Mimet House, 5a Praed Street London W2 1NJ, UK Tel: +44 (020) 7087 3770 Fax: +44 (020) 7262 5360 WIPRO LIMITED Yokohama Landmark Tower, 9F #911A, 2-2-1-1, Minato-Mirai, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 220-8109, Japan Tel: +81 (45) 650 3950 Fax : +81 (45) 650 3951 REGISTERED AND CORPORATE OFFICE: Board of Directors Visit us at www.wiprocorporate.com www.wipro.com www.wipro.in



Winning Performance
Letter to stakeholders
Wipro Businesses
Director’s Report
Report on corporate governance
Financial Statements
Annual Report filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (Form 20-F)
Board of Directors
  Inside back cover  



1,815 1,353 943 50 Revenues from Global IT Services & Products $ Mn 10 year CAGR 43% 1995-96 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 19.6 18.1 10.0 7.4 Operating Cash Flows Rs. Bn 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 798* 466 304 7 Market Capitalization 10 year CAGR 61% Rs. Bn 1995-96 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 * Based on market price as on March 31, 2006 of Rs. 560 ** Based on ADR price as on March 31, 2006 of $ 14.87 — $ 21Bn (US$21Bn)** 106.3 81.7 58.8 12.9 Sales and Other Income 10 year CAGR 23% Rs. Bn 1995-96 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 (US$2.4Bn)* * Translated at $1=44.48 20.7 16.3 10.3 0.5 Profit after Tax 10 year CAGR 46% Rs. Bn 1995-96 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 * Translated at $1=44.48 (US$0.5Bn)* Global IT Services Service line composition 2005-06 Infrastructure Outsourcing 8% Application Development & Maintenance 28% R&D Services 33% Consulting 1% Testing Services 9% Package Implementation 11% BPO Services 10%
Winning Performance



    Year ended March 31
                            % Growth
Particulars   2004   2005   2006   over 2005
Segment Revenue
IT Services
    39,201       54,230       72,531       34  
BPO Services
    4,374       6,523       7,627       17  
Global IT Services and Products
    43,575       60,753       80,660       33  
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    9,762       13,964       17,048       22  
Consumer Care and Lighting
    3,649       4,723       6,008       27  
    1,826       2,258       2,542       13  
    58,812       81,698       106,258       30  
Profit before Interest and Tax — PBIT
IT Services
    8,530       14,835       18,751       26  
BPO Services
    1,009       1,206       1,058       (12 )
Global IT Services and Products
    9,539       16,041       19,854       24  
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    792       1,042       1,459       40  
Consumer Care and Lighting
    551       672       805       20  
    277       397       388       (2 )
    11,159       18,152       22,506       24  
Interest (Net) and Other Income
    873       796       1,272          
Profit Before Tax
    12,032       18,948       23,778       25  
Income Tax expense including Fringe Benefit Tax
    (1,681 )     (2,750 )     (3,391 )        
Profit before Share in earnings / (losses) of affiliates and minority interest
    10,351       16,198       20,387       26  
Share in earnings of affiliates
    23       175       288          
Minority interest
    (59 )     (88 )     (1 )        
    10,315       16,285       20,674       27  
Earnings per share — EPS
(PY: Adjusted for bonus issue in ratio of 2:1)
Basic (In Rs.)
    14.87       11.70       14.70          
Diluted (In Rs.)
    14.85       11.60       14.48          
Operating Margin
IT Services
    22 %     27 %     26 %        
    0 %           9 %        
BPO Services
    23 %     18 %     14 %        
Global IT Services and Products
    22 %     26 %     25 %        
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    8 %     7 %     9 %        
Consumer Care and Lighting
    15 %     14 %     13 %        
    19 %     22 %     21 %        
Return on average capital employed
IT Services
    59 %     81 %     76 %        
                3 %        
BPO Services
    18 %     16 %     14 %        
Global IT Services and Products
    47 %     62 %     59 %        
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    53 %     63 %     77 %        
Consumer Care and Lighting
    86 %     89 %     76 %        
    30 %     39 %     37 %        
Notes: For notes to segmental report please refer page 104 of Annual Report — “Notes to Segment Report”.
* For IT Services only 494 421 339 No. of Active Customers* 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Geography wise composition of revenues 2005-06* Europe 32% North America 63% Japan 4% Rest of World 1% Composition of Business Verticals 2005-06* Financial Services 21% Telecom Service Providers 6% Product Engineering Services 31% Retail 10% Energy & Utilities 11% Manufacturing 11% Technology Media Transportation & Services 9% Healthcare/ Others 1% 3
* For IT Services only



Dear Stakeholder, Wipro is 60 years old today. From its humble beginning as a company manufacturing vegetable oil to becoming one of World’s leading technology service providers, the journey has been an exciting and deeply invigorating one. Along the way, we have created an enviable track record. Over a six decade period, our Revenues have grown by a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21%; our Net Income has grown by a CAGR of 31% and our Market Capitalization by a CAGR of 25%*. Importantly, in most of these years, we have led the industry growth in the segments we operate in. And all the time we have constantly invested, to conquer new frontiers and sustain future growth. The results for 2005-06 are a continuation of this trend. During the year we made strategic acquisitions and several organic investments for accelerating growth, drew up an aggressive strategic plan, added highest ever number of people to our team and streamlined our organization structure. Through all this, we delivered industry-leading Revenue growth in all our businesses, recording strong profit growth and stabilized margins which crossed several landmarks in the process: Our Revenues crossed the Rs. 100 billion threshold Revenues in our combined IT businesses surpassed the $2 billion landmark In our Global IT business, Product Engineering Services business — one of our key differentiators - crossed half-billion US Dollars in annual Revenues, as did our Revenues from Europe Our Profit After Tax crossed Rs. 20 billion Our team size in Global IT business crossed 50,000 What has made this track record possible? I would attribute this to two aspects of Wipro — one that is ever changing and the other that is never changing. Our philosophy in running our business is one of embracing change. No matter how successful we were, no matter how secure we were, there was always this restless edge to do more, to achieve more. This has made us look beyond the present; it made us reach into the future. The challenge, however, is to do these strategic investments without diluting the focus on operational excellence that leads to flawless execution. That’s where Wipro scores. Consequently, we have constantly reinvented ourselves and reinvested for future businesses, for we know that to reap benefits tomorrow, we need to sow the seeds today. And, more often than not, we have done this while improving our operational performance. For instance, our past investments in incubating newer services and geographies yielded fruits in 2005-06. It is very heartening to note that the strong growth in our Global IT business last year was driven by areas where we have invested proactively in the past — be it Letter to Stakeholders * Based on closing share price of Rs. 559.70 on March 31, 2006 at the National Stock Exchange.


Technology Infrastructure or Testing in Service lines or Europe in geographies. Similarly, our investments in Innovation initiatives are beginning to pay off. Innovation initiatives contributed about 5% of our Revenues for the year and our plan is to make this 10% of our Revenue in three years. Many of our strategic customer wins were made possible because of our breadth of services and Innovation initiatives.
Our India, Middle East and AsiaPac IT business won 5 consecutive contracts in the Total Outsourcing space - which is a unique and specialized Service line - culminating in a Rs. 360 crore ($80 million) multi-year Total Outsourcing Contract with HDFC Bank. I have already talked of the strategic initiatives we took during the year, so I will not labor that point. The good news is that we continue to make such proactive investments for the future to create the next set of sustainable differentiators.
Our philosophy in dealing with our stakeholders is based on the foundation of enduring Values. Over the years, our core Values have not changed, even though we have constantly rearticulated them to make them relevant to changing times. These Values guide us in all our transactions and relations. These Values define what Wipro is and what we mean to our stakeholders. We call this Spirit of Wipro.
Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro. It is rooted and it is aspirational... thus making it future active. Spirit of Wipro means manifesting intensity to win, acting with sensitivity and being unyielding on integrity all the time. Let me take a moment to expand on each of these statements.
First, Intensity to Win. This is the desire to stretch, to achieve that which seems beyond our grasp. This is aiming for maximum. This is the ardor to do our best, the hunger to be the best. It is about working together to create synergy. It is realizing that I win when my team wins, my team wins when Wipro wins, and Wipro wins when its customers win, when its stakeholders win.
However, it is not about winning at any cost. It is not about winning every time. It is not about winning at the expense of others. When we play to win, it does not mean playing dirty. Playing to win brings out the best in us, in our teams, and in Wipro. It is about innovating all the time. It is a continuous endeavor to do better than last time. It is the Spirit of fortitude, the Spirit of never letting go... ever.
Second, Acting with Sensitivity. As I see it, the core of sensitivity is respect. And respect comes from equity, from trust and from harmony. Equity is knowing that all of us are equal — no matter what role we play in our lives. The other source of respect is trust. Trusting that every individual is driven by learning, that each individual would like to grow, that every individual strives for a meaningful life and is intrinsically driven to do the best. Therefore, true respect means creating conditions in which every individual grows to realize his or her promise and potential. Finally sensitivity means living in harmony with the world around us - with society, and with ecology. If we act with thoughtfulness, act responsibly, act with empathy... then we are acting with sensitivity.
Third, Unyielding Integrity. That integrity means delivering on the commitments we make is obvious. But integrity also has a higher meaning — and that is a commitment to searching for and acting on the truth. At Wipro we have always believed that there will be no compromise on integrity and that as Wiproites we must always establish the foremost standards of honesty and fairness. Each one of us is our own litmus test of integrity. For integrity is the manifestation of conscience.



I believe that it is the combination of Spirit of Wipro and our ability, desire and willingness to invest for the future, without letting up on execution, that has been the formula, if I may say so, for our success. With the strategic as well as operational success of past years behind us, we look to the future with more enthusiasm than ever before. The IT Services industry is evolving from a simple Service Provision mode to a more complex and higher Value Added Knowledge Creation mode. Delivering value to customers in the emerging scenario will require a comprehensive but tightly knit combination of domain expertise, integrated service offerings, innovative solutions structuring and deep technical knowledge. We have identified and rolled out initiatives in our Strategic and Operational Plans in this direction. We are confident that this will be a significant differentiator for us that will enable us to continue to lead industry growth. Additionally, inorganic initiatives can help accelerate this process and supplement organic growth rate. Our experience with the acquisitions so far has been quite satisfactory. This has given us confidence to pursue this strategy more aggressively in future. We will similarly pursue strategic initiatives identified in our Strategic Plan to deliver strong growth in future in all our businesses. Clearly, Wipro’s businesses are all in the sweet spot of strong growth. We have the game-plan to leverage the opportunities and realize our growth potential. And Spirit of Wipro will ensure that our businesses are so run that our stakeholders win. This will help Wipro deliver sustainable and profitable growth for many years to come. I thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given us so far. Let me assure you that our hunger for growth is far from sated, our ambitions far from fulfilled and Vision far from achieved. Every Wiproite is charged to give her/his best. After all, we have a track record to maintain and exceed. Very Sincerely, Azim H Premji Chairman April 30, 2006


Wipro Businesses
Wipro Limited is a US $ 2 .4 Billion organization with over 55,000 employees and operations in 16 countries. Its businesses are:
Global IT Services & Products Business – Wipro Technologies
Wipro Technologies is a global provider of Consulting, IT Services, and Outsourced R & D, Infrastructure Outsourcing and Business Process Services. We deliver technologydriven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of Global 2000 customers. With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of the pioneers in the remote delivery of services.
Our key differentiators include end-to-end services, an adaptive, value-driven engagement model and an obsessive focus on quality in every aspect of service delivery.
Our 3600 service portfolio covers Enterprise Applications, Infrastructure Services, Testing, Business Process Outsourcing Services, R & D Services and Consulting across various domains. We combine a proven global services delivery model, with quality leadership based on a secure and reliable infrastructure in bringing significant value to our customers. We have among the World’s largest remote technology infrastructure management practices and are among the Top 3 offshore BPO service providers by revenue.
We deliver unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the World’s first PCMM, CMM and CMMi Level 5 certified software services company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Award. We are the first services company to embrace Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing and factory model concepts to software engineering.
Wipro is also the first global services company to adopt an industry-driven market facing structure and have over 40 industry facing Centers of Excellence, which create solutions and build expertise for the specific needs of individual industries. A dedicated innovation council funds new projects within Wipro in the areas of product, service and delivery innovation and intellectual assets creation to help customers stay ahead of the obsolescence curve.
We have over 490 active clients, a wide geographical diversity of operations with over 40 development centers and 10 near shore centers spread across India, Japan, China, Eastern Europe, France, Austria, Sweden, Germany, UK and USA.
Wipro is the only Indian IT services provider ranked among the Global Top 10 outsourcing companies in IAOP ‘Global Outsourcing 100’ rankings.
Wipro’s remote infrastructure management solution, the Global Command Center won the 2006 NASSCOM Innovation Award and Wipro BPO was awarded the ‘Company of the Year’ in the 2006 India Times BPO awards and the ‘Best Offshore Partner’ in Everest Group’s ‘Outsourcing Excellence Awards’. Wipro’s training and knowledge management excellence earned it the prestigious BEST award from ASTD for the third year in a row.
India & AsiaPac IT Services & Products Operating Income Sales 17,048 1,459 13,964 1,042 9,762 792 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04
Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting Operating Income Sales 6,008 805 4,723 672 3,649 551 ROCE — 76% 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04
Global IT Services & Products 2005-06 80,660 (US $ 1815 Mn) Operating Income Sales ROCE — 59% 19,854 16,041 60,753 9,539 43,575 2004-05 2003-04 ROCE — 77%



India, Middle East & AsiaPac IT Business – Wipro Infotech Wipro Infotech provides enterprise customers with high value Information Technology Products, Services, Solutions and Consulting Services in India, and provides Technology & Software Services and Consulting Services in the Middle East and ASEAN. Our portfolio includes Consulting, Infrastructure Provisioning and Management Services, Package implementation and ground up application development, technology products and Management Services. We have the breadth of offerings and the necessary quality processes to become the customer’s strategic IT partner. IDC has ranked Wipro Infotech No. 2 in the Domestic IT Services Market. We are the World’s first Products, Services and Solutions Company to be certified, Enterprise wide at Level 5, Version 2.0 of PCMM.
Wipro Infotech serves customers in India through a network of 22 offices and 170 service locations across the country. We have business offices in the Middle East and Asia Pacific. We have more than 5,200 employees operating in these geographies.
We are a leading Total Outsourcing Services provider in India enabling enterprises to align IT and Processes to Business goals through consultancy services, program governance, provisioning of Information Architecture and Management. Our Total Outsourcing proposition received overwhelming response from major Banking, Energy and Manufacturing organizations. In 2005-06, Wipro Infotech won major contracts for Total Outsourcing services from Sanmar Group, OptiMix, and HDFC Bank and from a leading energy exploration company.
Through Global Service Management Centre (GSMC) based in Mysore, we offer customers an integrated service delivery facility for remote applications and infrastructure management and provide seamless IT lifecycle services leveraging knowledge, processes, tools and measured through business impact metrics. The GSMC assures highest levels of security using methods like Biometric Security Devices, Password Vaults and Data Encryption.
Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting
Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting is a leading player in the branded consumer products market with presence in personal care, baby care, wellness products as well as domestic and institutional lighting. Our presence in the office modular furniture market has grown significantly. We have entered the modular switches market through an acquisition, recently.
Our flagship brand Santoor, the fastest growing toilet soap brand in India, is India’s second largest popular soap brand, with a consumer value of close to Rs. 4,000 Million. We are the leading players in commercial and institutional lighting. Our intelligent and aesthetic lighting systems have captured the imagination of architects and builders. In the wellness segment, we were the first company to launch value added Honey under the brand name Wipro Sanjeevani Honey.



Dear Shareholders,
The Directors present the Annual Report together with the audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Wipro Limited for the year ended March 31, 2006.
Schemes of Amalgamation
The Schemes of Amalgamation of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited (formerly Wipro Spectramind Services Limited), Spectramind Limited, Bermuda, Spectramind Limited, Mauritius with Wipro Limited have been approved by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka on April 5, 2006. The erstwhile Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, Spectramind Limited, Bermuda and Spectramind Limited, Mauritius stands merged with Wipro Limited with the effect from April 1, 2005 being the appointed date. The Annual Report of Wipro Limited for the year 2005-06, has been prepared after giving effect to the amalgamations. The orders of the High Court have been filed with the Registrar of Companies, Bangalore on April 29, 2006.
Performance of the Company
Your Company’s performance during 2005-06 is summarized below:
Financial Results – Standalone
            (Rs. in Mn)  
    2006     2005  
Sales and Other Income (net of excise duty)
    103,795       73,267  
Profit before Tax
    23,404       17,570  
Provision for Tax
    3,199       2,622  
Profit after Tax before extraordinary items
    20,205       14,948  
Extraordinary gains (Loss)
Profit for the year
    20,205       14,948  
Proposed Dividend on equity shares
    7,129       3,518  
Corporate Tax on distributed Dividend
    1,000       493  
Transfer to General Reserve
    12,076       10,937  
Sales of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2006, were Rs. 102,641 millions, up by 41% and Profit after Tax before extraordinary items was Rs. 20,205 millions an increase by 35% over the previous year. Over the last 10 years, the Sales have grown at an average annual rate of 23% and Profit after Tax at 46%. The Company’s earnings in Foreign Exchange stood at Rs. 70,833 millions and have registered a growth of 32% compared to the previous year.
Financial Results — Consolidated
            (Rs. in Mn)  
    2006     2005  
Sales and Other Income (net of excise duty)
    107,565       82,550  
Profit before Tax
    23,778       18,948  
Provision for Tax
    3,391       2,750  
Profit after Tax before extraordinary items
    20,387       16,198  
Extraordinary gains (Loss)
Profit for the year before minority interest/equity in losses of affiliates
    20,387       16,198  
Minority interest and equity in earnings/(losses) of affiliates
    287       87  
Profit for the period
    20,673       16,285  



The Directors recommend a Final Dividend of Rs. 5/- per equity share to be appropriated from the profits of the year 2005-06 subject to the approval by the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. After the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, the Dividend will be paid in line with the applicable regulations.
In terms of the provisions of Investor Education and Protection Fund (Awareness and Protection of Investor) Rules, 2001, an amount of Rs. 22,525/- of unpaid/unclaimed Dividends was transferred during the year to the Investor Education and Protection Fund of Government of India.
Issue of Bonus equity shares/American Depository Shares
Pursuant to the approval of the shareholders at the last Annual General Meeting held on July 21, 2005, the Company had allotted Bonus equity shares of Rs. 2/- each in the ratio of 1:1 (one Bonus share for every one share held) to the shareholders of the Company who were on the Register of Members of the Company as at closing hours of August 23, 2005, being the Record Date fixed by the Board of Directors of the Company for this purpose.
Increase in Share Capital
During the year, we issued 16,290,171 equity shares pursuant to exercise of stock options by eligible employees under Employee Stock Option Plans and 705,893,574 equity shares as Bonus shares, aggregating to 722,183,745 equity shares. Due to these Corporate Actions, the issued, subscribed and paid-up equity share capital increased from 703,570,522 (March 31, 2005) to 1,425,754,267 equity shares as of March 31, 2006.
a.   Re-appointment
    Articles of Association of the Company provide that at least two-thirds of our Directors shall be subject to retirement by rotation. One third of these retiring Directors must retire from office at each Annual General Meeting of the shareholders. A retiring Director is eligible for re-election.
    As per the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. P.M. Sinha and Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth, retire by rotation and being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment at this Annual General Meeting. The Board Governance and Compensation Committee have also recommended their re-appointment for consideration of the shareholders.
b.   Appointment
    Mr. Bill Owens was appointed as an Additional Director of the Company by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on April 19, 2006, with effect from July 1, 2006 in accordance with Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956. Mr. Bill Owens would hold office till the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on July 18, 2006. The requisite notices together with necessary deposits have been received from a member pursuant to Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposing the election of Mr. Bill Owens as a Director of the Company.
c.   Resignation of Directors
    Mr. Vivek Paul and Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara have resigned as Directors of the Company during the year.
    The Board places on record its appreciation for the valuable contributions made by Mr. Vivek Paul and Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara during their tenure as Directors of the Company.
Statutory Auditors
The existing statutory auditors M/s BSR & Co., shall retire at the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on July 18, 2006 and offer themselves for re-appointment as the statutory auditors of the Company pursuant to Section 224 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Pursuant to the recommendation of the Audit Committee at their meeting held April 17, 2006, for re-appointment of M/s BSR & Co. as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2006-07 to hold office till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held in the year 2007, the Board of Directors have, at their meeting held on April 19, 2006, approved the re-appointment of M/s BSR & Co. as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2006-07 and to hold office till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in the year 2007. This is subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company, at the Annual General Meeting to be held on July 18, 2006.



Cost Auditor
Pursuant to the direction from the Ministry of Company Affairs for appointment of Cost Auditors, your Company has appointed M/s P D Dani & Co. as the Cost Auditor for the year ended March 31, 2007.
Disclosure of Particulars under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956
Information as required under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Rule 2 of the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 is given in the Annexure A forming part of this report.
Technology Absorption, Research & Development and Innovation
Overall Investments & Returns
Wipro R&D focus during the year has been in strengthening the portfolio of Centers of Excellence (CoE) and Innovation Projects. Wipro’s Innovation initiative has a full time team of 275 and CoEs have a full time team of 128 and about 100 leaveraged resources. We run 40 CoEs and 50 Innovation projects. Revenues from Innovation for the year 2005-06 are $ 53 million. Our Technology & IP Innovations contributed $ 8.4 million, Business Innovative solutions contributed about $ 41 million and Business & Productivity Tools Innovative solutions contributed $ 3.6 million. The enabled opportunities from CoEs account for $ 48.2 million.
Center of Excellence (CoE) Initiative
The goal of a CoE is to enable the growth of an existing Practice or create a new Practice. CoEs focus to create competencies in technologies and domains, both in existing as well as new. CoEs address areas like Wireless and Broadband Communication , Computing Platforms like Grid Computing , Storage Area Networks , Embedded Systems like Consumer and Automotive Electronics, E-Biz technologies like Web Services, Portals and Application Integration, Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing, Retail Supply Chain Management, Point Of Sale solutions( POS), Knowledge Management, Package Implementation , Testing etc.
Your Company adopts a methodology called 4A for CoE.
The different phases are :
Awareness – Setting goals & building roadmap for the CoE
Assimilation – Creating knowledge base
Application – Using capabilities that CoE has generated and
Advancement – Adding value by repeated use
Some of the CoEs are given below.
The SOA and Web Services CoE focuses on competency building in advanced web services technologies such as web services security, web services management, registry and orchestration. The CoE has built execution artifacts such as toolkits, templates and best practices for new service lines such as SOA Consulting and Migration. The CoE maintains a robust knowledge management solution with innovative tools for maximizing knowledge flow within the practice.
Grid Computing CoE has been established to address the combined space of grid computing and utility computing. The CoE is engaged with customers in grid assessment (consulting), architecture, implementation and management services. An internal grid is being created to develop pilot applications (Computer & Data Intensive applications) before moving to a real-world implementation.
Broadband and Access Networks CoE has built competencies in the Layer 2 and Layer 3 areas of networking like switching and routing protocols, MPLS. The CoE has also built prototype solutions and components in upcoming technologies using open platforms (Linux) aligned to networking standards bodies like IETF, IEEE or the ITU.
Modular Communication Platforms (MCP) CoE is focused on building solutions and competencies in ATCA (Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture), CGL (Carrier Grade Linux) and high availability software for next generation network equipment based on HA middleware compliant with SAF (Service Availability Forum) specifications. The CoE participates in various industry forums like PICMG, OSDL, SA Forum, SCOPE etc.
Our SAP CRM practice has established competencies in newer areas such as Trade Promotion Management and even demonstrated and built systems unavailable in SAP CRM Winclient.
Supply Chain CoE offers a blend of technical and functional expertise, spanning across planning, execution and analytics areas of Supply Chain spectrum, with enabling tools like product evaluation templates and frameworks. The CoE has built solutions like pre-pack optimization and reverse logistics that mines additional value for the customer.



Business Analytics CoE has expertise in various areas of business analysis for Retail/CPG/Distribution, Health Care & Life Sciences and Energy & Utilities verticals. Some of them include Customer Analytics, Merchandising Analytics, Marketing Spend Analytics and Optimization, Promotion Effectiveness, Clinical Trials, Disease Management, Petroleum Data Management, Energy Trading and Risk Analytics etc. The CoE develops reusable templates and frameworks for core business analytics, statistical analysis and Predictive Analysis (Including Data Mining) in above mentioned functional areas.
Enterprise Application Security CoE has been set up to facilitate assimilation and distribution of Enterprise Security knowledge. The CoE has built expertise across multiple security products. The CoE has designed and implemented best of breed solutions, architecture, models and methodology. The CoE is engaged in new R&D in the areas of Digital Signing, Secure Gateway and web SSO, Federated Identity Management.
Retail Pharmacy CoE focuses on improving the prescription filling process helping Pharmacists do their job efficiently. Identifies the current pain areas of the business and develops the solutions like E-Prescribing, Central Filling, etc. It has developed trainings modules and process frameworks to increase competency levels.
Technology Infrastructure CoE the CoE has built competency in the areas of Storage, AIX and Veritas based systems. The CoE has built solution frameworks in the area of Application Packaging, Factory model and Desktop Deployment methodology which are designed to address the challenges in the Infrastructure Management services.
Innovation Initiative
At Wipro, we institutionalized the spirit of Innovation through our Innovation initiatives six years ago and are now deriving business value from these investments. The next generation managed services platform GCC won the NASCOM’s IT Innovation Award 2005 and the award was presented by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India.
Following is our Innovation Portfolio.
Process Innovations : We have pioneered in the art of adopting Lean techniques for Software Delivery. The benefits from this are Delivery excellence and a cost savings of about 11% top line and 10% -15% in effort. Usage of the Knowledge management practice in Wipro Infotech for reuse of knowledge in sales and delivery has improved customer responsiveness. In Consulting division it has resulted in up to 15% of sales effort reduction and 30-35% reduction in project delivery timelines.
Our process Innovations in Consumer Care & Lighting is given below.
Factories : Increased the vapor absorption of moisture from noodles by 50% with combination of vacuum systems in Toilet soap Plant at Tumkur leading to a productivity improvement of 48% in noodle output and energy savings of 10% besides eliminating usage of one continuous vapor spraying unit.
In house conversion of existing solvent based coating equipment with water based coating technology leading to multiple benefits viz Change over to eco friendly technology, Investment savings of Rs. 1.6 Mn , utilization of existing assets which would have been wasted and elimination of risk to employee’s health and safety.
Development of new soldering device at CFL manufacture line leading to an achievement of 50% improvement in productivity at the soldering station. It also resulted in elimination of accident and injury risk to the operators and reduction of rework.
Marketing : Direct Media buying — Taking advantage of distress buying in media leading to a cost savings of 20% over regular agency costs.
Media innovation — Created an in film presence for our products using advertorials instead of advertising thus enabling in cutting through the clutter of competition better.
Delivery Innovations : Global Delivery model and Software Factory model for standardized delivery are good examples of our Delivery Innovations. These innovations have provided consistent results and our customers have greatly benefited from them.
Technology Innovations are solutions with high Intellectual Property (IP) content, which can be delivered as a service to product companies, thus giving the time to market advantage. We have developed semi conductor IPs like Wireless LAN 802.11 and IEEE 1394 which are having a large market share. For example, IEEE 1394 has more than 62% market share today.
The Aerospace, Defense and Space Communication Group has built a prototype solution for an AGPS based tracking system. This is being extended as a platform for all Location Based services. This is done as a joint collaboration with the CEDT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The solution features important concepts such as tracking in indoors and outdoors, recording of navigation path, on demand position update, Geofencing, programmable alert messaging etc.



Product Innovations : At Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting innovations have been a part of continual improvement culture and have been a catalyst in our endeavor to deliver better products to our customer on a consistent basis.
Toilet Soaps - Chandrika Amritam : Introduced Soap plus aromatic oil for the first time in the world at a lower unit price to customer.
Wellness Segment - Introduced new variants of ginger and lemon flavor in Honey for the first time in India. Offered for the first time in India total modularility in furniture through three tile system leading to high degree of flexibility and re-configurability. This would enable changing of office appearance at a lower cost.
Business Innovations are frameworks and methodologies to develop solutions for specific Business. Deep domain understanding and new customer experience are primary drivers in identifying such solutions.
Flow-briX, a Business Process Management Solution is a good example for this. Our understanding of workflow systems and domain expertise helped us to create a number of vertical solutions based on Flow-briX. Examples are Order Management Process Automation, Test Management Process Automation etc.
Developed SoX compliance Framework as part of SoX consultancy practice and also developed solution around Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards.
Our domain knowledge gained through years of experience in Utility domain , helped us develop Work and Asset Management systems (both front office and back office). This solution has positioned us as a leading provider of IT Services for GAS Distribution companies.
The Manufacturing Vertical has developed a framework around dealer integration for the Automobile industry based on open source technologies and STAR standards.
We have return process systems for the Hi-Tech Industry, frameworks and solutions for Pharmaceutical Industry to address ‘e-Pedigree’ mandated by the FDA.
Apart from such industry specific solutions we have created re-usable assets for business processes such as warehouse management, work in process tracking and asset tracking using cutting edge technology like RFID.
Platforms and Tools : Platforms are foundations on which Solutions are built. Next Generation Managed Services Platform (GCC) is a good example of this. This platform enables us to remotely manage a customer infrastructure. A variety of services is being planned to be built on top of this platform.
The GCC challenges all myths associated with IT infrastructure outsourcing engagements by offering a comprehensive and fool proof IT infrastructure management solution. The key Innovative features that distinguish GCC are its Tool Agnostic process, virtualization of IT operations, enhanced security for mitigating malicious attacks and avoiding human errors, Business impact reporting & always available Management Information through live online reporting.
Tools are productivity improvement solutions. Repeatability and re-use are primary drivers in identifying such solutions. Test Automation and Management Solutions, Migration Solutions etc. form part of this category of solutions.
Innovation Process
The Innovation projects are managed through a well defined process called the Stage Gate Process comprising of the major phases : Idea Generation, Incubation and Successful Execution.
The total expenditure for R&D last year has been Rs. 202.86 million.
Mergers & Acquisitions
During the year 2005-06, your Company in line with its strategy to invest in niche areas where it can establish leadership through superior domain knowledge and operational excellence, has acquired the following companies :
a.   mPower Software Services Inc, a Princeton, New Jersey, US headquartered Company with a development center in Chennai and MPACT Technology Services Pvt. Ltd., based in Chennai, for an all cash consideration of $28 million.
b.   New Logic Technologies AG, an Austrian firm which is mainly engaged in the semiconductor IP business and the Engineering Design Services business including the Analog Mixed Signal Business for an all cash consideration of Euro 26 million.
c.   Definitive agreements were signed in the current financial year to effectively acquire the target Company, cMango Inc., a US based Technology Infrastructure Consulting Firm in an all cash deal. The acquisition is effective in the next financial year 2006-07. The financials will reflect the same next year. cMango has multiple offices in the US as well as offices in the UK, Singapore and a Delivery center in Pune, India. Under the terms of the agreement, the consideration to acquire 100% stake in privately held cMango includes cash payment of $20 million on closure of the transaction as well as earn-outs based on achieving targeted financial metrics over a two year period.



Subsidiary Companies
As per Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, we are required to attach the Directors’ Report, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of our subsidiary companies. We had applied to the Department of Company Affairs, Government of India for an exemption from that requirement as we present the audited Consolidated Financial Statements in the Annual Report. We believe that the Consolidated Accounts present a full and fair picture of the state of affairs and the financial condition and is accepted globally. The Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India has granted exemption from complying with Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, the Annual Report does not contain the particulars of these subsidiaries. The Company undertakes that annual accounts of the subsidiary companies and the related detailed information for the year ended March 31, 2006 will be made available to Wipro Limited’s investors and subsidiary company’s investors seeking such information at any point of time. The annual accounts of the subsidiary companies are also kept for inspection by any investor at the Registered Office of the Company. The statements required pursuant to the approval letter obtained from the Ministry of Company Affairs for this exemption is disclosed as part of the Notes to Consolidated Accounts of the Company at Sl.No. 25.
Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgoings
The foreign exchange earnings of the Company during the year were Rs. 71,788 million while the outgoings were Rs. 25,281 million (including materials imported).
Wipro Employee Stock Option Plans (WESOP)
Disclosures in compliance with Clause 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme) and (Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended, are provided in the Annexure ‘B’ forming part of this report.
No employee has been issued Stock Options, during the year equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital of the Company at the time of grant.
Information as per Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975 is given in the Annexure ‘C’ forming part of this report.
Report on Corporate Governance
Your Company has been practicing the principles of good corporate governance over the years and it is a continuous and ongoing process. A detailed report on Corporate Governance is given as Annexure ‘D’ to this Annual Report.
Certificate of the Practising Company Secretary regarding compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Clause 49 of the listing agreement with Indian Stock Exchanges is also given in the detailed report on Corporate Governance.
Management Discussion and Analysis Report
Management Discussion and Analysis Report as required under Clause 49(IV)(F) is disclosed separately in this Annual Report.
Directors Responsibility Statement
As required under Section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Directors confirm that :
a)   In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and that no material departures have been made from the same;
b)   They have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profits of the Company for that period;
c)   They have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; and
d)   They have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
Acknowledgements and Appreciation
The Directors take this opportunity to thank Company’s customers, shareholders, suppliers, bankers, financial institutions and Central & State Governments for their consistent support to the Company. The Directors also wish to place on record their appreciation to employees at all levels for their hard work, dedication and commitment. The enthusiasm and unstinting efforts of the employees have enabled the Company to maintain its position in the industry in spite of increased competition.
  On behalf of the Board
  Azim H Premji
Bangalore, June 20, 2006



                    2005-2006     2004-2005  
1   Electricity                        
  a.   Purchased                        
      Unit   KWH     9,365,492       8,913,708  
      Total amount   Rs.     38,277,825       36,079,941  
      Rate/ Unit   Rs.     4.09       4.05  
  b.   Own generation                        
      Through Diesel generator                        
      Unit   KWH     642,596       158,651  
      Unit/Litre of Diesel   Units     6,224.51       2.42  
      Cost per unit   Rs.     15.45       26.59  
2.   Coal (including coconut shells)                        
  Quantity   Tonnes     7,107       7,027  
  Total cost   Rs.     17,422,382       15,146,938  
  Average rate   Rs.     2,451.27       2,155.46  
3.   Furnace oil                        
  Quantity LDO   Lts.     773,567       634,653  
  Total cost   Rs.     13,502,348       9,440,563  
  Average rate   Rs.     17.45       14.88  
4.   Furnace oil                        
  Quantity HSD   Lts.     1,100,561       635,819  
  Total cost   Rs.     23,754,317       9,018,016  
  Average rate   Rs.     21.58       14.18  
5.   LPG                        
  Quantity   kgs.     513,339       555,877  
  Total cost   Rs.     14,008,992       11,959,499  
  Average rate   Rs.     27.29       21.51  
Vanaspati   Electricity     Liquid diesel oil     Coal  
    (kwh/tonne)     (litres/tonne)     (tonnes/tonne)  
    119.26       15.19       0.15  
    120.02             0.15  
General Lighting System   Electricity     Liquid diesel oil     LPG  
    (kwh/tonne)     (litres/tonne)     (kg/1000 gls)  
    26.31       0.46       5.66  
    31.55       0.37       6.14  
Fluorescent Tube Light   Electricity     Liquid diesel oil     LPG  
    (kwh/tonne)     (litres/tonne)     (kg/1000 ftl)  
    137.77       3.33       35.47  
    126.34       2.07       30.02  



Disclosures in compliance with Clause 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme) and (Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, as amended, are set below. The figures have been adjusted to reflect the issue of bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 during the year ended 31st March, 2006.
Sl. No.   Description   WESOP 1999   WESOP 2000
  Total number of options under the Plan   30,000,000
(adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the years 2004 and 2005)
(adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the years 2004 and 2005)
  Options granted during the year    
  Pricing formula   Fair Market Value i.e., the market price as defined by Securities and Exchange Board of India from time to time   Fair Market Value i.e., the market price as defined by Securities and Exchange Board of India from time to time
  Options vested (as of March 31, 2006)   4,658,383   26,252,361
  Options exercised during the year   9,167,302   7,255,563
  Total number of shares arising as a result of exercise of option (as of March 31, 2006)   9,167,302   7,255,563
  Options lapsed during the year*   315,992   1,640,179
  Variation of terms of options    
  Money realized by exercise of options during the year   Rs. 2042.69 Mn   Rs. 2447.21 Mn
  Total number of options in force at the end of the year   4,658,383   30,338,800
  Employee wise details of options granted to :        
i.   Senior Management during the year
  Nil   Nil
ii.   Employees holding 5% or more of the total number of options granted during the year
  Nil   Nil
iii.   Identified employees who were granted option, during any one year, equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the Company at the time of grant
  Nil   Nil
  Diluted Earnings Per Share pursuant to issue of shares on exercise of option calculated in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 20   14.15   14.15



  Where the Company has calculated the employee compensation cost using the intrinsic value of the stock options, the difference between the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the fair value of the options. The impact of this difference on profits and on EPS of the Company   Not applicable as these pertain to Options granted before June 30, 2003
  Weighted average exercise prices and weighted average fair values of options separately for options whose exercise either equals or exceeds or is less than the market price of the stock   Not applicable as these options pertain to options granted before June 30, 2003
  A description of the method and significant assumptions used during the year to estimate the fair values of options, including the following weighted-average information :   Not applicable as these pertain to Options granted before June 30, 2003
a.   risk free interest rate
b.   expected life
c.   expected volatility
d.   expected dividends and
e.   the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option grant
*   As per the Plan, options lapse only on termination of the Plan. If an Option expires or becomes unexercisable without having been exercised in full, the unpurchased shares, which were subject thereto, shall become available for future grant or sale under the Plan.
ADS 2000 Stock Option Plan
The details of options granted under the ADS 2000 Stock Option Plan for the year ended March 31, 2006 is given below.
Sl. No.   Description   ADS 2000 Stock Option Plan
  Total number of options under the Plan   9,000,000 ADS representing 9,000,000 underlying equity shares (adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the years 2004 and 2005)
  Options granted during the year  
  Pricing formula   Exercise price being not less than 90% of the fair market value on the date of grant
  Options vested (as of March 31, 2006)   1,088,559
  Options exercised during the year   759,508
  Total number of shares arising as a result of exercise of options (as of March 31, 2006)   759,508
  Options lapsed during the year*   228,000
  Variation of terms of options   Accelerated vesting approved for Mr. Vivek Paul
  Money realized by exercise of options   Rs. 210.81 Mn



  Total number of options in force   1,447,742
  Employee wise details of options granted to :    
i.   Senior Management during the year
ii.   Employees holding 5% or more of the total number of options granted during the year
iii.   Identified employees who were granted option, during any one year, equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the Company at the time of grant
  Diluted Earnings Per Share pursuant to issue of shares on exercise of option calculated in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 20   14.15
  Where the Company has calculated the employee compensation cost using the intrinsic value of the stock options, the difference between the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the fair value of the options. The impact of this difference on profits and on EPS of the Company   Not applicable as these pertain to Options granted prior to June 30, 2003
  Weighted average exercise prices and weighted average fair values of options separately for options whose exercise either equals or exceeds or is less than the market price of the stock   Not applicable as these pertain to Options granted prior to June 30, 2003
  A description of the method and significant assumptions used during the year to estimate the fair values of options, including the following weighted average information :   Not applicable as these pertain to Options granted prior to June 30, 2003
a.   risk free interest rate
b.   expected life
c.   expected volatility
d.   expected dividends and
e.   the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option grant
*   As per the Plan, options lapse only on termination of the Plan. If an Option expires or becomes unexercisable without having been exercised in full, the unpurchased shares, which were subject thereto, shall become available for future grant or sale under the Plan.



Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)
        Wipro Restricted   ADS Restricted   Wipro Restricted
        Stock   Stock   Stock
Sl. No.   Description   Unit Plan 2004   Unit Plan 2004   Unit Plan 2005
  Total number of RSUs under the Plan   12,000,000
(Adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the years 2004 and 2005)
(Adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the years 2004 and 2005)
  12,000,000 (adjusted for the issue of bonus shares in the year 2005)
  RSUs granted during the year   55,500     
  Pricing formula   As determined by the Administrator and such price being not less than the face value of the share   As determined by the Administrator and such price being not less than the face value of the share   As determined by the Administrator and such price being not less than the face value of the share
  RSUs vested (as of March 31, 2006)   518,321    116,400   
  RSUs exercised during the year   1,282,410    148,440   
  Total number of shares arising as a resulting of exercise of option (as of March 31, 2006)   1,282,410    148,440   
  RSUs lapsed*   694,572    386,940   
  Variation of terms of options      
  Money realized by exercise of options during the year   Rs. 2,564,820    Rs. 296,880   
  Total number of options in force at the end of the year   7,598,174    1,000,720   
  Employee wise details of RSUs granted to :            
i.    Senior Management during the year
  Nil   Nil   Nil
ii.    Employees holding 5% or more of the total number of RSUs granted during the year
  20,000 options granted to Mr. A. N. Rao, Vice President-Global Delivery Technology Infrastructure Services.   Nil   Nil
iii.    Identified employees who were granted RSU, during any oneyear, equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the Company at the time of grant
  Nil   Nil   Nil



        Wipro Restricted   ADS Restricted   Wipro Restricted
        Stock   Stock   Stock
Sl. No.   Description   Unit Plan 2004   Unit Plan 2004   Unit Plan 2005
  Diluted Earnings Per Share pursuant to issue of shares on exercise of option calculated in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 20   14.15    14.15   
  Where the Company has calculated the employee compensation cost using the intrinsic value of the stock options, the difference between the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the fair value of the options. The impact of this difference on profits and on EPS of the Company   Exercise price — Rs. 2 per option

Fair value — Rs. 301.29 per RSU
  Exercise price $ equivalent (of about 0.05) to Rs. 2 per share

Fair value $ equivalent 9.71 to Rs. 435.84 per ADS RSU
  Not applicable as no
options were granted
during the year
  Weighted average exercise prices and weighted average fair values of options separately for options whose exercise either equals or exceeds or is less than the market price of the stock   Exercise price — Rs. 2 per option

Fair value — Rs. 301.29 per RSU
  Exercise price $ equivalent (of about 0.05) to Rs. 2 per share

Fair value $ equivalent 9.71 to Rs. 435.84 per ADS RSU
  Not applicable as no
options were granted
during the year
  A description of the method and significant assumptions used during the year to estimate the fair values of options, including the following weighted-average information :   Since these options have been granted at a nominal exercise price, the intrinsic value on the date of grant approximates the fair value of the options   Since these options have been granted at a nominal exercise price, the intrinsic value on the date of grant approximates the fair value of the options   Not applicable as no
options were granted
during the year
a.   risk free interest rate
b.   expected life
c.   expected volatility
d.   expected dividends and
e.   the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option grant
As per the Plan, RSUs lapse only on termination of the Plan. If an RSU expires or becomes unexercisable without having been exercised in full, the unpurchased shares, which were subject thereto, shall become available for future grant or sale under the Plan.



Particulars of Employees forming part of the Directors’ Report for the year ended March 31, 2006
Information pursuant to Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975
                        Date of     Total        
Sr.           Remuneration         Employment     Experience       Last
No.   Name   Designation   (Rs.)     Qualification   (DOJ)     (in Yrs)   Age   Employment
1   Achuthan Nair   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     3,319,346     BE,PGDBM   29-Apr-91   15   41   HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM
2   Alex G Manappurathu   General Manager - Consumer Electronics, Wipro Technologies, Wipro Technologies     2,732,455     B Tech,M Tech   18-Jan-86   20   44   First Employment
3   Anand Padmanabhan   Vice President - TIS, Wipro Infotech     4,245,016     BE, MBA   02-May-94   16   40   ALMOAYED DATA GROUP
4   Anand Sankaran   VICE PRESIDENT - TOS, Wipro Technologies     4,895,000     BE   26-Jun-89   17   39   Pertech Computers
5   Anil Chugh   Vice President - Sales, Wipro Consumer Care     3,052,886     B.Tech,MMS   19-Apr-99   16   42   Gillette
6   Anil K Jain   Vice President - Corporate Business Unit, Wipro Infotech     3,937,832     BE,MBA   10-Apr-89   17   42   ORG SYSTEMS
7   Anurag Mehrotra   General Manager - Enterprise, Wipro Infotech     3,610,835     BE   02-Jan-01   20   44   Informix International
8   Anurag Seth   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,537,704     PGDBM,BE   03-May-90   16   40   CAMPUS
9   Appa Rao G   General Manager - Software Quality Assurance, Wipro Technologies     2,695,413     BTech,Mtech   29-May-96   25   50   OMC COMPUTERS LTD
10   Ashok Tripathy   General Manager - Enterprise Platforms, Wipro Infotech     2,418,790     BE,MBA   17-May-93   13   38   BHEL
  Badiga L K   Corporate Vice President & CIO, Wipro Technologies     5,793,818     MTech,BE   29-Oct-90   27   51   Alghmin Communicatin Services, Kuwait
  Balakrishnan Ramani   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,554,078     BE   01-Feb-02   18   42   24/7 Customer.Com
  Balakrishnan V   Vice President - Finance, Wipro Technologies, Wipro Technologies     5,703,354     B Com,AICWA,ACS   19-Feb-92   21   46   LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD
  Balasubramanian N S   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,161,490     BE,PGDM   12-Apr-89   17   41   First Employment
  Bhanumurthy B M   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,356,916     PGDM,Btech   03-Sep-92   20   43   CMC
  Chandramouli E R   Global Delivery Head, Wipro Technologies     2,735,744     BE   04-Feb-91   25   48   ICIM
  Dayapatra Nevatia   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,580,302     MTech,Btech   15-Feb-93   13   38   CAMPUS
  Deepak Jain   General Manager - Manage IT, Wipro Infotech     3,661,742     BE   21-Mar-86   20   42   Raba Contel Pvt Ltd
  Dipankar Banerjee   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,584,964     BE,ME   02-Apr-94   18   42   C DOT
  Divakaran M   Chief Executive - E-Enabling & CTO, Wipro Technologies     4,635,854     B.SC.   10-Mar-81   34   57   ECIL
  Dr. Anurag Srivastava   Vice President - Consulting Division, Wipro Infotech     4,295,746     BTech,MTech,PHD   15-Dec-00   15   40   eVizeon
  Dr. Chandrasekar Dharuman   Vice President - Optical Network, Wipro Technologies     3,382,533     MSc,PHD   14-Jul-99   16   44   CMC
  Dr. Rao A L   Chief Operating Officer, Wipro Technologies     8,077,187     B.SC.,MSc, PHD   14-Aug-80   33   58   ECIL
  Gangadharaiah C P   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     3,872,196     BE,ME,M.S.   16-Feb-95   29   53   ITI
  Girish S Paranjpe   President - Finance Solutions, Wipro Technologies     8,017,230     B COM,ICWA, ACA   23-Jul-90   22   48   WIMCO Ltd
  Hari Menon   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,520,361     MCA,B.SC.   27-Jun-94   12   36   SONATA
  Harish Shah   Vice President & Corporate Controller, Wipro Technologies     3,486,754     B COM,AICWA   18-Feb-91   28   48   National Textile Corporation (M N Ltd)
  Ishwar B Hemrajani   Chief Risk Officer, Wipro Corporate     4,576,135     BE,MTech,PG Diploma   21-May-92   22   47   MODI XEROX LTD
  Jagdish Ramaswamy   Vice President - Mission : Quality, Wipro Corporate     2,962,224     BE, PGD in SQC   28-Feb-03   21   42   Tyco Health Care
  Jayashree Joglekar   Chief Operating Officer - Securities Solutions, Wipro Technologies     3,452,545     BE,M.S.   01-Aug-00   25   49   Persistent Sys Ltd
  Kesavan V   Vice President - Business Finance, Wipro Infotech     2,666,289     C A,B.SC.,ICWA   01-Apr-92   15   40   Sharp & Tannan Chatm
  Kiran Sitaram   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,518,398     BE   02-Jan-95   15   38   GKW
  Krishnamurthy B   Vice President - Tele & Inter Group, Wipro Technologies     3,239,341     MSc,PGDM,Mtech   16-Oct-97   20   48   C DOT
  Kumar Chander   Vice President - Marketing, Wipro Consumer Care     3,323,984     B.A. HONS,PGDM   01-Oct-92   16   38   Brooke Bond India
  Kumudha Sridharan   General Manager - Optical Networks (CNU), Wipro Technologies     2,592,819     BE   31-May-95   20   43   ITI
  Kunapuli Venkateswarlu   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,562,961     BE,Mtech   04-Aug-97   17   41   DIGITAL
  Kurien T K   Chief Executive - Business Optimization Shared Ser, Wipro Technologies     7,001,984     BE,ACA   11-Feb-00   24   46   Wipro Net Limited
  Lilian Jessie Paul   Chief Marketing Officer, Wipro Technologies     2,578,622     BE,PG Diploma   30-May-05   11   36   iGATE Global Solutio
  Madhavan S   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     3,492,691     BTech,B.SC.   15-Sep-94   19   43   CMC
  Madhu Khatri   Corporate Vice President & General Counsel, Wipro Corporate     3,945,120     B.A, LLB,LLM   15-Mar-05   17   43   General Electric
  Manoj Punja   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,613,501     MBA,BE   01-Aug-91   21   45   ORG SYSTEMS
  Mansoor Ahmad Syed   General Manager - Business Development, Wipro Technologies     2,561,697     BE   09-Dec-91   15   38   IDM
  Mohan Rao S   Vice President - Infrastructure & Operations, Wipro Technologies     3,001,795     BE, PGDM   16-Nov-88   31   52   Shriram Honda
  Mohanakrishnan G   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     3,018,109     BTech,Mtech   18-Jan-88   18   42   First Employment
  Moiz H Vaswadawala   General Manager & Head - Program Management Office, Wipro Infotech     2,692,008     Diploma   06-Mar-93   18   40   Tamimi Adv/ Technolo
  Muralikrishnan S   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,922,616     BE   01-Aug-91   18   43   KEONICS MAGNAVISION
  Mythily Ramesh   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     4,029,847     BE,MBA   29-Apr-88   18   41   First Employment
  Nagamani Murthy   Vice President - VNGN, Wipro Technologies     3,690,074     BE   01-Jul-91   21   45   TEXAS INSTRUMENTS
  Nanda Kishore N   Technical Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,560,702     BE   01-Aug-94   12   34   HYPERMEDIA INFO SYST
  Navneet Bhushan   Principal Consultant, Wipro Technologies     2,439,248     MTech,M.S.   22-Nov-04   16   39   CREAX Information Te
  Neeraj Jaitley   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,765,302     BE   19-Mar-87   19   41   First Employment
  Padmanabhan V S   VP - Finance & Accounts, Wipro Corporate     3,520,015     B com, ACA   09-Nov-94   29   53   Union Carbide
  Pavan Kumar Goyal   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,475,972     B.SC.   04-Jan-91   15   40   WIPRO SPD
  Pradeep Bahirwani   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,667,120     BE   19-Jun-97   16   40   RAMCO SYSTEMS
  Pramod Idiculla   Group Head, Wipro Technologies     2,706,565     Btech   01-Dec-94   11   38   TVSE
  Prasad V Bhatt   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     3,232,447     MTech,BE   02-Mar-89   17   41   ORG SYSTEMS
  Prasanna G.K.   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     5,272,468     PGD,Btech   02-Dec-99   22   47   Microland
  Prasenjit Mazumder   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,487,734     MCA,B.SC.,MBA   16-Jul-90   15   40   CAMPUS
  Prasenjit Saha   General Manager - Enterprise Security Services, Wipro Technologies     2,524,655     Btech   05-Jun-97   14   36   ABB
  Pratik Kumar   Executive Vice President - Human Resources, Wipro Corporate     6,171,539     B.A, MBA   04-Nov-91   18   40   TVS Electronics Limited
  Premji Azim H   Chairman & Managing Director, Wipro Limited     18,648,869     Gen. Engg (Stanford)   17-Aug-66   39   60   First Employment
  Rajat Mathur   Senior Vice President, Wipro Infotech     3,457,099     BE,MBA   15-Nov-85   21   45   HORIZON MKTG & SERV
  Rajeev V S   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,849,028     PGDM,Btech   16-Jan-92   20   45   TCS
  Rajesh Kochhar   Chief Executive - C&I Business, Wipro Lighting     2,891,669     BE   16-Dec-91   26   48   Crompton Greaves
  Rajesh Ram Mishra   Vice President - SBU 2, Wipro Technologies     3,914,589     BTech,Mtech   06-May-88   21   44   International SW Ind
  Ramachandra Prabhu K V S   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,518,000     MSc,MSc   15-Dec-97   22   48   ISRO Satellite Centre
  Ramakanth Desai   Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,631,787     Btech   12-Aug-92   21   43   TATA UNISYS
  Ramakrishnan K K   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,555,605     MTech,BE   01-Feb-89   17   40   First Employment
  Ramesh A N   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,535,797     MTech,BE   16-Sep-88   19   43   TVS Electronics Ltd.
  Ramesh Emani   President, Wipro Technologies     8,449,461     MTech,Btech   15-Nov-83   25   50   Tata Burroughs Ltd
  Ramesh N R   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,840,635     BE,ME   14-Feb-90   16   39   First Employment



Particulars of Employees forming part of the Directors’ Report for the year ended March 31, 2006
Information pursuant to Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975
                        Date of     Total        
Sr.           Remuneration         Employment     Experience       Last
No.   Name   Designation   (Rs.)     Qualification   (DOJ)     (in Yrs)   Age   Employment
72   Ramesh Nagarajan   Vice President - Office of Productivity, Wipro Technologies     3,661,766     ME   25-Jan-91   18   41   First Employment
73   Ramesh P   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,589,772     Btech   19-Aug-94   26   51   DIGITAL
74   Ranjan Acharya   Corporate Senior Vice President, Wipro Corporate     5,324,318     B.SC.,MBA   18-Jul-94   26   48   National Inst. of Co. Edu. & Busi. Training
75   Ravi Shankar A V   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     3,250,020     B.A,LLB   13-Dec-04   22   47   HCL Technologies
76   Ravikanth V V   Senior Consultant, Wipro Technologies     2,439,988     MTech,BE   21-Feb-92   14   37   CAMPUS
77   Ravishankar Gs   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     3,386,529     ME,BE,B.SC.   28-Jan-03   25   51   Ericsson India
78   Renukaprasad S   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,477,897     BE,Mtech   01-Mar-99   21   46   Robert Bosch India Limited
79   Sairaman Jagannathan   Vice President - Service Delivery, BSD, Wipro Infotech     3,186,131     BE   29-Aug-01   23   48   Mascot Systems
80   Sambuddha Deb   Chief Quality Officer, Wipro Technologies     5,663,363     PGDM,Btech   29-Jun-82   23   48   First Employment
81   Sangita Singh   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,665,017     BE   01-Aug-92   14   37   HCL LIMITED
82   Sanjay J K   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,561,759     BE,M.S.   01-Feb-91   15   37   First Employment
83   Sanjesh K Gupta   General Manager - Systems Integration, Wipro Infotech     2,475,138     AMIE,Diploma   04-Dec-84   23   43   Televista Electronics Computer Division
84   Sanjiv K R   Vice President - E-Biz & Data Warehousing Solution, Wipro Technologies     4,011,952     MMS   16-Nov-88   19   42   DCM DAEWOO
85   Selvan D   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     3,687,645     BTech,PGDM   05-Sep-92   20   45   NIIT LTD
86   Senapaty S C   Executive Vice President - Finance and CFO, Wipro Corporate     8,229,678     B Com, ACA   10-Apr-80   27   49   Lovelock & Lewis
87   Senthil M   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,994,252     MTech,BE   20-Feb-89   17   40   First Employment
88   Sethumadhava Rao T V   Vice president and Principal Consultant, Wipro Technologies     2,708,395     BE   06-Aug-81   30   55   ELECTRONICS CORP OF India Ltd.
89   Shirish Kanetkar   General Manager - Business Operations, Wipro Infotech     3,552,152     Diploma,B.SC.,BSc.(Hons.)   10-Sep-02   16   45   Cisco
90   Shivakumar T   Vice President, Wipro Technologies     2,824,700     BE,Mtech   06-Apr-88   18   45   Lecturer, Vijaya Engineering College
95   Siby Abraham   Vice President - Semiconductor, Wipro Technologies     4,110,146     BTech,Mtech   16-Feb-87   19   42   First Employment
91   Simon Johney   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,558,948     BE   21-Feb-94   18   41   Defence Research Development Orgn.
92   Soumitro Ghosh   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     5,390,454     BTech,MBA   26-Nov-88   23   46   BLUE STAR LTD
93   Srinivasan P V   Vice President - Corporate Taxation, Wipro Corporate     3,527,790     ACA   06-Feb-97   22   46   Sundaram Fasteners Ltd
94   Subhash Khate   Head - PMO, Wipro Technologies     3,133,264     BE   03-Oct-90   23   45   Telco
95   Subrahmanyam P   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,214,025     MSc,MPHIL,B.SC.   08-Nov-83   22   46   First Employment
96   Subramanyam V   General Manager and SDH, Wipro Technologies     2,996,248     BE,Mtech   02-Dec-96   19   54   First Employment
97   Sudhir Jha   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,942,167     PGD   29-Apr-02   15   39   Price waterhouse Coopers
98   Sudip Banerjee   President - Enterprise Solutions, Wipro Technologies     7,491,050     BA, PG Dip in Bus Mgmt   02-Nov-83   24   46   HCL Infosystems
99   Sudip Nandy   Chief Strategy Officer, Wipro Technologies     5,988,466     B.SC.,PGDM,BE   28-May-83   23   48   First Employment
  Sumit Ray   Group Head, Wipro Technologies     3,075,369     MTech,BE   30-Jan-03   21   46   Ericsson India
  Suresh B   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,854,364     ME,BE   22-May-89   19   43   WI/AFF
  Suryanarayana Valluri   Vice President - Telecom Service Providers, Wipro Technologies     3,631,533     BE,PGDBM   01-Mar-00   17   41   RPG Cellular Services Ltd.
  Tamal Dasgupta   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     5,765,535     B COM,C A,CPA   01-Mar-00   23   55   Indian Aluminium Co
  Tapan D Bhat   Vice President - HR, Resourcing & TT, Wipro Infotech     3,264,920     BE,MBA   02-Nov-89   16   40   Tata Unisys Ltd.
  Thakur D K   Vice President - Technology Development, Wipro Technologies     2,471,865     B.SC.,BE   07-Oct-85   23   48   ISRO
  Thandava Murthy T D   Senior Vice President, Wipro Infotech     4,584,358     BE   05-Jul-02   26   51   COMPAQ
  Tony Raviraj Ponniah   Practice Head, Wipro Technologies     2,564,415     AMIE,PHD,PHD   01-Sep-03   16   43   DSL Software
  Udaya Bhaskar Vemulapati   General Manager - Consulting Practice, Wipro Technologies     2,466,177     BTech,PHD   06-Sep-99   8   45   UNIV OF CNTL FLORIDA
  Varsha Anand   Vice President - Wipro BioMed, Wipro Biomed     2,804,863     BE,MMS   06-Jun-00   15   39   3 Com
  Vasudevan A   Vice President - VLSI / Systems Design, Wipro Technologies     4,765,429     MTech,BE   31-Mar-86   20   44   First Employment
  Vaswani Suresh   President, Wipro Infotech     8,051,905     BE, MBA   02-May-85   21   46   SKEFCO
  Venkataraman K N K   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,629,314     BE   03-Jul-89   16   39   First Employment
  Venkatesh H R   Vice President, Wipro Technologies     2,991,053     BE   21-Dec-92   20   44   Suri Computers Pvt. Ltd.
  Venkatesh V R   Senior Vice President, Wipro Technologies     5,033,407     MTech,MSc,B.SC.   22-Mar-84   22   47   Vikrant Tyres
  Vijay G K   Vice - President, Wipro Technologies     2,517,459     BE,MBA   08-Jun-95   16   39   S & SI
  Vijay Gupta   Vice President - Corporate Communication & Brand, Wipro Corporate     2,885,150     BTech,PGDM   01-Apr-91   21   48   Electronic Components Industries Asso.
  Vijayakumar I   Vice President - Wireless Business, Wipro Technologies     3,279,190     B.SC.,BE   16-Jul-90   18   41   INDCHEM
  Vijayakumar Kabbin   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,471,502     BE   21-Aug-87   18   42   WIPRO PERIPHERALS
  Vikas M Valsang   Solution Delivery Head, Wipro Technologies     2,446,472     BE   03-Aug-92   13   35   First Employment
  Vineet Agrawal   President, Wipro Consumer Care & Ltg     6,977,605     B. Tech, MMS   04-Dec-85   20   44   First Employment
  Vishwas Santurkar   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,938,029     BE   06-Nov-91   20   43   Unicad Technologies Pvt Ltd
  Viswanathan K.S.   Senior Vice President, Wipro Infotech     4,438,292     MBA,M.A.   11-Oct-03   24   48   Dell Computers India
  Viswanathan R   General Manager, Wipro Infotech     2,494,688     BE,M.S.   16-Mar-00   18   40   AT & T Comn Services
  Vittal N Vashist   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     3,381,043     BE,Mtech   26-Feb-01   15   45   IBM India Ltd
  Vivek Bhasin   Vice President, Wipro Technologies     4,064,007     BE,MBA   20-Apr-99   16   43   HCL DELUXE
  PART OF THE YEAR                                    
  Amitava Ghosh   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     1,968,411     PGDM   30-Jan-03   21   42   Ericsson India
  Bijay Kumar Sahoo   Vice President - Talent Engagement & Development, Wipro Technologies     3,916,535     BA,MA (PM & LW),CAIIB-1   02-Jun-00   18   39   Pricewaterhouse Coopers
  Gopal Vasu Katti   Delivery Manager, Wipro Technologies     647,956     BE   04-Aug-97   11   33   AFFINITY SOFTWARE
  Manohar Arcot   GM - Human Resources, Wipro Corporate     2,929,366     MBS   02-Jan-04   17   44   ABCL Limited
  Pankaj Gupta   Delivery Manager - Finance Solutions, Wipro Technologies     959,788     B TECH   08-Dec-03   17   40   Citibank
  Raghavendra Babu Krishnanand   General Manager, Wipro Technologies     2,476,056     MS,MBS   23-Dec-02   13   38   Maoi Technologies
  Rohit Kumar   Vice President - Utilities Vertical, Wipro Technologies, Wipro Technologies     2,321,849     BE,MBA   05-Mar-02   13   38   Oracle Corporation
  Vinod Wahi   Head - Wipro Biomed, Wipro Biomed     3,015,276     BSc,MA   01-Mar-90   30   58   Boehringer Knoll Ltd
  Vivek Paul   Vice Chairman, Wipro Limited     60,237,000     BE, MBA   26-Jul-99   24   47   GE Medical Systems
    1.     Remuneration comprises of salary, commission, allowance, medical, perquisites & Company’s contribution to PF and Superannuation Funds.
    2.     None of the employees listed is a relative of any director.
    3.     The nature of employment is contractual in all the above cases.
    4.     In terms of the Notification dated March 24, 2004 issued by the Department of Company Affairs employees posted and working in a country outside India, not being directors or their relatives, has not been included in the above statement.
    5.     The USD to INR conversion rate used is Rs 44.48 per US Dollar
    6.     None of the employees holds 2% or more of the paid up equity share capital of the Company



Para 1. A brief statement on Company’s philosophy on code of governance.
Globally corporates and societies are adopting and following Best in Class concept of Corporate Governance. It has now come to be recognised that companies need to attract and protect all stakeholders, be it investors, society, employees, customers, suppliers and the environment. Global capital investors feel comfortable in an environment where the bed rocks of Corporate Governance is best protected and practiced and bypasses where Corporate Governance is limited or not followed. Companies stand to gain by adopting systems that bolster Stake holder’s trust through transparency, accountability and fairness. With increasing interdependence and free trade among countries and citizens across the globe, good Corporate Governance is of paramount importance for companies seeking to distinguish themselves in the global footprint.
For Wipro, Corporate Governance is a continuous journey, seeking to provide an enabling environment to harmonise the goals of maximising stakeholder value and maintaining a customer centric focus. Wipro’s philosophy on Corporate Governance envisages attainment of the highest levels of transparency, accountability and equity in all facets of its operations, and in all its interactions with its stakeholders, including shareholders, employees and the Government.
Wipro’s foundation in Corporate Governance has been its Ethical Business Practices, its Values and Integrity, reflected in the actions of each of its employees. The Board of Directors fully support and endorse Corporate Governance practices and attempt to go beyond the statutory requirements.
Your Board of Directors presents the Corporate Governance Report for the year 2005-06.
Para 2. Board of Directors :
i.   Composition and category of Directors, for example, promoter, executive, non- executive, independent non-executive, nominee Director, which institution represented as lender or as equity investor.
ii.   Attendance of each Director at the Board meetings and the last AGM.
ii.   Number of other Boards or Board Committees in which he/she is a member or Chairperson.
iv.   Number of Board meetings held, dates on which held.
i.   Details of the Board composition, other Directorship and attendance are given below.
    The Board of Directors of the Company has an optimum combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors with five Independent Non-Executive Directors out of the six Directors on the Board as on date. The Chairman is an Executive Director and the number of Independent Non-Executive Directors on the Board is more than 50% of the Board strength at any point of time.
    All Independent Non-Executive Directors comply with the requirements of the Listing Agreement for being “Independent Director”. Further the Independent Directors have also affirmed that they satisfy all the prescribed requirements for being an Independent Director.



     The Composition of the Board of Directors as on March 31, 2006 is given below :
                            Chairmanship   Membership
                    Directorship   in Committees   in Committees
                    in other   of Boards of   of Boards
            Date of   Companies   other   of other
Name   Category   Designation   appointment   (*)   companies   companies
Azim H. Premji
  Chairman and Managing Director (designated as Chairman)     01.09.1968       11     Nil   Nil
N. Vaghul
  Director     09.06.1997       11       3       5  
B.C. Prabhakar
  Director     20.02.1997       1             1  
Jagdish N. Sheth
  Director     01.01.1999       2       0       0  
Ashok Ganguly
  Director     01.01.1999       7       3       3  
P.M. Sinha
  Director     01.01.2002       4       3       4  
*   This does not include foreign companies and companies under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.
ii.   The attendance of the Directors at the Board meetings and AGM held during the year are given below :
                    Attendance at the last
    Number of meetings   Number of meetings   AGM held on
Director   held   attended   July 21, 2005 (Yes/No)
Azim H. Premji
    4       4     Yes
Vivek Paul (*)
    4       2     Yes
N. Vaghul
    4       4     Yes
B.C. Prabhakar
    4       4     Yes
Jagdish N. Sheth
    4       2     Yes
Ashok Ganguly
    4       3     Yes
Eisuke Sakakibara (#)
    4           No
P.M. Sinha
    4       4     Yes
(*)   Mr. Vivek Paul ceased to be the Director of the Company with effect from 01.08.2005
(#)   Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara ceased to be the Director of the Company with effect from 01.08.2005
Particulars of Directors appointed/re-appointed/resigned
The re-appointment of Mr. Azim H. Premji as the Chairman and Managing Director of the Company was approved by the Board Governance & Compensation Committee vide circular resolution effective December 27, 2004 and by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on January 21, 2005, subject to the approval of the Shareholders. At the Annual General Meeting of Company held on July 21, 2005, Shareholders approved the re-appointment of Mr. Azim H. Premji as the



Chairman & Managing Director of the Company with effect from December 31, 2004 for further period of two years and seven months. Other than the Chairman, two Directors, who retired by rotation, were re-appointed as Directors of the Company.
The Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mr. Bill Owens as an Additional Director of the Company by the Board at its meeting held on April 19, 2006, with effect from July 1, 2006 in accordance with Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956. Prior to the Board approval, the Board Governance and Compensation Committee approved the nomination for appointment of Mr. Bill Owens as a Director of the Company at its meeting held on January 16, 2006. Mr. Bill Owens would hold office till the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on July 18, 2006. The requisite notices together with necessary deposits have been received from a member pursuant to Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposing Mr. Bill Owens as a Director of the Company.
As per the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. P.M. Sinha and Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth, retire by rotation and being eligible themselves for re-appointment at this Annual General Meeting. The Board Governance and Compensation Committee have also recommended their re-appointment for consideration of the Shareholders.
During the financial year 2005-06, Mr. Vivek Paul ceased to be the Executive Director designated as Vice Chairman with effect from August 1, 2005 and Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara ceased to be the Director of the Company with effect form August 1, 2005.
The Board places on record its appreciation for the valuable contributions made by Mr. Vivek Paul and Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara during their tenure as Directors of the company.
In terms of the Listing Agreement, brief resume of the Directors proposed to be appointed/re-appointed at the ensuing Annual General Meeting is provided as an Annexure to the Notice convening the Annual General Meeting.
The notice for the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on July 18, 2006 complies with this requirement.
Brief resumes of the Board of Directors
Azim H. Premji has been the Chairman of the Board since September 1968. Mr. Premji holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.
Dr. Ashok Ganguly has served as a Director on Wipro Board since 1999. Since April 2003, Dr. Ganguly has served as the Chairman of ICICI OneSource Ltd. and since September 2003 as the Chairman of ABP Private Ltd. Dr Ganguly serves as a Director on the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India. Dr. Ganguly also serves as a non-executive Director of Mahindra & Mahindra, ICICI Knowledge Park Ltd., Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd., and Hemogenomics Pvt. Ltd. Dr Ganguly has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd.
B.C. Prabhakar has served as a Director on Wipro Board since February 1997. He has been practicing law in his own firm since April 1970. Mr. Prabhakar holds a B.A. in Political Science and Sociology and an LL.B. from Mysore University. Mr. B. C. Prabhakar serves as a
Non-Executive Director of Automative Axles Limited. Mr. B.C. Prabhakar also serves as a member of the Audit Committee of Automotive Axles Ltd.
Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth has served as a Director on Wipro Board since January 1999. He has been a professor at Emory University since July 1991. Dr. Sheth is also on the Boards of, Cryo-Cell International Inc, Adayana Inc, CipherTrust Inc, Shasun Chemicals and Drugs Limited and Manipal AcuNova Private Limited. Dr. Sheth holds a B. Com from Madras University, an M.B.A. and a Ph.D in Behavioural Sciences from the University of Pittsburgh.
Narayanan Vaghul has served as a Director on Wipro Board since June 1997. He has been Chairman of the Board of ICICI Bank Limited since September 1985. Mr. Vaghul is also on the Boards of Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd., Mahindra Industrial Park Limited, Nicholas Piramal India, Ltd., Hemogenomics Pvt. Ltd., Himatsingka Seide Limited, Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited, Air India Engineering Services Limited, Air India Air Transport Services Limited, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited and Air India Limited. Mr. Vaghul is also the Chairman of the Compensation Committee of Mahindra and Mahindra Limited, ICICI Bank Limited and Nicholas Piramal India Ltd. Mr. Vaghul holds a B. Commerce in Banking from Madras University. Mr. N Vaghul is also a member of the Audit Committee in Air India Limited, Nicholas Piramal India Limited and Mahindra World City Developers Limited. Mr. N. Vaghul is also the Lead Independent Director of the Company.
Priya Mohan Sinha has served as a Director of our Company on January 1, 2002. He has served as the Chairman of PepsiCo India Holdings Limited and President of Pepsi Foods Limited since November 1992. From October 1981 to November 1992, he was on the Executive Board of Directors of Hindustan Lever Limited. From 1981 to 1985 he also served as Sales Director of Hindustan Lever. Currently, he is also on the Boards of ICICI Bank Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Lafarge India Pvt. Limited, Azim Premji Foundation Pvt. Ltd. and is Chairman of Bata India Ltd. Mr. Sinha was also Chairman of Stepan Chemicals Limited between 1990 and 1993 and on the Boards of Brooke Bond India Limited, Lipton India Limited, Indexport Limited and Lever Nepal Limited. Mr. Sinha holds a Bachelor of Arts from Patna University and he has also attended Advanced Management Program in the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Board Meeting Procedures
The draft agenda papers along with all information relevant to be discussed at the upcoming Board meeting is sent to the Directors at least two weeks prior to the Board meeting to invite the suggestions from each Board member for their views and for the inclusion of items on the agenda if any. Relevant materials to be considered at the meeting are circulated to the Board before the Board meeting.



    Information supplied to the Board
    The Board of Directors of Wipro Limited is presented with various issues affecting the business and environment whenever applicable and materially significant.
    The Board is also given presentations covering Finance, Sales, Compliance and Marketing covering all the major business operations and segments of the Company at each of the scheduled quarterly Board meetings.
    The Processes for Board and Committee meetings facilitate an effective post meeting follow-up, review and reporting process for the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.
iii.   Directors’ membership in board/committees of other companies
    As per the Listing Agreement, no Director can be a member in more than 10 committees or act as chairman of more than five committees across all companies in which he is a Director.
    In terms of the Listing Agreement, none of the Directors of our Company were members in more than 10 committees nor acted as chairman of more than five committees across all companies in which they were Directors. Details of other Directorships/ Committee membership/Chairmanship held by them are given in Para 2 i) above.
iv.   Number of Board meetings held, dates on which held.
    As per the Listing Agreement, the Board of Directors must meet at least four times a year, with a maximum gap of four months between any two meetings.
    During the financial year 2005-06, Board met four times, on April 21, 2005, July 21, 2005, October 18, 2005 and January 16, 2006. The gap between any two Board meetings did not exceed four months.
Para 3. Audit Committee :
  i.   Brief description of terms of reference
  ii.   Composition, name of members and Chairperson
  iii.   Meetings and attendance during the year
i.   Brief description of the terms of reference of the Audit Committee
    The Audit Committee reviews, acts and reports to the Board of Directors with respect to;
  §   auditing and accounting matters, including the for appointment of our independent auditors;
  §   Company compliance with legal and statutory requirements;
  §   integrity of the Company’s financial statements, the scope of the annual audits, and fees to be paid to the independent auditors;
  §   performance of the Company’s Internal audit function, Independent Auditors and accounting practices.
    Though the financial results are sent to the Audit Committee and the Board at the same time, the Audit Committee reviews the audited quarterly, half-yearly and yearly financial results with the management before submitting them to the Board for its consideration and approval. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is present at the Annual General Meeting.
    The detailed charter of the Committee which contains the details of Powers, Role and Review of information by the Audit Committee is posted at our website and available at www.wipro.com/Investor/Corpinfo.
ii.   Composition & Qualifications
    The Audit Committee comprises of the three independent, non-executive Directors. All the Members of the Audit Committee of the Company are financially literate with the Chairman of the Committee having the accounting or related financial management expertise. None of the members receive, directly or indirectly, any consulting, advisory or compensatory fees from the Company other than their remuneration as a Director.
Mr. N. Vaghul
  -   Chairman
Mr. B.C. Prabhakar
  -   Member
Mr. P. M. Sinha
  -   Member
iii.   Meetings and attendance during the year
    The Audit Committee met five times during the financial year 2005-06, four such meetings on the day preceding the Board Meetings.
    Number of meetings held   Number of meetings attended
Name   during the year   during the year
N. Vaghul
    5       5  
B.C. Prabhakar
    5       5  
P.M. Sinha
    5       5 (*)
(*) —   One meeting attended through Teleconferencing.



Para 4. Remuneration Committee :
  i.   Brief description of terms of reference
  ii.   Composition, name of members and Chairperson
  iii.   Attendance during the year
  iv.   Remuneration policy
  v.   Details of remuneration to all the Directors, as per format in main report.
i.   Brief description of terms of reference of Board Governance & Compensation Committee
    The Board Governance & Compensation Committee was formed by the Board with effect from July 21, 2005. The Committee was formed by merging the Compensation & Benefits Committee and Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee which were functioning as two separate committees. Brief Terms of Reference of the Combined Committee is as follows;
  §   to determine salaries, benefits and stock option grants to Senior Management employees and Directors of your Company.
  §   acting as Administrator of the Company’s Employee Stock Option Plans and Employee Stock Purchase Plans drawn up from time to time
  §   develop and recommend, to the Board, Corporate Governance Guidelines applicable to the Company
  §   implement policies and processes relating to Corporate Governance Principles
  §   lay down policies and procedures to assess the requirements for induction of new members on the Board
    The detailed charter of the Committee is posted on our website and available at www.wipro.com
ii.   Composition
    The Board Governance & Compensation Committee comprise of the following three independent non-executive members of the Board.
Dr. Ashok Ganguly
  -   Chairman
Mr. N. Vaghul
  -   Member
Mr. P.M. Sinha
  -   Member
iii.   Meetings and attendance during the year
    The Board Governance & Compensation Committee met five times in the year.
    Number of meetings held   Number of meetings attended
Name   during the year( #)   during the year( #)
Ashok Ganguly
    5       3  
N. Vaghul
    5       5  
P. M. Sinha
    5       5  
B.C. Prabhakar(*)
    5       1 (*)
(#)   Includes the Meetings of Compensation & Benefits Committee and Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee held prior to July 21, 2005.
(*)   Mr. B. C. Prabhakar ceased to be a member of the Committee with effect from July 21, 2005.
iv.   Remuneration Policy and Criteria of making payments to Executive and Non-Executive Directors
    Executive Directors
    Executive Directors are paid remuneration within the limits envisaged under Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956. The remuneration payable is always recommended by the Board Governance & Compensation Committee to the Board and is approved by the Board as well as the Shareholders of the Company.
    Non-Executive Director
    With the changes in the Corporate Governance norms and bearing in mind the scale and complexity of Company’s operations and the level of involvement of non-executive Directors as members of the Board and also as Chairman/members of the relevant committees of the Board, the role of non-executive Directors on Board has undergone significant qualitative changes.
    Non-Executive Independent Directors are paid remuneration by way of a commission as may be recommended by the Board Governance & Compensation Committee and approved by the Board/Shareholders. Commission payable to each of the Independent Non-Executive Directors is limited to a fixed sum payable as approved by the Board subject however to the condition that cumulatively shall not exceed 1% of the net profits of the Company for all Independent Non-Executive Directors in aggregate in one financial year. In case of commission payable to the members of the Board Governance and Compensation Committee, approval shall be made by the Board.



v.   Details of Remuneration to all Directors
    Given below are the details of remuneration paid for the financial year 2005-06 to the Directors of the Company. The remuneration of the Executive Directors which is approved by the Board Governance & Compensation Committee of the Board (prior to July 21, 2005 by the Compensation & Benefits Committee) consist of fixed pay and commission based on percentage of profits of the Company as approved by the shareholders. No stock options were granted to any of the Directors during the year 2005-06.
(Rs. 000s)
                            Other                     Notice  
    Relationship     Salary             Annual     Deferred             period and  
    with other     (including     Commission/     Compen-     Benefits     Sitting     Severance  
Name   Directors     allowance)     Incentives @     sation***     ****     Fees     Payments  
Azim H. Premji
  None     4,304       17,444       15       3,527           Upto Six months
Vivek Paul #
  None     12,089       46,335             1,813              
N. Vaghul
  None           1,250                   100        
B.C. Prabhakar
  None           550                   100        
Jagdish N. Sheth
  None           1,946 *                 20        
Ashok Ganguly
  None           1,100                   44        
Eisuke Sakakibara #
  None           911 **                        
P.M. Sinha
  None           1,000                   98        
*   Figures mentioned are rupee equivalent — as amounts payable in USD
**   Figures mentioned are rupee equivalent — as amounts payable in Yen.
***   The above figure includes cost of perquisites (furniture & equipment), reimbursement of medical expenses and personal accident insurance.
****   Deferred benefits in the case of Mr. Vivek Paul were paid consequent to resignation as per the terms of the Deferred Compensation Plan and the Participation Agreement entered into Mr. Vivek Paul.
@   Commission by way of a predetermined percentage of profits — Mr. Azim H. Premji @ 0.1% of the incremental profits, Mr. Vivek Paul — 0.3% of the profits for the year and in case of non executive Directors the aggregate commission payable to individual Director is not to exceed 1% of the profits of the Company.
#   Ceased to be the Director with effect from 1.8.2005.
    Shareholdings in the Company of the Non-Executive Directors
Name   Number of Equity Shares held   % of Total Paid-up Equity Capital
N. Vaghul
  Nil   Nil
B.C. Prabhakar
    3000       0.00  
Jagdish N. Sheth
  Nil   Nil
Ashok Ganguly
  Nil   Nil
P.M. Sinha
    20,000       0.00  
Para 5. Shareholders & Investors Grievance Committee:
i.   Name of non-executive Director heading the committee
ii.   Name and designation of compliance officer
iii.   Number of shareholders’ complaints received so far
iv.   Number not solved to the satisfaction of shareholders
v.   Number of pending complaints



Brief description of the terms of reference
The Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance & Administrative Committee administers the following :
  Transfer of shares
  Transmission of shares
  Issuance of duplicate share certificates as and when required
  Shareholders’/investors’ Grievance issues from time to time and redress the same
  Opening/closure of Company’s Bank accounts
  Grant and revocation of general, specific and banking powers of attorney
Apart from the above, the Committee is also delegated by the Board to administer the following :
  consider and approve allotment of equity shares pursuant to exercise of stock options
  setting up branch offices and other administrative matters as may be required from time to time
  such other activities resulting from statutory amendments/modifications from time to time.
i.   Composition and name of the Chairman
    The composition of the Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievances & Administrative Committee is as follows :
    Mr. B.C. Prabhakar — Chairman
    Mr. Azim H. Premji — Member
    During the financial year 2005-06, the Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievances & Administrative Committe met for four times. All the members were present at each of the meetings.
ii.   Name and Designation of Compliance Officer
    The Compliance Officer as per the requirements of the Listing Agreement is Mr. V Ramachandran, Company Secretary.
iii.   to v. Details of queries/complaints received and resolved during the year 2005-06
Sl. No.   Nature of Complaints   Received   Redressed   Pending
  Non receipt of Share certificate lodged for transfer     0       0       0  
  Non receipt of Dividend Warrants   288  
  Non receipt of dividend warrant after validation     0       0       0  
  Non receipt of share certificate lodged for split     0       0       0  
  Non receipt of duplicate share certificate     0       0       0  
  Letters from SEBI/Stock Exchanges     3       3       0  
  Total   291  
Requests :
Sl. No.   Nature of Complaints   Received   Redressed   Pending
  Request of Dividend Warrant for revalidation   315  
  Request for mandate correction on dividend Warrants     0       0       0  
  Request for duplicate Dividend Warrant     3       3       0  
  Request for copy of Annual Report   36
  Request for TDS certificate     0       0       0  
  Request for exchange of split Share Certificates     0       0       0  
  Total   354  
(*) The Company has also responded to the queries/clarification sought by the Stock Exchanges on various market related information like      clarifications on market rumours, etc from time to time. These responses have not been included in the information furnished in the above      table.



Para 6. General Body meetings :
i.   Location and time, where last three AGMs held.
ii.   Whether any special resolutions passed in the previous 3 AGMs
iii.   Whether any special resolution passed last year through postal ballot — details of voting pattern
iv.   Person who conducted the postal ballot exercise
v.   Whether any special resolution is proposed to be conducted through postal ballot
vi.   Procedure for postal ballot
i.   Location and Time of last three Annual General Meeting (AGM) :
The location and time of the last three AGMs are as follows :
Year   Location   Date   Time
  Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore   July 17, 2003   4.30 pm
  Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore   June 11, 2004   4.30 pm
  Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore   July 21, 2005   4.30 pm
Generally, all the resolutions in the Annual General Meeting are passed by show of hands.
ii.  Details of special resolutions passed in the previous three AGMs :
  Number of Special          
Date of the AGM   Resolutions passed           Details of the Special Resolution
July 17, 2003
  1     1.     Approval for formulation of a new Employee Stock Option Plan — 2003
June 11, 2004
  5     1.     Amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company pursuant to increase in the Authorized Share Capital
        2.     Capitalisation of General Reserve and Issue of Bonus Shares
        3.     Approval for delisting from certain Stock Exchanges
        4.     Approval for issue of shares pursuant to an ADS Restricted Stock Unit Plan 2004 linked to ADRs/GDRs/Securities
        5.     Approval for issue of shares pursuant to Restricted Stock unit Plan 2004 linked to Equity Shares
July 21, 2005
  3     1.     Amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company pursuant to increase in the Authorized Share Capital
        2.     Approval for issue of shares pursuant to Restricted Stock unit Plan 2005 linked to Equity Shares
        3.     Capitalisation of General Reserve and Issue of Bonus Shares
Details of special resolutions passed at the Court convened Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company
Date of the Court    
Convened Meeting   Detail of the Resolution
July 21, 2005
  Approval for the Scheme of Amalgamation of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited with Wipro Limited
July 21, 2005
  Approval for the Scheme of Amalgamation of Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda with Wipro Limited.
iii.   Special Resolution passed during the financial year 2005-06 thorough the Postal ballot Procedure and the procedure of the passing of resolution thorough Postal ballot
    Special Resolution was passed under Section 17 read with Section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 and Companies (Passing of Resolutions by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 for getting the consent of the Shareholders for alteration in the Objects Clause of the Memorandum of Association.
iv.   Person who conducted the Postal Ballot Exercise
    Mr. V Sreedharan, Practicing Company Secretary, Bangalore as Scrutinizer conducted the Postal ballot exercise.



v.   Postal Ballot during the current year :
    For the financial year 2006-07, if resolutions are to be conducted through the Postal Ballot procedure, those will be taken up at the appropriate time.
vi.   Procedure of Postal Ballot:
    A Postal Ballot Form was sent to all the Shareholders along with Notice dated May 31, 2005 and the Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act, for obtaining the approval of the Members.
    The Board of Directors appointed Mr. V. Sreedharan, Practicing Company Secretary, Bangalore as Scrutiniser for conducting the Postal ballot process.
    Members were requested to carefully read the instructions appearing in the Postal Ballot Form record their assent or dissent therein and return said Form duly completed, in original, in the attached postage pre-paid envelop so as to reach the Scrutiniser on or before July 19, 2005.
    Upon the receipt and completion of the scrutiny of the Forms, the Scrutinizer submitted his report to the Chairman of the Board.
    As specified in the Notice the results of the Postal Ballot were announced by the Chairman of the Company on July 21, 2005 at the Registered Office of the Company at Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore — 560 035
    The results of the Postal Ballot are also put on the Company’s website : - www.wipro.com/investor/corpinfo
    Summary of the results announced by the Chairman of the Company on July 21, 2005 on the Postal Ballot Forms received with respect to amendment to Objects Clause of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company is as follows :
      No. of Postal   No. of   % of total paid-  
Particulars   ballot forms   Shares   up Equity Capital
  Total postal ballot forms received     4116       582744931       82.79 %
  Less : Invalid postal ballot forms (as per register)     51       1409512       0.20 %
  Net valid postal ballot forms (as per register)     4065       581335419       82.59 %
  Postal ballot forms with assent for the Resolution     4045       577146812       82.00 %
  Postal ballot forms with dissent for the Resolution     20       2333       0.00 %
  No. of shares for which no votes cast     N.A.       4186274       0.59 %
Para 7. Disclosures :
i.   Disclosures on materially significant related party transactions that may have potential conflict with the interests of company at large.
ii.   Details of non-compliance by the Company, penalties, strictures imposed on the Company by Stock Exchange or SEBI or any statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years.
iii.   Whistle Blower policy and affirmation that no personnel has been denied access to the audit committee.
iv.   Details of compliance with mandatory requirements and adoption of the nonmandatory requirements of this clause
i.   Disclosure of materially significant related party transactions having a potential conflict of interest
    During the year 2005-06, no transactions of material nature had been entered into by the Company with the Management or their relatives that may have a potential conflict with interest of the Company. None of the Non-Executive Directors have any pecuniary material relationship or transaction with the Company for the year ended March 31,2006 and has given undertakings to that effect.
    In the opinion of the Board, the transactions during the year 2005-06 between the Holding Company and its subsidiaries have been done at arms length and are duly recorded in the Register of Contracts maintained by the Company pursuant to Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
ii.   Details of non-compliance by the company, penalties, strictures imposed on the company by Stock Exchange or SEBI or any statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years
    The Company has complied with the requirements of the Stock Exchange or SEBI on matters related to Capital Markets, as applicable.
iii.   Whistle Blower policy and affirmation that no personnel has been denied access to the Audit Committee.
    The Company has adopted an Ombudsprocess which is a channel for receiving and rederessing of employees’ complaints. The details of the same are given below in item 7 under the details of Non mandatory requirements. No personnel of the Company has been denied access to the Audit Committee.



iv.   Details of compliance with mandatory requirements and adoption of the non-mandatory requirements of this clause
    Your Company has complied with all the mandatory requirements of the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. The details of these compliances have been given in the relevant sections of this Report. The status on compliance with the Non mandatory requirements are given at the end of the Report.
Para 8- Means of communication.
i.   Quarterly results
ii.   Newspapers wherein results normally published
iii.   Any website, where displayed
iv.   Whether it also displays official news releases; and
v.   The presentations made to institutional investors or to the analysts.
i.   Quarterly results
    The Company’s Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual results as well as copies of the Press Releases and Company Presentations are released and also displayed on the following web-sites at www.wipro.com
ii.   Newspapers wherein results normally published
    The financial results are published in the following newspapers :
    v The Business Standard/Financial Express
    v Kannada Prabha
iii.   Any website, where displayed
    The results are displayed on the Company’s web-sites at www.wipro.com
iv.   Whether it also displays official news releases
    Yes; The Web site also displays the Official news releases.
v.   The presentations made to institutional investors or to the analysts
    Presentations made to institutional investors or to the analysts are also displayed on the Company’s website.
Para 9- General Shareholder information :
i.   AGM : Date, time and venue
    The forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on July 18, 2006 at 4.30 pm at Wipro Campus, Cafetaria Hall EC-3, Ground Floor, Opp. Tower 8, No. 72, Keonics Electronic City, Hosur Road, Bangalore — 561 229.
ii.   Financial year
    Financial Year is April 1, 2006 — March 31, 2007 and quarterly results will be declared as per the following schedule.
Tentative schedule    
Financial reporting for the quarter ending June 30, 2006
  Second fortnight of July 2006
Financial reporting for the half year ending September 30, 2006
  Second fortnight of October 2006
Financial reporting for the quarter ending December 31, 2006
  Second fortnight of January 2007
Financial reporting for the year ending March 31, 2007
  Second fortnight of April 2007
Annual General Meeting for the year ending March 31, 2007
  Second fortnight of July 2007
iii.   Date of Book closure
    Company’s register of members and share transfer books will remain closed from July 1, 2006 to July 18, 2006 (both days inclusive) to determine the entitlement of shareholders to receive the final dividend as may be declared for the year ended March 31, 2006.
iv.   Dividend Payment Date
    Dividend on equity shares as recommended by the Directors for the year ended March 31, 2006, when declared at the meeting, will be paid on or before August 17, 2006;
  (i)   To those members whose names appear on the Company’s register of members, after giving effect to all valid share transfers in physical form lodged with M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company on or before June 30, 2006.



  (ii)   In respect of shares held in electronic form, to those “deemed members” whose names appear in the statements of beneficial ownership furnished by National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) as at the opening hours on July 1, 2006.
v.   Listing on Stock Exchanges
    Your Company’s securities are listed on the following stock exchanges as of March 31, 2006 :
Equity Shares   American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
  New York Stock Exchange
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalai Street
  60 Wall Street
Mumbai 400 023
  New York.
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor,
Plot No.C/l.G Block
Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051
Listing fees for the year 2005-06 have been paid to the Indian Stock Exchanges and the listing fees to New York Stock Exchange for listing of ADRs has been paid for the calendar year 2006.
vi.   Stock Code
Stock Exchange   Code
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
New York Stock Exchange (ADRs)
ISIN number for equity shares
  INE 075A01022
ADR Cusip No.
vii. and viii. Market Price Data: High, Law during each month in last financial year and performance vis a vis broad-based indices such as BSE Sensex, CRISIL index etc.
Table 1
                                            Wipro price   S&P CNX Nifty
    Price in NSE           S&P CNX Nifty   movement vis-a-vis   Index movement
Month   during each   Volumes   Index during each   previous month   vis-a-vis previous
(2005-06)   month (*)   Traded   month   High/Low (%)   months (%)
    High   Low           High   Low   High %   Low %   High %   Low %
    348.00       285.00       16300347       2084.90       1896.30       94.70       91.32       95.51       94.48  
    367.00       272.00       10725621       2099.35       1911.00       105.46       95.44       100.69       100.78  
    388.00       341.27       14570059       2226.15       2061.35       105.72       125.47       106.04       107.87  
    380.00       345.20       11303937       2293.95       2171.25       97.94       101.15       103.05       105.33  
    374.75       350.00       13298058       2426.65       2294.25       98.62       101.48       105.78       105.66  
    384.95       351.00       22536205       2633.90       2382.90       102.72       100.20       108.54       103.86  
    413.80       355.75       25775201       2669.20       2307.45       107.49       101.35       101.34       96.83  
    450.00       357.50       22864303       2727.05       2366.80       108.75       100.49       102.17       102.57  
    470.00       385.00       28272163       2857.00       2641.95       104.44       107.69       104.77       111.63  
    548.00       385.00       24248618       3005.10       2783.85       116.60       100.00       105.18       105.37  
    545.40       488.25       22318620       3090.30       2928.10       99.53       126.82       102.84       105.18  
    585.90       483.65       24567278       3433.85       3064.00       107.43       99.06       111.12       104.64  
(*) Price adjusted for 1 bonus share for every 1 share made by the Company in August 2005.



     Stock Market Data relating to American Depository Shares (ADS)
     Table 2
            NYSE TMT Index   Wipro ADS price
      Wipro ADS price in   movement (%) vis-   movement (%) vis-
    NYSE TMT Index during   NYSE during each   a-vis previous month   a-vis previous
Month (2005-06)   each month closing ($)   Month closing ($) (*)   closing   month closing
    4940.49       9.23       96.15       90.49  
    5051.33       10.46       102.24       113.33  
    5037.04       10.43       99.72       99.71  
    5251.64       10.2       104.26       97.79  
    5280.44       9.91       100.55       97.16  
    5315.38       10.36       100.66       104.54  
    5159.76       10.19       97.07       98.36  
    5253.31       11.00       101.81       107.95  
    5220.24       11.95       99.37       108.64  
    5358.08       14.85       102.64       124.27  
    5368.29       13.89       100.19       93.54  
    5556.26       14.87       103.50       107.06  
(*) Price adjusted for 1:1 stock dividend made by the Company in August 2005.



Table 3
ADS Premium movement during the year 2005-06



ix.   Registrar and Transfer Agents
    The Board has delegated the power of share transfer to Registrar and Share Transfer Agents for processing of share transfers to Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd. Their complete address is as follows :
  Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd.   Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd.
  51/2, Vanivilas Road   Karvy House
  T K N Complex   6, Avenue 4,
  Basavangudi   Banjara Hills
  Bangalore   Hyderabad
  Tel : 080 - 2661 3400   Tel No. : 040-23312454
  080 - 2662 1192/93                   040-23320751/752/251
  Fax : 080 - 2662 1169
Email : kannans@karvy.com
  Fax No. : 040 - 23311968, 23313049
The turnaround time for completion of transfer of shares in physical form is generally less than 7 days from the date of receipt, if the documents are clear in all respects. We have internally fixed turnaround times for closing the queries/complaints received from the shareholders.
ADS Depository & Custodian
The Depository for our ADS is JP Morgan Chase Bank, USA. Their complete address is :
JP Morgan Chase Bank
60, Wall Street
New York, NY 10260
Tel : 001-(212) 648-3208
Fax : 001-(212) 648-5576
The Custodian for our ADS in India is ICICI Bank Limited. Their complete address is :
ICICI Bank Limited
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra East
Mumbai 400 051
Tel : 91-22-26531414
Fax : 91-22-26531165
x.   Share Transfer System
    The Board has delegated the power of share transfer to Registrar and Share Transfer Agents for processing of share transfers to Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., Registrars of the Company at the address given above.
xi.   Distribution of shareholding and categories of Shareholders
    March 31, 2006   March 31, 2005
    No. of     % to                 No. of     % to              
    share-     share     No. of     % to total     share     share     No. of     % to total  
Category   holders     holders     shares     equity     holders     holders     shares     equity  
    147,014       94.34       10,544,227       0.74       93,674       95.39       4601,710       0.65  
    3,665       2.35       2,642,638       0.19       1,585       1.61       1,150,478       0.16  
    1,792       1.15       2,639,535       0.19       1,068       1.09       1,546,669       0.22  
    850       0.55       2,216,981       0.16       512       0.52       1,293,547       0.18  
    387       0.25       1,377,967       0.10       223       0.23       782,804       0.11  
    323       0.21       1,469,217       0.10       169       0.17       762,235       0.11  
    760       0.49       5,403,388       0.38       323       0.33       2,292,145       0.33  
    641       0.41       13,080,273       0.92       377       0.38       8,452,888       1.20  
    123       0.08       8,674,643       0.61       93       0.09       6,464,447       0.92  
    252       0.16       117,357,552       8.23       157       0.16       82,025,252       11.66  
Above 5000001
    25       0.02       1,260,347,846       88.40       17       0.02       594,198,347       84.55  
    155,832       100.00       1,425,754,267       100       98,198       100       703,570,522       100  
* The above figures for 2006 reflect the issue of bonus shares made by the Company in the ratio 1:1 in August 2005.



Categories of Shareholders
        31-Mar-06   31-Mar-05
               No. of          % of         No. of          % of
    Category   Shares held   Holding   Shares held   Holding
  PROMOTERS HOLDING                                
  Indian Promoters                                
  Promoter in his capacity as partner of Partnership Firms     975,520,800       68.42       487,760,400       69.33  
  Promoter in his capacity as Director of Private Limited companies     128,137,800       8.99       68,238,900       9.70  
  Promoter in his individual capacity     56043060       3.93       28,021,530       3.98  
  Promoter Director’s Relatives     1,434,600       0.10       717,300       0.10  
  Foreign Promoters   Nil             Nil          
  Persons acting in concert   Nil             Nil          
  Sub Total     1,161,136,260       81.44       584,738,130       83.11  
  Mutual funds and UTI     8161139       0.57       2,838,324       0.40  
  Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies (Central/State Government Institutions/Non Government Institutions)     14,024,057       0.98       7,104,093       1.01  
  FIIs     66,695,330       4.68       26,765,230       3.80  
  Sub Total     88,880,526       6.23       36,707,647       5.22  
  Private Corporate Bodies     33,197,511       2.33       12,243,732       1.74  
  Indian Public     98,080,601       6.88       48,184,857       6.85  
  NRIs     14,944,157       1.05       7,344,547       1.04  
  Directors and Relatives     23,000       0.00       26,700       0.00  
  Trusts     8,007,415       0.56       4,036,484       0.57  
  ADRs     21,484,797       1.51       10,288,425       1.46  
  Sub total     175,737,481       12.33       82,124,745       11.67  
  GRAND TOTAL     1,425,754,267       100.00       703,570,522       100.00  
* The above figures for 2006 is after considering the effect of the issue of bonus shares made by the Company in the ratio 1:1 in August 2005.
xii.   Dematerialisation of shares and liquidity
    Over 96% of outstanding equity has been dematerialised upto March 31, 2006.
xiii.   Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any Convertible instruments, conversion date and likely impact on equity
    As of March 31, 2006, there are no outstanding warrants or convertible instruments. Outstanding ADRs as of March 31, 2006 is : 21,484,797. Each ADR represents one underlying Equity Share.



xiv.   Plant Locations
    The addresses of the Company’s Software Development Facilities are located at :
S. No.   Address   City
  Sigma Infotech Park, Whitefield   Bangalore
  S B Towers, 88, M G Road   Bangalore 560 001
  608-610, Carlton Towers, No. 1 Airport Road   Bangalore 560 001
  Information Technology Park, Whitefield   Bangalore 560 066
  271-271A, Sri Ganesh Complex, Hosur Main Road   Bangalore 560 068
  26, Sri Chamundi Complex, Madivala II, Bommanahalli, Hosur Main Road   Bangalore 560 068
  No. l, 2, 3, 4 and 54/1, Survey No. 201/C, Madivala III   Bangalore 560 068
  No. l, 2, 3, 4 and 54/1, Survey No. 201/C, Madivala III (Research & Development)   Bangalore 560 068
  No. l, 2, 3, 4 and 54/3, Survey No. 201/C, Madivala IV,   Bangalore 560 068
  3rd Floor, Ahmed Plaza, No.38/l&2, Bertenna Agrahara, Hosur Main Road   Bangalore 560 068
  Subramanya Arcade, Bannergatta Main Road   Bangalore
  K-312, Koramangala Industrial Layout   Bangalore 560 095
  V Block, Koramangala   Bangalore 560 095
  Electronics City 1 - No. 72, Keonics Electronic City, Hosur Road   Bangalore 561 229
  Electronics City - II, Tower IV, No. 72, Keonics Electronic City, Hosur Road   Bangalore 561 229
  No.92, 2nd Main Road, KEONICS Electronic City - SIRI   Bangalore 561 229
  S.No.70/1, 2, 3, 4(P) & 84/1, 2, 3, 4(P) Doddathogur Village, Begur Hobli   Bangalore 561 229
  Capitale, 552 & 555, Anna Salai, Teynampet   Chennai
  475 A, Shollinganallur, Old Mahabalipuram Road (CDC-III)   Chennai 600 019
  111, Mount Road, Guindy   Chennai 600 032
  No. 105, Guindy, Mount Road   Chennai-600 032
  Infotech Park, SDF Building, 4th Floor, Kusumagiri, Kakkanad   Cochin
  Infotech Park, 4th Floor, Vismaya Building, Kakkanad   Cochin
  239, Okhla Industrial Estate   Delhi
  Plot No.27/28, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar   Gurgaon 122 016
  Plot No. 281, Phase II, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon   Haryana 122 106
  No. 480-481, Udyog Vihar, Phase-III, Gurgoan   Haryana-122 015
  S.No. 203/1, Manikonda Jagir Village, Rajendranagar Mandal, RR District   Hyderabad
  Survey Nos. 64, Serilingampali Mandal, Madhapur   Hyderabad 500 033
  Queens Plaza, S P Road,   Hyderabad 500 033
  Plot No. 1, 7, 8 & 9, Block-DM, Sector-V, Saltlake,   Kolkata-700 091
  146/147, Mettagalli Industrial Area, Mettagalli   Mysore
  Vashi, Navi Mumbai   Mumbai
  Plot No.2, MIDC, Infotech Park, Hingewadi   Pune 411 027
  1-8-448, Lakshmi Buildings, S P Road, Begumpet   Secunderabad 500 016



S. No.   Address   City
  Web Campus, Kaistrasse, 101 Kiel 24114   Germany
  Haninge, Stockholm   Sweden
  Top Floor, Kings Court, 185, Kings Road Reading RG 14 EX   United Kingdom
  Chrysler Building, 6th Floor, 1 Riverside Drive West   Windsor ONN5A5K4,
b.   The Company’s manufacturing facilities are located at :
Sl. No.   Address   City
  P O Box No. 12, Dist. Jalgaon   Amalner 425 401
  L-8, MIDC, Waluj   Aurangabad 431 136
  105, Hootagalli Industrial Area   Mysore 571 186
  Thirubhuvanai   Pondicherry 560 058
  120/1, Vellancheri,   Guduvanchery 603 202
  Plot No.4, Anthrasanahalli Industrial Area   Tumkur 572 106
  Baddi Industrial Area, Baddi   Uttaranchal
xv.   Address for correspondence
    The address for correspondence : Wipro Limited, Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore 560 035, Karnataka, India. Shareholders/ADR holders can contact the following officials for Secretarial matters relating to the Company.
Name   Telephone Number   Email id   Fax No.
V. Ramachandran
  91-080-28440011-Extn. 6185   ramachandran.venkatesan@wipro.com   91-080-28440051
  91-080-28440229 (Direct)        
G. Kothandaraman
  91-080-28440011 Extn. 6183   kothandaraman.gopal@wipro.com   91-080-28440051
  91-080-28440078 (Direct)        
    As regards financial matters relating to the Company, investors/analysts can contact the following officials :
Name   Telephone Number   Email id   Fax No.
Rajesh Ramaiah
  91-080-28440011-Extn 6186   rajesh.ramaiah@wipro.com   91-080-28440051
  91-080-28440079 (Direct)        
R. Sridhar
  001 408 242 6285   sridhar.ramasubbu@wipro.com   001-650 316 3467
xvi.   Other Information
a.   Awards and Rating
    The Company has been provided with the highest rating of Stakeholder Value and Corporate Governance Rating Practices 1 (called SVG 1), by ICRA Limited, a rating agency in India being an associate of Moody’s. This rating implies that the Company belongs to the Highest Category on the composite parameters of stakeholder value creation and management as also Corporate Governance practices.



b.   Share capital history
    History of IPO/Private placement/Bonus issues/Stock split/Allotment of shares pursuant to exercise of stock options
                    Face Value     Shares Allotted     No. of     Total paid up  
Type of   Year of           of Shares             Nominal     Shares     Capital  
Issue   Issue   Ratio     (Rs.)     Number     Value     Total     (Rs.)  
    1946             100/-       17,000       1,700,000       17,000       1,700,000  
Bonus issue
    1971             100/-       5,667       566,700       22,667       2,266,700  
Bonus issue
    1980     1:1       100/-       22,667       2,266,700       45,334       4,533,400  
Private placement
    1983             100/-       1,500       150,000       46,484       4,683,400  
Bonus issue
    1985     1:1       100/-       46,484       4,683,400       92,168       9,216,800  
Bonus issue
    1987     1:1       100/-       92,168       9,216,800       184,336       18,433,600  
Bonus issue
    1990     1:1       10/-       1,843,360       18,433,600       3,686,720       36,867,200  
Bonus issue
    1992     1:1       10/-       3,686,720       36,867,200       7,373,440       73,734,400  
Issue of shares pursuant to merger of Wipro Infotech Limited and Wipro Systems Limited with the Company
    1995     1:1       10/-       265,105       2,651,050       7,638,545       76,385,450  
Bonus issue
    1995     1:1       10/-       7,638,545       76,385,450       15,277,090       152,770,900  
Bonus issue
    1997     2:1       10/-       30,554,180       305,541,800       45,831,270       458,312,700  
Stock split
    1999     5:1       2/-       45,831,270       458,312,700       229,156,350       458,312,700  
    2000     1:1     $ 41,375       3,162,500       6,325,000       232,318,850       464,637,700  
Allotment of equity
  On various dates                                                
shares pursuant to
  (Upto the record                                                
exercise of stock
  date for issue of                                                
  bonus shares in                                                
  the year 2004)             2/-       496,780       993,560       232,815,630       465,631,260  
Bonus issue
    2004     2:1       2/-       465,631,260       931,262,520       698,446,980       1,396,893,780  
Allotment of equity
  On various dates                                                
shares pursuant to
  (Upto March                                                
exercise of stock
    31, 2005)                                              
                    2/-       5,171,673       10,343,346       703,570,522       1,407,141,044  
Allotment of equity
  On various dates                                                
shares pursuant to
  (Upto the record                                                
exercise of stock
  date for issue of                                                
  bonus shares in                                                
  the year 2005)             2/-       2,323,052       4,646,104       705,893,574       1,411,787,148  
Bonus issue
    2005     1:1       2/-       705,893,574       1,411,787,148       14,11,787,148       2,823,574,296  
Allotment of equity
On various dates
shares pursuant to
  (After the bonus                                                
exercise of stock
  issue and upto                                                
  March 31, 2006)             2/-       13,967,119       27,934,238       1,425,754,267       2,851,508,534  
c.   Electronic Clearing Service/mandates/bank details
    The members may please note that Electronic Clearing Service details contained in the Benpos downloaded from the Depositories would be reckoned for payment of dividend. Shareholders desirous of modifying those instructions may write to the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, M/s. Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad (for shares held in physical form) or to their respective Depository Participants (for shares held in electronic form).
d.   Nomination in respect of shares held in physical form
    The Companies Act, 1956 provides facility for making nominations by shareholders in respect of their holding of shares. Such nomination greatly facilitates transmission of shares from the deceased shareholder to his/her nominee without having to go



    through the time consuming process of obtaining Succession Certificate/Probate of the Will, etc. It would, therefore, be in the best interest of the shareholders holding shares in physical form registered as sole holder to make such nominations.
e.   Unclaimed dividends
    Under the Companies Act, 1956, dividends that are unclaimed for a period of seven years is required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund administered by the Central Government.
    We give below a table providing the dates of declaration of dividend since 1998-99 and the corresponding dates when unclaimed dividends are due to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund of the Central Government. The unclaimed amount since 1998-99 as of March 31, 2006 is also provided in the table given below :
    Date of declara-   Last date for claiming   Unclaimed   Due date for transfer to Investor
Financial Year   tion of dividend   unpaid dividend   amount   Education and Protection Fund
  July 29, 1999   July 28, 2006   Rs. 43,023   August 27, 2006
  May 24, 2000   May 23, 2007   Rs. 54,920   June 22, 2007
  July 19, 2001   July 18, 2008   Rs. 104,969   August 17, 2008
  July 18, 2002   July 17, 2009   Rs. 20,21,600   August 16, 2009
  July 17, 2003   July 16, 2010   Rs. 157,123   August 15, 2010
  June 11, 2004   June 9, 2011   Rs. 20,95,615   July 8, 2011
  July 21, 2005   July 20, 2012   Rs. 12,42,105   August 19, 2011
    Separate letters will be sent to the Shareholders who are yet to encash the dividend indicating that dividend yet to be encashed by the concerned shareholder and the amount remaining unpaid will be transferred as per the above dates. Members are requested to utilise this opportunity and get in touch with Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, M/s. Karvy Computershare Pvt. Limited, Bangalore for encashing the unclaimed dividend standing to the credit of their account.
    After completion of seven years as per the above table, no claims shall lie against the said Fund or the Company for the amounts of dividend so transferred nor shall any payment be made in respect of such claims.
f.   Secretarial Audit
    A qualified practicing Company Secretary has carried out secretarial audit every quarter to reconcile the total admitted capital with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and the total issued and listed capital. The audit confirms that the total issued/paid up capital is in agreement with the aggregate total number of shares in physical form and the total number of dematerialized shares held with NSDL and CDSL.
g.   Compliance
    The certificate dated April 10, 2006 obtained from Mr. V Sreedharan, Practicing Company Secretary is given at page no. 43 of the Annual Report.
h.   Code of Conduct
    In the present business environment that is growing in speed with business complexities and global breadth, the employees of the Company will be confronted with grey areas in which the right and wrong things are not clearly defined and recognizable. In order to make the employees of the Company knowledgeable and committed to follow integrity, to outline the Company’s values & principles and to set out the standards of professional and ethical behaviour expected of the employees in the organisation, the Board of Directors of your Company has laid down Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
    Our Code of Business Conducts and Ethics states that the employees will be fair, honest, truthful, reliable and upright in whatever they do. Simply put, this means choosing the right things and doing it. The Code will ensure that the employees must not only have personal integrity in doing the right things but also be aware of them and confirm that they are responsible for. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available on Company’s website (www.wipro.com/Investors/Corpinfo).
    The Affirmation of Compliance to the code has been made by the Board members and senior Management of the Company.
    As the Chief Executive Officer of Wipro Limited and as required by Clause 49(I)(D)(ii) of the Indian Stock Exchange Listing Agreement, I hereby declare that all the Board members and senior management personnel of the Company have affirmed compliance with the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for the Financial year 2005-06.
Azim H. Premji      
Chief Executive Officer
Date : June 20, 2006



Corporate Governance Report forming part of the Directors’ Report of Wipro Limited for the year ended 31 March, 2006 pursuant to Annexure I D (Non mandatory requirements) read with Para VI of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement entered into with the Stock Exchanges in India.
(1)   The Board
    A non-executive Chairman may be entitled to maintain a Chairman’s office at the Company’s expense and also allowed reimbursement of expenses incurred in performance of his duties.
    Independent Directors may have a tenure not exceeding, in the aggregate, a period of nine years, on the Board of a company.
    Compliance Status :
    Our Chairman is the Chief Executive of the Company and hence this requirement is not applicable.
(2)   Remuneration Committee
  i.   The Board may set up a remuneration committee to determine on their behalf and on behalf of the shareholders with agreed terms of reference, the Company’s policy on specific remuneration packages for Executive Directors including pension rights and any compensation payment.
  ii.   To avoid conflicts of interest, the remuneration committee, which would determine the remuneration packages of the executive Directors may comprise of at least three Directors, all of whom should be Non-Executive Directors, the Chairman of committee being an independent Director.
  iii.   All the members of the remuneration committee could be present at the meeting.
  iv.   The Chairman of the remuneration committee could be present at the Annual General Meeting, to answer the shareholder queries. However, it would be up to the Chairman to decide who should answer the queries.
    Compliance Status :
    With effect from July 21, 2005, the Directors of your Company have constituted Board Governance & Compensation Committee which complies with all the requirements of the Remuneration Committee. Prior to July 21, 2005, Compensation & Benefits Committee was existing as a separate committee and performed the functions of Remuneration Committee. The details of Board Governance & Compensation Committee are included in item Para 4 of Mandatory requirements in this Report. The Chairman of the Board Governance and Compensation Committee was present at the Annual General Meeting held on July 21, 2005 to answer the shareholders queries.
(3)   Shareholder Rights
    A half-yearly declaration of financial performance including summary of the significant events in last six-months, may be sent to each household of shareholders.
    Compliance Status :
    The quarterly, half-yearly declaration of financial performance including summary of the significant events on a periodic basis, are posted on the Company’s website (www.wipro.com). However, we will evaluate and explore possibilities of sending a six monthly report to each of the Shareholders.
(4)   Audit qualifications
    Company may move towards a regime of unqualified financial statements.
    Compliance Status :
    The Financial Statements of the Company do not have any audit qualifications.
(5)   Training of Board Members
    A company may train its Board members in the business model of the company as well as the risk profile of the business parameters of the company, their responsibilities as Directors, and the best ways to discharge them.
    Compliance Status :
    New Director Orientation
    The Company has in place an orientation process for new Directors that includes background material, visits to Company facilities, and meetings with senior management to familiarise the Director with the Company’s strategic and operational plans, key issues, Corporate Governance, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, its principle officers, risk management, compliance programs and its internal and independent auditors. In addition, new members to a Committee will be provided information relevant to the Committee and its role and responsibilities
    Continuing Director Education
    The Board believes that it is appropriate for the Directors, at their discretion, to have access to education programmes related to their duties as Director on an on going basis to enable them to perform their duties better and to recognise and to deal appropriately with the issues that arise. The views of the Directors will be obtained from time to time for the areas in which the Directors would like to get more information.



(6)   Mechanism for evaluating non-executive Board Members
    The performance evaluation of non-executive Directors could be done by a peer group comprising the entire Board of Directors, excluding the Director being evaluated; and Peer Group evaluation could be the mechanism to determine whether to extend/ continue the terms of appointment of non-executive Directors.
    Compliance Status :
    The Board of Directors of the Company have put in place an effective mechanism for evaluating performance on a continuing basis which includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the full Board, the operations of Board Committees and the contributions of individual Directors.
  1.   Group Performance
      The Board Governance and Compensation Committee shall sponsor and oversee an annual performance evaluation of the Board to determine whether it is functioning effectively. This evaluation focuses on the performance of the Board as a whole, concentrating on areas where performance might be improved. The Board shall administer an annual self-evaluation of the performance of the Board as a whole and the Committees of the Board and reporting its conclusion and recommendation to the Board.
  2.   Individual Performance
      The Board Governance and Compensation Committee also administers an annual performance evaluation of each Director, with consideration being given to skills and expertise, group dynamics, core competencies, personal characteristics, accomplishment of specific responsibilities, attendance and participation. Such an evaluation process may also include self/peer evaluation of each Director.
(7)   Whistle Blower Policy
    The Company may establish a mechanism for employees to report to the management concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Company’s code of conduct or ethics policy. This mechanism could also provide for adequate safeguards against victimisation of employees who avail of the mechanism and also provide for direct access to the Chairman of the Audit committee in exceptional cases. Once established, the existence of the mechanism may be appropriately communicated within the organisation.
    Compliance Status :
    The Company has adopted an Ombudsprocess policy wherein it has established procedures for receiving, retaining and treating complaints received, and procedures for the confidential and anonymous submission by employees of complaints regarding possible violations of the code of conduct and ethics.
    Under this policy, our employees are encouraged to report questionable accounting matters, any reporting of fraudulent financial or other information, to the stakeholders, any conduct that results in violation of the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, to management (on an anonymous basis, if employees so desire). Likewise, under this policy, we have prohibited discrimination, retaliation or harassment of any kind against any employees who, based on the employee’s reasonable belief that such conduct or practice have occurred or are occurring, reports that that information or participates in the investigation. No personnel of the Company has been denied access to the Audit Committee or its Chairman.
    The Company’s Ombudsprocess policy is available under the investor relation section on the Company’s website at www.wipro.com
To the Members of Wipro Limited
I have examined all the relevant records of Wipro Limited (“the Company”) for the purpose of certifying compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges for the financial year ended March 31, 2006. I have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of my knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of certification.
The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the Management. My examination was limited to the procedure and implementation process adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the corporate governance. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficacy or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
In my opinion and to the best of my information and according to the explanations given to me, I certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the aforesaid Listing Agreement.
  (V. Sreedharan)
Bangalore, April 10, 2006
  Practising Company Secretary
  G.N.R. Complex, Wilson Garden
  Bangalore 560 027
  FCS 2347; C.P. No. 833



The New York Stock Exchange’s Board of Directors approved significant changes in its listing standards in 2002, aimed at restoring investor confidence by strengthening corporate governance practices. Companies listed on the NYSE must comply with these Corporate Governance standards which are codified in Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Companies Manual. Though some of the requirements are not applicable, the Company presently complies with all the practices.
Listed companies that are foreign private issuers (as such term is defined in Rule 3b-4 of the Securities Exchange Act, 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”)) are permitted to follow their home country practice in lieu of the provisions of Section 303A, except that such companies are required to comply with the requirements of Sections 303A.06, 303.A.11 and 303.A.12(b) and (c).
A compliance report on the Corporate Governance Standards as codified in Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual is presented below as of March 31, 2006 :
1.   Listed companies must have a majority of independent Directors (303A.01)
    The Board of our Company comprises of five Independent Non Executive Directors out of a total strength of six Directors.
2(a)   No Director qualifies as “independent” unless the Board of Directors affirmatively determines that the director has no material relationship with the listed company (either directly or as a partner, shareholder or officer of an organisation that has a relationship with the Company). Companies must identify which Directors are independent disclose the basis for that determinations. (303A.02(a))
    Five Directors on the board are independent Directors and satisfy the category of ‘independent Directors’ as per this clause.
2(b)   A director is or has been within the last three years, an employee of the listed company of an immediate family member is, or has been within the last three years, an executive officer, of the listed company. (303A.02(b)(i))
    None of our existing independent Directors or their family members has held the office of employment in the Company at any point of time.
2(c)   A Director has received or has an immediately member who has received, during any 12 months period within the last three years, more than $100,000 in direct compensation from the listed Company, other than Director and committee fees and pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior service (provided such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued service) (303A.02(b)(ii)).
    None of our independent Directors receive any other direct compensation apart from their directorship and committee fees, pension, or any form of deferred compensation or have ever received such at any point of time.
2(d)   A Director or an immediate family member is a current partner of a firm that is the Company’s internal or external auditor; a director is a current employee of such a firm; a director has an immediate family member who is a current employee of such a firm and who participates in the firm’s audit, assurance of tax compliance (but not tax planning) practice or; a director or an immediately family member was within the last three years (but is no longer) a partner or employee of such a firm and personally worked on the Company’s audit within that time. (303A.029(b)(iii)).
    None of our Directors or their immediate family members have ever been affiliated or employed in any capacity by a present or former internal or external auditor of the Company at any point of time and have ever participated in the firm’s audit or assurance of tax compliance practice.
2(e)   A Director or an immediate family member, is or has been within the last three years, employed as an executive officer of another company where any of the listed company’s present Executive Officers at the same time serves or served on Company’s Compensation Committee (303A.02(b)(iv))
    None of our Directors or their immediate family members is or has been within the last three years, employed as an Executive Officer of another company where any of the Company’s present Executive Officers at the same time serves or served on that Company’s compensation committee.
2(f)   A Director is a current employee, or an immediate family member is a current Executive Officer, of a Company that has made payments to, or received payments from, the Company for property or services in an amount, which, in any of the last three fiscal years, exceeds the greater of $1 Mn or 2% of such other company’s consolidated gross revenues. (303A.02(b)(v))
    None of the Directors is a current employee, nor any of their immediate family member is a current executive officer, has not made payments to, or received payments from, the Company for property or services in an amount, which, in any of the last three fiscal years, exceeds the greater of $1 Mn or 2% of such other company’s consolidated gross revenues.
3.   To empower non-management Directors to serve as a more effective check on management, the non-management Directors of each company must meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management. (303A.03)
    Non management Directors regularly meet at scheduled executive sessions without management prior to every Board meetings held during the year. The executive sessions were all presided by Mr. N. Vaghul, the lead independent Director.



4(a)   Listed companies must have a nominating/corporate governance committee composed entirely of independent Directors. (303A.04(a)).
4(b)   The nominating/corporate governance committee must have a written charter that addresses: (303A.04(b)(i) & (ii))
  i.   the committee’s purpose and responsibilities – which, at minimum, must be to: identify individuals qualified to become board members, consistent with criteria approved by the board, and to select, or to recommend that the board select, the Director nominees for the next annual meeting of shareholders; develop and recommend to the board a set of corporate governance principles applicable to the corporation; and oversee the evaluation of the board and management; and
  ii.   an annual performance evaluation of the committee
      These are complied with. The Board Governance & Compensation committee formed in July, 2005, comprises entirely of three Independent Directors. Prior to July, 2005 the Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee, formed in October 2002 complied with these requirements. The Board Governance & Compensation Committee has the following key deliverables :
  -   developing, updating and recommending to the Board a set of corporate governance guidelines applicable to the Company;
  -   implementing policies and processes relating to corporate governance principles; and
  -   forming policies and procedures to assess the requirements for the induction of new members on the Board and to make recommendations for the same.
      Board membership criteria
      Board members are expected to possess strong management experience, ideally with major public companies with successful multinational operations, other areas of expertise or experience that are desirable, given the Company’s business and the current membership of the Board, such as expertise or experience in Information Technology businesses, manufacturing, international, financial or investment banking, scientific research and development, senior level government experience and academic administration, personal characteristics matching with the Company’s values, such as integrity, accountability, financial literacy, and high performance standards.
      The Board Governance and Compensation Committee (prior to July 21, 2005 the Compensation & Benefits Committee) comprise entirely of Independent Directors which works closely with the Board in identifying, screening, recruiting and recommending Directors for nomination by the Board for election as members of the Board.
      Re-appointment of Directors in the Annual General Meeting
      Our Articles of Association provide that at least two-thirds of our Directors shall be subject to retirement by rotation. One third of these Directors must retire from office at each annual general meeting of the shareholders. A retiring Director is eligible for re-election.
      As per the above provisions, during the year 2005-06, the Board Governance and Compensation Committee has recommended Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth and Mr. P.M. Sinha, Directors who retire by rotation, for re-appointment.
      Performance evaluation
      The performance evaluation of the members of the Board and its Committees is done by the Board Governance and Compensation Committee (prior to July 21, 2005 by the Nomination & Corporate Governance Committee).
5(a).   Listed companies must have a compensation committee composed entirely of Independent Directors. (303A.05(a))
5(b).   The compensation committee must have a written charter that addresses: (303A.05(b))
  (i)   the committee’s purpose – which, at minimum, must be to have direct responsibility to : (303A.05(b)(i))
  (A)   review and approve corporate goals and objectives relevant to CEO compensation, evaluate the CEO’s performance in light of those goals and objectives, and either as a committee or together with the other Independent Directors (as directed by the Board), determine and approve the CEO’s compensation level based on this evaluation; and
  (B)   make recommendations to the Board with respect to non-CEO executive officer compensation and incentive-compensation and equity based plans that are subject to Board approval; and
  (C)   produce a compensation committee report on executive officer compensation as required by the SEC to be included in the listed Company’s annual proxy statement or annual report on Form 10K filed with the SEC;
  (ii)   an annual performance evaluation of the compensation committee. (303A.05(b)(ii))
      These provisions are complied with. The charter of the Board Governance and Compensation Committee (prior to July 21, 2005 the Compensation & Benefits Committee) of the Board is approved and modified by the Board from time to time. The disclosure with respect to executive officer compensation is provided in Form 20F. The performance evaluation of the Committee is done by the Board Governance and Compensation Committee (prior to July 21, 2005 by the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee).
      The Board also gives appropriate directions to the Committee from time to time.



6.   Listed companies must have an audit committee that satisfies the requirements of Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act. (303A.06)
    This requirement has been complied with. The Company has an Audit Committee that satisfies the requirements of Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act.
7(a)   The Audit Committee must have a minimum of three members. (303A.07(a))
    The Company’s Audit Committee of the Board comprises of three Independent Directors.
7(b)   In addition to any requirement of Rule 10A-3(b)(1), all audit committee members must satisfy the requirements for independence set out in Section 303A.02. (303A.07(b))
    This is complied with. The members of the Audit Committee satisfy all the requirements laid down above.
7(c)   The Audit Committee must have a written charter that addresses : (303A.07(c))
  (i)   the committee’s purpose – which, at minimum, must be to :
  (A)   assist board oversight of (1) the integrity of the Company’s financial statements, (2) the Company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, (3) the independent auditor’s qualifications and independence, and (4) the performance of the company’s internal audit function and independent auditors; and
  (B)   (B) prepare an audit committee report as required by the SEC to be included in the Company’s annual proxy statement.
  (ii)   an annual performance evaluation of the audit committee; and
      These are complied with. The reports of the Audit Committee, Management and Independent Auditors’ have been included in the Annual Report in Form 20-F.
  (iii)   the duties and responsibilities of the audit committee – which, at minimum, must include those set out in Rule 10A-3(b)(2), (3), (4) and (5) of the Exchange Act , as well as to :
      The duties and responsibilities of the Company’s Audit Committee include among other things, those set forth in Rule 10A-3(b)(2), (3), (4) and (5) of the Exchange Act.
  (A)   at least annually, obtain and review a report by the independent auditor describing: the firm’s internal quality-control procedures; any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review, or peer review, of the firm, or by any inquiry or investigation by governmental or professional authorities, within the preceding five years, respecting one or more independent audits carried out by the firm, and any steps taken to deal with any such issues; and (to assess the auditor’s independence) all relationships between the independent auditor and the listed Company. (303A.07(c)(iii)(A)
      The Audit Committee reviews the report of the independent auditors with respect to the above on a quarterly basis.
  (B)   meet to review and discuss the annual audited financial statements and quarterly financial statements with management and the independent auditor, including reviewing the company’s disclosures under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.” (303A.07(c)(iii)(B)
      This is complied with. The disclosure under “Management’s Discussion and analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” as provided in its Quarterly Report on Form 6-K and Annual Report on Form 20-F.
  (C)   discuss earnings press releases, as well as financial information and earnings guidance provided to analysts and rating agencies. (303A.07(c )(iii)(C))
      This is complied with. The Audit Committee reviews and discusses the earnings press releases, financial information and earnings guidance on a quarterly basis.
  (D)   discuss policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management.
      The policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management on various aspects of business as adopted by the Company are presented to the Committee and the Board for their review, from time to time.
  (E)   meet separately, periodically, with management, with internal auditors (or other personnel responsible for the internal audit function) and with independent auditors. (303A.07(c )(iii)(E))
      The Audit Committee meets separately with the Management, the Company’s Head of Internal Audit and the independent auditors of the Company on a quarterly basis.
  (F)   review with the independent auditor any audit problems or difficulties and management’s response. (303A.07(c)(iii)(F))
      This is complied with. The Audit Committee reviews the independent auditor’s functions, problems or difficulties including discussions of the responsibilities, on a quarterly basis.
  (G)   set clear hiring policies for employees or former employees of the independent auditors. (303A.07(c)(iii)(G))
      The Company has not employed any of the employees or former employees of the independent auditors.



  (H)   report regularly to the Board of Directors. (303A.07(c )(iii)(H))
      This is complied with. The Audit Committee reviews on a quarterly basis the performance and independence of the company’s independent auditors, the performance of the Company’s internal audit team, quality or integrity of the Company’s financial statements, compliance with legal or regulatory requirements.
7(d)   Each listed company must have an internal audit function. (303A.07(d)
    The Company’s Internal Audit is an ISO 9001:2000 certified function. The Audit Committee reviews the audit observations of the Company’s Internal Audit department pertaining to various Business Units and discusses the same with the Management.
8.   Shareholders must be given the opportunity to vote on all equity compensation plans and material revisions thereto, with limited exemptions explained below: (303A.08).
    As per Indian law, all the ESOP Plans, RSU Plans and other material revisions in equity compensation have been approved by the shareholders in the General Meeting of the Company and as such, this is being complied with.
9.   Listed companies must adopt and disclose corporate governance guidelines (303A.09)
    A detailed report on Corporate Governance as well as a brief write up on the charters of the Committees of the Board is made available as part of this Annual Report and is also available on our website (www.wipro.com/Investors/Corpinfo). The charters of the Audit Committeenand Board Governance & Compensation Committee are available on our website. The detailed corporate governance guidelines of the Company are also available on the website. (www.wipro.com/Investors/Corpinfo)
10.   Listed companies must adopt and disclose a code of business conduct and ethics for Directors, officers and employees and promptly disclose any waivers of the code for Directors or Executive Officers. (303A.10).
    The Company has adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the same is made available in company’s website (www.wipro.com/Investors/Corpinfo). There have been no waivers of the code todate.
11.   Listed foreign private issuers must disclose any significant ways in which their corporate governance practices differ from those followed by domestic companies under NYSE listing standards. (303A.11)
    Although the Company’s required home country standards on corporate governance may differ from the NYSE listing standards, the Company’s actual corporate governance policies and practices are in compliance with the NYSE listing standards applicable to domestic companies.
12.   Certification requirements
  (a)   Each listed company CEO must certify to the NYSE each year that he or she is not aware of any violation by the Company of NYSE corporate governance listing standards, qualifying the certification to the extent necessary (303A.12(a))
      This is complied with. The certificate from the CEO is reproduced at the end of this report.
  (b)   Each listed company CEO must promptly notify the NYSE in writing after any executive officer of the listed company becomes aware of any material non-compliance with any applicable provisions of this Section 303A.
      This requirement has been incorporated into the Company’s policies and procedures and would trigger such a notification in the event any executive officer becomes aware of material non-compliance with the applicable provisions of Section 303A. Through the date hereof, no event has occurred in the Company that would necessitate any notification to the NYSE pursuant to this requirement.
  (c)   Each listed company must submit an executed Written Affirmation annually to the NYSE. In addition, each listed company must submit an interim Written Affirmation each time a change occurs to the Board or any of the committees subject to Section 303A. The Annual and Interim Written Affirmations must be in the form specified by the NYSE. (303A.12(c)).
      The Annual Written Affirmation has been submitted on Agust 20, 2005.
As the Chief Executive Officer of Wipro Limited and as required by Section 303A.12(a) of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual, I hereby certify that as of the date hereof I am not aware of any violation by the Company of NYSE’s Corporate Governance Listing Standards, other than has been notified to the Exchange pursuant to Section 303A.12(b) and disclosed as an attachment hereto..
  Azim H. Premji
Date : June 20, 2006
  Chief Executive Officer



Financial Statements — Wipro Limited
Auditors’ Report
Financial Statements
Financial Statements — Wipro Limited Consolidated
Auditors’ Report
Financial Statements
Management Discussion & Analysis
Reconciliation of Profits between
Indian GAAP and US GAAP



To the Members of WIPRO LIMITED
We have audited the attached balance sheet of Wipro Limited (“the Company”) as at 31 March 2006 and the profit and loss account and cash flow statement for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 9 of the Notes to Accounts. The Company has granted Restricted Stock Units (RSU’s) since October 2004. The stock compensation cost is computed under the intrinsic value method and amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of five years. An alternative interpretation could require amortization of cost on an accelerated basis. If the Company were to amortize the cost on an accelerated basis, profit before taxes and profit after tax for year ended March 31, 2006 would have been lower by Rs. 490 million and Rs. 449 million respectively. Similarly, the profit before taxes and profit after tax for the year ended March 31, 2005 would have been lower by Rs. 443 million and Rs. 409 million respectively.
1.   As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003, as amended by the Companies (Auditors Report) Amendment Order, 2004 (“the Order”), issued by the Central Government in terms of Section 227 (4A) of the Companies Act, 1956 (“the Act”), we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.
2.   Further to our comments in paragraph 1 above, we report that:
  (a)   we have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
  (b)   in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of those books;
  (c)   the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account;
  (d)   in our opinion, the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement dealt with by this report comply with the accounting standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956;
  (e)   on the basis of written representations received from the directors as on 31 March 2006, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualified as at 31 March 2006 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956; and
  (f)   in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
  (i)   in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31 March 2006;
  (ii)   in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date; and
  (iii)   in the case of cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.
for BSR & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Jamil Khatri
Membership No.: 102527
6 May 2006



Annexure to the Auditors’ Report
Annexure referred to in our report to the members of Wipro Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 March 2006. We report that:
1.   The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situations of fixed assets.
2.   The Company has a regular programme of physical verification of its fixed assets by which all fixed assets are verified in a phased manner over a period of two years. In our opinion, the periodicity of physical verification is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. In accordance with the phased programme of verification, certain fixed assets were verified during the year and no material discrepancies were noticed on such verification.
3.   The fixed assets disposed off during the year were not substantial, and therefore, do not affect the going concern assumption.
4.   The inventory has been physically verified by the management during the year. In our opinion, the frequency of such verification is reasonable.
5.   The procedures for the physical verification of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business.
6.   The Company is maintaining proper records of inventory. The discrepancies noticed on physical verification between the physical stocks and the book records were not material.
7.   As informed to us the Company has not neither taken nor given any loan secured or unsecured from / to parties listed under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
8.   In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business with regards to purchase of inventories and fixed assets and with regard to sale of goods and services. We have not observed any major weakness in the internal control system during the course of the audit.
9.   In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of the contracts or arrangements referred to in Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered into the register required to be maintained under that section.
10.   In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, in our opinion contracts and arrangements entered in the register maintained under Section 301 have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to prevailing market prices at the relevant time.
11.   The Company has not accepted any deposits from the public.
12.   In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature of its business.
13.   We have broadly reviewed the books of accounts maintained by the Company pursuant to the rules made by the Central Government under section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 for maintenance of cost records in respect of Vanaspati, Toilet soaps, Lighting products and Mini computers/ Microprocessor based system and Data communication system and are of the opinion that, prima facie, the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. We have not, however, made a detailed examination of the records with a view to determine whether they are accurate or complete.
14.   According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of the examination of the records of the Company, the Company has been generally regular in depositing the undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund, Income tax, Sales tax, Excise duty, Wealth tax, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Customs duty, Service tax, Entry tax, Cess and other applicable statutory dues with the appropriate authorities.
15.   According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Provident Fund, Income tax, Wealth tax, Sales tax, Excise duty, Customs duty, Service tax, Entry tax, Cess and other applicable statutory dues were outstanding as at 31 March 2006 for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.
16.   Following are the details of the disputed Income tax, Wealth tax, Excise duty, Customs duty, Sales tax and Service Tax that have not been paid to the concerned authorities-



        Demand   Amount paid       Forum where dispute
Name of the Statute   Nature of dues   (Rs. million)   (Rs million)   Period   is pending
Income Tax Act, 1961
  Income Tax     2.94       1984-85   Assessing officer
        3,251.83       1996-97
to 2002-03
  The Company is in the process of filing an appeal before CIT(Appeals)
Wealth Tax Act, 1957
  Wealth Tax     0.65       2001-02   CIT (Appeals)
        1.69       2002-03   The Company is in the process of filing appeal before CIT(Appeals)
Central Excise Act, 1944
  Excise duty     24.86     0.23   1991-92
to 1998-99
  Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise
  Excise duty     37.7     0.77   1995-96
to 2004-05
  Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Appeals)
  Excise duty     41.63       1997-1998
to 2004-05
  CESTAT (Tribunal)/ Settlement
Customs Act, 1962
  Customs duty     10.03     1.3   1998-99   Assistant commissioner of Customs and Excise/ CESTAT
  Customs Duty     40.00       1990-91
to 1998-99
  Supreme Court
Sales Tax Act, 1956
  Sales Tax     169.29     29.14   1987-88
to 2004-05
  First Appellate Authority
  Sales Tax     28.39     4.73   1991-92
to 2004-05
  Tribunal/ Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax/Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax/ Assistant Appellate Commissioner
Services Tax Rules 2004
  Service Tax     23.00       2004-05   Assistant commissioner of Customs and Excise
17.   The Company does not have any accumulated losses at the end of the financial year and has not incurred cash losses during the financial year and in the immediately preceding financial year.
18.   Based on our audit procedures and on the information and explanations given by the management, the Company has not defaulted in repayment of any dues to any financial institution or bank.
19.   In our opinion and according to the explanations given to us, the Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.
20.   In our opinion and according to the explanations given to us, the Company is not a chit fund/nidhi/mutual benefit fund/society.
21.   According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments.
22.   According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.
23.   In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the term loans taken by the Company have been applied for the purpose for which they were raised.
24.   According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet of the Company, we are of the opinion that the funds raised on short term basis have not been used for long term investment.
25.   The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to the companies/firms/parties covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
26.   The Company did not have any outstanding debentures during the year.
27.   The Company has not raised any money by public issues.
28.   According to the information and explanations given to us, we report that no material fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the course of audit.
for BSR & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Jamil Khatri
Membership No.: 102527
6 May 2006



            (Rs. in Million)  
            As of March 31,  
    Schedule     2006     2005  
Share capital
    1       2,851.51       1,407.14  
Share application money pending allotment
            74.86       12.05  
Reserves and surplus
    2       61,353.01       47,517.29  
            64,279.38       48,936.48  
Secured loans
    3       450.58       215.89  
Unsecured loans
    4       51.03       405.03  
            501.61       620.92  
            64,780.99       49,557.40  
            85.54       85.54  
Gross block
    5       23,559.72       17,549.33  
Less : Accumulated depreciation
            12,462.74       8,555.26  
Net block
            11,096.98       8,994.07  
Capital work-in-progress and advances
            6,123.58       2,502.39  
            17,306.10       11,582.00  
    6       34,592.03       28,595.11  
DEFERRED TAX ASSETS [refer note 19 (12)]
            381.38       318.56  
    7       1,486.51       1,273.74  
Sundry debtors
    8       19,680.67       13,866.39  
Cash and bank balances
    9       8,230.02       5,368.96  
Loans and advances
    10       10,988.17       5,609.30  
            40,385.37       26,118.39  
    11       17,768.34       11,819.71  
    12       10,115.55       5,236.95  
            27,883.89       17,056.66  
            12,501.48       9,061.73  
            64,780.99       49,557.40  
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts
The schedules referred above form an integral part of the balance sheet
As per our report attached   For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
for BSR & Co.,
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
Chartered Accountants
  Chairman   Director
Jamil Khatri
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
Membership No. 102527
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
Bangalore, May 06, 2006



            (Rs. in Million, except share data)  
    Schedule     Year ended March 31,  
            2006     2005  
Gross sales and services
            102,640.85       72,761.80  
Less : Excise duty
            369.68       430.19  
Net sales and services
            102,271.17       72,331.61  
Other income
    13       1,524.09       935.34  
            103,795.26       73,266.95  
Cost of sales and services
    14       68,634.87       47,397.47  
Selling and marketing expenses
    15       6,581.17       5,155.87  
General and administrative expenses
    16       5,143.59       3,087.70  
    17       31.33       55.68  
            80,390.96       55,696.72  
            23,404.30       17,570.23  
Provision for taxation including FBT [refer note 19(14)]
            3,199.50       2,622.02  
            20,204.80       14,948.21  
Proposed dividend
            7,128.77       3,517.85  
Tax on dividend
            999.81       493.38  
            12,076.22       10,936.98  
(PY : Adjusted EPS for bonus issue in ratio of 1:1)
Equity shares of par value Rs. 2/- each
Basic (in Rs.)
            14.37       10.74  
Diluted (in Rs.)
            14.15       10.64  
Number of shares for calculating EPS
(PY : Adjusted for bonus issue in ratio of 1:1)
            1,406,505,974       1,391,554,372  
            1,427,915,724       1,404,334,256  
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts
The schedules referred above form an integral part of the profit and loss account
As per our report attached   For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
for BSR & Co.,
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
Chartered Accountants
  Chairman   Director
Jamil Khatri
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
Membership No. 102527
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
Bangalore, May 06, 2006



    (Rs. in Million, except share data)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
1,650,000,000 (2005 : 750,000,000) equity shares of Rs. 2 each
    3,300.00       1,500.00  
25,000,000 (2005 : 25,000,000) 10.25 % Redeemable Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each
    250.00       250.00  
    3,550.00       1,750.00  
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
1,425,754,267 (2005 : 703,570,522) equity shares of Rs. 2 each [refer note 19 (1)]
    2,851.51       1,407.14  
    2,851.51       1,407.14  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Capital reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period
    9.50       9.50  
Capital redemption reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period
    250.04       250.04  
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
    (250.04 )      
Securities premium account
Balance brought forward from previous period
    9,299.05       6,732.28  
Add : Exercise of stock options by employees
    5,120.88       2,566.77  
Add : Amalgamation adjustment [refer note 19 (8)]
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
    (1,161.75 )      
    14,378.39       9,299.05  
Restricted stock units reserve
Employee Stock Options Outstanding
    2,731.75       3,517.91  
Less : Deferred Employee Compensation Expense
    (2,202.42 )     (3,183.50 )
    529.33       334.41  
General reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period
    37,624.29       27,618.57  
Additions [refer note 19 (2)]
    8,811.50       10,936.98  
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
          (931.26 )
    46,435.79       37,624.29  
Summary of reserves and surplus
Balance brought forward from previous period
    47,517.29       34,610.39  
    15,247.51       13,838.16  
    (1,411.79 )     (931.26 )
    61,353.01       47,517.29  



            (Rs. in Million)  
    Note     As of March 31,  
    Reference     2006     2005  
From Banks
Cash credit facility from banks
    (a )     448.90       214.21  
Development loan from Karnataka State Government
    (b )     1.68       1.68  
            450.58       215.89  
Notes : 
(a)   Secured by hypothecation of stock-in trade, book debts, stores and spares and secured/to be secured by a second mortgage over certain immovable properties.
(b)   Secured by a pari-passu mortgage over immovable properties at Mysore and hypothecation of movable properties other than inventories, book debts and specific equipments referred to in note (a) above.
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Cash credit facility — overseas
Other Loans
Interest free loan from State Governments
    49.78       54.02  
    1.25       1.25  
    51.03       405.03  



(Rs. in Million)  
      As on                     As on       As on     Depreciation             As on       As on     As on  
      April 1,             Deductions/     March 31,       April 1,     for the     Adjustments/     March 31,       March 31,     March 31,  
      2005     Additions     adjustments     2006       2005     period     Deductions     2006       2006     2005  
      1,265.78       59.14             1,324.92                                   1,324.92       1,265.78  
      3,412.57       575.37             3,987.94         214.32       64.39             278.71         3,709.23       3,198.25  
Plant & machinery (1)
      9,502.55       3,971.04       21.51       13,452.08         6,480.30       2,091.84       842.32       9,414.46         4,037.62       3,022.25  
Furniture, fixture and equipments (1)
      2,267.64       1,209.65       69.92       3,407.37         1,341.14       525.55       225.25       2,091.94         1,315.43       926.50  
Vehicles (1)
      1,018.72       427.01       141.87       1,303.86         489.25       240.44       (82.65 )     647.04         656.82       529.47  
Technical know-how
      10.38                   10.38         10.38                   10.38                
Patents, trademarks & rights
      71.69       1.48             73.17         19.87       0.34             20.21         52.96       51.82  
      17,549.33       6,243.69       233.30       23,559.72         8,555.26       2,922.56       984.92       12,462.74         11,096.98       8,994.07  
Previous year — 31 March, 2005
      13,251.22       4,444.66       146.55       17,549.33         6,786.59       1,859.67       91.00       8,555.26         8,994.07          
Note : 
(1)   Additions to gross block and adjustments in accumulated depreciation include balances relating to fixed assets of Wipro BPO on account of merger [refer note 19 (8)].



    (Rs. in Million except share numbers and face value)  
                                        As of March 31,  
    Number     Face value     2006     2005  
All shares are fully paid up unless otherwise stated
Investments — Long Term (at cost)
Investments in subsidiary companies
Unquoted — Equity Shares
Wipro Consumer Care Limited
    50,000     Rs.     10       0.50       0.50  
Wipro Chandrika Limited
    900,000     Rs.     10       6.79       6.79  
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
    93,250     Rs.     10       22.13       22.13  
Wipro Travel Services Limited
    66,171     Rs.     10       0.66       0.66  
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
    3,410,002     Rs.     10       243.88       243.88  
Wipro BPO Solutions Limited [refer note 19 (8)]
Spectramind Inc., USA
    175,000,000     USD     0.01       84.50        
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited (WIEL) (formerly known as Wipro Fluid Power Limited)
    9,047,600     Rs.     10       102.97       102.97  
Wipro Holding Mauritius Limited [refer note 19(7)]
    28,287,100     USD     1       1,288.98       132.44  
Wipro Inc., USA [refer note 19(7)]
    26,511     USD     2,500       2,964.83       1,672.51  
Wipro Japan KK, Japan
    650     JPY     50,000       9.74       9.74  
Wipro Shanghai Limited, China
  not applicable                     9.29       9.29  
(limited liability company)
                    4,734.27       4,034.87  
Preference Shares
9% cumulative redeemable preference shares held in Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
    1,800     Rs.     10       0.02       0.02  
Spectramind Limited, Bermuda (zero coupon, non-redeemable convertible series A preferred shares) [refer note 19 (8)]
1% cumulative redeemable preference shares in WIEL
    36,000,000     Rs.     10       360.00       360.00  
                            360.02       3,744.19  
Investments in equity shares of other companies — Unquoted
Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Ltd (refer Note below)
    4,900,000     Rs.     10       49.00       49.00  
WeP Peripherals Ltd
    7,060,000     Rs.     10       94.60       94.60  
                            143.60       143.60  
Other Investments Unquoted
Investments in Debentures
    126,000                       12.60       12.60  
Quoted — Current Investments — In money market mutual funds
UTI MF (1,714,772 units purchased/874,474 units redeemed during the year)
    70,351,329                       2,257.96       815.30  
Grindlays Mutual Fund (59,797,323 units purchased during the year)
    67,547,973                       607.75        
Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund (1,435,793,229 units purchased/1,344,637,622 units redeemed during the year)
    203,653,981                       2,319.71       1,551.22  
HDFC Mutual Fund (105,700,555 units purchased/162,690,768
units redeemed during the year)
    113,948,026                       1,395.89       1,735.61  
Standard Chartered Mutual Fund (363,598,719 units purchased/480,642,060) units redeemed during the year)
    102,658,428                       1,034.11       1,673.24  
Reliance Mutual Fund (896,329,770 units purchased/1,011,813,744 units redeemed during the year)
    134,980,781                       1,368.65       2,349.60  
ABN Amro Mutual Fund (114,463,649 units purchased/66,464,249 units redeemed during the year)
    64,860,529                       648.61        
LIC Mutual Fund (134,182,146 units purchased/22,818,963 redeemed during the year)
    113,180,570                       1,487.12        
Templeton Floating Fund (2,406,870 units purchased/124,201,429
units redeemed during the year)
Deutsche MF (106,289,972 units purchased/191,159,166 redeemed during the year)
    73,428,575                       735.12       1,070.87  
ING MF (39,360,056 units purchased/39,308,562 redeemed during the year)
    49,360,056                       502.42       400.00  
Can Liquid MF (86,653,018 units purchased during the year)
    151,110,069                       1,648.23       750.00  
Sundaram MF (36,597,661 units purchased/52,127,107 redeemed during the year)
    46,597,661                       630.81       672.40  
Cholamandalam Mutual Fund (117,263,879 units purchased/19,942,963 redeemed during the year)
    177,453,866                       1,727.53       524.57  
Kotak Mutual Fund (90,771,128 units purchased/149,222,015 units redeemed during the year)
    174,045,051                       1,982.85       1,837.04  



    (Rs. in Million except share numbers and face value)
                    As of March 31,
    Number   Face value   2006     2005  
J M Mutual Fund (63,327,059 units purchased/168,875,772 units redeemed during the year)
    15,000,000               150.35       1,012.21  
DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund (67,902,476 units purchased/74,925,075 units redeemed during the year)
    107,902,465               1,373.11       673.62  
SBI Insta Cash (117,817,094 units purchased/153,737,450 redeemed during the year)
HSBC Cash fund (211,533,406 units purchased/177,736,272 redeemed during the year)
    228,605,433               2,288.59       1,165.01  
Birla Mutual Fund (321,252,512 units purchased/207,382,418 units redeemed during the year)
    302,449,355               3,030.85       1,063.04  
Tata Mutual Fund (847,576 units purchased/967,456 units redeemed during the year)
    56,433,367               2,172.16       1,512.51  
Principal AMC Mutual Fund (233,965,587 units purchased/112,183,056 units redeemed during year)
    230,798,405               2,087.92       414.25  
                    29,449.74       20,768.05  
                    34,700.23       28,703.31  
Less : Provision for diminution in value of long term investments
                    108.20       108.20  
                    34,592.03       28,595.11  
Aggregate book value of quoted investments
                    29,449.74       20,768.05  
Aggregate book value of unquoted investments (net of provision)
                    5,142.29       7,827.06  
Aggregate market value of quoted investments and investments in mutual funds
                    29,568.74       20,887.05  
Note :   Equity investments in this company carry certain restrictions on transfer of shares that is normally provided for in joint venture agreement
    (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006     2005
Raw materials
    435.77       478.37  
Stock in process
    47.15       27.44  
Finished goods
    829.11       606.71  
Stores and spares
    174.48       161.22  
    1,486.51       1,273.74  
Basis of stock valuation :
i)   Raw materials, stock in process and stores & spares at or below cost.
ii)   Finished goods at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower
    (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006     2005  
Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months
Considered good
    676.97       494.38  
Considered doubtful
    982.82       785.38  
    1,659.79       1,279.76  
Other debts
Considered good
    19,003.70       13,372.01  
    19,003.70       13,372.01  
Less : Provision for doubtful debts
    982.82       785.38  
    19,680.67       13,866.39  



    (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006   2005
Cash and cheques on hand
    386.03       108.08  
Balance with scheduled banks
On Current Account
    3,486.01       2,404.42  
In Deposit Account
    5.80       0.08  
Balance with other banks in Current Account
Bank of America, USA
    124.05       65.12  
Bank of Montreal, Canada
    10.41       0.29  
Midland Bank, UK
    307.59       392.64  
Saudi British Bank, Saudi Arabia
    13.78       17.96  
Standard Chartered Bank, UAE
    2.30       1.16  
Wells Fargo, USA
    3,849.50       2,354.35  
CCF Paris AG Centrale, France
    2.23       5.89  
Chase Manhatten, USA
RABO Bank, Netherlands
Uni Credit Banca — Italy
    7.40       11.47  
    8,230.02       5,368.96  
Maximum balances during the year
Bank of America, USA
    153.10       120.36  
Bank of Montreal, Canada
    11.80       8.99  
RABO Bank, Netherlands
    34.92       1.68  
Midland Bank, UK
    307.59       453.87  
Saudi British Bank, Saudi Arabia
    13.78       17.96  
Standard Chartered Bank, UAE
    2.30       1.16  
Wells Fargo, USA
    4,224.27       2,443.41  
CCF Paris AG Centrale, France
    8.26       5.89  
Chase Manhatten, USA
    7.50       7.50  
Uni Credit Banca — Italy
    39.99       11.47  
(Unsecured, considered good unless otherwise stated)
Advances to/dues from subsidiaries
    739.88       602.86  
Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received
Considered good
    2,963.09       1,675.13  
Considered doubtful
    115.39       91.18  
    3,078.48       1,766.31  
Less : Provision for doubtful advances
    115.39       91.18  
    2,963.09       1,675.13  
Inter corporate deposits with subsidiary
    278.26       273.01  
Advances towards investments [refer note 19 (8)]
Advance income tax (net of provision)
    1,248.44       205.10  
Balances with excise and customs
    88.97       8.07  
Unbilled revenues
    4,299.84       2,032.24  
Other deposits
    1,369.69       699.14  
    10,988.17       5,609.30  



    (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006   2005
Sundry creditors
    3,628.81       3,239.82  
Unclaimed dividends
    4.50       4.50  
Advances from customers
    951.48       652.72  
Unearned revenues
    597.45       639.64  
Payable to Wipro Equity Reward Trust
    340.98       340.98  
Provision for expenses and statutory liabilities
    12,245.12       6,942.05  
    17,768.34       11,819.71  
Employee retirement benefits
    1,273.88       773.28  
Warranty provision
    713.09       452.44  
Proposed dividend
    7,128.77       3,517.85  
Tax on proposed dividend
    999.81       493.38  
    10,115.55       5,236.95  
    Year ended March 31,
    2006   2005
Dividend on mutual fund units
    867.57       643.90  
Interest on debt instruments and others
    211.29       30.70  
Rental income
    20.89       22.63  
Profit on sale of mutual fund units
    237.72       35.59  
Profit on disposal of fixed assets
    11.22       108.90  
Exchange differences — net
    139.22       36.49  
Miscellaneous income
    36.18       57.13  
    1,524.09       935.34  
Raw materials, finished and process stocks *
    13,264.79       11,105.64  
Stores & spares
    387.89       308.79  
Power and fuel
    864.58       466.28  
Employee compensation costs
    37,520.69       26,620.62  
    156.04       113.07  
    1,181.34       1,018.32  
    575.89       276.71  
Rates and taxes
    143.77       54.47  
Packing and freight inward
    23.98       18.71  
    3,577.41       1,687.86  
    1,291.26       567.57  
    2,777.39       1,722.00  
Sub contracting/technical fees
    4,205.84       1,711.09  
    2,664.00       1,726.34  
    68,634.87       47,397.47  
* For details refer Schedule 18



    (Rs. in Million)
    Year ended March 31,
    2006     2005  
Employee compensation
    3,199.62       2,344.49  
    29.95       46.42  
Repairs to buildings
    6.67       4.15  
    198.28       189.34  
Rates and taxes
    15.44       19.49  
Carriage and freight
    465.93       291.86  
Commission on sales
    276.40       192.41  
Advertisement and sales promotion
    968.12       753.09  
    67.25       45.09  
    613.08       584.54  
    216.17       250.02  
    524.26       434.97  
    6,581.17       5,155.87  
Employee compensation costs
    2,069.94       1,253.42  
    19.05       15.74  
Repairs to buildings
    1.88       5.30  
    32.13       24.30  
Rates and taxes
    74.10       19.64  
Auditors’ remuneration and expenses
Audit fees
    7.00       4.22  
For certification including tax audit
Out of pocket expenses
    1.28       0.59  
Loss on disposal of fixed assets
    4.89       1.10  
    77.92       92.57  
    594.82       328.98  
    116.86       49.21  
Provision / write off of bad debts
    253.44       120.02  
    1,890.28       1,171.65  
    5,143.59       3,087.70  
Cash credit and others
    31.33       55.68  
    31.33       55.68  
Consumption of raw materials and bought out components :
Opening stocks
    478.37       458.35  
Add : Purchases
    5,447.95       5,623.53  
Less : Closing stocks
    435.77       478.37  
    5,490.55       5,603.51  
Purchase of finished products for sale
    8,016.35       5,595.03  
(Increase)/Decrease in finished and process stocks :
Opening stock              : In process
    27.44       38.01  
                                     : Finished products
    606.71       503.24  
Less : Closing stock     : In process
    47.15       27.44  
                                     : Finished products
    829.11       606.71  
    (242.11 )     (92.90 )
    13,264.79       11,105.64  




        (Rs. in Million)
        Year ended March 31,
        2006     2005  
Cash flows from operating activities :
Profit before tax
    23,404.30       17,570.23  
Depreciation and amortization
    2,922.56       1,859.00  
Amortisation of stock compensation
    621.88       334.41  
Unrealised exchange difference — Net
    65.06       (92.45 )
Interest on borrowings
    31.33       55.68  
Dividend / Interest — Net
    (1,078.86 )     (674.60 )
(Profit)/Loss on sale of mutual fund units
    (237.72 )     (35.59 )
Gain on sale of fixed assets
    (6.33 )     (107.47 )
Working Capital Changes :
Trade and other receivable
    (6,360.22 )     (3,951.12 )
Loans and advances
    (1,533.89 )     24.14  
    (212.77 )     (252.95 )
Trade and other payables
    5,812.81       4,177.81  
Net cash generated from operations
    23,428.15       18,907.09  
Direct taxes paid
    (4,305.66 )     (2,242.93 )
Net cash generated from operating activities
    19,122.49       16,664.16  
Cash flows from investing activities :
Acquisition of property, fixed assets, plant and equipment
(including advances)
    (7,342.71 )     (5,541.10 )
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
    156.98       163.02  
Purchase of investments
    (59,017.77 )     (46,128.04 )
Proceeds on sale / from maturities on investments
    51,641.00       43,374.01  
Investment in subsidiaries
    (3,300.73 )     (1,268.15 )
Dividend / interest income received
    919.02       710.19  
Net cash generated by / (used) investing activities
    (16,944.21 )     (8,690.07 )
Cash flows from financing activities :
Proceeds from exercise of Employee Stock Option
    4,704.46       2,577.38  
Share application money pending allotment
    62.81       12.05  
Interest paid
    (31.33 )     (55.68 )
Dividends paid (including distribution tax)
    (4,018.65 )     (7,653.86 )
Repayment of short term borrowings — Net
    (119.31 )     (385.96 )
Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities
    597.98       (5,506.07 )
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and
cash equivalents during the period
    2,776.26       2,468.02  
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    5,368.96       2,900.94  
Cash acquired on merger
Effect of translation of cash balance
    (5.54 )      
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period
    8,230.02       5,368.96  
As per our report attached
  For and on behalf of the Board of Directors    
for BSR & Co.,
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
Chartered Accountants
  Chairman   Director
Jamil Khatri
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
Membership No. 102527
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
Bangalore, May 06, 2006



Company overview
Wipro Limited is a leading India based provider of software technology services, IT enabled services, hardware services and consumer care lighting products. Wipro is headquartered in Bangalore, India.
Significant accounting policies
Basis of preparation of financial statements
The accompanying financial statements are prepared and presented under historical cost convention on accrual basis of accounting, in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Indian GAAP) and accounting standards issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period reported. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from software development services comprises revenue from time and material and fixed-price contracts. Revenue from time and material contracts are recognized as related services are performed. Revenue from fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts is recognized in accordance with the percentage of completion method.
Maintenance revenue is considered on acceptance of the contract and is accrued over the period of the contract.
Revenue from customer training, support and other services is recognised as the related services are performed.
Provision for estimated losses, if any, on incomplete contracts are recorded in the period in which such losses become probable based on the current contract estimates. ‘Unbilled revenues’ included in loans and advances represent cost and earnings in excess of billings as at the balance sheet date. ‘Unearned revenues’ included in current liabilities represent billing in excess of revenue recognised. Revenue from sale of products is recognised, in accordance with the sales contract, on dispatch from the factories/warehouse of the Company. Revenues from product sales are shown as net of excise duty, sales tax separately charged and applicable discounts.
Agency commission is accrued when shipment of consignment is dispatched by the principal.
Profit on sale of investments is recorded upon transfer of title by the Company and is determined as the difference between the sales price and the then carrying value of the investment.
Interest is recognized using the time-proportion method, based on rates implicit in the transaction.
Export incentives are accounted on accrual basis and include estimated realizable values/benefits from special import licenses and advance licenses.
Other income is recognized on accrual basis. Other income includes unrealized losses on short-term investments.
Warranty cost
The Company accrues the estimated cost of warranties at the time when the revenue is recognized. The accruals are based on the Company’s historical experience of material usage and service delivery costs.
Fixed assets, intangible assets and work-in-progress
Fixed assets are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation.
Interest on borrowed money allocated to and utilized for fixed assets, pertaining to the period up to the date of capitalization is capitalized. Assets acquired on hire purchase are capitalized at the gross value and interest thereon is charged to profit and loss account.
Intangible assets are stated at the consideration paid for acquisition less accumulated amortization.
Advances paid towards the acquisition of fixed assets outstanding as of each balance sheet date and the cost of fixed assets not ready for use before such date are disclosed under capital work-in-progress.
Lease payments under operating lease are recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account.
The goodwill arising on acquisition of a group of assets is not being amortised. It is tested for impairment on a periodic basis and written off if found impaired.
Long term investments are stated at cost less provision for diminution in the value of such investments. Diminution in value is provided for where the management is of the opinion that the diminution is of permanent nature. Short term investments are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value.



Finished goods are valued at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower. Other inventories are valued at cost less provision for obsolescence. Small value tools and consumables are charged to consumption on purchase. Cost is determined using weighted average method.
Provision for retirement benefits
Gratuity - In accordance with applicable Indian laws, the Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (Gratuity Plan). The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees, at retirement or termination of employment, an amount based on the respective employee’s last drawn salary and the years of employment with the Company. The Company contributes to the group gratuity scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
Superannuation - Apart from being covered under the Gratuity Plan described above, the senior officers of the Company also participate in a defined contribution plan maintained by the Company. This plan is administered by the LIC. The Company makes annual contributions based on a specified percentage of each covered employee’s salary. The Company has no further obligations under the plan beyond its annual contributions.
Provident fund - In addition to the above benefits, employees receive benefits from a provident fund, a defined contribution plan. The employee and employer each make monthly contributions to the plan equal to 12% of the covered employee’s salary. A portion of the contribution is made to the Provident Fund trust managed by the Company, while the remainder of the contribution is made to the Governments’ Provident Fund. The Government mandates the annual yield to be provided to the employees on their corpus. The Company has an obligation to make good the shortfall, if any, between the yield on the investments of trust and the yield mandated by the Government.
Foreign currency transactions
The Company is exposed to currency fluctuations on foreign currency transactions. With a view to minimize the volatility arising from fluctuations in the currency rates, the Company follows established risk management policies, including the use of foreign exchange forward contracts and other derivative instruments.
As a part of the Risk Management Policies, the forward contracts are designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions. The Accounting Standard (AS 11) on “The Effects of Changes on Foreign Exchange Rates”, amended with effect from April 1, 2004 provides guidance on accounting for forward contracts. In respect of forward contracts entered into to hedge foreign exchange risk of highly probable forecasted transactions, the ICAI has clarified that AS 11 is not applicable to exchange differences arising from such forward contracts. The premium or discount of such contracts is amortised over the life of the contract in accordance with AS 11 (revised).
Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the average rate for the month. Period-end balances of monetary foreign currency assets and liabilities are restated at the closing rate. The exchange difference arising from restatement or settlement is recognized in the profit and loss account.
In respect of forward contracts assigned to the foreign currency assets as on the balance sheet date, the proportionate premium/discount for the period upto the date of balance sheet is recognized in the profit and loss account. The exchange difference measured by the change in exchange rate between inception of forward contract and the date of balance sheet is applied on the foreign currency amount of the forward contract and recognized in the profit and loss account.
Exchange differences, including gains/losses on intermediary roll over/cancellation, of forward contracts designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions are recognised in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction occurs. Realised/unrealised gains and losses on forward contracts and options not designated as hedges of forecasted transactions are accounted in the profit and loss account for the period.
Employee stock options
The Company measures the compensation cost relating to employee stock options using the intrinsic value method. The compensation cost is amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of the stock options.
Fringe benefit tax
Consequent to the introduction of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) effective April 1, 2005, in accordance with the guidance note on accounting for fringe benefits tax issued by the ICAI, the Company has made provision for FBT under income taxes.
Income tax
The current charge for income taxes is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for the future tax consequences attributable to timing differences that result between the profit offered for income taxes and the profit as per the financial statements. Deferred tax in respect of timing differences which originate during the tax holiday period but reverse after the tax holiday period is recognised in the period in which the timing differences originate. For this purpose the timing difference which originates first is considered to reverse first. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the tax rates and tax



laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognised in the period that includes the enactment/substantial enactment date. Deferred tax assets on timing differences are recognised only if there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. However, deferred tax assets on the timing differences when unabsorbed depreciation and losses carried forward exist, are recognised only to the extent that there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. Deferred tax assets are reassessed for the appropriateness of their respective carrying values at each balance sheet dates.
Research and development
Revenue expenditure on research and development is charged to Profit and Loss account and capital expenditure is shown as addition to fixed assets.
Earnings per share
The number of shares used in computing basic earnings per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. The number of shares used in computing diluted earnings per share comprises the weighted average shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share, and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. The dilution is determined using the treasury stock method. Dilutive potential equity shares are deemed converted as of the beginning of the period, unless issued at a later date. The number of shares and potentially dilutive equity shares are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues.
Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using indirect method, whereby net profits before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from regular revenue generating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
The Company creates a provision when there is a present obligation as a result of an obligating event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Where there is a possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
Impairment of assets
The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset including goodwill may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs to is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction is treated as an impairment loss and is recognised in the profit and loss account. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication that if a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, the recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subject to a maximum of depreciated historical cost. In respect of goodwill the impairment loss will be reversed only when it was caused by specific external events and their effects have been reversed by subsequent external events.
1. The following are the breakup for 1,425,754,267 (2005 : 703,570,522) shares as at March 31, 2006
  i)   1,398,430,659 equity shares/American Depository Receipts (ADRs) (2005 : 692,537,085) have been allotted as fully paid bonus shares/ADRs by capitalisation of securities premium account and Capital Redemption Reserve.
  ii)   1,325,525 equity shares (2005 : 1,325,525) have been allotted as fully paid-up, pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation, without payment being received in cash.
  iii)   3,162,500 equity shares (2005 : 3,162,500) representing 3,162,500 American Depository Receipts issued during 2000-2001 pursuant to American Depository offering by the Company.
  iv)   21,910,583 (2005 : 5,620,412) equity share issued pursuant to Employee Stock Option Plan.
2. Note on Reserves :
  i)   Restricted stock units reserve represents charge to profit and loss account to be treated as securities premium at the time of allotment of shares.



  ii)   Additions to General Reserve include :
        (Rs. in Million)
        For the year ended March 31,
        2006   2005
Transferred from profit and loss account
      12,076.22     10,936.98
Additional dividend paid for the previous year
    (7.42 )  
Adjustment on account of amalgamation [Refer note 19 (8)]
      (3,257.30 )  
      8,811.50     10,936.98
3.   Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on Capital account and not provided for is Rs. 1,714.22 Million (2005 : Rs. 1,118.68 Million).
4.   Contingent liabilities in respect of
  i)   Disputed demands for excise duty, customs duty, income tax, sales tax and other matters Rs. 3,377.59 Million (2005 : Rs. 5,647.80 Million) [refer note 19(13)].
  ii)   Performance and financial guarantees given by the Banks on behalf of the Company is Rs. 2,941.20 Million (2005 : Rs. 2,238.12 Million)
5. i) The Company has provided depreciation at the rates specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956, except in cases of the following assets, which are depreciated at commercial rates, which are higher than the rates specified in Schedule XIV. Depreciation over the years is provided up to total cost of assets.
    Depreciation rate applied   As per Schedule XIV
Class of Asset   %   %
Data processing equipment and software
    50.00       16.21  
Plant and machinery of ISP business
    20.00       16.21  
Furniture and fixtures
    19.00       6.33  
Electrical installations
    19.00       4.75  
Office equipment
    19.00       4.75  
    24.00       9.50  
  ii)   Fixed assets individually costing Rs. 5,000/- or less are depreciated at 100%.
6.   As of March 31, 2006, forward contracts and options (including zero cost collars) to the extent of US$ 226 Million have been assigned to the foreign currency assets as on the balance sheet date. The proportionate premium/discount on the forward contracts for the period upto the date of balance sheet is recognized in the profit and loss account. The exchange difference measured by the change in exchange rate between inception of forward contract and the date of balance sheet is applied on the foreign currency amount of the forward contract and recognized in the profit and loss account.
    Additionally, the Company has designated forward contracts and options to hedge highly probable forecasted transactions. The Company also designates zero cost collars to hedge the exposure to variability in expected future foreign currency cash inflows due to exchange rate movements beyond a defined range. The range comprises an upper and lower strike price. At maturity, if the exchange rate remains within the range the Company realizes the cash inflows at spot rate, otherwise the Company realizes the inflows at the upper or lower strike price.
    The exchange differences on the forward contracts and gain/loss on options are recognized in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction is expected to occur. The premium/discount at inception of forward contracts is amortised over the life of the contract.
    In certain cases, the Company has entered into forward contracts having a maturity earlier than the period in which the hedged transaction is forecasted to occur. The gain/loss on roll over/cancellation/expiry of such contracts is recognized in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction is expected to occur, till such time the same is accumulated and shown under Loans and Advances/Current liabilities.
    In respect of option/forward contracts which are not designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions, realized/unrealized gain or loss are recognized in the profit and loss account of the respective periods.



    As at March 31, 2006, the Company had forward/option contracts to sell US$ 438 Million in respect of highly probable forecasted transactions. The effect of marked to market and of any intermediary roll over/expiry of the said forward contracts is a gain of Rs. 131 Million. The final impact of such contracts will be recognized in the profit and loss account of the respective periods in which the forecasted transactions are expected to occur.
7.   During the year ended March 31, 2006, the Company made additional investments in Wipro Inc. and Wipro Holding Mauritius Limited, of Rs. 1,292 Million and Rs. 1,157 Million respectively. In December 2005, Wipro Inc. acquired mPower Software Services Inc. USA and its subsidiaries and Wipro Holdings UK Limited acquired NewLogic Technologies AG, Austria and its subsidiaries.
8.   In terms of the scheme of amalgamation approved by the Reserve Bank of India on February 11, 2006, the High Court of Karnataka on April 5, 2006, the Registrar of Companies, Mauritius on January 6, 2006 and the Ministry of Finance, Bermuda on March 28, 2006, Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, India, Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda amalgamated with the Company with effect from April 1, 2005. The Scheme of Amalgamation became effective from April 2006 pursuant to obtaining necessary approvals and filing with the Registrar of Companies. In accordance with the scheme, the merger becomes effective from the Appointed Date of 1 April, 2005. The Company has accounted for the amalgamation as amalgamation in the nature of merger under AS 14 – Accounting for amalgamation.
    The following are the salient features of the scheme :
  a)   Spectramind Limited, Bermuda is the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Spectramind Limited, Mauritius, a wholly owned subsidiary of Spectramind Limited, Bermuda is therefore a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. All shares held in Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda were cancelled and extinguished.
  b)   From the effective date of the scheme, the entire share capital of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited comprising of 31,023,567 shares of Rs. 10/- each held by the Company, 1 equity share of Rs. 10/- held by Spectramind Limited, Bermuda and 34,904,102 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each held by Spectramind Limited, Mauritius were cancelled and extinguished.
  c)   All the assets and liabilities of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, Spectramind Limited, Bermuda and Spectramind Limited, Mauritius are recorded in the books of the Company at their carrying amounts as on April 1, 2005.
  d)   Pursuant to the scheme of amalgamation, the following amounts, being the balances in the Share Premium and General reserves has been recorded as an addition/adjustment to the Share Premium and General reserves of the Company.
    (Rs in Million)
Share Premium
General Reserve
    (3,257.30 )
    (2,137.09 )
  e)   Total investments of Rs. 6,151 Million including Rs. 852 Million invested during the year in Wipro BPO Solutions Limited have been cancelled as a part of the amalgamation.
9.   In June 2004, the Company established Wipro Restricted Stock Unit Plan (WRSUP 2004) and Wipro ADS Restricted Stock Unit Plan (WARSUP 2004). The Company is authorized to issue upto 12,000,000 Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) under each plan to eligible employees.
    The Company has been granting restricted stock units (RSUs) since October 2004. The RSUs generally vest equally at annual intervals over a five year period. The stock compensation cost is computed under the intrinsic value method and amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of five years. As permitted by generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (US GAAP), the Company applies a similar straight line amortization method for financial reporting under US GAAP. The Company has been advised by external counsel that the straight line amortization over the total vesting period complies with the SEBI Employee Stock Option Scheme Guidelines 1999, as amended.
    However, an alternative interpretation could result in amortization of the cost on an accelerated basis. Under this approach, the amortization in the initial years would be higher with a lower charge in subsequent periods (though the overall charge over the full vesting period will remain the same). If the Company were to amortize the cost on an accelerated basis, profit before taxes and profit after tax for the year ended March 31, 2006 would have been lower by Rs. 490 Million & Rs. 449 Million respectively. Similarly, the profit before taxes and profit after tax for the year ended March 31, 2005 would have been lower by Rs. 443 Million and Rs. 409 Million respectively. This would effectively increase the profit before and after tax in later years by similar amounts.
    The Company is awaiting further clarification on the matter.
10.   From time to time, in the normal course of business, the Company transfers accounts receivables and employee advances (financials assets) to banks. Under the terms of the arrangements, the Company surrenders control over the financial assets and accordingly the transfers are recorded as sale of financial assets. The sale of financial assets may be with or without recourse. Under arrangements with recourse, the Company is obligated to repurchase the uncollected financial assets, subject to limits specified in the agreement with the banks. Additionally, the Company retains servicing responsibility for the transferred financial assets.



      Gains and losses on sale of financial assets are recorded based on the carrying value of the financial assets, fair value of servicing liability and recourse obligations. Loss/Profit on sale is recorded at the time of sale.
      During the year ended March 31, 2006, the Company transferred financial assets of Rs. 223.04 Million under such arrangements. This transfer resulted in loss of Rs. 3.6 Million. The maximum amount of recourse obligation in respect of this transfer is limited to 10% of the value of financial assets transferred under the arrangement.
  11.   The Company has instituted various Employee Stock Option Plans. The compensation committee of the board evaluates the performance and other criteria of employees and approves the grant of options. These options vest with employees over a specified period subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Upon vesting, employees are eligible to apply and secure allotment of Company’s shares at a price determined on the date of grant of options. The particulars of options granted under various plans are tabulated below. (The number of shares in the table below is adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues).
Stock option activity under the 1999 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006
                    Weighted-   average
            Range of   average   remaining
    Shares arising   exercise prices   exercise price   contractual life
    out of options   (Rs.)   (Rs.)   (months)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    4,201,953       171 - 181       181       6  
    9,939,724       309 - 421       311       14  
Forfeited during the period
    (40 )     171 - 181       181        
    (224,530 )     309 - 421       309        
Exercised during the period
    (4,110,491 )     171 - 181       181        
    (5,056,811 )     309 - 421       310        
Lapsed during the period
    (91,422 )     309 - 421       181        
Outstanding at the end of the period
          171 - 181              
    4,658,383       309 - 421       312       3  
Exercisable at the end of the period
          171 - 181              
    4,658,383       309 - 421       312       3  
Stock option activity under the 2000 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006
                    Weighted   average
            Range of   average   remaining
    Shares arising   exercise prices   exercise price   contractual life
    out of options   (Rs.)   (Rs.)   (months)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    392,896       172 - 256       231       33  
    26,180,498       265 - 396       267       35  
    12,661,148       397 - 458       399       18  
Forfeited during the period
    (18,000 )     172 - 256       229        
    (790,554 )     265 - 396       267        
    (831,625 )     397 - 458       398        
Exercised during the period
    (82,320 )     172 - 256       221        
    (5,243,687 )     265 - 396       266        
    (1,929,556 )     397 - 458       397        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    292,576       172 - 256       233       21  
    20,146,257       265 - 396       267       23  
    9,899,967       397 - 458       399       7  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    186,732       172 - 256       233       24  
    16,165,662       265 - 396       267       26  
    9,899,967       397 - 458       399       10  



Stock option activity under the 2000 ADS Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006
                    Weighted   average
            Range of   average   remaining
    Shares arising   exercise prices   exercise price   contractual life
    out of options   $   $   (months)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    404,550       3.46 - 5.01       4.35       30  
    2,030,700       5.82 - 6.90       6.50       21  
Forfeited during the period
    (48,000 )     3.46 - 5.01       4.00        
    (180,000 )     5.82 - 6.90       6.07        
Exercised during the period
    (117,650 )     3.46 - 5.01       4.45        
    (641,858 )     5.82 - 6.90       6.53        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    238,900       3.46 - 5.01       4.38       19  
    1,208,842       5.82 - 6.90       6.50       12  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    176,938       3.46 - 5.01       4.33       19  
    911,621       5.82 - 6.90       6.45       12  
Stock option activity under WRSUP 2004 plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006
            Exercise   remaining
    Shares arising   prices   contractual life
    out of options   (Rs.)   (months)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    9,519,656       2       66  
Granted during the year
    55,500       2       72  
Forfeited during the period
    (694,572 )     2        
Exercised during the period
    (1,282,410 )     2        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    7,598,174       2       54  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    518,321       2       54  
Stock option activity under WARSUP 2004 plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006
            Exercise   remaining
    Shares arising   prices   contractual life
    out of options   $   (months)
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    1,536,100       0.02       66  
Exercised during the period
    (148,440 )     0.02        
Forfeited during the period
    (386,940 )     0.02        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    1,000,720       0.02       54  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    116,400       0.02       54  



12. The breakup of accumulated net deferred tax asset is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)
    As at March 31,
    2006     2005  
Deferred tax assets :
Allowance for doubtful debts
    105.43       134.08  
Property plant and equipment — Depreciation differential
    52.14       (27.00 )
Accrued expenses
    223.81       211.48  
    381.38       318.56  
13.   The Company had received demands from the Indian income tax authorities for the financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02 aggregating to Rs. 5,231.72 Million. The tax demands were primarily on account of denial of deduction claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Income Tax Act 1961 (Act), in respect of profits earned by its undertakings in Software Technology Park at Bangalore. The Company had appealed against the said demands. In March 2006, the first Income tax appellate authority substantially upheld the deductions claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Act, which will vacate a substantial portion of the demands for these years.
    In March 2006, the Company received an assessment order for financial year 2002-03 on the similar lines of the earlier two financial years. The order has demanded a tax of Rs. 2,868.77 Million (including interest of Rs.750.38 Million). The Company will file an appeal against the assessment order within the prescribed statutory time.
    Considering the facts and nature of disallowance, the order of the appellate authority upholding the claims of the Company for financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02, the management believes that the final outcome of the dispute should be positive in favour of the Company and there should not be any material impact on the financial statements.
14.   Provision for taxation comprises of following :
  (i)   Rs. 1,571.96 Million (2005 : Rs. 1,133.65 Million) in respect of foreign taxes.
  (ii)   Rs. 1,392.37 Million (2005 : Rs. 1,479.97 Million) in respect of Indian Income Tax, which includes write back of Rs. 338.48 Million (2005 : provision of Rs. 70.55 Million) in respect of earlier years and a deferred tax benefit of Rs. 62.82 Million (2005 : Deferred tax benefit of Rs.3.02 Million)
  (iii)   Rs. 7.5 Million (2005 : Rs. 8.40 Million) in respect of Wealth Tax which includes provision of Rs. Nil (2005 : Rs. 3.40 Million) in respect of earlier years.
  (iv)   Rs. 227.67 Million (2005 : Nil) on account of Fringe Benefit Tax.
15.   In August 2005, the Company recorded a bonus issue in the ratio of one additional equity share or ADS for every equity share or ADS held.
16.   The Company publishes standalone financials statements along with the consolidated financial statements in the annual report.
    In accordance with Accounting Standard 17, Segment Reporting, the Company has disclosed the segment information in the consolidated financial statements.
17.   A reconciliation of equity shares used in the computation of basic earnings per share is set out below :
    Year ended March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Weighted average equity shares outstanding
    1,414,378,034       1,383,663,937  
Share held by a controlled trust
    7,872,060       7,890,435  
Weighted average equity shares for computing basic EPS
    1,406,505,974       1,391,554,372  
Dilutive impact of employee stock options
    21,409,926       12,779,884  
Weighted average equity shares for computing diluted EPS
    1,427,915,724       1,404,334,256  
Net income considered for computing diluted EPS
    20,204.81       14,948.21  
18.   The Company leases office and residential facilities under cancelable and non-cancelable operating lease agreements that are renewable on a periodic basis at the option of both the lessor and the lessee. Rental payments under such leases are Rs. 848.85 Million for the years ended March 31, 2006.



    Details of contractual payments under non-cancelable leases are given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
Lease rentals recognised during the period
    (Rs. in Million)  
Lease obligations   As at March 31, 2006  
Within one year of the balance sheet date
Due in a period between one year and five years
Due after 5 years
19.   The movement in warranty obligations is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
Balance as at March 31, 2005
Additional provision during the year
Utilised during the year
    (331.44 )
Balance as at March 31, 2006
20.   The movement in provision for doubtful debts and advances is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)
    As at March 31,
    2006     2005  
Balance as at the opening period
    876.56       792.62  
Additional provision during the year, net of collections
    253.44       120.02  
Bad debts charged to provision during the year
    (31.79 )     (36.08 )
Balance as at the closing period
    1,098.21       876.56  
21. The following are the entities with whom the Company has related party transactions :
Subsidiaries   Affiliates   Entities controlled by Directors
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
  Wipro GE Medical Systems   Azim Premji Foundation *
Wipro Inc.
  Private Limited    
Enthink Inc.
  WeP Peripherals Limited   Hasham Premji (partnership firm) *
Wipro Japan KK
Wipro Chandrika Limited
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
Wipro Travel Services Limited
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
Spectramind Inc
Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited
Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited
Wipro Technologies UK Limited
Wipro Consumer Care Limited
Cygnus Nigri Investments Private Limited
Wipro Shanghai Limited
mPower software Services Inc.
mPower Software Services (India) Private Limited



Mpact Technologies Services Private Limited
BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GMBH
New Logic Technologies AG
New Logic Technologies Inc.
New Logic Technologies SARL
New Logic Technologies S.A.
Wipro Equity Reward Trust
* Major share holder or director has control over these entities
a)   The Company has the following transactions with the following related parties.
    (Rs. in Million)
    Year ended March 31,
    2006     2005  
Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited
Revenues from sale of computer equipment and services
    114.01       111.68  
Rent, travel and related expenses
Purchase of Software
WeP Peripherals Limited
Revenues from sale of computer equipment and services
    19.67       10.48  
Payments for services
    2.37       7.50  
Purchase of printers
    118.88       176.79  
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
Payment of license fee
Azim Premji Foundation
Revenues from sale of computer equipment and services
    3.64       6.71  
Wipro Japan KK
Software development services provided
    16.17       19.55  
Remuneration paid for marketing services received
    159.27       96.37  
Wipro Shanghai Limited
Software development services provided
    40.34       15.91  
Wipro Holdings Mauritius Limited
Professional fees
Wipro Travel Services Limited
Commission paid
    25.12       10.28  
Wipro Inc.
Software development services provided
    880.45       214.54  
Software development services received
    276.32       8.33  
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
Revenues from sale of computer equipment and services
    7.66       1.78  
Wipro Chandrika Limited
Inter corporate deposit (loan) given
    5.25       273.01  
Interest receivable
    16.38       12.98  
Dues received
Cygnus Negri Investments Private Limited
Payment of lease rentals
    0.48       0.48  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
Revenues from sale of computer equipment and services
    6.49       7.73  
Lease rent — land and building
    2.18       2.18  
Furniture and work stations
    1.10       3.83  
Lighting products
    0.31       0.22  
    2.47       2.90  



    (Rs. in Million)
    Year ended March 31,
    2006     2005  
Wipro Technologies UK Limited
Inter corporate advances
    97.75       82.14  
Wipro Equity Reward Trust
Dividend paid
    19.73       39.01  
Spectramind Inc.
Inter corporate advances
Payment of lease rentals
    1.13       1.13  
Payment to non executive directors :
Dr Ashok Ganguly
    1.10       0.80  
Narayan Vaghul
    1.50       0.80  
Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara
  Yen 2.40     Yen 4.80  
Dr. Jagdish N Sheth
  $ 0.04     $ 0.03  
P M Sinha
    1.00       1.00  
B C Prabhakar
    0.55       0.40  
b)   The following is the listing of receivable from and payable to related parties as on the balance sheet date.
    (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006     2005  
Receivables :
WeP Peripherals Limited
Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited
    51.70       56.47  
Azim Premji Foundation
    0.69       6.71  
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
    35.12       26.45  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
Wipro Japan KK
Wipro Inc.
    319.14       165.50  
Enthink Inc.
    40.98       40.15  
Wipro Shanghai Limited
    58.83       16.59  
Wipro Chandrika Limited
    301.23       273.01  
Wipro Holdings Mauritius Limited
    0.59       0.30  
Wipro Technology UK limited
    179.89       82.14  
Wipro BPO Solutions Limited
Spectramind Inc.
Cygnus Negri Investments Private Limited
    2.04       2.00  
Payables :
WeP Peripherals Limited
Wipro Japan KK
Wipro Travel Services Limited
    32.46       23.99  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
Wipro Equity Reward Trust
    340.98       340.98  
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
Wipro Consumer Care Limited
    0.77       0.77  



22.   Computation of net profit in accordance with section 198 read with section 349 of the Companies Act, 1956.
        (Rs. in Million)
        For the year ended March 31,
        2006     2005  
Profit before taxation     23,404.30       17,570.23  
Add :
  Depreciation as per accounts     2,922.56       1,859.67  
  Managerial Remuneration     74.99       106.89  
  Provision for doubtful debts/Advances     253.44       122.90  
Less :
  Depreciation as per section 350     2,922.56       1,859.67  
  Bad debts written off     31.79       7.35  
  Gain on sale of real estate property           108.90  
  Profit on sale of Investment     237.72       35.59  
  Net profit for section 198 of the Companies Act, 1956     23,463.22       17,648.18  
Commission payable to :                
Azim Premji, Chairman     17.44       17.65  
Vivek Paul, Vice Chairman (pro-rata)     33.85       52.94  
Total     51.29       70.59  
Managerial remuneration* comprises of :                
Salaries and allowances     14.67       23.75  
Commission     51.29       70.59  
Pension Contribution     6.57       8.04  
Contribution to Provident Fund     0.36       0.30  
Perquisites     2.01       4.12  
Directors Fees     0.09       0.09  
Total     74.99       106.89  
*   Stock compensation cost amounting to Rs. 6.49 Million has not been considered in the managerial remuneration computation.
23.   SSI dues outstanding for a period in excess of 30 days as on March 31, 2006 are given below;
Name of the Supplier   Rs. in Million  
Prospect Industries
Har-hal Plastic Engineering Pvt.
Fabionix (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Everlite Industries
Ash & Alain
Astra Lighting Limited
Brighten Technology Development Ltd
Concord Lighting
Magnametal And Mill Store
Vijay’s Oriental Acade
Blue Diamond Leders
Kasa Electric Components P Ltd
Prachi Industries
Kameshwari Packagings
Chinmaya Industries
Grand Total
24.   Corresponding figures for previous periods presented have been regrouped, where necessary, to confirm to the current period classification.



i)   Licensed/registered/installed capacities
            Licensed Capacity     Installed Capacity @  
    Unit   March 31,     March 31,     March 31,     March 31,  
            2006     2005     2006     2005  
Vanaspati/Hydrogenated oils
  TPA *   144,000       144,000       45,000       45,000  
Toilet soaps
  TPA *   64,000       64,000       47,930       47,930  
Leather shoe uppers, leather shoes and allied articles
  Pairs/Nos. (1000s) p.a. in lakhs     750       750       750       750  
Fatty acids
  T PA *   20,000       20,000       20,000       20,000  
  T PA *   2,000       2,000       1,800       1,800  
GLS lamps
  000s     50,000       50,000       50,000       50,000  
TL shells
  000s     12,694       12,694       12,694       12,694  
Fluorescent tube lights
  000s     10,694       10,694       10,694       10,694  
  Nos. in 000’s     6,658       6,658       6,658       6,658  
Mini computers/micro processor based systems and data communication systems
  N PA #   180,000       180,000       180,000       180,000  
@   Installed capacities are as per certificate given by management on which auditors have relied.
*   TPA indicates tons per annum
#   NPA indicates nos. per annum
ii)   Production
        March 31,     March 31,  
        2006     2005  
    Unit   Quantity     Quantity  
Mini computers/micro processor based systems and data communication systems
  Nos.     104,748       87,285  
Toilet soaps
  Tons     38,404       32,178  
Vanaspati/hydrogenated oils
  Tons     5,257       4,466  
Shoe uppers and full shoes (pairs)
  000s     375       293  
Fluorescent tube lights
        9,283       11,564  
Fatty acids ($)
  Tons     20,767       18,277  
  Tons     919       753  
#   Includes samples and shortages
$   Includes 20,802 (2005: 18,286) used for own consumption



iii)   Value of imported and indigenous materials consumed
    March 31, 2006     March 31, 2005  
    %     Rs. in Mn     %     Rs. in Mn  
Raw materials
    62       3,740.11       51       3,070.89  
    38       2,280.19       49       2,903.81  
    100       6,020.30       100       5,974.70  
Stores and spares
          0.36       5       15.42  
    100       387.26       95       293.37  
    100       387.62       100       308.79  
iv)   Value of imports on CIF basis
    (Does not include value of imported items locally purchased)
    (Rs. in Million)
    March 31,     March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Raw materials, components and peripherals
    3,863.77       3,207.27  
Stores and spares
    0.06       30.08  
    3,863.83       3,237.35  
v)   Expenditure in foreign currency
    (Rs. in Million)
    March 31,     March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Traveling and onsite allowance
    22,899.40       16,891.92  
    9.37       3.72  
    224.83       236.22  
Professional fees
    1,247.93       716.79  
Subcontracting charges
    3,292.24       1,213.86  
Dividend *
    51.54       98.16  
    3,143.06       3,138.98  
    30,868.37       22,299.65  
*   Amount remitted in foreign currency on account of payment of dividend
    March 31,     March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Net amount remitted
    51.54       98.16  
Number of shares held by non-resident shareholders
    10,308,275       3,384,813  
Financial year to which Dividend relates
    2004-2005       2003-2004  



vi)   Earnings in foreign exchange
    (Rs. in Million)
    March 31,     March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Export of goods on F.O.B basis
    154.53       102.47  
    70,364.87       53,342.41  
Agency commission
    313.54       292.02  
    70,832.94       53,736.90  
Pursuant to the exemption granted by the Department of Company Affairs, Government of India, vide circular no. 46/35/2006-CL-III, the Company has been exempted from the disclosure requirements of Para 3(i)(a) and Para 3(ii)(a)(1) & (2) of Part II of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956.



  Registration Details                    
  Registration No.     20800     State Code     08  
  Balance Sheet Date   31st March 2006              
  Capital raised during the year   (Rs. in Million            
  Public issue   Nil              
  Rights issue   Nil              
  Bonus issue   Nil              
  Issue of shares on exercise of                    
  Employee Stock Options     4,492.47              
  American Depository Offering     211.14              
  Position of mobilisation of and deployment of funds   (Rs. in Million            
  Total Liabilities     64,780.99     Total Assets     64,780.99  
  Sources of funds           Application of Funds        
  Paid-up capital     2,851.51     Goodwill     85.54  
  Share application money pending           Net Fixed Assets     17,306.10  
  allotment     74.86     Investments     34,592.03  
  Reserves and Surplus     61,353.01     Deferred tax assets     381.38  
  Secured Loans     450.58     Net Current Assets     12,501.48  
  Unsecured Loans     51.03              
  Performance of the Company   (Rs. in Million            
  Turnover     103,795.26              
  Total Expenditure     80,390.96              
  Profit before Tax     23,404.30              
  Profit after Tax     20,204.80              
  Earnings per share (basic)     14.37              
  Dividend     250 %            
V   Generic names of three principal products/services of the Company (as per monetary terms)
    i)   Item code no (ITC Code)    
         Product description    
Personal Computer
    ii)   Item code no (ITC Code)    
          Product description    
I.T. Software
    iii)  Item code no (ITC Code)    
           Product description    
Vegetable fats and oils (Edible Grade)
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Azim Hasham Premji
  B.C. Prabhakar
Suresh C. Senapaty
  V. Ramachandran
Executive Vice President
  Company Secretary
& Chief Financial Officer



We have audited the attached consolidated balance sheet of Wipro Limited (‘the Company’) and subsidiaries (collectively called ‘the Wipro Group’) as at 31 March 2006, the consolidated profit and loss account and the consolidated cash flow statement for the quarter and year ended on that date, annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by Management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
We report that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the Company’s management in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standard (AS) 21, Consolidated Financial Statements, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 10 of the Notes to Accounts. The Company has granted Restricted Stock Units (RSU’s) since October 2004. The stock compensation cost is computed under the intrinsic value method and amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of five years. An alternative interpretation could require amortization of cost on an accelerated basis. If the Company were to amortize the cost on an accelerated basis, profit before taxes and profit after tax for quarter and year ended March 31, 2006 would have been lower by Rs 28 million, Rs 24 million and Rs 490 million, Rs 449 million respectively. Similarly, the profit before taxes and profit after tax for the year ended March 31, 2005 would have been lower by Rs 443 million and Rs 409 million respectively.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
(a)   in the case of the consolidated balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the Wipro Group as at 31 March 2006;
(b)   in the case of the consolidated profit and loss account, of the profit of the Wipro Group for the quarter and year ended on that date; and
(c)   in the case of the consolidated cash flow statement, of the cash flows of the Wipro Group for the quarter and year ended on that date.
for BSR & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Jamil Khatri
Membership No. 102527
6 May 2006



                (Rs. in Million)  
        As of March 31,  
SOURCES OF FUNDS   Schedule   2006     2005  
Shareholders’ Funds
Share capital
  1     2,851.51       1,407.14  
Share application money pending allotment
        74.86       12.05  
Reserves and surplus
  2     63,200.82       51,407.11  
        66,127.19       52,826.30  
Loan Funds
Secured loans
  3     450.58       215.89  
Unsecured loans
  4     306.68       405.03  
        757.26       620.92  
Minority interest
        66,884.45       53,712.55  
Fixed Assets
Goodwill [refer note 19 (3)]
        3,528.34       5,663.16  
Gross block
  5     24,815.60       20,899.63  
Less : Accumulated depreciation
        12,910.14       9,951.77  
Net block
        11,905.46       10,947.86  
Capital work-in-progress and advances
        6,248.52       2,603.85  
        21,682.32       19,214.87  
  6     30,812.31       23,504.93  
Deferred Tax Assets
        593.50       495.00  
Current Assets, Loans and Advances
  7     2,064.61       1,747.25  
Sundry debtors
  8     21,271.58       15,518.30  
Cash and bank balances
  9     8,857.70       5,713.57  
Loans and advances
  10     10,372.87       5,562.85  
        42,566.76       28,541.97  
Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions
  11     18,526.94       12,742.08  
  12     10,243.50       5,302.14  
        28,770.44       18,044.22  
Net Current Assets
        13,796.32       10,497.75  
        66,884.45       53,712.55  
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts
The schedules referred above form an integral part of the consolidated balance sheet
for BSR & Co.,
  For and on behalf of the Board of Directors    
Chartered Accountants
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
Jamil Khatri
  Chairman   Director
Membership No. 102527
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
May 06, 2006



                        (Rs. in Million, except share data)  
        Quarter ended March 31,     Year ended March 31,  
    Schedule   2006     2005     2006     2005  
Gross sales & services
        30,923.29       23,178.25       106,804.56       82,330.25  
Less : Excise duty
        204.50       166.94       775.36       724.70  
Net sales and services
        30,718.79       23,011.31       106,029.20       81,605.55  
Other income
  13     821.82       313.29       1,535.52       944.79  
        31,540.61       23,324.60       107,564.72       82,550.34  
Cost of sales and services
  14     21,088.05       15,722.89       71,484.05       54,081.41  
Selling and marketing expenses
  15     1,910.89       1,483.29       7,002.66       5,638.13  
General and administrative expenses
  16     1,427.34       1,093.53       5,264.75       3,826.91  
  17     7.07       6.09       34.95       56.12  
        24,433.35       18,305.80       83,786.41       63,602.57  
        7,107.26       5,018.80       23,778.31       18,947.77  
Provision for taxation including FBT
        983.42       714.74       3,390.98       2,749.59  
        6,123.84       4,304.06       20,387.33       16,198.18  
        6,123.84       4,304.06       20,387.33       16,198.18  
Minority interest
                (16.02 )     (1.40 )     (88.12 )
Share in earnings of Affiliates
        54.81       42.36       287.97       175.33  
        6,178.65       4,330.40       20,673.90       16,285.39  
Proposed dividend
                        7,128.77       3,478.84  
Tax on dividend
                        999.81       493.38  
        6,178.65       4,330.40       12,545.32       12,313.17  
(PY : Adjusted EPS for bonus issue in ratio of 1:1)
Equity shares of par value Rs. 2/- each
Basic (in Rs.)
        4.37       3.10       14.70       11.70  
Diluted (in Rs.)
        4.29       3.05       14.48       11.60  
Number of shares for calculating EPS
(PY : Adjusted for bonus issue in ratio of 1:1)
        1,414,449,258       1,397,466,896       1,406,505,974       1,391,554,372  
        1,439,160,585       1,418,374,046       1,427,915,724       1,404,334,256  
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts
The schedules referred above form an integral part of the consolidated profit and loss account
As per our report attached
  For and on behalf of the Board of Directors    
for BSR & Co.,
Chartered Accountants
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
  Chairman   Director
Jamil Khatri
Membership No. 102527
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
May 06, 2006



    (Rs. in Million, except share data)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Authorised capital
1,650,000,000 (2005 : 750,000,000) equity shares of Rs. 2 each
    3,300.00       1,500.00  
25,000,000 (2005 : 25,000,000) 10.25 % redeemable cumulative preference shares of Rs. 10 each
    250.00       250.00  
    3,550.00       1,750.00  
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
1,425,754,267 (2005 : 703,570,522) equity shares of Rs. 2 each [refer note 19 (1)]
    2,851.51       1,407.14  
    2,851.51       1,407.14  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Capital reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period
    9.50       9.50  
Add : Acquisition of minority interest in
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
(formerly known as Wipro Fluid Power Limited)
    47.09       9.50  
Capital redemption reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period
    250.04       250.04  
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
Securities premium account
Balance brought forward from previous period
    9,299.05       6,732.28  
Add : Exercise of stock options by employees
    5,120.88       2,566.77  
Add : Amalgamation of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited,
Spectramind Bermuda and Spectramind Mauritius
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
    14,378.39       9,299.05  
Translation reserve
    (111.21 )     (130.91 )
Restricted stock units reserve
Employees Stock Options Outstanding
    2,731.75       3,529.12  
Less : Deferred Employee Compensation Expense
    2,202.42       3,183.50  
    529.33       345.62  
General reserve
Balance brought forward from the previous period
    41,633.81       30,251.90  
Additions [refer Note 19 (2)]
    6,723.41       12,313.17  
Less : Amount utilised for bonus shares
    48,357.22       41,633.81  
Summary of reserves and surplus
Balance brought forward from previous period
    51,407.11       37,083.97  
    13,205.50       15,254.40  
    1,411.79       931.26  
    63,200.82       51,407.11  



    (Rs. in Million)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Cash credit facility from banks
    448.90       214.21  
Development loan from Karnataka Government
    1.68       1.68  
    450.58       215.89  
    (Rs. in Million)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Cash credit facility — overseas
    255.65       349.76  
Other loans
Interest free loan from State Governments
    49.78       54.02  
    1.25       1.25  
    306.68       405.03  



                                                                                  (Rs. in Million)  
      As on                     As on       As on     Depreciation             As on       As on     As on  
      April 1,             Deductions/     March 31,       April 1,     for the     Adjustments/     March 31,       March 31,     March 31,  
PARTICULARS     2005     Additions     adjustments     2006       2005     period     Deductions     2006       2006     2005  
      1,268.52       76.51             1,345.03                                   1,345.03       1,268.52  
      3,893.46       611.04       0.56       4,503.94         328.49       65.41       0.15       393.75         4,110.19       3,564.97  
Plant & machinery
      11,806.06       2,451.46       22.84       14,234.68         7,582.37       2,203.27       15.56       9,770.08         4,464.60       4,223.69  
Furniture, fixture and equipments
      2,513.85       568.98       75.50       3,007.33         1,498.34       539.21       45.21       1,992.34         1,014.99       1,015.51  
      1,053.28       415.70       144.67       1,324.31         501.02       243.64       77.14       667.52         656.79       552.26  
Technical know-how
      10.38       34.35             44.73         10.38       23.66             34.04         10.69        
Patents, trade marks and rights
      354.08       1.50             355.58         31.17       21.24             52.41         303.17       322.91  
      20,899.63       4,159.54       243.57       24,815.60         9,951.77       3,096.43       138.06       12,910.14         11,905.46       10,947.86  
Previous year - 31 March 2005
      15,607.11       5,455.65       163.13       20,899.63         7,599.48       2,456.24       103.95       9,951.77         10,947.86          



            (Rs. in Million)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Investment — Long Term
Investment in Affiliates
Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited (refer note below)
    765.91       506.75  
WeP Peripherals Ltd.
    216.41       201.72  
    982.32       708.47  
Other Investment — unquoted
    13.05       12.60  
Current investments
Investments in Indian money market mutual funds
    29,814.24       22,627.69  
Investment overseas — trust funds/others
Investment — others
    29,816.94       22,783.86  
    30,812.31       23,504.93  
  Equity investments in this company carry certain restrictions on transfer of
  shares that is normally provided for in shareholders’ agreements
            (Rs. in Million)
    As of March 31,
    2006     2005  
Raw materials
    692.01       688.77  
Stock in process
    288.73       212.51  
Finished goods
    885.85       666.56  
Stores and spares
    198.02       179.41  
    2,064.61       1,747.25  
Basis of stock valuations :
i)   Raw materials, stock in process and stores & spares at or below cost.
ii)   Finished goods at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower.
Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months
Considered good
    815.63       654.35  
Considered doubtful
    1,115.78       846.54  
    1,931.41       1,500.89  
Considered good
    20,455.95       14,863.95  
    20,455.95       14,863.95  
Less : Provision for doubtful debts
    1,115.78       846.54  
    21,271.58       15,518.30  



            (Rs. in Million)  
    As of March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Cash and cheques on hand
    399.82       109.14  
Bank balances (including Deposits)
    8,457.88       5,604.43  
    8,857.70       5,713.57  
(Unsecured, considered good unless otherwise stated)
Advance recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received
Considered good
    3,257.70       1,794.83  
Considered doubtful
    118.05       89.33  
    3,375.75       1,884.16  
Less : Provision for doubtful advances
    118.05       89.33  
    3,257.70       1,794.83  
Other deposits
    1,411.02       889.06  
Advance tax (net of provision)
    1,237.33       184.07  
Balances with excise and customs
    130.76       20.20  
Unbilled revenue
    4,336.06       2,674.69  
    10,372.87       5,562.85  
Sundry creditors
    4,145.96       3,742.85  
Unclaimed dividends
    4.50       4.50  
Advances from customers
    969.10       637.50  
Unearned revenues
    600.51       639.64  
Other liabilities
    12,806.87       7,717.59  
    18,526.94       12,742.08  
Employee retirement benefits
    1,395.75       828.58  
Warranty provision
    719.17       462.33  
Proposed dividend
    7,128.77       3,517.85  
Tax on proposed dividend
    999.81       493.38  
    10,243.50       5,302.14  



                            (Rs. in Million)  
    Quarter ended March 31,     Year ended March 31,  
    2006     2005     2006     2005  
Dividend on mutual fund units
    275.46       162.60       871.02       679.36  
Interest on debt instruments and others
    59.39       18.72       198.09       35.79  
Rental income
    5.38       5.64       21.03       22.63  
Profit on sale of mutual fund units
    74.05       23.22       237.72       35.59  
Profit on disposal of fixed assets
    2.38       2.32       13.37       109.80  
Exchange differences — net
    377.80       63.24       135.07       (9.14 )
Miscellaneous income
    27.36       37.55       59.22       70.76  
    821.82       313.29       1,535.52       944.79  
Raw materials, finished and process stocks*
    4,783.12       4,133.22       14,818.72       12,182.72  
Stores and spares
    142.62       122.64       480.17       370.84  
Power and fuel
    201.43       166.90       889.94       626.52  
Employee compensation costs
    10,671.44       8,013.38       38,183.51       29,139.86  
    43.00       33.25       160.99       131.52  
    454.29       316.53       1,192.30       1,118.60  
    182.10       133.50       599.29       455.28  
Rates and taxes
    94.01       19.95       172.20       57.54  
Packing and freight inward
    2.66       6.86       24.01       18.71  
    1,070.08       622.71       3,688.06       2,372.46  
    322.55       329.74       1,342.85       1,202.55  
    797.44       671.69       2,909.68       2,281.70  
Sub contracting/technical fees
    1,509.69       555.24       4,317.42       2,130.33  
    813.62       597.28       2,704.91       1,992.78  
    21,088.05       15,722.89       71,484.05       54,081.41  
*   For details refer Schedule 18



                            (Rs. in Million)  
    Quarter ended March 31,     Year ended March 31,  
    2006     2005     2006     2005  
Employee compensation cost
    956.60       713.68       3,507.51       2,625.53  
    5.54       0.63       30.45       46.72  
Repairs to building
    2.57       1.78       9.07       9.72  
    45.22       40.41       211.60       210.90  
Rates and taxes
    1.50       5.36       16.30       18.30  
Carriage and freight
    158.92       107.58       555.37       356.96  
Commission on sales
    36.00       58.96       131.11       205.19  
Advertisement and sales promotion
    308.79       191.95       972.19       755.81  
    28.10       18.38       99.07       74.71  
    148.55       129.59       646.77       563.57  
    48.32       67.05       234.36       276.67  
    170.78       147.92       588.86       494.05  
    1,910.89       1,483.29       7,002.66       5,638.13  
Employee compensation cost
    591.36       487.63       2,154.99       1,568.37  
    13.64       6.82       19.77       33.51  
Repairs to building
    1.00       1.69       4.28       7.83  
    8.20       10.79       37.96       30.21  
Rates and taxes
    30.63       7.32       76.73       20.14  
Auditor’s remuneration
Audit fees
    2.05       0.61       11.91       8.28  
For certification including tax audit
    0.14       0.90       0.14       0.96  
Reimbursement of expenses
    0.07       0.45       1.42       0.78  
Loss on disposal of fixed assets
                5.62       1.10  
    19.06       25.27       87.68       99.83  
    202.48       116.66       637.26       418.06  
    32.73       19.89       124.19       78.60  
Provision/write off of bad debts
    (24.23 )     10.84       304.24       151.89  
    550.21       404.66       1,798.56       1,407.35  
    1,427.34       1,093.53       5,264.75       3,826.91  



            (Rs. in Million)
            Quarter ended March 31,     Year ended March 31,  
            2006     2005     2006     2005  
SCHEDULE 17 INTEREST                                
Cash credit and others     7.07       6.09       34.95       56.12  
            7.07       6.09       34.95       56.12  
Consumption of raw materials and bought out components                                
Opening stocks     683.23       669.18       688.77       551.40  
Add : Purchases     1,259.23       1,043.74       7,010.74       6,874.71  
Less : Closing Stock     692.01       688.77       692.01       688.77  
            1,250.45       1,024.15       7,007.50       6,737.34  
Purchase of finished products for sale     3,679.23       3,097.37       8,106.73       5,615.34  
(Increase)/decrease in finished and process stocks :                                
Opening Stock
  : In process     322.91       259.16       212.51       159.52  
  : Finished products     705.11       631.61       666.56       549.59  
Less : Closing Stock
  : In process     288.73       212.51       288.73       212.51  
  : Finished products     885.85       666.56       885.85       666.56  
            (146.56 )     11.70       (295.51 )     (169.96 )
            4,783.12       4,133.22       14,818.72       12,182.72  



        (Rs. in Million)
        Quarter ended March 31,     Year ended March 31,  
        2006     2005     2006     2005  
Cash flows from operating activities :
Profit before tax
    7,107.31       5,018.56       23,778.29       18,947.77  
Depreciation and amortization
    844.60       715.33       3,096.43       2,456.24  
Amortisation of stock compensation
    154.28       176.70       633.27       345.62  
Unrealised exchange differences - Net
    (446.14 )     (92.45 )     65.00       (92.45 )
Interest on borrowings
    7.07       6.09       34.95       56.12  
Dividend/interest - Net
    (334.85 )     (304.33 )     (1,069.11 )     (715.15 )
(Profit)/Loss on sale of mutual fund units
    (74.05 )     (23.22 )     (237.72 )     (35.59 )
Gain on sale of fixed assets
    3.24       (2.33 )     (7.75 )     (109.80 )
Working Capital Changes :
Trade and other receivable
    (2,053.12 )     (1,630.18 )     (6,990.70 )     (4,433.69 )
Loans and advances
    319.37       591.73       (1,033.14 )     311.74  
    (155.72 )     (149.24 )     (317.36 )     (455.23 )
Trade and other payables
    1,548.96       524.98       6,150.37       4,180.42  
Net cash generated from operations
    6,920.96       4,831.64       24,102.54       20,456.00  
Direct taxes paid
    (1,420.80 )     (557.76 )     (4,542.74 )     (2,354.70 )
Net cash generated from operating activities
    5,500.16       4,273.88       19,559.80       18,101.30  
Cash flows from investing activities :
Acquisition of property, fixed assets plant and equipment (including advances)
    (2,355.63 )     (1,616.08 )     (7,927.28 )     (6,465.43 )
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
    (1.56 )     14.74       113.26       168.98  
Purchase of investments
    (17,887.62 )     (19,319.96 )     (59,046.79 )     (70,145.11 )
Proceeds on sale / from maturities on investments
    18,497.81       18,486.00       52,043.18       66,383.54  
Net payment for acquisition of businesses
    (200.32 )     (20.22 )     (2,777.03 )     (617.99 )
Dividend/interest income received
    189.10       81.49       923.38       254.15  
Net cash generated by/(used in) investing activities
    (1,758.22 )     (2,374.03 )     (16,671.28 )     (10,421.86 )
Cash flows from financing activities :
Proceeds from exercise of Employee Stock Option
    1,537.71       701.11       4,704.46       2,576.58  
Share application money pending allotment
    (52.18 )     (26.25 )     62.81       12.05  
Dividends paid (including distribution tax)
                (3,997.74 )     (7,575.76 )
Interest paid on borrowings
    (7.07 )     (6.09 )     (34.95 )     (56.12 )
Proceeds/(repayment) of short-term borrowings - net
    (390.30 )     4.92       (200.30 )     (432.43 )
Repayment of long term borrowings
    (268.36 )           (268.36 )      
Proceeds from issuance shares by subsidiary
Net cash generated by/(used in) financing activities
    819.80       673.69       265.92       (5,209.49 )
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents during the period
    4,561.74       2,573.54       3,154.44       2,469.95  
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    4,279.48       3,141.10       5,713.57       3,242.70  
Effect of translation of cash balance
    16.48       (1.07 )     (10.31 )     0.92  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period
    8,857.70       5,713.57       8,857.70       5,713.57  
As per our report attached
  For and on behalf of the Board of Directors    
for BSR & Co.,
  Azim Hasham Premji   B.C. Prabhakar
Chartered Accountants
  Chairman   Director
Jamil Khatri
  Suresh C. Senapaty   V. Ramachandran
Membership No. 102527
  Executive Vice President   Company Secretary
  & Chief Financial Officer    
May 06, 2006



Company overview
Wipro Limited (Wipro), together with its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the Company or the group) is a leading India based provider of IT Services and Products, including Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services, globally. Further, Wipro has other businesses such as India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products and Consumer Care and Lighting. Wipro is headquartered in Bangalore, India.
Significant accounting policies
Basis of preparation of financial statements
The accompanying financial statements are prepared and presented under historical cost convention on accrual basis of accounting, in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Indian GAAP) and accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Principle of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Wipro and all its subsidiaries, which are more than 50% owned or controlled.
The financial statements of the parent Company and its majority owned and controlled subsidiaries have been combined on a line by line basis by adding together the book values of all items of assets, liabilities, incomes and expenses after eliminating inter-company balances/transactions and resulting unrealised gain/loss.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for similar transactions and other events in similar circumstances.
Use of estimates
The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities on the date of the consolidated financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period reported. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from software development services comprises revenue from time and material and fixed-price contracts. Revenue from time and material contracts are recognised as related services are performed. Revenue from fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts is recognized in accordance with the percentage of completion method.
Revenues from BPO services are derived from both time-based and unit-priced contracts. Revenue is recognized as the related services are performed, in accordance with the specific terms of the contract with the customers.
Maintenance revenue is considered on acceptance of the contract and is accrued over the period of the contract.
Revenue from customer training, support and other services is recognised as the related services are performed.
Provision for estimated losses, if any, on incomplete contracts are recorded in the period in which such losses become probable based on the current contract estimates. ‘Unbilled revenues’ included in loans and advances represent cost and earnings in excess of billings as at the balance sheet date. ‘Unearned revenues’ included in current liabilities represent billing in excess of revenue recognised.

Revenue from sale of products is recognised, in accordance with the sales contract, on dispatch from the factories/warehouse of the Company. Revenues from product sales are shown as net of excise duty, sales tax separately charged and applicable discounts.

Agency commission is accrued when shipment of consignment is dispatched by the principal.
Profit on sale of investments is recorded upon transfer of title by the Company and is determined as the difference between the sales price and the then carrying value of the investment.
Interest is recognised using the time-proportion method, based on rates implicit in the transaction.
Export incentives are accounted on accrual basis and include estimated realizable values/benefits from special import licenses and advance licenses.
Other income is recognised on accrual basis. Other income includes unrealised losses on short-term investments.
Warranty cost
The Company accrues the estimated cost of warranties at the time when the revenue is recognised. The accruals are based on the Company’s historical experience of material usage and service delivery costs.
Fixed assets, intangible assets and work-in-progress
Fixed assets are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation.
Interest on borrowed money allocated to and utilised for fixed assets, pertaining to the period up to the date of capitalization is capitalized. Assets acquired on direct finance lease are capitalized at the gross value and interest thereon is charged to profit and loss account.



Intangible assets are stated at the consideration paid for acquisition less accumulated amortisation.
Advances paid towards the acquisition of fixed assets outstanding as of each balance sheet date and the cost of fixed assets not ready for use before such date are disclosed under capital work-in-progress.
Lease payments under operating lease are recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account.
Goodwill arising on consolidation/acquisition of assets is not amortised. It is tested for impairment on a periodic basis and written-off if found impaired.
Depreciation and amortisation
Depreciation is provided on straight line method at rates not lower than rates specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. Assets under capital lease are amortised over their estimated useful life or the lease term, whichever is lower.
Intangible assets are amortised over their estimated useful life. Estimated useful life is usually less than 10 years. For certain brands acquired by the Company, based on the performance of various comparable brands in the market, the Company estimated the useful life of those brands to be 20 to 25 years. Accordingly, such intangible assets are being amortized over 20 to 25 years.
Long term investments (other than investments in affiliates) are stated at cost less provision for diminution in the value of such investments. Diminution in value is provided for where the management is of the opinion that the diminution is of other than temporary nature. Short term investments are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value.
Investments in affiliates are accounted under the equity method.
Finished goods are valued at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower. Other inventories are valued at cost less provision for obsolescence. Small value tools and consumables are charged to consumption on purchase. Cost is determined using weighted average method.
Provision for retirement benefits
Gratuity - In accordance with applicable Indian laws, the Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (Gratuity Plan). The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees, at retirement or termination of employment, an amount based on the respective employee’s last drawn salary and the years of employment with the Company. The Company contributes to the group gratuity scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
Superannuation - Apart from being covered under the Gratuity Plan described above, the senior officers of the Company also participate in a defined contribution plan maintained by the Company. This plan is administered by the LIC. The Company makes annual contributions based on a specified percentage of each covered employee’s salary. The Company has no further obligations under the plan beyond its annual contributions.
Provident fund - In addition to the above benefits, employees receive benefits from a provident fund, a defined contribution plan. The employee and employer each make monthly contributions to the plan equal to 12% of the covered employee’s salary. A portion of the contribution is made to the provident fund trust managed by the Company, while the remainder of the contribution is made to the Government’s provident fund. The Government mandates the annual yield to be provided to the employees on their corpus. The Company has an obligation to make good the shortfall, if any, between the yield on the investments of trust and the yield mandated by the Government.
Foreign currency transactions
The Company is exposed to currency fluctuations on foreign currency transactions. With a view to minimise the volatility arising from fluctuations in the currency rates, the Company follows established risk management policies, including the use of foreign exchange forward contracts and other derivative instruments.
As a part of the Risk Management Policies, the forward contracts are designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions. The Accounting Standard (AS 11) on “The Effects of Changes on Foreign Exchange Rates”, amended with effect from April 1, 2004 provides guidance on accounting for forward contracts. In respect of forward contracts entered into to hedge foreign exchange risk of highly probable forecasted transactions, the ICAI has clarified that AS 11 is not applicable to exchange differences arising from such forward contracts. The premium or discount of such contracts is amortised over the life of the contract in accordance with AS 11 (revised).
Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the average rate for the month. Period-end balances of monetary foreign currency assets and liabilities are restated at the closing rate. The exchange difference arising from restatement or settlement is recognised in the profit and loss account.
In respect of forward contracts assigned to the foreign currency assets as on the balance sheet date, the proportionate premium/discount for the period upto the date of balance sheet is recognised in the profit and loss account. The exchange difference measured by the change in exchange rate between inception of forward contract and the date of balance sheet is applied on the foreign currency amount of the forward contract and recognised in the profit and loss account.



Exchange differences, including gains/losses on intermediary roll over/cancellation, of forward contracts designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions are recognised in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction occurs. Realised/unrealised gains and losses on forward contracts and options not designated as hedges of forecasted transactions are accounted in the profit and loss account for the period.
In respect of non-integral operations, assets and liabilities are translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the balance sheet. The items in the profit & loss account are translated at the average exchange rate during the period. The differences arising out of the translation are transferred to translation reserve.
Employee stock options
The Company measures the compensation cost relating to employee stock options using the intrinsic value method. The compensation cost is amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of the stock options.
Fringe benefit tax
Consequent to the introduction of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) effective 1 April, 2005, in accordance with the guidance note on accounting for fringe benefits tax issued by the ICAI, the Company has made provision for FBT under income taxes.
Income tax
The current charge for income taxes is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for the future tax consequences attributable to timing differences that result between the profit offered for income taxes and the profit as per the financial statements by each entity in the Company. Deferred tax in respect of timing differences which originate during the tax holiday period but reverse after the tax holiday period is recognised in the period in which the timing differences originate. For this purpose the timing difference which originates first is considered to reverse first. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognised in the period that includes the enactment/substantial enactment date. Deferred tax assets on timing differences are recognised only if there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. However, deferred tax assets on the timing differences when unabsorbed depreciation and losses carried forward exist, are recognised only to the extent that there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. Deferred tax assets are reassessed for the appropriateness of their respective carrying values at each balance sheet dates.
Research and development
Revenue expenditure on research and development is charged to profit and loss account and capital expenditure is shown as addition to fixed assets.
Earnings per share
The number of shares used in computing basic earnings per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. The number of shares used in computing diluted earnings per share comprises the weighted average shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share, and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. The dilution is determined using the treasury stock method. Dilutive potential equity shares are deemed converted as of the beginning of the period, unless issued at a later date. The number of shares and potentially dilutive equity shares are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues.
Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using indirect method, whereby net profits before tax is adjusted for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature and any deferrals or accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments. The cash flows from regular revenue generating, investing and financing activities of the Company are segregated.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
The Company creates a provision when there is a present obligation as a result of an obligating event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Where there is a possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
Impairment of assets
The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset including goodwill may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs to is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction is treated as an impairment loss and is recognised in the profit and loss account. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication that if a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, the recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subject to a maximum of depreciated historical cost. In respect of goodwill the impairment loss will be reversed only when it was caused by specific external events and their effects have been reversed by subsequent external events.



1.   The following are the breakup for 1,425,754,267 (2005 : 703,570,522) shares as at March 31, 2006
  i)   1,398,430,659 equity shares/American Depository Receipts (ADRs) (2005 : 692,537,085) have been allotted as fully paid bonus shares/ADRs by capitalisation of securities premium account and Capital Redemption Reserve.
  ii)   1,325,525 equity shares (2005 : 1,325,525) have been allotted as fully paid-up, pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation, without payment being received in cash.
  iii)   3,162,500 equity shares (2005 : 3,162,500) representing 3,162,500 American Depository Receipts issued during 2000-2001 pursuant to American Depository offering by the Company.
  iv)   21,910,583 (2005 : 5,620,412) equity share issued pursuant to Employee Stock Option Plan.
2.   Note on Reserves :
  i)   Restricted stock units reserve represents charge to profit and loss account to be treated as securities premium at the time of allotment of shares.
  ii)   Additions to General Reserve include :
        (Rs. in Million)
        For the year ended March 31,  
        2006     2005  
Transfer from profit and loss account
    12,545.32       12,313.17  
Dividend distributed to Wipro Equity Reward Trust (WERT)
Additional dividend paid for the previous year
    (6.29 )      
Adjustment on account of amalgamation
[Refer note 19 (8)]
    (5,835.35 )      
    6,723.41       12,313.17  
3.   Goodwill on consolidation as at March 31, 2006 comprises of the following :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    For the year ended March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited (formerly Wipro Fluid Power Limited)
    18.27       18.27  
Wipro Healthcare IT Limited
    175.01       175.01  
Cygnus Negri Investments Private Limited
    16.26       16.26  
Wipro Inc.
    1,264.74       1,249.84  
Wipro Technology UK Limited
    115.49       112.87  
Wipro BPO Solutions Limited
mPower Software Services Inc. (refer Note 5)
New Logic Technologies AG (refer Note 6)
    3,528.34       5,663.16  
4.   As of March 31, 2006, forward contracts and options (including zero cost collars) to the extent of US$ 226 Million have been assigned to the foreign currency assets as on the balance sheet date. The proportionate premium/discount on the forward contracts for the period upto the date of balance sheet is recognized in the profit and loss account. The exchange difference measured by the change in exchange rate between inception of forward contract and the date of balance sheet is applied on the foreign currency amount of the forward contract and recognized in the profit and loss account.
    Additionally, the Company has designated forward contracts and options to hedge highly probable forecasted transactions. The Company also designates zero cost collars to hedge the exposure to variability in expected future foreign currency cash inflows due to exchange rate movements beyond a defined range. The range comprises an upper and lower strike price. At maturity, if the exchange rate remains within the range the Company realizes the cash inflows at spot rate, otherwise the Company realizes the inflows at the upper or lower strike price.
    The exchange differences on the forward contracts and gain/loss on options are recognised in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction is expected to occur. The premium/discount at inception of forward contracts is amortised over the life of the contract.



In certain cases, the Company has entered into forward contracts having a maturity earlier than the period in which the hedged transaction is forecasted to occur. The gain/loss on roll over/cancellation/expiry of such contracts is recognised in the profit and loss account in the period in which the forecasted transaction is expected to occur, till such time the same is accumulated and shown under Loans and Advances/Current liabilities.
In respect of option/forward contracts which are not designated as hedge of highly probable forecasted transactions, realised/unrealised gain or loss are recognised in the profit and loss account of the respective periods.
As at March 31, 2006, the Company had forward/option contracts to sell US$ 438 Million in respect of highly probable forecasted transactions. The effect of mark to market of the said forward contracts is a gain of Rs. 131 Million. The final impact of such contracts will be recognized in the profit and loss account of the respective periods in which the forecasted transactions are expected to occur.
5.   Effective December 1, 2005, the Company acquired 100% equity of mPower Software Services Inc. and its subsidiaries (mPower) including the minority shareholding held by MasterCard International in MPact India, a joint venture between MasterCard International and mPower Software Services Inc, for an aggregate cash consideration of Rs.1,274.57 Million. mPower Software Services Inc. is a US based Company engaged in providing IT services in the payments space.
    As a part of this acquisition, Wipro aims to provide MasterCard a wide range of services including application development and maintenance, infrastructure services, package implementation, BPO and testing. Through this acquisition, Wipro is able to expand domain expertise in payment space and increase the addressable market for IT services.
    This acquisition resulted in goodwill of Rs. 1,089.18 Million.
6.   On December 28, 2005, the Company acquired 100% equity of BVPENTE and its subsidiaries (New Logic). New Logic is a European system-on-chip design company. The consideration includes cash consideration of Rs. 1,156.54 Million and earn outs of Euro 26 Million to be determined and paid in future based on financial targets being achieved over a 3 year period.
    Through this acquisition, the Company has acquired strong domain expertise in semiconductor IP cores and complete system-on-chip solutions with digital, analog mixed signal and RF design services. The acquisition also enables the Company to access over 20 customers in the product engineering space.
    This acquisition resulted in goodwill of Rs. 849.39 Million.
7.   During the year ended March 31, 2006, the Company acquired 4,619,614 shares from the employee shareholders of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited for a total consideration of Rs. 852.00 Million. The excess of consideration paid over the carrying value of minority interest of Rs. 623.12 Million was recognised as goodwill. With this acquisition, the Company held 100% equity of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited [refer note 19(8)].
8.   In terms of the scheme of amalgamation approved by the Reserve Bank of India on February 11, 2006, the High Court of Karnataka on April 5, 2006, the Registrar of Companies, Mauritius on January 6, 2006 and the Ministry of Finance, Bermuda on March 28 2006, Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, India, Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda amalgamated with the Company with effect from April 1, 2005. The Scheme of Amalgamation became effective from April 2006 pursuant to obtaining necessary approvals and filing with the Registrar of Companies. In accordance with the scheme, the merger becomes effective from the Appointed Date of April 1, 2005. The Company has accounted for the amalgamation as amalgamation in the nature of merger under AS 14 – Accounting for amalgamations.
    Following are the salient features of the scheme
  a)   Spectramind Limited, Bermuda is the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Spectramind Limited, Mauritius, a wholly owned subsidiary of Spectramind Limited, Bermuda is therefore a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. All shares held in Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda were cancelled and extinguished.
  b)   From the effective date of the scheme, the entire share capital of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited comprising of 31,023,567 shares of Rs. 10/- each held by the Company, 1 equity share of Rs. 10/- held by Spectramind Limited, Bermuda and 34,904,102 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each held by Spectramind Limited, Mauritius were cancelled and extinguished.
  c)   All the assets and liabilities of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, Spectramind Limited, Bermuda and Spectramind Limited, Mauritius are recorded in the books of the Company at their carrying amounts as on April 1, 2005.
  d)   Pursuant to the scheme of amalgamation, the following amounts, being the balances in the Share Premium and General reserves has been recorded as an addition to the Share Premium and adjustment to General reserves of the Company :



    (Rs. in Million)
Share Premium
General Reserve
    (3,257.30 )
    (2,137.09 )
If amalgamation in the nature of merger had not been effected, goodwill arising on consolidation would have been higher by Rs. 4,715.14 Million.
9.   The Company has a 49% equity interest in Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited (Wipro GE), an entity in which General Electric, USA holds the majority equity interest. The shareholders agreement provides specific rights to the two shareholders. Management believes that these specific rights do not confer joint control as defined in Accounting Standard 27 “Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Venture”. Consequently, Wipro GE is not considered as a joint venture and consolidation of financial statements are carried out as per equity method in terms of Accounting Standard 23 “Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial statements”.
    Investments in WeP Peripherals Ltd. have been accounted for by the equity method.
10.   In June 2004, the Company established Wipro Restricted Stock Unit Plan (WRSUP 2004) and Wipro ADS Restricted Stock Unit Plan (WARSUP 2004). The Company is authorized to issue up to 12,000,000 Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) under each plan to eligible employees.
    The Company has been granting restricted stock units (RSUs) since October 2004. The RSUs generally vest equally at annual intervals over a five year period. The stock compensation cost is computed under the intrinsic value method and amortized on a straight line basis over the total vesting period of five years. As permitted by generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (US GAAP), the Company applies a similar straight line amortisation method for financial reporting under US GAAP. The Company has been advised by external counsel that the straight line amortization over the total vesting period complies with the SEBI Employee Stock Option Scheme Guidelines 1999, as amended.
    However, an alternative interpretation could result in amortisation of the cost on an accelerated basis. Under this approach, the amortization in the initial years would be higher with a lower charge in subsequent periods (though the overall charge over the full vesting period will remain the same). If the Company were to amortize the cost on an accelerated basis, profit before taxes and profit after tax for three months ended March 31, 2006 would have been lower by Rs. 28 Million and Rs. 24 Million and for the year ended March 31, 2006 would have been lower by Rs. 490 Million and Rs. 449 Million respectively. Similarly, the profit before taxes and profit after tax for the year ended March 31, 2005 would have been lower by Rs. 443 Million and Rs. 409 Million respectively. This would effectively increase the profit before and after tax in later years by similar amounts.
    The Company is awaiting further clarification on the matter.
11.   From time to time, in the normal course of business, the Company transfers accounts receivables and employee advances (financials assets) to banks. Under the terms of the arrangements, the Company surrenders control over the financial assets and accordingly the transfers are recorded as sale of financial assets. The sale of financial assets may be with or without recourse. Under arrangements with recourse, the Company is obligated to repurchase the uncollected financial assets, subject to limits specified in the agreement with the banks. Additionally, the Company retains servicing responsibility for the transferred financial assets.
    Gains and losses on sale of financial assets are recorded based on the carrying value of the financial assets, fair value of servicing liability and recourse obligations. Loss/Profit on sale is recorded at the time of sale.
    During the year ended March 31, 2006, the Company transferred financial assets of Rs. 223.04 Million under such arrangements. This transfer resulted in loss of Rs. 3.60 Million. The maximum amount of recourse obligation in respect of this transfer is limited to 10% of the value of financial assets transferred under the arrangement.
12.   The Company has instituted various Employee Stock Option Plans. The compensation committee of the board evaluates the performance and other criteria of employees and approves the grant of options. These options vest with employees over a specified period subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Upon vesting, employees are eligible to apply and secure allotment of Company’s shares at a price determined on the date of grant of options. The particulars of options granted under various plans are tabulated below. (The number of shares in the table below are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues).



          Stock option activity under the 1999 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
                    Weighted-     average  
          Range of     average     remaining  
    Shares arising     exercise prices     exercise price     contractual life  
    out of options     (Rs.)     (Rs.)     (months)  
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    4,201,953       171 – 181       181       6  
    9,939,724       309 – 421       311       14  
Forfeited during the period
    (40 )     171 – 181       181        
    (224,530 )     309 – 421       309        
Exercised during the period
    (4,110,491 )     171 – 181       181        
    (5,056,811 )     309 – 421       310        
Lapsed during the period
    (91,422 )     309 – 421       181        
Outstanding at the end of the period
          171 – 181              
    4,658,383       309 – 421       312       3  
Exercisable at the end of the period
          171 – 181              
    4,658,383       309 – 421       312       3  
          Stock option activity under the 2000 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
                    Weighted-     average  
          Range of     average     remaining  
    Shares arising     exercise prices     exercise price     contractual life  
    out of options     (Rs.)     (Rs.)     (months)  
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    392,896       172 – 256       231       33  
    26,180,498       265 – 396       267       35  
    12,661,148       397 – 458       399       18  
Forfeited during the period
    (18,000 )     172 – 256       229        
    (790,554 )     265 – 396       267        
    (831,625 )     397 – 458       398        
Exercised during the period
    (82,320 )     172 – 256       221        
    (5,243,687 )     265 – 396       266        
    (1,929,556 )     397 – 458       397        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    292,576       172 – 256       233       21  
    20,146,257       265 – 396       267       23  
    9,899,967       397 – 458       399       7  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    186,732       172 – 256       233       24  
    16,165,662       265 – 396       267       26  
    9,899,967       397 – 458       399       10  



          Stock option activity under the 2000 ADS Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
                    Weighted-     average  
          Range of     average     remaining  
    Shares arising     exercise prices     exercise price     contractual life  
    out of options     $     $     (months)  
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    404,550       3.46 – 5.01       4.35       30  
    2,030,700       5.82 – 6.90       6.50       21  
Forfeited during the period
    (48,000 )     3.46 – 5.01       4.00        
    (180,000 )     5.82 – 6.90       6.07        
Exercised during the period
    (117,650 )     3.46 – 5.01       4.45        
    (641,858 )     5.82 – 6.90       6.53        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    238,900       3.46 – 5.01       4.38       19  
    1,208,842       5.82 – 6.90       6.50       12  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    176,938       3.46 – 5.01       4.33       19  
    911,621       5.82 – 6.90       6.45       12  
          Stock option activity under WRSUP 2004 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
          Exercise     remaining  
    Shares arising     prices     contractual life  
    out of options     (Rs.)     (months)  
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    9,519,656       2       66  
Granted during the year
    55,500       2       72  
Forfeited during the period
    (694,572 )     2        
Exercised during the period
    (1,282,410 )     2        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    7,598,174       2       54  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    518,321       2       54  
       Stock option activity under WARSUP 2004 Plan is as follows :
    Year ended March 31, 2006  
          Exercise     remaining  
    Shares arising     prices     contractual life  
    out of options     $     (months)  
Outstanding at the beginning of the period
    1,536,100       0.02       66  
Exercised during the period
    (148,440 )     0.02        
Forfeited during the period
    (386,940 )     0.02        
Outstanding at the end of the period
    1,000,720       0.02       54  
Exercisable at the end of the period
    116,400       0.02       54  



13.   The breakup of accumulated net deferred tax asset is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    As at March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Deferred tax assets :
Allowance for doubtful debts
    105.43       134.08  
Property plant and equipment – Depreciation differential
    44.83       (27.17 )
Accrued expenses
    223.65       210.96  
Business losses carried forward
    219.59       177.13  
    593.50       495.00  
14.   The Company had received demands from the Indian income tax authorities for the financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02 aggregating to Rs. 5,231.72 Million. The tax demands were primarily on account of denial of deduction claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Income Tax Act 1961 (Act), in respect of profits earned by its undertakings in Software Technology Park at Bangalore. The Company had appealed against the said demands. In March 2006, the first Income tax appellate authority substantially upheld the deductions claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Act, which will vacate a substantial portion of the demands for these years.
    In March 2006, the Company received an assessment order for financial year 2002-03 on the similar lines of the earlier two financial years. The order has demanded a tax of Rs. 2,868.77 Million (including interest of Rs. 750.38 Million). The Company will file an appeal against the assessment order within the prescribed statutory time.
    Considering the facts and nature of disallowance, the order of the appellate authority upholding the claims of the Company for financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02, the management believes that the final outcome of the dispute should be positive in favour of the Company and there should not be any material impact on the financial statements.
15.   Provision for taxation comprises of following :
  (i)   Rs. 1,605.27 Million (2005 : Rs. 1,133.65 Million) in respect of foreign taxes including a Deferred tax charge of Rs. 30.03 Million.
  (ii)   Rs. 1,547.35 Million (2005 : Rs. 1,607.54 Million) in respect of Indian Income Tax, which includes write back of Rs. 338.48 Million (2004 : Nil & 2005 : provision of Rs. 70.55 Million) in respect of earlier years and a Deferred tax benefit of Rs. 49.52 Million.
  (iii)   Rs. 7.5 Million (2005 : Rs. 8.40 Million) in respect of Wealth Tax which includes provision of Rs. Nil (2005 : Rs. 3.40 Million) in respect of earlier years.
  (iv)   Rs. 230.86 Million (2005 : Nil) on account of Fringe Benefit Tax.
16.   In August 2005, the Company issued bonus shares in the ratio of one additional equity share for every equity share or ADS held.
17.   A reconciliation of equity shares used in the computation of basic earnings per share is set out below :
    Quarter ended March 31     Year ended March 31  
    2006     2005     2006     2005  
Weighted average equity shares outstanding
    1,422,318,318       1,405,359,956       1,414,378,034       1,383,663,937  
Share held by a controlled trust
    7,869,060       7,893,060       7,872,060       7,890,435  
Weighted average equity shares for computing basic EPS
    1,414,449,258       1,397,466,896       1,406,505,974       1,391,554,372  
Dilutive impact of employee stock options
    24,711,326       20,907,150       21,409,926       12,779,884  
Weighted average equity shares for computing diluted EPS
    1,439,160,584       1,418,374,046       1,427,915,724       1,404,334,256  
Net income considered for computing diluted EPS
    6,178.65       4,330.40       20,673.90       16,285.39  
18.   The Company leases office and residential facilities under cancelable and non-cancelable operating lease agreements that are renewable on a periodic basis at the option of both the lessor and the lessee. Rental payments under such leases are Rs. 848.85 Million for the years ended March 31, 2006.



     Details of contractual payments under non-cancelable leases are given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    Year ended  
    March 31, 2006  
Lease rentals recognised during the period
    (Rs. in Million)  
Lease obligations   As at  
    March 31, 2006  
Within one year of the balance sheet date
Due in a period between one year and five years
Due after 5 years
19. The movement in warranty obligations is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
Balance as at March 31, 2005
Additional provision during the year
Utilised during the year
    (331.44 )
Balance as at March 31, 2006
20. The movement in provision for doubtful debts and advances is given below :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    As at March 31,  
    2006     2005  
Balance as at the opening year
    935.87       797.38  
Additional provision during the year, net of collections
    304.24       151.89  
Bad debts charged to provision during the year
    (6.27 )     (13.40 )
Balance as at the closing year
    1,233.83       935.87  



21. The details of subsidiaries and affiliates are as follows :
    Country of        
    Incorporation     % Holding  
i) Name of the subsidiary
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
  India     100 %
Wipro Inc.
  USA     100 %
Enthink Inc. (a)
Wipro Japan KK
  Japan     100 %
Wipro Chandrika Limited
  India     90 %
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
  India     100 %
Wipro Travel Services Limited
  India     100 %
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
  India     100 %
Spectramind Inc.
  USA     100 %
Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited
  Mauritius     100 %
Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited (b)
Wipro Technologies UK Limited (c)
Wipro Consumer Care Limited
  India     100 %
Cygnus Negri Investments Private Limited (d)
Wipro Shanghai Limited
  China     100 %
mPower Software Services Inc., (e)
mPower Software Services (India) Private Limited (f)
MPact Technologies Services Private Limited (g)
BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH (h)
New Logic Technologies AG (i)
NewLogic Technologies Inc. (j)
NewLogic Technologies SARL (k)
NewLogic Technologies S.A. (l)
ii) Wipro Equity Reward Trust
  India   Fully controlled trust
iii) Name of the affiliates
Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited
  India     49 %
WeP Peripherals Limited
  India     36.93 %
Note :
a)   Majority owned by Wipro Inc.
b)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited
c)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited
d)   Fully owned by Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
e)   Fully owned by Wipro Inc.
f)   Fully owned by mPower Software Services Inc.
g)   51% held by mPower Software Services Inc. & 49% held by Wipro Inc.
h)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited
i)   Fully owned by BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH
j)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG
k)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG
l)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG



22. The Company has the following related party transactions :
    (Rs. in Million)  
    Year ended March 31,  
Particulars   2006     2005  
Wipro GE Medical systems private Limited :
Sale of computers & support services
    114.01       111.68  
Rent, travel and related expenses
Purchase of Software
WeP Peripherals Limited :
Sale of computers & support services
    19.67       10.48  
Payments for services received
    2.37       7.50  
Purchase of printers
    118.88       176.79  
Azim Premji Foundation :
Sale of computers & support services
    3.64       6.71  
Other charges recoverable
Chairman :
Payment of lease rentals
    1.13       1.13  
Payment to non executive directors :
Dr. Ashok Ganguly
    1.10       0.8  
Narayan Vaghul
    1.50       0.8  
Prof. Eisuke Sakakibara
  Yen 2.40     Yen 4.8  
Dr. Jagdish N Sheth
  $ 0.04     $ 0.03  
P M Sinha
    1.00       1.00  
B C Prabhakar
    0.55       0.40  
The following is the listing of receivables from and payables to related party as on the balance sheet date.
Receivables :
WeP Peripherals Limited
Wipro GE Medical Systems private Limited
    51.70       56.47  
Azim Premji Foundation
    0.69       6.71  
Payables :
WeP Peripherals Limited



23. The segment information for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2006 follows :
                                              Rs. in Million  
Particulars     Quarter ended March 31,       Year ended March 31,  
    2006     2005     Growth %     2006     2005     Growth %  
IT Services
    20,637       14,609       41 %     72,531       54,230       34 %
    443                   502                
BPO Services
    2,091       1,800       16 %     7,627       6,523       17 %
Global IT Services and Products
    23,171       16,409       41 %     80,660       60,753       33 %
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    5,695       4,842       18 %     17,048       13,964       22 %
Consumer Care and Lighting
    1,658       1,228       35 %     6,008       4,723       27 %
    876       788       11 %     3,323       2,604       28 %
    (268 )     (146 )             (781 )     (346 )        
    31,132       23,121       35 %     106,258       81,698       30 %
Profit before Interest and Tax – PBIT
IT Services
    5,412       3,923       38 %     18,751       14,835       26 %
    29                   45              
BPO Services
    369       225       64 %     1,058       1,206       -12 %
Global IT Services and Products
    5,810       4,148       40 %     19,854       16,041       24 %
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    566       415       36 %     1,459       1,042       40 %
Consumer Care and Lighting
    214       177       21 %     805       672       20 %
    115       81       42 %     388       397       -2 %
    6,705       4,821       39 %     22,506       18,152       24 %
Interest (Net) and Other Income
    402       197             1,272       796        
Profit Before Tax
    7,107       5,018       42 %     23,778       18,948       25 %
Income Tax expense including Fringe Benefit Tax
    (983 )     (715 )           (3,391 )     (2,750 )      
Profit before Share in earnings/(losses) of Affiliates and minority interest
    6,124       4,303       42 %     20,387       16,198       26 %
Share in earnings of affiliates
    55       42             288       175        
Minority interest
          (15 )           (1 )     (88 )      
    6,179       4,330       43 %     20,674       16,285       27 %
Operating Margin
IT Services
    26 %     27 %           26 %     27 %        
    7 %                 9 %            
BPO Services
    18 %     13 %           14 %     18 %      
Global IT Services and Products
    25 %     25 %           25 %     26 %      
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    10 %     9 %           9 %     7 %        
Consumer Care and Lighting
    13 %     14 %           13 %     14 %      
    22 %     21 %           21 %     22 %        
IT Services
    27,952       21,416             27,952       21,416        
    2,692                   2,692              
BPO Services
    6,357       8,472             6,357       8,472        
Global IT Services and Products
    37,001       29,888             37,001       29,888        
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    2,401       1,370             2,401       1,370        
Consumer Care and Lighting
    1,210       917             1,210       917        
    26,272       21,538             26,272       21,538        
    66,884       53,713             66,884       53,713        
IT Services
    42 %     40 %           42 %     40 %      
    4 %                 4 %            
BPO Services
    10 %     16 %           10 %     16 %      
Global IT Services and Products
    55 %     56 %           55 %     56 %      
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    4 %     3 %           4 %     3 %      
Consumer Care and Lighting
    2 %     2 %           2 %     2 %      
    39 %     39 %           39 %     39 %      
    100 %     100 %           100 %     100 %      
IT Services
    87 %     79 %           76 %     81 %      
    5 %                 3 %            
BPO Services
    17 %     11 %           14 %     16 %      
Global IT Services and Products
    65 %     59 %           59 %     62 %      
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    96 %     119 %           77 %     63 %      
Consumer Care and Lighting
    76 %     90 %           76 %     89 %      
    38 %     36 %           37 %     39 %      



      Notes to Segment Report
a)   The segment report of Wipro Limited and its consolidated subsidiaries and associates has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard 17 “Segment Reporting” issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
b)   Segment revenue includes exchange differences which are reported in other income in the financial statements.
c)   PBIT for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2006 is after considering restricted stock unit amortisation of Rs. 154 Million (2005 : Rs. 177 Million) & Rs. 633 Million (2005 : Rs. 346 Million) respectively. PBIT of Global IT Services and Products for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2006 is after considering restricted stock unit amortisation of Rs. 131 Million (2005 : Rs. 159 Million) and Rs. 544 Million (2005 : Rs. 310 Million) respectively.
d)   Capital employed of segments include current liabilities —
    (Rs. in Million)  
    As at March 31,  
Name of the Segment   2006     2005  
Global IT Services and Products
    13,510       8,338  
India & AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    5,314       4,233  
Consumer Care and Lighting
    1,080       764  
    8,866       4,709  
    28,770       18,044  
e)   Capital employed of ‘Others’ includes cash and cash equivalents including liquid mutual funds of Rs. 29,817 Million (2005 : Rs. 22,784 Million).
f)   The Company has four geographic segments : India, USA, Europe and Rest of the World. Significant portion of the segment assets are in India. Revenue from geographic segments based on domicile of the customers is outlined below :
(Rs. in Million)
    Quarter ended March 31,   Year ended March 31,        
Geography   2006     %     2005     %     2006     %     2005     %  
    7,042       23 %     5,876       25 %     22,438       21 %     19,513       24 %
    15,216       49 %     11,345       50 %     53,089       50 %     41,935       51 %
    7,020       23 %     4,710       20 %     24,311       23 %     16,661       20 %
Rest of the World
    1,855       6 %     1,190       5 %     6,421       6 %     3,589       5 %
    31,132       100 %     23,121       100 %     106,258       100 %     81,698       100 %
g)   For the purpose of reporting, business segments are considered as primary segments and geographic segments are considered as secondary segment.
h)   Until June 30, 2005, the Company reported IT services and BPO services as an integrated business segment — Global IT Services and Products. Effective July 2005, the Company reorganized the management structure of Global IT Services and Products Segment, the segment reporting format has been changed accordingly. Revenues, operating profits and capital employed of Global IT Services business are now segregated into IT Services and BPO services.
i)   As at March 31, 2006, revenues, operating profits and capital employed (including goodwill) of mPower and New Logic are reported separately under ‘Acquisitions’.
j)   In August 2005, the Company issued bonus shares in the ratio of one additional equity share for every equity share or ADS held.
k) a) In accordance with Accounting Standard 21 “Consolidated Financial Statements” issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the consolidated financial statements of Wipro Limited include the financial statements of all subsidiaries which are more than 50% owned and controlled.
  b) The Company has a 49% equity interest in Wipro GE Medical Systems Private Limited (Wipro GE), an entity in which General Electric, USA holds the majority equity interest. The shareholders agreement provides specific rights to the two shareholders. Management believes that these specific rights do not confer joint control as defined in Accounting Standard 27 “Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Venture”. Consequently, WGE is not considered as a joint venture and consolidation of financial statements are carried out as per equity method in terms of Accounting Standard 23 “Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial statements”.
  c) In accordance with the guidance provided in Accounting Standard 23 “Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements” WeP Peripherals have been accounted for by equity method of accounting.
24.   Corresponding figures for previous periods presented have been regrouped, where necessary, to confirm to the current period classification.
25.   Pursuant to the exemption granted by the Department of Company Affairs, Government of India, the Company is publishing the consolidated & standalone financial statements of Wipro Limited and its subsidiaries. The financial statements and auditors’ report of the individual subsidiaries are available for inspection by the shareholders at the registered office. However, the information in aggregate on capital, reserves, total assets, total liabilities, details of investment (except in case of investment in subsidiaries), turnover, profit before taxation, provision for taxation, profit after taxation and proposed dividend for each subsidiary follows:



(Rs. in million)
                            Total                                             Dividend  
                            Liabilities     %     Sales &     Profit     Provision     Profit     (incl.  
    Share     Reserves     Total     [excl.     of     Other     before     for     after     dividend  
Name of the Subsidiary   Capital     & Surplus     Assets     (2) & (3)]     Holding     Income     taxation     taxation     taxation     tax)  
(1)   (2)     (3)     (4)     (5)     (6)     (7)     (8)     (9)     (10)     (11)  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
    452.36       777.42       1,239.44       37.86       100 %     2,749.11       402.37       136.62       265.74       4.10  
Wipro Inc.
    1,040.89       (14.57 )     2,443.52             100 %     1,616.02       75.08       30.03       45.05        
Enthink Inc. (a)
    105.25       (96.38 )     9.06                         (0.04 )           (0.04 )      
Wipro Japan KK
    9.74       21.27       31.00             100 %     190.43       21.50       2.45       19.05        
Wipro Chandrika Limited
    10.00       (54.98 )     (39.72 )     6.26       90 %     0.05       (30.47 )     8.25       (38.72 )      
Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
    22.14       (1.79 )     20.35             100 %     0.05       0.03       0.01       0.02        
Wipro Travel Services Limited
    0.66       11.27       11.93             100 %     31.16       14.55       4.96       9.59        
Wipro HealthCare IT Limited
    34.10       30.38       64.48             100 %     56.97       0.49       0.35       0.14        
Spectramind Inc.
          (52.36 )     29.67             100 %     (0.63 )     7.22             7.22        
Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited
    1,288.98       (1.15 )     1,287.81       0.00       100 %           (0.99 )           (0.99 )      
Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited (b)
    1,286.36       0.50       1,287.05       (0.00 )           0.56       0.54             0.54        
Wipro Technologies UK Limited (c)
    131.72       (189.25 )     (57.40 )                 0.75       (109.77 )           (109.77 )      
Wipro Consumer Care Limited
    2.47       828.23       3,501.05       51.03       100 %     6,025.40       835.88       6.13       829.75        
Cygnus Negri Investments Pvt. Ltd. (d)
    20.10       (16.42 )     3.68                   0.48       (0.01 )           (0.01 )      
Wipro Shanghai Limited
    9.29       (33.95 )     (24.65 )           100 %     46.64       (29.26 )           (29.26 )      
mPower Software Services Inc., (e)
    0.45       (0.63 )     (0.17 )                 36.78       (1.94 )           (1.94 )      
mPower Software Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. (f)
    0.50       78.69       79.19                   57.57       26.79       8.24       18.54        
MPact Technologies Services Pvt. Ltd. (g)
    0.98       164.46       165.44                   164.76       40.51       0.33       40.18        
BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH (h)
New Logic Technologies AG (i)
          (888.81 )     511.43       255.65             215.62       (35.65 )     0.22       (35.88 )      
NewLogic Technologies Inc. (j)
NewLogic Technologies SARL (k)
NewLogic Technologies S.A. (l)
a)   Majority owned by Wipro Inc.
b)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Limited
c)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited
d)   Fully owned by Wipro Trademarks Holding Limited
e)   Fully owned by Wipro Inc.
f)   Fully owned by mPower Software Services Inc.
g)   51% held by mPower Software Services Inc.. & 49% held by Wipro Inc.
h)   Fully owned by Wipro Holdings (UK) Limited
i)   Fully owned by BVPENTE Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH
j)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG
k)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG
l)   Fully owned by New Logic Technologies AG
Note : Total Assets of Wipro Fluid Power Limited include Investments in Mutual Funds of Rs. 107.76 million



Management Discussion and Analysis of Results for the year ended March 31, 2006 based on Consolidated Financial Statements
1.0   Industry Structure and Developments
Please refer to our discussions in the section titled “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in pages 155 through 179 of this report.
1.1   Opportunities and Threats
Please refer to our discussions in the sections titled “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in pages 155 through 179 of this report and in the section title “Risk Factors” in pages 123 through 134 of this report.
1.2   Segment-wise or product-wise performance
Please refer the “Segment-wise Business performance”.
1.3   Outlook
Please refer to our discussions in the sections titled “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” in pages 155 through 179 of this report.
1.4   Risk and Concerns
Please refer to our discussions in the sections titled “Risk Factors” in pages 123 through 134 of this report.
2.0   Internal Control
Management maintains internal control systems designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded, transactions are executed in accordance with management’s authorization and properly recorded, and accounting records are adequate for preparation of financial statements and other financial information. The internal audit function performs internal audit periodically to ascertain their adequacy and effectiveness. The internal audit function also carries out Operations Review Audits to improve the processes and strengthen controls of the existing processes. The “Quality System” of the audit function has also been certified under ISO 9001:2000. It has also been accredited with “Recognition of Commitment Award” by the Institute of Internal Auditors, USA. The audit committee periodically reviews the functions of internal audit.
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 302 of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, the CEO / CFO review and certify the disclosure controls and procedures on a quarterly basis. Management has initiated efforts to comply with Section 404 of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act which requires company to be compliant to the requirements of this Section by March 2007. An internal steering committee was formed last year. Under the supervision of this committee and a Project Head, a dedicated team of professionals are engaged in assessing the adequacy of our internal controls over financial reporting, developing remediation plans for control deficiencies, if any, identified during the assessment and validating through testing procedures to ensure that the controls are functioning as documented.
3.0   Discussion on financial performance
3.1   The financial statements are prepared in compliance with the requirements of Companies Act, 1956, and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India. The management of Wipro accepts the responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of these financial statements and the basis for various estimates and the judgment used in preparing the financial statements
3.2   Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2006
3.2.1   Authorised share capital
The Company has an authorized share capital of Rs. 3,550 Million comprising 1,650 Million equity shares of Rs. 2/- each and 25 Million 10.25% redeemable cumulative preference shares of Rs. 10/- each as of March 31, 2006.
Paid up share capital
The Company has a paid up capital of Rs. 2,852 Million comprising 1,425,754,267 equity shares of Rs. 2 each as of March 31, 2006.
Equity Shares
The Company has instituted various Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP), these options vest with the employees over a specified period subject to employee fulfilling certain conditions. Upon vesting, the employees are eligible to apply and secure allotment of the Company’s equity shares at a price determined on the date of grant of options. During the year, 21,910,583 shares were allotted on exercise of the options under various Employee Stock Option Plans instituted by the Company.



3.2.2   Reserves and Surplus
Securities premium account
Addition to securities premium account comprises of premium received on exercise of stock options, amounting to Rs. 5,121 Million.
Restricted Stock Units
The Company granted 10,028,096 (including 55,500 shares during this fiscal year) restricted stock units under the Wipro Restricted Stock Unit Plan, 2004 and 1,583,600 restricted stock units under the Wipro ADS Restricted Stock Unit Plan, 2004. The deferred compensation cost of Rs. 3,677 Million (net of forfeitures) arising from the grant is being amortized over the vesting period of five years.
During the year ended March 31, 2006 the Company has charged to profit and loss account Rs. 633 Million of deferred compensation cost as employee compensation. The cumulative charge to profit and loss account would be treated as share premium on allotment of shares.
3.2.3   Secured Loans
The Company utilizes cash credit facilities under multiple banking arrangements for effective cash management. The Company has availed cash credit facilities of Rs 449 Million as on March 31, 2006.
3.2.4   Unsecured Loans
The Company has a revolving line of credit in US. The Company had utilised US$ 8 Million from this credit facility during March 2005 which is not availed as of March 2006. The unsecured borrowing of Wipro New Logic aggregating to Rs. 256 Million at concessional rates of interest are retained and included under unsecured loans.
3.2.5   Minority Interest
Minority interest is Nil as at March 31, 2006.
During the year, the Company acquired 4,619,614 shares from the employee shareholders of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited for a total consideration of Rs. 852 Million. With this acquisition, the Company held 100% equity of Wipro BPO Solutions Limited and hence, the Company does not have any minority interest.
During this year, the Company also acquired the remaining 2% equity shares in Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited. With this acquisition, the Company now held 100% equity of this subsidiary and hence, the Company does not have any minority interest.
3.2.6   Fixed Assets
Goodwill on consolidation
The excess of consideration paid over the book value of assets acquired has been recognized as goodwill in accordance with Accounting Standard 21 on ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’. Goodwill arising on account of acquisition of subsidiaries and affiliates is not being amortized but is reviewed periodically for impairment. If the carrying value of the goodwill exceeds its fair value, goodwill is considered to be impaired and the impairment is charged to the income statement for the year.
During the year, Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, India, Spectramind Limited, Mauritius and Spectramind Limited, Bermuda amalgamated with the Company with effect from April 1, 2005. The Company has accounted for the amalgamation as amalgamation in the nature of merger under AS 14 – Accounting for amalgamations. This has resulted elimination of goodwill to the extent of Rs. 4,091 Million. Refer note no. 8 (page no. 95) in the notes to accounts of consolidated financial statements.
During the year, the Company has acquired mPower Software Services Inc. & its subsidiaries (mPower) and BVPENTE & its subsidiaries (New Logic). These acquisitions resulted in goodwill of Rs. 1,089 Million & Rs. 849 Million respectively. Refer note no. 5&6 (page no. 95) in the notes to accounts of consolidated financial statements.
During the year ended March 31, 2006 the Company carried out impairment review for goodwill of Wipro Fluid Power Limited, Wipro BPO Solutions Limited, Wipro HealthCare IT Limited, Global energy practice (Wipro Inc. and Wipro Technology UK Limited). The fair value of these businesses exceeded its carrying value.
Goodwill in the balance sheet represents goodwill arising on acquisition of the following :



(Rs. in Million)
    As at  
    March 31, 2006  
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Limited
Wipro Healthcare IT Limited
Cygnus Negri Investments Private Limited
Wipro Inc.
Wipro Technology UK Limited
Wipro BPO Solutions Limited
mPower Software Services Inc.
New Logic Technologies AG
Additions to Fixed Assets
During the year, the Company invested Rs 7,587 Million on Fixed Assets. The unit-wise spends are outlined below :
(Rs. in Million)
Business Unit   2006  
IT Services
BPO Services
Global IT Services & Products
India & Asia Pac IT Services & Products
Consumer Care & Lighting
The Company enhanced its headcount in development centres from 26,184 people in fiscal 2005 to 37,655 people in fiscal 2006. In BPO services, the number of seats available for call centre agents increased from 10,039 in March 2005 to 12,704 in March 2006.
The above investments in capital assets resulted in the following additions to the gross block & capital work in progress in IT Services Segment except acquitions.
(Rs. in Millions)
Asset Category   2006  
Land — Freehold
— Leasehold
Electricals & furniture, fixtures, etc
Plant & Machinery
Capital WIP / Others



The Company has provided depreciation either at the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956, or at commercial rates which are higher than the rates specified in Schedule XIV. Depreciation as a percentage of sales remained at 3% in fiscal year 2006.
3.2.7   Investments
Purchase of Investments during the year
Surplus cash generated by operations are invested in short term mutual fund units. The Company follows a policy of investing in specific plan of Mutual Funds having a minimum corpus of Rs 2,000 Million with an overall ceiling to ensure that the Company’s investment is not more than 10% of the corpus of the fund. Investments in units of liquid mutual funds have increased from Rs 22,784 Million in fiscal 2005 to Rs. 29,814 Million in fiscal 2006.
3.2.8   Inventories
Inventories mainly comprise computers, upgrades and spares of India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products and raw material and finished stocks of Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting and Wipro Infrastructure Engineering (WIEL). Stock of inventory has increased from Rs 1,747 Million as on March 31, 2005 to Rs 2,065 Million as on March 31, 2006.
Inventory of India and AsiaPac IT Services increased by Rs 147 Million, up by 18% due to procurement of components and finished goods towards the end of the year to meet certain specific pending orders for execution during the period April to June 2006. Increase in WIEL by Rs. 106 Million, up by 22% was mainly due to increase in sales volume by 32% in 2006.
3.2.9   Sundry Debtors
Sundry Debtors (net of provision) for the current year is at Rs 21,272 Million against 15,518 Million in the previous year. Segment-wise break-up of sundry debtors is outlined below.
(Rs. in Million)
Business Unit   2006     2005     Increase (%)  
Global IT Services and Products
    15,956       11,708       36 %
India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    4,029       3,045       32 %
Consumer Care and Lighting
    564       264       114 %
    723       501       44 %
    21,272       15,518       37 %
In Global IT Services and Products, revenues for the quarter ended March, 31, 2006 have increased by 41% as compared to revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2005, days of sales outstanding for IT Services and Products have decreased from 66 days in fiscal 2005 to 65 days in fiscal 2006.
In India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products, Sundry debtors have increased on account of 18% increase in revenues quarter on quarter and days of sales outstanding have increased from 64 days in fiscal 2005 to 74 days in fiscal 2006.
In Consumer care and lighting, Sundry debtors have increased on account of 35% increase in revenues quarter on quarter and days of sales outstanding have increased from 19 days in fiscal 2005 to 26 days in fiscal 2006.
Debtors outstanding for more than six months-considered good remain the same on lower than 1% of revenues in fiscal 2006 & 2005. Provision for doubtful debts has increased from Rs 847 Million to Rs. 1,116 Million in fiscal 2006.
3.2.10  Cash and Bank Balances
Customer collections of the last few working days of fiscal 2006 have been remitted / deployed in April 2006 for the purpose of overseas branch profit tax liability (US$ 85 Million).



3.2.11   Loans and advances
(Rs. in Million)
Particulars   2006     2005     Increase %
Advances recoverable in cash or in kind
    3,258       1,795       82 %
Unbilled revenue
    4,336       2,675       62 %
    2,779       1,093       154 %
    10,373       5,563       86 %
    Increase in ‘advances recoverable in cash or in kind’ is mainly on account of placement of Rs. 500 Million in a structured deposit with a banker, repayment of recovery from employee advances sold in fiscal year 2005 to one of the bankers, increase in employee and other advances, etc.
    Unbilled revenue has increased on account of three factors. First, 15% increase in revenues from Fixed Price Projects in IT Services. Second, 48% increase in revenues from BPO services where certain customers are billed after the end of the month. Third, increase in revenues from services by 39% in fiscal 2006 in India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products.
    Increase of Rs. 1,686 Million in ‘Others’ is mainly due to payment of advance tax Rs. 1053 Million and deposit against land refundable after 90 years Rs 384 Million.
3.2.12   Current Liabilities and Provisions
Current Liabilities
(Rs. in Million)
Particulars   2006     2005     Increase %
Sundry Creditors
    4,146       3,743       11 %
Advances from customers
    969       638       52 %
Unearned revenues
    601       640       -6 %
Other Liabilities
    12,811       7,721       66 %
    18,527       12,742       45 %
Sundry Creditors represent the amount payable to vendors for supply of goods and services. Sundry creditors of India & AsiaPac IT Services & Products increased by 150 Million primarily due to increase in proportion of sales of specific traded products where the company has better credit terms and growth in product sales.
Advances from customers increased in India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products by Rs. 188 Million mainly due to advances received against new orders.
Other liabilities comprise of amounts due for operational expenses. Other liabilities have increased by Rs 5,090 Million from Rs 7,721 Million to Rs 12,811 Million. Other liabilities of Global IT Services and Products have increased by Rs 4,372 Million in fiscal 2006. The increase in other liabilities is mainly towards subcontracting expenses, pass through costs, administrative expenses, withholding taxes, incentives, quarterly linked performance bonus, onsite reimbursements etc. This increase is in line with increase in employee base, infrastructure and business.
(Rs. in Million)
Particulars   2006     2005     Increase
Employee retirement benefits
    1,396       829       567  
Warranty provision
    719       462       257  
Proposed Dividend
    7,129       3,518       3,611  
Tax on proposed dividend
    1,000       493       507  
    10,244       5,302       4,942  



    Provisions of Rs. 1,396 Million for employee retirement benefit represent Company’s liability towards employee leave encashment and gratuity. The Company provides a contribution defined pension scheme for senior officers of the company. The contribution is funded into a pension scheme.
    Warranty provision has increased from Rs 462 Million to Rs 719 Million primarily in India & AsiaPac services and products, due to increase in single and multi year warranties for IT products sold.
    For fiscal 2006, the Directors of the Company have proposed a cash dividend of Rs 5/- per share on equity shares. Provisions include Rs 7,129 Million towards proposed dividend and Rs 1, 000 Million towards tax payable on distribution of dividends.
3.3   Result of Operations
3.3.1   Income from Sales and Services
(Rs. in Million)
Segmental Revenues   2006     2005     Growth
Global IT Services and Products
    80,660       60,753       33 %
India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products
    17,048       13,964       22 %
Consumer Care and Lighting
    6,008       4,723       27 %
    2,542       2,258       13 %
    106,258       81,698       30 %
Global IT Services and Products
Global IT Services and Products accounted for 76% of the revenues of Wipro Limited Consolidated. During the year, revenues grew by 33% from Rs 60,753 Million to Rs. 80,660 Million.
This increase is attributable mainly due to 34% increase in revenue from Enterprise Services & Technology Services and a 17% increase from BPO Services. The increase in revenue from Enterprise Services is principally driven by increased revenues from services provided to finance solutions, Manufacturing, retail and utility companies. The increase in revenue from Enterprise business is principally driven by increased revenues from services provided to product engineering. Revenue from BPO services increased mainly due to increase in the scope and volume of services provided to the clients.
Billed Man months by location — IT Services   2006     2005     Increase (%)
    77,889       59,262       31 %
    172,115       120,216       43 %
    250,004       179,478       39 %
(Rs. in Million)
Revenue by location — IT Services   2006     2005     Increase (%)
    39,219       30,364       29 %
    33,814       23,866       42 %
    73,033       54,230       35 %
Revenue by Project type — IT Services   2006   2005
Time & Material
    79 %     78 %
Fixed Price
    21 %     22 %
    100 %     100 %
In IT Services, the volumes in terms of man months billed increased by 39% in fiscal 2006. The proportion of revenues from onsite projects decreased from 56% of total revenues in fiscal 2005 to 53.7% of total revenues in fiscal 2006. The proportion of Time and Material contracts increased from 78% in fiscal 2005 to 79% in fiscal 2006.



    Global IT Services added over 168 new customers during the year, new clients accounted for over 4.2% of the total revenues from IT Services. Customers with an annual Revenue of $5 Million and above in IT Services increased to 79 in the year ended March 31, 2006 from 65 last year.
    India and Asia Pac IT Services and Products
    India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products accounted for 16% of the total consolidated revenues of Wipro Limited and the year on year growth is 22%. The increase in revenue has been mainly on account of 47% growth in revenues of Enterprise Networking, 24% growth in Enterprise products, 7% growth in manufactured and traded products and a growth of 31% in revenues from Services. The growth in services was driven by growth in Professional services, Solutions and Consulting businesses, both in India and Middle East & AsiaPac geographies.
    Consumer Care and Lighting
    Consumer Care and lighting accounts for 6% of consolidated revenue of Wipro Limited. Sales under this segment have increased by 27% growth year on year. This was primarily attributable to increase in revenues in consumer care by 16% and lighting sales have gone up by 41%.
3.3.2   Other Income
(Rs. in Million)  
    Year ended March 31,  
Particulars   2006     2005  
Interest, Dividend and Profit on sale of Investments
    1,307       751  
Profit on Sale of fixed assets
    13       110  
Difference in exchange
    135       (9 )
    81       93  
    1,536       945  
Other income for the current year has increased by 63% mainly on account of two factors. First, profit on sale of mutual funds and interest income have increased due to increase in average quantum of investments (yield @ 5.3% against 4.5% last year). Second, higher exchange gain is due to translation of foreign currency balances and accounting of forward contracts.
3.3.3   Cost of goods sold
(Rs. in Million)  
    March 31, 2006     March 31, 2005     Increase  
Particulars   Amount     % to sales     Amount     % to sales          
Consumption of raw material, finished & process stocks
    14,819       14.0 %     12,183       14.9 %     22 %
Employee compensation costs
    38,184       36.0 %     29,140       35.7 %     31 %
    3,688       3.5 %     2,372       2.9 %     55 %
Sub-contracting / technical fees
    4,317       4.1 %     2,130       2.6 %     103 %
    7,771       7.3 %     6,263       7.7 %     24 %
    2,705       2.6 %     1,993       2.4 %     36 %
    71,484       67.4 %     54,081       66.3 %     32 %
Income from sales and services
    106,029               81,606                  
Consumption of Raw materials, finished and process stocks
Consumption of raw materials, finished and process stocks comprise mainly consumption of raw materials and finished goods for trading in India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products, Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting and of Wipro Infrastructure Engineering products. The consumption ratio to product sales has increased to 77% as against 76% in last year. The increase was mainly on account of increase in revenues from products component in India and AsiaPac IT Services and products by 19%, Consumer Care and Lighting by 23% and Wipro Infrastructure Engineering by 32%.



    Employee compensation costs
    Salaries and other manpower related costs increased by 31% to Rs 38,184 Million in the year ended March 31, 2006. This increase was mainly due to a 28% increase in the number of employees in Global IT Services from 41,857 employees as on March 31, 2005 to 53,742 employees as on March 31, 2005 and annual compensation review in November 2005.
    Travel expenses have increased in fiscal 2006 by Rs. 1,316 Million. Out of this, increase in Global IT Services and Products by Rs. 1,279 Million was mainly due to higher no. of people deployed onsite and increase in visa costs. Onsite billed man months increased by 31% from 59,262 in fiscal 2005 to 77,889 in fiscal 2006.
    Subcontracting / Technical Fees
    Subcontracting expenses includes manpower from various agencies and fees for technical services includes pass through cost billed to the clients. The increase in the same would have a corresponding effect on the revenue.
    Other expenses increased by 24% to Rs. 7771 Million primarily due to increase in power & fuel, stores & spares consumption, communication expenses depreciation etc in relation to the increase in infrastructure.
    Miscellaneous Expenses
    Miscellaneous expenditure has increased by 36% to Rs 2,705 Million for year ended 2006. This is principally due to increase in professional charges and other repairs in Global IT Services and Products and increase in technology operating expenses in the BPO services in line with growth of business.
3.3.4   Selling & Marketing Expenses
(Rs. in Million)  
    March 31, 2006     March 31, 2005     Increase  
Particulars   Amount     % to sales     Amount     % to sales          
Employee compensation cost
    3,508       3.3 %     2,626       3.2 %     34 %
    647       0.6 %     564       0.7 %     15 %
Advertisement and sales promotion
    972       0.9 %     756       0.9 %     29 %
Carriage and freight
    555       0.5 %     357       0.4 %     55 %
    732       0.7 %     841       1.0 %     (13 %)
    589       0.6 %     494       0.6 %     19 %
    7,003       6.6 %     5,638       6.9 %     24 %
Income from sales and services
    106,029               81,606                  
Employee compensation and related manpower costs
Salaries and other manpower related costs increased by 34% to Rs. 3,508 Million in the year ended March 31, 2006. This increase was mainly due to a 21% increase in the number of employees in sales team in Global IT Services from 173 as on March 31, 2005 to 213 as on March 31, 2006 and onsite compensation review in January 2006.
Travel expenses as compared to sales have come down marginally though there is an increase by 15% as against last year. This is primarily due to rationalisation of travel and other costs relating to foreign offices.
Advertisement and sales promotion
Advertisement and sales promotion have increased by 29% to Rs 972 Million in the year ended March 31, 2006. The increase is mainly in Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting business segment where the Company is strategically investing in existing brands for increasing penetration and enhancing its product offering by building new products. This strategy has given good dividends during the year.



    Carriage & Freight
    Carriage & freight expenses have increased by 55% from 357 Million to 555 Million during the year mainly due to increase in revenue, increase in billing from APAC countries and increase in cost of carriage.
    Other Expenses
    Other expense comprises of expenses like rent, commission on sales, depreciation, communication expenses etc. There is a 13% decrease in other expenses due to decrease in commission on sales and communication expenses.
    Miscellaneous Expenses
    Miscellaneous expenses have gone up from Rs. 494 Million to Rs. 589 Million. Though there is an increase by 19% year on year, the percentage on sales remains the same.
3.3.5   General and Administrative Expenses
(Rs. in Million)  
    March 31, 2006     March 31, 2005     Increase  
Particulars   Amount     % to sales     Amount     % to sales          
Employee compensation cost
    2,155       2.0 %     1,568       1.9 %     37 %
    637       0.6 %     418       0.5 %     52 %
Provision / write off of bad debts
    304       0.3 %     152       0.2 %     100 %
    370       0.3 %     282       0.3 %     31 %
    1,799       1.7 %     1,407       1.7 %     28 %
    5,265       5.0 %     3,827       4.7 %     38 %
Income from sales and services
    106,029               81,606                  
    Employee compensation and related manpower costs
    Salaries and other manpower related costs have increased by 37% to Rs. 2,155 Million in the year ended March 31, 2006. The support staff headcount in IT Services has increased by 52% from 1,784 in March 2005 to 2,704 in March 2006.
    Travel expenses have increased mainly due to increased number of business travel due to higher integration activities, visa expenses etc.
    Provision / write off of bad debts
    Provision for write off of bad debts has increased by 100% from Rs. 152 Million in fiscal 2005 to Rs. 304 Million in fiscal 2006. As a percentage to sales, provision for write off of bad debts has increased from 0.2% of sales in fiscal 2005 to 0.3% of sales in fiscal 2006.
    Other expense comprises of expenses like insurance, rent, rates & taxes, depreciation, communication expenses etc. There is a 31% increase in other expenses due to increase in rates & taxes and communication expenses.
    Miscellaneous Expenses
    Miscellaneous expenses have increased by 28% during the year from Rs. 1,407 Million in 2005 to Rs. 1,799 Million in 2006.
3.3.6   Interest
    Interest expense for fiscal 2006 is 35 Million. (Rs. 56 Million for fiscal 2005)
3.3.7   Income taxes
    Effective tax rate, excluding tax provision for previous years, has increased from 14.1% to 14.3%. The higher effective tax rate is primarily due to increase in the proportion of income subject to tax in India and in foreign jurisdictions and introduction of fringe benefit tax during the year.



    The Company had received demands from the Indian income tax authorities for the financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02 aggregating to Rs. 5,232 Million. The tax demands were primarily on account of denial of deduction claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Income Tax Act 1961 (Act), in respect of profits earned by its undertakings in Software Technology Park at Bangalore. The Company had appealed against the said demands. In March 2006, the first Income tax appellate authority substantially upheld the deductions claimed by the Company under Section 10A of the Act, which will vacate a substantial portion of the demands for these years.
    In March 2006, the Company received an assessment order for financial year 2002-03 on the similar lines of the earlier two financial years. The order has demanded a tax of Rs. 2,869 Million (including interest of Rs. 750 Million). The Company will file an appeal against the assessment order within the prescribed statutory time.
    Considering the facts and nature of disallowance, the order of the appellate authority upholding the claims of the Company for financial years 2000-01 & 2001-02, the management believes that the final outcome of the dispute should be positive in favour of the Company and there should not be any material impact on the financial statements.
3.3.8   Appropriation from profit
    The Profit for the period of Rs 20,674 Million is appropriated as follows
    Dividend distributed to Wipro Equity Reward Trust Rs. 20 Million,
    Additional dividend paid (for the differential no. of shares as at AGM date) for the previous year Rs. 6 Million,
    Proposed dividend on equity shares Rs. 7,129 Million,
    Tax on distribution of dividend Rs. 1,000 Million &
    Transfer to general reserve Rs. 6,723 Million
    Adjustment on account of amalgamation. [Refer Note 19 (8) in Notes to Accounts of Consolidated Financial Statements]
4.0   Material developments in Human resources
    Please refer to our discussions in the sub section titled “Employees” in page no. 185 of this report.
5.0   Transactions in which the management is interested in their personal capacity.
    Refer note 21 in notes to accounts in page nos. 71, 72 and 73 of this report.



Reconciliation of Profits between Indian GAAP and US GAAP
(Rs. in millions)  
        Year ended March 31,  
Particulars   Notes   2006     2005  
Profit for the period as per Indian GAAP
        20,674       16,285  
Adjustments to reconcile profits for the period as per Indian GAAP with net income as per US GAAP
Forex gains/(losses)
  A     (102 )     (45 )
Loss on direct issue of shares by Spectramind
  B           (207 )
Difference in revenue recognition norms
  C     4       (91 )
Stock compensation expense
  D     (19 )     (8 )
Intangible asset amortization
  E     (51 )     (92 )
Straight lining of leases
  F     (75 )      
Deferred Taxes
  G     (126 )      
        (35 )     (9 )
        (404 )     (452 )
Net Income as per US GAAP
        20,270       15,833  
Notes :    
A.   The difference on account of forex gains or losses is primarily on account of difference in the treatment of mark to market gains or losses on premium on forward contracts designated as hedges. As per the Indian GAAP, the contact date premium/discount on forward contracts designated for forecasted cash flows is amortised over the life of the forward contract. There is no such requirement under US GAAP.
B.   Wipro BPO has 4,008,681 shares to employees, upon exercise of employee stock options, for the year ended March 31, 2005. As the exercise price per option was less than the Company’s carrying value per share, the exercise resulted in a decline in the carrying value of the Company’s ownership interest by Rs. 207 million for the year ended March 31, 2005. The decline in carrying value is recognised as expense in US GAAP. In Indian GAAP, the excess of consideration paid upon exercise of stock options over the share in the assets of Wipro BPO has been offset against the goodwill arising from the Wipro BPO acquisition.
C.   The Company has adopted EITF 00-21, revenue is recognised on dispatch. However, where installation is a condition to the contract, zero or minimal margin is recognised in US GAAP and the balance is recognised upon completion of installation.
D.   Under US GAAP, compensation cost is recognised for shares granted to employees as the excess of the quoted market price of the stock at the date of grant over the amount to be paid by the employee. Such compensation cost is amortised over the vesting period. Accordingly, Wipro has recorded compensation cost for shares granted to employees from the Wipro Equity Reward Trust and acceleration of stock options for certain employees. No such accounting is required under Indian GAAP.
E.   In US GAAP, a portion of the purchase consideration in a business acquisition will be allocated to intangible assets meeting the criteria for being recognised as an asset apart from goodwill. The value assigned to the intangible assets will be amortised over the useful life of the intangible asset in proportion to the economic benefits consumed during each reporting period.
F.   In US GAAP, for leases of property which provide for rent escalation clause during the life of the lease the lease rentals are accrued on a straight line basis over the lease period. The impact on the profits under US GAAP was a loss of Rs. 75 million for the year ended March 31, 2006.
G.   In US GAAP, we create deferred tax liability for the difference between book value of investments in Wipro GE and WeP Peripherals (equity method) and the tax basis. The difference is represented by undistributed profits / losses of these entities. For the year ended March 31, 2006, we have recognised a deferred tax liability of Rs. 57 million on the undistributed share of profits of affiliates. In the year ended March 31, 2006, we have claimed a tax benefit of Rs. 69 million in US taxes on disqualified disposition of stock options by employees. Under US GAAP, the tax benefit has been directly recognised in equity. There is no such requirement under the Indian GAAP.



Board of Directors
Azim H Premji
Dr Ashok S Ganguly
Chairman, ICICI OneSource Limited
Former Chairman, ICI India Limited
B C Prabhakar
Practitioner of Law
Dr Jagdish N Sheth
Professor of Marketing,
Emory University, USA
P M Sinha
Chairman, Bata India Limited
Former Chairman, PepsiCo India Holdings
N Vaghul
Chairman, ICICI Bank Ltd.
William Arthur (Bill) Owens*
Former Chief Executive Officer
and Vice Chairman, Nortel
*Directorship effective July 01, 2006
Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road,
Bangalore - 560 035, India
Tel: 91-80-28440011 Fax: 91-80-28440054
Visit us at
Audit Committee
N Vaghul
  -   Chairman
P M Sinha
  -   Member
B C Prabhakar
  -   Member
Board Governance and Compensation Committee
Ashok S Ganguly
  -   Chairman
N Vaghul
  -   Member
P M Sinha
  -   Member
Shareholders’ / Investors’ Grievance and
Administrative Committee
B C Prabhakar
  -   Chairman
Azim H Premji
  -   Member
1300, Crittenden Lane, # 200
Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
Tel: 650-316-3555 Fax: 650-316-3467
Mimet House, 5a Praed Street
London W2 1NJ, UK
Tel: +44 (020) 7087 3770
Fax: +44 (020) 7262 5360
Yokohama Landmark Tower,
9F #911A, 2-2-1-1, Minato-Mirai, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama-shi,
Kanagawa, 220-8109, Japan
Tel: +81 (45) 650 3950
Fax : +81 (45) 650 3951