EX-99.3 4 f55660exv99w3.htm EX-99.3 exv99w3
Exhibit 3
Wipro Limited — Results for the Quarter & Year ended March 31, 2010
Rs. in Million except share data)
    Quarter ended   Year ended
    March 31,   March 31,
    2010   2009   2010   2009
Particulars   Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited
1 Net Income from Sales /Services
    69,829       64,514       271,241       255,338  
2 Cost of Sales /Services
a)(Increase/Decrease in Stock in trade and work in progress
    (395 )     (195 )     (323 )     (943 )
b) Consumption of raw materials
    4,454       4,536       13,070       12,111  
c) Purchase of traded goods
    8,704       6,626       37,484       34,211  
d)Other expenditure
    33,333       32,646       129,152       128,478  
3 Gross Profit (1-2)
    23,733       20,901       91,858       81,481  
4 General and Administrative expenses
    3,582       3,511       14,481       14,281  
5 Selling and Distribution expenses
    4,900       4,184       18,036       16,952  
6 Depreciation and amortization
    1,887       1,950       7,831       6,949  
7 Operating Profit before interest (3) — (4+5+6)
    13,364       11,256       51,510       43,299  
8 Interest expense
    (342 )     928       990       3,824  
9 Exceptional Items
10 Operating Profit after interest and Exceptional Items (7-8-9)
    13,706       10,328       50,520       39,475  
11 Other investment income
    1,270       1,159       4,360       5,058  
12 Profit from Ordinary Activities before tax (10+11)
    14,976       11,487       54,879       44,533  
13 Tax Expense (including Fringe Benefits Tax)
    3,015       1,461       9,294       6,035  
14 Net Profit from Ordinary Activities after tax (12-13)
    11,961       10,026       45,586       38,498  
15 Minority Interest
    (46 )     (50 )     (185 )     (99 )
16 Share in Earnings of Associates
    176       35       530       362  
17 Extraordinary items (net of tax expense)
18 Net Profit for the period (14+15+16-17)
    12,091       10,011       45,931       38,761  
19 Paid up equity share capital (Face value Rs. 2 per share)
    2,936       2,930       2,936       2,930  
20 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves
    196,291       145,848       196,291       145,848  
Before extraordinary items (not annualised)
Basic (in Rs.)
    8.29       6.88       31.52       26.66  
Diluted (in Rs.)
    8.23       6.85       31.25       26.50  
After extraordinary items (not annualised)
Basic (in Rs.)
    8.29       6.88       31.52       26.66  
Diluted (in Rs.)
    8.23       6.85       31.25       26.50  
22 Public shareholding*
Number of shares
    276,454,859       271,856,435       276,454,859       271,856,435  
Percentage of holding
    18.83 %     18.56 %     18.83 %     18.56 %
23 Promoters and promoter group shareholding
a) Pledged/Encumbered
— Number of shares
  Nil     Nil     Nil     Nil  
— Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
  Nil     Nil     Nil     Nil  
— Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)
  Nil     Nil     Nil     Nil  
b) Non - encumbered
— Number of shares
    1,167,572,260 **     1,169,432,260 **     1,167,572,260 **     1,169,432,260 **
— Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
    100 %     100 %     100 %     100 %
— Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)
    79.52 %     79.83 %     79.52 %     79.83 %
Details of expenditure
Items exceeding 10% of total expenditure
— Employee Cost
    27,915       27,737       107,230       107,266  
*   Public shareholding as defined under clause 40A of the listing agreement (excludes shares beneficially held by promoters and holders of American Depository Receipt)
**   Includes 6,506,000 (March 31, 2009: 8,316,000) equity shares on which Promoter does not have beneficiary interest.
Status of redressal of Complaints received for the period January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010
            Opening   Complaints   Complaints    
Sl.           balance   received during   disposed during    
No.   Nature of the complaint   Nature   01.01.2010   the quarter   the quarter   Unresolved
Non-Receipt of Securities
  Complaint           3       3        
Non Receipt of Annual Reports
  Complaint           3       3        
Correction / Duplicate / Revalidation of dividend warrants
  Request           85       85        
Non Receipt of Dividend warrants
  Complaint           37       37        
  Request     1       1       2        
        1       129       130        
There are certain pending cases relating to disputes over title to shares in which the company has been made a party. However these cases are not material in nature.
1.   The above unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial results were approved by Directors of the Company at its meeting held on April 23,2010.
2.   The above unaudited financial results have been prepared from the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements, which are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and its interpretations (“IFRS”), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are covered by IFRS 1, “First Time Adoption of IFRS”, as they are part of the annual period covered by the Company’s first IFRS financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2010 and are prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, “Interim Financial Reporting”. The transition to IFRS has been carried out from the accounting principles generally accepted in India (Indian GAAP), which is considered as “Previous GAAP”, for purposes of IFRS 1.
3.   The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost convention and on an accrual basis, except for certain financial instruments that have been measured at fair value as required by relevant IFRS.
4.   The unaudited condensed consolidated financial interim statements incorporate the financial statements of the Parent Company and entities controlled by the Parent Company (its subsidiaries). Control is achieved where a company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that currently are exercisable are taken into account.

All intra-company balances, transactions, income and expenses including unrealized income or expenses are eliminated in full on consolidation.
5.   The total revenues represent the aggregate revenue and includes foreign exchange gains / (losses), net except exchange difference on foreign currency borrowings which are reported in the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements. The exchange difference on foreign currency borrowings is included in interest expenses above.
6.   The list of subsidiaries is included in the condensed consolidated financial statements of Wipro Limited and subsidiaries for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, which are available on our company website www.wipro.com.
7.   Standalone information (Audited)
(Rs. in Million)
    Quarter ended March 31,   Year ended March 31,
     Particulars   2010   2009   2010   2009
    61,410       52,989       231,776       209,874  
Profit before tax
    15,095       9,952       56,888       35,479  
Profit after tax
    12,367       8,421       48,980       29,738  
8.   Segment Information
    The Company is currently organized by segments, which includes IT Services (comprising of IT Services and BPO Services), IT Products, Consumer Care and Lighting and ‘Others’.
    Corporate activities such as treasury, legal and accounting, which do not qualify as operating segments under IFRS 8, have been considered as ‘reconciling items’.
    Revenues include excise duty of Rs. 176 and Rs. 239 for the three months ended March 31, 2009 and 2010, respectively and Rs. 1,055 and Rs. 843 for the year ended March 31, 2009 and 2010, respectively. For the purpose of segment reporting, the segment revenues are net of excise duty. Excise duty are reported in reconciling items.
    For the purpose of segment reporting only, the Company has included the impact of foreign exchange gains / (losses), net’ in revenues. Further, the Company obtains short-term foreign currency borrowings for its working capital requirements. A portion of these foreign currency borrowings is used as a natural hedge for the foreign currency monetary assets. For segment purposes, the changes in fair value of such foreign currency borrowings is recorded in the respective segment of the underlying monetary assets and are eliminated in reconciling items.
    For evaluating performance of the individual business segments, stock compensation expense is allocated on the basis of straight line amortization. The incremental impact of accelerated amortization of stock compensation expense over stock compensation expense allocated to the individual business segments is reported in reconciling items.
    The Company generally offers multi-year payment terms in certain total outsourcing contracts. These payment terms primarily relate to IT hardware, software and certain transformation services in Outsourcing contracts. Corporate Treasury provides internal financing to the business units offering multi-year payments terms, and accordingly such receivables are reflected in Capital Employed of Reconciling items. As of March 31, 2009 and 2010, Capital Employed of Reconciling items includes Rs. 4,401 and Rs. 8,516 respectively, of such receivables on extended collection terms.
Information on reportable segments is as follows:
(Rs. in Million)
    Three months ended March 31, 2009
    IT Services and Products   Care and           Reconciling    
Particulars   IT Services   IT Products   Total   Lighting   Others   Items   Entity Total
    49,306       8,761       58,067       4,802       1,320       325       64,514  
Cost of revenues
    (33,000 )     (7,960 )     (40,960 )     (2,594 )     (1,501 )     (311 )     (45,365 )
Selling and marketing expenses
    (2,637 )     (334 )     (2,971 )     (1,238 )     (59 )     (50 )     (4,318 )
General and administrative expenses
    (3,028 )     (150 )     (3,178 )     (275 )     (93 )     (30 )     (3,376 )
Operating income of segment
    10,641       317       10,958       695       (333 )     (66 )     11,255  
Opening capital employed
                    95,303       18,936       5,710       65,615       185,563  
Closing capital employed
                    115,089       18,782       5,638       64,763       204,272  
Average capital employed
                    105,196       18,859       5,674       65,189       194,918  
Return on capital employed
                    42 %     15 %     (23 )%             23 %
    Three months ended March 31, 2010
    IT Services and Products   Care and           Reconciling    
Particulars   IT Services   IT Products   Total   Lighting   Others   Items   Entity Total
    52,396       8,900       61,496       6,084       2,285       (36 )     69,829  
Cost of revenues
    (33,827 )     (8,116 )     (41,943 )     (3,297 )     (2,335 )     (189 )     (47,764 )
Selling and marketing expenses
    (2,966 )     (257 )     (3,223 )     (1,752 )     (106 )     20       (5,061 )
General and administrative expenses
    (3,085 )     (265 )     (3,350 )     (228 )     (62 )           (3,640 )
Operating income of segment
    12,718       262       12,980       807       (218 )     (205 )     13,364  
Opening capital employed
                    114,690       19,818       5,765       96,469       236,743  
Closing capital employed
                    136,280       20,074       7,068       96,091       259,513  
Average capital employed
                    125,485       19,946       6,417       96,280       248,128  
Return on capital employed
                    41 %     16 %     (14 )%             22 %
    Year ended March 31, 2009
    IT Services and Products   Care and           Reconciling    
Particulars   IT Services   IT Products   Total   Lighting   Others   Items   Entity Total
    191,613       34,277       225,890       19,249       8,995       1,204       255,338  
Cost of revenues
    (128,473 )     (30,886 )     (159359 )     (10,782 )     (8,679 )     (1,395 )     (180,215 )
Selling and marketing expenses
    (10,672 )     (1,361 )     (12,033 )     (4,750 )     (249 )     (236 )     (17,313 )
General and administrative expenses
    (12,271 )     (667 )     (12,938 )     (1,125 )     (316 )     (131 )     (14,510 )
Operating income of segment
    40,197       1,363       41,560       2,592       (294 )     (558 )     43,300  
Opening capital employed
                    93,845       17,359       6,149       53,081       170,433  
Closing capital employed
                    115,089       18,782       5,638       64,763       204,272  
Average capital employed
                    104,467       18,070       5,893       58,922       187,353  
Return on capital employed
                    40 %     14 %     (5 )%             23 %
    Year ended March 31, 2010
    IT Services and Products   Care and           Reconciling    
Particulars   IT Services   IT Products   Total   Lighting   Others   Items   Entity Total
    202,490       38,205       240,695       22,584       7,143       819       271,241  
Cost of revenues
    (132,144 )     (34,151 )     (166,295 )     (11,805 )     (7,446 )     (753 )     (186,299 )
Selling and marketing expenses
    (10,492 )     (1,275 )     (11,767 )     (6,492 )     (323 )     (27 )     (18,608 )
General and administrative expenses
    (12,446 )     (1,015 )     (13,461 )     (1,207 )     (210 )     56       (14,823 )
Operating income of segment
    47,408       1,764       49,172       3,080       (836 )     95       51,511  
Opening capital employed
                    115,089       18,782       5,638       64,763       204,272  
Closing capital employed
                    136,280       20,074       7,068       96,091       259,513  
Average capital employed
                    125,685       19,428       6,353       80,427       231,893  
Return on capital employed
                    39 %     16 %     (13 )%             22 %
9.   Statement of assets and liabilities will be provided along with the audited financial results.
10.   Corresponding figures for previous periods presented have been regrouped, where ever necessary, to conform to the current period classification.
Place: Bangalore
Date: April 23,2010
  By order of the board
Azim H Premji
Regd. Officer: Doddakannelli,
Sarjapur Road, Bangalore — 560035.