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Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of July, 2022


Commission File Number 1-15106




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Brazilian Petroleum Corporation – PETROBRAS

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)


Avenida Henrique Valadares, 28 – 19th floor 
20231-030 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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Petrobras financial performance in 2Q22

Rio de Janeiro, July 28, 2022 - Once again we delivered solid quarterly results. According to our CFO, Rodrigo Araujo Alves, “Second quarter results show the resilience and strength of the Company, which is able to generate sustainable results, following its trajectory of value creation. In line with our commitment to distribute our results, we approved a shareholder remuneration of R$ 6.73 per common and preferred share. In addition, we collected a total of BRL 77 billion in taxes and government take in the second quarter, which amounted to around BRL 147 billion in the year, an increase of 92% compared to the first half of last year”.

Main achievements:

  • Recurring EBITDA of US$ 20.2 billion (+34% vs 1Q22) and free cash flow of US$ 12.8 billion (+61% vs 1Q22), mainly reflecting the appreciation of Brent prices in the period, better results with oil products and natural gas sales and lower volumes of LNG imports.
  • Recurring net income of US$ 9.1 billion (+9% vs 1Q22) due to the factors described above, partially offset by the negative financial result because of the depreciation of the BRL.
  • Gross debt of US$ 53.6 billion (-9% vs 1Q22), mainly due to debt prepayments and amortizations.
  • CAPEX of US$ 3.1 billion in 2Q22 (+74% vs 1Q22), including US$ 892 million signature bonus related to the Sépia and Atapu fields.
  • Beginning of the coparticipation agreement for the Sepia and Atapu fields, in which Petrobras will be the operator in partnership with other companies. Cash inflow from this agreement amounted to US$ 5,2 billion in 2Q22.
  • Start-up of FPSO Guanabara in 04/30/22, the first definitive system in Mero field.
  • Cash inflows from divestments of US$ 1.6 billion in 2Q22. We highlight the signing of the LUBNOR sale agreement on June 15th. On July 11, we concluded the sale of our 51% Gaspetro for R$ 2.1 billion.
  • On June 27, we relaunched the sale processes of the Abreu e Lima Refinery (RNEST), Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (REPAR) and Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP), in line with the company’s portfolio management and capital allocation strategy.
  • In July, we signed the first credit line with sustainability commitments (Sustainability-Linked Loan) in the amount of US$ 1.25 billion, maturing in July 2027



This report may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements only reflect expectations of the Company's managers regarding future economic conditions, as well as the Company's performance, financial performance and results, among others. The terms "anticipates", "believes", "expects", "predicts", "intends", "plans", "projects", "objective", "should", and similar terms, which evidently involve risks and uncertainties that may or may not be anticipated by the Company and therefore are not guarantees of future results of the Company's operations that may differ from current expectations. The readers should not rely exclusively on any forward-looking statement contained herein. The Company does not undertake any responsibility to update the presentations and forecasts in the light of new information or its future developments, and the figures reported for 2Q22 onwards are estimates or targets. These indicators do not have standardized meanings and may not be comparable to indicators with a similar description used by others. We provide these indicators because we use them as measures of company performance; they should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for other financial metrics that have been disclosed in accordance with BR GAAP or IFRS. See definitions of Free Cash Flow, Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness in the Glossary and their reconciliations in the Liquidity and Capital Resources sections, Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness. Consolidated accounting information audited by independent auditors in accordance with international accounting standards (IFRS).



Main items

Table 1 - Main items*

            Variation (%)
 R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Sales revenues 170,960 141,641 110,710 312,601 196,884 20.7 54.4 58.8
Gross profit 95,861 74,766 57,005 170,627 101,038 28.2 68.2 68.9
Operating expenses 627 (11,184) (10,129) (10,557) (21,277) (50.4)
Consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 54,330 44,561 42,855 98,891 44,022 21.9 26.8 124.6
Recurring  consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras * 45,039 43,569 40,890 88,608 42,411 3.4 10.1 108.9
Net cash provided by operating activities 71,804 52,824 56,564 124,628 96,634 35.9 26.9 29.0
Free cash flow 63,421 40,486 48,674 103,907 79,763 56.6 30.3 30.3
Adjusted EBITDA 98,260 77,710 61,938 175,970 110,887 26.4 58.6 58.7
Recurring adjusted EBITDA* 99,337 78,214 60,033 177,551 107,731 27.0 65.5 64.8
Gross debt (US$ million) 53,577 58,554 63,685 53,577 63,685 (8.5) (15.9) (15.9)
Net debt (US$ million) 34,435 40,072 53,262 34,435 53,262 (14.1) (35.3) (35.3)
Net debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio ** 0.60 0.81 1.49 0.60 1.49 (25.9) (59.7) (59.7)
Average commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar 4.92 5.23 5.30 5.08 5.38 (5.9) (7.2) (5.6)
Brent crude (US$/bbl) 113.78 101.40 68.83 107.59 64.86 12.2 65.3 65.9
Domestic basic oil by-products price (R$/bbl) 665.50 544.25 401.19 605.42 376.63 22.3 65.9 60.7
TRI (total recordable injuries per million men-hour frequency rate)       0.52 0.56 - - (7.1)
ROCE  (Return on Capital Employed) 12.8% 9.9% 5.1% 12.8% 5.1% 2,9 p.p. 7,7 p.p. 7,7 p.p.

* See reconciliation of Recurring net income and Adjusted EBITDA in the Special Items section.

* *Ratio calculated in USD



Consolidated results

Net revenues

Table 2 – Net revenues by products

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Diesel 52,603 38,875 32,100 91,478 57,261 35.3 63.9 59.8
Gasoline 21,187 19,404 14,439 40,591 25,507 9.2 46.7 59.1
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 7,074 6,172 5,908 13,246 10,926 14.6 19.7 21.2
Jet fuel 6,899 5,176 2,107 12,075 4,435 33.3 227.4 172.3
Naphtha 3,555 3,182 1,889 6,737 3,701 11.7 88.2 82.0
Fuel oil (including bunker fuel) 1,734 1,911 2,027 3,645 3,856 (9.3) (14.5) (5.5)
Other oil products 7,949 6,650 5,319 14,599 10,134 19.5 49.4 44.1
Subtotal Oil Products 101,001 81,370 63,789 182,371 115,820 24.1 58.3 57.5
Natural gas 9,649 9,028 7,007 18,677 12,685 6.9 37.7 47.2
Crude oil 13,251 9,147 22,398 290 44.9 7623.4
Renewables and nitrogen products 466 343 47 809 121 35.9 891.5 568.6
Revenues from non-exercised rights 834 539 500 1,373 865 54.7 66.8 58.7
Electricity 534 1,553 3,092 2,087 6,062 (65.6) (82.7) (65.6)
Services, agency and others 1,508 1,239 900 2,747 1,776 21.7 67.6 54.7
Total domestic market 127,243 103,219 75,335 230,462 137,619 23.3 68.9 67.5
Exports 40,401 35,110 33,567 75,511 56,367 15.1 20.4 34.0
Crude oil 27,589 25,043 24,759 52,632 40,221 10.2 11.4 30.9
Fuel oil (including bunker fuel) 11,224 9,865 6,683 21,089 13,281 13.8 67.9 58.8
Other oil products and other products 1,588 202 2,125 1,790 2,865 686.1 (25.3) (37.5)
Sales abroad (*) 3,316 3,312 1,808 6,628 2,898 0.1 83.4 128.7
Total foreign market 43,717 38,422 35,375 82,139 59,265 13.8 23.6 38.6
Total 170,960 141,641 110,710 312,601 196,884 20.7 54.4 58.8
(*) Sales revenues from operations outside of Brazil, including trading and excluding exports

In 2Q22, sales revenues grew 21% compared to 1Q22, mainly due to the 12% increase in Brent prices, higher oil and oil products sales volumes and higher oil products and natural gas prices, amid the recovery in global demand for oil and oil products after the critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts in supply by the war in Ukraine. Revenues from oil products in the domestic market were 24% higher than in 1Q22, with higher revenues from all products except fuel oil, due to a drop in volume, mainly because there were no deliveries for thermoelectric generation in 2Q22. Oil revenues in the domestic market increased 45% due to higher sales to Acelen.

On the other hand, there was a drop in revenues from electricity, given the lower thermoelectric dispatch with the continued recovery in hydrological conditions in 2Q22.

In terms of the breakdown of revenues in the domestic market, diesel and gasoline continued to be the main products, together accounting for 73% of oil products domestic sales in 2Q22.



Graph 1 – Oil products sales revenues 2Q22 – domestic market



A relevant change in petroleum flows was observed in 1H22, stemming from the war in Ukraine. Russian exports, which previously supplied Europe, were diverted to Asian markets, mainly India and China. The constant search for global opportunities and the development of new customers that Petrobras has been implementing over the years were decisive for the company to also change the flow of its exports, taking advantage of new arbitrage and maximizing the generation of value in its sales.

In 2Q22, we had the following distribution of export destinations by volume:

Table 3 – Destination of oil exports

Country 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21
China 15% 38% 45%
Europe 39% 28% 22%
Latam 24% 17% 7%
USA 8% 11% 9%
Caribbean 2% 2% 3%
Asia (Ex China) 12% 4% 14%


Table 4 – Destination of exports of oil products

Country 2Q22 1Q22 1Q21
Singapore 55% 59% 55%
USA 26% 28% 18%
Others 19% 13% 27%


Cost of goods sold

Table 5 – Cost of goods sold

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Acquisitions (26,649) (24,207) (18,998) (50,856) (31,836) 10.1 40.3 59.7
Crude oil imports (12,930) (8,808) (8,552) (21,738) (13,772) 46.8 51.2 57.8
Oil products imports (8,901) (7,012) (6,897) (15,913) (10,546) 26.9 29.1 50.9
Natural gas imports (4,818) (8,387) (3,549) (13,205) (7,518) (42.6) 35.8 75.6
Production (44,117) (39,111) (32,490) (83,229) (59,746) 12.8 35.8 39.3
Crude oil (37,139) (32,198) (26,114) (69,338) (47,686) 15.3 42.2 45.4
Production taxes (20,327) (16,562) (13,193) (36,889) (22,115) 22.7 54.1 66.8
Other costs (16,812) (15,636) (12,921) (32,449) (25,571) 7.5 30.1 26.9
Oil products (3,152) (3,260) (3,732) (6,412) (6,997) (3.3) (15.5) (8.4)
Natural gas   (3,826) (3,653) (2,644) (7,479) (5,063) 4.7 44.7 47.7
Production taxes (1,282) (1,210) (814) (2,492) (1,480) 6.0 57.5 68.4
Other costs (2,544) (2,443) (1,830) (4,987) (3,583) 4.1 39.0 39.2
Services, electricity, operations abroad and others (4,333) (3,557) (2,217) (7,889) (4,264) 21.8 95.4 85.0
Total (75,099) (66,875) (53,705) (141,974) (95,846) 12.3 39.8 48.1

In 2Q22, cost of goods sold grew 13% compared to 1Q22, mainly reflecting higher prices for imported oil and oil products. In addition, the appreciation of Brent prices contributed to the increase in government take.

It is worth noting the decrease of LNG in the breakdown of natural gas purchases, given the reduction of 3 MMm³/day in regasification volumes, which reached 7 MM m3/day in 2Q22, essentially due to the lower demand for gas for thermoelectric plants as a consequence of improved hydrological conditions. The reduction in LNG imports would have been even greater had it not been for the reduction in Bolivian gas imports by 5 MMm³/day in 2Q22.

Operating expenses

Table 6 – Operating expenses

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (7,725) (7,718) (7,113) (15,443) (13,807) 0.1 8.6 11.8
Selling expenses (6,136) (6,159) (5,742) (12,295) (10,940) (0.4) 6.9 12.4
Materials, third-party services, freight, rent and other related costs (4,922) (4,967) (4,890) (9,889) (9,189) (0.9) 0.7 7.6
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (1,066) (1,038) (739) (2,104) (1,553) 2.7 44.2 35.5
Allowance for expected credit losses (30) (40) 3 (70) 34 (25.0)
Employee compensation (118) (114) (116) (232) (232) 3.5 1.7
General and administrative expenses (1,589) (1,559) (1,371) (3,148) (2,867) 1.9 15.9 9.8
Employee compensation (1,060) (1,036) (1,013) (2,096) (2,026) 2.3 4.6 3.5
Materials, third-party services, rent and other related costs (411) (403) (249) (814) (600) 2.0 65.1 35.7
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (118) (120) (109) (238) (241) (1.7) 8.3 (1.2)
Exploration costs (196) (408) (1,005) (604) (2,201) (52.0) (80.5) (72.6)
Research and Development (1,080) (1,081) (775) (2,161) (1,414) (0.1) 39.4 52.8
Other taxes (455) (311) (261) (766) (842) 46.3 74.3 (9.0)
Impairment of assets (847) 4 (497) (843) (1,005) 70.4 (16.1)
Other income and expenses, net 10,930 (1,670) (478) 9,260 (2,008)
Total 627 (11,184) (10,129) (10,557) (21,277) (50.4)

In 2Q22, selling expenses were stable compared to 1Q22. Despite the lower volumes of oil exports, this effect was offset by an increase in the volume of oil sold in the domestic market and higher oil products exports.

In 2Q22, other operating income and expenses were positive by R$ 10.9 billion against expenses of R$ 1.7 billion in 1Q22. This variation is mainly explained by the effect of the capital gain of R$ 11.2 billion in 2Q22 related to the co-participation agreements in the Sepia and Atapu fields.

In 2Q22, there was an impairment of R$ 0.8 billion mainly due to the permanent shutdown of the P-35 platform in the Marlim field and losses related to divestments of the Golfinho and LUBNOR clusters.

Adjusted EBITDA

In 2Q22, Adjusted EBITDA rose 26% to R$ 98.3 billion, mostly due to the appreciation of Brent in the period, higher margins on all products and natural gas, and lower volumes of LNG imports.


Financial results

Table 7 – Financial results

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Finance income 3,054 1,360 1,109 4,414 1,785 124.6 175.4 147.3
Income from investments and marketable securities (Government Bonds) 1,821 844 242 2,665 402 115.8 652.5 562.9
Other income, net 1,233 516 867 1,749 1,383 139.0 42.2 26.5
Finance expenses (4,691) (3,969) (9,871) (8,660) (16,484) 18.2 (52.5) (47.5)
Interest on finance debt (3,396) (2,784) (4,797) (6,180) (8,916) 22.0 (29.2) (30.7)
Unwinding of discount on lease liabilities (1,644) (1,526) (1,582) (3,170) (3,189) 7.7 3.9 (0.6)
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities (404) (134) (3,491) (538) (4,504) 201.5 (88.4) (88.1)
Capitalized borrowing costs 1,464 1,244 1,410 2,708 2,564 17.7 3.8 5.6
Unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs (675) (682) (1,027) (1,357) (2,054) (1.0) (34.3) (33.9)
Other finance expenses and income, net (36) (87) (384) (123) (385) (58.6) (90.6) (68.1)
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and indexation charges (14,120) 5,592 19,538 (8,528) (5,273) 61.7
Foreign exchange gains (losses) (8,184) 12,535 23,575 4,351 4,848 (10.3)
Reclassification of hedge accounting to the Statement of Income (5,442) (7,221) (6,333) (12,663) (12,427) (24.6) (14.1) 1.9
Recoverable taxes inflation indexation income 119 108 2,437 227 2,508 10.2 (95.1) (90.9)
Other foreign exchange gains (losses) and indexation charges, net (613) 170 (141) (443) (202) 334.8 119.3
Total (15,757) 2,983 10,776 (12,774) (19,972) (36.0)

The financial result was negative by R$ 15.8 billion in 2Q22, against a positive result of R$ 3.0 billion in 1Q22, mainly reflecting the depreciation of the BRL against the USD of 10.6% in 2Q22, compared to an appreciation of 15.1% in 1Q22. In addition to this effect, there were higher realizations of transaction costs on the securities repurchased and higher goodwill due to the tender offer of US$ 2.0 billion in April/2022. These costs were partially offset by gains on financial investments due to higher average cash balances and interest rates, as well as discounts on market operations over 2Q22.

We ended 2Q22 with a currency exposure of US$ 19.1 billion compared to US$ 15.6 billion in 1Q22. It is worth noting that in 2Q21 the currency exposure was US$ 33.6 billion, which caused greater volatility in the financial result.

Net profit (loss) attributable to Petrobras shareholders

Net income in 2Q22 was R$ 54.3 billion, compared to R$ 44.6 billion in 1Q22. This increase is explained mainly by the increase in Brent prices in the period, as well as higher margins on oil products and natural gas. Additionally, the result was positively impacted by the capital gain of R$ 14.2 billion related to the co-participation agreement in Sepia and Atapu. On the other hand, these factors were partially offset by the decrease in financial result (- R$ 18.7 billion) reflecting the depreciation of the BRL against the USD. With the higher pre-tax income, there was a higher income tax and social contribution expense of R$ 2,6 billion.


Recurring net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders and recurring Adjusted EBITDA

In 2Q22, net income benefited from non-recurring items totaling R$ 14.3 billion, before taxes. Net income in 2Q22 would have been R$ 45.0 billion without the non-recurring items. Adjusted EBITDA was negatively impacted by R$ 1.1 billion and would have summed up to R$ 99.3 billion without non-recurring items.



Special items

Table 8 – Special items

            Variation (%)
 R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Net income 54,484 44,783 43,041 99,267 44,317 21.7 26.6 124.0
Nonrecurring items 14,318 1,862 3,260 16,180 3,081 669.0 339.2 425.2
Nonrecurring items that do not affect Adjusted EBITDA 15,395 2,366 1,355 17,761 (75) 550.7 1036.2
Impairment of assets and investments (860) (40) 1,642 (900) 943 2050.0
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments (2) (185)
Gains and losses on disposal / write-offs of assets 1,828 2,472 365 4,300 622 (26.1) 400.8 591.3
Results from co-participation agreements in auctioned areas 14,243 14,243
Agreements signed for the electricity sector 436 436
Pis and Cofins inflation indexation charges -  exclusion of ICMS (VAT tax) from the basis of calculation 2,405 2,405
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities 184 (66) (3,491) 118 (4,504)
Financial updating on state amnesty programs 208
Other nonrecurring items (1,077) (504) 1,905 (1,581) 3,156 113.7
Voluntary Separation Plan (9) (20) 22 (29) 43 (55.0)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 60 275 60 1,065 (94.4)
Gains / (losses) on decommissioning of returned/abandoned areas (15) (125) (3) (140) (38) (88.0) 400.0 268.4
State amnesty programs 659
Gains (Losses) related to legal proceedings (866) (557) (726) (1,423) (726) 55.5 19.3 96.0
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (187) 138 (44) (49) (288) 325.0 (83.0)
PIS and COFINS over inflation indexation charges -  exclusion of ICMS (VAT tax) from the basis of calculation (112) (112)
PIS and COFINS recovered - exclusion of ICMS (VAT tax) from the basis of calculation 2,493 2,493
Gains/(losses) with the transfer of rights on concession agreements 60
Net effect of nonrecurring items on IR / CSLL (4,873) (648) (1,109) (5,521) (1,175) 652.0 339.4 369.9
Recurring net income 45,039 43,569 40,890 88,608 42,411 3.4 10.1 108.9
Shareholders of Petrobras 44,885 43,347 40,704 88,232 42,116 3.5 10.3 109.5
Non-controlling interests 154 222 186 376 295 (30.6) (17.2) 27.5
Adjusted EBITDA 98,260 77,710 61,938 175,970 110,887 26.4 58.6 58.7
Non-recurring Items (1,077) (504) 1,905 (1,581) 3,156 113.7
Recurring Adjusted EBITDA 99,337 78,214 60,033 177,551 107,731 27.0 65.5 64.8

In management's opinion, the special items presented above, although related to the Company's business, were highlighted as complementary information for a better understanding and evaluation of the result. Such items do not necessarily occur in all periods and are disclosed when relevant.



Investment (Capex) encompasses acquisition of property, plant and equipment, including costs with leasing, intangible assets, investments in subsidiaries and affiliates, costs with geology and geophysics and pre-operating costs.

Table 9 - Capex

            Variation (%)
US$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Exploration and Production 1,674 1,374 1,948 3,049 3,574 21.8 (14.0) (14.7)
Refining, Transportation and Marketing 274 252 254 526 447 8.7 7.8 17.7
Gas and Power 92 94 94 186 157 (2.2) (2.4) 18.3
Others 141 48 68 189 100 196.5 107.3 89.4
Subtotal 2,181 1,768 2,364 3,949 4,278 23.4 (7.7) (7.7)
Signature bonus 892 892
Total 3,073 1,768 2,364 4,841 4,278 73.8 30.0 13.2

In 2Q22, capex totaled US$ 3.1 billion, 74% above 1Q22, mainly due to the impact of the signature bonus related to the Sépia and Atapu fields. Investments in growth correspond to 64% of total capex in 2Q22.

Growth capex are those with the primary objective of increasing the capacity of existing assets, deploying new production, offloading, and storage assets, increasing asset efficiency or profitability, and deploying essential infrastructure to enable other growth projects. It includes acquisitions of assets/companies and remaining investments in systems that started up as of 2020 and exploratory investments.

Sustaining capex, on the other hand, has the main objective of maintaining the operation of existing assets. It does not aim at increasing the capacity of the facilities. It includes investments in safety and reliability of facilities, replacement well projects, complementary development, remaining investments in systems that started up before 2020, scheduled stoppages and revitalizations (without new systems), 4D seismic, health, environment, and safety (HSE) projects, subsea line exchanges, operational infrastructure and information technology (IT).

In 2Q22, capex in the Exploration & Production segment totaled US$ 1.7 billion, 22% higher than in 1Q22, due to higher expenses with large projects, especially the construction and integration of new production units, in addition to higher volume of scheduled stoppages and exploratory activity. Investments were mainly concentrated on: (i) the development of ultra-deepwater production in the Santos Basin pre-salt (US$ 0.6 billion); (ii) development of new deepwater projects (US$ 0.2 billion); and (iii) exploratory investments in the pre-salt and post-salt (US$ 0.1 billion).

In the Refining, Transportation and Marketing segment, capex totaled US$ 0.3 billion in 2Q22, of which approximately 17% was related to growth. In Gas & Power, capex totaled US$ 0.1 billion in 2Q22, with approximately 24% related to growth.



The following table presents the main information about the new oil and gas production systems, already contracted.

Table 10 – Main projects

Unit Start-up FPSO capacity (bbl/day)

CAPEX Petrobras Actual

US$ bn

CAPEX Petrobras Total

US$ bn1

Petrobras Stake Status

Búzios 5

FPSO Alm. Barroso (Chartered unit)

2023 150,000 0.92 2.0 92,66%2 Project in phase of execution. Production system is sailing to Brazil. 10 wells drilled and 7 completed.

Marlim 1

FPSO Anita Garibaldi

(Chartered unit)

2023 80,000 0.11 1.7 100% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction.

Marlim 2

FPSO Anna Nery (Chartered unit)

2023 70,000 0.12 1.3 100% Project in phase of execution. Production system is sailing to Brazil.  2 wells drilled and completed.4

Mero 2

FPSO Sepetiba (Chartered unit)

2023 180,000 0.18 0.8 38,6%3 Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 10 wells drilled and 2 completed


P-71 (Owned unit)

2023 150,000 1.99 3.4 100% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 4 wells drilled and 2 completed

Mero 3

FPSO Marechal Duque de Caxias (Chartered unit)

2024 180,000 0.05 0.8 38,6%3 Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 3 wells drilled and 1 completed

Integrado Parque das Baleias (IPB)

FPSO Maria Quitéria

(Chartered unit)

2024 100,000 0.27 1.7 100% Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 3 wells drilled and 1 completed4

Búzios 7

FPSO Almirante Tamandaré (Chartered unit)

2024 225,000 0.08 2.1 92,66%2

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction.

3 wells drilled and 1 completed

Búzios 6

P-78 (Owned unit)

2025 180,000 0.27 4.1 92,66%2 Project in phase of execution with production system under construction

Búzios 8

P-79 (Owned unit)

2025 180,000 0.22 4.2 92,66%2 Project in phase of execution with production system under construction. 3 wells drilled and 1 completed

Mero 4

FPSO Alexandre de Gusmão

(Chartered unit)

2025 180,000 0.04 0.8 38,6%3

Project in phase of execution with production system under construction

5 wells drilled and 2 completed

1 Total CAPEX with the Strategic Plan 2022-26 assumptions and Petrobras work interest (WI). Chartered units leases are not included.

2 In March 2022, Petrobras has signed the contract with the partner CNOOC Petroleum Brasil Ltda. (CPBL) for the assignment of 5% of its interest in the Production Sharing Contract of the Transfer of Rights Surplus for the Buzios field. Petrobras stake will be ajusted after the transaction's approval by the regulatory agencies.

3 Petrobras stake updated after the approval of the Production Individualization Agreement (AIP) of the Mero accumulation. As the compensation relative to the non-contracted area expenses will be paid in oil to the consortium, the work interest (WI) of the CAPEX reported will not change.

4 Production Unit for revitalization project. Refers only to new wells. The scope of the project also includes the relocation of some wells of the units being decommissioned.




In addition to the systems listed in the table above, the FPSOs for Búzios 9 and 10 and the SEAP 1 project are expected to start operating within the horizon of the 2022-26 Strategic Plan. The bidding for P-80 and P-82 (Búzios 9 and 10) production units is in progress after receiving two commercial proposals. The bidding committee released the result of Package A on 07/13/2022, selecting the proposal from Keppel Shipyard. Package B is under negotiation with Sembcorp Marine Rig and Floaters. In both cases, the option of Petrobras requesting the supply of an additional unit is considered. In relation to the FPSO for SEAP 1, the previous procurement process was canceled as the proposal received was overpriced and carried conditions not foreseen in the bidding process. We are currently re-evaluating the project and the procurement strategy.


Portfolio management

In 2Q22, cash inflows from divestments totaled US$ 1.6 billion, including a deferred payment for the sale of 90% of NTS, in the amount of US$ 1.0 billion. From January 1, 2022, to July 27, 2022, we concluded the sale of the Alagoas and Recôncavo Clusters, exploratory blocks in Parana and Potiguar Basins and our equity interests in Deten Química and Gaspetro. Additionally, we signed the contracts for the sale of the Potiguar, Norte Capixaba, Golfinho and Camarupim Clusters, the Albacora East field and LUBNOR Refinery. In February 2022, we received a deferred payment for the sale of the Bacalhau field (formerly Carcará area) in the amount of US$950 million.

Table 11 – Main transactions by July 27th, 2022 and respective transaction amounts (excluding deferred payments)


Amount received

(US$ million)

Transaction amount1

(US$ million)

Bloco PAR-T-198_Paraná Basin 0.031 0.0316
Bloco PAR-T-218_Paraná Basin 0.032 0.0326
Bloco POT-T-794_Potiguar Basin 0.525 0.5256
East Albacora field 293 2,201
Papa-Terra field 6 105.66
Deten Química 101.2² 117²
Gaspetro 392.32 3946
Alagoas cluster 300 3006
Carmópolis cluster 275 1,1006
Fazenda Belém cluster - 355
Golfinho e Camarupim clusters 3 75
Norte cluster 35.85 544
Peroá cluster 5 556
Pescada cluster   25
Potiguar cluster 110 1,380
Recôncavo cluster 256 2505
LUBNOR refinery 3.4 34
REMAN refinery 28.4 189.56
SIX 3 336
Total amount 1,813 6,816

¹ Amounts agreed in the signing date, subject to adjustments upon closing

² Original amounts in BRL, converted to US$ at the PTAX rate on the day of the SPA signing or of the cash inflow

3Transaction signed in 2018 4Transaction signed in 2019 5Transaction signed in 2020 6Transaction signed in 2021



Liquidity and capital resources[1]

Table 12 - Liquidity and Capital Resources

R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 87,568 62,040 71,454 62,040 64,280
Government bonds and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the beginning of period* (5,967) (3,630) (3,299) (3,630) (3,424)
Cash and cash equivalents in companies classified as held for sale at the beginning of the period 40 72 4 72 74
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 81,641 58,482 68,159 58,482 60,930
Net cash provided by operating activities 71,804 52,824 56,564 124,628 96,634
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 16,727 (4,983) (5,187) 11,744 (12,614)
Acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets (8,383) (12,338) (7,890) (20,721) (16,871)
Investments in investees (49) (49) (56) (98) (60)
Proceeds from disposal of assets - Divestment 7,800 9,255 1,674 17,055 2,728
Financial compensation from coparticipation agreements 24,512 319 24,831
Dividends received 938 275 731 1,213 1,097
Divestment (Investment) in marketable securities (8,091) (2,445) 354 (10,536) 492
(=) Net cash provided by operating and investing activities 88,531 47,841 51,377 136,372 84,020
Net cash used in financing activities (89,705) (16,455) (65,527) (106,160) (96,349)
Net financings (20,212) (9,923) (47,537) (30,135) (70,216)
     Proceeds from  financing 863 782 8,170 1,645 8,469
     Repayments (21,075) (10,705) (55,707) (31,780) (78,685)
Repayment of lease liability (6,697) (6,916) (7,533) (13,613) (15,573)
Dividends paid to shareholders of Petrobras (62,027) (2) (10,282) (62,029) (10,282)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest (264) (26) (211) (290) (212)
Investments by non-controlling interest (505) 412 36 (93) (66)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 4,881 (8,227) (4,879) (3,346) 529
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 85,348 81,641 49,130 85,348 49,130
Government bonds and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the end of period* 14,957 5,967 3,013 14,957 3,013
Cash and cash equivalents in companies classified as held for sale at the end of the period (37) (40) (4) (37) (4)
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 100,268 87,568 52,139 100,268 52,139
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow          
Net cash provided by operating activities 71,804 52,824 56,564 124,628 96,634
Acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets (8,383) (12,338) (7,890) (20,721) (16,871)
Free cash flow** 63,421 40,486 48,674 103,907 79,763

As of June 30, 2022, cash and cash equivalents totaled R$ 81.6 billion and adjusted cash and cash equivalents totaled R$ 87.6 billion.

In 2Q22, cash generated from operating activities reached R$ 71.8 billion and positive free cash flow totaled R$ 63.4 billion. This level of cash generation, together with the inflow of funds from the divestments of R$ 7.8 billion and the inflow of R$ 24.5 billion referring to financial compensation for co-participation agreements in Sepia and Atapu were used to: (a) prepay debts and amortize principal and interest due in the period (R$ 21.1 billion), (b) amortize lease liabilities (R$ 6.7 billion), and (c) make investments of R$ 8.3 billion.

* Includes short-term government bonds and time deposits and cash and cash equivalents of companies classified as held for sale.

** Free cash flow (FCF) is in accordance with the Shareholder Remuneration Policy, which is the result of the equation: FCF = net cash provided by operating activities less acquisitions of PP&E and intangible assets


In 2Q22, the company settled several loans and financial debt, in the amount of R$ 21.1 billion, notably the repurchase and redemption of R$ 16.1 billion of securities in the international capital market.

The reduction of gross debt, the high level of cash generation and solid liquidity allowed the company to approve shareholder remuneration in the amount of R$ 6.73 per common and preferred share.



As of June 30, 2022, gross debt reached US$ 53.6 billion, a decrease of 8.5% compared to March 31, 2022, and 18.9% lower than on June 30, 2021, mainly due to debt prepayments and amortizations.

Average maturity shifted from 13.2 years on March 31, 2022, to 13 years on June 30, 2022.

The gross debt/EBITDA ratio decreased from 1.18x on March 30, 2022, to 0.93x on June 30, 2022.

Net debt decreased by 14.1% to US$ 34.4 billion. The net debt/Adjusted EBITDA ratio decreased from 0.81x on March 31, 2021, to 0.60x on June 30, 2022.

Table 13 – Debt indicators

US$ million 06.30.2022 03.31.2022 Δ % 06.30.2021
Financial Debt 31,051 35,421 (12.3) 43,505
Capital Markets 18,261 21,683 (15.8) 25,178
Banking Market 9,158 9,970 (8.1) 14,028
Development banks 770 878 (12.3) 908
Export Credit Agencies 2,688 2,708 (0.7) 3,189
Others 174 182 (4.4) 202
Finance leases 22,526 23,133 (2.6) 20,180
Gross debt 53,577 58,554 (8.5) 63,685
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 19,142 18,482 3.6 10,423
Net debt 34,435 40,072 (14.1) 53,262
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Market Cap) - Leverage 32% 30% 6.7 40%
Average interest rate (% p.a.) 6.3 6.2 1.6 5.9
Weighted average maturity of outstanding debt (years) 13.04 13.22 (1.4) 12.54
Net debt / LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 0.60 0.81 (25.9) 1.49
Gross debt / LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 0.93 1.18 (21.5) 1.78
R$ million        
Financial Debt 162,644 167,819 (3.1) 217,624
Finance Lease 117,993 109,599 7.7 100,945
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 100,268 87,568 14.5 52,139
Net Debt 180,369 189,850 (5.0) 266,430



Results by segment

Exploration and Production

Table 14 – E&P results

      Variation (%) (*)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Sales revenues 108,041 102,567 71,440 210,608 135,392 5.3 51.2 55.6
Gross profit 67,813 62,455 41,773 130,268 77,089 8.6 62.3 69.0
Operating expenses 12,551 (252) (2,408) 12,299 (5,296)
Operating income (loss) 80,364 62,203 39,365 142,567 71,793 29.2 104.2 98.6
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 53,327 41,317 26,162 94,644 47,695 29.1 103.8 98.4
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 78,534 72,975 51,157 151,509 95,320 7.6 53.5 58.9
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 73 71 72 72 70 2 1 2
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%) 17.4 14.2 6.6 17.4 6.6 3.2 10.8 10.8
Average Brent crude (US$/bbl) 113.78 101.40 68.83 107.59 64.86 12.2 65.3 65.9
Internal Transfer Price to RTM - Crude oil (US$/bbl) 106.90 93.71 65.57 100.24 61.45 14.1 63.0 63.1
 Lifting cost - Brazil (US$/boe)                
     excluding production taxes and  leases 5.98 5.22 4.91 5.60 4.91 14.5 21.8 14.0
     excluding production taxes 7.68 6.97 6.37 7.32 6.51 10.1 20.6 12.4
Onshore and shallow waters                
           with leases 17.23 16.44 13.43 16.82 12.89 4.8 28.3 30.5
           excluding leases 17.23 16.44 13.43 16.82 12.89 4.8 28.3 30.5
       Deep and ultra-deep post-salt                
           with leases 14.47 11.28 11.19 12.83 11.15 28.3 29.3 15.1
           excluding leases 13.06 9.57 10.12 11.27 9.75 36.5 29.1 15.5
           with leases 5.19 5.13 4.22 5.16 4.42 1.3 22.9 16.7
           excluding leases 3.31 3.25 2.52 3.28 2.61 1.8 31.3 25.8
     including production taxes and excluding leases 25.95 24.36 17.07 25.14 16.60 6.5 52.0 51.5
     including production taxes and leases 27.64 26.11 18.53 26.86 18.20 5.9 49.2 47.6
Production taxes - Brazil 19,848 21,165 13,931 41,013 26,865 (6.2) 42.5 52.7
     Royalties 11,062 11,151 7,181 22,213 13,701 (0.8) 54.0 62.1
     Special participation 8,725 9,953 6,701 18,678 13,067 (12.3) 30.2 42.9
     Retention of areas 61 61 49 122 97 24.5 25.8
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points

In 2Q22, E&P gross profit was R$ 67.8 billion, an increase of 9% when compared to 1Q22, mainly due to higher Brent prices. Operating income was 29% higher than 1Q22, reflecting the growth in gross profit and the gains from the co-participation agreements in Sepia and Atapu fields.

We recorded a 15% increase in the lifting cost without leasing and government take when compared to 1Q22. In 1Q22 there were several restrictions to activities due to the ÔMICRON variant of COVID-19. In 2Q22, the resumption of activities after the critical period aforementioned and also the effect of the 6% BRL appreciation against the average USD were the main factors impacting the lifting cost.

In the pre-salt, there was a slight increase of 2% in lifting costs, driven by the appreciation of the BRL against the USD and the lower production, partially offset by lower expenses associated with well interventions in Búzios field.


In the post-salt, there was a 36% increase in the same indicator when compared to 1Q22, due to higher costs with project continuity and integrity, such as well interventions and subsea inspections, alongside the appreciation of the BRL against the USD and also the lower production in the quarter.

In onshore and shallow water assets, there was an increase in lifting costs mainly due to the BRL appreciation. The lower production, due to divestments, unscheduled shutdowns and natural decline of the fields, was offset by the reduction in production costs.

The increase in government take per barrel in 2Q22 is mainly caused by the higher Brent prices in the period.

Refining, Transportation and Marketing

Table 15 - RTM results

            Variation (%) (*)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Sales revenues 157,429 128,476 100,328 285,905 177,069 22.5 56.9 61.5
Gross profit (Loss) 25,532 16,311 12,082 41,843 23,848 56.5 111.3 75.5
Operating expenses (4,163) (2,781) (2,752) (6,944) (4,938) 49.7 51.3 40.6
Operating Income (Loss) 21,369 13,530 9,330 34,899 18,910 57.9 129.0 84.6
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 13,629 10,345 8,894 23,974 15,833 31.7 53.2 51.4
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 24,308 16,222 12,039 40,530 24,503 49.8 101.9 65.4
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 15 13 12 14 14 3 3
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%) 11.0 7.4 3.8 11.0 3.8 3.6 7.2 7.2
Refining cost (US$/barrel) - Brazil 1.84 1.77 1.63 1.81 1.62 3.5 12.8 11.7
Refining cost (R$/barrel) - Brazil 9.19 9.16 8.57 9.18 8.70 0.3 7.2 5.5
Domestic basic oil by-products price (R$/bbl) 665.50 544.25 401.19 605.42 376.63 22.3 65.9 60.7
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points

In 2Q22, gross profit for the Refining, Transportation and Marketing (RTM) segment was R$ 25.5 billion, R$ 9.2 billion higher than in 1Q22. Excluding the effect of inventory turnover (R$ 7.5 billion in 2Q22 and R$ 10.3 billion in 1Q22) the gross profit would have been R$ 18 billion in 2Q22 and R$ 6 billion in 1Q22.

The higher gross profit was due to higher margins on oil products in the domestic market, mainly diesel, gasoline and jet fuel, because of higher international margins on these products. Sales volume was also higher, especially diesel volumes, due to its typical seasonality.

In 2Q22, operating income was higher than in 1Q22 due to the higher gross profit, which was partially offset by higher expenses with lawsuits and the Lubnor refinery impairment.

In 2Q22, refining costs per barrel in USD were slightly higher than in 1Q22 due to higher maintenance expenses, higher feedstock prices in BRL and the appreciation of the BRL against the USD. The higher absolute dollar costs were partially offset by the higher throughput in 2Q22.


Gas and Power

Table 16 – G&P results

            Variation (%) (*)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Sales revenues 18,390 17,655 13,960 36,045 26,047 4.2 31.7 38.4
Gross profit 6,713 2,383 5,212 9,096 10,028 181.7 28.8 (9.3)
Operating expenses (4,008) (4,616) (3,499) (8,624) (7,602) (13.2) 14.5 13.4
Operating income (loss) 2,705 (2,233) 1,713 472 2,426 57.9 (80.5)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 1,796 (1,461) 1,174 335 1,732 53.0 (80.7)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 3,219 (1,670) 2,014 1,549 3,798 59.8 (59.2)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 18 (9) 14 4 15 27.0 4.0 (11.0)
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) (%) (3.9) (5.3) 3.5 (3.9) 3.5 1.4 (7.4) (7.4)
Natural gas sales price - Brazil (US$/bbl) 71.16 55.85 42.57 63.00 38.37 27.4 67.2 64.2
Fixed revenues from power auctions 513 500 561 1,013 1,116 2.6 (8.6) (9.2)
Average price for power generation (R$/MWh) 90.70 294.31 387.99 245.09 388.14 (69.2) (76.6) (36.9)
(*) EBITDA margin and ROCE variations in percentage points

In 2Q22, gross profit was R$ 6.7 billion, representing an increase of R$ 4.331 million when compared to 1Q22, mainly reflecting the recovery in natural gas commercialization margins, due to: (a) the improvement in the natural gas sales and purchases portfolio, with a reduction in natural gas demand for thermoelectric generation and a lower need for regasified LNG; (b) the contractual quarterly update in May of the non-thermoelectric sales prices.

In 2Q22, we reversed the operating loss of 1Q22, reaching an operating income of R$ 2.705 million, due to higher gross profit and lower expenses with lawsuits (- R$ 253 million).


Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA

EBITDA is an indicator calculated as the net income for the period plus taxes on profit, net financial result, depreciation and amortization. Petrobras announces EBITDA, as authorized by CVM Instruction 527 of October 2012.

In order to reflect the management view regarding the formation of the company's current business results, EBITDA is also presented adjusted (Adjusted EBITDA) as a result of: results in equity-accounted investments; impairment, reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments, results with co-participation agreement in production fields and gains/losses on disposal/write-offs of assets.

Adjusted EBITDA, reflecting the sum of the last twelve months (Last Twelve Months), also represents an alternative to the company's operating cash generation. This measure is used to calculate the Gross Debt and Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA metric, helping to evaluate the company's leverage and liquidity.

EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are not provided for in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and should not serve as a basis for comparison with those disclosed by other companies and should not be considered as a substitute for any other measure calculated in accordance with IFRS. These measures should be considered in conjunction with other measures and indicators for a better understanding of the company's performance and financial condition.

Table 17 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA

            Variation (%) (*)
R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21 2Q22 X 1Q22 2Q22 X 2Q21 1H22 X 1H21
Net income (loss) 54,484 44,783 43,041 99,267 44,317 21.7 26.6 124.0
Net finance income (expense) 15,757 (2,983) (10,776) 12,774 19,972 (36.0)
Income taxes 26,193 23,598 19,916 49,791 21,796 11.0 31.5 128.4
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 16,996 16,604 14,928 33,600 30,558 2.4 13.9 10.0
EBITDA 113,430 82,002 67,109 195,432 116,643 38.3 69.0 67.5
Results in equity-accounted investments 54 (1,816) (5,305) (1,762) (6,324) (72.1)
Impairment 847 (4) 497 843 1,005 70.4 (16.1)
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments 2 185
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (14,243) (14,243)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (1,828) (2,472) (365) (4,300) (622) (26.1) 400.8 591.3
Adjusted EBITDA 98,260 77,710 61,938 175,970 110,887 26.4 58.6 58.7
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 57 55 56 56 56 2.0 1.1
(*) EBITDA Margin variations in percentage points                

Financial statements

Table 18 - Income statement - Consolidated

R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21
Sales revenues 170,960 141,641 110,710 312,601 196,884
Cost of sales (75,099) (66,875) (53,705) (141,974) (95,846)
Gross profit 95,861 74,766 57,005 170,627 101,038
Selling expenses (6,136) (6,159) (5,742) (12,295) (10,940)
General and administrative expenses (1,589) (1,559) (1,371) (3,148) (2,867)
Exploration costs (196) (408) (1,005) (604) (2,201)
Research and development expenses (1,080) (1,081) (775) (2,161) (1,414)
Other taxes (455) (311) (261) (766) (842)
Impairment of assets (847) 4 (497) (843) (1,005)
Other income and expenses 10,930 (1,670) (478) 9,260 (2,008)
  627 (11,184) (10,129) (10,557) (21,277)
Operating income (loss) 96,488 63,582 46,876 160,070 79,761
Finance income 3,054 1,360 1,109 4,414 1,785
Finance expenses (4,691) (3,969) (9,871) (8,660) (16,484)
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and inflation indexation charges (14,120) 5,592 19,538 (8,528) (5,273)
Net finance income (expense) (15,757) 2,983 10,776 (12,774) (19,972)
Results in equity-accounted investments (54) 1,816 5,305 1,762 6,324
Income (loss) before income taxes 80,677 68,381 62,957 149,058 66,113
Income taxes (26,193) (23,598) (19,916) (49,791) (21,796)
Net Income (Loss) 54,484 44,783 43,041 99,267 44,317
Net income (loss) attributable to:          
Shareholders of Petrobras 54,330 44,561 42,855 98,891 44,022
Non-controlling interests 154 222 186 376 295

Table 19 - Statement of financial position – Consolidated

ASSETS - R$ million 06.30.2022 12.31.2021
Current assets 224,785 168,247
Cash and cash equivalents 85,311 58,410
Marketable securities 14,957 3,630
Trade and other receivables, net 26,443 35,538
Inventories 49,822 40,486
Recoverable taxes 6,676 7,511
Assets classified as held for sale 30,340 13,895
Other current assets 11,236 8,777
Non-current assets 779,969 804,704
Long-term receivables 86,511 79,992
Trade and other receivables, net 10,379 10,603
Marketable securities 257 247
Judicial deposits 50,894 44,858
Deferred taxes 2,869 3,371
Other tax assets 19,109 18,197
Other non-current assets 3,003 2,716
Investments 8,993 8,427
Property, plant and equipment 667,423 699,406
Intangible assets 17,042 16,879
Total assets 1,004,754 972,951
LIABILITIES - R$ million 06.30.2022 12.31.2021
Current liabilities 171,157 134,913
Trade payables 28,954 30,597
Finance debt 21,560 20,316
Lease liability 27,363 30,315
Taxes payable 29,887 26,414
Dividends Payable 24,269
Short-term employee benefits 10,511 11,967
Liabilities related to assets classified as held for sale 9,546 4,840
Other current liabilities 19,067 10,464
Non-current liabilities 420,745 448,457
Finance debt 141,084 178,908
Lease liability 90,630 98,279
Income Tax payable 1,626 1,676
Deferred taxes 36,115 6,857
Employee benefits 46,414 52,310
Provision for legal and administrative proceedings 12,926 11,263
Provision for decommissioning costs 81,053 87,160
Other non-current liabilities 10,897 12,004
Shareholders' equity 412,852 389,581
Share capital (net of share issuance costs) 205,432 205,432
Profit reserves and others 205,113 181,897
Non-controlling interests 2,307 2,252
Total liabilities and shareholders´ equity 1,004,754 972,951

Table 20 - Statement of cash flow – Consolidated

R$ million 2Q22 1Q22 2Q21 1H22 1H21
Cash Flow from Operating Activities          
Net income (loss) for the period 54,484 44,783 43,041 99,267 44,317
Adjustments for:          
Pension and medical benefits (actuarial expense) 1,605 1,605 1,708 3,210 3,434
Results of equity-accounted investments 54 (1,816) (5,305) (1,762) (6,324)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 16,996 16,604 14,928 33,600 30,558
Impairment of assets (reversal) 847 (4) 497 843 1,005
Inventory write-down (write-back) to net realizable value 49 (34) 1 15 (5)
Allowance (reversals) for credit loss on trade and other receivables 90 105 40 195 (46)
Exploratory expenditures write-offs 341 114 296 455 1,036
Disposal/write-offs of assets and remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (1,828) (2,472) (363) (4,300) (437)
Foreign exchange, indexation and finance charges   16,618 (2,440) (10,102) 14,178 20,142
Deferred income taxes, net 136 10,135 19,396 10,271 20,627
Revision and unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs 691 806 1,029 1,497 2,091
PIS and COFINS recovery - exclusion of ICMS (VAT tax) from the basis of calculation (18) (4,898) (18) (4,898)
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (14,243) (14,243)
Early termination and cash outflows revision of lease agreements (882) (1,140) (819) (2,022) (1,214)
Decrease (Increase) in assets          
Trade and other receivables, net (2,876) 3,123 (3,103) 247 (3,582)
Inventories (489) (9,763) 2,081 (10,252) (8,712)
Judicial deposits (2,141) (2,002) (1,544) (4,143) (2,383)
Other assets (3,214) 249 (1,265) (2,965) (1,128)
Increase (Decrease) in liabilities          
Trade payables 175 (1,267) (1,537) (1,092) 1,838
Other taxes payable 20,429 14,021 6,563 34,450 12,669
Income taxes paid (17,522) (7,927) 58 (25,449) (652)
Pension and medical benefits (1,044) (7,677) (3,506) (8,721) (8,759)
Provision for legal proceedings 768 919 845 1,687 (314)
Short-term benefits (1,006) (769) (808) (1,775) (1,276)
Provision for decommissioning costs (722) (702) (856) (1,424) (1,743)
Other liabilities 4,506 (1,627) 187 2,879 390
Net cash provided by operating activities 71,804 52,824 56,564 124,628 96,634
Cash flows from Investing activities          
Acquisition of PP&E and intangible assets (8,383) (12,338) (7,890) (20,721) (16,871)
Investments in investees (49) (49) (56) (98) (60)
Proceeds from disposal of assets - Divestment 7,800 9,255 1,674 17,055 2,728
Financial compensation from co-participation agreements 24,512 319 24,831
Divestment (Investment) in marketable securities (8,091) (2,445) 354 (10,536) 492
Dividends received 938 275 731 1,213 1,097
Net cash (provided) used by investing activities 16,727 (4,983) (5,187) 11,744 (12,614)
Cash flows from Financing activities          
Changes in non-controlling interest (505) 412 36 (93) (66)
Financing and loans, net:          
Proceeds from financing 863 782 8,170 1,645 8,469
Repayment of principal - finance debt (19,357) (7,683) (54,818) (27,040) (71,898)
Repayment of interest - finance debt (1,718) (3,022) (889) (4,740) (6,787)
Repayment of lease liability (6,697) (6,916) (7,533) (13,613) (15,573)
Dividends paid to Shareholders of Petrobras (62,027) (2) (10,282) (62,029) (10,282)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (264) (26) (211) (290) (212)
Net cash provided (used) in financing activities (89,705) (16,455) (65,527) (106,160) (96,349)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 4,881 (8,227) (4,879) (3,346) 529
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 3,707 23,159 (19,029) 26,866 (11,800)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 81,641 58,482 68,159 58,482 60,930
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 85,348 81,641 49,130 85,348 49,130

Financial information by business areas

Table 21 - Consolidated income by segment – 1H22

Sales revenues 210,608 285,905 36,045 1,401 (221,358) 312,601
Intersegments 207,178 4,707 9,461 12 (221,358)
Third parties 3,430 281,198 26,584 1,389 312,601
Cost of sales (80,340) (244,062) (26,949) (1,378) 210,755 (141,974)
Gross profit 130,268 41,843 9,096 23 (10,603) 170,627
Expenses 12,299 (6,944) (8,624) (7,247) (41) (10,557)
Selling expenses (29) (4,406) (7,789) (30) (41) (12,295)
General and administrative expenses (129) (404) (169) (2,446) (3,148)
Exploration costs (604) (604)
Research and development expenses (1,848) (23) (17) (273) (2,161)
Other taxes (193) (129) (94) (350) (766)
Impairment of assets (618) (222) 3 (6) (843)
Other income and expenses 15,720 (1,760) (558) (4,142) 9,260
Operating income (loss) 142,567 34,899 472 (7,224) (10,644) 160,070
Net finance income (expense) (12,774) (12,774)
Results in equity-accounted investments 539 941 292 (10) 1,762
Income (loss) before income taxes 143,106 35,840 764 (20,008) (10,644) 149,058
Income taxes (48,473) (11,866) (160) 7,089 3,619 (49,791)
Net income (loss) 94,633 23,974 604 (12,919) (7,025) 99,267
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras 94,644 23,974 335 (13,037) (7,025) 98,891
Non-controlling interests (11) 269 118 376


Table 22 - Consolidated income by segment – 1H21

Sales revenues 135,392 177,069 26,047 1,453 (143,077) 196,884
Intersegments 132,967 3,059 6,371 680 (143,077)
Third parties 2,425 174,010 19,676 773 196,884
Cost of sales (58,303) (153,221) (16,019) (1,432) 133,129 (95,846)
Gross profit 77,089 23,848 10,028 21 (9,948) 101,038
Expenses (5,296) (4,938) (7,602) (3,384) (57) (21,277)
Selling expenses (27) (3,974) (6,838) (44) (57) (10,940)
General and administrative expenses (328) (384) (176) (1,979) (2,867)
Exploration costs (2,201) (2,201)
Research and development expenses (1,035) (20) (89) (270) (1,414)
Other taxes (210) (347) (257) (28) (842)
Impairment of assets (572) (440) 7 (1,005)
Other income and expenses (923) (213) 198 (1,070) (2,008)
Operating income (loss) 71,793 18,910 2,426 (3,363) (10,005) 79,761
Net finance income (expense) (19,972) (19,972)
Results in equity-accounted investments 300 3,352 390 2,282 6,324
Income (loss) before income taxes 72,093 22,262 2,816 (21,053) (10,005) 66,113
Income taxes (24,410) (6,429) (825) 6,466 3,402 (21,796)
Net income (loss) 47,683 15,833 1,991 (14,587) (6,603) 44,317
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras 47,695 15,833 1,732 (14,635) (6,603) 44,022
Non-controlling interests (12) 259 48 295


Table 23 - Quarterly consolidated income by segment – 2Q22

Sales revenues 108,041 157,429 18,390 743 (113,643) 170,960
Intersegments 106,229 2,449 4,971 (6) (113,643)
Third parties 1,812 154,980 13,419 749 170,960
Cost of sales (40,228) (131,897) (11,677) (729) 109,432 (75,099)
Gross profit 67,813 25,532 6,713 14 (4,211) 95,861
Expenses 12,551 (4,163) (4,008) (3,732) (21) 627
Selling expenses (19) (2,267) (3,815) (14) (21) (6,136)
General and administrative expenses (61) (208) (85) (1,235) (1,589)
Exploration costs (196) (196)
Research and development expenses (939) (10) (3) (128) (1,080)
Other taxes (117) (90) (42) (206) (455)
Impairment of assets (625) (222) (847)
Other income and expenses 14,508 (1,366) (63) (2,149) 10,930
Operating income (loss) 80,364 21,369 2,705 (3,718) (4,232) 96,488
Net finance income (expense) (15,757) (15,757)
Results in equity-accounted investments 282 (474) 143 (5) (54)
Income (loss) before income taxes 80,646 20,895 2,848 (19,480) (4,232) 80,677
Income taxes (27,324) (7,266) (919) 7,877 1,439 (26,193)
Net income (loss) 53,322 13,629 1,929 (11,603) (2,793) 54,484
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras 53,327 13,629 1,796 (11,629) (2,793) 54,330
Non-controlling interests (5) 133 26 154


Table 24 - Quarterly consolidated income by segment – 1Q22

Sales revenues 102,567 128,476 17,655 658 (107,715) 141,641
Intersegments 100,949 2,258 4,490 18 (107,715)
Third parties 1,618 126,218 13,165 640 141,641
Cost of sales (40,112) (112,165) (15,272) (649) 101,323 (66,875)
Gross profit 62,455 16,311 2,383 9 (6,392) 74,766
Expenses (252) (2,781) (4,616) (3,515) (20) (11,184)
Selling expenses (10) (2,139) (3,974) (16) (20) (6,159)
General and administrative expenses (68) (196) (84) (1,211) (1,559)
Exploration costs (408) (408)
Research and development expenses (909) (13) (14) (145) (1,081)
Other taxes (76) (39) (52) (144) (311)
Impairment of assets 7 3 (6) 4
Other income and expenses 1,212 (394) (495) (1,993) (1,670)
Operating income (loss) 62,203 13,530 (2,233) (3,506) (6,412) 63,582
Net finance income (expense) 2,983 2,983
Results in equity-accounted investments 257 1,415 149 (5) 1,816
Income (loss) before income taxes 62,460 14,945 (2,084) (528) (6,412) 68,381
Income taxes (21,149) (4,600) 759 (788) 2,180 (23,598)
Net income (loss) 41,311 10,345 (1,325) (1,316) (4,232) 44,783
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras 41,317 10,345 (1,461) (1,408) (4,232) 44,561
Non-controlling interests (6) 136 92 222

Table 25 - Other income and expenses by segment – 1H22

Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (4,288) (56) (52) (76) (4,472)
Losses with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (684) (1,236) (295) (577) (2,792)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (2,487) (2,487)
Performance award program (516) (260) (66) (414) (1,256)
Losses with Commodities Derivatives (1,091) (1,091)
Profit sharing (136) (80) (16) (97) (329)
Losses on decommissioning of returned/abandoned areas (140) (140)
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (49) (49)
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 60 60
Recovery of taxes 33 1 173 207
Fines imposed on suppliers 438 65 57 34 594
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 776 776
Early termination and changes to cash flow estimates of leases 1,889 151 16 (34) 2,022
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 4,075 244 (37) 18 4,300
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (*) 14,243 14,243
Others 112 (621) (166) 349 (326)
  15,720 (1,760) (558) (4,142) 9,260
(*) It refers to the gain related to the Co-participation Agreements of Atapu and Sépia.

Table 26 - Other income and expenses by segment – 1H21

Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (3,366) (36) (69) (18) (3,489)
Losses with legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (410) 47 (13) (1,005) (1,381)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (2,363) (2,363)
Performance award program (416) (235) (47) (364) (1,062)
Losses with Commodities Derivatives (224) (224)
Profit sharing (127) (83) (12) (92) (314)
Losses on decommissioning of returned/abandoned areas (38) (38)
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (288) (288)
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments (185) (185)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation (*) 1,065 1,065
Recovery of taxes (**) 15 143 2,506 2,664
Fines imposed on suppliers 343 28 18 26 415
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 1,549 1,549
Early termination and changes to cash flow estimates of leases 1,277 84 (124) (23) 1,214
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 218 174 221 9 622
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas
Others 335 (207) 81 (402) (193)
  (923) (213) 198 (1,070) (2,008)
(*) The total amount recovered from Lava Jato Investigation through December 31, 2021 was US$ 1,522, recognized through collaboration and leniency agreements entered into with individuals and legal entities.
(**) In the three and six-month periods ended June 30, 2021, it Includes the effects of the exclusion of ICMS (VAT tax) from the basis of calculation of sales taxes PIS and COFINS, except for the effects of inflation indexation.



Table 27 - Other income and expenses by segment – 2Q22

Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (2,428) (34) (16) (42) (2,520)
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (365) (894) (21) (205) (1,485)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (1,245) (1,245)
Variable compensation program (266) (134) (34) (204) (638)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives (809) (809)
Profit Share (69) (40) (8) (51) (168)
Result Related to Area Dismantling (15) (15)
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (187) (187)
Realization of comprehensive income due to the sale of equity interest
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis 30 1 87 118
Fines imposed on suppliers 196 17 4 22 239
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 638 638
Early Contract Terminations 869 46 (33) 882
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 1,913 (55) (33) 3 1,828
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (*) 14,243 14,243
Others (21) (302) 44 328 49
  14,508 (1,366) (63) (2,149) 10,930
(*) It refers to the gain related to the Co-participation Agreements of Atapu and Sépia.


Table 28 - Other income and expenses by segment – 1Q22

Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (1,860) (22) (36) (34) (1,952)
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (319) (342) (274) (372) (1,307)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (1,242) (1,242)
Variable compensation program (250) (126) (32) (210) (618)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives (282) (282)
Profit Share (67) (40) (8) (46) (161)
Result Related to Area Dismantling (125) (125)
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements 138 138
Realization of comprehensive income due to the sale of equity interest
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 60 60
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis 3 86 89
Fines imposed on suppliers 242 48 53 12 355
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 138 138
Early Contract Terminations 1,020 105 16 (1) 1,140
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 2,162 299 (4) 15 2,472
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas
Others 133 (319) (210) 21 (375)
  1,212 (394) (495) (1,993) (1,670)



Table 29 - Consolidated assets by segment – 06.30.2022

Total assets 615,014 217,208 55,834 161,044 (44,346) 1,004,754
Current assets 46,159 95,125 15,868 111,979 (44,346) 224,785
Non-current assets 568,855 122,083 39,966 49,065 779,969
Long-term receivables 30,979 14,147 3,364 38,021 86,511
Investments 2,121 5,894 818 160 8,993
Property, plant and equipment 521,057 101,490 35,389 9,487 667,423
Operating assets 462,787 86,563 24,822 7,836 582,008
Assets under construction 58,270 14,927 10,567 1,651 85,415
Intangible assets 14,698 552 395 1,397 17,042


Table 30 - Consolidated assets by segment – 12.31.2021

Total assets 631,412 191,898 59,087 122,215 (31,661) 972,951
Current assets 33,672 70,822 21,418 73,995 (31,660) 168,247
Non-current assets 597,740 121,076 37,669 48,220 (1) 804,704
Long-term receivables 28,136 12,342 1,795 37,720 (1) 79,992
Investments 2,194 5,412 662 159 8,427
Property, plant and equipment 552,654 102,788 34,829 9,135 699,406
Operating assets 486,676 89,770 20,868 7,662 604,976
Assets under construction 65,978 13,018 13,961 1,473 94,430
Intangible assets 14,756 534 383 1,206 16,879

Table 31 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 1H22

Net income (loss) 94,633 23,974 604 (12,919) (7,025) 99,267
Net finance income (expense) 12,774 12,774
Income taxes 48,473 11,866 160 (7,089) (3,619) 49,791
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 26,642 5,653 1,043 262 33,600
EBITDA 169,748 41,493 1,807 (6,972) (10,644) 195,432
Results in equity-accounted investments (539) (941) (292) 10 (1,762)
Impairment 618 222 (3) 6 843
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (14,243) (14,243)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (4,075) (244) 37 (18) (4,300)
Adjusted EBITDA 151,509 40,530 1,549 (6,974) (10,644) 175,970


Table 32 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 1H21

Net income (loss) 47,683 15,833 1,991 (14,587) (6,603) 44,317
Net finance income (expense) 19,972 19,972
Income taxes 24,410 6,429 825 (6,466) (3,402) 21,796
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 23,173 5,767 1,153 465 30,558
EBITDA 95,266 28,029 3,969 (616) (10,005) 116,643
Results in equity-accounted investments (300) (3,352) (390) (2,282) (6,324)
Impairment losses / (reversals) 572 440 (7) 1,005
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments 185 185
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (218) (174) (221) (9) (622)
Adjusted EBITDA 95,320 24,503 3,798 (2,729) (10,005) 110,887


Table 33 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 2Q22

Net income (loss) 53,322 13,629 1,929 (11,603) (2,793) 54,484
Net finance income (expense) 15,757 15,757
Income taxes 27,324 7,266 919 (7,877) (1,439) 26,193
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 13,701 2,662 481 152 16,996
EBITDA 94,347 23,557 3,329 (3,571) (4,232) 113,430
Results in equity-accounted investments (282) 474 (143) 5 54
Impairment 625 222 847
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas (14,243) (14,243)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (1,913) 55 33 (3) (1,828)
Adjusted EBITDA 78,534 24,308 3,219 (3,569) (4,232) 98,260



Table 34 - Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA by segment – 1Q22

Net income (loss) 41,311 10,345 (1,325) (1,316) (4,232) 44,783
Net finance income (expense) (2,983) (2,983)
Income taxes 21,149 4,600 (759) 788 (2,180) 23,598
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 12,941 2,991 562 110 16,604
EBITDA 75,401 17,936 (1,522) (3,401) (6,412) 82,002
Results in equity-accounted investments (257) (1,415) (149) 5 (1,816)
Impairment (7) (3) 6 (4)
Reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments
Results from co-participation agreements in bid areas
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (2,162) (299) 4 (15) (2,472)
Adjusted EBITDA 72,975 16,222 (1,670) (3,405) (6,412) 77,710



ACL - Ambiente de Contratação Livre (Free contracting market) in the electricity system.

ACR - Ambiente de Contratação Regulada (Regulated contracting market) in the electricity system.

Adjusted cash and cash equivalents - Sum of cash and cash equivalents, government bonds and time deposits from highly rated financial institutions abroad with maturities of more than 3 months from the date of acquisition, considering the expected realization of those financial investments in the short-term. This measure is not defined under the International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents computed in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to adjusted cash and cash equivalents of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Adjusted EBITDA - EBITDA plus results in equity-accounted investments; impairment, reclassification of comprehensive income (loss) due to the disposal of equity-accounted investments, results with co-participation agreement in production fields and gains/losses on disposal/write-offs of assets. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure defined by IFRS and it is possible that it may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our profitability. Adjusted EBITDA shall be considered in conjunction with other metrics for a better understanding on our performance.

Adjusted EBITDA margin - Adjusted EBITDA divided by sales revenues.

Basic and diluted earnings (losses) per share - Calculated based on the weighted average number of shares.

Consolidated Structured Entities – Entities that have been designated so that voting rights or the like are not the determining factor in deciding who controls the entity. Petrobras has no equity interest in certain structured entities that are consolidated in the Company's financial statements, but control is determined by the power it has over its relevant operating activities. As there is no equity interest, the income from certain consolidated structured entities is attributable to non-controlling shareholders in the income statement, and disregarding the profit or loss attributable to Petrobras shareholders.

CTA – Cumulative translation adjustment – The cumulative amount of exchange variation arising on translation of foreign operations that is recognized in Shareholders’ Equity and will be transferred to profit or loss on the disposal of the investment.

Effect of average cost in the Cost of Sales – In view of the average inventory term of 60 days, the crude oil and oil products international prices movement, as well as foreign exchange effect over imports, production taxes and other factors that impact costs, do not entirely influence the cost of sales in the current period, having their total effects only in the following period.

Free cash flow - Net cash provided by operating activities less acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets (except for signature bonus) and, investments in investees. Free cash flow is not defined under the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents calculated in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to free cash flow of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Investments – Capital expenditures based on the cost assumptions and financial methodology adopted in our Business and Management Plan, which include acquisition of PP&E, including expenses with leasing, intangibles assets, investment in investees and other items that do not necessarily qualify as cash flows used in investing activities, primarily geological and geophysical expenses, pre-operating charges, purchase




of property, plant and equipment on credit and borrowing costs directly attributable to works in progress.

Leverage – Ratio between the Net Debt and the sum of Net Debt and Shareholders’ Equity. Leverage is not a measure defined in the IFRS and it is possible that it may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity.

Lifting Cost - Crude oil and natural gas lifting cost indicator, which considers expenditures occurred in the period.

LTM Adjusted EBITDA - Sum of the last 12 months (Last Twelve Months) of Adjusted EBITDA. This metric is not foreseen in the international accounting standards - IFRS and it is possible that it is not comparable with similar indexes reported by other companies, however Management believes that it is supplementary information to assess liquidity and helps manage leverage. Adjusted EBITDA should be considered in conjunction with other metrics to better understand the Company's liquidity.

OCF - Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities (operating cash flow)

Net Debt – Gross debt less adjusted cash and cash equivalents. Net debt is not a measure defined in the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with IFRS. Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies, however our management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Net Income by Business Segment - The information by the company's business segment is prepared based on available financial information that is directly attributable to the segment or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis, being presented by business activities used by the Executive Board to make resource allocation decisions. and performance evaluation. When calculating segmented results, transactions with third parties, including jointly controlled and associated companies, and transfers between business segments are considered. Transactions between business segments are valued at internal transfer prices calculated based on methodologies that take into account market parameters, and these transactions are eliminated, outside the business segments, for the purpose of reconciling the segmented information with the consolidated financial statements of the company. company.

PLD (differences settlement price) - Electricity price in the spot market. Weekly weighed prices per output level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and related market capacity.

Refining - includes crude oil refining, logistics, transportation, acquisition and export activities, as well as the purchase and sale of petroleum and ethanol products in Brazil and abroad. Additionally, this segment includes the petrochemical area, which includes investments in companies in the petrochemical sector, shale exploration and processing.

ROCE - operating profit after taxes / average capital employed, both measured in US$ on a LTM basis

Operating profit after taxes: Adjusted EBITDA, minus DD&A of assets booked at historical exchange rates and 34% income tax rate.

Average capital employed: quarterly average considering inventories, intangibles and fixed assets at historical exchange rates.

Sales Price of Petroleum in Brazil - Average internal transfer prices from the E&P segment to the Refining segment.

Total net liabilities - Total liability less adjusted cash and cash equivalents.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: July 28, 2022



By: /s/ Rodrigo Araujo Alves


Rodrigo Araujo Alves

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer