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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2012

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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This report on Form 6-K is incorporated by reference in the Registration
Statement on Form F-3 of Petróleo Brasileiro -- Petrobras (No. 333-163665).





Rio de Janeiro –  May 15, 2012 Petrobras today announced its consolidated results stated in U.S. dollars, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB.

Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras reached U.S.$5,212 million in the first quarter of 2012. EBITDA in the first quarter of 2012 was U.S.$9,345 million, 2% lower compared to the first quarter of 2011.



(in millions of U.S. dollars)
      For the first quarter of   
4Q-2011 1Q12 X 4Q11
  2012 2011 2012 X 2011
2,805  86 

Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 

5,212  6,588  (21) 
    Total domestic and international oil and natural gas       
2,670  production (mbbl/d)  2,676  2,629  2 
7,807  20  EBITDA  9,345  9,510  (2) 


Our total domestic and international oil and natural gas production increased 2% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011, due mainly to production in the Jubarte, Marlim Sul, Caratinga, Albacora, Mexilhão and Uruguá fields, as well as to the pre-salt contribution of the Lula field.
Start-up of production of the Cascade deep water field situated in the Gulf of Mexico.
Discoveries in the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin, specially in the Carioca Sela and Carcará and the one of Campos Basin called Pão de Açúcar. In addition, a new accumulation of oil and gas was discovered in the Solimões Basin situated in the Brazilian state of Amazonas.
A 3% increase in the production of oil products in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011.
Capital expenditures and investments in the first quarter of 2012 amounted to U.S.$10,194 million (7% higher compared to the first quarter of 2011), 52% of which was invested in Exploration & Production.
The raising of funds of U.S.$7,2 billion of bonds in the international capital markets with maturities of three, five, ten and thirty years.
Payment of U.S.$1,391 million of interest on shareholders’ equity in the first quarter of 2012, which corresponds to U.S.$0.12 per share. On March 19, 2012, our shareholders approved in the annual general shareholders’ meeting the payment of dividends in the amount of U.S.$834 million. The first portion of interest on shareholders’ equity, which is estimated to be paid to our shareholders by June 30, 2012, was provisioned in the amount of U.S.$1,432 million on March 31, 2012, corresponding to U.S.$0.1 per share.






Comments from the CEO -
Mrs. Maria das Graças Silva Foster


Dear Shareholders and Investors,

This is the first time that I am addressing you as the CEO of Petrobras. I am honored to assume such a responsibility and would like to make it clear that my style of management will be based on dialog with both the controlling and minority shareholders.

I assure you that I am fully aware of the expertise of this Company’s workforce and its enormous capacity for overcoming challenges, which is unquestionably the main foundation for the execution of our growth project.

My main focus, and that of the entire executive team, will be on executing the business plan, while ensuring operational efficiency and exercising control over costs. Whenever necessary, we will not hesitate to make adjustments and corrections, using the best technical and financial analysis procedures, preserving the liquidity and solvency of the Company and ensuring that it retains its investment grade status.

Petrobras is highly capitalized and has an extraordinary portfolio of oil and gas assets, ensuring a highly promising future. In order to continue growing in a sustainable and profitable manner, we are closely monitoring all phases of the projects in our portfolio, which will allow us to retain the main guidelines of the previous management, albeit with a more precise degree of supervision and the correction of any eventual deviations. 

Petrobras aims to generate business growth and returns and is fully aware of its role as a partner in the development of those countries where it operates, creating the necessary scale for the prosperity of the goods and services industry, particularly in our core market, Brazil. Our results must also reflect the utmost respect for safety and the environment, and consequently, this management will be tireless in its efforts to ensure zero accident and leakage ratios in our operations.

It is in this context that I present you with our results for the first quarter of 2012, re-emphasizing that we are fully committed to and capable of applying all the available resources in a disciplined manner in order to manage one of the world’s best investment portfolios, generating returns for our shareholders, investors and society as a whole.







Main Items and Consolidated Economic Indicators  


      For the first quarter of  
4Q-2011 1Q12 X 4Q11
Income statement data (in millions of U.S. Dollars, except for per share data) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
36,254  3  Sales revenues  37,410  32,602  15 
9,614  19  Gross profit  11,451  11,929  (4) 
4,161  60  Net income before financial results and income taxes 6,659  7,388  (10) 
222  18  Financial income (expenses), net 263  1,229  (79) 
2,805  86  Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras  5,212  6,588  (21) 
0.22  86  Basic and diluted earnings per share 1 0.40  0.51  (21) 
    Other data      
27  4  Gross margin (%) 2  31  37  (6) 
11  7  Operating margin (%) 3  18  23  (5) 
8  6  Net margin (%) 4  14  20  (6) 
7,807  20  EBITDA - U.S.$ million 5  9,345  9,510  (2) 
    Net income by business segment (in millions of U.S. dollars)      
5,788  22  . Exploration & Production  7,037  5,595  26 
(2,289)  14  . Refining, Transportation and Marketing  (2,600)  (57) 
253  58  . Gas & Power  399  311  28 
(24)  4  . Biofuel  (25)  (6)  317 
230  (10)  . Distribution  207  223  (7) 
166  236  . International  558  500  12 
(466)  (59)  . Corporate  (190)  527  (136) 
12,064  (15)  Capital expenditures and investments (in millions of U.S.dollars) 10,194  9,520  7 
    Financial and economic indicators      
109.31  8  Brent crude (U.S.$/bbl)  118.49  104.97  13 
1.80  (2)  Average commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar (R$/U.S.$)  1.77  1.67  6 
1.88  (3)  Period-end commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar (R$/U.S.$)  1.82  1.63  12 
11.32  (1)  Selic interest rate – average (%)  10.30  11.22  (1) 
    Average Price indicators      
96.28  4 

Domestic basic oil product prices (U.S.$/bbl) 

99.97  98.19  2 

Sales price - Brazil 

103.10  8  . Crude oil (U.S.$/bbl) 6  111.56  94.04  19 
53.51  (3)  . Natural gas (U.S.$/bbl) 7  52.12  49.27  6 

Sales price - International 

97.11  3  . Crude oil (U.S.$/bbl)  99.99  87.39  14 
21.31  (5)  . Natural gas (U.S.$/bbl)  20.15  16.36  23 

1 Net income per share calculated based on the weighed average number of shares.

2 Gross margin equals sales revenues less cost of sales divided by sales revenues.

3 Operating margin equals net income before financial income (expenses), net, and income taxes divided by sales revenues.

4 Net margin equals net income divided by sales revenues.

5 EBITDA equals income before financial results, profit sharing, income taxes and depreciation, depletion and amortization. EBITDA is not an IFRS measure and it is possible that it may not be comparable with indicators with the same name reported by other companies. EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute for operational profit or as a better measure of liquidity than operational cash flow, both of which are calculated in accordance with IFRS. We provide our EBITDA to give additional information about our capacity to pay debt, carry out investments and cover working capital needs.  See Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Segment on page 21 for a reconciliation of our EBITDA.

6 Average exports and of the internal transfer prices from Exploration & Production to Refining, Transportation and Marketing.

7 As of September 2011, we have factored in natural gas realization prices.












Virtually all of the revenues and expenses for our Brazilian activities are denominated and payable in Reais. When the Real weakens relative to the U.S. dollar, as it did in the first quarter of 2012 with a depreciation of 5.7%, the effect is to generally decrease both revenues and expenses when expressed in U.S. dollars. However, the depreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar affects the line items discussed below in different ways. The following comparison between our results of operations in the first quarter of 2012 and in the first quarter of 2011 was impacted by the decrease in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar during that period.



Sales Revenues


Sales revenues increased 15% to U.S.$37,410 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to U.S.$32,602 million in the first quarter of 2011. This increase was primarily attributable to:


·   Higher exports prices and domestic oil products sales prices generated by the increase in international Brent crude oil prices (13% increase) as well as by the exchange variation effects;
·   Increase in the prices of domestic gasoline (10% increase) and diesel (2% increase) from November 2011 on; and
·   Higher crude oil export volume (20% increase); increase of 10% in domestic oil products sale due to higher demand, mainly of gasoline (24% increase), reflecting its higher competitive advantage compared to ethanol, naphtha (13% increase), diesel (9% increase) and jet fuel (7% increase).



Cost of Sales


Cost of sales in the first quarter of 2012 increased 26% to U.S.$25,959 million compared to U.S.$20,673 million in the first quarter of 2011. This increase was primarily attributable to:


·   Increase of 10% in domestic oil products sale, mainly for diesel and gasoline, which were met mainly by imports;
·   The impact of higher international prices and the exchange variation effects on crude oil, oil products imports and government participation; and
·   Higher depreciation, depletion and amortization costs due to the start-up of operation of new plants.



Net income before financial results and income taxes


Net income before financial results and income taxes decreased 10% to U.S.$6,659 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to U.S.$7,388 million in the first quarter of 2011, due to increases in operating expenses mainly as a result of:


·   Higher selling expenses (U.S.$81 million increase), due to increased freight costs generated by the higher sales volume and also by the higher personnel expenses arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011;
·   Increased administrative and general expenses (U.S.$76 million increase), generated by higher personnel expenses arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011, by increased workforce and by increased third-party technical services; and
·   Higher other operating expenses (U.S.$152 million increase), due to increased losses from legal proceedings.


A breakdown of other operating expenses by segment is included on page 22.










Financial Income (Expenses), Net


Financial income (expenses), net decreased 79% to an income of U.S.$263 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to an income of U.S.$1,229 million in the first quarter of 2011, reflecting:




The lower exchange variation gain on net debt; and


Decreased financial income from financial investments due to the lower investment volume and to the decreased interest rates in Brazil.



Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras


Consolidated net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras decreased 21% to U.S.$5,212 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to U.S.$6,588 million in the first quarter of 2011, due mainly to the decreased net income before financial results and income taxes and the lower financial income (expenses), net, as explained above.













Petrobras is an integrated energy company, with the greater part of its oil and gas production in the Exploration & Production segment being transferred to other business segments of the Company.


In the computation of the results by business segment, transactions carried out with third parties and transfers between business segments are factored in. Inter-segment transactions are valued using internal transfer prices that are defined between business segments, using methodologies that are premised on market parameters.


We provide below the financial information from our different operating segments and related operating information.



(U.S.$ million)



The 26% increase in net income from E&P segment in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 was primarily due to higher average domestic oil prices and due to an increase in oil and NGL production, partially offset by increased expenses related to government participation charges, reflecting the international oil prices trend.


The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price narrowed from U.S.$ 10.93/bbl in the first quarter of 2011 to U.S.$ 6.93/bbl in the first quarter of 2012.


  For the first quarter of  
Production – Brazil (mbbl/d) (*)  2012 2011 2012 X 2011

Crude oil and NGLs 

2,066  2,044  1 

Natural gas 8 

364  341  7 


2,430  2,385  2 




(1Q-2012 X 1Q-2011): The increased production was due to the ramp-up production in platforms P-56 (Marlim Sul field), P-57 (Jubarte field), FPSO-Santos (Uruguá field) and FPSO-Angra dos Reis (Lula field), to the gas production in Mexilhão field, to the start-up of production of the new wells in Caratinga and Albacora fields and also to the extended well tests (EWT) of Sídon, Aruanã, Oliva, Iracema area and of the ESP-23 well, which were partially offset by the natural decline in crude oil and NGL production from mature fields and by the habitual campaign of scheduled stoppages on production systems started in March.






(*) Not revised.

8Does not include LNG. Includes reinjected gas.







  For the first quarter of  
Lifting Costs - Brazil (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Excluding production taxes  12.98  11.38  14 
Including production taxes  35.68  30.48  17 


Lifting Costs - Excluding production taxes



Excluding the impact of the exchange variation effects, our unit lifting costs in Brazil, excluding production taxes (consisting of royalties, special government participation charges and rental of areas) increased by 19% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 due to higher operational costs generated by higher water production together with oil production, higher water injection, to the higher number of maintenances in production systems of Campos Basin and to the increased well interventions in Marlim, Albacora, Albacora Leste, Cherne and Marimbá fields, besides the salary increases arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011.


Lifting Costs - Including production taxes


Excluding the impact of the exchange variation effects, our unit lifting costs in Brazil, including production taxes, increased by 19% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011, primarily attributable to the increase in the reference price for domestic oil, reflecting higher international oil prices.






(*) Not revised.











(U.S.$ million)




The increase in net losses for our RTM segment in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 was attributable to higher oil acquisition/transfer costs, where oil products are indexed to international prices, to a greater volume  of imported oil products  and the appreciation of U.S. dollar against the Real. These effects were partially offset by higher average price realization of exports and higher domestic prices.


  For the first quarter of  
Imports and Exports of Crude Oil and Oil Products (mbbl/d) (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Crude oil imports  358  405  (12) 
Oil product imports  406  279  46 
Imports of crude oil and oil products 764  684  12 
Crude oil exports 9  497  413  20 
Oil p roduct export s  217  218   
Exports of crude oil and oil products 714  631  13 
Exports (imports) net of crude oil and oil products  (50)  (53)  (6) 

Other exports 



Higher volumes of both diesel and gasoline were imported to meet higher demand.


Higher volumes of crude oil were exported as a result of production increase. 


Lower crude oil imports in the first quarter of 2012, compared to the same period of 2011, when the inventories were increased for maintenance of the logistic structure in Sao Paulo.



  For the first quarter of   
Refining Operations (mbbl/d) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Output of oil products 1,942  1,877  3 
Installed capacity 10  2,013  2,007 
Utilization ( % ) 94  92  2 
Feed stock processed – Brazil (Mbb l/d) (*)  1,884  1,852  2 
Domestic crude oil as % of total feed stock processed  81  82  (1) 



The daily feedstock processed increased 2% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 due to the lower scheduled stoppages at distillation plants.



    For the first quarter of   
Refining Costs – Brazil (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Refining costs ( U.S .$/barrel)    4.27  4.53  (6) 


Excluding the impact of the exchange variation effects, our refining costs in Brazil remained relatively constant in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011, because the lower expenses with scheduled stoppages were offset by operational repairs and by increased personnel expenses arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011.



(*) Not revised.

  9 Includes crude oil exports volumes of Refining, Transportation and Marketing and Exploration & Production segments.

10 As registered by the National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuel Agency (ANP).








(U.S.$ million)



The 28% increase in net income for our Gas & Power segment was mainly due to the increase in the average realization price of natural gas and higher sales volume, to an increase in power sales in the short-term market, to power generation for export and to the higher nitrogenous sales volume.


These effects were partially offset by higher natural gas import costs reflecting higher international prices and by the appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the Real.


  For the first quarter of   
Imports of gas and sales and generation of electricity (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Sales of electricity (contracts) – MW average  2,315  2,037  14 
Generation of electricity – MW average  862  773  12 
Settlement price of differences - U.S.$/MWH 11  33  20  65 
Imports of LNG (mbbl/d)  14  7  100 
Imports of Gas (mbbl/d)  167  168  (1) 



The 100% increase in imports of LNG was pursued to meet thermoelectric demand in Southern Brazil.


The 14% increase in sales of electricity was attributable to the increased additional sales due to the higher reserve available.


The 12% increase in electricity output was attributable to a decision taken by the Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (National Electricity System Operator – ONS) as a result of lower rainfall levels, as well as to exports in the first quarter of 2012.


The 65% increase in the settlement price of differences (price of power in the spot market) was due to the dry weather in Southern Brazil, reflecting lower water reservoir levels for this period.





(*)Not revised.

11 Weekly weighed prices per output level (light, medium and heavy), number of hour and submarket capacity.









(U.S.$ million)



The changes in auction rules occurred in the last quarter of 2011 improved  the biofuel operating margins. However, this improvement was offset by the lower results from investments in the ethanol sector, due to the unfavorable sales prices and higher agricultural costs generated by climate effects that caused lower productivity of sugar cane plantation.




(U.S.$ million)



The 7% decrease in net income of our Distribution segment in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 was mainly due to increased costs related to commercial services with freight, technical support, and personnel expenses arising out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2011. This decrease was partially offset by the 6% increase in sales volume of the first quarter of 2012 compared to first quarter of 2011.



  For the first quarter of   
  2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Market Share 12 (*) 38.5%  38.9%   




(*)Not revised.

12 Based on Petrobras Distribuidora estimates.










(U.S.$ million)


The 12% increase in net income of our International segment in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 was primarily attributable to the recovery of commodities prices in the international market.


  For the first quarter of  
Production – International (mbbl/d) 13 (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Consolidated international production       

Crude oil and NGLs 

141  142  (1) 

Natural gas 

98  93  5 
Total  239  235  2 
Non-consolidated international production  7  9  (22) 
Total international production  246  244  1 



International consolidated crude oil and NGL production decreased due to the lower participation in the Akpo Field in Nigeria, partially offset by the restarting of operations at the Coulomb field, the start-up of production of a new production well in the Cottonwood field, and production from the Cascade field, all of them in the United States.


Increased natural gas production in United States, due to the reasons mentioned above, and also in Argentina due to the start-up of new production wells in the Neuquén field and of the Estância Água Fresca  plant in the Austral basin.



  For the first quarter of  
Lifting Costs - International (U.S.$/barrel) (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
  7.63  5.65  35 


The increase in our international lifting costs was primarily due to increased well interventions, maintenances and the higher costs of third-party services in Argentina, as well as the higher initial costs in Cascade field in the United States.





(*)Not revised.

13 Some of the countries that comprise the international production, such as Nigeria and Angola, are operating under the production-sharing model, with the production taxes charged in crude oil barrels.








  For the first quarter of  
Refining Operations - International (mbbl/d) (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011

Feedstock processed 

192  198  (3) 

Output of oil products 

209  212  (1) 

Installed capacity 

231  281  (18) 

Utilization (%) 

75  66  9 


The decrease in the feedstock processed, in our international refinery output and in our installed capacity were generated by the sale of the San Lorenzo Refinery in Argentina, partially offset by the higher feedstock processed in Japan to meet higher demand after the earthquake that occurred in March 2011.


  For the first quarter of  
Refining Costs – International (U.S.$/barrel) (*) 2012 2011 2012 X 2011
  3.27  4.81  (32) 


International refining costs decreased in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011 due to the lower maintenance and scheduled stoppages expenses in the Pasadena Refinery in the United States.





(*)Not revised.









Sales Volumes – (mbbl/d) (*)

  For the first quarter of  
  2012 2011 2012 X 2011
Diesel  864  796  9 
Gasoline  545  439  24 
Fuel oil  75  84  (11) 
Naphtha  173  153  13 
LPG  214  208  3 
Jet fuel  106  99  7 
Others  191  189  1 
Total oil products  2,168  1,968  10 
Ethanol and other products  80  85  (6) 
Natural gas  323  284  14 
Total domestic market  2,571  2,337  10 
Exports  720  631  14 
International sales  470  556  (15) 
Total international market  1,190  1,187 
Total  3,761  3,524  7 


Our domestic sales volumes increased 10% in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011, primarily due to:



Diesel (increase of 9%) – The increase in diesel sales was primarily due to growth in the Brazilian economy and to increased activity in the agricultural sector;


Gasoline (increase of 24%) – The increase in gasoline sales volumes was due to competitive gasoline prices compared to ethanol prices, to an increase in the fleet of vehicles and to the reduction of the hydrated ethanol contents on Type C gasoline (from 25% to 20%) from October 2011 on;


Fuel oil (decrease of 11%) – The decrease in fuel oil sales was due to a partial transition to natural gas at thermoelectric power plants and in the industrial sector;  and


Natural gas (increase of 14%) – The increase in natural gas sales was due to higher industrial activity and to the growth in the Brazilian economy.





(*)Not revised.










Cash and cash equivalents


On March 31, 2012, we had cash and cash equivalents of U.S.$21,900 million compared to U.S.$19,057 million at December 31, 2011. 


Net cash provided by operating activities amounted U.S.$8,535 million in the first quarter of 2012, primarily due to net income.


Cash provided by issuance of debt (U.S.$8,210 million) plus operating activities (U.S.$8,535 million) sourced our capital expenditures, repayment of debts and dividends, providing a net cash and cash equivalents increase of U.S.$2,843 million in the first quarter of 2012.


Our adjusted cash and cash equivalents14 reached U.S.$31,773 million on March 31, 2012, which includes government securities with maturity of more than 90 days of U.S.$9,873 million, 10% higher compared to U.S.$8,948 million on December 31, 2011



  U.S. $ million
  03.31.2012 12.31.2011
Cash and cash equivalents  21,900  19,057 
Government securities  9,873  8,948 
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 14 31,773  28,005 





14 Our adjusted cash and cash equivalents are not computed in accordance with IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents calculated in accordance with IFRS.  Our calculation of adjusted cash and cash equivalents may not be comparable to adjusted cash and cash equivalents of other companies. Management believes that adjusted cash and cash equivalents is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and assists management in targeting leverage improvements.








Capital expenditures and investments


U.S. $ million
  For the first quarter of
  2012 % 2011 % Δ%
Exploration & Production  5,304  52  4,343  46  22 
Refining, Transportation and Marketing  3,632  36  3,604  38  1 
Gas & Power  417  4  591  6  (29) 
International  391  4  523  5  (25) 

Exploration & Production 

358  92  451  86  (21) 

Refining, Transportation and Marketing 

25  6  43  (42) 

Gas & Power 

1    19  (95) 


6  2  7  (14) 


1    3  (67) 
Distribution  161  1  146  10 
Biofuel  10  0  131  (92) 
Corporate  279  3  182  53 
Total capital expenditures and investments  10,194  100  9,520  100  7 


In line with our strategic objectives, we operate through joint ventures with other companies, in Brazil and abroad, as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and production rights.


Currently the Company is a member of 98 consortiums in Brazil, of which it operates 69. Petrobras is a member of 146 partnerships abroad, of which it operates 90.


In the first quarter of 2012, we invested an amount of U.S.$10,194 million, which was primarily directed toward increasing production, modernizing and expanding our refineries, and the integration and expansion of our pipeline transportation and distribution systems.










Consolidated debt


  U.S.$ million
  03.31.2012 12.31.2011 Δ%
Current debt 15  9,889  10,111  (2) 
Long-term debt 15  80,193  72,816  10 
Total  90,082  82,927  9 

Cash and cash equivalents 

21,900  19,057  15 

Government securities (maturity of more than 90 days) 

9,873  8,948  10 
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents  31,773  28,005  13 
Net debt 16  58,309  54,922  6 
Net debt/(net debt + shareholder's equity)  24%  24% 
Total net liabilities 17  306,198  291,405  5 
Capital structure     
(Net third parties capital / total net liabilities)  39%  39% 
Net debt/EBITDA ratio  1.56  1.47  6 



The net debt of Petrobras and its consolidated subsidiaries in U.S. dollars increased 6% on March 31, 2012 compared to December 31, 2011, due to the raising of long-term debt.






15 Includes finance lease obligations (current debt: U.S.$21 million on March 31, 2012 and U.S.$44 million on December 31, 2011; long-term debt: U.S.$103 million on March 31, 2012 and U.S.$98 million on December 31, 2011).  

16 Our net debt is not computed in accordance with IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with IFRS.  Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies. Management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and assists management in targeting leverage improvements.

17 Total liabilities net of cash and cash equivalents/financial investments.














Income Statement – Consolidated

U.S.$ million
    For the first quarter of
4Q-2011   2012 2011
36,254  Sales revenues  37,410  32,602 

Cost of sales 

(25,959)  (20,673) 
9,614  Gross profit  11,451  11,929 
  Income (expenses)     

Selling expenses 

(1,331)  (1,250) 

Administrative and general expenses 

(1,244)  (1,168) 

Exploration costs 

(572)  (565) 

Research and development expenses 

(293)  (295) 

Other taxes 

(84)  (147) 

Other operating income and expenses, net 

(1,268)  (1,116) 
(5,453)    (4,792)  (4,541) 
4,161  Net income before financial results and income taxes  6,659  7,388 

Financial income 

676  1,060 

Financial expense 

(489)  (405) 

Monetary and exchange variation 

76  574 
222  Financial income (expenses), net  263  1,229 
53  Equity in results of non-consolidated companies  77  246 
4,436  Income before income taxes  6,999  8,863 
(1,532)  Income taxes  (1,666)  (2,152) 
2,904  Net income  5,333  6,711 
  Net income (loss) attributable to:     
2,805  Shareholders of Petrobras  5,212  6,588 
99  Non-controlling interests  121  123 
2,904    5,333  6,711 










Statement of Financial Position – Consolidated


ASSETS U.S.$ million
  03.31.2012 12.31.2011
Current assets  69,354  64,592 

Cash and cash equivalents 

21,900  19,057 

Marketable securities 

9,880  8,961 

Accounts receivable, net 

11,809  11,756 


16,133  15,165 

Recoverable taxes 

6,684  6,848 

Other current assets 

2,948  2,805 
Non-current assets  268,617  254,818 

Long-term receivables 

22,676  21,957 

Accounts receivable, net 

3,380  3,253 

Marketable securities 

3,298  3,064 

Restricted deposits for legal proceedings and 



1,663  1,575 

Deferred tax assets 

8,954  9,199 

Advances to suppliers 

3,300  3,141 

Other long-term receivables 

2,081  1,725 


6,764  6,530 

Property, plant and equipment, net 

194,099  182,465 

Intangible assets 

45,078  43,866 
Total assets  337,971  319,410 
  03.31.2012 12.31.2011
Current liabilities  36,195  36,364 

Current debt 

9,889  10,111 

Trade accounts payable 

11,726  11,863 

Taxes payable 

6,019  5,847 

Dividends payable 

1,432  2,067 

Payroll and related charges 

1,632  1,696 

Employee’s postretirement benefits obligation – 


pension and health care 

823  761 

Other current liabilities 

4,674  4,019 
Non-current liabilities  115,826  105,936 

Long-term debt 

80,193  72,816 

Deferred tax liabilities 

19,539  17,736 

Employee’s postretirement benefits obligation – 


pension and health care 

9,486  8,878 

Provision for decommissioning cost 

4,843  4,712 

Legal proceedings provisions 

851  726 

Other non-current liabilities 

914  1,068 

Shareholders’ equity 

185,950  177,110 

Paid in capital 

107,362  107,355 

Reserves/Net income for the year 

77,180  68,483 
Non-controlling interests  1,408  1,272 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity  337,971  319,410 









Statement of Cash Flows Data – Consolidated


U.S.$ Million
    For the first quarter of
4Q-2011   2012 2011
2,805  Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras  5,212  6,588 
5,132  (+) Adjustments for:  3,323  1,029 
3,280  Depreciation, depletion and amortization  2,686  2,122 
13  Exchange variation, monetary and financial charges  (284)  (553) 
99  Non-controlling interest  121  123 
(53)  Equity in the results of non-consolidated companies  (77)  (246) 
174  Losses (gains) on disposal of non-current assets  44  79 
1,637  Deferred income taxes, net  1,319  1,420 
549  Dry hole costs  308  322 
594  Impairment  81  98 
(441)  Inventories  (708)  (2,564) 
(269)  Accounts receivable  (93)  (689) 
317  Trade accounts payable  (271)  1,303 
131  Employee's postretirement benefits obligation - Pension and Health Care  414  288 
(917)  Taxes payable  349  (99) 
18  Other assets and liabilities  (566)  (575) 
7,937  (=) Net cash provided by operating activities  8,535  7,617 
(9,133)  (-) Net cash used in investing activities  (9,796)  (5,588) 
(11,957)  Investments in operating segments  (9,377)  (9,147) 
2,824  Investments in Marketable securities  (419)  3,559 
(1,196)  (=) Net cash flow  (1,261)  2,029 
2,930  (-) Net cash provided (used) in financing activities  3,642  5,840 
6,870  Proceeds from borrowings  8,210  9,168 
(1,694)  Repayment of principal  (2,031)  (1,230) 
(923)  Repayment of interest  (1,325)  (1,000) 
(1,330)  Dividends paid  (1,223)  (1,102) 
7  Acquisition of non-controlling interest  11  4 
(315)  (+) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents  462  474 
1,419  (=) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents in the period  2,843  8,343 
17,638  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  19,057  17,655 
19,057  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period  21,900  25,998 


See the analysis of cash flow on page 14 – Liquidity and Capital Resources.









Consolidated Income Statement by Segment


  For the first quarter of 2012
U.S.$ Million
Sales revenues  20,499  31,127  2,500  104  10,338  4,730  -  (31,888)  37,410 


20,477  9,688  330  86  210  1,097  -  (31,888)  - 

Third parties 

22  21,439  2,170  18  10,128  3,633  -  -  37,410 
Cost of sales  (8,788)  (33,916)  (1,648)  (105)  (9,464)  (3,625)  -  31,587  (25,959) 
Gross profit  11,711  (2,789)  852  (1)  874  1,105  -  (301)  11,451 
Income (expenses)  (1,051)  (1,227)  (293)  (28)  (561)  (287)  (1,383)  38  (4,792) 

Selling, administrative and general expenses 

(133)  (864)  (232)  (17)  (566)  (229)  (572)  38  (2,575) 

Exploration costs 

(521)  -  -  -  -  (51)  -  -  (572) 

Research and development expenses 

(149)  (52)  (4)  (7)  (1)  -  (80)  -  (293) 

Other taxes 

(13)  (14)  -  (1)  (7)  (21)  (28)  -  (84) 

Other operating income and expenses, net 

(235)  (297)  (57)  (3)  13  14  (703)  -  (1,268) 
Net income before financial results and income taxes  10,660  (4,016)  559  (29)  313  818  (1,383)  (263)  6,659 

Financial income (expenses), net 

-  -  -  -  -  -  263  -  263 

Equity in results of non-consolidated companies 

-  50  46  (6)  -  (8)  (5)  -  77 
Income before income taxes  10,660  (3,966)  605  (35)  313  810  (1,125)  (263)  6,999 

Income taxes 

(3,625)  1,366  (190)  10  (106)  (236)  1,026  89  (1,666) 
Net income  7,035  (2,600)  415  (25)  207  574  (99)  (174)  5,333 
Net income attributable to:                   
Shareholders of Petrobras  7,037  (2,600)  399  (25)  207  558  (190)  (174)  5,212 
Non-controlling interests  (2)  -  16  -  -  16  91  -  121 
  7,035  (2,600)  415  (25)  207  574  (99)  (174)  5,333 
  For the first quarter of 2011
U.S.$ Million
Sales revenues  16,820  26,535  2,181  92  10,014  4,180  -  (27,220)  32,602 


16,797  8,813  310  79  184  1,037  -  (27,220)  - 

Third parties 

23  17,722  1,871  13  9,830  3,143  -  -  32,602 
Cost of sales  (7,323)  (25,893)  (1,482)  (103)  (9,134)  (3,148)  -  26,410  (20,673) 
Gross profit  9,497  642  699  (11)  880  1,032  -  (810)  11,929 
Income (expenses)  (1,014)  (952)  (345)  (26)  (544)  (516)  (1,191)  47  (4,541) 

Selling, administrative and general expenses 

(113)  (737)  (271)  (20)  (546)  (229)  (535)  33  (2,418) 

Exploration costs 

(515)  -  -  -  -  (50)  -  -  (565) 

Research and development expenses 

(170)  (53)  (9)  -  (1)  -  (62)  -  (295) 

Other taxes 

(12)  (15)  (15)  -  (7)  (34)  (64)  -  (147) 

Other operating income and expenses, net 

(204)  (147)  (50)  (6)  10  (203)  (530)  14  (1,116) 
Net income before financial results and income taxes  8,483  (310)  354  (37)  336  516  (1,191)  (763)  7,388 

Financial income (expenses), net 

-  -  -  -  -  -  1,229  -  1,229 

Equity in results of non-consolidated companies 

-  144  72  18  1  11  -  -  246 
Income before income taxes  8,483  (166)  426  (19)  337  527  38  (763)  8,863 

Income taxes

(2,884)  105  (120)  13  (114)  (29)  619  258  (2,152) 
Net income  5,599  (61)  306  (6)  223  498  657  (505)  6,711 
Net income attributable to:                   
Shareholders of Petrobras  5,595  (57)  311  (6)  223  500  527  (505)  6,588 
Non-controlling interests  4  (4)  (5)  -  -  (2)  130  -  123 
  5,599  (61)  306  (6)  223  498  657  (505)  6,711 









Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Segment


  For the first quarter of 2012
U.S.$ Million
Net income (loss) before financial results and income taxes  10,660  (4,016)  559  (29)  313  818  (1,383)  (263)  6,659 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization  1,625  437  238  6  53  241  86    2,686 
EBITDA  12,285  (3,579)  797  (23)  366  1,059  (1,297)  (263)  9,345 
  For the first quarter of 2011
U.S.$ Million
Net Income (loss) before financial results and income taxes  8,483  (310)  354  (37)  336  515  (1,190)  (763)  7,388 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization  1,270  297  197  6  52  222  78    2,122 
EBITDA  9,753  (13)  551  (31)  388  737  (1,112)  (763)  9,510 



Reconciliation between EBITDA and Net Income


(in millions of U.S. dollars)
      For the first quarter of 
4Q-2011 1Q12 X
  2012 2011 2012 X
2,904  84  Net income  5,333  6,711  (21) 
3,280  (18)  Depreciation, depletion and amo rtization  2,686  2,122  27 
(637)  6  Financial income  (676)  (1,060)  (36) 
529  (8)  Financial expense  489  405  21 
(114)  (33)  Monetary and exchange variation  (76)  (574)  (87) 
(53)  45  Equity in results of non-consolidated companies  (77)  (246)  (69) 
1,532  9 Income taxes  1,666  2,152  (23)
366 (100)  Impairment -   - 
7,807  20  EBITDA  9,345  9,510  (2) 



EBITDA is not an IFRS measure and it is possible that it may not be comparable with indicators with the same name reported by other companies. EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute for operational profit or as a better measure of liquidity than operational cash flow, both of which are calculated in accordance with IFRS.









Other Operating Income (Expenses) by Segment  


  For the first quarter of 2012
U .S.$ Million
Pension and healthcare plans  (287)  (287) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects  (10)  (11)  (2)  (8)  (2)  (168)  (201) 
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses  (155)  (20)  (6)  (12)  (193) 
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings  (32)  (72)  (4)  (11)  (10)  (77)  (206) 
Adjustment to market value of inventories  (3)  (56)  (4)  -  (17)  -  (80) 
Corporate expenses on safety, environment and health  (5)  (26)  (1)  (4)  (31)  (67) 
Thermoelectric power plants operating expenses  (36)  (36) 
Losses (gains) on disposal of non current assets  (4)  4  10  46  (1)  55 
Government grants  5  5  4  24  38 
Expenditures/reimbursements from operations in E&P partnerships  4  4 
Others  (35)  (121)  (12)  1  22  (11)  (139)  -  (295) 
  (235)  (297)  (57)  (3)  13  14  (703)        (1.268) 
  For the first quarter of 2011
U .S.$ Million
Pension and healthcare plans  (235)  (235) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects  (9)  (7)  (2)  (4)  (140)  (162) 
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses  (107)  (10)  (28)  (140)  -  (285) 
Losses from legal and administrative proceedings  (6)  (8)  (3)  (6)  (2)  (4)  (29) 
Adjustment to market value of inventories  5  (41)  -  (5)  (1)  -  (42) 
Corporate expenses on safety, environment and health  (13)  (14)  (1)  (32)  (58)  (118) 
Thermoelectric power plants operating expenses  (11)  -  (11) 
Losses (gains) on disposal of non current assets  (1)  (1)  (2)  11  (17)  -  (10) 
Government grants  20  13  4  -  37 
Expenditures/reimbursements from operations in E&P partnerships  (19)  -  (19) 
Others  (74)  (79)  (7)  (1)  9  (11)  (93)  14  (242) 
  (204)  (147)  (50)  (6)  10  (203)  (530)  14  (1.116) 











Consolidated Assets by Segment


  For the first quarter of 2012
U.S.$ Million
Total assets  148,065  90,653  29,003  1,324  8,166  18,771  49,656  (7,667)  337,971 
Current assets  5,626  22,914  2,665  128  4,297  3,927  37,174  (7,374)  69,354 
Non-current assets  142,439  67,739  26,338  1,196  3,869  14,844  12,485  (293)  268,617 
Long-term receivables  4,509  4,595  1,727  19  727  2,661  8,731  (293)  22,676 
Investments  16  3,497  1,263  887  18  976  107  -  6,764 
Property, plant and equipment, net  95,934  59,483  22,947  290  2,685  9,620  3,140  -  194,099 
Intangible assets  41,980  164  401  -  439  1,587  507  -  45,078 
  Year ended December 31, 2011
U.S.$ Million
Total assets  141,113  84,330  27,645  1,289  7,885  19,427  45,326  (7,605)  319,410 
Current assets  5,617  21,966  2,509  128  4,241  4,410  32,990  (7,269)  64,592 
Non-current assets  135,496  62,364  25,136  1,161  3,644  15,017  12,336  (336)  254,818 
Long-term receivables  4,140  4,217  1,626  17  663  2,913  8,717  (336)  21,957 
Investments  12  3,362  1,152  859  45  999  101  -  6,530 
Property, plant and equipment, net  90,539  54,629  21,968  285  2,510  9,512  3,022  -  182,465 
Intangible assets  40,805  156  390  -  426  1,593  496  -  43,866 










Consolidated Income Statement for International Segment


U.S.$ Million
Income statement               
Three months period ended March 31, 2012  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Sales revenues  1,480  2,357  141  1,301  -  (549)  4,730 


1,077  559  9  1  -  (549)  1,097 

Third parties 

403  1,798  132  1,300  -  -  3,633 
Net income (loss) before financial results and income taxes  774  36  23  35  (47)  (3)  818 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras  545  37  10  32  (61)  (5)  558 
U.S.$ Million
Income statement  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Three months period ended March 31, 2011  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
Sales revenues  1,265  2,218  137  1,218  -  (658)  4,180 


1,059  623  11  9  -  (665)  1,037 

Third parties 

206  1,595  126  1,209  -  7  3,143 
Net Income (loss) before financial results and income taxes  484  130  34  (21)  (111)  -  516 
Net income attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras  448  132  40  (24)  (96)  -  500 
Consolidated Assets for International Segment           
U.S.$ Million
Total assets on March 31, 2012  14,223  3,441  778  1,056  1,594  (2,321)  18,771 
Total assets on December 31, 2011  14,585  3,393  929  1,007  1,819  (2,306)  19,427 








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 16, 2012
/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results.  These forward-looking statements are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results o f operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 
All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and you should not place reliance on any forward-looking statement contained in this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or for any other reason.