EX-1 4 0004.txt CERTIFICATE OF NAME CHANGE EXHIBIT 1.03 ------------- CERTIFICATE OF NAME CHANGE TO TAMARA RESOURCES, INC. 117 CANADA NUMBER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 216983 Province of British Columbia Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES COMPANY ACT CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT RED FORK RESOURCES INC. HAS THIS DAY CHANGED ITS NAME TO THE NAME TAMARA RESOURCES INC. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE AT VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, THIS 3lST DAY OF MARCH, 1981 L. G. HUCK DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES 118 FORM (Section 370) PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Certificate of Incorporation No. 216983 COMPANIES ACT SPECIAL RESOLUTION. The following special resolution was passed by the undermentioned Company on the date stated : Name of Company. RED FORK RESOURCES INC. . Date resolution passed: November 18th , 1980 See note (a) Resolution : RESOLVED AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT: The name of the Company be changed from "RED FORK RESOURCES INC. " to "TAMARA RESOURCES INC. " and that the first paragraph of the Memorandum of the Company be, altered accordingly. Certified a true copy the 18th day of November, 1980 (Signature) (Relationship to Company) 119 FORM 1 (SECTION 7) COMPANIES ACT MEMORANDUM I wish to be formed into a Company with limited liability under the Companies Act in pursuance of this Memoradum. 1. The name of the Company is RED FORK RESOURCES, INC. 2. The authorized capital of the Company consists of Twenty-Five (25,000,000) Shares without par value. 3. I agree to take the number and kind and class of shares in the Company set opposite my name. FULL NAMES, RESIDENT ADDRESSES NUMBER AND KIND AND CLASS AND OCCUPATIONS OF SUBSCRIBERS OF SHARES TAKEN STEPHEN R.X. O'NEILL, Solicitor ONE (1) COMMON SHARE TOTAL SHARES TAKEN: ONE (1) COMMON SHARE DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 15-day of September, 1980. 120