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For the fiscal year ended DECEMBER 31, 2011                 


Commission file number 1-15018


Fibria Celulose S.A.

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)



(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)


Federative Republic of Brazil

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)


Alameda Santos, 1357, 6th floor

01419-908, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

(Address of principal executive offices)


Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer

Phone: (55 11) 2138-4565

Fax: (55 11) 2138-4065

Email: ir@fibria.com.br

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act.


Title of each class:


Name of each exchange on which registered:

Common Shares, without par value


New York Stock Exchange*

American Depositary Shares (as evidenced by American Depositary Receipts), each representing one share of Common Stock


New York Stock Exchange


*                                         Not for trading purposes but only in connection with the registration on the New York Stock Exchange of American Depositary Shares representing those common shares.


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act: None


The number of outstanding shares of each class of stock of Fibria Celulose S.A. as of December 31, 2011:


467,934,646 Shares of Common Stock


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.

x Yes o No


If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

o Yes x No


Note — Checking the box above will not relieve any registrant required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from their obligations under those Sections.


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

x Yes o No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).

o Yes x No



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):


Large accelerated filer x


Accelerated filer o


Non-accelerated filer o


Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:




International Financial Reporting Standards as issued
by the International Accounting Standards Board


Other o


If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

o Yes x No


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All references in this annual report to:


·                  “Fibria”, “we”, “our”, “us” and the “Company” are to Fibria Celulose S.A. (formerly Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A.) and its consolidated subsidiaries (unless the context otherwise requires);


·                  “Votorantim Group” are to the group of companies, controlled by the Ermírio de Moraes family;


·                  “Votorantim Participações S.A.” or “VPar” are to the holding company which controls two areas of the Group’s business:  Votorantim Industrial and Votorantim Finance, each of them containing one or more business units;


·                  “Votorantim Industrial S.A.”, or “VID,” are to one of our controlling shareholders and is a subsidiary of VPar;


·                  “Aracruz” are to Aracruz Celulose S.A. and its subsidiaries;


·                  Aracruz Acquisition” are to our acquisition of 100% equity interest in Aracruz as a result of (1) Fibria’s acquisition in the first half of 2009 of (a) Arapar S.A., or Arapar, and São Teófilo Representações e Participações S.A., or São Teófilo, whose sole assets consisted of 12.35% of the total share capital, including 28.0% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz and (b) 12.35% of the total share capital, including 28.0% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz from Mr. Joseph Yacoub Safra and Mr. Moises Yacoub Safra, or the Safra Family, (2) the acquisition of 13,828,307 common shares of Aracruz, representing 3.04% of the outstanding common shares of Aracruz and 1.34% of the total share capital of Aracruz, in the mandatory tender offer launched by Fibria that took place on July 1, 2009, (3) the acquisition of 56,880,857 common share of Aracruz from BNDES on May 27, 2009, and (4) the Stock Swap Merger as described in Item 4.A Information on Fibria — History and Development of Fibria;


·                  “BNDES” are to the Brazilian National Bank for Social and Economic Development owned by the Brazilian federal government;


·                  “BNDESPar” are to BNDES Participações S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of BNDES, the Brazilian economic and social development bank owned by the Brazilian federal government;


·                  the “Ermírio de Moraes family” are to the families of Antonio Ermírio de Moraes, Ermírio Pereira de Moraes, Maria Helena de Moraes Scripilliti and José Ermírio de Moraes (in memoriam);


·                  the “Brazilian government” are to the federal government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and its agencies ;


·                  Real,” “Reais” or “R$” are to Brazilian Reais, the official currency of Brazil;


·                  “U.S.$”, “Dollars” or “U.S. Dollars” are to United States Dollars;


·                  “ton” and “MT” are to one metric ton (1,000 kilograms). One kilogram equals approximately 2.2 pounds;


·                  “kiloton” are to one thousand metric tons (1,000 tons);


·                  “BEKP” are to bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp;


·                  “ADSs” are to our American Depositary Shares, each representing one of our common shares;


·                  “CVM” are to the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, the Brazilian securities commission;


·                  “Central Bank” are to the Brazilian Central Bank, the monetary authority of Brazil;


·                  “VCP” are to Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A. or Fibria before the merger of Aracruz;



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·                  “Fibria Trading” are to Fibria Trading International KFT (formerly known as Aracruz Trading International Ltd);


·                  “Fibria — MS” are to Fibria — MS Celulose Sul Matogrossence;


·                  “Portocel” are to a port facility in the State of Espirito Santo, which is operated by Portocel — Terminal Especializado de Barra do Riacho S.A., a joint venture between Fibria and Celulose Nipo-Brasileira S.A. — CENIBRA;


·                  “Commission” are to the Securities and Exchange Commission;


·                  “U.S. GAAP” are to generally accepted accounting principles in the United States;


·                  “IFRS” are to International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB);


·                  “NYSE” are to the New York Stock Exchange; and


·                  “BM&FBOVESPA” are to Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros S.A., the Brazilian Stock Exchange.


As used in this annual report, one hectare equals approximately 2.471 acres and one kilometer equals approximately 0.621 miles.  References in this annual report to nominal production capacity or production capacity mean annual projected capacity for which the facility was designed, with the facility operating under optimal conditions, 24 hours a day, for 365 days a year and subject to reductions in rates of production for scheduled maintenance only.  Actual production capacity may vary depending on operating conditions, the grades of pulp or paper produced and other factors.




We have prepared our consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 included herein in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The selected financial information should be read together with our consolidated financial statements, including the notes thereto, included elsewhere in this annual report.  Aracruz has been consolidated since January 1, 2009.


The Brazilian Real is the functional currency of the Company and all its subsidiaries, and is also the currency used for the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements.


We make statements in this annual report about our competitive position and market share in, and the market size of, the pulp and paper industry. We have made these statements on the basis of statistics and other information from third-party sources that we believe are reliable.  We derive this third-party information principally from monthly reports published by Bracelpa — Associação Brasileira de Celulose e Papel (the Brazilian Association of Pulp and Paper), RISI (Resource Information Systems Inc.), PPPC (Pulp and Paper Product Council), and Hawkins Wright, all of them specialized consultants in the pulp market.  Although we have no reason to believe that any of this information or these reports are inaccurate in any material respect, we have not independently verified the competitive position, market share, market size or market growth data provided by third parties or by industry or general publications.




This annual report includes forward-looking statements, principally in “Item 3D. Key Information — Risk Factors”, “Item 4. Information on Fibria — Business Overview” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects.”  We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations about future events and financial trends affecting our business.  These forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including among other things:


·                  our direction and future operation;


·                  the implementation of our principal operating strategies; including our potential participation in acquisition or joint venture transactions or other investment opportunities;



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·                  general economic, political and business conditions, both in Brazil and in our principal export markets;


·                  industry trends and the general level of demand for, and change in the market prices of our products;


·      existing and future governmental regulation, including tax, labor, pension and environmental laws and regulations and import tariffs in Brazil and in other markets in which we operate or to which we export our products;


·                  the competitive nature of the industries in which we operate;


·                  our level of capitalization, including the levels of our indebtedness and overall leverage;


·                  the cost and availability of financing;


·                  our compliance with the covenants contained in the instruments governing our indebtedness;


·                  the implementation of our financing strategy and capital expenditure plans;


·                  inflation and fluctuations in currency exchange rates, including the Brazilian Real and the U.S. Dollar;


·                  legal and administrative proceedings to which we are or may become a party;


·                  the volatility of the prices of the raw materials we sell or purchase to use in our business;


·                  other statements included in this annual report that are not historical; and


·      other factors or trends affecting our financial condition or results of operations, including those factors identified or discussed in “Item 3D. Key Information — Risk Factors.”


The words “anticipate”, “believe”, “continue”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “hope”, “intend”, “may”, “might”, “should”, “would”, “will”, “understand” and similar words are intended to identify forward looking statements.  We undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements because of new information, future events or otherwise.  In light of these risks and uncertainties, the forward looking information, events and circumstances discussed in this annual report might not occur and are not guarantees of future performance.  Our actual results and performance could differ substantially.



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Not applicable.




Not applicable.




A.                                    Selected Financial Data


IFRS Summary Financial and Operating Data


The following table presents a summary of our selected financial and operating data at the dates and for each of the periods indicated. The following information should be read together with our consolidated financial statements, including the notes thereto, included elsewhere in this annual report, “Presentation of Financial and other data” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects”.  Aracruz has been consolidated since January 1, 2009.




Year ended


Year ended


Year ended




December 31, 2011


December 31, 2010


December 31, 2009


(in thousands of Reais, unless otherwise indicated)








Net revenues








Cost of sales








Gross profit








Operating income (expenses):








Selling, general and administrative








Equity in losses of affiliates








Gain on remeasurement of 12.35% equity interest held prior to Aracruz Acquisition






Other operating income (expenses), net
















Income before financial income and expenses








Financial income








Financial expenses








Result of derivative financial instruments








Foreign exchange gain (loss) and indexation
















Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income








Current income tax (expense) benefit








Deferred income tax (expense) benefit








Net income (loss) from continuing operations
















Discontinued operations








Income from discontinued operations








Income tax expense, net








Net income from discontinued operations








Net income (loss)
















Net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of the Company — continuing operations








Net income attributable to shareholders of the Company — discontinued operations








Net income attributable to non-controlling interest








Net income (loss)








Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share or ADSs (in Brazilian Reais):(1)








Continuing operations








Discontinued operations








Weighted average number of shares outstanding (in thousands):








Dividends and interest attributable to capital per share (in Brazilian Reais:







Dividends and interest attributable to capital per share (in U.S. Dollars) (2):








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Based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding for each year.


Amount translated at the average rate of each year into U.S. Dollar for convenience. You should not construe this translation as representations that the Real amount actually represents these U.S. Dollar amounts or could be converted into U.S. Dollar at the rates indicated or at any other rate.



(in thousands of Reais)




As at
December 31, 2011


As at
December 31, 2010


As at
December 31, 2009


















Cash and cash equivalents








Marketable securities








Derivative instruments







Trade accounts receivable, net
















Recoverable taxes








Assets held for sale







Other assets








































Marketable securities






Derivative instruments






Related parties receivables







Deferred taxes








Recoverable taxes








Advances to suppliers








Judicial deposits







Other receivables
















Biological assets








Property, plant and equipment








Intangible assets
































Total assets











As at
December 31, 2011


As at
December 31, 2010


As at
December 31, 2009


Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
















Loans and financing








Trade payables








Payroll, profit sharing and related charges








Taxes payables








Derivative instruments






Payable - Aracruz acquisition







Liabilities related to the assets held for sale






Dividends payables







Other payables


























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As at
December 31, 2011


As at
December 31, 2010


As at
December 31, 2009










Loans and financing








Derivative instruments






Taxes payables








Deferred taxes








Provision for contingencies








Payable - Aracruz acquisition






Other payables
































Total liabilities
















Shareholders’ equity
















Capital reserve








Treasury shares








Legal reserves








Other reserves
















Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company








Equity attributable to non-controlling interest
































Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity











(in thousands of Reais, unless otherwise indicated)


Year ended
December 31, 2011


Year ended
December 31, 2010


Year ended
December 31, 2009










Gross margin








Operating margin(3)








Capital expenditures(4)








Depreciation, amortization and depletion








Cash flow provided by (used in):








Operating activities








Investing activities








Financing activities










The 2009 percentage includes the non-recurring gain of R$1,379 million related to the remeasurement of our 12.35% equity interest held prior to the Aracruz Acquisition. See “Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development of Fibria — Aracruz Acquisition”.


Excludes the capital expenditures related to Conpacel for the years 2009 and 2010 as Conpacel was sold in 2011 and its operations were classified as discontinued operations.



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As at and for the year


As at and for the year


As at and for the year




ended December 31,


ended December 31,


ended December 31,


















Number of employees(5)








Nominal production capacity (thousand metric tons)























Sales volumes (thousand metric tons):








Domestic market pulp








Export market pulp








Total market pulp
















Domestic market paper








Export market paper








Total paper(5)










The decrease in the number of employees from 2010 to 2011 reflects the sale of Piracicaba in September 2011 as in 2010 Piracicaba’s employees were included in the total.


The decrease in the paper production and sales volume reflects the sale of Piracicaba in 2011, respectively. See “Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development of Fibria — Disposition of Piracicaba”.  Information of production capacity is measured as of December 31 of each year.


Exchange Rates


Since 1999, the Brazilian Central Bank (Central Bank) has allowed the U.S. Dollar-Real exchange rate to float freely, and since then, the exchange rate has fluctuated considerably. The Central Bank has intervened occasionally to control unstable movements in foreign exchange rates. We cannot predict whether the Central Bank or the Brazilian government will continue to let the Real float freely or will intervene in the exchange rate market. The Real may depreciate or appreciate against the U.S. Dollar substantially in the future.


The following tables set forth the exchange rate, expressed in Reais per U.S. Dollar (R$/U.S.$) for the periods indicated, as reported by the Central Bank.




Exchange Rate of Reais per U.S.$ 1.00


Year Ended December 31,







































































Month Ended




















September 30, 2011










October 31, 2011










November 30, 2011










December 31, 2011










January 31, 2012










February 29, 2012











Source:  Brazilian Central Bank.

(1)          Represents the daily average exchange rate during each of the relevant periods.



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B.                                    Capitalization and Indebtedness


Not applicable.


C.                                    Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds


Not applicable.


D.                                    Risk Factors


We are subject to various risks resulting from changing competitive, economic, political and social conditions that could harm our business, results of operations or financial condition.  The risks described below, although being not the only ones we face, are the most important ones.


Risks Relating to our Business


The market prices for our pulp products are cyclical.


The prices we are able to obtain for our products depend on prevailing world prices for market pulp. World pulp prices have historically been cyclical and subject to significant fluctuations over short periods of time depending on a number of factors, including:


·      global demand for pulp products;


·      global pulp production capacity and inventories;


·      strategies adopted by major pulp producers; and


·      availability of substitutes for our pulp products.


All of these factors are beyond our control.


Price fluctuations occur not only from year to year but also within a given year as a result of global and regional economic conditions, capacity constraints, mill openings and closures, supply of and demand for both raw materials and finished products, among other factors. In 2008, the combination of a favorable pulp market showing robust demand through August, particularly in China and Europe, supply reductions caused by the low level of world inventories, high-cost capacity closures and few capacity additions, environmental issues and wood shortages contributed to multiple price increases of U.S.$20-40 per ton in each region. During the remaining four-month period of 2008, prices declined significantly due to lower demand caused by the onset of the global financial crisis. In 2008, BEKP average list prices reached U.S.$811 per ton in North America, U.S.$789 per ton in Europe and U.S.$686 per ton in Asia. In 2009, the global economic slowdown continued to directly affect pulp prices globally with the Asian market registering the most significant decline in prices, falling to U.S.$450 per ton as of March 31, 2009, and recovering to U.S.$660 per ton as of December 31, 2009. In 2009, BEKP average list prices were U.S.$621 per ton in North America, U.S.$571 per ton in Europe and U.S.$517 per ton in Asia. Through 2010, the global economy continued its recovery and provided improved conditions for the pulp and paper markets leading BEKP average prices to reach U.S.$880 per ton in North America, U.S.$848 per ton in Europe and U.S.$788 per ton in Asia. Through 2011, the global economy has again impacted the pulp market, which had an uptrend in the first half of the year, but ended the year in a lower level than it started with BEKP average prices at U.S.$871 per ton, U.S.$821 per ton and U.S.$703 per ton in North America, Europe and Asia, respectively.


Discounts from list prices are frequently granted by sellers to significant purchasers.  Although we have long-term relationships with many of our customers, no assurance can be given that the prices for pulp will stabilize or not decline further in the future, or that demand for our products will not decline in the future.  As a result, no assurance can be given that we will be able to operate our production facilities in a profitable manner in the future.  A significant decline in the price of one or more of our products could have a material adverse effect on our net operating revenues, operating income and net income.


Adverse economic developments in China could have a negative impact on exports, adversely affecting our revenues, cash flow and profitability.


China has been the main driver of the global demand growth for pulp in the last years. According to market statistics, (PPPC), Chinese demand represented 26% of the global market pulp demand in 2011, and this consumption has grown 122% since



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2004, above the global average of 16%.  A decline in demand by China for our products could adversely affect our exports and, therefore, our results of operations and financial condition


Global crises and subsequent economic slowdowns like those that occurred during 2008 and 2009 may adversely affect global pulp demand. As a result, our financial condition and results of operations may be adversely affected.


Demand for our pulp products is directly linked to overall economic activity within those international markets in which we sell our products. After a steady period of growth between 2003 and 2007, the marked drop in demand resulting from the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 once again demonstrated the vulnerability of the pulp market to international volatility.  Through 2010, the global economy continued its recovery and provided improved conditions for the pulp market. In 2011, the market pulp industry had two distinct phases. During the first half of the year, the global market pulp demand increased by 7.7% over 2010, mostly due to strong Chinese demand. Beginning in July, the European crisis and its effects on the global economy negatively impacted world pulp demand. A continued decline in the level of activity in either the domestic or the international markets within which we operate could adversely affect both the demand for and the price of our products and have a material adverse effect on us.


The deterioration of Brazilian and global economic conditions could, among other things:


·                  further negatively impact global demand for pulp, or further lower market prices for our products, which could result in a continued reduction of our sales, operating income and cash flows;


·                  make it more difficult or costly for us to obtain financing for our operations or investments or to refinance our debt in the future;


·                  impair the financial condition of some of our customers, suppliers or counterparties to our derivative instruments, thereby increasing customer bad debts or non-performance by suppliers or counterparties;


·                  decrease the value of certain of our investments; and


·                  impair the financial viability of our insurers.


New expansion projects are expected to reach the market in the next years and may adversely affect our competitiveness.


Since 2010, a number of players in the industry have announced their intention to install new pulp production capacity in South America.  If all or some of these investments are completed, this new capacity could result in a possible loss of market share, reduction of prices and shortage of raw materials with the resulting increase in their prices. Therefore, our results of operations and financial condition could be adversely affected.


We may not be able to adjust production volume in a timely or cost-efficient manner in response to changes in demand.


If we have to operate at significant idle capacity during periods of weak demand, we may be exposed to higher unit production costs since a significant portion of our cost structure is fixed in the short-term due to the high capital intensity of pulp operations. In addition, efforts to reduce costs during periods of weak demand could be limited by labor regulations or previous labor or government agreements. Conversely, during periods of high demand, our ability to rapidly increase production capacity is limited, which could render us unable to satisfy demand for our products. If we are unable to satisfy excess customer demand, we may lose market share.


Our consolidated indebtedness will require that a significant portion of our cash flow be used to pay the principal and interest with respect to that indebtedness.


We have a significant level of indebtedness.  In 2009, we increased our borrowings to finance the Aracruz Acquisition and to refinance, and in certain instances prepay, indebtedness incurred by Aracruz as a result of significant losses suffered in 2008 in connection with certain derivative financial instruments.  As of December 31, 2011, our total consolidated indebtedness amounted to R$11,324 million, of which 90% represented long-term indebtedness.


It is our strategy, over the next few years, to use a substantial portion of our consolidated cash flow to pay principal and interest with respect to this indebtedness.  We are also attempting to improve our debt profile in order to extend the average maturity of our outstanding indebtedness, including by repaying short-term debt through longer-term borrowings and issuing longer-term debt securities.  In addition, we are active on liability management initiatives to reduce our cost of debt whenever there are market opportunities. If we are unable to refinance those portions of our



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indebtedness coming due during the next 12 to 24 months, this may adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.


The level of our indebtedness could have important consequences to the holders of our ADSs, including the following:


·                  the debt service requirements of our other indebtedness could make it more difficult for us to make payments of dividends and other distributions to our shareholders, including the holders of our ADSs;


·                  Investment in pulp production requires a substantial amount of funds in order to form forests, expand production capacity, build infrastructure and preserve the environment. This need for significant capital is an important source of financial risk for the pulp industry. Our ability to obtain any necessary financing in the future for working capital, capital expenditures, debt service requirements or other purposes could be limited;


·                  a substantial portion of our cash flow from operations must be dedicated to the payment of principal and interest on our indebtedness and may not be available for other purposes;


·                  our level of indebtedness could limit our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to changes in, our business; and


·                  our level of indebtedness could make us more vulnerable in the event of a downturn in our business.


Our exports expose us to political and economic risks in foreign countries.


Our sales outside Brazil, primarily to the European Union, North America and Asia, accounted for 85% and 86% of our total consolidated net revenues during the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010, respectively.  Our exports expose us to risks not faced by companies operating solely in Brazil or any other single country.  For example, our exports may be affected by import restrictions and tariffs, other trade protection measures and import or export licensing requirements.


Our future financial performance will depend significantly on economic conditions in our principal export markets. Other risks associated with our international activities include:


·                  lower global demand for pulp, which could result in a reduction of our sales, operating income and cash flows;


·                  changes in foreign currency exchange rates (against U.S. Dollar) and inflation in the foreign countries in which we operate;


·                  exchange and international trade controls;


·                  changes in a specific country’s or region’s economic conditions, particularly in developing markets;


·                  adverse consequences deriving from changes in regulatory requirements, including environmental rules, regulations and Certification requirements;


·                  difficulties and costs associated with complying with, and enforcing remedies under, a wide variety of complex international laws, treaties, and regulations;


·                  adverse consequences from changes in tax laws; and


·                  logistics costs, disruptions in shipping or reduced availability of freight transportation.


While we attempt to manage certain of these risks through the use of risk management programs, it cannot and does not fully eliminate these risks.  An occurrence of any of these events may negatively impact our ability to transact business in certain existing or developing markets and have a material adverse effect on our business.


Exchange rate instability may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations and the market price of our shares and ADSs.


Our production costs and operating expenses are substantially denominated in Brazilian Reais and most of our revenue and some assets are denominated in U.S. Dollars. Our cash and cash equivalents are held mostly in Brazilian Reais and our borrowing is



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mostly in U.S. Dollars, to match the currency of our revenue to that of our indebtedness. As a result, exchange rate instability may adversely affect our financial conditions and results of operations. It may also affect the amount of dividends we can distribute to our shareholders, including the holders of our ADSs and the market price of our shares and ADSs.


The Brazilian Real appreciated 13.4%, 9.5% and 20.7% against the U.S. Dollar in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively.  In 2008, as a result of the global financial and economic crisis, the Real showed a depreciation of 24.2% against the U.S. Dollar. In 2009, a more stable market environment led the Real to appreciate by 34.2% against the U.S. Dollar. In 2010, as a result of an increase in foreign direct investments in Brazil, the Real appreciated by 4.5% against the U.S. Dollar. Through August 2011, the Real maintained this appreciation trend. However, in September 2011, the worsening crisis in the Eurozone caused the sudden depreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar. As a result, the Real depreciated by 11.2% against the U.S Dollar in 2011. The Central Bank has intervened occasionally to control unstable movements in the foreign exchange rate.


Our business may be adversely impacted by risks related to hedging activities.


We regularly enter into currency hedging transactions using financial derivatives instruments, in accordance with our Market Risk Management Policy. Hedging transactions aim to (1) protect our revenue (which is primarily denominated in U.S. Dollar) when converted to Brazilian Reais (our functional currency) and (2) convert part of our debt which is denominated in Brazilian Real into U.S. Dollar.


We account for our derivative instruments using the mark-to-market accounting method, in accordance with IFRS. The mark-to-market value of such instruments may increase or decrease due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates prior to their settlement date.  As a result we may incur unrealized losses due to these market risks factors. These fluctuations may result from changes in economic conditions, investor sentiment, monetary and fiscal policies, the liquidity of global markets, international and regional political events, and acts of war or terrorism.


We may be adversely affected by the imposition and enforcement of more stringent environmental regulations that would require us to spend additional funds.


Brazilian environmental requirements and regulations applicable to forests are complex and may vary between federal, state and local regulations.  Requirements and restrictions vary among governmental entities. In addition, noncompliance with these laws, regulations and permits could result in criminal sanctions for us and for our employees.  We could also be responsible for related environmental remediation costs, which could be substantial.


In addition, environmental laws and regulations in certain countries may be more stringent than the ones we are subject to in Brazil, which may lead to such countries imposing trade related sanctions against Brazil or our industry.  Furthermore, our limited ability to comply with more stringent foreign environmental laws and regulations may prevent us from seeking lower financing cost from foreign governmental related or multilateral development organizations, which may condition future financing on our compliance with more stringent environmental laws and regulations.


Actions by federal or state legislatures or public enforcement authorities may adversely affect our operations.


In the past, the State of Espírito Santo, where our Aracruz mill is located, has enacted laws to restrict the planting of eucalyptus forests for purposes of pulp production.  Although injunctive relief against those state laws has been obtained, and new state legislation has revoked them, there can be no assurance that similar laws will not be enacted in the future which would impose limitations or restrictions on planting eucalyptus in the region where we operate.


We may be materially adversely affected if operations at the transportation, storage, distribution and port facilities we own or utilize were to experience significant interruptions.


Our operations are dependent upon the uninterrupted operation of transportation, storage, distribution and port facilities that we own or utilize. Operations at these facilities could be partially or completely shut down, temporarily or permanently, as a result of any number of circumstances that are not under our control, such as:


·                  catastrophic events;


·                  strikes or other labor difficulties;


·                  other disruptions in means of transportation; and



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·                  suspension or termination of concessions granted to us or to our commercial partners or independent contractors relating to the right to provide a specific service.


Any significant interruption at these facilities or inability to transport products to or from these facilities (including through exports) or to or from our customers for any reason may materially adversely affect us.


Our insurance coverage may be insufficient to cover our losses.


Our insurance may be insufficient to cover losses that we might incur. We have comprehensive insurance with leading insurers to cover damages to our facilities caused by fire, general third-party liability for accidents and operational risks, and international and domestic transportation. We do not maintain insurance coverage against any risks related to our forests.  The occurrence of losses or other damages not covered by insurance or that exceed our insurance limits could result in unexpected additional costs.  “See Item 4. Information on Fibria — Business Overview — Insurance.”


We face significant competition in some of our lines of business, which may adversely affect our market share and profitability.


The pulp industry is highly competitive.  In the international pulp market, certain of our competitors may have greater financial strength and access to cheaper sources of capital, and consequently have the ability to support strategic expenditures directed to increase their market share.  Our market share may be adversely affected if we are unable to successfully continue to expand our production capacity at the same pace as our competitors.


In addition, most markets for pulp are served by several suppliers, often from different countries.  Many factors influence our competitive position, including mill efficiency and operating rates and the availability, quality and cost of wood, energy, water, chemicals, logistics and labor, and exchange rate fluctuations.  Some of our competitors may have greater financial and marketing resources, and greater breadth of product offerings than we do.  If we are unable to remain competitive with these producers in the future, our market share may be adversely affected.


In addition, downward pressure on the prices of pulp by our competitors may affect our profitability.


Delays in the expansion of our facilities or in building new facilities may affect our costs and results of operations.


As part of our strategy to increase our international market share and improve our competitiveness through greater economies of scale, we may expand our existing production facilities or build one or more production facilities.  The expansion or construction of a production facility involves various risks.  These risks include engineering, construction, regulatory and other significant challenges that may delay or prevent the successful operation of the project or significantly increase our costs.  Our ability to complete successfully any expansion or new construction project on time is also subject to financing and other risks.


We may be adversely affected because:


·                  we may either not be able to complete any expansion or new construction project on time or within budget or be required by market conditions or other factors to delay the initiation of construction or the timetable to complete new projects or expansions;


·                  our new or modified facilities may not operate at designed capacity or may cost more to operate than we expect;


·                  we may not be able to sell our additional production at attractive prices; and


·                  we may not have the cash or be able to acquire financing to implement our growth plans.


Any further downgrade in our credit ratings could adversely affect the availability of new financing and increase our cost of capital.


In 2006 and 2007, the risk rating agencies, Fitch Ratings Inc., or Fitch, Moody’s Investor Service, Inc., or Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group, or S&P, assigned an investment-grade rating to our foreign currency debt under foreign law, thus reducing our average cost of capital. However, in late 2008 and early 2009 Fitch, Moody’s and S&P reduced our rating to BB+/Negative, Ba1/Negative and BB/Negative, respectively. On October 13, 2009, Fitch further reduced our rating to BB/Stable.



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After the announcement of the sale of Conpacel and KSR in December 2010 (See Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development of Fibria) our rating outlook was changed from Stable to Positive by both Fitch and Moody’s. In March 2011, Fitch raised our rating to BB+/Stable.  In November and December 2011, respectively, S&P and Moody’s both revised the outlook from positive to stable due to a slower deleverage path.  More recently (February 2012), Fitch affirmed Fibria’s rating at BB+/Stable based on the expectation that the Company will lower debt and leverage during 2012. Therefore, the ratings currently assigned to our foreign currency debt under foreign law are BB+/Stable by Fitch, Bal/Stable by Moody’s and BB/Stable by S&P. If our ratings were to be downgraded by the rating agencies due to any external factor, our own operating performance and/or increased debt levels, our cost of capital would likely increase. Any downgrade could also negatively affect our operating and financial results and the availability of future financing.


Our financing agreements include important covenant.  Any default arising from a breach of such covenants could have a material adverse effect on us. In addition, our Bonds contain incurrence tests which if not met could also result in several relevant restrictions to us.


We are party to several financing agreements that require us to maintain certain financial ratios or to comply with other specific covenants.  Additionally, we are required under our Bonds to satisfy incurrence tests which if not satisfied could trigger restrictions. These covenants and restrictions, some of which are subject to certain important exceptions, include among others:


·                  limitations on incurrence of additional indebtedness;


·                  limitations on making certain restricted payments;


·                  limitations on entering into certain transactions with affiliates;


·                  limitations as to mergers or consolidations with any other person or selling or otherwise disposing of all or substantially all of our assets;


·                  limitations on expansion Capital Expenditures until June, 2012;


·                  the maintenance of maximum net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratios; and


·                  the maintenance of minimum debt service coverage ratios.


Any default under the terms of our financing agreements that is not waived by the affected creditors may result in a decision by such creditors to accelerate the outstanding balance of the relevant debt. This may also result in the foreclosure on collateral and accelerate the maturity of debts under other financing agreements due to cross acceleration provisions. Our assets and cash flow may be insufficient to pay the full outstanding balance under such financing agreements, either upon their scheduled maturity dates or upon any acceleration of payments following an event of default. If such events were to occur, our financial condition would be adversely affected.


Unfavorable outcomes in litigation may negatively affect our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.


We are involved in numerous tax, civil and labor disputes involving significant monetary claims.


These lawsuits include a securities class action lawsuit filed in November 2008 against Aracruz and certain of its officers and directors in a U.S. federal court purportedly on behalf of persons who purchased Aracruz’s shares and American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs, between April 7 and October 2, 2008, which lawsuit we, as successor by merger to Aracruz, are defending.  The complaint asserts claims for alleged violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder and Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act, alleging that Aracruz misrepresented or failed to disclose information in connection with, and losses arising from, certain derivative transactions into which it had entered.  The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified compensatory damages and expense reimbursement.  We have recorded no provision for this lawsuit because no reliable estimate can be made.  Furthermore, we also believe that at this stage is not practicable to disclose an estimate of the financial effect of the contingency or of its potential timing.


Two tax assessments in the aggregate amount of R$1,434 million (see Note 23(b)(i) to our 2011 consolidated financial statements) were issued by the Brazilian Federal Tax Authority, against our Company, with respect to corporate income tax and Social Contribution on Net Income, on the income resulting from an equity adjustment for investment in foreign controlled companies during



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the period from 2002 to 2007.  We have recorded no provision with respect to these two tax assessments because we consider the probability of loss as possible.  Additionally, we are currently being audited by the Brazilian Federal Tax Authority with regard to our international structure, merger and acquisition transactions and the use of tax credits related to our raw materials.


If unfavorable decisions are rendered in one or more of these lawsuits, we could be required to pay substantial amounts, which could materially adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.


Competition for land for use as eucalyptus forests for purposes of pulp production or for other crops, such as soy beans, sugar cane and other commodities, may affect our expansion.


Greater global demand for certain commodities, especially for grains and bio-fuel, may impact our forestry operations in two ways:


·                  greater competition for land could impact its price.  Grain and bio-fuel production generally are economically superior to forestry activities, and as a result, prospective increases in land values may inhibit expansion of new forests.


·                  for the same reason, we may face difficulties in convincing third-party partners to begin or to expand eucalyptus production for use in the pulp industry.


We conduct certain of our operations through joint ventures that we do not solely control.


In October 2000, Aracruz acquired a 45% stake in Veracel, a joint venture that operates a pulp plant and forests in the south of the State of Bahia. In January 2003, Aracruz increased its equity interest in Veracel to 50%.  Stora Enso OYJ, or Stora Enso, owns the remaining 50% of the equity interests in Veracel.  We, as legal successor by the merger with Aracruz, and Stora Enso are party to a shareholders’ agreement with respect to Veracel, pursuant to which the parties have the right to nominate an equal number of board members.  Under this shareholders’ agreement, each shareholder may be required to make capital contributions and, if any of the parties fails to comply with any of its obligations regarding Veracel’s funding needs in connection with a pre-agreed investment and capital contribution plan, the other shareholder shall have the right to require the defaulting shareholder to transfer all of its equity interests in Veracel to the other shareholder at a discounted market value.


In view of our shared control of Veracel as described above, we may not unilaterally make major decisions with respect to this entity.  In addition, the existing contractual arrangement with respect to Veracel may constrain our ability to take actions that would be in our best interests, and may prevent us from refraining them from taking actions that would be adverse to our interests.


If we are unable to manage potential problems and risks related to acquisitions and alliances, our business and growth prospects may suffer.  Some of our competitors may be better positioned to acquire other pulp and paper businesses.


We may, as part of our business strategy, acquire other businesses in Brazil or elsewhere or enter into alliances.  Our management is unable to predict whether or when any prospective acquisitions or alliances will occur, or the likelihood of a material transaction being completed on favorable terms and conditions.  Our ability to continue to expand successfully through acquisitions or alliances depends on many factors, including our ability to identify acquisitions and negotiate, finance and close transactions.  Even if we complete future acquisitions, we could fail to successfully integrate the operations, services and products of any acquired company.  If we attempt to engage in future acquisitions, we would be subject to certain risks, including that:


·                  we could fail to select the best partners or fail to effectively plan and manage any alliance strategy;


·                  the acquisitions could increase our costs;


·                  our management’s attention could be diverted from other business concerns; and


·                  we could lose key employees of the acquired company.


Our failure to integrate new businesses or manage new alliances successfully could adversely affect our business and financial performance.  Furthermore, the global pulp and paper industry is undergoing consolidation, and many companies compete for acquisition and alliance opportunities in our industry.  Some of our competitors have greater financial and other resources than we do.  This may reduce the likelihood that we will be successful in completing acquisitions and alliances necessary for the expansion of our business.  In addition, any major acquisition we consider may be subject to regulatory approval.  We may not be successful in obtaining required regulatory approvals on a timely basis or at all.



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The loss of certain of our customers could cause a significant impact on our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.


During 2011, our twenty largest customers accounted for approximately 83% of our pulp sales volume. If we were unable to replace the sales volumes represented by any of these important customers, the loss of any of these customers could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.


We may be subject to labor disputes from time to time that may adversely affect us.


Most of our employees are represented by unions or equivalent bodies and are covered by collective bargaining or similar agreements which are subject to periodic renegotiation.  We have occasionally experienced brief work slowdowns.  In addition, we may not successfully conclude our labor negotiations on satisfactory terms, which may result in a significant increase in the cost of labor or may result in work stoppages or labor disturbances that disrupt our operations.  Any such cost increases, work stoppages or disturbances could materially adversely affect us.


Social movements and the possibility of expropriation may affect the normal use of, damage, or deprive us of the use of or fair value of, our properties.


Several activist groups in Brazil advocate land reform and property redistribution by invading and occupying rural areas.  Although we have initiated discussions with the Landless Workers’ Movement (or MST), the Federal Land Reform Agency (INCRA) and the government of the State of Bahia, and we have agreed to design and implement an agroforestry production and settlement model project in 2011, benefiting approximately 800 families in areas occupied by MST, we cannot assure that our properties will not be subject to invasion or occupation by these groups.  A land invasion or occupation could materially impair the normal use of our lands or have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial condition or the value of our common shares.


In addition, our land may be subject to expropriation by the Brazilian government.  Under Brazilian law, the federal government may expropriate land that is not in compliance with mandated local “social functions,” including rational and adequate exploitation of land, adequate use of available natural resources, preservation of the environment, compliance with labor laws, etc.  If the Brazilian government expropriates any of our properties, our results of operations may be adversely affected to the extent that the government’s compensation proves inadequate.  Moreover, we may be forced to accept public debt bonds, which have limited liquidity, instead of cash as compensation for expropriated land.


Our controlling shareholders have the power to control the Company regulated by a Shareholders’ Agreement.


We are jointly controlled by VID and BNDESPar. Our controlling shareholders have entered into a Shareholders Agreement that regulates their power, including the power to:


·                  indicate our directors; and


·                  determine the outcome of any action requiring shareholder approval, including transactions with related parties, corporate reorganizations and dispositions and the timing and payment of any future dividends.


VID and BNDESPar have entered into a shareholders’ agreement under which the approval of certain matters will depend on the affirmative vote of BNDESPar.  See “Item 10C. Additional Information — Material Contracts — Shareholders’ Agreement of Fibria”.


In addition, BNDES was the creditor with respect to approximately 15.7% of our consolidated indebtedness as of December 31, 2011 and we expect to continue to obtain loans from BNDES.  As one of our significant shareholders and the subsidiary of one of our important creditors, BNDESPar may exercise a significant influence over our business and corporate decisions, and its actions may be influenced by the policies of the Brazilian federal government, which may conflict with the interest of our shareholders and holders of our ADSs.


We currently engage in, and expect in the future to engage in, commercial and financial transactions, from time to time, with our controlling shareholders or their affiliates. Commercial and financial transactions between our affiliates and us create the potential for, or could result in, conflicts of interests. For a discussion of certain related party transactions, see “Item 7B. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions — Related Party Transactions.”



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An impairment of goodwill or other intangible assets would adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


As a result of the Aracruz Acquisition, we have recognized R$4,231 million of goodwill and have recorded several intangible assets from the Aracruz business (including database, patents, chemical supplier and other supplier relationships) with a fair value of R$779 million at the acquisition date (R$530 million as of December 31, 2011 and R$613 million as of December 31, 2010).  Under IFRS, goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives are not amortized but are tested for impairment annually or more often if an event or circumstance indicates that an impairment loss may have been incurred.  Other intangible assets with a finite life are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives and reviewed for impairment whenever there is an indication of impairment.  As of December 31, 2011, following the accounting policy described in Note 37 to our 2011 consolidated financial statement, the Company performed its annual impairment test of the Cash Generating Units (CGU) to which goodwill is allocated (Aracruz).  In addition, as required by IAS 36, when the book value of the net assets of the Company exceeds its market capitalization, a formal impairment analysis of long-lived assets must be performed.  As a result, the Company performed an impairment analysis of the long lived assets of the CGUs Jacareí - SP and Três Lagoas - MS.  The recoverability test did not result in the need to recognize any impairment of goodwill and fixed assets.  See “Item 5. Critical Accounting Policies and Note 37 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements”.


Any change in the value of the key assumptions used in the impairment tests result in impairment charges in the future that could be significant and that could have an adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.


Various other risks could have a material adverse effect on our operational and financial results.


Our operations are subject to various other risks affecting our forests and manufacturing processes, including fire, drought, disease, climate changes, strikes, port closings, shipping costs, electrical failures and factory explosions, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our operational and financial results.


Risks Relating to Brazil


Brazilian economic and political conditions and perceptions of these conditions in the international market have a direct impact on our business and our access to international capital and debt markets, and could adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.


Our operations are conducted in Brazil but, our pulp is mainly sold to international customers. Accordingly, our financial condition and results of operations are in some ways dependent upon economic conditions in Brazil. Brazil’s gross domestic product, or GDP, in real terms, decreased 0.2% in 2009, grew 7.5% in 2010 and grew by 3.2% in the nine month period ending September 30, 2011 according to Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística — IBGE, Brazil’s official statistics agency.  Although we cannot assure that GDP will continue to increase in the same pace or remain stable in the future we are more concerned in internal supply chain costs based on Brazilian suppliers. The general cost of human capital, the cost of land (renting or buying) and the other general local supplies are points of concern. Nonetheless, future developments in the Brazilian economy may affect Brazil’s growth rates and, consequently, the former mentioned supplies. As a result, these developments could impair our business strategies, results of operations or financial condition. The Brazilian government tries to stop abnormal market conditions, like supply prices abnormal speculation and the foreign exchange- rates, frequently intervening in the Brazilian economy and occasionally makes material changes in policies and regulations.  Our business, financial condition and results of operations may be adversely affected by changes in government policies as well as general economic factors, including:


·                  currency fluctuations;


·                  interest rates;


·                  liquidity of domestic capital and lending markets;


·                  availability of experienced labor;


·                  policies impacting Brazil’s logistical infrastructure;



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·                  tax policy;


·                  other political, diplomatic, social and economic developments in or affecting Brazil; and


·                  inflation


Brazil has historically experienced high rates of inflation.  Inflation, as well as government efforts to combat inflation, had significant negative effects on the Brazilian economy, particularly prior to 1995.  Inflation rates were 4.2% in 2009 5.9% in 2010 and 6.5% in 2011, according to the Brazilian National Consumer Inflation Index (Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo) or IPCA.  Our cash costs and operating expenses are substantially denominated in Brazilian Reais and tend to increase with Brazilian inflation because our suppliers and providers generally increase prices to reflect the depreciation of the currency.  If the rate of Brazilian inflation increases more rapidly than any rate of appreciation of the U.S. Dollar, then, as expressed in U.S. Dollars, our operating expenses may increase. Inflation, actions to combat inflation and public speculation about possible additional actions also may contribute materially to economic uncertainty in Brazil and accordingly weaken investor confidence in Brazil, thus impacting our ability to access the international capital markets.


Historically, Brazil’s political scenario has influenced the performance of the Brazilian economy and political crisis have affected the confidence of investors and the general public, which resulted in economic slowdown and heightened volatility in the securities issued abroad by Brazilian companies.  Future developments in policies of the Brazilian government and/or the uncertainty of whether and when such policies and regulations may be implemented, all of which are beyond our control could have a material adverse effect on us.


Changes in Brazilian tax laws may have an adverse impact on the taxes applicable to our business.


The Brazilian government frequently implements changes to tax regimes that may affect us and our customers. These include changes in prevailing tax rates and, occasionally, enactment of temporary taxes, the proceeds of which are earmarked for designated governmental purposes.


Some of these changes may result in increases in our tax payments, which could adversely affect industry profitability and increase the prices of our products, restrict our ability to do business in our existing and target markets and cause our financial results to suffer. There can be no assurance that we will be able to maintain our projected cash flow and profitability following any increases in Brazilian taxes applicable to us and our operations.


We may be impacted by governmental actions affecting the Brazilian markets and economy.


The Brazilian government has exercised and continues to exercise substantial influence over many aspects of the private sector. The Brazilian government, for example, could impose some restrictions for the export market, by creating export duties for any product, including our main source of revenues (market pulp), affecting the margins and the profitability of exporting companies. In addition, the Brazilian government through BNDES owns or controls many companies, including some of the largest in Brazil. For example, the BNDES, through its wholly-owned subsidiary company, BNDESPar, is a joint controlling shareholder of our Company together with VID, as per shareholder agreement terms, and so has historically been one of our important creditors.


Fluctuations in interest rates could increase the cost of servicing our debt and negatively affect our overall financial performance.


Our financial results are affected by changes in interest rates, such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the Brazilian Interbank Deposit Certificate (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário) or CDI and the Brazilian Long Term Interest Rate (Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo) or TJLP.  The CDI rate has fluctuated significantly in the past in response to the expansion or contraction of the Brazilian economy, inflation control purpose, Brazilian government policies and other factors.  The CDI rate was 11.0% p.a., 10.6% p.a. and 9.0% p.a. as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively.  The TJLP rate has not fluctuated since June 2009, when it was set at 6.00% p.a.  A significant increase in interest rates, particularly TJLP or LIBOR, would have a material adverse effect on our financial expenses as a significant part of our debt (BNDES loans and Export Prepayment Facilities) is linked to these rates.  On the other hand, a significant reduction in the CDI rate could adversely impact the financial revenues derived from our investment activities as most of our cash is invested Brazilian money market, linked to CDI.  In order to mitigate these risks and benefit from the abnormal lower interest rates, we have contracted several swaps from LIBOR and TJLP to Pre Fixed rates. In addition, we have issued a new Bond (Fibria 2021 Notes), pre fixed, to liquidate in advance of maturity Export Prepayment Facilities, linked to LIBOR.  See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk.”


Economic and market conditions in other countries, including in developing countries, may materially and adversely affect the Brazilian economy and, therefore, the market value of our ADSs.



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The market for securities issued by Brazilian companies is influenced by economic and market conditions in Brazil, and, to varying degrees, market conditions in other countries, including Latin American and developing countries. Although economic conditions are different in each country, the reaction of investors to developments in one country may cause the capital markets in other countries to fluctuate. Developments or conditions in other countries, including developing countries, have at times significantly affected the availability of credit in the Brazilian economy and resulted in considerable outflows of funds and declines in the amount of foreign currency invested in Brazil.  It has also limited access to international capital markets, all of which may materially and adversely affect our ability to borrow funds at an acceptable interest rate or to raise equity capital when and if there should be a need for us to do so. The volatility in market prices for Brazilian securities has increased from time to time, and investors’ perception of increased risk due to crises in other countries, including developing countries, may also lead to a reduction in the market price of our ADSs.


Risks Relating to Our Shares and ADSs


Exchange controls and restrictions on remittances abroad may adversely affect holders of our ADSs.


One may be adversely affected if the Brazilian government imposes restrictions on the remittance to foreign investors of the proceeds of their investments in Brazil and, as it has done in the past, on the conversion of the Real into foreign currencies.  These restrictions could hinder or prevent the conversion of dividends, distributions or the proceeds from any sale of shares or ADSs, as the case may be, into U.S. Dollars and the remittance of U.S. Dollars abroad.  We cannot assure that the government will not take this type of or similar measures in the future.  Holders of our ADSs could be adversely affected by delays in, or a refusal to grant, any required governmental approval for conversion of Real payments and remittances abroad in respect of the shares, including the shares underlying the ADSs.  In such a case, our ADS depositary will distribute Reais or hold the Reais it cannot convert for the account of the ADS holders who have not been paid.


Holders of our ADSs may face difficulties in serving process on or enforcing judgments against us and other persons.


We are organized under and are subject to the laws of Brazil and all our directors and executive officers and our independent registered public accounting firm resides or is based in Brazil. Substantially all of our assets and those of these other persons are located in Brazil. As a result, it may not be possible for holders of the ADSs to effect service of process upon us or these other persons within the United States or other jurisdictions outside Brazil or to enforce against us or these other persons judgments obtained in the United States or other jurisdictions outside Brazil. Because judgments of U.S. courts for civil liabilities based upon the U.S. federal securities laws may only be enforced in Brazil if certain conditions are met, our ADS holders may face greater difficulties in protecting their interests due to actions by us, our directors or executive officers than would shareholders of a U.S. corporation.


The relative volatility and illiquidity of the Brazilian securities markets may adversely affect holders of our ADSs.


Investments in securities, such as our common shares or ADSs, of issuers from emerging market countries, including Brazil, involves a higher degree of risk than investments in securities of issuers from more developed countries. The Brazilian securities market is substantially smaller, less liquid, more concentrated and more volatile than major securities markets in the United States. There is also significantly greater concentration in the Brazilian securities market than in major securities markets in the United States. These features may substantially limit the ability to sell the common shares underlying the ADSs at a price and time at which holders wish to do so. The BM&FBOVESPA had a market capitalization of U.S.$ 811 billion as of December 30, 2011, and an average daily trading volume of approximately U.S.$ 3.8 billion in 2011. In comparison, the S&P 500 had a market capitalization of U.S.$ 11.661 trillion as of December 30, 2011. A liquid and active market may never develop for our common shares or ADSs, and as a result, the ability of our ADS holders to sell at the desired price or time may be significantly hindered.


Holders of our ADSs may face difficulties in protecting their interests because we are subject to different corporate rules and regulations as a Brazilian company and our shareholders may have fewer and less well-defined rights.


Holders of ADSs are not direct shareholders of our Company and are unable to enforce the rights of shareholders under our bylaws and the Brazilian law. Our corporate affairs are governed by our by-laws and the Brazilian law, which differ from the legal principles that would apply if we were incorporated in a jurisdiction in the United States, or elsewhere outside Brazil. Under Brazilian law, the rights of a holder of our common shares to protect its interests with respect to actions by us, our directors or executive officers may be fewer and less well-defined than under the laws of other jurisdictions.


Although insider trading and price manipulation are crimes under Brazilian law, the Brazilian securities markets are not as highly regulated and supervised as the U.S. securities markets or the markets in some other jurisdictions. In addition, rules and policies against self-dealing or for preserving shareholder interests may be less well-defined and enforced in Brazil than in the United States



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and certain other countries, which may put holders of our common shares or ADSs at a potential disadvantage. In addition, the disclosure required of public companies in Brazil may be less complete or informative than that required of publicly-held companies in the United States or in certain other countries.


Holders of our ADSs may not be able to exercise their voting rights.


Holders of our ADSs may only exercise voting rights with respect to their underlying common shares in accordance with the provisions of the deposit agreement for our ADS program, or the Fibria Deposit Agreement. Under this Agreement, ADS holders may only vote by giving voting instructions to our Depositary. Because our Depositary appears on our share register and not the ADS holders, such holders are unable to exercise their right to vote without the representation of our Depositary unless they surrender their ADSs for cancellation in exchange for our common shares. In addition, pursuant to the Fibria Deposit Agreement, our Depositary will only notify our ADS holders of an upcoming vote and arrange to mail proxy cards to those holders if we request our Depositary to do so. Pursuant to our by-laws, the first call for a shareholders’ meeting must be published at least 15 days in advance of the relevant meeting, and the second call must be published at least eight days in advance of the meeting, in the case of insufficient quorum to approve the matters included in the first meeting. As a result, there may not be enough time for ADS holders to surrender their ADSs and withdraw underlying common shares, or for them to receive a proxy card in time to ensure that they can provide our Depositary with voting instructions.  Our Depositary and its agents are not liable for failure to mail proxy cards in time for ADS holders to vote the common shares underlying their ADSs or to carry out voting instructions in the manner as instructed or at all. As a result, holders of ADSs may not be able to exercise the voting rights attached to the common shares underlying their ADSs.


An exchange of ADSs for shares risks the loss of certain foreign currency remittance and Brazilian tax advantages.


The ADSs benefit from the certificate of foreign capital registration, which permits our Depositary to convert dividends and other distributions with respect to common shares into foreign currency, and to remit the proceeds abroad. Holders of ADSs who exchange their ADSs for common shares will then be entitled to rely on the depositary’s certificate of foreign capital registration for five business days from the date of exchange. Thereafter, they will not be able to remit non-Brazilian currency abroad unless they obtain their own certificate of foreign capital registration, or unless they qualify under Resolution No. 2,689/00 of the CMN, which entitles certain investors to buy and sell shares on Brazilian stock exchanges without obtaining separate certificates of registration. If holders of ADSs do not qualify under Resolution No. 2,689/00, they will generally be subject to less favorable tax treatment on distributions with respect to our common shares. There can be no assurance that the certificate of registration of our Depositary, or any certificate of foreign capital registration obtained by holders of ADSs, will not be affected by future legislative or regulatory changes, or that additional Brazilian law restrictions applicable to their investment in the ADSs may not be imposed in the future.


Holders of our shares will be subject to, and holders of our ADSs could be subject to, Brazilian income tax on capital gains from sales of shares or ADSs.


Brazilian Law No. 10,833/03 provides that gains on the disposition of assets located in Brazil by non-residents of Brazil, whether to other non-residents or to Brazilian residents, will be subject to Brazilian taxation. The common shares are expected to be treated as assets located in Brazil for purposes of the law, and gains on the disposition of common shares, even by non-residents of Brazil, are expected to be subject to Brazilian taxation. In addition, the ADSs may be treated as assets located in Brazil for purposes of the law, and therefore gains on the disposition of ADSs by non-residents of Brazil may also be subject to Brazilian taxation. Although the holders of ADSs outside Brazil may have grounds to assert that Law No. 10,833/00 does not apply to sales or other dispositions of ADSs, it is not possible to predict whether that understanding will ultimately prevail in the courts of Brazil given the general and unclear scope of Law No. 10,833/03 and the absence of judicial court rulings in respect thereto.


Holders of our ADSs may not be able to exercise the preemptive rights relating to the shares.


Holders of our ADSs may not be able to exercise the preemptive rights relating to the common shares underlying their ADSs unless a registration statement under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) is effective with respect to those exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act is available. We are not obligated to file a registration statement with respect to the shares or other securities relating to these preemptive rights and we cannot assure holders of our ADSs that we will file any such registration statement. Unless we file a registration statement or an exemption from registration applies, holders of our ADSs may receive only the net proceeds from the sale of their preemptive rights by the depositary or, if the preemptive rights cannot be sold, the rights will be allowed to lapse.



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Judgments of Brazilian courts with respect to our shares will be payable only in Reais.


If proceedings are brought in the courts of Brazil seeking to enforce our obligations in respect of the common shares, we will not be required to discharge our obligations in a currency other than Reais. Under Brazilian exchange control limitations, an obligation in Brazil to pay amounts denominated in a currency other than Reais may only be satisfied in Brazilian currency at the exchange rate, as determined by the Central Bank, in effect on the date the judgment is obtained, and such amounts are then adjusted to reflect exchange rate variations through the effective payment date. The then prevailing exchange rate may not afford non-Brazilian investors with full compensation for any claim arising out of or related to our obligations under the common shares or the ADSs.




A.                                    History and Development of Fibria


We are incorporated under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil under the name Fibria Celulose S.A., as a publicly-held company with unlimited duration.  We have the legal status of a stock corporation, operating under the Brazilian corporate law. Our headquarters and principal executive offices are located at Alameda Santos, 1357, 6th floor, 01419 908, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (telephone: 55 11 2138-4565). Our website address is www.fibria.com.br/ir.  Information contained on our website is, however, not incorporated by reference in, and should not be considered as part of this annual report.


Our operations began in 1988 when the Votorantim Group, one of the largest privately held group of companies in Latin America, acquired Celpav Celulose e Papel Ltda., or Celpav, a pulp and paper producer based in the State of São Paulo.  We began production in 1991 after expanding and modernizing our facilities.  In September 1992, the Votorantim Group purchased Indústrias de Papel Simão S.A., or Papel Simão, which was listed on the BM&FBOVESPA.  Celpav and Papel Simão subsequently merged and, in 1999, Papel Simão was renamed Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A.  On November 5, 2009 we adopted the corporate name Fibria Celulose S.A. and on December 31, 2009, we and Aracruz were merged into Fibria (the surviving entity).  See “Item 4.  Information on Fibria — History and Development — The Aracruz Acquisition”.


On April 19, 2000, we completed a registered offering of 7,920,000 ADSs.  Each ADS represented 500 preferred shares, and the ADSs were listed on NYSE, under the symbol “VCP.”  Of the 7,920,000 ADSs being offered at that time, we sold 2,047,648 ADSs and certain of our shareholders sold the remaining 5,872,352 ADSs.  Concurrently, 440,000,000 preferred shares were sold in Brazil.


Because VCP changed its name to Fibria on November 5, 2009, with the Aracruz Acquisition, the last trading day of VCP shares on the NYSE under the ticker symbol VCP was November 17, 2009. From November 18, 2009 on, the ticker symbol has changed to “FBR”.


We have grown, expanded and streamlined our operations through the organic expansion of our pulp mills and paper production facilities, the disposition of assets and lines of business we deemed not a part of our core business, and selective acquisition of equity interests in other pulp and paper companies.


Bahia Produtos de Madeira


In 1998, as part of a strategy of diversification into other forest product businesses, Aracruz acquired Tecflor Industrial S.A or Tecflor, for the production of solid wood products. Tecflor was then renamed Aracruz Produtos de Madeira or APM. In 2001, APM sought to expand the presence of its Lyptus® brand of high-quality sawn wood in domestic and international markets and established a commercial partnership with the U.S. based Weyerhaeuser Co., or Weyco, one of the largest forestry companies in the world, for the exclusive distribution of Lyptus® in the North American markets. In October 2004, Aracruz sold two thirds of its shares in APM to Weyerhaeuser do Brasil Participações Ltda., a subsidiary of Weyco, for a total purchase price of U.S.$18.6 million. After the Aracruz Acquisition, APM was renamed Bahia Produtos de Madeira or BPM. We currently own 33.33% of the shares in BPM and have certain voting rights as set forth in the APM shareholders’ agreement.  In order to fulfill its fiber needs, BPM is currently supplied by areas of Fibria located in the South of Bahia, encompassing approximately 16 thousand hectares of planted area.


Acquisition of Interest in Ripasa


In 2005, we purchased through a 50% joint venture with Suzano Bahia Sul Papel e Celulose S.A., or Suzano, the common and preferred shares of Ripasa S.A. Celulose e Papel or Ripasa. On March 31, 2005, we finalized the acquisition, through a 50% joint venture, of 77.59% (our interest — 38.80%) indirect interest in the voting capital and 46.06% (our interest — 23.03%) indirect interest



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in the total capital of Ripasa, for U.S.$275 million.  In addition, a purchase option was executed for the option to purchase within six years common shares and preferred shares, totaling 22.41% of the voting stock and 13.45% of the total stock of Ripasa.  We acquired our stake in these additional shares for R$298 million.  At the time of this acquisition, Ripasa’s principal assets were the Americana pulp and paper mill and three other paper mills located in Embu, Cubatão and Limeira in the State of São Paulo.


In April 2006, Ripar, the joint venture between us and Suzano, was liquidated by dissolution and its only assets, the shares in Ripasa, were distributed equally to both us and Suzano.


In May 2006, the shareholders of Ripasa approved a corporate restructuring transaction in which the shareholders (other than us and Suzano) received shares of our Company, shares of Suzano and cash in exchange for their shares of Ripasa.  In this transaction we issued 12,532,009 preferred shares to the former Ripasa shareholders.  Following this transaction, we owned 50% of the share capital of Ripasa.


The Losango Project


In 2005, we announced the beginning of the environmental licensing process for the implementation of a bleached eucalyptus pulp mill with an overall nominal capacity of 1.5 million tons of pulp per year to be built in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (named “The Losango Project”).  As a result of the Aracruz Acquisition in 2009, we currently have a different portfolio of possible expansion projects, including two former Aracruz Units (Veracel II and a fourth pulp production line at the Aracruz Unit) and the Três Lagoas Unit which started up in March 2009, all of them brownfield projects.  In view of that, we are currently considering several alternatives for the Losango Project, including a full divestiture of the lands and forest.  On June 30, 2011, Management approved the divestiture of the Losango project assets, and established a specific program to identify a potential buyer.  As from June 30, 2011, we had classified the assets of the Losango Project as held for sale and the details are presented in Note 36 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


Asset Exchange with International Paper


In February 2007, we transferred our Luiz Antonio pulp and paper mill and approximately 60,000 hectares of forest located in the State of São Paulo to International Paper Investments (Holland) B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of International Paper, in exchange for the Três Lagoas pulp mill, which was then under construction, and approximately 100,000 hectares of surrounding forest. At the time that we received the Três Lagoas pulp mill, International Paper had fully funded the construction of this mill under a turn-key contract.


The Luiz Antonio mill had an annual production capacity of 100 kilotons of pulp and 355 kilotons of uncoated paper.  As part of this transaction, we agreed to purchase 100 kilotons of BEKP per year on competitive terms for our use in other facilities under a long-term supply agreement.


As part of this transaction, we granted International Paper the right to construct, at its cost, up to two paper machines adjacent to, and integrated with, the Três Lagoas pulp mill. International Paper exercised this option with respect to one of the paper mills and has constructed a paper mill with annual production capacity of 200 kilotons of printing & writing paper adjacent to the Três Lagoas pulp mill.  This paper mill commenced production in the first quarter of 2009.  In connection with the exercise of this option, International Paper has entered into a long-term supply agreement under which we will provide International Paper with pulp on competitive terms and utilities and other services at rates based on our actual operating costs.


If International Paper exercises its right to build the second paper mill adjacent to the Três Lagoas pulp mill:


·                  we will be obligated to transfer certain parcels of real property to International Paper upon which the paper machine and ancillary facilities will be constructed; and


·                  International Paper will enter into a long-term supply agreement under which we will provide International Paper with pulp on competitive terms and utilities and other services at rates based on our actual operating costs.


Disposition of Interest in Embu Paper Mill


In March 2007, we sold our 50% interest in the paper mill owned by Ripasa located in Embu to Suzano for R$41.1 million.  The Embu paper mill had an annual production capacity of 48 kilotons of cardboard.



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Disposition of Mogi das Cruzes Paper Mill


In May 2007, we sold our specialty paper mill located in the city of Mogi das Cruzes in the State of São Paulo to the controlling shareholder of Comércio e Indústria Multiformas Ltda. for R$57 million.  The Mogi das Cruzes paper mill had an annual production capacity of 20 kilotons of industrial and specialty papers.


Joint-venture with Ahlstrom


In May 2007, we announced an intended joint venture agreement with the Finnish company Ahlstrom for the paper production in our facility located in Jacareí, State of São Paulo.  The agreement was concluded in September 2007 and Ahlstrom acquired a 60% interest of this new joint venture for the paper assets in Jacareí mill, denominated Ahlstrom VCP Indústria de Papéis Especiais S.A. (“Ahlstrom VCP”), with an option to purchase the remaining 40% within two years.


In September 2008, pursuant to a series of options which were part of the agreement with Ahlstrom, we sold to Ahlstrom our remaining 40% equity interest in the joint-venture company for U.S.$42 million.


The parties also signed a long-term agreement whereby Fibria will supply eucalyptus pulp, utilities and other services to Ahlstrom VCP at the Jacareí mill at competitive prices, in order to partly support an annual production capacity of approximately 105,000 tons per year of uncoated wood-free papers.


Sale of Interest in Cubatão and Limeira Paper Mills


In November 2007, we and Suzano sold our interests in the paper mills owned by Ripasa located in Cubatão and Limeira to MD Papéis for a total of R$122 million.  The Cubatão paper mill had a production capacity of approximately 61 kilotons per year of graphic, editorial and special printing & writing papers.  The Limeira paper mill had a production capacity of approximately 58 kilotons per year of cardboard.


Strategic Business Agreement (SBA) with Oji Paper


In August 2007 we announced the execution of a long term SBA with Oji Paper Co. Ltd or Oji Paper.  The agreement allowed us to further our offering of thermal paper technologies in Brazil and the region of Latin America, while allowing Oji Paper to expand its worldwide presence as a market leader in thermal technology.  Through the execution of the SBA, we were able to draw on the technologies of Oji Paper as well as its global subsidiaries including the technology of Kanzaki Specialty Papers, Inc (KSP), Kanzan Spezialpapiere GmbH (Kanzan) and Oji Paper Thailand Ltd. (OPT).  The SBA agreement coupled with the completion in 2008 of our Piracicaba mill expansion permitted the continuation of enhanced quality products and improved value to our customers.  Due to the sale of Piracicaba to Oji Paper in September 2011, the SBA has been terminated and all royalties were duly paid by Fibria to Oji Paper. See “Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development — Disposition of Piracicaba”.


Formation of Conpacel


In August 2008, Ripasa contributed its assets, other than the Americana pulp and paper mill, to Asapir Produção Florestal e Comércio Ltda., a newly formed company in which we and Suzano each owned 50% of the share capital.


In September 2008, Ripasa was transformed into Conpacel, a cost and production sharing unit, or consortium, in which we had an undivided 50% interest in the assets, liabilities and operations. Fibria sold its 50% stake of Conpacel to Suzano in December 2010. See “Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development — Disposition of Conpacel and KSR”.


Start-up of Três Lagoas Pulp Mill


In March 2009, we started operating our Três Lagoas mill located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.  This mill successfully achieved its predicted capacity increasing our annual capacity by 1.3 million tons of market pulp.  The total amount invested in this project was R$3,991 million. This amount includes disbursements made directly from Fibria, and the assets we received through our Asset Swap Agreement with International Paper. See “Item 4. Information on Fibria — History and Development — Asset Exchange with International Paper”.


Disposition of Guaíba Unit


On October 7, 2009, we entered into a purchase and sale agreement with Empresas CMPC S.A. (CMPC) for the sale of (1) our pulp and paper mill located in the city of Guaíba, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, (2) land totaling an area of approximately 212 thousand hectares of forestland associated with this mill (of which 32 thousand hectares were leased, under partnerships),



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(3) licenses and authorizations for a project to expand the pulp mill’s production capacity to approximately 1.75 million tons a year and (4) all of the share capital of Aracruz Riograndense, which we refer to collectively as the Guaíba Unit, for an aggregate purchase price of R$2,416 million, which generated a capital gain of R$33 million.


The Guaíba pulp and paper mill consisted of a pulp mill with an annual capacity of 450 kilotons and a paper mill with an annual capacity of 60 kilotons of printing & writing paper.


Disposition of Conpacel and KSR


On December 21, 2010, we entered into a binding agreement with Suzano regarding the sale of our 50% interest in Conpacel, consisting of (1) a pulp and paper mill located in the city of Americana, State of São Paulo and (2) land totaling approximately 76 thousand hectares associated with the mill, and approximately 71 thousand hectares of forestland (of which 53 thousand hectares were owned and 18 thousand hectares were leased), for an aggregate purchase price of R$1,450 million.  We consummated the sale on January 31, 2011.  The Conpacel pulp and paper mill consisted of a pulp mill with an annual production capacity of 650 thousand tons and a paper mill with an annual production capacity of 390 thousand tons.


On December 21, 2010, we also entered into a binding agreement with Suzano for the sale of KSR, our paper distribution business unit, for an aggregate purchase price of R$50 million.  The closing of the KSR sale occurred on February 28, 2011.


Disposition of Piracicaba


On August 11, 2011, we signed a term sheet granting exclusivity to Oji Paper to negotiate the sale of the assets comprising the industrial plant and building, which constituted the complex known as the Piracicaba Unit. The closing of the sale was accomplished on September 29, 2011 for the agreed amount of U.S.$313 million. After the sale of Piracicaba, Fibria concentrates its operations on pulp production.


Aracruz Acquisition and Related Transactions


Overview of Aracruz


Prior to our acquisition, Aracruz was the world’s largest producer of market pulp according to Hawkins Wright, with an annual pulp production capacity of approximately 2.9 million tons as of December 31, 2008, including 50% of the annual pulp production capacity of Veracel.  As of that date, Aracruz’s forestry base consisted of total forests of approximately 403.7 thousand hectares located in three Brazilian states, including 50% of the forestry area of Veracel, consisting of approximately 258.5 thousand hectares of planted areas and approximately 145.2 thousand hectares of preserved areas.


Aracruz produced BEKP at its Aracruz and Guaíba pulp mills, and owned a 50% interest in Veracel, which owns and operates a pulp mill with an annual production capacity of 1.1 million tons as well as the related forestry assets.  Aracruz produced uncoated paper at its Guaíba paper mill, which had an annual production capacity of 60 kilotons.


In 2008, Aracruz produced 3,106 kilotons of eucalyptus pulp, recorded consolidated net revenues from pulp sales of R$3,539 million, produced 56 kilotons of paper products and recorded consolidated net revenues from paper sales of R$115 million.


Aracruz Acquisition


In October 2001, we purchased 127,506,457 common shares of Aracruz, representing 28.0% of the voting share capital and 12.35% of the then total share capital interest in Aracruz in order to increase our exposure to the international pulp market, and we accounted for this investment under the equity method.


In January 2009, we acquired Arapar and São Teófilo, whose sole assets consisted of an aggregate of 12.35% of the total share capital, including 28.0% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz, for R$2,710 million.  Under the purchase agreement, the purchase price was payable in six semi-annual installments without interest as follows: (1) R$500 million was paid in January 2009; (2) R$500 million was paid during the period of April, May and July 2009; (3) R$500 million was paid in January 2010; (4) R$500 million was paid in June 2010; (5) R$410 million was paid in January 2011; and (6) R$300 million was paid in July 2011.


In April 2009, we purchased 12.35% of the total share capital, including 28.0% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz from the Safra Family for R$2,710 million.  Under the purchase agreement for these shares, the purchase price was payable in six semi-annual installments without interest, except as noted below, as follows: (1) R$600 million was paid in cash in April 2009; (2) R$500



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million was paid in January 2010; (3) R$500 million was paid in June 2010; (4) R$400 million was paid in October 2010, together with interest from July 2009 at the rate of 105% of CDI per annum; (5) R$410 million was paid in January 2011; and (6) R$300 million was paid in July 2011.


Following the Aracruz Acquisition, we owned 37.05% of the total share capital, including 84.00% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz.  As a result of these purchases, in accordance with IFRS, we have fully consolidated the assets, liabilities and results of operations of Aracruz and its consolidated subsidiaries in our consolidated financial statements as from January 1, 2009.


Capital Increase


In April and May 2009, we issued and sold (1) 62.1 million common shares to our controlling shareholder, VID, for R$1,180 million, which was paid through the application of R$1,000 million of previously issued advances for capital increases and R$180 million in cash, (2) 43.6 million preferred shares to BNDESPar in exchange for 56.9 million common shares of Aracruz, representing 12.49% of the total share capital, including 5.51% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz, (3) 95.8 million preferred shares to BNDESPar for R$1,820 million in cash and (4) an aggregate of 9.3 million preferred shares to the Lorentzen, Moreira Salles, Almeida Braga and Safra families for an aggregate of R$180 million.


In connection with this capital increase, BNDESPar subscribed to debentures issued by VID that were convertible into common shares of our Company held by VID. Under these debentures, VID was obliged to invest the net proceeds it received from BNDESPar to purchase shares of our Company. On September 3, 2009, BNDESPar exercised its option to convert the VID Debentures. As a result of this conversion, VID transferred 30,526,316 common shares of our Company to BNDESPar, following which VID owned 35.2% and BNDESPar owned 41.8% of our total share capital, as of September 30, 2009.


Conversion of VCP Preferred Shares to Common Shares


In connection with the Aracruz Acquisition, we began to implement a corporate reorganization to simplify our capital structure.  On May 30, 2009, in order to prepare our Company for the eventual migration of our common shares to the Novo Mercado listing segment of the BM&FBOVESPA, our shareholders approved the conversion of all of our outstanding preferred shares into common shares at the exchange ratio of 0.91 common shares for one preferred share.  This conversion became effective on August 12, 2009, as a result of which we now have a single class of stock comprised solely of common shares.  As a result of this conversion, the interests of VID and BNDESPar in the total share capital of our Company changed from 40.7% and 35.4%, respectively, to 35.2% and 40.8%, respectively.


Mandatory Tender Offer


On June 1, 2009, we announced the commencement of a mandatory tender offer for any and all outstanding common shares of Aracruz.  The auction with respect to this tender offer took place on the BM&FBOVESPA on July 1, 2009.  In the auction, we acquired 13,828,307 common shares of Aracruz, representing 3.04% of the outstanding common shares of Aracruz and 1.34% of the outstanding share capital of Aracruz, for an aggregate purchase price of R$236.6 million, payable according to the same payment schedule agreed to by the Safra family and the former shareholders of Arapar and São Teófilo in connection with the Aracruz Acquisition.  Following this transaction, we owned 43.89% of the total share capital, including 99.53% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz.


Stock Swap Merger


As part of our corporate reorganization, on August 24, 2009, Fibria and Aracruz each held extraordinary shareholders’ meetings at which the Stock Swap Merger was approved. Pursuant to Stock Swap Merger (1) each issued and outstanding common share of Aracruz (other than common shares held directly or indirectly by Fibria or with respect to which the holder exercises withdrawal rights) was exchanged for 0.1347 Fibria common shares; (2) each issued and outstanding preferred share of Aracruz (other than preferred shares held by Fibria) was exchanged for 0.1347 Fibria common shares; and (3) Aracruz became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fibria.  The settlement of the Stock Swap Merger occurred on November 17, 2009, through the facilities of the BM&FBOVESPA.


Under the Brazilian Corporation Law, holders of common shares and class A preferred shares of Aracruz who did not vote in favor of the Stock Swap Merger, including those who abstained from voting or did not attend the Aracruz Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, were entitled to withdraw their capital from Aracruz during a withdrawal period that was scheduled to expire on September 28, 2009.  On September 28, 2009, we and Aracruz announced that the deadline for the exercise of withdrawal rights was extended until November 12, 2009.  On October 28, 2009, we filed an F-4 registration statement with the SEC, which was declared



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effective by the SEC on November 12, 2009, to register the issuance of our shares to holders of Aracruz’s class B preferred shares (including the class B preferred shares of Aracruz that were represented by ADRs) that were residents of the United States.


Following the Stock Swap Merger, VID owned 29.3%, and BNDESPar owned 33.6% of our total share capital.  The last trading day for one Aracruz ADR was November 17, 2009 and its final market price was U.S.$ 21.25.  As of December 31, 2008 the market price for one Aracruz ADR was U.S.$ 11.28.


Merger of Arapar and São Teófilo into Fibria


As part of the corporate reorganization, the general shareholders’ meetings of each of Fibria, Arapar and São Teófilo approved on December 21, 2009, the merger of Arapar and São Teófilo with and into Fibria, with Fibria as the surviving entity. This merger was effective as of December 31, 2009.


Merger of Aracruz into Fibria


As part of the corporate reorganization and in order to maximize the synergies from the Aracruz Acquisition, effective as of December 31, 2009, Aracruz merged with and into Fibria, with Fibria as the surviving entity.


Our Ownership Structure


We are jointly controlled by VID, a wholly-owned subsidiary of VPar (the holding company of the Votorantim Group) and BNDESPar, a subsidiary of BNDES. VPar in turn is controlled by Hejoassu Administração S.A. or Hejoassu, which is controlled by the Ermírio de Moraes family.  As a result of the purchase of an additional equity interest in Aracruz and corporate re-organization of Fibria, both of which occurred during the first semester of 2009, our exchange offer for outstanding Aracruz shares and the merger of Aracruz into us, our ownership structure and principal subsidiaries as of December 31, 2011 is presented in the following chart.



As of December 31, 2011, our total shares amounted to 467,934,646 common shares.


Capital Expenditures


Our capital expenditures (Capex) totaled R$1,240 million in 2011 and R$991 million in 2010.  In 2011, we continued investing in a new forest area in the Mato Grosso do Sul State.  As a result, expansion Capex in 2011 was R$154 million, higher when compared to 2010’s expansion Capex of R$54 million.  These expenditures for land acquisition and forestry plantation assure our supply of raw materials for our current or an eventual expansion of our pulp production capacity.


The table below sets forth a breakdown of our most significant capital expenditures for the periods indicated:



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(in millions of Reais)


Industrial Expansion








Forest Expansion








Subtotal Expansion








Safety/ Environment








Forestry Renewal








Maintenance, IT, R&D, Modernization








Subtotal Maintenance








50% Veracel

















(1)         For the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009, Conpacel invested R$75 million and R$58 million, respectively, which is not included the total amounts presented in the table above as Conpacel’s sale was concluded in January 2011.


For 2012, the Management of the Company approved capital expenditures of approximately R$1.0 billion, mostly committed to the maintenance of operations which we expect to finance through free cash flow generation and financing programs offered by BNDES.


B.                                    Business Overview


Pulp Industry Overview


The world pulp industry is mainly divided in two groups of grades: mechanical, which is the pulp produced only through the use of mechanical energy processes, and chemical, which is the pulp produced after the wood chips have been chemically treated with caustic soda.  In the whole world, 167 million metric tons are produced every year, from which 80% is chemical pulp, according to market statistics.


Both grades are sub-divided in: integrated pulp, which is the pulp produced for captive paper production in the same company or group, and market pulp, which is pulp produced to be sold in the market. Market pulp production sums up to 50 million metric tons, which represents 37% of all chemical pulp.


Chemical market pulp can be broken down in many different grades, depending on the wood species. The two main groups are Hardwood, which assembles the species composed by short cellulose fibers, and Softwood, assembling the other species, composed by long cellulose fibers. Short fiber pulp is more prone to be produced in tropical areas, whilst long fiber pulp is only produced in temperate areas. Hardwood represents half of it, or 25 million metric tons.


Fibria produces pulp from Eucalyptus, which is a species originally from Australia, but extremely well adapted to the Brazilian climate. Actually, it is in Brazil where Eucalyptus trees develop the highest yield in the whole world. Eucalyptus pulp is 63% of the whole Hardwood production, having 16 million metric tons produced per year.



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Source: PPPC — Supply and Demand Chemical Market Pulp Nov 2011 (demand) and RISI.



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Market Pulp Capacity


From the total Eucalyptus pulp production, Fibria holds 32% market share, producing 5.250 million metric tons a year as shown in the chart below.


Market Pulp Capacity Ranking
(000 tons)



Source: Fibria


Eucalyptus pulp production has outgrown all other market pulp grades, having grown 63% between 2005 and 2010, to a total of more than 16 million metric tons. Increased volumes, bigger vessel space, Supplier Managed Owned Inventories, longer supply chain (new mills in Latin America are further inland) and broader coverage area have increased the minimum inventory necessary for Eucalyptus distribution.  In 2005, minimum Eucalyptus pulp necessary inventory used to be around 40 days, for a total production of 9 million metric tons. Nowadays, minimum necessary is 45 days, on average.



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Evolution of pulp producer’s inventory

(days of supply)



Source:  PPPC


Market Pulp Demand


Market pulp is used basically to produce three types of papers: Printing & Writing, Tissue and Specialty. Printing & Writing papers are used for newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books, commercial printing, business forms, stationeries, copying and digital printing. Tissue paper is a lightweight paper basically used for personal hygiene. Types of tissue paper are hygienic tissue, facial tissues, paper towels, wrapping tissue, toilet tissue and table napkins.  While specialty papers are papers that are made with specific qualification for a very unique purpose. Types of specialty papers are carbon less paper, decorative paper, security paper, self - adhesive papers, and cigarette papers.  In 2010, 36% of the total market pulp demand went to Printing & Writing, 26% to Tissue and 17% to Specialty.


In 2008, market pulp demand registered a negative growth of 0.9% or 470 thousand metric tons while in 2009 the growth was flat.  It is important to note that market pulp demand was directly affected by the credit crunch crisis through this period. As the global economy started to recover from the crisis in 2010 a growth of 2.1% or 1.0 million metric ton took place.


Despite all the uncertainties with the European and American economy in 2011, global market pulp demand reached a total volume of 52.6 million tons which represents an increase of 4.8% or 2.4 million tons over 2010’s demand.  The European region is the major market pulp consuming region totaling 18.0 million metric tons followed by China with 13.6 million metric tons in 2011.


After a growth of 12% in 2009, Eucalyptus demand was flat in 2010 and increased by 4.2% in 2011. PPPC projections 2012-2013 for Eucalyptus global demand show an average growth of 5.8% much higher than the global average of 2% for the same period. The growth in the tissue paper grades and Printing & Writing expansions in Asia is expected to support this growth.



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Source:  PPPC


Pulp Price Dynamics


As global a commodity, market pulp prices are impacted by macroeconomic dynamics, as are the prices of any other commodity. The graph below is a comparison of the trend of softwood market pulp prices against the Economist Commodity Index since 1980.



Source:  Hawkins Wright and The Economist


The main variable that is responsible in the formation of market pulp prices is the balance between supply and demand.  This is the relationship between the availability of the pulp in the market for sale against the real demand for pulp in the market. This relation may be analyzed in the short term, medium term, and long term.


Short term for the pulp industry is normally defined as the next 12 months, through this period the variables that will impact the balance are: the operating rates of the pulp mills installed, the performance of the installed paper machines that will result in pulp



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consumption and the pulp inventory level in the whole supply chain.  The most recent event that restricted pulp mills supply was the earthquake in Chile in 2010. Because of the earthquake, production in Chile had to stop, constraining supply and impacting directly the prices. Also, the paper machines can affect the pulp demand as they adjust their productivity output to variations on the economic scenario and market seasonality. Printing & Writing papers demands are more affected by economic changes and seasonality than the demand for tissue paper, because tissue papers are part of human hygiene.  As demand weakens and demand supply continues constant inventories can increase and result in a negative impact in prices.


In the pulp industry we may consider medium term between 1 year and five years ahead. The result between the supply and demand in the medium term will be a reflection basically of the paper mills and pulp mills project announcements.  The short term scenario and on the expected relative growth rate between the supply and demand, impact the pulp price projected to that period. This medium price expectation is of great importance, since companies use this value to decide about new mill projects.


The long term for the pulp industry is defined as above 5 years. Although production cost structure is something that must be watched in the short and medium term, its major impact will be in the formation of pulp prices in the long term. Cost structure of the pulp industry will define pulp equilibrium price, suggesting the minimum value which is still worth for the highest cost producer to continue its activities.  The graph below shows pulp cash production cost, which impacts the pulp price:


BHKP Supply Curve CIF Europe

(production cash cost in U.S.$/t and BHKP capacity in 000 t)



Source:  Hawkins Wright



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Pulp prices are quoted by region and depending on its “Incoterms”.  Regions have their own dynamics but the price that is used as a reference in the pulp industry continues to be the European prices as it continues to be the major consuming market pulp region. The graph below shows hardwood prices in the European market since 2006 and its historical volatility, resulted by the factors described above.


Hardwood FOEX Europe




Source: FOEX


Fibria’s Profile


We are the world’s largest producer of market pulp, according to Hawkins Wright and PPPC, with an aggregate pulp production capacity of approximately 5.25 million metric tons, representing approximately 32% of the world market pulp production capacity of BEKP, as of December 31, 2011.  We believe that we are one of the lowest-cost producers of BEKP in the world, primarily due to our economies of scale, state-of-the-art and strategically located production facilities, the short harvest cycle of our trees and our use of high-end technology in our operations. During the first half of 2009, we acquired control of Aracruz and have fully consolidated the results of operations of Aracruz into our consolidated financial statements as from January 1, 2009.  In September 2009, we adopted the trademark “Fibria” for our pulp and paper operations.


Our forest base is broad and diversified. As of December 31, 2011, it was comprised of total forestry land of approximately 1,080 thousand hectares (owned and leased) located in seven Brazilian states.  Approximately 612 thousand hectares of our total forestry land consisted of planted areas and approximately 405 thousand hectares of conservation areas with native vegetation, or preserved areas.


We produce bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp at the following three pulp mills, 100% owned by our Company:


·                  the Aracruz mill, located in the State of Espírito Santo with an annual production capacity of 2.3 million metric tons and which we acquired as part of the Aracruz Acquisition;


·                  the Três Lagoas pulp mill, located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul with an annual production capacity of 1.3 million metric tons and whose operations started on March 30, 2009; and


·                  the Jacareí pulp mill, located in the State of São Paulo with an annual production capacity of 1.1 million metric tons.



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In addition, we have a 50.0% interest in Veracel, which owns and operates a pulp mill in the municipality of Eunápolis, State of Bahia, with an annual production capacity of 1.1 million metric tons.  Under IFRS, we include our proportionate share of the results of operations of Veracel in our consolidated results of operations.


In 2011, we produced 5,184 kilotons of pulp (including 50.0% of the pulp production of Veracel) and recorded consolidated net revenues of R$5,854 million.  In 2010, we produced 5,054 kilotons of pulp (including 50.0% of the pulp production of Veracel) and recorded consolidated net revenues of R$6,283 million. We also produced coated and uncoated paper, carbonless paper and thermal paper at our former Piracicaba paper mill. We sold Piracicaba mill to Oji Paper in September 2011 (see Item 4A. History and Development of Fibria — Disposition of Piracicaba).  After the sale of Piracicaba, we concluded our reposition strategy to become a market pulp producer only.


In 2011, our pulp production had the following destination: Tissue 54%, Printing & Writing 22% and Specialities 24%. Our breakdown exposes us to the tissue segment with low dependence to the Printing & Writing, bringing more stability through company’s economic cycle.


Export sales accounted for 90.1% and 91.4% of our pulp sales volume during 2011 and 2010, respectively.  We export pulp products from a terminal and warehouse that we operate at the port of Santos, in the State of São Paulo, and from Portocel, a specialized port terminal that is operated by our subsidiary, Portocel Terminal Especializado de Barra do Riacho S.A., or Portocel, which is located approximately three kilometers from our Aracruz mill, in the State of Espírito Santo.  We also operate a port terminal located in the city of Caravelas in the State of Bahia, from which we transport wood to our Aracruz mill, and a port terminal in the city of Belmonte, in the south of the State of Bahia, from which we transport pulp produced by Veracel to Portocel.


The following map sets forth the location of the production facilities and the port terminals we operate:




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Our Strengths


Global leadership in market pulp


We are the world’s largest producer of market pulp according to Hawkins Wright and PPPC, with a total pulp production capacity of approximately 5.250 million metric tons as of December 31, 2011 and a focus on the international markets.  We estimate that in 2011 we accounted for approximately 32% of the world demand of BEKP, approximately 21% of the world demand of bleached hardwood kraft market pulp and approximately 11% of the world demand of chemical market pulp.  Our leadership is based on the sustainability of our forest operations (as a result of the shorter harvest cycle in Brazil as compared to other relevant countries), our state-of-the-art technology (including modern facilities and advanced cloning methods), our high productivity, our strong customer base and our long-term relationships with our customers.


Low production costs


Our efficiently structured operations in Brazil result in relatively low cash production costs.  We believe that we are one of the lowest-cost producers of BEKP in the world.  Our low production costs relative to many of our competitors are due to a number of factors, including:


·                  our significant economies of scale;


·                  our advanced forestry techniques in managing the planting, maintenance and harvesting of our forests;


·                  our modern industrial plants;


·                  the comparatively short harvest cycle of our trees; and


·                  relatively low energy and chemical costs.


Climate and soil conditions in Brazil enable us to harvest our eucalyptus trees in approximately six years (on average) after planting, while harvesting cycles of other forest species in the southern United States, Canada and Scandinavia can last from 25 to 70 years.  Harvesting cycles of our main non-Brazilian competitors in the BEKP market (Spain, Portugal and Chile) are approximately eight to ten years.


State-of-the-art production facilities


Our mills have adopted the latest designs, technologies and production processes as a result of significant investments we have made.  The advanced technology and production processes used in our mills allow us to use a lower level of raw materials, mainly chemicals, which consequently reduces our production costs. In addition, our mills have advantages over older mills, particularly with respect to reduced emissions and solid waste disposal, providing for a more streamlined, efficient and environmental-friendly pulp production process. The Três Lagoas and Veracel mills, two of the largest single-line pulp production facilities in the world, each also have one of the lowest production costs of market pulp per ton in the world. This is the result of state-of-the-art technology, including modern processes and equipments associated with efficiency in forests, as well as short distances between forests and mills.


State-of-the-art research and technology


Fibria has started its eucalyptus plantations at the end of the 1960s using seeds from the Rio Claro Forest Nursery (SP). At that time, four species were considered appropriate for the area: Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus urophylla, and Eucalyptus alba. Since then, many superior trees were developed both as a result of the improvement program and the use of cloning. Cloned forests present significant gains in productivity, uniformity, and wood quality, giving the Company an outstanding position on the world market. Fibria uses a group of selected clones in its plantations and these clones are frequently replaced to ensure plenty of genetic diversity, to reduce the probability of pests and diseases and to keep continuous improvement of fiber productivity and quality. Today, better genetic methods are used for developing advanced generations of Eucalyptus. Those techniques involve the selection of plants with better performance and the sequential crossing among them for successive generations. In addition, Fibria is constantly working on methods to boost plantation productivity. The combination of silviculture and genetic improvement are essential to maintain the yield in the plantations and the health of the ecosystems in the long term, with extra challenges due to future climate and economic uncertainties. The search, test and selection of appropriate genotypes and site management practices, along the improvement



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obtained via resource-use-efficient eucalyptus forests, are an utmost for the sustaining of productivity and maintenance of environmental services of these forests for the generations to come. Thanks to continuous progress, the land now used to supply our pulp mills is one-half the area that would have been necessary 40 years ago when forest productivity levels were much lower.


Product development also made important advances in the drive to meet the principal demands of the paper market, with a view to augmenting the market share of eucalyptus fibers. As part of this process, distinctive alternative features of the fibers have been developed, in tandem with well-known and strategically chosen partners, involving the engineering of the fiber, the pulp production process and technology offered to the client. The progress achieved has enabled us to keep offering exclusive products despite operating in a commodity market. Technology forecasting has led to well thought out alternatives for new markets, as well as advances in basic know-how and applications in relation to bioenergy, climate change and the eucalyptus genome.


Integrated operations


Our operations are vertically integrated. The process starts with the production of eucalyptus seedlings at our nurseries from where they are taken to our extensive forests. In the forests, seedlings are planted and after that harvested and transported to our production facilities where pulp is produced. After that, pulp is transported to port terminals that we own and operate for distribution to our clients.


Our transportation and logistics activities are efficient and diversified.  The strategic location of our forests and production facilities allow us to have lower transportation costs. The average distance from our forests to our mills is less than that of many of our domestic and international competitors, resulting in logistical efficiencies (for example, certain of our competitors in China meet their raw material needs with wood imported from Russia).  Portocel, the port terminal we operate in the State of Espírito Santo, is located approximately three kilometers from our Aracruz mill. This allows us to efficiently export pulp produced at that mill and to receive pulp from Veracel. In addition, we export pulp from a terminal and warehouse that we operate at the port of Santos, in the State of São Paulo.


Customer base


We have long-term relationships with leading global paper manufacturers, particularly in the tissue segment. As of December 31, 2011, we had long-term sales contracts (contracts with a term of three or more years) with approximately 80% of our customers.  We have traditionally focused on specialty paper producers who value pulp quality and reliable supply, some of which have been our customers for over 30 years.


Conducting our operations in a sustainable way


We are committed to operating our businesses and resources in a sustainable manner in accordance with world-class sustainability standards. Fibria remains included alongside the leading global companies committed to the balance between economic, social and environmental issues. In 2011, Fibria was once again listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World (DJSI) — a selection of the world’s companies with the best corporate sustainability practices — and in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) — a list of companies whose shares are listed at BM&FBOVESPA and that demonstrate a high level of commitment to best practices in the areas of sustainability and corporate governance.


Recently, we have further aligned the sustainability and business strategy by implementing strong corporate governance for sustainability.  Fibria has a Sustainability Committee that plays a consultative role to the Board of Directors and is coordinated by the Company’s Chairman. The Sustainability Committee meets three times a year to assess the company’s sustainability strategy.  Linked to the Executive Officers, the Internal Sustainability Commission, comprised of managers from various areas within the Company, seeks to operationalise the strategy defined by the Sustainability Committee.


Recognizing the importance of sustainability to our strategy, we have been informing and reporting on our sustainability objectives and targets annually. There are nine wide-ranging objectives as outlined below:


1)              Improve relations with local communities, through engagement and measures that stimulate their economic and social development.

2)              Develop activities linked to the process of climate change.

3)              Revise the forest partnership models, adapting them to the new guidelines.

4)              Restore areas of natural vegetation.

5)              Promote the development, awareness and engagement of our supply chain.

6)              Increase our ecological efficiency.



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7)              Certify our forest areas.

8)              Strengthen our relationship with our community.

9)              Consolidate sustainability within the corporate governance structure.


Our Strategies


Increase our market share in the international pulp market


We intend to take advantage of our competitive strengths to further increase our market share in the international pulp market.  We have focused our marketing efforts on the sale of BEKP to tissue manufacturers, a market segment that, in addition to being more stable than other market segments, has experienced global consumption growth at a cumulative aggregate annual growth rate of approximately 3.2% for the period from 2005 to 2011.


According to a recent survey by RISI, global tissue consumption is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.9% from 2010 to 2015 with China being the principal driving force for tissue consumption.


We believe that we can further increase our market share by leveraging our long-term customer relationships and focusing on customer service and product customization.  We continue to strive to meet our customers’ needs by supplying customized pulp products with specifications that facilitate their manufacture of specific paper products.  We strive for a high degree of customer satisfaction and are working to further improve the management of our inventory, which we believe will allow us to reduce the timing of our deliveries and better service our customers.


Enhance our financial strength and corporate governance


Our total consolidated indebtedness as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 amounted to R$11,324 million and R$12,022 million (including payable on Aracruz Acquisition) and 90.4% and 82.8% of which represented long-term indebtedness, respectively.  We are working to further reduce our leverage levels and we are attempting to improve our debt profile in order to reduce our cost of debt and extend the average maturity of our outstanding indebtedness.  Since the fourth quarter of 2009, we have been conducting a Liability Management Plan which included (1) the issuance of Fibria 2019, 2020 and 2021 Notes totaling U.S.$ 2.5 billion, (2) the sale of the Guaíba Unit for U.S.$1.430 billion in December 2009, (3) the sale of our interest in Conpacel and KSR for R$1.5 billion in December 2010 (proceeds from the sale were received in January and February 2011, respectively) and (4) the sale of the Piracicaba Unit for U.S.$313 million in September 2011. For a more detailed description of our Liability Management Plan, see “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects — Liquidity and Capital Resources — Liability Management Plan.”


In addition, in order to improve our access to capital sources, we have upgraded the listing of our shares to the Novo Mercado (New Market) listing segment of the BM&FBOVESPA.  The Novo Mercado listing segment imposes the most stringent corporate governance rules of any listing segment of the BM&FBOVESPA. In achieving this objective, we have implemented all of the administrative adjustments required to comply with the listing segment’s rules, including the appointment of independent members to our Board of Directors and making required changes to our bylaws.


Increase operating efficiencies


We intend to maintain the focus on our low-cost operations through greater operating efficiencies and economies of scale.  To this end, we intend to continue to:


·                  focus on reducing our wood costs through increased eucalyptus yields by continuing to invest in the genetic improvement of our trees;


·                  take advantage from climate and soil conditions in Brazil and the short harvest cycle of eucalyptus trees;


·                  capture synergies resulting from the Aracruz Acquisition; and


·                  improve the efficiency of our operations through further investment in harvesting equipment, production facilities and advanced information technology.



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Continue to develop state-of-the-art technology in the forestry area


Technological research and development has made it possible to improve our productivity while reducing the impact of our operations on the environment.  In the forestry area, an intense research program and the adoption of modern forestry practices have significantly increased our competitiveness.  The genetic improvement of eucalyptus trees has allowed us to plant clones of selected trees, resulting in higher productivity.  We currently perform 88% of our planting with cloned seedlings and 12% with seeds.  We have achieved higher speed and better seedling use and quality as a result of a pioneering procedure for the multiplication of clones. We believe that we use the most advanced technology for planting and harvesting trees and storing and transporting wood with a completely mechanized system.  In the decade ending 2010, the average annual amount of pulp produced was 11.3 metric tons per hectare per year, compared to 6.4 metric tons during the 1970s.


By continuing to focus on cutting-edge technological research and development, we aim to strengthen our position as one of the leading developers of technology in the forestry area, maintain our record as a low cost producer while meeting our standards of high quality production, increase the range of products that we offer to our customers and maintain our reputation as an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manufacturer, in particular by evaluating the possible use of biomass, biofuels and other alternative energy sources, including the use of waste material from our wood mills for the operation of our processing plants.




For Fibria sustainability includes: reducing waste, developing a skilled and engaged workforce, supporting projects that promote the growth and welfare of neighboring communities, preserving and recovering native forests, sustainable pest control, managing with transparency, and strengthening communication channels with civil society, the government and media. In essence, we believe that the practice of sustainable actions is part and parcel of our business. Sustainability embodies the recognition of public opinion, customer loyalty, employee pride and trust of partners and neighbors. Furthermore, it increases profitability and makes the company stronger to meet the needs of an increasingly demanding market that is mindful of the planet’s delicate environmental balance.


Long-term sustainability targets


Throughout 2011, on the recommendation of our Sustainability Committee and supporting our long-term commitment, we have been developing a Goals Program for the next two planting cycles (14 years). We identified the key variables that directly and indirectly affect pulp production, including priority issues for Fibria like as social and environmental risks. Thus, in 2012 we will announce the long-term sustainability goals that will guide our strategy through 2025.


Community Relations


Maintaining good relations with local communities in the 252 neighboring municipalities is a priority for us, and in 2011 the Company further invested in its relationship model. All of Fibria’s operational Units have implemented local community engagement projects, which are split into the following types:


·                  Engagement: a deeper structured relationship that establishes the Company as a partner in local development. It involves discussing with stakeholders issues that are of mutual interest, in a manner that is transparent and participative, thereby developing a relationship that is built on trust.


·                  Operational Dialogue: conducted in a structured manner with neighboring communities that are affected, in some way, by our forestry operations. The main objective is to discuss and list action that is to be taken in response to any positive or negative impact deriving from these operations, for instance a logistics route can be diverted in order to reduce the impact caused on a community.


·                  Participative agenda: a Company representative (a professional chosen through the regional office) participates in the local life, getting to know the people, their main challenges as it relates to the Company’s impacts and being a constant presence in the community. This physical presence facilitates our access to the people of the community, and vice-versa.


The engagement model was developed out of a systematic approach that provides for continual improvement, a better understanding of what the critical issues are for the stakeholders and better preparation by the Company for discussing these matters and taking them into consideration in the decision making process.



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As a result of these activities, we are aware of the different perceptions of the management and seek to incorporate these views when directing our sustainability strategies.


Sustainability Report


Fibria adheres to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines for Sustainability Reports. Through this process the company seeks to annually show how the company is addressing challenges and achieving results, with regard to its sustainability strategy. It includes details of commitments and performance on the governance, economic, financial, social and environmental aspects of the business following the principles of Materiality, Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Sustainability Context, Completeness, Balance, Comparability, Accuracy, Timeliness, Clarity and Reliability.


Engagement with Landless Movements


In Brazil there are social movements that struggle for agrarian reform based on a family agriculture model. At the forefront of these social movements is the Landless Workers’ Movement, known as the MST. Among the main areas of focus for the MST is agribusiness, which they see as opposing the family agriculture model. The primary tactic of these social movements is to carry out land occupations, placing pressure on the Government to accelerate the agrarian reform.


From 2003 to 2010, Fibria had five farms occupied in the State of Bahia, totaling 11,000 hectares. Instead of appealing to the Courts, as it happened in the past, the Company tried a new approach, through an engagement process with the MST.  Initially, this engagement involved only Fibria and MST, but as the discussions progressed, it has also included the participation of the Federal Government, through the Agrarian Reform Agency (INCRA) and the Government of the State of Bahia.


After more than a year of discussions, an innovative solution is being framed based on the following main points:




Fibria’s cooperation for a friendly expropriation of all farms at a market value price - the process is very advanced and we expect it to be completed by the middle of 2012.



Development of an agroforestry with biodiversity project by the communities with the support of universities and NGOs, funded by Fibria. The initial study has now been completed.



Based on the findings of this study, 1,200 families will be settled in the five farms, with the financial support of the Federal and State Governments, which may provide the needed infrastructure.



An agreement between Fibria, ESALQ of the University of São Paulo, local NGOs, MST, INCRA and the Government of Bahia is expected to be signed early next year.


Our Products


After the sale of Conpacel, a pulp and paper production unit sold in December 2010 (the proceeds of the sale were received in January 2011) and Piracicaba, a paper unit sold in September 2011 (see Item 4A. History and Development of Fibria), Fibria has become a market pulp producer only.




In 2011, we produced 5,184 kilotons of pulp representing 53% of total Brazilian pulp production.  In 2010, we produced 5,054 kilotons of pulp (including 50.0% of the pulp production of Veracel).


The following table sets forth our production volume of eucalyptus pulp and a breakdown of our BEKP sales volume by market for the periods indicated.












metric tons)




metric tons)




metric tons)


















Production volume (1)














Sales volume (1)




























North America


























































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Excludes pulp production and sales volume of Conpacel for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009.  The sale of Conpacel was concluded on January 31, 2011.


Pulp Production Process


The pulp production process can be summarized in the outline below, and is comprised of three main activities: Forestry, Industrial and Logistics:





We only produce bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp from planted eucalyptus trees.  Bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp is a high-quality variety of hardwood pulp. Eucalyptus is a hardwood tree, and its pulp has short fibers and is generally better suited to manufacturing tissue, coated and uncoated printing & writing paper and coated packaging boards.  Short fibers are optimal for manufacturing wood-free paper with good printability, smoothness, brightness and uniformity.


Our pulp production is solely from wood extracted from eucalyptus trees grown in sustainable forest plantations. Eucalyptus trees are among the fastest-growing trees in the world given that climate and soil conditions in Brazil allow for eucalyptus tree harvest rotations of approximately six years, as compared to harvest rotations of approximately 10 to 12 years in Chile, and up to 25 years in the southern United States.


Our forestry operations are composed of four major activities: nurseries, silviculture, harvesting and transportation of wood from the forestry to the mills.


The process begins in the nurseries, where the seedlings are cultivated. We operate four nurseries located in the states of São Paulo (Jacareí and Capão Bonito), Mato Grosso do Sul and Espírito Santo with an aggregate annual production capacity of approximately 75 million seedlings. We are building a new nursery in Bahia which is expected to start its operations in 2012.  This investment is part of our strategy to increase our current production capacity and is in line with our sustainability commitments.  Our seedlings are 100% produced with cloning technology, one of the most advanced genetic processes for the formation eucalyptus trees in the world. Seedlings take between 70 to 120 days to be completely developed and set for planting in the forests when the silviculture process starts.


Eucalyptus planting is made respecting the most advanced technology related to soil cultivation combining the best practices of natural resources conservation and high productivity planting. As a result, it is possible to implement our forest base with minimum soil interference maintaining micro-organisms and protection against erosion. Silviculture is responsible for the planting and maintenance of the forests until the harvesting process starts.


After approximately six years, the eucalyptus trees are harvested. We use advanced and automated harvesting equipment in our forests.  After harvested, the wood logs are transported either by truck, rail or barge (or a combination of these) from the forests to our production facilities. During harvesting all barks, tree tops and other biomass sources remain on the ground to preserve soil fertility. The logs are then transported to our production facilities where they are unloaded and then taken by conveyor belt to be debarked and chipped as will be described below (See Item 4B. Business Overview).



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Our forestry base is broad and diversified, comprised of total forestry area of approximately 1,080 thousand hectares as of December 31, 2011 located in seven Brazilian states, consisting of approximately 612 thousand hectares of planted areas and approximately 405 thousand hectares of preserved areas.


The following table describes the location and the area of our land as of December 31, 2011:














(in hectares)


Rio Grande do Sul(1)










São Paulo










Minas Gerais










Rio de Janeiro










Mato Grosso do Sul




















Espírito Santo























The forest base in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Losango project) qualifies as asset held for sale and is presented as such as detailed in Note 36 toour 2011 consolidated Financial Statements.



Includes the forests associated with the production facility of Veracel.



Excludes forest partnership areas (117 thousand hectares)


Forest Preservation and Natural Resources


All of our wood comes from tree plantations rather than from native forests. Since the 1980s, we have been harvesting eucalyptus through uniform propagated seedlings from carefully selected trees, planted in already degraded pasture lands. The characteristics of the seedlings we select are matched to different regions. This method allows us to (1) greatly increase forestry productivity, reducing the demand for new lands, (2) comply with environmental regulations, and (3) contribute to carbon reduction in the atmosphere.


Pursuant to the Brazilian Forestry Code (Law No. 4,771 of September 15, 1965), we are required to set aside 27% of our forests for preservation, conservation and environmental recovery.  In 2011, we maintained 38% equivalent to 405 thousand hectares of our forest base for conservation purposes. These areas consist of either native forests or riparian buffer zones, or are maintained to satisfy specific ecological interests. In addition, we maintain a reforestation program, to recover degraded areas and endangered flora species.


We also invest in environmental studies and continuous monitoring, together with domestic and international universities, research centers and consultants, in order to improve the environmental conditions of our plantations, and ensure that we protect the native ecosystem and availability of natural resources in the areas in which we operate.  This is done by imposing environmental conditions on the plans for the forestry areas, before harvesting and transportation activities start.


In 2011, we have conducted approximately 55 projects related to biodiversity and forestry management improvement. Projects include different types of studies and monitoring (including biodiversity and water), endangered species protection, environmental education, biodiversity focused landscape planning and others. Among these projects, we have established six private natural heritage reserves (three in the process of being registered) and a new project regarding water scarcity in highly sensitive areas is being implemented.


Forestry Certification System


We constantly seek alternatives and tools for the responsible production through voluntary certification and socio-environmental commitments. Certification systems are initiatives for continuous improvement of processes, environmental conservation and responsible development practices that benefit our relationship with society, government agencies, customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders.


Fibria has internationally recognized certifications in its operations, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and forest certification as FSC® and Cerflor certifying sustainable practices.



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The main certifications for the forest industry are: the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), given by an independent, non governmental, not-for-profit organization and Cerflor created by the Brazilian program of forest certification, recognized internationally by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes - PEFC. The forestry certification system is divided in two categories: Forest Management, which verifies whether the wood is produced according to high standards that protect the environment, and Custody Chain, which verifies that the company uses only certified wood as raw material.


All our areas have at least one certification as shown on the table below:







Três Lagoas











In certification process









We are preparing Aracruz unit to obtain the FSC certifications. In 2011 we were qualified to use Rainforest Alliance´s “Smartstep” methodology to obtain the certification FSC®. In 2011, all our forests have passed at least one auditing process by either FSC® or Cerflor.




We highlight the following aspects of our industrial operations:


·                  Eco design and eco-efficiency

·                  Controlled emission of carbon dioxide

·                  Focus on operational stability


In the industrial operation the pulp is extracted from the wood by a process known as the Kraft Process. Among the innumerous advantages from an environmental standpoint, it is self-sufficient in electrical energy, since biomass is the main input used to produce it.


The main flow consists of a wood cooking process, a bleaching stage, and a final extraction stage. Once the logs are transported to our production facilities, they are unloaded and then taken by conveyor belt to be debarked and chipped. After that, wood chips are sent to digesters, where they are mixed with chemicals and cooked under pressure. During this process, lignin and resins are removed from the wood.  Once removed, the lignin is used as fuel to produce steam and electrical energy for our pulp mills. The used chemicals are removed at various stages of the production process and recycled within our pulp mills.


The unbleached pulp is then sent through the oxygen delignification process and the chemical bleaching process, traditionally using chlorine dioxide, ozone and hydrogen peroxide (at our Jacareí mill) or chlorine dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen peroxide (at our Três Lagoas and Aracruz mills). The cellulose fibers are screened, pressed and dried.  The dried pulp is cut into sheets and packed into bales, resulting in market pulp.


The kraft pulp production process traditionally involved the use of elementary chlorine for bleaching.  In recent years, demand for pulp that is bleached using little or no chlorine has grown significantly because of concerns over possible carcinogenic effects of chlorinated organic compounds released in water.  Elemental chlorine free, or ECF, pulp is produced without using elementary chlorine in its bleaching process.  We only produce ECF pulp.


We use energy and chemicals in the pulp process, and although we recover a high percentage of them, as we have significant dependence on many of this inputs, we entered into long-term “take-or-pay” contracts with suppliers of chemical products, diesel and natural gas for periods ranging from one to 10 years, in order to mitigate this dependence.  See “Item 8A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information - Commitments”.



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The following table provides certain information regarding our production facilities and production for the years indicated:






Annual Production


Production for the Year Ended
December 31,




















(in thousand
tons per year)


(in thousand tons)



Pulp Units:















Espírito Santo











Três Lagoas


Mato Grosso do Sul













São Paulo











Veracel (1)




























Represents 50% of the annual production capacity and production of Veracel’s pulp mill.


Eco design and eco-efficiency


As an eco-efficient company, we pursue the balance of the five essential elements for life in all our operations (water, air, energy, earth and people) with the strategic aim of producing less carbon intensive products. Our recent projects are based on “Eco Design” and all of our industrial operations are managed according to the “3R” eco-efficiency principles (reduce, recycle, re-think and re-use). We are also part of the cleaner production program from United Nations Environmental Program.




Of the total amount of thermal and electrical energy we self-generated, 90% was from renewable fuels, such as biomass and black liquor that are byproducts of the pulp production process, and 10% was from non-renewable fuels that we purchased, such as oil and natural gas.  In 2011, we generated approximately 99% of our electric energy requirements for our pulp production process internally.




We use several chemicals in the pulp bleaching process.  As we have significant dependence on certain chemicals, we entered into long-term “take-or-pay” contracts with suppliers of chemical products, diesel and natural gas for periods ranging from one to 10 years, in order to mitigate this dependence.  See “Item 8A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information — Commitments”.




While not a significant cost component of our raw materials, water is essential to the production of pulp and paper.  In 2011, we used 31 cubic meters of water per ton of pulp (as compared with a consumption rate of 30 to 50 cubic meters per ton, as recommended under the EU IPPC Directive — Integrated Pollution Prevention Control — which sets out environmental protection best practice guidelines for paper and pulp mills and is widely adopted across the world as a recognized standard in production).  We believe our water usage rates are among the lowest within the pulp and paper industry and we are continually introducing new technology and implementing improvements in our industrial processes and methods to further decrease these rates.  We believe that our water supplies are currently adequate.


The water used at the Três Lagoas and Jacareí units is obtained from the Paraná and Paraiba do Sul rivers, which are adjacent to our mills. Each river system is within a separate hydrological river basin, thereby reducing the overall risk of unavailability of water due to adverse atmospheric or hydrological conditions.  In the Aracruz Unit water is provided by several rivers and a public interest project developed by us and the municipal governments of Aracruz and the neighboring city of Linhares, under which we may obtain water from the Rio Doce River through an existing system of canals and rivers.  The project provides water for the local communities and for the industrial and chemical districts of the municipality of Aracruz, as well as for irrigation of agricultural activities in the northern region of the State of Espírito Santo.  The water from these sources flows into a 35 million cubic meter reservoir on the mill site. We estimate that the reservoir in the Aracruz unit holds enough water to supply the mill’s needs for a five-month period in the event of a drought.



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In the Aracruz Unit, wastewater undergoes a two-stage purification treatment process before it flows into the ocean.  The Jacareí and Três Lagoas mills use a double stage wastewater treatment process, which guarantees at least 95% of BOD (Biological Organic Demand) removal.


The Brazilian government imposes tariffs on the industrial usage of river water.  These tariffs have not had a significant impact on our costs.


After the water has been used in the manufacturing process, we pass the resultant effluents through mechanical and biological treatments before returning them to the rivers.  We also have emergency lagoons and tanks that enable us to avoid releasing untreated effluents into the natural environment in the event of a problem with our effluent process and we have spill control systems to avoid leaks from our wastewater treatment plants.  We constantly monitor the characteristics of our liquid effluents through chemical, physical and biological analyses to ensure that they are acceptable for release into the environment.




Effluents generated during the production process are treated in our units by a two-stage process.  During the first stage, solids such as fibers, clay and carbonates are removed. In the second stage, these solids are biologically treated and broken down by microorganisms.  We have also contracted a third party to evaluate the composition of the liquid effluents generated during the production process and with the results of these analyses, we can minimize the generation of effluents and maximize the quantity of effluents that may be recycled in our production processes.


Solid Wastes


Solid wastes generated in the production process are collected, treated and disposed by an efficient waste management program, which has recently been improved by the adoption of new, environmentally friendly composting techniques. Whenever possible, we have also identified how solid waste materials generated during our pulp production processes may be put to alternative use.


The remainder of solid waste is processed by composting systems into organic material for use in our forests or disposed of in licensed landfill sites.  We collect, treat and dispose of the small amount of hazardous waste generated by our facilities in accordance with Brazilian law.


Controlled emission of carbon dioxide


We have been tracking the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) since 1998, when we first carried out a carbon inventory covering all of our mills.  Since then, our tracking system evolved into an analysis of our carbon footprint, in an attempt to better understand the impact of our operations.  Since 2006, information about our GHG emissions has been disclosed to the public through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) — an independent not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world. This initiative is part of our plans to address this issue. More recently we have also been part of two other important programs. The CDP Supply Chain which is a program designed to promote information sharing and innovation between CDP Supply Chain Members — companies that have begun to integrate carbon management strategy into their supply chains — and the companies that provide goods and services to them as we transition to a low-carbon economy.  In 2010, BM&FBOVESPA launched a new Index — Índice Carbono Eficiente (ICO2) — to improve the adoption of environmental practices towards climate change by Brazilian companies and Fibria has been selected as part of the Index.


We also have been continuously looking for lower carbon solutions for our process and increasing carbon sequestration by recovering native areas. For instance, we have two Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in the process of being registered at the United Nations. In 2010 Fibria restored 2.9 thousand hectares of native areas at the Aracruz unit.


In 2011, we continued to measure our Carbon Footprint, which was net positive. A total of 8.113 million tCO2eq (tons of CO2 equivalent) was sequestered by our eucalyptus forests through the photosynthesis process which represents an average absorption of 1.80 tCO2eq per ton of pulp produced. By contrast our total carbon emissions totaled 1.600 million tCO2eq representing 0.35 tCO2eq per ton of pulp produced, a reduction of 25% regarding last year. This result can be explained mainly because the Guaíba Unit was last considered in 2010’s inventory, since it was sold in December 2009. Our carbon footprint is certified by BRTÜV Avaliações da Qualidade Ltda., an affiliate of the TÜV Nord Group, a German auditing firm.



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Operational Stability


The challenge of this concept consists of engaging the industrial and forest’s operations teams in a new one “Operational Strategy” in which the production rhythm would be modulated up and down, respecting the instantaneous limits of capacity of each process sector.  To reach larger stability it was necessary also to reduce the frequency and duration of the occurrences that generated stops and/or reduction of production rhythm.  In 2011, the increase of the operating stability allowed us to raise our pulp production by 131 thousand tons (considering the same operating units), increasing the production average without crossing the process limits, as well as reducing the specific consumptions of the main inputs: wood, chemical and energy.




Delivery of Wood to Our Pulp Mills


Our forests are located an average distance of 155 kilometers from our pulp mills. We transport wood to our mills by truck, rail and sea barge. The trucks and sea barges are owned and operated by independent contractors who transport wood from our forests to our production facilities. In 2011, we transported approximately 16.9 million cubic meters of wood to our mills, approximately 86% by truck, 13% by sea barge and 1% by rail. Although the percentage of wood transported by sea barge and rail was relatively low, by using these transportation methods, we were able to reduce the logistics costs of our Aracruz and Jacareí mills. Transportation of wood to the mills represents a large portion of our pulp production costs, and reductions in our transportation logistics and costs are priorities for us.


At the end of 2002, we improved our rail infrastructure at our Aracruz unit and launched a diversified transportation system that combined sea, road and rail transport to further integrate the forest-to-mill-to-port logistics at this unit.  Furthermore, in 2003, a four kilometer-long rail spur used for unloading wood shipments directly at the Aracruz mill’s yard was completed. This improvement was important to optimize the receiving process of the wood that comes from the northern part of the State of Minas Gerais and other areas within the State of Espírito Santo. Our integrated, coastal wood shipment project involves an integrated tug and barge system and two port terminals. This sea transportation system links the far south of Bahia to the mills in the State of Espírito Santo. The port complex of Portocel, adjacent to the mills at Aracruz, receives wood from plantations in southern Bahia via barge.


In September 2002, we executed an agreement with MRS Logística S.A., or MRS, to transport wood to our Jacareí pulp mill and also approved an investment to construct a railway terminal to unload the wood at the Jacareí pulp mill.  The new wood terminal has been operational since October 2005 and has significantly reduced our wood transportation costs.


Due to its location in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, which is landlocked and lacks any rail infrastructure, the Três Lagoas unit relies entirely on transportation by truck of its wood to the plant.  On September 17, 2010, we entered into an agreement with Wilson & Sons, to load and unload wood to our Três Lagoas mill through September 2016.


Distribution Planning


As a result of our commercial strategy to reinforce our position in the global pulp market and focus on long term relationship with our customers, we invest in technology and develop best practices regarding our logistics.  Our distribution planning is based on the concept of integrated systems. Therefore our pulp mills, commercial offices and third party logistics worldwide have access to the most accurate real-time information allowing the planning team to manage Fibria’s supply chain with high standards and provide reliable logistics services to our customers, maintaining inventories in several distribution centers located in North America, Europe and Asia.


Delivery of Pulp from our Mills to the Ports


The pulp produced in our mills are handled and carried according to the strictest standards of quality and stored in warehouses designed especially for pulp — all that operated by first-class logistic companies.


Pulp production enters into a tracking system right after the bailing lines. Tracking is done by barcodes reading along the whole supply chain from the end of the bailing line up to the final customer (paper maker). Pulp traceability is guaranteed all the way up to the customers’ mills fulfilling all the requirements in any certification system.



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Três Lagoas mill


Most of Três Lagoas’ pulp production is exported overseas. Pulp is transferred from the mill to the port of Santos by a reliable multi-modal (truck and rail) system on a daily basis. Part of the production is sold to International Paper, a paper mill close to Três Lagoas. In this case, pulp is pumped directly into the paper mill.


During 2011, we focused on improving the railway transportation in order to maintain environmental sustainability and operating cost competitiveness. We have a project to connect the pulp mill straight to the rail track, therefore avoiding the multi-modal transportation.


Aracruz mill


Aracruz’s pulp production is destined to exports mainly. It has one of the most optimized pulp logistic setup between mill and port in the world as this mill is 3 km far from the port of Portocel which provides operating reliability and competitive logistic costs. The pulp transportation between pulp mill and port is made by special trucks to optimize costs and guarantee bales quality.


Jacareí mill


Jacareí’s production is destined to domestic market and overseas. The pulp expedition to domestic market is done by trucks, regularly supplying our customers located in the Southern region and guaranteeing the delivery with quality and on time. The export pulp is transferred from the mill to the port of Santos by rail on a daily basis through a reliable rail system.


Veracel mill


Veracel’s production is also exported. A multi-modal (truck and barge) transportation system connects the mill to the domestic port of Portocel. Firstly the pulp is taken by truck, through a dedicated road, from the mill to Belmonte maritime terminal. From this terminal, pulp is carried up to Portocel by barge.


Port Operations


The major part of our pulp produced for export is delivered to our customers via ocean-going vessels based on long term contract with ship-owners. In view of a growing pulp market in South America, in October 2010, we signed a 25 year contract with a South Korean company, STX, to optimize our international logistics and to guarantee operational stability and competitiveness. By the end of 2012, the first new building (out of 20) will be starting operations at Portocel, marking the “project go live” of this new partnership between Fibria and STX Pan Ocean.


Port of Santos


The port of Santos is located on the coast of the State of São Paulo. From this port we export pulp produced at the Jacareí and Três Lagoas mills which are located approximately 150 and 750 kilometers far from Santos port, respectively. We have a concession from the government of the State of São Paulo to operate a terminal and a warehouse at this port. The concession was granted under a renewable ten-year operational lease agreement with Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo—CODESP that expires in September 2017. This particular warehouse has a storage capacity of 38 thousand metric tons of pulp.


The operation of the port has facilitated the growth of our exports because it allows us to load vessels with pulp directly from our terminal, thereby significantly reducing freight and handling costs.


To facilitate exports out of our Três Lagoas Mill, we have also signed a long term contract with a terminal operator at Santos (Gearbulk Terminals) for additional storage capacity of 50 thousand metric tons of pulp at a new specialized terminal where rail connection and vessel berth priority were also considered.




The pulp produced for export at the Aracruz and Veracel pulp mills is shipped out of the Port of Barra do Riacho (Portocel), which is located approximately three kilometers from Aracruz and 260 nautical miles from Veracel’s barge terminal. This port is a modern facility that has the capacity to handle approximately 10 million metric tons of pulp and wood per year.  Warehouse facilities at Portocel are capable of storing approximately 220 thousand metric tons of pulp (static storage).



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We own 51% of Portocel, the company that operates the port terminal of Aracruz.  The remaining 49% of Portocel is owned by Cenibra, another pulp manufacturer and one of our competitors.


Delivery of Pulp from the Port to our Customers


The major part of our sales to the final customer is delivered out of our overseas terminals in the United States, Europe and East Asia by using all different modals of transportation: rail, truck and barges.


Environmental policies


The Brazilian constitution grants the federal government, state and municipalities the power to enact environmental protection laws and issue regulations under such laws. While the federal government has the power to promulgate environmental regulations setting forth minimum standards of environmental protection, state governments have the power to enact more stringent environmental regulations. The municipalities may only issue regulations with respect to matters of local interest or to supplement federal or state laws. Most of the environmental regulations in Brazil are thus at the state and local level rather than at the federal level, with environmental standards established in the operating permits issued to each plant rather than through regulations of general applicability. Applications for the renewal of operating permits are reviewed periodically.


The procedure to obtain an environmental license includes the following:


·                  the preliminary or provisional license — granted during the preliminary stage of the planning of the facility. This license provides an approval for the location and concept of the facility based on its environmental impact and establishes the basic requirements to be met during the subsequent stages of the project implementation;


·                  the installation license — authorizes the construction of the facility in accordance with the specifications set forth in the plans, programs and projects approved by the authorities; and


·                  the operating license — authorizes the operation of the facility after receipt of the preliminary and the installation licenses, and provides confirmation by the authorities that the environmental control measures and conditions required for the operation of the facility have been taken.


Environmental licenses are valid for a specified term but may be cancelled if any of the conditions or requirements imposed by the licensing authority for maintenance of the relevant license is not fulfilled.


Occasionally, jurisdictional conflicts among environmental licensing authorities occur when the proposed exploratory activity is in a location that is regulated by more than one municipality or state, or is under the jurisdiction of both the state and federal governments. In addition, depending on the level of the environmental impact that is caused by the exploratory activity, the environmental licensing procedure may require assessments of environmental impact and the holding of public hearings, which may increase the complexity and the duration of the licensing procedure considerably, and expose the exploratory activity to potential legal claims.


All of Brazil states require licenses for the installation and operation of our industrial plants. These regulations were introduced in the last ten to twenty years. We are subject to the regulation of state environmental agencies of São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul, respectively known as Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), Instituto Estadual do Meio Ambiente (IEMA), Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente (INEMA), Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental Henrique Luiz Roessler (FEPAM) and Instituto de Meio ambiente do Mato Grosso do Sul (IMASUL). Pursuant to these state regulations, state authorities are empowered to regulate a company’s operations by providing company-specific environmental standards in such company’s operating permit.


Our forestry activities are jointly regulated by the Brazilian federal environmental agencies and the state environmental agencies of the States of São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais (Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM)), Bahia (Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente (SEMA) and Rio Grande do Sul (FEPAM).  The planting and cutting of trees is subject to prior approval by the relevant state or federal environmental agency. Brazilian law requires that at least 20% of the landholdings of a forestry company be registered and maintained with native species.


In addition, our operations are subject to various environmental laws and regulations issued by governmental authorities relating to air emissions, element discharges, solid waste and odor.



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Pursuant to Brazilian law, individuals or legal entities that violate environmental laws can be punished by criminal and administrative sanctions.  Criminal sanctions range from fines to imprisonment, in case of individuals, including directors, officers and managers of legal entities, or dissolution, in the case of legal entities. Administrative sanctions include fines, partial or total suspension of activities, forfeiture or restriction of tax incentives or benefits, and cancellation or suspension of financings from governmental agencies. In addition to criminal and administrative sanctions, pursuant to Brazilian environmental laws, the violator must also recover or indemnify the damage that was caused to the environment and third parties.  Because Brazilian environmental law uses a standard of strict liability in determining the obligation to remediate damages caused to the environment and to indemnify affected third parties, the imposition of any such obligation is made regardless of whether the polluter is found to have been negligent. In addition, the corporate structure of a polluting company may be disregarded if the structure is deemed to be an obstacle to the complete recovery of the environmental damages.


We make periodic modifications to plants relating to environmental technology and equipment, and for the implementation of new procedures to minimize environmental risks associated with spills and potential releases.


We do not anticipate our compliance with existing or proposed environmental laws or regulations as likely to require material capital expenditures. We cannot assure you, however, that the implementation of more stringent environmental regulations in the future will not require significant capital or other expenditures.




We maintain fully comprehensive insurance with leading insurers to cover property damage and business interruption risk, as well as in respect of international and domestic transportation. Our property insurance policy has maximum risk coverage of R$3,150 million, which we believe offers more than sufficient coverage for our current assets.


We do not maintain insurance coverage against fire, disease and other risks to our forests. There is a fire and disease risk associated with our forestry activities, however, we believe the total damage would be mitigated by our risk management procedures and the fact that our individual forests are not close to each other, thereby eliminating any risk that a fire or disease could spread easily to any other of our forests. We have taken various steps to prevent fires from occurring in our forests, including the maintenance of fire observation towers, a fleet of fire engines and teams of fire-fighting personnel, which we believe are safe and cost-effective methods of fire prevention. In each of the past three years, the forest fires we have experienced have not resulted in material damages to our total planted area. Given the natural protection afforded by the spread out locations of our forests, we do not believe that insuring our forests would be cost-effective.


We do not make provisions for risks of loss from fire and disease, and all losses and damages that occur are charged to expenses when incurred. We have not suffered a material loss from either fire or disease in our forests.


Jointly Controlled Company




Veracel, is a company (sociedade anônima de capital fechado) organized under the laws of Brazil, in which each of Fibria and Stora Enso owns 50% of the equity interests (it had been a joint-venture between Aracruz and Stora Enso). Veracel grows and manages eucalyptus plantations and operates a pulp mill in the city of Eunápolis, in the State of Bahia. Veracel produces BEKP and has an annual production capacity of 1.1 million metric tons.


Fibria and Stora Enso have entered into a shareholders’ agreement defining their respective rights and obligations as shareholders of Veracel. This shareholders agreement expires in January 2023 and can be automatically extended for successive 20-year terms unless notice to the contrary is given by either party.


The Veracel shareholders’ agreement provides that:


·                  each of Fibria and Stora Enso has the right to nominate three members of Veracel’s six-member board of directors;


·                  under certain circumstances, Fibria and Stora Enso may be required to make capital contributions to Veracel, on a pro rata basis;



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·                  if either shareholder fails to comply with any of its obligations regarding Veracel’s funding needs in connection with Veracel’s investment plan and capital contributions, the other shareholder shall have the right to require the defaulting shareholder to transfer all (but not less than all) of its shares to the other shareholder at a discounted market value calculated according to the provisions of the Veracel shareholders’ agreement;


·                  so long as either Fibria or any of its subsidiaries is a shareholder of Veracel, Fibria will not acquire (or cause to be acquired) any interest in real property in the core area of Veracel; and


·                  so long as either Fibria or any of its subsidiaries is a shareholder of Veracel, Veracel will not acquire (or cause to be acquired) any interest in real property in the core area of Fibria.


In March 2005, Aracruz entered into a Pulp Supply and Purchase Agreement with Veracel pursuant to which Aracruz has agreed to buy 50% of the annual output of pulp from the Veracel mill. This agreement entered into force in May 2005, and will be in effect for as long as the Veracel Shareholders’ Agreement is effective.


C.                                    Organizational Structure


The chart below shows our organizational structure as of December 31, 2011 (% of total capital).



Our operations are conducted by Fibria Celulose S.A. as the controlling and principal operating Company.  Although being a stand-alone Company, we are a jointly controlled entity of the Votorantim Group, which has other interests in Brazil and abroad, principally in cement, metallurgy, agribusiness, chemicals and financial services.  See “Item 4A. — Information on Fibria — History and Development of Fibria — Our Ownership Structure.”



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Among the subsidiaries presented in the chart above we highlight:


·                  Fibria-MS Celulose Sul Mato Grossense Ltda: a wholly-owned subsidiary established for Três Lagoas mill operations

·                  Portocel Term. Esp BR S.A.: a port terminal from where we export Aracruz and Veracel pulp production. It is a joint venture between us (51%) and Cenibra - Celulose Nipo-Brasileira (49%)

·                  Veracel Celulose S.A.: a joint venture between us (50%) and Stora Enso (50%) where we have the Veracel Unit operations.

·                  Fibria Trading International KFT (located in Hungary and its representative office located in Hong Kong and its subsidiary — Fibria Europe S.A. — located in Switzerland) and Fibria Celulose (USA) Inc (located in Miami): subsidiaries established for the management, sale, operation, logistics, control and accounting of products in Europe, Asia and North America.

·                  Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd (Cayman) and Voto IV: established in order to facilitate access to the international financial markets. Fibria Overseas was the issuer of Fibria Notes 2019, 2020 and 2021 and Voto IV was the issuer of Voto IV notes in 2005


During 2011, as part of the process to simplify our organizational structure, the following subsidiaries were liquidated or merged into other companies of the group: Mucuri Agroflorestal S.A., VCP N.A., VCP ZUG, Riocel Trade London UK and Riocel Limited UK.


D.                                    Property, Plant and Equipment




Our principal executive offices are located in the State of São Paulo, where we concentrate our financial, administrative and trading functions.


Aracruz Unit


The Aracruz Unit is our principal pulp mill. This is located in the State of Espírito Santo and is the largest bleached hardwood kraft market pulp production facility in the world. We acquired it as part of the Aracruz Acquisition. It has three production lines:  Fiberline A, Fiberline B and Fiberline C. Its nominal production capacity is approximately 2.3 million metric tons of market pulp.  Its area totaled 355,288 hectares at the end of 2011, of which 202,515 hectares was eucalyptus plantation, 129,332 hectares was covered with natural preserved ecosystems (preservation area), and 23,441 hectares had other uses. The Aracruz Unit is located approximately three kilometers from the port facilities at Aracruz (Portocel), of which we own 51%.


Jacareí Unit


The Jacareí Unit is located in the State of São Paulo and has a nominal production capacity of approximately 1.1 million metric tons of market pulp.  Its area totaled 161,086 hectares at the end of 2011, of which 87,317 hectares was eucalyptus plantation, 63,304 hectares was covered with natural preserved ecosystems (preservation area), and 10,466 hectares had other uses. The pulp produced at the Jacareí Unit is transported by rail to the port of Santos which is 150 km distant from the unit.


Três Lagoas Unit


The Três Lagoas Unit began commercial operations in March 2009 and is the largest single line pulp production facility in the world with a production capacity of 1.3 million metric tons of market pulp. This unit is located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.  At year end 2011, the Três Lagoas unit’s area totaled 350,201 hectares of which 231,405 was eucalyptus plantation, 99,603 hectares was covered with natural preserved ecosystems (preservation area), and 19,193 hectares had other uses. Três Lagoas’ pulp production is transported by rail to the port of Santos which is 788km distant from the unit.


Veracel Unit


We have a 50% interest in Veracel, which owns and operates a pulp mill in the municipality of Eunápolis, State of Bahia, with an annual production capacity of 1.1 million metric tons market pulp. The pulp produced in the Veracel unit is transported to Portocel, located an average distance of 541km from Portocel.


The following table sets forth the distance between our forests (including the transport of pulpwood purchased in the market) and our mills, the distance of these mills to the port of embarkation, and the nominal capacity of each mill at December 31, 2011:



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or pulp mill


port of


port of







208 km



3 km




Veracel (50%)


54 km



541 km




Três Lagoas


76 km


788 km







225 km


150 km






Eucalyptus forests


Currently, we obtain the majority of our wood from 612 thousand hectares of forest plantation from a total of 1,080 thousand hectares of land located in seven Brazilian states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul).  While we have enough wood to fulfill our needs, from time to time and when the terms are attractive we purchase wood from unrelated third parties to be used in our pulp mills.


As of December 31, 2011, we also had over 3,422 forest partners with tracts of forest cultivation (mostly in Espírito Santo, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo state), and another 257 thousand hectares of land linked to leasing contracts, making our wood supplies relatively dispersed.  Our forests are located an average distance of 155 kilometers from our pulp mills.  Brazilian forest legislation requires that private properties have at least 27% of the area kept for conservation of native ecosystems, fragments of wild life or natural restored forest area (through planting of indigenous species). Of our own forests, approximately 57% are eucalyptus forest plantation, while 38% is conservation forest and the remaining 5% has other uses.


While the dispersion of our forest land entails some additional costs, we believe that it significantly reduces the risks of fire and disease. We also seek to minimize fire risk by maintaining a system of fire observation towers, a fleet of fire trucks, fire fighting brigades and fully equipped patrol cars monitoring the areas 7 days a week.  Given the natural protection afforded by the dispersion of our forests, we believe that prevention is the key strategy to avoid insuring our forests. Therefore, we assume all risks of losses from fire and other casualties. In addition, we annually monitor and manage our forests to prevent losses from leaf-cutter ants and any other insect break-outs. We have not suffered a material loss from, nor had our wood supply or operations compromised by, either fire or disease in forests that we harvest.


In 2011 as part of our reforestation efforts, we planted approximately 84 thousand hectares of eucalyptus in order to maintain our mills wood supply and pulp production. The harvested eucalyptus forests yielded between 40 and 50 cubic meters of wood per hectare per year that is an average of 280 — 350 m³/ha/year at 6 to 7 years harvesting age. Our forest productivity reflects the excellent climate and soil conditions for growing eucalyptus trees in all Brazilian states, with enough incidences of both sunlight and rainfall.


In 2011, we operated four nurseries and produced over 68 million plants (rooted cuttings/seedlings) at our nurseries, all of which were planted in our forests or supplied to the Forest Savings Program. To develop our eucalyptus forests, we select trees after precise genetic field trials, elite selected trees are cloned (cultivars) and then they are multiplied in large scale by vegetative propagation process (rooted cuttings).  Vegetative propagation allows us to plant trees with the most favorable genetic characteristics for pulp production.  These characteristics include fast growth rate, good quality of wood fibers, resistance to disease and “self-pruning” branches.  Greater tree standardization provided by cloning also permits us to increase mechanization in tree harvesting, logging, and mill transportation, making it easier to adjust equipment and machinery to topographical conditions.


We continue to review our efforts at community relations and the common good, as part of our contribution to social and economic development.  For example, we invited our neighbors to join the Forestry Savings Program that is an opportunity to have a share of the forest benefits as to diversify their production chain and to increase their property income in a partnership project. As of December 31, 2011, local farmers, mostly small properties, had already planted 117 thousand hectares (including Veracel) of forests with our support.




Future expansion plans will depend on global market conditions. Possible expansion projects include the expansion of three existing mills as follows: Três Lagoas II which represents an additional capacity of 1.5 million metric tons of market pulp; Veracel II



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with a nominal capacity of 1.5 million metric tons (50% Fibria and 50% Stora Enso) and a 1.5 million metric ton additional capacity from a fourth line in the Aracruz Unit.


We continue investing in the development of the Três Lagoas II forest base. During 2011 we made significant progress on negotiating land leasing and acquisition.  The combination of land acquisition and leasing aims at maintaining competitive cash cost for the project, chiefly through a low forest-to-mill average distance. The expansion of the Três Lagoas Unit is one of the projects intended to maintain our global leadership in terms of scale and low production cost in the market pulp industry. As of December 31, 2011, we were prepared with regard to the forest base necessary to the project. However, due to an uncertain global economic environment and the number of pulp projects announced to reach the market in the next years and in view of our goal of generate value to our shareholders, the recommendation to execute the project will be submitted to our Board of Directors in the second half of 2012, considering market and financial conditions at that time.




We have no outstanding unresolved comments from the Staff of the SEC.




The following discussion of the Company’s financial condition and operating results should be read in conjunction with the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 included in this annual report that have been prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as with the information presented under “Presentation of Financial and Other Information” and “Selected Financial and Other Information of Fibria”.


The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes and other financial information included elsewhere in this annual report and in conjunction with the financial information included under “Item 3A. Key Information — Selected Financial Data.”  This section contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.  Our actual results may differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, without limitation, those set forth in “Item 3D. — Key Information — Risk Factors” and the matters set forth in this annual report generally.




We are the world’s largest producer of market pulp, according to Hawkins Wright and the PPPC, with an aggregate pulp production capacity of approximately 5.25 million tons, representing approximately 32% of the world’s production capacity of BEKP, as of December 31, 2011.  We believe that we are one of the lowest-cost producers of BEKP in the world, primarily due to our economies of scale, our state-of-the-art and strategically located production facilities, the short harvest cycle of our trees and our use of high-end technology in our operations.  During the first half of 2009, we acquired control of Aracruz and have fully consolidated the results of operations of Aracruz into our consolidated financial statements as from January 1, 2009.  In September 2009, we adopted the trademark “Fibria” for our pulp and paper operations.


Factors Affecting our Results of Operations


Our results of operations have been significantly influenced by (1) the effects of the Aracruz Acquisition and our full consolidation of the assets, liabilities and results of operations of Aracruz as from January 1, 2009 (and separate reporting of the interests of non-controlling shareholders), compared to the proportional consolidation in prior periods presented based on our 12.35% interest in the total share capital of Aracruz, (2) the commencement of operations of our Três Lagoas mill on March 30, 2009, which was under construction when we received it from International Paper in February 2007 in exchange for our Luiz Antonio pulp and uncoated paper mill, and which reached full production capacity in 2009 and (3) to a lesser extent, disposition of other pulp and paper assets during the three-year period ended December 31, 2011 (Guaíba, Conpacel, KSR and Piracicaba).  In addition, our results of operations for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 have been influenced, and our results of operations will continue to be influenced, by a variety of factors, including:


·                  the expansion or contraction of global production capacity for the products that we sell and the growth rate of the global economy;



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·                  fluctuations in the international market prices of our products, which are denominated in, or referenced to, the U.S. Dollar, and which could significantly affect our net revenues;


·                  the rate of growth of the Brazilian GDP, which grew by 3.2% in the nine month period ended September 30, 2011, 7.5% in 2010 and decreased by 0.2% during 2009 which affects domestic demand for our products and, consequently, our domestic sales volume;


·                  our capacity utilization rates, which significantly affect the cost of producing our products and may lead to impairment of our assets;


·                  the results of operations of those companies in which we have or had non-controlling equity interests or shared equity control, such as Conpacel and Veracel, a portion of which are or were consolidated into our results of operations as required by IFRS;


·                  changes in the Real/U.S. Dollar exchange rate, including the depreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar by 11.2% in 2011, a appreciation of 4.5% in 2010 and 34.2% in 2009, which have affected (1) the amounts as expressed in Reais of our net revenues, our cost of sales and some of our operating and other expenses that are denominated in or linked to U.S. Dollars and (2) our net financial expenses as a result of our U.S. Dollar-denominated liabilities that require us to make principal and interest payments in U.S. Dollars;


·                  the level of our outstanding indebtedness, fluctuations in benchmark interest rates in Brazil, principally the LIBOR rate, which affects our interest expense on our U.S. Dollar-denominated floating rate debt, and fluctuations in the CDI rate, which affects our interest expense on our real-denominated floating rate debt;


·                  inflation rates in Brazil, which were 6.5% in 2011, 5.9% in 2010 and 4.2% in 2009 as measured by the IPCA, and the effects of inflation (deflation) on our operating expenses denominated in Reais and our Real-denominated debt that is indexed to take into account the effects of inflation or bears interest at rates that are partially adjusted for inflation; and


·                  changes in accounting policies and the Brazilian Corporation Law, as discussed elsewhere herein.


Our financial condition and liquidity is influenced by a variety of factors, including:


·                  our ability to generate cash flows from our operations;


·                  prevailing Brazilian and international interest rates and movements in exchange rates, which affect our debt service requirements;


·                  our ability to continue to be able to borrow funds from Brazilian and international financial institutions and to sell our debt securities in the Brazilian and international securities markets at acceptable rates, which is influenced by a number of factors discussed herein;


·                  our capital expenditure requirements, which consist primarily of maintenance of our operating facilities, expansion of our production capacity, acquisitions and research and development activities;


·                  the requirement under our by-laws that we pay dividends on an annual basis in an amount equal to at least 25% of our adjusted net income, unless our Board of Directors deems such payment inconsistent with our financial position; and


·                  changes in accounting policies and the Brazilian Corporation Law.



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Effects of Fluctuations in Pulp Price


The international market prices of our pulp have fluctuated significantly, and we believe that they will continue to do so in light of global economic developments, such as the increase in demand for pulp in China. Significant increases in the international market prices of our products, and consequently, the prices that we are able to charge, would likely increase our net revenues and our results of operations to the extent that we are able to maintain our operating margins and increased prices do not reduce sales volumes of our products.  Conversely, significant decreases in the international market prices of our products, and consequently, the prices that we charge, would likely reduce our net revenues and our results of operations if we are unable to increase our operating margins or these reduced prices do not result in increased sales volumes of our products.


World pulp prices are cyclical because demand for paper depends heavily on general economic conditions and because production capacity adjusts slowly to changes in demand.  Over the last three years, BEKP average list prices in North America, Europe and Asia have fluctuated from U.S.$621, U.S.$571 and U.S.$517 per ton, respectively, in 2009 to U.S.$880, U.S.$848 and U.S.$848 per ton, respectively, in 2010. For the year ended December 31, 2011, BEKP average list prices in North America, Europe and Asia were U.S.$871, U.S.$821 and U.S.$703 per ton, respectively.


We have long-term sales relationships with substantially all of our pulp and paper customers in the domestic and the export markets.  These contracts generally provide for the sale of our market pulp at prices we announce each month.  These prices may vary among the different geographic areas where our customers are located.  The price arrangements under our long-term contracts are generally consistent with prices for our other sales within the same region and follow the established list price of BEKP announced by major global pulp producers.


Brazilian economic environment


Our results of operations and financial condition, as reported in our consolidated financial statements, have been affected by the rate of Brazilian inflation and the rate of appreciation or depreciation of the Brazilian currency against the U.S. Dollar, when the annual average rate is considered.


The table below shows the Brazilian National Consumer Inflation Index (IPCA), appreciation (depreciation) of the Real against the U.S. Dollar and the period-end exchange rate and average exchange rates for the periods shown:














Inflation (IPCA)












Appreciation (depreciation) of the Real vs. U.S. Dollar (year on year)












Year/period-end exchange rate—U.S.$ 1.00

















Average (daily-weighted) exchange rate(1) U.S.$ 1.00



















The average (daily) exchange rate is the sum of the closing exchange rates at the end of each business day divided by the number of business days in the period.


Effects of Fluctuations in Exchange Rates between the Real and the U.S. Dollar


Our results of operations and financial condition have been, and will continue to be, affected by the rate of depreciation or appreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar because:


·                  a substantial portion of our revenues is denominated in U.S. Dollars;


·                  a substantial portion of our costs are incurred in Reais;


·                  we have certain operating expenses, costs for some of our raw materials and make certain other expenditures, that are denominated in or linked to U.S. Dollars; and



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·                  we have significant amounts of U.S. Dollar-denominated liabilities that require us to make principal and interest payments in U.S. Dollars.


The majority of our pulp sales are made in the export market at prices that are based on international market prices expressed in U.S. Dollars.  Although most of our domestic sales revenue is in Reais, substantially all of our products are sold at prices that are based on international market prices that are quoted in U.S. Dollars.


When the Real depreciates against the U.S. Dollar, assuming international market prices of our products remain constant in U.S. Dollars, our net sales revenue from export sales increases and we generally attempt to increase the domestic prices for our products in Reais, which may result in reduced domestic sales volumes of our products.  Conversely, when the Real appreciates against the U.S. Dollar, assuming international market prices of our products remain constant in U.S. Dollars, our net sales revenue from export sales declines and we generally decrease the domestic prices for our products in Reais, which may result in increased domestic sales volumes of our products. In periods of high volatility in the Real/U.S. Dollar exchange rate, there is usually a lag between the time that the U.S. Dollar appreciates or depreciates and the time that we are able to pass on increased or reduced costs in Reais to our customers.  These pricing mismatches decrease when the Real/U.S. Dollar exchange rate is less volatile.


Our consolidated U.S. Dollar-denominated indebtedness represented 89.8% (including currency swaps) of our outstanding indebtedness as of December 31, 2011.  As a result, when the Real appreciates against the U.S. Dollar:


·                  the interest costs on our U.S. Dollar-denominated indebtedness decrease in Reais, which decrease positively affects our results of operations in Reais;


·                  the amount of our U.S. Dollar-denominated indebtedness decreases in Reais, and our total liabilities and debt service obligations in Reais decrease; and


·                  our net financial expenses tend to decrease as a result of foreign exchange gains that we must record.


A depreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar has converse effects.


The U.S. dollar-denominated debt service obligations provide a natural hedge against our export sales, which enable us to generate receivables payable in foreign currencies but they do not fully match them.  Accordingly, we often enter into derivative transactions to mitigate exchange rate fluctuations in our U.S. Dollar-denominated net exposure.  A significant portion of our indebtedness is linked to and repaid principally with the proceeds of our exports.  This indebtedness is denominated in U.S. Dollars and is generally available at a lower cost than other types of available funding.  We generally pledge a portion of our receivables as collateral for the ongoing debt service obligations, usually to cover the next interest payment and principal installments. These agreements also contain certain financial and other covenants.


Effect of Level of Indebtedness and Interest Rates


As of December 31, 2011, our total outstanding indebtedness on a consolidated basis was R$11,324 million.  The level of our indebtedness results in significant financial expenses that are reflected in our statement of operations.  Financial results consist of interest expense, exchange variations of U.S. Dollar- and other foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities, derivative losses or gains, and other items as set forth in Note 30 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.  In 2011, we recorded total net financial expense of R$1,869 million, which mainly consisted of R$873 million of interest on loans and financings and accretion of accounts payable — Aracruz Acquisition and R$936 million of foreign exchange loss on loans and financings and other assets and liabilities.  In 2010, we recorded total net financial expense of R$364 million, which mainly consisted of R$1,193 million of interest on loans and financings and accretion of accounts payable for the Aracruz Acquisition, R$302 million of foreign exchange gains on loans and financings and financial income of R$375 million and gains on derivative financial instruments of R$152 million.  The interest rates that we pay depend on a variety of market factors, including prevailing Brazilian and international interest rates and risk assessments of our Company, our industry and the Brazilian economy made by potential lenders to our Company, potential purchasers of our debt securities and the rating agencies that assess our Company and its debt securities.


S&P, Moody’s and Fitch maintain ratings of our Company and certain of our debt securities.  Any ratings downgrades in the future would likely result in increased interest and other financial expenses relating to borrowings and debt securities and could adversely affect our ability to obtain such financing on satisfactory terms or in amounts required by us.



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The market pulp industry seasonality pattern has been historically correlated with that of paper production.  World paper production normally increases by the end of summer vacation in the northern hemisphere, as well as during the Christmas and New Year holidays.  However, due to specific factors, including pulp and paper machine closures, start-up of new capacities, changes in the cost structure of the industry and the increase of global pulp demand, the seasonality trends observed in the past for the pulp industry may be subject to changes in the future.


Discussion of critical accounting policies


Critical accounting policies are those that are important to the portrayal of our consolidated financial position and results of operations and require management’s most difficult, subjective or complex judgments, estimates and assumptions. The application of these critical accounting policies often requires judgments made by management regarding the effects of matters that are inherently uncertain with respect to our results of operations and the carrying value of our assets and liabilities. Our results of operations and financial position may differ from those set forth in our consolidated financial statements if our actual experience differs from management’s assumptions and estimates. In order to provide an understanding of our critical accounting policies, including some of the variables and assumptions underlying the estimates, and the sensitivity of those assumptions and estimates to different parameters and conditions, we set forth below a discussion of our critical accounting policies relating to:


·                  revenue recognition;


·                  review of the useful lives and recoverability of long lived assets;


·                  biological assets;


·                  business combinations and goodwill;


·                  contingent assets, liabilities and legal obligations;


·                  valuation of derivatives;


·                  income tax and social contribution; and


·                  impairment test of goodwill.


Revenue recognition


We recognize revenue when: (1) the amounts of revenue can be reliably measured; (2) it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to us; and (3) when specific criteria has been met for each of our sales. Revenue is the net sum of sales, after tax deductions, discounts and sales returns.


(i)            Pulp - domestic market - sales were mainly made on credit, payable in an average period of 30 to 40 days. Revenue is recognized when the customer receives the product, whether on the carrier’s premises or on its own premises.


(ii)           Pulp - export market - export orders are normally supplied from own or third party warehouses located near strategic markets. Revenue is recognized when the risk of ownership of the pulp has been transferred to the client in accordance with the specific terms of the transaction. Export sale agreements generally establish transfer of risk based on Incoterms (2010) and the moment of transfer of risk as per the corresponding Incoterm is the moment on which revenue is recognized.


Prior to the Conpacel, KSR and Piracicaba sale we operated in the paper segment and recognized sales from this segment as follows:


(iii)          Paper - domestic market - sales were made at sight or on credit (usually payable in 30, 60 or 90 days). Revenue recognition is consistent to the criteria that the Company applies for the pulp sale in the domestic market.



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(iv)          Paper - export market - export orders were normally supplied from own or third party warehouses located near strategic markets. Revenue is recognized when the products are delivered to the carrier and risk and benefits transferred to the customer.


Review of the useful lives and recoverability of long lived assets


We reviewed our long-lived assets to be held and used in our activities, for possible impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset or group of assets may not be recoverable on the basis of future cash flows.  The company reduces the net book value if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.  During the year ended December 31, 2011 we performed an impairment test of long lived assets, as described in Note 37(b) to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


Biological Assets


Biological assets are measured at their fair value, net of estimated costs to sell at the time of harvest. Depletion is calculated based on the total volume expected to be harvested.


Biological assets consist of eucalyptus forests exclusively from renewable plantations and intended for the production of bleached pulp. As a result of improvements in forest management techniques, including the genetic improvement of trees, the cycle of harvesting through replanting occurs over approximately seven years.


The fair value is determined based on the discounted cash flow method, taking into consideration the cubic volume of wood, segregated by plantation year, and the equivalent sales value of standing timber. The average sales price was estimated based on domestic market prices and on transactions researched, adjusted to reflect the forest price. The volumes used in the valuation are consistent with the annual average harvest for each region.  The main assumptions used by the Company to determine the fair value of its biological assets are described in Note 18 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


We have a policy of carrying out semi-annual appraisals of the fair value of these assets.


Business combinations and goodwill


The purchase method is used to account for our acquisition of subsidiaries. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the assets transferred, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the closing date. Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred.


The identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured at fair value on the acquisition date. The non-controlling equity in the company acquired is valued at the fair value of the total net assets or at the relevant portion of the fair value of the company’s net identifiable assets. The excess of the acquisition cost in relation to the fair value of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed is recorded as goodwill and, if lower, is recorded as an advantageous purchase gain in the statement of operations on the acquisition date.


For transactions in which we acquire a controlling equity interest in a company that already held an equity interest immediately prior to the acquisition date, this initial equity interest is revalued to fair value on the acquisition date, and if there is a gain, it is recognized in the statement of operations.


Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Legal Obligations


The accounting practices for the accounting and disclosure of contingent assets, contingent liabilities and legal obligations are as follows: (1) contingent assets are recognized only when there is evidence that realization is virtually certain, or favorable, final and unappealable court decisions have been obtained. Contingent assets with probable success are only disclosed in an explanatory note; (2) contingent liabilities are provisioned to the extent that we expect to disburse cash flows. Tax and civil proceedings are accrued when losses are assessed as probable, and the amounts involved can be reliably measured. Labor proceedings assessed as probable, and possible losses, are provisioned based on the historical percentage of disbursements. Contingent liabilities assessed as remote losses are neither accrued nor disclosed; and (c) legal obligations are accounted for as payables. As discussed in Note 23 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 included elsewhere in this annual report, we are party to labor, civil and tax lawsuits at various court levels. The provisions for contingencies against potential unfavorable outcome of claims in progress are established and updated based on management’s evaluation, as supported by external




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legal counsel.  In addition, we have tax and civil claims arising in the normal course of business that are assessed as possible losses, as supported by external legal counsel. No provision has been recorded to cover possible unfavorable outcomes from these claims.


Valuation of Derivatives


For derivatives, we make assumptions based on market observable data as to future foreign exchange and interest rates to recognize the fair value of each instrument. Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value on the date the derivative contract is entered and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recorded in the statement of operations. The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using marketable valuation methodologies.


The fair value of derivative agreements may differ from the Mark-to-Market (MtM) amounts for early settlement. This difference might occur due to liquidity, spreads or counterparty interest in early settlement, among other aspects. Management believes that amounts obtained for those agreements, in accordance with the methods described below, reliably reflect fair values. The amounts calculated by management are also compared with the MtM provided by the banks and with the data calculated by the independent financial advisors.


The methods used for the measurement of the fair value of the derivatives used by us for hedging operations consider methodologies commonly used in the market and that are in compliance with widely tested theoretical bases. A summary of the methodologies used for fair value determination purposes by instrument is presented in our consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 included elsewhere in this annual report.


Income tax and social contribution


Deferred income tax is recognized, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, deferred tax liabilities are not recognized if they arise from the initial recognition of goodwill; deferred income tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled.


Deferred income tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized.


Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by us and it is probable that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.


Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when (1) there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and (2) when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or different taxable entities and where there is an intention to settle the balances on a net basis.


Impairment of goodwill


Under IFRS, goodwill is not subject to amortization but is tested at least annually for impairment. Upon acquisition of a business, goodwill is allocated to the cash generating units (CGUs) or group of CGUs that are expected to benefit from the acquisition at a level not lower than an operating segment.  When impairment test of goodwill is performed the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities of the CGU or group of CGUs to which goodwill is allocated is compared to its recoverable amount.


We performed an impairment test as of December 31, 2011 and did not recognize any loss as of such date.  Goodwill allocated to such groups of CGUs amounted to R$4,230 million as of December 31, 2011 and the recoverable value of such CGUs was 4% higher than their book value.


In measuring the value in use, we used discounted cash flows.  A ten year period cash flow has been considered and an additional amount was calculated for the perpetuity of the cash flow of the tenth year, discounted to present value using the WACC rate less the estimate of Brazilian GDP growth. The ten year period was defined considering that Management believes that global



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pulp price can be affected by several factors which generally are identified in periods longer than the production cycle of forest of approximately seven years.


The main assumptions used in determining value in use at December 31, 2011, are as follows:










Minimum and maximum exchange rate in the period


R$1.76 to R$1.99


Average gross margin(1)




Discount rate - WACC (gross and net from tax credits)


8.5% - 7.9%



(1) Gross margin was calculated excluding non cash items such as depreciation, depletion and amortization.


Management determined the gross margin based on past performance and on its expectations of market development. The weighted average growth rates used are consistent with the forecasts included in industry reports. Management believes to be reasonably possible that future changes in the pulp price combined with changes in the exchange rate could change the recoverable amount of the CGUs.


For purposes of sensitivity analysis, an isolated reduction of 1% in the pulp price in Reais during the period of the discounted cash flow would make that the recoverable amount of the CGU at December 31, 2011 equal its carrying amount.


Main Components of our Operating Results


Sales taxes and other deductions on revenues


Our net revenues are discounted by taxes which are the PIS/COFINS contributions and the ICMS state value-added tax that accrue on our domestic operating revenues. The rate of the PIS and COFINS social contributions are 1.65% and 7.6%, respectively. The rate of the ICMS value-added tax varies from 7% to 18%, depending on the product sold and the Brazilian state in which the product is delivered. Export sales are not subject to Brazilian tax on revenues. Deductions consist of sales discounts we provide to our customers and rebates on exports.  Our net revenues are substantially denominated in U.S. Dollars.


Cost of sales


Cost of sales consists principally of cost of pulp sold, average inventory costs, depreciation, depletion and amortization, and freight.  Cost of sales is mainly denominated in Brazilian Reais.


Selling expenses


Selling expenses consists of sales and distribution expenses, principally terminal, pulp loading and other delivery and commissions.  Selling expenses are mainly denominated in Brazilian Reais.


Administrative expenses


The principal components of our administrative expenses are personnel, third-party services (including the cost of external advisers and auditors), and depreciation, among other things.  Administrative expenses are mainly denominated in Brazilian Reais.


Other net operating income (expenses)


Other net operating expenses are largely comprised of the fair value of biological assets, allowance for doubtful accounts, and the results of disposal of Piracicaba unit.


Financial results


Financial results includes principally: (i) the financial income from our investments generally denominated in U.S. Dollars; (ii) the net financial gains or losses from derivatives financial instruments; (iii) the financial expenses in relation to loans generally denominated in U.S. Dollars and (iv) currency re-measurement gains and losses comprises the impact of currency variations on assets and liabilities.



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A.                                    Operating Results


Results of operations


The following table sets forth certain items derived from our statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss) for the years indicated:


(in thousands of Reais, unless otherwise indicated)
















Continuing operations
















Net revenues








Cost of sales
















Gross profit
















Operating income (expenses)








Selling expenses








General and administrative








Equity in losses of affiliates, net








Other operating income (expenses), net
































Income before financial income and expenses
















Financial income








Financial expenses








Result of derivative financial instruments








Foreign exchange gain (loss) and indexation
































Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income
















Taxes on income
































Net income (loss) from continuing operations
















Discontinued operations








Net income from discontinued operations
















Net income (loss)
















Attributable to








Shareholders of the Company - continuing operations








Shareholders of the Company - discontinued operations








Non-controlling interest
















Net income (loss)
















Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share - continuing operations (in Reais)
















Basic and diluted earnings per share - discontinued operations (in Reais)










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In our financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, we presented two operating and reportable segments: pulp and paper. In 2011, as the result of the sale of our paper business — Conpacel, KSR and Piracicaba, we operate in and report only the pulp segment.  We also have a minor portion of our revenues from our port operations – Portocel.


The following table sets forth our volume sold and net operating revenue by type of product:


















Volumes (in thousands of tons)








































Net operating revenue (in millions of R$)
































Services, allocated on pulp segment








Total pulp
















Average prices (in R$ per ton)
























Volumes (in thousands of tons)
















Export net
























Net operating revenue (in millions of R$)








































Average prices (in R$ per ton)
























Volumes (in thousands of tons)








































Net operating revenue (in millions of R$)









































The discussion below is based on our consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.



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Year ended December 31, 2011 compared to year ended December 31, 2010




2011 was characterized by high volatility in Europe and reduced global commodity demand. The market pulp industry had two distinct phases. Throughout the first half of the year, the global market pulp demand was increased by 7.7% over 2010, mostly due to strong Chinese demand, which reached a record 6.3 million tons. The European list price of hardwood pulp (FOEX) showed an upward trend, starting 2011 at U.S.$849/t and reaching U.S.$874/t in June, above the average of U.S.$600/t (from 1998 and 2011). Beginning in July, the European crisis and its effects on the global economy negatively impacted world pulp demand, increasing the producers’ inventories to 38 days (above the 33-day average), resulting in successive price reductions — in December, the European FOEX reached U.S.$648/t. In this scenario, several producers announced reduced production schedules in fourth quarter, thus established a floor for price decreases.


Net Revenues


Our net revenues decreased by 6.8% to R$5,854 million in 2011 from R$6,283 million in 2010, was negatively impacted by the 10.8% decrease in the average net pulp price to R$ 1,063 per ton in 2011 from R$ 1,192 per ton in 2010 and also by the absence of revenues from the Piracicaba Unit in the last quarter of the year as the sale of this unit was concluded in September. The reduction of average price is described in section Effects of Fluctuations in Pulp Price.


In 2011, pulp sales volume increased by 4.7% to 5,141 million tons from 4,909 million tons in 2010, mainly due to higher demand from Europe and North America in the first half of the year and Asia’s strong performance, mostly in the second half of 2011.  The distribution of Fibria’s sales by end use is mainly focused on the market of high quality tissue paper and specialty papers, representing 76% of the total pulp volume sold. These two markets are the most resilient to economic crisis and have the highest growth projections according to Pulp and Paper Products Council (PPPC).


Exports of pulp constituted 91.1% of our pulp net revenue and 90.1% of our pulp sales volume in 2011, compared to 91.7% and 91.4%, respectively, in 2010.


In 2011, 42% of our total sales volume was delivered to Europe, 25% to North America and 23% to Asia, as compared to 39%, 28% and 22%, respectively, in 2010.  Discounts are frequently granted to our significant customers located in Europe and North America.  In 2011, discounts totaled R$761 million as compared to R$1,080 million in 2010.  This reduction is consistent with the decrease in revenues recognized in 2011.


Cost of Sales


Cost of sales increased by 9.1% to R$5,124 million in 2011 from R$4,695 million in 2010, substantially as a result of (1) the effects of higher depreciation and depletion due to the higher wood prices and volumes; (2) the increased production cash cost for the year.  The cash cost of pulp production is one of the main components of our cost of sales. The largest components of cash cost were, by order of magnitude, wood, chemicals, maintenance, fuel and personnel, which represented approximately 43%, 21%, 14%, 9%, and 7%, respectively.  There were no significant changes in the composition of cash cost as compared to 2010.


In 2011, our pulp cash cost per ton was R$471, an increase of 4.2% as compared to 2010, of R$452 per ton, primarily as result of (1) an overall increase in wood cost explained by an increase in the average distance from our forests to our mills and (2) an increase in prices of our raw materials.  The distance from our forests to our pulp mills changes from year to year depending on the forests we cut based on our forest management program.  It should be noted that the annual increase in cash cost was less than the 6.5% Brazilian inflation in the period, in line with the Company’s target.


As a result of the combined effects of the decrease in our net revenues and the increase in our cost of sales, our gross profit decreased by 54.1% to R$730 million in 2011 from R$1,589 million during 2010. Our gross margin decreased to 12.5% in 2011 from 25.3% in 2010.


Selling Expenses


Selling expenses increased by 5.0% to R$295 million in 2011 from R$281 million in 2010, primarily due to (i) the 4.2% increase in our total sales volumes and (ii) the constitution of a provision for doubtful accounts in the amount of R$15 million in the fourth quarter of 2011.  The increase in sales volumes contributed to the increase of the commercial expenses of R$ 19 million which includes handling expenses, storage, transportation expenses and sales commissions.  As a percentage of our net revenue, our selling expenses increased to 5.0% in 2011 from 4.5% in 2010.



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General and Administrative Expenses


General and administrative expenses decreased by 0.6% to R$310 million in 2011 from R$312 million in 2010, held stable. This result is due to cost control initiatives implemented throughout the year that offset the collective pay raise and expenses with indemnifications in the second half. As a percentage of our net revenue, our general and administrative expenses increased to 5.3% in 2011 from 5.0% in 2010.


Equity in Losses of Affiliates


Equity in losses of affiliates was a loss of R$0.4 million in 2011, compared to a loss of R$7.3 million in 2010, as a result of a non-controlling investment.


Other Operating Income (Expenses), Net


We recorded other operating income, net of R$253 million in 2011 compared to other operating expense, net of R$7 million during 2010. This change is primarily the result of (1) a R$54 million increase in the fair value of biological assets which went from R$92 million in 2010 to R$146 million in 2011 and (2) a R$176 million gain recorded due to the disposal of Piracicaba unit sold in September 2011.


Financial Results


Financial results totaled an expense of R$1,869 million in 2011, compared to R$364 million in 2010, primarily due to a loss of R$936 million in 2011 recorded in foreign exchange and indexation as compared to a gain of R$302 million in 2010, as a result of the 12.6% appreciation of the U.S. Dollar against the Real in 2011, compared to a depreciation of 4.5% in 2010.


Financial income.  Financial income decreased to R$217 million in 2011 from R$374 million in 2010, primarily due to (1) a 28.5% decrease in financial investment earnings which went from R$252 million in 2010 to R$180 million in 2011, primarily as a result of lower average cash position during 2011 and (2) the positive effect of a reversal of R$ 73 million of monetary correction on a tax contingency related to the Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL) in 2010 which was not recorded in 2011.


Financial expenses. Financial expenses decreased to R$873 million in 2011 from R$1,193 million during 2010, due to decrease of the average cost of our outstanding indebtedness as a result of liability management, the prepayment of a portion of our debt and the final liquidation of Aracruz acquisition debit.


Foreign exchange gain (loss) and indexation. Foreign exchange losses were R$936 million in 2011, compared to income R$302 million in 2010, and losses of derivatives financial instruments were R$277 million, compared to income of R$152 million in 2010, primarily due to the 12.6% appreciation and 4.5% depreciation of the U.S. dollar against the Real in 2011 and 2010, respectively. Our U.S. Dollar derivative position had a notional of US$ 1,084 million as of December 31, 2011 compared to a notional of US$ 737 million as of December 31, 2010.


Taxes on Income


Brazilian corporate statutory income tax and social contribution rate is 34%. The effective tax rate applicable to our income before tax and social contribution was 25.6% and 14.2% for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010, respectively. Our effective rates were lower than the nominal statutory rate mainly due to a benefit resulting from reduced tax rates (compared to the rates in Brazil) in our foreign subsidiaries.


The increase in the effective rate of 25.6% in 2011 as compared to 14.2% in 2010, is mainly explained by the provision for impairment of foreign deferred tax assets recorded in 2011 in the total amount of R$201 million. We recorded a loss on the previously recognized deferred tax asset because we believe the realization of the deferred tax asset is no longer probable given the decision of the Company to transfer Fibria Trading International KFT’s operations to another country which is still subject to certain conditions. See Note 15 (e) to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.



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Net Income from Discontinued Operations


We recorded net income from discontinued operations of R$241 million in 2011, compared to R$75 million in 2010, which related to Conpacel and KSR, which we entered into agreements to sell in December 2010 and concluded the sale of these net assets on January 31, 2011 and February 28, 2011 respectively. We recorded a capital gain of disposal of these assets of R$ 357 million with tax expense of R$ 121 million in 2011.


Non-controlling Interest


Non-controlling interest is consistent in 2011 and 2010 of R$5 million.


Loss/Net Income


As a result of the foregoing, we presented a loss of R$868 million in 2011, as compared to net income of R$603 million in 2010. As a percentage of net revenue, loss was 14.8% in 2011, as compared to net income of 9.6% in 2010.


Year ended December 31, 2010 compared to year ended December 31, 2009




The international economic recovery above projections in 2010 was mainly driven by the good performance of more mature economies and the consistent growth of some emerging markets, which favored the performance of the commodities market, including demand for pulp and paper.


The market pulp industry had two distinct phases. Throughout the first half of the year, supply was limited due to the earthquake that affected the Chilean industry and production problems, while demand remained steady over 2009. Consequently, world producers’ inventories fell to 25 days of supply. These factors were reflected in prices, and in June the European list price for eucalyptus pulp reached U.S.$920 per ton, the highest level since 1995. The second half was marked by the reduction of Chinese pulp imports. With the resume of pulp production to normal levels, global inventories rose to 34 days at the end of the year, the normal level for the industry.


Net Revenues


Net revenues increased by 18.7% to R$6,283 million in 2010 from R$5,293 million in 2009, primarily as a result of the increase of BEKP average list prices in all regions to U.S.$880, U.S.$848 and U.S.$788 per ton, in North America, Europe and Asia, respectively, in 2010, compared to U.S.$621, U.S.$571 and U.S.$517 per ton, respectively, in 2009. The increase in pulp prices offset the decrease in the pulp and paper sales volume from 5,254 kilotons in 2009 to 5,030 kilotons in 2010 mainly as a result of lower demand from Asia in the second half of 2010.




Net revenue attributable to sales of pulp increased by 24.6% to R$5,852 million in 2010 from R$4,695 million in 2009, principally as a result of a 29.1% increase in average pulp prices. This increase was partially offset by a 3.5% decrease in our pulp sales volume to 4,909 kilotons in 2010 from 5,086 kilotons in 2009 primarily due to a reduction in demand in Asia, mainly China, in 2010 compared to record high levels experienced in 2009. Pulp prices contributed positively to the increase in total pulp net revenues with average pulp prices increasing by 29.1% to R$1,192 per ton in the year ended December 31, 2010 from R$923 per ton in the year ended December 31, 2009. Exports of pulp constituted 91.7% of our pulp net revenue and 91.4% of our pulp sales volume in 2010, compared to 93.7% and 92.5%, respectively, in 2009.


In 2010, 39.7% of our total sales volume was delivered to Europe, 28.5% to North America and 23.0% to Asia, as compared to 31.7%, 23.5% and 37.1%, respectively, in 2009. Rebates are frequently granted to our significant customers located in Europe and North America. The increase in rebates in 2010 as compared to 2009 was a result of the change in our sales mix, as in 2009 we had higher pulp sales to the Asian market where rebates are lower than in the European and North American markets.



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Net revenue attributable to sales of paper decreased by 31.4% to R$373 million in 2010 from R$544 million in 2009, principally as a result of a 4.8% decrease in average paper prices combined with the decrease of 28.0% in paper sales volume. This decrease in paper sales volume is explained by the absence of the Guaíba Unit production in 2010 (Guaíba Unit was sold in December 2009). Net revenue to the domestic market represented 94.1% and 98.3% of total paper revenue in 2010 and 2009, respectively. In terms of sales paper volume, sales to the domestic market accounted for 92.6% and 98.8% in 2010 and 2009, respectively.


Cost of Sales


Cost of sales increased by 3.0% to R$4,695 million in 2010 from R$4,556 million in 2009, primarily as a result of (1) the effects of higher depreciation and depletion due to the higher wood prices and volumes, (2) greater impact from maintenance downtimes in 2010, compared to 2009, (3) an overall increase in wood cost explained by an increase in the average distance from our forests to our mills and an increase in the purchase of third party wood and (4) an increase in the provision for loss on the value added tax on sales and services (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços), or ICMS. The cash cost of pulp production is one of the main components of our cost of sales. In 2010, our pulp cash cost per ton was R$452 per ton, an increase of 1.8% when compared to 2009.  The largest components were, by order of magnitude, wood, chemicals, maintenance, fuel and personnel, which represented approximately 42%, 22%, 12%, 10%, and 7%, respectively.


As a result of the combined effects of the increase in our net revenues and the increase in our cost of sales, our gross profit increased by 115.5% to R$1,589 million in 2010 from R$737 million during 2009. Our gross margin increased to 25.3% in 2010 from 13.9% in 2009.


Selling Expenses


Selling expenses decreased by 5.2% to R$281 million in 2010 from R$297 million in 2009, primarily due to the 4.3% reduction in our total sales volumes. As a percentage of our net revenue, our selling expenses decreased to 4.5% in 2010 from 5.6% in 2009.


General and Administrative Expenses


General and administrative expenses (which includes directors’ fees) increased by 5.5% to R$312 million in 2010 from R$296 million in 2009, primarily as a result of an increase in consulting and third-party service costs incurred during 2010 mainly related to system integration and processes optimization. As a percentage of our net revenue, our general and administrative expenses decreased to 5.0% in 2010 from 5.6% in 2009.


Equity in Losses of Affiliates, net


Equity in losses of affiliates was a loss of R$7 million in 2010, compared to a loss of R$1 million in 2009, as a result of a non-controlling investment.


Other Operating Income (Expenses), Net


We recorded other operating expenses, net of R$7 million in 2010 compared to other operating income, net of R$1,609 million during 2009. This change is primarily the result of (1) R$552 million of fair value gains in biological assets recognized in 2009 pursuant to IAS 41 (see Notes 2.14 and 18 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements) and (2) a R$1,379 million of gain related to the remeasurement of equity interest held prior to the acquisition controlling interest in Aracruz pursuant to IFRS 3 in 2009. See Note 31 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


Financial Results


Financial results included financial expenses, net of R$364 million in 2010, compared to financial income, net of R$1,572 million in 2009, primarily due to an 86.5% decrease in exchange variation gains recorded in 2010 compared to 2009, as a result the 25.5% depreciation of the U.S. Dollar against the Real in 2009, compared with a depreciation of 4.5% in 2010.



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Financial income.  Financial income decreased to R$527 million in 2010 (including the result of derivative financial instruments) from R$664 million in 2009, primarily as a result of the positive effect of a reversion of a tax contingency related to PIS and COFINS in 2009.


Financial expenses. Financial expenses decreased to R$1,192 million in 2010 from R$1,319 million during 2009, due to decrease of the average cost of our outstanding indebtedness as a result of liability management we began in the first half of 2009 and the prepayment of a portion of our debt.


Foreign exchange gain (loss) and indexation.  Net indexation and exchange gains were R$302 million in 2010, compared to R$2,226 million in 2009, primarily due to the 4.5% and 25.5% depreciation of the U.S. Dollar against the Real in 2010 and 2009, respectively.


Taxes on Income


The composite nominal Brazilian corporate statutory income tax and social contribution rate was 34% in 2009 and 2010. The effective tax rate applicable to our income before tax and social contribution was 14.2%, reflecting a current benefit of R$60 million and a deferred expense of R$147 million in 2010, while the effective tax rate in 2009 was 24.9%, resulting in a deferred expense of R$797 million. The principal reasons for the difference between the nominal statutory and effective rates during the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 were the result of the differences in tax rates in foreign jurisdictions and the reversal of social contribution credit on export profits in 2010 due to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service did not serve an assessment note for 2003 and then they are no longer entitled to claim the amounts for the period (see Note 23.b.ii to our 2011 consolidated financial statements), which was in turn partially offset by the effect of the present value adjustment accounts payable from the Aracruz Acquisition and the reversal of social contribution credit on export profits. The disbursement of income tax was R$16 million and R$7 million in the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009.


Net Income from Discontinued Operations


We recorded net income from discontinued operations of R$75 million in 2010, compared to R$93 million in 2009, which is related to Conpacel and KSR, which we entered into agreements to sell in December 2010. While Conpacel and KSR’s gross margin remained relatively stable between 2009 and 2010, its financial results decreased by 99.6% from a gain of R$22 million in 2009 to a gain of R$0.1 million in 2010. See Note 36 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


Non-controlling Interest


Non-controlling interest decreased to R$5 million in 2010 from R$660 million in 2009, primarily as a result of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries which were consolidated upon the merger of Aracruz into Fibria on December 31, 2009.


Net Income


As a result of the foregoing, we presented net income of R$603 million in 2010, as compared to net income of R$2,590 million in 2009. As a percentage of net revenue, net income was 9.6% in 2010, as compared to net income of 48.9% in 2009.


B.            Liquidity and Capital Resources


Our primary sources of liquidity have historically been cash flows from operating and financing activities and short-term and long-term borrowings. We believe these sources will continue to be the principal means with which we will meet our cash flow needs.


Our material cash requirements include the following:


·                  working capital;


·                  our debt service; and


·                  capital expenditures.


Long-term borrowings have generally been used to finance our major capital expenditure projects and have historically been sourced principally by either export prepayment contracts under which we, or a wholly owned subsidiary, borrow funds by offering



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the guarantee of export contracts (see Note 22 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements) or capital expenditures acquisition financing programs offered by the BNDES, a related party (see Note 16 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements).  The scheduled maturities of these long-term loans have been structured to match the expected cash flow from the conclusion of the related capital expenditure projects and, as a result, reduce the risk of any significant deterioration of our liquidity position.  We also rely on bonds or notes issued in the international markets by either wholly owned subsidiaries or by Votorantim Group subsidiaries, all mainly domiciled in other countries.  See Note 22 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements. Our ability to access long-term funding sources has not been, to-date, significantly affected by the effects of the global financial crisis, although the maturities and costs could be increased for this reason.


As of December 31, 2011 and 2010, our cash and cash equivalents and our marketable securities were R$2,060 million and R$2,072 million, respectively. Of our cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities held as of December 31, 2011, 84.5% was denominated in Reais invested in both public and private assets.


The fair value of derivative financial instruments was negative R$214 million as of December 31, 2011.


At December 31, 2011, we had R$176 million in deposits and investments with our affiliate, Banco Votorantim S.A.  See “Item 7B. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions — Related Party Transactions” and Note 16 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


At December 31, 2011, our balance sheet presented a positive working capital balance (including our cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, current loans and financings, derivative instruments and our payable related to Aracruz Acquisition) of R$3,338 million compared to R$2,706 million at year-end 2010.  We do not expect to have any difficulty in meeting our short-term obligations since our cash position as of December 31, 2011 was equivalent to 1.9 times our short-term debt. Additionally we believe that we will be able to access either capital or banking markets, if necessary.


It is our debt strategy over the next few years to use a substantial portion of our consolidated cash flow to pay principal and interest with respect to our indebtedness. We are also attempting to improve our debt profile in order to extend the average maturity of our outstanding indebtedness, including by repaying short-term debt through longer-term borrowings and issuing longer-term debt securities. In addition, we are active on liability management initiatives to reduce the cost of our debt whenever there are market opportunities.


Sources of funds


Our cash flow from operations, investing activities and financing activities are affected by various factors. The key factors that affect our cash flow from operations are (i) the volume of product sold and the market price of pulp, (ii) the exchange rate between Brazilian Reais and U.S. Dollars and (iii) the cost of our raw materials. Investing activities are mainly affected by (i) our capital expenditure program, (ii) the Aracruz Acquisition whose last installment was paid in July 2011 and (iii) by our decision to divest some of our long-lived assets. Finally our cash flow from financing activities depends on the level of new debt we have incurred and on the repayment of existing debt.


Operating Activities


Net cash flow provided by operating activities was R$1,348 million in 2011 compared to R$1,696 million in 2010 explained by (i) a decrease of 10.8% in the average pulp price in Reais which more than offset the higher volume sold and (ii) an increase of 4.2% and 4.8% in the cash cost of goods sold and selling expenses, respectively.


Cash flow provided by operating activities was R$1,696 million in 2010 compared to R$790 million in 2009 explained by an increase of 29.1% in the average pulp price in Reais which more than offset the increase of 3.1% and 5.5% in the cost of goods sold and general and administrative expenses, respectively.


We adopt the indirect cash flow method to report our cash flow statement.  See our “Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow” in connection with “Item 5. Operational and Financial Review and Prospects”.


Uses of funds


Investing activities


Net cash flow used in investing activities was R$728 million in 2011 and R$1,818 million in 2010.



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In 2011, investing activities for which we used cash primarily consisted of (1) investments of R$1,240 million in property, plant, equipment and forest and (2) final installment of R$1,482 million for Aracruz Acquisition.  These uses were partially offset by the proceeds from the sale of Conpacel, KSR and Piracicaba which totaled R$2,076 million.


In 2010, investing activities for which we used cash primarily consisted of (1) investments of R$1,066 million including Conpacel’s investments, in property, plant and equipment and (2) installments of R$2,533 million for Aracruz Acquisition.  These uses were partially offset by the proceeds from marketable securities of R$1,755 million.


In 2009, investing activities for which we used cash primarily consisted of (1) investments of R$1,671 million in property, plant and equipment, primarily related to the construction of the Três Lagoas pulp mill, (2) installments of R$1,364 million for the Aracruz Acquisition, (3) investments of R$2,465 million in trading securities and (4) derivative losses paid in the amount of R$212 million.  These uses were partially offset by the proceeds from the sale of the Guaíba Unit for R$2,273 million.


Financing Activities


Financing activities, which include short-term and long-term secured and unsecured borrowings and debt repayments, generated negative net cash flow of R$649 million in 2011 and R$61 million in 2010.


In 2011, we managed to raise R$2,707 million, principally financing from export prepayment facilities with financial institutions and international debt capital markets.  In 2011, we issued Fibria 2021 Notes in the total amount of U.S.$750 million.  These funds were the main supporters of our liability management plan.  During 2011, we repaid R$3,110 million of our outstanding indebtedness.  During the year we also paid dividends of R$ 264 million.


In 2010, we managed to raise R$6,292 million, principally financing from export pre payment facilities with financial institutions and international debt capital markets. In 2010, we issued Fibria 2020 Notes in the total amount of U.S.$ 750 million. These funds were the main supporters of our liability management plan. During 2010, we used cash and these new financing lines to repay R$6,342 million of our outstanding indebtedness.


In 2009, our principal sources of financing included (1) R$2,998 million in proceeds from our issuance of common shares and preferred shares, and (2) loans and financings of R$5,795 million, principally consisting of financing from financial institutions and the international debt capital markets to support our operations and liability management plan.  During 2009, we used cash and these new financing lines to repay R$5,561 million of our outstanding short-term and long-term indebtedness.


In April and May 2009, we issued and sold (1) 62.1 million common shares to our controlling shareholder, VID, for R$1,180 million, which was paid through the application of R$1,000 million of previously issued advances for capital increases and R$180 million in cash, (2) 43.6 million preferred shares to BNDESPar in exchange for 56.9 million common shares of Aracruz, representing 12.49% of the total share capital, including 5.51% of the voting share capital, of Aracruz, (3) 95.8 million preferred shares to BNDESPar for R$1,820 million in cash and (4) an aggregate of 9.3 million preferred shares to the Lorentzen, Moreira Salles and Almeida Braga families and the Safra Family for an aggregate of R$180 million.


Furthermore, we have access to short term and long term trade lines to support any cash needs that could eventually arise.


Cash Flow from Discontinued Operations


In December 2010, we announced the sale of Conpacel and KSR operations for R$ 1.5 billion. These transactions were concluded and proceeds received respectively on January 31 and March 1, 2011. Under IFRS, both operations were considered as discontinued operations for the years ended 2010 and 2009.




At December 31, 2011, our total debt was R$11,324 million, with R$1,092 million maturing in the short-term (9.6% of total debt).  At December 31, 2010, our total debt was R$12,022 million (including payable on Aracruz Acquisition), consisting of R$2,064 million in short-term debt (17.2% of total debt).


Most of our U.S. Dollar-denominated borrowings are either prepayments or export credits made in respect of our export sales or international capital market borrowings which have lower interest rates compared to domestic financings.  With respect to our Real-denominated borrowings, almost all are with the BNDES. At December 31, 2011 and 2010 our outstanding borrowings with the BNDES were R$1,774 million and R$1,754 million, respectively.



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Export Prepayment Agreements


In July 2009, VCP Overseas Holding KFT entered into a U.S.$54 million export prepayment agreement with a financial institution.  The loan under this agreement bears interest at the CDI rate plus 1% per annum.  Fibria and Fibria-MS are the original guarantors under the floating-rate facility.  Principal payments are due quarterly from July 14, 2010 to July 16, 2012.  On December 22, 2009, Fibria Trading assumed all of the rights and obligations of VCP Overseas Holding KFT as borrower under the agreement and VCP Overseas Holding KFT remained as a guarantor.  In October, 2011, we prepaid the amount of U.S.$24 million (equivalent then to RS 41 million), with its own resources, in view of the relative high cost of this debt.


In August 2009, Fibria-MS entered into a U.S.$182 million export prepayment agreement with two financial institutions, as arrangers, and Finnvera, an Export Credit Agency (ECA), as lender.  We are a guarantor under this floating rate facility.  The loan bears interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 3.325% per annum, which may be reduced to LIBOR plus 2.825% if our net debt to EBITDA ratio is less than 4.0 to 1.0.  Principal payments are due semi-annually from February 15, 2010 to February 15, 2018.  As of December 31, 2011, the outstanding principal amount under this export prepayment facility agreement was R$262 million.


In March 2010, we entered into an export prepayment agreement, as amended, with a syndicate of banks in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$535 million that bears interest at LIBOR plus 2.95% per annum. Principal payments are due from April 2012 through April 2017 in installments to match export shipments. The financings are secured by certain export receivables.  In April, 2011, we prepaid the amount of U.S.$100 million (equivalent then to R$161 million), getting a longer term for payment of the remaining balance (from 2013 until 2018, with quarterly depreciation). There were no changes in interest rates charged.


In June 2010, we entered into an export prepayment agreement with a syndicate of banks in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$600 million at LIBOR plus 2.8% p.a., such margin is subject to adjustment based on our net debt to EBITDA ratio. Principal amortization payments are due from September 2012 through 2017 in installments to match export shipments. The financings are guaranteed by export contracts.  In March, 2011, we prepaid the amount of U.S.$600 million (equivalent then to R$999 million).


In September 2010, Fibria Trading entered into an export prepayment agreement with a syndicate of banks in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$800 million.  We are a guarantor under this facility, which has a final maturity on September 28, 2018 and bears interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 2.755% per annum (which may be reduced to LIBOR plus 2.50% if our net debt to EBITDA ratio is less than 3.5 to 1.0 for four consecutive fiscal quarters at any time during the term of the loan).  Principal amortizes on this loan on a quarterly basis beginning on March 28, 2013 (with a grace period of one year in 2014).  The debt service under this loan is secured by certain of our export receivables.  In March 2011, we prepaid the amount of U.S.$600 million (equivalent then to R$993 million).


In September 2010, we entered into a bilateral export prepayment agreement in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$250 million.  The loan has a final maturity on September 29, 2020 and it bears interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 2.55% per annum payable on a semiannual basis.  Principal amortizes beginning on this loan in September 2015 and thereafter on each interest payment date.


In January 2011, the Company signed three advanced exchange contracts in the amount of U.S.$50 million each, with a total of U.S.$150 million (equivalent then to R$249 million), with maturity in June 2012 and fixed interest rate at 2.09% p.a.


In May 2011, the Company signed an export prepayment agreement with eleven banks in the amount of U.S.$300 million (equivalent then to R$489 million), bearing quarterly LIBOR plus 1.80% p.a., which can be reduced to 1.60%, depending on the level of leverage and risk rating of the Company over a term of eight years, with annual installments of U.S.$ 15 million in 2012; U.S.$30 million in 2015; U.S.$15 million in 2016; U.S.$90 million in 2018 and U.S.$150 million in 2019.


In June 2011, the Company signed Advanced exchange contracts in the amount of U.S.$125 million (equivalent then to R$198 million), with maturity in November 2012 and fixed interest rate, valuing U.S.$75 million at 2.05% p.a. and U.S.$50 million at 2.09% p.a.


The Company also has export prepayment agreements with Banco Bradesco in the total amount of U.S.$150 million, bearing interest on LIBOR plus 0.78%, maturing in 2014.


The Company also has export prepayment agreements with Nordea bank in the amount of U.S.$50 million, bearing interest on LIBOR plus 0.80%, maturing in 2013.



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Domestic fixed-rate notes


In September 2010, we entered into an export financing facility (Nota de Crédito à Exportação — NCE) and a related interest swap agreement, for an aggregate principal amount of R$428 million.  The term of the facility and the related swap agreement, is eight years and it bears interest at a rate equivalent to a fixed rate of 5.45% p.a. payable on a quarterly basis.  Principal payments are due annually from September 28, 2016 to September 28, 2018.


In December 2009, Fibria entered into an R$73 million financing with Banco do Brasil referring to Fund for the Financing of the Brazilian Midwest Region (Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Centro-Oeste — FCO) at 8.5% p.a. fixed rates in Reais. This is a line offered by the government in order to incentivize, through financing, investments on the Central East region of Brazil. This amount will mature from July 2010 through December 2017.


In May 2009, the Company contracted an NCE with Banco do Brasil totaling R$50 million, which matured in May 2011 and bore charges of 11.25% p.a.


In December 2008, the Company contracted, through its subsidiary Portocel, an NCE with Banco HSBC in the amount of R$94 million (51%), with final maturity in December 2013 and charges of 100% of the CDI.


Voto-Votorantim III


In January 2004, VPar, our ultimate controlling shareholder, formed Voto-Votorantim III, a company based in the Cayman Islands, for the sole purpose of raising funds.  Voto-Votorantim III issued U.S.$300 million, 4.25% Bonds due 2014 in the international market.  We received 15% of the total amount originally issued, U.S.$45 million, and are the guarantors for this amount.


Voto-Votorantim IV


In June 2005, Voto-Votorantim IV, a wholly-owned subsidiary of VPar, issued U.S.$ 400 million of 8.50% Notes due 2020 that were placed with investors in North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America.  Fibria is a guarantor of 50% of the 8.50% Notes due 2020 and in turn received U.S.$ 200 million of the proceeds.  On September 6, 2005, we acquired a 50% equity interest in Voto-Votorantim IV and continue as the guarantor for 50% of these Notes.


International fixed-rate notes


Fibria 2019 Notes


On October 30, 2009, Fibria Overseas issued U.S.$1 billion aggregate principal amount of its 9.250% Senior Notes due 2019. Fibria is a guarantor of 100% of the obligations under these notes.


Fibria 2020 Notes


On May 4, 2010, Fibria Overseas issued U.S.$750 million aggregate principal amount of its 7.50% Senior Notes due 2020. Fibria is a guarantor of 100% of the obligations under these notes.


Shortly after pricing Fibria 2020 Notes, we commenced an exchange offer in which additional Fibria 2020 Notes were offered in exchange for up to U.S.$1 billion of the Fibria 2019 Notes. The exchange offer was completed in May 2010, with holders representing approximately 94% of the aggregate principal amount of the Fibria 2019 Notes agreeing to exchange their notes for Fibria 2020 Notes.


Fibria 2021 Notes


On March 4, 2011, Fibria Overseas issued U.S.$750 million aggregate principal amount of its 6.75% Senior Notes due 2021. Fibria is a guarantor of 100% of the obligation under these notes.


BNDES Financing


BNDES has been an important source of debt financing for our capital expenditures As of December 31, 2011, the BNDES loans outstanding totaled R$1,774 million related principally to the capacity increase projects, all of which are denominated in Reais. Loans from BNDES are secured by liens on property, plant and equipment and bank guarantee.  The majority of our loans with BNDES bear interest indexed to a nominal long-term interest rate, TJLP.  The remaining BNDES loans are indexed to UMBNDES (a



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weighted average exchange variation on a basket of currencies, predominantly U.S. Dollars) plus a spread.  At December 31, 2011, the TJLP was fixed at 6.00% p.a.


As of December 31, 2011, BNDES represented approximately 15.7% of our financial indebtedness, and is expected to remain as a significant source of financing in the future. See below details on amount and maturities:




R$ in millions























For further information on the financing agreements with BNDES, see Exhibit 4.6 incorporated by reference in this annual report.




The Company signed capital leases agreement with the Bank Société Générale for the acquisition of machinery used to fell and harvest trees in the total amount of R$83 million. The first tranche of R$5 million was released in September 2008 and matures in 2013.  The outstanding amount as of December 31, 2011 was R$14.7 million.




At December 31, 2011, the amount of our short-term debt was R$1,092 million.  At December 31, 2011, the annual maturities of our debt were as follows:








(R$ in millions)


























2018 to 2021











In December 2011, we renegotiated the financial covenants of some Export Prepayment Facilities, Leasing and Finnvera agreements in the outstanding amount of U.S.$ 1,332 million.  The following table summarizes the most restrictive financial covenants for each relevant fiscal quarter.  As of December 2011, our net debt to EBITDA ratio was 4.8.  See Note 4.2.2 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.



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2012 thereafter














Debt Service Coverage Ratio (1)












Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio (2)














Defined as the ratio of (i) EBITDA in accordance with practices adopted in Brazil and adjusted (for the last four quarters) with respect to (ii) the total debt maturing during the following four consecutive quarters plus financial expenses to be paid during the following four consecutive quarters.




Net debt to Adjusted EBITDA (for the last four quarters).




Many of these instruments also contain other covenants that restrict, among other things, the ability of Fibria and its subsidiaries to:


·                  merge or consolidate into other entities or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of our assets;


·                  consummate certain asset sales and exchanges;


·                  incur additional indebtedness;


·                  issue or sell share capital of relevant subsidiaries;


·                  making certain restricted payments, including payment of dividends; or


·                  enter into certain transactions with affiliates.


·                  expansion Capital Expenditures exceeding R$80 million up to June, 2012.


In addition, the instruments governing a substantial portion of our indebtedness contain cross-default or cross-acceleration clauses, such that the occurrence of an event of default under one of these instruments could trigger an event of default under other indebtedness or enable the creditors under other indebtedness to accelerate that indebtedness.  The principal events of default under our export prepayment agreements include:


·                  non-payment of the principal amount or interest;


·                  inaccuracy of any declaration, guarantee or certification provided;


·                  cross-default and cross-judgment default, subject to an agreed minimum of U.S.$50 million;


·                  subject to certain cure periods, breach of any obligation under the agreement;


·                  certain events of bankruptcy or insolvency of Fibria or certain of its subsidiaries.


Our long-term borrowings contain various covenants regarding compliance with certain financial ratios and other restrictions.  At December 31, 2011, the Company was in compliance with all covenants. See Note 22 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements and “Item 5A. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects — Operating Results — Results of Operations.”


Liability Management Plan


Since 2009, we have been implementing a liability management plan aimed at (1) matching our loan maturities with cash generation, (2) improving our capital structure, (3) recovering our investment grade rating and (4) securing financing for our growth strategy under favorable market conditions.



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As part of our liability management plan we have most recently entered into the following transactions:


·                       In March 2011, Fibria Overseas issued U.S.$750 million aggregate principal amount of its 6.75% Senior Notes due 2021.  Fibria is a guarantor of 100% of the obligation under these notes.


·        In May 2011, we signed an export prepayment agreement with eleven banks in the amount of U.S. $300 million, bearing quarterly Libor plus 1.80% p.a., which can be reduced to 1.60% depending on our leverage and risk rating, over a term of eight years, with annual installments of U.S.$ 15 million in 2012; U.S.$30 million in 2015; U.S.$15 million in 2016; U.S. $90 million in 2018 and U.S.$150 million in 2019. These proceeds were partially used to settle export pre-payment agreements in the amount of R$186 million and reinforce cash position.


·        Simultaneously, we contracted a revolver credit facility in the total amount of US$500 million with the same banks, with a 4-year term. If disbursed it will cost Libor + 1.5% p.a. When not used, the cost is 35% of the spread over Libor. This revolver credit facility can only be withdrawn when and if our net debt to EBITDA ratio is below 4.00x.


·                       In September 2011, we sold our last paper business, the Piracicaba Unit, to Oji Paper, for the price of US$ 313 million. This sale concluded our repositioning strategy to focus on the pulp business and contribute to our capital structure improvement.


Liability and Liquidity Management Policy


In May 2011, we approved our Liability and Liquidity Management Policy, with which we formalized our target of maintaining a ratio of net debt to EBITDA of 2.0x to 2.5x and not to exceed 3.5x even during growth cycles. Therefore, we aim to attain the investment grade allowing access to credit lines with more attractive costs. In addition, this policy also formalized the goal of maintaining the necessary liquidity for the cash conversion cycle and to meet short term financial obligations. In also provides that we will maintain a minimum cash balance comprised of the sum of: (i) a minimum operating cash balance, which reflects the cash conversion cycle and (ii) a minimum balance for coverage of debt service, which includes interest and short-term principal.


Capital expenditures


Our capital expenditures (Capex) totaled R$1,240 million in 2011 and R$991 million in 2010.  In 2011, we continued investing in a new forest area in the Mato Grosso do Sul State.  As a result, expansion Capex in 2011 was R$154 million, higher when compared to 2010’s expansion Capex of R$54 million.  These expenditures for land acquisition and forestry plantation assure our supply of raw materials for our current or an eventual expansion of our pulp production capacity.


The table below sets forth a breakdown of our most significant capital expenditures for the periods indicated:












(in millions of Reais)


Industrial Expansion








Forest Expansion








Subtotal Expansion








Safety/ Environment








Forestry Renewal








Maintenance, IT, R&D, Modernization








Subtotal Maintenance








50% Veracel

















(1)         For the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009, Conpacel invested R$75 million and R$58 million, respectively, which is not included the total amounts presented in the table above.


For 2012, the Management of the Company approved capital expenditures of approximately R$1.0 billion, mostly committed to the maintenance of operations which we expect to finance through free cash flow generation and financing programs offered by BNDES.


C.                                    Research and development, patents and licenses, etc.


As a producer of pulp, we seek to gain a better understanding of the entire production process and obtain competitive advantages by continuous investments in research and technological development. By attempting to identify the characteristics of both wood and pulp that are essential for the production of high quality pulp and paper, we improve our processes and develop innovative, higher quality products. The research and development activities conducted within our research center are directed towards increasing the productivity of our forests, improving the quality of the eucalyptus wood used as our raw material, increasing the efficiency of our productive process and industrial yields, and developing new, innovative higher quality products, in a sustainable way. These efforts are conducted not only within our research facilities, but also in partnership with various universities, suppliers and private research institutes. Our total disbursements, both directly and indirectly, in research and development were R$39 million and R$32 million in 2011 and 2010, respectively. Our expenditures in research and development have been commensurate with our growth and our continued efforts to maintain our competitive advantage.  This strategy has enabled us to develop high quality sustainable forests at



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lower costs and with minimal environmental impact, and to continue to supply the market with improved products and reinforcing our long-term relationships with key customers.


Fibria Technology Center


The main objective of the Fibria Technology Center is to add value to the overall business. Our portfolio of research projects includes activities ranging from plant nurseries, improvements in eucalyptus species, to developing new products. Our forestry technology is focused on wood quality and forest productivity and sustainability in such areas as genetic improvement, forest biotechnology, plant physiology, soil and plant nutrition, silviculture, forest protection and environmental development.


In the last 40 years, improvements in technology in the forestry area, specifically in the use of advanced genetic techniques, have led to notable increases in the forest yields. We also maintain a significant level of investment in a biotechnology program, involving national and international partnerships. The main goals of the biotechnology program are to improve forest and industrial productivity and reduce total costs by producing: (1) better wood quality for industry applications (wood density, fiber morphology and chemistry); (2) higher operational yields (forest and industry); and (3) greater raw material homogeneity.  In 2011, we focused on a new technique, known as Genome Wide Selection, which is based on the early selection of superior eucalyptus clones by marks on the DNA (or molecular markers). By implementing this technique, which is totally new in the forestry sector, we expect to increase wood productivity and quality previously foreseen by classical breeding.


In certain of our units, we have conducted a soil monitoring process over the last 20 years, which has revealed, particularly over the last decade, that fertility may be enhanced through programs of nutritional management.  During 2011, we have expanded studies which helped us to determine the critical level of soil organic matter, involving forest residues. We have also developed: (i) new models to measure the compression and loss of soil; (ii) new tools for soil fertilization, which will lead the building of a unique strategy for Fibria and (iii) new studies on controlled-release fertilizers. Due to reduction in nutrition formulations (NPK) for the plantations, the extent of automated management and the control of fertilization, gains in logistics, safety on the use of fertilizers and cost have already been noticed.


Furthermore, we have performed specific studies since 1993 into the quantity and quality of superficial and underground water by monitoring water tables in representative locations in our plantations and by our production units, which continue to indicate that there have been no material changes to the composition of the water in these water tables, thus confirming that our plantation and production processes are not contaminating the surrounding water tables.  In 2011, specific studies on the water cycle (Fibria’s Watershed Project) as well as the environmental interactions in our landscape model of production have been reinforced by the construction of a second watershed trial. Such experiment will allow comparison on the use of land concerning pasture and eucalyptus plantations.


In our continuous search for better environmental performance, we have developed the Fibria Bioindex software, which combines relevant indicators for statistical analysis of diversity indices in our plantations and areas of natural vegetation based on landscape ecology analysis.  We use our Fibria Bioindex to support planning and detection of opportunities to improve management, allowing the development and implantation of new techniques.  Birds have been used as indicators of the functionality of corridors formed by eucalyptus and native areas to connect Rain Forest fragments.


Our research and development teams also continuously assess new trends and advances in the industries in which we operate, which can lead to the development of new products and the entry into new markets.  In particular, recently we have recently been closely following developments of production techniques powered by biofuels and alternative biomass-based products.  Biorefinery comes as an important subject in our portfolio of projects. There has been a great advance on the study of the potential of our technologies with different biomass generating biofuels and bioproducts. These along with strategic alliances, allow the company to be prepared to the opportunities to come. The ongoing projects and alliances envision the different and more promising alternatives, not only making use of forest biomass in nature, but also from the circling biomass of the kraft process.


In connection with our pulp and paper production processes, in the last few years we have studied how to improve fiber quality and our industrial production techniques.  In relation to our pulp production, new technologies have been tested in wood treatment, cooking and bleaching processes, together with optimizing the use of additives and other materials to improve pulp quality. In relation to our paper production, in joint studies with selected partners, we have concentrated on researching alternative fiber properties that we believe may lead to an increase of BEKP in the average paper furnish, depending on the grade of paper.  As a result of these studies, we are able to offer our clients a wider range of pulps and paper based on specially engineered fibers, different pulp production processes, the use of specific agents and different stock preparation technologies.



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D.            Trend Information


The primary trends which influence our sales and production and inventory levels are:  the patterns and cycles of pulp purchases by paper producers, pulp and paper prices, the level of pulp inventory in the hands of pulp producers in the global market, global economic conditions and the effect of currency fluctuations.


We continue to pursue growth opportunities to create value for our shareholders through business expansion, strong operational performance and profitability and/or technological and product improvements, always in the context of a long term strategic focus.


For additional information regarding trends in our business, see “Item 4B.  Business Overview — Our Strategies”, “Item 4B. Business Overview — Effects of Fluctuations in Pulp Price” and “Item 5. Operating Results.”  For risks affecting our business, see “Item 3. Key Information — Risk Factors.”


E.                                    Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements


We participate in a number of off-balance sheet arrangements, principally relating to guarantees and take or pay contracts.  We also have a number of swap transactions that are described in “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.”  All of these transactions are further described elsewhere in this annual report.


F.            Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations


The following table summarizes our significant contractual obligations and commitments as of December 31, 2011. This table does not reflect swap transactions discussed under “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk”.




Payments Due by Period




Less than
One Year


One to Three


Three to
Five Years


More than
Five Years






(in millions of Reais)














Total debt commitments (1)












Operating leases (2)












Purchase obligations (3)












Pension contribution (4)












Total contractual obligations and commitments (5)














The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows and as such they differ from the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.




Includes land leases and sea transportation.




Includes take-or-pay contracts. We have long-term “take-or-pay” contracts with suppliers of energy, transportation, diesel fuel and chemical products for an average period of 10 years for which the contractual obligations are R$301 million per year.




Represents a contribution of R$7 million per year.




Excludes amounts of probable cash outflows which are expected to arise upon settlement of contingencies due to uncertainties with respect to timing of payments.




We are also subject to contingencies with respect to tax, civil, labor and other claims and have made provisions for accrued liability for legal proceedings related to certain probable and estimable losses arising from tax, civil and labor claims of R$270 million as of December 31, 2011.  See “Item 8. Financial Information. — Contingencies”.



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A.                                    Directors and Senior Management


We are managed by a Board of Directors and a Board of Executive Officers. The address of the management of our Company is Alameda Santos 1357, 6th floor, São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil.


Board of Directors


Our Board of Directors is required to meet four times a year and on an extraordinary basis whenever corporate interests so require.  The members of the Board of Directors are appointed at General Shareholders’ Meetings and serve for two-year terms.  Our Board’s responsibilities include determining our general business strategies, electing the Executive Officers and supervising the management.  As of January 31, 2012, the Board of Directors was made up of the following members:




Member Since





José Luciano Duarte Penido


April 30, 2009





Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Santos


November 5, 2009





João Carvalho de Miranda


April 30, 2009





Mario Antônio Bertoncini


October 3, 2011





Raul Calfat


August 24, 2009





Gilberto Lara Nogueira


November 5, 2009





Alexandre Silva D’Ambrosio


August 24, 2009





Eduardo Borges de Andrade Filho


December 15, 2011





Carlos Augusto Lira Aguiar


January 02, 2012





Samuel de Paula Matos


December 22, 2009





Julio Cesar Maciel Ramundo


December 15, 2011





Laura Bedeschi Rego de Mattos


December 15, 2009





Eduardo Rath Fingerl


November 5, 2009





Sérgio José Suarez Pompeo


April 28, 2011





José Armando de Figueiredo Campos


December 22, 2009





Antonio Luiz Pizarro Manso


December 22, 2009





Alexandre Gonçalves Silva


December 22, 2009





Mauricio Aquino Halewicz


December 22, 2009






We present below a brief biographical description of each member of our Board of Directors:


José Luciano Duarte Penido.  Mr. Penido has served on our Board of Directors since April 30, 2009 and has been serving as Chairman of our Board of Directors since August 30, 2009.  He is also Chairman of the Board of Bracelpa, Co-chairman of the SFPI (Sustainable Forest Products Industry), a member of the Working Group of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), member of the Board of AMCHAM Brazil (American Chamber of Commerce), member of the Board of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility (Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social), an independent member of the Board of Directors of Orteng Equipamentos e Sistemas Ltda anda Copersucar and member of the Council of Economic and Social Development of the State of Bahia.  Prior to his appointment as Chairman of our Board of Directors, he had served as our chief executive officer for five years.  Prior to January 2004, Mr. Penido served as CEO of Samarco Mineração S.A. for eleven years.  Mr. Penido has a bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and has had a long career in large mining projects.


João Carvalho de Miranda. Mr. Miranda has served as a member and Vice-Chairman of our Board of Directors since April 30, 2009.  He is also a member of our Finance Committee. He had also been a member of the board of directors of Aracruz Celulose S.A. from March to April 2009. He joined Votorantim Industrial S.A. as Chief Financial Officer in March 2009. Before joining the Votorantim Group in 2009, Mr. Miranda had been the executive vice president of Global Banking at Banco Citibank S.A. in Brazil from 2006 until 2009.  Mr. Miranda was also the CEO of Citibank N.A. in Chile from 2004 to 2006 and corporate bank head of Citibank, N.A. in Brazil from 1998 to 2004.  Prior to 1998, Mr. Miranda took several positions at ING Barings and Aracruz.  Mr. Miranda holds a bachelor degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and a master’s degree in Business Administration from COPPEAD (Instituto de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) along with an extension course at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.


Raul Calfat.  Mr. Calfat has served on our Board of Directors since August 24, 2009.  Mr. Calfat has served as VID’s General Director for all industrial businesses (including cement, pulp, zinc, nickel, long steel, orange juice, chemicals and energy) from January 2006 to December 2011 and as VID’s Chief Executive Officer since January 2012.  In addition, Mr. Calfat was a member of the Board of Directors of Aracruz since July 16, 2004 and was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aracruz on March 6,



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2009.  He served as VPar’s General Director for the corporate area from 2004 to 2006.  Mr. Calfat served as vice president of Bracelpa from 1996 to 2004 and as president of the Pulp and Paper Association of São Paulo from 1993 to 1995.  Mr. Calfat previously served as president of our Company and of Papel Simão, where he began his career as a trainee in 1973.  He graduated from Fundação Getulio Vargas with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.  He also completed the management development program for senior executives at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland.


Alexandre Silva D’Ambrosio.  Mr. D’Ambrosio has served as a member of our Board of Directors since August 24, 2009.  Mr. D’Ambrosio is general counsel and a managing director of VID.  Since June 2003, Mr. D’Ambrosio has served as chief legal officer of VPar and has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of Aracruz since April 2004.  Prior to joining the Votorantim Group, Mr. D’Ambrosio served from 2001 through 2003 as vice president for Legal and Corporate Affairs of Global Village Telecom Ltda. — (GVT in Brazil, and from 1999 through 2001 as general counsel of Telemig and Telenorte Celular S.A. in Brazil.  Mr. D’Ambrosio previously practiced corporate law in the United States from 1986 through 1996, as an associate and partner in major law firms in Washington, D.C. and New York City.  Mr. D’Ambrosio is licensed both as a Brazilian and U.S. lawyer and member of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB-São Paulo), the District of Columbia Bar, and the Court of International Trade in New York.  Mr. D’Ambrosio graduated from the University of São Paulo (LL.B ‘84), from the Harvard Law School (LL.M ‘86) and from the National Law Center of George Washington University (MCL ‘89).


Carlos Augusto Lira Aguiar.  Mr. Aguiar is a member of the Board since January 2, 2011. Prior to that Mr. Aguiar served as our Chief Executive Officer from August 28, 2009 to June 30, 2011. Mr. Aguiar served as president of Aracruz from April 1998 until the Aracruz merger.  Prior to becoming president of Aracruz, Mr. Aguiar served as vice president from April 1993 to April 1998 and as an executive officer from 1985 to 1993. After joining Aracruz in 1981, Mr. Aguiar held various managerial positions in Aracruz’s operations department.  Mr. Aguiar is also a member of numerous industry associations in Brazil and abroad.  He is a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences; vice president of Bracelpa; member of the Associação Brasileira de Cultura de Tecidos de Plantas (ABTCP); member of the Industry Federation of the State of Espírito Santo (FINDES); member of the Industry Federation of the State of Bahia (FIEB); member of the Associação de Comércio Exterior do Brasil (AEB), and member of Tappi since 1987 and member of its board since 2007.  Mr. Aguiar holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and Industrial Management from the Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil.


Mr. Julio Cesar Maciel Ramundo.  Mr. Ramundo is a member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 15, 2011. He has served as Executive Officer of BNDES since May, 2011 and currently accounts for several areas ( Industrial, Capital Markets, Venture Capital BNDES and among others). Prior to that, he held various managerial positions in BNDES. Mr. Ramundo has experience in the Councils of Government - industrial policy oriented, was Chairman of the Board of Directors of FAPES (BNDES) and member of the Board of Directors of Telemar Norte Leste S.A. (Oi). Mr Ramundo graduated in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and holds the title of Master of Business Administration with Distinction from London Business School, University of London.


Eduardo Rath Fingerl. Mr. Rath Fingerl is a member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since November 5, 2009 and he has served as an executive officer of the BNDES since April 2006, being currently responsible for capital markets and environmental matters. From July 1996 to February 2000, Mr. Fingerl served as an executive officer of the BNDES, responsible for industrial operations. Mr. Fingerl served as technical officer of the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (Fundação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável) from June 1992 to June 1993. From August 1989 to June 1992, Mr. Fingerl served as executive officer of Petroquímica da Bahia S.A. From May 1976 to August 1989, Mr. Fingerl worked at the BNDES in various positions. Mr. Fingerl was member of the Board of the New Club of Paris. He was also manager of Foreign Commerce Chamber (Câmara de Comércio Exterior) and member of the Board of Entrepreneurs of Softex. Mr. Fingerl graduated with bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ and received a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Instituto de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPEAD).


Jose Armando de Figueiredo Campos. Mr. Campos serves as an independent member of Fibria’s Board of Directors since December 22, 2009. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Estado do Espírito Santo S.A. (BANESTES) from June 2009 to December 2010.  Mr. Campos has also served as a member of the Board of Directors for ArcelorMittal Brasil S.A. since 2006, being appointed its Chairman in April 2009. After a long career in Cia Vale do Rio Doce, Mr. Campos was Chief Executive Officer of Cia Siderúrgica de Tubarão — CST from 1997 until 2005, and a Vice President between 1992 and 1997. Prior to that Mr. Campos was the President of Instituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia - IBS (2002-2005), Instituto LatinoAmericano do Ferro e do Aço — ILAFA (2002-2004) and President of Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável — CEBDS. Mr. Campos graduated with bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ and received a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto (EMOP/UFOP) and holds a Master in Business Administration degree from Fundação Dom Cabral/INSEAD.



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Alexandre Gonçalves Silva. Mr. Silva serves as an independent member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 22, 2009 and he has served previously as President and Chief Executive Officer of General Electric do Brasil from 2001 to 2007. From 1989 to 2001 he has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of GE CELMA. Currently Mr. Silva serves as member of the board of directors of TAM, PDG, Equatorial Energia and CSN.  Mr. Silva has also served as the Chairman of the Board of American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) from 2006 to 2010.  Prior to these appointments, Mr. Silva’s professional career spanned 40 years mostly in the aeronautical industry in Brazil.  Mr. Silva holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro — PUC.




Laura Bedeschi Rego de MattosMs. Mattos is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 15, 2011. In BNDESPAR, she has served as Head of Equity Portfolio Management Department since December 2010 and served as Head of Investment Department in the area of Capital Markets (from June 2009 to December 2010), Investment Manager of Capital Markets (from April 2005 to June 2009). In addition, she worked at FINEP (Financing agency for Studies and Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology) and COPPETEC Foundation.  Ms Mattos graduated in Chemical Engineering from the School of Chemistry from UFRJ and Executive MBA in Finance from IBMEC-RJ.  She also holds a Master degree in Energy Planning in the Planning Program Energy from COPPE UFRJ.


Antonio Luiz Pizarro Manso. Mr. Manso is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 22, 2009, and also a member of the Audit Committee of the Company. He had also been Vice President Finance and Investor Relations (CFO) of Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA from 1995 to 2008, from 1986 to 1995 was Chief Financial Officer of Odebrecht Group companies in the area of transport and Tenenge National Technical Engineering SA., from 1985 to 1986 was Managing Director Financial companies in the transport of the Bozano Group, from 1981 to 1985 was Managing Director of the Empresa Brasileira de Engenharia S.A.. From 1981 to 2008 he was responsible as CFO of various companies for: Investor Relations, Finance, Sales, Finance, Accounting, Planning, Risk & Asset Management. He participated in several boards of directors, such as the wholly owned subsidiaries and subsidiaries of Embraer in Brazil and abroad, including the relationship with the Chinese and Portuguese governments. Currently he is a Partner responsible for Pizarro Manso Suporte a Negócios Ltda. He is a Board Member of companies in Brazil such Itapoá Terminais Portuários S.A. and Banco Caixa Geral do Brazil SA. He degree in Mechanical Engineering from PUC in Rio de Janeiro and graduated with an Executive MBA in Finance from IBMEC — Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais.


Gilberto Lara Nogueira. Mr. Nogueira is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since November 2009. Previously, he was an alternate member of the Aracruz Celulose Board of Directors from April 2004 to January 2009, and a titular member until November 2009. He worked for Rhodia SA as CEO of Rhodia Argentina - 1990/92, Engineering Plastics Business Unit Director - 1992/96, Human Resources Director for Latin America 1996/2001 and Human Resources Director for Polyamide Business in France - 2001/03. He joined VPar in 2003 as Human & Organizational Development Corporate Director. He holds a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering by Escola de Engenharia Mauá and a post graduate degree in Business Administration from FGV.


Eduardo Borges de Andrade Filho. Mr. Andrade Filho is Chief Planning Officer of VPar. He previously served as Vice President of Corporate Development of Usiminas. He joined Usiminas in 2010 and was responsible for the iron ore mining (MUSA) and capital goods (UMSA) businesses as well as corporate strategic planning, business development and M&A. Prior to joining Usiminas, he served as a consultant (from 1997 until 2003) and as a partner at McKinsey & Company Inc. (from 2004 until 2010). He led client services to selected companies in Latin America, mainly on strategy and corporate finance. While at McKinsey & Company Inc., his leadership positions included São Paulo Office Location Manager and Chair of the Latin America Knowledge Committee. Mr. Andrade Filho also worked as Director of Finance and Marketing in Etecco Ltda., where he managed business development and financial planning and control of the holding company. Mr. Andrade Filho began his career at Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A., where he entered as a trainee in the Executive Development Program and later worked as an assistant engineer in the Technical Department. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from FUMEC and graduated with honors from The University of Chicago, from which he received a master’s degree in business administration with concentrations in Finance and Marketing.


Maurício Aquino Halewicz.  Mr.  Halewicz is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 2009 and is also a member of the Audit Committee of the Company.  He had also been a member of the Board of Directors of Aracruz Celulose S.A. period of June to November 2009. He is the Investor Relations Director of Rede Energia S.A. since December 2010. He was the Controllership Director of Rede Energia S.A. since January 2009. He has been working in the finance area in the utility sector since April 1999. Prior to working in the utilities sector, Mr. Aquino worked at Ambev and as an auditor at KPMG. He graduated in Accounting from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and holds a post graduate degree in Engineering Economics from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.  He also holds an MBA in Corporate Finance from FGV.



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Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Santos.  Mr. Santos is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since November 2009. He had also been a member of the Board of Directors of Aracruz Celulose S.A. period of March to April 2009. He has structured the creation and is the CEO of Votorantim Novos Negócios since 2000. From 1997 to 2000 he was Chief Financial Officer of Votorantim Metais and one of those responsible for its restructuring. From 1995 to 1997 he worked in a number of privatization processes, and in the CPFL case he also directed the initial process of restructuring. He was the CEO of Banco Votorantim between 1993 and 1995, and operated in other banks in São Paulo and New York, in the Treasury and Corporate Finance areas. Also, he was Chief Financial Officer of Brasilpar, one of the first Private Equity funds of Brazil. Paulo Henrique is an engineer who graduated from the Industrial Engineering University (FEI), with a post-graduate degree in Business Management from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He has also taken the Specialization Course at Harvard Business School, OPM - Owner/President Management Program.


Mario Antônio Bertoncini.  Mr. Bertoncini is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since October 3, 2011 and has served as Regional Director of the Division Large Corporate since 2009 at Banco Itau BBA SA. Prior to that Mr. Bertoncini held various positions as Director of Mergers and Acquisitions at Banco Itaú BBA SA (2001/2005), Regional Director of the Large Corporate Division, both in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro at Unibanco (2005/2009). Mr. Bertoncini graduated in Business Administration at the School of Business Administration of Sao Paulo, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV (1990), MBA in Finance from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 2001.


Samuel de Paula Matos.  Mr. Matos is an alternate member of the Board of Directors of Fibria since December 22, 2009, and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company. He is currently also a member of the audit committee of TIM Participações S.A. He had also been Chairman of the Audit Committee of Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A. from May 2007 to November 2009. He acted as independent auditor and business consultant since the beginning of his professional career in 1967 and was the CEO of Coopers & Lybrand in Brasil and after its merger with Arthur Andersen was appointed the COO of the new resulting entity and Member of its Executive Committee. From June 2002 to May 2004 he was an audit partner for Deloitte, Touche & Tohmatsu serving as a Member of its Policy Committee. He graduated in Economics from Faculdade de Economia e Administração da USP and he also holds a bachelor degree in Accounting.


Board of Executive Officers


The following executive officers were appointed by our Board of Directors. They are members of our board of executive officers and are our legal representatives. The board of executive officers meets periodically to review production, and commercial and financial operations.  Our executive officers are as follows:








Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli




Chief Executive Officer


Francisco Fernandes Campos Valério




Industrial Operations, Engineering and Procurement


Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti




Chief Financial Officer & Investor Relations Officer


Luiz Fernando Torres Pinto




Human and Organizational Development


João Felipe Carsalade




Commercial & International Logistics


Aires Galhardo




Forestry Operations



(1)   The Board of Directors announced on March 2, 2011 the succession of the Chief Executive Officer, Carlos Augusto Lira Aguiar, who had been CEO since the foundation of the Company, as of September 1st, 2009. According to the process of succession, Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli has been appointed for the Chief Executive Officer position, effective on July 1st, 2011. Subsequent to this transition, Carlos Aguiar joined the Board of Directors of Fibria, in January 2012.

(2)   Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti was appointed Chief Financial Officer & Investor Relations Officer effective as of February 1st, 2012. Prior to that, João Adalberto Elek Junior has been Chief Financial Officer & Investor Relations Officer from August 2nd, 2010 to January 30th, 2012.


We present below a brief biographical description of each executive officer that is not also member of our board of directors:


Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli.  Mr. Castelli has been appointed as Chief Exectuvie Officer effective on July 1st, 2011. Prior to that, he served as our executive officer of Paper, Planning, Procurement and Forestry Operations and Technology since August 28, 2009.  Mr. Castelli also served as the supply chain and strategy director of our Company, where he has served as member of the executive board since December 2006.  In addition, since joining our Company in 1997, Mr. Castelli held various positions, including recovery, utilities and environment manager, general manager of the Jacareí mill and associate director of operations.  Prior to that, Mr. Castelli worked at Suzano, Bahia Sul and Aracruz. Mr. Castelli holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes and a degree in Business Administration from Faculdades Associadas de São Paulo (FASP). 



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Mr. Castelli also attended courses at IMD in Switzerland and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC).


Francisco Fernandes Campos Valério.  Mr. Valério has served as our executive officer of Industrial Operations, Engineering and Procurement since August 28, 2009.  Mr. Valério joined our Company in January 1998.  He previously held senior positions at other pulp and paper companies, including, Bahia Sul, Aracruz, Suzano, Braskraft Florestal e Industrial and Olinkraft Celulose e Papel.  Mr. Valério holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti. Mr. Cavalcanti was appointed as Fibria’s Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer on February 1st, 2012. Mr. Cavalcanti joined Vale S.A. in 2005, as global director for corporate finance until July 2010, when he was appointed as Vale’s Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer. Previously, he worked for companies such as Globo Organizations, Banco UBS/Pactual and Banco Banif/Primus. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.


Luiz Fernando Torres Pinto. Mr. Pinto has joined Fibria as the Director of Human & Organizational Development on October 24, 2011. Prior to Fibria, Mr. Pinto has held several management positions in human resources, industrial production and business units at the following Companies: SunCoke Energy, Cenibra, Aracruz Celulose and Paranasa.  Mr. Pinto has a major in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a Master in Business Administration in Corporate Management from Fundação Dom Cabral and a HR specialization from Stanford Business School.


João Felipe Carsalade. Mr. Carsalade has served as our executive officer of Commercial & International Logistics since August 28, 2009.  Mr. Carsalade has also served as an officer of Aracruz since September 1993. He joined Aracruz in 1976 and has held various managerial positions with the commercial department of Aracruz.  Mr. Carsalade holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Faculdade de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Aires Galhardo.  Mr. Galhardo has served as Fibria’s executive officer of Forestry Operations since June 2011. Mr. Galhardo joined our company in July 2007, holding several management positions in Forestry Operations. Prior to that, Mr. Galhardo worked at Ambev (Cia de Bebidas das Américas), managing during 5 years logistic operations. Mr. Galhardo holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and a Master degree in Business Administration also from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.


Fiscal Council


We have had a permanent fiscal council (Conselho Fiscal) since 2004, which is a corporate body independent of our management and the Company’s independent auditors.


Members of our fiscal council may not be members of our Board of Directors or the board of executive officers, nor can be employees of our Company or the Votorantim Group, or a spouse or relative of any member of our management.  Our fiscal council is made up of between three and five members who are elected at the annual shareholders’ meeting for a one-year term.  Under the Brazilian Corporation Law, any group of non-controlling shareholders that holds at least 10% of the voting shares also has the right to separately elect one member of the fiscal council.


Set forth below are the names, ages and positions of the members of our fiscal council and their respective alternates, each of whom has been appointed to serve until April 2011:






Year First Elected




José Ecio Pereira da Costa Junior








Marcos de Bem Guazzelli








Eliane Aleixo Lustosa de Andrade








Geraldo Gianini








Maria Paula Soares Aranha








Lúcio Tameirão Machado









Audit Committee


NYSE rules require that listed companies have an audit committee that (i) is comprised of a minimum of three independent directors who are all financially literate, (ii) meets the SEC rules regarding audit committees for listed companies, (iii) has at least one member who has accounting or financial management expertise and (iv) is governed by a written charter addressing the committee’s



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required purpose and detailing its required responsibilities. Our audit committee, which, subject to certain exceptions, is equivalent to a U.S. audit committee, was installed at the meeting of our Board of Directors held on December 18, 2009. It complies with all of such requirements and provides assistance to our Board of Directors in matters involving our accounting, internal controls, financial reporting and compliance. Our audit committee recommends the appointment of our independent auditors to our Board of Directors and reviews the compensation of, and coordinates with, our independent auditors. Our audit committee also evaluates the effectiveness of our internal financial and legal compliance controls. Our audit committee is comprised of up to three members elected by the Board of Directors for a term of office coincident with that of the Board of Directors. All members of our audit committee satisfy the audit committee membership independence requirements established under rules of the SEC. The Board of Directors has determined that Samuel de Paula Matos is an audit committee “financial expert” within the meaning of the rules adopted by the SEC relating to the disclosure of financial experts on audit committees in periodic filings pursuant to the U.S. Securities Exchange Act.


The members of the Audit Committee are as follows:




Member Since




Samuel de Paula Matos


December 22, 2009




Antonio Luiz Pizarro Manso


December 22, 2009




Mauricio Aquino Halewicz


December 22, 2009





As of December 31, 2011, the members of our Audit Committee, on an individual basis and as a group, directly own less than 1% of our common shares.


Our audit committee is governed by Internal Regulations which were approved by the Board of Directors in February 2010 which sets forth rules with respect to duties and responsibilities of the committee, its structure and functioning, as well as rights and obligations of its members.


Advisory Committees


We also have four advisory committees, comprised of Board members and others, with the power to make recommendations for the consideration of the Board.  These are the Audit and Risks Committee, the Finance Committee, the Personnel and Remuneration Committee and the Sustainability Committee, each of which has its own internal regulations and acts in accordance with the scope of the Company’s by-laws.  The Audit and Risks Committee supervises the quality and integrity of financial reports, adherence to legal, statutory and regulation, the suitability of processes relating to managing risks and the activities of the internal and independent auditors.  The Finance Committee advises on macroeconomic matters as well as financial strategy and cash and market risk management policies.  The Personnel and Remuneration Committee is tasked with analyzing human resources policies, structures and practices and remuneration policy, among other related matters.  The Sustainability Committee advises the Board on all matters relating to sustainability evaluates investment proposals in terms of sustainability and impact and monitors the implementation of policies, strategies and activities relating to the sustainability of the Company’s operations.


B.                                    Compensation


In 2011, the aggregate annual remuneration paid to our executive officers was R$29.8 million.  Details are set forth in the table below:








(in millions of


Short-term benefits to officers




Benefits due to contract rescission









The Brazilian Corporation Law requires that members of our fiscal council receive remuneration equal to at least 10% of the average amount paid to our executive officers.


C.                                    Board Practices


Our Board of Directors generally meets whenever necessary, according to the Company’s interest or when called by the Chairman or by the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.  Our Board of Directors is responsible for, among other things, establishing our general business policies and for electing our executive officers and supervising their management.  The board of



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executive officers meets periodically to review production, commercial and financial operations. Each of our Board of Directors and our Board of Executive Officers is governed by their respective Internal Regulations both approved by the Board of Directors in February 2010 which set forth rules with respect to duties and responsibilities of each Board, its structure and functioning, as well as rights and obligations of its members.


According to the Brazilian corporate law and to our by-laws, the members of the Board of Directors are elected by the holders of our common shares at the general shareholders meeting.  Fibria’s members of the Board of Directors serve two year terms.  The terms of the members at December 31, 2011 expire in April 2012.


D.            Employees


As of December 31, 2011, we employed 4,301 people.  We outsource many of our operations and substantially all of the transportation of wood, pulp and other raw materials.  This accounted for 14,660 people as of December 31, 2011.


Several unions represent our employees and they are considered well organized institutions.  Annual Collective agreements related to non-executive employees were renewed in 2011 for another year, resulting in a base salary increase of up to 8.5%, including administrative, industry and forest personnel.  We believe we have very good relations with our employees.


In March 2000, we began to participate in a Votorantim Group pension plan (Funsejem), which was made available to all of our employees.  For more detailed information, see “Defined Contribution Pension Plan” below.


In December 2005, we provisioned for the costs of post-retirement benefits expected to be paid to current, former or inactive employees upon retirement.  For more detailed information, see “Post-retirement Benefit Plan” below.


Defined Contribution Pension Plan


In March 2000, we began co-sponsoring a multi-employer defined contribution plan of the Votorantim Group (Funsejem) which is available to all employees.  For employees below a certain income level we match their contribution limited to 1.5% of the employee’s compensation.  For employees above that income level we match the employee’s contribution up to 6% of the employee’s compensation.  Additional contributions can be made at the employee’s option.  Contributions vest in a range of percentages depending on the employee’s years of service and will fully vest upon the employee’s retirement, death or disability, provided the employee has at least one year of service.  Employees’ contributions amounted to R$9 million in 2011 and R$7 million in 2010.


Former Aracruz employees participated in ARUS — Fundação Aracruz de Seguridade Social, a private, not for profit, pension plan operating as a multi-sponsored fund.  As a result of Aracruz Acquisition in 2009, all employees had the option to transfer their contributions made to ARUS to Funsejem as ARUS has been terminated.


Profit Sharing Plan


Pursuant to Brazilian federal law, companies operating in Brazil are required to share profits with employees beginning from fiscal year 1996.  In 1996, we instituted a profit sharing plan for our employees in addition to providing health and life insurance, transportation, meals and training.  Pursuant to the program, each employee’s share of profits is linked to our operational and financial results.  Employees are eligible to receive a maximum payment of up to 2.3 monthly salaries payable in February of the following year.  Payment is granted if defined goals set by management are achieved by the process or industrial unit in which the employee works and based on the individual performance of the employee.  The unions that represent our employees have agreed to this profit sharing plan.


Post-retirement Benefit Plan


Medical assistance provided to retirees


The Company entered into an agreement with the São Paulo State Pulp and Paper Industry Workers’ Union to provide the funding for a lifetime medical assistance plan (SEPACO) for all of the Company’s employees, their dependents, until they come of age, and their spouses, for life.


The Company’s policy determines that the cost of the benefit be allocated from the date of hiring to the date on which the employee becomes eligible to receive the medical assistance benefit.



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IAS 19 - “Benefits to Employees” requires that an entity calculate the present value of defined benefit obligations and the market value of the assets of the plans at the end of each reporting period and encourages the entity to contract qualified actuaries to measure such obligations. For interim reporting purposes, measurements are obtained by extrapolating the latest actuarial valuation by an independent expert. The amount recorded as expenses for the year ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 was R$1 million, R$1 million and R$25 million, respectively.


The actuarial methods are based on economic and biometric assumptions, as follows:




Actuarial assumptions














Discount rate - %






Real growth rate of medical costs - %






Rate of increase of utilization of medical assistance - %






Long-term inflation - %






Biometric table of general mortality






Biometric table of general mortality for invalids







Based on the independent actuary’s report, the position of the actuarial calculations is as follows:










(in thousand of Reais)


Reconciliation of liabilities






Present value of actuarial obligations






Cost of current service






Interest on actuarial obligations






Benefits paid






(Gains) losses












Balance of actuarial obligations







E.             Share Ownership


As of December 31, 2011, the members of our Board of Directors and our officers, on an individual basis and as a group, directly owned less than 1% of our common shares.  For information on the beneficial ownership by the Ermírio de Moraes family, see “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions — Major Shareholders.”


The following table lists the amount of shares held directly by each individual member of our Board of Directors or executive officer and their representative percentage relative to the total outstanding shares as of January 31, 2012:


Board of Directors


Number of
Common Shares






José Luciano Duarte Penido




Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Santos




João Carvalho de Miranda




Mario Antônio Bertoncini




Raul Calfat




Gilberto Lara Nogueira




Alexandre Silva D’Ambrosio




Eduardo Borges de Andrade Filho




Carlos Augusto Lira Aguiar




Samuel de Paula Matos




Julio Cesar Maciel Ramundo




Laura Bedeschi Rego de Mattos




Eduardo Rath Fingerl




Sérgio José Suarez Pompeo




José Armando de Figueiredo Campos




Antonio Luiz Pizarro Manso




Alexandre Gonçalves Silva




Mauricio Aquino Halewicz




Executive Officers




Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli




Francisco Fernandes Campos Valério




Luiz Fernando Torres Pinto




João Felipe Carsalade




Aires Galhardo










Table of Contents


Source:  Itaú Custódia.




A.                                    Major Shareholders


As of December 31, 2011, Fibria had 467,934,646 common shares. The table below presents certain information as of December 31, 2011, regarding (i) any person known to the Company as the owner of more than 5% of Fibria’s outstanding common stock, and (ii) the total amount of the common stock owned by the members of the board of directors, executive officers and fiscal council of Fibria.




December 31,2011




Number of


% of total


Common Shares






Votorantim Industriais S.A.






BNDES Participações S.A. (1)






Board, Directors and Fiscal Council






Public (Free Float)






Total Common Shares







(1)    Under the Shareholders’ Agreement, BNDESPar is required to hold 20.7606% of the total capital during the first three years of the signature of the Shareholders’ Agreement which took place on October 29, 2009 and 11.0445% in the following two years.


B.                                    Related-Party Transactions


We have engaged in a number of transactions with related parties, which are described in Note 16 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010 included elsewhere in this annual report.


The following is a summary of the nature and conditions of the transactions with the related parties:


Controlling shareholders


We have a contract with VID related to services provided by the Votorantim Shared Service Center, which provides outsourcing of operational services relating to administrative activities, personnel department, back office, accounting, taxes and the information technology infrastructure shared by the companies of the Votorantim Group. The contract provides for overall remuneration of R$9.585 million and has a one-year term, with annual renewal upon formal confirmation by the parties.


Additionally, VID provide various services related to technical assessorial, trainings, including management improvement programs. These services are also provided for the entire Votorantim Group and we reimburse VID for the charges related to the services used.



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We have financing contracts with BNDES, the majority shareholder of BNDESPAR, for the purpose of financing investments in infrastructure and the acquisition of equipment and machines, as well as the expansion and modernization of its plants (See Note 22 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements).


Management believes that these transactions were contracted at terms equivalent to those which prevail in transactions with independent parties, based on technical studies realized when these contracts were executed.


Subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates


We share our administrative structure with our subsidiary Fibria-MS, and allocate administrative expenses to this subsidiary at cost without any profit margin. These receivables have an average maturity of 90 days. The other operating subsidiaries have their own management and no apportionment of expenses is necessary. In June 2010, there was a one-off purchase of intercompany receivables from this subsidiary in the amount of R$241 million relating to export shipments.  The maturity of the resulting payable is December 2012 and carries interest of 1% per year.


Port services for shipping production of the Aracruz and Veracel units are contracted from Portocel.  This terminal is a joint venture between us and Cenibra - Celulose Nipo-Brasileira, which holds 49%. The prices and conditions are identical for both shareholders.


We have an accounts receivable balance related to the sale of pulp to Fibria Trading International KFT, which is responsible for the management, sale, operation, logistics, control and accounting of products in Europe, Asia and North America. The pulp selling prices and payment terms for this subsidiary follow our strategic and finance plan and observe the transfer price limits under tax regulations. In addition, we contracted intercompany export pre-payments with this subsidiary, at the rate of quarterly LIBOR plus an average spread of 3.8% p.a., with quarterly payment of principal and interest and final maturity in 2017.


On June 24, 2005, we entered into a loan contract with VOTO IV, a jointly-controlled subsidiary, which raised U.S.$200 million, at 8.5% p.a.


On July 27, 2005, we entered into a loan contract with the jointly-controlled subsidiary Asapir Produção Florestal e Comércio Ltda., for the purpose of purchasing 571 thousand m3 of debarked wood, for R$14 million, maturing in seven and a half years. This agreement will be settled with wood.  This contract was fully settled in December 2011.


Votorantim Group companies


On January 16, 2004, we executed a loan contract with a wholly-owned subsidiary of VPar, VOTO III, for U.S.$45 million, at 4.25% p.a.


We have a contract to purchase energy from Votener -Votorantim Comercializadora de Energia Ltda. to supply our Jacareí Unit. The total amount contracted is R$154 million, guaranteeing 115,704 megawatt-hours, and maturing in five years through December 31, 2014. Should either party request a rescission of the contract, that party is required to pay 50% of the remaining balance.


We maintain investments in CDB and securities purchased under agreement to resell issued by Banco Votorantim S.A., with average remuneration of 104% of the CDI, maturity in March 2013.  Our cash management policy is intended to provide efficiency in investment returns and guaranteed liquidity, based on market practices. The shareholders agreement limits the intercompany investments to R$200 million.


On January 1, 2009, the Company entered into a contract to purchase sulfuric acid from Votorantim Metais, in the approximated amount of R$ 15.7 million, for the supply of 36,000 metric tons of acid for three years through December 31, 2013. In the case of contract termination, no penalties are due, other than the settlement of outstanding invoices


On April 22, 2008, we entered into a contract for the supply of electrical, fastening and sealing materials, protective equipment and others with Anfreixo S.A. guaranteeing the supply of these items until December 2012. This contract does not establish minimum quantities to be supplied. In addition, services were contracted to maintain records until January 2, 2013 for R$1.7 million.  In the case of contract rescission, no penalties are due by either party, other than the settlement of outstanding invoices.


We have land leasing agreements, for approximately 22,400 hectares, with Votorantim Metais Ltda., which matures in 2019, totaling of R$76.5 million.



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We have land leasing agreements, for approximately 2,060 hectares, with Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio - CBA, which matures in 2023, totaling of R$4.1 million.


In the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010, no provision for impairment was recognized on assets involving related parties.




As of December 31, 2011, we guaranteed U.S.$245 million principal aggregate amount of debt issued by Voto-Votorantim III and Voto-Votorantim IV, two special purpose companies established by VPar for the sole purpose of issuing debt.  As such, upon maturity of the debt issued, which is also the date of expiration of the guarantee, we will either repay lenders or seek to refinance the maturing debt.  In each case, the outstanding guarantee amount at December 31, 2010 pertains to the amount of proceeds that were received by us and/or our subsidiaries on the issue date.  The remaining debt raised was received and also guaranteed by other members of the Votorantim Group.  The U.S.$245 million corresponding to Fibria is made up of the following:


Primary obligor




Issue Date


amount at
December 31,


Date of
Expiration of




Voto-Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations III Limited


U.S.$300 million notes issuance


January 23, 2004


U.S.$45 million


January 23, 2014


Noteholders and the trustee


Voto-Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations IV Limited


U.S.$400 million notes issuance


June 24, 2005


U.S.$200 million


June 24, 2020


Noteholders and the trustee








U.S.$245 million







Note:  The guarantees provided by us are in favor of other companies of the Votorantim Group.


C.            Interests of Experts and Counsel


Not applicable.




A.                                    Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information


See “Item 3. Key Information — Selected Financial Data” and “Item 18. Financial Statements.”




We are subject to numerous contingencies with respect to tax, labor and other claims.  See Note 23 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements and discussions on our critical accounting policies.


We are party to certain legal proceedings in Brazil arising in the normal course of business, and have made provisions when we believe that we can reasonably estimate probable losses.  In connection with some of these proceedings we have made deposits (included in other non-current assets) which will only be released to us upon a judgment in our favor.  The provisions for tax and other litigation and the deposits are as follows:



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In thousands of Reais




























Nature of claims







































































Legal Matters


We are party to a number of legal actions arising from our normal business activities. These include general civil, tax and employee litigation and administrative and environmental proceedings. Although the amount of any liability that could arise with respect to these actions cannot be accurately predicted, in our opinion, except as described below, such actions, if decided adversely, would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on our financial condition.


We believe that our provisions for legal proceedings are sufficient to meet probable and reasonably estimable losses in the event of unfavorable court decisions and that the ultimate outcome of these matters will not have a material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.  We cannot estimate the amount of all potential costs that we may incur or penalties that may be imposed on us other than those amounts for which we have provisions.


Tax Proceedings


We have instituted a number of legal proceedings in which we are seeking a refund or contesting the imposition of certain taxes.  The following is a description of some of our most significant judicial and administrative tax proceedings.


Tax Assessment Notice — Normus


In December 2007, Fibria’s subsidiary, Normus Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda or Normus received an income tax assessment on earnings of its Hungarian subsidiary from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service charging Income Tax and Social Contribution, during the period from 2002 to 2006. The amount of the assessment was R$1,294 million updated through December 31, 2011. In September 2010, Normus received a new tax assessment charging Income Tax and Social Contribution for 2007. The amount of the assessment was R$140 million updated through December 31, 2011.


Based on the advice of outside legal counsel, management understands that this Hungarian subsidiary is subject to taxation in its country of incorporation and the position taken by the tax authorities violates Brazilian tax law, in particular the Brazilian-Hungarian treaty to avoid double taxation, which precludes imposition of net income taxes on the net income of the Brazilian company for operations in Hungary. See Note 23 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.


Tax Incentive — Agency for the Development of the Northeastern Brazil (ADENE)


The Company has business units located within the regional development area of ADENE.  As that region is deemed a priority for the Brazilian development, in December 2002, the Company requested and was granted by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service the right to benefit from reductions in corporate income tax and non-refundable surcharges calculated on operating profits (as defined) for Aracruz plants A and B (period from 2003 to 2013) and plant C (period from 2003 to 2012).


On January 9, 2004, the benefit was cancelled, by the Ministry of Integration and the Company continued using the benefits, because it was challenging the Ministry of Integration Decision.


Nevertheless, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service served the Company an assessment notice in December 2005 requiring the payment of the amounts of the tax incentive used in 2003 and 2004, plus interest, but without imposing any fine, amounting to R$ 316 million. The Tax Federal Administrative Court cancelled the part of the assessment related with 2003 benefits and the part related with 2004 was upheld. Because this ruling, the amount of the assessment was reduced to R$ 76 million updated to December 31, 2011. The Company will challenge the Tax Federal Administrative Court ruling in a Judicial Court.


The Company’s management, supported by its legal counsel, believes that the decision to cancel the tax benefits is erroneous and should not prevail, whether with respect to benefits already used, or in respect of future periods.


As regards to the benefits utilized, based on the position of its external legal counsel, the Company’s management believes that the tax payment demanded is unjustified, since the Company used the benefits strictly in accordance with the legal parameters and in conformity with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) determinations and ADENE’s qualifying reports.



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Considering the facts that occurred in 2004, the Company decided to cease the use of tax benefits as from 2005, until a final court decision is obtained on the matter.


Based on the position of outside legal counsel, management understands that the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome for the tax benefits used until 2004 and those still pending use as from 2005 is considered as possible and therefore no provision has been recorded.


IRPJ/CSLL - partial approval


The Company has three requests for the approval of income tax credits with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service, referring to 1997, 1999 and the fourth quarter of 2000, totaling R$134 million, of which only R$83 million was approved, creating a contingency of R$139 million updated through December 31, 2011. The Company timely appealed the rejection of the tax credits.


With respect to the year 1997, the claim is pending a decision from the first trial court (Delegacia Regional de Julgamento). With respect to the fourth quarter of 2000, the Company is awaiting a decision from Tax Federal Administrative Court (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais), and with respect to 1999 it awaits a decision on an appeal to the High Court of Justice.


Based on the position of legal counsel, management understands that the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome for these trials is possible and therefore no provision has been recorded.


IRPJ/CSLL - Newark


Fibria received, in December 2007 and December 2010, two tax assessments in the amount, together, of R$219 million where Brazilian Federal Revenue Service charged Income Tax and Social Contribution of Newark Financial Inc., an offshore company controlled by VCP Exportadora e Participações Ltda. (succeeded by Fibria) with respect to the fiscal year 2005.  Based on advice of counsel, we have determined that the probability of loss for the first tax assessment (December 2007 - R$130 million) is remote and the probability of loss for the second tax assessment (December 2010 - R$89 million) is possible and, accordingly, no provision has been recorded with respect thereto.




Fibria has received a tax assessment because of allegedly using tax losses, consolidated during the BEFIEX program, six years after it was consolidated. The amount involved in this assessment is R$168 million. Based on our in house and external legal counsel, Fibria has recorded no provision with respect thereto.


Others Tax liabilities


Fibria has more 334 trials for individual amounts of less than R$80 million. The amount involved in all of that trials is R$1.4 billion.  The average value of each trial is R$4.3 million.


Tax Amnesty and Refinancing Program


In September 2009, the Brazilian Government launched a tax Amnesty and Refinancing Program (REFIS). This program granted Brazilian companies the right to pay overdue federal taxes in up to 180 installments with reduced penalties and accumulated interest for late payment.


In November 2009, we elected to include the Company in the REFIS.  As a condition for joining REFIS, the Company was required to withdraw certain claims it had filed in court challenging its obligation to pay taxes.  The total amount included in the program was R$533 million which reduced to R$325 million after the application of the program benefits and use of available tax losses. The remaining balance is fully covered by judicial deposits. See Note 23 to our 2011 financial Statements.


Labor Proceedings


We are a party to approximately 3,629 labor lawsuits filed by former employees, third parties and unions, claiming the payment of severance pay, health and safety premiums, overtime, commuting time, occupational illnesses and workers’ compensation, tangible and moral damages, understated indexation on the fine of 40% of the Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees (FGTS), and we have recorded a provision for labor proceedings of R$41 million as of December 31, 2011.



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Civil Proceedings


We are a party to approximately 883 civil lawsuits, most of which refer to claims for compensation by former employees or third parties for alleged occupational illnesses and workers’ compensation, collection lawsuits and bankruptcy situations, reimbursement of funds claimed from delinquent landowners and possessory actions filed in order to protect the Company’s equity. We have insurance for public liability that covers, within the limits set in the policy, unfavorable sentences in the civil courts for claims for compensation of losses.


We have recorded a provision for civil proceedings of R$6 million as of December 31, 2011 corresponding only to the probable losses.


Class Action


We are currently a defendant in litigation relating to derivative losses Aracruz incurred in the fourth quarter of 2008.  This litigation includes a securities class action lawsuit filed in November 2008 against Aracruz and certain of its officers and directors in a U.S. federal court purportedly on behalf of persons who purchased Aracruz’s shares and American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) between April 7 and October 2, 2008, which lawsuit we are currently defending. During the first quarter of 2011, Mr. Carlos Augusto Lira Aguiar (formerly Fibria’s CEO) and Mr. Carlos Alberto Vieira (formerly a member of the Company’s Board of Directors) were officially served with process in Brazil naming them as additional defendants in the class action.  The complaint asserts claims for alleged violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder and Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act, alleging that we misrepresented or failed to disclose information in connection with, and losses arising from, certain derivative transactions into which we had entered. The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified compensatory damages and expense reimbursement.  On October 5, 2009, the plaintiffs filed an amended complaint that narrowed the class of plaintiffs to persons who purchased Aracruz’s ADRs between April 7 and October 2, 2008. All parties had been properly served and the class action is currently in the discovery phase.


Other Proceedings


During the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Aracruz held on November 24, 2008, the shareholders of Aracruz decided that a derivative suit under Brazilian law should be filed against Mr. Isac Roffé Zagury, Aracruz’s former Chief Financial Officer, in order to declare him legally responsible for the significant losses incurred by Aracruz with derivatives transactions in 2008 that had been allegedly executed without observing the limits set forth in Aracruz’s financial policy. This lawsuit was duly filed in Rio de Janeiro on February 20, 2009 and it is under seal.


The CVM instituted an administrative proceeding related to Aracruz’s losses with derivatives transactions in 2008. CVM has requested us to provide information in connection with those transactions, and we have promptly complied with such request. Proceedings of such nature aim to define the ultimate responsibility of directors, officers, members of the fiscal council, independent auditors and shareholders involved with the subject matter of the investigation, and normally do not materially affect the related Company.


Land Disputes


In April and October, 2006 and in December 2009, the Brazilian institute for land reform (INCRA) published Public Notes informing that Technical Identification Reports issued by commissions set up by INCRA concluded that approximately 34,430 hectares of land located in the State of Espírito Santo, are considered the territory of the Comunidades Quilombolas de Linharinho, São Jorge e São Domingos.  From that total area, approximately 25,330 hectares are legitimate property and possession of us.  The cases are still underway with no final decision by INCRA. We are confident that the acquisition of this area by us was made in compliance with the legislation and was registered in the appropriate government offices.




The significant contractual obligations and commitments that affect our liquidity are short-term debt, long term debt, take-or-pay contracts, leases and capital expenditures.


Fibria entered into Take or Pay long-term agreements with suppliers of power, transport, diesel fuel and chemical products for the average period of 10 years.  These agreements contain termination and suspension clauses of supply due to non-compliance



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with material obligations.  The contractual obligations assumed on December 31, 2011 represented R$301 million p.a. (R$273 million as of December 31, 2010).


See Note 25 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements.






Under the Brazilian corporate law, we must allocate 5% of our annual net income to a legal reserve (used only to offset any accumulated deficit or to increase the corporate capital) that shall not exceed the amount equivalent to 20% of the company’s capital.


In addition, according to the Brazilian corporate law, after the allocation of any amounts to the legal reserve, we may, subject to shareholders’ approval, make allocations from the remaining balance to a contingency reserve against future losses.


As determined by the Brazilian corporate law and reflected in our by-laws, at the end of each fiscal year, all shareholders are entitled to receive a mandatory dividend, also known as the Mandatory Distribution.  The company must distribute at least 25% of its net income after taxes, after deducting the accumulated losses and after deducting any amounts allocated to employee’s and management participation, and as reduced or increased, as the case may be, by the following amounts:


·                  the amount allocated to the legal reserve; and


·                  the amount allocated to the contingency reserve and any amount written off in respect of the contingency reserve accumulated in previous fiscal years.


Dividends must be distributed within 60 days, from the annual shareholders’ meeting in which the distribution was approved, unless a shareholders’ resolution determines another date, not later than the end of the fiscal year in which such dividend was declared.


The Brazilian corporate law permits, however, a company to suspend the mandatory distribution of dividends if the Board of Directors reports to the shareholders’ meeting that the distribution would be incompatible with the financial condition of the company, subject to approval by the shareholders’ meeting and review by the Fiscal Council. Net income not distributed due to the suspension mentioned here must be attributed to a special reserve and, if not absorbed by subsequent losses, must be paid as dividends as soon as the financial situation of the company permits.  The rules regarding suspension apply to the holders of ADSs.


The amounts available for distribution are determined on the basis of financial statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Brazilian corporate law.  In addition, amounts arising from tax incentive benefits or rebates are appropriated to a separate capital reserve in accordance with the Brazilian corporate law.  This investment incentive reserve is not normally available for distribution, although it can be used to absorb losses under certain circumstances, or be capitalized.  Amounts appropriated to this reserve are not available for distribution as dividends.


The Brazilian corporate law permits a company to pay interim dividends out of preexisting and accumulated profits for the preceding fiscal year or semester, based on financial statements approved by its shareholders. We may prepare financial statements semiannually or for shorter periods.  Our Board of Directors may declare a distribution of dividends based on the profits reported in semiannual financial statements.  The Board of Directors may also declare a distribution of interim dividends based on profits previously accumulated or in profits reserve which are reported in such financial statements or in the last annual financial statement approved by resolution taken at a shareholders’ meeting.


In general, shareholders who are not residents of Brazilian residents must register their equity investment with the Central Bank to have dividends, sales proceeds or other amounts with respect to their shares eligible to be remitted outside of Brazil.  The common shares underlying the ADSs are held in Brazil by Banco Itaú S.A., also known as the custodian, as agent for the depositary, which is the registered owner on the records of the registrar for our shares.


Payments of cash dividends and distributions, if any, are made in Brazilian Reais to the custodian on behalf of the depositary, which then converts such proceeds into U.S. Dollars and causes such U.S. Dollars to be delivered to the depositary for distribution to holders of ADSs.  In the event that the custodian is unable to convert immediately the Brazilian currency received as dividends into U.S. Dollars, the amount of U.S. Dollars payable to holders of ADSs may be adversely affected by devaluations of the Brazilian



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currency that occur before the dividends are converted.  Under the current Brazilian corporate law, dividends paid to persons who are not Brazilian residents, including holders of ADSs, will not be subject to Brazilian withholding tax, except for dividends declared based on profits generated prior to December 31, 1995, which will be subject to Brazilian withholding income tax at varying tax rates.  See “Item 10E. Additional Information — Taxation — Certain Brazilian tax consequences.”


Brazilian law allows the payment of dividends only in Reais limited to the inappropriated retained earnings in our financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.  At December 31, 2011, in our financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS, we had inappropriated retained earnings —Reserve for Investments of R$4,216 million.  Inappropriated retained earnings as reported in accordance with IFRS may be used to make additional discretionary dividend payments, but we cannot assure you that we will make dividend payments out of these inappropriated retained earnings in the foreseeable future.  No dividend distribution can be made if an accumulated deficit is reported in accordance with IFRS, unless the negative balance is eliminated by the reversal of other reserves.


Payment of dividends


In 2009, in addition to the factors described above and in view of the Aracruz Acquisition, the resulting increase of our level of indebtedness, the liability management program and our long term business plan and as permitted by the applicable statutes of Brazilian corporate law, our Board of Directors recommended that no dividends or interest attributable to capital be paid with respect to the reported results of 2009.  The General Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30, 2010 approved to omit such payment.


For the year ended December 31, 2010, our Board of Directors proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 28, 2011 the distribution of dividends relative to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2010 in the amount of R$0.30 per share, totaling R$142 million and also the payment of the dividends related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2009 considering that our financial situation permitted such dividend. This dividend reflected only the mandatory minimum dividend established in our by-laws and as determined by the Brazilian corporate law.


For the year ended December 31, 2011, our Board of Directors recommended that no dividend or interest attributable to capital be paid with respect to the reported results of 2011 because of loss recorded in the period.


B.                                    Significant Changes


No significant changes or events have occurred after the close of the balance sheet date at December 31, 2011, other than the events already described in this annual report.




A.                                    Offer and Listing Details


The ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol “FBR.”  Our common shares trade on the São Paulo Stock Exchange under the symbol “FIBR3” (prior to November 18, 2009 we traded under the symbol “VPCA4”).  At December 31, 2011, we had approximately 19,381 shareholders of record at the BM&FBOVESPA.


Market Price Information


The table below sets forth, for the periods indicated, the reported high and low closing sale prices in nominal Reais for each preferred share (until August 12, 2009) and common shares (from August 12, 2009 on) on the São Paulo Stock Exchange. The table also sets forth, for the periods indicated, the reported high and low sales prices per ADS at the last day of each respective quarter. See “Item 3. — Key Information — Selected Financial Data — Exchange Rates” for information with respect to exchange rates applicable during the periods set forth below:



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Reais per
Share (Preferred share until
August 12, 2009,

Common Shares


U.S. Dollars
per ADS




































































































First Quarter












Second Quarter












Third Quarter












Fourth Quarter
























First Quarter












Second Quarter












Third Quarter












Fourth Quarter


































Share Price for the most recent six months:



















































































B.                                    Plan of Distribution


Not applicable.


C.                                    Markets


Trading on the São Paulo Stock Exchange


Settlement of transactions conducted on the São Paulo Stock Exchange is effected three business days after the trade date.  Delivery of, and payment for, shares is made through the facilities of separate clearinghouses for each exchange, which maintain accounts for member brokerage firms.  The seller is ordinarily required to deliver the shares to the clearinghouse on the second business day following the trade date.  The clearinghouse for the São Paulo Stock Exchange is Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia, or CBLC.


In order to better control volatility, the São Paulo Stock Exchange has adopted a “circuit breaker” system pursuant to which trading sessions may be suspended for a period of 30 minutes or one hour whenever the indices of these stock exchanges fall below the limits of 10% and 15%, respectively, in relation to the index registered in the previous trading session.


The São Paulo Stock Exchange is less liquid than the New York Stock Exchange or other major exchanges in the world.  At December 31, 2011, the aggregate market capitalization of the 63 companies listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange Index (Ibovespa) was equivalent to approximately U.S.$ 978 billion, and the ten largest companies listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange Index represented approximately 66% of the market capitalization in the year.  Although any of the outstanding shares of a listed company may trade on a Brazilian stock exchange, in most cases fewer than half of the listed shares are actually available for trading by the public, the remainder being held by small groups of controlling persons, by governmental entities or by one principal shareholder.  On December 31, 2011, we accounted for approximately 0.35% of the market capitalization of the companies listed on the Ibovespa Index.



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Trading on the São Paulo Stock Exchange by non-residents of Brazil is subject to certain limitations under Brazilian foreign investment and tax legislation See “Item 10E. Additional Information — Taxation” and “Item 10D. Additional Information — Exchange Controls.”


São Paulo Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Standards


The São Paulo Stock Exchange has three listing segments:


·                                          Level 1;


·                                          Level 2; and


·                                          Novo Mercado (New Market)


These listing segments have been designed for the trading of shares issued by companies that voluntarily undertake to abide by corporate governance practices and disclosure requirements in addition to those already required under the Brazilian Corporation Law. The inclusion of a company in any of the new segments requires adherence to a series of corporate governance rules. These rules are designed to increase shareholders’ rights and enhance the quality of information provided by Brazilian corporations.


After being listed on the Level 1 of Corporate Governance since November 14, 2001, on May 20, 2010 we agreed to comply with heightened corporate governance and disclosure requirements established by the São Paulo Stock Exchange in order to qualify for a differentiated listing qualification as a company admitted to the “Novo Mercado level of Corporate Governance Requirements.”


As a result we have agreed, among other things, to: (i) maintain a share capital structure composed exclusively of common shares; (ii) ensure that shares representing 25% of our total outstanding share capital are held by investors other than our directors, executive officers and any controlling shareholders; (iii) adopt offering procedures that favor widespread ownership of shares whenever making a public offering; (iv) comply with minimum quarterly disclosure standards; (v) follow stricter disclosure policies with respect to transactions involving our securities made by any controlling shareholders and our directors and executive officers; (vi) make a schedule of corporate events available to our shareholders; (vii) offer tag-along rights to minority shareholders (meaning that, upon the acquisition of a controlling interest, the purchaser must also agree to purchase the shares of minority shareholders for the same price paid for the shares in the controlling stake); (viii) in the event of a delisting of shares, conduct a public tender offer for our common shares at a price at least equal to the economic value determined pursuant to an appraisal; (ix) present an annual balance sheet prepared in accordance with, or reconciled to, U.S. GAAP or International Financial Reporting Standards; (x) establish a two-year term for all members of the board of directors; (xi) require that at least 20% of our board of directors consist of independent directors; and (xii) submit to arbitration by the Market Arbitration Chamber (Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado) all controversies and disputes involving our company, members of our Board of Directors, Board of Executive Officers, Fiscal Council or shareholders relating to the application, validity, efficacy, interpretation, violation or effect of the Novo Mercado listing agreement and regulations, our bylaws, the Brazilian Corporation Law or the rules of the CMN, the Central Bank, the CVM or the Market Arbitration Chamber or other rules within the jurisdiction of the Market Arbitration Chamber.


All members of our Board of Directors, our board of executive officers and our Fiscal Council have signed a management compliance statement (Termo de Anuência dos Administradores) under which they take personal responsibility for compliance with the Novo Mercado listing agreement, the rules of the Market Arbitration Chamber and the regulations of the Novo Mercado.


Significant Differences between our Corporate Governance Practices and NYSE Corporate Governance Standards


See “Item 16G. Corporate Governance — Significant Differences between our Corporate Governance Practices and NYSE Corporate Governance Standards.”



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D.                                    Selling Shareholders


Not applicable.


E.                                    Dilution


Not applicable.


F.                                     Expenses of the Issue


Not applicable.




A.                                    Share Capital


Not applicable.


B.                                    Memorandum and Articles of Association


Our by-laws are filed as Exhibit 1 to this annual report.  The information otherwise contemplated by this Item has previously been reported in our registration statement on Form F-4 filed with the Commission on October 28, 2009 (Reg. No. 333-162703).  This description does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to our Bylaws, the Brazilian Corporation Law and the rules and regulations of the CVM.


C.                                    Material Contracts


Acquisition of additional equity interest in Aracruz


Fibria acquired an additional equity interest in Aracruz, after execution of two share purchase agreements (“SPAs”).  Upon the closing of the second SPA on April 29, 2009, Fibria owned approximately 84.09% of Aracruz’s voting capital.  See “Item 4A. Information on Fibria — History and Development”.


Shareholders’ Agreement of Fibria


Under the terms of the Investment Agreement entered into between BNDESPar, VID and ourselves (as an intervening party), VID and BNDESPar have entered into a shareholders’ agreement of Fibria under which the approval of certain matters will depend on the affirmative vote of BNDESPar; including:


·                  indebtedness incurred by the Company and its controlled companies;


·                  capital stock reduction;


·                  proposal of extrajudicial reorganization plan, filing for judicial reorganization or bankruptcy, liquidation or dissolution;


·                  change in the preferences and advantages of the preferred shares or creation of a new and more favored class of shares;


·                  reduction of mandatory dividend;


·                  any proposal for distribution of dividends or interest on equity;


·                  participation of the Company in groups of companies, reduction in the level of listing with BM&FBOVESPA or deregistration;



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·                  any amendment to the Bylaws before the Adherence to the Novo Mercado;


·                  amendment to the articles of the Bylaws regarding the business purpose of the Company, Fiscal Council, diluted control and maintenance of the share base dilution;


·                  conversion, consolidation, split or merger, including of shares;


·                  capital increase, issuance of any security convertible into or exchangeable for shares;


·                  any transaction between the Company and/or its controlled companies, on the one part, and any related parties, on the other part, in an amount exceeding R$20 million per year;


·                  disposal of or encumbrance on permanent assets;


·                  proposal for creation of reserves, provisions or for changing accounting criteria;


·                  the approval of annual budget;


·                  execution of agreements of any nature in an individual amount exceeding R$500 million;


·                  capital investments not provided for in the business or budget plan approved by the Board of Directors;


·                  acquisition by the Company of material interest, as defined by applicable law, not provided for in the business or budget plan approved by the Board of Directors of the Company;


·                  creation of encumbrances or guarantees to ensure performance of third-party obligations;


·                  acquisition of any equity interest in companies whose core business is not provided within the scope of the business purpose;


·                  reappraisal of assets resulting in positive variation of the asset in an amount exceeding R$500 million.


Agreements filed as Exhibits


The representations, warranties and covenants granted by us in any agreement that is filed as an exhibit to this report were made solely for the benefit of the parties to such agreement, including, in some cases, for the purpose of allocating risk among the parties to such agreements, and should not be deemed to be a representation, warranty or covenant to others.  Moreover, such representations, warranties or covenants were accurate only as of the date when made.  Accordingly, such representations, warranties and covenants should not be relied on as accurately representing the current state of our affairs.


For additional information on our material contracts, see “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects — Liquidity and Capital Resources.”


D.                                    Exchange Controls


There are no restrictions on ownership of our common shares by individuals or legal entities domiciled outside Brazil.  However, the right to convert dividend payments and proceeds from the sale of common shares into foreign currency and to remit such amounts outside Brazil is subject to exchange control restrictions and foreign investment legislation which generally require, among other things, obtaining an electronic registration with the Central Bank.


Under Resolution No. 2,689, foreign investors may invest in almost all financial assets and engage in almost all transactions available in the Brazilian financial and capital markets, provided that some requirements are fulfilled.  In accordance with Resolution No. 2,689, the definition of foreign investor includes individuals, legal entities, mutual funds and other collective investment entities that are domiciled or headquartered abroad.



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Investors under Resolution No. 2,689 who are not a Tax Haven Holder or a country that does not impose income tax or in which the maximum income tax rate is lower than 20%, are entitled to favorable tax treatment.  See “Material Tax Considerations—Material Brazilian Tax Considerations.”


Resolution No. 1,927 provides for the issuance of depositary receipts in foreign markets in respect of shares of Brazilian issuers.  An application was filed to have the ADSs approved by the Central Bank and the CVM under Annex V, and we received final approval before the ADSs Offering.


An electronic registration, which replaced the amended Certificate of Registration, was issued in the name of the depositary with respect to the ADSs and is maintained by the Custodian on behalf of the Depositary.  This electronic registration was carried on through the SISBACEN.  Pursuant to the electronic registration, the Custodian and the Depositary are able to convert dividends and other distributions with respect to the common shares represented by the ADSs into foreign currency and remit the proceeds outside Brazil.  In the event that a holder of ADSs exchanges the ADSs for common shares, the holder will be entitled to continue to rely on the Depositary’s electronic registration for only five business days after the exchange.  Thereafter, a holder must seek to obtain its own electronic registration.  Unless the common shares are held pursuant to Resolution No. 2,689 by a duly registered investor or a holder of common shares who applies for and obtains a new electronic registration, that holder may not be able to obtain and remit abroad U.S. Dollars or other foreign currencies upon the disposition of the common shares, or distributions with respect thereto.  In addition, if the foreign investor resides in a tax haven jurisdiction or is not an investor registered pursuant to Resolution No. 2,689, the investor will also be subject to less favorable tax treatment.


Preemptive Rights


Each of our shareholders has a general preemptive right to subscribe for shares or convertible securities in any capital increase, in proportion to its shareholding, except (i) in the event of the grant and exercise of any stock option to acquire or subscribe for shares of our capital stock; and (ii) in the context of a capital increase derived from merger, merger of shares and/or spin-off implemented according to Brazilian Corporate Law.  A minimum period of 30 days following the publication of notice of the issuance of shares or convertible securities is allowed for exercise of the right, and the right is negotiable.  However, according to our by-laws, our Board of Directors can eliminate this preemptive right or reduce the 30-day period in case we issue debentures that are convertible into shares, warrants (bônus de subscrição) or shares within the limits authorized by the by-laws:  (i) through a stock exchange or through a public offering or (ii) through an exchange of shares in a public offering to acquire control of another publicly-held company.


Except as described above, in the event of a capital increase that would (i) maintain the proportion of capital represented by common and preferred shares, the holders of common and preferred shares would have preemptive rights to subscribe to our newly issued shares in proportion to their shareholdings in each class of shares; (ii) modify the proportion of capital represented by common and preferred shares, the holders of common and preferred shares would have preemptive rights to subscribe to our newly issued common and preferred shares, respectively, in proportion to their shareholdings, and to the other class of shares only to the extent necessary to prevent dilution of their interest in their shares; and (iii) create a new class or type of shares, all shareholders have preemptive rights to subscribe to our newly issued shares of such new class or type, in proportion to their shareholdings.  You may not be able to exercise the preemptive rights relating to the preferred shares underlying your ADSs unless a registration statement under the Securities Act is effective with respect to the shares to which the rights relate or an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act is available and the ADS depositary determines to make the rights available to you.  See “Item 3. — Key Information — Risk Factors — Risks Relating to Our Common Shares and ADSs — You may not be able to exercise preemptive rights with respect to our common shares.”


Right of Withdrawal


The Brazilian corporate law provides that, under certain circumstances, a shareholder has the right to withdraw its equity interest from the company and to receive payment for the portion of shareholders’ equity attributable to its equity interest.  Such right of withdrawal may be exercised by a dissenting or non-voting shareholder, if a vote of at least 50% of voting shares authorizes us:


·                  to establish new shares or to disproportionately increase an existing class of preferred shares relative to the other classes of shares, unless such action is provided for or authorized by the by-laws (our by-laws currently authorize such action);


·                  to modify a preference, privilege or condition of redemption or amortization conferred on one or more classes of preferred shares, or to create a new class with greater privileges than the existing classes of preferred shares;



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·                  to reduce the mandatory distribution of dividends;


·                  to change our corporate purpose;


·                  to merge with another company (including if we are merged into one of our controlling companies) or to consolidate, except as described in the fourth paragraph following this list;


·                  to transfer all of our shares to another company or in order to make us a wholly owned subsidiary of such company, known as an incorporação de ações, except as described in the fourth paragraph following this list;


·                  to approve the acquisition of control of another company at a price which exceeds certain limits set forth in the Brazilian corporate law, except as described in the fourth paragraph following this list;


·                  to approve our participation in a centralized group of companies, as defined under the Brazilian corporate law, and subject to the conditions set forth therein, except as described in the fourth paragraph following this list; or


·                  to conduct a spin-off that results in (a) a change of our corporate purposes, except if the assets and liabilities of the spun-off company are contributed to a company that is engaged in substantially the same activities, (b) a reduction in the mandatory dividend or (c) any participation in a centralized group of companies, as defined under Brazilian corporate law.


In addition, in the event that the entity resulting from a merger of shares, or incorporação de ações, a consolidation or a spin-off of a listed company fails to become a listed company within 120 days of the shareholders’ meeting at which such decision was taken, the dissenting or non-voting shareholders may also exercise their withdrawal rights.


Only holders of shares adversely affected by the changes mentioned in the first and second items above may withdraw their shares.  The right of withdrawal lapses 30 days after publication of the minutes of the relevant shareholders’ meeting.  In the first two cases mentioned above, however, the resolution is subject to confirmation by the preferred shareholders, which must be obtained at a special meeting held within one year.  In those cases, the 30 day term is counted from the date the minutes of the special meeting are published.  We would be entitled to reconsider any action giving rise to appraisal rights within 10 days following the expiration of such rights if the withdrawal of shares of dissenting shareholders would jeopardize our financial stability.


The Brazilian corporate law allows companies to redeem their shares at their economic value as set forth in the Brazilian corporate law, subject to certain requirements.  Because our by-laws currently do not provide that our shares be subject to withdrawal at their economic value, our shares would be subject to withdrawal at their book value, determined on the basis of the last balance sheet approved by the shareholders.  If the shareholders’ meeting giving rise to appraisal rights occurs more than 60 days after the date of the last approved balance sheet, a shareholder may demand that its shares be valued on the basis of a new balance sheet that is of a date within 60 days of such shareholders’ meeting.


Pursuant to the Brazilian corporate law, in events of consolidation, merger, incorporação de ações, participation in a group of companies, and acquisition of control of another company, the right to withdraw does not apply if the shares meet certain tests relating to liquidity and dispersal of the type or class of shares in question on the market.  In these cases, shareholders will not be entitled to withdraw their shares if the shares are a component of a general securities index in Brazil or abroad admitted to trading on the securities markets, as defined by the Brazilian Securities Commission, and the shares held by persons unaffiliated with the controlling shareholder represent more than half of the outstanding shares of the relevant type or class.


E.                                    Taxation


The following discussion contains a description of the material Brazilian and United States federal income tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of preferred shares or ADSs but does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all the tax considerations that may be relevant to these matters based upon the particular circumstances of a holder.


This summary is based upon tax laws of Brazil and the federal income tax laws of the United States as in effect on the date of this annual report, which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect, and to differing interpretations.  You should consult your own tax advisors as to the Brazilian, United States or other tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of common shares or ADSs, including, in particular, the effect of any U.S. federal estate, gift, or alternative minimum taxes, and non U.S., state or local tax laws.



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Although there is presently no income tax treaty between Brazil and the United States, the tax authorities of the two countries have had discussions that may culminate in such a treaty.  No assurance can be given, however, as to whether or when a treaty will enter into force or how it will affect the U.S. holders of common shares or ADSs.


For purposes of Brazilian taxation, there are two types of Non-Brazilian Holders of common shares or ADSs: (a) Non-Brazilian Holders that are not resident or domiciled in a tax haven jurisdiction (i.e., a country or location that does not impose income tax or where the maximum income tax rate is lower than 20% or where the internal legislation imposes restrictions to disclosure of shareholding composition or the ownership of the investment), and that, in the case of holders of common shares, are registered before the Central Bank and the CVM to invest in Brazil in accordance with Central Bank Resolution No. 2.689; and (b) other Non-Brazilian Holders, which include any and all non-residents of Brazil who invest in equity securities of Brazilian companies through any other means and all types of investors that are located in tax haven jurisdictions. The investors mentioned in item (a) above are subject to a favorable tax regime in Brazil, as described below.


Brazilian Tax Considerations


The following discussion summarizes the material Brazilian tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of our common shares or ADSs by a holder that is not domiciled in Brazil for purposes of Brazilian taxation and, in the case of common shares, which has registered its investment in such securities with the Central Bank as a U.S. Dollar investment (in each case, a Non-Brazilian Holder).


Central Bank Resolution No. 2.689 permits foreign investors, defined to include individuals, legal entities, mutual funds and other collective investment entities, domiciled or headquartered abroad may invest in almost all financial assets and to engage in almost all transactions available in the Brazilian financial and capital markets, provided that certain legal and regulatory requirements are fulfilled.  The foreign investors must: (a) appoint at least one representative in Brazil with powers to perform actions relating to the foreign investment; (b) complete the appropriate foreign investor registration form; (c) register as a foreign investor with the Brazilian securities commission; and (d) register the foreign investment with the Central Bank.


Securities and other financial assets held by foreign investors pursuant to Resolution No. 2.689 must be registered or maintained in deposit accounts or under the custody of an entity duly licensed by the Central Bank or the CVM.  In addition, securities trading is restricted to transactions carried out in the stock exchanges or organized over-the-counter markets licensed by the CVM, except for transfers resulting from a corporate reorganization, occurring upon the death of an investor by operation of law or will or as a consequence of the delisting of the relevant shares from a stock exchange and the cancellation of the registration with the CVM.


Taxation of dividends


As a result of tax legislation adopted on December 26, 1995, dividends based on profits generated after January 1, 1996, including dividends paid in kind, payable by us in respect of common shares, are exempt from withholding tax.  Stock dividends with respect to profits generated before January 1, 1996 are not subject to Brazilian tax, provided that the stock is not redeemed by us or sold in Brazil within five years after distribution of such stock dividends.  Dividends relating to profits generated prior to January 1, 1996 are subject to Brazilian withholding tax at either the 15% or 25% rate, depending on the year in which the profits were generated.


Taxation of gains


Transactions conducted outside of a Brazilian stock, future or commodity exchange (or similar entities)


Non Brazilian holders are generally subject to income tax imposed at a rate of 15% on gains realized on disposal or exchanges of common shares if the transaction is carried out outside any Brazilian stock, future or commodities exchange (and also in case of redemption of shares in a transaction occurring outside of a stock exchange), except for a Tax Haven Holder which, in this case, is subject to income tax at a rate of 25%.  If these gains are related to transactions conducted on the Brazilian over-the-counter market with intermediation (or in case of transactions carried out on markets subject to future liquidation), the withholding income tax of 0.005% of the gross proceeds shall also be applicable and can be offset against the eventual income tax due on the capital gains.



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Transactions conducted within a Brazilian stock, future or commodity exchange (or similar entities):


Disposal of securities:




Gains realized outside Brazil by a non Brazilian holder on the disposition of assets located in Brazil to another non-Brazilian holder were not subject to Brazilian tax through December 29, 2003.  However, according to Law No. 10.833, enacted on that date, capital gains realized on the disposition of these assets by a Non-Brazilian Holder are subject to taxation in Brazil (at a 15% or 25% rate, depending on the case), regardless of whether the sale or the disposition is made by a Non-Brazilian Holder to another non-Brazilian resident or to a Brazilian resident.  At the present time no definitive jurisprudence has been established with respect to this matter.  There are grounds to sustain that the gains realized by a Non-Brazilian Holder on the disposition of ADSs to another non-Brazilian resident are not taxed in Brazil, based on the argument that ADSs would not constitute assets located in Brazil for purposes of Law No. 10,833/03.  However, we cannot assure you how Brazilian courts would interpret the definition of assets located in Brazil in connection with the taxation of gains realized by a Non- Brazilian Holder on the disposition of ADSs to another non-Brazilian resident.


As a result, gains on a disposition of ADSs by a Non-Brazilian Holder to Brazilian resident, or even to Non-Brazilian Holder in the event that courts determine that ADSs would constitute assets located in Brazil, may be subject to income tax in Brazil according to the rules described above.  It is important to clarify that, for purposes of Brazilian taxation, the income tax rules on gains related to disposition of common shares or ADSs vary depending on the domicile of the Non-Brazilian Holder, the form by which such Non-Brazilian Holder has registered its investment before the Central Bank and/or how the disposition is carried out, as described below.


**Common Stock:


With respect to the disposition of common shares, as they are assets located in Brazil, the Non-Brazilian Holder will be subject to income tax on the gains assessed, following the rules described below, regardless of whether the disposition is conducted in Brazil or with a Brazilian resident.  Gains assessed on the disposition of the common shares carried out on the Brazilian stock exchange (which, in principle, should also include the transactions carried out on the organized over-the-counter market) are:


·                  Exempt from income tax, when assessed by a Non-Brazilian Holder that (1) has registered its investment in Brazil before the Central Bank under the rules of Resolution No. 2,689/00 (“2,689 Holder”) and (2) is not a Tax Haven Holder; or


·                  Subject to income tax at a rate of 15% in any other case, including the gains assessed by a Non-Brazilian Holder that is not a 2,689 Holder or is a Tax Haven Holder.  In these cases, a withholding income tax of 0.005% shall also be applicable on the gross proceeds and can be offset with the eventual income tax due on the capital gain.


Exchange of securities via deposit


The deposit of common shares in exchange for ADSs may be subject to Brazilian capital gain tax at the rate of 15%, if the amount previously registered with the Central Bank as a foreign investment in the common shares is lower than (1) the average price per preferred share on a Brazilian stock exchange on which the greatest number of such shares were sold on the day of deposit; or (2) if no common shares were sold on that day, the average price on the Brazilian stock exchange on which the greatest number of common shares were sold in the 15 trading sessions immediately preceding such deposit.  In this case, the difference between the amount previously registered and the average price of the common shares, calculated as above, shall be considered a capital gain (although there are grounds to challenge this taxation).  On receipt of the underlying common shares, the non Brazilian holder registered under Resolution No. 2,689 will be entitled to register the U.S. Dollar value of such shares with the Central Bank as described below in “—Registered Capital.”  However, if this non Brazilian holder does not register under Resolution No. 2,689, it will be subject to the less favorable tax treatment described below.


Exercise of preemptive rights


Any exercise of preemptive rights relating to the common shares will not be subject to Brazilian taxation.  However, any gain on the disposition or assignment of preemptive rights relating to common shares by a holder of common shares, or by the depositary on behalf of holders of the ADSs, will be subject to Brazilian taxation at the same rate applicable to the sale or disposition of common shares.


Interest attributed to capital


Distribution of a notional interest charge attributed to capital in respect of the preferred or common shares as an alternative form of dividend payment to shareholders or depositary agents who are either Brazilian residents or non-Brazilian residents is subject



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to Brazilian withholding income tax at the rate of 15% (except for those shareholders or beneficiaries resident in tax havens or low tax jurisdictions -see further discussion below).  Such payments, subject to certain limitations, are deductible for Brazilian income tax and for social contribution purposes as long as the payment of a distribution of interest is credited to a shareholder’s account and approved at our general meeting of shareholders and is calculated by reference to the TJLP interest rate determined by the Central Bank from time to time and cannot exceed the greater of:


· 50% of net income (after the deduction of social contribution on profits and before taking such distribution and the provision for income tax into account) for the period from which the payment is being made; or


· 50% of the sum of retained profits and profit reserves that exist as of the beginning of the period from which the payment is being made.


Current Brazilian corporate law establishes that a notional interest charge attributed to shareholders’ equity can either be accounted for as part of the mandatory dividend or not.  In case the payment of such interest is accounted for as part of the mandatory dividend, we would be required to pay an additional amount to ensure that the net amount received by the shareholders, after the income tax, is at least equal to the mandatory dividend.  The distribution of interest attributed to capital would be proposed by our Board of Directors and subject to subsequent declaration by the shareholders at a general meeting.


Beneficiaries resident or domiciled in tax havens or low tax jurisdictions


Law No. 9.779/99, in effect as of January, 1999, states that, with the exception of certain prescribed circumstances, income derived from operations by a beneficiary, resident or domiciled in a country considered as a tax haven, is subject to withholding income tax at a rate of 25%.  Accordingly, if the distribution of interest attributed to capital is made to a beneficiary resident or domiciled in a tax haven, the income tax rate applicable will be 25% instead of 15%.  A tax haven jurisdiction is considered to be, for this purpose, any country or location, which does not impose income tax or imposes income tax at a maximum rate lower than 20% (there is also an interpretation according to which the definition of tax haven for this purpose also encompasses a country or location where internal legislation imposes restrictions on the disclosure of the shareholding composition or beneficial owners of investments).


Currently, said countries / location considered to be a tax haven are listed within the Brazilian tax regulation.


Other Relevant Brazilian taxes


There are no Brazilian inheritance, gift or succession taxes applicable to the ownership, transfer or disposition of common shares or ADSs by a non Brazilian holder.  However, some Brazilian states may impose gift and estate taxes on gifts made or inheritances bestowed by individuals or entities not resident or domiciled within such state to individuals or entities residing or domiciled within such state in Brazil.  There are no Brazilian stamp, issue, registration, or similar taxes or duties payable by holders of common shares or ADSs.


Taxation of foreign exchange transactions (IOF/Exchange Rate)


Pursuant to Decree Law 6.306/07, the conversion into foreign currency or the conversion into Brazilian currency of the proceeds received or remitted by a Brazilian entity from a foreign investment in the Brazilian securities market, including those in connection with the investment by the Non-Brazilian Holder in the common shares and ADSs may be subject to the Tax on Foreign Exchange Transaction (“IOF/Exchange).  Currently, for most exchange transactions related to this type of investment, the rate of IOF/ Exchange is zero, however the Minister of Finance has the legal power to increase at any time the rate to a maximum of 25%, but only on a prospective basis.


Tax on bonds and securities transactions (IOF/ Financial securities)


Pursuant to Decree Law 6.306/07, the Tax on Bonds and Securities Transactions (the IOF/Financial securities) may be imposed on any transactions involving bonds and securities, even if these transactions are performed on Brazilian stock, futures or commodities exchanges.  The applicable rate for variable income transactions is currently 0%, but the Minister of Finance has the legal power to increase at any time the rate to a maximum of 1.5% per day of the transaction’s value, but only on a prospective basis.


Registered capital


The amount of an investment in common shares held by a non-Brazilian holder who qualifies under Resolution No. 2,689 and obtains registration with the CVM, or by the depositary representing such holder, is eligible for registration with the Central Bank;



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such registration (the amount registered is referred to as registered capital) allows the remittance of foreign currency outside Brazil, converted at the commercial market rate, acquired with the proceeds of distributions on, and amounts realized with respect to dispositions of, such common shares.  The registered capital for each preferred share purchased as part of the international offering, or purchased in Brazil after that date, and deposited with the Depositary will be equal to its purchase price in U.S. Dollars.  The registered capital for a preferred share that is withdrawn upon surrender of an ADS will be the U.S. Dollar equivalent of (i) the average price of a preferred share on the Brazilian stock exchange on which the greatest number of such shares was sold on the day of withdrawal, or (ii) if no common shares were sold on that day, the average price on the Brazilian stock exchange on which the greatest number of common shares was sold in the 15th trading session immediately preceding such withdrawal.  The U.S. Dollar value of the common shares is determined on the basis of the average commercial market rates quoted by the Central Bank on such date (or, if the average price of common shares is determined under clause (ii) above, the average of such quoted rates on the same 15 dates used to determine the average price of the common shares).


A non Brazilian holder of common shares may experience delays in effecting such registration, which may delay remittances abroad.  Such a delay may adversely affect the amount in U.S. Dollars received by the non Brazilian holder.


U.S. federal income tax considerations


The following discussion summarizes the principal U.S. federal income tax considerations relating to the purchase, ownership and disposition of common shares or ADSs by a U.S. holder (as defined below) holding such common shares or ADSs as capital assets (generally, property held for investment).  This summary is based upon the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Treasury regulations, administrative pronouncements of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) and judicial decisions, all as in effect on the date hereof, and all of which are subject to change (possibly with retroactive effect) and to differing interpretations.  This summary does not describe any implications under state, local or non-U.S. tax law, or any aspect of U.S. federal tax law other than income taxation.


This summary does not purport to address all the material U.S. federal income tax consequences that may be relevant to the U.S. holders of the common shares or ADSs, and does not take into account the specific circumstances of any particular investors, some of which (such as tax-exempt entities, banks or other financial institutions, insurance companies, broker-dealers, traders in securities that elect to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for their securities holdings, regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts, U.S. expatriates, investors liable for the alternative minimum tax, partnerships and other pass-through entities, investors that own or are treated as owning 10% or more of our voting stock, investors that hold the common shares or ADSs as part of a straddle, hedge, conversion or constructive sale transaction or other integrated transaction and U.S. holders (as defined below) whose functional currency is not the U.S. Dollar) may be subject to special tax rules.


As used below, a “U.S. holder” is a beneficial owner of common shares or ADSs that is, for U.S. federal income tax purposes:


(i)                                     an individual citizen or resident of the United States;


(ii)                                  a corporation (or entity taxable as a corporation) created or organized in or under the laws of the United States, any state thereof, or the District of Columbia;


(iii)                               an estate the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income tax regardless of its source; or


(iv)                              a trust if (A) a court within the U.S. is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more U.S. persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (B) the trust has a valid election in effect under applicable Treasury regulations to be treated as a U.S. person.


If a partnership or other entity taxable as a partnership holds common shares or ADSs, the tax treatment of a partner will generally depend on the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership.  Partners of partnerships holding common shares or ADSs should consult their tax advisors.


In general, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, holders of American Depositary Receipts evidencing ADSs will be treated as the beneficial owners of the common shares represented by those ADSs.



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Taxation of Distributions


In general, distributions with respect to the common shares or ADSs, as described above under “Brazilian Tax Considerations” will, to the extent made from our current or accumulated earnings and profits, as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles, constitute dividends for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


If a distribution exceeds the amount of our current and accumulated earnings and profits, as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles, it will be treated as a non-taxable return of capital to the extent of the U.S. holder’s tax basis in the common shares or ADSs, and thereafter as capital gain.  As used below, the term “dividend” means a distribution that constitutes a dividend for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


The gross amount of any dividends (including amounts withheld in respect of Brazilian taxes) paid with respect to the common shares or ADSs generally will be subject to U.S. federal income taxation as ordinary income and will not be eligible for the dividends received deduction allowed to corporations.  Dividends paid in Brazilian currency will be included in the gross income of a U.S. holder in a U.S. Dollar amount calculated by reference to the exchange rate in effect on the date the dividends are received by the U.S. holder, or in the case of dividends received in respect of ADSs, on the date the dividends are received by the depositary or its agent, whether or not converted into U.S. Dollars.  A U.S. holder will have a tax basis in any distributed Brazilian currency equal to its U.S. Dollar amount on the date of receipt, and any gain or loss recognized upon a subsequent disposition of such Brazilian currency generally will be foreign currency gain or loss that is treated as U.S. source ordinary income or loss.  If dividends paid in Brazilian currency are converted into U.S. Dollars on the day they are received by the U.S. holder or the depositary or its agent, as the case may be, U.S. holders generally should not be required to recognize foreign currency gain or loss in respect of the dividend income.  U.S. holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the treatment of any foreign currency gain or loss if any Brazilian currency received by the U.S. holder or the depositary or its agent is not converted into U.S. Dollars on the date of receipt.


Subject to certain exceptions for short-term and hedged positions, the U.S. Dollar amount of dividends received by an individual with respect to the ADSs in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2013 will be subject to taxation at a maximum rate of 15% if the dividends represent “qualified dividend income.”  Dividends paid on the ADSs will be treated as qualified dividend income if (i) the ADSs are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States, (ii) the U.S. holder meets the holding period requirement for the ADSs (generally more than 60 days during the 121-day period that begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date), and (iii) we were not in the year prior to the year in which the dividend was paid, and are not in the year in which the dividend is paid, a passive foreign investment company (“PFIC”).  The ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and should qualify as readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States so long as they are so listed.  However, no assurances can be given that the ADSs will be or remain readily tradable.  Based on our audited consolidated financial statements as well as relevant market and shareholder data, we believe that we were not treated as a PFIC for U.S. federal income tax purposes with respect to our 2011 taxable year.  In addition, based on our audited consolidated financial statements and current expectations regarding the value and nature of our assets, the sources and nature of our income, and relevant market and shareholder data, we do not anticipate becoming a PFIC for our 2012 taxable year.  Because these determinations are based on the nature of our income and assets from time to time, and involve the application of complex tax rules, no assurances can be provided that we will not be considered a PFIC for the current (or any past or future tax year).


Based on existing guidance, it is not entirely clear whether dividends received with respect to the common shares (to the extent not represented by ADSs) will be treated as qualified dividend income, because the common shares are not themselves listed on a U.S. exchange.  In addition, the U.S. Treasury Department has announced that the IRS is continuing to study procedures pursuant to which holders of ADSs or preferred stock and intermediaries through whom such securities are held will be able to determinate whether dividends are treated as qualified dividends.  Because such procedures have not yet been issued, we are not certain that we will be able to comply with them.  U.S. holders of ADSs and common shares should consult their own tax advisors regarding the availability of the reduced dividend tax rate in the light of their own particular circumstances.


Dividends paid by us generally will constitute income from non-U.S. sources and will be subject to various classification and other limitations for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes.  Subject to generally applicable limitations under U.S. federal income tax law, Brazilian withholding tax imposed on such dividends, if any, will be treated as a foreign income tax eligible for credit against a U.S. holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability (or at a U.S. holder’s election if it does not elect to claim a foreign tax credit for any foreign taxes paid during the taxable year, all foreign income taxes paid may instead be deducted in computing such U.S. holder’s taxable income).  In general, special rules will apply to the calculation of foreign tax credits in respect of dividend income that is subject to preferential rates of U.S. federal income tax.  U.S. holders should be aware that the IRS has expressed concern that parties to whom ADSs are transferred may be taking actions that are inconsistent with the claiming of foreign tax credits by U.S. holders of ADSs.



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Accordingly, the discussion above regarding the creditability of Brazilian withholding tax on dividends could be affected by future actions that may be taken by the IRS.


Taxation of Capital Gain


Deposits and withdrawals of common shares by U.S. holders in exchange for ADSs will not result in the realization of gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


In general, gain or loss, if any, realized by a U.S. holder upon a sale or other taxable disposition of common shares or ADSs will be subject to U.S. federal income taxation as capital gain or loss in an amount equal to the difference between the amount realized on the sale or other taxable disposition and such U.S. holder’s adjusted tax basis in the common shares or ADSs.  Such capital gain or loss will be long-term capital gain or loss if at the time of sale or other taxable disposition the common shares or ADSs have been held for more than one year.  Under current U.S. federal income tax law, net long-term capital gain of certain U.S. holders is eligible for taxation at preferential rates (generally 15% for non-corporate U.S. holders in taxable years beginning before January 1, 2013).  The deductibility of capital losses is subject to certain limitations under the Code.  Gain, if any, realized by a U.S. holder on the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares or ADSs generally will be treated as U.S. source gain for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes. Consequently, if a Brazilian withholding tax is imposed on the sale or disposition of common shares or ADSs, a U.S. holder that does not receive sufficient foreign source income from other sources may not be able to derive effective U.S. foreign tax credit benefits in respect of such Brazilian withholding tax.  Alternatively, a U.S. holder may take a deduction for all foreign income taxes paid during the taxable year if it does not elect to claim a foreign tax credit for any foreign taxes paid during the taxable year.  U.S. holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the application of the foreign tax credit rules to their investment in, and disposition of, common shares or ADSs.


Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules


Based upon our current and projected income, assets and activities, we do not expect the common shares or ADSs to be considered shares of a PFIC for our current fiscal year or for future fiscal years.  However, because the determination of whether the common shares or ADSs constitute shares of a PFIC will be based upon the composition of our income and assets, and the composition of income and assets of entities in which we hold at least a 25% interest from time to time, and because there are uncertainties in the application of the relevant rules, there can be no assurance that the common shares or ADSs will not be considered shares of a PFIC for any fiscal year.  If the common shares or ADSs were shares of a PFIC for any fiscal year, U.S. holders (including certain indirect U.S. holders) may be subject to adverse tax consequences, including the possible imposition of an interest charge on gains or “excess distributions” allocable to prior years in the U.S. holder’s holding period during which we were determined to be a PFIC.  If we are deemed to be a PFIC for a taxable year, dividends on our common shares or ADSs would not be “qualified dividend income” subject to preferential rates of U.S. federal income taxation.  In addition, if we are a PFIC, U.S. holders would generally be required to comply with annual reporting requirements. U.S. holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the application of the PFIC rules to the common shares or ADSs.


U.S. Backup Withholding and Information Reporting


A U.S. holder of common shares or ADSs may, under certain circumstances, be subjected to information reporting and “backup withholding” with respect to certain payments to such U.S. holder, such as dividends paid by our Company or the proceeds of a sale or other taxable disposition of common shares or ADSs, unless such U.S. holder (i) is a corporation or comes within certain other exempt categories, and demonstrates this fact when so required, or (ii) in the case of backup withholding, provides a correct taxpayer identification number, certifies that it is a U.S. person and that it is not subject to backup withholding, and otherwise complies with applicable requirements of the backup withholding rules.  Backup withholding is not an additional tax.  Any amount withheld under these rules will be creditable against a U.S. holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability or may be refunded, provided the requisite information is timely furnished to the IRS.


Under U.S. federal income tax law and the Treasury regulations, certain categories of U.S. holders must file information returns with respect to their investment in, or involvement in, a foreign corporation.  For example, the U.S. tax authorities generally impose tax return disclosure obligations (and related penalties) on U.S. holders that hold certain specified foreign financial assets in excess of $50,000. The definition of specified foreign financial assets includes not only financial accounts maintained in foreign financial institutions, but also, unless held in accounts maintained by a financial institution, any stock or security issued by a non-U.S. person, any financial instrument or contract held for investment that has an issuer or counterparty other than a U.S. person and any interest in a foreign entity.  U. S. holders may be subject to these reporting requirements unless their common stock or ADSs are held in an account at a domestic financial institution.  Penalties for failure to file certain of these information returns are substantial. U.S.



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holders should consult with their own tax advisers regarding the requirements of filing information returns, and, if applicable, filing obligations relating to the PFIC rules.


F.             Dividends and Paying Agents


Not applicable.


G.            Statements by Experts


Not applicable.


H.            Documents on Display


We are subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, pursuant to which we file reports and other information with the Commission.  These materials, including this annual report and the accompanying exhibits, may be inspected and copied at the Commission’s Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-2521. Copies of the materials may be obtained from the Public Reference Room of the Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-2521 at prescribed rates.  The public may obtain information on the operation of the Commission’s Public Reference Room by calling the Commission in the United States at 1 800 SEC-0330.  In addition, the SEC maintains an internet website at www.sec.gov from which you can electronically access these materials.  Furthermore, material we filed can be inspected at the offices of the New York Stock Exchange at 20 Broad Street, New York, New York 10005, on which our ADSs are listed.


We also file electronically financial statements and other periodic reports with the CVM.  The CVM website is www.cvm.gov.br.


Copies of our annual reports on Form 20-F and accompanying documents and our by-laws will be available for inspection at our headquarters or our website at www.fibria.com.br/ir.  The information on our website is however, not incorporated by reference in, and shall not be considered a part of this annual report.


I.              Subsidiary Information


Not required.




We are exposed to various market risks, including changes in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates.  Market risk is the potential loss arising from adverse changes in market rates and prices, such as foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates.




We have established a strict framework of internal policies with respect to our currency exposure, commodity prices, interest rate, counterparty risk, cash investments and indebtedness and liquidity. These policies are continuosly revised by our Finance Committee in response to different macroeconomic scenarios. The compliance with these policies is controlled by an independent risk department which reports directly to our CEO.


We also use conventional instruments, mainly non deliverable forwards (NDFs) and swaps options to mitigate the volatility of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on our revenue.  For a portion of our revenue we enter into forward contracts or currency options effectively fixing some revenues in Brazilian Reais to match our budget and goals.  The unrealized gains and losses on these contracts are recorded on our balance sheet as assets or liabilities and in our statement of operations in “Results of derivative financial instruments”.


We use cross-currency interest rate swap contracts in the market to reduce our foreign currency exposure and also take into account the natural hedge, matching our revenue and debt.  Other financial instruments also been used extensively as part of a defined financial strategy designed to optimize opportunities in the Brazilian foreign exchange and interest rate markets.  Like many other Brazilian exporters, we have had access to U.S. Dollar-denominated sources of long-term financing in the form of export prepayments or credits.  Opportunities arise between the lower interest rates payable on the U.S. Dollar-denominated export credits compared to the Brazilian interest rate.



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In Brazil, we have limited sources of long-term financing denominated in Reais.  We believe we have access to a sufficient number of foreign-currency financing sources to meet our needs without resorting to more expensive Real-denominated financing. U.S. Dollar denominated debt also works as a natural hedge for our U.S. Dollar denominated revenue generated from our pulp exports.


Our foreign currency debt reflects a strategy to continue borrowing funds in U.S. Dollars.  We have succeeded in lengthening the average maturity of our debt over time.  The percentage of our short-term debt (i.e., the debt, including the current portion of long-term debt, maturing within 12 months) compared to our total debt was 17% at December 31, 2010 and 9.6% at December 31, 2011.


Foreign currency risk


Our foreign currency exposure gives rise to market risks associated with exchange rate movements against the U.S. Dollar. The vast majority of our debt is denominated in U.S. Dollars. Our revenues are either denominated in U.S. Dollars or linked to U.S. Dollars (domestic pulp sales are denominated in Reais but linked to U.S. Dollar prices), thus our U.S.Dollar denominated debt works to a certain extent as a natural hedging for this exposure. In our income statement, revenues are translated into Reais at the prevailing exchange rate at the time of the sale. On the other, our debt is translated into Reais taking into account the closing foreign currency rate. The difference between those rates may generate a mismatch from the conversion of our revenues and debt into Reais.


The following table presents the carrying amount of our assets and liabilities denominated in U.S. Dollars:










(in thousands of Reais)


Assets in foreign currency






Cash and cash equivalents






Derivative instruments






Trade accounts receivable
























Liabilities in foreign currency






Loans and financing






Trade payables






Derivative instruments
























Asset (liability) exposure







Sensitivity Analysis


The following table presents the change in the fair value of derivatives, loans and marketable securities, in three adverse exchange rate scenarios. Management believes that a reasonably possible scenario includes an appreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar from R$1.8758 as of December 31, 2011 to R$1.7400. However, two different scenarios have also been considered as follows:




Impact of an appreciation/depreciation of the Real against the U.S. Dollar on the fair value


(in thousands of Reais)


Appreciation of the exchange
rate to R$1.7400


Depreciation of the
exchange rate to R$2.175


Depreciation of the
exchange rate to R$2.7188


Derivative instruments








Loans and financing








Marketable securities
















Total impact










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Interest rate risk


Our net income and operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates because we have no significant interest-bearing assets. Our cash and cash equivalents are mostly denominated in Reais and are based on the CDI rate. On December 31, 2011, the CDI rate was 10.87% p.a. and on December 31, 2010 it was 10.12% p.a.


Our interest rate risk arises from our debt. Our debt is primarily denominated in U.S. Dollar and to a lesser extent to Brazilian Reais and Japanese Yen. The U.S. Dollar-denominated debt has exposure to fixed rates (mainly the Notes issued by Fibria — Notes 2019, 2020 and 2021) and Libor rates (mainly Export Prepayment Agreements).  The Real-denominated debt has exposure to fixed rates, to the Brazilian Interbank Deposit Rate or CDI and to the Brazilian Long Term Interest Rate or TJLP.  The Japanese Yen-denominated debt relates to a single Bond which was swapped to U.S. Dollar, and has no exposure to the Japanese Yen or Japanese interest rate.


As of December 31, 2011, we had loans and financings subject to floating interest rates, which totaled 32.2% of our total indebtedness and bore interest based on LIBOR, TJLP, CDI and a foreign currency basket of our credit facilities with BNDES. Loans and financings subject to fixed rates totaled 67.8% and are primarily linked to our Notes (Fibria 2019, 2020 and 2021).


The table below provides information about our significant interest rate-sensitive instruments and classify our exposures by currency and type of interest rate (floating or fixed).










After 2014






(in millions of Reais)














Cash and cash equivalents












Floating-rate denominated in Reais









Fixed-rate denominated in U.S. Dollars









Marketable securities












Floating-rate denominated in Reais









Total exposed assets




































Floating-rate debt denominated in Reais












Floating-rate debt denominated in U.S. Dollars












Fixed-rate debt denominated in Reais












Fixed-rate debt denominated in U.S. Dollars











Total exposed liabilities













Derivative Instruments


Most of our revenue is denominated in U.S. Dollars. We have U.S. Dollars/Brazilian Reais forward contracts (NDFs) to protect our short term cash flow from unfavorable exchange rate movements. We also have interest rate swaps and cross-currency swaps to hedge our indebtedness. Our interest rate swaps hedge the LIBOR and our cross-currency swaps hedge our yen-denominated debt, swapping such debt to U.S. Dollar-denominated debt. See Notes 2.6 and 2.7 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements for a discussion of the accounting policies for derivatives and other financial instruments.


At December 31, 2011, derivatives held by the Company are as follows:


(i)             A cross-currency swap in which the Company receives Japanese Yen and pays U.S. Dollars, with a notional amount of U.S.$45 million and maturity date in 2014.  This swap was contracted to hedge the long-term loan denominated VOTO III from the fluctuation of the Japanese Yen.  As of December 31, 2011, the fair value of this swap was positive by R$28 million.


(ii)            Non-Deliverable Forwards (“NDF”) are all over-the-counter, cash settled transactions.  It is related to a future purchase and/or sale of determined quantity of currency, without initial disbursement, based on a notional amount and a forward price.



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The total notional amount was U.S.$922 million and the longest maturity date is December 2012.  As of December 31, 2011, the sum of the fair value of these forward contracts was negative R$134 million.


(iii)           A swap in which the Company receives three month LIBOR and pays fixed interest rate, with notional amount of U.S.$228 million and last maturity date on July, 2014.  This swap was contracted to fix the cost of the underlying loan and reduce the Company’s cash flow risk.  As of December 31, 2011, the sum of the fair values of these swaps was negative by R$11 million.


(iv)          A cross-currency swap in which the Company receives CDI (a Brazilian interbank rate in Reais) and pays U.S. Dollar fixed rate. The swap is hedging a Real denominated debt, converting it to a U.S. Dollar-denominated debt. The notional amount is U.S.$234 million and, the longest maturity is September 2018.  As of December 31, 2011, the sum of the fair values of these swaps was R$11 million.


(v)           A cross-currency swap in which the Company receives TJLP (Brazilian Long Term Interest Rate) in Brazilian Real and pays U.S. Dollar fixed rate. It swaps the debt currency of BNDES long term loans of R$680 million to U.S.$416 million, with maturity to June 2018. As of December 31, 2011, the sum of the fair values of those swaps was negative by R$92 million.


(vi)          A cross-currency swap in which the Company receives Brazilian Real fixed rate and pays U.S. Dollar fixed rate. It swaps the debt currency of a long term loans of R$66 million to U.S.$42 million, with maturity to December 2017. As of December 31, 2011, the sum of the fair values of those swaps was negative by R$9 million.


(vii)         An option based strategy known as Collar, which provides a floor and a cap to the foreign currency rate between U.S. Dollar and Brazilian Real. The instrument is used to protect our U.S. Dollar revenue in a given range in Brazilian Real.  As of December 31, 2011, the notional amount was U.S.$162 million, and the sum of the fair values was negative by R$7 million.


The following procedures were adopted for the derivatives contract valuations at December 31, 2011:


(i)             Swaps: were evaluated by the future cash flow, considering the contractual or projected rates, up to maturity dates, discounted to present value using market rates, in each currency, from BM&FBOVESPA and Bloomberg;


(ii)           NDF: were evaluated by the future cash flow in each currency discounted by each market interest rate. The discount rates were obtained at BM&FBOVESPA swap market rates;


(iii)           Currency Options: were calculated using the Garman-Kohlhagen option pricing formula, a Black and Scholes formula variation. The volatility is obtained from BM&FBOVESPA option market rates


Our derivatives counterparties are all financial institutions, most of them, with rating equal or better than A / A2 (from Fitch, S&P or Moody’s) or brAA- / AA3.br.


The following table provides the notional and the fair value of our financial derivatives as of December 31, 2011:




Notional amount


Fair value as of
December 31, 2011




(in thousands of U.S.


(in thousands of Reais)


NDF (U.S.$)






Swap JPY x USD






Swap CDI x USD






Swap LIBOR 3M x Fixed












Swap BRL x USD






Zero Cost Collar














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Citibank, N.A., as depositary, has agreed to reimburse the Company for expenses it incurs that are related to the establishment and maintenance of the ADS program.  The depositary has agreed to reimburse the Company for its continuing and annual stock exchange listing fees.  It has also agreed to pay the standard out-of-pocket maintenance costs for the ADRs, and to reimburse the Company annually for certain investor relations programs or special promotional activities.  In certain instances, the depositary has agreed to provide additional payments to the Company based on any applicable performance indicators relating to the ADR facility.  There are limits on the amount of expenses for which the depositary will reimburse the Company, but the amount of reimbursement available to the Company is not necessarily tied to the amount of fees the depositary collects from investors.  During calendar year 2011 the depositary reimbursed the Company in the amount of U.S.$901 thousand.


The depositary collects its fees for delivery and surrender of ADSs directly from investors depositing shares or surrendering ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal or from intermediaries acting for them.  The depositary collects fees for making distributions to investors by deducting those fees from the amounts distributed or by selling a portion of distributable property to pay the fees.  The depositary may collect is annual fee for depositary services by deduction from cash distributions or by directly billing investors or by charging the book-entry system accounts of participants acting for them.






See discussion at “Item 5.  Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—B. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Covenants”.








Disclosure Controls and Procedures:  Management, with the participation of our chief executive officer and our chief financial officer, after evaluating the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 under Rules 13a-15(e)) as of the end of the period covered by this annual report, has concluded that, as of that date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by us in the reports we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms, and is accumulated and communicated to management, including our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting:  Fibria’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Fibria’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements.  Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


Management assessed the effectiveness of Fibria’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011.  In making this assessment, management used the criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (COSO).  Based on this assessment, management concluded that, as of December 31, 2011, Fibria’s internal control over financial reporting is effective based on those criteria.


Changes in internal controls.  There was no change in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred in the period covered by this annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.



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Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm.  The effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011 has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their attestation report which appears herein.




Our Board of Directors has determined that Mr. Samuel de Paula Matos, a member of our Board of Directors and of our Audit Committee, is an audit committee financial expert within the meaning of Sarbanes-Oxley and related regulations.




Our Board of Directors has adopted a code of ethics (“Code of Ethics”) that applies to all Fibria’s employees, including the members of our financial department, our chief executive officer, our chief financial officer and our chief accounting officer.  No waivers, either explicit or implicit, of provisions of the Code of Ethics were granted to our chief executive officer, chief financial officer or chief accounting officer in 2011.  A copy of our Code of Ethics has been filed as Exhibit 11.1 to this annual report.


Our Code of Ethics addresses, among others, the following topics:


·                  honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;


·                  full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that we file with, or submit to, the SEC and in other public communications made by us;


·                  compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations; and


·                  the prompt internal reporting of violations of the code of the appropriate person or persons identified in the Code of Ethics.




The following table sets forth by category of service the total fees for services performed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010.


Year Ended December 31








(In thousands of Reais)


Audit Fees






Tax Fees






Audit-Related Fees













Audit Fees


Audit fees in 2011 and 2010 consisted of the aggregate fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes in connection with the integrated audit of our annual financial statements, reviews of quarterly financial statements, statutory audits of our subsidiaries, the bond offers and of our internal control over financial reporting, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).


Tax Fees


Tax fees in 2011 and 2010 consisted of the aggregate fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes in connection with tax services related to the audit procedures.  Includes fees charged in connection with the review of the income tax returns of Fibria Celulose S.A.


Audit-Related Fees


Audit-related fees in 2011 consisted of the aggregate fees billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes in connection with the assessment and recommendations for improvements and internal control over financial reporting.



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Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures


Our Audit Committee pre-approves all audit, audit-related, tax and other services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes. Any services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes that are not specifically included within the scope of the audit must be pre-approved by our Board of Directors in advance of any engagement. Under the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, audit committees are permitted to approve certain fees for audit-related, tax and other services pursuant to a de minimis exception prior to the completion of an audit engagement. In 2011 and 2010 none of the fees paid to PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes were approved pursuant to the de minimis exception.




Not applicable.




Treasury shares transactions and additional paid-in capital:


(i)            On March 23, 2010 we repurchased 309,451 of our own shares at an average price of R$33.99 per share regarding the agreement between VCP and Suzano Bahia Sul Papel e Celulose S.A. for the acquisition of a controlling interest in Ripasa established in November 2004 (Note 25(c) to our 2011 consolidated financial statements).


(ii)           On July 2, 2009, certain shareholders exercised the right of withdrawal of 36,670 preferred shares regarding the Aracruz Acquisition. Based on the redemption amount of R$20.61 per share, the amount due to dissenting shareholders was R$0.756 million (Note 26(a) to our 2011 consolidated financial statements).




Not applicable.




Significant Differences between our Corporate Governance Practices and NYSE Corporate Governance Standards


We are subject to the NYSE corporate governance listing standards.  As a foreign private issuer, the standards applicable to us are considerably different than the standards applied to U.S. listed companies.  Under the NYSE rules, we are required only to: (i) have an audit committee or audit board, pursuant to an applicable exemption available to foreign private issuers, that meets certain requirements, as discussed below, (ii) provide prompt certification by our chief executive officer of any material non compliance with any corporate governance rules, and (iii) provide a brief description of the significant differences between our corporate governance practices and the NYSE corporate governance practice required to be followed by U.S. listed companies.  The discussion of the significant differences between our corporate governance practices and those required of U.S. listed companies follows below.


Majority of Independent Directors


The NYSE rules require that a majority of the board must consist of independent directors.  Independence is defined by various criteria, including the absence of a material relationship between the director and the listed company.  Brazilian law does not have a similar requirement.  Under Brazilian law, neither our Board of Directors nor our management is required to test the independence of directors before their election to the board.  However, both the Brazilian Corporate Law and the CVM have established rules that require directors to meet certain qualification requirements and that address the compensation and duties and responsibilities of, as well as the restrictions applicable to, a company’s executive officers and directors.  Fibria does not have a majority of independent directors serving on its Board of Directors.


Executive Sessions


NYSE rules require that the non management directors must meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management.  The Brazilian Corporate Law does not have a similar provision.  According to the Brazilian Corporate Law, up to one third of the members of the Board of Directors can be elected from management.  In our case, none of them occupies both an executive and director position.  The directors are not expressly empowered to serve as check on management and there is no



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requirement that our directors meet regularly without management.  As a result, our directors do not typically meet in executive sessions.


Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee


NYSE rules require that listed companies have a Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee composed entirely of independent directors and governed by a written charter addressing the committee’s required purpose and detailing its required responsibilities, which include, among other things, identifying and selecting qualified board member nominees and developing a set of corporate governance principles applicable to the company.  We are not required under applicable Brazilian law to have a Nominating Committee/Corporate Governance Committee, and accordingly, to date, have not established such a committee.  The directors are elected by our shareholders at a general shareholders’ meeting.  Our corporate governance practices are adopted by the entire board.


Compensation Committee


NYSE rules require that listed companies have a Compensation Committee composed entirely of independent directors and governed by a written charter addressing the committee’s required purpose and detailing its required responsibilities, which include, among other things, reviewing corporate goals relevant to CEO compensation, evaluating CEO performance and approving CEO compensation levels and recommending to the board non CEO compensation, incentive compensation and equity based plans.  We are not required under applicable Brazilian law to have a Compensation Committee, although we have established an advisory committee (that is not comprised entirely of Board members) to advise on certain of these matters.  Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, the total amount available for compensation of our directors and executive officers and for profit sharing payments to our executive officers is established by our shareholders at the annual general meeting.  The Board of Directors is then responsible for determining the individual compensation and profit-sharing of each executive officer, as well as the compensation of our board and committee members.  In making such determination, the board reviews the performance of each executive officer and each of the goals they were supposed to achieve during the year.


Audit Committee


Under NYSE Rule 303A.06 and the requirements of Rule 10A-3 of the Securities and Exchange Commission, domestic listed companies are required to have an audit committee consisting entirely of independent directors that otherwise complies with Rule 10A-3. In addition, the audit committee must have a written charter that addresses the matters outlined in NYSE Rule 303.A.06(c), have an internal audit function and otherwise fulfill the requirements of the NYSE and Rule 10A-3. There is no requirement for an audit committee under Brazilian law and there are features of Brazilian law that require adaptation of the independent audit committee rule to local practice, as permitted by NYSE Rule 303A.06 and Rule 10A-3. As a foreign private issuer, Fibria is in compliance with Rule 303A.06 and Rule 10A-3. Our audit committee, which is equivalent to a U.S. audit committee, was installed at the meeting of our Board of Directors held on December 18, 2009. It complies with all of such requirements and provides assistance to our Board of Directors in matters involving our accounting, internal controls, financial reporting and compliance. Our audit committee recommends the appointment of our independent auditors to our Board of Directors and reviews the compensation of, and coordinates with, our independent auditors. Our audit committee also evaluates the effectiveness of our internal financial and legal compliance controls.


Shareholder Approval of Equity Compensation Plans


NYSE rules require that shareholders be given the opportunity to vote on all equity compensation plans and material revisions thereto, with limited exceptions.  Under the Brazilian Corporate Law, shareholders must approve all stock option plans.  In addition, any issuance of new shares that exceeds our authorized share capital is subject to shareholder approval.  We have no equity compensation plans.


Corporate Governance Guidelines


NYSE rules require that listed companies adopt and disclose corporate governance guidelines.  We have not adopted any formal corporate governance guidelines beyond those required by applicable Brazilian law.  We believe that the corporate governance guidelines applicable to us under Brazilian corporate law are consistent with the guidelines established by the NYSE.



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Code of Business Conduct and Ethics


NYSE rules require that listed companies adopt and disclose a code of business conduct and ethics for directors, officers and employees, and promptly disclose any waivers of the code for directors or executive officers.  Applicable Brazilian law does not have a similar requirement.  However, we have amended our code of ethics to comply with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the NYSE rules.  We believe our code, as amended, substantially addresses the matters required to be addressed by the NYSE rules. A copy of our Code of Ethics has been filed as Exhibit 11.1 to this annual report.  For a further discussion of our Code of Ethics, see “Item 16B. — Code of Ethics.”


Internal Audit Function


NYSE rules require that listed companies maintain an internal audit function to provide management and the audit committee with ongoing assessments of the company’s risk management processes and system of internal control.  Brazilian law does not require that companies maintain an internal audit function.  However, as a best practice, we maintain an internal audit function.  Our internal audit function is under the supervision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.






Not applicable.




The following consolidated financial statements are filed as part of this annual report, together with the report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm:


Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting




Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm




Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009




Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2010




Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009




Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



All schedules for which provision is made in the applicable accounting regulations of the Commission are not required under the related instructions or are inapplicable and therefore have been omitted.












English translation of the By-laws






Form of Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated as of August 12, 2009 among us, Citibank, N.A., as depositary, and the Owners and Beneficial Owners of American Depositary Receipts, including the form of American Depositary Receipts.






Free translation of the Novo Mercado Listing Rules



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Indenture, dated January 23, 2004, among Voto-Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations III Limited, as issuer, The Bank of New York, as trustee, The Bank of New York, as transfer agent, paying agent and registrar, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd., London Branch, as principal paying agent, and Votorantim Participações S.A., Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A., Cimento Rio Branco S.A., and Companhia Níquel Tocantins, as guarantors.






Indenture, dated June 24, 2005, among Voto-Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations IV Limited, as issuer, The Bank of New York, as trustee, The Bank of New York, as transfer agent, paying agent and registrar, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd., London Branch, as principal paying agent, and Votorantim Participações S.A., Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A., Cimento Rio Branco S.A., and Companhia Níquel Tocantins, as guarantors.






Indenture dated as of March 3, 2011 among Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd., Fibria Celulose S.A. and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, in respect of the 6.750% Senior Notes due 2021






Indenture dated as of May 4, 2010 among Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd., Fibria Celulose S.A. and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, in respect of the 7.500% Senior Notes due 2020.






The Company agrees to furnish to the Commission upon its request any instrument relating to long-term debt issued by the Company or any subsidiary where the total amount of securities authorized under that instrument does not exceed 10% of the Company’s consolidated assets.






Investment Agreement, dated January 19, 2009, among us, VID, BNDESPar and VPar






Form of Shareholders’ Agreement, dated October 29, 2009, among us, VID, BNDESPar and VPar






Exchange Agreement dated September 19, 2006 by and between Votorantim Celulose e Papel S.A. and International Paper Investments (Holland) B.V.






Financing Agreement dated July, 2008 through credit facility of R$540,000,000.00 by and between the National Bank of Economic and Social Development — BNDES, VCP






Establishment Purchase Agreement dated February 28, 2011 between the Company and Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. (Portuguese language original together with an English language summary)






Trademarks Assignment and Transfer Agreement dated February 28, 2011 between the Company and Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. (Portuguese language original together with an English language summary)






Establishment Purchase Agreement dated January 31, 2011 between the Company and Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. (Portuguese language original together with an English language summary)






Quota Purchase and Sale Agreement dated as of September 22, 2011 between the Company and Oji Paper Co. Ltd., together with ancillary agreements.






See Note 34 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements for information explaining how earnings per share were calculated.






See Note 2.2.1 to our 2011 consolidated financial statements for information regarding our subsidiaries.






English translation of Code of Ethics.






Rule 13a-14(a)/15(d)-14(a) Certificate of Chief Executive Officer.






Rule 13a-14(a)/15(d)-14(a) Certificate of the Chief Financial Officer






Section 1350 Certification of Chief Executive Officer.






Section 1350 Certification of the Chief Financial Officer



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Incorporated herein by reference to our registration statement on Form F-6 filed on June 24, 2009 (File No. 160187).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on June 30, 2004 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on June 29, 2006 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our submission on Form 6-K filed on October 23, 2009 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 30, 2010 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on April 1, 2011(File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on February 1, 2007 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F filed on January 31, 2008 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our submission on Form 6-K filed on January 27, 2011 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1.10 to Exhibit 3.1 to our submission on Form 6-K filed on January 27, 2011 (File No. 001-15018).






Incorporated herein by reference to our submission on Form 6-K filed on May 3, 2011 (File No. 001-15018).





Filed herewith.



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The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.







/s/ Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli




Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli




Chief Executive Officer











/s/ Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti




Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti




Chief Financial Officer





Date: February 29, 2012






Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.

Consolidated Financial Statements at

December 31, 2011

and Report of Independent Registered

Public Accounting Firm


Table of Contents



Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting


1              The management of Fibria Celulose S.A. and subsidiaries (the “Company”) is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.


2              The Company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the Company’s Audit Committee, principal executive and principal financial officers, and effected by the Company’s board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). The Company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (a) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Company; (b) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS as approved by the IASB, and that receipts and expenditures of the Company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the Company; and (c) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the Company’s assets that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.


3              Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect material misstatements on a timely basis. Therefore even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


4              The effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011, is based on the criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Based on that assessment, management has concluded that as of December 31, 2011 the Company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective,


São Paulo, February 1, 2012


/s/ Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli


/s/ Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti


/s/ João Adalberto Elek Júnior

Marcelo Strufaldi Castelli
Chief Executive Officer


Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti
Chief Financial Officer
and Investor Relations Officer
effective as of February 1, 2012


João Adalberto Elek Júnior
Chief Financial Officer and
Investor Relations Officer

until January 31, 2012



Table of Contents


Report of Independent Registered
Public Accounting Firm


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Fibria Celulose S.A.


1                                        In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the related consolidated statements of operations and of comprehensive income (loss), of changes in shareholders’ equity and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fibria Celulose S.A. and its subsidiaries at December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2011 in conformity with International Financial Reporting standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2011, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company’s management is responsible for these financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements and on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our integrated audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.


2                                        A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (a) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (b) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,



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and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (c) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.


3                                        Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


São Paulo, February 1, 2012


/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers


Auditores Independentes



Table of Contents




Financial Statements


Consolidated Balance Sheets


Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements






Presentation of Financial Statements and Significant Accounting Practices




Presentation of financial statements








Segment reporting




Foreign currency translation




Cash and cash equivalents




Financial assets




Derivative instruments and hedging activities




Trade accounts receivable








Income tax and social contribution




Intangible assets




Property, plant and equipment








Biological assets




Business combination




Impairment of non-financial assets




Trade payables




Loans and financing




Other assets and liabilities (current and non-current)




Benefits to management and employees




Contingent assets and contingent liabilities and legal obligations




Revenue recognition




Dividend distribution




Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations result




New standards, amendments and interpretations





Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions



Risk Management




Environmental risks




Financial risks



Sensitivity Analysis



Fair Value Estimates




Fair value of loans and financing and payable for the acquisition of Aracruz




Fair value measurement of derivative instruments



Financial Instruments by Category



Credit Quality of Financial Assets



Cash and Cash Equivalents



Marketable Securities



Derivative Instruments




Table of Contents



Trade Accounts Receivable






Recoverable Taxes



Taxes on Income



Significant Transactions and Balances with Related Parties



Property, Plant and Equipment



Biological Assets



Intangible Assets



Financial and Operational Lease Agreements



Advances to Suppliers - Forestry Partnership Programs



Loans and Financing






Tax Amnesty and Refinancing Program (“REFIS”)



Long-term Commitments



Shareholders’ Equity



Benefits to Employees



Phantom Stock Options (PSO) - Compensation Program Based on Shares



Net Revenue



Financial Results



Expenses by Nature



Insurance (unaudited)



Segment Information



Earnings per Share



Payable - Aracruz Acquisition



Non-current Assets Held for Sale



Impairment Tests



Business Combination



First-time Adoption of IFRS


39.1 Basis of transition to IFRS


39.2 Summary of the changes in accounting standards and of the effects on the results of operations and shareholders` equity — reconciliation of prior BR GAAP and IFRS


39.3 Summary of the changes in accounting standards and of the effects on the results of operations and shareholders` equity — reconciliation of US GAAP and IFRS




Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31

In thousands of reais


























Cash and cash equivalents (Note 9)






Marketable securities (Note 10)






Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Trade accounts receivable, net (Note 12)






Inventories (Note 13)






Recoverable taxes (Note 14)






Assets held for sale (Note 36)






Other assets






























Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Related parties receivables (note 16)






Deferred taxes (Note 15)






Recoverable taxes (Note 14)






Advances to suppliers (Note 21)






Judicial deposits (Note 23 (d))






Other assets






Investment in affiliates






Biological assets (Note 18)






Property, plant and equipment (Note 17)






Intangible assets (Note 19)
























Total assets










Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31

In thousands of reais










Liabilities and shareholders’ equity


















Loans and financing (Note 22)






Trade payable






Payroll, profit sharing and related charges






Taxes payable






Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Payable - Aracruz acquisition (Note 35)






Liabilities related to the assets held for sale (Note 36)






Dividends payable






Other payable






























Loans and financing (Note 22)






Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Taxes payable






Deferred taxes (Note 15)






Provision for contingencies (Note 23)






Other payable




































Shareholders’ equity (Note 26)






Capital (Note 26(a))






Capital reserve






Treasury shares






Legal reserves






Other reserves












Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company






Equity attributable to non-controlling interests
























Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity







The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Consolidated Statements of operations and
Comprehensive Income (Loss)

Years Ended December 31

In thousand of reais, except for the income per shares


















Continuing operations
















Net revenues (Note 29)








Cost of sales (Note 31)
















Gross profit
















Operating income (expenses)








Selling expenses (Note 31)








General and administrative (Note 31)








Equity in losses of affiliate








Other operating income (expenses), net (Note 31)
































Income before financial income and expenses
















Financial income (Note 30)








Financial expenses (Note 30)








Result of derivative financial instruments (Note 30)








Foreign exchange gain (loss) and indexation (Note 30)
































Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income
















Taxes on income








Current (Note 15)








Deferred (Note 15)
















Net income (loss) from continuing operations
















Discontinued operations








Net income from discontinued operations (Note 36)
















Net income (loss)
















Attributable to








Shareholders of the Company - continuing operations








Shareholders of the Company - discontinuing operations








Non-controlling interest
















Net income (loss)
















Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share - continuing operations (in reais) (Note 34)
















Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share - discontinuing operations (in reais) (Note 34)









There was no amount of other comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 and for that reason a “Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss)” is not presented.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




































Special reserve
























for minimum
















































not distributed


ted Losses)
































As of December31, 2008
























Adjustments related to previous years
























First-time adoption
























Legal reserve appropriation
















































As of January 1, 2009
























Total income and comprehensive income:
























Net income and comprehensive income
















































Transactions with shareholders:
























Capital increase
























Acquisition of shares
























Issuance of shares
























Capitalization of reserves
























Realization of revaluation reserve, net of tax
























Fair value of non-controlling interest
























Non-controlling interest transaction
























Legal reserve appropriation
























Reserve for minimum mandatory dividends not distributed
























Investment reserve appropriation








































































Total transactions with shareholders
















































As of December 31, 2009
























Total income and comprehensive income:
























Net income and comprehensive income
















































Transactions with shareholders:




























Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




































Special reserve
























for minimum
















































not distributed


ted Losses)
































Realization of revaluation reserve, net of tax
























Acquisition of own shares for treasury
























Minimum mandatory dividends
























Legal reserve appropriation
























Investment reserve appropriation
















































Total transactions with shareholders

























The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.





Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




































Special reserve
























for minimum
















































not distributed


ted Losses)
































As of December 31, 2010
























Total loss and comprehensive loss
























Net income (loss) and other comprehensive income (loss)
















































Transactions with shareholders
























Capital increase
























Realization of revaluation reserve, net of tax
























Lapsed dividends
























Investment reserve appropriation
















































Total transactions with shareholders
















































As of December 31, 2011

























The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

Years Ended December 31

In thousand of reais


















Income (loss) from continuing operations before taxes on income
















Adjusted by








Income before taxes on income from discontinued operations (Note 36)








Depreciation, depletion and amortization








Depletion of wood from forestry partnership programs








Unrealized foreign exchange (gains) losses, net








Change in fair value of derivative financial instruments








Equity in losses of affiliate








Gain on sale of investments (CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba)








Accretion of present value - Payable for Aracruz acquisition








Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment








Interest and gain and losses in marketable securities








Interest expense








Change in fair value of biological assets








Gain on remeasurement of the initial interest on Aracruz








Provisions and other
















Decrease (increase) in assets








Trade accounts receivable
















Recoverable taxes








Related parties








Other assets/advances to suppliers
















Decrease (increase) in liabilities








Trade payable








Taxes payable








Payroll, profit sharing and related charges








Other payable
















Cash provided by operating activities
















Interest received








Interest paid








Income taxes paid
















Net cash provided by operating activities
















Cash flows from investing activities








Installments paid for acquisition of Aracruz








Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and forest








Advance for wood acquisition from forestry partnership program








Marketable securities, net








Proceeds from sale of the Guaíba unit








Proceeds from sale of investments (CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba)








Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment








Derivative transactions settled (Note 11(c))





















Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

Years Ended December 31

In thousand of reais



















Net cash used in investing activities








Cash flows from financing activities
















Repayments - principal amount








Capital increase








Dividends paid








Treasury stock acquisition
























Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
















Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
















Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
















Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year
















Cash and cash equivalents at end of year
















Supplemental non cash flow information








Amount payable for acquisition of Aracruz








Exchange of shares with BNDESPAR for additional acquisition of Aracruz shares








Capital subscription from the families and the Safra family









The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


1                                         Operations


(a)                                  General information


Fibria Celulose S.A. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”, “Fibria”, or “we”) is a limited liability company constituted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and headquartered in São Paulo and after divesting its paper production activities in 2011, operates a single operational segment: producing and selling short fiber pulp.


The Company’s business is affected by global pulp prices, which are historically cyclical and subject to significant volatility over short periods, as a result of, among other factors: (a) global demand for products from pulp; (b) global production capacity and strategies adopted by the main producers; (c) availability of substitutes for these products; and (d) exchange rates. All these factors are beyond the control of the Company’s management.


The company’s business are operated through the maintenance its own and third-party forest base, plants for manufacturing bleached pulp and a integrated logistic structure for exporting its production, as detailed in topics (b) and (c) below:


(b)                                  Facilities in operation and forest base


The company operates the following facilities as of December 31, 2010 to produce bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp with a total annual capacity of approximately 5.25 million tons:




Location (Brazil)












Espírito Santo




Três Lagoas


Mato Grosso do Sul






São Paulo




Veracel (*)



















(*)    Represents 50% of the annual production capacity of Veracel’s pulp mill consistently with the proportional consolidation of the results of operations of Veracel in our consolidated statement of operations.


The production of bleached pulp is performed only from eucalyptus trees which are a variety of high quality hardwood pulp, with short fibers, generally better suited to manufacturing toilet paper, uncoated and coated paper for printing and writing and coated cardboard for packaging. We use different sources to generate thermal and electric energy for our respective operations, including black liquor, biomass derived from wood debarking, bark and scraps.


Fibria produces only hardwood pulp from planted eucalyptus trees therefore its eucalyptus trees are referred as forest, which have an average extraction cycle of between six and seven years and are located in six Brazilian States, consisting of approximately 972 thousand hectares as of December 31, 2011, including reforested and protected areas, as follows (in thousand hectares):



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




Area of forest


Total area














São Paulo






Minas Gerais






Rio de Janeiro






Mato Grosso do Sul












Espírito Santo



















The forest base of the Losango project in the state Rio Grande do Sul is excluded from the table above as their assets qualify as assets held for sale and are being presented as such as detailed in Note 36.


(c)                                 Logistics


Most of the pulp produced for export is delivered to customers by means of sea vessels on the basis of long-term contracts with the owners of vessels. In October of 2010 was signed a contract for 25 years with STX Pan Ocean Co. Ltd., a company of South Korea, to optimize the international logistics and ensure operational stability and competitiveness. As of December 31, 2011, there were no obligations regarding this contract since freight services have not yet begun.


The company operates in two ports, Santos and Barra do Riacho. The port of Santos is located on the coast of the State of São Paulo and seeps the pulp produced in the Jacareí and Três Lagoas plants and is operated under a concession from the Government of the State of São Paulo to the Companhia Docas of the State of São Paulo - CODESP. Fibria pay fees for the use of terminals auctioned by CODESP.


The port of Barra do Riacho is a port specialized in cellulose and is located approximately three kilometers from Aracruz unit, in the State of Espírito Santo and seeps the pulp produced in the Aracruz and Veracel plants. This port is operated by a company controlled by Fibria (which has a 51% interest in the share capital) denominated Portocel - Terminal Especializado Barra do Riacho S.A. Portocel operates under authorization of the federal government through a contract signed on November 14, 1995.


These port operations do not fall within the scope of ICPC 01/IFRIC 12.


(d)                                 Non current assets held for sale


During the years presented the Company approved and consummated the sale of certain cash generating units (CGUs) and certain assets. The following table summarizes the assets and CGUs for which its sale was approved, as from when are considered as assets held for sale and/or discontinued operations and when the sale was consummated.






Classification for
accounting purposes


Date when
classified for


Date when 
the sale was












Note 36(a)


Assets held for sale and discontinued operations


December 2010


January 2011



Note 36(b)


Assets held for sale and discontinued operations


December 2010


February 2011

Piracicaba CGU


Note 36(b)


Assets held for sale


June 2011


September 2011

Losango project assets


Note 36(c )


Assets held for sale


June 2011


Not yet sold



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(i)                                    Sale of CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba


On December 21, 2010, the Board of Directors approved the disposal of its CGUs: Consórcio Paulista de Papel e Celulose - CONPACEL and KSR Distribuidora, The CONPACEL pulp and paper mill consisted of a pulp mill with an annual production capacity of 650 kilotons and a paper mill with an annual production capacity of 390 kilotons, and approximately 71 thousand hectares of timberland, 30 thousand hectares of protected forest, a distribution business unit which operates 19 branches throughout Brazil and a distribution warehouse in the State of São Paulo.


The Company concluded the sale of the net assets of CONPACEL and KSR on January 31, 2011 and February 28, 2011, respectively, for an aggregate sale consideration of R$ 1.5 billion, through the execution of the sales and purchase agreement with Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. (“Suzano”), meeting the terms and conditions precedent of the S&P agreement and through the payment of sale price by Suzano.


CONPACEL and KSR met the definition of discontinued operations as from December 2010 and are presented as such in these consolidated financial statements.


The Company also concluded the sale of the net assets of the CGU Piracicaba on September 29, 2011, which consists of a plant to produce thermal papers, coated and carbonless, located at the Piracicaba City, in the State of São Paulo, with an annual capacity over than 160 thousand tons, to Oji Paper CO., LTD. (“Oji”) for an aggregated sale consideration of US$ 313 million, equivalent to R$ 567,375 at that date. The sale was consummated through the transfer of the net assets of the unit to Piracicaba Indústria de Papéis Especiais e Participações Ltda and the subsequent sale of the quotas of such entity to Oji.


The disposal of these CGUs is consistent with the Company’s strategy of concentrating activities in the pulp business and strengthening the Company’s strategic focus in the pulp market. The Company had used the proceeds to reduce its debt levels. Information on the assets, liabilities, result and cash flows of the CGUs sold are presented in Note 36.


(ii)                                Losango Project - Asset held for sale at December 31, 2011


Following the approval by management on June 30, 2011 to divest the Losango project assets, and with specific program in place to identify a potential buyer, the Company had classified the assets as held for sale and the details are presented in Note 36.


(e)                                 Companies merged and liquidated


During the years ended on December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009, management undertook certain corporate reorganizations in order to optimize the organizational structure of Fibria, which include the merger and/or liquidation of direct or indirect subsidiaries, in Brazil

and abroad. The following is a summary of events occurring during the years ended:








Date of
merger or
beginning of


on share
capital (%)

























Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated








Date of
merger or
beginning of


on share
capital (%)












Aracruz Trading






February 2010




Aracruz International Financial




Indirect subsidiary


October 2010




Ara Pulp Com. Imp. Exp. Unipessoal Lda.






December 2010




VCP North America


United States of America


Indirect subsidiary


June 2011




Riocell Trade


Isle of Man, UK


Indirect subsidiary


September 2011




Riocell Limited






September 2011
























Alícia Papéis S.A.






September 2010




Mucuri Agroflorestal Ltda.






July 2011














Arapar S.A. (*)






December 2009




São Teófilo Representações e Participações S.A. (*)






December 2009




Aracruz S.A. (*)






December 2009





(*) See Note 2(g) below.


The companies that were liquidated did not have any significant assets or liabilities and as a result there were no significant impacts on the results of Fibria.


The following is a summary of the book value of the companies merged, which were reflected in their individual standalone balance sheets:


(i)                                   Alícia Papéis S.A. merged on with Fibria Celulose S.A










Trade accounts receivable - related parties




Recoverable taxes
















Non current




Recoverable taxes




Property, plant and equipment
















Total assets




Liabilities and shareholder’s equity








Debts with related parties








Shareholder’s equity








Profit reserve
















Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity





(ii)                               Mucuri Agloflorestal S.A. merged with Fibria Celulose S.A.










Cash and cash equivalents








Non current




Other assets




Property, plant and equipment
















Total assets




Liabilities and shareholder’s equity




Shareholder’s equity








Accumulated losses












Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity






Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Additionally, a difference between its carrying amount and the fair value of land held by Mucuri Agroflorestal was recognized during the Aracruz’s acquisition, in the amount of R $ 478,924, which was recorded as part of fixed assets, as per Note 17.


(f)                                  Change in the international corporate structure


In November 2011, management of Fibria approved, subject to certain conditions been met, a project for a corporate restructuring of its international activities, which considers transferring the current commercial operational, logistics, administrative and financial operations of Fibria Trading International Kft. to another subsidiary of Fibria.


The international corporate reorganization restructuring includes different stages and its final completion is expected to be around December 2013. However, the implementation of the restructuring planned depends on approval of the local authorities of each country involved. Additional information is presented in Note 15(e).


(g)                                Acquisition of Aracruz shares


In 2001 we acquired a 28% interest in the voting capital and a 12.35% economic interest in Aracruz Celulose S.A. (“Aracruz”), a limited liability company constituted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and headquartered in the state of Espírito Santo.


On January 21, 2009 the Company acquired a 12.35% equity interest in the total capital of Aracruz (28% of voting capital or 127,506,457 common shares) upon the purchase of Arapar S.A. (“Arapar”) and São Teófilo Representação e Participações S.A. (“São Teófilo”) for R$ 2,710,000, payable in six semi-annual fixed installments, with maturities up to July 2011, free of interest and charges.


On March 5, 2009, the Company acquired an additional 127,506,457 common shares of Aracruz, representing 28% of its voting capital, for R$ 2,710,000, payable in six semi-annual fixed installments, with maturities up to July 2011, free of interest and charges.


On May 27, 2009, BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR, holder of 56,880,857 common shares of Aracruz, subscribed 43,588,699 preferred shares of VCP, utilizing its 12.49% common shares of Aracruz (or 5.51% of its total capital) for a total amount of R$ 828,185.


On July 1, 2009, a public tender offer with tag along rights of Aracruz common shares (“ARCZ3”) was completed. The tender offer comprised 15,507,357 common shares, and the related sales orders totaled 13,828,307 common shares, equivalent to 89% of the shares offered. The total purchase price of R$ 236,633 is payable in six semi-annual fixed installments maturing up to July 2011, free of interest and charges.


On July 17, 2009, the shareholders of both VCP and Aracruz approved an exchange of one preferred share of Aracruz for 0.1347 of VCP’s common share. This exchange ratio had been previously examined and approved by the respective companies’ financial advisors and independent special committees of the companies established specifically for this task.


On August 24, 2009, the Extraordinary General Meeting of VCP and Aracruz approved the merger of the entire Aracruz capital stock by VCP, under the terms and conditions approved by the related Boards of Directors. The Extraordinary General Meeting ratified the acquisition of the control of Aracruz, pursuant



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


to Article 256 of the Brazilian Corporate Law. Consequently, the last day in which Aracruz’s shares were traded on BM&FBOVESPA and on NYSE was November 17, 2009. The Aracuz’s shares originally held in custody for Aracruz’s ADS were exchanged for the Company’s common share.


The effects of this business combination are presented in Note 38.


(h)                                Sale of the Guaíba unit


On December 15, 2009, the Company concluded the sale to Empresas CMPC S.A., a company based in Santiago, Chile, of all of the assets encompassing industrial installations, land and forests, of its Guaíba unit, located in the municipality of Guaíba in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The sale price agreed was R$ 2,416,000, which generated a capital gain of R$ 33,414.


During the year 2009, net revenues and cost of sales of the Guaíba unit were R$ 428,339 and R$ 343,640, respectively, and represented 9% of the Company’s gross profit.


2                                        Presentation of Financial Statements and Significant Accounting Practices


2.1                              Presentation of financial statements


(a)                                Consolidated financial statements


The company’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared and are being presented in accordance with and in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).


The financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2010 were the first financial statements presented in accordance with IFRS prepared by the Company. The main differences between the accounting practices previously adopted in Brazil (the “BR GAAP”) and United States of America and IFRS, including the reconciliation of shareholders’ equity and net income as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, are described in Note 39 - First-time Adoption of IFRS.


(b)                                Approval of the financial statements


The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors in January 30, 2012.


2.2                              Consolidation


2.2.1                    Consolidated financial statements


(a)                                Subsidiaries


Subsidiaries are all entities (including special-purpose entities) over which the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity, generally reflecting a shareholding of more than half of the voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


or convertible are considered when assessing whether Fibria controls another entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to Fibria and de-consolidated from the date that control ceases.


Exclusive or controlled investment funds are consolidated.


Jointly-owned investees are legal entities in which the Company shares control, as established by contract, over the economic activity and for which strategic, financial and operating decisions about the investee’s activities require the unanimous approval by the parties which share control. The jointly-owned investees Veracel Celulose S.A. (“Veracel”), Asapir Produção Florestal e Comércio Ltda. (“Asapir”) and VOTO - Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations IV Limited (“VOTO IV”) have been consolidated proportionally in accordance with the Company’s ownership percentage.


Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains and losses on transactions between group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of a loss of value (impairment) of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Company.


(b)                                Affiliate companies


Affiliates are all entities over which the company has significant influence but not control or joint control. Investments in affiliates are accounted under the equity method and are initially recognized at cost value.


Fibria interest in profits or losses of its post acquisition affiliate is recognized in the statement of operations and their participation in the post acquisition reserves moving is recognized in reserves. The post- acquisition cumulative movements are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When Fibria’s share of losses related in an affiliate is equal to or greater than its participation in the affiliate, including any other receivables, the company does not recognize further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the affiliate.


Unrealized gains from transactions with affiliate companies are eliminated in the same portion to the interest. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of a loss (impairment) of the asset transferred. The accounting policies of subsidiaries are adjusted, when necessary, to ensure consistency with the accounting policies adopted by Fibria.


The dilution gains and losses on shareholdings in associate are recognized in the statement of operations.


At December 31, 2011 and 2010 and during the years presented Fibria has exclusively participation in the affiliate Bahia Produtos de Madeira S.A. (previous called Aracruz Produtos de Madeira S.A.), which was included in the consolidated financial statements as an investment accounted for following the equity method under the line “Investment in affiliate” considering that the Company has significant influence over it.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(c)                                 Companies included in the consolidated financial statements


The subsidiaries included in the consolidation are as follows:




Percentage of total capital






























Companies located in Brazil










Normus Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.










Fibria-MS Celulose Sul Mato-Grossense Ltda.










Fibria Terminais Portuários S.A.










Projetos Especiais e Investimentos S.A.










Portocel - Terminal Especializado de Barra do Riacho S.A.










Veracel Celulose S.A. (ii)










Asapir Produção Florestal e Comércio Ltda. (ii)










Mucuri Agroflorestal S.A. (i)






























VOTO - Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations IV Limited (ii)










Fibria Trading International KFT.










Fibria Overseas Holding KFT.










Newark Financial Inc.










Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd.










Fibria International GMBH.










Fibria Celulose (USA) Inc.










Fibria (Europe) S.A.










VCP North America Inc. (i)










Riocell Limited (i)










Riocell Trade S.A. (i)











(i)        Companies liquidated/merged as detailed in Note 1(e).

(ii)     Companies proportionally consolidated


2.3                              Segment reporting


Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the Board of Executive Officers, the chief operating decision-maker, who is responsible for allocating funds, making strategic decisions and assessing performance.


2.4                              Foreign currency translation


(a)                                Functional and presentation currency


The Brazilian real (“real”, “reais” or “R$”) is the functional currency of the Company and all its subsidiaries, and is also the currency used for the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements of the Company.


(b)                                Transactions and balances


Foreign currency operations are translated into the functional currency in which the items are measured utilizing the exchange rates at the transaction or evaluation dates. The foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of these transactions and from the conversion of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at the exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet dates are recognized in the statement of operations.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Foreign exchange gains and losses relating to loans and cash and cash equivalents denominated in foreign currency are presented in the statement of operations as “Foreign exchange gain (loss) and realized and unrealized gain (loss) on swaps and trading securities, net.


2.5                              Cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents include cash, bank deposits, and highly liquid short-term investments, which have original maturity up to three months and are readily convertible into a known amount of cash and subject to an immaterial risk of change in value, net of overdraft accounts. Overdraft accounts are presented in the balance sheet as “Loans and financing” in current liabilities, when applicable.


2.6                              Financial assets


2.6.1                    Classification


The Company classifies its financial assets into the following categories: (a) held for trading, and (b) loans and receivables. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired.


(a)                                Held for trading


The financial assets held for trading reflect their active and frequent trading, mainly, in the short term. These assets are measured at fair value, and the changes in fair value are recognized in the statement of operations under “Financial income” or “Financial expenses”.


(b)                                 Loans and receivables


Loans and receivables have fixed or determinable payment terms and are not quoted in an active market. Loans and receivables are adjusted based on the effective rate of the transaction. The effective rate is that defined in the contract as adjusted by the related costs of each transaction.


(c)                                  Fair value


The fair value of investments with publicly-available quotations is based on current market prices. With respect to financial assets without an active market, the Company establishes the fair value through valuation techniques. These techniques include the comparison with recent third-party transactions, reference to other instruments which are substantially similar, the analysis of discounted cash flows and option pricing models.


The Company periodically assesses whether there is objective evidence to indicate that a financial asset has been recorded at an amount greater than its recoverable amount. When applicable, an impairment provision is made.


2.6.2                   Recognition and measurement


Regular purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on the trade date - the date on which Fibria commits to purchase or sell the asset. Investments are initially recognized at fair value plus transaction costs for all financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


measured at fair value through profit or losses are initially recognized at fair value, and the transaction costs are recorded in the statement of operations. Financial assets are derecognized when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or have been transferred but only if Fibria has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or losses are subsequently recorded at fair value. Loans and receivables are subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.


2.6.3                    Offsetting financial instruments


Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.


2.6.4                    Impairment of financial assets


Assets carried at amortized cost


The Company assesses at the end of each reporting period whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred only if there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a “loss event”) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.


The criteria that the Company uses to determine whether there is objective evidence of an impairment loss include:


·             significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor;


·             a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;


·             Fibria, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, grants to the borrower a concession that the lender would not otherwise consider;


·             it becomes probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;


·             the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties; or


·             observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a portfolio of financial assets since the initial recognition of those assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with the individual financial assets in the portfolio, including:


·             adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers in the portfolio; or

·             national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on the assets in the portfolio.


The amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s book value and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. The book value of the asset is reduced and the loss is recognized in the statement of operations. If a loan t has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate determined under the contract. As a practical expedient, Fibria may measure impairment on the basis of an instrument’s fair value using an observable market price.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


If, in a subsequent period, the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized (such as an improvement in the debtor’s credit rating), the reversal of the previously recognized impairment loss is recognized in the statement of operations.


2.7                              Derivative instruments and hedging activities


Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value on the date the derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recorded in the statement of operations. Even though the Company uses derivatives to mitigate risks, hedge accounting has not been adopted in the periods presented. The fair value of derivative instruments is disclosed in Note 11.


2.8                              Trade accounts receivable


Trade accounts receivable correspond to the amounts receivable from sales made in the course of the Company’s normal business. If the term of receipt is equivalent to one year or less, the accounts receivable are classified as current assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets.


These accounts receivable are initially recognized at fair value and, subsequently, measured by the effective rate interest method less a provision for impairment, if required. Accounts receivable from customers abroad are presented based on the exchange rates at the balance sheet date.


The provision for impairment is established when there is direct evidence that Fibria will not be able to collect all the amounts due in accordance with the original terms of the accounts receivable. The calculation of the provision is based on a reasonable estimate to cover expected/probable losses on the realization of receivables, considering the situation of each customer and the respective guarantees, consistent with the impairment policy for financial assets recorded at amortized cost.


In performing such analysis of impairment the Treasury of Fibria on a monthly basis, examines the maturity of domestic and foreign customers and identifies those customers that presents bills over due and assesses the specific situation of each client, as well as exercises judgment about the risk of loss involved, considering the existence of contracted insurance, letters of credit, existence of collateral, the customer financial situation, and the status of legal processes in the event of execution. As result of this analysis management establishes a percentage that is applied to the outstanding balances due by the client and determines the amount to be recorded as impairment.


The constitution and reversal of provision for trade receivables are recorded as “Selling expenses” in the statement of operations.


2.9                              Inventories


Inventories are stated at the lower of average purchase or production cost and the net realizable value. Finished products and work-in-process consist of raw materials, direct labor, other direct costs and general production expenses.


The raw materials derived from the biological assets are measured based on their fair value less cost to sell at the point of harvest, when transferred from non-current assets to inventories.


Imports in transit are stated at the accumulated cost of each import. The net realizable value is the estimated sales price in the normal course of business, less the applicable variable selling expenses.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


2.10                       Income tax and social contribution


The tax expense for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognized in the statement of operations, except to the extent that it relates to items recognized in other comprehensive income, directly in shareholders’ equity. In this case the tax is also recognized directly in shareholders’ equity in other comprehensive income.


The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries where the Company operates and generates taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation. It establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.


Deferred income tax is recognized, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. However, deferred tax liabilities are not recognized if they arise from the initial recognition of goodwill; deferred income tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled.


Deferred income tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized.


Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by Fibria and it is probable that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.


2.11                       Intangible assets


(a)                                Goodwill


Goodwill represents the positive difference between the cost of an acquisition and the net amount of the fair value of assets and liabilities of the acquired entity. Goodwill of subsidiaries is recorded as intangible assets. The goodwill is tested on an annual basis, at least, to verify probable losses from impairment and recorded at cost less the accumulated losses from impairment, which are not reverted. The gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the book value of the goodwill related to the entity sold.


Goodwill is allocated to CGUs or groups of CGUs. The allocation is made to the CGUs which will benefit/from the business combination originating the goodwill.


(b)                                Database


The database corresponds to the technical knowledge accumulated over several years and the database of forestry and industrial technologies originating from the Aracruz acquisition. These assets are the bases for improvements in the productivity per hectare of eucalyptus and also in the industrial process of pulp production.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The database is recognized at the fair value at the acquisition date, since it has a defined useful life and is stated at cost less accumulated amortization. The amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis, at the annual rate of 10%, and recorded in the statement of operations in “Other operating income (expenses), net”.


The database of forestry and industrial technologies comprises: CEDOC (documentation center), BIP (information base for research and process), KDP (software utilized in knowledge management) and Microbacia (sensors and markers which capture the effects of rain in the planted areas during their cycle).


(c)                                 Patent


A registered patent was acquired in the Aracruz business combination and corresponds to the pulp process for a specific application and customer.


The patent was recorded at fair value on the acquisition date, since it has a defined useful life and is stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis at the annual rate of 15.9%.


(d)                                Relationship with suppliers


This intangible asset relates to the contract that the Company has for the supply of diesel oil, ethanol fuel and chemical products, arising from the Aracruz acquisition.


This asset was recorded at fair value on the acquisition date, since it has a defined useful life and is stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis, at the annual rates of 20% for the supply of diesel oil and ethanol fuel and of 6.3% for chemical products.


(e)                                 Development and implementation of systems (software)


The costs associated with the maintenance of software are recognized as expenses, as incurred. The costs directly attributable to the development and testing of identifiable and unique software, controlled by Fibria, are recognized as intangible assets when the following criteria are met: (i) it is technically feasible to complete the software for it to be available for use; (ii) management intends to complete the software and use or sell it; (iii) it can be sold or used; (iv) it will provide probable future benefits that can be demonstrated; (v) suitable technical, financial and other resources are available to conclude its development and to use or sell it; (vi) the attributable expenditure during its development can be reliably measured.


Other development expenditures which do not meet these criteria are recognized as expenses, as incurred. The development costs previously recognized as expenses are not recognized as an asset in a subsequent period.


The software development costs are amortized over their estimated useful lives at the annual rate of 20%.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


2.12        Property, plant and equipment


Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated on a straight-line basis, in accordance with the estimated economic useful lives of the related assets. Annual depreciation rates are listed in Note 17. Land is not depreciated.


The cost of major renovations is added to the book value of the asset if the future economic benefits exceed the standard of performance standard initially estimated for the asset.


Renovations are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset. Repairs and maintenance expensed when incurred.


Financial charges are capitalized during the period necessary to execute and prepare the asset for its intended use.


The residual values and useful lives of assets are reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at the end of each year.


An asset’s book value is immediately written down to its recoverable amount if it is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.


Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the book value and are recognized as “Other operating income (expenses), net” in the statement of operations.


2.13                       Leasing


Leases of property, plant and equipment in which the Company assumes substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are recorded as a financed purchase, initially recognized as property, plant and equipment with a corresponding leasing liability.


Leases in which a significant part of the ownership risks and benefits is retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases.


Payments for operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are expensed on the straight-line method over the lease term.


2.14                       Biological assets


Biological assets are measured at fair value, net of estimated costs to sell at the time of harvest. Depletion is calculated based on the total volume expected to be harvested.


Biological assets consist of eucalyptus forests exclusively from renewable plantations and intended for the production of bleached pulp. As a result of improvements in forest management techniques, including the genetic improvement of trees, the cycle of harvesting through replanting occurs over approximately six to seven years.


The fair value is determined based on the discounted cash flow method, taking into consideration the cubic volume of wood, segregated by plantation year, and the equivalent sales value of standing timber. The average sales price was estimated based on the local market prices and on transactions researched, adjusted to reflect the forest price. The volumes used in the valuation are consistent with the annual average harvest for each region.


The Company has a policy of carrying out semi-annual appraisals of the fair value of these assets.


2.15                       Business combination


The purchase method is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries by Fibria. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the assets transferred, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange. Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured at fair value on the acquisition date. The non-controlling interest in the company acquired is valued at the fair value of the total net assets or at the relevant portion of the fair value of the company’s net identifiable assets. The excess of the acquisition cost in relation to the fair value of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed is recorded as goodwill (Note 2.11(a)) and, if lower, is recorded as an bargain purchase gain in the statement of operations on the acquisition date.


For transactions in which the Company acquires a controlling equity interest in a company where it already held an equity interest immediately prior to the acquisition date, this initial equity interest is revalued to fair value on the acquisition date and, if there is a gain, it is recognized in the statement of operations.


2.16                       Impairment of non-financial assets


Non-financial assets with indefinite useful lives, like goodwill, are not subject to amortization and are tested for impairment at least annually.


Management reviews annually, or in a shorter period when circumstances dictate, the book value of non-financial assets subject to amortization, to assess events or changes in economic, operating or technological circumstances that might indicate an impairment of the recoverable amount of such assets.


Whenever such evidence is identified and the book value exceeds the recoverable amount, a provision for impairment is recorded to adjust the book value to the recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher between the value in use and the fair value less cost to sell.


2.17                       Trade payables


Trade payables are obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from suppliers. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less. If not, they are presented as non-current liabilities.


Trade payables are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. In practice, they are usually recognized at the amount of the related invoice.


2.18                       Loans and financing


Loans and financing are initially recognized at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, if significant, and are subsequently stated at amortized cost. Any difference between the proceeds and the redemption value is recognized in the statement of operations over the period of the loans and financing using the effective interest method.


Costs of loans and financing directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are an integral part of the cost of such asset. Other costs of loans and financing are recognized as expenses, on the accrual basis.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


2.19                       Other assets and liabilities (current and non-current)


An asset is recognized in the balance sheet when it is probable that it will generate future economic benefits for the Company, and its cost or value can be reliably measured. A liability is recognized in the balance sheet when the Company has a legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event and it is probable that an outflow of funds will occur. Liabilities include contractual charges, indexation charges or exchange rate changes incurred, when applicable. Provisions are recognized based on the best estimates of the risk involved.


Assets and liabilities are classified as current when their realization or settlement is likely to occur within the next 12 months. Otherwise, assets and liabilities are presented as non-current.


2.20                       Benefits to management and employees


(a)                                Pension obligations


The Company participates in pension plans, managed by a private pension entity, which provide post-employment benefits to employees, classified as defined contribution plans. It consists in a pension plan under which the Company pays fixed contributions to a separate entity and has no legal liabilities for making additional contributions if the fund does not have sufficient assets to honor the benefits related to employee service for the current and previous period.


Regular contributions represent net costs and are recorded in the statement of operations in the period in which they are due.


(b)                                Health care (post-retirement)


Some of the companies of Fibria used to offer post-retirement health care benefits to their employees, under a policy which has now been discontinued. This policy established a lifetime benefits concession to a predetermined group of employees. This benefit is closed to new participants and there are no active employees who can opt for it.


The liability related to the health care plan for retired employees is stated at the present value of the obligation. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined through an estimate of the future cash outflow, utilizing the discount rate as informed in Note 27(c).


Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are immediately recorded in income.


The changes in the present value of the plan are immediately recognized in the statement of operations.


(c)                                 Profit-sharing


Fibria recognizes a liability and an expense for profit-sharing in the statement of operations. These provisions are calculated based on qualitative and quantitative targets established by management and are recorded in the statement of operations as salary expenses.


(d)                                Share-based compensation


The Company offers a compensation plan referenced to the appreciation in value of its shares, based on a predetermined price and maturity. The plan consists of cash payments, not involving therefore the issue and/or delivery of shares for purposes of the plan. The Company’s CEO and Executive Directors are eligible for the plan.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The obligations are recorded as a provision for amounts payable to the directors, with a corresponding entry to the statement of operations, based on the fair value of the benefits granted and the vesting period. The fair value of this liability is remeasured at each reporting period.


2.21                       Contingent assets and contingent liabilities and legal obligations


The accounting practices for the accounting and disclosure of contingent assets and contingent liabilities and legal obligations are as follows: (a) contingent assets are recognized only when there is evidence that realization is virtually certain, or favorable, final and unappealable court decisions have been obtained. Contingent assets with probable success are only disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; (b) contingent liabilities are provided to the extent that the Company expects that is probable that will disburse cash. Tax and civil proceedings are accrued when losses are assessed as probable and the amounts involved can be reliably measured. When the expectation of loss in these processes is possible, a description of the processes and amounts involved is disclosed in explanatory notes. Labor proceedings are provisioned based on the historical percentage of disbursements. Contingent liabilities assessed as remote losses are neither accrued nor disclosed; and (c) legal obligations are accounted for as payables.


2.22                       Revenue recognition


Fibria recognizes revenue when: (a) the amount of revenue can be reliably measured; (b) it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity; and (c) when specific criteria have been met for each of the Company sales including transfer of property and of the risk of the product to the client, evidence of the risk of the transaction having been transferred based on the specific Incoterm (pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce) used and confirmation of available credit by the customer in order for the sale to be consummated. Revenue is the net amount after deduction of taxes, discounts and sales returns.


(a)                                Sale of products


The recognition of revenue for domestic and export pulp sales is based on the following principles:


(i)            Pulp - domestic market - sales were mainly made on credit, payable in a average period of 30 to 40 days. Revenue is recognized when the customer receives the product, whether on the carrier’s premises or on its own premises.


(ii)           Pulp - export market - export orders are normally supplied from own or third party warehouses located near strategic markets. Revenue is recognized when the risk of ownership of the pulp has been transferred to the client in accordance with the specific terms of the transaction. Export sale agreements generally establish transfer of risk based on Incoterms (2010) and the moment of transfer of risk as per the corresponding Incoterm is the moment on which revenue is recognized.


Previously to the CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba sale, as described in Note 1 (d), Fibria operated in the paper segment and recognized sales from this segment as follows:


(iii)          Paper - domestic market - sales were made at sight or on credit (usually payable in 30, 60 or 90 days). Revenue recognition is consistent to the criteria that the Company applies for the pulp sale in the domestic market.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(iv)                              Paper - export market - export orders were normally supplied from own or third party warehouses located near strategic markets. Revenue is recognized when the products are delivered to the carrier and risk and benefits transferred to the customer.


(b)                                 Financial income


Financial income is recognized on the accrual basis, using the effective interest method, and to the extent that realization is expected.


2.23                        Dividend distribution


Dividend distribution to the Company’s shareholders is recognized as a liability in Fibria’s financial statements at year-end based on the by-laws. Any amount that exceeds the minimum mandatory dividend is only provided on the date it is approved by the shareholders at the general meeting.


2.24                        Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations


The Company records assets held for sale as non-current assets when the asset (or disposal group of assets) is available for immediate sale in its present condition and subject only to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets and the sale is highly probable.


For the sale to be highly probable, the appropriate level of management must be committed to a plan to sell the asset (or disposal group of assets), and an active program to locate a buyer and a complete plan must have been initiated. Further, the asset (or disposal group of assets) must be actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to its current fair value. In addition, the sale is expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification.


The Company measures the assets held for sale (or group of assets) at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. If the carrying amount exceeds the fair value less costs to sell an impairment loss is recognized against income. Any subsequent reversal of impairment is recognized only to the extent of the loss previously recognized.


The depreciation of an asset (or group of assets) stops when it is classifies as held for sale. The assets and liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for sale are presented separately and are not offset and presented as a single amount.


The effects on the statement of operations and the cash flow statement from the discontinued operations are presented separately from the continuing operations, including the related income taxes and any impairment expense, if applicable. The operating, investing and financing cash flows related to the discontinued operations are presented in Note 36.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


2.25                        New standards, amendments and interpretations


Standards, amendments and interpretation that are not yet effective


Below is a list of standards/interpretations that have been issued and are effective for future periods. The Company has not early adopted these standards/interpretations. We highlight that there are no IFRSs or IFRICs, including improvements to them, that are effective for initial adoption in the financial year ended December 31, 2011 and that are relevant to Fibria.


·             IAS 28 - “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures”, IFRS 11 - “Joint Arrangements” and IFRS - 12 “Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities”, all issued in May, 2011. The main change introduced by these standards is that proportional consolidation is no longer possible for entities whose control is shared through an agreement between two or more parties, and that are classified as a joint venture.


IFRS 11 establishes two types of categories for join agreements:


·             “Joint Operations” - a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.


·             “Joint Ventures”- a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.


IFRS 12 requires an entity to provide qualitative disclosures regarding interests in subsidiaries, joint agreements and in non consolidated entities that include disclosure of the judgments and significant assumptions used in order to determine whether the entity controls or has significant influence or those used in order to classified the joint agreements between “Joint Operations” and “Joint Ventures” as well as other disclosures with respect to the nature and extension of significant restrictions and risks associated with such entities. The standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013.


Management believes that these standards will not have a significant impact on its financial statements.


·             IFRS 7 - “Financial Instruments - Disclosures”, issued in October 2010. The change in the standard on disclosure of financial instruments seeks to promote transparency in the disclosure of financial asset transfer transactions, improve user’s understanding of the exposure to risk in these transfers, and the effect of these risks on the balance sheet, particularly those involving the securitization of financial assets. The standard is applicable to fiscal years starting on or after July 1, 2011. Management does not expect significant impacts on its financial statements.


·             IFRS 9 - “Financial Instruments”, issued in November 2009. IFRS 9 is the first standard issued as part of a larger project to replace IAS 39. IFRS 9 maintains, but simplifies the measurement model and establishes two major measurement categories for financial assets: amortized cost and fair value. The basis for the classification depends on the entity’s business model and the contractual characteristics of the cash flow of financial assets. The guidance included in IAS 39 on impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting continues to be applied. Prior periods need not be resubmitted if the entity adopts the standard for the periods started or starting before January 1, 2012. The standard is applicable as from January 1, 2013. It is currently not expected to have any significant impact on consolidated entity’s financial information.


·             IFRS 10 - “Consolidated Financial Statements”, issued in May 2011. This standard is based on principles related to the identification of the concept of control as the key factor in determining when an entity should be consolidated in the financial statements. The standard establishes an additional guidance to assist in determining control when there are doubts in such evaluation. The standard is



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


applicable as from January 1, 2013. It is not currently expected to have any impact on the consolidated financial information based on the current interest in other entities held by the Company.


·             IFRS 13 - “Fair Value Measurement”, issued in May 2011. The standard’s objective is to improve consistency and reduce the complexity of the disclosures required the IFRSs. The requirements do not increase the use of fair value in accounting, but provides guidance as how it should be applied when its use is required or allowed by another standard. The standard is applicable as from January 1, 2013, and there is an exemption for the application of the new disclosure requirements for comparative periods. It is not currently expected to have any significant impact on consolidated entity’s financial information.


·             IAS 19 - “Employee Benefits”, issued in June 2011. The change in the standard will affect mainly the recognition and measurement of defined benefit pension plans and disclosure of employee benefits. The standard is applicable as from January 1, 2013. These changes will not affect the accounting of the liabilities of the SEPACO plan, as defined in Note 2.20(b).


3                                         Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions


Estimates and assumptions are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.


The accounting estimates will seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the book values of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are addressed below.


(a)                                 Business combinations and goodwill impairment


In a business combination, the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured at its fair value on the acquisition date. The non-controlling equity in the company acquired is valued at the fair value of this equity or at the relevant portion of fair value of the company’s net identifiable assets. The measurement of these assets and liabilities, on the acquisition date, is subjected to its recoverability analysis, including estimate future cash flows, fair value, credit risk and others, and it could be significant different from actual results.


Annually or more frequenty if there is any change in circumstances that may result in a reduction of the recoverable amount of cash-generating units for which there is goodwill allocated, the Company performs impairment test of goodwill, following the accounting policy described in Note 2.16. The recoverable amount of UGCs is determined based on calculations of the value in use, which involves significant estimates (Note 37).


(b)                                 Income tax and social contribution


The Company recognizes deferred tax assets and liabilities based on the temporary differences between the financial statement carrying amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities. If we or one of our subsidiaries operate at a loss or are unable to generate sufficient future taxable income, or if there is a



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


material change in the actual effective tax rates or time period within which the underlying temporary differences become taxable or deductible, our deferred tax asset could be reduced and, then the effective tax rate would increase.


As further disclosed in Note 15(e) in November 2011 the Company decided to transfer certain operations between subsidiaries outside Brazil which resulted in uncertainties with respect to the realization of deferred tax assets recorded by the subsidiary affected by the restructuring and, therefore, it realization cannot no longer be considered probable. Ultimate realization of deferred tax assets by such subsidiary ultimately depends on the level of taxable income of such entity through December 2013 which resulted in the recognition of loss for the reduction of deferred tax assets of R$ 200,711.


(c)                                  Benefits to employees


The current value of the obligations under the healthcare plan depends on a number of factors that are determined based on actuarial calculations using various assumptions. Among the assumptions used in determining the net cost (revenue) for the actuarial obligations balances, is the discount rate.


The liability for stock-based remuneration is recorded at its estimated fair value which is calculated by the company using the Binomial Tree model-Trinomial. Any changes in the assumptions used for calculating the liability will affect the amount recorded at the balance sheet date.


(d)                                 Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments


The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques. Fibria uses judgment to select a variety of methods and make assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions existing at the end of each reporting period. The Company also uses its judgment to define scenarios and figures presented in the sensitivity analysis included in Note 5.


Any changes to the assumptions used for calculations involving the fair value of financial instruments could dramatically affect the financial position of the Company.


(e)                                  Biological assets


The fair value of biological assets calculation takes into consideration various assumptions with a high degree of judgment, as the sales price, cubic volume of wood and/or the annual average harvest for each region. Any changes in these assumptions used, would change the discounted cash flow result and, consequently cause the appreciation or devaluation of these assets.


(f)                                   Revenue recognition and accounts receivable


The Company recognizes revenue and associated costs of sales at the time our products are delivered to our customers or when title and associated risks pass to our customers. Revenue is recorded net of tax deductions, discounts and sales returns.


The allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded in an amount we consider sufficient to cover any probable losses on realization of our accounts receivable from our customers and is included under selling expenses. Our accounting policy for establishing the allowance for doubtful accounts reserve requires that all invoices to be individually reviewed by the legal, collection and credit departments, in order to determine the amount of the probable expected losses.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(g)                                 Review of the useful lives and recoverability of long-lived assets


The Company reviews its long-lived assets to be held and used in its activities, for possible impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset or group of assets may not be recoverable on the basis of future cash flows. The Company reduces the net book value if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount. During the year ended December 31, 2011 the Company performed impairment tests as detailed in Note 37.


(h)                                 Contingent liabilities


The Company is currently involved in certain labor, civil and tax proceedings. The provision for contingencies are recorded based on management’s evaluation and on the advice of internal and external legal counsel, and are subjected to a high level of judgment.


4                                         Risk Management


During 2011 following the commitment of Fibria with good governance practices the Governance, Risks and Compliance area was established which accumulates the activities of the risk management, internal controls, internal audit and ombudsman areas. The objective was to promote the synergy between the areas, to contribute with value creation for the business and mainly, to strengthen governance of the company. The new area reports directly to the CEO and its processes are monitored by the Audit and Risks Committee, an advisory body of the Board of Directors.


The risk management process of Fibria classifies the risks inherent to its business in the following categories:


(a)                                 Market risk - a detail of the policies for managing market risk is included in Note 4.2.1 (a).


(b)                                 Credit risk - a detail of the policies for managing credit risk is included in Note 4.2.1 (b).


(c)                                  Compliance risk: corresponds to legal or regulatory penalties, financial losses or reputational damage that the Company may face due to a regulatory noncompliance. In order to manage this risk, the Company continually monitors compliance with laws, standards and regulations, implements contingency plans and segregation of duties in order to avoid conflicts of interest and to facilitate the assessment of risk and the related internal controls of the Company. These assessment includes assessment of environmental, labor and tax risks. The monitoring process if documents and reported to senior management.


(d)                                 Operational risk: results from the lack of consistency or adequacy of information systems, of processing and operational control, from failures in the management of assets or in the internal controls fund management, or from frauds that affect the activities of the Company.


One of the steps in the process of managing the operational risk of Fibria, which is managed through matrixes, is a materiality analysis and a analysis of the strategies of the Company in order to design controls and specific monitoring actions for the for the most significant accounts and processes. The Company has improved risk management with a control assessment tool which facilitates assessing the effectiveness of the control, generating reports and and correcting deviations identified in the processes.




Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The area responsible for compliance operates along with the corresponding business areas in order to comply with internal controls through the monitoring of processes which results in a mitigating factor for operational risk.


(e)                                 Event risk: results from internal and external events that affect the reputation and sustainability of the Company, such as those caused by climate change, social movements or trade unions, shutdown of facilities, layoffs, leak of sensitive information, etc. The Company continually monitors its relationships in an effort to anticipate potential risks. Fibria has a workstream to manage all strategic risks of which the Company is exposed. The ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) project was launched in 2010 and currently comprises the analysis, evaluation, monitoring and treatment of strategic risks. For those risks defined as a priority (high level of potential impacts and of probability of occurrence) different workstreams have been put in place by the Company for which action plans and indicators (KRI’s - key risk indicators) have been developed.


4.1                              Environmental risks


(a)                                Risks associated with climate change


There is a risk exposure due to climate change, which can affect the equilibrium of ecosystems, the productivity of the forest and the availability of water and energy for the factories.


Fibria adopts a cautionary approach in the managing and operating its industrial and forest activities, through the adoption of controls and monitoring of production, such as agronomic studies, genetic improvement in the production of eucalyptus that contemplates the adaptation of species in different climatic conditions, monitoring of water consumption in forested areas, among others.


(b)                                Environmental risks


Management of water resources - Fibria constantly monitors the situation in the watersheds where it operates, in order to be able to take proper measures if changes in water quantity or quality t might be the effect of the Company’s forest management. Use of water by the factories is based on proper licences obtained and follows with the environmental legislation of each location and the licensing requirements of each plant.


(i)                                    Forest protection - protection of the forests against pests, disease, weeds and fires is based on a strategy involving continuous cycles of prevention, monitoring and control. The Company has ongoing efforts to select and plant increasingly resistant plant strains, and is also concerned with preserving an ecological balance and acquiring know-how to improve its forest management.


(ii)           Biodiversity - the company’s forestry activities are licensed by the relevant regulatory bodies and are socio environmental planning activities are performed. Relevant areas of native forest species are interspersed with eucalyptus plantations. Fibria tries to maintain its protected areas in the legal form of Legal Reserves, Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) and Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) through the protection, restoration, management and integration of those areas with its forest activities. The Company also seeks to minimize external factors and degradation factors that may affect these areas.


(iii)          Waste - Fibria is undertaking efforts to use pulp production waste by transforming them in products that can be used in the forestry area. This practice generates both environmental and economic gains, with reduction in disposal of waste in landfills and replacing supplies with reutilized waste in the silviculture operations.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(c)                                 Impacts on communities


Fibria maintains contact with communities from different economic, social and cultural backgrounds, which are affected positively or negatively and in varying degrees by the cultivation of eucalyptus. In order to nurture a positive relationship with all of them, the Company has developed a plan for relationship with the communities which is revised annually, in which these neighboring population are classified based on the intensity of the relationship with the Company. The relationship model is implemented in all the forestry operations with respect to the silviculture and harvest activities. Participation is open to all members of the relevant who are invited to participate in each meeting.


(d)                                Contracting with suppliers


In order to mitigate the risk of hiring child or forced labor by its suppliers Fibria requires its supplies to provide a formal declaration with respect to this matter.


Two other mandatory contracting requirements are compliance by the supplier with the environmental policies of Fibria and with the criteria for safe transportation (Safe Road Program). All contracts with suppliers and other business partners incorporate the Fibria Code of Conduct or refer to it. The Code reinforces the prohibition of discriminatory practices or violation of existing legislation.


The process to approve suppliers is performed every two years.


4.2                              Financial risks


4.2.1                    Factors of financial risks


Fibria’s activities expose it to a number of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest rate risk, price risk and commodity price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The majority of Fibria’s sales are denominated in U.S. dollars, while its costs are predominantly incurred in reais. Accordingly, there is a currency mismatch between Fibria’s costs
and revenues.


Fibria’s overall risk management program focuses on minimizing, mitigating or transferring exposures to market risks. In this context, derivatives are used exclusively for economic hedge purposes as follows: (a) cash flow hedge against currency mismatching, (b) cash flow hedge of debt and interest payments against interest and exchange rate volatility, and (c) hedge against volatility in the price of pulp or other risk factors.


Risk management is carried out by a central Treasury department following policies approved by the Board of Directors. The control of risks and monitoring of compliance with the policies is performed by the Governance, Risks and Compliance area, which reports directly to the CEO and to the Finance Committee and has independence to report non-compliance with the policies, to measure and to assesss market risks. The Governance, Risk and Compliance area monitors all market risk exposures and compliance with the policies. Group Treasury identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks following the policies established. The Board of Directors reviews on an annual basis the policies and principles for the overall risk management, definition of the areas involved, use of derivative financial instruments and non-derivative financial instruments, and investment of excess liquidity.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Policies for the use of derivative financial instruments


On December 15, 2011 the Company’s Board of Directors approved the annual revision of the Market Risk Management Policy. The use of derivative instruments should follow such policy. The use of derivative instruments is in management view conservative and every derivative contracted be matched to an underlying risk generated by a hedged item which results from operational transactions, from the price of commodities or from debt. Accordingly, derivative transactions are only permitted if related to an existing exposure (hedge) and leveraged financial instruments are not allowed.


(a)                                Market risk


It is related to changes in prices or rates including interest rates, exchange rates and commodities prices. These changes may affect the expected return of an investment, of a financial investment, of revenue of probable sales, of the cash flow and fair value of principal and interest on debts. Indicators were developed to measure those risks. A internal assessment tool was developed to measure those risks. One internal tool was developed to assess the impacts of stress cenarios and and to perform sensitivity analysis and analysis of gaps. The Ebitda@Risk tool was implemented, which is a Monte Carlo simulation of the more significant inputs that impact the cash generation of the Company (exchange rate, commodity price and volume produced) and results in testing of different possible hedge alternatives. The Governance, Risk and Compliance area developed a compliance tool to monitor compliance with the approved policies.


(i)                                   Foreign exchange risk


The Company operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various currency exposures, mainly with respect to the U.S. dollar.


The Company’s financial policy establishes that the purpose of its operations with derivatives is to reduce costs, mitigate cash flows volatility, hedge foreign exchange exposure and avoid currency mismatches.


The following table presents the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities denominated in the U.S. dollars:














Assets in foreign currency






Cash and cash equivalents (Note 9)






Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Trade accounts receivable (Note 12)
























Liabilities in foreign currency






Loans and financing (Note 22)






Trade payables






Derivative instruments (Note 11)
























Asset (liability) exposure








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The Company calculates its net exposure to each risk factor. When the risk factor is a exposure to U.S. dollar or euro, maximum hedge limits are determined for exposures for periods up to 18 months being required the recommendation of the Finance Committee to hedge transactions for periods between 12 to 18 months.


The Company’s exposure to foreign currency generates market risks associated with changes in the exchange rates. Liabilities in foreign currency include loans obtained, mainly, in U.S. dollars. The majority of the Company’s sales abroad are denominated in U.S. dollars, while the sales of pulp in Brazil are in reais, however they are closely related to the U.S. dollar. Accordingly, the Company’s liabilities act as a natural hedge for currency exposure in relation to export revenue, mitigating the mismatch between assets and liabilities.


(ii)                               Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk


As Fibria has no significant interest-bearing assets, Fibria’s net income and operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates on such assets.


Fibria’s interest rate risk arises from its debt. Loans issued at variable rates expose Fibria to cash flow interest rate risk. Loans issued at fixed rates expose Fibria to fair value interest rate risk.


Fibria’s policy on the use of derivatives establishes that, with respect to interest rate risk, transactions with terms and amounts matching the corresponding hedge debt may be entered into. The Company must maintain at least 50% of its debt subject to fixed interest rates.


Fibria manages its cash flow interest rate risk by using swaps following the terms and conditions imposed by the approved policies.


(iii)                          Commodity price risk


This risk is related to the volatility in the price of pulp, which is considered a commodity. Prices fluctuate depending on demand, productive capacity, producers’ inventories, commercial strategies adopted by the major forestry companies, paper producers, and availability of substitutes for these products in the market.


This risk is managed through different strategies. The Company has a specialized team, which continuously monitors the price of pulp and analyzes future trends, adjusting Fibria’s estimates, in order to assist in the process of taking preventive actions to best deal with the various scenarios. There are no available in the market with appropriate liquidity to mitigate a substantive portion of the risk to which Fibria’s operations are exposed. Pulp price derivatives available in the market are characterized by their low liquidity, low volume and as a result prices may be subject to significant distortion.


Currently, the Company has no derivative to hedge against the fluctuation of the pulp price.


(b)                                Credit risk


Credit risk is the risk of one counterparty failing to discharge its obligation.


For every type of credit exposure and type of agreement a specific modeling is developed in order to evaluate the risks, identifying the exposure and performing sensitivity analysis of credit limits.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


A monthly report is prepared by the Governance, Risk and Compliance area quantifying credit risk exposure arising from all the relationships of Fibria.


Credit risk is managed on a group basis. Credit risk arises from cash equivalents, derivative financial instruments, bank deposits, Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs), Bank Deposit Receipts (RDB), Fixed Income Box, repurchase transactions, letters of credit, insurance companies, customers (considering the payment terms agreed), suppliers (with respect to advances made for new projects) and others.


(i)                                   Banks and financial institutions


Quantitative measures of credit risk were developed for exposures with banks and financial institutions (investments, current accounts and derivatives). The expected value of the exposure “Expected Credit Exposure” (ECE) and the worst expected exposure “Worst Credit Exposure” (WCE) of all exposures with counterparties are measured. We disclose the credit ratings of these entities in Note 8.


Fibria has a policy of contracting with private entities which have a minimum credit rating issued by one of the following rating agencies: Fitch, Moodys or Standard & Poors. The minimum rating required for the counterparties is “AA-” (or “Aa3” at the local level) or “A” (or “aA2”at the global level). The exposure to a single private counterparty can not exceed 20% of Fibria’s total cash and cash equivalents, or 10% of the shareholders’ equity of the counterparty (based on the most recent information published by the counterparty), or 15% of the Company’s shareholders’ equity (based on the most recent information available).


(ii)                               Clients and advance to suppliers


In the case of credit risk arising from customer credit exposure, Fibria assesses the credit quality of the customer, taking into account mainly past experience and defines individual credit limits, which are continuously monitored.


Fibria major customers are large solid companies and, for a large part, with more than 20 years of relationship with the Company, reducing the credit risk.


Credit analyses are performed on a regular basis and when considered necessary, and letters of credit or credit insurance coverage is obtained to protect the Company. The majority of export sales to Europe and Asia are covered by letters of credit or credit insurance with COFACE (Compagnie Française d’ Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur).


The allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded at an amount sufficient to cover expected probable losses on the collection of trade accounts receivable and is charged to “Selling expenses” (Note 13).


(c)                                 Liquidity risk


With respect to liquidity risk, the Company’s policy is to maintain cash and financial investments of, at least, an aggregate amount equivalent to the operational cash needs for the cash conversion cycle length plus debt service for a period of twelve months.


Cash available is invested in instruments that generally have immediate availability and the approved policies allow for a minor portion to be placed in instruments with maturity not exceeding 365 days.


All derivatives are over-the-counter derivatives and do not require to post margin deposits as collateral.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The table below presents Fibria’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period from the balance sheet date to the contractual maturity date. Derivative financial liabilities are included in the table if their contractual maturities are essential for an understanding of the timing of the cash flows. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows and as such they differ from the amounts presented in the consolidated balance sheet.




Less than
one year


one and
two years


two and
five years


Over five












At December 31, 2011










Loans and financing










Derivative instruments










Trade and other payables








































At December 31, 2010










Loans and financing










Payable - Aracruz acquisition










Trade and other payables































4.2.2                    Capital risk management


Management monitors indebtedness on the basis of a consolidated indebtedness ratio. This ratio is calculated as net debt divided by net result adjusted by the financial result, taxes on income, depreciation, depletion and amortization and other items. Net debt represents total loans including amount payable for Aracruz acquisition, less cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities and the fair value of derivative financial instruments


On May 6, 2011, the Board of Directors has approved a new Indebtedness and Liquidity Management Policy, which aims to set guidelines for indebtedness and liquidity management, with the objective of regaining and maintaining, at all times, an investment grade level by S&P, Moody’s and Fitch. Achieving investment grade is expected to allow Fibria to diversify its financing sources, to allow timely access to the capital markets, to lower financing costs, and as a result creating value to stakeholders. This policy reinforces Fibria’s corporate governance and is part of its internal controls. This policy supplements the “Market Risk Management Policy” referred to above. The Governance, Risk and Compliance area has has the discretion to monitor and report, independently from the Treasury area, on the compliance with the requirements of the policy.


The objective of Fibria is to maintain, a Net Debt to EBITDA ratio within the range of 2.0x and 2.5x. Nevertheless, Fibria may reach a maximum leverage ratio of 3.5x depending on the point of the expansion cycle. At no time, Fibria shall take strategic and management decisions that may result in this ratio to exceed 3.5x. The Net Debt to EBITDA ratio shall be computed based on the last day of each quarter as the division of Net Debt at the measurement date by accumulated EBITDA during the preceding four quarters. In the event the ratios exceed the limits established by the policy due to external factors, all efforts shall be taken to bring them back to compliance.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The Company should maintain a minimum cash balance, as defined below, in order to minimize the risk that cash flow mismatches affect the ability of the Company to honour its commitments. The Minimum Cash Balance is defined as the sum of: (i) the minimum cash operational needs during the cash conversion cycle of the Company; plus (ii) the minimum cash need for debt service (principal and interest) during 12 months. In addition, the Company may seek additional liquidity, through revolving credit facilities, to meet the minimum cash balance required by rating agencies methodologies. Fibria’s liquidity is mainly monitored through 12 months projected cash flows. Cash flow projections comprise stress tests considering exogenous market risk factors such as fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and pulp prices, as well as endogenous factors.


Management of debt and liquidity should also consider the contractual financial covenants, contemplating a safety margin in order to avoid them being exceeded.


The Company will prioritize funding in the same currency of its cash generation, thus seeking a natural currency hedge for its cash flow. Instruments shall be compatible with the Company’s desired debt profile. All sources of funds shall be approved by the bodies required by the current Bylaws, policies and internal procedures.


The Treasury is responsible for developing contingency plans, which will specify all necessary actions to address such potential non-compliance. The plan shall be submitted to the Finance Committee and monitored by all parties involved in this process.


The indebtedness ratios at December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010 were as follows:




Million of reais














Loans and financing (Note 22)






Payable - Aracruz acquisition (Note 35)












Less - cash and cash equivalents (Note 9)






Less (plus) - derivative instruments (Note 11)






Less - marketable securities (Note 10)












Net debt












Adjusted index












Indebtedness ratio







The adjusted index is reconciled to net income before taxes as follows:




Million of reais














Income (loss) before income tax






Adjusted by






Financial results






Equity in losses of affiliate












Total of continuing operations












Discontinued operations (Note 36(a)(i))






Depreciation, amortization and depletion








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




Million of reais














EBITDA - Earnings before income taxes, depreciation, amortization and others






Gain on disposal of CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba (Nota 36(iii))






Impairment of recoverable ICMS (i)






Change in fair value of biological assets (Nota 18)(iii)






Other (ii) 












Adjusted index







(i)             In addition to the loss of R$ 47 million disclosed in Note 14, additional R$ 12 million for impairment of ICMS credits sold, recorded under Other Assets.


(ii)          Includes non-recurring sale of property, plant and equipment and credits from the sale of investments.


(iii)       The change in fair value of consolidated biological assets for the year 2011 does not reconcile with amounts in Note 19, as result of the reclassification of biological assets of Losango Project as of assets held for sale.


The indebtedness ratio rose significantly from 3.6 in 2010 to 4.8 at December 2011, mainly due to the devaluation of the real at through the end of 2011. The average exchange rate for the last twelve months, reflected in EBITDA, was R$ 1.6737 while the exchange rate at the end of the year at December 31, 2011, reflected in the measurement of net debt, was R$ 1.8758. The increase in the indebtedness ratio reflects the time mismatching between the impact of devaluation of the real in the EBTIDA on one side and in the net debt on the other side.


Considering the cenario Fibria continues to focus on actios that include reduction of fixed costs and variable costs, selling expenses, Capex and improvements in working capital and has also focused on actions that may result in additional liquidity such as the sale of the forests of Losango and of other non-strategic assets.


5                                        Sensitivity Analysis


The analysis below presents the sensitivity analysis of the effects of changes in relevant risk factors to which the Company is exposed at the end of the period. Management believes that a reasonably possible scenario includes a appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar and changes in the pulp price considering current market expectation and historical changes in prices of pulp.


The other risk factors were not considered to have a significant effect on the result of financial instruments.


Instruments denominated in foreign
currency (U.S. dollars)




Impact on
income (expense








Loans and financing


Appreciation of of 7.24% of the real against the U.S. dollar compared to the Ptax rate at December 31, 2011 - to R$1.7400 from R$1.8758




Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities






Derivative instruments






Trade accounts receivable






Trade payables












Total of estimated impact







As shown above, a appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar, considering the closing rate and the



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


outstanding balance of financial instruments at December 31, 2011, would lead to a reduction in the liabilities recognized in the balance sheet and a corresponding a gain in income of approximately R$ 806,414.


Considering this projected scenario compared with the average exchange rate of R$ 1.6737 observed during the year ended December 31, 2011, net revenue would have increased by 3.7%, representing an approximate amount of R$ 218 million over a 12 month period considering the volume and sale prices of the year 2011.


Additionally, a variation of 8.5% in the list price of pulp, calculated based on the historical volatility of the pulp price listing (FOEXBHKP Index - Bloomberg source - last ten years), would lead to a change of approximately R$ 497,616 in net revenue over a 12 months period considering the volume and sale prices of the year 2011.


According to the CVM Decision n°550/08, the following table presents the change in the fair value of derivatives, loans and marketable securities, in two adverse scenarios, that could generate significant losses to the Company. The probable scenario was stressed considering an additional 25% and 50% with respect to the probable scenario of R$ 1.74:




Impact of an appreciation of the real agains
the U.S. dollar on the fair value






Possible (25%)


Remote (50%)




R$ 1.74


R$ 2.175


R$ 2.7188










Derivative instruments








Loans and financing








Marketable securities
















Total impact









6                                        Fair Value Estimates


Financial instruments measured at fair value in the balance sheet are classified in the following levels based on the fair value hierarchy:


·      Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.


·      Level 2 - inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices).


·      Level 3 - inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs).


All marketable securities are classified in Level 2 on the fair value hierarchy.


6.1                              Fair value of loans and financing and payable for the acquisition of Aracruz


The fair value of loans and financings payable for the Aracruz acquisition, which are measured at amortized cost in the balance sheet, is estimated as follows: (a) bonds, for which fair value is based on the observed quoted price in the market (based on an average of closing prices provided by Bloomberg), and (b) for the other financial liabilities that do not have a secondary market, or for which the secondary market is not active, fair value is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows by current market interest rates,. The following table presents the fair value of loans and financing and payable for acquisition of Aracruz:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




Yield used to








discount (*)














Quoted in the secondary market








In foreign currency








Bonds -VOTO IV
















Bonds -Fibria Overseas








Estimated based on discounted cash flow








In foreign currency








Export credits








Export credits (ACC/ACE)
























Export credits (Finnvera)








EIB Europe Inv. Bank
















In local currency










DI 1






Currency basket


DI 1








DI 1








DI 1






NCE in reais


DI 1






Accounts Payable -stocks acquisition


DI 1






Midwest Fund


DI 1























6.2                              Fair value measurement of derivative instruments


Derivative instruments are recorded at its fair value as detailed in Note 11. All derivative instruments are classified as Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy.


The Company estimates the fair value of its derivative instruments and acknowledges that it may differ from the amounts payable/receivable in the event of early settlement of the instrument. This difference results from factors such as liquidity, spreads or the interest of the counterparty in a early settlement, among others. The amounts estimated by management are also compared with the mark to market (MtM) provided as reference by the banks (counterparties) and with the estimates performed by a independent financial advisor.


Management believes that the fair value estimated for those instruments following the methods described below, reliably reflect fair values.


The methods used for the measurement of the fair value of the derivatives used by the Company consider methodologies commonly used in the market and which are based on widely tested theoretical bases.


The methodologies used to estimate the MtM and to record the financial instruments is defined in a manual developed by the Company’s risk and compliance management area.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


A summary of the methodologies used for purposes of determining fair value by type of instrument is presented below.


Non-deliverable forwards - a projection of the future exchange rate is made, using the exchange coupon and the fixed yield curve in reais at each maturity date. The difference between the rate obtained through this method and the contractual rate is determined. This difference is multiplied by the notional value of each contract and discounted to present value using the fixed yields in reais.


Swap contracts - the present value of both the asset and liability legs are estimated through the discount of forecasted cash flows using the market interest rate for the currency in which the swap is denominated. The contract fair value is the difference between the asset and liability.


Options - the fair value was calculated based on the Garman Kohlhagen model. Volatility information and interest rates are obtained from BM&FBOVESPA to calculate the fair values.


The yield curves used to calculate the fair value in December 31, 2011 are as follows:




Interest rate curves










United States


Dollar coupon




Rate (p.a.)




Rate (p.a.)




Rate (p.a.)



































































































7                                        Financial Instruments by Category


The Company’s financial instruments by category are presented below:














Assets as per balance sheet






Cash and cash equivalents and loans and receivables






Cash and cash equivalents (Note 9)






Trade accounts receivable (Note 12)






























At fair value trough profit and loss






Derivative instruments (Note 11)






Marketable securities (Note 10)




















Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




















Other financial liabilities -at amortized cost






Loans and financing (Note 22)






Payable - Aracruz acquisition (Note 35)






Trade and other payables
























At fair value






Derivative instruments (Note 11)







8                                        Credit Quality of Financial Assets


The credit quality of financial assets can be assessed by reference to external credit ratings (when available) or to historical information about counterparty default rates, analysis of its financial position and information about negative credit events. With respect to credit quality of counterparties that are financial institutions (such as amounts recorded in cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and derivative instruments) the Company considers the lowest rating of the counterparty as rated by the three main international agencies (Moody’s, Fitch and Standard & Poors) in accordance with the internal policy of market risk management:














Trade accounts receivables






Counterparties with external credit rating (S&P - Standard Poor’s and D&B - Dun & Bradstreet)






S&P - AA-






S&P -A


















D&B -2












Counterparties without external credit rating






A - Low risk






B - Average risk






C - Average/high risk






D - High bankruptcy risk












Total trade accounts receivables












Cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities


























Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated














brAA- (iii)






A (iii)












Other (i)












Total cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities (Notes 10 and 11)












Derivative instruments (ii)










































Total derivative instruments (Note 10)









Includes counterparties without external credit rating by none of the three main rating agencies.






At December 31, 2011 derivative financial instruments presented a liability position and as such no credit risk analysis is presented.






Transaction approved by the Finance Committee.


The risk rating of the main financial institutions to which we are exposed is presented below:




Rating used






for credit






risk analysis










Banco ABC Brasil S.A.






Banco Alfa de Investimento S.A.






Banco Bradesco S.A.






Banco BTG Pactual S.A.






Banco do Brasil S.A.






Banco Itaú BBA






Banco Safra S.A.






Banco Santander Brasil S.A./Brazil






Banco Standard de Investimento






Banco Volkswagen S.A.






Banco Votorantim S.A.






BES Brasil






BNP Paribas Brasil






Caixa Economica Federal






Citibank Brasil








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




Rating used






for credit






risk analysis










Deutsche Bank S.A. - Banco Alemão






HSBC Brasil






Bank of America Corp






Bank of Austria






Barclays PLC






Credit Suisse AG






Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The






JPMorgan Chase Bank NA






Morgan Stanley






Standard Chartered PLC



















The internal risk rating regarding customers is as follows:




A -

Low risk - customer with highly solid financial position, with no market restrictions and with no historical default




experience, with a long time of relationship, or covered by credit insurance.







B -

Average risk - customer with solid financial position, with no market restrictions and with no default history.







C -

Average/high risk - customer with reasonable financial position, with moderate market restrictions and low default history.







D -

High bankruptcy risk - customer with weak financial position, with moderate through high market restrictions and unsatisfactory default history with the Company.


None of the financial assets that are fully performing has been renegotiated in the last year. None of the loans to related parties is past due or impaired.


9                                       Cash and Cash Equivalents












yield - %














Cash and banks








Foreign currency








Fixed-term deposits
















Cash and cash equivalents









CDB are highly liquid, are readily convertible into a known amount of cash and subject to an immaterial risk of change in fair value if early redemption is requested.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


10                                 Marketable Securities


Marketable securities include financial assets classified as held for trading as follows:














Government securities including under reverse repurchase agreements












LTN Over


















Private securities including securities under reverse repurchase agreements






Reverse repurchase agreements


















RDB -Fixed interest rate












Marketable securities







Private securities mainly correspond to short-term investments in CDB and reverse repurchase agreements for CDBs, which accrue interest based on the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) rate. Government securities correspond to National Treasury Bill and Notes issued by the Government of Brazil. The average remuneration of marketable securities for the year 2001 approximates 102.47% (101.5 of the CDI in 2010) of the CDI rate.


The CDB Box operations, are interest-bearing instruments with interest based on the CDI rate, not exposing the Company to foreign exchange risk.


11                                 Derivative Instruments


The following tables present the derivatives, segregated by type of derivative, presenting for swaps the asset leg and the liability leg of the contracts, by hedge strategy adopted by the Company, and also the schedule of maturities based on its contractual maturities.


(a)                                Breakdown by type of derivative




Reference value
(notional) -
in currency of origin


Fair value


Type of derivative






























Swap JPY x US$ (JPY)










Swap DI x US$ (US$)










Swap LIBOR x Fixed (US$)










Swap TJLP x US$ (US$)










Swap Pre x US$ (US$)










Zero cost dollar








































Presented on










Current assets(liabilities)










Non current assets(liabilities)














Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(b)                                Breakdown by type of derivative and also asset and liability leg for swaps




Reference value (notional) -
in currency of origin


Fair value


Type of derivative




















Future contracts










Cash flow hedge (US$)




















Swap contracts










Asset leg










JPY fixed rate (JPY to USD)










USD LIBOR (LIBOR to fixed)










BRL fixed rate (BRL to USD)




















BRL Pre (BRL to USD)










Liability leg










USD fixed rate (JPY to USD)










USD fixed rate (LIBOR to fixed)










USD fixed rate (BRL to USD)










USD fixed rate (BRL TJLP to USD)










USD fixed rate (BRL to USD)




















Total swap contracts






























Zero cost dollar































(c)                                 Fair value and already settled amounts broken down by hedge strategy




Fair value


Value paid or received


Type of derivative




















Exchange rate hedge










Cash flow hedge of exports










Hedge of debt










Hedge of receivable from sale of investments










Interest rate hedge










Hedge of debt































(d)                                Fair value broken down by maturity date


The following tables present information about derivative financial instruments grouped by maturity bucket and counterparty.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The following table presents the fair values by month of maturity:

























































































































































































































































































































2017 and





































































































































































































































































































Additionally, we present a table breaking down the notional and fair value of by counterparty:




















in USD


Fair Value


in USD


Fair Value












Citibank S.A.










Banco Itaú BBA S.A.










Banco Safra S.A.










Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.










Bank of America Merrill Lynch










BES Investimento do Brasil S.A.










Deutsche Bank S.A.










Goldman Sachs do Brasil












Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




















in USD


Fair Value


in USD


Fair Value












HSBC Bank Brasil S.A.










Morgan Stanley & CO.










Banco Standard de Investimentos










Standard Chartered Bank










Banco Barclays S.A.










Banco WestLB do Brasil































Fair value does not necessarily represents the cash required to immediately settle each contract, as such disbursement will only be made on the date of maturity of each transaction, when the final settlement amount will be determined. The outstanding contracts at December 31, 2011 are not subject to margin calls or anticipated liquidation clauses resulting from mark-to-market variations. All operations are over-the-counter and registered at CETIP (a clearing house).


Follows a description of the types of contracts and of the risks being hedged.


(i)                                    Non-Deliverable Forwards (NDF)


The Company entered into U.S. dollar forwards in order to hedge part of its future export revenue, which is considered highly probably to occur against a devaluation of the real against the U.S. dollar.


(ii)                                LIBOR versus fixed rate swap


The Company has conventional swaps of quarterly LIBOR versus fixed rates with the objective of hedging debt carrying interest based on LIBOR against any increase in LIBOR.


(iii)                            Japanese yen versus U.S. dollar swap


The Company has conventional swaps of Japanese yen versus the U.S. dollar with the objective of hedging exposure to currency fluctuations on a bond that was issued in yen. The swaps are matched to debt with respect to underlying amounts, maturity dates and cash flows.


(iv)                             DI versus U.S. dollar swap


The Company has conventional swaps of Interbank Deposit (“DI”) versus the U.S. dollar with the objective of transforming debt in reais, linked to DI into a debt in U.S. dollars with fixed interest. The swaps are matched to debt with respect to underlying amounts, maturity dates and cash flows.


(v)                                 TJLP versus U.S. dollar swap


The Company has plain-vanilla swaps of long term interest rate (“TJLP”) versus the U.S. dollar with the objective of transforming debt in reais with interest based on TJLP, to debt in U.S. dollars with fixed interest. The swaps are matched to the related debt with respect to underlying amounts, maturity dates and cash flows.


(vi)                             Zero cost collar


The Company entered into a zero cost collar (a purchase option (put) to purchase dollars and dollar sale option (call) to sell dollars) with no leverage. The difference between the strike price of the put (floor) and of the call (ceiling) result in a floor and cap of the dollar exchange rate, thereby forming a “Collar”.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(vii)                         Pre Swap versus U.S. dollar swap


The Company has plain-vanilla swaps to transform fixed interest debt in reais to a debt in U.S. dollar with fixed rate. The swaps are matched to debt with respect to underlying amounts, maturity dates and cash flows.


(viii)                     Hedge of receivable from the sale of investments


The Company entered into U.S. dollar forwards in order to hedge its future cash inflow, in reais, from the collection of the amount in U.S. dollar, regarding the sale of the Piracicaba CGU. The notional amount is equivalent to the sale price of US$ 313 million and was contracted with an exchange rate of 1.6181 resulting in an equivalent amount in Reais of R$ 506,455. The operation was settled on September 29, 2011.


12                                  Trade Accounts Receivable














Domestic customers






Export customers






























Allowance for doubtful accounts



















Receivables amounting to R$ 306,787 as of December 31, 2011 have been transferred without retaining any significant risk or control and as a result they were derecognized. A combination of factors related to the volume of sales volume, the average selling price of pulp and the average maturity of the receivable has also contributed to the reduction in this balance.


The following table presents a breakdown of trade receivables by maturity:




















Up to two months






Two to six months






Six to twelve months






Over one year


















Up to two months






Two to six months






Six to twelve months






Over one year





















Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


At December 31, 2011, trade accounts receivable of R$ 127,856 (December 31, 2010 - R$ 174,071) were past due but not impaired. Management has a process to manage collections and does not expect to have losses on those receivables. The receivables are related to several unrelated customers for whom there is no recent history of default.


At December 31, 2011, trade accounts receivable of R$ 76,212 (December 31, 2010 - R$ 56,114) were impaired and included in the allowance for doubtful accounts. The individually impaired trade accounts receivable mainly relate to customers under judicial collection with a low probability of recovery.


Changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts are as follows:


















At January 1
















Trade accounts receivable written off during the year as uncollectible








Exchange effect








Reclassification to assets held for sale








Acquisition of Aracruz
















At December 31









The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the book value of each class of receivable mentioned above.


Fibria’s trade accounts receivable are denominated in the following currencies:




















U.S. dollar

























13                                 Inventories














Finished goods






At plant/warehouses






Outside Brazil






Work in process






Raw materials












Imports in transit






Advances to suppliers




















Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


14                                 Recoverable Taxes














Withholding tax and prepaid income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution (CSLL)






Value-added Tax on Sales and Services (ICMS) on purchases of property, plant and equipment






Recoverable ICMS and Excise Tax (IPI)






Social Integration Program (PIS) and Social Contribution on Revenues (COFINS) Recoverable






Provision for impairment on ICMS credits

















































In the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company accumulated PIS and COFINS credits on the purchase of certain property, plant and equipment assets, in the Três Lagoas, Jacareí and Piracicaba plants, amounting to R$ 309,058 and in the Três Lagos plant and amounting to R$ 47,272 in Jacareí and Piracicaba, which, for accounting purposes, were recorded at the present value of R$ 232,399 and R$ 37,216 respectively, under property, plant and equipment.


Fibria has been accumulating ICMS credits in the States of Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo since its activities are mostly directed to the exports market. Company management revised the perspectives for the realization of such credits and established an impairment: (i) for the full amount in the case of the Mato Grosso do Sul unit due to the low probability of realization ;(ii) a a partial provision for the Espírito Santo unit equivalent to 50% of the total amount; and (iii) a partial provision equivalent to approximately 10% of the balance for the unit in the State of São Paulo. When a partial provision was recorded management has already implanted actions to recover the taxes and they are being recovered through the operations in each of the states.


Based on the budget approved by the Company’s management, substantially all the tax credits are expected to be realized by the end of 2016.














In the next 12 months






In 2013






In 2014






In 2015






In 2016
























PIS and COFINS related to property, plant and equipment (*)



















(*)    These credit were not included in the schedule above, since they will be realized over the useful lives of the property, plant
and equipment.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Changes in the provision for impairment of the Company’s recoverable taxes are as follows:


















At January 1








Acquisition of Aracruz








Provision for impairment
























At December 31









The provision and reversal of the provision for impaired ICMS credits were recorded in the statement of operations under “Cost of sales”. Amounts charged to the provision account are generally written off when there is no expectation of recovering additional amounts.


15                                 Taxes on Income


The Company and the subsidiaries based in Brazil are taxed based on its net income/loss for accounting purpose then adjusted for tax purposes. The subsidiaries outside Brazil use methods established by the respective local regulations. Income taxes have been calculated and recorded considering the applicable statutory tax rates enacted at the date of the financial statements.


(a)                                Deferred taxes


Deferred income tax and social contribution tax assets arise from tax losses and temporary differences related to (a) the effect of foreign exchange gains/losses (tax calculated on a cash basis for loans); (b) adjustment to fair value of derivative instruments; (c) non-deductible provisions; and (d) temporary differences arising from the adoption of IFRS .




















Tax losses






Provision for contingencies






Sundry provisions (impairment, operational and other)






Losses on derivative contracts recognized for tax purposes on a cash basis






Exchange variation -taxed on a cash basis






Tax amortization of goodwill






Provision for losses of foreign deferred tax assets (*)












Total (non-current)


















Tax depreciation






Exchange variation -taxed on a cash basis






Reforestation costs already deducted for tax purposes






Fair value of biological assets






Effect of business combination - acquisition of Aracruz






Gains on derivative contracts recognized for tax purposes on a cash basis






Tax benefit on goodwill not amortized for tax purposes






Other provisions












Total (non-current)







(*) Recognition of lossin the current year as detailed in item (e) below.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Credits related to tax losses and temporary differences are expected to be realized in accordance with the following schedule:














In the next 12 months






In 2013






In 2014






In 2015






In 2016






Between 2017 to 2018






Between 2019 to 2021



















During the next 12 months, the Company expects to realize R$ 82,661 related to deferred tax liabilities.


Changes in the net balance of deferred income tax are as follows:


















At January 1








Acquisitoin of Aracruz








Tax loss and negative basis








Provision for impairment of foreign deferred tax assets








Temporary differences regarding operational provisions








Derivative financial instruments tax on a cash basis








Amortization of goodwill








Reforestation costs








Exchange gains/losses taxed on a cash basis








Fair value of biological assets
























At December 31
















Deferred tax assets
















Deferred tax liabilities









(b)           Reconciliation of income tax and social contribution benefit (expense)


















Income (loss) before income tax and social contribution
















Income tax and social contribution at statutory nominal rate - 34%
















Reconciliation to effective expense
















Non-taxable equity in earnings (losses)










Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


















Reversal of social contribution tax on export profits (i)








Provision for impairment of foreign deferred tax credits assets (ii)
















Difference in tax rates of foreign subsidiaries








Effect of tax benefit on Conpacel goodwill








Present value adjustment - Aracruz acquisition








Gain on remeasurement of initial Aracruz investment








Other, mainly non deductible provisions
















Income tax and social contribution benefit (expense) for the year
















Effective rate - %









(i)            Effect of Social Contribution exemption on export revenues in 2003.

(ii)         See item (e) below.


(c)                                 Transitional Tax System (“RTT”)


For purposes of determining taxable income for purposes of income tax and social contribution on net income for 2011, 2010 and 2009, the Company in Brazil elected to adopt the provisions of the RTT, in which it is allowed to annul the accounting effects of Law 11638/07 and Provisional Measure (MP) 449/08, converted into Law 11941/09, and control reconciling items in the Taxable Income Assessment Book (LALUR) or auxiliary records, without affecting the statutory accounting records.


(d)                                Income tax on business combinations


The company has taxable temporary differences associated with negative goodwill in the asset exchange with International Paper, whose deferred tax liabilities, in the amount of $ 605,540, was not recognized, since all aspects of realization of the gain are under the control of management, which does not have plans for realizing such gain.


The balance of tax goodwill based on expectations of future profitability, for tax purposes, recognized in acquisition of Aracruz which is amortized for tax purposes is R$ 1,885,647, representing a tax benefit for income tax and social contribution of R$638,635, to be recognized over 86 months.


(e)                                 Recoverability of tax losses


As mentioned in Note 1(g), the subsidiary Fibria Trading International Kft has tax losses amounting to US$ 123,985 thousand, equivalent to R$ 232,572 as of December 31, 2011, for which realization is not probable as result of the decision to transfer its current operations to other country subject to certain conditions. Management performed a recoverability analysis based on the estimated taxable income through December 2013.


As a result, the Company recorded a loss for a substantial portion of the previously recognized deferred tax assets amounting to US$ 107,000 thousand, equivalent to $ 200,711 in December 2011 which has been recorded as an expense within “Income tax and social contribution -Deferred” in the statement of operations.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


16                                 Significant Transactions and Balances with Related Parties


(a)                                Related parties


The Company is governed by a Shareholders Agreement entered into between Votorantim Industrial S.A. (“VID”), which holds 29.34% of its shares, and BNDES Participações S.A. (“BNDESPAR”), which holds 30.42% of the shares (together the “Controlling shareholders”). The Company’s commercial and financial transactions with its subsidiaries, associates, companies of the Votorantim Group and other related parties are carried out at normal market prices and conditions, based on usual terms and rates applicable to third parties. Balances and transactions with related parties are as follows:




Balances receivable (payable)


















Transactions with controlling shareholders








Votorantim Industrial S.A.


Rendering of services






































Transactions with joint ventures








Asapir Produção Florestal e








Comércio Ltda.


Wood supplier














Transactions with Votorantim Group companies
















Votener - Votorantim Comercializadora de Energia


Energy supplier






Banco Votorantim S.A.


Financial investments






Companhia Nitro Química Brasileira


Chemical products supplier






Anfreixo S.A.


Material supplier






Votorantim Metais


Leasing of lands






Votorantim Cimentos S.A.


Leasing of lands






Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA)


Leasing of lands














































Presented in the following lines:








In assets








Marketable securities








Related parties - Non-current








In liabilities








Loans and financing


































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




Revenues (expenses)






















Transactions with controlling shareholders










Votorantim Industrial S.A.


Rendering of services








Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)








































Transactions with Votorantim Group companies




















Votener - Votorantim Comercializadora de Energia


Energy supplier








Banco Votorantim S.A.










Banco Votorantim S.A.


Derivative financial instruments








Companhia Nitro Química Brasileira


Chemical products supplier








Anfreixo S.A.


Material supplier








Indústria de Papel de Pedras Brancas


Wood supplier








Votorantim Cimentos S.A.


Leasing of lands








Votorantim Metais Ltda.


Chemical products supplier








Votorantim Metais Ltda.


Leasing of lands








Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (CBA)


Leasing of lands





























Comments on the main transactions and contracts with related parties


The following is a summary of the nature and conditions of the transactions with the related parties:


·               Controlling shareholders


The Company has a contract with VID related to services provided by the Votorantim Shared Service Center, which provides outsourcing of operational services relating to administrative activities, personnel department, back office, accounting, taxes and the information technology infrastructure shared by the companies of the Votorantim Group. The contract provides for an overall remuneration of R$ 9,585 and has a one-year term, with annual renewal upon formal confirmation by the parties.


Additionally, VID provide various services related to technical advice, trainings, including management improvement programs. These services are also provided to the entire Votorantim Group and the Company reimburses VID for the charges related to the services used.


The Company has financing contracts with BNDES, the majority shareholder of BNDESPAR, for the purpose of financing investments in infrastructure and the acquisition of equipment and machines, as well as the expansion and modernization of its plants (Note 22(e)).


Management believes that these transactions were contracted at terms equivalent to those which prevail in transactions with independent parties, based on technical studies performed when these contracts were executed.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


·            Subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates


The Company shares its administrative structure with its wholly-owned subsidiary subsidiary Fibria-MS, and allocates these administrative expenses to the subsidiary at cost without any profit margin. These receivables have an average maturity of 90 days. The other operating subsidiaries have their own management and no apportionment of expenses is necessary. In June, 2010, there was a one-off purchase of intercompany receivables from this subsidiary in the amount of R$ 241,214 relating to export shipments. The maturity of the resulting payable is December 2012 and carry interest of 1% per year.


Port services for shipping production of the Aracruz plant are contracted from Portocel - Terminal Especializado Barra do Riacho. Portocel is controlled by the Company and Cenibra - Celulose Nipo-Brasileir has the remaining 49% interest in Portocel. The prices and conditions are identical for both shareholders.


The Company has an account receivable related to the sale of pulp to its wholly-owned subsidiary Fibria Trading International KFT., which is responsible for the management, sale, operation, logistics, control and accounting of products in Europe, Asia and North America. The pulp selling prices and payment terms for this subsidiary follow the strategic and finance plan of the Company and observe the transfer price limits under tax regulations. In addition, the Company contracted intercompany export pre-payments with this subsidiary, at the rate of quarterly LIBOR plus an average spread of 3.8% p.a., with quarterly payment of principal and interest and final maturity in 2017.


On June 24, 2005, the Company entered a loan contract with VOTO IV, a jointly-controlled entity, which raised US$ 200,000 thousand, at 8.5% p.a.


On July 27, 2005, the Company entered into a loan contract with the jointly-controlled entity Asapir Produção Florestal e Comércio Ltda., for the purpose of purchasing 571thousand m(3)  of debarked wood, for R$ 14,000, maturing in seven and a half years. This agreement will be settled with wood. This contract was fully settled in December 2011.


·            Votorantim Group companies


On January 16, 2004, the Company executed a loan contract with a wholly-owned subsidiary of VPAR, VOTO III, for US$ 45,000 thousand, at 4.25% p.a.


The Company has a contract to purchase energy from Votener -Votorantim Comercializadora de Energia Ltda. to supply its Jacareí plant. The total amount contracted is R$ 15,000, guaranteeing 115,704 megawatt-hours, and the agreement has a five year period expiring on December 31, 2014. Should either party request a rescission of the contract, that party is required to pay 50% of the remaining amount of the agreement.


The Company maintains investments in CDB and securities purchased under agreement to resell issued by Banco Votorantim S.A., with average remuneration of 104% of the CDI, maturating through March 2013. The Company’s cash management policy is intended to provide efficiency in investment returns and to guarantee liquidity, based on market practices and following the cash management policies. The shareholders agreement limits the intercompany investments to R$ 200 million.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


On January 1, 2009, the Company entered into a contract to purchase sulfuric acid from Votorantim Metais, in the approximated amount of R$ 15,700, for the supply of 36,000 metric tons of acid for three years through December 31, 2013. In the case of contract termination, no penalties are due, other than the settlement of outstanding invoices.


On April 22, 2008, the Company entered into a contract for the supply of electrical, fastening and sealing materials, protective equipment and others with Anfreixo S.A. guaranteeing the supply of these items until December 2012. This contract does not establish minimum quantities to be supplied. In addition, services were contracted to maintain inventory operational records until January 2, 2013 for R$ 1,700. In the case of contract rescission, no penalties are due by either party, other than the settlement of outstanding invoices.


The Company has land leasing agreements, for approximately 22,400 hectares, with Votorantim Metais Ltda., which mature in 2019, totaling of R$ 76,496.


The Company has land leasing agreements, for approximately 2,060 hectares, with Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio - CBA, which mature in 2023, totaling of R$ 4,062.


In the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009, no provision for impairment was recognized on assets involving related parties.


(b)                                Remuneration of officers and directors


The total annual amount authorized by the Annual General Meeting on April 28, 2011 for the remuneration of Board of Executive Officers, Board of Directors, Fiscal Council, Audit, Risk, Compensation and Sustainability Committees for 2011 was R$ 37,491. The remuneration expenses, including all benefits, are summarized as follows:


















Short-term benefits to officers and directors








Rescission of contract benefits








Benefit program - Phantom Stock Options (Note 28)

























Short-term benefits include fixed compensation (salaries and fees, vacation pay and 13th month salary), social charges and contributions to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), the Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees (FGTS) and the variable compensation program. In the third quarter of 2010, the Company approved a benefit program based on the rights based on the increase in the value of its shares (Note 28).


Short-term benefits to officers and directors do not include the compensation for the Audit, Risk, Compensation and Sustainability Committees’ members of R$ 908 for the year ended December 31, 2011 (R$ 665 for the year ended December 31, 2010 and R$ 119 for the year ended December 31, 2009).


The Company does not have any additional post-employment obligation and does not offer any other benefits, such as additional paid leave for time of service.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


17                                 Property, Plant and Equipment


(a)                                Analysis










rate -%






































Machinery, equipment and facilities










Advances to suppliers










Construction in progress

















































Rate- %






































Machinery, equipment and facilities










Advances to suppliers










Construction in progress










































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(b)                                Rollforward of net book value








and facilities


Advances to


in progress






















At December 31, 2008
































































Tax credits
















Sale of Guaiba unit
















Transfers and other
































At December 31, 2009
































































Tax credits
















Reclassification to assets held for sale (CONPACEL and KSR)
















Transfers and others
































At December 31, 2010
































































Tax credits
















Reclassification to assets held for sale (Losango and Piracicaba)
















Transfers and others
































At December 31, 2011


















Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The balance of construction in progress is comprised mainly of expansion and optimization projects of the Company’s industrial units, being R$ 39,160 in Jacareí, R$ 7,826 of forest area, R$50,173 of Fibria-MS, R$ 77,423 in the Aracruz unit, R$ 17,542 in Veracel.


The loan charges capitalized were calculated based on the weighted average cost of the related debt. In the first six months of 2011, the rate applied was 5.52% p.a., and, in accordance with the internal policy, was revised in July to 5.08% p.a. In 2010, the rate used was 6.2% p.a. in the first semester and 6.04% p.a. in the second semester.


The amounts related to depreciation, depletion and amortization expenses were charged in the statement of operations under “Cost of sales”, “Selling expenses” and “General and administrative expenses” are disclosed in Note 30.


Property, plant and equipment given as collateral are disclosed in Note 22.


The company currently does not have items of fixed assets for which it expects to abandon or dispose of or for which provision to asset retirement obligations would be required.


18                                 Biological Assets


The Company’s biological assets are substantially comprised of growing forests, intended for the supply of wood for pulp production. Forests in formation are located in the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Espírito Santo and Bahia.


The reconciliation of the book balances at the beginning and at the end of the year is as follows:


















At the beginning of the year








Acquisition of Aracruz
















Harvests in the period








Historical cost








Fair value








Change in fair value








Reclassification to assets held for sale
























Sale of the Guaíba unit
























At the end of the year









In determining the fair value of biological assets, the discounted cash flow model DCF was used, with projections based on a single scenario, with productivity and area of plantation (eucalyptus trees) for a harvest cycle of six to seven years.


The projected cash flows is consistent with area’s growing cycle. The volume of production of eucalyptus to be harvested was estimated considering the average productivity in cubic meters of wood from each



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


plantation per hectare at the time of harvest. The average productivity varies according to the genetic material, climate and soil conditions and the forestry management programs. This projected volume is based on the average annual growth (IMA) by region.


The average net sales price was projected based on the estimated price for eucalyptus in the local market,through a market study and research of actual transactions, adjusted to reflect the price of standing timber by region. The average estimated cost contemplates expenses for felling, chemical control of rgrowth, ant and other pest control, composting, road maintenance, inputs and labor services. Tax effects based on current rates, as well as the contribution of other assets, such as property, plant and equipment and land were considered in the estimated based on average rates of return for those assets.


The valuation model considers the net cash flows after taxes on income and the discount rate used also considers the tax benefits.


In the following table we present the main inputs considered in estimating the fair value of biological assets:














Actual planted area (hectare)






Average annual growth (IMA) - m3/hectare






Net average sale price - R$/m(3)






Remuneration of own contributory assets






Discount rate







The increase in e fair value of biological assets during the year ended December 31, 2011, when compared to the fair value as of December 31, 2010 is the combined result of the inputs presented above which resulted in a gain of R$ 125,053.


The estimate of the fair values of biological assets as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 was performed by management with the assistance of valuation specialists.


The company has no biological assets pledged as of December 31, 2011.


19                                 Intangible Assets


(a)                                Analysis




















rate - %


















Goodwill - Aracruz










Systems development and deployment






























Relationship with suppliers










Diesel and ethanol










Chemical products










































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




















rate - %


















Goodwill - Aracruz










Systems development and deployment










Acquired from business combination






























Relationship with suppliers










Diesel and ethanol










Chemical products









































(b)                                Rollforward of net book value


















At the beginning of the year








Intangible asset movments from business combination - Aracruz:








Databases, patents and suppliers (Note 33)








Write-off of goodwill previously recorded under proportional consolidation








Goodwill (Note 33)








Disposal of Guaíba








Amortization of databases, patents and suppliers








Reclassification of goodwill to assets held for sale (CONPACEL)








Acquisition and disposal of software
























At the end of the year









Amortization of intangible assets was recorded under “General and administrative expenses” and “Other operating income (expenses), net”.


20                                 Financial and operational lease agreements


(a)                                Financial leases


Financial leases correspond to the purchase of forestry equipment for cutting and transport of timber and also for the purchase of industrial equipment for processing of chemicals and oxygen.


The book value of such assets, recognized substantially under “Machinery, equipment and facilities” within property, plant and equipment as of December 31 is presented below:


















































Forestry equipments














Oxygen and chemical facilities












































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The following is a schedule of future minimum payments for each of the periods indicated below:














2013 to 2017




After 2017













There are no restrictions imposed by financial lease agreements, except for the agreements to lease forestry equipment. A detail of the restrictions imposed by the agreement is presented in Note 22


(b)                               Operational leases


The company leases wood planting areas based on third-party operational leases as a source of raw materials for its production. The leases, most of which began in 1991, are usually made for a period of 21 years. Lease payments, equivalent to 30% of the market value of the wood harvested in the property are due after each harvest. We guarantee to the lessor a minimum payment for the harvest.


Additionally, the Company is party to a long-term contract to receive sea freight services, whose period is 20 years and is for the sea domestic transport of raw materials utilizing pushers and maritime barges from the Terminal of Caravelas (BA) to Portocel (ES).


At December 31, 2011, minimum payments of future operating leases are as follows:




Land leasing


Sea domestic














2013 to 2017






After 2017



















21                                 Advances to Suppliers - Forestry Partnership Programs


The program, which commenced in 1990, in the States of Espírito Santo and expanded to Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and more recently Rio de Janeiro, is directed towards planting eucalyptus forests on the land of partners. Through the program, the Company provides technology, technical assistance, inputs and funding depending on the type of agreement, and is guaranteed wood for its pulp production. These advances will be reimbursed through delivery of wood by forest producers.


The table below presents the movement during the years:


















At the beginning of the year








Aracruz acquisition








Fair value related to Aracruz acquisition








Advances made








Wood harvested








Provision for impairment








Transfers to forest








Reclassified as assets held for sale - Losango
















At the end of the year










Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


22                        Loans and Financing










Non current






charges - %


































In foreign currency


















Export credits (prepayment)


















Bonds - VOTO IV


















Eurobonds (issued by VOTO III)


















Eurobonds (issued by Fibria Overseas)


















Export credits (ACC)






















































Export credits (Finnvera)


















EIB Europe Inv. Bank






















































In reais






















































Currency basket




































NCE in reais


















Midwest region fund









































































The foreign currency loans and financings are U.S. dollars denominated, except for the Eurobond VOTO III, which is denominated in Yens.


The average rates were calculated based on the forward yield curve of benchmark rates to which the loans are indexed, weighted through the maturity date for each installment, including the issuing/contracting costs, when applicable.


The table below was prepared pursuant to IAS 39 in order to show the annual effects on financial expenses arising from the debt issuance/contracting through the effective interest rate:














After 2017




















Export credits (Finnvera)
















Bonds (VOTO IV and Fibria Overseas)
















Eurobonds (issued by Fibria Overseas)
















Export credits (prepayment)


















































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The capitalization of the costs related to the issuance/contracting of loans and financings increase the average cost of our debt in 0.06% p.a.


The maturities of the non-current portion of the debt at December 31, 2011 are presented below:










In foreign






Long term maturity


In reais




































































































































Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(a)                                  Export credits (prepayments)


On June 2011, the Company signed six export prepayment contracts in the amount of US$ 125 million (equivalent then to R$ 197,575), with maturity in November 2012 and fixed interest rate, of which US$ 75 million at 2.05% p.a. and US$ 50 million at 2.09% p.a.


On May, 2011, the Company signed a export prepayment contract with eleven banks in the amount of US$ 300 million (equivalent then to R$ 488,850), bearing quarterly LIBOR plus 1.80% p.a., which can be reduced to 1.60%, depending on the level of leverage and risk rating of the Company with a eight-year term , annual installments of US$ 15 million in 2012; US$ 30 million in 2015; US$ 15 million in 2016; US$ 90 million in 2018 and US$ 150 million in 2019.


On January 2011, the Company signed three export prepayment contracts in the amount of US$ 50 million each for a total of US$ 150 million (equivalent then to R$ 248,640), with maturity in June 2012 and fixed interest rate at 2.09% p.a.


On September 30, 2010, the Company signed an Export Credit Contract with 11 banks in the amount of US$ 800 million (equivalent then to R$ 1,355,360), with maturities through 2018, bearing quarterly LIBOR plus 2.755% p.a., which can be reduced to 2.30%, depending on the level of leverage and risk rating of the Company. The loans are guaranteed by export contracts, and the installments mature on shipment dates. This line was used to repay debt with higher costs and less favorable maturities. In March 29, 2011, the company prepaid the amount of US$ 600 million (equivalent then to R$ 992,760), with funds from the CONPACEL sale and the Fibria Bond 2021 captation.


On September 29, 2010, the Company signed a bilateral Export Credit Contract in the amount of US$ 250 million (equivalent then to R$ 423,550), with maturities through 2020, bearing semi-annual LIBOR plus 2.55% p.a., which can be reduced to 2.30%, depending on the level of leverage and risk rating of the Company. The loans are guaranteed by export contracts, and the installments mature on shipment dates. This line was used to repay debt with higher costs and less favorable maturities.


On June 30, 2010, the Company signed an Export Credit Contract with nine banks in the amount of US$ 600 million (equivalent then to R$ 1,080,900), with maturities through 2017, bearing quarterly LIBOR plus 2.80% p.a., which can be reduced to 2.40%, depending on the level of leverage and risk rating of the Company. The loans are guaranteed by export contracts, and the installments mature on shipment dates. This line was used to repay debt with higher costs and less favorable maturities. In March 30, 2011, the company prepaid the amount of US$ 600 million (equivalent then to R$ 999,120), with funds from the CONPACEL sale and the issuance of the Fibria 2021 Bond referred to below.


In March 2010, the Company signed a bilateral Export Credit Contract in the amount of US$ 535 million thousand (equivalent then to R$ 956,152), bearing quarterly LIBOR plus 2.95% p.a., with maturities through 2017. The loans are guaranteed by export contracts, and the installments mature on shipment dates. At March 31, 2010 funds totaling US$ 314 million (equivalent then to R$ 558,991) were released, and the remaining balance of US$ 221 million (equivalent then to R$ 389,310) was released on April 6, 2010. This line was fully used to repay debt with higher costs and less favorable maturities. In April, 2011, the company prepaid the amount of US$ 100 million (equivalent then to R$ 160,970), getting a longer term for payment of the remaining balance (from 2013 until 2018, with quarterly depreciation). There were no changes in interest rates charged.


In July 2009, the Company signed an export credit contract with Banco Credit Suisse totaling US$ 54 million (equivalent then to R$ 104,166), bearing interest of 100% of the CDI plus 1% p.a.,





Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


maturing in July 2012. In June 2010, the Company approved the assignment of this agreement from Banco Credit Suisse to Banco Safra, without changing any of the other contractual provisions. In October, 2011, the company prepaid the amount of US$ 24 million (equivalent then to R$ 41,702), with its available funds considering the higher cost of this loan in relation to other debt.


In September 2008, as a result of the creation of the CONPACEL consortium on the spin-off of the operations of Ripasa to Fibria (50%) and Suzano (50%), the Company recorded the balance of loans arising from the spin-off which were subsequently merged into Fibria, of US$ 83 million (equivalent then to R$ 139,596), related to the contracts for export prepayment totaling US$ 73 million and for import financing totaling US$ 10 million, both of which mature in 2012. In June 2010, the Company prepaid the remaining balance of these transactions, in the amount of US$ 24 million, because they presented less favorable conditions. In January 2011, the remaining balance of these loans were fully transferred to the acquirer, improving the profile of indebtedness of the Company.


The Company has export prepayment contracts with Banco Bradesco in the amount of US$ 150 million, bearing interest of LIBOR plus 0.78%, maturing in 2014.


The Company has export prepayment contracts with Nordea bank in the amount of US$ 50 million, bearing interest of LIBOR plus 0.80%, maturing in 2013.


In March 30, 2011, the company fully prepaid the balance of a export prepayment contract with Banco do Brasil in the amount of US$ 200 million (equivalent then to R$ 327,200) bearing interest of LIBOR plus 3.20% - 5.00%, maturing in 2018, with funds from the CONPACEL sale and the Fibria 2021.


(b)                                  Loans - VOTO III (eurobonds)


On January 16, 2004, Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations III (“VOTO III”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of VPAR, raised in the international capital markets US$ 300 million (equivalent then to R$ 873,000), maturing in ten years and bearing annual interest of 4.25%. The Company received 15% of the total funds raised, i.e., US$ 45,000 million, equivalent then to R$ 131,000.


(c)                                  Loans - VOTO IV (eurobonds)


On June 24, 2005, Votorantim Overseas Trading Operations Limited IV (“VOTO IV”), a company jointly controlled together with Votorantim Participações, raised US$ 400 million in the international capital markets (equivalent then to R$ 955,000), maturing on June 24, 2020 and bearing annual interest of 8.50%. The Company received 50% of the total funds raised, i.e., US$ 200 million, equivalent then to R$ 477,000.


(d)                                  Loans - Fibria 2019, Fibria 2020  and Fibria 2021 (eurobonds)


In March 2011, the Company, through Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd., raised US$ 750 million (“Fibria 2021” equivalent then to R$ 1,240,875), maturing in ten years, with a repurchase option as from 2016, accruing semi-annual interest at 6.75% p.a..


In May 2010, through Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd., the Company raised US$ 750 million (“Fibria 2020” equivalent then to R$ 1,339,650) in the international market, maturing in ten years and with a repurchase option as from 2015, accruing semi-annual interest at 7.50% p.a.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


In October 2009, the Company, through Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd., raised US$ 1 billion (“Fibria 2019” equivalent then to R$ 1,744,000), maturing in ten years, accruing semi-annual interest at 9.25% p.a. In May 2010, the Company announced an offer to exchange the Fibria 2019 Bond for the Fibria 2020 Bond, in order to align the interest yield curve and improve the liquidity of the security, and renegotiating covenant clauses. The participation in the exchange offer was 94%.


The effective interest rate on these operations, including the transaction costs, is 8.66% p.a.


(e)                                  BNDES


In October 2010, a new EXIM financing agreement was executed with BNDES totaling R$ 70,000, accruing interest at 7.7% p.a. and maturing in 14 months. The amount was repaid at its maturity in December 2011.


In 2009, a financing agreement in the amount of R$ 673,294 was approved, bearing interest at the Long-term Interest Rate (TJLP) plus 0% to 4.41% and the BNDES Monetary Unit (UMBNDES) plus 2.21% p.a. At December 31, 2011, 93% of this total amount had been released. UMBNDES is an index based on a basket of currencies, predominantly the U.S. dollar.


In 2008, a financing agreement with BNDES totaling R$ 540,000 was approved, bearing TJLP plus 1.36% to 1.76% and UMBNDES plus 2.45% p.a. The final maturity of this financing is 2015. At December 31, 2011, 2010, 62% of this amount had been released.


In 2007, a financing agreement was executed with BNDES totaling R$ 21,701, indexed by the TJLP plus 1.8% and UMBNDES plus 1.3% p.a. The principal amount will be repaid between 2011 and 2012.


On November 2006, a financial agreement was executed into with BNDES, in the amount of R$ 596 million, of which 99% has already been released in december 31, 2011, bearing interest at the TJLP plus 0% e 2,9% p.a. and UMBNDES plus 1,4% to 2,4% p.a., maturing from 2009 to 2016.


In 2005, three agreements were entered into with BNDES, in December, August and May. In the contract signed in December, the total funds released were R$ 139,284, repayable from 2007 to 2016, subject to interest ranging between TJLP plus 0% to 4.5% p.a. and UMBNDES plus 2.0% to 3.0% p.a. In the August agreement, the total funds released were R$ 55,222, of which a portion is indexed to the TJLP plus 3.5% to 4.5% and a portion is indexed to UMBNDES plus 3% p.a. The final maturity of this agreement is 2015. In the May agreement, the total funds released were R$ 99,109, of which a portion is indexed to TJLP plus 4.5% p.a. and a portion is indexed to UMBNDES plus 4.5% p.a. The final maturity of the principal amount is 2015.


Considering only the portion proportionally consolidated by the Company, equivalent to 50% of the loans and financings of Veracel (joint venture with Stora Enso) granted by BNDES, the total principal amount outstanding amount to R$ 331,299, repayable from 2011 to 2014, subject to interest ranging from TJLP plus 1.0% to 3.3% p.a. and currency basket plus 3.3% p.a.


The Company has given the pulp plant located in Três Lagoas and in Jacarei as the main collateral for these financings.


(f)                                    Leases


In December 2009, the Company renegotiated the terms and the amount outstanding of its finance lease with Banco Société Générale, originally contracted in 2008, for the acquisition of forest machinery and equipment. The contract maturity is up to 2013.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Finance lease liabilities are guaranteed by a statutory lien on the assets leased.


(g)                                 Export Credit Note (NCE) and Rural Credit Note (NCR)


On September 28, 2010, the Company signed an NCE totaling R$ 427,500, maturing in 2018 and bearing charges of CDI plus 1.85% p.a. This NCE is linked to a swap that converts floating rates to fixed rates of 5.45% plus exchange variations.


In August 2009, the Company signed an agro-industrial credit agreement with Banco do Brasil totaling R$ 137,000, maturing in 488 days and bearing charges of 11.25% p.a. This agreement was settled in 2011.


In May 2009, the Company contracted an NCE with Banco do Brasil totaling R$ 50,000, which matures in June 2011 and bearing charges of 11.25% p.a. This contract was settled in 2011.


In December 2008, the Company contracted, through its subsidiary Portocel, an NCE with Banco HSBC in the amount of R$ 94,014 (51%), with final maturity in December 2013 and charges of 100% of the CDI.


(h)                                 Export credit (Finnvera)


On September 30, 2009, the Company entered into a loan agreement with FINNVERA (Finnish Development Agency, which provides credit to companies committed to sustainability programs) in the amount of € 125 million at semi-annual LIBOR plus 3.325% p.a., maturing in eight-and-a-half years.


(i)                                    Fund for the financing of the Brazilian Midwest Region (FCO)


On December 31, 2009, the Company raised R$ 73,000 from Banco do Brasil through its subsidiary Fibria - MS, maturing in December 2017, with a six-month grace period, at a rate of 8.5% p.a.


(j)                                    Covenants


Some of the financing agreements of the Company contain covenants establishing maximum indebtedness and leverage levels, as well as minimum coverage of outstanding amounts.


In December de 2011, we renegotiated the covenants of Leasing contracts, Finnvera and a part of PPEs (balance of USD 1,332 billion), which represents the total of contracts with financial covenants in December 31, 2011. The new operations of Export Credits (Prepayment) and “Revolver”, outlined in items (a) and (d), have also been renegotiated. After the renegotiation, the loans subject the Company to maintaining, at the end of each quarter, the following levels:












2012 and after














Debt service coverage (i)












Indebtedness ratio (ii)













(i)        Defined as the ratio of (i) EBITDA for the last four quarters measured based on information prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil and adjusted, to (ii) total debt maturing during the following four consecutive quarters plus financial charges to be paid during the following four consecutive quarters.


(ii)     Net debt to Adjusted EBITDA (for the last four quarters).



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Those same agreements have as the main events of default:


·                  non-payment, within the stipulated period, of the principal amount or interest;


·                  inaccuracy of any declaration, guarantee or certification provided;


·                  cross-default and cross-judgment default, subject to an agreed minimum of US$ 50 million;


·                  subject to certain periods for resolution, breach of any obligation under the contract;


·                  certain events of bankruptcy or insolvency of the Company, its main subsidiaries or Veracel Celulose S.A.


As a result of the renegotiation of covenants referred above, the Company shall not, for the next three quarters after December 31, 20110:


·                  distribute dividends in excess of the minimum required by law;


·                  exceed R$ 80 million in expansion CAPEX;


·                  exceed during the next three quarters the amount of debt existing as of September 30, 2011 measured in its currency of denominationexcept that loans may be contracted with BNDES, FCO and FINEP;


·                  Use the revolving line of credit if the Indebtedness ratio exceeds 4.00 x.


At December 31, 2011 the Company was fully in compliance with the covenants established on its loan agreements.


(k)                                Loans and financing guarantees


At December 31, 2011, certain loans and financing are guaranteed mainly by property, plant and equipment items, with a net book value of R$ 4,665,415 (December 31, 2010 - R$ 5,234,743), considered sufficient to cover the corresponding loans and financing amounts.


(l)                                    Unused credit lines


In May 2011, the Company, through its international subsidiary Fibria Trading International Ltd. obtained a Revolving Credit Facility with eleven foreign banks, in the amount of US$ 500 million with availability of four years and interest payable quarterly at quarterly LIBOR rate plus 1.55% over the disbursed amounts. Over undisbursed amounts the Company is charged 35% of the agreed interest cost. As a result of the renegotiation of the covenants mentioned in item (k), withdrawns under the line of credit can only be made if the Indebtedness ratio is below balcony if the level of leverage is below 4.00x.


23                                  Contingencies


The Company is party to labor, civil and tax lawsuits at various court levels. The provisions for contingencies against probable unfavorable outcome of claims in progress are established and updated based on management evaluation, as supported by external legal counsel.Provisions and corresponding judicial deposits are as follows:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




































Nature of claims





















































































The Company has tax and civil claims arising in the normal course of business that are assessed as possible (but not probable) losses by management, as supported by outside legal counsel. No provision has been recorded to cover possible unfavorable outcomes from these claims. At December 31, 2011, these claims amount to: tax R$ 3,352,635 and civil R$ 56,692.


The change in the provision for contingencies is as follows:


















At the beginning of the year








Reversal (*)








New litigation








Merger of Aracruz








Accrual of financial charges
















At the end of the year









(*)    The reversal in 2010 was due to the REFIS (R$ 215,181 - item (viii) below) and the reversal of the provision for CSLL taxes on export revenue in 2003 (R$ 156,331 - item (iii) below) among others.


(a)                                 Comments regarding probable tax contingencies


The tax processes with probable loss are represented by discussions related to federal, State and municipal taxes, for which, substantially, there are judicial deposits as collateral, so there is no material exposure to the company. The remaining balance, not deposited, refers to the discussion regarding ICMS on Interstate transfers and social contribution over the export sales in approximated amount of R$ 26 million of each discussion.


(b)                                 Comments regarding possible tax contingencies


We present below comments on possible tax contingencies for which the Company has not recognized any provision. In the table below we present a detail of the amounts of these contingencies:










Income tax assessment - Normus (i)




Tax incentive - agency for the development (ii)








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated










IRPJ/CSL - partial approval (iii)




IRPJ/CSLL - Newark (iv)








Other tax liabilities (vi)








Total possible tax contingencies





(i)            Income Tax Assessment - Normus


On December 2007, Fibria’s subsidiary Normus Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. received an income tax assessment from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) charging Income Tax (Imposto de Renda) and Social Contribution (Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido)  over earnings of its foreign subsidiarires, during the period from 2002 to 2006. The amount of the assessment was R$ 1,294 million updated through December 31, 2011.


On October 2011, the assessment was revised by the Tax Federal Administrative Court (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais) which decided to maintain the assessment through a casting vote after a tie of 3 votes favourable to Fibria and 3 votes against Fibria by the 6 members of the court. Fibria can filed a new appeal challenging the ruling, but the Company is waiting for the formal notification in order to appeal.


On September 2010, Normus Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. received a new tax assessment charging Income Tax (Imposto de Renda) and Social Contribution (Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido), but this time for the year 2007. The amount of the assessment was R$ 140 million updated through December 31, 2011.


The subsidiary in question, domiciled in Hungary, sells pulp and paper in the global market.


Based on the position of outside legal counsel, management understands that this Hungarian subsidiary is subject to taxation in its  country of incorporation andthe position taken by the tax authorities  violates prevision of Brazilian tax law, in particular the Brazilian-Hungarian treaty to avoid double taxation, which precludes double taxation by Brazilian taxes of net income of a Brazilian company for operations in Hungary.


In 2011 a Inconstitutionality Process (ADI- Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade) was filed by the National Industry Association (CNI- Confederação Nacional da Industria) with the Supreme Federal Court (STF- Supremo Tribunal Federal) challenging the constitutionality of article 74 of Provisional Measure 2,158 which establishes the taxation for income tax and social contribution purposes of income earned by subsidiaries and affiliates incorporated outside Brazil irrespective of whether such income was made available to the shareholder in Brazil. On its session of August 17, 2011 the STF considered the ADI with 5 members voting for the constitutionality of article 74 and 4 members voting for the unconstitutionality of such article. The session was suspended until Justice Joaquim Barbosa to cast its vote which is the only vote not yet casted.


Considering the outcome of the session of the STF indicated above internal and external legal counsel have reviewed their probability assessment which previously was of a remote loss and currently consider the loss as reasonably possible.


(ii)         Tax incentives - Agency for the Development of Northeastern Brazil (ADENE)


The Company has business units located within the regional development area of ADENE. As the paper and pulp industry is deemed to be a priority for regional development (Decree 4213, of April 16, 2002), in December 2002, the Company requested and was granted by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) the right to benefit from reductions in corporate income tax and non-refundable surcharges calculated on operating profits (as defined) for Aracruz plants A and B (period from 2003 to 2013) and plant C (period from 2003 to 2012), when the qualification reports for the tax reductions are approved by ADENE.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


On January 9, 2004, the Company was served Official Notice 1406/03 by the liquidator of the former Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast (SUDENE), who reported that, “based on the review carried out by the Legal Advisory Office of the Ministry of Integration as regards the special extent of the incentive, the right to use the benefit previously granted is unfounded and will be cancelled”.


During 2004 and 2005, various ADENE determinations were issued to cancel the tax benefits. Such determinations were challenged and/or refuted by the Company, but no final court decision has been announced in relation to the merits of the case.


Nevertheless, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) served the Company an assessment notice in December 2005 requiring the payment of the amounts of the tax incentive used, plus interest, but without imposing any fine, amounting to R$ 316,355. The Company challenged such assessment notice, which was deemed to be valid at the administrative level. The Company filed an appeal against that assessment and in August 2011, the Tax Federal Administrative Court (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais) considered that part of the assessment needed to be upheld. Therefore, the portion of the assessment related with 2003 benefits was canceled and the portion related with 2004 was upheld. Because this ruling, the amount of the assessment was reduced to R$ 76 million updated through December 31, 2011.


Company’s management, supported by its legal counsel, believes that the decision to cancel the tax benefits is erroneous and should not prevail, whether with respect to benefits already used, or with respect to future periods.


With respect to the benefits obtained through 2004, based on the position of its  legal counsel, management believes that the tax payment demanded is not justified, since the Company used the benefits strictly in accordance with the legal requirements and in conformity with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) determinations and ADENE’s qualifying reports.


Considering that the CARF maintained the assessment with respect to the benefits used during 2004 amounting to R$ 73,100 the Company offered to provide a bank guarantee for the amount being challenged and expects for the collection phase of the legal process where it will challenge the amount of the assessment.


With respect to the remaining incentive period, extending to 2012 (plant C) and 2013 (plants A and B), based on the opinion of its legal counsel, management believes that it is illegal revoke the tax benefits, because the benefits granted were conditional to achieving certain pre-established requirements (implementation, expansion or modernization of industrial enterprise) and the benefits were granted through the end of the term established in the Law and related regulations.


Although the Company is confident that it will prevail, considering the facts that occurred in 2004 and 2005, which indicate that ADENE and the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) intend to cancel the tax benefits, the Company decided to cease the use of tax benefits as from 2005, until a final court decision is obtained on the matter.


Since the benefits used through 2003 were maintained by the decision of CARF they are currently under discussion the benefits for the year 2004 and those after 2005 for which the Company has not used the benefits. The tax contingency is considered as of possible loss and therefore no provision has been recorded.


(iii)      IRPJ/CSLL - partial approval


The Company has three requests for the approval of income tax (Imposto de Renda) credits with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil), referring to 1997, 1999 and the fourth quarter of 2000, totaling R$ 134 million, of which only R$ 83 million was approved, creating a contingency of R$ 139 million updated through December 31, 2011. The Company  timely appealed the rejection of the tax credits.


With respect to the year 1997, the claim is pending a decision from the first trial court (Delegacia Regional de Julgamento). With respect to  the fourth quarter of 2000, the Company is awaiting a decision from Tax Federal Administrative Court (Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais), and with respect to 1999 it awaits a decision on an appeal to the High Court of Justice.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Based on the position of legal counsel, management understands that the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome for these trials is possible and therefore no provision has been recorded.


(iv)     IRPJ/CSLL - Newark


Fibria received, in December 2007 and December 2010, two tax assessments in the amount, together, of R$ 219 million where Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Receita Federal do Brasil) charged  Income Tax (Imposto de Renda) and Social Contribution (Contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido) of Newark Financial Inc., an offshore company controlled by VCP Exportadora e Participações Ltda. (succeeded by Fibria) with respect to the fiscal year 2005.  Based on advice from internal and external counsel we tha the probability of loss for the first tax assessment (December 2007 - R$ 130 million) as remote and the probability of loss for the second tax assesment (December 2010- R$ 89 million) as possible and and, accordingly, no provision has been recorded with respect thereto.


(v)        IRPJ - BEFIEX


Fibria has received a tax assessment because of allegedly using tax losses, consolidated during the BEFIEX program, six years after it was consolidated. The amount involved in this assessment is R$ 168 million. Based on our in house and external legal counsel, Fibria has recorded no provision with respect thereto.


(vi)     Others Tax liabilities


Fibria has more 334 trials for individual amounts of less than R$ 80 million. The amount involved in all of that trials is R$ 1.446.302. The average value of each trail is R$ 4,3 million


(c)                                 Comments on labor/civil proceedings


The Company is a party to approximately 3,629 labor lawsuits filed by former employees, third parties and unions, claiming the payment of severance pay, health and safety premiums, overtime, commuting time, occupational illnesses and workers’ compensation, tangible and moral damages, understated indexation on the fine of 40% of the Government Severance Indemnity Fund for Employees (FGTS), and 883 civil lawsuits, most of which refer to claims for compensation by former employees or third parties for alleged occupational illnesses and workers’ compensation, collection lawsuits and bankruptcy situations, reimbursement of funds claimed from delinquent landowners and possessory actions filed in order to protect the Company’s equity. The Company has insurance for public liability that covers, within the limits set in the policy, unfavorable sentences in the civil courts for claims for compensation of losses.


Class action


In November 2008, a securities class action was filed against the Company (ex-Aracruz) and certain of its current and former officers and directors on behalf of purchasers of the Company’s ADRs between April 7 and October 2, 2008. The complaint asserts alleged violations of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act, alleging that the Company failed to disclose information in connection with, and losses arising from, certain derivative transactions. The indemnity claimed by the plaintiffs has not yet been specified and will depend, if the action continues, on expert proof and determination of damages. Due to the unpredictability of the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome and no basis on which to estimate the amount or range of potential loss, no provision has been recognized.


(d)                                 Remaining judicial deposits


The company has at December 31, 2011 the amount of R$ 137,060 (R$ 110,364 in December 31, 2010) deposited judicially in cases classified by external legal advisors as of remote or possible loss, for which no provision have been recorded. The contingencies refer to PIS, COFINS, IRPJ taxes and to contributions to the INSS, among others of smaller amount. Additionally, it includes the amount of R$ 50,096 of the credit balance of REFIS, as detailed in Note 25.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(e)                                 Obligations to dismantle and remove items of property, plant and equipment and restore the site


The Company has no long-term assets expected to be abandoned or sold, or that would require a provision for obligations due to the decommissioning of assets as requested in the IAS 16 “Obligations to Dismantle and Remove Items of Property, Plant and Equipment and Restore the Site.


24                                 Tax Amnesty and Refinancing Program (“REFIS”)


In November 2009, the Company joined the REFIS introduced by Law 11941/09, the objective of which is the settlement of fiscal liabilities through a special system for payment of tax and social security debt in installments.


On June 28, 2011 all amounts under the program were consolidated after having complied all formal requirements established in the legislation and the amounts included in the consolidated debt relate mainly to:


·             CSLL - judicial measure aiming the exclusion of export earnings of the basis for calculating the social contribution, as established by the constitutional amendment n° 33/2001;


·             IRPJ/CSLL - judicial measure aiming the correção monetária of the balance sheet without monetary losses generated by the plano verão - Economic plan established by the Provisional Measure 32/1989, converted into Law 7.730/89;


·             IRRF/CSLL - tax assessments issued due to the offset of income and social contribution tax losses, without compliance the limitation of 30%;


·             IPI credit premium - tax credits transferred from KSR to Celpav, related to phase II (April 1, 1981 to April 30, 1985), which were the subject of a tax assessment notice issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Secretariat due to supposed noncompliance with accessory tax obligations;


·             Economic Domain Intervention Contribution (CIDE) - judicial proceeding regarding CIDE on amounts paid to parties resident abroad as royalties or contractual remuneration, introduced by Law 10168/00 and amended by Law 10332/01 - period: as from 2002;


·             Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF) - judicial proceeding for declaration of non-existence of legal-tax relationship, in order not to be obliged to pay IOF on foreign exchange contracts entered into for purposes of raising funds abroad through the issue of Euronotes. The IOF amount was deposited in court on February 4, 1994;


·             COFINS - rate increase from 2% to 3% as established by Law 9718/98;


·             CSLL - tax assessment issued due to the deduction on basis for calculating the social contribution, of expenditure on the monetary correction portion to the difference between the variation of the IPC and of the BTN Fiscal in the year of 1990.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The following is a summary of the final values included in the program, as well the benefits obtained:


Detail of amounts




Total upated debts included in the program




Benefits for reduction of fines and interest




Fines and interest offset against tax loss and negative basis








Total debt payable




Payments made








Balance of debt








Total of judicial deposits updated








Credit balance





Considering the legal right to offset judicial deposits related to the debts included in the program and since judicial deposits exceed the remaining debt (after the reductions established by the program) the remaining balance in favor of the Company, updated in December 31, 2011 is R$ 50,096, is presented within non-current assets under other accounts receivable and monthly updated by SELIC.


The benefits for reduction of fines and interest were recorded in financial result in the line “foreign exchange gain(loss) and indexation” and totaled R$ 57,950 in the year ending December 31, 2011 (R$ 61,875 in 2010).


25                                 Long-term Commitments


(a)                                 Take or pay arrangements


The Company entered into long-term take-or-pay agreements with power, transportation, diesel, and chemical and natural gas suppliers effective for a average period of 9,81 years. These agreements contain termination and supply interruption clauses in the event of default of certain essential obligations. The contractual obligations assumed at December 31, 2011 correspond to R$ 301,117 per year (R$ 272,595 at December 31, 2010).


(b)                                 Guarantees in compror (financing of purchases) operations


The Company is the guarantor of compror operations for some of its customers in Brazil, in the amount of R$ 84,376 at December 31, 2010 (R$ 217,389 at December 31, 2010). The fair value of these guarantees is insignificant since they do not have a history of default and there is no amount recorded for them.


(c)                                 Acquisition of Ripasa or CONPACEL


On November 10, 2004, VCP and Suzano Bahia Sul Papel e Celulose S.A. (“Suzano”) entered into an agreement for the acquisition of a controlling interest in Ripasa. Subsequently, the Company entered into an Option Instrument for Purchase and Sale of 1,302,810 common shares and 4,121,773 preferred shares of Ripasa, owned by its former controlling shareholders. After various corporate reorganizations and considering Fibria’s portion, up to March 2010, 309,451 shares remained in respect of the option.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


On March 23, 2010, the shareholders notified Fibria of their intention to exercise their put option. The estimated total amount of this transaction was R$ 43,012, which was paid on May 10, 2010. Of this amount, R$ 33,423 relating to indexation adjustments was recorded in the “Financial expense”, and the difference of R$ 9,589, relating to the market value of the shares, was recorded in “Treasury shares”, in shareholders’ equity, and will remain in this account until the shares are cancelled.


In 2008, Fibria and Suzano requested pre-approval from the CVM to acquire their own shares and for the payment of an amount related to the transaction to avoid possible litigation, since the acquisition would be carried out at market value, which was lower than the contractually agreed price. On June 5, 2008, the CVM Board authorized the acquisition at the market price of the shares involved and did not object to the payment of the agreed amount.


26                                 Shareholders’ Equity


(a)                                 Capital


At December 31, 2011 and 2010, fully subscribed and paid-up capital is represented by 467,934,646 nominative common shares without par value. The authorized capital is represented by 529,624,961 nominative common shares without par value.


On May 30, 2009, the EGM approved the conversion of 244,347,953 preferred shares issued by the Company into common shares, based on the ratio of one preferred share for each 0.91 common share.


On July 2, 2009, the deadline expired to exercise the right of shareholder withdrawal, as a result of the decision taken at the EGM of May 30, 2009, which approved the conversion of all 244,347,953 preferred shares of the Company into common shares in the proportion of one preferred share for each 0.91 common share.


The right of withdrawal was exercised by 14 shareholders that held 36,670 preferred shares. Based on the redemption amount of R$ 20.61 per share, corresponding to the equity value per share on December 31, 2008, the amount due to dissenting shareholders was R$ 756.


The redemption amount was charged to “Capital reserves”, and the Company’s treasury area was instructed to cancel or place in the market the 33,371 common shares resulting from the conversion of the dissenting shareholders’ shares.


(b)                                 Capital increase


A capital increase of R$ 4,005,091 was approved by the EGM of February 6, 2009, increasing capital from R$ 3,052,211 to R$ 7,057,302, through the subscription of 210,794,252 new nominative and book entry shares, without par value, being 62,105,263 common shares and 148,688,989 preferred shares. This decision was ratified and implemented on May 27, 2009.


On November 12, 2009, the period expired in which the holders of preferred class A shares issued by Aracruz could exercise their withdrawal rights due to the merger by Fibria of all the shares issued by Aracruz. As a consequence of the exchange ratio adopted, there was an issue of 77,770,294 common nominative and book entry shares with no par value, thus increasing capital by R$ 529,843.





Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Consequently, the Company’s capital was increased to R$ 7,587,145, represented by 464,934,646 registered common shares with no par value.


On December 22, 2009, the shareholders approved, in an EGM, an increase of capital, without the issuance of new shares, in the amount of R$ 792,252, through the capitalization of the “Share Premium Subscription Reserve”, increasing the Company’s capital to R$ 8,379,397.


(c)                                 Dividends and interest on own capital


The Company’s by-laws provide for a minimum annual dividend of 25% of net income, adjusted by the changes in reserves, as determined by Brazilian Corporate Law.


There were no proposals of dividends for the year ended December 31, 2011 regarding the loss found in the period.


Dividends for the year ended December 31, 2010 of R$ 0.30 per share, totaling R$ 142,179, will be proposed at the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting. These financial statements reflect only the mandatory minimum dividend established in the Company’s by-laws.


Despite the positive results for the year ended December 31, 2009, the Company’s management, due to commitments assumed, level of indebtedness, financial liabilities management strategy aiming, among others, to correlate debt maturities with cash flow generation, and the Company’s business plan, has not proposed the dividends prescribed by Article 30, paragraph III of the by-laws, as permitted by article 202, paragraph 4 of Law 6404/76. Considering that at December 31, 2010 the Company’s financial position sufficient to pay dividends of R$ 121,958 (equivalent to R$ 0.26 per share), which was recorded in a “Special reserve for minimum dividends not distributed” in shareholders’ equity was reclassified to a liability for “Dividends payable”.


(d)                                 Revenue reserves


The legal reserve is constituted through the appropriation of 5% of the net income for the year. The investment reserve, corresponding to the balance of retained earnings, after the constitution of the legal reserve, mainly relates to the investment plans included in the capital budget, and the processes of plant modernization and maintenance, as approved by the Statutory Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.


27                                 Benefits to Employees


(a)                                 Variable remuneration program


The Company maintains a performance based bonus program for its employees, linked to its personal plans and the attainment of specific objectives based on cash generation, which are established and agreed upon at the beginning of each year. The amount recorded as expenses for the year ended December 31, 2011 was R$ 64,597 (December 31, 2010 - R$ 50,185 and December 31, 2009- R$ 54,771).


(b)                                 Defined contribution pension plan


In 2000, the Company became a sponsor of the Senador José Ermírio de Moraes Foundation (FUNSEJEM), a not-for-profit pension fund for the employees of the Votorantim Group. Under the fund’s rules, the Company matches employees’ contributions to FUNSEJEM, which may range from 0.5% to 6% of nominal salary. The Company’s contributions for the year ended December 31, 2011 amounted to R$ 8,835 (R$ 6,936 and R$ 5,641 for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 respectively).



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(c)                                 Medical assistance provided to retirees


The Company entered into an agreement with the São Paulo State Pulp and Paper Industry Workers’ Union to provide the funding for a lifetime medical assistance plan (SEPACO) for all of the Company’s employees, their dependents, until they come of age, and their spouses, for life.


The Company’s policy determines that the cost of the benefit be allocated from the date of hiring to the date on which the employee becomes eligible to receive the medical assistance benefit.


IAS 19 - “Benefits to Employees” requires that an entity calculate the present value of defined benefit obligations and the market value of the assets of the plans at the end of each reporting period. The amount recorded as expenses for the year ended December 31, 2011 was R$ 1,274 (R$ 694 and R$ 24,884 for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009).


The actuarial methods are based on economic and biometric assumptions, as follows:




Actuarial assumptions


















Discount rate - %








Real growth rate of medical costs - %








Rate of increase of utilization of medical assistance - %








Long-term inflation - %








Biometric table of general mortality








Biometric table of general mortality for invalids









Based on the independent actuary’s report, the position of the actuarial calculations is as follows:


















Reconciliation of liabilities








Present value of actuarial obligations at beginning of the period








Cost of current service








Interest on actuarial obligations








Benefits paid








Actuarial (gains) losses in the statement of operations
















Present value of actuarial obligations at end of the period









The balance in December 31, 2011, when compared with 2010, suffered a significant reduction since part of the liability was derecognized as result of the sale of the Piracicaba CGU.


The liability is recorded under “Other payables” in the consolidated balance sheet.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(d)                                 Employee benefits expenses


















Payroll, profit sharing and related charges








FGTS and other rescission indemnifications









































28                                 Phantom Stock Options (PSO) - Compensation Program Based on Shares


On April 28, 2010, the Board of Directors approved the Long-term Incentive Program, which consists of the plan to grant Phantom Stock Options, the 2009 and 2010 Programs, with the purpose of integrating executives in the development process of the Company in the medium and long term, permitting their participation in the increase in value of the Company’s shares. There was no award of options in 2011. The program is based on the Phantom Stock Options (PSO) concept, which consists of an award in cash based on the appreciation, of the shares of the Company, in relation to a predetermined price in a predetermined period. The plan does not provide for the delivery of any share to the beneficiaries. The Company’s CEO and the Executive Directors are eligible for the plan.


At the time of each award, the eligible executive will receive a quantity of PSO, to be defined based on a target reward and on the expectation of the increase in the value of the Company. The target for the appreciation of the shares of the Company is established by the Board of Directors and the number of PSO awarded will be calculated in such a manner that, if the appreciation target is attained, the resulting reward will be equal to the target value.


The PSO can only be exercised after a vesting period of three years, as from the award date established in the contracts, and the maximum period for the exercise of the option is five years since granted. Exceptionally, the first award, denominated as the Program 2009, has a graded vesting period.


The exercise price of the options is calculated by reference to the average price of the FIBR3 shares, in accordance with the volume traded in the six months prior to the date of the award. Exceptionally, for the 2009 and 2010 Programs, an exercise price of R$ 27.55 was utilized, corresponding to the price on the first day that the common shares of FIBR3 were traded.


In August 2010, the following options, referred to as the 2009 and 2010 Programs, were awarded:




2010 program




Right to exercise














36 months


August 28, 2013








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




2009 program




Right to exercise
















August 27, 2010






Four months


December 26, 2010






14 months


October 27, 2011























Assumptions and calculation of fair
value of options granted


The pricing of options was based on the BTT model, due to its ease of implementation, validation and inclusion of the specific terms of the program. This model is a numerical approximation of the risk-neutral or equivalent martingale methodology which is frequently utilized in the valuation of instruments that cannot have a closed-form pricing formula.


To determinate this value, the following economic assumptions were used at December 31 of each year. As result of the decrease in the quoted market price of the FIBR3 shares in 2011 the fair value of the options as of December 31, 2011 is virtually zero:














Share price volatility - % (i)






Risk free return rate - % (ii)


10.00 to 11.55


10.6 to 11.7


Average price of shares (average of six prior months)






Options exercise price






Weighted-average term of life of option (months)












Fair value of option resulting from the model (average)







(i)            Based on the daily volatility price for a six-month period.

(ii)         The curve of fixed-DI interest rate (Brazil) at the measurement date was utilized.


The settlement of this benefit plan for executives will be made by the Company in cash when the options are exercised.


The change in the number of share purchase options and their corresponding weighted average prices for the period are presented below:




Number of options


average price
for exercise
of options -


















Open at the beginning of the year








Granted during the period








Open at the end of the period








Exercisable options at the end of the year










Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


The remaining weighted average term for the exercise of outstanding options at December 31, 2011 is 12 months (20 months in December 31, 2010).


In the period ended December 31, 2011 expenses were reverted for R$ 366 (at December 31, 2010 an expense of R$ 366 was recorded), recorded in the statement of operations as “General and administrative expenses” and in liabilities, as “Other payables”.


29                                 Net Revenue


















Gross amount








Sales taxes








Discounts and returns (*)
















Net revenues









(*)   Related mainly to the export customers’ performance rebate.


30                                 Financial Results


The financial results for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 were summarized as follows:


















Financial expenses








Interest on loans and financing








Appropriation of interest-acquisition of Aracruz shares








Loans commissions








































Financial income








Financial investment earnings








Reversal of indexation charges on contingent liabilities (i)








Reversal of PIS and COFINS indexation charges - 9718/98 (ii)








Reversal of ICMS indexation charges








































Gains (losses) on derivative financial instruments
















Foreign exchange and gain (loss) and indexation








Loans and financing








Other assets and liabilities
































Net financial result









(i)             Effect of indexation on the reversal of the provision for social contribution on export revenues related to 2003.


(ii)           Effect of indexation on the reversal of PIS and COFINS in 2009 (Note 21(a)(i)).



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


31                                 Expenses by Nature


















Cost of sales








Depreciation, depletion and amortization
















Benefits to employees








Variable costs
































Selling expenses








Benefits to employees








Commercial expenses (*)








Operational leasing








Depreciation and amortization charges








Allowance for doubtful accounts








Other expenses
































General and administrative and directors’ fees expenses








Benefits to employees








Third-party services (consulting, legal and others)








Provision for losses








Depreciation and amortization charges








Donations and sponsorship








Other expenses
































Other operating expenses, net








Fair value amortization (including the gain on investment sold - Guaíba unit)








Gain related to the remeasurement of equity interest held prior to the acquisition of controlling equity interest in Aracruz








Gain on disposal - Piracicaba








Provision for loss - sale of investment








Change in fair value of biological assets

































(*)        Includes handling expenses, storage and transportation expenses and sales commissions, among others



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


32                                 Insurance (unaudited)


The Company has insurance coverage for operating risk and comprehensive civil liability, with a maximum indemnity of R$ 3,150 million. Additionally the Company maintains insurance coverage of civil general liability in the amount of US$ 25 million corresponding to R$ 46,895 on December 31, 2011. Fibria’s management considers these amounts to be sufficient to cover any potential liability, risks and damages to the assets and loss of profits.


The Company does not have insurance for its forests. To minimize the risk of fire, there are internal fire brigades, a watchtower network, and a fleet of fire trucks. There is no history of material losses from forest fires.


The Company has a domestic and international (import and export) transportation insurance policy effective until January 31, 2012.


Besides the above-mentioned insurance coverage, Fibria has civil liability policies for directors and officers at amounts considered to be adequate by management.


33                                 Segment Information



As the result of the sale of the paper activities, Fibria operates in only one operating segment which is the sale of pulp in the global markets. In the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010 Note 32 included segment information presenting two operating and reportable segments: Pulp and paper. However as result of the sale of CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba the financial statements for the current year do not present segment information as the Company currently has only one operating segment pulp.


We present below, the information required by IFRS 8 with respect to products,, geographic areas and major customers.


(a)                                Information about products



























































(b)                                Information about geographic areas


The geographic areas are determined based on the location of the customers. Net revenue of the Company, classified by geographic area, is as follows:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


























North America









































(c)                                 Information about main clients


We have two customers that individually represented more than 10% of our net revenues. For the year ended December 31, 2011 they represented 29% (31% for the year ended December 31, 2010 and 25% for the year ended in December 31, 2009).


34                                 Earnings per Share


(a)                                Basic


The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income attributable to the Company’s shareholders by the weighted average of the number of common shares outstanding during the period, excluding the common shares purchased by the Company and maintained as treasury shares. Premium paid on the issue of preferred shares during the period are deducted from the net income attributable to the Company’s shareholders.





Continued operations


Discontinued operations






























Net income attributable to the shareholders of the company














(-) Premium paid on the issuance of preferred shares














(=) Net income attributable to shareholders of the Company




























Weighted average number of common shares outstanding














Basic earnings per share (in reais)















(b)                                Diluted


The Company has no debt convertible into shares or share purchase options. Consequently, there are no potential common shares for dilution purposes.


35                                 Payable - Aracruz Acquisition


The Company issued notes payable and executed an irrevocable and binding purchase agreement, in connection with the acquisition of Aracruz. The notes, denominated in reais, bear neither interest nor indexation charges and is due in semi-annual installments, except as noted below, in January and July of each year:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated














Present value of total obligation at January 2009 (discounted by 103% of CDI) - the Families and the Safra family






Present value of total obligation at January 2009 (discounted by 103% of CDI) - remaining common shareholders






Amount paid






Present value accretion adjustment












Balance at December 31












Remaining installments due in






January 2011






July 2011



















36                                 Non-current Assets Held for Sale


(a)                                CONPACEL, KSR e Piracicaba


As mentioned in Note 1(e), the cash generating units (CGUs), CONPACEL, KSR e Piracicaba were disposed in 2011. The results of discontinued operations for the years ended December 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009 are summarized in the table below.


The net assets of the Piracicaba CGU met the definition of assets held for sale as from the second quarter of 2011 and have been classified as such in these consolidated financial statements. The Piracicaba CGU was not considered to meet the definition of discontinued operations since it does not represent a major separate line of business or geographical area considering its relevance with respect to the consolidated activities


Discontinued operations - CONPACEL and KSR -
information on statement of operations


















Net revenues








Cost of sales
















Gross profit
















Commercial and administrative expenses








Financial result








Capital gain
























Income before taxes on income
















Taxes on income
















Net income from discontinued operations










Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Discontinued operations - CONPACEL and KSR - information on cash flow


















Net cash provided by operating activities








Net cash used in investing activities








Net cash used in the financing activities (*)









(*)    Considering that CONPACEL and KSR treasury operations were centralized by the Company, this amount represents the proceeds from the sale transferred to the Company net of investments realized.


(iii)                           Assets and liabilities of CONPACEL and KSR as of December 31, 2010












Current assets
























Non-current assets




Biological assets




Property, plant and equipment




Intangible assets




















Total assets








Liabilities and shareholders’ equity








Current liability




Loans and financings




Accounts payable




















Non-current liabilities




Loans and financings




















Total liabilities















Current assets




Accounts receivables
























Noncurrent assets




Recoverable taxes




Property, plant and equipment




















Total assets








Liabilities and shareholders’ equity








Current liability




Accounts payable




Payroll, profit sharing and related charges




















Total liabilities






Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(iv)                            Gain on disposal


We present bellow the computation of the gain recorded in the year ended December, 2011 for the disposal of the CGUs CONPACEL, KSR and Piracicaba:




and KSR (*)














Selling price








(-) Carrying amount of disposed net assets








Fixed assets and biological assets
























Other assets and liabilities
















(=) Gross gain recognized








(-) Income taxes
















(=) Net gain









(*)    The gain is included as part of Net income from discontinued operations


(b)                                Assets held for sale at December 31, 2011 - Losango project


On June 30, 2011, management based on its strategy and considering the programs in place to identify a potential buyer and to conclude the sale of the Losango project assets, classified these assets as held for sale.


The Losango project assets are in condition for a immediate sale and management currently expects the sale to be consummated within six months from December 31, 2011.


The Losango project is substantially composed by lands and forest localized in Capão do Leão, at the Rio Grande do Sul state, having an approximated forest area of 107 thousand hectares. At December 31, 2011, the project assets can be summarized as follows:










Biological assets




Property, plant and equipment




Advances to suppliers












Total assets





The Losango project did not generate any significant results from its operations for the years presented.


The Company compared the book value with the fair value less costs to sell and concluded that there is no impairment loss to be recognized.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(c)                                 Indemnification liabilities


In connection with the sale of CGUs described above the Company assumed indemnification commitments with respect to losses, if they arise, as agreed in the corresponding sale agreements which have specific limits, period for the indemnification commitments and procedures for the other party to require the indemnification.


37                                 Impairment Tests


As of December 31, 2011, following the accounting policy described in Note 2.11(a), the Company performed its annual impairment test of the CGUs to which goodwill is allocated as described on the item (a) below. In addition, as required by IAS 36 as the book value of the net assets of the Company exceed its market capitalization, a formal impairment analysis of long-lived assets must be performed. As a result as described in the item (b) below, the Company performed an impairment analysis of the long lived assets of the CGUs Jacareí - SP and Três Lagoas - MS.


(a)                                CGUs with goodwill allocated - Aracruz


The Company assessed as of December 31, 2011 the need for impairment of the carrying amount of goodwill based on the value in use of the group of CGUs where goodwill was allocated. Value in use was estimated using a discounted cash flow model for the group of CGUs The process of estimating the value in use involves assumptions, judgments and estimates of future cash flows and represents the Company’s best estimate with projections having been approved by management. The impairment test did not result in the need to recognize any impairment.


The amount of goodwill allocated to the group of CGUs (Aracruz and Veracel) amounts at December 31, 2011 and 2010 to R$ 4,230,450


The cash flows for each period are discounted to present value through the application on the rate that best reflects the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the CGU. This rate takes into consideration the various components of financing, debt and own capital used by the Company to finance its activities. The cost of capital of the CGU was determined using the Company’s own capital cost through the Capital Asset Pricing Model.


Cash flows for a period of ten years were considered and a additional amount was calculated for the perpetuity of the cash flow of the tenth year, discounted to present value using the WACC rate less the estimate of growth of Brazilian Gross Domestic Product. A 1o year period was used as management considers that global price of pulp can be affected by several factors which generally are identified in periods longer than the production cycle of forest of seven years.


The main assumptions used in determining value in use at December 31, 2011, are as follows:










Minimum and maximum exchange rate in the period


R$1.76 to R$1.99


Average gross margin




Discount rate - WACC (gross and net from tax credits)


8.5% - 7.9%




Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Management determined the gross margin based on past performance and on its expectations of market development. The weighted average growth rates used are consistent with the forecasts included in industry reports.


IAS 36, paragraph 134, requires to present additional disclosures if a reasonably possible change in a key assumption used by management to estimate the value in use of the unit, can result in the carrying amount of the CGU exceeding its recoverable amount. The change in the value of the key assumption must incorporate any related effect of this change in other assumption used in the estimate.


Management believes to be reasonably possible that future changes in the pulp price combined with changes in the exchange rate can make that the recoverable amount of the UGCs is modified.


For purposes of sensitivity analysis, a isolated reduction of 1% in the pulp price in Reais during the period of the discounted cash flow would make that the recoverable amount of the UGC at December 31, 2011 would equal its carrying amount.

The recoverable value of the UGC as per the impairment test exceeds their book value by R$ 609 million.


(b)                                Três Lagoas and Jacareí


The Company assessed at December 31, 2011 whether the value in use of the UGCs Jacareí and Três Lagoas exceeds its carrying amount. Value is use was measured using the discounted cash flow method. The processes to estimate the value in use followed the same assumptions and judgments described in item (a). The test did not resulted in any impairment loss.


38                                 Business Combination


The Company acquired the control of Aracruz (Note 1) on January 21, 2009. The acquisition method was utilized to record the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and the non-controlling equity interest.


Pursuant to IFRS 3R, the Company recorded a gain related to the remeasurement of equity interest held prior to the acquisition of controlling equity interest in Aracruz in the statement of operations:



Common shares held before business combination - in thousands




Share trading price on January 21, 2009








Fair value of the initial equity interest in Aracruz








(-) Book balances on January 21, 2009




Accounting cost of the investment (equity value and remaining goodwill balance)








Gross result of the revaluation at fair value of the initial participation





The table below summarizes the Aracruz acquisition and the allocation of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, recognized on the acquisition date, the fair value on the date of acquisition of the non-controlling equity interest and the determination of goodwill:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


Purchase price consideration




Present value payable to the families (Lorentzen, Moreira Salles, Braga and Safra)




Fair value of initial equity interest in Aracruz




Fair value of non-controlling equity interest on the acquisition date















Book value


Fair value


Total fair










(-) Main identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed








Advances to suppliers - Forestry Partnership Program








Property, plant and equipment








Intangible assets








Other assets








Loans and financing








Other liabilities
















Total fair value adjustments of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
















(+) Deferred income tax and social contribution arising from temporary differences on the acquisition date
















(=) Goodwill prior to the sale of the Guaíba Unit








(-) Write-off of goodwill on the sale of the Guaíba unit
















(=) Goodwill









The fair market values were determined by management as supported by reports of independent financial advisors.


Acquisition-related costs in the total amount of R$ 26,322 were included in “General and administrative expenses” in statement of operations for year ended December 31, 2009.


The goodwill was assigned to Aracruz’s pulp segment. The deferred tax effects do not contemplate the possible effects of the tax deductibility of goodwill for Brazilian income tax purposes.


The fair value of the non-controlling interest in Aracruz was determined by applying the market approach, based on the quoted price at January 21, 2009. The acquisitions of the non-controlling interests were recorded based on fair values and the total amount of R$ 2,078,056.


The following table sets forth the components of the identified intangibles assets acquired with finite lives, which are being amortized over their estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis with no residual value:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated





Useful lives


Fair value










Ten years






Six years and three months




Chemical supplier relationship


16 years




Others supplier relationships


Four years and five months

















The fair value of identified intangible assets acquired was determined using the income approach, which discounted expected future cash flows to present value. The cash flows were discounted at a rate of 8.55% p.a.


39                                 First-time Adoption of IFRS


39.1                       Basis of transition to IFRS


39.1.1             Application of IFRS 1


The process of convergence of Brazilian Accounting Standards (“BR GAAP”) with IFRS was implemented in two stages: (a) released and adopted in 2008, upon issuance of the new Brazilian Accounting Standards issued by the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (“CPCs”) CPC 1 through 14 which were adopted by the Company in its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008; and (b) released in 2009 for adoption in 2010, upon issuance of CPC 15 through 41 and CPC 43 (except for CPC 34 - not yet issued).


The new accounting practices contained in CPC 15 through CPC 41 and CPC 43 were initially adopted by the Company in the financial year which commenced on January 1, 2010. The transition date adopted by the Company was January 1, 2009, the date on which the opening balance sheets  was prepared under the new accounting practices. Standards issued by the CPC are consistent with IFRS as issued by the IASB.


In preparing the first IFRS financial statements, pursuant to IFRS 1, the Company applied the relevant compulsory exceptions and certain voluntary exemptions.


39.1.2             Exemptions from retroactive application


As specified in IFRS 1, the Company adopted the following exemptions:


IFRS 3R (“Business Combinations”) was applied as from January 1, 2009.


In relation to the other exemptions of IFRS 1, the following do not apply to the Company:



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(a)                                Insurance contracts - the insurance contracts of the Company are not within the scope of this standard.


(b)                                Cost attributed to property, plant and equipment - property, plant and equipment are already being depreciated based on their useful lives, and management is of the opinion that there are no significant differences between the fair values and the net book values of property, plant and equipment.


(c)                                 Assets and liabilities of subsidiaries, jointly-owned subsidiaries and associates - the first-time adoption of the standards was applied concurrently and consistently by all the subsidiaries and associates.


(d)                                Compound financial instruments - there were no operations involving these types of financial instruments.


(e)                                 Decommissioning liabilities included in the cost of property, plant and equipment - the Company does not have any such liabilities.


(f)                                  Financial assets and intangible assets accounted for pursuant to IFRIC 12 - “Concession Agreements” - the Company does not have concession agreements.


39.2                       Summary of the changes in accounting standards and of the effects on the results of operations and shareholders’ equity - reconciliation of prior BR GAAP and IFRS


The main changes in accounting practices upon the first-time adoption of these standards were as follows:


(a)                                IFRS 3R - “Business Combination”


Pursuant to previous Brazilian GAAP, goodwill generated on the acquisition of Aracruz was recorded at the various stages of the transaction and represented the excess of the purchase price in relation to the underlying book value of Aracruz. In accordance with IFRS 3R, the date of acquisition is, January 21. 2009, the date on which control was effectively obtained, taking into consideration the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. There was a choice on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis to measure the non-controlling interest in the acquiree either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s net assets. Considering that this was a step-up acquisition, all the transactions realized with the non-controlling shareholders after the control acquisition were recorded in “Other reserves”, generating an adjustment of R$ 1,618,824 in the shareholders’ equity, as described in the item (i).


(i)                                   Determination of the amount of R$ 1,618,824:


As required by IFRS 3R on the date of acquisition of control upon obtaining of control assets and liabilities of Aracruz began to be consolidated and:


·                  assets acquired and liabilities assumed of Aracruz were recorded as of such date at its estimated fair value (R$ 5,311,110);



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


·                  the non-controlling interest in Aracruz was measured at its fair value (R$ 2,078,506),


·                  the related tax effects were recognized (deferred tax liability of R$ 1,293,269), and


·                  the resulting amount of goodwill was recognized (R$ 4,230,450)


The amount of R$ 2,078,506 was recognized upon acquisition of control on January 21, 2009 as the initial carrying amount of the non-controlling interest in Aracruz in equity.


Each of the transactions subsequent to January 21, 2009 on which we obtained control of Aracruz (on March 5, May 27, July 1, July 17 and August 24) resulted in change in ownership in Aracruz by the Company that do not result in a change of control and, as such, are accounted for as equity transactions and any difference between: (a) the consideration given to acquire the additional interests (R$ 2,365,514 thousand) (b) the change in the amount of non-controlling interests (R$ 2,720,498 thousand) and (c) the related deferred tax effect reduction on taxable temporary differences recognized on date of acquisition of control as result of additional purchases of interest (R$ 1,263,840 thousand) have been recognized in equity and attributed to the shareholders of the Company.


(ii)                               Other effects of business combination


As the business combination was recalculated at the date the Company obtained control, the fair value adjustments were depreciated from that date whereas based on the prior BR GAAP, depreciation was charged proportionally from each date an interest was acquired, generating an adjustment of R$ 241,876.


Whenever a business combination is carried out in steps, that is, a controlling equity interest is acquired in a legal entity in which the Company already held an equity interest, the accounting standards determines that the initial equity interest be revalued to fair value on the date of acquisition, with a corresponding entry to the statement of income as “Other operating income (expenses), net”, generating a positive adjustment of R$ 1,378,924.


Additionally, the acquisition related costs that were capitalized under the prior BR GAAP, such as commissions and legal and underwriting expenses, were charged to “Other operating income (expenses), net”, generating an adjustment of R$ 116,174.


The asset exchange transaction carried out between Fibria and International Paper in 2007 generated negative goodwill of R$ 1,781,000, which, in accordance with this standard, was deemed to be a gain from an advantageous purchase and was adjusted with a corresponding entry to shareholders’ equity on the transition date.


The accounting impacts are further described in Note 38.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(b)                                IAS 1 - “Presentation of Financial Statements”


The non-controlling interest is included as a component of shareholders’ equity, and no longer as a specific item separate from shareholders’ equity.


On the transition date, part of the Company’s loans was reclassified to current liabilities, in the amount of R$ 2,737,835 due to non-compliance with certain loan covenants. However, in June 2009 the Company obtained a waiver and the amount was classified again as non-current liabilities.


(c)                                 IAS 41 - “Biological Assets”


Biological assets, consisting of growing forests, were remeasured at fair value, net of estimated selling costs, which was charged to “Other operating income (expenses), net”. Previously, these assets were recorded at historical cost.


This fair value adjustment is depleted in accordance with the harvest and use of biological assets and recorded in the “Cost of sales”.


(d)                                IAS 12 - “Taxes on Profit”


Pursuant to prior BR GAAP, the Company recognized deferred tax assets to the extent that they were realizable over a maximum period of ten years. In accordance with IAS 12, assets are recorded to the extent it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which such credits may be used, independent of the maximum period previously stipulated.


(e)                                 IAS 33 - “Earnings per Share”


Under prior BR GAAP earnings per share were determined based on the number of shares outstanding at the balance sheet date. The new standard requires, among other things, the presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding in the period. The standard’s focus is in the determination of the denominator in the calculation of earnings per share.


(f)                                  IAS 7 - “Statement of Cash Flows”


Under BR GAAP Fibria presented statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2009 on which: (a) the definition of cash and cash equivalents used is the same used in the first IFRS financial statements; and (b) the criteria used in the presentation of the cash flows to present the cash inflows and outflows between operating (under the indirect method), financing and investing activities is the same used in the first IFRS financial statements.


While the amount of net income under Prior GAAP and IFRS differ to the extent shown in the reconciliation presented in Note 39.2.2 such differences did not affected the total amount of cash flows provided by operating activities, of net cash flows used in investment activities and the cash flow generated from financing activities or the effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents.


As a result, the transition from BR GAAP to IFRS did not affect the statement of cash flow.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


39.2.1             Reconciliation of shareholders’ equity




31, 2009



1, 2009








Shareholders’ equity as originally presented under prior BR GAAP












Negative goodwill arising from exchange of assets with International Paper - pulp mill in Três Lagoas (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a))












Gain on remeasurement of the 12.35% equity interest held prior to the acquisition of controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a)(ii))






Additional fair value amortization upon change in the criterion for determination of date of acquisition of controlling equity interest (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a)(ii))






Other business combination effects (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a)(ii))






Tax effects from business combination (IAS 12) (Notes 39.2(a) and (d))






Other reserve on Aracruz acquisition (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a)(i))






Fair value adjustment of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.2(c))






Realization upon harvest and use of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.2(c))






Tax effect related to fair value of biological assets (IAS 12) (Notes 39.2(c) and (d))


















Shareholders’ equity as reported under IFRS







39.2.2             Reconciliation of net income




31, 2009






Net income as originally presented under prior BR GAAP








Gain on remeasurement of equity interest held prior to the acquisition of controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a))




Additional fair value amortization upon change in the criterion for determination of date of acquisition of controlling equity interest (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a))




Other business combination effects (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.2(a))




Tax effects from business combination (IAS 12) (Notes 39.2(a) and (d))




Fair value adjustment of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.2(c))




Realization upon harvest and use of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.2(c))




Tax effect to fair value of biological assets (IAS 12) (Notes 39.2(c) and (d))












Net income as reported under IFRS






Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


39.3                       Summary of the changes in accounting standards and of the effects on the results of operations and shareholders’ equity - reconciliation of US GAAP and IFRS


A summary of the main differences between the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(US GAAP) and IFRS which are applicable to the Company, as well as their effects on shareholders’ equity and net income for the each reporting period, is presented below:


(a)                                IAS 12 - “Income Taxes”


Pursuant to US GAAP, the Company recognized deferred tax liabilities related to the gain generated upon the exchange of assets with International Paper, in the amount of R$ 704,909, and to the gain on remeasurement of the original investment in Aracruz, when control was acquired, in the amount of R$ 404,386. In accordance with IAS 12, deferred income taxes related to these transactions are not recognized under IFRS since the reversal of these temporary differences are under the control of the Group and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.


Additionally, under US GAAP the Company had recorded a deferred tax asset of R$ 108,045 related to the impairment provision related to the previous Aracruz’ goodwill, which was reversed for IFRS.


(b)                                IAS 41 - “Biological Assets”


Pursuant to US GAAP, the biological assets were recognized at cost and in accordance with IAS 41 are measured based on their fair value less cost to sell at the point of harvest.


This fair value adjustment is depleted in accordance with the harvest and use of biological assets and recorded in the “Cost of sales”.


(c)                                 IAS 21 - “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates” and IFRS 3R - “Business Combination”


Ripasa S.A. Celulose e Papel (“Ripasa” or “CONPACEL”) and Fibria-MS’s property, plant and equipment, were adjusted to fair value at the date they were acquired as per business combination. As the Company elected not apply IFRS 3R to its business combinations prior to the transition date, the corresponding adjustments were reversed for IFRS.


Additionally, as the Company’s financial statements were presented in U.S. dollars and in accordance with the Accounting Standard Codification Topic 830, “Foreign Currency Matters”, the non-monetary items were translated based on the historical rates during the period in which the Brazilian economy was considered hyper-inflationary, which is not the case for IFRS.


(d)                                IAS 31 - “Interests in Joint Ventures”


The interest in jointly-controlled entities was recognized by the equity method under US GAAP, whereas for IFRS purpose the Company has applied the proportional consolidation method, to reflect its share of the assets and liabilities in our balance sheet and the share of income and expenses in our statement of income. This new accounting standard does not affect total shareholders’ equity or net income.



Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated


(e)                                 IAS 1 - “Presentation of Financial Statements”


At the transition date, the Group was in default with respect to certain loan covenants, resulting in the corresponding debt being payable on demand. In accordance with IAS 1, the long-term portion of these loans was reclassified as a current liability, in the amount of R$ 2,737,835. During 2009, the Company obtained a waiver and renegotiated the covenants allowing the long-term portion of these loans to be again classified as long term liabilities.


Additionally, the Company used to present its prior financial statements and footnotes using a presentation currency of the US$ and it was changed to real.


(f)                                  IFRS 3R - “Business Combination”


Pursuant to US GAAP, goodwill generated on the acquisitions of Aracruz and Ripasa was recorded based on the business combination in 2001 and 2004, respectively. As the Company has opted to apply the IFRS exemptions, the business combinations prior to the transition date were maintained based on the amounts recorded in accordance with the prior BR GAAP. Consequently, the goodwill recorded for US GAAP purpose were reversed, in the amount of R$ 80,962 and R$ 167,760, respectively.


Additionally, as the amount of the initial investment in Aracruz recorded for US GAAP purpose was different from the prior BR GAAP, in the amount of R$ 82,955 as of January 1, 2009, the gain generated when the Company acquired control of Aracruz, was also different and, has been adjusted for IFRS purpose generating a difference of R$ 189,555 for the year ended December 31, 2009.


39.3.1             Reconciliation of shareholders’ equity




31, 2009


1, 2009








Shareholders Equity - US GAAP - In thousand of US$












Exchange rate as of December 31, 2009 and January 1, 2009 (US$ 1 = R$)












Shareholders’ equity as originally presented under US GAAP - in thousand of R$












Tax effects on negative goodwill arising from exchange of assets with International Paper - pulp mill in Três Lagoas (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(a))






Tax effects on remeasurement of the 12.35% equity interest held prior to the acquisition of the controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IAS 12) (Note 39.3(a))






Difference in Ripasa goodwill (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(f))






Difference in Aracruz goodwill (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(f))






Tax effect on impairment provision of the Aracruz goodwill (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(a))






Difference in non-monetary assets (IAS 21) (Note 39.3(c))








Table of Contents


Fibria Celulose S.A.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

at December 31, 2011

In thousands of reais, unless otherwise indicated




31, 2009


1, 2009








Difference on gain on remeasurement of the 12.35% equity interest held prior to the acquisition of the controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(f))






Difference on the equity interest in Aracruz (Note 39.3(f))






Fair value adjustment of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.3(b))






Realization upon harvest and use of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.3(b))






Tax effect related to fair value of biological assets (IAS 12) (Note 39.3(b))


















Shareholders’ equity as reported under IFRS







39.3.2             Reconciliation of net income




31, 2009






Net income before non-controlling interest - US GAAP - In thousand of US$ 








Monthly average exchange rate for the year (US$ 1 = R$)








Net income as originally presented under US GAAP - In thousand of R$ 








Tax effects on remeasurement of the 12.35% equity interest held prior to the acquisition of the controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IAS 12) (Note 39.3(a))




Difference in non-monetary assets (IAS 21) (Note 39.3(c))




Difference on gain on remeasurement of equity interest held prior to the acquisition of controlling equity interest in Aracruz (IFRS 3R) (Note 39.3(f))




Fair value adjustment of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.3(b))




Realization upon harvest and use of biological assets (IAS 41) (Note 39.3(b))




Tax effect related to fair value of biological assets (IAS 12) (Note 39.3(b))












Net income as reported under IFRS





*          *          *

