EX-1.01 2 materion2023conflictminera.htm EX-1.01 Document

Exhibit 1.01

Conflict Minerals Report of Materion Corporation
for the Reporting Period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023


This Conflict Minerals Report (this “Report”) of Materion Corporation (including its consolidated subsidiaries, “we”, “Materion” or the “Company”) has been prepared pursuant to Rule 13p-1 (the “Rules”) as promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”).

Forward-looking statements contained in this Report are made based on known events and circumstances at the time of release, and as such, are subject in the future to unforeseen uncertainties and risks. Statements in this Report which express a belief, expectation or intention, as well as those that are not historical fact, are forward-looking statements, including statements related to the Company’s compliance efforts and expected actions identified in this Report. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, among other matters, the Company’s customers' requirements to use certain suppliers, the Company’s suppliers' responsiveness and cooperation with the Company’s due diligence efforts, the Company’s ability to implement improvements in its conflict minerals program and the Company’s ability to identify and mitigate related risks in its supply chain. If one or more of these or other risks materialize, actual results may vary materially from those expressed. For a more complete discussion of these and other risk factors, see the Company’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. The Company makes these statements as of the date of this disclosure, and undertakes no obligation to update them unless otherwise required by law.

Rule 13p-1, through Form SD, requires the disclosure of certain information if a company manufactures or contracts to manufacture products for which certain “conflict minerals” (as defined below) are necessary to the functionality or production of such products. The SEC defines “conflict minerals” as: (i)(a) columbite-tantalite (or coltan, the metal ore from which tantalum is extracted), (b) cassiterite (the metal ore from which tin is extracted), (c) gold and (d) wolframite (the metal ore from which tungsten is extracted), or their derivatives, which are currently limited to tantalum, tin and tungsten; or (ii) any other mineral or its derivatives determined by the U.S. Secretary of State to be financing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an “adjoining country,” as such term is defined in Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (collectively, the “Covered Countries”).

The Company’s operations may at times manufacture, or contract to manufacture, products for which conflict minerals are necessary to the functionality or production of those products (collectively, the “products”). As required by the Rule, the Company has conducted a good faith, reasonable country of origin inquiry (“RCOI”) regarding the conflict minerals included in the products during the Reporting Period to determine whether any such conflict minerals originated in the Covered Countries and/or whether any of the conflict minerals were from recycled or scrap sources. Where applicable, the Company has conducted additional due diligence regarding the sources of the conflict minerals. The results of the Company’s RCOI regarding the conflict minerals, as well as the Company’s additional due diligence regarding the sources of such conflict minerals, are contained in this Report,

which is publicly available at www.materion.com. The content on, or accessible through, any web site referred to in this Report is not incorporated by reference into this Report unless expressly noted.

Materion, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, is an integrated producer of high-performance advanced engineered materials used in a variety of electrical, electronic, thermal and structural applications. Our products are sold into numerous end markets, including semiconductor, consumer electronics, industrial components, defense, automotive electronics, telecommunications infrastructure, energy, and commercial aerospace.

Our businesses are organized under four reportable segments: Performance Materials, Electronic Materials, Precision Optics, and Other. Our Other reportable segment includes unallocated corporate costs.

Performance Materials

Performance Materials provides advanced engineered solutions comprised of beryllium and non-beryllium containing alloy systems and custom engineered parts in strip, bulk, rod, plate, bar, and other customized shapes at manufacturing facilities located throughout the United States and Europe. This segment operates the world's largest bertrandite ore mine and refinery, which is located in Utah, providing feedstock hydroxide for its beryllium businesses and external sales. In addition to the products described below, this segment provides engineering and product development services to help our customers and partners with product design, including delivering prototype parts and other data to demonstrate that the products will perform under the specified design conditions.

Electronic Materials

Electronic Materials produces advanced chemicals, microelectronics packaging, precious metal, non-precious metal and specialty metal products, including vapor deposition targets, frame lid assemblies, clad and precious metal pre-forms and high temperature braze materials. These products are used in semiconductor logic and memory, medical, energy, lighting, defense, optics and wireless communications applications within the consumer electronics, industrial components, and telecommunications infrastructure end markets. Electronic Materials also has metal recovery operations and in-house refining that allow for the recycling of precious metals.

Precision Optics

Precision Optics provides custom made, precision optical filter products spanning a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum (from UV to LWIR) and offers assembly capabilities at manufacturing facilities located in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Precision Optics possesses broad and in-depth knowhow in optical thin-film coating processes, complemented by sophisticated patterning, glass bonding and sealing, and further processing capabilities necessary for producing optical thin film coated components up to optical subassemblies. Highly experienced and skilled development and engineering teams collaborate closely with customers to develop innovative solutions meeting their specific requirements. The combination of these capabilities and skills places Precision Optics at the forefront of markets in the photonics industry such as semiconductor, industrial, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, and automotive.


The Other segment is comprised of unallocated corporate costs.

Description of Materion's Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry

Materion has performed a good faith RCOI regarding the conflict minerals that were in our supply chain between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 to determine whether any of the conflict minerals originated in the Covered Countries and whether any of the conflict minerals may be from recycled or scrap sources in accordance with the Rule and related guidance provided by the SEC.

The Company’s global supply chain is complex. In the course of its business operations, the Company may purchase materials and metals containing conflict minerals. These materials and metals may, in turn, be included in the Company’s products. Because the Company does not normally purchase conflict minerals directly from mines, smelters or refiners, there are many third parties in the supply chain between the Company and the original sources of conflict minerals. As a result, the Company relies on its direct suppliers to provide information regarding the origin of any conflict minerals that are included in its products. In accordance with the framework in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas: Third Edition, including the related supplements on gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten (the “OECD Guidelines”), and related guidance provided by the SEC, the Company worked with its direct suppliers to identify, where possible, the smelters and/or refiners and countries of origin of the conflict minerals.

Prior to and during the Reporting Period, the Company worked to identify current and new direct materials suppliers that it believed provided materials or metals containing conflict minerals (collectively, the “Identified Suppliers”). The Company then surveyed all the Identified Suppliers to determine whether each such Identified Supplier was supplying materials or metals to the Company that contained conflict minerals and, if so, to determine the source of such conflict minerals. The Company’s surveys required Identified Suppliers to, among other matters, confirm the source of any conflict minerals contained in materials or metals supplied to the Company and to provide any updates regarding such responses.

The Company, with respect to the Reporting Period, reasonably determined that certain of its products described above under “Overview” contain conflict minerals necessary to the functionality or production of such products.

For the Reporting Period, the Company sought and obtained representations from all 63 Identified Suppliers from whom the Company sought such representations. Such representations included, from all Identified Suppliers, Responsible Minerals Initiative (“RMI”) Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (“CMRT”) indicating the smelter/refiner at which the conflict minerals were sourced participated in an independent third-party conflict minerals audit reporting using the industry-wide standard.

Based on the information obtained pursuant to the RCOI process described above, the Company has concluded, in good faith, that it does not have sufficient information with respect to the Reporting Period to determine the country of origin of all of the conflict minerals.

Due Diligence

For the Reporting Period, Materion performed due diligence from September 2023 through April 2024 to determine the source and chain of custody necessary to determine conflict minerals in the Company’s product offerings. Materion designed its due diligence measures to conform in all material respects with the OECD Guidelines and the Responsible Business Alliance’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process ("RMAP"). This process included building conflict minerals awareness across the supply base and the survey of all Identified Suppliers that were known to or may have provided products containing metal and /or conflict minerals.

Materion occupies a “downstream” position in the supply chain and followed the principles outlined in the OECD Guidelines for downstream companies with no direct relationships to smelters or refiners. In this context, “downstream” refers to the supply chain from smelters and refiners to retailers and includes companies such as ours, as well as product and component manufacturers and retailers. A summary of Materion’s due diligence activities in line with the OECD Guidelines is outlined below.

Step 1: Establish strong company management systems:
Materion has published a Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy to address conflict minerals sourcing in the Covered Countries expanding the scope to include conflict-affected and high-risk areas (“CAHRAs”) in accordance with UN resolutions. Under this policy, Materion will only purchase materials such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from sources not involved in or contributing to illegal armed groups, human rights violations, or financial wrongdoings. Materion expects all Identified Suppliers and supply chain partners to follow this guidance;
Materion maintains a governance model to oversee the implementation and ongoing management of the Conflict Minerals Compliance Program. The governance model consists of two groups: The Steering Committee and the Core Team, and various work products. The objective is to develop, document and maintain a governance structure that enables sustainable compliance and actively mitigates the risk of regulatory non-compliance;
Materion maintains a process to evaluate raw materials, parts and suppliers in the supply chain for potential conflict minerals risk;
Materion communicates its policy regarding the responsible sourcing of conflict minerals to all existing and new suppliers with clear performance objectives including through language incorporated in supplier contracts, agreements, flow down language in all United States Government contracts and the Materion Supplier Code of Conduct. Additionally, wording has been added to supplier contracts and written agreements including the right to conduct unannounced spot-checks;
Materion continues to leverage SAP and other enterprise risk management (“ERP”) systems and Quality Management procedural controls to prevent transactions with non-conforming conflict mineral suppliers;
Materion has established long-term relationships with suppliers and closely manages the pool of suppliers eligible to be utilized; and
Materion will continue to refer to RMI’s Grievance Mechanism to collect information on grievances for all interested parties to provide information or voice their concerns regarding its sourcing and use of conflict minerals in its products.

Step 2: Identify and assess risks in the supply chain:
On an annual basis, Materion evaluates raw materials and parts that are known or are likely to contain conflict minerals using a risk-based approach;
Each compliance year, Materion requires identified suppliers to provide a CMRT. Materion has a 100% response rate for nine consecutive years and a 100% Conformant or Active smelter/refiner status since 2018;

Materion engages Identified Suppliers in one-on-one individualized capability training in order to build their capabilities and to enable them to improve their understanding of the regulation and their responsibility as a Materion supplier;
Materion requires all Suppliers provide their CMRT aggregating all the smelters/refiners in their Supply Chain including the mineral name and address of the smelter or refiner and CID number. In addition, Materion expects the Identified Suppliers to implement Materion’s requirements to their upstream partners and within all levels of the supply chain;

Materion conducts a review of supplier responses to determine that all required questions and sections of the CMRT were completed, follows up with any supplier that did not complete all required questions, and verifies the CMRT had an acceptable Effective Date and appropriate CMRT version;
Materion reviews the survey responses and validates them for completeness and sufficiency;
Materion reviews aggregated supplier survey responses and reports key metrics as part of the monthly conflict minerals reporting process; and
Materion conducts an annual review of summary smelter information to determine if the smelter is certified as conformant or presented a "red flag" as defined by the OECD Guidelines. To make the determination of each smelter's conflict status, Materion relies upon information provided by the RMI. RMI conducts a Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP), in which it certifies smelters and refiners worldwide as being Conformant or Active (in the process of a RMAP assessment and previously Conformant) after confirming specific information including potential country of origin for conflict minerals that the smelter/refiner may purchase for its operations. RMI makes available to the public the list of smelters/refiners that have been certified by RMI as Conformant or Active. Additionally, Materion is a member of RMI and party to additional information such as country of origin and risk management assessment tools not available to non-members.

Step 3: Design and implement a strategy to respond to identified risks:
Annually, Materion completes the RMAP Downstream Assessment, the RMI and OECD Due Diligence Guidance Expectations for Downstream companies, at the conclusion of its due diligence and provides a summary of the identified risks and gaps to senior management with recommended action plans to reduce risks and close gaps;
Materion maintains a risk mitigation strategy with the goal of systematically reducing exposure to certain risk and the likelihood of its occurrence;
Materion maintains a risk mitigation plan and monitors execution. New supplier onboarding includes requirements for all suppliers to provide a current CMRT and an agreement to respond to annual conflict minerals surveys;
Materion continues to systematically and procedurally limit purchasing with suppliers based on their unresponsiveness to conflict minerals inquiries or use of non-Conformant Smelters and Refiners and communicates to suppliers to discontinue use of specific smelters as directed. Materion has made and will continue to make sourcing decisions based on Identified Suppliers using smelters or refiners that have not participated in or completed a third-party audit;

Materion places additional restrictions on smelter sources based on non-conflict mineral related customer requirements;
Materion reports new identified risk to The Steering Committee and in coordination with the Core Team implements strategies to mitigate current risks and prevent reoccurring risks; and

Additional fact finding, risk assessments and changes in circumstances take place as part of Materion's annual review of its Conflict Minerals Compliance Playbook.

Step 4: Carry out independent third-party audit of smelter/refiner's due diligence practices:
In accordance with the OECD Guidelines, Materion participates and contributes through industry organizations, including membership in RMI, to enhance transparency and traceability in the supply chain and supports independent third-party audits of smelters/refiners including recommendations for improvements in smelter due diligence practices, building capacity, mitigating risk and improving due diligence performance; and

Materion performs spot-checks of their suppliers' smelters for specific circumstances to confirm adherence to Materion requirements and as a member of RMI is contributing to on-going smelter audits. Additionally, Materion reaches out to smelters identified by their suppliers to request that they participate in the RMI RMAP initiative and become certified as Conformant. Furthermore, Materion’s gold refining operations in Buffalo, New York and Tantalum refining operations in Newton, Massachusetts maintain their RMI Conformant status

Step 5: Report annually on supply chain due diligence:
Annually, Materion performs due diligence in their conflict minerals supply chain, maintains a process to summarize, review and approve compliance results, complete the Form SD and the Conflict Minerals Report and timely file the Form SD and any Conflict Minerals Report with the SEC; and

Annually upon request, Materion provides downstream partners a Company or Product level CMRT including smelters used in the production of parts and materials purchased from Materion.

Continuous Improvement of Supply Chain Due Diligence

The Company expects to continue to maintain its supply chain due diligence efforts including:

Continue to implement plans to support and build supplier capabilities and design improvement plans with suppliers to enhance the Company’s risk mitigation plan;

Continue to assess the presence of conflict minerals in its supply chain as part of the New Product Introduction (“NPI”) process;
Continue to require suppliers to identify the conflict minerals contained in the products they supply and when requested on an annual basis, to provide current, accurate and complete information on the smelters/refiners used in the manufacturing of materials supplied to Materion;

Continue to compare RCOI results to information collected via independent conflict free smelter validation programs such as the RMAP;
Continue to partner with suppliers who are committed to participation in obtaining a "conformant" designation from an industry program such as the RMAP; and

Continue to respond to customer requests to source responsibility and limit smelters active in the supply chain in CAHRAs, for cobalt and other minerals other than 3TG or due to non-conflict minerals sourcing concerns such as embargos or sanctioned countries.


Based on the process described above, Materion achieved a 100% response rate from the 63 Identified Suppliers of direct material reported supplying raw materials or parts containing conflict minerals and 100% of the 151 identified smelters or refiners were Conformant or Active or sourcing from 100% recycled materials.

Based on the information provided by Materion suppliers utilized during 2023, Materion believes that the facilities that may have been used to process conflict minerals in Materion’s products included the smelters and refiners lists in Appendix I, All suppliers’ responses include exclusively Conformant and Active smelters, where Active smelters are in the process of recertification of their conformant status.

Based on the due diligence efforts and the absence of full supply chain visibility throughout the supply base, Materion is unable to determine the origin of the conflict minerals and does not have sufficient information to conclusively determine the countries of origin of conflict minerals contained in Materion’s products.

Appendix I: Smelters Identified in the Materion Supply Chain
MetalSmelter IDSmelter Reference ListSmelter CountryRMI
GoldCID000035Agosi AGGERMANYConformant
GoldCID000019Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID000058AngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio MineracaoBRAZILConformant
GoldCID000077Argor-Heraeus S.A.SWITZERLANDConformant
GoldCID000082Asahi Pretec Corp.JAPANConformant
GoldCID000924Asahi Refining Canada Ltd.CANADAConformant
GoldCID000920Asahi Refining USA Inc.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
GoldCID000090Asaka Riken Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID000113Aurubis AGGERMANYConformant
GoldCID000157Boliden RonnskarSWEDENConformant
GoldCID000176C. Hafner GmbH + Co. KGGERMANYConformant
GoldCID000185CCR Refinery - Glencore Canada CorporationCANADAConformant
GoldCID000233Chimet S.p.A.ITALYConformant
GoldCID000425Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. East PlantJAPANConformant
GoldCID000694Heimerle + Meule GmbHGERMANYConformant
GoldCID000711Heraeus Germany GmbH Co. KGGERMANYConformant
GoldCID000707Heraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd.CHINAConformant
GoldCID000807Ishifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID000814Istanbul Gold RefineryTURKEYConformant
GoldCID000937JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID000969Kennecott Utah Copper LLCUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
GoldCID000981Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID001078LS MnM Inc.KOREA, REPUBLIC OFConformant
GoldCID001113MaterionUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
GoldCID001119Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID001149Metalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd.CHINAConformant
GoldCID001152Metalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.SINGAPOREConformant
GoldCID001147Metalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd.CHINAConformant
GoldCID001153Metalor Technologies S.A.SWITZERLANDConformant
GoldCID001157Metalor USA Refining CorporationUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
GoldCID001161Metalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V.MEXICOConformant
GoldCID001188Mitsubishi Materials CorporationJAPANConformant
GoldCID001193Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant

GoldCID001259Nihon Material Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID002779Ogussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt GmbHAUSTRIAConformant
GoldCID001512Rand Refinery (Pty) Ltd.SOUTH AFRICAConformant
GoldCID001534Royal Canadian MintCANADAConformant
GoldCID001585SEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A.SPAINConformant
GoldCID001761Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp.TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINAConformant
GoldCID001798Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID001875Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.JAPANConformant
GoldCID001938Tokuriki Honten Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
GoldCID001980Umicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals RefiningBELGIUMConformant
GoldCID001993United Precious Metal Refining, Inc.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
GoldCID002030Western Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint)AUSTRALIAConformant
GoldCID002778WIELAND Edelmetalle GmbHGERMANYConformant
GoldCID002224Zhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold CorporationCHINAConformant
TantalumCID000211Changsha South Tantalum Niobium Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID002504D Block Metals, LLCUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TantalumCID000460F&X Electro-Materials Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID002505FIR Metals & Resource Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID002557Global Advanced Metals BoyertownUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TantalumCID002842Jiangxi Tuohong New Raw MaterialCHINAConformant
TantalumCID000914JiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID000917Jiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID001163Metallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd.INDIAConformant
TantalumCID001277Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID002544TANIOBIS Co., Ltd.THAILANDConformant
TantalumCID002545TANIOBIS GmbHGERMANYConformant
TantalumCID002549TANIOBIS Japan Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
TantalumCID002550TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KGGERMANYConformant
TantalumCID002508XinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TantalumCID001522Yanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID002773Aurubis BeerseBELGIUMConformant
TinCID002774Aurubis BerangoSPAINConformant
TinCID000228Chenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID003190Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID001070China Tin Group Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID003524CRM SynergiesSPAINConformant
TinCID002455CV Venus Inti PerkasaINDONESIAConformant

TinCID003582Fabrica Auricchio Industria e Comercio Ltda.BRAZILConformant
TinCID000468Fenix MetalsPOLANDConformant
TinCID000538Gejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID003116Guangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID001231Jiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID003387Luna Smelter, Ltd.RWANDAConformant
TinCID001105Malaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC)MALAYSIAConformant
TinCID001142Metallic Resources, Inc.UNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TinCID001173Mineracao Taboca S.A.BRAZILConformant
TinCID001191Mitsubishi Materials CorporationJAPANConformant
TinCID001314O.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.THAILANDConformant
TinCID002517O.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.PHILIPPINESConformant
TinCID001337Operaciones Metalurgicas S.A.BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF)Conformant
TinCID000309PT Aries Kencana SejahteraINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001399PT Artha Cipta LanggengINDONESIAConformant
TinCID002503PT ATD Makmur Mandiri JayaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001402PT Babel Inti PerkasaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001406PT Babel Surya Alam LestariINDONESIAConformant
TinCID003205PT Bangka SerumpunINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001428PT Bukit TimahINDONESIAConformant
TinCID002696PT Cipta Persada MuliaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID002835PT Menara Cipta MuliaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001453PT Mitra Stania PrimaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID003449PT Mitra Sukses GlobalindoINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001458PT Prima Timah UtamaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID003868PT Putera Sarana Shakti (PT PSS)INDONESIAConformant
TinCID003381PT Rajawali Rimba PerkasaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID002593PT Rajehan AriqINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001460PT Refined Bangka TinINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001463PT Sariwiguna BinasentosaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001468PT Stanindo Inti PerkasaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID002816PT Sukses Inti Makmur (SIM)INDONESIAConformant
TinCID001477PT Timah Tbk KundurINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001482PT Timah Tbk MentokINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001490PT Tinindo Inter NusaINDONESIAConformant
TinCID001493PT Tommy UtamaINDONESIAConformant

TinCID001539Rui Da HungTAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINAConformant
TinCID002180Tin Smelting Branch of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TinCID003325Tin Technology & RefiningUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TinCID002036White Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda.BRAZILConformant
TinCID002158Yunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID000004A.L.M.T. Corp.JAPANConformant
TungstenCID002502Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd.VIETNAMConformant
TungstenCID002641China Molybdenum Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID000258Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID003468Cronimet Brasil LtdaBRAZILConformant
TungstenCID003609Fujian Xinlu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002315Ganzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002494Ganzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID000568Global Tungsten & Powders LLCUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TungstenCID000218Guangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002541H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbHGERMANYConformant
TungstenCID003417Hubei Green Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID000766Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002513Hunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. Chenzhou Tungsten Products BranchCHINAConformant
TungstenCID000825Japan New Metals Co., Ltd.JAPANConformant
TungstenCID002551Jiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002321Jiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002318Jiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002317Jiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002316Jiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID000966Kennametal FallonUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TungstenCID000105Kennametal HuntsvilleUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TungstenCID003407Lianyou Metals Co., Ltd.TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002319Malipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002543Masan High-Tech MaterialsVIETNAMConformant
TungstenCID002589Niagara Refining LLCUNITED STATES OF AMERICAConformant
TungstenCID002827Philippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc.PHILIPPINESConformant
TungstenCID002542TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KGGERMANYConformant
TungstenCID003993Tungsten Vietnam Joint Stock CompanyVIETNAMConformant
TungstenCID002044Wolfram Bergbau und Hutten AGAUSTRIAConformant
TungstenCID002320Xiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant
TungstenCID002082Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd.CHINAConformant