6-K 1 dp156620_6k.htm FORM 6-K




Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Issuer


Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of August 2021

Commission File Number: 001-15002


ICICI Bank Limited
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)


ICICI Bank Towers,
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Mumbai, India 400 051

(Address of principal executive office)


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Table of Contents


1. Other news
2. Summary of proceedings
3. Consolidated Scrutinizer’s Report
4. Voting results








Sub.: Outcome of the Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting



ICICI Bank Limited (the ‘Bank’) Report on Form 6-K


The Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Members of ICICI Bank Limited was held on Friday, August 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. IST through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual Means.


We hereby submit the below mentioned documents:


1.Summary of proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting as required under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.


2.Consolidated Scrutinizer’s Report issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder.


3.Voting results in the format prescribed under Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.


Presentation made by Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer to the Members of the Bank will be available on the link at https://www.icicibank.com/aboutus/investor.page?#toptitle


Request you take the above information on record.






ICICI Bank Limited

ICICI Bank Towers

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Mumbai 400 051, India.

Tel.: (91-22) 2653 1414

Fax: (91-22) 2653 1122

Website www.icicibank.com

CIN.: L65190GJ1994PLC021012

Regd. Office: ICICI Bank Tower,

Near Chakli Circle,

Old Padra Road

Vadodara 390007. India






Summary of proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting of ICICI Bank Limited (the Bank/Company) held on Friday, August 20, 2021


The Twenty-Seventh Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Bank was held on Friday, August 20, 2021 at 3.00 p.m. IST through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual Means (VC/OAVM).


Mr. Girish Chandra Chaturvedi, Non-Executive (part-time) Chairman of the Bank, chaired the Meeting.


The following Directors were present:


1.Mr. Girish Chandra Chaturvedi, Independent Director, Non-Executive (part-time) Chairman


2.Mr. Hari L. Mundra, Non-Executive Independent Director, Chairman of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee


3.Mr. S. Madhavan, Non-Executive Independent Director


4.Ms. Neelam Dhawan, Non-Executive Independent Director and Chairperson of the Board Governance, Remuneration & Nomination Committee


5.Mr. Radhakrishnan Nair, Non-Executive Independent Director


6.Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Non-Executive Independent Director


7.Mr. B. Sriram, Non-Executive Independent Director


8.Mr. Uday Chitale, Non-Executive Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee


9.Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


10.Mr. Anup Bagchi, Executive Director


11.Mr. Sandeep Batra, Executive Director


12.Ms. Vishakha Mulye, Executive Director


Mr. Rakesh Jha, Group Chief Financial Officer and Mr. Ranganath Athreya, Company Secretary were also present.


The authorised representatives of Statutory Auditors and Secretarial Auditors of the Bank were present at the AGM. The authorised representatives of the proposed Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank were also present.


The requisite quorum being present, the Chairman declared the Meeting to be in order and welcomed the Members.








ICICI Bank Limited

ICICI Bank Towers

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Mumbai 400 051, India.

Tel.: (91-22) 2653 1414

Fax: (91-22) 2653 1122

Website www.icicibank.com

CIN.: L65190GJ1994PLC021012

Regd. Office: ICICI Bank Tower,

Near Chakli Circle,

Old Padra Road

Vadodara 390007. India




The Chairman informed the Members that as required under Regulation 13 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014, a certificate from the statutory auditors of the Bank, stating that the Employee Stock Option Scheme of the Bank has been implemented in accordance with the said regulations, was obtained by the Bank and was available for inspection. He further informed that the statutory registers as required under the Companies Act, 2013 (“CA2013”), Auditors Report, Secretarial Audit Report and the documents referred in the Notice of AGM dated July 15, 2021 were open for inspection.


With the consent of the Members present, the Notice convening the Twenty-Seventh AGM was taken as read.


The Chairman informed the Members that there were no qualifications, observations or comments or other remarks in the Auditors Report on the financial transactions or matters, which have any adverse effect on the functioning of the Company.


The Chairman also informed the Members that there were no qualifications, observations or comments or other remarks in the Secretarial Audit Report which have any material adverse effect on the functioning of the Company.


The Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer made a presentation to the Members of the Bank.


The Chairman then invited Members to express their views/ask questions pertaining to the Agenda of the Meeting.


Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi provided requisite clarification and information on the various queries raised by the Members.


The Chairman informed the Members that pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the CA2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 44 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Bank had extended the remote e-voting facility to the Members of the Bank in respect of the business to be transacted at the AGM. The Chairman further informed that the remote e-voting facility had commenced at 9.00 a.m. IST on Monday, August 16, 2021 and ended at 5.00 p.m. IST on Thursday, August 19, 2021. The Chairman also informed that to facilitate the Members who could not cast their votes through remote e-voting, the Bank had provided the facility for e-voting during the AGM.


The Chairman informed the Members that Mr. Alwyn D’souza of M/s. Alwyn D’souza & Co., Practicing Company Secretaries has been appointed as the scrutinizer for the remote e-voting as well as for e-voting during the AGM.


The Chairman authorised any Executive Director or the Company Secretary of the Bank to declare the results of the remote e-voting as well as e-voting during the AGM.


The Chairman then thanked the Members for their co-operation and suggestions and declared the Meeting as closed.






ICICI Bank Limited

ICICI Bank Towers

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Mumbai 400 051, India.

Tel.: (91-22) 2653 1414

Fax: (91-22) 2653 1122

Website www.icicibank.com

CIN.: L65190GJ1994PLC021012

Regd. Office: ICICI Bank Tower,

Near Chakli Circle,

Old Padra Road

Vadodara 390007. India





The following items of business were transacted through remote e-voting and through e-voting during the AGM:


Ordinary Business:


1.Adoption of Financial Statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2021.


2.Declaration of dividend on equity shares for the year ended March 31, 2021.


3.Re-appointment of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.


4.Appointment of M/s MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105047W) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank.


5.Appointment of M/s Khimji Kunverji & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105146W/W100621) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank.


Special Business:


6.Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer.


7.Revision in remuneration of Ms. Vishakha Mulye (DIN: 00203578), Executive Director.


8.Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Batra (DIN: 03620913), Executive Director.


9.Revision in remuneration of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962), Executive Director.


10.Re-appointment of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962) as a Wholetime Director (designed as an Executive Director) of the Bank.


11.Payment of compensation in the form of fixed remuneration to the Non-Executive Directors (other than part-time Chairman and the Director nominated by the Government of India) of the Bank.


Basis the consolidated Scrutinizer’s report dated August 21, 2021, all resolutions as set out in the Notice of the AGM dated July 15, 2021 were passed by the Members with requisite majority.








ICICI Bank Limited

ICICI Bank Towers

Bandra-Kurla Complex

Mumbai 400 051, India.

Tel.: (91-22) 2653 1414

Fax: (91-22) 2653 1122

Website www.icicibank.com

CIN.: L65190GJ1994PLC021012

Regd. Office: ICICI Bank Tower,

Near Chakli Circle,

Old Padra Road

Vadodara 390007. India






Registered Office: ICICI Bank Tower, Near Chakli Circle, Old Padra Road,

Vadodara 390007, Gujarat, India





















Alwyn D’Souza & Co.

Company Secretaries

[Firm Registration No: S2003MH061200] [Peer Review Certificate No.683/2020]

Annex-103, Dimple Arcade, Asha Nagar, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400101.


Branch Office: B-002, Gr. Floor, Shreepati-2, Royal Complex, Behind Olympia Tower,

Mira Road (East), Thane-401107; Tel:022-79629822; Mob: 09820465195;

E-mail: alwyn@alwynjay.com, alwyn.co@gmail.com; Website : www.alwynjay.com







Alwyn D’Souza & Co.

Company Secretaries

[Firm Registration No: S2003MH061200] [Peer Review Certificate No.683/2020]

Annex-103, Dimple Arcade, Asha Nagar, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400101.


Branch Office: B-002, Gr. Floor, Shreepati-2, Royal Complex, Behind Olympia Tower,

Mira Road (East), Thane-401107; Tel:022-79629822 Mob: 09820465195;

E-mail: alwyn@alwynjay.com, alwyn.co@gmail.com; Website : www.alwynjay.com



Consolidated Scrutinizer's Report on Remote E-Voting and E-Voting during the 27th Annual General Meeting of ICICI Bank Limited held through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual Means (VC/OAVM) on Friday, August 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. IST



The Chairman

ICICI Bank Limited

ICICI Bank Tower

Near Chakli Circle

Old Padra Road

Vadodara 390007


Sub: Passing of Resolution(s) through electronic voting pursuant to section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended


Dear Sir,


I, Alwyn D’souza of M/s. Alwyn D’souza & Co., Company Secretaries, Mumbai, appointed by the Board of Directors of ICICI Bank Limited (the Bank/Company) as the Scrutinizer for the purpose of scrutinizing the remote e-voting and e-voting process conducted during the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank held through VC/OAVM pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended and in accordance with Regulation 44 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended. I say, I am familiar and well versed with the concept of electronic voting system as prescribed under the said Rules.





I, submit my report as under:


a)The AGM is held in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder read with the General Circulars dated April 8, 2020, April 13, 2020, May 05, 2020 and January 13, 2021 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Circulars dated May 12, 2020 and January 15, 2021 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Further as confirmed by the Bank the Notice of the 27th AGM along with the Annual Report 2020-21 was sent only through electronic mode to those Members whose e-mail addresses were registered with the Bank/Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) or Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)/National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).


b)The Compliance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder relating to electronic voting (which includes remote e-voting and e-voting conducted during the AGM) on the resolutions proposed in the Notice calling the 27th AGM of the Bank was the responsibility of the management. My responsibility as a scrutinizer was to ensure that the voting process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, and render Scrutinizer’s Report related to electronic voting.


c)The facility for remote e-voting and e-voting during the AGM was provided by NSDL.


d)The remote e-voting period commenced on Monday, August 16, 2021 (9:00 a.m. IST) and ended on Thursday, August 19, 2021 (5:00 p.m. IST).


e)At the 27th AGM of the Bank held on Friday, August 20, 2021, the Chairman at the end of the discussions on the resolution(s) announced that the e-voting facility has been provided to facilitate voting for those members who attended the meeting through VC/OAVM but could not participate in the remote e-voting to record their votes on the resolutions to be passed.


f)After the closure of the e-voting facility provided during the AGM, the votes were unblocked on Friday, August 20, 2021 at around 06.02 p.m. IST in the presence of two witnesses viz., Mr. Edlon Dsouza and Mr. Krishnakant Adagale who are not in the employment of the Bank, on the e-voting website of NSDL (https://www.evoting.nsdl.com) and a final electronic report was generated by me. The data generated was diligently scrutinized.


g)I have issued a separate scrutinizer’s report on the remote e-voting and e-voting during the AGM and I hereby submit a Consolidated Scrutinizer’s Report pursuant to Rule 20(4)(xii) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 on the resolutions contained in the Notice of the 27th AGM based on the scrutiny of remote e-voting and the e-voting during the AGM and votes cast therein based on the data downloaded from the e-voting system of NSDL.





h)The Members holding equity shares as on the cut-off date i.e. August 13, 2021 were entitled to vote on the resolutions proposed in the Notice calling the 27th AGM of the Bank.


i)The results of the remote e-voting together with e-voting conducted during the AGM are as under:




Adoption of Financial Statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2021


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5821 5751177993 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5835 5751239220 99.99


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 49 763810 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 49 763810 0.01


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Declaration of dividend on equity shares for the year ended March 31, 2021


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5796 5751470458 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5810 5751531685 99.89


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 79 6281363 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 79 6281363 0.11


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Re-appointment of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5656 5744175297 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5670 5744236524 99.76


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 189 13572923 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 189 13572923 0.24


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Appointment of M/s MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105047W) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5673 5732182878 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5687 5732244105 99.56


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 156 25563810 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 156 25563810 0.44


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Appointment of M/s Khimji Kunverji & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105146W/W100621) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5670 5732183595 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5684 5732244822 99.56


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 156 25562542 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 156 25562542 0.44


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5413 5605231479 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5427 5605292706 99.25


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 386 42145175 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 386 42145175 0.75


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Revision in remuneration of Ms. Vishakha Mulye (DIN: 00203578), Executive Director


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5401 5605163731 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5415 5605224958 99.25


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 397 42210604 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 397 42210604 0.75
(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Batra (DIN: 03620913), Executive Director


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5385 5605167918 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5399 5605229145 99.25


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 413 42205259 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 413 42205259 0.75


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Revision in remuneration of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962), Executive Director


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5381 5605216326 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5395 5605277553 99.25


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 412 42156117 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 412 42156117 0.75


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Re-appointment of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962) as a Wholetime Director (designated as an Executive Director) of the Bank


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5485 5458826688 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5499 5458887915 94.91


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 333 292957510 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 333 292957510 5.09


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -







Payment of compensation in the form of fixed remuneration to the Non-Executive Directors (other than part-time Chairman and the Director nominated by the Government of India) of the Bank


(i)Voted in favour of the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 5475 5630108404 -
E-voting during the AGM 14 61227 -
TOTAL 5489 5630169631 99.61


(ii)Voted against the resolution:


Particulars of Voting


Number of members voted Number of votes cast by them % of total number of valid votes cast
Remote e-voting 339 21763031 -
E-voting during the AGM 0 0 -
TOTAL 339 21763031 0.39


(iii)Invalid votes:


Particulars of Voting Total number of members whose votes were declared invalid   Total number of votes cast by them
Remote e-voting - -
E-voting during the AGM - -





Based on the foregoing, all the above Resolution Nos. 1 to 11 as also mentioned in the Notice of the 27th AGM of the Bank dated July 15, 2021 were passed under remote e-voting and e-voting conducted during the AGM with the requisite majority.


All the relevant records of remote e-voting and e-voting during the AGM will remain in my safe custody until the Chairman considers, approves and signs the Minutes of the 27th AGM and the same shall be handed over thereafter to the Chairman or the Company Secretary for safe keeping.


Thanking you,






Alwyn D’Souza

Practising Company Secretary

FCS No.5559, CP No.5137

Alwyn D’Souza & Co

Company Secretaries

[UDIN : F005559C000813773]

Mumbai, August 21, 2021


We the undersigned witnesseth that the votes were unblocked from the e-voting website of the National Securities Depository Limited (https://www.evoting.nsdl.com) in our presence at 6.02 P.M. IST on August 20, 2021.



Sd/- Sd/-
____________________________ ____________________________
B/508, Shree Girnar Tower CHSL, Row House No.18,
Saibaba Nagar, Mansi Row Co.op Hsg Soc Ltd.,
Mira Road East, Kashigaon, Mira Road East,
Thane 401107 Thane 401107



Countersigned by:

For ICICI Bank Limited




Ranganath Athreya

Company Secretary

ACS: 7356

Mumbai, August 21, 2021





Date of Annual General Meeting August 20, 2021
Total number of shareholders on cut off date (August 13, 2021) 1,407,092
No. of shareholders present in the meeting either in person or through proxy  
Promoters and Promoter Group : Not Applicable
Public : Not Applicable
No of shareholders who attended the meeting through video conferencing:  
Promoters and Promoter Group : Not Applicable
Public : 224
Agenda-wise disclosure (to be disclosed seperately for each agenda item) As disclosed below


Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.1 -  : Adoption of Financial Statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2021


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,742,249,409 89.90 5,741,502,804 746,605 99.99 0.01
Poll - - - - -    
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,742,249,409 89.90 5,741,502,804 746,605 99.99 0.01
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,753,621 1.80 9,736,416 17,205 99.82 0.18
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,753,621 1.80 9,736,416 17,205 99.82 0.18
Total   6,929,707,227 5,752,003,030 83.00 5,751,239,220 763,810 99.99 0.01





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.2 - Declaration of dividend on equity shares for the year ended March 31, 2021


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,741,794,848 6,267,488 99.89 0.11
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,741,794,848 6,267,488 99.89 0.11
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,750,712 1.80 9,736,837 13,875 99.86 0.14
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,750,712 1.80 9,736,837 13,875 99.86 0.14
Total   6,929,707,227 5,757,813,048 83.09 5,751,531,685 6,281,363 99.89 0.11





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.3 - Re-appointment of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,734,529,632 13,532,704 99.76 0.24
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,734,529,632 13,532,704 99.76 0.24
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,747,111 1.80 9,706,892 40,219 99.59 0.41
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,747,111 1.80 9,706,892 40,219 99.59 0.41
Total   6,929,707,227 5,757,809,447 83.09 5,744,236,524 13,572,923 99.76 0.24





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.4 - Appointment of M/s MSKA & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105047W) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,722,533,791 25,528,545 99.556 0.44
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,722,533,791 25,528,545 99.56 0.44
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,745,579 1.80 9,710,314 35,265 99.64 0.36
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,745,579 1.80 9,710,314 35,265 99.64 0.36
Total   6,929,707,227 5,757,807,915 83.09 5,732,244,105 25,563,810 99.56 0.44





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.5 - Appointment of M/s Khimji Kunverji & Co LLP, Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 105146W/W100621) as one of the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,722,533,791 25,528,545 99.56 0.44
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,748,062,336 89.99 5,722,533,791 25,528,545 99.56 0.44
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,745,028 1.80 9,711,031 33,997 99.65 0.35
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,745,028 1.80 9,711,031 33,997 99.65 0.35
Total   6,929,707,227 5,757,807,364 83.09 5,732,244,822 25,562,542 99.56 0.44





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.6 - Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Bakhshi (DIN: 00109206), Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,744,783 1.80 9,643,276 101,507 98.96 1.04
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,744,783 1.80 9,643,276 101,507 98.96 1.04
Total   6,929,707,227 5,647,437,881 81.50 5,605,292,706 42,145,175 99.25 0.75





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.7 - Revision in remuneration of Ms. Vishakha Mulye (DIN: 00203578), Executive Director


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,742,464 1.80 9,575,528 166,936 98.3 1.71
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,742,464 1.80 9,575,528 166,936 98.29 1.71
Total   6,929,707,227 5,647,435,562 81.50 5,605,224,958 42,210,604 99.25 0.75





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.8 -  Revision in remuneration of Mr. Sandeep Batra (DIN: 03620913), Executive Director


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,741,306 1.80 9,579,715 161,591 98.34 1.66
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,741,306 1.80 9,579,715 161,591 98.34 1.66
Total   6,929,707,227 5,647,434,404 81.50 5,605,229,145 42,205,259 99.25 0.75





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.9 -  Revision in remuneration of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962), Executive Director


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,637,693,098 88.26 5,595,649,430 42,043,668 99.25 0.75
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,740,572 1.80 9,628,123 112,449 98.85 1.15
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,740,572 1.80 9,628,123 112,449 98.85 1.15
Total   6,929,707,227 5,647,433,670 81.50 5,605,277,553 42,156,117 99.25 0.75





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.10 -  Re-appointment of Mr. Anup Bagchi (DIN: 00105962) as a Wholetime Director (designed as an Executive Director) of the Bank


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,743,133,209 89.91 5,450,228,095 292,905,114 94.90 5.10
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,743,133,209 89.91 5,450,228,095 292,905,114 94.90 5.10
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 8,712,216 1.61 8,659,820 52,396 99.40 0.60
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 8,712,216 1.61 8,659,820 52,396 99.40 0.60
Total   6,929,707,227 5,751,845,425 83.00 5,458,887,915 292,957,510 94.91 5.09





Resolution required : (Ordinary/Special) Item No.11 - Payment of compensation in the form of fixed remuneration to the Non-Executive Directors (other than part-time Chairman and the Director nominated by the Government of India) of the Bank


Whether promoter/ promoter group are interested  in the agenda/ resolution? No.


Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No of votes Polled % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares No. of Votes – in favour No. of Votes – against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
    (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
Promoter and Promoter Group E-Voting - - - - - - -
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - -
Public -Institutions E-Voting 6,387,503,488 5,642,189,016 88.33 5,620,513,113 21,675,903 99.62 0.38
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 6,387,503,488 5,642,189,016 88.33 5,620,513,113 21,675,903 99.62 0.38
Public - Non Institutions E-Voting 542,203,739 9,743,646 1.80 9,656,518 87,128 99.11 0.89
Poll - - - - - - -
Postal Ballot (if applicable) - - - - - - -
Total 542,203,739 9,743,646 1.80 9,656,518 87,128 99.11 0.89
Total   6,929,707,227 5,651,932,662 81.56 5,630,169,631 21,763,031 99.61 0.39


Details of Invalid Votes
Category No. of Votes
Promoter & Promoter Group Nil
Public Institutions Nil
Public - Non Institutions Nil







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.


For ICICI Bank Limited

Date: August 21, 2021 By: /s/ Ranganath Athreya
      Name: Ranganath Athreya
      Title: Company Secretary