COVER 10 filename10.htm SEC letter



NEW YORK, NY 10019

+1 212 839 5300

+1 212 839 5599 FAX


February 3, 2022


Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20549



BlackRock Balanced Capital Fund, Inc. Post-Effective Amendment No. 81 to the Registration Statement on Form N-1A (File Nos. 2-49007 and 811-2405)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of BlackRock Balanced Capital Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), transmitted herewith for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”), is Post-Effective Amendment No. 81 to the Trust’s Registration Statement on Form N-1A (the “Registration Statement”). The Registration Statement contains updated Prospectuses relating to the Fund, as well as an updated Statement of Additional Information. The filing is being made in order to change the name of the Fund to “BlackRock Sustainable Balanced Fund, Inc.” and to make certain changes to the Fund’s principal investment strategies.

In Investment Company Act Release No. 13768 (February 15, 1984) (the “Release”), the Division of Investment Management announced review procedures for investment companies providing for expedited cursory or partial review of investment company registration statements, in the discretion of the staff, if certain conditions are met. The Release requests that information be furnished to the staff with respect to the extent that the filing contains disclosure information which is similar to information previously reviewed by the staff in other filings of the same complex.

In that regard, reference is made to Post-Effective Amendment No. 1099 to the Registration Statement on Form N-1A of BlackRock FundsSM on behalf of BlackRock Global Equity Absolute Return Fund, which was filed on October 5, 2021 (the “Prior Filing”). While the Fund’s Prospectuses and Statement of Additional Information are filed on a stand-alone


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basis, the disclosure therein is substantively similar to the Prior Filing with respect to the following matters:

Investor A and Institutional Shares Prospectus:



Account Information



Fund’s Rights



Participation in Fee-Based Programs



Management of the Fund



Conflicts of Interest



Dividends, Distributions and Taxes



General Information

Class K Prospectus



Account Information



Fund’s Rights



Management of the Fund



Conflicts of Interest



Dividends, Distributions and Taxes



General Information

Statement of Additional Information—Part II:



Redemption of Shares



Shareholder Services



Pricing of Shares



Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage



Dividends and Taxes



Performance Data



Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures



General Information

We would be pleased to provide you with any additional information you may require or with copies of the materials referred to above. We would appreciate any comments the Commission staff may have as soon as possible.

Please direct any communications relating to this filing to Jesse C. Kean at (212) 839-8615.


Very truly yours,

/s/ Jesse C. Kean

Jesse C. Kean


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Janey Ahn

Jessica Holly

Douglas E. McCormack


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