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                                    FORM 6-K

                            REPORT OF FOREIGN ISSUER

                        PURSUANT TO RULE 13A-16 OR 15D-16
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         For the month of February 2008

                         Commission file number: 0-30394

                                  METALINK LTD.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                    YAKUM BUSINESS PARK, YAKUM 60972, ISRAEL
                     (Address of principal executive office)

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The following are included in this Report on Form 6-K:

1. Press release dated February 25, 2008.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                         METALINK LTD.

Date: February 25, 2008                                  By: /s/ Yuval Ruhama
                                                         Yuval Ruhama
                                                         Chief Financial Officer


Mor Abraham
Marketing Communications Manager
Metalink Ltd.
Tel: 972-9-9605406
Fax: 972-9-9605544

                        AS TOP-PERFORMING 802.11N CHIPSET

YAKUM, ISRAEL, FEBRUARY 25, 2008 - Metalink Ltd. (NASDAQ: MTLK), a provider of
high-performance wireless communication silicon solutions, today announced that
independent interoperability tests conducted by octoScope Inc. ranked the
Company's WLANPLUS(TM) as the industry's highest-performing 802.11n chipset. The
thorough testing benchmarked the performance of Metalink's WLANPLUS against
competing 802.11n chipsets by Atheros, Broadcom, Marvel and Ralink. The tests
confirmed that Metalink was the interoperability performance leader at both the
2.4 GHz and 5GHz bands. The full test report is available at

     Fanny Mlinarsky, octoScope's CEO, said: "Independent performance testing to
date has used client-AP (Access Point) pairs based on chipsets from the same
vendor. The complexity of the 802.11n specification, together with the many
optional features in the emerging standard, may lead to unpredictable throughput
between different chipset implementations. Therefore, we felt it was critical to
measure cross-vendor interoperability performance of client-AP pairs based on
chipsets from various vendors.

     Our tests found Metalink's chipset to be the best-performing chipset,
delivering robust and reliable coverage throughout the home, even through
multiple walls and ceilings. The fact that typical home environments are
expected to include communications chipsets from different vendors integrated
into various appliances that must work together, interoperability performance
has greater importance than same-vendor performance, although Metalink also
performed best in that category."


     octoScope's tests took place in a residential home with stone, concrete and
iron-rod walls and concrete ceilings. These materials created a more challenging
test environment for the Wi-Fi signals, and provided a realistic comparison of
the various chipsets under difficult real world conditions. To quantify the
ability of each device to work with other chipsets, the tests were conducted
between each pair of devices from various vendors. Metalink's WLANPLUS emerged
as the performance leader, both in terms of its AP and client, achieving the
highest interoperability score of all tested chipsets and the highest overall
throughput when paired with its own chipset. Furthermore, the tests showed that
wireless connectivity and full home coverage cannot be achieved without having
Metalink's chipset at least on one side of the network. In fact, WLANPLUS
demonstrated its unique capabilities as the only chipset enabling robust and
reliable transmission of HD video at the 5GHz band, even to the farthest
locations in the house.

     "We are delighted by these favorable test results," said Barry Volinskey,
Metalink's Chief Marketing Officer. "The superior performance of our WLANPLUS
chipset has also been validated by our customers' experience. WLANPLUS is the
best-performing solution available for wireless home networks and the only one
that meets the strict packet loss requirements needed to support high quality
multimedia streaming. In previous tests, WLANPLUS achieved the best results in
both TCP and UDP tests, as well as in the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands. The
performance advantages in an interoperable environment mean that using our
solution anywhere in the home network significantly improves the overall network


The WLANPLUS chipset family provides a state of the art solution for data, VoIP,
gaming and HD video streaming applications, with complete and reliable coverage
throughout the home. WLANPLUS supports up to 300Mbps transmission speeds at both
the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency bands, and offers over twice the reach of
competing 802.11n solutions, provided by the implementation of a Maximum
Likelihood (ML) decoder combined with advanced Forward Error Correction (FEC)
scheme, using Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) technology.

WLANPLUS is Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 802.11n draft 2.0 by the Wi-Fi Alliance. It is fully
compliant with 802.11a/b/g-based legacy devices, as well as 802.11h (radar
detection), 802.11i (security) and 802.11e Quality of Service (QoS). To
guarantee QoS and optimize performance in home environments, WLANPLUS also
features sophisticated QoS mechanisms, such as Enhanced Distribution Channel
Access (EDCA) with Admission Control and Fast Link Adaptation (FLA),
significantly increasing network efficiency.

Since its introduction in 2006, Metalink's WLANPLUS chipset family has gained
broad industry recognition as the best performing 802.11n technology.


Metalink Ltd. (NASDAQ: MTLK) is a leading provider of high performance wireless
and wireline broadband communication silicon solutions. Metalink's WLAN and DSL
technologies are designed to enable true broadband connectivity in every home,
and its products revolutionize the broadband experience by facilitating the
convergence of telecommunication, networking and entertainment.


Metalink's WLANPLUS(TM) is a high-throughput, 802.11n-draft-compliant wireless
LAN technology optimized for the networked home entertainment environment.
Featuring advanced MIMO technology and full support of QoS, and operating in
both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, WLANPLUS enables multi-room networking of multiple
high-definition video streams. In addition, Metalink offers a broad range of
symmetric DSL and VDSL products used by operators as a cost-effective network
upgrade to support triple-play services.

Headquartered in Yakum, Israel, the company has design centers in USA (Atlanta,
GA) and Taiwan, and sales offices in USA (Atlanta, GA), South Korea, Japan,
China and Taiwan. Further information is available at http://www.MTLK.com


octoScope, Inc. is a Boston area consulting firm that works with high tech
companies on architecture, design and promotion of wireless and RF data
communications products. octoScope is expert at Wi-Fi and experienced with
WiMAX, ZigBee, UWB, mm-Wave, 2G/3G and the latest Ethernet technologies over
fiber, twisted pair and coax. The company's technical knowledge spans protocol
and physical layers with a good understanding of RF performance issues. Further
information is available at http://www.octoscope.com



This press release contains "forward looking" information within the meaning of
the United States securities laws that involve risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward
looking statements. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from these forward-looking statements are set forth from time to time
in Metalink's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including
Metalink's Annual Report in Form F-20. Readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to
republish or revise forward-looking statements to reflect events or
circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrences of
unanticipated events. The Company cannot guarantee future results, events, and
levels of activity, performance, or achievements.
