EX-4.5 7 dex45.txt AEP SYSTEMS AGREEMENT Exhibit 4.5 Dated 2002 ---------------------- Baltimore Technologies (UK) Limited - and - Baltimore Technologies Limited -and- Baltimore Technologies plc - and - AEP Systems International Limited AGREEMENT - relating to - The Sale and Purchase of The Hardware Business of Baltimore Technologies (UK) Limited L.K. Shields, Solicitors 39/40 Upper Mount Street Dublin 2 Ireland Tel. 00 353 1 661 0866 Fax 00 353 1 661 0883 email@lkshields.ie www.lkshields.ie 1312-011/docs/salesagreement clean-18.09.02 CONTENTS CLAUSE: 1. INTERPRETATION 4 2. SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE HARDWARE BUSINESS 10 3. CONSIDERATION 11 4. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE 12 5. COMPLETION 12 6. COMPLETION STOCKTAKE AND ARRANGEMENTS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE UNTIL COMPLETION 15 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 16 8. NOVATION 17 9. VAT 18 10. WARRANTIES 19 11. LIMITATION ON CLAIMS 20 12. EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONS 22 13. CONFIDENTIALITY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 24 14. FURTHER ASSURANCE AND AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION 24 15. INTEREST 24 16. CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS AND ASSIGNMENT 25 17. COSTS 25 18. NOTICES 25 19. SEVERABILITY 25 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND VARIATION 26 21. GENERAL PROVISIONS 26 22. SELLERS GUARANTEE 27 23. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION 28 24. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 28 25. CERTIFICATE OF VALUE 28 SCHEDULE 1 30 Business Intellectual Property 30 SCHEDULE 2 32 Customer Contracts 32 2 SCHEDULE 3 33 Demised Premises 33 SCHEDULE 4 34 Deed Of Covenants 34 SCHEDULE 5 37 Employees 37 SCHEDULE 6 38 Asset Register 38 SCHEDULE 7 46 IP Licences 46 SCHEDULE 8 48 Leasing / Hire Purchase 48 SCHEDULE 9 51 Supplier Contracts 51 SCHEDULE 10 53 Warranties 53 SCHEDULE 11 70 Stock List 70 SCHEDULE 12 91 Baltimore Trade Marks 91 APPENDICES 1. Management Accounts as at the balance sheet date 2. Option Arrangement 3 THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of 2002 ------ ------------- BETWEEN: (1) Baltimore Technologies (UK) Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 1467453 whose registered office is at 1310 Waterside, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading Berks, RG7 4SA United Kingdom, facsimile number: 0044 118 9039055 (the "Seller"); (2) Baltimore Technologies Limited a company registered in the Republic of Ireland under number 56736 whose registered office is at 39-41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, facsimile number 0044 118 9039055 ("BTL"); (3) Baltimore Technologies plc a company registered in England and Wales under number 2643615 whose registered office is at 1310 Waterside, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, Berks, RG7 4SA United Kingdom, facsimile number: 01442 266 438 (the "Seller's Guarantor"); and (4) AEP Systems International Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 4479308 whose registered office is at Gomms Wood Lodge, Cherry Drive, Forty Green, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, H9P 1XP; facsimile number: 00 353 1 204 1301 (the "Buyer"). RECITALS: (a) The Buyer wishes to acquire as a going concern and continue the Hardware Business. (b) The Seller has agreed to sell and the Buyer has agreed to purchase the Hardware Business on and subject to the terms of this Agreement. (c) The Trade Marks and the Baltimore Trade Marks are registered or applied for in the name of BTL and BTL is party to this Agreement for the purpose of transferring the legal rights in the Trade Marks to the Buyer and of licensing the Buyer to use the Baltimore Trade Marks. IT IS AGREED: 1. INTERPRETATION In this Agreement, the following words and expressions have the meanings respectively set opposite them. "Accounts" means the management accounts of the Hardware Business as at and for the period ended on the Balance Sheet Date, initialled for the purpose of identification by or on behalf of the parties and set out at Appendix 1 hereto; 4 "Assets" means the assets of the Hardware Business agreed to be sold and purchased pursuant to this Agreement as described in Clause 2 and does not include, for the avoidance of doubt, any rights to the Baltimore TradeMarks (other than the rights in such name and logo granted to the Buyer pursuant to Clause 7.5 hereof); "Balance Sheet Date" means 30 June 2002; "Baltimore Trade Marks" means the trade marks listed in Schedule 12 hereto; "Baltimore Licence" means the formal licence agreement in the agreed terms between BLT and the Buyer; "Business Contracts" means Supplier Contracts, IP Licences and the Leasing/Hire Agreements; "Business Information" means all information, know-how and techniques (whether or not confidential and in whatever form held whether electronic or otherwise) and wherever held which relates to: (i) all or any part of the Hardware Business and/or the Assets; (ii) any products manufactured and/or sold or services rendered by the Hardware Business; (iii) any formulae, designs, specifications, drawings, data, manuals or instructions of or relating to the Hardware Business; (iv) the operations, management, administration, or financial affairs of the Hardware Business (including any business plans or forecasts, information relating to future business development or planning and information relating to litigation or legal advice); and (v) the sale or marketing of any of the products manufactured and/or sold or services rendered by the Hardware Business, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing words, all customer names and lists, sales and marketing information (including but not limited to targets, sales and market share statistics, market surveys and reports on research) and all information held on the perforce server which is an asset comprised within the Fixed Assets; "Business Intellectual Property" means all intellectual property rights owned by the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group in connection with the Hardware Business as carried on at the Effective Date (including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing words, the Trade Marks and such other items as are specified in Part A of Schedule 1 ) but does not include, for the avoidance of doubt, any rights to the Baltimore Trade Marks other than to the rights in such marks granted to the Buyer pursuant to Clause 7.5 hereof); "Business Day" means any day (except any Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday) on which banks in the City of London are open for business; "Buyer's Solicitors" means LK Shields, Solicitors of 39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2; "Buyer's Group" means the Buyer, its holding company and the other subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time of such holding company; "Completion" means completion of the sale and purchase of the Hardware Business pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with its terms; "Completion Date" means 19 September 2002; -- 5 "Customer Contracts" means the contracts, engagements or orders entered into on or prior to the Completion Date by or on behalf of any member of the Seller Group with customers for the sale, loan or hire of goods or equipment or provision of services by the Seller in connection with and in the ordinary course of the Hardware Business which at the Completion Date remain to be performed in whole or in part by the Seller particulars of which are set out in Schedule 2; "Demised Premises" means the premises described in Schedule 3; "Deed of Covenant" means a deed in the form set out in Schedule 4; "Disclosure Letter" means the letter of the same date as this Agreement from the Seller to the Buyer referred to in clause 10.2 and which includes, for the avoidance of doubt, all the documents delivered to the Buyer with that letter as annexures thereto; "Effective Date" means the 1st September, 2002; "Employees" means the persons listed in Schedule 5; "Employment Statutes" means all binding decisions of regulatory authorities, codes of conduct having binding effect, legislation (whether primary or secondary) (whether of the United Kingdom, any part thereof, Holland or elsewhere), including without limitation the Treaty establishing the European Community and any directives made under the authority of that Treaty, relating in any way to the employment of employees or other workers (whether individually or collectively) or the terms on which they are employed and including, for the avoidance of doubt, any such legislation relating to health and safety; "Environment" means air (including, without limitation, air within buildings and natural or man made structures above or below ground), water and land and any living organisms or systems supported by those media; "Environmental Laws" means all applicable laws (including common law) whether of the United Kingdom or any part thereof, relating to pollution or protection of the Environment or human health and safety and in force and binding upon the Hardware Business at the date of this Agreement, including laws relating to emissions, seepages, spillages, discharges, escapes, releases or threatened escapes or releases of pollutants, contaminants, chemicals or toxic or hazardous substances, wastes, materials or noise into the Environment or otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, keeping, treatment, disposal, deposit, storage, transport or handling of the same; "Excluded Liabilities" means all the liabilities or obligations relating to the Hardware Business or the Assets and outstanding on or accrued or referable to the period up to and including the Effective Date or arising by virtue of the sale and purchase recorded by this Agreement, including but not limited to any and all liabilities in respect of National Insurance, PAYE, VAT or other Taxation attributable to the Seller in respect of the Hardware Business, the Assets or the Employees in respect of the period ending on the Effective Date and all bank and other overdrafts and loans owing by the Seller; 6 "Fixed Assets" all plant, machinery, tools, equipment and other chattels owned by the Seller at the Effective Date for the purpose of the Hardware Business which are set out at Schedule 6; "Goodwill" means the goodwill, custom and connection of the Seller in relation to the Hardware Business together with the exclusive right for the Buyer and its successors and assigns to carry on the Hardware Business and to represent itself as carrying on the Business in succession to the Seller and the right to use the unregistered mark "ACCE"; "Hardware Business" means the business of the Seller in designing, developing and marketing high security cryptographic hardware products, for use by finance, Government and blue chip customers. "IP Licences" means the licences, authorisations and permissions in place which are (i) necessary in relation to the use, enjoyment and exploitation by the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group of any Intellectual Property or Business Information in connection with the Hardware Business as carried on at the Completion Date particulars of which are set out at Part A of schedule 7, and (ii) granted to any third party in relation to any Business Intellectual Property or Business Information; full particulars of such IP Licences being set out at Part B of schedule 7; "ICTA 1988" means the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988; "Intellectual Property" means patents (including supplementary protection certificates), trade marks (including the Trade Marks), service marks, registered designs, utility models, design rights, topography rights, copyrights, inventions, trade secrets and other confidential information, know-how, business or trade names and all other intellectual property and neighbouring rights and rights of a similar or corresponding character in any part of the world (whether or not the same are registered or capable of registration) and all applications and rights to apply for or for the protection of any of the foregoing; "Inter-Company Debt" means any inter-company debt of any description owned by or to any entity in the Seller's Group in respect of the Hardware Business; "Lease" means the lease of the Demised Premises detailed in Schedule 3; "Leasing/Hire Agreements" means the contracts, engagements or orders entered into on or prior to the Completion Date by or on behalf of the Seller in relation to the leasing, lease purchase, hire, hire purchase or conditional sale of goods or equipment for use in and in the ordinary course of the Hardware Business which on the Completion Date remain to be performed in whole or in part particulars of which are set out in Schedule 8; "Licence" means the licence, in the agreed terms, to occupy certain areas of Innovation House; "Licence List X" means the licence, in the agreed terms, to occupy the List X area in Innovation House; 7 "Option Arrangement" means the amended option scheme in relation to the options held by the Employees in the capital of the Seller's Guarantor set out at Appendix 2; "Recognised Revenues" means the total amount expressed in (pound) of invoices raised and other revenues (net of VAT where applicable) recognised in accordance with principles, standards and practices generally accepted in England at the date of this Agreement from the following product lines in respect of the period commencing on 1st September, 2002 and ending on 31 December, 2003 :- (a) SureWare Keyper (product and support revenue) (b) SureWare Net (product and support revenue) "Records" means the books, accounts, lists of customers, credit reports, price lists, cost records, work tickets, catalogues, advertising and all the other documents, papers and records (however stored) (including VAT records and records required to be kept under the Working Time Regulations, 1998) of the Seller relating to the Hardware Business or any of the Assets; "Reseller Agreement" means the distribution agreement in the agreed terms made between BTL and the Buyer dated the date hereof; "Seller's Group" means the Seller's Guarantor and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time; "Seller's Schemes" means the group personal pension plans established with Scottish Equitable under plan references 66863 and 2236, the Data Innovation Pension Scheme and the Baltimore Technologies (UK) Limited pension scheme in relation to death in service benefits:; "Sellers Solicitors" Lovells of 50 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG; "Stock" means the stock-in-trade of the Hardware Business (whether owned or under the control of the Seller or any other members of the Seller's Group) at the Completion Date including (without limitation) raw materials, goods and other assets purchased for resale, stores, component parts, work in progress, together with finished products and packaging and promotional material, all of which is owned or agreed to be bought by the Seller in connection with the Hardware Business at the Completion Date (including any items which, although subject to reservation of title, are under the control of the Seller) but not including stocks held solely for promotional purposes for the purposes of the Reseller Agreement; "Stock Exchange" means London Stock Exchange plc; "Supplier Contracts" means the contracts, engagements or orders entered into on or prior to the Completion Date by or on behalf of the Seller for the supply or sale of goods or services to the Seller (including all arrangements relating to the provision of maintenance and support, security, disaster recovery, facilities management, bureau and on-line services to the Hardware Business ) in connection with and in the ordinary course of the Hardware Business particulars of which are set out in Schedule 9; 8 "Support Agreement" the support agreement in the agreed terms between the Buyer and the Seller in respect of the transmission of hardware support, and in particular the provision of level 3 support dated the date hereof; "Sureware Licence" means the formal licence agreement in the agreed terms between the Buyer and BTL in respect of the Trade Marks; "Tax" or "Taxation" menas all taxes, levies, duties, imposts, charges and withholdings of any nature whatsoever or wheresoever imposed and all penalties, charges and interest relating thereto; "Trade Marks" means the UK, European Community and U.S. trade mark applications and registrations of the Seller used solely in the Hardware Business, further details of which are included in Schedule 1 hereto together with the unregistered mark "ACCE"; "Trade Mark Assignments" means the assignments of the Trade Marks to the Buyer in the agreed terms; "Transitional Services Agreement" means the agreement in the agreed terms between the Seller, certain member of the Seller's Group and the Buyer in relation to certain arrangements post Completion and in relation to IT and administration Services dated the date hereof; "VAT" means value added tax; "VATA" means the Value Added Tax Act 1994; "Warranties" means the warranties, representations and undertakings set out in Schedule 10; "(pound)" means pounds sterling, the lawful currency of the United Kingdom. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) references to this Agreement or any other document include this Agreement or such other document as varied, modified or supplemented in any manner from time to time; (b) references to any party shall, where relevant, be deemed to be references to or to include, as appropriate, their respective permitted successors, assigns or transferees; (c) references to recitals, clauses and schedules and sub-divisions of them are references to the recitals and clauses of, and schedules to, this Agreement and sub-divisions of them respectively; (d) references to any enactment include references to such enactment as re-enacted, amended or extended on or before the date of this Agreement and any subordinate legislation made from time to time under it; (e) references to a "person" include any individual, company, corporation, firm, partnership, joint venture, association, organisation, institution, trust or agency, whether or not having a separate legal personality; 9 (f) references to the one gender include all genders, and references to the singular include the plural and vice versa; (g) any reference to indemnifying any person against any circumstance includes indemnifying and holding that person harmless from all actions, claims, demands and proceedings of any nature from time to time made against that person and all losses, damages, payments, awards, costs or expenses made, suffered or incurred by that person as a consequence of, or which would not have arisen but for, that circumstance; (h) headings are inserted for convenience only and shall be ignored in construing this Agreement; and (i) the words "company", "subsidiary", "subsidiary undertaking" and "holding company" have the meanings given to them by the Companies Act 1985 as amended by the Companies Act 1989. 1.2 The Recitals, Schedules and Appendices to this Agreement form part of it. 1.3 Any reference in this Agreement to a document being "in the agreed terms" is to a document in the terms agreed between the parties and for identification purposes only signed or initialled by them or on their behalf on or before the date of this Agreement. 2. SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE HARDWARE BUSINESS 2.1 The Seller shall with full title guarantee sell and transfer or procure the sale and transfer (which expression shall where appropriate include an assignment or novation) of the Hardware Business to the Buyer and the Buyer shall buy the Hardware Business with effect from the Completion Date as a going concern together with the following Assets: (a) the Goodwill; (b) the Fixed Assets; (c) the Stock; (d) the benefit (subject to the burden) of the Business Contracts; (e) the Business Intellectual Property; (f) the Business Information; (g) the beneficial interest in the Trade Marks; (h) the Records; 10 (i) all the Seller's rights against third parties including all rights under any of the warranties, conditions, guarantees or indemnities or under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 relating to any of the Assets and the benefit of all sums to which the Seller is entitled from third parties or insurers in respect of damage to the Assets; and (j) all (if any) other assets, property or rights (whether owned or controlled by the Seller or another member of the Seller's Group) relating to or connected with or belonging to or required for or used in the Hardware Business and which are not described in the foregoing clauses. 2.2 BTL as owner of the legal interest in the Trade Marks and with full title guarantee shall sell and transfer or procure the sale and transfer (which expression shall include an assignment) of its legal interest in the Trade Marks to the Buyer and the Buyer shall accept such legal interest in the Trade Marks with effect from the Completion Date. It is acknowledged by BTL that the Buyer may pay the consideration for such assignment to the Seller in accordance with Clause 3 hereof. 2.3 The Seller covenants that the Hardware Business and the Assets (and BTL covenants that the Trade Marks) shall be sold free from all claims, charges, liens, encumbrances, equities and adverse rights of any description and together with all rights now or hereafter attaching to them and the covenants implied by sections 2 and 3 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 shall be deemed modified accordingly. 2.4 The Seller hereby represents to the Buyer that the Seller has no further liabilities to the Lloyds Bank plc under or secured by the charges dated 4/10/1998 and 28/3/1990 which appear on the file of the Seller at Companies House and hereby covenants and undertakes with the Buyer to procure that an unconditional release thereof is executed by Lloyds Bank plc within 28 days of the date hereof and to indemnify and keep the Buyer indemnified against all costs, losses, damages, expenses or liabilities of whatever nature howsoever arising in connection with the aforesaid charges. 3. CONSIDERATION 3.1 The total consideration payable by the Buyer to the Seller shall be, subject to adjustment in accordance with this Agreement, a maximum of (pound)4,000,000 to be paid as follows: (a) (pound)2,700,000 in cash on Completion in accordance with Clause 5.4 (i) hereof. (b) (pound)300,000 to be paid 12 months from Completion less any claims made under Clause 9 ( warranties) to be paid in accordance with Clause 5.5 hereof. (c) A sum which shall not exceed a maximum of (pound)1,000,000 and which (subject to Clause 3.2 below) shall be payable on 4th February, 2004 in accordance with Clause 5.5 hereof and shall be equal to the following: (i) the sum of (pound)500,000 in the event that Recognised Revenues are greater than or equal to (pound)5,000,000 and less than (pound)6,000,000; (ii) the sum of (pound)700,000 in the event that Recognised Revenues are greater than or equal to (pound)6,000,000 and less than (pound)7,000,000; 11 (iii) the sum of (pound)800,000 in the event that Recognised Revenues are greater than or equal to (pound)7,000,000 and less than (pound)8,500,000; and (iv) the sum of (pound)1,000,000 in the event that Recognised Revenues are greater than or equal to (pound)8,500,000. 3.2 No sums shall be payable pursuant to Clause 3.1 (c) above in the event that there has been any material breach of the Reseller Agreement by the Seller which has not been remedied in accordance with any applicable grace periods provided for under the terms of the Reseller Agreement. 3.3 Title to each of the Assets shall pass to the Buyer on Completion. 3.4 The sale and purchase of each of the Assets is interdependent and shall be completed simultaneously. 4. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE 4.1 The following are expressly excluded from the sale and purchase of the Hardware Business and Assets:- (a) Excluded Liabilities (b) All of the Seller's cash in hand. 4.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall pass to the Buyer, or shall be construed as acceptance by the Buyer of any liability debt or obligation of the Seller other than as expressly set out in the Agreement and the Seller hereby agrees to indemnify and keep the Buyer indemnified against any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses howsoever arising in connection with any liabilities under any contracts or commitments of any nature of or relating to the Hardware Business or the Assets in respect of the period up to and including Completion. 5. COMPLETION 5.1 Completion shall take place at the offices of the Seller's Solicitors on the Completion Date or at such other place and/or on such earlier date as may be agreed between the parties. 5.2 On or before Completion the Seller shall procure and the Buyer shall permit that: (a) all loans and debts due to any member of the Seller's Group in respect of or in relation to the Hardware Business from, and all loans and debts due from any member of the Seller's Group in respect of or in relation to the Hardware Business to, the Seller and every other entity in the Seller's Group shall be repaid or paid in full; 12 (b) all loans due to any member of the Seller's Group in respect of or in relation to the Hardware Business from, and all loans due from any member of the Seller's Group in respect of or in relation to Hardware Business to, directors or employees of any member of the Seller's Group in respect of or in relation to the Hardware Business shall be repaid in full; (c) all salaries, directors' fees, expenses and bonuses (if any) of all directors and employees of the Seller engaged in or employed in respect of the Hardware Business shall be paid up to the Completion Date including any pro-rated amounts for the period up to the Effective Date. 5.3 On Completion the Seller shall cause to be delivered to the Buyer: (a) certified minutes of the meetings of the board of directors of the Seller and the Sellers Guarantor approving the transactions contained in this Agreement to which they are party and the documents referred to herein and authorising the execution thereof by the Seller and the Sellers Guarantor (as the case may be). (b) physical possession of all the Assets capable of passing by delivery with the intent that title in such Assets shall pass by and upon such delivery; (c) duly executed agreements in the agreed terms for the assignment or novation of the benefit of the Business Contracts to the Buyer, or as the Buyer shall direct, and all requisite consents and licences therefor; (d) a duly executed assignment in the agreed terms to vest the the Goodwill in the Buyer or as the Buyer shall direct; (e) all documents of title and certificates for the lawful operation and use of, and all service documents pertaining to, the Fixed Assets and the Stock; (f) duly executed Trade Mark Assignments, Baltimore Licence and Sureware Licence in the agreed terms of the Business Intellectual Property; (g) all documents of title, certificates, deeds, licences, agreements and other documents relating to the Business Intellectual Property and all manuals, drawings, plans, documents and other materials and media on which the Business Information is recorded; (h) the Business Contracts and the books, accounts, reference lists of customers, credit reports, price lists, cost records, work tickets, catalogues, advertising and all other documents, papers and records in the possession or under the control of the Seller relating to the Hardware Business or any of the Assets duly written up to the Completion Date; (i) all files and documentation in relation to the Trade Marks including those of advisers to include correspondence from and to any Trade Mark Registry and any searches or search results; 13 (j) the Records; (k) subject to the terms of this Agreement and the Transitional Services Agreement, a written acknowledgement executed as a deed from the Seller that all arrangements to which the Seller is a party and which affect the Hardware Business or Assets other than the Business Contracts have been cancelled by mutual agreement and without any compensation or damages being payable by either party to the other; (l) all National Insurance PAYE records fully completed in respect of the Employees and showing that payments are up to date; (m) the duly executed Transitional Services Agreement; (n) the duly executed Lease; (o) all necessary licences permits authorisation or authorities (public or private) to enable the Seller to carry on the Hardware Business as currently carried on and in accordance with law; (p) the duly executed Trusted World Partnership Agreement between BTL and AEP Systems Limited in the agreed terms; (q) the duly executed Licence and Licence List X; (r) the duly executed Deed of Covenant. (s) the duly executed Reseller Agreement. 5.4 On Completion the Buyer shall, following compliance by the Seller with the foregoing provisions in consideration for the sale of the Hardware Business: (i) pay the sum of (pound)2,700,000 into the account of Seller's Solicitors at Barclay's Bank PLC, Sort Code 20 00 00, account number 106 109 84; (ii) deliver to the Seller's Solicitors the minutes of the board of directors of the Buyer approving the transactions contained in this Agreement to which it is party and the documents referred to herein and authorising the execution thereof by the Buyer; (iii) Deliver to the Seller's Solicitors a duly executed Trade Marks Assignment, Baltimore Licence and Sureware Licence in the agreed terms. (iv) Deliver to the Seller's Solicitors the Seller's copies of the duly executed (i) assignment or novation of the Business Contracts, (ii) assignment of the Business Intellectual Property; (iii) Transitional Services Agreement, (iv) Lease, (v) Licence, (vi) Deed of Covenant, (vii) Reseller Agreement, (viii) Licence List X and (ix) a Guarantee in respect of the sum payable pursuant to Clause 3.1(b) hereof; and the Trusted World Partnership Agreement referred to at Clause 5.3(p) above. 14 5.5 Any other payments made pursuant to Clause 3.1(b) and (c) shall be made to the account referred to at 5.4 (i) above. 6. COMPLETION STOCKTAKE AND ARRANGEMENTS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE UNTIL COMPLETION 6.1 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 4.2 hereof, the Buyer shall from the commencement of business on the day after the Effective Date pay all moneys, wages, rent, expenses and outgoings accruing or incurred from that date in respect of the Hardware Business. All taxes payable in respect of the conduct of the Hardware Business by the Buyer after Completion shall be borne by the Buyer. The Buyer shall be responsible for National Insurance Contributions and PAYE falling due for payment after the Effective Date and shall be liable for no other taxes after the Effective Date and up to and including Completion. Such outgoings and payments shall if necessary be apportioned accordingly. 6.2 All rents, royalties, payments in respect of invoices and all other revenues and periodical payments of any kind whatsoever receivable in respect of the Hardware Business up to the Effective Date (save for revenues in respect of sales made by the Seller after the Effective Date) shall belong to and be payable to the Seller and thereafter shall belong to and be payable to the Buyer. Such receivables shall if necessary be apportioned accordingly (save for revenues in respect of sales made by the Seller after the Effective Date). If any sales of products or services of the Hardware Business have been made by the Seller on or after the Effective Date and up to and including Completion, the Buyer shall be entitled to raise a corresponding invoice in respect thereof on BTL under the Reseller Agreement to the intent that such products and services shall be deemed to have been sold to BTL by the Buyer under the Reseller Agreement and BTL shall discharge any amounts due in respect thereof in accordance with the terms of the Reseller Agreement. 6.3 Where any amounts are to be apportioned under this Agreement, the Seller and/or the Buyer (as the case may be) shall provide the Buyer and/or the Seller, as appropriate, with full details of the apportionments, together with supporting vouchers or similar documentation, and in the absence of dispute the appropriate payment shall be made by or to the Seller forthwith. If the amount of any apportionment is in dispute, the provisions of clause 6.4 shall apply for resolving the dispute and the amount determined in accordance with that clause shall be paid within 14 days of the date of determination. 6.4 If the Buyer or the Seller, as the case may be, disputes any apportionment provided under clause 6.3, the Seller or the Buyer (as the case may be) may give notice to the other that a dispute exists (a "Dispute Notice"). Such Dispute Notice shall specify:- (i) the items, which are disputed; and (ii) the reasons therefore. If the parties resolve the dispute within 14 Business Days of the date of the Dispute Notice, the relevant amounts shall be paid no later than the expiration of such period. If, however, the parties have not resolved the dispute within 14 Business Days of the date of receipt of the Dispute Notice by the relevant party, the following provisions shall 15 apply. Either the Buyer or the Seller may refer the dispute to an independent firm of chartered accountants of repute agreed by the parties, and if the parties cannot agree on such a firm, then an independent firm of chartered accounts, nominated by the President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (the "Expert") with a request that the Expert make a decision on the dispute within ten Business Days of receiving the reference. In any reference, the Expert shall act as an expert and not as an arbitrator. The decision of the Expert shall, in the absence of manifest error, be final and binding on both parties. The Buyer and the Seller will give all reasonable assistance, documents, any explanations and procure that all necessary parties co-operate with the Expert to enable the Expert arrive at his determination. The costs of the Expert shall be borne as the Expert directs. 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 7.1 In the event that the Seller discovers that the Hardware Business owns any Intellectual Property which has, in the eighteen months prior to Completion, been used exclusively or mainly by a member of the Seller's Group and the parties agree, acting reasonably, that such Intellectual Property has been inadvertently sold or transferred to the Buyer hereunder and is not required to enable the Buyer to carry on the Hardware Business as carried on up to the date hereof by the Seller, the Buyer agrees to procure, at the option of the Seller, that such Intellectual Property or such application or registration is transferred to the Seller or a company nominated by the Seller for nominal consideration, or that a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, assignable, irrevocable, royalty-free licence (with the right to sub-licence) for the use thereof by the Seller or a company nominated by the Seller is granted for nominal consideration. 7.2 In the event that the Buyer discovers that the Hardware Business has not acquired any Intellectual Property which has, in the eighteen months prior to Completion, been used exclusively or mainly by the Seller for the purposes of the Hardware Business and the parties agree, acting reasonably, that such Intellectual Property has inadvertently not been sold or transferred to the Buyer hereunder and is required to enable the Buyer to carry on the Hardware Business as carried on up to the date hereof by the Seller, the Seller agrees to procure, at the option of the Buyer, that such Intellectual Property or such application or registration is transferred to the Buyer or a company nominated by the Buyer for nominal consideration or that a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, assignable, irrevocable, royalty-free licence (with the right to sub-licence) for the use thereof by the Buyer or a company nominated by the Buyer is granted for nominal consideration. 7.3 The Seller, with effect from Completion, hereby grants to the Buyer a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free licence (with the right to transfer and/or sub-licence to any member of the Buyer's Group and, subject to the prior written consent of the Seller, to other parties) to use any Intellectual Property owned by a member of the Seller's Group which has been used (but not exclusively) in the twelve months prior to Completion in the Hardware Business. Such licence shall be without limit in time but may be terminated by the Seller if the Buyer or a licensee or transferee of the Buyer purports to transfer or sublicence any such Intellectual Property otherwise than as permitted under this clause 7.3 save that this right of termination will not apply if the 16 Buyer transfers or sublicences its rights to a third party which is not a member of the Buyer's Group with the prior written consent of the Seller in accordance with the terms of this Clause. 7.4 Save only as provided for in Clause 7.5 below and in any formal licence agreement entered into pursuant thereof, the Buyer shall not have or otherwise obtain any rights to or use of the Baltimore Trade Marks and all statements and warranties regarding the transfer, licence or use of any Assets or Business Intellectual Property shall be interpreted accordingly. 7.5 The Seller, with effect from Completion, grants to the Buyer a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free licence to use the Baltimore Trade Marks or the Baltimore logo on Stock for a period of six months from Completion and to use the Baltimore Trade Marks indefinitely in the case of the Records for the purposes of using and exploiting the Records and the Stock. 7.6 The Buyer with effect from Completion grants to the Seller a non exclusive world wide royalty free licence for a period of three months from Completion (unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement) to continue to use any documentation which it has in its possession at Completion which refers to or contains the Trade Marks. The Seller shall after the expiration such three month period cease to use all documentation which contain or refer to any of the Trade Marks save as expressly authorised by the Reseller Agreement. 8. NOVATION 8.1 In so far as any of the Business Contracts are not assignable to the Buyer without the agreement of or novation by or consent to the assignment from another party this Agreement shall not constitute an assignment or attempted assignment if such assignment or attempted assignment would constitute a breach of such Business Contracts. In the event that consent or novation is required to such assignment the Seller shall at the Buyer's request procure such novation or assignment as aforesaid and unless or until any such contract shall be novated or assigned the Buyer shall on behalf of the Seller perform the obligations of the Seller thereunder in so far as such obligations relate to the period after the Completion Date and shall hold the benefit of such contract and all revenues received thereunder in trust for the Buyer. 8.2 If such consent or novation is refused or otherwise not obtained on terms reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer within 90 Business Days of the Completion Date the Buyer shall be entitled at its sole discretion to require the Seller to serve proper notice to terminate that Business Contract and the Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Buyer from and against all losses, damages, costs, actions, proceedings, claims, demands, liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, legal and other professional fees and expenses) which the Buyer may suffer, sustain, incur, pay or be put to by reason or on account of or arising from the termination of such Business Contract. 17 8.3 To the extent that any payment is made to the Seller in respect of the Business Contracts on or after the Effective Date the Seller shall receive the same as trustee, shall record such payment separately in its books and shall account to the Buyer for the same on the Effective Date or if received thereafter within seven Business Days of receipt. 8.4 The Seller hereby convenants and agrees with the Buyer that, subject to the Buyer indemnifying the Seller to its reasonable satisfaction against all costs, expenses or liabilities which may be suffered or incurred by the Seller in connection with the proper performance of its obligations set out in this Clause and paying and continuing to pay the amount of any such expenses on an interim basis as they are incurred as the Buyer may reasonably require, in the event any person who owes a confidentiality obligation to the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group in connection with the Hardware Business (whether pursuant to a non disclosure agreement or otherwise) and such person, in the opinion of the Buyer breaches such confidentality obligation, the Seller shall or shall procure that the relevant member of the Seller's Group shall take all steps reasonably required by the Buyer to enforce their rights against such persons which shall include for the avoidance of doubt bringing legal proceedings against such parties and doing all acts and things necessary in relation to such proceedings provided always that the Buyer will conduct the proceedings and provided further that the Seller shall not be obliged to take any action, or procure any member of the Seller's Group to take any action, which it reasonably considers will or is likely to be detrimental to its commercial interests (or the commercial interests of any member of the Seller's Group) in any material respect. 9. VAT 9.1 The Seller and the Buyer intend that the sale of the Hardware Business pursuant to this Agreement shall be treated as a transfer of part of the business of the Seller as a going concern for the purposes of section 49 of the VATA and Article 5 of the Value Added Tax (Special Provisions) Order 1995 and shall be treated as neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services for the purposes of the VATA. 9.2 The consideration payable by the Buyer to the Seller is exclusive of VAT. If notwithstanding the provisions referred to above any VAT shall be chargeable on the sale of the Hardware Business, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller such VAT, the Buyer to make such payment forthwith on delivery by the Seller to the Buyer of a valid VAT invoice in respect thereof together with an amount equal to any fine, penalty, charge, surcharge or interest incurred by the Seller for late payment thereof or delay in accounting therefore on demand, if later, where the payment of such amount is attributable to the conduct of the Buyer. 9.3 The Buyer undertakes and warrants to the Seller: (a) that it intends to use and shall use the Assets to carry on the same kind of business as that carried on by the Seller using the Assets prior to the date hereof with effect from Completion on its own account and neither as agent nor nominee of any other person; and 18 (b) that it is and will at Completion be duly registered under the VATA or if this is not the case it has made the appropriate application on or before Completion to be so registered. 10. WARRANTIES 10.1 The Seller hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the Buyer as at the date hereof in the terms of the Warranties and acknowledges that the Buyer is entering into this Agreement in reliance on the Warranties. 10.2 The Warranties are given subject to any fact, matter or circumstance fully, fairly and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure Letter. 10.3 Each of the Warranties set out in each paragraph and each paragraph of Schedule 10 shall be separate and independent and shall not be limited by reference to any other paragraph or anything in this Agreement, the Schedules or the Appendices. 10.4 Where any statement set out in Schedule 10 is expressed to be given or made to the best of the Seller's knowledge or is qualified by reference to the Seller's awareness or is qualified in some other manner having substantially the same effect, such statement shall be deemed to include a warranty that such statement, representation, warranty or undertaking has been made after due and careful enquiry and any information which after due and careful enquiry would have been known by the board of directors of the Seller shall be deemed to be known by the Seller. 10.5 The Seller agrees with the Buyer for itself and as trustee for the Buyer as successor in title to the Hardware Business and the Seller's respective officers and employees engaged in or employed in the Hardware Business that it will not exercise any of its rights, remedies or claims which it has or may have in respect of any misrepresentation in or omissions from any information or advice supplied or given by such officers or employees and on which the Seller has relied in giving the Warranties, preparing the Disclosure Letter and/or entering into this Agreement and/or the documents referred to herein, save where such officers or employees acted fraudulently. 10.6 The Buyer confirms that there are no matters of which it is actually aware which constitute a breach of the Warranties and will give rise to a claim hereunder and for this purpose, the Buyer will be deemed to be aware of any matters of which Pat Donnellan, Chris Meehan and JD Buckley are actually aware. Subject to the foregoing sentence, the Warranties are qualified only by matters fully, fairly and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure Letter, but no other information of which the Buyer has constructive knowledge shall prejudice any claim by the Buyer under the Warranties or operate to reduce any amount recoverable thereunder. 10.7 In the event of a breach of any of the Warranties or any of them proving to be untrue or misleading in any respect then without prejudice to the right of the to Buyer claim damages on any basis available to it or to any other right or remedy available to the Buyer, the Seller agrees to pay on demand in cash to the Buyer the aggregate of a sum by way of damages as agreed between the Seller and the Buyer or (in default of such 19 agreement) as determined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction which is the higher of: (a) an amount sufficient to put the Hardware Business into the position which would have existed if the Warranties had been true or not misleading when given; and (b) an amount equal to the diminution thereby caused in the value of the Assets, together with all costs and expenses incurred by the Buyer or the Hardware Business directly as a result of such breach. 10.9 All sums payable by the Seller to the Buyer for breach of any of the Warranties shall be paid free and clear of all deductions or withholdings whatsoever, save only as may be required by law. 10.10 The Seller hereby covenants and undertakes with the Buyer to indemnify the Buyer and keep the Buyer indemnified against all costs, losses, expenses, damages or liabilities howsoever arising as a result of:- (i) the amount of Stock as set out in the list of stock set out at Schedule 11 hereto not being the same as the amount of Stock purchased hereunder on Completion (but taking account of sales made by the Seller prior to Completion in accordance with Clause 6.2 hereof); (ii) the Buyer not acquiring title of the nature referred to in clause 2.1 and 2.3 hereof to the Stock purchased hereunder; (iii) the Fixed Assets purchased hereunder not including all items set out in the asset register set out at Schedule 6 ; and (iv) the Buyer not acquiring title of the nature referred to in clause 2.1 and 2.3 hereof to the Fixed Assets purchased hereunder. provided that the Seller's total maximum liability under this clause shall in no event exceed (pound)2,700,000. 10.11 Any payment by the Seller pursuant to the Warranties or any indemnities under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a reduction of the consideration paid hereunder. 11. LIMITATION ON CLAIMS 11.1 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the provisions of this clause 11 shall operate to limit the liability of the Seller in respect of any claim by the Buyer for any breach of or inaccuracy in the Warranties save where the claim arises in consequence of the fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the Seller. 11.2 The Seller shall have no liability in respect of any breach of any of the Warranties unless the Buyer has served on the Seller a written notice on or before 12 months from 20 completion giving such details are available of the claim including the Buyer's best estimate of the amount of the Seller's liability in respect thereof. 11.3 The liability of the Seller in respect of any claim by the Buyer for any breach of, or inaccuracy in, the Warranties shall absolutely determine (if such claim has not been previously satisfied, settled or withdrawn) if legal proceedings in respect of such claim shall not have been commenced within nine months of the service of such notice and for this purpose proceedings shall not be deemed to have been commenced unless they shall have been properly issued and validly served upon the Seller. 11.4 No claim shall be made in respect of any breach of any of the Warranties in this Agreement (each a "Warranty Claim"): (a) where the liability for any individual claim (or what would be such liability apart from this paragraph) is less than (pound)1000; and (b) unless the aggregate amount of all such claims in excess of (pound)1000 exceeds (pound)10,000 and thereafter the full amount of all claims shall then be payable. 11.5 The total aggregate amount of the Seller's liability in respect of any Warranty Claim or Claims shall be (in the absence of fraud) limited to and shall in no event exceed (pound)300,000. 11.6 The Seller shall not be liable in respect of any Warranty if and to the extent that the loss occasioned thereby has been recovered under any other Warranty. 11.7 If the Seller pays at any time to the Buyer an amount pursuant to a claim in respect of the Warranties or under or in connection with this Agreement and the Buyer subsequently becomes entitled to recover from some other person any sum in respect of any matter giving rise to such claim, the Buyer shall take all reasonable steps to enforce such recovery, and shall forthwith, following such recovery, repay to the Seller so much of the amount paid by the Seller to the Buyer as does not exceed the net sum actually recovered from such other person having deducted all referable costs and expenses. 11.8 The Buyer shall take all reasonable action to mitigate any loss suffered by it in respect of which a claim could be made under the Warranties. 11.9 The Buyer shall or shall procure that, upon the Buyer becoming aware of any claim, action or demand against it or matter likely to give rise to any of these in respect of the Warranties or under or in connection with this Agreement, the Buyer shall: (i) as soon as reasonably practicable, notify the Seller by written notice as soon as it appears to the Buyer that the Seller is or may become liable under the Warranties or under or in connection with this Agreement for any assessment or claim of a third party received by or coming to the notice of the Buyer; (ii) subject to the Seller indemnifying the Buyer against any liability, costs, damages or expenses which may be incurred thereby and paying and continuing to pay, following receipt of an invoice for the same, the amount of any such expenses on an interim basis as they are incurred as the Buyer may reasonably require, take 21 such reasonable action and give such information and access to personnel, premises, chattels, documents and records to the Seller and their professional advisers as the Seller may reasonably request, provided that the Buyer shall not be obliged to take any action which it reasonably considers will or is likely to be detrimental to its commercial interests with respect to the Hardware Business in any material respect; (iii) at the request of the Seller, allow the Seller to take the sole conduct of such actions as the Seller may reasonably deem appropriate, not being an action the Buyer reasonably considers will be detrimental to its commercial interests with respect to the Hardware Business in any material respect, in connection with any such assessment or claim in the name of the Buyer and in that connection the Buyer shall give or cause to be given to the Seller all such assistance as the Seller may reasonably require in avoiding, disputing, resisting, settling, compromising, defending or appealing any such claim and shall, at the Seller's expense, instruct such solicitors or other professional advisers as the Seller may nominate to act on behalf of the Buyer, as appropriate, but to act in accordance with the Seller's sole instructions; (iv) make no admission of liability, agreement, settlement or compromise with any third party in relation to any such claim or adjudication without the prior written consent of the Seller, such consent to not be unreasonably withheld and for the avoidance of doubt such consent shall be deemed to be reasonably withheld if the Buyer reasonably considers that the Seller's failure to give such consent will or is likely to be detrimental to the Buyer's commercial interests with reference to the Hardware business in any material respect. 12. EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONS 12.1 The parties consider the transaction contemplated by this Agreement to constitute the transfer of an undertaking for the purposes of the Transfer Regulations and agree that the contracts of employment of the Employees will have effect from Completion as if originally made between the Buyer and the Employees (except in respect of pension arrangements). 12.2 The Seller agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Buyer against all losses, costs, liabilities, expenses, actions, proceedings, claims and demands arising out of or in connection with :- (a) any liability in respect of any event or occurrence prior to Completion for which the Buyer may be held liable for any reason whatsoever in connection with the Employees' employment in the Hardware Business by the Seller or a member of the Seller's Group including without limitation any liability in respect of the Employees arising as a result of or incurred by the Seller by virtue of any previous business transfer, any claim arising out of or in connection with any change in the terms of the Employees' employment following any previous business transfer or any failure to inform or consult the Employees or any other 22 person or their respective representatives in respect of any previous business transfer or any other provision of applicable Employment Statutes, and; (b) any claim by any person other than an Employee relating to that person's employment with the Hardware Business or the termination thereof; and (c) any claim by any Employee or any other person relation to the persons employment in the Hardware Business with the Seller or relevant member of the Seller's Group that any such person are entitled to share options, participation in profit sharing or bonus schemes of any nature which differ from the Option Arrangement whether such entitlement arises pursuant to the Transfer Regulations or otherwise. (d) any remuneration or emoluments of the Employees which have not been fully, fairly and accurately disclosed to the Buyer in the Disclosure Letter. provided that the Seller's total maximum liability pursuant to paragraph (d) above shall in no event exceed (pound)2,700,000. 12.3 The Buyer shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Seller against all losses, costs, liabilities, expenses, actions, proceedings, claims and demands arising out of or in connection with any claim by an Employee (whether in contract or in tort or under statute (including the Treaty establishing the European Community and any directives made under the authority of that Treaty) for any remedy including for breach of contract, unfair dismissal, redundancy, statutory redundancy, equal pay, sex, race or disability discrimination, unlawful deductions from wages, a protective award or under the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 or the Working Time Regulations 1998 or for breach of statutory duty or of any other nature) as a result of anything done or omitted to be done by the Buyer after Completion but save to the extent that any such claim or claims arise in whole or in part as a consequence of acts or omissions of the Seller at or prior to Completion. 12.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the Buyer accepts that it shall be solely responsible for any amounts becoming payable to the Employees under the Employment Rights Act 1996 as a result of their being dismissed by the Buyer, at any time after Completion, notwithstanding that such amount is calculated under that Act by reference to periods of employment with the Seller or the relevant member of the Seller's Group as well as the period of employment with the Buyer excluding any constructive dismissal to the extent caused or occasioned in whole or in part by acts or omissions of the Seller at or prior to Completion. 12.5 The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Buyer against all losses, costs, liabilities, expenses, actions, proceedings, claims and demands arising out of or in connection with any failure by the Seller to comply with its obligations under Regulations 10(2) and 10(5) of the Transfer Regulations save where the Buyer has failed to provide the requisite information pursuant to such Regulations. 12.6 The Buyer shall procure that within one month following the Completion Date each of the Employees who is immediately before the Completion Date an active member of the 23 Seller's Schemes is offered membership of a pension scheme nominated by the Buyer which is a personal pension scheme. 13. CONFIDENTIALITY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.1 In consideration of the Buyer agreeing to buy the Hardware Business on the terms of this Agreement, the Seller agrees with the Buyer that (save as may be required by law, and then only to the extent so required) it will, and will procure that each member of the Seller's Group will, keep confidential (other than in accordance with clause 13.2 any confidential information in relation to the affairs or business of the Hardware Business. 13.2 Save for the publication of the announcements in the agreed terms, no announcement or statement about this Agreement or the subject matter of, or any matter referred to in, this Agreement shall be made or issued before, on or after Completion by or on behalf of either of the parties without the prior written approval of the other party (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) PROVIDED that nothing shall restrict the making by either party (even in the absence of the other party's agreement) of any statement which may be required by law or called for by the requirements of the Stock Exchange, but then only to the extent so required. 14. FURTHER ASSURANCE AND AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION 14.1 The Seller shall and shall procure that any relevant member of the Seller's Group shall do, execute and perform and shall procure to be done, executed and performed all such further acts, deeds documents and things as the Buyer may require from time to time effectively to vest the full legal and beneficial ownership of the Assets in the Buyer or as it directs free from all liens, charges, options, encumbrances or adverse rights or interest of any kind and otherwise to give to the Buyer the full benefit of this Agreement. 14.2 The Seller shall and shall procure that the relevant member of the Seller's Group shall cause to be made available to the Buyer all information in its possession or under its control which the Buyer may from time to time reasonably require (after Completion) relating to the business and affairs of the Hardware Business and shall permit the Buyer and its representatives on reasonable advance notice to have access to documents containing such information and to take copies thereof. 15. INTEREST 15.1 If any amount required to be paid under this Agreement is not paid when it is due, such amount shall bear interest at the rate of three per cent per annum over the base lending rate of National Westminster Bank PLC from time to time, calculated on a daily basis for the period from the relevant due date for payment up to and including the date of actual payment, as well after as before any judgment. 24 16. CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS AND ASSIGNMENT 16.1 Each of the obligations, warranties, representations, indemnities and undertakings accepted or given by the Seller or the Buyer under this Agreement or any document referred to herein ("Obligations") shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding Completion taking place and shall be binding on their respective successors. 16.2 The rights of each of the parties to this Agreement may be assigned only with the prior written consent of the other parties. 17. COSTS Each party shall pay its own costs and expenses in relation to the negotiation, preparation, and implementation of this Agreement (and the documents referred to herein), including the fees and disbursements of their respective legal, accountancy and other advisers. 18. NOTICES 18.1 Any notice or other communication to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be deemed to have been duly served on, given to or made in relation to a party if it is left at the authorised address of that party, posted by first class addressed to that party at such address, or sent by facsimile transmission to a machine situated at such address and shall if: (a) personally delivered, be deemed to have been received at the time of delivery; (b) posted to an inland address in the United Kingdom, be deemed to have been received on the second Business Day after the date of posting and if posted to an overseas address, be deemed to have been received on the fifth Business Day after the date of posting; or (c) sent by facsimile transmission, be deemed to have been received upon receipt by the sender of a facsimile transmission report (or other appropriate evidence) that the facsimile has been transmitted to the addressee; PROVIDED that where, in the case of delivery by hand or facsimile transmission, delivery or transmission occurs after 6.00 pm on a Business Day or on a day which is not a Business Day, receipt shall be deemed to occur at 9.00 am on the next following Business Day. For the purposes of this clause the authorised address of each party shall be the address set out at the heading of this Agreement or such other address as that party may notify to the others in writing from time to time in accordance with the requirements of this clause. 19. SEVERABILITY 25 19.1 If any provision of this Agreement (or of any document referred to herein) is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement (or such document) shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND VARIATION 20.1 This Agreement (together with any documents referred to herein) contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings or arrangements (both oral and written) relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. 20.2 Each of the parties acknowledges and agrees that: (a) It does not enter into this Agreement and the documents referred to herein on the basis of and does not rely, and has not relied, upon any statement or representation (whether negligent or innocent) or warranty or other provision (in any case whether oral, written, express or implied) made, given or agreed to by any person (whether a party to this Agreement or not) except those expressly set out or referred to in this Agreement and the documents referred to herein; and (b) this clause 20 shall not apply to any statement, representation or warranty made fraudulently or to any provision of this Agreement which was induced by, or otherwise entered into as a result of, fraud, for which the remedies shall be all those available under the law governing this Agreement. 20.3 No variation, supplement, deletion or replacement of or from this Agreement or any of its terms shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by or on behalf of each party. 21. GENERAL PROVISIONS 21.1 Any waiver of a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement or of any default hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default and shall in no way affect the other terms of this Agreement. No failure to exercise and no delay on the part of any party in exercising any right, remedy, power or privilege of that party under this Agreement and no course of dealing between the parties shall be construed or operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege. The rights and remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. 21.2 The Buyer shall have, absent fraud, no right whatsoever on or after the date of this Agreement to terminate or rescind this Agreement. 26 22. SELLERS GUARANTEE 22.1 For good and valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Seller's Guarantor, the Seller's Guarantor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees to the Buyer the due and punctual payment of all moneys and performance of all other obligations expressed to be payable or performed by BTL and/or the Seller under the terms of this and any documents collateral thereto (together, the "Documents" and individually a "Document") and agrees that, if at any time or from time to time any of the moneys expressed to be payable by BTL and/or the Seller under any Document (whether at stated date of payment, on demand or otherwise) are not paid on the due date therefor, or if any of its other obligations are not performed, it will forthwith upon demand therefor made by the Buyer upon it unconditionally pay in the manner required by the relevant Document the moneys the payment of which has not been made as aforesaid provided that demand has been made on the Seller or BTL (as the case may be) and such demand has not been complied with within fourteen days, to the intent that the amounts so payable shall be such amounts as will result in such person or persons receiving the same amounts as would have been received had such payments been duly made by BTL and/or the Seller in accordance with the terms of the relevant Document, or (as appropriate) procure the performance of the other obligations in question. 22.2 In addition to, but separate from, the obligations contained in Clause 22.1 above, the Seller's Guarantor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to indemnify the Buyer and to keep the Buyer indemnified against any loss of whatever kind resulting from the failure by BTL and/or the Seller to make any payment expressed to be due under the Documents when due or to perform any other obligation thereunder and to pay the amount of such loss whether or not the Buyer or any other person has attempted to enforce any rights against BTL and/or the Seller after a demand has been made and not complied with within fourteen days. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, such loss shall include all those amounts as shall not have been paid as aforesaid and all costs and expenses (including actual legal fees and expenses) which the Buyer may incur in proceedings against BTL and/or the Seller. 22.3 The Seller's Guarantor shall not be exonerated or discharged from any of its obligations under this clause 22, nor shall any of such obligations be in any way prejudiced or affected, by:- (a) any invalidity or unenforceability of any obligation expressed to be assumed by BTL and/or the Seller under or in connection with any Document; or (b) any variation or amendment of, or waiver or release granted under or in respect of, any Document or any document referred to therein; or (c) time being given to BTL and/or the Seller or any other indulgence or concession to BTL and/or the Seller granted by the Buyer; or (d) the release of BTL and/or the Seller from any of its obligations under any Document or the taking, holding, varying, non-enforcement, non-perfection or release by the Buyer of any other security for all or any of the sums expressed to be payable by BTL and/or the Seller under any Document; or (e) the liquidation, insolvency, examination, receivership or analogous process of, or any change in the status, function, control, ownership or financial condition of BTL and/or the Seller or any other person or by any other event; or 27 (f) any other thing done or omitted or neglected to be done by the Buyer or any other dealing, fact, matter or thing which, but for this provision, might operate to exonerate or discharge the Seller from any of its obligations under this clause 22. 22.4 The obligations of the Seller's Guarantor under this clause 22 are continuing obligations and accordingly they shall remain in operation until all moneys and other obligations now or hereafter expressed to be owing or undertaken under the terms of the Documents have been finally and irrevocably paid off or satisfied in full and discharged and performed and are in addition to and not in substitution for, and shall not be prejudiced or affected by, any other security which the Buyer may at any time hold for the payment of such moneys or any of them and may be enforced without first having recourse to any such security and without taking any steps or proceedings against BTL and/or the Seller. 23. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION 23.1 This Agreement (together with all documents to be entered into pursuant to it which are not expressed to be governed by another law) shall be governed by, construed and take effect in accordance with English law. 23.2 The courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any claim, dispute or matter of difference which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement (including without limitation claims for set-off or counterclaim) or the legal relationships established by this Agreement. 23.3 Each of the parties hereto agrees that in the event of any action between any of the parties hereto being commenced in respect of this Agreement or any matters arising under it, the process by which it is commenced, (where consistent with the applicable court rules) may be served on them in accordance with clause 18. 24. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 24.1 Except where the contrary intention expressly appears in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer on any person any right to enforce any term of this Agreement which that person would not have had but for the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. Where such contrary intention appears, the rights in question are enforceable only by the third parties expressly identified (and not by any other person) subject to and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement in question. 24.2 No right of any party to agree any amendment, variation, waiver or settlement under or arising from or in respect of this Agreement, or to terminate this Agreement, shall be subject to the consent of any person who has rights under this Agreement by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. 25 CERTIFICATE OF VALUE 28 It is hereby certified that the transaction effected under this Agreement does not form part of a larger transaction or of a series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value or the aggregate amount or value exceeds (pound)60,000. AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their duly authorised representatives the day and year first above written. 29 SCHEDULE 1 Business Intellectual Property PART A
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Renewal Country Owner Trade Mark Class Number Status Registration Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware 9, 42, 35 76/305795 Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware (series) 9, 16 2262635A Registered 28-Feb-01 28-Feb-11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware word 09, 16, 42 2356343 Advertised -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Keyper 9, 16, 42 2356376 Advertised -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Keyper 9, 16 2262635B Registered 28-Feb-01 28-Feb-11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Keyper 9, 42, 35 76/305791 Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Net 09, 16, 42 2356350 Advertised -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Net 9, 42, 35 76/305790 Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Runner 09,16, 42 2356319 Advertised -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Runner 9, 16 2262635C Registered 28-Feb-01 28-Feb-11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Baltimore Technologies Ltd (Irl) Sureware Runner 9, 42, 35 76/305792 Application --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The unregistered Trade Mark "ACCE" All Intellectual Property Rights in all and any software, source code, designs and other information held on the perforce server but excluding any obligations arising out of or created in connection with any such software, source code or information. 31 SCHEDULE 2 Customer Contracts [Schedule 9 - Work in Progress] Customers
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Item Value Invoiced Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visa International SafeKeyper $ tba Invoiceable on Additional professional services in respect of SafeKeyper (USA) Migration Time & Materials Migration completed in June 2002 for services provided by basis Baltimore (USA) and BBN Technologies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SecureNet SureWare $170,000 June 2002 Units shipped in June 2002, invoice date delayed to Sept (Australia) Keypers 2002 under SecureNet Agreement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 SCHEDULE 3 Demised Premises The Ground Floor, The West Wing Focus 31, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom. 33 SCHEDULE 4 Deed Of Covenants THIS DEED OF COVENANT is made the day of 2002 ---- ------------------------- BETWEEN: (1) Baltimore Technologies plc a company registered in England and Wales under number 2643615 whose registered office is at 1310 Waterside, Arlington Business park Theale Reading Berks, RG7 4SA United Kingdom, (the "Covenantor") and (2) AEP Systems International Limited a Company registered in England and Wales under number 4479308 whose registered office is at Gomms Wood Lodge, Cherry Drive, Forty Green, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire H9P 1XP(the "Buyer"). WHEREAS: Pursuant to the provisions of an Agreement dated 2002 between amongst -------- others the Covenantor and the Buyer, (the "Sale Agreement") the Buyer has agreed to acquire the Hardware Business and the Covenantor has agreed to enter into this Deed. OPERATIVE TERMS: 1. INTERPRETATION 1.1 In this Deed unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires, expressions defined in the Sale Agreement shall have the same meanings and in addition the following expressions shall have the following meanings: "Restricted Business" the business as described in the Sale Agreement under the definition "Hardware Business"; "Restricted Area" the United Kingdom, Ireland, France , Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan and the United States of America; "Restricted Period" the period from the date of this Agreement to 10 September 2004; 2. COVENANTS 2.1 Subject to clause 2.5 the Covenantor hereby undertakes to the Buyer that it will not and it will procure that no member of the Seller's Group (as defined in the Sale Agreement) will either alone or jointly with others, whether as principal, agent, manager, shareholder, independent contractor or in any other capacity, directly or indirectly through any other person, for his own benefit or that of others: (a) at any time during the Restricted Period engage in or carry on or be interested in any Restricted Business within the Restricted Area in competition with the Buyer (other than as a holder for investment of no more than 15 per cent of any class of 34 shares or securities dealt in on a recognised stock exchange or as a holder of the Buyer's parent's stock); (b) at any time during the period expiring two years after Completion actively solicit any employee earning in excess of (pound)50,000 of the Hardware Business (an "Employee") to leave the employment of the Hardware Business, whether or not such Employee would by reason of so leaving commit a breach of his contract of employment, except in any such case where such Employee responds to a public advertisement. 2.2 Nothing in this Deed shall prevent or restrict the Covenantor or any of its subsidiary undertakings from time to time from acquiring any person or a business (a "Target") whose business includes a business (or businesses) (the "Competing Business") which competes with the Restricted Business, provided that the Competing Business is not a material part of the business of the Target. For the purposes of clauses 2.2 and 2.3, the Competing Business shall only be deemed "material" if the Competing Business contributed more than 30% of the total revenues of the Target, by reference to the most recent published accounts (or, if there are none, the management accounts). 2.3 If the Competing Business of a Target is material, then the Covenantor (or any of its subsidiary undertakings from time to time) may nevertheless make the acquisition but undertakes promptly after completion of the acquisition to notify the Buyer in writing of this fact and to offer the Buyer the first right of refusal to acquire the Competing Business at an arms length price and on arms length terms and if such offer is not accepted, dispose or cease the operation of the Competing Business within 12 months of the date when the Buyer notifies the Covenantor in writing that it does not wish to acquire the Competing Business offered pursuant to this clause 2.3. At the end of this period, the exemption in clause 2.2 shall cease to apply. 2.4 Each of the covenants contained in clause 2 is entirely separate and severable and enforceable accordingly. Each of such covenants is considered fair and reasonable in all the circumstances by the parties but in the event that any such restriction shall be found to be void or ineffective but would be valid and effective if some part thereof were deleted or the duration or area of application reduced such restriction shall apply with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid and effective. 3. ASSIGNMENT The rights of each of the parties to this Deed may be assigned only with the prior written consent of the other parties. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS The following provisions of the Sale Agreement shall apply to this Deed as if the same had been set out herein in full save that references therein to the Seller, its address and the Agreement respectively shall be construed as references to the Covenantor, its address specified in this Deed and this Deed: 35 (a) clause 18 Notices (i) clause 19 Severability (ii) clause 20 Entire Agreement and Variations (iii) clause 21 General provisions (iv) Clause 23 Governing law (v) Clause 13 in relation to confidentiality. In witness whereof this Deed has been entered into the day and year first before written. Executed as a Deed by the Affixing of the Common Seal of Baltimore Technologies Plc In the presence of: -------------------- Director -------------------- Director/Secretary Executed as a Deed by the Affixing of the Common Seal of AEP SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED In the presence of: -------------------- Director -------------------- Director/Secretary 36 SCHEDULE 5 Employees 1. LANE Rob 2. AHMED Ufique 3. ANDERSON Ray 4. ASHDOWN Robin 5. BRADFORD Richard 6. CAHILL Charles 7. CLEMENTS Peter 8. CRADDOCK Alan 9. DIXON Tom 10. DOREY Louise 11. GAYLER Anne 12. GOFFIN Paul 13. HAYES Vicki 14. HEALY Paul 15. HOOPMAN Arjan 16. LEAK David 17. LEWIS Stephen 18. MILLER David 19. PRICE Roger 20. RABI LALEH Essy 21. RABI LALEH Karrim 22. RITCHIE Arwen 23. RODDEN Ewan 24. ROSS Stephen 25. SAUNDERS Rod 26. STEDMAN Kate 27. SUREN Rohini 28. TROBRIDGE Chris 29. VIRDEE James 30. WATSON Tim 37 SCHEDULE 6 Asset Register
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asset Machine Description QTY Location/Purpose --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41255 3Com Office Connect Hub 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3COM Office Connect Hub 1 Cupboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Com Office Connect Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Com Office Connect Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accton EtherHub -8s Hub 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42558 ADI Monitor 14" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40563 AE SuperCount Counter Scales 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agilent E3631A PSU 3 ch 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40498 AOC Monitor 14" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40600 AVO M806 DMM 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay EN108 Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay NetGear Hub 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41591 Bay NetGear 8 Hub 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay NetGear 8 Switch 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay NetGear 8 Switch 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay NetGear D5116 Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BICC Data Networks ISOLAN 10Mhz Hub 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 2 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbird Debug probe 2 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40728 Canon Multipass C20 Fax 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40410 Canon NP6012 Photocopier 1 IT - Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cisco 2600 Switch 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40004 Clare A114 Earth leakage Test 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40549 Clare A303J Flash Tester 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40923 Compaq 300 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 561 Compaq 300 Prosignia PC - mini 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41220 Compaq 450 Dual PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41628 Compaq 550 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41811 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42507 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 List Y - test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42539 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42592 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42626 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42629 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 Mandrake Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42631 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42643 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42692 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42693 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42694 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42695 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42696 Compaq 600 PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42689 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42690 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42711 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 C2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42712 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 C1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42735 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42740 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42755 Compaq 733 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42776 Compaq 800 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42737 Compaq 866 PC - desktop 1 Circuit layouts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42778 Compaq 866 PC - desktop 1 Linux Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42779 Compaq 866 PC - desktop 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40460 Compaq Armada PC - notebook 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41602 Compaq S900 Monitor 19" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cupboard C8 - Ops Safe 1 Downstairs next to test lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 527 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 532 DAL PC - desktop 1 Circuit Testing rig --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606 DAL PC - desktop 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 626 DAL PC - mini 1 List X - Dev/Europay PS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40283 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40284 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40302 DAL PC - desktop 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40411 DAL PC - desktop 1 Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40415 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40417 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40420 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40596 DAL PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40597 DAL PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40598 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40602 DAL PC - desktop 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40643 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40648 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40670 DAL PC - desktop 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40675 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40683 DAL PC - desktop 1 License Server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40717 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40718 DAL PC - desktop 1 Ops - Test PC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40840 DAL PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40849 DAL PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40894 DAL PC - desktop 1 Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40904 DAL PC - desktop 1 List X - Dev/Europay PS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40896 DAL 334 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40897 DAL 334 PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40673 DAL ??? PC - desktop 1 For disposal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 580 DAL 133 PC - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43203 Dell Monitor 15" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43201 DellPrecision 933 Twin PC - tower 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43202 DellPrecision 933 Twin PC - tower 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demo SureWare Keyper HSM 1 Holland --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 631 EIZO Flexscan F55 Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40653 Epic PC 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42554 Epson GTI2000 Scanner 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fakerscope 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fellowes FXL 125 Laminator 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2197 Financial HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2479 Financial HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4171 Financial HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4172 Financial HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluke DMM 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GemPlus GCR 4100 Smartcard reader 4 Cupboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GemPlus GCR 4100 Smartcard reader 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gemplus GCR 4100 Smartcard reader 3 Dev Europay Test Rig --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GemPlus GCR 4100 Smartcard reader 2 List X - Europay PS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GemPlus GCR 4100 Smartcard reader 3 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42761 HP PC - mini 1 EMC Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP PSU 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42560 HP 2500C Printer - deskjet 1 IT - Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41027 HP 8000DN Printer 1 IT - Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42582 HP 82000 Visualize (HP-UX v11) WS - mini 1 Test (hp-viz2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP 860 Debug probe 2 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP 9121 PC - desktop 1 Lab - not in use --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41553 HP A4575A Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42588 HP Brio Monitor 17" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41016 HP DesignJet 450C Printer - Plotter 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP Jet Direct Plus Switch - printer/LAN 1 IT - Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40285 HP Laserjet 4 Printer 1 IT - Ops - HH01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43204 HP M700 Monitor 17" 1 HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42584 HP P910 Monitor 19" 1 IT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42585 HP P910 Monitor 19" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40939 HP Ultra 1280 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41216 HP Universal Counter UC in rack 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40940 HP Vectra VL PC - mini 1 Ops - Old EMC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42761 HP Vectra VL400 PC 1 Ops - EMC Tester --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43191 HP1650B Logic Analyser 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40048 HP18179A Line Analyser 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iBox-4xxP-2 Debug probe 2 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICS Advent Pro 4148 PC - industrial 1 List Y - Black Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42557 IIyama Vision Master Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41129 Intel In Business 8 port Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41219 JTAG: PM3705 Boundary Scan Controller 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40651 JVC TK-C1380 Video Camera 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F00397 K&K Pallet Truck 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kardex Industviewer 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4416 Keyper HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyper HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3731 Keyper PCI (broken) HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2033 Keyper v2.2 HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3435 Keyper v2.2 HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3486 Keyper v2.2 HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4133 Keyper v2.2 HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyper v3 HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master View Plus Switch - monitor 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master View Plus Switch - monitor 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43190 MasterView C5104 Switch - monitor 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40003 Megger pat 2 PAT 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43197 Meiji EMZ Microscope 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40516 Messer M5097 MMU 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40078 Mettler PE 3600 Scales 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42630 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42639 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42655 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42656 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42657 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42658 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42680 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 Circuit layouts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42732 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42756 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42764 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43200 Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 Monitor 19" 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41208 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 50 Monitor 15" 1 Ops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41523 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 List X - dev/Europay PS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42508 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42536 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42538 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 Spare --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42713 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42714 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42729 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42733 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42753 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43716 Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mockup Keyper for customer visits HSM 1 Holland --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41215 Multimeter MMU in rack 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40918 NEC A700 Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40919 NEC JC-1576VMB 15" Monitor 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3406 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3410 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3569 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3591 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3595 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3601 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3606 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3608 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3609 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3669 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3944 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3953 Net HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net debug HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2460 Net Keyper HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2468 Net Keyper HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetGear D5104 Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noise Ken FVC-1000 EMI noise sensor 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noise Ken FVC-30 EMI noise sensor 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40424 Nokia 447E Monitor 14" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2424 NSP HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2425 NSP HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P2152 NSP HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P2184 NSP HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P2863 NSP HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P2864 NSP HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCDemon Wizzler Debug probe 3 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40250 Olivetti PT 505 Typewriter 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40399 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 CD Writer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40700 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40750 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40845 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41023 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41155 Panasonic 5G Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40689 Panasonic TX-D1734 Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43194 PDD 3502A PSU 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40105 Phillips 3311 Scope 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40228 Phillips PM 6671 Timer/Counter 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43192 PICSTART Plus Programmer 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40567 Planet EH1601 Hub 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet EH801 Hub 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plus 2 debugger Debugger 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40674 Polar Tone-OHM Short Tracer 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polar Tone-OHM Short Tracer 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41217 Power supply PSU in rack 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41218 Power supply PSU in rack 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PowerMan PC FSP250-6OGTA PC 1 PCI Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41043 Project Monitor 17" 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41150 Project Monitor 17" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42505 Projector T1 Plus U2-870 Projector 1 Cupboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4883 Runner v2 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4888 Runner v2 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4889 Runner v2 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4892 Runner v2 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J5006 Runner v2 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safe - backups Safe 1 Located in IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43205 Safe - dev, Europay Safe 1 List X - Dev/Europay PS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safe - Ops Safe 1 List Y - Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 499 Samsung Monitor 14" 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40403 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Sun --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40404 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40405 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40406 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40471 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40502 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40504 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Sun --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40505 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40511 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40513 Samsung 17GLi Monitor 17" 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schleicher Shredder 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40033 Schlumber DMM 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40652 Schott KL 1500 Light Source 1 Ops ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43195 Soldering Iron 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43196 Soldering Iron 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40649 Sony SSM Monitor 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41018 Sprint Programmer 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41232 Sun Monitor 17" 1 Sun --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42669 Sun Monitor 21" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42670 Sun Monitor 21" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun 250 WS - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42667 Sun Ultra 10 WS - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42668 Sun Ultra 10 WS - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41234 Sun Ultra 5 WS - desktop 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42723 TeaC CD Copier 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tektronix 465B Scope 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40133 Tektronix HP 1630G Logic Analyser 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 676 Tektronix Phaser 740 Printer 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43193 Tektronix TDS 3054 Scope 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40429 Tektronix TDS 360 Scope 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43199 Tektronix TDS784C 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43198 Tektronix TLA704 Logic Analyser 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41616 Toshiba 4080XCDT PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41139 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT home use only --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41620 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42785 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42809 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43151 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43157 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43163 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43164 Toshiba Portage PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41557 Toshiba Satellite 4080XCDT PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41611 Toshiba Satellite 4080XCDT PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42595 Toshiba Satellite Pro 4200 PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7621E Toshiba Satellite Pro 4200 PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43153 Toshiba+B320 Monitor 19" 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tripods 2 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40388 Vision Matrix Microscope 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40019 Weir 413D PSU 1 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40611 Wrist strap tester 1 Lab --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xytronic 136 ESD Black soldering Stn 1 Ops --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40629 Zebra 1055 Printer - labels 1 Ops - label printing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41156 Zergo PC - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41178 Zergo PC - mini 1 Linux ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41179 Zergo PC - mini 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41254 Zergo PC - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42512 Zergo PC 1 Ops - label production --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zergo PC - mini 1 dev-gate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zergo Dual 350 PC - mini 1 Test (hhtest1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zergo Tower PC - tower 1 List Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zergo Zip drive PC - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1761 ZergoDual PC - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40764 ZergoDual PC - mini 1 CADSTAR ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41177 ZergoDual PC - mini 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40626 PC 1 Ops - test goods in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42715 PC - notebook 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4101 HSM 1 Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J4425 HSM 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fans 2 Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HSM 1 Debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index PSU8 PABX - Serial no SDUWM00001SABPCS Phone System 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index CPUV200 - 38UEP00001SKQ Phone System 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index DSLC 32 Digital Extension cards - 38UEP00001SDX Phone System 3 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index DPNSS-30 - 38UEP00001SEL Phone System 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index AL2-8 Analogue Extension card - 38UEP00001SCN Phone System 1 IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index DT3/5 Extensions. Phone System 40 Desks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 SCHEDULE 7 IP Licences PART A ------------------------------------------------- Software Name ------------------------------------------------- Adobe Acrobat ------------------------------------------------- Adobe Frame Maker 6.0 ------------------------------------------------- Adobe GoLive v 5.0 ------------------------------------------------- ALT Synplicity ------------------------------------------------- Altera Maxplus ------------------------------------------------- Altera Quartus ------------------------------------------------- ARM ADS ------------------------------------------------- Cadence Orcad ------------------------------------------------- Cadstar ------------------------------------------------- Chronology Timing Designer ------------------------------------------------- Installshield ------------------------------------------------- Installshield 2000 ------------------------------------------------- Jtag for windows for NT ------------------------------------------------- Labview for Windows v 5.01 ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft MSDN library ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Office ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Project 2000 ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual .Net Pro ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++v6 ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------------------------- Microsoft XP Pro ------------------------------------------------- Perforce ------------------------------------------------- Prism v2.0 pSOS, Diab C/C++ Compiler Linker ------------------------------------------------- Single Step debugger ------------------------------------------------- Sun Dev.Tools (Solaris) ------------------------------------------------- Thomson Toolkit ------------------------------------------------- WIZ C Pro for PIC18Fxx ------------------------------------------------- Xilinx fitter ------------------------------------------------- Exceed ------------------------------------------------- HP-UX v11, Ac compiler ------------------------------------------------- Numega Bounds Checker ------------------------------------------------- Pro Chain ------------------------------------------------- PVCS ------------------------------------------------- Veribest ------------------------------------------------- Webworks Publisher Professional 6.05 ------------------------------------------------- Araxis Merge Professional ------------------------------------------------- DSR Recourse ------------------------------------------------- EasyCad 32 ------------------------------------------------- Rational Rose ------------------------------------------------- WinZip ------------------------------------------------- Paintshop Pro v6 ------------------------------------------------- Textpad - 20 user licence ------------------------------------------------- 46 PART B 47 SCHEDULE 8 Leasing / Hire Purchase None. 48 SCHEDULE 9 Supplier Contracts Baltimore Hardware Division Work in Progress - 01 Sept 02 Suppliers
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplier Item Value Status 01 Sept 02 Next Due date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Electronics Manufacturing (pound)29,953.25 Order for 25 SureWare Keypers due in Oct 2002. October 2002 Limited Agreement Ongoing obligation to forecast each month. No other commitments in current forecast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Electronics Maintenance (pound)73,905 per Annual maintenance commitment. Variable fee 1 Oct 2002 Limited Agreement annum payable quarterly for units due in that for Q4 02-03 quarter. Currently paid to end Sept 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALT Technologies Synplify HDL Analyst (pound)3,199 FPGA Development kit - annual maintenance 11 Oct 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence Orcad maintenance (pound)140 Annual from 1 Aug 02. Ordered 8 July, not yet 1 Aug 03 invoiced --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grey Matter MSDN Subscription (pound)1,200 Annual Subscription, checking date paid up to Checking --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perforce Perforce Maintenance (pound)4,400 Annual maintenance 29 Oct 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Instruments Labview Maintenance (pound)990 Annual Subscription 1 Mar 03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Tools JTAG Maintenance (pound)2,005 Annual maintenance 20 Nov 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Microsystems Developers (pound)1,999 Annual subscription 5 Nov 02 Subscription --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xilinx Xilinx Fitter (pound)999 Annual maintenance 20 Nov 02 Maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cardex Maintenance of (pound)520 Annual maintenance 30 April 2003 carousel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplier Item Value Status 01 Sept 02 Next Due date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zygology Maintenance of label (pound)335 Annual maintenance 28 Feb 2003 prnter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESG Key generation fee (pound)2,000 pa Annual Fee for key generation 1 Apr 02 to 31 01 Apr 03 Mar 03. Fee recently agreed and annual service ordered 2 Sept 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESG Annual CAPS (pound)6,700 pa Annual fee paid 30 May 2002 to May 2003 30 May 03 Subscription --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GS Designs PCB Layout changes (pound)250 Work in progress at GS Designs Sept 02 interface 2790 Encryptor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GS Designs PCB layout for 2271 (pound)1,500 Work in progress at GS Designs Sept 02 DCI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hemel Copy Print 25 manuals for (pound)196.75 Order date 10 Sept 2002 Sept 02 SureWare Keyper & CSP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSS Group Participation in (pound)5,000 Ordered 30 July & Invoiced in advance. Test Sept 02 Group PKI Test date 16 Sept 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CESG Haystack licence fee 2% per ED20M Payable per unit backdated 6 months from Dec 2002 agreement signature. Baltimore owes approx (pound)11,000 from Dec 2001 to 1 Sept 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windriver PSOS licence fee (pound)5 - Baltimore prepaid 1000 units in 2000. Oct 2002 (pound)8 per Approximately 1000 units sold to date and SureWare qualifying: new licence needed, quote received ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 SCHEDULE 10 Warranties PART A GENERAL 1. INFORMATION SUPPLIED All information contained in this Agreement and all matters contained in the Disclosure Letter and all other written information relating to the Hardware Business given by the Seller or its accountants or the Seller's Solicitors to the Buyer or its accountants or the Buyer's Solicitors (including without limitation the replies to due diligence enquiries which are as set out at a schedule of the Disclosure Letter) are true and accurate in all material respects and there is no fact or matter relating to the Hardware Business which is known to the Seller which has not been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter which renders any such matters or information untrue or inaccurate. 2. CAPACITY OF THE SELLER 2.1 The Seller, the Seller's Guarantor and BTL have full power and authority and has taken all necessary corporate action to enable each of them to enter into and perform this Agreement and all agreements entered into by any of them, or to be entered into, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and such agreements when executed will constitute valid, binding and enforcable obligations on the Seller, the Seller's Guarantor or BTL (as the case maybe) in accordance with their respective terms and none of them require the consent, approval or authority of any other person to enter into or perform any of their obligations under this Agreement and all agreements to be entered into pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and the entry into and performance of this Agreement by any of them will not constitute a breach of or default under any contractual or government obligation binding upon any of them, and none of them are engaged in any litigation or arbitration proceedings which would have an adverse effect upon the capacity or ability of any of them to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement and, as far as the Seller is aware, no such legal or arbitration proceedings have been threatened against any of them. 2.2 The Hardware Business is not carried on by or for the benefit of any person, firm or corporation other than the Seller or Seller's Group. 3. RECORDS 3.1 Accounting and Other Records 3.1.1 All books, accounts and records required by law to be maintained in connection with the Hardware Business have at all times been properly maintained and are properly written up to date and will be so kept up to Completion and all returns and payments for the purposes of VAT have been made. 53 3.1.2 All such books, accounts and records referred to in paragraph 3.1.1 duly and accurately record all matters required by law to be entered therein and accurately present and reflect in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards all transactions entered into in relation to the Hardware Business. 3.2 Accounts The Accounts supplied by the Seller to the Buyer: 3.2.1 comply with generally accepted accounting principles and standards and give a true and fair view of and properly reflect the financial position of the Hardware Business as at the Balance Sheet Date (having excluded all inter company revenues) and are not affected by any unusual or non-recurring items unless otherwise expressly stated therein; 3.2.2 fully disclose all assets and make reserve against all assets and fully provide for all liabilities (whether or not quantified or disputed) and fully provide (or disclose by way of note) for all contingent liabilities at the Balance Sheet Date. 3.3 Valuation of Stock and Work-in-Progress The accounting policies and bases and the method of valuing stock and work-in-progress used in the preparation of the Accounts were the same as those adopted in the accounts of the Hardware Business for the immediately preceding three financial periods. Any slow-moving stock and non-recoverable work-in-progress included in the Accounts was written down appropriately and any redundant or obsolete stock included in the Accounts was wholly written-off and the value attributed to the remaining stock and the raw material included in work-in-progress and finished stock did not exceed the lower of cost and net realisable value as at the Balance Sheet Date. 4. CHANGES SINCE THE BALANCE SHEET DATE 4.1 Since the Balance Sheet Date the Hardware Business has in all material respects been carried on in the ordinary and usual course both as regards the nature, scope and manner of conducting the same and; 4.1.2 the Hardware Business has paid its creditors within the times agreed with such creditors (save for any persons to which it owes less than (pound)1,000) and there are no debts outstanding which have been due for more than 60 days; 4.1.3 there has been no unusual change in stock levels of the Hardware Business; 4.1.4 the Hardware Business has not been adversely affected by the loss of or material reduction in orders from any customer or the loss of or material reduction in any source of supply or by any abnormal factor not affecting similar businesses and after making due and careful enquiries the Seller is not aware of any facts which are likely to give rise to any such adverse effects; 4.1.5 no alterations have been made in the terms of employment or conditions of service of any Employee or in the pension or other benefits of any Employee or any officer or employee of the Hardware Business or any other dependants; 54 4.1.6 none of the fixed assets of the Hardware Business shown in the Accounts and none acquiried by the Seller since the Balance Sheet Date have been lost, damaged or destroyed; 4.1.7 there has been no material adverse change in the financial position or trading prospects of the Hardware Business. 4.1.8 the Seller has not done or omitted to do anything which might materially and prejudicially affect the Goodwill. 5. TITLE TO THE ASSETS 5.1 The Assets comprise all assets now used in the Hardware Business and which are necessary for the continuation of the Hardware Business as carried on prior to Completion. No member of the Seller's Group hold any other assets which relate or are used by the Hardware Business in particular there are no other trade marks other than the Trade Marks and the Baltimore Trade Marks used in the Hardware Business immediately prior to Completion. 5.2 The Seller has good title to, and has in its possession and under its control, all of the Assets which are sold free from any charge, lien, encumbrance, equity, agreement of hire or hire purchase or for payment on deferred terms, bill of sale or any obligation to pay any outstanding sums in respect of them and no person other than the Seller has or claims any rights in relation to the Assets. 5.3 [Intentionally left blank] 5.4 The Customer Contracts are the only contracts entered into prior to the Completion Date by or on behalf of the Seller with customers for the sale or hire of goods or equipment or provision of services by the Seller in connection with the Hardware Business which at Completion remain to be performed in whole or in part by the Seller. 5.5 The Leasing/Hire Agreements are the only leasing, hire, hire agreements or conditional sale agreements relating to the Hardware Business existing at the Completion Date. The schedule of leased assets, applicable lease payments, terms of leasing periods and secondary leasing periods set out in the Disclosure Letter is true, complete and accurate in all respects. 5.6 The supplier contracts which are set out in the Disclosure Letter are the only contracts, engagements and orders entered into prior to the Completion Date by or on behalf of the Seller for the supply or sale of goods or services in connection with the Hardware Business which at Completion remain to be performed in whole or in part by the Seller. 6. THE BUSINESS CONTRACTS Intentionally left blank 55 6.2 Full Force All the Business Contracts are in full force and effect and have been duly complied with in all material respects by the Seller (and as far as the Seller is aware by third parties ) and, as far as the Seller is aware, nothing has occurred whereby any of them is or would be subject to early termination or which has given or would give rise to any claim under any of them by any party to any of them. The Business Contracts are freely assignable. 6.3 Nature of the Business Contracts All the terms of each of the Business Contracts have been fully disclosed in the Disclosure Letter and none of the Contracts: 6.3.1 was entered into otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of the Hardware Business; 6.3.2 are not fully on an arm's length basis. 6.3.3 is of a long term nature (that is to say is for a fixed term of more than six months or incapable of performance in accordance with its terms within six months after the date on which it was entered into or undertaken); 6.3.4 is incapable of termination in accordance with its terms by the Seller on 60 days' notice or less; 6.3.5 is of a loss making nature (that is to say, will result in a loss to the Seller on completion of performance): 6.3.6 cannot readily be fulfilled or performed by the Seller on time without undue or unusual expenditure of money or effort; 6.3.7 involves payment by the Seller by reference to fluctuations in the index of retail prices or any other index or in the rate of exchange for any currency; 6.3.8 involves the supply of goods the aggregate sales value of which will represent in excess of 10 per cent of the anticipated turnover of the Hardware Business in the 12 months following Completion. 7. ASSETS The Assets are adequate for and fit for and not surplus to the requirements of the Hardware Business and are in good repair and condition and working order (fair wear and tear excepted) and have been regularly maintained. 8. THE STOCK The Stock is sufficient for the normal requirements of the Hardware Business and relates exclusively to the Hardware Business and is in good condition (fair wear and tear excepted) and, in the case of completed goods, is capable of being sold in the ordinary course of Hardware Business. No member of the Seller's Group hold any Stock which relates to the Hardware Business. 56 9. EMPLOYEES 9.1 Particulars of Employees and Terms of Employment 9.1.1 No person is employed or engaged in the Hardware Business (whether under a contract of service or contract for services) other than the Employees and the Employees are all employed directly by the Seller and each of the Employees is employed exclusively in the Hardware Business. 9.1.2 The Seller has disclosed in the Disclosure Letter copies of all service contracts and contracts for services (including all information required by law to be included in particulars of terms of employment) and full particulars of the current terms of employment or engagement of all Employees of the Hardware Business are set out in the table of terms and conditions of employment of the Employees set out at Schedule E of the Disclosure Letter . 9.1.3 In respect of each of the Employees the Seller has: (a) performed all obligations and duties required to be performed by it (and has settled all outstanding claims and debts), whether arising under contract, statute, at common law or in equity; and (b) complied with its obligations under Regulation 10 of the Transfer Regulations. 9.1.4 The Seller has not offered any contract of employment or contract for services to any person (except to any of the Employees) and there is not now outstanding any contract of service or for services with any of the Employees of the Hardware Business which is not determinable by the Seller at any time on one month's notice or less without compensation (other than under the Employment Rights Act 1996) or any liability (other than for salary, wages, commission or pension) on the part of the Hardware Business to or for the benefit of any person who is an Employee of the Hardware Business. 9.1.5 The Seller has not offered, promised or agreed for the future any material variation in any contract of employment or any contract for services in respect of the Employees or any other person employed by the Seller in respect of whom liability is deemed by the Transfer Regulations to pass to the Buyer. 9.1.6 The Seller has paid to the Inland Revenue and any other appropriate authority all taxes, National Insurance contributions and other levies due in respect of the Employees in respect of their employment by the Seller up to the Completion Date. 9.1.7 There are no enquiries or investigations existing, pending or threatened into the Seller or the Hardware Business by the Equal Opportunities Commission or the Commission for Racial Equality or other similar authorities. 9.1.8 No Employee of the Hardware Business has given or received notice terminating his employment or engagement in connection with the Hardware Business and, so far as the Seller is aware, no Employee of the Hardware Business is entitled 57 or intends or is likely to terminate such employment or engagement as a result of the parties entering into this Agreement or Completion. 9.1.9 There is no person previously employed by the Seller in the Hardware Business who now has or may in the future have a right to return to work (whether for reasons connected with maternity leave or absence by reason of illness or incapacity or otherwise) or a right to be reinstated or re-engaged in the Hardware Business or to any other compensation. 9.1.10 [intentionally left blank] 9.1.11 Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, there are not in existence and the Seller has not proposed or is not proposing to introduce any bonus, profit-sharing scheme, share option scheme, share incentive scheme or any other scheme or arrangement under which the Employees or any of them are or is or would be entitled to participate in the profits of the Hardware Business. No indication has been given to any of the Employees that any retention bonuses paid to them previously would give rise to an entitlement on their behalf to be paid such bonuses in the future and payment of retention bonuses does not form part of the Employees' contracts of employment. The Option Arrangement is the only share option scheme pursuant to which the Employees have any entitlement to receive share options or any other entitlement of any nature whatsoever in the capital of their employer. 9.1.12 [intentionally left blank] 9.1.13 The Seller is not engaged or involved in any dispute, claim or legal proceedings (whether arising under contract, common law, statute or in equity) with any of the Employees, nor with any other person employed by the Seller in respect of whom liability is deemed to pass to the Buyer by virtue of the Transfer Regulations and so far as the Seller is aware there is no likelihood of any such dispute, claim or proceedings arising at any time. 9.1.14 There is no industrial action or dispute existing or, so far as the Seller is aware, threatened or anticipated in respect of or concerning any of the Employees. 9.1.15 Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter there are no agents or distributors of the Hardware Business and there are no persons, firms or companies whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere with whom formal or informal arrangements exist or have existed concerning the manufacture, sale, distribution, hire, lease or promotion of any goods or services connected with the Hardware Business and no such agent or distributor has any right to any indemnity or compensation whatsoever upon termination of any arrangement in connection with the Hardware Business. 9.1.16 There are no joint venture agreements, sales agreements, market-sharing agreements or other arrangements relating to the Hardware Business whereby the right to carry on the Hardware Business in any part of the world is in any way limited or subject to particular terms or conditions. 9.2 Labour Relations 58 9.2.1 The Seller has not recognised any trade union, works/ staff councils or association of trade unions or any other organisation of employees in respect of the Employees or any of them. 9.2.2 There is no collective agreement or other agreement or arrangement (whether in writing, or by custom and practice) with any trade union, staff association, staff works council or other organisation of employees in relation to the Hardware Business and the Seller is not involved or so far as the Seller is aware likely to be involved in connection with the Hardware Business in any industrial or trade dispute or negotiation with any trade union or other organisation of employees. 10. INSURANCE 10.1 All the Assets are and have at all material times been insured to their full replacement or reinstatement value in accordance with generally accepted practice with a reputable insurer against fire and all other risks customarily insured against by persons carrying on a similar business to the Hardware Business. 10.2 Full particulars have been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter of all such insurances and there are no outstanding claims or circumstances likely to give rise to a claim thereunder and nothing has been done or omitted to be done which has made or would make any policy of insurance void or voidable or whereby its renewal may be refused or its premiums are likely to be materially increased. 10.3 None of the such policies of insurance is subject to any special or unusual terms or restrictions or to the payment of any premium in excess of the normal rates . 11. STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS Intentionally left blank 11.1 So far as the Seller is aware, it is not and has not been, in relation to the Hardware Business, a party to any agreement, practice or arrangement which in whole or in part is in contravention of any anti-trust or similar legislation and which: 11.1.1 contravenes any of the provisions of the Restrictive Trade Practices Acts 1976 and 1977 (or is subject to registration under those Acts), the Resale Prices Act 1976, the Trade Descriptions Acts 1968 and 1972, the Fair Trading Act 1973, the Competition Act 1980 or the Competition Act 1998 (or is notifiable under such Act); 11.1.2 contravenees any of the provisions of the European Communities Act 1972 or Articles 85 or 86 of the EC Treaty (or any regulations or directives made pursuant to the Treaty) or the EEA Agreement; or 11.1.3 contravenes any other anti-trust, anti-monopoly or anti-cartel legislation or consumer law, Act, Regulation, Order or the like made in or pertaining to the United Kingdom or other relevant territory. 11.2 Intentionally left blank 59 11.3 No investigations or enquiries by or on behalf of any governmental or other body in respect of the Hardware Business are, so far as the Seller is aware, pending or in existence and the Hardware Business is not subject to any undertaking or order under United Kingdom or EC competition legislation or from any other regulatory body under the competition legislation in any other jurisdiction in which the Hardware Business is conducted. 12. DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS/ SERVICES There are no outstanding claims against the Seller in respect of defects in quality or delays in delivery or completion of contracts or deficiencies of design or performance of equipment or otherwise relating to liability for goods or services supplied or to be supplied by the Seller in the course of the Hardware Business which may be material to the Hardware Business and no such claims are threatened or anticipated. 13. LITIGATION 13.1 Save as claimant in proceedings for the collection of debts arising in the ordinary course of the Hardware Business, the Seller is not engaged in or subject to any civil, criminal or arbitration proceedings in relation to the Hardware Business or the Assets or any of them, and so far as the Seller is aware (i) there are no such proceedings pending or threatened by or against the Seller, (ii) there are no facts or circumstances which would give rise to any such proceedings and (iii) there are no judgments outstanding against the Seller which adversely affect or might affect any of the Hardware Business or the Assets. 13.2 Details of all material customer claims, complaints or returns relating to the Hardware Business that have occurred during the 12 months proceeding the Completion Date have been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter. 14. INSOLVENCY OF SELLER 14.1 No order has been made or petition presented, meeting convened or resolution passed for the winding up of the Seller nor has any receiver been appointed or any distress, execution or other process been levied in respect of either the whole or part of the Hardware Business or the Assets or any of them. 14.2 No composition in satisfaction of the debts of the Seller or scheme of arrangement of its affairs or compromise or arrangement between it and either or both of its creditors or members or any class of either or both of its creditors or members has been proposed, sanctioned or approved. 60 15. COMPLIANCE 15.1 All applicable laws, regulations, orders, provisions, directions and conditions and other requirements having the force of law relating to the Assets or the conduct of the Hardware Business have been duly complied with in all respects. 15.2 All necessary licences, consents, permits, agreements, arrangements and authorities (public and private) have been obtained in respect of the Assets (or any of them) and in respect of the hardware Business to enable the Seller to carry on the Hardware Business effectively in the manner in which it is now carried on and all such licences, consents, permits, agreements, arrangements and authorities are valid and subsisting and the Seller knows of no reason why any of them should be suspended, cancelled or revoked or the benefit of them should not continue to be enjoyed by the Buyer on or after Completion. 16. EFFECT OF AGREEMENT 16.1 The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the fulfilment and performance of and compliance with the terms of this Agreement do not and will not: 16.1.1 conflict with, violate or result in a breach of the terms, provisions or conditions of any of the Hardware Business Contracts or any law, undertaking to or judgment, order, injunction or decree of any court; 16.1.2 relieve any person of any contractual or other obligation under any of the Hardware Business Contracts or entitle any person to terminate any such obligation; 16.1.3 terminate or make subject to termination or adversely affect from the point of view of the Hardware Business its enjoyment of any present or future benefit or privilege; 16.1.4 so far the Seller is aware the result in any customer of or supplier to the Hardware Business ceasing to deal or substantially reducing the existing level of his dealings with the Hardware Business and the Seller is not aware of any intention on the part of any such customer or supplier to cease so to deal or so to reduce the existing level of such dealings. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 1. Full details of all the Business Intellectual Property are set out in Part A and Part B of Schedule 1 and are complete and accurate in all respects. All such Business Intellectual Property (including IP Licences) is used, enjoyed and exploited exclusively in connection with the Hardware Business. There are no patents or patents pending in connection with the Hardware Business and save as disclosed in the Disclosure Letter there are no copyright in respect of the Business Intellectual Property or other Business Intellectual Property agreements. 2. Save in respect of any Business Intellectual Property which is the subject of a valid and enforceable IP Licence which has been granted to the Seller (details of which are set out 61 in Part A of Schedule 7 ), the Seller is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all Business Intellectual Property (including the subject matter thereof) free from all claims, liens, charges, equities, encumbrances, licences and adverse rights of any description. No Business Intellectual Property used, enjoyed or exploited in connection with the Hardware Business is held jointly or in common with any other person. 3. None of the Business Intellectual Property is subject to any challenge or attack by a third party or competent authority. All renewal and registration fees for the protection of the registered Business Intellectual Property have been paid when due and any fees payable or requested in connection with any application to register Business Intellectual Property have been paid when due. All of the Business Intellectual Property is in full force and effect and the Seller is not aware of any person who has or who could have the right to assert any right which would be adverse to the rights acquired (or to be acquired) by the Buyer hereunder and in particular the Seller is not aware of any circumstances which could give rise to any of the registered Trade Marks being removed, revoked, annulled, cancelled or declared invalid. The Seller has disclosed in the Disclosure Letter full details of any objections to any of the Trade Marks which are not yet registered. Save as disclosed in the Disclosure Letter, the Seller knows of no other reason why any of the Trade Marks which are not yet registered may not proceed to registration. 4. Accurate and complete particulars are set out in Schedule 7 of all IP Licences. All such IP Licences are valid and enforceable. There are no other outstanding agreements or arrangements whereby a licence, sub-licence or other permission to use has been granted to or by, or is obliged to be granted to or by, the Seller in respect of any of the Business Intellectual Property owned or used by the Seller, save for those licences or agreements set out in Schedule 7. There are no unlicenced users of any of the IP Licences set out at Part A of Schedule 7. In the event an individual is named as a licence holder, there is no reason the licence holder may not be changed after Completion. The terms and conditions of the IP Licences are the standard terms and conditions of the particular software provider and there are no unusual or onerous terms in such IP Licences. 5. Neither the Seller nor, so far as the Seller is aware, any other party is in breach of any IP Licence and all such licences are in full force and effect and will not terminate or be capable of termination by reason of the execution and performance of this Agreement. Without prejudice to the generality to the foregoing, all IP licences are freely assignable to the Buyer and no breach of the IP Licences shall occur by virtue of Completion. 6. So far as the Seller is aware, none of the activities involved in the conduct of the Hardware Business infringe or have infringed any Intellectual Property or constitute or have constituted breach of confidence, passing off or actionable unfair competition in any jurisdiction. So far as the Seller is aware, no such activities give or have given rise to any obligation to pay any royalty, fee, compensation or any other sum whatsoever. 7. The Seller is not, and has not within the two years preceding the date of this Agreement been, in relation to conduct of the Hardware Business, party to or threatened with any legal proceedings relating to any Intellectual Property. 62 8. The Seller has in its exclusive possession and control all Business Information used, enjoyed or exploited in the Hardware Business (or held with a view to such use, enjoyment or exploitation). None of the same is known or accessible to any person except the Seller, other than persons who have given the Seller written confidentiality undertakings in respect thereof that have been disclosed hereunder. The Seller will deliver to the Buyer on Completion all necessary documentation, knowledge and information so that the Buyer may utilise and exploit the Hardware Business after Completion to the same extent as the Seller. 9. Save in the ordinary course of Hardware Business or with its employees, the Seller has not entered into any confidentiality or other agreement, nor is subject to any duty, which restricts the free use or disclosure of such information as is referred to in paragraph 8 above. 10. There are no outstanding or, so far as the Seller is aware, potential claims against the Seller under any contract or under section 40 of the Patents Act 1977 for employee compensation in respect of any Business Intellectual Property. Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, no person who has developed, created or customised works in connection with any of the Business Intellectual Property can claim any rights of any nature whatsoever in the Business Intellectual Property or any part thereof. 11. Where information of a confidential nature has been developed or acquired by the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group for the purposes of the Hardware Business in the two-year period prior to the date of this Agreement, such information (except insofar as it has fallen into the public domain through no fault of the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group) has been kept strictly confidential and has not been disclosed otherwise than subject to an obligation of confidentiality being imposed on the person to whom the information was disclosed. The Seller is not aware of any breach of such confidentiality obligations by any third party. The Seller has disclosed in the Disclosure Letter all confidentality obligations owed by the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group in connection with the Hardware Business to third parties and all confidentiality obligations owed by third parties to the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group in connection with the Hardware Business. 12. All employees (both past and present) which are or were employed in connection with any aspect of the Hardware Business have all received, signed and returned to the Seller agreements in the form set out in the Disclosure Letter imposing obligations of confidentiality and ownership of Business Intellectual Property rights created. All such agreements are enforceable in accordance with their terms against such employees. 13. Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, neither the Seller or any member of the Seller's Group has provided any indemnities to third parties who use any of the Business Intellectual Property in connection with such Business Intellectual Property which are being assumed as obligations of the Buyer hereunder. 14. All of the source code relating to computer software material to the Hardware Business is in the possession or control of the Seller and will, following Completion, be in the possession or control of the Buyer. 63 PENSIONS 1. Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, there are no agreements, arrangements, customs or practices (whether legally enforceable or not) for the payment of or contribution to any superannuation, pension, life assurance, death benefit, sickness or accident benefits schemes or arrangements in respect of the Employees in the course of their employment in the Hardware Business or their dependants of persons former employed or engaged in the Hardware Business and no proposal to establish any such scheme or arrangement has been announced to the Employees. 2. As regards the Seller's Schemes, full and accurate details of the Seller's Schemes have been disclosed including in the Disclosure Letter including where relevant copies of the Trust Deeds and Rules governing the Seller's Schemes: 3. Full details of the Employees who are members of the Seller's Schemes are listed in the Disclosure Letter and no other Employees are or will before Completion become members of the Seller's Schemes. 4. All contributions due to be paid in respect of the Seller's Schemes by the Seller and any of its officers or employees have been duly paid, and the rates at which contributions are being paid are in accordance with the payment schedule relating to the Seller's Schemes where relevant. 5. The Seller's Schemes are exempt approved scheme within the meaning of section 592 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 and there is no reason why approval may be withdrawn. 6. All death in service and incapacity benefits provided by the Seller's Schemes are fully insured and all insurance premiums due to be paid have been duly paid and any claims for the payment of benefit have been disclosed in the Disclosure Letter. 7. No power has been exercised to provide additional benefits in respect of any Employee or to admit an Employee to the Seller's Schemes on special terms. 8. There are no actions, proceedings or claims (other than routine claims for benefits) outstanding, pending or threatened by the Employees in respect of the Seller's Schemes relating to any act, event, omission or other matter arising out of or in connection with the Seller's Schemes. 9. The Seller's Schemes have at all times complied with and been administered in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements where relevant. 10. The Seller's Schemes that are personal pension plans have been set up or have been modified to be stakeholder compliant. 64 TAXATION 1. The Seller is not involved in any dispute with the Inland Revenue, Customs & Excise or other appropriate fiscal authority concerning any matter in any way affecting either the Hardware Business or any of the Assets to be transferred under this Agreement. 2. No circumstances exist whereby any power within section 212 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 could be exercised in relation to any of the Assets. 3. There is no Inland Revenue charge outstanding (or agreement or commitment to give or create any charge) over any of the Assets outstanding for unpaid inheritance tax as provided by sections 237 and 238 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984. 4. None of the Assets are or could be subject to the Value Added Tax Capital Goods Scheme provided for in Part XV of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/2518). 5. Neither the Seller (nor any relevant associate as defined in Schedule 10 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994) has elected to waive exemption (or applied for written permission to elect) in accordance with that Schedule in relation to the Demised Premises (or any of the Assets which constitute an interest in or right over land). 6. None of the Assets are chargeable assets of the Hardware Business which, if transferred to a body corporate treated as a member of a group under section 43 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 as a going concern, would give rise to a liability on that body corporate or the representative member of the group of which that body corporate is a member under section 44 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994. 7. There is no reason why any part of the Consideration payable by the Buyer that is apportioned under this Agreement to those of the Assets which are plant or machinery for the purposes of Part II of the Capital Allowances Act 2001 should not, assuming such apportioned Consideration represents capital expenditure incurred for the purposes of the Buyer's trade, qualify in full for writing down allowances; none of such Assets are leased (as in the meaning of section 105 of such Act); and the Seller accepts that no election may be made in respect of any of such Assets pursuant to section 266 of such Act. 8. In respect of any Assets which are plant and machinery for the purposes of Part II of the Capital Allowances Act 2001 and which are fixtures (as defined in section 173 (1) of the Capital Allowances Act 2001) at Completion either (a) no person has been or will have become entitled to allowances in respect of any Expenditure incurred on the provision of the fixture, or (b) if any person has become so entitled that person has been, is or will be required to bring the disposal value of the fixture into account under section 55 of the Capital Allowances Act. 9. The Inland Revenue has not agreed to operate any special arrangement (being an arrangement which is not based on a strict application of the relevant legislation) in relation to the Hardware Business, whether in respect of benefits provided to its officers 65 or employees, the valuation of its stock, the depreciation of its assets or any administrative or other matter whatsoever. 10. None of the Assets are wasting assets within section 44 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 which do not qualify for capital allowances. 11. All documents in the possession or under the control of the Seller which establish or are necessary to establish the title of the Seller to the Assets have been duly stamped and any applicable stamp duties or charges in respect of such documents have been duly accounted for and paid, and no such documents which are outside the United Kingdom would attract stamp duty if they were brought in to the United Kingdom. 66 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH AND SAFETY 1. Interpretation In this Schedule: "Environmental Licences" means any permits, licences, consents or other authorisations required under any Environmental Laws for the operation of the Hardware Business or in relation to the occupation or use of the Demised Premises; "Hazardous Substances" means any material or artificial substance capable of causing Harm to man or the Environment; "Harm" means harm to the health of living organisms or the Environment, and in the case of man includes offence caused to any of his senses or harm to his property and "harmful" has a corresponding meaning "Health and Safety Laws" means all applicable statutes, statutory legislation, common law, treaties, regulations, directives, codes of practice, guidance notes including but without limitation the Factories Act 1961, the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963, the Fire Precautions Act 1971, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 concerning the health and safety of those who work for the Hardware Business, whether as employees or otherwise, or are in any way affected by the activities of the Hardware Business or by persons working for the Hardware Business. Environmental Warranties 2. Any Environmental Licences of the Seller in relation to the Hardware Business are disclosed in the Disclosure Letter and they are in full force and effect and so far as the Seller is aware there are no facts, or circumstances which may lead to the revocation, suspension, non renewal or materially adverse variation of such Environmental Licences. 3. The Hardware Business has at all times been operated in all material respects in compliance with Environmental Laws and the Hardware Business comply with all conditions, limitations, obligations, prohibitions and requirements contained in any Environmental Laws and so far as the Seller is aware there are no facts or circumstances which may lead to any breach of Environmental Laws. 4. All information provided by and on behalf of the Seller to any statutory authority and all records and data required to be maintained by the Seller under the provisions of any 67 Environmental Laws regarding the operation of the Hardware Business or any processes carried on at or emissions, discharges or waste disposal made in connection with the Hardware Business is complete and accurate in all material respects. 5. Save as set out in the Disclosure Letter, there are no Hazardous Substances at, on or under the Demised Premises nor have any Hazardous Substances been emitted in connection with the Hardware Business. 6. Copies of all current environmental policy statements, and to the extent the following exist site condition surveys, environmental audit reports and assessments, assessment on substances hazardous to health, correspondence (including legal notices) between the Seller and any relevant enforcement authority, copies or details of any waste disposal contracts and any information that is liable to appear on any public register under any Environmental Laws whether or not the same is registered relating to the Hardware Business and Demised Premises, have been supplied to the Buyer. Health and Safety Warranties 7. The Hardware Business complies, in all material respects, with all conditions, limitations, obligations, prohibitions and requirements contained in any Health and Safety Laws and there are no facts or circumstances which would lead to any breach of any Health and Safety Laws except where such breach would not cause a material adverse effect to the Hardware Business. 8. The Seller has carried out all necessary risk assessments in respect of the Hardware Business as specified under the Health and Safety Laws and the current results of any such assessments and any review of such assessments have been considered by the Seller in giving these warranties. 9. A list and copies of of all current health and safety policy statements, health and safety reports and assessments, audits, records of accidents and reportable diseases, permits, notifications, certificates and records required by Health and Safety Laws in respect of the Hardware Business, together with any correspondence between the Seller and any relevant enforcement authority, including but not limited to the Health and Safety Executive and the relevant local authority and which is in respect of the Hardware Business, has been supplied to the Buyer. 10. The Seller has not received any prohibition or improvement notices from any enforcement body, including but without limitation the Health and Safety Executive and the relevant local authority, with regard to breaches of Health and Safety Laws or otherwise in respect of the Hardware Business. 11. There have been no claims, investigations or proceedings against or threatened against the Seller in respect of accidents, injuries, illness, disease or any other harm to the health and safety of employees, contractors or any other persons caused by breaches of Health and Safety Laws or otherwise in respect of the Hardware Business and so far as the Seller is aware there are no facts or circumstances which may lead to any such claims, investigations or proceedings. 12. No claims in respect of health and safety have been made or are contemplated under the Seller's insurance policies. 68 13. All information provided by and on behalf of the Seller to any statutory authority and all records and data required to be maintained by the Seller under the provisions of any Health and Safety Laws in respect of the Hardware Business are complete and accurate in all material respects. 69 SCHEDULE 11 Stock List
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Part number Description Qty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1010-G10 V24 DTE I/F Cable Assy 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1010-G22 V24 DTE I/F Cable Assy 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1010-G9 V24 DTE I/F Cable Assy 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1018-G5 DTE I/F Cable Assy 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1055-P7 1u Mounting Ear 64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1191-G1 European Mains Lead 89 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1193-G1 UK Mains Lead 2amp 52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1194-G1 USA Mains Lead 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1196-G1 UK Filtered Mains Lead 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1432-G1 1.5u Equipment Rack Mount Kit 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1436-G5 25 Way Male Loopback Conn. 80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 1976-G1 Rambuten II S/M-Dil Converter 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2082-P22 Label (SureWare Net ED20M) 445 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2082-P23 Label (SureWare Keyper) 519 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2082-P26 Label (Baltimore ESP) 380 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2083-P25 SureWare Net ED20M Label 520 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2083-P26 SureWare Net CD20M Label 500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2086-P8 ED8000RL (N) Unit Label 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2086-P9 ED8000RL (M) Label 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2087-P2 Labe - PORT 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2087-P3 Label BNC Port 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2453-P1 1.5u Fascia 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G11 EG Assy Unconfigured 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G12 ED20M Assy Unconfigured 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G14 ED20M Unconfigured 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G33 CD20M Vertex Build 2 - Comm 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G34 CD20M Unconfigured 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G50 SureWare Net Keyper 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2593-G60 SureWare Runner V2 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2612-P25 CD20M Label 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2623-P1 HSM 19" Cabinet Tray 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2653-G1 Omniport for PCI Card 165 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 2700-G1 PCI Card Unconfigured 147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 7451-G1 ED2048R3-X21 F/Assy (see PPS) 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 7606-G1 ED545 K.S.T. F/Assy (see PPS) 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 7630-G11 ED546 New Magswipe KST Assy 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8018-G1 V24 DTE I/F Cable Assy 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8040-G1 CSP To Host I/F Cable Assy 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8059-G1 V24 DTE I/F Cable Assy 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8116-G1 DCE I/F Cable V35 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8117-G1 DTE I/F Cable V35 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8156-G1 X21 DCE I/F Cable Assy 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8166-G1 X21 DCE I/F Cable Assy 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8167-G1 X21 DCE I/F Cable Assy 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 8210-G1 V11 Sync.Cable Assy 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 9050-G1 ED600RTS X21 F/Assy (see PPS) 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 9201-G1 CG600R F/Assy (see PPS) 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 9700-G1 ED8000RL F/Assy (see PPS) 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 9700-G1 ED000RL (Kits) with Main boards fitted with RIIs 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 AS000072 I.C. 8068-DC Encryptor 224 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 AS000142 I.C. MT70093 Algoritham Chip 58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 MS000133 IEC To IDC2m Mains Lead 68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 NS000134 RJ45-RJ45 Ethernet Cable 2mtrs 117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 NS000135 RJ45-RJ45 Crossover Cable 2mtrs 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 OS000014 Tyrap 186mm TYB25M Nylon b 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 OS000063 Self Adhesive Cable Clip 5667 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 SS000027 Freezer Spray 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 SS000039 Proclean Flux Remover 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 SS000043 Foam Cleaner 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000297 Steel Laminated Padlock 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000453 CrytWare Board 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000462 Scot 60 Smart Card 288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000468 Smart Card (Interlink) 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000470 BABT Label (60566B) 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000477 Spacer - Nylon M3x13 Round 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000489 Utimaco CARDMAN II 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000492 CrytWare Card 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000493 Osonpack Carton & Inserts 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000494 Osonpack Inserts 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000499 Special Smart Card (Interlink) 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000518 MCOS-B Smart Card 214 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000528 MCOS-B 16K DES Smartcards 1316 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000544 SPU41-14 Power Supply Unit 419 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000555 Osonpack Carton & Inserts 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000557 GemPKCS8000 Smartcard 8K 277 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000558 MP-EMV 128K Smartcard 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000559 MP-EMV 16K Smartcard 42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000560 Temp Label Irreversible (H) 763 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000561 Temp Label Irreversible (L) 289 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000562 Printed Tamper-Evident Bag 1200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000563 M70x30mm Tamper Label 2200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000564 MPEMV 64 K Gemplus Smart Card 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000573 AAK Back Up Smart Card Yellow 864 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000574 SMK Back UP Smart Card Blue 310 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000575 Secuity Officer Smart Card 128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000576 Application Key Backup Smart 704 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000577 Yellow Case Sticker - Warning 212 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000578 Yellow Packing Label - Warning 500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000579 PCI Card Packaging 62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000587 Seciko Logo Label 20x40mm 70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000588 sKeyper Pro I Label 175 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000589 sKeyper Pro II Label 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000590 Tamper Evident Label Silver 880 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000591 VCCI Label Provided By Seiko 900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000592 Seiko Tamper Evident Bag 418 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000593 Seiko Packaging - Osonpack 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000594 Seiko Packaging Label 900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000595 Seiko Smart Card AAK Backup 70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000596 Seiko Smart Card SMK Backup 190 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000597 Seiko Smart Card S O 62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 TS000598 Seiko Smart Card APP Key 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 WS000002 M3 Nut Hex Full Steel 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 WS000003 M6 Captured Nut 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 XS000010 Clear Packing Tape 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 YS000004 M3x10 Screw Pozi Pan Black 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 YS000010 M3 Spring Washer (Black) 64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 YS000016 M6 FP Screw & Washer Kit 32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 YS000059 M3 Washer Form-a-steel 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 YS000104 M4 Washer Spring Sq/Sec 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 ZHSP4010 Baltimore HSP4010 (Zergo) 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 1000 Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G13 ED20M Enhanced (ED20M) 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G14 ED20M Enhanced (ED20M) 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G21/22 SureWare Keyper 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2653-G1 CD20M Commercial (CD20M) 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2700-G1 Omniport 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G11/12 PCI Card 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G60 Sureware Runner V2 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G13 ED20M Enhanced (ED20M) 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G14 ED20M Enhanced (ED20M) 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2653-G1 CD20M Commercial (CD20M) 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G11/12 Old ED20M 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 2593-G60 Sureware Runner V2 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 8000 Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 2593-G14 ED20M Unconfigured 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 2593-G21 SureWare Keyper 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 2593-G22 SureWare Keyper 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 2593-G23 SureWare Keyper 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 2653-G1 Omniport for PCI Card 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depot 9002 Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 070000-P1 ED8000 Main PCB Fab. 2501-P1-A 56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 170010-P1 Baltimore PSU Heatsink 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000001 I.C. Line Driver (CofC) 26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000002 I.C. Line Receiver (CofC) 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000003 I.C. 74HC00N Quad 2IP Nand 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000005 I.C. 74HC02N Quad 2IP NOR 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000012 I.C. MC74HC14AN Hex Inverter 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000014 I.C. 74HC32N Quad 2IP OR 47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000015 I.C. 74HC74N Dual D-F/Flop 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000017 I.C. 74HC86N Quad 2IP XOR 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000022 I.C. MC74HC138AN 1of8 Decoder 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000027 I.C. 74HC153N Dual 4I/P 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000033 I.C. MC74HC245N Octal Bus TX 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000034 I.C. SN74LS245N Octal Bus 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000044 I.C. 74HC541N Octal DR RR 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000046 I.C. SN74HC595N Shift Reg. 39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000047 I.C. MM74HC4050N Hex Buffer 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000049 I.C. Line Driver (CofC) 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000065 I.C. Z8002-PS Unprocessor 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000066 I.C. Z0803006-PSC Serial Cont. 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000085 I.C. ICL7665SCPA Volt Detector 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000088 I.C. MC74HC573AN Octal Latch 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000123 I.C. 74HC574N Octal D-F/Flop 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000136 I.C. Z8036-PS CIO Timer 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000156 I.C. CD74HC40105E HCMOS FIFO 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000160 I.C. ICL7665ACPA Volt Detector 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000164 I.C. Z800210PSC-BPS 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000166 I.C. UPD43256BCZ-70LL CMOS RAM 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000184 I.C. 27C256 200ns EPROM 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000185 I.C. 14C89A 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000186 I.C. HD6321P 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000188 I.C. HD63B50P 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000190 I.C. M273A-2F1 EPROM 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000192 I.C. 7201-AC 111 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000193 I.C. MC68000P8 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000194 I.C. 8x32k CMOS 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000197 I.C. 74HCT04N Hex Inverter 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000198 I.C. 74HCT04 178 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000200 I.C. 74HCT86 36 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000201 I.C. 74HCT138 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000202 I.C. 74HCT147 44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000203 I.C. 74HCT157 54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000204 I.C. 74HCT164 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000205 I.C. 74HCT244 77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000206 I.C. 74HCT273 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000208 I.C. 7417 15v Hex 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000209 I.C. 74LS30 309 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000210 I.C. 74LS244 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000211 I.C. 74LS260 319 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000212 I.C. MM74HC132N Quad 2IP TRG 185 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000213 I.C. HEF4541BP Prog Timer 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000215 I.C. 14C88 Line Driver 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000216 I.C. MC68HC11AOP Processor 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000221 I.C. M74HC4078B 8-input NOR/OR 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000228 I.C. 74HC165N 8-bit PISO S-R 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000229 I.C. MM74HC597N 8bit PISO S-R 362 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000231 I.C. MC74AC04N Hex Inverter 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000233 I.C. 74AC74 Dual D-F/Flop 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000234 I.C. MC74ACT138N 1of8 Decoder 61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000236 I.C. HM6264BLP-10C 120ns RAM 32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000237 I.C. Z80C3008PSC SCC 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000239 I.C. CY7C420-25PC CMOS FIFO 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000245 I.C. M27C256B-15F1 EPROM 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000256 I.C. 74LS151 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000271 I.C. MAX690CPA WatchDog CCT 68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000272 I.C. DS12887 Real Time Clock 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000275 I.C. CD74AC573E Octal Latch 104 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000282 I.C. 74HCT541N Octal Driver RR 42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000298 I.C. Line Receiver (CofC) 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000299 I.C. EP610PC-30 EPROM PAL 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000319 I.C. SN74HCT74AN 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000367 I.C. Line 3D/3R (Cof C) 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000369 I.C. EP910IPC-25 Altera 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000376 I.C. AM8304B 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000380 I.C. N74F245N Bi-Dir Buffer 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000381 I.C. 74HC7030 HCMOS FIFO 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000400 I.C. LM393N Low Offset 83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000401 I.C. UC3845AN 122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000402 I.C. CNYY17F-3 OPT1 520 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000403 I.C. TL431CLP 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000567 I.C. DS1286 Dallas 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000570 I.C. PE64502 E/Net Transformer 131 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000629 I.C. MC74AC14N Hex Inverter 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000637 I.C. CS61583-IL5 Dual I/F PLCC 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000640 I.C. MC74HC540N 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000641 I.C. CA95C18-16 16MHz DES DCP 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000687 I.C. EPC1064PC-8 64k PROM 61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000002 Resistor MF 27ohm 0.33w 5% 125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000005 Resistor MF 47ohm 0.25w 5% 2545 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000014 Resistor MF 270ohm 0.25w 1% 903 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000017 Resistor MF 470ohm 0.25w 5% 870 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000021 Resistor MF 1k 0.33w 5% 82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000025 Resistor MF 2.2k 0.33w 5% 4394 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000026 Resistor MF 2.7k 0.33w 5% 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000027 Resistor MF 3.3k 0.33w 5% 2421 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000031 Resistor MF 6.8k 0.33w 5% 256 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000032 Resistor MF 8.2k 0.33w 5% 97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000033 Resistor MF 10k 0.33w 5% 1086 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000039 Resistor MF 33k 0.25w 5% 523 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000045 Resistor MF 100k 0.25w 5% 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000053 Resistor MF 470k 0.25w 5% 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000057 Resistor MF 1m 0.25w 5% 657 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000061 Resistor MF 2.2m 0.33w 5% 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000069 Resistor MF 10m 0.33w 5% 442 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000074 Resistor MF 680k 0.60w 1% 94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000076 Resistor MF 1m 0.60w 1% 1053 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000100 Resistor MF 1k 0.40w 1% 268 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000121 Resistor MF 750k 0.60w 1% 4438 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000122 Resistor MF 20m 0.50w 5% 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000146 Resistor MF 1ohm 1w 5% 778 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000147 Resistor WW 220ohm 2w 5% 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000148 Resistor WW 15ohm 4w 5% 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000201 Resistor MF 10ohm 0.4w 1% 706 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000210 Resistor MF 56ohm 0.4w 1% 959 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000221 Resistor MF 470ohm 0.4w 1% 177 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000225 Resistor MF 1k 0.4w 1% 808 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000227 Resistor MF 1.5k 0.4w 1% 912 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000229 Resistor MF 2.2k 0.4w 1% 140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000232 Resistor MF 3.9k 0.4w 1% 932 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000233 Resistor MF 4.7k 0.4w 1% 256 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000237 Resistor MF 10k 0.4w 1% 763 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000240 Resistor MF 18k 0.4w 1% 959 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000241 Resistor MF 22k 0.4w 1% 934 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000243 Resistor MF 33k 0.4w 1% 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000244 Resistor MF 39k 0.4w 1% 326 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000249 Resistor MF 100k 0.4w 1% 964 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000253 Resistor MF 220k 0.4w 1% 945 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000345 Resistor MF 47k 0.25w 1% 903 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000349 Resistor MF 100k 0.25w 1% 1387 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000358 Resistor MF 560k 0.25w 1% 352 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000534 Resistor MF 28.7ohm 0.33w 1% 509 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000535 Resistor MF 4.99k 0.33w 0.1% 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000002 Cap. Cer 22pF 100v 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000005 Cap. Cer 100pF 100v 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000006 Cap. Cer Plate 150pF 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000008 Cap. Cer 470pF 100v 68370471 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000010 Cap. Cer 0.01uF 63v Disk 101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000011 Cap. Cer Xlayer 0.1uF 100v 5483 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000015 CAP ELEC 47UF AXL 49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000018 Cap. Elect 47uF 16v Radial 530 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000019 Cap. Elect 100uF 6.3v Radial 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000025 Cap. Tant 1uF 35v 5mm 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000026 Cap. Tant 2.2uF 16v Radial 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000027 CAPTR 4U7 TANTALUM 16V 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000030 Cap. Poly 0.47uF 63v Radial 320 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000032 Cap. Elect 100uF 10v Radial 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000034 Cap. Y5P 1000pF 100v 10% 2.5mm 304 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000041 CAP POLY 0.22UF 157 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000042 Cap. Cer 0.1uF 50v DIP Radial 97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000045 Cap. Tant 47uF 16v 431 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000050 Cap. Cer 4700pF 63v Radial 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000065 Cap. Elect 100uF 6.3v Radial 342 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000067 Cap. Elect 330uF 40v Radial 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000074 Cap. Elect 100uF Axial 47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000077 Cap. Poly 0.33uF 63v 0.2" 47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000078 CAP POLY 0.1UF 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000087 Cap. Elect 1000uF 16v Radial 41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000089 Cap. Elect 22000uF 25v Radial 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000094 Cap. Xlayer 0.1uF 100v Radial 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000117 Cap. Cer 1000pF 100v DSS306 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000118 Cap. 3-Terminal 220pF 100v 20% 784 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000119 Varistor Cap. DSS710D233S12-22 106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000148 Cap. Cer 0.47uF 100v 20% 5mm 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000158 Cap. Poly Box 0.1uF 63v 10% 842 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000165 Cap. Elect 100uF 400v Radial 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000166 CAPTR 2N2 CERAMIC PLATE 1KV 283 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000167 Cap. Elect 100uF 25v Radial 898 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000168 Cap. Elect 33uF 25v Radial 112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000169 Cap. Elect 2200uF 10v Radial 106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000170 Cap. Elect 470uF 10v Radial 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000172 Cap. FKS2 2200pF 100v 20% 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000173 CAPTR 330UF M/POLY X2 400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000174 Cap. MP3-Y 2200pF 250v 20% 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000175 Cap. Poly 0.1uF 400v 10% 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000177 Cap. Elect 1uF 63v Radial 41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000208 CAPTR 4700PF Y1 370 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000004 Diode 1N4148 DO-35 3178 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000005 Diode Various Package (CofC) 2212 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000006 Diode 1N5908 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000008 Inductor 4.7uH 1.3amp 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000011 Bridge Rectifier 4amp 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000012 Regulator 5v 3amp TO-3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000014 Regulator 5v 0.1amp 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000018 Transistor BC184L 121 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000019 Varistor 250v 40amp V250LA4 49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000020 Diode BZX79-C5V6/A52R DO-35 59 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000028 Diode BZX79C 8.2v DO-35 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000033 Transistor 2N7000 60v TO-92 576 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000038 Transistor BC184L 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000041 Trans Supressor 12v (CofC) 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000054 Transistor TIP121 TO-220 132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000058 Bridge Rectifier 1amp Special 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000059 Mosfet 2SJ122 P-Channel 10amp 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000060 Regulator +12v 0.1a 78L12 162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000061 Regulator 79L12 -12v 0.1amp 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000080 Oscillator 10Mhz DIL 4pin 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000099 Oscillator 16MHz GXO-U100F/B 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000105 Transient Suppres5v (CofC) 618 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000106 Varistor M.O. 10v AC (CofC) 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000107 Supressor Inductor BL02 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000119 Diode BAT49 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000121 Diode 1N4002S DO-35 1664 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000124 Zener Diode BZV85C12V 1.3w 166 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000134 Diode UF4006 1a 800v 165 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000135 Diode UF4004 1a 400v 50ns 442 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000136 Diode Schottky 16a 45v PBYR 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000137 Zener Diode BZX55C2V4 DO-35 452 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000138 Transistor IRFBC40 68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000142 Regulator MC7812CT 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000143 Regulator MC7912CT -12.0v 1a 205 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000144 EMI Line Filter 3330R3R01B1 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000145 Inductor Choke 1a 5uH MTX VHF 247 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000146 Bridge Rectifier DFO8M 75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000150 Transistor BC182L 260 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000151 Transistor BC212L TO-92 1073 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000168 MultiFuse MF-RO25 601 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000169 MultiFuse MF-R185 46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000170 MultiFuse MFR250 55 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000218 Transistor STP33N10 33a 100v 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000260 Xtal 20Mhz HC49 18pF 231 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000341 Oscillator 16.384Mhz GXO-U100F 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood ES000001 Red LED PCB Mtg PC080-R5L 204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood ES000004 Green Neon Indicator 240v 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood ES000021 Red LED PCB Mounting HLMP-6620 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood FS000006 20k Trimmer 12turn 0.25" 3107w 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood FS000016 5k Pot. 3296Y-001-502 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000001 Res Net SIL 8pin 4608X-102-271 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000002 RESISTOR NET SIL 9PIN 8X1K 85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000004 Resistor Net SIL 8x10k 9pin 3081 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000006 RES NET SIL 8PIN 4X1KO 344 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000013 RES NET SIL 8PIN 4X220K 47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000015 Res Net Sil 9pin 4609X-101-473 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood JS000019 RES NET SIL 9PIN 8X1MO 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000011 25way D-Type Plug 90o 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000012 25way D-Type Socket 90o 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000014 2x17way Eject Header 90o 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000015 37way D-Type Plug 90o 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000016 37way D-Type Socket 90o 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000018 8way I.C. Socket DIL 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000022 24way I.C. Socket DIL 162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000023 28way I.C. Socket DIL 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000024 40way I.C. Socket DIL 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000030 25way D-Type Plug Housing 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000031 25way D-Type Socket Housing 374 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000037 2x8way Transition IDC 28 AWG 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000039 2x13way Transition IDC 28 AWG 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000040 2x17way Ribbon Socket IDC 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000042 2x17way Transition IDC 28 AWG 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000044 3way Mains Chassis Plug Inlet 292 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000045 5way XLR Chassis Plug 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000058 6way Header 0.156" 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000089 37way D-Type Plug Housing 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000090 37way D-Type Socket Housing 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000091 15way D-Type Socket Housing 224 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000092 15way D-Type Plug Housing 482 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000100 6way Housing IDC 20awg 382 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000101 D CONNECTOR SCREWLOCK EXTENDED 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000112 16way Header PCB Mtg 0.1" 183 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000114 15way D-Type Plug 90o 68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000132 2way Housing 0.1" IDC 640441-2 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000145 Test Point 4mm Long 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000147 24way Plug Module RP24-T 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000148 24way Socket Module RS24-T 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000155 15way D-Type Socket IDC 28awg 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000166 25way D-Type Socket IDC 28awg 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000167 Jackscrew Assembly 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000228 5way Header 0.1" 90o 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000229 HEADER 5WAY 0.1" 90DEG 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000250 BNC Receptacle PCB Mtg 90o 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000276 4way IDC Housing 22awg 170 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000279 40way Header PCB Mtg 0.1" 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000281 2way Housing 0.156" F/L 20 AWG 497 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000285 10way IDC Housing 0.156" C/E 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000286 10way IDC Housing 0.156" F/T 123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000293 20way Straight Header 1504 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000303 37way D-Type Connector Cover 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000305 25way D-Type Connector Cover 49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000308 25way D-Type Connector Cover 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000312 15way D-Type Connector Cover 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000314 5way Header 0.156" 90o 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000328 Mains Inlet PX0580/PC/12132 83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000348 68way Square Chip Socket 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000349 HEADER10WAY 0.1" 90DEG 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000366 2x20way Housing IDC 28awg 158 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000367 2x20way Transition IDC 28awg 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000369 6way Header 90o 0.156" 39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000378 84way Square Chip Socket 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000383 15way D-Type Connector Cover 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000384 15way D-Type Connector Socket 71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000394 24way I.C. Socket DIL 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000470 10way Header 0.156" F/L 314 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000472 2way Header 0.156" F/L 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000578 In-Line Adaptor KSA-020-79T 39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000582 25way D-Type Connector Cover 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000618 50way D-Type to SCSI Converter 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000619 50way D-Type Solder Bucket 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000620 50way D-Type Plug Shell 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001102 2way Header (Use KS000002) 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001103 3way Header (Use KS000002) 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001104 4way Header (Use KS000002) 131 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001204 4way Housing 0.1" 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001301 2x2way Header (Use KS000506) 120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001303 2x4way Header (Use KS000506) 75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000001 Termical Pin Crimp 24awg 11023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000002 Terminal Socket Crimp 24awg 10500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000003 Terminal Socket Crimp 24awg 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000005 M4 Red Terminal Ring 16-22awg 167 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000010 Red Terminal Faston 18-22awg 56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000015 Terminal Piggy-Back 16-20awg 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000017 MRAC Terminal Pin 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000018 MRAC Terminal Socket 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000037 M3 Red Terminal Ring 16-20awg 423 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000038 M4 Red Terminal Ring 16-20awg 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000046 TERM RNG M2.5 CRIMP 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000047 TERMINAL RING RED M4 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000051 PCB Test Pin Loop Blk 739 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000001 Tin/Copper Wire 22 AWG 500g 32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000004 7/0.2 Brown Stranded Wire 197 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000006 7/0.2 Violet Stranded Wire 525 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000007 7/0.2 Grn/Yel Stranded Wire 42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000009 16/0.2 Black Stranded Wire 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000010 16/0.2 Red Stranded Wire 285 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000011 16/0.2 Blue Stranded Wire 160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000033 7/0.2 Black 6core Cable 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000036 7/0.2 Grey 12core Cable 170 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000040 16way Ribbon Cable 28awg 130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000042 34way Ribbon Cable 28awg 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000052 Grey Cable 14way 7pair Belden 447 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000058 10x30awg Blue Stranded Wire 300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000059 10x30awg Brown Stranded Wire 280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000076 40way Ribbon Cable 28awg 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000103 7/0.2 Grey Cable 8-Core 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000105 16/30 Black Stranded Wire 125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000106 16/30 Red Stranded Wire 150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000107 16/30 Blue Stranded Wire 450 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000108 16/30 Brown Stranded Wire 176 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000109 16/30 Orange Stranded Wire 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000110 16/30 Grey Stranded Wire 190 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000111 16/30 Violet Stranded Wire 330 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000112 16/30 Yellow Stranded Wire 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000114 16/30 Grn/Yel Stranded Wire 224 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000119 19/32 Grn/Yel Stranded Wire 305 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000120 19/32 Red Stranded Wire 305 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000121 19/32 Black Stranded Wire 305 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000122 40way Ribbon Cable 28awg 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000126 6way MultiPair Cable 7/0.2 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000406 24 AWG GREEN/YELLOW 3XINS.UL. 95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000409 26way Twisted SCSI Cable 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000434 6way SupraShield Cable 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000012 Screwlock Kit 4/40 UNC 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000013 TYLABLE TY551M 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000015 Tyrap 92mm TYB23M Nylon 2519 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000021 Self-Adhesive Cable Clip 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000023 PTFE Sleeving 1.01mm 250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000032 19x19mm Cable Tie Base 58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000033 Ribbon Cable Clamp 1.0" * 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000044 Ribbon Cable Clamp 2.0" * 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000060 Heatshrink Sleeving 19mm Glue 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000067 Heatshrink Sleeving 3.2mm Glue 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000083 Insulating Transistor Washer 822 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000003 Microswitch 15amp 240v 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000008 Kabalock Keyswitch Mom. 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000013 Locking Tab Release Bar 183 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000100 Mercury Switch Tilt/Jitr S1361 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000104 14pin Relay DIP 5v G6A434P5DC 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000114 Mains Voltage Selector 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000181 Tilt Switch TO5-2G-002G-180 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000467 I.C. MAX688CSA Regulator 370 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000556 I.C. 74ACT245SC Fact Xceiver 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000557 I.C. MC74ACT32D Motorola Only 39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000558 I.C. EPM7128SQC100-15 PQFP-100 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000559 I.C. MC74ACT574SC Flip-Flop 85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000560 I.C. MC74HC02AD NOR CMOS 217 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000561 I.C. MC74HC132AD CMOS 223 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000562 I.C. MC74ACT08D Quad 2IP SO-14 2228 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000563 I.C. XPC860ENZP50.C1 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000564 I.C. MC68160AFB E/Net TQFP-52 38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000565 I.C. AM7203A-15JC FIFO PLCC-32 291 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000566 I.C. KM681000CLG-5L SRAM 194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000568 I.C. PE68026 Module 117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000569 I.C. MAX691ACSE 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000571 I.C. MC74HC541ADW 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000581 I.C. AM29F040B-90JC PLCC-32 69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000409 Resistor 47ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 824 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000463 Resistor 10m 0.063w 1% 0603 4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000506 RES 1M 100V MINI MELF 2900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000507 RES 750K 100V MINI MELF 2500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000508 Resistor 300ohm 0.33w 1% 0603 3500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000557 ResNet 22k 0.063w 5% MNR35 352 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000245 Cap. Tant 47uF 10v 10% Type-D 580 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000288 CAP TANT 47UF 20V 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000290 Cap. Cer 1800pF 50v 10% 0603 3500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000291 Cap. Cer 18pF 50v 5% 0603 3000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000292 Cap. Cer 3900pF 50v 10% 0603 3500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000293 Cap. Tant 2.2uF 35v 20% 1800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000294 Cap. Cer 39nF 50v 10% 1206 3334 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000295 Cap. Tant 33uF 10v 10% Type-C 300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000348 Cap. Cer 330nF 16v 1206 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000204 TRANSISTOR FZT749 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000215 INDUCTOR EMI FILTER 33NF3 314 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000312 Xtal 4Mhz GXO-U108L 76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SES000053 Red LED BR-X 4561-05V/TRZ 438 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000541 32way I.C. Socket PLCC 21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000577 40way SM/DIL Socket ICF-640-SO 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS001504 40way I.C. Socket 0.6" DIP 95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000002 D/Sided Tape Pad 150x25x0.8mm 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000035 Foam Adhesive Strip 150x50x1mm 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000058 Araldite 2011 Adhesive Epoxy 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000004 Transistor Pad TO-92 Black 571 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000006 TO-3 Instalation Kit 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000018 Label (Mains Warning) 1246 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000019 Label (High Voltage) 444 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000020 Label (Earth Point) 3840 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000024 Rubber Foot 19mm Dia 423 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000025 Rubber Foot 12.7x12.7x5.7mm 154 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000043 Insulating Bush 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000044 M3 Spacer Tapped 10mm Long 183 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000046 Label (240 Volts AC) 674 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000159 M3x10 Spacer Hex Brass 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000215 Spacer 2.7 Thro Hole X5LG 135 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000230 Transistor Pad TO-92 White 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000245 Self Adhesive CCT PCB Support 689 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000248 Ferrite Tube 4330-030-43570 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000294 Rubber Foot 1.5x7.5mm Dia 95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000390 Magnetic Swipe Card Reader 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000517 Fuse Holder 90o FX0457 94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000518 M3 Spring Clip TO-220 TSC607 2698 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000695 Lock Cam S2202-13 0.875 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000696 CE Label 12.7x12.7mm 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000731 Pulse Transformer 3kv (CofC) 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000751 M3 Nylon Pillar HNP-35-B-M3 95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood VS000002 Quick-Blow Fuse 500ma 20mm 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood VS000008 Anti-Surge Fuse 500ma 20mm 146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood VS000038 Resettable Fuse 0.17a 60v RXE 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood VS000039 Resettable Fuse 2.5a 30v RUE 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood VS000040 Resettable Fuse 1.1a 30v RUE 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood WS000012 M3 Hex Nut 520 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood WS000016 M2.5 Nut BZP 300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000003 M3x10 Screw Pozi C/Snk BZP 769 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000065 M3x12 Screw Pozi C/Snk Blk 227 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000068 M2.5x12 Screw Pozi Pan Blk 149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000070 M2.5 Shakeproof Washer 5133 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000079 M2.5 Plain Nylon Washer 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000082 M2.5x4 Screw Pozi Pan Blk 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000088 Locking Washer 687 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000089 M4x10 Nylon Grub Screw 991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000098 M3x16 Screw Pozi Pan BZP 1189 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000142 3mm Rivscrew STL BZP 3864 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000170 M3x6 Screw Pozi C/Snk Blk 588 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P29 Yellow Keytop (Down Line Load) 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P33 White Keytop (Down Line Load) 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P54 White Keytop (FN) 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P56 Yellow Keytop (FN) 152 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P99 Black Keytop (-Blank-) 146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1014-P2 Transformer 220/240v 50Hz 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1014-P5 Transformer 110/220/240v AC 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1054-P72 ED500 Lid Fab. 2S/2PB 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1054-S61 ED500 Screened Base Fab. 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1055-P15 ED500 Modified Lock Cam 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1055-P21 ED500 Location Screw 118 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1055-P22 ED500 Front Screen 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1055-P24 ED500 Side Filler 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1084-P4 Connector Panel w/Earth Foot 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1088-P1 Connector Mtg Panel Pillar 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1088-P20 ED500 PSU Mounting Pillar 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1211-P11 ED500 PSU Control PCB Fab. 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1213-P4 ED500 PSU Module Chassis Plate 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1214-P10 ED500 PSU Heatsink Insulator 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1214-P2 ED500 PSU Heatsink 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1215-P2 ED500 PSU Module Mains Cover 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1216-G20 PSU-Main & I/F PCB C/Form issA 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1216-G22 PSU To Main PCB Cableform 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1219-P3 Baltimore PSU Chassis Silpad 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1219-P5 Baltimore Generic PSU Silpad 54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1393-P11 Insulator for I/F PCB 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1402-P2 Insulator for Sensor PCB Assy 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1547-G14 Non-Recharge 2xBatt. PCB Assy 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1547-P3 Non-Recharge 2xBatt. PCB Fab. 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1631-P11 K.S.T. Magswipe PCB Fab. 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1632-P11 K.S.T. Keypad Membrane 51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1633-P11 K.S.T. Magswipe Enclosure 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1633-P5 K.S.T. Magswipe Cable Strap 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1637-P3 K.S.T. Display Insulator 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1662-P1 Sensor PCB Fabrication (issD) 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1976-P1 Rambutan II SM/DIL Converter 280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2082-P11 Printed Label (Baltimore) 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2085-P1 Printed Label (ED600RTS LED) 71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2085-P3 Printed Label (ED8000RL LED) 182 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2086-P1 Printed Label (ED2048R3-G703) 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2086-P2 Printed Label (ED2048R3-X21) 67 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2086-P3 Printed Label (ED600RTS) 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2086-P7 Printed Label (ED8000RL) 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2087-P1 Printed Label (PSU) 91 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2087-P2 Printed Label (Port) 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2087-P3 Printed Label (BNC Port) 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2087-P4 Printed Label (Port) 78 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2087-P5 Printed Label (ED8000RL Port) 97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2281-P2 ED8000RL 1u Base Fab. 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2283-P1 Generic 1u Front Panel 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2286-P2 1u Connector Panel (ED8000RL) 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2311-P1 Twin Z8K-16MHz Main PCB Fab. 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2451-P1 Generic 1.5u Base Fab. 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2452-P1 Generic 1.5u Lid Fab. 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2453-P1 Generic 1.5u Front Panel 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2455-P1 1.5u Connector Panel (-X21) 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000068 Cap. Elect 4700uF 16v Radial 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000069 Cap. Elect 470uF 25v Axial 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000012 16/0.2 Brown Stranded Wire 250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000013 16/0.2 Orange Stranded Wire 850 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000020 16/0.2 Pink Stranded Wire 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000021 16/0.2 Violet Stranded Wire 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000023 16/0.2 Yellow Stranded Wire 75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 274000-P2 Europay Kernel Fab. 2571-P2-D 237 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000507 I.C. EPF10K100EQC240-3 PQFP240 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000510 I.C. AM29LV800BB-120EC TSOP-48 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000512 I.C. CY62128L-70SO SOIC-32 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000235 Xtal 4Mhz GSX49-4 30pF 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000710 16way EMC Suppression Core 111 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 271010-P1 HSM/NSP Display PCB Fab. 57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 271020-P1 HSM/NSP LED Mounting PCB Fab. 963 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 273000-P1 HSM/NSP I/F PCB Fab. 2590-P1-D 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 273000-P2 HSM/NSP I/F PCB Fab. 2590-P1-G 52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 274000-P10 ED20M Kernel Fab. 2631-P1-1-3 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 274000-P20 Hifn Kernel Fab. 2641-P1-2A-2 194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 560101-P1 v.2 Runner EMC Can Side Walls 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 560102-P1 v.2 Runner EMC Can Lid 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 560103-P1 v.2 Runner EMC Can Plate 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000260 Cap. Cer 0.01uF 2kv DE1207 3640 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000002 36way Header 0.1" 226 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000504 9way Header D-Plug 90o 120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000509 2x50way Socket SFM150-01-SD 306 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000514 5way PCB Mtg DIN 180o DS-035-C 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000515 Ethernet TJ45 Telecom Jack 90o 475 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000516 2x5way Socket TFH05DS 142 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000518 2x10way Transition IDC 0.1" 808 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000519 20way IDC Cable Socket 201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000536 2x50way Header TFM150-01-SDA 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000537 90 WAY HEADER CONNECTOR 0.05" 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000538 10 WAY HEADER CONNECTOR 0.05" 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000539 40 WAY HEADER CONNECTOR 0.05" 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000548 2x5way Box Header IDC 1317 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000549 Polarizing Key 1-1437023-2 820 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000570 3way Header 0.1" 90o 73 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000571 10way Box Header 90o IDC 113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000572 20way Box Header 90o IDC 353 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000594 Baltimore 2way Circuit Jumper 1053 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000614 2way Header 90o 0.1" 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000616 8way Shielded RJ45 Molex 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001003 3way Header 90o (Use KS000001) 716 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001304 2x5way Header (Use KS000506) 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001405 2x5way Header (Use KS001443) 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000004 M3 Red Terminal Ring 16-22awg 39941 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood LS000058 Horizontal Faston 1041 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000005 7/0.2 White Stranded Wire 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000014 16/0.2 Grn/Yel Stranded Wire 37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000414 20way Ribbon Cable 0.1" 65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000419 10way Ribbon Cable 28awg 80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000442 7/32 Blue Stranded Wire UL/CSA 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000443 7/32 Red Stranded Wire UL/CSA 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000014 TYRAP LARGE TYB25M 624 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000007 Kabalock Keyswitch Alt. 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000163 Switch Push Button 205 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000182 SPST Switch D2JW-01K11 Omron 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000201 I.C. SN74HCT138DR 669 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000444 I.C. CD74HCT165M96 869 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000455 I.C. MC74AC132DR2 SO-14 1518 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000456 I.C. MC74AC14DR2 Hex SO-14 424 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000457 I.C. 74AC74 Dual Off SO-14 1102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000460 I.C. 7665 Volt Detector 2% SO8 1390 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000472 I.C. 74AC32 4x2IP OR SOP-14 2054 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000475 I.C. 74AC08 4x2IP SOP-14 1931 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000488 I.C. LT1137ACG RS232 IF SSOP28 891 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000498 I.C. DS9502P ESD Prot. Diode 169 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000499 I.C. ICS1892Y Ethernet PHY 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000500 I.C. DS1813R-15 ECO SOT-23 5105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000501 I.C. NPI6120-37 227 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000508 I.C. TL072CD SO-8 465 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000509 I.C. 4069UB SO-14 541 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000511 I.C. IDT71V416S15-PH TSOP-44 240 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000513 I.C. CY62256VLL-70ZC TSOP-28 417 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000514 I.C. PI5C16212A TSSOP-56 2692 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000515 I.C. EPM7032AETC44-10 TQFP-44 101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000517 I.C. LM317LM SO-8 506 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000518 I.C. LTC1444IS SO-16 6288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000519 I.C. LTC1625CGN SSOP-16 889 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000520 I.C. XPC860TZP50.B3 BGA 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000521 I.C. X2502OS SPI I/F EEPROM 940 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000522 I.C. DS1306EN TSSOP-20 730 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000523 I.C. MAX6328UR26 2.63v SOT23-3 425 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000525 I.C. PIC16LC711-04I/SS SSOP-20 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000526 I.C. DS60R-TRL SOT23-3 325 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000527 I.C. MAX406A(B)ESA SOIC-8 853 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000528 I.C. PS392EEE QSOP-16 4264 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000529 I.C. MAX6030A(B)EUR SOT23-3 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000545 I.C. AM29LV160DB-90EC 441 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000547 I.C. EPM3032ATC44-10 TQFP-44 142 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000548 I.C. XCV300-4PQ240C TSSOP 130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000549 I.C. MC74ACT541DW (Motorola) 660 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000550 I.C. CY62148BLL-70SC SOIC-32 84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000552 I.C. CY2305SC-1H 162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000553 I.C. 6500-100PH8 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000630 I.C. XPC860TZP80.D3 BGA 51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000636 I.C. PCC-ISES 37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000638 I.C. XPC860TZP50.D4 BGA 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000654 I.C. CY62146VLL70BAI FPGA48 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000672 I.C. MT48LC8M16A2TG-75 TSOP-54 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000673 I.C. TC55V16256FT-12 TSOP-44 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000674 I.C. MC74AC244DW SO-20 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000675 I.C. LM20BIM Sensor SOT23-5 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000676 I.C. MAX872ESA 2.5v SO-8 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000679 I.C. CY2309SC-1H SOIC-16 44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000680 I.C. SN74ABT16244ADGV TVSOP-48 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000681 I.C. EPM3064ATC100-10 TQFP100 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000686 I.C. NC7SZ08P5-EIAJ SC-88a 105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000689 I.C. EP1K50FC256-3 FBGA-256 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000301 Resistor 10ohm 0.25w 1% 1206 18430 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000309 Resistor 47ohm 0.25w 1% 1206 7288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000384 Resistor 3.3m 0.25w 1% 1206 7500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000385 Resistor 5.1m 0.25w 1% 1206 3150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000386 Resistor 4.7m 0.25w 1% 1206 2400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000387 Resistor 6.8m 0.25w 1% 1206 250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000390 Resistor 4.7ohm 0.25w 1% 1206 1342 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000407 Resistor 33ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 6330 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000408 Resistor 39ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 1250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000416 Resistor 180ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 7286 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000417 Resistor 220ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 6075 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000420 Resistor 390ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 6700 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000428 Resistor 1.8k 0.063w 1% 0603 6654 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000431 Resistor 3.3k 0.063w 1% 0603 1775 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000442 Resistor 27k 0.063w 1% 0603 1954 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000444 Resistor 39k 0.063w 1% 0603 5900 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000453 Resistor 220k 0.063w 1% 0603 35500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000466 Resistor 2.2m 0.063w 1% 0603 15738 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000481 Resistor 1.8m 0.063w 1% 0603 7000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000484 Resistor 51ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 2430 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000486 Resistor 110ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 9355 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000487 Resistor 3.3m 0.063w 1% 0603 4955 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000488 Resistor 360k 0.063w 1% 0603 6950 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000489 Resistor 36k 0.063w 1% 0603 6950 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000490 Resistor 13k 0.063w 1% 0603 7050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000491 Resistor 430ohm 0.063w 1% 0603 7175 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000492 Resistor 130k 0.063w 1% 0603 2800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000504 Resistor 49R9 0.125w 1% 50ppm 5486 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000505 Resistor 7K15 0.125w 1% 50ppm 3070 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000545 Resistor 4.7mohm 0.063 1% 0603 4000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000546 Resistor 5.1mohm 0.063 1% 0603 3975 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000549 Resistor 49R9 0.063w 1% 0603 8550 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000550 Resistor 7K15 0.063w 1% 0603 8575 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000551 Resistor 2.4mohm 0.063 5% 0603 5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000552 Resistor 3.0mohm 0.063 5% 0603 5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000553 Resistor 5.1mohm 0.063 5% 0603 5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000554 Resistor 6.8mohm 0.063 5% 0603 5000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000555 Resistor 7.5mohm 0.063 5% 0603 5000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000138 Cap. X7R 1.0uF 16v 10% 1206 8546 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000235 Cap. COG 150pF 50v 5% 0603 7800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000236 Cap. Z5U 0.1uF 50v 20% 0805 4309 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000239 Cap. Y5V 1uF 25v 1206 1375 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000242 Cap. COG 10pF 50v 0603 3898 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000243 Cap. X7R 0.01uF 50v 10% 0603 2050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000254 Cap. COG 33pF 50v 5% 0603 2243 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000255 Cap. COG 47pF 50v 5% 0603 2285 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000259 Cap. X7R 1000pF 50v 10% 0603 2830 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000261 Cap. Tant 33uF 25v 10% Type-E 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000264 Cap. Cer 220pF 50v 10% 0603 4375 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000266 Cap. Cer 4.7nF 50v 5% 1206 3150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000267 Cap. Cer 6.8nF 50v 5% 1210 2400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000268 Cap. Y5V 0.1uF 50v +80-20 0603 7725 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000269 Cap. Cer 470nF 16v 10% 1206 3100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000270 Cap. Tant 68uF 25v L/ESR TAJV 5379 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000271 Cap. Tant 330uF 10v L/ESR TAJV 4432 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000272 Cap. Tant 10uF 6.3v 10% Type-A 1775 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000274 Cap. Tant 33uF 6.3v 10% Type-B 1250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000275 Cap. Tant 47uF 16v 10% Type-D 1975 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000287 Cap. MLC Y5V 2.2UF 16v 1206 7123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000315 Cap. Multilayer 100pF 50v 0603 360 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000363 Cap. Cer 1nF 50v 0603 3775 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000381 Cap. X7R 15nF 50v 5% 0603 3975 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000185 Transistor 2N7002 60v SOT23 2810 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000205 Diode BAT54C SOT-23 950 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000213 Oscillator 40MHz GXO-U108H 2554 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000220 DIODE BZX84-C4V7 849 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000227 Xtal 25Mhz GSX49-4 30pF 627 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000229 Inductor 22000pF NFA62R10C223 850 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000231 5.6v Transguard Varistor 1206 1355 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000232 14v Transguard Suppressor 1206 255 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000233 Transistor MMUN2116LT1 3588 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000234 Transistor MMUN2216LT1 SOT-23 231 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000236 Oscillator 12.0Mhz GXO-U108L 1332 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000237 Oscillator 3.6864MHz GXO-U108L 977 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000238 Xtal 32.768Khz GSX-200/D 6pF 3976 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000239 Xtal 4Mhz GSX49-4 16pF 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000240 Diode Zener 2.4v SOT23 228 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000241 Diode BAV199LT1 SOT23 Low Leak 80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000242 Rectifier MBRA13OLT3 1297 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000243 Inductor 15uH CTX15-4 Case4 96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000245 Regulator EZ1582CM2.5 TO-263 1829 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000246 Rectifier IRF7311 SO-8 173 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000256 Regulator LP2985IM5-3.3 652 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000257 Oscillator 25MHz GXO-U108L 1236 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000259 Inductor BLM31A601S 1675 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000273 Inductor LMB31A601S 873 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000336 Regulator SC1566IM-1.8 TO263-3 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000337 Regulator SC1566IM-2.5 TO263-3 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000352 Mosfet NDS332 P-Chan. SOT23-3 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SES000047 Red LED HLMP-6300-011 1404 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SES000048 Green LED HLMP-6500-F0011 697 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SES000049 Yellow LED HLMP-6400-011 783 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000520 Mesh Conn. 04-6214-027-010-800 985 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000521 31way BERG Socket 91931-31131 478 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000522 2x5way Socket SFM105-02-SDTR 297 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000523 2x20way Socket SFM120-02-SDTR 132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000524 Flexi Connector 93743-130 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000534 2x50way Conn. FTSH150-03-LDVEC 108 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000540 31 WAY CONNECTOR 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000550 2x50way Header TFM150-02-SDP 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000565 SM CONNECTOR SFM150-02-S-D-P 338 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000588 50way Plug FTSH150-04-LDV 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000617 2x60way Socket QTH60-01-LDA 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000038 Copper Tape 33mx19mmx0.076mm 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000075 Epoxy Potting Compound J1575 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000078 EMC Window CCP-175-30x30 128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000079 Foam EMC Shielding Gasket 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SVS000042 Slow Blow Fuse 2amp R452.002 856 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000603 Battery QTC85 3B940 AA PC 424 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000620 Lithium Battery 7.2Ah C-Size 198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000662 30mm Grooved Pin Blk 0562x30 1369 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000665 M3.1x6x2mm Round Spacer 2452 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000666 M3.1x6x4mm Round Spacer 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000667 M3x35 Spacer Hex Brass 1323 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000668 Insert Foot 7x16mmDia 717 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000669 Baltimore Tamper Evident Bag 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000828 M3 6.5x35MM Round Spacer 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood WS000004 M2 Nut BZP 44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood XS000028 White Label 9.53x9.53 30000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood XS000029 Silver Label 25.4x4.75 21916 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000023 M3x10 Screw Pozi Pan BZP 1958 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000058 M3x12 Screw Pozi Pan BZP 373 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000075 M6 Shakeproof Washer 1385 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000103 M3 Spring Washer 861 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000149 No.4x1/4 Plastite Screw 237 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000150 M3x6 Screw Button Head BZP 118 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000151 No.4x6.5mm Screw Pozi Pan 509 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000152 Mono-Drive Screw Pan Head 1661 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000153 Mono-Drive Screw C/Snk 392 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000154 No.2x6.3 Screw S/Tap BZP 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000157 M3x12 Screw Pozi S/Tap BZP 135 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000160 M2 Plain Steel Washer 182 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000182 M3x20 Mono-Drive Button Head 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000183 M2x8 Screw Pozi Pan BZP 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P58 Red Keytop (Erase) 421 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z1007-P59 Orange Keytop (Restart) 144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2595-P1 HSM/NSP I/Face PCB Insulator 1439 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2595-P2 EMC Can Insulator 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2597-P1 HSM/NSP Keypad Membrane (issB) 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2597-P2 HSM/NSP Keypad Membrane (issC) 310 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P1 Front Fascia (4-Hole) LAN/WAN 296 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P10 Front Fascia (2-Hole) LAN 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P11 Front Fascia (2-Hole) LAN/WAN 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P14 NSP 1-Port Base Fabrication 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P14/S NSP 1-Port Base Fabrication 85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P2 Front Fascia Flap 1093 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P3 HSM/NSP Lid Fabrication 69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P3/S HSM/NSP Lid Fabrication 195 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P4 HSM 2-Port Base Fabrication 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P4/S HSM 2-Port Base Fabrication 204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P5 Fascia Mounting Bracket L/H 243 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P5/S Fascia Mounting Bracket L/H 233 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P6 Fascia Mounting Bracket R/H 250 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P6/S Fascia Mounting Bracket R/H 232 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P7 SCR Mounting Bracket Front 102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P7/S SCR Mounting Bracket Front 248 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P8 SCR Mounting Bracket Rear 109 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2620-P8/S SCR Mounting Bracket Rear 260 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P1 Kernel Outer Box S/Assy 64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P1/S Kernel Outer Box S/Assy 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P12 HiFN Inner Box Top 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P12/S HiFN Inner Box Top 295 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P13 HiFN Inner Box Base 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P13/S HiFN Inner Box Base 295 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P2 Kernel Inner Box Top 62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P3 Kernel Inner Box Base 74 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P4 HSM/NSP Silpad 39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2621-P5 Kernel Silpad 751 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2628-P1 I/F PCB Screening Can (issA) 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2628-P2 I/F PCB Screening Can (issA) 295 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2655-P1 HSM/NSP Keypad Membrane (issA) 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Z2745-P1 v.2 Runner Base Cover Plate 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood ZAS000417 I.C. PQR512 PQFP100 123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272000-P1 PCI Card PCB Fab. 2651-P1-A 121 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272000-P2 PCI Card Kernel Spacers 56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P2 PCI Card Kernel Lid (issF) 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P3 PCI Card Kernel L/H Bracket 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P4 PCI Card Kernel R/H Bracket 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P5 PCI Card Kernel Support 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P6 PCI Card Conductive Spacer 55 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272010-P7 PCI Card Non-Conductive Spacer 189 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272100-P1 PCI Card Bracket IssA 769 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272510-P1 PCI Test Main PCB Fab. 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272520-P1 PCI Upriser PCB Fabrication 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 272530-P1 PCI Test Interface PCB Fab. 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420010-P1 OmniPort PCB Fab. 208 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420020-P1 OmniPort Left Hand Screw Tab 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420030-P1 OmniPort Right Hand Screw Tab 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P10 OmniPort Cable Clamp 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P2 OmniPort Stand 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P3 OmniPort Top End Cap 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P4 OmniPort Bottom End Cap 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P6 OmniPort Escutcheon 83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P7 OmniPort Keypad Membrane 834 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood 420100-P8 OmniPort Weight 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000195 I.C. 74HCT00 Quad 2-IP NAND 195 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000502 LCD Module COG16265-V01-DP10.0 261 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000658 I.C. PIC16C62B-04/SP 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000659 I.C. MAX312CPE 16pin DIL 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000661 I.C. MAX205CPG 24pin DIL 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000665 I.C. OPA251PA 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood AS000667 I.C. INA122PA 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000029 Resistor MF 4.7k 0.33w 5% 56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000153 Resistor MF 360ohm 0.60w 1% 1008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000537 Resistor MF 1k 0.25w 0.1% 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood BS000538 Resistor MF 100k 0.25w 0.1% 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000346 Cap. Elect 470uF 16v 53mohm 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000347 Cap. Elect 330uF 35v 85mohm 67 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood CS000349 Cap. Elect 220uF 25v 85mohm 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood DS000223 Diode Schottky 1N5820 DO-27 454 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000282 9WAY D COVER 82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000584 9way Mini-Din Socket MDJ9DM 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000592 2x10way Header FTS110-01-LD 388 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS000608 9WAY MINI DIN PLUG 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001444 10way IDC Header 0.1" 26awg 302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001452 2x50way Conn. FTSH150-04-LD 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001456 BNC Connector 50ohm 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001459 64way A/C 4mm DIN Plug 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001460 64way A/C 4mm DIN Socket 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001461 20way Header ETH110-01-SD 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood KS001462 96way DIN Plug 90o 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood MSK1440 Double Sided Tape Sheet 347 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000002 Red Kynar Wire 30AWG 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood NS000429 100way Ribbon Cable 0.635mm 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood OS000074 RUB/GROMMET ID 6 OD 9 NOMINAL 106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood QS000172 SPNC TACT Switch DTSA61R 1960 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000491 I.C. LM2585S-12 12v TO-263 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000492 I.C. LM39401S-3.3 Regulator 1a 32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000493 I.C. MC74AC04D Hex Inverter 58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000495 I.C. 74FCT245AQT QSOP20 23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000496 I.C. 74FCT574ATQ QSOP 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000632 I.C. AM79C972BVC E/Net Control 129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000633 I.C. LM2937ES-8.0 Regulator 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000634 I.C. 93LC46B/SN 64x16 EEPROM 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000635 I.C. P82B715TD SO-8 Extender 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000639 I.C. 93C46B/ST TSSOP-8 176 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000642 Gemplus I.C. MC100 QFP44 v1.1 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000643 Gemplus I.C. IC100 TSSOP24 104 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SAS000691 Gemplus I.C. MC100 QFP44 v1.21 175 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SBS000400 Resistor 1ohm 0.063 5% 0603 3700 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000253 CAP TANT 0.68 UF 20V 1950 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000306 Cap. Cer 10nF 50v 10% 0805 3525 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000324 Cap. Cer 22nF 25v 10% 0603 3950 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000350 Cap. Tant 47uF 25v CaseD 67 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SCS000352 Cap. Tant 22uF 10v 10% CaseC 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000224 Oscillator 50MHz GXO-U108H/B 1783 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000310 15uH Inductor CDRH127-150MC 762 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000314 Xtal 14.7456Mhz GSX49-4 290 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SDS000315 Inductor 100uH 3613A101K 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000583 50way Socket FLE-150-01-G-DV 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000585 31way BERG Header 91911-31131 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000586 31way PCB Mounting Receptacle 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000587 50way Socket SFMC150-L2-SD 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000591 SmartCard Connector CCM01-2251 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SKS000593 2x10way Socket CLP110-02-LDBE 302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SS000016 1" Wide Kapton Tape 33m Reel 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SVS000027 2.0a PolyFuse SMD200-2018-2 495 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SVS000028 450mA PolyFuse MINISMDC050 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood SVS000041 2.0a PolyFuse MINISMDC200-2 1796 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000709 3.6v Lithium Battery LS14500C 140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000714 Mini-Din Moulded Cable GT901 102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000745 20way R/Cable TCSD10D05.00-01F 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000746 M5x25mm Nylon Spacer 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000748 FERRITE I/D 6.0 SNAP ON 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood TS000749 Mini-Din Moulded Cable GT901 425 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood WS000007 M5 Nut BZP 402 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000133 M4 Fibre Washer 2696 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood YS000156 M2.5x8 Screw S/Tap Pozi BZP 523 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewood Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Total -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 SCHEDULE 12 Baltimore Trade Marks Trade Mark Status No. Classes Registry BALTIMORE Advertised 2185858 9, 16, 37, 42 UK SQUARE DEVICE Registered 1237588 9, 16, 42 CTM BALTIMORE Registered 1152305 9, 16, 42 CTM BALTIMORE & DEVICE Pending 75750855 9, 42 US SQUARE DEVICE Registered 75707858 9, 42 US 91 IN WITNESS whereof this Deed has been entered into the day and year first before written. [EXECUTED as a deed by the ) affixing of the Common Seal ) of Baltimore Technologies plc ) in the presence of: ) Director Director/Secretary] EXECUTED as a deed by the ) affixing of the Common Seal ) of AEP Systems International Limited ) in the presence of: ) Director Director/Secretary Present when the Common Seal of Baltimore Technologies Limited was affixed Hereto: - 92