EX-10.(I) 4 dex10i.htm 2004 EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PROGRAM 2004 Executive Incentive Compensation Program

EXHIBIT (10)(i)

The Sage Group


        10409 LESLIE DRIVE
          (919) 844-9783
          E-mail: steve@sagegroupconsulting.com




DATE:    May 1, 2004
TO:    Lee Johnson, President M&F Bank
FROM:    Steven A. Savia, CMC
RE:    Final 2004 Executive Incentive Compensation Program


This year’s incentive compensation program will have multiple components.


  1. Executive Plan


  2. City Executive Plan


  3. Loan Production Plan


  4. Branch Customer Service Plan


  5. Corporate Support/Teller Plan


This memo addresses the Executive Plan.


Overall for all plans, we will put in place the following:


  1. Threshold level of Net Income - the Threshold level for 2004 will be $1.448 million (2003 = $1.389 million).


  2. Key factor measures for each of the employee participants. Schedule B presents the 2004 executive management measures.


  3. Once the threshold has been exceeded, the overall Bank pool will be created by 65% percent of the increase in net income marginal difference between budgeted net income ($1.484 million) and actual. The Executive Management Plan Pool will be composed of 26% of the increase in net income marginal difference between budgeted net income ($1.484 million) and actual.


The Executive Plan is based on the assumption that the award will be a percent of base salary. The Bank’s income would therefore always be more than budget if awards were being made.


Schedule A is a listing of the quantitative measures that the program will include and where in the Bank’s information system or other reporting processes the data for those measures is found. Other measures, especially those using scorecard methodology, are noted in the specific schedules of personnel.


Non-quantifiable or project specific related measures may require the individual participants to submit support documentation detailing the achievement and the role they played in the achievement, especially if there is no correlating system measure.





Measurement Factor


Where Available

Growth in Average Assets   General Ledger/ Finance
Return on Average Assets   General Ledger/ Finance
Efficiency Ratio   General Ledger/ Finance
Total Deposits   General Ledger/ Finance
Total Assets   General Ledger/ Finance
Growth in Portfolio Loan Levels   Credit Administration
Net Income   General Ledger/ Finance
Percent Recovery Of Loan Loss   General Ledger/ Credit Administration
Service Charge Income   General Ledger/ Finance
Classified Loans as a % of Capital   General Ledger/ Credit Administration
Non-Performing Assets as % of Loan Loss Reserve   General Ledger/ Credit Administration
Income per Employee   General Ledger/ Finance
Assets per Employee   General Ledger/ Finance
Level of Earning Assets   General Ledger/ Finance
Audit Exceptions   Internal Audit
Loan Originations ($)   Loan Production (Retail Bank Admin)
Loan Origination (#)   Loan Production (Retail Bank Admin)
Average Closing Days   Credit Administration
Exceptions From Quality Control   Credit Administration
CRA Rating   Compliance
Target Customer Calls (#)   Loan Production (Retail Bank Admin)
% Loan Portfolio > 30 Days Delinquent   Credit Administration
Document Exceptions Not Cleared 30 Days   Credit Administration
Operating Losses   General Ledger
Transactions per Employee   Operations
Loans Processed (#)   Credit Administration
Delinquencies as % of Loan Portfolio   Credit Administration
Monthly Branch Mystery Shop Score   Operations
New Deposit Accounts Opened   Operations/Branch Reports
Deposit Accounts Closed   Operations/Branch Reports
Loan Referrals   Loan Production (Retail Bank Admin)
Branch Profitability   Finance


Each of the above factors relates to one or more positions in the Bank as a measure of their contribution to the Bank. In some cases the measure is an overall measure of the success of the Bank as a whole (such as Return on Average Assets). In other cases, the measure is more specific to the nature of the position, e.g., Growth in Portfolio Loan Levels for the Retail Banking Group Executive and City Executives; Number of New Deposit Accounts for Customer Service Representatives and Branch Operations Managers.


Schedule B is a listing of the senior and executive management employees that will be included in the Senior and Executive Management Plan.








Becote, Fohliette   SVP/CFO/Financial Group Executive
Christopher, Wesley   SVP/Retail Banking Group Executive
Small, Elaine   EVP/Operations Group Executive




Harrington, Walter   SVP/Credit Administration
Parker, Lucera   Marketing Director
Powell, Anthony   Audit Risk Manager
Satterfield, Debbie   VP Manager of Commercial Lending and Senior Underwriter
Sellars, Harold   SVP/Quality Assurance/Lending Administrator
Sturges, Allan   VP and Controller


The next step is putting the factors with the personnel and their positions. Schedule G, beginning on the next page, has the measures and the weighted percentage for each employee who will participate in the Executive/Senior Management Plan this year. A number of the measures are less quantifiable than in the past year, reflecting the scorecard approach. These are special projects for which the individual is responsible and the successful completion of those projects. Where necessary we have provided definitions for the factors and their measures. These definitions will also appear in the full Program Plan Document.







Becote, Fohliette   

Efficiency Ratio (25%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document


Contributions to Income (20%) – The position has the ability to contribute to the Bank’s income through a variety of initiatives within scope of responsibility and occasionally outside the specific scope of responsibility. This factor tracks specific addition to income directly resulting from projects initiated or substantially managed by the employee. Levels will be based on achieving increments of $25,000.


Facilities Management – Achieving budget on revenue and expenses (15%) – This factor is based on the management of the corporate facility as well as responsibility for the Bank’s other facilities. Achievement of budgeted revenues and maintaining the budget level of expenses is deemed satisfactory. Achieving additional revenues above budget or reduced expenditures results in an incentive award.




Net Income (15%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document


Special Project Completion (10%) – The successful completion of special projects assigned by the CEO or the Board of Directors through the CEO as defined by the objectives set out in the assignment.

Audit Exceptions (10%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (5%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document

Christopher, Wesley   

Total Portfolio Loan Levels (30%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Net Income (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Non-Performing Assets as % of LLR (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Audit Exceptions (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Target Prospect Calls (number) (20%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Harrington, Walter   

Credit Administration (15%) – defined as maintenance of the on-line credit policies, including timely updates as needed; administration of updated procedures required to maintain Bank Compliance; timely reporting to all users regarding the condition and quality of the loan portfolio.


Classified Loans as a % of Capital (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Complete Securitization of Loans in Portfolio (15%) – This is a special project to be completed to protect the Bank’s position. Successful completion is defined as having all loans at the end of the year in a position for securitization and potential sale.


Non-Performing Assets as % of LLR (15%) Standard Definition in Plan Document


Audit Exceptions (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


% Loan Portfolio > 30 Days Delinquent (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


External Audit Exceptions to Loan Portfolio (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Parker, Lucera   

Total Deposits (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Total Portfolio Loan Levels (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document




Net Income (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Media Hits (35%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Increase in Average Number of Products/Services per Customer (25%) – Success would be defined as increasing the average number of products/services to existing customers by .3. Superior success would be to increase the average number by .75; Exceptional success would be increasing the average number by 1.


Performance Evaluation (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document

Powell, Anthony   

Total Internal Audits Conducted (30%) – The total number of internal audits conducted versus the number determined necessary at the beginning of the year


External Audit Exceptions (30%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Document Exceptions Not Cleared 30 Days (25%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document

Sellars, Harold   

Net Income (20%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Non-Interest Income and Fees (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Document Exceptions Not Cleared 30 Days (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Complete ARTA training for loan personnel (10%) – Special project


Total Document Exceptions (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Average Days to Commitment (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document

Small, Elaine   

New Systems, Products, Services, Training and Efficiencies (30%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Net Income (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


System Up-time (25%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Audit Exceptions (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document



Satterfield, Debbie   

Total Portfolio Loan Levels (30%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Net Income (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Non-Performing Assets as % of LLR (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Audit Exceptions (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Total Document Exceptions (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Average Days to Commitment (15%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document

Sturges, Allan   

Net Income (15%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document


Audit Exceptions (10%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document


Budget/Financial Statement Software (10%) – Research and evaluate options for budget and financial statement preparation and present a recommendation to the CFO.


Regulatory Reporting (30%) – Timely completion of regulatory reports for the FDIC and FRB and preparing first draft of SEC reports.


Transfer Pricing Model Software (10%) – Development or identification of transfer pricing model for branch financial statement preparation.


Efficiency Ratio (20%) – Standard Definition in Plan Document


Performance Evaluation (5%) - Standard Definition in Plan Document




Below is a description of the basis for payouts for the Executive Plan.


The Bank-wide pool from which this plan’s awards are distributed is based on 65% of the difference between budgeted and actual, assuming actual exceeds budget. 40% of that pool is available to the executives of the Bank (see Schedule B, page 4). Thus, if the Bank exceeds its net income threshold of $1.448 million by $200,000, then the Bank-wide pool available for incentive awards is $130,000 of which $52,000 would be available for Executive participants.


Based on the available pool, measures of success are weighted against the percent for each individual’s performance factors. A percent is created and multiplied by the individual participant’s base salary to create an incentive payment. As the Bank’s achievement of its goals grows, the pool also grows larger.